ADMISSION STRICTLY FOR BOYS ONLY (To be filled by the School Office) Form No _______________ Received Date _______________ (To be filled by the School Office) Roll No _____________/GK Category ____________ Checked & initialed by ________ SAINIK SCHOOL GHORAKHAL, NAINITAL, UTTARAKHAND – 263156 APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION : ACADEMIC YEAR 2015-16 READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE FILLING UP THE APPLICATION FORM FILL ALL COLUMNS IN LEGIBLE CAPITAL LETTERS USING A4 SIZE WHITE PAPER 1. Class for which admission is sought - (VI or IX) 2. Candidate’s Date of Birth 3. Candidate’s Place of birth ____________ 4. Candidate’s Blood Group _______ 5. Height ______ cms 6. Weight _____ Kgs. 7. Eye Vision R _______ L _______ 8. Name of school previously attended with Class & Medium Day Session 9. _________ Month Latest Passport size photo to be pasted and attested by the Head of the institution where the student is presently studying. Year Name of the School with complete address Class Medium Name of the boy in Full (CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY) 10. Father’s Full Name (CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY) LAST DATE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FORM 06th DEC 2014 (SATURDAY) 11. Mother’s Full Name (CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY) EXAMINATION DATE 04th JAN 2015 (SUNDAY) 12. Full Name of the Guardian (CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY) (If Parents are not alive) 13. Relationship to the boy ___________ 14. Nationality __________ 15. State of Domicile (Parents) ___________ 16. Religion ________ 17. Please Tick ( ) your category in the box General Defence SC ST (a) If you belong to SC / ST category, please specify your Sub Caste/Tribe________________________ (Attach photo copy of caste certificate issued by the competent authority). (b) If you belong to DEFENCE category, please furnish the following details :Whether serving or Ex-service personnel Service Number Rank Date of Date of Name of the Record Office Enrolment/ Discharge Commission 18. Monthly Income from all sources Rs _________________ 19. Occupation of Father / Mother/ Guardian __________________/___________________/_______________ (Government/ Private Service/Business/Farming etc. to be specified) ……. 2 -220. Registration Fee :- To be deposited in any SBI Branch through attached Challan Form and details of the deposited Challan Form to be furnished in the boxes given below :NAME OF THE SBI BRANCH BRANCH CODE NO JOURNAL NO AMOUNT DATE OF DEPOSIT (where Registration Fee (at Challan Form (at Challan Form DEPOSITED (at Challan Form deposited given at Challan Sl. No 3) Sl. No 4) (at Challan Form Sl. No 6) Sl. No 5) Form Sl. No 2) SBI / / 2014 NOTE :- School Copy of Challan Form to be sent alongwith the Application Form. Bank Draft/Cheque will not be accepted by the school. 21. 22. Permanent Address:- P I N P I N Address for Correspondence:- 23. Land Line No. with STD Code __________________, Mobile ________________ & __________________ e-mail ID if any ____________________________ 24. Choice of Examination Centre - i) __________________ ii) ___________________ iii) ______________ (Please see attached instruction page No 4 & 6 Sl. No 7) 25. Has your son/ward appeared in entrance examination earlier? If yes, please give the following details:Name of the Centre Year Roll Number Class 26. (a) If you are willing, give the names of three choices of Sainik Schools in order of preference. (THIS WILL BE CONSIDERED ONLY IF VACANCY EXISTS IN OTHER SAINIK SCHOOLS). Please see attached page No 5 & 7 Sl. No 14. Choices :- (i) Sainik School ______________ (ii) Sainik School ____________ (iii) Sainik School _____________ (b) I hereby give undertaking that I am willing to admit my son/ward as FULL FEE PAYEE CADET in other Sainik Schools as indicated above and “under any circumstances will not seek inter-school transfer till the completion of studies of my ward from that Sainik School once he is selected/admitted”. __________________________ Signature of the Parent/Guardian 27. Special achievement in sports and other fields:- DECLARATION BY THE PARENT I solemnly declare that the particulars furnished above are true and no information has been concealed. In case any of the above information found incorrect at any time, I will have no objection for removal of my son from the school and refund the scholarship amount if availed. Orders and Instructions given/issued from time to time by the Principal will be binding on me. _____________________________ Date _____/______/2014 Place _______________ Signature of the Parent/Guardian Full Name ____________________ The following documents to be submitted before due date :- (1) Application Form, (2) Hall Ticket (3) School Copy of Challan vide which registration fee deposited in SBI Bank (4) Self Addressed envelope with Rs 22/- postage stamps affixed (5) Attach photo copy of SC/ST Certificate (if the candidate belongs to SC/ST) …………… 3 -3- HALL TICKET SAINIK SCHOOL GHORAKHAL, NAINITAL, UTTARAKHAND - 263156 FOR ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 2015-16 Centre of Examination __________________________________ Roll No ___________/GK (To be filled by the Office) (TO BE FILLED BY PARENT IN BLOCK LETTERS AND SENT ALONGWITH APPLICATION FORM) 1. Name of the boy in full _______________________________________________________ 2. Father / Guardian’s Name_____________________________________________________ 3. Class for which admission is sought – (VI / IX) ______ 4. Correspondence Address :- P 5. 4. Date of Birth _____/____/__ _ ____ Latest Passport size photo to be pasted and attested by the Head of the institution where the student is presently studying. I N Signature of the candidate SAINIK SCHOOL GHORAKHAL WILL ALLOT EXAMINATION CENTRE, ROLL NUMBER AND SEND HALL TICKET TO THE CANDIDATE FOR APPEARING IN ENTRANCE EXAMINATION Signature of the Issuing Officer Sainik School Ghorakhal, Nainital ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IDENTIFICATION FORM FOR ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 2015-16 SAINIK SCHOOL GHORAKHAL, NAINITAL, UTTARAKHAND - 263156 Centre of Examination ___________________________________ Roll No _______/GK (To be filled by Office) (TO BE FILLED BY THE PARENT IN BLOCK LETTERS AND SENT ALONGWITH APPLICATION FORM) 1. Name of the boy in full _________________________________ 2. Father’s/Guardian’s Name ___________________________________ 3. Class for which admission is sought - (VI / IX) 4. Date of birth 5. Signature of the candidate ________ ______/______/________ SAINIK SCHOOL GHORAKHAL WILL ALLOT EXAMINATION CENTRE, ROLL NUMBER AND RETAIN IT FOR OFFICIAL USE Latest Passport size photo to be pasted and attested by the Head of the institution where the student is presently studying. Signature of the Issuing Officer Sainik School Ghorakhal, Nainital -4- SAINIK SCHOOL GHORAKHAL, NAINITAL, UTTARAKHAND - 263156 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SESSION 2015-16 Please read the following instructions carefully before filling up the Application Form 1. Sainik School Ghorakhal, Nainital is one amongst the 25 Sainik Schools administered by the Sainik Schools Society, an autonomous body functioning under Ministry of Defence. These schools were established with the primary aim of preparing boys for entry into Defence Services through National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla and to bring public school education within the reach of common people. 2. Vacancies (Approx) For Class VI - 60 and For Class IX – 20 3. Reservation 67% for Domicile of Uttarakhand and 33% for all Other States & Union Territories. Out of total vacancies, 15% of the seats are reserved for SC, 7.5% for ST categories and 25% of the remaining seats in each category for children of Defence service personnel and ex-servicemen. 4. Date of birth for 2015-16 Applications are invited as per the given format from boys born between dates given as under for the academic year 2015-16, for appearing in All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination to be held on 04th Jan 2015 :(a) (b) For Class VI : For Class IX : 02 July 2004 to 01 July 2005 (both dates inclusive) 02 July 2001 to 01 July 2002 (both dates inclusive) Note For admission to class IX the boy should be studying in Class VIII in a recognised school. 5. Registration Fee (Non-Refundable) Registration Fee as under will be remitted to the school by depositing at any SBI Branch through Challan Form attached with the Application Form. After depositing the fee in the SBI Bank School Copy of Challan Form will be sent alongwith the Application Form and Applicant copy of Challan Form will be retained by the candidate for future reference :(a) (b) General / Defence Category Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribes Category - Rs Rs 600/450/-. Note :- REGISTRATION FEE ONCE PAID WILL NOT BE REFUNDED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Cheques, Bank Draft, Indian Postal Orders, Pay Orders etc will not be accepted by the School. 6. Scheme of Written Examination :(i) Examination comprises of two papers namely Mathematics & Language and Intelligence Test of V class standard for entry to VI class. The medium of Entrance Examination for class VI will be in Hindi or English (ii) Two papers namely Mathematics & Science and English & Social Studies of VIII class standard for entry to IX class. The medium of Entrance Examination for class IX shall be in English only. 7. Examination Centres Subject to availability of sufficient candidates, written examination Centres will be at Almora, Bareilly, Dehradun, Ghorakhal, Gorakhpur, Kotdwar, Lucknow, Pithoragarh, Roorkee, Srinagar (Garhwal), and Rudrapur (Udham Singh Nagar). Allotment of examination Centre will be at the discretion of the school. 8. Last Date for submission of Application Form Applications completed in all respects alongwith Hall Ticket, Identification Form & Challan School Copy towards payment of Registration Fee must reach the �Principal, Sainik School Ghorakhal, PO : Ghorakhal, Distt. Nainital, Uttarakhand, PIN - 263156 on or before 06th Dec 2014 (Saturday). Incomplete applications will be rejected and no communication will be entertained in this respect. REGISTRATION FEE ONCE PAID IS NOT REFUNDABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. 9. Date of Entrance Examination All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination will be held on 04thJan 2015 (Sunday) at the centres given above at para No 7 (except Sainik School Nagrota, J&K). 10. Fee Total Fee including boarding, lodging and other charges is approximately Rs. 90,000/- for the year 2015-16. Fee may be increased as per Sainik Schools Society existing rules. ……… 5 - 5 - 11. Scholarship Scholarships are granted by the Government of Uttarakhand for the students of Uttarakhand domicile, based on Parent’s Income & Merit. Boys who are admitted against the 25% quota reserved for children of Defence service personnel/ex-servicemen including those of Uttarakhand domicile are eligible for a limited number of scholarships granted by Ministry of Defence. However, diet subsidy is provided for all Uttarakhand domicile boys including Defence Category children. In addition, all the boys admitted except the Day Scholars (Staff Children) are provided with some financial assistance by Ministry of Defence. Continuation of Scholarship once granted is subject to income/rank of parents, discipline and academic performance of cadets. 12. Repeater not allowed A boy can appear only once in the Entrance Examination for a particular class for admission in Sainik Schools. For all disputes the legal jurisdiction will be at Nainital only. 13. Application Form can also be downloaded from official website of the school 14. List of the Sainik Schools S.N (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (j) Sainik Schools Amaravathinagar,Tamil Nadu Ambikapur Chattisgarh Balachadi, Gujarat Bhubaneshwar, Odisa Bijapur, Karnataka Chittorgarh, Rajasthan Ghorakhal, Nainital, UK Goalpara, Assam Gopalganj, Bihar S.N (k) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) Sainik Schools Imphal, Manipur Kapurthala, Punjab Kazahakootam, Kerala Kodagu, Karnataka Korukonda, Andhra Pradesh Kalikiri, Andhra Pradesh Kunjpura, Haryana Nagrota, J&K Nalanda, Bihar S.N (u) (v) (w) (x) (y) (z) (aa) Sainik Schools Pungalwa, Nagaland Purulia, West Bengal Rewa, Madhya Pradesh Rewari, Haryana Satara, Maharastra Sujanpur Tira, Himanchal Tilaiya, Jharkhand 15 Courier services are not available from Nainital/Haldwani to Sainik School Ghorakhal and school will not be responsible for Application Form sent by Courier service. PLEASE SEND ALL MAIL BY POST/ SPEED POST ONLY. 16 Detailed marks list will be supplied after 31 May 2015 to all the parents/legal guardians. All parents/guardians are requested to send a self addressed envelope affixed postage worth Rs 22/- for sending the Marks by Registered post alongwith the Application Form. If the self addressed envelope with postage stamps of Rs 22/- not found attached alongwith the Application Form, the marks will be sent by ordinary post and school will not be responsible for non-receipt or for any delay in delivery of mark sheet. Copy of the answer sheet will not be provided. 17 One box each to be left blank after First Name and Middle Name & Last Name in the Application Form at Serial No 9 to 12 and in Hall Ticket at Serial No 4 respectively. 18 Parents are requested to fill the APPLICATION FORM ONLY FOR BOYS AND NOT FOR GIRLS. Principal Sainik School Ghorakhal, PO : Ghorakhal Distt. Nainital, Uttarakhand – 263156 website : Note :- For any query you may contact school office on telephone No 05942 – 220051 & Mobile 9411107817 between 0900 hrs to 1200 hrs &1500 hrs to 1700 hrs (except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays). ********* ……….. 6 & 6 & LkSfud Ldwy ?kksM+k[kky] uSuhrky] mRrjk[k.M+ & 263156 fn'kk & funsZ'k 2015&16 l= ds fy, d`i;k vkosnu i= Hkjus ls iwoZ fuEufyf[kr fn'kk funsZ'kksa dks /;ku iwoZd i<sa A 1lSfud Ldwy ?kksM+k[kky] j{kk eU=ky; ¼Hkkjr ljdkj½ }kjk fu;af=r ,d Lok;r'kklh ifj"kn lSfud Ldwy lkslkbVh }kjk lapkfyr ns'k ds 25 lSfud Ldwyksa esa ls ,d gS A jk"Vªh; j{kk vdkneh [kM+doklyk] iq.ks ds ek/;e ls j{kk lsukvksa@lsokvksa esa izos'k gsrq Nk=ksa dks rS;kj djkus ,oa ifCyd Ldwy Lrj dh f'k{kk tu&lkekU; Nk=ksa rd igqWapkus@miyC/k djkus ds mn~ns'; ls bl Ldwy dh laLFkkiuk dh x;h Fkh A 2- fjfDr;kWa ¼vuqekfur½ %& d{kk 6 esa & 60 lhVsa d{kk 9 esa & 20 lhVsa 3vkj{k.k fjDr lhVksa esa 67% mRrjk[k.M+ jkT; ds LFkk;kh fuokfl;ksa ds fy, rFkk 'ks"k 33% nwljs lHkh jkT;ksa@la?k “kkflr izns'kksa ds fuokfl;ksa ds fy, fu/kkZfjr gSa A dqy fjDr lhVksa esa 15% lhVsa vuqlwfpr tkfr ds fy, ] 7.5% lhVsa vuqlwfpr tutkfr ds fy, ,oa izR;sd laoxZ esa 'ks"k lhVksa dk 25% lhV lsokjr ,oa iwoZ j{kk lSfudksa ds ikY;ksa gsrq vkjf{kr gSa A 4tUe frfFk o"kZ 2015&16 gsrq %& 04 tuojh 2015 dks vk;ksftr vf[ky Hkkjrh; lSfud Ldwy izos 'k ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus@Hkkx ysus gsrq v/kksfyf[kr frfFk;ksa ds e/; tUes Nk=kss ls fn, x, izk:i esa vkosnu i= vkeaf=r gSaA d{kk 6 gsrq d{kk 9 gsrq & & 02 tqykbZ 2004 ls 01 tqykbZ 2005 rd ¼nksuksa fnol x.kuh;½ 02 tqykbZ 2001 ls 01 tqykbZ 2002 rd ¼nksuksa fnol x.kuh;½ uksV %& d{kk 9 esa nkf[kys gsrq ijh{kkFkhZ ds fy, d{kk 8 esa fdlh ekU;rk izkIr fo|ky; esa i<+ jgk gksuk vfr vko';d gS A 5iathdj.k “kqYd fuEukuqlkj fu/kkZfjr iathdj.k “kqYd tks ,d ckj tek gksus ds i'pkr fdlh Hkh n kk esa okil ugha dh tk;sxh] bl vkosnu i= ds lkFk layXu cSad pkyku ds ek/;e ls lh/ks Ldwy ds [kkrs esa Hkkjrh; LVsV cSad dh fdlh Hkh “kk[kk esa tek djkbZ tk ldrh gS A 'kqYd tek djus ds i'pkr pkyku esa fn;s x;s Ldwy izfr (School Copy) vkosnu i= ds lkFk Hkstk tk;s rFkk (Applicant Copy) vH;Fkh vius ikl Hkfo"; ds fy;s lqjf{kr j[ksa ! ¼d½ lkekU;@j{kk laoxZ ds fy, & :0 600@& ¼[k½ vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuqlwfpr tutkfr ds fy, & :0 450@& uksV %& iathdj.k “kqYd dh tek /kujkf k fdlh Hkh fLFkfr esa okil ugha ykSVkbZ tk;sxh@Hkqxrku ugha dh tk;sxh psd@cSad Mªk¶V@Hkkjrh; iksLVy vkMZ+j ¼Indian Postal Orders½ fo|ky; dks Lohdh;Z ugha gksxsaA 6- fyf[kr ijh{kk dh vk;kstuk %& ¼i½ 6oha ¼NBoha½ d{kk esa izos'k gsrq fyf[kr ijh{kk izeq[kr;% nks iz'u i=ksa %&] Hkk"kk ,oa cqf} dkS'ky dh ijh{kk] tks d{kk 5 ¼ikWpohaa d{kk½ ds Kku ij vk/kkfjr gksxh A 6oha ¼NBoha½ d{kk gsrq izos'k ijh{kk dk ek/;e fgUnh vFkok vaxzsth gksxk A ¼ii½ 9oha ¼ukSohaa½ d{kk esa izos'k gsrq fyf[kr ijh{kk izeq[kr;% nks iz'u i=ksa %&] foKku ,oa lkekftd v/;;u@Kku dh ijh{kk] tks d{kk 8 ¼vkBohaa d{kk½ ds Kku ij vk/kkfjr gksxh A 9oha ¼ukSoha½ d{kk gsrq izos'k ijh{kk dk ek/;e dsoy vaxzsth gh gksxk A 7ijh{kk dsUnz i;kZIr vH;fFkZ;ksa@ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dh miyC/krk ds vk/kkj ij vYeksM+k] cjsyh] nsgjknwu] ?kksM+k[kky] xksj[kiqj] dksV}kj] y[kuÅ] fiFkkSjkx<+] :M+dh] Jhuxj ¼x<+oky½] ,oa :}iqj ¼m/ke flag uxj½ esa fyf[kr ijh{kk dsUnz gksxsaA ijh{kk dsUnzksa ds vkoaVu dk Lok;Rrkf/kdkj iw.kZr;k fo|ky; ds ikl lqjf{kr gS A 8vkosnu i= tek djus dh vfUre frfFk Hkjs gq, vkosnu i=] ijh{kk Hkou izos'k i=] ifjp; izek.k i= ,oa iathdj.k 'kqYd dk pkyku dh Ldwy izfr lfgr tek djus dh vfUre frfFk 06 fnlEcj 2014 ¼'kfuokj½ rd ;k blls iwoZ ^iz/kkukpk;Z] lSfud Ldwy ?kksM+k[kky] iksLV ?kksM+k[kky] ftyk uSuhrky] mRrjk[k.M++ 263156 ds ikl igqWp tkus pkfg;sA viw.kZ Hkjs gq, vkosnu i= fujLr dj fn;s tk;sxsa A Hkqxrku dh xbZ iathdj.k 'kqYd dh jkf'k fdlh Hkh n'kk esa yksVkbZ ugha tk;sxh rFkk bl laoa/k esa dksbZ Hkh i=kpkj ugha fd;k tk;sxk A M+kd dh nsjh ds fy, Ldwy ftEesokj ughaa gksxk A dksfj;j lsok uSuhrky@gY}kuh ls lSfud Ldwy ?kksM+k[kky ds fy, miyC/k ugha gS dksfj;j lsok ls Hksts x;s vkosnu i=ksa dh ftEesokjh Ldwy dh ugha gksxh A 9ijh{kk dh frfFk vf[ky Hkkjrh; lSfud Ldwy izos'k ijh{kk 04 tuojh 2015 ¼jfookj½ dks ijh{kk dsUnz ¼i`"B la[;k 4 ds iSjk 7½ ij vk;ksftr gksxh rFkk ;g ijh{kk lSfud Ldwy lkslkbVh ds orZeku fu;ekuqlkj lSfud Ldwy uxjksVk] tEew d'ehj esa vk;ksftr ugha gksxh A ------------------ 7 & 7 & 10“kqYd o"kZ 2015&16 ds fy, vkoklh;] f'k{kk ,oa vU; O;; :0 90]000@& ¼vuqekfur½ gksxk A orZeku fu;eksa ds vuqlkj 'kqYd esa lSfud Ldwy lkslkbVh }kjk o`f} fd;s tkus dh lEHkkouk gS A 11Nk=o`fRr mRrjk[k.M jkT;+ ljdkj }kjk mRrjk[k.M+ jkT; ds LFkk;h fuoklh Nk+=ksa ds vfHkHkkodksa dh vk; ,oa Nk=ksa dh ;ksX;rk ds vk/kkj ij Nk=o`fRr iznku dh tkrh gS A os Nk= tks lsokjr@iwoZ lSfudksa ds iq= o mRrjk[k.M+ jkT; ds fuokfl;ksa ds fy, 25% dksVs ds vUrxZr izfo"V gksxsa] os j{kk ea=ky; }kjk lhfer la[;k esa iznRr Nk=o`fRr ds fy, ik= gksxsa A mRrjk[k.M++ jkT; ds LFkk;h fuoklh j{kk laoxZ lfgr Nk+=ksa ds fy, Hkkstu O;;@'kqYd esa NwV iznku dh tkrh gS A blds vfrfjDr lSfud Ldwy ?kksM+k[kky ds vukokfld Nk=ksa ¼deZpkfj;ksa ds ikY;ksa½ dks NksM+ dj lHkh Nk=ksa dks j{kk ea=ky; }kjk dqN foRrh; lgk;rk iznku dh tkrh gS A ,d ckj iznRr Nk=o`fRr dh fujUrjrk vfHkHkkod dh vk;@jSad] Nk= dk vuq'kklu Lrj ,oa 'kSf{kd izLrqfr@okf"kZd ijh{kk izkIrkad Lrj ij vk/kkfjr gS A 12iqu% ijh{kk oftZr %& lSfud Ldwy lkslkbVh ds orZeku fu;e vuqlkja fdlh ,d fof'k"V d{kk esa izos'k gsrq vk;ksftr vf[ky Hkkjrh; izos'k ijh{kk esa ,d Nk=+ ,d ckj gh lfEefyr gks ldrk gS A lHkh izdkj ds fookn fo/kk;h U;k;f/kdj.k uSuhrky ds vUrxZr gksxsa A 1314- vkosnu izi= Ldwy csclkbV ij Hkh miyC/k gSa A leLr lSfud Ldwyksa ds ukeksa dh lwph %& dzz0 lSfud Ldwy dzz0 lSfud Ldwy dzz0 lSfud Ldwy l0 l0 l0 ¼d½ vejkorh] rfeyukMw ¼¥½ bEQky] ef.kiqj ¼/k½ iqaxyok] ukxkys.M+ ¼[k½ vfEcdkiqj] NRrhlx<+ ¼V½ diwjFkyk] iatkc ¼u½ iq:fy;k] osLV caxky ¼x½ ckykpMMh] xqtjkr ¼B½ dktkdqVqEc] dsjy ¼i½ jhok] e/; izns'k ¼?k½ Hkqous'oj] mMhlk ¼M½ dksMkxq] dukZVd ¼Q½ jsokM+h] gfj;k.kk ¼M-½ chtkiqj] dukZVd ¼<½ dks:dksUM+k] vkU/kz izns'k ¼c½ lrkjk] egkjk"Vª ¼p½ fpRrkSM+x<+] jktLFkku ¼.k½ dkyhdhfj] vkU/kz izns'k ¼Hk½ lqtkuiqj Vhjk] fgekpy izns'k ¼N½ ?kksMk[kky] mRrjk[k.M ¼r½ dqUtiqjk] gfj;k.kk ¼e½ fryS;k] >kj[k.M+ ¼t½ xksyikjk] vklke ¼Fk½ uxjksVk] tEew d'ehj ¼>½ Xkksikyxat] fcgkj ¼n½ ukyUnk] fcgkj 15dksfj;j lsok uSuhrky@gY}kuh ls lSfud Ldwy ?kksM+k[kky ds fy, miyC/k ugha gS A dksfj;j ls Hksth xbZ Mkd ds fy, Ldwy ftEesokj ugha gksxk A leLr i=kpkj Hkkjrh; M+kd@Rofjr Mkd (speed Post½ }kjk gh Hkstsa A 16foLr`r vad rkfydk fnukad 31 ebZ 2015 ds ckn leLr vfHkHkkodksa dks Mkd }kjk Hksth tk;sxh A leLr vfHkHkkodksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd vkosnu i= ds lkFk lkQ v{kjksa esa Lo;a fy[kk :0 22@& dk Mkd fVfdV yxk fyQkQk layXu djsa] ftlls vad rkfydk iath—r Mkd ls Hksth tk lds A ftu vfHkHkkodksa ds :0 22@& dk Mkd fVfdV yxk fyQkQk vkosnu i= ds lkFk layXu ugha gksxk] mu vfHkHkkodksa dks vad rkfydk lk/kkj.k Mkd ls Hksth tk;sxh A lk/kkj.k Mkd ls Hksth xbZ vad rkfydk ds u feyus ij ;k nsjh ls izkIr gksus ds fy, Ldwy ftEesokj ugha gksxk A fyf[kr ijh{kk dh mRrj iqfLrdk dh ewy vFkok Nk;kizfr fdlh Hkh vfHkHkkod dks miyC/k ugha djkbZ tk;sxh A 17vkosnu i= (Application Form) ds dze la[;k 9 ls 12 rd rFkk ijh{kk Hkou izos'k i= (Hall Ticket) ds dze la[;k 4 dks Hkjrs le; izFke] e/; ,oa vfUre uke ds ckn ,d [kkuk ¼dks’B½ [kkyh NksMsa A 18vfHkHkkodksa ls vuqjks/k gS fd vkosnu i= dsoy Nk=ksa ds fy;s gh Hkjsa] Nk=kvksa ds fy;s ugha A iz/kkukpk;Z lSfud Ldwy ?kkssM+ k[kky] iksLV ?kkssM+ k[kky ftyk uSuhrky] mRrjk[k.M+] fiu 263156 csclkbV uksV %& nwjHkk’k ij 05942&220051 rFkk 9411107817 dk;kZy; ls tkudkjh izkIr djus dk le; izkr% 0900 cts ls 1200 cts rd rFkk nksigj 1500 cts ls 'kke 1700 cts rd ¼'kfuokj] jfookj ,oa vodk'k ds fnuksa dks NksM+dj½ Applicant Copy School Copy STATE BANK OF INDIA CHALLAN FOR REMITTANCE OF REGISTRATION FEE FOR SAINIK SCHOOL GHORAKHAL ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR SESSION 2015-16 STATE BANK OF INDIA CHALLAN FOR REMITTANCE OF REGISTRATION FEE FOR SAINIK SCHOOL GHORAKHAL ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR SESSION 2015-16 POWER JYOTI ACCOUNT NO: 34061675992 AT SBI BHOWALI (CODE NO 01352) POWER JYOTI ACCOUNT NO: 34061675992 AT SBI BHOWALI (CODE NO 01352) 1. Details of the Applicant (to be filled by the applicant) Bank Copy STATE BANK OF INDIA CHALLAN FOR REMITTANCE OF REGISTRATION FEE FOR SAINIK SCHOOL GHORAKHAL ENTRANCE EXAMINATION FOR SESSION 2015-16 POWER JYOTI ACCOUNT NO: 34061675992 AT SBI BHOWALI (CODE NO 01352) 1. Details of the Applicant (to be filled by the applicant) 1. Details of the Applicant (to be filled by the applicant) Name of Applicant (boy) __________________________________ Name of Applicant (boy) _________________________________ Name of Applicant (boy) ________________________________ Date of Birth ___________________________________________ Date of Birth __________________________________________ Date of Birth _________________________________________ Father’s/ Mother’s Name__________________________________ Father’s/ Mother’s Name_________________________________ Father’s/ Mother’s Name________________________________ Class appearing (VI / IX) Class appearing (VI / IX) Class appearing (VI / IX) Category (Please Tick) _________________ General/ Defence / SC/ST Category (Please Tick) _________________ General/ Defence / SC/ST : _________________ Category (Please Tick) : General/ Defence / SC/ST 2. Depositing Branch Name SBI ___________________________ 2. Depositing Branch Name _____________________________ 2. Depositing Branch Name ____________________________ 3. Branch Code No 3. Branch Code No 3. Branch Code No 4. JOURNAL NO.(to be filled by the Bank) 4. JOURNAL NO.(to be filled by the Bank) 4. JOURNAL NO.(to be filled by the Bank) 5. Fee Details :- 5. Fee Details :- 5. Fee Details :Rs Rs Rs Application Fee Application Fee Application Fee Bank Commission Bank Commission Bank Commission Total Total Total Rupees _______________________________________ Only. 6. Date of Deposit ___________________ Signature of the Applicant Signature of the authorised official with Branch Seal Rupees ______________________________________ Only. 6. Date of Deposit ___________________ Signature of the Applicant Signature of the authorised official with Branch Seal Rupees _______________________________________ Only. 6. Date of Deposit ___________________ Signature of the Applicant Signature of the authorised official with Branch Seal Important instructions :- Important instructions :- Important instructions :- (a) Candidate should send SCHOOL COPY of this challan along with their application form to SCHOOL & keep applicant copy of this challan form for future reference with him. (a) Candidate should send SCHOOL COPY of this challan along with their application form to SCHOOL & keep applicant copy of this challan form for future reference with him. (a) Candidate should send SCHOOL COPY of this challan along with their application form to SCHOOL & keep applicant copy of this challan form for future reference with him. (b) Candidate should ensure that the Journal No. is filled in by bank for this payment (b) Candidate should ensure that the Journal No. is filled in by bank for this payment (b) Candidate should ensure that the Journal No. is filled in by bank for this payment (c) Fee for (General/Defence is Rs 600/-) & (SC/ST Rs 450/-) (c) Fee for (General/Defence is Rs 600/-) &(SC/ST Rs 450/-) (c) Fee for (General/Defence is Rs 600/-) &(SC/ST Rs 450/-)
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