read the Curriculum Vitae

Ilaria Cicola
e-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Personal Informations:
Place of birth : Roma
Date of birth: 22/06/1985
Citizenship: Italian
Current position:
Ph.D. Student at "La Sapienza" University of Rome in Islamic Civilisation: history and
philology and in international co-tutoring with EPHE (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes) of
Master degree in Modern Languages for International Comunication at Università degli
studi Roma3 with evaluation of 110 cum laude/110;
Bachelor degree in Languages and International Comunication, Università degli Studi
Roma3, with evaluation of 110/110;
Winner of a Scholarship of the Italian and Egyptian Ministries of Foreingn Affairs, I spent
several months in Cairo to studi in Kulliya(t) Dār al-‘ulūm Arabic language.
High school “V. Colonna”, Roma, curriculum Languages with evaluation of 100/100.
Pubblications and congress attaindances:
- Tagging Alchemic texts. Issues in Corpora and Analysis, dans Langues et Littératures du
Monde Arabe (LLMA) : 9, pp. 52-59 ENS Editions, 2011
- Il corpus giabiriano, una visione d'insieme tra passato e futuro, in "Miscellanea Arabica",
La Sapienza Edizioni, 2012,
Lancioni G., Benassi L., Campanelli M., Cicola I, Pepe I., Pettinari V., Silighini A. 2013. Arabic
Meaning Extraction through Lexical Resources: A General-Purpose Data Mining Model for Arabic
Texts. IMMM 2013 : The Third International Conference on Advances in Information
Mining and Management: 107-112.
Congress attendances:
Participation at "The First International Conference On Written Arabic And Writing
Arabic" Jerusalem, 19 – 21 June 2012;
Participation at the International Congress "Written Arabic, Writing Arabic: Corpora and
Lexica" Rome, 23-25 October 2012.;
Participation to the International Workshop “New Research on Muḥammad and the
Qurʾān: exegetical, historical and linguistic approaches”, Rome, 20-21 September 2013;
Participation to the Research Seminar “Arabic Language today: differences,
standardization, teaching” Rome, 12 December 2013.
University groups collaborations:
Roma Tre University of Rome, R3A (Roma Tre Arabo)
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, CNRS/LEM (Equipe n. 1)
Spoken languages:
Italien - mother tongue;
Français - C2;
Anglais - C2;
Arabe - B2;
Espagnol - B1;
Persan - read.
I won the Vinci
scholarship in
2013 from the Université Franco-Italienne