Professor Orhan Güvenen - Bilkent University

Professor Orhan Güvenen
Partial List of Publications*
a. Books and Chapters Published in Books: pp 1-8
b. Articles and Research Papers: pp 9-29
a. Books and Chapters Published in Books: pp 1-8
Güvenen, O., (2014), Some Comments on Technological Competitiveness,
Inequality, World Population and Energy Security” in of Bureaucrats,
Politicians and Statesman, Alexndre Muns Rubial, Aresta, Washington, pp
145-149 (, the book format is
Güvenen, O., (2014), “Knowledge, Data, Information Error Margins and
Information Distortion Interactions”, Conference on Statistics, Science and
Public Policy, Volume: XIX, A.M. Herzberg, Editor, Queen’s University,
Kingston, (forthcoming)
Güvenen, O., (2014), World Dynamics, Global Wealth and Income
Distribution, Proceedings of Eurasian Silk Road Universities Consortium,
Editors: H. Koçak, S. Tüzemen, A. Ç. Güllüce, ISBN: 978-659-24400-1,
Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany
Güvenen, O. (2013). 2008-2011 World Economic Crisis, New Paradigms,
Science Methodology, Information Systems and Decision Systems, Chapter
1 in Technology and Financial Crisis: Economical and Analytical Views,
Editors: A.S. Koyuncugil and N. Ozgulbaş, ISBN: 978-1466630062, IGI
Global, Pennsylvania, USA
Güvenen, O., (2013), World Distribution of Wealth and its Impacts on
Equality and Global Stability, Conference on Statistics, Science and Public
Policy, Volume: XVIII, Chapter 7, A.M. Herzberg, Editor, ISBN: 978-1Partial List of Publications since 1980*
DSEE, Institute of World Systems, Economies and Strategic Research, Bilkent University
06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
e-mail: [email protected]
November 11, 2014
Page 1
55339-476-1 (bound), ISBN: 978-1-55339-475-4 (pbk.), Queen’s
University, Kingston
Güvenen, O. (2013). Some Comments on World Dynamics, Democracy,
Politics, Danger and Dilemmas, Conference on Statistics, Science and
Public Policy, Volume: XVII, Chapter 7, A.M. Herzberg, Editor, ISBN:
978-1-55339-389-4 (bound), ISBN: 978-1-55339-390-0 (pbk.), Queen’s
University, Kingston
Güvenen, O. (2012). Interactions of World Regional Dynamics and the
Role of Universities as a Catalyst, Chapter in, 1st Winter Summit Silk Road
Universities Consortium Collaborative Projects on Tourism, Sports, BioDiversity and Global Changes, Atatürk University, Erzurum
Güvenen, O. (2012). Dünya Dinamikleri, Eğitim, Araştırma, Bilim ve Karar
Sistemleri Etkileşimi, Editörler: D. Günay, E. Öztemel Uluslararası
Yükseköğretim Kongresi: Yeni Yönelişler ve Sorunlar (UYK-2011),
Davetli Konuşmacı, s.132-141, ISBN: 978-7912-39-2, T.C. Yükseköğretim
Kurulu, İstanbul
Güvenen, O. (2012). Ethics as a Necessary Condition in Optimal Systems:
Risks, Rights and Regulations, Statistics, Science and Public Policy,
Volume: XVI, Chapter 9, A.M. Herzberg, Editor, ISBN: 978-1-55339-3825 (bound), ISBN: 978-1-55339-383-2 (pbk.), Queen’s University, Kingston
Güvenen, O. (2011). Dünya Dinamikleri, Teknolojileri, Türkiye Stratejileri,
Etik ve Karar Sistemleri, Turgut Özal Üniversitesi Konferans Metinleri, s:
82-108, ISBN: 978-605-87394-2-0, Turgut Özal Üniversitesi, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (2011). World Dynamics, Ethics, Security and Society,
Statistics, Science and Public Policy, Volume XV, Chapter 7, A.M.
Herzberg, Editor, ISBN: 978-1-55339-375-7, ISBN: 978-1-55339-375-0,
Queen's University, Kingston
Güvenen, O. (2011). Ethics, System Optimal, Education and University
Sports, Winter Universiade 2011 (Keynote Speaker), International
University Sports Federation (FISU) Conference, s. 23-24, Jan. 24-27,
2011, Atatürk University, Erzurum
Partial List of Publications since 1980*
DSEE, Institute of World Systems, Economies and Strategic Research, Bilkent University
06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
e-mail: [email protected]
November 11, 2014
Page 2
Güvenen, O. (2010). Qantitative Analysis of the Media Industries and of
their Markets : Concluding Comments, in the Media Industries and their
Markets- Quantitaitive Analyses, edited by P. Y. Badillo and J. –B.
Lesourd, pp.220-225, ISPN: 978-0-333-91990-3, Applied Econometrics
Association, Series, Palgrave, Macmillan, New York
Güvenen, O. (2010). Dünya-Türkiye Dinamikleri, Stratejileri ve Eğitim,
Okulda Yenilenme,Türkiye Özel Okullar Birliği, s. 237-245, ISBN: 978975-00250-2-0, Antalya
Güvenen, O. (2010). Global Energy Perspectives and Environment,
Statistics, Science and Public Policy, Volume XIV, Chapter 4, A.M.
Herzberg, Editor ISBN: 978-1-55339-347-4(bound), ISBN: 978-1-55339348-1(pbk.), Queen’s University, Kingston
Güvenen, O. (2009). World Dynamics, University Sports and Ethics,
University of Belgrade, pp. 74-78, Belgrade
Güvenen, O. (2009). Ricardo Diez Hochleitner-Honorary President of the
Club of Rome, Homemenaje a Ricardo Diez Hochleitner, Fundaciόn
Indıpendente, Madrid, M-13853-2009
Güvenen, O. (2009). Bilkent Üniversitesi, Dünya Sistemleri, Ekonomileri
ve Stratejik Araştırmalar Enstitüsü (DSEE) ve Stratejik Öngörü,
Bilimlerarası Metodoloji ve Karar Sistemleri Kapsamında Bazı
Yorumlar, Türkiye’de Stratejik Düşünce Kültürü ve Stratejik Araştırma
Merkezleri : Başlangıcından Bugüne Türk Düşünce Kuruluşları, Ed. : H.
Kanbolat, H.A. Karasar, Nobel Kitap, ISBN : 978-605-395-187-2, pp.281290, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (2009). Takdim, Uluslararası Politika ve Uygarlıklar, Numan
Hazar, Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırmalar Kurumu, ISBN: 978-605-403010-1, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (2009). Eğitim Bilim Teknoloji Vizyonu, Türkiye’nin 2023
Eğitim Vizyonu, Türkiye Özel Okullar Birliği, s. 53-65, ISBN: 978-97500250-1-3, İstanbul
Güvenen, O. (2008). Dünya Dinamikleri ve Nanoteknolojilerin Türkiye
Partial List of Publications since 1980*
DSEE, Institute of World Systems, Economies and Strategic Research, Bilkent University
06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
e-mail: [email protected]
November 11, 2014
Page 3
Sanayileşme Stratejilerinde Sağlayabileceği Katma Değerler, Küresel
Riskler Karşısında Türk Sanayinin Geleceği Sempozyumu, Prof. Dr. Doğan
Kargül’e Armağan, İstanbul Üniversitesi İktisat Fakültesi, ISBN : 978-60589515-0-1, s :43-58, İstanbul
Güvenen, O. (2007). Economic Prosperity : Interaction with Science,
Knowledge and Value Systems, Statistics, Science and Public Policy,
Volume XII, Chapter 7, A.M. Herzberg, Editor, ISBN 978-1-55339-1524 (bound), ISBN: 978-1-55339-153-1 (pbk.), Queen’s University, Kingston
Güvenen, O. (2007). Türkiye, Dünya ve AB
Etkileşimi, Ekonomik
Bütünleşme Teorileri ve Avrupa Birliği-Türkiye Üzerine Söyleşiler, Ed.: Ş.
Özkan, Ö.S. Emsen, Turhan Kitabevi, ISBN 978-975-6194-97-3, Bölüm
III, s.90-114, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (2007). Geleceğe Yönelik Öngörüler ve İzlenmesi Muhtemel
Politikalar (2030’ların perspektifi), Güvenliğin Yeni Boyutları ve
Uluslararsı Örgütler, Dördüncü Uluslararası Sempozyum Bildirileri, III.
Bölüm, Ed: Tuğg. Suha Tanyeri, Genelkurmay Basımevi, ISBN 978-975409-459-6, s. 237-240, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (2007). Türkiye’ye, Dünya’ya, İnsanlığa binlerce İsmail Cem
Gerkli, İsmail Cem’in Ardından, Cem Ofset Maatbacılık, İstanbul
Güvenen, O. (2006). 2023 Dünya Dinamikleri ve Türkiye Stratejileri”
(özet): Stratejik Öngörü 2023, TASAM
Güvenen, O., M. H. Öztürk. (2006). An Analysis of Manipulated
Information and Respective Alternative Costs in Information Systems and
in Decision Making Structure, Cybernetics and Informatics Society, Vol II,
ISBN 980-6560-80-9, pp149-154, Orlando, USA
Güvenen, O. (2005). Society, Governance, Management and Leadership
Approaches in the Light of the Technological Developments and the
Information Age, Third International Symposium, Evaluation of the
Third Session, Ed. Brig.Gen. Ali Erdinç, SAREM basımevi, ISBN: 975409-339-3, s.253-267, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (2005). ICT as a Factor in Human Development, in
Partial List of Publications since 1980*
DSEE, Institute of World Systems, Economies and Strategic Research, Bilkent University
06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
e-mail: [email protected]
November 11, 2014
Page 4
Perspectives on ICT and Human Development: Turkey, Boğaziçi
Univers ity and UNDP Publications, İstanbul
Güvenen, O., Ö. L. Gebizlioğlu. (2005). Bilgi, Yönlendirilmiş Bilgi, Bilgi
Toplumu ve İstatistik, 4. İstatistik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Türk
İstatistik Derneği ve İstatistik Mezunları Derneği, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (2003). Some
Comments on the Decision-Making
Structures, Accountability, Globalization and the Limits to Growth,
Conference on Statistics, Science and Public Policy, Volume VII,
Chapter4, Ed. A.M. Herzberg and R.W. Oldford, ISBN: 1-55339-027-X,
Queen’s University, Kingston
Güvenen, O., S.Babür. (2003). Information Systems for Strategic Planning
and its Socioeconomic Impacts, in 7th World Conference on
Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics Proceedings, International Institute
of Systems Analysis and Cybernetics, Orlando, USA
Güvenen, O. (2003). Bilim Metodolojisi, İstatistik ve Karar Süreçleri,
3. İstatistik Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, Türk İstatistik Derneği ve İstatistik
Mezunları Derneği, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (2002). Structures
les téchnologies,
la mondialisation, l'éducation et la société du savoir, Les mémoires et
les Savoirs, Rencontres de Versailles, Paris
Güvenen, O. (2002). Ulus Devlet ve Küresel Düzeyde Bigi Sistemleri,
İstatistik Alt Yapıları
ve Karar Süreçleri, 107’nci Yıl Konferansları,
Harita Genel Komutanlığı Matbaası, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (2002). Türkiye’nin Etrafında Barış Kuşağı Oluşturulması İçin
Ekonomik İşbirliği Konularında Uygulanması Gereken Politikalar,
Türkiye’nin Etrafında Barış Kuşağı Nasıl Oluşturulur?, Harp
Akademileri Basım Evi, İstanbul
Güvenen, O. (2001). Bilişim Toplumu ve Çoğulcu, Katılımcı Demokrasi,
Bilişim Toplumuna Giderken, Türkiye Bilişim Derneği Yayını, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (2000). Où va le Monde de l’Internet: techniques et économie,
Partial List of Publications since 1980*
DSEE, Institute of World Systems, Economies and Strategic Research, Bilkent University
06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
e-mail: [email protected]
November 11, 2014
Page 5
dans le Monde en Communication, Rencontres de Versailles, Paris
Güvenen, O. (1999). Dünyanın Ekonomik Yapılanmasında Türkiye’nin yeri
ve Önemi, 21. Yüzyılın İlk Çeyreğinde Türkiye’nin Genel Vizyonu,
Politikası ve Stratejisi, Harp Akademileri Komutanlığı, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (1999). Türkiye’nin Orta ve Uzun Dönem Stratejik Hedefleri:
TC 2007-15, TC 2017-9 Genel Yorumlar, Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı
Yayını, PP:104, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (1999). Küreselleşme Sürecinde, Zaman Dinamiğinde,
Teknoloji Yönetimi Stratejileri, Proje Yönetimi Ulusal Kongresi Bildiriler
Kitabı, ed. G. Altay ve A. P. Karaosmanoğlu, Boğaziçi Matbaası, İstanbul
Güvenen, O. (1999). Globalization and Country Interaction and Conflict
Preventation, How to ride the Global Wave: Avoding Crisis and
Wars, Building Common Projects, The Club of Rome and the Black Sea
University Foundation, pp 105-122, ISSN 1454-7759, Bucharest
Güvenen, O. (1998). Commerce et investissement, stabilization
économique et réformes structurelles dans les Etats Membres, COMCEC,
Güvenen, O. (1998). Intra-OIC Trade
and Investments, Economic
Stabilization and Structural Reforms in Member Countries, COMCEC,
Güvenen, O. (1998). Some Comments and Suggestions Concerning the
Statistical Infrastructure and Regional Information System in the Black Sea
Economic Co-operation Countries, in LINK 1991-1992, ed. By B. G.
Hickman and L.R. Klein, World Scientific, Singapore
Güvenen, O. (1998). The Emerging Information Society: A Political
Challenge, in Kuru, S. (ed.), Proceedings of Euro Med Working
Conference, Policies and Strategies for Euro-Mediterranean Information
Society, Turkish Informatics Foundation in cooperation with European
Commission, İstanbul
Partial List of Publications since 1980*
DSEE, Institute of World Systems, Economies and Strategic Research, Bilkent University
06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
e-mail: [email protected]
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Page 6
Güvenen, O. (1998). Preface to Financial Markets of Turkey: DevelopmentStructure-Future Prospects, in Financial Markets of Turkey: DevelopmentStructure-Future Prospects, IDE, İstanbul
Güvenen, O. (1997). Comments on the Quality of European Business
Statistics, in Economic Statistics, Accuracy, Timelines and Relevance,
and Proceedings from an
Conference (September 9-11, 1996 in Washington D.C.), ed. By Z.
Kenessy, US Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis,
Washington D.C.
Güvenen, O. (1995). Comments on Employment, Unemployment and
Wages in Turkey, in Bulutay, T., Employment, Unemployment and Wages
in Turkey, International Labor Organisation, SIS Printing Division, Ankara
Güvenen, O., and Aktaş, Z. (1995). State Institute of Statistics of Turkey
and Quality Managemet”, Ninth World Productivity Congress, New
Visions and Strategies for the Next Century: People, Technology and
Productivity, vol. 1, National Productivity Center of Turkey, Ankara
Güvenen, O., Koçberber, E. (1994). Türkiye’de Tarıma Dayalı İmalat
Sanayi, Gümrük Birliği ve Türk Gıda Endüstrisi, Şafak Matbaası, Akdeniz
Üniversitesi, Antalya
Güvenen, O., Aktaş, Z., H.M. Aral. (1994). DİE’nin Ulusal Bilgi Sistemi ve
İstatistik Altyapısı Geliştirme Çalışmaları, Türk Bilişim Derneği, İstanbul
Güvenen, O. (1994). Statistical and Information System Infrastructure of
Turkey:An International Comparative
Analysis, presented to
the International Meeting on “The New Technologies of
Communication and Sociocultural Transformation of Middle Europe,
Turkey and her Neighbors”, organizedby
National de la
Recherche Scientifique, Paris- Commission of the European
Communities, DG XIII, Brussels, March, Antalya
Güvenen, O. (1993). A Statistical Presentation of the New and Emerging
Trends in Turkish-EU Cooperation: with Specific Reference to
Customs Union, in Patterns for Growth : New Trends in EC-Turkish
Cooperation, Forum Europe, pp. 155-220, Brussels. (with the Preface by
Partial List of Publications since 1980*
DSEE, Institute of World Systems, Economies and Strategic Research, Bilkent University
06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
e-mail: [email protected]
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Etienne Davignon)
Güvenen, O. (1993). Karar Sistemleri Kapsamında Sanayii-Bilim-Teknoloji
Stratejileri İstatistik Alt Yapısı ve Ulusal Bilgi Sistemi, TMMOB 1993
Sanayi Kongresi Kamu Sektöründe Devletin Rolü : KİT’ler,
Değerlerdirme, Öneriler ve Özelleştirme, ISBN: 975-398-098-5, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (1992). UNDP’s Human Development Report: A Statistician’s
View, Report on the First National Human Development Conference,
UNDP, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (1992). Bir İstatistikçi Gözüyle: UNDP İnsanca Gelişme
Raporu, İnsanca Gelişme Birinci Türkiye Konferansı, UNDP, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (1992). Türkiye Nüfus Yapısı ve Nüfus-Çevre Etkileşimi,
Dünya Nüfus Günü, UNFPA ve Türkiye Çevre Vakfı, s.93-147, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (1991). Ulusal Bilgi Sistemi Kapsamında Türkiye Sanayi
İstatistikleri, 1991 Sanayi Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı, pp: 326-337,
TMMOB, Ankara
Güvenen, O., Walter C. Labys & Jean-Baptiste Lesourd (eds.). (1991).
International Commodity Market Models: Advances in Methodology
and Applications, (with the Introductory Chapter by Lawrence R.
Klein, Nobel Laureate), Chapman and Hall, London
Güvenen, O., Walter C. Labys, & Jean-Baptiste Lesourd (eds.). (1991).
Politiques économiques et marchés internationaux de matières premièresanalyses économetriques (avec le chapitre introductif par Lawrence R.
Klein, Nobel Laureate), Economica, Paris
Güvenen, O. (1991). Population Structure of Turkey Based on Recent
Statistical Data, State Institute of Statistics, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (1991). Marching in Stride with the EC: A Statistical
Presentation of the Turkish Case, in Turkey and the European Community,
Forum Europe, pp. 191-241, (Preface by Emile Noel, Honorary Secretary
General of the European Communities), Brussels
Partial List of Publications since 1980*
DSEE, Institute of World Systems, Economies and Strategic Research, Bilkent University
06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
e-mail: [email protected]
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Duru, Gérard, Güvenen, O. (1990),. Econométrie de la Santé, Actes du
Colloque International d’Econométrie Appliquée, organisé par
l’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, CNRS- Groupement Scientifique
Santé – l’Université de Lyon, Institut National de la Statistique, Ankara,
Association d’Econométrie Appliquée, Paris
Güvenen, O. (1990). Yirmibirinci Yüzyıl ve Türk Uygarlığı ‘İkinci
Model’ Üzerine Düşünceler, 2. Milli Kültür Şurası Bildirileri, Cilt 1,
T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı, Ankara
Güvenen, O. (ed). (1988). International Commodity Market Models and
Policy Analysis, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston
Artus, P., Güvenen, O. (eds.). in collaboration with F.Gagey.(1986).
Macroeconomic Modelling for Policy DecisionsAdvanced Studies in
Theoretical and Applied
Econometric 5
Nijhoff Publishers-Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
Güvenen, O. (1986). International Macroeconomic Modelling for Policy
Decision : Some Proposals, Artus, P., Güvenen, O. (eds) in International
Macroeconomic Modelling for Policy Decisions, Martinus Nijhoff
Publishers- Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston
Partial List of Publications since 1980*
DSEE, Institute of World Systems, Economies and Strategic Research, Bilkent University
06800 Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey
e-mail: [email protected]
November 11, 2014
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