чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Content / чЫо х╜Х Introduction / ф╝ЪшоочоАф╗Л ......................................................................................................2 Important Information / ф╕Оф╝Ъщб╗чЯе .................................................................................5 Sessions and Workshops / ф╕УщвШшо╛шЗ╡..............................................................................8 Program / ф╝ЪшоошоочиЛ............................................................................................................ 10 Floor Plan / ф╝ЪхЬ║х╣│щЭвхЫ╛ ..................................................................................... 10 Program Layout / ф╕УщвШхИЖх╕Г .............................................................................. 11 Program / шоочиЛ....................................................................................................... 12 Poster List / х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКхИЧшби ............................................................................... 23 Abstracts / цСШшжБ .................................................................................................................... 35 Keynote / ф╕╗щвШцКехСКцСШшжБ .................................................................................... 35 Oral / хПгхд┤цКехСКцСШшжБ ............................................................................................ 42 Poster of Session 1 / ф╕УщвШ 1 х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ ............................................... 86 Poster of Session 2 / ф╕УщвШ 2 х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ ............................................... 94 Poster of Session 3/ ф╕УщвШ 3 х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ ............................................. 105 Poster of Session 4 / ф╕УщвШ 4 х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ ............................................ 117 Poster of Workshop 1 / ф╕УщвШчаФшоиф╝Ъ 1 х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ ........................ 128 Poster of Workshop 2 / ф╕УщвШчаФшоиф╝Ъ 2 х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ ........................ 131 Poster of Student Session / хнжчФЯф╕УхЬ║х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ .......................... 138 Invited Guests / щВАшп╖хШЙхо╛ ............................................................................................. 200 Participants List / ф╕Оф╝Ъф║║хСШхРНхНХ ............................................................................... 202 Local Information and Contacts / х╜УхЬ░цМЗхНЧф╕Оф╝ЪхКбшБФч╗Ь ................................. 221 About XiangтАЩan Campus / ч┐ФхоЙцабхМ║чоАф╗Л ................................................. 221 Transportation / ф║дщАЪ................................................................................... 223 Housing / ф╜Пхо┐..................................................................................................... 224 Wi-Fi Connection Instructions / цЧач║┐ч╜Сч╗Ьф╜┐чФишп┤цШО .......................... 225 Contacts for Logistics / ф╝ЪхКбшБФч╗Ь................................................................ 225 1 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Introduction Established in March 2005, the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University) (MEL, http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/englishweb/index.asp) is sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). It was categorized as an excellent state key laboratory during a nation-wide review sponsored by the MOST in 2010. MEL is dedicated to interdisciplinary and cutting-edge research in marine environmental sciences, particularly in marine biogeochemistry and its interactions with the marine ecosystem. MEL is dedicated to fostering information and idea exchange within and outside China through a variety of platforms. In order to further this and particularly encourage interdisciplinary researches, MEL organized the first Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences (http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/conference/1XMAS/, 1st XMAS) in Jan 2014, and attracted about 300 scientists from all over the world. The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences nd (http://mel.xmu.edu.cn/conference/2XMAS/, 2 XMAS) will be held on Jan 7-9, 2015 in Xiamen. The theme of this symposium is The Changing Ocean Environment: from a Multidisciplinary Perspective. It consists of four sessions along with two workshops. The XMAS will become a regular symposium aiming at facilitating communications and fostering collaborations, and will be held every two years thereafter. A student session at the 2nd XMAS is planned and organized by the Student Union of China Ocean Sciences (SUCOS). Symposium Theme: The Changing Ocean Environment: from a Multidisciplinary Perspective Date: January 7-9, 2015 Venue: Library Building, XiangтАЩan Campus, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China Advisory Committee Fei Chai, C. T. Arthur Chen, Dunxin Hu, Ronghui Huang, Weibo Song, Jilan Su, Qisheng Tang, Hui Wang, George T. F. Wong, Xun Xu, Meixun Zhao, Tong Zhu, Yongguan Zhu Scientific Committee Minhan Dai, Jianping Gan, Kunshan Gao, Huasheng Hong, Bangqin Huang, Nianzhi Jiao, Shuh-Ji Kao, Paul K. S. Lam, Senjie Lin, Haili Wang, Kejian Wang, Xiaohai Yan, Dongxing Yuan Organizing Committee Xiaolin Li, Yawei Luo, Dalin Shi, Guizhi Wang Student Session Coordinators Xiaolin Bai, Xinlei Jiang, Bingqing Liu, Hong Luan, Qingyang Sun, Jinpeng Wang, Yuyuan Xie, Zhouling Zhang (SUCOS Committee Chair) 2 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Meeting Coordinators Mengmei Lin, Hui Liu (All names are in alphabetical order) Organizers Sponsored and Organized by State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (Xiamen University) College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University College of the Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University Co-sponsored by State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution (City University of Hong Kong) China Future Ocean Alliance Supported by Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China ф╝ЪшоочоАф╗Л ш┐Сц╡╖ц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГчзСхнжхЫ╜хо╢щЗНчВ╣хоЮщкМходя╝ИхОжщЧихдзхнжя╝Й я╝ИшЛ▒цЦЗчоАчз░я╝ЪMELя╝Мhttp://mel.xmu.edu.cnя╝Й цИРчлЛф║О 2005 х╣┤я╝МцШпф╝ШчзАхЫ╜хо╢щЗНчВ╣хоЮщкМходуАВхоЮщкМходчЮДхЗЖф╕ОхЕичРГхПШхМЦцЬЙхЕ│чЪДщЗНхдзчзСхнжщЧощвШя╝МчЫ┤щЭв хЫ╜хо╢хп╣ц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГф┐ЭцКдхТМчФЯцАБхоЙхЕичЪДщЗНхдзщЬАц▒Вя╝МчлЛш╢│хЯ║чбАчаФчй╢я╝Мф╗ехдЪхнжчзСф║дхПЙф╕║хЯ║чбАуАБф╗ецКАцЬпхИЫ цЦ░ф╕║хКихКЫуАБф╕╗цФ╗ц╡╖ц┤ЛчФЯчЙйхЬ░чРГхМЦхнжш┐ЗчиЛхПКхЕ╢ф╕Оц╡╖ц┤ЛчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯчЫ╕ф║Тф╜ЬчФия╝МхЕ│ц│ихЬишЗкчД╢хПШхМЦхТМф║║ч▒╗ ц┤╗хКих╜▒хУНф╕ЛчЪДц╡╖ц┤ЛчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗Яхп╣чОпхвГхПШхМЦчЪДхУНх║ФхТМхПНщжИуАВ ф╕║ш┐Ыф╕Ацнеф┐Гш┐ЫхнжцЬпф║дц╡БуАБф┐Гш┐ЫхнжчзСф║дхПЙя╝МMEL ф║О 2014 х╣┤ 1 цЬИф╕╗хКЮф║ЖщжЦх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝А цФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъя╝Иhttp://mel.xmu.edu.cn/conference/1XMAS/, 1st XMASя╝Й я╝Мшпех╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъф╗ехнжчзСф║д хПЙф╕║чЙ╣шЙ▓я╝МхРСцЙАцЬЙц╡╖хЖЕхдЦхнжшАЕх╝АцФ╛уАВхдзф╝ЪчЙ╣шо╛чФ▒чаФчй╢чФЯф╕╗хп╝ч╗Дч╗ЗчЪДхнжчФЯф╕УхЬ║я╝Мф╗ехЯ╣шВ▓хнжчФЯчЪДхнж цЬпшГ╜хКЫуАВхЕ▒хР╕х╝Хф║ЖцЭешЗк 6 ф╕кхЫ╜хо╢хТМщжЩц╕пуАБхП░ц╣╛чЪДхнжшАЕш┐С 300 ф║║хПВф╝ЪуАВ чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъя╝Иhttp://mel.xmu.edu.cn/conference/2XMAS/, 2nd XMASя╝Й хоЪф║О2015х╣┤1цЬИ7-9цЧехЬихОжщЧиф╕╛хКЮуАВцЬмцмбф╝Ъшооф╕╗щвШцШпхдЪхнжчзСф║дхПЙчаФчй╢ц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГя╝Мхдзф╝Ъх░ЖщАЪш┐З4ф╕к ф╕УщвШхТМ2ф╕кф╕УщвШчаФшоиф╝Ъш┐ЫшбМчаФшоиуАВф╗КхРОя╝Мшпеч│╗хИЧф╝Ъшоох░ЖцпПф╕дх╣┤ф╕╛хКЮф╕Ацмбя╝Мх╣╢ч╗зч╗нхп╣ц╡╖хЖЕхдЦх╝АцФ╛уАВ х╕МцЬЫшЧЙцндф┐Гш┐ЫхЫ╜хЖЕхдЦхРМшбМф║дц╡Бф╕ОхРИф╜Ья╝МхПСцМеMELф╜Ьф╕║цИСхЫ╜ц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГчзСхнжщвЖхЯЯхЫ╜хо╢ч║зх╝АцФ╛х╝ПчаФчй╢ х╣│хП░чЪДф╝ШхК┐я╝Мф╕║ш┐ЕщАЯцПРхНЗцИСхЫ╜ц╡╖ц┤ЛчзСхнжчаФчй╢ц░┤х╣│ш┤бчМоч╗╡шЦДф╣ЛхКЫуАВцЬмцмбхдзф╝Ъф╛ЭчД╢х╝Ашо╛хнжчФЯф╕УхЬ║я╝М чФ▒ф╕нхЫ╜ц╡╖ц┤ЛчзСхнжчаФчй╢чФЯшБФхРИф╝Ъя╝ИSUCOSя╝Йш┤Яш┤гчнЦхИТхТМч╗Дч╗ЗуАВ 3 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences ф╝Ъшооф╕╗щвШя╝ЪхдЪхнжчзСф║дхПЙчаФчй╢ц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГ ф╝ЪшооцЧ╢щЧ┤я╝Ъ2015 х╣┤ 1 цЬИ 7-9 цЧе ф╝ЪшоохЬ░чВ╣я╝ЪхОжщЧихдзхнжч┐ФхоЙцабхМ║хЫ╛ф╣жщжЖ щб╛щЧоя╝ЪцЯ┤цЙЙуАБщЩИщХЗф╕ЬуАБшГбцХжцмгуАБщ╗ДшНгш╛ЙуАБщ╗ДхдйчжПуАБхоЛх╛оц│вуАБшЛПч║кхЕ░уАБхФРхРпхНЗуАБчОЛш╛ЙуАБх╛Рц┤╡уАБш╡╡ ч╛ОшонуАБцЬ▒х╜дуАБцЬ▒ц░╕хоШ хнжцЬпхзФхСШф╝Ъя╝Ъ цИ┤ц░Сц▒ЙуАБчФШхЙСх╣│уАБщлШхЭдх▒▒уАБщлШцаСхЯ║уАБц┤кхНОчФЯуАБщ╗ДщВжщТжуАБчДжх┐╡х┐ЧуАБцЮЧч╛дхг░уАБцЮЧцгоцЭ░уАБ чОЛц╡╖щ╗ОуАБчОЛхЕЛхЭЪуАБф╕ецЩУц╡╖уАБшвБф╕ЬцШЯ ч╗Дч╗ЗхзФхСШф╝Ъя╝ЪцЭОщкБщ║ЯуАБч╜Чф║ЪхиБуАБхП▓хдзцЮЧуАБчОЛцбВшКЭ хнжчФЯф╕УхЬ║хНПш░Гф║║я╝ЪчЩ╜цЩУцЮЧуАБц▒ЯцЦ░чгКуАБхИШхЖ░ц╕ЕуАБца╛шЩ╣уАБхнЩх║ЖцЭиуАБчОЛщЗСщ╣ПуАБш░вшБ┐хОЯуАБх╝ахСихЗМ я╝ИSUCOS ч╗ДхзФф╝Ъф╕╗х╕ня╝Й ф╝ЪхКбхНПш░Гя╝ЪцЮЧхнЯхж╣уАБхИШш╛Й я╝Иф╗еф╕КхзУхРНхЭЗцМЙхзУц░ПщЯ│х║ПцОТхИЧя╝Й ч╗Дч╗ЗцЬ║цЮД ч╗Дч╗ЗхНХф╜Ня╝Ъ ш┐Сц╡╖ц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГчзСхнжхЫ╜хо╢щЗНчВ╣хоЮщкМходя╝ИхОжщЧихдзхнжя╝Й хОжщЧихдзхнжхЬ░хнжщГиц╡╖ц┤Лф╕ОхЬ░чРГхнжщЩв хОжщЧихдзхнжхЬ░хнжщГичОпхвГф╕ОчФЯцАБхнжщЩв хНПхКЮхНХф╜Ня╝Ъ ц╡╖ц┤Лц▒бцЯУхЫ╜хо╢щЗНчВ╣хоЮщкМходя╝ИщжЩц╕пхЯОх╕Вхдзхнжя╝Й ф╕нхЫ╜цЬкцЭец╡╖ц┤ЛшБФхРИф╝Ъ цФпцМБхНХф╜Ня╝Ъ хЫ╜хо╢шЗкчД╢чзСхнжхЯ║щЗСхзФхСШф╝ЪхЬ░чРГчзСхнжщГи 4 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Important Information 1. Icebreaker Time: 6:00pm-8:30pm, January 6 2. 3. Registration Time 1я╝Ъ4:00pm-8:30pm, January 6 Venue: 2nd Floor of Library Building Time 2я╝Ъ8:30am-6:00pm, January 7-8 Venue: 2nd Floor of Library Building Shuttle bus schedule Date Time Departure Arrival 4:30pm & 6:00pm Golden Bay Resort & Xiangjia Hotel & Hongxiang Business Hotel Library Building (Icebreaker) 8:30pm & 9:30pm Library Building Golden Bay Resort & Xiangjia Hotel & Hongxiang Business Hotel 8:00am Golden Bay Resort & Xiangjia Hotel Library Building 8:10am Hongxiang Business Hotel Library Building 6:30pm Library Building Golden Bay Resort (Welcome dinner) 8:30pm Golden Bay Resort Hongxiang Business Hotel & Student Dorm & XMU Main Campus 8:00am Golden Bay Resort & Xiangjia Hotel Library Building 8:10am Hongxiang Business Hotel Library Building Library Building Golden Bay Resort & Xiangjia Hotel & Hongxiang Business Hotel Jan 6 Jan 7 Jan 8-9 7:30pm 4. Venue: 2nd Floor of Library Building Meal Lunch and dinner are provided by the symposium on Jan 7-9. Participants lodging in XMU Student Dorm will be provided with breakfast vouchers upon check in to use at the Campus Canteens. 5. Oral and poster presentations 1) Keynote speeches are 40 minutes each including Q & A. Other oral presentations are limited to 25 minutes each including Q & A. We recommend all PPT files be uploaded upon 5 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences registration. 2) All posters will be displayed through out the symposium. We request poster presenters be available for discussion at least during the designated poster sessions. Each poster will be assigned a number that corresponds to the displaying board. Note that posters should not exceed 120 cm (height) and 90 cm (width), and should be in portrait orientation. 6. Language Both English and Chinese are official languages of the symposium. We recommend that PPT slides and posters be in English. Oral talks presented in English are encouraged. ф╕Оф╝Ъщб╗чЯе 1. хЖ╖щдРф╝Ъ цЧ╢щЧ┤я╝Ъ1 цЬИ 6 цЧе 6:00pm-8:30pm 2. 3. хЬ░чВ╣я╝ЪхЫ╛ф╣жщжЖ 2 це╝хдзхОЕ ф╝ЪшооцКехИ░ цЧ╢щЧ┤ 1я╝Ъ1 цЬИ 6 цЧе 4:00pm-8:30pm хЬ░чВ╣я╝ЪхЫ╛ф╣жщжЖ 2 це╝хдзхОЕ цЧ╢щЧ┤ 2я╝Ъ1 цЬИ 7-8 цЧе 8:30am-6:00pm хЬ░чВ╣я╝ЪхЫ╛ф╣жщжЖ 2 це╝хдзхОЕ чПнш╜жхоЙцОТ цЧецЬЯ цЧ╢щЧ┤ хЗ║хПСхЬ░чВ╣ хИ░ш╛╛хЬ░чВ╣ 4:30pm & 6:00pm щЗСщЧиц╣╛щЕТх║Ч & ч┐Фхо╢щЕТх║Ч & щ╕┐ч┐ФхХЖхКбщЕТх║Ч хЫ╛ф╣жщжЖ я╝ИхЖ╖щдРф╝Ъя╝Й 8:30pm & 9:30pm хЫ╛ф╣жщжЖ щЗСщЧиц╣╛щЕТх║Ч & ч┐Фхо╢щЕТх║Ч & щ╕┐ч┐ФхХЖхКбщЕТх║Ч 8:00am щЗСщЧиц╣╛щЕТх║Ч & ч┐Фхо╢щЕТх║Ч хЫ╛ф╣жщжЖ 8:10am щ╕┐ч┐ФхХЖхКбщЕТх║Ч хЫ╛ф╣жщжЖ 6:30pm хЫ╛ф╣жщжЖ щЗСщЧиц╣╛щЕТх║Ч (цмвш┐ОцЩЪхо┤) 8:30pm щЗСщЧиц╣╛щЕТх║Ч щ╕┐ч┐ФхХЖхКбщЕТх║Ч & хнжчФЯхЕмхпУ & ф╕╗цабхМ║ 8:00am щЗСщЧиц╣╛щЕТх║Ч & ч┐Фхо╢щЕТх║Ч хЫ╛ф╣жщжЖ 8:10am щ╕┐ч┐ФхХЖхКбщЕТх║Ч хЫ╛ф╣жщжЖ 7:30pm хЫ╛ф╣жщжЖ щЗСщЧиц╣╛щЕТх║Ч & 1цЬИ6цЧе 1цЬИ7цЧе 1 цЬИ 8-9 цЧе 6 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences ч┐Фхо╢щЕТх║Ч & щ╕┐ч┐ФхХЖхКбщЕТх║Ч 4. чФищдР ф╝Ъшооф╕║хПВф╝Ъф╗гшбич╗Яф╕АхоЙцОТхНИщдРхПКцЩЪщдРуАВхЕеф╜Пч┐ФхоЙцабхМ║хнжчФЯхЕмхпУчЪДф╗гшбия╝МхЬихКЮчРЖхЕеф╜ПцЙЛч╗нцЧ╢ хПпщвЖхПЦ 7-9 цЧечЪДцЧйщдРхИ╕я╝МхЬич┐ФхоЙцабхМ║щдРхОЕф╜┐чФиуАВ 5. хПгхд┤цКехСКхПКх▒ХцЭ┐цКехСК 1) хдзф╝Ъф╕╗щвШцКехСКф╕║цпПф╕к 40 хИЖщТЯя╝ИхМЕцЛм~5 хИЖщТЯчнФчЦСя╝Й я╝МхЕ╢хоГхПгхд┤цКехСКф╕║цпПф╕к 25 хИЖщТЯя╝ИхМЕцЛм 3~5 хИЖщТЯчнФчЦСя╝Й я╝Мшп╖хПВф╝Ъф╗гшбицКехИ░цЧ╢х░ЖхПгхд┤цКехСКцЦЗцбгф╕Кф╝ашЗ│ф╝ЪхКбч╗ДшобчоЧцЬ║уАВ 2) хвЩцКешп╖хЬицКехИ░ц│ихЖМхРОхН│хИ╗х╝аш┤┤я╝Мх╣╢х▒Хчд║шЗ│цХ┤ф╕кф╝Ъшооч╗УцЭЯуАВхвЩцКеф╕УщвШхИЖхИлхоЙцОТхЬи 7 цЧехТМ 8 цЧе ф╕ЛхНИя╝МхЬ░чВ╣хЬихЫ╛ф╣жщжЖце╝ф║Мце╝хдзхОЕуАВшп╖хвЩцКеф╜ЬшАЕхКбх┐ЕхЬицМЗхоЪцЧ╢щЧ┤цо╡хИ░хЬ║ф║дц╡БуАВхвЩцКех░║хп╕шжБц▒В хо╜тЙд90cmя╝МщлШтЙд120cmя╝МчлЦчЫ┤цЦ╣хРСх╝аш┤┤уАВшп╖хПВф╝Ъф╗гшбицМЙчЕзхвЩцКехИЖх╕ГхЫ╛хТМхвЩцКеч╝ЦчаБх╝аш┤┤я╝Мф╝Ъшоо цПРф╛Ых┐ЕшжБчЪДх╝аш┤┤х╖ехЕ╖хТМцЭРцЦЩуАВ 6. ф╝ЪшоошпншиА шЛ▒уАБф╕нцЦЗхЭЗф╕║ф╝ЪшоохоШцЦ╣шпншиАуАВх╗║шоохПгхд┤цКехСК PPT ч┤ацЭРф╜┐чФишЛ▒цЦЗя╝Мх╣╢щ╝УхК▒чФишЛ▒цЦЗц╝Фшо▓уАВх╗║шоо хвЩцКехЖЕхо╣ф╜┐чФишЛ▒цЦЗуАВ 7 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Sessions and Workshops Session/Workshop Session 1: Physical oceanography and its coupling with chemical, biological and geological oceanography Session 2: Marine & estuarine biogeochemistry Session 3: Biological oceanography & global change Session 4: Marine pollution & ecotoxicology Session 5: Student Session Workshop 1: Observational and modeling research on the circulation in the South China Sea and the Luzon Strait Conveners Peng Xiu South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Peng Cheng State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University Eric De Carlo University of Hawaii at Monoa , USA Xianghui Guo State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University Jun Sun Tianjin University of Science and Technology Bingzhang Chen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University Peiming He Shanghai Ocean University Xiaowei Zhang Nanjing University Haizheng Hong State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University Student Union of China Ocean Sciences (SUCOS) Leo Oey National Central University / Princeton University, USA Xiao-Hua Wang University of New South Wales, AUS Guixing Chen Tohoku University, JPN Yuwu Jiang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University Jianyu Hu Workshop 2: Source-to-Sink in Space and Time: Sediment Process and Sedimentary Record in Marginal Seas James T. Liu National Sun Yat-Sen University 8 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences ф╕УщвШшо╛шЗ╡ ф╕УщвШ ф╕УщвШ 1я╝Ъ чЙйчРЖц╡╖ц┤ЛхнжхПКхЕ╢ф╕ОхМЦхнжц╡╖ц┤ЛхнжуАБ чФЯчЙйц╡╖ц┤ЛхнжхТМхЬ░ш┤иц╡╖ц┤ЛхнжчЪДф║дхПЙ ф╕УщвШ 2я╝Ъц╡╖ц┤Лф╕Оц▓│хПгчФЯчЙйхЬ░чРГхМЦхнжш┐ЗчиЛ ф╕ОцЬ║хИ╢ хПмщЫЖф║║ ф┐ощ╣П ф╕нхЫ╜чзСхнжщЩвхНЧц╡╖ц╡╖ц┤ЛчаФчй╢цЙА ш┐Сц╡╖ц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГчзСхнжхЫ╜хо╢щЗНчВ╣хоЮщкМход чиЛщ╣П (хОжщЧихдзхнж) Eric De Carlo ш┐Сц╡╖ц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГчзСхнжхЫ╜хо╢щЗНчВ╣хоЮщкМход щГнщжЩф╝Ъ (хОжщЧихдзхнж) хнЩхЖЫ ф╕УщвШ 3я╝ЪчФЯчЙйц╡╖ц┤Лхнжф╕ОхЕичРГхПШхМЦ ф╕УщвШ 4я╝Ъц╡╖ц┤Лц▒бцЯУф╕ОчФЯцАБцпТчРЖ хдйц┤ечзСцКАхдзхнж ш┐Сц╡╖ц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГчзСхнжхЫ╜хо╢щЗНчВ╣хоЮщкМход щЩИчВ│чла (хОжщЧихдзхнж) ф╜ХхЯ╣ц░С ф╕Кц╡╖ц╡╖ц┤Лхдзхнж х╝ацХИф╝Я хНЧф║мхдзхнж ш┐Сц╡╖ц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГчзСхнжхЫ╜хо╢щЗНчВ╣хоЮщкМход ц┤кц╡╖х╛Б ф╕УщвШ 5я╝ЪхнжчФЯф╕УхЬ║ (хОжщЧихдзхнж) ф╕нхЫ╜ц╡╖ц┤ЛчзСхнжчаФчй╢чФЯшБФхРИф╝Ъя╝ИSUCOSя╝Й Leo Oey ф╕УщвШчаФшоиф╝Ъ 1я╝ЪхНЧц╡╖ф╕ОхРХхоЛц╡╖х│бчОпц╡БшзВ ц╡ЛхПКцХ░хА╝цибцЛЯчаФчй╢ ф╕УщвШчаФшоиф╝Ъ 2я╝Ъ уАМф╗Оц║РхИ░ц▒ЗуАНхЬицЧ╢чй║ф╕К чЪДчЙ╣х╛Бя╝Ъш╛╣ч╝Шц╡╖ф╣Лц▓Йчзпш┐ЗчиЛхТМц▓Йчзпшо░х╜Х хдПхиБхд╖хдзхнж хЫ╜члЛф╕нхдохдзхнж / ч╛ОхЫ╜цЩоцЮЧцЦпщб┐хдз хнж Xiao-Hua Wang ц╛│хдзхИйф║ЪцЦ░хНЧхиБх░Фхглхдзхнж Guixing Chen цЧецЬмф╕ЬхМЧхдзхнж ц▒ЯцпУцнж ш┐Сц╡╖ц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГчзСхнжхЫ╜хо╢щЗНчВ╣хоЮщкМход шГбх╗║хоЗ (хОжщЧихдзхнж) хИШчеЦф╣╛ хЫ╜члЛф╕нх▒▒хдзхнж 9 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Program / ф╝ЪшоошоочиЛ Floor Plan / ф╝ЪхЬ║х╣│щЭвхЫ╛ Map of Symposium Venue: 2nd floor of Library Building / ф╝ЪшоохЬ░чВ╣я╝ЪхЫ╛ф╣жщжЖф║Мце╝х╣│щЭвхЫ╛ 10 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Program Layout / ф╕УщвШхИЖх╕Г Wednesday, Jan 7 Thursday, Jan 8 Meeting Rm 1 Friday, Jan 9 Meeting Rm 1 Meeting Rm 1 0830-0840 Opening 0830-0910 Keynote speech 3 James Syvitski 0830-0910 Keynote Speech 4 Edward Boyle 0840-0920 Keynote speech 1 Paul Falkowski 0910-0935 Leo Oey (Workshop 1) 0910-0935 Arthur Chen (Session 2) 0920-0945 Fei Chai (Session 1) 0935-1000 Jianping Gan (Workshop 1) 0935-1000 Zhaohui Wang (Session 2) 0945-1010 Andrew Irwin (Session 3) 1000-1025 Brian Hopkinson (Session3) 1000-1020 Break 1010-1030 Break 1025-1045 Break 1030-1210 1210-1330 Rm 1 Rm 2 Rm 3 S3 S1 S4 4 Orals 4 Orals 4 Orals Group Photo, Lunch, Poster Session 1045-1225 1225-1330 Meeting Rm 1 1330-1410 Keynote speech 2 Glen Gawarkiewicz 1410-1435 Bruce Howe (Session 1) 1435-1500 Rui Zhang (Session 3) 1500-1520 Break 15201700/1725 1700/1725 -1830 1900 13301445/1500 1445/1500 -1520 Rm 1 Rm 2 Rm 3 S2 S1 W2 4 Orals 4 Orals 4 Orals Lunch and Poster Session 1200-1330 SS S3 W2 6 Orals 3 Orals 4 Orals Break Rm 2 Rm 3 Rm 1 Rm 2 Rm 3 S3 S1 S4 SS W1 W2 4 Orals 5 Orals 1520-1700 1330-1510 1510-1530 Rm 1 4 Orals 1020-1200 6 Orals 5 Orals 5 Orals Rm 3 S2 S3 W1 4 Orals 4 Orals 5 Orals Lunch and Poster Session S2 S3 W1 4 Orals 4 Orals 5 Orals Break 1530-1610 Keynote speech 5 Wenju Cai 1610-1635 Guizhi Wang (Session 2) 1635-1700 Sam Dupont (Session 3) 1700-1725 Nianzhi Jiao (Session 3) 1725-1750 Achmad Poernomo (Session 3) Student Presentation Award & Closing Dinner 1700-1830 Poster Session 1750-1800 Welcome Dinner 1830 Dinner 1830 11 Rm 2 Meeting Rm 1 Poster Session Note: S1-4 denotes Session 1-4; W1-2 denotes Workshop 1-2; SS denotes Student Session.шоо Rm 1 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Program / шоочиЛ Tuesday, January 6, 2015 1600-2030, Registration & Icebreaker Venue: Lobby of Library Building, XiangтАЩan Campus Wednesday, January 7, 2015 Venue: 2nd Floor of Library Building, XiangтАЩan Campus Meeting Room 1 0830-0840 Opening & Welcome, Minhan Dai (Xiamen University) Chair: Senjie Lin (Xiamen University) 0840-0920 0920-0945 0945-1010 Paul Falkowski (Rutgers University, USA) Fei Chai (University of Maine, USA) Andrew Irwin (Mount Allison University, CAN) Keynote speech: K-01 Photosynthesis from space S1-01 Natural and artificial iron fertilization in the Gulf of Alaska S3-01 Testing the stability of the realized niches of phytoplankton in response to a changing climate 1010-1030, Break Meeting Room 1 Session 3: Biological Oceanography & Global Change Chair: Bingzhang Chen (Xiamen University) Zoe Finkel 1030-1055 (Mount Allison University, S3-02 Phytoplankton in changing world CAN) Chih-hao Hsieh S3-03 Detecting casualty for complex ecosystem: 1055-1120 (National Taiwan implications for managements University) S3-04 Environmental factors shape the diversity, Hongyue Dang 1120-1145 abundance and community structure of sediment (Xiamen University) nifH-harboring bacteria in the Bohai Sea Meng Li S3-05 Widespread archaea scavenge a variety of 1145-1210 (Shenzhen University) organic compounds in the deep sea 12 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Meeting Room 2 Session 1: Physical Oceanography and its Coupling with Chemical, Biological and Geological Oceanography Chair: Peng Xiu (South China Sea Institute of Oceanology) Huijie Xue S1-02 A Lagrangian perspective of 3D circulation 1030-1055 (University of Maine, USA) in the South China Sea Xiaohai Yan S1-03 Global тАЬsurface warming hiatusтАЭ and deeper 1055-1120 (University of Delaware, ocean warming--An update USA/Xiamen University) S1-04 Analytical study of lateral circulation in Peng Cheng tidally dominated well-mixed estuaries: the role 1120-1145 (Xiamen University) of differential advection versus the earthтАЩs rotation S1-05 Origin and temperature-dependent Xue-Gang Chen variations of bubbling gases from Kueishantao 1145-1210 (Zhejiang University) submarine hydrothermal field, offshore northeast Taiwan Meeting Room 3 Session 4: Marine Pollution & Ecotoxicology Chair: Haizheng Hong (Xiamen University) Kyungho Choi S4-01 Are chemicals substituting endocrine 1030-1055 (Seoul National University, disrupting chemicals safe from adverse endocrine KOR) effects? S4-02 Identification of two new classes of Xiaowei Zhang 1055-1120 dioxin-like compounds and their inter species (Nanjing University) sensitivity variations S4-03 Occurrence and behavior of quaternary Xiaolin Li 1120-1145 ammonium compounds (QACs) in the sediments (Xiamen University) of urbanized estuaries James Lam S4-04 Assessment of several important groups of 1145-1210 (City University of Hong emerging persistent organic pollutants in coastal Kong) region of south China 1210-1330 Group Photo: Atrium of Library Building Lunch: Food Bar of Library Building Poster Session: Lobby of Library Building Meeting Room 1 Chair: Zhiyu Liu (Xiamen University) Glen Gawarkiewicz Keynote speech: (Woods Hole K-02 Recent inter-annual variability and climate 1330-1410 Oceanographic Institution, change impacts over the continental shelf and USA) slope of the northeastern United States Bruce Howe S1-06 Observing the ocean: from gliders to 1410-1435 (University of Hawaii at abyssal cabled observatories Manoa, USA) Rui Zhang S3-06 Ecological and biogeochemical significance 1435-1500 (Xiamen University) of deep virioplankton 13 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences 1500-1520, Break Meeting Room 1 Session 3: Biological Oceanography & Global Change Chair: Bingzhang Chen (Xiamen University) Kuoping Chiang S3-07 Phagotrophy was the fundamental energy 1520-1545 (National Taiwan Ocean source for mixotrophic nanoflagellate University) (Haptophytes) Mark Wells S3-08 Iron grazing: An alternate iron acquisition 1545-1610 (University of Maine, USA) strategy by dinoflagellates Hongbin Liu S3-09 High diversity of picocyanobacteria 1610-1635 (Hong Kong University of Synechococcus in Hong Kong estuarine and coastal Science and Technology) waters Haiwei Luo S3-10 Evolutionary origin of a streamlined marine 1635-1700 (Chinese University of Hong bacterioplankton lineage Kong) Meeting Room 2 Session 1: Physical Oceanography and its Coupling with Chemical, Biological and Geological Oceanography Chair: Peng Cheng (Xiamen University) Mark R. Patterson S1-07 Network models of modular organisms: 1520-1545 (Northeastern University, implications for coping with environmental stress USA) Shaoling Shang S1-08 What triggers continuous diatom and 1545-1610 (Xiamen University) dinoflagellate blooms in the East China Sea? Lingjuan Wu S1-09 Study on the source of large jellyfish near 1610-1635 (North China Sea Marine Qinhuangdao in summer Forecasting Center) Qiang Hao S1-10 Spatial and annual variations of 1635-1700 (The Second Institute of phytoplankton biomass in the eastern China seas Oceanography) based on a new, locally modified SeaWiFS dataset Meeting Session 4: Marine Pollution & Ecotoxicology Chair: Xiaowei Zhang (Nanjing University) Jong Seong Khim 1520-1545 (Seoul National University, KOR) Leo Lai Chan 1545-1610 (City University of Hong Kong) Room 3 S4-05 A triad approach for the assessment of trace pollutants in Korean coastal sediments S4-06 Benthic and epiphytic toxic algae (BETA): An emerging threat to coral ecosystems in south China S4-07 Spatial distribution of toxic Alexandrium tamiyavanichii (Dinophyceae) in the southeastern South China Sea-Sulu Sea:a molecular-based assessment by real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay 1610-1635 Po Teen Lim (University of Malaya, MYS) 1635-1700 Li Zhang S4-08 Bioaccumulation of trace metals in marine (South China Sea Institute rabbitfish Siganusoramin of Oceanology) 14 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences 1700-1725 Mindong Bai (Xiamen University) S4-09 Rapid treatment of shipтАЩs ballast water using тАвOH radicals produced from strong ionization discharge based on IMO guidelines 1700/1725-1830, Poster Session: Lobby of Library Building 1900, Welcome Dinner: Golden Bay Resort restaurant 15 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Thursday, January 8, 2015 Venue: 2nd Floor of Library Building, XiangтАЩan Campus Meeting Room 1 Chair: Xiaolin Li (Xiamen University) James Syvitski 0830-0910 (University of Colorado, USA) Keynote speech K-03 Flocculation тАФ Transformation of terrestrial particles in the marine environment W1-01 Recent progress in explaining some oceanic and atmospheric phenomena of the western North Pacific Ocean тАУ from coastal to basin and from inertial to inter-decadal scales 0910-0935 Leo Oey (Princeton University, USA) 0935-1000 Jianping Gan (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) W1-02 Contrasting dynamics of cross-isobath transport over steep and concave shelves 1000-1025 Brian Hopkinson (University of Georgia, USA) S3-11 The role of CO2 concentrating mechanisms in the response of phytoplankton to ocean acidification 1025-1045, Break Meeting Room 1 Session 2: Marine & Estuarine Biogeochemistry Chair: Eric De Carlo (University of Hawaii, USA) S2-01 Introduction to a new 973 project: Minhan Dai 1045-1110 CHOICE-C II: carbon cycle in the South China Sea: (Xiamen University) budget, controls & global implications S2-02 Runoff-mediated seasonal oscillation in the Weidong Guo 1110-1135 dynamics of dissolved organic matter in the (Xiamen University) Changjiang Estuary S2-03 Behavior and migration of radioactive Cs in Jing Zhang brackish water: A case study of the 1135-1200 (University of Toyama, JPN) Matsukawa-Ura lagoon, northern Fukushima, Japan Laodong Guo S2-04 Colloidal size distribution of dissolved (University of 1200-1225 organic matter in Stain Louis Bay estuary as Wisconsin-Milwaukee, characterized by flow field-flow fractionation USA) Meeting Room 2 Session 1: Physical Oceanography and its Coupling with Chemical, Biological and Geological Oceanography Chair: Peng Cheng (Xiamen University) Shu Gao S1-11 Environment and ecosystem dynamics of 1045-1110 (Nanjing University) salt-marshes along the eastern China coastlines Yan Li S1-12 The key analytic hierarchy for 1110-1135 (Xiamen University) understanding system rules of a bay 16 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences 1135-1200 Yining Chen (The Second Institute of Oceanography) 1200-1225 Shiming Xu (Tsinghua University) S1-13 Influences of saltmarsh grasses and mangrove trees on sediment dynamics: a comparative study S1-14 On the use of Schwarz-Christoffel conformal mappings to the grid generation for gobal ocean models Meeting Room 3 Workshop 2: Source-to-Sink in Space and Time: Sediment Process and Sedimentary Record in Marginal Seas Chair: Fengling Yu (Xiamen University) Steven Kuehl W2-01 A source to sink perspective of the 1045-1110 (Virginia Institute of Marine Waipaoa River margin Science, USA) James T. Liu W2-02 From the highest to the deepest: A 1110-1135 (National Sun Yat-Sen river-sea dispersal system that links University) amountainous catchment to the deep sea basin W2-03 Major sinks of the Changjiang (Yangtze Shouye Yang 1135-1200 River)-derived sediments in the East China Sea (Tongji University) during the late Quaternary Yongqiang Zong W2-04 Marine inundation and sea surface 1200-1225 (University of Hong Kong) temperature changes 1225-1330 Lunch: Food Bar of Library Building Poster Session: Lobby of Library Building Meeting Room 1 Student Session Chair: Elliott Roberts (Xiamen University) 1330-1345 Jinpeng Wang (Ocean University of China) 1345-1400 Peilong Ju (Xiamen University) 1400-1415 1415-1430 1430-1445 1445-1500 Nan Chen (The Second Institute of Oceanography) Yanyan Zhou (South China Sea Institute of Oceanology) Zhouling Zhang (Xiamen University) Xiao Wu (Ocean University of China) SS-01 Hydrodynamic sorting of sedimentary organic carbon in the Changjiang estuary and adjacent shelf SS-02 Age, growth, mortality and population dynamics of silver croaker (Pennahia argentata) and red bigeye (Priacanthus macracanthus) in the north-central Taiwan Strait: Implications for fisheries management SS-03 Hurricane sandy storm surges observed by HY-2A satellite altimetry and tide gauges SS-04 Effects of salinity and Cu acclimation on Cu accumulation in a marine herbivorous fish Siganusoramin SS-05 Silicate regeneration in the upper ocean revealed by silicon stable isotopic composition SS-06 Centennial sedimentary records off the modern Huanghe (Yellow River) delta and their response to deltaic river channel shifts 17 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences 1500-1530 Break Chair: Zhouling Zhang (Xiamen University) 1530-1545 Yuchun Lin (National Central University) 1545-1600 Weiying Li (Xiamen University) 1600-1615 Umesh Pradhan (East China Normal University) 1615-1630 Wenjing Lou (Central China Normal University) 1630-1645 Xiaolin Bai (Xiamen University) 1645-1700 Dai Jia (Tsinghua University) SS-07 Temperature at a mooring in northern South China Sea and its connection with surface heat flux, wind and eddies SS-08 Interactive effects of light, nitrogen source and ocean acidification on the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana SS-09 Organic matter characterization in estuaries along Northern Indian Ocean: Implication through elemental, isotopic and biomarker constrains of sediments SS-10 An essential role for TonB-ExbB-ExbD complex in inorganic iron uptake in cyanobacteria SS-11 Estimates of heat and salt transports from the Pacific into the South China Sea by eddy movement SS-12 Response of N2O emissions to invasion of Spartina alterniflora and N input in mangrove Meeting Room 2 Session 3: Biological Oceanography & Global Change Chair: Jun Sun (Tianjin University of Science and Technology) Peimin He S3-12 Studies on the transcriptome of the green 1330-1355 (Shanghai Ocean tide dominant species Ulva prolifera University) Tuo Shi S3-13 Algae-based sustainable biorefinery 1355-1420 (Xiamen University) industry: toward a green revolution Hongjun Song S3-14 Plankton in a changing climate: coastal and 1420-1445 (The First Institute of polar cases study Oceanography) 1445-1520 Break Workshop 1: Observational and Modeling Research on the Circulation in the South China Sea and the Luzon Strait Chair: Leo Oey (Princeton University, USA); Yuwu Jiang (Xiamen University) Zhiyou Jing W1-03 Summer upwelling front observed in the 1520-1540 (South China Sea Institute eastern coast of Hainan Island of Oceanology) Chunhua Qiu W1-04 Variations of oceanic upper layer in 1540-1600 (Sun Yat-Sen University) subtropical front area Jia Wang W1-05 Inter-annual and decadal fluctuations of 1600-1620 (National Central the Kuroshio in East China Sea and connection University) with surface fluxes of momentum and heat Hongyang Lin W1-06 Propagating sea level signals in different 1620-1640 (Xiamen University) frequency bands in the Kuroshio extension region W1-07 The response of the Ocean to Typhoon Jingru Sun 1640-1700 Nuri (2008) in Western North Pacific and South (Tsinghua University) China Sea 18 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Meeting Room 3 Workshop 2: Source-to-Sink in Space and Time: Sediment Process and Sedimentary Record in Marginal Seas Chair: James Liu (National Sun Yat-Sen University) James Syvitski W2-05 Influence of hurricanes on generating 1330-1355 (University of Colorado, turbidity currents in the Gulf of Mexico USA) W2-06 Hyperpycnal flow at the Yellow River Houjie Wang 1355-1420 Mouth induced by water-sediment regulation and (Ocean University of China) its biogeochemical implications Qian Yu W2-07 Turbidity maximum formation in a 1420-1440 (Delft University of well-mixed macrotidal estuary: The role of tidal Technology, NED) pumping W2-08 Trapping and escaping processes of Jiaxue Wu 1440-1500 Yangtze River-derived sediments to the East (Sun Yat-Sen University) China Sea 1500-1520 Break 1520-1540 Anchun Li (Institute of Oceanology) 1540-1600 1600-1620 1620-1640 1640-1700 Fengling Yu (Xiamen University) Chih-Chieh Su (National Taiwan University) Ray T. Hsu (National Sun Yat-Sen University) Yaping Wang (Nanjing University) W2-09 Sedimentary response of land and sea interaction and sources to sink processes in the East China Sea shelf W2-10 The Holocene evolution of QingтАЩao Embayment, NanтАЩao Island, southern China W2-11 Impact of extreme events on organic carbon burial off southwestern Taiwan W2-12 Applications of novel methods in the source-to-sink study W2-13 Water and sediment discharge into the sea from Yangtze River: an improving measurement 1700-1830, Poster Session: Lobby of Library Building 1830, Dinner: Food Bar of Library Building 19 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Friday, January 9, 2015 Venue: 2nd Floor of Library Building, XiangтАЩan Campus Meeting Room 1 Chair: Yawei Luo (Xiamen University) Edward Boyle 0830-0910 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) Arthur Chen 0910-0935 (National Sun Yat-Sen University) Zhaohui Wang (Woods Hole 0935-1000 Oceanographic Institution, USA) Keynote Speech: K-04 Lead and colloidal iron in the ocean S2-05 Reduced ventilation in the North Pacific affects the eutrophication and acidification status in the East China Sea S2-06 The paradox of salt marshes as a source of alkalinity and low pH, high carbon dioxide water to the ocean 1000-1020, Break Meeting Room 1 Session 2: Marine & Estuarine Biogeochemistry Chair: Xianghui Guo (Xiamen University) S2-07 Porewater injection as the predominat Pinghe Cai 1020-1045 source of DIC and ammonia in the upper Pearl (Xiamen University) River estuary S2-08 Nutrient and carbon cycling in coastal Eric De Carlo 1045-1110 tropical waters of Hawaii: effects of (University of Hawaii, USA) biogeochemical and physical forcing S2-09 Invasion of Spartina alterniflora mitigates Guanghui Lin greenhouse gas emission under the influences of 1110-1135 (Tsinghua University) excessive nitrogen loading in a subtropical mangrove mesocosm Chung-Shin Yuan S2-10 Continuous monitoring of greenhouse gases 1135-1200 (National Sun Yat-Sen emitted from three environments of mangroves University) wetlands in the Zhangjiang estuary Meeting Room 2 Session 3: Biological Oceanography & Global Change Chair: Junbin Zhang (Shanghai Ocean University) Yunwei Dong S3-15 Global change and biodiversity on the 1020-1045 (Xiamen University) intertidal rocky shore along China coast Yao Zhang S3-16 Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria are minor yet 1045-1110 (Xiamen University) widespread members Brian Helmuth S3-17 Beyond long-term averages: Making 1110-1135 (Northeastern University, biological sense of a rapidly changing world USA) 20 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences 1135-1200 Gavin Tilstone (Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK) S3-18 Spatial and temporal variability in satellite estimates of net community production over the Atlantic basin Meeting Room 3 Workshop 1: Observational and Modeling Research on the Circulation in the South China Sea and the Luzon Strait Chair: Xiao-Hua Wang (University of New South Wales, Canberra, AUS); Guixing Chen (Tohoku University, JPN) Tom Rippeth W1-08 Impact of vertical mixing on sea surface 1020-1040 (Bangor University, UK) pCO2 in temperate seasonally stratified shelf seas Huiling Qin W1-09 Pressure difference set up by 1040-1100 (South China Sea Institute thermohaline and wind-driven circulation can of Oceanology) regulate South China Sea through flow Guan-Yu Chen W1-10 Internal tides and nonlinear internal 1100-1120 (National Sun Yat-Sen waves generated in Luzon Strait University) Jian Lan W1-11 Seasonal variation in the South China Sea 1120-1140 (Ocean University of China) deep circulation Zhiyu Liu W1-12 On shear instability in the ocean: critical 1140-1200 (Xiamen University) Ri, marginality, turbulence parameterization 1200-1330 Lunch: Food Bar of Library Building Poster Session: Lobby of Library Building Meeting Room 1 Session 2: Marine & Estuarine Biogeochemistry Chair: Eric De Carlo (University of Hawaii, USA) Xiaogang Xing S2-11 Progress in the technology and application 1330-1355 (Ocean University of China) of Bio-Argo float S2-12 Carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions Selvaraj Kandasamy of suspended particles and surface sediments in 1355-1420 (Xiamen University) diverse land-sea interactive ecosystems of Fujian Province, SE coastal China Gonzalo Carrasco S2-13 Biological and non-biological sources and (Singapore-MIT Alliance for decay of zinc complexing ligands in the west 1420-1445 Research and Technology, Pacific and the south Atlantic Oceans: regional SIN) and global effect Zhimian Cao S2-14 Dissolved silicon isotopic compositions in (GEOMAR Helmholtz 1445-1510 the East China Sea: Water mass mixing versus Center for Ocean Research biological fractionation Kiel, GER) Meeting Room 2 Session 3: Biological Oceanography & Global Change Chair: Jun Sun (Tianjin University of Science and Technology) Bangqin Huang S3-19 Picoeukaryotic diversity and distribution in 1330-1355 (Xiamen University) the subtropicalтАУtropical South China Sea 21 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences 1355-1420 Lewis Incze (University of Maine, USA) 1420-1445 Hongpo Dong (Jinan University) 1445-1510 Kunshan Gao (Xiamen University) S3-20 Understanding a complex regional fishery in the context of changing global-scale drivers and the need for sustainability S3-21 Proteomic analysis of Thalassiosira pseudonana reveals the mechanisms of high light acclimation in the marine diatom S3-22 Effects of ocean acidification on marine primary producers under the sun Meeting Room 3 Workshop 1: Observational and Modeling Research on the Circulation in the South China Sea and the Luzon Strait Chair: Jian Lan (Ocean University of China); Jianyu Hu (Xiamen University) Xiaohua Wang W1-13 A coastal upwelling by wind-driven forcing 1330-1350 (University of New South in Jervis Bay, NSW: A numerical study of 2011 Wales, Canberra, AUS) W1-14 Toward improved forecasts of sea breeze Guixing Chen 1350-1410 intrusion over coastal cities at super high (Tohoku University, JPN) resolutions Yanluan Lin W1-15 What controls the rainfall area of tropical 1410-1430 (Tsinghua University) cyclones? Fanghua Xu W1-16 Seasonal SSH variability of the Northern 1430-1450 (Tsinghua University) South China Sea Yuwu Jiang W1-17 Numerical model studies in the Taiwan 1450-1510 (Xiamen University) Strait 1510-1530, Break Meeting Room 1 Chair: Dalin Shi (Xiamen University) Wenju Cai (Commonwealth Scientific Keynote speech: 1530-1610 and Industrial Research K-05 Tropical variability under global warming Organization, AUS) Guizhi Wang S2-15 Submarine groundwater discharge: flux and 1610-1635 (Xiamen University) impacts in coastal and marginal seas Sam Dupont 1635-1700 (University of Gothenburg, S3-23 Get ready for ocean acidification SWE) Nianzhi Jiao S3-24 Microbial carbon pump: constrains with 1700-1725 (Xiamen University) and effects on environments Achmad Poernomo S3-25 Present status of blue carbon research in 1725-1750 (Ministry of Marine Affairs Indonesia and Fisheries, INA) 1750-1800 Student Award Presentations and Closing, Minhan Dai (Xiamen University) 1830, Dinner: Food Bar of Library Building 22 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Poster List / х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКхИЧшби Poster Session Time Slots: Jan 7: 1210-1330 & 1700/1725-1830; Jan 8: 1225-1330 & 1700-1830; Jan 9: 1200-1330 Venue: Lobby of Library Building (2nd floor) Session 1: Physical oceanography and its coupling with chemical, biological and geological oceanography ф╕УщвШ 1я╝ЪчЙйчРЖц╡╖ц┤ЛхнжхПКхЕ╢ф╕ОхМЦхнжц╡╖ц┤ЛхнжуАБчФЯчЙйц╡╖ц┤ЛхнжхТМхЬ░ш┤иц╡╖ц┤ЛхнжчЪДф║дхПЙ Seasonal variation characteristics of hydrological environment factors and suspended sediment transport mechanism in Luanhe Estuary, China Tidal influence on the primary production and nutrient transport in PS1-03 Bingxu Geng the northeastern South China Sea continental shelf during summer Sediment budgeting and future evolution of the mud belt deposit on PS1-04 Jianjun Jia the inner shelf of East China Sea: in terms of sediment retention index PS1-06 Li Li Sediment dynamics in Xiangshan Harbour Seasonal variability of ocean primary production in the China Seas PS1-07 Ze Liu derived from satellite remote sensing data The environmental capcity of Bohai Bay based on regional water PS1-08 Hongtao Nie exchange characteristics PS1-09 Holly Pelling PycnMix: Pycnocline mixing in shelf seas A data processing method on the hysteresis effect of temperature PS1-10 Qiang Ren and conductivity of moving vessel profiler (MVP) What is the cause of variability in suspended sediment PS1-11 Benwei Shi concentration? A case study of a macrotidal and highly turbid coastal mudflat Optical characterization of vertical variability of phytoplankton in PS1-12 Guifen Wang autumn 2008 in the Northern South China Sea Physical-biological coupling: the response of phytoplankton PS1-13 Lei Wang community structure to the meso-scale eddies in the South China Sea Relating the evolution of low oxygen adjacent to Changjiang estuary PS1-14 Hao Wei to hydrodynamic conditions: new evidence from observations in 2012 and 2013 PS1-15 Chaoyu Yang Effect of typhoon NALGAE on the distribution of phytoplankton Effects of salinity stress on the physiological response of marine PS1-16 Lin Zhang algae Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis Geostrophic circulation in the tropical north pacific ocean based on PS1-17 Zhichun Zhang argo profiles Particle size distribution in the Yellow River plume before and during PS1-18 Tao Zou water and sediment diversion Session 2: Marine & estuarine biogeochemistry PS1-01 Bin Chen ф╕УщвШ 2я╝Ъц╡╖ц┤Лф╕Оц▓│хПгчФЯчЙйхЬ░чРГхМЦхнжш┐ЗчиЛф╕ОцЬ║хИ╢ PS2-01 Ling Li PS2-02 Sheng Liu The applications of NGS technology in phytoplankton ecology Molecular analysis of in situ diets of copepods reveals land plant-derived detritus as important source of copepod food in a coral reef ecosystemin Sanya Bay 23 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PS2-03 Hongyan Bao PS2-04 Yuanyue Cheng PS2-05 Xianghui Guo PS2-06 Yiguo Hong PS2-07 Yongming Huang PS2-08 Hongmei Jing PS2-09 Ruihuan Li PS2-10 Yu Li PS2-11 Rui Lin PS2-12 Qian Liu PS2-13 Jian Ma PS2-14 Qinbiao Ni PS2-16 Zhiliang Shen PS2-17 Guisheng Song PS2-18 Jianjun Wang PS2-19 Qinsheng Wei PS2-20 Jiezhong Wu PS2-21 Hongwei Xiao PS2-22 Zheng Xiao PS2-23 Kunming Xu PS2-24 Li Xu PS2-25 Weifeng Yang PS2-26 Feng Ye PS2-27 Dongxing Yuan PS2-28 Weidong Zhai PS2-29 Caiyun Zhang PS2-30 Kuanbo Zhou Importance of extreme rain event in terrigenous OM output in a small river The fluorescence characteristics of DOM in the seagrass ecosystem from Hainan Seasonal variability in the carbonate system in the northern South China Sea Developing a salinity-based approach for the evaluation of DIN removal rate in estuarine ecosystems A versatile automated analyzer: The development and application of a dual loop flow-sequential injection analyzer Diversity of diazotrophs in the mangrove rhizosphere revealed by pyrosequencing of nifH gene Sources and transportation of nutrients under the impact of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) in Sanggou Bay, China The impact of microbial interactions on biogeochemical cycles in aquatic ecosystems Changes of Xiamen IslandтАЩs coastal landscape after Cimaron Typhoon in July 2013 Project Introduction on тАЬDevelopment of methods for ocean management in the Japan Sea, an international enclosed coastal sea that includes continental shelves and islandтАЭ In field determination of DRP in coastal and open sea Study on visualization and analysis system for marine observation data Long-term changes in nutrient and its structure and its influences on ecological environment in Jiaozhou Bay An underestimated carbon cycling process in turbid estuarine and coastal waters: Particulate organic matter photodegradation хП░ц╣╛ц╡╖х│бц▓ЙчзпчЙйцнгцЮДчГ╖чГГ C31/C17 хп╣хПдц┤кц░┤цМЗчд║цДПф╣ЙчЪДхИЭцнецОвшои Physical-biogeochemical coupling in the frontal zone of the central southern Yellow Sea Coastal hydrodynamic and ecological buoy array Isoopic composition of atmospheric nitrate in total suspended particulate to identify sources and chemistry in the oligotrophic South China Sea A study on the sea level variations of Eastern Luzon straits Multiple microelectrode study of pH, pCO2, and redox chemical species in mangrove sediments Insights into the ocean carbon cycle in Canadian Basin from radiocarbon measurements Abundance and export of particulate black carbon in the northeastern South China Sea Stable isotopes provide insight into the sources and fate of nitrate in the Pearl River Estuary, south China Overview of the current research on determination of trace metals and nutrients in seawater Occurrence of aragonite corrosive water in North Yellow Sea, near the Yalu River estuary, in a flooding summer Variability of phytoplankton blooms in coastal river plumes of western Taiwan Strait triggered by tropical storms DOC and thorium adsorption onto membrane filters: implications for C/Th ratios? 24 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences 2H/1H differences among lipids synthesised via the ACT (acetogenic), MVA (mevalonic) and DXP (1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate) PS2-31 Youping Zhou pathways in higher plant leaves: evidence for intracellular water (H+) isotopic heterogeneity Session 3: Biological oceanography & global change ф╕УщвШ 3я╝ЪчФЯчЙйц╡╖ц┤Лхнжф╕ОхЕичРГхПШхМЦ PS3-01 Leo Lai Chan PS3-02 Bingzhang Chen PS3-03 Mianrun Chen PS3-04 Shanwen Chen PS3-05 PS3-06 Yuan Dong Cui Guo PS3-07 Peng Jin PS3-08 Bong-Oh Kwon PS3-09 Yahe Li PS3-10 Junrong Liang PS3-11 Xin Lin PS3-12 Xin Lin PS3-13 Haipeng Liu PS3-14 Huaxue Liu PS3-15 Xin Liu PS3-16 Linjian Ou PS3-17 Dajun Qiu PS3-19 Honghua Shi PS3-20 Kai Tang PS3-21 Yaping Wu PS3-22 Wupeng Xiao PS3-23 Dapeng Xu Benthic and epiphytic toxic algae (BETA): An emerging threat to coral ecosystems in south China Assessing the difference of temperature dependence between autotrophic and heterotrophic fluxes of plankton in coastal seas Mesozooplankton clearance rate on phytoplankton is reduced by increasing carnivory degree of omnivorous assemblage at coastal and estuarine water Viral attack exacerbates the susceptibility of a bloom-forming alga to ocean acidification Nutrient balance in South China Sea Effect of atmospheric input on marine microbial food web Mechanistic effects of elevated CO2 on the calcification of coccolithophores Microphytobenthos diversity and production in Korean tidal flats Gibberellin A3 induced the phytohormone variation and the related physiological response of marine algae Ulva prolifera Cellular mechanism associated with oxidative stress and programed cell death in the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana response to nitrogen limitation Evolution of atypical alkaline phosphatase (PhoAaty) in marine phytoplankton: insights from the highly divergent gene sequences and the dynamic evolution in dinoflagellates Characterization of the Phaeodactylum tricornutum epigenome Effects of CO2-driven seawater acidification on the Artemia sinica: proteomics and fatty acids analysis during different developmental stages Planktonic community structure during a harmful bloom of Phaeocystis globosa in a subtropical bay, with special reference to the ciliates assemblages Quasi-climatological description of seasonal variations on phytoplankton community structure in the East China Sea Phosphorus strategy of Prorocentrum donghaienase and its role in the bloom formation Active cell functions of the cryptophyte symbiont during a Mesodinium rubrum Distribution of phytoplankton biodiversity in relationship to environmental variables in South-five island of Miaodao Archipelago Molecular insight into the micorbial metabolisms on high-weight dissolved organic matters Physiological responses of a model marine diatom to fast pH changes, with special implication of coastal water acidification Phytoplankton dynamics with environmental factors in the East China Sea inferred from generalized additive mixed models Microbial eukaryotes (protists) from the South China Sea: insights from next generation sequencing 25 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences How marine microalgae sequester carbon dioxide: perspectives from population and single cell Transcriptome sequencing of the marine microalga, Chlorella PS3-25 Nianjun Xu pyrenoidosa (Chlorophyta), and the analyses of carbonic anhydrase expression under salt stress A bead-beating based method to extract DNA from marine PS3-26 Jian Yuan phytoplankton for quantitative PCR applications Bacterial communities and impact of contamination in the tropical PS3-27 Liping Zheng and subtropical mangrove revealed by pyrosequencing Habitat suitability analysis of Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in the PS3-28 Jian Zhou subtidal zone of Xiaoheishan Island Session 4: Marine pollution & ecotoxicology PS3-24 Jian Xu ф╕УщвШ 4я╝Ъц╡╖ц┤Лц▒бцЯУф╕ОчФЯцАБцпТчРЖ PS4-01 Xianhui An PS4-02 Chui Wei Bong PS4-03 Zhuoping Cai PS4-04 Guanghui Ding PS4-05 Limin Feng PS4-06 Haizheng Hong PS4-07 Wenwen Huang PS4-08 Chenglong Ji PS4-09 Yuanyuan Li PS4-10 Po Teen LIM PS4-11 Chih-Ning Liu PS4-12 Xindong Ma PS4-13 Jingli Mu PS4-14 Qiao-guo Tan PS4-15 Xinhong Wang PS4-16 Ying Wang PS4-17 Zhen Wang PS4-18 Huifeng Wu PS4-19 Hai Xu Screening of VibrioтАЩ antagonistic bacteria and a preliminary study on their active substances Antibiotic residue detectionin Malaysia marine farmed fish and shrimp Direct evidence of hormesis in marine microalgae as induced by glyphosate Tissue distribution, bioconcentration, and liver proteome response of sulfamethazine in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) Toxic effects of chronic sub-lethal exposure of P-CTX-1 on mice Developmental toxicity of benzophenone-3 and 2-ethyl-hexyl-4-trimethoxycinnamate in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) embryos Evaluation of various HILIC columns and sample treatment methods of tetrodotoxin in puffer fish by LC-MS/MS iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analyses on the gender-specific responses in mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis to tetrabromobisphenol A Seasonal variation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in PM2.5 aerosols over the East China Sea Bloom of Karlodinium austral (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) associated with massive fish mortality along the West Johor Strait, Malaysia The physiological effects of Pacific ciguatoxin-1 (P-CTX-1) in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) Bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of short chain chlorinated paraffins in a marine food web from the Liaodong Bay, North China Effects of CO2-driven ocean acidification on early life stages of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) The speciation of Cu and Zn in two hyperaccumulator estuarine oysters: a synchrotron study Contamination of PFOS/PFOA in the surface sediment of the estuarine and coastal areas of China The toxic effect of typical crude oil components and their weathering products to marine bioluminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri Characterizing the distribution of PBDEs in soil, moss and reindeer dung at Ny- ├Еlesund; lesund of the Arctic A metabolomic investigation on the effects of metal pollution in oysters Crassostrea hongkongensis Proteomics analysis of male zebrafish brain chronically exposed to 26 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences bisphenol A PS4-20 Ming Yang The immunomodulatory effect of bisphenol A on fish Accumulation of butyltin compounds in fish and molluscs from PS4-21 Dongmei Zhao Chinese coastal waters Pollution characteristics of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in PS4-22 Shuhui Zhao atmospheric particulate matters in the Western Taiwan Strait Region during winter and spring Discovery and study of algicidal marine microorganisms, novel PS4-23 Tianling Zheng algicidal compounds, algicidal mechanisms of action and potential application in HABs control Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the mariculture zones of PS4-24 Humin Zong ChinaтАЩs northern Yellow Sea Development of the environmental monitoring system for PS4-25 Jiajun Wu aquaculture Workshop 1: Observational and modeling research on the circulation in the South China Sea and the Luzon Strait ф╕УщвШчаФшоиф╝Ъ 1я╝ЪхНЧц╡╖ф╕ОхРХхоЛц╡╖х│бчОпц╡БшзВц╡ЛхПКцХ░хА╝цибцЛЯчаФчй╢ PW1-01 Shengli Chen Local inertial oscillations generated by wind changes Observations of internal tides and near-inertial waves in the upper PW1-02 Yong Fang 480 m layer of the Luzon Strait Contribution of the Karimata Strait transport to the Indonesian PW1-03 Zhigang He Throughflow as seen from a data assimilation model A double-index method to classify the Kuroshio intrusion paths in the PW1-04 Jianyu Hu Luzon Strait A eddies-gyre structure in the western South China Sea in summer PW1-05 Junmin Li 2011 A comparison study of typhoon-induced near-inertial oscillations in PW1-06 Zhenyu Sun the South China Sea Temporal variability and modal structure of internal tides in the PW1-07 Zhenhua Xu northern South China Sea Workshop 2: Source-to-Sink in Space and Time: Sediment Process and Sedimentary Record in Marginal Seas ф╕УщвШчаФшоиф╝Ъ 2я╝Ъ уАМф╗Оц║РхИ░ц▒ЗуАНхЬицЧ╢чй║ф╕КчЪДчЙ╣х╛Бя╝Ъш╛╣ч╝Шц╡╖ф╣Лц▓Йчзпш┐ЗчиЛхТМц▓Йчзпшо░х╜Х PW2-01 PW2-02 Yi Chang Yuan-Pin Chang PW2-03 Jing Chen PW2-04 Daidu Fan PW2-05 Jianhua Gao PW2-06 Wenping Gong PW2-07 Liangwen Jia PW2-08 Chao Li PW2-09 Dawei Li Seasonal evolution of chlorophyll-a fronts in the Taiwan Strait Spatial distribution and characteristics of sedimentary n-Alkanes in Zhuoshui River drainage and estuary Clay mineral composition of West Taiwan Strait and its implication for Middle-late Holocene Zhe-Min Coastal Current Distinction and hydraulic meaningful interpretation of grain-size populations of intertidal heterolithic deposits in the middle Qiantang Estuary (China) The quantitative estimation of sediment loadinto Poyang Lake basin under human impacts Sediment transport pattern in a funnel-shaped estuary Study on the long term morphological evolution of the Modaomen Estuary, Pearl River Potential application of comminution age method to constrain the time scale of sediment source-to-sink transport in the East China Sea Variations of export production and phytoplankton community structure change in the Okinawa trough over the last 30 kyr: Global 27 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PW2-10 Ni Su PW2-11 Aijun Wang PW2-12 Yunwei Wang PW2-13 Zhongbo Wang PW2-14 Hong Yan PW2-15 Yang Yang PW2-16 Ping Yin consistence of the silicic acid leakage hypothesis Geochemistry of major, trace and rare-earth elements during weathering of granodiorite in southeast China: implications for riverine floodplain weathering The fate of terrestrial substances discharged from Minjiang River Modeling the mud filling processes of tidal basins along the East China Sea coast The characteristics of detrital garnet compositions of Changjiang and Huanghe river sediments and their source identification in East China Sea Dynamics of the western Pacific ITCZ during the past millennium Characteristics of suspended sediment and resuspension processes in Xinyanggang Estuary In-situ observation of typhoon "Seagull" impact on Nandujiang River water flux and sediment discharge Session 5: Student Session ф╕УщвШ 5я╝ЪхнжчФЯф╕УхЬ║ PSSB-01 Zhen Cao PSSB-02 Jie Chen PSSB-03 Lixiao Chen PSSB-04 Wanli Dong PSSB-05 Shujin Guo PSSB-06 Guodong Han PSSB-07 Yuewen Hu PSSB-08 Xiaoyun Huang PSSB-09 Xiaozhou Huang PSSB-10 Xiongwei Huang PSSB-11 Xuguang Huang PSSB-13 Yibin Huang PSSB-14 Zheng Huang PSSB-15 Nanjing Ji PSSB-16 Siyu Jiang Seasonal variations of phytoplankton composition in Xiamen Bay using in situ Cytosense Effect of oxidative stress on cell death and TEP production by diatoms and cyanobacterium Studies on food web structure and energy flow of Guangxi offshore ecosystem based on the Ecopath model Bioavailability and effect of different forms of iron in seawater on the growth of P. tricornutum Sinking rates of phytoplankton in the Changjiang estuary, East China Sea: A comparative study between Prorocentrum dentatum and Skeletonema dorhnii bloom Latitudinal variability of physiological responses to heat stress of the intertidal limpet Cellana toreuma along the Asian coast Utilization of colloidal organic phosphorus by marine phytoplanton-Skeletonema costatum Characterization of urease activity in four phytoplankton species, Skeletonema costatum, Prorocentrum donghaiense, Karenia mikimotoi, Phaeocystis globosa Phosphorus starvation induced programmed cell death in the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense Will human activities break the biogeographic barrier of rocky shore species? - Phylogeography of three intertidal invertebrates along the Chinese coast The response of planktonic assemblages to the abundance of Blackfordia virginica (Hydromedusa) in Xiamen Nanhu Park, China Balance of planktonic respiration and production in the South China Sea Ecosystem based approaches of nutrient criteria establishment in an estuary, southeast China Selection of suitable reference gene for quantitative real-time PCR in Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae) under different experimental conditions Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing in northern South China Sea during the spring of 2014 28 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PSSB-17 Wen Jiao PSSB-18 Meizhen Li PSSB-19 Xi Li PSSB-20 Yihui Li PSSB-21 Zhengke Li PSSB-22 Kailin Liu PSSB-23 Xiaohong Liu PSSB-24 Hao Luo PSSB-25 Fei Qi PSSB-26 Liming Qu PSSB-27 Da Shao PSSB-28 Xinguo Shi PSSB-29 Peng Sun PSSB-30 Fujiing Wang PSSB-31 Jie Wang PSSB-32 Lu Wang PSSB-33 Yibo Wang PSSB-34 PSSB-35 Yuanyong Wang Lau Lik Sing Winnie PSSB-36 Xiaoqing Xi PSSB-37 Tian Xia PSSB-38 Yuyuan Xie PSSB-39 Lu Yang PSSB-40 Shanshan Yu PSSB-41 Mingli Yuan PSSB-42 Dangni Zhang Assessment of social vulnerability to climate change and its adaption strategies in southwest coastal area of Taiwan Effet of phosphorus deficiency and adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP) on growth rate and cell cycle of Prorocentrum donghaiense The mechanism of Fe (тЕв) reduction by a novel thermophilic dissimilatory iron reducing bacteria Effects of temperature on simple planktonic food chains in the ocean Iron limitation exacerbated the damage of ultraviolet-B on the oceanic Synechococcus sp. WH8102 Responses of autotrophic and heterotrophic rates of plankton to short-term temperature modulations at a subtropical coastal site Extracellular enzyme activity of brown tide (Aureococcus anophagefferens) in Qinhuangdao Gene expression analysis of Karenia mikimotoi in dissolved organic phosphorus condition by suppression subtractive hybridization The ecological recover process and compensation mechanism of mangrove Avicenna marina affected by Oligochroa cantonella Caradja herbivore Physiological responses of an economic red macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis grown at different densities to future CO2-induced ocean acidification Landing history of тАШUrusтАЩ on Dongdao Island, Xisha Islands of South China Sea Rhodopsin gene expression regulated by light dark cycle, spectrumand light intensity in dinoflagellate Prorocentrum Change in the relationship between ecosystem structure and functionings in the Jiaozhou Bay The relationship between phytoplankton community structure and nutrient in northern Beibu Gulf Biogeographic distributions of rocky intertidal species (Cellana and Siphonaria) in the Southeast Asia Current status and future prospect of DNA barcoding in marine biology The influence of the Yellow Sea Warm Current on the biodiversity of Bohai Sea Primary production of microphytobenthos in shallow system and their ecological role Rapid detection of harmful Raphidophyte, Chattonella sp. using whole-cell FISH Application of molecular biology in analyzing food composition of Johnius belengerii (Cuvier) in Saddle Archipelago Study of the photosynthesis of Ulva prolifera under complex seawater environment Photosynthetic parameters in the Northern South China Sea in relation to phytoplankton community structure Studies on trophic niche of major fish species in Beibu Gulf Phylogeographic analysis and thermal tolerance of Nipponacmea limpets (Gastropoda: Lottidae) in China Coccolithophore response to climate and surface hydrography in the Yellow Sea, Northwest Pacific, AD 1761-2011 Molecular detecting in situ dietary composition of Calanus sinicus in Taiwan Strait 29 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PSSB-43 Rongmo Zhang PSSB-44 Shuwen Zhang PSSB-45 Yiwei Zhang PSSB-46 Peng Zhou PSSB-47 Lisha Li PSSC-01 Lei Bi PSSC-02 PSSC-03 Sherry Cao Li Chen PSSC-04 Ting Chen PSSC-05 Wei Chen PSSC-06 Yaojin Chen PSSC-07 Zuhao Chu PSSC-08 Xiaodong Ding PSSC-09 Ziming Fang PSSC-10 Sichao Feng PSSC-11 Yaqin Gao PSSC-12 Wei Guo PSSC-13 Yulong Guo PSSC-14 Meng He PSSC-15 Qingquan Hong PSSC-16 Jing Hou PSSC-17 Ling Hu PSSC-18 Wangjiang Hu PSSC-19 Hsin-Yi Huang PSSC-20 Xinlei Jiang PSSC-21 Dalayya Kota PSSC-22 Qian Li PSSC-23 Ying Liang Expression and degradation pattern of form I rubiscounder different nutrient treatments in Karenia mikimotoi and Karlodinium veneficium Effects of diet nutritional quality on the growth and grazing of Noctiluca scintillans The level mRNA of glycogenesis and glycogenolysis genes studied by RT-qPCR technology in oyster Bacterial communities and impact of contamination in the tropical and subtropical mangrove revealed by pyrosequencing Physiological energetics of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus exposed to seawater acidification and thermal stress Clay geochemistry of the rivers entering the East China Sea indicates two types of weathering and sediment transport processes Nutrients and their sources of coral reefs in South China Method optimization of dissolved urea in seawater Magnetic properties of tidal flat sediments on the Yangtze coast, China: early diagenetic alteration and implications Determination of free and combined amino acids in dissolved and particulate phases in marine environment Redox speciation analysis of iron in estuarine and coastal waters using on-line solid phase extraction hyphenated with GFAAS and visible spectrophotometry Study of using Dowex 1X8 resin to pretreat silver in seawater Sub-millennial to millennial scale East Asian summer Monsoon variability during the last deglaciation from Dongyuan Lake, southern Taiwan-Comparison with Chinese stalagmite record Spatial pattern and export of particulate black carbon in the western Arctic and subarctic Ocean Determination of trace dissolved manganese in seawater samples by flow injection analysis with catalytic spectrophotometric detection Historical records of mercury distributions and mercury isotope signatures in sediments of Jiulongjiang estuary Sources and transport of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in the LingDingYang water of Pearl River estuary in south China The influence of grain-size sorting on silicate chemical weathering proxies: CIA, WIP and ╬▒ Values Nitrate uptake in cold and warm eddies in the western North Pacific Influence of irrigation-dominated benthic addition on the estuarine mixing of solutes in the Jiulong River estuary Biogeochemistry of methane in the Sanggou Bay Anaerobic respiration and its influence on the total alkalinity in the sediment of the Jiulong River estuary Enhanced particle scavenging in deep water of the Aleutian Basin revealed by 210Po-210Pb disequilibria The deposition system evolution of Jhuoshuei River mouth in the Holocene(6000): Initial discussion Nitrogen removal in the sediment-water interface of the Pearl River Estuary in autumn Lithium isotopic ratio as a proxy for silicate weathering in the Pearl River (Zhujiang) System, China Dynamics of air-sea CO2 fluxes under the influence of mesoscale cyclonic eddies in the western South China Sea Sediment phosphorus speciation, desorption in a river reservoir, 30 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PSSC-24 Baozhi Lin PSSC-25 Haiying Lin PSSC-26 Kunning Lin PSSC-27 Dong Liu PSSC-28 Li Luo PSSC-29 Tariq Mahmood PSSC-30 Yanjun Mei PSSC-31 Dadong Pan PSSC-32 Tong Peng PSSC-33 Elliott Roberts PSSC-34 Qingyang Sun PSSC-35 Ehui Tan PSSC-36 Cuicui Wang PSSC-37 Xiaodan Wang PSSC-38 Xiaona Wang PSSC-40 Yangyang Wang Zhaowei Wang PSSC-41 Hailun Wei PSSC-42 Jia Wei PSSC-43 PSSC-44 Qiao Wu Yanhua Wu PSSC-45 Yingxu Wu PSSC-46 Dong Xia PSSC-47 Fanglu Xu PSSC-48 Min Xu PSSC-39 Southeast China Provenance and chemical weathering control on inner shelf surface sediments of East China Sea and riverine sediments along the land-sea intersections of SE China Isotopic composition analysis of dissolved mercury in seawater with purge & trap preconcentration and a modified Hg introduction device for MC-ICP-MS Fast analytical method for the determination of nutrients in seawater samples Decadal variations of dissolved organic carbon transported from the Yangtze River and Yellow River Variations of nitrate and ammonium, DIN fluxes of aerosol over the northwest Pacific Ocean in spring Biogeochemistry of nutrient in an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) region: case study of Sanggou Bay (Northern China) Tridacna biological organic characteristics analysis from Xisha Islands in South China Sea Mineral magnetic characteristics of surficial sediments and their implications for sedimentary environment at the Changjiang river mouth Absorption and fluorescence properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter produced by algae Anthropogenic carbon evolution at a time-series site Enhanced sea-air CO2 exchange influenced by a tropical depression in the South China Sea Submarine groundwater discharge on the shelf of East China Sea in winter and its impacts Analysis of Sun-blocking agents from sediment by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with accelerate solvent extraction and solidphase extraction purification Seasonal variability of major ion chemistry in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and its indication to the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir Sources and biogeochemistry behaviors of organic matter and nutrients in a tropical river, Hainan, China Kaoping River тАУ Sea sediments from source to sink traced with clay mineralogy Behavior of dissolved manganese in the East China Sea The characteristics and distribution of organic matter and their significances in surface sediments of the East China Sea Impact of a rainstorm event on the spectral characteristics of CDOM in the subtropical Jiulong river and estuarine system ╬┤15N and ╬┤18O of nitrate of intermediate water in the South China Sea Nitrogen dynamic in coastal seas off southern China Time-series observations on the shelf of the East China Sea based on a buoy system Variations of hydrodynamics and submarine groundwater discharge under the influence of water-sediment regulation scheme Distribution and sources of terrigenous organic carbon in surface sediments across the Bering and Chukchi Seas of the Arctic Ocean Light and substrate effects on ammonium utilizer in the upper 31 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PSSC-49 Jinyu Yang PSSC-50 Lihong Yang PSSC-51 Renkai Yang PSSC-52 Yufeng Yang PSSC-53 Wang-Wang Ye PSSC-54 Jiexia Zhang PSSC-55 Lei Zhang PSSC-56 Miming Zhang PSSC-57 Xuelian Zhang PSSC-58 Yue Zhao PSSC-59 Yun Zhao PSSC-60 Li-Wei Zheng PSSC-61 Tingjin Zhou PSSC-62 Weitao Zhou PSSC-63 Yifan Zhu PSSP-01 PSSP-03 PSSP-04 PSSP-05 Minglei Guan Shihming Huang Qiang Lian Zhaolin Lin Bingqing Liu PSSP-06 Hong Luan PSSP-07 Alfi Rusdiansyah PSSP-08 Lianghai Shi PSSP-09 Xiaoqin Tao PSSP-10 Pengfei Tuo PSSP-11 Juan Wang PSSP-12 Xing Wang PSSP-13 Ting Wu PSSP-02 western North Pacific Ocean Influence of lateral particle transport on sedimentary N isotopic records in the northern South China Sea Spatial distribution and potential ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in surface sediments of Meizhou Bay Late quaternary sedimentary environment evolution at the mouth of the Zhuoshui River Taiwan The impact of human intervention on morphology and sedimentology in Xiamen Distribution and flux of methane in the East China Sea in summer: Impact of hypoxia Nitrous oxide maximas in the Chukchi Sea and west of the Chukchi Plateau Separation and analysis of siderophores in seawater Interannual and seasonal variations of atmospheric MSA and nss-SO42- at Zhongshan station, Antarctica Microbial mediated sulfur cycling in the ocean and the possible role of molybenum Preparation and characterization of an all-solid-state carbonate ion selective electrode Sedimentary geochemistry and source chemical weathering characteristics of JRD-S in Taiwan Cyclone-induced hyperpycnal discharge of modern organic carbon to deep ocean : A case study of sediment trap(T7KP) in Gaoping submarine canyon A modified method for on-line determination of trace aluminum in natural water with spectrophotometric detection Partioning of trace metals in a highly dynamic system of Jiulong Estuary impacted by irregular effluents Distribution pattern of ammonium in the South China Sea: based on in situ high precision measurement The research of tidal survey based on coastal GNSS Ocean circulation and biogeochemical responses to Typhoons Applied turbulence closure model in marine waters Analysis of the mooring current data in the South China Sea Oceanic internal waves imaged by Mutiple Tandem Satellites Analysis of the Pearl River Estuary in winter and spring of suspended sediment concentration remote sensing inversion model Spreading paths of water masses in the Mid-Eastern Indonesian waters during Transitional Monsoonal Period First attempt for retrieving remote sensing reflectance over coastal waters from an UAV-based spectrometer Study of storm surge numerical simulation in Xiamen Bay Comparison of three automatic algorithms for detecting mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea and the Northwest Pacific Ocean Mass-induced sea level variations in the Gulf of Carpentaria Numerical study on dynamic mechanism of maintaining the deep tidal channel in the Lianzhou Bay Simulation of water exchange between Hangzhou Bay and adjacent region 32 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PSSP-14 Tianzhu Xia PSSP-15 Tong Yan PSSP-16 Li Zhang PSSP-17 Wei Zhang PSSP-18 Liang Zhao PSSP-19 Jingjing Zheng PSSP-20 Yifei Zheng PSSP-21 Qingguang Zhu PSST-01 Guanjing Cai PSST-02 Yizhi Cai PSST-03 Hui Chen PSST-04 Zhangran Chen PSST-05 Yudong Cui PSST-06 Hao Dong PSST-07 Xiaojian Gao PSST-08 Xiaoyun Guo PSST-09 Sanober Kahkashan PSST-10 Xueqian Lei PSST-11 Yi Li PSST-12 Wuhui Lin PSST-13 Xiaolan Lin PSST-14 Wanxin Liu PSST-15 Chuanliang Ma PSST-16 Huifang Peng Comparative analysis on different air-sea temperature difference data and characteristics analysis in South China Sea in nearly 35a Internal tide characteristics in the deep water northwest of the Xisha Islands Dynamics and mechanisms of decadal variability of the Pacific-South America Mode over the 20th century Experimental study on hydrothermal plume in a stratified salt water tank Experiments on movement characteristics of incident flow in stratified and unstratified water A modeling study of the hypoxia dynamic off the Changjiang Estuary The impact of global warming on the distribution of the ecological elements in Tonkin Gulf Numerical simulation of river channel scour and silting evolution of a tidal river under influence of a sluice gate An ecologically safe microbial agent produced by a novel algicidal actinomycete and its mechanism in lysing Phaeocystis globosa Diurnal variations of PFCs and PAHs in the northern waters of Pingtan Island under the Minzhe coastal current Antibiotics in typical mariculture farms in Hailing Island, South China: occurrence, bioaccumulation and dietary exposure The role of chemotaxis features of a bacterium in low abundance causing the plaque-forming process of a diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum Utilization of dominant-type phosphonate as source of phosphorus nutrient by dinoflagellates Characteristics of a petroleum degrading bacteria isolated from oil-contaminated soil Detection of virulence genes and phenotypic and molecular identification of pathogenic Vibrio harveyi isolated from diseased Crassostrea gigas Photoinhibition of Phaeocystis globosa resulting from oxidative stress induced by a marine algicidal bacterium Bacillus sp. LP-10 Evaluation of marine sediments contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) along the Karachi coast, Pakistan after Tasman Spirit oil spill The physiological process and molecular mechanism of Alexandrium tamarense cell death induced by Vibrio sp. BS02 The first evidence of deinoxanthin from Deinococcus sp. Y35 with strong algicidal effect on the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense Radioactivity impacts of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident on marine environment Using 16S rRNA marker gene sequence analysis to reveal the integrated response of microbial communities to PAH contamination in mangrove sediment Risk assessment of trace elements accumulated in fish to the Indo-Pacific Humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) in the waters of Xiamen Bay Source apportionment and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils of the coastal wetland in North China Identification of differentially expressed proteins of brain tissue in response to methamidophos in flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) 33 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PSST-17 Wenli Qin PSST-18 Bo Shi PSST-19 Jingjing Sun PSST-20 Cong Wang PSST-21 Fengwen Wang PSST-22 Miaolei Ya PSST-23 Xiaozhen Yang PSST-24 Yawei Yuan PSST-25 Huajun Zhang PSST-26 Su Zhang PSST-27 Zaiwang Zhang PSST-28 Qingqing Zhao PSST-29 Hong Zhu Effect of clay minerals on the growth of algae Transcription analysis to explain the intraspecies difference of copper body concentrations in Crassostrea angulata Virulence genes and dulplex PCR and the LAMP assays for the detection of pathogenic Vibrio anguillarum Differential effects of herbicide glyphosate on marine phytoplankton Sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in PM2.5 over the East China Sea, a downwind domain of East Asian continental outflow Geochemical response of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to the coastal upwelling in the Northern South China Sea Toxicity of silver nanoparticle on reproductive physiology in adult Zebrafish Novel insights into the responses of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense to an marine bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas sp. SP48 Effectiveness of an anti-algal compound in eliminating an aquatic unicellular harmful algal Phaeocystis globosa Response of antioxidant system of Heterosigma akashiwo under the stress of prodigiosin Brominated flame retardants in mangrove sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, South China: Spatial distribution, temporal trend and mass inventory Gonad differential proteins revealed with Proteomics in the oyster (Crassostrea angulata) fed on food contaminated with lead Isolation and characterization of a bio-agent antagonistic to diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana 34 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Abstracts / цСШшжБ Keynote / ф╕╗щвШцКехСКцСШшжБ K-01 Photosynthesis from space Dr. Paul Falkowski Rutgers University, USA [email protected] Abstract: Paul G. Falkowski1,2, Hanzhi Lin1, Fedor Kuzminov1, Maxim Gorbunov1 1Environmental Biophysics and Molecular Biology Program, Department of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08540, USA 2Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854, USA In the early late 1970тАЩs, retrievals from the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS), an experimental instrument that flew on the Nimbus 7 satellite, proved it was possible to estimate upper ocean chlorophyll aconcentrations from space based measurements of water leaving radiances. The CZCS measurements were never designed to be operational, but gave the world the first glimpse of the ability of global ocean satellite observations to develop biogeochemical models from remotely sensed data. A decade later, and long after the CZCS detector finally failed, operational measurements of water leaving radiances were obtained on a dedicated satellite, SeaWiFS. Based on the algorithms from CZCS and basic models of light propagation in the ocean as a function of surface chlorophylla concentrations, we began to develop models of global net primary production. The time domain was given by estimates of incident solar radiation at the ocean surface. Empirical algorithms were developed that interpreted the upper ocean chlorophyll aconcentrations to a vertical profile of the pigment, and its effective quantum efficiency. Due to simplicity of this type of model (the vertically generalized productivity model (VGPM; Behrenfeld and Falkowski, 1997), it remains the basic model for primary production in the oceans (http://www.science.oregonstate.edu/ocean.productivity/standard.product.php). With the advent of MODIS and MERIS satellites in the early part of this century, not only were ocean color data available, but water leaving radiances in the redspectral region, arising from the solar induced stimulation of chlorophylla fluorescence, were detectable. The interpretation of this signal is complex and still poorly understood. To better interpret the signal, we constructed an instrument to determine the fluorescence lifetimes of chlorophylla in situ, using picosecondtime-resolved spectroscopy of the upper ocean. In addition to measuring тАЬtrueтАЭ molecular quantum yields of chlorophyll a fluorescence, this method also has high fidelity to the actual quantum yield of photochemistry. Based on many hundreds of thousands of measurements of fluorescent lifetimes and their correlations with solar induced fluorescence, we report on the potential to retrieve phytoplankton photophysiological information from space based measurements. 35 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Biography: Paul G. Falkowski is the Bennett L. Smith Professor of Business and Natural Resources in the Departments of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Earth and Planetary Sciences and Supply Chain Management and Marketing Sciences at Rutgers University. His research interests include evolution, paleoecology, photosynthesis, biophysics, biogeochemical cycles, symbiosis and sustainable energy. Born in 1951 and raised in New York City, Falkowski earned his B.S. and M.Sc. degrees from the City College of the City University of New York and his Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia. After a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Rhode Island, he joined Brookhaven National Laboratory 1976 as a scientist in the newly formed Oceanographic Sciences Division. He served as head of the division from 1986 to 1991, and from 1991 to 1995 he was Deputy Chair in the Department of Applied Science, responsible for the development and oversight of all environmental science programs. In 1998 he moved to Rutgers University. His research efforts are directed towards understanding the co-evolution of biological and physical systems. In 1992 he received a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship. In 1996 he was appointed as the Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor at the University of British Columbia. In 1998 he was awarded the Huntsman Medal. In 2000 he was awarded the Hutchinson Prize. In 2001 he was elected as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union. In 2002 he was elected as a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2005 he received the Vernadsky medal from the European Geosciences Union. In 2007 he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences. He has authored or coauthored over 350 papers in peer-reviewed journals and books. Together with John Raven, he is co-author of Aquatic Photosynthesis (Princeton University Press), and a new book, LifeтАЩs Engines (published in Spring 2015). He has co-invented and patented a fluorosensing system which is capable of measuring phytoplankton photosynthetic rates nondestructively and in real time. He is the founding Director of the Rutgers Energy Institute and heads the Environmental Biophysics and Molecular Ecology program at the university. 36 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences K-02 Recent inter-annual variability and climate change impacts over the continental shelf and slope of the northeastern United States Dr. Glen Gawarkiewicz Physical Oceanography Department, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA [email protected] Abstract: Glen Gawarkiewicz and Weifeng Zhang, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA The continental shelf and slope of the northeastern United States, including the Gulf of Maine and the Middle Atlantic Bight, are susceptible to climate change impacts and enhanced inter-annual variability. This is highlighted by the spring of 2012, when temperature anomalies over the entire continental shelf exceeded 2 Degrees C over a six month period. This anomaly was due to an extended northward shift in the position of the atmospheric Jet Stream, and the position of the Jet Stream has an impact on the winter temperature over the continental shelf. This warming extended the range of fish populations to the north in 2012 and thus had significant effects on the ecosystem. The warming also affected the temperature contrast across the shelfbreak front that is the boundary between waters of the continental shelf and slope. Our perspectives on the shelf and slope variability will be improved by the Ocean Observatories Initiative Pioneer Array, which will be deployed from 2015-2020 south of New England. Preliminary science results from the Pioneer Array will be discussed along with recent temperature trends over the continental shelf. Biography: Glen Gawarkiewicz is a senior scientist in the Physical Oceanography Department at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. His research interests include shelfbreak processes, continental shelf processes, climate change impacts, ocean observing systems, applications of autonomous underwater vehicles for scientific applications, and cooperative research with commercial fishermen. He received his S.B. in Ocean Engineering from M.I.T. in 1981 and Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography from the University of Delaware in 1989. He has been involved in a number of large field programs in shelfbreak regions on the east coast of the United States and the western Pacific. He has collaborated with a wide range of scientists including acousticians, biologists, chemists, and cetologists. He is presently leading a program on rapid response deployment of moorings and gliders to study hurricanes on the east coast of the United States and is also involved in scientific uses of the Ocean Observatory Initiative Pioneer Array. 37 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences K-03 Flocculation тАФ Transformation of terrestrial particles in the marine environment Dr. James Syvitski University of Colorado, USA [email protected] Abstract: James Syvitski , CSDMS/INSTAAR, U Colorado, Boulder CO, 80309-0545, USA The largest input of sediment into the coastal ocean is by rivers, of which most enters as suspended sediment. The sediment-laden river waters often enter riding within the turbulence of a surface plume wherein sediment rains out of the plume into the marine waters below and where flocs form quickly and settle through the water column subject to other sedimentation processes (e.g. differential settling, shear, zooplankton ingestion, bacterial growth, plankton interaction). Underwater тАЬin situтАЭ cameras especially designed for studying flocsoffer up quantitative information on how sediment particles grow and shrink in the coastal marine environment. Together with other marine instruments, the following attributes of suspended particles can be determined: in situ size distribution, particle sphericity, particle Reynolds number, particle drag coefficient, equivalent spherical sedimentation diameter, excess floc density, floc mass concentration, floc porosity, and floc mass flux. Over 7000 in situ images of suspended sediment in coastal water were collected and analyzed from67 locations andareas in and around: Greenland, Baffin Island, Labrador Sea, Gulf of St Lawrence, Alaska, Antarctica, and in water depths up to 1000 m. The environments include those dominated by icebergs, river discharge, and tidal mixing. The presentation will provide historical development of the study of marine particles, background theory and highlights from these data to demonstrate the range in flocculation dynamics and the impact on seafloor sedimentation rates. 38 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Biography: Professor James P.M. Syvitski received a Ph.D. at U British Columbia in 1978, where he developed a quantitative understanding of particle dynamics across the land-sea boundary. He has held a variety of appointments within Canadian universities (1978-95) and was a Senior Research Scientist within the Geological Survey of Canada at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography (1981-95). James served as Director of INSTAAR тАУ at U Colorado - Boulder Earth and Environmental Systems Institute from 1995-2007, and presently holds CU faculty appointments in Geological Sciences, Applied Mathematics, Atmosphere & Ocean Sciences, Hydrological Sciences, and Geophysics. Professor Syvitski is presently Executive Director of CSDMSтАФ the Community Surface Dynamics Modeling System, an international effort to develop, support, and disseminate integrated software modules to the broader Geoscience community. James is also Chair of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programmethat provides essential scientific leadership and knowledge of the Earth system to help guide society onto a sustainable pathway during rapid global change. Professor Syvitski received the 2009 Royal Society of Canada, Huntsman Medal for Outstanding Achievements in Marine Science, and is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union. 39 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences K-04 Lead and colloidal iron in the ocean Dr. Edward Boyle Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA [email protected] Abstract: Ed Boyle and Jessica Fitzsimmons, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Lead is a transient tracer of anthropogenic inputs to the earth surface environment. I will show recent data from GEOTRACES cruises and regional coral and sediment data to illustrate how lead is evolving in the ocean over the past decades to a hundred years. As new sources arise (e.g. South Asia), lead increases in the upper ocean; as older sources (e.g. leaded gasoline) are phased out, lead declines over decades. In the Atlantic, advective transport carries Northern Hemisphere lead into the deep South Atlantic. A large percentage of the iron in the ocean occurs as colloids, although the percentage varies with location and depth. In the surface ocean under areas of relatively high dust deposition, iron is ~90% colloidal in the surface layer, but decreases to negligible concentrations near the chlorophyll maximum. In areas with little dust deposition, iron mainly occurs in the soluble fraction with little decrease towards the chlorophyll maximum. Deeper in the ocean, regenerated iron occurs in roughly equal proportions of soluble and colloidal forms. Over a 13 year interval at the Hawaii Ocean Timeseries station, iron varies over an order of magnitude, but the variability within a single summer is just as large as that over the entire time series with no indication of a temporal trend. Biography: Professor Boyle is a marine geochemist involved in the study of the oceanic dispersal of anthropogenic emissions and the evolution of the Earth's climate. He is interested in the areas of paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, and the chemistry of environmental waters. His research includes climatological studies of past ocean circulation patterns based on the fossil chemistry of oceanic sediments, control of late Pleistocene carbon dioxide pressure by ocean circulation and chemistry, and trace element variability in polar ice cores. He is also investigating the trace element chemistry of rivers and estuaries, and the chemical composition of seawater. In particular, he studies the variability of oceanic trace metals related to atmospheric transport of anthropogenic emissions and mineral dust, and the fate of atmospherically transported pollutant lead in the ocean. He has pioneered development of several new proxy tracers for paleoenvironmental processes, and was the first to provide a correct quantitative assessment of chemical changes in the deep ocean that occur during ice ages. He demonstrated that the deep ocean responded rapidly to changes in the surface climate during a brief thousand-year reversal of deglaciation, which occurred 12,900 years ago. He also developed a new model to account for some of the reduced atmospheric carbon dioxide during glacial times, which is a major factor in the genesis of glacial climate. He is using the fallout of industrial lead emissions to document the mechanisms of trace metal transport through the ocean, has helped determine a record of industrial lead and cadmium emissions into the western North Atlantic ocean for the past 100 years, and helped develop proxy tracers which document historical variations in the Pacific basin El Ni├▒o/Southern Oscillation climate fluctuations. Prof. Boyle has been honored as a Guggenheim Fellow (1991-1992), Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (1994), Huntsman Award, Bedford Institution of Oceanography (1994), Geochemistry Fellow, Geochemical Society and European Association for Geochemistry (1998), Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (1999), Patterson Medal, Geochemical Society (2000), and National Academy of Sciences (2008). 40 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences K-05 Tropical variability under global warming Dr. Wenju Cai Wealth from Oceans Flagship, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), AUS [email protected] Abstract: Wenju Cai, and co-authors CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Victoria, Australia Tropical variability, such as El Ni├▒o and the Indian Ocean dipole induce floods, droughts, wildfires and other severe weather events in many parts of the world. Their response to climate change has challenged scientists worldwide for the past two to three decades. In this talk I will provide an update of the recent advances, continuing from the presentation I gave last year at this campus. The main results are: яВ╖ яВ╖ Not only extreme El Ni├▒o and positive Indian Ocean Dipole events will increase in frequency, occurrences of extreme La Ni├▒a will also increase, projecting an increased frequency of swings of opposite extremes. These changes are not uni-directional but time varying. The implication will be discussed. Biography: Dr. Wenju Cai is Research Director of Earth System Assessment programme, CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, a Chief Research Scientist, and CSIRO Office of Chief Executive Science Leader. He obtained M. Sc (in height prediction of a tidal river) from Xiamen University, China, and Ph D (in physical oceanography) from the Flinders University of South Australia. He joined CSIRO in 1990 where he launched his climate research career. Dr Cai specialises in global climate variability and change research. With over 20 years of research and science leadership and experience, his interest spans from identification of modes of climate variability (such as El Ni├▒o-Southern Oscillation, the Indian Ocean Dipole), and their mechanisms, to climate detection and attribution, through to impacts of individual forcing factors of increasing carbon dioxide, increasing anthropogenic aerosols, and stratospheric ozone depletion. Since 2007, he contributes to ten (10) papers in Nature journals (four as lead first-author); and lead-author of many other papers, seven (7) of which were selected by Editors of American Geophysical Union and Editors of Nature as highlight publications. These papers resolve some of the issues that have been challenging scientists worldwide for over 20 years. He actively servces the science communities. He is a contributing author to IPCC AR4 and AR5 report; for AR4 IPCC was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize; He communicates science to a wide audience and won CSIRO Best Science Communicator award in 2008, and CSIRO Strategic Excellence Award for the Climate Change in Australia Research in 2008. He was appointed as CSIRO Office of Chief Executive Science Leader in 2011, and co-Chair World Climate Research Programme CLIVAR Pacific Panel in 2009. He serves in many domestic and international committees and task teams. 41 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Oral / хПгхд┤цКехСКцСШшжБ S1-01 Natural and artificial iron fertilization in the gulf of Alaska Fei Chai ([email protected]) School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine, USA Iron regulates phytoplankton productivity in high nutrient and low chlorophyll (HNLC) areas of the world ocean. There are several natural pathways for iron entering the upper ocean: iron deposition during atmospheric dust events; volcanic ash deposition;mesoscaleocean eddy transport of iron to HNLC areas. A few examples of natural iron fertilization events that cause phytoplankton blooms in the Gulf of Alaska will be presented. During the past two decades, there were 14 artificial iron fertilization experiments, in which iron is added to the upper ocean in HNLC regionsdeliberately. Some key results and unresolved issues from these artificial iron fertilization experiments will be discussed. One recent iron fertilization experiment was conducted in August 2012, during which the Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation dumped over 100 tons of an iron-containing substance into surface waters of a Haida eddy in the Gulf of Alaska. Here, we use available satellite bio-optical measurements from the MODIS/Aqua instrument and AVISO altimeter dynamic height data to examine the timing, magnitude and extent of this artificial iron fertilization experiment. This iron fertilization experiment induced the most intensive phytoplankton bloom of the past 10 years in the Gulf of Alaska. The extent to which this localized iron fertilization experiment may impact higher trophic levels such as salmon remains uncertain. S1-02 A Lagrangian perspective of 3D circulation in the South China Sea Huijie Xue ([email protected]) School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine, USA TRACMASS, a numerical Lagrangian tracking algorithm,is applied to the HYCOM+NCODA Global 1/12╦Ъ Analysis (GLBa0.08) datato depict the 3-dimensional circulation in the South China Sea (SCS). The zonal mean circulation consists of a clockwise cell above the 500 m depth, a counterclockwise layer in the mid layer between 500 and 1000 m depth, and aweaker clockwise layer below 1000 m. The deep (below 1000 m depth) clockwise layer is further divided into three cells: the northern, the middle, and the southern cell, respectively. The composite of Lagrangian trajectories suggests that the three deep clockwise cells are a manifesto of predominantly rising motions around the SCS deep basin and along three northwest-southeast tilted zones across the basin versus sinking motions over the deep crevices of the basin. The vertical motionsappear to emerge as the interplayof slope-trapped waves and westward planetary Rossbywaves. The Lagrangian tracking experiments further show that the inflow through the Luzon Strait is the main driver in determining the meridional circulation pattern.The deep inflow from the Luzon Strait drives mostly the northern clockwise cell in the deep layer, and most of which upwells around 18╦ЪN. The upper layer inflow from the Luzon Strait controls the clockwise cell in the upper layer, but it also contributes to the three clockwise cells in the deep layer. On the other hand, the inflow from the Taiwan Strait mainly contributes to the upper clockwise cell, while the inflows from the Mindoro and Karimata straits contribute negatively to the upper clockwise cell but play a significantrole on the southern clockwise cell in the deep layer. Backward tracking trajectories also confirm that the SCS deepwater comes not only from the deep inflow but also from the entrainment of the middle and upper layerinflowsfrom the Luzon Strait. S1-03 Global тАЬSurface Warming HiatusтАЭ and deeper ocean warming--An update Xiaohai Yan ([email protected]) University of Delaware, USA / State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen тАЬThe observed global mean surface temperature (GMST) has shown a much smaller increasing linear trend over the past 15 years than over the past 30 to 60 yearsтАЭ (IPCC AR5, 2013). The 15 year period referred to in the IPCC AR5 report is 1998-2012 and this continuing phenomenon in the past 17 42 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences years is known as the тАЬglobal surface warming hiatusтАЭ. The тАЬglobal surface warming hiatusтАЭ is occurring despite the continued increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. There is, as of yet, no consensus on the mechanisms behind the тАЬglobal surface warming hiatusтАЭ. As a global climate issue, studying the recent тАЬhiatusтАЭ is quite important, but a real multidisciplinary challenge. Despite the crucial role of the deeper ocean in the тАЬsurface hiatusтАЭ suggested by current research results (including ours), understanding of particular mechanisms involved remains inadequate, and the insufficient data coverage and model uncertainties underlying many of these works renders deeper analysis difficult. Most especially, the extreme brevity of the ocean subsurface data coverage (six decades of concerted upper ocean coverage, very sparse coverage to 2000 m until the advent of the Argo program in 2001) has been identified as the major obstacle to distinguishing the role the ocean plays in the climate system. As we known, periods of slower and faster trends in GMST aren''t unusual, but solving the puzzle of current тАЬhiatusтАЭ is of special importance and within our means. We have unprecedented monitoring of all aspects of the global climate system during the тАЬhiatusтАЭ period, coupled with models and increased knowledge of many of the aspects of climate variability which may be playing a role. Understanding the тАЬglobal surface warming hiatusтАЭ is imperative for projection of the future behavior of the changing climate system. The atmospheric, oceanographic and climate community are now confronted with a problem which will require bringing together their knowledge and data for a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms behind the тАЬglobal surface warming hiatusтАЭ. In this talk I will provide an update of the recent advances, continuing from the presentations I have given in various recent meetings, on and off this campus. Our main results include the roles of the deeper warming in the north Atlantic and Indian Oceans and their implications. S1-04 Analytical study of lateral circulation in tidally dominated well-mixed estuaries: the role of differential advection versus the earthтАЩs rotation Peng Cheng ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen The earthтАЩs rotation and differential advection are the dominant mechanisms driving lateral circulation in straight channels. Typically, Coriolis force drives a one-cell (clockwise or counterclockwise) lateral circulation while differential advection drives a two-cell (upwelling or downwelling in the middle of the transverse section) circulation. An analytical model was developed to examine the roles of the two processes in driving lateral circulation in tidally dominated well-mixed eateries. The relative importance of the two mechanisms can be evaluated using a non-dimensional parameter, Keh which is a function of Coriolis parameter, estuary width, along-estuary density gradient, and tidal frequency, and has a similar meaning as Kelvin number. Differential advection dominates the creation of lateral circulation when Keh is small, while the earthтАЩs rotation becomes dominant when Keh is large. The critical value of Keh for the well-mixed estuary is about 0.1, but would range from 0.1 to 1 for stratified estuaries. Lateral circulations impacts the residual along-estuary currents through the nonlinear lateral advection. When differential advection dominates, the lateral advection generates residual currents with a seaward flow in the deep channel and outflows over shoals; when Coriolis forcing dominates, the lateral advection produces residual currents with a landward flow near the left bank (facing ocean) and a seaward flow near the right bank. S1-05 Origin and temperature-dependent variations of bubbling gases from Kueishantao submarine hydrothermal field, offshore northeast Taiwan Xue-Gang Chen ([email protected]), Hai-Yan Zhang, Chen-Tung Arthur Chen, Tsanyao Frank Yang, Ying Ye Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou We investigated the chemical and isotopic characteristics of bubbling gases from typical hydrothermal vents of Kueishantao (KST) area, and studied their temporal variations from 2000 to 2014. Helium isotope values (R/Ra = 5.9 тАУ 8.1) suggested that the mantle component for helium exceeded 73%. Seawater was the major source for N2 (33 тАУ 634тА░), Ar (0.4 тАУ 6.3тА░) and O2 (b.d.l. тАУ 88тА░). According to the CO2/3He and ╬┤13C (CO2) values (-8.2 тАУ -5.5тА░ PDB), CO2 in the gases from the lower-temperature vent (vent L) was mainly originated from the mantle, while high-temperature 43 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences vent (vent H) gases showed abundant CO2 derived from marine carbonate and sediment. Methane in the samples exhibit inverse relationships with ╬┤13C (CH4) values (-26.8 тАУ -24.5тА░), suggesting that methane was a mixture of thermogenic and abiotic products. The thermogenic component was lower than 40% according to the C1/C2+ ratios (300 тАУ 3000) and C1-C5 distribution patterns. The KST bubbling gases displayed impressive compositional variations from 2000 to 2014, that the log (CH4/CO2) values decreased from -2 тАУ -3 in 2000 to -4тАУ -5 in 2003, and then escalated to >-1.5 since 2010. The R/Ra ratios, however, kept relatively constant. We proposed that these variations were attributed to the temperature variations in the reaction zone and such variations thermodynamically affected the CO2-CH4 equilibrium. The enhanced mixing with seawater during the hydrothermal circulation, the uprising of the reaction zone, and the decreased magmatic activity may be accountable for the cooling of the reaction zone since 2003. As a result, higher abiotic methane was generated and the CH4/CO2 ratios of the KST bubbling gases were significantly increased. This hypothesis can be further substantiated by the changes of N2 contents in the bubbling gases, and the silicate concentrations in the venting fluid, which fitted nicely with the estimated temperature variations. Fluids from vent L underwent significant CO2-CH4 conversion during upwelling from the reaction zone to the vent and experienced higher mixing with seawater than that of vent H. Consequently, gases from vent L exhibited much higher contents of N2 and CH4 than that of vent L gases. S1-06 Observing the ocean: from gliders to abyssal cabled observatories Bruce Howe ([email protected]) School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA Observing the oceans requires many sensor network infrastructure elements, whether for biogeochemical studies or basin scale heat content. Selected examples from the authorsтАЩ past and present work illustrating the various elements are presented. These include using a wave glider as a communications/navigation gateway and for passive monitoring, long range underwater glider precise positioning, cabled mooring systems with robotic profiling from surface to the seafloor, and the ALOHA Cabled Observatory. Ongoing and new infrastructure developments will support these and many other continuing efforts. For example, the International Telecommunications Union is coordinating steps to have sensors included in commercial submarine cables; over the coming decades, normal cable replacement could yield a long-lived reliable observing network spanning the ocean basins. S1-07 Network models of modular organisms: implications for coping with environmental stress Mark R. Patterson ([email protected]) Marine Science Center, Northeastern University, Nahant, MA 01908, USA Modular organisms are those with repeating physiological units and they often share resources within the genet. Scleractinian corals provide a model to investigate resource sharing. Perforate corals are those in which the colony shares a common gastrovascular system connecting all polyps. In imperforate corals, a colonyтАЩs polyps are connected only to nearest neighbors (in a hexagonal array) and only when the colony is expanded. We present microelectrode data for dissolved oxygen inside and around imperforate (Montastraea cavernosa) and perforate (Acropora cervicornis) colonies in no flow and flow conditions (Recolony = 4,000 and 10,000), and morphological data, all used to estimate parameters for a resistance-capacitance network model of mass transfer between colonies and the environment. SPICE network simulations of the perforate and imperforate network models for colonies of varying size exhibit different dynamic behaviors to environmental perturbations. Perforate coral colonies exhibit larger time constants, on the order of many minutes, for response to environmental perturbation compared to imperforate species, which have faster system dynamics. A key parameter requiring further investigation is the mixing time constant of the coelenteron. The greater connectivity inherent in perforate corals has implications for buffering environmental changes and intra-colony variation in polyp physiological performance when under stress. I provide a framework for investigating how resource sharing can modify the response to environmental stress that is generalizable to other modular organisms such as tunicates, bryozoans, other colonial Cnidaria clades, macroalgae, Porifera, microbial films, seagrasses, and saltmarsh grasses. 44 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences S1-08 What triggers continuous diatom and dinoflagellate blooms in the East China Sea? Shaoling Shang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen The East China Sea is featured by continuous diatom and dinoflagellate bloom events. Some of the dinoflagellate blooms are toxic, resulting in widespread economic damage. Is the forcing driving diatom event different from that of dinoflagellate? Based on an in situ bio-optical dataset collected from diatom and dinoflagellate blooming waters, as well as reflectance model simulations, we have developed an empirical approach to differentiate the two types of blooms from space. Here by applying this approach to MODIS ocean color data, and with the aid of sea surface temperature, sea surface height and wind data, we aim to examine what had triggered the continuous blooms of diatom and dinoflagellate observed in the East China Sea in April-June in 2005. S1-09 Study on the source of large jellyfish near Qinhuangdao in summer Lingjuan Wu ([email protected]) North China Sea Marine Forecasting Center, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao The explosive growth of Nemopilema nomurai took place near the coastal waters of Qinhuangdao in July 2013, which threated the public health and life safety, affected the local tourism industry and had also aroused strong concern of the public and the government. Hower the larvae of Nemopilema nomurai were not found in this place during the past winter and spring. Therefore, in this paper, a tracking model of large jellyfish in the coastal water of Qinhuangdao was developed based on Lagrange particle tracking method, and a series of numerical experiments driven by the ROMS hydro-dynamical results was conducted to identify possible source of the observed jellyfish. Numerical experimental results showed that the passive particles representing jellyfish released in surface layer at different times in summer and their trajectory is mostly consistent. Particles released on August 1st and 15th from sea surface could be traced back to the waters from Zhuangxi tide station to new Yellow River mouth; However, particles released on July 1st and 15th could only be traced back to the waters near Zhuangxi tide station. Particles released at middle and bottom layers could not be tracked back to these regions. With comprehensive consideration of distribution characteristics of sediment and large jellyfish of Bohai Sea and numerical experimental results, Waters from Zhuangxi tide station to new Yellow River mouth may be the source of the jellyfish found in the coastal waters of Qinhuangdao. The results would provide the base for mechanism study of jellyfish bloom on large scale, and play an important role in the source of monitoring and controlling the jellyfish. S1-10 Spatial and annual variations of phytoplankton biomass in the eastern China seas based on a new, locally modified SeaWiFS dataset Qiang Hao ([email protected]) The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou Satellite remote sensing is an important tool for studying marine phytoplankton dynamics on a large scale. However, in the eastern China seas (including the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea), impacted by Case-2 water with high suspended sediment concentration, the Chlorophyll a concentration (Chl) has often been overestimated by the satellite data. In this study, an empirical Locally Modified Chl a algorithm (LMC) was developed using a large dataset based on ship measurements. The newly developed algorithm is shown to have a higher precision in the study area and reduced the overestimation (r2=0.80, RMSlog=31.4%, Bias=0.06) than the standard SeaWiFS, with respect to the ship-measured data. Using 13-year (1998-2010) averages of monthly satellite data, we compared the ship-measured data, standard SeaWiFS Chl and LMC Chl, and found that LMC Chl matched very well with the ship-measured data in terms of both spatial and temporal distributions. However, the standard SeaWiFS Chl values in the near shore areas are quite different from the in-situ results in terms of spatial and seasonal distributions, because of the existence of high turbid water. Furthermore, the LMC results show more detailed spatial distributions: in spring, the noticeable phytoplankton bloom occurs in the central Yellow Sea and the coastal East China Sea; in summer, very high phytoplankton biomass (Chl>5 mgm-3) appears in the estuary and coastal upwelling areas; in the areas controlled by oligotrophic water, such as the Taiwan Warm Current and 45 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences the Kuroshio, Chl is comparatively low (<0.3 mgm-3). Finally, for spectral cluster analysis, the study area is divided into four sub-regions from the coastal area to the open sea, according to different types of Chl annual variation. The four sub-regions are the summer bloom area, spring and autumn bloom area, early spring bloom area, and low Chl area, implying different environmental control mechanisms at work. S1-11 Environment and ecosystem dynamics of salt-marshes along the eastern China coastlines Shu Gao ([email protected]) Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Coast and Island Development, Nanjing University, Nanjing ф║ТшК▒ч▒│шНЙх╝ХхЕецИСхЫ╜ф╣ЛхРОх╝ХхПСф║Жф║Йшооя╝Мф╜Жф║ТшК▒ч▒│шНЙчЫРц▓╝ф╜Ьф╕║ф╕АчзНф║║х╖ех╝ХхЕечЪДчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗Яя╝МхИйх╝КщГ╜хнШ хЬия╝МчзСхнжчЪДшпДф╝░хПКхжВф╜ХчобчРЖцШпх╜Уф╕Лф║Ях╛ЕшзгхЖ│чЪДщЧощвШуАВхЬиф║ТшК▒ч▒│шНЙчЫРц▓╝чЪДчОпхвГхКихКЫхнжх╜▒хУНцЦ╣щЭвя╝Мф║ТшК▒ ч▒│шНЙшМОхП╢чЪДцСйцУжщШ╗хКЫшГ╜ц╢ИшАЧц│вц╡кшГ╜щЗПя╝МхЕ╖цЬЙцШ╛шСЧчЪДц╢Иц╡кч╝Уц╡Бф╜ЬчФих╣╢цЬЙхИйф║Оц░┤ф╜Уф╕нцВмц╡оц│ец▓ЩчЪДц▓ЙщЩНя╝М ф╗ОшАМф┐Гш┐Ыц╗йщЭвчЙйш┤ихаЖчзпя╝Мш┐ЩхПпф╗ецФ╣хПШц╜оц╗йчФЯщХ┐цибх╝Пх╣╢хп╣ц╜оц╗йхЬ░ш▓Мц╝ФхМЦхТМчи│хоЪцАзф║зчФЯх╜▒хУНуАВхЬичФЯцАБч│╗ ч╗ЯцЦ╣щЭвя╝Мф╕ОцЬмхЬ░цдНчЙйчЫ╕цпФш╛Гя╝Мф║ТшК▒ч▒│шНЙхЗнхАЯцЫ┤щлШцХИчЪДхЕЙхРИф╜ЬчФицХИчОЗхТМшЗкш║лх▒ЮцАзхПпхЫ║хоЪцЫ┤хдЪчЪДчв│хПКц░оя╝М цФпцМБцЫ┤хдзчЪДчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯуАВщЪПцЧ╢щЧ┤чЪДцОиш┐Ыя╝МцЬмхЬ░чФЯчЙйх╖▓ф╕НхРМчиЛх║жхЬ░щАВх║Фф║Жф║ТшК▒ч▒│шНЙчОпхвГуАВчаФчй╢цШ╛чд║хЬицЦ░ чФЯчЫРц▓╝я╝МщЪПчФЯщХ┐цЧ╢щЧ┤чЪДхвЮхКая╝МчЙйчзНчЪДхдЪх║жхПКф╕░х║жф╝ЪчЫ╕х║ФхвЮхКауАВ хЫацндя╝Мф║ТшК▒ч▒│шНЙх╝ХчзНчЪДхИйх╝КшАГщЗПх║ФхЯ║ф║ОхЬ░хЯЯчОпхвГя╝Мца╣цНоф║ТшК▒ч▒│шНЙчЫРц▓╝чЪДхМ║хЯЯх╖ох╝ВцАзчЙ╣х╛Бя╝Мхп╣ф║Т шК▒ч▒│шНЙчЪДчобчРЖхоЬщЗЗчФиф╕НхРМхп╣чнЦуАВф╕║ф║ЖцЫ┤хе╜хЬ░ф╜┐ф║ТшК▒ч▒│шНЙцЬНхКбф║Оц╡╖х▓╕х╝АхПСя╝МщвДц╡Лф║ТшК▒ч▒│шНЙчЫРц▓╝ф╗КхРОчЪД ц╝ФхМЦхПШх╛Чх░дф╕║щЗНшжБуАВф╕║ф║ЖшзгхЖ│ш┐Щф╕кщЧощвШя╝МщЬАшжБщХ┐цЧ╢щЧ┤шзВц╡ЛхПКцФ╢щЫЖш╡ДцЦЩя╝Мх╣╢щАЪш┐ЗхЯ║ф║ОчЙйш┤их╛кчОпхТМшГ╜щЗП ц╡БхКичЪДчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯхКихКЫш┐ЗчиЛцибцЛЯцЭецОиш┐ЫчаФчй╢я╝МхЕ╢ф╕нчЪДца╕х┐ГщГихИЖцШпц╣┐хЬ░хЬ░ш▓Мц╝ФхМЦф╕ОчФЯчЙйчЪДшАжхРИш┐ЗчиЛуАБчЫР ц▓╝ц╣┐хЬ░чЪДчЙйш┤их╛кчОпца╝х▒Аф╗ехПКчЫРц▓╝ц╣┐хЬ░чЪДхИЭч║зчФЯф║зуАБцмбч║зчФЯф║зхТМх║ХцаЦчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯчЪДцибцЛЯуАВ S1-12 The key analytic hierarchy for understanding system rules of a bay Yan Li ([email protected]) Fujian Province Key Laboratory of Coastal Ecology and Environmental Studies, Xiamen University, Xiamen ц╡╖ц╣╛цШпф║║ч▒╗ц┤╗хКиц┤╗ш╖ГчЪДц╡╖щЩЖчХМщЭвф╣Лф╕АуАВхжВф╜ХхРИчРЖхЬ░шпДф╗╖уАБш░ГцОзц╡╖ц╣╛чЪДф║║ф╕ОчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯхЕ│ч│╗я╝Мх╖▓ч╗П цИРф╕║ц╡╖ц┤Лф╕ОчФЯцАБхнжчзСф║дхПЙф╕Ох║ФчФиш╜мхМЦчЪДчГнчВ╣уАВчЫохЙНх╕╕чФичЪДх▒ВцмбхИЖцЮРцЦ╣ц│ХхТМчФЯцАБхКихКЫхнжхИЖцЮРцЦ╣ц│Хя╝Мх░Ж хнжчзСф║дхПЙх▒ВцмбщАЙцЛйф║Жф╕дф╕кчлпчВ╣ч▒╗хЮЛф╕Кя╝Ъх▒ВцмбхИЖцЮРцЦ╣ц│Хх╛Ах╛Аф╗ец╡╖ц┤ЛчФЯцАБхнжчЪДф╕ЛшбМхИЖцЮРф╕║ф╕╗ч║┐я╝Мх░ЖхЬ░ш┤и ц╡╖ц┤ЛхнжуАБчЙйчРЖц╡╖ц┤ЛхнжуАБхМЦхнжц╡╖ц┤Лхнжшп╕шжБч┤ах╜Тч╗Уф╕║хОЛхКЫх▒Вцмбф╕КчЪДч╗╝хРИх╜▒хУНхЫач┤ая╝Мх╣╢щАЪш┐ЗхМ║хЯЯч╗ПщкМхЕ│ч│╗ ч╗╝хРИхИ░чК╢цАБх▒Вцмбф╕ОхУНх║Фх▒Вцмбф╕Кя╝МхН┤х╕╕хЫаш┐Зф║ОхРлч│КчЪДч╗ПщкМхЕ│ч│╗х╝ХхЕешппх╖оя╝ЫчФЯцАБхКихКЫхнжцЦ╣ц│ХхИЩф╗ещА╗ш╛Сф╕е хпЖчЪДш┐Юч╗нф╗Лш┤ихКЫхнжцибхЮЛчЪДф╕КшбМхИЖцЮРф╕║ф╕╗ч║┐я╝МщАЪш┐ЗщгЯчЙйч╜СхРДщЗНшжБшКВчВ╣ш╜мцНвцХИчОЗхПВцХ░я╝МхЬичЙйш┤иш╛Уш┐Рх▒Вцмб ф╕КхоЙцОТхнжчзСф║дхПЙя╝Мф╜Жх╕╕хЫаш┐Зф║Оф╕НчбохоЪчЪДф╝аш╛УхЕ│ч│╗х╝ХхЕехБПх╖оуАВ ф╕║ф║ЖцОвч┤вховшзВхПНцШачФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯчЬЯхоЮцГЕхЖ╡чЪДц╡╖ц╣╛чФЯцАБчЫСц╡Лф╕ОшпДф╗╖ф╜Уч│╗я╝Мц╡╖ц┤ЛхЕмчЫКцАзшбМф╕ЪчзСчаФф╕Ущб╣ч╗П ш┤╣щб╣чЫотАЬф╕ЬхНЧц▓┐ц╡╖хНКх░БщЧнц╡╖ц╣╛чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗Яхп╣ф║║ч▒╗ц┤╗хКих╣▓цЙ░чЪДхУНх║ФшпДф╗╖уАБчФЯцАБщЗНцЮДцКАцЬпхПКчд║шМГя╝Ищб╣чЫоч╝ЦхП╖я╝Ъ 201005012я╝ЙтАЭщАЙцЛйф║ЖтАЬхЯ║ф║Оц╡╖ц╣╛чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯхЕ│щФочЙйчзНуАБхЕ│щФохМ║хЯЯф╕ОхЕ│щФоцЧ╢цЬЯчЪДшпДф╝░ф╜Уч│╗тАЭя╝Мш░ГхКичЙйчРЖц╡╖ ц┤ЛхнжуАБхМЦхнжц╡╖ц┤ЛхнжуАБчФЯчЙйц╡╖ц┤ЛхнжхТМхЬ░ш┤иц╡╖ц┤ЛхнжчаФчй╢ф║║хСШя╝Мх░╜щЗПхЬицЬмхнжчзСщА╗ш╛Сф╜Уч│╗ф╕нчнЫщАЙхПпш╜мхМЦчЪДхИЖ цЮРцЦ╣ц│Хя╝МцЬАхдзщЩРх║жхЬ░хПСцОШхнжчзСц╜ЬхКЫя╝МчаФчй╢цЬмхнжчзСшзЖшзТф╕ЛчЪДц╡╖ц╣╛ф╕╗хп╝хЫач┤ауАБхИЖхМ║хПКхЕ╢хКицАБхПШхМЦя╝МцЬАхРО хЫ┤ч╗Хц╡╖ц╣╛чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯхЕ│щФочЙйчзНуАБхЕ│щФохМ║хЯЯф╕ОхЕ│щФоцЧ╢цЬЯч╗Дч╗ЗцпФш╛ГчаФчй╢я╝Мх░ЖхнжчзСф║дхПЙф╕Кчз╗хИ░ч│╗ч╗ЯхИЖцЮРх▒Вцмб ф╕КуАВ шпещб╣чЫощАЪш┐Зц╡╖ц╣╛чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯхЕ│щФочЙйчзНуАБхЕ│щФохМ║хЯЯуАБхЕ│щФоцЧ╢цЬЯчнЙцжВх┐╡чЪДцПРчВ╝я╝Мх░ЖчФЯцАБщАЪщБУцибхЮЛхТМц╡╖ ц┤ЛхКихКЫхнжцибхЮЛчЪДф╝ШхК┐ч╗УхРИш╡╖цЭея╝МхЬих░╜хПпшГ╜ф┐ЭцМБщгЯчЙйч╜Сч╗УцЮДуАБчЙйш┤ихТМшГ╜щЗПц╡БхРСуАБщАЪщЗПхТМф╝ащАТцХИчОЗчнЙчФЯ цАБч│╗ч╗ЯхЯ║цЬмф┐бцБпчЪДхЙНцПРф╕Ля╝МцИРхКЯхЬ░хоЮчО░ф║Жя╝Ъя╝И1я╝Йх╝ХхЕехЯ║ф║ОчФЯцАБщАЪщБУцибхЮЛф╕Очй║щЧ┤чФЯцАБф╜НчЪДхЕ│щФочЙйчзНчнЫ щАЙцЦ╣ц│Хя╝Мч╗УхРИч╛дшР╜хИЖцЮРцЦ╣ц│Хя╝Мх░Жф║║ч▒╗ц┤╗хКихп╣хНКх░БщЧнц╡╖ц╣╛чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯхКЯшГ╜чЪДф╕КшбМх╜▒хУНф╕Оф╕ЛшбМх╜▒хУНш╖Яш╕кхИ░ хЕ│щФочЙйчзНх▒Вцмбя╝МшпКцЦнц╡╖ц╣╛чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯчК╢цАБя╝Ыя╝И2я╝ЙщТИхп╣цАзхЬ░шо╛шобц╡╖ц┤ЛчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯшРехЕ╗чЙйц▒бцЯУчЙйф╕КшбМхОЛхКЫчЪД ч╗╝хРИхИЖцЮРцЦ╣ц│Хя╝Мч╗УхРИц╡╖ц┤ЛцНХцНЮчнЙф╕ЛшбМхОЛхКЫхИЖцЮРцМЗцаЗя╝МшпДф╝░х╜▒хУНц╡╖ц╣╛чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗Яф╕КшбМф╕Оф╕ЛшбМхОЛхКЫчЪДхЕ│щФо 46 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences хЫахнРуАБхЕ│щФохМ║хЯЯф╕ОхЕ│щФоцЧ╢цЬЯуАВя╝И3я╝ЙщАЙчФиф║ЖчЫ┤шзВчЪДф╕нцАзч▓ТхнРхПМхРСш┐╜ш╕кцХ░хА╝хоЮщкМф╕Оц░┤ф║дцНвчОЗцХ░хА╝хоЮщкМчнЙ цЦ╣ц│Хя╝МхИЖцЮРф║║ч▒╗ц┤╗хКихОЛхКЫхЬиц░┤хКихКЫч│╗ч╗Яф╝ащАТф╕Оч╝УхЖ▓чЪДхЕ│щФош┐ЗчиЛуАБхЕ│щФохМ║хЯЯф╕ОхЕ│щФоцЧ╢цЬЯуАВ S1-13 Influences of saltmarsh grasses and mangrove trees on sediment dynamics: a comparative study Yining Chen ([email protected]) The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou Saltmarsh grasses and mangrove trees have been recognized for their function in wave and current attenuation, together with mediation of sediment transport. The relative height of the vegetation canopy to the water level is essential in determining the efficiency of energy reduction. For saltmarsh grasses, if the vegetation is fully submerged, skimming flow can develop above the denser part of the canopy, whilst if the vegetation is partly submerged, the turbulence is attenuated only near the bed (Neumeier and Amos, 2006). For mangrove trees, the rate of wave reduction increases when the water level rises above the lower boundary of the canopy (Mazda et al., 2006). The aim of our study is to compare the influences of the saltmarsh grass S. alterniflora and the mangrove trees K. obovata and A. corniculatum on sediment dynamic processes in a subtropical area, with particular consideration given to canopy characteristics and water level changes. The Yunxiao Mangrove Protection Area, located at the Zhangjiang Estuary, southeast China, is selected for the conduction of fieldwork. The fieldwork started in May 2011 and continues to the present, mainly including: 1) geomorphological surveys; 2) aboveground biomass and canopy characteristic measurements in different seasons; 3) erosion/deposition rates measurements; and 4) inter-comparative sediment hydrodynamic measurements deployed on the bare mudflat, the grass area and the tree area. The preliminary results reveal that: 1) the aboveground biomass of S. alterniflora shows seasonal variations both in total mass and vertical distribution, whilst the mangrove trees show no obvious change over one year period; 2) the study area is dominated by depositional process and the deposition rate is higher in the grass area than the tree area; 3) the average flow speed within the mangrove forest is less than that within the Spartina saltmarsh, indicating a better capability in flow resistance, particularly mediating flow directions; 4) hydrodynamic data indicate that mangroves are better at dissipating turbulent energy than Spartina grasses, but both of them can reduce more than 80% turbulent energy from the mudflat ; 5) as the water level rising, the energy dissipation over the tidal flat is not only affected by bottom friction, but also by the resistance of standing vegetations, which should be solved in three dimensions. Based on this study, the bottom friction coefficient used in tidal flat models should cause some cautions, regarding to the vegetation impact. S1-14 On the use of schwarz-christoffel conformal mappings to the grid generation for global ocean models Shiming Xu ([email protected]) Tsinghua University, Beijing We propose a new grid generation algorithm for global ocean general circulation models (OGCMs). Contrary to conventional, analytical forms based dipolar or tripolar grids, the new algorithm are based on Schwarz-Christoffel (SC) conformal mapping with prescribed boundary information. While dealing with the conventional grid design problems such as pole relocation, it also addresses more advanced issues of computational efficiency and the new requirements on OGCM grids arisen from the recent trend of high-resolution and multi-scale modeling. The proposed grid generation algorithm could potentially achieve the alignment of grid lines to coastlines, enhanced spatial resolution in coastal regions, and easier computational load balance. Since the generated grids are still orthogonal curvilinear, they can be readily 10 utilized in existing Bryan-Cox-Semtner type ocean models. The proposed methodology can also be applied to the grid generation task for regional ocean modeling when complex land-ocean distribution is present. S2-01 Introduction to a new 973 project: CHOICE-C II: carbon cycle in the South China Sea: budget, controls & global implications Minhan Dai ([email protected]) 47 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Influenced by land-ocean-atmosphere interactions, coastal ocean carbon cycling is an important component of the Earth's climate system. However, mechanistic understanding of the coastal ocean carbon cycle remains limited, leading to the unanswered question of why some coastal systems are sources while others are sinks of atmospheric CO2. As the largest marginal sea of Pacific, the South China Sea (SCS) spans a wide range of latitudinal zones with distinct physic-biogeochemicalstructures. The northern shelf, which receives land inputs from the Pearl River, can be characterized as a River-Dominated Margin (RioMar) and a CO2 sink to the atmosphere. The SCS basin, dynamically exchanged with Pacific, is identified as an Ocean-Dominated Margin (OceMar) and a CO2 source. Built upon the success of a five-year multiple-PI тАЬ973тАЭproject, CHOICE-C I onтАЬCarbon cycling in China Seas - budget, controls and ocean acidificationтАЭ, CHOICE-C II focuses on the northern SCS shelf (RiOMar) and the SCS basin (OceMar). Through an integrated study of the carbon cycling between field observation, remote sensing as well as numerical modeling in the SCS with a comparison strategy, CHOICE-C II aims to determine the source and sink terms of atmospheric CO 2 and their associated physical-biogeochemical controlling processes. What follows concentrates on the global implications and the future trends of the carbon cycling in the SCS. Four subprojects are designed for CHOICE-C II: 1)Air-sea CO2 flux and its biogeochemical controls in the South China Sea, PI: Minhan Dai, Xiamen University 2)Primary productivity and carbon cycle in the South China Sea, PI: Delu Pan, The 2nd Institute of Oceanology, SOA 3)Recycling and export of organic carbon and its coupling with nitrogen and silicate in the South China Sea, PI: Hongbin Liu, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 4)Carbon transport, simulations and future trends in the South China Sea, PIs, Jianyu Hu, Xiamen University&Jianping Gan, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology S2-02 Runoff-mediated seasonal oscillation in the dynamics of dissolved organic matter in the Changjiang Estuary Weidong Guo ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen The Changjiang Estuary is a large bifurcated estuary where different hydrodynamic processes influence its South Branch compared to its North Branch. The South Branch is the dominant pathway of Changjiang River discharge, while the shallower and narrower North Branch is dominated by salt water intrusion, especially in the dry season. Absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy were measured along with dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations to characterize the properties of DOM collected in different seasons during an extreme drought year in 2011. The refractory DOM from the Changjiang River flowed mainly through the South Branch. While in the lower South Branch, the input from the polluted Huangpu River contributed a large amount of biolabile DOM, demonstrating an anthropogenic perturbation from megacities. The DOM properties in the North Branch showed conservative behavior in the wet season, while noticeable addition was observed in the dry season, accompanied by the reversed flux of DOM from the North Branch to the South Branch, emphasizing the regular seasonal oscillation of the DOM dynamics in this monsoon-controlled bifurcated estuary. The estuarine turbidity maximum zones played distinct roles on DOM dynamics in different estuarine environments. The DOC and CDOM abundance in the Changjiang River and other Chinese rivers were at lower levels compared to other world rivers, showing a characteristic of the regional CDOM-poor features for many East Asia rivers. S2-03 Behavior and migration of radioactive Cs in brackish water: A case study of the Matsukawa-Ura lagoon, northern Fukushima, Japan Jing Zhang ([email protected]), Shota Kambayashi, Kiyokazu Hirokami, Hisashi Narita Graduate School of Sci. and Eng., Univercity of Toyama, Japan One of the principal aftermaths and concerns of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plantdisaster is related to the release of radionuclides such as Cs to the environment. With time,the Cs that was 48 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences deposited on land will be transported through hydrological processes into the ocean. Against the backdrop that the deposition-migration mechanism is poorly understood,this study focuses on determining the actual migration mechanism of radioactive Cs in relation to tidal fluctuation and salinity gradient in theMatsukawa-Ura (FukushimaPrefecture), the largestlagoonineastern Japan. Samples of sediment and suspended particle were collected in the study area from September 2013 to till now.In the laboratory, a Ge detector was used to measure Gamma ray nuclide radiation. The preliminary results are as follows: 1) Cs radioactivity in sediments was low in the mouth and high in the inner part of the lagoon and 2) Cs radioactivity in suspended sediment trapped at a station close to the mouth and feeder riverтАЩs estuary was high compared to the inner part of the lagoon. These results indicate that: 1) Radioactive-rich fine grain sedimentsmight have diffused and settled during tidal fluctuations in theMatsukawa-Uralagoon and 2) The finer sediments that adsorbed radioactive Cs were not concentrated in the inner part of lagoon, but rather at the mouth from where the tides redistribute in the ocean.Moreover, radioactive Cslikelywasre-leached fromfine sedimentswithsalinity gradient in the estuary area. S2-04 Colloidal size distribution of dissolved organic matter in Stain Louis Bay estuary as characterized by flow field-flow fractionation Laodong Guo ([email protected]) School of Freshwater Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA Flow field-flow fractionation (FFF) coupled on-line with UV absorbance and fluorescence detectors was used to examine colloidal size distribution of dissolved organic matter (DOM) along a salinity gradient in the Stain Louis Bay estuary in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In addition to field measurements, short-term laboratory mixing experiments using end-member river water and seawater were also carried out to examine dynamic change in colloidal size spectra and processes regulating DOM size distribution during estuarine mixing. Both chromophoric and humic-like colloidal organic matter showed one single peak in the 0.5-4 nm size range, representing majority of the total FFF-recoverable colloids. In contrast, protein-like colloidal organic matter showed a bi-modal distribution with sizes partitioned not only to small colloids, including the 0.5-4 nm and 4-8 nm, but also to the >20 nm larger colloidal fraction. The abundance of colloidal chromophoric DOM decreased with increasing salinity in the estuary and showed evident removal during estuarine mixing. However, the bulk DOM behaved conservatively, within the Bay Stain Louis and outside the bay, showing, for the first time, direct evidence of distinct mixing behavior of dissolved and colloidal organic fractions within the bulk DOM pool in estuarine waters. Similar mixing behaviors for the bulk DOC and colloids were observed in short-term laboratory mixing experiments, suggesting physicochemical processes are major controlling factors for colloidal removal in the estuary. The ratio of colloidal protein-like to humic-like DOM generally increased with increasing salinity, consistent with increasing autochthonous protein-like DOM and removal of terrestrially-derived humic-like DOM in higher salinity waters. Two major types of colloids occur in coastal waters in the northern Gulf of Mexico, including natural fulvic acids in the 0.5-4 nm size range, and colloids in 4-8 nm and >20 nm size ranges that are protein-like DOM mostly derived from in situ production. S2-05 Reduced ventilation in the North Pacific affects the eutrophication and acidification status in the East China Sea Hon-Kit Lui1, Chen-Tung Arthur Chen1,2,3* ([email protected]), Jay Lee1, Bai Yan3 and He Xianqiang3 1. Department of Oceanography, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung 2. Institute of Marine Chemistry, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 3. State Key Laboratory of Satellite Ocean Environment Dynamics, Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou The discharge of nitrate and phosphate from Changjiang (Yangtze River) has increased in recent decades. Eutrophication off the mouth of Changjiang has subsequently become a serious problem, as evidenced by the hypoxia area reaching 12,000 km2. This study demonstrates that in the wider East China Sea (ECS), the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in the bottom layer has decreased since as early as 1982, most likely owning to enhanced upwelling and reduced ventilation in the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW). In contrast, the Kuroshio Tropical Water (KTW) has decreased in the 49 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences nitrate and phosphate concentrations yet increased in DO concentration. As the Kuroshio Intermediate Water (KIW) contributes substantially to the upwelling, the nitrate and phosphate concentrations in the bottom water on the outer shelf of the ECS appear to have increased. Given that the nutrient inputs from both the land and the Kuroshio Current have increased, coupled with a decrease in the input of DO and pH from the Kuroshio Current, more severe eutrophication, hypoxia and acidification may occur in the entire ECS. Similar processes may also affect other shelves that come into contact with the NPIW. S2-06 The paradox of salt marshes as a source of Alkalinity and Low pH, high carbon dioxide water to the ocean Zhaohui Aleck Wang ([email protected]), Sophie Chu, Kevin D. Kroeger, Katherine Hoering, Meagan Eagle Gonneea Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA Interestingly, tidal water after exchange with intertidal salt marshes contains higher total alkalinity (TA), but lower pH and higher carbon dioxide (CO2). These highly productive vegetated wetlands are deemed to export both alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) to the ocean. This creates an apparent paradox in that salt marshes are both an acidifying and alkalizing source to the ocean. Limited studies suggest that the marsh DIC and alkalinity export might matter a great deal to carbon cycling and water chemistry, but the current estimates are still far too uncertain to be conclusive, largely due to lack of measurements that truly capture their variability. This study uses high-resolution in-situ measurements along with modeling to significantly improve assessment of DIC and TA export fluxes from intertidal salt marshes over minutes to seasonal scales. We also characterize and evaluate a previously unnoticed, but potentially important effect of organic alkalinity in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on carbonate chemistry. This study is one of the first in-depth analyses of how marsh export of alkalinity and DIC impacts carbonate chemistry of coastal waters. S2-07 Porewater injection as the predominat source of DIC and ammonia in the upper Pearl River estuary Pinghe Cai ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen In this study, depth profiles of 224Ra and 228Th in bulk sediments were collected along a transect in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE). Together with bulk sediment measurements, dissolved 224Ra, dissolved organic carbon (DIC), and nutrients (NO2-+NO3-, NH4+) in porewater and in the overlying waters were also determined. A marked deficit of 224Ra with respect to 228Th with large spatial variations was observed in the PRE sediments. By use of a diagenetic model for the distribution of dissolved and adsorbed 224Ra in sediments, we infer that adsorption removes 224Ra from aqueous phase at a rate of 0.1┬▒1.1тИТ1986┬▒426 d-1. In addition, absorption of 224Ra exhibits a rate sequence of oxic freshwater > anoxic freshwater > anoxic brackish water, probably reflecting the influence of the redox conditions and ion strength on the sorption-desorption kinetics of 224Ra. Benthic fluxes of 224Ra were estimated from the observed deficit of 224Ra in the sediments using a one-dimensional (1D) mass balance exchange model. We demonstrated that irrigation was the predominant process that controls solute transfer across the sediment-water interface, whereas molecular diffusion and sediment mixing together contributed <5% of the total 224Ra fluxes from bottom sediments. Based on the mass balance of water column 224Ra, an independent approach was proposed to estimate the site-specific residence time of water mass. The results show that water residence time ranged from 0.7┬▒0.1 to 4.9┬▒1.1 d in the PRE. In the upper several centimeters of sediments, dissolved 224Ra activities were generally well correlated with DIC and NH4+ concentrations, indicating that 224Ra is an excellent proxy of these species. We were then allowed to utilize the 224Ra/228Th disequilibrium approach to derive reliable estimates of the benthic fluxes of DIC and nutrients. The results show that bottom sediments released ~91.7┬▒13.8├Ч109 mol of DIC and ~ 37.1┬▒5.6├Ч109 mol of NH4+ into the PRE in the dry season. On the contrary, bottom sediments removed ~15.7┬▒1.3├Ч109 mol of NO2-+NO3- from the overlying water column in this season. The benthic flux of DIC is equivalent to ~40% of the riverine input. Overall, 50 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences our results suggest that porewater injection is an important process and must be considered in the mass balance of DIC and nutrients in the Pearl River estuary. S2-08 Nutrient and carbon cycling in coastal tropical waters of Hawaii: Effects of biogeochemical and physical forcing Eric De Carlo ([email protected]) University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA Over nearly a decade, we have carried out studies of nutrient and carbon cycling in coastal waters of Oahu, Hawaii. Our work originally focused on synoptic sampling of the coastal zone and reefs but was subsequently complemented with continuous monitoring using a network of NOAA/PMEL MApCO 2 buoys. This approach allows us to characterize how nearshore waters of coral reefs around Oahu, Hawaii respond to the combination of land-derived nutrient inputs during local storms and physical forcing from wind, waves, tides and freshwater discharge. We have focused on three areas that include lagoonal and back-reef settings, and fringing reefs exposed to the open ocean. The different sites vary in physical characteristics and consequently show a highly variable response to system perturbations. In lagoonal settings nutrient inputs from terrestrial runoff rapidly increase the molar N:P ratio from N-limited oligotrophic conditions to values near 48, and drive phytoplankton growth. Rapid uptake of nutrients by phytoplankton drives sharp declines in the pCO2 of seawater, before returning to тАЬbaselineтАЭ conditions associated with the decline of phytoplankton biomass over time scales ranging from a few days to several weeks, depending on the conditions and proximity to the sources of runoff. In contrast, barrier reef settings show large diel fluctuations in cycles of productivity/respiration as well as calcification and carbonate mineral dissolution that are largely driven by physical forcing from the adjoining ocean rather than nutrient subsidies from land. The two fringing reef sites also differ in their proximity to riverine input and, although their response to perturbations is also rapid, flushing from the open ocean leads to a relatively rapid recovery of the system to baseline conditions. Annualized CO2 air-sea fluxes at the three buoys vary widely and range from as low as -0.03 mol C m-2 yr-1 on a fringing reef in Honolulu exposed to the open ocean to +1.63 mol C m-2 yr-1 on a barrier reef flat in Kaneohe Bay, and +2.50 mol C m-2 yr-1 in the southern lagoon of Kaneohe Bay (positive values indicate a CO2 source from the ocean to the atmosphere and negative values represent sink behavior, i.e., from the atmosphere to the ocean). We will also discuss the climatology of the different buoy settings and how these systems have evolved over the last six years of intensive sampling. We place special attention on trying to elucidate whether ocean acidification (OA) is evidenced in our data records or whether the longer term trends reflect primarily locally driven climatic change. Our work demonstrates the utility of combining synoptic sampling and real-time autonomous observations to elucidate the responses of coastal tropical coral reef systems to climatic perturbations over a broad range of time scales (hours to years) on which they occur. S2-09 Invasion of Spartina alterniflora mitigates greenhouse gas emission under the influences of excessive nitrogen loading in a subtropical mangrove mesocosm Guanghui Lin ([email protected]), Dai Jia, Jiemin Guo and Fei Qi Tsinghua University, Beijing Both plant invasion and nutrient eutrophication have threatened coastal wetland ecosystems around the world, but we have little knowledge about their interactive effects on greenhouse gas fluxes from mangrove and salt marshes. To gain an insight into the interactive effects of plant invasion and nitrogen (N) inputs on CO2, CH4, N2O emission from mangrove soil, we conducted a mesocosm experiment to examine these greenhouse gas effluxes from the soil vegetated with monocultures of Kandelia obovata and Spartinaalterniflora and their mixture in a simulated tide rotation system with or without exogenous N addition. We detected no or little CH4 emission in all experimental mesocosms, contrasting with the conclusion from several previous field and greenhouse studies. Invasion of S. alterniflora significantly increased CO2 and N2O effluxes, whereas excessive N loading increased N2O effluxes but had little effect on CO2 effluxes. The fluxes of these greenhouse gas effluxes were correlated with biomass accumulation, nutrient level and microbial activities. We concluded that N input significantly increases N2O fluxes but not CO2 and CH4 emissions in coastal wetlands, whereas the invasion of S. alterniflora into mangrove mitigated N2O emission regardless of N inputs. Our study provides new insights into possible impact of S. alterniflora invasion on mangrove 51 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences greenhouse gas emission, which should be considered when projecting future greenhouse gas effluxes in coastal wetlands under the influences of biological invasion and excessive N loadings. S2-10 Continuous monitoring of greenhouse gases emitted from three environments of mangroves wetlands in the Zhangjiang estuary Cheng-Bin Cai, Wen-Bin Yang, Chung-Shin Yuan ([email protected]), Bang-Qin Huang, Chuan Tong, Lei Yang Insitute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung Global warming and extreme weather disasters resulting from greenhouse effects has become one of the major issues threatening the environments and the survival of human beings. Wetland is an important source of natural greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Previous studies reported that water purification process of oxidation and reduction in the estuarine wetlands will release greenhouse gases. In order to understand the impact of environmental condition on wetland greenhouse gas emissions, we selected the mangrove wetlands of Zhangjiang estuary to continuously monitor greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, and N2O) in three different environments including mudflats, river surface, and mangroves. This study used a self-designed floating chamber to collect greenhouse gases through a Teflon tube on the top of the chamber, and in-situ monitored greenhouse gases with a continuous GHG monitoring instrument (Teledyne Analytical Instruments, Series 7600). Field measurement of GHGs showed that the daily average concentrations of CO 2, CH4, and N2O emitted from the wetlands in Zhangjiang estuary were 439.72, 31.71, and 5.54 ppm, respectively. A diurnal variation of GHGs concentration was observed. The concentrations of CH4 and N2O were higher during the daytime due to the rise of temperature, while CO2 concentration increased at the nighttime which was mainly attributed to the effect of plant respiration. Moreover, the emission fluxes of CO 2, CH4, and N2Oweremudflats:-57.21~27.0, -10.03~13.23,and -1.95~3.12mgm-2h-1, mangroves: -26.54~44.46, -12.78~16.79,and -3.2~6.31 mgm-2h-1, river surface: -31.99~69.69, -2 -1 -11.03~18.33,and-3.1~7.42 mgm h , respectively. The daily CO2equivalent (CO2e)emission fluxes at three different environments were ordered as mangroves я╝И 2.64g m-2day-1 я╝Й >river surface я╝И2.57gm-2day-1я╝Й>mudflatsя╝И2.33gm-2day-1я╝Й. S2-11 Progress in the technology and application of Bio-Argo float Xiaogang Xing ([email protected]) Ocean University of China, Qingdao Profiling floats now represent a mature technology. In parallel with their emergence, the field of miniature, low power bio-optical and biogeochemical sensors is rapidly evolving. Over recent years, the bio-geochemical and bio-optical community has begun to benefit from the increase in observational capacities by developing profiling floats that allow the measurement of key bio-optical variables and subsequent products of biogeochemical and ecosystem relevance like Chlorophyll a (Chla), optical backscattering or attenuation coefficients which are proxies of Particulate Organic Carbon (POC), Colored Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM), Irradiance, Nitrate and Dissolved Oxygen. Such novel oceanographic observation platform, so-called Bio-Argo float, is developing very rapidly. To date, more than 10 countries have deployed or are planning to deploy this kind of floats for long-term physical, biological and biogeochemical observation in open oceans. By November of 2014, there are already ~260 active Bio-Argo floats working in global oceans, and more than 300 floats will be deployed in the next 5 years. Bio-Argo has become one of the most important development aims of Argo project in the next several years. The related community is growing, they have organized 3 times of workshop during the Argo Data Management Team (ADMT) annual meeting from 2011 to 2014, and once of workgroup (WG142) meeting in Feb., 2014, supported by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR). Some real-time and delayed mode quality control procedures of chlorophyll-a fluorescence, backscattering, radiometry, nitrate and dissolved oxygen data, were discussed and determined in the meetings mentioned above. The unique time series dataset with highly vertical resolution observed by Bio-Argo floats are stimulating many related bio-optical, biogeochemical and physical-biological coupling studies. As we know, 52 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences only in 2014, 4 high-level research papers related to Bio-Argo data were published, and more studies are progressing. S2-12 Carbon and nitrogen isotopic compositions of suspended particles and surface sediments in diverse land-sea interactive ecosystems of Fujian Province, SE coastal China Selvaraj Kandasamy ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Isotopic characterization of organic matter (OM) supplied to and preserved within continental margins is critical for better understanding the role of deltaic and shallow shelf environments in the global carbon cycle. Here we investigate elemental (TOC, TN) and stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic (╬┤13C, ╬┤15N) compositions of OM in representative surface sediments (SS) and total suspended sediments (TSM) collected from diverse ecosystems along the Fujian coastal zone to (i) understand the sources of OM that buried in tidally-influenced, productive, land-sea intersections and (ii) to quantify the relative share of terrigenous versus marine OM inputs. TOC and TN contents in SS varied 0.28тАУ1.38% and 0.04тАУ0.13%, with mean contents of 0.81% and 0.09%, respectively, whereas TOC and TN contents in TSM ranged 0.13тАУ0.44% and 0.73тАУ2.37% with higher mean contents of 1.25% and 0.21%, respectively. These values along with mean C:N ratios of SS (10.9) and TSM (7.28) suggested that OM in TSM is predominantly sourced from aquatic primary productivity, whereas SS contain comparatively higher terrestrial OM. This is consistent with mean ╬┤13C values of SS (range: тАУ25.2 to тАУ21.4тА░) and TSM (range: тАУ24.0 to тАУ20.5тА░), which are тАУ23.4тА░ and тАУ22.7тА░, respectively. The ╬┤15N compositions of SS and TSM ranged 0.05тАУ7.3тА░ and 2.64тАУ8.22тА░, respectively, with mean contents of 5.5тА░ and 6.0тА░, suggesting slight nitrogen-loss in both water column and sediment-water interface of some land-sea interactive regions along the Fujian Province, southeast of China. Although the knowledge about the sources, transport pathways and behaviors of terrestrial organic carbon in continental margins adjacent to large rivers has improved during the last around two decades, uncertainties and complications still exist with human-interacted coastal regions in densely populated wet tropics and subtropics, especially in the East and South Asian regions, where Asian monsoon exerts a strong climatic control on mineral and particulate OM delivery to the marginal seas. S2-13 Biological and non-biological sources and decay of zinc complexing ligands in the west Pacific and the south Atlantic Oceans : regional and global effect Gonzalo Carrasco ([email protected]) Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Singapore Organic complexing ligands dominate the chemical speciation of Zn in seawater, affecting its bioavailability and regulating its micronutrient role. The use of modern, comprehensive mathematical tools allows for the determination of very precise ligand parameters from the voltammetry data, so that ligand maturation along water mass trajectories can be inferred from discrete samples. Recently, we have shown that intermediate and deep water masses in the West Pacific and South Atlantic demonstrate such features, with point sources related to marginal seas, riverine matter, benthic fluxes, and continental shelves, superimposed over decreasing ligand concentrations and/or decaying binding strengths along water mass trajectories. A consortium of decaying and non-decaying ligands complexes Zn, affecting its chemical speciation in surface, intermediate and deep waters, resulting in potentially limiting concentrations of bioavailable Zn in some water masses, both at depth and where some of them upwell. Here we report a summary of studies in the West Pacific and the South Atlantic, and then compare them with recent studies of Zn ligands from some point sources not previously investigated: 1) hydrothermal vents and plumes in the North Atlantic and the North Pacific, 2) phytoplankton blooms in the Persian Gulf compared with open-ocean surface waters, and 3) water with major river influence in the Persian Gulf. We aim to compare these ligand sources to nearby water mass trends in order to assess the relevance of these non-traditional sources of complexing ligands. S2-14 Dissolved silicon isotopic compositions in the East China Sea: Water mass mixing versus biological fractionation Zhimian Cao ([email protected]) 53 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research, Kiel, Germany The East China Sea (ECS) is a large marginal sea system in the western North Pacific, which is significantly influenced by the Kuroshio Current and freshwater inputs from the Changjiang (Yangtze River), one of the worldтАЩs largest rivers. Rich supplies of nutrients, in particular dissolved silicic acid (Si(OH)4), from the Kuroshio subsurface water as well as from Changjiang discharge result in the high primary production on the ECS shelf, which is often dominated by diatoms. Here we present the first dissolved Si isotope data set of seawater (d30SiSi(OH)4) from the ECS to examine sources and utilization of Si(OH)4, which is required to build up diatom frustules. During two cruises in summer (August 2009) and in winter (December 2009-January 2010), samples for d30SiSi(OH)4 analyses were collected along a cross-shelf transect, extending from near the mouth of the Changjiang estuary to the continental slope area. In summer, the lowest surface d30SiSi(OH) 4 signatures of ~+2.1тА░ corresponding to the highest Si(OH)4 concentrations (up to ~30.0 umol L-1) were observed nearshore in Changjiang Diluted Water (CDW). During advection on the ECS inner shelf, surface d30SiSi(OH) 4 increased rapidly to ~+3.2тА░ while Si(OH)4 became depleted, indicating increasing biological utilization of the Si(OH)4 originating from the CDW. This is also reflected in the water column profiles characterized by a general decrease of d30SiSi(OH)4 and an increase of Si(OH)4 with depth on the ECS mid-shelf and slope. In winter, however, the d30SiSi(OH)4 was nearly constant at ~+1.9тА░ throughout the water column on the ECS shelf beyond the nearshore area, which was a consequence of enhanced vertical mixing of the Kuroshio subsurface water. Horizontal admixture of Kuroshio surface water that is highly fractionated in Si isotopes was only observed beyond the shelf break. Significant seasonal differences inяАа d30SiSi(OH)4 were detected in the surface waters in the region beyond the influence of CDW on the ECS shelf, where the winter values were ~1.0тА░ lower than those in summer. Given that Si(OH)4 in these surface waters was primarily sourced from the Kuroshio subsurface water during both seasons, this demonstrates significantly higher biological consumption and utilization of the dissolved Si(OH)4 in summer than in winter. S2-15 Submarine groundwater discharge: fluxes and impacts in coastal zones of China Guizhi Wang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is an important component of global water cycle and carries significant amounts of terrestrial materials into coastal zones with fluxes equivalent to or greater than those of local or regional rivers.Radium and Radon isotopes are commonly used to trace SGD. Investigations have been conducted along Chinese coasts and in estuaries to quantify SGD fluxes and to evaluate the impact of SGD on the biogeochemistry of these systems. It has been found that tidal-driven SGD,associated with significant nutrient fluxes, has induced acidification in a fringing reef system in Sanya Bay. Although SGD is estimated to be 20% equivalent to the Pearl River water discharge, material fluxes carried by SGD into the northern South China Sea shelf are almost equivalent to the riverine fluxes, especially for dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA). In the Jiulong River estuary, the SGD-associated material fluxes are almost equivalent to the riverine fluxes for DIC and TA and 10-25% for nitrate and silicate, however, these significant fluxes are not reflected in the assumed conservative mixing lines. This paradox is explained mainly by the SGD serving as a non-point source for the system. Considering the great magnitudes in material fluxes carried by SGD into these coastal zones, SGD cannot be overlooked in any biogeochemical studies in these and similar systems. S3-01 Testing the stability of the realized niches of phytoplankton in response to a changing climate Andrew Irwin ([email protected]) Mount Allison University, Canada Decadal-scale time series of phytoplankton species provide a way to test ideas about how individual phytoplankton speciesтАЩ niches and community structure will respond to climate change. Conditions at Station CARIACO have changed dramatically over the past 15 years, with an approximate 1┬░C increase in temperature, and 1-2% yrтАУ1 decrease in macronutrient inventories, chlorophyll concentrations, and primary production. We attempt to differentiate between two hypotheses: (1) speciesтАЩ realized 54 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences niches track environmental changes and (2) speciesтАЩ realized niches are essentially fixed. Using a MaxEnt analysis we characterize the realized niche for the 67 dominant species of phytoplankton as a function of temperature, salinity, irradiance, and macronutrient concentrations. We divided the time series in two to test for changes in the realized niches associated with environmental change. SpeciesтАЩ temperature niches increase following the temperature change in the ocean. Species occupying the coldest niches available in the initial time window show a bigger increase in their temperature niche compared to species initially occupying relatively warm niches. This suggests that the dominant phytoplankton are adapting to a warming ocean in response to selection pressure. S3-02 Phytoplankton in changing world Zoe Finkel ([email protected]) Mount Allison University, Canada Climate change is expected to influence phytoplankton biomass and community composition and consequently impact food web structure and elemental cycling in the sea. In particular, cell size and the elemental composition of phytoplankton cells within communities are sensitive to changes in environmental conditions. I will discuss some of the recent evidence for how phytoplankton populations and communities respond to selected environmental and climatic conditions over physiological, ecological, and evolutionary timescales. S3-03 Detecting casualty for complex ecosystem: implications for managements Chih-hao Hsieh ([email protected]) Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taipei Identifying causal networks is important for effective policy and management recommendations on climate, epidemiology, financial regulation, and much else. Here we introduce a method, based on nonlinear state space reconstruction, that can distinguish causality from correlation. It extends to nonseparable weakly connected dynamic systems (cases not covered by the current Granger causality paradigm). The approach is illustrated both by simple models (where, in contrast to the real world, we know the underlying equations/relations and so can check the validity of our method) and by application to real ecological systems, including the controversial sardine-anchovy-temperature problem. S3-04 Environmental factors shape the diversity, abundance and community structure of sediment nifH-harboring bacteria in the Bohai Sea Hongyue Dang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Heterotrophic diazotrophs fueled by organic carbon respiration in marginal sea sediment may play a dominant role in nitrogen fixation and new nitrogen production. However, fundamental knowledge about the identities, diversity, biogeography and controlling factors of the sediment nitrogen-fixing microbes is still lacking in marginal seas of the world oceans. In the current study, an ocean-wide investigation of both the environmental geochemistry and sediment diazotroph microbiota was carried out in the Bohai Sea, a shallow coastal marginal sea of the western Pacific Ocean. Diverse and abundant nifH gene sequences were identified and the obligately anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria were found to be the dominant nitrogen-fixing microbes in the Bohai Sea sediments. Community statistical analyses identified bottom water temperature, bottom water chlorophyll a content (or the covarying turbidity) and sediment porewater Eh (or the covarying pH) as the most significant environmental factors controlling the structure and spatial distribution of the sediment nifH-harboring microbial communities, while sediment Hg content, sulfide content and porewater SiO32--Si content were identified as the key environmental factors correlated positively with the sediment nifH gene abundance. Comparative analyses between the Bohai Sea and the north South China Sea identified a significant composition difference of the sediment diazotroph communities between the shallow-water (estuarine and nearshore) and deep-water (offshore and deep-sea) environments in the western Pacific Ocean. Sediment porewater dissolved oxygen content, water depth and in situ temperature were identified as the key environmental factors controlling the composition, community structure and distribution of the sediment nitrogen-fixing microbiota in the western Pacific marginal seas. This confirms the niche specialization and segregation between the shallow-water and deep-water sediment diazotrophic microbial communities and indicates that the 55 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences in situ physicochemical and geochemical conditions play a more important role than geographical contiguity in determining the community similarity of the marginal sea diazotrophic microbiota. S3-05 Widespread archaea scavenge a variety of organic compounds in the deep sea Meng Li ([email protected]) The Institute for Advanced Study, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen Microbial processes in the deep oceans regulate the flux of organic carbon from the ocean surfaceto the seafloor. However, little is known about the microorganisms that underpin this key step of the global carbon cycle. Here we present genomic and transcriptomic evidence that five ubiquitous archaeal groups use proteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids and lipids as sources of carbon and energy at depths ranging from 800 to 4950 m in three different ocean basins. Metabolic reconstructions and genee expression patterns show that these heretofore enigmatic marine archaea are motile heterotrophs with extensive mechanisms of scavenging organic matter. These results reveal ecological and physiological properties of ubiquitous marine archaea and highlight their critical role in modulating the transfer of carbon from the atmosphere to sediments. S3-06 Ecological and biogeochemical significance of deep virioplankton Rui Zhang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Viruses are the most abundant biological group in the ocean and play an important role in marine ecosystem and biogeochemical cycles. The infection and lysis induced by viruses are now considered as major contributing factor of bacterial mortality, controlling the abundance, production, diversity and community structure of bacterioplankton in marine environment. However, the ecological characteristics of virioplankton and viral impacts on host mortality and biogeochemical cycling in the deep sea are largely unknown. In present study, viral abundance and lytic infection was investigated throughout the water column in the western Pacific Ocean. Both the prokaryotic and viral abundance and production showed a significantly decreasing trend from epipelagic to meso- and bathypelagic waters. Viral abundance decreased from 0.36-1.05 ├Ч 1010 particles L-1 to 0.43-0.80 ├Ч 109 particles L-1, while the virus:prokaryote ratio varied from 7.21-16.23 to 2.45-23.40, at surface and 2000 m depth, respectively. The lytic viral production rates in surface and 2000 m waters were, averagely, 1.03 ├Ч 1010 L-1 day-1 and 5.74 ├Ч108 L-1 day-1, respectively. Relatively high percentages of prokaryotic cells lysed by virus in 1000 m and 2000 m were observed, suggesting a significant contribution of viruses to prokaryotic mortality in deep ocean. In addition, bacterioplankton in 3000 m deep-sea water in the Western Pacific Ocean were manipulated with in situ virioplankton by experimental setup of filtration and dilution to develop +virus and -virus treatments. The responses of bacterial abundance, diversity and community structure were tracked during the two-week incubation. Flow cytometry results showed that deep-sea viruses had significant repressing effects on bacterial abundance. The changes of bacterial community compositions suggested that bacterial species compositions were regulated by viruses. The lysis of bacterioplankton by viruses will release organic matters and other nutrients and fueling the microbial activities in deep sea and subsequently affect the efficiency of biological pump and microbial carbon pump in the ocean. In summary, our findings demonstrated a highly dynamic and active viral population in the deep western Pacific Ocean and suggested that virioplankton play an important role in the microbial loop and biogeochemical cycling in deep oceans. S3-07 Phagotrophy was the fundamental energy source for mixotrophic nanoflagellate (Haptophytes) Kuoping Chiang ([email protected]) Institute of Marine Environmental Chemistry and Ecology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung Mixotrophy nanoflagellate (MNF) is the nanoflagellate that combines phagotrophy and phototrophy in a single cell, and is more superiorenvironment than phagotrophic or phototrophic cell in oligotrophic. It is generally believed that MNF with heterotrophic behavior can selfsupply energy and nutrients. We hypothesized that while the light intensity decreases with depth, the ingestion rate of MNF will increase. We used Haptophytes in our study to verify this hypothesis at two stations near 56 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences the Keelung Island in 2013-2014. The ingestion rate of Haptophytes on bacteria in surface (SE) and bottom (BE) eutrophic zones was measured by using the combined Fluorescently Labeled Bacteria (FLB) feeding method and tyramide signal amplification-fluorescent in situ hybridization (TSA-FISH). We found that the abundance of Haptophytes in our study area was 385 cells mL-1 in average and had significant seasonal change. We classified the Haptophytes in four size classes, ESD: < 3 ╬╝m, 3~4 ╬╝m, 4~5 ╬╝m and > 5 ╬╝m, with the medium size classes (3~4 ╬╝m and 4~5 ╬╝m) being dominant (60%). The ingestion rate of Haptophytes ranged from 1.6 to 25.7 bac Hap-1 h-1 (average 12.5 bac Hap-1 h-1)in SE and from 3.3 to 42 Bac Hap-1 h-1 (average 14.9 Bac Hap-1 h-1)in BE, higher than the ingestion rate of Haptophytes reported in the literature. There was no significant difference in ingestion rates between SE and BE (t-test, p > 0.05). The result of light control incubation experiment also showed that the change of light intensity did not affect the ingestion rate. The size class of > 5 ╬╝m had the highest ingestion rate (ca. 20.1 Bac Hap-1 h-1) and removed 38% of the abundance of bacteria. The medium size classes (3~4 ╬╝m and 4~5 ╬╝m ) of Haptophytes were respectively responsible for 22% and 31% bacterivory of the total ingestion of Haptophytes. Over all, the phagotrophy was the basic life energy source for Haptophytes and there was no significant impact of light or dark condition on ingestion rate of bacteria. The ingestion rates of Haptophytes were affected by NO3 concentration (p< 0.05) in oligotrophic surface water and by prey concentration in the low light bottom water. We conclude that the grazing behavior (speed or grazing abundance) is not influenced by light environment. The poor nutrient condition in surface water will force the mixotrophic Haptophytes to graze and acquire the necessary nutrient S3-08 Iron grazing: An alternate iron acquisition strategy by dinoflagellates Mark Wells ([email protected]), Margaret Hughes University of Maine, Orono, ME USA & University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA USA Climate change is increasing ocean surface water temperatures and stratification, with expectation that lowered nutrient availabilities in surface waters will lead to the predominance of flagellate species. The associated increases in ocean acidification also may lead to decreases in Fe availability by increasing the stability of strong organic complexation. There is question then about how these combined macro and micro nutrient stresses will affect phytoplankton community composition and carbon cycling in the future oceans. There is increasing evidence that dinoflagellate species previously considered to be autotrophic become mixotrophic under nutrient limiting conditions, augmenting their uptake of dissolved nutrients by feeding on other phytoplankton. We investigated whether growth of the presumed autotrophic dinoflagellate Amphidiniumcarterae improved under Fe-stressed photosynthetic conditions when presented with Fe-replete cells of the haptophyte Isochrysis galbana. The findings show that growth rates of Fe-deplete A. carterae increased sharply when co-cultured with Fe-replete I. galbana incomparison to cultures given Fe-deplete I. galbana cells, signifying that grazingimproved the Fe status of the dinoflagellate. A. carterae occurs in shelf and estuarinewaters from the Arctic to the tropics, yet the findings here show considerable adaptationto Fe stress conditions. It seems likely then that other dinoflagellates, particularly oceanicspecies, utilize grazing as a strategy to satiate iron demands, greatly complicating thegoal of forecasting the responses of phytoplankton communities to climate change. S3-09 High diversity of picocyanobacteria Synechococcus in Hong Kong estuarine and coastal waters Hongbin Liu ([email protected]) Division of Life Science, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Seasonal variation of Synechococcus community composition in subtropical estuarine and coastal waters was examined through 454 pyrosequencing of the rpoC1 gene. Samples were collected each month in 2009 from two stations, one located in the Pearl River estuary and the other in the coastal waters of Hong Kong. Subcluster 5.2, dominated by 5.2-1, was more abundant at the estuary station, while subcluster 5.1 Synechococcus dominated at the coastal station, typically clades II, VI, and IX. Shannon diversity indices of Synechococcus communities at the two study sites ranged from 2.00 to 5.94. At the estuarine station, the highest Synechococcus abundance was in July, whereas the highest diversity was found in April and October when strong mixing of different water masses occurred. High abundance of clade IX Synechococcus at estuarine station in summer was noted. Isolates in this 57 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences clade showed the ability to deal with salinity fluctuation and had the highest growth rate at salinity 24 ppt. The highest Synechococcus cell abundance and community diversity at the coastal station co-occurred in July. Synechococcus community structure in Hong Kong waters was significantly correlated with seawater temperature and salinity. Overall, the estuarine and coastal waters surrounding Hong Kong may possess one of the highest diversity of Synechococcus communities in the world due to its highly dynamic hydrographic setting. S3-10 Evolutionary origin of a streamlined marine bacterioplankton lineage Haiwei Luo ([email protected]) Simon F. S. Li Marine Science Laboratory, School of Life Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong Planktonic bacterial lineages with streamlined genomes are prevalent in the ocean. The base composition of their DNA is often highly biased towards low GtC content, a possible source of systematic error in phylogenetic reconstruction. A total of 228 orthologous protein families were sampled that are shared among major lineages of Alphaproteobacteria, including the marine freeliving SAR11 clade and the obligate endosymbiotic Rickettsiales. These two ecologically distinct lineages share genome sizes of o1.5Mbp and genomic GtC content of o30%. Statistical analyses showed that only 28 protein families are composition-homogeneous, whereas the other 200 families significantly violate the composition-homogeneous assumption included in most phylogenetic methods. RAxML analysis based on the concatenation of 24 ribosomal proteins that fall into the heterogeneous protein category clustered the SAR11 and Rickettsiales lineages at the base of the Alphaproteobacteria tree, whereas that based on the concatenation of 28 homogeneous proteins (including 19 ribosomal proteins) disassociated the lineages and placed SAR11 at the base of the non-endosymbiotic lineages. When the two data sets were concatenated, only a model that accounted for compositional bias yielded a tree identical to the tree built with compositionhomogeneous proteins. Ancestral genome analysis suggests that the first evolved SAR11 cell had a small genome streamlined from its ancestor by a factor of two and coinciding with an ecological transition, followed by further gradual streamlining towards the extant SAR11 populations. S3-11 The role of CO2 concentrating mechanisms in the response of phytoplankton to ocean acidification Brian Hopkinson ([email protected]) Department of Marine Sciences, University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA Elevated CO2 stimulates photosynthesis and growth in many, but not all, species of marine phytoplankton. The most commonly offered explanation for this response is that high CO2 allows the system that supplies inorganic carbon for photosynthesis, the CO2 concentrating mechanism (CCM), to be down-regulated. Energy and materials from the CCM can then be reallocated to increased photosynthesis and growth. We have investigated this scenario in a marine diatom and Prochlorococcus MED4 by constructing a budget of inorganic carbon fluxes in the CCMs of these organisms and developing a framework to estimate energy savings from CCM down-regulation. For the diatom, we estimate that down-regulation of the CCM can support a 5-10% increase in photosynthesis, which is similar to the observed increase in many diatoms. For Prochlorococcus, we predict that the CCM cannot be down-regulated substantially at high CO2 and so no energy would be saved. Consistent with this prediction, the growth of Prochlorococcus is not affected by elevated CO2. Although the details of CCMs in other phytoplankton are not fully defined, the information that is available suggests that down-regulation of the CCM at elevated CO2 would support at best modest increases in growth rate (~20%), as estimated using the framework we have developed. S3-12 Studies on the transcriptome of the green tide dominant species Ulva prolifera Peimin He ([email protected]) Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai Since 2007я╝Мthe green tide has bloomed in the Yellow Sea of China for consecutive 7 years,which influenced the environment and peopleтАЩs life seriously. The causative species is Ulva prolifera, a 58 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences marine green alga growing on intertidal zone, where it undergoes dynamic environmental changes including temperature, light intensity, desiccation, and osmotic shock. Therefore, U. prolifera has developed a variety of strategies and mechanisms to overcome those environmental adversities. In an effort to identify the genes involved in the extreme temperature and light tolerance of U. prolifera, we generated 42958032660nt data, and assembled 109239 Unigenes from U. prolifera under 9 different temperature and light conditions using Illumina Hiseq2000. 62.8% of unigenes shared significant similarity with an E value of тЙд 1E-15 with Nr sequence. The 5656 different SSR were discovered by MicroSAtellite(MISA). Trinucleotide repeat was absolutely predominant (55.34 %) SSR, and AC was the most common motif. A comparison of the unigenes from U.prolifera under normal and stress conditions enabled us to identify the transcripts that were up or down regulated by different temperature and light. Most of transcripts produced under the extreme temperature and light conditions respectively belong to heat shock protein family and transport protein, and novel transcripts not matched to known genes in current public databases. These unigenes will provide valuable information to identify the DNA markers for the Ulva species and help to explain the blooming mechanism of the green tide. S3-13 Algae-based sustainable biorefinery industry: toward a green revolution Tuo Shi ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Human's heavy reliance on fossil fuels is causing environmental degradation, climate change concerns, and global increase in energy consumption per-capita. These issues necessitate the development of cutting-edge technologies to sustainably produce food and energy. Recently, there has been an increased interest in using microalgae and cyanobacteria as a viable feedstock for fuels and chemicals. The realization of this potential, however, requires fundamental improvement of photosynthetic conversion efficiency (PCE) that sets an upper limit on the yield of algal-derived biofuels. This presentation highlights recent advances using modern тАШomicsтАЩ and high-throughput technologies to develop commercially viable solutions for the renewable productions of petroleum replacement products. In particular, the creation of genetically enhanced algal cell lines feasible for commercial production of fuels and chemicals (e.g., ethanol), and direct evolution of nature's inefficient biocatalysts to improve photosynthetic yield and carbon flux will be discussed. S3-14 Plankton in a changing climate: coastal and polar cases study Hongjun Song ([email protected]) The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao To better understand the impact of climate change on marine ecosystem, plankton groups are always selected as the preferred indicators. The increasing availability and spatial and temporal extent of biological ocean time series (from both in situ and satellite data) have helped reveal significant phenological variability in marine plankton. This talk will begin with an overview of results from a phenology study of both phytoplankton and zooplankton. Then, the effects of freshening and warming on plankton will be explained from several coastal and polar case studies. Freshening can affect the dynamics of phytoplankton blooms, and cause the change of zooplankton structure in the Gulf of Maine. The remote sensing and modeling analysis show that salinity is the main factor influencing the phytoplankton bloom dynamics in this region. In the Arctic case, climate warming causes shrinking ice coverage and earlier ice retreat, which has strong impact the timing of primary production and is likely to have consequences for higher trophic levels. Furthermore, to improve the quality of the gappy satellite data, a new method combining generalized additive model (GAM) and spatio-temporal kriging is introduced to the interpolation of the satellite-derived chlorophyll data in the Arctic Ocean, which will be useful in capturing the phenological variability of phytoplankton. S3-15 Global change and biodiversity on the intertidal rocky shore along China coast Yunwei Dong ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Intertidal rocky shore is one of the most vulnerable ecosystems in the scenario of global change. Based on long-term environmental monitoring and modelling predication, most coastal areas in 59 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences China have had and will suffer from global warming, ocean acidification and extreme climate events. Furthermore, with the development of coastal economy, more and more artificial structures, including harbors, dams and bridges etc., are constructed along the China coast. These artificial structures, especially architectures on the muddy shore, will provide suitable substrate for rocky shore species, and potentially play crucial roles as step stones for species distribution shifts. There are clear biogeographic barriers for some rocky shore species along China coast. Phylogeographic studies of some widely distributed intertidal limpets and snails showed the populations can be divided into southern and northern groups with Yangtze River estuary as a barrier. The formation of the barrier is due to multiple factors, including historical events, ocean current, freshwater discharge and substrate. One of the most important factors for formation of the barrier is the unsuitable substrate in the Yangtze River Delta. From Lianyugang, Jiangsu Province to Qidong Jiangsu, there are extensive muddy shores, which can affect the distribution of rocky shore species. The construction of artificial structure on the muddy shore can provide suitable habitats for rocky shore species. So it is important to know the roles of these artificial structures on the biogeography of rocky intertidal species along China coast. S3-16 Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria are minor yet widespread members Yao Zhang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen ц░оцШпц╡╖ц┤Лц░┤ф╜Уф╕нцЬАхЕ│щФочЪДшРехЕ╗шжБч┤аф╣Лф╕Ая╝МхРМцЧ╢ф╣ЯцШпц╡╖хМ║хИЭч║зчФЯф║зхКЫчЪДф╕╗шжБщЩРхИ╢хЫахнРф╣Лф╕АуАВхЬищХ┐ цЧ╢щЧ┤х░║х║жф╕Кя╝Мц╡╖ц┤Лц░ох╛кчОпхдДф║Оф╕Аф╕кф╕Нх╣│шббчЪДчК╢цАБя╝Мш┐Щф╕Аф╕Нх╣│шббчК╢цАБцШ╛чД╢цШпщАацИРхЕичРГхПШхМЦчЪДф╕Аф╕кщЗНшжБ хЫач┤ауАВшЧ╗ч▒╗уАБч╗ЖшПМхТМхПдшПМцШпц░ох╛кчОпхЕ│щФош┐ЗчиЛчЪДщЗНшжБчФЯчЙйш╜╜ф╜УуАВх░дхЕ╢цШпхЬиц╖▒ц╡╖чФЯчЙйхЬИя╝Мч╗ЖшПМхТМхПдшПМхЬи ц░ох╛кчОпф╕нш╡╖хИ░ф║ЖхЖ│хоЪцАзчЪДф╜ЬчФиуАВф╜Ьф╕║чбЭхМЦш┐ЗчиЛчЪДчммф╕Ацнея╝Мц░иц░зхМЦш┐ЗчиЛшвлцЩощБНшодф╕║цШпщЩРщАЯцнещкдшАМхПЧхИ░ хЕ│ц│иуАВш┐Дф╗Кф╕║цнвчЪДчаФчй╢х╖▓ч╗ПхПСчО░я╝МхЬиц╡╖ц┤ЛчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗Яф╕нф╕╗шжБчЪДчбЭхМЦх╛очФЯчЙйцШпц░иц░зхМЦхПдшПМя╝ИAOAя╝Йя╝МшАМф╕Ф хРДч▒╗чФЯхвГф╕н AOA хЭЗцЬЙчЭАх╛ИщлШчЪДхдЪца╖цАзхИЖх╕ГуАВф╜ЖцШпя╝Мш╛ГщлШчЪД AOA ф╕░х║жхТМц┤╗цАзх╣╢ф╕НшГ╜шзгщЗКц╡╖ц┤ЛчФЯцАБч│╗ ч╗Яф╕нцЙАцгАц╡ЛхИ░чЪДчбЭхМЦф╜ЬчФичЪДхИЖх╕ГхПКчбЭхМЦчОЗя╝МхЫаф╕║цИСф╗мх╛Ах╛Аф╕НшГ╜чЬЛхИ░ AOA ф╕ОчбЭхМЦчОЗхА╝чЪДчЫ╕ф║ТхЕ│шБФуАВчФ▒ ф║ОчбЭхМЦшПМщАЪх╕╕цЬЙчЭАх╛Их╝║чЪДф╕Уф╕АцАзя╝Мф╗ОщУ╡хИ░чбЭщЕ╕чЫРчЪДш┐ЗчиЛх╣╢щЭЮшГ╜чФ▒ф╕Ач▒╗х╛очФЯчЙйхоМцХ┤хоМцИРуАВхЫацндя╝Мц░иц░з хМЦш┐ЗчиЛшБФхРИф║ЪчбЭщЕ╕чЫРц░зхМЦш┐ЗчиЛчЪДчаФчй╢хПпшГ╜ф╝Ъф╕║цИСф╗мцОвшоиц╡╖ц┤ЛчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯчЪДчбЭхМЦф╜ЬчФицПРф╛ЫцЦ░чЪДцАЭш╖пуАВхЬи ц╡╖ц┤Лч│╗ч╗Яф╕ня╝Мф╛ЛхжВхНЧц╡╖я╝МцИСф╗мх╛ИщЪ╛шзВц╡ЛхИ░ф║ЪчбЭщЕ╕чЫРчЪДчзпч┤пя╝Мх░дхЕ╢цШпхЬиц╖▒ц╡╖я╝Мш┐Щф╕ОцИСф╗мхЬихНЧц╡╖ц╖▒ц╡╖цгА ц╡ЛхИ░ф╕Оч╗ЖшПМф╕░х║жчЫ╕х╜УчЪДц│ЙхПдшПМхИЖх╕ГхПКш╛ГщлШчЪДц░иц░зхМЦхКЯшГ╜хЯ║хЫая╝ИamoAя╝Йф╕░х║жф╕НчмжуАВхЫацндя╝МхПпф╗ецОиц╡Ля╝М ф║ЪчбЭщЕ╕чЫРц░зхМЦх╛очФЯчЙйхПпшГ╜хЬиц╡╖ц┤ЛчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗Яф╕нцЙоц╝ФчЭАщЗНшжБчЪДшзТшЙ▓уАВцИСф╗мхЬихНЧц╡╖хоЮцЦ╜чЪДф║ЪчбЭщЕ╕чЫРц░зхМЦхКЯ шГ╜хЯ║хЫая╝ИnorAуАБnorBя╝ЙчЪДчаФчй╢хПКхоПш╜мх╜Хч╗ДхнжчЪДхИЖцЮРхПСчО░я╝Мф║ЪчбЭщЕ╕чЫРц░зхМЦч╗ЖшПМя╝ИNOBя╝Йх░╜чобцШпф╕Ач▒╗чиА цЬЙч▒╗ч╛дя╝Мф╜ЖцШпхПпшГ╜хп╣ц╡╖хЯЯчЪДф║ЪчбЭщЕ╕чЫРц░зхМЦф╜ЬчФицЬЙчЭАщЗНшжБчЪДш┤бчМоуАВ S3-17 Beyond long-term averages: Making biological sense of a rapidly changing world Brian Helmuth ([email protected]) Northeastern University, USA Biological responses to climate change are typically communicated in generalized terms such as poleward and altitudinal range shifts, but adaptation efforts relevant to management decisions often require forecasts that incorporate the interaction of multiple climatic and nonclimatic stressors at far smaller spatio-temporal scales. We argue that the desire for generalizations has, ironically, contributed to the frequent conflation of weather with climate, even within the scientific community. As a result, current predictions of ecological responses to climate change, and the design of experiments to understand underlying mechanisms, are too often based on broad-scale trends and averages that at a proximate level may have very little to do with the vulnerability of organisms and ecosystems. The creation of biologically-relevant metrics of environmental change that incorporate the physical mechanisms by which climate trains patterns of weather, coupled with knowledge of how organisms and ecosystems respond to these changes, can offer insight into which aspects of climate change may be most important to monitor and predict. This approach also has the potential to enhance our ability to communicate impacts of climate change to nonscientists and especially to stakeholders attempting to enact climate change adaptation policies. 60 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences S3-18 Spatial and temporal variability in satellite estimates of net community production over the Atlantic basin Gavin Tilstone ([email protected]) Plymouth Marine Laboratory, United Kingdom The recent warming of the Earth system has important impacts on carbon cycling in the ecosystem. Marine photosynthesis and respiration rates are the engines in regulating climatically active gases. There is, however ongoing debate as to whether the oligotrophic oceans are predominantly net autotrophic and acting as a CO2 sink, or net heterotrophic and therefore acting as a CO2 source to the atmosphere. This is hard to quantify, both spatially and temporally, due to the sparseness of in situ observations. There has been a concerted effort to derive accurate estimates of phytoplankton photosynthesis and primary production from satellite to fill these gaps, however there have been few satellite estimates of net community production. In this paper the accuracy of number of approaches to estimating net community production from satellite data are assessed in 15 provinces of the Atlantic Ocean, from the sub-Arctic waters of the North Atlantic to the South Atlantic Gyre. For the most accurate algorithm(s), a ~13 year time series of net community production is generated to assess spatial and temporal trends in net community production over the Atlantic Ocean. The North Atlantic sub-tropical and tropical Gyres (NATL) remained predominantly net autotrophic from 1998 to 2010 except in boreal autumn-winter, suggesting that despite recent warming in the northern hemisphere, it still remains a net sink for CO2. The South Atlantic sub-tropical Gyre (SATL) fluctuated from being net autotrophic in austral spring-summer, to net heterotrophic in austral autumn-winter. Recent decadal trends suggest that the SATL is becoming more of a CO2 source. Over the entire Atlantic basin, the percentage of satellite pixels with negative NCP was ~27%, with the largest contributions from the NATL and SATL during boreal and austral autumn-winter, respectively. Variations in NCP in the northern and southern hemispheres were correlated with climate indices. There were significant negative relationships between NCP and the multivariate ENSO index (MEI) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) in the SATL, North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) in the and Southern Sub-Tropical Convergence Zone (SSTC), and positive relationships with PDO and pacific SST anomaly (NINO) in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic (ETRA) and Western Tropical Atlantic (WTRA). Broad scale climate variability, represented by key Pacific Ocean indicators, seems to play a role in modifying phases of net autotrophy and heterotrophy in the Atlantic Ocean. S3-19 Picoeukaryotic diversity and distribution in the subtropicalтАУtropical South China Sea Wenxue Wu, Bangqin Huang ([email protected]), Yu Liao, Ping Sun State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Little is known regarding the diversity and distribution of picoeukaryotes in the northwestern Pacific Ocean, although these organisms are vital components of their environment. Here, we used a culture-independent approach to assess the 18S rDNA diversity of picoeukaryotes at six sampling sites along a transcontinental section of the South China Sea. The Alveolata group comprised 58.6% of the clones and was mainly represented by the novel marine alveolates (MALV)-I (18.8%) and MALV-II (30.6%), corresponding to 66.5% of all operational taxonomic units. Sequences affiliated with seven clades of the novel marine stramenopiles (MAST) were widely distributed in different clone libraries. We report an entirely new group representing the deepest evolutionary branch of the Hacrobia; this finding suggests the existence of novel picoeukaryotes at a high taxonomic level. Many phylotypes could not be taxonomically assigned, indicating the presence of numerous previously unknown groups. Horizontally, picoeukaryotic assemblages in the coastal water characterized with the rare occurrence of MALV-I were distinct from offshore communities. Vertically, MAST-4 were mainly retrieved in surface waters; however, the Radiolaria (Rhizaria) were mainly detected in clone libraries from depths of 60 m. Our findings further emphasize the immense diversity of picoeukaryotes, especially in the subtropicalтАУtropical northwestern Pacific Ocean. S3-20 Understanding a complex regional fishery in the context of changing global-scale drivers and the need for sustainability Lewis S. Incze ([email protected]), Richard A. Wahle, Huijie Xue, and Carl Wilson School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469 USA & Darling Marine Center, University of Maine, Walpole, Maine 04573 USA 61 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Decapod crustaceans are the foundation of many economically and culturally important fisheries, and these crustaceans occupy significantecologicalniches in manymarine systems. In the Gulf of Maine, we have used the large decapod crustacean Homarusamericanus (American lobster) to study (1) settlement from pelagic to benthic stage and (2) coupling of ocean circulation and atmospheric forcing to population connectivity and recruitment. The studies were designed to gain a fundamental understanding of coupled physical-biological recruitment processes in this system in a broad sense, and to guide decisions about managing this particular, important fishery in a potential downturn. Over 2+ decades of our research, fishery yields have increased markedly despite heavy fishing, most likely as a result of continued, favorable (on average) settlement drivers as well as an upward trend in post-settlement survival. The latter appears to have masked periods of decreased settlement observed in the middle of our time-series. At the same time, the best recruitment (densest settlement) has gradually shifted northward, which we postulate is the result of warming (increasing the habitat for settlement) and increased egg production in the north, coupled with the circulation there. The fishery has shifted accordingly. This demographic shift has consequences for patterns of larval supply in future years, andthese must be factored into predictions about population trends in the south. Specifically, transport dynamics will add to the effects of local changes in a warming south, and will influence the appropriate (sustainable) human and fishery responses. S3-21 Proteomic analysis of Thalassiosira pseudonana reveals the mechanisms of high light acclimation in the marine diatom Hongpo Dong ([email protected]) Jinan University, Guangzhou Diatoms possess an excellent capacity to cope with drastic light fluctuations regularly punctuated by excess light. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying responses to high light exposure in diatom are largely unknown. Using a quantitative proteomic approach based on iTRAQ labeling of peptides in combination with biochemical analyses, we studied responses of diatoms to exposure to HL. Our data have demonstrated that a complicated metabolic network in diatom cells participated in responses of diatom to HL exposure, including pigment synthesis, photosynthetic electron transport, photoreceptors, the glycolysis, the CCM, synthesis of polysaccharides, the TCA cycle, the photorespiration/glyoxylate cycle, synthesis of fatty acids, fatty acid ╬▓-oxidation, the urea cycle and oxidative stress. Changes of these proteins in abundance elicit a series of physiological changes in diatom. After HL exposure, pigment composition was altered; Fv/Fm decreased and NPQ increased; POC and PON increased; TAG increased and fatty acid composition was altered. Interestingly, we first found that polysaccharide augments in cell wall and elevated selenoprotein content in chloroplast may have important implications for photoprotection capacity of diatom in a fluctuating light regime. These data, combined with gene expression analysis can help to elucidate metabolic processes involved in the response of diatom to excess light. S3-22 Effects of ocean acidification on marine primary producers under the sun Kunshan Gao ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen The oceans are taking up over one million tons of CO2 per hr and have been acidified by 30% since the industrial revolution, and will be further acidified by 150% (pH drop to 7.8, A1F1 senario) by the end of this century. Typical chemical changes associated with the ocean acidification are increased concentrations of pCO2уАБH+ and HCO3- and decreased concentration of CO32- and CaCO3 saturation state. The combined effects of UVR and seawater acidification resulted in inhibition of calcification rates by 96% and 99% and that of photosynthesis by 6% and 15%, at pH 7.9 and 7.6, respectively, in Emilianiahuxleyii. This differential inhibition of calcification (C) and photosynthesis (P) leads to significant reduction of the C/P ratio. Seawater acidification enhances the transmission of harmful UVR by about 26% through a reduction of the coccolith layer by 32%. Our data indicate that the impact of a high CO2/low pH ocean on E. huxleyi enhances the detrimental effects of UVR on the major phytoplanktoniccalcifier. For the articulated coralline alga CorallinasessilisYendo grown at elevated CO2 (1000 62 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences ppmv) for more than a month under solar radiation calcified less and even lesser in the presence of UVR. PAR+UVR, in contrast to PAR alone treatment, inhibited the growth, photosynthetic O 2 evolution and calcification rates by13%, 6% and 3% at the low (380 ppmv) and by 47%, 20% and 8% at the high CO2 concentrations, respectively, reflecting a synergistic effect of CO2 enrichment with UVR. The results imply that coralline algae may suffer from more damages caused by UVB when they calcify less and less with progressing ocean acidification. When exposed to CO2 concentrations projected for the end of this century, natural phytoplankton assemblages of the South China Sea (SCS) responded with decreased photosynthetic carbon fixation and increased non-photochemical quenching (NPQ, an indicator of light stress) at light intensities representative of the upper surface layer. The community composition of these experimental phytoplankton assemblages shifted away from diatoms, the dominant phytoplankton group encountered during our field campaigns. To examine the underlying mechanisms of the observed responses, we grew three species of diatoms at different CO2 concentrations and under varying levels (5-100%) of solar radiation to mimic the range of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) experienced by the phytoplankton at different depths of the euphotic zone. Above 22-36% of incident surface solar radiation, corresponding to 26-39 m depths in the SCS, growth rates in the high CO2-grown cells were inversely related to light levels, and exhibited reduced thresholds at which PAR becomes excessive, leading to higher NPQ. In addition, photorespiration and nighttime respiratory carbon loss were also enhanced. Future ocean warming will cause a shoaling of upper mixed layer depths, exposing phytoplankton to increased mean light intensities. This, in combination with rising CO2 levels, may cause a widespread decline in marine primary production. Key words: algae, sunlight, UV, ocean acidification S3-23 Get ready for ocean acidification Sam Dupont ([email protected]) Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences тАУ Kristineberg, University of Gothenburg, Sweden For decades, humans have caused local damage in many marine ecosystems by a variety of means including contamination by pollutants, over-fishing, physical destruction of the habitat etc. More recently, we realized that humans also had a global impact on the ocean. Global warming is leading to an increase of seawater temperature and the earthтАЩs oceans are becoming more acidic as they draw rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere, a phenomenon known as ocean acidification. In the future ocean, ocean acidification and global warming will operate in concert with other anthropogenic stressors and at present, very little is known about the potential interactions. In this presentation, I will summarize what is known on the impact of ocean acidification in combination with other environmental changes (temperature, hypoxia, salinity, toxicants, oil spill, etc.) I will also propose a strategy to move forward to large scale projections of the impacts of ocean acidification on marine species, ecosystems and services. Since it is impossible to study populations of all species and take into account all interacting environmental parameters into a realistic experimental design, making any large scale projection requires understanding the mechanisms in action, how they are intertwined across levels of biological organization (molecular, cellular, systemic, ecosystem, all as a result of evolution) and their potential hierarchies. S3-24 Microbial carbon pump: constrains with and effects on environments Nianzhi Jiao ([email protected]), et al. State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Study of the dynamics of the microbial carbon pump (MCP) in conjunction with thebiological pump (BP) over geological timescalescould lead to a better understanding of climate changes in the past and thus a better prediction of future climate trends.Such studies include the interactions between particulate organic carbon (POC) and refractory dissolved organic carbon (RDOC) that contribute to sequestration efficiency, and the concurrent determination of the chemical composition of organic carbon, microbial community composition and enzymatic activity. Molecular biomarkers and isotopic tracers should be employed to link water column processes to sediment records, as well as to link present-day observations to paleo-evolution. Ecosystem models need to be developed based on empirical relationships derived frombioassay experiments and field investigations in order to predict 63 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences the dynamics of carbon cycling along the stability continuum of POC and RDOC under potential global change scenarios. We propose that inorganic nutrient input to eutrophic waters may reduce the capacity for carbon sequestration as RDOC. The nutrient regime enabling maximum carbon storage from combined POC flux and RDOC formation should therefore be sought. We emphasize that RDOC is a relative concept with a wide continuum of recalcitrance. Most RDOC compounds maintain their levels of recalcitrance only in a specific environmental context (RDOCt). The ocean RDOC pool also contains compounds that may be inaccessible to microbes due to their extremely low concentration (RDOCc). This differentiation allows us to appreciate the linkage between microbial source and RDOC composition on a range of temporal and spatial scales. Thus MCP has constrains with and effects on environments, and it is the MCP that regulates the bidirectional climate changes. S4-01 Are chemicals substituting endocrine disrupting chemicals safe from adverse endocrine effects? Kyungho Choi ([email protected]) Seoul National University, Korea As many chemicals used for consumer products have been determined as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), regulatory or voluntary efforts have been made to reduce their exposure worldwide. One of such efforts is to use alternative chemicals substituting EDCs. Unlike the EDCs being replaced, relatively limited amount of information is available for the alternative chemicals, in terms of endocrine disrupting potentials. In the present study, endocrine disruption of the chemicals substituting brominated flame retardants and bisphenol A, was evaluated. For alternative flame retardants, we chose Declorane Plus (DP) and TBB. For bisphenol A alternatives, several analogues such as bisphenol S, bisphenol M, bisphenol F, etc were selected. Sex or thyroid hormone disruptions and associated mechanisms were investigated using several cell lines and fish. DP is not soluble, therefore was dissolved in corn oil (0, 0.3, 1, 3 ╬╝g/g DP-25) and gavage fed to adult zebrafish twice with 2 d interval. Then fish were examined at day 6 for the changes in transcriptions of the genes regulating sex and thyroid hormones. Several genes, e.g., er╬▒, er╬▓, crh, and tsh╬▓ were upregulated following the exposure. Increasing trend in plasma T4 was also observed. Following exposure to TBB (0.05, 0.5, 5, or 50 mg/L), significant increase of E2 synthesis in H295R cells and downregulation of tsh╬▓, tr╬▒, and tr╬▓ genes in GH3 cells were observed. In zebrafish embryo, increase of T3 was observed following 6 d exposure. Most bisphenols can increase the synthesis of E2 in H295R cells probably through upregulation of CYP19 gene. As to estrogen receptor binding, bisphenol analogues like AF, Z, P, and B showed greater transactivation than bisphenol A. These observations show generally that alternative chemicals that replaced EDCs have been introduced without sufficient information regarding endocrine disruption potentials. The implication of such introduction in ecosystem is of growing concern. S4-02 Identification of two new classes of dioxin-like compounds and their inter species sensitivity variations Xiaowei Zhang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Pollution Control & Resource Reuse, School of the Environment, Nanjing University, Nanjing It was hypothesized that polychlorinated diphenyl sulfides (PCDPSs) and polybrominateddiphenyl ethers (PBDEs) metabolites (Meo-BDEs and OH-BDEs) can potentially interact with aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) and thereby cause adverse effects, such as embryo lethality, in wildlife. In this study, firstly, an AHR mediated adverse outcome pathway (AOP) was developed by literature review and weight of evidence approach. Secondly, a cell-based mammalian AhR reporter gene assay, H4IIE-luc assay and avian AHR1-luciferase report gene (LRG) assay were used to assess the interaction between avian AHR and the target compounds. The results showed that most of the test PCDPSs and PBDEs analogues could activate the molecular initiation event of AhR AOP, binding and activation of AHR receptor, in mammalian and avian species. ReP values of the tested compounds suggested that some PCDPSs like 2,3,3┬┤,4,5,6-hexa-CDPS and 2,2┬┤,3,3┬┤,4,5,6-hepta-CDPS are higher than the avian WHO-TEFs of OctaCDD, OctaCDF and most of coplanar PCBs.Furthermore, to test whether the activation of the molecular initiation event (AhR mediated pathway) is highly specific and the most sensitive endogenous molecular event, genome wide gene transcript expressions were assessed in 64 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences cells exposed to the test compounds at the concentration causing 50% of max AhR activity. The results of RNA-seq experiment demonstrated that the most significantly modulated pathways included metabolism of xenobiotics by cytochrome P450 pathway, retinol metabolism pathway and steroid hormone biosynthesis pathway, which confirmed that the transcriptomicresponses induced by the test compounds were primarily mediated by the AHR. Based on these evidences and the AhR AOP, it is predicted that the potent PCDPSs and PBDEs analogues could cause embryo toxicity (lethality) in vertebrate species. Our results for the first time reported the activation of AHR-mediated molecular toxicological mechanism by PCDPSs and PBDEs analogues, and provided the ranking of ReP and relative sensitivity (ReS) values of different congeners, which could guide the further toxicity test of this group of potential high priority environmental pollutants. S4-03 Occurrence and behavior of quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) in the sediments of urbanized estuaries Xiaolin Li ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Currently, quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are one of the major classes of cationic surfactants used as the ingredients in fabric softeners, disinfectants, detergents, and numerous personal care products. QACs have been detected with very high levels in the sewage sludge and estuarine sediment in European countries and U.S. In this study concentrations and composition patterns of QACs in the sediment from Peal River Estuary (PRE) were determined to evaluate their origin of occurrence, chronological record and provide insights into the use of QACs as sensitive and persistent tracers for sewage pollution input. High total QACs levels were observed in the PRE area with extremely high levels comparable to those found in the urbanized areas at Austria and the USA. The QAC homologous compositions were uniform throughout the study area, and the composition pattern was identical to that detected in the sewage sludge from Guangzhou which indicates that no significant degradation occurs for QACs in the estuarine environment. The chronological record in the dated sediment core also showed evidence of persistency for the major holomogues of QACs, dialkyldimethylammonium compounds (DADMACs). And maximum discharge input of QACs is found during the late 1980s which is similar as what was found in U.S. Preliminary data was achieved for some QACs fluxes through the sediment water interface estimated by coupling the fluxes of 224Ra through newly developed technique. S4-04 Assessment of several important groups of emerging persistent organic pollutants in coastal region of south China James C.W. LAM ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Coastal environment of South China has been undergoing strong modifications due to rapid economic growth and industrialization. These may increase the demand for persistent and stable chemicals used in the manufacture of products for both domestic use and export, so it is not surprising that huge amounts of halogenated flame retardants (HFRs) and per-/polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are found in this region. These contaminants of emerging concern were recently found in the eggs of waterbirds from South China, and two species of commercial fish, yellow croakers (Pseudosciaena crocea) and silver pomfrets (Pampus argenteus) from nine cities along the eastern coastline, revealed the widespread occurrence of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDs) in the Chinese coastal region. Recently, a number of emerging HFRs and PFASs are detected in the environment and the presence of several of these new chemicals in biota indicates that they are bioavailable and can be absorbed and bioaccumulated. In addition, increasing levels of HFRs and PFASs were found in the biotic and abiotic samples collected from the South China. However, the information regarding the environmental occurrence, distribution and fate of these chemicals is still scanty. Another important marine top predator investigated in this study was marine mammals. Detection of several PBDE alternatives namely, dechlorane plus (DPs), decabromodiphenyl ethane (DBDPE), 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy) ethane (BTBPE), bis-(2-ethylhexyl)-tetrabromophthalate (TBPH) and 2-ethylhexyl 2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate (TBB), in blubber samples of Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) and finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) indicated the presence of a potential source of these new brominated 65 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences flame retardants in South China. The significant positive temporal shifting trends in both dolphin and porpoise samples have provided evidence of increasing trends in shifting the use of PBDEs to their corresponding alternatives. This result has led to the suspicion that similar types of emerging contaminants may be extensively used in the estuarine areas, and raises our attention on the status of these new chemicals in the region. S4-05 A triad approach for the assessment of trace pollutants in Korean coastal sediments Jong Seong Khim ([email protected]) School of Earth and Environmental Sciences & Research Institute of Oceanography, Seoul National University, Korea Here we summarize and review the previous efforts on sediment assessment together with major scientific findings that conducted in the Korean coastal waters since late 1990s. Towards integrated triad analysis, sediment data (>1,700 samples) reported from the Korean coasts were collected and reviewed of which data collectively includes three components of chemical, toxicological, and ecological measures. First, the chemistry data suggested widespread and historic distribution of sedimentary pollutants along the Korean coasts. Spatial distributions suggested that their sources were independent of each other, while some localized areas (highlighted for Lake Shihwa, Masan Bay, and Ulsan Bay) and zones with extremely high pressures of certain pollutants were also identified. The mass balance analyses and/or direct correlations linking triad components reflected a general agreement between endpoints. The benthic community responses given by species occurrence and diversity also reflected the type and degree of sediment contamination, however, could not be fully explained by the known target chemicals. Overall, the triad assessment of trace pollutants in Korean coastal sediments seemed to be useful and much powerful when all the components are fully addressed. S4-06 Benthic and epiphytic toxic algae (BETA): An emerging threat to coral ecosystems in south China Leo Lai Chan ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, and Prorocentrum are three genera of benthic and epiphytic toxic algae (BETA) which are of increasing interest as most of them are potent toxin producers [ciguatoxins (CTXs), palytoxin (PlTx), okadaic acid (OA) and dinophysistoxins (DTXs)]. They are either confirmed (Gambierdiscus) or suspected (Ostreopsis and Prorocentrum) to play a role in ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) in humans, which is one of the most common forms of phycotoxin-borne seafood illness across the globe, affecting 50,000 тАУ 500,000 people annually. Recent studies indicated the presence of Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, and Prorocentrum in Thailand, Malaysia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Hainan and Hong Kong in China. A new Gambierdiscus species named G. scabrosus was described from Japan. One group of phytotoxins, CTXs, has also been detected in coral reef fishes collected along the coast of south China and Taiwan. These snapshot studies indicate that BETA exist in the South China Sea, and some of them could well be new and toxic species. Attention has been recently paid to the ecological impacts of BETA. A number of laboratory and field studies have proven that CTXs, PlTX, OA and their derivatives may not only lead to human health problems, but also induce mortalities of crustaceans, sea urchins, fishes and marine mammals. Predators of high trophic levels may generally be exposed to greater levels of phycotoxins via their diets and therefore are at higher risk associated with BETA. It is conceivable that predators in a BETA-affected coral ecosystem could be eliminated by phycotoxins, causing an elevated abundance of CTX-resistant grazers. The excessive grazing pressure could result in a top-down effect on primary production via over-grazing and cause a reduction in coral recruitment and larval growth rate, and even induce external bioerosion of corals. Hence, BETA may not only lead to impacts at an individual or population level, but affect the coral ecosystem as a whole. The dislodgement and fragmentation of coral networks could also promote BETA proliferation, intensifying their adverse impacts on coral ecosystems. Over time, there could be a cascade effect on structures, functions and food web dynamics of coral ecosystems. Coral ecosystems are known for their high ecological and conservation values. They are important habitats for many endangered species, and provide not only food and shelter for marine organisms, but also services to tourism, fisheries and coastline protection. For the coral ecosystems to continue 66 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences to provide their services/benefits, the implementation of routine monitoring and improvement on the understanding of physiology, ecology and toxicology of BETA become essential in order to mitigate the threat of phycotoxins on marine life and humans. Systematic and up-to-date data on the distribution of BETA in coral ecosystems in south China can also provide essential information and guidance for marine ecologists, coral and fish conservationists, dinoflagellate taxonomists, and government authorities to (1) evaluate the human and ecological health risks that BETA pose to coral ecosystems in south China and worldwide, and (2) aid the development of field-based strategies to manage fishery resources, providing effective alternatives for the elimination/minimization of CFP incidences. S4-07 Spatial distribution of toxic Alexandrium tamiyavanichii (Dinophyceae) in the southeastern South China Sea-Sulu Sea:a molecular-based assessment by real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) assay Nyuk Fong Kon, Sing Tung Teng, Kieng Soon Hii, Leh Hie Yek, Aazani Mujahid, Chui Pin Leaw , Po Teen Lim* ([email protected]) Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, 16310 Bachok, Kelantan, Malaysia In this study, a quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assay targeting the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of the nuclear-encoded ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) usingTaqman┬о probe technologywas developed for a tropical paralytic shellfish toxins-producing marine dinoflagellate, Alexandrium tamiyavanichii. The qPCRassay developed showedhigh specificity, with a detection limit of less than one cell equivalent. Using this assay, spatial variability of A. tamiyavanichii was assessed for the first time, in the southeastern of South China Sea and Sulu Sea. Plankton samples were collected from 71 stations during a scientific cruise by Research Vessel Sonne on an EU joined-project of Stratosphere ozone: Halogens in a Varying Atmosphere (SHIVA) in September 2011. The highest cell density was detected offshore of Kuching (150 cells l-1), exceeding the critical level for PSP (ca. 20тАУ40cells l-1). The distributions of A. tamiyavanichii were remarkably patchy horizontally, concentrating mainly at the offshores of southern Borneo. A heterogeneous vertical distribution was observed above the pycnocline. This assay proved its applicability, specificity and sensitivity; and could provide an alternative implementation tool for in-country microalgae monitoring program. S4-08 Bioaccumulation of trace metals in marine rabbitfish Siganus oramin Li Zhang ([email protected]) South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou The bioaccumulation of trace metals in marine fish is important to the environmental protection and food safety. So far, most researches in this field just examine the trace metal concentrations in fish tissues. The regulatory mechanisms and the physiological/environmental impact factors of the bioaccumulation remain unclear. Herbivorous fish are a special group of marine fish, since they are at low trophic levels comparing to other fish and they particularly feed macroalgae directly as their major food. In this study, rabbitfish Siganus oramin, the most common herbivorous marine fish in China, is applied to a series of biokinetic studies to investigate the mechanism and principles of trace metal bioaccumulation. We found rabbitfish has high assimilation efficiencies of trace metals including Ag, Cd, Cs, Cu, and Zn comparing to several carnivorous marine fish, which might result in higher bioaccumulation of trace metals in rabbitfish. We also found the assimilation of trace metals was diet-depended, e.g. feeding Gracilaria lemanneiformis resulted in higher Cd and Zn assimilation efficiecies than feeding Enteromorpha prolifera. Moreover, we found this diet-dependance was related to the herbivorous physiology in rabbitfish. We investigated the detailed uptake and transport of Cu after a single meal, and found the Cu uptake was attenuated by a normal meal, and attenuated even more by a Cu conteminated meal, suggesting feed could protect rabbitfish from Cu pollution. We found both the acclimation to different salinity or Cu pre-exposure led to the changes of Cu bioaccumulation, as well as waterborne and dietborne Cu uptake, suggesting the change of environmental factors could influence trace metal bioaccumulation in rabbit fish. The effects of other important environemtal factors, such as temperature, oxygen, and nutritions, are under examination. Further field work will be conducted to investigate the seasonal and regionally variation, to verify the results of our indoor simulation experiments. In summary, rabbitfish have stronge ability to bioaccumulate trace metals, which was related to theis herbivorous physiology. This study enriched our knowledge on the mechanism of trace metal bioaccumulation in fish, give more advices to 67 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences management of the fishery, healthy aquaculture, and food supply. S4-09 Rapid treatment of shipтАЩs ballast water using тАвOH radicals produced from strong ionization discharge based on IMO guidelines Mindong Bai* ([email protected]), Zhitao Zhang, Cao Chen Key Laboratory of Education Ministry for Coastal and Wetland Ecosystems, College of Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen & Environmental Engineering Institute, Physics Department, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian The rapid treatment of shipтАЩs ballast water is achieved with hydroxyl radicals (тАвOH) generated from a strong ionization discharge combined with numbers of micro-streamer and micro-glow discharges. Production of тАвOH radicals and plasma reaction mechanisms are discussed, and a method for тАвOH radicals measurement in seawater is developed. A series of тАвOH treatment experiments for shipтАЩs ballast water were conducted based on the International Maritime Organization Guidelines. As a result, five species of algae from three different phyla and three types of bacteria were killed by тАвOH radicals in compliance with the D-2 ballast water discharge standard. ShipтАЩs ballast water could be rapidly treated onboard during ballast water discharge with only 6 s required. Meanwhile, the quality of ballast water with heavy pollution was greatly improved. The possible relevant chemicals (RCs) produced from the reactions between тАвOH radicals and natural organic matter were also analyzed. The concentrations of the measured RCs were within the World Health Organization drinking water standard, indicating that ballast water after тАвOH treatment is safe to oceanic environments. Compared with the current methods, the тАвOH treatment of shipтАЩs ballast water developed herein is an effective technology for practical application in oceanic ships in the future. W1-01 Recent progress in explaining some oceanic and atmospheric phenomena of the western North Pacific Ocean тАУ from coastal to basin and from inertial to inter-decadal scales Leo Oey ([email protected]) National Central University, Kaohsiung / Princeton University, USA I will present a summary of recent research my students and I have conducted on western North Pacific including the South China Sea and East China Sea. I hope to cover one or more of the following topics: (1) eddies of the subtropical counter current focusing on their inter-annual variability; (2) standing waves and cross-shelf exchange; (3) winter monsoon, shelf warming, air-sea coupling and climate variability; (4) inter-annual fluctuations of the Kuroshio and their connection with shelf circulations, and with PDO and PTO; (5) circulation of the South China Sea at eddy and quasi-stationary time scales; (6) the intensity change of typhoons тАУ can marginal sea be a resonator(?), and their impacts on phytoplankton blooms, sea-state & climate of the marginal seas. *Yoyo Lin, Jia Wang, Roger Chang, Luisa Chung, Simon Liao тАУ National Central University; Shiming Huang - Student of K.-K. Liu, National Central University; Fanghua Xu - Tsinghua University; Jingru Sun - Tsinghua University & student of F.-H. Xu; Eda Chang - National Taiwan Normal University. W1-02 Contrasting dynamics of cross-isobath transport over steep and concave shelves Jianping Gan ([email protected]) and Chiwing Hui Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong We investigated the variability and the physics of cross-isobath transport that lead to the formation of prominent upwelling centers in the steep shelf to the east of Hainan Island (EHI) and in the ambient shallow Gulf of Zhanjiang (GOZ). In situ measurements and a three-dimensional modeling showed that strengthened upslope transport of cold deep waters occurred in these two shelves, which are characterized by steep slope and concaving isobaths, respectively. The major driving force for these shoreward cross-isobath transports were the alongтАУisobath pressure gradient force (PGF) arising from the response of flow to the variable shelf topography. The physical origins of the PGF of these prominent upwelling centers, however, were dynamically different. We found that the sources of the PGF were the Modified Joint Effect Baroclinicity and Relief (MJEBAR) in the steep EHI and the vorticity advection plus the net water-column stress curl in the concaving GOZ. W1-03 Summer upwelling front observed in the eastern coast of Hainan Island 68 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Zhiyou Jing ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou The persistent coastal upwelling and upwelling-induced thermal front in the eastern coast of the Hainan Island are investigated based on two intensive mesoscale mapping surveys and the satellite measurements. Results indicate that the pronounced surface cooling and upwelling-related front with a width of 20-50 km are anchored around the Hainan Island, persisting through the summer upwelling season. Driven by the prevailing southwest monsoon, the subsurface cooling band is ~6тДГ colder than the offshore water in the East Coast, where the thermal gradients are generally more than 0.1тДГ/km. The coastal cold and nutrient-rich water is identified to be mostly derived from the deep water of outer shelf. At the same time, the spatial structures of upwelling and thermal front, as well as the upwelling-related coastal currents, are significantly regulated by the wind forcing. A prominent lag correlation between the moored temperature records and alongshore wind stress is detected in the East Coast, with 2-4 days lag. It suggests that the cooling band and upwelling front in the East Coast is mostly dominated by the alongshore southwest monsoon during the upwelling season under the effect of geostrophic balance. W1-04 Variations of oceanic upper layer in subtropical front area Chunhua Qiu ([email protected]) School of Marine Science, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou Qiu et al.[2014] quantitatively examined the mechanisms of sea surface temperature front disappearance, and found it is dominantly controlled by the imbalances of air-sea heat exchange together with mixed layer depth (MLD). In this study, we investigated the sea surface height (SSH) and mixed layer depth (MLD) variations. For the SSH, we examined the steric height component of SSH, using empirical orthogonal function (EOF) method and physical method. The seasonal variations of steric height from above two methods have the same pattern. The correlation between SSH and SST achieves 0.80 in the front zone. The steric component of SSHA is consistent with SST, with a correlation of 0.86. The linear relationship between MLD and SST could be used to estimate the MLD in the subtropical front zone. W1-05 Inter-annual and decadal fluctuations of the Kuroshio in East China Sea and connection with surface fluxes of momentum and heat Jia Wang ([email protected]), Leo Oey National Central University, Kaohsiung Despite attempts in the literature to link large-scale wind to long-term variations of the Kuroshio in East China Sea (ECS), the driving mechanism(s) are unknown. Here we use satellite altimetry data, wind, surface heat fluxes and sea-surface temperatures (SST) to explain the low frequency fluctuations of Kuroshio path (KP) in ECS. The dominant fluctuations occur northeast of Taiwan. The KP correlates best with the PTO index of Chang and Oey [2012], less with the PDO index and a Kuroshio transport index, and poorly with other climate indices. The forcing are wind stress curl and surface heat flux northeast of Taiwan, which produce a thermocline tilt along the Kuroshio. ShelfтАЩs SST warms and cools in response to onshore and offshore KP, but prominent change occurs at a localized coastal zone shoreward of the above dominant KP-fluctuations. Over the past 2 decades, the KP has shifted onshore, coincident with a coastal warming trend. W1-06 Propagating sea level signals in different frequency bands in the Kuroshio extension region Hongyang Lin ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen The Kuroshio Extension is one of the most energetic regions of the global ocean. Hilbert empirical orthogonal function analysis is used in the present study to provide a frequency dependent description of observed sea level variability in this region, for the period 1993 to 2012 inclusive. The 69 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences dominant high frequency (140 and 350d) mode describes signals that propagate westward with the largest amplitudes in the vicinity of the Shatsky Rise and Emperor Seamounts. We argue that this mode is driven by jet-bathymetry interactions. The dominant low frequency mode (longer than 350d) is explained in terms of wind-forced, jet-trapped Rossby waves that propagate along the mean Kuroshio Extension jet. In the meander region, sea level changes north of the jet anticipate changes south of the jet by about 3 years. Based on correlations of observed sea level with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and western boundary transport variability estimated from the GLORYS reanalysis, this anticipation is explained in terms of differences in the time taken for (i) Rossby waves to travel from eastern North Pacific to the meander region, and (ii) the much faster barotropic response of western boundary transport, and sea level north of the jet, to large scale forcing by the wind stress curl. W1-07 The response of the ocean to Typhoon Nuri (2008) in western north Pacific and South China Sea Jingru Sun ([email protected]) Tsinghua University, Beijing Typhoon Nuri formed on August 18 2008 in the western North Pacific east of the Philippines and traversed northwestward over the Kuroshio in the Luzon Strait where it intensified to a Category 3 typhoon. The storm weakened as it passed over South China Sea (SCS) and made landfall in Hong Kong as a Category 1 typhoon on August 22. Despite the stormтАЩs modest strength, the change in typhoon NuriтАЩs intensity was unique in that it strongly depended on the upper ocean. This study examines the ocean response to typhoon Nuri using the Princeton Ocean Model. An ocean state accounting for the sea-surface temperature (SST) and mesoscale eddy field prior to Nuri was constructed by assimilating satellite SST and altimetry data 12 days before the storm. The simulation then continued without further data assimilation, so that the ocean response to the strong wind can be used to understand processes. It is found that the SST cooling was biased to the right of the stormтАЩs track due to inertial currents that rotated in the same sense as the wind vector, as has previously been found in the literature. However, despite the comparable wind speeds while the storm was in western Pacific and SCS, the SST cooling was much more intense in SCS. The reason was because in SCS, the surface layer was thinner, the vorticity field of the Kuroshio was cyclonic, and moreover a combination of larger Coriolis frequency as the storm moved northward and the typhoonтАЩs slower translational speed produced a stronger resonance between wind and current, resulting in strong shears and entrainment of cool subsurface waters in the upper ocean. These ocean dynamical responses largely determine the intensity change of Nuri, as detailed in a companion work using an atmospheric model. W1-08 Impact of vertical mixing on sea surface pCO2 in temperate seasonally stratified shelf seas Tom Rippeth ([email protected]) School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor University, United Kingdom A key parameter in determining the exchange of CO2 across the ocean-atmosphere interface is the sea surface partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2). Temperate seasonally stratified shelf seas represent a significant sink for atmospheric CO2. Here an analytical model is used to quantify the impact of vertical mixing across the seasonal thermocline on pCO2. The model includes the impacts of the resultant dissolved inorganic carbon, heat, salt and alkalinity fluxes on the solubility of CO 2 and the effect of the inorganic carbon sink created by the primary production fuelled by the flux of limiting nutrient. The results indicate that diapycnal mixing drives a modest but continuous change in pCO2 of order 1-10 ┬╡atm per day. In quantifying the individual impacts of the fluxes of the different parameters we find that the impact of the fluxes of DIC and nitrate fluxes dominate. In consequence both the direction and magnitude of the change in pCO2 are strongly dependent on the C:N uptake ratio in primary production. Whilst the smaller impacts of the heat and salt fluxes tend to compensate for each other at mid-shelf locations, the heat flux dominates close to the shelf break. The analysis highlights the importance of the accurate parameterisation of the C:N uptake ratio, the surface mixed layer depth and theTKE dissipation rate within the seasonal thermocline in models to be used to predict the air-sea exchange of carbon dioxide in these regimes. The results implicate storms as key periods of pCO2 perturbation. 70 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences W1-09 Pressure difference set up by thermohaline and wind-driven circulation can regulate South China Sea through flow Huiling Qin ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Sea water temperature and salinity data from Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) are used to determine the dynamic height difference between east of Luzon Strait and south of Longmu Strait from 1958 to 2007. The results show that a strong pressure gradient (34 cm) exists between Western Pacific and Indian Ocean, with most of the gradient contained at within upper 700 m. This pressure-head is closely correlated with the transport flow of Karimata Strait; thus, it strongly regulates the intensity of South China Sea (SCS) Throughflow (i.e., an inflow through the Luzon Strait and an outflow through the Karimata Strait), particularly at the low-frequency (above 3 years) variability. In light of this relation, the low-frequency variability of the SCS Throughflow can be monitored by means of sea level difference. The magnitude of the Western Pacific-Eastern Indian Ocean pressure-head forcing is mainly decided by the sea surface height in the Western Pacific. It is found that about two-thirds of the by sea level difference (indicates the SCS throughflow) are due to the seawater temperature difference between east of Luzon Strait and south of Longmu Strait; while the remaining one-third of sea level difference is due to the seawater salinity difference. Our results highlight that the variability of SCS Throughflow is primarily regulated by the large-scale thermohaline and wind-driven circulation in the Pacific/Indian Oceans W1-10 Internal tides and nonlinear internal waves generated in Luzon Strait Guan-Yu Chen ([email protected]) National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung A numerical model is established to simulate internal tides in Luzon Strait. This model does not include Kuroshio because tidal current is the main driving force for the generation of internal waves in northern South China Sea, as indicated by Simmons et al. (2011). The formation of internal tide rays in the Luzon Strait is shown by baroclinic velocity in the east-west direction. Afterwards, higher harmonic are generated. At some threshold depth, the wave angular frequency exceeds the local buoyancy frequency such that the energy is trapped near the thermocline. These results provide detailed mechanism in the generation of nonlinear internal waves. W1-11 Seasonal variation in the South China Sea deep circulation Jian Lan ([email protected]), Yu Wang, Fengjuan Cui Physical Oceanography Laboratory, Ocean University of China, Qingdao The previous studies show that the SCS deep circulation is featured by a basin-scale cyclonic gyre. On the basis of the Hybrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) and the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA), this study attempts to examine its seasonal variability and to investigate the driving mechanism. During summer season, the basin-scale cyclonic gyre is dominant and strong, corresponding to higher value of the deepwater overflow transport. During winter season, the basin-scale cyclonic gyre can hardly be identified, corresponding to lower value of the deepwater overflow transport. The control run and the SODA show the similar results. Two sensitivity experiments are designed to investigate what could be possible responsible for the seasonal variation in the SCS deep circulation. The results reveal that the deepwater overflow through the Luzon Strait contributes to the seasonal variability of the SCS deep circulation, and the seasonal variation of the surface forcings have less influence on that. The mechanism is related to the potential vorticity flux by the deepwater overflow. W1-12 On shear instability in the ocean: critical Ri, marginality, turbulence parameterization Zhiyu Liu ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen In this talk, I will show how theory of shear instability can be used to examine stability characteristics of oceanic flows. In particular, simple methods to estimate critical Richardson number and 71 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences marginality of observed flows have been developed and applied. The mechanistic link between dynamic instability and generated turbulence provides a natural way of parameterizing stratified turbulence in the ocean interior. The development and applications of a new shear instability theory that includes impacts of ambient turbulence on instability development will also be introduced. W1-13 A coastal upwelling by wind-driven forcing in Jervis Bay, NSW: A numerical study of 2011 Xiaohua Wang ([email protected]) University of New South Wales, Australia Princeton Ocean Model (POM) adopted with a downscaling approach for the regional ocean model nested into the global ocean model was used to investigate the variation of the upwelling event in Jervis Bay, New South Wales, with varying wind direction and strength. The upwelling event for 2011 was detected from the observed wind data and the satellite SST image. The behaviour of the bottom water intruded into the bay varied with different wind directions and strengths. The northerly wind (N) created the strongest upwelling intrusion. The upwelling-favourable wind directions for the bay flushing efficiency can be ranked as the following order: N (0┬░; northerly) > NW (315┬░; northwesterly) > NNE (30┬░; northeasterly) > NE (45┬░; northeasterly) > ENE (60┬░; northeasterly). The study showed that a northerly wind with a magnitude large than 0.3 N m-2 is required for the cold water to reach the northern innermost bay. W1-14 Toward improved forecasts of sea breeze intrusion over coastal cities at super high resolutions Guixing Chen ([email protected]) Department of Geophysics, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan Sea breeze, a key phenomenon of land-ocean interaction, greatly influences local weather and environment in coastal areas. The intrusion of sea breeze often brings a sudden change of winds, temperature, air quality, and even convective weather. A challenge is realistically forecasting sea breezes over coastal cities with tall buildings. To perform super-high-resolutions modeling over coastal cities, we develop an advanced downscaling forecast system using several cutting-edge numerical techniques (Chen et al. 2014a). A building-resolving CFD model (Sha et al. 1991) is nested in a mesoscale non-hydrostatic model (Saito et al. 2007) with data assimilation scheme (Seko et al. 2011). Using the fastest supercomputer тАЬKтАЭ in Japan, numerical simulations can be conducted over a 15-km-scale city at 3-m resolution. In this talk, I present some realistic simulations of the sea-breeze events along Pacific coast at northeastern Japan. Emphases are the first successful high-precision simulations of the sea-breeze horizontal convective rolls (Chen et al. 2014ab) and the 3D structures of observed sea-breeze front (Chen et al. 2014c). The sea-breeze intrusion over Sendai City and its interaction with building-induced eddies are also presented. The full-scale nested local prediction system provides new concept for forecasting sea breezes and other weather events over coastal cities. W1-15 What controls the rainfall area of tropical cyclones? Yanluan Lin ([email protected]) Tsinghua University, Beijing Tropical cyclone rainfall rate has been projected to increase in a warmer climate. Both rainfall rate and area coverage are important to the impact of tropical cyclones on human lives. Yet, little is known about how tropical cyclone rainfall area will change in the future. Using large amounts of satellite data and global atmospheric model simulations, we show that tropical cyclone rainfall area is primarily controlled by its environmental sea surface temperature (SST) relative to the tropical mean SST, i.e., the relative SST, while rainfall rate increases with the absolute SST. The result is consistent with previous numerical simulations of tropical cyclone size control by mid-troposphere relative humidity. Therefore, global statistics of tropical cyclone rainfall area in a warmer climate are not expected to change dramatically if SST change is relatively uniform, and the increased total rainfall will be confined in similar size domains with large increases of rainfall rate. 72 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences W1-16 Seasonal SSH variability of the Northern South China Sea Fanghua Xu ([email protected]) Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing The seasonal response of sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) to wind stress curl in northern South China Sea (NSCS) and Kuroshio intrusion through the Luzon Strait is analyzed using observations and models. The dominant response to wind stress curl (WSC) is through simple Ekman pumping while effects of beta appear as the weaker second Empirical Orthogonal Function mode. The Luzon Strait intrusion is shown to be largely deterministic using a model forced by realistic wind in the North Pacific Ocean, and it contributes significantly to the SSH variability in the NSCS. The WSC accounts for 62% while intrusion 38% of the total forcing but the latter alters the forced Rossby wave response. Without the intrusion, westward propagation is too fast, resulting in incorrect balance and erroneous annual SSH variability in NSCS W1-17 Numerical model studies in the Taiwan Strait Yuwu Jiang ([email protected]), Enhui Liao, Xiao-Hai Yan State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen In early 2008, the cold water in the Taiwan Strait (TWS) is moved sequentially by the cross-strait flow and southward flow to Penghu Island causing a cold-related fish kill disaster. The Coastal-Trapped Wave (CTW), constantly propagates toward the TWS from north in winter, is found as the additional force which can impact the flow patterns through changing cross-strait sea level gradient during the 2008 cold disaster. In the first stage, the reach of a large CTW trough strengthened the northward flow, which formed a strong cyclone after turning around the Zhangyun Ridge. Then the strong cyclone amplified the cross-strait flow which moved the cold water more offshore. In the second stage, the arrival of a large CTW crest intensified the southward flow, which carried the cold water more southward. Because of the additional offshore and southward extension, cold water can reach Penghu Island causing cold disaster. W2-01 A source to sink perspective of the Waipaoa River margin Steven Kuehl ([email protected]) Virginia Institute of Marine Science College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, USA A fundamental goal of the Earth Science community is to understand how perturbations on EarthтАЩs surface are preserved in the stratigraphic record. Recent Source to Sink (S2S) studies of the Waipaoa Sedimentary System (WSS) are synthesized to provide a holistic perspective of the processes that generate, transport and preserve sedimentary strata and organic carbon on the Waipaoa margin in the late Quaternary. Rapid uplift associated with subduction processes and weak sedimentary units have conspired to generate rapid rates of incision and erosion in the Waipaoa catchment since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Although much of the sediment exported offshore during this time interval originated from valley excavation, a substantial portion emanated from hillslopes, mostly through deep-seated landslide and earthflow complexes. Lacustrine sediments deposited in naturally-dammed 7-ky-old Lake Tutira provide a record of Holocene environmental controls on upper catchment sedimentation in the WSS. Clear long-term changes in sediment yield are evident from the Lake Tutira record following human settlement as conversion to pasture is accompanied by a 3-fold increase in the long-term lake sedimentation rate. Whereas there is ample evidence that Waipaoa River flood sediments are routinely deposited in the sheltered confines of Poverty Bay just offshore, over the longer term, waves and currents subsequently resuspend and transport these deposits both onshore (coarse fraction) and offshore (fine fraction). The asynchronicity of sediment delivery by the river and wave resuspension and transport out of Poverty Bay in most instances precludes the direct preservation of flood events in the stratigraphic record of the Waipaoa Shelf. Over the longer term, the sediment package preserved on the shelf and slope since the LGM can be explained in large measure by sequence stratigraphic models forced by rising to stable sea level and ongoing tectonic deformation of the margin. Sediment budget exercises that consider both modern (river discharge versus centennial accumulation rates) and post-LGM (terrestrial production versus offshore isopachs) mass balances indicate that about half of the total sediment production from the Waipaoa escapes the study area. The organic matter associated with sediment as it moves from 73 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences upland source to marine sink is a product of particle history providing a record of materials that have cycled over timescales of days to millions of years. The Waipaoa contrasts with dispersal systems on wide, energetic shelves (e.g., the Amazon and Fly Rivers) where sediment is extensively refluxed in oxygenated overlying water resulting in the biogeochemical incineration of particulate OC. W2-02 From the Highest to the deepest: A river-sea dispersal system that links a mountainous catchment to the deep sea basin James T. Liu ([email protected]) Department of Oceanography, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung The Gaoping River (GPR) and Gaoping Submarine Canyon (GPSC) represent two major topographic features around SW Taiwan. The mouth of the GPR and the head of the GPSC are only 1 km apart. Together, they constitute a terrestrial-to-marine dispersal system that has an overriding impact on source-to-sink transport of sediment in this region. GPR is a small mountainous river with its headwaters located in the southern Central Range of Taiwan, about 3,997 m above sea level. It has an average gradient of 1:150. Both the chemical and physical weathering rates in the GPR catchment are higher than the world average, resulting in an annual discharge of 47 Mt of sediment into the sea, most of which via the GPSC. The GPSC owes its existence to tectonic processes related to the collision of the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate. The canyon extents from the mouth of the GPR, cutting through the Gaoping shelf and slope, and merges into the northeastern Manila Trench over a distance of about 260 km and in water depth of over 3000 m. It is a major conduit for the transport of terrestrial sediment and carbon to the South China Sea (SCS) and the landward transport of particles of marine origin in the SCS. Both semidiurnal barotropic and baroclinic tides are important in the canyon. In the GRSC the normal net transport of suspended sediment associated with tidal propagation from offshore is up-canyon. In contrast sediment transport associated with episodic gravity-driven events is down-canyon. Typhoon-induced river floods often ignite turbidity currents (TCs) in the GPSC. Therefore, hyperpycnal river plumes and the ensuing TCs form an effective agent to transport large amounts of terrestrial sediment and carbon (modern and old) to the SCS basin. The extensive disturbance in the GPR catchment by typhoon-related mass wasting not only creates tributary fan terraces and colluviums but also causes deep erosion of hill slopes and incision by river channels. The тАЬfreshтАЭ flood sediment exported by the GPR during and immediately after typhoons contains large amounts of old sediment. Consequently, a new paradigm is proposed that тАШnew sediments exported from highly disturbed catchments during floods are old materialsтАЩ. While the upper reaches of the canyon act as a sink for coarser TC deposits (turbidites), finer turbidites are more abundant in the middle to lower reaches. These findings also suggest rapid transport of fluvial sediment from the GPR down the GPSC by hyperpycnal TCs (warm-water TCs). Earthquake-triggered episodic gravity flows (cold-water TCs) are also important transport agents of reworked marine sediment in the GPSC. The GPR-GPSC represents a type of source-to-sink system in which terrestrial sediment in a mountainous catchment is promptly removed and transported to the river mouth by fluvial processes, and then efficiently and quickly transported to the deep sea by turbidity currents along a submarine conduit during episodic typhoon events. This is also a pathway by which modern terrestrial carbon could be quickly and effectively delivered to the deep sea with little oxidation, which is a substantial step in the sequestration of carbon. W2-03 Major sinks of the Changjiang (Yangtze River)-derived sediments in the East China Sea during the late quaternary Shouye Yang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai The East China Sea is a typical marginal sea located between the Eurasian continent and west Pacific Ocean. In this contribution, we review the state-of-art research progress on the possible sinks of the Changjiang-derived sediments in the East China Sea during the late Quaternary. The major sinks of the Changjiang sediment in the East China Sea are on the outer shelf and the Okinawa Trough during the last glacial maximum with the lowstand of sea level. During the deglacial marine transgression, 74 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences the gentle shelf was rapidly inundated and strong tide prevented the fine sediment from deposition on the open shelf, resulting in the development of unique tidal sand ridge system. With the sea level reaching the present situation and modern marine environment being completed in early Holocene, the Changjiang sediment mostly accumulated in its estuary to build a large delta and some escaped the trapping and deposited on the inner shelf and coastal embayment. The late-Quaternary changes in monsoon climate-induced river flux, sea level and oceanic circulation primarily controlled the source-to-sink transport of the Changjiang sediment in the East China Sea, and further determined the stratigraphic framework and sedimentary facies on the shelf. W2-04 Marine inundation and sea surface temperature changes in the southeast coast of China during the last interglacial Yongqiang Zong ([email protected]) Department of Earth Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong The last interglacial, or marine isotope stage (MIS) 5, is a period during which the climate and environmental conditions were likely very similar to the present interglacial, the Holocene. Recent field surveys show that a well preserved last-interglacial marine sequence is widely found in the coast of east and south China. This marine sequence provides an opportunity for palaeo-climate reconstructions and palaeo-oceangraphic studies for this important period in this low latitude region. In this study, we have examined a 52m-long core drilled in a coastal embayment near the Fuzhou Basin. Within this core, a thick marine layer is obtained. Analyses for particle size distributions (PS), total carbon content (TOC), organic carbon isotope ratios (╬┤13C) and n-alkane indices have provided some basic sedimentary information of this marine unit. The results show that the sedimentary environment during the MIS 5 was very stable and quiet, and the marine sedimentation was continuous. The ╬┤13C values were gradually enriched from the base upwards and depleted rapidly at the top of the marine unit, indicating a full cycle of marine transgression and regression. The n-alkane indices illustrate a similar trend, showing a gradual increase in marine organic carbon input during the MIS 5 and a sharp return to terrestrial conditions at the end of it. Finally, the alkenone-based reconstructions suggest the sea surface temperature during the MIS 5 was consistently fluctuating around 27 and 28 ┬░C, about half to one degree higher than that of the Holocene. W2-05 Influence of hurricanes on generating turbidity currents in the Gulf of Mexico James Syvitski ([email protected]) University of Colorado, USA The Gulf of Mexico Outer Continental Shelf region is a mature offshore oil and gas production area generating more than 1.7 million of barrels of oil per day, through more than 3,500 oil platforms. A large number of oil rigs and other man-made structures, e.g., pipes, are located on the continental slope where sudden and powerful turbidity currents are more likely to occur. The northern GOM currently has more than 28,000 miles of underwater pipes, which are all exposed to different types of structural damage, most of them associated with extreme oceanic and atmospheric events. Of all damaged underwater pipes, about 5% are broken or damaged by sudden and violent cascading of sediments. The largest river in North America, the Mississippi, drains 41% of the continental United States and has an average discharge of 18,300 m3/s. Other northern Gulf of Mexico rivers contribute another 4,600 m3/s. The total sediment flux delivered to the Gulf from these rivers from 1995-2010 was 305 Mt/y but the enormous 2011 flood readjusted this longer-term average to 480 MT/y with the Mississippi contributing 96% of the sediment load. The Northern Gulf of Mexico is subject to large wave action during short-lived hurricanes: it is not uncommon for 10m waves to be generated in deep water during the passage of a hurricane. Such large waves can both re-suspend seafloor sediment and liquefy the seafloor, both being viable mechanisms able to induce sediment gravity flows, such as turbidity currents. The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management put together a research team to develop and test numerical models for routing sediment from terrestrial and coastal sources, across the continental shelf and ultimately down the continental slope and canyon systems of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Using numerical simulations that represent a range of conditions (i.e., extreme storms, high discharge, eddy shedding from the Loop Current, cumulative sediment deposition), a workflow was developed to determine the locations most likely to be impacted by turbidity currents, and the factors that precondition or trigger the flow. The workflow included: 1) 75 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences modeling the flux of water and sediment from rivers into the Gulf, augmented by gauged river data; 2) develop the outer boundary grids and bathymetry for the oceanographic models, included a realistic mapping of seabed sediment textures; 3) employing a high resolution (10 km) wave action model (WaveWatch III) as an input ; 4) employing the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) for ocean circulation; 5) a wave-driven sediment-suspension model used in the Community Sediment Transport Modeling System (CSTMS); and 6) the flow and seabed flow setup and ignition model (HurriSlip). Together these efforts would determine the location and duration of areas of potential turbidity current generation. A Navier-Stokes Reynolds Averaged version of TURBINS is then used to route the flow down the Gulf of Mexico slopes and canyons, providing estimates of bottom shear stress needed for ascertaining possible damage to offshore infrastructure. W2-06 Hyperpycnal flow at the Yellow River mouth induced by water-sediment regulation and its biogeochemical implications Houjie Wang ([email protected]), Naishuang Bi College of Marine Geosciences, Ocean University of China, Qingdao Few hyperpycnal flows have ever been observed in marine environments although they are believed to play a critical role in sediment dispersal within estuarine and deltaic depositional systems. Here we reported the hyperpycnal flow at the Yellow River mouth observed in 2010 during the artificial Water-Sediment Regulation when high-concentrated fine-grained sediment was discharged to the sea. The high-density river discharge plunged into the ambient seawater and flowed along the subaqueous slope in a form of hyperpycnal flow with a velocity high up to 1.5 m/s. The hypepycnal flow not only contributed much to the sediment export to the sea, but also delivered a large amount of materials (e.g. carbon, heavy metals) that involved in the coastal biogechemical process. Compared with the previous observations in the flooding season in 1995, the hyperpycnal flow induced by human regulation presented impulsive signals rather than those from tidal modulation. In addition, the hyperpycnal flow seemed to be sensitive to the grain size of river-delivered sediment as the fine-grained sediments were favorable to sustaining the hyperpycnal flow. Given the drastic decrease in sediment load to the sea and the increase in sediment size, the hyperpycnal flow became less frequent than ever, which induced significant morphological change in the active delta lobe and adjacent coastal region. W2-07 Turbidity maximum formation in a well-mixed macrotidal estuary: The role of tidal pumping Qian Yu ([email protected]) Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Netherland Traditionally, vertical circulation (induced by gravity circulation and tidal straining), tidal pumping, and resuspension are suggested as the major processes for the formation and maintenance of the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM). Due to strong mixing, tidal pumping is considered as the dominating process in macro-tidal estuaries. To analyze field observation data, the classical empirical decomposition method is commonly suggested, but the tidal pumping flux (TPF) based on this method may lead to erroneous conclusions about the mechanisms of ETM formation because the effects of advection induced by the horizontal SSC gradient and fine bed sediment supply are ignored. If these effects are included, the TPF clearly reproduces the convergence patterns and thus demonstrates its role in the formation of the ETM. By a simplified analytical solution, the TPF is the result of the competition between the downstream flux induced by the river current together with the lag in sediment response and the upstream flux induced by tidal asymmetry and the lag. Field observations in the well-mixed macro-tidal Yalu River estuary (located between China and North Korea) were analyzed. Tidal pumping is identified as the dominant mechanism of its ETM formation, and the position of the ETM for different river discharges and sediment settling velocities can be predicted by the concept of tidal pumping by numerical and analytical procedures. The present study provides a typical example of how to evaluate the tidal pumping contributions on ETM formation using the combined information provided by field data, numerical modeling results and analytical solutions. 76 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences W2-08 Trapping and escaping processes of Yangtze River-derived sediments to the East China Sea Jiaxue Wu ([email protected]) Center for Coastal Ocean Science and Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou How the river-borne sediments are transported into the coastal ocean is a big problem in the source-to-sink dynamics. Sediment gravity current was found to be a major mechanism for cross-shelf transports. The long-distance along-shelf delivery mechanism, however, is subject to a considerable scientific debate.The contour-parallel sediment dispersal from the Yangtze Estuary to the East China Sea (ECS), which develops a large-scale mud belt on the ECS inner shelf, was investigated based on field observations in the 2013 wet season. To clarify the physics of the distal mud belt, we examined those processes involved: (a) shelf circulation currents and their interaction with the Yangtze River; (b) small/meso-scale processes including bottom boundary layer flows, stratification and mixing, upwelling and fronts; and (c) river-borne sediment gravity current and contour current. Field observations demonstrated that the concentrated benthic suspension in estuarine turbidity maxima can move downslope of the subaqueous delta, forming sediment gravity current supported by tidal currents. Compared with near-bed sediment transports, the buoyant coastal current cannot be a controlling factor for the mud belt formation. A constant along-shelf flux of near-bed sediment transport is responsible for the long-distance dispersal of the distal mud belt on the ECS inner shelf. The upwelling events provide more turbulent energy to sediment suspension under unstably stratified boundary flows. The finding of contour-parallel тАШsediment channelтАЩ could have a deep implication for understanding the mid-shelf mud belt and ancient mud deposit. W2-09 Sedimentary response of land and sea interaction and sources to sink processes in the East China Sea shelf Anchun Li ([email protected]), Xiaojing Zhou, Jiaze Wang, Kaidi Zhang, Jiang Dong Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Acaudemy of Sciences, Qingdao ц╡╖щЩЖчЫ╕ф║Тф╜ЬчФиф╕Нф╗ЕхПСчФЯхЬиц▓│хПгхТМц▓┐х▓╕ц╡╖хЯЯшАМф╕ФхПСчФЯхЬих╣┐щШФчЪДщЩЖцЮ╢ф╕Кя╝МцЧашо║чО░ф╗гш┐ШцШпхЬихЖ░цЬЯуАБщЧ┤ хЖ░цЬЯцЧЛхЫЮф╕нц╡╖щААхТМц╡╖ф╛╡цЬЯщЧ┤щЩЖцЮ╢ф╕КщГ╜хПСчФЯх╣┐ц│ЫчЪДщЩЖц╡╖чЫ╕ф║Тф╜ЬчФиуАВш┐ЩчзНф╜ЬчФицОзхИ╢чЭАц▓ЙчзпчЙйш╛Уш┐РуАБц▓Йчзп хПКц▓ЙчзпцФ╣щАаш┐ЗчиЛцИЦтАЬц║Рц▒ЗтАЭш┐ЗчиЛя╝МхЫацндф╜Ьф╕║ц▓ЙчзпчЙйч╗УцЮДхТМщЗНшжБцИРхИЖчЪДч▓Тх║жхТМчЯ┐чЙйч╗ДцИРхПпцЬЙцХИхЬ░хПНцШац╡╖ щЩЖчЫ╕ф║Тф╜ЬчФиф╕нщЩЖхЬ░хТМц╡╖ц┤Лф╜ЬчФичЪДх╝║х╝▒уАВф╕Ьц╡╖щЩЖцЮ╢хо╜щШФшАМх╣│хЭжя╝МхЕ╢ф╕КцЬЙф╕░хпМшАМцМБф╣ЕчЪДц▓│ц╡БчЙйш┤иф╛Ых║ФуАБ х╝║чГИчЪДц╡╖ц┤Лф╕ОщЩЖхЬ░хКихКЫцОзхИ╢я╝Мц╡╖щЩЖф╜ЬчФихНБхИЖхЙзчГИя╝Мш┐ЩчзНчЫ╕ф║Тф╜ЬчФичЪДч╗УцЮЬф╗ечЙйш┤ихТМшГ╜щЗПф║дцНвчЪДх╜вх╝Пшби чО░хЗ║цЭешАМф╗ец▓ЙчзпчЙйчЪДх╜вх╝Пх╛ЧхИ░хУНх║ФхТМшо░х╜ХуАВф╕Ьц╡╖щЩЖцЮ╢ф╕КцЬАх╝║чГИчЪДщЩЖц║Рф╜ЬчФицШпщХ┐ц▒Ях╛Дц╡БхПКхЕ╢цР║х╕жчЪДхдз щЗПц│ец▓ЩчЙйш┤иш┐ЫхЕец╡╖ц┤Лф╗ехПКхЬихЖ▓ц╖бц░┤хТМхнгщгОф╜ЬчФиф╕Лх╜вцИРчЪДщЧ╜ц╡Щц▓┐х▓╕ц╡БуАВхоГцР║х╕жщХ┐ц▒ЯчЙйш┤ихРСхНЧш╛Уш┐Ря╝МхЬи щЧ╜ц╡Щш┐Сх▓╕х╜вцИРщХ┐ 800 ф╜ЩхНГч▒│я╝Мхо╜ 160 хдЪхНГч▒│чЪДх╖ихЮЛцеФх╝Пц│еш┤иц▓Йчзпф╜УуАВшпец▓Йчзпф╜Уч▓Тх║жш╛Гч╗Жя╝Мф╗еч▓ШхЬЯхТМ ч▓ЙчаВф╕║ф╕╗я╝Мч▓ШхЬЯчЯ┐чЙйцИРхИЖф╝КхИйчЯ│хРлщЗПш╛ГщлШя╝МшТЩчЪВчЯ│хРлщЗПш╛Гф╜Оя╝МцЦ╣шзгчЯ│ш╛Гф╜ОшАМчЩ╜ф║СчЯ│ш╛Гф╕░хпМя╝МхЕ╖цЬЙцШО цШ╛чЪДщХ┐ц▒ЯчЙйц║РчЙ╣х╛Бя╝МхЕ╢х╜вцИРцЧ╢ф╗гф╕║ф╕нхЕицЦ░ф╕Ця╝И7.6-7.3Ka B.P.щЧ┤я╝Йф╗ецЭея╝Мф╕ОхЕицЦ░ф╕ЦщлШц╡╖щЭвх╜вцИРцЧ╢цЬЯчЫ╕ ф╕АшЗ┤уАВцИРц│еф╗ецЭечЪДц▓Йчзпш┐Юч╗ншо░х╜Хф║Жф╜Ьф╕║ц▓┐х▓╕ц╡Бщй▒хКихКЫчЪДхнгщгОх╝║х╝▒хПШхМЦя╝МцИРф╕║щлШхИЖш╛ичЪДхЕицЦ░ф╕Цц░ФхАЩчаФ чй╢цЭРцЦЩуАВшАМц╡╖ц┤Лф╜ЬчФиф╕╗шжБцЭешЗкщ╗Сц╜оуАБхП░ц╣╛цЪЦц╡БхТМщгОц╡кхПКц╜оц╡Бф╜ЬчФиуАВхП░ц╣╛цЪЦц╡Бхп╣ц▓┐х▓╕ц╡Бш╡╖чЭАщШ╗цМбф╜ЬчФия╝М хоГщЩРхИ╢щЧ╜ц╡Щц▓┐х▓╕ц╡БхРСхдЦцЙйх▒ХхТМщЩЖц║РчЙйш┤ихРСц╖▒ц░┤чЪДцЙйцХгя╝Мх░ЖщХ┐ц▒ЯчЙйш┤иф╕╗шжБщЩРхоЪхЬи 50m - 60m чнЙц╖▒ч║┐ф╗е ц╡ЕчЪДхЖЕщЩЖцЮ╢шМГхЫ┤хЖЕуАВхП░ц╣╛цЪЦц╡Бч╗зч╗нхМЧф╕Кхп╣шЛПхМЧц▓┐х▓╕ц╡Бф╣Яш╡╖хИ░ф║ЖщШ╗чвНф╜ЬчФия╝Мш┐лф╜┐хЕ╢хЬищХ┐ц▒ЯхПгхМЧщГиш╜мхРС ф╕ЬхНЧя╝МцР║х╕жшАБщ╗Дц▓│чЙйш┤ихИ░ш╛╛ф╕Ьц╡╖хМЧщГия╝МхЬищВгщЗМф╕Ощ╗Дц╡╖цЪЦц╡БчЫ╕щБЗх╜вцИРчОпц╡Бя╝МчФ▒ф║ОхКихКЫхЗПх╝▒ф║зчФЯф║Жц│ецЦС ц▓Йчзпя╝МшпечЙЗц│еш┤иц▓ЙчзпчЙйчЪДч▓Тх║жчЙ╣х╛Бф╕ОщЧ╜ц╡Щц▓┐х▓╕ц│еш┤иц▓ЙчзпчЫ╕ш┐Сф╝╝я╝Мф╜ЖчЯ┐чЙйч╗ДцИРхЕ╖цЬЙхпМцЦ╣шзгчЯ│я╝Мф╜ОчЩ╜ф║С чЯ│чнЙщ╗Дц▓│чЙйц║РчЙ╣х╛БуАВхПЧщ╗Сц╜охТМхП░ц╣╛цЪЦц╡БчЪДцОзхИ╢ф╗ехПКц╜оц╡БчЪДщХ┐цЬЯф╜ЬчФия╝Мф╕нщЩЖцЮ╢хТМхдЦщЩЖцЮ╢чЪДчО░ф╗гц▓ЙчзпщАЯ чОЗщкдчД╢щЩНф╜Оя╝Мч▓Тх║жхПШч▓Чя╝Мф╗гшбищЩЖц║Рч╗ДхИЖчЪДщХ┐чЯ│уАБф║СцпНчнЙчЯ┐чЙйхРлщЗПцШ╛шСЧхЗПх░Ся╝МшАМхПНцШац╡╖ц┤ЛхТМхдзц░Фч╗ДхИЖ чЪДцЦ╣шзгчЯ│хРлщЗПхТМ 210Pb ц╡Ух║жхПНшАМцШОцШ╛хвЮхКая╝МхРМцЧ╢щЗНчЯ┐чЙйхРлщЗПя╝Мх░дхЕ╢цШпчи│хоЪчЯ┐чЙйчЪДхРлщЗПхРСхдЦщЩЖцЮ╢цШ╛шСЧ хвЮхКая╝МхПНцШаф║ЖшЗкхЖЕщЩЖцЮ╢хРСф╕нуАБхдЦщЩЖцЮ╢щЩЖхЬ░ф╜ЬчФищАРцнехЗПх╝▒я╝Мц╡╖ц┤Лф╜ЬчФичкБхЗ║уАВхдЦщЩЖцЮ╢хМ║хЯЯчФ▒ф║ОщЩЖц║РчЙйш┤и ф╛Ых║ФхМоф╣ПхТМц╡╖ц┤ЛхКихКЫф╜ЬчФих╝║чГИц▓ЙчзпчЙйхПЧхИ░х╝║чГИхИЖщАЙя╝МцИРчЖЯх║жхвЮхКауАВцндхдЦя╝Мф╗Оц▓ЙчзпчЙйч▒╗хЮЛхТМч▓Тх║жч╗ДцИР ф╗ехПКчЯ┐чЙйч╗ДхИЖчЪДхИЖх╕ГхПпф╗ечЬЛхЗ║я╝МхЬихМЧч║м 27 х║жшЗ│ 31 х║жф╣ЛщЧ┤я╝Мх░дхЕ╢цШп 29 х║жх╖жхП│я╝МхЖЕщЩЖцЮ╢ц▓ЙчзпчЙйч╗Жч▓Т ч╗ДхИЖхТМчЙЗчК╢чЯ┐чЙйуАБчЯ│шЛ▒щХ┐чЯ│чнЙя╝МцпФщЗНш╜╗цШУф║ОцРмш┐РчЪДч╗ДхИЖхСИшИМчК╢хРСхдЦх╗╢ф╝╕я╝МцпФхНЧхМЧчЫ╕хРМч╗Пх║жф╕КчЪДч▓Тх║ж цШОцШ╛хБПч╗Жя╝МцШ╛чд║ц▓┐х▓╕ч╗Жч▓ТчЙйш┤ичЪДхдЦц│Дя╝Мш┐Щф╕О Yuanя╝И2010я╝ЙчнЙцКещБУчЪДц▓┐х▓╕ц╡Бчй┐хИ║чО░ш▒бхНБхИЖхР╗хРИя╝Мшп┤цШО 77 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences хЖмхнгчЪДц▓┐х▓╕ц╡Бчй┐хИ║чО░ш▒бхп╣щЩЖц║РчЙйш┤ихРСц╖▒ц░┤чЪДш╛Уш┐Рш╡╖чЭАщЗНшжБф╜ЬчФиуАВщгОчЪДф╜ЬчФихПпшГ╜хПСчФЯхЬицЫ┤х╣┐хдзхМ║хЯЯя╝М хЬихЖмхнгщгОф╜ЬчФиф╕Лшбих▒ВщгОц╡╖ц╡Бхп╣ш┐Ьш╖Эчж╗ч╗Жч▓ТчЙйш┤иш╛Уш┐Рф╜ЬчФихПпшГ╜швлф╜Оф╝░ф║ЖуАВф╗ещХ┐ц▒Ящ╗Дц▓│чЙйш┤ихРлщЗПш╛ГщлШя╝М шАМхП░ц╣╛ц▓│ц╡БхМоф╣ПчЪДщлШх▓нчЯ│хРлщЗПф╜Ьф╕║цМЗчд║хЖмхнгщгОц╝ФхМЦчЪДцМЗцаЗя╝МщАЪш┐Зф╕ОщЩЖф╕Кц░ФхАЩцМЗцаЗчЪДхп╣цпФя╝Мф╗ОхЖ▓ч╗│ц╡╖ цз╜х▓йшКпшо░х╜Хф╕ншпЖхИлхЗ║хЕицЦ░ф╕Цф╗ецЭеф╕нхЫ╜ф╕ЬщГихЬ░хМ║ 5 ф╕кхЖмхнгщгОф╕╗шжБхКах╝║щШ╢цо╡я╝Мшп┤цШОф╕нхЫ╜ф╕ЬщГиц▓│ц╡БхЕец╡╖чЙй ш┤ихРСц╡╖цз╜чЪДш╛Уш┐РхПпшГ╜ф╕ОхЖмхнгщгОх╝Хш╡╖чЪДчОпц╡БхТМщЩЖцЮ╢щФЛчй┐хИ║цЬЙхЕ│уАВ W2-10 The Holocene evolution of QingтАЩao Embayment, NanтАЩao Island, southern China Fengling Yu ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen This study investigates the Holocene evolution of the QingтАЩao embayment, NanтАЩao Island, southern China. In order to reconstruct the evolution history, a total of 8 percussion cores have been collected and analysed for the sedimentary lithology, grain size analysis, loss on ignition, foraminifera and pollen records. A total of 7 Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) profiles were also collected. The chronological framework was developed based on 20 OSL dates and 11 AMS 14C dates. We develop an evolutionary model for the QingтАЩao Embayment with three distinct stages in the Holocene. Stage 1 (8400 тАТ 6000 cal yr BP), relates to the deposit of a shell-rich clayey silt sheet overlying the central-basin bedrock or reworked weathered late-Pleistocene sediments, that is coeval with the development of coastal sandy barrier systems offshore. The deposition of the shell-rich clayey silt facie is correspondent to an initial sedimentation phase associated with the early Holocene marine transgression into the embayment. Stage 2 (6000 тАУ 1300 cal yr BP), relates to the development of a sandy coastal lagoon system recorded by a muddy basal facies that generally grades upward to a mixed sandy facies. The development of the sandy lagoonal sequence is coincident with stabilization of the local sea level and seaward progradation of the shoreline. Two sub-stages can be defined within the Stage 2. From 6000 тАУ 3000 cal yr BP, the embayment was infilled with fine and medium sands, which probably are originated from the offshore area. At the same time the coastal sand barrier systems prograded seawards. From 3000 to 1300 cal yr BP, while the embayment continued to be infilled, dune migration restricted the lagoon entrance, which resulted in the development a partially-closed lagoon within the central basin. During the sub-stage from 3000 to 1300 cal yr BP, human activity began to impact on the system although very weak. Impact of early human impact was suggested by a change in pollen composition which reflects localised deforestation, and an increase with an increase in the sedimentation rate probably due to the deforestation. This is consistent with historical records which show that human activities in this area began during the later stages of Zhou and Shang Dynasty, the Dongkengzai Zhoushang Culture (~3500 cal yr BP). Stage 3 (1300 cal yr BP to present), records the final infilling of the embayment as a thin terrestrial sequence dominated by fluvial floodplain facies that is topped by soils. Covering the last 1300 years, this phase is dominated by enhanced human activities, e.g. cultivation suggested by increase in pinus and herb pollen. This evolution model suggests that changes in the local sea level and accommodation space are the two main driving mechanisms for the Holocene evolution of the QingтАЩao embayment although the later phases of the embayment record the clear impact of humans. W2-11 Impact of extreme events on organic carbon burial off southwestern Taiwan Chih-Chieh Su ([email protected]) Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taipei The tectonically active setting and climatic conditions give Taiwan a high exposure to severe natural hazards. After the Pingtung Earthquake and Morakot Typhoon which occurred in 2006 and 2009, the turbidity currents caused a series of submarine cable breaks along the Gaoping and Fangliao Submarine Canyons off SW Taiwan. Large amounts of terrestrial sediments were fast transported bypass the narrow continental shelf and rapidly moved southward through submarine canyons to the deep sea. Two piston cores which were taken from the Maiden Ridge and its adjacent area (MT7 and MT6) might shed light on understanding the export of terrestrial organic carbon to the abyss by natural geo-hazards. The 210Pb profile of MT7 in conjunction with the grain size data indicates the existence of the Pingtung Earthquake and Morakot Typhoon related deposits. The sedimentation rate of these two cores which derived from 210Pb is approximately 0.05 cm/yr.The cores collected from the Gaoping Submarine Canyon, Gaoping Slope and Fangliao Submarine Canyon are used for analyzing 78 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences TOC, organic C/N and ╬┤13C ratios. The concentrations of total organic carbon are ~0.5%, and C/N rations almost remain between 4 and 8. The high TOC (~1%) and C/N ratio (>10) are observed in the samples with plant debris. The fluctuation of TOC and C/N ratios in near-shore samples is higher than deep sea. In terms of ╬┤13C-values, it progressively decreases with distances from coastal zone to the deep sea. Due to the larger proportions of land-derived organic carbon, the ╬┤13C-values in the surface sediment of upper Gaoping Submarine Canyon, Gaoping Slope, and the turbidite layers at the head of Fangliao Submarine Canyon are lighter.Furthermore, we use the TOC concentrations and ╬┤13C-values to estimate the fractional contributions of terrestrial organic carbon by a simple two component mixing model, and integrate with the 210Pb-derived sediment accumulation rates to evaluate the organic carbon burial between event layers and normal accumulation period. Our results show the extreme natural geohazard events not only fast transported sediments into the deep sea but also delivered large amounts of organic carbon into abyss, and it may play an important role on the global carbon cycling system. W2-12 Applications of novel methods in the source-to-sink study Ray T. Hsu ([email protected]), James T. Liu Department of Oceanography, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung Most of the previous source-to-sink studies focus on the question of provenance of marine sediments using tracers to link some specific strata with their sources. In order to understand transport processes and settling dynamics of suspended sediments in the marine environment, it is necessary to develop new techniques for collecting sediment samples and measuring physical properties of sediments along the source-to-sink conduit. In the estuarine and coastal environments, most suspended sediments exist in the form of flocs due to flocculation processes. Floc properties such as the size, density, settling velocity, and their geochemical signalsetc. are important parameters in the source-to-sink study. To better quantify physical properties of sediments in the transport process in nature so we develop a new method to measure in-situ floc densities in different sizes by using the laser-sizer (LISST-100X) and an on-board nested filtration system (CatNet). This approach saves the processing time and prevents the breakage of flocs in the transportation and storage process in the traditional way of doing things. It also possesses advantages in the rapidly fluctuating environment. The sediment trap is a powerful tool for collecting settling particulate materials in the ocean. Technicap PPS series are typical sediment traps and are well applied in the open ocean. In our past studies, this trap with fixed-volume collecting cups worked fine under the normal weather conditions but its cups overflowed due to the high sediment fluxes during extreme events, which occur often in the Chinese marginal seas. To overcome the overflow problem, the PPS trap is replaced by a non-sequential sediment trap, which contains a cone-shaped fiberglass funnel-top with a baffle at the opening, a PVC tube with a collecting core-liner below, and an acoustic altimeter as the timer. Suspended sediments are captured at the opening of the funnel and subsequently accumulated in the core-liner below. It is suitable for high sediment flux environment where sediment traps with fixed-volume collecting cups tend to overflow. The treatment of the sediment samples in the non-sequential sediment trap is similar to the sediment core because the suspended sediments are collected in the transparent core liner. These novel methods were first developed and tested in the Gaoping river-sea system. They are improved gradually from deployment to deployment and now sufficient for the source-to-sink study. In addition to applying in the Gaoping river-sea system, they were also applied successfully in studies of the Choshui River mouth, Taiwan Strait, and Zhe-Min Coasts in the FATES (TS-S2S) program. We are looking forward to having more applications of these approachs in the future. W2-13 Water and sediment discharge into the sea from Yangtze River: an improving measurement Yaping Wang ([email protected]), James T. Liu, Shu Gao, James Syvitski Nanjing University, Nanjing One third of the world population lives in the coastal zone whose natural environment and ecosystems are directly impacted from the freshwater and sediment discharged by the rivers. Yet, the conventional method to estimate the river discharges is based on the record of the gauging station located closest to the river mouth, which could be hundreds of kilometers away, that is insufficient to 79 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences produce accurate values. Here we present in-situ yearlong observations of the water and sediment discharges through a cross-section near the mouth of the Changjiang (Yangtze River). Our results show that in 2007 the amount of non-tidal water and sediment discharges through river mouth were 805├Ч109 m3 and 166 Mt, that were 4.4% and 20.3% higher than the amount at Datong, respectively. This suggests that using the observation at Datong will under estimate the amount of water and sediment that Changjiang exports to the East China Sea. Furthermore, using gauging-station based sediment discharge would underestimate the fluvial sediment supply to the ocean, leading to erroneously higher appraisal of the risks of erosion on deltas and shorelines. SS-01 Hydrodynamic sorting of sedimentary organic carbon in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent shelf Jinpeng Wang ([email protected]) College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean university of china, Qingdao Knowledge of the hydrodynamic sorting process of sedimentary organic carbon (SOC) in large-river delta-front estuaries (LDEs) is critical for understanding the biogeochemical cycling of carbon in these dynamic coastal zones. Five surface sediments collected from the Changjiang LDE and adjacent East China Sea (ECS) inner shelf in August 2013 were separated into five size fractions (<8 ┬╡m, 8-16 ┬╡m, 16-32┬╡m, 32-63┬╡m, and >63 ┬╡m) using the water elutriation method, and then were analyzed for mass distribution, elemental (C and N) and stable carbon isotopic composition (╬┤13C), lignin-phenols as well as microphotographs to investigate the spatial variation of the sources, distribution and degradation of SOC among size fractions. The recoveries for mass, OC and lignin content (╔Е8) of size-fractioned sediments are 98 ┬▒ 4 %, 97 ┬▒ 7 %, and 97 ┬▒ 1 %, respectively, indicating that the efficiency of size fractionation using this method worked well and the extractions performed on bulk sediment or sub-fractions were relatively accurate. Mass is concentrated in mid-size fraction (16-32 ┬╡m) (up to 85%) and OC is dominated in the same fraction (up to 84%) for all samples. The smallest size fraction (<8 ┬╡m) contains the highest OC (up to 2.43%) and lowest lignin contents (╔Е8, down to 0.32 mg/100mg OC), and thus heaviest ╬┤13C (up to -20.6тА░). A three end-member mixing model using ╬┤13C and ╔Е8 as source markers and Monte-Carlo simulation strategy shows that larger size fractions are characterized by high contributions of terrestrial OC (from soil and terrestrial vascular plants) (up to 44%), whereas marine OC is the predominant OC source in smaller size fractions (up to 87%). Distributions of OC from different sources in size fractions and bulk sediments both indicate a differential transport and deposition of OC along the coast, showing a gradual increasing of terrestrial OC and decreasing of marine OC which is likely due to selective transport of SOC in different size fractions. Lignin decay parameters, such as the ratios of vanillic acid to vanillin ((Ad/Al)v), 3,5-Bd to total V phenols (3,5-Bd/V) and total p-hydroxy phenols to sum of vanilly and syringyl (P/(S+V)) decrease with increasing particle size, suggesting selective degradation of lignin among the different size fractions. This work highlights the effects of grain size on the source, distribution and degradation of SOC in LDEs, and shows that hydrodynamic sorting plays an important role on the dispersal of SOC from different sources in these highly dynamic systems. SS-02 Age, growth, mortality and population dynamics of silver croaker (Pennahia argentata) and red bigeye (Priacanthus macracanthus) in the north-central Taiwan Strait: Implications for fisheries management Peilong Ju ([email protected]) College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen 994 specimens of silver croaker (Pennahia argentata ) and 851 specimens of red bigeye (Priacanthus macracanthus) were randomly sampled from single trawler fishery in the north-central Taiwan Strait from March to November 2006. The population structure, growth parameters and mortality coefficients of the two species were studied. Compared with the previous studies, mean standard length and body weight, mean age, the minimum size at first sexual maturity, the asymptotic standard length (SLтИЮ) and the asymptotic body weight (WтИЮ) of the two species decreased gradually in recent decades, indicating that the populations were younger in age, smaller in size and earlier in sexual maturity. Meanwhile, the growth coefficient (K) increased, the mortality coefficients (Z, F, M) were at high levels, the exploitation ratio (E) reached or exceeded 0.5. All of these showed that populations of silver croaker and red bigeye in this area were more vulnerable and suffered fully exploited or 80 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences overexploited. Moreover, this study preliminarily analyzed factors causing the variations of biological parameters and population structures, and implemented managements based on biological characteristics. SS-03 Hurricane Sandy storm surges observed by HY-2A satellitealtimetry and tide gauges Nan Chen ([email protected]) The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou Hurricane Sandy made landfall to the northeast of Atlantic City, New Jersey at 23:30 UTC on 29thOctober 2012 and caused large storm surges and devastating flooding along the New Jersey and New Yorkcoasts. Here we combine sea surface height measurements from the HaiYang-2A (HY-2A) satellite altimeterwith coastal tide-gauge data to study the features of the Hurricane Sandy storm surges. The HY-2A altimetercaptured the cross-shelf profile of surge at the time of SandyтАЩs peak surge, with a surge magnitude of about1.83 m at the coast and a cross-shelf decaying scale of 68 km. The altimetric surge magnitude agreesapproximately with tide-gauge estimate of 1.73 m at nearby Montauk. Further analysis suggests that continental shelf waves were generated during the passage of Sandy. The continental shelf wave observed byaltimetry has a propagating speed of 6.5 m/s. The post landfall free shelf wave at Atlantic City observed bytide gauges has a propagating phase speed of 6.8 m/s and cross-shelf e-folding scale of 75 km. In contrast,the post landfall sea level oscillation at Montauk is not associated with a continental shelf wave. The studyindicates that satellite altimetry is capable of observing and useful for understanding features of stormsurges, complementing existing coastal tide gauges. SS-04 Effects of salinity and Cu acclimation on Cu accumulation in a marine herbivorous fish Siganus oramin Yanyan Zhou ([email protected]) South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou It is critical for organisms to accomplish internal copper homeostasis, as both deficiency and excess can be poisonous to aquatic organism. Over the past decades, several studies have focused on the effect of salinity on Cu accumulation and toxicity in marine carnivorous fish. However, Cu accumulation kinetics in marine herbivorous fish, which is at a special trophic level of the marine fish, has been poorly understood. In this study, the kinetics of Cu uptake in rabbitfish Siganus oramin after waterborne and dietborne Cu exposure were examined over a salinity range from 5 to 33тА░. The Cu accumulation increased both in the gills and intestinal as salinity decreased. Cu uptake rate constants (kus)were significantly higher in the intestinal than in the gills after Cu acclimation for 4 weeks, which suggested the gill and intestinal played a dominant role in Cu uptake in acute exposure, and the intestinal prevailed in Cu accumulation in chronic exposure. No significant changes of the dissolved Cu uptake in whole-body were observed as salinity decreased in non-Cu acclimated groups. In contrast, the Cu kus showed a peak after Cu acclimation at the salinity of 10тА░, indicating that the salinity 10тА░ may be a threshold for Cu exposure (50╬╝g/L) in S.oramin. At a given salinity, the dissolved Cu uptake was much higher in Cu-acclimated group than that in non-acclimated group, which may be caused by more Cu binding proteins induced in Cu acclimated fish. The dietary assimilation efficiency (AE) of Cu in non-acclimated S. oramin did not change significantly, as well as in Cu-acclimated fish. Generally, the AE of Cu was higher in non-acclimated fish than that in acclimated fish. It was probably as a result of the higher body weight observed in Cu-acclimated fish (19.68┬▒3.67 g, wet weight, against 9.65┬▒3.84 g in non-acclimated fish), and a negative relationship was fitted between AE and individual size (r=-0.728, p<0.001). In the study, we concluded that the factors such as salinity Cu acclimation, and individual size influenced Cu uptake from waterborne and dietborne sources and might make different detoxifying mechanisms in marine herbivorous fish. SS-05 Silicate regeneration in the upper ocean revealed by silicon stable isotopic composition Zhouling Zhang ([email protected]) College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen We examined the degree of silicate recycling in two contrasting environmental settings in the northern South China Sea, one in a coastal upwelling system and the other in the oligotrophic basin 81 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences area at the site of SEATS. Using a two end-member mixing model, we calculated the increment in ╬┤30Si (silicon isotopic composition of dissolved silicate) solely caused by biological fractionation, or ╬Ф╬┤30Si. Given that any increase in biogenic silica dissolution vs production ratio(D:P) would reduce net fractionation, we defined ╬Ф╬┤30SiтИЧ, difference between the calculated ╬Ф╬┤30Si value and the theoretical value predicted from the fractionation curve (D:P=0, ╬╡=-1.1), to characterize the degree of silicate recycling, which is depending on D:P. The more negative ╬Ф╬┤30SiтИЧ value indicates stronger silicate recycling. Silicate recycling was shown to be strong between 30-60m in offshore stations in the upwelling system and at 50-100 m at SEATS, with the most negative ╬Ф╬┤30SiтИЧ reaching -0.51┬▒0.21тА░ and -0.14┬▒0.18тА░ respectively in steady state model; and -1.21┬▒0.22тА░ and -0.38┬▒0.15тА░ in Rayleigh model, implying more silicate recycling in the upwelling system. Such difference appeared to be determined by the metabolisms of phytoplankton and bacteria. SS-06 Centennial sedimentary records off the modern Huanghe (Yellow River) delta and their response to deltaic river channel shifts Xiao Wu ([email protected]), Houjie Wang, Naishuang Bi Ocean University of China, Qingdao The modern Huanghe (Yellow River) delta sedimentary complex has developed since 1855, when the lower river channel migrated northward from the Yellow Sea to the Bohai Sea. As a result, the river-laden sediment accumulated rapidly on the lowlying plain and formed the mega-delta. Here we present high-resolution sedimentary sequences based on 137Cs and 210Pb dating and grain-size parameters of two sediment gravity cores collected near the present river mouth (core A11) and in adjacent Laizhou Bay (core A26). Based on these sequences, the different responses of the sediment records to natural and artificial channel shifts are presented. The average sedimentation rates of the two cores A11 (1951тАУ2006) and A26 (1808тАУ2006) were estimated to be 2.25 cm/a and 0.80 cm/a, respectively. The results indicated that the relative distance between the river mouth and core location and sediment supply from the river played an important role in the sedimentation of the subaqueous delta. The channel shifts in 1976 and 1996 shortened the distances from the river mouth to the location of core A11, resulting in the local accumulations of relatively coarse particles from the river mouth. The sedimentation of core A26 indicated four major channel shifts in 1855, 1904, 1947 and 1976. When the river mouth approached the core location, the accumulated sediment became finer; otherwise, the active resuspension due to strong hydrodynamics resulted in the accumulation of coarser sediment. The sediment records preserved in the two gravity cores illustrated different responses to the lower channel shifts of the Huanghe and sediment supply from the river on centennial scales, which is critical to understanding the evolution of the modern Huanghe Delta in the past and to predicting the future trend. SS-07 Temperature at a mooring in Northern South China Sea and its connection with surface heat flux, wind and eddies Youchun Lin ([email protected]) National Central University, Kaohsiung Twenty-two month temperature profile (from surface to z = -500m) at a mooring located west-southwest about 450 km from the Luzon Strait in northern South China Sea (NSCS) is analyzed in conjunction with altimetry, CCMP wind, and mixed-layer model forced by the NCEP surface heat flux. EOF [Kutzbach 1967 J. App. Met], SVD [Bretherton et al 1992, J. Clim] and EMD [Huang et al 1998, Proc. Roy Soc] methods are used to separate and identify different physical processes and mechanisms. The dominant fluctuation at the mooring is shown to be seasonal, caused (1) by seasonal surface fluxes and local Ekman pumping (on the f-plane) by the wind stress curl, (2) by eddies emanated west of the Luzon Strait spun up by wind stress curl west of Luzon, and (3) by Rossby waves due to Kuroshio path fluctuations in the Strait. Meso-scale eddies are embedded in the seasonal variation and they are shown to be locally generated by baroclinic instability and penetrate through the entire depth of the mooring. SS-08 Interactive effects of light, nitrogen source and ocean acidification on the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana Weiying Li ([email protected]) 82 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen Under the circumstance of global climate change, the rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (pCO2) result in ocean acidification, and global warming causes intensified ocean stratification, which subsequently leads to an increase in irradiation and a change in nitrogen source (e.g., NH4+/NO3-) in surface seawaters. Therefore global climate change will have significant impacts on the growth and physiology of marine phytoplankton, consequently affecting the carbon and nitrogen cycles in the ocean. To elucidate the interactive effects of light, nitrogen source and ocean acidification on phytoplankton, the centric diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana was maintained in semi-continuous batch cultures with either nitrate or ammonium as the sole nitrogen source and bubbled with air at 400 or 1000 ppm pCO2 under the irradiation of 25 or 300 ╬╝mol photonsmтИТ2sтИТ1. The results showed that light intensity had the predominant effect on the growth rate of T. pseudonana, followed by nitrogen source, while pCO2 had no obvious effect. Increased light intensity also significantly induced the cellular production of carbonhydrate, in the forms of both sugar and fatty acids to store the excessive energy, which resulted in the increase of cellular particulate organic carbon (POC). When NO3- was used as the sole nitrogen source, under the high irradiation intensity T. pseudonana up-regulated the expression and activity of nitrogen reductase (NR) to reduce nitrate to ammonium, which helped dissipate excessive energy and reductant; and this was in good agreement with higher cellular nitrogen uptake and protein content under these culture conditions. In the meantime, elevated pCO2 down-regulated the expression and activity of NR and stimulated T. pseudonana to produce more carbohydrate to store the excessive energy. When ammonium was the sole nitrogen source for T. pseudonana, there was no NR activity and expression. To compensate for the absence of demanding nitrate assimilation reactions, fatty acid biosynthesis, which consumed more energy than other carbohydrate, was induced significantly as a major sink for energy. In addition, elevated pCO2 also stimulated the biosynthesis of carbohydrate, particularly fatty acids, in T. pseudonana. The effects of pCO2 on the production of carbohydrate was more significant under high irradiation than low irradiation. Taken together, this study demonstrates that phytoplankton could handle the assimilation of carbon and nitrogen to cope with the encountered global climate change and this in turn might have impacts on marine carbon and nitrogen cycles. SS-09 Organic matter characterization in estuaries along Northern Indian Ocean: Implication through elemental, isotopic and biomarker constrains of sediments Umesh Pradhan ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai Estuaries act as important domain for various sources of organic matter (OM) that undergo different physico-chemical and biological processes before their eventual burial to become part of the sedimentary record. Sedimentary OM in estuaries preserves signatures of natural and anthropogenic processes influenced during its transportation along the river continuum. The northern Indian Ocean surrounding the Indian peninsula, houses numerous rivers with different catchment areas draining into the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. OM characteristics across these rivers are supposedly modulated by strong south west monsoon rainfall and prevalent anthropogenic activities. Despite these conditions, the OM characterization across these rivers and estuaries are limited. We made an attempt to understand OM composition in thirty five estuaries located between 12тАУ24┬░N across the Arabian Sea. The sediments collected during post-monsoon (October) season from these estuaries, were measured for molecular biomarkers (lignin phenol), elemental ratio (C/N), and stable carbon isotope ratios (d13C). Multivariate statistical techniques have been used to identify similarity among different estuaries and to understand the overview of chemical parameters on the OM sources. Results highlighted the identical sedimentary chemical properties existing among different estuaries and their distribution patterns to be manifested by geographical provenance, geomorphology and climate across the Western Ghats. Terrigenous sources (C3 plants, C4 plants, and soil) contributed 80┬▒13% to sedimentary OM, with 20┬▒10% derived from marine sources (marine plankton and estuarine macrophytes), as revealed by an end-member mixing model. Soil was found to be the second most abundant OM source, after C3 plants and its contribution to the sedimentary OM varied from south to north. A substantial shift in OM source from plant to soil was noticed corresponding to the land use patterns of Western Ghats. In view of the accelerated land-use and human-induced climatic changes (temperature, amount and frequency of precipitation), the variations in composition of OM to the estuaries will affect its 83 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences mineralization and the marine processes of the northern Indian Ocean. SS-10 An essential role for TonB-ExbB-ExbD complex in inorganic iron uptake in cyanobaterial Wenjing Lou ([email protected]) Central China Normal University, Shanghai шУЭшЧ╗цШпхЕичРГхИЭч║зчФЯф║зхКЫчЪДф╕╗шжБш┤бчМошАЕя╝МхЕ╢чФЯщХ┐хТМхЕЙхРИчФЯчРЖц┤╗хКищЬАшжБхдзщЗПчЪДщУБхЕГч┤ауАВшЩ╜чД╢щУБхЕГч┤а хЬихЬ░хг│ф╕нхРлщЗПхОЯцЬмф╕Нф╜Оя╝Мф╜ЖцШпхЬицЬЙц░зчЪДц░┤ф╜Уф╕нф║Мф╗╖щУБхЗаф╣ОхЕищГишвлц░зхМЦцИРц║╢шзгх║жцЮБф╜ОчЪДф╕Йф╗╖щУБя╝Мф╗ОшАМ хп╝шЗ┤щГихИЖц░┤чОпхвГф╕нчФЯчЙйхПпхИйчФищУБщЭЮх╕╕ф╜ОуАВ1990 х╣┤я╝МJohn H. Martin цнгх╝ПцПРхЗ║ф║ЖтАЬщУБщЩРхИ╢хБЗшп┤тАЭя╝МцМЗхЗ║щУБ щЩРхИ╢ф║Жц╡╖ц┤Лц╡оц╕╕шЧ╗ч▒╗чЪДчФЯщХ┐уАВхЬиф╕Аф║Ыц░┤ф╜Уф╕ншУЭшЧ╗чФЯщХ┐ф╣Яф╝ЪхПЧхИ░щУБщЩРхИ╢я╝Мф╜ЖцШпчЫохЙНф║║ф╗мхп╣ф║ОшУЭшЧ╗хР╕цФ╢ щУБчЪДхИЖхнРцЬ║хИ╢ш┐ШчЯеф╣ЛчФЪх░СуАВцЬмчаФчй╢щЙ┤хоЪф║Ж TonB-ExbB-ExbD ш╜мш┐Рч│╗ч╗ЯхЬишУЭшЧ╗щУБхР╕цФ╢ш┐ЗчиЛф╕нчЪДхКЯшГ╜я╝М х╣╢цПнчд║ф║ЖшУЭшЧ╗чЙ╣цоКчЪДщУБхР╕цФ╢цЬ║хИ╢уАВцИСф╗мчаФчй╢хПСчО░я╝МщЭЮхЧЬщУБч┤ахИЖц│МхЮЛщЫЖшГЮшЧ╗ PCC6803 хЯ║хЫач╗Дф╕нхнШхЬиф╕Й ф╕кхКЯшГ╜чЫ╕ф╝╝чЪД exbB-exbD хЯ║хЫач░Зя╝МцХ▓щЩдхд▒ц┤╗хЕ╢ф╕нф╕Аф╕кцИЦф╕дф╕кя╝Мхп╝шЗ┤чФЯщХ┐щАЯчОЗф╕ЛщЩНуАБч╗ЖшГЮшЙ▓ч┤ахРлщЗПщЩН ф╜ОуАБч╗ЖшГЮщУБхРлщЗПщЩНф╜ОуАБщУБхР╕цФ╢щАЯчОЗф╕ЛщЩНя╝Мф╕Йф╕кхРМцЧ╢цХ▓щЩдхп╝шЗ┤шЧ╗ч╗ЖшГЮцн╗ф║буАВщАЪш┐ЗцгАц╡ЛшЧ╗ч╗ЖшГЮхп╣щУБхРМф╜Н ч┤ачЪДхР╕цФ╢щАЯчОЗя╝МцИСф╗мхПСчО░цЧацЬ║шЗкчФ▒щУБцШпшЧ╗ч╗ЖшГЮхПпхИйчФищУБчЪДф╕╗шжБх╜вх╝Пя╝МExbB-ExbD шЫЛчЩ╜хдНхРИф╜Ухп╣шЧ╗ч╗Ж шГЮхР╕цФ╢цЧацЬ║шЗкчФ▒щУБшЗ│хЕ│щЗНшжБуАВчФ▒ф║ОцЧацЬ║шЗкчФ▒щУБхР╕цФ╢щАЯчОЗцШпцЬЙцЬ║шЮпхРИщУБя╝ИFe-DFBя╝ЙчЪД 800 хАНя╝Мш┐ЩшбицШО чОпхвГф╕нчЪДцЧацЬ║шЗкчФ▒щУБхЕ╖цЬЙцЫ┤ф╕║щЗНшжБчЪДчФЯцАБхнжцДПф╣ЙуАВцИСф╗мш┐Ыф╕Ацнехп╣щЫЖшГЮшЧ╗ PCC6803 чЪД TonB шЫЛчЩ╜ф╗ехПК хдЦшЖЬхПЧф╜УшЫЛчЩ╜ш┐ЫшбМф║ЖчаФчй╢уАВщЫЖшГЮшЧ╗ PCC6803 хЯ║хЫач╗Дф╕нцЬЙф╕Йф╕кхЯ║хЫач╝ЦчаБц╜ЬхЬичЪД TonB шЫЛчЩ╜я╝МщАЪш┐ЗцПТхЕе хд▒ц┤╗чЪДцЦ╣ц│ХшО╖х╛ЧчЫ╕хЕ│чкБхПШцакя╝Мх╣╢ц╡ЛхоЪф║ЖчФЯщХ┐уАБшЙ▓ч┤ахРлщЗПуАБшГЮхЖЕщУБхРлщЗПуАБщУБхР╕цФ╢щАЯчОЗчнЙчЫ╕хЕ│чФЯчРЖхПВцХ░уАВ хоЮщкМч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝Мш┐Щф╕Йф╕кхЯ║хЫаф╕ОщУБчЪДхР╕цФ╢чЫ╕хЕ│уАВCo-IP хоЮщкМшбицШОя╝МхЕ╢ф╕нф╕Аф╕кшЫЛчЩ╜хТМхЙНцЬЯчаФчй╢х╖▓чбохоЪчЪД ExbB-ExbD шЫЛчЩ╜хдНхРИф╜УцЬЙчЫ╕ф║Тф╜ЬчФиуАВч╗УхРИчФЯчЙйф┐бцБпхнжхТМх╖▓цКещБУчЪДшЫЛчЩ╜хоЪф╜Нф┐бцБпя╝МцИСф╗мчбошодшпешЫЛчЩ╜цШп ф╕Аф╕к TonB шЫЛчЩ╜я╝МшАМхЕ╢хоГф╕дф╕кшЫЛчЩ╜ш┐ШцЬЙх╛Еш┐Ыф╕АцнечЪДхоЮщкМхКаф╗ечбохоЪуАВцндхдЦя╝Мца╣цНох╖▓чЯешЫЛчЩ╜хоЪф╜Нф┐бцБпхПК чЫ╕хЕ│чФЯчЙйф┐бцБпхнжф┐бцБпя╝МцИСф╗мф╣ЯхЕ╖ф╜УхЕ│ц│ихИ░ф╕Аф╕кхдЦшЖЬхПЧф╜УшЫЛчЩ╜я╝Мх╣╢х╖▓х╝Ах▒ХчЫ╕хЕ│х╖еф╜ЬхМЕцЛмчкБхПШцакчЪДшО╖х╛ЧуАБ щЕ╡цпНхПМцЭВф║дуАБCO-IP хТМф╜УхдЦщУБч╗УхРИчФЯхМЦхоЮщкМчнЙуАВ SS-11 Estimates of heat and salt transports from the Pacific into the South China Sea by eddy movement Xiaolin Bai ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen The Luzon Strait, a primary deep passage gateway connecting the South China Sea (SCS) and the northwestern Pacific (NWP), plays an important role in mass and energy exchange between the two regions. Therefore, the Luzon Strait transport (LST) has drawn oceanographersтАЩ attention for decades. Although an agreement has been reached that the Pacific water mainly inflows into SCS through the Luzon Strait (Li and Wu, 1989; Liang et al., 2008), estimations of the mean LST into the SCS are different in previous studies, varying from 0.5 to 10 Sv (Wyrtki, 1961; Metzger and Hurlburt, 1996; Chu and Li, 2000; Cai et al., 2002; Xue et al., 2004; Yaremchuk and Qu, 2004; Wang et al., 2006; Yu et al., 2007). On the other hand, there is another hot topic whether or not mesoscale eddies can transport from the NWP to the SCS through the Luzon Strait. From the analyses of satellite altimetry data, this work provides an evidence for an anti-cyclonic eddy penetrating into the SCS through the Luzon Strait. Argo float profiling data surrounding the observed eddy present its water properties, which denotes the water is from NWP. Based on the location s of Argo profiles, rotation surface and deep velocities are calculated. Considering that nonlinear eddies can transport isolated water for a long distance within its inner core, we analyzed the eddyтАЩs contribution to horizontal heat and salt transports from NWP into the SCS. In a Lagrangian framework, the individual eddy movement makes an impressive contribution to horizontal heat/salt transports from Kuroshio water to the SCS, accounting for 16% in heat transport, 0.4% in salt mass transport, and 0.4% in freshwater transport, respectively in May referring to Cai et al. (2002). Similar results are obtained by employing OFES outputs. SS-12 Response of N2O emissions to invasion of Spartina alterniflora and N input in mangrove Dai Jia ([email protected]) Center for Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing 84 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Plant invasion and nitrogen enrichment have become major perturbation to mangrove ecosystems in coastal regions. To gain an insight into the effects of plant invasion and nitrogen (N) inputs on N 2O emission from mangrove soil, we conducted a mesocosm experiment to examine N2O fluxes from the soil vegetated with monocultures of Kandelia obovata and Spartina alterniflora and their mixture in a simulated tide rotation system with or without N addition. The study shows that mean N 2O flux from invasive S. alterniflora was lower than that from native K. obovata mangrove no matter whether N was added or not. With N addition, mean N2O flux was 3.35 ╬╝mol m-2 h-1 in K. obovata mesocosms, significantly higher than 1.62 ╬╝mol m-2 h-1 in S.alterniflora mesocosms. Because S. alterniflora had higher plant biomass compared to K. obovata, S. alterniflora is stronger competition with soil microorganisms for the available N, leading to lower increment of N2O fluxes. Without N addition, N2O fluxes from K. obovata mesocosms were 35% higher than that from S. alterniflora mesocosms. Meanwhile, N input increased N2O fluxes in K. obovata, mixture and S. alterniflora mesocosms by 440%, 153% and 300%, respectively, suggesting that N input significantly promoted N2O emissions from mangrove coastal wetlands. However, S. alterniflora marshes exhibited a weak response to N input in comparison with K. obovata. Thus, it could be concluded that N input significantly increase N2O flux, while the invasion of S. alterniflora into mangrove mitigated N2O emission regardless of N inputs, and N2O fluxes in the S. alterniflora marshes weakly responded to N input. Note: IDs that start with SS are oral abstracts presented by graduate students. ц│ия╝Ъч╝ЦчаБф╗е SS х╝Ахд┤чЪДф╕║чаФчй╢чФЯцПРф║дчЪДхПгхд┤цКехСКцСШшжБуАВ 85 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Poster of Session 1 / ф╕УщвШ 1 х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ PS1-01 Seasonal variation characteristics of hydrological environment factors and suspended sediment transport mechanism in Luanhe Estuary, China Bin Chen ([email protected]), Fei Gao, Ping Ying, Jinqing Liu Key Laboratory of Marine Hydrocarbon Resources and Environmental Geology, Ministry of Land and Resources, Qingdao & Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Qingdao The sediment flux of small and medium-sized rivers are low, but these sediments are important source of sediment on the China's long coastline. Large amount of fresh water, dissolved matter with runoff into the sea, have a huge impact on the ecological and chemical environment in estuarine and coastal area. Observations were respectively undertaken during flood and dry season in 2013, in Luanhe Estuary, Bihai Sea.The seasonal variation characteristics of hydrological environment factors and suspended sediment transport mechanism were analyzed on basis of hydrodynamics and sediment surveys. A comparison of the measurements in different seasons shows that the significant variations in temperature, salinity, turbidity, Chl-a, Do distributions in shallow estuaries with microtidal regime.In flood season, the temperature, turbidity, Chl-a of the water column and the bottom Do decreased from shallow water to deep water, and the salinity and the surface Do increased from inshore to sea. The water column was steady, and the thermocline and halocline occurred at approximately from 5m to 10m, And the surface temperature was greater than the bottom. However, the surface salinity was less than the bottom because of the runoff and rainfall in summer. The surface Chl-a and Do was greater than the bottom. In dry season, the salinity, turbidity, Chl-a and Do was greater than that in flood season, but the temperature was significantly less than that in flood season. The temperature and salinity was increased from shallow water to deep water, and the turbidity, Chl-a and Do was decreased from inshore to sea. Under the stronger winter monsoon condition, the water column was well-mixed, and the stratification disappeared. The temperature, salinity and Do indicated relatively consistent pattern in water column. The maximum turbidity value area was located at estuary, and the bottom is far greater than the surface. The suspended sediment concentration and sediment transport scope were greater in dry season than that in flood season, which indicated the small and medium-sized rivers also had the distributions of тАЬstorage in summer and transport in winterтАЭ as the large rivers. The changes of hydrological environment factors were closely related with the tidal current. Hydrological environment factors exhibited obvious periodical alternatingwith tidal changes trend. Almost all factors reached the peak value during ebb or flood tide, and showed bimodal structures with different peak value in one day.A significant linear relationship between velocity and the turbidity was found, which indicated a strong re-suspension event when the greater velocity appeared. The flow was characterized by the irregular semidiurnal tide and reciprocating flow in the study area. The suspended sediment transported with strong asymmetric characteristics during tidal cycles, which resulted in the net sediment transportation on shore. The calculation of flux decomposition showed that the tidal pumping effect, especially in the south of estuary area. In addition, the suspended sediment transport patterns in the subtidal area may be related with the fine grained sediment trapping over the intertidal area. PS1-03 Tidal influence on the primary production and nutrient transport in the northeastern South China Sea continental shelf during summer Bingxu Geng ([email protected]) South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Tide plays important roles on physical and biogeochemical processes in the continental shelf regions. Strong tidal current occurs in the northeastern South China Sea (SCS) continental shelf. Recent studies indicate that tides have significant effects on the coastal upwelling of there. However, little is known about how tide influences the ecosystem dynamics and nutrient transport process. A three-dimensional coupled physical-biological model with high horizontal resolution is development in the northern South China Sea continental shelf. The shelf model is one-way nested to a large SCS circulation model and forced with six-hourly surface momentum and heat flux. Hourly tidal elevation and current time-series data calculated by considering eight main tidal constitutes (i.e., M2, S2, N2, 86 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences K2, O1, K1, P1 and Q1 ) are also added to the open boundary. Model simulated results are compared well with both satellite and field observation. Sensitive experiment without tidal forcing is conducted. And modeled phytoplankton and nutrient distributions are compared with the results from the standard model run that with tidal forcing to indicate tidal influences on the shelf ecosystem. It is indicated that a strong thermal front with low temperature, high primary production and ample nutrient in the upper water column occurred in the southeast of Taiwan Bank. The front is clearly related with the tidal process around the Taiwan Bank where the interactions of tidal current and steep topography generate strong tidal mixing. As a result, cold nutrient rich subsurface water is brought to the upper euphotic zone and supports the high phytoplankton primary productivity. We also quantitatively calculate the upward nutrient flux induced by tidal mixing. Our present research demonstrates significant tidal influence on the ecosystem dynamics in the northeastern SCS continental shelf especially in the Taiwan Bank frontal region. PS1-04 Sediment budgeting and future evolution of the mud belt deposit on the inner shelf of East China Sea: in terms of sediment retention index Jianjun Jia ([email protected]) The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou ц▓│ц╡БцШпчЙйш┤иф╗ОщЩЖхЬ░хРСц╡╖ц┤Лш╛УщАБчЪДф╕╗шжБщАЪщБУя╝Мц▓│ц╡БхЕец╡╖чЪДш╛Уц░┤ш╛Уц▓ЩщЗПуАБц╡╖ц┤ЛхКихКЫуАБхЬ░ш┤ицЮДщАаф╕Оц╡╖ щЭвхПШхМЦшГМцЩпхЕ▒хРМхЖ│хоЪф║Жц▓│хПгхТМц╡╖х▓╕чЪДхПСшВ▓ф╕Оц╝ФхМЦя╝Мх╣╢хп╣ш┐Сх▓╕ц╡╖ц┤ЛчЪДчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯхБех║╖хТМч╗┤цМБцЬЙщЗНшжБцДПф╣ЙуАВ ц╡ЩщЧ╜ц▓┐х▓╕ц│ехМ║ф╜Нф║Оф╕Ьц╡╖щЩЖцЮ╢ше┐щГия╝МцА╗ф╜Ух╣│шбМф║ОчнЙц╖▒ч║┐я╝МхЕ╢хКихКЫч│╗ч╗ЯхПЧш┐Сх▓╕уАБхНЧхРСчЪДшЛПхМЧц▓┐х▓╕ц╡Бя╝Нц╡Щ щЧ╜ц▓┐х▓╕ц╡БхПКщЩЖцЮ╢уАБхМЧхРСчЪДхП░ц╣╛цЪЦц╡БцОзхИ╢уАВш╛УхЕешпехМ║чЪДхдЪх╣┤х╣│хЭЗц▓│ц╡Бц│ец▓ЩщАЪщЗПч║ж 5├Ч108 t/yrя╝МхЕ╢ф╕нщХ┐ ц▒Яш╛Уц▓ЩхНахИ░ 90%ф╗еф╕Кя╝МхПжхдЦчЪДц▓│ц╡Бш╛Уц▓ЩчФ▒щТ▒хбШц▒ЯуАБцдТц▒ЯуАБчУпц▒ЯуАБщЧ╜ц▒ЯчнЙц╡ЩщЧ╜ф╕нх░Пц▓│ц╡Бш┤бчМоуАВч╗╝хРИхОЖ хП▓ц╡╖хЫ╛хп╣цпФц│ХуАБцФ╛х░ДцАзхРМф╜Нч┤ац╡Лх╣┤ц│Х(хжВ 210Pb ц│ХхТМ 137Cs ц│Х)я╝Мх╛ЧхИ░ц╡ЩщЧ╜ц▓┐х▓╕ц│ехМ║чЩ╛х╣┤х░║х║жчЪДц▓ЙчзпщАЯ чОЗ 0.5~4.0 cm/yrя╝М чЩ╛х╣┤х░║х║жчЪДцА╗ц▓ЙчзпщЗПч║ж 1000├Ч108 tя╝МшАМхРМцЬЯчЪДц▓│ц╡Бц│ец▓Щф╛Ых║ФхПкцЬЙ 500├Ч108 t х╖жхП│уАВ ц╡ЩщЧ╜ц▓┐х▓╕ц│ехМ║чЪДц▓│ц╡Бф╛Ыц▓ЩщЗПф╕Оц▓ЙчзпщЗПф╕Нх╣│шббчЪДщЧощвШя╝МщГихИЖхОЯхЫахПпшГ╜цШпхПжцЬЙчЙйш┤ицЭешЗкшЛПхМЧя╝ИхНЧщ╗Дц╡╖хНЧ щГия╝ЙхТМф╕Ьц╡╖хЖЕщЩЖцЮ╢уАВш┐ШцЬЙф╕Аф╕кщХ┐цЬЯшвлх┐╜шзЖчЪДуАБцЫ┤щЗНшжБчЪДхОЯхЫахЬиф║Оя╝МщХ┐ц▒Яш╛УхЕеф╕Ьц╡╖чЪДц│ец▓ЩшжБч╗Пш┐ЗхдЪцмб чЪДц▓ЙщЩНхТМхЖНцВмц╡ош┐ЗчиЛуАБч╗ПхОЖф╗Оф╕Кц╡╖хИ░чжПх╗║чЪДщХ┐щАФцРмш┐Ря╝МцЙНшГ╜цЬАч╗Ишвлх░БхнШхИ░ц╡ЩщЧ╜ц▓┐х▓╕хРДхЬ░чЪДчО░ф╗гц▓Йчзп хЬ░х▒ВщЗМя╝Мш┐Щф╕Аш┐ЗчиЛф╕НцШпхЕихМ║хРМцнечЪДуАВцНвшиАф╣Ля╝Мх║ФчФи 210Pb ц│Хх╛ЧхИ░чЪДчЩ╛х╣┤цЧ╢щЧ┤цаЗх░║ф╕ОчЩ╛х╣┤х░║х║жчЪДц▓Йчзп цА╗щЗПя╝Мхп╣х║ФчЪДщХ┐ц▒ЯхРСц╡╖ф╛Ыц▓ЩцЧ╢цо╡шжБш┐Ьш┐Ьхдзф║О 100 х╣┤я╝МхН│тАЬцндчЩ╛х╣┤щЭЮх╜╝чЩ╛х╣┤тАЭя╝Ыф║МшАЕф╣ЛщЧ┤чЪДшБФч│╗хЬиф║Оц▓┐ х▓╕ц╡Бц░┤ф╜УхТМшбих▒Вц▓ЙчзпчЙйчЪДц┤╗хКих▒Вя╝ИцИЦх║ФчФи 210Pb ц│ХчЪДцЯ▒ца╖щб╢щГичЪДц╖╖хРИх▒Вя╝ЙуАВхИЭцнеф╝░чоЧя╝МщХ┐ц▒ЯчнЙц▓│ц╡БщЬА шжБш┐Юч╗нхРСц╡╖ш╛Уц▓Щ 200 х╣┤уАБцЙНшГ╜х╜вцИРц╡ЩщЧ╜ц▓┐х▓╕ц│ехМ║цЙАш░УчЪДчЩ╛х╣┤х░║х║жчЪДц▓Йчзпф╜УтАХтАХхМЕцЛмф╕КщГичЪДц╖╖хРИх▒ВхПКф╕Л щГичЪДчи│хоЪц▓Йчзпх▒ВуАВцЬАш┐СхЗахНБх╣┤цЭея╝МчФ▒ф║ОхдзхЭЭх╗║шо╛хТМц░┤х║Уш┐РшбМхп╝шЗ┤ц▓│ц╡Бш╛Уц▓ЩщЗПхдзх╣ЕхЗПх░СуАВ2003 х╣┤ф╕Йх│б хдзхЭЭхРИщ╛Щф╣ЛхРОчЪДхНБх╣┤цЧ╢щЧ┤щЗМя╝МщХ┐ц▒ЯхЕец╡╖ц│ец▓ЩщАЪщЗПш┐ЕщАЯщЩНф╜ОхИ░ 1.4 ф║┐хРи/х╣┤х╖жхП│я╝Мц╡ЩщЧ╜ц▓┐х▓╕ф╕╗шжБф╕нх░Пц▓│ ц╡БчЪДхЕец╡╖ц▓ЩщЗПф╣ЯцЬЙцШОцШ╛чЪДф╕ЛщЩНш╢ЛхК┐уАВчаФчй╢ц▓│ц╡БхЕец╡╖ц│ец▓Щхдзх╣ЕхЗПх░СчЪДшГМцЩпф╕Лц╡ЩщЧ╜ц▓┐х▓╕ц│ехМ║чЪДш░ГцХ┤уАБхУН х║Фф╕Оц╗ЮхРОя╝МхПпф╗ехАЯхКйтАЬц▓ЙчзпчЙйц╗ЮчХЩч│╗цХ░тАЭчЪДцжВх┐╡уАВш┐Щф╕АцжВх┐╡ц║Рф║О SCOR-LOICZ-IAPSO чмм 122 х╖еф╜Ьч╗ДчаФчй╢ тАЬц▓│хПгц▓ЙчзпчЙйц╗ЮчХЩцЬ║хИ╢тАЭя╝МхоЪф╣Йф╕║тАЬхЬиф╕Ацо╡цЧ╢щЧ┤хЖЕхРДф╕кцЭец║РчЪДчЙйш┤ихЬиц▓│хПгхМ║чЪДц╗ЮчХЩщЗПф╕ОхРМцЬЯхРДф╕кцЭец║РчЪД чЙйш┤ицА╗щЗПф╣ЛцпФтАЭуАВхИйчФиц▓ЙчзпчЙйц╗ЮчХЩч│╗цХ░хТМчЙйш┤иф╛Ых║ФчОЗя╝МхПпф╗еф║Жшзгф╕Аф╕кц▓ЙчзпчЙйчЪДтАЬц▒ЗтАЭчЪДц╢ИщХ┐уАВхЕ╖ф╜УцКАцЬп цЙЛцо╡я╝МхЬих╣│щЭвф╕Кх░Жц╡ЩщЧ╜ц▓┐х▓╕ц│ехМ║хИТхИЖф╕║ф╕Ач│╗хИЧхНЧхМЧф╝ацЙ┐чЪДтАЬц║Ря╝Нц▒ЗтАЭхМ║я╝МхЬихЮВхРСф╕КшАГшЩСц░┤ф╜Уя╝НцВмц▓ЩуАБ ц┤╗хКих▒Вя╝Нц╖╖хРИх▒ВхТМчи│хоЪх░БхнШх▒ВчнЙф╕Йч▒╗хЕец╡╖ц│ец▓ЩчЪДхнШхЬичК╢цАБя╝МцЮДщАачо▒х╝ПцжВхМЦцибхЮЛцЭецОиц╝Фц▓│ц╡БхЕец╡╖ц│ец▓Щ шЗкхМЧхРСхНЧщАРчЙЗш╛Уш┐РчЪДщАЪш┐ЗщЗПуАБх░БхнШщЗПф╕ОхОЖцЧ╢уАВ PS1-06 Sediment dynamics in Xiangshan Harbour Li Li ([email protected]) Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Abstract: The sediment dynamics of Xiangshan Harbour is studied by both observationally through field data, and numerically through a sediment model (Wang, 2002). The numerical model bathymetry includes the high resolution Xiangshan Harbour coastal lines, sea surface area and coastline variation in different years. The model is forced by tides at the ocean open boundary with constant salinity and temperature. 20 sigma layers with 3/4 logarithmic layers near the surface/bottom and 13 evenly distributed layers in the middle are used in the model. The observed 87 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences tidal elevation, currents and the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) data were used to calibrate the model. The observation data from the 11 field stations cover almost all the harbor areas from spring to neap tides. The SSC values at the bottom peak about 1kgm-3 during spring tides near the harbor mouth. SSC values near the mouth (peak values are about 0.5 to 1kgm-3 during spring tides) are much higher than those in the upstream of the harbor (peak values are about 0.1 to 0.2kgm-3 during spring tides). The simulation found that the SSC at the mouth of the harbour is larger than that that in the inner harbour. Averaged over a tidal cycle, vertical averaged SSC values are lower than 1 kgm-3. PS1-07 Seasonal variability of ocean primary production in the China Seas derived from satellite remote sensing data Ze Liu ([email protected]) Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao The ocean primary productivity (OPP), dominated by marine phytoplankton photosynthesis, contributes to biological carbon fixation in the world carbon-climate system (Falkowski et al., 1998), supplies almost half the net primary production within the global biosphere (Behrenfeld et al., 2001), and supports fisheries production (Springer et al., 1996). The role of the mesoscale eddies for OPP enhancement has been well understood (e.g. Chen et al., 2007; Falkowski et al., 1991; Mizobata et al., 2008; Okkonen et al., 2004; Oschlies and Gar├зon, 1998): a cyclonic eddy could lift nutrients from the deep layer into the euphotic zone (McGillicuddy and Robinson, 1997). Recent study also found that some local OPP anomalies coincide with El-Ni├▒o, an oceanic expression of the large-scale air-sea interaction (Tan and Shi, 2009). In the present study, we calculated the model-derived OPP in the China seas, and focused on the spatiotemporal comparison between OPP enhancements and mesoscale eddies and frontal zones in Case I (ocean) and Case II (shelf) waters. Satellite-based optical instruments could measure all the key factors importing into the VGPM, such as sea surface temperature (SST), chlorophyll a concentration (CHL), and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Using 10-year (2000тАУ2009) MODIS SST and 13-year (1998тАУ2010) SeaWiFS ocean color data, the modified VGPM model (Kameda and Ishizaka, 2005) has been applied here to obtain comprehensive year-round climatology of OPP in part of the China seas. The annual mean OPP in the China Seas highlights over the broad continental shelf, whichever is shallower than 200 m. The peaks of OPP time series in each sea are different. The variations of model-estimated OPP may be associated with the local ocean dynamics, and their spatial patterns are particularly sensitive to mesoscale processes. Most areas with high PPeu (the daily depth-integrated OPP within the euphotic zone) values relate to strong thermal fronts, whereas the Kuroshio frontal zone is an exception. The cyclonic eddies contribute to the high PPeu area west of Luzon Island. This implies that the mesoscale processes (such as frontal circulation rototiller and eddy transport pumper) bring cool water and new nutrient from deep sea to upper layer and make the depleted surface ocean become nutrient-replete by local mixing and upwelling. Thus, upper ocean dynamic environments could influence local biological processes and phytoplankton biomass (reflected by CHL). The PPeu values have the peaks only within the SST range of 18.6тАУ20.1 ┬░C, implying an optimum temperature range for PPeu enhancement. The mean SST in the northern South China Sea (NSCS) has no chance to drop to 22.5 ┬░C below even in cold winter because the NSCS region belongs to intertropical sea, but the PPeu still negatively correlates with the local SST, especially off the west coast of Luzon Island. The strong correlation between PPeu and Popt (the optimal rate of carbon fixation with the water column) suggests that the carbon fixation play a vital role in the PPeu estimations. In summary, temperature controls OPP blooms and Popt guides OPP trends. PS1-08 The environmental capcity of Bohai Bay based on regional water exchange characteristics Hongtao Nie ([email protected]) Tianjin University, Tianjin How to estimate the environmental capacity of the gulf and coastal water is a basic problem of marine environmental protection and control. Water exchange is one of the important hydrodynamic characteristic in coastal water, it is the foundation of the research on the water environmental 88 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences capacity of the gulf and nearshore area. Especially for the target water with large area and weak water dynamic action such as Bohai bay, using the half exchange time to estimate its environmental capacity will treat the whole water area as a mixing uniformity, and use the same water quality standard without considering the different water quality requirement of different water area. In this paper, based on the analysis of water exchange characteristics of regional sea, one estimation method about coastal water environmental capacity was built with the relation matrix of water exchange. To the relation matrix, the study area is divided into multiple sea area. Using the each element of the relation matrix to represent the water weight in certain sea area from other area at a certain moment, and the entire matrix describes the water exchange relationship between each sea area in the study area. The relation matrix was calculated based on the statistics numerical results from the hydrodynamic model and water quality model, and it can be used to study the water exchange among different areas and predict water quality of different areas at the respective characteristic time. With the water exchange relation matrix and considering the water quality requirement of each sea area segment, the equation of environmental capacity estimation method was built and resolved. With this method application in Bohai bay, this paper provides a new way to evaluate the environmental capacity of the large gulf with weak mixing action and can provide reference for other waters function planning and management. PS1-09 PycnMix: Pycnocline mixing in shelf seas Holly Pelling ([email protected]) University of Bangor, United Kingdom The shelf seas cover a relativity small fraction of our oceans but account for 15-30% of the total oceanic primary production as the seasonal thermocline provides the vertical stability required for primary production. Paradoxically, this process is largely dependent small amounts of vertical mixing to provide sufficient diapycnal exchange that promotes a steady supply of nutrients into the upper water column. The seasonal structure of the water column is primarily controlled by the balance between stratification and the input of mechanical energy in the form of mixing from wind stress at the surface and, in the case of shelf seas, tidal shear at the seabed. Without significant calibration of the background diffusivity however shelf sea models are unable to reproduce the complex distribution of stratification, with a key limitation lying in the accurate representation of pycnocline turbulence and mixing. This current state is unacceptable if we are to provide realistic estimates of the flux of heat, nutrients and momentum across the pycnolcine. A more accurate model of pycnocline turbulence and mixing is therefore required for the prediction of physical and biogeochemical cycles in shelf seas. The primary aim of PycnMix is to produce a тАШstep changeтАЩ in the representation of pycnocline mixing processes in regional scale shelf sea models. This will be achieved through the reanalysis of over 20 years of microstructure measurements from all over the European Shelf with additional data provided by Chinese partners. PycnMix will collate and reanalyse this vast dataset to provide the worldтАЩs largest, consistently processed, observational database of shelf sea pycnocline turbulence measurements. These data will then be interrogated in various parameter space scenarios to identify coherent behaviour within similarly forced flows. Here we will present an overview and the motivation for this new project alongside preliminary results of turbulence data analysed in dimensionless parameter space that provides a tantalising early indication that pycnocline turbulence is indeed better behaved than it often appears. PS1-10 A data processing method on the hysteresis effect of temperature and conductivity of moving vessel profiler (MVP) Qiang Ren ([email protected]) Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao ш╡░шИкх╝Пц╡╖ц┤ЛхдЪхПВцХ░хЙЦщЭвц╡ЛщЗПч│╗ч╗Я(moving vessel profiler, MVP)цШпф╕АчзНщЫЖцИРчиЛх║жхТМшЗкхКихМЦчиЛх║жщГ╜ ш╛ГщлШчЪДц╡╖ц┤Лш░ГцЯешо╛хдЗ, шГ╜хп╣ц╡╖ц┤ЛхдЪшжБч┤аш┐ЫшбМхРМцЧ╢шзВц╡Л, шО╖х╛Чц░┤х╣│цЦ╣хРСчЪДщлШхИЖш╛ичОЗцХ░цНош╡ДцЦЩя╝Ич║ж 1.8kmя╝Й уАВчФ▒ф║Оц╕йх║жхТМчФ╡хп╝чОЗф╝ацДЯхЩихУНх║ФцЧ╢щЧ┤чЪДф╕НхМ╣щЕН, MVP ф╕ЛцФ╛щАЯх║жш┐Зх┐л(х│░хА╝щАЯх║ж 4 m/s)шАМщАацИРщЭЮ х╕╕цШОцШ╛чЪДчЫРх║жх░Цх│░чО░ш▒буАВч╗УхРИ Fofonoff(F)ц│ХуАБцЧ╢щЧ┤х╕╕цХ░цМЗцХ░щАТх╜ТцХ░хнЧц╗дц│в(Giles and McDougall, GM) ц│ХхТМ Grose цПРхЗ║чЪДчЫРх║жх░Цх│░шовцнгцЦ╣цбИ, цПРхЗ║ф║Жф╕АчзНцЦ░чЪДцЦ╣ц│Х, хН│ MCT(match conductivity and 89 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences temperature response time)ц│Х, щАЪш┐Зхп╣хОЛхКЫуАБц╕йх║жхТМчФ╡хп╝чОЗф╝ацДЯхЩиш┐ЫшбМхУНх║ФцЧ╢щЧ┤чЪДхМ╣щЕНцЭехЗПх╝▒чЫРх║ж х░Цх│░уАВ х░Ж SBE-9 хЮЛ CTD ш╡ДцЦЩф╜Ьф╕║цаЗхЗЖ, хПСчО░шовцнгхРОчЪДш╡ДцЦЩф╕О CTD чЫРх║жцЫ▓ч║┐чЪДф║ТчЫ╕хЕ│ч│╗цХ░ф╕║ 0.917, шпп х╖оцпФшовцнгхЙНхЗПх░П 80%уАВхп╣цпФ 35┬░N цЦнщЭвф┐оцнгхЙНхРОчЪДчЫРх║жш╡ДцЦЩ, шовцнгхРОц╕йчЫРш╖Гх▒ВхдДхЗ║чО░чЪДф╜ОчЫРхМ║хЯЯц╢Ихд▒уАВ MVP чЪДх║ФчФицпФх╕╕шзДц╡╖ц┤Лш░ГцЯеф╗кхЩи CTD хп╣ф║Оц╡╖ц┤ЛчО░ш▒бчЪДшзВц╡ЛцЫ┤цЬЙф╝ШхК┐уАВ PS1-11 What is the cause of variability in suspended sediment concentration? A case study of a macrotidal and highly turbid coastal mudflat Benwei Shi ([email protected]) Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Coast and Island Development, Nanjing University, Nanjing Variability of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) on tidal mudflats has an important influence on the ecological environment, morphological evolution and engineering design. To understand the influence of suspended sediment behavior on local SSC variability in the water column, we measured synchronously water depth, wave height, current velocity, SSC profiles and intratidal bed-level changes during a series of continuous tidal cycles at a macrotidal and highly turbid mudflat on the Jiangsu coast, China. Based on analysis of field-measurements data, we estimated the relative contribution percentage of resuspension, deposition and advection processes to local SSC variability. We also examined the influence of hydrodynamics (water depth, wind, wave height and current velocity) and environmental (salinity and temperature) factors on local SSC variability using EOF analysis. These analyses revealed two main conclusions. First, advection process accounted for almost all of the variability in SSC at the study site for a complete tidal cycle, and was the key transport process because of an abundant sediment supply and limited resuspension of bed sediments. Secondly, advection was driven by tidal current velocity, wind velocity and associated lateral transport. These two conclusions revealed how a detailed analysis of transport processes can help reveal the source and fate of suspended sediments and aid the interpretation of morphological change of intertidal mudflats. PS1-12 Optical characterization of vertical variability of phytoplankton in autumn 2008 in the Northern South China Sea Guifen Wang ([email protected]), Wen Zhou,Wenxi Cao South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Vertical variability of absorption and attenuation coefficients with high resolution was observed by deploying the AC9in-Situ Spectrophotometer in the Northern South China Sea in August 2008. An empirical model was developed for estimating the chlorophyll a concentration from the absorption difference in the red waveband, based on which vertical profiles of chlorophyll a and its influencing factors were investigated. Results show that both optical properties and the estimated chlorophyll show much difference in coastal and offshore stations. In coastal stations these profiles are characterized by relatively high value at surface and bottom waters, with or without the subsurface chlorophyll a maximum layer (SCML).However, in offshore stations optical properties show less variability in the upper layer, and the SCML is ubiquitous with the depth ranging from 37m to 80m and even deeper. The thickness of SCML varies from a few meters to about 50 meters from coastal to oligotrophic stations. The depth of SCML primarily lies at the base of euphotic zone at most oligotrophic stations, and the fluctuation were found to be related with variations in mixed layer depth forced by physical processes. Vertical profiles of the chlorophyll to cpg(650) ratio show the effect of photoacclimation in the euphotic zone in open ocean, and the combined effect of particle resuspension and settling in bottom layer of coastal station. The observed variability are consistent with that pervious reports in the South China Sea, which exhibits detailed information and great advantage of optical profiling over the conventional sampling methods. As an interpretation of these results, we suggest the in situ optical profiles should be used as guidance for biological observations. With the advancement of optical monitoring technology, further research could be conducted for studying the dynamics of biogeochemical processes by using the optical proxy in high resolution and relating underwater light field variation in assessing the marine ecosystem. Four cruises were carried out in the Sanggou Bay in April, July and October of 2013, and January of 2014 to investigate distributions, air-sea fluxes, sediment-water fluxes and production of dissolved 90 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences CH4 in the bay. CH4 concentrations in the Sanggou Bay showed substantially seasonal variation with CH4 concentrations in summer and autumn obviously higher than those in spring and winter. The aquaculture of shellfish and kelp in the bay was vitally responsible for the seasonal differences of CH4. Dissolved CH4 in surface waters of the Sanggou Bay were oversaturated in spring, summer and autumn, indicating that Sanggou Bay is a net source of atmospheric CH4. CH4 concentrations in rivers and underground waters around the bay showed obviously seasonal variation, and CH4 concentrations in rivers were significantly higher than those in underground waters. Water incubation experiments indicated that seawater CH4 production rates in the bay showed substantially seasonal variation and was much higher than that in the adjacent Yellow Sea due to the aquacultural activities. CH4 budget in Sanggou Bay was estimated with a box-model according to our results and literature data, which suggests that in situ CH4 production in seawater was the dominant source in Sanggou Bay, accounting for above 90% of CH4 sources, while CH4 from river runoff, underground water input and sediment emission only contribute to a small proportion. The dominant CH4 sink was air-sea exchange. PS1-13 Physical-biological coupling: the response of phytoplankton community structure to the meso-scale eddies in the South China Sea Lei Wang ([email protected]), Bangqin Huang Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Coastal and Wetland Ecosystems, Xiamen University, Xiamen In order to clarify the response of phytoplankton community structure to the meso-scale eddies in the South China Sea (SCS), three cruises were carried out, including aiming at a cyclonic eddy (CE) in the western SCS in early September 2007; three long lived anticyclonic eddies (ACEs) in the basin from 28 July to 7 August 2007; and a Rossby eddy in the northern SCS in January 2010, respectively. The photosynthetic pigments were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to calculate the contribution of nine phytoplankton groups to TChl a biomass through CHEMical TAXonomy. Our results showed that the deep chlorophyll a maximum layer (DCML) was raised to form a dome structure in the CEтАЩs center while there was no distinct enhancement for TChl a biomass. However the TChl a biomass in the surface layer (at 5 m) in the eddy center was promoted 2.6-fold compared to the biomass outside the eddy (p < 0.001). The phytoplankton community was primarily contributed by diatoms, prasinophytes, and Synechococcus at the DCML within the eddy, while less was contributed by haptophytes_8 and Prochlorococcus. We assumed that there was a gently continuous nutrient supply resulting from the doming of the isopycnal within the eddy while the increasing of phytoplankton TChl a biomass was remarkable at the surface layer even though the hydrological and nutrient signals were weak. The TChl a inventory was almost similar among the three ACEs (17.647~18.868 mg m-2), so did the predominant phytoplankton groups, haptophytes_8 and Prochlorococcus. The TChl a inventory was 20.822┬▒3.026 mg m-2 at the edge which was 33% and 60% higher than those at the center and reference, respectively. The most prominent enhancement of biomass at the edge was provided by haptophytes_8, with 1.6-fold to the center and 2.2-fold to the reference. While the second dominant group, Prochlorococcus, had about 50% increasing biomass at the edge relative to reference, and was mediate at the center. Diatoms biomass was also ~2.5-fold at the edge compared to the center and the reference. Diatoms could be responsible for the ~50% enhancement in bSiO2 flux at the center through lateral transport from the edge. The positive correlation between POC flux and haptophytes_8 biomass at the edge implied their importance in particles export. Be same as the ACEs, the edge modulating in the Rossby eddy had also been observed. But it was different in the biogeochemical process as the penetrating of the Kuroshio Current into the northern SCS altered the phytoplankton community structure, so did the efficiency of the biological pump. PS1-14 Relating the evolution of low oxygen adjacent to Changjiang estuary to hydrodynamic conditions: new evidence from observations in 2012 and 2013 Hao Wei ([email protected]) School of Marine Science and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 91 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences ф╜Оц░зх╖▓ф╕║хЕичРГш┐Сх▓╕ц╡╖хЯЯчОпхвГщЧощвШя╝МщвДц╡Лф╜Оц░зчиЛх║жхТМхИЖх╕ГцШпх╜УхЙНчГнчВ╣уАВцЬмцЦЗхИйчФи 2012уАБ2013 х╣┤ 10 ф╕кшИкцмбцЦ░чЪДшзВц╡Лш╡ДцЦЩя╝Мч╗УхРИхОЖхП▓цХ░цНоя╝МхИЖцЮРщХ┐ц▒ЯхПгщВ╗ш┐Сц╡╖хЯЯ DO ф╜Оц░зф╕нх┐Гчй║щЧ┤хПШхМЦя╝МцПнчд║ф╜Оц░зхИЖ х╕Гф╕Оц░┤хКихКЫчОпхвГхПШхМЦчЪДхЕ│ч│╗уАВф╗ец╡Щц▒ЯхдЦц╡╖уАБщХ┐ц▒Яц░┤ф╕Лц║║ш░╖хТМщХ┐ц▒Яц╡Ец╗йф╕Йф╕кхМ║хЯЯя╝МхИЖцЮРхЕ╢х▒Вч╗УхТМ DO хИЖх╕Гц╝ФхМЦчЪДф╕╗хп╝цЬ║хИ╢я╝Ъц╡Щц▒ЯхдЦц╡╖я╝Мф╜Оц░зф╕нх┐ГхЬи 30-50m х▒АхЬ░щЩбхЭбхдДя╝М6-10 цЬИщГ╜хПпшГ╜хЗ║чО░, щХ┐ц▒ЯхЖ▓ц╖б ц░┤хТМхП░ц╣╛цЪЦц╡Бф╕╗хп╝х▒Вч╗УхПКф╜Оц░зхИЖх╕Гя╝Мх╜Ущ╗Сц╜оцмбшбих▒Вц░┤хЕеф╛╡щЭахМЧцЧ╢ф╕НцШУх╜вцИРф╜Оц░зуАВщХ┐ц▒ЯхПгхдЦц░┤ф╕Лц║║ш░╖я╝М 8уАБ9 цЬИцШУхПСчФЯф╜Оц░зя╝МщФЛщЭвщШ╗чвНф╛зхРСф║дцНвя╝Мх║Хх▒В DO ц╡Ух║жхПЧхНЧщГиф╛зхРСш╛Уш┐РцОзхИ╢я╝Мщ╗Сц╜оцмбшбих▒Вц░┤хЕеф╛╡ф╕Н цШУх╜вцИРф╜Оц░зуАВщХ┐ц▒Яц╡Ец╗йя╝М7-9 цЬИф╜Оц░зцжВчОЗхдзя╝Мх▒Вч╗Уф╕╗шжБф╕ОщХ┐ц▒ЯхЖ▓ц╖бц░┤цЙйх▒ХцЬЙхЕ│я╝Мх▒Вч╗Ух╝║х║жхТМч╗┤цМБцЧ╢щЧ┤ ф╕╗хп╝ф╜Оц░зхПСчФЯя╝МшЛПхМЧц▓┐х▓╕ц╡БуАБщ╗Дц╡╖ц╜оц▒РщФЛхТМц╡Ец╗йхЬ░х╜вф╜┐ш┐ЩщЗМч╝║ф╣ПхпМц░зц░┤чЪДшбехЕЕуАВф╕Йф╕кхМ║хЯЯх║Хх▒В DO ц╝ФхМЦш┐ЗчиЛчЛмчлЛя╝Мх▒Вч╗УцШпф╜Оц░зчЪДх┐ЕшжБцЭбф╗╢я╝Мц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйцЧ║хПСцШпф║зчФЯчвОх▒СшАЧц░зчЪДхЙНцПРя╝Мф╜Жх▒Вч╗Ух╝║х║жуАБхП╢ч╗┐ ч┤ац╡Ух║жщГ╜ф╕Оф╜Оц░зхИЖх╕Гц▓бцЬЙч║┐цАзхЕ│ч│╗, ш┐ЩщЗМф╜Оц░зчЪДхПпщвДц╡ЛцАзф╜Оф║Охвише┐хУец╣╛чнЙц╡╖хЯЯуАВф╗КхРОщЬАф╗ехРлц░зц║Рц▒З чЪДчФЯцАБцибхЮЛя╝МхоЪщЗПф╝░чоЧхРДхМ║хЯЯц░зцФ╢цФпя╝МшодшпЖщХ┐ц▒ЯхЖ▓ц╖бц░┤уАБхП░ц╣╛цЪЦц╡БуАБщ╗Сц╜оцмбшбих▒Вц░┤чЪДф╜ЬчФия╝МчРЖшзгх║Х х▒В DO чй║щЧ┤хИЖх╕ГчЙ╣х╛БхТМц╝ФхМЦшзДх╛ЛуАВ PS1-15 Effect of typhoon NALGAE on the distribution of phytoplankton Chaoyu Yang ([email protected]) South China Sea Marine Prediction Center, State Oceanic Administration, Guangzhou Optical property of phytoplankton was studied based on the physical and biological properties in China Sea. A newest algorithm combined GSM model and fluorescence model was applied to retrieve the phytoplankton information. During the algorithm, twice optimization procedure was performed to get the best results. This combined algorithm was applied to Hydrolight simulation data. The comparison of the output and synthetic data shows the algorithm is effective to retrieve the optical information of phytoplankton. In addition, this study also applied optical satellite data (MERIS) and the dynamic parameters to analyze the impact of NALGAE on phytoplankton distribution. The result shows Ekman pumping is one of reasons for the ocean color anomalies. PS1-16 Effects of salinity stress on the physiological response of marine algae Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis Xi-Li Cai, Xue Sun, Lin Zhang ([email protected]), Yahe Li, Min-Wei Shao, Nian-Jun Xu Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Applied Marine Biotechnology, School of Marine Sciences, Ningbo University, Ningbo The varieties of the growth, cell ultrastructure, membrane permeability, antioxidant enzymes, lipid peroxidation, photosynthetic pigments, optimal quantum yield, osmo-regulation substances and phytohormones were used to reveal the physiological responses of the marine red algae Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis to low and high salinity stress of 10тА░ and 35тА░. Results showed that the adverse salinity could inhibit the growth of G. lemaneiformis. Under the low salinity stress, the Pit connection of the algal cell was destroyed and intracellular floridean starch in decline. Under the high salinity stress, chromatoplast were destroyed and more salt particles were accumulated. The content of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ showed no significant change under low salinity stress, but with high salinity tress, the Na+ content rise and the content of K+ and Ca2+ dropped, Mg2+ content was more stable. The MDA content increased rapidly in the initial phase with two kinds of stresses, but SOD and POD activity increased significantly in the later phase to clear the ROS of stresses. The content of the phycoerythrin, phycocyanin and chlorophyll decreased to a certain degree in the initial phase and then rebounded in the later phase under low salinity stress. Both stresses contribute to the decline in optimal quantum yield (Fv/Fm). Under the high salinity stress, three kinds of photosynthetic pigments all have declined, and dropped to an average of 71.80% of the control group. The proline content decreased by 21.11%, while those of mannitol increased by 19.61% under the low salinity stress. Under the high salinity stress, the content of proline and mannitol increased by 75.66% and 29.40% respectively. The IAA content decreased slightly under high salinity stress, but significantly lower than the control group under low salinity stress. The content of ABA and JA showed significant increase under high or lower salinities, but SA and RA only increased with low salinity stress. PS1-17 Geostrophic circulation in the tropical north pacific ocean based on argo profiles 92 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Zhichun Zhang ([email protected]) South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Absolute geostrophic currents in the North Pacific Ocean are calculated from the newly gridded Argo profiling float data using the P-vector method for the period of 2004тАУ11. The zonal geostrophic currents based on the Argo profile data are found to be stronger than those based on the traditional World Ocean Atlas 2009(WOA09) data. A westward mean geostrophic flow underneath the North Equatorial Countercurrent is identified using the Argo data, which is evidenced by sporadic direct current measurements and geostrophic calculations in history. This current originates east of the date line and transports more than 4├Ч106m3s-1 of water westward in the subsurface northwestern tropical Pacific Ocean. The authors name this current theNorth Equatorial Subsurface Current. The transport in the geostrophic currents is compared with the Sverdrup theory and found to differ significantly in several locations. Analyses have shown that errors of wind stress estimation cannot account for all of the differences. The largest differences are found in the area immediately north and south of the bifurcation latitude of the North Equatorial Current west of the date line and in the recirculation area of the Kuroshio and its extension, where nonlinear activities are vigorous. It is, therefore, suggested that the linear dynamics of the Sverdrup theory is deficient in explaining the geostrophic transport of the tropical northwestern Pacific Ocean. PS1-18 Particle size distribution in the Yellow River plume before and during water and sediment diversion Tao Zou ([email protected]) Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai Particle size distribution (PSD) is a critical measurement of the sediment fluxes and deposition that has not been adequately studied. Knowledge of the spatial and temporal variation of PSD can be used to evaluate the interaction between suspended sediment and biological and chemical components in coastal ocean. In this study the PSD were measured at more than 100 sites in the Yellow River Plume (YRP) before and after water and sediment diversion using a laser diffractometer (LISST-100X Type-B) in concert with multiple biogeochemical parameters collected during summer 2014. The measured PSD is fitted with Junge distribution to obtain the power-law slope and the differential number concentration for reference diameter. Results show that the total suspended particles ranged between 10 and 654 ╬╝L L-1, median particle diameter (d0.5) ranged between 21 and 281╬╝m, power-law fitted PSD slopes ranged from 3.2 to 4.4, reflecting the dominance of inorganic particles associated with the sediment discharged from the Yellow River. The spatial distribution of PSD also clearly displayed a dominant effect of riverine inputs. The depth-distribution of PSD slopes indicated that the deposition-resuspension process might be an important factor of the sediment dynamics. Our study provides valuable information on the distribution and transport of sediment discharged from the Yellow River in surrounding coastal water. 93 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Poster of Session 2 / ф╕УщвШ 2 х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ PS2-01 The applications of NGS technology in phytoplankton ecology Ling Li ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 454 pyrosequencing is a method of DNA sequencing based on the тАЬsequencing by synthesisтАЭ principle. In this report, we described some protocols that had been performed in the Marine Genome Facility (MGF) using Roche 454 GS FLX+ equipment. Among them, one of methods was related to construct a 486bp 18s-rDNA V4 region library or about 1400bp ITS region library, which were used to analyze the phytoplankton diversity in the South China Sea. Another method was performed to construct environmental meta-transcriptomic library during the Procentrum blooming in ECS in spring season, which was used to analyze the whole Procentrum EST during red tide blooming. Additionally, other protocols had also been performed in the MGF facility for pyrosequencing to analyze differential expression of transcriptomic data in the lab phytoplankton cultures. PS2-02 Molecular analysis of in situ diets of copepods reveals land plant-derived detritus as important source of copepod food in a coral reef ecosystemin Sanya Bay Sheng Liu ([email protected]) South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Knowledge ofcopepod in situ diet is critical for accurate assessmentof trophic linkages and transfer efficiencies of the marine food web butis limited due to technical challenges. Here we report, using a recently developed eukaryote-universal Copepod-Excluding Ectobiotic Ciliate-blocking (CEEC) protocol, on naturaldiets of thecopepodsTemora turbinate, Subeucalanussubcrassus and Canthocalanus pauperin coastal waters in Sanya Bay, China. Analysis of the resultant 18S rDNA clone libraries revealed diverse diet composition for all the three copepod species,with 10prey speciesfor C. pauper,7 for T. turbinate and 7 for S. subcrassus. The common food organisms included land plants, green algae, protozoa, crustacea and appendicularia, although species number of eachof these lineagesdiffered. Ficus sp. (land plant) and Farfantepenaeus-like (shrimp) were common prey genera among all three copepods. Of all dietary items, land plants, which might have beeningested in the form of pollen or fresh detritus, accounted for a significant proportion (>55% clones). Although T. turbinate, S. subcrassus and C. pauperare different in body size, they all seemed to consume a large amount of organic detritus (e.g. plants and metazoan), indicating that copepods in Sanya coastal waters might use terrigenous detritus as supplementary food sources for copepods when phytoplankton production is limited,exhibiting an тАЬopportunistic feedingтАЭ strategy.These results, supporting earlier suspicion of utilization of land-derived particulate matter by zooplakton, raise the need to further assess the contribution of terrigenous detritus to marine secondary production and the linkage of the biogeochemical cycles of elements between coastal terrestrial and marine environments. PS2-03 Importance of extreme rain event in terrigenous OM output in a small river Hongyan Bao ([email protected]), Shuh-Ji Kao State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Rivers provide the major link between land and ocean. The export and substantial burial of terrigenous organic matter (OM) in the ocean represents an important sink of CO 2 in geological time scale. Compare to major river system, small rivers though cover a small area of earth surface, are hotspot for land-sea export of particulate organic carbon. A large amount of terrigenous OM could be discharge into coastal ocean during short lived event. An important feature of these short-lived events is the quick change of water discharge (Qw), which could potentially affect the flux of particulate OM. Therefore, high-time resolution sampling during those events is needed for better quantifying the export of terrigenous OM. Compare to the traditional used bulk properties (stable and radiocarbon isotope) for tracing terrigenous OM, biomarker can be more specific. As the second most abundant biopolymer in the vascular plant, lignin phenols is unique to vascular plant, and have 94 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences been demonstrated to be a useful tool in tracing the terrigenous OM in rivers and oceans.In present study, we measured lignin phenols on the suspended particles collected from Jiulong River (Basin area: 14741 km2, situated in Fujian Province) annually with high-time resolution samples during the spring rain event. Qw ranged from <100 m3/s to 2200 m3/s. Total suspended matter (TSM) concentration changed in a factor of two, ranged from <10 mg/L in the winter season to я╜Ю700 mg/L during the discharge peak in the rainy season. Similar to TSM, lignin concentration changed from 0.002 mg/L to 0.307 mg/L. The TSM normalized lignin concentration (╬г8, mg-Lignin/g-TSM) did not show a dilution effect during the discharge peak, instead, the significant positive relation between ╬г8 and TSM (r=0.78, p<0.01, n=10) combining with the negative relation between vanillic acid to vanillin ((Ad/Al)v) and TSM (r=0.92, p<0.001, n=10) can indicate that with the increase of erosion, more fresh terrigenous OM is exported to the estuary. During the spring rain event, both TSM and lignin phenols showed a power relation with Qw. By using the rating curves, we estimate that during the 11 days precipitation (15 May, 2014-25 May, 2014), Jiulong River exported 0.7├Ч109 m3 water, 0.2 Mt suspended particles and 88 t lignin phenols, respectively, which can account for 9%, 29% and 32% of annual flux, respectively. Our results indicate that the spring rain is not only important for water and sediment output, but played a more significant role in the output of terrigenous OM in small watershed. PS2-04 The fluorescence characteristics of DOM in the Seagrass Ecosystem from Hainan Yuanyue Cheng ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou The fluorescence property of DOM from seagrass ecosystems is little understood. Hence,the fluorescencecharacteristics of were determined in the seagrass ecosystem collected in Xincun Bay of Hainan Island using fluorescence spectroscopy. Two types of fluorescence signals were revealed which were three humic-like fluorescence peaks (A, C and M) and two protein-like fluorescence peaks (R and N), respectively. The distributions of those fluorescence signals suggested the dynamics responsible for the humic-like fluorescence might be the same as that responsible for the protein-like fluorescence. The high FI, high BIX and low HIX showed DOM from the seagrass-dominant ecosystem has a strong autochthonouscontribution and poor humification degree. PS2-05 Seasonal variability in the carbonate system in the northern South China Sea Xianghui Guo ([email protected]), Minhan Dai, Liguo Guo, Qian Li, Yi Xu State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen This presentation reports the dynamics of the carbonate system in the northern South China Sea (NSCS) based on the data collected during 2009-2011. Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), total alkalinity (TA) and pH in surface water ranged 1822-2004 mmol kg-1, 2090-2286 mmol kg-1 and 7.94-8.24, respectively. The DIC and TA increased to ~2335 and 2420 mmol kg-1 and pH decreased to 7.52-7.53 at >2000 m where all carbonate system parameters became homogeneous and well mixed. However, strong seasonal variations occurred in the upper ocean. In summer, the shelf regime was characterized by low DIC and high pH patches and the coastal upwelling of high DIC and TA but low pH off the eastern Guangdong Province and off the northeastern Hainan Island. In contrast, the coastal water was characterized by low salinity but high DIC in fall and winter. In the area beyond the inner shelf, TA showed linear relationship with salinity in the upper NSCS and seasonal average of NTA (normalized to salinity 34) ranged 2233-2237 mmol kg-1. However, TA in the water on the inner shelf had distinctly different NTA which depends on the season. In the upper NSCS, average salinity, DIC and TA were highest in spring (34.068┬▒0.939, 1971.1┬▒28.2 mmol kg-1 and 2248.0┬▒15.5 mmol kg-1) and lowest in fall (33.500┬▒0.899, 1960.1┬▒36.1 mmol kg-1 and 2224.2┬▒27.9 mmol kg-1). Processes controlling the seasonality will be diagnosed, which includes river discharge, influence of the East China Sea coastal water, intrusion of the Kuroshio, net community productivity, etc. PS2-06 Developing a salinity-based approach for the evaluation of DIN removal rate in estuarine ecosystems Yiguo Hong ([email protected]), Shuailong Wang, Xiang-Rong Xu, Jiapeng Wu, Ling Liu, Weizhong Yue 95 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Estuaries play important roles in the nitrogen loss to relieve the eutrophic pressure of coastal seawater. However, the exact amount of nitrogen removal in estuarine ecosystems is difficult to be estimated because of the complex dynamic mixing process between riverine water and coastal seawater. In this paper, a new method was developed to calculate the removal rate of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in estuarine waters. Since saline ions can remain stable in the natural mixing process, it can be assumed that the salinity can be served as an indicator of the mixing degree when fresh water was mixed with seawater, which was supported by the experimental results that there was a rigid linear regression relationship between DIN decline and salinity increase with proportionally mixing the fresh water (containing defined concentration of DIN) and seawater (the DIN concentration was lower than detection limit). Thus, the decreased amount of DIN in mixing waters attributed to the dilution effect when mixing could be figured out with the salinity as an index compared to the original one. Then, the amount of DIN removal in estuarine waters could be derived based on the calculation by subtracting the decreased part due to the dilution effect from the total decreased amount of DIN. With this model, we evaluated the DIN removal rate in both Chesapeake Bay and Pearl River Estuary. As predicted, our analysis demonstrated that the DIN removal rate increased gradually from upstream to downstream in both studied estuaries, presenting an obvious seasonable variation pattern: high in warm seasons and low in cold seasons. The results supported the hypothesis that estuaries have a strong capability to remove the nitrogen inputted from human activities, especially in warm season, which should play important roles in regulating the balance of global nitrogen biogeochemical cycle. PS2-07 A versatile automated analyzer: The development and application of a dual loop flow-sequential injection analyzer Yongming Huang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen By coupling loop flow analysis and sequential injection technique, a novel dual loop flow-sequential injection analyzer was developed. The analyzer comprised a sample loop, which included a debubble/mixing sub-loop and a detection sub-loop, and a reagent loop. In the debubble/mixing sub-loop, a well-designed debubble/mixing chamber was assembled to improve mixing and eliminate air bubble interference on the spectrophotometric detection. A peristaltic pump (sample pump) and a solenoid pump (reagent pump) were used to deliver sample and one of the reagent solutions into the sample loop and reagent loop. By switching an 8-port, 2-position valve, the two loops were connected end to end to form a closed loop. The solutions in the loop were propelled by the sample pump to mix with each other. Once the color forming reaction complete, the mixed solution would be delivered into the detection sub-loop for absorbance detection via switching a three-way solenoid valve. If another reagent solution was needed, the 8-port, 2-position valve would be switched to open the closed loop, and another reagent solution selected by a multi-position valve was introduced into the reagent loop using the reagent pump. Then the 8-port, 2-position valve was switched again to repeat the mixing (and detection) process as described above. The analyzer had been used for the determination of nanomolar level nitrite and micromolar level silicate, and for simultaneous determination of nanomolar level Fe(II) and Fe(II+III) in seawater. Other analytes, which could be determined using colorimetric method, such as phosphate and ammonia, could also be measured with the proposed analyzer. The fully automated analyzer, which eliminated the interference of bubble on the spectrophotometric detection, could be operated in many modes for measuring various analytes and the reagent consumption for each load was only 53 ┬╡L. PS2-08 Diversity of diazotrophs in the mangroverhizosphere revealed by pyrosequencing of nifH gene Hongmei Jing ([email protected]) Sanya Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sanya Mangrove rhizosphere sustains high rates of nitrogen-fixing activity, and contributes significantly to the health and sustenance of the mangrove ecosystem by supplying most of its nitrogen requirements. Diazotrophs play a major role in the fixation of nitrogen in the mangrove rhizosphere and are 96 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences strongly influenced by anthropogeneticand ecological properties. In order to investigate the anthropogenic and ecological impacts on the diazotrophic community, root samples were collectedfrom five tropicalmangroves in Singapore, such asSungeiMandai (SJ), PulauSemakau (PS), SungeiChangi (SC), PasirRis Park (PRP) and St. John Island (SJ). Mangrove at SJ is far from residential and industrial areas and least influenced by the human activities; whilst the rest mangroves are pollutedto different extents.Preliminary results from pyrosequencing of nifH gene reveal thatPseudomonas stutzeridominated at SJ, PRP and SC; while Desulfocapsasulfexigens and Xanthobacterautotrophicus were dominated at PS and SM, respectively. The highest diazotroph diversity at SJ that least influenced by human activity, and the lowest diversity appeared at SC and SM, where high concentrations of Cd and Cr were detected, respectively. This is consistent with the clustering pattern of UPGMA, which demonstrated that diazotrophic communities at SC and SM are very similar, contrasting to those at other three sites receiving relatively less pollution.Our results indicate that human activities may have negative influence on the diazotrophiccommunitiesin mangrove sediments in terms of species diversity. PS2-09 Sources and transportation of nutrients under the impact of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) in Sanggou Bay, China Ruihuan Li ([email protected]), Sumei Liu, Jing Zhang, Zengjie Jiang, Jianguang Fang South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Sanggou Bay, a typical aquaculture site in China with intensive suspended raft aquaculture. Field observations were performed during 2012-2014 period to characterize nutrient biogeochemical processes and quantify aquaculture effects on nutrients cycle in the integrated multi-tropical aquaculture bay. The rivers showed seasonal variations in nutrient concentrations, with enrichment ofdissolved inorganic nitrogen and dissolved silicate. Low levels of PO43тИТin rivers lead to high DIN:PO43тИТ ratios except Bahe. Sanggou Bay showed seasonal variations in nutrient concentrations, with enrichment of dissolved inorganic nutrients in autumn. TDN concentrations were dominated by DON both in summer and winter. Nutrients distributions were also affected by aquaculture species. Phosphorus may be the potential limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth in summer. A simple steady-state box model was used to construct nutrient budgets in Sanggou Bay. The budgets results showed that Sanggou Bay acted as a sink of DSi and as a source of DIN and PO43тИТduring kelp growth periods, while as a sink of DIN, and as a source of PO43тИТ and DSi during growth periods of bivalve. 92% and 78% of DIN and PO43тИТwould remove from the bay through kelp harvest during winter to spring. As one source of PO43тИТ, bivalve excretion P contributed to 63% of total influx. PS2-10 The impact of microbial interactions on biogeochemical cycles in aquatic ecosystems Yu Li ([email protected]) Jinan University, Guangzhou In order to control algal blooms, it is necessary to better understand microbial interactions in aquatic ecosystems. Based on the traditional тАШNutrients-Phytoplankton- Zooplankton-DetritusтАЩ (NPZD) model, the improved serial theoretical ecological models have been developed to investigate microbial interactions, such as the microbial loop, the fungi loop, the viral shunt. These interactions are relevant to the тАШbottom-upтАЩ control of algal blooms in aquatic ecosystems. This work improves the current understanding and management of eutrophication and algal blooms by studying the microbial interactions and their role in shaping the rates and pathways of nutrient cycling processes in aquatic ecosystems. The improved model framework will provide an improved basis for water quality prediction and ultimately help manage aquatic ecosystems in a changing climate. PS2-12 Project Introduction on тАЬDevelopment of methods for ocean management in the Japan Sea, an international enclosed coastal sea that includes continental shelves and islandтАЭ Qian Liu ([email protected]), Jing Zhang, Takfumi Yoshida, Naoki Hirose, Akihiko Morimoto, Xinyu Guo Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Center, Toyama, Japan & University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan To improve the slow reaction from marine administration with the marine environmental change and 97 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences to maintain oceanic biodiversity as well as sustainable development, the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund administered by the Ministry of the Environment in Japan provided funding for the project with regards to тАЬS-13 Development of Coastal Management Method to Realize the Sustainable Coastal SeaтАЭ from 2014 to 2019. This project will conduct comprehensive study of natural and anthropogenic activities both in thecoastal seas and land areas, and examine how these areas should be changed from present to an appropriate status in terms of material circulation and ecotones. The corresponding management policy and approach on coastal ocean environment will be proposed mainly based on three model study areas in Japan, including Sanriku Coast, near land and experiencing reconstruction after earthquake; Seto Inland Sea, a 30-year study platform of enclosed marginal sea; and Sea of Japan with high primary production, which isalso called as тАЬminiatureтАЭ ocean of the global ocean environmental change due to its fast independently deep water convection and dramatic water temperature increase. We involved in theme 3 as тАЬDevelopment of methods for ocean management in the Japan Sea, an international enclosed coastal sea that includes continental shelves and islandтАЭ. We will diagnose physical flow field and environmental changesin the future 50-100 years for the Japan Seausing integrated numerical model, and also construct both lower (e.g. seaweed) and higher trophic level (e. g. fish, squid, and crab) ecosystem modelsin the Japan Sea. In addition, large amount of field observation data will help the setup, improvement, validation of the simulation, at the same time, modelwill provide a framework to design and evaluate observation system. This synergy of numerical simulation and observation data will produce visibleoutputs to the citizen and facilitate the establishment of methods on co-operative management of Japan Sea from terrestrial and marine authorities to realize its sustainable development, and eventually achieve the setup of international enclosed coastal seas management based on well-known example of Japan Sea. PS2-13 In field determination of DRP in coastal and open sea Jian Ma ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for living organisms in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. On the other hand, excessive loading of phosphorus can result in eutrophication. Therefore, extensive and continuous monitoring of phosphate in aqueous samples is required in different research areas including oceanography, environmental science, domestic/industrial wastewater treatment. Here we reported several in field methods for the determination of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in coastal and open sea. 1. The current flow based method for the determination of DRP suffers interference from salinity (e.g. index refractive difference) and the incidentally formed bubbles, which can be a problem for optical detection. A simple and robust loop flow analysis (LFA) method for accurate measurement of DRP in different aqueous samples is reported. The chemistry is based on the classic phosphomolybdenum blue (PMB) reaction and the PMB formed in a novel cross-shaped flow cell was detected at 700 nm using a miniature spectrophotometer. The effects of reagents on the kinetic formation of PMB were evaluated. The detection limit was 32 nM and the relative standard deviations for repetitive determinations of 1, 2 and 8 ┬╡M phosphate solutions were 1.8% (n = 113), 1.0% (n = 49) and 0.39% (n = 9), respectively. The analysis time was 4 min sample-1. Using the LFA method, different aqueous samples with a salinity range of 0-34 were analyzed and the results showed excellent agreement with the reference method. Recoveries for spiked samples varied from 95.4-103.7%. The proposed method showed insignificant interference from salinity, silicate and arsenate, higher reproducibility, easier operation and was free of the bubble problem. The LFA based analyzer has been applied for underway analysis of DRP in Jiulong River and Xiamen Harbor. 2. In contrast to the coastal area, open ocean oligotrophic areas are often subject to P limitation due to vertical stratification and drawdown from primary production. Therefore, it is highly desirable to develop sensitive methods to measure the trace DRP (e.g. nanomolar level). Several approaches can be used to lower detection limit: optimization of chemistries; preconcentration of analytes or of analyte derivate products using liquid-liquid extraction or, more recently, solid phase extraction (SPE) techniques; amplification of the detected spectrophotometric signal (i.e. absorbance) by increasing the path-length of the absorption cell; use of a highly sensitive detection technique; modification of the optical system to increase the signal to noise ratio. Here we reported our research works for trace DRP analysis with the techniques of SPE, liquid core waveguide, and flow analysis. The SPE based analyzer has been applied for shipboard analysis in South China Sea. 98 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PS2-16 Long-term changes in nutrient and its structure and its influences on ecological environment in Jiaozhou Bay Zhiliang Shen ([email protected]) Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao ца╣цНо 1962 х╣┤тФА2006 х╣┤ш┐СхНКф╕кф╕Цч║к 116 шИкцмбчЪДш░ГцЯехТМхОЖхП▓ш╡ДцЦЩя╝Мшоишо║ф║ЖшГ╢х╖Юц╣╛шРехЕ╗чЫРхПКхЕ╢ч╗УцЮД чЪДщХ┐цЬЯхПШхМЦхТМхп╣чФЯцАБчОпхвГчЪДх╜▒хУНуАВш┐С 50 х╣┤цЭея╝МшГ╢х╖Юц╣╛шРехЕ╗чЫРхПКхЕ╢цСйх░ФцпФщГ╜хСИчО░цШОцШ╛чЪДхвЮхКаш╢ЛхК┐я╝МчЙ╣ хИлцШпф╗О 1990 х╣┤ф╗гшЗ│ 2000 х╣┤ф╗гуАВф╗О 1960 х╣┤ф╗гшЗ│ 2000 х╣┤ф╗гя╝МDINуАБPO4-P хТМ SiO3-Si я╝Иф╗О 1980 х╣┤ф╗гя╝Й ц╡Ух║жхИЖхИлф╗О 2.2┬▒0.6╬╝mol/LуАБ0.14┬▒0.03╬╝mol/LуАБхТМ 2.4┬▒1.1╬╝mol/L хвЮхКахИ░ 21.1┬▒11.3╬╝mol/LуАБ 0.60┬▒0.33╬╝mol/L хТМ 6.2┬▒4.8╬╝mol/LуАВф╗О 1960 х╣┤ф╗гшЗ│ 1990 х╣┤ф╗гя╝МшГ╢х╖Юц╣╛ц╡╖ц░┤ф╕нчЪД DINуАБPO4-P ц╡Ух║ж хдзщЗПхвЮхКая╝МSiO3-Si ц╡Ух║жф┐ЭцМБхЬиф╕Аф╕кх╛Иф╜ОчЪДц░┤х╣│уАВDIN / PO4-P цпФф╗О 1960 х╣┤ф╗гчЪД 15.9 хвЮхКахИ░ 1980 х╣┤ ф╗гчЪД 26.5я╝М хПИхвЮхКахИ░ 1990 х╣┤ф╗гчЪД 38.6уАВ щлШчЪД DIN/PO4-P цпФхТМх╛Иф╜ОчЪД SiO3-Si /PO4-P цпФхПК SiO3-Si /DIN цпФшбицШО, ф╗О 1960 х╣┤ф╗гшЗ│ 1990 х╣┤ф╗гя╝МшГ╢х╖Юц╣╛ц╡╖ц░┤ф╕нчЪДшРехЕ╗чЫРч╗УцЮДх╖▓ч╗Пф╗ОцпФш╛Гх╣│шббхИ░ф╕Нх╣│шббуАВца╣цНохМЦ хнжшобщЗПшРехЕ╗чЫРщЩРхИ╢чЪДцаЗхЗЖя╝Мц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйчФЯщХ┐чЪДщЩРхИ╢хЫач┤аф╗Оф╕╗шжБцШпц░охТМчг╖ш╜мхПШцИРчбЕуАВхЬи 2000 х╣┤ф╗гя╝МSiO3-Si ц╡Ух║жхвЮхКах┐лф║О DIN хТМ PO4-Pя╝Мхп╝шЗ┤ SiO3-Si /PO4-P цпФхТМ SiO3-Si /DIN ф╕КхНЗя╝МSiO3-Si хп╣ц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйчФЯщХ┐чЪД щЩРхИ╢цЬЙцЙАч╝УхТМуАВшРехЕ╗чЫРхПКхЕ╢ч╗УцЮДчЪДхПШхМЦх╖▓ч╗Пх╝Хш╡╖шГ╢х╖Юц╣╛чФЯцАБчОпхвГчЪДхПШхМЦя╝Мф╗О 1960 х╣┤ф╗гшЗ│ 1990 х╣┤ф╗г шЗ│ 2000 х╣┤ф╗гя╝Мц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйцХ░щЗПхЕИхЗПх░СхРОхЫЮхНЗя╝Мц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйф╝ШхК┐чзНч╗ДцИРхПСчФЯхПШхМЦя╝Мф╗ехПКчбЕшЧ╗ш╡дц╜оцШОцШ╛хвЮ хКачнЙуАВш┐ЩцШпф║║ч▒╗ц┤╗хКих╜▒хУНчЪДчЫ┤цОеч╗УцЮЬуАВ1998 х╣┤ф╗ехЙНя╝МхЬичЫ╕хп╣ч╝║ Si чЪДшГ╢х╖Юц╣╛я╝МSiO3-Si щЩРхИ╢цЬЙхИйф║Оф┐Э цМБшГ╢х╖Юц╣╛чЪДчФЯцАБх╣│шббя╝Мш┐Сх╣┤цЭея╝МчФ▒ф║Оф║║ч▒╗ц┤╗хКичЪДх╜▒хУНя╝Мц╡╖ц░┤ф╕н SiO3-Si ц╡Ух║жцШОцШ╛хвЮхКая╝МхПпшГ╜цШпш┐Сх╣┤цЭе чбЕшЧ╗ш╡дц╜охвЮхКачЪДф╕╗шжБхОЯхЫаф╣Лф╕Ая╝МхЫацндя╝МцКСхИ╢ SiO3-Si чЪДч╗зч╗нхвЮхКацШпхНБхИЖх┐ЕшжБчЪДуАВ PS2-17 An underestimated carbon cycling process in turbid estuarine and coastal waters: Particulate organic matter photodegradation Guisheng Song ([email protected]), Huixiang Xie, David J Kieber College of Marine Science & Engineering, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin Dissolved organic matter (DOM) photodegradation, considered as an important component of the marine carbon cycle, has been extensively studied in the past decades. However, little attention has been paid to particulate organic matter (POM) photochemistry. In this study, the relative contributions of POM to total organic carbon photodegradation were determined in terms of carbon monoxide (CO) photoproduction for the Mackenzie estuary and shelf and the Delaware estuary. Irradiation experiments using cultured Arctic ice algae were conducted to assess the role of POM in CO-based organic matter photodegradation in the bottom ice during the ice algal bloom. Results demonstrate that the contribution of POM ranged from 13% to 55% in the Mackenzie River estuary and shelf and from 14% to 60% in the Delaware estuary with the maxima located within the turbidity maximum zones. Furthermore, the relative contribution of POM in surface water was linearly correlated with the relative abundance of POM, as represented by absorbance. During the ice algal bloom, the contribution of POM was > 85% due to particles being much more photosensitive at long wavelengths and to solar irradiance peaking at around 500 nm in bottom ice. These results suggest that POM photodegradation can be a significant carbon cycling term in turbid estuarine and coastal waters and in particle-laden open-ocean waters (e.g. during phytoplankton blooms). PS2-18 хП░ц╣╛ц╡╖х│бц▓ЙчзпчЙйцнгцЮДчГ╖чГГ C31/C17 хп╣хПдц┤кц░┤цМЗчд║цДПф╣ЙчЪДхИЭцнецОвшои Jianjun Wang ([email protected]) The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen хП░ц╣╛ц╡╖х│бщЧ╜ц▒Яц▓│хПгхЬ░хМ║ф╕АхПкщлШхИЖш╛ичОЗчЪДхП░ц╣╛ц╡╖х│бц▓ЙчзпцЯ▒шо░х╜Хф║ЖхЕмхЕГ 1660 х╣┤шЗ│ф╗Кч║ж 350 х╣┤х╖жхП│ чЪДц▓ЙчзпхОЖхП▓уАВшбих╛БщЩЖц║РчЙйш┤ихТМц╡╖ц║РчЙйш┤иш╛УхЕецпФф╛ЛчЪДчГ╖чГГч╗ДхИЖ C31/C17 хЬи 1877 х╣┤хТМ 1969 х╣┤х╖жхП│чЪД х▒Вф╜НхЗ║чО░ф║Жф╕дф╕кщлШх│░я╝МцМЗчд║щЩЖц║РчЙйш┤ичЪДхдзщЗПш╛УхЕея╝МхОЖхП▓цЦЗчМошо░х╜ХшбицШО 1876 х╣┤хТМ 1968 х╣┤щЧ╜ц▒ЯщБнщБЗф║Ж чЩ╛х╣┤ч╜ХшзБчЪДчЙ╣хдзц┤кц░┤я╝МцШпщАацИР C31/C17 х│░хА╝чЪДф╕╗шжБхОЯхЫауАВхЫацндхЬиц▓│хПгц▓Йчзпф╕н C31/C17 х╛ИхПпшГ╜хТМц┤кц░┤ шо░х╜ХцЬЙф╕АхоЪчЪДхЕ│шБФя╝МхПпх║ФчФиф║ОхОЖхП▓ц░ФхАЩчЪДчаФчй╢уАВхРМцЧ╢ф╕нхЫ╜хНЧцЦ╣хдЪхЬ░хПСчФЯц┤кц░┤я╝Мф╕нхЫ╜хМЧцЦ╣х▒▒ше┐уАБщЩХше┐уАБ ц▓│хМЧчнЙхЗачЬБхПСчФЯщХ┐ш╛╛хЫЫх╣┤чЪДхдзщеешНТя╝Мш┐СхНГф╕Зф║║ф╕зчФЯуАВ1877 х╣┤цШпх╝║ El Nino х╣┤я╝МхнгщгОхЗаф╣Оц╢Ихд▒я╝МхРМцЬЯ 99 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences хдкщШ│ц┤╗хКицЮБф╜Оя╝МхПпшзБ 1876 х╣┤шЗ│ 1878 х╣┤х╖жхП│чЪДц┤кц░┤хТМцЫ┤хдзшМГхЫ┤чЪДц░ФхАЩх╝Вх╕╕я╝Мф╗ехПК El Ninoя╝МхТМхдкщШ│ ц┤╗хКищГ╜чЫ╕хЕ│уАВ PS2-19 Physical-biogeochemical coupling in the frontal zone of the central southern Yellow Sea Qinsheng Wei ([email protected]) The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao Based on the annual-cycle survey data during 2006тАУ2007 in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS), by depicting the chemical hydrology and biological characteristics in the boundary frontal zone during the generation and dissipation processes of the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) and Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC), the coupling of physical conditions and biogeochemical processes was investigated. In spring, the existence of a cold water west of the YSWC is not conducive to the reproduction of phytoplankton, and the front to the east of this cold water also makes the western boundary of phytoplankton bloom region in the central SYS tend to be more obvious in spring, forming a prominent chlorophyll a (Chl-a) front. In the stratified seasons, the upwelling in the frontal zone of the YSCWM is an important dynamic process for the persistent supply of nutrients to the euphotic zone, and during the regression process of the YSCWM in fall, the eastward moving of the front causes an exchange of nutrients between the interior cold water mass and the exterior sea area and thus leads the accumulated nutrients inside of the cold water mass to be released outside of the front, which plays a significant role in maintaining the relatively high level of Chl-a content near the frontal zone. In winter, the front formed at the intersection of the YSWC and coastal cold water is also helpful for the formation of high Chl-a region. The distribution of anchovy biomass is closely related to the seasonal variations in the position of the frontal zone. In winter and spring, the tongue-shaped warm water and front formed by the intrusion of the YSWC into the SYS have a significant impact on anchovy; in the stratified seasons, the front of the YSCWM is an important physical driving mechanism for the dense distribution of anchovy. This work enhances the study of the coupling between the physical, chemical, and biological processes in frontal zone of the central SYS and deepens our understanding about the ecological significance of this front. PS2-21 Isotopic composition of atmospheric nitrate in total suspended particulate to identify sources and chemistry in the oligotrophic South China Sea Hong-Wei Xiao ([email protected]), Ai-Min Long, Hua-Yun Xiao, Cong-Qiang Liu State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou NO3- concentration, nitrogen and oxygen isotopic composition (╬┤15N and ╬┤18O) of NO3- were measured in total suspended particulate (TSP) at Yongxing Island, South China Sea between February 2013 and January 2014, and two cruises in Northern South China Sea to identify NO 3- sources, possible chemical formation processes of NO3-. The ╬┤15N and ╬┤18O of NO3- in TSP at Yongxing Island ranged from -2.5 to +4.9тА░, and +48.1 to +99.0тА░, with annual average of +1.3тА░ and +79.3тА░, respectively. Both ╬┤15N and ╬┤18O showed high in cool seasons and low in warm seasons, indicating that there were different NOx sources and oxidants in warm and cool seasons. In cool seasons, NOx was major from anthropogenic sources, particularly from coal combustion of southern China with high nitrogen deposition and was major oxidized by O3 to NO3-. In warm seasons, the lightning was a significant source of NOx. NO3- in TSP with higher NO3- concentrations, ╬┤15N and lower in ╬┤18O northern South China Sea than Yongxing Island was found during the same period, suggesting that atmospheric chemical processes caused concentrations and ╬┤15N decrease and ╬┤18O increase from coast to remote marine. According to oxygen atoms from O3 during transport in cool seasons, the mean ratio of NO3formed by NOx to total NO3- was calculated to 47.9%. And the mean loss ratio of NOx was 89% while loss ratio of NO3- was 87% from Southern China to Yongxing Island in November, 2013. PS2-23 Multiple microelectrode study of pH, pCO2, and redox chemical species in mangrove sediments Kunming Xu ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science & College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, 100 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Xiamen University, Xiamen Iridium oxide pH microelectrodes were built by oxidizing iridium wires at high temperature; A Severinghaus type pCO2 electrode was assembled by combining the iridium oxide microelectrode with an Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Solid-state HgтАУAu microelectrodes were constructed by depositing mercury onto the gold wires. These three microelectrodes were used to measure pH, pCO2, and redox chemical species (O2, Mn2+, Fe2+and S2-) in mangrove sediments as well as mud flat sediments in Fujian province, China. It was found that mangrove sediments, which contained rich organic matter, had lower pH and higher pCO2 than mud flat sediments. The pH and pCO2 profiles were in mirror images roughly. Oxygen penetration depths into sediments varied from 3.5 to 11mm. In mangrove sediments, Mn2+ profiles overlapped with the oxygen profiles owing to their intense organic matter degradation whereas in the mud flat sediments the oxygen profiles and Mn2+ profiles were separated due to their relatively low organic contents. Fe2+ ions were detected in tens to two hundred micromolar concentrations in all stations except in the mud flat. Sulfide ions were also detected in pH less than neutral in the mangrove sediments. Oxygen consumption rates of 4.6 to 18.7 mmolm-2 day-1 and carbon dioxide release rates of 0.6 to 8.3 mmolm-2 day-1 were calculated from their concentration gradients within the sediments. The three microelectrode measurements mutually agreed that mangrove sediments were undergoing intense organic matter degradation coupling with the biogeochemical cycles of the redox chemical species. PS2-24 Insights into the ocean carbon cycle in Canadian Basin from radiocarbon measurements Li Xu ([email protected]) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA The recent warming in the Arctic is affecting broad systems in this region. Some of the changes may be irreversible on century time scale and may cause rapid changes in the earth system.A good understanding of the carbon cycle is very import to predict the regional even global climate change.Here we present the first set of concurrent, full-depth, dual-isotope (14C and 13C) profiles for dissolvedinorganic carbon (DIC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and suspended particulate organiccarbon (POCsusp) at two sites in the Canada Basin of the Arctic Ocean. One site is seasonally ice-covered (CB-4) and the other is permanently ice-covered (CB-9). Relatively stronger biological pump is indicated as younger DOC at the ice-covered location (CB9). The 14C composition of sinking and suspended particle is unique compare to that at open Atlantic and Pacific sites. Mass balance calculation shows that surface derived organic carbon is a major source ofPOCsusp and OC derived from in situ DIC fixation contributes up to 22% POCsusp.Small vertical POC fluxes in the Canada Basin make it possible to see evidence of DIC fixation even at the bulk isotope level. PS2-25 Abundance and export of particulate black carbon in the northeastern South China Sea Weifeng Yang ([email protected]), Ziming Fang, Min Chen, Lihao Zhang, Yusheng Qiu, Minfang Zheng State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science & College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen The abundance and export of particulate black carbon (PBC) were preliminarily examined in the northeastern South China Sea (SCS). PBC concentrations ranged from 0.001 ╬╝mol/L to 0.363 ╬╝mol/L, accounting for 0.1-4.0% of the total particulate organic carbon (tPOC). Spatially, PBC showed a decreasing pattern offshore with an attenuation constant of 0.022┬▒0.003 km-1, indicating its main fluvial input in the coastal region. Correlation analyses also supported the different PBC origin with PBC-excluded POC which is predominantly from plankton. Based on an advection-included 234Th/238U disequilibrium model, the export fluxes of PBC out of the upper 20 m varied from 0.009 mmol/m 2/d to 1.532 mmol/m2/d. In general, the PBC export decreased from shore to slope with the average eliminate rate constant of 0.028┬▒0.005 km-1, revealing that the shelf is an important sink of PBC in the northeastern SCS. These results highlight the important role of coastal regions in the budget of black carbon in marine environments. PS2-26 Stable isotopes provide insight into the sources and fate of nitrate in the Pearl River 101 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Estuary, south China Feng Ye ([email protected]) Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou In this study, nitrate (NO3тИТ) concentrations and ╬┤15N and ╬┤18O of NO3тИТalong the salinity gradient in four seasons of 2013/2014 were measured to elucidate N sources and processing in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE), south China. The nitrate concentrations in the PRE were between 2.3 ╬╝mol L-1 and 251.8 ╬╝mol L-1, with ╬┤15N between тИТ6.1тА░ and +6.5тА░ and ╬┤18O between тИТ2.6тА░ and +15.6тА░. Both nitrate concentrations and isotopic composition showed seasonal variations, with lower NO 3тИТ concentrations and more enriched isotopic values in spring and summer as compared to winter months. ╬┤15N and ╬┤18O of NO3тИТ did not follow the expected mixing line between freshwater and seawater end-members exactly, provided strong evidence for the occasional nitrate sources and biological processes within the estuary, particularly at the bay entrance of the estuary and high-salinity waters. We found a significant increase of NO3тИТ concentration and ╬┤15N in the freshwater end-member during all surveys, and we attributed this to domestic sewage-derived NO3тИТ and/or enhanced phytoplankton assimilation in the wet periods. Nitrification of elevated NH4+ may largely account for the depleted 15N values of NO3тИТ in winter. During dry periods when river flow from the Pearl River is low, atmospheric deposition contributed 3.5% to 23.9% of nitrate to the high-salinity waters (calculated from ╬┤15N and ╬┤18O). During wet periods, mixing processes dominated the N processes in the estuary, and nitrate assimilation was also evidenced by a parallel enrichment of ╬┤ 15N and ╬┤18O. Our data, therefore, indicate that dual nitrate isotopic signatures are valuable to constrain the estuarine behavior of nitrate in the river-dominated estuaries. PS2-27 Overview of the current research on determination of trace metals and nutrients in seawater Dongxing Yuan ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Based on the previous study, recent research work has been focused on the development of analytical instruments with some new methods. Dual-loop flow-sequential injection, valve-free and anti-air bubble flow manifold have been applied for the determination of trace metals and nutrients in seawater samples. A novel dual loop flow-sequential injection analyzer has been developed with a hyphenation of loop flow analysis and sequential injection technique. The fully automated analyzer can eliminate the interference of air bubbles on the spectrophotometric detection, and can be operated in many modes for measuring various analytes with the reagent consumption of only 53 ┬╡L for each load. The applications included the determination of nanomolar nitrite, micromolar level silicate, and simultaneous determination of nanomolar Fe(II)/Fe(II+III) in seawater. A novel nutrient analysis system has been developed especially for the on-field application in coastal area, which is very simple, convenient and low cost. The manifold consists only one peristaltic pump, and without selective valve and injection valve. The carrier solution is preheated to enhance the reaction speed, and the air bubbles generated from the sample introduction and heated reaction coil can directly go through the flow cell without interfering the spectrophometric detection. A method for the determination of trace dissolved manganese in seawater samples was developed, which adopted a 1-m liquid waveguide capillary cell and iminodiacetate (IDA) chelating resin for catalytic spectrophotometric detection with leucomalachite green (LMG). The design of dual-sample-carrier speeded up the sample throughput and to a large extent eliminated the Schlieren effect. The detection limit was 0.2 nmol/L and a linear range was 0.5-10 nmol/L for dissolved manganese in seawater. A flow injection analysis method with complex formation of aluminum with Chrome Azurol S (CAS) in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, for on-line determination of trace aluminum in natural water was established. The detection limit was 20 nmol/L. The method can be applied to direct detection of trace amounts of aluminum in rainwater, river water, recycled water, mineral water and tap water. The application in seawater is under study.For more details about above, please see the relative posters (abstracts) or contact Prof. PS2-28 Occurrence of aragonite corrosive water in North Yellow Sea, near the Yalu River estuary, in a flooding summer Weidong Zhai ([email protected]) 102 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian To understand seawater CaCO3 saturation state (W) dynamics near the Yalu River estuary, we investigated carbonate system and ancillary parameters in the northern North Yellow Sea (NYS) in a flooding August (in 2013) and in the sequent (relatively dry) September. Along the north coast of the NYS, pHT in situ ranged from 7.59 to 7.93, while Warag ranged from 0.76 to 1.61, and Wcal ranged from 1.22 to 2.53 in August. These values were associated with quite low salinity from 14.58 to 26.98 and a broad dissolved oxygen saturation range from 58% to 102%. The very low salinity of < 24 and extremely low Warag of < 1.0 disappeared in September. The unusual aragonite undersaturation may result from combined effects of respiration/remineralisation and the dilution of riverine water discharge. This study suggested again that the NYS represented one of the systems in the China seas most vulnerable to the potentially negative effects of ocean acidification. More efforts are needed to investigate how marine organisms and ecosystems are affected by the unusual aragonite corrosive waters. PS2-29 Variability of phytoplankton blooms in coastal river plumes of western Taiwan Strait triggered by tropical storms Caiyun Zhang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen We chose tropical storm Bilis in 2006 and Lianfa in 2009, to compare and investigate the variability of phytoplankton blooms in the coastal waters of western Taiwan Strait (TWS) triggered by the typhoon-induced precipitation of various intensities. The results indicated that after the storm events caused by the typhoon, the warm, fresh and nutrient-rich water of the Jiulong River flowed into the Taiwan Strait, its warm plume with low salinity extended toward the offshore and the northeast, and lead to the phytoplankton bloom. The intensity and the impact area of phytoplankton bloom are higher caused by the typhoon with more rainfall. Compared to the effect of the low runoff volume associated with Tropical Storm Lianfa, the high-chlorophyll (> 3 mg/m3) impact area and the average Chl concentration induced by the high runoff due to Tropical Storm Bilis were 5.48 and 3.16 times higher, respectively. The field observations indicated that the bloom occurred near the estuary plume was primarily related to the nutrients that were discharged by the river; the bloom in the offshore plume area was stimulated by the entrainment of nutrient-rich upwelled water into the plume. PS2-30 DOC and thorium adsorption onto membrane filters: implications for C/Th ratios? Kuanbo Zhou ([email protected]) Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Singapore POC/234Th ratio is critically important to constrain the 234Th-derived downward particulate organic carbon (POC) flux. Significant discrepancy frequently observed between bottle and pump sampling were hypothesized to be attributable to the adsorption from the dissolved phase during bottle filtration. In this study, the adsorption effect from both DOC and dissolved 234Th were investigated using a тАЬtwo filters in-lineтАЭ technique. We observed adsorption effect was dominated for bottle filtration, while particle break-down might be important for large volume pump filtration. DOC and dissolved 234Th adsorption in our case could attribute to 22┬▒7% of POC and 25┬▒17% of particulate 234Th, respectively, which is important for their determination. However, their influence on POC/234Th was quite limitted, the adsorption-corrected POC/234Th was equal to or even higher than uncorrected one. In addition, the particle break-down did not seem to influence the POC/234Th ratios. We therefore proposed that other factors like zooplankton invasion and/or artificial particle formation might play a role on the POC/234Th difference between bottle and pump. PS2-31 2H/1H differences among lipids synthesised via the ACT (acetogenic), MVA (mevalonic) and DXP (1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate) pathways in higher plant leaves: evidence for intracellular water (H+) isotopic heterogeneity Youping Zhou ([email protected]) Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Germany Carbon-bound hydrogens (C-Hs) in higher plant lipids have three immediate sources: 1) inherited 103 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences from biosynthetic precursors, 2) cellular water (H+) in which biosynthesis occurs and 3) bio-reductant NAD(P)H. Lipid 2H/1H ratios are determined by the 2H/1H ratios of the sources and the isotopic fractionations during biosynthesis. Lipids synthesised via the ACT pathway (e.g. n-alkanes), the MVA pathway (e.g. sterols) and the DXP pathway (e.g. phytol) were isolated from leaves of C3 and C4 land plants grown under controlled and field conditions. Compound-specific isotopic analysis (CSIA) by GC/pyrolysis/IRMS and position-specific isotopic analysis (PSIA) by SNIF-NMR of these lipid revealed that an inter-pathway enrichment order: e2HACT > e2HMVA > e2HDXP and an inter-photosynthetic-mode order: e2HC4 < e2HC3 (for ACT), e2HC4 > e2HC3 (for MVA and DXP) across all species examined. An investigation of the histories of the individual Hs in these lipids, based on available knowledge of their biosynthetic chemistry, indicated that the observed inter-pathway order is a result of intracellular NADPH 2H/1H variation and intracellular water isotopic heterogeneity. NADPH and water (H+) in the chloroplast are isotopically more depleted in 2H than their respective cytosolic counterparts. These inter-compartmental isotopic differences are passed onto lipids synthesised in each cellular compartment via enzyme-catalysed hydration or NAD(P)H reduction of metabolic intermediates. Compartmentation of photosynthetic CO2 fixation into mesophyll (M) cell and bundle sheath (BS) cells results in more 2H-depleted pyruvate (in comparison to C3), the precursor for lipids synthesised via the ACT pathway in the chloroplast, due to the exchange of C-Hs in pyruvate with the less enriched cellular water in the BS cell (relative to M cellular water) during the malate-pyruvate shuttle. Compartmentation in C4 plants also results in less depleted NADPH in the M chloroplast (in comparison to C3) for lipid synthesis via DXP pathway due to the selective export of 2H-depleted NADPH from the M cell to the BS cell and a less depleted pyruvate in the BS cytosol for lipid synthesis via MVA pathway due to the suppression of photorespiration. 104 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Poster of Session 3/ ф╕УщвШ 3 х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ PS3-01 Benthic and epiphytic toxic algae (BETA): An emerging threat to coral ecosystems in south China Leo Lai Chan ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, and Prorocentrum are three genera of benthic and epiphytic toxic algae (BETA) which are of increasing interest as most of them are potent toxin producers [ciguatoxins (CTXs), palytoxin (PlTx), okadaic acid (OA) and dinophysistoxins (DTXs)]. They are either confirmed (Gambierdiscus) or suspected (Ostreopsis and Prorocentrum) to play a role in ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) in humans, which is one of the most common forms of phycotoxin-borne seafood illness across the globe, affecting 50,000 тАУ 500,000 people annually. Recent studies indicated the presence of Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis, and Prorocentrum in Thailand, Malaysia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and Hainan and Hong Kong in China. A new Gambierdiscus species named G. scabrosus was described from Japan. One group of phytotoxins, CTXs, has also been detected in coral reef fishes collected along the coast of south China and Taiwan. These snapshot studies indicate that BETA exist in the South China Sea, and some of them could well be new and toxic species. Attention has been recently paid to the ecological impacts of BETA. A number of laboratory and field studies have proven that CTXs, PlTX, OA and their derivatives may not only lead to human health problems, but also induce mortalities of crustaceans, sea urchins, fishes and marine mammals. Predators of high trophic levels may generally be exposed to greater levels of phycotoxins via their diets and therefore are at higher risk associated with BETA. It is conceivable that predators in a BETA-affected coral ecosystem could be eliminated by phycotoxins, causing an elevated abundance of CTX-resistant grazers. The excessive grazing pressure could result in a top-down effect on primary production via over-grazing and cause a reduction in coral recruitment and larval growth rate, and even induce external bioerosion of corals. Hence, BETA may not only lead to impacts at an individual or population level, but affect the coral ecosystem as a whole. The dislodgement and fragmentation of coral networks could also promote BETA proliferation, intensifying their adverse impacts on coral ecosystems. Over time, there could be a cascade effect on structures, functions and food web dynamics of coral ecosystems. Coral ecosystems are known for their high ecological and conservation values. They are important habitats for many endangered species, and provide not only food and shelter for marine organisms, but also services to tourism, fisheries and coastline protection. For the coral ecosystems to continue to provide their services/benefits, the implementation of routine monitoring and improvement on the understanding of physiology, ecology and toxicology of BETA become essential in order to mitigate the threat of phycotoxins on marine life and humans. Systematic and up-to-date data on the distribution of BETA in coral ecosystems in south China can also provide essential information and guidance for marine ecologists, coral and fish conservationists, dinoflagellate taxonomists, and government authorities to (1) evaluate the human and ecological health risks that BETA pose to coral ecosystems in south China and worldwide, and (2) aid the development of field-based strategies to manage fishery resources, providing effective alternatives for the elimination/minimization of CFP incidences. PS3-02 Assessing the difference of temperature dependence between autotrophic and heterotrophic fluxes of plankton in coastal seas Bingzhang Chen ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen We investigated the responses of phytoplankton growth and photosynthesis rates and microzooplankton grazing and community respiration rates to short-term temperature modulations throughout a seasonal cycle at a subtropical coastal site. By further assembling a dataset consisted of dilution experiments conducted throughout seasonal cycles at thirty-two coastal sites around the world, we also investigated the temperature sensitivity of phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing rates across both seasonal and latitudinal gradients. The temperature 105 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences coefficients (i.e. activation energy) were not significantly different between autotrophic and heterotrophic activities at both short-term and seasonal timescales (~0.65 eV), which confronts us with challenging the well-accepted statement that photosynthesis rates should increase slower with temperature than respiration or grazing rates. Based on both physiological and statistical grounds, we argue that it is possible that the inherent activation energies of phytoplankton photosynthesis and growth rates are not lower than 0.65 eV, but other confounding factors such as variations of growth rate normalizations may bias estimating activation energies. Our analysis suggests that even some simple tasks such as estimating the temperature coefficients are more complicated than previously expected and should be carefully validated. PS3-03 Mesozooplankton clearance rate on phytoplankton is reduced by increasing carnivory degree of omnivorous assemblage at coastal and estuarine water Mianrun Chen ([email protected]) South China Sea Marine Engineering and Environment Institute, State Oceanic Administration, Guangzhou In order to understand the relationship between the omnivory of zooplankton assemblages and the efficiency they act as primary consumers, we carried out a monthly investigation on mesozooplankton composition at two contrasting stations of Hong Kong coastal and estuarine waters and simultaneously conducted bottle incubation feeding experiments. Our result showed that the assemblage of mesozooplankton were overall omnivorous at both stations with varying carnivory degree (the degree of feeding preference of protozoa and animal food to phytoplankton) and the variations of carnivory degree were significantly associated with microzooplankton biomass (ciliates for the coastal station, both ciliates and dinoflagellates for the estuarine stations) and physical environmental parameters (primarily salinity). High carnivory was primarily due to high composition of noctilucales, Corycaeus spp., Oithona spp. and Acartia spp. Overall, our result showed that mesozooplankton clearance rate on phytoplankton, calculated from the log response of chlorophyll a concentrations by the introduction of bulk grazers after one-day incubation, was significantly reduced by increasing carnivory degree of the mesozooplankton assemblage. Low temperature contributed to lower the clearance rate, but the effect of temperature was much smaller than that of carnivory degree. The mechanism for the reduction of mesozooplankton clearance rate with increasing carnivory degree was primarily due to less efficient of filtering feeding and stronger trophic cascades due to suppression of microzooplankton. As mesozooplankton assemblage also selectively fed on phytoplankton based on sizes, large-sized phytoplankton were often cleared with high rates, while small-sized phytoplankton were often cleared with low rates, with the trophic cascade effect acting in the opposite direction. The feeding rates of mesozooplankton on microzooplankton were not obtained in this study, but the trophic cascades indirectly induced by mesozooplankton carnivorous feeding can be observed by the negative clearance rate on small-sized phytoplankton. PS3-04 Viral attack exacerbates the susceptibility of a bloom-forming alga to ocean acidification Shanwen Chen ([email protected]), Kunshan Gao, John Beardall Shantou University, Shantou Both ocean acidification and viral infection bring about changes in marine phytoplankton physiological activities and community composition. However, little information is available on how the relationship between phytoplankton and viruses may be affected by ocean acidification and what impacts this might have on photosynthesis-driven marine biological CO2 pump. Here we show that when the harmful bloom alga Phaeocystis globosa is infected with viruses under future ocean conditions, its photosynthetic performance further decreased and cells became more susceptible to stressful light levels, showing enhanced photoinhibition and reduced carbon fixation, up-regulation of mitochondrial respiration and decreased virus burst size. Our results indicate that ocean acidification exacerbates the impacts of viral attack on P. globosa, which implies that, while ocean acidification directly influences marine primary producers, it may also affect them indirectly by altering their relationship with viruses. Therefore, viruses as a biotic stressor need to be invoked when considering the overall impacts of climate change on marine productivity and carbon 106 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences sequestration. PS3-05 Nutrient balance in South China Sea Yuan Dong ([email protected]) South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou We examined the nutrient flux and microzooplankton grazing induced nutrient uptake in the northern South China Sea in May 2014. The study area is of complex hydrographic characteristics and influenced by both Pear River input and coastal upwelling. The cross shelf gradients in sea surface temperature (23.60-28.70тДГ) , salinity (32.80-34.52) and Chlorophyll a (0.04-0.40 ┬╡g/m3) were in good agreement with the satellite SST image during the study period, upwellings were observed in coastal area.The distributions of nitrate, phosphate and silicate were determined and their concentrations in upwelling area were significant higher than those of non-upwelling region. We used a simple model to estimate the nutrient flux in the water column, found that there was almost a balance between bio-utilize and vertical transported nutrients. Furthermore, two dilution experiments were conducted to investigate the phytoplankton growth rates and microzooplankton grazing rates, which we found that the upwelling could promote phytoplankton grazing but had little effect on microzooplankton grazing. A shorter responding time after nutrients enrichment at Station A (24h) than Station B (48h) may reflect a much oligotrophic status in the northern South China Sea. Our results indicate that upwelling is a critical factor to assess the biogeochemical transport of these nutrients in the South China Sea. PS3-06 Effect of atmospheric input on marine microbial food web Cui Guo ([email protected]) Division of Life Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Due to intensifying human activities in recent decades, atmospheric deposition is now recognized as an important source of bioavailable nutrients to the ocean, altering the patterns of the marine biogeochemistry. This study focuses on exploring the effect of atmospheric input on dynamics of marine microbial food web, using techniques on community, individual and molecular levels, by conducting experiments in two different ecosystems exposed to high atmospheric input: the South China Sea affected by the East Asian aerosol, and the Mediterranean Sea affected by the Sahara mineral dust and European aerosol. In the South China Sea, for the first time, the comprehensive response of phytoplankton and bacterial community composition as well as the trophic interactions between prey and predators to the East Asian aerosol input was evaluated. High levels of aerosol loading relieved phytoplankton nutrient limitation, increased phytoplankton biomass, enhanced their physiological conditions, and shifted phytoplankton assemblages from being dominated by picoplankton to microphytoplanton, especially diatoms. However, the accumulation of phytoplankton biomass was not apparent under low levels of aerosol loading, and the abundance of autotrophic cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria even decreased after aerosol addition, due to enhanced grazing activities. By direct measuring the phytoplankton growth rate and microzooplankton grazing rate using dilution technique, significant enhancement in both rates were obtained after aerosol addition, with different degree of the impact on each size fraction, however. Larger increase in growth rate was obtained for micro-phytoplankton, while pico- and nano-sized cells suffered larger increase of grazing pressure in aerosol amended waters, consequently inducing a phytoplankton community structure shift in response to atmospheric aerosol input. Clear shifts in the phylogenetic composition of the bacterial assemblage were also observed, although bacterial abundance was little changed. This result was possibly due to a combination of bottom up (aerosol nutrient input and phytoplankton community structure change) and top-down (enhanced mortality loss and selective feeding of bacterivorous protists) effects of the aerosol input. Our results suggest that East Asian aerosol plays a very important role in regulating microbial food web dynamics and thus the carbon cycle in the South China Sea, and highlight the importance of considering the role of protist grazing when evaluating the effect of atmospheric deposition on marine planktonic ecosystems under the scenarios of increasing human activity, atmospheric input and natural perturbations. Succession in active bacterial composition was also observed in the ultra-oligotrophic eastern Mediterranean Sea after addition of Sahara dust and mixed European aerosol during a mesocosm experiment that mimic 107 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences the realistic dust deposition process. The rapid change in bacterial assemblage change corresponded with an increase in bacterial production and the high nucleic acid (HNA) bacteria to total bacteria abundance ratio, indicating the strong link between bacterial community composition and carbon cycling in the oligotrophic oceanic ecosystems. PS3-07 Mechanistic effects of elevated CO2 on the calcification of coccolithophores Peng Jin ([email protected]), Jiancheng Ding, Tao Xing,Kunshan Gao State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen & College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai About a quarter of the anthropogenic CO2 released to the atmosphere dissolves into the surface ocean, leading to an increasing of partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), and lowering the pH. This ocean acidification has been shown to have tremendous impacts on marine organisms. Of particular interest is the effect of ocean acidification on coccolithophores, which is a key group of oceanic CaCO 3 and primary producers and thus plays prominent role in the biogeochemical carbon cycle. Ocean acidification often decreases calcification of coccolithophores, thus an decreased rain ratio (the ratio of CaCO3 to particulate organic carbon), though different trends were also reported in different species or strains. It was assumed that the decreased calcification rate was partially due to the increased energy cost of calcification in ocean acidification with increased CO2 conditions, due to the additional energy cost to achieving a CO32- accumulation in the coccolith-forming vesicle, and passive H+ efflux. So we hypothesized that under energy limited relative low light conditions, increased energy cost of calcification in coccolithophores should be further decreased in increased CO 2 levels, however, when the energy availability increase under relative high light conditions, increasing light will counteract the increased energy cost of calcification in increased CO2 levels, thus increase the rain ratio. We tested this hypothesis by investigating growth rates, photosynthesis and calcification of two coccolithophores (Emiliania huxleyi PMLB 92/11 calcifying strain, Emiliania huxleyi CCMP 2090, non-calcifying strain) over a range of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) at both ambient and increased CO2 concentration as projected for the end of this century. PS3-08 Microphytobenthos diversity and production in Korean tidal flats Bong-Oh Kwon ([email protected]) School of Earth and Environmental Sciences & Research Institute of Oceanography, Seoul National University, Korea A historical review on the studies of microphytobenthos (MPBs) on Korean tidal flats has been made. The internationally recognized topics related to the tidal flat MPBs were shown to be assemblages, dynamics, primary production, and food web etc. Accordingly the chronology of the MPBs studies in Korea was presented in the given topics, evaluating pros and cons of individual scientific efforts and data. In particular the summary of the several representative works (e.g., highly cited papers) corresponding to each topic of interests was provided. The worldwide studies of tidal flat MPBs during and after the last century generally reflected the target balanced and logical development of varying subjects. While over half a century of scientific gab between Korea and European countries were evidenced both in number and quality of publications, a rapid scientific advancement in Korea during the recent 10 years is also noted. Scientific interest in the floral assemblages of MPBs was found to be steady in Korea with documentation of >400 diatom species from the Korean tidal flats. Recent progress in diatoms taxonomy is also noteworthy with description of ca. 10 diatom species news to science supporting the biodiversity of the Korean tidal flats. In addition the selected data from the previous and current MPBs works encompassing above 4 topics were reanalyzed as part of the present review, and our key ecological findings have been highlighted. Finally future research direction was discussed and suggested through comparisons between worldwide versus Korean studies in diverse perspectives e.g., logic, methodology, and also scientific recognition. In conclusion, the future MPBs studies in Korea would support high biodiversity and unique biogeography of MPBS in Asian tidal flats, yet certain limitations in scientific recognition and/or methodological weakness are to be overcome. PS3-09 Gibberellin A3 induced the phytohormone variation and the related physiological response of marine algae Ulva prolifera 108 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Wei Hu, Yahe Li ([email protected]), Xue Sun, Lin Zhang, Weijun Duan, Nianjun Xu Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology of Zhejiang Province, Ningbo University, Ningbo The objective of this study was to identify the physiological effects of exogenous gibberellin A3 (GA3) on a green tide algae Ulva prolifera by investing the endogenous phytohormone content, chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, protein and carbohydrate content and antioxidant capacity. The phytohormones were determinated by HPLC-QqQ-MS after ultrasonically extracted with methanol-water-formic acid. The chlorophyll a fluorescence parameter, including the maximal quantum yield (Fv/Fm) and relative PSII electron transport rate (rETR), were measured using Water-PAM. The content of soluble carbohydrate was determined using Anthrone sulfuric acid colorimetry and the in vitro antioxidant activities were measured using DPPH (1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazinyl radical) method. Additionally, both superoxide dismutase (SOD) test kit (A001) and plant peroxidase (POD) assay kit (A084) were used to determine the activity of SOD and POD. Compared to the control group, the maximum increase of phytohormone contents was observed on the first day after treatment with exogenous GA3, with 2.0 fold for indole acetic acid (IAA) (1.0 mg L-1), 17.0 fold for GA3 (1.0 mg L-1), 4.0 fold for trans zeatin (tZ) (0.2 mg L-1), 5.0 fold for trans zeatin riboside (tZR) (0.2 mg L-1), 7.0 fold for isopentenyl adenine (iP) (0.1 mg L-1), 74.0 fold for isopentenyl adenosine (iPA) (0.2 mg L-1), 3.0 fold for jasmonic acid (JA) (1.0 mg L-1), respectively. But with the elapse of the culture time, the contents of phytohormone decreased, especially for the IAA, tZ, tZR, iP and iPA, with the values tending to zero. With the increase of exogenous GA3 concentration, the values of Fv/Fm and rETR increased first, then decreased, with the highest values occurred under the middle concentration of GA3 treatments. Similar tendency was observed for the contents of the soluble protein, SOD and POD activities, while the carbohydrates showed the highest contents under the high concentration (1.0 mg L-1) of GA3 treatment. These findings might be very useful for large-scale farming of U. prolifera. PS3-10 Cellular mechanism associated with oxidative stress and programed cell death in the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana response to nitrogen limitation Jun-Rong Liang ([email protected]), Qun Lin, Chunshan Luo, Chan-Ping Chen, Ya-Hui Gao School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen & Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Coastal and Wetland Ecosystems, Xiamen University, Xiamen Diatoms are a highly diverse and abundant group of phytoplankton in the aquatic environment and contribute to nearly 25% of the global primary production yearly. Among marine phytoplankton, they are considered one of the best competitors for high levels nitrogen in upwelling-induced, periodically nutrient-rich region. The investigation of their distinct strategies and cellular responses to nitrogen stress would provide us useful insights into their outstanding recovery capability from rapid fluctuated nitrogen availability and a deeper understanding of their competition strategy and evolutionary success of diatoms. In the study, the cellular mechanism associated with ROS production and cell fate decision response to short-term nitrogen limitation in the centric marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana was revealed based on whole-cell iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis. The results showed that the damages in the photosynthetic electron transport chain and the blocks of the respiratory chain in complex I and complex IV resulted in the overwhelming ROS accumulation. Program cell death (PCD) was then induced by excess accumulation of ROS under the mediation of a series of proteins involved in the delicate balance between pro-survival and pro-PCD factors in some cells. Meanwhile, multiple cellular processes associated nitrogen and carbon metabolisms were also found to rearrange to ensure a rapid regulation of cellular balance. Our findings reveal the molecular mechanisms used by diatoms to meet the rapid and intense nutrient fluctuation and keep their high biomass turnover ratio under the complex marine environment. PS3-11 Evolution of atypical alkaline phosphatase (PhoAaty) in marine phytoplankton: insights from the highly divergent gene sequences and the dynamic evolution in dinoflagellates Xin Lin ([email protected]), Chentao Guo, Lu Wang, Xinguo Shi, Senjie Lin State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Alkaline phosphatase is a key enzyme that enables marine phytoplankton to scavenge phosphorus 109 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences (P)-nutrient from dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) when inorganic phosphate is scanty in the ocean. Yet how the gene encoding this enzyme has evolved in phytoplankton, particularly one of the ecologically most important group dinoflagellates, is poorly understood. We sequenced full-length AP gene and corresponding complementary DNA (cDNA) from 15 strains (10 species), representing 4 families of the core dinoflagellate lineage, Gymnodiniaceae, Prorocentraceae, Symbiodiniaceae and Gonyaulaceae. Sequence comparison showed that these dinoflagellate APs likely belong to atypical type AP (PhoAaty), which shared conserved motifs with marine bacteria, cyanobacteria, diatom, green algae, haptophyta and stramenopiles. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that PhoAaty probably originated from an ancesteral gene in bacteria and has undergone divergent evolution in marine phytoplankton to facilitate adaptive strategies in acquiring P-nutrient from DOP. Our results showed that Dino-AP might incorporate Ca as cofactor as implied by the conserved motif structure. PS3-12 Characterization of the Phaeodactylum tricornutumepigenome Xin Lin ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen The whole genome sequence of three diatom species reveals a wealth of information on their genes and how their genome is structured. However, the plasticity of diatoms and the adaptation to different environments implicate not only DNA sequences based regulation but also more reversible and flexible epigenetic changes. Therefore, the study of diatom epigenome can significantly enhance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying diatom adaptation to environmental changes and their ecological success. DNA methylation and histone modification are the two main components of epigentic code. We use P. tricornutum which has more molecular resource and tools as the model species for diatom epigenetic studies. Our results show that : (1) In general, P. tricornutum has low DNA methylation. (2) For the three histone modification marks, H3K4me2 is mainly associated with genes while both marks H3K9me2 and H3K27me3 target mainly transposable elements (TEs). This is different from A. thaliana and D. melanogaster. In these two model species, H3K27me3 is mainly associated with repressed genes in Euchromatin regions. PS3-13 Effects of CO2-driven seawater acidification on the Artemia sinica: proteomics and fatty acids analysis during different developmental stages Chaoqun Zheng, Haipeng Liu ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science & College of Ocean & Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen The effects of the decline in ocean pH, termed as ocean acidification (OA) due to elevated carbon dioxide, on calcifying organisms such as marine crustacean are unclear yet. To understand the effect of lower pH levels on the physiological responses of a marine crustacean brine shrimp, Artemiasinica, the animals were raised for two weeks at different pH levels ranging from 8.2 to 7.6 followed by proteomics and fatty acids determination. The results showed that glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenaseя╝Мmyosin light chain, SUMO-1-like protein, ferritin, uridylate kinase, translation elongation factor eEF-1 beta chain, Na/K ATPase, ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase core protein were involved in the processes of metabolism and physiology against acidified seawater stress; vitellogenin-superoxide dismutase fusion protein, peroxiredoxin, thioredoxin peroxidase, translationally controlled tumor protein, histone H3, putative prophenoloxidase, 70 kDa heat shock protein participated in the processes of cell cycle and detoxify; small heat shock/alpha-crystallin protein precursor, peroxiredoxin, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, ribosomal protein S7, 70 kDa heat shock protein, 14-3-3 zeta participated in the processes of apoptosis; chaperonin-containing TCP1 subunit 2, partial, myosin light chain, tropomyosin, zinc metalloproteinase, tubulin alpha chain participated in the processes of musculation and cytoskeleton. Some proteins involved in the regulation of immunity, detoxic processes, cell pair and metabolism processes were also affected by the acidified seawater. Meanwhile, fatty acid compositions analysis by GC-MS technique revealed that C16: 0, C16: 1, C18: 0, C18: 1, C18: 1, C18: 2, C18: 3 and C22: 6 were highly content in A. sinica. The tested pH levels also exhibited different impacts on the various fatty acids. Therefore, we speculated that the fatty acids were sensitive to the acidic seawater stress, however, the specific mechanism needs further investigation. These findings together support the 110 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences idea that acidification does have an effect on the proteomics and fatty acids compositions of the brine shrimp. PS3-14 Planktonic community structure during a harmful bloom of Phaeocystis globosa in a subtropical bay, with special reference to the ciliates assemblages Huaxue Liu ([email protected]) South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Guangzhou Phaeocystis globosa can form nearly monospecific dense blooms in global marine waters, which impact the local aquaculture and fishing industries substantially and are recognized worldwide as a harmful alga. The planktonic community structure was analyzed during outbreak of a harmful P. globosa bloom in a subtropical bay, the Maowei Sea, South China Sea. The phytoplankton assemblage was numerically dominated by colonial P. globosa and contributing nearly 90 % tothe total abundance.Totally 66 mesozooplankton (>169 ┬╡m) and 19 ciliates species were recorded. The dominant species for mesozooplankton were Copepoda larvae, Bestiola sinicus,B. amoyensis, Macrura larvae and Acartia spinicauda, respectively. The ciliate assemblages were numerically dominated by Codonella rapa, Strombidium globosaneum and Mesodinium rubrum. During the bloom, no significant correlation between P. globosa and ciliate assemblage was detected, but P. globosa was negatively related to the total biomass of mesozooplankton and abundance of B. sinicus(p<0.05),suggesting that P. globosa was uncoupled from the grazing by both ciliates and mesozooplankton when appearing as colonies form. It seemed to be negatively affected by the nutrient phosphate significantly (p<0.05). On the other hand, both positive and negative effects among the dominant groups of mesozooplankton and ciliates were observed (p<0.05) which possibly indicated that the predation of mesozooplankton upon ciliates might be strengthened during the Phaeocystis bloom and the complex effect also varied from species to species. PS3-15 Quasi-climatological description of seasonal variations on phytoplankton community structure in the East China Sea Xin Liu ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen With the effects of climate change and human activities, the role and consequences of phytoplankton in the biosphere have caused public concern. Although it has been sustained efforts to refine their potential changes in response to global change, the final outcome has remained an elusive Holy Grail. To resolve it, climatological knowledge and long-term variations on community structure are considered to be very precious. In this study, a large number of field samples and long-term satellite data were applied to obtain the quasi-climatological distribution patterns of phytoplankton community structure in the East China Sea. Their spatiotemporal variations were resolved associated with the environmental factors, highlighting differences in the responses to environmental factors which might be the implications of future trends. The results showed that Asian Monsoon driving the distribution patterns of nutrient, light and temperature is crucial to explaining phytoplankton dynamics in seasonal scale. Diatom is generally the dominated group, while dinoflagellates, cryptophytes, chrysophytes, cyanobacteria, and prochlorophytes can be considered as important groups in different spatio-temporal scales. In addition, high chlorophyll a concentrations were observed during spring and summer in the continental shelf. We suggest it is higher in spring than that in summer generally, and the contributions of dinoflagellates to the total chlorophyll a biomass seemed greater than those of diatoms during spring in the coastal area. Abundant Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus were observed in waters when temperature higher than 20 тДГ. The highest concentration of Synechococcus was found in the estuary during summer, while Prochlorococcus were absent in the plume zones. Synthesis. The entire continental shelf is a highly dynamic region because of the seasonal fluctuations of several different water masses and thus different seasonal patterns on phytoplankton biomass and community structure are shown. Based on the responses of temperature and nutrient on biomass of diatom and dinoflagellates, dinoflagellates bloom in spring might be more serious and early. Results of Generalized Additive Models indicate physical parameters (temperature and salinity) and chemical 111 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences parameters (nutrients) are relatively more critical to Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus, respectively. These differences might be very important to predict their future trends. PS3-16 Phosphorus strategy of Prorocentrum donghaienase and its role in the bloom formation Linjian Ou ([email protected]) Research Center of Harmful Algae and Marine Biology, Jinan University, Guangzhou шЗк 2000 х╣┤ ф╗е цЭе я╝М цпП х╣┤ чЪД цШе хнг хЬи ф╕Ь ц╡╖ щХ┐ ц▒Я хПг ш┐С х▓╕ ц╡╖ хЯЯ я╝М щГ╜ ф╝Ъ хПС чФЯ ф╕Ь ц╡╖ хОЯ чФ▓ шЧ╗ я╝ИProrocentrumdonghaienseя╝ЙшЧ╗хНОя╝Мф╕ещЗНх╜▒хУНш┐Сц╡╖чФЯцАБхоЙхЕиуАВф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗шЧ╗хНОх╛Ах╛АхПСчФЯхЬищкицЭбшЧ╗ я╝ИSkeletonema sp.я╝ЙшЧ╗хНОф╣ЛхРОя╝МцндцЧ╢ц╡╖хМ║хдДф║ОщлШц░оуАБф╜Очг╖чЪДчК╢цАБуАВчг╖шРехЕ╗чЫРхПпшГ╜хЬищкицЭбшЧ╗хРСф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓ шЧ╗шЧ╗хНОчЪДц╝ФцЫ┐ш┐ЗчиЛф╕нхПСцМещЗНшжБф╜ЬчФиуАВцЬмцЦЗщАЪш┐ЗхИЖцЮРф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗хп╣чг╖чЪДшРехЕ╗члЮф║ЙчнЦчХея╝Мф╗ОшРехЕ╗чФЯчРЖхнж шзТх║жщШРцШОф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗шЧ╗хНОхПСчФЯчЪДцЬ║хИ╢уАВ чаФчй╢ч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝Мф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗хп╣цЧацЬ║чг╖ц║РчЪДф║▓хТМхКЫф╜Оя╝МчФЯщХ┐щАЯчОЗф╜Оя╝МчлЮф║ЙхКЫш╛Гх╝▒уАВф╜ЖхЬишРехЕ╗чЫРшГБ ш┐лцЧ╢я╝Мф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗хПпщХ┐цЧ╢щЧ┤хнШц┤╗х╣╢ч╗┤цМБш╛ГщлШчЪДч╗ЖшГЮхпЖх║жуАВф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗чЪДчв▒цАзчг╖щЕ╕щЕ╢чЙ╣цАзф╜┐хЕ╢хЬиц░┤шзг хИйчФицЬЙцЬ║чг╖ц║Рф╕КхнШхЬиф╝ШхК┐я╝ЪхЕ╢хп╣цЬЙцЬ║х║ХчЙйчЪДф║▓хТМхКЫщлШя╝ЫщЕ╢ф╜НчВ╣ф╕╗шжБхИЖх╕ГхЬич╗ЖшГЮшбищЭвя╝Мшбиш╛╛щЗПщАВщЗПя╝М ф╕Нц╡кш┤╣шГ╜щЗПуАВхЬиф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗шЧ╗хНОхПСчФЯцЧ╢я╝Мшбиш╛╛чЪДчв▒цАзчг╖щЕ╕щЕ╢хп╣цЬЙцЬ║чг╖чЪДц░┤шзгшГ╜хКЫшГ╜ц╗бш╢│шЧ╗хНОцЧ║хПСчФЯ щХ┐чЪДчг╖щЬАц▒ВуАВцндхдЦя╝Мф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗ш┐ШхЕ╖цЬЙхРЮхЩмшРехЕ╗шбМф╕║я╝МхПпф╜Ьф╕║шРехЕ╗шО╖хПЦчЪДцЬЙчЫКшбехЕЕуАВчЫ╕ш╛Гф║ОщкицЭбшЧ╗я╝М ф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗чЪДхдЪца╖шРехЕ╗члЮф║ЙчнЦчХея╝Их░дхЕ╢цШпхп╣цЬЙцЬ║хТМщвЧч▓ТцАБшРехЕ╗чЙйш┤ичЪДчлЮф║Йф╝ШхК┐я╝Йя╝МцЬЙхКйф║ОхоГхЬиф╜Очг╖чЪД чОпхвГф╕ня╝МчлЮф║Йш┐ЗщкицЭбшЧ╗я╝Мх╜вцИРшЧ╗хНОуАВ PS3-17 Active cell functions of the cryptophyte symbiont during a Mesodinium rubrum Dajun Qiu ([email protected]) South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou The nature of the relationship between the ciliate and its kleptoplastic cryptophyte has been the subject of considerable study and debate.And recent studies using molecular techniques have focused on the relationship between blooms of the ciliate and the availability of different cryptophyte prey species, but the interaction between the ciliate host and its kleptoplastid is poorly understood.We characterize a red tide bloom that occurred in Long Island Sound during Autumn 2012, and conducted microscopic and phylogenetic analyses to identify the causative ciliate and its endobiotic alga, transcriptomic analysis to investigate what biochemical activities were taking place in the bloom.Phylogenetic analyses verified that the bloom organism was M. rubrum while that endosymbiotic alga was T. amphioxeia. Meanwhile, the result of the metatranscriptomic data is indicated the plastid, nuclear, mitochondrion, and endoplasmic reticulum in T. amphioxeia within M. rubrum were kept actively in this study. And the most of cryptophyte cells reside within host membrane-bound compartment that is retain their intact organelle. So we deduced the M.rubrum acquire the capacity for photosynthesis though harboring intact endosymbiotic algae during the bloom. PS3-19 Distribution of phytoplankton biodiversity in relationship to environmental variables in South-five island of Miaodao Archipelago Honghua Shi ([email protected]) The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao 2012 х╣┤ 11 цЬИшЗ│ 2013 х╣┤ 8 цЬИцЬЯщЧ┤хп╣х║Щх▓Ыч╛дх▓ЫхНЧщГиц╡╖хЯЯшбих▒ВчЪДц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйхТМчОпхвГхЫахнРш┐ЫшбМш░ГцЯея╝М х║ФчФихдЪхЕГч╗ЯшобхИЖцЮРцКАцЬпхИЖцЮРц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйхдЪца╖цАзхЬиц╡╖х▓ЫхСиш╛╣ц╡╖хЯЯчЪДхИЖх╕ГчЙ╣х╛БхПКхЕ╢ф╕ОчОпхвГхЫахнРф╣ЛщЧ┤чЪДхЕ│ч│╗уАВ ш░ГцЯецЬЯщЧ┤я╝МхЬих║Щх▓Ыч╛дх▓ЫхНЧщГиц╡╖хЯЯшбих▒ВхЕ▒хПСчО░ц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙй 113 чзНя╝МхЕ╢ф╕нцШехнг 27 чзНя╝МхдПхнг 30 чзНя╝МчзЛхнг 71 чзНя╝МхЖмхнг 73 чзНя╝Мх░▒чЙйчзНцХ░шАМшиАя╝МчбЕшЧ╗хЬицШечзЛхЖмф╕ЙхнгхНаф╝ШхК┐я╝МхдПхнгхИЩф╕║чФ▓шЧ╗уАВхЕ╢ф╕нцЯФх╝▒хЗахЖЕф║ЪшЧ╗уАБшг╕ чФ▓шЧ╗уАБхЕ╖цз╜х╕ХцЛЙшЧ╗хТМхдкх╣│ц┤Лц╡╖щУ╛шЧ╗хИЖхИлф╕║цШехдПчзЛхЖмчЪДф╕╗шжБф╝ШхК┐чзНуАВц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйх╣│хЭЗч╗ЖшГЮф╕░х║жцШея╝И35. 85├Ч107cells┬╖m-3я╝Й>хЖмя╝И20.33├Ч107cells┬╖m-3я╝Й>хдПя╝И0.21├Ч107cells┬╖m-3я╝Й=чзЛя╝МчЙйчзНф╕░хпМх║жчзЛя╝И5.92я╝Й> хЖмя╝И4.28я╝Й>хдПя╝И1.41я╝Й>цШея╝И2.83я╝Йя╝МхдЪца╖цАзцМЗцХ░чзЛя╝И2.82я╝Й>хЖмя╝И1.99я╝Й>хдПя╝И1.92я╝Й>цШея╝И0.07я╝ЙуАВ чОпхвГхЫахнРцЧ╢чй║х╖ох╝ВцШОцШ╛я╝Мц░┤ц╕йуАБц║╢шзгц░зуАБц░очг╖цпФхЭЗхСИчО░цШехЖм>хдПчзЛчЪДхнгшКВхИЖх╕Гя╝МцВмц╡очЙйхИЩхИЪхе╜чЫ╕хПНуАВ 112 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences х║ФчФиф╕╗цИРхИЖхИЖцЮРя╝ИPCAя╝ЙхТМхЖЧф╜ЩхИЖцЮРя╝ИRDAя╝ЙхИЖцЮРц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйхдЪца╖цАзчЪДхИЖх╕ГчЙ╣х╛БхПКхЕ╢ф╕ОчОпхвГхЫахнРф╣ЛщЧ┤чЪД хЕ│ч│╗я╝Мч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝Мх╜▒хУНх║Щх▓Ыч╛дх▓ЫхНЧщГиц╡╖хЯЯшбих▒Вц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйхдЪца╖цАзхИЖх╕ГчЪДхЕ│щФочОпхвГхЫахнРя╝МцШехнгцШп DINуАБ ц░┤ц╕йхТМчЫРх║жя╝МхдПчзЛхЖмхИЖхИлцШпчЯ│ц▓╣ч▒╗хТМ CODя╝МDIPуАБц░┤ц╕йхТМ pHя╝МчЫРх║жхТМчЯ│ц▓╣ч▒╗уАВ PS3-20 Molecular insight into the micorbial metabolisms on high-weight dissolved organic matters Kai Tang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen High-weight carbohydrates and peptides are major components of DOM in aquatic ecosystems, and their microbial assimilation is therefore an important driver of the carbon cycle. Enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism include carbohydrate esterases (CE), glycoside hydrolases (GH), glycosyl transferases (GT), and polysaccharide lyases (PL), commonly referred to as carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes). They have a pivotal role in cleaving and decomposing and transforming DOM. A comprehensive survey of CAZymes in marine bacterial genomes and metagenome was presented. Bacteria with abundant GHs are degraders of the complex polysaccharides (including some semilable DOM) in marine system and are of great interest in diverse. Bioassays combination with genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics on a high-weight dissolved organic matters degrader--Gramella flavus JLT2011 revealed their capacity to degrade numerous polysacchride from phytoplankton with complex metabolomic network. PS3-21 Physiological responses of a model marine diatom to fast pH changes, with special implication of coastal water acidification Yaping Wu ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Diatoms in coastal waters experience fast pH changes due to high biological activities. While CO2 concentrating mechanism (CCM) is employed by all diatoms tested to counter the low CO 2 availability in seawater, little is known how this mechanism responses to fast pH changes. In the present study, the model diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana, was acclimated to low pH (7.81) at elevated CO2 of 1000 ╬╝atm (HC) and high pH (8.18) at ambient CO2 of 390 ╬╝atm (LC) for 20 generations, then its physiological performances were investigated by shifting HC to LC or vice versa. The maximal electron transport rate (ETR) was reduced by decreased CO2 availability immediately in the HC-grown cells, showing much lower values compared to that of the LC-grown ones. However, the cells showed high efficiency to retrieve their photochemical performance regardless of the growth CO2 levels, with their ETR reaching its initial level in about 100 min. This result indicates that this diatom can modulate CCM quickly to maintain steady state supply of CO 2, which is required for the photosynthetic machinery. In addition, active uptake of CO2 could play a fundamental role during the induction of CCM under CO2 limitation, since the cells maintained high ETR even both intracellular and periplasmic carbonic anhydrase was inhibited. It is concluded that efficient regulation of CCM is one of the key strategy for diatoms to survive in fast pH changing environment, e.g. for the tested species, dominating in coastal waters where highly fluctuating pH is observed. PS3-22 Phytoplankton dynamics with environmental factors in the East China Sea inferred from generalized additive mixed models Wupeng Xiao ([email protected]) College of Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen Using two dominant pigments, fucoxanthin and peridinin, in the East China Sea (ECS), we applied the generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs) to explore the dynamics of diatoms and dinoflagellates with various environmental factors. Total chlorophyll a, spatial and temporal parameters were also incorporated to improve the models. After allowing heterogeneity between months, our GAMMs are statistically available and successfully accounts for 79% and 55% of the variation of loge-transformed fucoxanthin (lnFuco) and peridinin (lnPeri), respectively. Model results regenerate most of the known ecological knowledge of diatoms and dinoflagellates in the ECS. The early spring diatom blooms, late spring dinoflagellate blooms, and summer diatom blooms are reflected sufficiently by the 113 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences temperature and the month effects. The salinity, MLD, and ln(N/P) effects suggest diatoms are controlled by balance of light and nutrient conditions and the more importance of nutrient and less importance of light condition for dinoflagellates. lnPeri displays positive trend at higher temperature and ln(N/P) levels while lnFuco performs negative, suggesting that the dominance of diatoms may be threaten by warm adapted dinoflagellates as global warming and anthropogenic N discharge to the ECS are ongoing. This study deserves the first time establishing quantitative links between phytoplankton pigments and various environmental factors. The results of our GAMMs have important implications for the impact of climate change on phytoplankton community dynamics in the ECS, and itтАЩs easy to extend to other marginal seas. PS3-23 Microbial eukaryotes (protists) from the South China Sea: insights from next generation sequencing Dapeng Xu ([email protected]), Nianzhi Jiao State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Microbial eukaryotes (protistan) are composed of morphologically, genetically, and functionally diverse group of single-celled eukaryotes and they play fundamental ecological roles as primary producers, consumers, decomposers, and trophic links in aquatic food webs. Recent environmental DNA surveys based on clone libraries of rRNA genes revealed a high diversity of eukaryotes present in marine environments. However, clone-library surveys yield only a modest number of sequences with which to evaluate the diversity of marine eukaryotes. In the present work, we examined the community structure of microbial eukaryotes in the South China Sea using deep illumina sequencing of environmental 18S rDNA from surface water to deep basins. Our results showed that DNA of all major groups of microbial eukaryotes were recovered at the South China Sea water columns with Alveolate and Rhizaria contributing strongly to the microbial eukaryotic communities at all sampling stations and depths. Generally, the contribution of rhizarians sequences increased with the increase of water depth and at abyssal basins their contribution to the total microbial eukaryotic community reached to over 75%. The Bray-Curtis similarity analyses showed that the community structures of surface microbial eukaryotic assemblages were significantly different from those of deep water independent of sampling stations. Also, a large number of sequences affiliated with Excavata were detected especially at deep waters with unknown functions. Out findings highlight the microbial eukaryotic community structure in the South China Sea and urged more efforts were needed to apply to reveal their functions in situ. PS3-24 How marine microalgae sequester carbon dioxide: perspectives from population and single cell Jian Xu ([email protected]) Qingdao Institute of BioEnergy and Bioprocess Technology, Qingdao Marine microalgae fix a significant portion of atmospheric carbon dioxide into polysaccharides and lipids, which can be used as biofuels. However, how the carbon conversion is achieved at the molecular, cellular, population and consortia levels remains not well understood. Nannochloropsis spp. are a group of marine microalgae that are capable of growing rapidly under a wide range of environmental conditions and producing large amounts of neutral lipids (mainly in a form of triacylglycerol, TAG) and a high level of valuable polyunsatiated fatty acids such as EPA. Using Nannochloropsis spp. as a research model and employing a combination of functional genomics tools, we and our collaborators revealed the structure, function and evolution of gene networks that underlie robust TAG production and environmental tolerance. Furthermore, we developed an instrument called Raman-activated Cell Sorter (RACS) to phenotype and isolate individual microalgal and bacterial cells based on their roles in carbon fixation and storage, without any external staining or labeling. The RACS platform enables direct function-based phenotyping and genotyping of uncultured microbes from the ocean and other natural environments. It should also shed new light on the mechanism of тАЬphenotypic heterogeneityтАЭ, which is a universal phenomenon of profound implications in environmental sciences and biotechnology industry. PS3-25 Transcriptome sequencing of the marine microalga, Chlorella pyrenoidosa (Chlorophyta), and the analyses of carbonic anhydrase expression under salt stress 114 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Xue Sun, Weiwei Wang, Jia Shen, Nian-Jun Xu ([email protected]) Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology of Zhejiang Province&School of Marine Sciences, Ningbo University, Ningbo In this study, the transcriptome of the marine microalga, Chlorellapyrenoidosa 820, was sequenced by high-throughput RNA-seq using Illumina HiSeq 2000. Because the genome sequence of this species is unknown, the resulting transcriptome was assembled de novo and annotated. This resulted in 4.71G clean nucleotides with a 56.91% GC content and yielded a total of 36,826 unigenes with a mean length of 1089 nt. Among these, 23,015 unigenes were annotated in the NCBI-NR, NCBI-NT, Swiss-Prot, KEGG, COG and GO databases with a cut-off E-value of 10-5. In the annotated sequences, 21 unigenes were identified as carbonic anhydrase (CA), which is an important enzyme in the CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM), and were homologous to nine ╬▒-, eight ╬▓-, and four ╬│-CAs. Interestingly, the expression of three CA subtypes, including one ╬▒-, one ╬▓- and one ╬│-CA analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR showed induction by high salinity. These results will enrich the CA sequence information in the database and will help understand CCM in the genus Chlorella. PS3-26 A bead-beating based method to extract DNA from marine phytoplankton for quantitative PCR applications Jian Yuan ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen Marine phytoplankton are highly diverse with different species possessing different cell coverings, posing challenges for thoroughly breaking the cells in DNA extraction yet preserving DNA integrity. While quantitative molecular techniques have been increasingly used in phytoplankton research, an effective and simple method broadly applicable to different lineages and natural assemblages is still lacking. In this study, we developed a bead-beating protocol based on our previous experience and tested it against 9 species of phytoplankton representing different lineages and different cell covering rigidities. The key steps were 3-day incubation of samples soaked in lysis buffer and bead beating afterward. We found the bead-beating method not only enhanced the final yield of DNA (highest as 2 fold) in comparison with the non-bead-beating method, but also preserved the DNA integrity. Furthermore, when Alexandrium fundyense, Prorocentrum donghaiense and Chlorella sp. cultures were added to a field-collected sample, the added cell numbers (1.1 ├Ч 104, 2.3 ├Ч 105, 2 ├Ч 107) and the ratio of their corresponding ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) copies (1.44 : 1 : 1.04) were closely retrieved using qPCR (1.2 ├Ч 104, 2.4 ├Ч 105, 1.9 ├Ч 107) and cloning (1.54 : 1 : 1). When our method was applied to a field sample collected at a subtropical bay located in Xiamen, China, the resultant ITS clone library revealed a highly diverse assemblage of phytoplankton and other micro-eukaryotes. All the results indicate that the method is likely to be useful for environmental surveys of phytoplankton diversity and abundance. PS3-27 Bacterial communities and impact of contamination in the tropical and subtropical mangrove revealed by pyrosequencing Peng Zhou, Liping Zheng ([email protected]), Shunyan Cheung, Hongbin Liu, Hongmei Jing Sanya Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sanya Mangroves are unique and diverse coastal ecosystems with confined distribution in the tropical and subtropical regions. They nowadays are highly threatened by the surrounding wastewater discharge and other anthropogenic contaminations, with a disappearing rate of 1~2% per year. However, the impacts of contamination on the bacterial populations inhabited in the mangrove sediment, especially in respective tropical and subtropical regions, were largely unknown. In this study, contaminated and pristine mangrove sediment samples were collected from subtropical Haikou (HKC and HKNC) and tropical Sanya (SYC and SYNC) and investigated using pyrosequencing and quantitative PCR of the 16S rRNA gene. Generally, diversity and abundance of bacteria were much higher in the contaminated sediments than those in the pristine sediments. The former also had much higher number of unique OTUs and species richness in the tropical region, but opposite trends found in the subtropical region. All the samples were dominated by Proteobacteria and Planctomycetes, and the former was mainly composed of a-, g- and s-proteobacteria. UPGMA clustering clearly demonstrated that bacteria communities in the tropical and subtropical mangrove 115 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences sediments formed two distinct clusters; and community variations were associated with the changes of salinity and NO3- concentration based on multiple correlation analysis. Our study revealed that contaminations could significantly increase bacterial diversity and abundance, but their roles were not comparable with those of geographical latitude separation in terms of bacterial community shifts. PS3-28 Habitat Suitability Analysis of Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) in the Subtidal Zone of Xiaoheishan Island Jian Zhou ([email protected]) Marine Biology Institute of Shangdong Province, Qingdao We present a GIS-based habitat suitability index (HSI) model to identify suitable areas for ZosteramarinaL. restoration in the subtidal zone of Xiaoheishan Island. The controlling factors in the model, in order of importance, are Secchi depth, sedimentation, water temperature, salinity, current velocity, water depth and nutrient quality. Specific factor piecewise functions have been used to transform parameter values into normalized quality indexes. The weight of each factor was defined using expert knowledge and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method. All of the data thus obtained were interpolated using the inverse distance weighted (IDW) interpolation method to create maps for the entire region. In this study, the analysis of habitat suitability in the subtidal zone of Xiaoheishan Island was conducted for four seasons. According to the GIS-based HSI model, the optimal habitat of Zosteramarina L. appears in spring, although habitat remains suitable all year round. On the whole, the optimum site for eelgrass restoration is located in the eastern region, followed by the western and southern regions. We believe that the GIS-based HSI model could be a promising tool to select sites for ZosteramarinaL. restoration and could also be applicable in other types of habitat evaluation. 116 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Poster of Session 4 / ф╕УщвШ 4 х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ PS4-01 Screening of VibrioтАЩ Antagonistic bacteria and a preliminary study on thire active substances Xianhui An ([email protected]) Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang х╝зшПМчЧЕцШпц╡╖ц░┤хЕ╗цоЦхКичЙйф╕╗шжБч╗ЖшПМцАзчЧЕхо│ф╣Лф╕Ая╝МхЬичО░цЬЙчЪДхдЪчзНщШ▓ц▓╗цОкцЦ╜ф╕ня╝Мф╗ечОпхвГхПЛхе╜хЮЛчЪДцЬЙчЫК х╛очФЯчЙйщШ▓ц▓╗цЦ╣ц│ХхАНхПЧф║║ф╗мчЪДхЕ│ц│иуАВчФ▒ф║ОхЕ╗цоЦчОпхвГчЪДхдНцЭВцАзхТМчЧЕхОЯшПМчФЯчРЖчкБхПШцакчЪДхдЪца╖цАзя╝МчЫохЙНшЩ╜цЬЙ хРДчзНхХЖхУБхМЦчЪДшПМхЙВя╝Мф╜Жф╗Нф╕НшГ╜ц╗бш╢│х╕ВхЬ║щЬАц▒ВуАВцЬмчаФчй╢цЧихЬихп╗цЙ╛цЫ┤хдЪчЪДцЛоцКЧшПМш╡Дц║Ря╝Мф╕║чаФчй╢х╝АхПСщШ▓ц▓╗ х╝зшПМчЧЕчЪДх╛очФЯчЙйхИ╢хЙВхеахоЪхЯ║чбАуАВхоЮщкМщЗЗщЫЖш┐Юф║Сц╕пх╕ВцЯРшЩ╛шЯ╣ш┤Эц╖╖хЕ╗ц▒ах║Хц│еца╖хУБя╝Мч╗ПхИЖчж╗чнЫщАЙя╝МшО╖х╛Ч 2 ф╕кхп╣хУИч╗┤ц░Пх╝зшПМцЬЙш╛Гх╝║цКСхИ╢ф╜ЬчФичЪДцЛоцКЧшПМцак E14 хТМ E13-2-2уАВщАЪш┐ЗцЛоцКЧшПМх╜вцАБшзВхпЯуАБчФЯщХ┐цЫ▓ч║┐ч╗ШхИ╢ хПКчФЯщХ┐ш┐ЗчиЛф╕ншЫЛчЩ╜хРлщЗПц╡ЛхоЪуАБ16S rDNA щЙ┤хоЪхТМхПСщЕ╡цЭбф╗╢ф╝ШхМЦчнЙчаФчй╢я╝Мч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝МE14 шПМшР╜хСИчЩ╜шЙ▓я╝М ф╕нх┐Гх╛охЗ╕я╝МшбищЭвх╣▓чЗех╛очЪ▒я╝Мф╕НщАПцШОя╝Мф╕║чЯнх░ПшК╜хнвцЭЖшПМя╝ЫцЬАщАВхЯ╣хЕ╗цЭбф╗╢я╝Ъ2016E хЯ╣хЕ╗хЯ║я╝МшгЕца╖щЗП 100 mL /500 mL ф╕ЙшзТчУ╢уАБpH 7уАБ30тДГуАБ160 rpmя╝М26 hя╝Ы0 h~2 h ф╕║х╗╢ц╗ЮцЬЯя╝М2 h~24 h ф╕║хп╣цХ░цЬЯя╝М24 h хРОш┐Ы хЕечи│хоЪцЬЯуАВE13-2-2 ф╕║ц▓ЩщЫ╖ц░ПшПМх▒Юя╝ЫцЬАщАВхЯ╣хЕ╗цЭбф╗╢я╝Ъ2216E хЯ╣хЕ╗хЯ║я╝МpH7.5я╝М30тДГ~35тДГя╝М160 rpmя╝М 20 hуАВ E13-2-2 чЪДчФЯщХ┐цЫ▓ч║┐цШ╛чд║ 0 h~3 h ф╕║х╗╢ц╗ЮцЬЯя╝М 3 h~18 h ф╕║хп╣цХ░цЬЯя╝М18 h хРОш┐ЫхЕечи│хоЪцЬЯуАВхп╣ E14 хТМ E13-2-2 ф╕нцЛоцКЧц┤╗цАзчЙйш┤ичЪДхИЭцнечаФчй╢шбицШОя╝Мф║МшАЕчЪДц┤╗цАзцИРхИЖхЭЗх▒ЮшГЮхдЦшЫЛчЩ╜ш┤ич▒╗чЙйш┤ия╝МхЕ╢хИЖхнР щЗПхИЖхИлф╕║ 21 kD хТМ 50 kDуАВцЬмчаФчй╢ч╗УцЮЬф╕Нф╗Еф╕░хпМф║ЖцЛоцКЧшПМш╡Дц║Рх║Уя╝МхРМцЧ╢ф╣Яф╕║хУИч╗┤ц░Пх╝зшПМчЧЕхо│чЪДх╛очФЯ чЙйщШ▓ц▓╗хПКцПРщлШщШ▓ц▓╗цХИцЮЬцПРф╛Ыф║ЖчРЖшо║ф╛ЭцНоуАВ PS4-02 Antibiotic residue detection in Malaysia marine farmed fish and shrimp Ee Lean Thiang, Chui Wei Bong ([email protected]), Choon Weng Lee Laboratory of Microbial Ecology, Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia & Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences (IOES), University of Malaya, Malaysia Antibiotics are commonly used to control and prevent microbial diseases in aquaculture. However, indiscriminate use of antibiotics has lead to the retention of antibiotic residues in aquaculture products, which is a serious threat to public health.Nineteendifferent prawn and fish samples werecollected from six main seafood production districts of Peninsular Malaysia to determine the presence of antibiotic residues. Antibiotic concentration of 24 antibiotics belong tofour commonly used antibiotic groups (sulfanamide, quinolone, tetracycline and phenicol) in aquaculturewere measured using high performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Oxytetracycline residues were detected in two shrimp samples tested at concentration of 53┬╡g/kg and 65 ┬╡g/kg. Our study indicated that some marine farmed shrimp have contaminated with antibiotic, suggesting a greater riskto human health and economic. PS4-03 Direct evidence of hormesis in marine microalgae as induced by glyphosate Zhuoping Cai ([email protected]) Department of Ecological Science, Jinan University, Guangzhou Hormesis is an interesting phenomenon which is characterized by dose-response relationships displaying low-dose stimulation and high-dose inhibition. Marine microalgae are the first primary producers in the aquatic ecosystem, and they are playing a crucial role in maintaining the balance and stability of marine ecosystem. In recent years, it has become a hot topic to study the hormesis in marine microalgae and its consequence ecological risk, because large amounts of organosphosphorus pesticides applied in the agricultural practices and our daily life have resulted in serious contamination in marine environment. In this study, 4 typical microalgae species (2 red tide microalgae and 2 economic microalgae species), including Skeletonemacostatum, Heterosigma akashiwo, Chaetoceros sp. and Platymonas subcordiformiswere exposed to the widely-used organophosphours pesticides glyphosate, so as to explore the hormesis induced by organophosphours pesticides on marine microalgae and its underlying ecological implication. Our results showed that the microalgae species responded differently to the low-dose glyphosate. It was 117 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences clear that red tide microalgae were more sensitive to glyphosate, as compared to the economic ones. Homesis phenomena existed in microalgae after glyphosate exposure. In general, low-dose glyphosate stimulated growth of S. costatum and H. akashiwo. Besides, low-dose glyphosate stimulated growth in microalgae might be associated with the increase of photochemical ability. The results suggest that outbreak of red tides in marine environment may be associated with the hormesis in microalgae as induced by pollutants. PS4-04 Tissue distribution, bioconcentration, and liver proteome response of sulfamethazine in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) Guanghui Ding ([email protected]) Dalian Maritime University, Dalian As very effective pharmaceuticals for preventing/treating diseases and promoting growth, antibiotics have been extensively used in human and veterinary medicine practice. Recently, antibiotics have raised considerable concern as they may cause potential risks in abnormal physiological processes, reproductive impairment, development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and increased mixture toxicity. Sulfamethazine, a representative antibiotic, has been detected in various aquatic environments. However, the information about its tissue distribution, bioconcentration and toxicity effects in non-target aquatic organisms is relatively limited. In the present study, adult marine medaka (Oryziasmelastigma) were exposed to waterborne sulfamethazine at environmental level for 14 d, and then recovered in clean sea water for 14 day. The tissue distributions of sulfamethazine in gill, liver, gonad and muscle of marine medaka were analyzed by LC-MS/MS. The kinetic bioconcentration factors were estimated based on concentrations of sulfamethazine in aquatic phase and tissues. The altered abundance of proteins in liver of marine medaka exposed to sulfamethazine was quantified using a label-free LC-MS/MS mass spectrometry workflow. The results were useful to understand the mechanism of bioconcentration and potential toxicity of antibiotics to marine medaka. PS4-05 Toxic effects of chronic sub-lethal exposure of P-CTX-1 on mice Limin Feng ([email protected]), J.J Wu, Y.L. Mak , M. Yan, Paul K.S. Lam, Leo L.L. Chan* Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity & Research Centre for the Oceans and Human Health, City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen Ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) is a food intoxication which caused by the consumption of coral reef fish contaminated by a kinds of polyether neurotoxins called ciguatoxins (CTXs). CFP is a world-wide health issue and the incidence has increased rapidly in recent years. CTXs can be categorized as pacific-CTX (P-CTX), caribbean-CTX (C-CTX) and indian-CTX (I-CTX). P-CTX-1 has been suggested to be the most potent CTX, contributing to around 90% of the total lethality. Because of the source of the imported wild coral reef fish in China, most of the CFP incidence was caused by P-CTX-1, especially in Hong Kong and Shenzhen. In humans, CFP is usually associated with gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neurological and neuropsychiatric symptoms and signs not only in acute ciguatera poisoning, but also in chronic poisoning. Approximately 5% of CFP victims develop chronic ciguatera, a widespread, multi-symptom, multisystem, chronic illness that can last for tens of years. However, the toxicokinetics and toxic effects of repeated sublethal CTXs exposure to mammals remains unclear.In this study, NIH mice were exposured to a sub-lethal dose of P-CTX-1 (0.264 ng/g body weight) first and then a lower does (0.065 ng/g body weight) for 6 times every 3 days. Body temperature, blood, urineя╝Мfaeces, as well as different tissues were collected at the same time intervals (0.5, 1, 3, 8, 24, 48h) after each exposure. The food intake and body weight were measured every day as well. From this investigation, we found that signs of P-CTX-1 intoxications appeared with the first sub-lethal dosage, which were accompanied by a significant decrease in body weight and food intake of the mice. The same symptoms occurred in subsequent lower dosages of P-CTX-1, which suggested that low dosage might induce a recurrence of chronic ciguatera. However, the mice became acclimatized to the toxin after several low dosage exposures, and the toxic effect became inconspicuous with the passage of time. PS4-06 Developmental toxicity of benzophenone-3 and 2-ethyl-hexyl-4-trimethoxycinnamate in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) embryos 118 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Haizheng Hong ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science & College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Benzophenone-3 (BP-3) and 2-ethyl-hexyl-4-trimethoxycinnamate (EHMC) are two major organic UV filters which have been widely used to protect humans and materials from damage by UV irradiation. BP-3 and EHMC are ubiquitously found in aquatic biota and environmental media, while their impacts on marine fish are not well known. In this study we assessed the developmental toxicity of BP-3 and EHMC using the embryos of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma). Freshly fertilized marine medaka embryos were exposed to various concentrations of BP-3 and EHMC (0.1, 0.5, 2 and 5 mg/L) until the first fry stage, and hatch success, morphology, cardiac function and flipping frequency were examined. Both BP-3 and EHMC significantly increased the embryo heart beats at the low exposure concentration of 0.1 mg/L, while decreased the embryo heart beats in the higher exposure groups (0.5, 2 and 5 mg/L).The hatching rate and survival rate were decreased upon both BP-3 and EMHC exposure. The malformation rate at the first fry stage was also induced by both BP-3 and EMHC at a dose dependent manner, with the formation of pericardial edema and yolk sac edema as the most frequently observed malformation. The mechanisms of BP-3 and EHMC induced developmental toxicity will be explored in the future study. PS4-07 Evaluation of various HILIC columns and sample treatment methods of tetrodotoxin in puffer fish by LC-MS/MS W. W Huang ([email protected]), J.J Wu, Paul K.S. Lam, Leo L.L. Chan* Shenzhen Key Laboratory for Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity & Research Centre for the Oceans and Human Health, City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is one of the most potent and well known marine neurotoxins. Over the past few decades, various types of poisoning incidents about TTX have been reported. Both public health and aquaculture industries have been affected by TTX associated poisoning. At present, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) was proved to be an effective and sensitive method to detect TTX. However, due to the co-extracting interfering components, the matrix effects are frequently evident. In this study we try to simplify the extraction procedure to reduce the matrix effect as well as the cost. Four hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) columnswere evaluated in this study to for detecting TTX by LC-MS/MS. The chromatographic behavior of the selected columns has been compared. The nature of the HILIC material and the composition of mobile phase play an important role in the analysis of TTX. Meanwhile, various sample treatment methods have been evaluated by matrix spike recovery using fish flesh of non-toxic puffer fish. ItтАЩs found that methanol can remove the impurities and give better peak shape and mass signal. In the present study, a sensitive and rapid extraction methodcombined with LC-MS/MS for the detection and quantification of TTX has beendeveloped. The newly developed LC-MS/MS method will be used to study the spatial distribution, species difference and seasonal variation of TTX in puffer fish which collected from Hongkong sea waters . PS4-08 iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomic analyses on the gender-specific responses in mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis to tetrabromobisphenol A Chenglong Ji ([email protected]) Key Laboratory of Coastal Environmental Processes and Ecological Remediation, Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) accounts for the largest production of brominated flame-retardants (BFRs) along the Laizhou Bay in China and is the most widely used BFR in industrial products. It can induce diverse toxicities including hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity and endocrine disrupting effects in mammalian and fish models. In this work, we applied iTRAQ-based proteomics to investigate the gender-specific responses in mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis to TBBPA. Thirty-one proteins were differentially expressed in hepatopancreas between male and female mussels, which clearly indicated the biological differences between male and female mussels at the protein level. After exposure of TBBPA (18.4 nmol/L) for one month, a total of 60 proteins were differentially 119 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences expressed in response to the TBBPA treatment in mussel hepatopancreas, among which 33 and 29 proteins were significantly altered in TBBPA-treated male and female mussel samples, respectively. Only two of the 60 proteins were commonly altered in both male and female mussel samples exposed to TBBPA. Based on KEGG analysis, these differentially expressed proteins of TBBPA-induced effects were assigned to several groups, including cytoskeleton, reproduction and development, metabolism, signal transduction, gene expression, stress response and apoptosis. Overall, results indicated that TBBPA exposure could induce apoptosis, oxidative and immune stresses and disruption in energy, protein and lipid metabolisms in both male and female mussels with different mechanisms. This work suggested that the gender differences should be considered in ecotoxicoproteomics. PS4-09 Seasonal variation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in PM2.5 aerosols over the East China Sea Yuanyuan Li ([email protected]) Fudan University, Shanghai Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are a group of flame retardants that are applied to reduce the flammability of many industrial and commercial products such as electrical and electronic products, textiles, plastics, building materials and furnishings. China, as a global manufacturing center, had large demand for PBDEs over the past decades. These PBDEs originated from East and North China probably transport to East China Sea (ECS), even to Northwest Pacific Ocean when northwesterly winds prevail. However, the impact of PBDEs atmospherically transported from China to ECS has been even untouched. In this study, PM2.5 aerosol samples were collected from a receptor site (Huaniao Island, N30.86╦Ъ, E122.67╦Ъ) in ECS, in order to explore the seasonal variation of the PM2.5-bound PBDEs in this receptor site, and to reveal the influence of continental outflow on the ambient atmosphere over ECS. PBDEs were extracted with dichloromethane in a Soxhlet apparatus, and measured by GC-MS (Agilent GC7890 coupled with 5975C MSD) Twelve PBDE congeners were detected including BDE-17, -28, -47, -66, -71, -85, -99, -100, -153, -154, -183 and BDE-209. The concentrations of BDE-209 and total 11 PBDEs without BDE-209 (тИС11PBDEs) were 7.1┬▒6.8 and 0.97┬▒0.52 pg/m3, respectively. In this study, the PM2.5-bound BDE-209 over ECS was predominant and contributed to 59-98% of the total PBDE concentrations. This was in good agreement with the observations in the surrounding areas of ECS and the fact that BDE-209 was widely detected with high concentrations due to the largely use of Deca-BDE mixture in China. Besides BDE-209, large abundance of penta-BDE (dominated by BDE-99 with the percentage of 20.9┬▒11.7% for тИС11PBDEs) and tetra-BDE (dominated by BDE-47 with the percentage of 20.4┬▒11.1% for тИС11PBDEs) detected in the atmosphere over ECS was consistent with the composition of Penta-BDE technical mixture used in China. A distinct seasonal variation was observed for both BDE-209 and тИС11PBDEs in PM2.5 of ECS, that higher concentrations in winter and spring dominated by the northwesterly winds while lower concentrations in autumn and summer when the southeasterly winds prevailed, suggesting a significant role of continental outflow on the elevated concentrations of PM2.5-bound PBDEs in winter and spring. Besides, during the sampling period, one dust storm originated from North China and Mongolia, and passed over East China was observed in spring with high concentration of PBDEs, indicated that the strong dust storm could increase the transport load of PBDEs into ECS when passing through the high polluted areas. However, due to the absence of continental outflow in autumn and summer, the good correlations between BDE-209 and тИС11PBDEs implied a potential contribution of the low brominated PBDEs from photoproducts of BDE-209 in high temperature circumstance. Meanwhile, the good correlations of OC with BDE-209 and BDE-99 suggested a significant role of OC in the occurrence of PM2.5-bound PBDEs over ECS, implied that the adsorption of PBDEs on the organic particles could be another cause for the seasonal variations in the PM2.5-bound PBDE concentrations. PS4-10 Bloom of Karlodinium australe (Gymnodiniales, Dinophyceae) associated with massive fish mortality along the West Johor Strait, Malaysia Hong Chang Lim, TohHii Tan, Nyuk Fong Kon, LehHieYek, Kieng Soon Hii, Sing Tung Teng, RoziawatiMohdRazali, GiresUsup, MitsunoriIwataki, Chui Pin Leaw, Po Teen Lim ([email protected]) Bachok Marine Research Station, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia 120 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences A recent mass mortality of fishes was observed along the cage farming areas along the West Johor Strait of Malaysia. This fish kill event involved over four different species of cultured fishes, with an estimate number of 50,000 fish affected. A field investigation has been undertaken at six stations along the West Johor strait; water samples were collected and examined for the presence of harmful species. Dead fishes were collected for necropsy. This investigation revealed a phytoplankton composition dominated by a species of Karlodinium, with considerably high cell densities ranged from 0.31 to 2.34 ├Ч 106cells l-1. Karlodinium cell densities constituted 68.8тАУ98.6% of the phytoplankton relative abundances throughout the stations sampled. Detailed morphological assessment by light and scanning microscopy unveiled that the species identity as Karlodiniumaustrale de Salas, Bolch and Hallegraeff. This was supported by molecular evidence of the nuclear encoded large subunit ribosomal gene (LSU rDNA) and the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) via single-cell PCR. The sequences of LSU rDNA yielded 3.6тАУ4.0% divergence when compared to the sister taxa, K. armiger; and > 6.5% when compared to other Karlodinium species. Fish necropsy showed symptomssimilar to those affected by the ichthyotoxins, karlotoxins. This represents the first report of mass mortality of cage-cultured fishes as well wild fish attributed to the unarmored dinoflagellate, Karlodiniumaustrale. PS4-11 The physiological effects of Pacific ciguatoxin-1 (P-CTX-1) in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) Chih-Ning Liu ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Pacific ciguatoxin-1 (P-CTX-1) is a heat-stable, lipophilic cyclic polyether. Its precursors, gambiertoxins (such as P-CTX-4A and P-CTX-4B), are derived from marine benthic dinoflagellates such as Gambierdiscustoxicus. Gambiertoxins can be oxidized to P-CTX-1 in fish by the liver cytochrome enzymes, and then bioaccumulated and biotransferred along food chains. Predators at the top of the food chains could thus accumulate the highest concentrations of P-CTX-1 and be at the greatest risks. Studies have shown that P-CTXs can induce mortalities of crustaceans, fishes and marine mammals. Yet, the physiological effects of P-CTXs in marine fishes were not well-studied. In this study, larva of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) was used as an animal model to assess physiological toxicity of P-CTX-1 in fishes. Different concentrations of P-CTX-1 (11.1 ng/ml, 33.3 ng/ml, 44.4 ng/ml, 55.5 ng/ml, 66.6 ng/ml, 166.5 ng/ml, 333 ng/ml and 666 ng/ml) were administrated to the larval marine medaka by microinjection. Mortality, swimming pattern and heart rate of larval marine medaka were monitored after P-CTX-1 exposure. The results showed that the effects of P-CTX-1 on the mortality, abnormal swimming pattern and heart rate were dose-dependent. For swimming pattern, over 80% of the high-dose (166.5 ng/ml, 333 ng/ml and 666 ng/ml) treated fishes and 10% of medium-dose (44.4 ng/ml, 55.5 ng/ml and 66.6 ng/ml) treated fishes displayed abnormal swimming patterns (lay down at dish bottom or swam vertically) in the water surface after 24-hr and 96-hr post exposure. In contrast, there was no observable swimming pattern difference between low-dose treated fishes (11.1ng/ml and 33.3 ng/ml) and control groups (injected with 4% Tween 60 in PBS). In addition, about 15-45% decrease in heart rate of larval marine medaka was found in the high-dose groups as compared with those in the control group. These results suggest that P-CTX-1 may affect heart development, motor co-ordination and reproductive success of marine fishes. Besides, the species sensitive to P-CTX-1 could be more susceptible to predation, resulting in a change of food web structure and ecological imbalance in the tropical and subtropical climate zones. PS4-12 Bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of short chain chlorinated paraffins in a marine food web from the liaodong bay, North China Xindong Ma ([email protected]) National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian Short chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) are under the evaluation for inclusion into the Stockholm Convention on persistent organic pollutants. However, information on their bioconcentration and biomagnification in marine ecosystems is unavailable, limiting the evaluation of their ecological risks. In this study, seawater, sediment, zooplankton, invertebrates and fishes collected from the Liaodong Bay, Bohai Sea, North China were analyzed to investigate the residual level, congener group profile, bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of SCCPs in a marine food web. The total concentrations of 121 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences SCCPs ranged from 4.1 to 13.1 ng LтАУ1 in seawater, 65 to 541 ng gтАУ1 (dw) in sediment, and 86 to 4400 ng gтАУ1 (ww) in organisms. Correspondence analysis indicated the relative enrichment of C10Cl5 and C11Cl5 formula groups in most aquatic organisms. Both the logarithm bioaccumulation factors (log BAFs: 4.1тАУ6.7) and biotaтАУsediment accumulation factors (BSAFs: 0.1тАУ7.3) of individual congeners implied the bioaccumulation of SCCPs. The trophic magnification factor (TMF) of тИСSCCPs was determined to be 2.38 in the zooplanktonтАУshrimpтАУfish food web, indicating biomagnification potential of SCCPs in the marine ecosystem. The TMF values of individual congener groups significantly correlated with their log KOW values. PS4-13 Effects of CO2-driven ocean acidification on early life stages of Marine Medaka (Oryzias melastigma) Jingli Mu ([email protected]), Jin Fei, Wang Juying, Zheng Nan, Cong Yi National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian The potential effects of elevated CO2 level and reduced carbonate saturation state on fishes and other non-calcifying marine organisms arestill poorly known. In present study, we investigated the effects of ocean acidification on embryogenesis and organogenesisof newly hatched larvae of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) after 21 d exposure of eggs to different artificially acidified seawater (pH 7.6 and pH 7.2, respectively), and compared with the control group (pH 8.2). Results showed that CO2-driven seawater acidification (pH 7.6 and pH 7.2) had no detectable effect on hatching time, hatching rate, and heart rate of embryos. However, the deformity rate of larvae in pH 7.2 treatment was significantly higher than that in control treatment. The left and right otolith areas did not differ significantly from each other. In contrast, the mean otolith area of larvae in pH 7.6 treatment was significantly smaller than that of the control (p=0.024). These results suggest that although marine medaka might be more tolerant of elevated environmental CO2 level than some other fishes, the effect of elevated CO2level on the calcification of otolith is likely to be a more susceptible physiological process of pH regulation in early life stage of marine medaka. PS4-14 The speciation of Cu and Zn in two hyperaccumulator estuarine oysters: a synchrotron study Qiao-guo Tan ([email protected]), Yu Wang, Wen-Xiong Wang Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Coastal and Wetland Ecosystems, College of Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen The speciation of Cu and Zn were studied in two hyperaccumulator estuarine oysters, i.e., Crassostrea hongkongensis and Crassostrea sikamea, using synchrotron techniques, including the X-ray-absorption near-edge structure (XANES) and the extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). The two techniques corroborated each other and provided consistent speciation information. Lower proportion of tissue Cu and Zn were found as sulfur-bonded (thiolate) species, which was replaced by oxygen- or nitrogen-bonded species, in the contaminated oysters than in the normal ones. In the gill of normal C. hongkongensis, Cu and Zn occurred mainly in species resembling cysteine complexes; in the gill of contaminated ones, the major metal species resembled histidine complexes or phosphates. Speciation of Cu and Zn in mantle was similar to that in gill, both of which were different from that in digestive gland. Even in the digestive gland of heavily contaminated C. hongkongensis, the proportion of thiolate species was still substantial. In C. sikamea, the contrast in metal speciation between normal and contaminated individuals was similar to but much less pronounced than that in C. hongkongensis. Cu existed in different oxidation state when bonded with different atoms, i.e., as Cu(I) when bonded with sulfur, and as Cu(II) when bonded with oxygen or nitrogen. This study provided direct and semi-quantitative information on the changes of metal speciation in contaminated oysters, indicating that in metal-rich environments oysters could efficiently detoxify excessively accumulated Cu and Zn by storing them in oxygen- and nitrogen-bonded complexes. PS4-15 Contamination of PFOS/PFOA in the surface sediment of the estuarine and coastal areas of China Xinhong Wang ([email protected]), Yongyu Li State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science&College of the Environment & Ecology, 122 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Xiamen University, Xiamen Due to the degradation-resistant and bioaccumulation, Perfluorooctane Sulfonate (PFOS) and Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) were widely found in the world. Since May 2009, PFOA, PFOS and its salts had been listed in the Stockholm Convention and become the new type of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). In this study, 56 surface sediments were collected from Jiulong River estuary to Taiwan Strait in June-2009 and Marginal Sea of China (Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea), the contamination level, spatial distributions of PFOS/PFOA were discussed. In the Jiulong River estuary to Taiwan Strait, the concentrations (dry weight) of PFOS and PFOA in surface sediment ranged from 0.01 to 1.11 ng g-1 (mean 0.25 ng g-1), 0.02 to 0.41 ng g-1 (mean 0.10 ng g-1), and the PFCs concentrations in the estuary were higher than the Taiwan strait. In the coastal areas of China, the concentrations (dry weight) of PFOS and PFOA in surface sediment ranged from not detect to 0.15 ng g-1(mean 0.03 ng g-1), 0.02 to 0.12 ng g-1(mean0.05 ng g-1), while the high PFCs concentrations appeared in the Changjiang Estuary, Yangtze Estuary and Hainan Island. It was found that PFCs concentrations in the coastal sediments of China were lower than those in the developed countries, those were closely linked with socioeconomic development and human activity intensity in the surrounding regions. PS4-16 The toxic effect of typical crude oil components and their weathering products to marine bioluminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri Ying Wang ([email protected]) National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian Background: The global heavy spilled oil pollution is a growing threat to human health and marine aquatic ecosystem. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their alkylated compounds (alkyl-PAHs) as the main toxic components of crude oils have recently been detected in different marine environmental compartments. Moreover, the prevalence of oxygenated PAHs (oxy-PAHs) in the environment as the weathering products has been realized because they are potentially more mobile, bioavailable, and/or persistent compound than PAHs. However, little is known regarding basic research on the ecotoxicological properties of alkyl-PAHs and oxy-PAHs. Goals: In the present study, the toxic effect of thirteen 3-5 ring alkyl-PAHs and oxy-PAHs to marine luminescence bacteria (Vibrio fischeri) were investigated by comparing the bioluminescent inhibition effect with those of their parents. Methods: The Microtox assay measures inhibition of bioluminescence of the bioluminescent marine bacteria Vibrio fischeri. The 15 min bioluminescent inhibition was determined by SDI Microtox model 500 analyzer according to ISO (2007). The positive (zinc sulfate as reference toxicant) control was included in each experiment. Results and discussion: The experimental 15 min IC50 values for 13 selected PAHs and their derivative compounds were measured in this study. The present IC50 values agree well with literature values for PAHs and alkyl-PAHs. The toxicity level for them decreased with the increase of the number of the ring. The 3-ring phenanthrene and its oxygenated product phenanthraquinone exerted relative high toxicity to marine bacterium with IC50 values 1.46 and 0.69 ╬╝mol/L, respectively. The alkyl-PAHs, 3-methylphenanthrene and 2-methylanthracene, showed similar toxicity potency with that of phenanthrene and anthracene. The oxygenated PAHs, phenanthrenequinone and benzanthrone, exhibited higher toxicity than that of their parent compounds, phenanthrene and benzo-a-anthracene. The IC50 values for several 5-ring PAHs could not be determined even at the highest nominal concentration used. It can be suggested that the partition behavior into the membrane governs the toxicity of the crude oil components and their weathering products. Implications: We first briefly assess toxicity of the the crude oil components and their weathering products. This investigation will make us gain more insight into the toxicity of spilled oil. PS4-17 Characterizing the distribution of PBDEs in soil, moss and reindeer dung at Ny├Еlesund; lesund of the Arctic Zhen Wang ([email protected]) National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian 123 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Soil, moss and reindeer dung samples were simultaneously collected from Ny-├Еlesund of the Arctic to investigate the accumulation trends and distribution of 12 polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDEs) congeners. The average concentrations of the 12 PBDE congeners were 42 pg/g (dry weight) in soil, 122 pg/g in moss and 72 pg/g in reindeer dung. Significant log/log-linear relationship was obtained between the soil/moss quotient (QSM) and the sub-cooled liquid vapor pressure (p┬║L) (r2 = 0.80). Similar linear relations were observed between logp┬║L and the logarithm of soil/vegetation quotients of typical persistent organic pollutants, and their slopes did not differ greatly, implying similar patterns in distribution in soil and vegetation in relation to logp┬░L of PBDEs. Moreover, excellent log/log-linear relationships between QSM and KOA as well as between the moss/dung quotient (QMD) and KOW were also observed, which indicate that the physicochemical properties of PBDEs are appropriate parameters for characterizing the distribution of PBDEs in soil, moss and reindeer dung at Ny-├Еlesund of the Arctic. PS4-18 A metabolomic investigation on the effects of metal pollution in oysters Crassostrea hongkongensis Huifeng Wu ([email protected]) Key Laboratory of Coastal Environmental Processes and Ecological Remediation, Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai Metal pollution has been of great concern in the estuaries in Southern China. In this study, the metabolic differences between oysters Crassostrea hongkongensis from clean and metal pollution sites were characterized using NMR-based metabolomics. We collected the oyster samples from one clean (Jiuzhen) and two metal polluted sites (Baijiao and Fugong). The metal concentrations in oyster gills indicated that both Baijiao and Fugong sites were severely polluted by several metals, including Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ag, Cd and Pb. Especially, Cu and Zn were the major contaminants in Baijiao and Fugong sites. Compared with those oysters from the clean site (JZ), metal pollutions in BJ and FG induced disturbances in osmotic regulation and energy metabolism via different metabolic pathways indicated by different metabolic biomarkers. This study demonstrates that NMR-based metabolomics is a useful tool for characterizing metabolic responses induced by metal pollution. PS4-19 Proteomics analysis of male zebrafish brain chronically exposed to bisphenol A Hai Xu ([email protected]) Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang The hypothalamusтАУpituitaryтАУgonadal (HPG) axis plays a central role in the maintenance of homeostasis and disruptions in its function can have important implications for reproduction and other critical biological processes. In the present study, we used iTRAQ to investigate the proteome of male zebrafish brain after 45 d exposure to bisphenol A (BPA). BPA has known effects on a number of key HPG molecules, including antagonism of aromatase. Many proteins were shown to be differentially expressed in the brains of males. Proteins were identified using LCтАУMS/MS and identities were examined relative to brain function in the context of changing steroid hormone levels. Proteins with known roles in metabolism, learning, neuroprotection, and calcium regulation were determined to be differentially regulated. Relationships between identified proteins were also examined using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. We used differentially expressed proteins to establish a putative classifier consisting of three proteins that was able to discriminate BPA-exposed from control males. Putatively impacted brain functions and specific protein changes that were observed have the potential to be generalized to other that similarly impact steroid hormone levels. PS4-20 The immunomodulatory effect of bisphenol A on fish Ming Yang ([email protected]) School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai Bisphenol A (BPA) is a well-known estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemical widely employed as a plastic monomer and plasticizer in the production of epoxy resins and polycarbonate plastic. It is ubiquitous in various environmental media. Previous studies have implied immunotoxicity of BPA in mammalian and fish models. Employing the primary macrophages of fish as a model, the present study aimed to evaluate the immunotoxicity of BPA to fish immune cells and to explore its potential 124 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences action mechanism. First, primary macrophages isolated from the head kidney of red carp (Cyprinus carpio) were exposed to various concentrations of BPA solutions. The exposure did not impair the viability of the cells, but significantly altered the bactericidal activity of macrophages, the cellular production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and nitrite oxide, as well as the activities of total nitric oxide synthase and induced nitric oxide synthase. The exposure also affected the expression levels of estrogen receptor a (ERa) and several immune related and immune related genes including hepcidin, interleukin-1╬▓ (IL-1╬▓), interleukin-10 and interleukin-6 subfamily-like cytokine M17. Interestingly, the ERa expression level was significantly correlated with the immune related parameters in macrophages upon BPA exposure. Following BPA co-exposure with an ER antagonist ICI 182,780, we found that the levels of IL-1╬▓ mRNA and IL-1╬▓ protein were both significantly altered compared to the BPA exposure alone. Our results thus revealed the potential modulatory effect of an environmental estrogen on fish immune cells at relatively low and environmentally relevant concentrations and meanwhile implicated the involvement of ER pathways in its action mechanism. PS4-21 Accumulation of butyltin compounds in fish and molluscs from Chinese coastal waters Dongmei Zhao ([email protected]), Zhongsheng Lin, Shilan Zhao, Yanjie Wang, Ziwei Yao National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian Industrial use of organotins such as butyltins has increased several folds during the last two decades. Butyltins are synthetic, multipurpose chemicals, which have been extensively used in marine antifouling paints. They have been known to be extremely poisonous to mollusk fishery resources (oysters, clams, etc.).Concentrations of butyltin compounds including tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT) and monobutyltin (MBT) were determined in fish and molluscs samples which were collected from Chinese coastal included JiaoZhou Bay, Yellow River Estuary, Lv Si Fisheries, QuanZhou Bay and JinZhou Bay to evaluate the extent of contamination. Wide existence of butyltins was found in these samples with a detection rate of up to 95%, and the concentrations of the total butyltin(тИСBTs: TBT + DBT + MBT) ranged from n.d. to 251.3 ng/g (dry weight) (mean 29.2 ng/g). Among BTs, TBT was the predominant compound in most of the samples, which accounted for more than 50%. Degradation indices for butyltins were calculated. The Butyltin degradation index (BDI) ranged from 0 to 16.2 indicating a lot of fresh input of butyltins and a lower degradationrate, indicating ongoing usage of TBT-based antifouling agents in China. The different accumulation capabilities of BTs among various species were studied. PS4-22 Pollution characteristics of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in atmospheric particulate matters in the Western Taiwan Strait Region during winter and spring Shuhui Zhao ([email protected]), Li-Ping Jiao, Li-Qi Chen, Yuan-Hui Zhang, Miao Li Key Lab of Global Change and Marine-Atmospheric Chemistry of State Oceanic Administration & The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen хдЪц░пшБФшЛпя╝ИPCBsя╝ЙцШпф╕Ач▒╗хЕ╖цЬЙхНКцМехПСцАзуАБщХ┐ш╖Эчж╗ш┐Бчз╗цАзуАБчФЯчЙйч┤пчзпцАзуАБчОпхвГцМБф╣ЕцАзх╣╢х╣┐ц│ЫхнШхЬи ф║ОчОпхвГф╕нчЪД POPsя╝МхПпхп╣хМ║хЯЯчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯхТМф║║ф╜УхБех║╖ф║зчФЯщХ┐цЬЯуАБц╜ЬхЬихТМц╖▒ш┐ЬчЪДхН▒хо│уАВPCBs х╝ХхПСчЪДчОпхвГ ц▒бцЯУщЧощвШх╖▓х╝Хш╡╖х╣┐ц│ЫхЕ│ц│иуАВхП░ц╣╛ц╡╖х│бше┐х▓╕хЬ░хМ║хдзц░ФщвЧч▓ТчЙйф╕н PCBs чЪДчаФчй╢ш╛Гх░СуАВхЬиц╡╖х│бше┐х▓╕хЬ░хМ║х╝Ах▒Х хдзц░Фф╕н PCBs чЪДц▒бцЯУц░┤х╣│чаФчй╢я╝Мх░ЖцЬЙхКйф║Оф╝░чоЧхЕ╢х╣▓ц╣┐ц▓ЙщЩНхЕец╡╖щАЪщЗПя╝МшпДф╝░ PCBs хп╣шпехМ║хЯЯц╡╖ц┤Лхдзц░ФчОп хвГчЪДх╜▒хУНчиЛх║жуАВф╕║цндя╝М2006 х╣┤ 1-4 цЬИхЬихП░ц╣╛ц╡╖х│бше┐х▓╕чЪДх╣│ц╜нц╡╖х▓ЫхЬ░хМ║щЗЗщЫЖф║Жхдзц░ФщвЧч▓ТчЙйца╖хУБя╝Мхп╣хЕ╢ ф╕нхдЪц░пшБФшЛпя╝ИPCBsя╝Й уАБч▒╗ф║МхЩБшЛ▒ч▒╗хдЪц░пшБФшЛпя╝ИDL-PCBsя╝ЙчЪДц╡Ух║жуАБч╗ДцИРчнЙц▒бцЯУчЙ╣х╛БхПКхЕ╢хПпшГ╜цЭец║Рш┐ЫшбМ ф║ЖчаФчй╢уАВч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝Ъх╣│ц╜нх▓Ыхдзц░ФщвЧч▓ТчЙйф╕н PCBs чЪДш┤ищЗПц╡Ух║жшМГхЫ┤ф╕║ 0.22-21.66 pg┬╖m-3я╝Мх╣│хЭЗхА╝ф╕║ 4.82 pg┬╖m-3уАВ28 ф╕к PCBs хРМч│╗чЙйхНХф╜Уф╕нф╗е PCB138 хТМ PCB189 ф╕║ф╕╗уАВщвЧч▓ТчЙйф╕н PCBs чЪДч╗ДцИРф╗ехЕнц░пхПЦф╗гхТМ ф╕Гц░пхПЦф╗гчЪДщлШц░пхПЦф╗гф╕║ф╕╗я╝Мх╣│хЭЗч║жхНацА╗ц╡Ух║жчЪД 44.5%хТМ 32.2%уАВ уАВ11 ф╕к DL-PCBs чЪДцпТцАзх╜УщЗПшМГхЫ┤ф╕║ -3 0.008-215.58fg(TEQ)┬╖m я╝МхЕ╢ф╕нхп╣цпТцАзх╜УщЗПш┤бчМош╛ГхдзчЪДф╕║ PCB126уАБPCB123 хТМ PCB189уАВтИС27PCBs хТМтИС11DL-PCBs хЭЗхСИчО░хЗ║хЖмхнг 1уАБ2 цЬИф╗╜ц╡Ух║жчЫ╕хп╣ш╛ГщлШя╝М3уАБ4 цЬИф╗╜цШехнгш╛Гф╜ОчЪДш╢ЛхК┐уАВхРОхРСш╜иш┐╣хИЖцЮР шбицШОя╝Мх╣│ц╜нх▓ЫхЬ░хМ║хЖмцШехнгхдзц░ФщвЧч▓ТчЙйф╕н PCBs хПпшГ╜цЭец║Рф║ОхМЧцЦ╣хЯОх╕ВхЬ░хМ║чЪДф╛ЫцЪЦхТМх╖еф╕ЪцОТцФ╛уАВчаФчй╢ч╗УцЮЬ ф╕║ш┐Ыф╕Ацнец╖▒хЕечаФчй╢хП░ц╣╛ц╡╖х│бхЬ░хМ║ц╡╖ц┤Лхдзц░ФчОпхвГф╕н PCBs чЪДш┐Бчз╗ш╜мхМЦш┐ЗчиЛуАБчФЯцАБщгОщЩйшпДф╗╖чнЙцПРф╛Ыф║ЖчзСхнж хЯ║чбАхТМф╛ЭцНоуАВ 125 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PS4-23 Discovery and study of algicidal marine microorganisms, novel algicidal compounds,algicidal mechanisms of action and potential application in HABs control Tianling Zheng ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Harmful algal blooms (HAB; тАЬred-tidesтАЭ) of toxigenic algae are a significant threat to the functioning of the coastal marine ecosystems as well as to human health. The extent and the frequency of HAB have been on the rise in recent decades. While human-induced ecosystem stress and climate change have been implicated the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. Biological control of HABs with interacting algicidal microbes is an attractive idea. Its application requires mechanistic understanding of the relevant algae-microbe interactions and the algae target specificity. New algicidal microorganisms are being discovered and characterized at a rapid pace, and time is ripe to ask whether algicidal bacteria might provide an ecologically and environmentally safe and logistically practicable way to prevent or disrupt algal blooms. We summarize recent research on marine algicidal microorganisms, including algicidal resources, mechanisms and methods of microbial control, ecological interactions of microbes in natural environments, and expected future developments. We hope that this synthesis serves as a framework for discussion of red tide abatement based on such alga-microorganism interactions. PS4-24 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the mariculture zones of ChinaтАЩs northern Yellow Sea Humin Zong ([email protected]) National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian Pollutants such as PAHs affect coastal areas most seriously. Unfortunately, these areas typically house mariculture zones, which supply much seafood to human beings. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were detected in water and sediment samples collected from three mariculture zones in ChinaтАЩs northern Yellow Sea given the scarcity of PAH data from these areas. This study aims to enrich understanding regarding the sources, distribution mechanisms, and potential risks of PAHs in the mariculture environment. The results showed that in the water and sediment samples, total PAH concentrations ranged from 110.8 ng/L to 997.2 ng/L and 142.2 ng/g dry weight (dw) to 750.2 ng/g dw, respectively. Compared with PAH levels throughout the world, PAH levels in the mariculture environment of northern Yellow Sea were moderately high. The log KOC values of the various PAH compounds measured in this study increased with the log KOW values, which is consistent with the prediction regarding PAH behavior in the environment. However, these KOC values were lower than the predicted values as a result of the effects of organic matters, which were abundant in the mariculture water. The isomeric ratios of PAHs in sediment indicated that the source of the PAHs in the mariculture zones were mainly pyrolytic. The TEQcarc values of PAHs ranged from 7 ng TEQ/g dw to 92 ng TEQ/g dw, and only a few samples passed the safe criterion with respect to individual PAH concentrations. Base on above, PAHs in the mariculture zones of northern Yellow Sea pose limited harmful effects on aquatic organisms and human health. PS4-25 Development of the environmental monitoring system for aquaculture Jiajun Wu ([email protected]) City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong The worldwide production of fishery products reached over 100 Billion US Dollars in 2012 with the mainland China contributing over 60% of the entire worldтАЩs supply. Aquaculture was already the fastest growing sector of food production over the last two decades and it will continue to be a crucial source of food for the world during the next century. However, with the development of economy and society, as well asaquaculture has not always been environmentally responsible, the ecological environment is deteriorating gradually andthe irresponsible use of veterinary chemicals and drugs also cause food safety concerns. The water quality is one of the most important factors that affect the quality of the aquatic food. On the other hand, marineaquaculture is environmental dependence.Rapid changes in marine environment are creating an urgent need for real time environmental monitoring which is significant for the forecast of marine disasters and the prevention of economic loss. 126 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences With regards to research or professional services back up foraquaculture,adynamic environmental monitoring system will be developed to monitor the changes of water qualities and biological communities at fish culture zones. The system will include on-site monitoring systems, data transmission systems and data processing systems.The state-of-the-art technologies of remote sensing platforms and sensorswill be employed. Several keyconstituents related with water quality, including total nitrogen, total phosphorus, chlorophyll-a, harmful algal, zooplankton,trace metals,dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH, salinity,and temperature, will be of major concern.The data will be transmitted to the data processing system by public telephone network, satellite communications, HF VHF communications,and data storage media, etc. The data processing system will analyze the raw data, establishdatabases, and provide information services. This proposed comprehensive monitoring system for the aquaculture environment will contribute to early warning of marine disasters, ensure the safety of aquaculture and provide a track record for the enquiries of supervision departmentsand customs, and thus help us to improve fishery resource management. 127 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Poster of Workshop 1 / ф╕УщвШчаФшоиф╝Ъ 1 х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ PW1-01 Local inertial oscillations generated by wind changes Shengli Chen ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen A direct relationship between inertial oscillations and wind stress is derived from the linear momentum equation. The inertial oscillation can be represented as the sum of a previous oscillation, and a newly generated oscillation which depends on the acceleration of the wind stress. This relationship is employed to investigate some idealized cases of wind changes. It helps to interpret in a new way and in detail that why a sudden wind change is so efficient at generating inertial response, how a resonant wind induces a monotonically growing inertial response, and why anti-cyclonically rotating winds for a fixed position are much more favorable than cyclonic winds. PW1-02 Observations of internal tides and near-inertial waves in the upper 480 m layer of the Luzon Strait Yong Fang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou The spatial-temporal variability of internal tides (ITs) and near-inertial waves (NIWs) in the upper 480 m layer of the southwestern Luzon Strait were examined based on mooring current observations longer than 9-month during 2008 through 2009. The results of spectra analysis show that the clockwise rotary energies in diurnal, inertial and semidiurnal frequencies are prominent and in sequence from strong to weak. The vertical averaged kinetic energy of the diurnal ITs exhibits apparent seasonal variability, that is, the energy is strongest in winter, which is affected by the Kuroshio, and followed by that in summer, whereas weakest and comparable in spring and autumn. However, the semidiurnal variance is independent of seasonal factor and smaller, which is only one-third of the diurnal component in winter. Moreover, the diurnal ITs are dominated by the first mode except in spring, when the second mode is relatively predominant, while the semidiurnal ITs show a variable multimodal structure. In addition, the power of NIWs is strongest and exceeds that in the diurnal frequency during the passage of Typhoon Hagubit, with an e-folding timescale of longer than 10 days. PW1-03 Contribution of the Karimata Strait transport to the Indonesian Throughflow as seen from a data assimilation model Zhigang He ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen A particle-tracking experiment based on Bluelink ReANalysis (BRAN) is designed to explore the contribution of a branch of the South China Sea Throughflow, the Karimata Strait (KS) transport, to the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean. Results of the particle-tracking experiment show that most of the KS transport enters the Indian Ocean during the first half of a calendar year, with a maximum transport of more than 3 Sv in MarchтАУApril. The annual average contribution of the KS transport to the ITF is 1.6 Sv, 13% of the annual mean ITF transport, while in FebruaryтАУApril, the contribution is above 20%. Interannual variations of the KS transport into the Indian Ocean are modulated by the El Ni├▒o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). More SCS waters through KS can enter the Indian Ocean during El Ni├▒o phase, and less SCS waters through KS can enter the Indian Ocean during La Ni├▒a phase. SCS waters through KS can also enter the Pacific, especially during La Ni├▒a and negative Indian Ocean Dipole phase. PW1-04 A double-index method to classify the Kuroshio intrusion paths in the Luzon Strait Jianyu Hu ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 128 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences In this study, we propose a double-index classification method for Kuroshio intrusion paths based on the latest released satellite altimeter data from 1993 to 2013. This classification method has clear dynamic features and highlights the primary patterns of the KuroshioтАУeddy interactions in the northeastern South China Sea (SCS). The areal (119┬░тАУ121┬░E, 20┬░тАУ22┬░N) integrals of negative and positive geostrophic vorticity are defined as the KuroshioтАЩs Warm Eddy Index (KWI) and KuroshioтАЩs Cold Eddy Index (KCI), respectively. The events, having larger (smaller) than the standard deviation of the KCI (KWI), are defined as the KuroshioтАЩs Cold (Warm) Eddy Path (KCEP/KWEP). The remaining events are defined as the KuroshioтАЩs South China Sea Branch Path. The probabilities of occurrences for these three kinds of intrusion paths are 14.1%, 71.1% and 14.8%, respectively. The KWEP mainly occurs in winter and has a significant seasonal signal, with a warm eddy in its anticyclone bending southwest of Taiwan; while the KCEP mainly presents intraseasonal signals, with a cold eddy on the left of the main Kuroshio path in the middle of the Luzon Strait. Correlation analyses between the KWI (KCI) and the Luzon Strait transport suggest that the KWEP is mainly controlled by the seasonal variation of the inflow transport, while the intraseasonal variation of KCEP may affect the inflow transport. In addition, the relationship between the three types of the intrusion paths and the first three modes of empirical orthogonal function of absolute dynamic topography are also examined. PW1-05 A eddies-gyre structure in the western South China Sea in summer 2011 Junmin Li ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou A multi-eddy associated sub-basin scale cyclonic gyre in the western South China Sea (SCS) in 2011 summer is investigated using a suite of satellite measurements, in-situ observations and numerical modeling. The gyre initiated from the eastward offshore jet southeast of Vietnam, northwardly extended to the Zhongsha Islands, and sprawled across the Xisha Islands. It contained one cyclonic eddy, one anticyclonic eddy, and one cyclonic eddy from the south to the north. Dynamic analysis of Ekman transport, wind stress curl, and energy budget indicates the summer monsoon and the associated eddy-current interaction plays important roles in this eddies-gyre structure. The easterly deflective wind field around 12 ┬░N enhanced the Ekman transport and strengthened the eastward jet. The jet branched a strong northward recurrent under the effects of baroclinicity in the central SCS. The current was further regulated by the islandsтАЩ topography and developed into the cyclonic gyre. In the meantime, the positive-and-negative wind stress curl inside the gyre region favored the maintenances of the three eddies. The gyre passed energy to the eddies and the eddies expanded the cover region of the gyre. As a results, the positive feedback between the eddies and the gyre strengthens the stable existence of the eddies-gyre structure. PW1-06 A comparison study of typhoon-induced near-inertial oscillations in the South China Sea Zhenyu Sun ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen Based on 2 sets of observation data of ADCP moorings in the Northern South China Sea (NSCS), we analyzed the different responses of oceanic near-inertial oscillations induced by similar typhoon events. In the 2008 case, the ADCP moorings captured extraordinary strong NIO signals with near-inertial flow magnitude up to 40 cm/s, overwhelming the other flow components such as diurnal tide and semi-diurnal tide in this area. Due to the limited time span of the mooring observation, the immediate oceanic response to the preceding Typhoon Fengshen is not acquired, but it can be observed that this NIO event lasted for as long as about 15 days. While in the 2009 case, only moderate and short-term NIO signals are captured by the ADCP mooring in response to 2 separate typhoon passages. Spectral analysis indicates that flow energy in the near-inertial frequency band is weaker than those of diurnal tide and semidiurnal tide, and NIO flows only lasted for a few days immediately after the typhoon passages.Based on the comparison of the NIO events induced by typhoon events, we can tell NIO processes are largely different on characteristic parameters such as amplitude, lasting period, peak frequency, phase propagation and energy propagation. These characteristics are not only decided by the preceding typhoon forcing, but also modulated by the oceanic background processes, such as large scale background flow and background meso-scale 129 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences eddies. By observational mean flow data and numerical modeled mean flow, we attribute the extraordinary intensification of NIO energy in the 2008 case to the modulation effects of the NIO-favorable background current field. The negative background vorticity and the corresponding effective Coriolis frequency reduce the lower limit of admittible frequency band for the propagating NIOs, making the red-shift in frequency possible. The mooring area with the broadened frequency band acts as a wave-guide. The trapping and amplification effects lead to the relatively long sustaining period of the observed NIOs. PW1-07 Temporal variability and modal structure of internal tides in the northern South China Sea Zhenhua Xu ([email protected]) Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao Structure and variability of internal tides (IT) in the northern South China Sea were investigated based on 9-month moored current observations from autumn to early summer in 2008 and 2009. The diurnal IT kinetic energy, dominate over that of semidiurnal tides, is found to exhibit apparent seasonal variability, whereas the semidiurnal variance remains nearly uniform throughout the record period. Moreover, the diurnal IT are more coherent (i.e., phase locked to the astronomical forcing) than the semidiurnal constituents. Further analysis demonstrates that the diurnal IT are dominated by the first-mode, while the semidiurnal tides show a variable multimodal structure: the second-mode is dominant in summer and comparable to the first-mode in spring and autumn, but the first-mode predominate in winter. The multimodal semidiurnal IT are more influenced by varying stratification structures and background currents, thus in highly incoherent and intermittent behavior, which may wash out seasonal variability during their propagation from the generation source. 130 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Poster of Workshop 2 / ф╕УщвШчаФшоиф╝Ъ 2 х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ PW2-01 Seasonal evolution of chlorophyll-a fronts in the Taiwan Strait Yi Chang ([email protected]), Chin-Chang Hung, James T. Liu Institute of Ocean Technology and Marine Affairs, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan Department of Oceanography National Sun Yat-Sen University, KaohsiungDetection of oceanic fronts is well documented in the water along Chinese coast where is apparent gradient of sea water temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) that reflected interactions between water masses and bathymetry. Satellite images provide SST and Chl-a distributions that are both more frequent and spatially comprehensive than in situ sampling. However, data quality of satellite image, especially Chl-a concentrations, is varied in regional scale that sediment or organic detritus may confound the radial reflection. This study firstly compared the satellite-derived MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) Chl-a concentrations with in-situ measured Chl-a in the Taiwan Strait. Seasonal evolution and distributions of both SST fronts and Chl-a fronts are further presented by applying two edge detection methods to SST and ocean color images with grid size of 1.1 km. The comparison of satellite-derived and in situ derived Chl-a concentrations revealed linear correlation (r=0.91), however, intercept in the linear regression indicated that in situ measured Chl-a were higher than MODIS images. Three significant oceanic fronts were defined: the China Coastal Front (CCF), Peng-Chang Front (PCF), and Taiwan Bank Front (TBF). The CCF is a formed along the 50-m isobath near the Chinese coast with the highest SST gradient and relative lower gradient ratio of Chl-a in winter. However, it is noticed that while SST gradient of CCF getting faded since spring, the Chl-a concentration increased on the contrary and reached its highest concentration in summer while the coastal upwelling fronts are formed. The sharp PCF appears along the Peng-Hu Channel and extends northward around the Chang-Yuen Ridge. It is a year-round frontal band with stronger SST gradient in summer but weaker in other seasons. The Chl-a frontal maps corresponded to that of SST fronts in both front intensities and seasonal variations. The TBF evolves in early winter and transforms into a broad frontal band and moves shoreward to connecting the MCCF. In summer, TBF separated into two frontal bands around Bank, and reaches the strongest intensity of both SST and Chl-a gradient. As conclusion, this study suggested that Chl-a fronts are informative for marine biochemical research which can be the indicators of organic materials distribution, however, further validation of satellite-derived Chl-a is necessary in the future. PW2-02 Spatial distribution and characteristics of sedimentary n-Alkanes in Zhuoshui River drainage and estuary Yuan-Pin Chang ([email protected]), Jung-Tai Lu, Hsi-Jih Lu, James T. Liu Department of Oceanography, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung хП░ц╣╛ф╜НхдДцмзф║ЪхдзщЩЖцЭ┐хЭЧф║дцОех╕жя╝МхЬищвСч╣БчЪДхЬ░ш┤иф╜ЬчФиф╣Лф╕Ля╝МхнХшВ▓ф║Жх▓Ых▒┐хЮЛчЪДщлШх▒▒ц▓│х╖ЭуАВчД╢шАМя╝МцЮБ члпшЗкчД╢ф║Лф╗╢чЪДхПСчФЯ(хжВ:хЬ░щЬЗуАБцЪ┤щЫиуАБхП░щгОчнЙ)я╝МхКащАЯф║ЖщЫЖц░┤хМ║хЖЕчЪДхЬ░хг│хПШхКиуАБх▓йх▒ВщгОхМЦф╕Оц▓│щБУф╛╡шЪАчнЙ цФ╣хПШхЬ░х╜вхЬ░ш▓МчЪДф╜ЬчФия╝Мф╣Яф╜┐х╛ЧщЩЖц║РцЬЙцЬ║чЙйш┤ичЪДф╝аш╛Уф╕ОхИЖх╕ГчЙ╣х╛Бя╝МхЬихжВцндц░┤хКихКЫцЬ║хИ╢ф╣Лф╕Ля╝МцЫ┤цШ╛хдНцЭВуАВ цЬмчаФчй╢шЧЙчФ▒хИЖцЮРщвЧч▓ТчЙйш┤иф╕ншЬбшДВч╗ДхИЖф╣ЛчГ╖чГГчЙйш┤ия╝Мш░ГцЯехП░ц╣╛ф╕нщГиц╡Кц░┤ц║кц╡БхЯЯхПКхЕ╢ц▓│хПгхЬ░хМ║ц▓ЙчзпчЙйф╕н щЩЖц║РцЬЙцЬ║ш┤иф╣Лчй║щЧ┤хИЖх╕ГхЮЛцАБчЪДх╖ох╝Вя╝Мх╕МцЬЫшГ╜ф║ЖшзгхП░ц╣╛ф╕нщГиц▓│х╖Эш╛УхЗ║ф╣ЛцЬЙцЬ║чЙйш┤иф╗Оц║РхИ░ц▒ЗчЪДф╝аш╛Уцибх╝ПуАВ хИЖцЮРч╗УцЮЬцШ╛чд║я╝Мц╡БхЯЯхЖЕхЬЯхгдца╖хУБчЪДщХ┐чв│щУ╛чГ╖чГГ(n-C26~n-C35)хЗаф╣Оф┐ЭцЬЙчЫ╕хп╣ц╡Ух║жщлШхА╝я╝МхСИчО░хЕ╕хЮЛчЪДщЩЖ ц║РцдНчЙйшопхП╖я╝Мх░дф╗е n-C31 ф╕О n-C29 ф╕║ф╝ШхК┐хМЦхРИчЙйуАВшАМц▓ЙчзпчЙйф╕ОцВмц╡ощвЧч▓ТцЙАхРлчЪДцнгчГ╖чГГц╡Ух║жф╕░хА╝я╝Мф║О ц╡Кц░┤ц║кф╕╗ц╡БхЖЕхИЩхдЪхпМщЫЖхЬичЯнуАБф╕нчв│щУ╛(n-C16~n-C25)чЪДхМ║цо╡я╝МцШ╛чд║хПпшГ╜хПЧхИ░хНХч╗ЖшГЮшЧ╗ч▒╗чЪДх╜▒хУНя╝МшАМф╜┐ х╛ЧчГ╖чГГчв│цХ░хЮЛцАБчЪДхПШхМЦш╢ЛхК┐ф║ОцЧ╢чй║хИЖх╕Гф╕КчХецЬЙф╕НхРМуАВхПжф╕АцЦ╣щЭвя╝МщАацИРчГ╖чГГцХ░хА╝ф║зчФЯш╛ГхдзхПШх╝ВчЪДцГЕх╜вя╝М ш┐ШхПСчФЯхЬиц║кц░┤ц╡Бч╗Пф╕нц╕╕хМ║чЪДщлШф╛╡шЪАц▓│цо╡ф╕Оше┐щГищ║Ух▒▒х╕жх▓йх▒ВцЧ╢я╝МхЫахЯЛшЧПхЬих▓йхЭЧф╕нчЪДх▓йчЯ│ц║РчГ╖чГГя╝Мх╕╕ф╝┤ щЪПчЭАхдзщЗПх▓йх▒СшвлцМЯх╕жхЖ▓хЕец▓│х╖Эф╕ня╝Мш┐ЫшАМф╕╗хп╝щвЧч▓ТчЙйш┤ихЖЕщХ┐чв│щУ╛чГ╖чГГчЪДхИЖх╕ГхЮЛх╝ПуАВч╗Пф╝░чоЧх╛ЧчЯея╝Мц╡Кц░┤ ц║кф╕Лц╕╕хМ║цВмц╡ощвЧч▓ТцЙАцР║ш╜╜чЪД n-C26-35я╝Мч║жцЬЙ 28-58%ф╣ЛцпФф╛Лч│╗цЭешЗкх▓йчЯ│ц║РчГ╖чГГцЙАш┤бчМоуАВшЛеф╗ех╣┤ш╛УхЗ║ щЗПшбичд║я╝МхИЩцпПх╣┤хдзч║жцЬЙ 1.9-3.8 kt yr-1(0.35-0.69 Mt TOC-1 yr-1)чЪДх▓йчЯ│ц║Р n-C26-35 ш╛УхЕехП░ц╣╛ц╡╖х│буАВ 131 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PW2-03 Clay mineral composition of west Taiwan Strait and its implication for Middle-late Holocene Zhe-Min Coastal Current Jing Chen ([email protected]) East China Normal University, Shanghai Recent researches revealed modern Yangtze-derived sediments could be transported southward to the west Taiwan Strait by Zhe-Min Coastal Current (China Coastal Current), which provided abundant sediments for inner shelf mud wedge. One core with 2.5m long since 5.5 ka cal.BP was obtained in the southernmost mud wedge. This study aims to identify Yangtze-derived sediments from the core and thereby reconstruct Zhe-Min Coastal Current since Middle Holocene driven by Asia winter monsoon. Clay minerals are examined in surface sediment samples of Yangtze, Choshui estuary and Qiantang, Ou, Min above tidal current limit. Smectite occurs only in Yangtze sediments. Besides, illite is dominant in most rivers except Min which contains abundant kaolinite. Min River has no chlorite and Choshui has no kaolinite with higher proportion of chlorite than the others. Therefore, smectite can be used as indicator for Yangtze source, higher kaolinite for Min and higher chlorite for Choshui. Clay minerals in core sediments reveal that smectite of 3 percent occurs continuously with less chlorite, low ratio of chlorite/illite and kaolinite/illite below 102cm of the core. However, at the top of 102cm of 2.5 ka cal.BP, smectite disappears with higher ratio of chlorite/illite and kaolinite/illite. This implies that Zhe-Min Coastal Current driven by Asia winter monsoon declined since 2.5 ka cal.BP so that Yangtze-derived sediment could not be transported to west Taiwan Strait. PW2-04 Distinction and hydraulic meaningful interpretation of grain-size populations of intertidal heterolithic deposits in the middle Qiantang Estuary (China) Daidu Fan ([email protected]), Shuai Shang, Guofu Cai, Junbiao Tu School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University, Shanghai A routine sampling procedure for grain-size analysis is high potential to mix more than two different sedimentation units for intertidal heterolithic deposits, consequently blinding data interpretation. Traditionally, sedimentologists pay less attention to muddy layers owing to lack of meaningful internal structures, but their grain-size populations should encode more information on fine-mud flocculation procedures than sandy layers. In this paper, individual muddy and sandy layers were sampled separately for grain-size analysis on nine short cores from the DJS tidal flats in the middle Qiantang Estuary with tidal bores, plus one core from the lower estuary for a comparative study. A curve fitting method was employed to decompose each grain-size distribution into two Gaussian populations. Both bulk and component grain-size populations together with sedimentary structures were used to explore fine-scaled variations in hydraulic processes, fine-mud flocculation procedures and their products on the intertidal flats. Cumulative plotting indicates intertidal sediments are mostly dispersed as intermittent and full suspension load with little traction load, conceivably linking with agitated flows by tidal bores and high dynamic nature of fine-sand and coarse-silt particles. Selective transportation and deposition produce three distinct sedimentation units, including tidal-bore deposits, and tidal sandy and muddy deposits, which can be ideally discriminated by bivariate plotting of any two textural parameters. Shoreward attenuation of tidal flows is perfectly exhibited by the gradual fining and thinning of sandy layers from the lower-flat massive sand, through the middle-flat hybrid deposits (alternations of massive sand and tidal rhythmites), and to the upper-flat tidal rhythmites. It is also well displayed by slight worse (better) sorting and decreased (increased) proportions of coarse (fine) hydraulic populations of muddy layers, but no trend variation is discernible from hydraulic populations of sandy layers, definitely different from the contents of sedimentary structures. Floc limit and volume fraction, estimated by the mode and proportion of fine hydraulic populations, are 8~10 ┬╡m (16 ┬╡m) and on average 41.73% (26.41%) for muddy (sandy) layers. The most plausible explanation of different estimations is that floc limit is a variant sensitively responding to subtle change in suspended sediment compositions, and ambient hydraulic and hydrochemical settings. PW2-05 The quantitative estimation of sediment loadinto Poyang Lake Basin under human impacts Jianhua Gao ([email protected]) Nanjing University, Nanjing 132 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences The numerical model Hydro Trend is applied to simulate the variations of water discharge and sediment fluxes into Poyang Lake during 1956- 2010 from the five tributaries of Poyang Lake Basin, namely Gan, Fu, Xin, Rao and Xiu rivers. Furthermore, the influences of climate change, vegetation cover variation and reservoirs construction on the sediment load is analyzed, and the contribution of above three factors to the sediment load entering the Poyang Lake is quantitatively evaluated. The results show that, during the period of 1956-2010, the average annual sediment discharge into Poyang Lake under the influence of climate, vegetation cover and reservoirs construction reached 15.5 Mt, 20.8 Mt, 8.5 Mt, respectively; whereas, the sediment load entering the Poyang Lake under the combined-influence of above three factors is 12.6 Mt a-1. In addition, during the same period, the sediment load delivered to the Poyang Lake increased by 4.2 Mt a-1 due to water and soil erosion, and decreased by 8.2 Mt a-1 attributing to reservoir interception, which account for 32.4% and 63.2% of the observed sediment load discharging into the Poyang Lake. From 1956 to 1989, the increased sediment load caused by water and soil erosion and the decreased sediment load induced by dam emplacement, in terms of the both quantity of 5.1 Mt a-1, is equivalent; however, during 1990-2010, the sediment load resulting from water and soil loss decreased to 2.7 Mt a-1, and that intercepted by reservoirs increased to 13.3 Mt a-1, suggesting that the effect of reservoirs construction on the changes of sediment load entering the Poyang Lake is 5 times of that of water and soil erosion. PW2-06 Sediment transport pattern in a funnel-shaped estuary Wenping Gong ([email protected]) Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou Huangmaohai Estuary is a micro-tidal funnel-shaped estuary, located along the southwestern side of the Pearl River Delta complex. Variations of sediment transport patterns under different conditions of river discharge and tidal mixing are investigated by usingfield measurements and data analysis during both dry and wet seasons, respectively. The intratidal variation of sediment dynamics is largely controlled by the tidal asymmetry. The typical pattern of 25-hour mean sediment transport during the dry season is that the transport is landward in the channel and seaward on the shoals. A bifurcation pathway of sediment transport shows that sediments are imported from the East Opening and exported through the Middle Opening. However, this pattern can be altered by mixing processes and river discharge. Enhanced mixing or increased discharge can result in a predominantly seaward transport. Conversely, weak mixing can result in an emphatic landward transport. In general, the sediment transport is closely associated with the morphological evolution in the estuary. PW2-07 Study on the long term morphological evolution of the Modaomen Estuary, Pearl River Liangwen Jia ([email protected]) Marine School of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou The coupled model of Telemac system is applied to model the long term morpological evolution of the Modaomen Estuary, Pearl River. The model was well valdated against the mearsured data and reproduces the morphological evolution satisfactorily. The model was then used to predict the future evolution of the morphology in the Modaomen Estuary. The results show that the deep channels will continually extend and the new mouth bar in front of the two deep channels will develop and the runoff controls the direction of the morphology and wave modifies it. PW2-08 Potential application of comminution age method to constrain the time scale of sediment source-to-sink transport in the East China Sea Chao Li ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai The East China Sea (ECS) is a river-dominated epicontinental sea, linking the Asian continent to the northwestern Pacific via the large rivers originating from Tibetan Plateau. This huge influx of riverine detritus has developed unique sedimentary systems in the ECS during the Quaternary, offering ideal terrestrial archives for reconstructing Quaternary paleoenvironmental changes and studying land-sea interactions. Overall, two characteristic river systems dominate the sedimentary systems and sediment source to sink transport patterns in the ECS, represented by the Changjiang (Yangtze River) and Huanghe (Yellow River) for the large river system and Taiwan rivers for the small river 133 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences system. Given this, the sediments derived from both river systems bear distinct features in terms of parent rock lithology, provenance weathering and sediment transport. Previous studies mostly focus either on the тАЬsourceтАЭ discrimination or on the тАЬsinkтАЭ records of the sedimentary system in the ECS, while the source to sink process linking the land and sea, in particular its time scale, has been poorly understood. Here we introduce a newly-developed dating technique, тАЬcomminution ageтАЭ method, which offers a quantitative constraint on the time scale of sediment transfer from its ultimate source to the final depositional sink. This novel method is of great significance for improving our understanding on the earth surface processes including tectonic-climate driven weathering, and sediment recycling in relation to landscape evolution and marine environmental changes. The application of comminution age method in the ECS will provide important constraints on sediment source-to-sink process and more evidences for the construction of late Quaternary paleoenvironmental changes under these unique sedimentary systems. PW2-09 Variations of export production and phytoplankton community structure change in the Okinawa trough over the last 30 kyr: Global consistence of the silicic acid leakage hypothesis Dawei Li ([email protected]), Shuh-Ji Kao State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science,Xiamen University, Xiamen During the last glacial maximum (LGM), the global ocean was characterized by relatively poor ventilation of deep water which contains higher remineralized nutrient pool and lower dissolved oxygen compared to that during late Holocene. Large amount of dust bore Fe input during the LGM induced higher phytoplankton productivity (PP) in the South Ocean and higher nutrient (N) utilization efficiency in both north and south Polar Regions, thus dust input was proposed to account for the nutrient redistribution in upper and deeper ocean. On the other hand, Fe availability can also regulate the Si:N and Si:P absorbing ratios by diatom, with large values (e.g. 4-8 for Si:N) under Fe-depleted condition and small values(e.g. ca. 1 for Si:N) when Fe is adequate. Thus the glacial nutrient redistribution may display different scenarios for N, P and Si. In this study, sediments from core MD012404 that derived from middle Okinawa trough were analyzed for biogeochemical proxies over the last 30 kyr. Ba/Al ratio indicates high export productivity (EP) during the Holocene and low EP during the LGM, which mirrors the variation of the reactive P in the same core; these leads to the postulation that P controlled the EP in the Okinawa trough, and also support the nutrient redistribution hypothesis as mentioned above. The scenario of consistently high opal values during the LGM and early deglacial intervals is parallel with high dust input to the South Ocean, suggesting higher Fe input induced disproportional export of Si relative to N and P to the deep ocean, with relative decreased Si:N and Si:P ratio during the LGM. Thus, the upper ocean should be switch from Si to P depletion during the LGM, based on the hypothesis that N deficiency could be relieved by N 2 fixation organisms. This further leads to the increase of total diatom production at the expense of other types of phytoplankton during the LGM, thereby decreasing the CaCO3/Opal rain ratio and drawing down atmospheric CO2. PW2-10 Geochemistry of major, trace and rare-earth elements during weathering of granodiorite in southeast China: implications for riverine floodplain weathering Ni Su ([email protected]), Shou-Ye Yang, Xiao-Dan Wang, Lei Bi, Cheng-Fan Yang State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai Continental weathering plays an important role in earth surface processes by linking EarthтАЩs spheres and producing material for cycling. The key to understand sediment source-to-sink process is to realize what happed between the weathering and stream transport. While this may be a complicated work, we hope to explore one or two points here. In this work, geochemistry of major, trace and rare-earth elements is studied in a granodiorite developed weathering profile (Xianyou profile) and a local riverтИТMulan stream in Fujian province, the southeast China. Kaolinite is the dominant weathering product based on the X-ray diffraction analyses. An increase in the degree of weathering is accompanied by reductions in major oxides, e.g. MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, P2O5, SiO2 and MnO. Relative changes in the Al2O3 and TFe2O3 contents are attributed to physical transport or accumulation of fine weathering products. The reductions are also present in trace elements (e.g. Rb, Cs, Sr, Ba, Co, Zn and Cd), while Zr, Th, Hf and Ta are generally 134 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences immobile trace element. The REEs relative mobility shows that the LREEs are less mobile than HREEs during chemical weathering, with the strong Ce anomaly. We observe the higher LREEs/HREEs fractionation in the upper 4.3 m (above the fault) and lower LREEs/HREEs fractionation in the lower 4.3 m (below the fault). The difference in LREEs/HREEs fractionation can be linked to difference in clay content, primary mineralogy and degree of weathering, the latter controlling the type and volume of secondary minerals. We further analyze and compare the chemical composition from the Xianyou weathering profile with the surface sediment (SS) and suspend particulate matter (SPM) in the Mulan stream. Data analyses show that the floodplain weathering play a vital in controlling the REEs fractionation. This is revealed by the LREEs enrichment and HREEs depletion. Furthermore, the SS and SPM in the Mulan stream become significantly enriched in mobile elements (e.g. K, Na, Mg, Ca and P). This may indicate the storing (or accumulation) of weathering products (i.e. mobile elements) during the transit through the riverine floodplain. This process is always accompanied by the mineral sorting, which is the first order control on the chemical composition of river sediments. Overall, this study sheds new lights on the continental weathering and detrital sediment transport in the East Asian continental margin. PW2-11 The fate of terrestrial substances discharged from Minjiang River Aijun Wang ([email protected]) The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen ца╣цНощЧ╜ц▒ЯхПгхПКхСиш╛╣ц╡╖хЯЯцВмц╡оф╜Уш░ГцЯеш╡ДцЦЩуАБш┐Юч╗н 10 х╣┤чЪДщБецДЯх╜▒хУНш╡ДцЦЩуАБшбих▒Вц▓ЙчзпчЙйш░ГцЯехИЖцЮРш╡ДцЦЩя╝М ч╗╝хРИхИЖцЮРф║ЖщЧ╜ц▒Яц│ец▓ЩхЕец╡╖хРОчЪДш╛Уш┐Рш┐ЗчиЛхПКхЕ╢х╜Тхо┐уАВчаФчй╢ч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝ЪщЧ╜ц▒ЯхЕец╡╖ц│ец▓ЩшбичО░хЗ║цШОцШ╛чЪДтАЬхдПхВи хЖмш╛УтАЭчЪДчЙ╣х╛Бя╝МцШеуАБхдПхнгхдзщЗПхЕец╡╖чЪДцВмц╡оц│ец▓ЩхдЪшвлхЬИщЧнхЬиц▓│хПгщЩДш┐Сц╡╖хЯЯя╝МхИ░чзЛхнгя╝МщЧ╜ц▒ЯхПгхПКхСиш╛╣ц╡╖хЯЯ щАРц╕Рш╜мхПШф╕║ф╕ЬхМЧщгОцОзхИ╢я╝МшАМхЖмхнгхоМхЕичФ▒ф╕ЬхМЧщгОцОзхИ╢я╝МхЬиф╕ЬхМЧщгОчЪДф╜ЬчФиф╕Ля╝МщЧ╜ц▒ЯхПгхдЦц╡╖хЯЯц│вц╡кф╜ЬчФих╝║ чГИя╝МцШеуАБхдПхнгц▓ЙщЩНхИ░ц╡╖х║ХчЪДц│ец▓ЩхЬих╝║ц░┤хКихКЫчЪДф╜ЬчФиф╕ЛхПСчФЯхЖНцВмц╡оя╝МхЬиф╕ЬхМЧщгОчЪДф╜ЬчФиф╕Лц▓┐ц╡╖х▓╕хРСхНЧш╛У ш┐Ря╝Мф╕АшИмхПпш╛Уш┐РшЗ│х╣│ц╜нх▓ЫхНЧщГиц╡╖хЯЯя╝МхЬиш┐Юч╗нчЪДх╝║хЖ╖чй║ц░Фх╜▒хУНф╕Ля╝МщЧ╜ц▒ЯхЕец╡╖цВмц╡оц│ец▓ЩхРСхНЧхПпш╛Уш┐РшЗ│хП░ ц╣╛ц╡╖х│бф╕нщГиц╡╖хЯЯуАВшбих▒Вц▓ЙчзпчЙйч╗╝хРИхИЖцЮРч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝МщЧ╜ц▒ЯхЕец╡╖ц▓ЙчзпчЙйхЬиш┐ЫхЕец▓│хПгхдЦчЪДхЖЕщЩЖцЮ╢хРОхН│ф╕Оц╡Щ щЧ╜ц▓┐х▓╕ц╡БцР║х╕жчЪДч╗ЖщвЧч▓Тц▓ЙчзпчЙйц╖╖хРИя╝МхРСф╕ЬхНЧцЦ╣хРСш╛Уш┐Ря╝Мф╜ЖхЬиц▓│хПгчОпц╡БуАБщЩЖцЮ╢чОпц╡БхПКц╡ЩщЧ╜ц▓┐х▓╕ц╡БчнЙц░┤ хКихКЫчЪДф╜ЬчФиф╕Ля╝МхПпшГ╜ф╝ЪцЬЙщГихИЖщЧ╜ц▒ЯхЕец╡╖ц▓ЙчзпчЙйхЬихИ░ш╛╛х╣│ц╜нх▓Ыф╕ЬхМЧщГиц╡╖хЯЯхРОц▓┐х╣│ц╜нх▓Ыш┐Сх▓╕хРСхНЧш╛Уш┐Ря╝М х╣╢хЬич╗Пш┐Зх╣│ц╜нх▓ЫхРОхСИшИМчК╢хРСхП░ц╣╛ц╡╖х│бф╕нщГиш╛Уш┐РуАВ PW2-12 Modeling the mud filling processes of tidal basins along the East China Sea coast Yunwei Wang ([email protected]) MOE Laboratory for Coast and Island Development, Nanjing University, Nanjing Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, Delft, the NetherlandsAlong the rocky coast of the East China Sea (Fujian and Zhejiang coast), a number of tidal basins formed in association with the early Holocene sea level rise, e.g., Xiangshangang Bay, Sanmen Bay, Sansha Bay, Luoyuan Bay. Fed by long-distance transported fine sediments from Changjiang Estuary, these sheltered basins act as one of the important sinks of the large scale Changjiang sedimentary system. Filled by the Changjiang sediments, the sedimentary and morphological patterns are characterized by: (1) complex channel-flat morphology, (2) thick muddy stratigraphy in the order of 101 m, and (3) very fine sediments (typically silty clay). The understanding of the mud filling processes can help the construction of panoramic view of source-to-sink system of Changjiang sediments. The present study used the two-dimensional depth-averaged processes-based model (Delft3D) to simulate the long-term basin sedimentary and morphological processes associated with mud filling. The idealized model domain consisted of two parts, a tidal basin and a shelf area, which were connected through an inlet. Wave and tidal forces were involved, and the model was simulated for 100 years to allow the filling processes fully developed. The supply of highly mobile fine sediments from the sea boundary can not settle down on the open shelf due to wave erosion, while within the sheltered basin, sediment was carried by flood currents and finally accumulated in the inner area with low bed shear stress. From the initial uniform depth of 10 m, the basin was filled quickly during the simulation period of 100 yr. The final results show the channel-flat morphology and the 10 m thick mud deposition on the flat area, which are both consistent with observations. These simulations suggest that this type tidal basin can be filled very quickly (in the order of 102 yr) 135 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences compared with the Holocene high sea level period, and the main part of the stratigraphy records the information during the early stage of the Changjiang sediments reaching the adjacent shelf. PW2-13 The characteristics of detrital garnet compositions of Changjiang and Huanghe river sediments and their source identification in East China Sea Zhongbo Wang ([email protected]) Key Laboratory of Marine Hydrocarbon Resources and Environmental Geology, Ministry of Land and Resources, Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Qingdao Distinct elemental compositions of detrital garnets separated from the Changjiang and Huanghe sediments can be applied in provenance identification on the outer shelf of the ECS. The garnet composition of the Changjiang is characterized by high Mn and low Mg contents, which are mainly controlled by the rocks of young Yangtze-Cathaysian tectonic blocks. The garnets of the Huanghe sediments have high Mg and relative low Mn contents, primarily determined by the Archaean and Proterozoic rocks in the North China Craton. Some detrital garnets of the two rivers have similar compositions because of their similar source rock types. The typomorphic garnets of the Jinshajiang and the Kuyehe can be the source indicators as the Changjiang and Huanghe sediments, respectively. The sources changes of core SFK-1 samples can be well revealed by garnet compositions. The garnets in the glacial sediments of core SFK-1 are considered to be primarily from the paleo-Changjiang, being high Mn and low Mg contents, and containing >10% spessartine and <20% pyrope on average. The garnets in MIS5 sediments with high Mg and low Mn contents and pyrope dominant, are mainly derived from the paleo-Huanghe. We conclude that the sediments on the outer shelf of the ECS were predominantly sourced from the paleo-Huanghe during MIS5, but the provenances changed to the paleo-Changjiang during last glacial period. Besides, the paleo-Huanghe might contribute some sediment to the deglacial tidal flat deposits. PW2-14Dynamics of the western Pacific ITCZ during the past millennium Hong Yan ([email protected]), Wei Wei, Willie Soon State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an Both palaeoclimate proxy reconstructions and numerical modeling indicate that precipitation in low latitude monsoonal areas is primarily controlled by north-south migration of the global Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) on millennial to orbital timescales. These migrations are associated with the occurrence of opposite rainfall variations between the two hemispheres. However, the pattern of the ITCZ variation and its potential impacts on the decadal- to centennial-scale precipitation changes around the marine-continental western Pacific region over the last millennium remain unclear. A number of recent studies suggest the occurrence of a southward migration of the global ITCZ during the Little Ice Age (LIA, AD 1400-1850) when compared with the Medieval Warm Period (AD 800-1300) and the most recent 150 years. Concomitantly, dry LIA conditions should have occurred in the northern extent of the ITCZ and wet conditions around the southern limit of the ITCZ. However, our hydrological reconstructions from Xisha Island of northern South China Sea (near the northern limit of the ITCZ) present a clear wet condition during the LIA, which can not be explained by the ITCZ southward migration proposal. Including our new reconstructions in a synthesis of East Asianorthern Australia records results in a spatial pattern of synchronous retreat of the East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM) and the Australian Summer Monsoon (ASM) during the LIA. Thus we propose an alternative dynamic scenario for changes in the ITCZ: rather than strict north-south migration, the primary mode of multi-decadal to centennial change for the marine-continental ITCZ zone in the western Pacific is contraction/expansion in response to variations in solar irradiance that occur symmetrically about the equator. Meanwhile, the contraction of ITCZ could also contribute to the enhanced Pacific Walker Circulation during the LIA. PW2-15 Characteristics of suspended sediment and resuspension processes in Xinyanggang Estuary Yang Yang ([email protected]) Nanjing University, Nanjing 136 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences ф╕нх░ПхЮЛхЕец╡╖ц▓│хПгчФ▒ф║ОцХ░щЗПф╝ЧхдЪуАБхИЖх╕Гх╣┐ц│Ыя╝МхЕ╢ц▓ЙчзпхКихКЫхнжчЙ╣х╛Бхп╣ф║Оц▓│хПгхМ║чЪДхЬ░ш▓МчОпхвГц╝ФхМЦчнЙхЕ╖ цЬЙщЗНшжБцДПф╣ЙуАВцЦ░ц┤Лц╕пц▓│хПгцШпц▒ЯшЛПц╖дц│еш┤их╣│хОЯц╡╖х▓╕ф╕КчЪДхЕ╕хЮЛф╕нх░ПхЮЛх╗║щЧ╕ц▓│хПгя╝МцЬмцЦЗщАЪш┐ЗхЬицЦ░ц┤Лц╕пц▓│хПг ш┐ЫшбМчЪДщлШч▓╛х║жф╕ЙшИ╣хРМцнечО░хЬ║шзВц╡Ля╝МчаФчй╢ф║Жц▓│хПгчЪДцВмц▓ЩчЙ╣х╛БхПКц▓ЙчзпчЙйхп╣хЖНцВмц╡оф╜ЬчФичЪДхУНх║ФчК╢хЖ╡уАВч╗УцЮЬ шбицШОя╝Мц╜охСицЬЯхЖЕцВмц▓Щц╡Ух║жхПШхМЦцШ╛шСЧя╝Мц╢иц╜охПКх╝АщЧ╕цФ╛ц░┤цЬЯщЧ┤цВмц▓Щц╡Ух║жш╛Гхдзя╝МцЬАхдзх╣│хЭЗцВмц▓Щц╡Ух║жш╛╛ 1.45 g/Lя╝ЫшАМхЬихЕ╢хоГцЧ╢щЧ┤цо╡хЖЕцВмц▓Щц╡Ух║жш╛Гх░Пя╝Мф╗ОхПгщЧишЗ│щЧ╕щЧицВмц▓Щц╡Ух║жцЬЙщАРц╕РхвЮхдзш╢ЛхК┐уАВц╜охСицЬЯхЖЕхЕ╕хЮЛцЧ╢хИ╗ цВмц▓ЩхЮВхРСхИЖх╕ГчмжхРИтАЬL хЮЛтАЭхИЖх╕ГчЙ╣чВ╣я╝МшбиуАБх║Хх▒ВцВмц▓Щц╡Ух║жх╖ох╝ВцШ╛шСЧуАВхЬицЬЙх╛Дц╡Бф╕Лц│╗цЬЯщЧ┤я╝МцВмц▓Щц╡Ух║жхЮВхРС хПШхМЦш╛Гф╕║хЭЗхМАя╝Мц░┤ф╜Уц╖╖хРИф╜ЬчФицШ╛шСЧуАВцВмц▓Щх╣│хЭЗч▓Тх╛Дф╗Лф║О 5-10 ╬╝mя╝ЫцВмц▓Щч╗ДхИЖф╗еч▓ЙчаВф╕║ф╕╗я╝Мх╣│хЭЗхРлщЗП хЬи 70%ф╗еф╕КуАВщЧ╕ф╕ЛхПКхЕец╡╖хПгхМ║хЯЯхЖНцВмц╡оф╜ЬчФицШ╛шСЧя╝МцЬАхдзхЖНцВмц╡ощАЪщЗПф╕║ 10-4-10-3 kg/m2sя╝Мф╗ОхПгщЧишЗ│ц▓│ щЧ╕хСИщАТхЗПш╢ЛхК┐я╝ЫхРМцЧ╢я╝МцВмц▓ЩхЗ║чО░ч▓ЧхМЦчО░ш▒бя╝МчаВч╗ДхИЖхРлщЗПхвЮхКауАВ PW2-16 In-situ Observation of Typhoon "Seagull" Impact on Nandujinag River Wwater Flux and Sediment Discharge Ping Yin ([email protected]) Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Qingdao хНЧц╕бц▒ЯхПСц║Рф║Оц╡╖хНЧх▓Ыф╕нщГих▒▒хМ║я╝МхРСхМЧчФ▒ц╡╖хПгх╕Вф╕Ьф╛зхЕец╡╖ц│ихЕечР╝х╖Юц╡╖х│бя╝Мц▓│ц╡БхЕищХ┐ 334 kmя╝Мц╡БхЯЯ щЭвчзпш╛╛ 7033 km2уАВх╛Дц╡Бф╕╗шжБцЭешЗкхНЧц╕бц▒Яф╕Кц╕╕я╝Мц┤кцЮпхнгхПШхМЦцШОцШ╛я╝Мч║ж 80 %чЪДх╛Дц╡БщЗПцЭешЗкц┤кхнгчЪД 6-10 цЬИуАВца╣цНохНЧц╕бц▒Яф╕Лц╕╕ц░┤цЦЗчлЩщХ┐цЬЯхоЮц╡Лш╡ДцЦЩя╝МцЬАхдзх╣┤х╣│хЭЗц╡БщЗПф╕║ 296 m3/s я╝И1973 х╣┤я╝Йя╝МцЬАх░Пх╣┤х╣│хЭЗ ц╡БщЗПф╕║ 74.6 m3/sя╝И2004 х╣┤я╝Й уАВ 2004-2007 х╣┤цЬЯщЧ┤я╝М х╣┤х╣│хЭЗц╡БщЗПф╕║ 108.1 m3/sя╝М х╛Дц╡БщЗПф╕║ 34.7├Ч108m3уАВ 2014 х╣┤ 9 цЬИ 14-10 цЬИ 2 цЧея╝МщЭТх▓Ыц╡╖ц┤ЛхЬ░ш┤ичаФчй╢цЙАхЬихНЧц╕бц▒Яц▓│ц╡Бф╕Лц╕╕ш┐Сц╜охМ║чХМц▓│хПгцо╡х╕Гшо╛цЦнщЭвя╝МшзВц╡Л хП░щгОтАЬц╡╖щ╕етАЭщЩНц░┤хп╣хНЧц╕бц▒ЯхЕец╡╖ц│ец▓ЩщАЪщЗПчЪДх╜▒хУНуАВщЗЗчФих║зх║Хх╝ПхоЙх╛╖цЛЙц╡╖ц╡Бшобш┐ЫшбМц╡Кх║жхТМц╡БщАЯхОЯф╜Нш┐Юч╗н шзВц╡Ля╝МхРМцЧ╢ш┐ЫшбМц▓│ц╡БцВмц╡оф╜УхПЦца╖хТМ CTD шзВц╡Ля╝МцЧ╢щЧ┤щЧ┤щЪФф╕║ 1-4 х░ПцЧ╢уАВхП░щгОтАЬц╡╖щ╕етАЭф║О 9 цЬИ 16 цЧеф╕КхНИ 9 цЧ╢хЬиц╡╖хНЧчЬБцЦЗцШМчЩ╗щЩЖя╝Мф╕нх┐ГщгОхКЫ 40m/sя╝Мх╕жцЭех╝║щЩНщЫия╝Мц╡БхЯЯ 24 х░ПцЧ╢х╣│хЭЗщЩНщЫич║ж 295mmя╝МцЬАхдзф╕║ 595.5mmуАВхП░щгОщЩНщЫих╕жцЭечЪДц┤кц░┤ф║Ох╜УцЧеф╕ЛхНИ 13 цЧ╢х╝АхзЛхИ░ш╛╛шзВц╡ЛчлЩя╝Мц╡БщАЯцАехЙзхвЮхдзя╝Мц░┤ф╜Нф╕Кц╢ия╝М22:00 цЧ╢ц┤кх│░хИ░ш╛╛я╝Мц╡БщАЯч║жф╕║ 2.5m/sя╝МцндхРОя╝Мц╡БщАЯч╝УцЕвщЩНф╜Оя╝Мч║ж 5 хдйхРОя╝Мц┤кц░┤ш┐ЗчиЛч╗УцЭЯуАВц╡Кх║жхПШхМЦхРМц╡БщАЯ шбичО░хЗ║ш╛Гхе╜чЪДцнгчЫ╕хЕ│я╝МцВмц╡оф╜Уц╡Ух║жцЬАхдзхА╝чиНц╗ЮхРОф║Оц┤кх│░уАВц┤кц░┤ш┐ЗчиЛхп╝шЗ┤хНЧц╕бц▒Яц▓│хПгцо╡ц╕йх║жуАБчЫРх║жчЪД цАехЙзщЩНф╜Оя╝Мц┤кх│░ш┐ЗхРОя╝Мц╕йх║жхТМчЫРх║жч╝УцЕвхЫЮхНЗуАВшзВц╡Лч╗УцЮЬхИЭцнехИЖцЮРшбицШОц┤кц░┤ш┐ЗчиЛф╕нц▓│ц╡БчЪДх╛Дц╡БщЗПхЬи 1080 я╝Н2700 m3/sуАВф╕ОцЮпхнгчЪДхп╣цпФч╗УцЮЬшбицШОхНЧц╕бц▒ЯчЪДхЕец╡╖ц│ец▓Щх╣┤хЖЕхИЖх╕ГцЮБф╕║ф╕НхЭЗшббя╝МхП░щгОцШпх╜▒хУНхЕ╢ц║Рц▒Зш┐З чиЛчЪДф╕╗шжБхЫач┤ая╝Мш┐Щф╕кч╗Ушо║ф╕ОхП░щгОхРОхЬиц▓│хПгш┐Сх▓╕ц╡╖хЯЯшзВц╡ЛхИ░чЪДц╡Кх║жуАБчЫРх║жхТМц╕йх║жхПШхМЦчЪДчЙ╣х╛БцШпф╕АшЗ┤уАВ 137 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Poster of Student Session / хнжчФЯф╕УхЬ║х▒ХцЭ┐цКехСКцСШшжБ PSSB-01 Seasonal variations of phytoplankton composition in Xiamen Bay using in situ Cytosense Zhen Cao ([email protected]), Jixin Chen, Bangqin Huang College of Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen The application of in situ observation technology in biological oceanography make a big promotion in the field of marine biology, ecology and the knowledge of different spatial and temporal biogeochemistry process. In situ instruments (Cytosense and Ferrybox) had been applied to the underway observation in Xiamen Bay from Dec.,2012 to Nov., 2013. Based on the data analysis, we figure out 11 functional groups and their relationship with the environmental factors. Three picophytoplankton (C1, C2, C3), four cryptophytes (N1, N5, N6, N10) and four micro-nanoeukarytoes (E1, E2, E3, E4) were distinguished. During the whole year sampling, most resolved clusters showed large seasonal variations in abundance and other fluorescence values. N1, N6, N10, E1, E2 and E4 exhibited high abundances in spring, while C1, C3 and E3 in summer. N5 had two peaks of abundance in spring and summer. Above all, C2 exhibited high abundance the whole year except autumn. In these clusters, only N5 had two abundance peaks during the whole year, while most of the other clusters showed only one abundance peak. Cluster E4, C1 and C3 (small cells) were dominant throughout the year. PSSB-02 Effect of oxidative stress on cell death and TEP production by diatoms and cyanobacterium Jie Chen ([email protected]) South China Sea Marine Engineering and Environment Institute, South China Sea Branch, State Oceanic Administration,Guangzhou Diatoms and cyanobacteria are important primary producers in the oceans and have high primary productivity. Diatom and cyanobacteria can excrete large amounts of exopolymers (EPS), which can coagulate into transparent exopolymer particles (TEP). Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) play an important role in the ocean carbon cycle as they are sticky and affect particle aggregation and the biological carbon pump. In this study, diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii and the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongates were grown in batch culture with different oxidative stress. The aim of this study is to investigate cell death in the diatom and the cyanobacterium in response to oxidative stress and compare the effect of oxidative stress on TEP production in the two different species. The results of this study indicated that the cyanobacterium was more sensitive to oxidative stress than the diatom. However, the results from diatom and cyanobacteria cultures all indicated that oxidative stress enhance TEP production, which was associated with increases in cell permeability. Oxidative stress triggered high caspase activity, a decline in photosynthetic efficiency, and induced cell mortality. In addition, TEP production was enhanced under oxidative stress indicating that oxidative stress influenced the mechanism of TEP formation. This would consequently influence aggregate formation and carbon cycling in the ocean. PSSB-03 Studies on food web structure and energy flow of Guangxi offshore ecosystem based on the Ecopath model Lixiao Chen ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen Guangxi offshore water, located at the north of Beibu Gulf in South China Sea, is a semi-enclosed bay. With the rapid development of coastal economy, the marine environment, resources, and the food-web structure of Guangxi offshore ecosystem are heavily effect. In order to sustainable use of marine resources and protect the ecological environment, we should understand the food web structure and flow characteristics. Based on the data from a bio-resources survey in 2011, a mass-balance model was constructed using Ecopath with Ecosim v.6.4.1 to represent energy transfer through the trophic levels of Guangxi offshore ecosystem. The model consisted of 21 functional 138 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences groups including sea birds, commercial fish species, benthos, zooplankton, phytoplankton, bacteria and detritus, covered the main trophic flow in Guangxi offshore ecosystem. The results show that the trophic levels of all groups ranged from 1.00-3.86, with sea birds occupying the top level. The system consisted of seven integrated trophic levels, the average transfer efficiency was 11.4%. Zooplankton had highest keystone index in the ecosystem. Components of low trophic levels in the ecosystem were particularly important was accordance with general characteristics of offshore and semi-enclosed marine ecosystem. The total throughout of Guangxi offshore ecosystem was 6892.548 t/km 2/y, and TPP/TR value was 1.828, which was higher than the early research, indicating that the ecosystem was degeneration. PSSB-04 Bioavailability and effect of different forms of iron in seawater on the growth of P. tricornutum Wanli Dong ([email protected]) College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen Iron is essential for the growth and metabolism of phytoplankton. It exists in many proteins and enzymes and plays a necessary role in many basic biochemical processes, such as photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport, nitrate and nitrite reduction, and detoxification of reactive oxygen species. In this study, P. tricornutum was selected as the model alga. To study the bioavailability and effect of different forms of iron on the growth of P. tricornutum, FeCl3, Fe-EDTA and Fe-deferoxamine were chosen. During the culture experiments, cell concentrations were measured daily to monitored the growth conditions of P. tricornutum. To investigate the mechanism how different forms of iron influenced the growth of P. tricornutum, the dissolved, intracellular and extracellular iron concentrations were measured with atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS). The preliminary results are the follows: (1) FeCl3 and FeтАУEDTA could promote the growth of P. tricornutum, especially FeтАУEDTA, while Fe-deferoxamine inhibited the growth. (2) When FeCl3 was added to the cultures, Fe mainly distributed on the surface of the alga cells; the concentration of dissolved Fe decreased as the incubation time increased while the concentration of intracellular Fe increased and the concentration of extracellular Fe remained almost constant. In the stable growth period, the iron concentration in each part of the cultures turned to reach a dynamic equilibrium. (3) With FeтАУEDTA in the cultures, the dissolved Fe was the dominant form at the beginning of the cultivation, but its concentration decreased as the incubation time increased while the concentration of intracellular and extracellular Fe increased. PSSB-05 Sinking rates of phytoplankton in the Changjiang estuary, East China Sea: A comparative study between Prorocentrum dentatum and Skeletonema dorhnii bloom Shujin Guo ([email protected]) College of Marine Science and Engineering, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin Sinking rates of phytoplankton community with variable taxonomic composition in the outer Changjiang (Yangtze River) estuary were measured during two cruises in spring and summer of 2011. A homogenous sample method SETCOL was used to determine the sinking rates. Phytoplankton community was dominated by dinoflagellates in spring and diatoms in summer, and two species Prorocentrumdentatum and Skeletonema dorhnii formed algal blooms in the survey area in the two cruises, respectively. Phytoplankton sinking raters ranged from 0.13 to 1.04 m d-1 (average = 0.61 m d-1) in spring and 0.28 to 1.71 m d-1 (average=0.80 m d-1) in summer.In the surface layer, the phytoplankton sinking rates at the P. dentatum bloom stations in spring were obviously lower than that at the S. dorhnii bloom stations in summer. No significant correlation was found between phytoplankton sinking rates and most of the environmental parameters during these two cruise, except for temperature and nitrite concentration in summer. A significant correlation was found between phytoplankton sinking rates and phytoplankton community structure itself in the surface layers: the higher dominanceof diatom in the phytoplankton community corresponded to higher phytoplankton sinking rate.The phytoplankton community structure other than the environmental parameters, therefore, was considered to affect the sinking rates greatly. A crude estimation of carbon flux was estimated, and results suggested that the carbon flux to bottom water during the S. dorhnii bloom (average=63.13 mg C d-1m-2) in summer was about 2.4 fold of that during the P. dentatum bloom (average=26.10 mg C d-1m-2) in spring.The sinking mechanisms of these two blooms were 139 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences discussed, and it would provide some insight into thestudy on carbon export in the estuary area, where frequent phytoplankton blooms and following high carbon export occur. PSSB-06 Latitudinal variability of physiological responses to heat stress of the intertidal limpet Cellana toreuma along the Asian coast Guodong Han ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen The potential future distribution shifts of intertidal invertebrates along the Asian coast under global change are still unclear. An integrative study that comprises environmental temperature monitoring and comparative physiological study of thermal adaptation among different geographical populations of a species is important to identify population-related differences in thermal ecology that could affect persistence of a species in its current distribution range. In the present study, in situ operative body temperatures were recorded continuously from August 2011 to January 2012, and physiological and molecular measurements were carried out in three populations of the limpet Cellanatoreuma from temperate, subtropical and tropical shores in China and Thailand. Compared to limpets on the tropical shore with a unimodal thermal environment, limpets on the subtropical shore have to cope with a bimodal thermal environment characterized by a wider temperature range and more extreme high temperature events. The absence of differences in lethal temperature (LT50) of limpets from all the locations indicates that limpets currently suffer from intensive heat stress across their biogeographic range. Although lacking differences in upper thermal limits, variations were noted among populations in transcriptional responses in genes linked to energy metabolism. Limpets on the subtropical shore live closer to their upper thermal limits, and thus will be more sensitive to temperature increases. Furthermore, the stressful thermal environment in subtropical habitats will impede the poleward distribution shift of tropical limpets. PSSB-07 Utilization of colloidal organic phosphorus by marine phytoplantonтАУSkeletonema costatum Yuewen Hu ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen Phosphorus (P) is an essential element that plays a key role in regulating primary production in aquatic environments. Over geological time scales, P is the ultimate limiting nutrient for sustaining oceanic primary productivity. Although dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) is the most readily form utilized by phytoplankton, the concentration of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) is usually higher than that of orthophosphate in eutrophic coastal waters. DOP can be divided into low molecular weight compounds (LMWDOP) and colloidal organic phosphorus (COP) according to their molecular weight. Most studies concerns about LMWDOP, such as phosphate monoester which can be hydrolyzed by Alkaline phosphatase (APase). Fewer researches concentrate on COP. However, recently the cross-flow ultrafiltration technique has been widely used to isolate colloidal materials which facilitate researches on COP. COP is thought to be a substantial and active component affecting DOP bioavailability and cycling pathways. In this study, we have employed an enzymatic hydrolysis method to characterize the composition of natural COP isolated from a ultrafiltration system. Using the batch culture, one typical HAB species Skeletonema costatum were used to study bioavailability of COP and the effect of COP on their growth . The main results were as follows: (1) Approximately 28% of natural COP from Taiwan Strait were hydrolyzed by APase, 48.5% of COP hydrolyzed by APase + PDEase preparation. Labile phosphate monoester and diester accounted for less than 20%, whereas >50% of ambient COP still remained as the nonreactive DOP. The diester P concentration approximated monoester P concentration in natural COP sample. After incubation of Skeletonema costatum, the ambient COP contained no labile monoester and less than 2% diester P. (2) The test diatom Skeletonema costatum could sustain its growth under COP treatment and utilize about 45.5% of COP, getting maximal cell density of 1.78 ├Ч 108 cells L-1, about 49.3% of the control group with NaH2PO4 as P source . (3) Under COP treatmentя╝Мphytoplankton APA increased rapidlyя╝Мand then gradually declined during the culture. Preliminary results showed that S. costatum utilize CP via the induction of alkaline 140 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences phosphatase. (4) Under the COP treatment, Fv/Fm rapidly decreased from 0.65 at the beginning to 0.04 at the end of the culture. Skeletonema costatum could utilize monoester and diester P of COP. Monoester P was utilized via induction of AP. However P diesters were nearly depleted after incubation, so there may exist other mechanisms in DOP utilization, such as via PDEase induction or APase can even partially hydrolyze PDE. It is essential to determine whether Skeletonema costatum in our experiment could induce PDEase to hydrolyze PDE compounds or other phosphatase to utilize DOP in the future study. PSSB-08 Characterization of urease activity in four phytoplankton species, Skeletonema costatum, Prorocentrum donghaiense, Karenia mikimotoi, Phaeocystis globosa Xiaoyun Huang ([email protected]) Research center for harmful algea and marine biology, Jinan University, Guangzhou ш┐Сх╣┤цЭея╝Мш┐Сх▓╕ц░┤ф╜Уф╕нх░┐ч┤ахРлщЗПцЬЙхНЗщлШш╢ЛхК┐уАВф╕Аф║ЫцЬЙхо│шЧ╗хНОф║Лф╗╢х╕╕х╕╕ф╕Оц░┤ф╜Уф╕нщлШц╡Ух║жчЪДх░┐ч┤ашБФч│╗ хЬиф╕Аш╡╖уАВх░┐ч┤ахПпшГ╜цШпц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйчЪДф╕АчзНщЗНшжБц░оц║Рх╣╢хЬиц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйчЪДчзНщЧ┤члЮф║Йф╕нцЙоц╝ФщЗНшжБф╜ЬчФиуАВшД▓щЕ╢цШпц╡о ц╕╕цдНчЙйч╗ЖшГЮхЖЕц░┤шзгх░┐ч┤ачЪДщЗНшжБщЕ╢ч▒╗уАВцпФш╛ГчаФчй╢ц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйчЪДшД▓щЕ╢чЪДчФЯчРЖхнжчЙ╣цАзя╝Мхп╣чРЖшзгф╕НхРМчзНч▒╗хп╣х░┐ ч┤ачЪДц░┤шзгхИйчФицЬ║хИ╢хПКх░┐ч┤ахПпшГ╜хЬиц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйчЪДчзНч╛дчФЯщХ┐уАБчзНщЧ┤члЮф║Йф╕нхПСцМечЪДф╜ЬчФихЕ╖цЬЙщЗНшжБцДПф╣ЙуАВцЬмчаФ чй╢щАЙхПЦф╕нхЫ╜ш┐Сц╡╖х╕╕шзБчЪДхЫЫчзНшЧ╗хНОчФЯчЙйя╝МхИЖхИлцШпф╕ншВЛщкицЭбшЧ╗я╝ИSkeletonema costatumя╝ЙуАБф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗ я╝ИProrocentrum donghaienseя╝Й уАБч▒│ц░ПхЗпф╝жшЧ╗я╝ИKarenia mikimotoiя╝ЙхТМчРГх╜вцгХхЫКшЧ╗я╝ИPhaeocystis globosaя╝Йя╝М щЗЗчФиходхЖЕцЙ╣щЗПхЯ╣хЕ╗хоЮщкМя╝МхЬичбЭц░оуАБц░иц░охТМх░┐ч┤аф╕ЙчзНф╕НхРМц░оц║РхЯ╣хЕ╗ф╕ЛчаФчй╢хЕ╢шД▓щЕ╢чЪДчФЯчРЖхнжчЙ╣цАзуАВч╗УцЮЬ шбицШОя╝Мф╕Ншо║цШпф╜ХчзНц░оц║Рф╕ЛчФЯщХ┐ф╕ЛчЪДц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйщГ╜шГ╜шбиш╛╛шД▓щЕ╢ц┤╗цАзуАВхЬих░┐ч┤ахнШхЬичЪДцГЕхЖ╡ф╕Ля╝МчРГх╜вцгХхЫКшЧ╗ хТМф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗чЪДшД▓щЕ╢ц┤╗цАзш╛ГщлШя╝Мф╕Фф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗шД▓щЕ╢ц┤╗цАзхЬих░┐ч┤ахнШхЬицЧ╢я╝МцШ╛шСЧхНЗщлШуАВхЫЫчзНц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйш╛Г щлШчЪДшД▓щЕ╢ц┤╗цАзщЫЖф╕нхЬицМЗцХ░хвЮщХ┐хЙНцЬЯхТМцМЗцХ░хвЮщХ┐ф╕нцЬЯуАВщЩдч▒│ц░ПхЗпф╝жшЧ╗ф╣ЛхдЦя╝Мф╕ншВЛщкицЭбшЧ╗уАБчРГх╜вцгХхЫКшЧ╗уАБ ф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗чЪДшД▓щЕ╢ц┤╗цАзщГ╜шбичО░хЗ║цШОцШ╛чЪДцШ╝хдЬшКВх╛ЛцАзя╝МшД▓щЕ╢ц┤╗цАзцЬАщлШхА╝хЗ║чО░хЬичЩ╜хдй 12я╜Ю18 чВ╣ф╣ЛщЧ┤уАВ шД▓щЕ╢хР╕цФ╢хКихКЫхнжх╕╕цХ░шбицШОч▒│ц░ПхЗпф╝жшЧ╗шД▓щЕ╢хп╣х░┐ч┤ачЪДф║▓хТМхКЫцЬАщлШя╝МхРМцЧ╢хПИцЬЙчЭАхп╣х░┐ч┤ацЬАщлШчЪДц░┤шзгщАЯчОЗуАВ PSSB-09 Phosphorus starvation induced programmed cell death in the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum donghaiense Xiaozhou Huang ([email protected]), Bangqin Huang College of Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen Prorocentrum donghaiense, which forms massive annual red tides in the East China Sea over the last decades, can rapidly form blooms, persist for long periods at high concentration, and then rapidly terminate. The molecular mechanisms regulating cellular mortality and turnover are still unknown, even though they effectively short-circuit carbon export to the deep ocean and channel primary productivity to microbial food webs. In this study, phosphate starvation was as an induced condition to study potential mechanism, function and ecological significance of programmed cell death (PCD) using a diverse suite of molecular tools, such us Real-time PCR, cell digestion assay, expression of protein in P. donghaiense. We demonstrated that P. donghaiense cells in response to nutrient depletion, exhibited diagnostic biochemical markers of PCD such as the reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, cysteine aspartate protease (caspase) activation and metacaspase (caspase-like) expression and simultaneously enhanced production of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP), which can facilitate aggregation and stimulate carbon flux. Our results not only suggested that PCD could be a mechanism of population control and an evolutionary driver in unicellular organisms but also implicated that PCD and TEP could regulate the fate of phytoplankton blooms and particulate organic matter in aquatic ecosystems. PSSB-10 Will human activities break the biogeographic barrier of rocky shore species? Phylogeography of three intertidal invertebrates along the Chinese coast Xiongwei Huang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Land reclamation and coastal engineering construction are main human activities changing intertidal 141 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences landscape around the world. In recent 10 years, a large scale sea enclosure and many coastal defense structures appear in fast-growing China. These hard-substrate structures provide habitats for rocky intertidal species in the original muddy shore. Substrates play a vital role in the biogeographic distribution of rocky intertidal species. The muddy shore between the north and south Chinese coast was partly contributing to the phylogeographic break with Yangtze River estuary as a barrier and the biogeographic patterns of rocky intertidal species should be greatly affected by the construction of artificial rocky substrates. Three widely distributed intertidal species were collected in the natural and artificial hard substrates (86 individuals of Siphonaria japonica in 3 sites, 272 individuals of Littoraria sinensis in 10 sites and 228 individuals of Littorina brevicula in 8 sites) along the Chinese coast, and the phylogeographic patterns were analyzed using mitochondrial COI sequences. Results of analysis of molecular variance and pairwise ╬жST suggest that there are significant genetic differences between the north populations and south populations in natural hard substrates. Comparatively, the genetic structures of populations in artificial hard substrate were more complex. Result of migrate analysis showed there are strong gene flows across Yangtze River, the previous phylogeographic barrier for rocky shore species. These results indicated that the hard-substrate structures become тАЬstepping stonesтАЭ of rocky shore organisms and promote the gene exchange between the north and south groups. PSSB-11 The response of planktonic assemblages to the abundance of Blackfordia virginica (Hydromedusa) in Xiamen Nanhu Park, China Xuguang Huang ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen During the period of March to April in 2012, there was a B. virginica bloom in the Xiamen Nanhu Park. Two peaks were observed, which were 1095 ┬▒ 381 ind m-3 and 759 ┬▒ 158 ind m-3, respectively, associated with these, there were also two chlorophyll a peaks in a delay of 2 ~ 4 days. Ammonium concentrations were positively correlated with the abundance of B. virginica. The dominant phytoplankton species in the first chlorophyll a peak was Chaetoceros sp. while they were Chaetoceros sp. and Gymnodinium sp. in the second peak. B. virginica negatively correlate with the micro-zooplankton in terms of average carbon content but not in abundance. Furthermore, the results of dilution experiments showed that there was substantial influence on the phytoplankton growth rate and the micro-zooplankton grazing rate by the change in abundance of B. virginica. The ratio of grazing to growth rates (m/┬╡) decreased when B. virginica blooms occurred indicating a top-down control effect. PSSB-13 Balance ofplanktonic respiration and production in the South China Sea Yibin Huang ([email protected]) College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen Characterization of the microbial metabolism in the ocean is of relevance for quantification of global carbon balance. At the ecosystem level, respirationrepresents the largest sink for organic matter in the biosphere and can be a key step toward estimating the carbon budget precisely.The South China Sea (SCS),one of the major margin seas in the world, plays important roles in global carbon fluxes and cycling processes. However,compared to the vast phytoplanktonphotosythesis database in spatial and temporal extent, the paucity of planktonic respiration data is striking. In this study, we focusedon the balance of planktonicmetabolism rates, and main objectives were to 1)examinedthe geographic pattern of metabolism in the SCS 2) explore the short-term scale (daily) variabilityon the balance of metabolismin the oligotrophic ocean PSSB-14 Ecosystem based approaches of nutrient criteria establishment in an estuary, southeast China Zheng Huang ([email protected]), Wenzhi Cao, Xianhui Wan, Yufang Wu, Ying Liang, Di Cao, Jingsong Chen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science & College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen Estuarine and coastal eutrophication becomes one of the major concerns worldwide. Nutrient 142 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences criteria is needed to protect estuarine and coastal waters from eutrophication. However, current nutrient quality standard system for estuary mainly has either ignored or misunderstood ecosystem responses to receiving nutrients and threshold of such disturbances. Furthermore, nutrient distribution determined by mixing process and biogeochemical behaviors in estuary are not taken into account. The objective of this study was to propose scientifically sound approaches for developing nutrient criteria in an estuarine zone. Based on the natural geographical characteristics, chemical and nutrient elements, the Jiulong River Estuary is divided into three sea sub-areas. The nutrient data of 1997 - 2014 and the nutrient concentration records of thirty two red tides since 1986 are used for developing nutrient criteria in the Jiulong River Estuary. Furthermore, a cumulative frequency regressive method and a mixing model are used to conduct nutrient concentration gradient in different sub-areas. The recommended criteria values of DIN in the three sea sub-areas of the Jiulong River Estuary were 60.36, 7.21, 10.21 umol/L, respectively, while the value of SRP was 0.11 umol/L due to the low variability in the mixing zone. 72% of historical red tides occurred in the estuarine zone under current standard while none would occur under the proposed, urging a more scientific nutrient criteria standard system there. PSSB-15 Selection of suitable reference gene for quantitative real-time PCR in Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphidophyceae) under different experimental conditions Nanjing Ji ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Quantitative real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) is a powerful technique that is widely used for gene expression analysis and is characterized by high sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility and accuracy. For accurate and reliable results, the stability of reference genes is essential. The raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo is a globally distributed harmful alga that has been associated with fish kills in coastal regions worldwide. Given the increasing study about the formation mechanism of H. akashiwo blooms, it is important to analyze gene expression pattern in different environment conditions. In this study, 10 candidate reference genes (L17-2, L23-2, Cytb, Cal, ╬▒-tub, ╬▓-tub, EF╬▒-1, 18S, GAPDH and MDH) were analyzed in H. akashiwo under different conditions, including cold shock, hot shock, chemical treatments, and over a diel cycle. The expression stability of these genes was verified using geNorm, NormFinder and BestKeeper algorithms. Differences were observed after comparison of the ranking of the reference gene identified by three programs, but Cal, L17-2, EF╬▒-1 and ╬▓-tub were the most stable genes in the samples sets under present study. To further validate the suitability of the reference genes identified in this study, the expression patterns of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large unite (Hrbc) were study in diel cycle samples. This study is the first systematic analysis of reference genes for qRT-PCR in H. akashiwo under different conditions, and will help to improve the quality of gene expression data in a wide of samples in H. akashiwo. PSSB-16 Phytoplankton growth and microzooplankton grazing in northern South China Sea during the spring of 2014 Siyu Jiang ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen One of the major pathways for phytoplankton engaging in the carbon flow from sunlit surface to ocean interior is zooplankton grazing then transferring by food web mechanism. Previous studies have shown variation in grazing rates on different phytoplankton species by microzooplankton (20-200╬╝m), which should subsequently have impact on the food web efficiency. In this study, the growth and mortality rates of five major phytoplankton groups in the Northern South China Sea during the spring (April, 2014) were studied with the dilution experiments, derived from the changes in concentrations of five pigment markers such as fucoxanthin, 19-hexanoyloxyfucoxanthin, 19-butanoyloxyfucoxanthin, zeaxanthin and divinyl chlorophyll a (representative of diatoms, haptophytes, pelagophytes, Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus, respectively). The decoupling between total phytoplankton biomass (indicated by chlorophyll a) and growth rates and net growth rates may indicate a dynamic state of the phytoplankton community during this period. The net growth rates of five phytoplankton groups all positively correlated with that of the whole community. Although Synechococcus and Prochlorococcus contributed most of the biomass in all stations, the 143 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences higher net growth rates of other three groups may implied a succession of phytoplankton community structure was happening. Both the higher instinct growth rates and the delay between zooplankton and phytoplankton growth may render the lower grazing pressure on diatoms, haptophytes and pelagophytes. PSSB-17 Assessment of social vulnerability to climate change and its adaption strategies in southwest coastal area of Taiwan Wen Jiao ([email protected]) Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 1. Integrate hydrological factors relative to the Southwest coast of Taiwan, i.e., impact assessment, uncertainty analysis, vulnerability and risk assessment, etc. 2. Study adaption to coastal hazards in the research area under climate change. 3. Map coastal disaster vulnerability and risk assessment as a result of climate change in the southwest of Taiwan. 4. Integrate use of natural indicators, social indicators and disaster indicators using SPSS, and apply cluster analysis to classify resulting coastal types. 5. Survey selected experts to adjust strategies to cope with problems for use in the action plan. PSSB-18 Effect of phosphorus deficiency and adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP) on growth rate and cell cycle of Prorocentrum donghaiense Meizhen Li ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Phosphorus is one of the most important nutrient elements for phytoplankton. In this article, we studied how phosphorus affects the growth of dinoflagellates based on Prorocentrumdonghaiense, one of the most common dinoflagellate species causing harmful algae bloom in East China Sea. Under phosphorus deficiency condition, population growth of P. donghaiense was depressed significantly including the increase of cell size and stagnation cell cycle progression. Compared to the cells cultured in normal L1 medium, algae cells utilizing adenosine 5-triphosphate (ATP) as exclusive phosphorus resource displayed the similar physiological status, which revealed that the assimilation of DIP can be replaced by DOP when DIP is limiting factor for dinoflagellates P. donghaiense. Cells under DIP-replete and ATP conditions progressed through a complete cell cycle (G1-S-G2) in 24 hours induced by light dark cycle, whereas under phosphorus deficiency condition the majority of the P. donghaiense population was blocked in the G0/G1 phase, with no detectable cell cycle progression. The results suggest that phosphorus is not only required for cell growth but also necessary for regulation of cell cycle progression and DNA synthesis in P. donghaiense. PSSB-19 The mechanism of Fe (тЕв) reduction by a novel thermophilic dissimilatory iron reducing bacteria Xi Li ([email protected]) The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen х╝ВхМЦщУБш┐ШхОЯх╛очФЯчЙйцШпф╕Ач▒╗шГ╜хдЯф╗е Feя╝ИтЕвя╝Йф╕║хдЦщГичФ╡хнРхПЧф╜Уш┐ЫшбМф╗гш░вчЪДх╛очФЯчЙйя╝МхоГф╗мх╣┐ц│ЫхИЖх╕Гф║О хОМц░зчОпхвГф╕ня╝МцШпхПВф╕ОхЕичРГщУБхЕГч┤ах╛кчОпчЪДщЗНшжБч╗ДцИРщГихИЖф╗ехПКхЬичФЯчЙйф┐охдНхТМх╛очФЯчЙйчЗГцЦЩчФ╡ц▒ацЦ╣щЭвцЬЙщЗНшжБ х║ФчФиуАВф╗ОщЗЗщЫЖшЗкф╕Ьхдкх╣│ц┤Лц╖▒ц╡╖чГнц╢▓хМ║чблхМЦчЙйца╖хУБф╕ня╝МхИЖчж╗ч║пхМЦх╛ЧхИ░ф║Жф╕АцакхЧЬчГнхОМц░зх╝ВхМЦщУБш┐ШхОЯч╗ЖшПМ DY22613T,шпешПМ G+C хРлщЗПцШп 36.7%я╝М 16SrDNA чЪДх║ПхИЧф╕ОцЭешЗкчЫРц╣ЦчЪДхЧЬчГнхЧЬчЫРшПМ Halothermothrix orenii чЪДчЫ╕ф╝╝х║жцЬАщлШф╕║ 87%уАВца╣цНошпеч╗ЖшПМф╕О Halothermothrix orenii хЬихЯ║хЫахЮЛхТМшбихЮЛф╕КчЪДш╛Гхдзх╖ох╝Вя╝МцИСф╗м цПРхЗ║ DY22613T ф╗гшбиф║Жф╕Аф╕кцЦ░х▒ЮуАВDY22613T ф╗ешЫЛчЩ╜шГиф╕║чФ╡хнРф╛Ыф╜Уя╝МхПпф╗еф╗е Amorphous FeOOHя╝М Amorphous ferric oxide хТМхПпц║╢цАзчЪДцЯацкмщЕ╕щУБф╜Ьф╕║чФ╡хнРхПЧф╜Уя╝Мх╣╢чФЯцИРхдзщЗПчЪДщ╗СшЙ▓ц▓Йц╖АуАВщАЪш┐З XRD хп╣ Amorphous FeOOH чЪДш┐ШхОЯф║зчЙйш┐ЫшбМхИЖцЮРхЕ╢чФЯцИРчЪДщ╗СшЙ▓ц▓Йц╖Аф╕╗шжБцШпчгБщУБчЯ┐(magnitite)уАВщАПцЮРшвЛщШ╗щЪФхоЮ щкМхТМц╡╖шЧ╗щЕ╕щТах░ПчПахМЕхЯЛхоЮщкМшбицШО DY22613T хПпф╗еф╕Нф╛Эш╡ЦчЫ┤цОецОешзжшАМш┐ШхОЯшГЮхдЦчЪД Feя╝ИтЕвя╝Йц░зхМЦчЙйя╝МцИС ф╗мцОиц╡Л DY22613T хПпф╗ехИЖц│МхдзщЗПчЪДчФ╡хнРчй┐цвнф╜Ух╕охКйхЕ╢хИйчФищАПцЮРшвЛхТМц╡╖шЧ╗щЕ╕щТах░ПчПащЗМчЪДщУБц░зхМЦчЙйуАВхЬи хИЖхнРцЬ║хИ╢чЪДчаФчй╢ф╕Кя╝МхЬи DY22613T чЪДхЕихЯ║хЫач╗Дф╕нцЬкцЙ╛хИ░хЬицибх╝ПшПМ Geobacter spp.хТМ Shewanella spp. 144 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences щУБш┐ШхОЯф╗гш░вф╕нш╡╖щЗНшжБчФ╡хнРф╝ащАТхКЯшГ╜чЪДч╝ЦчаБч╗ЖшГЮшЙ▓ч┤а C чЪДхЯ║хЫая╝МхИйчФи SDS-PAGE хТМ heme-staining хп╣ DY22613T чЪДч▓ЧшЫЛчЩ╜ш┐ЫшбМхИЖцЮРф╣Яц▓бцЬЙхПСчО░хдзщЗПшбиш╛╛чЪДч╗ЖшГЮшЙ▓ч┤а C шЫЛчЩ╜уАВцИСф╗мцОиц╡ЛшпешПМхПпшГ╜щЗЗчФихПжф╕А хеЧчФ╡хнРф╝ащАТч│╗ч╗Яш┐ЫшбМшГЮхдЦчФ╡хнРф╝ащАТуАВхЕ│ф║Ош┐ЩцакцЭец║Рф║Оц╖▒ц╡╖хЧЬчГнхОМц░зх╝ВхМЦщУБш┐ШхОЯч╗ЖшПМ DY22613T чЪДщУБ ш┐ШхОЯцЬ║хИ╢ш┐ШщЬАшжБш┐Ыф╕АцнечЪДцОвшоихТМчаФчй╢уАВ PSSB-20 Effects of temperature on simple planktonic food chains in the ocean Yihui Li ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen Temperature is a key environmental factor affecting the structure and function of marine ecosystems. Since the early 20th century, the average temperature of the global ocean has been rising because of the emission of greenhouse gases. But the mechanism has been unclear that temperature affects changes of biomass in planktonic ecosystem. For a simple marine Nutrient-Plankton-Zooplankton system, our preliminary model has found that with other variables being constant, a mere 2-3 degrees of temperature change would convert the steady state of a system from an equilibrium into a limit cycle although the average biomass of plankton increase or decline with the rise of temperature. With the rise of temperature, the biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton would fluctuate largely. Here, we investigate predatorтАУprey oscillations in a long-term experiment with a simple marine Nutrient-Plankton-Zooplankton system. And plankton exhibited a stable cycle around 30 days at 20┬║C, namely the limit cycle. PSSB-21 Iron limitation exacerbated the damage of ultraviolet-B on the oceanic Synechococcus sp. WH8102 Zhengke Li ([email protected]) School of Life Sciences, Central China Normal University, Shanghai Iron limitation exacerbated the damage of ultraviolet-B on the oceanic Synechococcus sp. WH8102 The oceanic Synechococcus sp. WH8102 was cultured with 0 W┬╖m-2 (the control), 0.045 W┬╖m-2 and 0.096 W┬╖m-2 UV-B for 3 h every day, and its growth, pigments, photosynthetic activity, ROS content and intracellular iron content were assayed. The growth was remarkably inhibited by UV-B exposure under low iron (15 nM Fe) conditions and less inhibition was found under high iron (1000 nM Fe) conditions. Five days of 0.096 W┬╖m-2 UV-B treatment significantly reduced cellular contents of Chl a, carotenoid and phycocyanin under low iron conditions, but had little effect under high iron conditions. The Fv/Fm at the fifth day was measured hourly from 10:00 to 17:00. It decreased to 46.5% and 68.1% of the initial value respectively under iron limited and iron sufficient conditions at 0.096 W┬╖m-2 UV-B for one hour, and kept constant within the next two hours. After the UV-B lamps were turned off, the Fv/Fm recovered to 62.3% and 85.6% of the initial value within one hour, and to 85.0% and 88.9% of the initial value within the next two hours. Similar trend was also detected for rETR and NPQ. The ROS content under low iron conditions was higher than that under high iron conditions, and increased with the increase of UV-B radiation. The UV-B decreased the iron availability for photosynthetic apparatus and the intracellular iron content decreased with the increase of UV-B radiation under low iron conditions. Thus, it is possible that UV-B inhibits the primary productivity of iron limited water areas because cyanobacteria dominate some iron-limited marine environments. PSSB-22 Responses of autotrophic and heterotrophic rates of plankton to short-term temperature modulations at a subtropical coastal site Kailin Liu ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen We investigated the responses of phytoplankton growth and photosynthesis rates and microzooplankton grazing and community respiration rates to shortterm temperature modulations throughout a seasonal cycle at a eutrophic, subtropical coastal site near Xiamen, China. We used linear mixed effect models to estimate the temperature coefficients (i.e. activation energy). We found that there were no significant differences of activation energy(~0.65 eV) between autotrophic (i.e. phytoplankton growth and photosynthesis) and heterotrophic rates(i.e. microzooplankton grazing 145 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences and community respiration), inconsistent with the common belief that photosynthesis rates should increase slower with temperature than respiration or grazing rates. Based on both physiological and statistical grounds, we argue that the inherent activation energies of phytoplankton photosynthesis and growth rates may not be lower than 0.65 eV in some instances. PSSB-23 Extracellular enzyme activity of brown tide(Aureococcus anophagefferens) in Qinhuangdao Xiaohong Liu ([email protected]) Research Center for Harmful Algae and Marine Biology, Jinan university, Guangzhou цКСщгЯщЗСчРГшЧ╗я╝ИAureococcus anophagefferensя╝ЙшЗк 2008 х╣┤ф╗ецЭеш┐Юч╗нф║Фх╣┤хЬиф╕нхЫ╜ц╕дц╡╖чзжчЪЗх▓Ыц╡╖хЯЯх╝Х хПСшдРц╜оя╝Мхп╣ш┐Сц╡╖чФЯцАБчОпхвГхТМц╡╖ц░┤хЕ╗цоЦф║зф╕ЪщАацИРх╖ихдзча┤хЭПф╜ЬчФиуАВф╕нхЫ╜цШпч╗зч╛ОхЫ╜хТМхНЧщЭЮф╣ЛхРОчммф╕Йф╕кчИЖхПС цКСщгЯщЗСчРГшЧ╗шдРц╜очЪДхЫ╜хо╢я╝Мч╛ОхЫ╜х╖▓цЬЙчЪДчаФчй╢шбицШОцКСщгЯщЗСчРГшЧ╗шдРц╜очЪДхПСчФЯф╕ОцЬЙцЬ║ц░оц║Рц│ихЕецЬЙхпЖхИЗхЕ│ч│╗уАВ ф╜ЖчЫохЙНя╝МхЫ╜хЖЕшдРц╜очИЖхПСчЪДчЪДцЬ║хИ╢х░Ъф╕НцШОчбоуАВ ф╕║ф║ЖчаФчй╢чзжчЪЗх▓Ыш┐Сц╡╖шдРц╜очИЖхПСчЪДхОЯхЫая╝М2014 х╣┤ 6 цЬИ 8-10 цЧешдРц╜очИЖхПСцЬЯщЧ┤я╝МхЬичзжчЪЗх▓Ыш┐Сц╡╖хПЦшбиуАБ х║Хх▒Вц╡╖ц░┤я╝МщЗЗчФихИЖч▓Тх╛Дя╝ИхИЖхИлф╕║ 0.22╬╝mуАБ3╬╝mуАБ5╬╝m хТМцА╗цАБя╝Йш┐Зц╗дчЪДцЦ╣х╝Пхп╣ц░┤ф╜Уф╕нхПКф╕НхРМч▓Тх╛Дхдзх░П чЪДц╡оц╕╕чФЯчЙйчЪДчв▒цАзчг╖щЕ╕щЕ╢уАБ╬▒ цАзхТМ ╬▓ цАзшСбшРДч│ЦшЛ╖щЕ╢ф╗ехПКшВ╜щЕ╢чнЙшГЮхдЦщЕ╢ц┤╗цАзш┐ЫшбМхИЖцЮРуАВч╗УцЮЬцШ╛чд║я╝МхЬи чзжчЪЗх▓Ыш┐Сц╡╖ц╡╖хЯЯх║Хх▒ВшВ╜щЕ╢ц┤╗цАзщлШф║Ошбих▒ВшВ╜щЕ╢ц┤╗цАзя╝МхЬишбих▒Вш┐Сх▓╕шВ╜щЕ╢ц┤╗цАзщлШф║Ош┐Ьц╡╖шВ╜щЕ╢ц┤╗цАзя╝МцЬАщлШш╛╛ хИ░ 332.1 nmol l-1 h-1,уАВ чг╖щЕ╕щЕ╢ц┤╗цАзцШпчФ▒ш┐Сх▓╕хИ░ш┐Ьц╡╖щАРц╕РхвЮх╝║я╝Мф╕Фшбих▒Вц┤╗цАзхдзф║Ох║Хх▒Вя╝МцЬАщлШф╕║ 109.2 nmol -1 -1 l h уАВ щАЪш┐Зхп╣хЫЫчзНщЕ╢ц┤╗цАзчЪДчаФчй╢я╝МхПпф╗ехИдцЦнчзжчЪЗх▓Ыц╡╖хЯЯчЪДшРехЕ╗чК╢хЖ╡я╝Мф╕║чзжчЪЗх▓Ыц╡╖хЯЯшдРц╜очЪДчИЖхПСцЬ║хИ╢ф╗О шРехЕ╗чФЯчРЖхнжшзТх║жцПРф╛ЫчРЖшо║ф╛ЭцНоуАВ PSSB-24 Gene expression analysis of Karenia mikimotoi in dissolved organic phosphorus condition by suppression subtractive hybridization Hao Luo ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Karenia mikimotoi is one of the most important HAB forming dinoflagellates at coastal sea area. This study was conducted to explore the potential utilization of DOP when dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) is depleted in the ocean. To investigate the molecular mechanisms involved in the phosphorus nutrient metabolism, we performed gene differential expression analysis in K. mikimotoi using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) method. Different culture treatments were set up as the following, L1 medium as control, the phosphorus-depleted L1 medium, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as sole phosphorus source. Genes related to key functional categories of energy, metabolism, and protein synthesis were identified. Most notable were some proteins probably involved in ATP binging and utilization as well as the transport of phosphorus found from the ATP cultures. Our results provide insights into possible target genes and proteins for further research of phosphorus utilization mechanisms in K. mikimotoi and other dinoflagellates. PSSB-25 The ecological recover process and compensation mechanism of mangrove Avicenna marina affected by Oligochroa cantonella Caradja herbivore Fei Qi ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen ш┐Сх╣┤цЭея╝Мш╢КцЭеш╢Кф╕ещЗНчЪДчЧЕшЩлхо│цШпх╜▒хУНч║вцаСцЮЧчЪДщЗНхдзхиБшГБф╣Лф╕АуАВцЬмчаФчй╢ф╗ещБнхПЧхдзшзДцибх╣┐х╖Юх░ПцЦСшЮЯ шЩлхо│чЪДц╖▒хЬ│чжПчФ░ч║вцаСцЮЧф┐ЭцКдхМ║чЩ╜щкихгдф╕║чаФчй╢хп╣ш▒бя╝Ъ я╝И1я╝ЙцпФш╛Гф║ЖчЩ╜щкихгдч╛дшР╜хПЧхо│хЙНхРОя╝И2011 х╣┤шЗ│ 2014 х╣┤я╝ЙхЗЛшР╜чЙйф║зщЗПчЪДхКицАБхПШхМЦя╝Ы я╝И2я╝Й2012-2013 х╣┤щЧ┤хЬичЩ╜щкихгдч╛дшР╜хЖЕщЪПцЬ║цаЗшо░ 40 ф╕кцЮЭцЭбя╝МцМБч╗нш░ГцЯеф║Ж цЮЭцЭбхБех║╖хПКшЩлхо│хП╢чЙЗчЪДцХ░щЗПя╝Мх╣╢щЗЗщЫЖхП╢чЙЗхИЖцЮРф║ЖхП╢чЙЗхРлц░┤чОЗуАБцпФхП╢щЭвчзпхПКчв│уАБц░оуАБчг╖хРлщЗПчЪДхКицАБхПШ хМЦя╝МшобчоЧф║ЖшЩлхо│цНЯф╝дхТМшб░шАБш┐ЗчиЛф╕нц░оуАБчг╖чЪДхЖЕхР╕цФ╢цХИчОЗуАВхоЮщкМч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝МчЩ╜щкихгдхП╢чЙЗхПЧшЩлхо│х╜▒хУНхРО хЗаф╣ОхЕищГицЮпщ╗ДхЗЛшР╜я╝МхЗЛшР╜чЙйф║зщЗПч║жф╕║ 2011 х╣┤ 6 цЬИчЪД 1.6 хАНя╝И52.1┬▒67.5 g/m2я╝ЙуАВцЦ░чФЯхП╢чЙЗчЪДц░оуАБчг╖ хРлщЗПцЬАщлШш╛╛хИ░хОЯцЬЙц░┤х╣│чЪДч║ж 1.5 хАНя╝И4.5┬▒0.3%я╝ЙхПК 2.0 хАНя╝И0.40┬▒0.03%я╝Й я╝Мф╕ФцпФхП╢щЭвчзпщАРцнехвЮхКашЗ│ 112.5 2 cm /gя╝Мф╗ецндшбехБ┐хЗЛшР╜цЙАщАацИРчЪДхЕЙхРИцНЯхд▒я╝Мф╜┐цдНцакчЪДхП╢чЙЗчФЯчЙйщЗПхЬи 2 ф╕кцЬИхЖЕцБвхдНшЗ│щб╢х│░ц░┤х╣│уАВчаФчй╢ч╗У 146 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences цЮЬшбицШОчЩ╜щкихгдхП╢чЙЗхПЧшЩлхо│х╜▒хУНх╣╢цЬкхЗ║чО░цШОцШ╛чЪДхЖЕхР╕цФ╢чО░ш▒бя╝МхдзщЗПц░оуАБчг╖щАЪш┐ЗхП╢чЙЗхЗЛшР╜чЙйхЬиц╜оц▒РчЪДф╜Ь чФиф╕Лш╛УхЗ║хИ░ч│╗ч╗ЯхдЦя╝МшАМчФиф║ОшбехБ┐чФЯщХ┐чЪДц░оуАБчг╖хПпшГ╜хПкф╛ЭщЭахЬЯхгдцЬЙцХИц░оуАБчг╖х║УчЪДф╛Ыч╗Щя╝Мф╜ЖхЕ╖ф╜УшбехБ┐цЬ║ чРЖш┐ШцЬЙх╛Еш┐Ыф╕АцнечаФчй╢уАВцЬмчаФчй╢ф╕║щШРцШОф║Жх╣┐х╖Юх░ПцЦСшЮЯх╜▒хУНф╕ЛчЩ╜щкихгдхП╢чЙЗхПСчФЯхЗЛшР╜хРОчЪДцБвхдНчК╢хЖ╡хПКшбехБ┐ цХИх║ФцЬ║хИ╢цПРф╛Ыф╛ЭцНоя╝Мф╕║чзСхнжф┐ЭцКдч║вцаСцЮЧш╡Дц║РцПРф╛Ыф║ЖчРЖшо║хПВшАГуАВ PSSB-26 Physiological responses of an economic red macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis grown at different densities to future CO2-induced ocean acidification Liming Qu ([email protected]) Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang According to the A1Fl scenario (CO2 emission scenario predicted with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), atmospheric CO2 concentrations will reach about 1000 ppmv by the end of this century and the ocean will take up more CO2 from the atmosphere, which lead to ocean acidification (OA). In recent years, many researches focused on the physiological responses of macroalgae to OA, but most of them ignored the effect of cultivated density. We selected an economic red macroalga Gracilaria lemaneiformis to investigate the role of different cultivated density on the OA effect. The thallis of G. lemaneiformis were cultured under different densities and CO 2 levels for 3 weeks. The cultivated densities were set as low density (LD) and high density (HD), and the CO2 concentrations were ambient CO2concentration (LC, 390 ╬╝atm) and high CO2 concentration (HC, 1000╬╝atm). Our results showed that CO2 significantly decreased the relative growth rate (RGR) of G. Lemaneiformis grown at low density, but the enhancement of RGR was found in the HD-grown thalli. The similar trends were showed in the net photosynthetic rates of G. Lemaneiformis. The different responses of RGR and net photosynthetic rates to OA under different cultivated densities might be attributed to different daily pH variations. In LD level, pH values varied less than 0.1 and carbonate system of seawater medium kept constant. CO2 supply in HC condition could provide more carbon resource for the growth of G. Lemaneiformis, but on the other hand, the HC-grown thalli must maintain balance of base-acid with more energy compared with LC-grown thalli. The OA effects on the growth of G. Lemaneiformis depended on the balance between these two processes. While under HD level, pH values varied more than 0.6 and it could reach 9.2 in the LC-grown thalli, indicating that the carbon supply was seriously limited. CO2could significantly relieve this carbon resource limitation, resulting in the enhancement of RGR of HC-grown plants. For estimating the effect of OA on the production of G. Lemaneiformis, it appeared to depend not only on levels of CO 2 but also on the cultivated densities, with other marine environmental factors.marine environmental factors. PSSB-27 Landing history of тАШUrusтАЩ on Dongdao Island, Xisha Islands of South China Sea Da Shao ([email protected]) Institute of Polar Environment, School of Earth and Space Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei The Dongdao Island of Xisha Islands is an epitome of the island eco-system of South China Sea, and red-footed booby (Sula sula) and Pissonia grandis are typical species of the island community. However, a large herbivore тАШurusтАЩ (actually cattle) is now threatening the survival of other species. We analyzed the lithology, as well as organic carbon and nitrogen concentration and isotopes of the sediment core DY2 sampled from the тАШCattle PondтАЩ of Dongdao Island, Xisha Islands. Combined with the isotope results of modern cattle and seabird droppings, we identified the eco-geological characteristic of the тАШurusтАЩ. According to the AMS14C dating of the lumpy cattle excreta and charcoal on the interface layer, we determined the landing time of тАШurusтАЩ and identified a population booming after the landing as shown in the isotope profiles. The тАШurusтАЩ, actually cattle, could disrupt the whole island eco-system irreversibly; therefore тАШurusтАЩ population needs to be controlled. This research proposed a possible method to study the history of invasive species. PSSB-28 Rhodopsin gene expression regulated by light dark cycle, spectrumand light intensity in dinoflagellate Prorocentrum Xinguo Shi ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 147 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences The proton pump rhodopsin (PPR) broadly occurs in marine bacteria and archaeain which itcapturesand converts solar energy to ATP. Although this gene alsohas been found in several lineagesof dinoflagellates,it has not been studied in Prorocentrales species and whether it functionally tunes to light spectra and intensities as in bacteria remains unclear. Here we isolated and characterized this gene (Pdrhod)in the bloom-forming Prorocentrum donghaiense. Pdrhodis a 7-helix transmenmbrane polypeptidecontaining conserved domains and critical amino acid residues of PPR. Pdrhod is phylogenetically affiliated with xanthorhodopsin clade like other dinoflagellates but seems to have a distinct evolutionary origin. Quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) showedthat in regular cultures(light/dark=14:10, 100 ┬╡E┬╖m-2┬╖s-1), Pdrhodtranscript abundance exhibited a strong diel rhythm,high in the light period and low in the dark. Using an antiserumwe produced, Westernblot result showed the same diel rhythm in PdRHODprotein abundance as the transcript. The rhythm was dampened upon the culturesтАЩ shift to continuous dark or light condition, suggesting that this gene is not under circadian clock control. Rhodopsin transcript and protein abundancesvariedwith light density,both being highest at a moderate illumination level. Furthermore, Pdrhod expression responded tolight spectra, with slightly higher transcript abundance under green than blue light,and lowestunder red light. ThesePdrhod-promoting light conditionsare comparable with the turbidmarine habitat where the species forms blooms, suggesting that Pdrhodmay function tocompensate for light-limited photosynthesis in the dim environments. PSSB-29 Change in the relationship between ecosystem structure and functionings in the Jiaozhou Bay Peng Sun ([email protected]) Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science and Ecology, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao ф╗ех╛Ахп╣ц╡╖ц┤ЛчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯхПШхМЦчЪДшпДф╝░я╝МщАЪх╕╕щЗЗчФицМЗчд║чФЯчЙйц│ХцИЦшпДф╗╖цМЗцаЗф╜Уч│╗ц│Хя╝МхБЗхоЪц╡╖ц┤ЛчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗Я ч╗УцЮД-хКЯшГ╜ф╣ЛщЧ┤цШпч║┐цАзхЕ│ч│╗я╝МщЪ╛ф╗ехПНцШач╗УцЮД-хКЯшГ╜чЪДщЭЮч║┐цАзчЫ╕ф║Тф╜ЬчФия╝МщЩРхИ╢ф║Жхп╣чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯхПШхМЦш┐ЗчиЛф╕ОцЬ║ хИ╢чЪДц╖▒хЕешодшпЖуАВцЬмчаФчй╢ф╗ОчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗Яч╗УцЮД-хКЯшГ╜чЪДшзТх║жя╝Мх╝ХхЕеч│╗ч╗ЯхНПш░Гх║жцМЗцХ░я╝МхоЪщЗПшпДф╝░шГ╢х╖Юц╣╛чФЯцАБч│╗ ч╗Яч╗УцЮД-хКЯшГ╜хЕ│ч│╗чЪДщХ┐цЬЯхПШхМЦхПКхЕ╢хп╣чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯхБех║╖чЪДх╜▒хУНуАВчаФчй╢ч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝Ъя╝И1я╝Й1997-2009 х╣┤я╝МщЩд 2007уАБ2008 х╣┤шГ╢х╖Юц╣╛чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯхдДф║Оф╕НхБех║╖чК╢цАБя╝ИхБех║╖цМЗцХ░хИЖхИлф╕║ 0.29уАБ0.31я╝Й я╝МхЕ╢ф╜Щф╕║ф║ЪхБех║╖чК╢цАБуАВ шГ╢х╖Юц╣╛чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯчЪДчФЯчЙйуАБчФЯхвГч╗УцЮДя╝Мф╗ехПКцФпцМБуАБф╛Ых║ФуАБш░ГшКВхТМцЦЗхМЦхКЯшГ╜хЭЗхЗ║чО░ф╕НхРМчиЛх║жщААхМЦя╝Мф╗ОшАМ х╝Хш╡╖ч╗УцЮД-хКЯшГ╜хНПш░Гх║жф╕ЛщЩНя╝МхЕ▒хРМхп╝шЗ┤шГ╢х╖Юц╣╛чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗ЯщААхМЦуАВч╗УцЮД-хКЯшГ╜чЪДхПШхМЦх║жф╕ОхНПш░Гх║жцМЗцХ░цШ╛шСЧчЫ╕ хЕ│я╝МхНПш░Гх║жц│вхКиц╗ЮхРОф║ОхПШхМЦх║жуАВ я╝И2я╝Й1997-2000 х╣┤я╝МшГ╢х╖Юц╣╛чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗Яч╗УцЮД-хКЯшГ╜хНПш░Гх║жф╕Оц░ФхАЩцЭбф╗╢чЪД хЕ│шБФх║жщлШф║Очд╛ф╝Ъч╗Пц╡ОцЭбф╗╢я╝М2000-2009 х╣┤я╝Мчд╛ф╝Ъч╗Пц╡ОцЭбф╗╢цЫ┤хо╣цШУхп╝шЗ┤ч│╗ч╗ЯхНПш░Гх║жцФ╣хПШуАВ я╝И3я╝ЙчФЯчЙйч╗У цЮДуАБцФпцМБцЬНхКбхп╣шГ╢х╖Юц╣╛чФЯцАБч│╗ч╗Яч╗УцЮД-хКЯшГ╜хЕ│ч│╗чЪДш┤ЯцХИх║ФцЧеш╢ЛцШ╛шСЧя╝Мф╛Ых║ФцЬНхКбф╕АчЫ┤ф╕НхИйф║Оч╗УцЮД-хКЯшГ╜хЕ│ ч│╗чЪДхНПш░Гя╝МщЬАхКаф╗ещЗНчВ╣ш░ГцОзхТМчобчРЖуАВ PSSB-30 The relationship between phytoplankton community structure and nutrient in northern Beibu Gulf Fujing Wang ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen Phytoplankton is the main primary producer of marine ecosystem, which is the bait of zooplankton, directly or indirectly. Phytoplankton also forms the energetic basis of open sea food webs, and their relatively high growth rates depend on both hydrographic factors and dissolved nutrients. Phytoplankton population change and community structure affect the structure and function of marine ecosystem, and play an important role in the process of material cycle and energy conversion of marine ecosystem. The relationship between phytoplankton community structure and nutrient and the source of nutrient will be explored in northern Beibu Gulf. Phytoplankton community and nutrient concentration were investigated from the northern Beibu Gulf both in April and August, 2011. In this research, there were 313 phytoplankton taxa identified, belonging to 7 phyla, 79 genera. Bacillariophyta and Pyrrophyta were the main groups. Nutrient is the important environmental factor affected the distribution of phytoplankton. The results of determining nutrient limiting factors indicated that N/P ratio had been in a relatively high level in the 148 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences study area; most of the waters were phosphorus limitation. Thus, phytoplankton community was dominated by diatom assemblage in northern Beibu Gulf. Cluster and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) of the samples revealed that phytoplankton community was divided into two natural groups in spring (spr 1 & spr 2) and three in summer (sum 1, sum 2 & sum 3). The group characteristic species analysis showed that Coscinodiscus gigas and Chaetoceros debilis had significant correlation with phosphate and nitrite in spring, so did Nitzschia longissima v. reversa and Bacillaria paradoxa in summer. This study suggests phosphate and nitrite has been transported to the northern Beibu Gulf through the Qiongzhou strait corridor water. Otherwise, phytoplankton community succession phenomenon is the result of seasonal change of different water mass. PSSB-31 Biogeographic distributions of rocky intertidal species (Cellana and Siphonaria) in the Southeast Asia Jie Wang ([email protected]) College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen It is well known that Southeast Asia is a hotspot for extraordinary marine biodiversity. Understanding the biogeographic distributions of marine species is helpful for us to interpret current patterns of marine diversity. DNA barcoding has been widely used for species identification and classification. The rocky intertidal zone is an important ecosystem, but few studies on the biogeographical distribution of rocky intertidal species have been reported. This study aims to detect the biogeographic distributions of two common genera Cellana and Siphonaria in the rocky intertidal zone and possible causes in shaping their distributions. Samples from seven localities (Sanya, SY; Da Nang, DN; Ko Sichang, KS; Penang, PN; Kuantan, KT; Kuching, KC; Muara, MR) are collected and two biomarkers (16S and COI) are chosen for DNA barcoding. For Cellana, two species (C. radiata and C. toreuma) were suggested by the concordant topology from both Maximum likelihood (ML) tree and Bayesian tree. Besides estimates of levels of Kimura two-parameter (K2P) distance in 16S also supported this classification (interspecific distance: 0.08; intraspecific distance: 0 and 0.009). Samples from PN belong to C. radiata and samples from the rest locations are C. toreuma. For Siphonaria, nine monophyletic groups were detected in both ML tree and Bayesian tree. The K2P distance analyses of two markers showed that interspecific distances (16S: 0.087~0.403; COI: 0.121~0.409) were significantly larger than intraspecific distances (16S: 0.00~0.010; COI: 0.000~0.046), which also encouraged the nine species classification. Five species are endemic and distributed in MR, DN, KS, KT and SY respectively. Other four species, however, can be found at different two localities. According to DNA barcoding analysis, two species in Cellana and nine species in Siphonaria were suggested in this study. The discrepancy of biogeographic patterns between Siphonaria and Cellana could be associated with their different reproductive modes and larval dispersal capabilities. It is obvious that species in PN located in Indian Ocean are separated from species from other localities belonging to Pacific Ocean, which can be explained by historical events. Our study presented that historical geological events other than contemporary oceanic current realms play important roles in the biogeographic patterns of rocky intertidal species in the Southeast Asia. PSSB-32 Current status and future prospect of DNA barcoding in marine biology Lu Wang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Marine organisms are highly diverse, widely distributed, with high complexity and homoplasy. To enable fast and accurate identification of species, it is imperative to establish molecular techniques, to complement the traditional morphological methodology. DNA barcoding provides digitalized criteria and effective means for species identification, and is becoming an important technical tool in the research on taxonomy and biodiversity. In this review, we summarize the major recent progress and current trend in DNA barcoding, particularly as it applies to the fields of marine phytoplankton (Rhodophyte, Phaeophyta, Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta and Dinophyta ), invertebrates (Spongia, Cnidaria, Custacea, Mollusca, etc.) and fish. We provide an overview of the deffectiveness and suitability of different barcoding markers in different groups of marine organisms. We also discuss current challenges and future prospects of marine DNA barcoding in hope to provide a framework for future marine DNA barcoding research in China. 149 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PSSB-33 The influence of the Yellow Sea Warm Current on the biodiversity of Bohai Sea Caixia Wang, Xiaoke Hu*, Bin Wang, Yibo Wang ([email protected]) Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai In this study, a total of 41 stations with both surface and benthic samples of phytoplankton and microorganisms were collected from December 14th to December 25th in Bohai Sea, 2013. According to the biological taxonomy, metagenomics and proteomics data, the compositions and diversities of phytoplankton and microorganism were determined. Furthermore, their relationships with the yellow sea warm current were investigated. The most wide spread species of phytoplankton in winter were Actinocyclus octonarius, Ceratium fusus, Coscinodiscus asteromphalus, Coscinodiscus oculusiridis, Coscinodiscus sp., Melosira sulcata, while the most abundant species were Actinocyclus octonarius, Chaetoceros sp., Coscinodiscus sp., Nitzschia pungens, Rhizosolenia alata f. Indica, Schroederella delicatula. Our results indicated that the Yellow Sea Warm Current had dramatic influences on the diversities of both phytoplankton and microorganisms mainly through temperature and salinity. PSSB-34 Primary production of microphytobenthos in shallow system and their ecological role Yuanyong Wang ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen Microphytobenthos, which consists of unicellular eukaryotic algae and cyanobacteria, grow within the upper several millimeters of the sediments. The sediment surface is a zone of intense microbial and geochemical activity. Those shallow systems are the intersection zones between ocean and land and they are subjected to anthropogenic interference. They meet the requirements for high primary production, and in many shallow ecosystems, the biomass of benthic microalgae often exceeds that of the phytoplankton in the overlying waters (MacIntyre et al.,1996)., A series of in situ measurements were conducted during periods of emersion since June 2014 using infrared analysis(licor820), aiming to estimate the productivity of microphytobenthos and respiratory loss in the intertidal zone and find out whether the intertidal zone is a sink or a source of carbon. PSSB-35 Rapid detection of harmful Raphidophyte, Chattonella sp. using whole-cell FISH Winnie Lik Sing Lau ([email protected]), Hong Chang Lim, Sze Wan Lee, Sing Tung Teng, Leh Hie Yek, Chui Pin Leaw and Po Teen Lim* Bachok Marine Research Station, Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya, Malaysia Several species from the genera of Chattonella (Raphidophyceae) was known to be harmful by causing massive fish kill especially in finfish mariculture. In Malaysia, blooms of Chattonella sp. were first recorded in the 1980s along the Tebrau Straits. However, information on the distribution of Chattonella in other part of Malayian waters remained limited. In this study, morphological characteristics of Chattonella was first documented based on cultures obtained from estuaries of Santubong and Miri, Sarawak and Tumpat, Kelantan. Six strains of Chattonella were examined by light and electron microscopy. Species-specific oligonucleotide probes were designed in silico using ARB program package based on the nucleotide sequences of LSU and ITS2-rDNA obtained from these clonal cultures. Two species specific probes were synthesized as biotynilated probes to apply on tyramide signal amplification (TSA)-fluorescence in-situ hybridization (TSA-FISH). TSA-FISH was performed and observed on microscope glass slides to prevent cell damages via common filtration practice. Both LSU and ITS2 probes were tested on target and non-target cells to confirm the specificity of the probes under an epi-fluorescence microscope. TSA-FISH was proven to be a useful tool for rapid detection of Chattonella sp. and could be adopted in monitoring of the harmful raphidophyte. PSSB-36 Application of molecular biology in analyzing food composition of Johnius belengerii (Cuvier) in Saddle Archipelago Xiaoqing Xi ([email protected]) Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 150 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences ш┐Сх╣┤цЭечФ▒ф║Ош┐Зх║жцНХцНЮхТМчОпхвГхПШхМЦя╝МчЪоц░ПхПлхзСщ▒╝я╝ИJohnius grypotusя╝ЙчЪДщЗОчФЯш╡Дц║Рх╖▓х╝АхзЛшб░щААя╝МшАМ хЕ╢ф╜Ьф╕║щймщЮНхИЧх▓Ыф┐ЭцКдхМ║хЕ╖цЬЙф╗гшбицАзчЪДцЪЦц░┤цАзщ▒╝ч▒╗я╝МщЬАшжБщЗЗхПЦцОкцЦ╜хЗПч╝УхЕ╢щЗОчФЯш╡Дц║РчЪДшб░щААя╝МхЫацндя╝Мф╗О чЪоц░ПхПлхзСщ▒╝щгЯчЙйч╗ДцИРхИЖцЮРхЕ╢ще╡цЦЩш╡Дц║РчзНч▒╗я╝Мх╣╢цПРхЗ║чЫ╕х║ФчЪДф┐ЭцКдхп╣чнЦя╝Мхп╣щЗОчФЯчЪоц░ПхПлхзСщ▒╝ч╛дф╜УчЪДш╡Дц║Р ф┐ЭцКдхТМхРИчРЖх╝АхПСхЕ╖цЬЙхНБхИЖщЗНшжБчЪДцДПф╣ЙуАВ цЬмцмбхоЮщкМщЗЗчФихИЖхнРчФЯчЙйхнжцЙЛцо╡ф╕Оф╝ач╗ЯшзВц╡ЛцЙЛцо╡чЫ╕ч╗УхРИчЪДцЦ╣ц│Хя╝Мхп╣цНХшО╖ 202 цЭбчЪоц░ПхПлхзСщ▒╝ш┐ЫшбМхИЖ цЮРя╝МщАЪш┐ЗчО░хЬ║шзгхЙЦхПСчО░хдПхнгчЪДчЪоц░ПхПлхзСщ▒╝чЪДчй║шГГчОЗш╛ГщлШя╝Мш╛╛хИ░ 84.65%я╝ЫщАЪш┐ЗшзгхЙЦшзВхпЯхПСчО░хПгшЩ╛шЫДхЬи цА╗шГГхРлчЙйш┤ищЗПф╕нхНа 2.43%я╝МцЧецЬмщ╝УшЩ╛хНа 2.85%я╝Мц▓ЩшЪХхНа 0.84%я╝МцЧецЬмшЯ│х╣╝ф╜УхНа 0.58%я╝Мф╕НхПпш╛ишодчЪД шЩ╛ч▒╗хНа 1.84%я╝Мф╕НхПпш╛ишодчЪДшЯ╣ч▒╗хНа 17.65%я╝Мф╕НхПпш╛ишодчЪДщгЯчЙйч│ЬхНа 58.25%уАВщАЪш┐ЗцПРхПЦф╕НхПпш╛ишодщгЯчЙй ч│ЬчЪДч╗Дч╗З DNAя╝МщАЙхПЦч║┐ч▓Тф╜УхЯ║хЫач╗ЖшГЮшЙ▓ч┤а C ц░зхМЦщЕ╢ф║ЪхЯ║ I(Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I,COI)ф╜Ьф╕║хИЖхнРцаЗшо░щАЙцЛйхп╣ч╗Дч╗З DNA ш┐ЫшбМх║ПхИЧцЙйхвЮуАВц╡Лх║Пч╗УцЮЬхИЖцЮРшбицШОя╝МхЬиф╕НхПпш╛ишодчЪДщгЯчЙйч│Ьф╕ня╝М щЙ┤хоЪхЗ║ф╕нхНОчобщЮншЩ╛уАБщ▓ЬцШОщ╝УшЩ╛уАБцЧецЬмшЯ│уАБх╖ицМЗщХ┐шЗВшЩ╛уАБцЧецЬмщ╝УшЩ╛уАБшдРшПЦщ▓ЙуАБф╕нхЫ╜цпЫшЩ╛уАВш┐Щф║ЫцПРхПЦхЗ║ цЭечЪДхЯ║хЫах║ПхИЧхЬи Genbank ф╕нчЪДчЫ╕ф╝╝х║жш╛╛хИ░ 99%ф╗еф╕Кя╝Мшп┤цШОщАЪш┐ЗцЙйхвЮшГГхРлчЙйчЪДф╕НхПпш╛ишодчЪДч│ЬхПпф╗ешО╖х╛Ч шВЙчЬ╝шзВхпЯцЧац│ХчЬЛхИ░чЪДчзНч▒╗я╝Мш┐Щх╕охКйцИСф╗мф╕║ф╕Лф╕АцнещАЙцЛйф┐ЭцКдчЪоц░ПхПлхзСщ▒╝чЪДцСДщгЯхп╣ш▒бф╗ехПКцаЦцБпхЬ░хеахоЪхЯ║ чбАуАВ PSSB-37 Study of the photosynthesis of Ulva prolifera under complex seawater environment Tian Xia ([email protected]) Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou щЪПчЭАхЕичРГц░ФхАЩхПШхМЦхПКц╡╖х▓╕х╕жф║║ч▒╗ц┤╗хКичЪДцДИхКащвСч╣Бя╝Мц▓│хПгхПКш┐Сх▓╕ц╡╖хЯЯц░┤ф╜УчОпхвГхПКхМЦхнжч╗ДцИРч╗УцЮДцнг щАРц╕РхПСчФЯчЭАцФ╣хПШуАВхдзхЮЛчЪДц╡╖шЧ╗ф╕║щАВх║Фш┐Щф║ЫхПШхМЦф╕АхоЪф╝ЪхЬихИЖхнРц░┤х╣│ф║зчФЯхРДчзНхПШхМЦя╝Мш┐ЫшАМхЬичФЯчРЖхТМх╜вцАБ ф╕КшбичО░хЗ║цЭеуАВц╡ТшЛФцШпх╕╕шзБчЪДхдзхЮЛш╡дц╜ошЧ╗ч▒╗я╝МчаФчй╢ф╕НхРМц░┤чОпхвГф╕Лц╡ТшЛФчЪДчФЯщХ┐чК╢цАБя╝Мхп╣цЬЙцХИщвДц╡Лц╡ТшЛФчИЖ хПСхПКц╡ТшЛФчЪДх║ФчФищГ╜цЬЙщЗНхдзцДПф╣ЙуАВцЬмчаФчй╢щАЪш┐Зф╜┐чФи Clark ц╢▓чЫ╕ц░зчФ╡цЮБц╡ЛщЗПшЧ╗ч▒╗цФ╛ц░зщАЯчОЗчЪДцЦ╣ц│Хя╝МхЬихРл Pb2+шГБш┐лхТМф╕НхРлщЗНщЗСх▒Ючж╗хнРшГБш┐лчЪДцЭбф╗╢ф╕Ля╝МхИЖхИлцОвшоиф║Жф╕НхРМ Nя╝ИNO3-я╝МNH4+я╝Й уАБP ц░┤х╣│хКахпМхПКчЫРх║жхп╣ ц╡ТшЛФхЕЙхРИф╜ЬчФичЪДх╜▒хУНуАВчаФчй╢ч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝МхЬихРДчзНхКахпМхдДчРЖцЭбф╗╢ф╕ЛчЫРх║ж 15 цЬАцЬЙхИйф┐Гш┐Ыц╡ТшЛФчЪДхЕЙхРИф╜ЬчФи я╝ИPmax цЬАщлШя╝Й я╝МшАМ P+NO3-хКахпМхдДчРЖхИЩхЬи 3 ф╕кчЫРх║жц░┤х╣│ф╕ЛцЬАцЬЙхИйф║Оф┐Гш┐Ыц╡ТшЛФчЪДхЕЙхРИф╜ЬчФия╝ИPmax цЬАщлШя╝Йя╝Ы хЬи Pb2+шГБш┐лхдДчРЖф╕Ля╝МчЫРх║жш╢Кф╜Оя╝МPb2+хп╣ц╡ТшЛФчЪДшГБш┐лш╢Кф╕ещЗНя╝Мх╣╢ф╕ФхЬичЫРх║ж 5 цЧ╢ NH4+хКахпМш┐Шф╝ЪцЬЙш┐Ыф╕Ацне чЪДцКСхИ╢ф╜ЬчФия╝МшАМ 3 ф╕кчЫРх║жф╕Ля╝МP+NO3-хКахпМщГ╜хПпф╗ехдзх╣Ех║жхЗПш╜╗ Pb2+хп╣ц╡ТшЛФхЕЙхРИф╜ЬчФичЪДцКСхИ╢уАВчФ▒ф║ОхжВф╗К ш┐Сц╡╖ц░┤ф╜Уф╕нхЕГч┤ахпМщЫЖхСИчО░ф╕НцЦнхдНцЭВхМЦчЪДш╢ЛхК┐я╝Мф╗Еф╗ЕчаФчй╢шРехЕ╗чЫРчЪДх╜▒хУНх╖▓ч╗ПцЧац│ХцЫ┤хКацОеш┐СчО░хоЮя╝МцХЕцЬм ч╗УцЮЬхп╣ш┐Ыф╕АцнечРЖшзгхдзхЮЛц╡╖шЧ╗хЬихдНцЭВц░┤чОпхвГф╕ЛхЕЙхРИф╜ЬчФичЙ╣цАзщЭЮх╕╕щЗНшжБуАВ PSSB-38 Photosynthetic parameters in the Northern South China Sea in relation to phytoplankton community structure Yuyuan Xie ([email protected]) College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen Many recent models for retrieval of primary production in the sea from ocean-colour data are temperature-based. But previous studies in low latitudes have shown that models that include phytoplankton community structure can have improved predictive capability. In this study, we measured photosynthetic parameters from photosynthesis-irradiance (P-E) curve experiments, phytoplankton absorption coefficients, and phytoplankton community structure derived from photosynthetic pigments during four cruises in the Northern South China Sea. The chlorophyll a-normalized P-E curve light-limited slope (╬▒b) and maximum quantum efficiency (╬жCm) varied significantly with the blue-to-red ratio of phytoplankton absorption peaks (a435ph/a676ph) (p < 0.001, r = -0.360 and -0.459, respectively). The significant unexplained variability might be due to so-called "Ek-independent'' behaviour and the existence of non-photosynthetic pigments. The chlorophyll a-normalized light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Pbm) at the surface showed a unimodal distribution over the chl a range, and surface Pbm significantly increased when Prochlorococcus was outcompeted by other pico-phytoplankton (p < 0.01). Almost 60 % of the variance of Pbm could be explained by a piecewise regression with phytoplankton absorption coefficients and pigment markers. These results might underlie the nonlinear relationships between ╬▒ and Pm and the phytoplankton biomass indicators, because temperature loses its prediction ability 151 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences on ╬▒b and Pbm. Therefore, a model based on the effect of phytoplankton community structure on photo-physiology may render the biomass-based approach more robust as an estimator for primary production for this oceanic domain. PSSB-39 Studies on trophic niche of major fish species in Beibu Gulf Lu Yang ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen Niche is an extremely important concept in ecology, and it has become one of the most significant basic theories of modern ecology. In aquatic systems, food is recognized as the main resource axis for niche partitioning in vertebrates, especially in fish community. Through the study on trophic niche of fish community, we can understand the interspecific relationships and resource partitioning patterns, thus contributing to our knowledge of ecosystem structure and function. In this study, based on fish samples collected in Beibu Gulf in July of 2012, diet composition, feeding habits and trophic niche breadth of nine major fish species were analyzed by Shannon-Wiener index, Levins index and respective evenness index. Results showed, nine major fish species could be classified into four types of feeding habits, referred to as plankton predators (including Acropoma japonicum, Trachurus japonicus, Decapterus maruadsi and Polydactylus sextarius), benthic predators (including Evynnis cardinalis, Upeneus japonicus and Psenopsis anomala), nekton predators (Saurida tumbil) and euryphagous predators (Pennahia argentata which preyed on both benthos and nekton). Trophic niche breadth of Pennahia argentata was the highest (Shannon-Wiener index 0.938 and Levins index 2.238), while trophic niche breadth of Saurida tumbil was the lowest (Shannon-Wiener index 0 and Levins index 1). The trophic niche breadth was strongly influenced by feeding habits of fish species themselves and feeding foundation of surrounded environment. PSSB-40 Phylogeographic analysis and thermal tolerance of Nipponacmea limpets (Gastropoda: Lottidae) in China Shanshan Yu ([email protected]) College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen To identify the Nipponacmealimpets along the coast of China, their taxonomy was investigated with three molecular markers (one mitochondrial gene, COI; two nuclear markers, 28S rDNA and H3). Three species (N. radula, N. fuscoviridis and N. nigrans) were found among 274 individuals collected from 14 sites. IntraspeciямБc variation was far less than interspeciямБc variation and obvious barcoding gaps existed. These results indicate that the three Nipponacmea species can be efямБciently identified by DNA barcoding. The phylogeographic patterns of the three species were also analysed using COI sequences. There was clear biogeographic separation between the northern N. radula and the southern two species (N. fuscoviridis and N. nigrans), with the Yangtze River estuary as a barrier. In the southern N. fuscoviridis, there was a star-shaped haplotype network and the dominant haplotype was detected in all populations. In the northern N. radula, there were five main haplotypes; some adjacent populations showed no signiямБcant difference according to the pairwise Fst values. The southern N. nigrans showed two main haplotypes. In order to understand the effects of thermal stress on the distribution of rocky shore species, the upper thermal limits and related physiological performances were also comparatively determined in the present study. Warm-adapted species N. fuscoviridis showed higher thermal tolerance based on the results of LT50 and the expression level of HSP70. The phylogeographic break between the Nipponacmea species is possibly due to the local and regional hydrographic conditions in the Yangtze River estuary, the large salt marsh in the river delta and difference of temperature between northern and southern China. PSSB-41 Coccolithophore response to climate and surface hydrography in the Yellow Sea, Northwest Pacific, AD 1761-2011 Mingli Yuan ([email protected]) South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Beijing Climatic and paleoceanographic changes have been identified as important drivers for calcareous phytoplankton assemblage fluctuations on the coast of the NortheastPacific and North Atlantic. However, the relationship between changes in calcareous phytoplankton assemblage and climate 152 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences changes in the Northwest Pacific is still unclear.Here a study of coccoliths in a box core from the central South Yellow Sea (SYS) reveals floral assemblage fluctuations which can be related to climatic and hydrographic changes during the last 250 years (1761-2011). The pattern of Gephyrocapsa oceanica (the most dominant and eutrophic species) relative abundance opposed to that of SST and that of sum of Braarudosphaera bigelowii and Umbilicosphaera sibogae (both oligotrophic species) relative abundance, indicating that in the Yellow Sea G. oceanica is characteristic of theavailability of the nutrition but not SST. G. oceanica and Siberian High showed similar patterns on an interdecadal time scale indicates that the East Asian Winter Monsoon (EAWM) might be an important driver of ecological changes in the Yellow Sea. When the EAWM prevails, both of the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) and the Yellow Sea Coastal Current (YSCC) strengthen, the increasing nutrition availabilityfavors eutrophic coccolithophore species like G. oceanica. This likely mechanism demonstrates that climate signals could be transported to the ecological system through processes such as ocean current. PSSB-42 Molecular detecting in situ dietary composition of Calanus sinicus in Taiwan Strait Dangni Zhang ([email protected]), Lianming Zheng, Yuanshao Lin, Weiwei Li College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen Planktonic copepods are critical link between primary producers and higher trophic level consumers in marine food web. However, in situ copepods diet status remains largely unrevealed due to the lack of effective approaches. With the development of rapid and reliable species detection methods based on different DNA markers, detailed prey composition and quantification of copepods are becoming accessible. In this study, in situ dietary composition of Calanussinicus (Brodsky, 1962) were analyzed using DNA and PCR based method from two sampling stations, A1 (in-shore) and B9 (off-shore) in Taiwan Strait. In the laboratory, 95% ethanol preserved individuals were carefully washed, had their appendages removed, and checked under a fluorescence microscope to exclude the influences of attaching organisms; then genomic DNA were extracted using CTAB protocol; finally, two loci of chloroplast ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase gene (rbcL ID and IA/B) and one partial nuclear 18S gene were PCR amplified, cloned, and sequenced. A total of 50 individuals of C. sinicus from A1 station and 10 from B9 were analyzed. For station A1, 26 OTUs from clone libraries (282 sequences) were detected, clustering into 11 plankton groups; phytoplankton was the dominant group, comprising 73.1% of the total OTUs and 53.5% of the total sequences. Diatoms and chlorophytes were the most abundant groups among phytoplankton, accounted for ca. 34.6% and ca. 11.5% of the total OTUs, respectively. The detected diatom sequences were most closely related to genus Thalassiosira. For station B9, 30 OTUs were detected, clustering into 10 plankton groups. Phytoplankton was the dominant group as well, comprising 60.0% of the total OTUs and 44.4% of the total sequences. Diatoms and chlorophytes were also the most abundant groups among phytoplankton, except a lower coverage of 16.7% for diatoms and a higher of 13.3% for the latter, respectively. The results revealed that dietary composition of C. sinicus in these two locations varied significantly, with only 9 OTUs sharing by both stations, corresponding to 19.1% of the total OTUs. Besides the formerly recognized groups with traditional analyses, such as phytoplankton and ciliates, our study unveiled several novel dietary compositions, like hydromedusae (3 sequences of 1 OTU, 2.1%) and thalia (1 sequences of 1 OTU, 2.1%), suggesting a possible predation on eggs or larvae of these groups by C. sinicus. Our results supported PCR based molecular detection as an effective approach in copepods trophic ecology studies, and laid the foundation for its further applications in analyzing matter cycling and energy flow in marine ecosystem. PSSB-43 Expression and degradation pattern of Form I rubiscounder different nutrient treatments in Karenia mikimotoi and Karlodinium veneficium Rongmo Zhang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Form I rubisco is present only in the plastid of fucoxanthindinoflagellates owning the unique poly-U tail in mature mRNA (UT) compared to Form II. When degraded the rbcL I is poly-A tailed (AT). It is thought that dinoflagellates got rbcL I through serial endosymbiosis to replace the original Form II rubisco. However, the expression and degradation pattern of rbcl I are poorly studied. In this study, we identified both the sequence of UT and ATrbcL I inKarenia mikimotoi and Karlodinium veneficium, 153 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences and investigated the UT and AT changing pattern under diel and 12-day sampling under different nutrient treatments. Results showed the up regulation for both UT and AT types under phosphate depleted condition, compared with control groups. Besides, the rbcL I expression is of light-dark regulation, with peak in the dark period, which is different from that of Form II rubisco in P. donghaiense, of which expression peak is after noon. Our studies shed new light on the expression of special rbcL I in dinoflagellates to help us know more about the evolutional reason. PSSB-44 Effects of diet nutritional quality on the growth and grazing of Noctiluca scintillans Shuwen Zhang ([email protected]) Division of Life Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Noctiluca scintillans is a cosmopolitan red tide forming heterotrophic dinoflagellate which can feed a variety of algal food. In this study, we examined the effects of diet nutritional quality on its ingestion and reproduction. Functional and numerical response experiments were conducted using three types of algae - a diatom (Thalassiosira weissflogii), a chlorophyte (Platymonas helgolandica) and a dinoflagellate (Prorocentrum dentatum) that were grown under nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) replete, N depleted and P depleted conditions. Ingestion and growth rates of N. scintillans were fitted using Holling Type II and modified Holling Type II models, respectively. N. scintillans generally exhibited higher Imax (maximum ingestion rate) on nutrient deficient than on NP sufficient preys, presumably to maximize its nutrient pool and meet growth requirements. Each of phytoplankton cultures, except P deficient T. weissflogii, supported the growth of N. scintillans. But nutrient deficient, especially P deficient preys yielded lower growth rates of N. scintillans than their nutrient sufficient counterparts. No optimum curve was obtained for P-deficient T. weissflogii which may contain toxicity driven by P limitation. Based on experimental results and hyperbola models simulated, we found that N. scintillans tend to be P-limited as P became the major constraint affecting its reproduction and survival under nutrient deficiency. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, e.g. ╬▒-linolenic acid (18:3╧Й3, ALA) and eicosapentaneoic acid (20:5╧Й3, EPA) are also important in determining food quality for N. scintillans based on their high correlation with N. scintillans growth rate. PSSB-45 The level mRNA of glycogenesis and glycogenolysis genes studied by RT-qPCR technology in oyster Yiwei Zhang ([email protected]) College of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen The Pacific oysters (Crassostrea angulata) are widely distributed along the coast of China and are the most important commercial shellfish group cultured in China. The Pacific oyster is the primary oyster species in coastal river mouths and estuaries of southern China, ranging from Zhejiang Province to Hainan Province. The oysters were cultured in stock tank at a temperature of 25 ┬▒ 2 тДГ in the laboratory. Both salinity and pH in the experimental seawater for oyster maintenance were controlled to be 2.8% and 8.0 respectively. The responses of genes encoding glycogenesis and glycogenolysis such as glycogen synthase (GYS), glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3 beta), glycogen phosphorylase (GPH), hexokinase (HK) were assessed at the transcriptional level in order to investigate the mechanism of glycogen variation in oysters following challenge with iron. The iron level increment in both tissue and blood greatly from the oysters exposed to the iron in seawater. The level of three functional genes related to the glycogen metabolism were responded transcriptionally by real-time quantitative PCR method. The Fe exposure could trigger the glycogen metabolism to response in oyster tissue. There was a significant post-challenge mRNA expression of glycogen synthase (GYS), glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3 beta), and glycogen phosphorylase (GPH), hexokinase (HK) at 96 h. This behavior may be linked to the specific functions in physiological processes. PSSB-46 Bacterial communities and impact of contamination in the tropical and subtropical mangrove revealed by pyrosequencing Peng Zhou ([email protected]), Liping Zheng, Shunyan Cheung, Hongbin Liu, Hongmei Jing Sanya Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sanya 154 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Mangroves are unique and diverse coastal ecosystems with confined distribution in the tropical and subtropical regions. They nowadays are highly threatened by the surrounding wastewater discharge and other anthropogenic contaminations, with a disappearing rate of 1~2% per year. However, the impacts of contamination on the bacterial populations inhabited in the mangrove sediment, especially in respective tropical and subtropical regions, were largely unknown. In this study, contaminated and pristine mangrove sediment samples were collected from subtropical Haikou (HKC and HKNC) and tropical Sanya (SYC and SYNC) and investigated using pyrosequencing and quantitative PCR of the 16S rRNA gene. Generally, diversity and abundance of bacteria were much higher in the contaminated sediments than those in the pristine sediments. The former also had much higher number of unique OTUs and species richness in the tropical region, but opposite trends found in the subtropical region. All the samples were dominated by Proteobacteria and Planctomycetes, and the former was mainly composed of a-, g- and s-proteobacteria. UPGMA clustering clearly demonstrated that bacteria communities in the tropical and subtropical mangrove sediments formed two distinct clusters; and community variations were associated with the changes of salinity and NO3- concentration based on multiple correlation analysis. Our study revealed that contaminations could significantly increase bacterial diversity and abundance, but their roles were not comparable with those of geographical latitude separation in terms of bacterial community shifts. PSSB-47 Physiological energetics of the thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus exposed to seawater acidification and thermal stress Lisha Li ([email protected]) College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai The juveniles of thick shell mussel Mytilus coruscus were exposed to three pH levels (7.3, 7.7, 8.1) at two temperatures (25┬░C, 30┬░C). At the same time, mussels were also exposed to such six treatments (3 pH ├Ч 2 temperature) with crab Charybdis japonica which is a predator to this mussel being introduced as the predatory treatment. The anti-predatory responses, byssus thread production of the mussels were studied after 72 h exposure. Regardless of pH and temperature, M. coruscus produced higher number of byssus threads as well as the thicker and longer byssus threads when they were exposed to crabs maintained on a diet of M. coruscus as compared with those exposed without crabs. Under low pH levels, byssus thread production showed significant lower values than that at high pH condition no matter the predator was present or not; however, the temperature didnтАЩt show any significant effect on the number of byssus. Byssus thread diameter was significantly influenced by temperature, pH, predator and interaction of pH and crab, with higher values under low temperature, high pH and predator treatment, respectively. Byssus thread length was significantly influenced by pH and predator, with higher values under high pH and predator treatment, respectively. Interactive effects between pH and predator exposure were observed for the frequency of shedding stalks, byssus thread length and byssus thread diameter. Mussels exposed to their predator, however, had enhanced byssus thread production at all pH and temperature levels when compared with the control. This has highlighted the significance of anti-predator responses for the survival of individuals even under a stressful environment in which energy supply is limited by ocean acidification and high temperature. By decreasing the strength of byssus attachment, the chance of being dislodged and consumed by crabs is increased, thus our results indicate that the temperature and ocean acidification may change the rate of predation on M. coruscus in the field. PSSC-01 Clay geochemistry of the rivers entering the East China Sea indicates two types of weathering and sediment transport processes Lei Bi ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai The East China Sea is characterized by wide continental shelf and huge terrigenous matter input from both large rivers and small mountainous rivers, which makes it an ideal natural laboratory for the study of land-sea interaction and sediment source-to-sink transport processes. This study presents mineralogical and geochemical compositions of the clays and bulk sediments from the rivers entering the East China Sea, aiming to investigate the general weathering mechanisms and sediment transport processes in East Asian continental margin. Two types of river systems, tectonically-stable continental rivers and tectonically-active mountainous rivers, co-exist in East Asia. The clays 155 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences represent the direct weathering products and thus can better reflect the chemical weathering regimes of the two river systems than the bulk samples do. Provenance rock types are not the dominant factor controlling silicate weathering. The silicate weathering in tectonically-stable river basins in mainland China is primarily driven by the monsoon climate and the sediment transfer is relatively slow because of natural trapping process and increasing damming effect. In contrast, the silicate weathering in tectonically-active mountainous rivers in Taiwan is greatly limited by strong physical erosion and fast sediment transfer in the catchments albeit with low latitude and the highest monsoon rainfall. These two different weathering regimes and sediment transport processes probably characterize the landscape evolution and dominate the sedimentation in Asian continental margin. PSSC-02 Nutrients and their sources of coral reefs in South China Sherry Cao ([email protected]) College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen Coral reefs have suffered a remarkable decline in the world. Nutrient over-enrichment is considered a major cause of this decline because degraded coral reefs generally exhibit a shift from a coral-dominated to a macroalgal-dominated ecosystem. With the development of flourishing tourism around the Sanya National Coral Reefs Reserve (SNCRR) tract and a traditional fishing in the Xuwen National Coral Reefs Reserve (XNCRR) tract, this study presents a review of the current state of knowledge of coastal nutrient status in China and evaluates the primary sources of nutrients into the nearshore coral reef ecosystems, whether natural or anthropogenic through the use of stable isotopes. Statistics indicate that concentrations of inorganic nitrogen at XNCRR are about 4.399-24.244╬╝molтАвL-1, while those are somewhat higher from 5.594╬╝molтАвL-1 to 42.900╬╝molтАвL-1 at SNCRR. SPR and silicon are in normal level of their routine. Isotopic signatures of ╬┤ 15N, ╬┤13C and C:N have successfully been used to identify the sources of anthropogenic nutrients in aquatic environments. Continuous nutrient inputs from nearshore anthropogenic activities are potentially the causes of reef degradation and consequent overgrowth of macroalgal in the areas. And this provides good implications for the reserves and coastal resources management. PSSC-03 Method optimization of dissolved urea in seawater Li Chen ([email protected]), Jian Ma, Xiaolin Li State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Urea is one of the simplest and most abundant dissolved organic nitrogen in the ocean and plays a significant role in marine carbon and nitrogen cycle. It is an important nitrogen source for micro-organisms in the ocean, and proved to be trigger for toxic bloom. The concentration of dissolved urea in seawater is generally less than 1.0 ╬╝M, however, it could contribute 20~50% of the total N required by the primary producers. While not much study on biogeochemistry of urea in open oceans, part of the reason is that there is no robust method with good sensitivity and reproducibility for trace level measurment. Currently, the most reliable method for the analysis of dissolved urea (> 0.1 ╬╝M) in seawater is colorimetric measurement based on the diacetyl monoxime (DAM) reaction. However, reported manual operations were quite variable with reaction regents and timings. This research modified the DAM chemistry in seawater matrix, including the effect of concentrations of different reagents and impacts of temperature on kinetics of the reaction. Salinity effects were found to have no severe effect on the detection. Thus, a recommendation of operation procedure for manual determination of urea in seawater was proposed. The determination limit of the optimized method was 5 nM, the recoveries were between 98.5% and 99.4% and the relative standard deviation was 1.15% (n=9) for aged seawater sample spiked with urea standards. Finally, the proposed method was used for analyzing the distribution of dissolved urea in costal and open ocean. Spatial distributions and profiles were presented indicating complexity of nitrogen cycling in the estuarine environment. It benefited us to better understand the biogeochemistry of urea in the marine environments. PSSC-04 Magnetic properties of tidal flat sediments on the Yangtze coast, China: early diagenetic alteration and implications Ting Chen ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 156 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Magnetic measurements and organic geochemical analyses (TOC, TS) were conducted on recent tidal flat sediments from Feng-Xian (FX) and Bei-Bu-Gang (BBG) of the Yangtze coast, and on Holocene tidal flat sediments from core SL67 on the southern Yangtze delta plain, China. The results showed that greigite formed in the upper tidal flat sediments of FX and BBG, where TOC and TS enriched. Greigite also occurred in addition with pyrite in the saltmarsh and tidal flat sediments of early to mid-Holocene in SL67. Domination of greigite in the early-Holocene basal supratidal and saltmarsh sediments of core SL67, along with the extreme low values of TS/TOC, suggested either limited sulfate supply from sea water or a major terrestrial source of organic matter which is hard to decompose. The greigite-bearing sediments of lower tidal flat in mid-Holocene had low content of TOC, indicating an upward diffusion of CH4 and H2S from the underlying upper tidal flat sediments. A comparison between Holocene core SL67 and the modern tidal flat sediments suggests early diagenesis processes including selective dissolution and pyritization continued after the sediments were buried during the Holocene, resulting in the depletion of soil-derived SP magnetic particles. Pyritization mainly changed values of magnetic parameters including ╧З, SIRM, ╧ЗARM, SOFT, SIRM/╧З but didnтАЩt influence the parameter HIRM. Changes of HIRM thus indicated fluctuations of detrital input to the core site and reflected a two-staged pattern of the 8.2 ka cooling event. PSSC-05 Determination of free and combined amino acids in dissolved and particulate phases in marine environment Wei Chen ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen The transfer of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) out of the surface ocean where it is produced to storage in the oceanтАЩs interior creates one of the biggest reservoirs of reduced carbon and organic nitrogen on earth. Amino acids are major component of total DON identified at the molecular level. The dissolved combined amino acids (DCAA) pool probably plays an important role in cycling of nitrogen in a variety of marine systems, including the open ocean. Determination of amino acids reveals systematic compositional changes upon progressive degradation. This research focused on quantification of major amino acids in marine matrix using a method of liquid chromatography with fluorescence detector (LC-FLU) and pre-column derivatisation with o-phthaldialdehyde. Experiment conditions were optimized for the hydrolysis of liquid and particulate samples, LC elution gradient, and quantification of thirteen derivatised amino acids. We achieved good baseline resolution, low limit of detection, broad linear range and excellent recovery. Applications were made for dissolved and particulate combined amino acids in seawater. PSSC-06 Redox speciation analysis of iron in estuarine and coastal waters using on-line solid phase extraction hyphenated with GFAAS and visible spectrophotometry Yaojin Chen ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Iron controls the growth of phytoplankton in certain of coastal regions and spans from the nmol/L to ╬╝mol/L level. Iron exists in Fe(II) and Fe(III) in aqueous environments. Dissolved Fe(II) has high bioavailability, and is generated via photoreduction and bioreduction of Fe(III) in estuarine and coastal surface waters. An automatic on-line solid phase extraction (SPE) system employing the flow injection (FI) technique directly coupled to 1) a graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer (GFAAS), and 2) a 2-m liquid waveguide capillary cell (LWCC) and spectrophotometric detection, was established for speciation and determination of iron in estuarine and coastal waters. Fe(II) was mixed with ferrozine solution in a sample stream to form the Fe(II)-ferrozine complex which was extracted onto a C18 SPE cartridge, eluted with eluent for detection. In a parallel flow channel, Fe(III) was reduced to Fe(II) with ascorbic acid and then detected in the same way as Fe(II). The home-made interface between FI-SPE and GFAAS efficiently realized the sample introduction to the furnace in a semi-automated way. Parameters of both systems and the graphite furnace program were optimized based on a univariate experimental design and an orthogonal array design. The salinity effect on the method sensitivity was investigated. The FI-SPE-GFAAS method provided a detection limit of 1.38 nmol/L for Fe(II) and 1.87 nmol/L for Fe(II+III). With variation of the sample loading volume, a broadened determination range of 2.5-200 nmol/L iron was obtained. The FI-SPE-LWCC method was 157 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences high sensitive with a detection limit of 0.056 and 0.076 nmol/L for Fe(II) and Fe(II+III) and a linear range of 0.5-50 nmol/L for both. The analysis results of the certified seawater, CASS-5 and NASS-6, obtained with both detection systems had good agreements with the certified values. The FI-SPE-GFAAS and FI-SPE-LWCC methods were successfully applied to analyze iron species in samples collected from the Jiulongjiang Estuary, Fujian, China, and adapted for a 24 h in-field iron speciation in Wuyuan Bay, Xiamen, China, respectively. With the 2-cartridge FI-SPE system developed, on-line simultaneous determination of Fe species with GFAAS was achieved for the first time. PSSC-07 Study of using Dowex 1X8 resin to pretreat silver in seawater Zuhao Chu ([email protected]) College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen чФ▒ф║ОщУ╢хПКщУ╢чЪДхМЦхРИчЙйх╛ЧхИ░ш╢КцЭеш╢КхдЪчЪДх║ФчФия╝МхЕ╢цЬАч╗Иф╝ЪшвлщЗКцФ╛хИ░ц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГф╕ня╝МчаФчй╢шбицШОя╝МщУ╢чЪДцпТ цАзф╗Ецмбф║Оц▒Юя╝МхРМцЧ╢я╝МщУ╢цШпф╕АчзНчиАцЬЙщЗСх▒Юя╝МхЕ╢хЬиц╡╖ц░┤ф╕нчЪДшГМцЩпц╡Ух║жщЭЮх╕╕ф╜Оя╝МхЫацндц╡╖ц░┤ф╕нчЪДщУ╢ф╣ЯцШпф╕АчзН х╛Ихе╜чЪДчОпхвГц▒бцЯУчд║ш╕кхЙВя╝МцЙАф╗ечЫСц╡ЛщУ╢хЬиц╡╖ц░┤ф╕нчЪДхРлщЗПцШпх╛ИцЬЙх┐ЕшжБчЪДуАВчФ▒ф║Оц╡╖ц░┤ф╕нщУ╢чЪДхРлщЗПщЭЮх╕╕ф╜Оф╕Ф хЯ║ф╜УхдНцЭВя╝МшД▒чЫРхТМхпМщЫЖцИРф╕║ц╡╖ц░┤ф╕нщУ╢цгАц╡ЛцЦ╣ц│ХчЪДх┐ЕшжБцнещкдуАВчФ▒ф║ОщУ╢хЬиц╡╖ц░┤ф╕нхЯ║цЬмф╕Кф╕║ц░пхМЦщУ╢щЕНхРИчЙй щШ┤чж╗хнРх╜вцАБхнШхЬия╝МхЫацндцЬмцЦЗчаФчй╢ф║Жц░пхМЦщУ╢щЕНхРИчЙйхЬи Dowex 1X8 щШ┤чж╗хнРф║дцНвцаСшДВф╕КчЪДхР╕щЩДцХИцЮЬя╝МшАГхпЯ ф║Жф╕НхРМ pH хПКф╕НхРМф╗Лш┤ихп╣ц░пхМЦщУ╢щЕНхРИчЙйхЬи Dowex 1X8 цаСшДВф╕КчЪДхИЖщЕНч│╗цХ░я╝Мц╡ЛхоЪф║ЖшпецаСшДВчЪДхР╕щЩДхо╣щЗП ф╗ехПКц╖Лц┤ЧцЫ▓ч║┐уАВч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝ЪхЬи pH ф╕║ 0~9 чЪДчЫРщЕ╕ф╗Лш┤иф╕ня╝Мц░пхМЦщУ╢щЕНхРИчЙйчЪДхИЖщЕНч│╗цХ░ Kd хЭЗхдзф║О 40я╝М хН│х╝║хР╕щЩДф║О Dowex 1X8 цаСшДВя╝МpH ф╕║ 5 цЧ╢ Kd цЬАхдзф╕║ 1138я╝ЫшАМх╜Уф╗Лш┤иф╕║чбЭщЕ╕цЧ╢я╝МKd хЬичбЭщЕ╕ц╡Ух║жф╕║ 2.0 M цЧ╢хИЖщЕНч│╗цХ░цЬАх░Пя╝МхН│хР╕щЩДф║ОцаСшДВф╕КчЪДц░пхМЦщУ╢щЕНхРИчЙйхПпф╗ечФи 2.0 M чЪДчбЭщЕ╕ц┤ЧшД▒ф╕ЛцЭея╝ЫDowex 1X8 цаСшДВхп╣ц░пхМЦщУ╢щЕНхРИчЙйчЪДхР╕щЩДхо╣щЗПф╕║ 1700╬╝g/gя╝Ыхп╣ц░пхМЦщУ╢щЕНхРИчЙйчЪДц╖Лц┤ЧцЫ▓ч║┐шАГхпЯч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝МчФи 17mL 2M чбЭщЕ╕ц┤ЧшД▒ц╢▓хоМхЕихПпф╗ех░Жц░пхМЦщУ╢щЕНхРИчЙйф╗ОцаСшДВф╕Кц┤ЧшД▒ф╕ЛцЭеуАВцНоцндх╗║члЛф║Жх║ФчФи Dowex 1X8 цаСшДВхИЖчж╗ хпМщЫЖц╡╖ц░┤ф╕нщУ╢чЪДцЦ╣ц│Хя╝МчЫ╕ф┐бцндц│ХхЬиц╡╖ц░┤ф╕нчЪДщУ╢чЪДцгАц╡Лш┐ЗчиЛф╕нцЬЙх╣┐щШФчЪДх║ФчФихЙНцЩпуАВ PSSC-08 Sub-millennial to millennial scale East Asian summer Monsoon variability during the last deglaciation from Dongyuan Lake, southern Taiwan-Comparison with Chinese stalagmite record Xiaodong Ding ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen The East Asian monsoon is an important component of global climate system and plays a significant role of in the global hydrologic and energy cycles. The precise timing and structure of East Asian monsoon variability in different time scales have been well established by Chinese stalagmite records over the past decade. The last deglaciation (Termination I) climate variability is one of the most intriguing part of paleoclimate research due to its characteristic of a sequence of abrupt climatic fluctuations such as тАЬMystery IntervalтАЭ (MI, 17.5-14.5 ka BP), B├╕lling-Aller├╕d interstadial (BA, 14.5-12.9 ka BP) and Younger Dryas stadial (12.9-11.7 ka BP), which may be extremely helpful for us to clarify the origin of DansgaardтАУOeschger events and Heinrich events through last glaciation whose origin might be similar. However, high-resolution and well dated records of the EASM during this period are almost exclusively from Chinese stalagmite studies. More complementary high-resolution natural archives are needed for the East Asian monsoon reconstruction during the Last deglaciation. In this study we try to use the high resolution accumulation rate of total carbon records (MAR-TC) in combine with Chinese stalagmite records to reconstruct the sub-millennial to millennial variability of the EASM and their forcings during the last deglaciation. The striking consistency on millennial and sub-millennial time scale variations and structures between our MAR-TC record and those Chinese stalagmite records during last deglaciation indirectly demonstrates that the MAR-TC record from Dongyuan Lake faithfully tracked East Asian monsoon during at least this period. PSSC-09 Spatial pattern and export of particulate black carbon in the western Arctic and subarctic Ocean Ziming Fang ([email protected]), Weifeng Yang*, Min Chen, Minfang Zheng, Wangjiang Hu, Yusheng Qiu State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science & College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, 158 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Xiamen University, Xiamen Increasing evidence has been indicating a crucial role of black carbon (BC) in balancing the budget of global carbon. However, the geochemical behavior of BC in the ocean is still poorly understood. Here, we analyzed particulate black carbon (PBC) in the surface Western Arctic and subarctic Ocean including the Chukchi and Bering Seas. The PBC concentrations in the marginal ice zone, averaging 0.31 ╬╝mol/L, were much higher than those observed in the Arctic basin with the mean of 0.13 ╬╝mol/L, indicating a release of PBC during ice melting. Based on the 234Th/238U disequilibria, PBC exports were 84 Gg C yr-1 and 184 Gg C yr-1 over the Chukchi and Bering Shelf, respectively. However, atmospheric deposition and fluvial discharge could not account for these exports according to the mass-balance model, suggesting other probable sources of PBC such as dissolved BC adsorption and PBC release during coastal erosion. The percentages of PBC in suspended particulate matter were much lower than that in sediments, corresponding to the refractory nature of PBC. These results indicated that the Arctic and subarctic Shelf regions are of great importance to our understanding of the global black carbon budget. PSSC-10 Determination of trace dissolved manganese in seawater samples by flow injection analysis with catalytic spectrophotometric detection Sichao Feng ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Manganese is an essential micronutrient for marine phytoplankton growth and suggested to be a potentially (co-) limiting factor regulating primary production in high nutrient low chlorophyll regions. Dissolved manganese serves as a useful chemical tracer of many marine biogeochemical processes, such as coastal inputs, hydrothermal activity, benthic fluxes from sediments and anoxic/suboxic conditions. As a result of its biogeochemistry, the distribution of dissolved manganese in open ocean typically spans from less than 100 picomolar in the deep ocean to several nanomolar in the surface waters. A method for the determination of trace dissolved manganese in seawater samples was developed using a technique of flow injection analysis, which adopted a 1-m liquid waveguide capillary cell and catalytic spectrophotometric detection with leucomalachite green (LMG). The design of dual-sample-carrier speeded up the sample throughput and to a large extent eliminated the Schlieren effect. A series of different reagent mixture and injection strategies were investigated and experimental parameters were optimized based on a univariate experimental design. The salinity effect was studied by applying the low manganese seawater as test samples, which was prepared by passing open ocean seawater through chelate columns packed with iminodiacetate (IDA) chelating resin. The proposed method was high sensitive with a detection limit of 0.2 nmol LтИТ1 and a linear range of 0.5-10 nmol LтИТ1 for dissolved manganese in seawater, and the sample throughput was 5 h -1 (detected in triplicate). The analysis result of the certified seawater NASS-5 well agreed with the certified value. The proposed method was applied to natural seawater samples analysis. PSSC-11 Historical records of mercury distributions and mercury isotope signatures in sediments of Jiulongjiang estuary Yaqin Gao ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science & College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen Mercury is one of the most toxic heavy metals in the environment and cycling around the world. Mercury has natural and anthropogenic origins. The mercury isotopic composition varies with different origins. Jiulongjiang Estuary is one of the most industrialized regions in Fujian. In order to assess the pollution status and trace the sources of mercury in this area, depth profiles of total mercury (TM), methyl mercury (Me-Hg) and mercury isotope signatures were determined in two dated sediment cores, collected from Fugong mangrove region (M) and bare flat (B) outside the mangrove. The results are as the follows. (1) In core M, TM concentrations ranged from 71.75 to 145.5 ng/g, Me-Hg concentration 0.39-1.03 ng/g, and Me-Hg /TM ratios 0.36% -0.71%. (2) In core B, TM concentrations ranged from 116.0 to 435.3 ng/g, Me-Hg concentration 0.18-0.52 ng/g, and Me-Hg /TM ratios 0.11% -0.20%. (3) The values of ╬Ф199Hg, ╬Ф200Hg and ╬Ф201Hg were ┬▒0.1тА░ in core B, while some higher than 0.1тА░ in core M. (4) ╬┤XXXHg in core M and B were all less than 0, indicating 159 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences that the samples were rich in light isotope compared with the NIST SRM 3133я╝И3 ╬╝g/Lя╝Й. Some surface sediment samples were collected from 11 sites along the Jiulongjiang Estuary. The concentrations of TM were in the range of 24.78-132.8 ng/g, lower than the value of first class standard (200 ng/g) limited by GB 18668-2002 of China. The TM did not show regular change from the upstream to downstream. The other date for mercury isotope signatures are still being analysed. PSSC-12 Sources and transport of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in the LinDingYang water of Pearl River estuary in south China Wei Guo ([email protected]) Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou щАЪш┐ЗхИЖцЮРчПац▒ЯхПгф╕НхРМхнгшКВц░┤ф╜УщвЧч▓ТцЬЙцЬ║чв│я╝ИPOCя╝ЙхТМц║╢шзгцЬЙцЬ║чв│я╝ИDOCя╝ЙхРлщЗПуАБхРМф╜Нч┤ач╗ДцИРхПШхМЦуАВ хИЭцнецОвшоиф║ЖчПац▒ЯхПгц░┤ф╜У POCуАБDOC чЪДцЭец║РхПКхЕ╢хЬиц▓│хПгчОпхвГф╕нчЪДш╜мхМЦуАВч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝МчПац▒Яц▓│хПгц░┤ф╜УхПЧхИ░ ц▓│ц░┤члпхЕГф╕Оц╡╖ц░┤члпхЕГчЪДц╖╖хРИх╜▒хУНя╝М ц╡╖ц┤ЛчлпхЕГчЪД POCуАБ DOC ф╕╗шжБцЭешЗкф║Оц╡╖ц┤Лц╡оц╕╕чФЯчЙйуАВц▓│ц░┤члпхЕГчЪД POCуАБ DOC ф╕╗шжБцЭешЗкщЩЖц║РхЬЯхгдцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ихТМц▓│ц╡Бц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйуАВщЪПчЭАхнгшКВцАзчЪДхПШхМЦуАВPOC чЪДц▓│ц╡БчлпхЕГцЭец║РцЬЙф╕АхоЪчЪД хПШхМЦя╝МDOC хИЩф┐ЭцМБчи│хоЪуАВщАЪш┐Зф┐ЭхоИц╖╖хРИцЫ▓ч║┐ф╝░чоЧя╝МчПац▒ЯхПгхЫЫф╕кхнгшКВ POC хТМ DOC хЬиц▓│хПгш┐ЫчиЛф╕нщГ╜щБн хПЧхИ░ф║ЖцНЯхд▒я╝МPOC цНЯхд▒чЪДх╣│хЭЗцпФф╛Ля╝И50%я╝Йхдзф║О DOCя╝И28%я╝Й уАВ╬┤13CPOC хТМ ╬┤13CDOC хЭЗцпФц╖╖хРИцЫ▓ч║┐ хБПцнгя╝МшбицШОф║ЖхЕ╖цЬЙхБПш┤ЯхРМф╜Нч┤ацпФхА╝чЪДц▓│ц╡БчлпхЕГцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ихЬиц▓│хПгчОпхвГф╕нцНЯхд▒цШОцШ╛уАВхИЖцЮРшодф╕║чПац▒Яц▓│хПгц░┤ ф╜У POC хПЧц░┤хКихКЫцЭбф╗╢х╜▒хУНя╝Мхо╣цШУхПСчФЯч╡охЗЭуАБц▓Йц╖Аф╜ЬчФишАМц▓ЙщЩНф║Ош┐Сх▓╕ц▓│хПгуАВшАМщГихИЖ DOC хПпшГ╜хПЧхИ░ф║ЖщХ┐ цЬЯчЪДх╛очФЯчЙйф╜ЬчФишАМхЬиц▓│хПгш┐ЫчиЛф╕ншвлчз╗щЩдуАВф╕АщГихИЖ DOC хПпшГ╜цЬАч╗Иш╜мхМЦф╕║ц║╢шзгцЧацЬ║чв│я╝ИDICя╝Йф╗е DIC чЪД х╜вх╝ПхнШхЬиф║Оц▓│хПгчОпхвГф╕нуАВ PSSC-13 The influence of grain-size sorting on silicate chemical weathering proxies: CIA, WIP and ╬▒ Values Yulong Guo ([email protected]) Tongji University, Shanghai хдзщЩЖхМЦхнжщгОхМЦцШ╛шСЧх╜▒хУНчЭАхЕичРГц░ФхАЩхПШхМЦуАБхЬ░шбичЙйш┤их╛кчОпхТМц╡╖ц░┤хМЦхнжч╗ДцИРуАВхЙНф║║цПРхЗ║ф╕Ач│╗хИЧшббщЗП хдзщЩЖчбЕщЕ╕чЫРхМЦхнжщгОхМЦчЪДхоЪщЗПцМЗцаЗя╝МхжВ CIAя╝МWIP хПК ╬▒ хА╝уАВц▓│ц╡Бц▓ЙчзпчЙйхМЕхРлф║ЖхЕ╢ц║РхМ║щБнхПЧхМЦхнжщгОхМЦчЪД ф┐бцБпя╝Мхп╣хЕ╢ш┐ЫшбМхЬ░чРГхМЦхнжхИЖцЮРцШпчаФчй╢ц║РхМ║хМЦхнжщгОхМЦчЪДф╕Аф╕кф╕╗шжБцЙЛцо╡уАВцЬмчаФчй╢шоишо║ф║ЖщХ┐ц▒ЯуАБцдТц▒ЯуАБчУп ц▒ЯуАБц╡Кц░┤ц║кчнЙц▓│ц╡Бц▓ЙчзпчЙйя╝ИхМЕцЛмцВмц╡очЙйф╕Ошбих▒Вц▓ЙчзпчЙйя╝ЙчЪДхМЦхнжщгОхМЦуАВш┐Щф║Ыц▓│ц╡БхИЖх▒Юф╕НхРМчЪДц║Рц▒Зф╜Уч│╗я╝М щХ┐ц▒Ях▒Юф║ОтАЬхдзц▓│-хдзф╕ЙшзТц┤▓-хо╜х╣┐щЩЖцЮ╢тАЭчЪДц║Рц▒Зф╜Уч│╗я╝Мф╜Ьф╕║ф╕ЦчХМцАзчЪДхдзц▓│я╝МхЕ╢ф╕Лц╕╕х╣▓ц╡БцВмц╡очЙйф╗гшбицХ┤ф╕кц╡Б хЯЯф╕КщЩЖхг│ч╗ЖщвЧч▓ТщгОхМЦчЙйш┤ичЪДц╖╖хРИя╝МхПНцШацХ┤ф╕кц╡БхЯЯчЪДхМЦхнжщгОхМЦх╝║х║жуАВхП░ц╣╛ц▓│ц╡Бх▒ЮцЮДщАащЪЖхНЗшГМцЩпф╕ЛчЪДх▒▒ ц║кцАзх░Пц▓│ц╡Бя╝МцЬЙтАЬчЮмцЧ╢хдзщАЪщЗП-цЮБчлпц░ФхАЩх╜▒хУН-х┐лщАЯчЙйш┤иш╜мцНвтАЭчЪДчЙ╣чВ╣уАВхЕ╢ц▓│ц╡Бц▓ЙчзпчЙйхПНцШахЗ║х╝║чЙйчРЖщгОхМЦя╝М х╝▒хМЦхнжщгОхМЦчЪДчЙ╣чВ╣уАВц╡ЩщЧ╜ц▓│ц╡БхРМх▒Юф║Ох▒▒ц║кцАзх░Пц▓│ц╡Бя╝Мф╜ЖхЕ╢ц╡БхЯЯхМ║хЯЯцЮДщАаш╛Гчи│хоЪя╝МхЬ░х╜вш╡╖ф╝Пф╣Яш╛Гх░Пя╝М хКаф╣Лц░ФхАЩчВОчГнхдЪщЫия╝МцЙАф╗ехМЦхнжщгОхМЦш╛Гх╝║я╝МхПНцШахЗ║ц╡БхЯЯхПЧхнгщгОц░ФхАЩчЪДцОзхИ╢уАВ ц▓ЙчзпчЙйхЬ░чРГхМЦхнжч╗ДцИРчЪДтАЬч▓Тх║жцОзхИ╢тАЭя╝МцШпчФ▒ф║Оф╕НхРМч▓Тч║зц▓ЙчзпчЙйф╕нчЯ┐чЙйч╗ДцИРх╖ох╝ВцЙАшЗ┤я╝МтАЬч▓Тх║жхИЖх╝ВтАЭчЪДхоЮш┤и цШптАЬчЯ┐чЙйхИЖх╝ВтАЭуАВцЬмчаФчй╢ф╗ОтАЬчЯ┐чЙйхИЖх╝ВтАЭчЪДшзТх║жхЕецЙЛя╝Мшоишо║ф║Жц▓ЙчзпчЙйхИЖщАЙф╜ЬчФихп╣хМЦхнжщгОхМЦцМЗцаЗчЪДх╜▒хУНя╝МцПн чд║хЗ║ц▓ЙчзпчЙйч▓Тч║зш╢Кч╗Жя╝Мф╗гшбиц▓ЙчзпчЙйч▓ШхЬЯчЯ┐чЙйхРлщЗПш╢КщлШя╝МхПНцШацЫ┤х╝║чЪДхМЦхнжщгОхМЦуАВхЬич▓Чч▓Тч║зч╗ДхИЖф╕ня╝МчЯ│ шЛ▒чЪДчиАщЗКф╜ЬчФицШпх╜▒хУНхМЦхнжщгОхМЦцМЗцаЗчЪДф╕╗шжБхЫач┤ауАВчФ▒ф║ОчЯ│шЛ▒чиАщЗКф╜ЬчФия╝МWIP ф╕НшГ╜х║ФчФиф║Оч▓ЧщвЧч▓Тц▓ЙчзпчЙй ф╕нуАВ PSSC-14 Nitrate uptake in cold and warm eddies in the western North Pacific Meng He ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Mesoscale oceanic processes including warm and cold eddy have profound effects on nutrient distribution in euphotic layer. Whereas observation on nitrate uptake rates under such distinct processes is still limited. By using 15N-NO3- labeled technique, we measured nitrate uptake rate with high vertical resolution within mesoscale processes in the western North Pacific in March and Apria of 2014, when the intensity of eddy activity is high. In the southern oligotrophic region, the integrated nitrate uptake rates in warm eddy were lower than non-eddy waters. Although eddies could affect 160 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences various environmental factors, such as nutrients, temperature and light availability, nutrient supply is suggested to be the most important one. The maximum nitrate uptake rate level was ubiquitously located at the base of the thermocline on the nitracline. On the contrary, in the northern region with high nutrient, the integrated nitrate uptake rates were significantly higher in warm eddies and lower in the cold eddies as compared to that in non-eddy waters. Although the mechanism is still unknown, the phenomena were not alone appeared. Our results suggested that the activity of eddies might have complicated effects on marine export productivity and global CO2 concentration. PSSC-15 Influence of irrigation-dominated benthic addition on the estuarine mixing of solutes in the Jiulong River estuary Qingquan Hong ([email protected]), Pinghe Cai, Xiangming Shi, Lingfeng Liu, Qing Li State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science & College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen Sediments are not static but subjected to diagenesis processes and release chemicals to the overlying water. Therefore, they should be regarded as a third endmember in estuarine mixing processes. In order to determined the benthic fluxes across the sediment-water interface along a salinity gradient, to assess the influence of sedimentary input on the mixing behavior of solutes (DIC, NH3-N, NOx-N, SRP and Mn) in Jiulong River Estuary and to identify the dominant processes modulating the benthic input, a 224Ra/228Th disequilibrium approach was applied. The sediment act as source for DIC, NH3-N, SRP and Mn, respectively, while they uptake NOx-N. The transfer rates are about one order of magnitude higher in the upper estuay than those in the middle and lower estuary. The sediment act as a non-neglectable source/sink for the non-conservative mixing in this esutary. The benthic input of DIC and Mn and sedimentary uptake of NOx-N can well support and far exceed the non-conservative departure in the overlying water column, while the sedimentary input of NH3-N and SRP can attain 25-66% and 17-580% of the departure. The main reason for the decoupling of the sedimentary fluxes and the non-conservative deviation is the low residence times of the overlying water that do not have sufficient time to build up corresponding evevated solute signals. In addition, other processes are responsible, such as the reoxidation and/or adsorption for SRP and Mn, and oxidation of NH 3-N for the enhanced uptake of NOx-N. With the residence time of water column from literature, we successfully distinct the contribution of porewater input from SGD in the middle estuary, where SGD did significantly affect the addition of solutes. By reconciling the dissolved and total 224Ra depth profiles in the sediment with three main processes of molecular diffusion, bioturbation and irrigation, we proved that irrigation can account for molecular diffusion and bioturbation can account for >85% of the total benthic fluxes by rapid flushing of porewater and result to the augment of solutes transfer. The results here highlight the essential role of sediment for the budget of solutes in estuary and that the benthic input cannot be overlooked when evaluating influence of estuarine exports on shelf waters. PSSC-16 Biogeochemistry of methane in the Sanggou Bay Jing Hou ([email protected]) Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology, Ocean University of China, Qingdao Four cruises were carried out in the Sanggou Bay in April, July and October of 2013, and January of 2014 to investigate distributions, air-sea fluxes, sediment-water fluxes and production of dissolved CH4 in the bay. CH4 concentrations in the Sanggou Bay showed substantially seasonal variation with CH4 concentrations in summer and autumn obviously higher than those in spring and winter. The aquaculture of shellfish and kelp in the bay was vitally responsible for the seasonal differences of CH4. Dissolved CH4 in surface waters of the Sanggou Bay were oversaturated in spring, summer and autumn, indicating that Sanggou Bay is a net source of atmospheric CH4. CH4 concentrations in rivers and underground waters around the bay showed obviously seasonal variation, and CH4 concentrations in rivers were significantly higher than those in underground waters. Water incubation experiments indicated that seawater CH4 production rates in the bay showed substantially seasonal variation and was much higher than that in the adjacent Yellow Sea due to the aquacultural activities. CH4 budget in Sanggou Bay was estimated with a box-model according to our results and literature data, which suggests that in situ CH4 production in seawater was the dominant source in 161 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Sanggou Bay, accounting for above 90% of CH4 sources, while CH4 from river runoff, underground water input and sediment emission only contribute to a small proportion. The dominant CH4 sink was air-sea exchange. PSSC-17 Anaerobic respiration and its influence on the total alkalinity in the sediment of the Jiulong river estuary Ling Hu ([email protected]), Xianghui Guo, Qingquan Hong State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Anaerobic respiration in estuarine sediments is considered to be important due to the production of alkalinity relieving ocean acidification. Anaerobic respiration decomposes organic matter (OM) by the sequence of denitrification, Fe3+/Mn2+ reduction and sulfate reduction, which has completely different impacts on the carbonate system compared to the aerobic respiration. The produced high alkalinity sediment pore-water transports upward through sediment-water interface by diffusion or irrigation and affects the biogeochemical cycle of the water column. In August 2014, a cruise was conducted to the Jiulong River estuary to expore the effect of aerobic respiration on TA and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). TA and DIC in sediment pore water ranged 1862-21138 mmol/kg and 396 -30556 mmol/kg, respectively showing an increase with the sediment depth. AVS (Acid Volatile Sulfide FeS+H2S) ranged 25.13-21234 mmol/kg pore-water, demonstrating the occurrence of sulfate reduction. Sulfate reduction contributes to 56-11374 mmol/kg TA. Much higher AVS in two mid-estuarine stations (station JL03 and JL04) might reveal the relative importance of sulfate reduction than at other stations. By using the modified Fick''s first law, we calculated the amout of TA comming from the sediment in the Jiulong River estuary. PSSC-18 Enhanced particle scavenging in deep water of the Aleutian Basin revealed by 210Po-210Pb disequilibria Wangjiang Hu ([email protected]), Min Chen, Weifeng Yang, Run Zhang, Yusheng Qiu, Minfang Zheng College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen The high sedimentation rate but low primary production in surface ocean raised a question whether particles from local upper water column could support high deposition in the Aleutian Basin. Here, we first present large 210Po-210Pb disequilibria in deep water of the Aleutian Basin. Dissolved 210Po and 210Pb were depleted relative to 210Pb and 226Ra respectively in deep water below 1000 m, as well as decreased with depth, suggesting enhanced particle scavenging in the deep water. The 210Po residence times (1-2 a) in deep water were comparable to those in the upper water column, indicating that 210Po scavenging rates were high in deep water of the Aleutian Basin. The export fluxes of 210Po from the upper 100 m were estimated to be 0.2-0.8 Bq/m2/d, much lower than those in the deep water (7-8 Bq/m2/d). Similarly, POC export fluxes in deep water (24-80 mmolC/m2/d) were higher than those in the upper 100 m (~1 mmolC/m2/d). Such a large discrepancy between the upper and deep water suggested that particles from local upper water column could not totally meet the enhanced scavenging in the deep water. Based on mass balance calculations, the extra fluxes of 210Pb and POC imported to deep water were estimated to be 8-12 Bq/m2/d and 22-79 mmolC/m2/d, respectively. The ratio of POC to particulate 210Pb (i.e. POC/PPb) in the extra source was estimated to be 6.5 mmol/Bq, which was lower than that in the Bering Shelf with a mean POC/PPb ratio of 10.9 mmol/Bq, implying that particles in the Bering Shelf could be a potential source for the enhanced particle scavenging in deep water of the Aleutian Basin. However, quantitative and detailed role of ridges and manganese from sediments in particle scavenging in the deep water was unclear, and further studies are necessary. PSSC-19 The deposition system evolution of Jhuoshuei River mouth in the Holocene(6000): Initial discussion Hsin-Yi Huang ([email protected]) Department of Oceanography, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung ц╡Кц░┤ц║кц╡БхЯЯф╜Нф║ОхП░ц╣╛х▓Ыше┐щГих╣│хОЯя╝Мх▒Юф║ЪчГнх╕жхнгщгОц░ФхАЩхМ║уАВхЫахП░ц╣╛хдДф║ОцЭ┐хЭЧф║дчХМх╕жхЬ░х╜вщЩбх│нф╕ФхЬ░ 162 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences ф╜УцЮДщАац┤╗хКищвСч╣Бя╝МцпПх╣┤хПЧхнгщгОш▒кщЫихПКхП░щгОф║Лф╗╢ф╛╡швнх╜▒хУНя╝Мф╜┐ц╡Кц░┤ц║кцпПх╣┤х╣│хЭЗш╛Уц▓ЩщЗПш╛╛ч║ж 54 чЩ╛ф╕ЗхЕмхРиуАВ х░╜чобхжВцндя╝МхЫаф╕░уАБцЮпц░┤хнгц▓ЙчзпчЙйф╛Ых║ФчОЗх╖ох╝Вхдзф╕Фф╕Нчи│хоЪуАБцндхдЦц╡Кц░┤ц║кхЗ║ц╡╖хПгх▒Юф║Оф╕нц╜о (х╣│хЭЗц╜ох╖о 2.7m) чЪДц╡╖х▓╕чОпхвГя╝Мф╜┐ч╗Жч▓Тц▓ЙчзпчЙйхЬихЗ║ц╡╖хПгхдДф╕НцШУф┐ЭхнШф╕ЛцЭеуАВш┐Щф║ЫцЭбф╗╢ф╜┐ц╡Кц░┤ц║кхЗ║ц╡╖хПгшЩ╜хЬихЬ░х╜вф╕КхЕ╖цЬЙц│в цОзхЮЛф╕ЙшзТц┤▓чК╢чЪДхдЦх╜вя╝Мф╜ЖхН┤цЧац│ХхЬиц▓ЙчзпчЙйч║кх╜Хф╕нф┐ЭчХЩф╕ЙшзТц┤▓ц▓Йчзпч╗УцЮДуАВ ца╣цНохЙНф║║чаФчй╢ 6000 х╣┤ф╗ецЭечЫ╕хп╣ц╡╖х╣│щЭвхПШхКиф╕Нхдзя╝МхЫацндх░ЖщФБхоЪцндц╡╖ц░┤щЭвчЫ╕хп╣чи│хоЪцЧ╢цЬЯя╝МцОвшоиц╡К ц░┤ц║кхПгхЬичЛмчЙ╣хКихКЫф╜ЬчФиф╕Лц▓ЙчзпчОпхвГц╝Фш┐ЫчЪДш┐ЗчиЛуАВцЬмчаФчй╢щАПш┐Зф╕нх▒▒хдзхнжц╡╖х▓╕хЬ░ш┤ихнжхоЮщкМходф║О 2010 х╣┤ 7 цЬИ,ц╡Кц░┤ц║кц▓│хПгхНЧф╛з JRD-S(120┬░14тАЩ26.47Eя╝М23┬░49тАЩ56.70N)уАБхМЧф╛з JRD-N(120┬░18тАЩ07.90Eя╝М23┬░54тАЩ11.08N) хРДщТ╗хПЦцА╗щХ┐ч║ж 100 m чЪДх▓йх┐Гя╝МхПКчО░ф╗гц╡Кц░┤ц║кхПгхПЦчЪДшбих▒Вц▓ЙчзпчЙйхТМщЬЗшНбх▓йх┐ГхПЦца╖хЩищТ╗хПЦчЪДц╡Ех▒Вх▓йх┐Гца╖ цЬмуАВхЯ║ф║ОчО░ф╗гхБЪф╕║щАЪх╛Аш┐ЗхО╗чЪДщТехМЩчЪДцАЭч╗┤я╝Мх░ЖчО░чФЯчОпхвГч▓Тх╛ДхИЖцЮРуАБцЬЙцЬ║чв│хРлщЗПхПКцЬЙхнФшЩлхИЖх╕ГцХ░цНохБЪ ф╕║цМЗщТИя╝Мхп╣цпФх▓йх┐ГчЫ╕хРМчОпхвГчЪДхПВцХ░х╣╢ф╜Рф╗е C-14 хоЪх╣┤цХ░цНочнЙя╝Мф╗еховшзВуАБщЗПхМЦчЪДцЦ╣х╝ПцППш┐░хЕицЦ░ф╕Ц 6000 х╣┤ф╗ецЭец╡Кц░┤ц║кхПгц▓Йчзпч│╗ч╗Яц╝ФхПШуАВхПСчО░ 6000 ф╗ецЭец╡Кц░┤ц║кц▓│хПгц▓ЙчзпчОпхвГчФ▒ц░┤ш╛Гц╖▒чЪДш┐Ьц╗ичОпхвГуАБхЙНц╗ичОп хвГя╝МщАРц╕Рш╜мхПШф╕║ц░┤ц╡ЕчЪДц╜оц╗йчОпхвГуАБц▓│хПгц▓Щц┤▓чОпхвГхПКщЩЖчЫ╕чЪДц▓│щБУчОпхвГф╣Лц╝ФхПШш┐ЗчиЛуАВ PSSC-20 Nitrogen removal in the sediment-water interface of the Pearl River Estuary in autumn Xinlei Jiang ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen The nitrogen cycling system in nature is an integral component of biogenic elementsтАЩ transfer in the earthтАЩs biosphere. The nitrogen cycle dictates the primary productivity, coupled with carbon cycle. Over recent years, coastal areas, especially estuarine waters, are intensively and frequently perturbed by humans. With water rich in bio-available nitrogen drained to aquatic environment, a cascade of assorted ecological problems subsequently arise and come into notice. Severe eutrophication brings on high bio-chemical oxygen demand and hence coastal hypoxiaтАЩs expansion accompanied by bottom water acidification. Again, inside nitrogen cycle itself, enhanced production of N2O via nitrogen removal pathways in water and sediment is depleting more ozone and exacerbating the greenhouse effect. The cycles of materials and the transfer of energy in coastal areas has been anthropogenically accelerated with the drastic nitrogen influx and efflux. The effect of this change still remains poorly known. The Pearl River is the largest river in South China and the Pearl River Delta is the most developed and populated region in China. In the autumn of 2013, we made a cruise investigation in the Pearl River Estuary. Using isotope ratio mass spectrometer and isotope paring technique, our research aims at determining the nitrogen input and sedimentary nitrogen removal quantitatively. PSSC-21 Lithium isotopic ratio as a proxy for silicate weathering in the Pearl River (Zhujiang) System, China Dalayya Kota ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen It is now well established that changes in rates of silicate weathering have the potential to regulate levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, the principal greenhouse gas. To better constrain the links between weathering and climate, it is therefore essential to ямБnd new proxies for continental weathering processes (Basak et. al). Here, we discuss the potential of lithium and its isotopes. We have conducted systematic surveys of lithium isotopes, cations and anions in the dissolved load of Pearl River(Zhujiang)System in order to understand the mechanism and intensity of silicate weathering. Locations were chosen in order to cover catchments of deferent lithology, altitude and vegetative. The Pearl River (Zhujiang) is the second largest Chinese river in terms of annual water discharge and runoff and the third largest in terms of drainage area. Pearl River System (PRS) includes three principal rivers: the Xijiang (XJ), Beijiang(BJ), and Dongjiang(DJ), along with some small rivers directly draining into the South China Sea (coastal rivers). The ╬┤7Li values were measured by MC-ICP-MS with internal precision better than 0.25тА░ (2╧Г, n=9). In comparison to the world-wide range of ╬┤7Li in river waters (between +6 and +33тА░) samples from the PRS display ╬┤7Li values (ranging from +6.2тА░ to +21.5тА░), indicating towards intense weathering regime. The ╬┤7Li values showed an inverse correlation with total alkalinity and the concentrations of dissolved silicate, sodium and inorganic carbon. Lowest ╬┤7Li ratios were observed in Xijiang characterized by karst 163 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences topography, implying small fractionation and intense silicate weathering rates as compared to those in Beijing and Dongjiang. Dongjiang had the highest ╬┤7Li ratios among the three branches, suggesting lowest silicate weathering rates. Samples collected from other coastal rivers had similar ╬┤7Li composition to those in Dongjiang, suggesting again lower silicate weathering rates. PSSC-22 Dynamics of air-sea CO2 fluxes under the influence of mesoscale cyclonic eddies in the western South China Sea Qian Li ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen This study attempts to quantify the influence of two mesoscale cyclonic eddies on the air-sea CO2 fluxes based on the data collected during a month-long cruise conducted in Aug-Sep, 2007 to the western South China Sea. Overall, due to the injection of the CO2 enriched subsurface seawater, the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in the sea surface was evidently higher in the eddy core (~440 ╬╝atm) than in ambient waters (~380 ╬╝atm), suggesting enhanced CO2 sources of the atmosphere. A significant feature of the study is that we observed different response in air-sea CO2 fluxes to the eddy evolution. The first cyclonic eddy under investigation was at the mature to declining stage of its life cycle. There was a strong upward motion in the eddy core, which caused a net increase of 50 ╬╝mol kg-1 and 40 ╬╝mol kg-1 in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and total alkalinity (TA) respectively in the surface seawater, which enhanced the pCO2 by 40 ╬╝atm or 114% increase in terms of CO2 effluxes. The second cyclonic eddy in contrast was in its intensified stage, when the increase in sea surface pCO2 and in CO2 effluxes was much less, being 15 ╬╝atm or 43% respectively. Consistently, the enhancement in DIC and TA caused by the cyclonic eddy was also much less, being 10 ╬╝mol kg-1 and 5 ╬╝mol kg-1, respectively. The difference response in pCO2 in two eddies might be attributable to the difference in net community metabolisms in different eddy stages. PSSC-23 Sediment phosphorus speciation, desorption in a river reservoir, Southeast China Ying Liang ([email protected]) College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen Phosphorus (P) is often a key limiting nutrient in freshwater systems, and excessive P can result in algal blooms, with flow-on effects to aquatic food webs. Desorption and dissolution often controls the mobility and availability of P in the natural environment. In this study SMT method was used to determine the chemical speciation of P, a continuous-flow desorption method was used to measure cumulative P desorption over time. Results showed that the content of total P (TP) in sediments ranged from 76.29 to 1531.25 mg┬╖kg-1 with an average of 916.99 mg┬╖kg-1. Inorganic P (IP) dominated TP in sediments, and non apatite inorganic P (NAIP) took 24%-95% of IP, the content of organic P (OP) and apatite P (AP) was relatively low. The concentration of dissolved reactive P (DRP) in pore water depended on the content of loosely bound P (LP) and NAIP in sediments, the high content of NAIP implied a strong P diffusing trend from sediments to overlying water. Almost all the P speciation was higher in upstream and lower in downstream of the reservoir, which was obviously impacted by the infusion of tributaries. Sediment P desorption occurred via a biphasic mechanism with an initially fast rate followed by a slower and sustained-release rate. Desorption and dissolution potential of various P species was very different, various species of P could be released into water and reciprocal transformation under certain conditions. PSSC-24 Provenance and chemical weathering control on inner shelf surface sediments of East China Sea and riverine sediments along the land-sea intersections of SE China Baozhi Lin ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Major and trace elemental geochemistry of sediments and sedimentary rocks provide information central to interpreting sedimentary history, including chemical weathering conditions, nature and composition of the sediment provenance, sediment transport, diagenetic history and paleoclimate. Here we investigate modern surface sediments from the inner continental shelf of East China Sea (ECS) and bed sediments from minor rivers of southeast coastal China to understand their provenance and weathering conditions of source rocks. Reference normalized geochemical patterns 164 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences of selected major and large-ion lithophile elements revealed depletion of alkali and alkaline elements and enrichment of potash feldspars-associated K and Rb. Silicate weathering indexes and ternary diagrams of silicate weathering indicated the derivation of surface sediments of ECS from low-moderately weathered source rocks in the provenance. On the other hand, such indexes in sediments from minor rivers along the land-sea intersections vary widely with the lowest chemical weathering index in Minjiang sediments, though clay mineralogical results suggested the dominance of kaolinite, a product of intense weathering in Minjiang. Triangular weathering diagrams and other elemental ratios further indicated that sediments from Minjiang are geochemically odd owing to the presence of K-rich mineral phase and thus very high Rb/Sr ratio (тЙе2). These geochemical interpretations corroborate with published clay mineralogy, which suggested an odd clay mineral combination (kaolinite-illite dominated) of Minjiang compared to Changjiang and Oujiang (illite-chlorite dominated). Our geochemical results indicated that the Yangtze-derived inner shelf sediments in the ECS are less weathered than that of sediments from minor rivers, even though these riverine sediments are largely disturbed by intensive sand mining in recent years. Given that the swift coastal zone urbanization in SE China may obliterate natural geochemical characteristics of sediments along the land-sea intersections and adjoining coastal regions in near future, geochemical results discussed here would be helpful for the evaluation of declining sediment export due to тАЬdam effectтАЭ in future and paleo-geochemical investigations of sedimentary systems of both ECS and Taiwan Strait. PSSC-25 Isotopic composition analysis of dissolved mercury in seawater with purge & trap preconcentration and a modified Hg introduction device for MC-ICP-MS Haiying Lin ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen This study aimed to solve the common problems in Hg isotope analysis of water samples at low concentration. The isotope composition of dissolved Hg in seawater is reported for the first time. A modified device for introducing Hg into a multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer and a preconcentration method for the preconcentration of dissolved Hg were developed to enhance the sensitivity of the isotopic composition analysis method. The modified cold-vapor generator was used to transfer dissolved Hg2+ from matrix into gaseous Hg0. The purge & trap method was developed and employed to preconcentrate dissolved Hg in water samples. Keeping other parameters the same, the Hg signal generated with the modified Hg introduction device was twice as much as the commercial one (HGX 200). In the measurement of NIST SRM 3133, the external precision for ╬┤202Hg was 0.06тА░ (2SD, n=310), and the ╬┤202Hg value of the UM-Almad├йn in-house secondary standard was -0.57┬▒0.10тА░ (2SD, n=49), indicating that the modified device was stable and reliable. Factors influencing the efficiency of the purge & trap method, e.g., concentration of KMnO4 in the trapping solution, flow rate of the purge gas and purge time, were optimized. With ultrapure water (blank) and seawater (matrix) spiked with NIST SRM 3133 at Hg concentrations of 5.00-35.50 ng/L and 10.00-35.50 ng/L, the ╬┤202Hg value of the blank spike and matrix spike was 0.00┬▒0.04тА░ (2SD, n=19) and -0.02┬▒0.04тА░ (2SD, n=12), respectively. The results indicated that the purge & trap method was free from matrix interference. The results of this practical application showed good stability and reproducibility of the proposed methods. PSSC-26 Fast analytical method for the determination of nutrients in seawater samples Kunning Lin ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen The availability of nutrients, such as nitrite and phosphate, are significant factors regulating the primary productivity in the aqueous environment. The nutrients exist in the estuarine and coastal waters at high concentrations. Nutrient analysis is important for providing data to understand marine biogeochemical processes. Recent spectrophotometric methods for the nutrients determination suffer the salinity effect and air bubble problem. In this study, a continuous flow analysis system combined with a 1 cm home-made anti-bubble flow cell and spectrophotometric detection was established. Compared with the segmented continuous flow analysis, the proposed method was free from the interference of air bubbles without a debubble device. The pre-heated hot water was adopted as the carrier to increase the reaction speed. The experimental parameters, 165 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences including reagent concentration, flow strategy, flow rate and reaction time were optimized based on a univariate experimental design. The proposed method had the advantages of high sample throughput (60 h-1), great convenience and wide linear range (0.2~60 ╬╝mol/L for nitrite). It had been applied to the nitrite and phosphate in the coastal water samples. PSSC-27 Decadal variations of dissolved organic carbon transported from the Yangtze River and Yellow River Dong Liu ([email protected]) Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Dissolved Organic Carbon transported from terrestrial ecosystem is important for environment and carbon budget of marginal seas. Exploring impact factors and real-time monitoring changes of riverine DOC have great significance on coastal ocean management. After Principal Component Analysis of original factors, we chose three factors, discharge, GPP, and CropPer, as inputs for BP Nepal Network and rebuilt monthly DOC concentration of the Yangtze River and Yellow River over the past decade. The average absolute error between modeled values and field values was 9.98% for the Yangtze River and 10.84% for the Yellow River. For a specific factor, discharge for example, impact effects, including impact force and impact direction, on different watersheds might be different. It is ultimately determined by features of different watersheds. However, riverine DOC flux is majorly controlled by discharge. DOC flux could be estimated from the established linear relationship between discharge and DOC flux. In the past decade, DOC concentrations of the Yellow River were usually bigger than those of the Yangtze River. DOC concentration and DOC flux of the Yangtze have not changed significantly from 2000 to 2013. For the Yellow River, DOC concentration showed a downtrend, but DOC flux revealed an uptrend with discharge increased. For both two studied rivers, be different from DOC fluxes, DOC concentrations showed less seasonal variations in a given year. PSSC-28 Variations of nitrate and ammonium, DIN fluxes of aerosol over the northwest Pacific Ocean in spring Li Luo ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Large quantities of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen species (NHx and NOx) are brought out of the north of China by the westerlies in spring; and most of their to be transport by northwest or northeast monsoon winds to the east china seas (ECSs, including Yellow sea and East China sea) and Northwest Pacific Ocean (NWPO), which has caused the new productivity bloom in spring over those regions. To characterize the variations of both aerosol nitrate and ammonium and the molar ratio of ammonium to nitrate among the long-range transport during the East Asian winter monsoon season, total suspended particulates (TSP) collected by cruise from the ECSs to the NWPO, from March 17th to April 22th in 2014, were analyzed for water soluble inorganic ions using ion chromatographs. The extreme high aerosol nitrate and ammonium in ECSs indicate the effect of the sea fog aerosol concentrate of inorganic nitrogen species. The molar NH4+-N / NO3--N ratio with a numerical average 0.9 in ECSs suggests that nitrate is the main inorganic nitrogen species other than ammonium during foggy days. With increase of wind speed and sea salt, the increasing of NH4+-N / NO3--N ratio in NWPO suggests that aerosol nitrate may be easy to be scavenged by sea salt. Dry deposition of DIN in sea fog aerosol is as high as 964 ╬╝mol N m-2 d-1 in ECSs. New production in NWPO was estimated to be 470╬╝mol C m-2 d-1 base on the N deposition flux among sampling periods. PSSC-29 Biogeochemistry of nutrient in an integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) region: case study of Sanggou Bay (Northern China) Tariq Mahmood ([email protected]) East China Normal University, Shanghai Four seasonal surveys were conducted in spring (April), summer (August), autumn (October) and winter (January) in 2011-12, in the Sanggou Bay (SGB), Northern China in order to understand the impact of rivers, the Yellow Sea (YS) and role of integrated aquaculture in nutrient reduction and dynamics. Dissolved nutrients (NO3-, NO2-, NH4+, PO43-, SiO32-) were measured along the 19 stations, including culture areas of the bay. Nutrient concentrations displayed a seasonal variation throughout 166 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences the bay. The summer season was highly impacted by excess water discharge and bay aquaculture activities than benthic sediments source however other seasons were mostly influenced by the YS. The results showed that nutrients were vertically mixed and IMTA practice helped in reducing the elevated nutrient concentration generated by water discharge and mixing process. The N/P ratio indicated phosphate as a limiting nutrient. Historical values of nutrient data showed the concentration of NO3-, NH4+ and SiO32- increase while PO43- decreased with slightly higher uptake rate of NO3- in the bay during the last decade. A simple mass-balance model was employed to determine the nutrient budget. It showed nutrient were mostly from the river input. This implies an increase in the anthropogenic activities and assimilation of PO43- in the SGB. Such increasing trends in nutrient concentration could cause a critical situation in future like eutrophication in the bay. PSSC-30 Tridacna biological organic characteristics analysis from China Sea Yanjun Mei ([email protected]), Liguang Sun, Xin Zhou, Da Shao University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei Xisha Islands in South чаЧчг▓ф╜Ьф╕║хЬ░ш┤ицЧ╢цЬЯф╗ецЭецЬАхдзчЪДц╡╖ц┤ЛхПМхг│ч▒╗я╝Мх╣┐ц│ЫхИЖх╕Гф║Оф║ЪхдкхЬ░хМ║уАВчФ▒ф║ОхЕ╢цЬЙхЭЪчбмчЪДцЦЗчЯ│хг│ф╜Уя╝М хН│ф╜┐цн╗ф║бхРОф╗НшГ╜щХ┐цЬЯф┐ЭхнШя╝МшГ╜хдЯф╜Ьф╕║щХ┐цЬЯц░ФхАЩшо░х╜ХхТМф║║ч▒╗ц▒бцЯУшо░х╜ХчЪДшЙпхе╜цЭРцЦЩуАВчбохоЪчаЧчг▓цЬЙцЬ║ш┤ич╗Д хИЖхп╣ш┐ЫшбМхПдчОпхвГчаФчй╢хЕ╖цЬЙщЭЮх╕╕щЗНшжБчЪДцДПф╣Йя╝МцЧашо║цШпхИйчФичаЧчг▓хг│ф╜УщЗНх╗║ц╡╖шбиц╕йх║жя╝Мш┐ШцШпчаФчй╢чв│х╛кчОпцИЦ хЬ░ш┤иф║Лф╗╢я╝МщГ╜ц╢ЙхПКхИ░чаЧчг▓хг│ф╜Уф╕нчЪДцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ич╗ДхИЖуАВцЬмчаФчй╢хМЕцЛмхп╣щЗЗшЗкхНЧц╡╖ше┐ц▓ЩчЪДф╕дф╕кцЧащ│ЮчаЧчг▓я╝Иф╕Аф╕к ц┤╗ф╜УчаЧчг▓хТМф╕Аф╕кхМЦчЯ│чаЧчг▓)ш┐ЫшбМчи│цАБшНзхЕЙуАБх╖очГн-чГнщЗНуАБца╕чгБхЕ▒цМпц░вш░▒уАБцЛЙцЫ╝хЕЙш░▒хТМщб╢чй║хпМщЫЖхКац░ФчЫ╕ шЙ▓ш░▒/ш┤иш░▒шБФчФихИЖцЮРуАВхоЮщкМч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝МчаЧчг▓чЪДшНзхЕЙш░▒ц│вх│░хдДчЪДщлШшНзхЕЙх╝║х║жхА╝чФ▒цЬЙцЬ║чЙйф║зчФЯя╝МчО░ф╗гчаЧчг▓ чЪДшНзхЕЙх╝║х║жщлШф║ОхПдф╗гчаЧчг▓я╝Ыца╖хУБщГ╜хЬи 200 тДГх╖жхП│х╝АхзЛхПСчФЯхд▒щЗНчО░ш▒бя╝Мхд▒щЗНчОЗхЭЗхЬи 1-2%я╝Мшп┤цШОцЬЙцЬ║ ш┤ихРлщЗПхНачаЧчг▓хг│ф╜УчЪД 1-2%я╝ЫшзВхпЯхИ░чЪДф║Фф╕кцЛЙцЫ╝х│░я╝МхЕ╢ф╕нхЫЫф╕кх│░щГ╜цШпчв│щЕ╕щТЩф║зчФЯя╝МхПжф╕Аф╕кцОицЦнцШпхРлщФ╢ цЬЙцЬ║чЙйф║зчФЯя╝Ыхп╣цпФх╖▓цЬЙш░▒х║УцОицЦнчаЧчг▓хг│ф╜УхПпшГ╜хРлцЬЙхдЪчзНцЬЙцЬ║чЙйя╝МхПпшГ╜цАзш╛ГхдзчЪДцЬЙх╖▒щЕ╕чФ▓щЕпхТМхНБхЕнчГ╖уАВ ш┐Щщб╣чаФчй╢ф╕║х║ФчФичаЧчг▓чаФчй╢хПдчОпхвГхТМф║║ч▒╗ц┤╗хКицЬЙщЗНшжБцДПф╣Йя╝Мф╕║чаФчй╢ц░ФхАЩхПШхМЦхТМф║║ч▒╗ц┤╗хКицПРф╛Ыф║Жф╛ЭцНоуАВ PSSC-31 Mineral magnetic characteristics of surficial sediments and their implications for sedimentary environment at the Changjiang river mouth Dadong Pan ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai цЬмчаФчй╢цЧихЬицПнчд║чО░ф╗гщХ┐ц▒ЯхПгф╕НхРМц▓ЙчзпчОпхвГчгБцАзчЯ┐чЙйхИЖх╕ГчЪДх╖ох╝Вя╝Мхп╗цЙ╛цЬЙцХИшпЖхИлц▓ЙчзпчОпхвГчЪДчгБхнж цМЗцаЗя╝Мф╗еф╛┐цЫ┤хе╜хЬ░х░ЖчОпхвГчгБхнжх║ФчФиф║Оц▓│хПгхПдчОпхвГчаФчй╢уАВхИйчФихЫ╜хо╢хЯ║щЗСхзФхЕмхЕ▒шИкцмбхТМхЫ╜хЬЯш╡Дц║РщГихЕмчЫК щб╣чЫохЬищХ┐ц▒ЯхПгхПКщВ╗ш┐СщЩЖцЮ╢щЗЗщЫЖчЪДц╡Ешбих▒Вц▓ЙчзпчЙйца╖хУБя╝Мш┐ЫшбМч▓Тх║жхТМчгБцАзц╡ЛщЗПуАВцИСф╗мх░ЖщЗЗца╖хМ║хИЖф╕║ц▒КщБУуАБ цЛжщЧиц▓ЩуАБф╕ЙшзТц┤▓хЙНч╝ШцЦЬхЭбуАБхЙНф╕ЙшзТц┤▓уАБф╕ЙшзТц┤▓-щЩЖцЮ╢ш┐Зц╕бхМ║хТМцоЛчХЩчаВхМ║хЕнчзНц▓ЙчзпчОпхвГуАВч╗УцЮЬцШ╛чд║я╝М╧З хТМ SIRM хЬиц▓│хПгц▒КщБУхТМцЛжщЧиц▓ЩхСИчО░цШ╛шСЧщлШхА╝я╝МHIRMуАБ╧Зfd%уАБ╧ЗARMуАБ╧ЗARM/╧З хТМ ╧ЗARM/SIRM хЬихЙНф╕Й шзТц┤▓хТМф╕ЙшзТц┤▓хЙНч╝ШцЦЬхЭбхСИчО░цШ╛шСЧщлШхА╝я╝МхПНцШаф║ЖщЩЖц║РчЙйш┤иш╛Уш┐Рш╖Эчж╗хТМц▓│хПгц▓ЙчзпхКихКЫхп╣чгБцАзчЯ┐чЙйхИЖх╕ГчЪД цОзхИ╢ф╜ЬчФиуАВцИСф╗мш┐ШцПРхЗ║я╝МчгБцАзхПВцХ░ч╗ДхРИ HIRMуАБ╧ЗARMуАБ╧ЗARM/╧З хТМ ╧ЗARM/SIRM хПпшГ╜цШпхЕицЦ░ф╕ЦхЬ░х▒В ф╕ншпЖхИлхЙНф╕ЙшзТц┤▓хТМхЙНч╝ШцЦЬхЭбчЫ╕чЪДцЬЙцХИцМЗцаЗя╝Ы╧ЗуАБSIRM хТМ S-20mT хПпф╗ех░ЭшпХчФиф║ОшпЖхИлц▓│хПгц▒КщБУхТМцЛжщЧи ц▓ЩуАВ PSSC-32 Absorption and fluorescence properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter produced by algae Tong Peng ([email protected]) Ocean University of China, Qingdao цЬмцЦЗхИйчФихР╕цФ╢хЕЙш░▒хТМф╕Йч╗┤шНзхЕЙхЕЙш░▒-х╣│шбМхЫахнРхИЖцЮР( EEM-PARAFAC) цЦ╣ц│Хя╝МчаФчй╢ф║Жц╡╖ц┤Лф╕нх╕╕шзБчЪД 4 чзНчбЕшЧ╗уАБ2 чзНчФ▓шЧ╗шЧ╗ц╢▓чЪД CDOM чЪДхЕЙхР╕цФ╢цАзш┤ихТМф╕Йч╗┤шНзхЕЙчЙ╣цАзуАВхР╕цФ╢хЕЙш░▒ч╗УцЮЬшбицШОхЬи 6 чзНшЧ╗ч▒╗чФЯ щХ┐ш┐ЗчиЛф╕ня╝МцЧЛщУ╛шзТцпЫшЧ╗уАБф╕ЙшзТшдРцМЗшЧ╗уАБх░ПцЦ░цЬИшП▒х╜вшЧ╗хТМчЫРчФЯшИЯшбМшЧ╗ 4 чзНчбЕшЧ╗хПКф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗хТМшг╕чФ▓шЧ╗ 2 чзНчФ▓шЧ╗чЪД ╬▒(355)хИЖхИлхвЮхКаф║Ж 64.8%уАБ242.3%уАБ535.1%уАБ903.2%уАБ836.0%хТМ 196.4%я╝Мшбих╛Б CDOM хИЖхнРщЗПхТМч▒╗шЕРцоЦш┤ич╗ДхИЖцпФф╛ЛчЪД Sg хСИф╕ЛщЩНш╢ЛхК┐уАВхЬиф╕Йч╗┤шНзхЕЙхЕЙш░▒ц╡ЛхоЪф╕нцгАц╡ЛхЗ║х░ПцЦ░цЬИшП▒х╜вшЧ╗хТМчЫРчФЯшИЯ 167 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences шбМшЧ╗ 2 чзНчбЕшЧ╗шЧ╗ц╗дц╢▓чЪД CDOM хМЕцЛм 3 чзНч▒╗шЕРцоЦш┤ич╗ДхИЖхТМ 1 чзНч▒╗шЫЛчЩ╜ш┤ич╗ДхИЖя╝Ъ C1я╝ИEx/Em=350(260) nm/ 450 nmя╝Й уАБC2я╝ИEx/Em=260(430) nm/525 nmя╝Й уАБC3я╝ИEx/Em=325 nm/400 nmя╝ЙхТМ C4я╝ИEx/Em=275 nm/ 325 nmя╝Й уАВщЪПчЭАшЧ╗ч▒╗чЪДчФЯщХ┐я╝Мх░ПцЦ░цЬИшП▒х╜вшЧ╗хТМчЫРчФЯшИЯшбМшЧ╗шЧ╗ц╗дц╢▓чЪД CDOM шНзхЕЙх╝║х║жхИЖхИлхвЮхКаф║Ж 8.68уАБ24.9уАБ7.19уАБ39.8 хАНхТМ 2.64уАБ0.07уАБ4.39уАБ12.4 хАНя╝Мч╗Пш┐ЗчЫ╕хЕ│цАзхИЖцЮРшбицШОхРДч╗ДхИЖчЪДшНзхЕЙх╝║х║жф╕О ╬▒(355)хТМ Sg ф╣ЛщЧ┤хЭЗшбичО░ф╕║шЙпхе╜чЪДчЫ╕хЕ│цАзуАВч╗╝ф╕КчаФчй╢шбицШОф╕Ншо║цШпчФ▓шЧ╗ш┐ШцШпчбЕшЧ╗я╝МхЬичФЯщХ┐ш┐ЗчиЛф╕ншЧ╗ч▒╗хЖЕ ц║РцЙАф║зчФЯчЪД CDOM чЪДхРлщЗПхПКхИЖхнРщЗПхЭЗшбичО░ф╕║ф╕КхНЗш╢ЛхК┐я╝Мф╕ФчбЕшЧ╗ч▒╗чЫ╕цпФчФ▓шЧ╗хвЮщХ┐хПШхМЦцЫ┤ф╕║цШОцШ╛я╝Мч▒╗шЕР цоЦш┤ицИРхИЖщЪПшЧ╗ч▒╗чФЯщХ┐цЙАхНацпФщЗНхРМцнехвЮхдзуАВцЬмчаФчй╢ф║жхПпхПСчО░ф╕НхРМчзНч▒╗чЪДшЧ╗цЙАф║зчФЯчЪД CDOM чЪДхР╕цФ╢хЕЙш░▒ цЬЙцШОцШ╛х╖ох╝Вя╝МчФ▒ф╕Йч╗┤шНзхЕЙхЕЙш░▒х╛ЧхИ░чЪДф╕НхРМшНзхЕЙч╗ДхИЖх╝║х║жф╣ЯхЫашЧ╗чзНф╕НхРМшАМф╕НхРМя╝Мшп┤цШОф╕НхРМшЧ╗чзНхЬихдйчД╢ ц╡╖ц░┤ф╕нхп╣ CDOM чЪДш┤бчМоцЬЙх╛ИхдзхМ║хИлуАВ PSSC-33 Anthropogenic carbon evolution at a time-series site Elliott Roberts ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen The increase in atmospheric CO2 due to anthropogenic perturbations to the environment, consequently leads to an increase in CO2 in the ocean from the air-sea gas exchange. As such, researchers world-wide have highlighted the need to determine the concentration and rate of the anthropogenic CO2 signal to assess future consequences of the CO2 increase on ocean chemistry. This study exhibits data from the SouthEast Asian Time-series Study (SEATS), a time-series site from 2005-2013. This is compared to a previous study, which demonstrates data spanning from 1999-2003. Preliminary results from the assessment of these time periods will be discussed. PSSC-34 Enhanced sea-air CO2 exchange influenced by a tropical depression in the South China Sea Qingyang Sun ([email protected]) South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Ship measurements made two days after the passage of a tropical depression (TD) in the South China Sea (SCS, April 2011) showed two contrasted responses of the partial pressure of CO 2 at sea surface (pCO2,sw). In low sea-surface salinity (SSS) waters, pCO2,sw was low (349 ┬▒ 7 ┬╡atm), and the area was a carbon sink (-4.7 ┬▒ 1.8 mmol CO2 m-2 d-1), whereas in water with high SSS and chlorophyll a and low dissolved oxygen and sea surface temperature, pCO2,sw was higher than normal SCS water (376 ┬▒ 8 vs. 362 ┬▒ 4 ┬╡atm) and the area was a carbon source (1.2 ┬▒ 3.1 mmol CO 2 m-2 d-1). Satellite data showed two large areas of low SSS before the TD, which were likely influenced by rainfall, and these areas were considered to have low pCO2,sw because of their low SSS. The high pCO2,sw after the TD is explained by the uplifting to the surface of deeper and CO 2-rich water, due to winds accompanied by the TD. The difference in sea-air CO2 flux between the TD-affected area and the lower-SSS water was (1.99 + 4.70 = 6.7 mmol CO2 m-2 d-1), indicating a 100% change caused by the TD compared to the average seasonal value in spring in southern SCS (3.3 ┬▒ 0.3 mmol CO2 m-2 d-1). Undersaturation of CO2 prior to the TD due to dilution by freshwater and the pre-existing cold eddy, and slow translation speed of the TD, are considered to be accounted for the CO2 flux change. PSSC-35 Submarine groundwater discharge on the shelf of East China Sea in winter and its impacts Ehui Tan ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen ц╡╖х║ХхЬ░ф╕Лц░┤цОТцФ╛ (Submarine Groundwater Discharge, SGD) цШпц╡╖щЩЖчЫ╕ф║Тф╜ЬчФичЪДщЗНшжБш┐ЗчиЛуАВчФ▒ф║О SGD хЬишРехЕ╗чЫРчЪДш┐Рш╛Уф╗ехПКхп╣ц╡╖ц┤ЛчФЯчЙйхЬ░чРГхМЦхнжх╛кчОпчЪДщЗНшжБх╜▒хУНя╝МSGD чЪДчаФчй╢хПЧхИ░ш╢КцЭеш╢КхдЪчЪДхЕ│ц│ихТМ щЗНшзЖуАВф╕║ф║ЖшпДф╝░ SGD хп╣ф╕нхЫ╜ф╕Ьц╡╖щЩЖцЮ╢чФЯчЙйхЬ░чРГхМЦхнжх╛кчОпчЪДх╜▒хУНя╝МцЬмчаФчй╢щЗЗчФихдйчД╢цФ╛х░ДцАзщХнхРМф╜Нч┤аф╜Ь ф╕║чд║ш╕кхЙВя╝Мф║О 2010 х╣┤ 1 цЬИхп╣ф╕Ьц╡╖ц▓┐х▓╕хЬ░ф╕Лц░┤хПКщЩЖцЮ╢хМ║ц╡╖ц░┤ц║╢шзгцАБщХнчЪДц┤╗х║жхБЪф║Жш░ГцЯеуАВш░ГцЯешбицШОя╝М ф╕Ьц╡╖щЩЖцЮ╢ц╡╖ц░┤щХнхРМф╜Нч┤ачФ▒ф╕Йф╕кчлпхЕГч╗ДцИРя╝МхИЖхИлцШпщХ┐ц▒ЯхЖ▓ц╖бц░┤я╝МхдЦц╡╖ц░┤я╝Мф╗ехПК SGDуАВчФищХ┐хНКшб░цЬЯщХнхРМ ф╜Нч┤ахТМчЫРх║жф╜ЬхПВцХ░я╝МшобчоЧхЗ║ SGD щАЪщЗПя╝Мх╣╢хИйчФищХнш┤ищЗПх╣│шббцибхЮЛш┐ЫшбМф║ЖщкМшпБуАВхЬиш┤ищЗПх╣│шббцибхЮЛф╕ня╝МщХн 168 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences чЪДц║Рщб╣цЬЙц▓│ц╡Бш╛УхЕеуАБц▓│ц╡БцВмц╡ощвЧч▓ТчЙйшзгхР╕уАБц▓ЙчзпчЙйцЙйцХгхТМ SGDя╝Ыц▒Зщб╣цЬЙцФ╛х░ДцАзшб░хПШф╕ОхдЦц╡╖ц░┤чЪДц╖╖хРИуАВ щЗПхМЦхРДщб╣хН│хПпх╛ЧхЗ║ SGD щАЪщЗПуАВч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝МцЬмчаФчй╢хМ║хЯЯ SGD чЪДщАЪщЗПф╕║я╝И2.28┬▒1.38я╝Й├Ч1010 m3/dя╝МцИЦ 0.15┬▒0.09 m3/(m2┬╖d)уАВхИйчФихЬ░ф╕Лц░┤хТМц╡╖ц░┤ф╕нхРДхПВцХ░чЪДх╖охА╝я╝Мх╛ЧхЗ║ц║╢шзгцЧацЬ║чв│щАЪщЗПф╕║я╝И1.04┬▒0.63я╝Й├Ч1012 mol/yя╝Мчв▒х║жщАЪщЗПф╕║я╝И1.77┬▒1.07я╝Й├Ч1012 mol/yя╝Мц║╢шзгцЧацЬ║ц░ощАЪщЗПф╕║я╝И1.45┬▒0.88я╝Й├Ч1011 mol/yя╝МчбЕ щЕ╕чЫРщАЪщЗПф╕║я╝И8.34┬▒5.06я╝Й├Ч1010 mol/yя╝Мчг╖щЕ╕чЫРщАЪщЗПф╕║я╝И1.38┬▒0.84я╝Й├Ч1010 mol/yуАВч╗╝ф╕КцЙАш┐░я╝МчФ▒хдз ц▓│щХ┐ц▒Яф╕╗хп╝чЪДф╕Ьц╡╖щЩЖцЮ╢хМ║хЬ░ф╕Лц░┤щАЪщЗПщЭЮх╕╕х╖ихдзя╝Мф╕ФцР║х╕жцЬЙцШ╛шСЧчЪДц║╢шзгцЧацЬ║чв│ф╗ехПКшРехЕ╗чЫРщАЪщЗПя╝Мш┐Щшби цШО SGD цШпш┐Сх▓╕ц╡╖хЯЯф╕ншРехЕ╗чЫРчЪДф╕╗шжБцЭец║Рф╣Лф╕Ая╝Мх╣╢ф╕Фхп╣хЕ╢чФЯчЙйхЬ░чРГхМЦхнжх╛кчОпцЬЙщЗНшжБх╜▒хУНуАВ PSSC-36 Analysis of sun-blocking agents from sediment by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry with accelerate solvent extraction and solidphase extraction purification Cuicui Wang ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen Sun-blocking agents are extensively used in cosmetics products to avoid damaging effects of UV radiation. Despite their low toxicity, many research papers indicate that sun-blocking agents are potential weak endocrine disruptors . In the present work, A simple and fast analytical method was developed for the determination of ten UV filters (4-OH-BP, 4-MBC, OC, EHMC, OD-PABA, PMDSA, BP-1, BP-2, BP-3, BP-4),four UV stabilizers (UV-234, UV-328, UV-329, UV-P), and four PPCPs (Caffein, Carbamozepin, Triclocan, Triclocarban) in sediment. For sample preparation, accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) was chosen due to the good extraction efficiency provided. An additional solid-phase extraction(SPE) clean-up step was added in order to minimize matrix effects and to improve the sensitivity. After the clean-up step, the sample was analyzed with high-performance liquid chromatographyтИТtandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). PSSC-37 Seasonal variability of major ion chemistry in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River and its indication to the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir Xiaodan Wang ([email protected]) School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University, Shanghai According to previous studies, the Three Gorges Reservoir in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) has significantly trapped the sediment derived from the upper valley but impacted little on river water discharge. In this study, we carried out seasonal water sampling at Datong hydrological station in the lower mainstream within a period of over one hydrological year. Concentrations of major ions including Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, HCO3тАУ and the dissolved silica are analyzed. Water chemistry results show that all of the major ions display much more significant seasonal variations after the impoundment of TGR than before. Besides the dissolved silica, all the other major ion concentrations are higher in the dry season than in the flood season. Except for HCO 3тАУ, all the other ion concentrations are higher in different degrees than before. Our study indicates that the Three Gorges Reservoir may have caused the increase of the seasonal major ion chemistry changes downstream the Yangtze River via its water discharge regulation behavior. This surely will affect the material fluxes to the estuary and to the adjacent ocean. This amount of increase should also be considered when evaluating the weathering regime of the whole Yangtze drainage basin and the CO2 consumption budget too. And this regulation may also alter the source and sink role of the upper and mid-lower reaches in the aspect of the dissolved silica. Some of the strong seasonal fluctuation signals have been hidden with the impoundment of the large dam. The TGRтАЩs impact on the water-material cycle in the Yangtze River even bio-geochemical cycle and ecosystem in the East China Sea is so huge that it deserves more thorough investigations in the future. PSSC-38 Sources and biogeochemistry behaviors of organic matter and nutrients in a tropical river, Hainan, China Xiaona Wang ([email protected]), Ying Wu State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 169 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences On a global scale tropical rivers are critical in terms of nutrients and organic matter input into the ocean. Nandu River is the largest river in Hainan Island, China. In order to obtain information on the biogeochemistry of Nandu River, we collected samples from the catchment, estuary and coastal area during 2011-2012. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC) and nutrients were analysised. The nutrients measured included NO3-, NO2-, NH4+, PO43- and Si(OH)4. Nandu River basin showed higher values in DOC and POC in 2011 than those in 2012, which were due to the runoff of soils caused by typhoon. The distribution of nutrients along Nandu River showed the intense impact of industrial sewage in middle reach. Dissolved inorganic phosphorous (DIP) is much lower than dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), which is consist with other river in China. In Nandu River estuary, DIN and DIP behaved non-conservatively while Si(OH)4 behave conservatively. The high concentrations of organic matter and nutrients suggest that Nandu River play an important role for coastal food webs . PSSC-39 Kaoping River тАУ Sea sediments from source to sink traced with clay mineralogy Yangyang Wang ([email protected]), Daidu Fan, Yongbin Zhang, James T. Liu Tongji University, Shanghai Small mountainous river contribute much more sediment than previously estimated, but were rare studied. Kaoping River in Taiwan, a small mountainous river with high elevation, is an exciting natural laboratory to study the process of source to sink. Besides, many debates on the transport direction of the sediments from Kaoping RiverтАЩs mountainous, some argue that the seaward transport of riverine particulates was found to be mostly directed to NW-shelf and/or canyon, some suggest mostly directed to abyssal plain and the Manila Trench in the South China Sea. River bed sediments were collected from the main stream and major tributaries of the Kaoping River for clay mineralogy study. Marine sediments from boreholes on the seafloor off Taiwan in the northeastern South China Sea were also examined for comparison. The results show that the clay mineral composition of the Kaoping River display a similar pattern through the whole truck steam, with illite being dominant, chlorite being lesser abundant, and very scare kaolinite and smectite. Clay mineralogy shows some differences, like smectite only examined in the Qishan river, one of the upper tributaries, which correspond to the heterogeneous source rocks. The illite crystallity and the illite chemical weathering index both show rapid mechanical denudation. Compared with the other famous rivers in the world, clay mineral composition of sediments is influenced by the source and weathering based on the different gradients and environment. Based on the data from marine sediments, there is an illite depositional lobe centered along the canyon axis, which may be related to turbidity flows overflowing the canyon. From the distribution of clay mineralogy, illite and chlorite show the seaward transport to abyssal plain, but smectite is transported with significant influence of the Kuroshio intrusion. PSSC-40 Behavior of dissolved manganese in the East China Sea Zhaowei Wang ([email protected]) Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology, Ocean University of China, Qingdao As a sensitive proxy for redox cycling and terrestrial input, dissolved manganese (Mn) has a close link to the primary productivity, particularly in the high nitrate low-chlorophyll (HNLC) areas. The East China Sea (ECS), characterized by complex circulation regime and hypoxia phenomena, is one of the largest marginal semi-enclosed seas in the western Pacific Ocean. To better understand Mn biogeochemical cycle in the ECS, the distribution of dissolved Mn across the continental shelf to the Okinawa Trough (with 54 stations and 335 water samples) was examined in spring 2011. Dissolved Mn was determined by leucomalachite greenяАа sodium periodate catalytic kinetic spectrophotometry. Along with the bulk sample batches, the accuracy of Mn determinations were ensured by analyses of the Chinese environmental reference materials (GSB 07-1189-2000) and the Canada certified reference seawater material (NASS-6), which showed no significant difference with the certified value (t-test, P= 0.95). Higher concentrations of dissolved Mn were observed in the inner shelf and lower dissolved Mn values were found in the shelf edge. Dissolved Mn in the ECS ranged from 1.5 to 21.8 nM in May 2011, with an average of 5.4 nM. Although far away from the coastal area, Mn concentrations remained fairly high in the top 50 m layer of the shelf edge (3-6 nM) along the northward flow of Kuroshio 170 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences waters, which indicates the contributions from terrestrial material. There undergoes significant removal of dissolved Mn in the Changjiang Estuary, which is supported by the results of laboratory mixing simulations. The removal of dissolved Mn in the Changjiang Estuary is regulated by net sorption onto suspended particulate matter (SPM). A sorption model for predicting concentrations of dissolved Mn with changing SPM has been successfully applied in the Changjiang Estuary. Dissolved Mn in the overlying water of the ECS in May 2011 varied in a wide range (18-150 nM), which is 3-16 factors higher than near bottom waters. The benthic flux dissolved Mn to the ECS is estimated about (1.6 ┬▒ 1.2) ├Ч 109 g/yr. Seasonal variation of dissolved Mn in the ECS embodies highest in summer, depending on the degree of hypoxia in the near-bottom waters in summer. The vertical profiles of dissolved Mn correlate with phosphate in the hypoxia zone. A preliminary box model was established to estimate the water-mass balance and dissolved Mn budget for the ECS in spring. The results of the box-model suggest that the ECS Shelf is a net source of Mn to the open Northwest Pacific Ocean, and the export of Mn from the shelf is approximately 1.6 ├Ч 10 10 g/yr. Utilizing the dissolved Mn content with the total input flux, an average residence time of 2 year for dissolved Mn was inferred in the ECS. PSSC-41 The characteristics and distribution of organic matter and their significances in surface sediments of the East China Sea Hailun Wei ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai ф╕Ьц╡╖цШпхдЪцЭбц▓│ц╡БчЪДф╝ЪшБЪхМ║я╝МцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ихЬицндшБЪщЫЖхТМц▓ЙчзпуАВш┐Щф║ЫцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ичЪДцЭец║РхПКхНацпФцШпцИСф╗мхЕ│ц│ичЪДщЧо щвШуАВцЬмцЦЗщАЙхПЦщХ┐ц▒ЯхПгхТМф╕Ьц╡╖ц│еш┤ихМ║хРД 4 ф╕кшбих▒Вца╖я╝Мхп╣хЕица╖хПКхИЖчж╗хЗ║чЪДхЕлф╕кч▓Тч║зш┐ЫшбМхнвч▓ЙчЫ╕чЙ╣х╛БчЪДщЙ┤ хоЪхТМч╗Яшобя╝Мц╡ЛшпХхЕ╢ ╬┤13Corg хА╝я╝МцОвшоищХ┐ц▒ЯхПгхПКф╕Ьц╡╖чЪДцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ичЙ╣х╛БуАБцЭец║Рф╕ОхИЖх╕ГчЪДх╖ох╝ВуАВ хп╣ хЕи ца╖ хИЖ цЮР хРО хПС чО░ я╝М ш┐С щЩЖ хЬ░ хМ║ чЪД цЬи ш┤и чнЙ ч╗У цЮД цЬЙ цЬ║ ш┤и хРл щЗП щлШ ш╛╛ 80% х╖ж хП│ я╝М ╬┤13Corg хА╝ хБП ш┤Я я╝И -25.29~-24.06тА░ я╝Йя╝Ы шАМ чж╗ х▓╕ хЬ░ хМ║ хИЩ ф╗е цЧа хоЪ х╜в ф╕║ ф╕╗ я╝М хРл щЗП хЬи 36~52% я╝М ╬┤13Corg хА╝ хБП цнг я╝И-23.05~-21.85тА░я╝Й уАВш┐ЩшбицШОф╕НхРМхМ║хЯЯф╕нцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ич▒╗хЮЛхТМцЭец║РчЪДх╖ох╝ВцАзуАВ хп╣хРДч▓Тч║зхп╣цпФхРОхПСчО░я╝МхЬия╝Ь2╬╝m ч▓Тч║зф╕нцЧахоЪх╜вцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ихпМщЫЖя╝И63.7~100%я╝Й я╝ЫхЬия╝Ю2╬╝m шЗ│я╝Ь63╬╝m ч▓Тч║зф╕ня╝МцЧахоЪх╜вф╕ОцЬиш┤ичнЙч╗УцЮДцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ихСИц╢ИщХ┐хПШхМЦя╝Ыя╝Ю63╬╝m ч▓Тч║зф╕нч╗УцЮДцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ихРлщЗПхвЮхКауАВ╬┤13Corg хА╝ хПШхМЦф╕ня╝МщХ┐ц▒ЯхПгхМ║хЯЯя╝Ь5╬╝m ч▓Тч║зчЪДхА╝ш╛Гч▓Чч▓Тч║зхБПцнг 2.5~5тА░я╝Мф╕Фш╢Кх╛АщХ┐ц▒ЯхПгя╝Мх╖охА╝ш╢Кхдзя╝Ыф╕Ьц╡╖хМ║хЯЯя╝М ш┐Ьх▓╕хЬ░хМ║я╝МхЕ╢хА╝щЪПч▓Тч║зхПШч▓ЧшАМх░Пх╣ЕхвЮхдзя╝И-24.63~-22.41тА░я╝Й я╝МшАМц╡ЩщЧ╜ц▓┐х▓╕ ╬┤13Corg хА╝щЪПч▓Тх╛ДхвЮхдзшАМ хПШш┤Яя╝И-22.70~-25.11тА░я╝Й уАВш┐ЩшбицШОхРДч▓Тч║зхпМщЫЖчЪДцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ич▒╗хЮЛцШпф╕НхРМчЪДя╝МхПпшГ╜хЫаф┐ЭцКдцЬ║хИ╢ф╕НхРМшАМхп╝шЗ┤ ц╝ФхМЦчЪДх╖ох╝ВуАВ ч╗╝ф╕КцЙАш┐░я╝Мф╕Ьц╡╖хЬ░хМ║цЬЙцЬ║ш┤ихИЖх╕Гх╖ох╝Вф╕ОцЭец║РчЫ╕хЕ│я╝Мф╕Фф╕НхРМч▓Тч║зф╕нцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ичЙ╣х╛Бф╕НхРМя╝МщвДчд║чЭАф╕НхРМ ч▒╗хЮЛцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ичЪДшБЪщЫЖуАБц▓ЙчзпхТМф┐ЭхнШцЦ╣х╝ПчЪДх╖ох╝Вя╝Мф╣Ях░ЖхЖ│хоЪф║Жф╕НхРМч▒╗хЮЛчЪДцЬЙцЬ║ш┤ихЬичв│х╛кчОпф╕нхС╜ш┐РчЪДх╖ох╝Вя╝М ш┐Щхп╣шодшпЖхТМчРЖшзгцЬЙцЬ║чв│чЪДх╛кчОпцЬЙщЗНхдзцДПф╣ЙуАВ PSSC-42 Impact of a rainstorm event on the spectral characteristics of CDOM in the subtropical Jiulong river and estuarine system Jia Wei ([email protected]) College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen The rainstorm events caused by typhoon processes are extreme weather phenomena which can bring pulse disturbance on hydrological, chemical and biological processes in coupled watershed-estuarine system on short time scale. On July 23, 2014, Typhoon "Matmo" landed at the eastern coast of Fujian province, China. To study the influence of such rainstorm event on CDOM dynamics in subtropical Jiulong river and estuarine system, we made 48h consecutive sampling at the fixed stations in the downstream of the West and North Jiulong River during the storm process. Several cruises were also carried out during and after the storm process in the Jiulong River Estuary. The water discharge consistently increased with peak flow of 380 and 800 m3/s for the West and North Jiulong River, respectively. CDOM absorption coefficient at 350nm, a (350), increased 68.1% and 51.9% for both rivers during the rising hydrograph, respectively, and continued to increase during the falling-hydrograph. Although the runoff of the West River was only half of the North River, its contribution to the export fluxes of CDOM was similar to the North River. The increase of spectral slope ratio (SR) in the West River and the decrease of SR in the North River demonstrated the 171 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences different compositional change of DOM in both rivers during the rainstorm process. The increase of a(350) and decrease of SR for the freshwater endmember of the estuary indicated the exported CDOM during the event has much higher MW than the normal weather conditions. This study is helpful to study the ecological response and consequence of rainstorm events on coupled watershed-estuarine system. PSSC-43 ╬┤15N and ╬┤18O of nitrate of intermediate water in the South China Sea Qiao Wu ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW, neutral density range of 26.5 to 27.4) has a complicate structure and seasonal variability in combining South China Sea (SCS) and West Philippine Ses (WPS) through Luzon Strait. In general, stronger inflow under winter monsoon than outflow under summer monsoon results in a net annual transport of NPIW of about 1.1┬▒0.2 Sv into the SCS, and in turn advects to the southern basin. Intermediate water is an important source of nutrient for the euphotic zone through upwelling and other vertical mixing processes. In contrast, reminerilization of organic matter from the upper ocean can contribute nutrients to the intermediate water. We measure ╬┤15N and ╬┤18O in nitrate along isopycnal layers of intermediate water in the SCS to see the effect of sinking particulate nitrogen on the nitrate of the intermediate water. We expect to observe detectable nitrate concentration and its dual-isotope signal anomaly of the intermediate water along the longitude. In addition, the transect of the nitrate dual-isotope signal of the SCS intermediate water can help us to analyse the regional upper and intermediate connection of the SCS. Besides conserved temperature and salinity, we add nitrate concentration and its ╬┤15N and ╬┤18O as additional constraints to trace the transport of the SCS intermediate water. At the same time, we want to clarify the sources of SCS intermediate water through end-member mixing model. PSSC-44 Nitrogen dynamic in coastal seas off southern China Yanhua Wu ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen Nitrogen is a major part of organisms and regulates marine productivity. The rapid industrialization and fast growing population makes China the largest emission source in term of reactive nitrogen, those emitted nitrogen flows to the coastal seas via river and atmosphere. The dramatic increase in external nitrogen input significantly altered the original N cycle, and consequently, the fundamental nutrient dynamics and ecosystem function in the coastal seas. In the complex nitrogen reaction web, ammonia stands at the key position bridging the organic and inorganic nitrogen forms which is highly affinitive to various microorganisms; Ammonium oxidation consumes oxygen leading to the establishment of hypoxia and emission of N2O, a strong greenhouse gas while ammonium uptake by phytoplankton will release oxygen and assimilate greenhouse gas CO2. Nitrate, the product of nitrification, is most abundant and assimilated by phytoplankton requiring substantial energy. Moreover, Nitrite is the linkage of ammonium and nitrate. However, the fate these nitrogen species are difficult to determine. In January 2014, we conducted a study over 24 hours in coastal water column by using isotope technique in situ light. Nitrogen(NH4+, NO2-, NO3-) uptake rate, ammonia oxidation, nitrite production rate from nitrate were implemented. Ammonium uptake rates by phytoplankton are 793 nmolL-1h-1 and 574 nmolL-1h-1 at the 2%sPAR depth and 80%sPAR depth. Ammonium oxidation rates are 20 nmolL-1h-1 and 4nmolL-1h-1 at the 2%sPAR depth and 80%sPAR depth. Ammonium uptake rates are one to two orders higher than Ammonia oxidation rates; In addition, neither ammonium uptake nor oxidation rates appears diel cycle which is inconsistent of conventional knowledge. On the other hand, we found that the rates of NO3- uptake are 82 nmolL-1h-1 and 64 nmolL-1h-1 lower than Ammonium uptake rates. NO2- uptake rate is almost undetectable and NO2- production from NO3- is regulated by light. PSSC-45 Time-series observations on the shelf of the East China Sea based on a buoy system Yingxu Wu ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 172 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences чЫохЙНя╝Мц╡╖ц┤ЛшзВц╡Лч│╗ч╗Яф╕╗шжБхПпхИЖф╕║ф╕ЙчзНцЦ╣х╝Пя╝ЪшИ╣хЯ║ш╡░шИкшзВц╡Лч│╗ч╗ЯуАБх▓╕хЯ║шзВц╡Лч│╗ч╗Яя╝Мф╗ехПКц╡оцаЗя╝Иц╜Ь цаЗя╝ЙшзВц╡Лч│╗ч╗ЯуАВф╝ЧцЙАхСичЯея╝Мц╡╖шби pCO2 хнШхЬиш╛ГхдзчЪДцЧ╢чй║хПШх╝ВцАзя╝Мхп╣шзВц╡ЛцЧ╢щЧ┤хТМщвСчОЗцЬЙш╛ГщлШшжБц▒Вя╝Мф╜ЖцШп шАГшЩСхИ░шИ╣цЧ╢уАБф║║хКЫхТМшзВц╡ЛхМ║хЯЯщЩРхИ╢чнЙховшзВхЫач┤ачЪДх╜▒хУНя╝МшИ╣ш╜╜шзВц╡Лф╕Ох▓╕хЯ║шзВц╡ЛхЬишЗкхКихМЦчиЛх║жхТМцЬ║хКицАз цЦ╣щЭвшжБш┐Ьш┐Ьф╜Оф║Оц╡оцаЗшзВц╡ЛуАВхЫацндя╝Мц╡оцаЗшзВц╡ЛхПпф╗ешодф╕║цШпх╜УхЙНх╝Ах▒Хц╡╖ц┤ЛщХ┐цЧ╢щЧ┤х║ПхИЧшзВц╡ЛчЪДцЬАф╜│цЙЛцо╡уАВ цЬмхоЮщкМходх╖▓цИРхКЯф║Оф╕Ьц╡╖щЩЖцЮ╢я╝И124.5┬░E 31┬░Nя╝Йх╗║члЛф║Жц╡оцаЗшзВц╡Лч│╗ч╗Яя╝МшзВц╡Лф╗е pCO2 ф╕║ф╕╗чЪДф╕Ач│╗хИЧхПВцХ░я╝М хМЕцЛм pCO2уАБpHуАБц╕йх║жуАБчЫРх║жуАБхП╢ч╗┐ч┤ауАБц░Фш▒бцХ░цНоя╝Мщб║хИйшО╖хПЦш┐Сф╕Ах╣┤я╝И2012 х╣┤ 8 цЬИшЗ│ 2013 х╣┤ 6 цЬИя╝Й чЪДц╡оцаЗшзВц╡ЛцХ░цНоуАВчаФчй╢шбицШОя╝МшзВц╡ЛхМ║хЯЯхЬихдПхнгхТМчзЛхнгцШпц╡╖-ц░Ф CO2 чЪДц║Ря╝МхЖмхнгхТМцШехнгхИЩш╜мхПШф╕║ CO2 чЪД ц▒ЗуАВцЬмчаФчй╢шпХхЫ╛хОШц╕Еф╕НхРМцЧ╢щЧ┤х░║х║жхЖЕц╡╖шби pCO2 шбичО░хЗ║чЪДф╕НхРМчЪДхПШхМЦчЙ╣х╛БхТМш░ГцОзхЫахнРя╝МцОвшоиф║ЖхдПхнгхП░ щгОхп╣шзВц╡ЛхМ║хЯЯц╡╖шби pCO2 чЪДх╜▒хУНя╝МцПнчд║хП░щгОхп╣ц╡╖ц░Фчв│щАЪщЗПчЪДш┤бчМоя╝ЫцндхдЦя╝МцЬмчаФчй╢хЯ║ф║ОшзВц╡ЛцХ░цНох╗║члЛф║Ж ф╕Аф╕кф╕ЙчлпхЕГцибхЮЛф╗ешобчоЧц╡╖шбичв▒х║жя╝ИTotal Alkalinityя╝ЙхТМцА╗ц║╢шзгцЧацЬ║чв│я╝ИDICя╝Й я╝МшЗ│ф╗Кх╖▓шО╖х╛Ч 4 ф╕кцЬИчЪДщХ┐ цЧ╢щЧ┤щлШщвСцХ░цНоя╝МчФиф║ОцППш┐░ц╡╖шби CO2 ф╜Уч│╗хПШхМЦш╢ЛхК┐хТМхПЧцОзш┐ЗчиЛуАВ PSSC-46 Variations of hydrodynamics and submarine groundwater discharge under the influence of water-sediment regulation scheme Dong Xia ([email protected]) Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Marine Chemistry Theory and Technology, Ocean university of china, Qingdao Water-Sediment Regulation Scheme (WSRS) is critically important to the hydrology evaluation of the Yellow River estuary since a pulse of water and sediment are delivered into the sea. We used natural geochemical tracer radium (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra) and radon (222Rn) isotopes as well as other hydrological parameters to investigate the variation of hydrodynamics and submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the Yellow River estuary under the influence of WSRS, 2013. Dramatically elevated radium and radon isotopes were observed because of the influence of WSRS. Radium water ages indicated the transport rate nearly tripled with the river discharge increasing from 400 to 3400 m3/s. We calculated SGD flux in the Yellow River estuary based on radium mass balance model and radium and radon time-series models. Significantly larger SGD flux was obtained during WSRS period relative to that during non-WSRS period. SGD tended to be more intense along river channel direction and a large amount of fresh SGD occurred during WSRS period. PSSC-47 Distribution and sources of terrigenous organic carbon in surface sediments across the Bering and Chukchi Seas of the Arctic Ocean Fanglu Xu ([email protected]) Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Lignins are phenolic compounds existing only in vascular land plants and are chemically stable, hence, they are used as a tracer of terrigenous organic matter. In this study, we determined lignin-derived phenols in the surface sediments across the Bering and Chukchi Seas. The cinnamyl (C), syringyl (S) and vanillyl (V) phenols, as well as ╬Ы (total lignin in mg/100 mg OC) showed a similar trend along transect of the study areas. ╬Ы ranged from 0.1465 to 2.1500, the S/V ratios ranged from 0.09 to 1.05 and C/V ratios ranged from 0 to 0.30. As C/V above 0.2 and S/V above 0.4 are indicative of non-woody angiosperm tissues, our results demonstrate that the sources of terrigenous organic carbon were from woody and non-woody gymnosperms and angiosperms. The mean values of (Ad/Al)v and (Ad/Al)s were 0.20 and 0.21, respectively, suggesting the presence of relatively fresh lignin materials. The highest ╬Ы was found in R02 in Chukchi Sea, as this location is situated at the convergence of the Anadyr Water, Bering Sea Water and Atlantic Coastal Water. Locations north of the Chukchi Sea showed higher abundance of fresh lignin materials, presumably due to contribution of materials from the Siberian Coastal Current. This study shows the importance of the effect of hydrological cycle on the sources, distribution and diagenesis of terrigenous organic carbon along the Bering and Chukchi Seas. PSSC-48 Light and substrate effects on ammonium utilizer in the upper western North Pacific Ocean Min Xu ([email protected]), Yanhua Wu, Qiao Wu, and SJ Kao 173 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Xiamen University, Xiamen Ammonium, which is deprived in the euphotic zone, is utilized by phytoplankton as regenerated production and by ammonia oxidizing archaea as the limiting step for nitrification. Both ammonium utilizers are tightly linked to dynamic nitrogen cycle and the accuracy of new production estimate. However, in the sunlit ocean nitrification has long been considered insignificant because of light inhibition and insufficiently high ammonia affinity of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) compared to phytoplankton. Until recent decades, the widely distributed ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) were discovered and likely it out-competes phytoplankton for ammonium. Moreover, recent model results suggested that nitrification induced nitrate supports about fifty percent of primary production. In northwest Pacific cruise during March to April 2014, we conducted incubation experiments by using the 15N labeled ammonium to measure rates of nitrification and NH4+ uptake by phytoplankton of a high vertical resolution profile. Samples were incubated under in situ light intensity for 24 and 48 hours to examine their relative competitiveness over a diel cycle. At the same time, samples from 30m and 90m depth were selected to do the Michaelis-menten incubation. Nutrients (NH4+, NO2-, NO3-), particular organic nitrogen (PN), amoA gene of AOA and AOB, nitrification rate and ammonium uptake rate were measured. AOA amoA gene predominates with three orders higher than AOB amoA gene copies. The range of NH4+ uptake rate and nitrification rate (NR) was 3.5-14.5 nmol/L/d and 0.03-3.84 nmol/L/d, respectively. The ammonium uptake rates are higher in surface and decrease downward, while the specific NH4+ uptake rate (NH4+/[PN]) was nearly constant in the upper 200m. In general, NR was relatively low at the surface and correlated well with NH4+ concentration and AOA gene copies. Besides, the half-saturation constant (Km) of phytoplankton community was lower than that of ammonia-oxidizing organisms, suggesting that phytoplankton has a relatively high affinity to ammonium than ammonia-oxidizing organisms at diel cycle scale. Our results also revealed that ammonium availability rather than concentration is the factor regulating the vertical distribution of AOA abundance. PSSC-49 Influence of lateral particle transport on sedimentary N isotopic records in the northern South China Sea Jinyu Yang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen The export of biogenic particles from the euphotic zone to the depths and in turn their burial in the sediments, named as biological pump, plays an important role in marine biogeochemical cycles. This process is primarily controlled by the input of bioavailable nitrogen and its utilization in the surface ocean. Ultimately, the N isotopic signals (╬┤15N) of N sources and their cycling processes are imprinted in sedimentary organic matters, which have been widely used to track past changes in marine N cycles and N inventory. Bulk sedimentary ╬┤15N (╬┤15Nbulk) records from the South China Sea (SCS), located at the western terminal of the subtropical North Pacific Intermediate Water, was thought to be one of the best regions to detect changes in mean ocean nitrate ╬┤15N and local/regional N2 fixation over glacial-interglacial cycles. However, the reliability of ╬┤15Nbulk as a proxy of ╬┤15N in sinking N (╬┤15Nsink) has been disputed due to the complex nature and origin of the sedimentary components in the SCS. In this study, we report total mass (TM) and particulate nitrogen (PN) fluxes of sinking particles and ╬┤15sink at two sites in the northern SCS from ~400 m to >3000 m roughly covering one year. The flux-weighed average ╬┤15Nsink at ~400 m was ~5.4тА░, similar to thermocline nitrate ╬┤15N, indicating the main source of new N from subsurface and minor role in N 2 fixation during trap-deployed period. PN fluxes in the lower traps (>1000 m) were generally higher compared to the empirical attenuation of particle flux by remineralization, indicating that at least 35% of PN was derived from allochthonous sources. The allochthonous N with relatively low ╬┤15Nsink values was likely transported laterally from slope and Taiwan to the deep basin, which partially accounts for the ~2.4тА░ decrease of ╬┤15Nsink in the lower traps. In addition, we found an enrichment of ~2тА░ in ╬┤15N between sinking particles in lowest traps and surface sediments, which is not as remarkable as that in the open ocean around the same bottom depth. Our result highlights that using ╬┤15N bulk to reconstruct N processes in the SCS needs to include in efforts to constrain the potential perturbation for N isotopic alteration from allochthonous sources. PSSC-50 Spatial distribution and potential ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in 174 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences surface sediments of Meizhou Bay Lihong Yang ([email protected]) College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen ца╣цНо 2012 х╣┤чжПх╗║ц╣Дц┤▓ц╣╛ц╡╖хЯЯшбих▒Вц▓ЙчзпчЙйца╖хУБц╡ЛхоЪчЪД 7 чзНщЗНщЗСх▒Юя╝ИCrуАБCoуАБNiуАБCuуАБZnуАБAsуАБ Pbя╝ЙхРлщЗПцХ░цНоя╝МчаФчй╢щЗНщЗСх▒ЮхЬиц▓ЙчзпчЙйф╕нчЪДхРлщЗПхТМчй║щЧ┤хИЖх╕ГчЙ╣х╛Бя╝МчД╢хРОш┐РчФиф╕╗цИРхИЖхИЖцЮРц│ХхИЖцЮРхРДщЗНщЗС х▒ЮчЪДф╕╗шжБцЭец║Ря╝МцЬАхРОщЗЗчФиц╜ЬхЬичФЯцАБхН▒хо│цМЗцХ░ц│ХшпДф╗╖хЕ╢ц▒бцЯУчиЛх║жхТМц╜ЬхЬичФЯцАБхН▒хо│уАВч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝МчЫ╕хп╣чмм ф╕Ач▒╗ц╡╖ц┤Лц▓ЙчзпчЙйцаЗхЗЖя╝МCuуАБZnуАБAs хТМ Pb хЭЗцЬкш╢ЕцаЗя╝МCr ш╢ЕцаЗ 21.2%уАВхдзщГихИЖщЗНщЗСх▒Юх╣│щЭвхИЖх╕ГцА╗ф╜УхСИ чО░ф╕ЬхМЧх╛Аше┐хНЧщАТхЗПчЪДш╢ЛхК┐я╝Мф╜УчО░щЩЖц║Рш╛УхЕечЪДх╜▒хУНя╝МAsуАБZn хПК Pb хЬи 7 хП╖члЩф╜НуАБCu хЬи 8 хП╖члЩф╜НхЗ║чО░щлШ хА╝хМ║хПпшГ╜цЫ┤хдЪчЪДшБФч│╗ф║ОчаФчй╢хМ║хЯЯцЬмш║лчЪДшГМцЩпчЙ╣х╛БуАВCrуАБCoуАБNi хТМ Zn ф╣ЛщЧ┤чЫ╕хЕ│цАзцШ╛шСЧя╝Мф╕Ф CoуАБAs хТМ Zn ф╣Яф╕дф╕дшбичО░хЗ║цШ╛шСЧцнгчЫ╕хЕ│уАВф╕╗цИРхИЖхИЖцЮРшбицШОх▓йчЯ│чЪДшЗкчД╢щгОхМЦхТМф╛╡шЪАцШп CrуАБCoуАБNiуАБCuуАБZn хТМ As хЕГч┤ахЬичаФчй╢хМ║хЯЯшбих▒Вц▓ЙчзпчЙйчЪДф╕╗шжБцЭец║Ря╝МPb хПпшГ╜цЫ┤хдЪцЭец║Рф║Оц╡╖ф╕Кф║дщАЪшИкш┐РхТМц╡╖ц░┤хЕ╗цоЦуАВчаФчй╢хМ║хЯЯ ч╗╝хРИц╜ЬхЬичФЯцАБхН▒хо│ф╕║ф╕нчнЙчФЯцАБхН▒хо│чиЛх║жуАВ PSSC-51 Late quaternary sedimentary environment evolution at the mouth of the Zhuoshui River Taiwan Rick Yang ([email protected]), James T Liu, Daidu Fan, George S. Burr, Hui-Ling Lin, Leh-Chyun Wu Department of Oceanography, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung Taiwan is located in the collision zone of two tectonic plates, and receivesimpacts from the monsoons and the typhoons. All the factors contribute to the high sediment load delivered to the sea by small mountainous rivers on this island. The disproportionally large sediment load and the rising sea level constitute an important condition for the formation of river deltas. The sediment records of a fluvial system are expected to bear signals of the changing sedimentary environment. This study aims to resolve the deltaic developmental history during the post-glacial sea level rise. The high sediment flux at the river mouth is expected to provide suitable conditions to preserve the information of the delta formation process. The FATES-HYPERS team drilled a bore hole (JRD Core) on the upper part of the modern Zhuoshui River delta. A100-m long core was obtained and then through AMS C-14 dating from over 70 samples the age model was established, which shows that C-14 dating limit (50,000 yr. BP) is reached at about -75 m. We estimate that the core deposit time span over the late Quaternary (100,000 yr. BP) to the present. The preliminary results based on foraminiferal assemblages and facies analysis indicate that there was a major shift from land to sea at 8,000 yr. BP. The global sea level rose after the last glacial maximum. In 12,000-10,000 yrs. BP, the sea level was 60 - 40 meters lower than present. The reconstructed sedimentary environments were river channels and floodplains in the JRD Core during this time. The Zhuoshui River generated delta extended westward into the paleao-Taiwan Strait. In 10,000-8,000 yrs. BP, the sea-level was 40 - 20 meters lower than present. The Zhuoshui River delta retreated eastward/landward due to the rise of the sea level. At 8,000 yr. BP, the sea-level was 20 meters lower than present. The sea level inundated the delta, seawater intruded landward quickly. The tidal and wave enargy affected the location where the JRD Core was taken. Subsequently the JRD Core recorded a major shift from fluvial facies to shoreface facies in this period. There was unconformity below the shoreface facies, suggesting an erosional gap within the shoreface facies. Between 7,500-6,000 yrs. BP, the sea-level was the highest. The JRD Core records turned to offshore transitional facies. After 6,000 yr. BP, the core shows facies of gradually shallowing sedimentary environments until the present day.The transformations of sedimentary environments show the Source-to-Sinkchangeon the millennium time-scaleat theZhuoshui Rivermouth. In thefuture, through this transformationwe canexplore the possible provenance change of sediment inthe Taiwan Strait. PSSC-52 The impact of human intervention on morphology and sedimentology in Xiamen Yufeng Yang ([email protected]), Huaiyan Lei State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen & College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen The coastal zone is the transitional zone of the sea-land alternation. It is the sensitive area keeping 175 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences the record of human impact on the natural environment. In order to assess the human impact on the coastal zone of Xiamen, we collected and analyzed the morphologic and sedimentologic data during 2005~2008. The results show that the intertidal flat experiences two different seasonal (wet/dry) conditions. Morphology in the study area varies on the cross-shore direction, including 5 zones and 4 sub-zones. The overall textural characteristics of surface sediments are poorly sorted, strongly coarse skewed, mesokurtic, medium sand. The major part is the sand with an average content 86.04%. Four lithesomes are identified in surface sediments. Textural and compositional parameters of each lithesome suggest considerably discrete spatial variations, especially the cross-shore (NW-SE) zonal variations. Grain-size data indicates the step-wise, semi-consistent offshore directed transport. The study area is suffering from the exacerbated chronic erosion due to human intervention. The paper provides the essential information for the coastal protection. PSSC-53 Distribution and flux of methane in the East China Sea in summer: Impact of hypoxia Wang-Wang Ye ([email protected]) Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Marine Chemsitry Theory and Technology, Ocean University of China, Qingdao Methane is a major green house gas that affects the earth''s radiation balance and has a significant role in global warming and atmospheric chemistry. The current atmospheric concentration of methane increased significantly since 1750, and is about 2.5-fold higher now than before the industrial revolution (IPCC, 2013). The oceans are a natural source of atmospheric methane, and contribute about 2% of the total global methane emissions. Continental shelves and coastal regions, which account for 16% of the global ocean area, account for about 75% o global oceanic methane emissions. The East China Sea is a marginal sea in the northwestern Pacific Ocean that has complex hydrography. We measured dissolved methane at different depths and calculated sea-to-air methae fluxed at 65 stations in the East China Sea from August 4 to 31 of 2013. The concentration of methane decreased with distance from the Changjiang Estuary. A region of significant bottom-water hypoxia occurred at the northern region of the East China Sea. This hypoxic region also had enhanced methane production in the water column and sedimentary release of methane. Taken together, our data suggest that the East China Sea is a net source of atmospheric methane. PSSC-55 Separation and analysis of siderophores in seawater Lei Zhang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Iron plays an important role in the growth of marine organism. Due to the low solubility of iron(тЕв) and the formation of highly insoluble oxyhydroxides in surface seawater, dissolved iron is present at very low concentrations (<0.5 nmol/L). Under iron-limited conditions, marine microorganisms are able to secrete low-molecular-weight, highly specific iron chelators named as siderophores. In this study, two common siderophores were selected as the target analytes, and solid-phase extraction (SPE) and high performance liquid chromatography with UV detector (HPLC-UV) were applied to extract and detect siderophores in seawater. A SPE protocol for the siderophores was developed using LC-18 SPE cartridge. Based on the consideration of environmental factors, the impact of salinity, pH and matrix interference were investigated. The cartridges were conditioned with 3 mL methanol and 3 mL ultra pure water prior to siderophore extraction. Samples were loaded without adjusting pH. Cartridges were then washed with 5 mL ultra pure water to remove salt, and siderophores were eluted with 3 mL 100% methanol. The eluent was blown down to less than 1 mL with nitrogen gas for the analysis with HPLC-UV. The chromatographic separation results showed that C18 column was suitable to separate the two of siderophores. The parameters of retention and detector responses of the siderophores were optimized. A gradient elution program with methanol and 0.1%(v/v) formic acid as the mobile phases was used. Method detection limites (MDL) were 0.128 ┬╡g/mL for ferrioxamine E-Fe, 1.169 ┬╡g/mL for pyoverdine-Fe. The average recoveries for ferrioxamine E-Fe and pyoverdine-Fe were 87.6% and 81.1%. The UV detector could be replaced with mass spectrometer (MS) to lower MDL and elucidate the chemical structure of the analytes. 176 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PSSC-56 Interannual and seasonal variations of atmospheric MSA and nss-SO42- at Zhongshan station, Antarctica Miming Zhang ([email protected]), Liqi Chen Xiamen University & Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen To characterize impacts of atmospheric dimethylsufide (DMS) oxidation products on atmospheric sulfur-containing species, a multiple year-round aerosol sampling for studying methane-sulfonic acid (MSA) and non-sea-slat sulfate (nss-SO42-) was conducted from February 2005 to October 2008 at Zhongshan station, a research base in East Antarctica. The averaged concentrations of MSA, and nss-SO42- are 21.46 ng m-3 (range from 0.02 to 295.58 ng m-3) and 94.18 ng m-3 (range from n.d. to 577.61 ng m-3) respectively over the four years. The concentrations of atmospheric sulfur species present a strong seasonal cycle with maxima in austral summer and minima in austral winter. Maximum concentrations of MSA generally occurred at early February while the maximum nss-SO42appeared in early January or early February. The polynyas or open waters (POW) in seasonal ice zone (SIZ) of the vicinity area of Zhongshan station may play a critical role in contributing sulfur species to the atmosphere. The phytoplankton activities and areas of POW would significantly affect the atmospheric sulfur species concentrations. On the other hand, the average value of MSA/nss-SO42ratio is 0.18 ┬▒ 0.14. No significant correlation between air temperature and MSA/nss-SO42- ratio is found, and the variations of the ratio are mainly related to the biota derived MSA. PSSC-57 Microbial mediated sulfur cycling in the ocean and the possible role of molybenum Xuelian Zhang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environment Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen цЬмчаФчй╢цШпщАЪш┐Зчж╗хнРф║дцНвц│Ххп╣ф╣Эщ╛Щц▒Яц▓│хПгхМ║я╝ИчжПх╗║чЬБч╗Пц╡ОхПСх▒Хц┤╗ш╖ГчЪДхЬ░хМ║я╝МхСиш╛╣цЬЙщ╛Щх▓йуАБц╝│х╖ЮуАБ хОжщЧичнЙхЯОх╕Вя╝Мф╕Фц╕йчЫРхПШхМЦуАБч║│ц╜ощЗПхдзя╝Йф╕НхРМчЫРх║жф╕ЛчЪДф╕НхРМщЗСх▒ЮхПКщЗСх▒Юх╜вцАБчЪДхИЖх╕ГшзДх╛Лш┐ЫшбМш░ГцЯечаФчй╢я╝М ш┐Ыф╕АцнецОвшоищЗСх▒Юх╜вцАБцШпхжВф╜ХцОзхИ╢щЗСх▒ЮхЬичФЯчЙйчФЯщХ┐ф╗гш░вф╕нцЙАш╡╖чЪДф╜ЬчФиуАВч╗П 0.22╬╝m чЪДц╗дшЖЬхРОчЪДц░┤ца╖я╝М хИЖхИлф╛ЭцмбщАЪш┐З Chelex-100 хТМ C-18 цаСшДВхпМщЫЖхРОя╝Мх░▒хПпф╗ехИЖчж╗хЗ║ц╕╕чж╗цАБщЗСх▒Юф╕нчЪДц┤╗цАзцАБ(Labile)уАБщЭЮц┤╗ цАзцЬЙцЬ║цАБ(refractory organic)хТМцГ░цАзцАБ(inert)щЗСх▒ЮуАВф╜ЬхЫ╛хПпф╗ех░Жф╣Эщ╛Щц▒Яц▓│хПгхМ║ц║╢шзгцАБщЗСх▒ЮхИЖф╕║ф┐ЭхоИхЮЛ щЗСх▒ЮхТМц╕ЕщЩдхЮЛщЗСх▒Юя╝Мф┐ЭхоИхЮЛщЗСх▒Юф╗е MoуАБV ф╕║ф╛Ля╝МшЩ╜чД╢хоГф╗мцА╗ц║╢шзгцАБцШпхСИф┐ЭхоИцАзя╝Мф╜ЖхоГф╗мчЪДц┤╗цАзцАБхТМ щЭЮц┤╗цАзцЬЙцЬ║цАБхН┤хСИчО░ф╕Нф┐ЭхоИчЪДшзДх╛Ля╝МщЭЮц┤╗цАзцЬЙцЬ║цАБщЗСх▒ЮхЬиц▓│хПгф╕Кц╕╕хТМхОжщЧише┐ц╕пщЩДш┐СцпФш╛ГщлШя╝Мхп╣ф║О MoуАБ V ф╕НхРМщЗСх▒Юх╜вцАБцЙАхНачЪДцпФф╛Лхдзх░Пя╝МхдзшЗ┤цШпш┐Щца╖чЪДч╗УцЮЬя╝ЪMoуАБVя╝Ъц┤╗цАзцАБ>щЭЮц┤╗цАзцЬЙцЬ║цАБуАВх╣╢ф╕ФщАЪш┐Зф╕О хЕ╢ф╗ЦхЫ╜хо╢ц▓│хПгхМ║чЪДщЗСх▒Юх╜вцАБш┐ЫшбМцпФш╛Гя╝Мф╣Эщ╛Щц▒Яц▓│хПгхМ║ф╕нщУЬчЪДхРлщЗПчЙ╣хИлщлШя╝Ич║ж 100nM х╖жхП│я╝МхЕ╢ф╗ЦхМ║хЯЯ ч║ж 30-50nM х╖жхП│я╝Й я╝МхИЖхИлцШпцГ░цАзцАБ>щЭЮц┤╗цАзцЬЙцЬ║цАБ>ц┤╗цАзцАБуАВ цЬЙцЬ║цАБщЗСх▒ЮчЪДх╜вцИРхПпшГ╜цЬЙф╕дчзНхПпшГ╜я╝Мф╕АцШпщЩДш┐СхнШхЬихдзщЗПцЬЙцЬ║чЙйцОТцФ╛я╝Мш┐Щф║ЫцЬЙцЬ║чЙйф╕ОщЗСх▒ЮхПСчФЯч╗Ь хРИхПНх║Фя╝Ыф║МцШпчФЯчЙйчФЯщХ┐хжВшЧ╗хНОчнЙф║зчФЯцЬЙцЬ║чЙйя╝Мш┐Щф║ЫцЬЙцЬ║чЙйф╕ОщЗСх▒Юч╗УхРИя╝Мх╜вцИРцЬЙцЬ║цАБщЗСх▒ЮуАВцЬмчаФчй╢шод ф╕║чммф╕АчзНцГЕхЖ╡хПпшГ╜хп╝шЗ┤ш╛ГхдЪчЪДцЬЙцЬ║цАБщЗСх▒Юя╝МчЙ╣хИлцШпщЪЛцАзцАБцЬЙцЬ║щЗСх▒Юя╝ЫшАМчммф║МчзНцГЕхЖ╡хПпшГ╜цШпхп╝шЗ┤ш╛ГхдЪ щЭЮц┤╗цАзцАБцЬЙцЬ║цАБщЗСх▒ЮчЪДхОЯхЫауАВ PSSC-58 Preparation and characterization of an all-solid-state carbonate ion selective electrode Yue Zhao ([email protected]) Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou ц░┤ф╜Уф╕нчв│щЕ╕ца╣чж╗хнРхРлщЗПцШпш┐ЫшбМчОпхвГшпДф╗╖чЪДщЗНшжБхПВцХ░я╝Мхп╣ф║ОшодшпЖц░┤ф╕нчФЯчЙйхТМх╛очФЯчЙйчЪДц┤╗хКия╝Мф╗ехПК ц░┤хЬИф╕Охдзц░ФхЬИф╣ЛщЧ┤чЪДчв│х╛кчОпцЬЙщЗНшжБцДПф╣ЙуАВчЫохЙНя╝Мх║ФчФихМЦхнжф╝ацДЯхЩицОвц╡Лчв│щЕ╕чЫРц╡Ух║жя╝Мх╖▓хПЦх╛ЧхоЮш┤ицАзш┐Ы х▒Хя╝Мф╜ЖцШпф╗НхнШхЬичЭАшо╛хдЗф╜Учзпш┐Зхдзя╝МцЧац│ХхоЮчО░хОЯф╜НцОвц╡ЛчнЙщЧощвШуАВф╕║ф║ЖшзгхЖ│ф╕Кш┐░щЧощвШя╝МцЬмцЦЗчаФчй╢хИ╢хдЗф║Ж ф╕АчзНхЕихЫ║цАБчЪДчв│щЕ╕ца╣чж╗хнРщАЙцЛйчФ╡цЮБуАВшпечФ╡цЮБф╗ещУ╢ф╕Эф╜Ьф╕║хЯ║цЭРя╝МхЬихЯ║цЭРф╕ЛшбищЭвхОЯф╜НчФ╡щХАчв│щЕ╕щТбф╜Ьф╕║чж╗ хнРш╜╜ф╜Уя╝МхЬичв│щЕ╕щТбхдЦщГихМЕшжЖф╕Ах▒Вф┐ЭцКдшЖЬуАВщАЪш┐ЗчФ╡хМЦхнжцАзшГ╜ц╡ЛшпХхПпчЯея╝МшпечФ╡цЮБхп╣ф╕НхРМц╡Ух║жчЪДчв│щЕ╕щТац║╢ ц╢▓хУНх║ФшЙпхе╜я╝Мц╗бш╢│шГ╜цЦпчЙ╣хоЪчОЗя╝МхЕ╖цЬЙш╛Гхе╜чЪДчЫ╕хЕ│цАзя╝МцгАц╡ЛщЩРхЬи 10-1mol/L-10-3mol/Lя╝ЫщАЪш┐ЗцЙлцППчФ╡щХЬ хЫ╛хГПхПпчЯея╝МшпечФ╡цЮБчФ╡щХАчЪДчв│щЕ╕щТбшЦДшЖЬхПпф╗ехЭЗхМАхЬ░шжЖчЫЦхЬищУ╢ф╕ЭшбищЭвя╝МцЬ║цв░цАзшГ╜шЙпхе╜уАВшпечФ╡цЮБф╕ОхЫ║ф╜УхПВ цпФчФ╡цЮБщЕНхеЧф╜┐чФия╝МщАВчФиф║Охп╣хЕ╗цоЦчФиц░┤уАБхМЦх╖ечФиц░┤чЪДчв│щЕ╕ца╣чж╗хнРхРлщЗПш┐ЫшбМхЬич║┐цгАц╡ЛхТМщХ┐цЬЯхОЯф╜НцОвц╡ЛуАВ 177 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PSSC-59 Sedimentary geochemistry and source chemical weathering characteristics of JRD-S in Taiwan Yun Zhao ([email protected]) School of Ocean and Earth Science, Tongji University, Shanghai хП░ц╣╛ф╜Нф║Оцмзф║ЪцЭ┐хЭЧ-шП▓х╛Лхо╛цЭ┐хЭЧчв░цТЮх╕жя╝МхЕ╖цЬЙхЕ╕хЮЛчЪДтАЬх▒▒ц║кцАзх░Пц▓│ц╡Б-чЮмцЧ╢хдзщАЪщЗП-цЮБчлпц░ФхАЩх╜▒хУНтАЭ чЙ╣х╛Бя╝МцШпф╕Ьц╡╖ф╕дхдзц║Рц▒Зф╜Уч│╗ф╣Лф╕Ая╝Мхп╣ф╕Ьц╡╖ц▓Йчзпшо░х╜ХуАБчЙйц║РуАБчв│х╛кчОпчаФчй╢хЕ╖цЬЙщЗНшжБцДПф╣ЙуАВцЬмчаФчй╢хп╣хП░ ц╣╛ц╡Кц░┤ц║кхПгщТ╗хнФ JRD-S ш┐ЫшбМхЕГч┤ахЬ░чРГхМЦхнжхПКчЯ┐чЙйхнжхИЖцЮРя╝МшпХхЫ╛цПнчд║ц╡Кц░┤ц║кц╡БхЯЯчЪДхМЦхнжщгОхМЦш┐ЗчиЛя╝Мф╕║ ш┐Ыф╕АцнечаФчй╢ JRD-S щТ╗хнФчЙйш┤ицЭец║РхПКц╡Кц░┤ц║кхЕец╡╖чЙйш┤ицРмш┐РцЙУф╕ЛхЯ║чбАуАВ цЬмчаФчй╢ф╕╗шжБщТИхп╣чО░ф╗гц╡Кц░┤ц║кф╕ЙшзТц┤▓щТ╗хнФ JRD-S хПКц╡Кц░┤ц║кц╡БхЯЯчО░ф╗гц▓│ц╝лц╗йц▓ЙчзпчЙйш┐ЫшбМ ICP-AESуАБ ICP-MS ф╕╗х╛ощЗПхЕГч┤ац╡ЛхоЪхПКхЕих▓й XRD чЯ┐чЙйхИЖцЮРуАВ ╬▒BaуАБCIA чнЙщгОхМЦцМЗцаЗшпБцШОя╝ЪчаФчй╢ца╖хУБхдДф║Ох╝▒щгОхМЦшЗ│ф╕нчнЙщгОхМЦщШ╢цо╡уАВLGM ф╣ЛхЙНщАРц╕РхвЮхдзя╝МхЬи LGM цЧ╢ ш╛╛хИ░цЬАхдзя╝Мф╣ЛхРОщАРц╕РхЗПх░Пя╝Ыц╡╖чЫ╕цо╡щгОхМЦцЬАх░ПуАВхРДщгОхМЦцМЗцаЗхп╣ц▓ЙчзпчЫ╕чЪДхПШхМЦхЕ╖цЬЙшЙпхе╜хп╣х║ФхЕ│ч│╗уАВф║зчФЯ ш┐Щф║ЫчЙ╣х╛БчЪДхОЯхЫацОиц╡Лф╕║я╝ЪLGM ф╣ЛхЙНя╝МхЖ░цЬЯц░ФхАЩх╣▓хЖ╖я╝МщЩНщЫищЗПх░Пя╝Мц╡Кц░┤ц║кхЗАц╡БщЗПх░Пя╝Мц▓ЙчзпчЙйхЬиц╡БхЯЯф╕н ц╗ЮчХЩцЧ╢щЧ┤ш╛ГщХ┐я╝Мх╛ЧхИ░ш╛ГхЕЕхИЖчЪДщгОхМЦя╝ЫхЬи LGM ф╣ЛхРОя╝Мф╕Ьф║ЪхнгщгОхвЮх╝║я╝Мц░ФхАЩхПШф╕║цЪЦц╣┐я╝Мц╡Кц░┤ц║кщЩНщЫихвЮх╝║я╝М хЗАц╡БщЗПхвЮхдзя╝Мх┐лщАЯцРмш┐Рч▓ЧщвЧч▓ТчЙйш┤ия╝Мц║РхМ║хМЦхнжщгОхМЦчиЛх║жцШОцШ╛щЩНф╜Оя╝МщАРц╕РцОеш┐Сф║ОчО░ф╗гц╡Кц░┤ц║кц▓│ц╝лц╗йц▓Й чзпчЙйуАВ PSSC-60 Cyclone-induced hyperpycnal discharge of modern organic carbon to deep ocean : A case study of sediment trap(T7KP) in Gaoping submarine canyon Li-Wei Zheng ([email protected]), Shuh-Ji Kao*; James. T. Liu State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Hyperpycnal flow, density higher than ambient sea water caused by high suspended sediment concentrations (> 40 g LтИТ1), can rapidly inject to the deep ocean directly thus be serve as an efficiency way to transfer terrestrial organic carbon to the deep ocean.Taiwan, together with other Mountain Island in the world (Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand) contributes 20-40% of POC to the ocean. Due to the topography and climate conditions, Taiwan was a disaster zone of Typhoon, and the heavy rain brought on Typhoon makes the mountainous river enrich in sediment concentrations thus feasible to forms hyperpycnal flow. We study the sedimentation transportation as well as carbon exportation during 2008.7.08-9.11 in Gaoping submarine canyon by using USGS sediment trapT7KP. After dating by 14C, we separate the total organic carbon (TOC) into modern and fossil fraction, and found a significant positive relation between the TOC content and modern fraction of carbon. Typhoon, Kalmaegi was invaded Taiwan during this period. The total organic carbon and modern organic carbon exportations during this period were 1.2*104 t and 0.5*104 t respectively. Although the intensity of this typhoon was normal in the history of Taiwan (Rank 210 among historic records), the sediment exportation during this episodic event (16hr) contribute more than 6% of carbon in whole year of Gaoping River. Moreover, our method also can apply to estimate the carbon export in the subsequent super typhoon Morakot in 2009, which was lack of data due to the damage of bridge. PSSC-61 A modified method for on-line determination of trace aluminum in natural water with spectrophotometric detection Tingjin Zhou ([email protected]), Dongxing Yuan*, Sichao Feng, Yong Zhu, Yongming Huang, Jian Ma State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science & College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen A flow injection analysis method for on-line determination of trace aluminum in natural water was established. The conditions for the formation of complexes of aluminum with Chrome Azurol S (CAS), in the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide have been examined. The study found that cationic surfactants cetyltrimethylammonium bromide could enhance the sensitivity of determinations. Using low aluminum rainwater as carrier, reagent was injected into the sample stream and detected in a 3-cm flow cell, and the absorbance of this complex was detected at both 620 178 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences nm with a reference wavelength at 700 nm. Experimental parameters were optimized based on univariate experimental design. The interference ions were also investigated. The proposed method had high sensitivity with a detection limit of 20 nmolтАвL-1. The linearity was 50-5000 nmolтАвL-1 and the upper limit could be extended to 20 ╬╝molтАвL-1 by choosing a less sensitive detection wavelength. The recoveries were between 97.4% and 103.4% and the relative standard deviation was 0.64% (n=8) for an river water sample spiked with 200-1000 nmolтАвL-1 aluminum. The sample throughput was 51 h-1. The analytical results obtained with the proposed method showed good agreement with those using reference ICP-MS methods. The method can be applied to the direct spectrophotometric determination of trace amounts of aluminum in rainwater, river water, recycled water, mineral water and tap water. PSSC-62 Partioning of trace metals in a highly dynamic system of Jiulong Estuary impacted by irregular effluents Weitao Zhou ([email protected]) College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen A highly dynamic system of Jiulong estuary impacted by anthropogenic effluents erratically released from Huyu sluice was monitored for 48 days, in order to investigate the partitioning of trace metals in response to the irregular discharges within this system. Surface water samples were collected from three sites along the effluents flow direction during low tide periods for every three days and concentration of Cr ,Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb in both filter-passing fractions (<0.22╬╝m) and filter-retained fractions (>0.22╬╝m) were quantified, diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) devices were deployed simultaneously in each site. pH, salinity and total suspended solids (TSS) were determined and the time of discharge was recorded. Dissolved concentrations of Cu, Cd, Zn and Cr in the estuary were high enough of environmental concern. Similar concentrations were obtained for Cu, Zn, Co, Pb, Cd by filtration and GDTя╝Мwhile concentrations measured by filtration were significantly higher for Cr and Ni, attributable to organic complexation, the existence of Cr (VI) species would also be consistent with the data, GDT-reactive Fe was slightly lower than that by filtration, might be explained by the presence of small quantity of organic colloids and low molecular weight ligands. The temporal pattern of DGT and filtration measurements were quite similar, exhibiting several peaks in response to the effuents, but DGT seems to perform better in discriminating different sites, at least for Cu, Ni, Zn. The particle-water partitioning coefficient (Kd), which fluctuated throughout the investigation, indicating the disequilibrium state within the estuary due to subsidiary metal inputs. The magnitude of Kd generally decreased in the order of Pb, Fe > Cr, Zn, Cu, Co > Ni, Cd in the present study. A reverse relationship was observed between Kd and dissolved concentration for Fe and Pb, however, no trends were established between Kd and pH, salinity ,TSS in all sites. A close inter-element correlation was found for Zn, Cr, Ni in both aqueous and particulate phases and for Co, Fe in dissolved phases, suggesting that these metals originated from the same sources and the mechanisms controlling their partitioning were associated. Our results not only provide basic information about metal contamination in the estuary, but also support the capability of using combined DGT and spot sampling methods for monitoring metal partitioning impacted by irregular effuents in a dynamic system. PSSC-63 Distribution pattern of ammonium in the South China Sea: Based on in situ high precision measurement Yifan Zhu ([email protected]), Minhan Dai*, Yong Zhu, Dongxing Yuan State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Ammonium (NH4+) is one of the important components of dissolved inorganic nitrogen in marine environments. It is rapidly cycled in coastal and marine waters with a typical residence time of hours or less. Its concentration and behaviors are regulated by processes such as biological consumption and metabolism, nitrate and nitrite reduction, airтАУsea exchange, and seawaterтАУsediments interface. Accurate determination of a slight variation in ammonium concentration has a significant role in exploring nitrogen cycle and revealing the biological dynamics. However, relevant data and reports in oligotrophic ocean, such as the South China Sea, are currently seldom published due to the trace concentrations of ammonium in the whole water column and samples have huge risk of 179 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences contamination. During "the South China Sea Deep Process Plan" cruise, from May to July of 2014, We determined seawater samples in situ in northern and central area of South China Sea using ultra high sensitivity (1.2 nM, detection limit) fluorescence enrichment method (in which o-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) and sulfite react with ammonium) combined with sequential injection technology as well as anti-contamination measures (operating experiments in a glove box full of high purity helium to avoid being polluted from surrounding environment). Here, we present our preliminary results about the first-hand data. PSSP-01 The research of tidal survey based on coastal GNSS Minglei Guan ([email protected]) Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang ц╜оц▒РцШпц╡╖ц┤ЛчЙйчРЖшжБч┤ацЬАщЗНшжБчЪДшжБч┤аф╣Лф╕АуАВхЬихЫ╜ц░Сч╗Пц╡Ох╗║шо╛хТМц╡╖ц┤ЛчзСхнжчаФчй╢ф╕нщГ╜хПСцМечЭАх╖ихдзчЪДф╜Ь чФиуАВц╜оц▒Рш╡ДцЦЩф╕Нф╗ЕхЬиц░┤ф║зуАБцНХцНЮуАБхЕ╗цоЦя╝МшИкщБУчЦПц╡ЪхПСцМечЭАщЗНшжБф╜ЬчФия╝МшАМф╕ФхЬиц╜оц▒РхПСчФ╡уАБц╡╖ц┤Лш╡Дц║РхЛШ цОвф╕Ох╝АхПСхПКц╡╖ц┤Лх╖ечиЛхЭЗчж╗ф╣ЯцЬЙчЭАщЗНшжБх╜▒хУНуАВ ф╝ач╗ЯщкМц╜оцКАцЬпхдЪф╗ец░┤х░║щкМц╜оф╕║ф╕╗уАВщЪПчЭАчзСхнжцКАцЬпчЪДхПСх▒ХхТМц╜оц▒Рц╡ЛщЗПцКАцЬпцФ╣ш┐Ыя╝Мх╣╢ф╕ФхдЪчзНцЦ░хЮЛчЪД шЗкхКихМЦщкМц╜ошо╛хдЗф╕НцЦнц╢МчО░я╝МцЬАч╗ИшЗкхКищкМц╜оцЫ┐ф╗гхОЯцЭечЪДф║║х╖ец░┤х░║щкМц╜оуАВшЗкхКихМЦц╜оц▒Рц╡ЛщЗПчЪДцЙЛцо╡ф╕нф╕╗шжБ цШпуАБц╡охнРх╝ПщкМц╜оф╗куАБх╝ХхОЛх╝ПщкМц╜оф╗куАБхг░хнжх╝ПщкМц╜оф╗кчнЙшо╛хдЗуАВш┐СхЗах╣┤цЭея╝МщЪПчЭА GNSS хоЪф╜НцКАцЬпчЪДф╕НцЦн хПСх▒ХхТМх║ФчФичЪДцОих╣┐я╝МхИйчФи GNSS хоЪф╜НцКАцЬпцЭеш┐ЫшбМх╖ечиЛц╡ЛщЗПш╢КцЭеш╢КцЩохПКя╝Мф╕Ф GNSS хоЪф╜НцКАцЬпчЪДф╝ШхК┐ф╣Яш╢К цЭеш╢КцШОцШ╛я╝МхЫацндхА╝х╛ЧчаФчй╢хИйчФи GNSS ш┐ЫшбМщлШч▓╛х║жц╜оф╜НхПШхМЦц╡ЛщЗПуАВ х▓╕хЯ║ GNSS щкМц╜оцКАцЬпцШпхИйчФи GNSS шГ╜хдЯцПРф╛ЫхоЮцЧ╢уАБхКицАБхоЪф╜НчЪДцАзш┤ицЭехп╣ц╜оф╜НцХ░цНош┐ЫшбМц╡ЛщЗПуАВх░Жц╜о ц▒Рф┐бцБпф╕О GNSS чЪДчЙ╣чВ╣ч╗УхРИя╝М ф╜┐ц╜оф╜НхПШхМЦш╜мхМЦф╕║х▓╕хЯ║ GNSS цОецФ╢цЬ║хдйч║┐хоЮцЧ╢хз┐цАБхПШхМЦя╝М ф╗ОшО╖хПЦ WGS-84 хЭРцаЗч│╗ф╕ЛчЪДц╜оц▒РхПШхМЦцХ░цНоя╝МчД╢хРОхЬихНлцШЯхЭРцаЗш╜мцНвцИРхдзхЬ░хЭРцаЗя╝Мф╗ОшАМхоЮчО░хоЮцЧ╢уАБхКицАБуАБшЗкхКичЪДц╡╖ц┤Лц╜о ф╜Нц╡ЛщЗПуАВ PSSP-02 Ocean circulation and biogeochemical responses to Typhoons Shihming Huang ([email protected]) National Central University, Kaohsiung Typhoons produce vertical and horizontal mixing in the ocean and impact biogeochemical response. The goal of this study is to examine the fundamental processes involved in the physical and biogeochemical changes occurring in an ocean basin traversed by a zonally moving typhoon. The study employs an idealized typhoon wind field with varying intensities and translation speeds over a rectangular ocean basin. The model is based on the mpiPOM which is coupled to an NPZD biogeochemical model. The results show north-south asymmetric responses depending on the translation speeds of the typhoon, due to (1) the different intensities of inertial oscillation, (2) mixing caused by symmetric instability, and (3) re-stratification by mixed-layer baroclinic instability along the typhoon track. PSSP-03 Applied turbulence closure model in marine waters Qiang Lian ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen Turbulence closure models are based on statistical descriptions of turbulent motions. Generally, turbulence models include eddy-viscosity model and Reynolds-stress model. The eddy-viscosity hypothesis is on basis of an analogy between turbulent transports of averaged momentum and the kinetic theory of gases. In contrast, the Reynolds-stress model (SMC) represents turbulence effects by directly solving transport equations of the Reynolds stresses. Recently, fast developments of oceanographic observational techniques, such as micro-structure profilers and acoustic Doppler current profilers, make it possible to compare turbulence parameters from field observations and model simulatons. In coastal and estuarine regions with large horizontal density gradients, such as the Xiamen Bay and the Liverpool Bay, tidal straining acts to produce a periodic component of stratification that interacts with turbulent mixing to control water column structure and flow. A direct comparison of the 180 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences modeled and observed turbulence parameters validated the applicability of the turbulence closure model in modeling turbulence processes in these regions. By modeling turbulent mixing in other different situation, it is found that the classic wall-turbulence theory and the empirical relation of turbulence length scale hold very well for non-stratified flows, but fail in describing highly stratified flows. Statistical turbulence modelling leads to a better understanding of complex small-scale phenomena in the ocean, although it does not help to understand turbulence itself. PSSP-04 Analysis of the mooring current data in the South China Sea Zhaolin Lin ([email protected]) College of Physical and Environmental Oceanography, Ocean University of China, Qingdao In order to learn the condition of tidal currents in the northern South China Sea and based on current observations at a mooring station (20┬║49тАЩN, 115┬║41тАЩE) from August 1987 to February 1988, the spatial structure and the seasonal dynamics of current were analyzed, using methods of Tide Current Harmonic Analysis (TCHA), Rotary Spectrum Analysis, Low Pass Filter and correlation analyses. Results of the TCHA and spectral analysis showed that, the main tidal components were diurnal tides, and regular diurnal tide dominated the current movement at most of the layers. Moreover, the clockwise energy of the tide was stronger than the counter-clockwise energy, and compared to that in winter, the energy of diurnal tides was evidently weaker in summer. Results of correlation analyses between the low frequency current at 50 m layer and sea surface wind at 10 m height indicated that, the correlation between the current and wind was relatively high during wintertime but rather low in summertime. PSSP-05 Oceanic internal waves imaged by Mutiple Tandem Satellites Bingqing Liu ([email protected]), Xiaofeng Li Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai Internal solitary waves (ISW) play an important role in nutrient distribution, primary productivity, acoustic propagation, coral reef growth, and submarine navigation [Zhao et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2007; Li et al., 2008; Lynch et al., 2010; Lien et al., 2012]. In the past decade, ISWs in the South China Sea (SCS) have been extensively studied by field experiments and satellite observations. They are regularly generated at the Luzon Strait, propagate westward into the SCS, and dissipate on the continental shelf after persisting for more than 4 days [Li et al., 2013]. Although their basic evolution process has been well understood, their propagation speed is still less understood. In particular, the spatial and temporal variation in the ISW speed is still lacking. In this study, we developed a new method for measuring the basin-wide ISW speed from satellite image pairs from either tandem satellites or multiple satellites with similar orbital characteristics. ISWs are frequently observed in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) image pairs from the tandem satellites Envisat and ERS-2. In addition, they are also visible on the TERRA-MODIS and NPP-VIIRS images under Sun glint and cloud-free conditions. We collected one pair of ERS-ENVISAT SAR images separated by about 30 minutes and another pair of MODIS-VIIRS visible images separated by 3.5 hours in the SCS. These image pairs, showed the propagation of these ISW packets. The propagation speeds of these ISWs are thus derived from their horizontal displacement and the time interval of the image pairs. The spatial and temporal variability of ISWs speed around Dongsha Atoll in the South China Sea (SCS) was investigated using multi-satellite image pairs separated by about 0.5-2.5 hours. SAR image pair, VIIRS/MODIS and SAR/MODIS pairs in July 2007, March 2009, and May 2013 were analyzed, respectively. The ISW phase speeds were derived using the horizontal displacement of the ISW patterns and the time difference between the 2 satellite images. The phase speeds were in good agreement with the theoretical calculations using the Taylor-Goldstein (T-G) equation with a non-linear term. The ISW phase speed decreases from east to west and from south to north. The temporal variability of ISW phase speeds are mainly affected by water depth, with minor seasonal variations. PSSP-06 Analysis of the Pearl River Estuary in winter and spring of suspended sediment concentration remote sensing inversion model 181 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Hong Luan ([email protected]) College of Ocean and Meteorology, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang цЬмцЦЗхИйчФичПац▒ЯхПг 2014 х╣┤ 2 цЬИхТМ 2014 х╣┤ 5 цЬИчЪДщлШхЕЙш░▒щБецДЯхПНх░ДчОЗхТМхоЮц╡ЛцВмц╡оц│ец▓Щш┤ищЗПц╡Ух║жцХ░цНо ш┐ЫшбМф║Жф╕дц│вцо╡цВмц╡оц│ец▓ЩщБецДЯхПНц╝Фцибх╝ПчЪДчаФчй╢уАВщАЪш┐ЗхИЖцЮРхТМхп╣цпФхПСчО░я╝МхЖмхнг 2 цЬИцВмц╡оц│ец▓Щш┤ищЗПц╡Ух║жхТМ хЕЙш░▒щБецДЯхПНх░ДчОЗчЫ╕хЕ│цАзш╛Гф╜Оя╝И=0.422я╝Йя╝МцШехнг 5 цЬИцВмц╡оц│ец▓Щш┤ищЗПц╡Ух║жхТМхЕЙш░▒щБецДЯхПНх░ДчОЗчЫ╕хЕ│цАзхе╜ =0.716уАВ2 цЬИф╕║чПац▒ЯхПгцЮпц░┤цЬЯя╝Мх╛Дц╡БщЗПх░Пя╝МхРлц▓ЩщЗПф╜Оя╝Мц╜оц▒Рф╜ЬчФия╝Мц╢иц╜оц│ец▓Щш╛УхЕещЗПхдзф║ОшР╜ц╜о,хРлщЗПф╜ОуАВ уАВ шАМ 5 цЬИф╕║чПац▒ЯхПгцШехнгф╕░ц░┤цЬЯя╝Мх╛Дц╡БщЗПхКахдзя╝МхРлц▓ЩщЗПхвЮхдзя╝Мф╕ФчФ▒ф║ОхЖ▓ц╖бц░┤хвЮхКащЩЖцЮ╢ц░┤хРСх▓╕ш┐РхКиф║зчФЯф╕К хНЗц╡Бя╝МцШУх╝Хш╡╖ц│ец▓ЩхЖНцВмц╡оя╝МхвЮхКацВмц╡оц│ец▓ЩхРлщЗПуАВ PSSP-07 Spreading paths of water masses in the Mid-Eastern Indonesian waters during Transitional Monsoonal Period Alfi Rusdiansyah ([email protected]) Physical Oceanography, Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou Indonesian seas are characterized by a strong and complex seasonal variability in the upper layer circulation. They are strongly affected by the monsoonal reversals of winds. Both local and remote wind forcing may affect the upper layer variability. Northwesterly winds are observed in January-April and southeasterly winds in July-October, and transitional monsoonal periods in between. The study was taken during the transitional monsoonal period in May 2009. About 40 CTD stations, mostly between surface down to 1000m, were made in the area of interest for this study, i.e., in the eastern Java Sea, Bali Sea, Flores Sea, south of Makassar Strait, central and northern part of Banda Sea, Maluku Sea, Halmahera Sea, and Seram Sea and their approaches as well. Temperature-salinity relationships from these stations have been examined to trace the paths and directions of water masses flowing through these passages. Waters flow from the Pacific Ocean to the Banda Sea along three primary routes: (1) through Makassar Strait with a 550-m sill depth; (2) through Maluku Sea / Lifamatola Strait with a deeper sill at about 1950 m; and (3) through Halmahera Sea with 500-m sill depth. The main sources of water masses entering the Banda Sea are from the North Pacific (Mindanao Current) and the South Pacific (New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent). High salinity water above 35.0 around ╧Г╬╕=23.5 тАУ 24.5 (~26┬░C) were found in northern Halmahera Sea and the maximum salinity decreases southward to Seram Sea. This water may indicate the flow of the North Pacific Subtropical Water (NPSW) entering the Seram Sea. However, this salinity maximum was not found in Banda Sea. Low salinity surface water in Java Sea does not contribute significantly to the water mass in southern Makassar Strait. The predominant easterly wind during the data acquisition may contribute to the surface water mass distribution. The waters above 5┬░C are derived either from North or South Pacific waters. Three core layers can be identified: North Pacific Subtropical Water (NPSW), South Pacific Subtropical Water (SPSW) and North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW). PSSP-08 First attempt for retrieving remote sensing reflectance over coastal waters from an UAV-based spectrometer Lianghai Shi ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen Interests in using UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) in environmental monitoring and research is increasing. Yet its application over seas with spectrometers deployed has not been found. It is in fact a great challenge to get reliable remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) from an UAV-based spectrometer. Here for the first time we attempted an optimization approach for retrieval of Rrs from an UAV-based spectrometer, using data collected from a few surveys off the western Taiwan Strait. Uncertainties associated with this approach are discussed. PSSP-09 Study of storm surge numerical simulation in Xiamen Bay Xiaoqin Tao ([email protected]) 182 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen хЯ║ф║О FVCOM цХ░хА╝цибх╝Пя╝Мх╗║члЛф║ЖхП░ц╣╛ц╡╖х│б-хОжщЧиц╣╛чЪДф╕Йч╗┤щгОцЪ┤ц╜оцХ░хА╝цибхЮЛя╝МхЕ╢ф╕нхП░щгОщгОхЬ║хМЕцЛмч╗П щкМцибхЮЛщгОхЬ║уАБхП░ц╣╛ц╡╖х│бщЩДхКащгОхЬ║уАБшГМцЩпщгОхЬ║ф╕Йф╕кцибхЭЧя╝МхЕ╢ф╕нщЩДхКащгОхЬ║цибхЭЧшАГшЩСф║ЖхП░ц╣╛ц╡╖х│бц░┤ц╖▒хЬ░х╜вуАБ ц╡╖х│бхо╜х║жуАБхП░щгОф╕нх┐Гф╜НшЗ╡чз╗хКичнЙхЫач┤ахп╣хП░щгОщгОхЬ║ч╗УцЮДчЪДх╜▒хУНуАВщАЪш┐З 1410 хП╖хП░щгОш┐ЗчиЛчЪДцХ░хА╝цибцЛЯщкМ шпБя╝МцндцибхЮЛшГ╜хдЯш╛Гхе╜хЬ░цибцЛЯхЗ║хОжщЧиц╣╛ц╡╖хЯЯчЪДхдйцЦЗц╜оуАБхП░щгОш┐ЗчиЛчЪДщгОхЬ║ф╗ехПКщгОцЪ┤ц╜охвЮц░┤уАВ PSSP-10 Comparison of three automatic algorithms for detecting mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea and the northwest Pacific Ocean Pengfei Tuo ([email protected]), Jianyu Hu College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen In this paper, we detect the mesoscale eddies in the South China Sea and the Northwest Pacific Ocean, by using the merged gridded satellite altimeter Sea Surface Height Anomaly (SSHA) data from the Archiving ,Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Oceanographic data (AVISO) delayed time reference product. Based on the SSHA data, we apply three different automatic algorithms to detect the features of mesoscale eddies in the studied area. The first method is based on Local Extremes of the SSHA data (SSHA-based), the second is Okubo-Weiss (OW) physical parameter estimation and the third is based on the geometry of the velocity vectors (GV). By comparing the detection results about eddyтАЩs radius, lifetime, amplitude and advective nonlinearity parameter, we obtain that: in detecting and tracking processes, both SSHA-based and GV methods are closest to the real shape. As for the diameter of the detected eddy, it is underestimated for most cases. The eddies propagate westward in most of the studied area, while the exceptions are the eddies along Kuroshio, which are advected northward by the strong mean flow. PSSP-11 Mass-induced sea level variations in the Gulf of Carpentaria Juan Wang ([email protected]) Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou & South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Mass-induced sea level component dominates total sea level. Correlation coefficients between them approach 0.92 and 0.95, respectively. Low frequency variations of mass-induced sea level are related to large-scale mode like El Ni├▒oтАУSouthern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Over the period 2003-2011, mass-induced sea level anomalies had a rising rate of about 8.0┬▒1.52 mm/year and the PDO accounts for about 65% of the gulf-scale mass variations. Oceanic waves propagating from the western Pacific and the corresponding water exchange between the deep ocean and the shallow Gulf of Carpentaria, instead of climate modes-associated local wind, are responsible for the low-frequency mass-induced sea level variations. PSSP-12 Numerical study on dynamic mechanism of maintaining the deep tidal channel in the Lianzhou Bay Xing Wang ([email protected]) College of Environment and Engineering, Ocean university of china, Qingdao ш╡ДцЦЩцШ╛чд║х╗Йх╖Юц╣╛ц░┤ф╕Лц╡Ец╗йцА╗ф╜УхРСц╣╛хдЦч╝УцЕвцОиш┐Ыя╝Мф╜Жц╜оц╡Бц╖▒цз╜ц░┤ц╖▒хЯ║цЬмч╗┤цМБф╕НхПШуАВф╕║чаФчй╢шЗкчД╢чК╢ цАБф╕Лц╜оц╡Бц╖▒цз╜ч╗┤цМБхЕ╢чО░цЬЙчК╢цАБчЪДхКихКЫхнжцЬ║хИ╢я╝МхЯ║ф║О ECOM я╝ИEstuarine and Coastal Ocean Modelя╝Йциб х╝Пх╗║члЛф║Жх╗Йх╖Юц╣╛цХ░хА╝цибхЮЛуАВч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝ЪхНЧц╡Бц▒Яц▓│хПгхдДхнШхЬиф╕Аф╕кщАЖцЧ╢щТИчОпц╡Бя╝Мф╜┐х╛ЧхНЧц╡Бц▒ЯчЪДц░┤ц▓Щф╕╗шжБ хРСше┐ш╛Уш┐Ря╝МхРМцЧ╢цЬЙф╕Ац▓┐х▓╕ц╡БшЗкф╕ЬхМЧцЦ╣хРСщАФч╗Пц╖▒цз╜шАМхРОш╜мхРСше┐хМЧц╡БхЗ║ц╣╛хдЦя╝Мф╜┐х╛Чц╖бц░┤цР║х╕жчЪДц│ец▓Щф╕НцШУ хЬиц╖▒цз╜щЩДш┐СхПСчФЯхаЖчзпя╝ЫхИйчФи CARTя╝ИConstituent-oriented Age and Residence time Theoryя╝ЙчРЖшо║шобчоЧ ц╖бц░┤ф╗ОхНЧц╡Бц▒ЯчЪДхПгщЧихдДхРСше┐чж╗х╝Ах╗Йх╖Юц╣╛чЪДцЧ╢щЧ┤ч║жф╕║ 10 хдйх╖жхП│я╝МшАМш╛Уш┐РхИ░хЖахд┤х▓нхИЩщЬАшжБ 45 хдйф╗еф╕Кя╝М ц╖бц░┤цР║х╕жчЪДхдзщГихИЖц│ец▓Щх╖▓ч╗Пц▓ЙщЩНя╝Мх╣╢ф╕Фш┤ичВ╣ш┐╜ш╕кч╗УцЮЬцШ╛чд║хНЧц╡Бц▒ЯцЙАцР║х╕жчЪДц│ец▓ЩхдзщГихИЖц▓┐х╗Йх╖Юц╣╛чЪДше┐ щГихПКше┐хНЧщГиц╡БхЗ║ц╣╛хдЦя╝Ыц╜оц╡Бц╖▒цз╜чЪДц╜охСицЬЯцЬАхдзхЙкхИЗх║ФхКЫш┐Ьш┐Ьхдзф║Оц╖▒цз╜хСихЫ┤хМ║хЯЯя╝Мф╜┐хЕ╢хЬишЗкчД╢чК╢цАБф╕Л цпПх╣┤ф╗е 0.2~0.4cm чЪДщАЯх║жхЖ▓хИ╖я╝МцЬЙхИйф║Оц╖▒цз╜чЪДч╗┤цМБуАВцЬмцЦЗцЬкшАГшЩСщгОхТМц┤кц░┤ш┐ЗчиЛхПКщгОц╡кцОАц▓Щхп╣чЙйш┤иш╛У ш┐РчЪДх╜▒хУНя╝Мх╕МцЬЫхЬиф╗ехРОчЪДх╖еф╜Ьф╕нш┐ЫшбМцФ╣ш┐ЫуАВ 183 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences PSSP-13 Simulation of water exchange between Hangzhou Bay and adjacent region Ting Wu ([email protected]) Zhejiang University, Hangzhou The time scales on which river flow discharge into coastal ocean are a very complex transport process. ItтАЩs relevant to the environmental problems like pollutants discharge into ocean and the increase of nutrients. This study examines these time scales in Hangzhou Bay, Yangtze river estuary, and East China Sea using a ROMS-based numerical model. Constituent oriented-age and residence-time theory (CART) that provides an efficient way to compute the mean spectrum is applied to calculate the spatial and temporal distribution of water age and residence time. The mean age is applied to calculate the time which takes for a water parcel to leave from Yangtze river to Hangzhou Bay. The residence time, defined as the time for water parcels leaving the domain of interest, is also applied to quantify the renewal of water in Hangzhou Bay. The model can well simulate the variables of current, tide, salinity and temperature and be applied to simulate the fate of conservative tracers. Two-year simulations are conducted with the first year being as a spin-up period and the results from the analysis of the second year of simulation show that the water level and salinity both agree with the observations very well. The results also indicate that both the mean age and residence time are the functions of river discharge. When the river discharge is higher, the mean age (residence time) is relative shorter in comparison with that in lower flow condition. There are two main pathways for the Yangtze river discharge be transported to Hangzhou Bay. The direct way is from Yangtze river to the north part of Hangzhou Bay and has a relative short water age in comparison with that of the indirect way via East China Sea. The residence time near Zhoushan Archipelago is shorter than other parts of Hangzhou Bay. The results can provide useful information for understanding the nutrient and sediment transport process in Hangzhou Bay. PSSP-14 Comparative analysis on different air-sea temperature difference data and characteristics analysis in South China Sea in nearly 35a Tianzhu Xia ([email protected]) College of Oceanography and Meteorology, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang ц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖оцШпчаФчй╢ц╡╖-ц░ФчХМщЭвф║дцНвчЙ╣х╛БчЪДщЗНшжБхПВцХ░ф╣Лф╕Ая╝Мхп╣ц▓┐ц╡╖хЬ░хМ║ц╡╖щЫ╛уАБц╡╖щЩЖщгОф╣ГшЗ│щгОх║ФхКЫчЪДхПШ хМЦчнЙхЕ╖цЬЙщЗНшжБх╜▒хУНуАВш┐СчЩ╛х╣┤цЭея╝МхЬиц░ФхАЩхПШцЪЦчЪДшГМцЩпф╕Ля╝МхЕичРГц░Фц╕йуАБц╡╖ц╕йщАРц╕РхНЗщлШя╝Мц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖оф╣ЯхЬиф╕Н цЦнхЬ░хПСчФЯхПШхМЦуАВхЬиф╕НхРМщвЖхЯЯхЖЕя╝МхнжшАЕф╗мщТИхп╣ц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖охБЪхЗ║ф║ЖхдЪцЦ╣щЭвчЪДчаФчй╢уАВф╜Жф╗ех╛АчЪДчаФчй╢хдЪчЭАхКЫф║О цОвшоиц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖охп╣цЯРчзНхдзц░ФцИЦц╡╖ц┤Лш┐ЗчиЛчЪДх╜▒хУНя╝Мхп╣ф║ОчбохИЗц╡╖хЯЯхЖЕц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖оцЧ╢чй║хИЖх╕ГчЪДхЯ║чбАцАзчаФчй╢ш╛Гх░СуАВ хЯ║ф║О ICOADSуАБERA-IntermуАБ уАКхНЧц╡╖ц╡╖ц┤ЛхЫ╛щЫЖуАЛ3 чзНш╡ДцЦЩя╝Мхп╣ш┐С 35a хНЧц╡╖ц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖очй║щЧ┤хИЖх╕Гш┐ЫшбМцпФхп╣я╝М х╣╢ф╜┐чФич╗ПщкМцнгф║дхИЖшзгхПКх░Пц│вхИЖцЮРшоишо║ф║ЖшпехМ║хЯЯц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖очЪДцЧ╢чй║хИЖх╕ГхПШхМЦчЙ╣х╛БуАВч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝ЪICOADS хПК ERA-Interm ш╡ДцЦЩхЭЗхПпхПНцШахНЧц╡╖ц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖очЪДхоЮщЩЕхИЖх╕Гя╝Мф╜ЖхРМф╕АхМ║хЯЯхЖЕ ERA-Interm ф╕ЛчЪДц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖о цХ░хА╝ш╛Г ICOADS хБПф╜Оя╝Мф╕Ф ERA-Interm хЬиш┐Сх▓╕чЙ╣х╛Бф╕НцШОцШ╛я╝ЫхНЧц╡╖хНЧхМЧщГиц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖охСИш╖╖ш╖╖цЭ┐хЮЛхПШхМЦя╝М4уАБ 5 цЬИш╛╛хНЧцнгхМЧш┤Ях│░хА╝я╝М11 цЬИш╛╛хНЧш┤ЯхМЧцнгх│░хА╝я╝ЫхдПуАБчзЛхнгхНЧц╡╖ц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖очЪДх╣┤щЩЕхПШхМЦхСИц│вхКиф╕ЛщЩНш╢ЛхК┐я╝М хдПхнгц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖охЬихМЧщГиц╣╛ф╕ОхНЧц╡╖ф╕╗ф╜Уц╡╖хЯЯщЧ┤хСИш╖╖ш╖╖цЭ┐хЕ│ч│╗я╝МчзЛхнгхНЧц▓Щч╛дх▓Ыц╡╖хЯЯхнШхЬицШОцШ╛ц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖ощлШхА╝ хМ║я╝ЫхЫЫф╕кхнгшКВхНЧц╡╖ц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖охЗЖ 3a щЬЗшНбхСицЬЯцШ╛шСЧ,хЖмуАБцШехнгш┐ШхЕ╖цЬЙхЗЖ 11a щЬЗшНбхСицЬЯя╝Ыц╡╖-ц░Фц╕йх╖оф╕ОхдПуАБ чзЛхнг NINO3.4 цМЗцХ░хСИцнгчЫ╕хЕ│я╝МхЖмуАБцШехнгхСИш┤ЯчЫ╕хЕ│уАВ PSSP-15 Internal tide characteristics in the deep water northwest of the Xisha Islands Tong Yan ([email protected]) South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou чЫ╕ш╛Гф║ОхЖЕц╜очаФчй╢ш╛ГщЫЖф╕нчЪДхНЧц╡╖ф╕ЬхМЧщГия╝Мф╕ОхРХхоЛц╡╖х│бчЫ╕ш╖Эш┐СхНГхЕмщЗМчЪДхНЧц╡╖ше┐хМЧщГичЫ╕хЕ│цКещБУф╗НчД╢щЭЮ х╕╕чиАх░СуАВх╖▓цЬЙчаФчй╢шбицШОхЖЕц╜оц│вхЬихдзц┤Лф╕нхПпф╝ацТнф╕КхНГхЕмщЗМя╝МSAR хЫ╛хГПхИЖцЮРшбицШОхНЧц╡╖ше┐хМЧщГичЪДчеЮчЛРцЪЧц▓Щ щЩДш┐Сф╗ехПКц╡╖хНЧх▓ЫхНЧщГиуАБф╕ЬхНЧщГиц╡╖хЯЯхЭЗцЬЙщвСч╣БчЪДхЖЕц│вц┤╗хКия╝Мф╕Оцндхп╣х║ФчЪДхЖЕц╜оц│вц║РшЗкх▒АхЬ░ш┐ШцШпщБеш┐ЬчЪДхРХ хоЛц╡╖х│бцЬЙх╛ЕцОвч┤вуАВхПжхдЦя╝МчО░хЬ║шзВц╡Лш╡ДцЦЩчЪДчиАч╝║ф╜┐чЫохЙНхп╣хНЧц╡╖ше┐хМЧщГихЖЕц╜оцЧ╢чй║хПШхМЦхИЖх╕ГчЙ╣х╛Бч╝║х░Сш╢│хдЯ шодшпЖуАВцЬмчаФчй╢хЯ║ф║Оц╡╖хНЧх▓ЫшЗ│ше┐ц▓Щч╛дх▓Ыф╣ЛщЧ┤ц╖▒ц░┤ц╡╖хЯЯф╕АщХ┐ш╛╛ 5 х╣┤чЪДщФЪхоЪц╜ЬцаЗц╡Лц╡Бш╡ДцЦЩя╝МщЗЗчФиш░▒хИЖцЮРуАБ ш░ГхТМхИЖцЮРуАБц╗дц│вхТМхКихКЫцибцАБхИЖшзгцЦ╣ц│ХхИЖцЮРф║Жх▒АщГиц╡╖хЯЯхЖЕц╜очЪДхЯ║цЬмчЙ╣х╛БуАВхПСчО░чаФчй╢ц╡╖хЯЯцЦЬхОЛц╜оф╗ехЕицЧе 184 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences цМпшНбф╕║ф╕╗я╝Мц╡╖ц┤Лф╕нх▒ВчнЙхпЖх║жч║┐хСицЧехЮВхРСцМпх╣ЕхПпш╛╛ 40 ч▒│уАВхЕицЧехЖЕц╜ош╖ищЩЖхЭбцЦ╣хРСф╝ацТня╝Мф╕ОхдйцЦЗц╜ощФБчЫ╕чЪД хЕицЧехЖЕц╜охНахЕицЧехЖЕц╜оцА╗шГ╜щЗПчЪД 41%я╝МхНКцЧехЖЕц╜оф╗Еф╕║ 8.5%уАВхп╣хЖЕц╜оф╜ОщвСхПШхМЦчаФчй╢цШ╛чд║я╝Мц╡╖ц┤Лф╕Кх▒В O1 хЖЕц╜охЮВхРСх╣│хЭЗцМпх╣Еф╕Ох▒АхЬ░ц╡╖щЭвщлШх║жхСИцШ╛шСЧцнгчЫ╕хЕ│хЕ│ч│╗я╝МхдПуАБчзЛхнгцМпх╣ЕхвЮх╝║я╝МшбицШОц╡╖ц┤Лф╕Кх▒ВхпЖх║жхЬ║хп╣ хЖЕц╜очЪДцШ╛шСЧш░ГхИ╢ф╜ЬчФия╝ЫK1 хЖЕц╜охИЩшбичО░ф╕║хдПуАБхЖмхнгхвЮх╝║чЪДхНКх╣┤х╛кчОпчЙ╣х╛Бя╝Мф╕ОцнгхОЛ K1 хТМ P1 чЪДшАжхРИх╝║ ш┐лхСицЬЯф╕АшЗ┤уАВцибцАБхИЖшзгшбицШОхИЖхИлцЬЙш╢Еш┐З 70%хТМ 40%чЪД O1 хТМ K1 хИЖц╜ошГ╜щЗПщЫЖф╕нф║Очммф╕АуАБф║МцЦЬхОЛцибцАБ ф╕КуАВцЬАхРОя╝МцХ░хА╝цибцЛЯч╗УцЮЬшпБхоЮшзВц╡ЛчЪДцШ╛шСЧхЖЕц╜оф╕║ц╡╖хНЧх▓Ыф╕ЬхНЧхдЦц╡╖щЩбх│нхдзщЩЖхЭбхдДф║зчФЯя╝МшАМщЭЮчЫ┤цОецЭешЗк щБеш┐ЬчЪДхРХхоЛц╡╖х│буАВ PSSP-16 Dynamics and mechanisms of decadal variability of the Pacific-South America Mode over the 20th Century Li Zhang ([email protected]) Ocean university of China & Qingdao Collaborative Innovation Center of Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao In this paper, decadal variability of the Pacific-South America (PSA) Mode is examined from year 1871 to 2008 based on the newly developed ocean and atmosphere reanalysis products. The PSA mode, mirroring the Pacific-North America (PNA) Mode in the Northern Hemisphere, emerges as the second EOF mode of 500mb geopotential height anomalies. The mode displays substantial interannual-decadal variability with distinct timescales between 3-8year and 10-18year, respectively. The decadal variability of the PSA mode is found to be associated with the coupled ocean-atmosphere interaction over the subtropical South and tropical Pacific. The subduction of the subtropical temperature anomalies in the South Pacific in conjunction with the tropical-subtropical atmospheric teleconnectionplays important role in the decadal variability of the PSA mode. PSSP-17 Experimental study on hydrothermal plume in a stratified salt water tank Wei Zhang ([email protected]) Zhejiang University, Hangzhou ц╡╖х║ХчГнц╢▓ц┤╗хКич│╗ч╗ЯцШпхЫ╜щЩЕц╖▒ц╡╖чаФчй╢чЪДчГнчВ╣ф╣Лф╕АуАВцР║х╕жчЭАхдзщЗПчблхМЦчЙйхТМхЕ╢ф╗ЦхМЦхнжчЙйш┤ичЪДф╜ОхпЖх║жчГн ц╢▓ч╗ПчФ▒хЦ╖хПгц╡БхЗ║уАБф╕КхНЗх╣╢цЙйцХгя╝МхЬичГнц╢▓хЦ╖ц║вхМ║ф╕КцЦ╣х╜вцИРч╛╜чК╢ц╡Бя╝Мх╣╢ф╝┤щЪПчЭАхдзщЗПц▓ЙчзпчЯ┐ф╜УчЪДх╜вцИРф╕ОшРе хЕ╗чЫРчЪДш╛Учз╗ф╕Оф║дцНвуАВчЫохЙНя╝Мхп╣ц╡╖х║ХчГнц╢▓ф╕КхНЗхТМцЙйцХгхПКхЕ╢ф╕Оц╡╖ц░┤ц╖╖хРИчЪДхКихКЫцЬ║чРЖчЪДчаФчй╢х╣╢ф╕НхЕищЭвуАВцЬм цЦЗщАЪш┐ЗхЬихоЮщкМц░┤цз╜ф╕нчФЯцИРф╕НхРМч║┐цАзхпЖх║жх▒Вч╗Уц░┤ф╜Уя╝МщЗЗчФиф╕НхРМчЫ┤х╛ДчЪДхЦ╖хПгф║зчФЯф╕НхРМц╡БщЗПчЪДчГнц╢▓ч╛╜ц╡Бш┐Ы шбМф║Жф╕Ач│╗хИЧхоЮщкМчаФчй╢я╝МхИЖцЮРф║Жч╛╜ц╡БхЬих▒Вч╗Уц░┤ф╜Уф╕нчЪДц╖╖хРИхТМцЙйцХгчЪДчЙ╣цАзя╝Мф╗ехПКх╜▒хУНч╛╜ц╡БцЙйцХгхТМц╖╖хРИцЬ║ хИ╢чЪДф╕╗шжБхЫач┤ауАВхоЮщкМч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝МшпецЦ╣ц│ХчФЯцИРчЪДхпЖх║жх▒Вч╗Уц░┤ф╜Учи│хоЪцАзшЙпхе╜я╝МшГ╜хдЯцИРхКЯчЪДш┐ЫшбМчГнц╢▓ч╛╜ц╡Б цибцЛЯхоЮщкМя╝МшзВц╡Лх╛ЧхИ░чЪДч╛╜ц╡БцЬАхдзщлШх║жф╕ОцЦЗчМоф╕нчЪДч╗ПщкМхЕмх╝Пш┐Сф╝╝я╝Мф╕║ш┐Ыф╕АцнечЪДч╛╜ц╡БцЙйцХгхКихКЫцЬ║чРЖчЪДчаФ чй╢цПРф╛Ыф║ЖшЙпхе╜чЪДхоЮщкМхЯ║чбАуАВ PSSP-18 Experiments on movement characteristics of incident flow in stratified and unstratified water Liang Zhao ([email protected]) Zhejiang University, Hangzhou чФ▒ф║Оц╡╖ц░┤ф╕НхРМц╖▒х║жхдДчЪДхпЖх║жф╕НхРМя╝Мц╡╖ц┤Лф╕нхдЪф╕║х▒Вч╗Уц░┤ф╜Уя╝Мхп╣ц░┤ц╡Бш┐РхКихТМчЙйш┤иш╛Учз╗цЬЙчЭАщЗНшжБчЪДх╜▒ хУНуАВф╛ЛхжВя╝Мц╡╖х║ХчГнц╢▓ш┐ЫхЕец╡╖ц┤Лц░┤ф╜УхРОя╝МчФ▒ф║ОхпЖх║жх╖ох╝Вя╝МхЬиц╡охКЫчЪДф╜ЬчФиф╕Лф╕НцЦнф╕КхНЗя╝Мф╕ОхСихЫ┤х▒Вч╗Уц╡╖ц░┤ ф║зчФЯцО║ц╖╖х╣╢хПСчФЯчЙйш┤ихТМшГ╜щЗПф║дцНвя╝Мх╜УхИ░ш╛╛чнЙцХИц╡охКЫх▒ВхРОх╝АхзЛцикхРСцЙйх▒ХуАВхЬишпеш┐ЗчиЛф╕ня╝Мц╡╖ц░┤чЪДх▒Вч╗Ух║ж хПКхЦ╖хЗ║ц╢▓цЯ▒чЪДцИРхИЖхп╣ч╛╜ц╡БчЪДх╜вцИРхТМхПСх▒ХцЬЙчЭАщЗНшжБх╜▒хУНуАВхЫацндя╝МцЬмхоЮщкМчаФчй╢хИЖхИлщТИхп╣х▒Вч╗Уф╕ОщЭЮх▒Вч╗Уц░┤ ф╜Уя╝МщЗЗчФиф╕НхРМчзНч▒╗чЪДхЕех░Дц╡Бф╜Уш┐ЫшбМф║Жф╕Ач│╗хИЧцибцЛЯхоЮщкМя╝Мх╣╢чФи PIV цКАцЬпхп╣хЕец╡Бц╢▓ф╜УчЪДхПСх▒ХуАБхПШхМЦчЙ╣цАз хПКхСихЫ┤ц╡БхЬ║чЪДх╜вцАБш┐ЫшбМшзВц╡ЛхТМхИЖцЮРуАВхоЮщкМч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝МхЬих▒Вч╗Уц░┤ф╜Уф╕ня╝Мф╕НхРМчзНч▒╗чЪДхЕех░Дц╡Бф╜УщГ╜шГ╜х╜вцИР ш╛Гф╕║чи│хоЪчЪДч╛╜ц╡Бя╝Мф╜Жч╛╜ц╡БцЬАхдзщлШх║жхПКхЕ╢х▒Вч╗Уц░┤ф╜Уф║зчФЯчЪДч┤Кц╡БчиЛх║жх╜вцАБхнШхЬих╖ох╝Вя╝ЫшАМхЬищЭЮх▒Вч╗Уц░┤ф╜Уф╕ня╝М хЦ╖хЗ║ц╢▓ф╜УшбичО░ф╕║х░Дц╡Бя╝Мф╜Жх░Дц╡БцЭЯчЪДх╜вцАБхТМщАЯх║жф╣Яф╕Нф╕Аца╖уАВф╕Ач│╗хИЧчЪДхп╣цпФхоЮщкМч╗Щц╡╖ц┤Лф╕нчГнц╢▓ч╛╜ц╡БчаФчй╢ цПРф╛Ыф║ЖхИЖцЮРхТМхПВшАГцХ░цНоя╝Мф╣Яф╕║хРОч╗нчЪДцибцЛЯхоЮщкМцПРф╛Ыф║ЖцЦ░чЪДцАЭш╖пуАВ PSSP-19 A modeling study of the hypoxia dynamic off the Changjiang Estuary 185 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Jingjing Zheng ([email protected]) College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen шГМцЩпя╝Ъф╜Оц░з( Hypoxia) цШпцМЗц░┤чОпхвГф╕нц░зчЪДц╡Ух║жхдДф║Ош╛Гф╜Оц░┤х╣│цИЦшАЕц░зшвлхдзщЗПц╢ИшАЧя╝МщАЪх╕╕хоЪф╣Йц░┤ф╜У ф╕нчЪДц║╢шзгц░з(DO)ц╡Ух║ж<2.0mg/L ф╕║ф╜Оц░зчК╢цАБуАВш┐СхЗахНБх╣┤цЭея╝МчФ▒ф║Оф║║ч▒╗ц┤╗хКичЪДх╜▒хУНя╝МхдзщЗПхпМхРл NуАБP чЪД цЬЙцЬ║чЙйхТМц▒бц░┤цОТхЕещХ┐ц▒ЯхПгя╝Мхп╝шЗ┤щХ┐ц▒ЯхПгц░┤ф╜УхпМшРехЕ╗хМЦщАРх╣┤хКахЙзя╝МшАМчФ▒цндх╝Хш╡╖чЪДщХ┐ц▒ЯхПгх║Хх▒Вц░┤ф╜Уч╝║ц░з чО░ш▒бф╣ЯхСИф╕НцЦнф╕КхНЗш╢ЛхК┐уАВ цЦ╣ц│ХчЫочЪДя╝ЪчЫохЙНцЬЙх╛ИхдЪчаФчй╢цКещБУф║ЖщХ┐ц▒ЯхПгц░┤ф╜Уч╝║ц░зчО░ш▒бя╝Мф╜ЖчЫохЙНщТИхп╣шпец▓│цо╡ц░┤ф╜Уч╝║ц░зчЪДчО░хЬ║чаФчй╢ф╕╗ шжБщЩРф║ОхоЪцАзхТМхНКхоЪщЗПчаФчй╢уАВф╕║ф║ЖцЫ┤хе╜хЬ░чаФчй╢ц░┤ф╜Уч╝║ц░зчЪДх╜вцИРцЬ║хИ╢я╝МцЮДх╗║ф║ЖщХ┐ц▒ЯхПгчЪДчЙйчРЖ тАУ чФЯчЙйхЬ░чРГ хМЦхнжшАжхРИф╕Йч╗┤цХ░хА╝цибх╝Пя╝МчаФчй╢щХ┐ц▒ЯхПгц░┤ф╜Уч╝║ц░зчЪДх╜вцИРцЬ║чРЖхТМш┐ЗчиЛя╝Мф╕║цОзхИ╢ц▒бцЯУхТМц▓╗чРЖц░┤ф╜Уч╝║ц░зцПРф╛Ы ф╕АхоЪчЪДчзСхнжф╛ЭцНоуАВ цИРцЮЬшоишо║я╝ЪцибцЛЯч╗УцЮЬшГ╜хдЯш╛Гхе╜чЪДхЖНчО░хРДчК╢цАБхПШщЗПчЪДчй║щЧ┤хИЖх╕ГуАВцибцЛЯч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝Ъц║╢шзгц░зчЪДхСих╣┤ц╡Ух║жхПШ хМЦф╕╗шжБхПЧц╕йх║жцОзхИ╢я╝Мц║╢шзгц░зц╡Ух║жщЪПц╕йх║жчЪДхНЗщлШшАМщЩНф╜Оя╝МхЖмхнгц║╢шзгц░зхРлщЗПщлШя╝МхдПхнгц║╢шзгц░зхРлщЗПф╜ОуАВхЖм хнгя╝Мшбих║Хх▒ВчЪДц║╢шзгц░зц╡Ух║жхЭЗш╛ГщлШуАВхдПхнгщХ┐ц▒ЯхПгшбих▒Вц║╢шзгц░зц╡Ух║жф╕╗шжБхПЧц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйхЕЙхРИф╜ЬчФих╜▒хУНя╝МхИЖх╕Г ш╢ЛхК┐ф╕ОхП╢ч╗┐ч┤ахИЖх╕ГцнгчЫ╕хЕ│уАВхдПхнгщХ┐ц▒ЯхЖ▓ц╖бц░┤ф╕Ох║Хх▒ВхМЧф╕КчЪДхП░ц╣╛цЪЦц╡Бх╜вцИРчЪДц╕йчЫРш╖Гх▒ВщШ╗цнвф║Жц║╢шзгц░зчЪД хЮВхРСф║дцНвя╝Мф╜┐щХ┐ц▒ЯхПгх║Хх▒Вц░┤ф╜УхЗ║чО░ч╝║ц░зчО░ш▒буАВ цДПф╣Йя╝Ъц░┤ф╜Уч╝║ц░зф╝ЪщАацИРхдзщЗПчЪДщ▒╝шЩ╛цн╗ф║бя╝Мх╜▒хУНц╕Фф╕ЪчФЯф║зя╝Мх╕жцЭех╖ихдзчЪДч╗Пц╡ОцНЯхд▒уАВцндхдЦц╡╖ц┤Лф╜Оц░з чО░ш▒бхЗ║чО░я╝Мх░Жф╕ещЗНхиБшГБц╡╖ц┤ЛчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗Яя╝МщАацИРчФЯцАБхН▒цЬ║уАВхЫацндя╝Мц╡╖ц┤Лф╜Оц░зчО░ш▒бчЪДчаФчй╢хЕ╖цЬЙщЗНшжБчЪДчО░хоЮ цДПф╣ЙуАВ PSSP-20 The impact of global warming on the distribution of the ecological elements in Tonkin Gulf Yifei Zheng ([email protected]) College of Ocean and Earth Sciencesя╝МXiamen University, Xiamen хМЧщГиц╣╛цШпцИСхЫ╜хЫЫхдзц╕ФхЬ║ф╣Лф╕Ая╝Мц╕Фф╕Ъш╡Дц║Рф╕░хпМя╝Мш┐Сх╣┤цЭеч╗Пц╡ОхПСх▒Хш┐ЕщАЯуАВч│╗ч╗ЯхЬ░чаФчй╢хМЧщГиц╣╛чФЯцАБшжБ ч┤ачЪДцЧ╢чй║хИЖх╕ГчЙ╣х╛Бя╝Мф╗ехПКчЙйчРЖуАБчХМщЭвш┐ЗчиЛхЬихЕ╢ф╕нцЙАш╡╖чЪДф╜ЬчФихТМх╜▒хУНя╝МхПпф╗еф╕║цИСхЫ╜чзСхнжхЬ░х╝АхПСуАБхИйчФи 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evolution of a tidal river under influence of a sluice gate Qingguang Zhu ([email protected]), Wang Yaping, Zhang Jicai School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing цМбц╜ощЧ╕чЪДф┐очнСхПСцМеф║ЖчзпцЮБчЪДч╗Пц╡ОхТМчд╛ф╝ЪцХИчЫКя╝Мф╜Жх╗║щЧ╕цФ╣хПШф║ЖхОЯцЬЙчЪДц░┤хКихКЫчЙ╣х╛Бя╝Мх╕╕х╕╕хп╝шЗ┤щЧ╕ф╕Л ц░┤щБУхПСчФЯц╖дчзпуАВщАЪш┐ЗхЬицЦ░ц┤Лц╕пц▓│хПгщЧ╕ф╕Лц░┤щБУш┐ЫшбМхдзуАБх░Пц╜оцЬЯщЧ┤х╝АхЕ│щЧ╕щЧичЪДш┐РшбМшпХщкМя╝МцЬмцЦЗш┐РчФи Delft3D ц░┤хКихКЫцХ░хА╝цибцЛЯш╜пф╗╢х╗║члЛф║ЖшпехМ║хЯЯчЪДц░┤хКихКЫхТМц▓ЙчзпчЙйш╛Уш┐РцХ░хА╝цибхЮЛя╝Мх╣╢ш┐РчФихоЮц╡Лц░┤цЦЗцХ░цНохп╣цибхЮЛш┐Ы шбМчОЗхоЪхТМш░ГшпХуАВшпецибхЮЛшГ╜хдЯш╛Гхе╜хЬ░цибцЛЯцЦ░ц┤Лц╕пщЧ╕ц▓│хПгц╡╖хЯЯчЪДц░┤ф╜НуАБц╡БхЬ║хПКц▓ЙчзпчЙйш╛Уш┐Рш┐ЗчиЛуАВ цЬмцЦЗщАЪш┐Зх╗║члЛчЪДцХ░хА╝цибхЮЛчаФчй╢ф║ЖцЦ░ц┤Лц╕пц▓│хПгчЪДц░┤хКихКЫцЭбф╗╢уАБцВмц▓Щц╡Ух║жхТМц▓│щБУчЪДхЖ▓ц╖дц╝ФхПШя╝Мх╣╢щТИхп╣щЧ╕ ф╕Лц╖дчзпщЧощвШцПРхЗ║чЫ╕х║ФчЪДц▓╗чРЖхп╣чнЦуАВч╗УцЮЬцШ╛чд║я╝МцЦ░ц┤Лц╕пц▓│хПгхПгхдЦц╡╖хЯЯчЪДц╢иуАБшР╜ц╜оф╕╗шжБф╕║ц▓┐х▓╕цЦ╣хРСя╝Мц╢и ц╜охРСхНЧя╝МшР╜ц╜охРСхМЧя╝Мц╢ицАец╡БщАЯхдзф║ОшР╜цАец╡БщАЯуАВшпец╡╖хЯЯхнШхЬиф╕Аф╕кщлШц╡Ух║жцВмц▓Щя╝ИхПпш╛╛ 0.16 kg/m┬│я╝Йц░┤хЫвя╝М ц╢иц╜оц╡БхРСцЦ░ц┤Лц╕пц▓│щБУхЖЕш╛УхЕехдзщЗПц▓ЙчзпчЙйя╝МшР╜ц╜оцЧ╢цЧац│Хх░Жц▓ЙчзпчЙйхЕищГиш╛УхЗ║я╝МцШпхп╝шЗ┤ц▓│щБУц╖дчзпчЪДф╕╗шжБхОЯ 186 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences хЫауАВщЧ╕щЧихЬищХ┐цЬЯхЕ│щЧнчЪДцГЕхЖ╡ф╕Ля╝МцЮБцШУщАацИРц▓│щБУх░дхЕ╢цШпш┐СщЧ╕цо╡ц▓│щБУчЪДц╖дчзпя╝МщАЪш┐ЗщЧ╕щЧиш░Гх║жшУДц░┤я╝МхПпф╗е ш╛Гхе╜хЬ░хоЮчО░щЧ╕ф╕ЛхЗПц╖дчЪДчЫоцаЗуАВцЮпхнгх╝АщЧ╕щвСчОЗшЗ│х░Сх║Фф╕║цпП 4 хдйф╕Ацмбя╝Мх╣╢хЬишР╜ц╜оцЧ╢х╝АщЧ╕я╝Мц╢иц╜оцЧ╢хЕ│щЧ╕я╝М ц╡БщЗПч╗┤цМБ 120m┬│/sя╝МхЖ▓ц╖дцХИцЮЬцЬАф╜│я╝Ыц┤кхнгф╕Кц╕╕цЭец░┤хЕЕш╢│ф╕ФщЧ╕щЧицнгх╕╕х╝АхРпчЪДцГЕхЖ╡ф╕Ля╝МцМЦц╖▒ц▓│цз╜чЪДцЦ╜х╖е цЦ╣цбИхПпф╗ецЬЙцХИхЬ░хЬиш┐СщЧ╕цо╡хЖ▓хИ╖хЗ║ф╕АцЭбц╖▒цз╜я╝МцЦ╜х╖ецХИцЮЬшжБф╝Шф║ОхЕ╢ф╗ЦцЦ╣цбИуАВ PSST-01 An ecologically safe microbial agent produced by a novel algicidal actinomycete and its mechanism in lysing Phaeocystis globosa Guanjing Cai ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science and Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Coastal and Wetland Ecosystems, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen Phaeocystis globosa causes severe harmful algal blooms along some world''s most important coastal waters frequently. Screened from the mangrove sediment sample, we found a novel actinomycete, identified as Streptomyces alboflavus RPS, which could lyse the P. globosa cells within 48h. To see whether this actinomycete could be applied in controlling the HABs in situ, we tested the ecological safety of algicidal extract and explored for the algicidal mechanism. First, we applied the bioluminescent assay, which showed that the algicidal agent could not only be safely existed in seawater, because of a much lower application concentration (4╬╝g/ml) than EC20 and EC50 (45.605 and 94.495╬╝g/ml, separately), but also significantly reduced the toxicity of the algal culture, which was distinct with the algal culture after ultrasonication. Then, we tried to explain the phenomenon by studying the physiological change of algal cells treated with the algicidal extract. The data indicated that the permeability of plasma membrane was greatly changed in short time (<1h), coupling with the shrinking of algal size. The algicidal agent also altered the ultrastructure of algal cells quickly, including deformation of organelles and more and more severe vacuolization. The photosynthetic efficiency (Fv/Fm) and capacity (ETR) were also rapidly dropped. The abnormality of photosynthetic system then caused high intracellular oxidative stress. Oxidative damage represented by MDA quickly reached a high peak and then dropped, thanks to the fast response of GSH and POD. However, the main antioxidant enzymes, SOD and CAT, seemed to be unable to maintain redox homeostasis since they were highly expressed in late phase of algal lysis. We also found out that pre-incubation with NAC could partially help the algal cells resist the algicidal agent. Combining all the results, we brought forward a hypothesis that the vulnerable algal cells were unable to survive the damage to plasma membrane and other vital metabolic process like photosynthesis, and most of the rest cells might be killed by the oxidative stress, which was related with the delayed response of SOD and CAT. However, these unreacted antioxidants might act as the antidotes in the environment, which could reduce or break down the toxic groups in the hazard substances. This might explained the decreasing toxicity of algal culture treated with algicidal agent. This study indicated that the microbial algicide was not only ecological safe exsisting in the seawater at certain concentration, but also helpful to remediate the toxic environment caused by harmful algae, attributed to the unique algicidal process induced by the microbial algicide. PSST-02 Diurnal variations of PFCs and PAHs in the northern waters of Pingtan island under the Minzhe coastal current Yizhi Cai ([email protected]) College of the Environment & Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen Perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in the water samples collected from the northern coastal waters of Pingtan Island in a 24-hours continuous sampling to study the diurnal variations of these trace contaminants and to verify that the Minzhe coastal current can carry contaminants discharged from Zhejiang sea area. The levels of тИСPFCs and тИСPAHs were between 0.51 and 0.70 ng/L, 73.93 and 322.61 ng/L, respecdtively. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) was the predominant PFC, ranging from 0.20 to 0.27 ng/L, accounting for 34% to 40% of the total PFCs. PAHs with 3 rings, i.e. fluorene and phenanthrene were the most frequent detected individuals, taking up 54% to 71% of the total PAHs. Both of the PFCs and PAHs concentrations fluctuated with time, but their diurnal variations were quite different. The content of PFCs exhibited a тАЬwaveтАЭ variation from morning to the second day, the minimum value appeared at the lowest tide (14:00pm and 2:00am) and the maximum was at the middle tide (17:00pm). However, 187 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences for PAHs, the maximum appeared at the lowest tide (14:00pm) with the minimum appearing at another lowest tide (2:00am). Diurnal distribution profiles of contaminants and their composition variation indicated that PFCs were mainly controlled by Minzhe coastal current, while PAHs were mainly derived from the local anthropogenic sources, such as the combustion products by the fishing vessels and sewage discharge. So, PFCs can be a better tracer for the contaminants transport from Minzhe coastal current. PSST-03 Antibiotics in typical mariculture farms in Hailing Island, South China: occurrence, bioaccumulation and dietary exposure Hui Chen ([email protected]) South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou The occurrence of 5 classes of 37 antibiotics in the six typical mariculture farms, South China was investigated in this study. Sulfamethoxazole, salinomycin and trimethoprim were widely detected in the seawater samples (0.4-36.9 ng/L), while oxytetracycline was the predominant antibiotics in seawater samples of shrimp larvae pond. Enrofloxacin was widely detected in the feed samples (16.6-31.8 ng/g) and erythromycin-H2O was the most frequently detected antibiotics in the sediment samples (0.8-4.8 ng/g). Erythromycin-H2O was the dominant antibiotics in the adult Fenneropenaeus penicillatus with concentrations ranging from 2498 to 15090 ng/g. In addition, trimethoprim was found to be bioaccumulative in young Lutjanus russelli with a median bioaccumulation factor of 6488 L/kg. Based on daily intake estimation, the erythromycin-H2O in adult Fenneropenaeus penicillatus presented a potential risk to human safety. PSST-04 The role of chemotaxis features of a bacterium in low abundance causing the plaque-forming process of a diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum Zhangran Chen ([email protected]), Xueqian Lei, Jingyan Zhang, Wei Zheng, Tianling Zheng School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen Utilizing microorganisms to break the cell wall of the microalgal species would contribute to the release of the starch and lipid for biofuel production. In this study, a special plaque-forming microorganism targeting Phaeodactylum tricornutum, which could form plaques about 2 cm in diameter. The microorganism was considered to be a bacterium through the antibiotics and different size-membrane test. Samples from either normal algal cultures or lysates caused by plaques were analyzed by epifluorescence microscope to monitor the dynamics and we used DGGE to trace the molecular information of the bacterium, the results showed that there were almost no difference in the community constitute, indicating its low abundance in the lysate. To obtain the pure colony of the object bacteria, several different culture media were tried and the obtained bacterium were further confirmed using the plaque-forming methods. The direct contact between algal cells and bacterium observed from the agar blocks of the plaque under transmission electron microscopy, indicated that direct contact may be the prerequisite for further algicidal effect of the bacterium. Colonies grown on culture media containing P. tricornutum cells showed the special algicidal activity and the 16S rRNA gene sequence comparisons results showed that it kept the closest relationship with Labrenzia aggregata IAM 12614T at 98.87%. In addition, different P. tricornutum elements dropped at the center of the plate in the dark condition from the different treatment group showed different chemotaxis results, which implied that certain chemical signal induced the bacterium move toward the algae to direct contact. This study demonstrated that the bacteria might have potential application in the utilization of microalgae by cracking the algal cell, meanwhile, might also have important ecological significance in spite of its low abundance. PSST-05 Utilization of dominant-type phosphonate as source of phosphorus nutrient by dinoflagellates Yudong Cui ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Phosphorus (P) is essential for marine phytoplankton but its most bioavailable form, dissolved inorganic phosphate (DIP), is often limited in the ocean. Many phytoplankton species have developed the ability to utilize alternative P sources. Phosphonates are P-containing compounds characterized 188 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences by its stable C-P bond and its utilization is only known in cyanobacteria and other bacteria. Here we report that the second predominant group of coastal marine phytoplankton, dinoflagellates, are also able to utilize phosphonates as sole source of P. Batch cultures for four species of dinoflagellates indicated that supply of 2-aminoethylphosphonic acid, the dominant type of phosphonate existing in the ocean, supported growth of these species in the absence of DIP. By proteomic analysis we identified PhnW and PhnX, the enzymes constituting the phosphonatase pathway in Karlodinium veneficum. Furthermore, dinoflagellates spliced leader-based transcriptome sequencing yielded the full-length gene transcripts of PhnW and PhnX, verifying that these genes are indeed possessed by and expressed in the dinoflagellate. With these sequences as queries, we further searched existing algal genome and transcriptome data, and found gene homologs in ten other species of dinoflagellates and pelagophyte Aureococcus anophagefferens. This study demonstrates the availability of the substantial phosphonate reservoir to eukaryotic primary producers in the ocean, and further underscores the importance of this ancient compound in the marine P ecology. PSST-06 Characteristics of a petroleum degrading bacteria isolated from oil-contaminated soil Hao Dong ([email protected]) China University of Petroleum, China Bioremediation is an effective technique to remove pollutants from marine oil spills. A strain of high efficiency bacteria for biodegradation of crude oil pollutants was isolated from oil-contaminated soil near Bohai Gulf. Furthermore, the petroleum degradation efficiency of this strain was determined during the biodegradation. In addition, the changes of oil composition before and after degradation were analyzed via GC-MS and FT-ICR-MS. Petroleum degrading bacteria were isolated from oil-contaminated soil near Bohai Gulf using mineral salt medium in conical flask. Petroleum degradation rate were determined every day with the infrared spectrophotometry (IR) method (GB/T16488-1996, China). GC-MS and ESI FT-ICR-MS was employed to characterize the changes of the compounds in crude oil during biodegradation experiments. Among a number of pure colonies obtained from the soil samples, strain BD-1 displayed the highest efficiency of biodegradation of crude oil pollutants and was identified as Acinetobacter sp. Strain BD-1 was able to grow in mineral salt medium supplement with petroleum and reduce the surface tension of the culture supernatant from 67.0 to 25.0 mN/m after 24 h, and the removal efficiency of petroleum were 56.2% after 4 days. GC-MS analysis showed that the BD degraded a wide range of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and alkanes, such as C18-C30 alkanes, phenanthrene, and dibenzothiophene et al. ESI FT-ICR-MS analysis showed that the relative abundance of the class O2 and O3 increased significantly while the class O1 and O5 decreased. The relative abundance of O2 increased from 10.27% to 37.89%. The most abundant DBE was 1 in the O2 class. The carbon number of the dominate compounds decreased during the biodegradation. High efficiency of petroleum degradation bacteria, identified as Acinetobacter sp., was isolated from oil-contaminated soil. After 4 daysтАЩ biodegradation, petroleum-removal efficiency of Acinetobacter sp was 56.2%. This strain could translate large molecular weight materials into short chain petroleum acids. PSST-07 Detection of virulence genes and phenotypic and molecular identification of pathogenic Vibrio harveyi isolated from diseased Crassostrea gigas Xiaojian Gao ([email protected]) College of Ocean, Key Laboratory of Oceanic Biotechnology of Jiangsu, Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang Four bacterial strains were routinely isolated from diseased oyster Crassostrea gigas, to analyze the reason of mass mortalities of reared oyster Crassostrea gigas. Pathogenicity of the strains, phenotypic and molecular characteristics were studied. The results showed that four bacterial strains were pathogenicя╝Мthe killing power of these strains was ML2>ML4>ML3>ML1. After an injection of 0.1ml (1.6├Ч107cfu/mlя╝Й, the occurrence of clinical infection symptoms and death in experimental oyster was 2 and 19.5h, respectively. Four pathogenic strains were Gram-negative, short rods, produced oxidase, reduced nitrates, utilized mannitol and cellobiose, they were similar with Vibrio harveyi 189 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences based on morphological characteristics, physiological and biochemical characteristics. The sequenced 16S rRNA, gyrB and rpoA genes of four strains exhibited high similarity to those of V. harveyi from GenBank, the phylogenetic trees based on 16S rRNA, gyrB and rpoA sequences, four strains all clustered with the V. harveyi strains, and was supported by high bootstrap value, strongly supporting the assignment of isolates to V. harveyi. The results confirmed V. harveyi might be the causative agent of mass mortalities of reared oyster Crassostrea gigas. The nine virulence genes of four pathogenic strains were detected by PCR, results showed that luxR, toxR, vhhA and vhhB were detected in four strains, gene fragments were 679 bp, 390 bp, 1324 bp and 216bp, respectively, and other five genes were not detected. The isolated 4 strains have the same virulence genes, and these virulence genes can be molecular markers in detecting of pathogenic V. harveyi. PSST-08 Photoinhibition of Phaeocystis globosa resulting from oxidative stress induced by a marine algicidal bacterium Bacillus sp. LP-10 Xiaoyun Guo ([email protected]), Guan Chengwei, Zheng Tianling* State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science and Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Coastal and Wetland Ecosystems, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen Algicidal bacteria have been proved to be effective in controlling harmful algal blooms, but the action mechanism is still not well defined. In this study, the impact of a marine algicidal bacterium Bacillus sp. LP-10 on the oxidative stress, transcriptional profiles and protein D1 expression of Phaeocystis globosa were analyzed. The results indicated that strain LP-10 promoted a rapid increase in the ROS level of the algal cells, which finally led to the death of algal cells. Additionally, many antioxidant activities were enhanced following treatment with strain LP-10. The transcriptional expression of two photosynthesis-related genes (psbA and rbcS) were observed to be significantly down regulated at high concentrations of strain LP-10, and the protein D1 content also decreased obviously at 24h. Illumination was found to be critical in algal cell death. Our results suggested that interruption of the Calvin cycle accelerated the rise in oxidative stress, which led to the photoinhibition of the algal cells, and this photoinhibition was the main reason for algal cell death. PSST-09 Evaluation of marine sediments contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) along the Karachi coast, Pakistan after Tasman Spirit oil spill Sanober Kahkashan ([email protected]) College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen In 27th July 2003 an affected coast of Karachi. The aquatic pollution of the coastal area of the Karachi after 10 years of oil spill that involved approximately 31,000 tons of Iranian light crude oil in 2003, was evaluated by measuring the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their alkylated homologues (alkylated-PAHs) in marine surface sediment. A total of 24 surface sediment samples were collected from 24 sampling stations at the spill site, harbor, creek and offshore. The concentrations of PAHs (тИС20 parent components) were in the range of 121.87 to 735.39 ng/g dw, the highest values being close to coastal urban areas (e.g. Karachi Harbor and Gizri Creek).Meanwhile, the concentrations of тИСalkylated PAHs in marine surface sediment were 42.26-1149.93 ng/g dry weight. The maximum concentrations found were those of fluorene (543.17ng/g dw), naphthalene (61.54ng/g dw), perylene (53.04 ng/g dw) and fluoranthene (50.91ng/g dw). The PAHsтАЩ composition pattern was dominated by the presence of three-ring (60.57% ┬▒14.07) and four-ring PAHs (13.65% ┬▒ 11.42). The ratios of high molecular weight/low molecular weight (HMW/LMW), phenanthrene to anthracene (Phe/An), fluoranthene to pyrene (FL/Py) and benzo(a)anthracene to chrysene (BaA /Chry) showed that the main origin of PAHs in the sediments of the Karachi coast was originated largely from the high-temperature pyrolytic sources, whereas the petrogenic sources was more commonly responsible for PAH contamination in harbors and creeks. According to the numerical effect-based sediment quality guidelines of the USA, the current concentrations of PAHs in sediments of Karachi coast would be unlikely to cause adverse effects. Keywords: Tasman Spirit oil spill; Karachi coast; Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs); diagnostic ratio; marine sediment PSST-10 The physiological process and molecular mechanism of Alexandrium tamarense cell death induced by Vibrio sp. BS02 190 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Xueqian Lei ([email protected]), Dong Li, Wei Zheng, Tianling Zheng* Xueqian Lei, Dong Li, Wei Zheng, Tianling Zheng* State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science and Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Coastal and Wetland Ecosystems, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen Harmful algal blooms occur all around the world, threatening human health and destroying marine ecosystems. Alexandrium tamarense is a globally distributed notorious toxic dinoflagellate, which responsible for most poisoning incidents by paralytic shellfish poison. The culture supernatant of the marine algicidal bacterium BS02 showed high algicidal effects on A. tamarense ATGD98-006. In this study, we investigated the effect of the supernatant on A. tamarense at physiological and biochemical levels to elucidate the mechanism involved in BS02 inhibition of algal growth. The contents of reactive oxygen species (ROS) increased following exposure to BS02 supernatant which indicated that algal cells suffered from oxidative damage. The contents of cellular pigments including chlorophyll a and carotenoids were significantly decreased, which indicated that the accumulation of ROS destroyed pigment synthesis. To eliminate the ROS, the activities of the antioxidant enzymes including superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) increased significantly in a short time. Real-time PCR revealed changes in the transcript abundances of two target photosynthesis related genes (psbA and psbD) and two target respiration related genes (cob and cox). The transcription of respiration-related genes was significantly inhibited during the exposure procedure, which disturbed the respiratory system. Our results demonstrated that BS02 supernatant can affect the photosynthesis process and produce excessive ROS. The increased ROS destroyed membrane integrity and pigments, and ultimately killed the algal cells. This study showed that strain BS02 with indirect algicidal activity played a crucial role in the changes of photosynthetic process in A. tamarense. PSST-11 The first evidence of deinoxanthin from Deinococcus sp. Y35 with strong algicidal effect on the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense Yi Li ([email protected]), Hong Zhu, Tianling Zheng State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science and Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Coast and Wetland Ecosystems, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen Harmful algal blooms (HABs) could be deemed hazardous materials in aquatic environment. Alexandrium tamarense is a toxic HAB causing alga, which causes serious economic losses and health problems. In this study, the bacterium Deinococcus xianganensis Y35 produced a new algicide, showing a high algicidal effect on A. tamarense. The algicidal compound was identified as deinoxanthin, a red pigment, based on high resolution mass spectrometry and NMR after the active compound was isolated and purified. Deinoxanthin exhibited an obvious inhibitory effect on algal growth, and showed algicidal activity against A. tamarense with an EC50 of 5.636 ╬╝g/mL with 12 h treatment time. Based on the unique structure and characteristics of deinoxanthin, the content of reactive oxygen species (ROS) increased after 0.5 h exposure, the structure of organelles including chloroplasts and mitochondria were seriously damaged. All these results firstly confirmed that deinoxanthin as the efficient and eco-environmental algicidal compound has potential to be used for controlling harmful algal blooms through overproduction of ROS. PSST-12 Radioactivity impacts of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident on marine environment Wuhui Lin ([email protected]) The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen Fukushima Nuclear Accident (FNA) was the most serious nuclear accident in terms of marine radioactive contamination. The up-to-date source terms of the FNA to marine environment and its characters were evaluated from the historical and contemporary perspectives. The radioactive impacts on the marine environment were comprehensively assessed from three aspects including radioactive spectrometry of natural seawater, concentration limits in international and national standard, and radiation dose. It was demonstrated that the radiological risk should be insignificant in the open ocean. However, the radioactivity derived from the FNA should be detectable in the following decades, which would stimulate the study on marine processes. The physical-biogeochemical behaviors of artificial radionuclides derived from the FNA were depicted in the continuing water body from estuary and coastal seawater to open ocean waters in the North 191 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Pacific. A three-dimensional conceptual scheme of artificial radionuclides with physical-biogeochemical insights was illustrated, which would benefit model structure construction, prediction for the fate of radioactivity from FNA, radiological assessment and remediation in marine environment. The radioactivity impacts on marine environment after the FNA should be evaluated from the systematic viewpoint to comprehensively understand the dominated processes at different temporal-spatial scales. PSST-13 Using 16S rRNA marker gene sequence analysis to reveal the integrated response of microbial communities to PAH contamination in mangrove sediment Xiaolan Lin ([email protected]) Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Coastal and Wetland Ecosystems, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen Elevated concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been found in mangrove sediment, and to understand completely the microbial response under PAHs contamination is a relevant goal for bioremediation. Here we performed a PAH-addition microcosm experiment based on 16S rRNA marker gene sequences to trace the phylogenetic diversity, ecological interactions and predicted-functional responses of a microbial community to the pollution pressure of different PAH compounds (phenanthrene - Phe, pyrene - Pyr and Benzo(a)pyrene - BaP). Our results displayed a high bacterial phylogenetic diversity in mangrove sediment even under high pollution pressure, when the heatmap analysis and PCoA plots showed conspicuously that the microbial communities had тАШreconstructedтАЩ themselves under pressure of the PAHs, instead of тАШrecoveredтАЩ. Phylogenetic molecular ecological networks exhibited a stable, efficient community under Phe contamination but a complicated, high-communicated community under BaP contamination. Meanwhile, many non-degrading bacteria played key topological roles in community structural shift and microbial functioning and they may indirectly have participated in biodegradation. Furthermore, we predicted metagemones and metabolic pathways to elaborate PAH degradation, nitrogen and sulfur pathways and proposed an integrated suppositional microbial survival strategy under PAH contamination. Interestingly, large amounts of dominant or key populations were involved in nitrogen and sulfur metabolism, and the predicted metabolism showed the superiority of nitrogen and sulfur reductive pathways, with the functional genes involved in denitrification and nitrite reduction were significantly enriched, providing an evidence for the possibility of N/S oxidizable compounds as electron acceptors in anaerobic PAHs degradation from functional view. Together, this study provides new insights into our understanding of the microbial response to contamination by different PAHs from comprehensive view and suggested that the 16S rRNA marker gene sequence actually has an even broader research potential. PSST-14 Risk assessment of trace elements accumulated in fish to the Indo-Pacific Humpback dolphin (Sousa chinensis) in the waters of Xiamen Bay Wanxin Liu ([email protected]) and Haizheng Hong College of the Environment and Ecology, Xiamen University, Xiamen Xiamen Bay is one of the important habitats for Indo-Pacific Humpback dolphins, which are categorized as the first class national protected animals. The investigation on the stranded dolphins from the waters of Xiamen revealed that Indo-pacific Humpback dolphins accumulated a variety of trace metals to the concentrations that may pose risk to their physical health. Food-borne ingestion of trace metals are considered as the major exposure route for marine mammals. In order to assess the potential risk associated with consumption of contaminated prey items to Indo-Pacific Humpback dolphins, ten species of fish (Mugil sp., Ilishgata sp., Setipinnataty sp., Johnius sp., Colilia sp., Argyrosomus sp., Ttacharus sp., Tylosurus sp., Cynoglossus sp., Sparidae sp., and Serranidae) representing the main food items of dolphin were collected from the waters of Haimen island and Dadeng island, which are two main habitats of dolphins in Xiamen Bay. Concentrations of total mercury, methyl mercury and other trace element ( Ag, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Se and Zn) in the fish tissue were analyzed by cold vapor atomic fluorescence(AFS), gas chromatography -atomic fluorescence (GC-AFS) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS), respectively. An assessment of the risks of adverse effects on the dolphin from the consumption of tainted fish was undertaken using two toxic reference benchmarks, namely the reference dose (RfD) and toxicity 192 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences reference value (TRV). The risk quotient (RQ) calculated for each element represented the level of the potential risk for dolphins from consumption of contaminated prey items . PSST-15 Source apportionment and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils of the coastal wetland in North China Chuanliang Ma ([email protected]) Fudan university, Shanghai The polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) of 55 surface soil samples from the coastal wetlands in Northeast China were measured in order to portion their sources. The total concentrations of 16 US EPA priority PAHs and alkyl-PAHs in this region ranged 106 - 3,148 ng g-1 (dry weight) (average: 550┬▒565 ng g-1) and 54-5,564 ng g-1 (average: 517┬▒838 ng g-1), respectively. Based on the PMF analysis of alklyated and parent PAHs, six likely sources of PAHs were identified including petroleum (23%), biomass burning (23%), air-soil exchange (18%), coal combustion (17%), traffic emission (14%) and biogenic origin (6%). The positive correlation between low molecular weight (LMW) PAHs and TOC contents could demonstrate a potential positive influence of TOC on the accumulations of LMW PAHs in soils by the air-soil exchange process. The petrogenic PAHs may pose a limited harmful effect on aquatic organisms although they were abundant in the area. PSST-16 Identification of differentially expressed proteins of brain tissue in response to methamidophos in flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) Huifang Peng ([email protected]), Xiao-Dong Bao, Yong Zhang, Lin Huang, He-Qing Huang State Key Laboratory of Stress Cell Biology, School of Life Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Methamidophos (MAP), an organophosphorus pesticide used around the world, has been associated with a wide spectrum of toxic effects on organisms in the environment. In this study, the flounder Paralichthys olivaceus was subjected to 10 mg/L MAP for 72 and 144 h, and the morphological and proteomic changes in the brain were observed, analyzed and compared with those in the non-exposed control group. Under thelight microscope and transmission electron microscope, MAP had evidently induced changes in or damage to the flounder tissues. Gas chromatography analysis demonstrated that the MAP residues were significantly accumulated in the flounder brain tissues. Proteomic changes in the brain tissue were revealed using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and 27 protein spots were observed to be significantly changed by MAP exposure. The results indicated that the regulated proteins were involved in immune and stress responses, protein biosynthesis and modification, signal transduction, organismal development,and 50% of them are protease. qRT-PCR was used to further detect the corresponding change of transcription. These data may be beneficial to understand the molecular mechanism of MAP toxicity in flounder, and very useful for MAP-resistance screening in flounder culture. PSST-17 Effect of clay minerals on the growth of algae Wenli Qin ([email protected]) Ocean College, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou хЕ╗цоЦчОпхвГф╕ня╝Мц╡оц╕╕х╛ошЧ╗цШпц╡оц╕╕чФЯчЙйчЪДф╕╗ф╜УщГихИЖя╝Мхп╣хЕ╗цоЦц▒ачЪДчЙйш┤их╛кчОпхТМшГ╜щЗПц╡БхКихЕ╖цЬЙф╕╛ш╢│ш╜╗щЗН чЪДф╜ЬчФия╝МхЕ╢ч╛дшР╜ч╗УцЮДф╕ОхЕ╗цоЦц▒ахбШц░┤ф╜Уш┤ищЗПуАБц░┤чФЯчФЯчЙйчЪДхБех║╖хЕ╗цоЦцЬЙчЭАхпЖхИЗхЕ│ч│╗уАВхПпхИйчФичФЯцАБф╜НцЭеш░Г цОзщАВхоЬф╕НшЙпх╛ошЧ╗чФЯхнШчЪДцЭбф╗╢я╝Мф╜┐цЬЙхИйх╛ошЧ╗хЬичзНщЧ┤члЮф║Йф╕ншД▒щвЦшАМхЗ║ф╗ОшАМцКСхИ╢цЬЙхо│х╛ошЧ╗хдзщЗПц╗ЛчФЯуАВхдйчД╢ ч▓ШхЬЯчЯ┐чЙйцЬЙх╛Их╝║чЪДчж╗хнРф║дцНвцАзшГ╜хТМхР╕щЩДцАзшГ╜я╝МхПпхО╗щЩдхЕ╢хСихЫ┤ц░┤ф╕нчЪДщЗНщЗСх▒Ючж╗хнРя╝Мф╣ЯхПпхО╗щЩдхЕ╢ф╗ЦцЬЙхо│ чЙйш┤ия╝Мч╝Ушзгц░┤ф╜УчЪДхпМшРехЕ╗хМЦчиЛх║жуАВцЬмчаФчй╢щАЙшЫнчЯ│хТМщ║жщенчЯ│ф╕║хп╣ш▒бя╝МщАЙх░ПчРГшЧ╗уАБф╕Ьц╡╖хОЯчФ▓шЧ╗ф╗ехПКхдзш┐Ю шИЯх╜вшЧ╗ф╕║хПЧшпХчФЯчЙйф╜Уя╝Мф║║х╖ец╖╗хКашРехЕ╗чЫРцибцЛЯхЕ╗цоЦц░┤ф╜УхпМшРехЕ╗хМЦя╝МчаФчй╢ф╕дчзНч▓ШхЬЯчЯ┐чЙйхп╣ NуАБP чнЙхЕГч┤а чЪДхР╕щЩДхПКхп╣ SiуАБFeуАБMnуАБZn чнЙхЕГч┤ачЪДц║╢хЗ║я╝Мх╣╢чаФчй╢чЯ┐чЙйц╡╕хЗ║ц╢▓хп╣хп╣х╛ошЧ╗чФЯщХ┐чЪДх╜▒хУНуАВч╗УцЮЬшбицШОя╝М чЯ┐чЯ│ц╖╗хКах╜▒хУНх╛ошЧ╗чЪДчЫ╕хп╣щХ┐хК┐я╝Мщ║жщенчЯ│ч╗Дх╛ошЧ╗ч╗ЖшГЮц╡Ух║жцпФшЫнчЯ│ч╗Дф╜Оя╝Мф╜ЖхП╢ч╗┐ч┤а a хРлщЗПхдзя╝Мч╗ЖшГЮф╜Учзп хдзя╝Мшп┤цШОх╛ошЧ╗чЫ╕хп╣щХ┐хК┐ф╝Шф║ОшЫнчЯ│ч╗Дя╝ЫчЯ┐чЯ│ц╖╗хКахп╣шРехЕ╗хЕГч┤ачЪДхО╗щЩдцЬЙф╕АхоЪчЪДцХИцЮЬя╝Мш╛╛ 80%ф╗еф╕Кя╝МхКа EDTA шЮпхРИхЙВя╝МхО╗щЩдчОЗцПРщлШхИ░ш┐С 100%я╝ЫчЯ┐чЯ│ц╖╗хКацФ╣хПШц░┤ф╜Уф╕нц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйч╛дшР╜ч╗УцЮДя╝МшЫнчЯ│ц╖╗хКацКСхИ╢хдзч▓Тх╛ДшЧ╗ ч▒╗я╝ИхМЕцЛмцЬЙхо│чФ▓шЧ╗я╝ЙчЪДчФЯщХ┐я╝Мф╜┐х╛Чц╡оц╕╕цдНчЙйф╜Ьф╕║ще╡цЦЩчЪДш┤ищЗПцЬЙцЙАцПРщлШя╝Мф╕ФшЧ╗ч▒╗чФЯщХ┐хРОф╝ЪхКахдзхп╣хпМшРе 193 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences хЕ╗хМЦчЪДхО╗щЩдя╝МшбичО░шЫнчЯ│хЬих╗║члЛхПпцМБч╗нхЕ╗цоЦц▒бц░┤хдДчРЖч│╗ч╗ЯчЪДх║ФчФиц╜ЬхКЫуАВ PSST-18 Transcription analysis to explain the intraspecies difference of copper body concentrations in Crassostrea angulata Bo Shi ([email protected]) College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen чЙбшЫОхп╣ CuуАБZn чнЙщЗСх▒ЮхЕ╖цЬЙх╛Их╝║чЪДхпМщЫЖшГ╜хКЫя╝МщЪПчЭАц╡╖ц┤Лц▓┐х▓╕хТМц▓│хПгхЬ░хМ║щЗСх▒Юц▒бцЯУцЧечЫКф╕ещЗНя╝МчЙб шЫОхпМщЫЖщЗСх▒ЮчЪДщЧощвШф╣ЯхПЧхИ░ф║Жх╣┐ц│ЫчЪДхЕ│ц│иуАВчД╢шАМщТИхп╣чЙбшЫОхпМщЫЖ Cu чЪДф╕кф╜Ух╖ох╝ВчаФчй╢хН┤щ▓ЬцЬЙцКещБУуАВф╕║ф║ЖчаФ чй╢чЙбшЫОф╕кф╜У Cu хпМщЫЖшГ╜хКЫх╖ох╝ВчЪДхИЖхнРцЬ║хИ╢я╝МцИСф╗мщАЙхПЦф║Жф╕дч╗ДчжПх╗║чЙбшЫО(Crassostrea angulata)чЪДщ│ГхТМхдЦ хеЧшЖЬш┐ЫшбМхЯ║хЫаш╜мх╜Хц░┤х╣│хИЖцЮРуАВхЕ╢ф╕нф╕Ач╗Дф╕║я╝ЪхРМхоЙхЕ╗цоЦхМ║щЗЗхПЦчЪДхРМф╕АцЙ╣цмбхЕ╗цоЦчЪДчжПх╗║чЙбшЫОя╝ЫхПжф╕Ач╗Дф╕║я╝Ъ Cuя╝И30 х╛охЕЛ/хНЗя╝Йц░┤чЫ╕цЪ┤щЬ▓ф╕Аф╕кцЬИчЪДчжПх╗║чЙбшЫОуАВш┐ЫшбМ Cu хРлщЗПц╡ЛхоЪхРОхИЖхИлцМСщАЙхЗ║щ│ГхТМхдЦхеЧшЖЬф╕нхпМщЫЖ Cu чЪДх╖ох╝Вф╕кф╜Уя╝ИхпМщЫЖщЗПх╖ох╝В 3-4 хАНя╝Й я╝Мш┐ЫшбМцХ░хнЧхЯ║хЫашбиш╛╛ш░▒хИЖцЮРуАВхЬи Cu хпМщЫЖшГ╜хКЫф╕НхРМчЪДчЙбшЫОщ│Гф╕ня╝М х╖ох╝Вшбиш╛╛хЯ║хЫацЬЙ 201 ф╕кя╝ЫхЬихдЦхеЧшЖЬф╕ня╝Мх╖ох╝Вшбиш╛╛хЯ║хЫа 303 ф╕куАВхА╝х╛Чц│ицДПчЪДцШпя╝МцИСф╗мхПСчО░ф╕Аф║ЫчеЮч╗ПщАТ ш┤иш╜╜ф╜УшЫЛчЩ╜хЯ║хЫая╝ИGABA ш╜мш┐РшЫЛчЩ╜я╝Й я╝МшВМчРГшЫЛчЩ╜чЫ╕хЕ│хЯ║хЫая╝Мч║дцпЫхКихКЫшЫЛчЩ╜чЫ╕хЕ│хЯ║хЫахТМ ABC хо╢цЧПхЯ║хЫачЪД шбиш╛╛ц░┤х╣│хнШхЬицШОцШ╛чЪДх╖ох╝ВуАВцИСф╗мхп╣ш┐Щф║ЫхЯ║хЫаш┐ЫшбМхоЪщЗПхИЖцЮРуАБRNAi х╣▓цЙ░хоЮщкМуАВх╣╢ш┐ЫшбМф║Ж GABAуАБGABA хПЧф╜УцКСхИ╢хЙВхТМц┐АхКихЙВчЪДц│их░ДхоЮщкМя╝Мц┐АхКихЙВф╗ехПКцКСхИ╢хЙВц│их░Дч╗ДчЪДчЙбшЫОхдЦхеЧшЖЬ Cu хпМщЫЖщЗПхнШхЬицШ╛шСЧх╖ох╝ВуАВ ш┐Щф║ЫхЯ║хЫачЪДх╖ох╝Вшбиш╛╛хПпшГ╜ф╝Ъх╝Хш╡╖чЙбшЫОщ│ГцИЦшАЕхдЦхеЧшЖЬф╕нчЪДчеЮч╗ПщАТш┤ихдЪх░Сф╗ехПКшВМшВЙхТМч║дцпЫчЪДц┤╗хКихПШхМЦя╝М ф╗ОшАМх╝Хш╡╖чЙбшЫОхдЦхеЧшЖЬхНХф╜НцЧ╢щЧ┤хЖЕцОешзжц░┤ф╜Ухдзх░ПчЪДцФ╣хПШя╝Мхп╝шЗ┤ц░┤чЫ╕хР╕цФ╢ Cu чЪДхРлщЗПф║зчФЯх╖ох╝Вя╝МшАМх╜Уч╗ЖшГЮ хЖЕ Cu хРлщЗПх╖ох╝ВцЧ╢я╝МхРСч╗ЖшГЮхдЦш┐Рш╛У Cu чЪД ABCB шЫЛчЩ╜хЯ║хЫашбиш╛╛щЗПф╣Яф║зчФЯчЫ╕х║ФхПШхМЦуАВ PSST-19 Virulence genes and dulplex PCR and the LAMP assays for the detection of pathogenic Vibrio anguillarum Jingjing Sun ([email protected]) Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang Vibrio anguillarum is widely distributed in aquatic environments and have been acknowledged as one of the most important waterborne pathogens that affect the aquaculture industries worldwide. In this study, we investigated the prevalence distribution of the eight virulence-associated genes and that of V. anguillarum isolated from Scophthalmus maximus, Cynoglossus semilaevis and Cyprinus carpio, and established the assays of dulplex PCR and LAMP that detected V. anguillarum. Eight pairs of primers were designed (angM, tonB, vahl, vah4, flaA, empA, virA and rtxA) for screening the virulence genes of pathogenic V. anguillarum, the assay of dulplex PCR was established using vah4 and rtxA genes as molecular marker, the assay of LAMP for detecting V. anguillarum was established using vah4 gene as molecular marker. The results showed empA, vah1, vah4, flaA, rtxA and tonB genes were detected simultaneously in 22 pathogenic strains of pathogenic V. anguillarum, and 248 bp, 493 bp, 603 bp, 435bp, 441bp and 195bp gene fragments could be amplified, no positive reaction was detected in 6 other control strains; the PCR primers designed by vah4 and rtxA genes could detect V. anguillarum at a level of as low as 2.4├Ч103CFU/mL using dulplex PCR method; the LAMP primers designed by vah4 gene could detect V. anguillarum at a level of as few as 2.4├Ч101CFU/mL within 60 min under isothermal condition at 65тДГ using the LAMP detection system, the stair-step amplified bands were clear, and the green amplified products were observed directly by naked-eye in the reaction tube by addition of SYBR Green Iя╝Мand negative reactions (no any amplified bands and orange color) were detected in 6 kinds of control pathogenic bacteria. Overall, these data revealed that the LAMP method had an equivalent to the PCR method in specificity and actual detection for V. anguillarum detection, level of sensitivity is 100 times of the PCR method. The LAMP assay is a sensitive, rapid and simple tool for the detection of V. anguillarum and will be useful in facilitating the early diagnosis of aquatic animals V. anguillarum infection. PSST-20 Differential effects of herbicide glyphosate on marine phytoplankton Cong Wang ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 194 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Glyphosate is a globally popular herbicide and its wide applications may lead to accumulation in coastal oceans. While it kills plants by inhibiting the synthesis of aromatic amino acids, it can potentially be a source of phosphorus (P) nutrient. However, it is unclear how glyphosate may affect marine phytoplankton. We examined responses of fourteen species representing five phytoplankton phyla (haptophytes, diatoms, dinoflagellates, raphidophytes, and chlorophytes) to glyphosate. Results showed that phytoplankton species could be classified into five groups. Group I could utilize glyphosate as P-source when dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) was absent; in the presence of DIP, these species were inhibited at the higher glyphosate concentration (360 ╬╝M). Growth of Group II was not affected by lower concentration of glyphosate (36 ╬╝M) no matter whether there was DIP but inhibited by higher concentration. Glyphosate consistently promoted growth of Group III and inhibited Group тЕг regardless of DIP condition and glyphosate concentration. Group V exhibited no response to glyphosate. This grouping is not related to phylogenetic placements of the phytoplankton species or the propensity to form harmful blooms, but somewhat related to cell size. Further analysis showed that the ability to utilize glyphosate is associated with the existence of genes encoding glyphosate transport and lysis, and the susceptibility is associated with the existence of the key enzyme of the shikimate pathway. Interestingly, Group I species have both sets of genes. The differential responses to glyphosate among different species suggest that high concentrations of glyphosate can potentially shape phytoplankton community structure. PSST-21 Sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in PM2.5 over the East China Sea, a downwind domain of East Asian continental outflow Fengwen Wang ([email protected]) Shanghai Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Particle Pollution and Prevention, Center for Atmospheric Chemistry Study, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai A receptor site in the East China Sea (ECS), ~ 66 km off the shore of Shanghai, was used to investigate the seasonally atmospheric transport of land-based PAHs. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) modeling and back trajectories were performed to apportion the sources of the 16 USEPA priority PAHs (16 PAHs). In the process, three episodes were observed in all seasons except summer. These episodes provided additional insight to the transport mechanisms of these air pollutants in this most developed region of China. The average concentrations (in ng/m3) of PAHs in PM2.5 in fall, winter, spring and summer were 5.26 ┬▒ 5.36, 10.41 ┬▒ 8.58, 3.93 ┬▒ 2.31 and 0.97 ┬▒ 0.25, respectively, and with an annual average of 5.24 ┬▒ 5.81. Low molecular weight (LMW) PAHs (i.e., 2~3-ring) was a dominant contributor for the 16 PAHs in PM2.5 over the ECS (36.2%), especially in summer (55.6%). The source apportionment by PMF analysis indicated that, based on yearly average, vehicular emission (27.0%) and coal combustion (24.5%) were the two major sources of PAHs, followed by biomass burning (16.5%), petroleum residue (16.3%) and air-surface exchange (15.7%). The highest source contributor for PAHs in fall and winter was coal combustion (30.5%) and vehicular emission (34.5%), respectively; while in spring and summer, the air-surface exchange contributed the most (27.1% and 59.5%, respectively). The specific composition patterns of 16 PAHs and PMF modeling results manifested that the air-sea exchange could be a potential source for the LMW PAHs in PM2.5 over the ECS, especially in warm season. PSST-22 Geochemical response of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to the coastal upwelling in the Northern South China Sea Miaolei Ya ([email protected]), Xinhong Wang*, Yuling Wu, Yongyu Li Xiamen University, Xiamen Wind-driven upwelling in the ocean generally can regulate the exchange of material such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) between the deep sea and the atmosphere, as well as the driver of vertical movement of PAHs. PAHs concentrations in surface sea water from upwelling and external open areas along the east coast of Hainan Island in summer was two or three times lower than that in the northeast of Qiongzhou Strait, where PAHs input immediately from the coastal clockwise current of Beibu Gulf and the whole Hainan Island along with the southwest monsoon. In the upwelling area, disturbed surface sediment moved from the deep to surface slowly, accordingly PAHs concentrations increased over the depth. On the contrary, in adjacent downwelling area, PAHs 195 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences were diluted by the clean water during the downward vertical transmission process. Under the effect of the current in Beibu Gulf, Guangdong coastal current, South China Sea warm current and the upwelling current, the different of geochemical process including input, migration and distribution could be reflected by composition, diagnostic ratios and molecular markers (Perylene/5-ring PAHs, alkyl-Phenanthrene/ Phenanthrene). Finally, the significant correlation between PAHs and dissolved organic carbons (DOC) in surface layer reflected the phase distribution of PAHs could be influenced by the dissolved organic matters in the marine water. However, because of the effect of vertical water mass, the distribution and partitioning of PAHs in deep water were not controlled by temperature, salinity, SPM, DOC and chlorophyll. PSST-23 Toxicity of silver nanoparticle on reproductive physiology in adult Zebrafish Xiaozhen Yang ([email protected]) College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are used in a wide range of industrial and commercial applications, the effects of AgNPs in the aquatic environment have raised a great concern since the majority of AgNPs in consumer products will be directly released into the aquatic system. As Ag is one of the most toxic metal found in natural waters systems and considering that situation and the lack of information on presence and beheaviour of AgNPs in the environment, there is a need to assess the toxicity of AgNPs with different characteristics to aquatic species. It has been found that AgNPs treatment induces circulatory and morphological abnormalities in zebrafish embryos. However, few studies have examined organ-specific AgNPs-induced toxicity in adult fish physiology. So, we are using zebrafish ovary as a model to investigate the toxicity of AgNPs on the oocyte maturation. Maturation processes are characterized by germinal vesicle breakdown(GVBD), and the oocyte will become transparent at the same time. DHP as a progestin in zebrafish, will promote the GVBD. We found that when we exposure the oocyte with 50ppm AgNPs, it cause GVBD, which has the same GVBD% as DHP. So, we carry on experiments to explore the mechanism of GVBD caused by AgNPs. We find the organelle abnormal in the oocyte throught TEM. The gene of fshr and ihcgr in erperiment groups all downregulated compared with control group by qPCR. In order to better understand the potential toxicity of AgNPs on aquatic vertebrate, we will carry on more studies to investigate the toxicity of AgNPs on the spermatogenesis, oogenesis, fertility and sex differentiation. PSST-24 Novel insights into the responses of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense to an marine bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas sp. SP48 Yawei Yuan ([email protected]) State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Alexandrium tamarense (A.tamarense) is a cosmopolitan red tide dinoflagellate that can cause harmful algal blooms. Previous studies identified an algicidal bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas sp. SP48 that could lyse A. tamarense cells by excreting active compounds into the medium. However, it is unknown what the mechanisms occurred in response to algicidal bacteria stress. In this study, several physical and biochemical parameters were determined when A. tamarense was exposed to the SP48 supernatant, including reactive oxygen species (ROS) and malondialdehyde (MDA) contents and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activities. Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) were also performed to analyze the differentially expressed proteins in A. tamarense when exposed to the SP48 supernatant. In comparison to the control, the significantly increased ROS level induced oxidative stress in A. tamarense cells. The high MDA content indicated that ROS accumulation caused lipid peroxidation. Both SOD and CAT were triggered in SP48 supernatant treated A. tamarense cells. In addition, proteins involving carbohydrate metabolism, photosynthesis, respiration and other metabolisms were affected by the SP48 supernatant. These results provide information to better understand the mechanisms of algicidal effects on A. tamarense. PSST-25 Effectiveness of an anti-algal compound in eliminating an aquatic unicellular harmful algal Phaeocystis globosa Huajun Zhang ([email protected]), Yun Peng, Su Zhang, Wei Zheng, Tianling Zheng School of Life Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 196 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Phaeocystis globosa blooms can have negative effects on higher trophic levels in the marine ecosystem and consequently influence human activities. A strain named KA22 which was identified as the bacterium Hahella was isolated from mangroves and used to control a P. globosa bloom. A methanol extract from the bacterium showed strong algicidal activity. After purification, the compound showed a similar structure to prodigiosin using ESI-OrbiTrap MS and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra characterization. The compound showed algicidal activity against P. globosa with a LD50 of 2.24 ╬╝g/mL. The compound could induce a reactive oxygen species burst in P. globosa in 2 h which could cause serious oxidative damage to the algal cells. To eliminate the excess ROS, the activities of the antioxidant systems (including superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione reductase) increased significantly during exposure. The results indicated that the lysis mechanism on algae may primarily be the increasing level of ROS in the algal cells. The results of our research should increase our knowledge on harmful algal bloom control compound and lead to further study of the mechanisms of the lysis effect on harmful algae. PSST-26 Response of antioxidant system of Heterosigma akashiwo under the stress of prodigiosin Su Zhang ([email protected]) School of Life Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen ш┐Сх╣┤цЭея╝Мш╡дц╜охЬихЕичРГхПСчФЯчЪДш╢КцЭеш╢КщвСч╣Бя╝Мф╕Нф╗Еч╗Щф║║ч▒╗чФЯф║зх╕жцЭех╖ихдзчЪДч╗Пц╡ОцНЯхд▒я╝МцЫ┤цШпф╕ещЗНхиБшГБ хИ░чФЯцАБх╣│шббя╝МцЬЙф║ЫцЬЙхо│шЧ╗ч▒╗шГ╜хдЯф║зчФЯцпТч┤ая╝МшАМщ▒╝шЩ╛цНХщгЯш┐Щф║ЫшЧ╗ч▒╗хРОя╝МцпТч┤ахЬиф╜УхЖЕчзпч┤пя╝МщАЪш┐ЗщгЯчЙйщУ╛ хРСцЫ┤щлШч║зцНХщгЯшАЕф╝ащАТя╝Мф╕Нф╗ЕхиБшГБф║║ч▒╗хБех║╖я╝МцЫ┤цШпц▒бцЯУф║ЖцХ┤ф╕кщгЯчЙйщУ╛я╝МхЫацндя╝Мхп╗цЙ╛щлШцХИц▓╗чРЖш╡дц╜очЪДцЦ╣ ц│ХхИ╗ф╕Нхо╣ч╝УуАВчЫохЙНц▓╗чРЖш╡дц╜оцЬЙчЙйчРЖц│ХуАБхМЦхнжц│ХхТМчФЯчЙйц│ХуАВчФ▒ф║ОхМЦхнжц│ХцШУхп╣хЕ╢ф╗ЦчФЯчЙйщАацИРф╝дхо│ф╕Фф╝Ъф║з чФЯф║Мцмбц▒бцЯУя╝МшАМчЙйчРЖц│ХцИРцЬмщлШф╕ФхдзшзДцибхоЮцЦ╜ш╛Гф╕║хЫ░щЪ╛я╝Мф╜┐х╛ЧчФЯчЙйц│ХцИРф╕║чзСхнжхо╢ф╗мчаФчй╢чЪДчДжчВ╣уАВхЬихОЯ ф╜НчФЯцАБч│╗ч╗Яф╕нх╛очФЯчЙйф╕ОшЧ╗ф╣ЛщЧ┤цЬЙчЭАхпЖф╕НхПпхИЖчЪДхЕ│ч│╗я╝МцЬЙчЪДч╗ЖшПМшГ╜хдЯцКСхИ╢шЧ╗чЪДчФЯщХ┐чФЪшЗ│шгВшзгшЧ╗ч╗ЖшГЮя╝М цШпш░ГцОзш╡дц╜очФЯц╢ИчЪДхЕ│щФохЫач┤ауАВцЬмхоЮщкМф╕нщЗЗчФичЪДчБ╡шПМч║вч┤ахИЖчж╗шЗкц║╢шЧ╗шПМ KA22я╝ИHahellaя╝Й я╝МцЬЙшзБхЕЙхИЖшзг чЪДчЙ╣чВ╣я╝Мф╕Нф╝ЪщАацИРф║Мцмбц▒бцЯУя╝МцШпф╕АчзНш╛Гф╕║чРЖцГ│чЪДщЩдшЧ╗хЙВуАВш╡дц╜ох╝Вх╝пшЧ╗я╝ИщТИшГЮшЧ╗ч║▓я╝ЙцШпф╕АчзНцЬЙхо│щЮнцпЫ шЧ╗я╝МшГ╜хдЯф║зчФЯцпТч┤ая╝МшпешЧ╗х╝Хш╡╖чЪДш╡дц╜очИЖхПСцЧ╢шЗ┤ф╜┐хдзщЗПщ▒╝ч▒╗цн╗ф║бя╝МщАацИРх╖ихдзчЪДцНЯхд▒уАВчаФчй╢хПСчО░я╝Мш╡дц╜о х╝Вх╝пшЧ╗хЬиф╜ОхпЖх║жцЧ╢ф╕АхдйхИЖшгВш╢Еш┐ЗхЫЫцмбя╝МцШ╝хдЬхЭЗшГ╜цСДхПЦшРехЕ╗я╝Мф╕ФшГ╜хдЯхЬиц░┤ф╜Уф╕нф╕КуАБф╕ЛхЮВчЫ┤чз╗хКия╝Мш┐Щф╜┐ х╛Чш╡дц╜ох╝Вх╝пшЧ╗цпФхЕ╢хоГшЧ╗хЕ╖цЬЙцЫ┤щлШчЪДчФЯцАБцХИчЫКя╝Мф╣ЯцЫ┤хо╣цШУх╜вцИРш╡дц╜оуАВхоЮщкМф╕нф╗ечБ╡шПМч║вч┤ахдДчРЖш╡дц╜ох╝Вх╝п шЧ╗я╝Мх╣╢чЫСц╡ЛхЕ╢цКЧц░зхМЦч│╗ч╗ЯчЪДхПШхМЦя╝Мф╗ец▒Вф║ЖшзгхЬичБ╡шПМч║вч┤ашГБш┐лф╕Ля╝Мш╡дц╜ох╝Вх╝пшЧ╗чЪДцКЧц░зхМЦчФЯчРЖцЬ║хИ╢уАВ 3╬╝g/mL чБ╡шПМч║вч┤ашГ╜хдЯхЬи 4 хдйф╣ЛхЖЕх░Жш╡дц╜ох╝Вх╝пшЧ╗хЗаф╣ОхЕищГицЭАцн╗я╝МхЕ╢хП╢ч╗┐ч┤ахО╗щЩдчОЗш╛╛хИ░ 92%я╝МчФ▒ф║ОшЧ╗ ч╗ЖшГЮшгВшзгцн╗ф║бя╝МшГЮхЖЕшЫЛчЩ╜цА╗хРлщЗПф╣ЯхСИчО░цШОцШ╛чЪДф╕ЛщЩНш╢ЛхК┐уАВшЧ╗ч╗ЖшГЮчЪДцА╗цКЧц░зхМЦшГ╜хКЫхЬи 12h хТМ 24h цШ╛шСЧ хвЮх╝║я╝ИхИЖхИлцШпхп╣чЕзч╗ДчЪД 31 хАНхТМ 5 хАНя╝Й я╝МцКЧц░зхМЦщЕ╢ PODуАБCAT хТМ GSH-PX хИЖхИлхЬиф╕НхРМцЧ╢щЧ┤хПСцМеф╕╗шжБф╜Ь чФия╝Мц╕ЕщЩдшГЮхЖЕф║зчФЯчЪДш┐Зц░зхМЦц░вя╝Мф╜ЖцШпф╕Уф╕Ац╕ЕщЩд O2-.чЪД SOD чЪДц┤╗цАзхН┤х╣╢ц▓бцЬЙхЬишГБш┐лхИЭхзЛщШ╢цо╡хЗ║чО░цШОцШ╛ чЪДхНЗщлШя╝МшЩ╜чД╢щЪПчЭАшГБш┐лцЧ╢щЧ┤чЪДх╗╢щХ┐хЕ╢ц┤╗хКЫцЬЙцЙАхвЮхКая╝Мф╜ЖцШпх╣╢ф╕НщЭЮх╕╕цШ╛шСЧя╝МшАМ GR чЪДц┤╗хКЫхЬишГБш┐лхИЭхзЛ щШ╢цо╡я╝И12h хТМ 24hя╝ЙцШ╛шСЧчЪДхНЗщлШя╝Мшп┤цШОхЬичБ╡шПМч║вч┤ашГБш┐лчЪДхИЭхзЛщШ╢цо╡я╝МцЬЙхдзщЗПчЪД GSSH ш╜мхПШф╕║ GSH хПС цМецКЧц░зхМЦхЙВчЪДф╜ЬчФицЭец╕ЕщЩдч╗ЖшГЮхЖЕчЪДшЗкчФ▒хЯ║уАВхЫацндцОиц╡Ля╝МхЬичБ╡шПМч║вч┤ашГБш┐лчЪДхИЭхзЛщШ╢цо╡я╝Мх╛ИцЬЙхПпшГ╜цШпшЧ╗ ч╗ЖшГЮчЪДщЭЮщЕ╢цКЧц░зхМЦч│╗ч╗ЯчОЗхЕИхПСцМеф╜ЬчФицК╡цКЧхдЦчХМчОпхвГчЪДц░зхМЦхОЛхКЫуАВшпещГихИЖхоЮщкМцОвчй╢ф║Жш╡дц╜ох╝Вх╝пшЧ╗цКЧц░з хМЦч│╗ч╗Яхп╣чБ╡шПМч║вч┤ачЪДшГБш┐лцЙАф╜ЬхЗ║чЪДхУНх║Фя╝Мш┐Щхп╣ш┐Ыф╕Ацнеф║ЖшзгчБ╡шПМч║вч┤ахп╣ш╡дц╜ох╝Вх╝пшЧ╗чЪДцЬ║ф╜ЬчФичРЖцЬЙщЗНшжБ чЪДцДПф╣ЙуАВ PSST-27 Brominated flame retardants in mangrove sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, South China: Spatial distribution, temporal trend and mass inventory Zaiwang Zhang ([email protected]) South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Key Laboratory of Tropical Marine Bio-resources and Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Mangrove ecosystems, as one of the most threatened biogeocenoses, have been subjected to increasing pollution pressure from human activities due to rapid urbanization and industrialization in coastal regions. The Pearl River Estuary (PRE) is generally regarded as a hotspot for brominated flame retardants (BFRs) contamination. In the present study, sediments from three mangrove 197 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences wetlands in the PRE were collected and analyzed for PBDEs, DBDPE and BTBPE by GC-MS. The objectives of this study were to (1) explore the occurrence and spatial distribution of these BFRs in mangrove wetlands in the PRE, South China; (2) investigate temporal trend of BFRs in mangrove wetlands; (3) estimate the mass inventory of BFRs in mangrove wetlands. Concentrations of PBDEs, DBDPE and BTBPE in sediments ranged from 1.3-206.0, 0.36-34.9, and not detected-0.79 ng g-1 dry weight, respectively. The highest concentrations of PBDEs, DBDPE and BTBPE were found at the mangrove wetland from Shenzhen, followed by Zhuhai and Guangzhou. Relatively higher concentrations of PBDEs, DBDPE and BTBPE can be attributed to burgeoning electronic/electrical manufacturing industries and intensive e-waste recycling activities in the PRD region. PBDEs were the predominant in mangrove sediments. BDE 209 was the most abundant congener and constituted more than 90% of the total PBDEs, indicating the large use of Deca-BDE commercial mixtures in the PRD region. PBDEs, DBDPE and BTBPE levels in sediment cores showed an increasing trend from the bottom to up layers, reflecting the increasing usage of these BFRs. The inventories of PBDEs, DBDPE and BTBPE in mangrove sediments were 1962, 245, and 4.1 ng cm2, respectively showing mangrove sediments are important reservoirs for BFRs. More studies should be conducted to investigate the potential effects of BFRs on biota from mangrove ecosystems in the PRE. PSST-28 Gonad differential proteins revealed with Proteomics in the oyster (Crassostrea angulata) fed on food contaminated with lead Qingqing Zhao ([email protected]), Heqing Huang Xiamen University, Xiamen As we all know, Lead, mercury and cadmium are highly toxic metals in the environment. And their anthropogenic increase in rivers and estuaries has led to a significant increase in the loss of shellfish aquaculture. But their toxicology mechanism in organisms is still unclear. In the current study we examine the effects of lead contamination on oyster (Crassostrea angulata) through food-chain. The alga Chlorellavulgaris are exposed to the stress lead (1 mg L-1) at home temperature for 48h to obtain a toxic food. Then, the lead-exposed algae are directly supplied to oyster (Crassostrea angulata) in seawater for 48h. After that, two-dimensional electrophoresis is used to separate and display the oyster gonad proteins that differently expressed between lead-exposed oysters and non-exposed control. Furthermore, both a combined technique of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF MS) and database searching are subsequently used to identify differentially expressed proteins, a portion of which are further proofed by real-time PCR. The results indicates that 14-3-3, G protein B subunit and receptor of activated kinase C are considered to be suitable biomarkers for the evaluation of lead contamination via a food pathway. PSST-29 Isolation and characterization of a bio-agent antagonistic to diatom, Thalassiosira pseudonana Hong Zhu ([email protected]) Xiamen University, Xiamen Diatoms are an important component of primary production, which play an important role in material circulation and energy flow in marine ecosystem. Especially oil-producing diatoms could be deemed one of the best alternative raw materials for biodiesel production. We isolated one bacterial strain designated LY03, which can affect the growth of marine diatom. In this study, the physiological, biochemical characteristics and algicidal activity of the strain were determined. The result showed cells were Gram-stain-negative, elongated rod-shaped and gliding motile. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing revealed that the isolate was a member of the genus Chitinimonas, which belongs to the family Burkholderiaceae. The optimum conditions for growth were 37 ┬░C, pH 7-9, and without adding NaCl. The major fatty acids were summed feature 3 (C16:1 ╧Й6c and/or C16:1 ╧Й7c), C16:0 and C10:0 3-OH. The DNA G+C content of the strain was 63.6 mol% and the major respiratory quinone was Ubiquinone-8 (Q-8). The polar lipids were found to consist of diphosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylglycerol, phosphatidylethanolamine. Positive for reduction of nitrate and hydrolysis of chitin and Tweens 20, 40, 60, 80. In nature, chitin widely existed in diatoms, fungi, arthropods, protozoa and other organisms. According to the chitin degredation ability of strain LY03, we confirmed LY03 could secrete chitinase through HPLC. Then we further tested the algicidal activity on several marine diatoms, and found all the diatoms were inhibited by LY03 except 198 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Phaeodactylum tricornutum, which has no chitin in cell walls, therefore strain LY03 probably took effect on diatoms through producing chitinase. The oil-producing diatomтАФтАФThalassiosira pseudonana were choosed as the research object, algicidal assays revealed that the algicidal rate reached to 90% after 48h treatment time with 5% inoculation amount of LY03 culture. However, there was a different algicidal effect between adding the supernatant or washed bacterial cells. The algicidal rate of washed bacterial cells was 77.4%, but only 0.84% of LY03 supernatant after 48h treatment with the same inoculation. Taken together, our results indicated that the algal cell lysis was achieved by a direct attack of the bacteria on the diatom cells. This study can reveal the effect of bacteria on the growth of diatoms, particularly the way it degrades the cell walls for providing a new theoretical basis to protect oil-producing diatoms and providing a guarantee for prevention and control of harmful diatoms. 199 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Invited Guests / щВАшп╖хШЙхо╛ 1 Edward Boyle Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA 2 Wenju Cai Commonwealth Scientific Organization, AUS 3 Fei Chai University of Maine, USA 4 C. T. Arthur Chen National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung 5 Kyungho Choi Seoul National University, KOR 6 Sam Dupont University of Gothenburg, BEL 7 Paul Falkowski Rutgers University, USA 8 Zoe Finkel Mount Allison University, CAN 9 Jianping Gan Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong 10 Glen Gawarkiewicz Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA 11 Laodong Guo University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA 12 Brian Hopkinson University of Georgia, USA 13 Bruce Howe University of Hawaii, USA 14 Ray T. Hsu National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung 15 Dunxin Hu Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 16 Andrew Irwin Mount Allison University, CAN 17 Jong Seong Khim Seoul National University, KOR 18 Steven Kuehl College of William and Mary, USA 19 Xiaofeng Li National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA 20 Hongbin Liu Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong 21 Haiwei Luo Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 200 and Industrial Research чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences 21 Hakif Bin Amir Hassan Meor University of Malaya, MYS 22 Mark R. Patterson Northeastern University, USA 23 Achmad Poernomo Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research & Development, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MoMAF), INA 24 Jianguo Ren Ocean Science Division, Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China 25 Tom Rippeth Bangor University, UK 26 David Sheu National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung 27 Jilan Su The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou 28 Budi Sulistiyo Research & Development for Marine & Coastal Resources, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MoMAF), INA 29 James Syvitski University of Colorado, USA 30 Gavin Tilstone Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK 31 Xiao-Hua Wang University of New South Wales, AUS 32 Zhaohui Aleck Wang Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA 33 Mark Wells University of Maine, USA 34 George T. F. Wong Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taipei 35 Huijie Xue University of Maine, USA 36 Qian Yu Delft University of Technology, NED 37 Chung-Shin Yuan National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung 38 Weidong Zhai National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian 39 Jing Zhang University of Toyama, JPN 40 Yongqiang Zong University of Hong Kong 201 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Participants List / ф╕Оф╝Ъф║║хСШхРНхНХ Xianhui An Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang [email protected] Mindong Bai Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Hongyan Bao State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Chui Wei Bong University of Malaya, MYS [email protected] Edward Boyle Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA [email protected] Jingong Cai Pinghe Cai Wenju Cai State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, AUS [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Zhuoping Cai Jinan University, Guangzhou [email protected] Zhimian Cao GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research, GER [email protected] Eric De Carlo University of Hawaii, USA [email protected] Gonzalo Carrasco Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, SIN [email protected] du Fei Chai University of Maine, USA [email protected] Yucheng Chai Leo Lai Chan Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong [email protected] [email protected] Yi Chang National Cheng Kung University , Tainan [email protected] Yuan-Pin Chang National Sun Yat-Sen University , Kaohsiung [email protected] u.tw C. T. Arthur Chen National Sun Yat-Sen University , Kaohsiung [email protected] Bin Chen Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Qingdao [email protected] Bingzhang Chen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Fajin Chen Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang [email protected] Guan-Yu Chen National Sun Yat-Sen University , Kaohsiung [email protected] Guixing Chen Tohoku University, JPN [email protected] Jing Chen East China Normal University, Shanghai [email protected] Jixin Chen Mianrun Chen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen South China Sea Marine Engineering and Environment Institute, State Oceanic Administration, Guangzhou 202 [email protected] [email protected] чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Mo Chen Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning [email protected] Nengwang Chen Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Qingxiang Chen Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang [email protected] Shanwen Chen Shantou University, Shantou [email protected] Shengli Chen Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Weifang Chen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xue-Gang Chen Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] Yining Chen Peng Cheng Yuanyue Cheng The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Kuoping Chiang National Taiwan Ocean University , Keelung [email protected] Santhosh Kumar Chinnappan Shantou University, Shantou [email protected] Kyungho Choi Seoul National University, KOR [email protected] Ranju Chowdhury University of Calcutta, IND [email protected] Minhan Dai Hongyue Dang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] Guanghui Ding Dalian Maritime University, Dalian [email protected] Chunming Dong The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen [email protected] Hongpo Dong Jinan University, Guangzhou [email protected] Yuan Dong Yunwei Dong South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] Xiaoqin Du Nanjing University, Nanjing [email protected] Sam Dupont University of Gothenburg, SWE [email protected] Paul Falkowski Rutgers University, USA [email protected] Daidu Fan Tongji University, Shanghai [email protected] Lisa Fan Springer Beijing, Beijing [email protected] Zhang Fan Fujian Institute of Oceanology, Fuzhou [email protected] Yong Fang South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] 203 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Jianxiang Feng Juan Feng Limin Feng Shenzhen Institute of Tsinghua University , Shenzhen Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute , Shenzhen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Zoe Finkel Mount Allison University, CAN [email protected] Jianping Gan Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong [email protected] Jianhua Gao Nanjing University, Nanjing [email protected] Kunshan Gao Shu Gao State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Coast and Island Development, Nanjing University, Nanjing [email protected] [email protected] Xueqin Gao Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Glen Gawarkiewicz Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA [email protected] Bingxu Geng Jun Gong South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai [email protected] [email protected] Wenping Gong Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou [email protected] Xiang Gong Ocean University of China, Qingdao [email protected] Duan Gui Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou [email protected] Cui Guo Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong [email protected] Laodong Guo University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA [email protected] Liguo Guo Weidong Guo Xianghui Guo Qiang Hao State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Peimin He Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai [email protected] Kang He Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] Zhigang He Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Zhiping He Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Brian Helmuth Northeastern University, USA [email protected] Haizheng Hong Huasheng Hong State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 204 [email protected] [email protected] чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Liyu Hong Yiguo Hong State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] [email protected] Brian Hopkinson University of Georgia, USA [email protected] Qinghua Hou Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang [email protected] Bruce Howe University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA [email protected] Chih-hao Hsieh National Taiwan University , Taipei [email protected] Ray T. Hsu National Sun Yat-Sen University , Kaohsiung [email protected] Dunxin Hu Ji Hu Jianyu Hu Xiaoke Hu Yin Hu Bangqin Huang He-Qing Huang Shuiying Huang Sijun Huang Weixia Huang Wenwen Huang Yongming Huang Yongxiang Huang Institute of Oceanography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai Springer Beijing, Beijing [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou City University of Hong Kong Shenzhen Research Institute , Shenzhen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Lewis Incze University of Maine, USA [email protected] Andrew Irwin Mount Allison University, CAN [email protected] Chenglong Ji Jianjun Jia Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou [email protected] [email protected] Liangwen Jia Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou [email protected] Fajun Jiang Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning [email protected] Yuelu Jiang Shenzhen Institute of Tsinghua University , Shenzhen [email protected] n 205 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Yuwu Jiang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Zong-Pei Jiang Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] Nianzhi Jiao State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Peng Jin Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai [email protected] Hongmei Jing Zhiyou Jing Selvaraj Kandasamy Shuh-Ji Kao Sanya Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sanya State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Jong Seong Khim Seoul National University, KOR [email protected] Steven Kuehl College of William and Mary, USA [email protected] Bong-Oh Kwon Seoul National University, KOR [email protected] Jun-xiang Lai Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning [email protected] Xiaofang Lai Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang [email protected] James C.W. LAM State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong [email protected] Jian Lan Ocean University of China, Qingdao [email protected] Anchun Li Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao [email protected] Chao Li Tongji University, Shanghai [email protected] Dawei Li Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Dongmei Li State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Hongye Li Jinan University, Guangzhou [email protected] Junmin Li State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] Li Li Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] Ling Li Ling Li Meng Li State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen The Institute for Advanced Study, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ping Li Shantou University, Shantou [email protected] Quanlong Li State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] 206 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Ruihuan Li South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] Shiguo Li Tsinghua University, Beijing [email protected] Xiaofeng Li National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA [email protected] Xiaolin Li Xiaoyan Li Yahe Li Yan Li Yan Li State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao Ningbo University, Ningbo [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory for Coastal Ecology and Environmental Studies, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] Yichun Li Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning [email protected] Yu Li Jinan University, Guangzhou [email protected] Yuanyuan Li Fudan University, Shanghai [email protected] Junrong Liang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Po Teen LIM University of Malaya, MYS [email protected] Guanghui LIN Tsinghua University, Beijing [email protected] Hongyang Lin Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Lizhen Lin Pengfei Lin Rui Lin Senjie Lin Wenfang Lin Xin Lin Xin Lin State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Yanluan Lin Tsinghua University, Beijing [email protected] Chichi Liu City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong [email protected] Chih-Ning Liu Haipeng Liu Hongbin Liu Huan Liu State Key Laboratory in Marine Pollution, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 207 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Huaxue Liu South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences , Guangzhou [email protected] James T. Liu National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung [email protected] Lejun Liu Qian Liu Shigang Liu Sheng Liu Shuxia Liu Xin Liu Ze Liu Zhiyu Liu The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao Northwest Pacific Region Environmental Cooperation Centerя╝ПToyama University, JPN The People's Liberation Army Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Haiwei Luo Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong [email protected] Hanhong Luo Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Tingwei Luo Ya-Wei Luo Guizhen Ma Jian Ma Xindong Ma State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Zhiping Mei Shantou University, Shantou [email protected] Hakif Bin Amir Hassan Meor University of Malaya, MYS [email protected] Ming-ben Xu Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning [email protected] Jingli Mu Jianbin Ni Qinbiao Ni National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian National Marine Hazard Mitigation Service, State Oceanic Administration, Beijing State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Hongtao Nie Tianjin University, Tianjin [email protected] Leo Oey National Central University, Kaohsiung / Princeton University, USA [email protected] Linjian Ou Jinan University, Guangzhou [email protected] Gang Pan South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] 208 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Jun Pan Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao [email protected] Mark R. Patterson Northeastern University, USA [email protected] Holly Pelling University of Bangor, UK [email protected] Achmad Poernomo Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MoMAF), Indonesia, INA The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Qinghua Qi Huiling Qin [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Chunhua Qiu Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou [email protected] Dajun Qiu South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] Dibyendu Rakshit University of Calcutta, IND [email protected] n Jianguo Ren Qiang Ren Tom Rippeth Shaoling Shang Zhiliang Shen David Sheu Benwei Shi Dalin Shi Honghua Shi Tuo Shi Zhen Shi Department of Earth Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Beijing Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao Bangor University, UK [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao National Sun Yat-Sen University , Kaohsiung Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Coast and Island Development, Nanjing University, Nanjing State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Rajeshwar P. Sinha Banaras Hindu University, IND [email protected] Guisheng Song Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin [email protected] Hongjun Song The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao [email protected] Chih-Chieh Su National Taiwan University , Taipei [email protected] Jilan Su Ni Su The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai 209 [email protected] [email protected] чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Budi Sulistiyo Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MoMAF), INA Che Sun Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao [email protected] Jingru Sun Tsinghua University, Beijing [email protected] Jun Sun Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin [email protected] Ke Sun Weiping Sun The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou [email protected] [email protected] Xiao-Hong Sun Shandong University, Weihai [email protected] Yu-Xin Sun South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] Zhenyu Sun Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] James Syvitski University of Colorado, USA [email protected] Qiao-guo Tan Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Kai Tang Li Tian Gavin Tilstone Aijun Wang Guifen Wang Guizhi Wang Haili Wang Houjie Wang Hui Wang Jia Wang Jia Wang Jianjun Wang Jianning Wang Kejian Wang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Ocean University of China, Qingdao Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing National Central University, Kaohsiung The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Lei Wang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Lifang Wang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Qing Wang Jinan University, Guangzhou [email protected] 210 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Qing Wang Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai [email protected] Xiao-Hua Wang University of New South Wales, AUS [email protected] Xinhong Wang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yaping Wang Nanjing University, Nanjing [email protected] Yibing Wang Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning [email protected] Ying Wang National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian [email protected] Youji Wang Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai [email protected] Yunwei Wang Ministry of Education Key Laboratory for Coast and Island Development, Nanjing University, Nanjing [email protected] Zhaohui Aleck Wang Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA [email protected] Zhen Wang National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian [email protected] Zhongbo Wang Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Qingdao [email protected] Hao Wei Tianjin University, Tianjin [email protected] Qinsheng Wei The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao [email protected] Mark Wells University of Maine, USA [email protected] George T. F. Wong Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Taipei Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai Huifeng Wu Jiaxue Wu Jiezhong Wu Lingjuan Wu Meilin Wu Xi Wu Yaping Wu Hongwei Xiao Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen North China Sea Marine Forecasting Center, State Oceanic Administrator, Qingdao South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Wupeng Xiao Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Zheng Xiao Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Lingling Xie Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang [email protected] Xiaogang Xing Ocean University of China, Qingdao [email protected] Peng Xiu South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] 211 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Dapeng Xu State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Fanghua Xu Tsinghua University, Beijing [email protected] Hai Xu Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang [email protected] Jian Xu Qingdao Institute of BioEnergy and Bioprocess Technology, Qingdao [email protected] Jingping Xu Ocean University of China, Qingdao [email protected] Kunming Xu Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Li Xu Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA [email protected] Nianjun Xu Ningbo University, Ningbo [email protected] Shiming Xu Tsinghua University, Beijing [email protected] Tengfei Xu Xiangrong Xu Zhenhua Xu Huijie Xue Hong Yan Xiao-Hai Yan Chaoyu Yang The First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao University of Maine, USA [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an University of Delaware, USA/Xiamen University, Xiamen South China Sea Marine Prediction Center, State Oceanic Administration, Guangzhou [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ming Yang Shanghai University, Shanghai [email protected] Shouye Yang Tongji University, Shanghai [email protected] Shuang Yang Tinglin Yang Weifeng Yang Wencai Yang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Sanya Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sanya [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Yang Yang Nanjing University, Nanjing [email protected] Feng Ye Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] Ping Yin Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Qingdao [email protected] Fengling Yu State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Qian Yu Delft University of Technology, NED [email protected] Chung-Shin Yuan National Sun Yat-Sen University , Kaohsiung [email protected] 212 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Dongxing Yuan State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Jian Yuan Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xiang Zeng Weidong Zhai Caiyun Zhang Fangtao Zhang The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Jing Zhang University of Toyama, JPN [email protected] Junbin Zhang Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai [email protected] Li Zhang South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] Lin Zhang Ningbo University, Ningbo [email protected] Linfeng Zhang Lixia Zhang Rui Zhang Xiaoli Zhang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Xiaowei Zhang Nanjing University, Nanjing [email protected] Yao Zhang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yingying Zhang Science Meeting Online, Beijing [email protected] Zhichun Zhang Dongmei Zhao Jun Zhao Shuhui Zhao Liping Zheng Susan Zheng Tianling Zheng South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen Sanya Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sanya South China Sea Marine Engineering and Environment Institute, State Oceanic Administration, Guangzhou State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Wei Zheng China-Korea Joint Ocean Research Center, Qingdao [email protected] Jian Zhou Marine Biology Institute of Shangdong Province, Qingdao [email protected] 213 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Kuanbo Zhou Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, SIN [email protected] Liangyong Zhou Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, Qingdao [email protected] Linbin Zhou Youping Zhou Quanfeng Zhu Xiangyu Zhu South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, GER State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Ningbo Marine and Fisheries Information Monitoring Centre, Ningbo [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Mei Zhuang Shantou University, Shantou [email protected] Humin Zong National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, Dalian [email protected] Yongqiang Zong University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong [email protected] Tao Zou Wenbin Zou Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] Graduate Student / чаФчй╢чФЯхПВф╝Ъф╗гшби Xiaolin Bai Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Lei Bi Tongji University, Shanghai [email protected] Guanjing Cai Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yizhi Cai Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Sherry Cao Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Zhen Cao Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Hui Chen Jie Chen Li Chen South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou South China Sea Branch, State Oceanic Administration, Guangzhou State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Lixiao Chen Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Nan Chen The Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou [email protected] Ting Chen East China Normal University, Shanghai [email protected] Wei Chen Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yaojin Chen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Zhangran Chen Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Francis Choi Northeastern University, USA [email protected] 214 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Zuhao Chu Yudong Cui Xiaodong Ding Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] Hao Dong China University of Petroleum, China [email protected] Wanli Dong Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Ziming Fang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Sichao Feng State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xiaojian Gao Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang [email protected] Yaqin Gao Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Minglei Guan Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang [email protected] Shujin Guo Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjing [email protected] Wei Guo Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] Xiaoyun Guo Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yulong Guo Tongji University, Shanghai [email protected] Guodong Han Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Meng He State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Qingquan Hong Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Jing Hou Ocean University of China, Qingdao [email protected] Ling Hu State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Wangjiang Hu Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yuewen Hu Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Hsin-Yi Huang National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung [email protected] Shihming Huang National Central University, Kaohsiung [email protected] Xizhi Huang Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai [email protected] Xiaoyun Huang Jinan university, Guangzhou [email protected] Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xuguang Huang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yanan Huang Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang [email protected] Yibin Huang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xiaozhou Huang Xiongwei Huang 215 Chinese чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Zheng Huang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Nanjing Ji State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Dai Jia Tsinghua University, Beijing [email protected] Siyu Jiang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xinlei Jiang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Wen Jiao Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang [email protected] Peilong Ju Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Sanober Kahkashan Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Dalayya Kota State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xueqian Lei Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Jie Li National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung [email protected] Lisha Li Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai [email protected] State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] du.cn Weiying Li Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xi Li The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen [email protected] Yi Li Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yihui Li Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Zhengke Li Central China Normal University, Shanghai [email protected] Qiang Lian Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Ying Liang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Meizhen Li Qian Li Baozhi Lin Haiying Lin Kunning Lin State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ting Lin Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] Wuhui Lin The Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen [email protected] Xiaolan Lin Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Youchun Lin National Central University, Kaohsiung [email protected] Zhaolin Lin Ocean University of China, Qingdao [email protected] Bingqing Liu Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai [email protected] 216 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Dong Liu Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] Kailin Liu Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Wanxin Liu Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xiaohong Liu Jinan university, Guangzhou [email protected] Wenjing Lou Central China Normal University, Shanghai [email protected] Hong Luan Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang [email protected] Hao Luo Li Luo State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] Chuanliang Ma Fudan university, Shanghai [email protected] Tariq Mahmood East China Normal University, Shanghai [email protected] Yanjun Mei University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei [email protected] Dadong Pan State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai [email protected] Huifang Peng Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Tong Peng Ocean university of china, Qingdao [email protected] Umesh Pradhan State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai [email protected] Fei Qi Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Wenli Qin Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] Liming Qu Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang [email protected] Elliott Roberts Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Alfi Rusdiansyah Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] Da Shao University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei [email protected] Bo Shi Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Lianghai Shi Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xinguo Shi State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Jingjing Sun Huaihai Institute of Technology, Lianyungang [email protected] Peng Sun Qingyang Sun Ehui Tan Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science and Ecology, Ocean University of China, Qingdao South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Xiaoqin Tao Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Pengfei Tuo Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] 217 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Cong Wang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Cuicui Wang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Fengwen Wang Fudan University, Shanghai [email protected] n Fujiing Wang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Jie Wang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Jinpng Wang Ocean university of China, Qingdao [email protected] Juan Wang Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou [email protected] Lu Wang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xiaodan Wang Tongji University, Shanghai [email protected] Xiaona Wang State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai [email protected] Xing Wang Ocean university of china, Qingdao [email protected] Yangyang Wang Tongji University, Shanghai [email protected] Yibo Wang Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yantai [email protected] Yuanyong Wang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Zhaowei Wang Ocean University of China, Qingdao [email protected] Hailun Wei State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai [email protected] Jia Wei Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Lau Lik Sing Winnie University of Malaya, MYS [email protected] Qiao Wu State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Ting Wu Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] Xiao Wu Ocean university of china, Qingdao [email protected] Yanhua Wu Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yingxu Wu Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xiaoqing Xi Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai [email protected] Dong Xia Ocean university of china, Qingdao [email protected] Tian Xia Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] Tianzhu Xia Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang [email protected] Yuyuan Xie Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Fanglu Xu Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] Min Xu Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] 218 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Miaolei Ya Tong Yan Jinyu Yang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] Lihong Yang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Lu Yang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Renkai Yang National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung [email protected] Xiaozhen Yang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yufeng Yang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Wang-Wang Ye Ocean University of China, Qingdao [email protected] Shanshan Yu Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Shunwen Yu National Central University, Kaohsiung [email protected] Mingli Yuan Yawei Yuan South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences , Beijing State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] [email protected] Dangni Zhang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Huajun Zhang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Jiexia Zhang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Lei Zhang Li Zhang Miming Zhang Rongmo Zhang Shuwen Zhang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Ocean university of China & Qingdao Collaborative Innovation Center of Marine Science and Technology, Qingdao Xiamen University & Third Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Xiamen State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Su Zhang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Xuelian Zhang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yaqun Zhang State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yiwei Zhang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Zaiwang Zhang South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] Zhouling Zhang Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Liang Zhao Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] Qingqing Zhao Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] 219 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Yue Zhao Zhejiang University, Hangzhou [email protected] Yun Zhao Tongji University, Shanghai [email protected] Jingjing Zheng Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Li-Wei Zheng State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yifei Zheng Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Peng Zhou Sanya Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sanya [email protected] Tingjin Zhou Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Weitao Zhou Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Yanyan Zhou South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou [email protected] Hong Zhu Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] Qingguang Zhu Nanjing University, Nanjing [email protected] Yifan Zhu State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen [email protected] 220 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Local Information and Contacts / х╜УхЬ░цМЗхНЧф╕Оф╝ЪхКбшБФч╗Ь About XiangтАЩan Campus / ч┐ФхоЙцабхМ║чоАф╗Л Located in the Xindian Town, Xiang'an District, to the south of Xiangshan Mountain, north of Xiang'an South Road, west of Shamei Viallage and east of Maolin Village, the Xiang'an Campus covers a total land area of 243 hectares and has a total construction area of 1.15 million square meters, larger than its main campus at Siming Nan Road in Xiamen Island. The campus is well planned and all buildings follow the traditional XMU style, so-called Tan Kah Kee architecture which combines Hokkien and western characteristics. Eight affiliated schools of Xiamen University including the Medical College, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Life Sciences, School of Public Health, Nursing Department, College of Ocean & Earth Sciences, College of the Environment & Ecology and School of Energy Research, have moved to the new campus since 2012-2013. The new campus is still under construction, and the first stage construction will be finished by 2015, and all main construction will be completed till 2021. хОжщЧихдзхнжч┐ФхоЙцабхМ║ф╜Нф║ОхОжщЧих╕Вч┐ФхоЙхМ║цЦ░х║ЧщХЗя╝МхМЧф╛ЭщжЩх▒▒х▒▒шДЙуАБхНЧф╕┤ч┐ФхоЙхНЧш╖пуАБф╕ЬцОец▓Щч╛ОцЭСуАБ ше┐ш┐ЮшМВцЮЧцЭСя╝Мш╖ЭцАЭцШОцабхМ║ 34 хЕмщЗМуАВцабхМ║хНахЬ░щЭвчзп 3645 ф║йя╝МшзДхИТх╗║чнСщЭвчзп 115 ф╕Зх╣│цЦ╣ч▒│уАВцабхМ║ ф╕╗шжБх╗║чнСх╗╢ч╗нф║ЖхОжщЧихдзхнжф╕╗цабхМ║цАЭцШОцабхМ║тАЬхШЙх║Ъх╗║чнСтАЭчЪДщгОца╝уАВ хОжщЧихдзхнжч┐ФхоЙцабхМ║щЗНчВ╣х╕Гх▒АчФЯхС╜уАБхМ╗хнжуАБшНпхнжуАБц╡╖ц┤ЛуАБчОпхвГуАБчФЯцАБуАБцЦ░шГ╜ц║РчнЙцЦ░хЕ┤хнжчзСхТМ х║ФчФихнжчзСя╝Мф╣Ях░ЖцИРф╕║ф╕нхЫ╜хнФхнРхнжщЩвцА╗щГихНЧцЦ╣хЯ║хЬ░уАВчЫохЙНя╝МхМ╗хнжщЩвуАБшНпхнжщЩвуАБхЕмхЕ▒хНлчФЯхнжщЩвуАБчФЯ хС╜чзСхнжхнжщЩвуАБц╡╖ц┤Лф╕ОхЬ░чРГхнжщЩвуАБчОпхвГф╕ОчФЯцАБхнжщЩвуАБхЫ╜щЩЕхнжщЩвф╗ехПКшГ╜ц║РчаФчй╢щЩвчнЙ 8 ф╕кхнжщЩвх╖▓ф║О 2012-2013 х╣┤хЕещй╗уАВ 221 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences An aerial view of the Xiamen University's Xiang'an Campus / ч┐ФхоЙцабхМ║щ╕ЯчЮ░хЫ╛ 222 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Transportation / ф║дщАЪ How to arrive at the meeting venue: XiangтАЩan Campus, Xiamen University? яВ▓ From Xiamen airport (Terminal T3): Take bus 91 to Guo Mao Xin Cheng stop, then transfer to bus 751; яВ▓ From Xiamen airport (Terminal T4): Take BRT (Route 1/2) to Dong Fang Shan Zhuang stop, then take BRT (Route 3) to Qian Pu stop, transfer to bus 751; яВ▓ From Xiamen Train Station: Take bus 19A/19B to Guo Mao Xin Cheng stop, then transfer to bus 751; Or take BRT (Route 3) to Qian Pu stop, then transfer to bus 751; яВ▓ From North Xiamen Train Station: Take bus 790. From meeting venue to Xiamen Island/Main Campus of Xiamen University: яВ▓ Take bus 751 in XiangтАЩan South Road outside of the gate of XiangтАЩan Campus. хжВф╜ХхИ░ш╛╛ф╝ЪшоохЬ░чВ╣я╝ЪхОжщЧихдзхнжч┐ФхоЙцабхМ║я╝Я яВ▓ ф╗ОхОжщЧицЬ║хЬ║ T3 шИкчлЩце╝хЗ║хПСя╝Ъф╣ШхЕмф║д 91 ш╖пхИ░хЫ╜ш┤╕цЦ░хЯОчлЩя╝Мш╜мф╣Ш 751 ш╖пхИ░ш╛╛я╝Ы яВ▓ ф╗ОхОжщЧицЬ║хЬ║ T4 шИкчлЩце╝хЗ║хПСя╝Ъф╣Ш BRTя╝И1/2 ч║┐я╝ЙхИ░ф╕ЬцЦ╣х▒▒х║ДчлЩя╝Мш╜м BRTя╝И3 ч║┐я╝ЙхИ░хЙНхЯФч╗ИчВ╣ члЩя╝МцНвф╣ШхЕмф║д 751 ш╖пхИ░ш╛╛я╝Ы яВ▓ ф╗ОхОжщЧичБлш╜жчлЩхЗ║хПСя╝Ъф╣ШхЕмф║д 19A/19B ш╖пхИ░хЫ╜ш┤╕цЦ░хЯОчлЩя╝Мш╜мф╣ШхЕмф║д 751 ш╖пхИ░ш╛╛я╝Ы цИЦф╣Ш BRTя╝Их┐л 3 ч║┐я╝ЙхИ░хЙНхЯФч╗ИчВ╣члЩя╝Мш╜мф╣ШхЕмф║д 751 ш╖пхИ░ш╛╛я╝Ы яВ▓ ф╗ОхОжщЧичБлш╜жхМЧчлЩя╝ИщлШщУБчлЩя╝ЙхЗ║хПСя╝Ъф╣ШхЕмф║д 790 ш╖пчЫ┤ш╛╛уАВ хжВф╜Хф╗Оф╝ЪшоохЬ░чВ╣хИ░ш╛╛хОжщЧих▓ЫхЖЕ/хОжщЧихдзхнжф╕╗цабхМ║я╝Я яВ▓ хЬич┐ФхоЙцабхМ║щЧихдЦя╝Ич┐ФхоЙхНЧш╖пя╝Йф╣ШхЭР 751 ш╖пхЕмф║дш╜жуАВ 223 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Housing / ф╜Пхо┐ Accommodations are reserved at four different locations. Please check the form below for detailed information. Hotel Golden Bay Resort Xiangjia Hotel Hongxiang Business Hotel Student Dorm Breakfast Yes Yes Yes In the canteen Internet Yes Yes Yes Yes Commute type Shuttle bus Shuttle bus Shuttle bus Walk Commute time ~20 mins ~20 mins ~10 mins ~10 mins Address 168 South Huandeng Rd, Dadeng Island, XiangтАЩan District, XM 17 Shuanghu Er Li, Dadeng Island, XiangтАЩan District, XM 8006 South XiangтАЩan Rd, XiangтАЩan District, XM XiangтАЩan Campus, XMU Phone 0592-7617888 0592-7096658 0592-8099888 0592-2888168 ф╝Ъшооф╕║хПВф╝Ъф╗гшбихЬихЫЫф╕кф╕НхРМщЕТх║ЧщвДчХЩф║ЖцИ┐щЧ┤я╝МшпжцГЕхжВф╕ЛуАВ щЕТх║Ч щЗСщЧиц╣╛щЕТх║Ч ч┐Фхо╢щЕТх║Ч щ╕┐ч┐ФхХЖхКбщЕТх║Ч хнжчФЯхЕмхпУ цЧйщдР цШп цШп цШп цЧая╝ИхЬищдРхОЕчФищдРя╝Й хо╜х╕ж цШп цШп цШп цШп ф║дщАЪцЦ╣х╝П чПнш╜ж чПнш╜ж чПнш╜ж цнешбМ ф║дщАЪцЧ╢щЧ┤ ~20 хИЖщТЯ ~20 хИЖщТЯ ~10 хИЖщТЯ ~10 хИЖщТЯ хЬ░хЭА хОжщЧих╕Вч┐ФхоЙхМ║хдзх╢Эх▓Ы хОжщЧих╕Вч┐ФхоЙхМ║хдзх╢Э хОжщЧих╕Вч┐ФхоЙхМ║ч┐Ф хОжхдзч┐ФхоЙцабхМ║ чОпх╢ЭхНЧш╖п 168 хП╖ х▓ЫхПМц▓кф║МщЗМ 17 хП╖ хоЙхНЧш╖п 8006 хП╖ цабхЫнхЖЕ 0592-7617888 0592-7096658 0592-8099888 0592-2888168 чФ╡шпЭ 224 чммф║Мх▒КхОжщЧиц╡╖ц┤ЛчОпхвГх╝АцФ╛чзСхнжхдзф╝Ъ / The Second Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences Wi-Fi Connection Instructions / цЧач║┐ч╜Сч╗Ьф╜┐чФишп┤цШО яВ▓ In the three meeting rooms, the username is: XMU-Meeting, and password: XMU-Meeting. яВ▓ The XMU wireless network now covers the entire XiangтАЩan campus. XMU faculty and students can go directly to http://inc.xmu.edu.cn/wids/ to reset your Wi-Fi code. For questions: 2183508уАБ2181259. яВ▓ хЫ╛ф╣жщжЖф╕Йф╕кф╝ЪшооходхЖЕцЧач║┐ш┤жхП╖я╝ЪXMU-Meetingя╝МхпЖчаБя╝ЪXMU-MeetingуАВ яВ▓ хОжщЧихдзхнжцЧач║┐цабхЫнч╜СшжЖчЫЦцХ┤ф╕кцабхЫнхТМхЫ╛ф╣жщжЖхМ║хЯЯя╝МцЬмцабх╕ИчФЯхПпф╗ещАЪш┐ЗцХЩх╖ехП╖хПКхпЖчаБчЩ╗ х╜ХуАВцЧач║┐хпЖчаБщЗНшЗ╡ч╜СхЭАя╝Ъhttp://inc.xmu.edu.cn/wids/я╝МцабхЫнцЧач║┐ч╜СцКАцЬпцФпцМБчФ╡шпЭя╝Ъ 2183508уАБ2181259уАВ Contacts for Logistics / ф╝ЪхКбшБФч╗Ь ш┤Яш┤гхЖЕхо╣/Logistics шБФч╗Ь/Contact чФ╡шпЭ/Phone щВочо▒/Email ф╝ЪшоохНПш░Г/Coordinator хИШш╛Й/Angela Liu 86-13400657090 [email protected] цЬ║чеи/ Tickets цЭишЙ│/Yan Yang 86-13806028054 [email protected] чФищдР/Meal цЮЧхнЯхж╣/Mengmei Lin 86-13599531566 [email protected] ф╜Пхо┐уАБш┤вхКб/Housing цЮЧх║ЖцвЕ/Qingmei Lin 86-13666034554 [email protected] цЭОцЛЫшЛ▒/Zhaoying Li 86-13860473552 [email protected] цЭичИ╜/Sundy Yang 86-13959220797 [email protected] Emily King 86-15860721810 [email protected] чн╛хИ░/Registration цЭихРмцЮЧ/Tinglin Yang 86-13515964262 [email protected] щжЩц╕пшБФч╗Ь/Hong Kong Affairs хР┤цХПцЕз/May Ng 852-34426504 [email protected] шо╛хдЗуАБч╜СчлЩ/Facilities & Website ш╜жш╛Ж/Shuttles хвЩцКеуАБшЛ▒цЦЗч╝Цш╛С/Poster & English Editor 225
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