Paws Membership - PAWS PALEOHORA

To :Paleohora Animal Welfare Society
Αίτηση εγγραφής στον Σύλλογο
Membership Application form for PAWS
Επώνυµο/Surname: ...........................................................................
Όνοµα/Name: ...............................................................................
Όνοµα πατρός/Father's Name: ...................................................................
Ηµ. Γεν./Date of Birth: ..........................................................................
∆/νση κατ. / Address: ........................................................................
∆ήµος/District/ Town: .................................................................................
Τ.Κ./Postal Code : ........................................Χώρα/Country: ...............................
Τηλ./Telephone no: ....................................................................................
E-mail : ….............................................................................
Ζητώ να µε εγγράψετε ως µέλος του Σωµατείου κατ' άρθρο 5 του Καταστατικού.
∆ηλώνω υπεύθυνα ότι πληρώ τις προϋποθέσεις του Καταστατικού του Συλλόγου.
∆έχοµαι επίσης να πληρώνω το ποσό των 10 ευρώ ως εγγραφή και το ποσό των
10 ευρώ ως ετήσια εισφορά.
By signing this form I acknowledge that am applying to become a member of Paleohora Animal
Welfare Society (PAWS) as stated in the artcl.no5 of the registration protocol. Hereby, I accept the rules
and regulations in accordance with its Memorandum and Articles of Association. I understand that
Council has the right to reject or suspend my membership. I also acknowledge and accept an admission
fee of 10 Euro and a minimum annual membership fee of 10 Euro.
Ο/Η Αιτών/ούσα / The applicant
(Ονοµατεπώνυµο, υπογραφή)
(Full name and Signature of the applicant)