HERE - Sinnissippi Quilters, Inc.

Sinnissippi Quilters Inc
NQA Chapter IL 548
October 2014 / November 2014
Volume 35 No. 2
Sinnissippi Quilters meet on the first
Thursday of each month (unless
announced otherwise) at
Bethesda Covenant Church,
2101 E. State Street, Rockford, IL.
Afternoon Meeting: 1 pm
Evening Meeting: 7:00 pm
Each meeting has a scheduled
program followed by a business
session. We invite quilters of all
skill levels and their guests to attend. The guest fee is $5.00
Upcoming Guild Meetings:
Thursday, October 2
Thursday, November 6
Please join us for dinner with the
speaker before the evening meeting
at 5:00pm at Stockholm Inn,
2420 Charles St. Rockford, Il
Don’t forget to bring the following:
*Show & Tell items
*Your Nametag
*Special Projects items
*Your Coffee Mug
Newsletter Articles for the Dec
2014/Jan 2015 newsletter are due
by November 15 for distribution by
November 24. Please make
submissions to:
Karen Grover
5724 Spring Brook Rd
Rockford, IL 61114
Phone: (H) 815-877-8437
(C) 815-988-0538
Hello Quilters,
Fall is in the air - summer went by so quickly! I plan to spend more time
at my sewing machine now, how about you? Time to get started on
those holiday projects, and of course, our entries for our guild's quilt
show next May.
We have had a great start to our guild year. We began in August with
the Sew-in for the Soldiers, which was a great success. Look for a report
in the newsletter or on the website with the number of stockings completed, and the items needed for stuffers. The sew-in was daytime only,
but both afternoon and evening meetings featured the Meet the New
Board Trunk Show, which is always a treat.
The September speakers were so interesting and fun, with two different programs and lots of information. Barb has a great line-up of speakers and workshops for us this year. We have nationally known teachers
every year - please plan to attend a workshop or two, or three! Our
guild workshop fees are nearly half of what they would be at a large
quilt show.
It's membership renewal time! Please renew if you haven't already.
Invite friends to come and see what our guild is all about.
Let's keep growing, and sewing!
October 2: Lenore Crawford
Afternoon: Fusing/Fabric Painting to Create and Art Quilt
Evening: Award Winning Techniques for Fusing Fabric
(workshops will be available-see inside for details)
November 6: Eileen Daniels
Afternoon: Vintage Textiles Have a Makeover
Evening: Embellished Wearables
(workshops will be available-see inside for details)
2014/2015 Sinnissippi Quilters Board
Phyliss Campbell
Vice President
Dee Pitthan
Afternoon Secretary
Evening Secretary
Program I
Program II
Publications: Newsletter
Membership Afternoon
Sue Lacerra
Sylvia Vaughn
Deb Wheeler
Barb Clucas
Donna Langford
Karen Grover
Cindy Larsen
Audrey Green &
Ellen Schrader
Luanne Hanne
Janet Person
Quilt Show Chair
Jane Erickson
Julie Cuccinelli
Marie Tovo
Comfort Quilts
Delores Wichman
Patsy Preiss
Membership Evening
Special Projects I
Special Projects II
Hospitality Volunteers for October
Barb Kirchmeyer
Rita Brdicka
Katie Boughton
Georgy Homuth
Please contact Sunshine or Comfort
Quilt Chairs as needed
Hospitality Volunteers for November
Melody Rogue
Julie Marison
Dixie Hosto
Karen Pflipsen
Mission Statement:
The purpose of Sinnissippi Quilters, Inc. shall be to
educate the community and ourselves on all aspects of
quilting, to preserve and appreciate our quilting heritage and traditions, and to use our sewing gifts to
benefit other community organizations.
Find this box on the Sinnissippi Quilters website,
When you enter your email
address and click Subscribe,
you will be notified when new
items are added to the website, like when the newsletter
is added! Please let Cindy
Larsen know if you cannot
receive the newsletter from
the web site.
421 Main Street, P.O. Box 128 Pecatonica, IL 61063
Phone Number: 815-239-1026
Owner: Polly Perkins
2,000 bolts of fabric, classes, clubs, camps, notions
Hours: Tuesday 10:00-7:00 Wednesday—Saturday 10:00-5:00
Upcoming Programs and Workshops
Oct 2
Lenore Crawford. Afternoon: Fusing/Fabric Painting to Create and Art Quilt. Lenore will explain her
techniques for fusing and fabric painting to create award winning art quilts. Evening: Award Winning
Techniques for Fusing Fabric. Lenore explains the progression of using multi-media in her art quilts to
her current technique of using 2” painted squares to make award winning art quilts.
Oct 3
Fusing and Fabric Painting to Create Realistic Fabric Art. $15 supply fee paid in class.
Check Lenore’s website for specific fabric requirements which change depending on the pattern you
choose to do.
-Rotary cutter: 18mm or 28mm
-Cutting Mat
-Scissors: regular (embroidery optional)
-Large Tweezers (beading type)
-Black Ultra Fine Sharpie plus regular Sharpie -Masking tape (beige)
-X-Acto Knife with fine blade
-Traveling Ironing pad for fusing
-Waste sack this is a messy technique
-Background Fabric this is in addition to the fabric requirements found on the website. It needs to be at
least 20” x 25”
-Fabric as noted on website. Choose a gradation of fabrics for the best effect
-Paint Brushes: 1/2” angular, 1/4” angular, 1/8” angular, 0 liner. If you can’t find these exact brushes
they will be available for purchase in class. I do not loan brushes
Oct 4
Mini Blended Fabric Art Collages. $10 supply fee paid in class. We will use tiny pieces of fabric and
tweezers to create miniature blended designs to take home and frame. Fabric painting also included.
Fabric is included in this kit.
-Large Tweezers (beading type)
-Parchment paper or Teflon ironing sheet
-Iron/ironing pad
-Small Elmer’s Glue
-Rotary cutter 28mm is a functional size
-Waste sack this is a very messy technique
-Ziploc bag to take leftovers home
Paint Brushes: 1/2” angular, 1/4” angular, 1/8” angular, 0 liner. If you can’t find these exact brushes they
will be available for purchase in class. I do not loan brushes
Nov 6
Eileen Daniels. Afternoon: Vintage Textiles Have a Makeover. You will be inspiired to make quilted
items from vintage textiles. Evening: Embellished Wearables. Eileen explains the embellishments used
on her wearables and where they came from. Very entertaining. Eileen is from Broadhead, Wi. and is an
award winning quilter and designer
Nov 7
Tea Party Workshop: Supplies required include:
-Dark Fat Quarter for background
-Backing and batting piece 20” square
-Pellon Fusible Wonder Under Web 1/4 yd.
-Pellon Easy Knit Fusible Tricot 1/4 yd
-Freezer Paper 12” square
-Tissue Paper, one piece
-Flowered Hankie for pot
-Flowered Hankie (2) for cups
-Fancy Hankie (3)
-Sewing Kit, thread for applique
Dec 4
Christmas party: Though December 4th seems like a long way off, it will be here before we know it. We
will again be asking for table Hostess’. If you are interested in doing this, please contact Barb Clucas
during the October or November meeting or at 815-874-1607.
30 Year Pins Available
Quilt appraisals help determine the value of your quilts
and provide written documentation for insurance, fair
market or donation values.
Written appraisal—$45 per quilt.
Barb Lange presented a design for a
30-year pin at the July, 2010 meeting.
The design includes the “Hands All
Around” block and commemorates our 30th anniversary in 2009/2010. Pins are available for $5 from
Special Projects.
CONTACT: Suzanne Swenson
AQS Certified Appraiser of Quilted Textiles
Mini-Morning Workshops
Oct 2
Travel Bags. Bags will finish 7 1/2” x 4” x 2 1/2”
Cut the following prior to the workshop:
(8) strips 2 1/2” x 4 1/2” print fabric
(2) strips 2” x 8 1/2” contrast fabric
(1) strip 1 1/2 x 4” contrast fabric
(2) strips 7” x 9 1/2” lining fabric
(2) pieces fleece or batting 6 3/4” x 9 1/4”
Other supplies include: sewing machine, thread, 14” zipper, walking foot (if you have one), scissors, rotary
cutter and mat.
Nov 6
Hand Work. Bring a hand project – appliqué, knitting, embroidery, a holiday project that needs to be
completed or binding a quilt.
Special Projects and More (SPAM)
SPAM meets on the following dates at Cherry Valley Library starting at 10AM. Bring a project of your
choice or join in working on a guild project. Currently scheduled dates: Oct 18, Nov 22, and Dec 20.
Oct 18
Nov 1
Extra Day, bring your project
Nov 15
Hexagon Paper Piecing
Comfort Quilts
Patsy Preiss has taken over Comfort Quilts. She will take 12 1/2” signed blocks.
Report: Stockings for Soldiers
Wow ! You really came through at the Sew-In. Approximately (40) people completed (490)
stockings. Including the SFS (Stockings for Soldiers) mini-group and the sew-at-homers we have completed more than (1000) stockings. As more stockings are completed by the sew-at-homers, we will surely
make our goal of 1500. Our next step is to obtain more stocking stuffers. All items on the Soldiers' Wish
List are needed--especially razors, nutrition bars, individual packages of snacks, tooth brushes, tooth
paste, and lip balm. We also need front pages of used Christmas cards in time to write a message on
them. A big thank you to all who have helped with our stockings in any capacity. A special thanks goes
to our SFS mini-group, and our sew-at-homers who have worked so faithfully every month.
Report: September RMS Neonatal Unit Tour
Wednesday, September 3, ten Guild members attended two tours of the Neo-Natal Unit at Rockford Memorial Hospital. The tours were conducted by Elise O’Hare, a nurse on the unit and our contact person.
Rockford Memorial is the regional level-3 center for neo-natal patients and serves an eleven county area.
The unit has five pods with up to seven state of the art isolets in each and the unit serves an average of
(32) babies, many of which are twins. Twins are given their own isolet, placed side by side. There is a
large staff on hand to serve the babies, and the average length of stay is 40 days. The daily charge is
$4,628. The unit also has its’ own surgical room for emergency procedures and an Annex for babies that
are getting ready to go home or need a quieter surrounding. Babies can go home when they can eat without the help of tubes, maintain their body temperature and communicate their needs. The hospital also
has a guest center for families in the old nurse’s dorm. Families can visit their baby any time 24/7. A private room is provided for families to use in case a baby has passed.
It was very clear why our quilts need to be the larger size (44”x56”). They need to go over the top of the
isolet to keep the interior dark for the baby. This helps protect the baby’s eyes and muffle the noise.
Families love our quilts because it makes the unit feel cozier and less institutional. The quilts become the
property of the families. Our service to the unit is greatly appreciated.
7th Annual Retreat Coming Up in November
Monica and Marie have been working on the retreat for this year. The dates are Nov 6th through the 9th and the registration forms are on the Sinnissippi Quilters website and in this newsletter. The costs have been slowly rising each year
and we find that this year we need to raise them a bit to cover the increasing costs.
Dee Pitthan has kindly agreed to demonstrate the One Block Wonder quilt for those who wish to make a version of this
in 2014. The picture here shows Dee’s version as she has completed the top. Suggestions for choosing your fabrics:
choose large prints, a 24” repeat is ideal for a slightly larger than lap size quilt (sized like Dee’s), but other size repeats
can be chosen (see below); choose fabrics with very little background (this will make for more interest in your quilt design); try not to pick patterns that run in stripes as this will require very precise cutting and matching – a swirling design is better, try to pick large designs; limit the number of colors in the fabric – designing with 2 or 3 colors is easier
than with 8 or 9 (some of the vegetable and fruit patterns are good examples); do not prewash your fabric – this removes the sizing which can distort the fabric. You will need 6 full repeats in order to make the hexagons. The chart
below will show how much fabric you will need, however, make sure that you have 6 complete repeats. We will be
cutting these hexagons at the retreat this year; do not cut ahead of time as there are specific instructions for cutting.
Yardage Requirements and Hexagon Yields
Length of Repeat
Length of 6 Repeats
Yardage Needed
1 ВЅ yards
Yardage + ВЅ
yard for Quilt
1 7/8 yards
Yield of 6” Blocks
2 yards
2 ВЅ yards
2 2/3 yards
3 Вј yards
4 yards
4 ВЅ yards
We have one break away scheduled so far that requires you to bring some fabric. Lou
Cuccinelli will be teaching hexagon coasters. Hexagon seems to be the theme this year!
For this project you will need: -(7) pieces of fabric each measuring 5 Вѕ by 6 Вѕ,
Coordinating thread for top stitching, Scissors, Basic sewing kit, and sewing machine
If more information is needed prior to the retreat, we will put it into the retreat package
that gets emailed to you. We’re looking forward to a wonderful weekend of quilting with
our quilting sisters.
Newsletter Advertising
Do you know who spoke at Guild in 1989/90?
Cathy Grafton
Kay Sorenson
Kay Steinmetz
Ann Wasserman
Shirley Fomby
Newsletter Advertising is available
to anyone at the following rates.
Karen Grover
5724 Spring Brook Rd
Rockford, IL 61114
Laverne Larson
Ami Simms
Mary Sullivan
Ann Pastucha
Rates for one issue or as noted:
Business Card…..$5.00 or 6/$25
1/4 page …....$12.50 or 6/$62.50
Half Page……….…..$25.00/$100
Full Page……………….....$50.00
Classified (50)words or less….$5
Advertising fee payable to:
Sinnissippi Quilters.
Guild and Mini Group News
Cherrywood Wicked Challenge: Robin Gausbeck has won 2nd place and both Phyllis Campbell and Karen Grover
have quilts traveling with the show.
Quilt Expo: Phyllis Campbell and Alan Fredrickson had quilts displayed
AQS Des Moines: Phyllis Campbell had her Grand Central Terminal quilt accepted into this show.
IQA Houston: Robin Gausbeck has been notified that she has won a ribbon in this show.
Condolences to the family of Sue Jackson who recently passed away.
Make and Take Mini Group-Contact Denise Ethun. This group will meet on the fourth Monday
of the month in room A of the Mitchell Parish Center at St. Bridget's Church in Loves Park from
1:00 - 3:00 P.M. On September 22nd we will be using the wacky web tool from Missouri Star
Quilt Co., making a Periwinkle Mug Rug which can also be used for other things. Bring 5"
squares of a variety of fabrics. Leftover charm squares work great. We have the wacky web
tool to cut them or bring your own if you have one.
Omigosh Mini Group– Contact Beth Faust. This group meets at her home of the 4th Thursday of the month from 1:30
to 3:30 . You may join anytime.
American Pioneer Quilters mini group-Contact Debbie Van Dusen at 480-212-2784. We study historic quilt styles
and patterns from 1600-1900 stopping at 1899-1900. This includes Colonial quilts brought to this country by Dutch,
English and the French, 1700's French influence and the American Revolution, 1800's appliquГ©, , 1830's Baltimore
album, Civil War era, Gold Rush and Victorian. Feel free to bring show and tell, books, or magazine articles related to
the time period.
Fellowship-Contact Teresa Hancock at 815-335-1084. No sewing required! Just chatter. We love to visit quilt shops,
antique stores and anything else we decide looks interesting in our wanderings. These day excursions start in the mid
-morning and end mid-afternoon with a stop around noon for a bite to eat. Dates are determined by the group the
previous month.
Stockings for Soldiers-Contact Kathy Thomas at 815-222-7990. Your talents are needed to sew cuffs, surge stockings,
sew cuffs on, turn stockings, pin cuffs on and spend time making friends. Meeting times are from 10 AM to 2 PM the
Wednesday after the guild meeting in Winnebago IL.
Art Mini Group –Contact Elizabeth A. Franck or Debbie Van Dusen. We will be creating different series of (small) art
quilts using the Elements and Principles of Design as guidelines. The books, DVDs, etc., plus individual experiences
will help provide a flexible framework for exploration, creativity and growth in an open, sharing and relaxing environment.
A variety of techniques will be used to explore composition,
color theory and mixed media. Our primary resource is the
Art Quilt Workbook” by Jane Davila and Elin Waterston, the
DVD“Teach You – Art Quilting Basics” and “Art Quilts at Play”
Check this out! Celtic Quilt Tours and Debbi Cagney are
offering a shop hop tour to both Ireland and Scotland in 2015.
Please contact them at if you are
Guild Meeting Notes
Afternoon: The new board members did a show and tell
of their first and last quilts as a program during the Sewing for the Soldiers sew-in. (52) members were in attendance. Special Projects: Neo-Natal Quilts: Jan delivered
(18) to Swedish American Neonatal. She announced that
there is a tour of Rockford Memorial Hospital Neo-natal
Unit coming up in Sept. Please sign up. Remember that
the 7th Annual Retreat is coming up in November, see
Monica Kelso for details. Comfort quiltsL Patsy Preiss is
collecting 12 1/2”. Remember to sign them. She presented Teresa Hancock with her Presidents blocks. SPAM
at Cherry Valley Library: Elizabeth Franck is offering a
Banner workshop or time to work on your project.
Evening: Membership: (24) members present. Special
Projects:Jan Person a total of (86) neonatal quilts have
been given this summer. Now working on Fidget Quilts –
will see how they are received at nursing homes. Patchwork by the Lake: Judy Mullen reminded everyone about
the7th annual retreat! November 6/9 (Thursday is optional). Tips and Techniques: Colleen Hoffman needs
presenters for the new guild year. Quilt Show: Julie Cuccinelli needs items for Silent Auction. Littlest Angel Project: Phyllis Campbell reported that Nora Hamidi is looking for help to create a presentation about this project.
Please contact Nora if you can help. Comfort Quilts: Patsy
Preiss is asking for 12 1/2” unfinished blocks Hospitality
still needs someone to Chair.
Afternoon:Membership: (68) members and (2) new
members present. Our speakers were Jan Kruger and
Linda Marcou from Milwaukee. Special Projects & Morning Workshops: Jan Person reported on the tour of the
Neonatal unit on Sept. 3rd. The mini morning workshop
made fidget quilts. Stocking for Soldiers : Kathy Thomas
said (40) people turned out (490) stockings. Christmas
cards and stocking stuffers are needed, check the website for a list. The stockings will be filled on November 14
& 15 at the Masonic Lodge in Loves Park. Raffle Quilt:
Dee Pitthan asked for a volunteer to quilt the raffle quilt.
SPAM: Saturday workshop at the Cherry Valley Library on
September 13, from 10 to 4 p.m., they will make the yoyo
Christmas trees. New Mini Group: “Art Quilts” is starting
on September 23. Web site: Cindy Larson explained how
to navigate the web-site and how to find info there and
on facebook.
Evening: Program: Linda Marcou from Milwaukee “Color My World”. Method of using color crayons to design and color quilt designs. Linda offered a hands-on
project for a small fee. Tips and Techniques: See Colleen
Hoffman to volunteer for 2015. Membership: (26) members, (3) new members, (1) guest. Quilt Show Medallions: Please return in original bags to Becky Harvey - All
have been given out. Show and Tell: (5) members
showed projects.
October 13 and 14 6-9 PM
540 Cloverlane Drive, Sycamore, IL
Books, fabric, gadgets, antiques
Mohair Teddy Bear Kits
*************Cash only***************
Quilt Show ToTo-Do List: We have reached the point in
May 2 & 3, 2015
the planning stages for the Quilt Show that we now need help
from the general membership. The show isn’t just the responsibility of the quilt show committee; it is also the responsibility of
each and every member of the guild. This one event funds the guild’s functions for the next two years, i.e. programs,
speakers, workshops, charity quilts and projects. If every member does a little bit, it helps the whole group prosper.
This is what I am asking of each member:
One quilt minimum for display or to be judged in the show
One item or a group donation for the silent auction
One quilt for the bed turning
One trip through your sewing room to find stuff for the Boutique
One group you attend regularly to advertise the show to by handing out bookmarks
One ad sold for the quilt show program booklet –
One new person to attend the show
Two hours of volunteer work during the actual show (Wed-Sun of show week)
Sell $20 minimum in raffle tickets for the raffle quilt
This list may look long and overwhelming. Start now and work on a little bit at a time. We have just 7 short months
until the show. Anything you can do to help out would be appreciated. If you can only do one thing, great! If you are
willing and able to do more, great! Our guild was founded on this principle; many hands make light work, as in our
logo, the hands all around block. Together we will make this the show a success!
Quilters Help Cover “Littlest Angels”
Nora Hamidi was asked to give a short presentation about our Littlest Angels to the retirees of Woodward Sundstrand on Sept
10th. These generous people donated a total of $50.00 to be used for this project. She displayed a few quilts that have been received but not yet turned over to the coroner’s office. She explained that we have area groups to whom both Nora and Sue Fidu
Fiducccia will soon be speaking to who either crochet or knit and a group from Christ the Rock church who want to make quilts of lo
from used wedding dresses. At one point, Nora had six dresses at her house for this purpose. There was one dress that was so
unusual that she did some research on dating it. She asked Darlene Karvelius, who brought the dresses to her, if she would mi
if the guild took it to Midway Village. After talking to Gina Mosley, the director at Midway, she asked if we wanted it back but
Nora took the liberty of donating it in the name of Sinnissippi Quilter’s as the lace was too fragile and unusual for it to bbee ccut
apart even for our babies. Gina promised that if it was determined to be dated as Nora thought, it would be part of the disp
and if not it will be used very carefully in productions at the Village.
Rita Brdicka and Nora will be going on a Quilter’s Cruise in November visiting the Houston Quilt Festival and then boarding a
cruise ship where they have Pam Holland, Bonnie Hunter, and Kim Diehl as their instructors for seven days
days. Nora ordered business cards with the guild web site listed as well as a short statement of what we are about and asked that the recipients ask Nora
how to start a Littlest Angels project in their communities. In addition, they will also collect names, addresses and email addresses of those interested. It would be great to get this going nationwide.
Upcoming Quilt Shows and Guild News
10-11/12. Harvest of Quilts 2014 presented by Dekalb County Quilters. Sycamore Middle School, 150 Maplewood Dr.,
Sycamore, IL. $5. For more information, see
10-17/10-18. Prairie Treasures Quilt Show 2014. Du Page County Fair Grounds, 2015 West Manchester Road,
Wheaton, IL. Fri 9-6; sat 9-4. For more information, see
10-17/10-18. Calhoun County Quilt and Church Tour. Hardin, IL. For more information call 618.883.2578 or
Please fill out this form and give it to Barb Clucas along with your payment. Full day workshops are
9:30-4:00, locations to be determined, at a cost of $35.00 for members and $45.00 for non-members. Half
day workshops are 9:30 to 2:30 at a cost of $20.00 for members and $25.00 for non-members. Any questions please contact Barb at 815.874.1607. Please list the workshop for which you are signing up. Any
kit fees noted for a speaker are paid directly to the teacher.
Name _________________________________
Phone # __________________________________
Email address _______________________________________________________________________
Name of Class
Order “LOVE OF QUILTING” Magazine
Receive Fons & Porter’s “Love of Quilting” magazine through our guild for 1 year for $15.00. You may receive 3 free spools of Sulky thread and 2 free quilting booklets: Fons & Porter’s “Favorite Scrap Quilts”
and “Quilting the Quilt”, as supplies last.
Please return this form with your check made payable to Judy Mullen for $15.00. Mail to: Judy Mullen,
4928 Zenith Parkway, Machesney park. IL 61115-4406. Call (815) 636-9094, if questions. Orders will be
mailed monthly one week after our meeting.
Name: ___________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
Apt: ______________
City/State: _____________________________________________________
Zip: ______________
Phone: _____________________________________________________________________
______ RENEW
______ NEW
October 2014
Mini Morning 9:30
Meeting 1 and 7
Carol Hodapp
Speaker Workshop
Marilyn Dreger
Shirley Thillen
Harvest of Quilts
Sycamore, IL
Norma Copes
Julie Marison
SPAM 10am
Carla Wright
Karla Nitz
Debbie Van Dusen
Lorna Carlson
Stephanie Nordlin
Judy Stansfield
Speaker Workshop
Harvest of Quilts
Sycamore, IL
Helen V. Petersen
Colleen Magee
Carol Swenson
Anne Biedowicz
31 Halloween
Board Meeting 7pm
November 2014
SPAM 10am
Mini-Morning 9:30
Meeting 1 and 7
Judy Berg
Beverly Hailey
Sandi Campbell
Eleanor Potts
SPAM 10am
Linda Kubota
Kris Logan
Sinnissippi Quilters Inc.
P.O. Box 1556
Rockford, IL 61110-1556
4616 E. STATE ST.
(815) 227-1659
Store Hours:
Monday-Saturday 10a.m.—4p.m.
Wednesday 10a.m.—7p.m.