TRD COVER Youth Leaders Only / Music Resource Book / Volume 93 / Fall 2013 Cover: Newsboys INSIDE: Stellar Kart EVANGELISM: HOW TO BRING IT UP WITHOUT THROWING UP Maximizing Music & Media in Youth Ministry Great Articles! Greg Stier on “Salvation Segues” page 8 How God Called A Duck Caller page 6 Internet Evangelism page 10 Pro Athlete Testimonies DVD page 30 Heart of the Artist: Newsboys page 15 Stellar Kart page 16 Annual Thematic Listing (YLO 90-93) page 38 12 Worship Chord Charts from Shane & Shane, Rend Collective, Newsboys, Tim Timmons, The City Harmonic page 48 Evangelism Resources from My Hope With Billy Graham page 9 В® TRD TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS >> MAIN/MILD/HOT ARE LISTED ALPHABETICALLY BY ARTIST FEATURE ARTICLES: 6 8 How God Called A Duck Caller How To Make a My Brother Was “Salvation Segue” My “Matthew” MAIN: Artist: Album Title: Song Title: Study Theme: MILD: Artist: Album Title: Song Title: Study Theme: HOT: Artist: Album Title: Song Title: Study Theme: DEPARTMENTS: 9 10 12 Internet Evangelism Youthworkers Making The Campus Their Priority 20 THE CITY HARMONIC 24 26 NEWSBOYS REND COLLECTIVE 18 25 27 1 GIRL NATION PRESS PLAY SHANE & SHANE 21 22 23 COLOSSUS DECYFER DOWN JSON 4 5 36 Heart City On A Hill Evangelism 1 Girl Nation 1 Girl Nation Unity Time & Eternal Approaching The Throne Healing Letter From The Editor Restart Live With Abandon Life; Purpose/Meaning #LITO #LITO Testimony Scarecrow Fight To Win Spiritual Warfare How To Use This Resource Campfire You Are My Vision Eternal vs. Temporal Bring Your Nothing That’s How You Forgive God’s Forgiveness Braille Can’t Let Go (feat. B. Reith and S.O.) Trust Comparison Chart MUSIC RESOURCE BOOK: Volume 93 • Fall 2013 Maximizing Music & Media in Youth Ministry The Youth Leaders Only Music Resource Book is published quarterly by InterlГnc, Franklin, TN Direct any questions or comments to interlГnc at 1-800-725-3300 or visit TRD << TABLE OF CONTENTS 13 14 15 16 See The Campus Heart Of The Artist: Tricia Heart Of The Artist: Newsboys Heart Of The Artist: Stellar Kart Page 3 28 30 STELLAR KART THISIZMYSTORY DVD 31 32 TIM TIMMONS TRICIA ALL IN All In (Apologize) Commitment Testimony Cast My Cares Cast My Cares Difficulties; Hope Within Radiate Mirror, Mirror Beauty 29 33 THESE HEARTS W.L.A.K. Yours To Take This Is Love Motivation 38 Annual Thematic Index Compilation W.L.A.K. All In (feat. Alex Faith and Dre Murray) Commitment 48 Modern Worship Section 53 re:Tuned 56 Ministry Resource Section STAFF: Publisher: Allen Weed • Editor: Ken McCoy • The WriteGroup: Rick Bundschuh, Cindy EngГёy, Eric Gargus, Mary Wilson-Peed, Dave McGinley, Todd Pearage, Doug Ranck, Paul Turner, Jeremy White • Art Direction: Ken McCoy • Cover & Article Design: Thomas Ryan Design • Magazine Layout: Ken McCoy Production Manager: Glen Allen Green • Proofing: Dale Weed, Jeannine Ugalde, Anne Conley TRD Editor’s >>letter LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Page 4 Be Careful What You Wish For By Ken McCoy [email protected] I got an uneasy, nervous, I-must-be-in-trouble feeling when my pastor/boss said, “Ken, the Board of Deacons would like you to attend their next meeting.” I immediately began to wrack my brain for what I’d done wrong. Did I forget to lock the back door to the gym? Had I inadvertently offended someone with a joke? Did I not turn in my receipts for t he last outreach event? At the meeting I learned what they were upset about: cigarette butts and tire “burn out” marks in the parking lot. That was just a little of what was bugging them. The real issue was that they didn’t like the fact that so many “new” kids were coming to the youth ministry programs and messing up the church. Whew! I was relieved. And then I was ticked. These were the guys who asked me to “reach out” to the youth community. They told me that evangelism was the church’s highest priority. They were committed to sharing the Gospel with that community. Evangelism is what they hoped to see happen. Call me naГЇve and idealistic, but I had believed them, and I thought they’d be happy to see a bunch of new kids showing up at church. I thought they’d be thrilled when many of them gave their lives to Christ. You can imagine my confusion and frustration. That church got what they said they wanted. They had unsaved kids coming out their ears and new entries into the Kingdom of Heaven every week. But, they did not like what they got. I’m sure you’ve experienced something similar. We talk about evangelism, but we’re often not prepared to DO evangelism, or to deal with the results of being outre ach oriented. So, here’s my warning to you: be careful what you wish for. This evangelism-themed issue of Youth Leaders Only could get you in a lot of hot water. The articles, songs, Bible studies, and the videos on the companion Music Video Loop 82 might make you less popular with the powers-that-be in your church. You might find yourself having to answer for cigarette butts in the parking lot, or toilet paper spitwads on the ceiling of the rest room, or girls in very low, revealing tops, or whatever. You might be in hot water, but I have a feeling that Jesus will be smiling. When we do the hard work of evangelism, angels rejoice. When secular teenagers find forgiveness, meaning, and love in Jesus, they become more than just kids in the youth ministry – they become brothers and sisters for eternity! T hat’s what I wish for! Godspeed! Ken McCoy Editor TRD << HOw to use Page 5 How to Use this YLO Music Resource Book Sure, at first glance you notice how great it looks – very current, very stylish. Go ahead – flip through this book a bit. Notice the helpful design? Did you catch the organizational details? The more you look at this book, the more you will appreciate the functionality that has been built into it. Here is a quick tour – The Cover If you’re like most of us, you keep your YLO (Youth Leaders Only) books stored on a bookshelf. When you want to search for a song or video that deals with a certain topic, slide each book out a couple of inches and read the themes and featured articles for each issue. Cool! The Index Take a look at the index or “table of contents” – notice the colored bars? They represent sections in the book and they clue you in on which albums / Bible Studies are “Main,”“Mild,”or “Hot.” You will notice in the Bible Studies section that each Leader Guide / Student Guide is color-keyed the same way. Wow! Someone’s been thinking! Featured Articles Each issue of YLO has a certain “flavor.” Around that theme are a couple of “Feature Articles” as well as some of the other items you have in your YLO box. These articles give you insight into the heart and ministry of some of the musicians included in the YLO box. Bible Studies What makes Youth Leaders Only more than “cheap music” are the musicbased Bible Study resources provided for you to use in your programming. Finding good Christian music isn’t hard, but coming up with ways to use it in your ministry with teenagers takes time, talent, and energy. Real-world youth leaders write the Bible Studies; the sessions are fi eld-tested and proven effective with real-world teenagers. Thematic Listing Not every song on every CD has a Bible Study written for it. That doesn’t mean you can’t use those other songs in your ministry with students. Modern Worship Section In this section you’ll find encouraging and enlightening resources to help you develop your youth’s worship ministry. You’ll find articles from recent SPIN versions of YLO or other worship leaders and Lead Sheets of songs from some of the CDs in this YLO. Although they are not really the kind of Lead Sheets most bands use, these pages of “lyrics with chords over them” are a great help when you want to teach the high school praise banda new tune. Many youth leaders tell us that the Lead Sheets are an invaluable resource. re:Tuned Take advantage of some popular secular songs to introduce a theme, supplement your regula Bible Study lesson, or outreach event. Use the opening questions and discussion ideas to get your students talking and thinking about the theme. Reviews Not every available contemporary Christian music CD can make it into the YLO box. So, we try to give you a taste of what else is available in your local store. Since interlГnc often gets “pre-release” copies of upcoming CDs, we can give you a “heads up” to new releases that might be just right for you and your young friends. We hope this effort helps you reach and disciple more young people to be go-for-it Christians! TRD >> Duck Caller FEATURE ARTICLE Page 6 Phil’s Story as told by Kay Robertson I think Phil’s problems really started during our first year at Louisiana Tech. He was playing football but had a wife and baby at home. It was a lot of grown-up responsibility for an eighteen-year-old, and he really wasn’t ready for it. He saw his teammates going out and partying all the time, and he wanted to go out, too. I think that’s why he so easily got in with the wrong group-he wanted to be l ike the single guys who had all the freedom. He’d never really experienced the single life since we married so young. I tried to do the party scene with him, but I couldn’t leave Alan, who was only a baby. I didn’t think it was right. I didn’t like drunkenness. I didn’t think it was wrong to have a drink, but I just didn’t like the whole scene. I really thought that after Phil graduated from Louisian a Tech and we moved to Junction City, Arkansas, he would settle down. After all, he was going to be a coach and teacher, which came with a lot of responsibility. But AI Bolen, the man who hired him, was as big a party guy as Phil, so the partying and running around only continued. When Phil leased the bar, people couldn’t believe that I went out and stayed with him. I worked as a barmaid, and the people there really respected me and told everybody, “Don’t you talk ugly to her. She doesn’t drink and she’s a nice lady.” It surprised me that those people were so protective of me. They always asked me why I was in the bar if I didn’t drink, but when I decided to stay with Phil and remain faithful to him, I felt it was my duty to protect him. With me at the bar, I felt he wouldn’t get in as much trouble a s he would if I wasn’t there. How God Called A Duck Caller Excerpt from “Happy Happy Happy” My Life and Legacy as the Duck Commander The year after the bar fight was probably the worst time of my life. Phil was working offshore and drinking more than he ever had before. When I came home one night, he accused me of having an affair, which was so stupid. I had never done anything like that, and it wasn’t because his friends weren’t hitting on me, either. It was because I wasn’t that kind of person. I alwa ys told him, “If I leave you, I’ll divorce you and find somebody else if I want to. I would never cheat on you.” I’ve always considered myself a good person. I don’t know if it’s my personality or what, but I’ve always been a very serving person. During all of Phil’s troubles, I felt like I was operating on my grandmother’s faith and what she instilled in me. I finally realized you have to have your own faith. Phil was cursing me and calling me every ugly word under the sun. It was the first time in my life that I felt hopeless. When I was younger, I read that a person can live so long without water, so long without food, but that you can never live without hope. I have always believed that hope and dreams are what keep us going. My entire life, all I had ever wanted was to be the best wife and mothe r I could. I didn’t want riches or fame; I wanted to have a loving, good, and safe home for my boys-that’s all. The night Phil accused me of having an affair, I hit rock bottom. I went to the bathroom and cried. It was the first time in my life that I didn’t know how to fix the problem. It’s the only time in my life that I had suicidal thoughts. I just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up because I did n’t know how to fix our lives and didn’t know what to do. Would I have gone through with it? I hope not, but I really wanted Phil to suffer because of what he was doing to me. But as I sat there contemplating what to do, I heard my little boys’ house shoes running down the hall. Alan was nine, Jason was five, and Willie was three. Alan knocked on the bathroom door and said, “Mama, don’t be sad. Don’t be crying.” I’ll never forget what he said next: “God’s going to take care of us. You’ll be all right. We’ll be all right. Daddy will quit drinking one day.” It was like a light went off in my head. I thought, “Oh, my goodness, what am I thinking? I’ve got three little boys. Am I going to leave them behind to live with a drunk?” Phil couldn’t have taken care of the boys in his condition. I prayed to God and asked Him to help me find some kind of peace. Obviously, my life wasn’t going right, but I knew I had to take care of my three boys. The next day, I was watching a TV show called Let the Bible Speak, and В© 2013, INTERLiNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 TRD << Duck Caller FEATURE ARTICLE there was Bill Smith, the preacher Jan brought up to the beer joint. The things he was saying were what I needed to hear-what I wanted in my life. He was speaking about how to obtain peace and hope. So I called the number on the screen and set up an appointment to meet him the next day. Somebody kept the kids for me, and I went over to White’s Ferry Road Church. One of the first things Bill Smith asked me was, “If you die, do you think you’ll go to heaven?” I told him, “I sure do. Let me tell you what I’ve been living with.” I went into how bad Phil was and how I’d still been a faithful and loving wife to him. Smith asked me if I thought I’d earned my way to heaven, and I told him that I certainly had. Smith asked me if I had peace and hope in my life, and I told him, “Now, that’s the problem.” The re was some sort of disconnect because I felt I had earned my way to God, but I didn’t have any hope and didn’t feel any peace. Smith shared the gospel with me, and I became convinced that I couldn’t be saved on my own good works. I was a good person, but I was a good person without Jesus Christ in my life. That’s not enough. Smith told me that if I wanted to, I could leave the church that day with J esus Christ in my life. I confessed to Jesus and made him the Lord of my life and was baptized. The best thing Smith told me that day was that when I went home, Phil would still be as drunk as ever and would still act terrible. But Smith told me I would be different because I would have God’s spirit living in me. He told me that when things were bad here on Earth, I just had to think about my next life in heaven and how wonderful it would be. I left his office as a Christian and started developing my own faith. I went home and tolerated Phil’s behavior because I knew God would help me through it. I was working in the offices at Howard Brothers Discount Stores in West Monroe, and Phil wasn’t doing much of anything besides drinking and staying out all night. I came home from work late one night, and Ph il started in on me about running around on him again. He looked at me and said, “I’m sick of you. It was bad enough that I had to live with you before, but now you’re a holy roller.” He also called me a Bible thumper and a goody two-shoes. “You think you’re an angel,” he said. “I want you to get out and take the three boys with you. I want y’all to leave.” He knew he couldn’t separate me from my sons. I asked Phil, “Are we messing up your bachelor’s life?” He told me yes, and I knew there was nothing else to do but leave. Our little boys were so sad and had tears streaming down their faces. They didn’t want their daddy drunk, but they loved their father. We stayed with Phil’s brother Harold for one night. He told us we could only stay one night because he was afraid of what Phil would do. I never h eld that against Harold because I didn’t know what Phil would do either. The boys and I moved into a low-rent apartment, and White’s Ferry Road Church helped me pay the rent and get some furniture. We were apart from Phil for about three months; I was really hiding from him. I put everything in my maiden name, thinking he wouldn’t be able to find us. I went to lunch every day with one of my girlfriends at work, and one day when we came back to the office, we saw Phil’s old, gray truck in the parking lot. Phil’s head was lying on the steering wheel, so I figured he’d driven there, then passed out drunk. I told my friend to go on into the office and watch out the window and if she saw Phil flashing a gun to call the police. “You can’t go out there by yourself,” she told me. “Let’s go in and call the po lice.” But I didn’t want Phil following me into my office and hurting anybody, so I told her to watch out the window and call the police if anything bad happened. Page 7 and was done with partying. Of course, I’d heard that many times before. I felt God’s courage inside me and told him, “Phil, you can’t do it by yourself, buddy. You just can’t.” Phil told me he needed help and then asked me where he could find it. “There’s only one person who can help you,” I told him. “God?” Phil asked. “Yes,” I said. “I don’t know how to find Him,” Phil replied. As a boy, Phil had gone to church and Sunday school, but he had been away from God for a long time. I told Phil I knew someone he could talk to and to be back at my office at five thirty, when I got off work. I told him I’d lead him to my apartment. When I went back upstairs to my office, I was so happy I sailed up three steps at a time. I called Bill Smith, the preacher, and told him to be at my apartment at five forty-five . He said, “Well, let me check my calendar.” “What is more important than one lost soul coming back to the Lord?” I asked him. “If you have anything else, you have to cancel it.” “You know what?” Smith told me. “Nothing is more important than that.” Smith and his wife, Margaret, met Phil and me at my apartment. The first thing Phil told him was: “I don’t trust you.” Smith told Phil that he could unders tand why he didn’t trust him. “Considering the people you’ve been running around with, I wouldn’t trust anyone either,” Smith told him. Then Smith held up his Bible and said, “Do you trust this?” “Yeah, I trust that book, but I’m going to check out everything you say,” Phil said. “I don’t take any man’s word for anything.” I went into the back room with the boys and Margaret, and Phil and Smith studied t he Bible together for several hours. When they were finished, Phil told Smith he was going to check out everything they’d talked about, and they scheduled another meeting for the next night. We let Phil move into our apartment, and the first thing the boys asked him to do was bring back our big TV. The next day, the boys and I left to go to the grocery store. When we returned home, I found a note fr om Phil, telling us to come to White’s Ferry Road Church. When I walked into the back door of the church, Phil was already in the baptistry. He’s so impatient, he couldn’t wait for me to get there! Smith had taken Phil’s confession and was in the process of baptizing him. I looked down at our boys and they were crying. Alan looked at me and said, “I guess that devil is going to be gone now.” Phil was twenty-eight years old, and our lives were starting over. From the book Happy, Happy, Happy В© 2013 by Phil Robertson. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted by Permission of Howard Books, a division of Simon and Schuster. I walked up to Phil’s truck and opened the door. His face rose up, and there were big tears streaming down his face. I had never seen him cry. The macho man never cried. He looked at me and said, “I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I can’t do anythin g. I want my family back.” He told me he wouldn’t drink anymore В© 2013, INTERLiNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 Page 8 Jon Acuff (of “Stuff Christians Like” fame) describes what a Jesus juke is: “Like a football player juking you at the last second and going a different direction, the Jesus Juke is when someone takes what is clearly a joke filled conversation and completely reverses direction into something serious and holy.” Jesus juking, depending on the severity, can turn a light hearted conversation into a party poo per’s paradise. This is exactly what you DON’T want to do when you are seeking to share the gospel with someone. You want to make a smooth segue into the subject of salvation in a way that the person you are talking with doesn’t feel, well, juked or spooked. Last night on a plane ride home from Houston I was sitting in the exit row with another guy. He worked for the airlines and we talked about his life on the road, his workout routine (we’re both doing Insanity) and our families. When we were 30 minutes or so from landing, I was praying about how to turn the conversation spiritual without resorting to the juke. I remembered that earlier in the conversation he gave me some workout videos on a flashdrive to watch. The Holy Spirit used his gift to spark an idea. I said, “Hey, you gave me some videos, I’d l ike to give you one too.” I gave him website and told him that on this site he could watch the best spokenword presentation of the gospel I’d ever seen. I told him about my friend Jason Petty (aka “Propaganda”) and how great he was at sharing the gospel via spoken word. He seemed genuinely intrigued and opened up to me about wanting to find a church. He told me that he really wanted to get his three-year-old daughter into church and that his wife wanted to find one as well. Soon we were talking about the gospel in a very natural way. Before we got off the plane he told me TRD Salvation segues FEATURE ARTICLE >> he was really looking forward to watching the spoken word video by Propaganda. As I reflect back on this conversation I see four things that happened to make a natural segue to the subject of salvation. Maybe these fou r actions will help you as well: 1. Just start talking. Introduce yourself and be cordial. Ask questions, listen deeply and be genuinely interested in what they have to say. Ask them questions about what they do for a living and for fun. Talk to them about their family, interests and passions. 2. Look for areas of common interest. The conversation on the plane really started to ignite when we both started t alking about the Insanity work out program. He was really into it and so was I. We compared notes, talked about trying to do Insanity in hotel rooms and how it was disruptive to anybody rooming on the floor right beneath you. It was here when the ice was broken and he really started to open up and talk. 3. Pray for God to open your eyes to a way to bring up the Gospel naturally. As we were getting to the end of the flight I was getting twitchy because I hadn’t shared the gospel yet. But I didn’t want to just grind the gears and yank the steering wheel toward the subject of Jesus (without using the clutch anyway.) So I prayed. As a result, God’s Spirit prompted me to remember the videos this guy had given me and that I could use these videos as a way to talk about the Life in 6 Words video. If you pray, stay dependent on the Spirit and just start a conversation, you’ll be shocked how many times there are salvation segues to turn the subject spiritual in a very natural way. Ask God to open the door and He will. Here’s how the apostle Paul put it in Colossians 4:3-6,”And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. P ray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should. Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” Paul’s goal wasn’t to puke the gospel onto everyone and juke conversations unnaturally toward Jesus. He wanted his conversations to be “full of grace” and “seasone d with salt.” He wanted to be as smooth as possible so that those he was sharing with would really hear the message of the gospel without being turned off by how he brought it up. For a great example of Paul making a salvation segue check out Acts 17:16-34. 4. Don’t chicken out at the last minute. There have been many times in my life where that door of opportunity has been cracked opened and I slammed it shut at the last minute. Whether it was the social awkwardness of dropping the “J bomb” too early on someone or just opting out because of fear, there have been more times than I’d like to admit where I forsook an opportunity to share the good news. Yes, even “the Dare 2 Share guy” chickens out sometimes. I regret those missed opportunities deeply. So seize the moment when God opens the door and turn the conversation toward Jesus in the most natural way you can. Even if your salvation segues are clunky at first, remember that “love covers a multitude of sins” – and awkwardness. Love, listen, and then take the leap. But, try not juking. How to Make a “Salvation Segue” Without it Sounding Like a “Jesus Juke” By Greg Stier Dare 2 Share Denver, Colorado [email protected] В© 2013, INTERLiNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 TRD << My Brother Matthew FEATURE ARTICLE I was teenager far away from God. I was involved with alcohol and with drugs. In the autumn of my 16th year my brother, Terry, accepted Jesus Christ. Terry began to tell me about Christ. I thought that Terry was going through a religious phase and that he would be back to normal within a few days. The months went by, and I saw his commitment to the L ord Jesus deepen. Terry continued to pray for me and talk to me about Jesus. A few days after Christmas Terry was working at a supermarket. As my brother released the cashiers, two gunmen were waiting. They grabbed two of the cashiers and at gun-point the men forced my brother to open the safe. The robbers then took Terry to the back of the store and shot him. The bullet lodged in Terry’s spine; he was para lyzed from the waist down. For two weeks my mother and I stayed day and night at the hospital. God finally had my attention. I thought about what Terry had told me about Jesus. On New Year’s Day, in the hospital prayer room, a number of my mother’s Christian friends gathered to pray. That night I prayed, “God, I know I’ve done many things that are wrong. I’m sorry; please forgive me. I want to give You my l ife.” 1. Look around. God has placed you in your school, your neighborhood, your work place, as His representative. You need to see people as God sees them – without Christ and hurting. Once you have identified those in your circle of influence who need Christ, write down their names. 2. Look up. Pray daily for those on your list. Pray that God will help you deepen your relation ship with them and open a spiritual relationship where Jesus Christ can become a talking point. 3. Look out. Be receptive to opportunities that develop friendships. Invite people on your list over for dinner. Play golf with them. Take food to them when they are sick. Invite them to go to a concert with you. Over a period of time the door will open to tell them about Jesus. 4. Look forward. Be sensitive to G od’s working in the lives of your friends, and look forward to a time when you can present the Gospel to them or take them to an evangelistic event where they will hear the Gospel. For those who are open to attend your church, invite them to go with you. Your youth Pastor may be having a special event where the My Hope America with Billy Graham video will be shown. Be sure to bring your friends. 5. Look after. If your friends receive Jesus Christ, you need to help them to grow in Christ. If your friends do not accept Christ, you must continue to be their friend. This is not a project it is a personal relationship. Six months after Terry’s death I was working at the same supermarket where Terry had been shot. One day, as I was telling one of the stock boy s about Jesus, he said, “Your brother used to tell me the same thing about Christ.” 9 Interested, I asked, “What did Terry say to that?” FIVE STEPS TO BECOMING A “MATTHEW” I told Terry about my decision to give my life to Christ, saying, “Terry, God has used what has happened to you to speak to me, and I have accepted Christ and I am going to live my life for Him.” Terry couldn’t speak, but he smiled. A few days later he died. Page The stock boy replied, “Your brother said that he would give his life if you cou ld come to know the Lord Jesus.” Terry’s love and concern for me was exactly what led me to Christ. He loved me so much that he was willing to die so that I could find real life in Christ. Terry’s sacrificial love has been a constant reminder of a greater love and sacrifice. Jesus loves us, and He proved it by dying for us all. My greatest joy is to tell others of His love for them. Eventually I became a pa stor, and for 10 years I tried to persuade people to follow this model of evangelism. Then I realized that most believers are not comfortable telling strangers about Christ. As I teach the Christian Life and Witness Classes in preparation for Billy Graham’s Crusades, I often poll the audience about how they came to Christ. Usually about 95 percent say that they came to Jesus Christ through the influence of a friend or a relative. Few of us feel comfortable telling strangers about Christ. But we all can tell our friends about Christ. For over sixty years Billy Graham Crusades have been using a relational approach to evangelism. In My Hope America we call it “Matthew and Friends.” It is based on the biblical narrative found in the Gospel of Matthew. After Matthew met Jesus, the Bible tells us that Matthew inv ited his friends to meet Jesus (Matthew 9:9-10) This Special Edition YLO (and accompanying MVL 82) includes a My Hope with Billy Graham Training DVD. This is for you to watch and then teach the “How To Be A Matthew” material to your students. In this YLO Box there are also ten Matthew Brochures for your students. Plan your My Hope outreach, contact BGEA and they will send you the My Hope Evangelistic DVD. I asked, “What was your reaction to what he said?” The stock boy replied, “I told him that he ought to talk to you. I told him that his own brother needed Christ more than anyone else I knew.” MY BROTHER WAS MY “MATTHEW” WHY FRIENDS ARE SO IMPORTANT IN EVANGELISM By Gary Cobb Billy Graham Evangelistic Association В© 2013, INTERLiNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 Page 10 God has given Christians a clear mission: “Go and make disciples of all nations.” This task has been taken very seriously. Sometimes they have gone willingly (Paul with a dream to go to Europe) and sometimes unwillingly (many spread out over the world because of persecution.) This task is never finished. The mission continues. But how do we do it? How do we reach people? By preaching on a soapbox? Or by distributing leaflets door to door? Christians do all kinds of actions, but the church does not seem very popular. We suffer from a negative image. We are old. There are scandals and Christians’ TRD >> internet evangelism FEATURE ARTICLE lives seem not to be so very different from others. And, by the way, are people searching? And when they search, where and how do they do it? I see that many people are “searching.” Many don’t know what they are searching for, but they are searching for the meaning of life. Previously, people often knocked at the church door, or connected to other spiritual authorities, or they went to doctors or spoke with their family. But how are they “searching” in the year 2013? In the same way or in a different way? Google as Our Counselor Something has fundamentally changed in our day. As a reflex, we search for everything on the Internet. By Jan-Willem Bosman, internet Evangelist Rotterdam, Netherlands [email protected] We go to websites like Wikipedia or just directly to Google. This happens for almost any question. Also, many spiritual searchers anonymously type in their questions on Google. Worldwide, for example, the three letters “GOD” are typed more than 50 million times a month. In the past ten years, Google has become our primary counselor. People expect everything from Google. So when we ask ourselves how we can fulfill Jesus’ command, we should at least do something on the Internet. True or not? Strategy Since 2000, several websites have been created to help people in their quest. Since 2004, a few organizations have joined efforts and created a coherent strategy. Not by their own cleverness, but God brought people together. In addition, we have learned the hard way that evangelism really has a different dynamic than it had forty years ago. A few facts: First, we learned that people find their own freedom of choice important. Second, in addition, we discovered that they should be able to go at their own pace step by step. All this is summed up in what we call the “Stepping Stones” strategy. In short, it means that we connect with the needs of the searchers, point them to God, and lead them to the body of Christ (the church, a local group of Christians.) Collaborating internationally, several websites have been developed in line with the culture, the personal situations, and the life questions of the “online searchers.” In this process, they can ask personal e-coaches their questions and have discussions with other visitors. Through ecoaching, step by step we try to bring visitors closer to Jesus. In that way, they can discover who He is in the daily life of a Christian. After this personal online connection, we offer them an offline connection to a local course or a local church. The Internet is Superficial – – is often said. In a sense, the Internet can be very superficial. However, therein it is not unique. A regular face-to-face conversation can be, too. It is also true that the Internet can be very subtle and powerful, precisely because of its anonymous and “safe” character. We see people boldly ask the ecoaches their questions within, particularly because they do not dare to ask these questions in the offline situation. The approach is to use media in their strengths and to compensate for their weaknesses. TV has its strength in communicating to the masses and has become a fast medium. Use it in the 21st Century В© 2013, INTERLiNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 TRD << internet evangelism FEATURE ARTICLE as such and not to create a twoway street. Use the Internet to create the two-way street. And finally, we want to lead searchers to a local church. Nothing can replace the powerful community of open and loyal friendships. Don’t think “or-or”, but act “and-and”! The Dream Since 2000, this approach from the Netherlands and France has developed the collaboration. is now available in twenty-four languages with the WhyJesus?Course and the KnowingGod websites. Since 2007, more than 5.9 million people have indicated on one of these sites that they wanted to give their lives to God and they are encouraged to continue in their faith – We strongly believe God has given us this dream: “Imagine a world, with every single person having free access to the Gospel, knowing God, growing in faith, and sharing Jesus easily.” Organic Growth, Mobile, Social Media Presently, about thirty-five organizations worldwide are working together within the partnership. Everything each partner creates is available to all the others for free. Recently, the prediction was made that 95% of the world would have a Smartphone in 2020 – Imagine that in 2020 Smartphone users who have questions about beliefs could get answers, find God and grow in faith. What a tremendous opportunity. I can say that the word “evangelism” seems to take on more of a negative connotation amongst our young believers in the USA. The thought seems to be associated with pounding the Word Of God down someone’s throat rather than sharing Good News with a person you care about. (That person can be a stranger, family member, peer, etc.) So the question becomes, “How do you express to young believers the overwhelming presence of God when they take part in sharing their faith in Jesus Christ?” From what we have been able to see, the story content from our recent My Hope featured programs – individuals telling their stories in a personal, familiar setting – is GREATLY helping our younger generation of believers in Christ, (especially the college aged), see the need to be involved. It is story telling at its best and the stories hit a relational soft-spot in their hearts. Believers who struggle with “where do I start?” are being motivated by the stories to be involved. The hardest part has been accomplished by the videos so they can now reap the benefits for Kingdom sake. Involvement by believers with My Hope and Internet Evangelism (PeaceWithGod) allow those believers, at any stage of their relationship with Jesus Christ, to comfortably walk the path of sharing their faith in Jesus Christ, by the mere fact that they are interfacing with people who have already expressed and reacted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ! (It is always easier to talk to someone about a subject they have already expressed an interest in hearing about!) Both areas of ministry, PeaceWithGod (Internet Evangelism) and My Hope America have the same component of doing the front end work of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a warm, loving and powerful way. All the believer has to do is close, and even that, we (the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association) will teach you how to do that and give you the tools and come along side you to help. How awesome is that?! Duane Gaylord Vice President TV/Film & Internet Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 11 A Story Saskia was living an ordinary life. Most everything was going well, but she felt that she was missing something. “Is there a God?” “What is the purpose of my life?” Life questions! But where to find answers? The church would be that place or a Christian friend. But she did not have this option. So Saskia did what everyone does who has a question: She typed “God” into Google. First, the website was in the search results. Saskia was struck by the movies, the love of God, and the information was in line with her experience. Even the example prayer was not strange to her. After saying this prayer out loud (it felt strange), she was moved to click on the “Yes” button. The screen came back with an offer: She could freely and anonymously follow an Internet course. Enthusiastically, she filled in her email address and she chose Karin as an “alias” name. She wanted to remain anonymous after all. With great pleasure and commitment she did this interactive course. She connected greatly with her assigned “ecoach” Marjan. Marjan did notice that God was a living reality for her. Time flew and after five weeks, doing lessons and having “online conversations”, Saskia wanted more. Marjan handed her to the next step: a local church connection. Saskia wanted to know God better. She actually believed already, but how to move on? The Internet is increasingly shifting towards “social media”. Therefore, we also decided to use Facebook. Facebook is very popular in Turkey, for example. In Facebook terms, Turkey is the fourth largest country. Everyone, Everywhere, with Each One The world is looking for hope. Never before have so many people had the chance to search so easily. We have the unique opportunity as Page Christians to bring “HOPE” to the world. We “should” be on the Internet. We can ignore the Internet because of all the junk that is to be found there. But don’t you think we should make the choice together to show the world the Hope of the World? To show our faith in Jesus Christ? The time is right and everyone is needed. Together we can offer the world the real Hope. She attended a twelve-week course at the church. After this, the move to the local church was actually not that difficult. Saskia had never imagined being in a church. She had found God and a group of people who helped her in following Jesus. В© 2013, INTERLiNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 TRD >> first priority FEATURE ARTICLE Page 12 Youthworkers Making The Campus Their Priority I was a new 23-year-old youth pastor moving halfway across the country. And I was ready to take that small island community by storm for Jesus. I’ll never forget that first church board meeting and my playing the old Carman music video “We Need God in America Again.” There was a big smile on my face as the video ended and I fully expected applause and their approving “Let’s go. What’s the plan?” Instead, I was met with blank stares and, вЂ�Well, are you going to open us in prayer or not?’” I realized very quickly that this was going to be about longevity rather than ra-ra. So I got to work. I poked around a little and found a youth ministry network that was loosely held together by a local parachurch group. There was also a pastor’s group that was very deeply tied together in prayer and working together; so much so that they exchanged pulpits and held services together regularly. Having a heart for students and being lucky enough that 95% of them went to one high school, I found myself at that school a lot. I volunteered at lunch time, bringing bean burritos and cheeseburgers to school twice a week. I also gave time to help in a computer class, and with the local middle school basketball program. It was great! There were good connections made all over the school. But, I was at school alone; alone in the sense that no other Christian leader came with me nor did I ever come across any of them in the hall. After we had our first child, the desire to be less than 27 hours away from family became a higher priority for my wife and me. So, a move to Sioux Falls, SD was in order. The first guy to call as I moved into town was the local First Priority By Brad Schelling First Priority of America [email protected] В© 2013, INTERLiNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 Director. He expressed the desire to help me reach students at the local school. He had my attention. He had set up clubs in all the middle and high schools in the area and wanted me to be a part of the community by influencing one school for Jesus Christ. He also wanted me to have a place for all my students, who went to ten different school districts (24 different middle and high schools), to share Christ with their peers as well. I was floored! Little did I know that God had gone before me to organize the local churches to work together to influence every school in our community! Every student in my ministry had a place to get plugged in at their school. I played my role in Lincoln High School with those from my youth ministry, as well as about five other churches. “Stealing” kids was never the conversation here like it was in my previous location because we had common goals and community. Without the other youthworkers involved with First Priority, my students wouldn’t be able to live their faith at school as well. It was humbling to say the least. As the relationships got deep and the Holy Spirit moved, we saw life change right there in our club and throughout the school through those relationships. The thing that stuck out the most was the boldness of students who were normally shy and timid in social situations. What the First Priority club did was give the ability for those students to share the Gospel together. As one of the students told me, “The first time (sharing the Gospel) was the hardest. As we kept talking about Jesus month after month, at school, it because more natural. I eventually found myself sharing openly at my lunch table and individually with friends. God is using me to change my school.” TRD << campus FEATURE ARTICLE When the calendar hits September and you want to locate over 90% of the teenagers in your community, it’s easy to find them. Just check out the local high school and middle school campuses. For this simple reason alone, the campus is vital in every youth ministry plan. I think Paul the apostle describes campus ministry very well in 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8: “As apostles of Christ we could have been a burden to you, but we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children. We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become dear to us.” (NIV) Through school ministry we – • represent Christ and His awesome message of freedom • d eeply care about students, teachers and administration • are delighted to share the gospel of God • impart our lives – which means relational and sacrificial ministry • are not a burden to the school or students, but a help Like any ministry, with the campus we have to adapt to the setting. Let’s start there. First, the campus is “the cultural center” for youth in your community. It is a tapestry of st udents involved in groups and relationships. It is a fun and vital place for you to connect with kids. So get to know the school culture. Second, a school is administratively controlled which means that there are guidelines and rules for students, and certainly visitors from the outside. Some administrators allow and welcome the faith-based community to participate in the environment of a school, with limitations. They see it as a positive influence that helps students. Other administrators are leery, usually citing lack of legal clarity. In reality, it comes down to each administration or school district deciding how they will handle outside visitors to their school. There are neither specific laws nor legal precedents to guide schools, other than the fact that visitors must have permission to ente r a campus. However, administrators must treat religious groups or individuals in the same manner that they treat secular groups or individuals. They clearly are the gatekeepers for outsiders, but must remain blind to religion based on the first amendment and equal access guidelines. So how does this affect campus ministry? • Clarify in your mind your motive for campus ministry. What you bring to the c ampus is a living example of Christ – love, hope and genuine interest in kids. That attitude will help you focus on students and serve the school. Page 13 • Build relationships with administrators, respect them and follow their guidelines and policies. (Romans 13:1-3) • Serve the school where you are able – volunteering, mentoring, coaching, school clean up, administrative help. When we serve we bring the good will of Jesus Christ to the school. • Be consistent. Once you start, keep going. You will be trusted because of your faithfulness. • Don’t expect the school to endorse your ministry. They are a public institution and what you do is different from what they do. But as someone who cares about kids many schools recognize your value. How to minister on campus • If you are allowed to visit campus use your time to build relationships with students and faculty. Lunch times are usually best for visiting schools. • Some schools allow outsiders to speak at clubs or other groups. Often teachers and coaches will also invite guest speakers to their class and team practices, so prepare talks on motivation and current issues. Make yourself available. • Campus ministry extends beyond the school. Make it your heart’s d esire to offer every student the opportunity to know how he or she can place his or her trust in Christ and follow Him. Sometimes that happens at a Christian club or organizational meeting on campus. But in most cases spiritual conversations with students happen off campus at burger or coffee places, student hangouts, homes and your church. • As you meet students, your church ministry is key in follow-u p. Your Christian students are significant in school ministry • Encourage and equip the students in your youth group to see their school as their God-given mission field. Make campus outreach a focal point of your youth ministry. Your students have relationships and freedom of speech that allow them to exercise incredible influence. • Have your students adopt their school by going to o r text the word adopt to 85005. • Pray with your students for their friends at the school. • Equip your students to lead out in spiritual conversations and share the gospel of Christ. Help them with a plan. Campus ministry will help their spiritual growth surge. • If you are allowed to visit the campus, do it often – it will encourage your students! Champion every student who takes a step to reach out a t school. For more reliable resources and ideas, go to Remember, we become better at something by doing it, sometimes over and over. So as you reach out to students keep going. The results will far exceed your expectations! Chuck Klein gives leadership to the Campus Alliance and, a coalition of over 50 organizations and church denominations partnering to reach out to every high school and middle school student in America with the good news of Jesus Christ. By Chuck Klein The Campus Alliance San Diego, California SEE THE В© 2013, INTERLiNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 Page 14 TRD >> HOA: tricia HEART OF THE ARTIST You already know Tricia as the lead singer of the band Superchick. interlГnc’s Scott Osterbind talked with her about her new solo album and her desire to still remind girls that they are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” As the lead singer of Superchick your songs were anthems to empower young girls to have confidence in the midst of a culture where they are often presented as objects. How do you hope your brand new solo pop album Radiate continues to impact girls around the world? I hope that all the new perspectives I’ve gained from life the last few years – being married, becoming a mom, going through a huge change from being with Superchick to being a solo artist – will give more stories and ways for me to relate to girls of all ages. I believe image will always be a strug gle for most of us. Feeling inadequate will affect us from our tween years and keep going all through our adult years if we allow it to. I believe that we are so much more than our image. And I just hope these new songs will become anthems for girls to sing together to remember they aren’t alone in those feelings. We all have bad days. We all feel not enough at times. But it isn’t clothing or jewels or makeup that makes us beautiful. It’s who we are inside, it’s our character and how we treat people in our lives. It wasn’t too long ago that you were a teenage girl yourself, what are some issues you may have encountered growing up that have helped you encourage girls you meet today? I had bad skin all through high school. I was so insecure about it. I know what it’s like to have that thing about yourse lf that you just wish you could change. You compare yourself to every other girl and don’t feel beautiful at all at times. It can become all you see or think about. I remember my sister telling me that I was beautiful and that I was so much more than just my skin and those imperfections I see. I started to accept that more and more. I met people who were beautiful in ways beyond their appearance. They were nice to everyone in school, they had a great attitude about life – I realized that I noticed their outward looks less the more I really knew them. I started to really see what Beauty is. And that’s what I wanted to be. So I would make friends with new kids who I knew felt alone and awkward. I would hang out with kids who got picked on. I would sit with them at lunch so they wouldn’t be alone. And I started to see that by reaching outside of my feelings about myself and helping other people, my fears and insecurities started to fade away. I gained confidence because I felt good about who I was becoming and how I was living my life. I’ve been there and I remember it so clearly. Our actions can change a life. Bullying is so real. And we all need to be aware of how people around us are being treated and stand up for what’s right. Often times youth pastors are male and youth groups are usually dominated by girls. What advice would you have for a male youth pastor to help girls realize their beauty inside and out? Well for any guy around a lot of girls, I would say to treat them the way you would want a daughter or sister to be treated. Love them, make them feel special in their own way – try to build a core of older girls in the youth group who can reach out to the younger ones and guide them through the tough years. Teach the guys in В© 2013, INTERLiNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 the youth group to respect and love the girls and make them all aware of bullying or talking or judging because of looks. Christian teenage girls want to fit in and be fashionable just like the other girls in school. Do you have any tips for them to stay on trend yet not c ompromise modesty? I think almost anything you see fashion wise you can take and make it work but cover up and not feel like it’s something your dad won’t let you leave the house in. I love fashion and makeup and shoes and accessories. I always do layers – if it’s a top I love but it’s smaller, I find tank tops to layer under it – if the skirt or dress is too short, I use tights or pants under it. Some things just might not work though, and you just realize it’s more important to carry yourself with respect than to wear something you like. Your song “Mirror, Mirror” tackles the issue of physical appearance that can sometimes become a girl’s focus in life. How does this song help girls know they are more than what they see in a reflection? We are so much more than our reflection, girls! We are all o riginals, unique, a heart with a soul. The value we place on ourselves can be what people see. Know that you are worth more than what you see in the mirror, more than what you could look like with all the plastic surgery in the world. Who you are is what people will remember. Did you love people well? Are you a faithful, honest friend? These are things I think about when I picture my friends and what be auty is when it’s lived out. I love your message in the song “Enough.” It’s so important for girls to know that God is enough to carry them through any situation that comes their way. Has there ever been a time in your life where you first thought God wasn’t big enough for a situation, but He proved you wrong? Of course. This song applies to my life right now so much. That’s why it’s on my record! Even recently I find the words meaning so much to me. I have gone through huge changes in the last couple years. Going from a career I knew for 14 years, being on my own as a solo artist and now as a mom. So much more on my plate and praying this record will break through and connect with people. Praying that radio will play it, people will want to hear it, trusting that God really has still called me here an d given me songs to sing. I have days where I feel so inadequate. I have questions. I wonder why my career is where it is. Why things about me aren’t better. I compare to life to other people’s lives and sometimes envy what someone has and wonder if God really still sees me and wants good for me. And I just have to choose to believe in His love for me and His faithfulness up til today. That He sees me, va lues me, loves me as I am, with no to do lists or checkmarks on what I can accomplish in a day. It’s so freeing. But it doesn’t mean it’s easy or that those hard days aren’t still with me. It’s enough to know that His hands carry me when I’m worn out and His love covers the questions I don’t have answers for. TRD hoa: newsboys HEART OF THE ARTIST << interlГnc has had a long relationship with the Newboys and thei r front man Michael Tait. interlГnc President Allen Weed recently spent time in virtual conversation with Michael catching up on the Boys and their new project. The Newsboys started the new album Restart two years ago knowing there were a lot of risks involved – why was it such a distilling process? Well we’ve always had this philosophy that when you make a new record, you’re re-applying for your job, so to speak, because you’re only as good as your last project. Born Again accomplished its mission by saying we are вЂ�born again’ believers and we’re also doing this thing with a new lead singer – for the third time for that matter! God’s Not Dead had to happen because Newsboys fans are also worship fans, and they know Newsboys was keen on worship in the past. But the difference in God’s Not Dead was it was a worsh ip record in entirety. In the past there were songs on records that were worship songs, but never had Newsboys done a full on worship record until God’s Not Dead, and it was wildly successful, and it’s still going great. The third record, we thought let’s throw all the chalkboards away, all the canvases away, start from scratch, let’s write songs together. As a band, let’s write songs. And outside the ba nd, let’s get songs wherever we can find them. Sometimes, we have to reach outside the box, leave the land we’re in and go to another whole land. We need to allow God to move, to use us with other creative minds. And so we wrote over fifty songs for the record! Then we worked really hard identifying the songs to make the best pop-rock musical statement as the Newsboys. The word “restart” is appropriate to describe someone who chooses to follow Christ. How does the song Restart relay a defining of second chances? No question about that! I can relate to Restart and to Born Again. Their lyrical content is very similar. Restart being when you’ve reached the end of your road, when you’ve tried everything, outside of Christ, as my dad would always say, “When you’re down in the valley, you only have one way to look, and it’s up. ” I’ve gone down that road many times in my life, where I’ve just try, try, try, try, tried on my own strength, and then I go, “Oh! Maybe I should pray now. Maybe I should consult God now.” Well, hindsight’s always twenty-twenty, but the fact is when I was finished, when my game was over, I was in deep, deep trouble. I knew I had to do somethin’, and my always would say “Go back to the basics, Go back to the simple things.” So I had to reboot my hard drive, and start over. “Restarts” are synonymous with second chances, thank God. Another powerful song on the album is Live With Abandon. How would you encourage teenagers to live with abandon in their everyday life? Peter is one of my favorite people in the Bible. In the storm Peter fretted. He was afraid, he was very afraid. And Christ came on the water, he thought He was a ghost, he thought He was – maybe even a demon, who knows? But Christ said be calm, be totally relaxed, but the key thing is He told Peter to get out of the boat! Nothing is going to happen in the boat. You’re gonna be sittin’ there in the wild waters, and just floating about. But if you want some action, you gotta get outside the boat, take the plunge, jump in the deep end, so to speak, a nd that’s how we, young or old, live with abandon. Has there been a youth leader that has shaped who you are today? Anybody from the past? In the inner city of D.C. where I grew up, and especially in a lot of African-American churches back then, youth leaders were a foreign idea – we didn’t have вЂ�em! The pastor was everything – the Page 15 pastor was the banker, the pastor was a dad, the pastor was a preacher, the pastor was a doctor. Youth pastors were not really a part of our church system. Until I went to a mostly white school, a guy named Ken Mahan was instrumental in my spiritual development and in my formal years growing up as a kid. (He’s still out there, living in Florida.) The guy was a firecracker for God! Just being around him would ignite you! And I got to see firsthand when an adult (other than your da d and mom) cares about you, tells you they love you, tells you about Christ, takes you on camping trips and canoeing trips and fishing trips, it affects you. It affects you if you are from the inner city or anywhere! And it was an integral part of my growing up, for sure, so we with the Newsboys support youth pastors on every level, especially through interlinc. We believe that they are the gatekeepers fo r sure! The Newsboys started in 1985 and still makes music that impacts today’s generation. How have your fans, old and new, helped confirm the band's ministry? When we’re getting on the tour bus at the end of a show late at night – we’re all tired, baggy-eyed, worn out, and people say, “Man, you don’t know what you’ve done to my family or for my family.” I think the biggest compliment is when a 42-year-ol d mom or dad brings their 20-year-old son or daughter to a show, and they enjoy it together as a family. That is all the confirmation we need that we have impacted not just one generation, but two generations. We have five-year olds to ninety-five year olds at our concerts – true story! Well maybe not 95 – maybe 85! We have older people at our concerts, for sure, and what’s more, it’s satisfying – and I’ll be honest with you – to know that these kids come, not because mom and dad say, “Come on, let’s see the Newsboys.” They come because they actually want to be there, and the parents want to be there because they grew up on us too. So we’re impacting generations right now, God is using us in mighty ways, and that is all the confirmation we need. В© 2013, INTERLiNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 Page 16 TRD >> HOA: Stellar Kart HEART OF THE ARTIST STELLAR KART Adam Agee from the pop/rock band Stellar Kart shared with interlГnc’s Scott Osterbind some thoughtful insights for Christian guys growing up in today’s culture. Stellar Kart’s new album All In (Apologize) is full of great teaching points for youth group guys. Who were some of your influences that guided you to be the man you are today? My parents have always been a huge influence in my life. My dad instille d a strong work ethic in me. He is a godly man of integrity that I strive to be like. My mom has a peaceful servant’s heart and taught me respect and love. They have supported me through each step of this journey and I’m so thankful for them. Another more recent influence is Tobymac. Several years ago we became friends because of our common love of golf (and music) and he has become a mentor to me. I’ve l earned so much from him about the industry and how to do things right as an artist. Young men get the idea that they should get as many girls as they can, win everything they can, and stack up the cash. Yet, in surrendering to Jesus we give up our desires for His. What has God needed to take from you? I was a pretty good basketball player. Like every kid I had crazy dreams of playing in the NBA. By my sophom ore year, I was starting on the varsity team and things were looking good. Severe injuries over the next few years kept me from playing my junior and senior years. I rehabbed back each time and got in even better shape than before the injuries, but I would just get hurt again. I still got scholarship offers, but finally gave up that dream and picked up a guitar for the first time at age 19. I guess God h ad a plan after all, it was just different than what I thought. A guy may think that if he lives for God he is no longer cool or may even be perceived as weak. What would you say to someone like that? True strength lies in not worrying about what people think about you. All that matters is what God thinks, and He loves you enough to send His son to die for you. After considering that, the stuff people say and think becomes pretty meaningless. Knowing this doesn’t make it any easier to discard what people say, but focusing on what God thinks of you can help drown out the haters. How has having a female in the band changed things? When Aliegh joined us over a year ago, it was a pretty big change in the road dynamic. Now, we’re just a close-knit family and have an amazing time on the road. Boys in bands are perpetually in junior high. Maybe not all the time, but something happens when you step on that bus or in a van. We had to adjust our humor a bit around her at first because she didn’t understand that when we made fun of her, that meant we love her. Now she’s used to it and gives it right back to us. I love having her out on the road and she’s got three brothers out there to take care of her (and make fun of her). Your song All In (Apologize) is a reminder that we can’t just have one foot in when we have a relationship with the Lord. How do you hope this song challenges guys? This song is very personal. I wrote it about my В© 2013, INTERLiNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 desire to be 100% connected to God. For whatever reason, sometimes I start thinking I can handle life on my own and I only give God Sunday morning or only pray when I need something. When I do this, I miss out on the amazing relationship that God wants to have with me. GOD IS GOOD. He wants good things for me. When I don’t give Him all of me, He can’t give me all of Him. All relationships are a two-way street. Our relationship with God is no different. I want to be ALL IN. Unfortunately, a lot of guys don’t have a strong role model. How does your song Hollywood Reality tackle this problem? H ollywood Reality pokes fun at our culture’s glorification of scripted “reality.” That world just doesn’t exist. TV and magazines give us images and videos of what our lives should be according to the producers/editors. We’re all looking for role models and unfortunately it seems as though pop culture preys on that. What do you hope guys get from your songs? I want guys to know that it’s okay to struggle. I t’s ok to make mistakes. It’s ok to be human. God knows you and loves you anyway. There’s nothing you can do to make Him love you any less. I hope this album encourages guys to know that sometimes when we can’t see or hear God, He is still there. And ultimately, I hope it challenges guys to step out and not be ashamed of their faith. Be bold and don’t waste this small amount of time we have on this earth. Live what you believe. Be all in. ZEBRA AD //REMIXTM EDITION Some styles may change, but God’s Word and how it applies to our lives won’t. The Message//REMIXTM, it’s more than just another accessory. THE BIBLE IN CONTEMPORARY LANGUAGE //ROMANS12:2 //REMIX YOUR LIFE rx Page Leader Guide 18 1 GIRL NATION Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: 1 GIRL NATION 1GIRLNATION.COM 1 GIRL NATION REUNION RECORDS 1 GIRL NATION Theme Transition Unity Objective Students will understand what unity in Christ means to them and to those around them. They will discuss issues that stand in the way of Christian unity. Warm Up This game can be played either in pairs or teams. You will need fans and colored paper. Cut the colored paper (one color per team) into many small pieces. Turn on the fans while the team leaders throw the colored paper into the air at the same time. The team members will try to pick up their team’s papers and run them to the team leader. The team that gets all their colored papers to their team leader first is the winner. Ask the students to describe what it was like trying to find and grab their colored paper while the fan was blowing. How did they handle trying to find their color when all the colors were flying around? Would the task have been easier if only one color and one team were playing the game instead of everyone at once? Would the game have been more fun if there were no fans? The Song Hand out the Student Guides. Talk to the students about how Christians need to be unified. One of the things that creates division and discord, even in our own youth groups, is that we simply can’t get along. Tell them that as they listen to the song to them write down ideas that come to mind that keeps Christians from getting along and being unified in Christ. Play the song. Transition Have a time of discussion about the ideas that the students wrote on their Students Guides. If you have a white board, write on it what the students thought. Bible Study Now look up these passages with the students. Discuss with them what Scripture says about things that keep Christians from being united, and what can be done to show the world that we stand together. James 2:6-10 What are some characteristics James gives about the tongue? (It can’t be tamed; it is evil, wicked, etc.) What does the tongue do? (Speaks evil, but it also can praise God.) John 13:33-34 What is Jesus’ command to Christians? (We are to love each other.) How will the world know that we are Christ followers? (If they see that we love each other.) Discuss what people say about Christians and how Christians act. Then talk about how we need to build each other up and show each other love. В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 Study by: CINDY ENGГ�Y YESWESERVE LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA [email protected] Wrap Up For the closing, have each student write something positive about the person next to them, across from them, or whatever you think would be the best. After they do that, have the students share what they wrote. Close in a time of prayer for unity in your group. Salvation Segue We believe that every time a youth group session or teaching takes place, there is an opportunity to segue and present the Gospel. Greg Stier and our good friends at Dare2Share have written a “salvation segue” for this student which can be found at interlinc-online. com/studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide 1 GIRL NATION Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: 1 GIRL NATION 1GIRLNATION.COM 1 GIRL NATION REUNION RECORDS 1 GIRL NATION UNITY Unity What keeps us apart? What the Bible says: James 2:6-10 What are some characteristics James gives about the tongue? What does the tongue do? John 13:33-34 What is Jesus’ command to Christians? How will the world know that we are Christ followers? You’re awesome because: / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 20 THE CITY HARMONIC Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: THE CITY HARMONIC THECITYHARMONIC.COM HEART INTEGRITY RECORDS A CITY ON A HILL DOUG RANCK Theme Evangelism Objective It has often been said, “Actions speak louder than words.” The Bible is filled with wonderful words but unless they are lived out in the character of the person, they lose their meaning and impact. In this lesson your youth will identify ways to let their actions speak about the hope and truth this world can find in Christ. Warm Up Distribute the Student Guide and have students turn to the Easier Said than Done section. Have students find one or two other people for their group and give them five minutes to work on this section. When time is up, call the group back together. Have each team report their list, determining who scored the most points and declare the winner. Follow the reports with these questions: Transition Say something like, “You have probably heard the quote, вЂ�Actions speak louder than words.’ As Christians we can hear and read a lot of words but unless we live them none of those words will make a difference. In this lesson we will identify ways you can let your actions speak about the hope and truth of Christ in your homes, schools, and communities.” The Song Direct the youth to take their Student Guide and turn to the Profile of an Act-er section. Let the group know the song being played today is by a group called The City Harmonic. Check out more information about this Canadian band at the listed website. Encourage the students to complete the exercise while they listen to the song. •What is easier about saying something than doing it? •What is the impact of those who choose to say one thing and yet do another? •What makes you the most frustrated or angry about this situation? В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 Transition Have different group members present their answers and follow-up with these questions: •What is the connection between the character of a person and letting our light shine? •Why is this so important? Say something like, “This song takes its message from Matthew’s gospel. We are going to turn there and discover more of who we are to be as those who let the message of Christ be heard and seen.” Bible Study Have the youth turn in their Bibles to Matthew 5:3-12; 14-16 and also to the Blessed Lights section of Student Guides. Give each student a reasonable amount of time to work individually on this exercise. Then, come back together and ask the students to share their discoveries. Follow up the presentations with these questions: •How do we humbly and quietly serve God but let our light shine in a way that can be seen? •What should be easy about letting our actions reflect our faith? •What is difficult about letting our light shine for Christ in the world around us? FREE METHODIST CHURCH SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA [email protected] Wrap Up Say something like, “The significance of a вЂ�town’ or a вЂ�city’ on hill not being hidden is that together we make the light of Christ shine even brighter in our schools, homes and communities.” Have volunteers share one of the “Why I’m Blessed” upon which they would most like to focus and how they intend to put it into action. Then close with a time of praying for each other to keep those commitments. Salvation Segue We believe that every time a youth group session or teaching takes place, there is an opportunity to segue and present the Gospel. Greg Stier and our good friends at Dare2Share have written a “salvation segue” for this student which can be found at interlinc-online. com/studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide THE CITY HARMONIC Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: THE CITY HARMONIC THECITYHARMONIC.COM HEART INTEGRITY RECORDS A CITY ON A HILL EVANGELISM Easier Said Than Done With two or three others, you have five minutes to list ways people have or could say one thing and do another. You get one point for each example you create. You get two points for identifying real-life situations in the news or popular culture where this has really happened. One example may be someone who complains about others who are not honest but then is hiding the truth in a particular area of their life. Profile Of An Act-Er As you listen to the song, complete the following… The central message of the song: A list of those who are blessed: What we can’t hide: Blessed Lights Read Matthew 5:3-12; 14-16 and complete this chart individually in the time you are given. Why I’m Blessed What I Will Receive One Way I Could Live This Out / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 22 COLOSSUS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: COLOSSUS FACEBOOK.COM/COLOSSUSMUSIC TIME & ETERNAL FACEDOWN RECORDS APPROACHING THE THRONE Theme Healing Objective Students will understand that God can rid them of the pain that they feel and replace that pain with His love. Warm Up Before the meeting starts, find a volunteer to help you with this game. Explain that you have candy for everyone, but your volunteer needs to “sacrifice” his or her piece of candy and will have to eat something gross in order for the whole group to get candy. (You might need to have extra incentive for the student to participate.) Once the meeting starts, explain to the students that you have a surprise for them. It doesn’t have to be extreme, just a small piece of candy will be fine. Next, begin telling the students how you care about them, love them, and only want the best for them. Tell the students, “I love you so much, and I want to give you a gift to show my love.” After praising the students and talking about the gift, explain that there is a catch: in order for them to all have candy, one of their friends is going to have to eat something nasty! The student will come forward and say, “Because I love all of you, I am eating this gross stuff so that you can all eat the sweet treat.” When the student is done, have him or her pass out the candy to the rest of the group. Remember to reward the one who ate the gross alternative for being such a team player! Transition Explain that the activity is an example of what Christ did for us. He experienced the cross so that we could all receive the biggest and best gift in the world – eternity in heaven. He took the pain so that we could receive everlasting love. Not only that, He replaces all the pain we have and replaces that with love. The Song Hand out the Student Guides. The guides will have the lyrics to the song Approaching the Throne with some missing words. While the song is playing, have the students fill in the missing lyrics and circle the words or lines that stick out to them. If necessary, play the song twice. The missing words are: delivered, tears, breath, regrets, debt, vain, received, animates, forged, glorify, place, everything, forgiven. В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 Transition Ask, “What are some of the things that stuck out to you in the song?” “Do you see how the song connects to what we were just talking about?” Bible Study Say something like, “Just as in the activity where a friend paid the price so that all of you could have candy, the song mentions how Christ paid our debt and now we are set free!” Read Colossians 2:13-14. Ask the students to rewrite in their own words this verse in the space provided on the Student Guide. Have one or two of the students read aloud what they wrote down. There are no wrong answers. Explain that we were once considered dead because of the sin in our lives. A price has to be paid when sin is committed. Jesus paid that price on the cross. His death meant our life. He died so that we too can “approach the throne.” God is a God of deliverance and salvation, and to God belongs escape from death. Study by: CHELSEA MONROE THE FIRST FAMILY, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH COLUMBIA, TENNESSEE [email protected] Read Psalm 68:20. Remember the words “you deliver me from death” from the song? Those words came straight from the Bible. God is a God of deliverance. He wants to take us from our pain and wrap us in His loving arms. Have the students write on their Student Guides some of the struggles or heartaches in their life that they need God to help them through. Maybe it’s a class in school, a bully, or a strong temptation in their life. Suggest making what they write into a short prayer. Wrap Up After giving them a minute or two for personal reflection, encourage the students to open up with God about their struggles. He can only deliver us if we let Him. Ask the group if anyone has any specific struggles – they can be as vague as they want – that they would like you to pray for. Encourage the students to pray for each other’s struggles this week as well. Pray with the group about their struggles asking God to deliver them from the difficult situations that they face. Salvation Segue A “salvation seque” for this study can be found at studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide COLOSSUS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: COLOSSUS FACEBOOK.COM/COLOSSUSMUSIC TIME & ETERNAL FACEDOWN RECORDS APPROACHING THE THRONE HEALING Approaching the Lyrics Approaching the throne You _______________ me from death, my eyes from Approaching the Word Rewrite Colossians 2:13-14 in your own words. the _______________ , you gave me every _______________ . You took away my _______________ , nothing in my hands I bring, simply to the cross I cling. You paid my _______________ and now I’m free. You washed my hands clean and now I’m free. He put his Son in my place, not in _______________ . It’s the heart of grace. All of the things I don’t deserve I have _______________ , Creator of heaven and earth, your death is what _______________ me. My name is written Psalm 68:20 What are some of the struggles you need to let God deliver you from? on His hands, my name is written on His heart, He _______________ all of my plans from the very start for His love will never depart. I will approach the throne in faith. I will sing a song of praise, I will _______________ Your name, You put your Son in my _______________ , you paid my debt, and now all I know is grace. You have given me _______________ , I long to hear you say you are _______________ . Wrap Up What distractions will you begin to work on this week, to focus more clearly on Jesus? Hallelujah, Hallelujah, salvation has been won, I am a beggar adopted as a son, I long to hear Him say, you are forgiven. / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 24 DECYFER DOWN Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: DECYFER DOWN DECYFERDOWN.COM SCARECROW FAIR TRADE SERVICES FIGHT TO WIN CHRIS KEATING •Who are we really fighting in this battle? (Ultimately it is the devil and his dark forces. However, he also has deceived many people here on earth to where they unwittingly act as his agents to fulfill his plan. As Christians we should remember this and not attack the person who is being deceived but always go to the Lord in prayer and attack the enemy’s stronghold.) •What is the shield of faith? (A complete and perfect trust that God will quench the darts of doubt and evil that attack him, and will help him control his mind and conquer evil doubts and thoughts.) Theme Spiritual Warfare Objective Students will understand that life is not always rainbows and unicorns – sometimes it can be tough, especially as a Christian. There is an unseen battle raging for their thoughts, emotions, and souls. God certainly knows about the spiritual battle going on – that is why the Bible teaches us how to “Fight To Win.” Warm Up Thumb Wrestling – Have each student pick a partner and say, “One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war” – and then let the battle begin! You can even do a last man standing tournament and award the winner with a simple prize like a glove or mitten to “protect” the winner’s battle thumb. Ask, “Was the battle easier than you thought, or harder?” “Did you ever get tired?” Who was your toughest opponent?” “What strategy did you use to win?” Transition Explain that in reality there is a battle raging all around us every day, only it is unseen and the stakes are much higher – our souls. The Bible teaches that Satan is our enemy and that he is doing everything he can to destroy us. The good news is that God has given us everything we need to “Fight to Win.” The Song Pass out the Student Guides and have the students listen to the song. After you play the song ask, “What do you think is the meaning of the song?” Transition “Fight to Win” is kind of like a spiritual battle cry. It serves as an encouragement that even when it looks like we are losing the battle and maybe even feel like giving up, we must never quit because we fight to win. Bible Study Let’s look at a passage of scripture that specifically deals with the battle we all face. Have a student read Ephesians 6:12-18. Discuss: •From where do we get our strength? (The Lord and His mighty power) •What are some ways we can tap into the Lord’s power? (Prayer, Bible reading, and Christian disciplines) •Why do we need to put on the full armor of God? (To withstand an attack from the devil) В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 •What are some ways in which we find ourselves in a battle? (The devil will do everything he can to deceive and destroy. He will entice the believer to eat the second helping, take the second look, buy the unneeded possession, seek more power and position. He will use all the strategies he can to appeal to the flesh and pride of the believer.) •What is the belt of truth? (Christ is the truth. God’s Word is truth. The believer is to put on Christ and read God’s word. For further study, see Ephesians 4:22-24.) •What is the breastplate of righteousness? (It covered the soldier from the neck to the thighs. It protected the heart. The believer’s heart should be focused upon the Lord Jesus Christ and His righteousness, and that focus must be protected.) •What does having our feet fitted with the gospel of peace mean? (Wherever the Christian travels, he shares the good news of Jesus Christ.) FAITH ASSEMBLY OF GOD CARTHAGE, TEXAS [email protected] •What is the helmet of salvation? (Protects the mind and its thoughts, keeping all thoughts focused upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and His objective of reaching the world with the glorious news that we can live forever.) •What is the sword of the spirit? (The Word of God. It is used for both offense and defense. Jesus used it when he was tempted – Matthew 4:1-11.) •What is so important about prayer? (Prayer brings God’s help and deliverance.) Wrap Up Have a volunteer read Matthew 7:7 and another read John 16:24. When you mess up and fall spiritually, don’t let it keep you down. Stand and put on the full armor of God and fight through spiritual battles. Salvation Segue A “salvation seque” for this study can be found at studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide DECYFER DOWN Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: DECYFER DOWN DECYFERDOWN.COM SCARECROW FAIR TRADE SERVICES FIGHT TO WIN SPIRITUAL WARFARE Ephesians 6:12-18 From where do we get our strength? What does having our feet fitted with the gospel of peace mean? What are some ways we can tap into the Lord’s power? What is the shield of faith? Why do we need to put on the full armor of God? What is the helmet of salvation? Who are we really fighting in this battle? What is the sword of the spirit? What are some ways in which we find ourselves in a battle? What is so important about prayer? What is the belt of truth? What is the breastplate of righteousness? / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 26 JSON Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: JSON LAMPMODE.COM/ARTISTS/JSON BRAILLE LAMP MODE RECORDINGS CAN’T LET GO (FEAT. B. REITH & S.O.) DAN SCHEWE Theme Trust Objective This session will help students trust each other and God more. Warm Up This warm up is a series of trust falls. Before your time together, prep one of your group members to be your assistant for this exercise; in the second exercise your assistant will have to catch someone falling backwards. Start off by doing a “circle trust fall” with your group. Form a circle with one person in the middle. That person stands straight up, stiff as a board, with arms crossed over his or her chest. The rest of the group puts their hands out. When the person in the middle is ready, he or she leans over and falls into the group’s hands. The group passes the person around for a bit and then stands him or her up. Ask the students why this is called a “trust fall” (because you have to trust the group to catch you), and how it makes them feel. Then ask for a volunteer. Stand behind the volunteer and ask, “Do you trust me? Do you trust that I will not let you fall?” When the volunteer responds affirmatively, ask him or her to fall backwards into you. Catch the volunteer. Instruct him or her to fall backwards a second time. Stand the volunteer up and then walk in front of him or her. This is when your assistant should sneak behind the volunteer. Again ask the volunteer if he or she trusts you, and trusts that you will not let him or her fall. Ask the volunteer to keep his or her eyes on you and fall back like before. This is where your assistant has to catch the volunteer. Ask your volunteer about what he or she experienced. How did he or she feel in each instance? Transition The Song Ask the students to write down any lyrics or ideas that come to them as they listen to the song. Then, play the song. Transition Tell the group that while we have issues trusting each other (those we have seen), how well do we trust God, Who we haven’t seen? What gets in our way of doing that? Bible Study The Bible says a lot about trusting in God, which reaffirms to us that this has been an issue for a long time. We will look at two passages that can help us trust in God more. Hand out the Student Guides. Ask the The first passage is Matthew 7:24-27 group what they think helps build trust, – the conclusion of the “Sermon on the and what tears it down. Give them a Mount.” Jesus has just finished teachmoment to write down some thoughts, ing on all sorts of important things and and then ask them to share what they He closes with these words. Ask a wrote with the group. Summarize their volunteer to read the passage for the responses on a white board or a sheet group. Ask, “What do we learn from of paper. Then ask them what can this passage?” Be sure to point out help us trust each other better. Take that the wind and rain falls on everyas much time as the group needs. one; sadly, life will be hard for each of us. If we want to get through the difExplain that Json has written a song ficult times, building our foundation on that might help us think about how we Jesus will help us. can trust God more. Another passage of scripture that can help us as we think about trust- В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA [email protected] ing in God is Romans 8:35-39. Paul wrote Romans while he was in prison in Rome. Ask a volunteer to read the passage. Then ask, “What do we learn from this passage?” Point out that we will never be separated from God. Nothing, absolutely nothing, will ever come between God and us. We often think that we can do something so bad that God will want nothing to do with us, like in our human relationships. This isn’t the case with God. Nothing you can do, and nothing that can happen to you, will ever separate you from God. Share something from your own journey that helps you trust in God. Ask, “What have you experienced in your own story that helps you to trust God?” Wrap Up Let the students know that God has each and every one of them and will never let them go. We can hold on to that. While it may be hard, we can trust in God. Try to make that something you can’t let go of. Close your time together in prayer. Salvation Segue A “salvation seque” for this study can be found at studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide JSON Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: JSON LAMPMODE.COM/ARTISTS/JSON BRAILLE LAMP MODE RECORDINGS CAN’T LET GO (FEAT. B. REITH & S.O.) TRUST Trust What do you need in order to trust someone? Matthew 7:24-27 My Own Experience What makes trusting someone hard? What makes trusting God hard? Romans 8:35-39 / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 28 NEWSBOYS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: NEWSBOYS NEWSBOYS.COM RESTART SPARROW RECORDS LIVE WITH ABANDON Theme Life; Purpose/Meaning Objective Students will understand that having total dedication to Christ will bring meaning and purpose to their lives. Warm Up Before the students arrive, set up an obstacle course. Have blindfolds and prizes (such as candy) at the end of the obstacle course. Divide the group into two teams. One team will be blindfolded and the other team will be the leaders. One by one the participants must lead the blindfolded through the obstacle course. When they get to the end of the course, they get their prize (still blindfolded). Depending on how long this game takes, you can trade off so each team gets to be both the leaders and the blindfolded. Transition Ask the students who were leaders how they felt having the lead to make sure their partner didn’t get hurt or knock into something. Ask the blindfolded students how they felt having to trust and not knowing what the outcome would be. The Song Now play the song. Explain that Newsboys are singing about total faith in God to live life to the utmost, without limits. You might want to play this song a couple of times. Transition You may need to build another bridge between the song and the Bible study section. This will likely involve asking some open-ended questions about what the group just saw, or going back over the lyrics and generating some feedback. Bible Study Begin the Bible Study by saying, “God created you to have life of true meaning and that comes through giving your life to Christ – which means to live in abandonment to Christ. We are going to read promises that God gives us when we live life in that kind of abandonment.” You can have the students divide into groups and have each group study one of the Bible passages. Then have the students come together and share with the rest of the group. John 10:10 – “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest.” •Who is the thief in your life? •What would your life look like if you lived life to the fullest? •Does having a full life in Christ mean living a life of comfort? Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” •What would you like your life to turn out like? •What are your hopes and dreams? •Can hopes and dreams be unselfish? В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 Study by: CINDY ENGГ�Y YESWESERVE LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA [email protected] Wrap Up Finish up this study by discussing that a life of abandon can have all kids of outcomes. We are not to live for ourselves, but to live in Christ, for others. Discuss ways that as a youth group, you can go out into your community and live a life of abandonment in Christ. Make a commitment, as a group, to help out in your community. Close in prayer. Salvation Segue We believe that every time a youth group session or teaching takes place, there is an opportunity to segue and present the Gospel. Greg Stier and our good friends at Dare2Share have written a “salvation segue” for this student which can be found at interlinc-online. com/studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide NEWSBOYS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: NEWSBOYS NEWSBOYS.COM RESTART SPARROW RECORDS LIVE WITH ABANDON LIFE; PURPOSE/MEANING John 10:10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the fullest.” Who is the thief in your life? Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” What would you like your life to turn out like? What are your hopes and dreams? What would your life look like if you lived life to the fullest? Can hopes and dreams be unselfish? Does having a full life in Christ mean living a life of comfort? What can we do to live a life of abandon in our community? / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 30 PRESS PLAY Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: PRESS PLAY FACEBOOK.COM/THISISPRESSPLAY #LITO DREAM RECORDS #LITO DOUG RANCK Bible Study Wrap Up Theme Testimony Objective Students will discover the importance of telling their story and how Christ can use their story to create a new story in the lives of others. Warm Up Distribute the Student Guide and have students turn to the My Rollercoaster section. Give about ten minutes for the students to work on this individually and then call the group back together. If your group is small enough, have the students share their graph and give them time to ask questions about each other’s story. Transition Explain that God has given each of us a story to tell. The story begins with the salvation He has brought each of us and it is one to be shared with all people. Say something like, “In this lesson we are going to discover the importance of telling our story and how Christ can use this story to create a new story in the lives of others.” The Song Ask the youth to take their Student Guide and turn to the Love in the Open section. Let the group know the song played today by Press Play has a dance groove, which is fitting with the theme of letting our story be heard. Encourage your students to complete the exercise while they listen to the song. Transition •What did you understand to be the main message of this song? •What does a “dance floor” have to do with letting our love for God be seen? Direct the youth to open their Bibles to Matthew 5:13-16 and also to the Pass the Salt and Shine the Light section of the Student Guide. Have the students work on this exercise in pairs and then come back together. Work through each of the questions and ask students to share their discoveries. Follow up the exercise with these questions: •Share your findings about the verse on salt. Say something like, “Our love for God, others, and ourself is meant to be lived in the open. It is to happen very naturally and humbly. As we live this love it should be our prayer for others to clearly see the love of Christ in us and want this for themselves.” Direct students to complete the My One Thing section of the Student Guide. Then close with a prayer for each of them as they seek to go out and let their love for God be known. •What are specific ways we can be “salt” in our world? Salvation Segue •Too much salt on something is never good. How is it possible we might be •The song says, “I’m going to live well.” “too salty” at times? (Forcing people What do you think “live well” means? to agree with us, being overbearing in our presentation of Christ’s story in Say something like, “As the song says, our lives, etc.) вЂ�You only live once.’ We only live once •Share your findings about the verse on this earth and now is the time for on light. us to share the good news of hope •How are we most effectively “light” in we have in Jesus Christ. Jesus gives our world? us our mission in His words from the Sermon on the Mount. We are going to •In what ways is putting our light take a look at what Jesus says about “under a bowl” easy to do? telling the story of His great love.” •How is our love for God, love for ourself, and love for others salt and light? В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 FREE METHODIST CHURCH SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA [email protected] We believe that every time a youth group session or teaching takes place, there is an opportunity to segue and present the Gospel. Greg Stier and our good friends at Dare2Share have written a “salvation segue” for this student which can be found at interlinc-online. com/studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide PRESS PLAY Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: PRESS PLAY FACEBOOK.COM/THISISPRESSPLAY #LITO DREAM RECORDS #LITO TESTIMONY My Rollercoaster Create a life graph that displays the significant highs and lows of your life up to the present. Here is an example: HIGH Birth Trip to Disneyland LOW My dog died Love In The Open As you listen to the song “#LITO”, write down some of the main points you hear the writer offering as to why we should “love in the open.” Pass The Salt And Shine The Light Matthew 5:13-16 Write down everything you know about salt. My One Thing Write one specific and practical way you can live your love for God “in the open” so that others will see your good deeds and therefore want to experience the hope and love of Christ in their own lives. Who does Jesus say we are? What does He say about useless salt? What does this mean for us? Write down everything you know about light. Who does Jesus say we are? What are we not supposed to do with our light? What are we supposed to do with our light? / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 32 REND COLLECTIVE Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: REND COLLECTIVE RENDCOLLECTIVE.COM CAMPFIRE INTEGRITY MUSIC YOU ARE MY VISION ANDY MOORE Theme Eternal vs. Temporal Objective Students will learn that God should have their full vision and the desire of their hearts. Jesus’ Lordship is essential for a complete life. Warm Up Hand out the Student Guides. Ask, “What are the things in your life that you are positive about? What can you count on to always be there for you?” Have your teens make a list of these things in their lives under the header Count On It! Have them go back through the list item by item and place a check mark by those that 100% without a doubt will not fail throughout their entire lives. Leaders might want to briefly discuss each of these items with the group. If not mentioned, ask, “Where does God fit into the picture?” Transition “Be Thou My Vision” is one of the great traditional hymns that came out of Ireland. The words for this song were originally thought to have come from an ancient Christian writing from the 6th century. The words were used in monasteries for centuries before it was translated into English in 1905. It later appeared in English hymnals in 1927. The band Rend Collective from Ireland has given it a new sound. Let’s listen. The Song Play “You Are My Vision” from Rend Collective. В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 Bible Study Some of what you have on your lists are not forever. Nothing that is manmade is forever. We have these things in our lives for a very short time. The Apostle Paul was on the fast track to being one of the greatest Jewish leaders in all of history. He had it all – prestige, power, knowledge, the respect of his peers, and probably money. He had all the coolest and best toys of the first century. He was going places. Then, on that dirty, dusty road to Damascus, he met Jesus –and his world was turned upside down forever. Paul noticed things beginning to change. “Stuff “was no longer important. Everything he had gained was only “stuff.” He would later write these words to the church at Philippi: “I once thought that these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ.” (Philippians 3:7-8 – NLT, emphasis added) GOLDEN PRAIRIE CHURCH BURNS, WYOMING [email protected] Discuss: •What are the key words you see in those verses? •Compare Paul’s previous sense of valuable vs. worthless and discard vs. gain. Allow students to work out their responses on their worksheet. When they have done that, explain that since Paul got rid of everything humanly desirable, all he was left with was Christ. He realized one huge truth: when you gain Christ, you gain it all. If God is our vision, as the song says, what will we desire in this life? When we allow God to consume us and fill us up with Himself, we don’t need “stuff.” He is all we need. Wrap Up Play the song again for the group. Ask God to replace all of the “stuff” that will break and get old, and be satisfied only with Him. Close in a prayer that asks God to fill your student’s lives with Jesus. Salvation Segue A “salvation seque” for this study can be found at studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide REND COLLECTIVE Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: REND COLLECTIVE RENDCOLLECTIVE.COM CAMPFIRE INTEGRITY MUSIC YOU ARE MY VISION ETERNAL VS. TEMPORAL Count On It! q __________________________________________________________________________________________ q __________________________________________________________________________________________ q __________________________________________________________________________________________ q __________________________________________________________________________________________ q __________________________________________________________________________________________ q __________________________________________________________________________________________ q __________________________________________________________________________________________ q __________________________________________________________________________________________ q __________________________________________________________________________________________ What do these verses say to you? VERSE WHAT IS VALUABLE? WHAT IS WORTHLESS? Philippians 3:7 “I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done.” (NLT) Philippians 3:8 “Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ.” (NLT) / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 34 SHANE & SHANE Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: SHANE & SHANE SHANEANDSHANE.COM BRING YOUR NOTHING FAIR TRADE SERVICES THAT’S HOW YOU FORGIVE MANDY KYES reminder of the measures that Christ went through; for others, it may be a prayer of forgiveness. was only one way to save us, and that was through the sacrifice of Jesus. Theme God’s Forgiveness Objective Students will grow a deeper appreciation for the forgiveness they’ve received through Christ’s sacrifice. Warm Up Do You Trust Me, Will You Forgive Me – This is a game where the more student volunteers you have, the better. Students sit in front of the rest of the group and have their hands behind their back. One student is chosen to take a donut topped with a poof of whip cream and approach the first student in line. The student with the whipped-donut asks, “Do you trust me?” to the seated student. The seated student responds with “Yes” or “No.” No matter the answer, the student with the whipped-donut then asks, “Will you forgive me?” (Insinuating that he or she might shove the whip cream in the seated student’s face.) No matter the response, the standing student has the choice, to feed the whipped-donut nicely to the seated student or to purposefully get whip cream all over his or her face. The standing student sits down, and the student that was sitting gets to ask the next seated student. Repeat (with new donuts) until all have gone. (Be prepared for a little mess!) Transition Ask students if it made a difference whether the seated student said that he or she would forgive the feeder no matter what? Why or why not? Tell students that we’ve been forgiven by God through Christ despite the many times we’ve shoved things in Jesus’ face. He still forgives us. The Song Hand out the Student Guides. Explain that the song “That’s How You Forgive” by Shane & Shane is a powerful, humbling song that reminds us of just how much God loves us; He sent His Son to take on our sins and cancel our debt. He forgives us absolutely. Play the song and have students close their eyes as they listen intently to the words. Spend time in discussion over some of the lyrics that really stood out to some of the students. Ask them to fill out the What it Means to Me section on their Student Guide. Transition Let students know that Shane & Shane specifically wanted this song to be easily learned and remembered because they wanted the words to resonate with the listeners. Tell students that many things may come to mind when we think of what the lyrics mean to us; for some, it may be a В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 Bible Study Tell students that they will be focusing on two aspects of this song: 1) The love of God, and 2) the forgiveness we receive through Christ. Have students read the verses aloud, then go over the discussion questions that follow on their Student Guide under The Word Says… section. Psalm 145:8-9 – The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; He has compassion on all He has made. Discuss: •These verses are describing the characteristics of God. What is your reaction toward these verses? •What part stands out to you the most and why? John 3:16 – For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Ephesians 1:7 – In Him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. We may hear John 3:16 a lot, but really think about what it means for us. There SOUTHWEST COMMUNITY CHURCH INDIAN WELLS, CALIFORNIA [email protected] •Do you think we deserve that kind of forgiveness? •Would you be able to sacrifice your most prized possession to help someone who treats you like dirt? Wrap Up Have students fill out the Wrap Up section of their worksheet. Ask, “Are you accepting God’s forgiveness, or do you still feel unforgiveable? God’s love and forgiveness is immeasurable. There is nothing that we have done that would make God not love us. He has offered His Son as the ultimate sacrifice. Jesus conquered death so we may have life. All we need to do is accept this.” End in prayer. Salvation Segue We believe that every time a youth group session or teaching takes place, there is an opportunity to segue and present the Gospel. Greg Stier and our good friends at Dare2Share have written a “salvation segue” for this student which can be found at interlinc-online. com/studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide SHANE & SHANE Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: SHANE & SHANE SHANEANDSHANE.COM BRING YOUR NOTHING FAIR TRADE SERVICES THAT’S HOW YOU FORGIVE GOD’S FORGIVENESS What it Means to Me What message do you get from this song? The Word Says… Psalm 145:8-9 The Lord is _________ and _________, slow to _____ and rich in _____. The Lord is _____ to all; he has ____________ on all he has made. Wrap Up What is something you need to hand over to God? Maybe you haven’t asked for forgiveness in a long time, or maybe you didn’t know it was already offered and that you just need to accept it. Pray that you can truly recognize the sacrifice that Jesus made so that you could be forgiven. These verses are describing the characteristics of God. What is your reaction towards these verses? What part stands out to you the most and why? What was a line that really stood out to you, and why? John 3:16 For God so _____the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever _______ in him shall not perish but have everlasting _____. Ephesians 1:7 In Him we have __________through his _____, the __________ of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s _____. Do you think we deserve that kind of forgiveness? Why or why not? Would you be able to sacrifice your most prized possession to help someone who treats you like dirt? / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 36 STELLAR KART Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: STELLAR KART STELLARKART.COM ALL IN INPOP RECORDS ALL IN (APOLOGIZE) Transition Transition Theme Commitment Objective Students will learn about surrender and being “all in.” Warm Up Risk It All – Make a bunch of “poker chips” to use in this game. (I found a couple of images of chips online, created a page full of the images, printed it off, copied it, cut the pages and made “square chips” to hand out.) Have the students form small groups of four or more. Hand out decks of some kind of playing cards (I used several Uno decks and a couple Rook decks) and the “chips” and have the groups play a few rounds of “the most points in the hand wins.” Dealer gives five cards to each player, and players then can discard up to four of their cards for replacements from the dealer. Players “bet” their “chips” – winner gets all the “chips” that were bet in that hand. Have some rocking music playing in the background and let the kids have a great time! Discuss the game a bit, trying to bring out the idea of going “all in” with a bet. Here are some starter questions that you can use: •What was your favorite part of this game? •Did playing with worthless “chips” diminish the fun? •What if you were playing with real money – your own money? •Did you ever go “all in” on a hand? The Song Explain that Stellar Kart uses the “all in” idea in a very different way. Their “All In” song talks about the commitment you and I need to bring to our relationship with Jesus. We too easily hold back – maybe because we think that going “all in” will make us weird, or uncomfortable, or unsatisfied. However, only when we surrender everything we have and everything we are, will we experience the thrill of winning. Play the song. В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 Discuss the message of the song with your students. Use these questions as a starting point to generate some freewheeling discussion: •What do you think about the opening lyrics: “It’s easier to be the crowd / to just fit in and not stand out at all”? •What motivation does the band have for going “all in” with Jesus? •Is that enough motivation for you to do the same? •Why is walking a narrow road, knowing that you might be the only one so difficult for teenagers? Bible Study Hand out the Student Guides. Read through Philippians 3:12-14 and then discuss the questions below. Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Study by: KEN MCCOY JUMPSTART MINISTRIES ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA [email protected] •How would you describe someone who is “pressing on” to follow Jesus? •Evaluate your spiritual progress over the last several months. How can you do better in the weeks ahead? •What do you need to “forget” from your past in order to move ahead? •What could knock you off the pace and stop you from following Jesus? Wrap Up Use this time to challenge your young friends to go “all in” with their relationship with Jesus. Close in prayer. Salvation Segue We believe that every time a youth group session or teaching takes place, there is an opportunity to segue and present the Gospel. Greg Stier and our good friends at Dare2Share have written a “salvation segue” for this student which can be found at interlinc-online. com/studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide STELLAR KART Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: STELLAR KART STELLARKART.COM ALL IN INPOP RECORDS ALL IN (APOLOGIZE) COMMITMENT Philippians 3:12-14 Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. How would you describe someone who is “pressing on” to follow Jesus? Evaluate your spiritual progress over the last several months. How can you do better in the weeks ahead? What do you need to “forget” from your past in order to move ahead? What could knock you off the pace and stop you from following Jesus? / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 38 THESE HEARTS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: THESE HEARTS THESE-HEARTS.COM YOURS TO TAKE VICTORY RECORDS THIS IS LOVE TODD PEARAGE Bible Study Wrap Up Theme The Song Objective Transition Let’s read one of the most famous verses in the Bible, John 3:16. Ask, “Do you think Jesus WANTED TO or NEEDED TO die on the cross?” (This question is not meant to be a theological debate, but more of a mind probing discussion. The intent is just to get kids thinking.) Then, discuss: Read Romans 5:8. WHY do you think Jesus died on the cross for us? Motivation Students will understand that love is a very powerful motivator. Warm Up Anything for a Buck – Challenge students to do different tasks for one U.S. dollar. You will need to prepare in advance the supplies for several different tasks like eating a sardine, getting hit in the face with a water balloon, drawing a mustache on them with a permanent marker, etc. Transition Say something like, “Some of you were willing to do some pretty crazy things for a dollar. Some of you decided one dollar was not enough motivation. So, how much would it take for you to ________?” (Fill in the blank with your challenges.) Allow the students to respond. Explain that for most of us, money is a motivator. But in this lesson we’re going to talk about the greatest motivator of all: love. Let’s listen to the new song by These Hearts called “This Is Love.” Say, “There’s lots of screaming in this song. Let’s go around and share your name and at least one thing that makes you scream.” •According to the song, why are they a band? •They say,“If we did this for the money we’d have quit long ago.” So why do they keep going? •We all have things that we do because we HAVE to. What are some things that you have to do? (Allow them to make a list) Then ask, “Why do you do them?” Read John 13:34-35. Say, “Jesus wants us to love each other the way He loves us. And He loves us enough to lay down his life for us. Now, I’m not asking anyone to die for me, but I do think if we follow Jesus’ example we need to be willing to lay down our agendas and our wills for others. So let’s discuss what that might look like. When might you give up what you want to show love to someone else?” •Now list some things that you do, not because you have to, but because you WANT to. (Allow them to make a Since love motivated Jesus to die for list) Then ask, “Why do you do them?” us, how can love motivate us to care •So when you look at the two “why do for those around us? you do them” lists, what’s different? •What motivates you to do things you want to do? •What motivates you to do things you don’t want to do? В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 THE GATHERING DAYTON, OHIO [email protected] Say, “Before we leave, I would like you to brainstorm ways we can show love to people in our homes, schools, church, and community. Let’s finish this sentence: вЂ�Motivated by love, I will…’” Salvation Segue We believe that every time a youth group session or teaching takes place, there is an opportunity to segue and present the Gospel. Greg Stier and our good friends at Dare2Share have written a “salvation segue” for this student which can be found at interlinc-online. com/studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide THESE HEARTS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: THESE HEARTS THESE-HEARTS.COM YOURS TO TAKE VICTORY RECORDS THIS IS LOVE MOTIVATION What makes you scream? Have To’s and Why Things I HAVE to do Why I do them Things I WANT to do Why I do them For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16) But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:34-35) Motivated by love, I will… / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 40 THISIZMYSTORY Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: THISIZMYSTORY THISIZMYSTORY.COM THISIZMYSTORY VARIOUS VIDEO STORIES RICK BUNDSCHUH Intro Prep ThisIZMyStory is a Christian ministry that wants the world to see the change that Jesus Christ has made in peoples’ lives – a change that is real and amazing. Their video stories illustrate God’s forgiveness, mercy, and love toward people who are in need. You will notice that in every video the people involved don’t judge or preach – they just share. The hope is that the viewers are encouraged, inspired, and changed. Theme Testimony Objective By the end of this session your students will have had the opportunity to hear and to tell stories of faith from a wide variety of people. They will learn that every Christian has a story to tell. Acts 18:20 – As for us, there’s no question—we can’t keep quiet about what we’ve seen and heard. (The Message) Well in advance of your meeting, recruit someone to help who can film, record, and edit short video clips. Find a location that has good lighting with no distractions and gather several students who would be willing to tell their particular faith story or a segment of their faith story on camera. Make these clips 2-4 minutes in length and prepare to insert them in between the sport and celebrity video clips you select from the ThisIzMyStory DVD. Warm Up Pose this question to your group: “When you need a recommendation of a place to eat, a movie to watch, a particular activity to do, etc. whose recommendation would weigh more in your decision – the word of a food, movie, or travel critic, an advertisement in print or other media, or the experience of a person you trust or admire?” Most people will say, “A friend or someone they trust.” Discuss why the advice of someone known to you is more valuable than advice from a stranger. В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 Transition Transition to the video clips by saying, “Telling our story of faith is one of the most important, encouraging, and influential things we can do – not just for nonbelievers but also for believers. Today we are going to spend some time hearing the stories of others.” Watch 20 minutes or so of video clips from the DVD mixed in with videos of your own students. Bible Study After the clips, ask your students “Why do stories like these connect with us?” Read John 1:45-46 to your group and then discuss: •What did Phillip say or do? •How was it received? •Why is this way of sharing our faith more effective than others? •Which of the video stories we watch encouraged you, and why? •Does someone have to be a celebrity or have gone through trauma in order to have a story worth telling? Why or why not? KAUAI CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP KOLOA, HAWAII [email protected] Wrap Up Invite your students to pray about telling their story to someone. Invite your students who have not told their story on camera to sign up and then, at a later date, video record their story of faith and show a clip before every meeting throughout the year. You can also post them online or on the youth group Facebook site. Salvation Segue We believe that every time a youth group session or teaching takes place, there is an opportunity to segue and present the Gospel. Greg Stier and our good friends at Dare2Share have written a “salvation segue” for this student which can be found at interlinc-online. com/studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide THISIZMYSTORY Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: THISIZMYSTORY THISIZMYSTORY.COM THISIZMYSTORY VARIOUS VIDEO STORIES TESTIMONY Acts 18:20 John 1:45-46 What did Phillip say or do? How was it received? Why is this way of sharing our faith effective? Which of the video stories we watch encouraged you, and why? Does someone have to be a celebrity or have gone through trauma in order to have a story worth telling? Why or why not? / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 42 TIM TIMMONS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: TIM TIMMONS TIMTIMMONSMUSIC.COM CAST MY CARES REUNION RECORDS CAST MY CARES Theme the paper they “lassoed.” Keep playing until everyone has had a chance. Here are some questions to ask and talk through with your group: Difficulties; Hope Within Objective Your students will learn to cast their cares on God. Warm Up Sticky-Hand Rodeo – Get a bunch of sticky-hands – an elastic, gel-based toy that you can fling around. (Sometimes the little bubble vending machines at supermarkets have them, or you can find them online.) On one end is a hand (made of the same material) that, when you fling it onto something, usually sticks. So, buy 3-4 (they should be very cheap) and then get some loose sheets of paper. Prepare by cutting the paper into different size pieces. Put score amounts on the pieces – assign higher points to the smaller pieces, etc. Set up a table at the front of the room/stage and pick some students to be in your “rodeo.” Put tape on the floor a reasonable distance away from the table to mark where students have to stand. Give the students a sticky-hand and then tell them that they have 45 seconds. Yell, “GO!” and have a volunteer play some rocking music while the students try to use their sticky hands to retrieve pieces of paper off of the table. At the end of 45 seconds, have each student tally up their points as listed on Transition •Why does God want and even ask us to cast our cares on Him? Study by: MARK PITTMAN INTERLГЌNC ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA [email protected] •Do you think this is a one-time thing, or does God want us to do it whenever we feel anxious? •What does this verse say will happen to us when we respond to anxiety this way? Talk for a bit about the verb “cast” or “casting.” We really only use these words (in the physical motion sense) when we talk about fishing. But even then it’s not a true representation of the word. The more complete meaning is for one to throw. •Why do you think God uses the imagery of “casting” instead of just saying, “Talk to me about them”? •What will God do when we cast our cares on Him? •Why would both our hearts and minds need guarding? The Song •How do you think He does that? Wrap Up Encourage the students to think about the real action and implications of “casting” as they listen to “Cast My Cares” by Tim Timmons. Bible Study Tim identifies three major times when we can feel stressor even immobilized by anxiety or fear: the middle of the night, the middle of the fight, and the middle of the fire. Hand out the Student Guides. Read Psalm 55:22 (NIV preferred). You may want to ask your students what is involved if we are to “cast something.” You can help guide their answers, but hopefully you end up with some of these points. •Identify what needs to be thrown •Choose where you are throwing it •Let go В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 •What is significant about “letting go” or “leaving our cares” with God? Read 1 Peter 5:7. Discuss: •What does trading being “anxious” for being “sustained” mean to you? •Have you experienced that condition that comes from God? •What reason does Peter give us for casting our cares? •What is the importance of casting to someone who cares for us? Read Philippians 4:6. Discuss: •What are we to do instead of being anxious? •And how are we to do it? •What is the prepositional phrase along with that directive? (“with thanksgiving”) •Why is thanksgiving a part of the process? What do you think it does for us? •What kind of peace do we get? Why is it different than what the world considers peace? God is not just some cosmic-psychologist for us to simply share how we feel. God wants our cares thrown at Him. He wants us to bring our anxiety to Him – with prayer and thanksgiving for what He’s already done for us. God is serious about the issue of us carrying anxiety. Whenever we feel anxious, He wants us to bring it to Him, even if we just did the whole process twenty minutes ago. In the middle of the night, in the middle of the fight, in the middle of the fire, God wants us to focus on Him and give Him our cares. He will respond and work on us in the middle of the night, the fight, and the fire. Salvation Segue A “salvation seque” for this study can be found at studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide TIM TIMMONS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: TIM TIMMONS TIMTIMMONSMUSIC.COM CAST MY CARES REUNION RECORDS CAST MY CARES DIFFICULTIES; HOPE WITHIN Psalm 55:22 Why does God want and even ask us to cast our cares on Him? 1 Peter 5:7 What does trading being “anxious” for being “sustained” mean to you? Philippians 4:6 What are we to do instead of being anxious? And how are we to do it? Why do you think God uses the imagery of “casting” instead of just saying, “Talk to me about them”? Have you experienced that from God? What is the prepositional phrase along with that directive? (“with thanksgiving”) Why is thanksgiving a part of the process? What do you think it does for us? What is significant about “letting go” or “leaving our cares” with God? What reason does Peter give us for casting our cares on God? Do you think this is a one-time thing, or does God want us to do it whenever we feel anxious? What will God do when we cast our cares? What does this verse say will happen to us when we respond to anxiety this way? How do you think He does that? What is the importance of casting to someone who cares for us? What kind of peace do we get? Why is it different than what the world considers peace? / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 44 TRICIA Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: TRICIA TRICIAMUSICOFFICIAL.COM RADIATE INPOP RECORDS MIRROR MIRROR JESSICA PARRENT NEW BEGINNINGS NEWTON, ILLINOIS [email protected] The Student Guide and a “Salvation Segue” for this study is available here: studentguides/ylo93 Theme Beauty Objective Girls will understand that they are beautiful creations made by God. Warm Up Makeover! – Ask, “Girls, how much time do you spend in the bathroom getting ready? How much do you worry about what you wear and how you look? How much time do you spend trying to look like the people in magazines? Well, today is your lucky day! We are going to do free makeovers! So, grab a buddy and have a seat on the floor!” One girl needs to do the makeover and one needs to get the makeover. Give the girls a bag that contains makeup, brush, mirror, and hairspray. Have one girl sit in front of another with her back to her friend – so the friend can’t see her face just the back of her hair. Now, the only thing the girls getting the makeover can do is hold the mirror. That’s it. The girls giving the makeover must put makeup on her friend and do her hair until she thinks her friend looks beautiful! When they are done have them switch places so everyone has a time to look beautiful! Be sure to take pictures of your beauties when they are done! Transition Say, “Now, how beautiful do we all feel? How much did that mirror help you? Now we are going to listen to a strong by Tricia called, вЂ�Mirror Mirror’!” The Song Hand out the Student Guides. Say, “While you listen to this song, write down key phrases or ideas that you notice Tricia singing during the song!” Transition Say, “Let’s go back to 1:47 of the song. (Play this section again for the girls.) Tricia says you are вЂ�original, and individual; you are a heart and a soul, a gift from above, a product of love!’ We are going to focus on this part of the song. I could spend all day trying to convince you that you are beautiful! However, we are going to focus on how God made us and how He sees us.” Bible Study Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. God has made us all to be individuals. He doesn’t need or want us to all be the same. •Verse 27: “Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a part of it.” We need to praise each other’s individuality! Take time to go around the group and talk about things that each girl thinks makes her an individual! If she can’t think of anything, let a В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 friend answer! All answers should be kept positive! Read Mathew 10:30. God made us all originals! •What is numbered? •Have you ever tried to count the hairs on your head? God knows how many there are because He knows you that well! That’s how original you are. God took the time to know even the smallest detail about you! Read Psalm 37:4. God has given us a heart and a soul; every heart has different desires! •Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. •Every one of us has special dreams and abilities. God wants to give you those things that He has placed in your heart! Read Jeremiah 1:5. You are a gift from above! •Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. •Do you get that God took time out of His schedule to make you? You are His masterpiece! The same God that made the ocean, the stars, and the world, took time out to make you! He saw you as something worthwhile and put you together just the way you are! Read John 3:16. You are a product of love. •Before you were even an idea to your parents, Jesus, God’s son, got on the cross to die for you. Why? Because He loved you so much that He couldn’t stand to see you die. He wanted you to have the ability to live forever with Him. Read Psalm 139:14. •What is beauty? •Magazine beauty photos are 100% touched up, but the beauty God gives each of us is completely real! Who looks at the stars and says they would be prettier if they twinkled more, or the ocean and thinks they could have done better? No one, because those things are perfect just the way God made them. As are you! No magazine can hold your beauty because God created you to be you! You are fearfully and wonderfully made! By God Himself! Wrap Up Listen to Tricia’s song, “Daughter of the King” and then tell the girls to take a couple quiet minutes to think about the beauty in them, the God who made them, and how they are daughters of the King. The way they look, dress, and act should reflect the beauty He gave them! Conclude by posting papers with each girl’s name on them. Have the girls go around and write what makes each girl beautiful or unique. Tell the girls to keep this as a reminder when they feel less than beautiful to remember God made them all exceptionally beautiful! Student Guide TRICIA Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: TRICIA TRICIAMUSICOFFICIAL.COM RADIATE INPOP RECORDS MIRROR MIRROR BEAUTY The Song As you listen, jot down the ideas and key phrases that you hear Tricia sing. Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the _________________________ , John 3:16 Say it, think about it! and He will give you the _________________________ of your heart. 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 “Now you are the _________________________ of Christ, and each of you is a part of it.” Jeremiah 1:5 Before I _________________________ you in the _________________________ I knew you. Psalm 139:14 What is true beauty? Mathew 10:30 What is numbered? / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 46 W.L.A.K. Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: W.L.A.K. WELIVEASKINGS.COM WE LIVE AS KINGS COLLISION RECORDS (FEAT. ALEX FAITH AND DRE MURRAY) ALL IN NICK WILLIAMS Theme Transition Transition Wrap Up Objective •What is the point of Red Rover? •For the game of Red Rover, which is better: all in, or just part way in? Say, “So obviously this song is about being вЂ�All In’ – hopefully you guys all got that. What does being вЂ�all in’ mean? And can anyone give me an example?” ***If you would like to, you can get some poker chips to use as an object lesson. Poker is one of the easiest ways to picture going “all in.” As the song says, “Staring at my cards I got the best hand, chips down face up and I am all in, I am all in.” The Song Bible Study Salvation Segue Commitment By the end of the lesson, your group should know what “all in” actually means and will evaluate whether they are “all in” or not. Warm Up Red Rover – Everyone should know the rules of this classic childhood. However, here are some twists you can use to make this game more interesting: •Before a player breaks through a line, he or she must make an animal noise. •Players have to dance half of the way to the other side. •Call two names instead of one or two of the rounds. After the game(s) has ended, discuss these questions: •Some people always seem to break through the line. Why is that? Is it because they decided to go “all in” when they ran at the line and didn’t pull back? Hand out the Student Guides and say, “While you’re listening to this song, think of some other areas or ways in life that we can go вЂ�all in.’ Have the students write their answers on the Student Guide. Play W.L.A.K.’s song, “All In” featuring Alex Faith and Dre Murray. It’s about 4:30 long. •Use your imagination and think of some that are relevant to your group! В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 Say, “Now let’s jump into the Bible to see what God says about being вЂ�all in.’ This one verse really sums up being вЂ�all in.’ However, some of you may have to use your imagination to get this one!” Read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. If you have any runners in your group, this verse will make complete sense to them. If you don’t, here is a way to explain it: “If you’re going to actually run a race and put the time into it, then most likely your going to go вЂ�all in.’ If you don’t, then your completely wasting your time! Because who runs a race to lose?” SILVER CREEK CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE OWASSO, OKLAHOMA [email protected] ***If you used a poker chip as an illustration, then that is a good way to end the session. Just finish telling them about that poker chip, and tell them to take it home and put it somewhere they will always see it as a reminder. Otherwise, ask again, “Now what do you think being вЂ�all in’ means? Can you share example of it? How would you know if you’re вЂ�all in’?” Close in prayer. We believe that every time a youth group session or teaching takes place, there is an opportunity to segue and present the Gospel. Greg Stier and our good friends at Dare2Share have written a “salvation segue” for this student which can be found at interlinc-online. com/studentguides/ylo93 Student Guide W.L.A.K. Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: W.L.A.K. WELIVEASKINGS.COM WE LIVE AS KINGS COLLISION RECORDS ALL IN COMMITMENT Red Rover What is the point of Red Rover? (FEAT. ALEX FAITH AND DRE MURRAY) 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Some people always seem to break through the line. Why is that? Is it because they decided to go “all in” when they ran at the line and didn’t pull back? For the game of Red Rover, which is better: all in, or just part way in? The Song While you’re listening to this song, think of some other areas or ways in life we can go “all in.” Write your answers here: NOW what do you think being “all in” means? Can you share an example of it? What does being “all in” mean? Can you give an example? How would you know if you’re “all in”? / 800.725.3300 AD YOUTH PASTORS SPECIAL! Youth Pastor Packs of вЂ�Restart’ now available! NEWSBOYSsTORE.COM Currently on their RESTART 2013 FALL TOUR with FOR KING & COUNTRY, RAPTURE RUCKUS, MORIAH PETERS and CAMPBELL! Find a show near you! NEWSBOYS.COM В© 2013 Capitol Christian Label Group. For Promotional Use Only. Not For Sale. BAN79257 AD Your youth leader has a bunch of these albums that you can borrow. Get one and check out the comparison for yourself! Compa TRD comparison chart Rock Mainstream Artist 3 Doors Down 30 Seconds To Mars Christian Artist Mainstay Southbound Fearing, Future Of Forestry, Since October, Everfound 30H!3 Family Force 5 A Day To Remember Close Your Eyes, These Hearts a latin Dave Matthews Band Salvador Adam Lambert Deas Vail Alter Bridge Abandon Kansas Anberlin Silverline, I Am Empire Arcade Fire Brothers Martin, House Of Heroes, Rend Collective Experment As I Lay Dying Dizmas, War Of Ages Asteria The Classic Crime Avenge Sevenfold Sent By Ravens Avril Lavigne Krystal Meyers, Everlife Bikini Kill Inhabited Blindside Silverline Blink 182 The Send, FM Static Bloc Party Anberlin Breaking Benjamin Nine Lashes Brother Cane Abandon Kansas Cage The Elephant Newworldson Carolina Liar Vota Chevelle Nine Lashes, This City Awaits Citizen Cope Mat Kearney Coheed and Cambria Falling Up Coldplay Brandon Bee, Delirious, Sanctus Real, Petree, Leeland, for KING & COUNTRY, The City Harmonic Comeback Kid Close Your Eyes Copeland Mae, The Afters Counterparts Close Your Eyes Creed Strange Celebrity Crossfade Pillar, Skillet Damone Fireflight Daughtry Sanctus Real, Third Day Dave Matthews Band David Crowder Band Disturbed Pillar Drive By Truckers Todd Agnew Driving East Starfield Dropkick Murphy’s Flatfoot 56 Edwin McCain Casting Crowns Emery Sent By Ravens Eric Clapton Jonny Lang, The Choir Evanesence Plumb Evans Blue Dizmas Fallout Boy Run Kid Run Finger Eleven Skillet Flogging Molly Flatfoot 56 Foo Fighters Fighting Instinct, Southbound Fearing Fort Minor meets Beck John Reuben Fountains Of Wayne Eleventyseven Franz Ferdinand Brothers Martin Funeral For A Friend Falling Up Gin Blossoms Ruth Halifax Pillar Hinder Disciple Hoobastank Circleslide Hurt Day Of Fire Interpol House Of Heroes Jack Johnson Mat Kearney James Taylor The Choir Jason Mraz Shawn McDonald Jeff Beck Robert Randolph And The Family Band Jimmy Eat World Rush Of Fools, Southbound Fearing, Mae, Pioneer, I Am Empire John Butler Trio Robert Randolph And The Family Band John Mayer Shawn McDonald, Jonny Lang, Dave Barnes Jon Foreman Brandon Bee Jon McLaughlin Big Daddy Weave Just Surrender Emery Keane Brandon Bee Kelly Clarkson Barlow Girl Korn The Showdown, Thousand Foot Krutch Lacuna Coil Fireflight Landon Pigg Leeland Lifehouse After Edmund, Building 429 Linkin Park Falling Up Los Lonely Boys Salvador Lostprophets The Classic Crime Maroon 5 David Crowder Band, Starfield Metallica The Showdown MGMT Manic Drive Michelle Branch Krystal Meyers Mudvayne P.O.D. Muse After Edmund My Chemical Romance The Myriad, The Classic Crime New Found Glory Wavorly Nickelback Kutless O.A.R. Esterlyn, Hyper Static Union OK Go Pivitplex One Republic Deas Vail, for KING & COUNTRY, Newsboys Panic! at the Disco Pivitplex Paramore Everlife, The Letter Black, Fireflight Pendulum Family Force 5 Peter Gabriel Petree Peter Yorn Mercyme Phoenix Esterlyn Pink Barlow Girl Poe Plumb Queen meets Weezer Downhere Radiohead Starflyer 59 Rage Against The Machine Thousand Foot Krutch Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Run Kid Run Relient K Pioneer Rob Thomas Todd Agnew Saosin Disciple Saving Abel DecembeRadio Saving Jane Barlow Girl Seether Kutless, Day Of Fire Senses Fail Seventh Day Slumber Sherwood The Afters Shinedown The Wrecking, Decyfer Down Simple Plan Run Kid Run Sister Hazel, Needtobreathe Smile Empty Soul P.O.D. Spoken Silverline Stereo Skyline Eleventyseven Stereophonics, Telecast Stone Temple Pilots Day Of Fire Story Of The Year I Am Empire Sum 41 The Fold Test Your Reflex After Edmund The Airborne Toxic Event Shirock The Bravery This Beautiful Republic The Click Five StorySide:B The Fray Dave Barnes The Friday Night Boys FM Static The Ghost Inside Colossus The Killers The Myriad The Raveonettes Superchick The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Skillet The Script Remedy Drive The Shins Wavorly The Temper Trap Deas Vail The Veils Jars Of Clay The Veronicas Superchick, Krystal Meyers The Vincent Black Shadows Superchick The Wallflowers Third Day Third Eye Blind Switchfoot, Ruth, Strange Celebrity Three Days Grace Nine Lashes, Disciple Train Needtobreathe Trapt Kutless, Thousand Foot Krutch Tsunami Bomb Fireflight U2 Leeland Velvet Revolver Day Of Fire Vertical Horizon Building 429, Mercyme Weezer Switchfoot, Rush Of Fools Wilco Telecast William Tell By The Tree, The Turning Yeah Yeah Yeahs Inhabited Yellowcard Switchfoot Pop/R&B Mainstream Artist Alicia Keys All Star Weekend Amanda Cosgrove Amel Larrieux Amos Lee Amy Grant Amy WInehouse Annie Lennox Aqualung Asher Roth Ashlee Simpson Christian Artist Ayiesha Woods Anthem Lights The Rubyz Mary Mary Jimmy Needham Elizabeth South, Holly Starr, Laura Story Ayiesha Woods Lara Landon Pocket Full of Rocks B. Reith Press Play Augustana Beatles Ben Folds Ben Harper Beyonce Black Eyed Peas Bob Marley Bob Mould Bono Brand New Brandy Bruno Calexico Calvin Harris Cece Winans Chris Brown Christina Perri Colbie Caillat Coldplay Corinne Bailey Rae Daniel Powter Daughtry David Archuleta David Cook David Guetta David Poe Demi Lovato Dispatch Edwin McCain Elliot Yarmin Everlast Fiona Apple Florence And The Machine Gavin DeGraw Gavin Rossdale Gwen Stefani Ingrid Michealson Jay-Z Jack Johnson Jamie Cullum Janet Jackson John Butler Trio John Mayer Jon McLaughlin Justin Bieber Justin Timberlake Katherine McPhee Katy Perry Keith Urban Kelly Clarkson Keri Hilson Kirk Franklin Kris Allen Lady Antebellum Lifehouse Limp Bizkit, Lights Los Lonely Boys Mary J. Blige Matt Kearney Michelle Branch Mitchel Musso Motopony Mumford & Sons Natalie Grant Ne-Yo One Republic Owl City Phish Pink Rascal Flatts Rihanna Rob Thomas Robin Thicke Sara Bareilles Sarah McLachlan Switchfoot The Fray The Script The Ting Tings The Veronicas The Verve Third Eye Blind Train Vanessa Carlton Echoing A Fiction Fam The Swift Coffey And Mandisa Group 1 C Christafari Jeremy Ca Phil Wickh Echoing A Mary Mary Mars Pocket Fu Capital Kin Nicole C. M Press Play Holly Starr Rachel Ch Bluetree, B Ayiesha W Jason Gra Jeremy Ca Matt Mahe Matt Mahe Capital Kin Warren Ba 1 Girl Natio Braddigan Matthew W Jason Gra Coffey And Lara Lando Lara Lando Jonathan P Brandon H Britt Nicole Rachel Ch Jekob Chris Rice Warren Ba Nicole C. M Pocket Fu Phil Wickh Johnny Dia Mission Si Anthem Lig Natalie Gra V. Rose Coffey And Britt Nicole Jade Harre tobyMac Sixteen Ci MercyMe Wayne Ker tobyMac Capital Kin Salvador Mandisa Matt Brouw Jamie Gra Mission Si Braddigan Rend Colle Nicole C. M B. Reith Tenth Aven Capital Kin Braddigan Britt Nicole 33 Miles Jade Harre Nate Sallie B. Reith Rachel Ch Elizabeth S Jon Forem Matt Brouw Wayne K Sixteen Ci Stephanie Stephanie Bluetree Matthew W Jon McLau Meredith A Youth Leaders: Want to know more about interlinc, Youth Leaders Only and how you can get mo arison a Chart Angels, nge Julian Drive mily der derson, Jason Castro Crew i amp ham Ange Angels y ull of o Rocks ngs Mu Mullen y r, Laura Story La han, Jamie Grace Brid BridgeCity Wood Woods ay amp er er ngs arfie arfield on n West Wes ay derson der on on Phillips, Nate Sallie, Warren Barfield Phi Hea Heath e han e arfie arfield Mu Mullen ull of o Rocks ham az ix ights ight ant der derson, 33 Miles e ell ities err Band B ngs wer ace ix n ective ect Mullen Mu nue North ngs n e, Tricia T ell e han South Sou man wer, Nate Sallie, Paul Colman, wer Kerr Band, Jared Anderson ities Smith Sm Smith Sm West Wes ughlin, ugh Matthew West Andrews And TRD comparison chart Hip-Hop/Rap/ Electronica Mainstream Artist 50 Cent Asher Roth B.O.B. B.G. Black Eyed Peas Level 3:16 Bow Wos Bun B Busta Rhymes Chris Brown Common D4L Deepspace5 DJ Khaled DMX Drake Eminem Flo Rida Fort Minor Hybrid Jay-Z John Legend Juelz Santana Jurassic 5 Kanye West Keri Hilson Kid Cudi Kirk Franklin LCD Soundsystem Lil’ Flip Limp Bizkit Linkin Park Lloyd Banks Ludacris Maino Mario MIMS Mos Def Omarion Owl City Prodigy RedCloud Redman Rick Ross T Pain T.I. The Fugees The Roots Timbaland Tre Songz Wu Tang Young Buck Young Jeezy Yung L.A Christian Artist Da T.R.U.T.H. Eric Cross Young Chozen Flame L.A. Symphony, The Washington Projects, Eric Cross Pettidee Flame Dijon, Press Play Grits, Phanatik, Propaganda & Odd Thomas T-Bone Urban D. Mark J Pettidee Canton Jones, Andy Mineo KJ-52, Urban D., Propaganda Brinson, Mr Talkbox Cross Movement, KJ-52 Andy Hunter The Washington Projects Liquid T-Bone Cross Movement, L.A. Symphony W.L.A.K. The Washington Projects, Jekob Grits, Phanatik Level 3:16 Andy Hunter Flame Manafest Manafest Braille Canton Jones, The Ambassador, Trip Lee Kaboose Dijon The Ambassador Othello, Propaganda & Odd Thomas Dijon Owl City Soul P L.A. Symphony Soul P Json Mr Talkbox 116, Lecrae, T-Bone, Trip Lee, Json Level 3:16, The Washington Projects Alert312 Brinson, Mark J Canton Jones Cross Movement 116, Lecrae Da T.R.U.T.H. Trip Lee Punk/Hardcore Mainstream Artist 3 Doors Down 30 Seconds To Mars A Change of Pace A Skylit Drive AFI Angels & Airwaves Apocalyptica Atreyu Attack Attack! Avenged Sevenfold B-52’s Band Of Horses Blessthefall Blink 182 Botch Boys Like Girls Cartel Daughtry Death Cab For Cutie Dropkick Murphys Christian Artist Everyday Sunday Since October Number One Gun Chasing Victory Since October Spoken I Am Terrified Underoath At The Onset Spoken Children 18:3 My Epic Chasing Victory Hawk Nelson, Stellar Kart Underoath Nevertheless Nevertheless Decyfer Down Mourning September Flatfoot 56 Drowning Pool Eighteen Visions Explosions In The Sky Fall Out Boy meets the Beach Boys Fallout Boy Flogging Molly and Mumford & Sons Funeral For A Friend Good Charlotte Halifax Hellogoodbye Hinder Hurt Jimmy Eat World Fearing Machine Head Manchester Orchestra Matchbox Romance Misery Signal Motorhead My Chemical Romance New Found Glory NOFX Norma Jean Pennywise Plain WHite T’s Queens Of The Stone Age Rage Rancid Saosin Sparks The Rescue Story of the Year The Agony Scene The Almost Third Eye Blind Three Days Grace Thrice Unwritten Law Wavorly Weezer Zao I Am Terrified Subseven Your Memorial Relient K Mourning September Flatfoot 56 Mourning September Stellar Kart Subseven Hawk Nelson At The Onset Red Nevertheless, A Love Not Lost, Southbound Demon Hunter Sons Subseven Your Memorial Children 18:3 Flyleaf, My Epic Stellar Kart Sick Of Change Underoath Sick Of Change Relient K Project 86 Project 86 Children 18:3 I Am Empire Sullivan Everyday Sunday Demon Hunter Hawk Nelson Red Decyfer Down I Am Empire, Sons Red I Am Empire Stellar Kart Demon Hunter Worship Mainstream Artist Ani Defranco Anna Nalick Aqualung Ben Harper Ben Rector Coldplay Copeland Death Cabe For Cutie Demi Lovato Elliot Yamin Eric Clapton Hillsong United James Morrison Jason Mraz Lifehouse McMillian Michael Buble MUSE One Republic One Sonic Society Peter Yorn Shawn McDonald Shinedown Siger Ros Snow Patrol Sufjan Stevens Switchfoot The Killers The Script The Tragically Hip Train U2 Vertical Horizon or ore music and media tools for your ministry? Check us out at Christian Artist Bethany Dillon Bethany Dillon Tree 63 Shane & Shane Shane & Shane Desperation Band, BridgeCity, Martin Smith Kristian Stanfill Kristian Stanfill Worth Dying For Chris Tomlin Brenton Brown Know Hope Collective Matt Papa Tim Timmons Aaron Shust, Hillsong United Roger Williams & The All Mixed Up Quartet Joel Engle Gungor Desperation Band Jeff Deyo Planetshakers Brenton Brown Generation Unleashed Gungor Jason Morant Gungor Desperation Band Elevation Worship Generation Unleashed Matt Papa Lincoln Brewster Jason Morant, Kristian Stanfill, Jeremy Hartshorn Fee, Planetshakers, Elevation Worship Jeremy Hartshorn >> Page 52ANNUAL THEMATIC LISTING You are holding in your hands the Annual Thematic Listing Index! This fantastic resource allows you to reference all the Biblical themes associated with all the songs on the CD’s/Download Cards and DVD’s (over 600 songs) in the Youth Leaders Only boxes Abortion Holly Starr (MVL82 page 60) Focus Through My Father’s Eyes Tricia (YLO93 page 32) Radiate Mirror Mirror Json Braille Secrets (Part 2) (feat. J.R.) Andy Mineo Heroes For Sale Bitter Southbound Fearing Bad Dreams And Melodies Slander Acceptance Plumb Need You Now Unlovable Spoken Illusion Accuser Addiction Json Braille Intoxicated (feat. Lori of C.B.F) Adoption Artist Album Title Song Beauty Flyleaf New Horizons Stand These Hearts Yours To Take The Inconvenience Abuse How they are listed: Theme and on the Music Video Loops of this past school year (YLO 90, 91, 92, 93 and MVL 79, 80, 81, 82). The songs listed in red type have complete Bible study sessions written for them which can be found in their respective YLO and MVL Resource Books. Jason Truby (YLO90 page 28, MVL79 page 14) Grafted “An Adoption Album” A Chance At Life Jessica Mack Grafted “An Adoption Album” Broken But Beautiful Sonny Sandavol (P.O.D.) Grafted “An Adoption Album” Worth Living Steve Dean Grafted “An Adoption Album” Because Of You (I Have A Home) The Roys Grafted “An Adoption Album” Everything I Ever Wanted Anger; Righteous Decyfer Down Scarecrow Westboro Attitude Spoken (MVL81 page 32) Illusion Through It All Authenticity RED (YLO91 page 35) Release The Panic Perfect Life Stephanie Smith ConGRADulations! Class of 2013 If You Really Want The World To Change Betrayal Brokenness Decyfer Down Scarecrow Memory Hawk Nelson Made Every Beat Of My Broken Heart Newsboys Restart Disaster Rend Collective Campfire Alabaster The City Harmonic Heart Alive, Alive Celebration Brinson No Other Heroes No Name (feat. Cstraight) Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Celebrate You (feat. Monty G) Group 1 Crew Fearless Goin Down Child Of God 1 Girl Nation 1 Girl Nation Live For You W.L.A.K. We Live As Kings King In Me Choices Andy Mineo Heroes For Sale Uno Uno Seis (ft. Lecrae) Southbound Fearing Bad Dreams And Melodies Control Backsliding These Hearts Yours To Take War В© 2013 interlГnc / interlГЌ / 800.725.3300 The Resource Book and page number for these studies are listed after the artist’s name. For a comprehensive list of the Scripture verses for each theme, point your web browser to the “What The Bible Says About...”( and type in the theme. The Church Rend Collective (MVL79 page 20) Homemade Worship By Handmade People Build Your Kingdom Here Shane & Shane Bring Your Nothing The One You’ll Find Comfort Jamie Grace ConGRADulations! Class of 2013 Hold Me (Feat. TobyMac) Commitment 1 Girl Nation 1 Girl Nation Invade Capital Kings Capital Kings All The Way Elevation Worship Nothing Is Wasted I Have Decided Elevation Worship Nothing Is Wasted Let Go Planetshakers Limitless Rise Up Stellart Kart (MVL82 page 32, YLO 93 page 28) ALL IN All In (Apologize) W.L.A.K. (YLO93 page 33) We Live As Kings All In (feat. Alex Faith & Dre Murray) Communion Brenton Brown God My Rock Jesus My Victory (Communion Song) Compassion Audio Adrenaline (YLO92 page 23, MVL80 page 12) Kings & Queens Kings & Queens Matthew West (YLO90 page 23) The Story Of Your Life (DVD) My Own Little World Newsboys Restart That’s How You Change The World Southbound Fearing Bad Dreams And Melodies Vale Tudo Complacency Pioneer (YLO90 page 24) Pioneer Dreams Confidence; In Christ Andy Mineo Heroes For Sale Cocky Andy Mineo Heroes For Sale Superhuman Building 429 (YLO92 page 25) We Won’t Be Shaken We Won’t Be Shaken Jeremy Camp Reckless Shine Silverline Lights Out Hold On Tim Timmons Cast My Cares I Will Follow Love Conflict RED Release The Panic Die For You Silverline Lights Out War Contentment The Afters Life is Beautiful Breathe In, Breathe Out forKING&COUNTRY(YLO90page19) Crave Fine Fine Life Json Growing Pains It’s Alright Tricia (MVL82 page 48) Radiate Enough Lyric Video Tricia Radiate Enough Consistency Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Every Day of My Life Conversion Brinson No Other Heroes All The Way (feat. Champ) Press Play #LITO Android Courage Capital Kings Capital Kings Paradigm Group 1 Crew Fearless Dangerous << Page ANNUAL 53 THEMATIC LISTING Project 86 (MVL81 page 24) Wait For The Siren Fall Goliath Fall Tim Timmons Cast My Cares Holy Unafraid Creation Gungor A Creation Liturgy (Live) Let There Be Press Play #LITO Wonder Struck Dating; Ungodly This City Awaits …Said The Liar Farther Away Death Colossus Time & Eternal Dirge Deceit Lecrae (MVL81 page 20) Gravity Fakin’ (feat. Thi’sl) Propaganda Excellent Precious Puritans (feat. KO the chelloboxer) Decisions Andy Mineo (YLO92 page 22) Heroes For Sale Tug Of War (ft. Krizz Kaliko) Spoken Illusion Tonight Dependence Spoken Illusion More Than You Know Determination Building 429 We Won’t Be Shaken Get Up Json Growing Pains We Not Folding Pioneer Pioneer A King In Rags Rend Collective Campfire Movement The City Harmonic Heart Long Walk Home Tricia Radiate Different Devotion Discipline For KING & COUNTRY ConGRADulations! Class of 2013 Middle Of Your Heart TobyMac (MVL80 page 6) Eye On It Eye On It Rend Collective Campfire Desert Soul Tricia Radiate Everything As Loss Flame (MVL79 page 22) The 6th Let Go (feat. DecembeRadio) Salvador Make Some Noise Not Alone Decyfer Down Scarecrow Worst Enemy Press Play #LITO I Choose Shane & Shane Bring Your Nothing Crucify Him Devotion; Seeking God Distractions Difficulties; Comfort In Double-Minded Difficulties; Discouragement Hawk Nelson Made Through The Fire Skillet Rise Everything Goes Black Difficulties; Hope Within The Afters Life is Beautiful Broken Hallelujah Elevation Worship (YLO91 page 22) Nothing Is Wasted Nothing Is Wasted Jason Castro (MVL82 page 54) Only A Mountain Rise To You Json Growing Pains Behind The Clouds Tim Timmons (YLO93 page 31) Cast My Cares Cast My Cares War Of Ages (MVL80 page 36) Return To Life Silent Night Doubt Sons Keep Quiet Doubt Emotions Pioneer Pioneer Catharsis RED (MVL81 page 6) Release The Panic Release The Panic Emptiness I Am Empire Anchors Labor I Am Empire Anchors The Mastermind Is Me Tricia Radiate Pity Party Encouragement Disciple O God Save Us All O God Save Us All The City Harmonic Heart Take Heart Tricia Radiate Radiate Json Braille Play My Song (feat. Flame) Jekob Faith Hope Love Don’t Let Go Rend Collective Campfire The Cost Building 429 We Won’t Be Shaken Where I Belong Capital Kings Capital Kings Living For The Other Side Difficulties; Trials Discernment Discipleship; Cost Of Endurance Eternal vs. Temporal Disciple O God Save Us All Someday RED (MVL82 page 30) Release The Panic Perfect Life Rend Collective (YLO93 page 26) Campfire You Are My Vision Stellar Kart ALL IN Criminals And Kings W.L.A.K. We Live As Kings ABNY (Marty McFly) Eternity; Eternal Life Shane & Shane Bring Your Nothing In A Little While Your Memorial Redirect Eternity Evangelism Alert213 Of Vice & Virtue Supreme Json Braille Stars (feat. Demond) Lecrae (MVL79 page 18, MVL81 page 44) Gravity Tell The World (feat Mali Music) Newsboys Restart Fishers Of Men Stellar Kart ALL IN Ones And Zeros Evangelism; God’s Representatives 1 Girl Nation 1 Girl Nation Love Like Crazy Alert213 Of Vice & Virtue Jaime Brenton Brown God My Rock Send Us Out Building 429 We Won’t Be Shaken Bonfire Everfound Everfound Torch I Am Empire Anchors All Around Me Now В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 How they are listed: Theme Artist Album Title Song >> Page 54ANNUAL THEMATIC LISTING You are holding in your hands the Annual Thematic Listing Index! This fantastic resource allows you to reference all the Biblical themes associated with all the songs on the CD’s/Download Cards and DVD’s (over 600 songs) in the Youth Leaders Only boxes Jared Anderson Narrow Road Go Ye Owl City (MVL80 page 10) The Midsummer Station ConGRADulations! Class of 2013 Shooting Star The City Harmonic (YLO93 page 20) Heart A City On A Hill Young Chozen (MVL80 page 32) Class President Class President Evangelism; Urgency Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (YLO92 page 16) My Hope America (DVD) Jared Anderson Narrow Road 35 Lines Evangelism; Witnessing How they are listed: Theme Artist Album Title Song Andy Mineo Heroes For Sale You Will Audio Adrenaline King & Queens I Climb The Mountain Brinson No Other Heroes Shoulda Toldem Everfound Everfound Take This City Press Play #LITO NY2LA Salvador Make Some Noise Make Some Noise Faith Building 429 We Won’t Be Shaken All I’m Holding Everfound Everfound God Of The Impossible for KING & COUNTRY Crave Light It Up Group 1 Crew Fearless Steppin Out Jason Castro Only A Mountain I Believe and on the Music Video Loops of this past school year (YLO 90, 91, 92, 93 and MVL 79, 80, 81, 82). The songs listed in red type have complete Bible study sessions written for them which can be found in their respective YLO and MVL Resource Books. The Resource Book and page number for these studies are listed after the artist’s name. For a comprehensive list of the Scripture verses for each theme, point your web browser to the “What The Bible Says About...”( and type in the theme. Jason Castro (YLO92 page 28) Only A Mountain Only A Mountain Newsboys Restart We Believe Shane & Shane Bring Your Nothing Eyes On You Shane & Shane Bring Your Nothing Faith To Believe Skillet Rise My Religion Rhett Walker Band (MVL79 page 32) Come To The River Gonna Be Alright This City Awaits (YLO92 page 35) …Said The Liar Hold Still The Afters Life is Beautiful Believe (Waiting for an Answer) Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival I Shall Not Be Moved (feat. Solomon Jabby, Vanessa Mardueno) Jekob Faith Hope Love Boom Shaka Laka Silverline (YLO92 page 31) Lights Out Too Far Gone Sons Keep Quiet Believe In Something Hannah Watson Grafted “An Adoption Album” Hold On Me Your Memorial Redirect Legacy Faith; Assurance Faith; When Weak Remedy Drive Resuscitate Hold On The City Harmonic Heart Love, Heal Me Faith; Within Trials Building 429 We Won’t Be Shaken Press On Group 1 Crew Fearless Darkest Valley (feat. Flame & Thomas Ware) Jekob Faith Hope Love Dreams Jekob Faith Hope Love The Test Remedy Drive Resuscitate Crystal Sea В© 2013 interlГnc / interlГЌ / 800.725.3300 Faithfulness Jeremy Camp Reckless Without You Fame Flyleaf New Horizons Cage On The Ground Family; Love For Family; Parents The Afters Life is Beautiful This Life Json Growing Pains Parent Me Newsboys Restart That Home Propaganda Excellent I Aint Got an Answer (feat. Sho Baraka) Fear Of God Spoken Illusion Shadow Over Me Fear Group 1 Crew Fearless Fearless Tricia Radiate What I Know Fellowship Disciple O God Save Us All The One Group 1 Crew Fearless Freq Dat Plumb (MVL81 page 30) Need You Now One Drop Forgiveness BridgeCity BridgeCity Forgiven Building 429 We Won’t Be Shaken Blameless Flatfoot 56 (MVL82 page 46) Toil I Believe It Gungor A Creation Liturgy (Live) We Will Run/He Is Here Hawk Nelson (YLO92 page 26) Made A Million Miles Away Jason Castro Only A Mountain Starting Line Jeremy Camp Reckless Free RED Release The Panic If We Only TobyMac (MVL79 page 12) Eye On It Forgiveness (feat. Lecrae) Freedom Jared Anderson Narrow Road I Am Free Friendship; Confrontation These Hearts Yours To Take Undecided Story Friendship; Joy Of Owl City (YLO89 Special Section, MVL79 page 10) The Midsummer Station Good Time (feat. Carly Rae Jepsen) Friendship; Support Decyfer Down Scarecrow Say Hello Glorifying God Brinson No Other Heroes Tebowin’ Propaganda Excellent Raise The Banner Remedy Drive Resuscitate Glory << Page ANNUAL 55 THEMATIC LISTING God’s Attributes Brenton Brown God My Rock Everlasting God BridgeCity BridgeCity God Is Love Cristafari (YLO90 page 17) Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Everlasting God Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains King Of Worlds God’s Beauty Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains Perfection Of Beauty God’s Blessing Planetshakers Limitless O My Heart Sings Tricia Radiate Without You God’s Character Desperation Band (MVL79 page 28) Center Of It All Wonderful The City Harmonic Heart Glory The City Harmonic Heart Here and There Salvador Make Some Noise Deeper In Love God’s Comfort RED Release The Panic Hold Me Now God’s Creation Gungor A Creation Liturgy (Live) The Earth is Yours God’s Eternal Nature Elevation Worship Nothing Is Wasted Unchanging God Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains Eternity God’s Faithfulness 1 Girl Nation 1 Girl Nation Daddy’s Girl BridgeCity BridgeCity Let Faith Arise Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Faithful One (feat. Tiago Costa) Elevation Worship Nothing Is Wasted Lift Us Out for KING & COUNTRY (MVL81 page 26) Crave Busted Heart (Hold On To Me) Gungor A Creation Liturgy (Live) Spotless/You Have Me Hawk Nelson Made Faithful Martin Smith God’s Great Dance Floor Waiting Here For You Planetshakers Limitless This One Thing RED Release The Panic Glass House Stellar Kart ALL IN Just Like You God’s Forgiveness Decyfer Down Scarecrow Some Things Never Change Jared Anderson Narrow Road Call On The Name Of The Lord Pioneer Pioneer Better Days Shane & Shane (YLO93 page 27) Bring Your Nothing That’s How You Forgive God’s Glory Brenton Brown God My Rock Glorious BridgeCity BridgeCity Show Us Your Glory Brinson No Other Heroes Most Importantly Building 429 We Won’t Be Shaken All The Glory The City Harmonic (MVL79 page 16) I Have A Dream (It Feels LIke Home) Mountaintop Tim Timmons Cast My Cares For Your Glory God’s Greatness BridgeCity BridgeCity Beyond Wonder Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Great Things/Psalm 126 (feat. Avion Blackman) Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival He is Greater than I (feat. Avion Blackman Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival How Great Is Our God (feat, Avion Blackman, Jennifer Howland) Elevation Worship Nothing Is Wasted Great in Us Jekob Faith Hope Love Burn Me Out MercyMe (MVL80 page 20) Hurt & The Healer You Are I Am W.L.A.K. We Live As Kings YHWH God’s Guidance Brinson No Other Heroes Chase God God’s Holiness Gungor A Creation Liturgy (Live) Brother Moon God’s Judgment Alert213 Of Vice & Virtue Damn God’s Leading Audio Adrenaline King & Queens He Moves You Move for KING & COUNTRY Crave Middle Of Your Heart Martin Smith God’s Great Dance Floor Safe In Your Arms Tim Timmons Cast My Cares It’s Your Revolution God’s Love Brenton Brown God My Rock How He Loves BridgeCity BridgeCity Can You Feel Brinson No Other Heroes Nobody (feat. ReadyWriter, Martay) Elevation Worship (MVL81 page 50) Nothing Is Wasted Open Up Our Eyes Everfound Everfound What Love Means Flyleaf New Horizons Great Love Group 1 Crew (MVL81 page 34) Fearless His Kind of Love Hawk Nelson Made Elevator Jekob Faith Hope Love John 3:16 Jeremy Camp Reckless The Way You Love Me Newsboys (MVL80 page 14) God’s Not Dead Your Love Never Fails Planetshakers Limitless Great Is Your Love Remedy Drive Resuscitate Don’t Forget Salvador Make Some Noise Este Corito Salvador (YLO92 page 30) Make Some Noise Higher Love Southbound Fearing (MVL82 page 56) Bad Dreams And Melodies The Love That Never Fails Stellar Kart ALL IN Before And After This City Awaits …Said The Liar Focus Tricia Radiate Daughter Of The King Willet Grafted “An Adoption Album” Love On The Outside Your Memorial Redirect Anthem В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 How they are listed: Theme Artist Album Title Song >> Page 56ANNUAL THEMATIC LISTING You are holding in your hands the Annual Thematic Listing Index! This fantastic resource allows you to reference all the Biblical themes associated with all the songs on the CD’s/Download Cards and DVD’s (over 600 songs) in the Youth Leaders Only boxes God’s Mercy Brenton Brown God My Rock Our God Is Mercy Sons Keep Quiet Masters Of The Flattery God’s Plan Building 429 We Won’t Be Shaken Best and Worst Geoff Moore Grafted “An Adoption Album” Swept-Away Phil Keaggy Grafted “An Adoption Album” Life Is Good Planetshakers Limitless I’m Gonna Praise Tiffany Thornton Grafted “An Adoption Album” Bring Love To Me God’s Power How they are listed: Theme Artist Album Title Song Andy Mineo Heroes For Sale Ex Nihilo (ft. Christon Gray) BridgeCity (YLO92 page 24) BridgeCity Power Jared Anderson Narrow Road Great I Am Newsboys Restart One Word Planetshakers (MVL80 page 24) Limitless Limitless Press Play #LITO Force Of Nature The City Harmonic Heart Strong God’s Presence The Afters Life is Beautiful With You Always Capital Kings (YLO91 page 21, MVL80 page 30, MVL81 page 40) Capital Kings You’ll Never Be Alone Group 1 Crew (MVL79 page 8) Fearless He Said (feat. Chris August) Elevation Worship Nothing Is Wasted In Your Presence and on the Music Video Loops of this past school year (YLO 90, 91, 92, 93 and MVL 79, 80, 81, 82). The songs listed in red type have complete Bible study sessions written for them which can be found in their respective YLO and MVL Resource Books. Elevation Worship Nothing Is Wasted We’re Not Alone RED Release The Panic So Far Away Rend Collective Campfire Kumbaya Sons Keep Quiet Sea of Glass Southbound Fearing Bad Dreams And Melodies I Heard The River Spoken (YLO91 page 37) Illusion Stand Alone Stellar Kart ALL IN Never Left Your Side Tim Timmons Cast My Cares You Remain God’s Promises Elevation Worship (MVL82 page 58) Nothing Is Wasted Nothing Is Wasted Group 1 Crew (YLO90 page 20) Fearless He Said (feat. Chris August) Remedy Drive Resuscitate Make It Bright God’s Protection Brinson No Other Heroes Bodyguard Caitlin Evanson Grafted “An Adoption Album” Silently Going Under Group 1 Crew Fearless Forsaken Out God’s Provision BridgeCity BridgeCity Be Still And Know Hawk Nelson Made Outside The Lines Jared Anderson Narrow Road According To His Word Southbound Fearing (YLO91 page 36) Bad Dreams And Melodies Something Greater В© 2013 interlГnc / interlГЌ / 800.725.3300 The Resource Book and page number for these studies are listed after the artist’s name. For a comprehensive list of the Scripture verses for each theme, point your web browser to the “What The Bible Says About...”( and type in the theme. God’s Pursuit Audio Adrenaline King & Queens Seeker God’s Revelation Hawk Nelson Made Anyone But You God’s Sovereignty BridgeCity BridgeCity Our God Reigns Jekob Faith Hope Love In Your Hands W.L.A.K. We Live As Kings Reign Is Coming Your Memorial Redirect Trial and Triumph God’s Strength Martin Smith God’s Great Dance Floor You Carry Me Remedy Drive Resuscitate Lost Cause God’s Sufficiency Cheri Keaggy Grafted “An Adoption Album” Hello, God Decyfer Down Scarecrow So In Love Jared Anderson Narrow Road Behold Your God Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains Come Alive Press Play #LITO I Can Breathe Shane & Shane Bring Your Nothing Bring Your Nothing Shane & Shane Bring Your Nothing Though You Slay Me Skillet Rise Hard To Find God’s Will Json Growing Pains Goodbye Your Memorial (YLO90 page 29) Redirect Redirect Gospel, The Brinson (YLO90 page 16) No Other Heroes Hit The Floor Jared Anderson Narrow Road Narrow Road Grace Everfound (YLO91 page 23) Everfound Never Beyond Repair Flyleaf New Horizons Saving Grace Grief; Comfort In Colossus Time & Eternal Bereavement This City Awaits …Said The Liar Yet There Is Life Growth Pioneer Pioneer Reaching Thousand Foot Krutch (MVL81 page 18) The End Is Where We Begin War Of Change Healing Bluetree (MVL79 page 34) Kingdom Jesus Healer Colossus (YLO93 page 21) Time & Eternal Approaching The Throne MercyMe (MVL79 page 24) The Hurt & The Healer The Hurt & The Healer Spoken Illusion Illusion Heaven; Longing For Capital Kings Capital Kings Ready For Home Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Song of Hope/Heaven Come Down (feat. Dominic Balli) Jason Castro Only A Mountain Runaway Jeremy Camp Reckless Paradise << Page ANNUAL 57 THEMATIC LISTING Json Braille Passing (feat. Serge & K.B.) Holy Spirit Planetshakers Limitless Rain Tim Timmons Cast My Cares Christ In Me Hope 1 Girl Nation 1 Girl Nation Count Your Rainbow Disciple O God Save Us All Outlaws Flyleaf (YLO91 page 24) New Horizons New Horizons for KING & COUNTRY Crave Crave I Am Empire Anchors Sing Flyleaf (MVL80 page 8) New Horizons New Horizons Jekob Faith Hope Love Hope For Us All Jeremy Camp Reckless We Need Plumb Need You Now Drifting Remedy Drive Resuscitate God I Hope So Salvador Make Some Noise God Of Forever Silverline Lights Out Something Better Tricia Radiate Love Will Not Let Go Humility Andy Mineo (MVL81 page 36) Heroes For Sale Ayo Brenton Brown God My Rock Humble King Martin Smith God’s Great Dance Floor Shepherd Boy Hypocrisy Alert213 (YLO92 page 21) Of Vice & Virtue Kill the Elephants Idolatry Colossus Time & Eternal Counterfeit Kingdoms Immorality Alert213 Of Vice & Virtue Babble Insecurity Jason Castro Only A Mountain Enough Inspiration Andy Mineo Heroes For Sale Caught Dreaming (ft. for KING & COUNTRY) Tricia Radiate Good To Be A Girl Integrity Alert312 (MVL82 page 50) Of Vice & Virtue Vice Versa Jesus Brenton Brown God My Rock Word Of God Jesus; Death (The Cross) Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Agnus Dei (feat. David Fohe from Imisi) Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Resolute/Old Rugged Cross/At the Cross (feat. Avion Blackman) Planetshakers (MVL81 page 42) Limitless The Anthem Jesus; Lordship Gungor A Creation Liturgy (Live) Dry Bones Jared Anderson Narrow Road When The King Comes Martin Smith (YLO92 page 29) God’s Great Dance Floor Jesus of Nazareth Rend Collective Campfire Build Your Kingdom Here Shane & Shane Bring Your Nothing Without Jesus Jesus; Return Andy Mineo Heroes For Sale Death Has Died Andy Mineo Heroes For Sale Take Me Alive Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival He is Coming (feat. Sherwin Gardner) Jared Anderson Narrow Road The King Is Coming Sons Keep Quiet Retribution W.L.A.K. We Live As Kings Arena Jesus’ Sacrifice Everfound Everfound Hurt Rend Collective Campfire You Bled Shane & Shane Bring Your Nothing You Loved My Heart To Death Joy Group 1 Crew Fearless Night Of My Life Json Growing Pains My Joy Newsboys Restart Go Glow Press Play #LITO Love Audio Press Play #LITO Snap A Picture Rend Collective Campfire Come On Judging Decyfer Down Scarecrow Scarecrow Life; Purpose/Meaning Colossus Time & Eternal Superficial Savior Newsboys (YLO93 page 24) Restart Live With Abandon The Afters (MVL82 page 40) Life Is Beautiful Life Is Beautiful The Afters Life is Beautiful Moments Like This Andy Mineo Heroes For Sale The Saints (ft. KB, Trip Lee) Everfound Everfound Unless Group 1 Crew Fearless The Difference Hawk Nelson Made What I’m Looking For Jeremy Camp (YLO91 page 27, MVL81 page 22) Reckless Reckless Newsboys (MVL82 page 38) Restart Live With Abandon Ridenature (YLO91 page 20) Purpose Film (DVD) Skillet Rise American Noise Loneliness I Am Empire Anchors Blackout Loss Plumb Need You Now I Want You Here Plumb Need You Now Say Your Name Love The Afters (YLO92 page 20) Life is Beautiful What We’re Here For The City Harmonic Heart Live Love for KING & COUNTRY (MVL79 page 4) Crave The Proof Of Your Love Hawk Nelson Made Love Like That Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains Love Is Who You Are W.L.A.K. We Live As Kings WLAQ В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 How they are listed: Theme Artist Album Title Song >> Page 58ANNUAL THEMATIC LISTING You are holding in your hands the Annual Thematic Listing Index! This fantastic resource allows you to reference all the Biblical themes associated with all the songs on the CD’s/Download Cards and DVD’s (over 600 songs) in the Youth Leaders Only boxes Love; Committed Stu Garrard (Delirious?) Grafted “An Adoption Album” Eyes Tim Timmons Cast My Cares Let’s Be Beautiful Love; For God Skillet Rise Fire And Fury The City Harmonic Heart My Jesus, I Love Thee Love; Romantic Disciple O God Save Us All Trade A Moment Flyleaf New Horizons Broken Wings for KING & COUNTRY Crave Love’s To Blame How they are listed: Theme Artist Album Title Song for KING & COUNTRY Crave People Change Gungor A Creation Liturgy (Live) You are the Beauty Hawk Nelson Made Fighting For I Am Empire Anchors Gravity Bomb Jason Castro Only A Mountain Good Love Skillet Rise Good To Be Alive The Afters Life is Beautiful Love is in the Air These Hearts Yours To Take Miserable W.L.A.K. We Live As Kings Eyes For You and on the Music Video Loops of this past school year (YLO 90, 91, 92, 93 and MVL 79, 80, 81, 82). The songs listed in red type have complete Bible study sessions written for them which can be found in their respective YLO and MVL Resource Books. Love; Sacrificial 1 Girl Nation 1 Girl Nation In The Eyes Jekob Faith Hope Love If I Ruled The World Newsboys Restart Love Like I Mean It Love; Unconditional Capital Kings Capital Kings Be There Capital Kings Capital Kings Born To Love Jekob (YLO91 page 26) Faith Hope Love Love Is All Plumb Need You Now I Don’t Deserve You Manhood Propaganda Excellent Don’t Listen To Me, (What Do I Know?) Propaganda Excellent Redefine Clutter Sons Keep Quiet Under The Sun Marriage Andy Mineo Heroes For Sale Still Bleeding (ft. Co Campbell) The City Harmonic Heart 1+1 Group 1 Crew Fearless Mr. & Mrs. (Do This For You) Json Growing Pains Held It Down Plumb Need You Now Beautiful Plumb Need You Now Chocolate & Ice Cream Propaganda Excellent Be Present These Hearts Yours To Take Never Mind Me В© 2013 interlГnc / interlГЌ / 800.725.3300 The Resource Book and page number for these studies are listed after the artist’s name. For a comprehensive list of the Scripture verses for each theme, point your web browser to the “What The Bible Says About...”( and type in the theme. Materialism Flyleaf New Horizons Bury Your Heart Maturity Json Braille Benjamin Button Pioneer Pioneer Coming Of Age Missions Andy Mineo Heroes For Sale Wild Things Motivation These Hearts (YLO93 page 29) Yours To Take This Is Love Needy People Skillet Rise Freakshow Perseverance; Endurance Json Braille Braille (feat. Lori of C.B.F) Perspective for KING & COUNTRY Crave Pushing The Door The Rocket Summer (MVL80 page 22) Life Will Write The Words Just For A Moment Spoken Illusion Remember The Day Power Alert213 Of Vice & Virtue Caesar V. Rose (MVL82 page 44) V. Rose Battery (Feat. Flame) Positive Attitude Obedience Southbound Fearing Bad Dreams And Melodies Bad Dreams And Melodies Tricia Radiate Adding Up To A Miracle Peace 1 Girl Nation 1 Girl Nation Vertical Plumb (YLO91 page 30) Need You Now Need You Now Perseverance Alert213 Of Vice & Virtue Dragon Bragging Newsboys Restart Enemy Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival To Obey Json Braille Work (feat. Spec) Silverline Lights Out Be Still Spoken Illusion Calm The Storm RED ConGRADulations! Class of 2013 Who We Are Southbound Fearing Bad Dreams And Melodies Hold Fast Salvador Make Some Noise Inside Out Skillet Rise Not Gonna Die Stellar Kart ALL IN Nowhere To Go But Up Switchfoot ConGRADulations! Class of 2013 Dark Horses This City Awaits …Said The Liar White Ambulance Prayer Pride Priorities Finding Favour (MVL79 page 36) Slip On By single Slip On By lyric video Procrastination Stellar Kart ALL IN Time’s Not Waiting Prodigal The Afters Life is Beautiful Find Your Way Regret Json Growing Pains Credits Roll << Page ANNUAL 59 THEMATIC LISTING Relationships Andy Mineo Heroes For Sale Shallow (ft. Swoope) Capital Kings Capital Kings Tell Me Everfound Everfound Somewhere New for KING & COUNTRY Crave Missing Group 1 Crew Fearless Not The End Of Me Jason Castro Only A Mountain If It’s Love Plumb Need You Now At Arm’s Length These Hearts Yours To Take Birds Of A Feather These Hearts Yours To Take Last Man Alive These Hearts Yours To Take LOTR Renewal 1 Girl Nation 1 Girl Nation Turn Around Abandon Kansas (MVL80 page 26) Turn It To Gold digital single Turn It To Gold Brinson No Other Heroes Not Too Far (feat. Niki Dawson, Rossi) Building 429 We Won’t Be Shaken Set A Fire for KING & COUNTRY Crave Sane Gungor (YLO91 page 25) A Creation Liturgy (Live) Beautiful Things Jeremy Camp Reckless Come Alive Martin Smith God’s Great Dance Floor Fire Never Sleeps Propaganda Excellent Lofty (feat. Beautiful Eulogy, Joel) Remedy Drive Resuscitate Better Than Life Remedy Drive (YLO90 page 26) Resuscitate Resuscitate Me Rend Collective Campfire Second Chance Your Memorial Redirect Transform Restoration Jason Castro Only A Mountain Stay This Way Jeff Deyo (YLO90 page 22) Moving Mountains Rescue Me Jeremy Camp Reckless Reign Me In Martin Smith (MVL82 page 42) God’s Great Dance Floor Back To The Start Martin Smith God’s Great Dance Floor Catch Every Teardrop Pioneer Pioneer Long Way Home Remedy Drive Resuscitate What Are We Waiting For Silverline Lights Out Never Looking Back Southbound Fearing Bad Dreams And Melodies The Only Revival Building 429 We Won’t Be Shaken Revolution Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Roots Revival (feat. Dillavou) Tim Timmons Cast My Cares Starts With Me Righteousness Propaganda (MVL80 page 16) Excellent Excellent Sacrifice Jeremy Camp Reckless We Must Remember TobyMac (YLO91 page 18) ConGRADulations! Class of 2013 Unstoppable (Feat. Blanca) Salvation Alert213 Of Vice & Virtue Life’s Wonderful Brenton Brown God My Rock Joyful I Am Empire Anchors Remedy Jared Anderson (YLO90 page 21) Narrow Road Impossible Possible Planetshakers Limitless Your Name Brings Healing to Me Plumb Need You Now Invisible Skillet Rise Salvation Salvation; Redemption Audio Adrenaline King & Queens King Of The Comebacks Brenton Brown God My Rock Wonderful Redeemer Brinson No Other Heroes Last Time (feat. Uncle Reece) Brenton Brown God My Rock I Saw The Light Everfound Everfound Count The Stars Salvation; Redemption Everfound Everfound Count The Stars Salvation; Regeneration Audio Adrenaline King & Queens Change My Name BridgeCity BridgeCity Create In Me The City Harmonic Heart Brand New Everfound Everfound We Are Alive Json (YLO91 page 28) Growing Pains Brand New Newsboys Restart Restart Remedy Drive (MVL79 page 6) Resuscitate Resuscitate Me Salvador Make Some Noise Better Man Shane & Shane Bring Your Nothing I Came Alive Spoken Illusion Beneath The Surface The City Harmonic Heart Brand New Salvation; Sanctification Audio Adrenaline King & Queens Fire Never Sleeps Colossus Time & Eternal Eternal Disciple O God Save Us All Beautiful Scars Jekob Faith Hope Love Can’t Have My Soul Json Growing Pains Making Me Over Salvation; The Gospel Brinson (MVL79 page 26) No Other Heroes Hit The Floor Alert213 Of Vice & Virtue Invisible Man Satan Disciple O God Save Us All Kings Sons Keep Quiet The Devil And I W.L.A.K. We Live As Kings Long Way Down Satisfaction Press Play #LITO Song For The Broken В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 How they are listed: Theme Artist Album Title Song >> Page 60ANNUAL THEMATIC LISTING You are holding in your hands the Annual Thematic Listing Index! This fantastic resource allows you to reference all the Biblical themes associated with all the songs on the CD’s/Download Cards and DVD’s (over 600 songs) in the Youth Leaders Only boxes Self-Examination Json Growing Pains I The Beast Pioneer Pioneer Clarity Self-Identity; In Christ Everfound Everfound Hallelujah Salvador Make Some Noise Who You Want Me To Be Sean Michel Grafted “An Adoption Album” Family Reunion Sons (MVL82 page 64) Keep Quiet Son On The Run Self-Image; Uniqueness The Afters Life is Beautiful In My Eyes Brinson No Other Heroes 3D Stand Out (feat. Jai) How they are listed: Theme Artist Album Title Song Gungor A Creation Liturgy (Live) Crags and Clay Hawk Nelson Made Made I Am Empire (YLO92 page 27) Anchors Tell Me Mirror Self-Sacrifice This City Awaits …Said The Liar Dead And Gone Servanthood Jason Castro Only A Mountain Safehouse Sex; Abuse Json Growing Pains Secrets Sex; Seduction These Hearts Yours To Take Psycho Significance Finding Favour ConGRADulations! Class of 2013 Slip On By and on the Music Video Loops of this past school year (YLO 90, 91, 92, 93 and MVL 79, 80, 81, 82). The songs listed in red type have complete Bible study sessions written for them which can be found in their respective YLO and MVL Resource Books. Sin Alert213 Of Vice & Virtue Vise Versa Sin; Confession Of Colossus Time & Eternal Beacons Decyfer Down Scarecrow Bleeding Lies Decyfer Down Scarecrow The River The Resource Book and page number for these studies are listed after the artist’s name. For a comprehensive list of the Scripture verses for each theme, point your web browser to the “What The Bible Says About...”( and type in the theme. Sons Keep Quiet Caution Spoken Illusion Take Everything Your Memorial (MVL80 page 18) Redirect Shipwreck Stellar Kart ALL IN My Surrender Sin; Temptation Skillet Rise Madness In Me Social Justice Skillet (YLO92 page 34, MVL82 page 20) Rise Sick Of It Jeff Deyo (MVL81 page 46) Moving Mountains Moving Mountains Spiritual Warfare Colossus Time & Eternal Time Pioneer Pioneer Treason RED Release The Panic Damage Skillet Rise Circus For A Psycho RED Release The Panic Same Disease Skillet Rise Rise W.L.A.K. We Live As Kings Broken Kings Sons Keep Quiet Ghosts Sin; Consequence Of Sin; Forgiveness Of Disciple O God Save Us All Once And For All Sin; Repentance Audio Adrenaline King & Queens The Answer I Am Empire Anchors Gasoline Propaganda Excellent Words Words Sin; Struggle With Alert213 Of Vice & Virtue The Villain and the Virtue Disciple (YLO90 page 18) O God Save Us All Draw The Line Plumb Need You Now Cage В© 2013 interlГnc / interlГЌ / 800.725.3300 Decyfer Down (YLO93 page 22) Scarecrow Fight To Win This City Awaits …Said The Liar This Darkness Submission Brenton Brown God My Rock Jesus Take All Of Me (Just As I Am) Brinson No Other Heroes I Am Yours Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival I Surrender All (feat. Tiago Costa) Everfound Everfound Go Json Braille Hold Nothing Back (feat. Benjah) Silverline Lights Out Found in You Tim Timmons Cast My Cares Only One Standing Success Trip Lee ConGRADulations! Class of 2013 New Dreams (Feat. J.R. and Sho Baraka) Suffering Json Braille Secrets Interlude Json Growing Pains Growing Pains (Intro) Silverline Lights Out Vicious This City Awaits (MVL82 page 66) Said The Liar Nathan Testimony Colossus Time & Eternal Transgressor Press Play (YLO93 page 25) #LITO #LITO These Hearts Yours To Take Been Through Hell THISIZMYSTORY DVD (YLO93 page 30) W.L.A.K. We Live As Kings Coward Thankfulness The Afters Life is Beautiful Every Good Thing Time Jekob Faith Hope Love Let Go And Love Transformation Capital Kings (MVL79 page 30) I Feel So Alive EP I Feel So Alive - lyric video Disciple O God Save Us All R.I.P << Page ANNUAL 61 THEMATIC LISTING Jekob Faith Hope Love Make Me Over Pioneer (MVL80 page 28) Pioneer Lights W.L.A.K. We Live As Kings Imagine Json Braille Son Hit Me (feat. Derick Minor & Blizze) Propaganda Excellent Forgive Me For Asking Your Memorial Redirect Change The World Silverline Lights Out Lights Out 1 Girl Nation (YLO93 page 18) 1 Girl Nation 1 Girl Nation Unity Worldliness Your Memorial Redirect Transfiguration Capital Kings Capital Kings We Belong As One Stellar Kart ALL IN Hollywood Beauty Trials Jason Castro Only A Mountain Rise to You Trust Brenton Brown (YLO90 page 14, MVL81 page 38) God My Rock God My Rock Brenton Brown God My Rock Like The Angels Elevation Worship Nothing Is Wasted I Will Trust in You Json (YLO93 page 23) Braille Can’t Let Go (feat. B. Reith & S.O.) Json Braille Trust You (feat. Julianna Zobrist) Json (MVL81 page 28) Growing Pains It’s Alright (feat. Mikeschair) Pioneer Pioneer Whatever It Takes Spoken Illusion Don’t Go Tim Timmons Cast My Cares Great Reward Truth Flyleaf New Horizons Call You Out I Am Empire Anchors Daylight Jason Castro Only A Mountain Same Kind of Broken Victory Holly Starr (MVL80 page 34) Focus Don’t Have Love Worship BridgeCity BridgeCity Open The Heavens Disciple O God Save Us All Unstoppable Elevation Worship Nothing Is Wasted Open Our Eyes Jeremy Camp (MVL82 page 52) Reckless My God Sons (YLO90 page 27) Keep Quiet Is This A Dry Season Or Agnosticism? Martin Smith God’s Great Dance Floor Soldiers Propaganda (YLO90 page 25) Excellent Conquer (feat. Theory Hazit) Skillet Rise Battle Cry Wealth/Money Brinson No Other Heroes Gold Feat. Chris Searcy Worship; Call To Jekob Faith Hope Love A Beautiful Place Martin Smith God’s Great Dance Floor Awake My Soul Planetshakers Limitless Let Praise Awaken Planetshakers Limitless Put Up Hands Up Rend Collective Campfire 10,000 Reasons Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains Lord Most High Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains Shake This Place Worship; Praise World, The Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains We Delight Jared Anderson Narrow Road Bless The Lord Flyleaf New Horizons Fire Fire Sons Keep Quiet Keep Quiet Jared Anderson Narrow Road Pouring It Out For You Planetshakers Limitless This is the Day Worship; Dancing Hawk Nelson (MVL82 page 36) Made Words Gungor A Creation Liturgy (Live) Doxology Audio Adrenaline King & Queens 20:17 (Raise The Banner) Flyleaf New Horizons Green Heart Words, Power of Elevation Worship Nothing Is Wasted Be Lifted High Elevation Worship Nothing Is Wasted Greater Salvador Make Some Noise Get Up And Dance Brenton Brown God My Rock Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) Bridgecity (MVL82 page 62) Bridgecity It’s All Because Rend Collective Campfire Praise Like Fireworks Praise Silverline Lights Out With the Angels The City Harmonic Heart Praise the Lord The City Harmonic Heart Songs of Longing, Joy and Peace Your Memorial Redirect Cadence For A King Zeal Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Garden 1 Girl Nation 1 Girl Nation While We’re Young Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Hosanna (feat. Avion Blackman, Jennifer Howland) Press Play #LITO Top Of The World В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 How they are listed: Theme Artist Album Title Song Page >> 62 modern worship section Inductive vs. Deductive Worship By Tim Timmons There is something strange and wonderful about Tim Timmons’ music. Although Tim writes catchy melodies, there is an undeniable truth and honesty in his lyrics. Beyond the beard and the glasses is a heart and mind that deeply wants to know Jesus – not just know about Him. As you get to know Tim you understand that cancer is a part of his story, but it’s not his whole story. Cancer seems to have made Tim a very dangerous follower of Jesus Christ. I’m unsure how long God will allow Tim to stay with us, but I do know that his clarity, honesty and passion are a blessing to us all. Thank you, Tim, for being willing to share the pain and the joy of your journey with Christ with us! – Mark Pittman, interlГnc, Orange County, California it just hit me – Where in this past week did Concerning “Cast My Cares” – I sometimes tell my story of having cancer – or that part of I place my hope? Was it on the Solid Rock, my story, that is; cancer’s not my whole story. or was it on something else? If so, what are those things? So, I just asked the people But I never tell my story just to tell my story; I that question – and they just began sharing ask the people, “That’s part of my story – so, their answers out loud. “My hope is built on what are you worrying about today?” I give nothing less than Jesus’ blood…” It was just the people in the audience the ability to think a question that He asked me. He was like, through what worries they’re carrying, and “Dude! I think you placed your hope on some what they actually need to cast. They might other things this week.” Those people got have just sung the song, or they might have just been sad about my cancer. But now it’s – to own their response to Jesus. They’re like, my parents are about to get divorced; people “Oh! It was on people” or “I put my hope on my boss this week.” Now when they sing that hate me at school right now; I’m about to song – dude! They’re owning their response flunk out of school; I’m fat – whatever it is, to Jesus. now every person in that audience gets to own their response to Jesus, because I’ve asked them a good question that helps them That’s inductive versus deductive worship. put whatever “this” is into their own lens I think most of sung worship is a good waste and see God now through their own life lens of time. People are just singing songs. Our versus my life lens. kids are all looking at Chris Tomlin and those guys that they see at conferences, and these So as a helpful hint, as you are leading “Cast youth pastors are watching those guys do My Cares”, my encouragement would be these things for all these worship pastors, to ask people what they are worrying about, and the youth leaders go home and try to what are they holding, and then we get to do it the same. It doesn’t work! And all of pray the song together. It’s really powerful a sudden you feel like a failure. But when I choose songs intentionally, because people you are with local students and big people – people that follow Jesus and people that are always on a journey. I sometimes have don’t – they may not sing a song – a word – questions ahead of time, but now I listen but if you ask a good question, they’ll answer more – I’m more listening to Jesus, because it in their head. So I think that is why worship there are questions He is asking me. Like is more than music. Leading worship has got past weekend, I was leading “The Solid Rock” – kind of a jammin’ version of that, and to be more than music. В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 << Page 63 Alabaster All In (Apologize) Build Your Kingdom Here Rend Collective Stellar Kart Rend Collective Verse 1: Bm A/C# D I am broken at Your feet, Bm A/C# D Like an alabaster jar, Bm A/C# D Every piece of who I am, Bm A/C# D Laid before Your majesty, Intro: C2 G G2 G Verse 1: C2 It’s easier to be the crowd, Verse 1: G D Come, set Your rule and reign, G D In our hearts again, G D Increase in us we pray, A Unveil why we’re made. G D Come, set our hearts ablaze with hope, G D Like wildfire in our very souls, G D A Asus4 A Holy Spirit come invade us now. G D A We are Your church, G D A D Dsus4 We need Your pow’r in us. Chorus: D A I will boy my life Bm7 At Your feet, G A At Your feet, D A My lips, so lost for words, Bm7 Will kiss Your feet, G A Kiss Your feet (2x Repeat) Bm A/C# D (x2) Verse 2: Bm A/C# D Oh, the gravity of You, Bm A/C# D Draws my soul unto its knees; Bm A/C# D I will never be the same, Bm A/C# D I am lost and found in You G to just fit in and not stand out at all C2 To make a case for apathy, G and never risk a thing in case you fall Am C Am This is life and we all decide, the stand we take C And this is mine that… Chorus: E B C#m7 I am not ashamed, won’t walk away, A not trying to disguise or ever hide E B C#m7 The reason that I choose to be a fool A For the One who saved my life (2nd time: E B C#m7 A ) I won’t apologize Verse 2: We seek Your kingdom first, We hunger and we thirst, Refuse to waste our lives, For You’re our joy and prize. To see the captive hearts released, The hurt, the sick, the poor at peace; We lay down our lives for heaven’s cause, We are Your church, We pray: “revive this earth.” Verse 2: It’s hard to walk a narrow road, and know that you might be the only one To go where no one else will go, pressing on until the race is run This is life and we all decide, the choice is ours And this is mine that… Tag” E B C#m7 A As for me, I am all in E B C#m7 A As for me, I am all in E All in Chorus: D A Bm Build Your kingdom here, G D Let the darkness fear; A Show Your mighty hand, G A Heal our streets and land D A Bm Set Your church on fire, G D Win this nation back; A Bm Change the atmosphere, G D/F# A Build Your kingdom here D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D Dsus4 D We pray Verse 3: Unleash Your kingdoms power, Reaching the near and far, No force of hell can stop, Your beauty changing hearts You made us for much more than this, Awake the kingdom seed in us, Fill us with the strength and love of Christ, We are Your church, We are the hope on earth. Coda: G D/F# A Build Your kingdom here A7sus4 D Dsus4 D Dsus2 D Dsus4 D We pray. В© 2011 Thankyou Music/Adm. by Songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingswaysongs, a division of David C Cook [email protected] Used by permission.w В© 2012 Written by Adam Agee, Seth Mosley, Mia Fieldes (Adam Agee Publishing Designee (SESAC)/Centric Songs/2 Hour Songs (SESAC) Admin by Amplified Admin/Shout! Publishing (APRA) Admin by Capitol CMG В© 2011 Thankyou Music/Adm. by Songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingswaysongs, a division of David C Cook [email protected] Used by permission В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 Page >> 64 modern worship section A CITY ON A HILL Cast My Cares Criminals And Kings The City Harmonic Tim Timmons Stellar Kart Intro: C G/B Am G/B Intro: Ebm//Cb2| Gb///| Ebm//Cb2| Gb/// (Tuned Down ВЅ Step) Verse 1: C G/B Blessed are the poor for the kingdom is yours Am G F F/G Blessed when you mourn, there’s comfort in His arms C G/B Blessed are the meek with the world at your feet Am G Blessed when it’s righteousness that you seek F F/G It’s beautiful Beautiful Pre-Chorus: F Like a city on a hill G Lighting up the night F/A For the glory of the Lord G/B Rise and shine, We will... Chorus: C G/B Am G F Shine Light of the world C/E F G we can’t hide it, This beautiful light it C G/B Am G F Shines For all of the world C/E F G To believe we can be a city on a hill Verse 2: Blessed when you’re merciful, you’ll find grace Blessed are the pure, you’ll see the face of God Blessed are you making peace on earth Blessed when you follow, even when it hurts It’s beautiful, Beautiful Bridge: C G F G For the glory of The Lord — Rise and shine (3) C G F For the glory of The Lord G The glory of the Lord Written by (Elias Dummer, Ben Cantelon, Nick Herbert) В© 2013 Thankyou Music (PRS) (adm. worldwide at excluding Europe which is adm. By All rights reserved. Used by permission. Verse: Ebm Cb2 Gb Gb2/Db In the middle of the night when worry finds me Ebm Cb2 Gb IN the middle of a fight when strength is gone Ebm Cb2 Gb Gb/Db In the middle of a fire when fear closes in Ebm Cb2 Gb Gb/Db Ebm7 Cb2 Gb You are, You are my song, You’re my hope when hope is gone Chorus: Cb2 GB Db I will cast my cares on You, the Al - mighty Cb2 Gb Db I will cast my cares on You, вЂ�cause You’re good Cb2 Gb Db I will cast my cares on You, вЂ�cause You love me, You love me Cb2 GB Db Ebm Cb2 GB GB/Db Oh, oh, because you love me, oh, oh Ebm Cb2 GB Oh, oh, oh, oh Bridge (2x): Gb/Bb Cb2 Db Ebm God of glory, You are able, GB/Bb Cb2 Db Ebm7 Through Your power to be faithful Gb/Bb Cb2 Db Ebm God of mer – cy, ev’ry moment, GB/Bb Cb2 Db You are near to me Tag: Ebm Cb Oh, Gb oh, oh, Gb/Db Ebm Cb2 oh, Gb oh Verse 1: Em G D C Em G D C We are who we are, falling and shooting stars Em G D C We pray to God above, and pray on the ones we love Em Em Held to a higher call, we are the rise and fall Chorus: C D Em We are the criminals, we are the criminals and kings C D Em Guilty and innocent, been found by still we’re wandering C D Em We are the criminals, we are the criminals and kings G D/F# C Em G D/F# C Verse 2: This light can shine so bright, then fade into the night So close to heaven’s throne, nailed to the streets below I can’t escape the safe, this time is not mine to waste Held to a higher call, I am the rise and fall Bridge: Em Brought back from the deep C D/F# You are my only freedom A2 From the bottom of my lungs, Em Until forever ends C D/F# A2 I swear I’ll never cave in, this is who I am Ebm In the middle of the night, Cb2 Gb Gb2 I’ll pray with confi – dence Ebm Cb2 Gb In the middle of a fight, You’re great still! Ebm In the middle of a fire Cb2 Gb Your love is holding me Ebm Cb2 GB Gb/D Ebm7 Cb2 Gb You are, You are my song, You’re my hope when hope is gone Written by Alli Rogers, Tim Timmons В© 2011 Sony/ATV Cross Keys Publishing, LETSBEBEAUTIFUL (Admin Sony ATV) Simple Tense Songs (Admin Music Services). В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 Written by Adam Agee/Aaron Gillespie В© 2013 Adam Agee Publishing Designee (SESAC)/Get Awesome Publishing/ Songs of Razor and Tie (ASCAP) Admin by Razor and Tie Publishing, LLC << Page 65 Enough Faith To Believe Holy Unafraid Tricia Shane & Shane Tim Timmons (Capo 1 – Play in C) (Capo 2) Intro: Em, C, G, D Verse 1: C D Wish I didn’t always compare myself C D Wanting what you give to somebody else C D Wish that I felt a little more content C D Just being me, just being me C D Wish I wasn’t stuck on what’s going wrong C D Wish I’d just enjoy this ride I’m on C D Remember how good you’ve always been C D Cause I believe, I believe Verse 1: Intro (2x): F#m7///| A/D///| A///| Esus/// Verse 1: A A6 Ama7 A6 Greater are You, God who was and is, and is to come A A6 Ama7 A6 With greater than the darkness in this world, You over - come Chorus: C G It’s enough that you know what I’m needin’ Em D It’s enough just go where you’re leadin’ C Keep my feet on the path G Em D And my empty hands always reachin’ up C G It’s enough just to breathe in the moment Em D And wherever I am I can know this C G Em D If I have nothing else I will always have your love, your love C And that’s enough G C That’s enough oh that’s enough Verse 2: Gonna be days when I’m fallin’ short, Missing every dream that I’m reaching for, When nothing in life is going like, I wish it would, I wish it would, But I know even when it falls apart, You are still God and You hold my heart, This is a valley but You’re takin’ me, To somewhere good, somewhere good Bridige: D C To lift eyes and to calm my soul D C To grow my faith and to give me hope C D Jesus You’re enough C D You’re enough! Written by Jeff Pardo/Tony Wood В© 2012 Meaux Jeaux/Da Bears Da Bears Da Bears (SESAC) Admin Capitol CMG/ Songs from Exit 71/Sony ATV (ASCAP) C Give me the faith to believe You G D When I’m stuck here in my fear C Give me the strength to trust You G D When my vision’s blurred by tears C Give me a hope for tomorrow Em D Because today has gone so wrong C D I’m on my knees, Give me the strength to believe Chorus: Em C Even when I cannot see You G D You’re still shining, You’re still shining Em C Even when I cannot hear You G D You’re still calling out my name Em C Even when I cannot see You G Your arms are open D C G D Always holding on to me Em C G D Give me the faith to believe Pre-Chorus: F#m7 A/D A We be - lieve, we are more than conquer - ors E F#m7 A/D A E Jesus, victory is Yours, we re - ceive the gift You left for us Chorus: A A/D So we pray, pray, pray, would You shake our souls awake F#m7 Holy Spirit, open the gates, Esus A You lead the way with pow’r and strength A/D You send us in Your name, You’re with us F#m7 Esus D2 Now we are made holy una – fraid, holy unafraid (last time A/D / / / | / / / / | A ) Verse 2: There’s no one, nor thing, nor weapon formed that will pre - vail, With Man it is im - possible but You are stronger still Verse 2: You say You’ll never leave me, Your love will conquer fear, You say Your day is coming, When You’ll wipe away my tears, Give me a hope for tomorrow, Because today has gone so wrong, I’m on my knees, Give me the faith to believe Bridge: D2 A E F#m7 In Your love that’s wide enough, we are holy D2 A E F#m7 By Your pow’r in - side of us, we are unafraid D2 A E F#m7 In Your love that’s wide enough, we are holy D2 A E F#m7 D2 By Your pow’r in - side of us, we are una - fraid Bridge: Em C G D Give me the faith to see the invisible Em C G D Give me the faith to believe the impossible Em C G D Give me the faith to receive the incredible C Oh give me the faith to believe it D Oh give me the faith to believe it Written By Shane Barnard В© 2013 Fair Trade Global Songs (BMI) Adm Music Services / River Oaks Music Company (BMI) / Waiting Room Music (BMI) Written by Tim Timmons, Jason Walker В© 2011 121 Music (Admin Tim Timmons) Shout! Publishing, Integrity’s Praise! Music (BMI), Shout! Publishing, Integrity’s Praise! Music (Admin Capitol CMG Publishing) All rights reserved. Used by permission. В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 Page >> 66 modern worship section #LITO Praise The Lord Press Play The City Harmonic Intro/Verse: Cm - Eb/G - Cm - Bb Verse 1: Pre Chorus: Cm - Bb - Ab - Eb - Ab - Cm - Bb Chorus: Cm - Bb - Ab - Eb - Ab Cm - Bb - Ab - Ab - Bb Bridge Cm LYRICS: I’ve got a story / I’ve got a story that I got to tell You only live once / So tonight I’m gonna live it well Sing it out, sing it out, sing it out / Let the music come to life / Come to life, come to life, come to life This is the time / To live / This is the time / To dance / This is your life / Your chance / To love in the open / Love in the open Life is a dance floor / And your song could be the bass and beat / Love’s like a rhythm / Cause without it nothing seems in key Sing it out, sing it out, sing it out / Let the music come to life / Come to life, come to life, come to life This is the time / To live / This is the time / To dance / This is your life / Your chance / To love in the open / Love in the open This is the time / To live / This is the time / To dance / This is your life / Your chance / To love in the open / Love in the open Sing it out, sing it out, sing it out / Let the music come to life, come to life / Sing it out, let the music come to life, come to life / Sing it out, Let the music come to life / Come to life, sing it out Let the music come to life, come to life / Sing it out, let the music come to life, come to life / Sing it out, Let the music come to life / sing it out, sing it out / Let the music come to life, come to life, come to life This is the time / To live / This is the time / To dance / This is your life / Your chance / To love in the open / Love in the open Words & Music by: Jonathan Thulin (To Lean On Music / BMI) , David Thulin (To Lean On Music / BMI) F# B F# Praise The Lord when it comes out easy F#/A# D#m B C# Praise The Lord on top of the world D#mB F# B Praise The Lord вЂ� cause in ev’ry moment F# C# Jesus Christ is Lord D#m B C# F# Even in the middle of the joys of life D#m B C# There is always grace enough today to Chorus: B F# Praise the Lord B F# Praise the Lord B F# Praise the Lord C# F# Won’t you praise the Lord? Verse 2: Praise The Lord with the world on your shoulders Praise The Lord when it seems too hard Praise The Lord ’cause in ev’ry moment Jesus Christ is Lord Even in the middle of the long, dark, night There is always grace enough today to Bridge: D#m B Praise The Lord if you can C# F# sing it at the top of your lungs D#m B Praise The Lord like ev’ry C# F# moment is a song to be sung D#m B Praise The Lord, though it might take C# F# blood, sweat and tears in your eyes D#m B C# F# There is grace for today so praise the Lord D#m B C# There is grace for today so praise the Lord That’s How You Forgive Shane & Shane (Capo 2) Intro: C, F, Am, F Verse 1: C Gracious F Slow to anger Am Abounding in love F Good to all C F All who call upon You Am F (C/E) You will rescue and forgive F Am G This is why I live Chorus: C You lived the life I could never live F You died the death, oh, that I deserve Am G You rose to life and now You live C That’s how You forgive Verse 2: Forgive me in Your mercy I’m unworthy of Your love And I’m running back to All I have in You, my gracious King This is why I sing Tag: B F# C# F# There is grace for today so praise the Lord Written by Elias Dummer, Eric Fusilier, Aaron Powell, Josh Vanderlaan В© 2013 Thankyou Music (PRS) (adm. worldwide at excluding Europe which is adm. By All rights reserved. Used by permission . В© 2013 interlГnc / / 800.725.3300 W В ritten By Shane Barnard В© 2013 Fair Trade Global Songs (BMI) Adm Music Services / River Oaks Music Company (BMI) / Waiting Room Music (BMI) << << Page Page RE:TUNED67 RE:TUNED67 Artist: Artist: Artist: Daft Punk Fall Out Boy Lupe Fiasco & Guy Sebastian Song: Get Lucky (feat. Pharrell Williams) Album: Random Access Memories Song: My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark Album: Save Rock and Roll Song: Battle Scars Album: Battle Scars - Single By: Kirk Moore [email protected] By: Doug Ranck [email protected] By: Mandy Kyes [email protected] Teaching Point: Righteous Anger Teaching Point: Jesus’ scars remind us of just how much He loves us. Opening Questions: What are one or two situations that tend to make you angry? How do you respond when you are angry? Opening Questions: What kinds of physical scars do you have, and what stories go with them? Why do we easily remember how we got our scars? Are you proud of certain scars? Are there scars that you wish you could get rid of? When you see your old scars, do they put you back in the place when you got them? Teaching Point: There are so many things worth celebrating. Opening Question: What won’t you give up on? Discussion: There’s no denying that Daft Punk’s latest retro disco dance track is mostly about connecting with someone and almost entirely about sex. And yet there’s more to it. We’ve come too far to give up who we are. •How far have you come in your life? •What things do you really celebrate? •What things are you unwilling to give up? Read Proverbs 31:6-9. •Wait a minute. Beer? Wine? Forgetting misery? What is that doing in the Bible? Why do you think it’s there? •What do you think about the next part? How do you think celebrating and persevering are connected to living for justice? •How is who you are connected to speaking up for the rights of others? •How does being in relationship with and attending to one another connect to your understanding of the different possible meanings of “Get Lucky?” •What hasn’t been said that you’d like to talk about? Conclusion: Life is worth fully living. Celebrating is worth fully doing. Attending to one another is worth fully practicing. And speaking up for the rights of others is worth fully exercising. You’ve come too far to give up who you are! Discussion: In today’s social media world we are more aware than ever of high profile people who have problems controlling their anger. At the recent British Open, a superstar golfer became angry at his less-than-perfect shot Discussion: and proceeded to spew some non-family-friendly words fully heard on broadcast television. We hear of “Battle Scars” by Lupe Fiasco & Guy Sebastian more and more people being entered into anger man- depicts an emotional scar due to lost love. Guy states that the battle scars “don’t look like they’re agement programs where they can begin working on fading” or “are ever going to change” – depicting the strategies to channel their anger in healthy ways. deep love that he has experienced. The scars were Fall Out Boy song speaks of the anger one experireceived in a “battle” of a “war with love.” Christ ences being in the presence of hypocrisy. The song- received scars when, through His love for us He won writer says, “Be careful making wishes in the dark … the “war on sin.” My songs know what you did in the dark.” The song goes on to communicate, “I’m just dreaming of tear- Read Isaiah 53:5. Because of Christ’s wounds, we ing you apart” and “I’m a young lover’s rage … My are healed. According to this verse, Christ took our childhood spat back out the monster that you see.” punishment and paid our debt through His death on the cross. When people are angry they may lash out in any number of ways. Some resort to violence, some Read John 20:27. Thomas needed to see the eviuse abusive words, some break things, and some dence of Jesus’ experience to know it was truly Him. write songs to declare their feelings. These ways The wounds were the evidence, Jesus told him to and others can quickly get out of control. Anger believe, and he did. can be a natural response in many situations and can be exhibited appropriately. Ephesians 4:26-27 Has anyone ever asked about your scar? When you says, “In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun tell them the story of how you got it, they believe go down while you are still angry, and do not give it because of the scar. The scar contains the story. the devil a foothold.” Paul reminds us that being What if Jesus were physically here gain and was angry is okay, but do not sin by letting your anger hanging out with you and your friends; do you think control you. When we hold on to anger we can people would notice His scars? What kind of convercount on it to grow and the devil WILL use it to sation do you think would take place? How can you destroy our relationship with God and others. be the “visual evidence” of Christ’s love for us all? True anger management requires more than just our determination. When we put God at the center Conclusion: We tend to become numb to the battle of our lives and recognize that He sent His Son to Jesus faced. The scars in His hands, feet, and die for all people, we realize long-term anger and side were acquired due to His love for us. They will bitterness will not help. As we daily experience His NEVER “fade” – nor will His love for us. It is our job forgiveness, may we also forgive those who may as Christians to be the physical evidence of His love wrong us or live in hypocrisy understanding we and sacrifice for others to see and believe. too are capable of the same thing. Conclusion: In what ways are you letting anger control you? Is there someone who is still the target of your anger? What would be the first step you could take toward not “writing songs about them” and continuing to punish them? В© В©2013 2013 interlГЌnc / / 800.725.3300 Page >> 68 RE:TUNED Unavoidable. Pervasive. Inescapable. Secular pop music is everywhere. Even if you can get your young Christian friends to switch their listening habits from secular to sacred, they are still going to hear the top popular songs everywhere they go. In this section we provide you some Artist: ideas to take advantage of some of the most popular secular songs. Use the opening questions, the thematic concepts and discussion ideas to spice up your Bible study, Sunday School lesson, camp/retreat meeting or outreach event message. Artist: Artist: John Mayer Major Lazer Miley Cyrus Song: Wildfire Album: Paradise Valley Song: Watch out for this Album: Free The Universe Song: We Can’t Stop Album: Untitled By: Dave Felts [email protected] By: Jeff Williamson [email protected] By: Doug Ranck [email protected] Teaching Point: Leisure time can be enjoyable but it can also be an opportunity for temptation. Teaching Point: Watch out for temptation. Teaching Point: Choices Opening Question: On any given day, how many temptations do you think you face? Opening Questions: What is one rule that you think is dumb? When are rules good? When are they bad? Discussion: Major Lazer sings of great pleasure, times of play, fun, and great beats. There is also the mention of many things that are, simply put, short-term or temporal. When we live for the moment, do we ruin the future? When lustful thoughts turns into regretful decisions, do we often see it in the moment? The answer is no. Discussion: Wouldn’t our world be so much better if there were not so many regulations and laws? We see these as limitations to our freedom and enjoyment of life. In many situations we have encountered people who believe whatever rules exist do not pertain to them. “Rules are made to be broken” is the mantra of this crowd. To often we indulge in activities of the moment, rather than projecting the end result. We know to watch out for certain things; however, more times than not it is simply too late to change a decision before a temptation becomes a sin. In Miley Cyrus’ song, “We Can’t Stop,” the message of doing whatever feels good comes through loud and clear. The song says, “We like to party, dancing with Miley, doing whatever we want, this is our house, this is our rules and we can’t stop and we won’t stop.” She goes on to say we can “do what we want,”” say what we want,”” love who we want,” “kiss who we want.” Opening Questions: Do you enjoy summer? What are some of your favorite summertime activities? Have you ever been tempted to do something dangerous or wrong because you are bored? Discussion: Some of John Mayer’s “Wildfire” song paints an idyllic picture of a summer evening. Some of it sounds like nonsense (like “Magpie feather in his medicine bag”) but it seems mainly to be a kind of a story about getting involved with a girl during a leisurely summer night. “You and me been catchin’ on like a wildfire” seems to imply moving pretty fast in a romantic relationship. That can be wonderful and exciting, but it can also be a danger zone – especially if you “can’t leave each other” even to go get another cup of something to drink. Proverbs 27:12 (GNT) says, “Sensible people will see trouble coming and avoid it, but an unthinking person will walk right into it and regret it later.” Leisure time, especially in the comfort of a summer evening, can be great but there is an old saying, “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.” So have a plan. Don’t be alone with a person of the opposite sex even if it seems innocent at the time. While there is nothing explicit and this song is pretty light hearted, it never hurts to be aware of temptations that lurk in seemingly innocent places. Conclusion: We can certainly enjoy the fun and leisure times of summer but it is always wise to be aware that we don’t let it lure us into a situation where we might compromise our values. The song says that summer “makes a lot of history.” If we’re wise, we will make sure that that history is honoring to God and not a negative consequence of getting caught up in a moment. David dealt with this very thing. David, then King, followed a temptation and committed a sin. He moved on his lustful desire for Bathsheba and in turn committed adultery. After many things came crashing down around him and many lives were affected he then realized his sin. Read Psalm 51. Look for those signs in your day-to-day journey that screams, “Watch out for this!” You see them, they grab your attention – but then, what will you do? Will you act in the moment and regret the decision? Or, will you look forward to the future and have a better awareness of the future temptations and signs? Conclusion: So “WATCH OUT” for the temptations are out there! Your response will determine if “it” becomes a sin. Miley is right. We can do what we want. God has given us the freedom to serve Him or not serve Him. Every day we experience or receive the consequences of somebody else’s choices. We can do what we want – for a time. 1 Corinthians 6:12 tackles this issue, “вЂ�I have the right to do anything,’ you say—but not everything is beneficial. вЂ�I have the right to do anything’—but I will not be mastered by anything.” We can do what we want, but not everything is healthy or constructive for us or for others. We can do what we want, but if we let it control us then it ceases to be beneficial. Miley is wrong. We can stop – and we should stop – when anything we are doing is destroying our relationship with God, destroying our body, or destroying our relationships with others. We don’t have to let our freedom become our master. For a season it may “feel good” to do what “feels good” but our disregard for what “feels helpful” leads us down a road to a poverty of ungodly values and with it the end of the “party.” Conclusion: What choices are you or your friends presently making that are not helpful? What habits are presently mastering you or your friends? В© 2013 interlГЌnc / / 800.725.3300 << << Page Page RE:TUNED69 RE:TUNED69 Artist: Mumford & Sons Artist: Artist: Robin Thicke Song: I Will Wait Album: Babel Song: Blurred Lines (feat. T.I. and Pharrell) Album: Blurred Lines By: Keith Jones [email protected] By: Kirk Moore [email protected] Teaching Point: Trusting God Opening Question: How often do we rely on our own timing instead of waiting for God’s? Is waiting difficult for you? Why? Discussion: We have a problem waiting for God’s timing. God sometimes does not act in the timely manner that we think He should. We pray for guidance, wisdom, or a solution to a problem we have. We pray that God will heal. We pray that God will direct. When God does not answer in the time frame that we think He should, we abandon all hope or abandon the prayer all together. The question is: how many times have we missed out on a blessing because we didn’t trust God’s timing and we didn’t follow through? We believe that God ignored us, which is far from the truth. God answers every prayer immediately. Sometimes it’s an immediate “yes” and sometimes it’s an immediate “no.” Sometimes, God will answer with an immediate “wait.” God does this because His plan is perfect for us, much better than the timing we wish to have. We learn this from Jeremiah 29:11. Artist: Teaching Point: The line between what is good and what is not isn’t always easy to see. Opening Question: Where is the line between what is good and what is not? Discussion: You’ve heard it, danced to it, and probably watched both videos for the song. You may have even discovered these clever parody videos, too: Like interlinc on Facebook Jimmy Kimmel Show Blurred Lines parody: Like interlГnc on facebook The Cosby Show end credits imagined with for great FREE resources, info, and fun! Blurred Lines: 800-725-3300 Women’s Rights Song Blurred Lines Parody: •What kind of thoughts have you had about what A big reason that we have such a hard time trusting is good and what is not good about the song? God is that we want to be in control. We believe that we know best for our lives and we want to tell God •What do you think about the whole good vs. bad what and how and when to do things. John 15:1-8 question? Where do you think the line is? reminds us of our place in God’s Kingdom. He is the vine and we are the branches. We do not produce Read Romans 7:15-21 fruit without the Father, and those branches that do •What do you know about what is right? not produce fruit are cut off and thrown to the fire. However, like a good vineyard keeper, God has only •How are you at doing that? the very best intentions for us. He knows when to •What do you think about the phrase, “I’m not the prune and when to let us grow. He knows when to one who does wrong, the sin living in me does say yes, when to say no, and when to say wait. Like it”? the person in “I Will Wait” by Mumford and Sons, we need to remember that God forgave and saved us •What would happen if you tried to use that from a fate that we deserved. We need to trust God excuse every time you got in trouble? to be God. We need to allow the creator of the universe to be just that, our creator and our father. If God •What are some better reasons you can think of why folks know how to do good, but don’t do it can handle sometime as complex as creation, then anyway? certainly He can handle what small issues we may have happening in our lives. If we relinquish control Conclusion: of our lives to the One who created our lives, we will begin to see that His timing produces a much better “Blurred Lines” acknowledges that the line outcome for our situation than we could ever hope for. between what is good and what is not isn’t always We just need to be willing to say to God, “I will wait.” easy to know. The Bible acknowledges the same thing. And you may think that this is a great place Conclusion: What do you need to let go of and hand over to to come up with a perfect ending line that says, God? Have you allowed God to have full control “This is the way to really know.” It’s not. of your life, or are you still keeping Him out of parts of it? for great FREE resources, info and fun! Like inte on Face for great FREE resourc 800-725-3300 В© В©2013 2013 interlГЌnc / / 800.725.3300 Page >> 70 TheGODTEST A Fresh Strategy in Evangelism and Apologetics By Dr. Rice Broocks For most young people, evangelism is a daunting proposition. When the youth pastor gives the charge to “Reach your friends”, it usually means trying to invite them to an event where someone else will present the Gospel – hopefully in a relevant and inoffensive manner. Most Christians, regardless of their age, feel unprepared to personally engage a nonbeliever in a conversation where they must clearly present the Gospel and perhaps be challenged to give answers to the objections raised by skeptics. It has become the comfortable norm to adopt the strategy of “preach the gospel – and if necessary, use words.” However, as believers, we are called to “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:15 One of the greatest challenges for youth leaders is to equip young people to be able to give the reasons that their faith is credible. Real faith isn’t blind; it is based on the evidence for God – not just in personal experience, but also in nature, history, and ultimately in Scripture. I’ve spent the majority of my life engaging young people with the Gospel and training others to do the same. After 30 years of ministry in over 60 nations on hundreds of high school and college campuses, I learned that there was a universal need for a tool that would help believers to start a conversation that could lead to the presentation of the Gospel. In 2010, on an airplane napkin, I began to sketch out that tool: The God Test. How It Works The God Test is not a tract. It is not a handout or an outline for a mini-lecture to give someone. It is a dialogical tool, designed to promote discussion on the critical questions surrounding faith, skepticism and the purpose of life. It consists of 20 questions – 10 for those who believe in God and 10 for those who do not - beginning with the initial question: “Do you believe in God?” If the answer is “yes” then there are 9 more questions that follow, the same if they say “no.” The God Test features a provocative cover with images from every stream of religion, philosophy, and science in order to communicate the desire for an open, honest conversation about faith, skepticism, and the meaning of life. Extensive use of this tool around the world has proven that asking people questions and listening thoroughly to their answers causes the entire experience to be seen as positive. As one campus minister said, “Atheists have actually thanked us because of the impact of the God Test conversation”. The Salt Method The strategy behind The God Test is called the SALT method – an acronym that stands for: Start a Conversation, Ask Questions, Listen, and Tell the story. The conversation begins by asking, “Have you taken the God Test?” The fact that The God Test is sparking an international discussion helps encourage people to take time and participate. Many have also started ad campaigns where posters, T Shirts, as well as social media promote the question “Have you taken the God Test?” Once you’ve asked the questions and listened to the answers, it usually leads to an opportunity to give the answers to the questions from a biblical perspective. The “T” in SALT is Tell the Story. Yes, explain the Gospel, but also tell your story of how the Gospel has changed you. The SALT method is a critical part of the effectiveness of The God Test in helping create significant moments where the Gospel is shared. The God Test Training The God Test Study Guide gives an overview of the instructions and answers to the questions in the test along with reasons for and appropriate responses to the questions. In addition, the God Test “Starter Kit” contains TheGodTest, Study Guide and an instructional video which will help serve as a catalyst for any believer to start immediately sharing their faith. In using The God Test, young people are learning to be confident in the truth of the Gospel as well as the answers to the primary questions skeptics raise. The God Test helps you remember important apologetic truths by learning the answers to the questions the skeptics are asked in the test. God’s Not Dead In March of 2012, I released a new book with Thomas Nelson entitled God’s Not Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty. It was written to be another resource to equip believers to defend their faith. God’s Not DeadВ offers the key evidence for God’s existence in a way that young people can comprehend it and share with others. As I frequently tell my teenage boys, “This may be over your head, but it’s not out of your reach.” With a little effort and study, we can raise up a new generation of young apologists and evangelists on high school and college campuses. Why It Matters Surveys have suggested a staggering number of young people will discard their faith once they leave high school for college. As youth leaders, we must have a sense of urgency to disciple the students under our care in this vital area of apologetics and evangelism. The evidence for God is overwhelming. Yet most Christians don’t know it and therefore cant show it to others. Through The God Test training, young people will not just survive the intellectual and emotional arguments and insults they will eventually face – they can thrive! ------------------GODTEST AD YOUR THINK SHARING Faith is too difficult? ------------------YOU’RE ABOUT to CHANGE YOUR MIND. THEGODTEST 10 questions. Forever to live with the answers....................................Side A ------------ ------------- -------------------------------------------------------------THEGODTEST is not a tract. It is not a hand-out or an outline for a mini-lecture to give someone. It is a DIALOGICAL tool, designed to promote on the critical questions surrounding faith, skepticism & the purpose of life. Developed by Dr. Rice Broocks, THEGODTEST is a tool for helping believers engage unbelievers with the Gospel. There are ten questions for both those who believe in God and those who do not. --------------------------------------------------------------for more info: THEGODTEST.ORG | @THEGODTEST AD Dare 2 Share student conferences transform your teens’ faith and get them passionate about Jesus and sharing the gospel! - Biblical teaching - Gospel training - Powerful worship - Outreach experience This event infuses excitement and purpose, turning their faith upside down. Live DiоЂ‚erently. 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Make sure your students hand out 100% of The Life Books Visit to get started l E a r N . c o N N EAD c T. r E c h a r G E . ma rch 7-10, 2014 — co lumbus , o h y o u t h m i n i s t r y. c o m / S Y M C #SYMC f o s e i r o st N o I T a m nthians 5:17 r o F s N 2 Cori Tra m/s y mc REG IST ER NOW ! you thm inis tr Questions? Call Matty at 615-349-7111 AD call of the wild AD SPIRITUAL LESSONS FROM THE DUCK COMMANDER CREW HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY He’s most-recognized as the patriarch on the popular Duck DynastyВ® series on A&EВ®, but now this no-holds barred biography chronicles the remarkable life of Phil Robertson, the original Duck Commander. Happy, Happy, Happy is an eye-opening and rousing book with stories that will surprise you as well as those that will inspire you. You’ll get to know the man behind the legend (and the famous beard), and you’ll come away better for it. $24.99 THE DUCK COMMANDER FAMILY SI-COLOGY 1 DUCK COMMANDER DEVOTIONALS Uncle Si’s tall tales, crazy exploits, and quirky one-liners all in one raucous collection! Great devotionals for the students in your group and for the whole family. Available in Tan Camo and Pink Camo cover designs. This bestseller gives the up-close and personal, behind-the-scenes look at the whole Duck DynastyВ® family. $22.99 $16.99 $23.99 Duck Dynasty and the A&E logo are trademarks of the A&E Networks, LLC. 40% Purchase 10 or more copies and receive a discount off the suggested retail price. Not including shipping or state sales tax. Credit purchases only. Call 212-698-2105. Proudly published by MORE RESOURCES FROM TRD SHELF AD INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM The interlinc website is the best online resource for your ministry when it comes to music and media! You can listen to samples of all the music included in each volume of Youth Leaders Only, watch video clips from the Music Video Loops and read artist interviews and bios. You can also download articles on how to use music in your ministry, scope out our up-to-date Music Comparison Chart and check out other amazing resources to keep your youth ministry rockin’! REGIONAL PROMOTION interlГnc is all about relationships. That's why we have three regional directors: Mark Pittman in the SouthWest Region (Southern California Office), Troy Hargrave in the SouthCentral Region (Dallas Office) and Chris Renzelman in the NorthWest Region (Seattle Office). They are long-term youth ministry guys who love kids and are passionate about helping you use music in your ministry. Contact them for all your youth ministry music needs. Mark: [email protected] Troy: [email protected] Chris: [email protected] YOUTH LEADERS ONLY Youth ministry's original low cost music subscription service. Get all the tools you need to use music and media to connect with students. YLO Original: 36 CDs each year plus DVDs, posters, chord charts, music videos and Bible studies all for just $279.95 plus $40. shipping. YLO Works: 56 CDs each year plus DVDs, posters, chord charts, music videos and Bible studies all for only $429.95 plus $70. shipping. YLO Access: 60 songs on 4 compilation CDs with corresponding Bible studies, DVDs, posters and chord charts for just $75.95 plus $24. shipping. Find out more at INTRODUCING YLO SELECT Now there is a version of YLO for every budget – introducing YLO Select. It’s right at half price of YLO Original and you get almost all the benefits plus you get to choose if you want the Main Selections, the Hot Selections, or the Mild Selections. The great part is it is only $13 per month!” TO ORDER CALL 1-800-725-3300 OR GO ONLINE AT INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM INTERLГNC TRD SHELF AD SURVIVING MIDDLE SCOOL BOOK AND MUSIC SOUNDTRACK VERSION 2.0 Middle School (some people know it as “Junior High”) is a whole new world full of new people, new schedules, weird situations and bizarre relationships. It’s a time of life when “transmogrification” takes place in kids’ bodies, homes, friendships, and brains. Middle School is when they learn to navigate the important issues of life. Surviving Middle School Version 2.0: The Book & 9-Song Soundtrack has a plethora of tips, tunes, advice and wisdom to guide the middle schooler. Family Force 5, Relient K, and Stellar Kart join surfer-author Rick Bundschuh in bringing the wisdom—and the fun! CONGRADULATIONS! MUSIC-MEDIA-GIFT BOOK With over 1.2 million copies given to graduates by 25,000 churches, ConGRADulations! is the #1 grad gift of this decade. BRAND NEW for 2013 it is a New Music (20 powerful songs from the top names in Christian music – Lecrae, Red, for King & Country Tobymac, Owl City), New Mobile Media (artist, author, and grad video greetings and advice, online Bible), New 48 Page Gift Book, New recycled paper Personalizable Gift Package, plus Class of 2013 Wristband. Also includes Ministry Resource Website (transition ministry weblinks, grad devotionals). CLICK.LOOK.LISTEN. ORDER NEED2KNOW EZINE Don’t miss out on free resources, downloads and more in our everyother-week e-newsletter. You’ll get “Heart of the Artist” interviews, music and video downloads, event information and more—all delivered straight to your inbox. Sign up at YLO SPECIAL EDITIONS Several recent volumes of Youth Leaders Only are available as Special Editions. Topics include building and training your worship team (Rock'N U), evangelism (How To Bring It Up Without Throwing Up), middle school ministry (Making Impressions While The Cement’s Still Wet), the new sexuality (The Naked Truth: The New Sexuality and Youth Ministry). You can get each DVD, Bible studies and discussion starters, plus 15+ songs and corresponding Bible studies for only $29.95 plus $7.00 shipping. Call 1-800-725-3300 to order. TRD SHELF AD FCA AND INTERLГЌNC’S PUMP’D WORKOUT AND PRE-GAME MUSIC PUMP’d #1 and #2 are aggressive, powerful collections of songs that prepare athletes and coaches for competition — and fans for the big game. All songs are original recordings by the top names in Christian music. Special pricing as low as $7.95. INSIDERS GUIDE TO HIGH SCHOOL The Insiders Guide to High School Version 2.0 is a great gift for new kids coming into your ministry as well as for freshmen and sophomores! Multi-Media Disc features: seven great songs from top Christian bands, video student testimonies, Biblical answers to questions like, “Where do I fit in?”, clear Gospel presentation, and powerful Columbine High School video clip. Special pricing as low as $2.99 TO ORDER CALL 1-800-725-3300 OR GO ONLINE AT INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM JOIN YOUTH LEADERS ONLY TRD And Your Kids Will Love You! SHELF AD YLO Original Membership (360+ songs annually) Make the style of my membership: Hot Mild Alternating Make the style of my membership: Hot Mild Alternating Digital version $279.95 plus $40.00 Shipping/Handling $279.95 plus $20 Shipping digital $429.95 plus $70.00 S/H $429.95 plus $20 Shipping digital YLO Access Membership (50+ songs annually) $75.95 plus $24.00 S/H YLO Select Membership (200+ songs annually) $149.95 plus $30.00 S/H Canadian orders add additional $70 USD S/H; all other countries add add’l $120 USD S/H Canadian orders add additional $52 USD S/H; all other countries add add’l $88 USD S/H Make the style of my membership: Hot Mild Main Canadian orders add additional $83 USD S/H; all other countries add add’l $120 USD S/H TOTAL ANNUAL YLO MEMBERSHIP: _____________ Other Great Resources from interlГnc Purchase a Single Box of YLO (extra S/H outside US) YLO Original Single Box choose: Hot Mild YLO Works Single Box YLO Access Single Box $72.50 plus $10.00 shipping $110.00 plus $17.50 shipping $29.95 plus $7.00 shipping Pump’d or Pump’d 2 Workout CD (circle one) Order 1–4 CDs for $10.95 each ____ x $10.95 = ____ + $4 S/H = ____ TOTAL Order 5–19 CDs for $8.95 each ____ x $8.95 = ____ + $6 S/H = ____ TOTAL Order 20+ CDs for $7.95 each ____ x $7.95 = ____ + $10 S/H = ____ TOTAL Transition Tools for Your Students ConGRADulations! 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Alex Faith and Dre Murray) Difficulties; Hope Within / 31 Tim Timmons / Cast My Cares Eternal vs. Temporal / 26 Rend Collective / You Are My Vision Evangelism / 20 The City Harmonic / City On A Hill God’s Forgiveness / 27 Shane & Shane / That’s How Yo u Forgive Healing / 21 Colossus / Approaching The Throne Life; Purpose/Meaning / 24 Newsboys / Live With Abandon Spiritual Warfare / 22 Decyfer Down / Fight To Win Testimony / 25 Press Play / #LITO Testimony / 30 THISIZMYSTORY DVD These Hearts / 29 Motivation / This Is Love Trust / 23 Json / Can’t Let Go (feat. B. Reith and S.O.) Unity / 18 1 Girl Nation / 1 Girl Nation 1-800-725-3300
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