CV (İndirme : 1) - Akademik ve Blog Sistemi Mehmet Akif Ersoy

Yasemin AKIŞ, Dr.
Mehmet Akif Ersoy University,
Faculty of Letters and Sciences,
Department of Sociology
Burdur, 15100
Ofis tel: (90) 248-213 3088
Email: [email protected]
Kierkegaard, Existentialism, Philosophy and religion.
Philosophy and literature, Albert Camus
Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University
Ph.D. (Philosophy),
Dissertation: Soren Kierkegaard’da Kaygı Kavramı (The Concept of Anxiety in Søren
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Ali Osman Gundogan
Southern Illinois University, USA
Department of Philosophy
Visiting scholar, July 2010– May 2011
Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University
M.A. (Philosophy), June, 2007
Thesis: Comparison of ‘Absurd’ in Albert Camus and Jean-Paul Sartre.
Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University
A.B. (Philosophy), June 2005
Assistant Professor, April 2014- present
Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Faculty of Letters and Sciences, Department of
St. Olaf College (USA), Howard and Edna Hong Kierkegaard Library, Summer
Fellow, 2014.
Research Assistant, Junuary 2009- 2014.
Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University, Faculty of Humanities and Letters, Department of
Associate Editor, Özne Philosophy Journal, Philosophy and Feminism Special Issue,
Spring- 2013.
Visiting Scholar, June 2010-May 2011
Southern Illinois University, USA.
Project Asistant, Network for Intercultural Dialogue and
Education: Turkey-Bulgaria, Project of EU, 2008-2010.
1. Søren Kierkegard’da Kaygı Kavramı (The Concept of Anxiety in Søren
Kierkegaard), Ayrıntı Yayınları, Forthcoming, 2014.
-Book Sections
1. Freedom, Anxiety and Sin: Kierkegaard and the Temporal Progression of
Experience, Inter-Disciplinary Press, ISBN: 978-1-84888-233-1, 2014.
2. Suicide: Escaping from Your Own Existence, Inter-Discipinary Press,
Forthcoming, 2014.
3. Bir Varoluşsal Drama Yazarı Olarak Kierkegaard (Kierkegaard as a
Existential Drama Writer), Felsefe ve Edebiyat( Philosophy and Literature),
Çizgi Kitabevi, 2014.
1. Ingmar Bergman’ın Yedinci Mühür’ü ve Kierkegaard’ın Sessizlik Sanatı
Üzerine (On Ingnar Bergman’s Seventh Seal and Kierkegaard’s Art of
Silence), Özne Philosophy Journal, Bahar/2014.
2. Søren Kierkegaard’da Kaygı ve Cinsiyet(Anxiety and Sexuality in Søren
Kierkegaard), Özne Philosophy Journal, Bahar /2013.
3. Albert Camus’de Başkaldırı’nın Sınırları Problemi (Problem of the Limits of
Rebellion in Albert Camus), Symposium Book, Kocaeli Üniversitesi, 2009.
4. Bir Bunalım Çağı Felsefesi Olarak; Varoluşçuluk (Existentialism;
Philosophy of Age of Crisis), Özne Felsefe Dergisi, Bahar/2009.
-Book Reviews
1. Woman 2000, Philosophy, Feminism and Beyond, Volume XII, Issue
2, Eastern Mediterranean University Press, p.67-70., (Celine
Léon&Sylvia Walsh(Eds.) (1997), Feminist Interpretation of Soren
Kierkegaard. University Park: Penn State Press.
1. Feminine and Masculene Forms of Despair, Sylvia Walsh, (Feminist
Interpretations of Kierkegaard, Penn State Press), Özne Philosophy
Journal, Spring, 2013.
- Selected Professional Presentations
1. Kierkegaardian Anxiety in Psychotherapy; Between the Spirit and the
Superego, October-2013, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2. Freedom, Anxiety and Sin: Kierkegaard and the Temporal Progression of
Experience, March- 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.
3. Suicide: Escaping from Your Own Existence, Inter-Discipinary Press,
November-2011, Prague, Czech Republic.
4. A Brief Journey from Existence to Absurd, November 2008, St. Clement
of Ohrid University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
5. Albert Camus’de Başkaldırı’nın Sınırları Problemi’, International
Philosophy Days, 2009, Kocaeli University, Turkey.
- Awards and scholarships
1. Doctoral research scholarship, Turkish Higher Education Council,
Southern Illinois University (USA), 2010- 2011.
2. St. Olaf College (USA), Howard and Edna Hong Kierkegaard Library,
Summer Fellow, 2014.
- Projects
1. The Concept of Anxiety in Søren Kierkegaard, Muğla Sıtkı Koçman
University, Scientific Research Project, 2011.
- Courses Tought
Philosophy and Mythology, Spring 2010, Fall 2012.
Philosophy of Human Nature, Fall 2011.
Philosophical Problems, Spring 2010.
Introduction to Philosophy, Fall 2014.
Aesthetics and Philosophy, Fall 2014.