US2 Section Questions - 6.5 page 253 #1-5

U.S. II -- Chapter 6 Section 5
Section Review Questions - Page 253 #1-5
1. Explain the significance of: poll tax,
segregation, Jim Crow laws, lynching, Ida
B. Wells, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B.
poll tax
 a tax on all citizens
registering to vote
 In 1890, Mississippi
required a $2 poll tax to
vote, more than most
African Americans
could afford
Poll tax receipts from Navarre County, Texas
1. Explain the significance of: segregation,
Jim Crow laws, lynching, Ida B. Wells,
Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois
 separation of the
Jim Crow laws
 laws that enforced
(probably from
popular song, “Jump
Jim Crow”)
1. Explain the significance of: lynching, Ida B.
Wells, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois
 hangings without proper
court proceedings
Ida B. Wells
 fiery young African
American woman from
Tennessee, launched a
fearless crusade against
lynching in 1892
1. Explain the significance of: Booker T. Washington, W.E.B.
Booker T. Washington
 most famous African American of
the late 19th century, influential
educator, proposed that African
Americans concentrate on
economic rather than political goals
W.E.B. Du Bois
 leader of a new generation of
African American activists; saw no
reason to give up civil rights, even
Main Ideas
2. Describing Under what kind of conditions did many
African Americans in the South live in after
 Conditions were little better than slavery
because African Americans owned no property
and gained little or no economic freedom as
3. Identifying How did Southern states restrict African
American voting in the 1890s?
 Poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clause
Main Ideas
4. Organizing Use a graphic organizer similar to the
one below to list the responses of some prominent
African Americans to racial discrimination.
African American
Response to Discrimination
Ida B. Wells
Wrote against lynching
Booker T. Washington
Urged African Americans to
prepare educationally and
vocationally for equality
W.E.B. Du Bois
Campaigned for civil and voting
rights and helped found the
Niagara Movement
Critical Thinking
5. Big Ideas How did Booker T. Washington’s answer
to racial discrimination differ from that of W.E.B.
Du Bois?
 Washington concentrated on achieving
economic goals rather than legal and political
 Du Bois was concerned with protecting legal
and voting rights.