Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 Dear Families, Welcome to autumn! Great things are happening at PCS. Our PBIS team held our first school wide celebration on September 5, 2014. We began the celebration with our new school song which was created by a team of students and Mrs. Sally Rogers, our former music teacher. The song is titled “Take Care of Each Other” and we will open each future celebration with singing. In addition, our celebrations will be a time to recognize the accomplishments of our students. Prior to each celebration all teachers will choose a student to honor for improvement in academics or in the choices they make, for showing acts of kindness or just for being great! Students that are honored will receive a Star Student certificate and bracelet. Our next celebration is scheduled for October 17, 2014. Take Care of Each Other CHORUS: At PCS we take care of each other Share with each other Take care of each other At PCS we treat each other with respect To keep our community strong Take care of yourself Confidence is key Always remember that you are you! Take care of yourself Respect and care for others Always have a positive attitude Chorus Take care of others Treat them with kindness Always remember to be honest and fair Take care of others Use the Golden Rule. Always be a role model for our school Chorus Take care of our school. Treat the building with respect Always remember that safety comes first Take care of our school We’re nice in our community Helpfulness is something we can always rehearse Chorus “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 We have received a few inquiries regarding student participation in the Smarter Balanced assessment. Dr. Bisceglia consulted with Educational Consultant Abe Krisst from the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) and has included relevant points from his response for your information: Connecticut received flexibility from the U.S. Department of Education (USED) last year to minimize the burden of double-testing, i.e. administering both the CMT and pilot SBAC assessments. This federal approval does not waive the fundamental “participation” requirement. The USED continues to expect states and local educational agencies to ensure full participation in state assessments in all tested grades at each school for all students, and for each subgroup of students within the school. For Pomfret Community School this means all students in Grades 3-8. Additionally:  Districts and schools must make every effort to ensure that all students including those enrolled in district-wide programs and out-placed to approved private special education programs are assessed.  States are required by the federal government to assess all students in tested grades annually. The tested grades are grades 3 through 8 and one grade in high school. With Smarter Balanced, the high school assessment grade changed from grade 10 to grade 11. It was therefore necessary that one cohort of high school students during this transition to Smarter Balanced to be tested in both the CAPT and the Smarter Balanced. For districts that chose to administer the SB-FT in grade 11 last year in lieu of CAPT in grade 10, the transition occurred a year earlier than in other districts.  The CSDE will report these participation rates to the public and to the USED.  Participation in state assessments is required by federal and state law; there is no legal provision for parents to opt their children out of taking the state assessments. I have just a few reminders this month: Parent Pick-up Line: Please do not use your cell phone while you are waiting for your child. We are very concerned about the safety and well-being of our students and staff and need everyone’s full attention during dismissal. Emergency Contact Information: Be sure to let the office know if you have any changes in your contact information so that we are always able to reach you. Early Dismissal and Late Arrivals: To the extent possible, schedule appointments after school hours so that your children are able to receive every available minute of instruction. It is also important that our students arrive on time each morning. According to our handbook, “Students who are not in their homeroom by 8:30 AM are considered to be tardy and must report directly to the office. Students are allowed to be tardy three times per semester. Any student who is late more than three times will receive a detention for each tardy beyond three.” Thank you in advance for your cooperation in these matters. Best Regards, Susan Imschweiler Principal “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 10/01/2014 Dear Pomfret Community Members, The 2014-2015 school year began in what has been described as a “smooth and seamless” opening. Much credit should be given to the entire Pomfret Community School (PCS) faculty and staff for investing in the foundation work so necessary for each new year. Planning, scheduling, and organization are integral ingredients to any new school year and PCS staff devoted considerable time in each area to insure they were as ready as possible for our children when they entered PCS on August 26. 2014 CMT Update: Science Results for Grades 5 and 8 We recently received our 2014 Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) Science scores for our fifth and eighth grade students. Among the fifth graders that took the (CMT) in Science, 64% reached goal level and 88% of our students were at or above proficiency. Among the eighth graders that took the CMT in Science, 78% of students reached goal level and 90% were at or above proficiency. These scores are above the state percentage of students at or above proficiency, but below the average percentage scores for our District Reference Group (DRG). Principal Imschweiler presented a detailed analysis of the 2014 CMT science results at the September 24 Board of Education meeting. Additionally, all parents were mailed their child’s individual student report. On a related matter, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test results from last spring’s school-wide testing are tentatively scheduled for release in December. We will keep you posted. “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 Connecticut Common Core Standards: Myths and Facts The Connecticut State Department of Education’s (CSDE) move to the Common Core Curriculum continues to be in the news lately. Therefore, I’ve decided to again include an important myths and facts information sheet developed by the CSDE that I believe helps clear the air of fiction and misunderstanding regarding the Common Core Curriculum. X Myth: The federal government developed the Common Core State Standards.  Fact: The federal government did not develop the Common Core State Standards. The desire to develop higher, shared standards was expressed by states early in 2007 at the Council of Chief State School Officers’ (CCSSO) Annual Policy Forum. State education chiefs and governors, through their membership in CCSSO and the National Governors Association (NGA), led the development of the Common Core State Standards. This timeline and background document outlines the process for the development of the Common Core. X Myth: These tests represent a new federal intrusion into education and will result in the collection of intrusive and inappropriate data on children.  Fact: For decades Congress has required assessments of student learning for accountability under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). The 2001 reauthorization of ESEA, known as the “No Child Left Behind Act” enacted during the Bush Administration, expanded those federal testing requirements to include state testing of every student in language arts and mathematics in grades three through eight and once in high school. In 2010, the federal government funded the State of Washington to act on behalf of a consortium of states to develop new, next-generation assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards in English language arts/literacy and mathematics. While federal funding currently supports the research and development work of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, all policy decisions about the structure and content of the assessments are made by the member states based on input from “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 stakeholders across the country. At the conclusion of the federal grant in September 2014, Smarter Balanced will become an operational assessment system supported by its member states. States will make all policy decisions with regard to the collection, storage, and use of student assessment data. Smarter Balanced will adhere to all federal and state privacy laws. X Myth: The Common Core prevents teachers from teaching literature.  Fact: The standards do not limit reading to non-fiction, but suggest a balance between perspectives. Recognizing that teachers, school districts, and states should decide on appropriate curriculum, the standards do not offer required reading lists. They establish what students need to learn, but do not tell teachers how to teach so they can tailor instruction, allowing for continued flexibility and creativity. Related resources: The Role of Fiction in the High School Language Arts Classroom, by Susan Pimentel and David Coleman and The Common Core Ate my Baby and Other Urban Legends, by Timothy Shanahan. X Myth: These assessments will result in standardization of teaching and learning.  Fact: A founding principle of Smarter Balanced is that teachers and students need high-quality data, tools, and resources to support improvements in student learning. Smarter Balanced isn’t just an end-of-year accountability test. It is an assessment system that features flexible, non-secure interim assessments to be offered at teachers’ and schools’ discretion throughout the school year and a digital library of formative assessment tools, practices, and professional development resources built by teachers, for teachers to improve the quality of information collected through the daily classroom activities of assignments, quizzes, and observation of student work. The end-of-year tests will help schools evaluate how well their students performed by comparing their aggregate data with aggregate data from other schools across the nation. The end-of-year assessments also will empower students and parents by providing them with a “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 clear indication of how well their children are progressing toward mastering the academic knowledge and skills necessary for college and career readiness. X Myth: Nothing is known about these new tests.  Fact: Smarter Balanced aims for complete transparency. All of the key documents describing the assessment (content specifications, item specifications, item writing training materials, test blueprints, accommodations framework, achievement level descriptors, technology specifications, etc.) are available to the public on the Smarter Balanced website (www.SmarterBalanced.org). X Myth: These new assessments are untested.  Fact: Smarter Balanced has incrementally tested the content of the assessment and the technology that will support the assessment. Smarter Balanced has already completed: o Cognitive Labs: Individual students provided feedback to test developers about their experience with the innovative test questions, accommodations for students with special needs, and the testing software. o Small-Scale Trials: Promising types of questions and software features were further tried out with hundreds of students. o Pilot Test: Students at about 5,000 schools across the Consortium responded to a preliminary pool of test questions and performance tasks. X Myth: These tests will require advanced technology that schools don’t have and can’t afford. Fact: The Smarter Balanced assessment is being designed to work with the computing resources in schools today. The assessments can be offered on very old operating systems and require only the minimum processors and memory required to run the operating system itself (for example, the summative assessment can be delivered using computers with 233 MHz processors and 128 MB RAM that run Windows XP). Likewise, the file size for individual assessment items “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 will be very small to minimize the network bandwidth necessary to deliver the assessment online. For example, a 600-student middle school could test its students using only one 30-computer lab As always, I encourage you to contact me or any of our building administrators if you have any questions or comments regarding any of the topics covered in this month’s letter. Also, don’t forget to visit us at www.pomfret.ctschool.net for all updated district information. Sincerely, Dr. Matt A. Bisceglia, Superintendent of Schools **************NEWS FROM THE COMPUTER LAB********************** We are fortunate to have brand new computers for this school year. These are HP All in One computers that replace the approximately 8 year old counter parts. Students have already noticed a difference in speed, connectivity, bigger screens, and less glitches with online programs. Also new this year is the inclusion of grades K-2 into the regular specials lab rotation. These students are learning to write their name and play alphabet style games to get them used to using a computer within a school setting. It’s going to be another great year. Students in grades 3-8 will continue to improve their keyboarding skills with the Ultra Key program. Students will do short term projects to learn effective use of graphics, writing with a connection to literacy, MS Office products, Pivot, and other programs that we can find to enhance learning. Check out my Web page on the PCS Classrooms links for the computer lab with regular updates that are targeted to specific grades. Suzanne Wargo Computer Technology Teacher “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 8th Grade News Open House: On Wednesday, September 10, 2014, the 8th Grade hosted our annual Open House for parents. At this important meeting, we discussed the 8th Grade program and the Washington, D.C. trip (and the associated fundraising activities – some which have already begun). Please remember that the total cost of each 8th Grader’s trip and class expenses amounts to $700.00. Remember – the Butter Braid/Cookie Dough fundraiser is kicking off and the Cat’s Meow fundraiser is coming up soon. Thank you to those who were in attendance at Open House. As always, if you have any questions of concerns, please contact your child’s homeroom teacher at the school ((860)928-2718) or email (the address is the teacher’s [email protected].). Homework: Just a reminder - the homework expectation for 8th Graders is on average 70-90 minutes per night. It is expected that students write assignments in their student planner. The 8th Grade Teachers will post homework on the PCS website as information for all parents and students. If it is a “light” homework night, reading and review are standing assignments. The homework can be found at the following link: http://www.pomfret.ctschool.net/Classrooms/Galligan.M/My%20Webs/gr8nightlyhomework.htm . In addition to the regular homework, there is a reading expectation for all 8 th Graders of one-hundred twenty-five (125) minutes per week of reading. Please check in with your child on what they are reading and what tasks they are being asked to complete. High School Choice: We have had our first high school guests at PCS (Marianapolis Preparatory School) and we will soon be traveling “off-campus” with trips to Woodstock Academy and the Killingly Vo-Ag Center (at Killingly High School). Please check in with your child for updates. Woodstock Academy is the designated high school for all Pomfret students. As a reminder, should your family be exploring other high school options, all of the other schools require an application process, tests may be required and visits might need to be planned. Keep an eye out in the local media for Open House events throughout the fall. Mrs. Gilloran, our guidance counselor, can be contacted if you have any questions. Progress Reports: It’s that time already – Progress Report grades for the First Trimester close up next week (10/2). Progress Reports will be distributed on Friday, October 10, 2014. Please be on the lookout for the reports. “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 National School Lunch Week October 13-17, 2014 TODAY’S SCHOOL LUNCH Serving 31 million children every school day, the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provides nutritionally balanced, low-cost and free meals to students. Today’s school cafeterias are:     Offering students fruits and vegetables every day Increasing offerings of whole grain; Limiting calories, fat, and sodium to age-appropriate levels Introducing locally-grown ingredients Get in the game together! Engaging in physical activity as a family can be a fun way to get everyone moving. Kids need 60 minutes of play with moderate to vigorous activity every day – but it doesn’t have to occur at once, it all adds up! Here are a few activities and steps that you and your family can consider to get started on a path to a healthier lifestyle: As a family, commit to taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Take a walk around the block in the evening after dinner. Encourage your kids to try a new sport or activity – whether it’s a recreational league, school team, or club. POMFRET COMMUNITY SCHOOL OFFERS A NUTRITIOUS BREAKFAST EVERYDAY FOR ONLY $1.50 Our weekly specials include: Monday- Flat Bread Pizza, Fruit or 100% Orange Juice Tuesday – Grilled Bagel, Fruit and Yogurt Wednesday – Fruit/Yogurt Parfait w/Teddy Grahams or Graham Crackers Thursday – Egg McPomfret (egg & cheese on an English muffin), Fruit or O.J. Friday – French Toast Sticks, Turkey Sausage, Fruit and/or 100% Orange Juice “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 Whole Grain Muffins, Cereal, Cheese Sticks, 1% or Fat Free Milk, Fruit, and 100% Orange Juice is also offered daily. The students may also choose 2 items from the above list and a fruit and/or orange juice for $1.50. Items may be sold à la carte for the following prices: Whole Grain Muffin - .50 Cereal - .50 Milk - .50 Cheese Stick - .50 Orange Juice - .50 Nutrition Nuggets Math and Fitness Give your child a chance to combine math practice and exercise with daily “math breaks”. Give directions that include a math problem and a fitness activity. For example, say, “Do 2 + 2 jumping jacks” or “Do 11 – 2 cartwheels.” Fruit Cup - .50 Fresh Fruit - .75 What is P A S S? Pomfret After School Study, supervised by certified staff and teaching assistants, is offered to all students in grades 3-8. This is an opportunity for students to work on homework, receive extra help, and work on special projects. P A S S is offered each week Monday-Thursday from 3:30-4:30 PM. (Grades 3, 4, 5 Tuesday & Thursday) (Grades 6, 7, 8 Monday through Thursday) Registration forms are available in the school office. Transportation reminders: All preschool through 4th grade students are to be dropped off to a visible parent or approved adult. If no one is there they will be returned to the school’s main office. Students need to be waiting at their bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to their designated pick up time. FYI Mark your calendars Grades 3 & 4 Chorus Concert Wednesday, December 10 in the gym More info to follow! “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 Sports News Cross Country Team 2014 Coaches Carolann Feragne and Stacy Neely Grade 8 – Hannah Burgess, Victoria Staples, Chelsey Castle, Joshlyn Bates, John Rogers, Jared Feragne, Blake Wolanin, Brian Chokshi, Grant Alessandro, Ben Holden Grade 7 – Cassidy Fortier, Abby Kruger, Lily Brin, Victoria Ashwell, Brooke Nagle, John Sarantopoulos, Lucas Renaud, David May, Alex Guillot, Zachary Radcliffe Grade 6 – Bridget Horst, Cami Corrado, Iris Bazinet, Eriq Bates, Ethan Hemeon, Karl Andren, Kellen Horst Grade 5 – Stella Brin, Alivia Dean, Leah Castle, Jenna Bankowski, Jayliena Bates, Zachary White, Dylan Johnson, Ian Wolanin Girls Soccer Team 2014 Coach Sarah Cleverdon Grade 8 - Madison Fisher, McKenna Gagnon, Emma Green, Arielle Johnson, Natalie Low, Julianna Nuttall, Katrina Pohlman, Megan Rainville, Marie Scandalito, Lauren Semancik, Mikayla Wilcox, Manager, Tavia Orvos Grade 7 - Rachel Holden, Annabelle Lagunes, Julia Schad, Ashley Scott Grade 6 - Kileigh Gagnon, Mallory Tyimok, Caroline Wilcox Boys Soccer Team 2014 Coach Brian Martel Grade 8- John Mooney, Mason Larkin, Jacob Ireland, Jacob DiIorio, Grant Cerrone Grade 7- Jacob Black, Reid Butler, Jack Butler, Luis Miranda, Cooper Larkin, Jonathan Chan, Seth Libby Grade 6 – Eric Phongsa, James Phongsa, Gabe Geyer, Nicholas Apley, Tarsavanh Sangasy Injured reserve – Giovanni Nuccio PCS Yearbook News Yearbook advisors Mrs. Downs and Mrs. Peyton would like to announce this year’s Yearbook Committee. Their first meeting will be held Monday, October 6, after dismissal in the library. Dan Blain, Hannah Becker, Hannah Burgess, Zachary Fontaine, Mariana Gourlay, Noah MacAlister, Haley Short, Sam Trudeau, and Destiny Watkins “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 Fire Safety Day at PCS Wednesday, October 8th “Smoke Detectors Save Lives” Our Pomfret Volunteer Fire Department will be coming to the school, teaching the students about fire safety. While the firefighters are there, the children will be able to see/touch the fire trucks, equipment and see an ambulance from KB Ambulance. “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 th Come celebrate our 80 Anniversary! Please Join The Pomfret Volunteer Fire Department For their 2nd Annual Open House Sunday, October 19, 2014 11:00am – 2:00pm There will be food, games, Station tour, raffles and more! Come show your support to our local Fire Station! Hope to see you there! “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 Student Banking Program Putnam Bank offers students (ages 5-18) the opportunity to learn the value of saving money through our weekly Student Banking Program. Here’s how it works:  Every Friday morning from 8 to 8:30 Putnam Bank visits the PCS Cafeteria, where students can make deposits into their accounts.  For every five deposits the student makes at the school they receive a small prize; so not only are they saving money for the future, they are also rewarded for their deposits!  There is no minimum balance to maintain in the account, and no minimum deposit required. Any amount deposited counts toward earning a prize.  The Student Saver account earns interest.  Only $5 dollars is required to open the account. For more information, call our Pomfret Office anytime at 860-928-0545 or stop in and see our friendly staff in person to open your account! We’d love to help you start saving! “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 K—2nd grade Tues., Jan. 6, 13, 27 & Feb. 3, 10, 24 Thur., Jan. 22 & Feb. 19 Snacks will be provided PCS students may take the bus! “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 3rd-5th grade Thur. Nov. 6 & 13 Tuesday Nov. 18-Dec. 23 Snacks will be provided PCS students may take the bus! Register on line @ www.pomfretlibrary. org “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 Welcome to Toddler story time! We meet on Thursdays at 10:30am. This story time has a focus age group of 18 mo.-2 years of age with a limit of 10 children. We will read simple stories and explore their concepts through book props, puppets and crafts. Parents are expected to sit on the floor with their toddlers in order to help them participate in the wonderful discovery of books. Although a toddler’s attention span is short, we will try to keep them engaged through redirection and sensory activities. Calendar October 9th 16th 23rd 30th November 6th 13th 20th “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 Welcome to Preschool story time! We meet on Tuesdays at 10:00am. This story time has a focus age group of 3-5 years of age with a limit of 10 children. We will focus on the enjoyment of reading through picture books and poetry. The children will be encouraged to share their own personal experiences as they relate to the stories and topics we will be discovering. There will always be hands-on activities through crafts or book props to engage children’s sensory and cognitive needs. Calendar October 7th 21st 28th November 18th 25th “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 POMFRET COMMUNITY SCHOOL OCTOBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Picture Day PK(AM and PM), K, 1 (Bars), 2, 3, 4 (Moore) & 5 Before School Soccer Butterbraid sale begins 8 Before School Soccer Fire Prevention Day for Grades 6,7, & 8 @ 2:30 in cafeteria 2 Picture Day 4 (Hendricks & McKee), 6, 7, 8, and 1 Kendall Before School Soccer 3 Before School Soccer Dance 7-9:30 cafeteria 9 Before School Soccer Food Play PTO Assembly K-5 @ 9:30 in gym 10 Before School Soccer 16 Before School Soccer 17 PBIS All School Assembly 2:30 PM 23 Before School Soccer Flu Shot Clinic 2:304:30 PM 24 Before School Soccer 30 Before School Soccer Butterbraid Sale Ends 31 Before School Soccer 6 Before School Soccer 7 Before School Soccer 13 14 15 NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL NO P A S S COLUMBUS DAY P.D. DAY B.O.F. Mtg. @ 6:30 PM – library Before School Soccer 20 Before School Soccer PTO Mtg. 7 PM in library 21 Before School Soccer 22 Before School Soccer 27 Before School Soccer 28 Before School Soccer NO P A S S 29 Before School Soccer BOE Mtg. 6:30 PM in library Saturday, October 25, PTO Trunk or Treat 3:00 PM- 7:00 PM in cafeteria, foyer, parking lot “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839 NJHS Halloween Dance 7-9:30 PM Pomfret Community School Newsletter October 2014 “At PCS we care for ourselves, for others, and for our school.” Pomfret Community School, 20 Pomfret Street, Pomfret Center, CT 06259 860-928-2718 (FAX) 860-928-3839
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