Annual Report 2013 THANK YOU. Mobility binds us together. It allows us to discover new things, meet friends, go to work, run errands. And it makes growth and prosperity possible for all of us. Our mobility today would be inconceivable without the invention of the automobile over 125 years ago. And with ten patent applications a day in this land of ideas, it is reinvented every day. The result is increasingly safe, environmentand climate-friendly, and comfortable mobility for all of us. We owe this to the more than 740,000 people who have made Germany the most successful automotive nation in the world. We are presenting some of them here. And we extend our thanks to all of them. Annual Report 2013 7 Foreword The German automotive industry is wherever the markets are. This strategy has again proved successful over the past year. Our manufacturers and suppliers are increasing their global focus and were able to take advantage of the growing automotive economy outside of Western Europe. The global passenger vehicle market grew by 4 percent to 68 million units in 2012. The Chinese market was primarily responsible for this growth, along with the recovered US market. German manufacturers benefited, increasing their market share in China to 22 percent and gaining market share in the US for the seventh year in a row. Our ambitious goal is to maintain our share of the global market at around one-fifth and to further expand it. There is no question, the German automotive industry’s growth opportunities lie in international markets. In Western Europe, however, we will have to adjust to an extended period of scarcity. The passenger vehicle market in Western Europe shrank by 8 percent to 11.8 million new vehicles in 2012, with the low demand continuing into the first months of 2013. Only companies with strong sales in the US and Asia are able to effectively balance the slowdown in domestic markets through growth in these other regions. Despite the current weak situation, Western Europe remains one of the world’s most important automotive markets: every other new car sold in Western Europe bears the logo of a German parent brand. The ongoing debt crisis in the eurozone has left customers feeling unsettled. The crisis still has a strong hold on France, Spain and Italy. It can only be overcome through implementing structural changes for the long-term while simultaneously stimulating growth potential in individual countries. What is needed, therefore, are government policies that put industry back in the center, instead of overwhelming it. The German automotive industry is working energetically to further reduce vehicle CO2 emissions. The current CO2 regulation provides for a reduction of 19 percent between 2006 and 2015. For 2020, the European Commission has set a long-term target for passenger vehicles of 95 g/km CO2. The means more CO2 savings in even less time; namely 27 percent in only 5 years! This is a very ambitious goal that cannot be achieved solely by optimizing conventional drive systems. It requires a constantly greater share of vehicles with alternative drive systems. But in order for this to occur, appropriate framework conditions must be put into place. It would be very unfortunate if Brussels were to make it even more difficult to achieve the goal. Flexibility measures such as supercredits and eco-innovations are absolutely necessary to make headway in this area. In terms of supercredits, the significant offsets in China and the USA provide a model of a level playing field for Europe. Any discussion – such as that already ongoing in Brussels – of new CO2 limits before 2020 is completely premature. In this connection, we expect from the political community more understanding for the economic perspective and for what is physically and technically feasible. The objective is to strengthen Europe as a site for industry – and not to engage in a game of “who can offer less.” By the end of the next decade, two-thirds of humanity will live in cities – this is why we’re driving ahead with technologies to serve urban mobility needs. This includes bolstering electromobility: by the end of 2014, our manufacturers will launch 15 electric car models, including plug-in hybrids, range extenders and completely batterypowered vehicles. for ewor d 8 We are remaining true to our strategy of “staying away from oil”. But ultimately, it’s the customer who decides – purchasers of new vehicles must be convinced by the advantages of electromobility. The political community also needs to play its part to make electromobility an attractive alternative for a great number of people. Automotive manufacturers and suppliers in Germany are consistently pursuing their diversified strategy: “Save – Supplement – Replace” as no one today knows for certain which alternative drive technology will stand the test of time. There are many indications that several different drive systems will find acceptance and come to be used over the long term. Cities will likely see more use of alternative drive systems, while the conventional combustion engine will remain a necessary staple in rural regions for years. The challenge is to maintain the capacity to invest the amounts needed to develop these various options. In addition to further advances in increasing vehicle efficiency, “networked driving” is gaining in importance. Internet networking and the ability to exchange information among all road users are major steps toward reducing resources and saving time – the model of road traffic in the future. “Connected car” is becoming an increasingly important criterion for customers seeking to purchase a new vehicle. German manufacturers and suppliers are leaders in this field of innovation. We are concerned that protectionism has become more prevalent throughout the world. The idea that it is possible to protect one’s own economy by blocking imports and imposing import duties remains firmly entrenched in many parts of the world. Yet attempting to evade the harsh wind of international competition will weaken countries’ economies over the mid and long term. The planned free trade agreement between the EU and the USA is a welcome signal in support of open markets. Developing common standards and guidelines, and eliminating import duties on both sides of the Atlantic will unleash new economic forces. The success achieved by our companies in many markets around the world is mainly attributable to their rapid rate of innovation. We invest more than 20 billion euros annually in research and development. We did not reduce our R&D budget during the 2008—09 crisis and we won’t do it now! Maintaining it is the only way to ensure the success of Germany as a production site, to safeguard jobs, and continue the German automotive industry’s success story around the world. The German automotive industry once again redefined standards in 2012 – in terms of consumption efficiency, safety, quality, comfort, design and networking. This year’s VDA Annual Report describes both the challenges our industry faces on a daily basis and the innovative and exciting ways we rise to meet them. The VDA will continue to devote its efforts to bringing together the players in the automotive industry and lending them a strong voice. With best regards, Matthias Wissmann President, German Association of the Automotive Industry 9 Contents Foreword7 Dates, Facts and Figures Facts and Figures – a Summary The Situation in the Automotive Industry Internationalization of the German Automotive Industry The Situation Regarding Commercial Vehicles, Trailers, Bodies and Buses The Situation in the Automotive Supplier Industry World Economy and World Trade Market Access, an International Comparison Trade Agreement Protectionism International Supply of Raw Materials and Price Developments Energy Costs as a Location Issue The European Sovereign Debt Crisis European Policy – Changes in Industrial Policy 13 14 17 32 34 36 43 44 46 49 51 52 56 58 Climate and Environmental Protection Policy 61 Reducing Classic Pollutants 62 CO2 Regulations 65 Tire Classification (Tire Labeling) 72 76 Technical CO2 Reductions Affecting Heavy Commercial Vehicles Coolants77 Biofuels and Sustainability 79 Occupational Safety 86 REACH – Still Flawed 87 Dangerous Goods – Electromobility Unthinkable without Battery Transport 88 The Outlook for EU Environmental Policy 89 Transport and Infrastructure Policy 95 The Importance of Road Transport, Today and Tomorrow Financing of Highways Better Use of the Highways Traffic Safety 96 100 106 108 contents 10 Taxes and Customs Tax Policy – Update and Outlook Energy Taxation Company Car Tax – No Subsidies Electric Vehicle – New Taxation Rules Vehicle Taxes Customs Questions Powertrain Engineering 111 112 114 117 120 123 127 131 “Worldwide Harmonization,” Basic Principles 132 Combustion Engines 134 Hybrid Drive 135 Electromobility136 Natural Gas Drive 138 The Fuel Cell 139 “Clearly Better”– the Clean Diesel Offensive in the USA 140 Vehicle Safety General Development of Safety in Road Traffic, Accident Figures Rescue Data Sheet – Database – License Plate Check Extended Fields of View for Commercial Vehicles On the Way to Even Greater Safety in Road Traffic: “Naturalistic Driving Studies” Research Project Acoustic Perception Capability of Electric Vehicles Safety of Electric Vehicles Driver Assist Systems for Light and Heavy Vehicles Protection Against Theft 143 144 146 148 149 150 152 153 155 Networking157 Networking158 CarIT as a Strategic Task 159 Car-to-Car/Car-to-I Communication 162 Automated Driving 164 Technical Specifications and Standardization 167 Worldwide Harmonized Light-duty Test Procedure (WLTP) – The New Emissions Cycle The Main Inspection New Version of the Limit Values for Noise Emissions EC Type Approval for Motor Vehicles Standardization, Work of the Materials Council Standardization, RFID Identification of Prototypes Standardization in Electromobility Electronic Systems for Indirect Vision The Digital Tachograph 168 169 170 173 175 178 179 181 184 11 Law, Sales and Aftersales A New Age of Car Sales Aftersales – a Stabilizing Factor in the Automotive Industry Automotive Banks Continue to be Successful in 2012 Protection for Innovations – Patents and Design Patents Public Procurement - New Requirements for Motor Vehicle Purchasing Automotive Aftersales Quality Management Quality: The Trademark of the German Automotive Industry Management Systems for Traffic Safety – Standardization Process Complete Historic Vehicles Consistent and Continued Commitment to Vintage Vehicles Political Work Based on Data Accident Statistics for Historical Vehicles The Charter of Turin as a Future Guideline for Historical Vehicles Political Activities 187 188 190 192 195 200 202 205 206 209 211 212 213 214 215 216 Logistics219 Challenges Faced by Logistics Results of Committee Work Trade Shows and Events Looking Back and Ahead: IAA The 15th Technical Congress 2012 The 13th VDA Meeting of Small and Medium-Sized Companies The 9th QMC Quality Summit at Hockenheimring and Other Events Sponsored by the VDA Quality Management Center VDA Logistics Department Events Trade Shows Abroad, Cooperative Events 220 221 227 228 232 233 234 235 236 Index239 List of Figures and Tables 240 Index242 Imprint245 Cover: Raphael Colberg - Technical Student, Webasto Group, Stockdorf Dates, Facts and Figures Eugen Wurzer - Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a Specialty in Vehicle Body Design, Project Leader Project Management and Acting Department Manager Simulation, Semcon Ingolstadt GmbH, Ingolstadt D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 14 Facts and Figures – a Summary 2012 turnover: at a high level In 2000, the German automotive industry’s turnover hit a new record In 2012, the German automotive industry’s turnover reached a new record high: domestic companies managed to grow their revenues by 2 percent to a total of around 357 billion euros. In the process, at more than 128 billion euros, domestic turnover reached the previous year’s level. In foreign markets, on the other hand, companies increased turnover by 3 percent to fully 229 billion euros. This equates to almost two thirds of total turnover. The significance of foreign trade has thus grown continuously since 1997. German motor manufacturers: Driving force behind foreign turnover In 2012, passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacturers generated total turnover of around 280 billion euros (plus 2.4 percent), thus constituting the strongest manufacturer group. Domestic turnover was 0.4 percent up on the previous year’s performance at fully 80 billion euros – a higher total was achieved only in 2007 and 2008. In terms of foreign business, the companies achieved a turnover of almost 200 billion euros (+3.3 percent), again emphasizing the attractiveness of their products abroad with a new record performance. Turnover trend in the German automotive industry Sales in million units 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Domestic turnover Turnover from abroad Source: Federal Statistical Office 15 Suppliers: Slightly less momentum German suppliers more or less managed to maintain the previous year’s high level. The overall turnover of 68.4 billion euros was only 1 percent below the 2011 peak. The momentum did however slacken as the year progressed. Both the domestic market, with a turnover of 43.8 billion euros, and the foreign business, with 24.6 billion euros, just about managed to retain their respective previous year’s levels. The ongoing economic weakness in Europe manifested itself as expected in the foreign turnover – it was unable to increase its share significantly (from 35.90 to 35.97 percent) relative to 2011. Almost two thirds of total turnover was thus accounted for by business in the domestic market — it continues to demonstrate its status as the anchor of stability. The domestic market is the anchor of stability for the suppliers Research and development: Engine of success In 2012 as well, the automotive industry was again far and away the most researchintensive sector in Germany. At 16.1 billion euros (+2 percent), according to budget figures, it contributed more than 30 percent to total domestic research expenditure in Germany. If one includes in that a proportion of the R&D expenditure outside Germany, which in 2011 was just less than 6 billion euros, this yields a total R&D spend of fully 22 billion euros. This premium sector was and remains a pioneer in developing innovative technology from Germany. This applies both to safety equipment and powertrain efficiency enhancements and thus to CO2 reduction. In this context, in addition to drivetrain optimization, research into new battery concepts and lightweight materials plays an important role. A further important area of innovation is the increasing networking of vehicles by means of Internet-enabled on-board computers. The positive employment trend continued in 2011. Employee numbers in the R&D areas in 2011 totaled 88,500. That is 1,600 R&D staff more even than in 2007, before the crisis struck. The automotive industry continues to be Germany’s most research-intensive sector D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 16 Employment situation: Still gratifying Employment was up in all three manufacturer groups Average annual employment in the German automotive industry in 2012 has increased by 3.1 percent to 742,200 employees. This is all the more remarkable as last year the eurozone was in recession, even deepening at the end of the year. This was reflected in a weak European passenger car market. Because of the German automotive industry’s successes in the growth markets outside the eurozone, the German automotive companies still managed to create 22,700 new domestic jobs. A glance at the three manufacturer groups shows that employment increased across the board: in the motor vehicle and engine sector, employee numbers grew 3.6 percent to 419,600 people. That equated to an increase in the workforce of 14,300 employees. This development confirms yet again the adage that increasing local production by manufacturers abroad safeguards domestic jobs. Supplier employee numbers in 2012 increased by 2.7 percent to 291,800 workers. This was assisted by the stable German market as manufacturer group III continues to generate the lion’s share of its turnover in Germany. Last year, the trailer and body manufacturers took on an additional 700 employees, representing growth of 2.3 percent to a workforce 30,900. The headcount in the trailer industry thereby returned to its 2007 level. Workforce in the German automotive industry Change in percent 6 5.0 3.5 4 3.5 2.6 1.8 2 3.1 2.3 2.7 0 -2 -2.0 -2.2 -3.0 -4 -3.5 -3.7 -4.6 -6 -8 -8.8 -10 2009 -9.2 2010 2011 2012 Manufacturer Parts Bodies Automotive industry Source: Federal Statistical Office 17 The Situation in the Automotive Industry Global motor industry: World market on course for growth Overall, 2012 was a good year for the automotive industry. World sales of passenger cars increased to a new record level of 69.1 million units. That equates to growth of 6 percent. However, regional variances – as in 2007 – were very pronounced. Whereas the automotive “hot spots” fulfilled their expectations – such as China – or exceeded them – for example, in the USA – the atmosphere was icy in Western Europe, the third leading market. Market fortunes were also varied in the commercial vehicle business. Once again the USA posted a good year – albeit signs of a slowdown were evident in the last quarter. The Chinese market slowly seems to be climbing out of the trough – after a long phase of consolidation. In Western Europe, on the other hand, as expected, new registrations in all weight classes fell significantly. The German market was also unable to escape this difficult environment.. New motor vehicle registrations worldwide by region Region 2011 2012 Change in % Europe 19,649 18,575 -5.5 14,684 13,408 -8.7 921 891 -3.3 4,044 4,275 5.7 20,113 22,157 10.2 NAFTA 15,596 17,525 12.4 thereof USA 13,041 14,786 13.4 Mercosur 4,517 4,632 2.6 of which Brazil 3,633 3,802 4.6 30,594 33,644 10.0 Japan 4,210 5,370 27.5 China 18,505 19,304 4.3 India 3,292 3,580 8.8 South Korea 1,580 1,542 -2.4 Others 3,008 3,849 28.0 Other countries 8,061 7,696 -4.5 Total 78,417 82,072 4.7 Western Europe New EU countries Eastern Europe America Asia Source: VDA Global passenger car sales have risen to a new record level D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 18 US market: Stronger than China Unexpected dynamism in the US market In 2012, the US market grew by 13 percent to 14.4 million light vehicles (passenger vehicles and light trucks). Not even the experts had counted on such dynamism. While the economic indicators gave no cause for concern, nor did they initially point to such a positive development. The unemployment rate fell by 0.7 percentage points (December 2012: 7.8 percent), real estate prices staged a moderate recovery from mid-2012 and GDP was up 2.2 percent. Demand was driven by pent-up replacement and backlog demand. Vehicles dating from the high-selling years 1999 to 2003 are now of an age at which repair costs are escalating steeply and replacement is the economically sensible alternative. The average age of light vehicles in the USA was 11.2 years. In 2012, the passenger car segment in particular managed to gain ground. With fuel costs approaching the 4 dollar mark (per gallon) on a number of occasions, purchasers last year preferred the more fuel-efficient passenger car models to light trucks. This compared with plus eight percent to 7.2 million units in the light trucks’ segment. In 2012, the share accounted for by the passenger car segment, where German marques are traditionally better placed than in the Light Truck segment, was again 50 percent (year before: 48 percent). Brazil: Turbulent year German manufacturers benefited from the positive development in the Brazilian light vehicles market The year 2012 proved to be a year full of turbulence for the Brazilian motor industry. A noticeably darker economic outlook and tighter credit markets initially pushed the light vehicles market significantly below the previous year’s level at the beginning of 2012. Government incentives helped to turn the corner in the second half of the year: In addition to a lower industrial product tax, IPI, a reduction in the taxation of private loans significantly stimulated demand for light vehicles – 2012 saw the Brazilian motor market finish the year with 3.6 million Light Vehicle registrations (plus 6 percent). Long-term development of LV sales in the USA Numbers in 1,000s 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 19 95 996 1997 998 999 000 001 002 003 004 005 006 2007 008 009 010 011 012 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 Passenger cars Light trucks Total light vehicle sales Source: Ward’s 19 With their market share increasing to around 22 percent, German manufacturers benefited disproportionately from the positive development on the Brazilian light vehicles market. Japan: Strong market incentives – market recovery after 2011 In 2012, the Japanese passenger car market reached its highest level of new registrations since 2006 with 4.6 million units. Two factors accounted for the 30 percent increase. Lower new registrations in 2011, caused by the natural catastrophe and its consequences, resulted in a base effect with knock-on consequences for the first three quarters of 2012. Double-digit growth in replacement and backlog demand was seen from the fourth quarter of 2011 onward. The most important boost, however, was the government program to promote the purchase of environmentally friendly and fuel-efficient passenger cars, introduced in mid-December 2011. State incentivization resulted in double-digit growth rates in demand between January and August 2012. New registrations peaked in April, with passenger car sales doubling compared with the same month the year before. The government stimulus program was originally scheduled to run until January 2013. By the end of September 2012, the budget of almost 300 billion Yen had already been used up. The government’s stimulus program resulted in the highest level of new registrations since 2006 China’s market again very strong In 2012, the Chinese motor industry regained momentum. More than 13 million passenger cars were sold in the People’s Republic – that meant that despite a period of slight economic weakness, the world’s second-largest individual market grew last year by all of 8 percent. Motor vehicle sales in China Numbers in 1,000s 19,303,901 13,644,794 15,000 18,505,144 18,061,936 20,000 2,363,217 3,248,511 4,391,642 4,574,429 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 9,336,326 8,791,523 7,215,525 2,090,097 5,000 5,322,089 10,000 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: CAAM, Fourin China posts an increase in new car purchases D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 20 Rising household incomes in the Chinese middle class ensured stable consumption – and, consequently, increased new-car sales. In addition, the subsidy package introduced by the Chinese government in May, to promote smaller vehicles with engines up to 1.6 liters in size, is likely to have stimulated passenger car sales. Notwithstanding this, 2012 was again unable to replicate the high growth rates of the past. Registration restrictions in the major conurbations put a damper on the passenger car market. Currently, however, China’s market is still far from having reached saturation point: the low level of motorization (passenger car penetration at the beginning of 2012 was only 37 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants) combined with increasing urbanization provide further scope for growth in the years ahead. India: Could do better The engine of the Indian passenger car market, accustomed to success, misfired in 2012. While sales managed to grow by a good 10 percent – with new registrations of around 2.8 million new cars, the market potential last year was probably not fully exploited. Growth drivers such as the low per capita density of vehicles (16 passenger cars per thousand inhabitants at the beginning of 2012), a rising standard of living and the increasing proportion of the population of working age typically lead one to expect higher growth of new car purchases in an up-and-coming economy such as India. Motor vehicle sales in India in 1,000s 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: SIAM 21 The motor industry in 2012 was held back by hesitant economic growth and massive inflationary pressure. In addition, an increase in operating costs (high purchase, financing and fuel costs) exercised a dampening effect on private demand for passenger vehicles. In the medium-term, however, the Indian automotive market remains a growth market, and positive effects are anticipated from the reform package put together by the Indian government in September. Russia: New sales record Light Vehicle sales in Russia were on course for a record last year. High revenues from oil and gas exports ensured rapid economic recovery and consequently, stabilization of private consumption after 2009, a year of crisis. Low unemployment, rising wages and Russian consumers’ low savings ratio further boosted new car sales in 2012. With new registrations of 2.9 million units, the Russian light vehicles market recovered its 2008 pre-crisis level astonishingly quickly. Towards the end of the year, however, the global economic slowdown had also reached Russia, and increasing macroeconomic risks – owing to the high dependency on raw materials exports – restricted private demand and thus new car purchases. Following double-digit monthly increases to September 2012, latterly the growth rates on the Russian light vehicles market in the fourth quarter were down to +5.3 percent (October), +0.4 percent (November) and +0.6 percent (December). Passenger car sales in Russia Change relative to previous year’s quarter in percent 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2009 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2010 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2011 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2012 Source: AEB Low unemployment and rising wages ensured a positive mood in Russia D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 22 Eastern Europe: Characterized by insecurity Poland defended its position as the biggest passenger car market The picture for passenger car sales in the new EU member states was also mixed, but more stable overall than in the Western member countries. Poland defended its position as the biggest market – although passenger car registrations were comfortably 1 percent lower than the year before at 274,000. Registrations in the Czech Republic stagnated at 174,000 passenger cars. Hungary’s development was gratifying: 18 percent more new passenger cars were registered than in 2011. However, with 53,000 units, the level remains low. By way of comparison, as recently as 2007, the Hungarian passenger car market achieved a volume of almost 172,000 units. The macroeconomic challenges in Hungary resulted in a very weak market – this will not change, even in the medium-term. Western Europe: Significant decline in important countries Countries affected by the debt crisis posted falls in sales As anticipated, demand for passenger cars in Western Europe in 2012 fell by 8 percent to just short of 11.8 million vehicles. Germany as well proved more robust than the Western European market as a whole. With 2.04 million new registrations and an increase of 5 percent, the passenger car market in Great Britain in 2012 reached its highest level since 2008 and the strongest growth since 2001. Strong purchase incentives (low interest-rate, manufacturer discounts, good financing terms) and solid consumer sentiment – compared with the eurozone – resulted in a 13 percent growth in private demand. Passenger car sales in Central and Eastern Europe Change 2012/2011 in percent 17.6 Hungary 14.5 Ukraine 10.6 Russia Bulgaria 1.9 Slovakia 1.6 Baltic States 1.4 Czech Republic 0.4 -1.4 Poland -6.3 Turkey -16.7 Slovenia Romania -20 -18.7 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Source: VDA 23 In France, on the other hand, 2012 saw a significant correction to the passenger car market. The first full year without a car scrappage bonus and the rapidly increasing pressure on the French economy resulted in a 14 percent decline to 1.9 million units. With 1.4 million new registrations (minus 20 percent), the Italian market in 2012 was at its lowest level for decades (since 1979). Drastic economy measures, a high level of uncertainty and rising running costs resulted in distinctly restrained purchasing behavior. The introduction of a government car scrappage bonus in the Spanish market as of mid-October 2012 produced no positive impetus for the last quarter. For a vehicle at least 12 years old there was a new car purchase subsidy of 2,000 euros funded half by the government and half by the manufacturer. Almost 80 percent of the government budget for the first phase of the scrappage premium in Spain had been used up by the end of December. Despite this fact, the 2012 market ended 13 percent down. The Spanish passenger car market has thus shrunk 57 percent since 2007. The extension of the subsidy program (PIVE-2) came into force at the beginning of February 2013. New passenger car registrations in Western Europe Change 2012/2011 in percent 5.3 UK -13.4 Spain 2.9 Switzerland -8.2 Sweden -37.9 Portugal -5.7 Austria -0.3 Norway -9.6 Netherlands 1.0 Luxembourg -19.9 Italy -11.5 Ireland Greece -40.1 -13.9 France -11.8 Finland -2.9 Germany 0.4 Denmark -14.9 Belgium -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 Sources: ACEA, VDA D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 24 Commercial vehicles Western Europe: Overshadowed by economic worries The European commercial vehicle market in 2012 had to accept falls in all segments The commercial vehicle business globally is very cyclical. It responds faster and more markedly to changes in macroeconomic demand. This close correlation was also evident last year. The European commercial vehicle market in 2012 was characterized by significant falls in all segments and virtually all markets. Light commercial vehicles’ sales in Western Europe declined by 13 percent to not quite 1.4 million units. This level is only 40,000 vehicles higher than the trough of the 2009 crisis. All markets – with the exception of Switzerland – had to accept losses. In Italy, new light commercial vehicle registrations fell by 32 percent, in Spain by 27 percent and in France by around 11 percent. Great Britain posted an 8 percent fall. In the heavy category (above 6 t), the 2012 market volume was just shy of 236,000 vehicles. By way of comparison, in the crisis year 2009 it was 200,000 units. The fall in demand affected almost all major Western European markets: France minus 8 percent, Italy minus 31 percent, Spain minus 20 percent. Only Britain managed a small growth in sales of 3 percent. The German passenger car market in 2012: Stable but no reason to rejoice Private customers in 2012 were noticeably restrained Compared with the rest of Europe, the German passenger car market in 2012 proved very stable. New passenger car registrations totaled just short of 3.1 million. This confirmed the VDA’s own estimate. However, this result is no reason for celebration. The market was more than 2.9 percent down on a rather mediocre previous year’s performance. New HGV registrations in excess of 6 metric tons in selected Western Europe Numbers in 1,000s 100 80 60 40 20 0 DE FR UK 2008 IT 2009 ES 2010 2011 2012 Source: VDA 25 Private customers in particular were once again very restrained – new private registrations fell by a total of 8 percent over the year. With fewer than 1.2 million units, the proportion of private customers fell to no more than 38.2 percent. That is the lowest share since 2007. At that time, however, the reverberations of the VAT increase were still being felt, customers had already brought a number of purchases forward to 2006. Accordingly, business registrations in 2012 accounted for just under 62 percent of the total passenger car market. That equates to more than 1.9 million new registrations and as such is a stable result (+0.4 percent) compared with the year before. Company cars are the most important group within business registrations. In 2012, just less than 32 percent of all new passenger car registrations were company cars. Admittedly, sales of company cars were slightly down as well. Whereas in 2011 there were still more than 990,000 new passenger car registrations, in 2012 this fell to just under 980,000 units (-1 percent). Ordering activity by German customers was distinctly weak throughout the whole of 2012. There was a decline in incoming orders on a monthly basis; the domestic order book for the full year was just under 8 percent down on 2011. This muted incoming order performance had begun back in the summer of 2011. The debate about the euro crisis was gaining considerable traction at that time – this evidently had the effect of unsettling the consumer so that the falloff in ordering behavior can come as no surprise. A corresponding impact was also evident in the order book. The German marques and importers had begun 2012 with 612,000 orders; by the end of the year the order book had shrunk to 436,000 units. On average for the year, there were more than 537,000 domestic orders on the books. On a long-term comparison, that is still a high figure. New car registrations Annual basis (numbers in 1,000s) 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Source: Federal Motor Transport Authority D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 26 German marques confirmed the previous year’s good result In 2012, the German marques achieved almost a 71 percent share of the domestic market, thereby once again confirming the previous year’s good result. Among importers, however, the structure has changed significantly. The French marques suffered the biggest losses. Total registrations of French-branded passenger cars in Germany were down to no more than 283,000. That equates to a market share of 9.2 percent. Only the year before the figure was 9.8 percent. Despite that, they remain the strongest import nation in the German market. Italian competitors also lost market share (2.8 percent, year before: 3 percent), the Japanese also suffered a decline of 0.4 percentage points to 9 percent. Unperturbed by the relatively weak market environment, Korean manufacturers’ good progress continued; they increased their market share throughout the year by one percentage point to 5.1 percent. However, this success is not attributable to strong demand by German customers alone. The percentage of “tactical registrations” was particularly high: more than 40 percent of new registrations were accounted for by dealers. The change in the segment structure of the German market continued in 2012. Once again, the most dynamic group were SUVs. Their market share increased by 3.6 percentage points to 15 percent. This marked a continuation of the trend of recent years. In absolute numbers, with 461,000 units sold, new SUV registrations increased by 28 percent. The “diesel” success story continued in 2012. More than 48 percent of all new passenger vehicle registrations were compression ignition vehicles, a new record high. It is also no surprise that diesel’s share among fleet customers is in excess of 70 percent. Business customers in particular, who because of their high mileage have to pay close attention to efficiency, cannot get away from the German manufacturers’ economical Clean Diesel engines. Market share by country of manufacture New registration percentages 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2011 German 2012 French Italian Japanese Korean Others Source: Federal Motor Transport Authority, VDA 27 There are signs of movement with alternative drive systems as well; 21,000 hybrid passenger cars were registered last year. That is an increase of more than two thirds compared with the previous year’ figure. All electric propulsion vehicles managed just under 3,000 new registrations last year. Mobility costs: No lightening of the load despite weaker economy The year 2012 was the most expensive year to date for motorists in Germany. The car cost index, which measures price increases for various components, rose 2.5 percent in 2012. As such, the cost of motoring has gone up by just under 20 percent since 2005. Fuel costs were again the cost driver. Following growth rates of eleven percent in 2010 and 2011, respectively, pump prices increased by an average of 6 percent again in 2012. That made 2012 the most expensive year for fuel prices. New passenger car prices, on the other hand, have again remained stable. Already in 2010 and 2011 the price index was virtually unchanged; in 2012 the index increased only slightly, by 0.1 percent. Development of mobility costs Car cost index, 2005 = 100 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 2006 2007 2008 2009 Fuel 2010 Used cars 2011 New cars 2012 Total car costs Source: Federal Statistical Office In recent years, gasoline and diesel costs have risen by a double-digit percentage figure D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 28 Domestic production: Year-end slowdown Domestic production was just short of the previous year’s record Domestic factory output of 5.4 million passenger cars in 2012, after adjusting for CKD, was 4 four percent below the previous year’s record. German manufacturers last year held their ground well in a significantly deteriorating Western European market environment. The premium strategy had a stabilizing effect here and almost canceled out the declines in the volume market. German automotive companies achieved good capacity utilization in 2012 by producing new model generations and new models. In the second half of 2012, passenger vehicle manufacturers significantly reduced their domestic inventory. In addition to working-day effects, this was one reason for the falls in output towards the end of the year. Towards the end of the year, the order book was again significantly above the long-term average but was unable to catch up with the previous year’ record levels. Exports: The German automotive industry’s stable mainstay Last year, Germany’s passenger car export quotient attained 2011’s record level of 77 percent. In 2012, German manufacturers exported more than 4.1 million units. After adjusting for CKD, that was 3 percent fewer passenger cars than the previous record year. The German automotive manufacturers’ export successes are based on a high level of technical expertise with Clean Diesel; the average proportion for the year of compression ignition was 42 percent, only just short of the year before. Some segments suffered declines, often related to a change in the value-added share for a number of models, now recorded in the statistics as foreign production (and which therefore no longer appear in the export statistics). Conversely, exports of sports cars (+ 3 percent), vans (+ 9 percent) and utilities (+ 16 percent) posted increases. As in the year before, the most-exported model was the VW Golf with 393,000 vehicles, ahead of the 3-Series BMW (281,000 units), the Ford Focus (244,000 units) and the Mercedes C-Class with 234,000 vehicles. Passenger car exports by country of destination 2012 Spain 4% Other Western Europe 10 % America 19 % Rest 4% Benelux 6% France 7% Italy 5% Asia 17 % Eastern Europe 11 % GB 17 % Source: VDA 29 Export regions: Growth outside the eurozone Last year as well, the export split between the individual sales regions again changed to the detriment of Western Europe. Whereas in 2009, 61 percent of passenger car exports were still accounted for by other Western European countries, in 2012 this figure was only 48 percent. Particularly striking – even if not very surprising – is the weak demand in the eurozone: 3 years ago, it still accounted for 40 percent of all passenger car exports, in 2012 it plummeted to just under 27 percent. During the same period, exports to the USA gained significantly in importance from 10 to 15 percent and to China from 4 to 7 percent. Eastern Europe as well increased its share of German exports from 7 to 11 percent. Potential backlog demand is building in many eurozone countries This shift can be expected to continue in the next few years – although the Western European market remains very important for German manufacturers. A considerable potential backlog can be expected to be building in many eurozone countries, which will be catered for once the crisis is over. This will particularly benefit the German marques. But a recovery is not yet apparent. There is greater export potential for the German passenger car manufacturers in the USA and in particular in the BRIC countries. The reasons for this are the tendency towards high economic growth, the young population striving for individual mobility and — in the case of the emerging countries — the ongoing relatively low density of passenger cars. German manufacturers will continue to be successful in catering for the expanding need for automobiles in the up-and-coming economies of Asia and Latin America on the back of their tried-and-tested twin-track strategy of rising exports and increasing local production. There is a high growth potential in the BRIC countries D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 30 Foreign manufacturing: Pursuit of records goes on The German manufacturers’ foreign passenger car production broke through the eight million barrier The German manufacturers’ twin-track strategy leads to success After adjusting for CKD (correction of the previous year’s figures based on the change in the value-added share creation for a number of models), the German manufacturers’ foreign passenger car production in 2012 increased by 11 percent, breaking through the eight million barrier for the first time. That means that local production has more than doubled in the past 10 years. In the meantime three out of every five German-branded passenger cars is produced abroad. At the same time, domestic production in the past 10 years has risen by 5 percent to 5.4 million passenger cars. The increasing focus on production sites outside Germany has thus not resulted in a fall in domestic production, as in other large Western European automotive countries. In 2012, almost one in every five passenger cars manufactured worldwide bore a German logo. The German manufacturers’ success in a challenging market environment can be explained in the main by the twin-track strategy. In addition to a strong focus on exports, it also comprises an expansion in foreign production. The advantages are obvious: transport distances are shorter, bespoke models for the growth markets are developed locally and the burden of import duties is reduced. Despite this, the strategy also secures jobs in domestic production and logistics as components or component sets are usually supplied from Germany. Developments within the various regions in 2012 presented a mixed picture. There was high growth mainly outside Europe; in Western Europe, on the other hand, production declined by 6 percent to 1.51 million passenger cars. Production in Eastern Europe increased by 16 percent to 1.46 million passenger cars with new models resulting in significantly expanded production in Slovakia and Hungary. China is now the most important foreign location. In China, 2.9 million German-branded passenger cars rolled off the production lines in 2012. That equated to growth of 36 percent. In America too, the German automotive industry is in a very good position. Output increased by 16 percent to 2.05 million light vehicles. The greatest dynamism in this segment was posted by the USA, where a new production site contributed to an increase of a good third to around 640,000 units. Commercial vehicle market: Troubled waters New registrations of light and heavy commercial vehicles in 2012 were down The deterioration in the economic environment over the course of the year did not leave the German commercial vehicle industry unscathed. New registrations of both light and heavy commercial vehicles were down this year. The 6 percent drop to 226,000 units in the light commercial vehicle arena was, however, within reasonable bounds if one considers that the previous year in Germany had seen record registrations and, on the other hand, the decline in Western Europe had been significantly more pronounced with minus 13 percent. The German light commercial vehicle market proved yet again to be an anchor of stability in the turbulent European sea. 31 The macroeconomic indicators relevant to commercial vehicle sales tended towards stagnation in 2012. Road traffic mileage fell by 2 percent in the wake of the high growth rates of previous years. Industrial output, which fell just short of the previous year’s level, also provided no impetus. The situation regarding heavy goods vehicles weighing more than 6 metric tons was correspondingly difficult. The simmering debt crisis and associated uncertainties had a somewhat dampening effect on customers’ behavior. New registrations remained almost in step with the Western European market, falling 10 percent to 81,000 vehicles. That put them only slightly lower than the long-run average. The current market environment is determined by the Euro VI standard mandated from 2014 onward. Large-scale anticipated purchases, however, are not really on the cards because of the current rather restrained sales situation. The German bus market staged a slight recovery in 2012. New bus registrations rose by 2 percent to more than 5,100 units. Estimates of future developments are also slightly positive as a result of the liberalization of the German long-distance coach route market starting in 2013. Overall registrations of new commercial vehicles Broken down into quarters 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2010 2011 2012 Source: Federal Motor Transport Authority The liberalization of the German longdistance coach route market could positively impact on the market D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 32 Internationalization of the German Automotive Industry Since 2010, the German automotive industry has built more vehicles abroad than it has domestically The German automotive industry has a global presence: the German Association of the Automotive Industry’s member companies produce vehicles, trailers and bodies as well as components in more than 70 countries. In 2012, passenger car and commercial vehicle manufacturers produced 13.6 million vehicles worldwide. With 8.2 million foreign-produced passenger cars in this total, more vehicles were produced abroad than at home (5.4 million) for the third time in succession since 2010. But not only the manufacturers are represented internationally. Nowadays, German suppliers have around 1,700 production sites abroad; in 1996 a VDA survey revealed only 950 supplier locations abroad. Globalization is therefore not a new phenomenon, it has simply achieved a new dimension. Germany as a business location faces a corresponding challenge in view of the strong growth in foreign production in recent years and the numerous initiatives by various countries to attract investment. What is required is to create an attractive environment for Germany as a production and export location. That covers both domestic conditions as well as improved access to foreign markets. 33 Germany is an export nation, but is also open for imports. Imported marques currently account for around a third of German new registrations. If German-branded vehicles produced abroad are added in, more than 50 percent of vehicles registered in Germany now come from abroad. On the one hand, the globalization of trade is being spurred on by the dismantling of trade barriers. International trade is becoming cheaper as a result of the reduction in customs duties and the dismantling of nontariff barriers to trade. At the same time, the globalization of investment is being driven by market developments, but also by measures to promote investment that can verge on protectionist tendencies. If market access by imports is made more difficult by barriers to market access, local investments have to be made in order to participate in the market’s development. The VDA keeps a close and very much critical eye on these developments. The Federal Government, the European Commission as well as the World Trade Organization, WTO, are the custodians of fair market access and equal competitive conditions for all participants. Germany is also a global player when it comes to importers The proportion of vehicles manufactured in Germany that is exported has increased continuously — until the 2009 economic crisis (1996: 59 percent, 2008: 74 percent, 2009: 69 percent, 2010: 76 percent) — while foreign production has also increased steadily, exceeding domestic production for the first time in 2009. The dynamic growth in foreign production is primarily attributable to the expansion of production sites abroad. Since 2000, foreign production has exceeded the number of vehicles exported. In 1996, VDA members produced more than 2.7 million vehicles (passenger cars and commercial vehicles). In 2012, the volume had almost trebled. Total motor vehicle domestic and foreign production and exports Year Foreign production Change in % Domestic production Change in % 1992 1.55 million 1996 2.43 million 58 % 4.54 -7 % 2.65 million 2000 3.7 million 52 % 5.13 13 % 3.46 million 2004 4.22 million 14 % 5.19 1% 3.67 million 2008 5.29 million 25 % 5.53 7% 4.13 million 2010 6.09 million 15 % 5.55 0% 4.24 million 2012 8.24 million 35 % 5.39 -3 % 4.13 million 4.86 Exports 2.57 million Source: VDA D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 34 The Situation Regarding Commercial Vehicles, Trailers, Bodies and Buses Trailer and body manufacturers The transport industry is assuming an ongoing difficult environment Following last year’s very dynamic development, the trailer and body manufacturers’ overall situation stabilized in 2012. New trailer registrations during the year were slightly below the previous year’s high level at 242,200 units. Registrations of heavy articulated trailers, however, fell by 5 percent to 26,500 units.. This solid overall performance, however, is up against the transport sector’s bleak assessments and expectations, particularly at the end of the year. The current economic situation in this sector is seen as rather subdued. The weakening macro- economic dynamism is particularly evident in the business fortunes of German transport companies. The relevant indices at European level have also deteriorated, especially at the end of 2012. Unless the macroeconomic environment fundamentally changes, the transport industry’s expectations are therefore currently of rather lower volumes in the months ahead. Robust demand from Russia and a number of foreign markets For trailer and body manufacturers this is reflected, for example, in the very different fortunes being experienced by domestic and foreign markets. Whereas domestic orders during the year remain significantly below the previous year’s level, foreign orders in the same period increased by 2.7 percent. Demand from various Eastern European countries in particular, as well as from Russia and Turkey, was described as robust. The slightly higher export quotient of around 50 percent is evidence of companies’ high level of competitiveness and their broad-based presence. For example, almost 50 percent of the European trailer market is accounted for by German manufacturers. The trailer and body manufacturers’ turnover dipped slightly last year by 2 percent to 8.3 billion euros. This masked a 2.2 percent increase in foreign turnover to just shy of 4 billion euros. Domestic turnover’s (4.4 billion euros) share of total turnover slipped to 52 percent (previous year: 54 percent). Last year, with a total workforce of 30,900, the employment level was around 2.3 percent higher than the year before, and at the same time at a 3-year high. Especially during the financial and economic crisis, small and medium-sized enterprises in the trailer and body industry in particular set great store by a high degree of flexibility and gained experience of relevant working time and employment models. Especially in periods of economic weakness, this helps to maintain the permanent workforce in being and thereby preserve long-term know-how and expertise within the companies. The increasing shortage of skilled workers, on the other hand, is now posing a challenge for more than half the companies in the industry. Not least against the backdrop of demographic changes, the shortage of skilled workers in years ahead can be expected to become more acute. Most companies assume that the German and (Western) European commercial vehicle market will not develop any significant momentum in the months ahead. Instead, business is expected to flatline. In particular, there is currently uncertainty about how the sovereign debt crisis in Europe will develop and about the economic situation in the most important European markets, especially in southern Europe. All the same, the increasing need for investment in the years ahead is fueling expectations of a strengthening demand. Corporate capacity utilization in 2012 was high, but declined as the year progressed. 35 The Bus Market in Germany and Europe The bus market in Western Europe – including Germany – is largely saturated and currently lacks new momentum. Inasmuch as new vehicles were registered, essentially they were replacing older vehicles taken out of service. In a multi-year comparison, the number of new vehicle registrations has stabilized at a comparatively low level, and in 2012 was down by around 2 percent at fewer than 30,000 vehicles in total. In Germany, vehicle registrations (more than 3.5 metric tons) were up by around 2 percent at a little over 5,100 vehicles. The vehicle fleet engaged in scheduled (local) routes and coach tourism is largely unchanged at around 76,000 units. The tight financial constraints under which the regional public authorities are operating are primarily to blame for a renewed increase in the average age of the LPT vehicle fleets. The continued modernization of the fleets is a particularly important task, but one that will have to contend with a persistently difficult environment. The economic situation in which coach tourism finds itself may be stable, but here too companies are grappling with rising costs and an overall burdensome environment. The liberalization of scheduled long-distance coach travel in Germany that came into force at the beginning of 2013 ends a ban on such travel that has existed for decades. This can be expected to stimulate the market. Nonetheless, the short-term effects on the bus manufacturers should remain moderate. Here too, however, a further increase in demand is to be expected in the coming years with the declared market entry of large companies, both international and national. The bus market in Western Europe lacks new dynamic energy D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 36 The Situation in the Automotive Supplier Industry Sales remain stable – employment on the rise Sales figures for the German supplier industry fell slightly last year to 68.2 billion euros. Despite the challenging international environment, sales figures remained high and comparable to those from the successful year of 2011. Earnings in the first quarter were actually considerably greater than for the same period in the previous year. The second half of the year was characterized by an economic slowdown and lower sales figures, however, which meant that the previous year’s average could not be exceeded. Supplier industry sales remain high German suppliers generated almost two-thirds of their earnings in the domestic market, yet the foreign markets also remain very important. Foreign sales for 2012 totaled 24.5 billion euros, putting the value for the year 250 million euros behind 2011 sales. More than half of foreign sales were generated within the eurozone. The stable order situation ensured a steady demand for staff and safeguarded the employment situation in the industry. The supplier industry employed an average of 291,700 over the year, about 3 percent more than last year. Europe: Market of the future? Suppliers’ global focus was key to their success The German supplier industry experienced varied results in 2012. Not all companies shared equally in the industry’s good overall sales figures. The relative economic situations of the various companies were largely determined by the manufacturers’ global focus and their own diversification. 80 340 70 320 60 300 50 280 40 260 30 240 20 220 10 200 Workforce in 1,000 Turnover in billion euros Turnover and employment in the automotive supply industry 180 0 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Employees Turnover Source: Federal Statistical Office 37 Supplier companies whose OEM customers construct vehicles primarily for the Western European market must expect a difficult commercial situation even in the current year, due to the lasting effects of the euro debt crisis. Over the short and mid-term, the economic policy decisions on budget consolidation made in the various countries will largely determine the success of the Western European vehicle market. Nevertheless, much effort was required at the company level in order to secure Europe’s continued significance for global automotive production. The key factors for manufacturers and suppliers are to maintain a high level of innovation and respond to the challenges presented by structural changes. EU economic policy must also provide appropriate measures to ensure that Europe remains fertile ground for industry and can remain competitive in the international market. Rising energy costs and strict regulations are not the only stumbling blocks in the competition for the best international sites. Suppliers would be wise to evaluate their own value-creation strategy on an ongoing basis The German automotive industry will face considerable challenges in coming years. All market players must accustom themselves to regional expansion and investment in new technologies to an unprecedented degree, while managing difficult competitive conditions. New markets such as alternative drive systems and vehicle networking will present major challenges. To come out on top in the dynamic and complex market environment of tomorrow, crucial factors for success include early recognition of growth segments and markets, the constant review of one’s own value creation strategy and a steady view to the future in terms of competition. Development in value added distribution by module 2002 OEMs Supplier 2012 OEMs Supplier 2025 OEMs Supplier Chassis Driveline Combustion engine and gearboxes Electric drives No relevant scope Body Exterior Interior Electrical/ electronic systems Source: FAST 2025 D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 38 These are the findings of the recent study “FAST 2025 – Future Automotive Industry Structure” by Oliver Wyman and VDA (Volume 45 of the series “Materials for the Automotive Industry”). The way that OEMs and suppliers cooperate has undergone a lasting change due to the increasing variety in terms of models and variants; shorter product life cycles; comprehensive modular and assembly-based strategies; high dynamism around the use of new technologies in vehicles; new focuses of development related to electromobility; and high cost pressure and capital intensity. These changes have resulted in a redistribution of the respective share of OEMs and suppliers in the value-creation chain. Smart sourcing in particular, the practice by OEMs of pursuing different sourcing strategies for different modules, will be highly relevant in the future. In general, suppliers will also be able to further expand their share of the value chain as their expertise in the individual vehicle modules grows. Suppliers can still look forward to great potential in the modules for the electric drive system, combustion motor and related assemblies, drivetrain, exterior and body. Europe will continue to be an essential region for automotive value creation in the future Within the arena of international competition, Europe can continue to rely on its strong expertise in automotive production. Growth (including in added value) will primarily take place in Russia and other Eastern European countries and will certainly be to the detriment of development in Western Europe. The changing distribution of value creation between manufacturers and suppliers, and the focus on new markets in emerging countries will cause the supplier industry to face stressful processes of adjustment. A particular challenge remains the trend of increasing production capacity in the booming sales markets. Nevertheless, Europe will remain an essential region for automotive production in the future, and will dominate global production along with China, according to the FAST study. Europe remains an important region for automotive value added and, together with China, dominates the global industry Development of value added by region/segment, selected region in billions of euros Europe 2.8 % North America 1.4 % 170 2012 240 200 2012 2025 China 340 5.3 % 300 2025 Japan and South Korea 150 0.6 % 2012 2025 India 10.2 % South America 3.3 % 25 X.X % 35 50 2012 2025 CAGR (annual growth rate) 2012 170 185 2012 2025 90 2025 Compact Volume Premium Source: FAST 2025 39 China: Market of the future Emerging countries, such as China, will continue to grow rapidly in importance as sales and production markets. The dynamic demand for passenger vehicles remains strong in China. There were more than 13 million new passenger vehicle registrations last year – the first time this figure has exceeded that for Western Europe; around a quarter were German brands. Suppliers with already established production activities in the region are profiting from this boom. Automotive manufacturers continue to invest in the establishment and expansion of production, sales and development sites, and expect their suppliers to do the same. In recent years, China in particular has seen an enormous increase in production. In 2005, only 5.2 million vehicles (passenger and commercial vehicles) rolled off the line; a huge contrast with 2012, which saw more than 19 million vehicles produced. With a quarter of global vehicle manufacturing, China is now the largest production site in the world. Value creation figures are rising accordingly. According to the “FAST 2025” study, value creation in China is set to double by 2025. Along with Europe, China will dominate global value production in the automotive sector in the future. Especially suppliers with already established production activities in China are profiting from the boom Value creation in China set to double by 2025 China is perpetually growing in importance for German vehicle manufacturers and suppliers. Medium-sized companies too will have to step up their efforts. VDA supports globalization and cooperation The VDA advocates fair international competition and supports its members with concrete measures in their efforts to globalize. Suppliers in some prosperous regions have organized into clusters in order to promote more efficient cooperation. The VDA also supports the exchange of information related to localization topics. One example is the VDA Supplier Round Table, a network of CEOs from German suppliers in China, which was founded in China in 2010. The VDA assists potential investors by introducing initial contacts who can help with finding sites, qualified personnel and help prepare written invitations. Requests for this service should be directed to the Supplier Industry and Mediumsized Companies division. For medium-sized suppliers, international activities are usually associated with relatively high investment costs. The financial risk can be hedged through cooperation. When looking for a partner to cooperate with, it makes sense to consult the VDA Cooperation Portal. The online platform allows VDA members to search for suitable potential companies to partner with in terms of markets, finances, organization or technology, or to post offers for such types of cooperation. The VDA List of Manufacturers assists with name searches for a supplier or manufacturer of a particular component. The List of Manufacturers is a database of automotive suppliers in the VDA that includes all the major automotive suppliers in Germany and a registry of their products. Visitors to the website can search for companies and contacts. It is possible to search for components from the automotive sector, postal codes, places or company names. The List of Manufacturers database also forms an integral component of the supplier database with a focus on regional searches. It contains supplier companies that are VDA members as well as companies that are members of various cluster initiatives in the German states and Benelux countries. The VDA supports its members in their globalization efforts D at e s , Fa ct s a n d F i g u r e s 40 Support at the regional level: VDA dialog in the German states Along with representatives of the economic affairs ministries of the various German states and regional supplier clusters, the VDA organizes a regular schedule of meetings that provide a forum for participants to actively discuss the situation in the automotive industry in the German states. The goal of all involved is to maintain and strengthen competitiveness in the regions and Germany as a whole. The meetings also provide an opportunity to discuss collaboration on initiatives and support from the VDA. The “political” dialog in the German states is additionally held once annually as an exclusive forum for representatives of the economic affairs ministries of the German states. The primary agenda is to exchange information about current VDA activities and changing factors influencing economic policy. Being the innovation leader has a price High investments in R&D are one of the key success factors for the German automotive industry Suppliers perform their share of R&D efforts, often creating innovations that provide the impetus for new technical solutions. High investments in research and development are one of the success factors for the German automotive industry. R&D expenses in the sector totaled almost 22 billion euros in Germany in 2011 – including external expenses. According to the Association for the Promotion of Science in Germany (Stifterverband der Deutschen Wissenschaft), research and development departments in the automotive industry employed 88,500 people in 2011. A considerable share of R&D efforts is performed by suppliers, whose innovations often provide the impetus for new technical solutions found in the next generation of vehicles. Research into optimized production processes and new material also supports competitiveness. It is therefore crucial for both OEMs and suppliers that suppliers are rewarded appropriately over the long-term for the success of their innovations. Skilled workers wanted... For companies to implement their strategies, they must have access to the staff resources they require. The search for qualified staff is usually difficult as entire occupations tend to be in short supply, which means that multiple sectors are seeking to attract the same few individuals. Moreover, within the automotive sector, offers from medium-sized supplier companies compete with those of major automotive corporations. The often discussed shortage of skilled workers, especially from the fields of mathematics, information technology, the natural sciences and engineering, can only be remedied collaboratively by the political and science communities. Politics has identified the issue and taken measures. Relaxed immigration policies and newly created job portals are intended to attract foreign specialists in order to cope with the modest personnel resources at home in Germany. Similarly, the potential of older and experienced staff members is being rediscovered and is now increasingly in demand. The VDA maintains contact with employment recruiters, an important resource for finding specialists with the appropriate qualifications. Opportunities in the value chain The VDA promotes communication between manufacturers and suppliers An efficient and fair partnership between manufacturers and suppliers is the best way over the long term for everyone to meet the many diverse challenges we will face in the future. The VDA is an association representing the entire automotive value chain and as such, regards supporting its member companies in this respect as one of its most critical responsibilities. Many important committees provide a forum for representatives of manufacturers and suppliers to sit at the same table in order to identify common solutions. This is essential to securing the German automotive industry’s leading competitive position over the long term. 41 Premium customers: A competitive advantage? The German automotive industry is famous for outstanding quality and products that retain their value. In relation to vehicles, the concept of “quality” also implies value. Customers who buy premium products appreciate that their products are more valuable because they maintain their attested product characteristics for an extended period. German automotive manufacturers are the world leaders in the premium segment with a market share of 80 percent. German suppliers benefit from their customers’ market position, as well as from the shared quality standards, for example they are also among the world’s leading suppliers for the premium segment. Again this year, German brands and models won top marks in the quality and reliability rankings. Producing premium vehicles is labor-intensive and associated with high costs, however. Therefore even at the lowest level, suppliers have to meet the special quality requirements. OEMs and suppliers must coordinate processes in order to meet the high standards expected of highly optimized products. German premium vehicles testify to the high quality throughout the entire value chain. The success of the German automotive industry is a testament to the high quality throughout the entire value chain Customers know that premium products differ from their competition in terms of their innovations, quality, safety, comfort and design. The premium segment was and remains the leader in innovative technology from Germany. This is true of the safety equipment – e.g., ESP, assistance systems and heads-up displays – as well as for efficiency gains in the drive systems, which reduce CO2 emissions. Young business owners get involved in VDA An initiative is ensuring that the values and experience of the supplier business remain accessible to the future generation of decision-makers. The VDA Young Business Owners Committee was founded in 2007 by ten young business owners and acts as a forum for the new generation to hold regular discussions on the issues faced by the supplier sector. The twice-yearly meetings are now commonly attended by 20 to 30 young managers. The goal of the initiative is to build a network within the automotive industry and to contribute to the association’s committee work over the mid-term. Since 2009, the young business owners have also been present at the International Motor Show for Passenger Vehicles. The network is always open to new members. VDA Rating Tool The VDA Rating Tool is available to allow suppliers and manufacturers to rate their own credit. This benchmarking tool has established itself as the standard in the German automotive industry and also allows companies to generate an attested credit certificate for their customers. The rating tool evaluation can also be used as a certificate in meetings with external lenders and banks. A low-cost, basic version of the VDA Rating Tool is available to all VDA members. For more information, please contact the Supplier Industry and Medium-sized Companies division. The information platform allows young business owners to exchange information World Economy and World Trade Jolanta Kotula – tailor, assembly operator passive entry door handles, Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst GmbH & Co.KG, Velbert Wor ld economy an d wor ld trade 44 Market Access, an International Comparison Trade barriers must be dismantled The German automotive industry exports around three quarters of its domestic production. Vehicle technology ”Made in Germany” enjoys worldwide popularity and recognition. However, it is no easy matter to sell products from Germany in international markets. What makes market access so difficult in many countries? In Argentina, not only do imports have to be officially registered in a bureaucratic fashion verging on a planned economy. As a quid pro quo, the Argentinian government demands the export of goods from this country of a value equal to that of the imported vehicles. What this means in practice for certain premium German manufacturers is “cars in exchange for Argentinian leather” or “cars in exchange for Argentinian wine.” Growing protectionism in the emerging countries gives cause for concern In Brazil, a new law came into force in December 2011, which envisages a tax increase of 30 percentage points on imported vehicles. Depending on vehicle type, the import tax increases from 7 to 37 percent or from 13 to 43 percent. Brazil’s tax policy is perceptibly restricting market access for German automotive companies. This trade barrier is unfortunately yet another example of the increasing protectionism that has been observed for some time in many emerging countries. This development is giving increasing cause for concern. The European Commission is called upon to take action against such trade barriers. Europe is striving to forge a close collaboration with Brazil and Mercosur as a whole, with the objective of a free trade agreement. Trade barriers therefore need to be dismantled, not erected. 45 In China, companies are confronted with a restrictive export policy for selected raw materials – notwithstanding the intervention of the World Trade Organization WTO. China is also levying punitive customs duties on passenger cars imported from the USA. Japan operates a restrictive public procurement procedure and makes life difficult for manufacturers with other technical barriers. Despite its accession to the WTO, Russia has dubious investment regulations in its own country. In addition, shortly after its accession to the WTO, a so-called recycling levy was introduced, which makes imports more expensive. The European Commission sees this levy as contrary to the WTO and has called on Russia to come into line with the WTO. This will reveal how seriously Russia takes its WTO membership. The Ukraine as well has taken measures subsequent to its WTO accession, which it might be possible to describe as not WTO-compliant. We are talking about increased customs duties and the adoption of the Russian recycling levy. Here, too, the principles of the World Trade Organization have to be protected. Exports are dependent on market access Agreement in 2012 Source: VDA Wor ld economy an d wor ld trade 46 Trade Agreement Free trade agreements with important growth markets Tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade often hinder access to growth markets The German government and EU have to push even harder for free trade agreements (FTA) with important growth markets, such as India and the ASEAN markets. A Free Trade Agreement has already being concluded between the EU and South Korea, which came into force on July 1, 2011. Non-tariff barriers to trade continue to obstruct market access, such as for example regulations on the certification of automotive components, tires and labeling or test procedures for automobiles. The VDA is playing a constructive part in improving market access conditions in South Korea (for example with CO2 regulations, labeling and environmental innovations). When it comes to its future negotiations, the EU must ensure that in addition to customs tariffs, non-tariff barriers to trade are completely dismantled also and the markets on both sides are genuinely opened up. A Free Trade Agreement is also to be negotiated with Japan. The German and European automotive industries were skeptical as in Japan market access is rendered difficult primarily by non-tariff barriers to trade. From the automotive industry’s perspective, genuine progress in this area of restrictions is the key to successful negotiations. 47 The goal of closer transatlantic integration, up to and including a comprehensive Free Trade Agreement between the EU and the USA, remains on the agenda, even after the election of President Obama. Industrial associations on both sides of the Atlantic have emphasized their support for an agreement. For the automotive industry, both the supplier and manufacturing associations on the European and American sides have formulated common positions and forwarded them to their governments. They contain the goal of a Free Trade Agreement with the dismantling of tariff and primarily non-tariff barriers to trade as well as numerous other common requirements and requests. At a political level, the European Parliament has expressed its agreement in principle. The current EU Council Presidency (Ireland) as well is putting the negotiations with the US on its priority list for the first half of 2013. Whether the USA accord the negotiations the same priority will only become apparent during 2013. This is also based on the outcome of the High Level Working Group, which is comprehensively examining the usefulness of a possible agreement. Following a positive interim report in June 2012, the final report is imminent. A common transatlantic market offers considerable potential for the automotive industry A common transatlantic market offers considerable potential for the automotive industry. Between them, the USA and the European Union account for a world market share for light vehicles of around 40 percent. Organizationally, the “TransAtlantic Business Dialogue” (TABD with Audi and Ford as members) and the “European-American Business Council” have joined forces in the “Transatlantic Business Council” (TBC) as a mouthpiece for the industry. The TBC supports a comprehensive TBA and is advocating an early start to negotiations. Free trade agreements with important future markets The EU is currently negotiating free trade agreements with India. During the current negotiations, India has however increased its customs barriers yet again. That does not attest to a growing readiness to open up one’s own market. For example, increases have included a hike in the import duty from 60 percent to initially 75 percent in 2012, and then at the beginning of 2013, even to 100 percent for completely built passenger vehicles (CBU) with a value of more than 40,000 US dollars and an engine size greater than 3,000 cm³ (gasoline) and greater than 2,500 cm³ (diesel). A Free Trade Agreement worthy of the name must ensure that the import duties on both sides are completely, and not just partly, dismantled – even if with appropriate transitional periods. The EU’s import duties are currently 10 percent for passenger cars and up to 22 percent for commercial vehicles. India already possesses the appropriate competitiveness. In terms of passenger cars, India even enjoys a trade surplus with Germany. The non-tariff barriers to trade are also to be dismantled. There are 1.2 million people living in India. The Indian automotive market is one of the largest growth markets of the future. In all probability, next year it will already boast a greater volume than the German passenger car market; by 2020 it will double to more than 5 million units. The pent-up demand is enormous: In India, there are currently 14 cars for every 1,000 inhabitants; at the beginning of the next decade it will be more than 30 cars. By way of comparison, in Germany there are currently 530 passenger cars for every 1,000 inhabitants. India would benefit from dismantling trade barriers Wor ld economy an d wor ld trade 48 Discussions with Mercosur on dismantling trade barriers are struggling Negotiations with Mercosur are supported by the German automotive industry, but unfortunately they are mired in a deep crisis. Instead of opening their markets, ever more Mercosur members are resorting to measures restricting market access. The VDA is looking to deeper integration by dismantling barriers to trade on both sides and hopes that negotiations will soon regain momentum. An exacerbating factor here is certainly that Mercosur is far less internally integrated than the EU, for example. A similar situation also pertains with the ASEAN countries, even if the negotiations here are progressing significantly better. The regional approach (EU-ASEAN) originally preferred by the EU and European industry of a comprehensive Free Trade Agreement cannot be realized because of political challenges. The inclusion of Burma desired by ASEAN is proving especially problematic for the negotiations with the EU. Whereas the EU advocates a comprehensive approach, including human rights topics, ASEAN would like to address market access topics only. This being so, the EU has since come around to the idea of conducting bilateral negotiations with selected countries. The Free Trade Agreement with Singapore is intended to constitute a sort of reference agreement; the negotiations have already been concluded. Discussions have also been officially opened with Malaysia; negotiations with Vietnam were commenced in June 2012. Negotiations are envisaged with the Philippines and Thailand also seems to be a serious negotiating partner. The EU’s goal is subsequently to subsume these bilateral discussions within an ASEAN-wide agreement. The VDA welcomes the current negotiations between the EU and individual ASEAN countries with the goal of concluding corresponding bilateral agreements in each case. This approach is achieving significant progress compared with the previous negotiating status. The fundamental goal of an overarching holistic EU-ASEAN trade agreement should, however, continue to be pursued notwithstanding the halt to negotiations decided in March 2009. Following the conclusion of bilateral agreements between the EU and individual ASEAN states, these agreements could subsequently flow into an overarching agreement between both regions. Japan and South Korea already concluded such agreements with ASEAN. Putting the European automotive industry on an equal footing in the near future would be desirable. The German automotive industry welcomes the negotiations for a Free Trade Agreement with Malaysia and Vietnam. Corresponding negotiations with Indonesia and Thailand should also be commenced at an early date, as these too are markets with great future potential. Examples of high protective customs duties in important future markets Passenger car import duty Brazil 35 % Passenger car import duty India 60 % or 75 % plus further taxes – in total up to 100 % Passenger car import duty Thailand up to 80 % Source: VDA 49 Protectionism The German automotive industry currently operates more than 2,000 production sites outside Germany. Manufacturers and suppliers go where the markets are. But they also have to respond to local conditions, meaning that many an investment decision is influenced by local measures such as high customs duties or requirements for local value creation. In order for production in Germany to retain its competitiveness, international markets must offer a fair environment, a “level playing field”: that means that market access must be possible for all participants on fair and non-discriminatory terms. Barriers to trade, such as high customs duties and non-tariff obstacles in third-party countries (such as for example particular technical regulations) hamper or preclude exporting from Germany and put Germany as a production location at a disadvantage. These barriers to trade need to be dismantled further to create a fair framework and preserve and improve the competitiveness of the German and European automotive industry. Examples of measures posing a challenge to Germany as a production location Country Russia Ukraine Brazil Argentina India Colombia ASEAN Measure Automotive policy with local content requirements Discriminatory recycling levy Increased customs tariffs notwithstanding WTO accession Automotive policy with Local Content requirements Import/export regime, import prohibitions, discrimination High customs tariffs Fuel policy: high compulsory ethanol percentage High customs tariffs, non-tariff barriers, NTB Source: VDA Free trade is one of the fundamental principles of a market-based policy. In the longterm, all parties are better off if there are open markets. Countries and companies wishing to export their goods must reciprocate by allowing imports and are forbidden from discriminating against them. Unilateral market access restrictions create inefficient structures as a result of flawed investments and hamper innovation. Many locations however see short-term advantage from a policy of sealing themselves off, although this does not result in increased long-term prosperity. Germany is an open market for the automotive industry: 30 percent of new passenger car registrations are accounted for by importers. To these must be added Volkswagen’s subsidiaries – Seat and Skoda – which are treated as German marques in VDA statistics. Three out of every five cars produced worldwide by German manufacturers are built outside Germany. Market access on fair terms must be possible for all participants Wor ld economy an d wor ld trade 50 The German automotive industry’s strength is its worldwide footprint. The German manufacturers’ production outside Germany in 2012 was 8 million units, with domestic production of 5.4 million passenger cars. The increase in foreign production also secures and creates jobs at home. One cannot however ignore that ever more countries are attempting to make automobile imports more difficult while, at the same time, making investment for production in their own country as attractive as possible. What can be done to improve market access? The WTO must safeguard international trade The paths to free trade lead via multilateral negotiations (WTO), bilateral free trade agreements (FTA), enhanced cross-border collaboration between individual countries and organizations as well as via unilateral measures (such as for example unilateral customs duty reductions). The World Trade Organization (WTO) is extremely important here in safeguarding international trade. Its members, now numbering 159, have pledged themselves to abide by the fundamental principles of world trade. Currently, however, there is an increasing number of examples of individual members not complying with WTO rules. These include the Ukraine and Russia. The VDA deploys good arguments to advocate finding constructive solutions with these important trading partners. Increasing protectionism is holding back growth in the global economy The trend towards import duties, minimum prices, export prohibitions and “gray area measures” such as anti-dumping practices but other non-tariff barriers (NTB) as well, must be halted. Increasing protectionism slows growth in the global economy. The VDA therefore expects the German government and EU Commission, respectively, to continue – even more clearly where possible – voicing their opposition to trade restrictions. The impact of trade barriers: • Trade barriers reduce export opportunities. • Trade barriers reduce the opportunities for consumption in the protected markets. • Customs duties are an obstacle to an efficient international purchasing policy. • Customs duties increase the product price. • Non-tariff barriers add yet further to the price. • Barriers (e.g., as regards customs clearance) can also cause delays, creating a competitive disadvantage relative to domestic suppliers. • Barriers to trade, in particular high customs duties, cause resources to be misallocated: production no longer takes place in the location with the lowest production costs, namely where it would be efficient. • Obstructing international trade restricts growth and reduces prosperity. • Barriers to trade and investment prevent the international exchange of knowledge. 51 International Supply of Raw Materials and Price Developments Commodity prices – with the exception of crude oil prices – fell back in 2012. In an annual comparison, the HWWI commodity price index denominated in dollars was almost 3 percent below its 2011 level. If one excludes price movements for energy commodities (oil and coal), prices actually fell by almost 13 percent. The so-called industrial commodities in particular lost out. Nonferrous metals (copper, aluminum, zinc and others) fell in price by an average of 15 percent. Iron ores and scrap denominated in US dollars lost ground by as much as 18 percent. Exchangerate movements only slightly moderated the price decreases on a euro basis. The supply situation for rare earth elements (REE) was also somewhat less strained. Two effects were at play here: on the one hand, the industrial climate in Western Europe has deteriorated across the board – and with it the demand for REEs. On the other hand, companies have increasingly replaced. REE applications with other, less critical raw materials. The price of oil experienced significant fluctuations in 2012. At the beginning of the year, the conflict between Iran and the Western countries drove prices close to the previous record highs of 2008. But the feared shortage failed to materialize. The shortfalls as a result of the embargo on Iraqi were more than offset by increased production by Saudi Arabia, Libya and Iraq. At the same time, the weak economy curbed the demand for oil. The price fell significantly in the summer months. Prices only recovered significantly towards the end of the year. On an annual average – notwithstanding the considerable discrepancy between price peaks and troughs – 2012 was the most expensive year for oil to date. Commodity prices fell in 2012 The supply situation for rare earth elements has eased Oil price at an all time high in 2012 Wor ld economy an d wor ld trade 52 Energy Costs as a Location Issue Effects of the energy transition A reliable, affordable and environmentally friendly energy supply, especially of electricity and natural gas, is an essential prerequisite for Germany as a business location. The automotive industry is particularly affected by high energy costs as it does not receive the exemptions for energy intensive businesses. The automotive industry has been hard hit by high energy costs A further cause of concern is a possible threat to security of supply. The steep rise in fluctuating electricity generation from renewable energies together with the patchy distribution of generating plant (wind energy) throughout Germany are imposing an additional burden on electricity networks. Additional long-distance high and extra high voltage power lines are required in Germany to adapt the electricity networks to changing energy generation infrastructure. To date, however, various impediments have meant that the building of these lines has not kept pace with generating capacity. The upshot is that maintaining the previously good security of electricity supply is posing an increasingly great challenge. Building the network and putting in place intelligent structures for adapting and optimizing electricity generation and demand will only be possible with considerable investment. The associated funding will have to be provided by the electricity sector and thus financed by electricity consumers. The automotive industry must continue to expect increasing energy costs Average electricity prices for industry as at October 2012 15 12 9 6 3 0 1998 1999 Section 19 levy 2000 2001 Cogen. levy 2002 2003 Concession fee 2004 2005 2006 Electricity tax 2007 2008 2009 Elec. Feed-in Law/EEG 2010 2011 2012 Generation, transport, sales Source: BDEW 53 This is behind both current and foreseeable electricity price rises. Also pushing prices higher is the fact that electricity generation from renewable energies is more expensive than electricity generation from conventional energy sources. What this means for the automotive industry is that rising energy costs are to be expected in the next few years as well. At the same time, there is a growing challenge in maintaining the reliability of supply and electricity quality at the previous German level and pre-empting a possible negative impact on production. The price of electricity for industrial firms with a medium voltage power supply is made up of various components. In addition to the actual net price for generation, transport and sales there is the electricity tax, Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) and Combined Heat and Power Act (KWK) levy, the concession levy, the levy imposed by Section 19 of the Electricity Grid Charges Ordinance as well as the risk liability levy for offshore wind farms from 2013 onward. Whereas the actual net price of electricity generation is subject to only minor price increases, and in recent years has even fallen somewhat, significant price increases are to be observed as a result of the additional costs imposed by government. These costs increased from 0.19 cent/kWh in 1998 to 5.35 cent/kWh in 2012. A further considerable price hike is already looming for 2013. The biggest government cost here is the EEG levy. The EEG guarantees a feed-in of electricity generated from renewable sources into the German electricity network at a set remuneration rate per kilowatt hour. Because of the rapid and, in the case of a number of technologies (e.g., photovoltaic), faster than anticipated development of renewable energy sources, the levy is increasing significantly from 2012 to 2013 by around 50 percent to 5.28 cent/kWh. That means that the EEG levy alone equates to approximately 60 percent of the electricity generating cost. In addition, it is reasonable to assume that the levy will continue to increase in the years ahead, thereby further impairing and jeopardizing Germany’s international competitiveness as a production location. The VDA is therefore calling for a fundamental review of the EEG and a capping of its cost at 2 cent/kWh. The automotive industry cannot sustain these additional costs relative to foreign suppliers without suffering a serious loss of competitiveness. As electricity generation by combined heat and power plants was no longer competitive following the liberalization of the electricity market, the Combined Heat and Power Act mandated statutory assistance, which, as with the EEG levy, will be passed on to the end consumer. This levy doubled going into 2013 and now stands at 0.126 cent/kWh. Even if the KWK levy has only a very small pro rata influence on electricity pricing, it nonetheless contributes to an additional burden both for the private arena and industry. If in the past it was already possible in certain circumstances for companies to benefit from network charge reductions, the amendment of Section 19 of the Electricity Grid Charges Ordinance in August 2011 went so far as to create the possibility of being exempted from network charges entirely. The EEG levy increase significantly by around 50 percent Wor ld economy an d wor ld trade 54 Network charge rebates can be claimed if the company’s specific annual peak load differs predictably and considerably from the network operator’s annual peak load. Charges may be waived entirely if the annual electricity offtake is greater than 7,000 full load hours and exceeds an offtake quantity of 10 GWh. The network charge losses are passed onto the remaining electricity consumers. Because of the unexpectedly high number of exemption applications, the Section 19 levy for 2013 will probably significantly exceed the previous year’s annual contribution of 0.151 cent/kWh and entail an additional financial burden. The introduction of an additional levy on the price of electricity with effect from 2013 was passed at the end of 2012. This levy is intended to help counter the hesitant pace of investment to date, and thus the slow rate at which offshore wind farms are being connected to the grid. The new levy, which will probably amount to 0.25 cent/kWh in 2013, is intended to pass liability risks to the electricity consumer. The maximum amount is currently set at 700 million euros per annum, but the Federal Government is already forecasting a risk to be transferred of 1 billion euros, which suggests a need for subsequent adjustment. EU comparison of industrial electricity prices Group IF: 70 GWh < consumption < 150 GWh, status during 1st half 2012 Cyprus Italy Slovakia Czech Republic Germany UK Ireland Denmark Portugal Austria Latvia Hungary Belgium Spain Poland Slovenia Netherlands France Turkey Croatia Estonia Romania Finland Greece Sweden Bulgaria Norway 0 5 10 Ct/kWh 15 20 25 total prices including taxes but excluding VAT Source: Eurostat, VIK 55 Development of electricity and natural gas prices In addition to electricity, the automotive industry depends on natural gas for production. Compared with the second half of 2011, industrial natural gas prices in 2012 were subject to an average Europe-wide price increase of 9.8 percent. German industrial natural gas prices were also affected by this increase and are currently, as before, in the top third on a European comparison. This represents a further weakening of Germany’s competitiveness as a business location especially as other regions, such as the USA for example, are witnessing considerable falls in natural gas prices. According to current estimates by the EU Commission, the target of reducing primary energy consumption in the EU by 20 percent by 2020, passed by the EU Commission in 2007, will only be half achieved. The EU Commission has therefore passed a new energy efficiency directive enshrining measures to ensure this target is achieved after all. Following the entry into force of the guideline in December 2012, the EU member states have until June 2014 to implement it in national law, thus making it legally binding. The energy efficiency directive will result in yet further additional costs in Germany. Natural gas prices for industry in the EU Group I5: 280 GWh < consumption < 1,120 GWh, status during 1st half 2012 Sweden Finland Hungary Austria Estonia Italy Germany Portugal Latvia Slovakia France Bulgaria Spain Czech Republic Poland Belgium Netherlands Romania Ireland 0 1 2 Ct/kWh 3 4 total prices including taxes but excluding VAT Source: Eurostat, VIK Industrial natural gas prices rose by 9.8 percent in 2012 The Energy Efficiency Directive is driving costs up in Germany Wor ld economy an d wor ld trade 56 The European Sovereign Debt Crisis The sovereign debt crisis is a threat to the entire euro currency area The reverberations of the global economic crisis have been felt for more than 4 years. To some extent these have shifted both geographically and in the form they have taken, but the European economic system in particular still has to contend with turbulence. What began in the autumn of 2008 with a banking and financial crisis in the USA ballooned into a global sovereign debt crisis, with numerous financial institutions in Europe also faltering. Consequently, economic performance in numerous countries collapsed, triggering a recession. EU GDP in the crisis year 2009 shrank by 4.3 percent. However, developments in individual countries presented a very mixed picture. Government assistance and European solidarity succeeded in preventing a collapse. Nonetheless, the current sovereign debt crisis continues to pose a threat to the entire euro currency area. The unfinished institutional structure of the euro system has had negative effects. Fiscal policy and monetary policy are dealt with at different levels of jurisdiction. Long-term macroeconomic imbalances and different levels of indebtedness and current-account deficits, together with an increasing divergence between the competitiveness of individual euro countries, are calling the common currency into question. Many EU countries’ budgets had got into difficulty. Only if these divergences can be reduced again in the medium-term can the euro’s long-term future be secured. This cannot just be about reducing sovereign debt – essential though that is. Far-reaching structural reforms are required in all euro and EU countries.  57 High sovereign indebtedness at national level is no longer just a national matter. Emotional aspects are further inflaming the debate: if the euro fails, will Europe fail? Even economic experts disagree about the exact causes and necessary solutions. But one realization is becoming increasingly prevalent: macroeconomic distortions cannot be compensated for by redistribution and bailout packages. Instead, substantial reforms to increase competitiveness in many European countries are unavoidable. Countries’ competitiveness is too widely divergent. Whereas Germany has managed to improve its relative position in recent years by low increases in unit labor costs, elsewhere in the EU the economic crisis has resulted in an occasionally dramatic decline in competitiveness. Numerous measures were taken at a European level to help countries in crisis and prevent the eurozone from drifting apart. Bailout packages were put together with the aim of mitigating the effects of the euro and debt crisis (EFSF, ESM). Other measures are also intended to prevent future distortions. This includes the “European Semester,” which entails greater powers for the EU Commission to scrutinize national expenditure. The so-called “Six Pack” contains rules for budgetary discipline and against macroeconomic imbalances. These include fines for countries that run an excessively large current-account surplus over a number of years. That means that countries demonstrating their international competitiveness by their export success would be punished and called upon to support the weaker countries in the EU. But the EU’s recovery cannot in any way be achieved according to the motto “the slowest sets the pace.” One positive outcome of this crisis is the increasingly prevalent realization of how important industrial value creation is for a powerful economy. This change of attitude now needs to be translated into concrete policy. Unit labor costs Index (2000 = 100) 110 100 90 80 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Italy 2005 2006 France 2007 2008 UK 2009 2010 Spain 2011 2012 Germany Sources: Eurostat, VIK Comprehensive reforms to increase competitiveness in many European countries are required Wor ld economy an d wor ld trade 58 European Policy – Changes in Industrial Policy European institutions consider the German model to be exemplary The crisis highlighted the enormous importance of a strong industrial base as the foundation for growth and jobs. If the EU’s focus to date has been on the interests of the financial and services sector, the realization appears to be gaining ground that a high proportion of industrial production within overall value creation can significantly mitigate the effects of the financial crisis. Whereas in large EU economies industry’s share of GDP has fallen significantly, as in France (12.6 percent), Spain (16.9 percent) or Italy (18.3 percent), in Germany latterly it was 26 percent. The German model is now considered to be an example by European institutions as well. This success is no coincidence. Without massive investment in research and development, German industry, and with it the automotive industry as a key industry, would not have been able to achieve this success. But a successful industry also requires the right political framework. Industrialization continues to be very important for innovation in research and development and for creating competitive jobs. The European Commission has also recognized this and would therefore like to support this sector. The EU Commission published such a concept in autumn 2012. It articulates the objective of increasing industry’s share of European economic output by 2020 from 15.5 percent currently to an average of 20 percent. The European Commission wants to strengthen the industrial base and has explicitly emphasized the importance of the automotive industry. From the German Association of the Automotive Industry’s perspective, this change is to be welcomed, although it depends on this new direction also being put into practice. Cars 2020 acknowledges the importance of the automotive sector for Europe’s prosperity The “Cars21” process, which is of particular importance to the automotive industry, can be included in this context. This is a forum in which representatives of the European Commission, member states and automotive industry discuss the sector’s future and the output from which spawned the Cars 2020 action plan. This plan acknowledges not just the outstanding importance of the automotive sector for Europe’s prosperity, but also contains concrete steps intended to ensure also that the EU continues to possess an internationally competitive automotive industry in future. Share of gross value added by industry in Europe not including construction industry 30 20 10 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Germany 2006 Italy 2007 2008 Spain 2009 2010 2011 2012 France (values without 2012) Source: Eurostat 59 Accordingly, investment assistance is planned in advanced technologies, to improve market access and to support the industry in accessing world markets. The action plan also highlights other action areas. These now need to find their way into concrete EU policy. Currently there is no coherent implementation. An integrated approach is required for such a coherent policy. Frequently, legislation in the various subsegments imposes unilateral burdens on industry, thereby stymieing the strategy of strengthening the industrial location. For example, tougher targets for reducing vehicle noise emissions result in increased weight, which in turn increases fuel consumption, thereby increasing the effort and cost of meeting CO2 targets. What is required is a healthy balance between all targets to reconcile the environment and the economy. Similarly problematical, still, is that to date, cost estimates have only been made for individual laws. The consequences for the industry of already existing laws as well as the impact of impending regulations are only seldom considered. It continues, therefore, to be very important constantly to emphasize in the EU’s institutions just how much the prosperity of Europe as a whole benefits from an innovative and competitive industry. As regards tough environmental legislation, the automotive industry has already achieved a great deal. In future as well it stands by ambitious objectives. It is frequently heard from many political players at EU level that each tightening of environmental legislation would strengthen the industry’s global competitiveness. This calculation is simplistic. Things should not be pushed too far: in addition to physical and technical limits, there is also a cost threshold beyond which implementing technologies in the market becomes impossible or at least very much more difficult. Only if an intelligent balance can be struck between environmental objectives and cost efficiency can competitiveness be enhanced. The prosperity of Europe as a whole depends on an innovative and competitive industry Climate and Environmental Protection Policy Lutz Heyser – Dipl.-Kfm. & LL.M. (oec.), Technical Director, Formel D Group, Troisdorf/Kassel C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 62 Reducing Classic Pollutants In recent decades, the automotive industry has achieved considerable success as regards air quality. Despite ever increasing mileage, the so-called limited emissions have been successfully reduced since the end of the 1980s by the systematic use of technology and improved fuels while also cutting CO2 emissions. The success referred to above is due in no small part to the introduction of the catalytic converter, the reduction of refueling emissions, the particulate filter in diesel cars, SCR systems in commercial vehicles and the ongoing optimization of engine designs. TREMOD, a calculation model developed by the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (ifeu) in Heidelberg on behalf of the VDA and Federal Ministry of the Environment, makes it possible to quantify the downward trend in pollutant emissions. The German automotive industry’s models are contributing to improved air quality The biggest phase in emissions reduction in absolute numbers occurred in the second half of the last decade. Nevertheless, road traffic emissions will continue to fall during the next few years as well. The models calculate a reduction in emissions from road traffic by 2030 compared to the base year of 1990. • 94 percent reduction in volatile hydrocarbons (HC), • 94 percent reduction in particulates (PM), • 92 percent reduction in carbon monoxide (CO) and • 88 percent reduction in nitrogen oxides (NOX). The impressive figures speak for themselves. The automotive industry has thus achieved its mission of improving air quality. Major success in reducing road traffic emissions: NOx emissions 900 562 600 375 300 187 in 1,000 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Distance driven in billion kilometers Passenger traffic Goods transport Sources: ifeu, DIW 1,200 750 900 562 600 375 300 187 billion km 750 billion km 1,200 in 1,000 Major success in reducing road traffic emissions: particulate emissions 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Distance driven in billion kilometers Passenger traffic Goods transport Sources: ifeu, DIW 63 CO2 progress by new cars in Germany Since 2006, the average CO2 emissions of a newly registered car in Germany have fallen by fully 18 percent, from 172.7 grams CO2/km to 141.1 grams CO2/km. The German manufacturers have made a major contribution to this positive progress. They actually managed to reduce the emissions of their new car fleet by 19 percent and at 141.4 grams CO2/km are now only marginally higher than the average figure for all newly registered passenger cars. In the past six years, a new car’s average CO2 emissions fell by 18 percent In addition to car body-related measures, this is primarily attributable to efficient engine technologies. Pride of place is taken by the diesel engine. In 2012, German diesel passenger cars’ average CO2missions of 141.4 grams were exactly the same as those of German gasoline driven passenger cars - and almost 5 grams less than their competitors. The prejudice that company cars would consume especially large quantities of fuel can also be debunked by reference to the trend of recent years, emphasizing the pioneering technical role of this segment in reducing CO2 emissions. Between 2008 and 2012, company cars’ CO2 emissions were cut by 27 grams of CO2/km, whereas private vehicles’ CO2 emissions fell by only 21 grams of CO2/km. In 2012, company cars’ average CO2 emissions of 143.3 grams were only 2.3 grams more than privately registered passenger cars’ emissions. When renewing their fleets, fleet managers increasingly pay attention to the latest generation of fuel-efficient vehicle models. Major success in reducing road traffic emissions: HC emissions Major success in reducing road traffic emissions: CO emissions 1,200 750 900 562 750 5,000 600 3,750 450 2,500 300 1,250 150 375 600 300 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Distance driven in billion kilometers Passenger traffic Goods transport Sources: ifeu, DIW 0 billion km in 1,000 billion km 187 in 1,000 0 6,250 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Distance driven in billion kilometers Passenger traffic Goods transport Sources: ifeu, DIW C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 64 Fuel consumption is becoming decoupled from engine power It has been possible to reduce German passenger cars’ average CO2 emissions by 19 percent There are reports in the media constantly of passenger cars’ increasing engine power. This is taken as a proxy for environmental impact. The engine power of German-branded passenger cars on the German market in the past 6 years has indeed increased by 8 percent to 106 kW. But at the same time average CO2 emissions have been cut by 10 percent to 141.4 grams/km. Per unit of power, the decline has therefore been even more marked. This is yet another illustration of the ever increasing efficiency of the German manufacturers’ engines. Ambitious objective for 2020 Last year there was a slight slackening in the pace of CO2 reduction because the “low hanging fruit” — such as for example auto start-stop — have now been picked. The 95 gram target mandated by the EU for 2020 is therefore a major challenge for manufacturers. Achieving this goal requires alternative drive technologies — in particular electric propulsion in its various guises — to take a higher market share. New registrations by German manufacturers: CO2 emissions in g/km and power in kW 200 150 100 50 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Power 2012 CO2 emissions Source: Federal Motor Transport Authority, German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) 65 CO2 Regulations Official CO2 limits have been in force since 2012. The light commercial vehicle segment (so-called vans, up to 3.5 metric tons) will be regulated with effect from 2014. The debate on CO2 regulation for the heavy commercial vehicles’ segment (HGVs and buses) is in full swing. CO2 regulation of passenger vehicles The CO2 ordinances for passenger vehicles follow a weight-based approach. Noncompliance with the limits incurs penalties related to the amount by which the target is missed. With the weight-based approach, heavy vehicles have to cut CO2 emissions more than light ones. The goal is to use engine and powertrain measures to reduce the average European value to 130 g/km CO2 by 2015 – that equates to fuel consumption of 5.0 liters of diesel or 5.6 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers. The limit does not need to be achieved by the entire fleet in the first year, but by an increasing percentage of vehicles (“phasing in”) in order to take account of typical product life cycles. In 2012, 65 percent of the new vehicle fleet is being included, 75 percent in 2013, 80 percent in 2014 and finally 100 percent in 2015. Eco-innovations – namely, all the technological initiatives that are not measurable in the previous CO2 inspection procedure — will be offset against the fleet average up to a maximum of 7 g CO2. Super-Credits – namely the multiple offsetting of vehicles emitting less than 50 g/km CO2 — will be offset 3.5-fold in 2012 and 2013, 2.5-fold in 2014, 1.5-fold in 2015 and at par from 2016 onward. From 2012 to the end of 2018, 5 euros will be payable for the first gram of CO2 that exceeds the limit, 15 euros for the second gram, 25 for the third and from the fourth gram and above, 95 euros. With effect from 2019, there will be a flat rate fine of 95 euros for each gram above the limit. There are exemption rules for the very smallest manufacturers producing fewer than 10,000 vehicles and for niche manufacturers (between 10,000 and 300,000 units). CO2 regulations in Europe CO2 regulations in Europe Since 2012 Cars In draft: Heavy commercial vehicles From 2014 Light commercial vehicles Source: VDA The average European fleet value is to be reduced to 130 g/km CO2 by 2015 C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 66 How do the regulations work? For each vehicle with a European authorization, the permitted CO2 value is calculated based on the relevant vehicle weight The European ceiling of 130 g/km CO2 does not apply for individual vehicle models but refers to the European fleet average. The individual manufacturers are not therefore subject to universal, absolute values but company-specific CO2 targets. The permitted CO2 value based on the relevant vehicle weight is calculated for each vehicle with a European authorization. Based on these values, manufacturers can then determine their fleets’ average fuel consumption. This ensures that manufacturers of larger passenger vehicles or commercial vehicles, who obviously generate higher CO2 emissions in absolute terms, are not disadvantaged relative to producers of smaller vehicles. Nevertheless, the demands on manufacturers of larger passenger vehicles in terms of results is greater than those on their competitors. That is because while the regulations governing larger passenger vehicles allow them a higher fuel consumption as a basic principle, at the same time they require superior reduction performance (assisted by the so-called “slope 60” burden sharing curve). As such, the German premium manufacturers would have to reduce the CO2 emissions of their respective fleets by around one quarter, whereas Italian or French competitors are only expected to achieve a reduction of approximately 13 percent until 2015. Long-term target: 95 g/km CO2 by 2020 Whereas the EU’s current regulations envisage a reduction of 30 grams between 2006 and 2015 to 130 g/km CO2 the 2020 target of 95 g/km CO2 demands even more in an even shorter time frame: namely 35 grams in only 5 years! That is a more ambitious reduction than is currently envisaged in all other main markets. • USA: 121 grams • Japan: 105 grams • China: 117 grams More reductions in long-term goal achieved rapidly 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 30 gram or 19 % reduction in 9 years 1. Regulation 160 g/km 2. Regulation 130 g/km 35 gram or 27 % reduction in 5 years 130 g/km 95 g/km Source: VDA 67 What is more, the reduction is significantly in excess of the expected reduction in the conventional drive arena, which, according to the ICCT (International Council on Clean Transportation) is approximately 2 to 3 percent. However, a 27 percent reduction in 5 years means a required reduction of 5.4 percent based on a linear distribution. Consequently, whether such a goal can be achieved in Europe depends critically on how exactly the regulations are framed and on the details. What is clear is that the reduction in fuel consumption has gained considerable momentum in recent years. The crux for the industry, however, is that past progress cannot simply be extrapolated in a straight line. Ever more elaborate technologies are required the closer one gets to physical limits. The measures available become increasingly expensive and yield proportionately smaller savings. This trend was clearly apparent in 2012: In 2012, manufacturers were unable to replicate 2011’s remarkable 3.8 percent reduction in new car fuel consumption. Despite that, the motor industry is striving to achieve the overall fleet target of 95 g/km CO2. Attainability, however, depends critically on how the market for electrified and especially efficient vehicles develops from here. Sensible incentives can be of considerable assistance here. The closer one gets to physical limits, the more elaborate the technologies required C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 68 Ensuring incentives for innovation: Super-Credits and eco-innovations Super-Credits would promote innovations with a neutral budgetary impact A limit of 95 g/km CO2 means fuel consumption of 3.6 liters of diesel or 4.1 liters of gasoline per 100 km. To achieve this objective, all manufacturers have to electrify all or part of their vehicles’ drivetrain. But developing and making such vehicles is expensive. That is why incentives are important to ensure that the market for such vehicles ramps up quickly. The method of choice was “Super-Credits,” the effect of which is to award multiple offsets to especially fuel-efficient vehicles and reward them for their extraordinary environmental footprint. Bonus points such as this would be a genuine incentive for manufacturers to place greater emphasis on alternative drive technologies. Super-Credits would therefore promote innovation – with a neutral budgetary impact, what’s more. Accordingly, other countries such as the USA and China are making extensive use of this tool. Eco-innovations as a spur to innovation Prominent among the eco-innovations are particularly, e. g., low power-consuming lighting systems and devices for converting waste heat into electrical energy So-called eco-innovations could have a similar effect to Super-Credits. With the engine’s efficiency reserves increasingly depleted, the vehicle needs to be seen all the more as a holistic system. What we are talking about are technologies that are not evident when measuring fuel consumption on the test stand: for example, solar roofs for cooling the passenger compartment or converting waste heat into electrical energy. Such systems could markedly reduce energy consumption in the car, and thus reduce fuel consumption. In the past, however, the way the EU Commission has handled the recognition of the impact eco-innovations have had on CO2 performance has been too restrictive and bureaucratic, with the result that these fuel economy modules have not yet achieved breakthrough. Here, too, the rule applies: Clever regulation could promote technologies and innovation without the need for government handouts. The automotive industry in Europe is faced with enormous economic challenges. At the same time it finds itself in a technological paradigm shift. Nobody can accurately predict which drive technologies will establish themselves in the market in the longterm. Companies therefore have to pursue a number of avenues. Which technology will break through? Battery technology, the hydrogen-powered fuel cell, the plug-in hybrid or the natural-gas vehicle? These questions are currently unresolved. This is why the time is not yet ripe for thinking now about targets and regulations for the period after 2020. Such decisions would be far too premature. As long as the potential market penetration of alternative drive systems remains unclear, serious forecasts beyond 2020 are not possible. From the present-day perspective, it is not yet sure whether the current limits regime continues to make any sense at all, or whether a completely different system of regulation might be required. 69 CO2 regulation for light commercial vehicles (N1) The CO2 regulations for light commercial vehicles follow the same basic principles as the Passenger Vehicle Ordinance. Here again we are talking about weight-based CO2 regulations with the goal of achieving a fleet limit of 175 g/km CO2 from 2014 onward. In 2014, 70 percent of the new vehicle fleet will being included, 75 percent in 2015, 80 percent in 2016 and finally 100 percent in 2017. Eco-innovations will be offset up to a maximum of 7 g/km CO2 in the same way as for passenger vehicles. Super-Credits for vehicles emitting less than 50 g/km CO2 will be offset 3.5-fold in 2014 and 2015, 2.5-fold in 2016, 1.5-fold in 2017 and at par from 2018 onward. Depending on the extent to which the target is missed, penalty payments of between 5 and 95 euros will be levied. There are exemption rules for the very smallest manufacturers producing fewer than 22,000 vehicles. The target is for 100 percent of the N1 fleet to achieve the target value of 175 g/km by 2017. 147 g/km are to be achieved only 3 years later. That is a CO2 reduction of 28 g/km in only 3 years! The latest study by the Institute of Automotive Engineering (ika) at RWTH Aachen, published in 2013, demonstrates that even with a 4 percent market share for electric propulsion, the target of 147 g/km CO2 is only achievable from a technical perspective with the most far-advanced technology package. This results in costs of around 6,500 euros per vehicle. From 2014 onward, light commercial vehicles are to achieve a fleet limit of 175 g/km CO2 C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 70 But the light commercial vehicle segment would struggle to cope with costs of that magnitude. In every case, disproportionate regulations resulting in disproportionately high costs serve neither the economy nor the environment, because many customers, especially the price-sensitive ones, will hold off purchasing new vehicles for as long as possible and make do instead with their old vehicle stock. However, such a delay in renewing the fleet would be counter-productive for environment policy as superior technologies would then only find their way into the market at a later date. Overwhelmingly, the light commercial vehicle segment differs fundamentally from the passenger vehicle sector. In practice, light commercial vehicles are required almost exclusively for a specific profile of use (parcel services, transportation for trade purposes, etc.). Procurement and running costs and reliability are the critical parameters driving product selection. Already, no manufacturer can afford to offer vehicles on the market that are not as economic as possible in terms of fuel consumption. At one and the same time, the dominant business calculation in the commercial vehicle sector shapes and limits the advent of technical innovation. Innovations will prevail in the market once the higher purchase costs make economic sense in relation to the lower running costs. In practice this depends largely on the specific purpose for which the vehicle is being used. Whereas specific technologies, such as hybridization for example, achieve a quicker payback for certain profiles of use, because significant reductions in fuel consumption are possible as a result of the additional electric propulsion, the efficiency gain is smaller for other types of use (for example, long-haul only). 71 CO2 for heavy commercial vehicles In addition to CO2 regulations for passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles, the European Commission is planning to bring forward proposals for regulating heavy goods vehicles as well, even before the end of the current legislative period. Here, however, the starting position is fundamentally different. Unlike in the case for passenger vehicles and light commercial vehicles, heavy goods vehicles’ CO2 emissions have not previously been captured. This is because the truck market, from longhaul trucks to the building site tipper, is significantly more fragmented. As a result, the size, weight, application, performance and conditions of use of trucks are totally different and cannot be reduced to a common denominator. A building site tipper’s driving and load profile are fundamentally different from that of a long-haul truck. Against this backdrop, only truck engines are currently type-tested for emissions. But inspecting the engine alone does not allow any realistic inferences to be drawn about the CO2 emissions of the vehicle as a whole. The influence of other factors on CO2 emissions, such as aerodynamics or rolling resistance, is far too great. CO2 emissions by heavy commercial vehicles have not previously been captured It follows that the first step is to develop a practicable approach as to how heavy commercial vehicles’ CO2 can be determined at all. The focus here is on a CO2 simulation model, realistically modeling the actual CO2 values. Only once the simulated actual values are available and they have been confirmed in practice, should further political initiatives be considered. Market pressure is driving down CO2 emissions Companies are under considerable market-driven pressure to push ahead with reducing truck fuel consumption because, given the high annual mileage, fuel costs represent far and away the biggest single item in the road haulage industry’s cost structure with a share of around 30 percent. Transport companies therefore have a massive vested interest in trucks that are as fuel-efficient as possible. Regulation would therefore be superfluous. That is also borne out by the progress made to date in reducing fuel consumption: for example, nowadays a 40 metric ton truck on longhaul trips consumes on average only 32 liters per 100 kilometers. This means that one metric ton of payload costs only 1 liter per 100 km (235.21 mpg). This progress must continue while also remaining affordable. A 40 metric ton truck consumes only 32 liters of fuel per 100 kilometers on a long-haul trip This also begs the question of responsibility for CO2 emissions, as heavy commercial vehicles are produced in a multistage process. In the case of heavy commercial vehicles, there are frequently only customized products: the concrete mixer is fundamentally different from trucks for long-haul transport. The chassis manufacturer is therefore not remotely able to take responsibility for and influence the CO2 emissions of the complete vehicle. But who then is responsible? At the end of the day, there is no need for regulation on limits driven by climate protection considerations. Instead, the political focus should be on alternative optimization solutions: Certified and official information on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions must create more competition in the market. Driven by the market, the most efficient vehicles will prevail. Based on the primacy of “liberalization instead of regulation,” the way should also be opened to new, innovative approaches to vehicle dimensions (length, height, width) because unless the statutory dimensions are amended, aerodynamically optimized vehicles will struggle to assert themselves in the market because of the loss of cargo space that would otherwise ensue. Ultimately, because of the importance of the truck within the transport sector, climate protection policy can only succeed with, and not in opposition to, the commercial vehicle. Instead of rigid limits, the dynamics of the market must be harnessed to use competition between manufacturers as the central driver of CO2 innovation. Official data on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions must be used to create more competition C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 72 Tire Classification (Tire Labeling) Tire labeling has been required since November 2012 for vehicle class M and N tires With effect from November 2012, it was made compulsory to classify and label vehicle tires or vehicle classes M (passenger vehicles) and N (goods vehicles) similar to the labeling on electrical appliances with the intention of providing consumers with information on specific tire characteristics and enabling them to make a direct comparison between different models. This labeling describes the rolling resistance (fuel pump symbol), wet-weather adhesion (rain symbol) and tire road noise (sound wave symbol) and is divided into classes A to G. The label is intended to help the customer when choosing a tire. It informs consumers about environmental and safety characteristics. It doesn’t however say anything about other important performance features such as braking performance in dry conditions, aquaplaning behavior, vehicle stability, cornering forces, wear and suitability for winter driving. Label to be revised by 2014 Experts define 20 performance characteristics in order to provide the customer with more specific and comprehensive information. The EU Commission wants to revamp the label and its criteria by 2014. For example, a high classification for rolling resistance is at the expense of braking behavior in wet conditions. That was not previously evident from the label. A step up in rolling resistance from A to B equates to increased fuel consumption of 0.1 liters/100 km, a step up in wet-weather adhesion from A to B corresponds to a longer braking distance of between three and six meters. Admittedly, tire technology has come on in leaps and bounds in recent years. Tire performance requirements, especially as a result of different road conditions caused by the weather, are improving all the time. Tire labeling European tire labeling regulation A B C D F G H B B 72 dB 1222/2009 – c1 Source: European Commission 73 The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development will also take account of winter road conditions in an ordinance addressing the typical conditions resulting in a higher degree of risk as a result of packed snow, slush, frost or black ice. Pending a similarly comprehensive European regulation, tire characteristics such as minimum profile depth and labeling for the customer and supervisory authorities should be taken into account as criteria for the suitability for winter use of tires for multitrack motor vehicles for the carriage of passengers and freight (category M and N). In 2010, the Bundesrat also requested the Federal Government to check the minimum profile depth for winter tires in the context of fleshing out the compulsory fitting of winter tires. There are proposals for a minimum profile depth of four millimeters for winter tires. This is to be examined by a research project. Additional topics included in the research projects are tire age, winter tires on the steering axle of commercial vehicles and the compulsory fitting of snow chains for commercial vehicles. Once this research work is completed at the end of 2014, there will be a decision as to whether further changes are required to the compulsory fitting of winter tires. C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 74 Passenger vehicle labeling Color scale informs customers of new vehicles’ CO2 balance According to EU Directive 1999/94/EC, consumers are to be provided with standardized information on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. Exactly how this information is to be presented will however be left to individual states. Manufacturers and dealers have already been required since 2004 to provide information about fuel consumption and CO2 emissions for new passenger vehicles under the passenger vehicle energy consumption labeling ordinance (Pkw-EnVKV). This labeling has however been significantly improved since the end of December 2011. There is now no longer an impenetrable fact sheet but a clear color-coded scale informing the customer directly at the moment of purchase about a new vehicle’s CO2 performance.1 The passenger vehicle label uses a scale incorporating colors and letters to show how energy efficient a vehicle is compared with other models. Vehicles exhibiting significantly better CO2 values and the average are divided into green categories. Average vehicles are classified amber and vehicles that are worse than the average are labeled in red. If in future there is an improvement in the CO2 values of passenger vehicles offered on the market, the system will be tightened up. The color scale is supplemented by information about average fuel costs and the annual amount of the CO2-based motor vehicle tax, so that the consumer can include these vehicle running costs in his or her purchase decision. Power consumption is also factored in, given the increasing number of electric vehicles. The customer immediately sees from the color scale whether the vehicle is economical or not in its “weight class” because a compact car is compared with a compact car and a family van with a family van. Such a scoring system also spurs the motor manufacturers on to fresh successes: Whether a compact car or family car — everyone needs to make an effort. The planned label therefore presents crucial benefits: it fosters competition between providers to develop ever more fuel-efficient models and it raises purchasers’ awareness of fuel efficiency. Both will result in a significant reduction in CO2 emissions. For two-thirds of customers, the label is important when making a purchasing decision The fact that the label is becoming increasingly important is borne out by a representative survey by the Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) among automobile customers and dealers. The label is an important or even very important factor for almost two thirds (63 percent) in the purchase decision. You will find the results of the survey and further information about the label at Anyone – be they a private customer, business customer or dealer – can find out about the new labeling on the information forum Moreover, an online tool helps private and business car purchasers identify the most efficient new vehicle in the relevant vehicle segment (compact cars, medium class, etc.). Dena also offers a free phone energy hotline on tel. 08000 736 734. Passenger Car Energy Consumption Labeling Regulation of May 28, 2004 (BGBI. I p.1037), last amended by Article 1 of the 1 Regulation of August 22, 2011(BGBI. I p.1756 (2095)) 75 Design of the label Information regarding fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and current consumption in the meaning of Pkw-EnVKV (Car Energy Consumption Identification Ordinance) Brand: Fuel: Model: Other energy carriers: Capacity: Weight of vehicle: Fuel consumption combined: /100 km inner city: /100 km outside: /100 km CO2 emissions Current consumption combined: g/km combined: kWh/100 km The values indicated were determined in accordance with specified measurement procedures (Art. 2, Nos. 5, 6, 6a Pkw-EnVKV, in the version currently in force). CO2 emissions incurred by the production and provision of the fuel or other energy carriers are not taken into account in the determination of the CO2 emissions in accordance with Directive 1999/94/EC. The data does not relate to an individual vehicle and does not form a constituent part of the bid, but serves solely for comparison purposes between the different types of vehicles. Note with regard to Directive 1998/94/EC: The fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of a vehicle depend not only on the efficient utilization of the fuel by the vehicle, but are also influenced by driving behavior and other non-technical factors. CO2 is the greenhouse gas mainly responsible for global warming. A guideline to the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of all private car models offered for sale in Germany can be obtained free of charge at any point of sale in Germany at which new models of private cars are on display or offered for sale. CO2 efficiency On the basis of the CO2 emissions measured and determined by taking the weight of the vehicle into account A+ A B B C D E F G Annual tax for this vehicle Energy costs with a run performance of 20,000 km: Fuel costs (_______) at a fuel price of ____ euro/payment unit Current costs at a current price of ____ euro/payment unit Euro Euro Euro Prepared on: Source: VDA C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 76 Technical CO2 Reductions Affecting Heavy Commercial Vehicles FAT is determining ways of reducing heavy commercial vehicles’ fuel consumption A part of the fuel is used to overcome driving resistance Fuel costs, which in the case of long-haul commercial vehicles currently account for approximately 30 percent of running costs, are constantly increasing. In addition, the EU Commission intends to introduce a CO2 certification for heavy commercial vehicles as well. To that end, work has been ongoing for a number of years on an appropriate procedure for making realistic calculations of heavy commercial vehicles’ CO2 emissions. Against this backdrop, the Automotive Engineering Research Association e. V. (FAT) has initiated projects to determine the potential of vehicle initiatives in achieving a lasting reduction in fuel consumption. In the case of laden 40 metric ton truck trailers driving on a level road surface, approximately 40 percent of the fuel is used to overcome the driving resistance. Rolling resistance and air resistance are the dominant driving resistance forces on long-haul journeys. When investigating the aerodynamic characteristics of semi-trailers (figure) it emerged that the air resistance can be significantly reduced if the gaps on the vehicle sides are covered. That involves attaching approximately 0.5 meter-long flaps, so-called boat tails. In the case of drawbar trailer combinations, an aerodynamically shaped fairing on the rear of the truck body appreciably reduces the trailer’s air resistance as the air flows more continuously across the gap between the truck and the trailer. The generic vehicle models created for these studies are also attracting increasing interest at EU level in developing the CO2 certification procedure for heavy commercial vehicles. A newly developed measuring methodology made it possible for the first time to measure the rolling resistance of commercial vehicle tires on real road surfaces. In the process, the influence of parameters relevant to the tires’ rolling resistance, such as wheel load, tire inflation pressure and the roughness of the road surface was calculated. The rolling resistance of a truck trailer is also influenced — in addition to the tire — by other truck trailer and axis parameters. In order to be able to quantify the various influences on the rolling resistance of the vehicle as a whole, a simulation model was built that systematically looks at all the primary and secondary effects of the variables influencing fuel consumption. Other ongoing research projects will identify additional potential for the total “truck trailer” system in order to make future road freight transport even more energy efficient. Aerodynamic simulation using the generic semi-trailer model 0 -7 Ux (m/s) 10 20 22 Source: FluiDyna GmbH 77 Coolants As far back as the beginning of the 1990s, the automotive industry began to look at possible alternatives to the established coolant with a view to reducing environmental pollution. At that time, the ozone layer-depleting coolant R12 was superseded by the more environmentally friendly R134a. But subsequently, this coolant as well was challenged. As a result, the EU enacted Directive 2006/40/EC to regulate vehicle airconditioning systems. This introduced a limit on the climate effect (the impact the gas has on the greenhouse effect once it has escaped into the atmosphere), defined in terms of the GWP (Global Warming Potential). The GWP is an index stated relative to its effect on CO2 as a greenhouse gas over a one hundred year time frame. Among other things, the EU Directive phases in a ban on the use of coolants with a GWP greater than 150 for newly registered vehicles. With effect from January 1, 2011, new vehicle models will no longer be authorized that have a coolant with a GWP greenhouse gas potential greater than 150; the same applies to all new vehicles with effect from January 1, 2017. The R134a coolant in use today has a GWP of 1,430, thereby significantly exceeding the limit. The coolant R134a in use today significantly exceeds the limit C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 78 CO2 is an alternative The initial focus in terms of a replacement for the coolant R134a was on two different substances: on the one hand, CO2 (R744) was long held to be a particularly advantageous coolant as a logical step forward. The coolant’s peculiar characteristics, such as high system pressures, would, however, have necessitated a complete redevelopment of all the cooling circuit components. The pre-development phase was concluded for a number of applications. However, a stable and robust readiness for series production and the very demanding safety requirements listed in the US SNAP rule since June 6, 2012 would have required yet further cost and time-intensive development steps. R1234yf as another possibility R1234yf is largely compatible with existing conventional air-conditioning system technology On the other hand, R1234yf appeared to be a suitable solution. As with the previously used coolant R134a, R1234yf can also be used in the car at the previous typical pressure level of around 30 bar. As such, R1234yf is largely compatible with the existing technology in conventional air-conditioning systems. The components tried and tested over many years and available the world over to a high quality standard can remain in use. Motor manufacturers worldwide therefore opted for R1234yf. Over the past few years it has undergone detailed investigation. Many vehicle manufacturers and suppliers from Asia, Europe and the USA, and independent institutes as well, conducted extensive tests and studies in numerous internationally renowned laboratories, including vehicle tests under realistic conditions. The outcome: R1234yf is safe to use. It came as a complete surprise to everyone that these results were challenged by Daimler AG’s “Real-life Test,” published at the end of September 2012. Further tests are currently underway to obtain a sound overall picture and to be able to assess possible options. Climate effect and damage caused to the ozone layer by coolants Climate potential (GWP) Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) R 12 10,890 Yes R134a 1,430 No R1234yf 4 No R744 ( CO2 ) 1 No Coolants Source: VDA 79 Biofuels and Sustainability The German automotive industry’s fuel multi-track strategy envisages the long-term replacement of fossil fuels to reduce the dependence on crude oil and to cut CO2 emissions. To this end, fuel will be replaced in part by biofuels. This will increase independence from oil imports. The addition of biofuel will also immediately reduce CO2 emissions throughout the entire vehicle fleet. From the outset, the discussion has been conducted around the sustainability of biofuels. As a result, biofuels have been subject to stringent guidelines as a result of European and German legislation. There are no comparable regulations, whether for foodstuffs, for input materials for cosmetics or for raw materials for recycling. From the VDA’s perspective, however, these standards should be applied across the board. Biofuels are already required to demonstrate a minimum 35 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared with fossil fuels and to have been cultivated on land that ensures the protection of natural forms of life, as well as sustainable agricultural production. Moreover, biofuels produced in new plant facilities are supposed to generate a minimum of 60 percent lower greenhouse gas emissions than comparable oil products. Biofuels are subject to stringent guidelines C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 80 In Germany, no foodstuffs are processed into biofuels The European Commission has brought forward an additional proposed amendment, which also burdens biofuels with quantifying indirect land-use changes. Biofuels produced from fruit potentially intended for human consumption are to be limited to no more than 5 percent of fuel consumption in the transport sector with effect from 2020. This demand takes no account of the fact that in Germany today, no foodstuffs are processed into biofuels but so-called industrial beet or feed grain not suitable for human consumption. Second-generation biofuels, on the other hand, made from waste materials such as old wood, straw or garbage, are granted a credit. Moreover, the way in which the so-called iLUC values (indirect land use change) are accounted for is also extremely dubious. The iLUC values refer to the possible greenhouse gas emissions generated if foodstuffs, cosmetics input materials or raw materials are cultivated on a new field not previously in production. The potential greenhouse gas emissions as a result of this change of use are attributed to the biofuels cultivated on the original field. This results in all cases in an unfair and frequently unfounded inclusion of biofuel greenhouse gas emissions. The German automotive industry advocates the use of next-generation biofuels because this enables the reasons constantly being put forward for a discussion on “tank versus plate” to be dismissed. It remains to be seen whether these wishes are fulfilled because the figures are already quite clear. No foodstuffs are used in Germany to produce biofuels. Globally as well, only a small percentage of the grain harvest goes to produce biofuels. Only a single digit percentage of arable land worldwide is given over to the cultivation of energy crops in any event. Despite that the “tank versus plate” discussion rumbles on. Most customers are still opting for the more expensive E5 legacy blend Ethanol cuts road traffic CO2 emissions and reduces the dependency on oil Nowadays, biodiesel and ethanol in particular are used. In Germany, 7 percent biodiesel (B7) is added to conventional diesel fuel at the pumps as standard. All the vehicles in the European vehicle fleet are suitable for these blending rates. B7 has successfully established itself in the market. A similar situation applies to the addition of ethanol to gasoline. Here as well, more than 90 percent of all vehicles in the fleet, including approximately 99 percent of all German-branded vehicles and all new vehicles without exception, are suitable for a 10 percent ethanol blend. This is why the vast majority of vehicles could run on E10 but in practice most customers at the pumps still opt for the more expensive E5 legacy blend. The VDA regrets this customer reticence because ethanol, guaranteed in Germany by binding regulations, demonstrably reduces CO2 road traffic emissions and is capable of reducing the dependence on oil, at least in some small part. The renewable energy directive demands that renewable energies account for a 10 percent share of the transport sector by 2020. Five percent is to be capable of being covered by so-called first-generation biofuels, namely by biodiesel and ethanol available as of now. Achieving this 10 percent quota requires the widespread use of E10. 81 The German automotive industry stands by its activities to educate people about E10 and remains committed to the introduction of E10. The VDA expects support from the participating groups, not least also from consumer associations and politicians. Irrespective of the E10 debate, what is needed is to continue developing new biofuels that do not interfere with the food chain. In addition to new ethanol production processes — such as straw — entirely new approaches are being developed, such as biodiesel production from algae, for example. These concepts are very promising but first have to be developed to the point of series production. The VDA is therefore calling for a stable conceptual framework from the Federal Government, which will give these new fuels a fair chance in the biofuel market. New biofuels are under development Biomethane and natural gas mobility are becoming increasingly important The VDA is paying particular attention to the previously oft-neglected gaseous biofuels: from an environmental perspective, biomethane is the best biofuel currently available in large quantities in Germany. It boasts the highest spatial efficiency of all current biofuels and, according to a dena study, is capable of reducing CO2 emissions by up to 97 percent compared with a conventional gasoline-powered vehicle. Even without adding biomethane, natural gas is capable of reducing CO2 emissions by around one quarter compared with a gasoline-powered vehicle. Biomethane can reduce CO2 emissions compared with a gasoline powered vehicle by as much as 97 percent Greenhouse gas emissions WTW in gCO2 aq/km 200 164 -24 % 156 -39 % 175 -97 % 141 150 124 111 100 100 95 75 50 8 5 5 0 el es ) Di ilter f te ula ne oli s Ga c rti (w ith pa l y y el s n no ne as ilit ilit n ies la, ga e ge ha and ha re) l g re) t l d ob mix) ob er) t a ro er) E n ge x) a ) o e u r tu i ano d) r m m a w d o s d u w i r t u A B y m n r o h t x t e t e ee E e E p d m a c H po w bio l m Na s mi Na ome be l f Hy er m l fe ind po w ind ar ima fro ima 0% -fue w bi o ( g ga w U 0 n p l u a n E 1 bi % % s a ( a % r 0 l U 0 ( 0 2 in tu 00 (E om ua (1 er (1 th na (fr esid wi lyc U r g E ( s ga o ut Fossil fuels Biofuels Electric drive Source: dena C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 82 It is chemically identical with natural gas so that it can be 100 percent blended with existing natural gas. The first step is to achieve a 20 percent admixture of biomethane to natural gas at the fuel pumps. This is why the VDA is supporting dena’s natural gas initiative with the objective of boosting the role of natural gas and biomethane as a component of the fuel mix in the German market. The German automotive industry offers a wide range of natural gas vehicles An increased use of biomethane presupposes increasing the number of CNG vehicles within the fleet because only these vehicles are capable of running on biomethane. The current vehicle fleet in Germany of approximately 90,000 vehicles is still too small. To achieve this objective, the natural gas mobility initiative, which, in addition to representatives of the automotive industry also includes the oil industry, ADAC, the biofuel industry and the world of politics, has decided on the following action points: • expanding the filling station infrastructure • increasing the percentage of biomethane in the blend • increased communication and education • prolonging the tax breaks for natural gas • expanding the offering of natural gas vehicles • stepping up the marketing and sales of natural gas vehicles Objective of the natural gas mobility initiative 1.4 million natural gas vehicles in Germany by 2020 Number in millions of vehicles 1.5 0.03 0.25 1.2 1.1 0.9 0.85 0.66 0.6 0.51 0.39 0.3 0.09 0.08 0.11 2009 2010 2011 0.14 0.18 0.24 0.31 0 2012 2013 Number of passenger cars 2014 2015 2016 Number of light commercial vehicles 2017 2018 2019 2020 Number of heavy commercial vehicles and buses Source: dena 83 The German automotive industry has accepted these tasks and, from the very smallest car via the family van to the upper mid-class, offers a wide and attractive offering of natural gas vehicles. Of paramount importance would be a political signal that the natural gas tax breaks will not be rescinded so as to ensure long-term planning certainty for “natural gas mobility” manufacturers and users. Natural gas vehicles must remain not just environmentally, but also economically attractive. Purchase criteria for alternative drive systems User groups Purchase criteria for alternative drive systems Personal Commercial Public Wide selection of vehicles and good marketing ++ + - Lower extra purchase costs ++ + ++ Low maintenance costs (especially fuel costs) - ++ + Good distribution of “gas“ stations and long vehicle range + + - Source: dena C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 84 AdBlue/SCR Depending on vehicle weight and engine power, two systems have a proven track record of reducing nitrogen oxides in diesel engines: the NOX storage catalytic converter (NSC) and selective catalytic reduction, SCR for short. The NSC storage catalytic converter, coated with alkaline or earth alkaline oxides/carbonates forms an irreversible chemical bond with NO2. SCR technology avails itself of the qualities of AdBlue®. A safe, environmentally friendly and high-quality aqueous urea solution, which reacts with nitrogen oxides in the hot exhaust gas and converts them into nitrogen and water in an environmentally friendly way. Ad Blue® breaks down nitrogen oxide in the catalytic converter into nitrogen and water. SCR technology is being used across the board in order to meet the Euro VI standard for heavy commercial vehicles, which has been mandatory for new types since the beginning of the year. AdBlue®’s time has now also come for diesel-driven passenger cars. A large proportion of diesel passenger cars that satisfy the Euro 6 emission standard from 2014 onward will feature an SCR system. In relation to sustainability, the automotive industry has already committed itself to this solution for individual mobility and will continue to do so. Because one in every two new cars registered in Western Europe is a diesel vehicle, the number of new cars with SCR technology will increase accordingly. With its tried-and-tested technologies for treating exhaust gases and using the proven AdBlue® fluid, the automotive industry is well prepared for the demands that the looming, stringent EU emissions reduction laws will entail for individual transport. SCR technology also lends itself to complying with the tough statutory requirements. The cleanest diesel vehicles of all time thus achieve the same level of emissions of gasoline-powered cars.  Diesel vehicles achieve the same level of emissions as gasoline powered cars Development of exhaust-gas stages for diesel passenger cars 100 100 40 13 20 5 0 100 3 2 2 73 -98 % 60 40 30 20 19 9 0 100 0.025 2 100 80 PM [%] EU4 -98 % 60 2 2 100 80 Particulate emissions [g/km] CO [%] 80 HC + NOx [%] Technical measures for Euro 6 Diesel particulate filter NOX treatment -97 % 60 0.005 40 23 20 12 10 0 Euro 0 Euro 1 Euro 2 Euro 3 5 Euro 4 4 EU6 EU5 3 Euro 5 Euro 6 0.080 0.180 0.250 NOX emissions [g/km] Source: VDA Source: VDA 85 The first vehicles equipped with SCR technology are already on the German market. The mandatory introduction of Euro 6 will significantly increase this figure. At first, the market share of SCR vehicles amongst diesel passenger cars is expected to be 25 percent, which could even rise to 75 percent of new vehicles by 2020. More than 20 million German-branded passenger cars in Europe will then have SCR technology on board. In the case of a passenger car, the consumption of AdBlue® is around 0.1—0.2 l/100km. With the widespread introduction of SCR vehicles, topping up with AdBlue® will therefore become as normal as filling up with diesel. To this end, an easily recognizable, standardized, user-friendly and ISO-compliant AdBlue® nozzle has been developed in partnership with the automotive and oil industry for filling stations throughout Europe. The first filling stations already feature these AdBlue® nozzles. Further development of the infrastructure is planned. As an interim measure until AdBlue® nozzles are available everywhere, assistance is at hand in the form of AdBlue® bottles containing almost 2 liters or the corresponding canisters containing 5 liters. Filling stations already offer these two containers, thereby ensuring that these modern vehicles can be replenished as of now. SCR vehicle inventory in Europe, only German brands in millions 25 20 15 10 5 0 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Source: VDA Customer-friendly availability of AdBlue® Refilling from standard containers Possible intermediate solution Final solution Uniform pumps and uniform containers are the basic requirements for customer acceptance. Consultation and cooperation with the mineral oil industry is vital, also for the design of refill containers. Source: VDA The automotive and oil industries have developed a user-friendly AdBlue® nozzle for filling stations throughout Europe C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 86 Occupational Safety The new requirements arising from the chemicals law must be integrated into existing processes. The automotive industry’s objective is to continue on the same path of improving work processes and reducing accidents in the workplace. Last year, too, the number of work-related accidents and resulting days lost fell, although the potential for improvement has been all but exhausted. Accident frequency index of notifiable work accidents for every 1 million hours worked 30 25 20 15 10 5 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 20 10 20 11 20 12 19 97 98 19 19 96 95 19 19 93 94 19 92 19 19 91 0 19 2012 saw a reduction in the number of work-related accidents Source: VDA 87 REACH – Still Flawed The Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council dated December 18, 2007, for the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical Substances (REACH), has brought about a significant change since it came into force on June 1, 2007. The REACH regulation’s goal of ensuring that users and customers are better informed about the hazards posed by chemical products has not yet been achieved. The findings of the European REACH-EN-FORCE 2 monitoring project indicate that 52 percent of companies inspected are issuing safety data sheets that do not comply with the regulation. One and the same chemical is frequently recorded in a number of classifications, with a number of different labels in the ECHA’s classification and labeling directory (CLP Helpdesk). This demonstrates that the entire process is too complex. Implementation of the processes must be simpler and more practice-oriented. Despite bureaucratic resistance, the REACH objectives must not be lost from view. REACH is intended to inform users and customers about the hazards posed by chemical products The substance bans or restrictions on use prompted by REACH must not conflict with what other European or national legislation is attempting to achieve. It is not enough just to look at the degree of hazard posed by a chemical. It should be a common objective to exploit substances’ positive attributes to the extent permitted by law and appropriately control and mitigate potential risks. Should this not be achieved, the consequence will be that the production of such substances will be relocated outside the EU. The European Commission has published a definition of nano materials. According to this definition, each particle falling below a certain size is a “nano material.” Deriving new legislation based purely on the size of a substance is to miss the point because a substance is typically determined essentially in terms of its chemical characteristics. As such, using different regulations to administer a substance would merely create unnecessary additional legislative complexity without any additional increase in safety and environmental protection. The VDA therefore advocates identifying the potential hazards in the known safety data sheets and defining the required protective measures. What is important here is that it should be comprehensible for the user. The automotive industry in particular is in favor of a practice-oriented, comprehensible and minimalist solution. The new “risk acceptance concept” is intended to protect employees against carcinogenic substances. Two thresholds are defined under this concept – the accepted risk and the tolerated risk. The latter is also referred to as the danger threshold. This threshold should correspond to the risk of a non-smoker with no occupational exposure developing lung cancer. Above this threshold value, employees should not be exposed to these substances. This concept, which appears at first glance to make sense, suffers however from significant weaknesses when applied to individual circumstances. If this were applied one-to-one to diesel engines, it would mean that just a few years hence, employers would have to create air quality in the workplace comparable with the air quality in the very cleanest air areas. Such an approach is evidently unsound. The definition of the limit for diesel engine emissions has been given an impetus by a classification by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). What is highly worrying about this classification is that it applies in the absence of any specified level of risk and is based on extremely questionable, scientifically dubious studies based on completely obsolete diesel engine technologies no longer in use in the Western world. But the classification applied to diesel engine emissions from modern engines that then simultaneously ensued should not have done so because there are considerable doubts about transferability and there is a lack of robust data. Even the IARC Director admitted as much. As a matter of principle, a consistent worldwide approach is imperative in this area as well. The safety data sheets should explain the required protective measures in a way people can understand C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 88 Dangerous Goods – Electromobility Unthinkable without Battery Transport The rapid and uncomplicated transport of lithium-ion batteries is critical to the future success of electromobility A transport ban means that currently there is no guarantee of worldwide service certainty When it comes to transport, lithium-ion batteries are subject to comprehensive, internationally standardized regulations on dangerous goods. Among other things, these lay down the requirements for packaging, transport, documentation, the labeling of packages and vehicles, and safe handling during transportation. The future of electromobility will also depend critically on the rapid and uncomplicated, large-scale transportation of batteries worldwide. Previously, there was limited scope for transporting damaged lithium-ion batteries for the propulsion of hybrid and electric vehicles – case-by-case exceptions by the competent authorities were required. New dangerous goods regulations for road and rail transport have been in force since January 1, 2013. In future, the competent authorities in the dispatching countries will be permitted to define a packaging method for damaged lithium-ion batteries. Outbound transport from the relevant originating country is now possible in accordance with the prescribed conditions and within the legal regulations. Individual authorities no longer need to be contacted. These newly introduced rail and road transport regulations should also be incorporated into air transport based on empirical values. To date, the transport of new and damaged lithium-ion batteries in excess of 35 kg has been banned. Lithium-ion batteries for vehicles, however, are heavier. There is therefore no guarantee of worldwide service certainty. In accordance with experience of automotive lithium-ion batteries, the VDA is calling for this 35 kg limit to be lifted. 89 The Outlook for EU Environmental Policy “Living well, within the limits of our planet” – this was the title the European Commission gave to its draft of a seventh Environment Action Program (EAP) covering the period 2013 to 2020 and intended to supersede the sixth EAP dating from 2001. At the heart of the new program is the transition to a resource-efficient, environmentally friendly and competitive, low carbon dioxide economic system. “Resource efficiency,” confers on a component a particular relevance, the measured magnitude of which is thus far totally unclear. The lead indicator “gross domestic product (GDP)/material usage” proposed by the European Commission is coming in for wide-ranging criticism – rightly so. The consequence of such a lead indicator would be to recognize as being particularly resource-efficient those economic systems that are based on a low proportion of industrial value creation and a high proportion of services. Economic systems with a high proportion of industrial value creation such as Germany would be disadvantaged. Also, the attainability of one of the seventh EAP’s targets, namely that of a competitive economic system, would be in serious doubt. Limiting the absolute amount of materials an economic system consumes would also inevitably have led up a blind alley. At the same time, the German committee of inquiry draws the conclusion that in future, gross domestic product (GDP) should not be the only indicator applied for “growth, prosperity, quality-of-life,” but should be complemented by an additional set of indicators: to further illustrate the environmental thinking, information is also to be provided about national greenhouse gases and biodiversity. There is controversy surrounding the measured magnitude “resource efficiency” in the seventh Environment Action Program C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 90 The question remains: What is “resource efficiency,” and what is the distinguishing characteristic of resource-efficient husbandry? For many years, the German automotive industry has plowed a pioneering furrow. Its efforts with regard to an efficient use of resources are bearing fruit. By way of example, one can cite numerous activities economizing on production materials, through lightweight construction and recycling, the downsizing of components, new drive concepts and fuels, the introduction of the start-stop function and eco-innovations. The automotive and supplier companies’ participation in research activities, such as the “Innovation platform for resource-efficiency in production,” is yet another manifestation of the sector’s proactive approach. The critical point is that resource-efficient behavior requires no regulatory rules and regulations, for example in the form of a resource tax. Environmental protection and economizing on materials in production are longestablished practices in the automotive industry, as evidenced by the VDA environmental key performance indicators, now in their 23rd year. They show vehicle production decoupling from the use of resources: Total energy consumption of German automobile manufacturers per vehicle in GJ (passenger cars and trucks) 30 25 20 8 9 0 1 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 007 00 00 01 01 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 2 2 2 2 Source: VDA Total water consumption of German vehicle manufacturers 80,000,000 70,000,000 60,000,000 Consumption in m3 Automotive and supplier companies are participating in research activities on “resource efficiency” 50,000,000 40,000,000 30,000,000 20,000,000 10,000,000 0 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Total Industrial water Drinking water Source: VDA 91 25 7.00 20 5.25 15 3.50 10 1.75 50 0 Vehicles produced in mill. Consumption in tons (in 1,000) Solvent emissions of German vehicle manufacturers 8 9 0 1 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 007 00 00 01 01 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 2 2 2 2 Vehicles produced Solvent Source: VDA Total waste of German automobile manufacturers 6.0 700 4.5 500 400 3.0 300 Vehicles produced in mill. Consumption in tons (in 1,000) 600 200 1.5 100 0.0 0 8 9 0 1 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 007 00 00 01 01 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 2 2 2 2 Vehicles produced Total waste of which recycling Source: VDA C l i m at e a n d E n v i r o n m e n ta l P r ot e c t i o n P o l i cy 92 Based on the VDA environmental key performance indicators, the proportion of recyclable waste relative to total waste from vehicle production in 2011 was almost 90 percent, thereby continuing the trend of previous years. It should be mentioned here that regional notification requirements on municipalities sometimes artificially inflate the proportion of waste to be disposed of. In the production-integrated environmental protection arena, the adoption of best available technologies (BAT) will in future become even more important in Europe. They are enshrined in the Industrial Emission Directive 2010/75/EC, which must serve as the central set of rules on the production side for the decade. The goal enshrined in it of a harmonized European level of environmental protection is to be welcomed. In the process, the best available technologies (BAT) will assume yet further importance in deriving limits. This depends on industry being involved at an early stage in the processes for determining the BAT and implementing them in national regulations and designing the overall process to be transparent. There is a new obligation on operators of plants listed in Annex 1 of Directive 2012/75/ EC (e.g., paintshops), to draw up a status report on the soil and groundwater. The report serves to preserve evidence and act a comparative yardstick for the obligation to return the land to its original state when the plant is decommissioned. What is particularly important here is not to duplicate regulations and to exempt from a ground survey those plants and spaces already subject to extensive regulations under the regulation on installations dealing with substances hazardous to water. The EU Commission Communication on “Building the Single Market for �Green Products’ of 4/2013” focuses on products environmental performance. But what are the so-called “Green Products”? The VDA rejects the methodology envisaged by the EU Commission for looking at products’ life cycles and their environmental footprint as an assessment benchmark. The German automotive industry has made a very considerable contribution over a long period of time to making its products “greener.” In 2012, the German automotive industry’s total investment in research and development was around 22 billion euros. Developing new drive concepts is a critical part of this. The German automotive industry remains on the right path with its “multi-track strategy” – Economize, Complement, Replace. Moving away from Oil The multipronged strategy of the German automotive industry includes both vehicle-related and traffic-related solutions. w Ne com mu nic ati on Reduc e vetrain Battery-electric dri Fle xfue e Replac ll Fuel ce Ga s epts conc lity i b mo n roge Hyd id iqu to-l ssma ls Bio id ue iof iqu o-l nb s-t tio Ga era en t-g 1s h nis ple e R Car-2 -X Since 2013, plant operators have had to draw up a status report on the soil and groundwater lv eh icl es e Rais tra ins ing eng ine effic Drive ienc train y optim izatio n Lightwe ight con struction Hy b rid dri v Rolling resistance Source: VDA Transport and Infrastructure Policy Sandra Ussia – technician semi-automatic assembly machineries (plant for large batches), VOSS Automotive GmbH, Wipperfürth T r a n s p o r t a n d I n f r a s t r u ct u r e P o l i cy 96 The Importance of Road Transport, Today and Tomorrow The passenger car is the number one means of transport In Germany, the passenger car remains the most important means of transport Among older people, the level of motorization is constantly growing The passenger car is far and away the most important means of transport for passenger transport. In 2012, it accounted for more than 908 billion person-kilometers. That equates to a market share of more than 80 percent. However, passenger transport by road and rail in Germany – just as in the rest of Europe, moreover – appears to be reaching saturation point. For a long time now, growth rates have been low. That is why in the decades ahead passenger traffic will not be significantly different from what it is today. That applies not just in terms of its level but also in terms of its structure. All currently available forecasts assume that the present level of passenger traffic will remain as it is far beyond the year 2030, as will the passenger car’s market share. Shifts are however underway when it comes to car use between individual age groups. Whereas among older people, especially women, the level of motorization is constantly growing, it is on the wane among the under thirties group. This is not however as a result of this group of individuals holding the car in declining regard – on the contrary: according to a recent McKinsey study, 78 percent of 18- to 24-year-olds assume that they (too) will own their own car in the next 10 years, and according to TNS Infratest for 81 percent of 18- to 34-year-olds the first car of their own is something “very special.” “Car fascination” is therefore undiminished among this age group as well. As however, typically, this group (initially) tends to be comprised of low-earning individuals (apprentices, students, career starters), it reacts more sensitively than other groups to the increasing cost of the good that is “mobility.” Personal transport in Germany up to 2025 Person/km in billions 1,500 1,200 900 600 300 0 1970 1980 1990 1995 Car 2000 2005 Public road transport 2012 Rail 2025 Air transport Source: DiW, progtrans, BMVBS, ITP/BVU 97 Whereas the total consumer price index has risen by 43 percent since 1991, for individual motorized transport it has grown by far more than 70 percent. Consequently, according to a study by the German Federal Transport Ministry, among young single households and young two-person households not owning a car, 80.7 percent and 77.4 percent, respectively, cite cost as the reason for their mobility situation. At the same time, the proportion of academics in this age group is growing, their purchasing phase naturally beginning later than among non-academics, living also as they do in (university) towns with good local public transport. Consequently, these days it isn’t until later than was previously the case that this age-group enters a “car-receptive” life situation. For representatives of this group therefore, the purchase of a car of their own is not abandoned, merely deferred. Open to new mobility offerings In the life stage between 18 and 29, therefore, many citizens now switch to alternative mobility offerings. They use local public transport for their basic mobility requirements and if necessary fall back on car sharing offerings as and when needed. The motor manufacturers have recognized this trend: they are now among the most important car sharing providers in Germany. Despite this market’s breakneck growth, its absolute size is still moderate. In 2012, around 260,000 people were registered as car sharing users. Car sharing offerings are an attractive alternative for young people Young people value cars The first car of your own is something very special 18—34 years 18—24-year-olds 35—44 years 45—54 years 40—69-year-olds 55—64 years 0 65 years and older 0% 15 30 45 60 75 90 I fully expect to be owning my own car in 10 years� time 15 % 30 % 45 % 60 % 75 % 90 % Source: TNS Infratest, 2011 I fully expect not to be owning my own car in 10 years� time Source: McKinsey, 2012 T r a n s p o r t a n d I n f r a s t r u ct u r e P o l i cy 98 The commercial vehicle – backbone of our goods transports The commercial vehicle scores when it comes to the non-grain distribution of consumer goods The commercial vehicle is as important to goods transport as the passenger car is to passenger transport. In 2012, it notched up 459.2 billion metric ton kilometers, in the process covering more than 73 percent of the freight transport volume carried by road, rail and inland shipping. This share has grown constantly over the decades. For the next few years as well it is anticipated to grow somewhat more. The reason for this is that the commercial vehicle is the “natural” means of transport in highly developed economies. Whereas rail’s strengths — for technological reasons — are in carrying large quantities and volumes of industrial goods (coal, oil, steel, etc.), transported between factories with a rail connection, the commercial vehicle scores when it comes to the fine-grained distribution of consumer goods (e.g., consumer electronics, foodstuffs) to end customers. The more developed and rich an economy is, the greater the demand for consumer goods and the greater their share of all goods within the economy. By the same token, road transport’s share of total freight transport grows in parallel with economic development. 99 Forcing freight transport onto the railways would therefore not make any sense. It would be counter to the economy’s logistics needs and in many cases would be environmentally counterproductive as well. This applies in particular to the 75 percent of road freight transported over distances of less than 150 kilometers. For longer distances also, interposing rail would not necessarily be environmentally friendly as this would require energy-intensive transshipment processes twice over and cause detours compared with the road route. Co-modality a role mode Which means of transport is best suited for which type of transport is decided by the market and must not — as in a planned economy — be imposed across the board by a political decision. The conceiving of modes of transport as being in competition with one another and wanting to play them off against each other is a notion that has long since been overtaken by reality. Different modes of transport have different performance profiles, and thus different tasks. They therefore complement one another cooperatively in a co-modality sense. Goods transport in Germany Ton/km 1,000 151.9 800 80.2 704.3 600 109.2 95.4 77.5 70.5 400 64.0 61.9 200 54.8 59.3 64.1 459.2 66.5 402.7 364.3 282.4 169.9 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 2012 Truck Rail 2025 Inland shipping Source: DIW, progtrans, BMVBS, ITP/BVU With their different performance profiles, the various modes of transport complement one another T r a n s p o r t a n d I n f r a s t r u ct u r e P o l i cy 100 Financing of Highways Dramatic underfinancing of the road network The expansion of the transport network continues to lag behind traffic increases The share of gross domestic product invested in the German road network has been in continuous decline for years. If as recently as 1992 it still topped 1 percent, by 2008 it had fallen by almost a quarter to 0.76 percent, although passenger traffic on the road has since risen by more than 20 percent and freight transport by even more than 80 percent. For federal trunk roads alone, the German Federal Transport Ministry is estimating a needs-based investment envelope of around eight 8 euros per annum. Estimates by the Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft (Institute for Economic Research) are even as high as 8.6 billion euros. In actual fact, average investment over the past 10 years has been only 5.2 billion euros per annum. The consequence of this underfinancing is more frequent traffic jams. The number and length of these jams is growing all the time – in 2012, to almost 600,000 kilometers on motorways alone. Yet there is enough money available. Every year the motorist pays more than 50 billion euros to the taxman in the form of mineral oil tax, VAT on the mineral oil tax, motor vehicle tax and truck tolls. The remainder of the motorists’ 34 billion euros goes to finance non-transport-related purposes. Growing traffic jam problem on German motorways 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Overall length of traffic jams (in km) 2011 2012 Number of traffic jams Source: ADAC 101 Trunk road financing in need of reform The fact that only a small proportion of transport-specific taxes is plowed back into road building is primarily to do with the fact that when politicians make spending decisions, the transport sector regularly “draws the short straw” relative to “competing” political areas. It is quite simply more conducive to success in forthcoming elections to bestow direct financial transfers on specific voter groups than to invest these resources in roads, because the individual utility of road-building investments is only very indirect and above all visible only with a very long time lag. The only way to defeat this fateful rationale is if politicians voluntarily bind their own hands and reserve funds for road-building purposes that are sufficient for the need. This is already long-established practice for rail transport, which, thanks to a performance and financing agreement for maintenance activities, can count on a fixed annual amount of 2.5 billion euros for an initial period of 5 years. The Federal Government could also conclude a multi-year financing agreement for the trunk roads, for example with the already existing Verkehrsinfrastrukturfinanzierungsgesellschaft (Transport Infrastructure Financing Company — VIFG). Under such an agreement, the VIFG would receive needs-based resources, ideally from the truck toll revenue and budgetary resources for new construction, development and maintenance. On this financial footing, the VIFG could then conclude Performance and Financing Agreements with the contract administration bodies in the federal states for the upkeep of the trunk roads. Under these agreements, the VIFG would make an agreed level of funding available to the federal state each year and, conversely, the federal state would undertake to guarantee a pre-defined quality of the existing network by means of appropriate maintenance activities. Use of income from specific transport charges in euro millions 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 0 1 4 6 7 8 9 0 2 3 5 1 4 6 7 8 9 0 2 3 5 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 199 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 201 Surplus Expenditure on roads Source: VDA A voluntary hypothecation of infrastructure funding is required T r a n s p o r t a n d I n f r a s t r u ct u r e P o l i cy 102 Transport should not be made any more expensive! Despite the already very high tax burden on road transport, there are always those who want to take the softer option for securing levels of investment adequate to the need – by making transport yet more expensive by means of additional sources of revenue. There are calls to extend the truck toll or introduce a passenger car toll, or both together. Passenger car toll – Cost-neutral? No way! Experience with the truck toll shows that the additional revenue is not invested in road building The advocates of a passenger car toll want to make their idea palatable to skeptics by asserting that its introduction would be cost-neutral because other charges, such as motor vehicle tax for example, would be reduced at the same time. This would also generate more resources for roads, they say. But this promise is likely to prove unrealistic. This is borne out by experience with the introduction of the truck toll. Currently, the transport sector is paying additional toll-related costs of more than 4.6 billion euros per annum (2012), offset by savings of only 1.2 billion euros from harmonization resources, the reduction of motor vehicle tax and the scrapping of the Eurovignette compared with the time before the toll was introduced. The additional revenue accruing to the public purse does not even benefit the road system; to the extent that the public purse has generated toll income, it has at the same time reduced the budget resources spent on building federal trunk roads by a matching amount. The level of investment has remained virtually unchanged both before and after the introduction of the truck toll. Federal trunk road investment in billion euros 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 From budgetary resources From truck tolls Special programs Source: VDA 103 This has damaged politicians’ credibility in the toll discussion. Despite all assertions to the contrary, there is little reason to believe that things would be any different if a car toll were to be introduced. At the same time, higher costs for individual transport would hit the weakest members of society hardest. The suggestion that this would finally be a way of getting foreign cars to contribute to German road infrastructure costs also sounds contrived. Their mileage only accounts for around 5 percent of German motorway traffic. Were the car toll to be levied in the form of a time-dependent vignette, it would also be environmentally illogical. It would penalize low-mileage drivers. Last but not least, a motorway-related car toll would also divert traffic onto the lowerlevel road network, especially as passenger car drivers are less time-sensitive than truck drivers. The consequence would be an increase in the number of accidents and traffic fatalities as main roads are less safe than motorways, which because of the structural separation between the carriageways and the absence of crossing traffic are among the safest roads that exist. T r a n s p o r t a n d I n f r a s t r u ct u r e P o l i cy 104 City toll Pattern of settlement in Germany argues against city toll From time to time, one municipality or the other flirts with the “city toll” as a way of generating income. But reference to foreign experience is of no assistance here because the pattern of settlement in Germany is completely different. Germany is not characterized by one large metropolis with a largely empty hinterland but by numerous small and medium-sized towns in close proximity to one another. The traffic density in German towns is not comparable with that in Singapore or London. Above all, past experience with parking charges indicates that consumers react very sensitively to price increases and are quickly inclined to divert to a neighboring town to do their shopping. Alternatively, people will also frequently drive to out-of-town shopping centers with their free parking – with correspondingly longer journeys and greater pollutant emissions. Extension of the truck toll Extension of the truck toll would not be economically efficient “Transport experts” are also calling for the truck toll to be extended to all main roads and to trucks with a gross weight of less than 12 metric tons in order to increase revenue. Apart from the fact that this would make transport more expensive, it is also questionable whether these measures make economic sense. Because lighter trucks also cause less road wear, according to the relevant road infrastructure cost report for determining the cost level, they should also attract a toll of only around one third of the cost per vehicle kilometer compared with trucks weighing more than 12 metric tons, i.e., around seven cents/vehicle kilometer. The expenditure on the collection system (OBU, billing, toll booth, etc.) would, however, remain the same. For seven cents/vehicle kilometer, something like an additional cost of 2-2.5 cents/vehicle kilometer would be incurred just to collect these seven cents. That would be anything other than economically efficient. Above all — unlike heavy commercial vehicles — the charge would almost exclusively affect German commercial vehicles because scarcely any light commercial vehicles are used for cross-border transport. Even if the truck toll were extended from the 1,135 kilometers of main roads currently subject to the toll to the entire 40,000 kilometers, it is questionable whether revenue and expenditure would still bear a sensible relationship to one another if a similarly high monitoring density were to be provided on main roads as on motorways. What needs to be borne in mind here is that commercial vehicle mileage on main roads is 75 percent less than on motorways. Moreover, regional trade, which is vitally dependent on main roads, would suffer from yet further added cost of this nature. 105 Incorporation of EURO VI in the truck toll It therefore makes sense to continue only applying the toll to commercial vehicles weighting 12 metric tons and more. The latter currently pay a toll rate that varies according to their pollutant emissions. However, the current version of the Toll Level Ordinance, which came into force on January 1, 2011, does not yet take account of the new EURO VI emissions standard. A dedicated toll category needs to be introduced for EURO VI trucks Environmental interests also dictate that the truck toll should be used to create an incentive to invest in the new, especially low-emitting vehicle generation. Such an incentive would help to offset the additional cost for EURO VI commercial vehicles. What is therefore required is to introduce a dedicated toll category for EURO VI commercial vehicles with costs significantly lower than the next most expensive toll category. In the guise of the emissions-based truck toll, transport policy is using a thoroughly tried-and-tested mechanism for avoiding harmful emissions by commercial vehicles. As a result, the share of mileage accounted for in Germany by EURO V commercial vehicles subject to the toll has increased from around 5 percent in 2006 to more than 66 percent in only 6 years – without any further increase in transport costs. Additional costs for the transport sector as a result of the so-called internalization of external costs, as is now possible in principle under the new EU Road Charging Directive, are therefore not required. Emissions-based truck toll has proved its value T r a n s p o r t a n d I n f r a s t r u ct u r e P o l i cy 106 Better Use of the Highways Field trial longliner-trucks Larger vehicles save on transport movements, costs and emissions per metric ton or passenger As the road network, relative to the need, is under-dimensioned, it is all the more important to make the most efficient use possible of the existing capacity. One of the most important tools in this regard is the use of longliner-trucks. This is consistent with the logic and developments also to be observed with many other modes of transport: larger vehicles drive economies in transport movements, costs and emissions per metric ton or passenger. This is what happens in air passenger transport, just as it does for container shipping or on the railways: In 2010, for example, approval was given for a field trial for the use of freight trains greater than 750 meters in length. In neighboring European countries, for example in the Netherlands, trucks with an overall length of 25.25 meters have been on the roads for years. The Federal Government has therefore decided to investigate their use in Germany as well in the context of a nationwide field trial – while complying with current weight restrictions of 40 metric tons or 44 metric tons in combined transport. Two of these new vehicle combinations generate the same transport capacity as three conventional combinations. This considerably reduces fuel consumption, CO2 emissions, required road space and axle loading. The field trial began on January 1, 2012. Scientific support is being provided by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt). To date, the fears expressed by opponents prior to commencement of the trial that vehicles might jeopardize road safety have not been confirmed. So far, not one of the vehicles participating in the field trial has been involved in an accident. Conservation of resources thanks to trucks 7.82 m 7.82 m 13.6 m 13.6 m -15 % -20 % Axle load -10 % Space required on the road -5 % CO2 emissions 0 Fuel consumption Initial misgivings were not substantiated 7.82 m 13.6 m 13.6 m 7.82 m -25 % -30 % Source: VDA 107 The field trial is unfortunately being made more difficult by the continuing refusal of a number of federal states to take part. Consequently, some stretches of motorway cannot be used, so that many transport companies with nationwide routes cannot countenance taking part in the test even if the route start point and destination are located in a participating federal state. A further problem is that not all municipalities permit the use of the “last mile” from the motorway junction to the destination. Green light for long-distance coach travel Since January 1, 2013, long-distance coach travel in Germany has been permitted. Until then, this had only existed in Germany in exceptional circumstances in order to protect the railways. Transport experts estimate that on the same route, the longdistance coach will be between 15 and 30 percent cheaper on average than the train. However, the railways don’t need to worry about any diversion of traffic at their expense. Firstly, there has been no evidence of this abroad — for example when longdistance coach travel was introduced in Great Britain. Secondly, with its high-speed routes, the railway’s target is time-sensitive customers willing to pay more money. The long-distance coach, on the other hand, is pitching its offering at price-conscious customers who previously had to refrain entirely from long-distance travel for cost reasons, or else use a car-share agency. The long-distance coach offers significant price advantages “Intelligent Transport Systems” national action plan “Intelligent Transport Systems” (ITS) are an additional tool for increasing transport efficiency. Equipment for influencing the network enables the traffic to be more evenly distributed and overloading avoided. Depending on the traffic, capacity can be temporarily increased by opening the hard shoulder; the navigation systems in the vehicle take direct account of the very latest information on traffic hold-ups and hazards. Many different players are involved in this – EU, Federal Government, federal states and municipalities, motor manufacturers, digital card or smart phone manufacturers and data providers. This entails transport policy, technical, legal and economic issues, the resolution of which is made easier by a common understanding on the part of the players of what ITS are trying to achieve and their various responsibilities. This is taken into account by the development of the “ITS road action plan,” drawn up by the Federal Government with the involvement of the aforementioned groups and submitted at the end of 2012. This plan defines the national ITS strategy in accordance with the provisions of the European ITS Directive and derives priority action areas for the future. Intelligent equipment for influencing the network distributes traffic more evenly T r a n s p o r t a n d I n f r a s t r u ct u r e P o l i cy 108 Traffic Safety Accident toll 2012 Despite increasing mileage, the number of traffic fatalities continues to fall Although the mileage driven on German roads has increased year in year out, the number of road traffic fatalities in the past 20 years has progressively fallen. This trend was only interrupted in 2011, when a number of special effects coincided: on the one hand, there was a strong base effect compared with 2010, when the very wintry and snowy weather at the beginning and end of the year cut the number of fatalities. Compared with the long-term trend, personal injuries and deaths experienced an above-average decline. On the other hand, the warm and dry spring of 2011 marked an early start to the two-wheeler season, resulting in an increased number of accidents among this group of individuals. The fact that the 2011 figures were an outlier was illustrated by 2012, in which the original trend of constantly falling fatality figures resumed. Compared with 2011, the number fell by 6.5 percent to fewer than 3,750 fatalities. Particularly gratifying were the figures for federal motorways. Here, the number of fatalities fell by 11.7 percent to 400 people, once again significantly more than for the road network as a whole. The rate of traffic fatalities on motorways, international comparison per billions of vehicle kilometers France -94.9 % United Kingdom -94.2 % Belgium -93.2 % Austria -87.2 % Switzerland -90.5 % USA* -83.2 % Germany -92.6 % 0 10 20 30 40 50 2010 1970 Source: IRTAD, *USA most current, as of 2009 109 A general speed limit will not achieve its intended aim The motorways are the safest roads. Two people are killed for every 1 billion vehicle kilometers on the motorways, whereas 6.6 fatalities are suffered on other road categories for the same mileage. German motorways are among the safest roads in an international comparison In an international comparison as well, German motorways are among the safest roads. In countries with a general speed limit — such as Austria or Belgium, for example — with 2.2 and 2.9 fatalities, respectively, more people are killed per 1 billion vehicle kilometers than on German motorways. Demands for a general speed limit are therefore bereft of any logical foundation. Moreover, a temporary or permanent speed limit is already in place for around half the total distance driven on motorways here in Germany. As such, concentrating speed limits on accident black spots or imposing them temporarily and depending on the situation in the event of adverse weather conditions, for nighttime noise abatement or when traffic is heavy, has proved effective. Flexible speed limits of this nature are also far more credible than rigid ones and demonstrably encounter significantly higher acceptance among motorists. Last but not least, “bespoke” speed limits also fit far better with the image of a modern transport policy in the era of telematics. 30 km/h limit in towns – a good idea? There are constantly isolated calls being heard to limit urban speed limits to 30 kilometers per hour across the board for safety and noise abatement reasons. Whether, however, safety and noise abatement are actually served by this is more than questionable. An across-the-board 30 km/h urban speed limit would have negative consequences for road safety and noise abatement in residential areas Nowadays, there is typically a 50 kilometers per hour speed limit in force, especially in the main road network in urban areas. Residential areas lie within the bounds of this main road network. Their network of access roads is rightly typically designated as a 30 km/h zone. This system (different road functions – different speeds) strikes a balance between the interests of residents and transport users. Also, there would be concerns about motorists increasingly taking shortcuts through residential areas if the main roads no longer offered any time advantage compared with the residential areas because of a 30 km/h speed limit – with all the negative consequences there for road safety and noise abatement. eCall – Getting commitment from everyone involved When there is an accident involving personal injury, it is critical for the injured to receive first aid as quickly as possible. This is where the pan-European automatic emergency call system eCall comes in. In this system, as soon as a vehicle registers a serious accident, it automatically sends an emergency call, at the same time notifying the vehicle’s exact GPS location. Accident experts estimate that this approximately halves the time between the occurrence of the accident and the arrival of the emergency services. The EU Commission is endeavoring to commission a pan-European system using the emergency number 112 from the end of 2015 onward. What is important here, however, is that all the links in the emergency call chain – automotive industry, mobile phone operators and public emergency control centers – are signed up to developing the system in the same way – failing which eCall cannot operate. Moreover, it should also be possible to continue operating and developing the manufacturers’ already existing, fully functional emergency call offerings in parallel. All emergency call chain stakeholders must be signed up to developing the system Taxes and Customs Volker Mai – bricklayer, GAP-Leader, Faurecia GmbH, Neuburg Ta x e s a n d C u s to m s 112 Tax Policy – Update and Outlook In the Federal Election campaign, tax increases are moving to center stage Reviving the tax on assets would especially harm medium-sized family companies The topic of taxes has played a key role in federal election campaigns in the last few years. This is also true in 2013. In contrast to the last Federal Election, when discussions focused on tax relief and tax simplifications, tax increases are now moving to center stage. Taxpayers are squeezed hard. The opposition wants to reintroduce a tax on assets, or a property levy, increase the peak tax rate and tighten tax on interest (interest income tax) and inheritance tax. Added to these are indirect tax increases due to the broader measurement basis. A fatal error is the plan to restrict genuine operational expenses, such as the deduction of passenger vehicle costs, under the umbrella of reducing environmentally harmful subsidies. Even the government camp — usually against tax increases — is in favor of introducing a financial transaction tax. There is also a demand for a passenger vehicle toll. Increases in taxes and duties are to be firmly rejected. They inhibit growth and damage Germany as an industrial location. Tax increases result in competitive disadvantages for German companies. This particularly applies to a revival of the tax on assets or the introduction of a property levy. With the exception of France and Luxemburg, no other EU states charge tax on assets. In addition, the tax on assets is reason for severe constitutional concerns and would lead to high collection and compliance costs. As a capital-based tax, it overtaxes lower-income companies and intensifies crises. It would be a dangerous path to tread if medium-sized family companies had accepted a dramatic increase in capital-based taxes. This would truly affect capital and put thousands of companies at risk. An increase in the peak tax rate for income tax would result in competitive disadvantages for German sole traders and partnerships – both compared to limited companies and internationally. It took Germany years to reduce its unemployment rate. The changes to income tax law due to broader measurement bases and lower rates significantly contributed to this. Politicians would be well advised to boost the innovative and investment strength of industries rather than sap the energy of industrial and family companies. Taxation for groups should be modernized But there must also be no backdoor tax increases. One deterrent example was the attempt to introduce a fictitious tax on the deductible for liability insurance in the area of insurance tax for passenger vehicle fleets. This was only abolished after numerous associations had voiced severe criticism of this phantom tax, which seemed to have paved the road for further hidden tax increases. The new tax travel cost law, whose ostensive aim is to simplify, also poses the risk that new definitions might be introduced — “first place of work” instead of “regular place of work” — thereby cancelling out the decision by the Federal Finance Court to the detriment of the tax payer. 113 Instead of increasing tax, it would be better to finally do away with the obsolete trade tax and to modernize taxation for groups. State budgets should not be consolidated by increasing income, but by analyzing the expense structure and changing spending behavior. A review of tax policy in the finishing election period reveals both highlights and lowlights. On the one hand, the tax framework conditions improved. For instance, early on in the election period, any corporate and inheritance tax reform elements exacerbating the crisis were attenuated from 2008. This particularly related to the interest limitation and the addition of rental and leasing interest to trade tax. In the automotive industry, the improved taxation on vehicle sales to company employees (year-old car taxation), the continued support for retrofitting filters for diesel vehicles and the continued vehicle tax exemption for electric vehicles are of particular importance. Key improvements to company tax for the business location were not implemented On the other hand, the coalition treaty failed to realize the announced key improvements to the structure of corporate tax, which are significant for the business location. This particularly applies to the further development of tax bodies for a more modern tax for groups, the trade tax reform and the restructuring of loss offsets. In terms of trade tax, this special tax was again not removed. In terms of the tax bodies, only small corrections were implemented regarding the profit transfer agreement. From the point of view of the automotive industry, it is also disappointing that the announced simplification of the company car tax was not realized. The new Federal Government�s key tasks therefore include initiating these corporate tax reforms. The main aim must be to strengthen the competitiveness of the German industry. There must be no standstill in terms of tax policy in the 2013 election year. Urgently required tax modifications must be implemented. From the point of view of the automotive industry, this is especially true of the tax disadvantage for electric company cars and the withdrawal of the red-tape monstrosity “Confirmation of receipt.” It is also important for the export regulations regarding the new peak tax balance scheme for power and energy tax to be launched as soon as possible so that a offsetting during the year becomes possible. The tax disadvantage for electric company cars must be balanced out urgently Ta x e s a n d C u s to m s 114 Energy Taxation Peak tax balance scheme continues for the manufacturing industries The follow-up regulations for the peak tax balance scheme for energy and power tax must not put the international competitive position at risk The EU Commission subsidy approval for the so-called peak tax balance scheme for energy and power tax for the manufacturing industries expired at the end of 2012. It is important for the German automotive industry that follow-up regulations are implemented, which ensure that the international competitive position is not put at risk and which are practicable. The second law to change the Energy Tax and Power Tax Law, which regulates the peak tax balance scheme, and the related agreement with the associations, aim in this direction. Basically, companies applying for the peak tax balance scheme must introduce an energy management system (EMS) by the end of 2015. Moreover, the manufacturing industries overall must improve energy intensity by 1.3 percent and 1.35 percent per year from 2016. In the automotive industry, it was important for companies, which cannot apply for the peak tax balance scheme, to continue to benefit from the first relief phase (reduced tax rate). Important key points were set out in the negotiations with the responsible areas: • The peak tax balance scheme will continue at the same level (2.3 billion euros of relief p.a.) from 2013. • The peak tax balance calculation will remain the same, • as will the group of beneficiaries (manufacturing industries based on the classification by industrial sector 2003). • The follow-up regulation is designed for 10 years until 2022. This signifies a high level of rights and planning security for the companies. • In 2013 and 2014, evidence of introducing certain energy management systems (relief for SMEs) suffice to be granted the peak tax balance. The approach suggested by the industry of a so-called “bubble solution” for all manufacturing industries was accepted. As a result, the industry as a whole, rather than individual companies, must provide evidence for the efficiency increase to be achieved by 2015. Evidence of target achievement for the mentioned efficiency objective is to be collected without red tape based on the official statistics values. The advantage of the agreement with the associations is the fact that companies applying for the peak tax balance need not individually put in the high administrative effort to provide evidence for the efficiency increase. Instead, the official statistics data are used as evidence of target achievement, so that timely and legally binding monitoring becomes possible. It is important for the practical implementation of the new peak tax balance scheme that export regulations including definitions, notices on EMS evidence and alternative systems for SME are presented in a timely manner. When calculating the set-off of the peak tax balance during the year, particular urgency is required. 115 EU Energy Tax Guideline – Rejected increase of the diesel tax rate In 2011, the EU Commission presented a proposal for a new version of the EU Energy Tax Guideline. The proposal included a split of the existing fuel minimum rates into a CO2 and an energy component. In addition, a clear increase of the diesel minimum tax rate is planned, with the so-called equivalence principle (general adjustment of the tax rates including above minimum rates) to be definitively implemented by January 1, 2023. The tax rate for diesel would then generally be above that of gasoline. In Germany, the diesel tax rate would have to be raised by 60 percent to 0.75 euros/liter. Energy tax in Germany Energy production Energy tax (DE) Now Planned approx. Change Gas 0.65 euros/ liter 0.65 euros/ liter - Diesel 0.47 euros/ liter 0.75 euros/ liter 60 % Source: VDA Tax system and industry-political concerns speak against increasing diesel tax Ta x e s a n d C u s to m s 116 A severe tax system as well as climate and industry-political concerns speak against increasing diesel tax. In addition to the equivalence principle, it is particularly worth criticizing the fact that the commission proposal weakens the market position of the European automotive industry, which would have a negative impact on employment policy. The guideline proposal would put at risk the achievement of targets to lower CO2 emissions. The increased tax for diesel puts at risk the achievement of targets to lower CO2 emissions Diesel engines are more efficient than gasoline engines. Its consumption is approx. 25 to 30 percent lower. This efficiency advantage is also expressed in lower CO2 values. Tougher diesel taxation would result in a significant reduction in the diesel proportion of the European vehicle fleet. An increase in tax on diesel fuels, and the related reduction in demand for diesel models, puts at risk achievement of the objective to lower CO2 emission. Thus, the automotive industry would also experience economic strains. A higher diesel tax charge would cancel out the investments in the last few years and weaken the position of European automotive manufacturers on the global markets. The VDA has pointed out these critical aspects again and again and explained its convincing arguments to politicians. The European Parliament and the ECOFIN Council have spoken out against the equivalence principle. Based on the European Parliament’s recommendations and the results of ECOFIN, a compromised EU Energy Tax Guideline has been submitted under the Cypriot Council Presidency. This does not stipulate the equivalence principle. It takes account of the VDA’s central request and above all avoids a high increase in the diesel tax rate. The EU Commission should finally withdraw the draft guideline from 2011. However, it seems questionable given numerous other disputed areas (CO2 component, amount of minimum tax rates) whether the new guideline proposal will be applied in the near future. The efforts of the Irish Council Presidency alone to reach an agreement regarding minimum tax rates promise only limited success. From a German perspective, there are concerns regarding the plan to raise the minimum tax rate for natural gas as a fuel strongly from 2018. This rate is significantly higher than the rate currently applying in Germany of 3.86 euros/year for natural gas as a fuel. This would counteract the efforts to increase the use of environmentally friendly natural case as a fuel on the road. We suggest, as an alternative to increasing the tax rate for natural gas as a fuel and removing the tax exemption for bio natural gas, to extend the energy tax relief for natural gas and biomethane until a market share of 3 to 4 percent of the fuel market (20 to 27 million MWh) or a fleet of 1.1 to 1.4 million natural gas vehicles has been achieved. Customers must be able to understand the fuel price development for natural gas Predictably, lower fuel prices are a significant factor when buying a natural gas vehicle. Given the life cycle for natural gas vehicles and petrol stations of 10 to 15 years, vehicle manufacturers, the energy industry as well as passenger, lorry and bus customers even now need a clear perspective for after 2018. The VDA identifies an urgent need for action for main containers in commercial vehicles including on a national level. It should be clarified here that the tank can be added by the manufacturer or a third party. This would prevent disputes when interpreting national law. 117 Company Car Tax – No Subsidies The prevailing regulations for the taxation of the private use of company cars based on the 1 percent method or the total cost method (travel log method) are appropriate and have proven themselves in practice. It is not intended as a tax privilege. This is because the greening of the company car tax as purported by the opposition would be contrary to the basic principles of income tax. This would lead to contradictory distortions in tax law and cause considerable burdens and complications. The applicable company car tax is an appropriate, tax-law based flat rate An environmental focus of this tax must not counteract the efforts to simplify the company car tax. The applicable company car tax is an appropriate, typical, tax lawbased flat rate. It is much easier than the total cost method (travel log method) and therefore contributes to a simplification of tax. The government can also benefit from this. This is because the flat rate results in higher taxes than would be collected if everyone used the travel log method. There are also industry and employment political reasons against a tougher company car tax. The company car segment is dominated by German automotive manufacturers; 86 percent of cars sold are from German brands. A reduction in sales in this segment would have a negative effect on employment. Company cars are also important in terms of environmental policy aspects. They play a pioneering role for the reduction of CO2 in terms of environmental technology. Since 2008, the CO2 emission of company cars has been reduced by 27.0 g/km CO2 to 143.3 g/km CO2 , whereas the CO2 value for private vehicles fell by only 20.7 grams per kilometer. The CO2 values of newly registered company cars are almost on the same level. The environmental requirements of a car are not part of income tax law. Administrative law to lower CO2 emissions is the EU’s way to regulate passenger car CO2 values. The latter already has very ambitious CO2 requirements. Added to this are mineral oil tax as a consumption-dependent tax and vehicle tax. In light of the depressed economy, it would be negligent to put at risk the highly sensitive sales segment “Company cars” with a dispensable discussion regarding taxation. Company cars play a pioneering role for the reduction of CO2in terms of environmental technology The sales segment “Company cars” must not be put at risk by a discussion of company car tax No greening of company car tax Greening of company car tax must be rejected. This applies both to the political suggestion to limit the deduction of passenger car costs (especially fuel costs) and to political considerations to base taxation of the monetary benefit from the private use of company cars on environmental aspects. A (full) deduction of business expenses for company cars is not a tax subsidy. Business expenses are disbursements necessitated by the business. They comprise all costs of passenger vehicles used for business, including all tax depreciation. Restricting the deduction of vehicle costs as operating costs for company cars (here: fuel costs) would impose an unacceptable restriction on the deduction of business expenses (breach against net principle) and interfere with entrepreneurial freedom of action. Full deductions of business expenses for company cars are not a tax privilege Ta x e s a n d C u s to m s 118 Making company taxation a tool for pursuing environmental goals is conceptually flawed. In addition, one-sidedly restricting the deduction of company car fuel costs as a business expense would also lead to severe unequal treatment. Moreover, the ecological slant on the deduction of vehicle costs runs counter to the necessary simplification of the tax system. Current tax on monetary benefits is appropriate An additional tax charge would lead to excess taxation There are also serious concerns regarding political efforts to evaluate the monetary benefits from the private use of company cars by employees according to the CO2 emissions of a vehicle. As for deductions for passenger vehicle costs, this would lead to contradictory distortions in tax law and cause considerable burdens and complications. The taxable monetary benefit based on the 1 percent method is a typical regulation and appropriately presents the actual costs of a private use. The prevailing regulations for private trips based on the 1 percent method or the total cost method (travel log method) are appropriate and have proven themselves in practice. Basing the taxation of the private use of company cars on environmental principles would be contrary to the basic principles of income tax. An increase in the tax measurement basis would have no real countervalue and the additional tax charge resulting from this would therefore lead to excess taxation. In our view, this would be a breach of the ability-to-pay principle. Professional high-mileage drivers already pay too much today in applying the 1 percent method A high proportion of company car users work in sales and depend on appropriate mobility. Especially professional high-mileage drivers, such as customer services mechanics or sales reps, require a vehicle suited to their work requirements due to the high driving performance and the required loading options alone. One can certainly not speak of status symbols here. In such cases, the proposal would necessarily lead to excess taxation. In any case, professional high-mileage drivers already overpay today when applying the 1 percent method because professional high-mileage drivers have a much lower proportion of private trips than the typical 1 percent regulation assumes. Segment structure for company cars 2012 Units as percent Sports cars Caravans 1.4 0.3 Utilities Upper Others class 5.9 0.6 1.4 4x4 12.9 Upper medium class 8.3 Large van 6.9 Medium class 22 Small cars 8.3 Compact class 25 Mini 3.6 Mini van 3.3 Source: Federal Motor Transport Authority, VDA 119 Company cars are not a domain of large vehicles. Nearly two thirds of the new registrations of company cars are smaller vehicles (microcars, small cars, compact and medium-class vehicles), with the proportion of upper range cars being merely 1.4 percent. At 25 percent, the compact class is the most popular company car segment, following by medium class at 22 percent. A CO2-based dynamizing of the tax measurement basis would be in stark contrast to the objectives of simplifying tax and would result in additional, unnecessary bureaucracy. As a result, many company car users with a low proportion of private trips would change from the 1 percent to the total cost method with travel log, which would lead to significant time and administrative expenses for all parties involved. Conclusion: Evidence shows that the current company car taxation is not a subsidy. The suggested drastic toughening of company car tax and the restriction of passenger vehicle costs as a business expense would have no bearing on the case and be unlawful, and constitute a serious backward step in limiting the tax and duty charge as well as simplifying taxation. Specialists agree that in the interest of simplifying taxation and appropriately taxing monetary benefits from the private use of company cars, the best solution would still be to dispense with the 0.03 percent surcharge. In return, the distance flat rate would no longer be deducted when applying the 1 percent flat rate method, if such vehicles are used for trips between the residence and workplace. The current company car taxation is not a subsidy Ta x e s a n d C u s to m s 120 Electric Vehicle – New Taxation Rules Taxation on electric vehicles — Improve framework conditions Electric vehicles require adjustment for tax disadvantage Investigations by the National Platform Electromobility (NPE) show that the market start-up for electric vehicles in Germany initially largely depends on the commercial sector and that private demand will at first remain comparatively low. Against this background – relating to the commercial sector – NPE suggests that a special deduction be granted for purchasing electric vehicles, and that there should also be an adjustment for the tax disadvantage regarding the 1 percent regulation for the private use of electric company cars. Both measures should be designed on a declining basis and granted for a limited period. Politicians are addressing two measures in more detail: The adjustment for the tax disadvantage suffered by electric vehicle regarding the tax on the private use of company cars, and the extension of the vehicle tax exemption for electric vehicles. Whereas the extension of the vehicle tax exemption has already been implemented, the adjustment for the tax disadvantage was left behind due to the failed Annual Tax Act 2013, which included the adjustments for the tax disadvantage for electric vehicles. It is important for the automotive industry that the undisputed adjustment for the tax disadvantage for electric vehicles is pursued further even after the failure of the Annual Tax Act 2013 and is implemented as soon as possible. This is to take place as part of the law to implement the Mutual Assistance Directive and the Amendment of Tax Regulations (AmtshilfeRLUmsG). Regarding the adjustment for the tax disadvantage for electric vehicles, the regulations from the Annual Tax Act 2013 were used. 121 Extension of the vehicle tax exemption There has been one important improvement of tax framework conditions regarding the tax regulations for electric vehicles: The vehicle tax exemption for electric vehicles was extended from 5 to 10 years. In addition, the vehicle type “passenger vehicle” is no longer used. The vehicle type no longer matters when claiming for vehicle tax relief for an electric vehicle. As a result, e.g., commercial vehicles and microcars also benefit. In addition, the vehicle tax exemption is only granted for pure electric vehicles. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles do not benefit. The term electric vehicle was, however, supplemented by fuel cell vehicles. The 10-year vehicle tax exemption applies to electric vehicles originally registered in the period from May 18, 2011, to December 31, 2015. For electric vehicles originally registered in the period from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2020, a vehicle tax exemption is granted for 5 years. The tax exemption for electric vehicles was extended to 10 years Overview “Vehicle tax for passenger vehicles” It must be welcomed that the tax exemption was not extended to include vehicles with CO2 emissions below 50 grams per kilometer. Such an extension together with an absolute limit value would be misconceived in tax system terms and would result in distortions. Such distortions would above all result in the limit area. They lead to the exclusion of specific larger vehicles based on the disproportionate increase in battery sizes and costs, and would go hand in hand with a stop to innovations in this area. Politicians are setting an important sign with the tax exemption for electric vehicles An important sign is set with the tax exemption for electric vehicles. Even if the absolute amounts of the tax exemption are relatively low compared to the overall costs, the exemption is an important symbol. The extension of the vehicle exemption has a signaling effect which, together with other measures, provides incentives for the acquisition of environmentally friendly electric vehicles. Adjustment for tax disadvantage for electric vehicles A reduction of the measurement basis Gross List Price is required when taxing the private use of company cars, because electric vehicles compared to conventional vehicles will in the near future necessarily still have a significantly higher Gross List Price, which is however not reflected in a higher usage benefit. A compensation would therefore serve to create a correction taxation of the private use of company cars based on the performance principle. This would not lead to preferential treatment compared to conventional company cars. Instead, a tax disadvantage for electric vehicles is removed. There would also be no preferential treatment compared to private buyers. The acquisition of private vehicles is part of asset management not relevant to tax, so that no taxation takes place. As a result, a tax disadvantage would also not apply. The proposal by the Federal Government to make an adjustment for the tax disadvantage for electric vehicles when taxing the private use of company cars, as first suggested in the planned Annual Tax Act 2013 and then in the Law to Implement Administrative Assistance, must be welcomed. According to this, the costs of the battery system for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles are to be deducted from the measurement basis Gross List Price, and a flat-rate reduction may be used to simplify matters. If electric vehicles with an externally chargeable mechanical or electrochemical storage medium are used privately, the list price must be reduced by any included costs of the battery system when the vehicle is first registered. For vehicles purchased by December 31, 2013, this is 500 euros for each kWh of battery power. This amount will be reduced for vehicles purchased in subsequent years by 50 euros for each kWh of battery power. The reduction cannot exceed 10,000 euros. The maximum amount is reduced by 500 euros a year in subsequent years. The adjustment for the tax disadvantage would result in a taxation of the private use of company cars based on the performance principle Ta x e s a n d C u s to m s 122 A flat-rate adjustment for the tax disadvantage could achieve simple taxation The proposal is an important measure in order to reduce the tax disadvantage for electric vehicles and improve the tax framework conditions for their use. A flat-rate adjustment for the tax disadvantage could achieve simple taxation. But complications can also result from the fact that the amount of the adjustment for the tax disadvantage is limited by two maximums (maximum per kWh of battery power and absolute maximum), which are both annually reduced independently. In the interest of a tax simplification, the VDA advocates waiving at least the absolute maximum. Waiving the (absolute) upper limit would also create a more appropriate tax. In addition, the suitability of the adjustment for the tax disadvantage could also be checked as part of an evaluation. It must be welcomed that the adjustment for the tax disadvantage is granted for electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles. It is appropriate for externally chargeable hybrid electric vehicles to be included in the adjustment for the tax disadvantage. This corresponds to the recommendations by the National Platform Electromobility (NPE). It is also important for fuel cell vehicles to be included in the adjustment for the tax disadvantage. However, it must be noted here that the adjustment for the tax disadvantage based on the kWh value of battery power is not suited to fuel cell vehicles because these vehicles do not have a traction battery like other electric vehicles. An adequate comparative vehicle could be used here. A repeated failure of the Annual Tax Act would have negative consequences for the distribution of electric vehicles After the failure of the Annual Tax Act 2013 earlier in the year, it is extremely important for the adjustment for the undisputed tax disadvantage for electric vehicles to be implemented as part of the Law to Implement the Mutual Assistance Directive. There must be no tax blockade: Another failure would have dramatic consequences for the distribution of electric vehicles. In his summary expert statement, “Tax adjustment for the disadvantage of electric vehicles,” Prof. Andreas Musil from the University at Potsdam points out that the adjustment for the tax disadvantage for electric vehicles makes constitutional sense and that it is not a tax subsidy: Against the background of the performance principle based on Section 3 (1) of Basic Constitutional Law (GG), the higher acquisition costs of electric vehicles must be compensated by an adjustment for the tax disadvantage, which reduces the measurement basis by the increased Gross List Prices/acquisition costs. In order to avoid unjustified unequal treatment, constitutional law would suggest that electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles as well as fuel cell vehicles be included. It is no cause for concern under constitutional law that private buyers would not participate in the new regulation. The acquisition of purely private vehicles is part of asset management not relevant to tax, so that no taxation should take place. Given the lack of tax relevance, an adjustment for a tax disadvantage would also not apply. It is possible to use a flat rate as an adjustment for the tax disadvantage. However, the typical adjustment for the tax disadvantage set out in the draft law fails to create full tax charge equality in all cases due to the lid on the additional costs to be considered (initially 10,000 euros, then 500 euros less per year). This lid is not factually justified and hides risks regarding constitutional law. The adjustment for the tax disadvantage does not include any subsidies in the sense of Section 107 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). A better position of some production areas is missing, because the new tax regulation results from requirements immanent in the German income tax system, particularly the requirement to create tax charge equality according to Section 3 (1) GG. 123 Vehicle Taxes On refueling, when buying a new vehicle, taking out car insurance, via vehicle tax or in the private use proportion for a company car, drivers cannot escape the government’s incessant requests for payment. And drivers already reached their limit in terms of taxes and duties a long time ago. As a result, politicians must vehemently reject the higher taxes in this area. On the other hand, drivers should be sure to utilize all deduction options. Anyone using their private passenger vehicle to drive to work, for business trips or for journeys to the family home when working abroad, can claim these costs and benefit from a tax reduction. The following applies: Trips between residence and workplace Employees using their own vehicle to drive to work can apply the distance flat rate. This is 0.30 euros per working day for the distance between residence and workplace (one way). This flat rate covers all regular vehicle costs. Extraordinary costs incurred on driving between the residence and the workplace, such as the costs of an accident not caused by intent or gross negligence (medical costs, repair costs, etc.), can be deducted as advertising costs. The German government is asking drivers to fork out additional cash Ta x e s a n d C u s to m s 124 Physically disabled persons with a reduction in earning capacity of at least 70 percent, or a reduction in earning capacity of at least 50 percent and a significant walking disability, could deduct either actual costs or a distance flat rate of 0.60 euros as advertising costs. Journeys to the family home in the case of two households Employees working abroad and maintaining a second household at their place of employment, which is recognized as a second household for tax purposes, can deduct travel costs for tax relief. This includes the first trip to take up work and one trip to the family home per week (journey to the family home). A distance flat rate of 0.30 euros per kilometer between the workplace and the location of the residence is granted for weekly journeys to the family home in the driver’s own passenger vehicle. For physically disabled persons, the actual costs or a flat rate per kilometer between the workplace and the location of the residence of 0.60 euros are recognized as journeys to the family home). Actual costs of the first trip to the workplace can be submitted as advertising costs. Instead of actual costs, a flat rate of 0.30 euros per kilometer can be used. Business trips The flat rate per kilometer for business trips in private passenger vehicles is 0.30 euros per kilometer driven for work If the employee makes trips in his passenger vehicle for the employer’s business as part of a business trip, the employer may compensate him or her for the relevant proportion of actual vehicle costs, including an annual wear and tear amount, free of wage tax. To make things simpler, travel costs can be deducted either by submitting individual evidence of actual overall costs, or as a flat rate per kilometer. This is 0.30 euros per kilometer driven for work. This amount covers all vehicle running costs. If the employer can prove that his or her costs per kilometer are higher, and if the employer does not reimburse him or her this higher amount, the employee can claim the difference between actual costs and the reimbursed costs as advertising costs. Vehicle tax Vehicles registered after June 30, 2009, are taxed based on their CO2 value and cubic capacity component The passenger vehicle tax is the actual vehicle tax. This becomes due once the vehicle is registered. For vehicles registered after June 30, 2009, this tax is based on their CO2 value and cubic capacity component. The milestones of this new passenger vehicle tax are as follows: • Continuous linear CO2 tax scale at tax rate of 2 euros g/km • Staged CO2 tax exemption of 120 g/km from 2009 to 2011; 110 g/km in 2012 and 2013 and 95 g/km from 2014 • Cubic capacity-related base rate amounting to 2.0 euros per started 100 ccm for gasoline-powered vehicles and 9.50 euros for diesel-powered vehicles • Limited, one-time tax exemption from 2011 to 2013 to the value of 150 euros for passenger cars with diesel engine that meet the Euro 6 exhaust emission regulations 125 The tax authorities provide a passenger vehicle tax online calculator to calculate the passenger vehicle tax: Steuern/Steuerarten/Kraftfahrzeugsteuer/BMF_Anordnungen_Allgemeines/201201-19-interaktiver-kfz-rechner.html Buyers choosing a (purely) electric vehicle can claim a passenger vehicle tax exemption for an additional 10 years. Overview of vehicle tax for passenger vehicles First registered after July 1, 20091) Electric engines 2) (exclusively) Combustion engines (inspective of fuel used and including all hybrids) Diesel Petrol/Wankel Limited tax exemption On first registration May 18, 2011 to December 31, 2015 January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2020 10 years 5 years Limited tax exemption for emission level Euro VI up to 150 euros on first registration January 1, 2001 to December 31, 20133) “Basic amount” for each commences 100 cm3 of ccc Diesel 9.50 euros 4) Otto/Wankel 2.00 euros CO2-dependent amount Weight-dependent amount On first registration for each commenced 200 kg of admissible total weight 11.25 euros up to 2,000 kg 12.02 euros for the proportion from 2,000 to 3,000 kg 12.78 euros for the proportion from 3,000 to 3,500 kg July 1. 2009 to December 31, 2011 50% reduction 120 January 1. 2012 to December 31, 2013 From January 1. 2014 2 euros per g/km of CO2 value exceeding 110 95 Annual tax (rounded to full euros and due on the vehicle registration calendar date) 1) 2) 3) 4) Additional passenger vehicle first registered between November 5, 2008 and June 30, 2009, to which the CO2-based vehicle tax applies based on the so-called beneficiary check (Section 18(4a) of the Vehicle Tax Act—KraftStG). Recharged in full or primarily by, e.g., a battery or a flywheel power generator (electrochemical of mechanical energy storage) or, e.g., by a fuel cell (zero-emission energy converter)(Section 9(2) KraftStG). The exemption period is calculated to the day based on the annual tax for the passenger vehicle (Section 3b KraftStG). The higher tax rate for diesel passenger vehicles is a flat-rate adjustment for the lower energy tax on diesel compared to petrol Source: German Federal Ministry of Finance, VDA Ta x e s a n d C u s to m s 126 Particle filter retrofitting for diesel vehicles receives subsidy Subsidies for particle filter retrofitting for diesel vehicles was extended to December 31, 2013 Drivers retrofitting a diesel vehicle with a particle filter can apply for a cash subsidy under certain conditions. At the VDA’s request, the Federal Government reissued the program for retrofitting diesel vehicles with particle filters last year. The subsidy was extended until December 31, 2013. It amounts to 260 euros for retrofits in 2013 and is paid until funds run out. If the retrofit took place in 2012, the subsidy is 330 euros. Retrofits of diesel vehicles aim at contributing to lowering harmful particle emissions and improving air quality. Retrofitted vehicles are awarded a green pollution badge and can enter environmental zones. The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) again handled the subsidy program. Retrofits of diesel passenger vehicles and diesel commercial vehicles with a total registered weight of up to 3.5 tons (light commercial vehicles) are subsidized. Particle filter retrofitting 2012 and 2013 at a glace Particle filter retrofitting Subsidy Subsidy 330 euros (2012), and 260 euros (2013) Application period from January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2013 Applications (from February 1, 2012) on Retrofit period from January 1, 2012, to December 31, 2013 First registration date of the vehicle Diesel passenger vehicle before January 1, 2007 Light commercial vehicle before December 17, 2009 Other condition After the retrofit, the vehicle must be equipped with a particle filter of a specified particle reduction level or class Source: VDA 127 Customs Questions Customs duties and taxes constitute a great operational challenge for companies with an international focus. They can block or drive wide-ranging strategic decisions. Due to their high economic importance and the companies’ cash flow situation, customs and VAT law optimizations form part of the key tasks of management. The VDA customs committee therefore puts a strong focus on the strategic requirements in the area of customs duties and taxes, where compliance and risk management play an important role. The same applies to reporting as an important information and decision-making basis for management. The international standardization of transfer prices and customs value calculation led to discussions of new paths. This can result in significant simplification and contribute to removing existing unequal treatment with its distorting impact on competition. In terms of export controls, compliance and integration into organizational culture again play a key role. For everyday operations, export control guidelines and an export control network are of particular importance. By now, customs and VAT law optimizations form part of the key tasks of company management Ta x e s a n d C u s to m s 128 Moreover, the VDA is dealing with practical customs questions in work groups. Special focus will be placed on the topic “Origin of Goods and Preferences.” A VDA work group was created for this. This deals with the introduction of list regulations and the design of long-term supplier declarations. The work group is taking action against the introduction of list regulations to determine non-preferential origins. The latter would lead to significant complications. An extension of the validity period for supplier declarations from 1 to 3 years is considered positive. This could reduce costs and effort for the companies. However, there are concerns because the validity period will in future be based not on the effective date as previously, but on the issue date. This would lead to a significant burden for the companies. A rolling process would have to be installed, including significant process and IT adjustments. The relationship to the calendar year would then also be lost. In addition, the work group is working on a “preference data homogenization,” and considering a portal solution. This would serve as a practical aid for the companies. The main topics of the VDA work group EU Customs Questions are the new version of the European Union’s Customs Code (UZK) and a transfer of goods using accounts entry on import. The entry transfer must not be abolished. This would have a negative impact on the companies’ economic behavior. The EU Customs Code must not lead to a restriction in parliamentary rights due to so-called “delegated rights acts.” A VDA adhoc work group called “Night Vision” is dealing with export control questions regarding the use of long-distance infrared cameras in passenger vehicles. It aims to ensure that the dual use list is adapted to new developments. Customs registrations for exports to Eastern Europe result in significant practical problems. This especially relates to component dispatches reaching the recipient as additional or wrong deliveries. This leads to difficulties in implementing a subsequent declaration or an additional customs report. The VDA is supporting finding a practicable solution. The VDA promotes the withdrawal of the confirmation of receipt Several petitions and statements by the VDA express its view that deliveries within the EU should not require the immense bureaucratic burden of so-called confirmations of receipt. The VDA has requested a withdrawal of the confirmation of receipt or at least an admission of practicable alternative evidence. As part of a new version of the VAT Implementing Provisions (UStDV), the confirmation of receipt will now be “attenuated.” Alternative evidence — as requested by industry — is to be permissible in light of practical application difficulties: The confirmation of receipt is to form only one way to show deliveries within the EU. Other evidence will also be allowed. In addition to the delivery note, this above all includes the carrier receipt requested by the VDA. The legal situation applying until December 31, 2011 (without confirmation of receipt), can be used until the new version of the UStDV is issued. The new regulations will enter into force on October 1, 2013. However, the VDA believes that there is still room for improvement. This above all relates to electronic transfers and the requested evidence for payment of the consideration on the buyer’s bank account, as well as the vehicle registrations for buyers abroad. It would still be best to waive the confirmation of receipt altogether. Powertrain Engineering Jürgen Meyer – master of manufacturing systems engineering, smk systeme metall kunststoff Gmbh & Co, Berga/Kyffhäuser Powe rtrai n E ng i n e e r i ng 132 “Worldwide Harmonization,” Basic Principles Type approval processes and self-certification are the two fundamentally different processes for certifying vehicles Basically there are two fundamentally different procedures around the world for vehicle certification: type approval process (TGV) and self-certification. Two regulatory camps can be described in terms of content, but not how the approval operates: The 1958 UN ECE Agreement and the FMVSS (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards of the USA). The “1958 agreement camp” also includes the People’s Republic of China, for example, which while it did not sign the 1958 agreement has based large parts of its own national standards and regulations on it, additionally incorporating other requirements of its own, however. Under the principle of mutual recognition, an EU type approval is valid throughout the EU No vehicle certification for public roads without approval: by the same token, this also applies for spare and consumable parts impacting safety and the environment (for example, brakes and catalytic converters). Within the EU, type approval is governed by Directive 2007/46, which refers to the UN ECE regulations (now 125 ECE regulations under the umbrella of the 1958 Agreement). According to the principle of mutual recognition, an EU type approval for a vehicle is valid throughout the EU and beyond, for example in Switzerland. Although the 1958 Agreement does not include type approval for the entire vehicle, it does describe the processes for approving systems and for appointing testing organizations. In addition to the EU and its member countries, the signatories of the �58 Agreement also include Eastern European countries as well as Japan, South Korea, Turkey and Australia. The �58 Agreement is therefore in use virtually worldwide. 133 Signing of the Agreement is not synonymous with the application of all of the currently 125 ECE regulations; these in fact need to be signed individually. Japan, which has a national type approval of its own, is one of the signatory countries of the 58 Agreement and, in addition to a number of regulations pertaining to lighting technology, also recognizes the regulation on braking systems, for example. Work is currently underway within the UN’s ECE WP 29 (World Forum for Technical Harmonization of the UN ECE) on the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) project, in order to expand use of the 1958 Agreement. The objective is to describe the overall approval of a vehicle within the framework of a �58 Agreement to be adapted for that purpose. The protagonists are Japan, the EU, France and Germany. The first discussion of the full draft in WP 29 will probably be at the end of 2013; the first approvals are anticipated in 2017. WP 29’s goal is quickly to involve China and India. The FMVSS constitutes the basis for approving vehicle safety systems in the USA, Canada and a number of South American countries. Vehicles are approved in accordance with the self-certification process. Vehicle characteristics of relevance to the environment are, however, certified via an approval system, in the USA as well. The 1998 UN ECE Agreement (also referred to as the parallel or global agreement) was created against the backdrop of the major differences between the two “regulatory camps.” The prime movers behind this agreement were the USA, the EU and Japan from the very outset of the first negotiations. The �98 Agreement now numbers 33 signatory countries in all, including the USA, the EU and its member states, China, India, Russia and Australia. The 1998 Agreement does, however, contain a “fundamental flaw” because, although the signatory countries are required to pass the implementation process into national law, once a global regulation (Global Technical Regulation) has been promulgated, implementation per se is not prescribed within a given timescale. The Agreement’s negotiating partners finally managed to agree that a progress report has to be made to WP 29 after a period of twelve months. Six GTRs have been passed for the passenger car and commercial vehicle arena, a number of measures defined there have found their way both into ECE and US American regulations. Even with the 98 Agreement, we are therefore still a very long way from global harmonization, despite starting in 1998 with loftier ambitions. To resolve this conundrum and move closer to harmonization, the 1998 Agreement requires intensive use, albeit not without making the necessary treaty amendments to eradicate the “fundamental flaw”. Transitional and adoption periods also need to be defined and the cost benefit analysis process rigorously implemented before drawing up new regulations. The IWVTA process should also be systematically developed in parallel. A gradation of the required limits might be of assistance here in enabling less technically developed countries as well to accede to the 1958 Agreement. The challenge is to breathe life into the vision of “Certified once – accepted everywhere.” The 1998 harmonization agreement must be used Powe rtrai n E ng i n e e r i ng 134 Combustion Engines By 2020, around 80 percent of all vehicles will still feature an internal combustion engine The latest generation of gasoline engines deliver fuel consumption savings of almost 30 percent relative to a comparable conventional vehicle The latest diesel engines reduce fuel consumption by around a third Amid all the discussion on the future electrification of the drivetrain, the fact must not be overlooked that in the coming decade as well, the internal combustion engine will continue to be the dominant means of propulsion in cars and trucks. It is to be anticipated that by 2020, around 80 percent of all vehicles will still feature an internal combustion engine. This in no way contradicts the development of electro mobility. Even the most modern vehicles, capable of being run on electric power alone, frequently feature an additional internal combustion engine. Further improvements made to the internal combustion engine will therefore remain one of the core challenges facing development departments within the German motor industry over the next few decades. The statistics relating to improvements in the efficiency of German automobiles speak for themselves. Internal combustion engines account for a very large proportion of these improvements as their consumption and emissions values continue to fall year on year. The latest generation of gasoline engines featuring supercharging, displacement “downsizing,” direct injection, stop-start technology and intelligent thermal management result in savings of almost 30 percent in fuel consumption over comparable conventional vehicles with a naturally aspirated injection engine and no supercharging system. The situation is similar with diesel engines since a direct injection diesel engine with turbocharger is now the state of the art. The latest generation of diesel engines features fewer cylinders and a smaller displacement, multiple high-pressure injection, higher supercharging, stop-start technology and similarly intelligent thermal management. Overall, this means fuel savings of around one-third compared to earliergeneration diesel engines. Hybridization provides additional potential for savings: on average these systems produce further reductions in fuel consumption of around 15 percent. Gasoline and diesel drive systems still have a long way to go Consumption in percent 100 -15 % -25 % -40 % 80 60 40 20 0 Standard engine technology in mid-2000s Current engine innovations Currently in development Additional efficiency potential: engine + hybrid Source: Bosch, VDA 135 Hybrid Drive A strategically important adjunct to the internal combustion engine is the increasing electrification of the drivetrain in the hybrid drive system: in addition to the classic drivetrain, the vehicle also features electric motor components and an electric energy accumulator. Ideally, these electric components allow the vehicle to operate on electricity energy alone – namely with zero emissions. However, this presupposes a correspondingly powerful electric motor and an electric energy accumulator. In this case, therefore, we talk about a “full hybrid.” A hybrid drive vehicle features electric motor components, as well as the classic drivetrain Typically, the battery is charged by the internal combustion engine or by recovered braking energy. But external electrical charging is also conceivable. This creates the bridge between the classic engine and the electric vehicle. Experts talk about a “plugin hybrid,” namely a hybrid drive with a power point. A full hybrid can reduce emissions by around 20 to 30 percent. Especially in town-center operation, high braking energy recovery can achieve even greater reductions. The simplest form of hybrid is the so-called mild hybrid. It is characterized by small, efficient and low-cost electric components. By its very nature, the emission reduction potential of the mild hybrid is less than that of the full hybrid because of a limited ability to recover braking energy; from an economic perspective, however, the mild hybrid represents a very good compromise between higher cost, comfort and lower fuel consumption because even it can cut fuel consumption by up to 10 percent. Fuel reductions of up to 10 percent are possible with a mild hybrid Powe rtrai n E ng i n e e r i ng 136 Electromobility Electric Vehicles are an integral part of the German automotive industry�s multi-track strategy The ground is now being prepared for ramping up the electric vehicle market in Germany The German motor industry is heavily committed to the development of electromobility because climate protection and increasingly scarce fossil fuels, as well as an increasing world population and the concomitant increasing need for mobility, require new solutions and alternative drive technologies. Electrified vehicles can make an important contribution to protecting the environment and avoiding emissions. That is why they are an integral component of the German manufacturers’ and suppliers’ multi-track strategy. Together with the other members of the National Electromobility Platform (NPE), the German motor industry has agreed to a systemic, brand-based and open technology concept to ensure that by 2020 it will have developed into the lead supplier and Germany into a lead market for electromobility. The NPE progress report (3rd report) was presented to the Federal Government in June 2012. At the same time, this marked the starting signal for a comprehensive and regular monitoring of shared assumptions, objectives and recommendations. There is still a long way to go before Electric Vehicles achieve a broad market penetration, but the ground is already being prepared for ramping up the market in Germany. This is why an appropriate framework needs to be created. Electric Vehicles are vehicles that operate entirely or in part on electric energy. Electric battery vehicles are propelled entirely by an electric motor. Hybrid vehicles, on the other hand, feature both electric propulsion and an internal combustion engine. 137 For the period to 2020, NPE experts have accorded a higher percentage share to plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV) and Electric Vehicles with range extender solutions (REEV) as compared to purely battery Electric Vehicles (BEV). This is also confirmed by current developments characterized by plug-in hybrid technology. Vehicles are referred to as Electric Vehicles as construed by the NPE when they are propelled primarily by electric power and feature a rechargeable battery capable of being charged from the mains. As such, Electric Vehicles include purely battery propelled vehicles (BEV), plug-in hybrids (PHEV) and extenders (REEV). The plug-in hybrid fills the gap between the classic internal combustion engine vehicle and the electric vehicle. The vehicle can be operated all-electrically by a powerful electric motor, conventionally by an internal combustion engine and also by a combination of both systems. In the process, the battery as an energy accumulator is charged not just by the internal combustion engine, but also directly from the mains supply. Because of the battery capacity, plug-in hybrids can cover long distances in all-electric operation. Range-Extender Electric Vehicles (REEV) feature a powerful electric motor as their main means of propulsion and an internal combustion engine as a “range extender.” The vehicle is operated by all-electric power. In the REEV, the battery, as an energy accumulator, can be charged directly from the mains supply. The battery capacity is designed in such a way that it is capable of covering the average mobility requirement. When the battery capacity is low, the combination of internal combustion engine and generator generates electricity, operates the electric motor and charges the battery. Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) are driven by electric motors alone. All-electric traction is achieved with these vehicles. Energy is stored in batteries, which are connected to the mains supply for recharging. All of these vehicles’ systems and power units have to be operated with electric energy. Powe rtrai n E ng i n e e r i ng 138 Natural Gas Drive CO2 emissions are lower for natural gas drive than for a diesel or gasoline engine Natural gas predominantly comprises methane. The advantages of natural gas are obvious: CO2 emissions are significantly lower than for diesel or gasoline and motorists save money every time they fill the tank. When this gas is burned, approximately 25 percent less CO2 is produced than with gasoline and significantly fewer nitrogen oxides and fine dust particles. Already today, the stringent Euro 6 standard for passenger cars can be complied with using natural gas. This is why it is a German natural gas car that has secured the top slot in the VCD environment list. Natural gas drive is currently the cheapest form of motoring Security of supply as well is better than for conventional fuels. There are big secure reserves of natural gas. Germany obtains the gas from many regions of the world; 14 percent comes from domestic sources – Lower Saxony in particular. While global production has been continuously increasing for years, the price of gas has fallen significantly since its peak in 2005. The consumer only has to pay half as much for natural gas fuel as for a comparable car with a gasoline engine. Natural gas mobility is currently the cheapest way of running a car. But consumers are still insufficiently familiar with natural gas as an efficient fuel, which is why the prevalence of natural gas cars is still comparatively low. A representative survey by TNS Infratest revealed that only a few citizens have a detailed knowledge of the advantages of natural gas vehicles. As such, it is hardly surprising that natural gas cars’ share of the total vehicle fleet in 2011 was only around 0.2 percent – or 94,000 vehicles. The choice of natural gas vehicle models continues to expand More filling stations in Germany have to offer natural gas as a fuel Relative to this small fleet size, the natural gas vehicle offering is considerable: there are currently 14 passenger car models available in Germany – the range extends from the very smallest car via the family van to the upper mid-class. This year as well, the choice of models continues to grow, because natural gas is an important component of the German motor industry’s multi-track strategy based on the triad “Economize – Complement – Replace.” In addition to technologies for reducing fuel consumption and completely new drive systems, the intention here is also to replace oil-based fuels with new, more climate-friendly fuels – natural gas being one of them. Natural gas also plays an important role in the Federal Government’s fuel strategy. The objective is to increase its share of the German fuel mix to 4 percent by 2020. To achieve this, the number of natural gas cars would have had to increase to around 1.4 million units. To get to this number, more filling stations have to offer the fuel. The natural gas mobility initiative aims to increase the number of natural gas filling stations from 900 now to 1,300 stations – this would represent 10 percent of the German filling station network. Only when motorists come across natural gas at an ever increasing number of filling stations will they seriously consider this type of propulsion. The development of the network could be accompanied by tax incentives. What is desirable is to reduce the network charges for natural gas filling stations, which currently pay more than other users. And the KfW support program for building natural gas filling stations should be developed in line with the market to increase demand. 139 A further central proposal aims to prevent the expiry of the currently advantageous tax treatment natural gas enjoys. As measured by its energy content, natural gas is taxed at 13.90 euros per megawatt hour (MWh). By way of comparison, for diesel the rate is 47.20 euros /MWh. In 2019, the tax rate for natural gas is to increase by 130 percent. That could have a significantly adverse effect on these vehicles’ market prospects. Depending on the type of vehicle, the price advantage of the environmentally friendly fuel could shrink to such an extent that a natural gas vehicle would no longer be economically worthwhile. The current tax rate should therefore remain in force until such times as the target of 1.4 million vehicles has been achieved. A degressive development in the tax relief – which the natural gas mobility initiative is proposing – would ensure that the lower tax revenues would remain limited and calculable for the taxman. Promoting the building of filling stations and extending energy tax breaks are two central policy planks for the environmentally friendly and future-proof fuel that is natural gas. The motor industry has also set itself the objective of winning significantly more customers over to natural gas. Natural gas has enormous potential as a future fuel. That is why it is strategically correct and necessary for politicians and the economy to develop this energy source for transport as well. Natural gas has big potential as a future fuel The Fuel Cell As a sustainable alternative drive technology to the conventional internal combustion engine, the fuel cell fits seamlessly into the German motor industry’s sustainability strategy. The fuel cell combined with the hydrogen tank constitutes an outstanding drive technology with a higher energy potential than a battery to make an electric vehicle suitable for use all day every day. The next generation of fuel cells will make the motor compact and light enough for large-scale use. The latest version of the fuel cell is 40 percent smaller and 20 percent more economical than the technology that has been used in the past. Like the pure electric motor power concept using batteries, the fuel cell is highly efficient and generates zero emissions. The ability to produce hydrogen efficiently and flexibly from renewable energies, such as surplus wind energy, creates additional potential. The range of a fuel cell is comparable to that of a current petrol engine. Refueling is also quick, which means that a fuel cell vehicle today offers the same flexibility and convenience of a vehicle with a conventional engine. The fuel cell (chemical formula H2) is ready for series production – the next objective is now to develop a H2 filling station infrastructure. A start has already been made with seven public H2 filling stations currently in Germany. To date, however, this means that there is only adequate infrastructure in the Clean Energy Partnership centers – Berlin and Hamburg. Around 1,000 filling stations nationwide would be required to ensure the technology’s long-term success. The latest version of the fuel cell is significantly smaller and more economical than the technology previously in use A fuel cell vehicle now offers the convenience of a conventionally powered vehicle Powe rtrai n E ng i n e e r i ng 140 “Clearly Better”– the Clean Diesel Offensive in the USA The Clean Diesel campaign is intended to raise awareness of the technology’s advantages in the USA ( Six large auto enterprises in the VDA have launched a joint information campaign in the USA on “Clean Diesel.” The benefits of the latest diesel passenger car technology in terms of cleanliness, fuel consumption and performance are highlighted under the slogan “Clean Diesel. Clearly Better.” Their common goal as innovation champions is to provide Clean Diesel with an information platform that cuts across brands and to raise awareness of the technology’s benefits. The campaign’s participating companies are using the campaign logo in the US American market in adverts, on banners, in TV ads as well as in product brochures and in their showrooms, referring in the process to a common website. The website features brief examples from everyday motoring life in the US to explain facts about, sound levels and the cost of filling a tank in easy-to-understand terms and to neutralize reservations about the diesel passenger car. The participating companies also present current passenger car models that merit the “Clean Diesel. Clearly Better.” logo as a badge of distinction. These vehicles boast a fuel efficiency that is 18 percent higher on average compared with corresponding gasoline models. Clean Diesel The “Clean Diesel. Clearly Better.” information campaign in the USA was jointly initiated by Audi, BMW, Bosch, Daimler, Porsche and Volkswagen. Source: VDA Vehicle Safety Yue Zhang – Master of Business Administration, Regional Commodity Manager Asia, Anvis Deutschland GmbH, Steinau an der Straße Ve h icle safety 144 General Development of Safety in Road Traffic, Accident Figures The numbers of people injured in road traffic once again declined significantly in 2012 Germany and the EU Commission have set themselves the objective of continuously reducing the number of accident victims. Since the high-water mark in 1970 when more than 21,000 road users were killed, the number of such cases in Germany has declined steadily. In 2012 as well, the numbers of people injured in road traffic once again declined considerably in comparison to the previous year. This continues the positive trend in accident statistics in Germany. In 2012, 10.1 percent fewer people were killed in traffic accidents (3,606) than in 2011. There was also a decline in the number of people injured in road traffic, to about 384,100 (-2.14 percent). The number of accidents involving personal injury also fell compared to the previous year, by 2.2 percent. Last year, Germany’s autobahns witnessed significantly fewer deaths than was the case on secondary roads or within built-up areas. The rise in accidents involving fatal injuries on secondary roads recorded in 2011 did not continue in 2012: there was a decline of almost 8 percent compared to the previous year. In built-up areas, there was also a reduction in the number of people killed in road accidents – although to a lesser extent (-1.0 percent). Records show a significant decline in motorcyclists and pedestrians involved in accidents The breakdown of accident figures according to the mode of transport involved once again shows that fewer car occupants were injured, and there was also a significant decline in motorcyclists and pedestrians involved in accidents. An evaluation of fatal injuries based on age groups in 2012 shows the steepest decline among children (aged up to 15 years). The decline among other age groups was on average 8 percent compared to 2011. At approximately 50 percent, car occupants still represent the largest group of all those injured in road traffic. This applies in particular to car occupants in the age group between 18 and 65 years. The trend in overall accident figures is relatively strongly influenced by the weather. This is made particularly clear with regard to the summer and winter months by comparing accident figures for the years 2010, 2011 and 2012. Effects of weather can lead to temporary increases in accident numbers, in particular those involving damage to property, but will not reverse the generally positive trend apparent over the past 20 years. There was a slight decline in the number of accidents involving alcohol, by approximately 800 accidents. In spite of the high mileage driven, 709 billion kilometers, the mileage-related risk of being killed in a road traffic has declined further (approximately 5.1 deaths per 1 billion kilometers driven). 145 The trend over many years in the area of vehicle safety has been moving towards the introduction of numerous driver assist systems and interlinking them with passive safety systems. Vehicle manufacturers and the components industry are working together on concepts for integral safety, not only in order to lessen the consequences of accidents, but also to reduce accident severity or even avoid accidents altogether. A series of different active driver assist systems have been developed over recent years; these not only provide warnings but also intervene in the driving dynamics to an increasing extent. Further development of them holds out the promise of increasing potential for further continuous improvements in road safety. Another important aspect of reducing accident numbers concerns ongoing improvements to the infrastructure. High mileages and heavy traffic demand a correspondingly well-developed infrastructure, which provides an environment for all road users to estimate risks and analyze hazards rapidly. Individual critical situations in road traffic can also be avoided by taking account of corresponding points of conflict in the planning and maintenance of the road network. Over coming years, there will also be an increasing exchange of information between vehicles and the infrastructure via what are referred to as roadside units. This means information can be provided to the driver in real time and used for avoiding accidents. Number of accident fatalities by road user type in Germany 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Pedestrians Bicycle Motorbike/powered cycle/moped Passenger vehicles & commercial vehicles Source: destatis New driver assist systems intervene in driving dynamics Roadside units will provide an increasing exchange of information between vehicles and infrastructure Ve h icle safety 146 Rescue Data Sheet – Database – License Plate Check There are ever-increasing requirements on the emergency services when handling vehicles that have been involved in an accident The rescue data sheet provides vehicle-specific information for the appropriate procedure to use when rescuing a patient Ongoing development of vehicles is increasing the requirements on the emergency services when handling vehicles that have been involved in an accident. Previous requests submitted by the emergency services regarding technical systems, in particular pyrotechnic components such as airbags or belt tensioners, the function and structure of various vehicle safety systems, special aspects of the bodywork and vehicle powertrain, have all led to the presentation of extensive vehicle-specific and technical information as well as tactical procedures in the form of guidelines for rescue services. These guidelines have been primarily produced for information and training purposes. However, these booklets are only suitable to a limited extent for providing support during a deployment. This gave rise to the necessity for specific vehicle information to be provided in the form of data sheets. The rescue data sheet provides the emergency services with specific vehicle information at the point of use, informing them about the appropriate tactical procedure to employ for rescuing a patient. The data sheet for a specific vehicle model contains comprehensive information with regard to rescue work on the vehicle. This involves a representation of the vehicle indicating various components (e.g., fuel tank, battery, airbag, belt tensioners, structural reinforcements, high-voltage components and cables), their installation position and possible additional information. The first data sheets were included in the guidelines for rescue services from the mid-1990s, although they did not yet have a uniform graphic design. Exacting requirements were formulated for future data sheet formats in order to permit quick and easy use, the possibility of accessing all relevant vehicle information, updating data and the manufacturer’s information. These formats have been agreed in cooperation with the German Fire Protection Association (VFDB) and emergency physicians. Germany plays a pioneering role in comprehensive provision of information to assist the emergency services at the site of an accident Since 2008, vehicle manufacturers in Germany have offered standard rescue data sheets for specific car models. These are freely available for download from the corresponding websites of the vehicle manufacturers. At present, there are rescue data sheets for almost all vehicle models (cars and light commercial vehicles) sold in Germany. At present, there are more than 1,100 rescue data sheets, and the number is rising. This makes Germany a global pioneer in comprehensive provision of information to assist the emergency services at accident sites. The large number of available rescue data sheets and the variety of different powertrain variants for a model was making practical use by the fire department increasingly difficult. In particular, this concerned the manner for keeping this data and correctly identifying the appropriate data sheet for the vehicle in an accident. SilverDAT FRS software means that the latest information about the vehicle is always available As a result, the VDA has worked together with the Association of International Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (VDIK) and the Federal Ministry of Transport to produce a system whereby, at short notice, the emergency services can rapidly identify the vehicle in an accident. Since 2013, it has been possible to identify vehicles involved in an accident by running a license plate check with the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA). Based on this, the VDA and VDIK commissioned the Deutsche Automobil Treuhand company (DAT) to program a software package (SilverDAT FRS), which would make it possible to correlate the vehicle data from the KBA with the corresponding rescue data sheet by means of a database held at the rescue control centers. The database is regularly updated by DAT, meaning that the latest information about the vehicle is always available. A first pilot phase involving five different fire departments in Germany started during the fourth quarter of 2012. 147 The software has been available to the emergency services (rescue control centers, fire departments) since the beginning of 2013. The large number of available rescue data sheets and the variety of different powertrain variants for a model was making practical use by the fire department increasingly difficult. In particular, this concerned the manner for keeping this data and correctly identifying the appropriate data sheet for the vehicle in an accident. With the introduction of the DAT software (SilverDAT FRS) and the possibility of running the license plate check with the KBA, a practical information system has been created for the fire departments in Germany. In future, it will be possible to regard it as an important component of technical/medical accident rescue. Many rescue data sheets are also available in different languages, meaning that the system could be transferred to other countries worldwide. Discussions are only just starting in many countries regarding the necessity for vehicle-specific information, prompted by the increasing dissemination of vehicles with alternative powertrain technologies. In future, the DAT software should also be able to interact with the automatic emergency call interface (eCall). This would automate the entire procedure of providing a rescue data sheet, without the need to input a license number into a dialog box. SilverDAT FRS software means that the latest information about the vehicle is always available In parallel to the activities in Germany, the first steps towards an international standard were taken at the end of 2011 (ISO), by defining a globally uniform layout for rescue data sheets. The VDA is actively following this work, and providing the ISO working group with the experience that it has collected so far. A first draft of the standard will be ready in early 2014. Information flow in number plate inquiry New software permits rapid access to digital rescue data sheets Assistants at the vehicle involved in an accident Rescue data sheet is e-mailed to the assistant’s mobile device Car’s number plate is transmitted via radio Rescue data sheet is unambiguously allocated to the vehicle involved in an accident Number plate is input into the new DAT software manually Rescue control center Central DAT database for rescue data sheets SilverDAT FRS Model name is transferred online in the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) data record Number plate is transferred online for establishing what is the precise model Database of the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA) Source: VDA Ve h icle safety 148 Extended Fields of View for Commercial Vehicles Truck drivers have to rely on indirect vision using exterior mirrors the In particular at intersections in city centers, there are frequently situations of conflict between trucks that are turning off and pedestrians or cyclists. There is a significantly greater risk in trucks compared to other vehicles that the driver could fail to notice a pedestrian or cyclist fully or at all in the available field of view of the exterior mirrors. The high seat position of the truck driver means there is usually no direct line of sight to pedestrians or cyclists standing next to the cab, or if there is one then it is highly restricted. This means the driver must rely on indirect vision using the exterior mirrors. The fields of view that must be covered by these are regulated in law in UN Regulation 46. One measure for avoiding dangerous situations when turning off is to increase the size of the area that can be seen around the vehicle directly or indirectly. In the course of discussions at the international committees of the UNECE, it has been decided that the current field of view offered by mirrors mounted at a height of 2.40 m or more on the side of the cab away from the driver should be extended by 2.50 m, to give a width of 4.50 m. This increases the field of view that can be seen using side mirrors by more than a factor of two. This regulation will come into force on June 30, 2014 for all new type approvals, and must be applied to all new trucks from June 30, 2015 onwards. The regulation applies to all signatory states of the 1958 agreement within the UNECE, which includes Europe, Japan and Russia. Alterations to the structure of crossing areas with axes of visibility that can be detected by all road users also contribute to avoiding accidents However, this only represents the aspect of a solution to a problem that is related to the vehicle technology. A critical turning-off situation cannot be avoided solely by increasing the field of view. It is also important to make structural adaptations to crossing areas, with clearly defined axes of visibility and installation spaces that can be detected by all road users. Concealment of pedestrians or cyclists by street furniture or vegetation must be avoided, as must inadequate road markings or insufficient lighting concepts. In some cities, additional mirrors will be permanently installed at junctions with poor visibility so that pedestrians, in particular, can be detected more easily. The measures taken on the vehicle and in the infrastructure can only prove effective, however, if they are also used by the driver or pedestrians in the intended way. In spite of the increased field of view that is now specified, a critical situation might still be unavoidable if the exterior mirrors are not set correctly, or if there is no visibility to the side. Also, pedestrians and cyclists are obliged to pay active attention to their surroundings, and not to infringe any regulations. Mutual understanding between drivers, cyclists and pedestrians contributes to road safety in critical situations when visibility is a problem. Camera monitoring systems can display fields of view more effectively Vehicle manufacturers are currently working on various technologies for assisting the driver during turning-off maneuvers. Various approaches are being investigated for sensing people standing next to the truck. At the moment, the most promising approach concerns displaying fields of view better using camera monitoring systems, possibly evaluating the images automatically using object recognition and warning the driver. 149 On the Way to Even Greater Safety in Road Traffic: “Naturalistic Driving Studies” Research Project Recording data using Naturalistic Driving Studies (NDS) makes it possible to ascertain important aspects of driving behavior in cars and commercial vehicles under real conditions. Being able to observe many drivers in different kinds of vehicles and a variety of situations over a long period is the major advantage of Naturalistic Driving Studies. The planned NDS envisage several hundreds or thousands of vehicles being equipped with sensors in order to observe the behavior of drivers under everyday conditions over a lengthy period. Although drivers expressly grant permission for their vehicles to be fitted with the equipment, its continuous observation is forgotten over time and drivers behave entirely “naturally.“ The large database created with NDS makes it possible to describe normal driving behavior as well as recording critical events such as near-miss accidents. This means NDS is a method for researching how accidents come about. The Research Association of Automotive Technology (FAT) and the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) are involved in several preliminary projects with NDS. In one preliminary project, the technical and organizational feasibility of a large NDS in Germany is being tested with some vehicles. Further preliminary work involves the first investigative steps being taken already: the presumed distraction effect on drivers is being surveyed taking the example of hands-free telephone use when driving. On behalf of the FAT and BASt, researchers are continuing to work on identifying critical driving situations. These can arise if hazardous factors, or factors that influence performance (traffic density, lane changes, bad weather, secondary activities, etc.), impinge on the driver and the vehicle. Only in a few cases does the critical driving situation develop into an accident. The research results define objective limit values from which point onwards a situation should be evaluated as critical. Automated evaluation processes can filter through the enormous data quantity from NDS in subsequent, extensive studies. The insights gained from NDS will make it possible for manufacturers to derive further technical assistance requirements for drivers, which should be offered by driver assist systems in the future. Knowledge of typical driving behavior patterns also provides the road traffic authorities with a basis for further improvements in the road infrastructure. NDS can describe “normal” driving behavior The presumed distraction effect on drivers is surveyed taking the example of hands-free telephone use Knowledge of typical driving behavior patterns provides valuable information for technical support of the driver and a better road infrastructure Ve h icle safety 150 Acoustic Perception Capability of Electric Vehicles People can fail to hear quiet electric vehicles in urban traffic when they are travelling at low speed Vehicles with electric or electric hybrid drives are extremely quiet, particularly when travelling at low speed. They make a significant contribution to reducing noise pollution in built-up areas. However, many pedestrians orientate themselves on the basis of familiar vehicle noises when they are using the road. This applies in particular to people with visual impairments and blind people. These are not the only ones who are reliant on information from exterior vehicle noise in order to interact safely with vehicles at all times. Electric vehicles have only very quiet noise emissions due to their powertrain. The noise of the tires on the carriageway only becomes dominant at speeds of 20 or 30 km/h and up. As a result of this, there is a danger with electric vehicles that people could fail to hear them, particularly when they are being driven at low speed in urban traffic. Effects of changed vehicle exterior noises on pedestrians are being investigated As a result of this, the Dresden University of Applied Sciences has been commissioned jointly by the Research Association of Automotive Technology (FAT) and the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) to investigate the affects of changed vehicle exterior noises on pedestrians. Specialist institutes of the Dresden University of Applied Sciences have identified situations in which there can be a detrimental alteration in perception capability by pedestrians. Particular attention was paid to pedestrians with visual impairments. To date, it has not been possible to put precise numbers on the effect of changed vehicle noises for several of the affected driving situations. In the test laboratory of Dresden University of Applied Sciences, the effects of various vehicle noises on perception capability are being investigated under controlled acoustic and visual conditions. The studies are focusing on conditions in which the vehicle is driving slowly. In several typical traffic situations, approaching and stopping vehicles are investigated, as well as vehicles that are stationary and ready to move off. At the same time, the influence of ambient noise is taken into account. All the tests involve people with and without visual impairments. Pedestrians should interact safely even with vehicles that have alternative powertrains The research results will make it possible to deliver comprehensive statements about the acoustic perception of different vehicle exterior noises. Suggestions and recommendations are derived for how pedestrians can interact safely even with vehicles that have alternative powertrains. These suggestions are available to the companies and standardization groups for acoustic identification of electric vehicles. However, the acoustic perception of vehicles is a key topic not just from the research perspective, but also with regard to legislation. As a matter of principle, the VDA is in favor of a procedure with open technology as a means of increasing safety, especially that of people with visual impairments. As a result, the automotive industry is working on comprehensive traffic and pedestrian recognition, as well as algorithms to avoid accidents in future due to vehicles not being heard. From a short-term perspective, however, the approach involving an acoustic warning unit is practicable. 151 Multimodal measurement laboratory at Dresden University of Applied Sciences Thus, the UN/ECE, which is binding within the EU, has already decided on recommendations for a standard design of what are referred to as sound devices, and published this. Within the EU, fitting electric vehicles with sound devices is optional. However, the guideline provides specifications for the noise. For example, the noise must correspond to that of a conventional car; songs or other unnatural noises are explicitly prohibited. The VDA supports these recommendations and has contributed significantly to working them out. One goal is to increase safety in road traffic, while another concerns keeping additional noise pollution in inner cities as low as possible. In line with the UN/ECE, the VDA is of the opinion that artificial noises should remain restricted to vehicles which have exclusively electric propulsion. The USA is currently developing its own regulations, that will be followed by the automotive industry in many respects. For example, they contain principles according to which people with visual impairments should be better able to estimate the speed, direction and distance of a vehicle. However, the VDA regards the U.S. draft as still being in need of some revision. Above all, the current proposal would result in excessively high noise levels, which would, as a rule, exceed the noise currently emitted by a conventional vehicle. Overall, the PDA is in favor of a sensible, but also moderate regulation. The association will input its expertise accordingly. Additional noise pollution in inner cities should be kept as low as possible Ve h icle safety 152 Safety of Electric Vehicles New regulations have been defined for protecting the occupants of electric vehicles in case of an accident In response to the gradual launch of hybrid and electric vehicles onto global markets, new regulations have been defined for the protection of occupants in case of an accident, and requirements for safe operation of such vehicles. The previous content of UN Regulation 100 has been largely revised in order to take account of the current status of vehicle technology and electric components. One important area that had not yet been revised in full related to the requirements for traction batteries in electric cars. Here, the VDA worked with the Federal Ministry of Transport on revising international bodies of rules. Over the past two years, an international working group has produced specifications for battery tests, which describe the procedure and criteria for demonstrating the safety of traction batteries in a series of tests; these have been integrated into UN Regulation 100, as Part 2. Particular attention was paid to the integrity of the traction battery under an extremely wide range of loading scenarios (avoidance of leakage, fire and/or explosion, and prevention of a casing failure). This ensures that vehicles with new powertrain technologies always have an equally high safety level. As a second step, a working group was established under the auspices of the UNECE, with the task of working out a global technical regulation (GTI) for electric vehicles with regard to all safety aspects before, during and after an accident, as well as in general driving operation. The working group is chaired by the USA and comprises not only the vehicle manufacturers and component suppliers, but also representatives of the governments of Canada, China, Japan and Europe, including the European Commission. A first draft regulation will be available in 2014 for commenting. Information about high-voltage components and specific electrical instructions have been added to rescue data sheets Furthermore, German vehicle manufacturers have expanded their concept of rescue data sheets for fire departments, which has already existed for many years, to include the aspect of electric vehicles. Members of the fire department will now see information about high-voltage components and other specific electrical instructions on the rescue data sheet. The instructions concern both information about the installation position of high-voltage components and additional safety notices. On the data sheets, the manufacturers explain how to identify vehicles with alternative powertrains, how the vehicle is to be secured against rolling away, how the drive and the high-voltage system can be deactivated, and what special features should be noted. This topic is also being dealt with in the ISO working group on standardization of the rescue data sheet. A VDA project group “Recovery of motor vehicles” is working on a recommendation for safe recovery in order to familiarize not only the emergency services but also vehicle recovery companies about how to work with electrically powered vehicles. Attention is focused on the time window between clearing the accident location until the point when the vehicle arrives at a workshop. 153 Driver Assist Systems for Light and Heavy Vehicles Automatic emergency brake systems for commercial vehicles Modern driver assist systems can provide the drivers with effective support, particularly in critical situations. They enable drivers to remain in control of their vehicles. In its general safety regulation (EC) No. 661/2009, the EU has defined not only regulations for ESP in all vehicle categories and tire pressure monitoring systems for cars, but also new regulations for advanced emergency braking systems (AEBS) and the lane departure warning system (LDWS) for commercial vehicles. The technical requirements have already been regulated for those vehicles (which tend to be heavy ones) in which emergency braking systems are either already available or under development. In modern driver assist systems, the driver always maintains control over the vehicle For vehicles in category N2 with a gross vehicle weight rating less than 8 metric tons and a hydraulic service brake system, as well as for vehicles in category M2, the requirements are to be defined by ongoing work in the UNECE up to the end of 2014. Refer to the table below for an overview of the introduction dates. The requirements still have to be defined for the warning times before a potential collision (TTC, time-to-collision) and for the speed reduction with an initial speed of 80 km/h for stationary and moving target vehicles. The lack of requirements on emergency braking systems for light commercial vehicles is something that differs significantly from heavy vehicles. Smaller commercial vehicles are more agile, and furthermore a hydraulic service brake system needs more time to establish full pressure than a pneumatic service brake system does. This gives drivers the opportunity to carry out not only braking but also an avoidance maneuver when there is a danger warning from the system. Depending on the vehicle weight, agility and brake system, an avoidance maneuver without collision may actually be more sensible than full braking in which there is a collision in any case because the speed is not completely eliminated. In general, the higher the vehicle speed and the more agile the vehicle, the later it is possible to carry out an avoidance maneuver safely, whereas even panic braking would not be able to prevent a collision. The systems to be developed must differentiate very precisely between various requirements. On the one hand, a system must never overburden drivers with unjustified or excessively frequent warnings. On the other hand, it must trigger a warning and/or braking in order to reduce the severity of an accident or prevent a collision. The automotive industry has organized test events spanning several days in order to base these diametrically opposed requirements on measurement results, and thus to promote the continuing development of traffic law in international committees on the basis of facts. These tests conducted on a test site in Lower Saxony involved various light commercial vehicles with different load levels. The objective was to find what is referred to as the “latest steering point”: the distance from the target at which avoidance is still possible without a collision. For this purpose, the test vehicles were equipped with a complete suite of measurement sensors; test drivers performed avoidance maneuvers at various speeds ahead of an obstacle under permanent monitoring of the steering angle, speed and TTC. The results obtained and additional measurements of maximum vehicle deceleration rates led to the conclusion that it is possible to initiate an avoidance maneuver 13 meters after the last braking possibility at 80 km/h, in order to prevent a collision. This value of 13 meters, or 0.6 seconds, indicates how difficult it is for the emergency braking system to issue a warning at an appropriate point. It may well be that the driver has already noticed the obstacle and is planning to drive around it. An undue warning in such situations might well cause the driver to switch the system off, so it would no longer offer any protection. Drivers must not be burdened by inappropriate or excessively frequent warnings Developing and tuning emergency braking assistance systems for commercial vehicles are complicated development tasks Ve h icle safety 154 Interestingly, the TTC remained almost constant within the investigated speed range from 40 to 80 km/h, irrespective of the driven speed. Developing and tuning emergency braking assistance systems for these small commercial vehicles are complicated development tasks. This relates to the recording and assessment of driver activities, the vehicle status, the vehicle’s dynamic properties and its reactions. Another requirement is for the systems to be integrated into the overall vehicle infrastructure and adjusted to various vehicle types. Adequate lead times are required for implementation in series production in order to place safe products on the market. Introduction deadlines for AEBS in commercial vehicles (new types) Vehicle category (Brake systems/rear axle suspension systems) M2 all brake systems and rear axle suspension systems Introduction deadlines New veh. types from 11/2016, new vehs. from 11/2018 M2 with hydraulic transmission device Requirements to be produced by the EC by December 31, 2014 M3 with hydraulic transmission device Requirements to be produced by the EC by December 31, 2014 M3 with pneumatic signal and hydraulic energy transmission device + all rear axle suspension systems New veh. types from 11/2016, new vehs. from 11/2018 M3 with pneumatic transmission device + all rear axle suspension systems New veh. types from 11/2016, new vehs. from 11/2018 M3 with pneumatic signal and hydraulic energy transmission + pneumatic rear axle suspension system New veh. types from 11/2013, new vehs. from 11/2015 M3 with pneumatic transmission device + pneumatic rear axle suspension system New veh. types from 11/2013, new vehs. from 11/2015 N2 all brake systems and rear axle suspension systems New veh. types from 11/2016, new vehs. from 11/2018 N2 >/= 8 t with hydraulic operating system Requirements to be produced by EC by December 31, 2014 N2 > 8 t with pneumatic signal and hydraulic energy transmission device + pneumatic rear axle suspension system New veh. types from 11/2013, new vehs. from 11/2015 N2 > 8 t with pneumatic transmission device + pneumatic rear axle suspension system New veh. types from 11/2013, new vehs. from 11/2015 N3 all brake systems and rear axle suspension systems New veh. types from 11/2016, new vehs. from 11/2018 N3 with pneumatic signal and hydraulic energy transmission device + pneumatic rear axle suspension system New veh. types from 11/2013, new vehs. from 11/2015 N3 with pneumatic transmission device + pneumatic rear axle suspension system New veh. types from 11/2013, new vehs. from 11/2015 The following vehicles are exempt from the introduction of AEBS and LDWS: Off-road vehicles acc. to §§ 4.2, 4.3 2007/46/EC, Appendix III, Section A, special vehicles §§ 5.7, 5.8 2007/46/EC, Appendix III, Section A, M2, M3, N2, N3 with more than 3 axles, N2 tractor vehicles with a GVWR between 3.5 t and 8 t, M2; class I or class II or class A, M3; class I or class II or class A or articulated bus Source: VDA 155 Protection Against Theft Car crime has now become an international problem because of global networking. Over the last 20 years, the theft rate has decreased by more than two thirds thanks to continuous improvement of mechanical and electronic theft prevention measures in vehicles and close collaboration between manufacturers and police. Since the record in 1993 of more than 144,000 stolen vehicles, of which 60,000 were permanently lost, it has been possible to reduce the number of thefts to below 20,000 from 2006 onwards, thanks to improved theft prevention measures. However, the methods used by car thieves have also changed: Amateur thieves have been replaced by highly professional, organized gangs, which specialize in particular models. Car thefts have declined by more than two thirds over the past 20 years The figures for vehicles stolen in 2011 are continuing a slightly downward trend compared to 2010. Official statistics for 2012 are not yet available, but the trend indicates a further decline by 4 percent (the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) will publish its figures on May 15, 2013). However, the total loss amount for the insurers rose further. The reasons for this include both rising vehicle values as well as the trend towards stealing higher-value vehicles. The further decline in the number of thefts is a result of continuous improvements in theft prevention measures taken by the automotive industry, and very close cooperation with the authorities. For years now, meetings have been held regularly involving theft protection experts from the vehicle manufacturers and the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). This cooperation also ensures that the latest knowledge concerning changes to thieves’ modi operandi is divulged, as well as guaranteeing that further protection measures can be implemented at short notice. As a result, the automotive industry and the authorities will always keep their nose in front in the continuous technological arms race with vehicle thieves. Theft protection statistics 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Tracking quotas Permanently lost Source: Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) Protecting vehicles against theft is a matter of priority for the German automotive industry Networking Martin Hyar – apprenticed export merchant, Regional Sales Manager Asia, Africa, Oceania, ThyssenKrupp Bilstein GmbH, Enneppetal N etwor ki ng 158 Networking Digital networking offers innumerable possibilities – many of which cannot be foreseen at all today. Personalized vehicles with Internet access and access to their own data and media in the data cloud are fundamentally changing the experience of driving. The networked vehicle fits smoothly into the trend of mobile communication and remaining in contact. In future, vehicles will be networked with one another, with the infrastructure and with the Internet. They will become a comprehensive service provider which knows the requirements of the driver and is ready to provide assistance.  Digital networking, and thus the exchange of information between those involved in transport, is happening against the backdrop of urgent global challenges such as population growth and climate change; it offers the potential to meet humanity’s need for mobility and transport, while avoiding traffic jams in spite of increased traffic volumes. It will save resources, reduce the burden on the driver and increase road safety. Networking is a key topic for individual mobility. It will require cooperation with partners from information technology and government stakeholders to overcome infrastructural and technical challenges, and create a secure legal framework for customers and vehicle manufacturers. The VDA is supporting its members in this innovative area, and is consistently pushing ahead with the digital revolution for all aspects of the car. Milestones in networking 20xx Automated driving 2012 Lane change improved hMi Longitudinal guide assist assist 2009 intelligent Speed Adaption Road sign recognition Flex Ray Bluetooth Lane departure warning 2000 DSC (Dynamic 2008 In-car Internet 2001 Road toll gantries 2005 On board unit Adaptive cornering light Steer/Drive by Wire 2003 Park steer assist Tire pressure monitoring system Adaptive high-beam assist 2002 STA (traffic jam assist) Lane change assist/ blind spot assist 2004 Active Brake Assist Active night light assist (Adaptive Cruise Control) 2010 Active Park Assist MB Tweet Fleet simtD 1998 ACC 2011 Ion Road App emergency brake assist Introduction of Fleetboard 1970 1933 First car radio Blaupunkt 4A75 Ari traffic radio (electronic stabilization program) 1987 1988 rDS (radio Data System) (driver�s broadcasting information) 1996 with SMS and GPRS Telephone Stability eSP Control) voice control navigation 1990 1989 system Introduction of CAN bus 1972 Digital networking will reduce the burden on the driver and increase road safety Digital networking is a revolution affecting all aspects of the car and the entire transport system. Communication and information are becoming more and more important. Exchange of information between all road users and networking with the Internet represents a major step towards the resource and time-saving transport of the future. eureKA ProMetheuS ProjeCt TCS (traction control system) 1980 ABS In-car mobile phone (anti-lock brake system) Invention of WLAN (ALOHAnet) A-net Car phone 1958 Personalized vehicles with Internet access and access to their own media will change the driving experience completely VDA-MAgAzin: Vernetzung — Seite 4 Inert systems Sensor systems Dialog systems ER AN D I T VE R TZ NE G UN M 159 System Vernetzung im Automobil, VDA THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY AND ITS PARTNERS Professional colleges and universities Administration Politics/legislation Network operators and providers Manufacturers of consumer and business electronics Other transport providers IT companies Partners of the automotive industry, VDA VDA-MAGAZIN: VERNETZUNG — SEITE 3 CarIT as a Strategic Task IT, with its future technologies such as cloud computing (access to one’s own data and media from the data cloud), Big Data (aggregating and analyzing large quantities of data for B2B and B2C applications) and mobile computing (permanent availability of IT applications such as via the Internet), is becoming a driver of innovation in society and companies. A coordinated, company-wide information system is a precondition for consistent processes in development, production, sales and customer service. IT is finding its way into vehicles at breathtaking speed, it is becoming part of the product. In future, a vehicle manufacturer will become a vendor of vehicles and services relating to all aspects of mobility. Mobile Internet has been part and parcel of many people’s lives for some time now. They no longer go online, they are online – even in the car. The virtual personalization of vehicles, the driving sensation, entertainment equipment and the online services available will intensify the entire service experience. To ensure the corresponding customer retention, it is important to combine features and services as attractive packages with sustainable business models, and thus establish a digital brand in which security always takes priority. The German automotive industry intends to build on its leading role in CarIT. In future, vehicle manufacturers will become vendors of vehicles and services relating to all aspects of mobility N etwor ki ng 160 ew ay Protection against hackers Ga WLAN USB all RDS t Fire w GSM Bluetooth Ch ips Infrared Krypto Challenge Vehicles are increasingly open to networked applications. Safety must not be compromised in this case. CarIT is the key to future mobility - StrategieS Sensitive areas in the vehicle are excluded from communication and only automobile manufacturers have access to them. External services are extensively checked before use. Innovative CarIT, with intelligent networking of information and systems, increases driving comfort, safety, and communication, and is the key to future mobility. It is ideal for creating added value for users in all aspects of mobility, whether in individual transport or in transport networks, and for reaching new target groups. Booking and settlement functions can be personalized using services, made quickly accessible and supplemented by infrastructural information (such as the locations of charging points for electric vehicles or parking spaces). The automotive industry can only exploit the potential of CarIT together with its partners. At the same time, automobile manufacturers must make sure that they do not lose the market to market players from outside the industry. Reliable alliances and partnerships are essential for overcoming the challenge of networking successfully. The added value of electronics in the vehicle will increase significantly due to networking Electrification – the rise in the number of control units and software packages in vehicles – will significantly increase the added value from electronics in the vehicle. One significant difficulty concerns synchronizing the lengthy development cycles for vehicle application and the significantly shorter cycles of the consumer industry. The shorter development cycles from communication technology are not possible for the corresponding applications in the vehicle, as a result of the extensive quality assurance and certification requirements for processors and semiconductor components in running gear and engine control units. 161 One approach to solving this problem concerns modularization with an exact interface description of the hardware and software modules, so that interchangeability and updating are possible throughout the entire life cycle of the vehicle. In future, it can be expected that software components from different suppliers will be run on one control unit, meaning that automotive manufacturers will be faced by an even greater proportion of integration tasks. There will have to be an expansion in the OEMs own software development competence, because a significant proportion of brand and product differentiation will be achieved by corresponding software functions. Networking is leading to a rise in the amount of information that can be made available to the driver. The challenge involves representing the complexity of the different functions in a needs-driven and straightforward operating method. Operating concepts that are innovative and intuitive to use will form the basis for minimum distraction of the driver. Voice and gesture control as well as head-up displays will make it possible to provide specific content and functions. Integrating smartphones and linking up navigation and information systems with driver assist systems open up the vehicle to external software. This new openness could increase the risk of cybercrime – which cannot be reconciled with the pronounced safety and security culture of the automotive industry. In view of this situation, concepts will be worked out for the software and hardware architecture in which the data systems for navigation, telematics and infotainment applications will be separated from the driving-relevant systems in the vehicle electronics. Data will be exchanged by cryptographically secured pathways – and only following successful authorization of the communication partners. Gateways and firewalls shut off securityrelevant areas in the networked vehicle. Increasing networking gives rise to a lot of data, the safeguarding of which with regard to data protection legislation must be regulated. In this context, it is necessary to answer questions relating to data protection legislation and develop technical solutions that effectively permit data access by particular groups of people, while excluding it for others. Gateways and firewalls protect the security-relevant areas in the networked vehicle N etwor ki ng 162 Car-to-Car/Car-to-I Communication Intelligent car-to-car/car-to-I communication is delivering an improvement in air quality and reduction in fuel consumption In-vehicle networking is going to take place in parallel and at different speeds in the various domains of the vehicle. As a result, it will make new comfort and assistance functions possible. Using modern sensor technologies, the vehicle can “see” and “feel” – it will become increasingly aware of the traffic situation. For example, information available in the vehicle from previously autonomous subsystems, sensors and actuators will be brought together and evaluated intelligently (sensor fusion). This on-board information is supplemented with route-related information by communication between vehicles (car-to-car) or communication with the infrastructure (car-to-I). Car-to-car/car-to-I communication is a highly promising possibility for increasing the traffic flow through forward-looking control and thus improving air quality at the same time as reducing fuel consumption. The exchange of information via radio between vehicles, traffic control centers and other information providers makes it possible to have local danger warnings, geo and weather information such as black ice, fog or aquaplaning, roadworks information and status messages from traffic lights and traffic signal systems. This allows warning functions for accident avoidance and response prompts to be derived for the driver. Protocols and messages required for these functions are currently being standardized. This step is necessary because the effect of car-to-x systems largely depends on the number of networked vehicles as communication partners. The simTD research project is testing car-to-x communication for safe mobility of tomorrow Numerous automobile manufacturers have agreed to create common standards for car-to-car/car-to-I communication. The simTD research project initiated by the VDA is shaping the safe and intelligent mobility of tomorrow through research and testing of car-to-x communication and its applications. In 2012, realistic traffic scenarios were carried out on an extensive test facility infrastructure around Frankfurt am Main. The VDA will continue actively to follow the activities for introduction of car-to-x communication. 163 T T RA inf he t FFI th or raf C th eir mat fic l LIG e th o po ion igh HT is pt sit fr t s C da im ion om ys O ta um a a te NT . tra nd ppr m re RO ffic spe oa ce L lig ed chin ive ht . T g s r co he ve ele nt sy hic va ro st le nt l a em s, cc a su or ct ch di iva a ng te s to s ST SI the d AS , E hts pee In AS c lig at s ve”. is PH raffi wh wa tion ed. HT t r n ec ay G es ive ee rs pl LI ch dr “gr inte dis C a e FI pro s th h a the AF ap rm atc of TR icle info to c am r h r ve n e g e tio rd dia th nc o a n fu t in n, he st a io W assi rive ddit d a to OBSTACLE WARNING When the vehicle approaches an obstacle, the vehicle informs the driver of this as a warning appropriate for the situation. The warning time is calculated based on the distance and speed. simTD — Safe, intelligent mobility Test area Germany CAR-TO-CAR COMMUNICATION Vehicles warn one another about changes in the road surface, if they have to brake unexpectedly or if there is a risk of both vehicles being involved in a collision. ROAD WEATHER WARNING Weather data from measuring stations and vehicles makes it possible to recognize and broadcast weather hazards at an early stage. CONTROL CENTER Stations LOCAL INFORMATION SERVICES Local information about the weather, events or car parks with information for the driver about vacant spaces. n ra i ve ce dr e t s t an T s t h s t ar s is G H ve t a s LI gi on s E ht n f r v ide A K lig le i r o BR ake hic i s p I C c b r ve ; t h . a ON ni i f ing te d T R c t r o ing r ak r ic EC l e r n b e s t EL he e w a nc y is r T r l y ge t y e a me r ibili e v is if ROAD SIGN ASSIST The driver is informed about valid road signs, including variable message signs such as speed limits and restrictions imposed due to roadworks. G IN R N ge n s A r i e E W m ic le is C L e r e e ve h r e i t . I H h c y e om h r VE w Y te ll ge n d w ng f NC e to me r r me omi E e l c o G f b n ER s s i n a e in i t is E M s po he r s ar t ion y .W e c a l w r e r i v ir e t a le s a g , d hat d o n ic hin w s I t i y ve h r o a c a n d c pp ted a ca lo ROADWORKS INFORMATION The driver receives information about the length of the roadworks, the reason for them and the duration of the work. In addition, the traffic conditions and the roadworks layout are displayed on the basis of movements of the vehicles in front. VDA-MAGAZIN: VERNETZUNG — SEITE 1 N etwor ki ng 164 Automated Driving Automatic driving functions support the driver, permitting safe and efficient mobility There is a need for further development of the legal provisions relating to driver assist systems Networking of different sources of information in and around the vehicle permits a further development of driver assist systems, to come closer to the vision of accident-free driving. Human errors are the main cause of accidents. In the long term, automated systems open up new opportunities for improving road safety. Automated driving functions have already found their way into vehicles. They make the task of driving simpler and support the driver in driving situations, thus making a contribution to safe and fluid road transport. The level of automation of the driving task can range from assistance through to highly and fully automated driving functions – from the overtaking assistant through to highway autopilots. As the level of automation rises, the obligation on the driver to monitor the vehicle continuously may be partially or wholly lifted. With the highly and fully automated driving functions, the automotive industry is aiming for in the medium and long term, there will no longer be any need for continuous monitoring by the driver. On the one hand, electronic driver assist systems are making enormous progress. On the other hand, statutory and liability regulations derive from a time when these technologies could not have been foreseen. As well as ongoing technological developments, there is thus a need to develop the statutory framework in parallel as well. The significant consequences of such changes mean there is a need to make a start today on creating new general conditions for automated driving so that functions such as these can be admitted in vehicles worldwide in future. The VDA is supporting its members in their activities to develop the legal framework further. Technical Specifications and Standardization Sevim Güler – machine operator Cylinder-Head Gaskets division, ElringKlinger AG, Dettingen/Erms T e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c at i o n s a n d s ta n da r d i z at i o n 168 Worldwide Harmonized Light-duty Test Procedure (WLTP) – The New Emissions Cycle Since the start of the 1990s, the introduction of the standard European exhaust emissions regulations has meant that vehicle emissions are measured on the basis of a standard driving cycle (the New European Driving Cycle NEDC) in Europe. This was developed by the EU Commission to provide consumers and politicians in Europe with a standard scale. In addition to measuring classic emissions the driving cycle is also used to determine emissions of CO2 and fuel consumption. The automotive industry has significantly supported and pressed ahead with development of a new test procedure The new WLTP cycle has significantly more acceleration and braking procedures The NEDC has proven its worth over many years as a standard binding basis for the comparison of different vehicles or model generations. However, it is being increasingly accused of no longer being representative of the average vehicle or driving habits of a driver. As a result, the member states of the 1998 UN/ECE Agreement (including all European states, Japan, USA, China, Russia, India and others) have decided to develop a new test procedure under the auspices of the UN/ECE, which should provide a representative pattern of the actual driving properties of a vehicle worldwide. The automotive industry has significantly supported and pressed ahead with this initiative. The new WLTP cycle (Worldwide Harmonized Light-duty Test Procedure) has been developed on the basis of driving data collected worldwide, and covers driving situations from urban traffic through to highway driving. The cycle is significantly more dynamic than the NEDC – it has many more acceleration and braking procedures than its predecessor. In addition to the actual driving profile, the measurement procedure is also to be standardized on an international basis and adjusted to current automotive technology. This includes a wide range of subjects including, e.g., the question of the temperature at which a vehicle is measured or how the correct tire pressure should be defined. An identical vehicle must produce the same test results at any time and in any part of the world The cycle and basic structure of the measurement procedure should be agreed by the end of 2013 Here too, the goal is to reflect reality as accurately as possible, largely reduce possible variances and keep the test as straightforward as possible. The aim – as with the NEDC – is to ensure that the measuring process is reproducible and compliant all over the world: an identical vehicle must produce the same test results at any time and in any part of the world as long as the correct measurement procedure is used. For this purpose, the procedure must be able to measure the fuel consumption and emissions of a vehicle reliably and representatively. Experts in the automotive industry are thus working closely with the regulatory authorities of the responsible member states, and are supporting this regulation work to the best of their ability. The development of the first step in the new driving cycle is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2013. It is expected that the cycle and the basic structure of the measurement procedure will be able to be approved by then. However, the detailed work – such as special treatment of electric and hybrid vehicles – will probably take longer. Not least for these reasons, the VDA regards as unrealistic the objective stated by the DG Enterprise for binding introduction of the WLTP in 2017/2018. This is because in addition to actually completing the cycle, it will also be necessary to define and observe the precise transitional regulations. In all probability, the WLTP will report higher fuel consumption compared to the NEDC, due to its higher dynamics. This aspect must be given painstaking consideration with regard to introducing the WLTP into European legislation. The target CO2 values for the European fleet are based on the previous cycle. These target values must not be negatively influenced by introduction of the WLTP. As a result, the changeover to the new cycle must go hand in hand with a corresponding lead-in and transitional regulations. In parallel, the applicable emissions, labeling and CO2 legislation must be considered. 169 The Main Inspection In July 2012, the EU Commission presented the “Road Safety” package. This consists of topics relating to regular traffic and operating safety testing (main inspection and exhaust analysis), roadside inspection for commercial vehicles as well as delivery of technical information on vehicle registration. Among other things, it picks up the objective formulated in the policy orientations on road safety 2011–2020, namely to cut road deaths by 50 percent. In addition, road traffic emissions caused by inadequate maintenance of vehicles should be reduced. The presented draft regulation is intended to replace EC Directive 2009/40/EC, most recently amended by Directive 2010/48/ EC. The objective is to create a common European area for traffic and operating safety monitoring that is based on harmonized test constituents, equipment, qualification of test personnel and evaluation of defects. The objective of the “Road Safety” package is to create a uniform European space for traffic and operating safety monitoring Significant modifications in this draft are: • Expansion/harmonization of the minimum requirements for defect categorizations • Equipment regulations for the test locations • Minimum requirements on contents and methods • Expansion of the scope of application • Expansion to the inspection of safety-relevant electronically controlled vehicle systems • Making test intervals dynamic. The present concept of the EU Commission is currently being formulated with the member states and the EU Parliament as part of the European legislative process. The majority of intended changes to the main inspection and exhaust analysis have already been implemented in Germany some time ago. The 47th amending regulation to the German road traffic licensing regulation (StVZO) came into force in Germany on July 1, 2012. This adapts the type and scope of the main inspection to match the status of vehicle technology. In future, the road safety and environmentally relevant systems will be checked via the electronic interface in vehicles to make sure they are functioning correctly. In many areas, the regulations applicable in Germany go beyond the prescribed minimum requirements in the current draft from the EU Commission. The majority of changes to the main inspection have already been implemented in Germany Priority must be given to harmonization of the test contents and delivery of technical information and test specifications in Europe, rather than local tightening-up of the test requirements in individual member states. This should be oriented towards the status established in Germany. The obligation to deliver technical information for the road safety and operating safety test envisaged by the EU Commission in the present draft law goes beyond the national and international publications currently in place today on delivery and provision of repair and maintenance information within the scope of Euro 5/6 (715/2007/EC ff.) as well as Euro VI (595/2009/EC ff.) or §29 of the German road traffic licensing regulation (StVZO), appendix VIIIa. The proposed scope of delivery will not provide any benefit for periodic, technical monitoring of vehicles. As a result, the automotive industry rejects the intended delivery obligation. The automotive industry rejects the intended delivery obligation T e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c at i o n s a n d s ta n da r d i z at i o n 170 New Version of the Limit Values for Noise Emissions The German automotive industry has been able to reduce the noise level of its vehicles steadily Between 1970 and 1995, automobile manufacturers significantly reduced the noise emissions from vehicles: In new vehicles, noise emissions were reduced by eight decibels. And even without new more stringent limit values, the German motor industry continued to reduce the noise generated by their vehicles in the following years. At the end of 2011, the EU Commission published its proposal for regulating vehicle noise emissions. Discussions in the council and parliament extended over the entire course of 2012. On February 6, 2013, the EU Parliament voted on the noise legislation following lengthy discussions. The council decision is still pending. The core of the noise legislation process concerns changing to a new type testing procedure. The measuring method applicable to date basically corresponded to full-load acceleration at 50 km/h. Although this is very demanding for the automotive industry, it does not represent a typical operating condition in sensitive urban areas. More moderate accelerations are typical for urban driving. 171 In order to achieve a better correlation between reducing the limit value and the situation with regard to received noise, a new and more representative measuring process was developed and approved under the auspices of the UN/ECE in close cooperation with the ISO (International Organization for Standardization). The German automotive industry actively supported this development, and welcomes the change to this new process. The German automotive industry welcomes the change to a new, more representative measuring process Furthermore, the EU Parliament has undertaken a thorough revision of the vehicle categories on which the regulation is based. Thus, different limit values used to be defined for various vehicle categories, because a truck cannot be compared to a passenger car, for example. Even within a vehicle category, the vehicle concepts can range from a medium-duty delivery truck through to a long-distance truck, for example. These concepts are so varied that the EU Parliament defined and passed sensibly segregated sub-categories of the vehicle categories. The VDA welcomes this revision of the vehicle categories, because some of the former vehicle categories were more than 25 years old and no longer corresponded to the current market and today’s state of the art. The European Parliament has defined new limit values for each individual vehicle category. The new limit values are calibrated to take account of the development periods for new vehicle generations. The limit values of the EU Parliament are highly challenging for automotive companies, while not overstepping the mark in terms of what is economically bearable. As a result, the VDA welcomes the introduction of new, demanding noise limit values in principle and respects the decision of the EU Parliament in this regard. Accordingly, the VDA is in favor of rapid agreement between the council and parliament, and is already taking measures to fall into line with the coming legislation. Despite all the discussion about primary vehicle noise, however, it should still be mentioned that measures must also be taken outside the vehicle for effective noise reduction. • Intelligent traffic control and balancing traffic levels • Low-noise modern road surfaces to reduce the noise of tires on the road • Passive measures such as noise abatement walls and sound-insulated windows • “Quiet” rails for railways and trams • Support for electromobility • Monitoring vehicles to ensure they are in good condition • Controls on illegal exhaust systems It will only be possible to make significant reductions in noise levels at high density traffic locations if all these noise reduction measures are used in combination. New limit values have been defined for each vehicle category The noise level can only be significantly reduced by combining all noise reduction possibilities T e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c at i o n s a n d s ta n da r d i z at i o n 172 Decision by the EU Parliament on new limit values M M1 M2 M3 N N1 N2 N3 Vehicle used for the carriage of passengers 6 years after EiF New Vehicle Types Limit dB(A) 8 years after EiF New Vehicle Registration Limit dB(A) no. of seats ≤ 9; ≤ 125 kW/ton 68 68 no. of seats ≤ 9; ≤ 125 kW/ton < power to mass ratio ≤ 150 kW/ton 70 70 no of seats ≤ 9; power to mass ratio ≤ 150 kW/ton 73 73 no. of seat ≤ 4 incl driver; PMR > 200; R-point of the driver seat < 450 mm from ground 74 74 no. of seat > 9; mass ≤ 2.5 tons 69 69 no. of seat > 9; 2.5 tons < mass ≤ 3.5 tons 72 72 no. of seat > 9; 3.5 tons < mass ≤ 5 tons 75 75 no. of seat > 9; mass > 5 tons; rated engine power ≤ 250 kW 74 74 no. of seats > 9; mass > 5 tons; 180 kW < rated engine power ≤ 250 kW 77 77 no. of seats > 9; mass > 5 tons; rated engine power ≤ 250 kW 78 78 Vehicle used for the carriage of goods 6 years after EiF New Vehicle Types Limit dB(A) 8 years after EiF New Vehicle Registration Limit dB(A) mass < 2.5 tons 69 69 2.5 tons < mass < 2.5 tons 71 71 3.5 tons < mass ≤ 12 tons; rated engine power < 150 kW 75 75 3.5 tons < mass ≤ 12 tons; rated engine power > 150 kW 76 76 mass > 12 tons; rated engine power ≤ 180 kW 77 77 mass > 12 tons; 180 < rated engine power > 250 kW 79 79 mass > 12 tons; rated engine power > 250 kW 81 81 Source: 173 EC Type Approval for Motor Vehicles The European Union is continuing its efforts to guarantee the highest level of safety for all road users, which explains why it is undertaking a new version of the EC type approval system for motor vehicles. Directive 2007/46/EC has adopted most of the regulations of Directive 70/156/EEC in a revised form, although it does include completely new concepts and obligations. The EU is making a new version of the EC type approval system for motor vehicles As a result, this system is being extended to all motor vehicle classes that are designed and built in one or more stages for participation in road traffic. Also, systems, components and independent technical units are capable of receiving an approval, and are regulated within the scope of the type approval. With the revision of the directive, various items of equipment are introduced on a mandatory basis in order to improve safety in road traffic: for example, the rear-view mirror with a wider field of view, daytime running lights, improved lateral protection and spray guards. An EC type approval for systems, components, independent technical units and vehicles applies throughout the entire European Economic Area. The holders of EC type approvals have the advantage that their products can be marketed in all member states without having to undergo a further national approval process there. To ensure a smooth process, the European approval authorities coordinate with one another regarding all issued EC and ECE approvals. Currently three so-called framework directives describe the procedure for EC type approval and the EC operating license for specific vehicles: a) Directive 2007/46/EC, which creates a framework for approval of motor vehicles and their trailers, as well as systems, components and independent technical units (previously 70/156/EEC on type approval for motor vehicles and their trailers) b) Directive 2002/24/EC (previously 92/61/EEC) on type approval for motor vehicles with two or three wheels c) Directive 2003/37/EC (previously 74/150/EEC) on type approval for agricultural and forestry tractors The present draft 2007/46/EEC of the EU Commission is currently being formulated with the member states and the EU Parliament as part of the European legislative process. Also, rules for market monitoring from the two-wheeled vehicles directive should be included in the next revision. The question arises here as to why market monitoring is additionally required for vehicles that are already adequately monitored in the form of the type approval 2007/46/EC with main inspection including exhaust analysis, intermediate inspection and roadside inspection for commercial vehicles. Market monitoring is regulated by Regulation 765/2008 and, within the European Union, represents the legal framework for community market monitoring and control of products introduced into the common market. Market monitoring is intended to ensure that products that could endanger the health or safety of users, or products that do not comply with the harmonization legislation applicable within the European Union, are withdrawn from the market, or else that their introduction into the market is prohibited or restricted. Originally, tire imports from third countries were the trigger for market monitoring. The EC type approval applies throughout the European Economic Area T e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c at i o n s a n d s ta n da r d i z at i o n 174 GSR: General Safety Regulation A safety regulation on the type approval of motor vehicles has also been introduced with regard to their general safety In parallel to the EU type approval, the EU Commission has introduced the General Safety Regulation (GSR) concerning the type approval of motor vehicles, motor vehicle trailers and of systems, components and independents technical units for these vehicles with regard to their general safety. The regulatory character gives the commission the opportunity of installing laws directly in the member states. In addition, the following technical matters are regulated in this individual regulation on the type approval 2007/46/EC: • Limit values for CO2 emissions • Euro 5 and Euro 6, and access to repair and maintenance information • Tire rolling noise • Emergency braking assistance systems • Introduction of electronic driving dynamics control systems • Lane departure warning systems International Whole Vehicle Type Approval The type approval system can currently be used for the 27 member states of the European Union The type approval system exists exclusively at EU level with its EC directives and EC regulations, and can thus be applied to the 27 member states of the European Union. Switzerland and Turkey have agreements with the European Union recognizing the EU type approval, although they themselves cannot issue any approvals within the framework of the EU type approval. Consequently, work is underway on a similar system at ECE level: type approval on ECE basis, referred to as I-WVTA (International Whole Vehicle Type Approval). Initially, experts from Europe, Japan and Russia are working together to prepare the ground for a type approval on ECE basis, which will be capable of phasing out the EU type approval in the long term. The number of states using this will then be significantly greater if all ECE states accede to the regulation. In the long term, this is also intended for states such as India, China, Thailand and the countries of South America, which are to be granted certain simplifications as a first step with the application of older ECE standards, in order to provide an incentive for them to sign the ECE. As the first step, it is expected that the EU with its 27 member states, and Japan, will join the new regulation. The VDA expects to see a functioning system within 5 years at the earliest, in order to allow the administrative hurdles in the states using the regulation to be sorted out. A first draft is to be presented to ECE WP.29 in 2013. 175 Standardization, Work of the Materials Council New materials as the driver for innovations in automobile manufacture Requirements are placed on the automotive industry from a variety of different areas. For example, it is necessary to reduce pollution emissions and keep CO2 emissions low during operation and manufacture. Automobile buyers are interested in safe, individual mobility, which is characterized by quality, safety, comfort and design. The product should also be capable of achieving high mileages, while offering value for money and maintaining its value. The automobile manufacturers’ approaches to squaring these requirements involve permanent technical innovations, lightweight construction, efficient manufacturing processes and powertrains as well as the use of renewable raw materials and recycling. New materials technology can demonstrate significant progress here. The more exacting requirements can be met by consistent use of high and ultra-high-strength steels, alloys and high-performance ceramic materials. Polymers and new coatings, friction linings and lubricants also help, as do high-quality and easy-care services. Innovative, non-destructive testing processes and material localizations are used in manufacture and production. The VDA Materials council is a body that is ready to meet these requirements. Integration of the suppliers and manufacturers involved allows several VDA recommendations to be produced every year on pre-competitive standardization of materials as well as manufacturing and testing processes. At present, there are nine working groups under the council. These in turn are composed of 32 project groups at present, which look after specific issues of materials science. Every year, various VDA recommendations are produced for standardizing materials as well as for manufacturing and testing processes T e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c at i o n s a n d s ta n da r d i z at i o n 176 Streamlining testing methods should reduce the time and cost of approval processes The VDA Materials council deals with the standardization of testing methods and material specifications, with the objective of reducing the time and cost of testing and approval processes. Technical guidelines and recommendations are worked out in consultation between vehicle manufacturers, suppliers of systems and components as well as material manufacturers. The Materials council coordinates cooperative efforts on national and international standardization proposals, as well as coordinating technical legislation and regulations. In addition, international standards are specified for applicability to the German automotive industry by means of VDA recommendations. In the opposite direction, however, existing standards are also specifically incorporated into international standardization. VDA recommendations are freely available and have a recommendatory character. They offer cross-company orientation and take account of the level of standardization and state of the art at the time of each particular edition. With the increasing dissemination of alternative fuels and additives, it became necessary to take these into account when testing materials in motor vehicles. In August 2012, VDA Recommendation 266-100 “Material testing in fuels” was published. The test process defined in the VDA recommendation is intended to provide information about changes to thermoplastics and elastomers due to the effect of test fuels (FAM B acc. to DIN 51604-B, B0 and B20SME), which have a relatively aggressive effect upon the material samples. VDA Materials Council WG Elastomers PG Revision VDA 67 PG Blow By PG DIN 73359 PG AdBlue PG Hose line systems PG Change management PG Gas hoses WG Constituents WG Interior emissions PG Odor evaluation — revision VDA 270 PG ISO 12219 — component chamber WG Leather, textile, plastic webs PG Synthetic leather breakage PG Textile PG Leather (large group) PG Leather (small group) PG Plastic web articles PG Steering wheel leather VDA 230-221 (formerly LV111) Ad-hoc WG Material data format 177 A selection of test criteria is proposed to the user, enabling the user to identify materials that are suitable for the application purpose. The VDA recommendation is thus in line with the principle of reducing the number of possible tests. It can be used for a suitability test as well as comparison studies. In suitability tests (quality assessment), tests are performed on various plastics that are being considered for an application. In comparison studies (quality assurance), tests are performed on various delivery batches of a particular plastic quality. The tests are normally performed with standard test specimens that are described in detail. The test can also be performed on finished parts subject to consideration for the influence of the test specimen design (e.g., thickness, volume, form factor) and the composition of the test specimen. Test comparisons can only ever be made on test specimens of the same type. The number of possible tests should be reduced VDA 266-100 does not yet take account of any tests on thermoplastic elastomers, although these and other fuels of the future (e.g., hydrogen and also electrolytes from traction batteries of electric vehicles) are to be covered by subsequent recommendations. VDA publications can be obtained at the following link: VDA Materials Council WG Metals PG Fine sheet WT FeMnX WT Global standard WT Hydrogen embrittlement PG Mechanical fasteners WT High-strength fasteners WT Harmonization of torque preload force testing PG Purity standard (EN 10247) PG Alloys PG Forming lubricants WG Surface technology PG Fuel corrosion PG Influence of road grit corrosion PG Korrago 2012 WG Polymers PG Resistance to cream PG Scratch resistance of high-gloss surfaces WG Non-destructive testing PG Computer tomography PG Standardization topics WG Material laboratory evaluation Source: VDA T e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c at i o n s a n d s ta n da r d i z at i o n 178 Standardization, RFID Identification of Prototypes The use of RFID is contributing to quality assurance in the development process Prototypes play a central role in the development of new vehicles, in order to test the function of the parts and engines and bring them to series production readiness. It is necessary to produce extensive documentation for each component. In addition, parts that are undergoing testing often need to be definitively identifiable. They are given their own serial number for this purpose. To date, this information has been communicated and handled involving significant manual complexity. One approach for automation is to use radio-frequency technology for identifying components (RFID), with 2-D barcode labels as an alternative or a supplement. Prototype parts identified with RFID transponders can be definitively identified from their production at the supplier through sample inspection and on to assembly in test vehicles as well as during their testing; this allows them to be tracked with a high level of automation. In this way, the use of RFID is contributing to quality assurance in the development process. VDA Recommendation 5509 defines binding RFID data structures for unique identification of prototype parts The first version of VDA Recommendation 5509, published at the start of 2012, describes the process of RFID use and defines binding RFID data structures for unique identification of prototype parts and their tracking in the course of component and vehicle testing. At the same time, it explains the use of international standards and their implementation in the automotive industry. A second phase of the project dealt with the use of 2-D barcodes as well as pathways for automated data transmission. 2-D barcodes make it possible to include suppliers that do not yet have the technical preconditions for using RFID technology. Each of the components identified with a serial number is associated with extensive information that must be exchanged between manufacturers and customers. As a result, the working group developed a harmonized catalog of information that is required by the vehicle manufacturers and regularly requested. This catalog has been implemented in a data structure, which can be exchanged between the partners involved in an automated way. Identifiers allow prototype parts to be identified irrespective of technology Version 2 of the recommendation “AutoID/RFID use and data transfer for tracking components in vehicle development” was approved at the end of 2012, and addresses the standardized use of the data matrix code – irrespective of whether RFID transponders or data matrix codes are used for definitive component identification: VDAcompliant identifiers have the same structure, and thus permit prototype parts to be identified irrespective of the technology. Furthermore, the revised version of the recommended electronic data exchange format offers the possibility of automating the communication of prototype-related data to a large extent, and storing the information electronically in databases. With the expansion of VDA Recommendation 5509, the “Glass prototype” working group is closing an important loophole with regard to definitive intercompany identification of prototype parts and component-specific data exchange within the automotive development process. 179 Standardization in Electromobility Safety of electric vehicles The new project “ISO 17409 for an international standard” defines the safety requirements for the cable-based charging procedure of electric vehicles. Work on this project has been pushed ahead diligently and ought to be completed during 2013. This standard defines, above all, the safety requirements in the vehicle, and is closely related to international standard IEC 61851 for the construction and operation of charging stations. IEC 61851 consists of several parts and, in future, together with ISO 17409, will cover all the necessary requirements of safety in cable-based charging of electric vehicles. Both packages of standards deal with both DC and AC charging. The international package of standards ISO 6469 “Electrically propelled road vehicles – Safety specifications” will be expanded by a fourth part. This deals with the electrical safety of vehicles with electrical drive systems following an accident. The work on ISO 6469-4 should also be completed in 2013. The standard defines the necessary measures for protecting people against electric shock if the vehicle has been damaged in an accident. It covers all forms of traction – from battery electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles through to vehicles with fuel cells. IEC 61851 will cover all the requirements for safety during cable-based charging of electric vehicles T e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c at i o n s a n d s ta n da r d i z at i o n 180 Lithium-ion batteries ISO 12405 is currently being expanded Definitions for the standardized testing of battery systems are made in standard ISO 12405 “Electrically propelled road vehicles – Test specification for lithium-ion traction battery packs and systems.” This package of standards is also being expanded at present. The new part of this standard defines minimum safety requirements for use in the electric vehicle. Parts 1 and 2 of this package of standards should make it possible to compare and assess quality and performance by defining uniform tests and test criteria, while the new part 3 defines safety criteria that must be complied with. On the basis of the initial German standard drafted by the Automotive Engineering Standards Committee of the VDA (DIN Spec 91252), it has recently been possible to publish an international specification for a designation system and for dimensions of lithium-ion cells. The specification (ISO PAS 16898) should ensure the interchangeability of lithium-ion cells for use in traction batteries. This should establish an important precondition for the hoped-for reduction in cell prices by enabling competition between the cell manufacturers. The specification will not include any definitions that affect the technological development of the cell design and the cell chemistry. However, it will indicate which cell dimensions will be used by the motor industry in the long-term future and in large quantities. Cooperation with Chinese standardization experts Chinese standards should be harmonized with international standards China is one of the most important markets for the German automotive industry. The cooperation with Chinese standardization experts promoted by the Automotive Engineering Standards Committee of the VDA is concerned, above all, with harmonizing Chinese standards with international ones. The bilateral discussions between experts are focusing on the standards for electromobility. The objective is to be able to sell vehicles worldwide without requiring major adaptations to take account of national deviations from international standards. In four defined working groups, experts from the German and Chinese automotive industries are exchanging views on the requirements for safety in batteries and electric vehicles, definition of the charging interface and communication between vehicles and charging stations. Possible normative requirements are discussed in this process. Assuming that Germany and China are able to work out a common standpoint, they will promote this internationally together. German standardization roadmap The Chinese version of the standardization roadmap has been passed on to the Chinese Ministry of Economics The Automotive Engineering Standards Committee of the VDA is significantly involved in working out the German standardization roadmap, which was published for the first time by working group 4 of the National Electromobility Platform in 2010. The second, revised version appeared in early 2012, and was also published in English during the course of the year. A Chinese version, produced with the help of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, has been passed on to the Chinese Ministry of Economics. It will now form the basis for a similar work plan, which Chinese standardization experts will be preparing together with their German counterparts. 181 Electronic Systems for Indirect Vision Electrical systems as replacement for mirrors in the vehicle in order to improve vision in the dark At present, measures are afoot above all in legislation for replacing conventional exterior and rear-view mirrors in cars and commercial vehicles by electronic systems. A principal reason for these activities concerns reducing CO2 emissions. Conventional exterior mirrors have a negative effect on the cW value of vehicles. Due to their size, however, cameras could be aerodynamically integrated into the vehicle, thereby reducing the driving resistance, which has a major effect on consumption. Another important reason is the improvement in indirect vision when driving at night or in the dark. An improvement in vision is guaranteed primarily by the camera’s ability to amplify residual light. One disadvantage of camera-based systems is the availability of the field of vision to the rear. Conventional mirrors are always active – electronic systems, on the other hand, can generally only be used if the vehicle in question is operating. Conventional exterior and rear-view mirrors in cars and commercial vehicles should be replaced by electronic systems Electronic systems for indirect vision are not always active For this reason, there are exacting requirements on system availability and safety, alongside the basic requirements such as: • Definition of the field of vision to the rear, • Image magnification/angular resolutions • Luminance and contrast • Image quality and ergonomics in the vehicle • Dynamic requirements (display of moving images/distances) • Disruptions (glare, bad weather, etc.) These factors must be confirmed in studies regarding functional safety (such as by applying ISO 26262). One example: a car driver has parked his vehicle after driving, but remains sitting in it for a few minutes. When he finally gets out, he should have the opportunity to observe the flow of traffic behind him. How long must the camera monitor system remain available? Vehicle manufacturers need to investigate scenarios such as these in cooperation with the system supplier. The legislature has transferred tasks relating to defining requirements to the standardization bodies. The “Working Party on General Safety” (GRSG), a sub-area of UN-ECE WP.29 [1] with responsibility for regulations relating to general safety-relevant topics in vehicles, defines guidelines including those for “devices for indirect vision” in ECE-R46. At the beginning of 2009, an informal working group was established under the GRSG for “camera-based monitor systems.” This working group, the IGCMS, has been working on expanding the ECE-R46 for camera-based monitor systems. The “Working Party on General Safety” (GRSG) is defining the guidelines for “devices for indirect vision” T e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c at i o n s a n d s ta n da r d i z at i o n 182 In 2010, this working group presented a corresponding proposal for expanding the ECE-R46 to the GRSG and, at the same time, made the recommendation that all requirements for camera monitor systems (CMS) should be defined in an ISO standard. In 2010, the GRSG was tasked by the ISO with standardizing electronic systems for indirect vision. In parallel to the activities in the ISO, the “Innovation with Norms and Standards” (INS) area of DIN approved a project to define optical requirements and test processes for camera monitor systems in vehicles [2]. Results from this INS project will be included in the international standard (ISO 16505). The INS project was completed at the end of 2012. What requirements must be imposed on a camera-based system? ISO 16505 is currently being developed in the ISO working group, and is shortly to be published as a draft international standard (DIS). It takes account of the following overarching requirements: If possible, no new requirements should be defined in relation to current guidelines for a camera monitor system (for example, adoption of the current field of vision in the vehicle as defined in ECE-R46, see illustration). The defined field of vision categories I–IV (according to ECE-R46) must be taken into account in the standard. Minimum requirements are defined for the system performance, ergonomics and safety of a camera monitor system, and the system must be defined independently from the technology. Rear field of vision from a vehicle Front passenger side: field of vision onto the carriageway 4m 4m Driver side: field of vision onto the carriageway Eye point 20 m Source: Presentation by the Mekra Lang company on EU directives and view of vision classes 183 In the following table, the individual fields of vision according to ECE-R46 are allocated to the corresponding vehicle categories: Fields of vision Mirror type and vehicle category/ categories Category I Rear-view mirror (for vehicle category M1) Category II Rear-view mirror (for vehicle category M1) Category III Main exterior mirror (for vehicle categories M1, M2, M3, N1 and N2) Category IV Wide-angle mirror (requirement for the passenger side of vehicle categories N2 and N3) Category V Close proximity mirror (on the passenger side for vehicle categories N2 and N3 above 7.5 metric tons) Category VI Front mirror/camera (for vehicle categories N2 and N3 above 7.5 metric tons) Category VII Main exterior mirror (for enclosed two or threewheeled vehicles) For the carriage of passengers For the carriage of goods M1 Vehicles comprising no more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat N1 Vehicles having a maximum mass not exceeding 3.5 metric tons M2 Vehicles comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver�s seat, and having a maximum mass not exceeding 5 metric tons N2 Vehicles having a maximum mass exceeding 3.5 metric tons but not exceeding 12 metric tons M3 Vehicles comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver�s seat, and having a maximum mass exceeding 5 metric tons N3 Vehicles having a maximum mass exceeding 12 metric tons Source: Presentation by the Mekra Lang company on EU directives and view of vision classes The legislation already includes definitions or approvals for mirror categories V and VI, as a result of which these have not been considered in ISO 16505. Requirements for mirror category VII will not be considered in the first draft of the standard either at present. Links regarding this topic: [1] [2] msrubid=159227&menurubricid=159227&cmstextid=139324&3&languageid=de [3] EU-Umruestung/EURichtlinienSichtfeldklassen.pdf T e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c at i o n s a n d s ta n da r d i z at i o n 184 The Digital Tachograph Analog tachographs are being phased out by a digital system All vehicles newly registered in the EU since May 1, 2006 and used for commercial purposes, including towed vehicles, in excess of 3.5 metric tons gross vehicle weight rating, and buses with more than nine seats, must be equipped with the digital tachograph (DTCO). As a result, analog tachographs with their recording discs are being replaced by a digital system. A digital tachograph consists of two independent speed sensors and a vehicle unit. The equipment makes it possible to record, store, display and output data relating to the driver’s activities. The driver’s chip card stores the relevant data for 28 days, while the mass memory in the vehicle’s tachograph has a 365-day memory. Monitoring authorities, operators and workshops can read out the data intended for them from the devices. The regulations governing the tachographs as well as time at the wheel and rest times fall within the responsibility of the European Parliament and the European Council, which pass legislation on the basis of proposals by the EU Commission. The corresponding contents are implemented in regulations, because these apply directly and must be implemented by all member states. The tachographs are not suitable for installation in passenger cars in their current form Regulation (EEC) no. 3821/85 of the council on recording equipment in road transport and Regulation (EEC) no. 561/2006 of the European Parliament and of the council on the harmonization of certain social legislation relating to road transport are being revised in the course of legal developments. These draft regulations contain suggestions for amendments that cannot be implemented under the given technical or economic conditions, and are thus regarded critically by the automotive industry. Among other things, there is a provision for the scope of application of mandatory tachograph use to be extended to vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of 2.8 metric tons or more. This would affect almost every passenger car towing a trailer, such as is used by small companies in particular. The activities of such companies only fall within the scope of application of Regulation (EC) no. 561/2006 under exceptional circumstances. It should be noted that the tachographs have been specified and developed for heavy commercial vehicles and buses, and are not suitable in their current form for installation in passenger cars in accordance with the law. New developments can only be implemented for newly type-tested vehicles with significantly longer lead times than proposed in the draft regulation by the European Parliament. Furthermore, there is a need for clear differentiation, which only includes commercially used vehicles. The draft regulation contains provision for a weight sensor to be fitted in the vehicle in order to record loading and unloading of the vehicle. This general installation requirement cannot be implemented due to technical limits of the system, since only a subset of the affected vehicles, semitrailers or trailers meet the necessary technical conditions for installation of the required weight sensors. 185 The proposed general conversion requirement for all vehicles on the market by 2020 would require a conversion that can only be achieved with significant complexity, and is not economically justifiable. Implementing the required technical expansions (second independent signal for movement detection, connection to GNSS, communication module for remote monitoring, ITS interface, weight sensor) as well as the requirements for operation from the driver’s seat require in-depth technical integration of the tachograph into the vehicle architecture. The proposed mandatory conversion would require significant complexity to implement In general, requirements about installation locations can only relate to vehicles that are newly typed-tested after 2020. In addition, exceptions are unavoidable where installation of a tachograph would typically not be expected. This applies in particular to passenger cars, vans and retrofitting imported vehicles from countries without mandatory tachograph usage. The introduction scenario envisaged in the draft, according to which vehicles would exclusively be allowed to be fitted with the new tachograph within only 24 months after publication of the technical requirements on the tachographs, is entirely unrealistic and impractical from the perspective of vehicle and equipment manufacturers. The lead time between publication of the specification and mandatory installation should be at least 42 months. The EU Parliament intends for the type approval of devices to be withdrawn if it becomes apparent that they can be manipulated. This would mean the affected tachographs could no longer be fitted. However, vehicle manufacturers cannot change suppliers willy-nilly. This would entail stopping vehicle production for a significant time – an unsupportable financial risk for tachograph and vehicle manufacturers alike. With regard to networking of devices, functions and added-value services, the requirements for an open interface is to be welcomed. However, a prescribed link-up such as to eCall or other satellite-based navigation services is not expedient, because their application and use have already been regulated in law. At present, the technical configuration of the next generation of digital tachographs is being worked on by expert working groups of the EU Commission. The vehicle and equipment manufacturers regard the planned introduction scenario as unrealistic Law, Sales and Aftersales Denise Schondelmaier – industrial management assistant, purchasing clerk automotive drives, ebm-papst St. Georgen GmbH & Co. KG, St. Georgen L a w, S a l e s a n d A f t e r s a l e s 188 A New Age of Car Sales New EU directives for sales come into force from June 2013 Competition relating to the quality of products and services in sales of motor vehicles has also gained in significance Participants in the market will face the challenge of a whole new era in 2013 as far as competition in automotive sales is concerned. The EU Commission, which has created the new group exemption regulations for sales, has conducted studies that also found that there is a high level of competition in the automobile market. New and used car markets are under a considerable amount of pressure, while the dynamic module policies and the introduction of innovative technologies by carmakers are making additional requirements on dealership services. In addition, structural change within the automotive trade continued to advance. For dealership customers the range of vehicle models and versions with new alternative drive systems continues to grow. In addition to the price competition, which has been prevalent for some considerable time, the importance of quality-based competition for products and services related to sales has increased. Customers expect new generations of models to have a better quality feel as well as extended (electronic) functions and equipment and improved vehicle efficiency. Demands for advice, staff professionalism and equipment have also increased at dealerships. Customer loyalty action by car brands and car businesses are met by a well-informed, demanding public, which often has scoured the Internet to find out detailed information about the product. In Germany, more of the automotive industry operates a comprehensive network of dealers to sell vehicles (both cars and commercial vehicles). In large urban areas, some individual brands even have local plant offices that handle sales directly for manufacturers. Selling new vehicles on the Internet is still in its infancy Selective selling is the preferred business model of the automotive industry in Germany The Internet now plays a major role in selling used vehicles; sales of new vehicles on the Internet are still in their infancy, however. There are no indications at the current time of the potential that independent and single brand portals may develop in this area. It has been established that selected sales appear to be a suitable method of selling customers new types of drive systems, for example, particularly in the technical competition between the different brands. Selective selling is therefore the preferred business model of the automotive industry in Germany and the EU for new car sales. The various brands in the EU employ a selected number of independent dealers, which usually have workshops on-site in order to provide perfect national coverage while remaining local to the customer. At the same time, the system of selective sales is considered efficient, viable and as helping to promote competition among the brands. For car sales, a selected network of dealerships covering the entire countries means the possibility of regular customer contact and therefore also enables the brand concerned to provide a personal touch. The communication of the emotional elements of a brand to private customers is one of the main jobs of a dealership, which the Internet is hardly in a position to provide. The price and service competition between automatic brands (inter-brand competition) places the sale. 189 Full-range offers from commercial vehicle sales Compared to car sales, commercial vehicle sales are primarily aimed at commercial customers who are now interested in buying comprehensive packages, which may include the vehicle, the body, finance and other aftersales services. Commercial vehicle customers make three main demands on sales staff — detailed sales support, availability of demonstrators and a good understanding of the needs of the commercial vehicle business by sales staff. Of course, sales staff must have substantial experience in their customers’ industries, such as forwarding and construction. Commercial customers continue to expect their brands to operate a “full-range” service network to provide efficient support to running a commercial vehicle fleet, for example with low downtimes for servicing and repair work. Commercial vehicle customers expect a “full range” service network New sales opportunities through the EU Vertical BER The Vertical BER issued by the EU Commission (No. 330/2010) dated April 20, 2010 provides a reliable legal basis for the industry and trade to enable them to continue to run selected sales systems. The planning and investment security that the regulation brings is a decisive factor for medium-sized business in particular, which will allow them to remain viable in the competition between the brands. Since the new Vertical BER framework for new vehicle sales doesn’t come into force until June 2013, dealers and the industry as a whole still have time to amend the dealer contracts on the basis of the Motor Vehicle BER from 2002 that is still in force at the current time. The VDA actively supported the passing of the new Vertical BER in 2010 by the EU Commission and considers it a positive step toward maintaining the selective sales system. The Vertical BER ensures the continuation of selective selling systems The Vertical BER will enable manufacturers and dealers to reduce their costs and improve the efficiency and profitability of their sales networks as a result of it imposing less detailed and more flexible regulations. In view of the continuing competition to which both industry and the automotive trade are exposed, there is a great deal of pressure to reduce the costs of both production and sales. The Vertical BER will enable the players in the motor industry to adjust to changing conditions more easily. Additional statutory regulations, for example for investment compensation claims by dealers, are not required. The system set out in the German Commercial Code (HGB) does not contain any such compensation regulation and opposes the existence of financially independent dealerships. Continuation of the partnership between the industry and dealers The new Vertical BER will provide the basis for the partnership between manufacturers and dealers from 2013. After this, manufacturers will control essential sales functions within their brand networks, but will also continue to rely on the independent work of the dealers. The principle of the “cross-company value-creation community” applies not only to automotive production, but will also have a major effect on the cooperation between manufacturers and dealers. The “Code of Good Practice” policies adopted in parallel in 2008 by the European automotive associations ACEA and JAMA for dealer contracts will also ensure that minimum termination periods and alternative arbitration procedures will be included in them. The new Vertical BER will provide a basis for the partnership between manufacturers and dealerships L a w, S a l e s a n d A f t e r s a l e s 190 Aftersales – a Stabilizing Factor in the Automotive Industry The garage business is an important source of revenue for dealerships The intensity of competition in aftersales is growing The successful marketing of cars and commercials will only be possible if it is backed by a nationwide service organization The aftersales sector covers servicing and repair work as well as the parts and accessories business. The year 2011 and 2012 saw the business develop positively, including the service business. The number of workshop hours and car parts sold during the period rose significantly. The aftersales business is not directly tied to the volatility of the new and used car business, but instead generally has a stable volume of business due to the regular need of customers to have their vehicle serviced. The aftersales business is more notable for medium-term changes and may therefore have a stabilizing effect on the automotive industry as a whole. According to the DAT Report 2013, garage business continues to be an important driver of revenues for automotive business (see DAT Report, pp. 46 ff.). The annual cost of servicing work, elimination of wear damage, repairs and accident damage now amounts to over 39 billion euros. The service business is forecast to remain stable at its current high levels during 2013. However, there are clear signs of increasing intensity in competition in the aftersales sector. Manufacturers, suppliers, the parts trade and garages make a significant contribution to providing attractive market conditions for customers with their innovative offerings. However, no dealership should count on the loyalty of existing customers to secure the future of its service business. In addition, the servicing work required by many new vehicles continues to fall as service intervals become more widely spaced. This may mean a fall in revenues for garages (see DAT Report 2013, pp. 33 f.). On the other hand, the ever increasing use of electronics means that the complexity of automotive engineering continues to rise, which means that vehicle keepers can carry out less and less servicing work themselves. The manufacturers can only make a long-term success of marketing cars and commercial vehicles if they also have a competent service organization for servicing and repair work for their vehicles. This service organization must also be able to supply all spare parts and this system must function correctly from the launch date of new vehicle models. Car sales often go hand in hand with the customer thinking whether he or she should also consider the dealership for the place to bring his or her vehicle to be serviced. Often the work completed by a dealership’s garage will result in new purchases of the same brand from the same dealership. Round the clock aftersales service with nationwide coverage remains essential for commercial vehicles. The strategies that have been adopted by manufacturers of commercial vehicles therefore include 24-hour service, extended warranties, full-service leasing, a range of service packages and also telematic services. The aim here is to create customer loyalty for the entire life cycle of the vehicle, which should remain functional at all times for forwarding contractors as it represents their main investment. Technical development and increases in the volume of electronics in automobiles place high demands on garage personnel German garage customers are highly satisfied The services provided by the sales organizations of manufacturers have always been regarded by customers as the label for the brand concerned and the values associated with the brand. Advanced technical development, the introduction of new drive systems, increasing lightweight construction with new body and chassis designs and increasing volumes of electronics in motor vehicles place high demands on garage personnel and equipment. Garages therefore need to carry large stocks of spare parts or have a sophisticated parts logistics system, versatile technical equipment and personnel with extensive training. The quality of the service should also be reviewed and improved on a continuous basis. Both manufacturers and garage operators have long been committed to this, but the main focus is on the continuous improvement in instruments used for this purpose. As soon as the vehicle arrives in the reception area of the garage a dialog should be opened to clarify the scope of the work and even the invoice. 191 Another general aim is to identify the customer’s needs and to provide servicing and repair work offerings at the correct intervals. Customer and dealer satisfaction are gauged at the same time and are used in the development of service actions and processes. The DAT Report 2013 found (see page 42) that on average garage customers are very satisfied and awarded grades better than 2 to the service they received. This continues the trend from previous years, which DAT produces in its regular customer surveys. Garage tests on the basis of incorrect lists of criteria can damage the image of the brand, harm the dealership and even result in the loss of the brand contract. The important thing is to ensure that these tests initiated by trade journals are conducted on the basis of standard criteria that comply with trade practice. Manufacturers regularly conduct quality tests on their dealerships using standard criteria that can then be used to make improvements. Strong brand products and excellent service therefore form a unit that can be maintained and built on by the brand and garage businesses together to ensure that they all benefit from the added value. Service preparations for the care of electric vehicles have already commenced. In fact it is already possible to service and repair hybrid vehicles. Brand garages have adequate technical facilities (primarily in terms of the workplace design) to deal with vehicles with electric drives, batteries and above all high-voltage versions. In addition, the newly designed career image of the vehicle mechatronic defined in 2003 laid the foundations for the professional qualifications required to be able to deal with alternative drive systems such as those used in electric cars. The industry and trade are also training current personnel in how to work on high-voltage systems safely. Furthermore, thousands of hybrid vehicles are already being driven on to lifting platforms at dealerships. These vehicles also feature high-voltage systems and are more complex than vehicles powered purely by batteries. The industry and motor trade will continue to adapt the professional qualifications to match the technological advances. The industry and motor vehicle trade are adapting professional qualifications continuously to technical developments L a w, S a l e s a n d A f t e r s a l e s 192 Automotive Banks Continue to be Successful in 2012 Demand on the rise for financial services from the private sector Automotive banks, also known as captives, have developed into essential partners for financing sales by manufacturers to providers of efficient, needs-based financial service packages for private and commercial end customers. Although leasing, rental and finance have had a dominant role to play for some considerable time in the commercial sector, particularly for lightweight to heavy commercial vehicles, significant demand for financial services is now also present in the private sector. The main customer contact by automotive banks generally takes place, and is maintained, at the dealerships. This is why the selling of specific financial services to end customers now plays a central role in the automotive business. The success of automotive banks therefore presents additional marketing potential for dealerships. Banks run by the manufacturers recorded a successful year in 2012. This particularly included rising new business volume in the core business of leasing and finance amounting to 30.8 billion euros. This also provided effective support to the parent groups while the automotive banks were able to move into new promising areas of business as a result of their good market position. Growth in 2012 was achieved in difficult market conditions. For example, the automotive banks were able to grow the volume of new business by a solid 4 percent to help sales by their related manufacturers. Automotive banks act as a stabilizing factory in weak market phases, while during strong market phases they have a dynamic effect and act as a catalyst for the market. Many automotive bank customers chose a leasing solution in 2012 The volume of contracts signed by manufacturer-related automotive banks overall, in other words the value of all contracts held by the automotive banks, is also considerable with the financial service providers experiencing strong growth of around 4 percent during 2012 to reach a total of 91.5 billion euros. In keeping with the ongoing trend to “use rather than own,” many automotive bank customers chose a leasing solution last year. At 20.2 billion euros, the volume for leasing was greater than that for financing vehicles, which totaled 10.6 billion euros. The automotive banks have played a major part in shaping the trend away from finance and towards leasing as a result of their extensive product portfolio. This is also underline by the average finance and leasing totals for automotive customers during the last year with the average finance total in 2012 being 20,750 euros, representing an increase of 6 percent over 2011. The average leasing total was 27,532 euros, which represents an even higher increase of over 9 percent compared to the previous year. 193 Automotive banks also growing in the used car business The used car business is a major driver of growth. Brand business in Germany recorded growth of 2.3 percent to 30.87 billion euros in the used car segment during 2012. If we look only at the performance of manufacturer-related banks, these businesses increased volumes of used cars by 10 percent, which had a dynamic effect on the market. This is all made possible by another strategic component of automotive banks — the manufacturers’ banks have extended their offerings in the used car segment and now play a full part in this particular market. One of the main keys to success in this respect is that the product range from the new car segment, with lots of mobility services such as insurance services and extended warranties, have also been used in the business for relatively new, high-value used cars. Another area of growth for the future will be service packages. These contain a whole host of car-related services that go beyond finance and leasing, such as increase, credit protection documents, warranty and repair insurance policies, maintenance and wear and tire services. Several new records were also set in this strategic competition segment with the financial subsidiaries of the automotive majors supplying 1.8 additional services per finance or leasing contract for new cars during 2012. With a total of more than 2.2 million service contracts, this meant a further 6 percent growth in this sector compared to the previous year. They even managed to record low growth of around 1 percent in the highly competitive market for motor insurance. The corresponding figure for other service contracts was 9 percent. Automotive banks have extended their offerings in the used car segment L a w, S a l e s a n d A f t e r s a l e s 194 New business models for automotive banks Automotive banks are developing into comprehensive mobility service providers Automotive banks are extremely optimistic for the year 2013 as far as the “software” of the financial services is concerned. In the near future, they expect growth opportunities from major factors such as specific offers for mature markets in the new car segment and further expansion of offerings into the segment of “new used” cars. In addition, car-related services are increasing all the time and are being used as a driver for growth. These mobility services also form the link to new mobility concept and business models in which the automotive banks will play a leading role. The automotive industry’s banks will continue to develop away from financial services providers to become modern, comprehensive mobility service providers. Sensible bank regulation in the automotive sector Automotive banks provide stable support to the automobile industry The new Basel III regulations are also important for the automotive banks. The captives have already made all the preparations and are already complying in full with the future more stringent equity requirements. Nevertheless the finance subsidiaries believe that it would be desirable for the regulating institutions to consider them slightly differently since the business model of the automotive banks is focused purely on finance for goods and this is hardly comparable with the model adopted by investment and commercial banks. Loans from manufacturer-related banks have a solid value, namely the vehicle itself. As a result of this the automotive banks have been an important and stable support to the automobile industry for some years now. With this in mind, many players are now justifiably asking whether “one size fits all” regulation actually makes sense. This discussion about regulation is also raging in the EU, and as far as the VDA is concerned it would be desirable if Basel IV started once again to give due consideration to the various business models used in the financial services sector. 195 Protection for Innovations – Patents and Design Patents The German automotive industry (manufacturers and the supply industry) is the leading group in the whole of industry in terms of annual applications for patent and other intellectual property rights. The creation of suitable modern instruments to protect commercial rights is the only way to provide general and investment security to the progressive and inventive forces at work in the German automotive industry. Commercial intellectual property rights provide an essential basis for product marketing The automotive industry acknowledges the massive importance of patents, utility models, brands and design patents for research and development work. Commercial intellectual property rights in the EU and in the main export markets for the automotive industry provide an essential basis for marketing innovative products. Intellectual property rights in many cases are a major part of a company’s value — with a protected invention often even being a major reason for the very existence of smaller companies. There should be no unilateral restrictions placed on patents and other intellectual property rights, just as there should be no let up in the fight against product piracy in both industrialized and emerging countries. The automotive industry is dependent on the continuation of intellectual property rights and will continue to file for patent protection and design patents. These rights are also regularly defended against breaches and piracy attacks by means of warnings and lawsuits. Copying exterior motor vehicle components and even dangerous copies of airbags also requires confiscation action at borders by customs authorities or in foreign markets by the local police. The proposal to abolish intellectual property rights for components as part of a so-called repair clause is repeatedly entering the political discussion both at EU level and also in various member countries. The massive efforts of Germany and the EU to encourage other countries (particularly China and India) to comply with intellectual property right law is becoming more and more relevant for maintaining the competitiveness of the Germany motor industry. These efforts would be completely hamstrung by the abolition of intellectual property rights. This would also lead to further softening in other industries as well. Current discussions must particularly include the importance of commercial intellectual property rights in the automotive industry (manufacturers and suppliers) and their role in the fight against product piracy. The high value attached to commercial intellectual property rights in Germany, including design patent law, is reflected in the innovative work being carried out by the industry. The German automotive industry holds a globally acknowledged top position, particularly where sophisticated engineering and the design of vehicles are concerned. Component protection (from design patents and general patents) has been used successfully for many years in Germany, the EU and globally by vehicle manufacturers and leading component manufacturers to protect their innovations. Successful automobile design extends to the details of exterior mirrors, lights, headlights, panels, doors and bumpers. The manufacturers and suppliers represented in the VDA are interested in the unlimited protection of the design of their components. This also applies to patent protection. In fact many exterior components include patented technologies (for example, the adjustment mechanism for exterior mirrors or sensors in bumpers), which, like design patents, protect them from piracy. Design protection must be maintained The German automotive industry is the global leader in vehicle design VDA members are interested in unlimited design protection for components L a w, S a l e s a n d A f t e r s a l e s 196 The active use of innovation protection in the form of design and general patents by the automotive industry is the legitimate and economically sensible use of commercial intellectual property rights, which has not resulted in any restrictions on the spare parts trade in the EU to date. However, the use of commercial intellectual property rights does prevent premature exploitation by non-European product pirates for whom the EU spare parts market offers massive potential. The design work on the components is carried out regardless of whether the components will be used on the new vehicle or in the spare parts business. In any event, every component should have some sort of brand reference in the same way as brands are used on spare parts. Design has a very similar function as the brand. The design of components depends on the design of the body as a whole, but also features highly independent elements as the headlights or bumpers from current generations of vehicles demonstrate. Commercial intellectual property rights are designed to offer protection from product and brand piracy. If a patent or design patent on a spare part is breached, this constitutes a breach of intellectual property law. The exploitation of such breaches on a large scale can be described as product piracy. There are growing indications on Asian components markets in particular that brands, packaging and the products themselves are being copied on a large scale. The costs of components and repairs are no cheaper where there is no protection for component design The abolition of design protection jeopardizes a large number of jobs There is no justification for the idea that repair and component costs will fall if design protection is abolished. In the EU in particular there are clear indications that the costs of components, repairs and also insurance premiums are by no means cheaper in countries where no design protection is available for components. A recent price comparison by Deutsche Automobil Treuhand (DAT) in 2012 in fact showed that Germany is at the lower end of mid-range prices in the EU. The DAT comparison showed that there is no direct correlation between design protection and the price level of spare parts. This recent study by market research company DAT grouped the manufacturers’ recommended prices for several thousand components and thus covered around 90 percent of the market. The abolition of design protection is a threat hanging over a large number of jobs in the EU (up to 50,000 / Source: ACEA). The low number of jobs in the manufacture and sale of copied bodywork components is disproportionate to the jobs in the industry within the EU that would be replaced by production being relocated to the Far East. Since domestic value addition is constantly being reviewed in view of the increasing competition and current plans for further overseas investments in development and manufacturing facilities, the EU and Germany should be given special consideration as a technology location. 197 Brand and product piracy In addition to protecting intellectual property, it is essential that there is an effective system for prosecuting breaches of intellectual property rights. Brand and product piracy is still a serious problem for motor manufacturers and suppliers both in the EU and also in other markets such as Asia. Illegal copies are particularly prevalent on the market for spare parts and accessories. Filters, brake discs and pads, spark plugs, lights, headlights, bodywork panels and wheels are particularly frequently copied. Complex technical products that can easily be identified by experts as copies are more rarely imported. Since only a small proportion of pirated products are collected by seizures, the actual number must be very high. The European Association of Automotive Suppliers CLEPA estimates the damage caused by product piracy relating to the car at between 5 and 10 billion euros per year throughout Europe. According to German customs statistics, over 80 percent of seized automotive copies in 2011 originated from the People’s Republic of China, followed by Turkey and Hong Kong. In view of the ever greater spread of the Internet as an ordering and selling channel, the relevance of product piracy for the automotive industry is expected to rise. Brand and product piracy not only represents a danger to the automotive industry but also to consumers since car parts are often inextricably linked to safety. The failure of copies brake discs, for example, may result in fatal accidents. It is not generally possible to assess the quality of copies simply by looking at them, however. The automotive industry therefore also makes great efforts to prevent copies by making genuine parts immediately identifiable by means of test figures, holograms, 2-D codes or other security features. The companies also regularly take action at exhibitions or with customs forces at import locations to prevent patent and brand breaches. They are supported in these efforts by the VDA with the assistance of the Network against Brand and Product Piracy. Brand and product piracy is a serious problem for manufacturers and suppliers The damage caused in Europe by product piracy is estimated at between 5 and 10 billion euros per year L a w, S a l e s a n d A f t e r s a l e s 198 The VDA demands the implementation of patent and brand laws by courts and authorities in emerging countries To protect the automotive industry from others exploiting its reputation, watering down their brands, causing customer uncertainty and damaging the brand image, not only is an adequate level of protection for intellectual property required in the EU but also necessary in the relevant emergency countries. The VDA therefore demands that patent and brand laws are implemented with the appropriate force by courts and authorities in emerging countries. European patent with standard protection One in three automotive patents in Europe originates from a German company The EU patent offering standard protection must be attractively priced and legally watertight In addition to brand and design protection, patent law plays a very important role in protecting innovations for manufacturers and suppliers. The German automotive industry is among the leading applicants for patents globally. In Europe alone, one in three automotive patents originates from a German company. Some of the more familiar patents registered by the German automotive industry include the anti-lock system (ABS), the double clutch gearbox and the electronic accelerator. Patents not only play a major role for the large concerns but can also be extremely important to small and medium-sized enterprises. In fact the proportion of companies with up to ten patent applications in Germany per year has been over 96 percent for many years. The VDA has long been campaigning for a standard, low-cost EU patent that is legally watertight. In Europe to date there has only been a European patent. This European patent is broken down after it is granted into various national intellectual property rights (“European bundle patent”). Efforts to achieve a uniform European patent law date back to the seventies. To be competitive in the global market the EU patent offering uniform protection must be made cheaper and even more legally watertight. After several highs and lows in the trilogy process to introduce a European patent offering uniform protection, the European Parliament and council at last formally accepted the so-called “patent package” as part of the legislation for closer cooperation in December 2012. This means that the EU took a major step en route to a uniform EU patent in 2012. However, there are still no concrete details for the court procedures and a system of charges. The VDA welcomes these developments and hopes that the European patent offering uniform protection will be available at low cost and be legally watertight. Only then can a uniform European patent be competitive on a global level. The patent package, which was agreed by the European Council and the European Parliament, consists of three different pieces of legislation: • Regulation of the European Parliament and of the European Council implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection • Regulation of the European Parliament and of the European Council implementing enhanced cooperation in the area of the creation of unitary patent protection with regard to the applicable translation arrangements • Agreement on a Unified Patent Court The breakthrough for the European patent was a long time coming Originally, it was expected that the major political breakthrough for the European patent offering uniform protection would be made in June 2012. After all, in their final recommendation the heads of state and governments finally managed to agree on the extremely disputed question of the seat for the central instance of a unified patent court — the headquarters of the patent court will be in Paris while there will be branches in London and Munich. 199 However, the heads of state and government linked this agreement to the deletion of a major provision relating to material legal protection (rights of the patent holder and amount of protection afforded by the patent) from the EU Patent Regulation, which had already been passed by the council and the European Parliament. This resulted in a new low in the trilogy process between the council, the EU Parliament and the commission, which was then finally overcome by a compromise in the form of a reference solution in December 2012. The scope of the material law provisions is now no longer set out in the actual regulation. As a result of the precise design of the rights and the limits of the scope of protection, reference is made to the European Patent Treaty, the future court agreement and national patent law. The extent to which this reference solution is covered by the authorization principle of Art. 118 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union must be proven. The regulations come into force 20 days after their publication but will not actually be applicable until 1 January 2014 or the date on which the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court comes into effect, whichever is the later. In order for the court agreement to come into force, at least thirteen member states, including Germany, France and the United Kingdom, must first ratify the agreement. This ratification process will be used by various member states to discuss various points of the patent package yet again. It is therefore not expected that the court agreement will come into force between 2015. The complaints by Italy and Spain against the decision of the council to authorize enhanced cooperation for the uniform EU patent also have little prospects of success since the European Court Advocate General suggested in his final statements in December 2012 that he would reject them. This leads us to hope that Spain and Italy will also join a new EU patent system. At least thirteen EU member states must ratify the agreement Italy and Spain also intend to join the new EU patent system L a w, S a l e s a n d A f t e r s a l e s 200 Public Procurement — New Requirements for Motor Vehicle Purchasing Public bodies and the automotive industry are facing major changes in public procurement Around 10 percent of all cars and commercial vehicles manufactured are purchased in Germany by public bodies. This number underlines the great importance of public procurement for the automotive industry. Both the public purse and the automotive industry are facing major changes in public procurement, a process that is currently being discussed at both a European and national level. This initially relates to the directive proposed by the EU Commission for modernizing procurement law. In addition, the legal basis for public procurement in the defense and security sectors has changed. Proposed directive for the modernization of public procurement The new proposed directive is aimed at making the procurement process simpler and more flexible The EU Commission put forward a proposal for a directive for the modernization of public procurement in December 2011. Essentially this proposal is aimed at the simplification and flexibilization of the procurement process, the strategic placement of public orders, the inclusion of environmental and social aspects and better market access for small and medium-sized enterprises. The VDA welcomes a wide range of the provisions in the proposal, such as the retention in principle of the current threshold values, the planned facilitations relating to verifying the bidders, the necessity of relating general political specifications to the subject of the order, the maintenance of the limits of the application of the negotiation process, the minimum transparency guarantees for negotiation processes and the EU-wide clarification for “self-purification.” However, the VDA also believes that a large number of the provisions deserve criticism. These include the lack of clarity relating to procurement terminology, excessive exemptions for in-house business, exemptions for sub-central public customers, specifications relating to special social requirements, reductions in deadlines for the submission of bids and the partly imprecise formulation of grounds for exclusion. With this in mind, the BDI submitted a response to the commission’s proposals for the revision of Directive 2004/18/EC in May last year, which had been ratified by the VDA. Discussions on this subject are ongoing. 201 General automotive industry view of public procurement Together with its members, the VDA has started the process of discussing public procurement at a national level with representatives of various German federal authorities. The topics up for discussion include the special challenges and hurdles facing the automotive industry in responding to public tenders and the reasons behind the added work required for responding to tenders and winning contracts. VDA members have stated that their grips include the fact that the processing time for tenders is too short, there is no scope for accepting differences in the reference vehicle, regular delivery statics must be submitted, the size of the volume spread within a tender and the status of sample vehicles that must meet very detailed specifications. The VDA has surveyed its members and German authorities about public procurement Electromobility The subject of electromobility also has an ever more important role to play in public procurement. Also last year the VDA started a dialog at federal minister level, which marks the start of an exchange between public bodies and the automotive industry on the subject of public procurement. In addition to questions relating to current developments in public procurement, the subject of electromobility also featured in the talks. For the public bodies this is a very important subject since they are committed to ensuring that 10 percent of all new vehicles are electric cars. EU Directive dated December 16, 2008 on the coordination of procedures for the award of certain works contracts, supply contracts and service contracts by contracting authorities or entities in the fields of defense and security (2009/81/EC) The Sixth Regulation on amending the regulation on the award of public contracts and the procurement regulation for defense and security came into force on July 19, 2012. The reason for this amendment was that in the past member states had only tendered for these goods and services on their domestic markets rather than throughout Europe, which meant that almost 85 percent of the procurement orders for armaments projects were awarded to domestic companies. The new regulation is aimed at opening this market to create greater transparency and competition in the procurement process. Public bodies are being encouraged to ensure that 10 percent of new vehicles are electric cars This new directive creates greater transparency and competition in procurement L a w, S a l e s a n d A f t e r s a l e s 202 Automotive Aftersales Revenues in the automotive aftermarket remained stable in 2012, at the same levels recorded in the previous year The average age of a car on German roads in 2012 was higher than ever before The automotive aftermarket is a major part of the German and global motor vehicle industry. Despite the fluctuations in the aftersales business, revenues in 2012 remain stable at the same levels recorded in the previous year, particularly in the car sector. Suppliers were affected to different extents by the fluctuations in demand on the global markets depending on their product portfolios. In principle, however, we can say that widespread, global diversification is important for these companies. The use of garage capacity in 2012 was 83 percent, which was similar to the level in the previous year. At 8.7 years of age, the average age of cars on German roads was higher than ever before. One of the main developments in the garage business is garage portals, which offer services agreed in advance at fixed prices. At the same time, revenues for vehicle components on the Internet continue to rise. Tires, navigation systems, care and tuning, in particular, are products and services that are already traded widely on the Internet. VDA activities Standardized measurement helps companies assess their planning situations The aftermarket segment published a recommendation for the standardization of planning quality measurement in the aftermarket in 2010 (VDA Recommendation 9000). This standardized measurement helps companies to assess their planning situations and allows action to be taken to improve the supply chain performance. In January 2012, ODETTE adopted this measurement method under No. LG07 and recommends it both to the aftermarket and also for production measurements. [ODETTE: European organization for the development of standards and recommended applications for e-business, cad data exchange and logistic processes in the automotive industry.] 203 Along with the Central Federation of the Electrical Engineering and Electronics Industry (ZVEI), the VDA published a joint recommendation in March 2012 as to how the manufacturers involved could improve supplies of post-production electronic components (VDA Recommendation 605). Both the car manufacturers and suppliers and component manufacturers were involved in this recommendation, which means that for the first time the entire supply chain was included. This subject is not just one for the automotive industry in Europe, however. VDA Recommendation 605 can also be used by other non-European countries as a starting point for talks between the automotive industry and manufacturers of electronic components. In the past, the VDA has campaigned for the state subsidy for retrofitting particulate filters to be reintroduced on January 1, 2012. As a result of the high demand for the current program the Federal Ministry of the Environment amended the subsidy regulation in June 2012 again so that the subsidies for retrofitting particulate filters will now continue until December 31, 2013. As a result of this program, anybody retrofitting a particulate filter will receive a subsidy of 330 euros in 2012 and 260 euros in 2013. Another subject that is increasingly engaging VDA members is the remanufacturing of products. Remanufacturing becomes particularly interesting for aftersales supplies where products have a high material value, for example. The VDA has been working with various bodies including CLEPA on various processes to ensure that there is a standard understanding of this subject in the VDA and also so that a definition of remanufacturing can be developed. In addition, the unrestricted export or import of remanufactured spare parts is not possible to and from all markets for VDA member companies. The VDA will therefore campaign in these countries for an improvement in trading conditions and the required establishment of a return system for remanufactured products. A standard definition of remanufacturing should be developed The “Quality is added value” initiative started by some VDA member companies is attracting an increasing amount of attention in the aftermarket. The aim of this initiative is to highlight the quality awareness of wholesalers and garages. It also communicates liability aspects and members’ service promise. This subject has already created a good deal of interest at major aftermarket exhibitions. The VDA supports its members in this quality initiative. Measuring the reliability of deliveries in the aftermarket Measuring the reliability of deliveries is extremely important in the automotive aftermarket. These figures are often used as a basis for negotiations with suppliers or are used by management to assess the logistical performance of its suppliers. As part of a VDA project for the standardization of measuring the reliability of deliveries in the aftermarket, a standardized figure has been developed for use by OEMs and suppliers. A position-related measurement with 100 percent volume reliability has been created to satisfy the requirements of the aftermarket and ensure the figures are comparable between OEMs and suppliers. The measurement can be made on a rolling basis. Outstanding deliveries from previous times are also included in the consideration. The new feature is the integration of a sustainable measurement of supplier performance in the reliability figure and support for the active control of supply chain performance by supplementary secondary figures. The measurement of the same figures for OEMs and suppliers is supported by appropriate tolerance corridors. A VDA recommendation on this subject is planned for publication in the first half of 2013. A VDA project is looking at the standardization of measuring the reliability of deliveries in the aftermarket Quality Management Nihar Kothari – Bachelor of Business Administration, Trainee, VOSS Automotive GmbH, Wipperfürth Q ua lit y M a n ag e m e nt 206 Quality: The Trademark of the German Automotive Industry The German automotive industry operates at the highest quality level VDA standards are managed by the VDA Quality Management Committee A considerable rise in certified production sites was noted in China and India over 2012 In 2012, German automotive products continued to rank highly in respect of recognized quality indicators. This clearly shows that despite the major challenges faced by the German automotive industry (e.g., electromobility, increased use of driver assistance systems, globalization of supply chains and product customization), the industry continues to operate at the highest levels of quality. The QMC, guided by the QMA, is an active center for quality management in the German automotive industry. Innovative products are necessary to ensure this remains the case, as are stable processes and meaningful quality standards, methods and systems. The globally recognized VDA standards and all quality management activities at the association level are managed by the VDA “Quality Management Committee” (QMA). The QMA operates the Quality Management Center (QMC) in Berlin as its business office. VDA’s quality management activities are guided by the Quality Management Committee and are actively implemented by the QMC. The VDA QMC series of publications documents the results of the working groups and those of QM experts at manufacturers and suppliers. The number of companies globally certified under the ISO/TS 16949 QM standard increased again in 2012 by more than 5 percent, now totaling more than 50,000 certified production sites. Compared to the previous year, Asia as a region accounts for a disproportionately large increase. In China and India in particular, the number of certified production sites increased by just over 10 percent. The number of certificates stabilized at a high level in the other regions. The 14 certification bodies approved and monitored by the VDA QMC in its capacity as one of five IATF Oversight Offices issued more than 23,000, or almost 46 percent, of all existing ISO/TS 16949 certificates. Certification under ISO/TS 16949 continues to function as an entrance ticket for suppliers into the automotive supply chain. But companies further upstream in the supply chain are also increasingly recognizing the benefits of certification under the QM standard ISO/TS 16949. 207 Training and continuing education activities of the VDA QMC In 2012, the sales figures and numbers of participants for the VDA QMC’s training and continuing education activities stabilized at a high level, maintaining the trend set in the previous year. Licensee business increased by an additional 42 percent compared to 2011, primarily due to the expansion of training activities offered in North America and India. The quality of any training session stands or falls with the trainer. This is why the VDA QMC has formed a working group to manage the training and continuing education activities of QMC trainers. Trainers participate in courses to learn how to employ existing media effectively, use correct conversation techniques and deal smoothly with conflict situations. In an effort to maintain the association’s presence in the Russian market – an important market for the German automotive industry – the VDA QMC Russia was founded in Moscow. It also serves as a center offering methods and tools in the form of Russian-language publications and training courses. The office is currently staffed by four employees; in 2012, they trained 170 participants in open training sessions and 600 participants as part of in-house training sessions on the VDA quality management methods and tools developed in Germany. The number of participants in training and continuing education activities remained high in 2012 Q ua lit y M a n ag e m e nt 208 QMC China effectively illustrates VDA’s increasing international orientation. The VDA QMC China is the representative office and platform of the VDA QMC Germany in China, with headquarters in Beijing and another office in Shanghai. The office offers its services to VDA member companies and the local supply chain – naturally maintaining the excellent quality expected of the VDA. VDA QMC China instituted its own quality management committee in 2012 In 2012, QMC China trained and certified more than 1,000 participants in auditor training courses (VDA 6.3 Process auditors; VDA 6.1 and ISO/TS 16949 QM system auditors). QMC China also carried out many in-house and public training sessions on quality management in 2012, in addition to a range of QM coaching projects. Demand continues to rise every year for the extensive VDA QMC series of publications in English and Chinese. The year 2012 also saw the establishment by the VDA QMC China of its own VDA quality management committee (QMA China), which will meet quarterly; the QMC China managing director was elected as its first chair. The QMA will function as a platform to respond to the needs of the Chinese market with regard to quality management and effecting improvements in this area. This work is recognized equally by local manufacturers and suppliers. The German and Chinese QMA regularly exchange results, thereby ensuring a common global basis of information for VDA QM. The worldwide network of the VDA QMC licensees Berlin Moscow Basic and advanced training Events Publications VDA 6.x monitoring body IATF Oversight Office Working group Southfield, MI Royal Oak, MI Basic and advanced training Events Publications Beijing Basic and advanced training Events Publications Licensee Pszczyna Birmingham Licensee Licensee Prague Carquefou Licensee Banská Bystrica Licensee Licensee Madrid Miami FL Budapest Licensee Licensee Quinta do Anjo Puebla Licensee Licensee Licensee Turin Licensee Nagoya Cisnadioara Licensee Licensee Timisoara Licensee Graz Licensee Mumbai Licensee São Paulo Licensee East London Licensee Source: VDA QMC 209 Management Systems for Traffic Safety – Standardization Process Complete ISO 39001 “Road Traffic Safety Management” ISO 39001 “Road Traffic Safety Management” is a standard for management systems comparable to ISO 9001 for road traffic safety. The standard was published in 2012 and allows organizations involved in the overall road traffic system to become certified under the standard. The standard is intended to improve road traffic safety over the long term and reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries caused as a result of traffic accidents. To this extent, it is addressed primarily to road traffic safety authorities, the police, motor vehicle manufacturers, road construction firms and transport companies. It requires that a process be instituted to monitor and evaluate the number of accidents, deaths and serious injuries and propose measures to continually improve compliance with road traffic safety. For instance, measures could involve extending speed limits to more areas and introducing systems to check drivers’ alcohol levels before each trip in their vehicle. The standard contributes to efforts to augment road users’ own responsibility for traffic safety and to support legislators and regulatory authorities in implementing technical, organizational and regulatory measures. The Automotive Engineering Standards Committee of the VDA was involved at the German national level in developing this international standard. Since motor vehicles produced by the German automotive industry are already extremely safe, technical defects account for only a minuscule proportion of accident causes. Most Western countries are already setting benchmarks in road traffic safety. On the other hand, certification can result in higher costs for companies and organizations. The standards committee’s involvement in this project therefore aimed primarily to optimize the potential costs of certification. The ISO 39001 standard aims to improve long-term traffic safety The standard provides a framework for implementing technical, organizational and regulatory measures Technical defects only causative for a fraction of accidents Historic Vehicles Stefan Urich – nc milling expert, Bertrandt Ingenieurbüro GmbH, Munich H i s to r i c v e h i c l e s 212 Consistent and Continued Commitment to Vintage Vehicles German manufacturers invoke their history to bolster brand value Historical vehicles must be permitted to retain their original character The VDA established the “Historical Vehicle” division at the beginning of 2007, to support the interests of vintage vehicle clubs and drivers, which are growing steadily in number. Among vintage vehicle enthusiasts, the increasingly strict legislative initiatives on environment and traffic safety in particular caused a sense of unease since technical considerations make it impossible to modify many historical vehicles in the ways necessary to comply with potential new benchmarks. Many VDA member companies are starting to set more value on their place in automotive history and efforts to preserve traditions are steadily assuming greater importance. German automotive manufacturers use their history to strengthen their brand values, provide an orientation framework for customers and employees, and differentiate themselves from the competition. The increasing number of historical vehicles and owners are viewed as ideal brand ambassadors. Those responsible for cultivating tradition at the German automotive manufacturers Audi, BMW, Daimler, Ford, Opel, Porsche and Volkswagen, along with their counterparts at the suppliers Bosch and ZF Friedrichshafen, collaborated to produce a basis for all future activities in this area. They proposed to pursue the objective of creating framework conditions capable of allowing historical vehicles to continue to operate on public roads in the future without hassle. Historical vehicles cannot and should not have to adapt to current standards and should be permitted to retain their original character. Constant technical progress, especially related to the environment and safety, harbors the risk that historic vehicles will be seen increasingly as exotic pieces or even as a risk to traffic safety. This had made it increasingly necessary to obtain exceptions for older vehicles in current legislation. The Historical Vehicles Working Group represents the interests of historical vehicle owners, those of the commercial trade in historical vehicles and of the automotive industry Since the historical vehicle scene has developed in a heterogeneous manner since 2007, the VDA has endeavored to strengthen and professionalize those representing the interests of historical vehicles. The intention is to bundle together several stronger interest groups and coordinate with them to pursue policy objectives. This is the background behind the 2009 founding of the Historical Vehicles Working Group, to which the VDA, ADAC and the German Federation for Motor Trades and Repairs (ZDK) belong. This working group represents the interests of historical vehicle owners and clubs, as well as the commercial trade in historical vehicles and those of the automotive industry. 213 Political Work Based on Data The Allensbacher Analysis of Advertising Media (AWA) for 2012 shows that some 15.9 million Germans are interested in historical vehicles and motorcycles. This is equivalent to 24.7 percent of the population older than 14 years, placing the figure 3 percent above the value from 2002 – the historical vehicle trend continues. Many policy initiatives are based on hard data that reflects the various developments relating to historical vehicles and their scene. Along with evaluations of the history, this data is a necessary component for producing forecast models of any kind. The VDA therefore regularly collects and publishes special evaluations performed by the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA). Evaluations and other documents are published annually on “H” registration plates, demographics, ABC lists of the most common historical vehicles and, since 2010, annual change of ownership figures for historical vehicles. The German Oldtimer (Historical Vehicle) Index is published annually and strongly indicates that historical vehicles are not acting as speculation objects. In the aftermath of the financial and economic crisis, asset and investment advisers increasingly turned to alternative investment opportunities. Since there were no reliable statistics tracking price changes of classic vehicles, the VDA decided to introduce comprehensive, fact-based monitoring of the German market. With help from an established information service for historical vehicles, an index that tracks price changes over past decades was produced. The German Oldtimer Index includes data for 88 representative historical vehicle models in Germany, selected from around 200,000 data records consisting of appraisals and auction results. In 2012, the index indicated an increase of 4.2 percent over the previous year. However, historical vehicles in general are ill suited as investment objects since their purchase is associated with a series of secondary costs that would quickly overtake any potential value increases. In light of this, it makes most sense when historical vehicle purchases are motivated by emotional ties. German Classic Car Index Index curve since 2003 2,200 2,023 1,941 2,000 1,800 1,690 1,600 1,732 1,776 1,511 1,430 1,400 1,190 1,200 1,215 1,104 1,000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: classic-tax H i s to r i c v e h i c l e s 214 Accident Statistics for Historical Vehicles Historical vehicles are less likely to be involved in accidents causing personal injury Reducing traffic accidents is a major objective of European transport policy. It is also the goal of the “European Road Safety Action Program,” which aims to cut in half the number of fatalities and injuries due to traffic accidents by 2020. Both active and passive technical safety measures play a key role in the program. This includes systems such as intelligent seatbelts, fatigue alerts and daytime running lights. The road safety program proposes to retrofit older vehicles with more recent technical features. This is not feasible in the case of historical vehicles. It is often alleged that they are a significant hazard to public road safety due to the outdated condition of their technical systems. To assess this prejudice, the VDA commissioned a study from the well-respected accident research group at the University of Dresden to look into the involvement of historical vehicles in accidents. Based on historical data maintained by the Federal Motor Transport Authority and official accident statistics (DESTATIS), all accidents in 2010 and 2011 involving passenger vehicles in Germany were assessed. The results of the analysis can be summarized as follows: • Based on their service life, historical vehicles are eight times less likely to be involved in accidents causing injury than other passenger vehicles. • Like new vehicles, historical vehicles are less likely to be the main cause of accidents. • The technical shortcomings of historical vehicles are cited even less often as the cause of accidents than is the case for new vehicles. • When they do cause accidents (involving personal injury), drivers of historical vehicles tend to make the same mistakes as those driving other passenger vehicles. The reasons for historical vehicles’ good track record in the statistics can likely be traced to the fact that they are not driven as far (annual kilometers driven) or as often; they are driven more defensively; and the fact that they tend to be used only in certain conditions (less driving in winter, poor weather and at night). Classic car participation in accidents 2011 per 100,000 vehicles 753 Personal injury 823 91 Fatalities (per 1,000,000) 19 76 110 127 116 165 159 Seriously injured 17 629 Slightly injured 819 651 72 253 Serious property damage 32 0 996 200 358 328 400 30 years 600 20—29 years 800 10—19 years 1,000 0—9 years Source: Study by VUFO GmbH, Dresden University of Applied Sciences 215 The Charter of Turin as a Future Guideline for Historical Vehicles The International Federation of Historical Vehicles (FIVA), (Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens) was founded in 1966. Especially in recent years, FIVA has grown into an internationally respected organization, largely owing to the inclusion of new national organizations from the US and China. Since beginning its work, the VDA has cooperated closely with FIVA to preserve historical vehicles. The charter aims to preserve historical vehicles as cultural products of a technical variety FIVA aims to ensure that historical vehicles are preserved and functionally maintained without counterfeit, so that future generations can experience these valuable cultural products. One of the most important recent FIVA initiatives advocates for recognition of historical vehicles as valuable cultural products of a technical variety. The “Charter of Turin” was drafted to give basis and expression to the ideas motivating this work. It was adopted by the FIVA General Assembly in December 2012. The charter is modeled on the Venice Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites, and specifies ways in which historical vehicles can be protected and conserved as mobile, technical cultural products. It is predicated on the conviction that historical vehicles are more than cult objects; as cultural heritage artifacts they bear witness to industrial history and societal developments. Historical vehicle owners and collection curators are already successfully advocating for the preservation and continued operation of historical vehicles. The charter was adopted by FIVA to provide a framework for decisions and measures relating to historical vehicles. It consists of a collection of principles governing the use, upkeep, conservation, restoration and repair of historical vehicles. This guideline endeavors to help historical vehicle owners make sensible and sustainable decisions. The objective of preservation, restoration and all related procedures is to preserve historical vehicles – as technological artifacts or as witnesses to transportation and cultural history. The VDA actively assisted in developing the Charter of Turin. A separate working group was formed to review and comment on FIVA suggestions. It was important to all participants that the Charter of Turin be structured as a unifying element for all the different interest groups advocating for historical vehicles. Although current law in Germany acknowledges the status of historical vehicles as cultural products through the option of an “H” plate registration, the Charter of Turin has the potential to serve as a political instrument toward worldwide recognition of the cultural status of historical vehicles. The Charter of Turin brings together all the various historical vehicle interest groups H i s to r i c v e h i c l e s 216 Political Activities Counterfeiting tarnishes the image of historical vehicles In recent years, the automotive industry has seen increasing trademark infringement relating to historical vehicles. This assumes its most outrageous form in the complete or partial counterfeiting of historical vehicles. Naturally the counterfeiters, who are often based outside the European Economic Area, focus on very rare and valuable vehicles. Aside from the loss in value suffered by the originals as a result of the fakes, the German automotive industry fears the overall image of historical vehicles may be tarnished. Some of the counterfeit vehicles have now become so sophisticated that even experts have difficulty identifying them. Such vehicles are registered in Germany only if they have an individual operating permit or type approval under the current 48 individual directives. To circumvent this laborious process, they are often imported into Germany via other EU member states in which registration procedures reflect a more streamlined application of the automotive type-approval directive. For this reason, a uniform policy in all EU member states regarding the registration of such vehicles should be pursued. An alternative way to end this unfortunate state of affairs is to issue a general instruction to perform inspections pursuant to Section 21 StVZO (German Road Traffic Registration Regulation) on all vehicles imported without a Certificate of Conformity (COC). Unauthorized production of replacement parts is widespread But unauthorized production of replacement parts is also on the rise. This often has its sources in Asia, where some enterprising automotive suppliers seeking new markets are based. Small shops within the historical vehicle scene seeking to fill a need in good faith are another source. Recently, some automotive manufacturers have taken stronger action against such activities; they are motivated by a desire to preserve the technical quality and visual attractiveness of rare vehicles, and to exclude potential borderline warranty claim cases from the outset. 217 Some manufacturers are taking action. Daimler AG made a public showing of its strong stance against trademark and copyright infringement by destroying (using proper methods) an unauthorized counterfeit Mercedes Benz 300 SL “Gullwing” in its own used parts center in April 2012. The announcement of the new version of Directive 2009/40/EC was met with much skepticism in the historical vehicle scene. The proposal to modify testing intervals for older vehicles was especially unpopular. At the outset of negotiations and promptly in time for discussion of the first drafts, commission members were informed of the special needs of historical vehicles, with the result that the first official draft contains potential exceptions and special national solutions for historical vehicles. The majority of commission members indicated that they would not change the testing intervals. In advance of final approval by the European Parliament, the VDA will attempt to have the definition of historical vehicles used in the directive draft harmonized more closely with German legislation. The new REACH chemical regulation was issued within the EU in the form of Regulation EC/1907/2006. REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemical substances. The first phase resulted in identification of more than 2,000 hazardous materials whose continued manufacture and use is being thoroughly reviewed. By the end of 2012, around 100 chemicals had been noted on a list of candidates whose further use and replacement were being reviewed. The rising number of substances on the list promises to cause a major headache for automotive manufacturers, especially in connection with supplying replacement parts for older vehicles, such as historical vehicles. Accordingly, manufacturers would have to use new materials to redesign any parts whose original materials had been prohibited, which isn’t economically feasible in light of the low demand. The removal and destruction of existing stock is also unrealistic in light of the many small shops that cater to historical vehicles. Within the framework of the End-of-Life Vehicle Directive, the legislative authority allowed the “repaired as produced” maxim to be applied in similar cases. Under this solution, it would be possible to design and produce certain parts as originally intended. To prevent use of historical vehicles from being effectively banned due to a lack of replacement parts, the VDA is attempting to effect a similar policy with regard to REACH. Proposal to change testing intervals for older vehicles widely rejected New REACH chemical regulation negatively affecting the supply of replacement parts Logistics Carina Jahn – apprentice technical product design, Valeo Klimasysteme GmbH, Bad Rodach Lo g i s t i c s 220 Challenges Faced by Logistics The logistics sector ranked third among the most successful economic sectors in Germany in 2012 With sales of around 225 billion euros and 2.85 million employees, the logistics sector again ranked behind the automotive sector and trade in 2012, occupying third place among the economic sectors in Germany with the highest sales figures (source: BVL). This continued growth is attributable to the ongoing development of automotive value chains. In recent years, characterized by growth and further globalization, logistics experts have excelled at their craft. They successfully optimized logistics processes even further, thereby ensuring the continuity and stability of supply chains. The number and variety of new OEM parts increased to unprecedented levels in 2012. The more complex parts landscape led to increased requirements for parts lists, supplying parts to production lines and container management. The “digital factory” now includes the options of simulating production processes and virtually securing new parts, making it ever more important in this landscape. The pressure remains high for logistics experts as they deal with new sites and the associated increase in global transportation; the landscape remains volatile, especially considering the demanding expectations in terms of complexity and flexibility. The current focus is on capacity management: synchronizing production planning and requests for delivery. 221 Results of Committee Work The Logistics division supports many working groups and project groups. These bodies include the working groups on Settlement Procedures, Packaging Center of Competence (CoC), E-12, Digital Factory, Communications and Information Technology (KIT), Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) and the Logistics Steering Committee. The VDA Logistics Division supports many working groups Establishment of an “automatic identification” expert working group VDA member companies will renew their activities on the topic of “Automatic Identification” of production materials with increased vigor. They intend to continue the work begun in the VDA RFID Recommendations 5501, 5510 and 5520 (container management; tracking of parts and assemblies; vehicle distribution), which were produced between 2006 and 2008. Another objective of the new VDA committee is to assess whether the results of the RAN project (RFID-based Automotive Network), which was sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Business and Technology, have the potential to bring about significant improvements in the processes between OEMs and logistics service providers. If so, the results of the RAN project will be incorporated into VDA recommendations, taking into account national and international documents and standards. Activities on “automatic identification” of production materials to move forward The structure and precise name of the new working group will be finalized over the course of 2013. In terms of subject matter, the new group will discuss unanswered questions regarding process topics, flow of information and the technology of the items being tracked. Standardization, RFID-prototype tracking Prototypes play a key role in the development of new vehicles by testing the functioning of parts and assemblies and ensuring they are ready for mass production. And every part must be documented extensively. Parts undergoing testing must also have a unique identifier, which means each must have its own serial number. In the past, communicating and managing this information required considerable manual effort. One approach to automating the process is the use of radio frequency technology to label parts (RFID), either as an alternative or in addition to 2-D barcode labels. Prototype parts identified with RFID transponders can be uniquely identified and tracked at all stages, from production at the supplier’s premises to the sample phase, to installation in test vehicles and during testing – all with a high level of automation. This is one way the use of RFID technology supports quality assurance in the development process. Prototype parts equipped with RFID transponders can be uniquely identified in test vehicles Lo g i s t i c s 222 The first version of VDA Recommendation 5509, which was published in early 2012, describes the process of employing RFID and defines binding RFID data structures for unique identification and tracking of prototype parts during parts and vehicle testing. It also provides background information on applying international standards and their implementation in the automotive industry. In a second phase of the project, the use of 2-D barcodes was explored, as well as options for automated data transfer. 2-D barcodes allow for inclusion of suppliers who do not yet have the technical capabilities to use RFID technology. For every part identified with a serial number, comprehensive information must be exchanged between manufacturers and customers. The working group therefore developed a harmonized catalog of the information required and regularly asked for by vehicle manufacturers. This catalog was created using a data structure that can be automatically exchanged between the parties involved. Version 2 of the recommendation “Use of AutoID/RFID and data transfer to track parts and components during vehicle development” was approved at the end of 2012; it addresses the standardized use of the data matrix code – regardless of whether RFID transponders or data matrix codes are used to uniquely identify the components. VDA-compliant identifiers are structured identically and allow prototype parts to be identified regardless of the technology used. Moreover, the revised version of the recommended electronic data exchange format offers the advantage of largely automating communication of prototype-related data and the capability to save the information in electronic databases. By extending VDA Recommendation 5509, the “Glass Prototype” working group bridged important gaps between media with regard to the unique identification of prototype parts across company boundaries and exchanging part-specific data within the automotive development process. The confirmation of receipt The confirmation of receipt ensures that the exemption from turnover-tax for goods delivered within the European Community is respected The Federal Finance Ministry now requires an additional confirmation that goods have been received; this was enacted in Section 17a of the Turnover Tax Implementation Regulation (UStDV), which entered into effect on January 1, 2012. The confirmation of receipt is intended to ensure that the tax office is aware that goods delivered in the EU outside of Germany are not subject to turnover tax. The members of the Logistics Steering Committee supported and assisted with the initiatives by the VDA and other associations to obtain in the regulation a more straightforward, clear and practical confirmation policy for intra-European Community deliveries – with success. The draft of the eleventh Regulation to Amend the Turnover Tax Implementation Regulation (UStDV) dated October 1, 2012 demonstrates that the Federal Finance Ministry has been responsive to the critique from the private sector regarding the legal and practical problems posed by the current regulation. Companies are now no longer required to document intra-European Community deliveries in the form of a confirmation of receipt. Going forward, other documents will suffice. The new documentation policies are set to enter into effect on July 1, 2013. 223 Air freight security Regulation (EU) No. 300/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on common rules in the field of civil aviation security entered into effect on April 29, 2010. The transition period ended on March 25, 2013. The Regulation governs how companies must proceed regarding air freight in civil aviation. In general, only air freight with the status of “secure” (SPX or SCO) is permitted to be transported and only in designated aircraft. Production companies that ship their products by air have two options for achieving this security status. For one, “unsecure” air freight can be declared “secure” after undergoing an inspection by a regulated agent or air freight company in accordance with statutory requirements. The manner of security inspection is to be determined by the regulated agent or air freight company as appropriate for the type of air freight being inspected and according to statutory provisions. The second option is to be approved by a government agency and be granted the status of “known shipper.” Known shippers themselves assume the responsibility of ensuring that the identifiable air freight on their business premises is sufficiently protected from unauthorized access and tampering. The air freight of known senders is not required to undergo another security inspection, but can be transferred “securely” to any company that has the status of a regulated agent. It should be expected that the share of freight that is “unsecure” will spike sharply after March 25, 2013. The comprehensive and strict implementation practices in Germany could drive shippers of air freight to rely increasingly on airports in adjacent countries. The important thing to remember is that standard freight is shipped over land; this means that air freight only becomes air freight once it is warehoused as finished goods. In turn, this means that those involved in shipping must be trained. The Logistics Steering Committee maintains a dialogue with the relevant authorities to provide feedback on practical experience by implementing the regulation; it also collaborates with other associations to develop recommendations for necessary alterations. Air freight only permitted to be transported in aircraft if it has “secure” status Lo g i s t i c s 224 E-12 Working Group Administration processes must be improved and simplified for portal users The E-12 Working Group deals with the use of portal applications to manage communications between customers and their suppliers. The increasing use of such portals presents new challenges for suppliers. In 2012, the E-12 Working Group explored in depth the question of how to more effectively structure maintenance of master data, company structures and contact information in various customer portals. Performing quality assurance of this data is key. The administration and approval processes of suppliers must therefore be structured in an equally sophisticated manner. The group also focused on the question of how to improve and simplify administration processes for portal users in order to further increase security and compliance in the use of portal applications. Communications and Information Technology Working Group (KIT) KIT Working Group develops recommendations on structured data exchange The KIT Working Group is mainly responsible for matters relating to technical communication of logistics information within the supply chain. Its activities in 2012 primarily aimed at developing alternatives to past VDA recommendations on structured data exchange that have now become somewhat outdated. New logistics concepts that strive to reduce warehouse inventory, optimize transportation and increase process efficiency are becoming more common. Accordingly, communications processes are expected to meet heightened requirements. Publication of VDA Recommendation 4984 “Data transfer of delivery requests” was the first in a series of recommendations designed to provide optimal support for these new concepts and processes. Two parallel technologies are supported. For companies with sophisticated infrastructure able to accommodated structured electronic data interchange (EDI), the internationally recognized and widely used UN/EDIFACT messages are recommended. The VDA working group based its work in particular on the application manuals developed within the framework of the “Joint Automotive Industry Forum” by the international automotive industry organizations (AIAG, JAMA/ JAPIA and Odette); this will ensure the broadest possible acceptance, both in Germany and globally. To facilitate the transition to the new processes for smaller suppliers in particular, the XML messages developed within the framework of the “auto-gration project” sponsored by the European Commission are recommended in addition to the EDIFACT Guidelines. Recommendations for just-in-time delivery requests, shipping notifications, and inventory and consumption messages will be processed in this manner by 2014, in order to support the entire process chain with uniform message formats. Moreover, the KIT Working Group maintained close contact with representatives of the RAN project (RFID Automotive Network) and learned about the results of this initiative, which was sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs. Over the course of 2013, it is planned to generalize the results of the project such that they can be incorporated into existing VDA recommendations on the subject, and serve as a basis for more in-depth recommendations. Trade Shows and Events Christina Hüttner – Dipl.-Betriebswirtin (FH), MBAL, Junior Manager Investor Relations, SAF-HOLLAND S.A., Bessenbach T r a d e S h o w s a n d E v e n ts 228 Looking Back and Ahead: IAA The 64th International Motor Show for Commercial Vehicles (IAA) 2012 in Hanover The 64th International Motor Show for Commercial Vehicles (IAA) was a complete success Featuring more world premieres, more exhibitors, a larger area and more visitors, the 64th International Motor Show for Commercial Vehicles (IAA) was a high-energy event – and a complete success. True to the slogan “Commercial vehicles – the motor of the future,” this edition of IAA fully met expectations by “showcasing the entire industry’s power of innovation as the world’s largest trade show for mobility, transport and logistics,” remarked VDA President Mattias Wissmann at the IAA closing press conference. With 1,904 exhibitors and 262,300 visitors, IAA dramatically exceeded expectations. Compared to 2010, this year’s IAA featured 9 percent more exhibitors and visitors. The 2012 International Motor Show for Commercial Vehicles (IAA) featured the secondhighest participation and exhibition area since the IAA Passenger Vehicle and Commercial Vehicle trade shows were separated 20 years ago. More than two thirds of suppliers introduced world premieres – 354 to be exact – setting a new record for novel products. In light of the difficult economic situation in Western and southern Europe in the year leading up to the trade show, this result deserves even more appreciation. The more than 1,000 suppliers accounted for the largest group of exhibitors The exhibitors took advantage of this showcase to introduce their contributions to the most important trends, such as Euro VI, aerodynamics, alternative drive systems, intelligent and predictive gear shifting, safety, lightweight construction, networking/telematics and extra-long trucks. More than 1,000 suppliers presented their wide-ranging portfolio of innovations, making suppliers the largest group of exhibitors. With exhibitors from 46 countries, IAA for commercial vehicles has never been a more international event The IAA show has never been more international: IAA hosted exhibitors from 46 countries. Those from outside Germany accounted for 55 percent. Compared to previous IAA shows, most foreign exhibitors were from China, followed by Turkey and Italy. More than a quarter (27 percent) of trade visitors were from outside of Germany – a new record. In addition to guests from the rest of Europe, one in five trade visitors hailed from Asia. IAA set another record, with trade visitors accounting for 87 percent of all visitors. On the weekdays the proportion of trade visitors even reached 92 percent. More than half of the exhibitors were extremely pleased with the quality of the professional visitors. The International Motor Show for Commercial Vehicles (IAA) consolidated its reputation as the forum for decision-makers, with 78 percent of trade visitors identifying themselves as decision-makers. IAA is becoming more international in terms of media coverage as well: 2,087 journalists from 56 countries reported on the latest models and innovations. Forty-four percent of journalists came from outside of Germany. The special exhibition program featured many activities in which visitors could actively experience commercial vehicles. The “VDA Innovation Stage” hosted moderated demonstrations featuring vehicles related to safety and assistance systems, climate protection, efficiency and securing cargo. 229 Test drives in electrical vehicles were offered on the trade show grounds for the first time and were quite popular – visitors took full advantage of this opportunity, enjoying 1,500 test drives. Exhibitors made nine vehicles with full electrical drive available for interested visitors to test drives in order to illustrate that electrical drive systems are no longer restricted to passenger vehicles, but are making headway in commercial vehicles as well. An opportunity was also offered to test drive 28 different lightweight and heavy commercial vehicles. IAA again had a strong offering for professionals, hosting 30 events for trade visitors covering a wide range of topics and subjects. A total of 4,300 professionals took part in the events for trade visitors, which covered topics ranging from securing cargo, financial services, telematics, the Hazardous Goods Day, long-distance bus routes and CO2 reduction, in addition to numerous award ceremonies. The Electromobility Conference and the carIT Conference were held for the first time in the previous year at the IAA for Passenger Vehicles and both made their premiere at IAA for commercial vehicles this year. After the successful show, it seemed that never before had so many new commercial vehicles been featured. Now 20 years after the first International Motor Show for Commercial Vehicles (IAA) was held at the Hanover trade show grounds, the exhibition continues to generate a constructive atmosphere; in no small measure this is due to the great internationalism and many visitors who are professionals in the commercial vehicles sector – and in many cases, potential customers. The 65th IAA for commercial vehicles will be held from September 25 to October 2, 2014 at the Hanover trade show grounds. Once again, the “Press Conference Day in the CC” and the “Press Day” will be held in advance of the conference on September 23 and 24, 2014, respectively. Test drives in electrical vehicles offered for the first time Some 4,300 industry professionals took part in the 30 events for trade visitors T r a d e S h o w s a n d E v e n ts 230 IAA for Passenger Cars 2013 in Frankfurt am Main IAA for passenger cars is the most important and influential automotive exhibition in the world This year, all automotive enthusiasts await the 65th International Motor Show for Passenger Cars (IAA) in Frankfurt am Main with excitement. Visitors, industry professionals and journalists will again be able to experience a wide range of world premieres and innovations at the world’s largest automotive exhibition, from September 12 to 22, 2013. IAA has been the most important and influential automotive exhibition in the world for decades. Decision-makers from the international automotive industry meet every 2 years at the Frankfurt trade fair grounds. IAA 2011 featured more exhibitors (1,012), larger area (235,000 m²), more world premieres (183) and more visitors (928,100) than the previous IAA for passenger cars and exceeded all expectations. In 2013, visitors can again look forward to seeing all the major passenger vehicle manufacturers at the show, which along with all the suppliers promise to put on a first-class automotive exhibition. The slogan of IAA 2013 is “The world’s best automotive show” The spotlight will be on efficient vehicles that meet customer expectations in terms of safety, environmental aspects, comfort, quality and design – in line with the show’s slogan, “The world’s best automotive show.” Besides the many premieres, innovations and showcased products, the extensive supplementary program secures IAA’s reputation as the central hub of the global automotive industry network. Experts from the private sector, politics, trade associations and industry will discuss the key technical and praxis-oriented topics of the future in symposia, lectures and expert panel discussions. A wealth of entertaining and informative events and campaigns for the general public rounds out the program. 231 The special events program in 2013 promises to offer more variety than ever before. The show will feature the test driving event, SUV test course and the classic car show, as well as driving demonstrations and AvD and DVR contests, as well as a special exhibition mounted by the German Red Cross. This year there will also be a Carrera racetrack, the “Ladies Corner” in cooperation with “Hallo Frau,” a movie theater for children, relaxation areas and an outdoor go-cart track. “Automania,” the exchange for model car collectors, will take place on the last weekend of the show. All this in addition to a wide range of events for trade visitors ensure there will be something for everyone at IAA. The carIT Conference and Electromobility Conference are being held for the third time, while the Safety Conference to be held in cooperation with ADAC is a new event. GoING – The next generation of engineers for the automotive industry The VDA has been collaborating for years with companies to promote the next generation of engineers. The GoING project was established in 2007 and has been offered during the second week of IAA ever since. The project provides a framework for the VDA and its member companies to invite classes of students studying for university entrance qualifications to visit IAA. The program is a success and many students attend both the IAA for passenger vehicles in Frankfurt am Main and the IAA for commercial vehicles in Hanover. Their teachers provide very positive feedback about the VDA’s role as event host, which is important since the teachers act as multipliers and are instrumental in bringing their classes to the event year after year. GoING already has some “veterans” – some teachers have accompanied class trips to GoING for many years, which will be held for the seventh time in 2013. Along with their teachers, nearly 1,000 students attend the lectures and visit the stands at each IAA for Passenger Vehicles as part of the GoING program. The IAA for commercial vehicles expects to host around 500 students, mostly owing to the shorter duration of that show. The event is always held daily from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. during the second week of IAA. It begins with a short lecture event with an opportunity for discussion. The lectures comprise two presentations by young engineers on their practical experience working at companies, and an introduction by a university professor. WorkING – Career perspectives in the automotive industry In addition to the secondary students, the VDA also appeals to those already studying at university level with the goal of sparking their interest in technology and the automotive industry. This project has been named “WorkING – Career perspectives in the automotive industry.” WorkING is being held for the fourth consecutive time in 2013. The objective is to highlight career opportunities in the automotive industry. The program is addressed to university students in the first half of their studies; this is in order to target students who are still in the process of deciding which area to specialize in. WorkING is presented at IAA as a lecture event. Four or five company representatives introduce their companies, their products and their own jobs. Strong demand for student events T r a d e S h o w s a n d E v e n ts 232 The 15th Technical Congress 2012 Technological change was the undercurrent of the conference The 15th VDA Technical Congress was held at BMW World in Munich on March 21—22, 2013. More than 550 participants, keynote speakers and presenters drawn from politics, the scientific community and industry met in the Bavarian state capital. The keynote sessions at the outset of the conference included as speakers VDA President Matthias Wissmann; Martin Zeil, Bavarian Minister of Economic Affairs, Infrastructure, Transport and Technology; Dr. Herbert Diess, Head of Development at BMW AG; and Wolfgang Dürheimer, Head of Technical Development at Audi AG. Claudia Horn, Head of Section in the German Ministry of Transportation, Construction and Urban Development (BMVBS), also gave a welcome address. In his keynote speech, Prof. Emilio Frazzoli of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ventured a look into the future of autonomous driving. Reiner Mangold, Head of Sustainable Product Development at Audi AG spoke about the road to CO2-neutral mobility. Prof. Dr. Hans-Hermann Braess, former head of science and research at BMW AG, provided attendees at the conference’s main evening event with some thought-provoking insights in his talk on “Alternative drive systems,” which looked back on 60 years of automotive development. The topic of “networking” was addressed by Dr. Christoph Grote, Managing Director at BMW Forschung und Technik; Dr. Martin Weiser, Head of the Vehicle IT department at Volkswagen AG; and Dr. Peter E. Rieth, member of the management team for the Chassis and Safety division at Continental AG. In his keynote address, PD Dr. Peter Morfeld of Evonik Industries spoke about the effectiveness of environmental zones in relation to particulate concentrations. The trade exhibition featured 20 exhibitors from the entire automotive industry and offered an ideal supplement to the presentation topics, while also serving as an opportunity for conversations among industry professionals. The VDA Technical Congress highlights the wide-ranging strategy of the German automotive industry The congress is conceived as a technical-political event and traditionally focuses on the topics of environment, energy and electromobility, as well as vehicle safety and electronics. Mobility and transport systems were also discussed, as were efforts towards describing and quantifying the future potential of internal combustion drive systems, which continue to remain important, especially in regards to minimized emissions and electrification of the kompress. The sessions for trade visitors on “Vehicle safety and electronics” focused on topics such as the real occurrence of accidents, safety potential and automated driving. The 16th VDA Technical Congress will be held in Hanover on March 20—21, 2014. 233 The 13th VDA Meeting of Small and Medium-sized Companies The 13th VDA Meeting of Small and Medium-sized Companies was held at the Kameha Grand Hotel in Bonn, on May 23 and 24, 2013, with this year’s slogan, “Small and medium-sized companies in the automotive industry: with new concepts into the future?” With more than 250 distinguished guests from the private sector and the political community, the event again offered prominent panels to promote constructive dialog between small and medium-sized company owners. The two-day event was hosted by Arndt G. Kirchhoff, Managing Partner of the Kirchhoff Group and Chairman of the VDA Group for Small and Medium-sized Companies. Three of the event’s main topics included mobility, globalization and financing The event critically examined the major challenges facing the companies, as seen from their perspective: mobility, globalization and financing in the future. The presentations and discussions additionally touched on current topics, such as the shift away from nuclear power in Germany; the euro crisis; difficult economic conditions in Europe; increasing protectionism; and the threat of new tax burdens. In his presentation entitled “Premium in global competition: how can we secure our collective success?” Prof. Rupert Stadler, Chairman of the Board at Audi AG noted that suppliers account for three quarters of value creation in vehicles. He also emphasized that small and medium-sized suppliers contribute to Germany’s excellent reputation as a site for automotive production. He advocated continuing the successful cooperation now that additional vehicle models must be localized for growth markets. In his presentation, Heinz-Gerhard Wente, member of the board at Continental AG and head of the ContiTech corporate division, mentioned that automotive suppliers can only remain successful when their production operations are located where their customers are working. In his dinner speech, VDA President Matthias Wissmann warned about new tax burdens that would affect family companies in particular. Garrelt Duin, minister of Business, Energy, Industry, Small and Medium-sized Companies, and Trades for the state of North-Rhine-Westphalia discussed “Focus on small and medium-sized companies – what is the state doing, what can the German federal government do?” Duin noted small and medium-sized companies’ high potential for innovation and flexibility, and indicated that North-Rhine-Westphalia wants to structure the framework for small and medium-sized companies such that they are able to optimally develop their flexibility, speed and innovation potential. VDA Managing Director Klaus Bräunig kicked off the second day of the conference with an overview of the association’s current activities on behalf of this, the largest group of members; participants were then invited to engage in detailed discussions during three parallel workshops entitled: “New mobility concepts: how to secure the future of small and medium-sized companies?”; “Cooperation between small and medium-sized companies within global structures”; and “Growing with secure financing.” The keynote speeches for the workshops were held by Prof. Dr. Burkhard Göschel, CTO at Magna International Inc.; Klaus Mecking, member of the board at Friedrich Graepel AG; and Frank Jehle, CFO at Mann and Hummel GmbH. The undercurrent of the event was that to remain successful over the long-term, small and medium-sized companies must promote their innovations and ensure their presence in international markets. Moreover, they must generate the financial resources to enable them to pursue this strategy. As suggested by the overwhelmingly positive feedback of participants, they made excellent use of the 13th VDA Meeting for Small and Medium-sized Companies to engage in extensive discussion on these topics. How can small and medium-sized companies be present and successful in international markets? T r a d e S h o w s a n d E v e n ts 234 The 9th QMC Quality Summit at Hockenheimring and Other Events Sponsored by the VDA Quality Management Center The event focused on quality management in relation to new technologies and electromobility 160 participants made the 2012 summit a complete success The 9th QMC Quality Summit was held on November 14-15, 2012 at Hockenheimring. As Germany’s most important quality event for the sector, many influential guests were among the attendees. The many representatives from the automotive industry were joined by Dr. Elmar Degenhart, Chairman of the Management Board at Continental AG, who gave a talk on electromobility. Consistent with the slogan of “New quality strategies in times of change,” the event primarily addressed quality management for new technologies, and especially electromobility. These issues will present the most significant challenges for the automotive industry over the coming years. The test drive event also proved very popular. More than 50 vehicles with electric drive were on-site and available to summit participants, who had the opportunity to take them for a test drive. Many participants took advantage of the opportunity to experience and “mobilize” the “mobility of the future” firsthand. With 160 participants in attendance, the 2012 summit was a successful event that offered discussion of interesting topics and insight into the most significant challenges the automotive industry will face in the near future – along with a great deal of excitement on the test course! Interauto Exhibition in Moscow VDA QMC Russia participated in the “Interauto” and “Moscow International Automobile Salon” for the first time in 2012, presenting talks on quality management subjects related to the Russian automotive industry. Upcoming VDA QMC events in 2013 The Quality Management Symposium of the Automotive Industry was held on April 24—25, 2013 in Munich. The QMC hosted the “VDA Automotive SYS Conference” on June 12—14, 2013 in Berlin. The VDA QMC Expert Forum will be held during IAA from September 12 to 22, 2013 in Frankfurt am Main. The QMC Quality Summit will convene on November 18—19, 2013 in Berlin. 235 VDA Logistics Department Events Automotive Logistics Forum The first edition of the Automotive Logistics Forum was held over two days from January 23—24, 2013 at the MAN Truck Forum in Munich; it was presented as a joint event by VDA and BVL (the German Logistics Association). Around 550 logistics experts from the German automotive industry met to discuss the challenges facing the sector, keeping in mind the theme of the event, “Mastering complexity.” Two events held separately in the past – the Industry Automotive Logistics Forum presented by BVL and the VDA Logistics Conference – have now been combined into a European summit of logistics experts in the automotive industry. Cloud computing was a focus of the Automotive Logistics Forum in Munich Forum participants had the opportunity to discuss ten different sequences of topics, including aspects specific to the automotive industry, as well attending the main presentations. The event hosted around 50 speakers and presenters, making it a valuable and extensive program for industry professionals. The subject matter focused primarily on a range of topics: cloud computing, aftermarket sales, packaging standardization, the digital factory, multi-modal transport, AutoID and RFID, complexity and volatility, challenges facing the raw materials supply chain, cost reduction, as well as shifting sales markets. In addition to the presentations and discussions, attendees were able to participate in exciting tours. MAN opened the gates to its truck factory in Munich. They were also able to tour the MAN Parts Distribution Center, a central warehouse storing 27,000 articles that processes three million retrievals annually. The family company F.X. Meiller Fahrzeug- und Maschinenfabrik-GmbH & Co KG also generously offered a look inside its production facility in Munich. VDA Logistics Award 2013 The VDA awarded BorgWarner BERU Systems GmbH the VDA Logistics Award for 2013. Each year this award recognizes innovative logistics concepts in the automotive supply chain. This year’s winner (based in Ludwigsburg, near Stuttgart) received the award at the Automotive Logistics Forum for its concept relating to “Automatic early detection of supplier risks.” The automotive supplier has developed a fully automatic system capable of making predictions about supplier performance and risks based on advanced mathematical methods. The innovation grew out of a desire not merely to respond to the loss of suppliers, but rather to be able to predict such developments. By evaluating existing mass data using modern mathematical methods and artificial intelligence, BorgWarner BERU is now able to proactively manage supplier performance and minimize risks in advance. The new system, called “Supplier performance monitor 3.0,” draws on information about factors such as deliveries and a supplier’s track record for delivering the correct quantity and meeting delivery deadlines. The system’s mathematical heart is the “Hidden Markov” model used in stochastics. It allows for calculation of suppliers’ actual situation based on a range of data. The model is already being used in Internet marketing and computer linguistics applications – and now BorgWarner BERU is the first to apply it to business administration. BorgWarner BERU has already achieved dramatic success with its new supplier performance monitor. In many cases, its use increased supplier performance and dependability. In turn, this improves supply reliability and supply chain stability. The VDA Logistics Award – which was conferred at the Automotive Logistics Forum – gives outstanding and innovative logistics concepts the opportunity to become exemplars and serve as inspiration to all companies striving to identify creative and intelligent logistics solutions. Such concepts represent an important contribution to improving the competitiveness of the German automotive industry. The VDA Logistics Award recognizes innovative logistics concepts in the automotive supply chain T r a d e S h o w s a n d E v e n ts 236 Trade Shows Abroad, Cooperative Events Trade shows abroad, cooperative events The VDA plans international activities on a regular basis and is represented at trade shows abroad Within the scope of its international activities, the VDA again last year organized a series of international events as well as participation at trade shows abroad. As ever, the VDA focuses on the key markets of the future. For instance, every year the VDA and its members seek out important trade shows abroad. The next step is to cooperate with AUMA (the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry) to apply for “German joint participations” offered within the scope of the foreign trade show program sponsored by the German government. Participation at the Russian trade show was an important foreign engagement in 2012 and marked the fifth time a German joint booth has been present. German suppliers once again demonstrated their close association with Russia at the Interauto supplier trade show, which is presented in conjunction with the MIAS International Automotive Salon. Even though it is difficult to successfully dominate this market, Russia has enormous importance for the future of our industry in Europe. In a joint event co-sponsored by the Federation of German Industries’ Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations and the German-Russian Chamber of Foreign Trade, the VDA hosted guests at a high-level information event held on the periphery of the trade show. Representatives from the German industry were joined by representatives of the Russian automotive industry, including some board members. To coincide with participation at the trade show, the German Embassy also hosted a reception, which turned out to be very popular. Other events were held on-site in India in early 2012. VDA operated a joint booth at the AUTOEXPO automotive trade show in India, marking the sixth time it has participated. The supplementary program included a range of events, including an information event held in conjunction with Roland Berger management consultants and the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC) as partners. There was also a large reception at the German Embassy attended by the German and Indian automotive industries and many guests from the Indian government. Trade show appearances in China, South Korea and Russia are on the agenda for 2013 Participation at these trade shows abroad is under the aegis of a German government program in which AUMA selects winning candidates from among submissions from trade associations; this program gives many smaller companies a chance to present their company and products in key future markets. Participation in trade shows abroad in 2013 is planned for China, South Korea (Seoul Motor Show) and Russia (COMTRANS). In 2014, the VDA will accompany its members to India, Russia (MIAS/ Interauto) and Thailand (Bangkok International Motor Show). Additional foreign events have traditionally been held by the VDA at IAA. The 2012 International Motor Show for Commercial Vehicles (IAA) in Hanover had a special focus on India, Turkey and China. Especially in the case of the IAA events, the presentations by the various foreign exhibitors are the key element, as well as cooperation opportunities for exhibitors, speakers and visitors. The presentations are followed by an opportunity to take part in round table meetings. Another information event held at the VDA headquarters in April 2012 focused on Colombia as an automotive center. Colombia is a rising automotive market and the government is attempting to attract investors. A high-level delegation lead by the Colombian Minister of Trade made a special trip to the VDA in order to meet with representatives of the German automotive industry to discuss opportunities for collaboration, as well as obstacles to market access in Colombia. The free trade agreement between the EU and Colombia will also present new opportunities for our members. Index Manfred Loibl – Auto Electrician Master, Prototyping Technican, Webasto Group, Gilching Index 240 List of Figures and Tables Dates, Facts and Figures Turnover trend in the German automotive industry Workforce in the German automotive industry New motor vehicle registrations worldwide by region Long-term development of LV sales in the USA Motor vehicle sales in China Passenger vehicle sales in India Passenger car sales in Russia Passenger car sales in Central and Eastern Europe New passenger car registrations in Western Europe New HGV registrations in excess of 6 metric tons in selected Western European countries New car registrations Market share by country of manufacture Development of mobility costs Passenger car exports by country of destination 2012 Overall registrations of new commercial vehicles Total motor vehicle domestic and foreign production and exports Turnover and employment in the automotive supply industry Development in value added distribution by module Europe remains an important region for automotive added-value 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 33 36 37 38 World Economy and World Trade Exports are dependent on market access Examples of high protective customs duties in important future markets Examples of measures posing a challenge to Germany as a production location Average electricity prices for industry EU comparison of industrial electricity prices Natural gas prices for industry in the EU Unit labor costs Share of gross value added by industry in Europe 45 48 49 52 54 55 57 58 Climate and Environmental Protection Policy Major success in reducing road traffic emissions: particulate emissions 62 Major success in reducing road traffic emissions: NOx emissions 62 Major success in reducing road traffic emissions: CO emissions 63 Major success in reducing road traffic emissions: HC emissions 63 New registrations by German manufacturers: CO2 emissions64 CO2 regulations in Europe 65 More reductions in long-term goal achieved rapidly 66 Tire labeling 72 Design of the label 75 Aerodynamic simulation using the generic semi-trailer model 76 Climate effect and damage caused to the ozone layer by coolantsa 78 Greenhouse gas emissions WTW 81 Objective of the natural gas mobility initiative 82 Purchase criteria for alternative drive systems 83 Development of exhaust-gas stages for diesel passenger cars 84 Technical measures for Euro 6 84 241 SCR vehicle inventory in Europe, only German brands 85 Customer-friendly availability of AdBlue®85 Accident frequency index of notifiable work accidents 86 Total energy consumption of German automobile manufacturers per vehicle 90 Total water consumption of German vehicle manufacturers 90 Solvent emissions of German vehicle manufacturers 91 Total waste of German automobile manufacturers 91 Moving away from Oil 92 Transport and Infrastructure Policy Personal transport in Germany up to 2025 The first car of your own is something very special Young people value cars Goods transport in Germany Growing traffic jam problem on German autobahns Use of income from specific transport charges Federal trunk road investment Conservation of resources thanks to trucks The rate of traffic fatalities on autobahns, international comparison 96 97 97 99 100 101 102 106 108 Taxes and Customs Energy tax in Germany Segment structure for company cars 2012 Overview of vehicle tax for passenger vehicles Particle filter retrofitting 2012 and 2013 at a glace 115 118 125 126 Powertrain Engineering Gasoline and diesel drive systems still have a long way to go Clean Diesel 134 140 Vehicle Safety Number of accident fatalities by road user type Information flow in number plate inquiry Introduction deadlines for AEBS in commercial vehicles (new types) Theft protection statistics 145 147 154 155 Technical Specifications and Standardization Decision by the EU Parliament on new limit values VDA Materials Council Rear field of vision from a vehicle Fields of vision 172 176 182 183 Quality Management The worldwide network of VDA QMC licensees 208 Historic Vehicles German Classic Car Index Classic car participation in accidents 213 214 Index 242 Index A Accident figures 144 Accident toll 108 Acoustic perception capability 150 AdBlue® 84 Aftermarket 202 Aftersales 190 Air-conditioning systems 78 Argentina 44 ASEAN 46 Association for the Promotion of Science in Germany (Stifterverband der Deutschen Wissenschaft) 40 Automated driving 164 Automotive banks 192 Automotive Logistics Forum 235 B Barriers to trade 47 Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) 137 Biofuels 79 Bodies and buses 34 Brand and product piracy 197 Brazil 44 Building the network 52 Business trips 123, 124 Bus market 31 C CarIT 159 Cars21 58 Car sharing 97 Car-to-Car/Car-to-I Communication 162 Car use 96 China 17, 45 City toll 104 Clean Diesel 140 CO2 emissions 62 CO2 reduction 15 CO2 regulations 65 Commercial vehicle market 30 Commercial vehicles 34, 148 Commodity prices 51 Company cars 117 Competitiveness 57, 59 Confirmation of receipt 222 Coolants 77 Crude oil 79 Customs 111 Customs duties 127 D Dangerous goods 88 DAT 146 DAT report 190 Design patents 195 Diesel 26, 139 Diesel engines 134 Digital tachograph 184 Domestic production 28 Driver assist systems 145, 161, 164 Driving cycle 168 E ECall 109 Eco-innovations 68 EEG levy 53 Electricity price 53 Electric vehicles 120 Electromobility 136 Emerging countries 39 Emissions 62 Employment 16 Energy costs 52 Energy transition 52 Environmental protection 90 EU environmental policy 89 EURO VI 105 Exports 28 Extenders (REEV) 137 F Family companies 112 FAST 2025 - Future Automotive Industry Structure 38 Federal Ministry of the Environment 62 FMVSS 132 Foreign manufacturing 30 Foreign production 32 Foreign turnover 14 France 58 Free trade agreements 46 FTA 46 G General safety regulation 174 GoING 231 Goods transport 98 H Hybrid drive 135 I IAA 228 iLUC values 80 Increasing tax 113 India 46 Indirect vision 181 Industrialization 58 Industrial policy 58 Infrastructure policy 95 Internal combustion engine 134 243 International Motor Show for Commercial Vehicles (IAA) 228 Investigating the aerodynamic characteristics 76 Italy 58 Q QMC Quality summit 234 Quality management 206 J Japan 46 R R1234yf 78 Range-Extender 137 Rare earth elements 51 R&D expenditure 15 R&D expenses 40 REACH 87, 217 Recycling 90 Rescue data sheet 146 Research and development 15 Research Association of Automotive Technology (FAT) 149 Resource efficiency 89 RFID 178, 221 Road building 101 Russia 45 L Leasing 192 Level of motorization 96 Light commercial vehicles 69 Light vehicles 18 Lightweight construction 90 Lithium-ion batteries 88, 180 Logistics 220 Long-distance 31 Long-distance coach travel 107 Longliner trucks 106 M Main inspection 169 Malaysia 48 Market access 44 Materials council 175 Meeting of small- and medium-sized companies 233 Mercosur 48 Mineral oil tax 100 Motor vehicle tax 100 Multi-track strategy 138 N Natural gas drive 138 Naturalistic driving studies 149 Networking 158 New HGV registrations 24 Noise emissions 170 NOX storage catalytic converter (NSC) 84 NPE 120, 136, 137 O Oliver Wyman 38 P Particle filter retrofitting 126 Passenger car toll 102 Passenger transport 96 Patent law 198 Peak tax balance scheme 114 Philippines 48 Plug-in hybrids (PHEV) 137 Premium strategy 28 Product piracy 195, 197 Protection against theft 155 Protectionism 44, 49 Prototypes 178 Public purse 200 S Sales 188 Selective catalytic reduction 84 Self certification 132 simTD 162 Smart sourcing 38 South Korea 46 Sovereign debt crisis 56 Sovereign indebtedness 57 Standardization 175, 178, 179 Strategy 79 Super-Credits 68 Supplier industry 36 Suppliers 15, 233 Sustainability 79 T Tax policy 112 Thailand 48 The building of filling stations 139 The charter of Turin 215 The Electromobility Conference 229 The fuel cell 139 Time-to-collision 153 Trade agreement 46 Trade barrier 44 Traffic safety 108, 209 Trailers 34 Training and continuing education activities 207 Truck toll 104 Turning off 148 Type approval 173 Type approval process 132 Index 244 U USA 17, 47 Used vehicles 188 US market 18 V VDA Cooperation Portal 39 VDA List of Manufacturers 39 VDA Logistics Award 235 VDA Rating Tool 41 VDA Supplier Round Table 39 VDA Young Business Owners Committee 41 Vehicle safety 143 Vehicle tax 124 Vintage vehicles 212 W WLTP 168 WorkING 231 World trade 43 Imprint PublisherVDA Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (German Association of the Automotive Industry) Behrenstr. 35 10117 Berlin Phone +49 30 897842 - 0 Fax +49 30 897842 - 600 [email protected] Editor VDA Press Department VDA Communications Department Design DANGEROUS. Berlin Printing DCM Druck Center Meckenheim GmbH, Meckenheim ISSN 1869-2915 Copyright Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA) 2013
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