UVODNIK1:Layout 1.qxd - Sarajevo International Airport

Novembar/Studeni 2014. - April/Travanj 2015. godine
Pred Vama je novo zimsko izdanje Sarajevo Airport Magazina u sklopu kojeg
Vam predstavljamo najzna~ajnije aktivnosti i dostignu}a našeg preduze}a od
izlaska prethodnog izdanja.
Na samom po~etku osvrnut }u se na izvanredne rezultate prometa u 2014. godini.
Naime, od samog po~etka 2014. godine
bilje`imo porast broja putnika u odnosu na
rekordnu 2013. godinu, tako da smo ve} u
oktobru 2014. gotovo premašili prošlogodišnji kona~ni rezultat od 665. 638 putnika, a ve} do kraja 2014. godine o~ekujemo da }e kroz ovaj aerodrom pro}i više od
700.000 putnika, što je najve}i broj ikada zabilje`en u povijesti poslovanja ovog preduze}a.
Pove}anje u odnosu na prethodnu godinu bilje`imo i u
broju aviooperacija, kao i u prijevozu komercijalnog karga, a svi ovi pomenuti rezultati dokaz su da i u vrijeme
turbulentnih dešavanja u oblasti civilnog zrakoplovstva i
teške ekonomske krize Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo i dalje dr`i lidersku poziciju me|u privrednim subjektima u BiH.
Što se pak ti~e naše osnovne djelatnosti, Uprava ula`e
maksimalne napore kako bi se uvelo što više novih aviolinija. Ve} po~etkom decembra 2014.godine, na zadovoljstvo naših mnogobrojnih putnika, planirano je uvo|enje
nove linije Sarajevo-Dubai, low-cost kompanije Fly Dubai.
Svakako, moram istaknuti va`nost zadovoljstva naših
putnika, ali i ostalih korisnika usluga, na ~emu svakodnevno radimo kako bi kvalitet usluga podigli na što ve}i
nivo te omogu}ili što ugodniji boravak na Aerodromu
Sarajevo. Shodno tome, u aprilu 2014. godine smo u suradnji sa Sberbankom uveli uslugu besplatnog korištenja be`i~nog interneta, u prvih 15 minuta, za sve posjetioce Aerodroma Sarajevo.
Poseban doprinos Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo
pru`io je za vrijeme velikih poplava, koje su u maju 2014.
godine zadesile BiH. Naime, pru`ena je potpuno besplatna usluga prihvata i otpreme aviona humanitarnog
karaktera i humanitarnih kargo pošiljki, a sve uz pomo}
nadle`nih sektora ovog aerodroma.
Što se ti~e upravlja~kih sistema, u oktobru 2014. godine
je uspješno proveden nadzorni audit integriranog sistema upravljanja, ~iji cilj je bio ocjena uskla|enosti
poslovnih procesa sa zahtjevima me|unarodnih standarda: Sistem upravljanja kvalitetom, Sistem okolinskog
upravljanja i Sistem upravljanja sigurnoš}u informacija.
Zaklju~ak audita je da je J.P. Me|unarodni aerodrom
Sarajevo d.o.o. Sarajevo ispunilo uvjete za produ`enje
va`nosti certifikata za uskla|enost sa ISO standardima
Planovi za naredni period ogledaju se kroz ulaganje u
infrastrukturu, odnosno rekonstrukciju Terminala B,
podizanje nivoa sigurnosti putnika, zrakoplova, objekata,
prtljaga i roba.Tako|er je planirano i ulaganje u nabavku
savremene aerodromske opreme, te nastavak školovanja i edukacije uposlenika.
Do našeg sljede}eg izdanja,
srda~no Vas pozdravljam.
Direktor Ivan Veli~an
Dear Readers,
Right in front of You is the new winter
edition of the Sarajevo Airport Magazine
within which we present you the most
important activities and achievements of
our company since the release of the
previous edition.
At the outset I will draw a line on the remarkable results in traffic in 2014. In fact,
from the beginning of that year, an increased number of passengers compared to the record year 2013 was recorded, so we already in October almost
surpassed last year's final total of 665.
638 passengers, whereas by the end of
2014 we expect more then 700,000 passengers to pass
through this Airport so reaching the highest number ever
recorded in the company,s history in doing business.
Compared to the year 2013, we also had an increase in
the number of recorded Airline operations, as well as in
the transport of commercial cargo, and all of these mentioned results are a proof that at a turbulent time of
the developments in the field of civil aviation and economic crisis, Sarajevo International Airport still holds the
leading position among business entities in B&H .
As for our core businesses, the Board makes every effort to inject more new Airline flights. At the beginning of
December 2014, to the satisfaction of many travelers,
the introduction of a new line from Sarajevo to Dubai is
planned to be realized by the low-cost carrier Fly Dubai.
Certainly, I must stress out the importance of passengers satisfaction, but also other users of services which
work every day in order to raise the quality of services at
the highest possible level and enable a more pleasant
stay at Sarajevo Airport. Accordingly, in April 2014, in
cooperation with Sberbank we introduced our free wireless internet, for the first 15 minutes for all visitors of
the Sarajevo Airport.
A special contribution of Sarajevo International Airport
was provided during major floods that afflicted B&H in
May 2014. Specifically, an entirely free service of Aircraft
ground handling of humanitarian help and humanitarian
cargo shipments was offered, all with the help of competent Sectors of the Airport.
As far as the Management System goes, in October 2014
a supervisory Audit of the Integrated Management System was successfully conducted , whose goal was to
score the compliance of business processes with International Standards and those included the Quality Systems, Environment Management System and System of
Information Security Management. The conclusion of
the Audit was that P.E Sarajevo International Airport
Ltd. fulfilled the conditions for the extension of certification for compliance with ISO standards.
Plans for the next period are reflected through investments in infrastructure, and the reconstruction of Terminal B, raising the level of safety of passengers, Aircrafts, facilities, baggage and goods. Also it is planned to
further the investment in the purchase of modern Airport equipment, and the continuing education and training of employees.
Until our next edition, I cordially greet You.
Director Ivan Velican
Dragi ~itatelji,
Medicinski transporti sa Me|unarodnog aerodroma
Sarajevo vrhunski su organizirani/
Medical Transports from Sarajevo International Airport
are superbly organized ...........................................24-27
Nova Ilid`a - jedan od najve}ih projekata u poslijeratnoj
historiji BiH/
New Ilidza - one of the biggest projects in the history of
post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina ...........................32-38
Otok ljubavi je radostan film/
Love Island is a joyous movie..................................40-42
Zmajevi dostojanstveno branili boje BiH u Brazilu/
The Dragons defended the Colors of Bosnia and
Herzegovina with Dignity in Brazil ...........................46-50
Specijaliteti bosanske kuhinje/
Bosnian Cuisine Specialities....................................58-62
Sarajevo Airport Magazine
Periodi~ni magazin Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo
Periodical magazine of the Sarajevo International Airport
Izdava~ / Publisher:
Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo / Sarajevo International Airport
Redakcijski kolegij / Editorial Board: Ivan Veli~an, generalni direktor / General
Manager, Darijan Veli~an, marketing menad`er / Marketing Manager,
Sabina Kova~, PR menad`er / PR Manager, agencija PRag d.o.o. Sarajevo /
agency PRag d.o.o. Sarajevo
Priprema i ure|ivanje / Preparation and editing: PRag d.o.o.
Tira` / Circulation: 10.000
Engleski prevod / English translation: PRag d.o.o.
Fotografija / Photography: PRag d.o.o. i arhiv Me|unarodnog aerodroma
Sarajevo / Archives of the Sarajevo International Airport
DTP / Design: PRag d.o.o.
Štampa / Printing: Suton, Široki Brijeg
Ekopak uru~io 10 setova kanti za selektivno odlaganje otpada
Predstavnici Ekopaka, prvog ovlaštenog operatera sistema upravljanja ambala`nim otpadom, uru~ili su Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo 10 setova od po ~etiri
kante za odvojeno odlaganje papira, plastike, stakla i
op}eg otpada.
Postavljena infrastruktura omogu}it }e putnicima i korisnicima usluga Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo
da selektivno odla`u ambala`ni otpad u predvi|ene kante, što je praksa na svim aerodromima koji posluju po
svjetskim standardima.
Direktorica Ekopaka Amela Hrbat izjavila je da ih raduje
da su sa Sarajevskim aerodromom uspostavili i ovakav
vid saradnje, te da }e kante koje su uru~ili doprinijeti
ja~anju imid`a samog aerodroma, dok }e sa druge strane,
Ekopaku omogu}iti da i na taj na~in širi svijest o potrebi
odvojenog odlaganja i recikla`e ambala`nog otpada.
Na ovaj na~in Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo pokazao je svoju opredijeljenost ka sistemskom i adekvatnom
zbrinjavanju otpada.
"Aerodrom je dobivanjem Okolinske dozvole 2010. godine ve} propisao na~ine upravljanja svim vrstama otpada, a saradnja sa Ekopakom predstavlja korak dalje u
unaprje|enju ovih aktivnosti", kazala je Samra Pehilj,
tehnolog za okoliš na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo. Uspje{no provedena IT
revizija informacionog
IT consulting kompanija Teneo d.o.o. Sarajevo provela
je IT reviziju dokumentovanosti klju~nih kontrola u informacionom sistemu Me|unarodnog aerodroma
Sarajevo d.o.o. Sarajevo (Društva). U sklopu revizije
izvršena je procjena adekvatnosti predmetnih kontrola, te je procijenjen uticaj nepostojanja istih na informacioni sistem Društva.
Prilikom izvršenja revizije, kao osnov metodologije,
kompanija Teneo d.o.o. koristila je me|unarodni priznati COBIT 4.1. okvir, a pored toga, za procjenu rizika
nedostataka kontrola korišten je okvir ISO/IEC 27001
(Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements).
Na osnovu izvršenih pregleda, kompanija Teneo d.o.o.
izrazila je uvjerenje da se u skladu sa propisanom
metodologijom njihovog rada, sveukupno stanje i
adekvatnost upravljanja informacionim sistemom i
Sektorom za informacione i komunikacione tehnologije Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, mo`e ocijeniti sa COBIT referentnom ocjenom REGULIRANO.
Dodijeljena ocjena 4,36 od mogu}ih 5, ukazuje na ~injenicu da je ovaj Sektor definirao i uspostavio klju~ne IT
kontrole, koje minimiziraju štetni utjecaj na rad i sigurnost informacionog sistema Društva. SIAM
Successfully implemented IT
Audit of Information Systems
IT Consulting Company Teneo d.o.o. Sarajevo has conducted the IT Audit of documented key controls in the
Information System of Sarajevo International Airport
Ltd. Sarajevo (Society). As part of the Audit, the adequacy of the underlying controls was evaluated, and the
impact of the non-existence of these controls in the Information System of the Society.
During the Audit performance, as the basis of the
methodology, the company Teneo Ltd used an internationally recognized COBIT 4.1. framework, and in addition to that, the ISO/IEC 27001 (Information Technology
- Security Techniques - Information Security Management Systems - Requirements) were used to assess
the risk of defect controls.
Based on the review, the company Teneo Ltd expressed confidence that in accordance with the prescribed
methodology of their work, the overall condition and
adequacy of the management of Information System
and the Sector of Information and Communication
Technologies of Sarajevo International Airport, can be
assessed with the COBIT reference grade REGULATED.
The assigned score of 4.36 out of a possible 5 points to
the fact that this Sector has defined and established
key IT controls, which minimize the adverse impact on
the operations and safety of the Information System of
the Society. VIJESTI / NEWS
Ekopak handed over 10 Sets of Bins for Selective Waste
Praksa na svim
svjetskim aerodromima
Practice at all
International Airports
Praksa na svim svjetskim aerodromima
Practice at all International Airports
Representatives of Ekopak, the first licensed operator in
the management of packaging waste, handed over to the
Sarajevo International Airport 10 sets of four bins for separate collection of paper, plastic, glass and general waste.
The installed infrastructure will enable travelers and users
of the Sarajevo International Airport services to selectively dispose packaging waste in the bins provided, as that
is practice at all Airports that operate according to International standards. The Director of Ekopak Ms. Amela
Hrbat said that it is a pleasure to establish this kind of cooperation with the Sarajevo Airport, and that the bins that
were handed over will contribute to strengthening the
image of the Airport, while on the other hand, this also will
allow Ekopak to spread awareness of the need of separate
collection and recycling of packaging waste. In this way,
the Sarajevo International Airport has shown its commitment to the systemic and adequate waste disposal.
“By obtaining the Environmental License in 2010 the Airport has already prescribed the ways of managing all types
of waste, and the cooperation with Ekopak represents a
further step in improving these activities ", said Samra Pehilj, Technologist for Environment at Sarajevo International Airport. VIJESTI / NEWS
Pozitivni poslovni rezultati u
prvom polugodi{tu 2014.
Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo višegodišnji trend uspješnog poslovanja nastavio je i u 2014. godini, tako da
ve} u prvih šest mjeseci 2014.godine bilje`i pozitivne
poslovne rezultate.
U prvom polugodištu 2014. godine na Aerodromu Sarajevo opslu`eno je ukupno 320.438 putnika što je za pet
posto više u odnosu na isti period 2013. godine. Pove}anje je ostvareno i u broju aviooperacija, kojih je realizovano 11 posto više u odnosu na isti period 2013. godine.
Kada je rije~ o cargu, u prvom polugodištu 2014.godine
procesuirano je 16 posto više komercijalnog, odnosno
civilnog carga (uklju~uju}i i onaj humanitarni), u odnosu
na isti period 2013. godine.
Tako|er je zabilje`en i rast prihoda u segmentu trgovine, pa je tako u Duty Free Shopu za 30 posto pove}ana prodaja doma}e robe u odnosu na 2013. godinu, a
pove}ani su i prihodi od prodaje aviokarata za cca. šest
posto u odnosu na 2013.godinu.
“Pove}anje prometa i prihoda na Aerodromu Sarajevo,
rezultat je uvo|enja novih linija od strane redovnih
aviokompanija koje saobra}aju na aerodromu, kao i
pove}an broj letova za pojedine destinacije u ljetnom
redu letenja”, kazao je direktor ovog preduze}a Ivan
Kako je i najavljivano, u prvom polugodištu 2014. godine,
njema~ka aviokompanija Germanwings, pored postoje}ih linija za Keln i Štutgart, uvela je i liniju za Berlin, dok
je aviokompanija SAS, koja je vode}i avioprijevoznik u
skandinavskim zemljama, otvorila liniju ŠtokholmSarajevo.
“Rast prometa o~ekuje se i u narednom periodu te se
predvi|a da }e do kraja 2014. godine na Sarajevskom
aerodormu biti registrirano gotovo 700.000. putnika,
~ime }emo premašiti rekord iz 2013.godine i na taj na~in
krunisati 45 godina uspješnog rada i postojanja“, zaklju~io je Veli~an. O~ekuje se obaranje
rekorda iz 2013.
Expected overthrow
of 2014 Business
Positive Business Performance in the first half of 2014
Sarajevo International Airport in 2014 continued the
long-term trend of success in doing business, so that
in the first six months of 2014, positive business results were recorded. In the first half of 2014, Sarajevo
Airport serviced a total of 320,438 passengers, which
is five percent more than in the same period 2013.
The increase was achieved in the number of flight operations, which were carried out in a range of 11 percent more than in the same period in 2013. When it
comes to cargo, in the first half of 2014, 16 percent
more commercial services were processed, that is
civilian cargo (including the charity one), compared
to the same period 2013.
There was also a growth in revenues in the trade
segment, so that in the Duty-Free Shop a 30 percent
of increased sales of domestic goods was recorded
compared to 2013. Also revenues from the sale of air
tickets increased for approx. six percent compared
to 2013.
„The increase of traffic and revenue at the Sarajevo
Airport is a result of the introduction of new lines by
regular Airlines which operate at the Airport, as well
as an increased number of flights to certain destinations within the summer timetable“, said Ivan
Veli~an, the director of this company.
As announced, in the first half of 2014, the German
Airline Germanwings, in addition to the existing lines
to Cologne and Stuttgart, introduced a line to Berlin,
and the Airline SAS, which is the leading carrier in
the Scandinavian countries, opened a line Stockholm
- Sarajevo.
“The traffic growth is expected in the coming period
and it is anticipated that by the end of 2014, the Sarajevo Airport will service nearly 700,000. passengers,
which will exceed the 2013 year's record and thus
crown the 45 years of successful work and existence“ concluded Veli~an. VIJESTI / NEWS
Banka koja mijenja pravila igre A Game-Changing Bank
Sberbank BH je dio Sberbank Europe, dinami~ne
bankarske mre`e koja posluje u Centralnoj i Isto~noj
Evropi. U Bosni i Hercegovini banka je prisutna od 2000.
godine, a od 15. februara 2013. posluje pod imenom
Sberbank BH.
Banka je fokusirana na kreiranje proizvoda i usluga koji
}e na najadekvatniji na~in odgovoriti o~ekivanjima klijenata dok istovremeno razvija poslovnu mre`u da bi im
omogu}ila vrhunsku uslugu na klju~nim lokacijama.
Posebna pa`nja je posve}ena razvoju elektronskih kanala poslovanja, s nastojanjem da se klijentima ponudi
brzina, mogu}nost izbora i dostupnost usluga 24 sata
Sberbank BH se trudi biti više od banke, jer nastoji razumijeti klijente i njihove potrebe, te prona}i optimalan
na~in da riješi izazove sa kojima se susre}u.
Inovativnim pristupom i kontinuiranim unaprje|enjem
poslovanja Sberbank BH gradi dugoro~ne odnose sa
klijentima nastoje}i im pokazati da slogan “Vaša pri~a.
Vaša banka”, nije samo slogan ve} poslovna filozofija
kojom `ivi banka.
Od sredine 2014. godine Sberbank BH je osigurala 15
minuta besplatnog interneta putem wi-fi mre`e za posjetioce Sarajevskog aerodroma, a korisnici debitne ili
kreditne MasterCard Gold kartice mogu dodatno u`ivati
u poslovnim salonima na aerodromima u Be~u i Sarajevu. SIAM
Sberbank BH is the member of Sberbank Europe, a dynamic banking network operating in Central and Eastern
Europe. It has been present in Bosnia and Herzegovina
since 2000 and as of 15 February 2013 it operates under
the name of Sberbank BH.
The Bank is focused on developing products and services so as to meet the customers' expectations and provide top services in key locations. It also pays special
attention to the development of electronic banking
channels and offers efficiency, freedom of choice and
24/7 access to services.
Sberbank BH strives to be more than just a bank because it aims at understanding its customers and their
needs, and finding an optimal solution for challenges
they face.
With an innovative approach and contiunuous improvement of business operations Sberbank BH builds longterm relationships with its customers, and is determined to prove that “Your Story.Your Bank”, is not
merely a slogan but the business philosophy of the
From mid 2014 Sberbank BH has provided 15 minutes
of free Wi-Fi network access for the Sarajevo Airport
visitors, while holders of MasterCard Gold debit or
credit card may enjoy the comfort of business lounges
at the Vienna and Sarajevo Airports. VIJESTI / NEWS
Najbolji rezultat prema
Lufthansinoj anketi Ground
Product Questionnaire
Best Result according to
Lufthansa's Survey Ground
Product Questionnaire
Prema rezultatima ankete Anketirani su putnici ekonomske klase
According to the survey
Ground Product Question- Economy Class Passengers were interviewed
Ground Product Questionnaire, koju provodi najve}a
naire, conducted by Gernjema~ka aviokompanija
many's largest Airline LufLufthansa, Me|unarodni
thansa, Sarajevo Internaaerodrom Sarajevo ostvational Airport achieved the
rio je najbolje rezultate od
best results of all Airports
svih aerodroma na podru~ju
in central and eastern Eucentralne i isto~ne Evrope,
rope, where this company
na kojima ova kompanija
The survey was conducted
Anketiranje je vršeno u peduring the period Januaryriodu januar-maj 2014. goMay 2014, whereas pasdine, a anketirani su putsengers of Economic Class
nici ekonomske klase.
were interviewed. Sarajevo
Aerodrom Sarajevo ostAirport achieved the best
vario je najbolje rezultate u
results in the area of hansegmentu prihvata i otpreme putnika, što podrazumijeva dling passengers, which implies on the operational
brzinu rada na šalteru za registraciju putnika i prtljaga, speed while checking passengers and baggage, and the
te ljubaznost i stru~nost osoblja.
kindness and expertise of staff.
Ovi rezultati samo su još jedan dokaz da Me|unarodni These results are just another proof that the Sarajevo
aerodrom Sarajevo ula`e napore u unapre|enje kvali- International Airport is making efforts to improve the
teta svojih usluga, kako prema poslovnim partnerima, quality of its services towards business partners, as well
tako i prema putnicima. as to passengers. SIAM
Aerodrom Sarajevo generalni
sponzor Me|unarodnog
poslovnog foruma 2014.
Sarajevo Airport, General
Sponsor of the International
Business Forum 2014
U Kongresnom centru Terme Ilid`a u organizaciji
The Congress Centre Terme Ilidža hosted the InternaMinistarstva privrede Kantona Sarajevo, uz saradnju
tional Business Forum 2014 whose goal was to present
sa British Council odr`an je Me|unarodni poslovni
the Sarajevo Canton as a potential investment destinaforum 2014. koji je za cilj imao predstavljanje Kantion and in order to present Canton's Economic Sector.
tona Sarajevo kao potencijalne investicijske destiThe Forum was organized by the Ministry of Economy
nacije i predstavljanje
of Sarajevo Canton, in
Forum je okupio najeminentnije privredne
privrednog sektora. Focooperation with the Brii finansijske eksperte
rum je otvorio ministar
tish Council and was ofiThe Forum brought together the most eminent
privrede Kantona Saracially opened by the
Economic and Financial Experts
jevo Emir Hrenovica, a
Sarajevo Cantonal Minprisutnim u~esnicima
ister of Economy mr.
na samom otvaranju
Emir Hrenovica. The atobratili su se Valentin
tendees were also addrInzko, visoki predstavessed by Valentin Inzko,
nik za BiH, te zamjenik
High Commissioner for
šefa Delegacije EU u
B&H, and the Deputy
BiH Renzo Daviddi koji
Chief of EU Delegation
su u svojim obra}anjifor B&H Mr. Renzo Davima posebno apostrofiddi who in their speechrali neophodnost novih
es, particularly emphasiinvesticija i otvaranja radnih
zed the need for new investment
mjesta za ekonomiju BiH
and job creation for the B&H ecoop}enito pa samim tim i za
nomy in general and thus the SaKanton Sarajevo.
rajevo Canton.
Drugog dana Foruma razgoOn the second day of the Forum,
varalo se o implementaciji
the implementation of European
evropskih i me|unarodnih
and International standards in edstandarda u obrazovanju kaucation was discussed as main
ko bi se postigao što bolji
topic, in order to achieve better
pristup radnom i obrazovaccess to employment and the ednom tr`ištu Evrope i svijeta.
ucation market of Europe and the
Upravo to je i i te`ište rada
world. This is precisely the focal
British Councila, o ~emu je
point of the British Council, which
govorila Larisa Halilovi}, diwas the subject of speech of Larrektorica British Councila u
isa Halilovi}, director of the BritiBiH.
sh Council in B&H.
“Ako ne investirate u obrazo“If you do not invest in education,
vanje, sigurno ste na guyou may be sure you will suffer
bitku. Više od 110 zemalja
loss. More than 110 countries haima isti problem kao BiH, a
ve the same problem like B&H to je kako zadovoljiti potrebe
that is how to meet demands of
tr`išta rada i kvalitet kadrothe market and manpower whereva, a British Council pokušaas the British Council tries to recva uskladiti potrebe i jednog
oncile both sectors' needs”, says
i drugog sektora“, ka`e HaHalilovic.
Minister Hrenovica awarded the
Ministar Hrenovica je uru~io zahvalnicu generalnom General Sponsor - Sarajevo International Airport, with
sponzoru projekta, Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sara- a commendation, recieved by the General Manager, Mr.
jevo, a zahvalnicu je primio direktor kompanije Ivan Ivan Velican.
During the Forum the local and foreign experts spoke
Tokom Foruma doma}i i inozemni stru~njaci govorili about the business challenges of today, economic desu o poslovnim izazovima današnjice, ekonomskom velopment, export to the European markets, the priority
razvoju, izvozu na evropsko tr`ište, prioritetu preuzi- of implementing European norms, EU funds, etc.. The
manja evropskih normi, fondovima EU itd. Forum je Forum brought together the most eminent local and
okupio najeminentnije privredne i finansijske eksperte foreign economic and financial experts as well as repiz zemlje i inozemstva, kao i predstavnike stranih i resentatives of foreign and domestic companies of difdoma}ih kompanija razli~itih sektora privrede. ferent Economic Sectors. SIAM
Sarajevski aerodrom obilje`ava 45 godina postojanja i rada
Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo je 2. juna 2014. godine obilje`io zna~ajan jubilej - 45 godina postojanja i
rada, a ovaj datum zasigurno }e ostati duboko uklesan
u njegovu bogatu historiju.
Naime, davne 1969. godine, po otvorenju aerodroma,
koji je tada nosio naziv Aerodrom Butmir -Sarajevo, na
novoizgra|enu pistu prvi je sletio JAT-ov konver na liniji
Zagreb - Sarajevo, ~ime je novo sarajevsko zra~no pristanište uspješno polo`ilo svoj prvi ispit.
Otvaranje me|unarodnog aerodroma zna~ilo je i da se
otvaraju novi putevi i mogu}nosti za razvoj civilnog
zrakoplovstva, a promet putnika i letova u tom razdoblju pove}avao se postepeno.
Njegov put ka usponu zaustavila su ratna zbivanja 90ih godina, kada je u potpunosti zaustavljen civilni saobra}aj, a aerodrom je oplja~kan i uništen. Me|utim,
uprkos mnogobrojnim poteško}ama i preprekama, te
zahvaljuju}i entuzijazmu i nesebi~nom doprinosu svih
uposlenika, aerodrom je obnovljen i od tada iz godine u
godinu ni`e poslovne uspjehe.
Da su se dugogodišnji trud, rad i zalaganje isplatili dokazuje i rekord kada je u pitanju broj putnika koji je zabilje`en u 2013. godini, a koji je iznosio 665.638, što je
najve}i broj putnika od osnivanja ovog aerodroma.
Rast prometa nastavio se i u 2014. godini, pa je tako u
prva ~etiri mjeseca 2014. godine kroz Sarajevski aerodrom prošlo 173.949 putnika, što je za pet posto više u
odnosu na isti period 2013. godine, a realizirano je i
1.688 aviooperacija, što je za osam posto više u odnosu
na rekordnu 2013. godinu.
“Ostvareni uspjeh 2013. godine, bio je samo dodatni
motiv da sa ambicioznim planovima u|emo i u 2014.
godinu. U narednom periodu planiramo se i dalje bazirati na uvo|enje novih linija, ali i sadr`aja, a sve kako bi
našim putnicima pru`ili što ve}i komfor i ugodniji boravak na aerodromu. S obzirom na to da do 2014. godine o~ekujemo blizu 700.000. putnika, mo`emo re}i da
bi 2014. mogla biti upisana kao nova rekordna godina,
kojom }emo krunisati 45 godina rada i postojanja
Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo“, izjavio je Ivan
Veli~an, direktor Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo.
Svoj osvrt na rad i razvoj aerodroma dao i je i izvršni direktor ovog preduze}a Elvedin Begi}, koji ve} gotovo 30
godina radi na ovom aerodromu:
“S obzirom na to da sam svoj radni vijek i profesionalni
anga`man proveo na aerodromu, više od 30 godina,
ponosan sam na ~injenicu da je ovaj kolektiv unato~
usponima i padovima, danas najuspješniji u BiH. Zna~aj
Aerodroma Sarajevo je mnogostruk i vezuje se za
specifi~na razdoblja prije rata, u ratu ali i u postratnom
periodu. Ogroman zna~aj za BiH bilo je otvaranje Aerodroma Sarajevo te davne 1969. godine na ovoj lokaciji.
Aerodrom i njegovi uposlenici odigrali su zna~ajnu ulogu u vremenu odr`avanja ZOI '84, a u ratnom periodu
bio je klju~na i jedina ta~ka za snabdijevanje hranom
opkoljenog Sarajeva. Za nas 45 godina nije samo ono
što je prošlo, ve} i ono što je Me|unarodni aerodrom
Sarajevo danas, kada bilje`imo najve}e rezultate u
broju aviooperacija i prevezenih putnika, ali i ono što
`elimo u budu}nosti – na temeljima svega što smo posSIAM
tigli, raditi i graditi još više, još bolje“, ka`e Begi}.
Povodom obilje`avanja godišnjice, Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo izdao je i Monografiju u kojoj je opisano
i dokumentirano 45 godina postojanja i rada Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo. Monografija sadr`i mnoštvo tekstualnih i slikovnih ~injenica, koje ~itatelje
pozivaju da zavire u razli~ite epohe Me|unarodnog
aerodroma Sarajevo i doznaju o njemu do sada nepoznate i neispri~ane pri~e. VIJESTI / NEWS
Sarajevo Airport marking 45 Years of Existence and Work
Ambiciozni planovi i u narednim godinama
Ambitious Plans for the coming Years
many difficulties and obstacles and thanks to the enthusiasm and selfless contribution of all employees,
the Airport has been renovated and since then, year
after year, it achieves business success.
The fact that the long-term effort, work and dedication
paid off was proven by the record when it comes to the
number of passengers in 2013, which amounted to
665,638 as the highest number of passengers since the
establishment of the Airport.
Traffic growth continued in 2014, so in the first four
months of 2014, Sarajevo Airport serviced 173,949 passengers, which is five percent more than in the same
period 2013. 1688 flight operations were carried out
which is eight percent more than in the record year
“The realized success of 2013, was just an extra incentive to enter the year 2014 with ambitious plans. In the
future, we plan to continue to be based on the introduction of new lines, but also to further the content, in
order to provide to our passengers a comfortable fit
and a more comfortable stay at the Airport. Given that
by the end of the year 2014 we expect close to 700,000.
passengers, it can be said that 2014 could be registered
as a new record year, which will crown 45 years of existence and work of Sarajevo International Airport“,
said Ivan Veli~an, director of Sarajevo International
Its review of the operations and development of the Airport was also expressed by the CEO of this company
Mr. Elvedin Begi}, who has been employed at this Airport for nearly 30 years:
“Given that I have spent my whole working life and professional engagement for the past 30 years at the Sarajevo Airport, I'm proud of the fact that despite the ups
and downs, this is the most successful company in
The importance of the Sarajevo Airport is multiple and
connects to the specific periods before the war, during
the war and in the postwar period. The enormous importance for Bosnia and Herzegovina was the opening
of Sarajevo Airport back in 1969 at this location. The
Airport and its employees have played a significant role
in the time of the WOG '84, and in the war period as the
key and the only point for the food supply of besieged
For us, 45 years is not only what has passed, but what
Sarajevo International Airport represents today when
we mark the greatest results in the number of flights
operations and transported passengers. Also we are
looking forward to what we want in the future - on the
basis of what we have achieved, whereas we have to
work and build even more, even better“, says Begi}.
To mark the Anniversary, the Sarajevo International
Airport published a Monograph describing and documenting 45 years of work of the Sarajevo International
Airport. The Monograph contains a lot of text and
image facts whereas readers are invited to look into different epochs of the Sarajevo International Airport
with unknown and untold stories. 15
The Sarajevo International Airport on June 2nd. 2014,
marked a significant milestone - 45 years of existence
and work, and this date will certainly remain deeply engraved in its rich history.
In fact, back in 1969, at the opening of the Airport, then
named Airport Butmir-Sarajevo, the first landing was
carried out at the newly built runway by JAT's convergence servicing the route Zagreb - Sarajevo, whereas
the new Sarajevo Airport successfully passed its first
The opening of the International Airport meant the
opening of new paths and opportunities for the development of civil aviation, where passenger and flights traffic in this period increased gradually.
Its path to further rise, was halted by the war in the 90s,
when all civilian traffic was completely stopped and the
Airport was looted and destroyed. However, despite
Ispra}aj Zmajeva na Svjetsko prvenstvo
U prostorijama Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo
27. maja 2014. godine odr`ana je sve~ana press konferencija povodom odlaska fudbalske reprezentacije
BiH na Svjetsko prvenstvo u Brazilu koje je odr`ano
od 12. juna do 13. jula 2014. godine.
Novinarima se najprije obratio predsjednik Nogometnog/Fudbalskog saveza BiH (N/FS BiH) Elvedin Begi}
koji je naglasio da se radi o historijskom doga|aju, na
koji mo`e biti ponosna cijela BiH na ~elu sa nogometašima reprezentacije koji su prvi put u historiji BiH izborili u~eš}e na najve}oj fudbalskoj smotri.
Selektor Suši} istakao je izvrsnu atmosferu koja vlada
u reprezentaciji te istakao da iza uspjeha koji su postigli plasmanom na SP 2014. stoji ozbiljan i predan rad
nogometaša i kompletnog stru~nog štaba reprezentacije. Sa sve~ane press konferencije na Aerodromu
From the formal Press Conference at the Airport
The Farewell of the Dragons to the World Cup
In the premises of the Sarajevo International Airport
on May 27th 2014, a formal press conference was held
on the occasion of the departure of the soccer team of
Bosnia and Herzegovina to the World Cup in Brazil
(held June12 until July 13 2014 ).
The first to address the journalists was the president
of the B&H Football Association Mr. Elvedin Begi} who
emphasized that this was a historical moment for the
entire B&H to be proud of whereas the national soccer
team, for the first time in history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, participated at the largest soccer event.
Selector Susic stressed the excellent atmosphere that
prevailed in the team and said that the success, achieved through the placement on the World Cup 2014, is
merit of serious and committed work of players and the
entire coaching staff of the representation. Besplatan WiFi pristup internetu
Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo i Sberbank BH potpisali
su ugovor o saradnji, kojim je svim posjetiocima aerodroma omogu}en besplatan WiFi internet. Radi se o višegodišnjem ugovoru kojim je posjetiocima aerodroma
omogu}eno besplatno korištenje prvih 15 minuta WiFi interneta.
“Prošle godine kroz aerodrom je prošlo više od 665.000 putnika, te brojni ~lanovi njihovih porodica ili prijatelji koji su ih
došli ispratiti, me|u kojima je zna~ajan broj naših klijenata.
Njima, ali i svim drugim putnicima i posjetiocima, ~iji }e broj
2014. godine još rasti, obezbijedili smo besplatno korištenje
interneta u prvih 15 minuta. Sve za klijenta, jedan je od temelja naše poslovne strategije, a u skladu s tim kontinuirano nastojimo unaprijediti naše usluge i klijentima ponuditi
više", izjavio je Edin Karabeg, direktor Sberbank BH.
Ivan Veli~an, direktor Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, kazao je da je saradnja sa Sberbank uspostavljena
na obostrano zadovoljstvo.
“Nama je u interesu da se putnici osje}aju što ugodnije
dok borave na aerodromu, a ovo je svakako pogodnost vrijedna pa`nje. Drago nam je da je Sberbank prepoznala ovu
pogodnost i odlu~ila pokriti troškove korištenja interneta
putnika i posjetilaca Aerodroma Sarajevo.
U prvom kvartalu 2014. godine kroz Aerodrom je prošlo
više od 117. 000 putnika, a o~ekujemo da }e do kraja 2014.
godine njihov broj još više rasti, te }e ovu pogodnost Sberbank i Aerodroma mo}i koristiti više od 700.000 putnika“,
rekao je Veli~an. SIAM
Me|unarodni aerodrom
Sarajevo podr`ao Youth
to Business Forum
Društveno odgovorno
poslovanje neizostavni
je dio poslovne strategije
Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo. Jedno
od podru~ja odgovornosti prema društvu, jeste i
podrška obrazovnim projektima ~iji je cilj unapre|enja kvalitete `ivota zajednice.
Prepoznavši obrazovanje kao jedan od najbitSupport to Educational Projects
nijih segmenata ljudsPodrška obrazovnim projektima
kog djelovanja, dat je
doprinos realizaciji projekta Bosnia and Herzegovina
Youth to Business Forum u organizaciji Globalne studentske mre`e AIESEC, koji je u Sarajevu odr`an u maju
2014. godine.
Bio je to jednodnevni doga|aj koji je na jednom mjestu
okupio studente i kompanije, a cilj je bio razmjena ideja,
te pronala`enje na~ina njihove realizacije, ~ime bi se
konkretno uticalo na `ivotnu sredinu.
Studenti koji su se uklju~ili u rad Foruma imali su priliku
upoznati se sa praksama iz najuspješnijih internacionalnih i bh. kompanija koje posluju na doma}em tr`ištu. Sarajevo International Airport
supported the Youth to
Business Forum
Socially responsible business is an essential part
of the business strategy of
the Sarajevo International Airport. One of the
areas of responsibility to
society, is the support to
educational projects aimed at improve the quality
of life of the community.
Recognizing that education is one of the most important segments of human
endeavor, we contributed
to the realization of the
project Bosnia and Herzegovina Youth to Business
Forum, organized by the Global Student Network
AIESEC, which was held in Sarajevo in May 2014.
It was a one-day event that brought together in one place
students and companies, with the aim to exchange ideas
and finding ways of their implementation, which would
specifically affect on the environment. Students who
have joined the work of the Forum, had the opportunity
to acquaint themselves with the practices of the most
successful international and BH companies operating in
the domestic market. Free WiFi Internet Access
Pogodnost vrijedna pa`nje
A noteworthy Convenience
Sarajevo International Airport and Sberbank B&H
signed a cooperation agreement, where all Airport
visitors have free WiFi Internet. It is a multi-year contract which enables visitors of the Airport free use of
the Wi-Fi Internet for the first 15 minutes.
“Last year, the Airport had more than 665,000 passengers, and many of their family members or friends who
came to accompany them. Among them is a significant
number of our clients. To them, as well as all other passengers and visitors, whose number will grow even more
in 2014, we provide free internet in the first 15 minutes.
Everything for the client – is one of the cornerstones of
our business strategy, and according to that we continuously strive to improve our services and offer clients
more", said Edin Karabeg, director of Sberbank BH.
Ivan Veli~an, director of the Sarajevo International
Airport, said that the cooperation with Sberbank was
established on mutual satisfaction.
“It is in our interest for the travelers to feel as much
comfortable while staying at the Airport, and this is
certainly a noteworthy convenience. We are pleased
that Sberbank has recognized this benefit and decided to cover the costs of the internet useage of passengers and visitors at the Sarajevo Airport. In the
first quarter of 2014, the Airport serviced more than
117 000 passengers, and we expect that by the end of
2014, their number will continue to grow, and that this
benefit of Sberbank and the Airport will be used by
more than 700,000 passengers“, said Velican. VIJESTI / NEWS
Noviteti BH Telecoma u 2014. godini
BH Telecom uspješno je po~eo godinu otvaranjem zajedni~kog poslovnog objekta Moje Banke, ASA Group i BH
Telecoma pod nazivom Moj svijet, osmog prodajnog prostora BH Telecoma na podru~ju Kantona Sarajevo, sa
novim konceptom poslovanja.
Usluga Jedinstveni ra~un namijenjena je onima koji koriste dvije ili više usluga i aktivira se odmah po zahtjevu
korisnika, a BH Telecom nudi i dodatne mogu}nosti, besplatno primanje Jedinstvenog ra~una na e-mail, te pla}anje ra~una bez provizije putem SMS-a.
BH Telecom sredinom 2014. godine otvorio je novu poslovnu zgradu u Sarajevu, gdje je smještena Generalna
direkcija BH Telecoma, te izvršne i funkcionalne direkcije
Predstavnici kompanija BH Telecom i Samsung promovirali su novi pametni telefon Samsung Galaxy
Alpha. Osvje`enog i sofisticiranog dizajna, ure|aj predstavlja savršen spoj
stila i najnovijih tehnologija. Uz svega 6,9 milimetara debljine, jedan je od
najtanjih galaxy ure|aja ikad, a njegova jedinstvena kompaktna konstrukcija
i mala te`ina omogu}avaju maksimalnu udobnost i kontrolu prilikom korištenja. BH Telecom Innovations in 2014
BH Telecom successfully started the year with the establishment of a common business object with Moja Banka, ASA Group and BH Telecom called
My World, 8th. retail space of BH Telecom in the Sarajevo Canton area, with a new operational concept.
The Service Single Account is intended for those who use two or more services and is activated immediately
upon the user's request, BH Telecom also offers additional features, free receive of single accounts per e-mail
and the payment of bills without commission via SMS.
BH Telecom in mid-2014, opened a new office building in Sarajevo, where the General Directorate of BH Telecom, the Executive and Functional Directorates are located
Representatives of BH Telecom and Samsung promoted the new smartphone Samsung Galaxy Alpha. Refreshed and sophisticated design, the device is a perfect blend of style and latest technology. Only 6.9 millimeters thick, it is one of the thinnest Galaxy devices ever, and its unique compact design and low weight allow a
maximum comfort and control during use. SIAM
Unapre|enje kontrole kolizije
zrakoplova i ptica
Improving Control of Aircraft
and Birds Collision
S obzirom na specifi~an polo`aj Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, ~esta je prisutnost ptica, što pove}ava
mogu}nost njihovog sudaranja sa zrakoplovima, ~ime
se ugro`ava sigurnost zra~nog prometa. U svrhu spre~avanja kolizije zrakoplova i ptica, prate}i najnovije tehnologije, Aerodrom Sarajevo poduzima sve potrebne
mjere pa je tako od Bird Control Group iz Holandije,
nabavljen novi ure|aj koji se iz dosadašnje prakse pokazao višestruko korisnim.
Ure|aj je, naime, efikasan u uslovima smanjene vidljivosti (obla~no vrijeme, kiša, sumrak itd.), na ve}im udaljenostima - kada se ptice ne mogu otjerati drugim
metodama, te za pojedina~no tjeranje ptica, ali i za ve}a
Ovime je Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo još jednom
potvrdio svoju opredijeljenost ka unapre|enju sigurnosti zra~nog prometa. With regard to the specific position of the Sarajevo
International Airport, there is a frequent presence of
birds, which increases the possibility of their collisions with Aircrafts, thereby endangering the safety
of Air Traffic. In order to prevent the collision of Aircrafts and birds so adopting the latest technologies,
Sarajevo Airport is taking all necessary measures in
cooperation with the Bird Control Group from the
Netherlands, whereas a new device, being significantly useful, was purchased.
The device is, in fact, effective in conditions of reduced visibility (cloudy weather, rain, dusk, etc..), at
greater distances- when birds can not be repeled by
other methods, as well as for individual chasing of
birds, but also for large flocks. Hereby, the Sarajevo
International Airport reaffirmed its commitment to
the advancement of Aviation safety. Novi ure|aj nabavljen iz Holandije
The new device is purchased in
the Netherlands
Uspje{no proveden
Nadzorni audit
Surveillance Audit
successfully conducted
Na Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo je 20. i 21. 10.
2014. godine od strane ovlaštene certifikacijske ku}e
TÜV NORD CERT uspješno proveden nadzorni audit integrisanog sistema upravljanja. Uz prisustvo predstavnika Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, auditori
TÜV NORD-a proveli su redovni nadzorni audit ~iji cilj je
bio ocjena uskla|enosti poslovnih procesa sa zahtjevima
me|unarodnih standarda EN ISO 9001:2008 (Sistem upravljanja kvalitetom), EN ISO 14001:2004 (Sistem okolinskog upravljanja) i EN ISO 27001:2005 (Sistem upravljanja sigurnoš}u informacija) u J.P. Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo d.o.o. Sarajevo.
Auditom su obuhva}ene oblasti prihvata i otpreme zrakoplova, putnika i stvari, te ostale prate}e djelatnosti na
Me|unarodnom aerodromu Sarajevo.
Generalni zaklju~ak je da je J.P. Me|unarodni aerodrom
Sarajevo d.o.o. Sarajevo ispunilo uvjete za produženje
važnosti certifikata za uskla|enost sa pomenutim ISO
standardima. October 20th. And 21st. 2014, the Sarajevo International
Airport has successfully conducted the surveillance
Audit of the Integrated Management System by the authorized certification agency TÜV NORD CERT. With the
presence of the Sarajevo International Airport representatives, the auditors TÜV NORD conducted regular
surveillance Audit, whose objective was the evaluation of
conformity of business processes with the International
Standard EN ISO 9001: 2008 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001: 2004 (Environmental Management System) and EN ISO 27001: 2005 (Information Security
Management System) at the Public Company Sarajevo
International Airport Ltd. Sarajevo.
Audit covered the area of handling of Aircrafts, passengers and goods, and other supporting activities at Sarajevo International Airport.
The overall conclusion was that the P. C. Sarajevo International Airport Ltd. Sarajevo fulfilled the conditions for
the extension of the certificate of compliance with these
ISO standards. VIJESTI / NEWS
Istra`ivanje Sarajevskog
aerodroma predstavljeno
na 15. simpoziju Hrvatskog
dru{tva menad`era kvalitete
Hrvatsko društvo menad`era kvalitete krajem aprila
2014. godine organiziralo je 15. me|unarodni simpozij
o kvaliteti pod nazivom Kvaliteta, rast i razvoj, u saradnji s uglednim sveu~ilištima - Chectochowa University
of Technology, Faculty of Management, Chectochowa
iz Poljske, Hertzen State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Management, St. Petersburg iz Rusije i Novosibirsk State Technical University iz Rusije.
Cilj simpozija je prezentacijom nau~nih i stru~nih radova iz podru~ja sistema upravljanja nau~nika i stru~njaka
iz 12 zemalja svijeta, prikazati najnovija nau~na teorijska i prakti~na dostignu}a, ukazati na probleme te ponuditi odr`iva rješenja, u svrhu pove}anja konkurentnosti privrede.
Ovaj simpozij okupio je više od stotinu stru~njaka iz
podru~ja upravljanja kvalitetom iz više od 15 zemalja, a
prezentiran je i rad menad`era kvaliteta Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo, in`injera Nermina Zijadi}a,
pod nazivom Ekološki standardi u zrakoplovnoj operativi u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Svrha istra`ivanja je ustanoviti trenutno stanje u oblasti
okolinskog upravljanja u zrakoplovnoj operativi u BiH, a
potom uporediti sa rezultatima dobivenim na svjetskom
Na evropskom nivou, problematika okolinskog upravljanja u zrakoplovnoj operativi regulirana je kroz aktivnosti: Europske agencija za okoliš (EEA), Europske
konferencije civilnog zrakoplovstva (European Civil
Aviation Conference ECAC), Europske zajedni~ke zrakoplovne oblasti (European Common Aviation Area
ECAA), Jedinstveno europsko nebo (Single European
Sky SES), Program SESAR.
Implementacija ekoloških standarda u zrakoplovnoj operativi u BiH je na relativno niskom nivou. Uzimaju}i u
obzir sve aktere u zrakoplovnoj operativi, samo Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo ima implementiran me|unarodno prepoznat standard u oblasti okolinskog
upravljanja, ISO 14001:2004. Status ~lanstva BiH u
zrakoplovnim i drugima organizacijama ukazuje na
punopravnost u me|unarodnoj participaciji, ali implementacija zahtjeva koji proisti~u iz ove participacije je
veoma mala.
Naj~eš}e iskazan argument koji stoji u odbrani ovog
stanja je ekonomska situacija, prisutna recesija, neizgra|enost institucija dr`ave, loš Ustav i rješenja koja
proizilaze iz Daytonskog ugovora. Ovo svakako mogu biti
ote`avaju}e okolnosti provo|enja zaštite okoline, ali je
suština u odgovornosti prema ~ovje~anstvu u ovom
trenutku i odgovornost prema budu}im generacijama. Prezentiran rad in`injera
Nermina Zijadi}a
The work of Engineer
Nermin Zijadi} was
Research of the Sarajevo
Airport was presented at the
15th. Symposium of the
Croatian Society of Quality
Croatian Society of Quality Managers in late April
2014, organized the 15th. International Symposium
on Quality titled Quality, Growth and Development,
in cooperation with renowned universities - Chectochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Management, Chectochowa from Poland, Hertzen State
Pedagogical University, Faculty of Management, St.
Petersburg Russia and Novosibirsk State Technical
University Russia.
The aim of the symposium was the presentation of
scientific papers in the field of management systems
of scientists and experts from 12 countries around
the world, to show the latest scientific theoretical and
practical achievements, and to point out the problems
and offer sustainable solutions to increase the competitiveness of the economy.
This symposium brought together more than one
hundred experts in the field of quality management
from more than 15 countries, whereas the work and
quality managers of Sarajevo International Airport
was presented by the engineer Nermin Zijadi}, entitled Ecological Standards in the Airline Operative in
Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The purpose of this research is to determine the current status in the field of environmental management
in the airline operative in B&H, and then compare it
with the results obtained at the global level.
At the European level, the issue of environmental
management in the aerospace operative is regulated
through activities of: European Environment Agency
(EEA), the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC),
the European Common Aviation Area (ECAA), the Single European Sky (SES) and Program SESAR.
The implementation of environmental standards in
the aviation operative in B&H is relatively low. Taking
into account all stakeholders in the aviation operative,
only Sarajevo International Airport has an implemented internationally recognized standard in the
field of environmental management, ISO 14001: 2004.
Status membership of B&H in aviation and other organizations points to the legitimacy of international
participation, but the implementation of the requirements arising out of this participation is very small.
The most commonly stated argument that stands in
defense of this state is the economic situation, the
present recession, undeveloped state institutions,
poor constitution and solutions arising from the Dayton Agreement. This can certainly be an aggravating
circumstance of the implementation of environmental protection, but the gist is the responsibility to humanity at this time and responsibility to future
transporti sa
Sarajevo vrhunski
su organizirani
Novi Operacioni blok planiran je
i izgra|en po svim najsavremenijim
tehni~ko-tehnološkim uzusima i kao
takav sasvim sigurno zaslu`uje visoku
poziciju u bli`em i širem okru`enju.
Od marta 2014. godine kada je otvoren
pa do danas u njemu je ura|eno
ukupno 3.214 najslo`enijih operacija.
rof.dr. Damir Aganovi} je generalni
direktor Klini~kog
centra Univerziteta
u Sarajevu u vremenu kada je to daleko od udobne
funkcije. Veliki sistem koji
zdravstvenim uslugama, a
u koje spadaju i najmodernije svjetske metodologije, opslu`uje veliki broj
gra|ana BiH, zahtijeva rad,
predanost i odgovornost.
Nije lako, ka`e i sam direktor Aganovi}, ali jeste izazovno odgovoriti na sve
ono što se svakodnevno
o~ekuje od ove institucije i
njenih uposlenih.
SIAM: Generalni direktor
Klini~kog centra Univerziteta u Sarajevu ima veliku
odgovornost, kako prema
pacijentima, tako i prema
ljudima kojima je nadre|en. Je li teško voditi tako
veliki tim?
AGANOVI]: Odgovornost je
uistinu velika, ali uveliko
mi olakšava saradnja koju
imam s kolegama ljekarima i medicinskim osobljem. Klini~ki centar Univerziteta u Sarajevu je
“grad u gradu”, gdje se
vozilima našeg voznog parka svakodnevno naprave
stotine kilometara, opere
na tone veša u našem vešeraju, naprave ogromne
koli~ine hrane u kuhinji...
Što se ti~e medicinskog
osoblja i ljekara, svi su apsolutno na raspolaganju
našim pacijentima, koji su
nam na prvom mjestu.
Trenutan broj uposlenika u
KCUS-u je oko 3.700, ali
ako u obzir uzmemo da na
deset pacijenata imamo
jednu medicinsku sestru,
uistinu je potrebno uposliti
dodatnog kadra. Voditi tim
ljudi, bez obzira na njihov
broj, nije teško ako se pravilno isplaniraju obaveze i
aktivnosti svih uposlenika i
ako se radi po propisanim
protokolima, što mi u
KCUS-u zaista nastojimo.
SIAM: Klini~ki centar Univerziteta u Sarajevu mo`e
se pohvaliti i modernim
operacionim blokom, koliko je to doprinijelo uspješnijem poslovanju?
AGANOVI]: Novi Operacioni blok (OP) planiran je i
izgra|en po svim najsavremenijim tehni~ko-tehnolo-
Voditi tim ljudi, bez obzira na njihov broj,
nije teško ako se pravilno isplaniraju obaveze
i aktivnosti svih uposlenika i ako se radi po
propisanim protokolima, što mi u KCUS-u
zaista nastojimo
škim uzusima i kao takav
sasvim sigurno zaslu`uje
visoku poziciju u bli`em i
širem okru`enju. Ukupna
površina iznosi 5.000 kvadratna metra i zajedno sa
prate}im sadr`ajima raspore|ena je na dvije eta`e.
U Novom OP bloku se u
boljim uslovima i za pacijente i za osoblje obavljaju
svi operativni zahvati koji
su se obavljali i ranije, ali
je dodatna specifi~nost u
odnosu na stare prostore
to što su nove OP sale svih
klinika opremljene opremom za minimalno invazivne hirurške procedure, a
to je trend svih svjetskih
hirurških centara. Tako|er
su smanjeni svi troškovi
OP bloka pošto su sve sale
koncentrirane na jednom
mjestu u blizini Jedinice
intenzivne njege. Ovaj moderni OP blok omogu}ava
obavljanje svih najzahtjevnijih OP zahvata, posebno
iz domena tercijarne zdra-
Medical Transports from
Sarajevo International Airport
are superbly organized
The New Operational Block was planned and built according to the most
modern technical and technological mores and, as such, it certainly
deserves a high position in the local and global environment. Since its
opening in March 2014 up to now, a total of 3,214 of the most complex
operations have been performed
ves a high position in the
local and global environment. The total area is
5,000 square meters and
together with supporting
facilities it spreads on two
floors. The New Operational Block, under better conditions for patients and
staff, performs all surgeries that were performed
earlier, but additional spe-
system of Operational Rooms, the New Operational
Block provides full control
of Operational Rooms utilization, material consumption, and any other relevant parameters for the
control and improvement
of the performance of a
modern Operational Block. The design and construction of the New Ope-
To lead a team of people, regardless of their
number is not difficult if you properly plan
the responsibilities and activities of all
employees and if you operate according to
the prescribed protocols, which we in
the Clinical Center University of Sarajevo
truly strive to do
cificity in relation to old
spaces are new Operational Rooms of all clinics
equipped for minimally invasive surgical procedures, according to trends of
world's surgical centers.
Also we reduced all costs
of the New Operational
Block since all rooms are
concentrated in one place
close to the Intensive Care
Unit. This modern New
Operational Block enables
the performance of the
most demanding of all
Oerational interventions,
especially in the domain of
tertiary health care. In addition, since it is equipped
with modern integration
rational Block was done to
comply with currently applicable international standards, increasing the use
of implanted medical equipment, and patient safety.
The Intensive Care Unit of
the Clinical Center in Sarajevo, is fully equipped
with19 patient beds in accordance with international standards and delivers
superior patient care to
the toughest patients in
the Clinical Center but also to patients from the
whole country. New Operational Block has 11 operational rooms - two rooms
for urology and abdominal
surgery, one room for
h. D. Damir Aganovic has been the
Managing Director
of the Clinical Center University of Sarajevo
at a time when it was far
from a comfortable function. A great system of health care services, which
also includes modern global methodologies, serves
a large number of Bosnia
and Herzegovina citizens
and requires work, commitment and responsibility. It is not easy, says director Aganovic, but it is
challenging to respond to
everything that is daily expected from this institution
and its employees.
SIAM: The General Director of the Clinical Center
University of Sarajevo has
a great responsibility, both to patients and the employed people by being
their superior. Is it difficult to manage such a large
AGANOVIC: The accounta-
bility is enormous but greatly facilitated through the
cooperation I have with fellow doctors and medical
staff. Clinical Center University of Sarajevo is a
“city within a city”, where
the vehicles of our fleet
daily make hundreds of
kilometers, tons of laundry
is being washed in our
laundry room, a huge
amount of food is made in
the kitchen ... As far as the
medical staff and doctor
go, all of them are absolutely available to our patients, who are our top
priority. The current number of employees in CCUS
is around 3,700, but if we
consider the fact that ten
patients are nursed by one
nurse, then we really need
to hire additional staff.To
lead a team of people, regardless of their number
is not difficult if you properly plan the responsibilities and activities of all
employees and if you operate according to the prescribed protocols, which we
in CCUS truly strive to do.
SIAM: The Clinical Center
University of Sarajevo can
commend with a modern
surgical Block, how has
this contributed to a more
successful business?
AGANOVIC: The New Operational Block was planned
and built according to the
most modern technical and
technological mores and,
as such, it certainly deser-
Smatram da je ljekar osoba koju osim
stru~nog obrazovanja, moraju odlikovati i
druge osobine, me|u kojima su u prvom
redu humanost i spremnost na razumijevanje
potreba osobe koja se nalazi preko puta,
odnosno u našem slu~aju pacijenata
vstvene zaštite. Pored navedenog, pošto je opremljen modernim integracionim sistemom OP sala,
novi OP blok omogu}ava i
potpunu kontrolu iskorištenosti OP sala, potrošnje
materijala te svih ostalih
bitnih parametara koji su
relevantni za kontrolu i
unaprje|enje rada ovakvog
modernog OP bloka. Projektovanje i izgradnja NOBa ura|ena je tako da je
uskla|ena sa trenutno va`e}im internacionalnim
standardima, ~ime je pove}ana iskorištenost ugra|ene medicinske opreme,
ali i sigurnost pacijenata.
JINJ KAR-a sa 19 bolesni~kih kreveta potpuno je
opremljena u skladu sa
me|unarodnim standardima i omogu}uje vrhunsku
njegu najte`ih pacijenata
KCUS-a, ali i pacijenata iz
cijele BiH.
Novi operacioni blok ima
11 sala – po dvije sale
urologije i abdominalne
hirurgije i po jednu salu
glandularne i onkološke,
torakalne, ORL, maksilofacijalne hirurgije, vaskularne i ortopedske hirurgije, dok je 11. sala polivalentne namjene u kojoj se
mogu obavljati po potrebi
zahvati svih specijalnosti
koje participiraju u Novom
OP bloku. Njena dodatna
specifi~nost je da je opremljena i pripremljena i za
transplantacionu hirurgiju.
Od marta 2014. kada je
zvani~no Blok po~eo sa
radom, do danas je ura|eno ukupno 3.214 najslo`enijih operacija.
SIAM: Koliko je KCUS do
sada uradio na edukaciji
svojih uposlenika, kada se
radi o odnosu prema pacijentima?
AGANOVI]: KCUS izuzetno
veliku pa`nju poklanja edukaciji svojih uposlenika, u
svakom mogu}em smislu
pa tako i u smislu opho|enja sa pacijentima.
SIAM: Koji su Vaši planovi
za budu}nost?
AGANOVI]: Planovi izgradnje KCUS-a definirani su
kroz dva segmenta i to
kroz završetak po~etih investicija kroz precizne dinami~ke planove realizacije (u
ovom trenutku je to završetak izgradnje i opremanje prostora za stacionarni
smještaj klinika za ORL i
Maksilofacijalnu hirurgiju).
U drugom segmentu kandidirat }emo svim nadle`nim institucijama prijedloge budu}eg ulaganja sa
preciziranim prioritetima,
a u prvom redu strateški
cilj je završetak CMB-a,
gdje }e biti smješteni le`e}i pacijenti ve}ine klinika,
zatim rekonstrukcija porušenih objekata na lokalitetu Jezero te izgradnja
hospisa na Ilid`i.
SIAM: Da li ste se nekada
pokajali što ste izabrali ovu
AGANOVI]: Nikada nisam
doveo u pitanje ispravnost
odluke o `ivotnom pozivu.
Biti ljekar zna~i biti osoba
koja je u svakom trenutku
spremna pomo}i onima
kojima je pomo} potrebna,
`ivjeti i voljeti ovaj posao.
Smatram da je ljekar osoba koju osim stru~nog obrazovanja, moraju odlikovati
i druge osobine, me|u kojima su u prvom redu humanost i spremnost na
razumijevanje potreba oso-
Nikada nisam doveo
u pitanje ispravnost
odluke o `ivotnom
I have never
questioned the
correctness of
the decision in regards
of my profession
be koja se nalazi preko
puta, odnosno u našem
slu~aju pacijenata. Ovo je
profesija koju zaista morate voljeti, ako ste se odlu~ili njome baviti.
Mišljenja sam da humaniji
poziv ne postoji i da je ogromni trud koji svakodnevno
ula`emo u radu vrijedan
osmijeha koji dobijemo od
pacijenta kojem smo pomogli.
SIAM: S obzirom na to da
ste profesor na Medicinskom fakultetu u Sarajevu,
kakva su iskustva rada sa
mladim ljudima?
Itekako smo zadovoljni uslugama
Me|unarodnog aerodroma
Sarajevo, a najve}u radost nam
predstavlja kada se pacijenti koji su
poslani na lije~enje van BiH uspješno
oporave i vrate svojim ku}ama
AGANOVI]:: Svake godine
Medicinski fakultet u Sarajevu daje generacije dobrih i uspješnih ljekara, a
li~nu satisfakciju uistinu
mi ~ini kada sretnem nekog od svojih studenata,
sada uspješnih ljekara.
Naši studenti su marljivi i
`eljni znanja, a mi smo
svakako spremni da im to
Svake godine imamo sve
uspješnije generacije te s
pravom isti~em da mo`emo biti konkurentni u ovoj
oblasti svima u regiji pa i u
SIAM: Da li ~esto imate situacije u kojima avionom
trebate transportirati pacijenta u inozemstvo i jeste
li u tom pogledu zadovo-
ljni saradnjom sa Me|unarodnim aerodromom
AGANOVI]: Da. Takvih situacija imamo, jer odre|ene medicinske procedure
usljed nedostatka adekvatne medicinske opreme
ne mo`emo raditi na KCUSu. Itekako smo zadovoljni
uslugama Me|unarodnog
aerodroma Sarajevo, a najve}u radost nam predstavlja kada se pacijenti koji
su poslani na lije~enje van
BiH uspješno oporave i
vrate svojim ku}ama.
Posljednja izmještanja pacijenata na klinike van BiH
bila su u maju i julu ove godine, a organizacija transporta bila je na izuzetnom
I think that a doctor is a person who,
except his professional education, must
be characterized by other features, among
which are primarily humanity and willingness
to understand the needs of the person
sitting on your opposite side, in our case,
the patients
SIAM: What are your future plans?
AGANOVIC: Plans for the
further development of the
Clinical Center University
of Sarajevo are defined th-
We are indeed satisfied with the services
provided by the Sarajevo Airport, and the
greatest joy is when patients, who were sent
for treatment outside of B&H, successfully
recover and return to their homes
rough two segments, through completion of started
investments through precise schedule for implementation (at this point it
is the completion of construction and the equipping of the space for
stationary accommodation
at the Otorhinolaryngology
Clinic and the Clinic for
Maxillofacial Surgery). In
the second segment we
shall present, to all relevant institutions, suggestions for future investments
with specific priorities, primarily the strategic objec-
be characterized by other
features, among which are
primarily humanity and
willingness to understand
the needs of the person sitting on your opposite side,
in our case, the patients.
This is a profession that you
really have to love, if you
choose to deal with it. I think
that a humane call does not
exist and that the enormous
effort that we put in the
work every day is worth the
smile that we receive from
the patients we helped.
SIAM: Given that you are a
professor at the Medical
Faculty in Sarajevo, what
are the experiences of working with young people?
AGANOVIC: Each year, the
Medical Faculty in Sarajevo, gives out a generation of good and successful doctors, and my personal satisfaction is truly
when I meet one of my
students degenerated into
successful doctors. Our
students are hardworking
and eager to learn, and we
are certainly willing to teach them in a quality way.
Every year we have more
and more successful generations, and with every right I point out that we can
be competitive in this field,
in the region and the world.
SIAM: Do you often have
situations where you need
to transport patients by
plane abroad and are you
in this regard satisfied
with the cooperation with
the Sarajevo International
AGANOVIC: Yes. Such situations occur, because certain medical procedures,
due to the lack of adequate
medical equipment, can not
be operated at the Clinical
Center University of Sarajevo. We are indeed satisfied with the services provided by the Sarajevo Airport, and the greatest joy
is when patients who were
sent for treatment outside
of B&H, successfully recover and return to their
homes. Last relocation of
patients to Clinics outside
of BiH were in May and
July 2014, and the organization of transport was at
an extraordinary level. 27
glandular surgery, oncology, thoracic, otorhinolaryngology, maxillofacial surgery, vascular and orthopedic surgery, and 11 multi-purpose rooms which
can be used as needed by
all specialties that participate in the New Operational Block. Additional
specificity of the New Operational Block is that is
equipped and prepared for
Transplantation Surgery.
Since its opening in March
2014 up to now, a total of
3,214 of the most complex
operations have been performed.
SIAM: How much has the
Clinical Center University
of Sarajevo done so far for
the education of their employees, when it comes to
the relationship with the
AGANOVIC: The Clinical
Center University of Sarajevo puts exceptional great
attention to educate their
employees, in every possible sense and also in terms of dealing with patients.
tive to complete the Central Medicine Block of the
Clinical Center, where supine patients of most clinics will be placed, followed
by the reconstruction of
destroyed facilities in Jezero
and the construction of the
hospices in Ilidza.
SIAM: Have you repented
once in choosing this profession?
AGANOVIC: I have never questioned the validity of my
decision in terms of my
profession. Being a doctor
means to be a person who
is at all times ready to help
those who need help, we
must live and love this job.
I think that a doctor is a person who, except his professional education, must
Sektor razvoja Aerodroma
Sector for the Airport Development
Iskusni i stru~ni kadrovi zaposleni
u Sektoru sposobni su da
samostalno izra|uju projektna
rješenja, tehni~ke specifikacije,
projektne zadatke, dugoro~ne
prostorno-planske dokumente,
investicione programe, godišnje
planove investicija i da nadziru
izvo|enje radova.
organizacijskoj šemi aerodroma ovaj
sektor egzistira od 2005. godine. U
prethodnom periodu, od augusta
1994. pa do 1996. godine u okviru JP
Aerodromi BiH zadatke obnove i rekonstrukcije vodio je zamjenik direktora za poslove obnove i rekonstrukcije, koji je i pripremao projekte i planove obnove.
U po~etnoj fazi radova na rekonstrukciji, od
uposlenika Aerodroma formiran je tim za
implementaciju projekta. PIU tim (Project
Implementation Unit), kako se stru~no
zvao, imao je zadatak da prati faze pojedinih
projekata, svakodnevno nadzire dinamiku i
kvalitet radova, razra|uje projektom nedefinirane situacije, vrši nabavku aerodromske opreme i organizira obuke za kvalitetno
korištenje opreme.
Rekonstrukcija tehni~kih objekata i putni~kog terminala uspješno je provedena i
danas Aerodrom raspola`e najljepšim putni~kim terminalom u okru`enju, opremljenim suvremenim sistemima i ure|ajima.
U periodu 1997- 2001. završena je rekonstrukcija objekata. Nabavljena je i instalirana neophodna oprema u potpunosti prema
dinamici koja je bila uvjetovana operativnoš}u finansijskih sredstava.
Kao logi~an slijed aktivnosti provedenih u
toku rekonstrukcije Aerodroma, nastao je
Sektor razvoja.
Stalni razvoj zra~nog prometa zahtijeva i
adekvatne odgovore Aerodroma. Sektor za
razvoj prati sva doga|anja u pogledu novih
tehnologija, standarda, propisa, zahtjeva
zrakoplovnih kompanija, putnika. Iskusni i
stru~ni kadrovi zaposleni u Sektoru sposobni su da samostalno izra|uju projektna
rješenja, tehni~ke specifikacije, projektne
zadatke, dugoro~ne prostorno-planske dokumente, investicione programe, godišnje
planove investicija i da nadziru izvo|enje
Experienced and professional staff
employed in the Sector is able to
independently produce and design
solutions, technical specifications,
project tasks, long-term spatial
planning documents, investment
programs, Annual Investment Plans
and to supervise the execution of
The reconstruction of the technical facilities and Passenger Terminal has been successfully implemented
and today the Airport has the most beautiful Airport
Passenger Terminal in the region, equipped with modern systems and devices. In the period from 1997 to
2001 the reconstruction of the Headquarter buildings
finished as well. The necessary equipment was purchased and installed according to the dynamic which
was conditional in order to gain funding.
As a logical response to all ongoing activities carried
out during the reconstruction of the Airport, the Sector
for the Airport Development was formed.
The constant development of Air Transport requires adequate responses of the Airport. The Sector for the Airport Development monitors all developments in terms
n the organizational scheme of the Airport this Sector exists since 2005. In the previous period, from August 1994 until 1996 under the Public Enterprise
Airports of B&H, the tasks of rebuilding and reconstruction were led by the Deputy Director of Reconstruction, who also prepared the projects and renovation plans.
In the initial phase of works on the reconstruction of the
Airport, staff was formed into a Team to implement the
project. The PIU team (Project Implementation Unit), as
it was called, had the task to monitor the stages of individual projects, to monitor daily dynamics and quality
of work, to develop undefined situations by the project,
procure Airport equipment and organize training for the
use of high-quality equipment.
Radovi na pripremi prostora za proširenje
dolaze}eg gatea u prizemlju Terminala B
trebali bi po~eti 2015. godine, izgradnja brze
izlazne rulnice trebala bi se desiti 2016.
godine, a 2017. godina trebala bi biti godina
u kojoj }e se u}i u rekonstrukciju same piste,
odnosno, poletno-sletne staze i
manevarskih površina.
Kao potvrda tome u prethodnom periodu realizirano je,
u cjelosti ili djelimi~no, nekoliko investicionih projekata
Otkupljeno je cca 90% zemljišta za depo goriva;
Završena je izgradnja Novog primarnog kolektora, što
je bilo preduvjet za proširenje manevarskih površina
aerodroma – izgradnju brze izlazne rulnice i proširenje platforme.
Izgra|en je administrativno-poslovni objekat kojim je
obezbije|en dodatni kancelarijski i skladišni prostor.
Izgra|en je azilantski centar za smještaj osoba kojima
nije dozvoljen ulazak u BiH;
Izvršena je rekonstrukcija podstanice centralnog grijanja;
U toku je rekonstrukcija starog hangara s ciljem obezbje|enja skladišta sredstava za potrebe odle|ivanja
površina te izgradnja novog plavog hangara ~ime }e
biti obezbije|en dodatni skladišni prostor.
Pokrenut je postupak nabavke sanacije asfaltnih površina ispod aviomostova, odnosno zamjene asfaltne
podloge na parking pozicijama sa betonskim plo~ama. Ova rekonstrukcija }e doprinijeti smanjenju rizika
i otklanjanju opasnosti od ošte}enja zrakoplova i
sredstava za opslugu, odnosno doprinijeti dostizanju
prihvatljivog nivoa rizika.
Bitno je re}i da pobrojani projekti imaju svoju vremensku
odrednicu, pa bi, recimo, radovi na pripremi prostora za
proširenje dolaze}eg gatea u prizemlju Terminala B trebali po~eti 2015. godine, izgradnja brze izlazne rulnice
trebala bi se desiti 2016. godine, a 2017. godina trebala
bi biti godina u kojoj }e se u}i u rekonstrukciju same
piste, odnosno, poletno-sletne staze i manevarskih površina. U 2015. godini radit }e se na izradi projektne dokumentacije za poslovno- administrativni objekat sa ~ijom
bi se gradnjom po~elo godinu dana kasnije. SIAM
The work on preparing the space for the
expansion of the incoming gate on the
ground floor of Terminal B should begin
in 2015, the construction of rapid exit
taxiways should take place in 2016, and
2017 should be the year in which we
will enter into the reconstruction of
the runway, i.e., the airstrip and
the maneuvering areas.
of new technologies, standards, regulations, requirements of Airlines, passengers. Experienced and professional staff employed in the Sector is able to
independently produce and design solutions, technical
specifications, project tasks, long-term spatial planning documents, investment programs, Annual Investment Plans and to supervise the execution of works.
As a confirmation of above mentioned, in the previous
period, a whole or partial number of investment projects was realized:
Approximately 90% of the land for fuel depot was
The construction of a new primary Collector, which
was a prerequisite for the expansion of the Airport
Maneuvering Areas is finalized, construction of a
rapid exit runway and the expansion of the platform
A new administrative and commercial building
which provided additional office and storage space
was built;
The Asylum Center for accommodation of persons
who are not allowed to enter BiH was built;
The reconstruction of the substation for central
heating was completed;
The ongoing reconstruction of the old hangar with
the aim of providing storage means for the de-icing
area and the construction of a new blue hangar,
which shall provide additional storage space;
The ongoing procedure of the procurement for the
repairation of under air bridge asphalt surfaces
apropos the replacement of asphalt surfaces at the
parking positions with concrete slabs. This reconstruction will contribute to reduce general risks and
eliminate the risk of Aircraft damage and the service level resources, so contributing to achieve an
acceptable level of risk.
It is important to accentuate that the listed
projects have their own timeframe, so that,
the work of preparing the space for the expansion of the incoming gate on the ground
floor of Terminal B should begin in 2015, the
construction of rapid exit taxiways should take
place in 2016, and 2017 should be the year in
which we will enter in the reconstruction of the
runway, i.e., airstrips and maneuvering areas.
The preparation of the project documentation
for the business and administrative building
will take place in the year 2015, whose construction would begin one year later. RAZGOVOR / CONVERSATION
Nova Ilid`a - jedan od najve}ih projekata
u poslijeratnoj historiji BiH
New Ilidza - one of the biggest projects
in the history of post-war Bosnia and
Op}ina Ilid`a trenutno je u fazi izrade
regulacionog plana projekta Nova Ilid`a,
rezidencijalnog naselja koje ima
smještajni kapacitet za 40.000
Municipality Ilidza is currently in the
production phase of the Regulation Plan
for New Ilidza, a residential area with a
capacity of 40,000 residents
lid`a kao najstarije naseljeno podru~je Sarajeva,
poznato po prirodnim ljepotama koje posjeduje,
prostire se na površini od 323,3 km2 i ima 72.000
stanovnika. Smještena na 490 metara nadmorske
visine, te 12 kilometara jugozapadno od Sarajeva,
Ilid`a predstavlja banjsko i klimatološko lje~ilište,
rekreacijski centar i izletište, a lokacija u podno`ju planine Igman, u zelenom i šumom obilatom pejza`u ~ini
je idealnom za `ivot. Za poboljšanje ambijenta za `ivot
u ovom dijelu grada brine se Op}ina Ilid`a koja svojim
aktivnostima nastoji stanovnicima omogu}iti što bolji
i kvalitetniji `ivot. Kakve mogu}nosti pru`a ova op}ina
za svoje stanovnike, te koji
su projekti na kojima tre- Poslom koji
nutno rade u razgovoru za obavljam mogu
direktno uticati
SIAM govori Senaid Me- na bolju budu}nost
mi}, na~elnik op}ine Ilid`a, gra|ana,
dobitnik mnogobrojnih na- ka`e Memi}
grada za izvanredne rezultate u stvaranju ambijenta The work we
za biznis i razvoj turizma u perform can
have a direct
ovoj lokalnoj zajednici.
impact on a better
SIAM: Od 2011. godine future for our
obavljate funkciju na~el- citizens,
nika op}ine Ilid`a. Da li je says Memic
posao na~elnika te`ak i
koliko je zahtjevno voditi
jednu lokalnu zajednicu?
MEMI]: Iako posao na~elnika nije lagan, moram istaknuti da je to najbolja
pozicija i uloga u komplikovanom politi~kom sistemu u BiH pomo}u koje
mo`ete uticati na stvari,
kako bi poboljšali kvalitet
`ivota svakog pojedinca na
prostoru svoje op}ine.
Na`alost, ingerencije koje
su prenesene na Kanton
Sarajevo i Federaciju BiH
lidza is the oldest inhabited area of Sarajevo, known
for its natural beauty, it covers an area of 323.3 km2
and a population of 72,000 inhabitants. Situated at
490 meters above sea level and 12 kilometers
southwest of Sarajevo, Ilidza is a spa and climate resort, recreation center and picnic area, a location at
the foothill of the Mountain Igman with a countryside
and abundant forest landscapes which makes it ideal
for life. To improve the environment for life in this part
of the town, the responsible Municipality Ilidza, through its activities seeks to provide its residents better
quality of life. What kind of opportunities are provided
by this Municipality for its
residents, and which are
the currently active projects, you shall find out in
this SIAM interview with
Senaid Memic, Mayor of
Ilidza, winner of numerous awards for outstanding results in creating the
environment for business
and tourism development
in this community.
SIAM: Since 2011, You have been performing the
function of the Mayor of
Ilidza. Is the work of a
Mayor difficult and how
demanding is it to lead a
local community?
MEMIC: Although the work
as a Mayor is not easy, I
must stress out that this
is the best position and
role in the complicated
political system in BiH
where you can influence
on several things in order
to improve the quality of
life of every individual in
Op}ina Ilid`a mo`e se pohvaliti lijepom
okolinom, dobrim ambijentom za `ivljenje,
te ugodnom klimom, što je svakako
interesantno strancima, a Tunel spasa,
neolitsko naselje Butmir, historijski
monumenti, te Vrelo Bosne ~ine zanimljivu
turisti~ku ponudu ove op}ine
ote`avaju stvari pa na~elnik nije uvijek u stanju da riješi sve probleme koje gra|ani imaju. Me|utim, ukoliko ste dovoljno spremni na saradnju sa drugim
lokalnim zajednicama mo`ete napraviti i odre|eni
rezultat, a Op}ina Ilid`a je dobar pokazatelj da se sa
nivoa lokalne zajednice kvalitet `ivota gra|ana mo`e
znatno popraviti. Naselje Osijek prije rata imalo je 500
stanovnika, a danas se taj broj znatno pove}ao i iznosi
15.000, a da bi se do toga došlo trebalo je dosta ulaganja u infrastrukturu, smještajne kapacitete itd. Mogu re}i da ovaj posao nije lagan, ali veliko zadovoljstvo
~ini to što poslom koji obavljam mogu direktno uticati
na bolju budu}nost gra|ana.
SIAM: Spomenuli ste saradnju sa susjednim op}inama. Mo`ete li nam pojasniti na kojem principu se
zasniva me|uop}inska saradnja?
MEMI]: Saradnja sa susjednim op}inama u Kantonu
Sarajevo je vrlo dobra, a imamo izvrsnu saradnju i sa
ostalim op}inama u FBiH kroz Savez op}ina i gradova
FBiH. Ta saradnja je bila vidljiva u vrijeme majskih
popava, kada su nam finansijski pomogli prijatelji iz
op}ine Centar, a op}ina Ilid`a u to vrijeme pomagala je
drugim op}inama kao što su Maglaj, Olovo, Domaljevac, Šamac i @ep~e. Saradnja je ~esta i kada se radi o
izgradnji cesta koje prolaze kroz dvije op}ine, regulaciji
korita, šetnica itd. Neke od projekata radimo u saradnji
sa Gradom Sarajevo, a jedan od njih je izrada biciklisti~ke staze i to je zajedni~ki projekat Op}ine Ilid`a
sa Gradom Sarajevo i Direkcijom za puteve Kantona
Sarajevo, uz pomo} ostalih gradskih op}ina. Vrlo bitno
je napomenuti da op}ina Ilid`a ima bratske op}ine u
nekim gradovima Evrope, te nekim gradovima Turske,
a radimo i na intenziviranju saradnje kako bi uspostavili jedan vid ekonomske diplomacije. Saradnja sa
bratskim op}inama u Turskoj rezultirala je izgradnjom
dva univerziteta koji imaju oko 5.000 studenata, što
predstavlja jednu od najve}ih razvojnih šansi na Ilid`i.
SIAM: Dobitnik ste mnogobrojnih nagrada, a jedna od
njih je i “Najna~elnik BiH“, kada ste proglašeni liderom lokalne samouprave u BiH, te Vam je uru~ena
Zlatna povelja Internacionalne lige humanista. Da li
nagrade motiviraju?
MEMI]: I bez nagrada koje su mi uru~ene trend rasta
i razvoja op}ine Ilid`a je konstantan, naš bud`et raste,
a mi se i dalje razvijamo. U prilog tome govori i ~injenica da je Op}ina Ilid`a likvidna, a naš godišnji bud`et
je od 30 miliona KM sa tendencijom rasta. Sve dugove
izmirujemo na vrijeme, a tako|er insistiram i na tome
da uposlenici pla}e dobiju i prije prvog u mjesecu, tako
da finansijski vrlo dobro stojimo. Nagrade su svakako
bile poticaj za još bolji rad i još ve}u odgovornost prema ovoj op}ini.
the territory of each Municipality. Unfortunately, the
remit conferred on the Sarajevo Canton and the Federation complicates things and a Mayor is not always
able to solve all the problems that people have. However, if you are sufficiently ready to cooperate with
other local communities, you can make a certain result, and the Municipality Ilidza is a good indication
that the level of community quality of life of citizens
may be improved substantially. The Osijek settlement
before the war had 500 inhabitants, and today that
number has increased significantly to the amount of
15,000 demanding a lot of investment in infrastructure,
accommodation facilities etc.. I can say that this work
is not easy, but it makes great satisfaction that this job,
if performed well, can directly affect a better future for
its citizens.
SIAM: You mentioned the cooperation with neighbourly Municipalities. Can you explain to us the principle of inter-municipal cooperation?
MEMIC: The cooperation with neighborly Municipalities
in Sarajevo Canton is very good, and we have excellent
cooperation with other municipalities in Federation of
B&H throughout the Association of Municipalities and
Cities of the Federation B&H. This cooperation was
evident during the unfortunate floodings in May 2014,
when financial help was received from the Centar Municipality whereas the Municipality Ilidza, at that time,
assisted other municipalities such as Maglaj, Olovo,
Domajevac, Samac and Zepce. Collaboration is common when it comes to building roads, regulation of
riverbeds, walking areas etc.. that pass through two
municipalities. Some of the projects we are realizing in
cooperation with the City of Sarajevo, and one of them
is the creation of bike paths, a joint project of the Municipality of Ilidza with the City of Sarajevo and the
Directorate for Roads of Sarajevo Canton, with the as-
Municipality Ilidza can boast with
beautiful surroundings, good atmosphere
for living and pleasant climate, it is
certainly interesting to foreigners, with the
Tunnel of Hope, the Neolithic settlement in
Butmir, historical monuments, as well as
the source of Bosnia river which creates an
interesting tourist offer of the Municipality
sistance of other city districts. It is very important to
note that the Municipality has fraternal relations with
some European cities and some cities in Turkey and
we are working on intensifying this cooperation in
order to establish a form of economic diplomacy. The
cooperation with fraternal municipalities in Turkey resulted in the construction of two universities of about
5,000 students, which makes it one of the largest development opportunities for Ilidza.
SIAM: You were awarded with numerous awards. One
of them is the award for “Best Mayor in B&H” when
you were declared as the leader of the local government in BiH, and you also received the Golden Charter of the International League of Humanists. Do
The cooperation with fraternal
municipalities in Turkey resulted in the
construction of two Universities of
about 5,000 students, which makes it
one of the largest development
opportunities for Ilidza
Saradnja sa bratskim op}inama u
Turskoj rezultirala je izgradnjom dva
univerziteta koji imaju oko 5.000
studenata, što predstavlja jednu od
najve}ih razvojnih šansi na Ilid`i
SIAM: Da li ste kao na~elnik ostvarili sve što ste `eljeli
na podru~ju ove op}ine i mo`ete li nam izdvojiti neke
od projekata za neredni period?
MEMI]: Naredni projekt koji planiramo je izgradnja
kanalizacije u Rakovici, vrijedan 13 miliona KM, a
trenutno smo u fazi izrade regulacionog plana projekta
Nova Ilid`a, rezidencijalnog naselja koje }e se nalaziti
na podru~ju od zgrade Op}ine do granice sa Republikom Srpskom u Vojkovi}ima, sa smještajnim kapacitetom za 40.000 stanovnika i to je jedan od najve}ih
projekata u poslijeratnoj historiji BiH. Vrlo bitno je naglasiti da imamo dobru podršku Op}inskog vije}a koje
je jednoglasno usvojilo Prijedlog odluke o pristupanju
izradi Regulacionog plana Nova Ilid`a. Ovaj projekt od
Ilid`e pravi grad koji zapostavljene dijelove op}ine
pretvara u stambeno poslovne centre na najve}em svjetskom nivou. Projekt su radili arhitekti iz BiH i Gr~ke, a
imamo i investitore sa Bliskog istoka. Tendencija nam
je da aktiviramo neke davno zaboravljene projekte kao
što je tramvajska pruga Ilid`a-Hrasnica, ali s obzirom
na to da je to skup projekt pronalazimo na~in na koji bi
se to moglo finansirati. U konsultacijama smo sa
stranim investitorima koji bi po principu koncesije
mogli u~estvovati u projektu. U prvoj fazi pruga bi se
uradila do Hrasnice, a u drugoj fazi bi išla od Vojkovi}a
do Dobrinje i na taj na~in bi se napravio cijeli krug
tramvajske pruge. Sigurno smo jedna od op}ina u koju
stranci najviše investiraju, a naša lokacija, resursi koje
imamo pozicioniraju nas na sam vrh liste privla~nosti
za investiranje.
SIAM: Da li ste zadovoljni turizmom na podru~ju op}ine, s obzirom da Ilid`a ima ~ime da se pohvali kada su
u pitanju izletišta i atraktivne lokacije?
MEMI]: Ilid`a je lijep studentski i turisti~ki grad tako
rewards motivate?
MEMIC: Whether I receive awards or not, the rise and
development of the Municipality Ilidza is constant, our
budget is growing and we are still developing. This is
corroborated by the fact that the municipality of Ilidza
is highly liquid, and our annual budget of 30 million KM
has further growth potential. All debts are settled on
time, and I also insist on the fact that employees receive salaries before the first of the month, so that we
are financially very well. The awards were certainly an
incentive for even better performances and an even
greater responsibility to the community here.
SIAM: As Mayor, did you accomplish everything you
wanted in the Municipality and can you give us a peek
on projects for the upcoming period?
MEMIC: The next planned project is the construction
of the sewerage system in Rakovica, worth 13 million
KM, and we are currently in the phase of the production of the regulation plan for New Ilidza, a residential
area spreading from the municipal building to the border with the Republic of Srpska in Vojkovici offering
accommodation to 40,000 inhabitants. This is one of
the biggest projects in the history of post-war Bosnia
and Herzegovina. It is very important to emphasize
that we enjoy full support of the Municipal Council,
which unanimously adopted the Decision Draft on
Preparations for the Regulation Plan of New Ilidza.
This project offers Ilidza the opportunity to become a
small city who neglected parts of the Municipality
turns into housing and business centers at the largest
global level. The project was done by architects from
B&H and Greece, and we have investors from the Middle East. The tendency is to trigger some long-forgotten projects such as the tram line Ilidza- Hrasnica, but
given that this is an expensive project we are looking
for ways how this could be financed. We are currently
in consultation with foreign investors who could also
participate in the project throughout the principle of
concession. In the first phase, the line would go all the
way to Hrasnica, and the second phase would go from
Vojkovici to Dobrinja and thus a whole circle of tram
tracks would degenerate. We are surely one of the Municipalities where foreigners mostly invested in, and
our location including the resources that we have position us at the top of the list for investment attractiveness.
SIAM: Are you satisfied with the tourism development
in the Municipality Ilidza, since Ilidza has something
to be proud of when it comes to resorts and attractive
MEMIC: Ilidza is a lovely student and tourist town so
that tourism development is going well considering
that in the Municipality, the best hotels in Bosnia and
Polo`aj Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo
~ini nas atraktivnijom lokacijom, isti~e Memi}
The position of Sarajevo International Airport
makes us a more attractive location, said Memic
Polo`aj Aerodroma je vrlo bitna
infrastrukturna referenca, te je sigurno
i veliki ekonomski poticaj na postoje}u
ilid`ansku privredu
The location of the Airport infrastructure
is an essential reference, and it is certainly
a great economic boost to the existing
Ilidza Economy
da razvoj turizma ide dobrim putem s obzirom na to da
su na podru~ju ove op}ine smješteni najbolji hoteli u
BiH, te samim tim imamo dobre smještajne kapacitete, a imamo turistima šta i ponuditi. Naši hoteli posluju
tokom cijele godine, a mi kao lokalna zajednica ~inimo
sve da pospješimo razvoj turizma, ali za to nam svakako treba i podrška ostalih nivoa vlasti. Ilid`a je lijepa,
mo`emo se pohvaliti lijepom okolinom, dobrim ambijentom za `ivljenje, ugodnom klimom što je svakako
interesantno strancima. Na podru~ju ove op}ine nalazi
se Tunel spasa, neolitsko naselje Butmir, historijski
monumenti, te Vrelo Bosne što ~ini zanimljivu turisti~ku ponudu ove op}ine.
SIAM: Op}ina Ilid`a ujedno radi i na unapre|enju sporta, kulture i obrazovanja?
MEMI]: Op}ina smo koja najviše ula`e u sport, kulturu
i mlade i sredstva koja izdvajamo su prije svega namijenjena da djecu sklonimo sa ulice, da ih dovedemo u
sportske dvorane i igrališta kako bi se okrenuli zdravom na~inu `ivota. Op}ina je imala priliku da ula`e u
sport kako se klubovi zbog loše finansijske situacije ne
bi zatvarali. Rezultati u ovoj oblasti su vidljivi u svim
sportovima, posebno u borila~kim, a osvojene medalje
su rezultat uspjeha.
SIAM: S obzirom na to da se Me|unarodni aerodrom
Sarajevo nalazi na podru~ju op}ine Ilid`a, da li ste
zadovoljni saradnjom?
MEMI]: Polo`aj Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo
na podru~ju op}ine Ilid`a ~ini nas atraktivnijom lokacijom, što je zna~ajno za naš turizam. Polo`aj Aerodroma je vrlo bitna infrastrukturna referenca, te je
sigurno i veliki ekonomski poticaj na postoje}u ilid`ansku privredu, a saradnja je izuzetno dobra. Herzegovina are placed, and therefore we have good
accommodation capacities, and we have something to
offer to tourists. Our hotels operate throughout the
year, and we as a local community, are doing everything to promote the development of tourism, but for
that we certainly need the support of other levels of
government. Municipality Ilidza can boast with beautiful surroundings, good atmosphere for living and
pleasant climate, it is certainly interesting to foreigners, with the Tunnel of Hope, the Neolithic settlement
in Butmir, historical monuments, as well as the source
of Bosnia which create an interesting tourist offer of
the Municipality.
SIAM: Municipality Ilidza withal puts effort to improve
sports, culture and education?
MEMIC: We are a Municipality with the most investments in sports, culture and youth, and the funds allocated are primarily intended to dethrone the kids off
the street, bring them in sports halls and playgrounds
to turn to a healthy lifestyle. The Municipality had the
opportunity to invest in sports as clubs, due to poor financial situation, would not be closed. Results in this
area are visible in all sports, especially martial arts,
and several medals are the result of success.
SIAM: Given that the Sarajevo International Airport is
located in the Municipality Ilidza, are you satisfied
with the mutual cooperation?
MEMIC: The position of the Airport in the Municipality
Ilidza makes us more attractive as a location, which is
important for our tourism. The location of the Airport
infrastructure is an essential reference, and it is certainly a great economic boost to the existing Ilidza
OTOK LJUBAVI je radostan film
Rediteljka Jasmila @bani} ~est je gost
Me|unarodnog aerodroma Sarajevo.
Posao je svakih 15 dana odvodi u
razli~ite dijelove svijeta, a uvijek je
polazna ta~ka njena 'druga ku}a',
kako u šali naziva Sarajevski aerodrom.
asmila @bani}, proslavljena bh. rediteljka koja je svojim prvim igranim filmom Grbavica osvojila filmski
svijet, dobivši na Berlinaleu 2006. godine Zlatnog
medvjeda za najbolji strani film, suvereno je ušla u
svjetsku filmsku elitu i svaki njen naredni projekat o~ekuje
se sa velikim nestrpljenjem. Tako je bilo i sa sljede}im
dugometra`nim ostvarenjem Na putu, tako je i sa najnovijim filmom Otok ljubavi. Svoje filmove radi emocijom koja
katkada izaziva opre~ne reakcije, ali se te reakcije potpuno
uklapaju u Jasmilino shvatanje umjetnosti.
SIAM: Vaše najnovije filmsko ostvarenje Otok ljubavi
izazvao je kako pozitivne tako i negativne komentare.
Koja je poruka ovog filma i kako komentirate kritike?
@BANI]: Otok ljubavi je film koji sam uradila sa velikom
ljubavlju i koji govori o tome da društvene navike i nau~ena
pravila mogu biti prevazi|eni. Za sve što radim dobijam
pozitivno i negativno mišljenje. I to je odli~no, jer me dr`i u
balansu. Ako prevagne samo jedno, onda nešto nije u redu. Ako je previše pozitivno to zna~i da dijelim mišljenje
ve}ine, dakle radim nešto što je previše uhodano ili previše
prihva}eno i tu nema progresa, to je tapkanje u mjestu koje se hitno treba mijenjati. Iskustvo prisustva u javnom `ivotu nau~ilo me je da ljudi ~esto brkaju djelo sa mojim
stavovima. Kao gra|anka imam stavove koji su direktni,
dok je umjetnost nešto drugo. U umjetnosti su va`ne ljudske emocije, a one nikada nisu jednosmjerne.
SIAM: Film se sredinom oktobra 2014. godine po~eo
emitirati u bh. kinima, a s obzirom na to da je na Sarajevo Film Festivalu zbog velikog interesa publike organizirana i dodatna projekcija, o~ekujete li da }e se
tra`iti karta više i u kinima?
@BANI]: Otok ljubavi je radostan film i mogu re}i da }e se
ljudi u kinu dobro provesti. A da li ljudi dolaze u kino mimo
festivala, to je drugo pitanje. Ljudi u BiH su se prili~no zatvorili, `ive u svom mikrosvijetu jer društvo obeshrabruje
sve što je zajedni~ko i javno. Odlazak u kino je gra|anski
~in. Kino distributeri su rekli da je ljudima dosta rata, ljudi
`ele vidjeti nešto pozitivno. Otok je definitivno ta pozitivna
pri~a, poslije koje }e ljudi iz kina iza}i veseli. A kada zajedno iza|u veseli, gradi se nova energija.
SIAM: Scenarij za film Otok ljubavi pisali ste zajedno sa
knji`evnikom Aleksandrom Hemonom. Šta je za Vas ostalo upe~atljivo iz te saradnje?
LOVE ISLAND is a joyous movie
Female Director Jasmila Zbanic is a frequent guest at the Sarajevo
International Airport. Work sinks her in different parts of the world
every 15 days, and the starting point is always her 'second home' the Sarajevo Airport as she jokingly highlights
SIAM: Your most recent motion picture
Love Island has caused both positive
and negative comments. What is the
message of this film and Your comment
on the criticism?
ZBANIC: Love Island s a movie that I've
done with great care and its main theme
is the fact that social habits and learned
rules can be overcome. In everything I do I
get positive and negative opinion. And
that's great because it keeps me in balance. If only one prevails, then something
is wrong. If it is too positive it means that I
share the opinion of the majority, whereas
I am actually doing something that is already up and running or way too accepted
so there can be no progress. I consider
that tapping in a place that urgently needs
to be changed. The experience in being
present in public life has taught me that
people often confuse my work with my
overall views. As a citizen I have positions
that are direct, while art is something else.
In arts human emotions are important,
and they are never directed one-way.
SIAM: The movie began broadcasting in
mid-October 2014 in B&H theaters, and
considering the fact that, during the
Sarajevo Film Festival additional screenings were organized because of great interest, do you expect that the
public will seek extra tickets in theaters?
ZBANIC: Love Island is a joyous movie and
I can say that people will have a good time
watching it. Whether people generally
come to the cinema outside of the festival,
is another question. People in B&H are
becoming pretty closed, living in their microcosm because society is discouraging
towards everything that is common and
public. Going to the movies is a civil act.
Cinema distributors have said that people
have enough of the war, people want to
see something positive. The Island is definitely that positive story after which people
will come out of the theater happier. And
when they get out together happier a new
energy is built.
SIAM: The script for the movie Love Island was written by you along with writer
Aleksandar Hemon. What is the most
impressive fact when it comes to your
ZBANIC: We had a shared journey to an
unknown destination where we hung out
wonderfully. When it comes to Hemon,
every day you learn something new, and
it was interesting how we were adding
loom to eachother, so weaving a scenario, that is neither mine nor his, but
something else, ours.
SIAM: Which is the movie that, so far,
experienced your most dedicatation in
work and what do you consider your
greatest success in relation with your
ZBANIC: In every movie, I've worked with
the same commitment and desire in order to communicate certain topics, stories and emotions or raise questions.
Perhaps it is for other people or the media, that one film is more important or
less important, some arouse more or
less attention, but for me, it is a part of
my personal development so each side
is a step forward in the way that I go.
asmila Zbanic, the highly celebrated director from Bosnia &
Herzegovina , who, with her first
film feature called Grbavica conquered the film world by winning the
2006 Berlinale Golden Bear for best
foreign film, masterfully entered the
film world's elite and since then, each
subsequent project of this artist is expected with great impatience. Such was
the case with the next full-length realization of the movie „On the path“ and
so it is with the latest movie Love Island.
Her movies are done with high emotion
inducing different opposite reactions,
but these reactions completely fit into
Jasmilas understanding of art.
@BANI]: Imali smo zajedni~ko putovanje u nepoznatom pravcu na kojem
smo se divno dru`ili. Od Hemona
svaki dan nau~ite nešto novo, a bilo
je zanimljivo kako jedno drugom dodajemo razboj od kojeg nastaje tkanje scenarija, koje nije ni moje ni
njegovo, nego nešto tre}e, zajedni~ko.
SIAM: Kojem ste se filmu do sada
najviše posvetili i šta smatrate svojim najve}im uspjehom kada je u pitanju Vaša karijera?
@BANI]: Svaki film sam radila sa istom
predanoš}u i `eljom da kroz odre|ene
teme iskomuniciram pri~u i emocije, postavim pitanja.
Mo`da je za druge ljude ili medije neki film va`niji ili manje
va`an, neki pobudi više ili manje pa`nje ali za mene je svaki
dio mog li~nog razvoja i s te strane svaki je korak dalje na
putu kojim idem.
SIAM: S kim biste voljeli sara|ivati u budu}nosti i da li
za ljubitelje filma pripremate neki novi projekt?
@BANI]: Volim ponovo raditi sa istim ljudima, a naravno,
radoznala sam i `elim nova iskustva. Ako }emo se sada
igrati i maštati, voljela bih raditi sa glumicom Meril Streep, filmove poput Hours; sa kamermankom Agnes Godar. To su sve ljudi ~ije filmove veoma volim.
SIAM: BiH je nekada bila va`an centar filmske industrije, gdje su nastali kultni filmovi. Kakve su mogu}nosti
bh. filmske industrije danas?
SIAM: With whom would you like to collaborate in the
future and are you preparing new projects for film
ZBANIC: I like working again with the same people, of
course, but I'm curious and I am seeking for new experiences. If we now play and daydream, I'd like to
work with actress Meryl Streep in movies like Hours
or the cameraman Agnes Godar. These are all people
whose movies I very much love.
SIAM: Bosnia and Herzegovina was once an important center for the film industry, where cult films
were made. What are the possibilities of the B&H
film industry today?
@BANI]: BiH ima velike talente, ali još uvijek ne postoji
plan i sistem kako se bh. filmska industrija mo`e razvijati. Ako govorimo o biznisu, Hrvatska je, recimo, omogu}ila da sve strane produkcije koje snimaju u Hrvatskoj
dobijaju povrat poreza u visini 20 posto. Rezultat je da se
u Hrvatskoj trenutno u isto vrijeme snima pet filmova i
TV serija, Game of Trones je jedna od njih. Ti poslovi zapošljavaju više hiljada ljudi, pune hotele, restorane, oja~avaju uslu`ne djelatnosti. Dakle, bez kune ulaganja
Hrvatska je ove godine zaradila 13,8 miliona eura. @ao
mi je što ni prošlu ni pretprošlu vladu nismo uspjeli ubijediti da je ovo za BiH va`no, ozbiljno i profitabilno pitanje.
ZBANIC: B&H has great talent, but there is still no
plan nor system in the B&H film industry which can
help in further development. If we talk about business, Croatia, for instance, allowed to all production
parties who filme in Croatia to receive a tax refund in
the amount of 20 percent. The result of that is that
currently, five films and TV series are being produced
in Croatia at the same time - Game of Trones is one
of them. These businesses employ thousands of people, hotels and restaurants are constantly occupied
which helps strengthen the service industry. So, without investing one Croatian kuna, this year, they
earned 13.8 million EUR. I'm sorry that neither the
previous nor the government before that, we did not
manage to convince that this is an important serious
and profitable question for BiH.
SIAM: Zahvaljuju}i poslu kojim se bavite, ~esto putujete
i Vaša polazna stanica je upravo Me|unarodni aerodrom Sarajevo? Kako do`ivljavate aerodrome op}enito,
a evo posebno Sarajevski aerodrom?
SIAM: By virtue of the work you do, your often travel
and your starting point is exactly the Sarajevo International Airport? How do you see Airports in general, and especially Sarajevo Airport?
@BANI]: Na Sarajevskom aerodromu sam 'kod ku}e'.
Znam ve} sve osoblje, jer putujem svakih 15 dana, a nekada i ~eš}e. Napravljene su odli~ne promjene. Aerodrom je mali, sladak, jednostavan za komunikaciju.
Ohrabruje da se sve više podr`avaju doma}i proizvodi u
aerodromskim prodavnicama. Rekla bih da je odnedavno uvedeni besplatan internet odli~na doma}inska gesta. To pokazuje svijest o va`nosti komuniciranja, a putnicima daje ve}i komfor. ZBANIC: At Sarajevo Airport I am 'at home'. I already
know the whole staff, because I travel every 15 days, and
sometimes more often. Great changes were made. The
Airport is small, cute, easy to communicate. It is encouraging that more support is offered to domestic products
in Airport Shops. I would say that the recently introduced
free internet is an excellent household gesture. It shows
awareness of the importance of communication, and
provides passengers with greater comfort. SPORT / SPORTS
Unato~ neiskustvu, manjku sre}e i
sudijskim nepravdama, Zmajevi su
ostavili pozitivan utisak u Brazilu
Despite being inexperienced with a dose of lack of
happiness and the judicial injustice, the Dragons
have left a positive impression in Brazil
Zmajevi dostojanstveno branili
boje BiH u Brazilu
The Dragons defended the Colors
of Bosnia and Herzegovina with
Dignity in Brazil
Na nogometnom Svjetskom prvenstvu
u Brazilu, odr`anom od 12. juna do
13. jula 2014. godine, me|u 32
u~esnice bila je i reprezentacija Bosne
i Hercegovine. Iako su svoj
mundijalski nastup okon~ali ve} u
grupnoj fazi takmi~enja, Zmajevi su u
Brazilu ispisali najljepše stranice u
historiji bosanskohercegova~kog
nogometa i sporta u cjelini
jeto 2014. godine ostat }e upam}eno po prvom
nastupu nogometne reperezentacije Bosne i
Hercegovine na jednom velikom me|unarodnom
takmi~enju – Svjetskom prvenstvu u Brazilu.
Iako su zbog manjka iskustva i sre}e, te kardinalnih
sudijskih grešaka, izabranici selektora Safeta Suši}a
okon~ali svoj nastup na Mundijalu ve} u grupnoj fazi
At the Soccer World Cup in Brazil,
which was held from June12 until
July 13 2014, among 32 participants was
also the team of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Although their performance ended in the
group stage of the competition, the
Dragons marked the overall most precious
moments of Bosnian Soccer and Sports
history in Brazil
ummer 2014 will be remembered by the first performance of the soccer team of Bosnia and Herzegovina in a major international competition - the
World Cup in Brazil.
The most visited Match
Although due to lack of experience and luck, and the cardinal judicial mistakes, coach Safet Susic's chosen ones
takmi~enja, što je u dijelu bosanskohercegova~ke javnosti do`ivljeno kao veliki neuspjeh, brazilskom epizodom Zmajeva ispisana je jedna od najljepših
sportskih pri~a u poslijeratnoj historiji Bosne i Hercegovine.
Najposje}enija utakmica
Debitantska utakmica Bosne i Hercegovine na Svjetskom prvenstvu, odigrana protiv Argentine na legendarnoj Maracani u Rio de Janeiru, uz finalni dvoboj
Nijemaca i Argentinaca, koja je privukla identi~an broj
navija~a – 74.738, bila je najposje}enija na cijelom
Mundijalu. U tom me~u, okon~anim porazom Zmajeva od 1:2, Argentinci su ve} u tre}oj minuti poveli
autogolom Seada Kolašinca, a prednost udvostu~ili
majstorijom najboljeg igra~a Svjetskog prvenstva Lionela Messija, da bi se šest minuta prije kraja Vedad
Ibiševi}, strijelac historijskog pogotka protiv Litvanije,
koji je bh. reprezentaciju odveo u Brazil, još jednom
se upisao u historiju - kao strijelac prvog mundijalskog gola Bosne i Hercegovine.
Dobru igru iz u sraza sa jednim od glavnih favorita za
osvajanje Zlatnog pehara, Zmajevi su ponovili samo u
prvih dvadesetak minuta, ispostavit }e se odu~uju}e,
utakmice sa Nigerijom, odnosno do neopravdano
poništenog gola Edina D`eke, poslije kojeg su bosanskohercegova~ka kola nezadr`ivo krenula nizbrdo,
~emu su svojim po~etni~kim greškama svesrdno doprinijele novozelandske sudije predvo|ene Peterom
Sudijska lakrdija
Naime, u 21. minuti, na asistenciju Zvjezdana Misi-
With the 3: 1 triumph over Iran, the
Dragons added to the B&H Soccer
historical factbook the first victory of Bosnia
and Herzegovina at the World Championships
so finishing their brasilian performance the
most beautiful way and confirming that their
presence on the Mundial was not accidenal
ended their performance at the Mundial already in the
group stage of the competition, whereas a part of the
B&H public experienced this as a a major failure, the
Brazilian episode of the Dragon's will always be mentioned as one of the best sports stories in post-war history of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The Debut match of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the World
Cup against Argentina played at the legendary Maracana
stadium in Rio de Janeiro along with the finals of the Germans and Argentinians, attracted an identical number of
fans - 74,738 and was registered as the most visited in
the the entire Mundial. In this match, the closure of the
defeat of the Dragon by 2:1 already started in the third
minute through an autogol by Sead Kolasinac whereas
later the advantage was doubled by a sleight of the World
Cup's best player Lionel Messi, to six minutes before the
end where Vedad Ibisevic, shooter of the historic goal
against Lithuania (that led the B&H Team to Brazil), once
enrolled himself in history - as the scorer of the first
Mundial goal of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A good game in collision with one of the main favorites to
Trijumfom nad Iranom od 3:1, Zmajevi
su u historijsku ~itanku bh. nogometa
dodali i prvu pobjedu Bosne i Hercegovine
na svjetskim prvenstvima, na najljepši
mogu}i na~in završivši svoj brazilski
nastup i potvrdivši da njihov plasman
na Mundijal nije bio slu~ajan
movi}a, D`eko je postigao sasvim regularan gol, koji
su novozelandske sudije poništile zbog samo za njih
vidljivog ofsajda, da bi samo osam minuta kasnije
sudijska lakrdija bila zaokru`ena nedosu|ivanjem
o~iglednog faula nad bh. kapitenom Emirom Spahi}em, nakon kojeg je Nigerija postigla pobjedonosni
gol. U narednih sat vremena utakmice Zmajevi nisu
uspjeli povezati svoje redove i drugim uzastopnim porazom prakti~no su završili svoj takmi~arski dio nastupa u Brazilu.
Ipak, Zmajevi su sa~uvali dostojanstvo i u posljednjem
kolu grupne faze takmi~enja trijumfom nad Iranom
od 3:1 u historijsku ~itanku bh. nogometa dodali i prvu
pobjedu Bosne i Hercegovine na svjetskim prvenstvima, na najljepši mogu}i na~in završivši svoj brazilski nastup i još jednom potvrdivši da njihov plasman
na Mundijal nije bio slu~ajan, uz poruku svjetskoj nogometnoj javnosti - vidimo se na Evropskom prvenstvu 2016. u Francuskoj!
win the Golden goblet – Nigeria, the Dragons repeated
only in the first twenty minutes. It turned out to be the
crucial match where unreasonably a goal of Dzeko was
annulled, after which the Bosnian-Herzegovinian luck irresistibly went downhill, showing that early mistakes of
New Zealand judges led by Peter O'Leary wholeheartedly
contributed to the final result.
The Judge's Travesty
In the 21st. minute, through the assistance of Zvjezdan
Misimovic, Dzeko scored quite a regular goal, which the
New Zealand judge annulled due to a, only to them visible
offside, only eight minutes later the refereeing's travesty
was completed by the nonjudgement of an obvious foul
ball over the B&H Team Captain Emir Spahic, then followed by Nigeria to achieve the winning goal. In the next
hour of the match, the Dragons have failed to link their
ranks and throughout their second straight defeat
theyvirtually ended their competitive performance in
However, the Dragons have preserved their dignity in the
last round of the group stage of the competition with a
3:1 triumph over Iran so adding to the B&H Soccer historical factbook the first victory of Bosnia and Herzegovina at
the World Championships. They finished their brasilian
performance the most beautiful way confirming that
their presence on the Mundial was not accidenal and with
the message to the world soccer public - see you at the
European Championship 2016 in France! TURIZAM / TOURISM
Ljepote i znamenitosti
sun~ane Hercegovine
Hercegovina je s razlogom najomiljenija i
najatraktivnija turisti~ka regija u Bosni i
Hercegovini. Bogate historije i blage
klime, ovo podru~je posjetiocima na
malom prostoru nudi pregršt
zanimljivosti, prirodnih ljepota,
gastronomskih delicija i historijskih
znamenitosti. Ono što se ne smije
propustiti za posjete hercegova~kim
predjelima su zasigurno Blagaj, Po~itelj,
Titova pe}ina u Konjicu i Vinska cesta.
Blagaj i vrelo Bune
lagaj, gradi} 12 kilometara
udaljen od Mostara, krije
izvor rijeke Bune, jedan od
najljepših primjera podzemnog krškog vrela u Evropi. Osim
vrela Bune, Blagaj je bogat i jedinstvenom florom i endemskim vrstama, a krasi ga i raskoš crnogori~nih i bjelogori~nih šuma. Od
vo}a u ovom kraju uspijevaju mediteranske kulture: gro`|e, smokve, breskve, kajsije, šipci, kivi.
Svoj dom na prostoru Blagaja našlo je i više od 170 vrsta ptica, od
kojih je najpoznatiji ugro`eni bjeloglavi sup. Mediteranska klima s
dugim, vrelim ljetom i izuzetno
velikim brojem sun~anih dana
(više od 200) jedan je od razloga
zašto mnogi posje}uju ovu oazu
mira, prirode i svje`eg zraka koji
dolazi od hladne vode Bune.
Najve}a znamenitost Blagaja je,
ipak, ~uvena tekija derviškog reda,
Beauty and Attractions
of sunny Herzegovina
Herzegovina is with a reason the most popular and attractive tourist region in Bosnia
and Herzegovina. Rich in history and mild in climate, this area in a small space
offers visitors plenty of attractions, natural beauty, culinary delights and historic
sights. What should not be missed during a visit to Herzegovinian areas are certainly
Blagaj, Pocitelj, Tito's cave in Konjic and the Wine Route.
lagaj, a small town 12 kilometers from Mostar,
hiding the source of the Buna River, one of the
finest examples of underground karst springs in
Europe. In addition to the Buna spring, Blagaj is
Blagaj and the spring
of the Buna River
rich and unique in floral
and endemic species, and
is characterized by the
grandeur of coniferous and
deciduous forests. In regards of fruits, this region
is rich in Mediterranean
culture with: grapes, figs,
peaches, apricots, pomegranates, kiwi. Blagaj is
home for more than 170
bird species, of which the
most endangered is the
vulture. The Mediterranean
climate with long hot summers and extremely large
number of sunny days
(more than 200) is one of
the reasons why many visit
this oasis of peace, nature
and fresh air that comes
from the cold water of the
Buna river.
The biggest attraction of Blagaj, however, is the famous
Dervish Tekke, which is located next to the enchanting
river Buna. Established in the 16th. century, this is a place
that still exudes the same spirituality and mysticism.
Evliya Çelebi in the mid-17th. century testified that in the
Buna Tekke "dervishes hold cordial talks and scientific
discussions." Tekke, whose architecture is distinguished
by classic Turkish baroque style, is open to visitors
throughout the year, whereas domestic and foreign
tourists can enjoy the beautiful view of on the Buna river
and order refreshments of coffee or tea in the Tekke
garden. The Tekkes Museum can be visited from May to
October, and offers visitors an insight into the books and
objects from the time when the Tekke was found.
In Blagaj you should also not miss the Sultan Sulejman
Mosque built 1520, as well as the Karadjozbey Bridge
created in 1570. They favors of hiking will visit the fortress of Herceg Stjepan Kosacha, who ruled in the Middle Ages over today's space of Herzegovina and which
was named after him.
The fort is the place where the last Bosnian Queen Katarina was born. If hungry for some local specialty, visitors
are likely to get a plate of fresh trout, just taken out of
the river Buna, and those interested in the experience of
the river from the immediate vicinity, boating or canoe-
koja se nalazi tik uz o~aravaju}e vrelo rijeke Bune.
Nastalo u 16. stolje}u, ovo
je mjesto koje i danas odiše
jednakom duhovnoš}u i misticizmom. Putopisac Evlija
^elebija je sredinom 17.
stolje}a posvjedo~io da u
tekiji na Buni "derviši vode
prijateljske razgovore i nau~ne diskusije". Tekija, ~iju
arhitekturu odlikuje klasi~ni barokni turski stil, za posjetioce je otvorena tokom
cijele godine, a doma}i i
strani turisti u njenom vrtu
mogu u`ivati u prekrasnom
pogledu na rijeku Bunu i
okrijepiti se kafom ili ~ajem. Muzej tekije mo`e se
posjetiti od maja do oktobra,
a posjetiocima nudi uvid u
knjige i predmete iz vremena nastanka tekije.
U Blagaju ne treba zaobi}i
ni Sultan Sulejmanovu
d`amiju iz 1520. godine,
kao ni Kara|oz-begovu }upriju nastalu 1570. godine.
Oni naklonjeni planinarenju
posjetit }e tvr|avu Herceg
Stjepana Kosa~e, koji je u
srednjem vijeku vladao današnjim prostorom Hercegovine i po kojem je
Hercegovina i dobila ime. U
tvr|avi je ro|ena i posljednja bosanska kraljica Katarina Kosa~a. Ako po`ele
pojesti neki lokalni specijalitet, posjetioci }e najvjerovatnije na tanjiru dobiti
svje`u pastrmku, tek izva|enu iz rijeke Bune, a onima zainteresiranim za
do`ivljaj rijeke iz neposredne blizine na raspolaganju
je vo`nja ~amcem ili kanuom.
Orijentalni kulturno-historijski kompleks od kamena smješten na visokim
liticama koje se di`u iznad
rijeke Neretve, Po~itelj je
još jedan jedinstveni biser
turisti~ke ponude Hercegovine. Histori~ari smatraju da je nastao krajem
14. stolje}a iako se u pisaSIAM
nim dokumentima prvi put
spominje 1444. godine, a
da je grad, po~evši od odbrambene tvr|ave koja je
imala stratešku ulogu na
putu do mora, dao izgraditi
bosanski kralj Tvrtko. Grad
je najprije imao mediteranski karakter, ali je po osmanskom osvajanju dobio
svoj današnji izgled.
Dobar dio graditeljskog blaga Po~itelja ostao je sa~uvan do današnjih dana, a
njega prvenstveno ~ine tvr|ava, gra|ena izme|u 15. i
18. stolje}a, Had`i-Alijina (ili
Šišman Ibrahim-pašina)
d`amija iz 16. stolje}a, koja
dominira ovim gradi}em i za
koju UNESCO tvrdi da je
"jedno od najljepših dostignu}a d`amija klasi~nog otomanskog stila", zatim
Šišman Ibrahim-pašina medresa sa originalnim bakrenim kupolama o kojoj po
zapisima Evlije ^elebije znamo da je nastala prije 1664.
godine, kao i sahat-kula, hamam i han, svi iz 17. stolje}a, te kompleks ku}a Gavrankapetanovi}a koje predstavljaju vrijedan primjer
stambene arhitekture u
ing is available as well.
The oriental cultural-historical complex made of stone
is situated on high cliffs that rise above the Neretva
River, Pocitelj is another unique pearl of the Tourist
Offer of Herzegovina. Historians believe that it was
created in the late 14th. century, although in written
documents it was for the first time mentioned in 1444,
and that the city, starting from the defensive fortress
which had a strategic role in the path to the sea, was
built by the Bosnian King Tvrtko. The City firstly had a
Mediterranean character, but after the Ottoman conquest it got its present appearance.
Eko- selo
“Raj u raju”
Na pola puta izme|u Sarajeva i Mostara, u blizini
mjesta ^elebi}i kod Konjica, nalazi se eko- selo "Raj
u raju".
Smješteno u podno`ju planine Prenj, na obali netaknute rijeke Idbar koja
se ulijeva u Jablani~ko
jezero, „Raj u raju“ predstavlja idealan spoj hercegova~kog sunca, ljekovitosti svje`eg planinskog
zraka i kraške rijeke. Poštuju}i prirodno okru`enje,
ovo eko- selo nudi ponešto
za svakoga: istinsko u`ivanje za zaljubljenike u ribolov, prirodnu baštu za
one koji tra`e ljekovito bilje, brzu rijeku i visoku planinu za one koji tra`e
adrenalinsku zabavu, gastronomske u`itke za gurmane, nastale u vlastitoj
proizvodnji eko -sela ili u
radionicama lokalnih uzgajiva~a tog kraja.
Ukratko, eko- selo "Raj u
raju" svojim posjetiocima
istovremeno nudi meditativni odmor u tišini prirode,
uz u`ivanje u tradicionalnim
specijalitetima, ali i adrenalinski, aktivni odmor uz organizaciju raftinga, vo`nje
po teško pristupa~nim predjelima Prenja.
Osim apartmana u kompleksu eko-sela su i posebno osmišljeni prostori za
djecu, ugostiteljski objekti
te prostori za zabavu i odmor, a nisu zaboravljeni ni
ribnjaci, ste}ci, ku}ice za
ptice. "Raj u raju" dobar je
izbor mjesta i za posebne
prilike, vjen~anja, ro|endane, seminare, ali i obi~ni
porodi~ni odmor od gradske vreve. Pa`nju posjetilaca plijene imena puti}a u
selu, kojima se ide od jednog do drugog objekta: svoje uli~ice su ovdje dobili
Mak Dizdar, Aleksa Šanti},
D`emal Bijedi}, Himzo Polovina. Osim toga, kafa se
mo`e popiti u kafe ~ajd`inici "Kod Mome i Uzeira", a
ru~ati mo`ete u restoranu
"Kod amid`e Idriza".
A good part of the architectural treasure of Pocitelj
survived to the present day, and it mainly consists of
the fortress, built between the 15th. and 18th. centuries,
Hadzi-Alija (or Sisman Ibrahim Pasha) mosque from
the 16 th. century, that dominates this town and for
which UNESCO claims that it is "one of the finest
achievements of the Ottoman mosque classical-style,"
then the Sisman Ibrahim Pasha's Madrasah with original copper domes about which by the records of Evliya
Çelebi we know that it was created before 1664, as well
as the Clock Tower, the hammam and han, all from
the 17th. century, and the complex of houses of
Gavrankapetanovic representing a valuable example
of residential architecture in Pocitelj.
All these objects, reconstructed after the last war, are
open to visitors, and the tourists by walking through
the cobblestone path can come to the top of the city
where there is the fortress with a magnificent view of
the Neretva River and the valley around it. Thanks to
its cultural and historical values, Pocitelj is a national
monument of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and it was also
included on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
The attraction of Pocitelj is also an international art
colony, which for decades has been held at the home
of Gavrankapetanovic, organized by the Association of
Visual Artists of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The area
where are joint the city of stone and the magnificent
nature is an inspiration to artists from around the
world, that since 1964 every year gather in Pocitelj in
order to create their works.
Eco Village “Paradise in
Halfway between Sarajevo and Mostar, close to the
place Celebici near Konjic, is the Eco Village "Paradise
in Paradise". Situated in the down hills of the mountain Prenj, on the shores of the untouched river Idbar
which flows into the Lake Jablanicko, "Paradise in
Paradise" is the ideal blend of the Herzegovinian sun,
the healing of fresh mountain air and the karst river.
Respecting the natural environment, this Eco Village
offers something for everyone: a true pleasure for
lovers of fishing, natural garden for those seeking medicinal herbs, rushing river and a high mountain for
those seeking an adrenaline entertainment, culinary
delights for gourmets resulting from the own production of the Eco Villages or in the workshops of local
growers of the region.
In short, the Eco Village "Paradise in Paradise" to its
visitors in the same time offers a meditative break in
the silence of nature, in addition to enjoying the traditional specialties, as well as adventure, active vacation
by organizing rafting and driving on hardly accessible
areas of the mountain Prenj. In addition to the apartments in the complex of the Eco Villages are specially
designed spaces for children, restaurants and spaces
for fun and relaxation, also ponds, tombstones and
birdhouses were not forgotten. "Paradise in Paradise"
is a good choice of place for special occasions, weddings, birthdays, seminars, or an ordinary family va55
Po~itelju. Svi ovi objekti, rekonstruirani nakon posljednjeg rata, otvoreni su za
posjetioce, a turisti šetnjom
kaldrmisanim putem mogu
do}i i do samog vrha grada
gdje se nalazi tvr|ava i odakle se pru`a veli~anstven
pogled na Neretvu i dolinu
oko nje.
Zahvaljuju}i svojim kulturno-historijskim vrijednostima, Po~itelj je nacionalni
spomenik Bosne i Hercegovine, a uvršten je i na
listu UNESCO-ve svjetske
baštine. Znamenitost Po~itelja je i me|unarodna likovna kolonija koja se ve}
decenijama odr`ava u ku}i
Gavrankapetanovi}a, a koju organizira Udru`enje likovnih umjetnika Bosne i
Hercegovine. Prostor na
kojem se spajaju kameni
grad i raskošna priroda inspiracija je umjetnicima iz
cijelog svijeta koji se još od
1964. svake godine okupljaju u Po~itelju kako bi
stvarali svoja djela.
Titov bunker u Konjicu
Titov bunker u podno`ju
planine Zlatar u Konjicu
jedna je od najbolje ~uvanih tajni bivše SFR Jugoslavije. Atomsko sklonište,
objekat nazvan D-0 ARK,
gra|eno je u tajnosti izme|u 1953. i 1979. godine, da
bi u slu~aju potencijalne
atomske katastrofe moglo
poslu`iti za spašavanje Josipa Broza Tita, njegove
porodice i 350 najbli`ih saradnika, ali i kao centar
vojnih operacija. Rezultat
višegodišnje gradnje bunkera je impozantni betonski prostor smješten na
dubini 300 metara ispod
površine zemlje, koji se
prote`e na ~ak 6.500 kvadratnih metara. Više od stotinu prostorija bunkera
tvore strukturu sli~nu labirintu, a potpuno sa~uvani
inventar iz ere '50-ih, '60ih i '70-ih godina ~ini ga
svojevrsnim vremeplovom
za posjetioce.
Postojanje bunkera, koji je
u slu~aju potrebe Titu i
njegovim pomo}nicima
mogao obezbijediti normalan `ivot u trajanju od punih šest mjeseci, ostao je
najstro`e ~uvana vojna tajna sve do '90-ih godina. Svi
koji su radili na izgradnji
bunkera i oni rijetki koji su
po slu`benoj du`nosti znali
za njegovo postojanje, morali su potpisati Ugovor o
šutnji. U Titov bunker, što
je danas narodsko ime za
D-0 ARK, ulazi se kroz
maskirni, vidljivi dio, a potom kroz troja masivna
metalna vrata debljine 1,2
metra, iza kojih se nalazi
duga~ki tunel koji vodi do
srca ovog atomskog skloništa, smještenog na dubini od 280 metara. Ovaj
objekat, koji je napravljen
tako da izdr`i nuklearni
udar ja~ine 20 kilotona, s
pa`njom je osmišljen tako
da zadovoljava sve potrebe
onih koji borave unutra,
što ni ne ~udi jer je stvaran
za sam vrh SFRJ. U skloništu je smješteno više od
stotinu spavaonica s udobnim le`ajevima, dvije velike konferencijske sale,
dvije kuhinje, pet velikih
toaleta, bolnica s operacionom salom, spremnici
sa 50 tona nafte, bazen, teku}a voda, a temperatura
u bunkeru je idealna: izme|u 21 i 23 stepena Celzija. Titova rezidencija je,
o~ekivano, najbolje opremljena.
Iako je i danas u posjedu
vojske, ta~nije Ministarstva odbrane BiH, Titov bunker slu`i u sasvim druge
svrhe. Sklonište D-0 ARK
posljednjih je godina mjesto susreta umjetnika iz
cijelog svijeta, otkako se u
njemu odr`ava Bijenale
savremene umjetnosti, a
djela umjetnika iz BiH, Italije, SAD, Poljske, Slovenije, Ma|arske, Libanona
~ine stalnu umjetni~ku postavku ovog objekta.
Pretvaranje bunkera u muzej savremene umjetnosti
najbolji je, ako ne i jedini
na~in da se ovo arhitektonsko ~udo pod zemljom
sa~uva od zaborava. A va`nost o~uvanja ovog spomenika prepoznala je i
cation from the city bustle. Visitors are captivated by
the names of the roads in the village, by which one
goes from one to another object: these roads were
named by the next famous persons Mak Dizdar, Aleksa
Santic, Dzemal Bijedic and Himzo Polovina. In addition,
you can drink coffee in the tea house "Kod Mome i
Uzeira" ("At Momo and Uzeir") and you can dine in the
restaurant "Kod amidze Idriza"(„At Uncle´s Idriz“).
Tito's bunker in Konjic
Tito's bunker at the foot of the mountain Zlatar in Konjic is one of the best kept secrets of the former Yugoslavia. The fallout shelter, a facility called D-0 ARK,
was built in secret between 1953 and 1979, that in the
case of a potential atomic catastrophe could serve to
rescue Josip Broz Tito, his family and 350 closest associates, but also as a centre of military operations.
The result of many years of building of the bunker is
the imposing concrete space located at a depth of 300
meters below the surface, extending to as much as
6,500 square feet. More than a hundred rooms of the
bunker form a structure similar to a labyrinth, and fully
preserved items from the era of the '50s,' 60s and '70s
makes it a sort of time machine for visitors.
The existence of the bunker, which in case of need for
Tito and his assistants could provide a normal life for
a period of six full months, remained the most heavily
guarded military secret until the 90s. Everyone who
worked on the construction of the bunker and those
few, who by the line of duty knew of its existence, had
to sign a Nondisclosure Agreement.
In Tito's bunker, which is today the popularly name for
D-0 ARK, is entered through the masking, the visible
part, and then through three massive metal gates
thickness of 1.2 meters, behind which there is a long
tunnel that leads to the heart of the fallout shelter located at a depth of 280 meters. This facility, which is
designed to withstand nuclear attack strength of 20
kilotons, was designed with care to meet all the needs
of those who reside there, which is no surprise because it was created for the top of the former Yugoslavia. In the shelter is located more than one
hundred bedrooms with comfortable beds, two large
conference rooms, two kitchens, five large bathrooms,
a hospital with operating room, containers with 50 tons
of oil, swimming pool, running water, and the temperature in the bunker was ideal: between 21 and 23 degrees Celsius. Tito's residence was, as expected, the
best equipped.
Vinska cesta
Osim prirodnim ljepotama i
kulturno-historijskim znamenitostima, Hercegovina
je bogata i vinogradima i
malim vinarijama. Vinska
cesta Hercegovine turisti~ki je projekt koji od 2007.
godine na jednom mjestu
okuplja najuspješnije hercegova~ke vinare, posjetiocima nude}i obilazak
vinskih podruma u društvu
najpoznatijih hercegova~kih
vinara, degustaciju vina, ali
i doma}e hrane.
Vinska cesta Hercegovine
prote`e se od Ljubuškog do
Trebinja, u šest hercegova~kih op}ina: ^itluk, Ljubuški, Mostar, ^apljina, Stolac
i Trebinje. Tridesetak vinarija, okupljenih u projektu
Vinska cesta Hercegovine,
posjetiocima su na raspolaganju tokom cijele godine,
a ako im se posre}i, turisti
se s vinarstvom Hercegovine mogu upoznati i za vrijeme va`nijih doga|aja,
poput berbe ili zatvaranja
ba~vi novog, mladog vina.
Posjeta nekoj od vinarija
obi~no podrazumijeva obilazak vinograda, obilazak
podruma, degustaciju vina,
zakusku, a mogu}e je dogovoriti i no}enje, kao i provesti ve~e uz tamburaše.
U obilasku Vinske ceste
Hercegovine turisti mogu
probati autohtone vrste vina @ilavka i Blatina, ostale
sorte vina (Vranac, Plavac
mali...) rakiju iz doma}e
proizvodnje, hercegova~ki
pršut, med, sir ih iz mijeha,
livanjski sir, kao i ostale
tradicionalne specijalitete
ovog kraja. Osim vinarija, u
ponudi posjetiocima Vinske
ceste je i desetak restorana, zatim muzeji i galerije
koji se bave temom vinarstva, historijske i prirodne
Dr`e}i se slogana "S vinom
kroz vrijeme", Vinska cesta
svojom cjelokupnom ponudom potcrtava tradiciju vinarstva u Hercegovini i potvr|uju staru rimsku poslovicu da se “jedan narod
najbolje mo`e upoznati kada se proba njegova hrana i
vino”. Although it is still in the possession of the army, that
is the Ministry of Defence of B&H; Tito's bunker is
used for quite other purposes. The shelter D-0 ARK in
the recent years is a meeting place for artists from all
over the world, since in it is held the Biennial of Contemporary Art, and the works of artists from B&H,
Italy, USA, Poland, Slovenia, Hungary and Lebanon
make a permanent artistic setting of this property.
Converting the bunker into a museum of contemporary art is the best, if not the only way to preserve this
architectural underground wonder from oblivion. And
the importance of preserving this monument was recognized by the Commission for the Conservation of
National Monuments of BiH, which has included
Tito's bunker to the list of National Monuments of
B&H in June this year.
Wine Route of Herzegovina
Besides the natural beauty and cultural and historical
attractions, Herzegovina is rich in vineyards and wine
cellars. The Wine Route of Herzegovina is a Tourism
project that since 2007 brings together in one place
the most successful Herzegovinian winemakers, offering visitors a tour of the wine cellars accompanied
by the most popular Herzegovinian winemakers, also
wine tasting, as well as local food.
The Wine Route of Herzegovina stretches from
Ljubusko to Trebinje, in six Herzegovinian municipalities: Citluk, Ljubuski, Mostar, Capljina, Stolac and
Trebinje. Thirty wineries gathered in the project Wine
Route of Herzegovina, are available for visitors
throughout the year, and if they're lucky, the tourists
can meet with the winemaking of Herzegovina also
during major events, such as harvesting or closing
dowel of a new, young wine. Visit to some of the wineries usually involves a tour of the vineyard, cellar tours,
wine tasting, snacks, and it is possible to arrange an
overnight stay and spend the evening with local bands.
In a tour of the Wine Route of Herzegovina tourists
can taste the indigenous species of wines Zilavka and
Blatina, other varieties of wine (Vranac, Plavac mali
...) brandy from domestic production, Herzegovina
ham, honey, cheese out of the bag, the Livno cheese,
and other traditional specialties of this region. In addition to the winery, visitors of the Wine Road are offered a dozen of restaurants, museums and galleries
in the field of winemaking, historical and natural attractions. Adhering to the motto "With wine through
Time" the Wine Road with its full offer underlines the
tradition of winemaking in Herzegovina and confirms
the old Roman proverb that "a nation can best be recognized by its food and wine." 57
Komisija za o~uvanje nacionalnih spomenika BiH,
koja je Titov bunker u junu
2014. godine uvrstila na listu nacionalnih spomenika
Specijaliteti bosanske kuhinje
Bosnian Cuisine Specialities
Bosanski lonac
Bosnian Stew
U potrazi za jelima iz bosanske kuhinje
uvijek }emo se na po~etku sresti s
bosanskim loncem. Rije~ je o originalnom doma}em receptu, starom više
stolje}a. U po~etku se bosanski lonac
pripremao u šumi, pri sje~i drva ili u
rudarskim kopovima.
Priprema je vrlo jednostavna. Uzme se
zemljani lonac i u njega redaju manji
komadi mesa – obavezno bar dvije vrste,
naj~eš}e gove|e i
ov~ije – pa se dodaju
bijeli i crveni luk,
mrkva, krompir, korijen peršina, celer,
paštrnjak, mohuna,
ako je ima. Sve se to
za~ini solju, lonac se
dobro pove`e i jelo
pristavi na vatru.
Nekad bi to bila vatra
“ispod dva kamena”,
a nekada bi se lonac
jednostavno zagrnuo
Vremenom se mnogo
toga promijenilo –
zemljani sud zamijenjen je loncem, u za~ine je dodat biber u
zrnu, današnjim doma}icama i šefovima
kuhinja na raspolaganju je veliki izbor
povr}a, paradajz je odavno dio bosanskog lonca.
Ali jedno je sigurno – to je jedno od najzdravijih i najukusnijih jela na planeti. U
~emu je njegova tajna? Ima razli~itih
mišljenja, jedni ka`u va`an je dug proces kuhanja na tihoj vatri, drugi tvrde da
je tajna u bijelom luku koji se, preuzimaju}i tokom kuhanja okuse i mirise
ostalih sastojaka, pretvara u mozak,
U svakom slu~aju bitne su dvije napomene: 1. ~esna bijelog luka stavljaju se
u lonac neo~iš}ena od kore i 2. lonac se
ne smije napuniti do vrha ve} se ostave tri~etiri prsta da se jelo mo`e “kr~kati”. In search of Bosnian food specialties,
we will always have to primarily face
the Bosnian stew. It is an original home
recipe, several centuries old. At the beginning, the Bosnian stew was prepared in the woods, where timber was
felled or during mining activities.
Preparation is very simple. Take the
crock and sort it with smaller cuts of
meat - at least two kinds of meat re-
quired, mostly cattle and sheep - add white and red onions, carrots,
potatoes, parsley, celery, parsnips, beans, if available. All this is salted
well, the crock should be tied and ready to put on fire for cooking.
Once upon a time the fire would have been "under two stones", and
sometimes the crock would be covered with embers. Over time many
things have changed - the earthy crocks were replaced with the pot,
peppercorns were added as additional spices. Today's housewives and
chefs have a large selection of vegetables at their disposal whereas
tomato has long been a part of the Bosnian stew.
But one thing is certain - it is one of the healthiest and most delicious
foods on the planet. What's his secret? There are different opinions, some
say, it is the long process of cooking on low heat, others argue that the
secret is garlic which is taking over the cooking tastes and aromas of
other ingredients, so creating „the brain“, third parties say ...
In any case, the essential two remarks are: 1. Chesna garlic are placed
in the pot with uncleaned crust and 2. the pot is not filled to the top
but left three to four fingers space so the food may "simmer". GASTRO / GASTRONOMY
Sljede}i na popisu specijaliteta naše doma}e kuhinje su
nezaobilazni }evap~i}i. Naziv im dolazi od arapske rije~i
kebab. Po tome bi se reklo da nisu naši, doma}i, ve} da
su orijentalnog porijekla. Ali nije baš tako. Kebabu i
}evap~i}ima zajedni~ko je samo meso – sve ostalo je
Recept za ovo jelo je, reklo bi se, izuzetno jednostavan:
Uzme se mljeveno meso, posoli, pobiberi, naprave se
rolnice debljine palca i du`ine 5-6 centimetara, ispeku
na roštilju – i gotovo.
E, nije gotovo. Pokušajte po ovom receptu napraviti
}evap~i}e i dobit }ete nešto skvr~eno, jadno i `alosno.
Ima, dakle, i tu neka tajna. Ali, ne mo`emo vam je otkriti.
Svaki }evabd`ija na Baš~aršiji (a tu se dokazano prave
najbolji }evapi na ovom svijetu) re}i }e vam da ima svoj
specijalni na~in izbora mesa te pripreme i
pe~enja. I ništa više.
Šta se još zna o }evap~i}ima? Tri ~etvrtine
mesa potje~e od junetine, jedna ~etvrtina
od ov~etine. Meso je s ple}ke. Zna se da
preno}i van fri`idera, ali u hladnoj prostoriji, zatim se samelje – dva ili tri puta, odstoji 2-3 sata, zalije se s malo vode u kojoj
se prethodno kratko prokuhao bijeli luk i
doda malo sobe bikarbone.
Bitno je i poslu`ivanje – u somunu koji smije imati samo gornju i donju koru – unutra
prazno. U to prazno ubace se }evap~i}i i
sitno sjeckani crveni luk, a mo`e i kajmak.
~esto }ete ~uti narud`bu “pet upola napareno”. Za one kojima to ~udno zvu~i – pet
}evap~i}a u pola somuna koji je prethodno
naparen iznad }evap~i}a na roštilju!
O }evap~i}ima treba znati i ovo: pripremaju
se na prostoru cijele bivše Jugoslavije, u
~eškoj, Slova~koj i – u Italiji oko Trsta i
Gorice. Najboljim baš~aršijskim }evapima
ozbiljna konkurencija bili su banjalu~ki, a
sada se spominju travni~ki i tuzlanski. Cevapcici
Sogan dolma
Tipi~no zimsko jelo naše doma}e kuhinje
je sogan dolma ili punjeni luk. Zašto zimsko? Pa, zato što je zimi od povr}a nekad
sigurno bilo samo luka. I da li je ovo baš
naše doma}e jelo? Nije, Turci imaju sogan
dolmasi. Ali, ako }emo zapravo, naša je
kuhinja i nastala kao mješavina raznih orijentalnih jela i umije}a naših kuhara.
Za sogan dolmu treba mnogo strpljenja.
Jer valja napuniti jako male slojeve luka. A
treba izabrati i luk. Ne smiju to biti velike
glavice, ve} one manje i malo pljesnate. Za
pripremu vam pored luka treba mljeveno
meso, ri`a, ulje, so, biber, malo pirea od
paradajza, malo crvene mljevene paprike i
malo soka od limuna ili sir}eta.
Prokuhajte u vodi luk sa ljuskom. Odre`ite gornji i donji dio luka,
malo ostavite da se ohladi i izvla~ite slojeve luka – po
mogu}nosti u cijelim komadima – bez trganja, što više slojeva
U zdjeli izmiješajte sastojke (neko u meso dodaje i jaje, ali nije
obavezno), napunite luk, slo`ite u široku šerpu i dodajte tople
vode da pokrije luk. Po vrhu pospite malo mljevene crvene paprike.
Jelo treba kuhati 20 do 25 minuta, nemojte miješati ve} samo
protresajte sud. Pred kraj kuhanja poškropiti sir}etom ili limunovim sokom da se luk ne raspadne. Servirajte uz kiselu pavlaku
ili kiselo mlijeko.
Sogan dolmu mo`ete pe}i i u pe}nici na 180 C oko 30-40 minuta. Next on the list of specialties of our local cuisine are unavoidable Cevapcici. Their name
comes from the Arabic word kebab. By this we
could say that they're not ours, homemade,
but that they are of oriental origin. Not exactly.
Kebab and Cevapcici have only one thing in
common – the kind of meat, everything else is
The recipe for this dish is, it would seem extremely simple: Take minced meat, salt and pepper, make the rolls thick as a thumb
and length of 5-6 inches, bake it on a grill – and it is done.
Well, not nearly. Try this recipe to make Cevapcici and you will get something
shrunken, miserable and sad. There is, thus, a secret. But we can not detect it.
Each Cevapcici Producer on Bascarsija (and there are proven to make the best
Cevapcici in the world) will tell you that each of them
has a special way of meat choices and preparation and
grilling. And nothing more.
What else is known about Cevapcici? Three quarters of
the meat comes from beef, one-quarter of mutton. Meat
is taken from the shoulder. It is known that the Cevapcici
stay in the refrigerator for one night, then in the cold
room, subsequently grinding is a must- two or three
times, then it stands for 2-3 hours, gets watered with a
little boiled garlic water and added little room soda.
The serving is important as well - in SOMUN who may
only have upper and lower crust - inside they stay blank.
In this blank part, Cevapcici are placed with finely
chopped red onion and sour cream optionally. You will
often hear the order of “five half paired”. For those
strange orders it means- five Cevapcici in half Somun
which was previously paired over the Cevapcici on the
About Cevapcici you should know this: they are prepared on the territory of the former
Yugoslavia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and - in Italy around Trieste and Gorizia. To
Bascarsija's Cevapcici serious competition were Cevapcici froma Banja Luka, now
people also refer to the ones from Travnik and Tuzla. GASTRO / GASTRONOMY
Sogan dolma
A typical winter dish of our local cuisine is sogan dolma or stuffed onions.Why is
it a winter dish? Well, because in winter time, from all vegetables, only onions
were available. And is this just our local dish? No, the Turks have the sogan dolması. But the truth to be told, our kitchen emerged as a mixture of different oriental dishes and the skills of our chefs.
To prepare sogan dolma you need a lot of patience. Because you have to fill a very
small layers of onions. And you should choose good onions too. The onions should
not be big, but smaller and little slapped. To prepare the dish you need minced
meat, rice, oil, salt, pepper, a bit of tomato puree, a little paprika and a little lemon
juice or vinegar.
Boil in water the onion with the shell. Cut the top and bottom of the onion, let it
cool down for a while and pull out the layers of the onion - preferably in carcasses - without tearing, as many layers as you can.
In a bowl, mix the ingredients (some people add an egg in the
meat, but it is not required), fill the onions, arrange them in a wide
casserole and add hot water to cover the onions. Sprinkle on the
top with a little paprika.
The dish needs to cook about 20 to 25 minutes, do not mix, only
shake the casserole. Toward the end of cooking, sprinkle it with
vinegar or lemon juice so that the onion does not fall apart. Serve
with sour cream or sour milk.
You can bake Sogan dolma in the oven at 180 C for about 30-40
minutes. SIAM
Sve su pite pitice, a burek je pitac –
ka`e se u Bosni i Hercegovini. I tu je
burek samo jedan. Jer sve ostalo su
pitice – sirnica, krompiruša, zeljanica,
tikvenica, maslenica i još njih bezbroj.
Samo ime burek ka`e da ni on nije baš
sasvim naš. Naziv potje~e od turskog
bur, što zna~i savijati. Dakle, bukvalno
burek bi mogla biti svaka savija~a. Ali
nije. Burek je specijalitet bosanske
kuhinje zato što se priprema od sitno
sjeckanog ili mljevenog mesa koje se
s lukom i za~inima mota u tanko
razvu~eno tijesto, jufke. Zavisno od
na~ina pripreme, u Bosni se naj~eš}e
duge, umotane jufke savijaju u krug,
zvrk, što odgovara okrugloj, plitkoj tepsiji u kojoj se pe~e. Nekada se burek
pekao ispod sa~a. Za pravougaonu posudu, pleh, sla`e se u redove.
Postoji i tzv. slagani burek, koji se
spravlja tako da se jufke ne motaju,
nego se manji komadi tijesta posuti
mesom, sla`u u slojeve. Burek se
poslu`uje s kiselim mlijekom ili
jogurtom. I ne zaboravite – negdje
van Bosne i Hercegovine ponudit }e
vam burek, ali u njemu ne}e biti
mesa. Recite im, tada, da ne postoji
burek sa sirom ili zeljem, burek je –
samo s mesom! Burek ( Meet Pie)
All pies are pies ( female gender) ,
but only burek is THE PIE ( male
gender) – a saying by the people in
Bosnia and Herzegovina. And there
is only one burek. All the rest are little pies – sirnica (cheese pie), krompiruša (potato pie), zeljanica (spinach pie), tikvenica (pumpkin pie),
maslenica and they are countless.
The name Burek says that this pie is
not quite ours. The name derives
from the Turkish word bur, which
means to bend. So, literally burek
could be any folded pie. But it is not.
Burek is a Bosnian cuisine speciality
because it is made from finely chopped or minced meat that with onions and spices wraped in the thinly
stretched dough, phyllo pastry.
Depending on the method of preparation, in Bosnia, the long wrapped
dough is bent in a circle, called zvrk,
which corresponds to a round, shallow pan in which it is baked . Sometimes burek was baked under the
bell. For a rectangular pan, pleh, it
is placed in rows.
There is also the stacked burek,
which is made with unwrapped phyllo pastry, but smaller pieces of dough are sprinkled with meat, and are
stacked in layers. Burek is served
with sour milk or yoghurt. And do not
forget - somewhere outside of Bosnia and Herzegovina you will be offerd burek, but it will not have meat.
Tell them, then, that there is no
burek with cheese or spinach, burek
is made - just with meat! RASPORED LETENJA / FLIHGT SCHEDULE
Vrijedi do izdavanja
novog reda letenja
Datum izrade:
28. 10. 14
Zadani period pregleda:
29. 10. 14 -28. 03. 15.
Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok
R.B. Broj linije
5 RAC 7001
6 JA 377
7 TK 1021
Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok
JA 376
OU 341
OS 760
TK 1022
LH 1731
JP 701
FZ 762
OS 758
JU 113
OU 345
RAC 9002
TK 1026
Tip OP
Va`i od
Va`i do
9 LH 1730
10 JP 700
11 FZ 761
12 OS 757
13 JU 112
15 OU 344
18 TK 1025
19 OU 342
kargo 03.11.14 23.03.15
redovni 03.11.14 23.03.15
redovni 03.11.14 23.03.15
Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok
R.B. Broj linije
OU 341
2 TK 1021
TK 1022
3 RAC 7001
4U 492
LH 1730
OS 757
JU 112
PC 729
10 OU 344
13 TK 1025
14 OS 759
15 OU 342
4U 493
LH 1731
OS 758
JU 113
PC 730
OU 345
RAC 9002
TK 1026
Tip OP
Va`i od
Va`i do
Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok
JA 376
OU 341
OS 760
5 JA 377
6 TK 1021
TK 1022
7 RAC 7001
LH 1731
9 LH 1730
JP 701
10 JP 700
OS 758
12 OS 757
JU 113
13 JU 112
14 OU 344
OU 345
15 OU 344
RAC 9002
TK 1026
18 TK 1025
19 OS 759
20 OU 342
21 OU 342
Tip OP
Va`i od
Va`i do
Tip OP
Va`i od
Va`i do
Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije
JA 376
OU 341
OU 341
OS 760
5 JA 377
6 TK 1021
TK 1022
7 RAC 7001
4U 493
9 4U 492
LH 1731
10 LH 1730
OS 758
11 OS 757
JU 113
12 JU 112
13 OU 344
OU 345
14 OU 344
Broj linije
17 TK 1025
18 OS 759
19 OU 342
20 OU 342
RAC 9002
TK 1026
Vrijedi do izdavanja
novog reda letenja
Datum izrade:
28. 10. 14
Zadani period pregleda:
29. 10. 14 -28. 03. 15.
Broj linije
6 JA 377
7 TK 1021
8 RAC 7001
9 SOP 62S
10 PC 729
11 LH 1730
12 FZ 761
13 OS 757
15 JU 112
16 JP 700
17 OU 344
18 JA 407
21 TK 1025
22 JA 307
23 OS 759
24 OU 342
Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok
JA 376
OU 341
OU 341
OS 760
TK 1022
PC 730
LH 1731
FZ 762
OS 758
JU 113
JP 701
OU 345
RAC 9002
TK 1026
Tip OP
Va`i od
Va`i do
Tip OP
Va`i od
Va`i do
Broj linije
JA 377
TK 1021
4U 8490
DY 4343
PC 729
4U 2496
LH 1730
OS 757
JU 112
Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok
JA 376
OU 341
OS 760
TK 1022
4U 8491
PC 730
LH 1731
OS 758
JU 113
Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije
14 4U 492
4U 493
16 TK 1025
TK 1026
17 OU 342
Vrijeme/Lok Tip OP
Va`i od
Va`i do
Va`i od
Va`i do
Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok Broj linije Destinacija Vrijeme/Lok
OU 341
2 TK 1021
TK 1022
3 PC 729
PC 730
4 LH 1730
LH 1731
5 OS 757
OS 758
JU 113
6 JU 112
7 JP 700
JP 701
9 OU 344
OU 345
10 TK 1025
TK 1026
11 OS 759
13 OU 342
Tip OP