Living in Light of the Second Coming

Living in Light
of the Second Coming
The Spread of the Gospel
I Thessalonians 1:1-10
1 Thessalonians !
A conversation about:!
Ministry & the Church!
Suffering & Persecution!
Election & Faith!
Eschatology & Endurance!
Christian Life & Godliness!
Acts 17:1-­‐9 1) Paul is encouraged and encouraging when he knew they were "standing firm in the Lord." (3:7-­‐10) 1) Paul is encouraged and encouraging when he knew they were "standing firm in the Lord." (3:7-­‐10) 2) The gospel is powerful, disrupHve, good, beauHful, and yet bigger than many ChrisHans today comprehend. 1:5,8; Acts 17:6-­‐8 1) Paul is encouraged and encouraging when he knew they were "standing firm in the Lord." (3:7-­‐10) 2) The gospel is powerful, disrupHve, good, and yet bigger than many ChrisHans today comprehend. 1:5,8; Acts 17:6-­‐8 3) Expect to see suffering, opposiHon, even persecuHon in the pre-­‐ChrisHan context then, AND the post-­‐ChrisHan context now. (1:6) 1) Paul is encouraged and encouraging when he knew they were "standing firm in the Lord." (3:7-­‐10) 2) The gospel is powerful, disrupHve, good, and yet bigger than many ChrisHans today comprehend. 1:5,8; Acts 17:6-­‐8 3) Expect to see suffering, opposiHon, even persecuHon in the pre-­‐ChrisHan context then, AND the post-­‐ChrisHan context now. (1:6) 4) The doctrine of elecHon, while intellectually challenging, nonetheless must be wrestled with, and embraced by gospel-­‐loving churches. (1:4; Acts 18:9-­‐11)