Curriculum vitae Prof. Marco Prosperetti

Date of Birth
November 24, 1941
Foreign Languages
Fluent English and French
Avvocato, admitted to the bar in 1968; admitted to practice
before the Supreme Court
Professor of Law of “Insurance Law” at the School of
Business and Administration of the Università Sapienza of
Rome, and former Associate Professor of Law of “Private
Law” in the same School;
Teaching Professor at the Master Course in “International
Business Law” and in “European Law of the Financial and
Insurance Intermediaries and Capital Markets” at the same
Professional Status
As of 1968 managing partner of STUDIO LEGALE
PROSPERETTI, professional partnership.
Has gained particular professional experience in the areas
of contracts, banking and financial services, insurance and
re-insurance, general legal consulting to companies and
counsel for public administrations and bodies, banks and
financial institutions, companies, insurance and reinsurance companies, as well as in the area of public law,
He has acted in several occasions as chairman and member
of arbitration panels on contractual matters, as well as
acquisitions, loan financing, contracting, public tenders, in
both domestic and international arbitration proceedings,
particularly in international arbitration under the
International Chamber of Commerce of Paris.
In many occasions he was part of teams for the
organization of sectors of the central administration of the
State and the local administrations.
More recently he has co-ordinated the following activities
to the central administrations of the Italian Republic:
Re-organization Project of the Consiglio Nazionale
delle Ricerche (CNR);
Re-organization Project of the Ministero delle
Politiche Agricole e Forestali;
Re-organization Project of the Ente Nazionale
dell’Energia e dell’Ambiente (ENEA)
Re-organization Project of the Istituto Nazionale di
Astrofisica (INAF)
With regard to the local administrations, he has coordinated the projects for the creation of the Società di
Trasformazione Urbanistica (STU) for the municipalities of
Brindisi and Syracuse, following in particular the legal and
financial aspects.
Other Experiences
He has served as member of: the Commissione di vigilanza
per la edilizia economica e popolare; the Board of Director
of CAPAIAP – Cassa di Assistenza integrativa per
Avvocati e professionisti; the Board of Director of Banco di
Sicilia S.p.A., the Board of Director of Compagnia di
assicurazioni B.d.S. Vita S.p.A.
From time to time it has served as member of the
Examination Board for the exams to become admitted to
legal practice, of the Examination Board to become
admitted to practice as chartered accountant, of the
Committee for the selection of the employees of the Banca
d’Italia, of the Committees for the grant of the title of
researcher in the University.
He was lecturer at the Convention for the presentation of
the Regulations of conciliation and arbitration of the Cour
Internationale d’Arbitrage of Paris (1999); speaker at the
convention held by the Ministero delle Infrastrutture on
the implementation of the EC Directive on waters (2001);
speaker at the Convention on insurance of public entities
(2004); speaker at the Convention on the implementation of
the Ethical Committees at the bio-medical Campus of
Rome (2005); speaker at the Convention on Politics and
Law of space industry held by Ministry of Defence and
Rome University “Sapienza”(2009); speaker at the
Convention on Bad Faith in insurance (2010) held by the
same University; speaker at the Convention on consumers
credit (2011) held in Milan; speaker at the Convention held
by the International Bar Association in Naples on maritime
insurance (2012); speaker at the Convention held by the
Bar Association of Rome on arbitration an conciliation
Member of the Associazione Italiana per l’Arbitrato
and member of the Scientific Committee of the same;
Member of the Institut pour l’Arbitrage Internationale of
Main Publications
“Un’ipotesi per il finanziamento privato delle opere
pubbliche”, in Rivista trimestrale degli appalti, 1990;
Voce “Pagamento (dir.civ.)”, in Enciclopedia giuridica,
“La riassicurazione”, Milano, Giuffrè, 1994;
“Il contratto di riassicurazione con funzione di
finanziamento”, in Riv., del diritto commerciale, 1996;
“Superamento della vessatorietà della clausola
compromissoria nei contratti di assicurazione”, in
Rivista dell’Arbitrato, 1997;
“L’atto di missione e le nuove domande”, in AA.VV.,
Nuovo Regolamento di Arbitrato della Camera di
Commercio Internazionale- CCI, Milano 1998;
“Rescissione e mercato”,
commerciale, 1999;
“Il pagamento con surrogazione”, in Trattato di diritto
civile diretto da Rescigno, II Ed., Torino 1999;
“Profili di diritto civile delle procedure di
conciliazione facoltativa delle International business
disputes”, in Riv. del diritto commerciale, 2001;
“Riflessioni sul mercato e sul danno derivante da
inesatte informazioni”, ivi, 2002;
“Il legato di cosa altrui ed impossibilità della
prestazione”, in Vita Notarile, 2003;
Sperimentazione clinica e copertura assicurativa”, in
Medic, 2005;
“Riflessioni sul mercato e sul danno derivante da
inesatte informazioni”, ivi, 2002, pubblicato
nuovamente in Studi in Onore di Cesare Massimo
Bianca, Giuffrè ed., 2006;
“Il pagamento intermediato”, in Europa e Diritto
privato”, 2006;
“Pagamento (dir. civ.)”, in Volume di aggiornamento
XV della Enciclopedia Giuridica, Roma, 2007;
spaziali”, in
“Banche, assicurazioni e gestori di risparmio”,
coordinato con A. Colavolpe, Milano, 2009.
“Dalla tutela del consumatore a Solvency 2”, in
Tempo finanziario, 2011;
“Note sulla conciliazione e su qualche dovere del
mediatore”, in Quaderni della Conciliazione, 2011 nn.
“La nuova normativa sulla intermediazione delle
polizze di garanzia del credito al consumo ne ridurrà
il costo?”, in Tempo finanziario, 2011;
“Tutela del risparmio del fruitore dei servizi bancari
e assicurativi”, in Diritto e Fiscalità dell’Assicurazione,
“Banche, assicurazioni e gestori di risparmio”, (4
Voll.) coordinato con A. Colavolpe, II edizione, Milano,
Voce “Pagamento. Postilla di aggiornamento” in
Enciclopedia giuridica;
“L’assicurazione nel commercio internazionale” in
Trattato del Commercio Internazionale, a cura di Nigro
ed altri;
“Regole di comportamento dell’assicuratore e “bad
faith” in Studi in onore di D. Corapi;
“Ammissibilità della donazione modale di somma di
danaro tramite Società fiduciaria da parte di persona
fisica ed in favore di un Comune” in Trusts e Attività
Diritto ed Economia dell’assicurazione,