JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY P.O Box 62000-00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: 067-5352181-4, 5352711. Fax 52446, THIKA Office of the Registrar (Academic Affairs) E-mail: [email protected] TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT JANUARY 2015 INTAKE CERTIFICATE, DIPLOMA, BACHELORS AND POSTGRADUATE ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology is a well established public University reputed for producing professionals who are leaders in the fields of Agriculture, Engineering, Enterprise Development, Built Environment, Health Sciences and Applied Sciences. The University, situated in Juja, on the Nairobi-Thika Super Highway has campuses in Nairobi, runs Central Business District Campuses in Mombasa, Kisii, Nakuru, Kisumu, Kakamega, Kitale, Eldoret and Keiyian in Transmara, all offering academic programmes at Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors and Postgraduate levels. Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the certificate, diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate programmes due to start in January 2015. CELEBRATING 20 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP IN TRAINING, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (1994-2014) JKUAT IS ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY P.O Box 62000-00200 Nairobi, Kenya Tel: 067-5352181-4, 5352711. Fax 52446, THIKA Office of the Registrar (Academic Affairs) E-mail: [email protected] TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT UNDERGRADUATE ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES : JANUARY 2015 INTAKE Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) is a well established public University reputed for producing professionals who are leaders in the fields of Agriculture, Engineering, Enterprise Development, Built Environment, and Health Sciences and Applied sciences. The University, situated in Juja, on the Nairobi-Thika Super Highway, 36 kilometers North East of Nairobi City, has Campuses in Nairobi and also runs Central Business District Campuses in Mombasa, Kisii, Nakuru, Eldoret, Kisumu, Kakamega and Kitale all offering academic programmes at Certificate, Diploma, Bachelors and Postgraduate levels. Applications are invited from qualified candidates for the following undergraduate programmes due to start in January 2015. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING PROGRAMMES SR.# Programme Minimum Requirements (i) Be a holder of a HND from KNEC with 1 BSc. in Civil Engineering, Part at least Credit Pass in Civil Engineering, Time/ Day Release Entry to 3rd year Building and Civil Engineering or Water of study - 3 Calendar years Engineering (ii) Be a holder of a HND from KNEC with at least Credit Pass in Civil Engineering, Building and Civil Engineering or Water Engineering with a Pass plus 3 years working experience. Venue NAKURU CBD CAMPUS 11 Bachelor of Commerce (Options: Accounting, Finance, Banking, Marketing, Human Resource & Administration) i) Be a holder of KCSE (or equivalent examination) certificate with a minimum aggregate of C+ and a minimum of C in both Mathematics and English. ii) Be a holder of KACE certificate with a minimum of two principal passes, and a minimum of a credit pass in Mathematics at KCE (Grade C) iii) OR A Holder of a Diploma in Management with a Credit Pass from an Institution recognized by the University senate with a Mean Grade of C-Plain KCSE. iv) NB: Middle Level ( Year 2) entry requirement is a CPA (K) or JKUAT Diploma in Business Administration with a Credit Pass. Main Campus-Juja/ Westlands Campus/ Karen Campus/ Kitale CBD Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Nairobi CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus/ Nakuru CBD Campus, ELDORET CBD Campus 12 Bachelor of Business Information Technology i) Main Campus-Juja/ Westlands Campus/ Kitale CBD Campus/ KISII CBD Campus/ Nairobi CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus/ Nakuru CBD Campus 13 B.Sc. in Economics 14 Bachelor of Business and Office Management i) Be a holder of KCSE (or equivalent examination) certificate with a minimum aggregate of C+ and a minimum of C (Plain) in both Mathematics and English OR ii) Be a holder of any other qualification accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to the above. KISII CBD/ Nakuru CBD Campus, ELDORET CBD Campus 15 Bachelor in Mass Communication JKUAT Main Campus / Westlands Campus/ Karen Campus 16 Bachelor of Development Studies a) Be a holder of KCSE certificate with a minimum aggregate of C+ and a minimum of C (Plain) in English or Kiswahili and a pass in Mathematics Engineering students during a practical session. COLLEGE OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (COHRED) SR.# Programme Minimum Requirements Venue Main Campus-Juja 1 B.Sc. in Procurement and Contract Management 2 Bachelor of Human Main Campus-Juja/ Resource Management Westlands Campus/ Karen Campus/ Kitale CBD Campus/ Kisii CBD i) Be a holder of KCSE (or equivalent Campus/ Kisumu CBD examination) certificate with a minimum aggregate of C+ and a minimum of C in both Campus / Nakuru CBD Campus, ELDORET CBD Mathematics and English. Campus 3 B.Sc. in Main Campus-Juja / Entrepreneurship Westlands Campus/ ii) Be a holder of KACE certificate with a Karen Campus/ Kisii minimum of two principal passes and one CBD Campus/ Kisumu subsidiary pass, and a minimum of a credit CBD Campus pass in Mathematics at KCE, Main Campus-Juja// 4 Bsc. in Public Karen Campus/ Nakuru Administration and CBD Campus, ELDORET Leadership iii) Be a holder of Diploma or professional CBD Campus certificate in a relevant discipline from an 5 Bachelor of Supply institution recognized by the university Senate, Main Campus-Juja / Westlands Campus/ Chain Management ( Karen Campus option: Clearing and Forwarding, Shipping/ iv) Be a holder of any other qualification accepted Marine Management, by the university senate as equivalent to any of Transport and the above. Logistics) 6 7 8 9 10 Bachelor of Cooperative Studies Bachelor of Science in Governance and Leadership Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Security Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Purchasing & Supplies Management Westlands Campus N/B: Middle level entry: Westlands Campus (Only JKUAT Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Westlands Campus Management and Diploma in Human Resource Management holders with credit and above will Westlands Campus/ be eligible to join year II ) Karen Campus WESTLANDS Campus/ Karen Campus/ Kitale CBD Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Nairobi CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus/ Nakuru CBD Campus, ELDORET CBD Campus JKUAT IS ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED 17 Bachelor of Science in Food Service and Hospitality Management 18 Bachelors in Banking 19 Bachelor of Science in Corporate Communication and Management Be a holder of KCSE (or equivalent examination) certificate with a minimum aggregate of C+ and a minimum of C in both Mathematics and English. ii) Be a holder of KACE certificate with a minimum of two principal passes , and a minimum of a credit pass in Mathematics at KCE (Grade C) OR a Diploma or Professional Certificate holder in a relevant discipline or any other qualification from an institution recognized by the University senate with a KCSE Mean Grade of C. NB: Middle Level ( Year 2) entry requirement is a JKUAT Diploma in Business Information Technology with a Credit Pass Mean Grade C+ in KCSE with C+ Plus in Mathematics and C Plain in English OR any other qualification recognized by the University Senate as equivalent to the above. OR b) Be a holder of KACE certificate with a minimum of two principal passes and subsidiary pass in general paper and a minimum of credit pass in Mathematics at KCE. OR c) OR Be a holder of Diploma in the relevant field with minimum of credit pass from JKUAT or from an institution recognized by the University Senate. d) Be a holder of any other qualification accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above. Main Campus-Juja/ Westlands Campus JKUAT Main Campus / Westlands Campus/ Karen Campus/ Kitale CBD Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Nairobi CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus/ Nakuru CBD Campus, ELDORET CBD Campus Westlands Campus/ Nakuru CBD Campus Westlands Campus Westlands Campus N/B: Middle level entry requirement; Be a holder of a relevant Diploma with a CREDIT PASS from JKUAT or an institution recognized by the University Senate. Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation 1 2 3 4 Diploma in Entrepreneurship Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Management Diploma in Human Resource Management 4 Credit pass in any relevant certificate course JKUAT Main Campus/ Westlands Campus/ with at least KCSE Grade C-(Minus) in Mathematics and English Karen Campus/ Kitale CBD Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Nairobi CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus/Nakuru CBD Campus, ELDORET FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE (4 YEAR COURSES) SR.# Programme Minimum Reguirements 1 B.Sc. Agricultural Must have a minimum aggregate of C+ (Plus) in Economics and Rural Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Development and should have a minimum grade of C (plain) in each of the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, 2 B.Sc. Agribusiness Mathematics/Physics/Geography ,OR C (plain) in Management and each of the following subjects: Biological Sciences, Enterprise Development Physical Sciences/ Mathematics/Geography OR 3 B.Sc. Agribusiness Diploma in Horticulture or Agriculture, from a Economics and Food recognized institution. Industry Management CBD Campus CBD Campus Diploma in County Governance 5 Diploma in Business Information Technology 6 Diploma in Development Studies Diploma in Business Administration 7 DIPLOMA PROGRAMMES Minimum mean grade C plain, Mathematics KISII CBD C-, English CJKUAT Main Campus/ i) KCSE Grade C with at least C- in Westlands Campus/ Mathematics and English Karen Campus / Kitale CBD Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Nairobi ii) KCE Division II CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus/Nakuru CBD Campus, ELDORET JKUAT Main Campus/ Westlands Campus/ Karen Campus / Kitale CBD Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus/Nakuru CBD Campus, ELDORET CBD Campus JKUAT Main Campus/ Westlands Campus/ Karen Campus/ Kitale CBD Campus/ Nairobi CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus/Nakuru CBD Campus Kisii CBD Campus JKUAT Main Campus/ Westlands Campus/ Karen Campus/ Kitale CBD Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus/Nakuru CBD Campus, ELDORET CBD Campus 8 Diploma in Microfinance 9 Diploma in Sales and Marketing 10 Diploma in Food and Beverage Service Diploma in Mass a) Be a holder of KCSE C with a minimum JKUAT Main Campus/ Communication aggregate of C- in English or Kiswahili Westlands Campus/ OR Karen Campus b) Be a holder of KCE Division II with credit Diploma in JKUAT Main Campus/ pass in English or Kiswahili Community Westlands Campus/ OR Development Karen Campus/ Kitale c) Be a holder of KCSE C- plus a relevant CBD Campus certificate with credit pass OR Be a holder of any other qualification accepted JKUAT Main Campus/ Diploma in Public by the University Senate as equivalent to any Westlands Campus/ Relations of the above. Karen Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus CERTIFICATE PROGRAMMES Certificate in county i) KCSE Grade C- with at least C- in 3 months at JKUAT Governance Mathematics and English Main Campus/ ii) KCE Division III Westlands Campus/ Karen Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus// Kisumu CBD Campus/ Nakuru CBD Campus, 11 12 13 1 JKUAT Main Campus/ Westlands Campus/ Nakuru CBD Campus JKUAT Main Campus/ Westlands Campus/ Karen Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus/Nakuru CBD Campus Westlands Campus 2 Bridging Course in English/Kiswahili KCSE C 3 -KCSE with minimum aggregate of C- OR Certificate in Mass -KCE Division IV with at least pass in both Communication Mathematics and English/Kiswahili. OR Public Relations -A pass in any relevant course from an Community institution recognized by the University. Development Human Resource Development Sales & Marketing 5 Certificate in Purchasing and Supplies Management. Business Administration -KCSE with minimum aggregate of C- OR -KCE Division IV with at least pass in both Mathematics and English/Kiswahili. OR -A pass in any relevant course from an institution recognized by the University. KAREN CAMPUS/ Kitale CBD Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Nakuru CBD Campus, Foreign Languages French Japanese Chinese German KCSE Certificate or any other Senate approved qualification 12 Weeks: JUJA Main Campus ELDORET CBD Campus Venue Kitale CBD Campus COLLEGE OF PURE AND APPLIED SCIENCES (4 YEARS) SR.# Programme Minimum Requirements Venue Westlands 1 B.Sc. Mathematics KCSE mean grade of C+. In addition, a candidate must Campus/ Karen and Computer have Campus/Kitale CBD Science EITHER The following alternative combinations of cluster subjects, Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Kisumu at the minimum grades shown: CBD Campus Mathematics C+ / Nakuru CBD Pass in any two of the following alternatives Campus/ ELDORET Alternative A CBD Campus Alternative B Chemistry C Physical Science C Physics C Biological Science C Have a minimum of 2 principal passes in science subjects in IGCE/GCE or KACE. OR Have a Diploma in the relevant science subjects from an institution recognized by the University Senate, OR Have any other qualifications accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above. 2 B.Sc. Zoology KCSE mean grade of C+. In addition a candidate must have C in Biology or Biological Sciences and Chemistry, C- in English/Kiswahili and Mathematics or Physics or OR Have a minimum of two relevant principal passes in Science subjects in KACE NB: Diploma Holders with Credit Pass will Join 2nd Year of study whereas HND may join 3rd year of study. 3 B.Sc. in Actuarial Westlands KCSE mean grade of C+. In addition, a candidate must Science have the following combinations of cluster subjects, at the Campus/ Karen Campus minimum grades shown: Mathematics C+ and English C+ OR Have a minimum of 2 principal passes in science subjects in KACE or equivalent examination. OR Have a Credit Pass Diploma in relevant science subjects from an institution recognized by the University Senate, OR Have any other qualifications accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above. ELDORET CBD Campus 3 months full-time at JKUAT main campus/ Westlands Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus KAREN CAMPUS/ Kisumu CBD Campus JKUAT IS ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED Dr. Daniel Sila (r)guides graduate students during a practical session in the Food Science Lab. Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation 4 5 6 1 B.Sc. Biostatistics B.Sc. Statistics B.Sc in Microbiology Bridging Certificate in Mathematics KCSE mean grade of C+. In addition, a candidate must Westlands Campus have the following alternative combinations of cluster subjects, at the minimum grades C+: Mathematics , Chemistry and Biology OR Mathematics , Physical Science and Biological Sciences OR Have a minimum of 2 principal passes in science subjects in KACE or equivalent examination. OR Have a Diploma relevant science subjects from an institution recognized by the University Senate, OR Have any other qualifications accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above. KCSE mean grade of C+. In addition, a candidate must KITALE CBD have the following alternative combinations of cluster campus / Kisii CBD subjects, at the minimum grades shown: Campus/ Kisumu Mathematics C+ and English C+ CBD Campus/ ELDORET CBD OR Have a minimum of 2 principal passes in science subjects Campus in IGCE/GCE or KACE. OR Have a Diploma relevant science subjects from an institution recognized by the University Senate, OR Have any other qualifications accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above. NB: Diploma Holders with Credit Pass will Join 2nd Year Level **This course focuses on statistical science and its application to real problems. Statistical techniques and methodologies including collecting, compilation and designing of experiments and analysis of data are handled. / Karen Campus KCSE mean grade of C+. In addition a candidate must have B- in Biology, C- in Mathematics, C- in Chemistry and at least C- in either English, Kiswahili, Physics, Geography/Agriculture OR Have a minimum of two principal passes in Science subjects in KACE one of which must be Biology OR Have a Diploma in relevant subjects from an institution recognized by the University Senate OR Have a Higher National Diploma with a credit pass in a Microbiology related subject from an institution recognized by the University senate OR Have any other qualifications accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above. NB: Diploma Holders with Credit Pass will Join 2nd Year of study whereas HND may join 3rd year of study. CERTIFICATE COURSES • Mean Grade: KCSE C+ for those aspiring to Westlands Campus/ Karen pursue Degree or Diploma Courses; Campus/ Kitale CBD Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ • Mean Grade: KCSE C for those aspiring to Kisumu CBD Campus/ pursue Certificate Courses. Nakuru CBD Campus/ ELDORET CBD Campus KCSE and must have done Physics Kisumu CBD Campus Bridging Certificate in Physics SCHOOL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SR.# Programme Minimum Requirements Venue 1 B.Sc. Computer Mean Grade: KCSE C+ and an average Grade A- (Minus) JKUAT; MAIN CAMPUS Science in one of the following two combinations of three / Westlands Campus/ subjects taken in KCSE (or equivalent examination); Kitale CBD Campus either Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry OR Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences. 2 B.Sc. Computer Mean Grade: KCSE C+ and an average Grade C+ (Plus) JKUAT; MAIN CAMPUS Technology in one of the following two combinations of three /Westlands Campus/ subjects taken in KCSE (or equivalent examination); Karen Campus either Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry OR Mathematics, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences. Or the equivalent qualification approved by the University Senate. 2 JKUAT is endowed with highly creative, innovative and tech-savvy students JKUAT IS ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED 3 B.Sc. in I.T. – Stage I. 4 B.Sc. in I.T. – Stage II 5 B.Sc. in Business Computing SR.# Programme Diploma in 1 I.T. Stage I Full-time Mean Grade: KCSE C+ (C PLUS) with at least grade C (C PLAIN) in English and Mathematics or Pass in JKUAT Diploma in Information Technology or a Pass in JKUAT Diploma in Computer Technology or Diploma in Management and IT. Or KACE: 2 Principal passes Or the equivalent qualification approved by the University Senate. JKUAT; MAIN CAMPUS /Westlands Campus / Karen Campus/ Kitale CBD Campus/ KISII CBD Campus/ Nairobi CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus / Nakuru CBD Campus • Credit Pass in JKUAT-Diploma Information Technology, JKUAT; MAIN CAMPUS / JKUAT Diploma in Management and IT, JKUAT Bridging Karen Campus/ Nairobi Course in IT, KSPS Advanced Diploma in IT. CBD Campus/ Nakuru Or the equivalent qualification approved by the University CBD Campus Senate. • Mean Grade: KCSE C+ (PLUS) and grade C(Plain) in JKUAT; MAIN CAMPUS Mathematics and English; • 2 Principal passes at A level Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education or A pass in JKUAT-Diploma in Management and I.T. DIPLOMA COURSES Minimum Requirements • Mean Grade: KCSE C (Plain) and grades C- in English and Mathematics. • • 2 Diploma Stage II Full-time Certificate in I.T. Full-time Division II in KCE with credit in English and Mathematics KACE certificate with a subsidiary pass in maths Or the equivalent qualification approved by the University Senate. - A Distinction/credit pass in JKUAT Information Technology Certificate. Venue JKUAT; MAIN CAMPUS/ Westlands Campus / Karen Campus/ Kitale CBD Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Nairobi CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus/Nakuru CBD Campus JKUAT; MAIN CAMPUS JKUAT; MAIN CAMPUS/ Westlands Campus/ Karen Campus Kitale CBD Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Nairobi CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus JKUAT REGIONAL ACADEMY CISCO NETWORKING ACADEMY PROGRAMME & ISACA SR.# Programme Minimum Requirements Venue 1 CISCO Certified Networking KCSE and an interest in IT with basic NAIROBI CBD Associate (CCNA) Module Computer Skills. (Those awaiting KCSE 1-4 ( Each Module takes 2 results can also apply) Months) 2 IT Essentials: PC Hardware KCSE and an interest in IT. (Those NAIROBI CBD/ Kisumu Software awaiting KCSE results can also apply) CBD Campus 3 CISCO Certified Networking Understanding of Computer Networking NAIROBI CBD/ Kisumu Associate (CCNA) Security a prerequisite CBD Campus 3 4 5 6 Mean Grade: KCSE grade COr Division III in KCE Certified Information Security Manager ( CISM) Certified Information Systems Auditor( CISA) CCNA Routing and SwitshingCISCO Relevant Undergraduate Degree in NAIROBI CBD the field of Business or IT Relevant Undergraduate Degree in NAIROBI CBD the field of Business or IT KCSE Mean grade C- (Minus) OR / Kisumu CBD Campus equivalent with at least D (Plain) in Mathematics or Physics OR IT Essentials Certificate with a Pass. (Those awaiting KCSE results can also apply) COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES SR.# Programme Minimum Requirements Venue 1 B.Sc. in Physiotherapy (PT) & BSc. in Occupational Therapy (OT) Direct entry KCSE Mean Grade C+ (Plus) (or equivalent), with at least a C+ in the subject clusters indicated. Alternative A: Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics/ Physics, and English/ Kiswahili Alternative B: Biological Sciences, Physical Sciences, Mathematics, English/Kiswahili Or K.A.C.E with 2 or more principals with one each in Biology and Chemistry. Upgrading program Diploma and Higher Diploma Holders in OT/PT from a recognized Medical Training Institution or its equivalent as recognized by JKUAT will join at year 2 and 3 respectively. MAIN CAMPUS -JUJA 2 B. Sc. Public Health KCSE Mean Grade C+ (Plus) (or equivalent) , C (Plain) in Biology or Biological sciences and Chemistry, C - (Minus) in English/Swahili and C (Minus) in Mathematics/ Physics, Or K.A.C.E. 2 relevant Principal passes Or Diploma or HND in Clinical Medicine, Public Health, Community Health, Human Nutrition, and Pharmacy with a KCSE Mean Grade of C (Plain) and C- in Mathematics & English. Or Be a holder of any other qualification accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above. NB: Diploma Holders with Credit Pass will Join 2nd Year of study whereas HND Holders will Join 3rd year of study. (Full Time & Part Time on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays) MAIN CAMPUS –JUJA / Karen Campus/ Kitale CBD Campus/ KISII CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus / Nakuru CBD Campus Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation 3 4 5 B .Sc. Community Health and Development B. Sc. in Health Records Management and Informatics Bachelor of Radiography; Upgrading Module (Part Time) KCSE Mean Grade C+ (Plus) (or equivalent), C+ (Plus) in Biology or Biological sciences, C (Plain) in English/Swahili, C (Plain) in any two: Mathematics, Chemistry or Physics or Mathematics, physical Science, Geography/Agriculture. Or K.A.C.E. 2 relevant Principle passes Or Diploma or HND in Community Health Development, Clinical Medicine, Public Health, Human Nutrition, and Pharmacy with a KCSE Mean Grade of C (Plain) and C- in Mathematics & English. Or - Be a holder of any other qualification accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above. NB: Diploma Holders with Credit Pass will Join 2nd Year of study whereas HND Holders will Join 3rd year of study. Mode of study: Full Time & Part Time. Part time classes are on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays) MAIN CAMPUS –JUJA/ Kitale CBD Campus/ KISII CBD Campus/ Nakuru CBD Campus KCSE Mean Grade of C+ (Plus). In addition , a student must have either of the qualifications listed below: Alternative A English/Swahili C Biology C Mathematics C Chemistry /Physics C Alternative B English/Swahili C Biological Sciences C Mathematics C Physical Sciences C Or have a Minimum 2 Principal passes in Mathematics and Biology at A’ Levels. EXEMPTIONS: Applicants who hold Diploma in Health Records and Information Technology or any other equivalent qualification from an institution recognized by the JKUAT Senate may be admitted to second year of study Main Campus -JUJA Applicants must have a Diploma or HND in Medical Imaging Science from an institution recognized by the University Senate NB: Learning for the upgrading module will be done on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. MAIN CAMPUS -JUJA B .Sc. Medical Laboratory Sciences – Mature Entry Applicants (Upgrading Module) Applicants must have a Diploma/Higher National Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology from an institution recognized by the JKUAT Senate. 8 Diploma in Clinical Medicine K.C.S.E (or equivalent) Mean Grade C Plain, C Plain in Biology , C Plain in English/Kiswahili; Additional Subjects, C- (Minus) in any two of the following: Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Physical Sciences. Or Be a holder of any other qualification accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above. Kitale CBD Campus 9 Diploma in Medical Records KCSE Grade C plain with C Plain in Biology and English/Kiswahili Kitale CBD Campus 10 Diploma in HIV/ AIDS Management & Counseling (Full time) K.C.S.E. (or equivalent) aggregate C, C- in English/ Kiswahili, Biology Or K.C.E. Division III, Credit pass in English/ Kiswahili, Biology Or K.A.C.E. – Principle pass in Biology Or a holder of Certificate in HIV/AIDS Management. / Karen Campus/ Kitale CBD Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus 11 Certificate in HIVAIDS Management & Counseling K.C.S.E. aggregate COr K.C.P.E. and 2 years of Secondary School Education and proven involvement in HIV/AIDS community programs. / Karen Campus/ Kisii CBD Campus/ Kisumu CBD Campus 12 Health Information Networking (HIN) All HIN applicants must have passed CCNA Routing and Switching Kisumu CBD Campus 7 MAIN CAMPUS -JUJA NB: Learning for the upgrading module will be done on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. MODE OF APPLICATION Applications should be made on prescribed forms obtainable from JKUAT office of the respective schools, faculties or colleges OR from the respective Campuses upon payment of a non-refundable application fee of Kshs.1, 500/- for degree programmes, 1000 for diploma programmes and 500/- for certificate programmes. The money should be paid in anyone of the bank accounts given below. Bank Account Number Barclays Bank 077-5001216 Equity Bank 0090291251426 Standard chartered Bank 0108023434900 Cooperative Bank 01129098952900 The application forms may also be downloaded from the JKUAT website and the deadline for applications is Wednesday 17th December, 2014. For more information contact: The Registrar, Academic Affairs, - JKUAT, Tel: (067) 5352181-4/ 52711, Email: [email protected] OR Contact the addresses given below. Inculcating practical skills to produce highly qualified medical professionals 6 B.Sc. Medical Microbiology KCSE Mean Grade of C+ (Plus). In addition , the KISII CBD applicant must have either of the qualifications listed Campus below: Alternative A Biology C+ Mathematics CChemistry COr a Minimum of 2 Principal passes in science subjects in IGSE/GCE or KACE, one of which must be Biology. Or a Diploma in the relevant science subject from an institution recognized by the University Senate. Or any other qualifications accepted by the University Senate as equivalent to any of the above. EXEMPTIONS: Diploma Holders with Credit Pass will join 2nd year of study, whereas HND Holders will join 3rd year of study. JKUAT IS ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED The Director, The Principal, College of Pure and Applied Sciences P.o. Box 62000-00200 NAIROBI. TEL:254-0675352711;52181-4, 52089 Email:principal.copas@ The Principal – JKUAT KAREN Campus, P.o. Box 62000-00200 NAIROBI. TEL:254-020-892223-4, 891566 Email:Karen_campus@ The DIRECTOR – JKUAT -NAIROBI CBD Campus, P.o. Box 62000-00200 NAIROBI. TEL:254-0202213306/0705950712 Email:infonbicbd@jkuat. The DIRECTOR – JKUAT – KITALE CBD Campus, P.o. Box 3347-30200 NAIROBI. TEL:254-054-30800 Email:info-kitale@jkuat. Director, School of Computing & Information Technology -JKUAT P.o. Box 62000-00200 NAIROBI. TEL:254-0675352711;5352181-4 Email:director@icsit. The Principal – JKUAT WESTLANDS CAMPUS, P.o. Box 62000-00200 NAIROBI. TEL:254-0204447769/0729958003/ 0708241204 Email:westlandscampus@ Principal , College of Human Resource Development (SHRD) P.o. Box 62000-00200 NAIROBI. TEL:254-0675352711;5352181-4, 5352035, 52257-9 Email:[email protected]. The DIRECTOR – JKUAT KISII CBD Campus, P.o. Box 268-40200, KISII. TEL:05831129/ 0722795482 The Principal, College of Health Sciences P.o. Box 62000-00200 NAIROBI. TEL:254-0675352711;5352181-4, 020 52095, Email:director@ The DIRECTOR – JKUAT KISUMU CBD Campus, P.o. Box 3433-40100, KISUMU. TEL:736693960/ 0724333534 The DIRECTOR – JKUAT NAKURU CBD CAMPUS, P.o. Box 1063-20100, NAKURU. TEL:0512216660/ 0714716957 Email:nakurucbd@, [email protected]. The DIRECTOR – JKUAT ELDORET CBD CAMPUS, SIRGOI HOUSE ELDORET-KENYA TEL:0722403077 Email:eldoretcbd@jkuat., [email protected]. Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation Certificate in HIV/Aids Management & Counseling School of Open, Distance and eLearning (SODeL) CONTINUING EDUCATION MODE The School of Open, Distance and eLearning (SODeL) previously known as the Continuing Education Programme (CEP) wishes to announce the January 2015 intake into various programmes to be offered at JKUAT Approved Centres situated in all major towns in Kenya under the Continuing education mode of study. The programmes shall be offered in either fulltime or part time classes at the respective centres. Diploma in Organic Agriculture Curriculum The curriculum offered is approved by the University Senate and taught by Senate approved lecturers and all the examinations are moderated, administered and processed by the University Senate. Awarding and graduation for all qualified Degree and Diploma students will be conducted at the JKUAT main Campus in Juja. Bachelor of Science in Community Health & Development – [BCHD] Bachelor of Science in public Health – [BPH] – Year I entry only JKUAT IS ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED KCSE Mean grade C+ (plus) with: 1. C+ (plus) in Biology or Biological Sciences 2. C (Plain) in English/Kiswahili 3. C (plain) in any two : (i) Mathematics, Chemistry or Physics (ii) Mathematics, Physical Science & Geography/Agriculture NOTE: Diploma holders with CREDIT Pass will join 2nd Year of study whereas HND Holders will join 3rd Year of study. Diploma holders are required to have scored at least Mean grade C and C- in both Mathematics and English • KCSE mean grade of C+ and C (plain) in Biology or Biological Sciences and Chemistry; C- (minus) in English/Kiswahili and C- (minus) in Mathematics/Physics OR • Lake Institute of Tropical Medicine, Kisumu Bachelor of Development Studies –[BDEV] KCSE Mean of C+ and C in Mathematics and English/Kiswahili. OR KACE with 2 Principals and 1 subsidiary pass plus a credit pass in Mathematics at KCE. Bachelor of Purchasing & Supplies Management [BPSM] – Year I & II entry levels Year I entry: KCSE Mean grade of C+ and C in Mathematics and English. OR KACE with 2 Principals and & 1 subsidiary passes, and a credit pass in Mathematics at KCE. Year II entry: Holders of JKUAT Diploma in Purchasing & Supplies Management with Credit & above will be exempted for the first Academic Year. Bachelor of Business Information Technology [BBIT] Bachelor of Commerce and Business Administration [BCOMBA] Lake Institute of Tropical Medicine, Kisumu Four (4) Years KACE with 2 relevant Principal passes OR Diploma in Clinical Medicine, Public Health, Community Health, Human Nutrition, Pharmacy. NOTE: Diploma holders with CREDIT Pass will join 2nd Year Level whereas HND Holders will join 3rd Year Level. Diploma holders are required to have scored at least Mean grade C and C- in both Mathematics and English JKUAT students are able to access learning and teaching resources online. CERTIFICATES & DIPLOMA PROGRAMMES MINIMUM ENTRY CENTRES OFFERING & DURATION REQUIREMENTS • Continental Institute of Computer Diploma in Information Technology KCSE mean C and and Business Studies (CICB) (DIT)- Stage I C- in English and Naivasha Mathematics • Zetech College - Nairobi; • United Africa College, Nairobi (UAC) • Century Park College-Machakos; Certificate in Information Technology KCSE grade C- D+ • African Institute of Research & (CIT) in Mathematics and Development Studies(AIRADS) –Eldoret English Or Division & Kericho Branches; III with Credit pass • Nairobi Institute of Technology (NIT)on Mathematics and Westlands; English in KCE Or the • Regional Centre for Mapping of equivalent. Resources for Development (RCMRD)Kasarani; • Embu College-Embu; • RICCATTI College (DIT–18 MONTHS & CIT–4 MONTHS) • Nairobi Aviation College – Eldoret Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Campus Management –DPSM] KCSE mean C and • Zetech College - Nairobi; Diploma in Business Administration C- in English and • United Africa College-Nairobi(UAC); Mathematics. –[DBA] • Century Park College-Machakos Diploma in Business Information • AIRADS – Kericho Branch; • AIRADS - Eldoret Branch Technology-[DBIT] • Embu College-Embu; Diploma in Marketing –[DMKT] • KENTRAC College Diploma in Human Resource • Century Park College- Machakos Management –[DHRM] • RICCATTI College Diploma in Microfinance –[DMF] (18 MONTHS) Diploma in Public Relation –[DPR] KCSE mean grade C • Zetech College - Nairobi; • AIRADS – Kericho Branch; and C- in English/ • AIRADS - Eldoret Branch Kiswahili and a (18 MONTHS) Diploma in Community Development minimum of D (Plain) -[DCD] in Mathematics. Certificate in Purchasing & Supplies KCSE mean grade of • United Africa College-Nairobi (UAC) • Zetech College - Nairobi; Management –[CPSM] C- (minus). (4 MONTHS) Diploma in Mass Communication KCSE mean grade • Zetech College - Nairobi; -[DMASS] C and grades C- in (18 MONTHS) English/Kiswahili and a minimum of D (Plain) in Mathematics. • Continental Institute of Computer Diploma in HIV/Aids Management & KCSE mean grade C and Business Studies (CICB) Counseling and grades C – (minus) Naivasha in English/Kiswahili • Zetech College – Nairobi and Biology (18 MONTHS) • Continental Institute of Computer and Business Studies (CICB) Naivasha • Zetech College – Nairobi - (4 MONTHS) • Kenya Institute Of Organic Farming (KIOF) (2 years- full time & part time) KCSE mean grade C(plain) and grades C in Biology/ Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Mathematics/Physical 4 semesters including field attachment. Sciences, Geography; OR KCE Division II or equivalent with credits in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics/Physics/ Physical science/ Geography; OR KCSE/ KCE or equivalent plus certificate in Organic Agriculture or related disciplines from institutes recognized by the University Senate. UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMMES JKUAT’s Continuing Education mode of study provides an opportunity to attain internationally recognized JKUAT academic qualifications at your own convenience, near your job location, place of residence, flexible study hours, flexible intakes, affordable cost, for personal or professional enrichment among other benefits. COURSE KCSE a mean grade C-(minus) Four (4) Years • AIRADS – Kericho Branch; • AIRADS - Eldoret Branch 3 years • Zetech College Nairobi 3 years AND 2 Years for Diploma Holders KCSE Mean grade of C+ and grades C in • Zetech College; • NIT; Mathematics and English OR KACE with 2 Principal and 1 subsidiary pass, and a • RCMRD; • EMBU College; credit pass in Mathematics at KCE. NOTE: Holders of Diploma in a relevant • AIRADS (Kericho & Eldoret) discipline with a Credit & above from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate shall be exempted from Year I of study. 3 years Bachelor of Commerce [BCOM] Bachelor of Science in Information Technology [BSCIT] - Year I and Year II entry levels Bachelor of Mass Communication [BMASS] – Year I and Year II levels Year I entry: KCSE with a Mean grade of C+ and C in both English and Mathematics OR KACE with 2 Principal and 1 subsidiary passes OR JKUAT DIT with a PASS Year II entry: JKUAT DIT/ DMIT with Credit pass & above OR Inoorero University Advanced DIT with a credit pass (Candidates must have attained a mean grade of C- (minus) at KCSE level, a minimum pass with a credit at Certificate level and a minimum pass with a credit pass at both DIT and Advanced DIT) Year I entry: KCSE mean grade of C+ and grades C in English/Kiswahili and a minimum pass in Mathematics. OR KACE with 2 Principals and 1 subsidiary pass, and a minimum of a credit pass in English/ Kiswahili at KCE; OR Be a holder of diploma in a relevant discipline from an institution recognized by the University Senate. YEAR II ENTRY: Holders of JKUAT Diploma in Mass Communication with Credit & above will be exempted for the first Academic Year. • • • • Zetech College; NIT; RCMRD; EMBU College; 3 years Zetech College 3 years AND 2 Years for Diploma Holders Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation Bachelor of Business and Office Management [BBOM] – Year I and Year II levels YEAR I ENTRY: KCSE mean grade C+ and grades C in English/Kiswahili and a minimum pass in Mathematics. OR KACE of 2 Principal and 1 subsidiary passes, and a minimum of a credit pass in English/Kiswahili at KCE YEAR II ENTRY: Higher National Diploma in Secretarial Studies from KNEC with CREDIT OR CREDIT pass in Diploma in Business Office Management (DBOM) from Inoorero University (Candidates MUST have scored minimum C(minus) at O-Level) • Zetech College 3 years(8 Semesters) NOTE: For more details about the programmes, Intakes and admission criteria kindly enquire from the respective JKUAT Approved Centers or SODeL Office, Main Campus, Juja. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications for the courses are on official application forms, which may be obtained from the JKUAT approved Centres or JKUAT SODeL Office (Juja) or downloaded from the University website All application forms are obtained upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 500/= for certificates programmes, Kshs. 1,000 for Diplomas and Kshs. 1,500/= for Degrees directly or through bank deposit at any Kenya Commercial Bank branch, Account Name- JKUAT-CEP and Account No. 234630554. For bank deposits, the application forms MUST have a copy of deposit slip attached while for downloaded application forms, a copy of deposit slip should be attached to the forwarded application documents. JKUAT provides a holistic approach to learning Commerce & Economic Studies CLASSES COMMENCE ON MONDAY, 5TH JANUARY, 2015 AT THE RESPECTIVE CENTRES; APPLICATION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, 17TH December, 2014 Bachelor of Commerce [BCOM] THE OPEN, DISTANCE AND eLEARNING PROGRAMMES JKUAT has introduced the new mode of learning coordinated by the School of Open, Distance and eLearning (SODeL) previously known as the Continuing Education Programme (CEP). The School was inaugurated in May 2012 following the combination of the CEP and eLearning sections. The enhanced mandate incorporates the JKUAT Continuing education, Distance learning, Open Learning and eLearning modes of study. JKUAT SODeL wishes to announce the January 2015 Intake into various distance learning programmes to be facilitated online and from JKUAT Approved Centers and JKUAT campuses situated in all major towns in Kenya and in Arusha, Tanzania. Entrepreneurship Bachelor of Science in and Leadership Public Administration This is a golden opportunity to undertake your dream JKUAT Undergraduate Degrees, Diplomas and Certificates courses at your own convenience, in time, location and cost among other benefits. Curriculum The curriculum offered is approved by the University Senate and facilitated by Senate approved lecturers. All the examinations will be moderated, administered and processed by the University Senate. Upon completion of the respective programmes, awarding and graduation by the University senate for all Degree and Diploma students will be at the JKUAT main Campus in Juja. Mode of Delivery For each semester, enrolled students will be required to attend two (2) on-campus sessions and do most of the learning on their own while being supported online through our accomplished learning management system. DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAMMES CERTIFICATES & DIPLOMAS DEPARTMENT IT COURSE Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS KCSE grade C- , D+ in Mathematics and English Or Division III with Credit pass on Mathematics and English in KCE Or the equivalent. IT Diploma in Information KCSE mean C and C- in English and Technology (DIT)- Stage I Mathematics Or Div II in KCE with credit pass in Mathematics and English. College of Health Diploma in HIV/Aids KCSE mean grade C and grades C Sciences Management & counseling – (minus) in English/Kiswahili and Biology College of Health Certificate in HIV/Aids KCSE a mean grade C-(minus) Or Sciences Management & counseling KCE DIV III COURSE Bachelor of Purchasing & Supplies Management [BPSM] Commerce & Economic Studies Bachelor of Business Information Technology [BBIT] Bachelor of Science in Information Technology [BSCIT] -Stage I Computing Bachelor of Science in Business Computing [B.ScBC] -Stage I DURATION Maximum 6 months Maximum 36 months (Including attachment) Maximum 36 months Three Months UNDERGRADUATE DEGREES DEPARTMENT Procurement IT MINIMUM ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Year I entry: KCSE Mean of C+ and C in Mathematics and English. OR KACE of 2 Principal & 1 subsidiary passes, and a credit pass in Mathematics at KCE. Year II entry: Holders of JKUAT Diploma in Purchasing & Supplies Management with Credit & above will be exempted for the first Academic Year. YEAR 1 ENTRY: 1. Be a holder of KCSE (or equivalent examination) certificate with a minimum aggregate of C+ and a minimum of C in both Mathematics and English OR 2. Be a holder of KACE with two principals and a subsidiary pass and a minimum of credit pass in Mathematics at KCE OR 3. Be a holder of a diploma in a relevant discipline from an institution recognized by the University Senate. NOTE: Holders of Diploma in a relevant discipline with a Credit & above from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate shall be exempted from Year I of study. JKUAT IS ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED DURATION Maximum 6 years and 4 years for mid-level entry; 2 Years for Diploma Holders YEAR I ENTRY KCSE (or equivalent examination) certificate with a mean grade of C+ and a minimum of C in both Mathematics and English; OR KACE with two principals and a subsidiary pass and a minimum of credit pass in Mathematics at KCE; OR Holders of a diploma in a relevant discipline from an institution recognized by the University Senate. NOTE: Holders of Diploma in a relevant discipline with a Credit & above from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate shall be exempted from Year I of study. YEAR I ENTRY KCSE (or equivalent examination) certificate with a mean grade of C+ and a minimum of C in both Mathematics and English; OR KACE with a two principals and a subsidiary pass and a minimum of credit pass in Mathematics at KCE; OR Holders of a diploma in a relevant discipline from an institution recognized by the University Senate. NOTE: Holders of Diploma in a relevant discipline with a Credit & above from JKUAT or any institution recognized by the University Senate shall be exempted from Year I of study. Year I entry: KCSE with a minimum of C+ and C in both English and Mathematics; OR KACE with 2 Principals and 1 subsidiary pass; OR JKUAT DIT with a PASS. Year II entry: JKUAT DIT/ DMIT with Credit pass & above. Year I entry: KCSE with a mean grade of C+ and C in both English and Mathematics OR KACE with 2 Principal and 1 subsidiary passes OR JKUAT DBC with a PASS. Year II entry: JKUAT BC with Credit pass & above. REGIONS FROM WHERE THE COURSES WILL BE SUPPORTED AND FACILITATED - Juja- JKUAT Main Campus - Mombasa - Eldoret APPLICATION PROCEDURE Applications for the courses are on official application forms, which are found on the University website The forms are obtainable upon payment of a non-refundable application fee as follows: 1 Scan or take snap shots of your relevant documents (Certificates, Result slips, National Identity Card) using a smartphone in readiness for uploading. 2 Our Business Number is 951200 and Account Name is JKUAT. To pay for application form, please access the M-PESA menu, select Pay Bill option, enter the Business Number then enter Account Number as ODeL-******** where ******** is your National ID Number then the amount (Certificates: Kshs500/-; Diplomas: 1000/-; Degrees: Kshs1,500/-; Masters: 1,500/-). Note the M-PESA nine-digit transaction code before proceeding to the next step. 3 The application form is automatically sent to your email which you provide through this link: 4 Proceed on with filling the form, ensuring all mandatory fields are filled and submit when done. Note: You will be required to present certified copies of the relevant certificates, Result slips, National Identity Card, Birth Certificate for verifications when reporting. For any assistance call +254-704-514511 APPLICATION DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY, 17TH DECEMBER 2014 For more Information please contact: The Director, SODeL, JKUAT P.O Box 62000-00200 NAIROBI Tel: 067-52419; Or 067-52124/52028 Ext. 2232/2336 0722-295988/0704514511 Email: [email protected] Website: Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation JKUAT KEIYIAN CAMPUS - TRANSMARA Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology launched Keiyian Campus in its endeavor to offer accessible training to the people of Keiyian and its environs. JKUAT Keiyian Campus is located in Keiyian Division of Transmara Sub-County, Narok County. TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND It is set within Keiyian Group Ranch in a rich agricultural zone with tea and sugarcane grown on large scale. The Campus is established in an extremely serene environment conducive for learning. JKUAT Keiyian Campus is situated on Kilgoris – Awendo Road, between the two towns (28 KM from Kilgoris and 26 KM from Awendo. It is sandwiched between Nyamaiya and Enoo Saen markets and is approximately 10 KM from Transmara Sugar Factory. TECHNOLOGY NAKURU CBD CAMPUS FULLY ACCREDITED BY KASNEB KASNEB PROGRAMMES JKUAT Keiyian Campus is easily accessible to all the residents of Migori, Rongo, Awendo, Mariwa, Nyamaiya, Keroka, Ngangusu, Masimba, Gesusu, Kisii, Bomet, Kehancha, Kilgoris, amongst other areas. JANUARY 2015 INTAKE JKUAT Keiyian Campus invites applications for admissions into the following programmes scheduled to start in JANUARY 2015. JKUAT Nakuru CBD campus (Nakuru town) is fully accredited by KASNEB and is also a KASNEB Examination Centre in Nakuru. We herby do wish to invite suitably qualified candidates to pursue the following courses commencing January 2015 (Registration is ongoing): S/No. Course Title 1. Diploma in Purchasing and Supplies Management 2. Diploma in Business Administration 3. Diploma in Public Relations 4. 5. Diploma in Business Information Technology Diploma in Human Resource Management 6. Diploma in Information Technology 7. Diploma in County Governance 8. Certificate in County Governance 9. Certificate in I.T. 10. Certificate in Purchasing and Supplies Management Bridging Certificate in Mathematics 11. Entry Requirements i) KCSE Grade C- with at least D+ (Plus) in Mathematics and English ii) KCE Division II Credit pass in any relevant certificate course with at least KCSE Grade D+ in Mathematics and English Or the equivalent qualification approved by the University Senate. i) KCSE Grade C- with at least D+ (Plus) in Mathematics and English ii) KCE Division II Credit pass in any relevant certificate course with at least KCSE Grade D+ in Mathematics and English Or the equivalent qualification approved by the University Senate. i) KCSE Grade C- with at least D+ (Plus) in Mathematics and English ii) KCE Division II Credit pass in any relevant certificate course with at least KCSE Grade D+ in Mathematics and English Or the equivalent qualification approved by the University Senate. i) KCSE Grade C- with at least D+(Plus) in Mathematics and English ii) KCE Division II Credit pass in any relevant certificate course with at least KCSE Grade D+ in Mathematics and English Or the equivalent qualification approved by the University Senate. i) KCSE Grade C- with at least D+ (Plus) in Mathematics and English ii) KCE Division II Credit pass in any relevant certificate course with at least KCSE Grade D+ (Plus) in Mathematics and English Or the equivalent qualification approved by the University Senate. Mean Grade: KCSE C- (Minus) and grades D+ (Plus) in English and Mathematics. Or the equivalent qualification approved by the University Senate. KCSE Grade C- with at least D+(Plus) in Mathematics and English Or KCE Division II Or the equivalent qualification approved by the University Senate. KCSE Grade D+ with at least D+ (Plus) in Mathematics and English KCE Division III Mean Grade: KCSE grade D+(Plus) Or Division III in KCE Mean Grade: KCSE grade D+(Plus) Or Division III in KCE with Credit in Mathematics and English or any Equivalent qualification recognized by the University Senate as equivalent to the above. Mean Grade: KCSE grade C+ for those aspiring to pursue Degree Courses; or Mean Grade C- for those aspiring to pursue Diploma Courses. Duration 1 ½ Years including attachment COURSE TITLE 1. 2. 1 ½ Years including attachment 1 ½ Years including attachment 1 ½ Years including attachment 1 ½ Years including attachment 1 ½ Years including attachment Accounting Technician Certificate (ATC)- LEVEL I & II Certified Public Accountants (CPA) - Section 1 to Section 6 KASNEB REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS: For ATC: Be a holder of KCSE with a minimum aggregate of D+ For CPA: Be a holder of KCSE with a minimum aggregate of C+ with C+ in Mathematics and English OR Degree in Business Related Courses NOTE: All students should be registered with KASNEB for the prospective examinations the following year- 2014 FORM 4 LEAVERS ARE ACCEPTED BY KASNEB BASED ON MOCK RESULTS NOTE: University students pursuing Masters, Degree & Diplomas are encouraged to join CPA programme as their schedules can be tailor made to suit the programme. MODE OF APPLICATION Application forms can be obtained from Nakuru CBD Campus upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Kshs. 500/=. Application forms may also be downloaded from the JKUAT website at www.jkuat. Nakuru campus portal or KASNEB website You can also visit us on facebook [email protected] and twitter #jkuat nakurucbd. Admission to a programme is subject to quorum. ACCOUNT TITLE: JKUAT BANK: NATIONAL BANK A/C NO: 01003059580600 Duly completed forms with the documentation should reach us on or before Wednesday, 17th December 2014 and addressed to: The Director, JKUAT Nakuru Campus, P. O. Box 1063-20100, Nakuru, Kenya. Tel: 051 2216660 Cell: 0714 716957 Fax: 051 2215664 Email: [email protected],[email protected] 1 ½ Years including attachment 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months MODE OF APPLICATION For more details regarding the entry requirements, duration of study and mode of teaching please check in the JKUAT website at 0r Applications should be made on prescribed forms obtainable from the office of the Registrar (Academic Affairs) on payment of a non-refundable application fee of Kshs.1000 for diploma programmes and 500/- for certificate programmes. All applicants are required to pay the application fees to the bank accounts provided; National Bank Ac. # 0100359580600 or Equity Bank Ac. #. 0090291251426 and bring with them the pay in slips when collecting the application forms. Or JKUAT KEIYIAN CAMPUS Contact: 0700 627 512, 0729 634 847 or 0713 786 328 The application forms may also be downloaded from the JKUAT website and the deadline for applications is Wednesday 17TH DECEMBER, 2014. JKUAT IS ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED JKUAT Nakuru CBD Campus Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMMES - JANUARY 2015 INTAKE Applicationsareinvitedfromqualifiedcandidatesforthefollowingpostgraduateprogrammesforthe2015/2016AcademicYearduetostartinJanuary2015. SCHOOL OF COMPUTING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SCIT) (JUJA MAIN CAMPUS) (a) • • • • • • DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTING DoctorofPhilosophyinComputerScience DoctorofPhilosophyinInformationTechnology MastersofScienceinSoftwareEngineering MastersofScienceinComputerSystems MastersofScienceinArtificialIntelligence MastersofScienceinHumanCentered Computing (b) DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY • MastersofScienceinInformationTechnology • MastersofScienceinICTintegrationinEducation andInstructionalDesign SCHOOL OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP, PROCUREMENT AND MANAGEMENT (JUJA MAIN CAMPUS) (a) DEPARTMENT OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP & TECHNOLOGY, LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT • Ph.D.inHumanResourceManagement • Ph.D.inEntrepreneurship • Ph.D.inLeadershipandGovernance • Ph.D.inBusinessInnovationandTechnology Management • Ph.D.inProjectManagement • Ph.D.inStrategicManagement • PostgraduateDiplomainHumanResource Management • PostgraduateDiplomainEntrepreneurship • PostgraduateDiplomainICTManagement • PostgraduateDiplomainProjectManagement • PostgraduateDiplomainStrategicManagement • PostgraduateDiplomainLeadershipand Governance • PostgraduateDiplomainBusinessInnovation andTechnologyManagement • MastersofScienceinEntrepreneurship • MastersofScienceinHumanResource Management • MastersofScienceinICTManagement • MastersofScienceinProjectManagement • MastersofScienceinLeadershipandGovernance • MastersofScienceinStrategicManagement • MasterofScienceinBusinessInnovationand TechnologyManagement (b) DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT AND LOGISTICS • Ph.DinSupplyChainManagement • MastersofScienceinProcurementandLogistics • MastersofScienceinProcurementandContract Management • PostgraduateDiplomainProcurementand Logistics • PostgraduateDiplomainProcurementand ContractManagement • PostgraduateDiplomainSupplyChain Management SCHOOL OF COMMUNICATION AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES (JUJA MAIN CAMPUS) (a) DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES • Ph.D.inDevelopmentStudies • MastersofScienceinDevelopmentStudies (b) DEPARTMENT OF MEDIA TECHNOLOGY AND APPLIED COMMUNICATION • Ph.D.inMassCommunication • Ph.D.inHealthCommunication • MastersofScienceinMassCommunication • MastersofScienceinConflictManagementand Resolution • MastersofScienceinInformationKnowledge andManagement SCHOOL OF BUSINESS (JUJA MAIN CAMPUS) (a) DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS, ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE • Ph.D.inFinance • Ph.D.inAccounting • MastersofScienceinFinanceandAccounting • MastersofScienceinFinance • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MastersofScienceinEntrepreneurship MastersofScienceinHumanResource Management MastersofScienceinProcurementandLogistics MastersofBusinessAdministration MastersofScienceinMassCommunication MastersofScienceinLeadershipandGovernance MastersofScienceinDevelopmentStudies MastersofScienceinAccounting MastersofscienceinProjectManagement MastersofScienceinAppliedMathematics MastersofScienceinStatistics MastersofScienceinZoology(Conservation Biology) MastersofScienceinBotany(Plantecology,Plant physiology,EconomicBotany) MastersofScienceinComputerSystems WESTLANDS CAMPUS (b) DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION • Ph.D.inInternationalBusiness • Ph.DinBusinessAdministration • MasterofBusinessAdministration Options:Finance,Marketing,Accounting, HumanResourceManagementandStrategic Management • MastersofBusinessInformationTechnology • ExecutiveMasterofBusinessAdministration SCHOOL OF OPEN, DISTANCE AND eLEARNING (SODeL) • • • • • • • • • • MasterofScienceinComputerSystems M.Sc.inICTIntegrationandInstructionalDesign MastersinResearchMethods MasterofScienceinStatistics/AppliedStatistics MasterofBusinessAdministration MasterofScienceinProcurement&Contract Management MasterofScienceinEntrepreneurship MasterofScienceinProjectManagement PostgraduateDiplomainICTIntegrationand InstructionalDesign PostgraduateCertificateinICTIntegrationand InstructionalDesign JKUAT CONTINUING MODE PROGRAMMES OFFERED AT JKUAT APPROVED CENTRE – KENYA SCHOOL OF MONETARY STUDIES (KSMS) • • • • • MasterofFinance(MF) MasterofFinancialEconomics(MFE) MasterofEconomicPolicyandAnalysis(MEPA) MasterofPublicPolicyAnalysis(MPPA) PostGraduateDiplomainBusinessScience (PGDBSc) KAREN CAMPUS • • • • • • • • • Ph.D.inHumanResourceManagement Ph.D.inEntrepreneurship Ph.DinBusinessAdministration Ph.DinMassCommunication Ph.DinFinance Ph.D.inAccounting Ph.DinLeadershipandGovernance Ph.D.inSupplyChainManagement ExecutiveMBA JKUAT IS ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Ph.D.inHumanResourceManagement Ph.D.inBusinessAdministration Ph.D.inEntrepreneurship Ph.D.inSupplyChainManagement PhD.Finance PhD.Accounting PhD.InternationalBusiness PhD.inMassCommunication Ph.D.inDevelopmentStudies PhD.inLeadershipandGovernance Ph.D.inProjectManagement Ph.D.inStrategicManagement Ph.D.inInformationTechnology ExecutiveMasterofScienceinGovernanceand Leadership ExecutiveMasterofBusinessAdministration MasterofScienceinMonitoringandEvaluation MasterofScienceinSocialStatistics MasterofScienceinEntrepreneurship MasterofScienceinHumanResource Management MasterofScienceinProcurementandLogistics MastersinBusinessAdministration MastersofScienceinProjectManagement MasterofScienceinMassCommunication MasterofDevelopmentStudies MastersinLeadershipandGovernance MasterofScienceinAccounting MasterofScienceinFinance MasterofScienceinEconomics MasterofScienceinSupplyChainManagement MasterofScienceinComputerSystems MasterofScienceinSoftwareEngineering MasterofScienceinBusinessInformation Technology MasterofScienceinChemistry:Analytical, OrganicandNaturalproductsandInorganic M.Sc.BioinformaticsandMolecularBiology M.Sc.AppliedStatistics M.Sc.inAppliedMathematics M.Sc.inPureMathematics Post Graduate Diploma in: ProcurementandLogistics HumanResourceManagement Entrepreneurship ProjectManagement Accounting Finance Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) ix) Economics Mass Communication Development Studies Leadership and Governance Monitoring and Evaluation Social Statistics Supply Chain Management Applied Statistics NAIROBI CBD CAMPUS • PhDBusinessAdministration(Finance,Strategic Mgt. & Marketing) • PhDinLeadershipandGovernance • PhDinEntrepreneurship • PhDinHumanResourceManagement • PhDinSupplyChainManagement • PhDinDevelopmentStudies • ExecutiveMasterofBusinessAdministration (EMBA) • M.Sc.InHumanResourceManagement • M.Sc.inEntrepreneurship • M.ScinProcurementandLogistics • M.Sc.InICTPolicyandRegulation • • • MastersinDevelopmentStudies • M.Sc.inComputerSystems • MasterofBusinessAdministration(MBA) (Marketing,Finance,orStrategicManagement options) MOMBASA CBD CAMPUS • • • • • • • • • • • • PhDBusinessAdministration Ph.D.ComputerScience Ph.D.ProjectManagement MasterofBusinessAdministration(MBA) MasterofScienceinEntrepreneurship MasterofScienceinHumanResource Management MasterofScienceinProcurement&Logistics MasterofScienceinComputerSystems MasterofScienceinProjectManagement MastersofScienceInOccupationalSafetyand Health MastersofScienceInArtificialIntelligence MastersofScienceInHumanCentered Computing KISII CBD CAMPUS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ExecutiveMBA PostgraduateDiplomainappliedstatistics PostgraduateDiplomainPureandApplied Mathematics MastersofScienceinComputerSystems MastersofScienceinZoology(Conservation Biology) MastersofScienceinBotany MastersofScienceinAppliedStatistics MastersofScienceinAppliedMathematics MastersofScienceinPublicHealth M.Sc.inOccupationalSafetyandHealth MastersofScienceinHumanResource Management MBA(Marketing,Finance,orStrategic Management) MastersofScienceinEntrepreneurship MastersofScienceinProcurementandLogistics MastersofScienceinMicrofinance MastersofScienceinProjectmanagement M.Sc.Finance M.Sc.Microfinance Ph.D.Entrepreneurship Ph.D.HumanResourceManagement Ph.D.BusinessAdministration Ph.D.SupplyChainManagement NAKURU CBD CAMPUS • Ph.D.inBusinessAdministration(Options;, StrategicManagement,MarketingAccounting, Finance,Procurement&Supplychain Management) • Ph.D.inHumanResourceManagement • Ph.D.inEntrepreneurship • Ph.D.SupplyChainManagement • Ph.D.inComputerScience • Ph.D.inInformationTechnology • Ph.D.ProjectManagement • MastersofBusinessAdministration(Marketing, Finance,orStrategicManagement,Accounting options) • MastersofScienceinEntrepreneurship • MastersofScienceinHumanResource Management • MastersofScienceinProcurement&Logistics • MastersofScienceinProjectManagement • MastersofScienceinComputerSystems • PostgraduateDiplomainHumanResource Management • PostgraduateDiplomainProcurement&Logistics • PostgraduateDiplomainEntrepreneurship • PostgraduateDiplomainProjectManagement KITALE CBD CAMPUS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ph.D.inBusinessAdministration(Options; StrategicManagement,Marketing,Accounting& Finance) Ph.D.inHumanResourceManagement Ph.D.inEntrepreneurship Ph.D.SupplyChainManagement Ph.D.DevelopmentStudies Ph.D.LeadershipandGovernance Ph.D.ProjectManagement MasterofBusinessAdministration(MBA) MastersofScienceinEntrepreneurship MastersofScienceinDevelopmentStudies MastersofScienceinHumanResource Management MastersofScienceinProcurementandLogistics MastersofScienceinProjectManagement MastersofScienceinICTPolicyandRegulation Management ExecutiveMastersofBusinessAdministration MastersofScienceinPublicHealth MastersofScienceinCommunityHealthand Development PostgraduateDiplomainHumanResource Management PostgraduateDiplomainProcurementand Logistics PostgraduateDiplomainEntrepreneurship PostgraduateDiplomainProjectManagement PostgraduateDiplomainDevelopmentStudies PostgraduateDiplomainLeadershipand Governance KAKAMEGA CBD CAMPUS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ph.D.inBusinessAdministration Ph.D.inHumanResourceManagement Ph.D.inEntrepreneurship Ph.D.inDevelopmentStudies Ph.D.inSupplyChainManagement Ph.D.inLeadershipandGovernance Ph.D.inProjectManagement Ph.D.inInformationTechnology Ph.D.inFinance Ph.D.inAccounting Ph.D.inHealthCommunication Ph.D.inBusinessInnovationandTechnology Management MasterofBusinessAdministration(MBA) MasterofScienceinEntrepreneurship MasterofScienceinHumanResource Management JKUAT IS ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED • • • • • • • • MasterofScienceinProcurement&Logistics MasterofScienceinProjectManagement MasterofScienceinDevelopmentStudies MasterofScienceinFinance&Accounting MasterofScienceinFinance MasterofScienceinProcurement&Contract Management M.Sc.inStrategicManagement M.Sc.ComputerSystems KISUMU CBD CAMPUS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ph.D.inBusinessAdministration Ph.D.inHumanResourceManagement Ph.D.inEntrepreneurship MasterofScienceinAppliedStatistics MasterofBusinessAdministration(Financeor Strategic Management) MasterofScienceinEntrepreneurship MasterofScienceinMicrofinance MasterofScienceinHumanResource Management MasterofScienceinProcurement&Logistics MasterofScienceinProjectManagement MasterofScienceInOccupationalSafety& Health MasterofScienceinComputerSystems ExecutiveMBA PostGraduateDiplomainAppliedStatistics ELDORET CBD CAMPUS • • • • • • • • • Ph.D.inBusinessAdministration(Options; StrategicManagement,Marketin,Accounting& Finance) Ph.D.inHumanResourceManagement Ph.D.SupplyChainManagement MasterofBusinessAdministration(MBA)- (Options:Finance,StrategicManagementand Accounting) MastersofScienceinHumanResource Management MastersofScienceinProcurementandLogistics MastersofScienceinAppliedStatistics PostgraduateDiplomainHumanResource Management PostgraduateDiplomainProcurementand Logistics MODE OF APPLICATION Formoredetailsregardingtheentryrequirements, durationofstudyandmodeofteachingforcoursework Applications should be made on prescribed forms obtainable from JKUAT office of the Director, Board of Postgraduate Studies OR from the respective Campuses upon payment of a non-refundable application fee of Kshs.1, 500/- Cash or at Barclays Bank AC/NO 0775001216.Theapplicationformsmayalsobedownloaded fromtheJKUATwebsite. OriginalReceiptwillbegivenbyCashieratJKUATFinance office upon payment of the application fee or upon presentingthebankslip. DEADLINE Thedulycompleted3forms,3passportphotosize,3copies of certificates, 3 copies of transcripts, 3 copies of receipt shouldbereturnedto:TheDirector,BoardofPostgraduate Studies, JKUAT, P.O. BOX 62000-00200, NAIROBI, OR to the respective campuses NOT later than Wednesday 17th December, 2014. For more information contact: TheDirector,BPS,JKUAT,Tel:067-52711Ext.6114 MobilePhone: 0708-602-225 Email:[email protected], DirectorofrespectiveCampusOR ChairpersonoftherespectiveDepartment Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY JKUAT in collaboration with the Kenya Airways invites applications for the January 2015 intake for the following programmes offered at the KQ Pride Centre I. PHD PROGRAMMES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. PH.D. IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PH.D. IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP PH.D. IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PH.D. IN LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE PH.D. IN SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT PH.D. IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT PH.D. IN DEVELOPMENT STUDIES PH.D. IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT PH.D. IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MinimumQualifications i. Master Degree in a relevant discipline ii. MasterDegreefromJKUATORitsequivalentfromarecognizedinstitution/university provided such applicant shall have passed the prescribed prerequisite course units at Master’s level. iii. HoldersofEMBAoranyotherexecutivedegreeprogramsdonotqualify. 10. PH.D. IN FINANCE MinimumQualifications i. M asterDegreeinFinanceORBusinessAdministration,FinanceorAccounting OptionsprovidedtheyhavequantitativeBachelor’sdegreeORinFinance,Economics, AccountingorrelateddisciplinesfromJKUAToritsequivalentfromarecognized institution/University ii. OtherMasterDegreefromJKUATORotherrecognizedinstitution/universitycoupled withFinanceprofessionalmembershipandqualificationswithresearchinand consultancyinterestsinFinanceandAccounting. 11. PH.D. IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MinimumQualifications MinimumQualifications i. B achelordegreewithatleastUpperSecondClassHonoursORequivalentfroma recognizedUniversity OR ii. BachelordegreewithLowerClassHonoursplusatleastthreeyearsrelevantexperience OR iii. BachelordegreewithPassplusatleastfiveyearsrelevantpostgraduateexperience III. POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, PROCUREMENT AND LOGISTICS, PROJECT MANAGEMENT, LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE, STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT and INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT MinimumQualifications elevantBachelordegreefromarecognizedUniversity R DURATION:1calendaryear IV. BACHELOR PROGRAMMES 1. 2. 3. 4. BACHELOR OF COMMERCE BSC IN PURCHASING AND SUPPLIES BSC IN BUSINESS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY BSC IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MinimumQualifications eanGradeC+inKCSEandabovewithCinMathematicsandCinEnglishORKACE M certificatewithaminimumoftwoprincipalpassesandaminimumofcreditpassin MathematicsatKCEORDiplomaORprofessionalcertificateholderanddiplomainthe relevantfieldwithaCreditpassfromaninstituterecognisedbytheUniversitySenate withKCSEMeanGradeC. DURATION:3calendaryears(8semestersofferedintrimestersystem) i. M asterdegreeinComputingORComputerScienceORInformationTechnologyOR SoftwareEngineeringORComputerTechnologyORComputerEngineering(Thesis option)orrelatedfield; AND ii. Anyofabove2.i.BachelordegreeofatleastSecondClassHonoursUpperDivisionfrom recognizedUniversity; OR iii. BachelordegreeinMathematics,Physics,withaPostgraduateDiplomainComputing ORComputerScienceORInformationTechnologyORSoftwareEngineeringOR ComputerTechnologyORComputerEngineeringorrelatedfield. DURATION: 3yearsprogramme(11/2yeartrimestercoursework–1calendaryear and2yearsthesis) V. EXECUTIVE MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION II. MASTER PROGRAMMES PATTERN OF PROGRAMMES: 1. MSC IN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING MinimumQualifications i. B achelordegreeinComputerScienceORComputerTechnologyORInformation Technology,MathematicsandComputerscience,andElectronicEngineeringofat leastUpperSecondClassHonoursofJKUAT ii. Bachelordegreeinarelateddiscipline:Engineering,Mathematics,Statisticsand PhysicsofatleastUpperSecondClassHonoursandholdsaPostgraduateDiplomain ComputerScienceofaminimumCreditgradefromaninstitutionrecognizedbysenate oranequivalentqualificationfromaninstitutionrecognizedbySenate. 2. MSC IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MinimumQualifications i. B achelordegreeinComputingORComputerScienceORInformationTechnologyOR ComputerTechnologyORComputerEngineeringorrelatedfieldofatleastUpper SecondClassHonoursfromarecognizedUniversity. ii.Anyofabove2.i.BachelordegreeofatleastLowerSecondClassHonoursfroma recognizedUniversitywithatleastthreeyears’experience. 3. MSC IN COMPUTER SYSTEMS 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. MSC IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP MSC IN HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT MSC IN PROCUREMENT AND LOGISTICS MSC IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT MSC IN LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE MSC IN STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT MSC IN INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MASTER IN MASS COMMUNICATION i. MinimumQualifications achelor’sdegreeinanydisciplineORitsequivalentfromanInstitutionrecognizedbythe B UniversitySenatewithatleasttwoyearsworkingexperience OR ii. DiplomaoranyprofessionalqualificationinanydisciplineORitsequivalentfroman InstitutionrecognizedbytheUniversitySenatewithatleastfouryearsmanagerial experience OR iii. �O’Levelor�A’LevelCertificateswithmorethanfiveyearsworkingexperiencein managerialposition DURATION:2calendaryears Weekday-evenings(5pm–8pm)and Weekends-(8am-6pm)offeredat TheKQ-PrideCentre MODE OF APPLICATION: Applicationsshouldbemadeonprescribedformsobtainablefromandreturnedto addressesgivenbelowuponpaymentofnon-refundableapplicationfeeofKSh1,500/= BarclaysBankAccountNumber077-5001216.Applicationformsmayalsobedownloaded OriginalReceiptwillbegivenbyCashieratJKUATFinanceofficeuponpaymentofthe applicationfeeandpresentingthebankslip. Thedulycompleted3forms,3passportphotosize,3copiesofcertificates,3copiesof transcripts,3copiesofreceiptshouldbereturnedto: JKUAT KQ PRIDE CENTRE JomoKenyattaUniversityofAgricultureandTechnology P.O.Box62000-00200,City-Square,Nairobi. Email:[email protected] TEL:0719828131/0735015175 THE KENYA AIRWAYS PRIDE CENTRE EmbakasiRoad,OffAirportNorthRoad Email:[email protected] Tel:0206422832/0711022832/0734102832 Embakasi,Nairobi,Kenya TECHNOLOGY FOR DEVELOPMENT JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND TECHNOLOGY JKUAT Arusha Centre Executive Training Centre (ETC) P. O. Box 16857, Arusha, Tanzania, Website: EXECUTIVE COURSES (JANUARY – JUNE 2015) Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology is pleased to announce the following executive short courses to be offered at its Arusha Centre starting January 2015. The courses target middle and senior level managers in both public and private sector organizations. Interested individuals and organization are requested to contact the Coordinator using the contact details shown below. PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PM) S/No Course Title 1. Project Planning and Proposal Writing Project Management Strategies 2 and Tools Best Practices in Project Risk 3 Management Project Monitoring and 4 Evaluation using Ms. Project Project Costing and Budgeting 5 6 7 Results-oriented Project Monitoring and Evaluation Project Exit and Sustainability Strategy ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (ESBM) Fee Duration Dates US$ 750 3 days 14th – 16th January 2015 US$ 750 3 days 21st – 23rd January 2015 US$ 750 3 days 4th – 6th March 2015 US$ 4 days 10th – 13th March 1100 2015 US$ 750 3 days 18th – 20th March 2015 US$ 750 3 days 24th – 26th March 2015 US$ 750 3 days 14th – 16th April 2015 Venue The Impala Hotel The Impala Hotel The Impala Hotel JKUAT Arusha Campus The Impala Hotel The Impala Hotel The Impala Hotel HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HRM) S/No Course Title 1. Innovative Human Resource Management Practices 2. Strategic Human Resource Management 3. Workplace Ethics, Values and Integrity 4. Achieving High Employee Productivity through the Workplace Environment 5. Achieving Competitive Advantage through People 6. The Leadership Challenge in the 21st Century 7. The Modern Secretary 8. 9. Fee Duration Dates US$ 780 3 days 4th – 6th February 2015 US$ 780 3 days 10th – 13th Feb. 2015 US$ 750 3 days 18th – 20th March 2015 US$ 750 3 days 25th to 27th March 2015 US$ 750 3 days US$ 765 3 days US$ 750 3 days The Changing Role of the US$ 3 days Effective Chief Executive Officer 1200 in the 21st Century The Effective Manager US$ 810 3 days 25th – 27th March 2015 8th – 11th April 2015 15th – 17th April 2015 6th – 8th May 2015 26 – 27 May 2015 th th Venue Naura Springs Hotel Naura Springs Hotel City Link Hotel City Link Hotel City Link Hotel Naura Springs Hotel Fee Duration Dates US$ 745 3 days 18th – 20th February 2015 US$ 765 3 days 11th – 13th March 2015 US$ 750 3 days 27th – 29th April 2015 3 days 4th – 6th May 2015 US$ 750 3days US$ 785 3 days 7. Business Process Outsourcing US$ 750 3 days 8. Achieving Organizational Effectiveness through Procurement US$ 765 3 days 13th – 15th May 2015 18th – 20th May 2015 27th – 29th May 2015 24th – 26th June 2015 Venue City Link Hotel City Link Hotel City Link Hotel City Link Hotel City Link Hotel City Link Hotel City Link Hotel City Link Hotel JKUAT IS ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED Venue New Safari Hotel US$ 760 3 days New Safari Hotel 10th – 12th June 2015 New Safari Hotel New Safari Hotel New Safari Hotel Fee Duration Dates US$ 785 3 days 27th – 29th April 2015 Venue JKUAT Arusha Campus US$ 750 3 days JKUAT Arusha Campus JKUAT Arusha Campus US$ 1000 4 days 27th – 29th February 2015 16th – 19th June 2015 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING (FINA) S/No City Link Hotel Naura Springs Hotel Fee Duration Dates US$ 740 3 days 9th – 11th March 2015 US$ 740 3 days 18th – 20th March 2015 US$ 810 3 days 22nd – 24th April 2015 US$ 760 3 days 3rd – 5th May 2015 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) S/No Course Title Innovative Database and Information Management Systems Achieving Information Safety and Security Data Analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) City Link Hotel SUPPLY CHAIN AND PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT (SCPM) S/No Course Title 1. Managing the Procurement Function 2. Strategic Procurement Management 3. Effective Stores and Supplies Management 4. Integrity and Ethics in Procurement 5. Managing Relationships in Procurement 6. E-Procurement Strategy S/No Course Title Identification and Validation of Business Opportunities Innovative Small Business Management Strategies Creating and Entrepreneurial Organization Writing Bankable Business Plans Market Identification and Innovative Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses Course Title Financial Management for Non-finance Managers Computerized Accounting Systems Financial Analysis and Reporting Fee US$ 750 US$ 785 US$ 750 Duration Dates 3 days 25th – 27th February 2015 3 days 27th – 29th April 2015 3 days 13th – 15th May 2015 Venue Impala Hotel JKUAT Arusha Campus Impala Hotel Note: 1. The fee covers the cost of full board accommodation, training, training materials, transport from and to point of arrival and, certification. Participants who wish to attend the courses on non-residential basis with pay less accommodation costs. 2. All training programmes will be conducted at venues indicated unless notified in advance. 3. Participants shall be required to pay the training fee (in Cheque form) on the first day of training. 4. The Centre has the capacity to design tailor-made in-house courses based on specific client needs. CONTACT: For enquiries, details and bookings please contact: The Coordinator Executive Training Centre (ETC) JKUAT Arusha Centre P. O. Box 16857, Arusha, Tanzania Telephone: +255 27 2543577, Mobile: +255 767 326639 Email: [email protected] Setting Trends in Higher Education, Research and Innovation
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