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Group Health Research Institute
Bibliography 1983-2014
Broadhead WE, Kaplan BH, James SA et al. The epidemiologic evidence for a relationship between social support and health. Am J
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Jick M, Dinan BJ, Hunter JR et al. Tricyclic antidepressants and convulsions. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 1983;3:182-5.
Ricketts TC, Konrad TR, Wagner EH. An evaluation of subsidized rural primary care programs: II. The environmental contexts. Am J
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Schoenbach VJ, Kaplan BH, Wagner EH, Grimson RC, Miller FT. Prevalence of self-reported depressive symptoms in young
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Aselton PJ, Stergachis A. Increasing incidence of ectopic pregnancy (letter). JAMA. 1984;251:469.
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Stergachis A, Perera DR, Schnell MM, Jick H. Antibiotic-associated colitis. West J Med. 1984;140:217-9.
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Johnson JH, Jick H, Hunter JR et al. A follow up study of ibuprofen users. J Rheumatol. 1985;12:549-52.
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Porter JB, Hunter JR, Jick H, Stergachis A. Oral contraceptives and nonfatal vascular disease. Obstet Gynecol. 1985;66:1-4.
Von Korff M, Nestadt G, Romanoski A et al. The prevalence of treated and untreated schizophrenia: results of a two-stage community
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Rosenstock IM, Stergachis A, Heaney C. Evaluation of a smoking prohibition policy in a health maintenance organization. Am J Public
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Schneesweiss R, Cherkin DC, Hart LG et al. Diagnosis clusters adapted for ICD-9-CM and ICHPPC-2. J Fam Pract. 1986;22(1):69-72.
Silliman RA, Fletcher RH, Earp JL, Wagner EH. Families of elderly stroke patients. Effects of home care. J Am Geriatr Soc.
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Thompson RS, Michnich ME, Gray J, Friedlander L, Gibson B. Maximizing compliance with Hemocult screening for colon cancer in
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Cherkin DC, Rosenblatt RA, Hart LG, Schneesweiss R, LoGerfo J. The use of medical resources by residency-trained family physicians
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Curry S, Marlatt GA, Gordon J. Abstinance violation effect: validation of an attributional construct with smoking cessation. J Consult
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German PS, Shapiro S, Skinner EA et al. Detection and management of mental health problems of patients by primary care providers.
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Heidrich F, Thompson RS. Osteoporosis prevention: strategies applicable for general population groups. J Fam Pract. 1987;25(1):33-9.
Jick SS, Perera DR, Walker AM, Jick H. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and hospital admission for perforated peptic ulcer.
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Pearson D, Grothaus LC, Thompson RS, Wagner EH. Smokers and drinkers in an HMO population. Prev Med. 1987;16:783-95.
Perry BC. The management of patients with dementia. HMO Practice. 1987;1(1):26-30.
Provenzale D, Sandler RS, Wood DR et al. Development of a scoring system to predict mortality from upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
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Psaty BM, Koepsell TD, LoGerfo JP, Wagner EH, Inui TS. The relative risk of myocardial infarction in patients who have high blood
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Schoenbach VJ, Wagner EH, Beery WL. Health risk appraisal: review of evidence for effectiveness. Health Serv Res. 1987;22(4):55380.
Shapiro S, German PS, Skinner EA et al. An experiment to change detection and management of mental morbidity in primary care. Med
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Silliman RA, Earp JL, Fletcher RH, Wagner EH. The perspective of family caregivers. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 1987;6:363-71.
Silliman RA, Wagner EH, Fletcher RH. The social and functional consequences of stroke for elderly patients. Stroke. 1987;18(1):200-3.
Siscovik DS, Strogatz DS, Wagner EH et al. Provider-oriented interventions and management of hypertension. Med Care.
Stergachis A, Fors M, Wagner EH et al. Effects of clinical pharmacists on drug prescribing in a primary care clinic. Am J Hosp Pharm.
Stergachis A. Record linkage studies for postmarketing drug surveillance: data quality and validity considerations. Drug Intell Clin
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Von Korff M, Katon W. The DIS and primary care research. The DIS Newsletter. 1987;7-8.
Von Korff M, Katon W, Lin E, Wagner EH. Evaluation of psychiatric consultation liaison in primary care settings. Gen Hosp
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Von Korff M, Myers L. Psychiatric services and the primary care physician. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 1987;9:235-40.
Von Korff M, Shapiro S, Burke JD et al. Anxiety and depression in a primary care clinic: comparison of the DIS, GHQ, and practitioner
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Wagner EH. Should HMOs do research? HMO Practice. 1987;1(3):134-7.
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Ballard DJ, Strogatz DS, Wagner EH et al. Hypertension control in a rural southern community: medical care process and dropping out.
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Carter AP, Raskin M, Rodgers DA, Miller JR. Health maintenance in practice-healthy eating. HMO Practice. 1988;2(4):151-7.
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Cherkin DC, Hart LG, Rosenblatt RA. Patient satisfaction with family physicians and general internists: is there a difference? J Fam
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Marlatt GA, Curry S, Gordon JR. A longitudinal analysis of unaided smoking cessation. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1988;56(5):715-20.
Omenn GS, Thompson B, Sexton M et al. A randomized comparison of worksite-sponsored smoking cessation programs. Am J Prev
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Stergachis A. Record linkage studies for postmarketing drug surveillance: data quality and validity considerations. Drug Intelligence
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Stergachis A, Campbell WH, Penna PM. Clinical pharmacy and managed health care systems. Top Hosp Pharm Manage. 1988;8:78-88.
Strader CH, Vaughn TL, Stergachis A. Use of nasal preparations and the incidence of sinonasal cancer. J Epidemiol Community Health.
Taplin S. Controversies in family practice: Is screening mammography routinely indicated for women between 40 and 50 years of age?
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Taplin SH, Thompson RS, Conrad D. Cost-justification analysis of prenatal maternal serum alpha-feto protein. Med Care.
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Thompson RS, Taplin S, Carter AP et al. A risk-based breast cancer screening at Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound. HMO
Practice. 1988;2(4):177-91.
Thompson RS, Thompson DC. Circumcision (letter). Pediatrics. 1988;80(2):303-5.
Von Korff M, Dworkin S, LeResche L, Kruger A. An epidemiologic comparison of pain complaints. Pain. 1988;32:173-83.
Von Korff M, Howard JA, Truelove EL, Wagner E, Dworkin S. Temporomandibular disorders: variation in clinical practice. Med Care.
Wagner EH, Thompson RS. Cancer prevention and HMOs. Cancer Invest. 1988;6(4):453-9.
Walker AM, Jick H, Perera D, Knauss TA, Thompson RS. Neurological events following DPT. Pediatrics. 1988;81(3):345-9.
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Cherkin DC. Patient evaluations of low back pain care. (Response). West J Med. 1989;151(1):83-4.
Cherkin DC. Patient satisfaction and continuity of care. (Response). J Fam Pract. 1989;28(1):17.
Cherkin DC, Grothaus L, Wagner EH. The effect of office visit copayments on utilization in a health maintenance organization. Med
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Cherkin DC, MacCornack FA. Patient evaluations of low back pain from family physicians and chiropractors (see comments). West J
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Curb JD, Guralnik JM, LaCroix AZ et al. Effective aging. Meeting the challenge of growing older. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1990;38(7):827-8.
Curry S, Wagner EH, Grothaus LC. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for smoking cessation. J Consult Clin Psychol. 1990;58(3):310-6.
Deyo RA, Cherkin DC, Conrad D. The Back Pain Outcome Assessment Team. Health Serv Res. 1990;25(5):733-7.
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LaCroix AZ, Guralnik JM, Curb JD, Wallace RB, Ostfeld AM, Hennekens CH. Chest pain and coronary heart disease mortality among
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LaCroix AZ, Lang J, Scherr P et al. Cigarette smoking and five-year cardiovascular mortality in older men and women. (Presentation
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LaCroix AZ, Wienpahl J, White L et al. Thiazide diuretic agents and the incidence of hip fracture. N Engl J Med. 1990;322(5):286-90.
LaCroix AZ, Yano K, Reed DM. Is dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate a risk factor for coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.
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