Klikni ovdje.

written by
fotografije photographs by
portret portrait
Miran Kambič
Špela Kasal
Anja Koršič
Askeza kraj
near Lake
¶ Kuća za odmor u naselju Ribičev Laz u blizini Bohinjskog
je­zera, djelo arhitektonskog biroa Bevk Perović arhitekti,
sag­­rađena je kako bi nadomjestila staru drvenu bohinjsku
ku­ću koju više nije bilo moguće obnoviti i osuvremeniti. Na­
mijenjena je povlačenju od svakodnevne gradske vreve, od­
moru, promatranju i apsorbiranju prirode i bogatstava koje
pruža Triglavski nacionalni park. Unatoč strogim uvje­tima
građenja u zaštićenom području, arhitektima je uspjelo ob­
li­kovati originalnu kuću koja se razlikuje od okolnih. Arhi­
tekti su promišljenim proporcijama volumena, propisanim
¶ This holiday house in the Ribičev Laz settlement near Lake
Bohinj, a work by Bevk Perović arhitekti architectural office,
was built in order to replace an old wooden Bohinj-type house
which was no longer possible to reconstruct and mo­dernize.
It is intended as a retreat from the everyday bustle of the city,
for rest, observation and the absorption of nature and the
abundance offered by Triglav National Park. In spite of the
strict terms of construction in a zone under protection, the
architects managed to form an original house which is
different from the surrounding ones. The architects preserved
the elementary quality of the traditional architecture of Bohinj
with well considered proportions of the volume, prescribed
steep gable roof, usage of wood on the façade and unique
appearance of the outer membrane. Since the house is used
only occasionally, it was not given the appearance of a typical
Alpine household with a porch and red carnations in full flower
(which implies everyday life in the house, a feeling of solidity
and tradition of a household), but it rather assumed cha­
racteristics of houses intended for occasional usage – in the
Bohinj area, these are typical Bohinj stanovi (shepherds’ huts)
and hay racks, or kozolci. This seemingly contemporary, play­
ful, well considered and entirely unique holiday house is a
strmim dvostrešnim krovom, uporabom drveta na fasadi i je­
dinstvenim izgledom vanjske ovojnice očuvali elementarnost
tradicionalne bohinjske arhitekture. Budući da je kuća tek
pov­remeno u uporabi, nije dobila izgled tipična alpskog
domaćinstva s ganjkom i crvenim karanfilima bujnog cvata
(što ukazuje na svakodnevni život u kući, na osjećaj solidnosti
i tradicije nekog domaćinstva), nego je preuzela karakteristike
objekata predviđenih za povremenu uporabu – u bohinjskom
kraju karakterističnih bohinjskih stanova (pastirskih brvnara)
i sjenika kozolaca. Naizgled suvremena, zaigrana, promišljena
i posve samosvojna kuća za odmor nastavlja se na tradiciju
slovenske alpske arhitekture za koju su karakteristični potpuni
minimalizam, ako ne već askeza, sklad s okolišem, korištenje
drveta i kamena za konstrukciju, jedinstvena fasada od ne­
obra­đenih balvana, koja se nastavlja i na vanjske zaslone,
kojima se kuća, predviđena za povremenu uporabu, može u
pot­punosti zatvoriti. ¶ Upravo fasadna ovojnica, međuprostor
između vanjskog i unutarnjeg, između privatnog i javnog, dak­
le prostor ‘između’, predstavlja za arhitektonski tandem Bevk
Perović značajan i uvijek iznova inovativno oblikovani element
njihovoga arhitektonskog jezika, koji kući ne daje samo
prepoznatljivi izgled, nego njezinu i povezanost i komunikaciju
continuation of the tradition of Slovene alpine architecture
which is characterized by absolute minimalism, if not asce­
ticism, harmony with the surrounding nature, usage of wood
and stone for construction, a unique façade made of unpro­
cessed logs which continues to the outside screens as well
with which a house intended for occasional usage can be
entirely closed. ¶ For architectural tandem Bevk Perović, pre­
cisely the façade membrane, the interspace between the exte­
rior and interior, between private and public, in other words
the space ‘between’, represents a significant and always once
again innovatively formed element of their architectural lan­
guage which does not provide the house merely with a re­
cogni­zable appearance, but also with connectivity and co­
mmu­nication with the surroundings. And, at the same time,
it tells us something about its users. It is not, therefore, surpri­
sing that it is the opening of the façade membrane that is the
initial guideline of the described project. ¶ To the outside, the
ascetic grey (not at all monotonous) house closes into itself
completely when not in use, while it opens up and allows
changeable nature to enter into the interior space when used.
In spite of the strict and well-considered cleansing of the
volume, geometry, colours and details, the house radiates a
House R, Bohinj, Slovenia
Bevk Perović arhitekti, Kuća R
Bevk Perović arhitekti, House R
Vasa J. Perović
Kuća R, Bohinj, Slovenija
Matija Bevk
s okolišem, a istovremeno govori i o njenim korisnicima. Nije
dakle iznenađujuće da je upravo rastvaranje fasadne ovoj­nice
ishodišna smjernica opisanog projekta. ¶ Prema van asketski
siva (nipošto monotona), kuća se kad nije korištena u pot­
punosti zatvara u sebe, dočim se pri uporabi otvara i pri­pušta
ulaženje promjenjive prirode u unutarnji prostor. Unatoč
strogom i promišljenom pročišćenju volumena, geo­metrije,
boja i detalja, kuća svojom ‘gibljivom’, fleksibilnom fa­sadnom
ovojnicom žari izvjesnom unutarnjom zaigranoš­ću. ¶ Bevk
Perović u svom bogatom arhitektonskom opusu ostaju vjerni
vlastitim načelima: pročišćenost od ideje do izvedenog de­
talja, uporaba vlastitog jezika uzoraka arhitektonskih ele­
menata, poseban odnos prema detalju u arhitekturi, pre­
ciznost pri dodiru različitih materijala. Realizirali su svoj
je­zik uzoraka pročišćenih i brižno oblikovanih arhitektonskih
elemenata i precizno izrađenih detalja, koje uspješno i vrlo
raznoliko rabe u svojim brojnim projektima (time ostvaruju
svoju prepoznatljivu arhitekturu). Usprkos konstantnoj
prim­jeni već poznatih elemenata njihovi projekti ostaju svje­
ži, raznoliki i raznovrsni. ¶ Kuća u Bohinju promišljena je i
dorađena, asketska. Kada je zatvorena, gotovo je nevidljiva,
skri­vena i srasla s bohinjskim krajolikom. Podsjeća na stam­
benu arhitekturu australskog arhitekta Glenna Murcutta, koji
u australskom krajoliku neposrednim povezivanjem s pri­ro­
dom traži svojstveni genius loci. U Bohinju kuća sivilom ne­
obrađenog drveta na fasadi uspostavlja odnos s bojom debla
okolnog drveća, sivilom stijena, s neposrednom panoramom
okolnih planina, Alpa. Uporaba drveta u obiteljskim kućama
za arhi­tekte ne znači samo vezanje za tradiciju, nego i op­le­
certain interior playfulness with its ‘elastic’, flexible façade
membrane. ¶ Bevk Perović remain loyal to their own principles
in their rich architectural opus (purified quality from idea to
executed detail, usage of their own language of patterns of
architectural elements, special relation to the detail in archi­
tecture, preciseness in contacts of different materials). They
have realized their language of patterns of purified and care­
fully formed architectural elements, and precisely elaborated
details which they use in their numerous projects successfully
and in very diverse manners (with this, they materialize their
recognizable architecture). In spite of constant application of
already known elements, their projects remain fresh, diverse
and heterogeneous. ¶ The house in Bohinj is well considered
and elaborated, ascetic. When it is closed, it is almost invisible,
hidden and fused with the Bohinj landscape. It reminds one
of the residential architecture of the Australian architect Glenn
Murcutt, who is looking for a certain genius loci in the Austra­
lian landscape by means of immediate connection with nature.
The house in Bohinj, with its greyness of unprocessed wood
on the façade, establishes a relation with the colour of the
surrounding tree trunks, with the grey colour of the rocks,
with the immediate panorama of the surrounding mountains,
the Alps. For the architects, the usage of wood in individual
houses does not only mean linking with tradition, but also
refinement of architecture with a feature of the domestic.
When the house’s façade is open, we recognize the mentioned
language of patterns – the already regular forms and integral
parts of family houses by architectural tandem Bevk Perović
arhitekti: these are the use of large elegant glazed surfaces in
the residential zone in the sense of immediate connecting
with the surrounding greenery; there is a glass door with
wooden frame in the middle of the glass which accesses the
garden; large sliding doors which connect the exterior with
interior; hidden flutes; minimalism in the choice of furniture;
and finally, concrete slabs set in the grass which represent a
minimal forming of the exterior space. ¶ In the interior, the
architects make efforts to enable the users to form their resi­
dence according to their own wishes and needs. The arran­
gement of rooms is utterly rational. Large glass surfaces on
the ground floor provide immediate access and blending of
the interior and nature. The living-room zone is light, purified.
Recognizable elements are the hearth and steep stair ladders
which connect the floors. By opening the façade, the surroun­
ding nature enters the interior in Mies-like manner; the space
is given colourfulness and a feeling of changeable scenery is
created. In the mansard part, the openings are on the contrary
small, and offer more intimacy to the bedroom zone of the
me­njivanje arhitekture karakterom domaćeg. Kad je fa­sa­­da
kuće otvorena, prepoznajemo spomenuti jezik uzo­ra­ka –
danas već stalnih oblika i sastavnica obiteljskih kuća arhi­
tektonskog tandema Bevk Perović arhitekti: to su uporaba
velikih elegantnih zastakljenih površina u stambenoj zoni u
smislu neposrednog povezivanja s okolnim zelenilom, us­
red stakla nalaze se drvom uokvirena staklena vrata kao
pris­tup vrtu, velika klizna vrata koja povezuju vanjsko s
unu­tarnjim, sak­ri­veni oluci, minimalizam pri odabiru nam­
ještaja, na­po­kon betonske ploče položene u travu, koje
predstavljaju mi­nimalno oblikovanje vanjskog prostora. ¶ U
unut­rašnjosti arhi­tekti nastoje omogućiti korisnicima da po
svojim željama i potrebama oblikuju stanovanje. Raspored
prostorija je krajnje racionalan. Velike staklene površine
u prizemlju omogućavaju neposredan pristup i stapanje
in­terijera s prirodom. Zona boravka je svijetla, pročišćena.
Prepoznatljivi elementi su og­njiš­te i strme stube–ljestve
koje povezuju etaže. Otvaranjem fasade okolna priroda na
miesovski način ulazi u unutrašnjost, prostoru daje šare­
nilo i stvara osjećaj promjenjive scene. U mansardnom su
dijelu pak otvori mali pa spavaćem dijelu kuće nude veću
intimnost. Prostorije su obložene drvetom, zatvorene su i
introvertirane, ali igrom različito velikih prozora zavi­ru­ju u
pri­rodu kako bi se osjetio njen dah. Oprema je mi­ni­malna
i prikrivena (bjelina se spaja sa zidovima) te fiksna (kao
dio konstrukcije). Uporaba prirodnog izgleda drveta na
dr­venim prozorima unosi u interijer izvjesnu kolorističku
i ma­terijalnu raznolikost. Askeza pri opremi iznenađuje, a
isto­vre­meno nudi određenu komociju boravka vikendom,
do­du­še nema ni pretjeranih elemenata, ni suvišnoga, tu je
sa­mo to što je nužno potrebno. Terasa, koju se može otvarati
i zat­va­rati pomičnim fasadnim drvenim panelima, uporabiva
je u različitim vremenskim prilikama tijekom cijele godine.
the natural look of the wood on the wooden windows provides
the interior with a certain colouristic and material diversity.
Regarding equipment, asceticism is surprising but, at the
same time, it offers particular comfort during weekend stays.
It is true, there are no excessive elements either, or anything
redundant; there is only what is necessarily needed here. The
terrace, which can be opened and closed with movable façade
wood panels, is usable in different weather throughout the
year. The panels are at the same time protection from the sun,
as well as an element with the function of windshield. They
oris, broj 64, godina 2010
oris, number 64, year 2010
Bevk Perović arhitekti, Kuća R
Bevk Perović arhitekti, House R
tlocrt prizemlja
house. The rooms are panelled with wood, they are closed and
introvert, but the play of differently sized windows provides
them with views of nature so that its breath can be sensed.
Equipment is minimal and concealed (whiteness is united with
the walls), and fixed (as part of the construction). Usage of
ground floor plan
tlocrt kata
floor plan
Paneli su istovremeno zaštita od sunca i element s funkcijom
vjetrobrana. Govore o povremenom boravku korisnika, a is­
tovremeno omogućuju veću funkcionalnost. ¶ Uređenje
vanjs­kih površina je unatoč prividnoj jednostavnosti pro­
miš­ljeno i dorađeno. Kuća raste iz travnjaka (poput pastirske
brvnare), uređeni su pristup do nje i nadstrešnica za auto.
Vanjsko uređenje nastoji očuvati elementarnost prirodnog
okoliša, bez ograde se zemljište nastavlja u okolnu prirodu
(nastavljanje koncepta privremene uporabe pokazuje se u
cjelokupnom projektu i tako se formira odnos između koris­
ni­ka, arhitekture i okoliša). Ta vrsta oblikovanja vanjskog
prostora nudi kući neposredan dodir s prirodom, vanjskim
svijetom, a istovremeno umanjuje osjećaj klaustrofo­bije,
stiješ­njenosti u građenoj okolini, potiče interakciju s vanj­
skim i pojačava osjećaj slobode (oslobađanje od težine grada
u svakodnevici). ¶ U arhitektonskom birou Bevk Perović in­
di­vidualna izgradnja predstavlja svojevrsni eksperiment. U
procesu projektiranja nastoje prepoznati kvalitetu lokacije,
are saying something about the occasional stays of the users
but, at the same time, they enable better functionality. ¶ The
arrangement of exterior surfaces is well considered and ela­bo­
rated in spite of the deceptive simplicity. The house grows out
of a meadow (like a shepherd’s hut), and the access to the house
and car shelter are designed. The exterior design strives to
preserve the elementariness of the natural surroundings; with­
out a fence, the plot continues into the surrounding natural
landscape (continuation of the concept of tempo­rary usage
manifests itself throughout the entire pro­ject and, thus the
relation between the user, archi­tecture and the surroundings is
formed). This kind of forming of the exterior space offers the
house immediate contact with nature and the outside world
and, at the same time, it reduces the feeling of claustrophobia,
a confined state in a constructed environment; it encourages
interaction with the outside and intensifies the feeling of
freedom (freeing from the heaviness of the city in everyday
life). ¶ In the architectural office Bevk Perović, an individual
njene karakteristike, shva­titi želje investitora i dosljedno
provesti osnovnu ideju projekta. Kuća kraj Bohinjskog jezera
je spoj inovativnog koncepta tradicionalnoga građenja u
gorju i istovremeno suvremenoga, udobnog bivanja.
oris, broj 64, godina 2010
oris, number 64, year 2010
Bevk Perović arhitekti, Kuća R
building represents a kind of experiment. In the process of
designing, they try to recognize the quality of the location, its
characteristics, to understand the desires of the investors and
consistently carry out the basic idea of a project. The house
near Bohinj Lake is a combination of inno­vative concept of
traditional building in a mountain region and at the same time
a contemporary, comfortable resi­dence.
Kuća R, Bohinj, Slovenija
House R, Bohinj, Slovenia
autori authors
arhitektonski ured architectural office
investitor client
površina parcele site area
izgrađena površina built up area
neto površina net area
projekt project
realizacija completed
cijena costs
Matija Bevk, Vasa J. Perović, Ana Čeligoj
Bevk Perović arhitekti
privatni / private
500 m²
235,94 m²
181,61 m²
nedostupna / undisclosed
Bevk Perović arhitekti, House R