1 PARTICIPATION GUIDE HOW TO USE SOCIAL MEDIA FOR BUSINESS By John Boyer v2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1) Social Media – – – – – – – What is it Why Should YOU Care Keys to Social Media Mistakes to Avoid Integrate it into Business What�s Worth my While Other Social Media Sites 2) Social Networking – – – – – – – – – – What Is It Why Should I Use It Participation – Linked In – Facebook How Often to Participate Tips Tracking Your Success Applications Affiliate Samples Other Samples Get Started 4) Blogging – – – – – – – – – – – – What Is It Why Should I Use It Who Should Write a Blog Where to Blog How Often to Blog Tips & Don�ts Sample Blog Topics Tracking Your Success Assistance with Blogs Affiliate Samples Other Samples Get Started 5) Video – – – – – – – – – – – – What Is It Who Should Use It Why Should I Market with Video How Should My Video Look Video Do�s Tips Tracking Your Success Applications Affiliate Samples Other Samples Get Started Sharing Photos 3) Microblogging – – – – – – – – – – – What Is It Why Should I Use It Twitter Lingo Who Should Use It How Often to Tweet Tips Tracking Your Success Applications Affiliate Samples Commercial Real Estate Samples Get Started 6) Managing Social Media – – – – – What Each Site Specializes in Social Media Comparison Chart Combine your Efforts RSS Feeds iGoogle 7) What is Next – – – Localization Augmented Reality and QR Codes iPad / Notepads Purpose The main topic of this How to Guide is How to Use Social Media for Business. First, however, I want to explain the purpose of this document. The main purpose of this document is to convince you that Social Media is worth your time and effort. This will be a difficult task. However, if you�ve decided to read this, then you are interested in Social Media and want to see what it is all about. This guide isn�t really going to instruct you on how to use the various Social Media platforms. You may get some tips and pointers, but the individual Social Media sites do a pretty good job with instructions on how to use them. Also, Social Media is pretty simple once you get on and try it out. We�ve conveniently combined information from a variety of sources in order to keep you from getting lost in the abyss of Social Media information located on the web. This guide starts by portraying details about how to use Social Media for business, then it delves into Facebook & LinkedIn), Micro-Blogging (Twitter), Blogging and Video (YouTube). 4 major types of Social Media: Social Networking ( It not intended for you to read the entire guide in one sitting (it is over 100 pages); who has time to Social Media. read that much! The main section to read is the first one which is titled Then, you would read the section of the Social Media that you are interested in trying. In the back of the guide, there is a comparison of the different Social Media platforms if you are unsure which one to explore. We�ve also added a assist in getting you started. ―To Do Checklist‖ at the end of each section to The concept of Social Media is constantly changing as the sites battle over supremacy. The guide will be updated regularly, so it is always best to download the most frequent version from Blueprint. Enjoy, and we hope you are able to integrate Social Media into your marketing plan! 5 What is Social Media? Social media is a term that is often viewed as complex, but in actuality, it is a simple concept. According to Wikipedia.org, here�s how the public at large views the term Social Media: ―An umbrella term that defines the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction, and the constructing of words, pictures, videos and audio.” In plain English, Social Media is people having conversations online. ―Social media is people having conversations online.‖ 6 SOCIAL MEDIA VS. SOCIAL NETWORKING? A lot of people think that Social Media is the same as Social Networking. Social Media encompasses Social Networking as well as a slew of other online activities including: Blogging Video Sharing Podcasts Message Boards Photo sharing Key Social Platforms Chat Rooms Micro blogging RSS Widgets Social Networking Each have their own community of users, but often times these communities overlap. For instance, a Facebook user may post pictures that were also uploaded to Flickr or link to videos uploaded to YouTube. This creates a huge online web of interweaving communications that helps people stay connected with others and share the things that are of interest to them. 7 SHIFT IN THE WAY WE THINK ABOUT MARKETING • Social Media created a shift in the way we traditionally think about marketing. Typically, you would market your properties to your sphere of clients. It was usually a one-way street, it was very local and there wasn�t much interaction. • Internet gave everyone a megaphone and a means to talk to anyone else, no matter where they are located. Consumers who like or don�t like a service can now amplify their opinions on blogs, online discussion forums -- or just blast their thoughts about a company or service to friends via e-mail, MySpace, Facebook, instant messaging or text messages. • Consumers trust their network, not your marketing. This is the most profound change brought by Social Media. Most people no longer trust company marketing messages when they make decisions. They don�t have to. They trust the opinions of their friends and the people in their network. 78% of consumers trust peer recommendations, only 14% trust advertisements. 1 • Also, Social Media created a shift in the way we think about networking. Typically, most networking took place at an industry event. You handed out a couple of business cards and talked shop with a limited number of people. Most of the people were from your market. With Social Media, these boundaries can be broken. You can network with 100s of people that are local, regional and national. Watch Socialnomics: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypmfs3z8esI Part 2: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFZ0z5Fm-Ng 1 - Web 2.0 and Social Media by Shantanu Adhicary; www.slideshare.net/shantanu.adhicary/web-20-and-social-media 8 SOCIAL MEDIA & COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE • The offline concept of Social Media is something that Coldwell Banker Commercial professionals have already mastered. As professionals, you�re already connected within your local communities. You know who the best landlords are. You probably know the best restaurants too. Your contact list is as long as a wait at the DMV, and your business grows because of referrals. • That�s the very essence of social networking. Your business forces you to be connected with your community of customers. Social media is just an outlet for you to expand those connections online, and expand to a far greater audience than you could ever imagine. Why should I care? 9 SOCIAL NETWORKING MISCONCEPTIONS • • It�s only meant for teenagers – More than half of the users of Facebook are outside of college & the fastest growing demographic is those 35 years old and older. 60% of all US users are over the age of 25. 2 – The top demographic for Twitter is men age 35 to 44. 3 – 46% of US adults now participate in social networks. 4 Only for Women – Let�s be honest, the commercial RE business is primarily dominated by men. So if only women are using Social Media, why should I? Well, on Facebook, women are the dominant users, but only by a margin of 57% to 43%. So, you don�t need to reach the 135,000,000 men on Facebook? • It is just a fad - It�s not a fad, but rather a seismic shift in the way people communicate. Remember when there was no such thing as email? Can you imagine running your business today without an email address? If you feel email is as important to your business as any other tool, think about this: In 2008, Social Media usage surpassed email usage.7 That’s not a fad. • You can�t use it for business – you are probably right…it isn�t really meant for selling you, your company or your listings. However, it is a great tool for networking, which drives most of your business. It is also great for branding and customer engagement. • • My Clients aren�t using Social Media - This is an assumption that people often make. How do you know your clients aren�t on there if YOU are not on there? Check their business cards or email signatures. Chances are, your clients are on Social Media sites and you don�t even know it. You won�t know until you take the plunge and sign on. Also, you may only be thinking about your ―current‖ clients. Potential new clients are waiting for your connections. You have to be a tech wiz - The last thing that should stop you from leveraging the networking opportunities on the Internet is the technology itself. Some people may find the concept of online social networking intimidating, but the applications and platforms are typically intuitive and easy to learn. It takes time to learn about the technology and the interactions. But once that's done, social networking should be no different than traditional networking. 2- www.insidefacebook.com/2009/10/01/latest-data-on-facebooks-us-growth-by-age-and-gender-october-1-2009/ 3- www.briansolis.com/2009/10/revealing-the-people-defining-social-networks/ 4 The Democratization of Online Social Networks. Pew Internet & American Life Project, October 8, 2009, http://www.pewinternet.org/Presentations/2009/41--The-Democratization-of-Online-Social-Networks.aspx 10 QUANTCAST.COM SOCIAL MEDIA DEMOGRAPHICS Here are some of the demographics for the three major Social Media sites. Does this cover your target market? US Demographics - LinkedIn.com US Demographics - Facebook.com US Demographics - Twitter.com 11 #1 LET THE NUMBERS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES LinkedIn • Over 65 million professionals with an account5 • Growing roughly one new member per second5 • When LinkedIn launched in 2003, it took 477 days — almost a year and four months — to reach the first million members. The last million took only 12 days. 5 Facebook • Facebook serves 400 million people across the world 6 • The website grew from 200 million users to 300 million in just over 5 months 6 • Facebook accounted for 58% of all U.S. visits among the category Social Networking (between 155 Social Networking sites) in a report by Hitwise. 7 • More than 5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photos, etc.) are shared on Facebook…weekly 6 Twitter • The actual number of live Twitter accounts - just above 50 million 8 • 3,000,000 – average number of ―Tweets‖ per day 8 The larger issue is that by the time you finish reading this document, these numbers will all be obsolete! 5 - http://press.linkedin.com/about 6 - www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics 7 - http://bit.ly/Hcxet 8 - www.techcrunch.com/2009/10/05/twitter-data-analysis-an-investors-perspective/ More #s to Blow your Mind9 • Years to reach 50 millions Users: Radio (38 Years), TV (13 Years), Internet (4 Years), iPod (3 Years)…Facebook added 100 million users in less than 9 months…iPhone applications hit 1 billion in 9 months. • If Facebook were a country it would be the world�s 3rd largest, ahead of the United States and behind Indonesia. • % of companies using LinkedIn as a primary tool to find employees….95%. • Ashton Kutcher and Brittany Spears (combined) have more Twitter followers than the population of Sweden, Ireland, Norway or Panama. • The #2 largest search engine in the world is YouTube. • Wikipedia has over 13 million articles…some studies show it�s more accurate than Encyclopedia Britannica… • There are over 200,000,000 Blogs. • 54% = Number of bloggers who post content or tweet daily. • Facebook USERS translated the site from English to Spanish via a Wiki in less than 4 weeks and cost Facebook $0. • Social Media has overtaken pornography as the #1 activity on the Web. • 25% of Americans in the past month said they watched a short video…on their phone. • 24 of the 25 largest newspapers are experiencing record declines in circulation because we no longer search for the news, the news finds us. 9 - Social Media Revolution - www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIFYPQjYhv8 and Social Media Revolution Part 2 www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFZ0z5Fm-Ng What is Social Media: One Year Later - www.slideshare.net/mkonder/what-the-fuck-is-social-media 13 #2 YOU NEED TO FORM RELATIONSHIPS #3 SPEEDS UP NETWORKING The commercial real estate business is all about relationships. Most business is won not because of who you are affiliated with, not because of your marketing materials or even your experience. It is who you know. Potential business can be won just because you have a good connection with someone. I want you to ask yourself a few questions: Which clients do you consider your best clients? Now, how well do you know that client? Typically, the answer to the two previous questions is, ―my best clients are the ones I have the best relationship with.‖ Social media can be used to expand existing relationships, and form new ones: • Interact with potential clients and get to know more personal things about them to use to your advantage • Establish relationships with other brokers and market to them • Keep an eye on the competition • Build your cross-selling platform Now ask yourself, how long did it take to get know that client? • Here is another scenario. You attend a networking event that cost $150 for admission. You go there, put on your best suit and perform your business spiel. You might talk with 10 potential clients and try to gather as much information as you can. Sometimes, you write info on the back of business cards so you won�t forget. Since you talked to so many people, much of the information you learned has jumbled together. Also, you only networked with people from the area. The next day, you ask yourself, what was the value of the $150 I spent to go to that meeting? • That is the beauty of Social Media. You can find tons of information all within seconds, and it is all organized neatly so you can refer to it later. You can view 25 clients (local or non-local) within an hour, and find out much more information about them than you ever thought possible. Thus, speeding up networking and cutting down local boundaries. 14 #4 GENERATES BUSINESS Don�t take our word for it. These quotes explain how business was conducted over various Social Media Platforms: • A corporate user contacted the CBC® Corporate Twitter account because they needed assistance on the West coast. Information was pushed down to a CBC professional and the transaction began. • I became friends with the community leaders and asked them what restaurants our community needs. I got an overwhelming amount of response and they told me what businesses they wanted. I started bringing in those restaurants. Now they come to my page to find out what is happening in the retail world. Colleen Butcher, Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate Solutions • ―I have put several transactions on LinkedIn. Once I learned to be more specific about what type of buyer I was looking for, I have gotten emails on every deal I�ve posted.‖ Rob Boehning, Coldwell Banker Commercial Pennco • ―We have not generated a close from Social Media yet, but have generated a lot of activity. We have made a referral to NRT residential in Florida from a Coldwell Banker in CA. We have received a referral on a listing in Houston from Coldwell Banker Metro North in Denver. We received a referral two weeks ago from Coldwell Banker Commercial United that was referred to NRT in Salt Lake City. Recently, we just picked up our 1st listing from Facebook. All this within Social Media.‖ George Alexander, Coldwell Banker Commercial Properties Unlimited 15 #5 LOOPNET HAS ALREADY BOUGHT IN LoopNet, one of the commercial real estate industry standards, has already not only bought in, but has made it easier to link your properties to your Social Media platforms. Other listing aggregators have also jumped on board. 16 #6 USE IT FOR RECRUITING • Screen prospects even before the interview process • Gain access to candidates that you didn�t have access to • Save money (won�t have to pay for Monster.com or newspaper ad) • Get far more information than you would get from a resume • Use resources - If you have a connection with someone that is connected with the applicant, you can reach out to the mutual friend for the inside scoop 17 #7 SOCIAL MEDIA IS THE HOME OF FUTURE CLIENTS • Three-quarters of Generation Y (Gen Y), or Millennials, use MySpace, 65% use Facebook, 14% use Twitter and 9% use LinkedIn10 making Gen Y a dominant player within Social Media. • 99% have a profile on a social networking site.11 • Gen Y accounts for close to 80 million individuals, outnumbering the 78 million baby boomers reported by the U.S. Census Bureau.12 • Gen Y has $1.3 trillion (yes, trillion) in direct spending power. 13 • Gen Y is beginning to take over positions that make decisions. • They average 53 friends per profile.1 • And, most important of all, they care what their friends think. 10 - Anderson Analytics, ―Social Network Service(SNS) A&U Profiler,‖ provided to eMarketer, July 13, 2009. 11 - Participatory Marketing Network Study: Gen Y�s Are Not Yet Taking Flight on Twitter; June 1, 2009, http://thepmn.org/pressreleases/060109 12 - ―Using Computer Simulations to Recruit and Train Generation Y Accountants‖ by Polimeni, Ralph S, Burke, Jacqueline A, Benyaminy, Diana; May 2009, http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa5346/is_200905/ai_n31965174/ 13 - ―Welcome to the New Millenials‖ by Littman, Sarah; May 1, 2008, www.responsemagazine.com/response-magazine/welcome-new-millenials-1192 1 - Web 2.0 and Social Media by Shantanu Adhicary; www.slideshare.net/shantanu.adhicary/web-20-and-social-media 18 #8 YOUR COMPETITORS ARE ON THERE What happens when you are not at a networking or broker event and your competitors are…you miss out on a potential opportunity. Whether you want to believe it or not, your competitors are on there, and you should be too. The commercial real estate business is one of the only businesses where you market directly to your competition. They help you close deals, and you help them close deals. Take a moment and think: how much do you actually market to your clients? You don�t really. You send property blasts to your competitive brokers within your marketplace. Using social media can make it easier to market to your competition and it is more conversational than an email. Let�s be honest – brokers do deals with brokers that are doing deals. If you see that someone is completing a lot of deals, you start to think to yourself, ―I need to be doing deals with him.‖ You can build credibility within your marketplace using social media. Keys to Social Media success Although the different types of Social Media follow their own rules and have their nuances (which will be discussed in the following sections), there are general principles that all of them abide by. If you follow these simple concepts, you can be more successful with your Social Media. 20 KEYS TO SUCCESS: GETTING STARTED Experiment Personally before Professionally Choose your Public Account Name Wisely • There is not a precise formula for Social Media success. It takes some trial and error. Create a few profiles, test out a few sites, but don�t create business profiles first. • Usually, with Social Media sites, you choose your public account name. This is how others will find you. You don�t want to use a nickname that only a select few know. Choose it wisely, because usually, you cannot change it once created. • Once you�ve tested the waters and have found a comfortable lane to swim in, incorporate it into your business practices. Try several, but you don�t have to try all of them. What Sites are your Clients on? • Don�t jump in with your guns blazing. Find where your audience is participating and identify the key influencers. Get an idea of what�s being said, how they are interacting and think about how you can join in the conversation. • You can find out what sites clients are on by looking at invites sent to you to join a certain Social Media site, or on their business cards or email signatures. Listen First • Listening gives you a better sense of not only what people are saying, but also how they are feeling. In virtual spaces where there are no visual cues, good listening skills become a powerful asset. Read posts by people in your industry or competitors� posts. Pay special attention to the comments being made. Are consumers reacting positively or negatively to what�s being posted? Decide your Objectives Before you Start • What are you looking for? Better brand awareness? Engagement with prospects? Interest in properties? Web Traffic? What kind of posts will you make? These are all questions to ask before you start. Professional Email • When you are on Social Media sites, email is often the preferred method people can search for you. Make sure you use your professional email, not your Hotmail, Yahoo or Gmail account. Photo • Upload a picture, it makes you easier to be found and recognized by people trying to find you. Not posting makes it seem like you are trying to hide something. The photo doesn�t have to be professionally taken, it just has to look professional. Profile Pages • When you sign up for many of the Social Media sites, they give you the option of creating a Profile Page. You can utilize these pages to explain who you are. Make sure yours is filled out with accurate, up-to-date information. After all, it is free advertising. The notable areas are URL, bio, picture and a brief description about you or your company. It also lets others know you plan on hanging around for awhile. Find People Easier • Many of the Social Media sites have a ―Friend Finder‖ – you can import your contacts from Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. and they will search for those people by their email address. Some sites will also tell you when those people join at a later date. Don�t forget to search for competition. The RE business thrives off strong relationships with competitors to complete transactions. 21 IDENTITY Keep Separate Business & Personal Accounts • While it is essential to be ―personable‖ on your Social Media sites, it is also important to keep a separate personal account. Use your personal account to make friends with your relatives and non-business friends. Create your ―professional account‖ to post items relative to your business. You have to remember – whatever posted on Social Media sites is public, or only seen by those who you are ―friends‖ with. You don�t want business colleagues to see a college friend that insists on posting stories about your younger days. Be Interesting • On Social Media sites, people are craving connections with people. Mix up personal posts about what you are doing in your personal life, with what is happening with your business. It will make you much more interesting and three-dimensional. Sound like someone who is part of the Coldwell Banker Commercial® Brand • Remember you�re a commercial real estate professional and you represent a brand and a local company. Keep your posts professional too. Also, each office is independently owned and operated, so please do not speak as a representative of the CBC Brand or parent company (Realogy). Use your Company Name • Make sure you use your company name (DBA) when you create a Social Media site. There are over 240 Coldwell Banker Commercial companies, so if you don�t use your DBA, how will they know it is you? CONTENT Share the Wealth • ―If you�ve got it, share it, spread it around.‖ In Social Media, sharing is the fuel of the conversation engine. If you find an interesting link, blog post, video, photo or story, post it to your Social Media page. Don�t claim that something is yours if it isn�t. Give credit where credit is due. Share Content across sites • Share your content across Social Media sites and make it easy to share. Incorporate tools that promote sharing: Share This, RSS feeds, Email a friend. One of the greatest compliments in Social Media is to have another person take your content and share it with their own audience. Have some Originality • While it's great to resend interesting recycled information, if that's all you do, you will lose many of your friends and followers. Generate some original content, or comment on the content you are sharing. Speak in an Open-Ended Manner • This is kind of difficult to explain, but post in a way that spurs conversation. Leave thoughts open-ended or post only part of what you want to say, forcing people to ask questions, Don't make me Think • Web 2.0, texting and Social Media are hit-andrun. You have the person's attention for only a few seconds before they jump to the next post on Facebook or surf to another Web site. Consequently, the words you use must be crystal clear. You must also be as literal as possible. Speak in the client�s language rather than traditional industry jargon. Focus on clear headlines and bullet points. Reducing confusion increases conversion. 22 BUSINESS POSTINGS Respect the Spirit of the �Net • The Internet was not meant for marketing and selling but for communication and connecting to people and information. Understanding this can flip your marketing and selling strategy on its head, but you�ll have far more success respecting the spirit of the ‗Net, rather than throwing money at hard-sell tactics. • Don�t promote yourself in every post and don�t post everything you or your company does. Add Value • Enter any online conversation with the aim of adding value. Before posting a message, ask yourself: ―How is this providing value to the conversation? To the community?” In some circles, talking about your product or service can be considered unwelcome and intrusive. Don’t Spam • As much as your friends like you, spamming them on Social Media sites will be met with the same reaction as if you were spamming them through email – you�ll drive them away. Some people don�t realize they are spamming, but if you�re sending messages to your friends multiple times a week about properties you�ve listed or transactions you�ve closed, it will not be seen as an astounding achievement, but rather a nuisance. Try to keep blast communications to a minimum. Share Market Information • This is the information that can really set you apart from the rest. You have access to knowledge and statistics that few others do, and the ability to share that with an audience is advantageous to your business. Look for market trends, vacancy, recent sales and other essential points of data that will make you a resource that people want to follow. ETIQUETTE Act Like a Person • Don�t shout. Don�t brag. Don�t think that your content is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Respond • A quick response is more important than ever because it is expected. Don�t be a dam in the conversation flow. When someone sends you a direct message, make sure you respond. Comment / Two Way Communication • Don�t make your Social Media efforts a one-way street. You will get far more traction commenting on other people�s posts than just constantly posting your own info. Be Social • If you accept a friend request on any social network, don't just click on the "accept button." Instead, take the time to look at the person's profile and send a reply to their request. The reply can be as simple as saying "thank you." A better approach is to reference something on their profile such as where they live or what they like to do. The person then knows that your response came from you rather than from some impersonal auto responder. You can’t Fake it • On Social Media sites, your goal is to project a positive and professional image to prospects and clients. However, you should not attempt to create a new persona that you think customers would desire, rather, you should be the same person that you are in your everyday, face-toface interactions. Just by being yourself, you�ll have far better and more long-lasting positive results than if you try to be someone — or something — you�re not. 23 NETWORKING TRACKING & FINDING Network Track Where People Are • The RE business is all about networking: meeting new people, discussing similar interests, finding more about clients and using it to your advantage. Once you look beyond the obvious social features like sharing pictures and chatting with friends, there are plenty of ways to tap into the online professional community. • In the beginning, it will be difficult to remember what sites your clients are on. We suggest creating some form of tracking. When you get an invite from someone, track it, even if you aren�t on that site. You may be on that site in the future, and if you took 2 minutes to track, it will make it easier in the long run. Join Groups Continue to Monitor • On LinkedIn and Facebook, you can find groups that share similar interests. Friend your Competitors • These are the people who you typically do the most business with. Also, you can follow what they are posting about. Who knows, you may get some great information. Build Credibility • You can build credibility by being in front of competitors that otherwise didn�t know you existed. People do business with people they are comfortable with. Pose and Answer Questions • Is there anything more complimentary than having someone ask your opinion about something? The same is true for Social Media. Collect insights by posing questions. Don�t be afraid to answer questions as well. You will be surprised at the number of people willing to put their ―two cents‖ in when you ask a question. Also, you may get answers and insight that you would never get by trying to ―email‖ the same question. • Just because the person you searched for wasn�t on a Social Media site, that doesn�t mean they won�t join next month. New users sign on everyday. Occasionally, double check to see who has joined. Ask • If you don�t know if a person is on a Social Media site, just ask…it is much easier than searching for them. Invite • Social Media sites make it easy to invite your clients. If you find your clients or competitors are not on there, send them a courtesy invite, but don�t use the automated language. Take the time to compose a message telling them why it would benefit them to join. Follow Friends of your Friends • Take a look at who your friends are following or engaging with. They may be people of interest to you. 24 GENERAL RULES TIME & EFFORT Give Kudos Schedule Time for Updates • Social Media works when you are generous. There is nothing wrong with self-promotion, but things really take off when you give others praise or a moment in the spotlight (especially your clients or landlords). • What happened when you went to a networking event, and didn�t network: you didn�t get a value from attending. The same principles apply for Social Media: if you don�t use it, it won�t work for you. At first, you may post things a few times a day, but after the novelty wears off, how are you going to make sure you keep using it? Schedule time to work on your Social Media marketing each week. Make it part of your daily routine. Take it a step further and put it on you Outlook Calendar, for you know you always listen to it. We're not your Mama • No one is here to look over your shoulder, but please use common sense when it comes to the use of objectionable language, sensitive topics, etc. Also be sure to proof-read and use proper grammar / spelling. Be prepared to Learn from Criticism • At some point in time, you will be criticized in the public forum. Don�t try to delete it or you�ll just make things worse, because now that person will post about how you deleted their comment. Listen to those who are your detractors. They may have a point, and if they do, you can admit your shortcomings. There�s nothing wrong with being wrong. It�s how you react to it that makes the real difference. Shift your Print Marketing • In today's Web 2.0 environment, print still plays an important role, but how you use it must shift. Print marketing works best when you use it to drive potential clients to your Web site, or to your Social Media page. You also need to change what you put on your business card. Instead of listing several telephone numbers, list one phone number, your e-mail address, your Facebook address and your Twitter handle. Time your Updates • Posting updates when no one is online is foolish, you won�t be talking to anyone, and by the time they get on, your updates will be buried. Find out when the most people are on and post during that time. Don’t be a Costanza • George Costanza from ―Seinfeld‖ was always looking for a way to get out of doing work. He wanted to be as lazy as possible while still holding a job. Don�t be lazy with your Social Media presence. It takes some time to build your empire. Put Marketing Effort Into it • Until you can drive traffic to your Social Media efforts, you've got a tree falling in the forest, heard only by those standing nearby. You have to let people know about your Social Media pages and how to find you. Don’t Give Up • I think we all realize that this Social Media ―thing‖ is out there to stay and needs to be part of our marketing campaign. Just don't give up too quickly. Social networking is all about building relationships, and that doesn't happen overnight. If you're going to commit only one month, it's not worth doing. Like any traditional networking activity, it's going to take longer than that for it to pay off. AND FINALLY, A WORD OF WARNING: DON�T MESS AROUND IN SOCIAL MEDIA Mistakes to Avoid in Social Media By now you should be familiar with what you�re supposed to do on Social Media sites. But here�s a list of what you don�t want to do. These are the common Social Media mistakes that others have made so you don�t have to. 27 SOCIAL MEDIA MISTAKES TO AVOID Social Media is not the Business Savior You have to realize one thing: If you have a bad business model, Social Media isn't going to help you. It isn�t the savior you�ve been waiting for. Don�t bank everything on your Social Media success. Using the Same Strategy on Every Site Facebook is not MySpace. Twitter is not Wordpress. LinkedIn is not Naymz. And they�re all different from Friendfeed. Every social networking site is different and you need to create a unique strategy for each site — one that is customized to that site�s specific rules and code of conduct. Trying to run a one-size-fits-all approach will limit your ability to be successful. Creating Profiles Everywhere You don�t want to set up shop in every Web community. Instead, research the various sites and locate the ones that will give you the most bang for your buck. This will help you focus your efforts and prevent you from suffering from the dreaded Social Media Account Overload (SMAO). Don�t dilute your efforts by trying to be active on too many sites. Not Completing your Profile Once you engage in Social Media, you need to commit and genuinely become part of that network. That means completely filling out your user profile. Doing so helps you attract like-minded members but it also shows people that you�re here to stay and people will know who you are. Give away Insider Information Remember, once information is on the web, it is out there for anyone to find. So be sure not to post information unless you want anyone and everyone to see it. If you ever pause before making a post because the information may become a liability, it probably will. Posting False Information Just because you may see something on the Web does not make it true or public knowledge. Check the source before you blast it out to your network. Get Caught in the Social Media Vortex Fake Friending When you first start on Social Media, you get caught up looking for new people and befriend everyone you might know. Don�t do that! It�s a complete waste of time and will dilute your efforts. Go for quality over quantity. Seek out the people who will be most valuable to you. Then, go out of your way for them. Fake friends aren�t going to click your links, they won�t visit your site, and they won�t use your service. Plus, when you are trying to read through updates, you will find yourself just skipping over them. They actually won�t do anything for you. It�s okay to be choosy with your online relationships. You wouldn�t walk into a coffee shop and immediately ask everyone to be your best friend. Don�t do it online either. Very easily, you can find yourself getting caught in the Social Media Vortex. There is a lot of information to read or reply to. Don�t let it take over your day. Use it in increments. Not Measuring it If you�re not going to come up with ways to measure your Social Media efforts, don�t jump in. Before you get into Social Media, know why you�re there and what you plan to get out of it.? How are you going to measure these goals? Whatever your metrics are, make sure you�ve identified them before you throw money into programs you�re not tracking. Otherwise you�re fishing in the dark. 28 Integrate Social Media into my Business Ok, so you�ve read through the Keys to Success and Mistakes to avoid, yet you still don�t know how to use this monster for business. 30 DON�T JUST JUMP RIGHT IN! • Since Social Media is a new concept, everyone is trying to figure out the best practices. The number one piece of advice is…don�t just jump right in. This is how you will fail. You will waste time and energy, and feel you�ve got nothing out of it. Then, you will abandon your Social Media efforts and won�t ever try it again. • It is important to understand why you want to bother with Social Media. Simply, it is because people will do business with people they like. Social Media Marketing is all about creating connections with clients, family and friends who can ―suggest‖ you to their extended group of friends. • We know that Social Media users talk with friends. So if you want to talk to them, you�ve got to be a friend! And not in the ―I add you, you add me‖ sense, but as an actual, real, live human being. Someone with a personality, someone who�s interested in the people around them, someone who�s not a 24-7 pitch fest for their website, property or service. 31 YOU HAVE TO BE A GREAT AGENT FIRST! One of the biggest mistakes real estate pros can make in approaching the Web is to think that the simple act of creating an online presence—whether through a blog, a Facebook profile, or a fancy Web site—will in itself bring new business. • In reality, to see results, you must already have strong business fundamentals and a solid marketing plan. If you're not a great agent, don't worry about Social Media right now. It's not the silver bullet for your business. If you're a bad agent or even an average agent, you won't be able to fake it on the Web. People will be able to see right through you. • Part of being a great practitioner requires knowing what type of communication resonates with your customers, including when it might be better to use offline marketing vehicles. Even with the power of Social Media at your fingertips, be wary of using it for messages that are still best conveyed through personal or other means. • Even if you can increase your prospecting efforts through the Web, that won't mean much if you ―You get leads‖ because you're on Social Media, ―you close the transaction‖ because you're a great agent! aren't able to get deals done and generate real profits. 32 COMPANY OR INDIVIDUAL PAGE With most of the Social Media sites, you have the option of creating a page for your company, a page as an individual, or both. They are similar, but follow different rules and have a different language. • • It is important to understand the difference and decide which is the proper path for you: – A company page would have more general information about the company as a whole, including transactions that any professional within the company completed, company info, etc. – An Individual page would display the personality of the individual, including their style of writing, their interests and topics. However, if you do create both, make sure they have the same message and link them to each other. Individual page company page 33 GROUP One thing that might be successful with commercial real estate and social media is to create a group for the local brokers in your marketplace. Linkedin or Facebook would be perfect for it. You already have your local broker list that you blast properties to, why not upload that same list to either site. and start a group. Don�t just send the canned invite. You need to be specific as to why it would benefit them. Say something like, “Hey, if you are a commercial real estate professional in the market, then you need to be in this group. You can post your current listings or recent transactions and find out what is going on within the market. Let’s cut down on the emails, as we all get over 100 a day and it is hard to weed through them. Join the group and invite others.” Then, you can share listings, market knowledge and deal closings. It would be much more conversational than email. You can start the group, invite all the local brokers, and post as necessary. Let the other members run the page! 34 INTEGRATE SOCIAL MEDIA INTO YOUR BUSINESS Once you get past the picture sharing and friend updates, you realize that Social Media CAN be used for business. Networking – Get to know your clients better and faster – Recommendations – Referrals – Interact with people you normally wouldn�t interact with • Interact with people to build your crossselling platform – Furniture – Lenders – Construction • Market properties to an expanded audience • • • More advanced ways to showcase properties: Video, Custom Web pages, etc. Build credibility – get recognized by competitors that previously didn�t know you existed • Expansion of your website • Become known as a subject expert • Access to more than just local clients • Use it to gain industry knowledge • Link information across platforms (more exposure) • Generate instant feedback about topics • Join relevant industry groups • Follow competitors • Receive answers to questions • Integrate it into Outlook • Repost national CBC® information – use the brand, promote the brand • Recruiting • Free PR 35 #1 - NETWORKING ON SOCIAL MEDIA SITES The RE business is all about networking. It�s about customers. It�s about pleasing customers, acquiring new ones, and connecting with them. If you are good at networking, you can apply those skills to Social Media sites. This would be the number one reason to integrate it into your business. You don�t have to focus your attention on people that are in commercial real estate, for you know that potential clients can come from any leads. Here are some tips on how to use Social Media sites for networking: • Make friends by sharing interests. • Compliment people on good blog posts. • Make contrary points if you're sure you're right, but if you think you might make someone look bad, is it really worth it? And what if you're wrong? Get your facts straight, sleep on it, pick your battles. • Follow interesting people and have interesting conversations with them. • Be yourself, unless you're a jerk, in which case you should go somewhere and have a personal transformation. Otherwise, just show off your sparkling personality. Show what makes you different. • Be interested in other people and help them out whenever you can. • Join Groups – many of the Social Media sites have 1000s of groups that you can join to facilitate networking. • Remember, with Social Media, you are not limited by local boundaries! • And… you will get far more traction by commenting on another person�s post than constantly posting something yourself. This takes a little getting used to, but once you master this, you will see your efforts pay off. COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT, 36 #2- MARKET YOU, YOUR COMPANY OR PROPERTIES After you understand the networking aspect of Social Media, you realize it can also be used to market You, your Company or Properties. When posting, it is important to mix in topics from two categories: About You or Your Company (30%) Why only 30%? Would you follow your dentist�s page if all they talked about was patients they treated? – – – – – – Current listings Awards you or your company has won Deals you have completed or recently won Drive Traffic to your website by linking to an article you�ve posted on it New Hires Promote your Blog Not About You or Your Company (70%) – – – – – – – – – – – – – New developments / construction in your market Significant transactions (even if you weren�t involved) that may effect the market Local business information Post questions: Such as, ―Does anyone know of a good printer vendor?‖ or ―Does anyone know who is the tenant in building A?‖ – use it as your personal supplement to a Google search Client Testimonials If you are in a suburb, talk about something going on in the larger city and its effect on your community Read the local newspaper and comment on articles Give ―Props‖ to your clients – Post about their business, or what their new space will do for their company Post information about Landlords you represent Market information: Vacancy, Absorption, Rent, Employment, Population, etc. Links to other articles or something you found interesting on the web Offer a discounted service if a client mentions the discount you posted Offer a bonus if someone brings a tenant to a building and mentions the Social Media post 37 POSTING TIPS When it comes to Social Media, we realize that you are going to post listings , it is the nature of the RE business. However, if you follow these simple tips when posting, it becomes more than just a listing. BE SPECIFIC Instead of: New Office Listing http://www.cbcworldwide.com/cbclistings/4610595.html Try: Seeking tenants for Class A Office space, prime downtown location, walk to mall and public transportation. Rent is $22/PSF, 10,000 SF Avail http://bit.ly/GpkLh OFFER A GIFT Instead of: New Listing http://www.cbcworldwide.com/cbclistings/4610595.html Try: Class A Office space, great location & views. Walk to 5 restaurants. Bring tenant & mention this, get $25 giftcard. http://bit.ly/GpkLh CREATE VALUE Instead of: New construction on corner of Main & 2nd St. View article Try: New bldg being built on Main & 2nd St. This will move vacancy rates up to 8% unless tenants are found. Highest it�s been in 4 years. View article GIVE PROPS Instead of: We recently sold 10,000 SF building in Parsippany, NJ Try: We represented Alter Group in buying a 10,000 SF bldg in Parsippany, NJ. They excel in ensuring tenants are pleased with their space. POSE QUESTIONS Instead of: New office space for lease, 3,500-8,000 SF avail, Burgan Co. email [email protected] Try: We have new office space avail on Main St, St Louis. Anyone know where the best food is near there? ORIGINALITY (ADD A COMMENT TO A LINK) Instead of: New NREI report: Weak Jobs Report Is Unwelcome News for Leasing Markets Try: New NREI report: Weak Jobs Report Is Unwelcome News for Leasing Markets. However, I don�t think this is going to affect the Atlanta market. 38 POSTING TIPS 2 Here are some additional posting tips: SPEAK OPEN ENDED Instead of: Recently closed, 10,000 SF lease downtown Try: Recently brought Tenant X to the best location downtown. Guess what building? Instead of: Visiting space with Tenant X, we stopped at Dino�s for a burger. Try: Visiting space with Tenant X. We are eating a slice of the best pizza in town. There is no comparison. COMMENT, COMMENT, COMMENT Other Poster: We represented Alter Group in buying a 10,000 SF bldg in Parsippany, NJ. They excel in ensuring tenants are pleased with their space. Props: Congrats on closing the transaction, any details you can share about it? Share: We have also worked with Alter Group. We represented them in one of their downtown locations and we have retained every tenant. Network: I am currently working with the Alter Group. I would love to hear more about how you dealt with them. Be interesting: An interesting fact about the Alter Group, they own more Class B buildings than any other developer in our marketplace. You can see how expanding your posts makes them more interesting. This is something that is very simple to do and you will get far greater value out of your Social Media efforts. Always ask, “What is the value to the reader?” before you post 39 WHAT�S WORTH MY WHILE? Now that we�ve discussed what Social Media is, why you need to use it, how to be successful and mistakes to avoid; it is time to dive deeper into some of the Social Media forms. For Commercial Real Estate, there are four facets that currently make the most sense to participate in business. That�s not to say participating in alternatives won�t be worth your while, but we�ll focus on the following four segments in greater detail: 1. Social networking 2. Micro blogging 3. Blogging 4. Video sharing forever changing. You must realize that Social Media is but who knows what will be popular a year from now. These are the popular sites of today, 40 OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA SITES Here is a list of some of the other Social Media sites. This list is more so you are aware of the other sites that are out there that aren�t covered in this How to Guide in case you want to try others. SOCIAL-MEDIA/SOCIAL-BOOKMARKING SITES Social-Media/Social-Bookmarking Sites Reddi Upload stories and articles on Reddit to drive traffic to your site or blog. Submit items often so that you'll gain a more loyal following and increase your presence on the site. www.reddit.com Digg Digg has a huge following online because of its optimum usability. Visitors can submit and browse articles in categories like technology, business, entertainment, sports and more. Coined the term ―Digg This‖ www.digg.com Del.icio.us Social bookmark your way to better business with sites like del.icio.us, which invite users to organize and publicize interesting items through tagging and networking. http://delicious.com Technorati If you want to increase your blog's readership, consider registering it with Technorati, a network of blogs and writers that lists top stories in categories like Business, Entertainment and Technology. http://technorati.com Ning Squidoo After hanging around the same social networks, you may feel inspired to create your own, where you can bring together clients, vendors, customers and co-workers in a confidential, secure corner of the Web. Ning lets users design free social networks that they can share with anyone. www.ning.com According to Squidoo, "everyone's an expert on something. Share your knowledge!" Share your industry's secrets by answering questions and designing a profile page to help other members. www.squidoo.com Windows Live Window Live Spaces is Microsoft's blogging and Social Networking platform. You can do a lot of different things including blogs, photos, music or invite friends. http://home.spaces.live.com Spaces Professional-Networking Sites Jigsaw Ecademy PROFESSIONAL-NETWORKING SITES Jigsaw is an online directory of free downloadable Company information and more than 16 million business contacts. It has recently gained some popularity. www.jigsaw.com Ecademy prides itself on "connecting business people" through its online network blog and message-board chats as well as its premier BlackStar membership program which awards exclusive benefits. www.ecademy.com XING Another professional networking site that has recently gained some traction. www.xing.com Plaxo Plaxo securely hosts address books for more than 40 million people. You can easily connect your Social Media efforts. www.plaxo.com Naymz Naymz is a powerful tool for any professional looking to advance their career to the next level. www.naymz.com GENERAL SOCIAL MEDIA SITES General Social Media Sites Besides creating your own business reference page on Wikipedia, you can connect with other users on Wikipedia's Wikipedia Community Portal, where you'll find professionals enthusiastic about news, business, research and more. www.wikipedia.org Newsvine Feature top employees by uploading their articles, studies or other news-related items to this site. A free account will also get you your own column and access to the Newsvine community. www.newsvine.com Yahoo! Answers Start fielding questions with this social-media service. Search for questions in your particular areas of expertise by clicking categories like Business or Finance. If you continue to dole out useful advice and link your answer to your company's Web page, you'll quickly gain a new following of curious customers. http://answers.yahoo.com Slide Share Scribd Mixx Yelp WikiHow Google Knol 1,000 of presentations have been uploaded for viewing. www.slideshare.net Search for tons of content on a variety of topics. www.scribd.com Mixx prides itself on being "your link to the Web content that really matters." Submit and rate stories, photos and news to drive traffic to your own site. You'll also meet others with similar interests. www.mixx.com Social Media Yellow Pages. Find out ratings of restaurants or other local businesses. www.yelp.com Create a how-to guide or tutorial on wikiHow to share your company's services with the public for free. www.wikihow.com Little unknown research area where people can post ―Knols‖ about anything. http://knol.google.com 41 Social Networking 1. 2. 3. What Is It Why Should I Use It Participation a) Linked In b) Facebook 4. How Often to Participate 5. Tips 6. Tracking Success 7. Applications 8. Affiliate Samples 9. Other Samples 10. Get Started 42 SOCIAL NETWORKING As a commercial real estate professional, you�re probably already involved in networking, but possibly not involved online. Social networking is simply taking the same ―networking‖ you do on a regular basis (business card exchanges, meeting people for lunch, etc.) and moving it into the similar to a business cocktail hour, except without time constraints. online realm. It is Here are a few highlights of the most common things to do on a social network: • Create an online profile • Share photos, videos, links and more • Send private messages, post public comments or instant messages • Learn more about people, brands, competitors and organizations • Join groups of interest • Ask questions and get multiple answers • NETWORK “If you are good at traditional networking, you can be even better with Social Networking. If you aren’t good at traditional networking, you can still be good at Social Networking.” 43 WHY SHOULD I USE SOCIAL NETWORKING 1. You are already networking anyway – why not take it to the online realm? 2. It�s Free – Social Networking is a quick and easy way to generate publicity for you and your company. 3. Reach Unexpected Clients – When you post Status Updates or comment on other people�s status updates, they can be seen by your friends and their friends, thus reaching unexpected people. 4. Client Testimonials or Endorsements– You can get your clients to post good testimonials about you or your company. On LinkedIn, current or past co-workers can endorse you. 5. Facebook can be your all-encompassing Social Media realm – You can link your Twitter Account to your Facebook account (you can even automatically post to Twitter by updating your Facebook account). You can start a Blog using a Facebook Blog application and you can post video and pictures. Thus, it is all you need in one location. 6. It is an alternative to your boring website – Your clients don�t always go to your website. Instead, they check to see if you are on LinkedIn and other social sites because they know they can get more personal information about you. 7. Get your client�s resume – Turn the tables on your clients. Sure enough, they are checking up on you, but now you can read their profiles and find out information about them. You can find interesting or personal things about them that normally would take you several meetings to find out. If it gives you an inside track for one deal…it is all worth it. I think the proper question is “Why aren’t you using it?” 44 SOCIAL NETWORKING PARTICIPATION There are hundreds of social networking sites out there, each with their own niche, but you�ve probably heard of the more popular sites like MySpace, Facebook and LinkedIn. While MySpace is credited with Facebook launching the social networking craze, has currently taken over and has had much more usage and growth. According to Facebook�s own site, over 200 million users login to Facebook at least once every day. 6 LinkedIn While does not have the same size audience as Facebook, it does cater to a more professional crowd and is a good tool for networking amongst peers. Both LinkedIn and Facebook can have a role in commercial real estate, but the two sites are very different in approach and audience. There are some who will tell you that everyone should participate on social networks. In my opinion, that�s not true. It�s not for everyone. If a person tries to force himself into participation, just because everyone else is, ultimately he will fail and will have wasted his time. Social networking is for eager participants. It takes time and energy to incorporate a social network into a business, especially doing it in such a way that is not overly selfpromoting. 6 - www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics 45 LINKEDIN LinkedIn LinkedIn is a great site for networking with other real estate professionals. is not as social as Facebook, but is more of a ―business‖ tool. Think of it as an extension of your cbcworldwide.com profile page. LinkedIn gives you an expanded profile and gives you an online place for managing your business contacts. It is a good place to participate in message boards and groups with other professionals both in your area and across the country. LinkedIn is for almost everyone. It�s simple to sign up and create your profile. There�s really no upkeep necessary. You can participate as much or as little as you want, and update your profile as you gain new experiences or achievements just as you would your resume or profile page. LinkedIn Demographics Recent LinkedIn statistics show the following data14: Average age: 41 Male: 64% Household Income: $100K+ = 53% Own Smart phone or PDA: 34% College Grad/Post Grad: 80.1% Business Decision Maker: 49% Job Titles: C-Level Executives EVP/SVP Sr Mgmt Middle Management 7.8% 6.5% 16% 18% 14 - http://thebrandbible.blogspot.com/2009/06/linkedin-demographics.html 46 FACEBOOK Facebook If you were to think of LinkedIn as an online business luncheon, think of as the shopping mall. On Facebook, you�ll run into anyone from your co-workers to old classmates from college to your neighbors to your clients. It�s a casual, informal online social network that gives you a peek into the everyday lives of people. The Essence of Facebook – people post ―what they are doing‖ to their wall that can be seen by anyone they are ―friends‖ with. You can comment on other people�s ―status.‖ People also share videos, photos and links. US Facebook Unique Users by Age2 16-25 10% 55-65 7% 45-54 12% 13-17 29% 35-44 19% 26-34 23% 60% of all US users are over the age of 25. 2- www.insidefacebook.com/2009/10/01/latest-data-on-facebooks-us-growth-by-age-and-gender-october-1-2009/ 47 FACEBOOK STATISTICS (FROM THEIR SITE) General Growth – – – More than 400 million active users 50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day The fastest growing demographic is those 35 years old and older User Engagement – – – – Average user has 130 friends on the site More than 8 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day (worldwide) More than 60 million status updates each day Average user spends more than 55 minutes per day on Facebook Applications – – – – – – More than 3 billion photos uploaded to the site each month More than 14 million videos uploaded each month More than 5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photos, etc.) shared each week More than 45 million active user groups exist on the site More than 1.5 million local businesses have active Pages on Facebook More than 3 million active Pages on Facebook Mobile – – There are more than 100 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are 2x more active on Facebook than nonmobile users *stats taken from 2/2/10, stats change regularly. Check http://www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics for most updated stats. 48 FACEBOOK LINGO Here are some terms to help you better understand Facebook: • Profile – Your personal space on Facebook. This is where your friends can contact you, leave messages, view photos or other information. • Status – How are you feeling? What are you doing? Let your friends know by updating your profile status. This is where you can post listings, etc. • Wall – This is where your friends can leave you messages (your other friends can read these messages too). To send or receive a more private message, use your Inbox. • Inbox – Much like your email inbox, this is where you can send and receive messages that require a little more privacy than you�d get from a wall post. Inbox messages can only be seen by the sender and the recipient. • Discussion Board – This is an area where fans of a Page can engage in topic-based dialogue. Usually the topics are questions posed by the Page admin to spark conversation and interaction. • ―Like This‖ – when someone likes a status update, they can check the thumbs up tab. • Poke – Let your friends know you�re thinking about them, without saying a word. When you send a poke, the recipient gets a message telling them that they�ve been poked. I really don�t understand the point of it. • SuperPoke – more advanced Pokes with objects or pictures Tag – Whenever you post a photo on Facebook, you have the option of ―tagging‖ – identifying the people in the photo, be it yourself or someone in your immediate group of Facebook friends. 49 FAN PAGES VS. INDIVIDUAL PAGES VS. GROUPS Facebook has different levels of accounts that you can setup. Fan Page, Individual Page or Groups. It is important to know the difference between them. PRIVATE VS. PUBLIC Facebook gives you varying options when it comes to privacy. To change these settings, go to Account / Privacy Settings / Profile Info. • Friends: means that only those that are ―friends‖ with you can see your information. • Fan Page: Created by companies, organizations, musicians, politicians, etc. Facebook members can become ―Fans‖ of a Page to communicate support for the group, company, etc, and to interact with other members who share their sentiments. This is where you would create your company page. However, it is strange how Facebook has set this up. You can create a Page, yet, when you try to search or utilize anything on Facebook, it asks for you to create a profile attached to the page. Note: when you create a profile, this will add a “personal page” to that account. Once this is done, it cannot be erased. After creating your profile, you will gain access to Facebook�s options. • Individual Page: As the name implies, this is more for the individual. You can add friends, share posts, etc. This is the ―standard‖ Facebook page. Note: You do have to be careful posting business related items on your Individual Page. If one person complains about your page, it can be banned very easily. • Group: A group is more for a particular topic, such as ―Commercial Real Estate‖. You would create a group if there was a topic of interest that you wanted to write about and have other people share that interest. • Friends of Friends: As it sounds like all friends of friends can see your information. • Everyone: means that anyone can see your information, and it is searchable by search engines such as Google. – We recommend that you change most of your account settings to ―public‖. This makes it easier for those trying to connect with you. When they search for you, they can see your information. • Privacy: You can also limit what certain friends see on your Facebook page. You do this by setting your privacy settings. If you don�t want to create both a personal and a business account, you can take this route, where you set higher privacy settings to limit the information your clients would see. For instance, if you have personal pictures, you can ―block‖ your clients from seeing the pictures. You can also hide what your friends post. • Sharing: Facebook added the ability to share photo albums with people that are not on Facebook. This would be good if you created a photo album of a listing. 50 USE FACEBOOK FOR BUSINESS Although you may think otherwise, you can use Facebook for business. Here are some examples of how to utilize this Social Networking site: • Post Listings as pictures: You can create an album with 4-5 listings with pictures and put a description of the listing. TG Associates does this: www.facebook.com/pages/Washington-DC/Coldwell-Banker-Commercial-TG-Associates/147779267636 • Photo album of employees: Bosanek & Flores does this: www.facebook.com/pages/Yuba-City-CA/Coldwell-Banker-Commercial-Bosanek-Flores-Yuba-City-CA/112696172568 • Branding: Post accomplishments, new hires, events, etc. • Listings Tab: On Facebook, you can change the tabs that show on your page. You can add a ―links‖ tab and list links to your listings from www.CBCworldwide.com. • Reviews Tab: Have clients submit testimonials of your services. • Discussions Tab: Start conversations and let your clients respond. • Property Videos: You�ve taken the time to create a video for your property, make sure you share it. • Recruiting: You would be surprised at how many people would respond to a recruiting bit on Facebook. 51 HOW OFTEN TO PARTICIPATE WITH SOCIAL NETWORKING • Your LinkedIn profile does not need to be updated on a daily basis. Update it when you have some new milestones or career changes. If you�re participating in a group discussion, you should follow the conversation stream on a regular basis. a ―news feed‖ • Facebook works through showing activity of all friends in chronological order. If you�re not participating on a regular basis, your updates will continually be pushed down and your friends will soon forget you�re even on Facebook. • Update in moderation. No one wants to be friends with a person who only talks about themselves. The same is true on Facebook. Your participation should be to get to know or stay in touch with people and not a soap box to constantly proclaim your real estate expertise. You don�t need to update every five minutes as to ―what you are doing.‖ • The general rule of thumb is social networking shouldn�t take over your time; it should be a function of your business. It is really easy to get sucked into the vortex of Social Media. There is a lot to read and a lot of people to try to stay in touch with. you try it out for at least a month • In the end, if or so and aren�t generating much traction, it is time to spend less on it. However, if you find you generate more traction with clients than you did in the past by calling or trying to set up meetings, you should focus more time on it. • If you don�t have time to maintain it, see if you can . They are on the sites anyway. You can give them content to keep your page updated. It gets them more involved with your job, and it may make you closer with them. Plus you win because your page is regularly updated. get your kids involved Source: www.don’tfeedthegeek.com 52 SOCIAL NETWORKING TIPS Don�t Manually Search for Friends Friend Suggestions Use Friend Finder – you can import your contacts from Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. and Facebook or LinkedIn will search for those people by their email address. LinkedIn will also tell you when those people join at a later date. Both LinkedIn and Facebook suggest people you may know to make it easier to find new friends and make more connections. You can also suggest people that your friends or clients might know. Get Personal When BeFriending Online Real-time Chat Don�t just ask someone to be your friend, send a personal message such as how you know them, etc. Don�t sound like a sales person when you add your message. Sometimes, conversation just aren�t meant for email. Those conversations where it is back and forth with one-word short answers are meant for an online chat. With Facebook, you can start an online (chat) conversation with someone you are friends with and the response is real time. It is located in the bottom right of the screen. Search by Company You will find that Facebook�s search is very basic. They had an advanced search feature, but have since removed it. They still have the search by company feature, but it isn�t really called out on their site: www.facebook.com/srch.php?coworker&ref=search Don�t Always email the masses Send personal messages to individuals - it is part of the relationship building. Keep blast emails to a minimum. You can only blast 20 at a time anyway. Birthday Reminders Never miss a client�s birthday with Facebook�s birthday reminders. Send them a nice message. Don�t expect everyone to see every post: People may have plenty of friends, so your post may get lost on their homepage. Don�t take offense if they didn�t see a particular post 53 TRACKING YOUR SOCIAL NETWORKING SUCCESS This is one of the most difficult things to do with Social Networking. How do I track my success? Before tracking your success, you need to know what you are looking to get out of Facebook or LinkedIn: business, PR, relationships, etc. There are a couple of ways to measure your Social Networking success: • Comments to your posts or general interaction • Number of Friends / Connections you have • If you are getting any ―Direct Messages‖ • If people tag your post as ―Likes This‖ – it shows they are interested in what you are posting • If you setup a Facebook Page for your company or product, you can use the "insights― to view critical visitor statistics of your page. You can see everything from the number of new fans to unique visitors to a breakdown of demographic information. • Number of endorsements you get on LinkedIn 54 SOCIAL NETWORKING APPLICATIONS There are a number of third party applications that take the Social Networking experience to a new level. Some of the top applications include: Facebook • • • • • • • • • • • • Getting Started: www.facebook.com/help/new_user_guide.php Self-paced Facebook 101 Training: www.gcflearnfree.org/computer/topic.aspx?id=154 Facebook for Grown-ups (Series of 10 short videos): www.butterscotch.com/tutorial/How-To-Sign-Up-For-A-Facebook-Profile Post to multiple social sites at once: http://ping.fm/ Facebook Apps directory: www.facebook.com/apps/directory.php 30 Apps for Doing Business on Facebook: http://mashable.com/2009/01/22/business-facebook-apps/ Facebook Lite (less on the page): www.lite.facebook.com Set up Facebook for Mobile: www.facebook.com/mobile Outlook Facebook Integration: www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=7229743486 Blackberry App: www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=2254487659 Iphone App: www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=6628568379 Improve Facebook experience with scripts (Advanced Users): http://mashable.com/2008/12/25/facebook-greasemonkey-scripts/ LinkedIn • LinkedIn Apps: • • • • Getting Started on LinkedIn: Complete LinkedIn Learning Center: Set up LinkedIn for Mobile: Outlook LinkedIn integration: http://learn.linkedin.com/apps/ or www.linkedin.com/static?key=application_directory http://learn.linkedin.com/whats-new/ http://learn.linkedin.com/ http://learn.linkedin.com/mobile/ www.linkedin.com/static?key=outlook_toolbar_download 55 SAMPLE AFFILIATE SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES With Facebook, you have to search for “Coldwell Banker Commercial” as there are no direct links • • • • • • Coldwell Banker Commercial Alfonso Realty Coldwell Banker Commercial Bosanek & Flores Coldwell Banker Commercial CoastalMark Coldwell Banker Commercial Cornerstone Coldwell Banker Commercial TG Associates Coldwell Banker Commercial United, Realtors LinkedIn On , The Coldwell Banker Commercial® organization has a group that you can join and see many of the affiliate profiles that are in the group. Here are a couple of samples: Company Pages • Coldwell Banker Commercial Bennett Williams – www.linkedin.com/companies/coldwell-banker-commercial-bennett-williams • Coldwell Banker Commercial Thompson Realty Group – www.linkedin.com/companies/coldwell-banker-commercial-thompson-realty-group • Coldwell Banker Commercial SoundVest Properties – www.linkedin.com/companies/coldwell-banker-commercial-soundvest-properties • Coldwell Banker Commercial Griffin Companies – www.linkedin.com/companies/coldwell-banker-commercial-griffin-companies • Coldwell Banker Commercial Fisher Group – www.linkedin.com/companies/coldwell-banker-commercial-fisher-group Individuals • Colleen Butcher • Rob Adams • Stepan Babanin • Mike King • Brian Beede • Jeff Moody Facebook – search for Colleen Butcher www.linkedin.com/in/robadamscbc www.linkedin.com/in/stepanbabanin www.linkedin.com/in/mjking www.linkedin.com/in/bbeede www.linkedin.com/pub/jeff-moody/14/aa/480 (note: notice the URL above if you don’t customize it with your name, it is much longer) 56 SAMPLE SOCIAL NETWORKING PAGES FACEBOOK PAGES • • • • • www.facebook.com/coldwellbanker www.facebook.com/vitaminwater www.facebook.com/blackberry www.facebook.com/cocacola www.facebook.com/aflacduck COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE FACEBOOK GROUPS • • Commercial Real Estate Guru: www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2242588620 Commercial Real Estate: www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2215516601 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE ON LINKEDIN • • • • Real Estate Finance & Investment Society with almost 30,000 members Corporate Real Estate with almost 13,000 members The Commercial Real Estate Network with over 3,000 members Over 800 other groups found by doing a search of ―Commercial Real Estate‖ 57 LINKEDIN GET STARTED CHECKLIST Go to www.linkedin.com & register as a new user Fill out your profile or create a Company Page: (you can upload your resume) Get your vanity URL (makes it easier to find): (Edit, public profile). Use your name Upload professional photo Find Friends using ―Import Contacts‖ Start Connecting & Accepting Connection Request Search & Join Groups Join the CBC LinkedIn Group (search for Coldwell Banker Commercial) Begin Posting – follow the posting tips in the first section of this book Periodically check ―People You May Know‖ for new members Set Email Reminders (―Account & Settings‖ at top of page) Set your Privacy Settings (―Account & Settings‖ at top of page) Set up LinkedIn for Mobile (If applicable): http://learn.linkedin.com/mobile/ Outlook LinkedIn integration: www.linkedin.com/static?key=outlook_toolbar_download Add your LinkedIn URL to your email signature and any marketing collateral (business cards, etc.) If your properties are on LoopNet, use the ―Share on LinkedIn link‖ to distribute properties Link your Linked in to your Twitter account 58 FACEBOOK GET STARTED CHECKLIST before you even post an update. There are several simple things to do followers, your updates won�t be seen by anyone. If you have no Go to www.facebook.com & register as a new user Fill out your Profile or create a Business Page: www.facebook.com/pages/create.php Upload professional photo Find Friends using ―Friend Finder‖ Start Connecting & Accepting Friend Request Search & Join Groups or become ―Fans‖ of pages Set Email Reminders (―Settings‖ at top of page) Set your Privacy Settings (―Settings‖ at top of page) Create Friend Groups / List to control privacy settings at once Begin Posting to your Wall or other people�s wall - follow the posting tips in the first section of this book Start an online real time chat (located at the bottom of the screen) Set up Facebook for Mobile (If applicable): www.facebook.com/mobile Outlook Facebook Integration: www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=7229743486 Connect your Twitter Account – search for ―Twitter‖ Applications on Facebook Periodically check ―People You May Know‖ for new members Add your Facebook URL to your email signature and any marketing collateral (business cards, etc.) If your properties are on LoopNet, use the ―Share on Facebook‖ link to distribute properties Search your friends ―friends‖ for interesting people to connect with 59 Microblogging 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. What Is It Why Should I Use It Twitter Lingo Who Should Use It How Often to Tweet Tips Tracking Success Applications Affiliate Samples Commercial Real Estate Samples Get Started 60 MICROBLOGGING A blog, or web log, is a type of website that consists of regularly updated content, traditionally displayed in reverse chronological order. Microblogging is slightly different than blogging. With microblogging, you are limited to the number of characters or words you can post, as it provides a way to get quick, up-to-date information. Twitter is the most recognized and widely used microblogging site. I�m sure you�ve heard about Twitter in the news or from a friend. National businesses such as ESPN and CNN quote Twitter on TV. But what is Twitter? The best answer is: it�s USAToday-style of writing for blogging. It�s short and concise posts on a specific topic shared with whoever is following. Twitter limits posts to 140 characters The Essence of Twitter: people post ―Tweets‖ that anyone can see, especially since the Google and Yahoo have integrated Twitter post in their searches. People can follow a particular person�s Tweets. Twitter has it�s own language and is sometimes difficult to understand. If someone is responding to another person�s post, they would use the @ and that person�s name. The only issue is, you might not see what the original person posted, so the response doesn�t really make sense. Many times, people use shortened URLs to stay within the character limit. It only takes a couple of seconds to post something. • Some people use Twitter to keep up with what their friends are doing. Their friends post updates about how they are taking a nap or eating a hot dog or other such mundane tasks. • For Coldwell Banker Commercial affiliates, it can be used for a business perspective. You can follow competition or business related posts such as LoopNet or CCIM. • You can use Twitter to get real time news. If something is going on in the news, chances are, someone is ―Tweeting‖ about it and you will hear it first. 61 WHY SHOULD I USE TWITTER? Don�t believe the hype that you�re too old or too young or too busy to get some benefit from Twitter. There are a number of smart reasons why at the very least you should be ―listening‖ to what�s transpiring on Twitter, even if you are not participating. Reason #1 – Good to know what the competition is saying – You can�t always be a fly on the wall at competitor�s sales meetings, but Twitter can give you the next best thing. Start following the competition�s professionals on Twitter. Who knows? You may get some good ideas. Reason #2 – Good to know what the experts are saying – Experts in your local area as well as in the commercial real estate industry are active users of Twitter. Look for real estate writers, bloggers and top producers on Twitter. Often they share discoveries that have helped their business. Reason #3 – Creates a holistic Social Media profile – If you have a blog, you should be on Twitter. If you�re an avid social networking participant, you should be on Twitter. If you regularly post photos, videos or content to a variety of sites, you should be on Twitter. Twitter can help distribute your content from other Social Media sites, grant additional exposure and drive traffic to your other Social Media presence. There are a number of automated sites that can take content posted to Social Media destinations and seamlessly distribute it through Twitter. Reason #4 - It�s Free – Twitter is a quick and easy way to generate publicity for you and your company. If it gives you an inside track for one deal…it is all worth it. 62 TWITTER LINGO Here are some terms to help you better understand Twitter • Tweet: the act of updating your Twitter status • Retweet: abbreviated ―RT‖, the act of taking another person�s tweet and sending it out again. Now shown by the symbol in front of the Tweet. • Followers: those people who have selected to follow your Twitter updates • Following: those people whom you have selected to follow • Tweeple: people that are on Twitter • Hashtag: similar to tags on blogs, hashtags add contextual descriptors to tweets to categorize them around a common topic; hashtags are preceded by # (i.e. a tweet about real estate may contain the hashtag #RE) • Reply: similar to email, the act of responding to another person�s tweet • Direct message: a private message sent to another Twitter user • FF�s: Follow Friday– common act of posting other twitter sites that you recommend to follow on Friday • Lists: a way to organize followers into a category or group • @: When you see the @ symbol, it means someone is referring to another Tweeter 63 WHO SHOULD MICROBLOG Thousands of people setup a Twitter account, but never send a tweet. However, that�s not such a bad thing. You don�t have to be a blogger or an avid social network participant to get some value out of Twitter. There are different levels of Twitter users who each find a different value from it. Let�s look at a few of these users to determine which one suits you best. The networker: The networker uses Twitter to increase his sphere of influence while maintaining the relationships he already has. This person uses Twitter to keep in touch, find out what�s new, and gain insight from his ―tweeple.‖ The networker uses Twitter as an extension of instant messaging or as a replacement for quick emails and sends updates to stay connected. The investigator: The investigator uses Twitter to listen but not to speak. This person follows a variety of different people including friends, coworkers and competition so he can stay on the pulse of what others are saying, doing and sharing. They rarely post a ―Tweet.‖ The distributor: The distributor uses Twitter as an enhancement to his Social Media profile. He has a blog and new blog posts are automatically sent to Twitter followers. Twitter auto-updates his Facebook status. Any newly uploaded YouTube video is linked to a new tweet. Articles and retweets are shared. Twitter has become a hub for distributing information across the social web. The tweener: The tweener is a combination of all the previous profiles. On some days his use of Twitter is for distribution, and other days for investigation. He is not a ―power user‖ but is comfortable enough with the medium to get key information and reciprocate with those who follow him. 64 HOW OFTEN SHOULD I TWEET? There is no right or wrong answer to this question. One person may find Twitter to be helpful without sending a single tweet while others find success by tweeting every hour. The idea is to first determine your objectives for using Twitter and then finding a comfortable way to integrate it into your regular business activities. If you�re thinking of using Twitter just to monitor what other people are saying, a good idea is to set aside some time each day to review what people are posting. Fifteen minutes during your lunch break or ten minutes when you first get to work are great ideas to help incorporate Twitter into your business day. For those that want to be active participants, you really have to jump right in and start using it. Watch what others are tweeting and get a sense of how you want to participate. TWITTER TIPS • 65 Customize your page: Add the CBC Twitter background, post a picture or CBC Logo w/DBA. Make it inviting to others. • Delete ―Spam‖ followers: Occasionally, you will get ―spam‖ followers (unwanted followers that follow people or groups in masses or automated). Twitter is on the web, and the web is prone to spam, just like your email. To delete followers: login, click on “followers”, click the right action button and click “block follower”. You will want to keep your Twitter page free of spam followers so their post don�t show on your homepage. • Twitter Search tip: Use the word ―near‖ immediately before a location (or a zip code) to find tweets near that location. Example: ―real estate" near:―San Francisco" will find tweets containing the exact phrase ―real estate" and sent near ―San Francisco". • Use the @ sign: To create a reply or to talk about another Twitter person, simply place an @ sign in front of their Twitter name. This will create a direct link to them when you post. • Shorten URLs: Remember, Twitter only allows 140 characters. Posting a long URL can eat up a lot of valuable space. Use http://bit.ly/ or www.tiny.cc to shorten your URLs. • Choose Words Wisely: Again, only 140 characters. They fill up quickly. Get to the point. What you say should be relevant. You can always link to a full document if needed. • Don�t abbreviate too much: Yes, you do have a character limit, but don�t brviat 2 mch whr no 1 knows wht U R sayng • Find Good Tweeters: Once you find a person with similar interests that has a lot of followers, read their Tweets, and see what is driving people to follow them. • Share timely information: Timely is the key word here. Post items to Twitter as things happen. Twitter is very ―in the moment‖ type of medium and it craves information in real time. If something happened last month or last week, don�t tweet about it. • Build credibility and relationships: Don�t think that only YOUR tweets are the most important. Retweet interesting items that other people post. Send a reply of thanks to those that retweet your posts. Communicate with those you follow and who follow you. Remember Social Media is about engagement. Don�t make your Twitter feed a one way street of information. Participate with your network. • Don�t get sucked in: Following people on Twitter can take up great amounts of time if you are not careful. You don�t have to read every tweet, nor post 75 times a day. • Don�t expect everyone to see every tweet: People may be following a variety of Tweeters and Tweets often get lost in their Twitter homepage. Don�t take offense if they didn�t see a particular Tweet. 66 TRACKING YOUR TWITTER SUCCESS This is one of the most difficult things to do with Social Media. How do I track my success? Before tracking your success, you need to know what you are looking to get out of Twitter: business, PR, relationships, etc. There are a couple of ways to measure your Twitter success: • Track the number of ―RTs‖ you get. You can view RTs right from your Twitter account or see who and what is RT�d www.retweetrank.com • # of Followers you have • # of people you follow • If you are getting any Direct Messages • See success measurements: www.twitalyzer.com or per day: http://twitter-friends.com • # of clicks your links get: If you use http://bit.ly/ to shrink your URL, it gives you tracking information • Set up a ―Google Alerts‖ type thing for Twitter: http://tweetbeep.com • Set up your account to receive metrics: http://twitterfeed.com or http://hootsuite.com 67 TWITTER APPLICATIONS There are a number of third party applications that take the Twitter experience to a new level. Some of the top applications include: • Twitter Search http://search.twitter.com/ • Twitter Help http://help.twitter.com/portal • Twitpic www.twitpic.com - picture sharing functionality for Twitter • Tweetdeck - http://tweetdeck.com/beta - TweetDeck is your personal browser for staying in touch with what�s happening now, connecting you with your contacts across Twitter, Facebook and more. • Twitter Outlook Integration - http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/EM102920971033.aspx • Twhirl - www.twhirl.org - Twhirl is a desktop client for Twitter, post directly to Twitter, get updates on all you are following, shorten URLs, post pictures • Twitterrific (for iPhone) http://iconfactory.com/software/twitterrific • Ubertwitter (for Blackberry) http://ubertwitter.com or http://orangatame.com/ota/twitterberry/ • Twitter blog feed www.Twitterfeed.com • TweetLater (now called Social Oomph) www.socialoomph.com schedule Tweets • Bigger Twitter • Twapps www.twapps.com – search for other Twitter applications • Twitter yellowpages: Twellow www.twellow.com or Just Tweet it - http://justtweetit.com • Find Tweeters near you: Geo Chirp www.geochirp.com or http://geofollow.com/ • Twitter for Business http://business.twitter.com/twitter101/ • Mashable�s Guide http://mashable.com/guidebook/twitter/ http://biggertwitter.com post tweets longer than 140 characters 68 SAMPLE CBC AFFILIATE TWITTER SITES If you or your company is interested in starting a Twitter page, here are a couple examples from affiliates that may give you ideas on how to utilize it: Sample Affiliate Twitter Sites: • Coldwell Banker Commercial Metro Central http://twitter.com/cbcmetro • Coldwell Banker Commercial Schneidmiller Realty http://twitter.com/cbcsr • Coldwell Banker Commercial Atlantic Realty http://twitter.com/cbcatlantic • Coldwell Banker Commercial Griffin Companies http://twitter.com/cbcgriffin • Coldwell Banker Commercial NRT New Jersey http://twitter.com/cbcnrtnewjersey • Coldwell Banker Commercial Bennett Williams http://twitter.com/bennettwilliams • Coldwell Banker Commercial Orion http://twitter.com/cbcorion • Coldwell Banker Commercial Thompson Realty http://twitter.com/cbcthompson • National CBC Site http://twitter.com/cbcworldwide 69 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE TWITTER SITES Industry Sites worth following: • CCIM • CNN Money • Coldwell Banker • Commercial Real Estate Advice • Commercial Source • CREOpoint • CREW Foundation • ICSC • IREM • LEED Resource • LoopNet • NAIOP Corporate • NAR Research • REBusiness • ULI • USA Today Money • WSJ Economy • WSJ Real Estate http://twitter.com/ccim http://twitter.com/CNNMoney http://twitter.com/coldwellbnkr http://twitter.com/CRE_Advice http://twitter.com/commsource http://twitter.com/CREOpoint http://twitter.com/CREWFoundation http://twitter.com/ICSC http://twitter.com/IREM_info http://twitter.com/LEED_Resource http://twitter.com/loopnet http://twitter.com/naiopcorporate http://twitter.com/NAR_Research http://twitter.com/REBusiness http://twitter.com/UrbanLandInst http://twitter.com/USATODAYmoney http://twitter.com/WSJEconomy http://twitter.com/WSJRealEstate 70 TWITTER GET STARTED CHECKLIST before you even send a single tweet. If you There are several simple things to do have no followers, your tweet won�t be seen by anyone. Go to www.twitter.com Register as a new user Set up your URL: It is recommended to use your company domain name minus the dot com; i.e. http://twitter.com/cbcworldwide . Keep it short! Fill out your Profile Upload professional photo Find people to follow using http://search.twitter.com/ or link your Gmail, Yahoo or AOL account to find people Start Connecting & Accepting Follower Request Send an email to your clients inviting them to follow Create ―Lists‖ to sort followers Set up your Mobile phone (if applicable) “Settings” at top of page / devices Set Email Notices (―Settings‖ at top of page) Set your Privacy Settings (―Settings‖ at top of page) Outlook Twitter Integration: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/EM102920971033.aspx Follow the Coldwell Banker Commercial national Twitter page: CBCworldwide Begin Tweeting – follow the posting tips in the first section of this book Add your Twitter URL to your email signature and any marketing collateral (business cards, etc.) Periodically check and delete ―spam‖ followers Connect your Twitter Account to Facebook – search Facebook for ―Twitter‖ applications If your properties are on LoopNet, use the Share on Twitter link to distribute properties Set up Twirl www.twhirl.org or other desktop program to make it easier to use Twitter 71 Blogging 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What Is It Why Should I Use It Who Should Write a Blog Where to Blog How Often to Blog Tips & Don�ts Sample Blog Topics Tracking Success Assistance with Blogs Affiliate Samples Other Samples Get Started 72 BLOGGING A blog, or web log, is a type of website that consists of regularly updated content, traditionally displayed in reverse chronological order. The thing that makes blogs different than traditional information sites is the quick, casual style of the posts, and the personality of the writer that comes through the writing. • According to an August 2008 report by comScore MediaMetrix, blogs have received over 77 million unique visitors in the United States alone. There�s no denying that blogging has become a viable medium for Internet users to get news, information, entertainment and more. • Chances are, you�ve read a blog post in the last week and you may not have known it was a blog post. • Blogs are everywhere. Do a search on Google for any topic and at least one blog appears in the first ten search results. • In a blog, the author initiates the conversation, but the real value is the potential for dialogue between author and reader and the readers� ability to agree, disagree and comment on the topic. • Of all the Social Media platforms, blogging requires the most dedication of time and effort. 73 WHY START A BLOG? Blogs serve to establish you as being: transparent, relevant, active, top of mind and an expert in your business. Transparent because your blog is a dialog with your readers. You’re not shouting, preaching or lecturing, but sharing insights and ideas as part of an online conversation. Relevant because you are an essential part of the community and know what is going on within the local commercial real estate market on a day-to-day basis. Active because you’re dedicated and will update your blog regularly making it an essential resource on the local commercial real estate market. Top of Mind because if readers come to your blog frequently, they make that connection that you are the go-to person. Expert because you have knowledge that others don’t. 74 WHO SHOULD WRITE A BLOG? While anyone can be a blogger, everyone should not be blogging. There are three key attributes that make a good blogger: Writing skills - In fact the term blogger should really be replaced with the term ―writer.‖ Blogging is writing that�s thought-provoking and compelling. If you aren�t a skilled writer, you won�t be a successful blogger. Dedication – Behind a BLOGGER Personality – What makes a blog unique is the style and personality of the author. The casual nature of blogging highlights the author�s insights and personality. It�s another avenue for customers to get to know you. It�s what makes readers want to come to your blog regularly. successful blog is a dedicated blogger. A blog needs to be updated on a frequent basis and readers can tell if you�re ―mailing it in‖ or if you�re putting some true thought and insight behind each post. Blogging is not for the person who wants to dabble. A good blog requires time, upkeep and thought. 75 WHERE TO START A BLOG If you�re starting a blog, the blogging platforms • WordPress (http://wordpress.com) and Blogger (www.blogger.com) are the two most popular destinations. Both offer simple enough interfaces to help you create and start a blog within minutes. There are a few sites that have directories of blogs or are specifically for searching blogs. The largest site is Technorati, which touts itself as the site for ―collecting, highlighting, and distributing the online global conversation.‖ The site is basically a search engine for all the posts in the entire blogosphere. But blogging has become so mainstream that any search engine will help you find topics from any variety of blogs. • • ActiveRain (http://activerain.com) is a blogging destination specific to real estate. The site allows you to create blog posts, share them within the ActiveRain community. With over 152,000 users15, it�s a place any real estate professional should explore when thinking about entering the blogging world. 15 - Number of users posted on ActiveRain.com home page on July 10, 2009; http://activerain.com 76 WHEN AND HOW OFTEN TO BLOG? There is much disagreement when it comes to how often you should blog. Many people think you have to do it every day. I tend to disagree. • Unless you are blogging about timely information (June 24th it rained a lot); you don�t have to write on your blog daily. If the information you are writing about isn�t timely by nature (the effect of tenants moving into a smaller space), the info is still relevant regardless of when it was written. • Plus, if you are like me, you usually don�t even notice dates on articles, unless it is a couple of years old. • You should blog as you have topics to talk about. You shouldn�t force a topic just because you think your blog is going to get stale. • Be honest, the average person isn�t going to follow your blog every day. We all have busy lives and can�t keep up with everything. • That being said, I would say that you should • Don�t rely on a 9 a.m. post every day so you can check off ―blogging‖ on your to-do list. Make it a logical part of your business. Did you receive a new report on market conditions? Then post a blog about it. • If you regularly update your blog, answer questions of those who comment and interact with your readers, your blog will become a valuable marketing campaign. have at least one blog post a week. www.salem-news.com/stimg/march042008/blog_cartoon.350.jpg 77 BLOGGING TIPS Subscribers Use unique headlines When someone subscribes to your blog, they are more apt to read it because they are notified when you update it or they may have an RSS feed reader (see final section) to see the updates. Make it easy for people to subscribe to your blog and encourage it. WordPress & Blogger.com have automatic RSS feeds, so make sure you use them. Catchy and intriguing post titles can pull readers into your commentary better than anything else. They may be reading that title via a search results page, an RSS feed, or even from the home page of your blog. Just think about when you read a newspaper Stay in Front Follow other Blogs If anything, use your blog to stay in front of clients and competition. Make sure you have a call to action, such as, ―if you have any questions about a particular topic, send me an email or give me a call‖. Before you begin, you should research a couple of blogs listed in the forthcoming pages. What topics are they writing about? What topics do I want to write about? What would make me follow a blog? Send Updates Based on the fact that not everyone has time to troll blog sites, occasionally, when you post an update, send a blast to interested people. This should not be done on every post. It might help to do it after you have posted 3-4 new entries. You can list the title of the entries in a single email with a short blurb and a link to ―read more.‖ This is a friendly way of telling people you have a new blog post. Spell Check This is an often forgotten step. If your blog host doesn�t have a spell check, copy the text into Word. Nothing turns readers off quicker than misspelled words or bad grammar. Tell everyone about your blog Your mom, your dad, your cousin, your friends, your co-workers and everyone with a heartbeat should know about your blog. A good blog is better than any run of the mill agent website. It�s got better content; it�s probably more updated and is a whole lot more interesting. So be sure to promote your blog as much (if not more) than you would your normal website. Add the URL to your email signature, business cards, enewsletters and any other marketing piece you put into circulation. 78 BLOGGING: DON�TS Don�t Cut & paste someone else�s work: There are two issues with this. The first is plagiarism. Never, ever, take someone else�s story and try and pawn it off as your own without giving them credit. Plus, cutting and pasting a story does nothing for adding value to your blog. Anyone can post a link or paste an article. If you come across an interesting article that you want to share, go ahead and share it, but add some commentary to it. Let your readers know your opinion on it. That way you�re not only sharing a good story, but you�re initiating a dialog with them. Don�t Strip out all voice or personality from your writing: In business writing, there�s the common concern that a writer needs to be more ―professional‖ and that this is accomplished by removing personal style from the writing. That�s not true for blogging. Your personality and style should come through the writing. While we should always be professional, it doesn�t mean you have to remove your sense of humor or perspective from your online commentary. Don�t Start a fight: If a commenter wants to start an argument, don�t give in and begin an online fight. You can address their comments and even agree to disagree, but dragging out an online shouting match is never a good idea. It will turn readers off and you�ll start to lose credibility. Don�t Hard sell: Don't use your blog to re-purpose press releases, brochures or other content originally created for marketing, PR or advertising. Readers can smell a blatant pitch a mile away. 79 SAMPLE BLOG TOPICS When you choose the topic for your blog, choose something you are passionate about. Choose or write in a style that causes a response. Your blog doesn�t always have to be about one particular topic. However, if you do keep it to one topic, it further displays that you are the industry expert in that field. The key is to generate interest, and even better, engagement. Here are some sample topics to start a blog on: • If you have a specialty: i.e. Land • If you focus on Tenant Rep, Landlord Rep or Sales • Anything going on in your market • Interesting articles you read. Don�t post the actual article, rather post your comments to the article and link to it • Regional information • Anything that will be of value to your audience QUESTIONS THAT MAY GET YOU STARTED • How is the current leasing/sales market in your region broken down by relevant sector (industrial, office, multifamily, etc.)? • What are the key factors currently affecting your marketplace (fuel costs, rising rents, vacancy rates, etc.)? • How do you predict the market will change in the next quarter? 6 months? Year? • Are there any major changes on the horizon (large new developments, industry shake-ups) that could notably impact your area? If so, explain. • What are your clients� biggest concerns at the moment and how are you addressing them? • What are some areas of opportunity that you see in your market and how are you capitalizing on these? Topics You Know Topics You Love Choose Topics Here Topics Your Audience Cares About Choose topics that overlaps 1) what you know 2) what you love and 3) what your audience cares about 80 TRACKING YOUR BLOG�S SUCCESS This is one of the most difficult things to do with Social Media. How do I track my success? Before tracking your success, you need to know what you are looking to get out of your blog: business, PR, relationships, etc. There are a couple of ways to measure your success: • # of visitors, subscribers or followers • If people are posting questions or comments to your blog (it means they are reading it!) • Set your blog up on Google Analytics (www.google.com/analytics) to track traffic • # of citations your blog gets • If something from your blog strikes up a conversation with a potential or current client Be honest with yourself. Establishing a blog and generating traffic takes some time. In the beginning, most of the traffic to your blog will come from direct traffic that you drive there. It takes quite some time before search engines index blogs, and they only index ones that are constantly updated. It also takes some effort to get ―outside‖ followers. 81 ASSISTANCE WITH BLOGS • Blogger – www.blogger.com – free to set up a blog • WordPress – www.wordpress.com – free to set up a blog • ActiveRain – www.activerain.com – real estate blog site • The Official Guide to ActiveRain (the real estate blog site) – http://activerainguide.com/ • Video: Blogs in Plain English - www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN2I1pWXjXI • Apture - www.apture.com add multi-media to blogs • Blog Search Engine - http://technorati.com or www.blogcatalog.com • Tags – Blogs use what are called ―Tags.‖ A tag is a common terminology to help searches find the blogs easier. For instance, you can ―Tag‖ an article ―commercial real estate‖, thus helping searchers find the blog easier. It is important to use Tags so blogs can be found by search engines or searchers. Some sites allow multiple tagging. When you visit a blog, the larger tags mean they have more articles in that category (as seen in the picture below). • Daily Blog Tips - www.dailyblogtips.com 82 SAMPLE AFFILIATE BLOGS • • Coldwell Banker Commercial Benchmark Coldwell Banker Commercial NRT Pittsburgh • • http://pittsburghcommercialrealestate.wordpress.com Coldwell Banker Commercial Saunders Real Estate http://floridalandreport.blogspot.com Coldwell Banker Commercial First Realty Encore http://cbcfirstrealty.wordpress.com Sample Active Rain Usage • Coldwell Banker Commercial Saunders Real Estate • Coldwell Banker Commercial United, Realtors • Coldwell Banker Commercial Hathaway Group • Coldwell Banker Commercial Terra Firma http://cbcbenchmark.blogspot.com/ http://activerain.com/saundersrealestate http://activerain.com/bsedlor http://activerain.com/willporterfield http://activerain.com/wisemr OTHER SAMPLE BLOGS • • • • • • • Curbed – www.curbed.com (great example of real estate blog for New York City) Phoenix Real Estate Guy - www.phoenixrealestateguy.com (another real estate example) Inman New Blog – www.inman.com/blog (good blog for real estate news) Future of Real Estate Marketing – www.futureofrealestatemarketing.com Seth Godin�s Blog – www.sethgodin.typepad.com (not real estate oriented, but considered the king of all blogs) Tech Crunch – www.techcrunch.com (one of the most popular blogs, technology) Real Blogging – www.Realblogging.com (good site for real estate professionals who want to blog) Commercial Real Estate Blogs • • • Square Feet Blog: www.squarefeetblog.com Real Estate Tomato: http://realestatetomato.typepad.com/ LoopNet: http://blog.loopnet.com/ 83 BLOGGING GET STARTED CHECKLIST Decide a topic you would like to blog about Set up your blog: www.blogger.com or www.wordpress.com Post your first blog entry Direct clients to your blog • Put it in your email signature • Link to it on your website • Put it in your Bios on other sites • Put it on your business cards or letterhead • Send an email to your clients inviting them to follow • Send a blast message every time you have a new blog post Continue to post to your blog 84 85 Video / Photos 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What Is It Who Should Use It Why Should I Market with Video How Should My Video Look Video Do�s Tips Tracking Success Applications Affiliate Samples Other Samples Get Started Sharing Photos 86 VIDEOS • According to a June 2009 study of online video, 77% of Internet users have watched an online video with 43% watching videos weekly and 12% watching videos on a daily basis.16 In the month of Aug 2009, more than 25 billion videos were viewed.17 • It�s safe to say that online video has become a common practice. While you may think that video sharing should be left to those wanting to brag to the world about the exploits of their children or roller skating dogs, it also provides significant advantage in commercial real estate marketing. • YouTube has made online video a mainstream medium, but video sharing has gone beyond just watching videos on a single site. Social media sites have embraced online video and made it portable. Today a single video posted to YouTube can be seamlessly and easily integrated into Facebook, Twitter, blogs and other Social Media sites with a simple cut and paste of a link. • WHERE TO START VIDEO SHARING • YouTube is clearly the dominant player in the video sharing arena. A January 2009 report states that 100.9 million viewers watched 6.3 billion videos on YouTube.com (62.6 videos per viewer) in the first month of 2009.18 • In August of 2008, comScore�s search engine rankings revealed a surprising twist: YouTube had become the world�s #2 search engine behind Google.19 YouTube isn�t even a search engine, so how could it be the #2 search engine in the world? • 24 hours of video is being uploaded per minute. 20 • 100,000,000 YouTube videos watched per day. 20 • If that doesn�t prove that online video is here to stay, I don�t know if anything will For commercial real estate, videos are perfect for: Video listings Professional profiles Company profiles Market Information videos – Listing presentations – – – – 16 - Magid Media Futures™ 2009: Opportunities in Online Video; June 2009, http://www.magid.com/metacafe.pdf 17 - Comscore.com Press Release 18www.comscore.com/Press_Events/Press_Releases/2009/3/YouTube_Surpasses_100_Million_US _Viewers 19http://www.comscore.com/Press_Events/Press_Releases/2008/08/Top_50_US_Se arch_Engines 20- http://www.youtube.com/t/fact_sheet 87 WHO SHOULD USE VIDEO Anyone can participate in creating videos to market themselves or their listings. However, some may find excuses not to. Let�s critique some of these arguments: • It�s too expensive. No it�s not. Flip Cams are a compact, easy-to-use digital video camera that you can buy for under $200, and they produce good quality videos. Most digital cameras also come equipped with a dedent video recorder. • I�m not a video producer. Your videos don�t have to be broadcast production quality. You�re creating short simple videos to either market a property or share information. Chances are, you already have a video software package on your computer. For Windows users, Windows Movie Maker is standard on all Windows PCs. For Mac users, there�s iMovie. Both have simple tutorials to help guide you through the movie making process. • I don�t have the time. You can literally create a video in five minutes. For video listings, there may be some prep time that is necessary, but it isn�t an unreasonable amount of additional work. Since you�re already making multiple trips to the property for clean up or tours, just bring along a video camera and shoot some video of the property. 88 WHY SHOULD I MARKET WITH VIDEO? Compelling videos of properties for sale: Videos can promote in ways the written word cannot. Your online property descriptions have to be short because no one is going to read ten pages. But a video can highlight details of a property and showcase your market knowledge and expertise. Your videos can truly be a virtual property tour. Local real estate insights and perspectives: This second area is something that can really distinguish you from the competition. Very few, if any, professionals are providing local real estate insights through online video. • One of the best things you can do to position yourself as a local real estate expert is to share the knowledge that only you have access to as a Coldwell Banker Commercial professional. Instead of using video to create a mini-commercial, use it to share what you�re seeing as far as local market conditions, recent sales or vacancy statistics and other trends affecting your market. Potentially saves time – less property tours: You�ve done it in the past where you take a client to a property and there is something that turns them off immediately. Well, if you had a video tour of the property, the client can possibly rule it out by just seeing the video, thus saving the time of actually touring the property or scheduling the tour. Highlight an ―ugly‖ building: On the flip side, clients may not want to see a particular building just because it doesn�t look appealing on the outside. The video can showcase the interior and spark interest in an otherwise written-off property. Differentiate yourself: Imagine trying to win the business and your competitors come with the ―canned‖ PowerPoint presentation. You show up with a sample video listing and explain that this is how you will market their property. 89 HOW SHOULD MY VIDEO LOOK? Is ―good‖ a reasonable answer? Alright, more details would probably be helpful. Let�s discuss three basic components of video making and then we�ll cover some do�s and don�ts. • Video quality: While the quality doesn�t need to be Emmy-award winning, it can�t look like it was shot by a four year old. Avoid using camera phones to take videos (unless you have the iPhone 3GS). Chances are, if you have a digital camera, it probably takes video (unless it is an older model). If you�re going to create videos to market properties, invest in a video camera and a tripod. A tripod will lessen the ―earthquake‖ effect of shaky videos and produce more professional looking videos and costs less than $40. Tripods also make it easier to take panoramic videos. • Video length: End the video one second before it gets boring. This is the most important length guideline. The ideal range for a real estate video is 2-4 minutes. The uniqueness of your content will ultimately decide the length of the video. A showcase video of a multi-million dollar property may need more than 3 minutes. Professional profile videos or market updates are safe in the 1-2 minute range. Don�t have enough time to cover everything? Split it and make 2 (or more) videos. • Video style: Don�t let your video look exactly like the next guy�s. Be on camera. Let who you are as a person and as a professional come through. Next, keep the video moving. Don�t stay on a single shot for thirty seconds, and as attractive as you are, don�t stand in front of the camera for four straight minutes. Keep things moving by cutting from one shot to another or adding in additional imagery. Use a mix of indoor and outdoor shots to create interest. Lastly, make it professional. If your video looks like the local car dealer�s 30 second ad on cable TV, it�s time to create a new one. Your video is a reflection of your business, your local company and the Coldwell Banker Commercial® brand. 90 VIDEO DO�S Show interesting items near the property Potential tenants or buyers may not be familiar with the area. Show transportation, restaurants, shopping, banks, gas stations, etc, even if it is just still images. Have a Partner Video works well with 2 people on the set. Some of the best videos I�ve seen are of the agent walking through the property and giving a tour just as he would if he was walking the client through the property in person. One person films and the other showcases the highlights of the property. Even if it�s just one person to do the filming and the other to keep people out of the way or to setup the shots, it helps make the process much more smooth and efficient. Stage the Property This may sound like something you do when trying to sell a house, but it also applies to commercial properties. Get rid of any clutter or debris. Put fresh paint on the walls, make sure everything is clean and keep up with the landscaping. Watch Sample Videos Take a look at some of the samples in the next couple of pages. Watching them will give you a sense of how property videos are taken. Branded Contact info at end of video This sounds like a no brainer, but you would be surprised at how many videos I�ve seen that don�t have contact information at the end. At least make it easy for viewers to contact you. Download the CBC template. Be informative and entertaining This is a difficult combination, but those who can conquer this feat will have great success in video sharing. You don�t need to break out a slapstick comedy routine, but feel free to let your personality come through and to enjoy making these videos as well as educating or informing your audience. Label Photos If you are using still photos, take the time to label or speak about them. It will help the viewer know what they are looking at. Create a good title, description & tags Your video�s title, description and tags help people searching on YouTube and search engines to find your videos and know what they�re about before actually playing them. For video listings, the title should be the address & city/state for the property. The description should be a sentence or two highlighting the property. The tags should include your name, city, state, ―for sale,‖ and then any unique descriptor for the property. Post your videos elsewhere your videos just sit on YouTube. You took the time to create this work of art, so share it. Post it to the property website on www.CBCWorldwide.com or on your profiles on other Social Media sites, send it to Facebook or Twitter, use it for a blog post or even include a link to it in your monthly e-newsletter. Get creative and get the word out about your videos. Send the video link to the corporate office After you have posted your video to YouTube, email the link to [email protected]: attention marketing dept so we can post to the CBC YouTube Channel. It generates more exposure for your video. Allow commenting and participate in the conversation As your video is viewed by more and more people, conversation will follow. Embrace it. If people pose questions, answer them. Acknowledge comments or criticisms. Remember that Social Media is all about participation. 91 VIDEO TIPS • Still Shots: An alternative to creating video is to take a bunch of still shots, then put them into a looping presentation with music. This will look like a nicer presentation than a flyer, and is very easy and inexpensive to produce. Microsoft�s free download Photo Studio 3 is great. It adds zooms, sound, picture labels and is very easy to use. Animoto is a good pay site on the web. http://animoto.com/realestate • Don�t Give viewers the spins! Don�t walk from room to room filming the whole time while you walk. Don�t move or turn the camera quickly either. Try to stay as fluid as you can. • Get a Tripod: They are less than $40 on Amazon.com. Tripod makes it easier to remain still during filming. Take the test by filming a video without a tripod, and then with one. The results will speak for themselves. • Pay for your Video: So you don�t think you can produce a decent video yourself, then outsource it. You can get an all-in video produced for about $300 including: pictures, music and setup. That is an inexpensive way to showcase your property without all the work. One such site is http://floorplanonline.reachlocal.net/home.html. Because of the local nature of this type of product, search your area for photographers that specialize in Virtual Tours. Use www.buildmytour.net to locate a photographer. • Alternative Camera Lens: There are many places that sell alternative camera lens that make taking virtual tours much easier. One such is www.eyesee360.com/gopano, It is a $600 investment, but if you plan on doing plenty of virtual tours, it is well worth it. • Experiment until you find a winning formula: The first video you create doesn�t have to be perfect. In fact, the second, third and fourth videos you create probably won�t be perfect either. You don�t have to post every video you make. Experiment with some different styles until you find one you like and that works for you. 92 TRACKING YOUR VIDEO SUCCESS The videos you will be producing aren�t meant to be viral videos that spread throughout the internet. Be , the views your video gets will be the clients that have interest in your property. Here are some ways to honest, you may only get a couple of views. However track the success of your video: • The number one way to track the success of your video is if it helps you sell or lease your property • • • Check the number of times your video has been viewed Check if people rank your video Check if anyone comments on your video 93 VIDEO APPLICATIONS & LINKS • Coldwell Banker Commercial YouTube Channel (beta) www.youtube.com/cbcworldwide.com • Coldwell Banker On Location™ www.youtube.com/coldwellbanker • Video: How to Shoot a YouTube Video www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd1120KdBUc • Video: Movie Maker Video Editing Tutorial www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZXK68NS7gU • Video: iMovie Editing Tutorial www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_sZ4AeT8a4 • Still Shot Video Producer Photo Studio 3 • Sites to host or create Virtual Tours: – Tour Vista www.tourvista.com (very inexpensive & easy to use) – Fly Inside www.flyinside.com (a free Virtual Tour site) • Create using Picassa for Free: • Virtual Tour Kit (Camera with a wide lens): • Free Background Music www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr1HGk2zYJg www.previsite.com/en/professional-virtual-tour.htm www.alterego360.com/freemusic.htm (right click, save target as) 94 SAMPLE CBC AFFILIATE VIDEOS Here are some examples from CBC affiliates of videos they�ve produced. • Coldwell Banker Commercial Sun Coast Partners www.youtube.com/watch?v=tC9rKfREpFE • Coldwell Banker Commercial Shook www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XeOLvOgJus • Coldwell Banker Commercial Saunders Real Estate www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlkL4r6f9hE • Coldwell Banker Commercial Forehand & Co www.youtube.com/watch?v=QiSeEIkZsso • Coldwell Banker Commercial World Group www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTu-IbN9YRQ OTHER SAMPLE VIDEOS Industrial Property www.youtube.com/watch?v=wN_zZRrKwWA Industrial Property http://ts.rtvpix.com/tour/RC/tour.view.php?utl=RC-3647-CILTGM-01 High end house www.youtube.com/watch?v=kouZjuZ-pEg&feature=player_embedded Market Area Video www.youtube.com/coldwellbanker#play/user/0620A637A8C57478 Another Market Video www.youtube.com/coldwellbanker#play/user/0620A637A8C57478 95 VIDEO GET STARTED CHECKLIST Get a video camera or a digital camera with video First, pick one property to make into a video listing. Don�t worry about getting all your listings turned into video, just start with one and build from there. For your first video, highlight the key elements of the listing instead of touring the entire property. Stage the Property - clean any debris, make sure it is sunny outside. Find someone to video you as you walk through the listing; it is much easier with a two people Film your video Upload it to www.youtube.com After your video is finished, direct clients to it • Put a link of your video on your Listing Page on www.CBCWorldwide.com • Send an email to your clients inviting them to view it Send a link to your video to [email protected]: attention marketing dept so we can post it to the CBC YouTube Channel. 96 PHOTO SHARING Photo Sharing is at least worth a mention in this guide. It isn�t really that relevant to commercial real estate, but there are times when you may need to share photos with clients. The best site for this is Flickr (www.flickr.com). Some examples of when you would need to share photos: • Industry event • If your office has an event • Tenant�s 1st day moving into their space • Tenant Anniversary Sample Coldwell Banker Commercial Saunders uses Flickr - www.flickr.com/photos/saundersrealestate Manage Social Media 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What Each Site Specializes in Social Media Comparison Chart Combine your Efforts RSS Feeds iGoogle 98 WHAT EACH SITE SPECIALIZES IN LinkedIn Best for: • Networking with other Professionals • Joining Groups • Hosting your Resume Facebook Best for: • Connecting with people you wouldn�t necessarily consider current clients • Hosting Video / Pictures • Connecting your Social Media Efforts Twitter Best for: • Quick Postings • Reading Current News • Driving Traffic to your other Social Media Sites Blogging Best for: • Becoming known as subject experts • Writing longer ―opinionated‖ stories • Sharing your knowledge or insight Video Best for: • Market Listings • Market Info Videos • Capabilities Video 99 SOCIAL MEDIA COMPARISON CHART Now that you have read through the various types of Social Media, which one is right for you. Read the following matrix that may help you decide Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Blogs STRENGTHS Highest amount of active members X Easy to maintain X X X Doesn�t take too much time to update X X X Post videos X only links only links Share photos X 3rd party Blog Capabilities X Join groups X X Fan / Company Pages X X Auto-find people X limited Real-time information X X Live Chat X Is your target audience on there? X X Keep personal & business accounts separate Following too many people makes it difficult to get relevant info X X X X X X X X WEAKNESSES <140 Character Limit Are people just Posting and not interacting? Not easy to find people (exact spelling needed) X X X X X X Too ―job search‖ oriented Not a lot of two-way dialogue going on X X X X X Takes time to maintain X Have to be a decent writer X Initially getting subscribers is tough X Facebook Based on having the most strengths and fewest number of weaknesses… is the best choice. It encompasses all the Social Media into one. It has a far greater audience than LinkedIn and there is much more interaction than with Twitter. However, we recommend setting up both a LinkedIn and Twitter account as well. Twitter seems like the easiest to start off with, and LinkedIn is more for the target audience of commercial real estate. Once you get started, you can set your Facebook account to feed to them automatically. You should also consider where your clients are. 100 MERGE YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA EFFORTS It is difficult to get on all the previously mentioned Social Media sites and keep up with them. However, you can make it easier. You can merge your efforts so you are getting maximum exposure without taking up too much of your time. The sites are constantly trying to find easier ways to share info between them. • Outlook integration: You are already using Outlook, why not integrate your Social Media platforms. • – LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/static?key=outlook_toolbar_download – Facebook: www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=7229743486 – Twitter: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/EM102920971033.aspx Merge Twitter and Facebook: Facebook has an application that will allow your Status Updates from Twitter or Facebook to be posted on the opposite site. Search for ―Twitter‖ on Facebook. • Merge LinkedIn & Twitter: If you post an update to LinkedIn, you can now use the ―Share with Twitter‖ button. To share from Twitter, you can: ―check to share all‖ or ―share certain Tweets‖. If you pick the latter, you have to add ―#li ―or ―#in‖ hashtag to every relevant tweet you�d like to send back to LinkedIn. For example, ―Looking for an admin assistant. #li‖ • Feed blog to Facebook or Twitter: http://twitterfeed.com/ • Update from one website: Hello Text - http://hellotxt.com – auto update the same status across multiple platforms (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) or Ping FM - http://ping.fm/ or Hootsuite http://hootsuite.com (also gives you statistics) • Connect all accounts on your desktop: Digsby - • Connect all accounts online: iGoogle (see following page for description) www.digsby.com – connect your email accounts, IM, Facebook , LinkedIn and Twitter accounts; view and even post updates 101 RSS FEEDS There are a couple of other things worth mentioning when talking about Social Media. One of the keys to managing information overload are RSS-feeds: • RSS is a family of Web feed formats used to publish frequently updated content such as blog entries, news headlines and podcasts in a standardized format. An RSS document (which is called a "feed") contains either a summary of content from a web site or the full text. RSS makes it possible for people to keep up with web sites in an automated manner that can be piped into special programs or filtered displays. (Source: Wikipedia) • In other words, RSS-feeds make it possible to publish your content and make it easier for people to share and (re)use your content. People can subscribe to your RSS-feeds using their browser, a feed reader, their mail client (e.g. Outlook) or an online reader (e.g. Google Reader). And even more, they can republish your content on their website or blog using your feeds. • You can also subscribe to RSS-feeds (if you see the symbol to the right) to sites that may interest you. • RSS-feeds allow you to push your content: the user does not have to take any extra action to get the updated content. It shows up in their reader automatically. And that�s what makes RSS such a strong channel to spread your content. And what�s more, a tool Feedburner like (www.feedburner.com) makes it possible to keep an eye on when, where and how your feeds are used. • RSS-feeds are important for blogs, so people can stay regularly updated when you post new content. iGOOGLE iGoogle is also worth mentioning. It is a free tool offered by Google. • iGoogle lets you create a personalized homepage that contains a Google search box at the top, and your choice of any number of gadgets below the search. Gadgets provide access to activities and information from all across the web, without ever having to leave your iGoogle page. • Here are some things you can do with gadgets: – View your latest Gmail messages – Read headlines from news sites – Check out weather forecasts, stock quotes and movie showtimes – Design your own gadget – Read RSS feeds - If a site has an RSS feed, you can link it to your iGoogle page – Link all of your Social Media efforts • The value of iGoogle is you can consolidate many of your websites into one page • You can also create multiple iGoogle pages for different interests 103 What is next with Social Media 1. 2. 3. 4. Localization Augmented Reality QR Codes iPad / Notepads LOCALIZATION The localization of Social Media is happening. We�ve seen major corporations such as ESPN embrace the power of the ―local‖ market with their individual web pages for New York, Chicago, etc. Social Media is following. Sites such as Four Squares – which is a Social Medial site where you ―check in‖ as to where you are, has gained enormous amounts of popularity because if its addictiveness. Google has Latitude and Facebook is jumping onboard soon. They all know there is something there. Whether or not this will fit with Commercial Real Estate remains to be seen. 10+ checkins per second, Foursquare is doing ― which is about 36,000 checkins per hour — putting the daily checkin total somewhere around 864,000. Tweet posted by them AUGMENTED REALITY Pay attention to the technology called Augmented Reality, for it is going to change everything…that is of course ―IF‖ it catches on. What is Augmented Reality - It is difficult to explain on paper, but here goes. Augmented reality is the idea that you can view more information about something using your mobile phone. With an ―App‖, you will have the ability to see more information than what is seen by the naked eye, simply by pointing your mobile phone at something. How do we see it being used in Commercial Real Estate? More information on property signs or flyers. When a person passes by one of your property signs, they could be directed to the website, or get additional information about the property. The possibilities are endless. QR CODES Something else to be aware of are QR Codes. This is similar to Augmented Reality, except less sexy. QR Codes are in essence, a ―bar code‖ like you see at the grocery store. When a picture is taken of the QR Code with a Mobile Phone, additional information can be seen using an ―App.‖ They are very popular in Japan, and you may have seen them and didn�t know what it was. You can do some of the similar things you can do with Augmented Reality: • Drive people to the website • Get additional information But there is an additional thing you can do. On your business card, you can place a QR Code, and when another person takes a picture of it, your contact information is automatically stored in their phone. It is easy to create a QR Code: sites such as: http://zxing.appspot.com/generator/ or http://qrcode.kay wa.com/ will allow you to easily create a QR code that can be placed on business cards, property signs or flyers. Search your mobile provider for QR Code Reader and test out the code below. IPAD / NOTEPADS You might be thinking, what does an iPad have to do with Social Media. It isn�t directly related, but it will make it easier and more convenient to be on Social Media sites. It is very light-weight to travel with, it is Wi-fi enabled, and the battery life is phenomenal. It is meant for playing video. While it is new, there are already several hundred apps to make everything easier and over 2 million sold in 2 months. 108 SO GET STARTED IT TAKES 21 DAYS TO FORM A HABIT. SO YOU CAN BE SOCIAL IN UNDER A MONTH http://roystonrobertson.blogspot.com 109 SOURCES First and foremost, a lot of the information came from: Becoming Social: A simple guide to real estate professionals and social media, written by Dave Marine with Coldwell Banker Residential. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Web 2.0 and Social Media by Shantanu Adhicary; www.slideshare.net/shantanu.adhicary/web-20-and-social-media www.insidefacebook.com/2009/10/01/latest-data-on-facebooks-us-growth-by-age-and-gender-october-1-2009/ www.briansolis.com/2009/10/revealing-the-people-defining-social-networks/ The Democratization of Online Social Networks. Pew Internet & American Life Project, October 8, 2009, http://www.pewinternet.org/Presentations/2009/41--The-Democratization-of-Online-Social-Networks.aspx http://blog.linkedin.com/2009/10/14/linkedin-50-million-professionals-worldwide/ www.facebook.com/press/info.php?statistics http://bit.ly/Hcxet www.techcrunch.com/2009/10/05/twitter-data-analysis-an-investors-perspective/ Social Media Revolution - www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIFYPQjYhv8 and What is Social Media: One Year Later www.slideshare.net/mkonder/what-the-fuck-is-social-media Anderson Analytics, ―Social Network Service(SNS) A&U Profiler,‖ provided to eMarketer, July 13, 2009. Participatory Marketing Network Study: Gen Y�s Are Not Yet Taking Flight on Twitter; June 1, 2009, http://thepmn.org/pressreleases/060109 ―Using Computer Simulations to Recruit and Train Generation Y Accountants‖ by Polimeni, Ralph S, Burke, Jacqueline A, Benyaminy, Diana; May 2009, www.responsemagazine.com/response-magazine/welcome-new-millenials-1192 ―Welcome to the New Millenials‖ by Littman, Sarah; May 1, 2008, www.articlearchives.com/population-demographics/demographic-groupsgeneration-y/1880895-1.html http://thebrandbible.blogspot.com/2009/06/linkedin-demographics.html Magid Media Futures™ 2009: Opportunities in Online Video; June 2009, www.magid.com/metacafe.pdf Comscore.com Press Release http://www.comscore.com/Press_Events/Press_Releases/2009/3/YouTube_Surpasses_100_Million_US_Viewers http://www.comscore.com/Press_Events/Press_Releases/2008/08/Top_50_US_Search_Engines What is Social Media: One Year Later - www.slideshare.net/mkonder/what-the-fuck-is-social-media © 2009 Coldwell Banker Commercial Affiliates. 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