Regulativa (PDF, 74 KB)

priredio: Stjepko Vrsalović,đ.
Rad na visini reguliran je direktivama, zakonima, pravilnicima, «kodeksom dobre prakse»,
smjernicama, preporukama, standardima, normama i drugim dokumentima. Ako pravila u domaćoj
regulativi ne postoje mogu se primjeniti «priznata pravila zaštite na radu» tj. pravila iz stranih propisa ili
u praksi provjereni načini rada.
Zakon o zaštiti na radu (NN 59/96, 94/96, 114/03, 100/04, 86/08, 116/08, 75/09, 71/14)
Pravilnik o poslovima s posebnim uvjetima rada (NN 5/84)
Pravilnik o uporabi osobnih zaštitnih sredstava (NN 39/06)
Pravilnik o stavljanju na tržište osobne zaštine opreme (NN 89/10)
Pravilnik o zaštiti na radu u građevinarstvu (NN 18/83, 59/96, 53/99)
Pravilnik o zaštiti na radu na privremenim ili pokretnim gradilištima (NN 51/08)
Pravilnik o sigurnosti i zdravlju pri uporabi radne opreme (NN 21/08)
Pravilnik o listi strojeva i uređaja s povećanim opasnostima (NN 47/02)
Pravilnik o ispitivanju radnog okoliša te strojeva i uređaja s povećanim opasnostima
(NN 114/02, 131/02, 126/03)
Pravilnik o zaštiti na radu za mjesta rada (NN 29/13)
Pravilnik o sredstvima osobne zaštite na radu i osobnoj zaštitnoj opremi (NN 53/91)
Pravilnik o evidenciji, ispravama, izvještajima i knjizi nadzora iz područja zaštite na radu
(NN 52/84)
HRN EN 1868:2011 (EN 1868:1997); Osobna zaštitna oprema protiv pada s visine – popis istovrijednih
HRN EN 363:2001 (EN 363:1992); Osobna zaštitna oprema protiv pada s visine – sustavi za
zaustavljanje pada
VERTIKO d.o.o. – Vrbje 42a, Zagreb – 01 3865 000 – [email protected] –
priredio: Stjepko Vrsalović,đ.
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (known as the CDM Regulations) (SI
2007/320) and HSE approved code of practice Managing health and safety in construction (HSE L144)
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (known as LOLER) (SI 1998/2307) and
HSE approved code of practice and guidance Safe use of lifting equipment 1998 (HSE L113)
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (known as the MHSW Regulations) (SI
1999/3242) and HSE approved code of practice and guidance Management of health and safety at
work (HSE L21)
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (SI 1992/2793) (including the 2002 amendment) and
HSE guidance Manual handling (HSE L23, third edition)
Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 2002 (known as the PPE Regulations) (SI 2002/1144)
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (known as the PPE at Work Regulations) (SI
1992/2966) and HSE guidance (HSE L25 second edition 2005)
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (known as PUWER) (SI 1998/2306) and HSE
approved code of practice Safe use of work equipment (HSE L22)
Work at Height Regulations 2005 (known as the WAHR) (SI 2005/735) as amended by the Work at
Height (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (SI 2007/114), and HSE guidance (HSE INDG401 Revision 1).
Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 (SI 1992/3004) as amended by the Quarries
Regulations 1999 (SI 1999/2024) and HSE approved code of practice and guidance Workplace health,
safety and welfare (HSE L24).
BS 7985:2009; Code of practice for the use of rope access methods for industrial purposes.
BS 8437:2005; Code of practice for selection, use and maintenance of personal fall protection
systems and equipment for use in the workplace.
BS 8454:2006; Code of practice for the delivery of training and education for work at height and
VERTIKO d.o.o. – Vrbje 42a, Zagreb – 01 3865 000 – [email protected] –