Steele County Detention Center Inmate In Custody List Made with ledsSuite Printed on November 19, 2014 Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons Charges ABDULLAHI, FAISAL NMN 11/08/14 Owatonna Police New Offense: 609-223 Assault-3rd Degree 609-223 - Assault-3rd Degree ADAMS, AMANDA KAE 10/17/14 Freeborn County Holding for other Agency for Freeborn County Sheriff's Office Page 1 of 45 zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons AKWEI, DENG KANG 11/17/14 Steele County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 169A-35 - Open bottle law. 0 days - Concurrent 169A-25 - DWI - Second-Degree Described ALARCON, RICARDO VALDOVINOS 10/01/14 Owatonna Police New Offense: 152-021 Drugs - 1st Degree Possession 152-021 - Drugs - 1st Degree - Possession ALI, YAKUB IBRAHIM 11/14/14 Owatonna Police Probation / Parole Violation for Owatonna Police Department 629-22 - Parole Violation Page 2 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons ALTEPETER, CODY JAMES ALLEN 08/06/14 Owatonna Police Warrant Arrest: Arrest 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION warrant 74-CR-13-367 issued by Steele County, MN ALZAMORA, MARK CODY 11/03/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Probation / Parole Violation for Dodge County Sheriff's Office 152-09 - Drugs Offenses ANDERSON, SHANE JOSEPH 09/21/14 Blooming Prairie Police New Offense: 609-341 Criminal Sexual Conduct-Definitions 609-341 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-Definitions Page 3 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons ATTIG, KATHY MARIE 11/04/14 Freeborn County Holding for other Agency 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION - Holding for for Freeborn County Another Agency Sheriff's Office AUNAN, ANTHONY JOSEPH 05/09/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-582 - Burglary for MN DOC BAKER, DESHAUN ANTONIO 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-025 - Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule for MN DOC 1,2,3,4 - Not Small Amount Marijuana 152-025 - Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4 - Not Small Amount Marijuana 624-713 - Possess Pistol/Assault Weapon-Conviction or Adjudicated Delinquent for Crime of Violence Page 4 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons BALABAN, AUSTIN JAMES 10/01/14 Kasson Police Holding for other Agency 609-344 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-3rd Degree for Dodge County Holding for Another Agency Sheriff's Office BARNES, CRYSTAL KAY 08/12/14 Owatonna Police Holding for other Agency for Waseca County Sheriff's Office BARRE, LIBAN FARAH 10/20/14 Waseca County Holding for other Agency 609-342 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st for Waseca County Degree-Penalty Sheriff's Office Page 5 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency BARWALD, DUANE HERMAN 11/03/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency for Dodge County Sheriff's Office BAYMON, GIORGIO JOVAN 05/13/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-324 - Prostitution - Hire/Offers/Agrees to Hire for MN DOC 18 Yr Old or Older BLAIR-HANSON, JONATHAN TYLER 07/23/14 Owatonna Police New Offense: 617-292 - 617-292 - Sexually Explicit Material and Exibitions Sexually Explicit Material Definition and Exibitions Definition Page 6 of 45 Hold Reasons Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency BOETTCHER, JACOB GARY 08/20/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency for Dodge County Sheriff's Office; Holding for other Agency for Dodge County Sheriff's BROOTEN, JUSTIN SEAN 05/09/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-341 - Criminal Sexual for MN DOC Conduct-Definition-Sexual Contact BROWN, STANLEY ALLEN JR 07/03/14 Owatonna Police New Offense: 609-344 Criminal Sexual Conduct-3rd Degree Page 7 of 45 Hold Reasons Charges 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances - Holding for Another Agency 609-49 - Failure to Appear - Holding for Another Agency 609-344 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-3rd Degree zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons BRYANT, DAVID DEVON 11/03/14 Steele County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 609-224 - Assault-5th Degree-Gross Misdemeanor 20 days - Concurrent BUENTELLO, RAMIRO JR. 09/04/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-021 - Drugs - 1st Degree- Possess 25 Grams or for MN DOC More - Cocaine/Heroin/Meth BULTMAN, MICHELLE LEA 11/08/14 Steele County Sheriff's New Offense: 609-582 Burglary; New Offense: 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances Drug Paraphernalia Page 8 of 45 Charges 609-582 - Burglary 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances - Drug Paraphernalia zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons BURCIAGA, MARIA RAQUEL 10/26/14 Steele County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 169A-52 - DWI; Test refusal or failure; license 40 days - Consecutive revocation. BURKS, OTIS DAIR 05/09/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-25 - Kidnapping for MN DOC BURNS, RILEY WILLIAM 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-582 - Burglary for MN DOC Page 9 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons CASSIDY, SHAWN TIMOTHY 05/13/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-342(a) - Criminal Sexual Conduct 1st Degree for MN DOC complainant under 13, Actor more than 36 mos older CASTILLEJA, JERRY LEE 10/22/14 Rice County Sheriff's Warrant Arrest: Arrest warrant 74-CR-08-3739-3 issued by STEELE, MN CIESCO, GERALD FRANK 09/24/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 624-7141 - Weapon Transferee-Possession/Use for MN DOC within 1year from a Violent Felony Page 10 of 45 Charges 169A-20 - Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle Under Influence of Controlled Substance zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency CLARK, BRIAN CHARLES 07/10/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 188 days - Concurrent; Probation / Parole Violation for Dodge County Sheriff's Office CLOSE, RYAN ANTHONY 11/17/14 Steele County Sheriff's Probation / Parole Violation for Steele County Sheriff's Office COAUETTE, MITCHELL DALE 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances for MN DOC Page 11 of 45 Hold Reasons Charges zuerchertechnologies Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons CONDA, RAFAEL ALBERT 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-02 - Drugs - Definitions for MN DOC COOK, LORENZO MARKEY 10/30/14 Owatonna Police New Offense: 609-222 Assault-2nd Degree; Warrant Arrest: Arrest warrant 74-CR-14-1036 issued by MN; Warrant 609-222 - Assault-2nd Degree 152-025 - Drugs - 5th Degree - Awaiting Sentencing New Offense: 609-342 Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st Degree-Penalty; Probation / Parole 609-342 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st Degree-Penalty 5011 - PAROLE VIOLATION (VARIOUS) Probation/Parole Violation CRAWFORD, GARY DEAN Made with ledsSuite 09/06/13 Owatonna Police Page 12 of 45 Charges 609-506 - Give Peace Officer False Name/Birthdate/ID Card - Holding for Another Agency 609-2242 - Domestic Assault zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons CRUZ, MARK ALEXANDER 10/13/14 Freeborn County Under Sentence: Serving 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION 9 days - Concurrent; Warrant Arrest: Arrest warrant 74-CR-12-547 issued by Steele Co., DAVENPORT, WILLISTER JR 05/09/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-582 - Burglary for MN DOC DAVIS, DEMITRICE LARRY 11/03/14 Steele County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 169A-25 - Traffic - DWI - Second-Degree Driving 18 days - Concurrent While Impaired; Refuse to submit to chemical test Page 13 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons DAY, JAKOB LEE 05/09/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 624-713 - Possess Pistol/Assault Weapon-Ineligible for MN DOC Person DEHOFF, JOHN CHARLES 11/18/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Warrant Arrest: Unspecified warrant 20-CR-14-476-1/ 20-CR-14-390-1 issued by DODGE , MN DELACRUZ, ARMANDO JR 10/17/14 Waseca County Page 14 of 45 Charges 609-50 - Obstruct Legal Process 609-375 - Nonsupport of Spouse or Child-Felony-Penalty 609-375 - Nonsupport of Spouse or Child-Felony-Penalty Holding for other Agency 609-342 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st for Waseca County Degree-Penet-Fear Great Bodily Harm Sheriff's Office 609-582 - Burglary-1st Degree zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons DELUNA, DAVID NMN 11/10/14 Owatonna Police New Offense: 609-2242 - 609-2242 - Domestic Assault Domestic Assault; New 609-224 - Assault in the fifth degree. Offense: 609-224 Assault in the fifth degree. DUNAGAN, PEDRO GONZALES 10/22/14 Steele County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 609-749 - Harassment-Stalking-Intent to Injure 18 days - Consecutive; 629-75 - Domestic Abuse No Contact Orders Under Sentence: Serving 17 days - Consecutive DYSON, TIRAY YVONNE MN DOC Holding for other Agency 624-713 - Possess Firearm-Violations of 624.713, for MN DOC subd. 1(b) 11/06/14 Page 15 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency EGGEN, BRUCE NEIL 11/07/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency for Dodge County Sheriff's Office; Holding for other Agency for Dodge County Sheriff's EKEN, MICHAEL BENARD 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 624-713 - Possess Firearm-Violations of 624.713, for MN DOC subd. 1(b) ELDER, LATASHA KENNETTA 11/04/14 Olmsted County Holding for other Agency for Dodge County Sheriff's Office; Holding for other Agency for Olmsted County Sheriff's Page 16 of 45 Hold Reasons Charges 609-49 - Failure to Appear - Holding for Another Agency 609-49 - Failure to Appear - Holding for Another Agency 609-49 - Failure to Appear - Holding for Another Agency 609-50 - Obstruct Legal Process - Holding for Another Agency 152-027 - Drugs - Synthetic Cannabinoid - Possess any amount of a synthetic cannabinoid 609-324 - Prostitution-Engage in with 18 Yr Old or Older-M zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons ESTRADA, ARTHUR KELLY 05/15/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-341 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-Definition-Actor for MN DOC FLICEK, JULIE ANN 10/15/14 Steele County Sheriff's Probation / Parole Violation for Steele County Sheriff's Office FOX, KENNETH STEVEN 05/09/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances for MN DOC Page 17 of 45 Charges 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons GALLARDO GONZALEZ, JOSE CARLOS 09/04/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-021 - Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 10 Grams or for MN DOC More-Cocaine/Heroin/Meth w/in 90-Day Period GASSOWAY, JOSEPH 09/04/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-343 - Criminal Sex Conduct-2nd Degree-Victim for MN DOC Under 13-Actor > 36m Old 609-342(a) - Criminal Sexual Conduct 1st Degree complainant under 13, Actor more than 36 mos older GIBBONS, ALEXANDRIA TAYLOR 10/08/14 Steele County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION 50 days - Concurrent; Warrant Arrest: Arrest warrant 74-CR-11-1118 issued by MN Page 18 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons Charges GILLIS, JESSE MICHAEL 11/13/14 Steele County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 0 days - Concurrent; Under Sentence: Serving 0 days - Concurrent 609-582 - Burglary-3rd Deg-Steal/Commit Felony or Gross Misd - Sentenced 629-75 - Violate No Contact Order - Within 10 years of the first of two or more convictions - Sentenced GONZALEZ, SAUL JUNIOR 11/07/14 Steele County Sheriff's Warrant Arrest: Unspecified warrant 74-CR-13-1053 issued by STEELE, MN 609-485 - Escape From Custody 609-2242 - Domestic Assault HAMILTON, DANNY 04/24/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency for MN DOC; Holding for other Agency for MN DOC 609-245 - Aggravated Robbery-1st Degree 609-342 - Criminal Sexual Cond-1st Degree-Penet or Contact Under 13-Injury-Use Force/Coerce Holding for Another Agency Page 19 of 45 zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons HARDY, AARON JAMES 10/02/14 Steele County Sheriff's Probation / Parole Violation for Steele County Sheriff's Office HAUGEN, COREY JOHN 04/24/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 624-713 - Possess Pistol/Assault for MN DOC Weapon-Conviction or Adjudicated Delinquent for Crime of Violence 152-025 - Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4 - Not Small Amount Marijuana 152-023 - Drugs - 3rd Degree - Sale - Narcotic 152-022 - Drugs - 2nd Degree - Sale 3 Grams or More - Cocaine/Heroin/Meth w/in 90-Day Period 152-023 - Drugs - 3rd Degree - Sale - Narcotic 152-021 - Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 10 Grams or More-Cocaine/Heroin/Meth w/in 90-Day Period HEINONEN, JOHN JACOB 10/29/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-341 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-Definitions for MN DOC Holding for Another Agency Page 20 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons HEMSWORTH, MARCUS ABRHAM 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances for MN DOC HER, XUE 05/13/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-582 - Burglary-2nd Degree-Dwelling for MN DOC 152-025 - Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4 - Not Small Amount Marijuana 152-023 - Drugs - 3rd Degree - Possess 3 Grams or More Cocaine/Heroin/Methamphetamine 152-021 - Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale - 10 Grams or More-Cocaine/Heroin/Meth w/in 90-Day Period HILL, ROBERT PATRICK 04/24/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-342 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st for MN DOC Degree-Penet or Contact Under 13-Victim Under 16-Signif Relationship Page 21 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons Charges HOOD, KYLE MITCHELL 11/26/13 Steele County Sheriff's New Offense: 609-344 Criminal Sexual Conduct-3rd Degree 609-344 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-3rd Degree JOHNSON, COREY DOUGLAS 09/03/14 Owatonna Police Warrant Arrest: Unspecified warrant ; New Offense: 152-025 Drugs - 5th Degree 152-025 - Drugs - 5th Degree KOESTER, CODY ROBERT 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances for MN DOC Page 22 of 45 zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons KRUEGER, MARK RICHARD 05/13/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-322 - Promote Prostitute-Knows Indiv Solicited for MN DOC by Force - Sentenced LANGE, DARYL HUGO 05/15/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-341 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-Definitions for MN DOC LAQUA, DALLAS JOSEPH 10/20/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION - Holding for for Dodge County Another Agency Sheriff's Office Page 23 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency LAQUA, TAMERA JOY 11/13/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION for Dodge County Sheriff's Office LAWRENCE, DEMARIO ANTWANE 04/24/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-221 - Assault-1st Degree-Great Bodily Harm for MN DOC LESTER, LARRY GENE 11/08/14 Steele County Sheriff's New Offense: 609-582 - 609-582 - Burglary - Pre-Arraigned Burglary (Pre-Arraigned); 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances New Offense: 152-01 Pre-Arraigned Drugs, Controlled Substances Page 24 of 45 Hold Reasons Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons LINDSEY, DOUGLAS JERMAINE 11/07/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 624-7132 - Weapon-Transfer to Unknown Party for MN DOC Holding for Another Agency LOEFFLER, TRAVIS WAYNE 11/12/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency 609-49 - Failure to Appear for Dodge County Sheriff's Office LOPEZ, GERARDO 09/04/14 MN DOC Page 25 of 45 Charges Holding for other Agency 152-022 - Drugs - 2nd Degree - Sale 3 Grams or for MN DOC More - Cocaine/Heroin/Meth w/in 90-Day Period zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons LOR, TOU 09/04/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-021 - Drugs - 1st Degree- Possess 25 Grams or for MN DOC More - Cocaine/Heroin/Meth LUNZ, DOYLE LYNN 04/24/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-342(a) - Criminal Sexual Conduct 1st Degree for MN DOC complainant under 13, Actor more than 36 mos older LYONS, LALTIGUS RODRIGUEZ LARAY 10/29/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-22 - ASSAULT for MN DOC Another Agency Page 26 of 45 Charges Repealed - Holding for zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons MAJSTERSKI, MICHAEL ERNEST 10/14/14 Owatonna Police New Offense: 518B-01 - 518B-01 - Domestic Abuse-Violate Order for Domestic Abuse-Violate Protection Order for Protection; Warrant Arrest: Arrest warrant 14425322 issued MARTIN, JAMAHL LAMONT 05/15/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-341 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-Definition-Actor for MN DOC MASCUS, DERRICK 04/24/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-342 - Criminal Sex Conduct-1st Degree-Penet for MN DOC or Contact Under 13-Cause Personal Injury Page 27 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons MCCAULEY, TIMOTHY JAMES 09/04/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 617-247 - Possession of Pornographic Work of for MN DOC Minors-Definition of Porn Work MCGEE, LAMONT CHARLES 09/04/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 624-713 - Possess Pistol/Assault for MN DOC Weapon-Conviction or Adjudicated Delinquent for Crime of Violence MCGUIRE, JOHN THOMAS 11/12/14 Steele County Sheriff's Probation / Parole Violation for Steele County Sheriff's Office Page 28 of 45 Charges 588-20 - Contempt of Court - Definitions zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons MEEKINS, RAHEEM QUANTA 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-023 - Drugs - 3rd Degree - Sale - Narcotic for MN DOC 152-023 - Drugs - 3rd Degree - Sale - Narcotic MILLER, JOHNNY AARON 11/06/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-582 - Burglary for MN DOC MONTEMAYOR, NEREUS ROBERTO SR. 08/14/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency 609-341 - Criminal Sexual for Dodge County Conduct-Definition-Consent Sheriff's Office Page 29 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons MOORE, ANTHONY JAMES 11/15/14 Steele County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 518B-01 - Domestic Abuse - Violate OFP - 2 or 8 days - Concurrent More Priors MULHOLLAND, TODD DAVID 11/01/14 Steele County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 609-53 - Receiving Stolen Property 20 days - Concurrent NAKAO, AARON LEE 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 624-713 - Possess Pistol/Assault for MN DOC Weapon-Conviction or Adjudicated Delinquent for Crime of Violence Page 30 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons NELSON, EMILY ANNE 08/06/14 Steele County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 609-713 - Terroristic threats 93 days - Concurrent; 609-582 - Burglary Under Sentence: Serving 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION 93 days - Concurrent; Probation / Parole NEWMAN, DAMIEN JUSTIN 10/29/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency for Dodge County Sheriff's Office; Holding for other Agency for Dodge County Sheriff's 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION - Holding for Another Agency 609-49 - Failure to Appear - Holding for Another Agency NICHELE, PHILLIP STEVEN 11/12/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Probation / Parole Violation for Dodge County Sheriff's Office 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION Page 31 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons ORTLEY, JOEL ROBERT 05/15/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-341 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-Definition-Actor for MN DOC PACKER, DAVID MICHAEL 09/29/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency 609-52 - Theft for Dodge County Sheriff's Office PADILLA, JIMMY JOE 11/06/14 Owatonna Police Page 32 of 45 New Offense: 609-378 Neglect or Endangerment of a Child; New Offense: 609-776 - Interfere with Charges 609-378 - Neglect or Endangerment of a Child 609-776 - Interfere with Emergency Communications 609-2247 - Domestic Assault - By Strangulation zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons PATTERSON, DEMETRIUS CORTEZ 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 624-7132 - Pistol-Transfer to Person under age 18 for MN DOC who is in violation of 624.7132 1 PETERSON, JASON LEE 10/09/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances for MN DOC PEXA, PATRICK WAYNE 10/18/14 Owatonna Police New Offense: 609-2242 - 609-2242 - Domestic Assault Domestic Assault; New 609-224 - Assault-5th Degree-Gross Misdemeanor Offense: 609-224 Assault-5th Degree-Gross Page 33 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency PHELPS, JESSIE JAMES 08/27/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Probation / Parole Violation for Dodge County Sheriff's Office POPE, CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL 04/24/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-341 - Criminal Sexual Conduct-Definitions for MN DOC PRYOR, CHARLIE JUNIOR 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances for MN DOC Page 34 of 45 Hold Reasons Charges 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons PURDIE, DUSTIN DAVID 11/08/14 Steele County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 121 days - Concurrent RANKIN, BOBBY 10/26/14 Owatonna Police New Offense: 609-14 PROBATION VIOLATION; New Offense: 260C-405 Violation of an order for RICE, DARRIAN JAMES 07/11/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION for Dodge County Sheriff's Office Page 35 of 45 Charges 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION 260C-405 - Violation of an order for protection. zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons RISHER, HOWARD FORREST 06/24/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-05 - Liability for Crimes of Another for MN DOC ROBERSON, DERRICK JACQUEAY 11/11/14 Steele County Warrant Arrest: Arrest warrant 74-CR-13-677 issued by Steele Co., MN; Warrant Arrest: Arrest warrant 171-24 - Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Revocation 609-50 - Obstruct Legal Process-Interfere w/Peace Officer 169A-25 - Traffic - DWI - Second-Degree Driving While Impaired; Refuse to submit to chemical test 609-223 - Assault-3rd Degree-Substantial Bodily Harm ROBINSON, BRANDEN JAVON SR 11/18/14 Minnesota State Patrol New Offense: 152-021 Drugs - 1st Degree Possession 152-021 - Drugs - 1st Degree - Possession Page 36 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons ROBINSON II, ELBERT 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances for MN DOC SCHARBER, ANTHONY WADE 10/29/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances - Holding for for MN DOC Another Agency SCHORN, MARK OREN 06/24/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances for MN DOC Page 37 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons SEVERSON, JULIA KAY 10/21/14 Freeborn County Holding for other Agency 152-022 - Drugs - 2nd Degree for Freeborn County 152-021 - Drugs - 1st Degree - Sale/Possession Sheriff's Office Penalty 609-498 - Tampering w/a Witness-Aggravated First Degree-Causes/Threatens GBH SHAW, BERNARD EDWARD 11/13/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Warrant Arrest: Arrest warrant 20-CR-11-243; Warrant Arrest: Arrest warrant 20-F1-04-000080 issued SMITH, ISAAC ROMEL 11/14/14 Owatonna Police Page 38 of 45 Charges 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION - Holding for Another Agency 609-49 - Failure to Appear Probation / Parole Violation for Owatonna Police Department zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons SPANDAU, EMI NIKOLE 11/04/14 Olmsted County Holding for other Agency 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION - Holding for for Olmsted County Another Agency Sheriff's Office STILL, AARON MICHAEL 10/18/14 Kasson Police Holding for other Agency 609-506 - Giving Peace Officer False Name-of for Kasson Police Another Person Department 609-59 - Possession of Burglary or Theft Tools 609-52 - Theft-Take/Drive Motor Vehicle-No Owner Consent SVEEN, ASHLEY MARIE 11/05/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-023 - Drugs - 3rd Degree - Possess 3 Grams or for MN DOC More Cocaine/Heroin/Methamphetamine 152-023 - Drugs - 3rd Degree - Sale Page 39 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons SYBRANDT, DELBERT KEITH 06/24/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 624-7132 - Weapon-Transfer to Unknown Party for MN DOC SYZDEK, THOMAS JOSEPH 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-52 - Theft-by Swindle for MN DOC TAYLOR, ANDRE XAVIER 02/11/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 624-7132 - Weapon-Transfer to Unknown Party for MN DOC Page 40 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons TESCH, JASON WADE 11/17/14 Steele County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION 3 days - Concurrent; Probation / Parole Violation for Steele County Sheriff's Office THOMPSON, ROBIN JEROME 09/15/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 624-713 - Possess Pistol/Assault for MN DOC Weapon-Conviction or Adjudicated Delinquent for Crime of Violence THUOK, KUTIEY WECHTUOR 10/27/14 Owatonna Police New Offense: 609-53 Receiving Stolen Property Page 41 of 45 Charges 609-53 - Receiving Stolen Property zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons TRISTANO, TONY VALENTINO 10/07/14 Owatonna Police New Offense: 609-2242 - 609-2242 - Domestic Assault Domestic Assault; New 609-224 - Assault-5th Degree-Misdemeanor Offense: 609-224 Assault-5th Degree-Misdemeanor TUCKER, KEVIN JOEL 10/30/14 Steele County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION for Dodge County 609-506 - Give Peace Officer False Name Sheriff's Office; New Offense: 609-506 - Give Peace Officer False VIPOND, MITCHELL GORDON 10/03/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency 609-582 - Burglary-2nd Degree for Dodge County Sheriff's Office Page 42 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons WALDHAUSER, BERNARD LEE 11/21/13 Steele County Probation / Parole 609-343(a) - Criminal Sex Conduct-2nd Violation for Steele Degree-Victim Under 13-Actor > 36m Old County Detention Center WARREN, DARNEL NMN 06/24/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-01 - Drugs, Controlled Substances for MN DOC WIESELER, WILLIAM JOSEPH 08/04/14 Steele County Sheriff's Under Sentence: Serving 609-582 - Burglary-3rd Deg-Steal/Commit Felony or 215 days - Concurrent; Gross Misd Under Sentence: Serving 609-713 - Terroristic threats 215 days - Concurrent Page 43 of 45 Charges zuerchertechnologies Made with ledsSuite Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons WILLIAMS, MICHAEL DUANE II 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 609-24 - Simple Robbery for MN DOC WILLIAMS, SHAWN MAURICE 11/21/13 Steele County Warrant Arrest: Arrest warrant 74CR131065 issued by MN WIMBISH, RENEE JEANTEE 11/18/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION for Dodge County Sheriff's Office Page 44 of 45 Charges 152-022 - Drugs - 2nd Degree zuerchertechnologies Inmate Booked Agency Hold Reasons Charges WYTASKE, ANDREW ANTON 09/15/14 Dodge County Sheriff's Holding for other Agency 609-14 - PROBATION VIOLATION for Dodge County Sheriff's Office YANG, MENG 04/24/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 152-021 - Drugs - 1st Degree - Manufacture for MN DOC Methamphetamine ZACHOW, CHRISTOPHER MARK 10/01/14 MN DOC Holding for other Agency 624-7141 - Weapon Transferee-Possession/Use for MN DOC within 1year from a Violent Felony Total Records: 134 Made with ledsSuite Page 45 of 45 zuerchertechnologies
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