International Matching Website for Blessed Children -

June, 2008
International Matching Website for Blessed Children
< International Matching Website for Blessed Children > was established from October 2007, by a combination
of the Family Dep. in Korea, Japan, America and Europe to promote and support the domestic and international
matching by parents. Please refer to the following and we hope this system will work well for the blessed
families who have candidates for the blessing.
1) The characteristics of this matching site:
It is joint control by Korean, Japanese, European and the American Head Quarters as a shared site
among the countries (It can cope with three languages).
Each applicant can register and input or update their information on the website with using a personal ID.
The parents will search and read the registered Information with their child’s ID and the parent’s Pass
Please read the "User Rules" about the details. You can print it from the top page of the website.
Register on the matching site:
First, choose a language on the top page. Click “Create a membership” and register an ID and password.
Chose a language
Click [English]!
Click “Create a
membership” and
register an ID.
Administrator (=where to register)
You have to set up to the Family Dept.
of your country. If you make an
error in registration, Your membership
won’t be confirmed.
Please be careful.
Set up your ID and an password what are easy to remember.
Don’t mistype your e-mail address. (You will receive various
notices later.)
For Administrator, Choose for
the Family or Blessing Dep. of
your Country.
Go back to the top page, log in with your ID and password.
Then fill up the applicant’s information..
Additional Explanation
Telephone numbers should begin with the
country code (ex: 81), input area code
without zeros.
Unless telephone, cell phone, fax numbers
or E-mail address are confirmed you can’t
go to the next screen.
Log- in with your ID and
Fill up the applicant’s
Your address and telephone number won’t
appear on the website. (The first contact
should make only between parents.)
In the candidate’s blessing information
comment space, please write at least a
The previous blessing information is for
management only; it will never appear on
the website.
Choose one of the ”Bust shot” ”Full length” “Family picture” and register your photo data from [
Additional Explanation
It can include up to three pictures.
Snapshots are fine, but prepare the photos
suitable for exhibitions.
[Bust shot] [Full length]
[Family Picture] You can enroll up to
Register at least one photo which the
three photographs.
candidate is able to recognized = Only the
candidate appears in the photo.
If you want to register the picture which was
submitted to the HQ in the last two years, inform
to your Family Dep.
If you prefer the International Matching, input
candidate’s blessing information comment in
Korean or Japanese [Other languages]
If you have language problem ask a translator
and input the translator’s information.
The Information what was registered will be appeared on the website after HQ confirmed your membership.
You will receive information at the e-mail address what you enrolled.
If you aren’t notified within seven days of registering, please let us know.
Additional Explanation
can fix and update your information anytime with your ID and
The member certification
password. Age will be changed automatically. Workshop dates and
Registered person should be a
member certification can be updated by the management.
subject of second-generation
You cannot search or look at other applicant’s information with your ID
blessing (= Applicant)
and password.
or a blessing workshop graduate
It is possible to set the registered information to be hidden. To hide
(= Candidate)
your information on the website, go to [reveal/hide] on the homepage
and set it up.
Manager side will confirm it.
If you forget your ID go to [ ID/ password] and check it.
If you forget your password you can make a temporary password.
After logging in, in [member’s information], you can change the
Member’s certification division
:We have 4 member’s divisions on the site
Blessed child
ID. Password to register
Password to read
(set up individually)
(Common. periodical update
When resisted on site
information disclosure
When recognized as a Second –Gen.
blessing applicant
information disclosure
When recognized as a blessing
workshop graduate
information disclosure
When accepted matching report
information disclosure
When confirmed to attend ceremony
information disclosure
search. read
search. read
search. read
search. read
search. read
) Reading on the matching site:
Log-in with your child’s ID and password, go to [ Search and list] and input the parents’ password.
Parents’ password
Only parents can receive a
password to search and
read the registered
When the child is notified,
parents should contact the
Family Dept., and confirm it.
Log-in with your child’s
ID and password.
If you typed parent’s password and
[no authority] appears, check whether
your child’s ID can be recognized or
not, or whether set up is hidden or not.
The password is updated regularly.
Go to [Search and list] and
input your parent’s password.
Set up the range and condition of search If you set up [All] your information can be seen by all.
Additional Explanation
The registered information web-only
information under the condition that you
appointed is searched.
Ex Among[men]can search age [25 to 28
years old] Height [165 —]
[Nationality you desire-] Not the
person’s nationality what you search, but
the candidates hoped-for-nationality.
Ex [Nationality you desire] = [Japan]
you can search the candidates who
want to matched with Japanese.
The list of a registrant’s conditions is displayed.
If you click by item you can change the order.
Additional Explanation
Fifteen names appear on a page,
for the next fifteen go to the next
page. At bottom you’ll see (1—).
If you want to change the order of
name list, click the item.
Ex Change from older to younger
Click [age].
If you click it again in returns to
younger to older.
If you click the registered name you want to check personal detail data will be displayed in another
Additional Explanation
By scrolling, you can read personal
information and see pictures.
There are many photos put the
cursor over an upper-body photo,
family photo, etc. The displayed
photo will be changed.
To change languages, choose the
language on the homepage.
You can read information of
candidates from other countries in
English, but whatever the candidates
inputted directly will display only in
the language what they used.
(Candidate’s blessing information
comments can be seen by clicking on
[Other languages])
The End –
Indication of the R enew al D ate, and status is added.
R egistration date and update date is show n on each side.
If the status is [not available] it w ill be m arked red.
Y ou could change your ow n status.
[available] or [not available]
not available m eans already contacting a
fam ily
Y ou can P rint out your ow n inform ation and give it to an other fam ily.
Printing page w illcom e out w hen you click on
m y inform ation
Print m y
inform ation
To print…
G o to File
Y ou could change the info list to picture list
Y ou can change the list from [nam e list] to
[picture list] by clicking the button at the
bottom of the page.
Y ou can save the inform ation that you searched .
Search Log
Click the
Search Log
button. Click
[R egister] button. It is saved in the [Data
Data Folder
R egister