Simona Stano_CV_NFull_22-09-2014 - Scuola di Dottorato in Studi

Simona Stano
[email protected]
17, via Ferrari
10072 Caselle Torinese (TO)
Phone: (+39) 347 6163565
Skype: girasimo
obtained on
PhD in Sciences of Language and Communication, University
of Turin (UNITO), Italy.
PhD in Communication Sciences, Università della Svizzera
Italiana (USI), Switzerland
[co-tutorship of thesis/ thèse en cotutelle]
Supervisors: prof. Ugo Volli (UNITO), prof. Andrea Rocci (USI),
prof. Marcel Danesi (UofT)
Result: Summa cum Laude
Postgraduate Degree in Intercultural Studies and Peace Culture
UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Barcelona (Spain)
Result: 9.3/10 (“Sobresaliente” / Distinction)
MA in Multimedia and Mass Communications
University of Turin (Italy)
Result: 110/110 cum Laude
BA in Communication Studies
University of Turin (Italy) and Universitat de Valencia (Spain)
Result: 110/110
Summer Schools and Other Courses
Summer School “Semiotic Theories and Advertising
Practices” – Cyprus University of Technology (Limassol,
XIX Early Fall School in Semiotics "Food and Cultural
Identity II" – New Bulgarian University, CIRCe, and UNITO,
Sozopol (Bulgaria).
XVIII Early Fall School in Semiotics “Food and Cultural
Identity” – New Bulgarian University, CIRCe, and UNITO,
Sozopol (Bulgaria).
3rd edition of the Summer School on TV studies “TV:
The Old and the New” – CIRCe, UNITO, and Comferenza –
Turin (Italy).
XVII Early Fall School in Sociosemiotics “Forms of
Symbolic Efficacy in Complex Societies” – New Bulgarian
University, CIRCe, and MIUR, Sozopol (Bulgaria).
XV Early Fall School in Semiotics “Sociosemiotics” –
New Bulgarian University, CIRCe, and MIUR, Sozopol
UNICEF XII Multidisciplinary Course in Human Rights
Education – Unicef and UNITO, Turin (Italy).
Study and Research Abroad
01/02/2013 – 31/08/2013
Visiting Research Scholarship - and field analysis for the
doctoral research - UofT (University of Toronto),
Canada (supervisor: prof. Marcel Danesi).
10/05/2013 – 14/06/2013
Course “Oral
UofT (Canada).
08/05/2013 – 05/06/2013
Course “Academic Conversation Skills” – ELWS – UofT
26/02/2013 – 19/03/2013
Workshop “Writing/Speaking in the Humanities and Social
Sciences”, ELWS, UofT (Toronto, Canada).
21/03/2013 – 23/03/2013
“Workshop on Mind in Mathematics: New Frontiers”,
Fields Institute, UofT (Canada).
04/03/2013 – 05/06/2013
Course “Academic Writing” – ELWS – UofT (Canada).
10/09/2012 – 31/12/2012
Field analysis for the doctoral research – Switzerland:
Lugano, Geneva, Zurich (supervisor: prof. Andrea Rocci –
10/09/2012 – 26/11/2012
Doctoral course “Writing Grant Proposal Writing”, USI
(Lugano, Switzerland).
01/10/2009 – 01/06/2010
Postgraduate Studies at UAB (Universitat Autònoma de
Barcelona), Barcelona (Spain).
09/2005 – 07/2006
Valencia, Communication Studies (Valencia, Spain).
(cf. also * Summer Schools and other Courses – above)
Food Studies, Semiotics of Culture, Cultural Anthropology, Mass and New Media,
Communication, Semiotics, Urban Studies, Visual Studies, Semiotics.
Organisation of the international conference Goût et identité culturelle, in
collaboration with prof. Jean-Jacques Boutaud (University of Burgundy), Dijon
(France), 17/12/2014–18/12/2014.
Research Fellowship, University of Toronto (Canada), 06/05/2013–21/08/2013.
Co-organisation of the XIX Early Fall School in Semiotics Food and Cultural
Identity II – New Bulgarian University, CIRCe, and UNITO, Sozopol (Bulgaria),
Organisation of the Round Table Conflicting ‘Foodspheres’: Interdisciplinary
Remarks on Food, Sense, and Dissent, New Bulgarian University, CIRCe and
UNITO, Sozopol (Bulgaria), 11/09/2013.
Research Fellowship – CUIA Project Urban Regenerations, CUIA and FADU,
Buenos Aires (Argentina), 10/2012–11/2012.
Co-organisation of the XL AISS (Italian Association for Semiotic Studies) Congress
Semiotics of Subjectivities, Turin (Italy), 28/09/2012–30/09/2012.
Co-organisation of the XVIII Early Fall School in Semiotics Food and Cultural
Identity – New Bulgarian University, CIRCe and UNITO, Sozopol (Bulgaria),
Organisation of the Round Table The Invention of Tradition, New Bulgarian
University, CIRCe and UNITO, Sozopol (Bulgaria), 16/09/2012.
Research Fellowship – Project QUATELNOVA – Qualità televisiva e nuove
tecnologie di distribuzione (QUATELNOVA – TV quality and new technologies of
broadcasting), Scientific Director: prof. Sergio Scamuzzi, Dept. Of Cultures, Politics and
Society, UNITO (Italy), 04/2012–06/2012.
Co-organisation of the 3rd edition of the Summer School on TV studies “TV: The Old
and the New” – CIRCe, UNITO and Comferenza – Turin (Italy), 15/09/2011–
Professional Memberships and Editorial Boards
2014 – present
Scienza Attiva, Agorà Scienza Interuniversity Centre – Turin, Italy
2013 – present
Jackman Humanities Institute Diasporic Foodways – Toronto, Canada
2012 – present
INWARD, International
2011 – present
Lexia, Editorial Board (Associate Editor) – Turin, Italy
2011 – present
Research Team on Movies and Narrativity (dir. Prof. Ferraro), UNITO –
Turin, Italy
CIRCe (Interdepartmental Centre for Research on Communication) –
UNITO, Turin, Italy
2011 – present
2011 – present
On Walls, International Research Team on Walls and Urban Studies
Other Awards
Expert in Philosophy and Theory of Languages (M-FIL/05) – “Cultore della
Materia in Filosofia e Teoria dei Linguaggi” (M-FIL/05)
Lecturer for the course “Semiotics B”, University of Turin (2014).
Lecturer for the course “Signs, Meaning, and Culture”, University of Toronto, Canada
Lecturer for the “Master in Cultura e Comunicazione del Gusto” (Master in Taste
Culture and Communication), University of Palermo (2012).
Lecturer for the course “Semiotics B”, University of Turin (2012).
2012-2014: Master’s degree (“Laurea Magistrale” in Communication and Media
Cultures): Semiotics of Text; Semiotics of Television; Bachelor’s degree (“Laurea
Triennale” in Communication Studies): Semiotics of Advertising; Semiotics; Semiotics of
Food; Semiotics of Culture – University of Turin, Italy.
2011–2014: Semiotics of Text, Philosophy of Communication, Semiotics, Semiotics of
Advertising, Theory relevant to Story Telling – University of Turin, Italy.
“Between Tradition and Translation: Japanese Sushi and its Ethnic
Variations” [EN*], presented at the 12th World Congress of the IASS-AIS
Between Tradition and Innovation, Sofia (Bulgaria).
“‘Con-Fusion Cuisines’: Melting Foods and Hybrid Identities” [EN],
presented at the 12th World Congress of the IASS-AIS Between Tradition and
Innovation, Sofia (Bulgaria).
“Il Cibo degli Altri” [IT], presented at the conference – La Ricerca si
racconta, Circolo dei Lettori, University of Turin and Torino Strategica, Turin
“Edo ergo ludo, ludo ergo edo. All’incrocio tra universo alimentare e
dimensione ludica” [IT], presented at the XLI AISS Conference Arti del vivere
e semiotica: tendenze, gusti, estetiche del quotidiano, Rimini (Italy).
“‘Unjunking’ the Junk: Modern Foodscapes, Health, and Communication
Processes” [EN], presented at the International Conference Foodscapes:
Access to Food, Excess of Food, University of Graz and Georaum, Seggau
Castle (Austria).
“Making Sense, Expressing Dissent: Toward a Semiotics of ‘Food
Protest’” [EN], presented at the Round Table Conflicting ‘Foodspheres’:
Interdisciplinary Remarks on Food, Sense, and Dissent, New Bulgarian
University, CIRCe and UNITO, Sozopol (Bulgaria).
“Tra regimi dietetici e regimi di senso. Il ruolo del linguaggio iconico nelle
diete degli health and fitness magazines” [IT], presented at the seminars
Meetings on Meaning 2012/2013 – The Agency of Images, CIRCe and UNITO,
Turin (Italy).
“Graffiti y prácticas de “re-escritura” mural. La East Side Gallery de Berlín
y los stencils de Banksy en Cisjordania” [ES], presented at the Symposium
Arquitectura y Comunicación / Architettura e Comunicazione, Italian Cultural
Institute, Buenos Aires (Argentina).
“De gustibus non disputandum est... Decostruzione della soggettività e
'giochi di ruolo' nell'esperienza etnica alimentare” [IT], presented at the XL
AISS conference Semiotics of Subjectivities, Turin (Italy).
“The Invention of Tradition. The case of pasta, one of the ‘symbols’ of
Italian identity” [EN], presented at the Round Table The Invention of Tradition,
New Bulgarian University, CIRCe, and UNITO, Sozopol (Bulgaria).
“La comida del “Otro”. Una mirada semiótica sobre la traducción del
código alimentario” [ES], presented at the VII International Venezuelan
Conference of Semiotics Cotidianidad, Educación y Comunicación, Maracaibo
“Il cibo dell’Altro. Un approccio semiotico alla traduzione del codice
alimentare” [IT], presented at the International Conference Regimi di senso:
dietetica e semiotica / Sense regimes: dietetics and semiotics, Urbino (Italy).
“Dalla terra all’altare, passando per il supermercato: offerte di cibo al
Buddha tra tradizione e modernità thailandese” [IT], presented at the
Symposium Dal culto al cult: culture, linguaggi, e media dell’efficacia rituale,
University of Turin (Italy).
“Siamo noi questo piatto di grano… L’immaginario gastronomico italiano
tra seduzione e incontro amoroso” [IT], presented at the XXXIX AISS
Conference Passioni Collettive, Sorrento (Italy).
“Il Bene e il Male. Verità apparenti, dilemmi etici e scontri tra scelte
individuali e valori collettivi: quanto è innovativa la fiction italiana?” [IT],
presented at the 3rd ed. of the Summer School on TV studies TV: The Old and
the New, Turin (Italy).
“Il cibo dell’Altro. Un approccio semiotico alla traduzione del codice
alimentare” [IT], presented at the Interdoctoral Symposium La ricerca semiotica
3. Intersezioni, University Carlo Bo, Urbino (Italy).
“Graffiti e pratiche di ri-scrittura murale. La East Side Gallery di Berlino”
[IT], presented at the International Conference Scrivere la città. Dal segno
metropolitano al muralismo artistico, University of Turin, Turin (Italy).
“Sous le voile des médias. Sémiotique du hijab entre l’Orient e l’Occident”
[FR], presented at the International Conference Interprétation et Sciences
Humaines: Etat des lieux, Meknès (Morocco).
Scholarly Book Chapters
STANO, S. (forthcoming – date of acceptance: 06/06/2013) “Semiotics of Food”. In P.
Trifonas (ed.) Handbook of Research in Semiotics. New York/Amsterdam: Springer [EN*].
STANO, S. (forthcoming – date of acceptance: 10/03/2014) “I feed therefore I am. Mothers,
pasta, and advertisements”. In F. Pasche Guignard and T.M. Cassidy (eds.), Mothers and
Food. Toronto: Demeter Press [EN].
re-generaciones. Graffiti y prácticas
resemantización espacial / Ri-scritture e ri-generazioni. Graffiti e pratiche di
risemantizzazione spaziale”. In D’Annuntiis, G. Mondaini and P. Sollazzo
(eds.) Regeneraciones Urbanas. De la ciudad abandonada al smart landascape /
Rigenerazioni urbane. Dalla città dismessa allo smart landscape, 96-103. Santa Fé
(Argentina): dgb books [ES, IT].
STANO, S. (2014) “Sözde Blog Devrimi – The Ostensible Revolution of Blogs”. In B.
Çoban (ed.) Social Media R/evolution – Sosyal Medya Devrimi. Su Yayinevi, Istanbul, pp.
200-213. ISBN: 978-605-4554-18-8 [TK].
STANO, S. (2013) “Io, l’Altro e il ‘cuoco’. Differenze che fanno ‘differenza’ e modello topicfocus nel cinema italiano contemporaneo”. In G. Ferraro and A. Santangelo (eds.), Uno
sguardo più attento. I dispositivi di senso dei testi cinematografici, pp. 135-164. Turin:
Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-548-6330-9 [IT].
STANO, S. (2013) “Signs of impertinence: Graffiti Art and Mural Re-writing”. In L. Borriello
and C. Ruggiero (eds.), Inopinatum. The unexpected impertinence of urban creativity, pp.
175-197. Salerno: ArtiGrafiche Boccia. ISBN: 978-88-909026-0-4 [EN].
Monographs and edited volumes
STANO, S. (ed). (forthcoming) Semiotics of Food, Special Issue of Semiotica. Berlin: De
Gruyter Mouton [EN, FR].
STANO, S. (ed.) (forthcoming) Food and Cultural Identity / Cibo e identità culturale /
Alimentation et identité culturelle / Comida e identidad cultural. Lexia 19-20. Turin : Aracne
[EN, IT, FR, ES].
STANO, S. (2014) Eating the Other. A Semiotic Approach to the Translation of the Culinary
Code. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Turin and Università della Svizzera Italiana [EN].
STANO, S. (2012) Sotto il velo dei media. Semiotica dell’hijab tra Oriente e Occidente.
Monographic issue of Quaderni D&R, 25. Turin: CIRSDe. ISSN: 1827-5982 [IT].
Refereed Journal Articles
STANO, S. (2014) “The Invention of Tradition. The Case of Pasta, A Symbol of Italian
Identity”. Signs & Media, pp. 136-152. Chengdu (China): Sichuan University. [*EN, CH].
STANO, S. (2013) “Dal sapere al sapore. Guide turistiche e pratiche enogastronomiche tra
Italia e Spagna”. In G. Marrone and A. Giannitrapani (eds.), Mangiare: Istruzioni per
l’uso, E|C, pp. 137-148. ISSN: 1973-2716 [IT].
STANO, S. (2013) “Per una semiotica della protesta alimentare. Il cibo tra senso e
dissenso”. Lexia (New Series), 13-14, pp. 355-372. Turin: Aracne. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
STANO, S., L. Ferrara and M. Mondino (2013) “I ‘graffi’ della protesta. Street art, barriere
artificiali e forme di espressione del dissenso”. Lexia (New Series), 13-14, pp. 165-211.
Turin: Aracne. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
STANO, S. (2012) “From Earth to Altar, passing through the Supermarket: The Offerings of
Food to the Buddha between Thai Tradition and Modernity”. Lexia (New Series), 11-12, pp.
509-526. Turin: Aracne. ISSN: 1720-5298 [EN].
STANO, S. (2011) “L’ambientazione come pratica di lettura dell’ambiente. Il caso di Porta
Palazzo a Torino”. Lexia (New Series), 9-10, pp. 215-231. Turin: Aracne. ISSN: 1720-5298
STANO, S. (2010) “Sotto il velo dei media. Semiotica dell'hijab tra Oriente e Occidente”.
Lexia (New Series), 5-6, pp. 300-321. Turin: Aracne. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
Refereed Conference Papers Published in Full
STANO, S. (forthcoming – date of acceptance: 13/05/2014) “Tra regimi dietetici e regimi di
senso. Il ruolo del linguaggio iconico nelle diete degli health and fitness
magazines”. Lexia (New Series), 17-18. Turin: Aracne [IT].
STANO, S. (forthcoming – date of acceptance: 04/10/2013) “Edo ergo ludo, ludo ergo edo.
Forme di vita ed estetiche del quotidiano tra universo alimentare e dimensione ludica”.
In Arti del vivere e semiotica: tendenze, gusti, estetiche del quotidiano – Proceedings of
the XLI AISS Congress, Monographic Issue of E/C [IT].
STANO, S. (2013) “Il cibo dell’Altro. Traduzioni del codice alimentare”. In D. Mangano and
G. Marrone (eds.), Regimi di senso: dietetica e semiotica, pp. 175-196. Milan-Udine:
Mimesis. ISBN: 978-88-5751-775-9 [IT].
STANO, S. (2013) “De gustibus non disputandum est… Decostruzione della soggettività e
‘giochi di ruolo’ nell’esperienza etnica alimentare”. In B. Terracciano and D. Mangano
(eds.) Il Senso delle Soggettività – Proceedings of the XL AISS Congress, Monographic
Issue of E|C, pp. 123-126, ISSN: 1973-2716 [IT].
STANO, S. (2013) “Graffiti e pratiche di ri-scrittura murale. La East Side Gallery di Berlino”.
In R. Mastroianni (ed.), Writing the City. Graffitismo, immaginario urbano e street art, pp.
143-164. Turin: Aracne. ISBN: 978-88-548-6330-9 [IT].
STANO, S. (2012) “Siamo noi questo piatto di grano… L’immaginario gastronomico italiano
tra seduzione e incontro amoroso”. In D. Mangano and B. Terracciano (eds.), Passioni
collettive. Culture, politica, società – Proceedings of the XXXIX AISS Congress,
Monographic Issue of E|C, pp. 70-75. ISSN: 1973-2716 [IT].
STANO, S. (2012) “La comida del “Otro”. Una mirada semiótica sobre al traducción del
código alimentario”. Proceedings of the VII Congreso Venezolano Internacional de
Semiótica “Cotidianidad, Educación y Comunicación”, Maracaibo (Venezuela), pp. 638655. CD-ROM Edition. ISBN: 978-980-402-088-9 [ES].
STANO, S. (2010) “Sous le voile des médias: Sémiotique de l’hijab entre l’Orient et
l’Occident”: Sémiotique de l'« hijab » entre l'Orient et l'Occident”. In M. Bernoussi
(ed.), Interprétation et Sciences Humaines. Actes du colloque de Meknès, pp. 214234. Meknès (Morocco): Print-Shop. ISBN: 978-9981-933-18-7 [FR].
STANO, S. (2009) Translation of Landowski, Eric (2009) « Avoir prise, donner prise »,
Nouveaux Actes Sémiotiques, 112. It. trans. “Avere presa, dare presa”. Lexia (New
Series), 3-4, pp. 139-202. Turin: Aracne. ISSN: 1720-5298 [FR/IT].
Scholarly Reviews
STANO, S. (2014) Review of “Sedda, Franciscu (2012) Imperfette traduzioni. Semiopolitica
delle culture, Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Roma”. Lexia (New Series), 15-16, pp. 311-317.
Turin: Aracne. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
STANO, S. (2012) Review of “Marrone, Gianfranco e Alice Giannitrapani (eds.) (2012) La
cucina del senso, Mimesis, Milano”. Lexia (News Series), 11-12, pp. 675-684. Turin:
Aracne. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
STANO, S. (2012) Review of “Boutaud, Jean-Jacques (2012) Il senso goloso. La
commensalità, il gusto, gli alimenti, ETS, Pisa”. Lexia (New Series), 11-12, pp. 665-674.
Turin: Aracne. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
STANO, S. (2011) Review of “Bianciardi, Lorenzo (2011) Il sapore di un film, Protagon,
Siena”. Lexia (New Series), 9-10, pp. 403-409. Turin: Aracne. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT].
Associate Editor
STANO, S. (ass. ed.) (2014) Estasi – Ecstasy, Lexia (New Series), 15-16. Turin: Aracne.
ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT, EN, ES, FR].
STANO, S. (ass. ed.) (2013) Protesta – Protest, Lexia (New Series), 13-14. Turin: Aracne.
ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT, EN, ES, FR].
STANO, S. (ass. ed.) (2012) Culto – Worship, Lexia (New Series), 11-12. Turin: Aracne.
ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT, EN, ES, FR].
STANO, S. (ass. ed.) (2011) Ambiente, Ambientamento, Ambientazione – Environment,
Habitat, Setting, Lexia (New Series), 9-10. Turin: Aracne. ISSN: 1720-5298 [IT, EN, ES,
* IT (Italiano - Italian) / EN (English - Inglese) / ES (Español - Spagnolo) / FR (Français –
Francese) / CH (中国的 – Cinese) / TK (Türk – Turco)
Italian: mother tongue
English: advanced
Spanish: advanced
French: intermediate
Catalan: basic
Operating systems: Mac OS X, Windows.
Good command of Microsoft Office and OpenOffice.
Excellent knowledge of Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Outlook Express and Social
Media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest,, etc.). Basic knowledge of web
design and site management.
Good command of graphics applications (Photoshop) and basic knowledge of audio-visual
editing (Adobe Premiere Professional).
Expertise in digital and analog photography.