
【 5文型 】
1.第 1 文型に ○をつけなさい。
1) Mr. Brown got to the station at eight.
2) Mr Brown got angry at me.
3) My mother is a very good cook.
4) My mother cooks very well.
5) The children play in the park every day.
6) We played the video game after dinner.
7) The candle blew out suddenly.
8) The heavy wind blew the roof off our house.
2.次の文はすべて第 2 文型である。補語となる語を指摘せよ。
1) His father looked sad at the news.
2) Your room is always clean.
3) The leaves of these trees turn red in autumn.
4) The poor young boy finally became a great novelist.
5) The soup in the pot smells very good.
6) His idea sounds interesting to me.
7) She remained calm in the panic.
3.第 3 文型を指摘しなさい。
1) I got tired yesterday.
2) I got a present from my parents.
3) My mother teaches English at a high school.
4) My mother is an English teacher at a high school.
5) She kept silent during the meeting.
6) She kept a diary for ten years.
7) They reached the station late in the morning.
8) They arrived at the station late in the evening.
を 直接目的語には
1) Our teacher read us an interesting story
2) Her father taught her skiing.
3) I’ll show you some pictures of my family.
4) I chose my son a good book in the library.
5) I wrote her a long letter last night.
6) Get me a towel will you?
B 次の文を第 3 文型に書き換えなさい。
1) His father bought him a watch.
2) May I ask you a favor?
3) She told her daughter a fairy tale.
4) I’ll lend you some money.
5) My mother cooks us delicious meals.
6) Mr. Roberts sends me a Christmas card every year.
5.第 5 文型を指摘しなさい。
1) You’ll find the video game very interesting.
2) He found her an empty seat in the theater.
3) Please leave me some of the cake.
4) She left her baby-alone in the room.
5) His father made him a good baseball player.
6) His father made him a sandwich.
7) We call the boy Danny.
8) Mr. Johnson called us a taxi.
9) I’ll bring you some coffee.
10) My sister always keeps her room clean.
11) She asked me the price of the camera.
12) We elected him chairperson of the conference.
【 時制 】
1) Nancy lives with her parents.
2) Water turns into ice at zero degrees centigrade.
3) I get up at six every morning.
4) This train leaves for Tokyo at 7:00 p.m
5) Please call me when you arrive in Tokyo.
a) 現在の状態 b) 現在の習慣 c) 不変の心理 d) 確定的未来 e) 副詞節での未来の代用
1) She was in Los Angeles for three years.
2) My mother often baked a cake on Sundays.
3) He painted this picture when he was sixteen.
( )内の語句を並べ替えよ
1) 私は次の誕生日に17歳になる。
( be , years , will , I , seventeen , old ) on my next birthday.
2) 明日はお暇ですか?
( free , you , tomorrow , will , be ) ?
3) 2,3日中には彼は戻ってくるだろう。
( in , days , he , back , a few , come, will )
1) Don’t worry ,I’ll help you.
2) What will we be after ten years?
3) He shall know the truth.
4) Shall I make tea for you?
5) The show will start at eight tomorrow evening.
6) Shall we go to DisneySea this weekend?
7) Will you please sign these papers?
( )に will または shall
1) Let’s stop here., (
2) (
) we?
) you turn on the light?
3) Give me a call tonight, (
) you?
4) Be a good boy. Then you (
) have some candy.
5) (
) he carry your bag to your room?
5.ほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適した語をいれなさい。
1) What will you do today?
What (
) you (
) do today?
2) He plans to take his vacation next month.
He (
) take his vacation next month.
3) It looks like snow this afternoon.
It (
) snow this afternoon.
1) My father is going to buy a new car.
2) The bus was about to start from the bus stop.
3) I was about to leave the office when the telephone rang.
1) A cold wind ( blow ) from the sea.
2) He ( become ) famous as a writer.
3) She ( always speak ) ill of others.
4) The President ( arrive ) at Narita Airport this evening.
1) I lost my umbrella while I ( wander ) around the town.
2) I ( always work ) part-time in my school days.
3) Spring ( come ) soon.
( )内の語を並べ替えなさい。
1) 8 時から 9 時までは電話しないでください。入浴中でしょうから。
Don’t call me from eight to nine: ( a, I’ll , bath , be , taking )
2) 明日の今頃は家でテレビを見ているでしょう。
( at home , be , tomorrow , watching , this time , TV , will )
3) 彼は来月ニューヨークへ向けて出発します。
He ( leaving , for , will , next , month , be , New York )
( )内から適した語を選びなさい ~ 進行形にならない動詞 ~
1) My uncle ( owns , is owning ) this hotel.
2) We ( had , were having ) dinner when he visited us.
3) I ( love , am loving ) my parents very much.
4) This soap ( smells , is smelling ) like roses.
5) Julia ( listens , is listening ) to her favorite CD now.
6) I ( remember , am remembering ) my first day at high school very well.
10. 次の文はどれをあらわすか、下から選びなさい。
1) I have lost my credit card.
2) She has been in the hospital for two weeks.
3) I have heard this story before.
4) He has never been absent from school.
5) They have already moved to another city.
6) He hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday.
A,完了または結果 、B 経験、C 継続
B 意味の違いに注意して日本語に直しなさい。
1) Bob did his history homework.
Bob has done his history homework.
2) There was no rain here last month.
There has been no rain here since last month.
3) I’ve been to Italy many times.
I’ve just been to the barber.
11( )に適した語を選んで入れなさい。
1) They have (
) finished their breakfast.
2) The baseball game started (
3) I haven’t heard from him ever (
4) Have you (
) seen a dolphin?
5) (
) did you come to live in Kyoto?
6) (
) have you lived in Kyoto?
7) I received his letter two days (
8) I’ve been to Hawaii (
), but I want to go again.
A: before , b, since, c, ago , d, when , e, how long . f, ever , g , just now h, just
( )に適した語を入れなさい。
1) 私が帰宅したときには、両親はすでに就寝していました。
When I (
) home , my parents (
) already (
) to bed.
2) 彼はスペインに行ったことがあったので、尐しスペイン語を話した。
He (
) Spanish a little because he (
) to Spain.
3) 私は2日前に受け取った手紙に返事を出した。
) the letter that I (
) two days before.
4) 祖母は亡くなるまでこの家に住んでいた。
My grandmother (
) in this house before she died.
5) 太陽が昇る前に、彼らは釣りに行ってしまいました。
They (
) fishing before the sun (
( )内から適してものを選びなさい(未来完了)
1) He ( will arrive , will have arrived , had arrived ) in Sydney by this time
2) If she wins the prize again, she ( has won , will win , will have won ) it three
3) I’ll wait till you ( will have solved , had solved , have solved ) all the problems.
4) Yoko ( will be , will have been , has been ) in New York for ten years next
( )に適語をいれなさい。
) English since I was six years.
) a book for twenty minutes before the train
came in.
) here for five years next April.
【 完了時制 基本問題 】
( )から正しいものを選びなさい。
1) I have just ( finish , finished , finishing ) typing the report.
2) Have you ( then , ever , before ) seen a ghost?
3) My mother has been sick ( from , since , for ) last night.
4) When the bell rang, I ( have , had , was ) finished my work.
5) If I read this book again, I ( have read , will read , will have read ) it three
( )内のごを正しい形にかえなさい。
1) ここに来て以来、忙しくて観光する時間もない。
I ( be ) so busy since I came here that I ( have ) no time to see the sights.
2) 私は前日に買った小説を読んだ。
I read the novel which I ( buy ) the day before.
3) 私は時計をなくしていることに気づいた。
I found that I ( lose ) my watch.
4) 来年の3月までには彼は自動車を買っているだろう。
He ( buy ) a car by March next year.
5) 3日間雨が降り続いている。洪水になるだろう。
It ( rain ) for three days . there will be a flood.
The train ( run ) somewhere about Sendai when you awake.
1) I have known her for a long time.
2) He has just come back from church.
3) I have seen Mr. White once.
4) The bird has flown away.
1) I had lived in New York for two years when the war broke out.
2) My brother had gone to Europe when I was born.
3) He went to Hawaii last summer. He had never been there before.
4) He had written the letter by the time the bell rang.
1) She has bought a camera.
2) She has been to France
3) She has lived in New York
4) She has not read through the book
ア yet , イ for three years ウ two days ago エ three times オ today
( )内の動詞を適した形に変えなさい。
1) When the hare awake, the tortoise ( already reach ) the goal.
2) I ( read ) this novel till you came.
3) I ( work ) on my picture for six hours by noon..
4) That will be too late because he ( reach ) there by then.
5) The dog ( not have ) any food since this morning.
6) I could sing the song, because I ( often hear ) it before.
7) Lend me your easer. I ( make ) a mistake and ( want ) to rub it out.
8) What ( you do ) all this while?
1) We lived here for the last ten years.
2) He has lost his job last month and since then he has been out of work.
3) When have you climbed the mountain?
4) I am going up to Tokyo when I will have gone through this examination.
5) I have bought this watch just now.
1) He went to the United States five years ago.
He has gone to the United States.
2) I have been to Hawaii.
I have been to the station to see my uncle off.
3) I lost my umbrella.
I have lost my umbrella.
4) How long have you been here?
How often have you been here?
次の文章を和訳しなさい(スプリーム) L1
1. We get up in the morning and realize we are not feeling well. We sneeze three
times in a row. And then cough. Our throats feel somehow rough and sore. With
these symptoms, the first thing we’re likely to think is, “Uh-oh, I’ve got a cold.”
Realize ~と気づく、 sneeze くしゃみをする in a row 連続して
Cough せきをする throats のど somehow なんだか rough いがらっぽ
い sore 痛い symptom 症状 be likely to do ~しそうだ
【文型 】
○ 第1文型 ( s + v )
1. School begins at 8:00
2. Suddenly the light went out.
3. You and Junko can run in the garden.
4. He is writing in his room now.
5. There is a bus stop down the road.
6. Here was a boy at that time.
○ 第2文型 ( S + V + C )
1. The Japanese are a hardworking people.
2. My mother looks young for her age.
3. You must keep quiet for a few days.
4. Lincoln’s parents remained poor all their lives.
5. A rumor does not always prove to be true.
6. The rose smells very sweet.
○ 第3文型 ( s + v + o )
1. June makes her own clothes.
2. When did you learn German?
3. We discussed the population problem.
4. He took off his hat.
5. Will you look after my dog tomorrow
問題1 次の( )に、下の語群からもっとも適したものを選んで入れよ
1. He (
) his father very much.
2. Honesty will (
3. Their complains (
) in the end.
) reasonable to me.
4. Betty (
) down on the bed.
{ lay , sound , pay , resemble }
問題2 日本文に合うように、
( )内の単語を並べ替えなさい。
( something , this , is , wrong , computer , with , there )
( slow , found , the , was , that , clock , I )
( strongly , they , the , are , proposal , against )
問題3 次の文の文の要素を指摘しなさい。
1. Peter repeated this dangerous game many times.
2. His heart would beat with excitement every time the men and women , and
children came to his rescue.
3. Finally, the villagers grew tired of the boy’s false alarms.
4. When she is wearing the dress, she looks quite elegant.
5. I discussed the result of the survey with him.
6. He is going crazy.
7. I went to his house with some friends and we studied.
8. When I was talking to him on the phone, he sounded reluctant to do it.
○ 第4文型
1. Sandra offered me her seat in the train.
2. I bought Jimmy a personal computer at the shop yesterday.
3. We asked him several questions.
4. My mother made me a good sweater.
5. His teacher taught them English yesterday.
○ 第5文型
1. The smell of cooking makes me hungry.
2. My friends called me Pete.
3. I asked him to go to my room for my glasses.
4. Mr. Wilson made us repeat the sentence several times.
5. Did your uncle let you drive his car?
6. I had him take my picture.
7. I saw a young boy crossing the street by himself.
8. He heard his name called.
He is happy.(彼は幸せだ)
I will give you a pen.
The traffic light turned red.(その信号が赤に変わった)
He wanted to paint his room yellow, but his parents didn't agree.
The boy in the class will study hard with Tom after school.
He kept quiet.(彼は静かにしていた)
He keeps his room clean.(自分の部屋をきれいにしている)
I bought a book at the bookshop.
If you have never met the real estate agent, I'll introduce you to him.
The boy is a student. (
Tom made her angry.(トムは彼女を怒らせた)
I left the door open so that my cat could come in.
He seems sad.(彼は悲しそうだ)
They will make a good couple.(彼らは良いカップルになるだろう)
The members of the committee have been discussing the issue since this
I left the door open.(そのドアを開けっ放しにしておいた)
I went to his house with some friends and we studied.
He is going crazy.(彼は気がおかしくなってきた)
The man showed me the way to the station.(その男性は私に駅への道を教
I found his story unbelievable.(私は彼の話を信じられないと思った)
He stayed awake.(彼は起きていた)
If you have read this instruction book, please lend it to me.
These figures looked accurate.(これらの数値は正確そうに見えた)
Leave him alone! He is cramming for an exam.
When she is wearing the dress, she looks quite elegant.
I feel fine.(私は元気です)
、I feel embarrassed.(私は恥ずかしく感じた)
The story made Tom very sad.(その話はトムをとても悲しくさせた)
The writer emphasized the point many times in the article.
He became a teacher.(彼は先生になった)
She made me some coffee.(彼女は私にコーヒーを入れてくれた)
She dances very gracefully.(彼女はとても優雅に踊る)
I found the movie boring.(その映画はつまらないと思った)
He got tired.(彼は疲れた)
The soup tastes good.(そのスープはおいしい味がする)
If you pay me 1000yen, I will recommend a reasonable hotel to you.
The baby in the bed looks very happy. (「ベッドにいる赤ちゃん」=「とても幸せ」)
I like my coffee hot.(自分のコーヒーは熱いのが好きだ)
She feels strongly against the plan.(彼女はとても強くその計画に反対を感じている)
When I have read this book, I'll give it to him.(私がこの本を読んでしまっ
He is going to send his application to the trading company.
The idea sounds good.(その考えはいいように聞こえる)
He looks tired.(彼は疲れているように見える)
I discussed the result of the survey with him.(私はその調査の結果につい
The manager belonged to the local tennis club but he kept it secret.
He remained silent.(彼は黙っていた)
People grow older.(人々は年を取る)
When I was talking to him on the phone, he sounded reluctant to do it.
His father finally bought him a computer.(彼の父はとうとう彼にコンピュ
The travel agency gave me a discount when I bought a ticket last year.
1. One day , after the cello class, I went to a nearby park.
2. I heard someone shout as I was walking and looked back.
3. It was a girl who had recently joined my class.
4. When she came up to me, she said this.
5. It sound like a barking dog.
6. Nobody had ever told me anything like that before.
7. I didn’t feel bad.
8. The girl and I started to play in the park.
9. She played the cello much better than I did.
10. She seemed to play passionately but with a feeling of anger.
11. She began to play many different sounds.
12. This is the song of a bird.
13. My Flora sang this way.
14. I asked her who Flora was .
15. I wondered if she would tell me.
16. Her voice was so soft and weak that I could hardly hear the word.
17. We left the park and saw something strange down the street.
18. A group of cellists were walking in the same direction.
19. We followed them and went into a big building.
20. There were many people there.
21. The girl approached an old man standing nearby.
22. I heard people here were going to play the cello for a benefit concert.
23. She asked what is the benefit concert for?
24. The old man told us that it was a concert for those who had suffered in the
25. Anybody who loved the cello could join.
26. We waste no time and began practicing with the other people there.
27. After we finished practicing that day, the old man the girl and I went back to
the park.
28. The old man told us his story.
29. He had lived in Kobe three years before.
30. On the day of the great earthquake he lost everything.: his town and the
precious cello he had long cherished.
31. He told us that the cello he was playing now had belonged to a friend who
was killed in the earthquake.
32. Everybody had to lived in the school gym or tents.
33. People had to let their pets go.
34. I set my birds free to fly high into the sky.
35. They all flew over the burned buildings.
36. Now I knew that both the old man and the girl had been in Kobe on the very
day of the earthquake.
37. We three practiced in the park.
38. Your cello doesn’t sound like a barking dog any more.
39. I thought her playing sounded more at peace than before.
40. I wondered if the girl was thinking of Flora.
41. Finally the day came for the benefit concert.
42. By then, the number of participants had grown to more than one thousand.
43. Rows of cello cases of different colors were heading for the hall.
44. It seemed that the cases were like shadows of the sorrows their owners had
experienced in the earthquake.
45. In the concert hall, more than ten thousand eyes had ears were upon us.
46. Gathered there were people who had lost family members, relatives and
47. I wondered if the family of the cello’s previous owner were in the audience.
48. I wondered if the girl’s friends were there as well.
49. The hall was so quiet that I could hear nothing but the beating of my own
50. The conductor raised his baton.
51. The concert began.
52. One thousand cellos sang all at once.
53 Some players leaned forward and others backward.
54. They listened attentively to one another and played in perfect harmony.
55. One thousand bows looked like the coming and going of waves.
56. The cellos sounded like a wind blowing through the music hall.
57. The girl was absorbed in her playing.
1) Necessity is the mother of invention.
2) He has never written such a letter before.
3) I found the book very dull.
4) I will make you a new suit of clothes.
5) Many tourists come to this country every year.
重要例題 各文の文型を記せ。
1) We understood what he said.
2) I showed him how to do it.
3) What do you call this flower?
4) He returned to dinner at half past six.
5) She lay awake listening to the radio.
1) イ. She looked asleep.
ロ. She appeared soon.
ハ. It smells good.
ニ. Silk feels smooth.
2) イ. Bill remained a bachelor.
ロ. Mary is a teacher.
ハ. He turned politician. ニ. Mary survived her mother.
3) イ. They elected him chairman.
ロ. I considered John a genius.
ハ. They offered me a guide.
ニ. They named their baby John.
重要例題 文型が他と異なるものをひとつ選びなさい。
1. A. He turned quickly.
B. He grew slowly.
C. He looked friendly.
2. A. They proved him a fraud.
B. They fancied him a genius.
C. They awarded him a prize.
1. A) She sings very well today.
B) She looks very well today.
2. A) I found the book easily.
B) I found the book easy.
3. A) He stopped smoking.
B) He stopped to smoke.
4. A) He is now at home in England.
B) He feels quite at home in England.
5. A) I’ll study if it rains tomorrow.
B) I’ll study if it will rain tomorrow.
重量例題 次文を和訳し、文型を指摘しなさい。
1. A) They made him a gift.
B) They made him a doctor.
2. A) He had the book bound.
B) He had bound the book.
3. A) They believed the false report.
B) They believed the report false.
a) To teach is to learn.
B) I made the boy a kite.
c) Time flies like an arrow.
d) I made him my assistant.
e) We eat to live.
f) We take three meals a day.
g) He remained poor all his life.
h) Children fear to go in the dark.
i) He left his daughter a large fortune.
j) He kept the boys silent during the lesson.
exercises (learners )
1.各文を否定文と疑問文に書き換え、疑問文には Yes、No で答えよ。
1) Hiroshi visited Hawaii last summer.
2) He was free yesterday afternoon.
3) They belong to the kendo club.
4) She will invite Bob to dinner.
5) Your brother works for this company.
1) You don’t have any pets,
2) This sweater is too small for you,
3) Your father often goes abroad,
4) It isn’t snowing now,
5) You can write a letter in English,
6) Pass me the pepper,
7) Let’s have a cup of tea,
例 I met him yesterday. → When did you meet him?
1) He traveled in Kyusyu with his friend.
2) The nurse brought a magazine to the boy.
3) David took me to the movie theater.
4) I have fifty CDs.
5) She didn’t attend the meeting because she was ill.
6) I came to school by bus this morning.
4.次の 1)~3)を命令文に、4)~6)を感嘆文に書き換えなさい。
1) You must finish your homework at once.
2) You mustn’t put your feet on the desk.
3) You mustn’t be late for the meeting.
4) This soup smells delicious.
5) Nancy sings very beautifully.
6) She wears a very nice scarf.
6.1)、2)を第 4 文型に、3)4)を第 3 文型に書き直しなさい。
1) She made some coffee for the guest.
2) Ted sent a video to his parents.
3) I can’t lend you this tennis racket.
4) Father chose me a dictionary.
1. A) My mother painted this picture.
B) They painted the bench white.
2. A) It grew cold in the evening.
B) Rice grows in warm countries.
3, A) The moon turns around the earth.
B) The leaves on the tree have turned yellow.
C) The plane turned its course to the west.
8.S,V,O,C を指摘して文型を答え、文の動詞が自動詞か他動詞かも答えよ。
1) Kate was absent from school yesterday.
2) The old church stands near the river.
3) A girl handed him a letter on the train.
4) Last Sunday I found a kitchen on the street.
5) Bill showed his new bicycle to his friend.
6) His attitude made her angry.
11. 日本分に合うように、
( )内の語を並べ変えなさい。
( a telephone booth, is , near , here , there )?
( we , wonderful , there , what , spent , days ) !
( outside , the window , who , see, you , did ) ?
( Mr. Smith , you , in English , teach , or , does ) in Japanese?
5.10 分間休憩をとりましょう。
( for , take , ten , minutes , a break , let’s )
【 時制 】
Exercises ( Learners )
( )内の動詞を適した形に変えなさい。
1) My mother ( play ) tennis every Tuesday.
2) Masato ( watch ) a video in his room now.
3) My father ( make ) curry and rice when I entered the kitchen.
4) I ( read ) the story when I was in high school.
5) Our school ( stand ) on the top of a small hill.
( )内に shall または will を入れなさい。
1) (
) I get you a taxi? - Oh, thanks.
2) (
) you show me your new digital camera?
3) My parents (
4) (
5) They (
) return home in a day or two.
) we meet at eight o’clock? --- Yes, O.K.
) be having a good time in Guam next week.
4.各組がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適した語を入れなさい。
1) A) I lost my watch and I don’t have it now.
B) I (
) my watch.
2) A) She became sick five days ago and she is still sick now.
B) She (
) sick ( ) five days.
3) A) He left Japan five years ago and has not returned.
B) It has been five years ( ) he left Japan.
C) Five years (
) he left Japan.
( )内の語句を正しい形に直しなさい。
1) She couldn’t sleep well because she ( drink ) strong coffee.
2) What ( you do ) all this while?
3) I realized that I ( lose ) my ticket.
4) Mr. Mill ( already leave ) the office when I went to see him.
5) I ( sleep ) for ten hours when there was a telephone call.
1) My sister has visited the museum last Sunday.
2) Taro is resembling his grandfather.
3) We will get to the hotel before the sun will set.
4) Will I mail the letter for you? --- Yes, please.
5) He has been working for this company since ten years.
6) She has kept a diary when she was in elementary school.
7) I have been reading about an hour when the lights went out.
1) We were having lunch in our garden then.
2) Tom is going to make a dog house this weekend.
3) I’ve never tasted such a sweet melon.
4) Will you lend me your word processor?
5) Shall we sit down and watch the sunset?
6) She has been studying Chinese for two years.
1.ジムは 1 度もジェットコースターに乗ったことがない。
( ride , Jim , never , a roller coaster )
2.ジューンはその問題に 2 時間取り組んでいる。
Jane ( two hours, work on , the problem , for )
( you , home , what time , for , leave , the airport )?
The phone ( while , take , a bath , ring , I )
例題 1)どうしてその戦争が起こったんだろう・・・
) about the war?
) on earth did you go there last night?
1, Why , 2, What , 3, Who , 4, Where
1) Please (
) the “No smoking” sign.
1, look , 2, stare , 3, glance , 4, observe
1. You should apologize him your rudeness.
2. You should apologize to him your rudeness.
3. You should apologize your rudeness to him.
4. You should apologize to him for your rudeness.
1) We (
) the problem of education with him.
1, discussed , 2, discussed about , 3, discussed on
2) He (
) the meeting.
1, attended , 2, attended at , 3, attended to , 4, attended of
3. She closely (
) her mother.
1, resembles , 2, resembles after , 3, resembles to
4. He (
) my room.
1, entered , 2, entered to
5. She (
) her classmate.
1, married ,2 ,married with , 3, married to , 4, is married
6. May I ( ) you?
1, accompany , 2, accompany with
7. After some hesitation, he (
) the book on the desk.
1, laid , 2, lied , 3, lay , 4, lain
8. Pupils don’t (
) their hands often enough.
1, rise , 2, raise , 3, arise
9. The problem has (
) simply because you didn’t follow my instruction.
1, arisen , 2, aroused, 3, raised , 4, caused
1) “How does this milk taste, Jane?” “Oh, it tastes a little(
1, sour ,2, being sour , 3, sourly , 4, to be sour
2) It may sound (
), but it is true.
1, strange , 2, strangely , 3, strangeness
例題 「困ったことに、私にはお金の持ち合わせがない」
) is that I have no money with me.
1) The guests (
) the happy couple a long and prosperous life.
1, hoped , 2, wanted , 3, supposed , 4, wished
2) ①~③の中から、誤りを含む英文をひとつ選びなさい。
1) They informed us that the new program would be announced very shortly.
2) My friend mentioned me that her father was visiting San Francisco on
3) The teacher notified the students that there would be a change in the class
1) His beard made him (
) older by ten years.
1, look , 2, looked , 3, looking , 4, to look
2) The boy screamed for help but couldn’t (
1, hear him , 2, make him heard , 3, make himself hear , 4, make himself heard
Exercises A
1) My brother is a football player.
2) Stanley cooks Italian food on Monday.
3) The Canadian woman lives near my house.
4) The earth moves around the sun.
5) Takashi can speak English very well.
1) We watched TV after dinner.
2) My father reads the newspaper every morning.
3) Every student in the class likes their teacher.
1) She will be a dentist in the future.
2) The child got tired after playing a video game.
3) The bride looked very happy at her wedding party.
1) He works very hard. (
I have a lot of work to do. (
2) She was a fast runner in her school days.
She ran very fast in her school days.
3) A cat is sleeping on the sofa.
You may keep your shoes on.
4) Whose house is that?
I’m afraid that it will rain tomorrow.
5) She plays the piano well.
Well, what happened to John?
6) Clear the table agter meals.
I have a clear memory of my school days.
1) He is good at driving a car.
2) The students in the classroom are singing together.
3) Lisa left the hotel on Friday morning.
4) Who is the girl sitting on the bench?
5) I dropped in at the store to buy some stamps.
6) To study English is very important for your future.
7) I’m very glad to hear from you.
1. I believe that he will pass the examination.
2. Though I had a cold, I went out yesterday.
3. The man who teaches us English comes from Australia.
4. Whether we can trust him is a different question.
5. Mary got angry because Tom broke his promise.
6. This is the place where Martin Luther King Jr. made a speech.
7. When I came home, my mother was preparing dinner.
1) In summer all sorts of food go bad very soon.
2) To go to Paris to study paintings was her dream.
3) There will be an examination in English tomorrow.
4) On the hill stood a house with a green roof.
5) How strange and impressive our life is!
6) Did you and Susan play tennis yesterday afternoon?
ヒント 述語動詞のほうが見つけやすいかも。
文頭にあるものが主語であるとは限らない。 A is B の形をみつける。
There is(are)~ の構文は there は主語ではない。 感嘆文の場合は、どこに主語があるか・・・・
1) We got into a taxi at the airport.
2) On the way we saw a beautiful rainbow.
3) I took a picture of the rainbow at once,
4) Soon we got to the hotel in the town.
5) Many flowers in the garden bloom in spring.(bloom 花が咲く)
3.次の各文の中から S+V+C の文を選びなさい。
1) He looks young for his age.
2) He looked at the top of the mountain.
3) Leaves turn red in autumn.
4) The paper feels rough.
5) My father walks very fast.
6) It is getting warmer day by day ( day by day 日ごとに)
7) My father bought me a nice camera.
4.次の各文の中から S+V+O の文を選びなさい。
1) Tom’s father works hard from morning till night.
2) It became cold suddenly.
3) We play football in winter.
4) The boy goes to church every Sunday.
5) My sister often buys new CDs.
6) He has no house of his own.
5.次の各文のは S+V+O+O か S+V+O+C かを答えなさい。
1) A policeman showed us a map of the town.
2) I thought them high school students.
3) Who gave you these books?
4) Can you get me a copy of that book?
5) We elected the girl chairperson.
6) We often see the larks fly high up in the sky.
( )内を並べ替えなさい。
( always , grandfather , my , slowly , very , walks , old )
( a , birthday , gave , her , I , Mother , on , present , to )
( rose , smells , sweet , this , very )
( a , asked , lot , of , our , questions, teacher , we )
( door , painted , night , last , she , the , white )
活用ドリル B
A 下線部を S,V,O,C、M の記号で示し、M がどの語を就職しているか示せ
1. I usually drive to my office.
2. The concert began at seven in the Tokyo Done.
3. She looks very pretty in her pink dress.
4. Tom reached the station in time.
5. A lot of tourists from Japan visit Australia every year.
B 次の文の各語の品詞を答えなさい。
1. We often have lunch at the restaurant.
2. Oh, that sounds interesting!
3. Kevin and I played tennis together yesterday.
C 下線部の品詞を答え、各文を日本語に訳しなさい。
1. a) I walk to school every day.
b) Let’s take a walk on the beach.
2.a) I have met her before.
b) My grandpa gets up before six every morning.
3, a) I have been to Bali once.
b) Once he learns something, he never forgets it.
D 下線部は名詞節・句、形容詞節・句、副詞節・句 のどれか
1. The boy in the blue jeans is my cousin.
2. He often enjoys surfing the Net late at night.
3. I’m so happy to hear the news.
4. Everybody knows that the earth is round.
5. The advice that I can give you is to be kind to others.
6. I will bring you something to drink if you want it.
1) Mr. Aoki is an English teacher.
2) A cat can see in the dark.
3) They work part-time on weekdays.
4) The girl studies very hard.
5) His parents lived in Osaka.
2.Not を用いて否定文にしなさい。
1) The boys are going to the movies.
2) It will rain tomorrow.
3) It have seen a living whale.
4) We had music lessons yesterday.
5) The wind blew hard in the morning.
1) ( How , What ) a clever boy he is!
2) ( How , What ) high the Tokyo Tower is !
3) ( How , What ) beautiful wings the peacock has!
4) ( How , What ) beautifully the girl dances!
5) How early ( Tom’s mother rises, does Tom’s mother rise)!
1) Does she likes mathematics?
2) How a nice room this is!
3) You didn’t meet him, didn’t you?
4) Please in time for school.
( )に適した 1 語をいれなさい。
) quiet in the classroom.
) cross the road against the red light.
3.1 週間は何日ありますか?
) many days are there in a week?
Not (
) can be a poet.
You are free now , (
) you?
He doesn’t live in the suburbs of Tokyo, (
( cake , didn’t , made , Mary , she , this ) ?
( a , brought , have , you , vase , what , nice )
( animals , around , be , don’t , the , to , you , cruel )
( always , am , home , at , on , not , I , Sundays )
【 時制 】
( )から正しいものを選びなさい。
1) Our school ( stand , stands , is standing ) on a hill.
2) If it ( is , was , will be ) fine tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.
3) Here ( comes , came , has come ) the bus.
4) Last winter I ( go , went , have gone ) to the village with my family.
5) We waited at the station until she ( comes , came , would come )
6) I hope you ( get , will get , shall get ) well in a few days,
7) ( Do , Will , Shall ) I post the letter for you?
8) He ( speaks , is speaking ) English, but now he ( speaks , is speaking ) French.
9) What ( do , are , have ) you doing in such a dark room?
10) When I return home, my wife ( cooks , cooking , will be cooking ).
ヒント 副詞節では未来は現在で表す。名刺節ではそうではない!
1) We have finished lunch an hour ago.
2) Let us start as soon as she will arrive here.
3) I don’t know when he comes again.
4) I am belonging to the tennis club.
5) My brother is going to school by bicycle every day.
ヒント an hour ago は過去を表わす副詞句, as soon as は副詞節を導く接続詞
名詞節では未来の事柄は未来で。Belong は状態を表す動詞
( )内の動詞を適した形に変えなさい。
1) We ( be ) going to sleep when our father came home.
2) The light went out while I ( have ) dinner.
3) Buy your tickets as soon as you ( reach ) the station.
4) I wonder whether the girl ( come ) before dark.
5) You ( forget ) something all the time.
1) Tell me when the doctor arrives.(when 節は副詞節)
Tell me when the doctor will arrive.(when 節は名詞節)
2) Where did you come from?
Where do you come from?
( )に shall か will を入れなさい。
1) He (
2) “(
3) A bear (
4) What (
) be pleased to hear the news.
) we go to the station this afternoon>” “Yes, lets.”
) not touch a dead body.
) I say if he (
) come here?
2.過去時制 :日本語に訳しなさい
1) She was in Los Angeles for three years.
2) My mother often baked a cake on Sundays.
3) He painted this picture when he was sixteen.
( )内の語を並べ変えなさい。
( be , years , will , I , seventeen , old ) on my next birthday.
( free , you , tomorrow , will , be )?
3) 2,3日中には彼は戻ってくるだろう
( in , days , he , back , a few , come , will ).
1) Don’t worry, I’ll help you.
2) What will we be after ten years?
3) He shall know the truth.
4) Shall I make tea for you?
5) The show will start at eight tomorrow evening.
6) Shall we go to DisneySea this weekend?
7) Will you please sign these papers?
8) I don’t know if he will recover soon.
B ( )に will , shall どちらかをいれよ
1. Let’s stop here, (
) we?
2. (
)you turn on the light?
3. Give me a call tonight, (
) you?
4) Be a good boy. Then you (
) have some candy.
5) (
) he carry your bag to your room? (~させましょうか?)
5.ほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語をいれなさい。
1. What will you do today?
What (
) you (
) do today?
2. He plans to take his vacation next month.
He (
) take his vacation next month.
3. It looks like snow this afternoon.
It (
) snow this afternoon.
1. My father is going to buy a new car.
2. The bus was about to start from the bus stop.
3. I was about to leave the office when the telephone rang.
★ be about to do
( )内の動詞を現在進行形に変えて、和訳しなさい。
1. A cold wind ( blow ) from the sea.
2. He ( become ) famous as a writer.
3. She ( always speak ) ill of others.
4. The President ( arrive ) at Narita Airport this evening.
( )内の動詞を過去進行形に変えて、和訳しなさい。
1) I lost my umbrella while I ( wander ) around the town. (
2) I ( always work ) part-time in my school days.
3) Spring ( come ) soon.
( )内の語を並べ変えよ
Don’t call me from eight to nine; ( a , I’ll , bath , be, taking )
I ( at home , be , tomorrow , watching k, this time , TV , will )
He ( leaving , for , will , next , month , be , New York )
( )内から適したものを選びなさい。
1) My uncle ( owns , is owning ) this hote.
2) We ( had , were having ) dinner when he visited us.
3) I ( love , am loving ) my parents very much.
4) Julia ( listens , is listening ) to her favorite CD now.
5) I ( remember , am remembering ) my first day at high school very well.
完了時制 ベスト
( )内から正しいものをえらびなさい。
1) I have just ( finish , finished , finishing ) typing the report.
2) Have you ( then , ever , before ) seen a ghost?
3) My mother has been sick ( form , since, for ) last night.
4) When the bell rang, I ( have, had , was ) finished my work.
5) If I read this book again, I ( have read , will read, will have read ) it three
2.日本文を参考に( )内の語を適した形に変えなさい。
I ( be ) so busy since I came here that I ( have ) no time to see the sights.
I read the novel which I ( buy ) the day before.
I found that I ( lose ) my watch.
He ( buy ) a car by March next year.
It ( rain ) for three days. There will be a flodd.
6. 君が目を覚ますころ、列車は仙台あたりを走っているだろう。
The train ( run ) somewhere about Sendai when you awake.
1) I have known her for a long time. (
2) He has just come back from church. (
3) I have seen Mr. White once. (
4. The bird has flown away. (
10.現在完了:各文は a 完了または結果、b経験c継続のどれか
1. I have lost my credit card. (
2. She has been in the hospital for two weeks. (
3. I have heard this story before. (
4. He has never been absent from school. (
5 They have already moved to another city.
6. He hasn’t eaten anything since yesterday.
1. Bob did his history homework.
Bob has done his history homework.
2. There was no rain here last month.
There has been no rain here since last month.
3. I’ve been to Italy many times.
I’ve just been to the barber.
( )に入る適したものを選びなさい。
1) They have (
) finished their breakfast.
2) The baseball game started (
3. I haven’t heard from him ever (
4. Have you (
) seen a dolphin?
5. (
) did you come to live in Kyoto?
6. (
) have you lived in Kyoto?
7. I received his letter two days. (
8. I’ve been to Hawaii (
) , but I want to go again.
a. before , b. since , c. ago , d. When , e. How long , f. ever , g. just now , h. just
ベスト 4.過去完了の表している意味を答えなさい。
1) I had lived in New York for two years when the war broke out.
2) My brother had gone to Europe when I was born.
3) He went to Hawaii last summer. He had never been there before.
4) He had written the letter by the time the bell rang.
1. She has bought a camera
2. She has been to France
3. She has lived in New York
4. She has not read through the book.
ア yet, イ for three years , ウ two days ago, エ three time , オ today
( )内の動詞を適した形に変えなさい
1)When the hare awoke, the tortoise ( already reach ) the goal.
2) I ( read ) this novel till you came.
3) I ( work ) on my picture for six hours by noon.
4) That will be too late because he ( reach ) there by then.
5) The dog ( not have ) any food since this morning.
6) I could sing the song, because I ( often hear ) it before.
7) Lend me your eraser. I ( make ) a mistake and ( want ) to rub it out.
1) We lived here for the last ten years.
2) He has lost his job last month and since then he has been out of work.
3) When have you climbed the mountain?
4) I am going up to Tokyo when I will have gone through this examination.
5) I have bought this watch just now.
1) He went to the United States five years ago.
He has gone to the United States.
2) I have been to Hawaii.
I have been to the station to see my uncle off.
3) I lost my umbrella.
I have lost my umbrella.
4) How long have you been here?
How often have you been here?
時制 標準問題1000
17. When I saw him do that, I (
) angry.
1, get , 2, getting , 3, got , 4, should get
18. She usually listens to the radio, but at the present moment she ( )
1, watches , 2, is watching , 3, has watched , 4, had been watching
19. Tom wonders if these islands ( ) to Japan.
1, belong , 2, are belonging , 3, are belonged , 4, have been belong
20. They ( ) at Narita tomorrow.
1, arrived , 2, are arriving , 3, is going to arrive , 4, will be arrived
21. If you come at seven o’clock tomorrow night, we ( ) our dinner.
1, already finish , 2, have already finished , 3, will already have finished
4. had finished
22. A: Tom is late . We ( ) an hour now.
B: Yes. I wonder if anything has happened to him.
1, are waiting , 2, were waiting , 3, have been waiting , 4, had been waiting.
23. “When ( ) here? “ “Just now.”
1, are you arriving , 2, did you arrive , 3, have been arrived , 4, had been waiting
24. I will not be at home when you ( ) to see my family.
1, came , 2, come , 3, will come , 4, will have come
25. What ( ) do this weekend?
1, are you , 2, are you going to , 3, will you to , 4, will you going to
26. My father ( ) for forty years.
1, died , 2, has been dead, , 3, was killed , 4, is dying
1. He ( ) his parents when he was sixteen years old.
1, has lost , 2, was lost , 3, loses , 4, lost
2. He thinks that it ( ) tomorrow.
1, is raining , 2, was raining , 3, will rain , 4, has rained
3. I would like to buy that book, but I ( ) enough money.
1, do not have , 2, did not have , 3, had not have , 4, was not had
4. “That famous cherry tree ( ) because of pollution.”
“ Yes, we have to do something to save it.”
1, has death , 2, has died , 3, is dead , 4, is dying
5. One of the boys ( ), but I dived in and saved him.
1, drowned , 2, was drowned , 3, was drowing, 4, had drowned
6. Actually, he is rather conservative. That is why he ( ) to that political party.
1, was belonging ,2 , was belonged , 3, is belonging , 4, belongs
7. The wine I buy at the shop ( ) good for its price.
1, tastes , 2, tasting , 3, is tasting , 4, is tasted
8. My boss didn’t want to see me because he ( ) his lunch.
1, once had , 2, was having , 3, would have , 4, has
9. They ( ) for London tomorrow.
1, will leaving , 2, are leave , 3, left , 4, are leaving
10. I will go home for the vacation as soon as I ( ) my final exams.
1, finish , 2, will finish , 3, am finishing , 4, finished
11. “Here’s my phone number.”
“Thanks. I’ll give you a call if I ( ) some help tomorrow.”
1, will need , 2, needed , 3, need , 4, have needed
12. I doubt if she ( ) tomorrow.
1, come , 2, comes , 3, will come , 4, came
13. When your friend ( ), he will be very tired.
1, arrives , 2, will arrive , 3, arrived , 4, is arriving
14. I’ll lend you the detective story when ( ) it.
1, I’ll finish , 2, I’ll have finished , 3, I have finished , 4, I finished
15. I have no idea when he ( ) next.
1, comes , 2, has come , 3, coming , 4, will come
16. It’s sure to rain soon. We ( ) a drop for over a month.
1, didn’t have , 2, haven’t had , 3, haven’t , 4, hadn’t
17. They ( ) many large buildings in Osaka when I first arrived in 1959.
1, aren’t building , 2, hadn’t built ,3, haven’t built , 4, don’t build
18. By the end of next month, they ( ) over 5,000 miles.
1, would drive , 2, drive , 3, had driven , 4, will have driven
19. Mr. Suzuki ( ) here ever since he came to Kyoto 25 years ago.
1, has been teaching ,2, is teaching ,3, was teaching , 4, will teach
20. Lisa ( ) on the problem for five hours when she finally solved it.
1, had been working , 2, has been working , 3, has worked , 4, is working
21. Mary and I are the best of friends. We ( ) each other since we were
1, knew , 2, have known , 3, have been knowing , 4, know
22. When ( ) the university?
1, were you graduated , 2 , did you graduate from
3, have you been graduated from , 4, have you graduated
23. I ( ) in Kyoto for three years when I was a child.
1, live , 2, have been , 3, have lived , 4, lived
24. “Have you ever seen that movie?”
“ Yes, When I was in Tokyo, I ( ) it three times.”
1, had seen , 2, have seen , 3, saw , 4, would see
25. Carolyn began learning the trumpet ( ).
1, for 10 years, 2, since 10 years , 3, 10 years ago , 4, 10 years since
26. He ( ) at the hotel just now.
1, has arrived , 2, arrives , 3, had arrived , 4, arrived
27. “ Do you think it’ll snow much longer?!
“It ( ) to stop soon.”
1, should ,2, may , 3, is going , 4, have
28. Do you have time to discuss your work now, or are you ( ) to leave?
1, about , 2, at , 3 , for , 4, off
He ( never , did , a thing , had , he , done ) before
If it is fine, ( are , conquer , going , peak , that , to , we )
Tom was make , about , a comeback , when , to , ) he was killed in a traffic
( have , since , passed , for , five years , it , my family ) moved to Nagoya.
Review 22
1. Bill enjoyed rowing a boat.
2. The man waving over there is my father.
3. Do you think that he will come in time?
4. Ted sang while he was driving his car.
5. I’ve lost the ring which he gave me.
6. He jumped over the bar with ease.
1) Your job is to clean the kitchen.
2) She sat alone for a long time.
3) Who is that woman dressed in white?
4) Don’t forget what I’m going to say.
5) I will talk to him if he is in the office.
1) Teaching little children is very difficult.
2) This map is of great use.
3) She got up early to see the sunrise.
4) He asked the girl if she was all right.
5) Is this the shop where you bought the suit?
( )内の語を並べ替えなさい。
( is , moved , that , true , he , it ) to Sapporo?
He is ( a , that , person , fair , such ) everyone respects him.
The girl ( now , television , singing , my cousin , is , on )
Beth was ( to , enough , take , kind , me , the hospital , to )
1) He wanted to buy the book.
2) She had many things to do today.
3) I went to the library to study.
4) I know the girl playing the piano.
5) My hobby is collecting stamps.
1) I met a boy who was playing the guitar.
2) The books which were written by him are very popular.
3) You must turn off the radio before you leave this room.
4) I will use it after you use it.
3.次の as に注意して、和訳しなさい。
1) She took a walk as she sang merrily.
2) You should do as I do.
3) As she grew older, she knew things better.
4) You should see things as they are.
5) Tired as he was, he ran as fast as he could.
6) We could see everything as the door was open.
( )に適語を入れよ。
Whether he comes (
) not, I will go.
The car had hardly started ( ) it began to rain.
The car had no (
) started than it began to rain.
No (
) what he says, he is wrong.
You may stay here as (
) as you want.
練習 次の文を和訳しなさい。
1) This CD is so expensive that I can not buy it
2) This book is too easy for me to read it.
3) I went to the park in order to meet him yesterday.
4) My mother went shopping so that she cooked lunch for us.
5) This problem was too difficult for us to understand it.
6) I came home earlier so that I watched the game on TV.
7) She is old enough to go abroad.
8) He studied so hard that he could go abroad.
1) The picnic was put off because it rained.
2) She studied hard so that she could pass the examination.
3) She was so tired that she could not run any more.
4) The book was so difficult that I could not read it.
5) He as so kind that he helped me.
1) Please turn off the radio for the baby to sleep well.
2) Let’s go to the park after school.
3) She could not come to the party because of illness.