Antonella Coppi – 28th cycle

Antonella Coppi – 28th cycle
Master's Degree in Historical and Performing Arts (University of Perugia), Master’s Degree in Music Education
(Conservatorio of Parma – Upper Level) and Master’s Degree in Vocal Composition and Choir Conducting
(Conservatorio of Ferrara – Upper Level). She also graduated in Pianoforte (Conservatorio of Perugia), Educational
Communication for Teachers (Master of specialization - University of Ferrara) Teaching in Humanistic Heritage (Master
of specialization - University of Ferrara) and SISS in Italian Literature (Upper level - University of Parma). To
complete her training, she specializes in Techniques and methods of music education in Europe – 0-6 (International
European Graduate Program) Orff international Method (Simeos Verona), General and Experimental Teaching
(specializing upper course - University of Ferrara).
She collaborates from many years with the Faculties of Education of the University of Perugia and Modena and Reggio
Emilia in the field of Practice of Music and Music Education. From last Academic year She is actives in the same field in
the Faculty of Education of the Free University of Bolzano. She has been Coordinator of the Master in Music
Education and Research (University of Perugia) and Scientific Coordinator research project “REMUS, Reggio Emilia,
Musica Università, Scuola” (University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, 2003 – 2008). For the Ministry of Education she is
coordinator of many refresher courses for teachers in Music Education in the Italian school: she is member of the
most important international society of music education (ISME, IMC, etc.). from 2010 she is member of the
Institutional Education Group for application of El Sistema in Reggio Emilia. At the teaching and research activity,
she approaches an important artistic work as University Choir and Orchestras Conductor, with over 200 concert
around the Italy and Europe: from 2008 until today, she is Scientific Referent of National Coordination of University
Choirs and Orchestras in Italy. From 2000 she is the Italian Referent for Song of Hope International Program
(Minneapolis, MN, USA). From 2004 she is Delegate from the Rector of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia –
University Choir and Orchestra (Protocollo Unimore-Uniss).
Her research interests lie in music pedagogy and didactics with a focus on the teaching – learning process conveyed
by the use of Vocal and Choir experience. The research project she is developing is related Youth Choirs in El Sistema
as a framework in the field of pedagogical music teaching for multilingual youth in Bressanone. Many are
participations in National and International Conferences.
In over 35 publications since 2002, including:
Coppi, A. (2004) Remus “Reggio Emilia Musica Università, Scuola” Studi e ricerche sulla formazione musicale. Perugia:
Morlacchi Editore
Coppi A. (2007). Un progetto formativo extracurricolare in Musica, Ricerca sul Curricolo e innovazione didattica
Tecnodid, pp. 60-71.
Coppi A.(2009). La Creatività, in La Regione in musica – Diffusione della pratica musicale in Emilia Romagna.
Tecnodid, pp.67-70
Coppi A. (2010) I Cori e le Orchestre Universitarie Italiane, Attualità e prospettive. CLEUP.
Coppi A. (2013). Music and Creativity in Italian schools, in Scientific Research Publisching (SRP) , inc. USA. ISBN: 9781-61896-029-0
Coppi A. (2013). Musica ed internazionalizzazione, in Musica Domani n. 168-169, settembre –dicembre 2013, Torino:
EDT, pp.30-34.ISSN 0391-4380
Coppi A. (2014). Music education and capability approach: from the model of El Sistema in Venezuela to current
applications in learning and inclusion Italian context. In Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal. ISSN: 18770428).
Italian (mother tongue), Fluent English, (International Language School of English - Brighton, Malta), Basic German
and Spanish.