The Orthodox Way The Monthly Newsletter of St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church October, 2014 USPS 600-160, No 10 St. Demetrios Office Hours: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm Monday - Friday Mission Statement: “To proclaim the Gospel of Christ in the Orthodox Tradition while creating a vibrant, loving, compassionate and supportive community.” Are You a Martyr for Christ? I recently had a discussion with a group of college students about the turmoil Christians are currently facing in the Middle East. Christians are being killed for their belief in Jesus Christ. They are being told to convert to Islam or be killed. Some are even tortured and beheaded. During this discussion Phone: 206-631-2500 one person remarked, “If I was in that situation I would just say I wasn’t a Christian. I know in my heart Fax: 206-631-2550 that I believe in Christ. But why should I let this crazy person who just wants to kill Christians take my Rentals: 206-631-2515 life? Is that a sin?” That’s a poignant and difficult question. And I was tempted to agree. What good would it do to die at the hands of some man with such hatred in his heart? Thankfully and as is always the case, we can Parish Directory turn to Christ for the answer. Rev.Fr. Photios Dumont We just finished th+6e season of the Holy Cross, in which Christ tells us, “Whoever desires to Proistamenos come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save 206-631-2501, his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel's will save it. For what will it [email protected] profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? [Mark 8:34-37] Dn. Daniel Triant Whoever desires to save his life will lose it! To achieve salvation, eternal life with God, we 206-631-2502 must give up our lives in this temporary, material world. This concept is something the saints of the [email protected] church understood, which is why so many of them were martyrs. They took Christ’s words to heart and Dn. Perry Angelos,Deacon when they were put to the ultimate test, they responded by holding fast to their faith in Him, regardless 425-652-2983, of the consequences. [email protected] In the month of October alone, we commemorate no less than nineteen martyrs. Even St. Vasilios Lazarou, Chantor Demetrios, the blessed patron saint of our Church, was stabbed with spears while praying in his prison George Tsantilas cell. This is because, as a commander in the army, he disobeyed emperor Maximian’s orders to perseParish Council President cute and exterminate Christians. He gave up glory, wealth, and political power for Christ. But none of pcpresithese sacrifices were as great as giving up his own life! [email protected] Most of us will not be called to give up our lives in quite this same way for Christ, but we have Lefteris Sitaras already been faced with many small acts of martyrdom. Whether we Youth Ministry Director Inside this Issue realize it or not, our faith is constantly being tested. Do we recognize 206-631-2504, these moments? And if we do how do we respond? How often do we [email protected] Serving Our Ministry 2 find ourselves justifying behavior we know goes against Christ’s teachSimoni Shirland ings just to get around a particular situation? We tell ourselves, “I know Festival News/OCMC 3 Administrative Assistant that I shouldn’t lie to keep from getting in trouble, but just this once...” News 206-631-2503, or “I know shouldn’t gossip, but he really deserves it...” or “I know [email protected] Philoptochos News 4 shouldn’t steal this, but I really, really want it and it won’t hurt this Maria Barbas time...” We tell ourselves, “I know in my heart that I am a Christian, but Financial/Stewardship Admin 5 I’ll just commit this sin this one time and that makes it okay.” Pretty Youth Ministry News 206-631-2505, soon all of these little denials become one big denial. Before we’ve had Stewardship Update [email protected] 6 time to add up all of the just-the-one-times, we find ourselves walking Saundra Maroussis 7 away from Christ instead of following him. So, is denying Christ to save Stewardship Update Hall Rental Manager our own lives a sin? We know the story of Peter, the rock on whom Monthly Calendar Ext. 2515, 8 [email protected] Christ founded his Church, who denied Christ when faced with this question. But he deeply regretted doing so because he knew had ignored Announcements/ 9 Paula Charuhas-Macris Christ teachings. He had denied Him to save his own life. But Peter rec- Recognitions Sunday School Director Ext 2507, ognized this, later repented, and dedicated himself to making amends by Parish Council President’s 10 [email protected] building up the Church and spreading the Gospel to a multitude of Message Susan Reichmann, people. Philoptochos President We must remember that Christianity is not always logical and Memorials & Vigil Lights/ 11 425-772-1605 Stewardship, Continued [email protected] does not always fit neatly in the present. Christ even admitted, “if they Festival flyer/Family 12 (continued on Page 3) Tedros Habte-Mezengi, Custodian Retreat flyer St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church - 2100 Boyer Avenue East - Seattle, Washington - 98112 The Orthodox Way is published monthly. Parishioners who wish to contribute content or announcements are asked to email information to [email protected]; or by fax to 206-631-2550. Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church reserves the right to edit, alter or reject any content. Church Services, Epistle and Gospel Readings Date Church Service Oct. 1st Holy Protection of the Theotokos Paraklisis Service, 6 pm Agiva~ Skevph~ Paravklisi~, 6 m.m. Oct. 5th 2nd Sunday of Luke 2h Kuriakhv Loukav Oct. 8th Paraklisis, 6 pm Paravklisi~, 6 m.m. Oct. 12th Holy Fathers of the 7th Ecumenical Council Agivwn Patevrwn th~ 7h~ Oikoumenikhv~ Sunovdou Oct. 15th Paraklisis, 6 pm Paravklisi~, 6 m.m. Oct. 18th St. Luke the Evangelist Agivou Loukav Euaggelistouv Oct. 19th 3rd Sunday of Luke 3h Kuriakhv Loukav Oct. 22nd Paraklisis, 6 pm Paravklisi~, 6 m.m. Oct. 25th Great Vespers for St. Demetrios, 6 pm Mevga~ Esperinov~ Agivou Dhmhtrivou, 6 m.m. Oct. 26th St. Demetrios the Myrrh-Streamer Agivou Dhmhtrivou tou Muroblhvtou Oct. 29th Paraklisis, 6 pm Paravklisi~, 6 m.m. Altar servers Oct. 5th, & 19th Joseph Dumont, Peter Ales, Andrew Christianson, Nicholas Christianson, Theodore Looney, William Grosvenor, Demetre Teodosiadis, Alex Rotar, Jack Hillman, Samir Kharoufeh, Paul Dudunakis, Peter Dudunakis, Niko Pagones, Manoli P. Tramountanas, Manoli A. Tramountanas, Johnny Tramountanas, Ethan Weigle. Oct. 12th & 26th Joseph Dumont, Andrew Christianson, Nicholas Christianson, Theodore Looney, Demetre Teodosiadis, John Christofilis, Nicholas Biros, Nasi Contoravdis, Niko Contoravdis, Themio Pallis, George Pallis, Stassi Tsantilas, Yiannis Tsantilas, Phillip Stamolis, Anthony Sampson, James Konugres, Omar Mallouk, Stavros Panos. Parish council servers Oct. 5th & 19th Pam Plumis, George Papanastasiou, George Constantine, Dale Hazapis, Evangelia Lagos, Bob Read, Louis Kotsakis Oct. 12th & 26th George Tsantilas, John Ales, Tom Contoravdis, George Tramountanas, Jim Kost, Stephanos Margaritis, Christos Psichos EPISTLE READERS—ARTHUR SARIDAKIS—INSTRUCTOR; Chris Macris— assistant Oct. 5th Jack Hillman, in Greek and Lukas Diafos, in English Oct. 12th Theodora Teodosiadis, in Greek and Demetrios Konugres, in English Oct. 19th Theodore Looney, in Greek and Demetre Teodosiadis, in English Oct. 26th Andrew Christianson, in English Sunday Offerings for September 2014 Fasting Type October Fish Allowed Wine & Oil Allowed 1 Strict Fast 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31 Sept. 7 $ 5,629.25 Sept. 14 $ 5,707.87 Sept. 21 $ 4,381.43 Sept. 28 $ 5,492.75 Total $ 21,211.30 Page 2 Festival Report O ctober 10,11,12 is rapidly approaching. If you have not yet volunteered to work at the Festival please call one of the Festival chairs or send me an email with your availability. Also we need volunteers to help out the three days before the Festival, starting with Tuesday October 7th assisting with booth set up and signage. Lunch is on us so come on down to the Church and help us out. The ladies have been busy baking every week with lots of volunteers coming to help and getting the pastries done in record time. Make sure you watch for scheduled baking events and come on down. Big thanks to George Tramoutanas for taking on the welcome booths and following in the footsteps of his mother and father. George can use some volunteers to fill shifts in the welcome booths handing out Festival flyers and selling raffle tickets and shopping bags. If you can volunteer some help in the main large hall kitchen or if preparing the chickens and legs of lamb is your preference please call either George Tsantilas or Jimmy Christo and get scheduled. Dance group will be dancing both in the tent and the dining room this year, entertaining all of our guests. Pre-sold Dinner tickets and raffle tickets have been coming in regularly this year. Remember you must pre-pay for those pre-sold dinner tickets prior to using them either before the Festival or at the door. All planning is completed and now only we need the good weather, happy faces, and good times for all for this year’s Festival. One more pre event meeting to be held soon. Jim Kost, 2014 Festival Chair (continued from Page 1) hated me, they will hate you.” We naturally shy away from embarrassment, ridicule, going against the crowd, or facing judgement from our peers. But we must take strength from Christ’s greatest glory--His death on the cross! And we must always keep in mind the martyrs who gathered the courage to keep their faith in extreme situations. The tests of faith then and now are not extreme right away. They build up daily, in almost every act, and they are just-the-one-times we should be adding up. We are called to witness our faith in every situation in our daily lives and when we fail, like Peter, repent of those sins. This is what strengthens our faith in Christ and binds us together as Christians. It is through these small battles that we are seeking salvation through Jesus Christ. I pray that each of us draw strength from St. Demetrios, and all of the martyrs of the Church, to continually witness our own faith in Jesus Christ. PLEASE SUPPORT MISSIONS – PICK UP AN OCMC DONATION BOX FOR YOUR HOME S everal years ago, the Patriarchs and other heads of all of the world’s Orthodox Churches met in Constantinople. They issued a far-reaching statement which included the following in relation to missionary work: “…evangelization of those who do not believe in Christ constitutes the supreme duty of the Church.” And further they said, “all Orthodox Churches must contribute to this missionary effort….” Here in the United States, world-wide Orthodox Mission work is organized, implemented, and supported through the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), a Pan-Orthodox agency headquartered in St. Augustine, Florida. OCMC sends long-term Missionaries as well as short-term teams to many countries. A number of our faithful from St. Demetrios have served on these teams over the past 25 years. OCMC also provides stipends to indigenous clergy; assists with theological training and translations; works to establish offices in mission countries for development and philanthropic work, establishes programs in women groups; builds churches, schools, and medical facilities; fosters self-help initiatives; sets up revolving loan funds; drills wells; helps orphans; and more. How can we help with this “supreme duty?” Pray for Orthodox missions and missionaries. Offer generous financial support through regular donations. See the OCMC display in the hallway outside the Bookstore and pick up a donation box for your home. For more information, go to or contact Eugenia Macris at 425 -888-1327 or [email protected] Thank you in advance for helping to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 28:19-20) VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED FOR THE ESTIATORIO! The Estiatorio Booth needs volunteers! All shifts available. We would appreciated your help. Thank you, Chris and Heidi Stoumbos. In Christ, Dn. Daniel Triant Page 3 Philoptochos News October 2014 Reflections….. and the way forward Saint Demetrios Philoptochos Contacts: As I enter into my last season as your Philoptochos president, I am thinking about the legacy I would like to leave. To me, the mission of Philoptochos is love….. how do we love each other and how do we love those less fortunate than we are? I have had the privilege for six years of working with a committed group of women who serve not only our parish but others in the local, national and international community who need our help. It has been an honor to be a part of making a difference in the lives of so many. Our mission statement says it best: President: Susan Reichmann [email protected] 425.772.1605 “To aid the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, the victims of disasters, to undertake the burial of impoverished persons and to offer assistance to anyone who may need the help of the Church through fund raising efforts.” St. Martin de Porres Men’s Shelter: Helen Kalasountas 425 641.0472 Thank you for your loving support of me all these years and please join me in making my last year the very best it can be. Welcome Diakonissa Michelle! Camp Agape NW: Georgia Gianacos Steenis [email protected] 206.419.6867 Dress for Success: Georgene Karambelas 206.829.9337 Jubilee Women’s Shelter: Georgene Karambelas 206.829.9337 Sunshine: Alice Panagakis 206.524.3290 Visitation: Kathy Mitalas [email protected] 206.824.8511 Upcoming Meeting Schedule: All are welcome to attend our meetings and events:   October 16th - cook for St Martin de Porres Men’s Shelter October 19th – regular meeting at church after Divine Liturgy October 22nd – cook for Jubilee Women’s Shelter November 2nd – memorial for our departed Philoptochos Sisters November 9th – regular meeting at church after Divine Liturgy November 20th - cook for St Martin de Porres Men’s Shelter November 26th - cook for Jubilee Women’s Shelter Thank you to all of the Philoptochos ladies who hosted the beautiful baby shower for Deacon Daniel and Diakonissa Michelle on Sunday, September 28th. Alice Panagakis and her decorating committee transformed the large hall while Penny Sakellaris and her committee served a delicious lunch. The ministries of the church presented their gifts and many other gifts were given by individual parishioners. Thank you ladies of Philoptochos and everyone who came to celebrate Baby Triant who is due November 15th.   Please Join Us for the Sinatra Chocolate Wine Ball Your Sister in Christ, Susan Reichmann, President 425.772.1605 [email protected] th Sunday, November 16 please join Camp Agape Northwest for an elegant evening at Herban Feast. Our 6th annual celebration will feature a seasonal dinner menu, Washington wines and chocolatiers, and the music of Frank Sinatra. Proceeds from the event will benefit Camp Agape, a camp for children with cancer and their families. This year there will not be an auction. Tickets are available at for $100 or if purchased by Sunday, October 12 th only $90 per person. Tables of 10 are available for $875. Camp Agape will have a table at the festival to tell the story of our camp and tickets will be available there. For more information, contact [email protected] or call 425.772.1605. Regional Philoptochos Conference January 31, 2015 A regional conference is being planned at Saint Demetrios for Saturday, January 31, 2015. Our Metropolis President Jeannie Ranglas will join us for this very special day. One of our sessions will be presented by New Horizon Ministries, a local organization partnering with youth in Seattle to exit street life. Another will be our own Jubilee Women’s Shelter. Other speakers will address the issue of domestic violence. The day will begin with coffee and registration and lunch will be served. Please mark your calendars for this informative day. All are welcome, this is not a �ladies only’ event.    Thank you from Jubilee Women’s Center! A special Thank You to Maria Cooper and Family for providing a delicious dinner to our sisters in need for the month of September, in memory of her husband, Paul. Daughters Katina Ruh and Alexa Thompson, along with Maria’s sister Eleni Christo, prepared and served the much enjoyed home cooked meal and friendship. Thank You also, to Holly Poulias for her very generous monetary donation in memory of Evangelos and Ioanna Poulias. This will go towards providing a meal in the near future. Providing for Jubilee Women’s Center is a ministry of our Philoptochos, but is open for support to all parishioners. JWC provides housing, educational resources and a free Clothing boutique to homeless and low-income women. For donations or questions, please contact: Georgene Karambelas (206) 829-9337 [email protected] Page 4 Youth Ministry News 2014 Upcoming Events Help Needed at the Festival Youth Booth Shifts are Friday, October 10: 11 am to 4:30 pm and 4:30 pm to 9 pm Saturday, October 11: 9 am to 3 pm and 3 pm to 9 pm Sunday, October 12: Noon to 4 pm and 4 pm to 8 pm Sign up online at Orthodoxy on Tap - October 22nd Monthly Discussions for our Young Adults All college students and young adults are invited to Orthodoxy on Tap. This ministry is a chance for us to meet and talk about our faith in a social environment. Join us for our next meeting on Wednesday, October 22nd at 7:30 p.m. at Varlamos Pizzeria at 3617 NE 45th St. Please RSVP if you can make it. Contact Lefteris Sitaras at 206-631-2504 October 5 - GOYA Oath of Office 10-12 - Greek Festival 22 - Orthodoxy on Tap 26 - St. Demetrios Feast Celebration November 1 - 11 am- GOYAns prepare Large Hall for festival 5 pm Harvest Festival for all families 21-23 GOYA Youth Retreat in Portland December 14 - HOPE & JOY Ornament Making 21 - Sunday School Christmas Play and Pictures with Santa 22 - Christmas Caroling followed by Hot Chocolate and a Charity Project 31 - New Year’s Eve Celebration RSVP NOW FOR NOVEMBER EVENTS! GOYA Harvest Festival Set-Up Saturday November 1 All GOYAns are needed to help set up for the Family Harvest Festival. We will decorate the large hall, prepare the snacks and meal, set-up the games and build the GOYA Maze of Mystery! We will begin set up at 11:00 am and be done around 2 pm in the afternoon. Please RSVP to Harvest Festival Chair, Paul Dudunakis at 206-200-7038 or our youth director, Lefteris Sitaras at 206-631-2504 Family Harvest Festival November 1, 2014 All Family, Friends, Brothers and Sisters of HOPE & JOY Youth are invited to our annual Harvest Festival on Saturday, November 1st. Activities include the GOYA Maze of Mystery, Family Games, Costume Contest, Prizes and much more! Activities begin at 5 p.m. with dinner served at 5:30 p.m. Admission is $30 per family GOYA Fall Retreat November 21-23rd Camp Angelos Retreat Center in Sandy, Oregon Join us for a weekend of fun, spiritual discussions, fellowship, reflection, campfire, games, and more! Begins: Friday, November 21st. Meet at 6 pm at St. Demetrios for the bus Ends: Sunday, November 23rd at noon. The bus will return to St. Demetrios between 3:30 and 4:30 pm. For: Jr. & Sr. GOYAns in Grades 7-12 Cost: $100 per person Registration forms available at Registration Deadline is Monday, November 10. No Late Registrations will be accepted. Contact Lefteris Sitaras with questions at 206631-2504 or [email protected] We hope to see you there!!! Please RSVP to Lefteris Sitaras at 206-631-2504 Page 5 Stewardship update For our 2014 Stewardship Campaign, we currently have 487 stewards who have returned their signed pledge cards and have pledged $ 452,098 Our goal for 2014 is $535,000. Remember that you can arrange for automatic payments through your bank or paypal. (go to We thank the below stewards for their contributions! The Stewardship Committee Steve and Eva Aaron John and Margaret Ales Andrew and Vicky Aliferakis Christopher Anagnostopoulos Dina Anast Irene Anastasiou Larry and Aikaterine Anderson Rothopi Andrews Fr. John and Presb. Anna Angelis Theodore and Kim Angelis Dn. Perry and Fran Angelos Evangelos and Magdaline Angelou Basil Anton George and Dina Apostolou K.G. and Kostoula Apostolou Serafim and Eva Apostolou Scott and Fotini Arehart Clifford and Theodora Argue Patricia Arvanitidis Yeshareg Asfaha Andrew and Carole Asimakopoulos Anna Asimakopoulos Brent and Rhea Aslin Bill and Voula Athan John and Stella Athans Kostas and Linda Avlonitis Niko and Kiriaky (Carrie) Avlonitis Nancy Aziz John and Zacharou Babarakos Pat Bacolas William and Dina Bakamus Josh and Eleni Banchero Thomas and Maria Barbas Eleni Athans and George Bariames George and Frances Barnecut Greg Bartell and Fotini Georgiadou Bassam and Duaa Bayouk Gabriel Bayouk George and Alice Bayouk Lena Bayouk Brandon and Molly Bede Anastasia Bekris Hristos and Diamando Bekris Konstantinos Bekris Helen Benis Kay Betts Zachariah and Aliki Birkenbuel Panagiotis and Demetra Biros Neena Blackwell Joanne Blankenburg Maria Bollman Andrew and Rosalie Boulieris Gus Boutsinis 2014 Stewards: Joshua and Ashley Brockmeyer Jeffrey and Allison Brooks John and Theodora Broutzakis Frank and Shelley Buhler Steve and Chryssa Calandrillo Lance and Soraya Campbell Constantine Carkonen Nick and Vanessa Carkonen Paul and Paulette Carkonen Calliope Carras Efthemia Carras Eleni Carras Nick Castas Susanna Cerasuolo Douglas and Jillian Chandler Mark Charonis Chris and Effie Chriest Ron and Vicky Christianson Eleni Christo Constantinos and Jeannine Christofilis Demetrios and Katherine Christofilis John and Helen Christofilis Anastasios and Voula Christophilis Dino and Nikki Christophilis Margo Christophilis Kosta and Maria Christopoulos Dino and Heather Christothoulou Edward and Anastasia Clarke Daniel and Vicky Cohen Jeffrey and Katie Comstock Madeline Conom Debbie Constantine-Skouras O. George and Kay Constantine Paul Constantine Elefteria Contoravdis Tom and Evelyn Contoravdis Olivia Contos Gus and Margaret Cooper Maria Cooper Jerry and Eva Costacos Barbara Cotton Maria Cotton Gus Courounes Jerry and Nicoleta Courounes Renee Courounes Dale and Marianna Crane Donald and Laura Crews Christos and Judith Dagadakis Eftihia Dagadakis George and Angela Dalas Mary Dallas-Smith Mary Damascus Daniel and Angela Daoura Marguerite Daoura Pamela Darvirris and Andrew Heidt Vince Davis and Effe Manolakos Bettye DeLappe George and Alexandra Delegans Sam and Vicki Deliganis Nicholas and Stella Demonakos Presv. Artemis Demopulos Peter and Diane Demopulos Ryan and Demetra Dennis Volodymyr and Olivera Derevyanyy Sophia Derezes Dimitrios and Maria Devekos Nick and Athena Diafos Darden Dickson Panagiotis and Voula Dikeakos Stephanie Dikeakos Vasili and Katherine Dikeakos John and Aksenia Dikun John and Julie Doces Kay Doces Thelma Doces Voula Dodd Athena Doolittle Joseph and Manal Doughly Gus and Gregoria Dounis Paul and Anna Dremousis David and Nicole Drumhiller Katherine Drumhiller Robert and Janie Drumhiller Thomas and Pandora Christie Dudler Kenneth and Kristina Dudunakis Fr. Photios and Presb. Katherine Dumont Robert and Andrea Tsiakilos Dunbar Kevin and Trina Durgan James and Janis Dyment Chris and Marla Economou George and Elizabeth Economou Hatziantoniou Richard and Christina Economou Grunder Mary P. Economou Litsa Edwards Sophia and David Eitel-Mcshea Helen and Arianna Exarhos Nicolette Farmasonis Petros and Colleen Farmasonis Yemane and Sharon Glein Fecadu Dan and Helen Ferrelli Alex and Anna Fleet Georgios and Maria Flemetakis Matthew and Alexandra Flugstad Irene Fotes John and Athanasia Franks Loukas and Zoe Ganoulis Nick Ganoulis Page 6 Our Stewards... Panagiotis and Nicoletta Gennaios Meletis and Theodora Geokezas Demetri and Sherri Georgakopoulos Panayiota Georgas Dan George Evan George Harry and Mary George Tyler and Anastasia Geving Konstantinos and Mary Ann Giakoumatos Kyriakos and Sandi Gianotas Michael and Wanda Gikas Elaine and Lars Giusti Katina Gotsis Gary and Kathy Gookstetter Basil Gregores Robert and Danielle Griffith Efy Grivas James and Shawn Hages Eissa Hanna Joann Hanna Dorothy Haskell Neil and Terri Hawdon Dale Hazapis Helen Heuer John and Maria Hillman Patrick and Vickie Howard Mary Hulbush Stavros and Elsa Ioannou Peter and Demetra Jacobsen Carlos Jimenez and Eleni Lagos John and Emilie John James and Pota Johnson Jeff and Johanna Jones John and Natalie Kusulos Jury Panagiotis and Rena Kalasountas Jim Kaloris George and Christina Kaltsounis Theodore and Maria Kaltsounis Vicky Kangles John and Virginia Kapelouzos Elia Karagiannis Maurice and Carmen Karagiorgos James and Georgene Karambelas Evangelos and Ellia Karantonis JoAnna and Thomas Pallua Karas Tim and Nadine Karas Francine Karavias Spiros and Zoe Karimbakas Anthony and Sarah Karis Nick and Nancy Karis Terry and Hannah Karis Christine Karzmar Aimee Kassir Nicholas and Kalliopi Katholos Matthew and Sophia Katinas Jean Katsandres Gregory and Angela Kavounas Teresa Kazaras Stephen and Ann-Marie Keeney Constantine and Helen Kefalas Peter Kenny Timothy and Sofia Kenny Bishara and Diane Kharoufeh Don and Kathy Klausing Joshua and Karen Knabe Brian and Jiovanna Koceski James and Vickie Kolios Morris Alexander and Leta Kolios Evyenia Kollia and Naguib Youssef Vivie Kollias George and Maria Kost James and Patti Kost Louie and Vicky Kotsakis Petros Koumantaros Yiannis Koumantaros Panos and Toula Koutlas Charles and Nicolette Krekas Helene A. Krikris Gary Kuhar Ales and Dena Kusulos Angela Kusulos Harold Kusulos Peter Kyriacou Steven and Annie Kyriakides Yota Maria Kyriakos Kostas and Linda Kyrimis Angelos and Katerina Lagos Tsakopoulos Demetrios and Evangelia Lagos George and Eleni Lagos Michael and Lena LaMarche James and Sharon Langus Angelina and Henry Larson Vasilios and Emorfia Lazarou Christopher and Julie Legeros Jason and Sanaz Lemelson Dean and Kathleen Lentgis Thomas Leonidas Jeffrey and Tina Lewis John and Polette Limantzakis Johnette (Limantzakis) and Yiannis Panopoulos Johnny and Lucy Limantzakis Bill and Florence Lolos Glen and Georgine Looney Asimo Loukas George and Giannoula Lymberis Paul and Rebecca Lymberis Chris and Paula Macris Eugenia Macris Greg and Mia Macris Wendell and Demitrula Madison Emanuel and Dina Magoulas Louis and Mary Malesis Helen Malevitsis Nina I. Melevitsis Samuel and Sarah Mallos Bechara and Xiomara Mallouk Luca and Danika Manfredi Nicky Manitaras Pete and Georgia Manolakos Demetris and Emily Manolopoulos Stilianos and Kari Manos James and Mary Lou Manus Stephanos and Paula Margaritis James Markezinis John and Kelly Markezinis Anthony and Alexandra Maroussis Ted and Ariane Maroutsos Yianni Maroutsos Jean Mastor Constantine and Areti Mavromatis George and Vera Mazoonin Lillian C. McDermott David and Georgia McFarlan Christina Meletis Michael and Kelly Meyers Michael and Elaine Michaelidis Andreas and Irene Mitalas Katherene Mitalas Chuck and Anne Mitsakos Walter and Frances Moldskred Dorothea Mootafes Alexandros and Maria Moroseos James and Sandra Mykris Pete and Carol Mykris Bettyann Nassar Peter Neckas Sandy Neckas James and Stella Nelson Kristin Nelson James and Carolyn O’Donnell Shirley Olsen Insaf and Madison Oraivej Jonathan and Stephanie Otis Yacoub and Ruba Oweis Anthony and Elaine Pagones Bill Pallis Chris and Rebecca Pallis Chris and Vasiliki Pallis Elli Pallis Margie Pallis Evangelos and Anastasia Pampoukas Alice Panagakis Froso Panagiotopoulos Sophia Panagiotopoulos James and Ursula Panagiotou John and Lisa Panagiotou Sam and Colleen Panagiotou Evgenia Pangopoulos Artemios and Rebecca Panos Steve Panos Gregory and Stellee Papadeas George Papanastasiou George and Lora Pappas Ryan and Stacy Parnell Norman and Frances Parr Christopher and A. Ellie Pedersen Robert and Penelopy Perkins Claire Pess George and Susan Pess Irene Peterson Kristopher and Clara Peterson Helen Petratos William Phillips (Continued on Page 10) Page 7 Page 8 Announcements Weddings and Baptisms Weddings: ongratulations to Yianni and Kristina (Sotomayor) Maroutsos who were married on September 13th, 2014. Their Koumbaro is Gregory g. Plumis. “Na zesoun!” C Baptisms: ongratulations to Volodymyr and Olivera Derevyanyy whose daughter, Katarina, was baptized on September 7, 2014. Her sponsors are Ilija Orlovic and Radojka Manojlovic. “Na sas zese!” C Yiayia & Friends O ur next Yiayia & Friends luncheon is on Thursday, October 2, at Romeo's Restaurant and Pizzeria, located at 21110 76th Avenue West in Edmonds. Time is 11:30 a.m. We have a room set aside for our group, and there is plenty of parking available. The restaurant appreciates knowing how many to expect so they can adequately accommodate us. For questions and reservations, please contact Mary Damascus, preferably by email: [email protected] (or alternately by phone: 509 -951-2975) . Please note: When calling from a home phone/ land line, you will need to dial 1 before entering my phone number. I hope to see everyone there! We welcome any new yiayiades and friends to our group, so if you know anyone who would like to join us, please feel free to bring them! Bookstore News: With the arrival of many new books, icons, and Byzantine gift items, we will be moving to the larger Fr. Homer Library for our annual Festival. Come see our expanded selection before they’re all gone! October is a great month for celebrating the saints of the Orthodox Church; this year, the feast of patron saint, the Great Martyr Demetrios will be on a Sunday (October 26 th). Although appointed by Emperor of Rome as the military commander of Thessalonica, he was not ashamed to proclaim Christ as his true King and God. His teaching zeal converted many to the Christian faith, including St. Nestor. Sts. Demetrios and Nestor were martyred for their unshakable faith and they are now powerful intercessors for us before the Lord; let us call on them for help throughout the day and in our times of struggle. If you would like to know more about the life of St. Demetrios, our bookstore has literature and icons available. Our Condolences W e express our deep Condolences to Ruba Oweis and her family for the passing of her mother, Evlin Alsawalha. May her memory be eternal! “Aiwniva authv~ h mnhvmh!” OCMC AGAPE Canisters - Get One for Your Business S mall change can make a difference. The Orthodox Christian Mission Center's AGAPE Canister program provides much-needed funds to support critical needs of people in Mission countries around the world. Money collected in the canisters which are placed in local businesses across the U.S. such as restaurants, grocery stores, retail shops, and other businesses goes to medical care, agricultural development, schools, and related projects. If you own or manage a business and would be willing to place one of these canisters by your cash register, please contact our parish OCMC Ambassador Eugenia Macris at 425-888-1327 or [email protected]. For more information go to Thank you in advance for showing your love to less fortunate peoples. Sunday School Update T hank you to the Sunday School parents and grandparents for your monetary donations! No Sunday School on October 12; we will resume classes on October 19, in the individual classrooms. Parent volunteers are needed for the Sunday School Christmas Program on December 21. For more information, please contact Paula Charuhas Macris at [email protected]. Festival Baking Schedule and Thank You for Festival Donations O ur Festival dates this year are, October 10, 11 & 12. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend and most importantly to help for baking, pre-package and the set-up. Festival Baking Schedule: October 1, 2, 3: Pre-package Pastries October 6: Make Kataifi October 7 & 8: Make Tsourekia October 9: Make Galactoboureko We wish to thank Peter and Georgia Manolakos and Evgenia Pangopoulos of “White Center Pizza” for their donation of 500 Lbs. Flour; Thelma Doces, Gary Kuhar, Helen Malevitsis, Jim and Carolyn O’Donnell, Sam and Elly Treperinas, and Demetra Xenos, for their monetary donation. Also, we wish to thank John and Polette Limantzakis for their monetary donation in memory of their sympethera, Eleni Papanastasi, and Phillip Feredinos of “Greek House” restaurant for the Bronze level sponsorship. Your generosity is truly appreciated! Coffee Hour—November 16th S eattle Daughters of Penelope with AHEPA and Maids of Athena #2 will host the Coffee Hour on November 16th to celebrate their “Founder’s Day”. They will be collecting nonperishable foods for our friends at the NW Harvest; please bring your canned/non perishable goods that day. Also, there will be a raffle for a beautiful basket at the coffee hour and the proceeds will help support our needy families for the holidays. Hope to see you on November 16th! Page 9 Parish Council President’s Message October 2014 Dear Saint Demetrios Parishioners, On behalf of the Parish Council, I would like to welcome Deacon Daniel and Diakonissa Michelle to our parish. We celebrated their arrival at the coffee hour on September 20 th and the impending arrival of their first child at a baby shower during the coffee hour hosted by the Philoptochos on September 27 th. Both the Deacon and Diakonissa have commented often about the warm welcome they have received from our parish and how much they are enjoying getting to know our parishioners. We are glad they are here and look forward to working with both of them. Our stewardship campaign for 2014 continues and if you haven’t signed and returned your pledge card for 2014, I hope you will soon. Stewardship is what sustains our Church and its ministries so that we can operate our programs and provide for our church families. Thank you to those who have already returned their pledge cards and thank you in advance to those who will send their cards. Our 2015 stewardship campaign begins in November and each Sunday of the month will highlight stewardship. Sunday, November 16th will showcase the ministries of the church during the coffee hour. I encourage you to consider your commitment of time, treasure and talent to our beloved Church. In addition to stewardship, the Twilight Auction and our festival, the ministries of our church offer many opportunities for our parishioners to be involved in church life. We hope you will join us to make our church family stronger than ever. Planning is in full swing for our 2014 Greek Festival and help is still needed. Please contact Jim Kost at [email protected] to volunteer. Festival dates are October 10th, 11th and 12th and I hope you will join us in this fun parish wide celebration. This fundraiser is very important to our parish and your participation is crucial. No job is too small - please consider what you can do to help as there are many volunteer spots available. Thank you to those of you already hard at work. We appreciate you! Sunday, October 26th is the feast day of our church and the Parish Council will be preparing a special luncheon for the occasion. I hope you will join us to celebrate our beloved Saint Demetrios Church and its rich history. As your Parish Council president, I join our Parish Council members and officers in service to each member of our parish. We are a resource for you and we hope that you will contact us so that we may be of assistance to you. Sincerely, George Tsantilas, Parish Council President [email protected] CITIZEN OF THE YEAR NOMINATIONS P lease submit your nominations for the Citizen of the Year award to be announced at St. Demetrios Feast Day on October 26th, 2014. Please send your written nominations to the Church Office (attn.: Parish Council), by October 19th. Our Stewards… (continued from Page 7) Harry and Alethea Platis George and Diana Plumis Kristina Plumis Paul and Pamela Plumis David and Toula Poletti Theologia Polizos Andonios and Evangelia Polychronopoulos Nikolaos and Charekleia Poulias Lia Preftes Anna Prineas Eleftheria Proios Christos and Tammy Psichos Nicholas and Anastasia Raissis Robert and Despina Read Susan Reichmann James Retelas Harry and Evie Rigas Erik and Nicole Rolfness Sorin and Maria Rotar Cathy Rottle Adele Rottle-Williams Chris Roumeliotis Kary Roumeliotis Kayla Roumeliotis Christina Routos Ted Routos Emanuel and Marilyn Rouvelas Gordon and Katina Ruh Brad and Renee Russell Mark and Angelique Saffle Chris and Dina Saites John Sakas and Paris Johnson Dena Sakelaris John and Penelope Sakellaris Pantazis and Katina Samolis Katherine Sampson Philip and Barbara Sancken Arthur Saridakis Angelos and Penelopi Savranakis Patrick and Ioanna Schmidt Alexandra Schwenke George Seal and Alithia Squires Alexandra Serpanos Iyad and Christina Shahwan Mike and Elaina Shemeta Annette Shepherd Simoni Shirland Tanya Shirland Stella Siamatas Page 10 Our Stewards… Memorials and Vigil Lights Holy Altar Candles from last month (Continued from Page 10) Christos and Agapi Siskos Demetrios and Stamatina Skepetaris Nikolaos and Brenda Skokos Alexander and Vassie Skoulis Sofia Smetheram Irene Sotirhos John Soudas Alicia Sourapas Steve Sourapas Jeff and Angela Sourapas Jones Stavros and Aimee Sourelos Audrey Southas Gus and Nancy Spiropulos Pauline Spyridis George and Joanna Staikos George and Thalia Stamatoyannopoulos George and Zoe Stamolis Gregory and Vicky Stamolis Vasilike Stamos Thelma Stasinos Alexi J. Stavros John A. and Dimitra Stavros Peter A. and Maria Stavros Vlasi J. Stavros Phyllis Steen Kevin and Georgia Steenis Andy and Joann Stergachis Andrew Stergachis and Emily Brice Michael and Christine Stollings Chris and Heidi Stoumbos Eugene and Cleo Supernaw Marco and Christina Tapia Linda Tavernarakis Bryan and Stacy Taylor Kevin and Angela Taylor Stephen and Georgia Teodosiadis Demetri Themelis Perry and Billie Jo Therson Vance and Alexa Thompson Brian and Mary Thurber Spyros and Niki Todoulos Christto and Dorothea Tolias Irene Tolias Kegan and Nichole Tosto Evangelia Tountas Antonios and Antonia Touras Nikolas Touras Harry and Angela Tourikis Athan and Cindy Tramountanas Emmanuel and Peggy Tramountanas George and Dana Tramountanas James and Barbara Trehearne George and Thelma Treperinas Sam and Elly Treperinas Steve and Cindy Treperinas Vasilios and Dionisia Tsafos Sam and Stephanie Tsakonas George and Eftihia Tsantilas Stavroula Tsantilas Stavros Tsitsis George and Susan Tsoukalas Michael and Jodi Tveit Dometios and Georgia Tziotis Ourania Tziotis Yiannis and Katerina Tziotis Liz Valauri and Ivan Orton Jordan and Emily Vardell John and Karin Varlamos Kosta and Judy Varlamos Nick and Eleni Varlamos Vasilis and Nina Varlamos Peter and Maria Vassiliou Irina Visintainer Demetrios and Aspasia Voltsis Evangelos Voltsis Darlene Vyzis Mia Vyzis Mia (Efthemia) Vyzis Elliott and Demetra Waldron J. Robert and Effie Walker John Walker Rob and Katherine Watson George Webb and Anastasia Deliganis William and Darlene Weigle Joann West Brett and Yvonne Willard Vivian Williamson Edmund Wood and Cathy Chohlas Melissa Wyatt Demetra Xenos Emmanuel J. Xenos John Xenos Spiros and Voula Xenos John and Andreanna Zafiropoulos Anthony Zardis Nicholas and Lizabeth Zardis Arvid and Sophia Zervas Berg John and Mary Ellen Zoulas Two Holy Altar Table Vigil Lights were offered on September 7th for Good Health for Chris Legeros, by Demetra Xenos and Glen and Georgine Looney. The Eight Holy Altar Table Vigil Lights and a donation to the Dance Group were offered on September 21st in loving memory of Helen Falangus (forty years since her passing), by her children, Anna and Paul Dremousis, Peggy and Manuel Tramountanas, Michael and Elaine Falangus and their families. A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light was offered on September 28th in loving memory of Kyriakos Krikris (in honor of his nameday), by his wife, Helene Krikris. Memorials and Holy Altar Candles for October 5th A Memorial Service, a Holy Altar Table Vigil Light and a donation to the Dance Group (in lieu of the Coffee Hour) are offered in loving memory of Costa Christothoulou (twenty years since his passing), by his wife, Tula Christothoulou, and his sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren. A One-Year Memorial Service and a Holy Altar Table Vigil Light are offered in loving memory of Diana Gikas Dorough, by her parents, Michael and Wanda Gikas, her brother Michael Gikas and niece and nephew, Lean and Adam Gikas. A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of George Malevitsis, by his wife, Helen Malevitsis, their children and grandchildren. Two Holy Altar Table Vigil Lights are offered in loving memory of Constantine and Jennie Milonopoulos (forty years and twelve years since their passing), by their daughter and son-in-law, Nicoleta and Jerry Courounes and Family. The Eight Holy Altar Table Vigil Lights are offered in loving memory of Constantine and Jennie Milonopoulos (forty years and twelve years since their passing), by Tess Andrina and Family. Memorials and Holy Altar Candles for October 19th A Four-Year Memorial Service is offered in loving memory of Theophania Bonanno, by her sister, Diaconissa Michelle Triant and Family. The Eight Holy Altar Table Vigil Lights are offered in loving memory of Demetrios (Jim) Mitalas (twelve years since his passing), by his wife, Kathy Mitalas and their children, Vickie and Jeff Stenfors, Stacy and Bryan Taylor and grandchildren, Katherine and Michael, Jimmy and Jake. A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of Efthemios Kollias (twenty-seven years since his passing), by his wife, Vivie Kollias, their children and grandchildren. Holy Altar Candles for October 26th A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of her beloved yiayia, Carry Kyreacos (thirty-one years since her passing), by her granddaughter, Bettye DeLappe and Family. A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of Peggy C. Moore (nine years since her passing), by her daughter and son-in-law, Vicky and Ron Christianson and grandsons, Andrew and Nicholas. A Holy Altar Table Vigil Light is offered in loving memory of Peggy C. Moore (nine years since her passing), by her sons, John and Jim Xenos. Page 11 PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT SEATTLE, WA The Orthodox Way (USPS 600-160) Published Monthly by St. Demetrios Church 2100 Boyer Ave. East, Seattle, WA 98112 Postmaster send address changes to: The Orthodox Way 2100 Boyer Avenue East Seattle, WA 98112 ST. DEMETRIOS The Greek Orthodox Monastery of St. John The Honorable Forerunner in Goldendale, GREEK FESTIVAL OCTOBER 10, 11, 12 Friday: 12 p.m.—9 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m.—9 p.m. Sunday: 12 p.m.—7 p.m. Authentic Greek Food & Pastries Live Greek Music and Dance Performance Taverna with Greek Wine & Beer Shuttle Park Services from Seattle Prep & Montlake Elementary School Large Tent—Come Rain or Shine! WA Please set aside: Saturday, November 1, 2014 for “A Saturday Retreat for Families” with Archimandrite Demetrios Carellas Fr. Demetrios will be speaking once again on: "Come let us go to the Mountain of the Lord..." Part III The Third and final Part of a Patristic Journey into the Beatitudes 10:00 am Session 1 The Beatitudes 11:30 am Session 2 The Beatitudes ** 1:00 pm Lunch 2:00 pm Session 3 The Beatitudes 3:15 pm Clean up and visit the monastery *** 6:00 pm Great Vespers at the Monastery Cost: The cost will be $20 for adults 18 and older; $35 for a family. You may pay when you arrive. But... please do not allow cost to deter you from coming! Directions: The sessions will be held at the monastery guesthouse next to the Gift shop/Deli, about 10 miles north of Goldendale, Washington just off Highway 97. ** Lunch will be included. Please call (509) 575-0145 so that we may estimatethe number to prepare lunch for. "Yes, I am a Christian; and in the spirit of my life, I will strive so that the Beatitudes, given to us by our Lord, will become - as it were - the beating of my heart." Archbishop Andrei (ROCOR) The Above are Contributed Announcements to The Orthodox Way Page 12
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