Bibliografia Aureoseal MTA ()

V. Campanella, D.Cao, L.Cianconi, “Nuovo materiale per chiusura di perforazioni:
valutazione della biocompatibilità su topi CD1” Doctor Os, 2004 Apr; 15 (4): 341-345
V.Campanella, F.Mangani, A.Libonati, “Valutazione della embriotossicità di un nuovo
cemento endodontico a base di ossidi minerali aggregati modificati: Aureoseal Ogna” G. It
Endo. Vol. 18 n°1 pp 9-11, gennaio – marzo 2004
Coronati Consulting, “Test di citotossicità in vitro in accordo alla norma UNI EN ISO
10993-5” - documentazione Ogna, maggio 2004.
Review, articoli descrittivi, metodologie di utilizzo
R.S. Schwartz, M.Mauger, D.J. Clement, W.A.Walker III, “Mineral Trioxide Aggregate:
un nuovo materiale per l’endodonzia”, l’Informatore Endodontico, vol.3, n°2, 2000
R.S. Schwartz, M. Mauger, D.J. Clement, W.A. Walzer III, “Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: a
new material for endodontics”, JADA, vol.130, luglio 1999
A. Castellucci, “L’uso del Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in Endodonzia Clinica e Chirurgica”,
L’Informatore Endodontico, vol.6, n°3, 2003.
D.S.J. Lee, G. Bogen, “Multifaceted use of ProRoot MTA root canal repair material”,
Pediatric Dentistry, 23:4, 2001
M. Torabinejad, N. Chivian, “Clinical applications of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate”, J. of
Endodontics,25,n°3, marzo 1999
M. Torabinejad, C.U. Hong, F. McDonald, T.R. Pitt Ford, “Physical and Chemical
properties of a new root-end filling material”, J. of Endodontics,21,n°7, luglio 1995
B.R. Johnson, “Considerations in the selection of a root-end filling material”, Oral Surgery
Oral Medicine Oral pathology,vol. 87,n°4 aprile 1999
P.A.Marcoli, S.Pizzi, M.Tamani, “Microscopio, ultrasuoni e nuovi materiali: come è
cambiata l’endodonzia chirurgica”, Il Dentista Moderno, ottobre 2003
E.S. Lee, “A New Mineral Trioxide Aggregate root-end filling technique”, J. of
Endodontics,26,n°12, dicembre 2000
G.N. Glickman, K.A. Koch, “21st century endodontics”, JADA, vol.131, giugno 2000
G.Cantatore, A.Castellucci, A.Dell’Agnola, V.A. Malagnino, “Applicazioni cliniche
dell’MTA” G.It. Endo vol. 16 n°1 pp 29-39
A. Aminoshariae, G.R. Hartwell, P.C. Moon, “Placement of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate
using two different techniques”, J. of Endodontics,29,n°10, ottobre 2003
Pag 1 di 7
Test di bio-compatibilità
A. Pistorius, B.Willershausen & B. Briseno Marroquin, “Effect of apical root-end filling
materials on gingival fibroblasts” Int. Endodontic Journal, 36, 610-615, 2003
M. Yaltirik, H.Ozbas, B.Bilgic, H.Issever, “Reactions of connective tissue to Mineral
Trioxide Aggregate and Amalgam” J. of Endodontics, 30, n°2, febbraio 2004-11-10
A. Hanan, “Attachment and Morphological behaviour of human periodontal ligament
fibroblast to Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: a scanning election microscope study”, J. of
Endodontics,30,n°1, gennaio 2004
A.L. Perez, R.Spears, J.L. Gutmann & L.A. Opperman, “Osteoblasts and MG-63
osteosarcoma cells behave differently when in contact with Pro-root MTA and White MTA”,
Int. Endodontic Journal,36,564-570, 2003
M. Torabinejad, CU.Hong, SJ Lee, M.Monsef, T.R.Pitt Ford, “Investigation of Mineral
Trioxide Aggregate for root-end filling in dogs”, J. of Endodontics,21, n°12, dicembre 1995.
R.Holland, Souza, M.Juvenal Nery, J.A.Otoboni Filho, P.Felicio Estrada
Bernabè, E.Dezan, “Reaction of dogs’ teeth to root canal filling with Mineral Trioxide
Aggregate or a glass ionomer sealer”, J. of Endodontics,25, n°11, novembre 1999
I. Medeiros Faraco Jr, R. Holland, “Response of the pulp of dogs to capping with Mineral
Trioxide Aggregate or a calcium hydroxide cement” Dental Traumatology 2001;17:163166.
E.T. Koh, F. McDonald, T.R.Pitt Ford, M. Torabinejad, “Cellular response to Mineral
Trioxide Aggregate”, J. of Endodontics,24,8, agosto 1998
R.M. Osorio, A. Hefti, F.J. Vertucci, A.L.Shawley, “Cytotoxicity of Endodontic Materials”,
J. of Endodontics,24,n°2,febbraio 1999
M.Torabinejad, C.U. Hong, T.R. Pitt Ford, J.D. Kettering, “Cytotoxicity of four root-end
filling materials”, J. of Endodontics,21,n°10,ottobre 1995
J.D. Kettering, M.Torabinejad, “Investigation of mutagenicity of Mineral Trioxide
Aggregate and other commonly used root-end filling materials”, J. of
Endodontics,21,n°11,novembre 1995
R.Holland, V. de Souza, Mauro J. Nery, J.A. Otoboni Filho, Pedro F.E. Bernabè,
E.Dezan, “Reaction of rat connective tissue to implanted dentin tubes with Mineral Trioxide
Aggregate or Calcium Hydroxyde” J. of Endodontics,25,n°3,marzo 1999
M. Torabinejad, C.U. Hong, T.R. Pitt Ford, S.P. Kariyawasam, “Tissue reaction to
implanted Super-EBA and Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in the mandible of guinea pigs: a
preliminary report”, J. of Endodontics,21,n°11,novembre 1995
M. Torabinejad, T.R. Pitt Ford, H.R. Abedi, S.P. Kariyawasam, H.M. Tang, “Tissue
reaction to implanted root-end filling materials in the tibia and mandible of guinea pigs”
J. of Endodontics,24,n°7,luglio 1998
Pag 2 di 7
Test microbiologici / attività antimicrobica
M. Torabinejad, C.U. Hong, T.R. Pitt Ford, J.D. Kettering, “Antibacterial effects of some
root-end filling materials”, J. of Endodontics,21,n°8,agosto 1995
S.Al-Nazhan, A. Al-Judai, “Evaluation of antifungal activity of Mineral Trioxide
Aggregate”, J. of Endodontics,29,n°12,dicembre 2003
C. Estrela, L.L.Bamman, C.R. A. Estrela, R.S. Silva, J.D. Pecora, “Antimicrobial and
chemical study of MTA, Portland cement, calcium hydroxide paste, sealapex and Dycal”,
Braz. Dent. J, 2000 11(1): 3-9
T.J.Stowe, C.M.Sedgley, B. Stowe, J.C. Fenno, “The effects of chlorexidine gluconate
(0,12%) on the antimicrobial properties of tooth-colored proRoot Mineral Trioxide
Aggregate” J. of Endodontics,30,n°6,giugno 2004
Pag 3 di 7
Studi clinici: capacità di sigillo come materiale di riempimento apicale, studi
Howard M. Fogel, M.D. Peikoff, “Microleakage of root-end filling materials”, J. of
Endodontics,27,n°7,luglio 2001
J. D. Yatsushiro, J.C. Baumgartner, J.S. Tinkle, “Longitudinal study of the microleakage
of two root-end filling materials using a fluid conductive system”, J. of
Endodontics,24,n°11,novembre 1998
C.F. Bates, D.L. Carnes, C.E. del Rio, “Longitudinal sealing ability of Mineral Trioxide
aggregate as a root-end filling material”, J. of Endodontics,22,n°11,novembre 1996
H.L. Adamo, R.Buruiana, L.Schertzer, R.J. Boylan, “A comparison of MTA, SuperEBA,
composite and amalgam as root-end filling materials using a bacterial microleakage
model” Int. Endodontic Journal, 32, 197-203, 1999
M. Torabinejad, T.F. Watson, T.R. Pitt Ford, “Sealing ability of Mineral Trioxide
Aggregate when used as a root end filling material”, J. of Endodontics,19,n°12, dicembre
M.K. Wu, E.G. Kontakiotis, P.R. Wesselink, “Long-term seal provided by some root-end
filling materials”, J. of Endodontics,24,n°8, agosto 1998
C.O. Roy, B.G. Jeansonne, T.F. Gerrets, “Effects of an acid environment on leakage of
root-end filling materials”, J. of Endodontics,27,n°1, gennaio 2001
M. Torabinejad, A.F. Rastegar, J.D. Kettering, T.R. Pitt Ford, “Bacterial leakage of
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate as a root-end filling material”, J. of Endodontics,21,n°3, marzo
E.J. Fisher, D.E. Arens, C.H.Miller, “Bacterial leakage of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate as
compared with Zinc-free amalgam, intermediate restorative material, and SuperEBA as
root-end filling material”, J. of Endodontics,24,n°8, agosto 1998
J. Aqrabawi, “Sealing ability of amalgam, super EBA cement, and MTA when used as
retrograde filling materials”, British Dental Journal, vol. 188, n°5, marzo 11 2000
D.R. Hachmeister, W.G. Schindler, W.A. Walker III, D.D. Thomas, “The sealing ability
and retention characteristics of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in a model of apexification” J.
of Endodontics,28,n°5, maggio 2002
S.Q. Scheerer, H.R. Steiman, J.Cohen, “A comparative evaluation of three root-end
sealing materials: an in vitro leakage study using Prevotella nigrescens” J. of
Endodontics,27,n°1, gennaio 2001
C. Mangin, C. Yesilsoy, R.Nissan, R.Stevens, “The comparative sealing ability of
hydroxyapatite cement, Mineral Trioxide Aggregate, and Super Ethoxybenzoic Acid as
root-end filling materials” J. of Endodontics,29,n°4, aprile 2003
Pag 4 di 7
Studi clinici: capacità di sigillo, applicazioni come materiale riparativo di
perforazioni apicali.
M. Chakmakchi, C.Karoni, H.Meliou, N.P. Kerezoudis, “Sealing effectiveness of white
ProRoot MTA in furcation perforations”, Int. Endodontic Journal, 36, 921-958-2003
T.R. Pitt Ford, M.Torebinejad, D.J. McKendry, C.U. Hong, S.P. Kariyawasam, “Use of
Mineral Trioxide aggregate for repair of furcal perforations”, Oral surgery Oral Medicine
Oral pathology, vol. 79, n°6, giugno 1995.
S.J. Lee, M. Monsef, M. Torabinejad, “Sealing ability of a Mineral Trioxide Aggregate for
repair of lateral root perforations”, J. of Endodontics,19,n°11, novembre 1993.
H.C. Hsien, Y.A. Cheng, Y.L. Lee, W.H. Lan, C.P. Lin, “Repair of perforating internal
resorption with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: a case report”, J. of Endodontics,29,n°8,
agosto 2003
C.Main, N.Mirzayan, S.Shabahang, M. Torebinejad, “Repair of root perforations using
mineral trioxide aggregate: a long term study”, J. of Endodontics,30,n°2, febbraio 2004
R. Holland, J.A. Otoboni Filho, V. de Souza, M.J. Nery, P.F.E. Bernabè, E. Dezan Jr,
“Mineral Trioxide Aggregate repair of lateral root perforations”, J. of Endodontics,27,n°4,
aprile 2001
S.R. Sluyk, P.C. Moon, G.R. Hartwell, “Evaluation of setting properties and retention
characteristics of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate when used as a fucation perforation repair
material”, J. of Endodontics,24,n°11, novembre 1998
D.E. Arens, M. Torabinejad, “Repair of furcal perforations with mineral trioxide aggregate
– two case reports”, Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral pathology, vol. 82, n°1, luglio 1996.
T.T. Nakata, K.S. Bae, J.C. Baumgartner, “Perforation repair comparing Mineral Trioxide
Aggregate and Amalgam using an anaerobic bacterial leakage model”, J. of
Endodontics,24,n°3, marzo 1998
A. Fassi, A. Mollo, P. Balleri, “L’uso del Mineral Trioxide Aggregate nelle riparazioni
ortograde delle perforazioni radicolari” Il dentista moderno, novembre 2004
Pag 5 di 7
Studi clinici: incappucciamenti
T.R. Pitt Ford, M. Torabinejad, H.R. Abedi, L.K. Bakland, S.P.Kariyawasam, “Using
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate as a pulp capping material”, JADA, vol. 127, ottobre 1996
G.Plottino, I.L. Di Giuseppe, N.Smorto, F.Somma, “Utilizzo del Mineral Trioxide
Aggregate (MTA) negli incappucciamenti diretti: casi clinici” G. It. Cons., vol.II, n°1,
gennaio-marzo 2004
S. Shabalahang, M. Torabinejad, P.P.Boyne, H.Abedi, P. McMillian, “A comparative
study of root-end induction using osteogenic protein-1, calcium hydroxide, and Mineral
Trioxide Aggregate in dogs”, J. of Endodontics,25,n°1, gennaio 1999
D. Tziafas, O.Pantelidou, A.Alvanou, G.Belibasakis, S.Papadimitriou, “The
dentinogenic effect of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) in short term capping experiments”
Int. Endodontic Journal, 35, 245-254-2002
E.Ambu, V.Rizzi, S.Tozzi, “L’utilizzo dell’MTA nel trattamento dell’elemento con polpa
vitale esposta. Esperienza clinica” G. It. Endo, vol. 18, n°3, pp122-129
Pag 6 di 7
Studi clinici vari
B.S. Chong, T.R. Pitt Ford, M.B. Hudson, “A prospective clinical study of Mineral
Trioxide Aggregate and IRM when used as root-end filling materials in endodontic surgery”
Int. Endodontic Journal, 36, 520-526-2003
G.R. Lawley, W.G. Schindler, W.A. Walker III, D. Kolodrubetz, “Evaluation of
ultrasonically placed MTA and fracture resistance with intracanalar composite resin in a
model of apexification”, J. of Endodontics,30,n°3, marzo 2004
Q.Zhu, R.Haglund, K.E.Safavi, L.S.W. Spangberg, “Adhesion of human osteoblast on
root-end filling materials” J. of Endodontics,26,n°7, luglio 2000
M Torabinejad, T.R. Pitt Ford, D.J. McKendry, H.R.Abedi, D.A.Miller,
S.P.Kariyawasam, “Histologic assessment of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate as a root-end
filling in monkeys”, J. of Endodontics,23,n°4, aprile 1997
M.Fridland, R.Rosado, “Mineral Trioxide Aggregate solubility and porosity with different
water-to-powder ratios”, J. of Endodontics,29,n°12, dicembre 2003
C. R.A. Valois, E.D. Costa Jr, “Influence of the thickness of mineral trioxide aggregate on
sealing ability of root-end fillings in vitro” Oral surg Oral med Oral pathol Oral radiol Endod
E.T. Koh, T.R. Pitt Ford, S.P. Kariyawasam, N.N. Chen, M. Torabinejad, “Prophylactic
treatment of dens evaginatus using Mineral Trioxide Aggregate” J. of Endodontics,27,n°8,
agosto 2001
E.Eidelman, G.Holan, A.B. Fuks, “Mineral trioxide aggregate vs. formocresol in
pulpotomized primary molars: a preliminary report”, Pediatric dentistry, 23:1,2001
E.S. Apaydin, s.Shabahang, M. Torabinejad, “Hard-tissue healing after application of
fresh or set MTA as root-end filling material”, J. of Endodontics,30,n°1, gennaio 2004
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