G.CO.77 PRACilCE NOTES WS #2 Def in itions Parallelogram Rectangle Definition Definition k { u*dvil<-l--'.1 Lx ,-tc- L , +n oPPos ''Ie- -Pa-ralVl f larq,[L["g ro,^- u':+'k A Sz*s iJ"r' Con<5*r'.*{ aurT L9. Rhombus Definition A Tor."L[nJt5t.'-.-@ Cv{v -r ** Square )tL Definition V A g;d{J nza*r^7 Lr- o--{ c v^hr*,hor Para llelogra m Rectangle Rhombus Square Properties Properties Properties Properties opP si ie> ppe 'l e z-', y + (ga-9.2sJ$ur-- L'5 5 ,lPO Lerr'-''Lt,"'g Dtalo"ru,\5 bise'-f tar\. :, o-T?,u* '{ r}{h+ D\o.t( arn-ll Py L, I $XhV '{ a'rz- D)r.J Ll U silzt D'ra3"""ds L Dr rg*."\9 , firz,tr onnxls E L+ ))y ! {.'t 2 5;bt a4.ts J )q7 o'a.rtt5 &*vql<.- Slgrtt*9 2' G.CO.71 PRACTrcE NOTES WS #2 Determine the missing information. 1. PTulqlory 2. Parallelogram ABCD ABCD *-+- t11 ^bu -10 LY *= 31" y= (c,n 4b' v= 1?? Sguarg ABCD y= { crt" y= ,15" y= lL 5. Rtrombus ABCD c,vw y= 1o' 6..Parallelogram ABCD ----.' a?*hLt & --r-/ g,*,t1"= NL t ,,,r y= feut y= lt!, bh" L&o '- tLa 3Y +tt :x- /{.f^ 2o {rfr *= 5t' y= 2o" NAME: G.CO.TI WORKSHEET #2 1. Determine whether the statement is (A)lways, (Slometimes, or (N)ever True. of a rectangle are congruent. b) The diagonals of a parallelogram are perpendicular. c)A parallelogram is a rhombus. d) The diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other. e)A rhombus is equilateral. A A A A A a) The diagonals S N S N S N s N S N 2. QuadrilateralABCD is a parallelogram. b) mZADC =78o, al nZBAC=54o, find mZDAB = find mZDCA = cl nIDCB = L42" & n./DCA find mIBAC= = 37", e)AE = L4cm & DE = 18 cm, find EB = 3. QuadrilateralABCD is a rhombus. a) mZADE =27o, find mIDAE find mZABD = = cl m/.ABC= 64" find mZABE= e)AE=3cm&DE=4cm, d) mZABC = 73o & nZDBA = 31o, find mZDBC = fleC=L0cm&EB=L5cm, find AC = b) mZCAB =71o, find mICEB = d) mIDAB = 1400 find mZADE = f)RO=13cm&BD=24cm, find AC = find DB = find AD = 4. QuadrilateralABCD is a rectangle. a) mIBAC =27o, find mZACB = find mZDAC = - b) nIADE=74" find mZDAE= findmlBEC= cl n/AEB= L44", find mZCAB = d) n/BCA=78" find mZDAC = e) DE = 9cm, f)AD=6cm&DC=8cm, find AC = find AE = 5. Find the value for the variables. b) Parallelogram a) Parallelogram c) Rhombus d) Rhombus x= x= 2 G.CO.17 WORKSHEET #2 6. Given parallelogram ABCD, determine the measurements. b) mZADC = a) nZDCB = d) mZABD = f)Ag = e)AD= 7. Classify the triangle as specific as you can (by side and by angle). c) ln parallelogram ABCD d) ln square ABCD, b) ln rhombus ABCD a) ln rectangle ABCD where nIDAE = 85" & where nIEDA=20o, where n/DAC = 65o, nIDBC what type of A is AADC? what type of A is AADC? = 19o what type of A is ADEA? what type of A is ADAB? 8. Determine which quadrilateral has these properties? (Pick all the correct answers). A (Paratlelogram) B (Rectangle) C (Rhombus) D (Square) a) Diagonals are congruent b) Equilateral c) Diagonals bisect each other 9. Determine the correct answers. Always Always Always Always a)A square is a rectangle b)A parallelogram is a rhombus c)A rhombus is a square d) A square is a parallelogram Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes Sometimes 10. Given rectangle ABCD and the given information to solve each problem. a)AC = 4x-54 and BD = 33 + 1x, find x = &EC= b)AC = 4x- 60 and AE = x + 5, find x = cl nZBAC= 4x+ L2 and nIDAC = 5x + &BD= 24, findx= & n/DAC= d)Rf = 9 cm, DC = L5 cffi, e) mZEAD = 63o, IIAED find AD = = 4x + 8, find x = (2 decimal places) Never Never Never Never G.CO.77 WORKSHEET #2 NAME: 1. Determine whether the statement is (Allways, (slometimes, or (Nlever True. of a rectangle are congruent. b) The diagonals of a parallelogram are perpendicular. c)A parallelogram is a rhombus. d) The diagonals of a rhombus bisect each other. a) The diagonals @ A A 6) \Z 6) ffi e)A rhombus is equilateral. 2. QuadrilateralABCD is a parallelogram. a) m/BAC = 54o, b) m/ADC =78o, find mZDCA = find mZDAB = cl nZDCB = L42" & nZDCA = 37o, find mZBAC= find mZDBC e)AE = L4 cm & DE = 18 cm, find EB = f) EC=10cm&EB=15cm, find AC = 3. Quadrilateral ABCD is a rhombus. a) nZADE=27o, find mlDAs find nZ.ABD = b3' = L1" cl nZABC= 64" find mZABe= dl nIABC = 73o & nIDBA= 31o, = bl nZCAB =71o,'q; findmlCEB= dl nZDAB = 140o find mZADE 7{ = ,,o" f)RO=L3cm&BD=24cm, e)AE=3cm&DE=4cm, findDB= ?c^ 1 cl^ find AD = 5; €+',fr:) find AC = D cff er+u.-r1 4. QuadrilateralABCD is a rectangle. al IIBAC = 27o, find mZACB = find mZDAC = bl IIADE=74" find mZDAE= find mZBEC= cl n/AEB= L44", find mZCAB = dl nIBCA= 78o find mZDAC = f)AO=6cm&DC=8cm, e) DE = 9cm, find AC = find AE = 5. Find the value for the variables. a) Paralle[ogram b) Parallelogram *= l( x= f c) Rhombus x= ll d) Rhombus *= lo S N N N S N S N 2 G.CO.17 WORKSHEET #2 6. Given parallelogram ABCD, determine the measurements. b) nZADC = c) mIADB=L- d) mZABD = f)AB e)AD= = 7. Ctassify the triangle as specific as you can (by side and by angle). c) ln parallelogram ABCD b) ln rhombus ABCD a) ln rectangle ABCD where nIDAE = 85o & where I/EDA=20o, where nZDAC = 65o, what type of A is AADC? mIDBC = 19o what type of A is ADEA? what type of A is AADC? kr, *c,t\4 lsrtuv> d) ln square ABCD, what type of A is ADAB? lLr*'nJ'" lxOrtV *n- Scurn^u- g. Determine which quadrilateral has these properties? (Pick all the correct answers). A (Parallelogram) C (Rhombus) B (Rectangle) D (Square) a) Diagonals are congruent b) Equilateral c) Diagonals bisect each other 9. Determine the correct answers. Sometimes a) A square is a rectangle b)A parallelogram is a rhombus c)A rhombus is a square d)A square is a Parallelogram 10. Given rectangle ABCD and the given information to solve each problem. a) AC &BD= = 4x-54 and BD = 33 + 1x, find x = b) AC = 4x-60 and AE = x + 5, find x = & EC = c) nZBAC= 4x+ L2 and nZDAC = 5x +- 24, find x = nIDAC= d)Re = 9 cm, DC = 15 cm, find AD = e) mZEAD = 63o, mIAED = 4x+ 8, find x = (2 decimal places) Never Never Never Never
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