July 2010 - Holy Trinity

July 2010
Volume 41
Issue 7
Sts. Cosmas and Damianos, the Unmercinary Healers
Feast Day: July 1
Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
Wilmington, Delaware
The Official Publication of Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
808 N. Broom Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19806
Telephone: (302) 654-4446
Fax: (302) 654-4204
His Eminence Metropolitan EVANGELOS of New Jersey, Hierarch
Rev. Fr. Costa G. Christo, Ph.D., Protopresbyter
Susan Kelleher, Church Secretary
Anargyros Liparos, Protopsaltis
658-0454 (home)
Spiros Mantzavinos, President - (302) 636-0201
Georgia Halakos, First Vice President - (302) 777-0162
Catherine Stathakis, Second Vice President - (302) 234-2628
Nick Karavasilis, Parish Council Treasurer - (302) 354-0768
Demetri Karakasidis, Parish Council Secretary - (610) 459-4345
Constantine Caras
Athena Ladas
(443) 643-8773
Sophia Fotakos
James Maravelias
Michael Kirifides
Milt Misogianes (610) 793-4314
Christos Kotanidis
Chris Papachrysanthou 324-0581
Maria Kotanidis
Michael Roussos
Executive Parish Council Meetings - 1st Tuesday of every month @ 7PM
Parish Council Meetings - 3rd Tuesday of every month @ 7PM
(856) 678-4924
661-2305 / 322-3200
(610) 388-2093
655-2252 / 764-2183
Mailing Coordinators
James Michael & Crew
Maroula Haralambidis, President
Lynn Kostas, President
Sunday School
Helene Krikelis, Director
Greek School
Costas Fountzoulas, Director
Eleni Karakasidis & Amalea Rassias
Maria Kotanidis
Lil’ Angels Playgroup
Julie Tsakumis
George Tsakataras, Coordinator
Altar Boys
Michael Sanford, Director
Terpsichorean Dance Troupe Dino Charalambides
St. Elpida
George Righos
Anthony Pantelopulos, Director
Altar Guild
Helen Doukakis, President
John Tarabicos, President
Daughters of Penelope
Robin Hayes, President
Hellenic University Club
Michael Logothetis, President
The Young @ Heart Club
Dean Lomis, President
Vacation Bible School
Sophia Fotakos, Director
Editorial Staff - Ayia Trias
Costas Fountzoulas
Web Site
Dino Charalambides
Adult Bible Study (Wednesday PM) Fr. Stamatios Ganiaris
Adult Bible Study (Thursday PM) Basil Savopoulos
Holy Trinity Food Pantry
Nikkie Tsakataras & Tina King
Church Office Email Address: [email protected]
Fr. Costa G. Christo’s Church Email Address: [email protected]
For pastoral emergencies - you may call Fr. Christo (cell) 377-6734
Holy Trinity Website Address: www.holytrinitywilmington.org
July 2010
Ιούλιος 2010
Dear Parishioners:
Αγαπητοί Ενορίτες,
“No one, having put his hand to the
plow, and looking back, is fit for the
Kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62).
«Κανένα άτομο, που έχει βάλει το χέρι του
στο άροτρο και που ξανακοιτάζει πίσω, δεν
είναι κατάλληλο για τη βασιλεία του
Θεού.» (Λουκας 9:62).
Our Lord’s words remind us
clearly to cast aside anything that will
inhibit us from seeking and finding the
Spiritual Paradise of the Father. This
place is the Church of God. This
mystical reality is the Eucharistic setting
where God the Son permeates our
beings in the form of His Sacred Body
and Blood. Allow the Spirit of Truth
and Righteousness to bind you
indissolubly to the context of the
Church, and to enable you to do all
things unto the glory of God. For, the
human being was created by God for the
sole purpose of glorifying Him. Let all
our endeavors in this life be to this end
and to the service of our fellow human
Τα λόγια του Κυρίου μας μάς
υπενθυμίζουν με σαφήνεια να παραμερίσουμε
οτιδήποτε θα μας εμποδίση στην αναζήτησή
μας και ανεύρεση του Πνευματικού του
Πατρός. Αυτή η υπερφυσική πραγματικότητα
είναι το σκηνικό της Ευχαριστίας όπου ο Υιός
Θεός διαπερνά τις υπάρξεις μας με την
μορφή του Ιερού Σώματος και Αίματος Του.
Επιτρέψατε στο Πνεύμα της Αληθείας και
Δικαιοσύνης να σας προσδέση στερά με το
περιεχόμενο τηε Εκκλησίας, και να σας
καταστάση ικανούς να κάνετε όλα τα
πράγματα για την δόξα του Θεού. Γιατί, η
ανθρώπινη ύπαρξη εδημιουργήθηκε απο τον
Θεόν με μοναδικό σκοπό του δοξασμού Του.
Ας έχουν όλες οι προσπάθειες μας σ’ αυτή
την ζωή αυτόν τον σκοπό καθώς και την
υπηρεσία του συνανθρώπου μας.
Have a blessed and safe Summer!
Σας εύχομαι να έχετε ένα ευλογημένο
The Lord’s Servant,
Ο Υπηρέτης του Θεού
+ Protopresbyter
Constantine G. Christo, Ph.D.
Δρ. Κωνσταντίνος Γ. Χριστοφής
For Spiritual Insights see Father Costa’s Blog located at www.anorthodoxmoment.com
July 2010
Sixth Sunday of St. Matthew.
Orthros 9am.
Divine Liturgy 10am.
Saints Cosmas and
Orthros 9am.
Divine Liturgy 10am.
July 4 – 8: Archdiocesan Clergy Laity Congress in Atlanta, GA.
Seventh Sunday of St. Matthew.
Orthros 9am.
Divine Liturgy 10am.
Six Month Memorial for John Galanakis.
1pm Cubeta Baptism.
Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical
Council. Orthros 9am.
Divine Liturgy 10am.
1pm Laletta/Brockett Wedding.
Saint Markella the
Virgin Martyr from
Chios. Orthros 9am.
Divine Liturgy 10am.
Ninth Sunday of St. Matthew.
Orthros 9am.
Divine Liturgy 10am.
Ιούλιος 2010
Έκτη Κυριακή του Ματθαίου.
Όρθρος 9 π.μ. Θεία Λειτ. 10
Όρθρος 9 π.μ. Θεία Λειτ. 10
Κοσμά και
Δαμιανού των
Αγίων Αναργύρων
Όρθρος 9 π.μ. Θεία
Λειτ. 10 π.μ.
Κυριακή των Πατέρων της
Τετάρτης Οικουμενικής
Όρθρος 9 π.μ. Θεία Λειτ. 10
1μμ Γάμος Λαλέτα/Μπρόκετ.
Ενάτη Κυριακή του Ματθαίου.
Ιουλίου 4 – 8: Κληρολαϊκή στην Ατλάντα, Γεωργία
Έβδομη Κυριακή του
Ματθαίου. Όρθρος 9 π.μ. Θεία
Λειτ. 10 π.μ.
Εξάμηνο Μνημόσυνο του
Ιωάννη Γαλανάκη
1 μ.μ Βάπτισις Κουμπέτα
Η Εορτή της Αγίας
Όρθρος 9 π.μ. Θεία
Λειτ. 10 π.μ.
Ελληνικό Σχολείο
Δρ. Κώστας Γ. Φούντζουλας
Περί «κρίσεων»
Λένε ότι η συνήθεια κουράζει. Λένε ότι αν ακούμε
κάτι κακό για κάποιο θέμα κάθε ημέρα, τότε αυτό γίνεται
«λιγώτερο» κακό όσο περνάει ο καιρός. Παραδείγματα
πολλά, ο σεισμός της Αϊτής, η πετρελαιοκηλίδα στον
Κόλπο του Μεξικού, 11η Σεπτεμβρίου 2001, και τόσα
άλλα. Η διαφορά μεταξύ έντονου και χρόνιου πόνου είναι
προφανής. Ο πρώτος μας τρομάζει, στον δεύτερο έχουμε
εθισθεί. Το χρόνιο πόνο τον περιμένουμε, γνωρίζουμε πως
είναι και δεν μας ανησυχεί όσο μας ανησυχούσε στην
Τους τελευταίους μήνες ακουμε για οικονομική
κρίση στην Ελλάδα, στην Ισπανία, στην Πορτογαλλία και
στι Η.Π.Α. Αρχικά η αντίδρασή μας ήταν άμεση και
έντονη. Τώρα όμως ανησυχούμε λιγώτερο και μερικές
φορές νομίζουμε ότι δεν υπάρχει οικονομική κρίση, μιας
και ως τώρα δεν μας έχει αγγίξει προσωπικά. Όσοι από
εμάς έχουνε περάσει παρόμοιες καταστάσεις λέμε συνήθως
«μπόρα είναι θα περάσει, μπορώ να ζήσω και με λιγώτερα,
αρκεί να έχω την υγέια μου». Για τις νεώτερεςς γενηές δεν
είμαι και τόσο σίγουρος γιατί ως τώρα δεν έχουν στερηθεί
σχεδόν τίποτα.
Εκείνο όμως που με προβληματίζει περισότερο δεν
είναι η οικονομική κρίση αλλά η άλλη κρίση, η κρίση των
Αξίες, όπως οικογένεια, εντιμότητα, σκληρή
εργασία και σεβασμός στον μεγαλλίτερο αμφισβητούνται.
Συνήθως η οικονομική κρίση συνοδεύεται και από κρίση
αξιών. Κατ’ εμέ όμως, η κρίση αξιών προηγείται της
οικονομικής κρίσεως, την προαναγγέλει με πολλούς
τρόπους. Η οικονομία ακολουθόντας τους δικούς της
νόμους βελτιώνεται πριν ξαναγίνει χειρότερη. Είναι όμως
εύκολο ο άπληστος άνθρωπος να γίνει συνετός, ο ψεύτης
ειλικρινής, ο διεφθαρμένος αδιάφθορος, ο ανάλγητος
φιλάνθρωπος, ο αρχομανής ταπεινόφρων
και ο
αμφισβητίας αιωνίων θεσμών συνεργάσιμος και θετικός για
το καλό της κοινωνίας; Η δική μου εκτίμηση είναι «όχι».
Υπάρχουν δύο θεσμοί που αν διαβρωθούν τότε όλη
η κοινωνία υποφέρει, το σχολείο και η εκκλησία. Αγενείς,
οκνηροί, απείθαρχοι μαθητές και αδιάφοροι δάσκαλοι/ες
είναι η χειρότεροι επένδυση για το μελλον μιας κοινωνίας.
Μία Ελληνική παρομία λέει ότι «όπου κλείνει ένα σχολέιο,
ανοίγει μια φυλακή». Κοινωνίες που ζητούν να
θεραπεύσουν τα οικονομικά τους προβλήματα απολύοντας
διδακτικό προσωπικό ή ακόμη κλείνοντας σχολεία
επενδύουν στην αποτυχία. Κοινωνίες που επιτίθενται στην
Εκκλησία οδηγούνται σε κοινωνική σταύρωση. Η
καλόπιστη κριτική είναι παραγωγική και πρέπει να
επιδιώκεται πάση θυσία. «Εξ’όνυχος τον λέοντα», έλεγαν
οι αρχαίοι Έλληνες, το οποίον σημαίνει ότι
καταλαβαίνουμε το σύνολο από μία λεπτομέρεια. Η
έλλειψη θεσμών οδηγεί με μαθηματική ακρίβεια στην
διάβρωση της κοινωνίας και σε οικονομική πτώση .
Σεβασμός στους θεσμούς σημαίνει σεβασμό στον εαυτόν
μας και ευκολώτερη αντιμετώπιση των κρίσεων.
Greek School
Dr. Costas G. Fountzoulas
About “Crises”
They say that routine makes us feel tired. They say
that if we hear something bad about an issue every day,
then it becomes “less” bad as the time elapses. We have
many examples, such as 9/11, Haiti earthquake, Gulf of
Mexico oil spill and many more. The difference between
the acute and chronic pain is obvious. While we are
panicky in the case of acute pain, we are used to the
chronic one. We can stand easier the chronic pain, we
know how it feels and it does not hurt us as much as it did
in the beginning.
During the past months we kept on hearing about the
fiscal crisis in Hellas, Spain, Portugal and USA Initially,
our reaction to the news was immediate and intense.
However, now we are not worrying as much and even
some times we think that there is no financial crisis, since
it has not touched us personally. Anyone who has been in
similar financial crises usually says “it is only temporary,
it will pass fast like a sudden downpour; I can get by with
less as long as I am healthy”. However, I am not so sure
for the younger generation because they have almost
everything so far.
However, what makes me pause and think more is
the crisis of values and not the financial one. Values such
as family, honesty, hard work, and respect to the elders are
questioned and doubted. Usually the financial crisis goes
hand to hand with the crisis in values. However, the crisis
of values precedes the financial crisis and it heralds it in
many ways. Economy has its own laws and it gets worse
before it gets better again. Is it easy though the greedy man
to become prudent, the liar honest, the corrupt incorrupt,
the heartless compassionate, the power thirsty humble, and
the dissenter of perennial values and institutions
cooperative and positive for the common good. I certainly
say ‘no”.
There are two institutions, school and church, which
when they are corrupted the whole society suffers. Rude,
undisciplined students and indifferent teachers is the worst
investment for the future of a society. A Hellenic proverb
says that “where a school closes a prison replaces it”.
Societies which try to remedy their financial problems by
laying off teachers or even closing schools invest in the
failure. Societies that attack the Church are led to their
social crucifixion. Good faith criticism is always
productive and must be sought at any cost. Ancient Greeks
used to say “From the toe nail the lion”, meaning that we
understand the total from a detail. Lack of values leads to
the society corruption and financial demise (Wall Street).
Respect to the society values means respect to ourselves
and easier handling of crises (social net).
July 7
Saint Kyriake was the daughter of Christian parents, Dorotheus and Eusebia. She was given her name because she was born on Sunday, the day of the Lord (in Greek, Kyriake). She contested in Nicomedia during
the reign of Diocletian, in the year 300. After many bitter torments she was condemned to suffer beheading,
but being granted time to pray first, she made her prayer and gave up her holy soul in peace.
Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone
O Lord Jesus, unto Thee Thy lamb doth cry with a great voice: O my Bridegroom, Thee I love; and seeking
Thee, I now contest, and with Thy baptism am crucified and buried. I suffer for Thy sake, that I may reign
with Thee; for Thy sake I die, that I may live in Thee: accept me offered out of longing to Thee as a spotless
sacrifice. Lord, save our souls through her intercessions, since Thou art great in mercy.
Kontakion in the Second Tone
The Martyr of Christ hath called us all together now to praise and acclaim her wrestlings and her godly
feats; for possessed of manliness of mind, she hath proved to be worthy of her name, being lady and mistress of her mind and the passions of unseemliness.
Reading courtesy of Holy Transfiguration Monastery / Apolytikion courtesy of Holy Transfiguration Monastery / Kontakion courtesy of Holy Transfiguration Monastery
Prokopios the Great Martyr & his mother Theodosia the Martyr / July 8
The holy Martyr Procopius was born of a pious father named Christopher, but his mother Theodosia was an
idolater. After Christopher's death, she presented Neanias - for this was the Saint's name before - to Diocletian, who was at Antioch in Syria. Diocletian made him Duke of Alexandria, and sent him there to punish
the Christians. On the way to Alexandria, our Lord spoke to Neanias as once He had to Saul, and turned this
new persecutor to faith in Him. Neanias turned back to Scythopolis, and preached Christ. He was betrayed
by his own mother, and was arrested and tormented in Caesarea of Palestine. While he was in prison, the
Lord appeared to him again and gave him the new name of Procopius (which is derived from the Greek
word meaning "progress, advancement"). He was brought out of prison and taken to worship the idols, but at
his prayer, the idols fell; many then believed in Christ and suffered martyrdom, among them certain soldiers,
twelve women of senatorial rank, and the Saint's own mother, Theodosia. Saint Procopius, after further torments and imprisonment, was beheaded about the year 290.
Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone
Thy Martyr, O Lord, in his courageous contest for Thee received the prize of the crowns of incorruption and life from Thee, our immortal God. For since he possessed Thy strength, he cast down the tyrants and wholly destroyed the demons' strengthless presumption.
O Christ God, by his prayers, save our souls, since Thou art merciful.
Kontakion in the Second Tone
Devoutly aflame with godly zeal for Christ thy Lord, and armed with the strength and power of the precious Cross, thou didst cast
down headlong thy foes' exalted pride, O Procopius, exalting Christ's holy Church, advancing in faith and shedding light on us.
Reading courtesy of Holy Transfiguration Monastery / Apolytikion courtesy of Holy Transfiguration Monastery / Kontakion courtesy of Holy Transfiguration Monastery
Marina the Great Martyr of Antioch / July 17
This Martyr lived during the reign of Claudius II (268-270). She was from Pisidia of Cilicia and was
the only daughter of a certain priest of the idols. On being orphaned by her mother, she was handed
over to a certain woman who instructed her in the Faith of Christ. When she was fifteen years old, she
was apprehended by the ruler of Olmbrius, and when asked her name, homeland, and faith, she
answered: "My name is Marina; I am the offspring of the Pisidia; I call upon the Name of my Lord
Jesus Christ." Because of this she endured bonds, imprisonment, and many whippings, and was finally
beheaded in the year 270. Saint Marina is especially invoked for deliverance from demonic
Apolytikion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone
O Glorious Marina, once betrothed to the Logos, you relinquished all worldly concerns and brilliantly
gave struggle as a virginal beauty. You soundly trounced the invisible enemy who appeared to you, O
Champion, and you are now the world's wellspring of healing grace.
Kontakion in the Third Tone
Adorned with the beauty of Purity, O Virgin; crowned with the stigmata of martyrdom; stained with
the blood of your struggles; and brilliantly radiant with healing wonders, piously, O Marina, you
received the trophy of victory for your struggles.
Reading courtesy of Narthex Press / Apolytikion courtesy of Narthex Press / Kontakion courtesy of Narthex Press
Paraskevi the Righteous Martyr of Rome / July 26
Saint Paraskevi, who was from a certain village near Rome, was born to pious parents, Agatho and
Politia. Since she was born on a Friday (in Greek, Paraskevi), she was given this name, which
means "preparation" or "preparedness" (compare Matt. 27:62, Mark 15:42, Luke 23:54, and John
19:31, where 'Friday' is called "the day of the preparation"). From childhood she was instructed in
the sacred letters and devoted herself to the study of the divine Scriptures, while leading a monastic
life and guiding many to the Faith of Christ. During the reign of the Emperor Antoninus Pius, she
was apprehended because she was a Christian and was urged to worship the idols, but she answered
with the words of Jeremias: "Let the gods that have not made heaven and the earth perish from off
the earth" (Jer. 10:11). Because of this she endured exceedingly painful torments, and was
beheaded in the year 140. The faithful pray to her for the healing of eye ailments.
Apolytikion in the First Tone
Appropriate to your calling, O Champion Paraskevi, you worshipped with the readiness your name
bears. For an abode you obtained faith, which is your namesake. Wherefore, you pour forth healing
and intercede for our souls.
Kontakion in the Plagal of the Fourth Tone
O most majestic One, we have discovered your temple to be a spiritual clinic wherein all the faithful resoundingly honor you, O
famed and venerable martyr Paraskevi.
Reading courtesy of Narthex Press / Apolytikion courtesy of Narthex Press / Kontakion courtesy of Narthex Press
Panteleimon the Great Marytr & Healer / July 27
This Saint, who had Nicomedia as his homeland, was the son of Eustorgius and Eubula. His father
was an idolater, but his mother was a Christian from her ancestors. It was through her that he was
instructed in piety, and still later, he was catechized in the Faith of Christ by Saint Hermolaus (see
July 26) and baptized by him. Being proficient in the physician's vocation, he practiced it in a
philanthropic manner, healing every illness more by the grace of Christ than by medicines. Thus,
although his parents had named him Pantoleon ("in all things a lion"), because of the compassion
he showed for the souls and bodies of all, he was worthily renamed Panteleimon, meaning "allmerciful." On one occasion, when he restored the sight of a certain blind man by calling on the
Divine Name, he enlightened also the eyes of this man's soul to the knowledge of the truth. This
also became the cause for the martyrdom of him who had been blind, since when he was asked by
whom and in what manner his eyes had been opened, in imitation of that blind man of the Gospel
he confessed with boldness both who the physician was and the manner of his healing. For this he
was put to death immediately. Panteleimon was arrested also, and having endured many wounds,
he was finally beheaded in the year 305, during the reign of Maximian. Saint Panteleimon is one of the Holy Unmercenaries, and
is held in special honor among them, even as Saint George is among the Martyrs.
Apolytikion in the Third Tone
Panteleimon, saintly champion and healer, intercede with our merciful God to grant our souls remission of sins.
Kontakion in the Plagal of the First Tone
O Champion and Martyr of God, imitating the Merciful and bearing from Him the grace of healing, cure our spiritual ills by your
prayers, and set free from the temptation of the eternal enemy those who ceaselessly cry out, "Save us, O Lord."
Reading courtesy of Narthex Press / Apolytikion courtesy of Narthex Press / Kontakion courtesy of Narthex Press
Prayers for Health...
Dear Parishioners, Thank you for your support of this year’s Festival. The Parish Council and I sincerely appreciate all the efforts of our volunteers, those who helped prepare the food since January, those who helped set up and clean up the grounds and those who helped during the festival. Lately, the most frequent question I have been asked is, “How did we do?” I found it to be a simple question with many answers. Primarily, parishioners want to know how financially successful the overall festival was or how a particular booth performed. That will be an easy question to answer once all the bills are paid and the numbers are placed in a spreadsheet. But there are other aspects of the festival that deserve to be examined with this question. For example: How did we do expanding the number of volunteers preparing food, setting up, cleaning up or working the festival? How did we do as individuals in contributing our time, talent and treasure (i.e. being a steward)? How well did we do in inviting a parishioner we only see at Easter to come to Church on Sunday? How well did we do treating each other and working with one another? How did we do thanking people and appreciating those who sacrificed more than just the four days of the festival so everything was ready on July 1? I predict these questions, and probably many more like them, will not be discussed at the next General Assembly when we provide a Festival report. But, the answers to these questions speak louder compared to the “how did we do” financially because the amount we raised relates to how the outside community responded to the festival; the answers to those other questions directly relate to how we – the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church members – relate to each other and to the strength of our Parish. I wish everyone a safe and healthy summer. Please remember that we are looking for golf outing sponsors and players and that the fall Glendi is October 1 and 2. As always, please contact any Parish Council member or me if we can be of any assistance. In addition to my phone number listed in the front of the bulletin, please feel free to email me at [email protected]. Thank you. Spiros Mantzavinos Αγαπητοί Ενορίτες,
Σας ευχαριστώ για την υποστηρίξή σας στο φετινό
Φεστιβάλ. Το Συμβούλιο κι εγώ εκτιμούμε ειλικρινώς
όλες τις προσπάθειες των εθελοντών μας, αυτούς που
εβοήθησαν στην προετοιμασία του φαγητού από τον
Ιανουάριο, στο στήσιμο και καθαρισμό του
περιβάλλοντος χώρου και αυτούς που εβόηθησαν στο
Προσφάτως, η πλέον συχνή ερώτηση είναι «Πως τα
πήγαμε;». Αυτή είναι μία απλή ερώτηση με πολλές
Πρωταρχικώς οι ενορίτες θέλουν να
μάθουν πόσο συνολικώς οικονομικά επιτυχημένο ήταν
το φεστιβάλ και ειδικά ο χώρος που εργάσθηκαν.
Αυτό θα απαντηθή εύκολα μόλις έχουν πληρωθή όλα
τα έξοδα και όλοι οι αριθμοί έχουν καταχωρηθεί.
Αλλά υπάρχουν και άλλες όψεις του φεστιβάλ που
αξίζει να μελετηθούν.
Π.χ., πως τα καταφέραμε
αυξάνοντας τον αριθμό των εθελοντών στην
προετοιμασία του φαγητού και του καθαρισμού και
στησίματος του χώρου; Πως τα καταφέραμε σαν
άτομα συνεισφέροντας τον χρόνο μας, το ταλέντο και
πλούτη μας (π.χ. όντας οικονόμοι);
Πως τα
καταφέραμε προσκαλώντας ένας ενορίτη που τον
βλέπουμε στην Εκκλησία μόνο το Πάσχα να έρχεται
στην Εκκλησία και τις Κυριακές; Πως τα καταφέραμε
εργαζόμενοι μαζί;
Πως τα καταφέραμε
ευχαριστώντας και εκτιμώντας αυτούς που θυσιάζουν
περισσότερες από τέσσερις ημέρες στο φέστιβαλ όλο
τον χρόνο;
Προβλέπω ότι αυτές τις ερωτήσεις, και πιθανώς
περισσότερες σαν κι αυτές, δεν θα συζητηθούν στην
επόμενη Γενική Συνέλευση που θα παρουσιάσουμε
την αναφορά του Φεστιβάλ.
Αλλά οι απαντήσεις
αυτών των ερωτήσεων έχουν μεγαλλίτερο αντίκτυπο
συγκρινόμενες με το «πως τα πήγαμε οικονομικά»
επειδή το εισόδημα του φεστιβάλ αντικατροπτίζει την
εικόνα του φεστιβάλ στην κοινωνία. Οι απαντήσεις σ’
αυτές τις ερωτήσεις σχετίζονται ευθέως με το πως τα
Μέλη της Ελληνορθοδόξου Αγίας Τριάδος σχετίζονται
μεταξύ τους και με την δύναμη της Ενορίας μας.
Εύχομαι σε όλους σας ένα ασφαλές και υγιές
καλοκαίρι. Παρακαλώ να έχετε υπ’ όψιν σας ότι
αναζητούμε χορηγούς και παίκτες για το γκόλφ και ότι
το φθινοπωρινό Γλέντι είναι 1 και 2 Οκτωβρίου.
Όπως πάντα αν χρειάζεσθε βοήθεια ή έχετε κάποια
ιδέα μπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε με το Συμβούλιο ή
με έμενα προσωπικώς, είτε τηλεφωνικώς ή στο
[email protected].
Σπύρος Μαντζαβίνος
July Altar Boy Schedule
Please remember to find an alternate if you cannot make your assigned week.
Any boys, ages 10 and up interested in serving at the Altar this year please call
Mike Sanford at (610) 388-2093, or see him before or after Liturgy.
Constantine Fournaris (C)
(302) 475-5035
Antonio Fessaras
Theodore Fessaras
George Tsaganos
Dimitri Tsaganos
Steven Constantinou
Yianni Zerefos
Peter Stevens (C)
(302) 633-0175
Nicholas Gianelos
Yanni Janelli
Larry Kirifides
Lazarus Kirifides
George Kamenakis
Alex & Dino Matulas
Serving this month...
If you would like to be
added to the list of
P r o s fo r o n
O f fe r e r s ,
please call Dimitra
Lempesis at the number
listed below, or, if at any
time you wish to offer the
Prosforon without being
added to the list, please
feel free to bring it in on
any Sunday that you wish.
Epistle Readers:
July 4 ~ Dimitri Kaliakin
July 11 ~ Yanni Kaliakin
July 18 ~ Jamie Kostas
July 25 ~ Yanni Kaliakin
Narthex Duty:
July 4 ~ Group 1
Prosforon Offerers for July
July 4
Vickie Karakasidis
Litsa Anestos
July 11
Katina Zographos
Katina Galanakis
July 18
Sophia Regas
Niki Karaoglanis
July 25
Efterpi :Ladas
Athena Ladas
July 11 ~ Group 2
July 18 ~ Group 3
July 25 ~ Group 1
Coffee Hours:
Coffee Hours
will resume
in September
7/4 & 7/25
Yanni Kaliakin (C)
(610) 274-2247
Christopher Grivas
Dimitrios Kaliakin
George Fountzoulas
Billy Halakos
Nikolaos Dandolos
If you cannot meet your scheduled date
please contact
Dimitra Lempesis @ 475-6826
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Adamopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Angelos Alexandratos
Mr. & Mrs. T. Alexandridis
Mr. & Mrs. Elias Almasou
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Amygdalos
Ms. AnaMaria Anagnostou
Ms. Anthoula Anagnostou
Mrs. Georgia Anastasakos
Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Anastassiades
Mrs. Faith Andrianopoulos
Ms. Elaine Annos
Mr. & Mrs. William Annos
Mr. Anthony Anton
Dr. Michael Antony
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Apostolakis
Miss Arkontoula M. Apostolatos
Mr. Evaggelos M. Apostolatos
Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Atsidis
Mrs. Meropi Bambacus
Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Beris
Ms. Georgia Boines
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bouloukos
Mr. & Mrs. Themis Bourogiannis
Mr. & Mrs. James Brown
Mr. Michael Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Buggy
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Burpulis
Mr. & Mrs. John Burpulis
Mr. Stamatis Burpulis
Mr. Constantine & Dr. Maria Caras
Mr. George & Chris Caras
Mr. & Mrs. James Chahalis
Mr. & Mrs. George Chambers
Mrs. Jane Chappel
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Chilimidos
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Chris
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Christopher
Mr. Tom Christopher
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Christou
Ms. Demetra Christou
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Christou
Ms. Olga Ciabattoni
Mrs. Amanda Colyvas
Dr. John Congalidis
Mr. George Constantinou
Mr. & Mrs. John Constantinou
Mr. Charles Cooke III
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Costis
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Coulaloglou
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Courtis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Coustenis
Mrs. Olympia Cozamanis
Mr. & Mrs. Fernando Cozza
Mrs. Mary Creedon
Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Cubeta
Mr. Patrick Cusanelli
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Daskalopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. George Degermentzidis
Mr. & Mrs. Spyros Demetriou
Mrs. Virginia Demitral
Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Demourtzidis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Diamanty
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony T. Diamond
Irene S. Dickey
Mrs. Agnes Dignam
Mrs. Maria Donald
Mrs. Helen Doukakis
Ms. Clara Drimones
Mr. Nicholas Drimones
Ms. Maria Duprey
Mrs. Sophie Eliades
Mr. & Mrs. Speros Evangelatos
Mr. & Mrs. James Faller
Mr. & Mrs. George Fanandakis
Mr. & Mrs. Spero Ferentinos
Mr. & Mrs. Leonidas Fotakos
Dr. & Mrs. Costas Fountzoulas
Mr. & Mrs. George Fournaris
Mr. & Mrs. John Frangakis
Ms. Theone Frangos
Mrs. Ekaterini Galanakis
Mr. & Mrs. James Galaris
Rev. & Mrs. Stamatios Ganiaris
Dr. George C. Gatos
Mrs. Mary George
Mr. & Mrs. Sakelaris Gerakios
Mrs. Loula Geralis
Mr. Nick Gianakis
Mr. & Mrs. James Gianelos
Mr. & Mrs. Basil Giannaras
Rev. & Pres. George Giannaris
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Giannatos
Miss Virginia Gotides
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Govatos, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Alton Graham
Mrs. Helen Gregory
Mrs. Maria Grigorakakis
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Grivas
Dr. & Mrs. George Hadjipanayis
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Halakos
Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Halakos
Mr. & Mrs. Joannis Halakos
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Haldas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Haldas
Mr. & Mrs. Moses Halkopoulos
Mrs. Eugenia Hann
Mr. George Hantzandreou
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Hatzis
Mr. Thomas Hatzis
Dr. Sylvia Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Hionis
Mrs. Ida Ioannou
Miss Katherine Issaris
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Joannides
Mrs. Margo M. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Joseck
Mr. & Mrs. Laki Kalaitzoglou
Mr. & Mrs. George Kalfas
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Kaliakin
Mrs. Mary Kalmer
Mrs. Matena Kalmer
Mr. & Mrs. Stilianos Kalogiros
Mr. & Mrs. George Kamenakis
Mr. Peter Kamenakis
Mr. Philip Kamenakis
Mrs. Loula Kapordelis
Ms. Virginia Karablacas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karagiannis
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Karakasidis
Mr. & Mrs. John Karakasidis
Mr. Stephanos Karakasidis
Mr. & Mrs. Eleftherios Karaoglanis
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Karas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Karavasilis
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Katsimbris
Mrs. Pelagia Katsirmas
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kayiaros
Mrs. Ann Keffala
Mr. & Mrs. Basil Kehagias
Dr. & Mrs. John Kehagias
Miss Georgia Keros
Mr. & Mrs. Paul N. Kertiles
Mr. John Kikrilis
Drs. Alexander & Kathy Kirifides
Dr. & Mrs. Lazarus Kirifides
Mr. & Mrs. Petros Kirtses
Mr. Peter Kledaras
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Klezaras
Ms. Nikoletta Klezaras
Mr. James Kogamihalis
Mr. & Mrs. Basil Kollias
Ms. Georgia Koliias
Ms. Christina Koninis
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Koninis
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Kontis
Mr.& Mrs. Kostas Kontomaris
Mr. & Mrs. John Kostas
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Kotanidis
Mr.& Mrs. George Kramedas
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kramedas
Mrs. Maria Kramedas
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Kramedas
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Krikelis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Krikelis
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kusumi
Ms. Athena Ladas
Mrs. Efterpi Ladas
Mr. James Ladas
Mr. Michael Ladas
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Laws
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. John Lazare
Mr. & Mrs. Anastasis Lazaridis
Mr. & Mrs. Lakis Lazaridis
Mr. & Mrs. John Lazopoulos Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lemper
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Leounes
Miss Evelyn M. Liarakos
Dr. & Mrs. George Liarakos
Mr. Anargyros Liparos
Mrs. Mary Littel
Mr. & Mrs. Dean C. Lomis
Dr. & Mrs. W. Lee MacKewiz
Voula and John Manis
Mrs. Katina Manolakis
Mr. & Mrs. Nick T. Manolakos
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Manos
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Mantzavinos
Mr. & Mrs. Spiros Mantzavinos
Mr. & Mrs. James Maravelias
Mrs. Irene Marini
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Markatos
Mrs. Stella Markatos
Mrs. Kaliope Marusiodis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mayew
Mrs. Antoinette McFarland
Mr. Jason McFarland
Mr. & Mrs. Anastasis Melisaris
Mrs. Connie Mentis
Mrs. Barbara Mesogianes
Dr. & Mrs. Constantine Michell
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Michell
Mr. Constantine Milionis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Minella
Dr. & Mrs. Milt Misogianes
Mr. & Mrs. Antonios Mistras
Drs. George & Alexia Moutsatsos
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Nannas
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Narvell
Mr. Stephen Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. William Nicholas
Ms. Matina Nicholson
Mr. Louis Novakis
Mrs. Costas Pagonis
Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios Panagiotidis
Mr. Denis Pandelakis
Mrs. Christina Pantsos
Mr. & Mrs. C. Papachrysanthou
Mr. & Mrs. G. Papachrysanthou
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Papantinas
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Pappanicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Dean C. Pappas
Miss Elizabeth Pappas
Miss Sandra Pappas
Sotera & Helen Pappas
Mrs. Demetra Pappoulis
Mr. & Mrs. John Pennias
Mr. James Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Pettit
Mr. & Mrs. C. Phalangas
Mr. & Mrs. Phalangas-Stroud
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Phillips
Mrs. Pauline Phillips
Mr. Steve Pittaoulis
Mr. John Pittas
Mr. & Mrs. Sabastian Popescu
Dr. John Psaltis
Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Psaltis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Psaltis
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Psihalinos
Drs. Leo & Irene Raisis
Mr. Spiros Raisis
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ranalli
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Raptis
Mr. & Mrs. Dion Rassias
Mr. & Mrs. George Rassias
Mrs. Sofia Regas
Mrs. Christine Resine
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Riggins
Mr. & Mrs. George Righos
Mr. & Mrs. John Saffos
Mrs. Themis Sagredo
Mrs. Mary P. Saitis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sanford
Mrs. Areti Sapunas
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Saridakis
Mr. Chris Sarmousakis
Mr. & Mrs. George Sarmousakis
Mrs. Marika Sarmousakis
Mr. & Mrs. Nimrah Sartin
Mr. & Mrs. Basil Savopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schillinger
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Shuler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sikoutris
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Skiadas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Souleles
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Spanos
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Sparks
Mr & Mrs. Nicholas Staikos
Ms. Catherine Stathakis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Stavru
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stevens
Mr. M. & Dr. Jean Stewart/Gattuso
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Stout, Jr
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Tangalidis
Mrs. Anastasia Tarabicos
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Tarabicos
Mr. & Mrs. John Tarabicos
Mr. Diamantis Tektonopoulos
Dr. & Mrs. Costas Terris
Mrs. Eugenia Terss
Mr. Stamatis Theodorakis
Mr. & Mrs. George Tsaganos
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tsaganos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Tsaganos
Mr. & Mrs. George J. Tsavalas
Ms. Penelope Tsilimidos
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Tsionas
Mr. & Mrs. Efthimios Tsionas
Mr. & Mrs. George Tsugranes
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Turley
2010 HOLY TRINITY STEWARDS continued...
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Tzidras
Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Tzinoudis
Miss Regina Valko
Mr. & Mrs. David Vande Poele
Mr. & Mrs. George Vassilatos
Mrs. Kleoniki Vassiliou
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Velitskakis
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Vice
Mrs. Katherine Vlahos
Mrs. Helen Vlamis
Mr. & Mrs. Petros Voultsis
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Wilkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wissman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wissman
Mr. & Mrs. Josiah Wolcott
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Xarhoulakos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Yiannos
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zaloga
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zambetis
Dr. & Mrs. Demetri Zerefos
Mr. & Mrs. Markos Zerefos
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Ziccarelli
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zinna
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Zographos
We are now able to take Visa &
Mastercard payments for
Please contact the church office
for information on how to use
this service.
(302) 654-4446
As of June 21, 2010
January Income: (Stewardship, candles, other donations)
January Total Expense:
January Net Income:
+ 117.55
March Income: (Stewardship, candles, other donations)
March Total Expense:
March Net Income:
February Income: (Stewardship, candles, other donations) 26,702.97
February Total Expense:
February Net Income:
- 35,824.05
April Income: (Stewardship, candles, other donations)
April Total Expense:
April Net Income:
Net Income:
- 370.16
Net Income:
- 68,127.04
Jaclyn Colleen Marinis and baby John Michael Marinis ~ June 6
Anna Christopher to Eric Matthew Bross ~ June 26
May Income: (Stewardship, candles, other donations)
May Total Expense:
May Net Income:
- 18,313.71
Panayiotis Sideris ~ 31 years ~ June 27
Vasilios Krikelis ~ 23 years ~ June 27
Maria Krikelis ~ 10 years ~ June 27
Stamatia Stella Sideris ~ 3 years ~ June 27
Kyriakoula Carol Bailey ~ 1 year ~ June 27
SAVE THE DATE… Sunday, September 12, 2010
for the
Church’s Annual Welcome Back Picnic
June 12th at the
Emmanuel Dining Room East
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Food Pantry
To help and assist the needy of our
Wilmington Metropolitan Area
Again we thank our sponsor, Mrs. Anthi
Manukas, for her very generous contribution of
the Saturday, June 12th luncheon meal, making
this offering in memory of both her husband,
George, and her brother-in-law, Renos
Tsakataras. Her sister, Nikkie Tsakataras, and
Bessie Contompasis helped out in the kitchen
serving 150 men, women and children. Thank
you Mrs. Manukas for this loving honor and for
your generosity! The sponsor for the Monday,
July 12th luncheon meal is yet to be determined.
If you would like to help out on the 12th of any
month or if you would like to sponsor a month
and become a part of this worthy cause with
your family, friends or church organization,
please contact Nikkie Tsakataras at 655-2252
or Tina Ganiaris at 764-2183.
The Emmanuel Dining Room is located in the
Old Asbury Church at 3rd and Walnut Streets.
We sponsor and serve the luncheon meal on the
12th of every month from noon until 1 p.m.
Bring your donation of canned or
non-perishable foods and place them
in the two assigned areas
(by the church office and in the Narthex)
Help us fill these baskets often…
...and Give Glory to GOD!!
This month Steve Nicholas took 10 bags
of food to St. Stephen’s Food Pantry.
We would love to have you
join us...
Have a nice summer!
The Young @ Heart
thank the entire Holy Trinity Community for its remarkable response to the TAVERNA NIGHT
Singalong Songfest. A sell-out crowd of 240 persons attended the unique performance, and the
responses have been overwhelming. (see photos)
The June 10 end-of-year meeting elected the following officers for the 2010-2011 year beginning
with the second
Thursday of September 9:
Peter Xarhoulakos
Vice President: Elaine Righos
Mary George
George Gatos
Communications Contact: Evelyn Liarakos
Refreshment Committee:
Bessie Contompasis
Dimitra Giannaras
Sophia Psaltis
Katina Zographou
All "senior citizens" are invited to join the Young@Heart
and enjoy the "fun and games" of their "golden years!" The Young @ Heart’s
TAVERNA NIGHT ~ May 22, 2010
For more information please call the
church office 302-654-4446 or email
at [email protected]
September 27,
Proudly sponsored by
Marinis Bros., Inc.
For full details please see the flyer in the monthly bulletin or pick one up from the church
or visit the church’s web site at www.holytrinitywilmington.org
Golfer Registration Form
Golf Foursome
Price includes:
($150 per golfer)
Reception program book recognition, lunch, oncourse snacks & refreshments, reception with hors
d’oeurvres & buffet dinner
Dinner & Auction (only)
Hors d’oeurvres & Buffet Dinner
Sponsorship Levels
Tournament Sponsor
Proudly sponsored by Marinis Bros., Inc.
Gold Sponsor
Includes foursome, tee/green sign, Reception Program
Book full page ad, Company name/logo at Reception,
Name signage at dinner, hole & super ticket.
Silver Sponsor
Please provide the following information for each
golfer participating in the Holy Trinity Golf Classic.
Includes foursome, tee/green sign, Reception Program
Book 1/2 page ad, Banner w/company name/logo at lunch
Players Name: _______________________
Bronze Sponsor
Address: ____________________________
Phone: _____________________________
Includes foursome, tee/green sign, Reception Program
Book 1/4page ad, Company name/logo to appear on
beverage carts
Super Ticket Sponsor
Players Name: _______________________
Company name/logo on Mulligan package, banner
w/company name/logo on Super Ticket
Address: ____________________________
Hole Sponsor
Phone: _____________________________
Players Name: _______________________
Address: ____________________________
Phone: _____________________________
Company name/logo on tee or green sign,
Reception Book recognition
Dinner & Auction (only)
Hors d’oeurvres & Buffet Dinner
Sponsorship Commitment Form
Company Name: ___________________________
Individual Name:___________________________
Phone: ___________________________________
Players Name: _______________________
Address: ____________________________
Phone: _____________________________
Email: ___________________________________
Please check the appropriate sponsorship level(s) and
complete golfer information on the reverse side. Mail
completed form and check (payable to Holy Trinity
GOC Golf Tournament) to the church office.
Greek Festival
The 2010 Greek Festival Committee would
like to thank the many volunteers that
gave, unselfishly, ~ their time and talents ~
before, during, and after the festival.
The 2010 Greek Festival was a HUGE
SUCCESS because of your hard work and
& So Much More!
We cater
any size party
Pasta  Ribs
Wings  Salads
and much more.
Dine In Take Out
Delivery Catering
Talleyville Towne Shoppes
(across Silverside Rd from Chuck E Cheese)
3646 Silverside Road
Wilmington, DE 19810
P - 302.478.7202
Monday - Saturday 10am-6pm
Gift Certificates Available
First Home-based Greek Bakery
in Wilmington
Tel. 302-690-2677
[email protected]
Gift Certificates Available
Try our new item:
Imported Cretan
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Over 50 Locations
We Cater Any Size Party
Your AD can go HERE…
Call the office today to place it!
Wilmington & Hockessin
(302) 478-7100
Advertising in the Church Bulletin
helps to defray the cost of printing & mailing it to you.
You can help by placing an AD for your services HERE!!
Call the Church Office to find out how...
(302) 654-4446
Holy Trinity
Greek Orthodox Church
808 N. Broom Street
Wilmington, DE 19806
Non-Profit Org.
U. S. Postage
Permit No. 283
Wilmington, DE
Current Resident
Mail Date: June 25