From by guest on January 12, 2015. For personal use only. RAPID COMMUNICATION Drosophila Forkhead Homologues Are Expressed in a Lineage-Restricted Manner in Human Hematopoietic Cells By Robert Hromas, Jason Moore, Timothy Johnston, Carolynn Socha, and Michael Klemsz The forkhead gene (FKH) regulates morphogenesis in Drosophila. It is the prototypeof a new family of transcriptional activators. Partially degenerate oligonucleotides to two conserved amino acid sequences of this family were used to prime a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of HEL cell cDNA. Two unique clones, designated H3 and H8, were isolated that contained homologies to FKH. A third novel clone, 5-3, was isolated by low stringency screening of a chronic myelogenous leukemia cDNA library using H8 as a probe. H3 and 5-3 are preferentiallyexpressed in restricted hematopoietic lineages, while the expression of H8 was ubiquitous. Southern analysis showed that FKH 5-3 is conserved through yeast, which is rare among tissuespecific transcriptionfactors. The H3 and 5-3 clones provide evidence that FKH family members are present in a tissuerestricted manner in humans. 0 1993 by The American Society of Hematology. T Because most of phenotypic change during development is regulated at the level of transcription, we sought to ascertain whether there were human FKH homologues that might play a role in hematopoiesis. The fact that some of the Drosophila FKH domain genes were expressed in developing mesoderm was especially intriguing, because hematopoiesis begins in the mesoderm. We synthesized partially degenerate oligonucleotides to two conserved regions of the FKH family. They were used to prime a PCR amplification of HEL cell cDNA. Three clones were ultimately obtained that contained strong homologies to the FKH domain. Two of these clones, H3 and 5-3, are expressed in a lineage-restricted manner in blood cells. HE FORKHEAD (FKH) gene controls morphogenic development in Drosophila.’ FKH and a rat hepatic transcription factor HNF-3A were recently found to be related.2,3 The highest region of identity was in the DNA binding domain of HNF-3A. Thus, FKH defined a new family of transcription factors that regulated development. Several other FKH family members from rat liver, Drosophila, yeast, and Xenopus have been cloned4-’ (and T. Davis, University of Washington, personal communication, July 1992). The new Drosophila FKH genes (FDI through 5, and SLPI and 2) are expressed in developing gut, mesoderm, or neural tissue. SLP 1 and 2 are essential for normal Drosophila morphogenesis. The Xenopus FKH domain gene (XFKH I ) is activin-inducible and selectively expressed in the blastopore lip, a region that organizes body axis formation. The prototype of mammalian FKH genes, HNF-3A, activates transcription of the liver transthyretin (prealbumin) gene by binding to the promoter sequence TGACTAAGTCAATAATCAGA (-1 I O to -90 from the start ~ i t e ) .This ~ , ~sequence is not homologous to any other transcription factor DNA binding sequence. HNF-3A is expressed in other tissues besides the liver,4 and thus may not be the sole reason for the tissue-specificity of transthyretin expression. The other rat liver FKH genes, HNF3B and C, also bind to and activate transcription from the same sequence. Recently, two ubiquitous human FKH domain genes, termed HTLF and ILF, were cloned based on binding to the HTLV-1 long terminal repeat (LTR).9,10These human FKH genes are dissimilar to the other FKH genes, and appear to bind to unrelated sequences. From the Departments of Hematology/Oncology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, and Immunology, the Walther Oncology Center, the Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis. Submitted January 22, 1993; accepted February 22, 1993. Address reprint requests to Robert Hromas, MD, Departments of Medicine and Biochemistry, The Walther Oncology Center, Indiana UniversityMedical Center, 975 W Walnut St, Indianapolis,IN 462025121. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C. section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1993 by The American Society of Hematology. 0006-4971/93/8111-0044$3.00/0 2854 MATERIALS AND METHODS Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Partially degenerate oligonucleotides were synthesized to two highly conserved regions of the FKH domain, ITMAIQ for the 5’ primer and NMFENG for the 3’ primer. The actual primer sequences were: 5’-ATCACCATGGC(A/C/T)AT(A/C/T)CAG %fold degeneracy; 3’ primer-(C/G/A)CCGTTCTC(G/A)AACAT(G/A)TT I 2-fold degeneracy. These sequences were chosen based on codon usage at these positions for drosophila FKH, HNF-3A, B, C, and XFKH-1. The 3� primer was used to prime a cDNA reaction from 1 pg of poly A+ RNA from the human erythroleukemia cell line, HEL. The cDNA synthesis was performed in a final volume of 100 pL, containing 1X TAQ DNA Polymerase buffer, 0.5 mmol/L deoxynucleotides, 2 mmol/L dithiothreitol, 1 pL RNasin (Promega Biotec, Madison, WI), and 5 U of Molony sarcoma virus reverse transcriptase (Pharmacia, Piscataway, NJ). After 1 hour at 42”C, the 5� primer was added and the reaction denatured for 5 minutes at 94°C. Five units of TAQ polymerase (Perkin-Elmer/Cetus, Nonvalk, CT) was added and the reaction amplified for 30 cycles at 94°C for 2 minutes, 48°C for 2 minutes, and 72°C for 2 minutes. Cloning. The amplified reaction was electrophoresed on a 2% agarose gel, and an appropriate-sized fragment (237 bp) was excised (Fig 1). The isolated fragment was ligated into the EcoRV site of pBluescript KS+ (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA). The inserts were sequenced using Sequenase 2.0 according to the manufacturer’s instructions (USB, Cleveland, OH). Sequencingthese PCR amplification products showed two novel FKH domains. These were called FKH H3 and H8. These two inserts were used to screen for other FKH genes under low stringency a chronic myelogenous leukemia cDNA X GTI 1 library, as previously described.” One other novel human FKH domain, 5-3, was obtained this way. The Genbank accession numbers fortheseclonesareasfollows: FKH H3 (L12141), FKHH8 (L12142), and FKH 5-3 (L12143). Blood, Vol 81, No 11 (June 1). 1993: pp 2854-2859 From by guest on January 12, 2015. For personal use only. HEMATOPOIETIC FORKHEAD GENES 2855 Expression ana/vsis. Poly A+ RNA was isolated using the Microfasttrack kit (Invitrogen. San Diego. CA). Cell lines were obtained from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC, Rockville. MD) except for HEL cells, which were the generous gift of Dr Thalia Papayannoupolou (University of Washington, Seattle). RNA was denatured by glyoxalation. electrophoresed on a l % agarose gel, and blotted to a nylon membrane. A normal human tissue Northern blot and a Southern blot containing digested DNA from multiple species were purchased from Clontech (Palo Alto, CA). Novel FKH clones were excised from pBluescript and labeled with '*P by random priming for hybridization. The blots were hybridized at a stringency of 55°C. 4X SSPE. and 40% fonnamide, and washed at a final stringency of 65°C and 0.1 X SSC. For these hybridization studies, complete cDNAs obtained from the CML library were used as probes for H8 and 53. For H3, a complete cDNA was cloned from a H e 6 2 hepatoma cDNA library. RESULTS Fig 1. Ethidium bromide agarose gel electrophoresis of PCR products. The arrow denotes the approximate 237-bp product. This was isolated and cloned into the EcoRV site of pBluescript KS Clones were screened for FKH homology by double-strandeddidexy sequencing. Markers are in the far left lane. HL60 cell cDNA PCR products are in the lane closest to the markers, while HEL cell cDNA PCR products are in the far right lane. The intense band below the indicated FKH band are the degenerate primers. +. Three different novel FKH domains Sequence an&is. were isolated (Table I). Two were obtained by PCR,H3 and H8. Although related to the FKH family at the amino acid level, they were different from any previously described member. The last FKH clone, designated 5-3. was obtained by low stringency screening of a CML cDNA X G T 1 I library. In Table I , these three human FKH domains are compared with the known FKH genes. The FKH clone 5-3 is the most 0 2 H3 (v xM 1 Y 1.8- + + 5.0- H8 3.0- 5-3 + Fig 2. Poly A Northem analysis of the expression pattems of the human FKH genes in several hematopoietic cell lines. The probe used is indicated on the left, while the size of the hybridization species is on the right. H8 is ubiquitously expressed, although it appears to be moderately inducible with retinoic acid. H3 and 5-3 have restricted patterns of expression. ACTIN +2.1 KB From by guest on January 12, 2015. For personal use only. 2856 HROMAS ET AL Table 1. Conserved Forkhead DNA Binding Domain HCM SLP- 1 SLP-2 FKH FDI FD2 FD3 FD4 FD5 HNF-3B HNF-3A HNF-3C XFKH-I ILF HTLF H3 H8 5-3 RRINGELAKKPPYSYATLICLAILQSQEGNVTLSQIYHWIHVHFPYYKQKDASWQNSI QKMTAGSDTKPPYSYNALIMMAIQDSPEQRLTLNGIYQYLINRFPYFKANKRGWQNSI PVKDKKGNEKPPYSYNALIMIRQSSEKRLTLNGIYEYI~RFPYFKA~GWQNSI TYRRSYTHAKPPYSYISLITMAIQNNPTRMLTLSEIYQFIMDLFPRYRQNQQRWQNSI APHQNKEIVKPPYSYIALIAIQNAADKKVTLNGIYQYIMERFPYYRDNKQGWQNSI FLHNSHRPEKPPFSYIALIAISSAPNQRLTLSGIYKFIMDKFPYYRENKQGWQNSI SGSSGPLV"KPPYSYIALITMAILQSPHKKLTLSGICDFIMSRFPYYKDKFPAWQNS1 PSRESYGEQKPPYSYISLTAMAIWSSPEKMLPLSDIYKFITDRFPYY~NTQRWQNSL PLKMSYGDQKPPYSYISLTAIIHSPQRFVPLSEIYRFIMDQFPFYRKNTQKWQNSL TYRRSYTHAKPPYSYISLITMAIQQSPNKMLTLSEIYQWIMDLFPPYRQNQQRWQNSI TFKRSYPHAKPPYSYISLITMAIQQAPSKMLTLSEIYQWIMDLFPYYRQNQQRWQNSI GYRRPLAHAKPPYSYISLITMAI9QAPGKMLTLSEIYQWIMDLFPYYRENQQRWQNSI TYRRNYSHAKPPYSYISLITMAIQQAPNKMMTLNEIYQWIVDLFPYYRQNQQRWQNSI GGDSPKDDSKPPYSYAQLIVQAITMAPDKQLTLNGIYTHITKNYPYYRTADKGWQNSI QKKKSAT"SKPPYSFSLLIYMAIEHSPNKCLPVKEIYSW1LDHFPYFATAPTG~NSV GYR~AHAKPPYSYISLITMAIQQAPGK~TLSEIYQWIMDLFPYYRENQ~QNSI RSR-kSPRHGKPPYSYTALITMAIQNAPDKKITgNGIYQFIMDR_NPFYRDNKQGWQNSI SKP*KNSIVKPPYSYTALInIQQSPQKKLTLSGICQFISNRFPYYREKFPAWQNSI - - - - ..KPPYSY--LI-MAI--------TL--IY--I---FPYYR-----WQNSI ... HCM SLP-1 SLP-2 FKH FD 1 FD2 FD3 FD4 FD5 HNF-36 HNF-3A HNF-3C XFKH-1 ILF HTLF H3 H8 5-3 RHNLSLNDAFIKTEKSCDGKGHFWEVRPGAETKFFKGENi*RGYEFVKDSLQD RHNLSLNKCFTKIPRSYDDPGKGNYWILDPSAEEVFIGGSTGKLRRRTTAASR RHNLSLNKCFVKVPRHYDDPGKGNYWILDPSAEEVFIGETTGKLRRKNPGASR RHSLSFNDCFVKIPRTPVKPGKGSFWTLHPDSGNMFENG**CYLRRQKRFKDE RHNLSLNECFVKVARDDKKPGKGSYWTLDPDSYNMFDNG*"SFLRRRRRFKKK RHNLSLNDCFVKIPRANDSAGKGSYWMLDSSASDMFEQG**NYRRRRTRRQRH RHNLSLNDCFIKVPREPGNPGKGNFWTLDPLAEDMFDNG**SFLRRRKRYKRA RHNLSFNDCF1KVPRRPDRPGKGAYWALHPQAFDNFENG"j;SLLRRRKRFKLH RHNLSFNDCFIKVPRNVTKAGKGSYWTLHPMAFDMFENG**SLLRRRKRFRVK RHSLSFNDCFLKVPRAPDKPGKGSFWTLHPDSGNMFENGCYLRRQKRFKCE RHSLSFNACFVKVARSPDKPGKGSYWTLHPDSGNMFENG*KCYLRRQKRFKCE RHSLSFNDCFVKVARSPDKPGKGSYWALHPSSGNMFENGJinCYLRRQKRFKLE RHSLSFNDCF1KVPRSPEKPGKGSYWTLHPESGNMFENG';"CYLRRQKRFKCE RHNLSLNRYFIKVPRSQEEPGKGSFWRIDPASESKL1EQ""AFRKRRPPGVPC RHNLSLNKCFQKVERSHGK+GKGSLWCVDPEYKPNLI"Q**ALKKQPFSSASS RHSLSFNDCFVKVARSPDKPGKGSYWALHPSSGNMFENG""CYLRRQKRFKLE RHNLSLNECFVKVPR_DKKPGKGSYRTLDPDSYNMFENG""SFLRRRRRFKKK RHNLSLNDCFgKIPREPBKGNYWTLDPQS_DEMFDNG*%3FLRRRKRFK&H RHNLS-N-CF-K..R...-.GKG--W.L-p...--F--G-...LRR--R---. Comparison of the amino acid sequence of the entire conserved DNA binding domains of every known FKH gene with the H3, H8, and 5-3 human FKH genes. A consensus FKH DNA binding domain is listed at the bottom. An amino acid was considered consensus if it was present at 14/18 sites. The asterisk (*) indicates that there are gaps in the conserved amino acid sequences. The inverted bar (A)indicates that there is an insertion of 8 amino acids here that are not in any other FKH domain. The plus (+) indicates that there is a 2-amino acid insertion in the HTLF not in any other FKH gene. These three human genes are underlined where they are different from all other previously described FKH domains. divergent at the amino acid level from the other known FKH genes of the clones described here. The FKH domain H3 was different at five amino acids from the FKH of rat HNF-3C. It also is similar but not identical to HNF-3C in the flanking regions around the FKH domain. Thus, it is possible that it is the human homologue to HNF-3C. However, we did sequence another PCR fragment that had only two amino acid differences from the rat HNF-3C FKH domain, indicating that H3 may not be the human homologue to HNF-3C. Based on amino acid identity in the DNA binding domain, all known FKH genes can be separated into four groups (Table 2). The human FKH genes H3 and H8 are most closely related to the rat and Xenopus FKH genes. Human FKH 53 is more homologous to H3 and H8 than it is to ILF and HTLF. ILF and HTLF define their own homology group, as they are the most distant FKH members to the yeast and drosophila FKH genes. Expression analysis. The tissue expression patterns of the three novel FKH genes were investigated using northern analysis. Figure 2 shows the three human FKH clones used sequentially as probes on a Northern blot containing several hematopoietic cell lines. H3 was found to be expressed only in the human erythroleukemia line HEL. H3 was not found in HL60 promyelocytic leukemia cells, K562 CML cells, Jurkat T cells, and HeLa cervical carcinoma cells. H8 was expressed as two transcripts in every blood cell line examined. H8's expression was moderately induced in promyelocytic HL60 leukemia cells when they are stimulated with retinoic acid ( mol/L for 3 days). FKH 5-3 was expressed in the From by guest on January 12, 2015. For personal use only. HEMATOPOIETIC FORKHEAD GENES 2857 Table 2. Homology Groups Within the Forkhead Family Group II Group I Yeast HCM Group 111 Drosophila FKH Xenopus XFKHl Drosophila FD1-5 Drosophila SLP-1.2 Rat HNF-3A.B.C Human, H3, H8, 5-3 Group IV Human ILF, HTLF v d d The known FKH genes can be divided into homology groups based on their relationshipto each other in the DNA binding domain. The human FKH genes ILF and HTLF are the most distant of the mammalian FKH genes to the yeast and drosophila FKH genes. FKH 5-3 has a homologue in yeast, but is unrelated to the known yeast FKH gene HCM. CML cell line K562 and in the Jurkat T-cell leukemia line, but was not found in HL60, HEL, or HeLa cells. The expression of the human FKH genes in normal human tissue was analyzed (Fig 3). FKH gene H8 was found to be 9 5-3 1 ACTIN + Fig 4. Poly A Northem analysis of 5-3. 5-3 is expressed only in the pluripotent N-TeraZ/Dl cells. I t s expression is markedly in- H3 H8 5-3 ACTIN + Fig 3. Poly A Northem analysis of the expression patterns of the human FKH genes in normal human tissues. H 8 is expressed in every tissue, although the smaller transcript is much fainter on this blot than in the one containing the blood cell lines. H 3 has a restricted pattern of expression, while 5-3 could not be found in any of the tissues examined. duced when these cells are stimulated t o differentiate with retinoic acid. ubiquitously expressed in all tissues. As above, there appeared to be a faint 3-kb transcript and a highly expressed 5-kb transcript. Human FKH clone H3 was expressed in normal liver and pancreas as a single I .8-kb message. H3 transcripts were not found in heart, brain, placenta, lung, muscle, or kidney. We also found H3 to be expressed in malignant liver tissue (the HepG2 hepatoma cell line), but not in KB squamous cell carcinoma (data not shown). FKH 5-3 was not expressed in any of the tissues in this blot. These and subsequent blots were reprobed with actin to assess the integrity and quantity of the RNA. Figure 4 shows a Northern analysis of FKH 5-3 expression in several additional cell lines. Significantly, 5-3 is only expressed in the pluripotent teratocarcinoma cell line N-teraZ/ DI. The expression is induced when the N-TeraZ/Dl cells are stimulated with retinoic acid mol/L for 7 days). FKH 5-3 was not seen in normal human marrow, JY and Eskol B-cell lines, or in U937 monocytic leukemia. Species homologies. Southern analysis was next performed using EcoRI-digested DNA from multiple species (Fig 5). H3, H8, and 5-3 all had hybndizable DNA fragments in the human, monkey, rat, mouse, dog, cow, rabbit, and chicken genome. FKH genes H3 and H8 were not present in yeast; however, FKH 5-3 did have a single cross-hybridizing fragment present in yeast. H3 and H8 appear to represent single copy genes in all of these species. 5-3 hybridized to multiple digestion fragments, suggesting that it may be cross-hybridizing to closely related FKH genes. This cross-hybridization may indicate that 5-3 has its own subfamily. 5-3 does not hybridize to H3 or H8, From by guest on January 12, 2015. For personal use only. 2858 HROMAS ET AL H3 H8 '0 scripts that are novel to the FKH family. These are designated H3, H8, and 5-3. Sequence analysis of these clones found that H3 and H8 were more closely related to the drosophila FKH genes than 5-3.5-3 probably represents a subgroup of FKH genes based on its divergence from the drosophila FKH genes (especially in the NMFENG region) and its cross-hybridization to multiple fragments on Southern analysis. This suggests that there are additional FKH genes closely related to 5-3. Northern analysis of the expression of the human FKH genes showed that there were both tissue-specific and ubiquitous patterns. H8 was expressed ubiquitously in both hematopoietic and nonhematopoietic lineages. H3 was expressed in normal liver, pancreas, and HEL erythroleukemia cells. FKH 5-3 is a candidate for a transcriptional regulator active during early hematopoietic development. It is expressed in differentiating N-TeraZ/DI cells. a model system for in vitro human pluripotent development.'* It is also expressed in K562 and Jurkat cells, but it is not expressed in any of the other tissues studied, including total normal human marrow. On the basis of expression, it provides an intriguing connection between a pluripotent cell and two leukemias, one of CML origin (K562) and the other of T-cell origin (Jurkat). In addition, 5-3 expression goes up as the N-TeraZ/DI cells are stimulated to differentiate. Further studies of the expression and effect of transduction of 5-3 into murine ES cells as they differentiate into embryoid bodies with blood islands are in progress. There are two possible reasons that FKH 5-3 is not expressed in normal marrow. First, the concentration of 5-3 expressing progenitors may be too low to be assaved. Second. 5-3 may only be expressed in transformed marrow cells. To address this question, we are examining 5-3 expression during the differentiation of interleukin-3-dependent progenitor cell lines (32D and FDCP mix A4). Southern analysis found that 5-3 is highly conserved. The human gene can cross-hybridize to a yeast species, despite high-stringency washes. 5-3 is not related closely to the yeast FKH gene HCM. HCM was not found to be essential for yeast survival (T. Davis, personal communication). It will be interesting to investigate whether the highly conserved 5-3 will be essential for yeast survival. Knock-out experiments in yeast could lend insight into the general role of 5-3. It will also be significant if human 5-3 can rescue yeast with deficient 5-3. The exact function ofthese human FKH genes is unknown. If structural similarity to the Drosophila and rat FKH genes can provide insight into functional similarity, then the human FKH genes may be transcriptional activators that regulate phenotypic change during lineage development. Drosophila FKH and SLP I and 2 are known morphogenetic regulators. Rat HNF-3A, B, and C are known transcription factors. Yeast HCM is a suppressor of a calmodulin mutation (T. Davis, personal communication), although it probably also works by trans-activating other genes. Identifying consensus DNA binding sequences by mobility shift selection and PCR amplification, and then searching these consensus sequences against the database may turn up some of the genes that human FKH H3, H8, and 5-3 might r . -*K3*q*; I ' 5-3 Fig 5. Southem analysis of the H3, H8, and 5-3 human FKH genes. For H3 and H8, there are hybridizable homologues in every species examined, except yeast. 5-3 has a cross-hybridizing band in yeast DNA. The 5-3 blot was exposed longer to intensify the yeast band. which are more closely related to drosophila FKH genes (data not shown). The cross-hybridization of FKH 5-3 to a yeast DNA fragment is of interest. The one known yeast FKH gene, HCM, is not homologous to 5-3 at either the nucleotide or amino acid level. The conservation of a homologous gene in yeast is extraordinarily rare for tissue-specific mammalian transcription activators. DISCUSSION This study shows that drosophila FKH transcription factor family members are expressed in a lineage-specific manner in human blood cells. Using PCR and low-stringency cDNA library screening we have isolated three human FKH tran- From by guest on January 12, 2015. For personal use only. HEMATOPOIETIC FORKHEAD GENES regulate. Another approach will be to force expression of these genes in defined cell culture systems and assay for phenotypic changes. In summary, these data show that human members of the FKH family of transcription activators can be expressed in restricted hematopoietic lineages. REFERENCES 1. 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For personal use only. 1993 81: 2854-2859 Drosophila forkhead homologues are expressed in a lineage-restricted manner in human hematopoietic cells R Hromas, J Moore, T Johnston, C Socha and M Klemsz Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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