第25回 N2RC拠点セミナー - 地域の大学からナノ科学・材料人材育成拠点

大阪府立大学 ナノ科学・材料人材育成拠点
第 25 回 N2RC 拠点セミナー
●日 時: 2013 年 3 月 7 日(木) 13:30~16:00
●会 場: 大阪府立大学 中百舌鳥キャンパス C10 棟 5 階 大講義室
Paolo Falcaro 博士(オーストラリア連邦科学産業研究機構)
Christian J. Doonan 博士 (アデレード大学)
オーストラリアの研究機関より独立若手研究者2名を迎え Metal-Organic
Framework (MOF) に代表される新しい多孔性材料研究に関するセミナーを開
Falcaro 博士には機能化を目指した MOF の精密配置に関する研究、Doonan
だきます。大学院学生向けに講演をお願いしております。Discussion の時間も
13:30 - 14:15
Paolo Falcaro 博士
“Positioning Metal-Organic Frameworks”
14:15 - 15:00
15:00 -16:00
Christian J. Doonan 博士
“Robust nanoporous organic cage molecules”
Free research discussion
●問い合わせ先 :大阪府立大学 ナノ科学・材料研究センター
牧浦 理恵
TEL:072-254-9851 内線:3554 e-mail:[email protected]
Dr. Paolo Falcaro
Research Scientist
Material Science and Engineering division
The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
Falcaro 博士は、ゾルゲル法による多孔性セラミックの合成やナノ構造化、
コーティングに関する研究、及び MOF などの有機-無機ハイブリッド材料の研
究を進めています。最近では、MOF のサイズ制御や修飾により物性制御を行い、
The controlled pore size and architecture, chemical properties and functionalization make
metal organic frameworks (MOFs) promising materials for a variety of industrial applications
such as gas storage, sequestration, separation and catalysis. However, MOFs are promising
functional materials for sensing, drug delivery, optics, and pollutant sequestration. To take
full advantage of MOF properties in integrated devices, the ability to precisely locate the
ultra-porous crystal is required. In this presentation, we illustrate the advancements on the
control of MOF positioning. Although different techniques will be presented (e.g. the use of
an external control and promoting agents for the permanent localization of MOFs as well as
the dynamic positioning using a magnetic field), the presentation will main focus on the
approaches we have developed at CSIRO for permanently or dynamically positioning MOFs.
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Christian J. Doonan
Senior Lecturer and ARC Future Fellow
School of Chemistry and Physics, The University of Adelaide
Doonan 博士は学位を取得後、UCLA の O.M. Yaghi 教授のグループで博士研究
員として MOF の研究をされていました。現在はアデレード大学の Senior
Lecture として、 MOF に加え Covalent Organic Framework (COF)など金属をふ
Assemblies of porous molecular cages (PMCs) are a burgeoning field in materials science.
By utilizing PMCs as discrete building blocks, solid state materials have been synthesized
with unique propities. A unique feature of PMCs is that they have all the benefits of extended
porous structures such as microporous polymers, or metal organic frameworks (MOFs),
whilst maintaining the solubility and versatility associated with small molecules. Hitherto,
such cages have been constructed from dynamic covalent chemistry using ‘one pot’
synthetic methods. We have recently explored the design and synthesis of highly porous
PMCs constructed solely from carbon atoms. Such materials promise important scientific
outcomes through future practical opportunities as well as tackling a fascinating set of
fundamental challenges in synthetic chemistry, materials science, crystal engineering, and
HP : http://www.adelaide.edu.au/directory/christian.doonan
E-mail: [email protected]