TMB Communiqué No. 46 - March 2014 TMB コミュニケ No. 46

TMB Communiqué
No. 46 - March 2014
TMB コミュニケ
No. 46 – 2014 年 3 月
一般財団法人 日本規格協会
TMB Communiqué
You are receiving this
eNewsletter because
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activities of ISO/TMB
No. 46 - March 2014
A. HIGHLIGHTS FROM THE FEBRUARY 2014 TMB MEETING .............................................. 3
The ISO/IEC Directives Part 1 and Consolidated ISO Supplement .................................... 3
a) Summary of changes effective as of 1 May 2014 ......................................................... 3
b) 7 Edition of the ISO/IEC Directives Part 2 .................................................................. 4
c) Cleaning up Technical Reports, ISO/IEC Guides and International Workshop
Agreements ..................................................................................................................... 5
Publication Guide 82: 2014 "Guidelines for addressing sustainability in standards" .......... 5
E-Services: Standards Authoring – Send us your work! .................................................... 5
Smart cities ...................................................................................................................... 6
B. NEWS & FOLLOW-UP ........................................................................................................ 6
L.D. Eicher Award – Nominations ..................................................................................... 6
Publication of the revised Vienna Agreement (VA) Guidelines and updated FAQ .............. 6
Pilot commenting platform for TS/Ps and NWIPs .............................................................. 7
Guidance on elements to be considered for justification statements ................................. 7
Data Protection ................................................................................................................ 7
C. DON'T FORGET .................................................................................................................. 8
Twinning .......................................................................................................................... 8
Member body consultations for new work ......................................................................... 8
D. RESOURCES ...................................................................................................................... 8
E. NEW COMMITTEES ............................................................................................................ 9
F. TMB RESOLUTIONS ........................................................................................................... 9
No. 46 – 2014年3月
A. 2014 年 2 月の TMB 会合のハイライト .....................................................................................................3
1. ISO/IEC 専門業務用指針第 1 部及び統合版 ISO 補足指針 .....................................................................3
a) 2014 年 5 月 1 日に発効する変更点の概要 ...........................................................................................3
b) ISO/IEC 専門業務用指針第 2 部の第 7 版 ............................................................................................4
c) TR、ISO/IEC ガイド、IWA の整理...........................................................................................................5
2. ガイド 82: 2014“規格の持続可能性に対処するためのガイドライン”の発行 ...............................................5
3. E サービス: 規格のオーサリング – Send us your work!...........................................................................5
4. スマートシティ ..........................................................................................................................................6
B. ニュースとフォローアップ .........................................................................................................................6
1. L.D. アイカー賞 – 推薦候補 ...................................................................................................................6
2. ウィーン協定(VA)ガイドライン改訂版と FAQ 更新版の発行 .....................................................................6
3. TS/P 及び NWIP のためのパイロットのコメントプラットフォーム .................................................................7
4. 妥当性の記述で検討すべき要素に関するガイダンス ................................................................................7
5. 個人情報保護 .........................................................................................................................................7
C. 忘れてはならないこと .............................................................................................................................8
1. ツイニング ..............................................................................................................................................8
2. 新業務に関する会員団体が行うべき協議 ................................................................................................8
D. 情報源 ...................................................................................................................................................8
E. 新しい委員会..........................................................................................................................................9
F. TMB 決議 ...............................................................................................................................................9
Message from the Chair of the TMB
This edition of the TMB Communiqué marks the end of a tradition. The results of the survey
we conducted revealed that we need to provide you with information that goes straight to the
point. As such, with a view to introducing a more business-like and focused approach to our
communication, the Message from the Chair -- a traditional feature of the Communiqué -will not appear in future editions.
The TMB Communiqué will remain a tool to provide you with clear and concise information
to help you conduct your work and we will continue to try to make it more user-friendly. If you
have suggestions to improve the Communiqué, please email [email protected]. In the meantime,
my sincere thanks for your feedback, without which such improvements would not be
Elisabeth Stampfl-Blaha
TMB Chair and Vice-President (technical management)
Eメールで [email protected] に送信してほしい。これまで寄せられた意見に心より感謝する。それなしでは改善
Elisabeth Stampfl-Blaha
If you want to keep up to date with TMB issues, please make sure you follow us on ISO
Connect or watch people and spaces that interest you. As always, we welcome your
feedback at [email protected]. Please help us to deliver a TMB Communiqué that YOU want to
read and find useful.
1. The ISO/IEC Directives Part 1 and Consolidated ISO
a) Summary of changes effective as of 1 May 2014
Background: The TMB approved a number of changes to the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and
Consolidated ISO Supplement based on the recommendations of the TMB Directives
Maintenance Team (DMT) which met in New York in December 2013. The following is a brief
summary of the key points. For a full list of the changes approved see TMB Resolutions
21/2014, 22/ 2014, 24/2014; 28/2014 and 29/2014.
1) Terms for chairs (Subclause 1.8.1): The TMB decided that committee chairs will
only serve a maximum of 9 years (which can be spread over any number of terms).
Exceptions will require TMB approval. Implementation of the new rule will be as
follows. The new provision will come into effect on 31 December 2014 with all current
terms of office to run normally. For all chairs whose terms expire after this date and
who have served 9 years or more, a decision shall be made on a case-by-case basis.
2) Convenors (Subclause 1.12.1): Working group convenors will be appointed for 3year terms. However, it will be possible to be re-appointed for successive 3-year
terms with no limit to the number of terms. Implementation of the new rule will be as
follows. Parent committee resolutions are needed for all new convenors appointed
after 1 May 2014. Parent committees must pass resolutions at their plenary meetings
confirming the re-appointment of convenors who have been serving for 3 or more
years for a subsequent term of up to 3 years.
3) Skipping CD: The default period for the circulation of a Committee Draft will be set
at 2 months. Committees can still opt to have the draft circulated for up to 4 months.
4) Default set to skip the Final Draft International Stage (FDIS): When the Draft
International Standard (DIS) meets the necessary approval criteria, the default will be
to proceed to publication. A committee can decide to include the FDIS stage, but this
will be optional, as the default process will no longer include this step. But the FDIS is
required when a significant number of countries with a major interest in the subject
make comments at the DIS stage which result in substantial technical changes.
TMB関連の最新情報を入手したい場合は、ISO Connectを随時お読みになるか、あるいは関心のある人や
領域を閲覧してください。ご意見はいつでも歓迎します([email protected]へどうぞ)。TMBコミュニケを皆様が読
A. 2014 年 2 月の TMB 会合のハイライト
1. ISO/IEC 専門業務用指針第 1 部及び統合版 ISO 補足指針
a) 2014 年 5 月 1 日に発効する変更点の概要
背景: TMB は、2013 年 12 月(ニューヨーク)の TMB/DMT 会合で提案された推奨事項に基づいて、
ISO/IEC 専門業務用指針第 1 部及び統合版 ISO 補足指針の変更点を承認した。主な変更点を以下に示す。
承認された変更点のすべてについては、TMB 決議 21/2014、22/ 2014、24/2014、28/2014、29/2014 を参
1) 議長の任期 (1.8.1): TMBは、委員会の議長が務められる期間を最長9年とすることを決定した(任期
2) コンビーナ (1.12.1): WGのコンビーナは3年の任期で任命される。しかしながら、その後3年間の任期
3) CD投票期間の短縮: CD投票期間の初期既定値を2か月とする。なお、委員会はCD投票期間を(4か月
4) FDIS 省略: 国際規格案 (DIS)が必要な承認基準を満たす場合、同原案は発行段階に進む。委員会は
FDIS 段階を実施することも決定できるが、これは任意選択で、FDIS 段階はもはや既定のプロセスには含ま
れなくなる。しかし、該当するテーマに大きな利害関係をもち DIS 段階でコメントする国々が多く、大幅な専
門的変更に至る場合は、FDIS 段階が必要になる。
5) Project extensions: As of 1 May 2014, only one extension per project will be
permitted for a maximum period of 9 months. The intention is to promote committees'
application of project management principles to standards development.
6) Systematic review ballots (Subclause 2.9.3): The interpretation of systematic
reviews (SR) has been clarified. Deliverables that are not adopted or used in at least
5 countries should be withdrawn.
7) Changes to approval criteria for New Work Item Proposals (NWIP) to
establish project committees (Annex K): The establishment of a project committee
will require a 2/3 majority in favour of a proposal (instead of a simple majority). The
changes will be reflected in Annex K.
8) Shortening of votes for new work item proposals from 3 to 2 months
(Subclause 2.3.4): A committee will be able to shorten the voting phase for new work
item proposals from 3 to 2 months by passing a resolution.
9) Clarification on approval of new work (Subclauses 1.5.4, 1.5.5 & 2.3.4, Annex
K): These changes reflect the TMB's decision to add rigour to the introduction of new
work (reported in the TMB Communiqué Ed.45). In summary, the Office of the CEO
can return a proposal to the proposer of a new committee for further work. The TMB
may be asked to decide on appropriate action if the member is unwilling to change
the proposal. Such action, in extreme cases, could include blocking the proposal.
Similarly, the committee leadership should ensure that the proposal for a NWI is
properly developed in accordance with Annex C and provides a sufficient basis on
which member bodies can make informed decisions before it is circulated for ballot.
10) Clarification of rules for Joint Working Groups (JWG) (Subclause 1.12.6 and
Annex B): The rules for JWG between ISO committees and between ISO and IEC
committees have been clarified.
11) Changes regarding International Workshop Agreements (IWAs) (Annex SI):
Proposals for IWAs will now need to contain an analysis of the global interest in the
subject. Workshop must be truly international, therefore attended by more than one
What this means for you: These and the other changes approved by the TMB will be
effective as of the publication of the next editions of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and
Consolidated ISO Supplement on 1 May 2014. As in 2013, we will provide a track changes
version and list the modified clauses in the Foreword of both documents. As from the release
of the next edition, ISO Technical Programme Managers (TPM) will provide presentations at
committee plenary meetings (in some cases via WebEx), to outline the main changes in the
Directives. In addition to this, committee chairs and convenors are invited to request training
from their TPMs on any standards development subject. If you have not already done so, we
invite you to sign on to ISO Connect , as the TMB secretariat sends reminders for the release
of the Directives as well as other important information for the technical community. The
Directives are available at
b) 7th Edition of the ISO/IEC Directives Part 2
Background: The TMB approved the revision of the ISO/IEC Directives Part 2 via TMB
Resolution 23/2014. This process will take place in 2014.
5) プロジェクトの延長: 2014年5月1日より、プロジェクトの延長願いは1回だけとし、かつ延長期間は9か
6) 定期見直し投票 (2.9.3): 定期見直し(SR)の解釈を明確にした。5か国以上で採用又は使用されてい
7) プロジェクトコミッティ(PC)を設置するための新業務項目提案(NWIP)の承認基準の変更 (附属書 K):
PCの設置は、(単純過半数でなく)2/3以上の賛成が要求される。この変更は附属書 Kに反映される。
8) 新業務項目(NWIP)の投票期間を3か月から2か月に短縮化 (2.3.4): 委員会は、決議することにより、
9) 新業務の承認に関する明確化 (1.5.4、1.5.5、2.3.4、附属書 K):新業務の導入をより厳しくするという
属書 Cに準じて作成され、会員団体が投票前に情報を得て決定できるように提案に十分な根拠が記載さ
10) 合同作業グループ(JWG)のルールの明確化 (細分箇条 1.12.6及び附属書 B): ISO/ISO間及び
11) 国際ワークショップ協定(IWA)に関する変更 (附属書 SI): IWAの提案は、テーマのグローバルな関
これが意味するところ: TMBによって承認されたこれらの変更点は、次のISO/IEC専門業務用指針第1部
テーマについてTPMに研修を要求するよう奨励される。まだ実施していない場合、ISO Connectにサインオ
b) ISO/IEC 専門業務用指針第 2 部の第 7 版
背景: TMB は、TMB 決議 23/2014 によって ISO/IEC 専門業務用指針第 2 部の改訂を承認した。このプロ
セスは 2014 年に行われる。
What this means for you: Stay tuned to future editions of the Communiqué for information on
the revision.
c) Cleaning up Technical Reports, ISO/IEC Guides and
International Workshop Agreements
Background: The ISO Central Secretariat is taking steps to clean up the ISO Catalogue,
particularly with regard to Technical Reports (TR), ISO/IEC Guides and International
Workshop Agreements (IWA).
Some TR (Type 1 and Type 2 which were normative) were replaced in the early
1990s by Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Technical Specifications
(TS) (see TMB Communiqué Ed.5 for full explanation). Unfortunately, a number
of Type 1 and 2 TRs that should have been converted either to PAS or TS at that
time are still not converted. ISO/CS will work with the concerned committees to
ensure that these are transformed or withdrawn over the course of 2014.
Regarding Guides, efforts will be concentrated on improving their maintenance
and promotion. In TMB Resolution 37/2014 the TMB decided that all ISO/IEC
Guides will be subject to a Systematic Review (SR) as of October 2014. ISO/CS
will also launch a survey in 2014 to evaluate experts' knowledge of Guides. The
TMB will review the results in September 2014 to assess how to better make use
and promote them.
As regards to IWA, Annex SI of the Consolidated ISO Supplement to the ISO/IEC
Directives, Part 1 states that the maximum life of an IWA is 6 years. ISO/CS will
work with those concerned regarding IWA that are older than 6 years to see if
they should be deleted or converted into another deliverable.
What this means for you: Ensuring up-to-date deliverables is critical in ensuring ISO's
ongoing relevance. We encourage all committees to take steps to ensure that their
deliverables are up-to-date. Please also ensure you respond to the forthcoming ISO/IEC
Guides survey.
2. Publication Guide 82: 2014
sustainability in standards"
Background: Guide 82:2014 has been finalized and is now published. It provides guidance to
standards writers on how to take account of sustainability aspects in the drafting, revision
and updating of ISO standards and other deliverables. It will be referenced in the next
edition of the Consolidated ISO Supplement published on 1 May 2014.
What this means for you: Committees are strongly encouraged to consult Guide 82 when
working on new projects. Guide 82 is available on ISOTC.
3. E-Services: Standards Authoring – Send us your work!
Background: A pilot is currently being run which is entitled "Send us your work". The
objective is to make it easier for experts and committee secretaries to contribute their
knowledge to ISO work. Standards writers can submit ISO drafts using Microsoft Word
これが意味するところ: 改訂の情報については、今後のTMBコミュニケに随時掲載される。
c) TR、ISO/IEC ガイド、IWA の整理
背景: ISO/CSは、ISOカタログ、特に、技術報告書(TR)、ISO/IECガイド、国際ワークショップ協定(IWA)の
ガイドに関しては、メンテナンスと推進の改善に集中的に取り組む。TMBは、TMB決議 37/2014により、
IWAに関しては、ISO/IEC専門業務用指針第1部統合版ISO補足指針の附属書 SIに、IWAの最長存続
これが意味するところ: 規格類を最新の状態に保つことは、ISOが引き続き妥当性を確保するために極め
2. ガイド 82: 2014 “規格の持続可能性に対処するためのガイドライン”の発行
背景: ガイド82:2014が完成し、発行された。同ガイドは、ISO規格及びその他の規格類の起草、改訂、更新
これが意味するところ: 新しいプロジェクトに取り組む際、ガイド82を参照するよう委員会に強く奨励する。
3. E サービス: 規格のオーサリング – Send us your work!
背景: 現在、"Send us your work"という名称のパイロットが進められている。目的は、エキスパートや委員
会国際幹事が ISO 業務に知識を提供しやすいようにすることである。規格作成者は、規格の構成を示した
基本的なテンプレートを使用すれば、Microsoft Word の設定と特性(又は MS Word の書式設定を可能にす
る他のソフトウェア)を用いて ISO 原案を提出できる。委員会は未だ、箇条の順番と明確に構造化された文
settings and features (or other software that enables MS Word formatting) with just a basic
template showing the structure of the standard. Committees still need to ensure clause order
and a clearly structured document. The ISO Central Secretariat is also available to provide
early editorial support as well.
What this means for you: The pilot on Standards Authoring allows standards writers to
benefit from the availability of XML at an earlier stage of the standards development process
to avoid wasting time with formatting.
4. Smart cities
Background: Through TMB Resolution 112/2013, the TMB approved the establishment of a
Task Force to address Smart cities so that it may coordinate activities in the area of smart
cities and notably with the IEC Systems Evaluation Group (SEG 1). The TMB considered the
final report of the Task Force at its February 2014 meeting and decided that an advisory
group was needed in the area. The advisory group's mandate includes proposing clear
working definitions and preparing a gap analysis. The group will coordinate with the IEC and
ITU, who are also involved in the area.
What this means for you: , The concept of "smart cities" is growing in importance and it is
therefore important that ISO get involved. Be sure to read the next edition of the TMB
Communiqué for further updates.
1. L.D. Eicher Award – Nominations
Background: The Lawrence D. Eicher Award was created to recognize committees with an
outstanding performance. It provides an opportunity for committees to demonstrate their
achievements and raise awareness both inside and outside of ISO. In 2013 the Award was
presented to ISO/TC 68 Financial services. For more information, please see ISO online at where you can download the L.D. Eicher Award
brochure and nomination form.
What this means to you: Nominations are currently being accepted for the 2014 L.D. Eicher
Award (the invitation from Rob Steele, Secretary-General, was sent out in early February).
Are you aware of any committee with an outstanding performance? Would you like this
committee to be rewarded and recognized for its excellence? Please submit your
nomination* by returning the nomination form to the following address: [email protected].
* N.B. Nominating persons must be TC/SC secretaries or chairs, or representatives of an
ISO member body (ISO/CS Technical Programme Managers may also submit nominations).
2. Publication of the revised Vienna Agreement (VA) Guidelines
and updated FAQ
Background: The 6th edition of the 'Guidelines for the implementation of the Agreement on
Technical Cooperation between ISO and CEN' is available at This document
書について確実を期す必要がある。ISO/CS は初期段階での編集支援も提供することができる。
これが意味するところ: 規格オーサリングのパイロットでは、規格作成者が規格開発の初期段階でXMLを
4. スマートシティ
背景: TMBは、スマートシティ分野における活動調整、特に、IECシステム評価グループ(SEG 1)との間で
の活動調整を可能にするため、スマートシティに対処するタスクフォースの設置をTMB決議 112/2013の下
これが意味するところ: “スマートシティ”のコンセプトの重要性は高まっているので、ISO が関与することは
重要である。TMB コミュニケの次の版も必ず読んでさらに最新情報を確認すること。
B. ニュースとフォローアップ
1. L.D. アイカー賞 – 推薦候補
背景: ローレンス D. アイカー賞は、卓越した業績を収めた委員会を称えるために創設された。これは、委
員会の業績を明らかにし、ISO内外での認識を高める機会になる。2013年の賞はISO/TC 68 金融サービ
ス に授与された。詳しい情報はISOオンライン に掲載されており、
これが意味するところ: 2014年L.D.アイカー賞についての推薦を受付中です(事務総長Rob Steeleからの
募集案内は2月初旬に送信済)。優れた業績を持つ委員会を知っていますか? その委員会に賞が授与さ
れ、優れた業績を認められた方がよいと思いますか? そのような例があれば、推薦書*を次のアドレスに
返信して推薦してください:[email protected] 。
2. ウィーン協定(VA)ガイドライン改訂版と FAQ 更新版の発行
背景: 'ISO・CEN 間の技術協力に関する協力を実施するためのガイドライン' 第 6 版は か
provides guidance to committee chairs and secretaries on how to implement the Vienna
Agreement and this latest edition includes all relevant updates to operations and processes.
What this means for you: Please refer to the Guidelines to understand how to implement the
Vienna Agreement. We are also updating the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document
intended to answer common questions about the Guidelines. All documents related to the
Vienna Agreement are available at
3. Pilot commenting platform for TS/Ps and NWIPs
Background: In the TMB Communiqué Ed. 45 (September 2013), we reported that the TMB
had agreed to implement measures to add more rigour to the establishment of TCs and PCs.
One of the measures is to promote the sharing by NSBs of their national stakeholders' views
during the voting period via an online commenting tool. This enables NSBs to understand
other members' views during the consultation process, which they can then share with their
stakeholders when preparing their national positions on how to vote.
What this means for you: The pilot commenting platform is now availableand we strongly
encourage you to make full use of it. If you have any questions, contact us at [email protected].
4. Guidance on elements to be considered for justification
Background: In past editions of the TMB Communiqué (TMB Communiqué Ed.44, TMB
Communiqué Ed.43, TMB Communiqué Ed. 40) we reported on the importance of
justification statements and the credibility they add to the ISO process. But the TMB also
recognizes that justification statements pose challenges, not only to those voting, but also to
committee secretariats. In an effort to provide assistance, the TMB prepared a document
with guidance on elements that should be considered in formulating justification statements.
The document is available on ISO Connect in the TMB member's area.
What this means for you: Voters and secretaries should consult the guidance to better
understand what elements should be included in "good" justification statements. Feedback
about the guidance is welcome at [email protected].
ISO Secretaries are reminded that approval/disapproval votes cast in New Work Item (NWI)
ballots without a justification statement should not be counted. Nevertheless, in the interest
of facilitating this task, it is also possible for secretaries to request justification statements
that may have been missing from a P-members’ vote during the post-voting stage. This
statement can be added to form 6 as a comment.
5. Data Protection
Background: The ISO Council adopted a Data Protection Policy effective 1 January 2014
with a one-year transition period. The Policy places obligations on ISO members in
managing the protection of personal data. This includes informing those involved in ISO
standards development of their rights and obligations related to data protection, i.e. that they
これが意味するところ: このガイドラインを参照し、ウィーン協定の実施方法を理解すること。当該ガイドラ
インについてよくある質問の回答を掲載したFAQ文書も更新している。ウィーン協定の全関連文書は から入手できる。
3. TS/P 及び NWIP のためのパイロット用コメントプラットフォーム
背景: TMBコミュニケNo.45(2013年9月号)で、TC及びPCの設置をより厳しくすることにTMBが合意したこ
これが意味するところ: パイロット用コメントプラットフォームが利用可能になった。これを十分に活用するこ
とを強く奨励する。質問がある場合は [email protected] へどうぞ。
4. 妥当性の記述で検討すべき要素に関するガイダンス
背景: TMBコミュニケの過去の版(TMBコミュニケNo.44、TMBコミュニケNo.43、TMBコミュニケNo.40)では、
た。その文書はISO ConnectのTMBメンバーの領域で見ることができる。
これが意味するところ: 投票者と国際幹事は、当該ガイダンスを確認し、“よい”妥当性の記述に含めるべ
き要素は何かをよりよく理解することが望ましい。ガイダンスに関する意見を [email protected] に寄せてほしい。
ISO 国際幹事は、NP 投票において妥当性の記述のない賛成票/反対票はカウントされるべきではないこ
とを留意しなければならない。しかしながら、この業務を促進する上で、P メンバーの投票で欠けていたと思
われる妥当性の記述を投票後の段階で要求することもできる。この記述はコメントとして書式 6 に追記す
5. 個人情報保護
背景: ISO 理事会は、2014 年 1 月 1 日に個人情報保護ポリシーを採用し、1 年間の移行期間を設けた。当
該ポリシーは、個人情報保護の管理において ISO 会員に義務を課す。ISO 規格開発に関与する人々に個
人情報保護に関する権利と義務を通知する記述も含まれる。つまり、ISO の活動のために個人情報が使用
されることを承諾し、他者の個人情報も同様に扱う義務があることである。ISO の IT ツールにサインオンす
consent to the use of their personal data for ISO's activities and they have an obligation to
treat the personal data of others in the same way. See the Declaration to which users must
indicate their agreement (by ticking a box) when signing onto ISO IT tools.
What this means for you: While the Policy is aimed at ISO members who are required to take
steps to implement it, the rights and obligations detailed in the Declaration apply to everyone
involved in ISO standards development. Secretaries have a particularly important role to
play. While the exchange of personal data is critical to ISO standard development, care
should be taken to limit it where possible. For example, personal data should not be shared
with attendance lists which are broadly circulated. For any questions about the Policy or
Declaration, please contact [email protected].
1. Twinning
Background: Do you remember Twinning? Twinning is important to ISO because it helps
increase the participation of developing country members. The aim is to:
Improve standardization infrastructures and capacities
Increase participation in the governance and technical work of ISO
Promote the exchange of experience, resources and help develop long-lasting
strategic partnerships.
What this means for you: Twinning requests do not only come from developing country
members. Existing P-members, committee secretaries, chairs and working group convenors
who are interested in taking part are strongly encouraged to make contact with potential
developing country partners and begin the process to negotiate a Twinning Agreement.
Developed country member bodies interested in taking part in a twinning are also
encouraged to contact ISO/CS, either through their Technical Programme Manager (TPM) or
the TMB secretariat ([email protected]).
2. Member body consultations for new work
Background: In TMB Communiqué (Ed.45) we reported the TMB's decision to encourage
NSBs to conduct informal consultations to assess the global impact of a proposal before it is
submitted to all ISO members for vote.
What this means for you: We strongly encourage members to conduct such informal
exploratory enquiries with other members will help determine the level of global interest that
there is for a proposal. In addition, it could also give an idea of what the level of participation
may be in the proposed work.
In past editions of the TMB Communiqué, we reported on various important issues that are
still relevant to committee work. Below is a list with links. For more information please sign up
これが意味するところ: 当該ポリシーは ISO 会員を対象とし、実施するための措置を取ることが ISO 会員に
要求される一方、告知文に詳述された権利と義務は ISO 規格開発に関与するすべての人々に適用される。
国際幹事は特に重要な役割を持つ。個人情報が交換されることは ISO 規格開発に必須である一方、可能
[email protected] へどうぞ。
C. 忘れてはならないこと
1. ツイニング
背景: ツイニングを覚えているだろうか? ツイニングは発展途上国の会員の参加を増やすことに役立つ
これが意味するところ: ツイニングの要請は、発展途上国の会員のみから来るわけではない。ツイニング
([email protected])経由で連絡することが奨励される。
2. 新業務に関する会員団体が行うべき協議
背景: TMBコミュニケ(No.45)で、提案が投票のために全ISO会員に提出される前に、提案がもたらすグロ
これが意味するところ: 会員がこのような他の会員との非公式な予備調査を行うことを強く奨励する。これ
D. 情報源
たリストをリンク先をつけて以下に示す。詳しい情報については、ISO Connectに登録し、規格のページを閲
to ISO Connect and visit the Standards page. Here we provide links to useful documents and
other interesting news regarding current proposals for new fields of work.
1. Getting started toolkits
TMB Communiqué Ed.44: Secretaries, Chairs & Convenors.
2. Plain English
TMB Communiqué Ed.44: Plain English tips
3. Justification statements
TMB Communiqué Ed.44, TMB Communiqué Ed.43, TMB
Communiqué Ed. 40, Market Relevance Task Force (MRTF)
Recommendations; Guidance on elements to be considered
when developing justification statements
4. Stakeholder engagement
TMB Communiqué Ed. 37, TMB Communiqué Ed.44:
Guidance for ISO national standards bodies – Engaging
stakeholders and building consensus, Guidance for ISO
liaison organizations – Engaging stakeholders and building
5. WebEx
TMB Communiqué Ed.43: WebEx
6. Code of Conduct
TMB Communiqué Ed.38, TMB Communiqué Ed.40, TMB
Communiqué Ed.42: Code of Conduct
For information on new proposals and the stages of approval that they are in, please click on
the following link:
TMB Resolutions are available at:
1. 新任者向けツールキット
TMB コミュニケ No.44、国際幹事、議長、コンビーナ
2. 平易な英語
TMB コミュニケ No.44、平易な英語のヒント
3. 妥当性の記述
TMB コミュニケ No.44、TMB コミュニケ No.43、TMB コミュニケ No.40、市場
4. 利害関係者の関与
TMB コミュニケ No.37、TMB コミュニケ No.44:ISO 国家標準機関のためのガ
イダンス‐利害関係者に関与しコンセンサスを構築する、ISO リエゾン機関の
5. WebEx
TMB コミュニケ No.43、WebEx
6. 行動規範
TMB コミュニケ No.38、TMB コミュニケ No.40、TMB コミュニケ No.42、行動
E. 新設の委員会
F. TMB 決議
TMB 決議は、次の URL から入手できる:
ご意見があれば、TMB 事務局([email protected])にお寄せください。
TMB コミュニケの文責:Francesco Dadaglio ([email protected])