桃山学院大学 国際センター 来日前オリエンテーション アナウンス依頼事項

桃山学院大学 国際センター
来日前オリエンテーション アナウンス依頼事項
・8~10 万円ほど。もちろん個人差はありますが、このくらい使うようです。来日経験のある先輩に聞くとよいでしょう。
例えば本学最寄り駅、和泉中央駅~難波駅まで片道 620 円かかります。
・よく使用する特定の区間内で、回数カードのご利用が便利です。約 10 回の値段で 11 回使用できます。
・関西周遊パス(1日乗り放題(2,000 円)、2日乗り放題、(2,700 円)なども便利です。詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。
りますが一般的に、重さはそれぞれ 23Kg までに限られています。23Kgを超えると超過料金を取られるので気をつ
Momoyama Gakuin (St. Andrew’s) University
Orientation before coming to Japan Announcement
>Things that you should bring:
- 2 Bath towels
- Washcloth
- Shampoo, hair conditioner
- Cosmetics
- Save electricity. The use of electricity might be different than in your country. A Japanese house is hot in the
summer and cold in the winter. You may have to adjust this inconvenience. In Japan, we use air conditioning in
each room separately, run by electricity. Therefore, it can get quite expensive. We would like to ask you not to
use the air conditioner when you’re not in the room or while you’re sleeping.
- Save water. Try and conserve this precious resource.
- Your host family is not a hotel. Try to communicate with them. Clean your room and help with the dishes promptly.
- The host family is expecting you to have meals with them. Of course, you may eat out; however, try not to eat out
more than half of the days that you stay.
- The host family may take you somewhere on the weekend or on a day off. They may pay for a meal, entrance fee to
somewhere, etc., for you. These costs are not included in the program fee. It would be good for you to show your
appreciation to them.
[Money to Bring]
- 80,000 – 100,000 yen is the average student’s expense. Of course, while it depends on the student’s budget, it
seems this is the minimum that they use. Please ask a previous student from your University that has attended or
someone that has been to Japan before.
- We typically use cash in daily life. However, it is good for you to bring cash card or travelers check. Your bank may
need to be informed that you will be traveling to Japan.
[Transportation Expenses]
- Around the Izumi area, train fare is expensive. Please aware that it will cost much more than you think. If you must
commute to school, that expense is included in program fee.
- For example: From Izumichuo station (Momoyama Gakuin University) to Namba (big city) costs \620, one-way.
- There is commuting ticket for fixed stations. You can ride 11 times for the cost of 10.
- The Kansai shu yu pass or Kansai excursion pass for the train and bus is available at the station. 1 day fee: \2,000.
2 days fee: \2,700. Please refer to this website. http://www.osaka-info.jp/osp/en/
[Travel Baggage]
- When you return to your country, you’ll be allowed 2 pieces of checked baggage at the airport. However, while it
may also depend on your ticket or your airline, you are usually allowed up to 23 kilograms per bag. You will need
to pay for excess baggage. We suggest that you bring large bags with fewer things, rather than bringing many small
bags. That way, you can put things that you got in Japan inside as well. You can also usually have a carry-on bag
to bring in the cabin of the plane and a bag for souvenirs. Please refer to your airlines website.
- Please be insured before you come to Japan. It is good to have insurance in case you acquire a disease, get injured,
or lose or break any items.