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Igor Duda
Curriculum Vitae
April 2015
Igor Duda is an assistant professor at the Department of Humanities and a
researcher at the Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism, Juraj
Dobrila University of Pula. He graduated in History and Croatian Language and
Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
(2000). He earned his MSc (2004) and PhD (2009) degrees in History from the
same university. His research fields are social history and the history of everyday
life of the second half of the 20th century, history of leisure and the history of
consumer society. He is the author of two volumes (in Croatian): In Pursuit of WellBeing. On History of Leisure and Consumer Society in Croatia in the 1950s and 1960s (2005) and
Well-Being Found. Everyday Life and Consumer Culture in Croatia in the 1970s and 1980s (2010).
Currently he is cooperating within different research projects and he is the principal investigator of the
project Making of the Socialist Man. Croatian Society and the Ideology of Yugoslav Socialism
(financed by HRZZ). He is a member of several associations and university boards, the co-founder
and the first head of the Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism in the year 2012/13.
Since the beginning of the academic year 2013/14 he is the Head of the History Subdepartment within
the Department of Humanities.
Personal information
Date and place of birth
[email protected]
9 April 1977, Pula, Croatia
Work experience
Occupation or
position held
Name and address
of employer
Courses taught
Other courses taught
Other activities at the
University of Pula
since 1 December 2001
2001-2010 teaching assistant (mlađi asistent, asistent, viši asistent znanstveni novak)
2011 assistant professor (docent)
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Department of Humanities,
Subdepartment of History – Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Odjel za
humanističke znanosti, Odsjek za povijest, Ronjgova 1, HR-52100 Pula,
BA level: Introduction into Croatian Contemporary History, History of the
Consumer Society in the 20 Century, Socialist Man: Yugoslav Case, History
of Leisure and Tourism;
MA level: Croatian Everyday Life in Socialism, Contemporary History
PhD program in modern and contemporary history at the University of
Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences: course Everyday Life of
Socialist Croatia (since 2011)
Croatian Seminar for Foreign Slavists (Hrvatski seminar za strane slaviste:
Zagrebačka slavistička škola), Dubrovnik, organized by University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, course Croatian Society in
Socialism: Everyday Life and Modernization (2013 and 2014)
supervisor of 67 BA and MA theses (2006-2014) in Croatian contemporary
history; coordinator of the Bologna Process at the Subdepartment of History
2004-2008, member of the Council of the Department of Humanities 20072009 and since 2011, member of the University Board for teaching and
students 2010-2012; co-founder of the Assistants' Day, annual conference of
the assistants of the University of Pula since 2009; co-editor of the issues
8/2010 and 12/2014 of Tabula, journal of the Department of Humanities; co-
founder of the Centre for Cultural and Historical Research of Socialism; head
of the Subdepartment of History (2013-2015)
Degree date
BA in history, BA in Croatian language and literature (profesor povijesti i
hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences –
Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Filozofski fakultet
Degree date
MSc in history (magistar znanosti, mr. sc.)
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Degree date
PhD in Croatian history (doktor znanosti, dr. sc.)
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Scholarship abroad
OSI/FCO Chevening Scholarship, University of Oxford, academic year
2002/2003, visiting postgraduate student
Erasmus, University of Regensburg and IOS Regensburg, January 2013, short
stay for research and teaching
Research Projects
Project title
Project title
Tourism and Leisure Cultures in Socialist Yugoslavia
Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Institut für Geschichte,
Abteilung Südosteuropäische Geschichte
Hannes Grandits, principal investigator
(FWF Austrian Science Fund)
Making of the Socialist Man. Croatian Society and the Ideology of Yugoslav
principal investigator
Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Centar za kulturološka i povijesna
istraživanja socijalizma (CKPIS)
(Croatian Science Foundation – HRZZ)
Research and Mobility Projects
Project title
Project title
The Politics of National Identity and Democratization in Austria and Croatia
researcher, co-head with Florian Bieber
Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Centar za kulturološka i povijesna
istraživanja socijalizma (CKPIS) and Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz,
Zentrum für Südosteuropastudien (CSEES)
(bilateral cooperation and mobility Austria-Croatia)
Cultures of Labor from Socialism to the EU: Slovenia and Croatia in a
Comparative Perspective
Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Centar za kulturološka i povijesna
istraživanja socijalizma (CKPIS) and ZRC SAZU Ljubljana, Department for
Interdisciplinary Research
headed by Lada Duraković and Tanja Petrović
(bilateral cooperation and mobility Croatia-Slovenia)
Project title
Changing Representations of Socialist Yugoslavia
researcher and student supervisor
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, partner institutions in Belgrade, Sarajevo,
Skopje, Koper and Pula
Other Projects
Project title
Hrvatska enciklopedija, Istarska enciklopedija
author/collaborator (HE, IE), executive editor (IE)
Leksikografski zavod (Lexicographic Institute) Miroslav Krleža, Zagreb
Refleksije vremena 1945-1955. (Reflections of Time 1945-55), exhibition,
curator Jasmina Bavoljak
team member, co-author
Galerija Klovićevi dvori (Klović Gallery), Zagreb
Project title
Project title
Project title
Godine za pamćenje (Years to Remember), TV documentary series by
Hrvoje Juvančić
researcher, script co-author
HRT (Croatian Radio and Television), Zagreb
Nikad im bolje nije bilo? Modernizacija svakodnevnog života u socijalističkoj
Jugoslaviji (They Never Had It Better? Modernization of Everyday Life in
Socialist Yugoslavia), exhibition, curator Ana Panić
team member, co-author
Muzej istorije Jugoslavije, Belgrade, and partner museums in Ljubljana,
Sarajevo, Pula and Zagreb
1. U potrazi za blagostanjem. O povijesti dokolice i
potrošačkog društva u Hrvatskoj 1950-ih i 1960-ih.
Srednja Europa, Zagreb, 2005, 2 edition 2014. [In
Pursuit of Well-Being. On History of Leisure and
Consumer Society in Croatia in the 1950s and 1960s]
Pronađeno blagostanje. Svakodnevni život i
potrošačka kultura u Hrvatskoj 1970-ih i 1980-ih.
Srednja Europa, Zagreb, 2010, 2 edition 2014. [WellBeing Found. Everyday Life and Consumer Culture in
Croatia in the 1970s and 1980s] (Kiklop Book Award
Co-authored books
1. Nikad im bolje nije bilo? Modernizacija
svakodnevnog života u socijalističkoj
Jugoslaviji/They Never Had It Better?
Modernization of Everyday Life in Socialist
Yugoslavia, Ivana Dobrivojević, Igor Duda, Sabina
Mihelj, Ana Panić, Muzej istorije
Jugoslavije/Museum of Yugoslav History,
Beograd/Belgrade, 2014.
Edited books
1. Radionica za suvremenu povijest. Istraživanja
diplomanata pulskog Sveučilišta 2011-2013., eds. Igor
Duda, Anita Buhin and Igor Stanić, Sveučilište Jurja
Dobrile u Puli and Srednja Europa, Pula and Zagreb,
2013. [Contemporary History Workshop]
2. Sunčana strana Jugoslavije. Povijest turizma u
socijalizmu, eds. Hannes Grandits and Karin Taylor,
eds. of Croatian edition Damir Agičić and Igor Duda,
Srednja Europa, Zagreb, 2013. [Yugoslavia's Sunny
Edited journals
Book chapters
1. Tabula, 8, 2010, issue with the papers by research assistants in
humanities of the University of Pula, co-editor of the issue Andrea
2. Tabula, 12, 2014, issue in occasion of the 20 anniversary of the History
Subdepartment in Pula, co-editor of the issue Marija Mogorović Crljenko
3. Časopis za suvremenu povijest, issue with the conference papers –
Socialism on the Bench, 3, 2014.
4. Historijski zbornik, issue with the conference papers – Socialism on the
Bench, 2, 2014.
5. Journal of Tourism History, issue Research on Tourism History in the
Adriatic Sea Region, co-editors of the issue Igor Tchoukarine and Rory
Yeomans, in print.
1. "Sve je najsuvremenije. Svakodnevica i potrošačka kultura u Puli ranih
1960-ih", Pula 3000 Pola: Prilozi za povijesnu sintezu, Elmo Cvek, Attilio
Krizmanić, eds., Pula, 2004, 43-55.
2. "Svakodnevica pedesetih: od nestašica do privrednog čuda", Način u
jeziku/Književnost i kultura pedesetih. Zbornik radova 36. seminara
Zagrebačke slavističke škole, Krešimir Bagić, ed., Filozofski fakultet u
Zagrebu, Zagrebačka slavistička škola, Zagreb, 2008, 69-85.
3. "Adriatic for All: Summer Holidays in Croatia", Remembering Utopia. The
Culture of Everyday Life in Socialist Yugoslavia, Breda Luthar, Maruša
Pušnik, eds., New Academia Publishing, Washington, 2010, 289-311.
4. "Workers into Tourists. Entitlements, Desires, and the Realities of Social
Tourism under Yugoslav Socialism", Yugoslavia's Sunny Side. A History
of Tourism in Socialism, 1950s-1980s, Hannes Grandits, Karin Taylor,
eds., Central European University Press, Budapest – New York, 2010,
Journal articles
5. "What to do at the Weekend? Leisure for Happy Consumers, Refreshed
Workers, and Good Citizens", Yugoslavia's Sunny Side. A History of
Tourism in Socialism, 1950s-1980s, Hannes Grandits, Karin Taylor, eds.,
Central European University Press, Budapest – New York, 2010, 303334.
6. "Svakodnevni život u Dalmaciji u djelima Stijepa Obada", Zbornik Stijepa
Obada, Marko Trogrlić, Josip Vrandečić, Ante Bralić, Mislav Elvis Lukšić,
eds., Sveučilište u Zadru – Odjel za povijest and others, Zadar, Split and
Zagreb, 2010, 145-158.
7. "'Rijetki trenuci odmora'. Tito i slobodno vrijeme", Tito – viđenja i
tumačenja, Olga Manojlović Pintar, ed., Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije,
Arhiv Jugoslavije, Beograd, 2011, 313-328.
8. "Nema goriva. INA, nestašice i mjere štednje u Hrvatskoj 1979.–1984.",
Iz hrvatske povijesti 20. stoljeća – Iz hrvaške zgodovine 20. stoletja
(Zbirka Vpogledi 4), ur. Iskra Iveljić, Stjepan Matković, Žarko Lazarević,
Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, Ljubljana, 2012., 111-122.
9. "Uhodavanje socijalizma. Hrvatska u desetljeću poslije 1945. godine",
Refleksije vremena 1945.-1955. (Reflections of Time 1945-1955), ed.
Jasmina Bavoljak, Galerija Klovićevi dvori, Zagreb, 2012, 10-37;
"Running-in socialism. Croatia in the decade after the year 1945", 308314.
10. "Konzumerizmom do komunizma? Potrošačka kultura u Hrvatskoj od
1950-ih do 1980-ih", Potrošačka kultura i konzumerizam, ed. Snježana
Čolić, Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, Zagreb, 2013, 83-105.
11. "Od radnika do turista. Prava, želje i stvarnost socijalnoga turizma u
jugoslavenskome socijalizmu", Sunčana strana Jugoslavije. Povijest
turizma u socijalizmu, eds. Hannes Grandits and Karin Taylor, Srednja
Europa, Zagreb, 2013, 55-87.
12. "Kamo na vikend? Slobodno vrijeme sretnih potrošača, odmornih radnika
i dobrih građana", Sunčana strana Jugoslavije. Povijest turizma u
socijalizmu, ur. Hannes Grandits and Karin Taylor, Srednja Europa,
Zagreb, 2013, 313-342.
13. "Djeca socijalističke domovine. Izgrađivanje pionirske tradicije u
Hrvatskoj 1950-ih godina", Socijalizam na klupi. Jugoslavensko društvo
očima nove postjugoslavenske humanistike, eds. Lada Duraković and
Andrea Matošević, Srednja Europa, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli,
Sa(n)jam knjige u Istri, Pula and Zagreb, 2013, 75-101.
14. "Komunisti kao turisti. Godišnji odmor u vili CK SKH u Fažani", Fažanski
libar 7, ur. Mirko Urošević, Amforapress, Pula 2014., 137-145.
1. "Kroz Koraljna vrata s Nevidljivim pismom u Zaborav", Književna revija,
1999, 39, 1/2, 102-113.
2. "Deklaracijom do jezika. Pogled na kulturno-jezičnu sliku povijesti druge
polovice XX. stoljeća", Kolo, X, 3, 2000, 85-104.
3. "Elementi kozmopolitizma u Puli između 1850. i 1918. godine", Radovi
Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest, 1999-2000, 32-33, 105-116.
4. "Osvajanje vremena i prostora. Dokolica kao užitak dugog devetnaestog
stoljeća", Kolo, XI, 1, 2001, 5-50.
5. "I vlakom na vikend. Prilog socijalnoj i kulturnoj povijesti slobodnoga
vremena u Hrvatskoj krajem 1960-ih", Časopis za suvremenu povijest,
2002, 34, 3, 659-678.
6. "Dokono mnoštvo otkriva Hrvatsku. Engleski turistički vodiči kao izvor za
povijest putovanja na istočnu jadransku obalu od 1958. do 1969.",
Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 2003, 35, 3, 803-822.
7. "Samoposluga kao vijest dana. Počeci suvremenog potrošačkog društva
1950-ih i 1960-ih godina", Problemi sjevernog Jadrana, 2003, 8, 267278.
8. "Povijest dokolice za početnike", Povijest u nastavi, 2004, 3, 214-221.
9. "'Mi smo ovdje tek toliko.' Izgubljeni stanovnici Pule 1910-1948.", Radovi
Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest, 2001-2004, 34-35-36, 157-184.
10. "Tehnika narodu! Trajna dobra, potrošnja i slobodno vrijeme u
socijalističkoj Hrvatskoj", Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 2005, 37, 2,
11. "Escaping the City: Leisure Travel in Croatia in the 1950s and 1960s",
Ethnologia Balkanica, 2005, 9, 285-303.
12. "Tourism to the People. Vacation as a Product of Socialist
Modernization" / "Turizam narodu. Godišnji odmor kao proizvod
socijalističke modernizacije, Man and Space / Čovjek i prostor (issue
topic: Unfinished Modernisations: Between Utopia and Pragmatism /
tema broja: Nedovršene modernizacije: između utopije i pragmatizma),
05-06 (684-685), 57, 2011, 28-32.
13. "Der gefundene Wohlstand. Alltag und Konsumkultur in Kroatien der
1970er und 1980er Jahre", Relations, 2011., 1-2, 168-183. [a chapter of
the book Pronađeno blagostanje]
14. "Iza vrata radničkih odmarališta. Službeni zapisi o nestašnima i gladnima
1947.-1950.", co-author Igor Stanić, Historijski zbornik, 2011, 64, 1, 99119.
15. "Nova istraživanja svakodnevice i društveno-kulturne povijesti
jugoslavenskoga socijalizma", Tabula, 2014, 12, 105-116.
16. "Nova istraživanja svakodnevice i društveno-kulturne povijesti
jugoslavenskoga socijalizma", Časopis za suvremenu povijest, 2014, 3,
17. "S Bucom i Bongom protiv krize. Hitrecovi smogovci, djetinjstvo i
svakodnevica kasnog socijalizma", Historijski zbornik, 2014, 2, 401-418.
18. "Tanned guardians, followers and pioneers. Yugoslav directed tourism
across Tito’s Brijuni Islands", co-author Igor Stanić, Journal of Tourism
History, in print.
See bibliography list at http://www.unipu.hr/index.php?id=421
Conference presentations
1. Sve je najsuvremenije. Svakodnevica i potrošačka kultura u Puli ranih
1960-ih. Pula 3000 Pola, Pula
2. Tehnika narodu! Trajna dobra, potrošnja i slobodno vrijeme u
socijalističkoj Hrvatskoj. II. kongres hrvatskih povjesničara, Pula
3. Escaping the City: Leisure Travel in the 1950s and 1960s Croatia. Urban
Life and Culture in Southeastern Europe, 3 InASEA Conferece
(International Association for Southeast European Anthropology),
4. Having a Car in Socialist Yugoslavia: On the Road to Consumerism and
Private Leisure. Socialist Luxury, Victoria and Albert Museum, London
5. Beauty, Contrast and Independence: British and American Travel
Guidebooks on Socialist Yugoslavia 1958-1969. Images and CounterImages East and West: Expectations and Observance, Inštitut za
novejšo zgodovino, Ljubljana
6. Workers into Tourists. Entitlements, Wishes and Realities of Social
Tourism in Yugoslav Socialism. Yugoslavia's Sunny Side, Institut für
Geschichte, Graz
7. What to do at the Weekend? Leisure for Happy Consumers, Fresh
Workers and Good Citizens. Yugoslavia's Sunny Side, Institut für
Geschichte, Graz
8. On Holidays with the State: Social Tourism and Social Background in
Socialist Yugoslavia. Social Transformations and Social Identities in
East-Central and Southeastern Europe under Socialism, 1944/451989/91, CEU Budapest, Budapest
9. Directed to Holidays. The Beginnings of Mass Tourism in Socialist
Yugoslavia. Modern Dictatorship as a Practice and Experience. New
Approaches in the Study of Authoritarian Regimes in Central and SouthEastern Europe in the 20th century, Univerza na Primorskem, Koper
10. Zlatne godine jugoslavenskog socijalizma. Asistentski dan. Znanstveni
skup asistenata Odjela za humanističke znanosti i Odjela za studij na
talijanskom jeziku Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Pula
11. Unwanted Modernization? The Acceptance of Tourism in Croatia under
Yugoslav Socialism. 7 Conference of the T2M (International Association
for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility), panel Touristic
innovation? – Tourism in authoritarian regimes, Luzern
12. "Rijetki trenuci odmora". Tito, slobodno vrijeme i jugoslavenski turizam.
Tito: viđenja i tumačenja, Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, Arhiv
Jugoslavije i Südost-Institut Regensburg, Belgrade
13. Yugoslav Socialist Ideology and the Everyday Consumer Practice.
Rethinking Late Socialism. Socio-Cultural Change and Political
Legitimacy in Eastern Europe since the 1960s, Institut za istoriju
Sarajevo, Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam, Institute of
Contemporary History Prague, Sarajevo
14. Gladni na odmoru. Radnička odmarališta krajem 1940-ih. Asistentski
dan. Znanstveni skup asistenata Odjela za humanističke znanosti i
Odjela za studij na talijanskom jeziku Sveučilišta Jurja Dobrile u Puli,
15. Motorization and Consumerism in Socialist Yugoslavia. Post-Stalinism as
an Epoch: Towards a Comparative Societal History of European
Communism between 1956 and 1980, Zentrum für Zeithistorische
Forschung, Potsdam
16. Holidaymakers between Socialism and Consumerism: Croatian and
Yugoslav Tourism in the 1970s and 1980s, 15 Annual Mediterranean
Studies Association International Congress, Juraj Dobrila University of
Pula, Pula
17. Djetinjstvo u slobodi ili slobodno djetinjstvo. Djelovanje Saveza pionira u
Hrvatskoj 1950-ih i 1980-ih, IV. kongres hrvatskih povjesničara, Zagreb
18. Discussion at the panel Culture, consumerism, class and aesthetics
znanstvenoga skupa Bringing class back in: The dynamics of social
change in (post)Yugoslavia, Centre for Southeast European Studies and
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Marija Bistrica
19. Studying Socialist Labour Relations: Yugoslav Socialism and the Uljanik
Shipyard, co-speaker Igor Stanić, Studying Labor in and after State
Socialism (Workshop), Institut für Ost- und
Südosteuropaforschung/Institute for East and Southeast European
Studies (IOS), Regensburg
20. Komunisti kao turisti. Godišnji odmor u vili CK SKH u Fažani, Fažanski
kolokvij 7, Fažana
21. Djeca socijalističke domovine. Izgrađivanje pionirske tradicije u Hrvatskoj
1950-ih godina, Socijalizam na klupi. Kulturološke i povijesne
interpretacije jugoslavenskoga i postjugoslavenskih društava / Socialism
on the Bench. Cultural and Historical Interpretations of Yugoslav and
Post-Yugoslav Societies, Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile u Puli, Centar za
kulturološka i povijesna istraživanja socijalizma, Pula
22. Tourists as Guardians of Socialism: Yugoslav Social Tourism across
Tito's Brijuni Islands, 46 Annual Convention of the Association for
Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) – 25 Years After
the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Historical Legacies and New Beginnings, San
Antonio (Texas, USA)
23. Dvadeset godina studija povijesti u Puli (1994.–2014.), co-speaker Klara
Buršić-Matijašić, Sveučilišna nastava povijesti u Hrvatskoj. Tradicija,
današnje stanje, prespektive, HNOPZ, DHP and Filozofski fakultet
Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb
Invited and public lectures
1. Potrošačko društvo i socijalizam. Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u
Zagrebu, Odsjek za povijest, Zagreb
2. Odmor i putovanja u Hrvatskoj 1950-ih i 1960-ih. Filozofski fakultet
Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odsjek za povijest, Zagreb
3. U potrazi za blagostanjem. Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za povijest, Zadar
4. Having Holidays in Yugoslav Socialism. Leisure and Pleasure in SouthEast Europe, University College London, School of Slavonic and East
European Studies, London
5. Svakodnevica pedesetih: od nestašica do privrednog čuda. Zagrebačka
slavistička škola, Dubrovnik
6. Svakodnevica, potrošačka kultura i slobodno vrijeme u socijalističkoj
Hrvatskoj. Profilova radionica za nastavnike povijesti, Pula
7. Ljetovanja u socijalističkoj Hrvatskoj. Program Antropolgija turizma,
Odsjek za etnologiju i kulturnu antropologiju, Filozofski fakultet
Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb
8. Iz socijalizma u Trst. Povijest svakodnevice o kupovanju preko granice.
Mjesec hrvatske knjige, Gradska knjižnica i čitaonica, Pula
9. Pronađeno blagostanje. Sveučilište u Zadru, Odjel za povijest, Zadar
10. Konzumerizam u socijalističkoj Hrvatskoj. Monteparadiso Hacklab, Pula
11. Everyday Life of Croatian Consumers in Yugoslav Socialism.
Forschungskolloquium Neue Perspektive in der südost- und
osteuropäischen Geschichte, Universität Regensburg, Südost-Institut,
12. Socialist Yugoslavia: the West or the East?. International Students of
History Association, Annual Conference: East and West: Bridging the
Differences, Pula
13. Potrošačka kultura u socijalističkoj Hrvatskoj. Radni teren Jugoplastika,
14. Tehnička revolucija u svakodnevici socijalističke Hrvatske. Muzej
računala i tehnologije Peek&Poke, Rijeka
15. Između perilice i televizora. Svakodnevica u kućanstvu od 1950-ih do
1980-ih. Muzej grada Zagreba
16. Pula's Struggle with Temporality and Modernity in the 19th and 20th
Centuries. Mediterranean Summer School of Theoretical and Applied
Humanities: Mediterranean Identities, Univerza na Primorskem, Koper
17. Djeca i potrošacka kultura jugoslavenskoga socijalizma. Radionica
Sjećanje na Maju. Prilog proučavanju kulture sjećanja na djetinjstvo u
jugoslavenskom socijalizmu, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu,
18. Prijepori o potrošačkoj kulturi u socijalističkoj Hrvatskoj. Filozofski
fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci, Odsjek za kulturalne studije, Rijeka
(repeated in 2013)
19. Croatia in Socialist Yugoslavia: an Overview. Universität Regensburg,
Fakultät für Philosophie, Kunst-, Geschichts- und
Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Institut für Geschichte, Lehrstuhl für
Geschichte Südost- und Osteuropas, Regensburg
Tito's Pioneers and Yugoslav Socialist Ideology. Forschungskolloquium
Neue Perspektiven in der südost- und osteuropäischen Geschichte,
Lehrstuhl Geschichte Südost- und Osteuropas, Universität Regensburg
& Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, Regensburg
Uhodavanje socijalizma. Hrvatska 1945–1955., program of the exhibition
Reflections of Time 1945–1955, Centar za povijesna i kulturološka
istraživanja socijalizma and Arheološki muzej Istre, Pula
Well-Being Found? Standard of Living in Socialist Croatia. Central
European University, Budapest
Socijalni turizam i socijalizam: slučaj Fažana. Državni arhiv u Pazinu,
Jadran za radnike. Socijalni turizam u jugoslavenskom socijalizmu,
Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade,
Shopping Abroad and Socialist Yugoslavia: a Necessity or a Whim?
School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College
London, London
Tourism, Identity and Liberalization in Socialist Yugoslavia, Zentrum für
Südosteuropastudien (CSEES), Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz
Životni standard i potrošačka kultura u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji, program
of the exhibition They Never had It Better?, Museum of Yugoslav History,
Djetinjstvo između pionira i smogovaca, panel discussion Kako smo
odrastali? Djetinjstvo između socijalističkog Istoka i kapitalističkog
Zapada, program of the exhibition They Never had It Better?, Museum of
Yugoslav History, Belgrade
Social History of Croatia in Socialist Yugoslavia, Institute of Slavic
Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan, Poznan
Kultura putovanja i masovni turizam u socijalističkoj Hrvatskoj, Institute of
Slavic Studies, Adam Mickiewicz University of Poznan, Poznan