Lighting Models in Computer Games

Lighting Effects in Computer Games
Act II
Ivan Viola
Institute of Computer Graphics & Algorithms
Vienna University of Technology
Vienna / Austria
Ivan Viola
speed & quality trade-off
real-time rendering (>10 fps)
software based techniques
hardware acceleration
state of the art in HW acceleration techniques
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 most important FPS game
 lighting of the world
 lighting of creatures, weapons, particles and
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Quake - World Lighting Model (I)
 Gouraud shading
 angle variance (for n-gons; n>3)
 bad for big polygons (such as walls)
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Quake - World Lighting Model (II)
 Lightmaps
 lighting is precalculated (using eg. radiosity)
 stored in a 2D texture
 easy to scale, translate to create various effects
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Quake - Lighting of Polygonal Objects
 Gouraud shading
 polygons are triangles
 small enough
 Subdivision rasterizer
 division until the polygon is smaller than pixel and
then draw
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Quake - Following Versions
 Verite Quake
 HW acceleration using Verite chip
 GLQuake
 downloadable upgrade that uses OpenGL HW
 Quake II
 OpenGL HW acceleration out-of-the-box
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State of the Art in FPS Games
 Quake III Arena
 curved surfaces
 volumetric fog
 shading languages
 Doom III
 unique style of lighting using HW acceleration
 HW acceleration necessary!
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Projective Textures
 projector simulation
 spotlight simulation
 shadow maps
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Environment Maps
 cubic parameterization
 implemented in most nowadays graphics chips
 spherical parameterization
 mapping is problematic
 parabolic parameterization
 solves problem of spherical parameterization
 partly implemented in MESA
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BRDF-Based Lighting
 BRDF is a 4D function
 4D lookup table is needed
 approximation of 4D lookup table through
decomposition into two 2D lookup tables
 efficient usage of the texture memory
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Anisotropic Lighting
 examples of anisotropic surfaces
 satin cloth, CD surface, brushed metal
 setup and enable 2D texture that encodes
lighting model as a function of <L·N> and <V·R>
 setup texture matrix for the dot product
 pass per-vertex tangent vector of surface or
fiber as texture coordinate using
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Thank you
Ivan Viola
[email protected]