レッスン 41 - cloudfront.net

レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材
Conversation Material(英会話テキスト)
Lesson 41 (レッスン 41) (14-20 min)
Today’s Topic (今日のトピック): Hobby (趣味)
My Brother Can’t Live Without Comics!
Good day! Today, we are going to talk about READING BOOKS! In
this lesson, you are going to learn common words, phrases and
expressions used to express yourself in this area. Enjoy your lesson!
Exercise 1 (エクササイズ 1): PICTURE DESCRIPTION (画像描写)
(1-2 min)
Directions: Please describe the picture shown below.
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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材
Conversation Material(英会話テキスト)
Exercise 2 (エクササイズ 2): VOCABULARY BUILDING (語彙構築)
(5-6 min)
Directions: Repeat after your tutor. Read the words, phrases or sentences aloud.
Vocabulary (語彙)
Example sentence (例文)
Do you like reading romance novels?
This book is a bestseller. It sold millions of copies.
The author of the book is very famous.
Where can you buy used or secondhand books?
I like reading mystery novels.
Who are the characters in that book?
On what page are you now?
Have you ever read a fantasy book?
I go to the library to read books.
Useful Expressions (役立つ表現)
What kind of books do you like to read?
This is the best book I’ve ever read!
Activity 1:
Using the expressions you have learned, describe the picture in Page1
(習った表現を使い、1 ページ目の絵についてもう一度説明してみましょう。)
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Conversation Material(英会話テキスト)
Exercise 3 (エクササイズ 3): SEQUENCING STORY (文章並びかえ)
(3-6 min)
Directions: Arrange the following sequence of story depending on how it happens.
Read aloud the sentences in proper order from the first to the last event.
Ryan and Emy are talking about their favorite books.
3-1. _________
Oh, I prefer reading romance novels.
3-2. _________
There is a shop downtown where you can buy new and secondhand
books. It includes bestselling romance novels!
3-3. _________
I love reading mystery books. How about you, Emy?
(僕はファンタジー小説を読むのが好きなんだ。 君はどう、エイミー?)
3-4. __________ Really? Where do you buy those novels?
(そうなのかい? 恋愛小説はどこで買えるの?)
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レアジョブ英会話 オフィシャル教材
Conversation Material(英会話テキスト)
Exercise 4 (エクササイズ 4): FREE TALK (フリートーク)
(5-6 min)
Directions: Practice and enjoy a free talk with your tutor.
Guide Questions from the tutor: (講師は次の質問で会話を始めます)
What kind of book do you prefer reading?
Do you have enough time to read books?
Who is your favorite author? Why is he/she your favorite?
(あなたのお気に入りの作家は誰ですか? なぜお気に入りなのですか?)
Have you tried reading a book in English? If yes, what is it? If no, why?
(英語の本を読むことに挑戦したことはありますか? ある場合、その本は何です
か? ない場合はなぜ挑戦しなかったのでしょうか?)
Ask your tutor about his/her experiences in reading books.
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