PHYSICAL EDUCATION LEARNING PACKET # 18 RACQUETBALL INSTRUCTIONS This l,earning Packethas two parts:(1) text to read and (2) questionsto answer. The text describesa particular sport or physical activity, and relates its history, rules, playing techniques,scoring,notesandnews. The ResponseForms (questionsand puzzles)check your understandingand appreciation of the sport or physical activity. INTRODUCTION Racquetballis a relatively new gamewhich continuesto grow in popularity. It can be played competitivelyor simply for fun and relaxation. HISTORYOFTHE GAME Racquetballis an offshootof the gameof tennis.It's tempting to makecomparisonsbetweenthe two sports but we have to be careful not to be misleading! According to many pros, excelling in one of the racquet sportsdoesnot necessarilyguaranteetop performance in another. Racquetballis a young sport,having originatedin the United Statesin the 1950s.Although it is strenuous and physicallychallenging,it doesnot entail chasing balls all over a court. But like tennis,it doesrequire both superiorphysical dexterity as well as the ability quickly and effectively. to strateguze Physical EducationLearning Packets #18 Racquetball Text @ 1999 The AdvantagePress,Inc. HOW RACQUETBALL IS PLAYED BASICRULES Racquetballcan be playedalone, againstone opponentas a singlesgame,or with four playersasa doublesgame. In racquetball,the first team or player to score 21 points (or to score 11 points if the opposingplayersremain scoreless)wins. A match is won by the first side to win two games. The serveror servingsidetries to win eachvolley by servingor returningthe ball sothat the oppositionis not ableto keep the ball in play. Pointscanbe scoredonly by the side that is servingwhen it makesan unreturnableserveor wins a volley. When the serving sidelosesthe volley, it automaticallylosesthe serve(called"a handout"). THE COURT ::::::::::::: Competitiveracquetballis played on a fourwalledroom with a ceiling.Thetypical court is 20 feetwide,40 feet long and 2Ofeethigh, with six playing surfaces:the front wall, back wall, two sidewalls, the ceiling and the floor. Lines divide the court into sections: The short line runs parallel to the front wall and divides the court into front and back courts. ,,i , The service line runs five feet in front of the shortline and parallel to it. The service zolneis the areabetweenthe shortline and the serviceline. The service boxes are fonned by lines that run 18 inches away from and parallelto the two side walls. During a doublesgame,the server'spartner standsin one of the boxes during the serve. PhysicalEducationLearning Packets #18 Racquetball Text @ 1999 The AdvantagePress,Inc. PLAYING TECHNIQUES STROKES Racquetballis playedwith threebasicstrokes:backhand,forehandand overhand. In the backhand stroke,the key point to rememberis that the face of the racquetmust hit the ball perpendicularto the floor just past the right leg. Your body is bent slightly facing the left wall (right wall for left-handed players).The right ann is raisedso that the racquetheadis aboveyour left ear.The weight is on your left leg until the racquetis swung;then the weight shifts to your right leg as your arm swingsacrossthe front of your body. As you swing the racquet,keep your eyes on the ball. After you hit the ball, let your arrn follow through the arc of the swing until it straightensout again. The forehand stroke is easierto perform than the backhandstroke.However, the body motions used in this stroke are almost identical with those used in the backhand stroke. The racquet is held perpendicularto the floor. The racquetcontactsthe ball just pastthe left leg. The key to the forehand stroke is to bring theracquetarm backbehindyour head as fast as possiblebefore starting the downswing.Also, keep your wrist cocked back so that it snapsas the racquetmeetsthe ball. The overhand strokeis the least-usedstrokein racquetball.It is often used for ceilingshots.It's alsowidely usedby beginningplayerswho are not yet sureof the othermoves. In this stroke,move your racquetarn back andhold it at a 9O-degreeangle. The overheadmotion is similar to tossing a ball in the air. Extend your racquetarm forward as if you were trying to smashthe ball. Physical Education Learning Packets #18 Racquetball Text @ 1999 The AdvantagePress,Inc. THE SERVE As with tennis,the serveis wherethe gameof racquetballbegins.Theplayerwho serves is the only one who can earn points. As in tennis, the exchangeof the ball between playersafterthe serveis calledthe "volley." The properway to seryeis to bouncethe ball and hit it with the racquetagainstthe front wall of the court.As mentionedabove,a handout(losing the serve)can occurif thereis a foot fault or a bad serve.Threekinds of errorscan result in losins the serve: A foot fault occurswhen the server's foot extendsover the foot boundaries.Two successive foot faults result in a handout. A bad serve occurswhen the ball hits the ceiling, floor or any of the other walls of the court before it hits the front wall. A handout occurswhen two successivefaults are committed.This can n'#;3i:ffi ,iJ,13,.':"'5:i,"*1Tr"i'"il:i:t long"). TYPESOF SERVES The threemostimportantservesin racquetballare the Power Serve,the Lob and theZee. The power serve (or "Power Drive") is the most commonserveusedby skilled players.When done correctly, this serveis difficult for the player's opponentto return. A serve which is impossibleto returnis called an "Ace." On . a low bounce,the ball is hit with full strengthto a point on the front wall sothatthe ball reboundsonly a few incheshigh off either side wall. The lob is a much softer serve than the Power Serve.The ball is hit to the top of the front wall so that it reboundsto eithersidewall andhits PhysicalEducationLearning Packets #18 Racquetball Text @ 1999 The AdvantagePress,Inc. the floor near the rear wall. The closerthe ball to the rear wall. the more difficult it is for the receiverto return it. The zeeis a speciahzedserve.In this serve,the ball follows a twisted path "2." Ideally, the ball will strike the front wall 8 to that resemblesthe letter 16 feet abovethefloor. It reboundsontothe sidewall andtravelsacrossthe court, bounceson the floor, andhits the oppositesidewall. The ball cannot hit the first sidewall before it hits the front wall. The Zee is a complicatedandtricky serve.Considerablepracticeis required before a player canuse it effectively. SERVE RETURNS Two rules of thumb when returningballs are: 1. If a ball is below the knee,the player shouldrun toward it and return it. 2. If the ball is abovethe knee,the player shouldwait for the ball to rebound off a wall and thenreturn it. Five other basic rules also shouldbe kept in mind during a game: 1. When the ball is being served,standat leastfive feet behindthe shortline. 2. A ball cannotbe returneduntil it haspassedthe short line. 3. The ball must be returnedbeforeit hits the floor twice. The ball can also be returned on the fly or before it touchesthe floor. Physical Education Learning Packets #18 Racquetball Text @ 1999 The AdvantagePress,Inc. 4. A ball shouldhit the front wall first. However, it can hit the ceiling or side walls before it reachesthe front wall. It must not touch the floor before it touchesthe front wall. 5. If you swingat the serveandmiss,you can recoverandmakea legalreturn. EQUIPMENTAND CLOTHING Any type of loose,non-bindinggannentscan be worn to play racquetball.Many playerswearshortsor lightweight sweatpantsand a T-shirt. Beginningplayersmight alsoconsiderwearingprotective eye gear.Occasionally,seriouseye injuries occur in racquetballbecauseof the enornous force of the ball. Canada requiresprotectiveeye gearof all racquetballplayers, but the United Stateshasyet to passsucha law. RACQUETBALLNOTESAND NEWS Americahastwo nationalracquetballorgaruzations:the American AmateurRacquetball Association(AARA) and the United StatesProfessionalRacquetballAssociation (USPRA).The AARA publishesthe official racquetball tournamentrules and sanctions racquetballevents.The USPRA existsprimarily to promote the sport of racquetballand the racquetballteachingprofession. Someof the top racquetballmagazinesareKillshot, P.O. Box 8036, Paducah,KY 420028036; Racquetball,publishedby the AARA; and RacquetballToday,publishedby the WestPublishingCompany. In addition to print media sources,the Internet has many sources.If your schoolhas a computerdepartmentwith Internetlinks, you might look at The United StatesRacquetball Association'swebsiteat: At this site you can seethe very latestinformation about the sport at both the amatuer andthe professionallevel.For example,the site lists High School Boy's SinglesChampions (1998 - JoshTircker,Joplin High School, MO) and High School Girl's Singles Champions(1998- BrookeCrawford,HenleyHigh School,OR).You canalsoseeCollegeMen'sChampions(1999- Luis Bustillos,SouthernColorado)andWomen'sChampions (1999- ChristieVan Hees,SimonFraserUniversity). PhysicalEducationLearning Packets #18 Racquetball Text @ 1999 The AdvantasePress.Inc. You can also get racquetballinformationfrom the ESPN, the televisioncable sports channel'sWorld Wide Web pageat: http zI Finally, one of the most intriguing Internetsourcesof racquetballinformation is Omri's Racquetball Homepage, which is maintainedby a bright lO-year-oldHouston,Texas racquetballenthusiastwhose first nameis "Omri." Omri will tell you aboutthe Texas tournamentshe has played, will showyou his scrapbookif you havethe time, and link you to other racquetballsources.His addressis: http z| | www. USRA IntercollegiateTeam Championshipshas seenBrighamYoung University win threeof the last four years(1996,97, and98) while SouthernColoradotook the honors in 1999.The USRA also lists High SchoolTeamChampions.BeavertonHigh School (Beaverton,OR), national winners in both 1996and 1997,finally gaveup the thrown to SpragueHigh School (Sprague,OR) in 1998. The USAJuniorTeam consistof 16 members.The teamis selectedthrougha National camp held yearly at the United StatesOlympic Training Center(USOTC). The participantsgo through a seriesof gruelingtestswhich help the coachespick their 16 members.These members participatein the World Championshipsin Los Angeles,California. The USA has held the World Championshiptitle ever sincethe tournamentstarted, 7 yearsago. The current membersof the team include: Men: Willie Tilton, Erin Brannig&tr'Mark Bloom, ShaneVanderson,JamesFord, Rocky Carson,Tyler Siggins,Willie Tilton , RyanStaten,ShaneVanderson Women:SadieGross,Maggie DeBord,JamesFord, SaraBorland, Kori Grasha,Sadie Gross,Rhonda Rajsich, Liana Kerwood, Kori Grasha,Brooke Crawford Racquetballis an exciting sport to play or watch. Try the Internet for more up-to-date information aboutthis fast-pacedgame. /, . ,- | ,-_ 1 \ , ,,lt \ > . . ' \. r,l \!, PhysicalEducation Learning Packets #18 Racquetball Text @ 1999 The AdvantagePress,Inc. STUDENTRESPONSEPACKET RACQUETBALL NAME DATE WHATTO DO The following questionswill help you to have a greaterappreciationand understanding of racquetball.Write your answersin the spacesbelow the questions.If there is not enoughroom, write on the backsof thesesheets.Be neat, spell correctly,and write in completesentences. 1. From which othersportwas racquetballderived? 2. What are someof the physicalbenefitsto be gainedfrom playing racquetball? 3. Who wins a gamein racquetballandhow? Who wins a match and how? 4. Describethe typical racquetballcourt. 5. What are"servicezones?""serviceboxes?" PhysicalEducationLearning Packets #18 Racquetball Text @ 1999 The Advantage Press,Inc. 6. Describethree basic types of strokesin racquetball. 7. It's often said that "the serveis wherethe gameof racquetballbegins."Why is this true? 8. What three kinds of errors can result in losing a serve? 9. What are the three basic types of servesin racquetball? 10. If a ball is below the knee, what shouldthe playerdo?What shouldhe/shedo for a ball abovethe knee? PhysicalEducationLearning Packets #18 Racquetball Text @ 1999 The AdvantagePress,Inc. Name: Date: FU -t o F o o At ar f-i FN r^ t-. (-. Fr o FD (+ Ftr A v P -r oo o f-t v o o 4 v f-t p- Down: Acrosss 1. Strokeoften used for ceiling shots 2. Pointscan only be earnedby this 2. The line that runs five feet in front of player the shortline 4. The lob is a _serve thanthe 3. One important type of serve power serve 6. Another important type of serve 5. The court often hasfour of them 7. A speciahzedserve 10. Strokewith the palm of the hand 8. Strokewith the top of the hand facing facing the ball the ball 11. A servewhich is impossibleto return 12. Error when two successivefaults are 9. The primary tool of the racquetball player committed 13. This fault is a serving error 13. Decadeof the 20thcenturywhen 14. The line that runs parallel to the front racquetballoriginated wall 15. Typeof bouncewhereball is hit with 16. Serviceareasformed by lines 18" full strengh awayfrom side walls 17. A ball shouldhit this wall first 17. Length of the court in feet PhysicalEducationLearning Packets #18 Racquetball Text @ 1999 The Advantage Press,Inc. Name: FU Date: l-) a =. C O W O W FB E S H O R T F C A T T S N R O A T Z B O O R . L N U E S O E O O F 'O O U S I W T R O W O F IO T E V A R .L R Z E E F A R I E V F A L T A R E W F 'L E L O S A I T O F Z R A V L V E F ' S E V I E F 'E L A R . O E A C E O O H A O E I L D E F 'S C P L F N E R S O N A R E R F B A S E D T E D R O B L L O D E N O Z F E O F IE L U C I E F ' F 'A W E E Y E E R O E O V L C R C O O E E N D L S E S H F 'C R O O O W A L L A S L S T S R E F 'O R E H A N L V O C t rY A N C L V A W E A L F O N F B L O T E P L R F 'O O O S T B U R A L P I O D O I 'E O A L U B A E N V E T O L F T O H R R.FF N R T O F IR H E R L F E A O U A I N F R U W R R L N V A R W OT O U T S E V B C O Z L O B O E D R . R N O UO Y E O E F F O F E N R O O V O E R O T D R R H A N D O U T W O P R E O R C P O E H Y W D O W OH O F E T W R E E O F R . O N T F I K F F T A O B A C O X S T A R N O A O S C F U A E A R K L C A F E O H C T S I { N F A E TWR L S N V O O S R . OD D E E O U W W T B R Z O Y V R S E O A A S X E C T O O B K E S Z B B D E C S E L L F L U C L T O R A F T A O N W B O B E C W Et r c) FD f-r rn llr (-. l- C) FD t-t f-. v >J oo J> -{ A ' \J l-t a. a o FD ts o Y Use the clues below to discover words in the above puzzle. Circle the words. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. I l. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. The line that runs five feet in front of the short line Decadeof the z0th century when racquetballoriginated Strokewith the palm of the hand facing the ball Strokeoften usedfor ceiling shots A ball shouldhit this wall first Strokewith the top of the hand facing the ball The line that runs parallel to the front wall This fault is a serving error One of threeimportant serve types A servewhich is impossibleto return The court often has four of them The primary tool of the racquetball player The lob is a _ servethan the power serve Length of the court in feet A specializedserve Type of bouncewhere ball is hit with full strengh Error when two successivefaults are committed One of threeimportant serve types Serviceareasformed by lines 18" away from sidewalls Points can only be earnedby this player PhysicalEducationLearning Packets #18 Racquetball Text @ 1999 The AdvantagePress,Inc.
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