Matters - East Glenville Community Church

Monthly Newsletter of East Glenville Community Church
April 2015
Mark Your Calendar
4/1 No Wed. Night Program
(Praise Gang/Choir will meet)
4/2 7:00pm
Maundy Thursday Service
4/5 Easter Sunday
(See Page 4 for Schedule)
4/8 No Wednesday Night
Program (School Vac.)
4/11 Iron Sharpens Iron
4/12 9:00am Adult Sunday
School Potluck Breakfast
A Word from Pastor Jim
Filing materials away from my recent preaching series
"Genuine Community in Church Relationships", I
discovered again an editorial from Christianity Today of
ten years ago. The writer then was commenting on the
theological divisions visible across our country within denominations
and local congregations. As our society was moving unchecked along
the erasing of absolutes in moral and spiritual life, religious
organizations were shrinking their own non-negotiables of what was
believed about God, Jesus, the Bible, and the role of the Church.
Religious groups large and small, with varying labels and heritages
were distilling down their beliefs, appearing at the end to little left
within themselves than a call to unity with one another. Mirroring the
culture's personalizing of truth, they essentially were finding bonds and
connections with one another based upon little more than being
bonded and connected.
6:30pm SPARK
Church Matters Deadline
Commenting on this dilution of convictions, the editorial closed by
referencing Jesus prayer and how it seems, "We too quickly forget
Jesus' prayer for unity in John 17 is accompanied by this prayer,
'Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth' Genuine church unity,
according to Jesus, is grounded in truth."
4/24 - 25
Preschool Garage Sale
Continued on next page...
Women's’ Retreat
EG Kids/Dads Playdate
Adult Sunday School
Potluck Breakfast
April 12th
During the Sunday School Hour
Buchanan Hall
Bring a dish to share!
Come enjoy fellowship, share and
learn about the upcoming Sunday
School Classes!
Save the Date!
Thursday, May 14th at 12pm
Gail Heckeler 399-4110
Velma Rhodenizer
City Mission
Help serve dinner at the
Schenectady City Mission
on May 1st. Contact Cindi
Phillips at 885-2091 or
[email protected]
for more info.
A Word from Pastor Jim Ctd.
Ten years later, observing the state of
the Christian Church, I'm not at all sure it
is that much different. The fading of
essential non-negotiables (those Group
A's I've mentioned before) leaves the
Church reflecting its society more than
being a prophetic voice to it. When
convictions are subtly weakened over
time, the Church casts off from its solid
foundation as people of the Crucified
and Risen Christ. We come to rest and
float upon the constantly fluctuating level
of society's mores rather than answering
the call of the Master to higher up and
further on, committing to cultural
mirroring more than calling one another
up to freedom.
Reading this prophetic picture of our
current day, it made me glad for the
commitment I find here to the Bible,
God's Revealed Truth. Even as we too
need to be alert to the pulls of our age
and effects from our cultural thinking, our
unity as a church comes as we dig in
and live His Truth. And all the more
important and valuable is our opportunity
for guiding those around us in learning
and practicing their skills for accessing
God's practical teachings for life and
witness to God's heart and thinking.
In our groups and worship, in our training
classes and personal practices, it is
worth it…so very much worth it…to be in
the Word.
A Night of Gathered Worship
Visitors for Those at Home:
Women at the Well
How good it is for the Body of Christ to care for
one another. I Thessalonians 5:11 says we are
to "encourage one another and build one
another up, just as you are doing." That is
what's happening among us each week, though
its often out of view. Did you know there are
nine identified visitors among our congregation
who have taken it upon themselves to visit
those in our church who find it difficult now to
get out and around? I say "identified" since
these are just the ones we know of, no surprise
if there are more. These faithful friends call and
stop by, regularly checking in with those unable
to join us Sunday mornings. In addition to their
friendly, supportive contacts, these visitors also
serve as regular communicators back to Pastor
Phil about what's happening in people's lives
and critical messengers to Pastor Jim when
emergencies happen throughout the
week. What an asset this visitation team is to
our church's pastoral care! Yes too, the effort
of the additional volunteer doing hospital and
home communion, another who sends Sunday
bulletins each week to these homebound, and
the Friday group who package the monthly
newsletter for mailing. Thank you all for loving
and living your faith to those around you.
As we look forward to the many blessings we
know that God will pour on our upcoming
Garden Getaway retreat we reflect back on a
wonderful year of Women’s Ministry. We thank
our Lord for meaningful events, fun and
laughter, heartfelt sharing and tears. Six groups
of women continue to meet weekly to grow in
the Word. Our team appreciates all of you who
have participated in any way- your time and
trust is a precious gift to us and our sisters in
Christ. And for those who have helped us make
the studies, retreat and other events happen,
“How can we say thanks?!”
Now we begin to plan for next year. As we look
ahead the many suggestions you gave us are
invaluable. Please pray for us as we pray over
them and know that we are always looking for
ideas and input. We will need others to help so
if you are interested in assisting with an event
or an area of ministry (publicity, baking,
decorations, prayer team, etc.) just let one of us
know. Many hands make light work and we
have such a good time together! As always…
join us and bring a friend!
With much love,
Vina, Melissa, Lori, Kim, Diane and Donna
Easter Week Events and Beyond
Palm Sunday Worship
March 29th - 10:30am
Maundy Thursday Communion
April 2nd - 7:00pm
Scripture, Music and Lord's Supper to remember the death of Jesus
Easter Sonrise Service
April 5th - 6:30am
Gather at dawn on the church grounds to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. If a rainy morning,
we will be meeting inside, so come either way.
Easter Coffee Fellowship
April 5th - 9:45am
All ages invited to come early for coffee, juice, pastries and time together before Worship
Easter Celebration Service
April 5th - 10:30am
Worship for Adults, Youth and Children
Note…there will be no morning Sunday School or evening Youth Group on Easter Sunday
Adult Sunday School Breakfast
April 12th - 9:00am
As the children and youth resume Sunday School, the combined Adult classes will gather for light
breakfast, conversation and music, stories of the past semester, and introductions of the coming
New Sunday Preaching Series Begins April 12th - 10:30am
"The Myths of Marriage (why didn't anyone tell me this?)"
Loading (or Reloading ) God's Principles into Our Marriage
Active Missionary:
Paul Holt
Retired Missionary:
Betty Hoffman
Paul Holt has been a faithful missionary working with
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for the past twenty
years. He is the son of Miriam and Bob Holt both of
whom raised Paul to have a heart for the Lord at an
early age. Paul's heart for missions centers around
the international student who comes to the U.S. for
an education which also includes seekers for God's
truth on college campuses. The work of Paul's
ministry had been witnessed in recent years when
he and another EGCC supported missionary with
IVCF, Glen Ewart, came to present a mission
conference. Internationals were our guests for the
conference, some of whom spoke their testimonies
and how they felt led to take the gospel message
back to their native countries.
Irv and Betty Hoffman grew up in Rochester,
NY. Irv graduated from Cornell U., Temple
U., Manchester U. (UK) and Fuller
Seminary .Betty attended nursing,
orthopedics, music and Bible training
schools. They had 3 children - Mark, Faith
and Suzanne.
The following is an excerpt from Paul's recent
newsletter, dated February 2015:
“Sometimes the path ahead is unclear and going
forward requires deeper faith and trust than we have
ever known. After the wonderful gift of a sabbatical, I
find myself in a major, unexpected and extremely
difficult transition. My InterVarsity ISM position
based in Potsdam is effectively being eliminated-- as
late as June 2015, maybe earlier. After 20 years of
serving with InterVarsity and reaffirming God's long
term call to continue fruitful ministry in Potsdam in
January 2014, this news came as a shock. I am
working with my area supervisor to discern options.
My national ISM director is hopeful God will open
doors and provide opportunities to continue
advancing and growing ministry to internationals
within InterVarsity as I have done with the National
ISM Leadership team since 2004. We face many
unknowns though I want to remain with InterVarsity.
I love its mission and global minded focus on student
centered leadership development.
Paul asks for our prayers for His direction in his life
and in that of his family's, believing with Paul that
God has prepared in advance what He is guiding
him to do.
They joined North Africa Mission in 1956 as
teacher -missionaries and served in Algeria
and France Irv taught at the Radio School of
the Bible in Marseille and in Algeria as an
English teacher at the U. of Oran and a
teacher training college in Chleff. Betty has
been a mother, housewife, music promoter,
correspondent, typist, children's worker,
Bible study leader and home visitor.
Their ministry involved counseling, visitation
and Bible studies and occasional preaching.
Hospitality was an important part of their
ministry in the Muslim country of Algeria.
When they returned to the United States they
lived in the Philadelphia area and continued
to minister to the Muslim people there. in a
number of ways. . Irv passed into glory in
2004 and Betty continued to minister to
those who were in poor health or needed a
ride or whatever the Lord showed her to do..
She still sings in the choir and does some
art. She has contact with Muslim women
through a ministry in giving conversation
sessions with people who need to improve
their English.
Betty has written a report on their lives and
ministry which we have been pondering how
best to make it available to those who are
Betty Hoffman, 2704 Grand Av. #2,
Holmes, PA 19043
VBS 2015 is coming….
June 29 – July 2, 2015
9am – 12pm
This is a 4-day VBS due to Friday July 3rd
being a holiday. There won't be an
evening family program.
Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty
Power! At Everest, kids embark on an icy
expedition where they overcome obstacles
with God's awesome power!
Rock-solid Bible truths will help guide them
through life's challenges.
Everest is filled with incredible Biblelearning experiences
kids see, hear, touch and even taste.
Cool Bible songs, crafts, team-building
games, and tasty treats are
just some of the activities that help faith
flow into real life.
Adults and teens, please prayerfully
consider how you can volunteer for VBS.
There are many positions to fill, and each
one provides the opportunity to impact
children with the Word of God.
Contact: Susan Perregaux with questions,
384-7296, [email protected]
(Grades K - 5)
April 17th
6:30 - 8:00pm in Buchanan
VBS Weird Animals - Day 5
Revisit VBS Bible Point &
Bible story & music! Snack,
songs, games, lesson!
Bring a friend.
Donation requested:
$1 per child.
Contact Susan Perregaux
for more info.
Preschool Garage Sale
We will be having our Annual
Preschool Garage Sale on April 24th
and 25th at 9 Saratoga Drive.
Donations gladly accepted!
For more information, please contact
Linda Wachtel at 399-4508.
Thank you!
Reminder: We still have openings in
our 3 and 4-year-old classes for the
2015-2016 School Year.
for more information.
EGCC Youth
It’s hard to believe that it is April already!
Time is flying by and we are that much closer
to the return of our Lord (Rev. 22:20). There
are some great and exciting things
happening this April, including:
Why not try a Christian Camp
experience for your child?
Please see the display of local summer camp
brochures in the Foyer! (coming soon)!
Sonrise Service.
6:30am April 5th at EGCC. Come and
celebrate Easter through a service
lead by our fantastic Youth Group
Students. If the weather is nice we’ll
have the service outside . There will
not be a breakfast after this Sonrise
Service; instead we welcome you to a
Easter Coffee Fellowship at 9:45am.
A parent email contact list.
If you have a student in High School
or Middle School please email me at
[email protected]. It would be a
huge benefit to email information,
opportunities and resources to our
parents throughout the year.
Be sure to check out the website and
Facebook page for more information:
EGCC Youth Group on Facebook
EG Kids and Dads
Spring Play Date
April 25th, 12pm - 2pm at Tree Paad Fun
Center (2381 Rt. 9, Malta)
Dads, bring your children together in play &
fellowship while the ladies are at the retreat!
$17 per person: Pizza/Chicken Nuggets,
Drinks, Fellowship Room, Laser Tag, & Laser
Maze. RSVP by April 12th to Felipe Moon at
[email protected].
High School Seniors!!
The Diaconate Board is now accepting
applications for the 2015 Terry O'Donnell
Memorial Scholarship. Applications
are available in the foyer or in the Church
Office. See Cindi Phillips with any
questions. Application deadline is May
3rd. Scholarships will be awarded on
Celebration Sunday (June 14th).
335 Saratoga Road
Glenville, NY 12302
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EGCC Information
Sunday School: 9:00am
Worship: 10:30am
Senior Pastor:
Rev. James Smith
Location: 335 Saratoga Rd.
Glenville, NY 12302
Phone: 399-3151
Preschool: 399-6894
New Fax #: 631-6673
Email: [email protected]
Check out our
Church Website @
Assistant Pastor:
Rev. Phil Sears
Dir. of Children’s Ministries
Susan Perregaux
Dir. of Family Ministries
Travis Phillips
Dir. Of Preschool
Linda Wachtel
Dir. of Worship Ministries:
Sandie Wanamaker
Administrative Assistant:
Gina Vendetti