Slide - Journal of Vision

From: Dichoptic masking and binocular rivalry share common perceptual dynamics
Journal of Vision. 2007;7(14):3. doi:10.1167/7.14.3
Figure Legend:
Testing the three classifiers of binocular rivalry on dichoptic masking data. (A) Perceptual biases were calculated as the
total time spent perceiving a “lag” pattern divided by the total time any of the two patterns was perceived. With repetition
periods of 187 ms (left), the value of minSOA (i.e., Min[SOA1,SOA2]) had only a small influence on the perceptual
biases, which in all cases were near 0.5. With repetition periods of 347 ms, strong (forward) masking was observed (a
bias towards the “lead” pattern; shaded area). Green-shaded areas denote SOA conditions with a temporal overlap
between the two stimuli. Error bars are SEM over trials. (B) The generalized 2nd proposition of Levelt poses that in
to changing
the saliency ofThe
of the stimuli,
the percept
of the most dominant
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change. The graph for repetition periods of 187 ms shows only marginal changes in dominance durations, which is