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The Publisher accepts no responsibility for reproduction of advertising artwork where a colour digital proof has not been supplied. good.net.nz Carbon neutral Made in New Zealand style food craft garden health beauty issue 27 NZ$7.90 Au$8.90 SUPREME MAGAZINE OF THE YEAR the magaZIne awards 2012 Simply Scrumptious edible gifts to make RAW MILK tHE HEALtHIER CHOICE? 25 SIMPLE SOLUtIONS for ugly lounges Natural fixes for your heAdAches CROQUEt a beginner's guide Expert parenting tips: FOR HAPPIER HOLIDAYS gOOD.NEt.Nz Carbon neutral NOV/DEC 2012 Made in new Zealand for a 101 ideas stress-free Christmas and beyond Best local Living simply and living well FROCKS WINE & gORgEOUS gIFtS and where to find them! The Good world is luscious, warm, nurturing and authentic – it inspires women to create a wholesome, healthy life for themselves, their children and future generations. Good targets intelligent, motivated women aged between 25-55, who seek to live simply but also to live well. Good readers are well educated (62% have tertiary qualifications) with high incomes (20% above national average). They’re not necessarily �greenies’, but are interested in issues of personal development, social justice, health and wellbeing. Just over half of Good readers have children, a known motivator of healthy and eco-friendly living. Good readers seek information to help them make smarter consumer and lifestyle choices, and they consider Good a trusted information source and inspirational lifestyle guide. Typical reading time is 54 minutes (10 minutes longer than the average) and Good’s primary readers spend a whopping 110 minutes reading Good (30 minutes above average), while 85% talk to others about what they read in magazines. Good engages readers through a multimedia channel incorporating Good’s website, e-newsletter and Facebook page, trade fairs, radio slots and a popular events series. Winner – Supreme Magazine of the Year The Magazine Awards 2012 The stats Circulation 12,675* Readership 64,000* Subscribers 7,600+ Frequency Bi-monthly Cover price $9.90 Judges’ comments: “Heeringa is offering something new and topical. She does so using a completely appropriate format. She is philosophically consistent and has a clear feel for her readers and their interests. This editor is on target, very focused and the magazine does what it says on the label. Overall, a good read in a nicely designed magazine.” Canon Media Awards 2011, 2012 Best Magazine Design E-newsletter 8,549 Website unique users per month 27,398 Website page views 148,512 (New visits 26.81%**) Facebook 8,694+ likes Facebook weekly total reach 31,489 The Magazine Awards 2012 – Lifestyle category *Nielsen Media Topline Q1 2013 - Q4 2013 The Magazine Awards 2013 **Clicky Web Analytics 1 Feb - 31 May Magazine of the Year Best Cover Sarah Heeringa, Editor of the Year Rebekah White, Journalist of the Year Sally Fullam, Designer of the Year Sarah Heeringa, Editor of the Year (circ. under 25,000) 1 MEEt thE faMiLiES two cats and three Anna company. their two-year-old daughter tile house is a 1960s brick and Home sweet home have added underfloor to which ian and Sarah they’ve also got a dVS and ceiling insulation. Selfkeep the place aired. ventilation system to they ian and Sarah reckon confessed greenies, compared to most. don’t use a lot of power says are ways we could save,” “But i’m sure there consumption Sarah. “i know our power a baby and me soared with having being at home.” our power! Taking conTrol of your household save? n, how much power could Energy to help Given the right informatio tool just launched by Mercury This issue GEM is a nifty new online compare their power usage. challenge households measure and who’ve taken on the GEM we meet three Good families come as a Do your power bills ever as to what’s surprise? Are you puzzled If you are a gobbling all your power? you now Mercury Energy customer, the power have the chance to get – and to take back in your own hands you use the guesswork out of how to do to get electricity. All you need and register at started is jump online www.mercury.co.nz what GEM can do* track usage your energy With GEM, you can track If you have usage by bill and by month. even see how a smart meter, you can day and each much you’ve spent by half hour. Predict your next bill your upcoming GEM can predict what heading bill might be and if you’re higher than towards a bill that’s much GEM will send the same time last year, you know. you a helpful email to let compare you to others you are? Wondering how efficient to a group GEM compares your usage Mercury of approximately 100 other and similar in homes that are nearby to compare size. This enables you your usage to similar homes. donna and aiden Swain has Simpl household y Good the Swains’ Food seven members – donna, aged Aiden, their four children years between two and 19 mercury. old, and a cat, called and Home is a modern brick tile townhouse. it’s insulated and sunny, but not hugely a lack of passive ventilation fan on means they need the they in summer. donna says use lots of power compared wonders to their friends and if it’s due to their teenagers’ long showers, telly-watching keen donna and Aiden are and playstation use. savings! and make some real to change family habits cornes Evelyn and russelldouglas, four-month-old Evelyn, russell, two-year-old live in a classic dogs ruby and Keidis rocky and their two zero insulation,” “Until last year, it had 1950s ex-state house. the ceilings are pink Batts above says Evelyn. “now there Evelyn, the some of the floor areas.” and silver paper under in winter, a home during the day. kids and the dogs stay in the plus two column heaters heat pump in the lounge warm. though help keep the family children’s bedrooms the front when even Evelyn says draughts are an issue, flow”! “lots of indoor outdoor door is closed there’s can catch any savings they to keen are the Cornes more efficient. – plus make their home plan Build your own savings your about GEM provides information on how to save usage, but also advice Simply set a savings Antipasti, energy and money. spreads and oils by Delmaine Fine savings energy Foods, and then choose www.delmaine.co.nz goalWine by Quartz that’ll help www.quartzre tips to build a planReef, ef.co.nz you meet your target. Good readers are more likely to put quality ahead of cost Jump online at www.good.net.nz or www.mercury.co.nz to see our Good families in action! next issue (#31) we’ll check back to see how they’re doing. not a Mercury customer 10% but want to know more about GEM? Go to www.mercury.co.nz Celebrate a special milestone over this deceptively simple dinner for six – with dramatic baked fish and a fabulously indulgent chocola te tart meters. or all types of electricity 2013. are available to all customers billing cycle. Email alerts start in June *not all gEm features into each your bill seven days gEm starts predicting Classic Antipasto AdV2013 home Getting to know Good readers good promotion GEM: Good EnErGy Monitor Lightbodyian and ian and Sarah chooks keep Sarah, Platter An antipasto (or �before the meal’) platter is a tasty marinated and array of roasted vegetables, salty olives, pickles, and other morsels cheeses to whet the appetite. a mix of colours Keep it simple and textures. Add but with slices of fresh artisan and dried or fresh bread fruits and vegetables We used Marinated to suit the season. Artichokes & Feta, & Eggplant, Jumbo Chargrilled Capsicum Kalamata Olives, Queen Green Olives & Ricotta, Sundried Feta Tomatoes in Oil and Caperberrie Delmaine Fine s, all from Foods. Tasting notes Good tip: Pi� of the �op smart shopping A fabulous selection of new, natural, local and eco-friendly goodies to buy la’BoNic Whether from sun exposure or other damaging factors, pigmentation spots can be hard to conceal. La’Bonic Organic Hydra-Brighten ing Moisturiser will help to lighten your complexion. As well as improving uneven skin tone with jasmine, chamomile and marshmallow extracts, this formulation is intensely hydrating for dry skin. www.labonic.com Royal NectaR RejuveNatiNg SeRum Advanced actives and vitamins reduce fine lines, soothe dry and damaged skin, regulate moisture and restore your natural radiance. In an age of throwaway, Thrive stands behind the philosophy of slow fashion, designing enduring NZ made clothes for many figure shapes don’t just survive FReeDom FaRmS New free-range eggs from Freedom Farms are now available at specialty stores and supermarkets nationwide, handily labelled from size M through to XL (forget those other confusing numbers). For stockist details, contact us@freedomfar ms.co.nz THRIVE No ordinary even Photography Jane Ussher good.net.nz 80 good selection iNFoRmal tea Learn more about Informal Tea and buy their delicious handcrafted organic teas online at www.informaltea.co.nz or pop in and see Rose and Sarah at The Bread and Butter Letter, 225 Karangahape Road, Auckland. Nlg HealiNg Styling Rebekah ing White Quartz Reef Methode Traditionnelle is crafted using traditional methods, including riddling and disgorging by hand. It’s a fresh, crisp drop that brings to mind royal gala and brioche. A perfect apples with hints of lime flavours of antipasti. complement to the tart, rich Keep a bottle at the toast the evening’s ready to final moments! good.net.nz 81 A good gathering Mike with a welcome from The evening began Heeringa. by Good editor, Sarah of Kokako, followed to make demonstrated how Craft expert Susan Elijas in Good paper wreath featured the quilted bauble and by delicious got cracking, fuelled #27 – then everyone Blessing and elderflower Bees Kokako nibbles, strawberry Maria. from Yealands and Villa cordials as well as wine of colour shape in a whole host Baubles quickly took paper – snipped from recycled schemes as leaves were snaps more See Good. sheets from including old proof com/goodmag from the night at www.facebook. aRtemiS The better you feel the better you’ll enjoy the time you have on this planet. Artemis produces a range of natural healthcare products for common complaints. Made in Dunedin from organic and wild herbs, Artemis offers safe and effective products for the whole family. www.artemis.co.nz A few of the 100 happy Good readers baubling the night away! Be the first to know about the next Good Gathering - sign up to our e-newsletter at www.good.net.nz www.thrive clothing.c o.nz www.thri veclothi ng.co.nz Mug of love of Good readers talk to others about what they read in magazines Good rate card 64% of Good readers have actually bought something as a result of seeing it in a magazine SizeCasual $8,530 $4,490 $2,470 $1,800 Booking deadlines 20% 33% 85% made of Drinking Chocolate, Kokako’s decadent no cocoa and sugar with pure Fairtrade, organic had a gorgeous makeover. preservatives, has just Rebecca ter Borg created Auckland illustrator the the new box – we love two original works for the side. “I started by cheeky kids hiding around of hot might enjoy a mug thinking where you Rebecca. says chocolate,” shows “One side of the box a mum taking a moment for herself, while on peek another side the kids .nz out.” www.kokako.co Double page Full page 1/2 page 1/3 page Good female readers have personal and household income higher than average of Good household shoppers are more likely to pay more for a better taste by all at our A fabulous time was had 6 first-ever reader night, December Murphy Royal NectaR cReam cleaNSeR Many daily cleansers are harsh and drying. Not this! It gently cleanses, leaving skin soft and oil-free, with a youthful glow. www.nelsonhon ey.co.nz Try NLG Healing Balms for all skin conditions or NLG Healing Colloidal Silver at a fantastic price. 100 percent natural and New Zealand made, all products are made with natural, loving goodness. www.nlghealing .co.nz Food Sarah Heeringa Baked whole fish is the simplest and tastiest method of cooking fish, as well as the most sustainable. Save the head bones to make a delicious and stock. Not sure which fish is okay to buy? Making sustainable seafood choices can be tricky, given the impact of fishing on our oceans. Check out Bird’s Best Fish Guide Forest & (wallet card or downloadable app) forestandbird.org.nz. at www. Greenpeace New Zealand’s Red List names species commonly sold in New Zealand that should be avoided at all costs due to their high risk of being sourced unsustainable fisheries. from at www.good.net.nz/pricRead more eoffish Source: Nielsen Media Services CMI – Q2 2012 to Q1 2013 Issue Booking deadline Material deadlineOn sale #36, May/Jun 2014 #37, Jul/Aug 2014 #38, Sep/Oct 2014 #39, Nov/Dec 2014 #40, Sep/Oct 2014 7 March 9 May 18 July 12 September 4 November 17 March 14 April 19 May 16 June 28 July 25 August 22 September 20 October 14 November22 December • All ads are four colour • The above rates are exclusive of GST • 10% premium applies to the following positions: opposite contents page, inside back cover, opposite editor’s page, second DPS, first right-hand page, other nominated (guaranteed) positions Online rate card good.net.nz Run of site Monthly costs SpecsFile size Big banner Island $1,250 $1,250 728 x 90 300 x 250 25kb 25kb Conta� details Sarah Adams Advertising Sales Manager tel: 09 361 2830 mob: 027 532 7125 email: [email protected] Sarah Heeringa Editor tel: 09 361 2833 email: [email protected] www: good.net.nz facebook: www.facebook.com/goodmag • All online ads include rotation into e-newsletter • Ads are automatically resized for Good’s mobile site and e-newsletter twitter: www.twitter.com/goodmag
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