Herald O C T O B E R 2 0 14 Christ Lutheran OUR MISSION Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Christ Lutheran Church reaches out through worship, service, fellowship, teaching and witnessing. � WORSHIP WORSHIPSCHEDULE SCHEDULE Saturday Saturday 5:00 5:00pm pm Sunday Sunday 8:30 8:30am am& &10:45 10:45am am +++++++ +++++++ Holy HolyCommunion Communionwill willbebecelebrated celebratedatatallall Worship WorshipServices Services Important ImportantDates Dates Men Men inin Mission Mission Meeting Meeting and and Supper Supper Wednesday, Wednesday, October October 8th8th atat 6:00 6:00 pm pm Bible BiblePresentation Presentationtoto3rd 3rdGraders Graders th th Sunday, Sunday, October October 121210:45 10:45 amam Worship Worship Bible Bible Study Study Leaders Leaders Meeting Meeting th th Monday, Monday, October October 1313 atat 4:00 4:00 pm pm Pastor PastorBarb Barbwill willconduct conductthe themeeting meetingand andthe theBible Bible Study Study will will bebe used used from from The The Gather Gather Magazine. Magazine. Blessing Blessing ofof Quilts, Quilts, School School Bags Bagsand andBaby BabyCare CareKits Kitswill willtake takeplace placeduring duringthe the th th th th worship worship services services onon October October 1111 and and 1212 . . All Allin inDue Duetime time ByBy Verla Verla Rostad Rostad Now Now that that the the Mission Mission Builders Builders are are gone, gone, it it might might appear appear asas though though work work onon our our church church building building has has come come toto a halt. a halt. Not Not so!so! Work Work continues continues onon finishing finishing touches touches inin bathrooms, bathrooms, electrical electrical system, system, flooring flooring etc. etc. inin the the original original building. building. Much Much ofof the the remaining remaining work work inin the the addition addition will will bebe done done byby contractors. contractors. There There is is a sequence a sequence forfor that that work; work; the the glass glass forfor windows windows and and doors doors has has been been backordered backordered causing causing a delay a delay inin progress progress onon the the building. building. Until Until the the windows windows and and doors doors are are installed installed toto enclose enclose the the building, building, walls walls and and flooring flooring cannot cannot bebe finished finished and and kitchen kitchen equipment equipment cannot cannot bebe installed. installed. The The contractors contractors have have assured assured usus there there will will bebe nono surprises surprises with with the the final final costs costs and and financing financing is is inin place place toto finish finish the the building. building. We We hope hope toto see see the the building building completed completed byby Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving. Fun Funat atChurch ChurchSchool School DearDear Friends Friends in Christ, in Christ, The The amber amber waves waves of grain of grain are are being being harvested. harvested. From From sun sun up to up past to past sunset, sunset, farmers farmers are busy are busy combining combining and and bringing bringing in this in this year’s year’s crop. crop. Listening Listening to the to the radio, radio, I know I know enough enough to know to know thatthat it promises it promises to be to an be abundant an abundant harvest harvest which which will will blessbless bothboth the the seedseed sower sower and and those those of us of who us who like like pasta, pasta, canola canola oil and oil and all of allthe of the other other foodfood products products produced produced on North on North Dakota Dakota fields fields and and ranches. ranches. I draw I draw our our attention attention to marvel to marvel onceonce more more at the at the abundance abundance of God’s of God’s blessings. blessings. YouYou know know this,this, you you live live in the in the midst midst of itofbut it but this this Fall Fall taketake a moment a moment to to marvel marvel at it.atWhether it. Whether it is itwhen is when you you are are in a in combine, a combine, out out for aforSunday a Sunday drivedrive or picking or picking the the last last vegetables vegetables fromfrom youryour garden, garden, I hope I hope this this Fall Fall will will findfind you you a little a little more more attentive attentive to and to and a little a little more more grateful grateful for God’s for God’s amazing amazing abundance. abundance. We We experience experience God’s God’s abundance abundance not not onlyonly at at harvest harvest but but within within the the community community of faith. of faith. Something Something is stirring is stirring among among us, something us, something is brewing. is brewing. Maybe Maybe we we are are not not at harvest at harvest perhaps perhaps paradoxically paradoxically we are we are in ain a seedseed time. time. A seed A seed timetime where where all the all the hopes, hopes, dreams, dreams, whatwhat ifs and ifs and prayers prayers of the of the pastpast few few years years are are nownow being being planted planted and and like like seeds seeds are are beginning beginning to sprout to sprout and and grow. grow. HowHow do do I know? I know? Let Let me me share share a few a few examples: examples: God’s God’s Work, Work, OurOur Hands…with Hands…with rakes rakes in hand in hand and and a a smile smile on their on their faces. faces. A group A group of folks of folks went went throughout throughout the the neighborhood neighborhood to lend to lend a hand a hand and and do ado good a good deeddeed in the in the name name of Christ. of Christ. Thanks! Thanks! DayDay of giving…another of giving…another group group went went and and shared shared coffee coffee withwith residents residents at The at The ViewView and and Maple Maple ViewView Memory Memory Center, Center, giving giving theirtheir gift of gifttime. of time. Lutheran Lutheran World World Relief…have Relief…have you you seenseen the the tabletable withwith the the quilts, quilts, the the layettes layettes for infants for infants and and the the school school kits kits for children? for children? Or have Or have you you heldheld oneone of the of the prayer prayer shawls shawls shared shared withwith those those in need in need or knitted or knitted withwith prayer? prayer? Crocks Crocks for for Campus Campus Ministry…10 Ministry…10 crocks crocks of soup, of soup, overover 100 100 students students fed fed and and the the partnership partnership withwith Lutheran Lutheran Campus Campus Ministry-MSU Ministry-MSU is underway. is underway. Thanks Thanks to all towho all who shared shared soupsoup and and welcomed welcomed Rev.Rev. Christoph Christoph Schmidt, Schmidt, the the newnew LCMLCM Campus Campus Pastor. Pastor. God’s God’s Blessings Blessings are are Sprouting Sprouting Among Among Us…Us… th street…We street…We will will soonsoon be be Crossing Guides forth16 Crossing Guides for 16 th th Street Street looking looking for people for people to help to help make make crossing crossing 16 16 safesafe in the in the morning morning and and afternoon afternoon for the for the children children at at Longfellow Longfellow elementary. elementary. A group A group has has beenbeen working working withwith the the school school administration administration and and the the police police department department to make to make suresure everything everything is inisorder. in order. We We hope hope you you will will consider consider this this an opportunity an opportunity to help. to help. Welcome Welcome Center…Soon Center…Soon the the countertop countertop will will be be finished, finished, the the coffee coffee maker maker installed installed and and our our newnew hubhub of hospitality of hospitality will will be ready be ready to go. to go. We We will will havehave the the space space and and the the equipment, equipment, but but whatwhat we need we need mostmost is is friendly friendly helpful helpful people people like like you.you. Wednesday Wednesday andand Sunday Sunday Children’s Children’s Ministry… Ministry… YouYou needneed to come to come and and check check the the innovative innovative and and creative creative waysways the the storystory of God's of God's lovelove is being is being shared shared withwith the the children. children. NewNew Ideas Ideas andand Opportunities Opportunities FirstFirst Word…Would Word…Would you you come come and and join join Pastor Pastor BarbBarb and and me me for prayer for prayer before before worship? worship? We’ll We’ll praypray for all for all whowho will will attend attend and and for for the the children’s children’s ministry ministry plusplus other other needs. needs. SaturdaySaturday4:304:30 pm pm andand Sunday Sunday 8:008:00 am.am. Dwelling Dwelling in the in the Word…A Word…A weekly weekly conversational conversational BibleBible study study around around oneone of the of the textstexts of the of the day.day. The The word word will will be led be led by the by the Preaching Preaching Pastor. Pastor. GrabGrab a cup a cup of coffee, of coffee, come come on over on over and and meet meet in the in the West West endend of of the the Gathering Gathering Area. Area. Sunday’s Sunday’s 9:459:45 am to am10:20 to 10:20 am. am. Hands Hands of Christ…A of Christ…A periodic periodic forum forum lifting lifting up one up one of the of the congregation’s congregation’s ministry, ministry, a community a community resource resource or need. or need. ThisThis will will begin begin as soon as soon as space as space allows. allows. Would Would you you consider consider serving serving on the on the planning planning group group for for this this opportunity? opportunity? If so,If speak so, speak withwith Pastor Pastor David. David. What What do you do you see?see? What What do you do you dream? dream? What What is God is God stirring stirring within within you?you? We We are are blessed blessed to be toabe blessing! a blessing! Shalom Shalom Pastor Pastor David David Renovate Renovate me, me, precious precious Lord. Lord. I turned I turnedfrom from you you and and just just ignored ignored your your plan planforfor me me toto bebe restored. restored. Without Without your your love, love, I sink, I sink, not notsoar, soar, soso change change and and fixfix my my inner inner core. core. Renovate Renovate me, me, precious precious Lord. Lord. —MaryAnn —MaryAnn Sundby Sundby Church ChurchWomen WomenNews News ByBy Ardella Ardella Score Score The TheEdgewood EdgewoodVista VistaBirthday BirthdayParty Partywill willbebeonon th th Thursday, Thursday,October October1616 atat3:00 3:00pm. pm.Everyone Everyoneis is invited invitedtoto attend! attend! ++ ++ ++ ++ We Weare areininneed needofofitems itemstotofillfillour ourBaby BabyCare Care Kits KitsforforLWR. LWR.We Weespecially especiallyneed needdark darkcolored coloredhand hand towels, towels, baby baby shirts, shirts, socks, socks, gowns, gowns, sleepers, sleepers, receiving receivingblankets, blankets,cloth clothdiapers, diapers,sweaters, sweaters,jackets, jackets, safety safetypins pinsand andbath bathsoap. soap.We Wehope hopeyou youcan canhelp help us.us. Monetary Monetary gifts gifts are arealso alsoappreciated! appreciated! ++ ++ ++ ++ Dresses DressesforforGirls Girls- -Jackie JackieJohnson Johnsonis ismaking making pillowcase pillowcasedresses dressesforforgirls girlsininthe theCentral CentralAfrican African Republic.Please Pleasecall callJackie Jackieatat838-4640 838-4640if ifyou youcan can Republic. helpwith withthis this project. help project. Dear Dear Members Members ofofChrist Christ Lutheran, Lutheran, Thank Thankyou youforforhosting hostingme meand andmy my son sonwhen whenwewecame cametotovisit visitatatthe the end endofofJuly. July.It Itwas wasgreat greattotosee see everyone, everyone, toto hear hear how how your your congregation congregationis isgrowing growingininfaith, faith,totosee seeyour your beautiful beautifulbuilding, building,asaswell wellasasshare shareabout abouthow howGod God is is working working with with the the young young people people inin Japan. Japan. I am I amhoping hopingtotostop stopbybyone onemore moretime timebefore before my myson sonand andI return I returntotoJapan. Japan.I am I amlooking lookingforward forward toto your your finished finishedbuilding building asas much much asas you you are! are! May MayGod Godbless blessyour yourcongregation congregationasasyou you minister minister toto the the area area and and each each other. other. Peace Peace and and Prayers, Prayers, Katie Katie S.S. N.N. Miyamoto Miyamoto CLC CLCFoundation Foundation Gift Receives ReceivesGift The The Christ Christ Lutheran Lutheran Church Church Foundation Foundationrecently recentlyreceived receiveda a nice nicegift giftfrom fromthe theCaroline CarolineRaszler RaszlerTrust. Trust.Caroline Caroline had hadgrown grownupupininthe theRose RoseValley ValleyChurch Churcharea areaand and still stillhas hasrelatives relativesliving livingthere. there.After Afterhigh highschool schoolshe she moved movedtotoIllinois Illinoisand andlived livedthere thereallallduring duringher her working workinglife. life.After Aftershe sheretired retiredshe shemoved movedback backtoto Minot Minottotobebecloser closertotofamily. family.She Shewas wasa amember memberofof Christ ChristLutheran LutheranChurch Churchand andpassed passedaway awaythis thispast past winter. winter. Caroline’s Caroline’s wishes wisheswere wereforfora portion a portionofofher hertrust trust totobebegiven giventotohelp helpininfuture futureministry ministrytraining trainingand and religious religiouseducation. education.Her Herwishes wishesfitfitwith withthe themission mission and and purpose purpose ofofChrist Christ Lutheran LutheranFoundation. Foundation.Her Hergift gift will willbebeadded addedtotothe thepermanent permanentprincipal principalofofthe the Foundation. Foundation.Only Onlythe theearnings earningscan canbebeused usedand and only only forfor the the mission mission and and purposes purposes ofof the the Foundation. Foundation.Thus, Thus,Caroline’s Caroline’swishes wishescan canbebemet metinin the thefuture futureasasthe theFoundation Foundationawards awardsscholarships scholarships totostudents studentsenrolled enrolledatatELCA ELCAcolleges collegesand andassists assists others othersininministry ministrytraining trainingand andeducation. education.This Thiswill will bebea lasting a lastingtribute tributeand andmemorial memorialtotothe thememory memoryofof Caroline Caroline and and her her wishes. wishes. The TheChrist ChristLutheran LutheranChurch ChurchFoundation Foundationis isa a 501©3 501©3Corporation Corporationunder underthe thetax taxcode codeand andcan can receive receivedonations donationstax taxfree freetotothe thedonor. donor.AsAsininthe the case casewith withCaroline, Caroline,allallfunds fundsfrom fromdonations, donations,gifts, gifts, bequests bequests memorials, memorials, wills wills oror trusts trusts are are permanently permanentlyinvested investedininthe theFoundation. Foundation.Only Onlythe the earnings earningscan canbebeused usedtotosupport supportthe themission missionofofthe the Foundation Foundationasassetsetininthe theCharter Charterand andBy-laws. By-laws.You You may maywant wanttotoconsider considerthe theFoundation Foundationininyour yourlong long term termplanning. planning.If Ifyou youwould wouldlike liketotoget getmore more information informationabout aboutthe theFoundation, Foundation,please pleasecontact contact any any ofof the the Foundation FoundationBoard Boardmembers. members. Council Highlights CLC Awarded Grant Katie’s Kitchen has been awarded a $3,000 grant from the Midcontinent Foundation to purchase a new freezer. In the grant application it was pointed out that since the 2011 flood our volunteers have stored supplies and groceries in their homes, carrying them back and forth to the Bread of Life Church kitchen each week. The new freezer will enable the volunteers to purchase food, especially meat, when it is most affordable, which will in turn improve the quality of the meals served at Katie’s Kitchen. The Midcontinent Foundation is the charitable arm of the Midcontinent family of companies. The Foundation was established in 1987 to provide funding assistance to charitable entities that assist in socially-desirable goals within the communities which Midcontinent Media, Inc. and its subsidiaries are a part. The Midcontinent Foundation grant award brings the total of grants received for our flood recovery to $98,750. Other grants that have been awarded are: Mission Builders ($30,000), Minot Area Community Foundation ($50,000), Verendrye Electric Operation Round Up ($750) and St. Joseph’s Community Health Foundation ($15,000). Stewardship Board – Discussion on the Fall Campaign was held with last minute preparations being the main topic. The Fall Campaign will be held at CLC October 19th and 20th. Property Board – A tour was taken of the new addition to see what subcontractors we are waiting on to enclose the building and what areas of work that volunteers will need to finish. Was determined that the new addition is on track to finish within budget. Parking lot and courtyard will be finished when funds become available. Education Board – Church School registration and open house was exciting and very successful. Students were eager to start Church School in their new classrooms. Youth Board – Discussion was held on giving $600.00 to Metigoshe Ministries to sponsor 2 events. Decorating the Youth Room was opened for discussion and suggestions. Parish Planning Council – Discussed plans for the September 27th Retreat with Bishop Narum. Lay Ministry – Discussion was held on Altar Cloth and Banner needs. Choir will sing two Sundays each month. This can very according to Church needs. . Klub-A-Thon A big “Thank you” goes out to all of those who participated in the preparation of the Pøtet Klub. Final count exceeded 6100 Klub. Great Job!! Ever Thought about Becoming a Stephen Minister? Christ Lutheran Church will begin training another class of Stephen Ministers in January of 2015. Stephen Ministers are carefully trained to work alongside our pastors to care, encourage and provide emotional and spiritual support to people who are going through a difficult time, such as divorce, grief, hospitalization, unemployment, terminal illness, relocation, chronic illness or loneliness. If you have gifts for caring, encouragement and listening please begin to prayerfully consider whether you might want to be part of this exciting ministry. If you think you might be interested, talk with Pastor David. Note from Pastor Dave: Our Stephen Ministry team is a gift of God for those who are hurting. Our Stephen Ministry is also in need of you. Right now the need is great for caring, committed men and women like you to walk alongside someone who needs to know God cares. I am asking you to prayerfully consider if God is calling you to this ministry. I know you will have questions-that is the way of God. Let’s talk, let’s walk together. CLC Ministry Update Associate Pastor - As you read this edition of the Herald a critical step will be in the process that leads to a new Associate Pastor. Leaders in the congregation have met with Bishop Narum to work on ministry goals and a mission statement for our future. The Parish Planning council will be working with the synod office to follow the process to take for the formation of a call committee. Youth and Education - It is with sadness and gratitude that we say “Thank you” and God-bless to Mason Schmidt and Katherine Berg who will be concluding their ministries at CLC as September comes to an end. Mason has served as the youth director of CLC and is well known for his energy and maturing faith. Katherine served this past summer as Director of Christian Education and helped set up the Wednesday and Sunday Children’s ministry in addition to Confirmation and Adult Ed opportunities. The boards of Education and Youth are working on a plan moving forward. Thanks to our many volunteers the children’s ministry will move forward. For the middle school and high school youth programing discussions are underway to participate in the “Metigoshe in Motion” program which would partner CLC with the resources of camp. The Education and Youth Boards will be revising position descriptions and soon be looking for new staff people. Stephen Ministry - This fall the Stephen Ministry team will be reintroducing this caring ministry to the congregation. What is Stephen Ministry? Why is it important and how can you be involved? A training class of Stephen Ministers will begin in January of 2015 and leadership training will also occur in the early part of next year. This vital ministry of care extends the heart and hands of the congregation and pastors to those who are hurting. Please pray about your participation in Stephen Ministry. What can I do? - Your prayers for the ministry of our congregation are deeply welcomed. God has and God will provide. Pray that people with gifts and passion for ministry may be raised up and pray for Pastors David and Barb together with our congregational leadership. Begin to pray now for our next pastor not knowing who that might be, but that God would begin to stir the heart and imagination of one we will welcome. Thank you for asking, “how can I help?” In these times of transition, your willingness to step forward is one answer to prayer. Reflections Reflections on Holy on Holy Communion: Communion: TheThe language language of Love of Love By Pastor By Pastor Dave Dave ThisThis month month we we continue continue our our reflections reflections on Holy on Holy Communion. Communion. We We havehave heard heard the the clarion clarion call call andand invitation invitation of “Supper” of “Supper” inviting inviting us to us come to come andand gather gather at the at the table. table. When When we we come come we we “wash “wash up”up” preparing preparing ourselves ourselves for for the the timetime of feasting of feasting andand conversation. conversation. So too So too as we as we are are invited invited to the to the “holy “holy place” place” of God’s of God’s table-we table-we are are invited invited to dine to dine withwith the the veryvery LordLord of heaven of heaven andand earth earth andand when when we we come come the the firstfirst thing thing we we do is dotois“wash to “wash up”up” through through the the prayers prayers of confession of confession andand forgiveness. forgiveness. So now So now we we come come andand around around the the table table there there is is much much conversation conversation about about joys,joys, sorrows, sorrows, successes successes andand failures. failures. We We welcome welcome newnew friends, friends, silently silently sighsigh for for those those whowho are are missing missing andand longlong for for those those whowho havehave died. died. Again, Again, what what we we know know from from our our family family tables tables teaches teaches us us much much about about the the Lord’s Lord’s Table. Table. Around Around the the table table is the is the language language of life, of life, the the language language of love. of love. LoveLove is spoken is spoken in three in three ways-by ways-by words, words, deeds deeds andand silence. silence. Ole Ole andand LenaLena hadhad been been married married for for many many years. years. OneOne dayday LenaLena asked asked her her husband, husband, “Ole, “Ole, do you do you lovelove me?” me?” Ole Ole reached reached out out andand taking taking her her hand hand in his in his said,said, “Lena, “Lena, I told I told youyou I love I love youyou on our on our wedding wedding day,day, if I ever if I ever change change my my mind, mind, you’ll you’ll be the be the firstfirst to know.” to know.” LoveLove needs needs to be to spoken, be spoken, we we need need to hear to hear it whether it whether we we are are children, children, adolescents, adolescents, adults adults or in orour in our senior senior years. years. When When we we worship, worship, we we speak speak the the language language of love. of love. GodGod speaks speaks firstfirst as the as the eternal eternal firstfirst lover. lover. All All of of creation creation is aislove a love song, song, youryour life,life, my my life life is one is one too.too. Grace Grace is ais word a word for for God’s God’s relentless, relentless, tender tender andand forgiving forgiving love. love. But But did did youyou know know thatthat we we speak speak the the language language of love of love too?too? Thanksgiving Thanksgiving andand praise praise is the is the language language of love of love in in prayer. prayer. Thanksgiving Thanksgiving focuses focuses on on all the all the good good things things GodGod has has given given us, us, andand all that all that GodGod has has done done for for us. us. Thanksgiving Thanksgiving opens opens our our arms, arms, our our eyeseyes andand our our hearts hearts to receive to receive all that all that the the GodGod of infinite of infinite lovelove would would givegive us. us.We We alsoalso know know thatthat we we like like to be to appreciated be appreciated for for whowho we we are,are, not not justjust for for what what we we do. do. TheThe awareness awareness of the of the uniqueness uniqueness of the of the other other takes takes a relationship a relationship to to a deeper a deeper place. place. So So it isit inis worship. in worship. If thanksgiving If thanksgiving speaks speaks of what of what GodGod has has done, done, prayer prayer is awareness, is awareness, appreciation appreciation andand adoration adoration of God of God for being for being God.God. OurOur songs songs of of worship worship speak speak the the language language of of thanksgiving thanksgiving andand praise. praise. TheThe language language of love of love cancan be be heard heard in the in the traditional traditional songs songs of “This of “This is the is the feast feast of of victory victory for for our our Lord,” Lord,” to the to the newnew liturgy, liturgy, “Now “Now the the feast feast andand celebration.” celebration.” If God If God speaks speaks lovelove in creation, in creation, we we respond respond withwith all of allcreation of creation in ainsong a song of praise of praise to to God.God. LoveLove is also is also spoken spoken by by deeds. deeds. Words Words without without deeds deeds are are empty. empty. ThatThat is why is why the the greatest greatest word word of of lovelove waswas not not spoken spoken by lips by lips or written or written in paper in paper but but wrapped wrapped in the in the flesh flesh andand blood blood of Jesus. of Jesus. GodGod so loved so loved the the world world he gave….not he gave….not advice advice but but his Son. his Son. Jesus Jesus put put his his lovelove intointo action action when when he he said,said, “this“this is my is my body…this body…this is my is my blood,” blood,” andand thenthen he gave he gave his his life life for for you,you, for for me me andand for for all people all people for for the the forgiveness forgiveness of of sin. sin. We We too too speak speak of of our our lovelove by by our our actions. actions. Responding Responding to the to the invitation invitation of God of God to come to come andand dinedine withwith HimHim is an is act an act of love. of love.Thanksgiving Thanksgiving andand praise praise are are words words of love. of love. Receiving Receiving the the bread bread andand wine wine is is about about lovelove andand living living a life a life of serving of serving is love is love in action in action in our in our dailydaily life.life. LoveLove is expressed is expressed not not onlyonly in words in words andand actions, actions, it it is also is also expressed expressed in silence. in silence. Sometimes Sometimes the the most most profound profound words words of love of love are are those those spoken spoken without without words. words. “Be“Be stillstill andand know know thatthat I am I am God,” God,” the the LordLord callscalls through through the the Psalmist Psalmist andand it isittrue. is true.Sometimes Sometimes words words themselves themselves seem seem so so inadequate inadequate to express to express love. love. So you So you andand I are I are invited invited to supper to supper to the to the “holy “holy place” place” of God’s of God’s table. table. We We come come andand wash wash up in upthe in the prayers prayers of Confession of Confession andand Forgiveness. Forgiveness. Those Those words words andand songs songs which which at times at times cancan seem seem boring boring andand repetitious, repetitious, are are at times at times so much so much more…they more…they are are the the language, language, the the deeds deeds andand the the veryvery silence silence of love. of love. MayMay youryour worship worship be aberesponse a response of of lovelove to the to the OneOne whowho loves loves youyou more more thanthan youyou cancan everever imagine! imagine! Those Who Serve in October Christ Lutheran Church HERALD Pastoral Acts 502 17th Street NW Minot, North Dakota 58703 Altar Guild E-Mail – [email protected] Bonnie Kallias Web-site: www.christlutheranminot.com Ushers Marriages October, 2014 - Vol. 10, 2014 Saturday 5:00 Adam Trueblood & The HERALD is published Captain: Marisa Perhus monthly and is distributed to Marlowe & Terri Johnson the members and friends of Burials Christ Lutheran Church. Christ Sunday 8:30 Julie A. DeSaye Lutheran is aIKE congregation E OULD O of HAN Captain: the Evangelical Lutheran Dennis Christianson HESE ORand HEIR (8-22-14 through 9-18-14)USINESSES Church in America the Western North Dakota Synod. Sunday 10:45 Editor . . . . . . . . Bonnie Coffey Captain: BUSINESS Writers . ……Members and Staff Open – Captain Needed 839-0021 of Christ Lutheran Church RESIDENCE OULD IKE O HAN “Attention to Detail” E OULD IKE 838-0878 OE HANK Allan G. Pearson,President Assistants . . . . . . . . ..Bev Action Realtors 311 21st St.Alex NW CELLULAR Communion Assistants 1370 20th Ave. SW • Minot HESE USINESSES ORRosendahl 720-5748 Minot, NDHEIR 58703 • Res. Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Judy 669 HESE USINESSES OR HEIR UPPORT Greg Aasmundstad FAX MIN • Fire & Water Damage Restoration CERTIFIED Ofc. 838-4504 Education Board REALTOR / Consultant E-mail: [email protected] 839-0191 Cell 833-2640 CO • Serving Minot since 1984 . . . . .FIRM Assembling .Norma Berg CLC Officers Deadline for November BUSINESS BUSINESS HERALD is October 20, 2014. 839-0021 Baptisms T W W B Action Realtors ® 1370 20th Ave. SW • Minot 838-0878 CELLULAR 720-5748 L L TF TW TW B T S L ® ® F T T T F T T T “Attention to Detail” Action Realtors® Allan G. Pearson,President 1370 20th Ave. SW • Minot RESIDENCE 838-0878 CELLULAR 311 21st St. NW REALTOR® / Consultant E-mail: [email protected] FAX 839-0191 720-5748 Minot, ND 58703 FAX time ® / Consultant REALTOR Commercial Janitorial Services Proud to sponsor “Pastor’s Moment”Ofc. Prayer 838-4504 CERTIFIED E-mail: [email protected] 839-0191 www.mainplusclean.com 839-7762 KHRT-AM & FM 7:45 - 7:50 am - Fax Weekdays FIRM Res. Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Greg Aasmundstad 311 St. NW MASTERS LIC . #21st M2428 Power Imagination Minot,(SND 58703 • Res. Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning PH# 701-340-0694 COTT ) 6691 17TH A1831 VE. NW BURDICK EXPRESSWAY WEST Ofc. 838-4504 •M FireINOT & Water Damage nOUG) 701-833-3674T(D PH#CERTIFIED , ND 58703Restoration a h MINOT, ND Cell 833-2640 •C Serving Minot since 1984 FIRM OMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL BlakeKrabseth THANK BlakeKrabseth MINOT WELDING COMEDIAN/ W E W OULD L IKE TOCO. THANK Printing with the COMEDIAN/ Printing with the MAGICIAN Ads Here Allan G. Pearson,President s ... u l l of Removal a Landscaping & Snow HEIR SUPPORT C of MAGICIAN 52 THESE BUSINESSES F701-720-1786 OR 5T SUPPORT 2-55HEIR BUSINESS TELEPHONE: (701) 838-0513 839-0021 RESIDENCE 838-0878 Proud to sponsor “Pastor’s701-720-1786 Moment” Prayer time [email protected] KHRT-AM & FM 7:45 - 7:50 am - Weekdays ® GENERAL REPAIRS • CUSTOM FABRICATIONS Action Realtors CELLULAR 1370 20th Ave. SW • Minot FARM • INDUSTRIAL Power Imagination 720-5748 Greg Aasmundstad 8 FAX time 1831 BURDICK EXPRESSWAY WEST NATHAN ® / Consultant Proud toAVENUE sponsor “Pastor’s Moment” Prayer ! [email protected] CRAIG 400 4THREALTOR N.E. hank&s E-mail: [email protected] 839-0191 TOWNERS KHRT-AM & FMND 7:45 - 7:50 - Weekdays NEILam NATHAN, MINOT, ND MINOT, 58701 KELLER’S K MINOT ’E S WOULD CO. LLC WELDING CO.THANK MINOT WELDING61 L IKE TO E ELECTRIC C 61 Pearson,President Landscaping & Snow Removal BUSINESSES FOR THEIRAllan SG.UPPORT . NW 28 58703 504 TT) 640 UG) IAL BUSINESS TELEPHONE: (701) 838-0513 www.cluteoffice.com 839-0021 1948-2009 RESIDENCE MASTERS LIC838-0878 . # M2428 ® GENERAL REPAIRS • CUSTOM FABRICATIONS Action Realtors CELLULAR PH# 701-340-0694 (SCOTT Years Of ) 6691 17Ave. TH AVE .• NW FARM INDUSTRIAL 1370 20th SW • Minot 720-5748 OFFICE EQUIPMENT Excellence 701-833-3674 (DOUG) PH# INC. MINOT , ND 58703 Greg Aasmundstad FAX & ® / Consultant COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL CRAIG NATHAN 400 4THREALTOR AVENUE N.E. 17 E. Central Ave. BARRY CLUTE Office 701-838-8624 E-mail: [email protected] 839-0191 NEIL bclute@cluteoffice.com NATHAN, OWNERS MINOT, ND 58701 Minot, ND 58701 www.cluteoffice.com TELEPHONE: (701) 838-0513 1948-2009 PHONE 838-4483 “Attention to Detail” E-MAIL GENERAL REPAIRS • CUSTOM FABRICATIONS Years Of novakslandandsnow OFFICE EQUIPMENT 311Excellence 21st St. NW FARM • INDUSTRIAL INC. @srt.com Minot, ND 58703 • Res. Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 17 E. Central Ave. BARRY CLUTE Office 701-838-8624 toAVENUE sponsor “Pastor’s Moment” Prayer time CRAIG NATHAN & 400 4TH Ofc. 838-4504 Novak Jr. Owner •Proud Fire & Water DamageN.E. Restoration Minot, ND Steve 58701 bclute@cluteoffice.com CERTIFIED NEIL NATHAN, OWNERS MINOT, ND 58701 KHRT-AM & FM - 7:50 am Weekdays 833-2640 •3918 Serving Minot since 1984 7:45 FIRM 13TH ST. NE • MINOT, ND- Cell 58703-0415 Small WorldKPreschool ELLER’S Small World Preschool Located at CO. K Printing MINOTELECTRIC WELDING E WOULD IKE TatO THANK “Attention toL Detail” Sales Manager MAG ZINE LLC 220 19th St.ANW Located REALTOR with M the M M2428 LL .. ## M2428 News from Allan G. Pearson,President 220 19th311 E s ... 311 21st St. NW NW St. St.21st NW l 52 Pauline Magnusson a C lu 2 of PP ##Finland, blake@ Denmark, Iceland, USINESSES F OR T S UPPORT Res. Carpet &&Upholstery Cleaning 748 5 )) Minot, NDHEIR 58703 Minot, ND 58703 701-340-0694 (S 701-340-0694 (S • Res. Carpet Upholstery Cleaning 5 6691 17 A . NW 6691 17 A . NW 5 ! 701-720 -1786 s Director & Teacher Pauline Magnusson k minothomes Norway and Sweden –85in2 English! ESS SS 021 NCE NCE eth ... 878 nager Blake Krabseth ® AR AR 191 mes NE SS 483 021 ew uction __ NCE L 878 vice ndsnow __ m AR as 748 lace lation time 191 0415 ys -0513 0513 Commercial Janitorial Services Ofc. 838-4504 Ofc. 838-4504 •Proud Fire & Water Damage Restoration to sponsor “Pastor’s Moment” Prayer time CERTIFIED CERTIFIED .com Director & Teacher www.mainplusclean.com Cell 833-2640 839-7762 • Serving Minot since 1984 7:45 - 7:50 FIRM FIRM KHRT-AM & FM am - Fax Weekdays 530-605-5028 or 852-1406 New TELEPHONE: (701)Construction 838-0513 ____ Service ____ Detail” I.M.WELDING PAINTING MINOT CO. “Attention to Inez Hackett Haskins Gas . Printing with the& Margo AllanGENERAL G. Pearson,President REPAIRS • CUSTOM FABRICATIONS 311 21st uSt.sE..NW llFireplace IPower N T• INDUSTRIAL E R of I OImagination R H O U S E Minot, P ACIaN T Power Imagination FARM Installation 58703 52R S • Res. Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 55Rates 2-ND 85838-4504 Experienced, 1831lBURDICK BURDICK EXPRESSWAYReasonable WEST Ofc. 1831 EXPRESSWAY WEST • Fire & Water Damage Restoration ! ! k l n CERTIFIED a 1984 cMINOT, CRAIGCell NATHAN 4TH AVENUE N.E. ha &sInez T833-2640 a since MINOT, ND ND s ND •400 FIRM852-8038 ve uMinot NEIL NATHAN, OWNERS 58701 iMINOT, GServing 720-1505 or 838-0766 Margo PHONE PHONE 838-4483 838-4483 K S “Attention to Detail” We Would Like To Thank These Businesses For Their Support Greg Aasmundstad S KELLER ’STHAN K K WE WOULD L IKE T O E LECTRIC LLC Printing with the . Allan G. Pearson,President s .. E of FOR 8C5Ta2l-l5u5HEIR 52 THESE BUSINESSES S 701 ks! 839-0021 RESIDENCE T W W B TELEPHONE: (701) 838-0513 GENERAL REPAIRS • CUSTOM FABRICATIONS ASTERS IC ASTERS IC FARM • INDUSTRIAL Power Imagination H COTT H COTT TH VE VE TH BURDICK WEST NATHAN H## 701-833-3674 701-833-3674 (DnOUG OUG (D PPH MINOT INOT ND1831 58703 M ND 58703 CRAIG 400 4TH,,AVENUE N.E. EXPRESSWAY k&s! )) a 530-605-5028 or 852-1406 h T visit: www.scandpress.com MINOT, ND CMINOT, OMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ESIDENTIAL NDUSTRIAL C OMMERCIAL -- R -- IINDUSTRIAL NEIL NATHAN, OWNERS ND 58701 K E I.M. PAINTING PHONE Blake KELLER ’S 838-4483 Krabseth Inez Hackett & Margo Haskins ELECTRIC LLC Sales BROKER INTERIOR M H ASTERS O U S ELIC P.A#IE-MAIL NManager TERS M2428 novakslandandsnow REALTOR REALTOR Experienced, Reasonable Rates Landscaping @srt.com # 701-340-0694 (SCOTT ) 6691 17TH AcVE al.l&!NWSnowPHRemoval blake@ ® ® blake@ a -1786 852-8038 Inez (DOUG ) PH# 701-833-3674 58703Novak 701-720 e u,sND Steve Jr. Owner GMivINOT minothomes or 838-0766 Margo COMMERCIAL - R720-1505 ESIDENTIAL - I.com NDUSTRIAL 3918 13TH ST. NE • MINOT, ND 58703-0415 New New Blake Construction Construction ____ ____ Krabseth “Attention to Detail” PHONE Blake 838-4483 Krabseth E-MAIL . BROKER s .. novakslandandsnow 311C21st ® NW all uSt. Power ImaginationREALTOR @srt.com 52 558703 5 Minot, ND • Res. Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 2 5 8 1831 BURDICK EXPRESSWAY WESTblake@ s! Ofc. 838-4504 k •701-720 Fire & Water Damage Restoration n Steve NovakCERTIFIED Jr. Owner -1786 a h T minothomes MINOT, ND Cell 833-2640 • Serving Minot since 1984 FIRM .com 3918 13TH ST. NE • MINOT, ND 58703-0415 K Sm K 669 701 MIN CO BlakeKrabseth KELLER’S E COMEDIAN/ LLC PHONE New 838-4483 Construction ____ Service E-MAIL ____ Printing with the novakslandandsnow s ... uGas l l M ASTERS LIC. # M2428 a Power of Imagination [email protected] Fireplace 52 5 5 PH# 701-340-0694 COTT) 6691 17TH A1831 VE. BURDICK NW EXPRESSWAY Installation 852(S WEST s! ) Steve Novak Jr. Owner k n PH# 701-833-3674T(D MINOT, NDMINOT, 58703ND ha OUG COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL - INDUSTRIAL 3918 13TH ST. NE • [email protected] MINOT, ND 58703-0415 E 669 MIN 17 E CO Mino LECTRIC Landscaping & Snow Removal MAGICIAN 701-720-1786 BlakeKrabseth COMEDIAN/ www.cluteoffice.com PHONE 838-4483 1948-2009 1948-2009 Blake Krabseth 61 701 ivE G17Mino Sm SalesE-MAIL Manager novakslandandsnow Years®Of Of Years REALTOR @srt.com Excellence Excellence MAGICIAN Landscaping & Snow Removal OFFICE EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT INC. OFFICE INC. 701-720-1786 Steve Novak Jr. Office Owner BARRY CLUTE BARRY CLUTE 701-720 -1786 17 E. E. Central Central Ave. Ave. Office 701-838-8624 17 701-838-8624 minothomes blake@ [email protected] Minot,13TH ND 58701 58701 bclute@cluteoffice.com Minot, ND 3918 ST. NE • MINOT,bclute@cluteoffice.com ND.com 58703-0415 www.cluteoffice.com This World advertising space Small Preschool available to promote New Construction ____ Located at Service ____ 1948-2009 61 220 19th St.Years NWGasOf your business… OFFICE EQUIPMENT INC. Excellence Fireplace Pauline Magnusson Installation BARRY CLUTE &Office Director Teacher 701-838-8624 …and support your church. 17 E. Central Ave. Minot, ND 58701 530-605-5028bclute@cluteoffice.com or 852-1406 I.M.Preschool PAINTING Small World Giv Non-Profit Non-Profit Organization Organization U.S. U.S.Postage Postage Non-Profit PAID PAID Organization Minot, ND Minot, ND U.S. Postage Permit Permit No. No. 248 248 PAID Minot, ND Permit No. 248 October, 2014 HERALD Christ Lutheran Church October, 2014 HERALD 502 17th Street NW Christ Lutheran Minot, ND 58703Church 502 17th Street NW Minot, ND 58703 Address Service Requested Address Service Requested To: To: We’re Here For You... The Staff Church 838-0746 We’reOffice Here For You... [email protected] The Staff After Hours Emergency Telephone Church Office 838-0746 833-5746 [email protected] [email protected] Senior Pastor: David W. Maxfield After Hours Emergency Telephone [email protected] 833-5746 Interim Pastor: Barbara Haugerud Senior Pastor: David W. Maxfield [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Education Interim Pastor: Barbara Haugerud Youth Director [email protected] [email protected] Receptionist/Financial Secretary: Education Vicki Hanson Youth Director Communications Secretary: Receptionist/Financial Secretary: Bonnie Coffey Vicki Hanson Caretaker Ed Zumbaum Communications Secretary: Missionaries Bonnie Coffey Anne and Willie Langdji Caretaker Ed Zumbaum Rev. Dr. Michael Parker Missionaries Anne and Willie Langdji Rev. Dr. Michael Parker Parish Planning Council President VerlaPlanning Rostad Council 852-2392 Parish Vice-President: President LarryRostad Long 624-5761 Verla 852-2392 Secretary: Vice-President: Emily Schaefer 240-7782 Larry Long 624-5761 Board Directors: Secretary: Education Emily Board Schaefer Terry Hammer Board Directors: Evangelism Board Education Board Terry Hammer Fellowship EvangelismBoard Board Shirley Anderson Lay MinistryBoard Board Fellowship Debbie Anderson Shirley Anderson Property Board Lay Ministry Board Allan Pearson Debbie Anderson Public Relations Property Board Board JasonPearson Rist Allan Social Concerns Board Public Relations Board Karen Christianson Jason Rist Stewardship Board Social Concerns Board Terry Thiel Karen Christianson Youth Board Board Stewardship Holly Arnold Terry Thiel Youth Board Holly Arnold 240-7782 852-0274 852-0274 839-4161 839-7895 839-4161 839-0340 839-7895 837-1634 839-0340 839-7319 837-1634 838-6993 839-7319 624-2051 838-6993 624-2051 Who to ask about: Church Women: Clareen 838-6554 Who toAuch ask about: Sherrie Solper 839-8873 Church Women: Lutheran Men in Mission 838-6554 Clareen Auch Tom Ripplinger 838-3506 Sherrie Solper 839-8873 Paul Knutson Lutheran Men in Mission 624-5291 Christ Lutheran Foundation Tom Ripplinger 838-3506 Ernest Medalen 838-1128 Paul Knutson 624-5291 Prayer & Praise Foundation Line Christ Lutheran Karen 839-7319 Ernest Christianson Medalen 838-1128 Marlene Tossett 839-9302 Prayer & Praise Line Visitation Nurse Karen Christianson 839-7319 Jan Slavick 838-7266 Marlene Tossett 839-9302 Boy Scout Troop #433 Visitation Nurse Steve Pederson 838-3448 Jan Slavick 838-7266 Mark Larson 721-3906 Boy Scout Troop #433 Steve Pederson Mark Larson 838-3448 721-3906
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