bollettino n.27 - Rotary Appiano Gentile

Si ringrazia
Thanks to :
For more informations, visit our site:
Salvatore Vella
(Flauto / Flute)
18/25 August
Domenico Orlando
19/25 August
Calogero Palermo
(Clarinetto / Clarinet)
20/26 August
Giorgio Mandolesi
(Fagotto / Bassoon)
19/25 August
Eliseo Smordoni
(Fagotto / Bassoon)
19/25 August
Konstantin Becker
(Corno / Horn)
12/18 August
Jorge Monte De Fez
(Corno / Horn)
11/15 August
Giuliano Sommerhalder
(Tromba / Trumpet)
11/17 August
Anna Liisa Bezrodny
(Volino / Violin)
18/25 August
Héloise Geoghegan
(Violino / Violin)
18/25 August
Harald Herzl
(Violino / Violin)
18/25 August
Geneviève Laurenceau
(Violino / Violin)
11/17 August
Natalia Lomeiko
(Violino / Violin)
18/25 August
Federico Pivato
(Violino / Violin)
19/25 August
Anna Pugliese
(Violino / Violin)
11/17 August
Madlen Stokic Vasiljevic
(Violino / Violin)
11/19 August
Yuri Zhislin
(Violino / Violin and Viola)
18/25 August
Aida Carmen Soanea
18/25 August
Romain Garioud
(Violoncello / Cello)
18/25 August
David Eggert
(Violoncello / Cello)
12/18 August
Jan-Erik Gustaffson
(Violoncello / Cello)
18/25 August
Florian Kitt
(Violoncello / Cello)
18/25 August
Petru Iuga
(Contrabbasso / Contrabass)
14/19 August
Maria Elisa Tozzi
(Pianoforte / Piano)
11/17 August
Anais Lee
(Canto / Voice Opera Studio)
12/25 August
Gianni Santucci
(Scenic Movement
Opera Studio)
Ennio Ficiur
(Acting in musical theatre)
11/18 August
Agnese Coco
(Arpa / Harp)
11/17 August
ƒƒ Musical analysis, comprehension and interpretation of text - Seminar by Francesco Telli - 19/22 August
ƒƒ Discovering of the art of violin making with Mathias Menanteau, through workshop, conferences and photo exhibition - 12/24 August
1. The fourth edition of the masterclasses organized by the Associazione Mozart Italia Sede di Terni, in collaboration with the city of Narni, will take place in Narni
from the 11th to the 26th of August, 2014. The calendar of the individual classes will be determined by the various professors. The course offerings for 2014
will be opera studio, musical, piano, harp, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, violin, viola, cello and contrabass.
2. The courses are open to all musicians regardless of age or nationality, who will be classified as either active participants or auditors. At the discretion of the
teacher an admission exam may be requested for the active participants.
3. Excluding exceptions that may be accorded by the Directors, each course will start only when a minimum number of 8 active participants has been reached.
The maximum number of participants in a course will be determined by each individual teacher. Every student will receive 5 individual lessons.
4. The registration form must be filled out by all active students and auditors and is found together with this list of regulations or can be downloaded from the site
of the Associazione Mozart Italia sede di Terni. The form can be sent by email ([email protected]) or can also be sent via registered mail, postmarked
on or before July 31st, 2014, to the administration office of Associazione Mozart Italia sede di Terni, Casella Postale 111 Terni Centro, 05100 (TR) Italy. In
certain limited cases the Directors may decide, at their discretion, to accept applications made after the deadline of July 31st, 2014.
5. Applicants must include with their registration form:
-- FOR PARTICIPATING STUDENTS: A COPY OF A BANK TRANSFER OF EURO 130.00 (This amount covers the cost of registration for the masterclasses
and the obligatory association fee of the Associazione Mozart Italia Sede di Terni).
-- FOR AUDITING PARTICIPANTS: A COPY OF A BANK TRANSFER OF EURO 100.00 (This amount covers the cost of registration for the masterclasses
and the obligatory association fee of the Associazione Mozart Italia Sede di Terni). intestato a:
Associazione Mozart Italia sede di Terni - Banco Popolare - Agenzia di Terni - IBAN IT70B0503414400000000000717 - Cod. SWIFT: BAPPIT21R38
-- 2 passport-sized photos
-- Copy of a photo ID and fiscal code (for residents of Italy)
-- Curriculum (only active students)
-- List of the music proposed for the course. Students must be in possession of copies of all music that they intend to study, upon arrival at the masterclasses
-- In the case of a minor, signed authorization of a parent or guardian, including copy of a photo ID of the undersigned and his or her fiscal code (for Italian citizens)
6. Tuition for active students will be paid directly at the administration office of the Association, Teatro G. Manini, Narni, before the beginning of the
masterclasses. The fees are as follows:
A) VIOLIN (M° Herzl, M° Lomeiko, M° Bezrodny, M° Laurenceau, M° Zhislin), CELLO (M° Gustaffson) - 310.00 €
B) VOICE-OPERA (M° LEE), PIANO (M° TOZZI) - 210.00 €
7. In the case of withdrawal from a course, the registration fee will not be reimbursed. A reimbursement will be made under the sole circumstance that the
organization is forced to annul the course for reasons independent of the will of the participants. Tuition for the courses will not be reimbursed for any reason
once the courses have begun.
8. The organization is not responsible for eventual damage to persons or effects which might occur during the period of the courses in the spaces reserved for
classes, studios and concerts.
9. Participants must bring two copies of the music they propose, with the relative piano sheet music, appropriate attire for concerts and a music stand.
10. An official certificate of attendance will be issued to each student at the end of the courses.
11. Public concerts are planned for the most proficient students. These will be held in Narni, at the City Theatre G. Manini, at the San Domenico Auditorium, at
the church of S. Maria Impensole, in the courtyard of the Palazzo Comunale and in selected outdoor spaces. Performances may consist of solo recitals or
Ensemble performances (with their respective rehearsals) in which students are expected to participate, if their teacher deems it opportune.
12. Accompanying pianists will be available for the students, upon request from the teacher.
13. The following scholarships for best soloistic interpretation, which will be awarded through an audition process open to all students
who indicate their interest on the registration form, will be awarded by the Directorate. The works presented must be original, and not
transcriptions, and each candidate must communicate the title, author and duration of his or her selections by email to mozart.terni@gmail.
com by the 7th of August, 2014. Candidates will receive a personal communication regarding the details of the audition. The commision’s
decision is final. The scholarships may remain unassigned in the case that no performance is deemed suitable.
-- A SCOLARSHIP of EURO 1.000,00 offered by the Society of Friends of the Mozarteum University of Salzburg (A payment of €500.00 will be reserved for soloists who perform a work by W.A. Mozart)
-- A SCOLARSHIP of EURO 500,00 offered by the Province of Terni
-- A SCOLARSHIP of EURO 500,00 offered in memory of Maestro Renato Chiesa
-- The Tenor Alvinio Misciano Scholarship of EURO 300.00 offered by “La Repubblica of Narni” (Only for singers)
-- A particularly meritorious student, selected by the direction, will be offered the possibility of performing in a concert organized by the Associazione Mozart Italia Sede di Terni.
For detailed information regarding the hotels with which we have stipulated an agreement and relative costs for the duration of the Courses,
information and reservations call +39.333.4082580 oppure +39.393.1612838 or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Prospective students
are advised to book far in advance to ensure finding accommodations in the centre of Narni.