Assessment Cover Sheet Please fill out the necessary information, and sign and date where required Training & Assessment Guide for Unit of Competency BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Student Name: Starting Date: Finishing Date: Date Submitted: Due Date: After receiving your booklet, It should take you a maximum of 4-6 weeks to complete. I DECLARE THAT : п‚ћ no part of this book (i.e. Answers to Questions, Documentation etc) has been copied from another person’s work except where referenced accordingly п‚ћ no other person has written any part of this book/assessment, except where such collaboration has been authorized by Queensland Polytechnic п‚ћ I hold a copy of the documentation within this book, which can be produced should the original be lost or damaged, or is deemed necessary п‚ћ the signature is my own and/or the email that I have sent, which includes this book, is my own personal email address п‚ћ this book has not been submitted for any other study requirements Name & Signature of Student: ADDITIONALLY: п‚ћ I have completed a pre-training review and have contributed to development of my training plan / qualification п‚ћ I am aware that this assessment item/book can be adapted to meet my individual needs if required п‚ћ I am aware that I can apply for RPL or RCC based on my previous experience of expertise п‚ћ I am aware that this assessment approach is negotiable and by undertaking this вЂ�book’, I have agreed upon this format п‚ћ I am aware of my responsibilities with regards to assessment items BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service ________________________________________ Or, if submitted electronically, the receipt of the email is sufficient for electronic submission. Page 1 of 41 Student Number (if known): Student Contact Details Phone: Email: Marking of Assessment: Name & Signature of Assessor Karen Lamkin Attempt 1 - пЃІ Successful пЃІ Unsuccessful Attempt 2 - пЃІ Successful пЃІ Unsuccessful Was a Re-submission granted? пЃІ Yes пЃІ No пЃІ N/A ________________________________________ (Can be handwritten or electronic) By signing the Assessment Cover Sheet, the student agrees that if a resubmission is required, they will make the suggested improvements Resubmission Date Due: _______________ Was an extension granted? пЃІ Yes пЃІ No пЃІ N/A Extension Due Date: __________________ ASSESSMENT SUMMARY / FINAL CHECKLIST пЃІ Assessment 1, Oral/Written Questions пЃІ Successful пЃІ Unsuccessful пЃІ Assessment 2, Documentation Evidence Such as: п‚ћ Comment Card п‚ћ Customer Service Policy пЃІ Successful пЃІ Unsuccessful пЃІ Assessment 3, Practical Observation by Trainer and Third Party пЃІ Successful пЃІ Unsuccessful Final Result - пЃІ Competent пЃІ Not Yet Competent Name & Signature of Student:____________________________________ Name & Signature of Assessor ____________________________________ Feedback / Comments Please note, all assessment items are kept by Queensland Polytechnic. Constructive Feedback will be provided by either phone call / email. By signing the Assessment Cover Sheet, the student agrees that feedback will be provided in this manner. This guide and all related learning resources contain material copied in reliance upon the Educational Copying Agreement between the Copyright Agency Ltd and Queensland Polytechnic/ACIL Training under Part VB of the Copyright Act 1968. Distribution is limited to enrolled students of Queensland Polytechnic/ACIL Training and their partners. BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 2 of 41 USING THIS BOOK The Certificate IV in Business consists of 10 units of competency (subjects). The Diploma of Management consists of 8 units. One unit within the Certificate IV in Business may be from a Diploma level. One unit within the Diploma of Management may be from the Advanced Diploma or Certificate IV level. The Diploma of Management is broken down into a number of booklets – generally it is one book per unit, however at times, you may have a book that covers two units. You will be given one book at a time to complete. Within this book you will find all the materials you need to undertake your study i.e. hand-written question and answers, supervisor and trainer third party observation forms, readings, and documentation/evidence that you need to collect and/or further assessment instructions. If you haven’t already got a load of documents/evidence, you have created throughout your career at Thrifty Car Rentals, or at other positions/organisations, you may need to jump on a computer and word-process a document, create a spreadsheet using Excel or a PowerPoint Presentation. When you do this, the document you create, will need to be attached to your booklet in the appropriate place (ready for marking). The books and the time it should take you to complete each one, varies considerably, depending on the requirement of the unit, your skills levels and/or previous experience and qualifications. WELCOME TO QUEENSLAND POLYTECHNIC Queensland Polytechnic is committed to providing you with quality training and assessment and assisting you in furthering your career and reaching your goals. Our trainers and assessors are highly qualified, have extensive experience in their industry, and are here to support you in your training program. The qualification you are enrolled in is made up of units of competency (units) – such as this one-- which have been determined by the relevant industries and categorised into National Competency Standards for specific industries. The standards provide a framework for training and assessment and specify what competencies an employee at a particular level within a particular industry can be reasonably expected to achieve. A competency is a skill that you have obtained or could obtain. A competency is made up of a number of elements – normally you demonstrate competency in a skill by demonstrating competence in each element that makes up that skill. Competency-based assessment involves collecting evidence and making judgements about whether competency has been achieved. Outlined below, are a number of areas that are relevant to Competency Based Learning / Qualifications. You may have already read about this in the Student Handbook, however, it is always good to re-revisit this information to ensure you understand it, and its relevance to you, each time you undertake a Unit of Competency. If you have any questions, concerns or issues with any of the information, please feel free to contact your Trainer / Assessor. Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) The purpose of Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) is to help Trainees / Students to claim credit towards national competency standards that form part of the program they are undertaking. Queensland Polytechnic recognises that skills and knowledge are gained through work, educational, and life experience regardless of how, when or where it was acquired, provided that the learning is relevant to the competency outcomes in a unit. Credit for these skills and knowledge may be given by Queensland Polytechnic towards unit and/or programs it currently offers. Recognition will be given to any applicant who has successfully completed units of competency which give equivalence into training programs offered by Queensland Polytechnic, and/or which have been gained with another recognised training organisation, eg TAFE. Queensland Polytechnic’s RPL Policy and practices are equitable and culturally inclusive. The Rules of Evidence (Sufficiency, Validity, Authenticity and Currency) and the Principles of Assessment apply to RPL applications just as they do to any other assessment. All RPL assessments are of the similar rigour when compared to other assessment tools and processes. Queensland Polytechnic strives for fair, objective and transparent decisions in all aspects of its operations. It will provide reassessment on appeal to any RPL applicant, if requested. If you believe, you have a case for your previous experience to be recognised, please contact your Trainer / Assessor. Exemptions, National Recognition and Credit Transfer If a student/trainee (you) has completed units from another course/program, and the content is very similar to what has been studied, an application for an exemption in that unit can be achieved. An assessment of the equivalence to the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes or standards in a qualification will be undertaken by a qualified Trainer / Assessor before credit transfer can be obtained. An application can be made for any of the above when the student believes that they have already attained the necessary skills and competencies. If you believe, you have a case for your previous experience to be recognised, please contact your Trainer / Assessor. BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 3 of 41 Flexible Delivery Flexible delivery means providing training when it best suits the participant and employer. Flexible delivery focuses on learning rather than teaching and to provide the best possible learning experience for the student. This means that the student (you) has greater control over what, when and how you learn. Rules of Evidence AQTF Standards state that assessment must be based on what is sometimes termed the 'rules of evidence' - validity, reliability, fairness and flexibility. Refer to Table 2, below. This is also good teaching and assessment practice and ensures the best learning outcomes for students. Table 2, Rules of Evidence Validity This means that the evidence relates to the unit competency, addresses essential skills and knowledge, dimensions of competency and employability skills A valid assessment assesses what it claims to assess Reliability This means that the assessment tool and process will produce consistent outcomes when applied by a range of assessors in a range of contexts. Thus, вЂ�consistent’ outcomes are achieved in assessment regardless of who does the assessment, when it is conducted and in whatever context it was conducted Evidence collected is relevant to the activities and demonstrates that the performance criteria have been met Fairness Flexibility This means that the assessment will not disadvantage any person and will take into account the Assessment Tasks and the Assessment Tools are structured so that they do not disadvantage This means that the assessment tool and process allows for assessment in a range of assessment contexts Assessment practices and methods are equitable to all learners and their characteristics Participants will be able to have their previous experience or expertise recognized (RPL or RCC) Assessment procedures and the criteria for judging performance are made clear to all learners The assessment approach can be adapted to meet the needs of all participants and workplaces Opportunities will be provided to allow participants to challenge assessments and have the opportunity of reassessment The assessment strategy adequately covers both the on and off-the-job components of training Where practical and appropriate, assessment will be negotiated and agreed between the assessor and the student Types of Evidence Evidence is information upon which an Assessor makes a judgement of competency. Evidence you may be asked to may include: Direct demonstration/observation Indirect demonstration Products Workplace documents Questions - written and oral Assignments Third party reports Self-assessment Simulation Portfolios BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Performance of a task, or range of tasks, either in the workplace or in a simulated work environment, witnessed directly by an Assessor Use of photographs, videos, etc. showing performance of a task when the Assessor cannot be present Models, items, objects that have been made, fixed or repaired by the student Rosters, budgets, reports, standard operating procedures etc. developed by the student Asking the student about real or hypothetical situations to check understanding, task management and contingency management skills. May be short answer, discussion, multiple choice, etc. Projects, reports, essays, etc, relevant to the learning, literacy and numeracy (LLN) requirements of the unit of competency Documented and verified reports from supervisor, colleague, subject expert, Trainer or others A student’s personal statement on their performance (not generally sufficient in isolation) Simulated activity to accommodate difficult to demonstrate criteria e.g. emergencies, contingencies, difficult behaviors etc. Collections of evidence compiled by the student Page 4 of 41 Equity Groups and Reasonable Adjustment 'Reasonable adjustment, sometimes called reasonable accommodation or allowable adjustment is designed to ensure that all students are treated equally in the assessment process – this means that, wherever possible, "reasonable", adjustments are made to the assessment process to meet the individual needs of students.' Equity groups may include, but are not limited to: п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ Students with English as a second language Students with literacy or numeracy difficulties Indigenous students and/or students in remote locations Women in non-traditional industries Students with sensory impairment and/or students with physical or intellectual disabilities Reasonable adjustment may mean: п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ Making learning materials and methods accessible Adapting the physical environment and equipment Making adjustments to the procedures for conducting assessment Making adjustments to the evidence gathering techniques In the event that you have difficulties understanding the requirements for the assessment outlined in this unit, due to language or any of the other difficulties, Queensland Polytechnic will attempt to make reasonable adjustments to the assessment in order to afford you every opportunity to achieve competency. This may include oral questioning or demonstration of skills and knowledge in another format. If you believe, you have a case for your needs to be adapted, please contact your Trainer / Assessor. Withdrawal from a Unit of Competency / Qualification If you wish to withdraw from a unit of competency / qualification / traineeship this may be negotiated between the student, employer and Queensland Polytechnic at any time. Quality Improvements Queensland Polytechnic is constantly looking for ways to improve its training and assessment services, its materials and its processes. From time to time materials may change due to improvement. Learner Surveys / Questionnaires Queensland Polytechnic requires all course participants to complete an AQTF Learner survey, once a year. The survey takes approximately 5 minutes to complete, and will be distributed at the end of each year, or at the end of your studies. The survey focuses on whether you have engaged in activities that are likely to promote high-quality skill outcomes and includes your perceptions of the quality of your competency development and of the support that you have received during your training. Data collected from the surveys, will help support continuous improvement processes ensuring that: п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ Queensland Polytechnic continue to provide quality training and assessment across all our operations Queensland Polytechnic adhere to principles of access and equity and continue to maximise outcomes for our clients Queensland Polytechnic’s Management systems continue to be responsive to the needs of our clients (you), staff and stakeholders UNIT DESCRIPTION This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop strategies to manage organisational systems that ensure products and services are delivered and maintained to standards agreed by the organisation. Operators may have staff involved in delivering customer service and are responsible for the quality of their work. In many instances the work will occur within the organisation’s policies and procedures framework. At this level, the exercise of considerable discretion and judgment, using a range of problem solving and decision making strategies, will be required. Details of the competencies of this unit can be accessed at: BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 5 of 41 EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS Employability Skills are defined as "skills required not only to gain employment, but also to progress within an enterprise so as to achieve one's potential and contribute successfully to enterprise strategic directions". Hence, skills that applies across a variety of jobs and life contexts. These are also sometimes referred to as generic skills, capabilities, enabling skills, key competencies, key skills, core skills, life skills, essential skills, necessary skills, and transferable skills. Industry's preferred term is Employability Skills. An Employability Skills Framework was developed in 2002 by the Business Council of Australia and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in consultation with other peak employer bodies. This framework, includes eight (8) вЂ�skill grouping’ Employability Skills, which are outlined in Table 1, below. Table 1, Employability Skills Communication Teamwork Problem Solving Initiative & Enterprise Planning & Organising Self-Management Learning Technology that contribute to productive and harmonious relations between employees and customers that contribute to productive working relationships and outcomes that contribute to productive outcomes that contribute to innovative outcomes That contribute to long term and short term strategic planning that contribute to employee satisfaction and growth that contribute to ongoing improvement and expansion in employee and company operations and outcomes; that contribute to effective execution of tasks More information about employability skills for these units can be accessed at: TRAINER / ASSESSOR Trainer / Assessor: Karen Lamkin, [email protected] Mobile: +61 439 817 361 MATERIALS & RESOURCES REQUIRED п‚ћ All readings, samples, information contained within this Training & Assessment Guide and the “Introduction to Thrifty Training Manual” available on the intranet. Additional readings and examples/templates relating to quality customer service can be found on the intranet and/or requested by yourself (for the trainer to send to you via email). п‚ћ All students are advised of the need for regular access to the internet, intranet and CarsPlus, and a reliable calculator, printer and computer/laptop with Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Internet Explorer (or similar) software applications, for completion of the Diploma of Management and/or Certificate IV in Business. п‚ћ Access to Thrifty’s policies and procedures as well as relevant customer service benchmarks and legislation. If you have problems accessing this, please contact your Trainer or immediate supervisor, ASAP. п‚ћ During the Assessment Process, if sample documentation is required, and it is either not provided in this book or you cannot locate it in the workplace, please contact your immediate supervisor and/or Trainer/Assessor, so that this can be provided to you. п‚ћ Regular access to your Trainer/Assessor and supervisors at Thrifty Car Rentals. BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 6 of 41 AUSTRALIAN CORE SKILLS FRAMEWORK (ACSF) Each activity/assessment in this booklet has been aligned to the ACSF’s “indicators” of competence so that they are at the levels appropriate to the delivery of language, literacy and numeracy skills underpinning the unit of competency. Units of Competency and minimum required levels of reading, writing, numeracy, oral communication and learning skills The following table provides the level of reading, writing, oral communication and numeracy that is required for the Units of the Certificate IV in Business and the Diploma of Management. UNIT CODE & TITLE: BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service PERFORMANCE LEVEL 4 ACSF Reading Skills Level ACSF Writing Skills Level EXAMPLE OF ACTIVITIES AT THIS LEVEL - - WORKPLACE & EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION Read text and prepare a presentation. Read and comment on an article about a contemporary issue - Write a report on a topic of interest Write procedures on minute taking - - - ACSF Oral Communication Skills Level - - - ACSF Numeracy Skills Level - Communicate with people from diverse backgrounds. Prepare and lead a discussion Understands vocabulary specific to a topic Follows oral texts which include vocabulary that creates shades of meaning Responds to cues such as change of pace and particular words which indicate a new or important point is about to be made Reflects on the effectiveness of the interaction as it occurs requesting clarification, and/or variation in volume and pace as necessary Interprets gestures and other non-verbal features Responds to topic shifts and points of clarification, and gives non-verbal feedback Calculate and compare annual income options. Calculate area of an office - - - - BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Analyses, compares and contrasts information gained from tables and charts, e.g. information on products and materials in order to determine the suitability for use in different locations Demonstrates understanding of texts describing interrelationships of events, e.g. reviews conflicting incident reports to identify key issues and possible follow up action Prepares an induction manual or standard operating procedures to be used in the workplace Documents roles, responsibilities and timeframes for a project plan Compiles a report (e.g. on sales figures) with input from a range of sources Writes clear and detailed instructions organised sequentially, for individual members of a group in order to complete a group activity Prepares data for a team/group using graphs to compare production or activity over a period of time, and includes recommendations for improvements Gathers information from a range of sources and rewrites using headings, instructions and layout that meet the needs of the audience and purpose of the text, e.g. job instructions or evacuation instructions Writes an instruction manual for a new piece of equipment or machinery Creates a range of formal texts incorporating specific workplace proformas and language and maintains records on a computer, e.g. memos, letters to clients, agendas, minutes, emails or reports Demonstrates understanding of a text describing complex interrelationships of events, e.g. writes a letter to a customer apologising for a lost item or prepares a report for a manager detailing a problem and steps taken to address it Explains technological concepts to a work group unfamiliar with the concepts involved, using visual aids such as photos and diagrams Leads a discussion with a focus group to explore solutions to a complex workplace problem Determines customer requirements through open-ended questioning, active listening, paraphrasing and summarising Expresses own values, ideas and attributes through language choice as appropriate to various contexts, e.g. job interview or group discussion Negotiates a win-win outcome with a work colleague, demonstrating conflict resolution skills Leads and/or facilitates group discussion which explores solutions to specific problems with new technology, e.g. implementation issues arising from changing work practices as a result of installation of a new computer system Uses aids (e.g. machine/equipment parts, photos, diagrams or scaled models) to explain technological concepts or scientific phenomena to an audience or work group Collects, represents, summarises and interprets a range of statistical data appropriately, e.g. in tables, spreadsheets, graphs, plots, measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and simple measures of spread Works in a group to investigate and report on the options and costs for the use of a fleet of vehicles for the running of a business, e.g. comparing the use of cars versus motor bikes for a courier service or comparing leasing cars versus outright purchase Works in a team to plan and develop an operating budget for a task or project, including the income from different sources (e.g. government funding, membership fees or sales) and expenses (e.g. staffing, materials, marketing, overheads, travel, training or IT support) Collects and accurately records data (e.g. measurements, quantities or digital outputs) on to an appropriate device (e.g. graph, chart, spreadsheet or handheld device), interprets results and outcomes, identifies anomalies or errors and can respond appropriates by acting to correct processes or inputs Page 7 of 41 - - ACSF Learning Skills Level - Identify and document career goals - Interprets and uses ratios and scales to read and discuss the design and dimensions on the plan of a property (e.g. building, workplace, office or shop) in order to allocate working space and furniture Represents statistical system information and data (e.g. customer satisfaction survey results, phone enquiry data or customer profiles), and analyses and interprets the data using graphical and numerical processes (e.g. graphs, charts or averages) to show different interpretations and influences Calculates, compares and interprets the probabilities of some given or described events in both numerical and qualitative terms, e.g. production numbers or faults, or accidents Organise own workplace professional development/training plan to achieve a negotiated outcome with consideration of personal priorities and demands on time Actively seeks feedback from others as a way of improving performance, e.g. approaches peers, manager or customers Makes changes to work routine to meet deadlines, drawing on insights gained from previous experiences Uses organisational file sharing and storage systems Actively encourages others to learn Initiates team problem solving sessions Participates in and contributes to change management in the workplace PERFORMANCE VARIABLES These variables may influence the individual’s performance at any time Support Works independently and initiates and uses support from a range of established resources Context Text Complexity Task Complexity Range of contexts, including some that are unfamiliar and/or unpredictable Complex texts Embedded information Includes specialised vocabulary Includes abstraction and symbolism Complex task organisation and analysis involving application of a number of steps Processes include extracting, extrapolating, inferencing, reflecting, abstracting EXAMPLE OF TEXT DOCUMENTS WITHIN 3 DOMAINS OF COMMUNICATION Text Type Personal & Community Workplace & Employment Education and Training Procedural Recipe Standard operating procedures Instructions for completing assessment task Persuasive Email to local council complaining about cat registration bylaws Report for CEO presenting argument and recommendations for a particular piece of new equipment Oral presentation on an issue in area of study/expertise Club newsletter Report of different approaches to risk management used in the industry Research paper on main developments in OHS in the last 20 years Poem Design project Advertising copy or short story Technical Explanation of parts of a camera Instruction manual for a new piece of equipment Report on advantages of new computer system in library Regulatory Council planning permission form Industry standards list Course completion requirements Descriptive Recount of trip to botanic gardens Memo outlining new office furniture Essay comparing two paintings Informative Creative ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS п‚ћ Assessments must be handed in on time. Please note, Progression Reports will be provided to your supervisor on a three (3) monthly basis. п‚ћ Signed assessment cover sheets (the front page of this book), must accompany each assessment/book. п‚ћ Students must complete all assessment activities for this unit/book to a satisfactory level in order to be deemed competent in the unit. п‚ћ Students will be allowed one resubmission of each assessment providing they have made a reasonable attempt on the first submission. п‚ћ Queensland Polytechnic strives for fair, objective and transparent decisions in all aspects of its operations. It will provide reassessment on appeal to any applicant, if requested. BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 8 of 41 ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS & DETAILS Part of your assessment for this unit is that you demonstrate you can meet designated timelines. This means submitting work within the timeline indicated in your study schedule, outlined below. You will also have the chance to develop and practice employability skills such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, initiative and enterprise, planning and organizing, selfmanagement, learning, and technology. In order to achieve Competency for this unit, this book, and all of its all assessment tasks must be completed to a satisfactory level. An acceptable or satisfactory performance level for assessments will be based on what would be expected of a person completing a similar task in the workplace. You may request feedback and advice from your Trainer/Assessor at any time prior to submitting the completed book. The assessment tasks for this unit will require you to complete the following: Assessment 1, Oral/Written Questions: answer a number of questions / scenario case studies and provide examples, comments or explanations to particular incidents/activities that occur within Thrifty Car Rentals. Provide as much detail as you can since the more knowledge you show, the less time it will take you to be deemed competent in the unit. Assessment 2, Documentation Evidence: provide hard copy evidence/documentation. This will be required to be attached to the booklet where indicated. Such documentation will include such items as a customer service policy and comments cards. Assessment 3, Practical Observation by Trainer & Third Party: have your immediate supervisor and Trainer; sign off on your competence in the relevant areas, after observing you in a workplace situation. ASSESSMENT MARKING It is acceptable for different students to undertake the same Assessment Task in different ways and to format their finished work differently. Answers to questions throughout this book, may be completed in a variety of ways, appropriate to the specific question, including: п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ writing continuous paragraphs of text using headings and sub-headings to organise text using bullet points rather than, (or as well as, continuous text providing examples and illustrations from experience – particularly relevant work experience submitting workplace documents that are examples of work completed in the workplace Your Trainer / Assessor will make a decision about whether an Assessment Task has been satisfactorily completed based on the following considerations: п‚ћ all parts of the Assessment Task outlined in book, have been completed to a standard that satisfactorily meets the competency requirements set out for the unit, on the website ie. all Elements of the Performance Criteria, Required Skills, Required Knowledge, Critical Aspects have been meet п‚ћ your work is of a standard to be acceptable in the workplace, as deemed by your immediate supervisor п‚ћ your work is has acceptable formatting, expression, language, spelling and grammar п‚ћ the Assessment Task is your own work, except where appropriately acknowledged by the use of referencing . Please note, while it is not essential for VET students to include the ideas and work of others in assessment tasks – particularly practical tasks - it is good practice to do so when appropriate to the task. It is highly likely to be necessary to refer to texts and learning materials when answering questions which focus on knowledge and how to apply it to specific situations. Learning to reference appropriately also helps student develop skills that will be essential should they decide to go on to higher education/university, later. If you are deemed вЂ�not yet competent’ for an assessment item, a sample/indicative answer will be shown to you, to help you determine competency in the assessment item. BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 9 of 41 STUDY / WORK SCHEDULE & RESOURCE LIST You will participate in a face-to-face introductory workshop and/or an online conversation in Week 1, which will get you oriented and started on the Assessment items. At this time, your Trainer/Assessor will go through this book and the Assessment requirements/tasks. Should you not fully understand a question and/or assessment, please ask for assistance. The remaining weeks, you will complete your study by working through the activities within this booklet and attaching the required evidence, as instructed. NOTE: There is no need to word process your answers to the Questions within this book. In the last week of your program, you will need to submit this booklet to your Trainer, in hard copy format. Make sure that all the evidence/documentation is attached to the booklet where required/indicated. The following schedule will tell you what you need to complete each week and what resources you need to review. If you follow this schedule to complete and hand in your work you will have no trouble being ready for the final submission of this booklet. It should only take you 4-6 weeks (50 hours) to complete this process. Please note however, the time you will need to spend on your learning for this unit will also vary depending on your reading skills, computer skills, modem speed and writing skills. Please don’t hesitate to contact your Trainer / Assessor immediately if you have any difficulties. Problems have a way of growing bigger over time – so your Trainer who is assessing your work would much rather hear from you early so any issues can be solved and you can move ahead with your learning. Your Trainer / Assessor will reply within one day. BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 10 of 41 ASSESSEMENT 1: BSBCUS501C MANAGE QUALITY CUSTOMER SERVICE Week Week 1-4 Topic Covered Plan to meet internal and external customer requirements PC1.1 (partial) Resources and Assessments Reading 1, areas/departments Thrifty Car Rentals’ Customer Service Benchmarks for In the duration of your position, within Thrifty, have you ever had to investigate, identify and access the needs of customers? Remember customers can be internal or external to the organisation. Explain how you did this. i.e. п‚ћ how did you IDENTIFY their needs? п‚ћ how did you EVALUATE their needs? Give an example. PC1.2 How do you ensure that YOUR plans (to meet the customer’s needs) are achieved in terms of quality, time and costs agreed upon? Provide an example. Ensure delivery of quality products and/or services Have you delivered products and/or services to customer specifications as part of the organisation’s business plan/goals? If so, provide an example. HINT: construction of mining vehicles PC2.1 BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 11 of 41 PC2.2 In your current position how do you manage the branch / location (the вЂ�team’) to ensure they are consistently meeting Thrifty’s quality and delivery standards? Provide an example, if it helps explain your answer. PC2.3 How do you assist your co-workers to overcome difficulty in meeting customer service standards? Do you use leadership, supervision, coaching or mentoring skills –provide an example of how you do this. Monitor, adjust and review customer service What strategies have you developed to monitor progress in achieving product and/or service targets/standards? Explain. Provide an example/s. HINT: Strategies could range from databases, record controls, intranet, emails, feedback forms, policies, questionnaires, training PC3.1 PC3.2 Have you developed and used strategies to obtain customer feedback to improve the provision of a product/service? Explain. Provide an example OR attach an example if possible. HINT: comment cards, phoning the customer to obtain feedback, conducting interviews or survey BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 12 of 41 PC3.3 How do you develop, process and use resources effectively to provide quality products/services to customers. Provide two examples. Think to yourself, RESOURCES could include anything from the building, the facilities, the equipment, the cars, finance, information, people, power, technology, time etc… PC3.4 Have you ever had to make decisions to overcome problems and adapt a customer’s product/service/delivery? YES / NO Did you ever do this in consultation with other individuals / groups within Thrifty? YES / NO Provide an explanation and example. BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 13 of 41 PC3.5 Do you manage reports/records or even customer recommendations within Thrifty in regards to Customer Service? If so, how do you do this? Provide an example if it makes it easier to explain this concept. There are vast arrays of skills that are needed to manage customer service to a high standard. These include but are not limited to communication, coaching, mentoring, problem solving, planning and organising. Explain with an example (for each) how you used these skills when developing customer service strategies to ensure products and services at Thrifty are delivered and maintained at the highest standards. Communication skills - to support colleagues Coaching and Mentoring skills – to support colleagues Problem solving skills – to deal with complex, difficult problems/situations Skills & Knowledge Required RS1 & RS2 There are many ways you can solve a customer complaint. Provide an example of each of the terms outlined below, in regards to how they relate to your position at Thrifty and customer service. BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 14 of 41 Terminology The management and organisation of customer behaviour RK1 The management and organisation of research on customer’s needs The management and organisation of customer relations The management and organisation of maintaining product & service quality The management and organisation of identifying problems & solving these The management and organisation of delivering high quality customer service BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 15 of 41 The management and organisation of record keeping The management and organisation of monitoring, managing and introducing ways to improve customer service The management and organisation of ways Thrifty can obtain customer feedback Plans, policies & procedures for delivering quality customer service Provide 3 examples of the policies and/or procedures in place at Thrifty that enable you to deliver quality customer service / handle customer complaints. CA 1, RK 2 BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 16 of 41 Solving complex customer complaints & system problems Using 2 examples, explain how Cars Plus and/or other вЂ�systems’ (ie. Processes) within Thrifty, lead to poor customer service. How do you solve these complex problems? CA2 Knowledge of techniques used for solving complaints CA3, RK 5 Using 3 different examples, explain how you would personally solve a specific customer complaint and/or a problem at Thrifty? In answering this question, think about what you had to do in terms: п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service how you controlled the customer’s behaviour? what did you need to do to try and understand the customer’s need? What research / questions did you have to ask to help undercover the problem so you could focus on resolving it for him/her? trying to keep good customer relations & ensuring continual product and/or service quality what records did you have to keep in terms of this customer/problem? Page 17 of 41 Relevant Laws RK 1 Explain how the following laws impact upon your organisation/workplace and how it carries out its day to day business. Anti-discrimination legislation (ie. race, sex, age, religion etc) Australian consumer laws & WHS requirements / Codes of Practice (ie. a business must honour its obligations, it must not make false or misleading or deceptive claims about the product/service, products must meet OHS requirements/first aid codes of practice/manual handling codes of practice/hazourdous substances codes of practice etc) BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 18 of 41 Ethical principles (ie. this is about fostering & maintaining вЂ�standards’ of behaviour that ensure consumers trust the operation of the business. It would take into consideration a broad range of ethical considerations such as ethical conduct standards, whistleblower policies, performance development, disciplinary processes, abiding by laws, regulations, being accountable & transparent in all business being conducted, promoting ethical behaviour etc) Privacy laws (ie. outlines how the organisation handles personal information about individuals) BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 19 of 41 Financial legislation (ie. annual financial reports submitted to ATO, annual audits conducted on the business, adhering to ASIC’s requirements regarding company structure/superannuation, banking, insurance etc) BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 20 of 41 ATTACH AN EXAMPLE OF A CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY, PREFERABLY ONE THAT RELATES TO YOUR AREA, HERE BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 21 of 41 ATTACH AN EXAMPLE COMMENT CARD / FEEDBACK FORM, HERE BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 22 of 41 ASSESSMENT 3: BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Trainer/Assessor & Third Party Workplace Observation / Discussion Form Information for Thrifty Car Rental Staff Member - Workplace Observations are a critical part of each student/trainee’ training. They provide evidence that verifies competency within the workplace. As the trainee’s immediate supervisor, you can contribute in a meaningful manner to the training process through the accurate and timely recording of observations. It is important that evidence gathering through observation takes places over a number of shifts, and under a range of circumstances and at various times. Observation may be undertaken in either a formal or informal setting. A вЂ�formal’ setting occurs when you and student/trainee arrange a fixed time when observation will take place. вЂ�Informal’ settings provide opportunities for you to observe the student/trainee under a variety of conditions ranging from the вЂ�normal day’ to situations of вЂ�stress’. It is the student/trainees’ right to be provided with timely feedback on performance. Based on the observation, you may ask the student/trainee additional questions or prompt them for clarification if they are close to the correct response, and you believe they have the knowledge/skills to show competency in the unit. The trainee should be given every reasonable chance to show you they have the skills and knowledge through their responses. Student/Trainee’s Name: Student/Trainees Job Position: Dates/Shifts/Times: Observer (i.e. Supervisor or Senior Co-worker): Assessor (ie. QP’s marker): Performance Element Plan to meet internal and external customer requirements, at Thrifty Car Rentals Performance Criteria Can the trainee investigate, identify, assess, and include the needs of customers in the planning processes? S or US Comments S or US Eg. Planning for the fleet requirements of the day E.g. Identify the needs of large commercial clients like BCC and assessing vehicles available and/or maintenance issues/staffing requirements E.g. Identify the accounts payable situation and based on bank balance, decide to pay X amt of accounts per day, but at same time ensuring bank balance is financially healthy Eg. Identifying where a branch / agent should be situated and setting a new premises up based on the customers’ needs within that location Can the trainee achieve the quality, time and cost specifications agreed with customers? S or US E.g. the vehicle matches the requirements BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 23 of 41 requested by the customer Can the trainee deliver products and/or services to customer specifications within Thrifty’s business plan? Ensure delivery of quality products and/or services, at Thrifty Car Rentals S or US E.g. Are the vehicles supplies to the customer on time and meeting presentation requirements? I.e. GPS, baby seats included, 4WD vs Sedan E.g. Are the vehicles supplied to the mining companies meeting mine specifications? E.g. Are there correct amt of vehicle classes in each metroplex to meet demand Can the trainee monitor team performance to consistently meet Thrifty’s quality and delivery standards? S or US E.g. Are WHS, Location, Uniform, Vehicle, Front Desk appearances in accordance with Kingmill Standards? E.g. Are customer complaints and/or delays minimal? Can the trainee assist colleagues to overcome difficulty in meeting customer service standards? S or US E.g. Does the trainee help Detailers clean vehicles when staff shortages? E.g. Does trainee help reservations department answer phones, in peak times? E.g. Does trainee work in other metroplexs, to overcome staff shortages? E.g. Does trainee ferry a vehicle to a hotel / other metroplexs, if car carrier is not coping with demand BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 24 of 41 Can the trainee develop and use strategies to monitor progress in achieving product and/or service targets and standards? Monitor, adjust and review customer service, at Thrifty Car Rentals S or US E.g. Using CarsPlus, using emails to communicate with all staff/metroplexs, obtaining feedback from customers E.g. Mystery shopper findings, Audit Findings on Compliance Can the trainee develop and use strategies to obtain customer feedback to improve the provision of products and/or services? S or US E.g. Feedback forms, surveys, phoning the customers of on a regular basis Can the trainee develop, procure and use resources effectively to provide quality products and/or services to customers? S or US E.g. The use of vehicles, equipment, information, time, staff, technology E.g. The use of the car carrier and where it is sent E.g. The use of IT department and the need for hardware or software issues to be rectified to ensure delivery of service / CarsPlus / server issues are rectified Can the trainee make decisions to overcome problems and to adapt customer services, products and/or service delivery in consultation with appropriate individuals and groups? S or US E.g. A branch doesn’t have enough vehicles to deal with customer demand and other branches/staff are consulted with in terms of relocation of vehicles to ensure delivery is able to take place E.g. A branch doesn’t have enough staff due to BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 25 of 41 absenteeism being high, so staff are relocated to other metroplexs to deal with shortages for peak time periods Can the trainee manage records, reports and recommendations within the Thrifty’s systems and processes? S or US E.g. ADE reports, banking & reconciliation reports, UP & PP reports, Required Skills E.g. Recommendations for improvements in all areas of operations Can the trainee provide support to the team, where needed through communication, coaching or mentoring to help achieve customer service standards? S or US E.g. Support can be in the form of one on one discussions, team meetings, metroplex meetings, senior management meetings, providing training and development as an individual or as a group in all areas of operations: п‚ћ Fleet management п‚ћ Fleet maintenance п‚ћ Sales of insurance п‚ћ Sales of optional extras п‚ћ Compliance issues п‚ћ Staffing matters п‚ћ Customer service п‚ћ Reservations Doe the trainee have problem solving skills to deal with complex and non-routine difficulties? S or US E.g. Commercial clients request for mine spec vehicles within 24 hours E.g. Maintenance issues with vehicles on hire E.g. Organization of cross hire of vehicles from competitors to meet demands of clients BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 26 of 41 Can the trainee: п‚ћ Edit and proofread texts to ensure clarity of meaning and accuracy of grammar and punctuation eg. Rental agreements, emails, hotel delivery requests п‚ћ Prepare general information and papers according to target audience п‚ћ Read and understand a variety of text Required Skills (Additional Required Skills for BSBCUS501C) Is the trainee able to select and use technology in a way that is appropriate to the required task? Eg. Phone, emails, fax, scanner, photocopier Does the trainee consistently: п‚ћ Comply with policies & procedures relating to Thrifty Car Rentals п‚ћ Evaluate and monitor their own performance п‚ћ Seek learning opportunities within Thrifty (as a whole) or within their department/role Is the trainee able to identify trends and positions of products and services? Eg. Easter/Xmas busy periods, over the weekend truck requests, mine spec return/pick up times Can the trainee use their problem-solving skills to enable them to deal with customer enquiries or complaints? Eg. No vehicle is available in a specific location or a vehicle hasn’t been dropped off at the right time Is the trainee able to use their communication skills effectively to coach and mentor staff? Can the trainee monitor and advise on customer service strategies? Eg. Telephone standards, branch standards, franchisee standards, vehicle standards, sales and upselling strategies Can the trainee select and use technology appropriate to a task? Eg. Phones – internal and external phone calls. BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service S or US S or US S or US S or US S or US S or US S or US S or US Page 27 of 41 Required Knowledge Has the trainee demonstrated numerous techniques for solving every day, routine type complaints? e.g. п‚ћ Understanding customer behavior п‚ћ Undertaking more research on the customer’s needs (asking more questions) п‚ћ Providing a quality service or product more than once п‚ћ Delivery of product/service on time п‚ћ Ensuring paperwork relating to customer is complete and filed appropriately to ensure good record keeping п‚ћ Obtaining feedback Does the trainee understand the key requirements of the following laws & how they impact upon the day to day workings of the business? п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ Critical Aspects (Evidence Required) S or US S or US anti-discrimination legislation Australian consumer law, codes of practices & OHS laws ethical principles privacy laws financial legislation / ATO / superannuation, PAYE tax Does the trainee access appropriate documentation and resources related to customer service policies, procedures, complaints and/or recommendations? S or US E.g. If customer complains can the trainee track down the contract and the notes on CarsPlus and inform you of when they hired / who served them ect. E.g. Can the trainee locate the complaint on the customer service database? Can the trainee tell you about an experience they have had with a customer where they had to solve a customer complaint due to poor service and/or BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service S or US Page 28 of 41 systems within Thrifty Eg. Could be due to another staff member entering wrong information into the RA or incorrect metroplex information being processed Eg. Could be an issue with Kingmill’s (parent company) policies and processes E.g. Could be focused on vehicle cleanliness, maintenance issues, delivery times, refunds, accidents/claims processing, invoicing or billing problems Does the trainee have knowledge/techniques for solving complaints? E.g. Discussing issue with branch manager, discussing with Customer Service/Satisfaction `Manager, refunding funds where necessary, providing free upgrades where possible, providing a changeover of vehicles if needed for 24 hours to rectify issue, researching the problem to be able to solve it, keeping the customer relationship, ensuring quality customer service at all times, controlling the customers behavior, ensuring records are kept for future, obtaining feedback where required etc S or US QUEENSLAND POLYTECHNIC’S STAFF MEMBER TO FILL OUT THRIFTY CAR RENTAL’s SENIOR STAFF MEMBER TO FILL OUT The trainee is competent in the unit: The trainee is competent in this unit. Satisfactory Satisfactory п‚Ё Unsatisfactory п‚Ё п‚Ё Unsatisfactory п‚Ё Assessor: KAREN LAMKIN Thrifty Staff Member: Signature: .................................................Date: .............................. Signature: ..........................................Date: .............................. BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 29 of 41 Assessment Method Y/N Performance Criteria / Elements Employability Skills ALL в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ CA1 в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ ALL в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ в€љ Technology ALL Learning Y Self-Management 3.1, 3.2 Initiative & Enterprise Y Problem Solving ALL Teamwork Y Job Role Environment Skills ALL Communication Assessment 1 Contingency Planning Skills ALL Mapping Matrix for BSBCUS501C Dimensions of Competency Task Management Skills (Variables) Critical Aspects (CA) Task Skills Underpinning Knowledge (RK) Planning & Organising Underpinning Skills (RS) Oral/Written Questions Portfolio Activities Assessment 2 Documentation Evidence Customer Service Policy Comment Card Assessment 3 ALL ALL Practical Observation by Trainer & Third Party BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 30 of 41 Reading 1 – Examples of Customer Service Standards at Thrifty Car Rentals Since its inception in 1958, Thrifty Car Rental has undergone an amazing transformation. From a single location renting Volkswagen Beetles in Tulsa, Oklahoma, our system has grown into an international network of Franchisees offering a variety of services under the Thrifty name. As our system has grown, consumer recognition of the Thrifty brand has increased dramatically. This is due in great part to the consistent use of the Thrifty standards on a world-wide basis. Our brand and our brand identity reinforce Thrifty’s position as the value leader in the car rental industry. Thrifty’s image standards have been carefully designed to give Thrifty a consistent look and feel no matter which branch you may step into anywhere in the world. The Thrifty standards extend to the presentation of all vehicles and staff. Like the design and fit-out of our buildings and branches, it is essential that every staff member who has contact with the public displays the Thrifty image; uniform, name badge and a high level of personal grooming. During your employment at Thrifty, you will be asked to conduct regular audits on the location and/or yourself to ensure Thrifty’s standards are being adhered to by every team member. Refer to the Thrifty Identification Standards Manual which provided detailed information/specifications in relations to: п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ п‚ћ Graphic styles Exterior and interior signage Paint work Office fit out Opening of new locations Refurbishing of existing locations This includes such items as: EXTERIOR APPEARANCE All locations are to be painted in the standard Thrifty color scheme, incorporating the Thrifty blue fascia band and Thrifty logo Provision should be made for the installation of an after-hours key drop facility, appropriately marked On the door or near the entrance, a sign detailing: 1. The name of the operator of the location should be displayed. E.g. Jonday Holdings Pty Ltd ABN: 48 011 049 531 ACN: 011 049 531 “An independent Franchisee of Kingmill Pty Ltd trading as Thrifty Car Rentals” 2. The address 3. Opening hours (including Sat, Sun & Public Holidays) This sign needs to be at least 3cm high. Should be white OR Thrifty blue in colour. Standard Bold type using Thrifty future or arial font Interior Appearance Routine maintenance & cleaning should be carried out to ensure facilities are presented to the public in a first class condition Smoke free environment Customer Reception area should be: п‚ћ tiled using Thrifty approved colours п‚ћ painted in Thrifty grey п‚ћ incorporate a Thrifty designed counter built to specifications п‚ћ have a Thrifty back wall sign which is designed in accordance with specifications Customer Counters must prominently display CURRENT Thrifty point of sale material Area around Thrifty back wall sign needs to be uncluttered Administration area of the office should be separated/partitioned from customer service area BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 31 of 41 Vehicles All vehicles should have a port code sticker affixed to the bottom left hand side corner of the windscreen Thrifty Blue Trucks (blue painted bodies) must be painted white, when вЂ�recycling’ occurs Uniform & Personal Presentation All staff must be attired in the official Thrifty Uniform 1. All uniform garments must be clean and pressed at all times 2. Shoes – Detailers п‚ћ Steel capped boots is the only acceptable footwear п‚ћ Navy or black socks are to be worn п‚ћ The uniform pant must be worn on the outside of boots. п‚ћ The shoe must have a flat sole or the heel may not exceed ВЅ inch in height when measured from inside the shoe heel п‚ћ Shoe soles and heels including rubber and crepe, must be as dark as the shoe п‚ћ Shoes must be clean, polished and maintained in good repair at all times Shoes – All other staff (Women & Men) п‚ћ All shoes must be solid black or navy. п‚ћ Shoes must be conservative and uncluttered; for women, they must represent a court shoe, and for men, a conservative dress-type shoe. п‚ћ Shoes must be a closed heel and toe. п‚ћ The shoes must have a flat sole and the heel must be of an acceptable height. п‚ћ Shoes must be clean, polished and maintained in good repair at all times. п‚ћ Laces if applicable must be black or navy. 3. Accessories п‚ћ Jewelry should be conservative, modest and professional п‚ћ Watches should be simple and conservative in design with a face to complement the band п‚ћ Visible body piercing is not acceptable п‚ћ One earring stud is allowed п‚ћ Visible tattooing is not acceptable п‚ћ A belt must be worn with any uniform pants that have belt loops. A Thrifty belt must be worn п‚ћ The Thrifty name badge must be worn at all times on the left side of the garment above the Thrifty logo. п‚ћ Sunglasses and eyeglasses may be worn as necessary. Colour and design should be conservative and professional in appearance. 4. Proper Uniform Fitting & Undergarments п‚ћ Garments should be altered, if necessary, to fit properly. Avoid a fit that is too snug or too loose. п‚ћ Pant hems should be no longer than floor length and no shorter than one inch (1”) from the floor at the heel. п‚ћ Skirt length should be mid-knee or slightly below. п‚ћ T-shirts or undershirts worn under uniform shirts must be white or natural without pictures or printing 5. Hosiery (Women) п‚ћ Navy/black or natural sheer hosiery is to be worn with skirts. п‚ћ For women, hosiery may be worn with uniform pants. п‚ћ Woolen/thick tights are unacceptable to be worn as hosiery. When wearing black shoes black hosiery is to be worn. п‚ћ When wearing navy shoes navy hosiery is to be worn. Natural hosiery can be worn with black or navy shoes. п‚ћ Hosiery must be seamless without pattern or texture Hosiery (Men) п‚ћ Socks must always be worn while in uniform. п‚ћ Plain black socks should be worn with black shoes and plain navy socks should be worn with navy shoes. 6.Hair Styles п‚ћ Hair should be clean, neatly styled and appropriate for business wear п‚ћ Hair should be a professional colour, no inappropriate colouring п‚ћ Long hair should be kept out of eyes п‚ћ For men, moustaches and beards, if worn, must be kept neatly trimmed. The face and neck area should be kept clean-shaven п‚ћ With the exception of neatly trimmed moustaches and beards, employees must be clean-shaven at all times 7.Hand and Nail Care п‚ћ Fingernails must be kept clean and trimmed п‚ћ Fingernail colour, if worn, should be clear, natural or tasteful colour. Only one nail colour may be worn at a time 8.Makeup п‚ћ Make up should be tasteful and natural to complement skin tone and facial features. п‚ћ Lipstick (if worn) should be a clear, bright or natural colour that complements the uniform. 9.Maternity Wear п‚ћ Maternity wear should be similar in colours, fabric and design as the rest of the uniform programme. 10.Neckwear п‚ћ Only regulation neckwear is approved for use with the uniform. п‚ћ For women, an approved Thrifty scarf must always be worn with the Thrifty shirt. The scarf is to be worn under the shirt wrapped around the neck as per the visual guideline. п‚ћ For men, an approved Thrifty tie must always be worn with the compliant shirt. п‚ћ When wearing a tie the top button of the shirt must always be buttoned. п‚ћ The tie must be tied in a four-in-hand knot or Windsor knot and the knot must be worn all the way to the top collar. п‚ћ The bottom tip of the tie should fall no longer than the bottom of the belt buckle and no shorter than the top of the slack waistband. All staff must have name badge BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 32 of 41 OPENING A NEW LOCATION OR MODIFYING OLD LOCATION Must obtain approval from National Franchise Manager before any construction, modification or implementation of current or new facilities at least 30 days prior to commencement Once approved, Franchisee must provide photos of the site (internal & external, & surrounding parameters) to Franchise Dept for approval Contact local council to advice intention to run a car rental business and address issues: п‚ћ Water п‚ћ Trade Waste п‚ћ Hazardous substances (ie. fuel) REQUIRED FACILITIES Ample parking for vehicles and employees An area for washing & servicing of vehicles An area for вЂ�ready’ vehicles to be displayed to customers Fuel storage tanks & pumps (optional) Security fencing & lighting Storage room Private office/s Room for large rental counter & customer area Restrooms Airport locations work within provisions & requirements of airport PRINT MATERIALS All print documents comply with Thrifty Creative Artwork Guidelines Letterheads & Faxes complies with Thrifty formats Business Cards complies with Thrifty format BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 33 of 41 Vehicle Presentation & Safety Standards Checklist All vehicles are to be spotlessly cleaned inside and out, and given a mechanical check. Listed below are the items that should be checked BEFORE each rental. Exterior of Vehicle (Includes Safety Issues) Yes/No Comments Tyre Pressure п‚ћ Roadworthy п‚ћ Inflation levels correct (see manufacturers inflation plaque affixed to the vehicle)? Tyre Condition (treads) п‚ћ At least 4/10 cm across full tread width Tyre Pressure & Condition (in Boot ) Apply Tyre rejuvenator Wheel Trims Wheel Arches & Mud flaps Windscreen – clean, cracks Windscreen Wipers п‚ћ Operable п‚ћ Not streaking? Damage Cross check existing BODY DAMAGE against boot report. Report new damages. Any damage that renders the vehicle un-roadworthy or affects safe operations is not allowed. Damage which affects appearance of vehicle is referred to Branch Manager and/or Washbay Supervisor. Vehicle Maintenance/Service Requirements If need a service/maintenanceпѓ advise Branch Manager and/or Washbay Supervisor OR log onto the Service Log, thru intranet and advise details Fluids п‚ћ Oil п‚ћ Battery п‚ћ Radiator п‚ћ Water п‚ћ Brake fluid п‚ћ Transmission fluid п‚ћ Windscreen washer bottle (front & rear) Aerial Mirrors Clean Appearance on exterior п‚ћ Boot п‚ћ Door edges Thrifty Key Tags & Keys п‚ћ Legible п‚ћ Fully completed i.e. rego number, vehicle description, colour, phone number Park Vehicle п‚ћ Manual vehicles in neutral п‚ћ Automatic vehicles in park п‚ћ As per Yard Plan outlined by Managing Director/Operations Manager Check: п‚ћ Triangles п‚ћ Hammers @ 3 п‚ћ Hydraulic Lift BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 34 of 41 Interior (Includes Safety Issues) Yes/No Comments Windows Mirrors Carpet/Seats upholstery п‚ћ Check under the seat as well п‚ћ Customer items get tagged with date & rego number and give to Branch Manager, to go to Lost Property п‚ћ Front passenger & Driver seat go to furtherest most setting п‚ћ Check Seat Pockets п‚ћ Head rests are in position Ashtrays & Cigarette Lighter п‚ћ Ash п‚ћ Odour п‚ћ Present? п‚ћ Working? Dashboard & Glove Box Console п‚ћ Cleaned? п‚ћ Hand brake in order? Door Trims Door Jams Trip Meter – reset to вЂ�0’ Air conditioner/heater п‚ћ Working? п‚ћ Set to off CD/Radio п‚ћ Local FM/AM stations п‚ћ Working? Clock п‚ћ Local time п‚ћ Working? Seat Belts п‚ћ Serviceable/operable п‚ћ Accessible п‚ћ Neatly rolled up Boot п‚ћ Clean? п‚ћ Parcel shelf clean & working? п‚ћ Spare tyre checked п‚ћ Tools? п‚ћ Jack secured? п‚ћ Wheel Brace secured? Registration Sticker п‚ћ Present? п‚ћ Current? п‚ћ Expired? If expired, remove the sticker and either replace with the renewal sticker if available, or have a copy of the registration certificate faxed to your location from head office, and place this in the glove compartment. Service Sticker п‚ћ Up to date п‚ћ Present? Litter bag Window Hanger Spray Air Freshener BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 35 of 41 Fuel п‚ћ Full? п‚ћ If not, record details & arrange for customer to be charged Trucks п‚ћ overhead clearance stickers must be placed on top of windscreen Kilometer range п‚ћ non-commercial vehicles should not be older than 18 months п‚ћ other vehicles should be regularly checked against APPROVED FLEET GUIDE п‚ћ Vehicles exceeding the kilometers are to be grounded immediately and recycled Lights п‚ћ Interior lights working п‚ћ High beam п‚ћ Indicators п‚ћ Hazard lights п‚ћ Break lights Horn п‚ћ Working? The Detail and Conditions Report п‚ћ accurate, signed and dated by the staff member who is detailing the vehicle п‚ћ placed in the boot/glove box of the vehicle Date: Detailer: Vehicle Registration: Other Comments (if applicable): Vehicle SPOT CHECKED by: BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 36 of 41 Telephone Benchmarks GREETING Telephone Answered within 3 rings A genuine display of enthusiasm is delivered Uses the Thrifty Greeting: “Thankyou for calling Thrifty, you are speaking with………………………………………….. How can we help you today?” RESPONSE Shows individual commitment when listening to and identifying customer’s initial inquiry PERSONALISATION If provided with, use the customer’s name where possible Displays a positive and approachable attitude to delivering exemplary individual attention QUESTIONING Uses open and honest communication when identifying precise customer requests Uses the 5 key opening questions; When and where do you require the vehicle? How long do you require the vehicle for and where will you return it? How many people are you traveling with/What size vehicle do you require? Where will you be traveling with the vehicle? Are you a member of NRMA or any Australian Motoring clubs? Displays a commitment to build customer rapport by understanding customer requests INFORMATION Delivers accurate, professional information Communicates rate, taxes, fuel, and additional options/charges clearly No misleading information is given Has an individual eagerness to promote our product, people and service Eg. Offer a Courtesy pick up, refers to holiday discount voucher booklet Acts on every opportunity to communicate the importance of their customer to Thrifty with energy, confidence and intelligence Has a genuine commitment to insure customer is comfortable and understands all rental contract charges, liabilities and processes SELLING Has a will to win attitude to obtain a commitment from the customer Positively strives for a quotation, if unsuccessful in making a reservation Goes the extra mile with a can-do attitude to sell the benefits of choosing to rent with Thrifty Has a strong awareness of competitors CONCLUSION Confirms and reviews rental request with customer Attempts to gain customer’s trust by giving them their name for any further bookings or amendments Gives a genuine вЂ�thankyou’ to the customer for choosing Thrifty PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES Speaks clearly, without jargon and at an appropriate speed Displays willingness to do whatever it takes to exceed the customer’s expectations Clearly believes in delivering the Thrifty service. Eg. Was passion evident? OVERALL RATING Was passionate, individual, exemplary service delivered? BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Page 37 of 41 Customer Return Benchmarks / Standards GREETING Appear alert and ready to assist the customer Thrifty image is well presented Employee Appearance-neatly well groomed in full Thrifty uniform & presenting a professional business like image: name badge visible Thrifty Counter-maintain a tidy work station with paperwork, current promotional material visible and in pristine condition, brochures on counter in order & restocked, signs current and manager on duty Visually and verbally acknowledges the customer (even if they are unable to immediately attend to them) A genuine display of enthusiasm is delivered Smiles whilst greeting the customer Customer is greeted sincerely in relation to the volume of activity at the counter “Good Morning Sir/Madam. My name can I help you today?” “Thankyou for waiting, my name is.......... how can I help you?” RESPONSE Shows individual commitment when listening to and identifying customer’s initial inquiry PERSONALISATION Asks for & uses the customer’s name where possible Displays a positive & approachable attitude to delivering exemplary individual attention QUESTIONING Uses open and honest communication when identifying precise customer requests Uses these opening questions: How was your Thrifty experience? How was the performance of your vehicle? When did you refuel the vehicle? Has a flexible approach to overcome any customer objections with positive proactive responses Shows a commitment to build customer rapport by understanding customer requests INFORMATION Delivers accurate, professional information Communicates rate, taxes, fuel and additional options/charges clearly No misleading information is given Has an individual eagerness to promote our product, people and service Eg. Offers a blue Chip application Acts on every opportunity to communicate the importance of their customer to Thrifty with energy, confidence and intelligence Checked in vehicle whilst customer present. Fully checked over vehicle and compared it to the Damage report attached to the original contract or boot report if original is not available. (Boot check completed to ensure spare tyre and jack are present, exterior and interior of vehicle inspected. Lifter chords present in trucks and all optional extras have been returned eg. gps, babyseats and boosters) Has a genuine commitment to insure customer is comfortable and understands all rental contract charges, liabilities and processes CONCLUSION BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Exceptional Good Exceptional Good Exceptional Average Below Average Poor Average Below Average Poor Good Average Below Average Poor Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Page 38 of 41 Accurately carries out procedures and policies on paperwork Asks the customer if they can make any future bookings for them Gives a genuine вЂ�Thank you’ to the customer for choosing Thrifty PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES Speaks clearly, without jargon and at an appropriate speed Feels empowered to accept and take responsibility for one’s actions Clearly believes in delivering the Thrifty service -Was passion evident? OVERALL RATING Was passionate, individual, exemplary service delivered? BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Page 39 of 41 Counter Initiation Benchmarks/Standards GREETING Appears alert & ready to assist the customer Thrifty image is well presented Employee Appearance-neatly well groomed in full Thrifty uniform & presenting a professional business like image: name badge visible Thrifty Counter-maintain a tidy work station with paperwork, current promotional material visible and in pristine condition, brochures on counter in order & restocked, signs current and manager on duty Visually and verbally acknowledges the customer (even if they are unable to immediately attend to them) A genuine display of enthusiasm is delivered Smiles whilst greeting the customer Customer is greeted sincerely in relation to the volume of activity at the counter “Good Morning Sir/Madam. My name can I help you today?” “Thankyou for waiting, my name is.......... how can I help you?” RESPONSE Shows individual commitment when listening to and identifying customer’s initial inquiry PERSONALISATION Asks for & uses the customer’s name where possible Displays a positive & approachable attitude to delivering exemplary individual attention QUESTIONING Uses open & honest communication when identifying precise customer requests Uses opening questions such as the following when performing a walkup: Have you rented with Thrifty before? Are you a member of NRMA or any Australian Motoring Clubs? How long will you require the vehicle for? What type of vehicle would you prefer to drive? Has a flexible approach to overcome any customer objections with positive proactive responses Shows a commitment to build customer rapport by understanding customer requests INFORMATION Delivers accurate, professional information -Communicates rate, taxes, fuel & additional options/charges clearly -No misleading information is given Has an individual eagerness to promote our product, people & service -Eg. Offers a Blue Chip application, Thrifty discount voucher booklet Acts on every opportunity to communicate the importance of their customer to Thrifty with energy, confidence & intelligence Has a genuine commitment to insure customer is comfortable and understands all rental contract charges, liabilities & processes (Contract is circled in correct areas and is properly explained to the customer) BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Page 40 of 41 SELLING Has a will to win attitude to obtain a commitment from the customer Approaches positively to strive for meeting the customers need when selling product and incrementals Eg. UP and PP Goes the extra mile with a can-do attitude to sell the benefits of choosing to rent with Thrifty Has a strong awareness of competitors CONCLUSION Accurately carries out procedures and policies on paperwork Informs customer of contact numbers for reference if required-Client card given Provides toll payment information Offers maps and directions (including to location of vehicle) Gives a genuine “Thankyou” to the customer for choosing Thrifty PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES Speaks clearly, without jargon and at an appropriate speed Feels empowered to accept and take responsibility for one’s actions Clearly believes in delivering the Thrifty service -Was passion evident? OVERALL RATING Was passionate, individual, exemplary service delivered? BSBCUS501C Manage Quality Customer Service Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Exceptional Good Average Below Average Poor Page 41 of 41
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