personal cv

Ö. Ozan Evkaya
Department of Mathematics
Atılım University
Ankara, TURKEY
Languages: English (fluent), French (beginner)
Office: (+90-312) 586 8223
Email: [email protected]
Academic Experience
Teaching Assistant, Department of Mathematics, Atılım University, 2009 – present.
Graduate (PhD) Student, Department of Statistics, Middle East Technical University, 2012 – present.
Research Interests
Effects of climate change on the agriculture, Optimization, Time Series Analysis, Statistical methods in
finance and insurance. .
Ph.D. Statistics, Middle East Technical University, in progress.
Advisor: Ceylan Yozgatlıgil. A. Sevtap Kestel
M.S. Actuarial Science, Insitute of Applied Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, 2002.
Advisor: S. Kasırga Yıldırak.
Title: Modelling Index-Based Drought Insurance for the Provinces of Central Anatolia Region.
B.S. Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, 2009.
Seminar Talks
Atılım University, What is Actuarial Science, 2012.
Conference Talks
Middle East Tehnical University, TURKEY, X. (ICACM)International Conference on Applied and
Computational Mathematics, October, 2012.
Türk Istatistik
Dernegi, Antalya, TURKEY, VIII. International Statistics Congress, October 2013.
Ö. Ozan Evkaya
Teaching Experience
Atılım University
General Mathematics 1.
General Mathematics 2.
Calculus 1.
Calculus 2.
Mathematical Analysis 1.
Mathematical Analysis 2.
Extended Calculus 1.
Extended Calculus 1.
Conferences and Workshops Attended
Ba¸skent University/I. National Insurance and Actuary Congress, June 2013, Ankara, TURKEY.
Atılım University/XII. International Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Applications, August 2013,
Antalya, TURKEY.
Civic Involvement Projects (Certificated by Istanbul METU Graduated Foundation), 2004-2006.
Civic Involvement Projects, Project Coordinator (Certificated by Istanbul METU Graduated Foundation), 2006-2008.
Civic Involvement Projects, General Coordinator (Certificated by Istanbul METU Graduated Foundation), 2008-2009.
First Aid Certificate of Red Crescent, 2009
˙ sim Bilimleri Akademisi, 2010
Diction and Voiceover from Ba¸skent Ileti¸
Accomplishment in Foundations of Financial Mathematics exam in the first level examination by Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Treasury (Trainee actuary), 2011.
Last updated: January 24, 2014