INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 ACNE VULGARIS ABDOMEN 1 Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Isepamicin Plus Metronidazole and Amikacin Plus Metronidazole in Intraabdominal Infections/Bernardus Philippi (et. al.).-Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 88-94 7 Efek Krim Kosmetika Kombinasi Biosulfur, Triklosan, dan Asam Salisilat terhadap Akne Vulgaris pada Siswa Sebuah SLTA di Jakarta (The Effect of Cosmetics Cream Combination of Biosulfur, Triclosan and Salicylic Acid through the Acne Vulgaris in Senior High School Children in Jakarta)/Sjarif M. Wasitaatmadja; Anna Setiadi Ranti; Rachmi Primadiati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(2)2001: 36-39 ABORTION 2 Epidemiologi Abortus yang Tidak Aman (Unsafe Epidemiological Abortion)/Nasrin Kodim.-- Medika, 27(1)2001: 46-49 8 Efektivitas Asam Salisilat 2 Persent pada Akne Inflamasi (The Effectiveness of 2 Percent Salicylic Acid on Inflammation of Acne Vulgaris)/Theresia Niken Wijayanti; Kristiana Ernawati; Soedarmadi.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(2)2001: 95-103 3 Kadar Selenium dan Aktivitas Glutation Peroksidase pada Kasus-kasus Keguguran di RSUP Dr. Sardjito (Selenium Level and Glutation Peroxidase Activity in Miscarriage Cases at Dr. Sardjito Hospital)/Sunarti; Detty Siti Nurdiati; Zainal Arifin Nang Agus.-Medika, 27(10)2001: 623-625 9 Studi Pendahuluan Prevalensi Akne Vulgaris dan Kebiasaan Mengkonsumsi Makanan Berkadar Kolesterol Tinggi serta Kebersihan Kulit Wajah pada Murid SMP Cibitung di Tambun, Bekasi (Preliminary Study in the Prevalence of Acne Vulgaris in Student with Poor and Good Face Hygiene and those Student who often Consumed High Cholesterol Food among Yunior High School Students in Cibitung, Tambun-Bekasi)/ Siti Aisah Boediardja; Syaiful Fahmi Daili; Titi Lestari Sugito.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8)2001: 300-303 ABSCESS 4 Laporan Kasus Abses Paravertebra (Abscess Paravertebrates : A Case Report)/Linda Masnaeri; Pudjo Astowo.-J. Respirol. Indon., 21(3)2001: 109-114 ACCIDENTS, AVIATION 5 Pengelolaan Keadaan Darurat Medik bila Terjadi Kecelakaaan Pesawat Terbang di Bandar Udara (The Management of Medical Emergency in Aviation Accident at the Airport)/C. Susanto.-- Bul. Epidemiol. Jawa Timur, 5(3)2001: 71-78 ACQUIRED IMMUNODEFICIENCY SYNDROME ACETAMINOPHEN 6 The Influence of Repricipitation Methods Paracetamol Crystal Using Solvent Ethanol in Fabrication Process on Physical Properties of Tablet/Tri Yulianti; Achmad Fudholi.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(2)2001: 92-96 10 Masalah Narkotika dan HIV/AIDS di Kalangan Remaja (The Problems of Narcotic and HIV/AIDS in Adolescents)/ Yulfira Media.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001:51-54 1 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 18 Akupunktur dalam Pendidikan Formal (Acupunture for Formal Education)/Tomi Hardjatno.-- Meridian, 8(1)2001: 2-7 11 Migration and AIDS/Atasuhendartini Habsjah; Baby Jim Aditya.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 8(1)2001: 1-26 12 Pendidikan HIV/AIDS Lewat Jalur Sekolah Efektif Meningkatkan Pengetahuan AIDS Siswa (HIV/AIDS Education in School is Effective to Increase of Students Knowledge of AIDS)/A.A. Gde Muninjaya; Kt. Tangking Widarsa; Yahya Anshori.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 238345 19 Akupunktur dalam Pendidikan Formal dan Pelayanan Kesehatan Formal (Acupuncture for Formal Education and Formal Health Service)/Koosnadi Saputro.-- Meridian, 8(1)2001: 22-30 20 Akupunktur dalam Pengembangan Bidang Anatomi dan Fisiologi (Acupuncture in Development of Anatomy and Physiological Sciences)/Sagiran.-Meridian, 8(1)2001: 13-21 13 Tuberkulosis pada Penderita AIDS dengan Gangguan Fungsi Hati (Tuberculosis in Patient with AIDS and Hepatic Dysfunction)/Asep Purnama; Tuty Parwati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 192-200 21 Akupuntur untuk Nyeri/Kaku Leher/ Stiffneck (Acupuncture for Neck Pain/Stiffneck)/Beattrice Hakim; T. Elis; Christina S.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 55-60 ACUPUNCTURE 14 Akupunktur dalam Bidang Anesthesia (Acupuncture in Anesthesiology)/Syarif Sudirman.-- Meridian, 8(1)2001: 31-37 22 Aspek Ilmiah Akupunktur untuk Ketergantungan Obat (The Scientifical Aspect of Acupuncture for Drug Dependence)/Koosnadi Saputra.-Meridian, 8(2)2001: 75-85 15 Akupunktur dalam Bidang Endokrinologi (Acupuncture in Endocrinology)/ Hendromartono.-- Meridian, 8(2)2001: 8690 23 Metode Penelitian Akupunktur Klinik (The Research Method of Clinical Acupuncture)/ Didik Budijanto.-- Meridian, 8(2)2001: 99-112 16 Akupunktur dalam Bidang Pediatri (Acupuncture in Pediatrics)/Eko Suyanto; Agustin Idayanti.-- Meridian, 8(1)2001: 48-55 24 Pengobatan Dismenore secara Akupunktur (Dysmenorrhea Therapy with Acupuncture)/Galya Junizar; Sulianingsih; Dharma K Widya.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 52-55 17 Akupunktur dalam Bidang Penyakit Dalam (Acupuncture in Internal Medicine) /Hendromartono.-- Meridian, 8(1)2001: 38-47 2 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 31 Kehidupan Seksual Remaja di Daerah Kumuh Perkotaan Jakarta (Sexual Behavior in Adolescent at Slum Area in Jakarta)/Yvonne Suzy Handajani.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 8(2)2001: 33-48 25 Teknik Akupunktur untuk Titik Triger (Acupuncture Technique Treating Trigger Points)/Koosnadi Saputra.-- Meridian, 8(2)2001: 91-98 ACUPUNCTURE ANALGESIA 32 Masalah Narkotika dan HIV/AIDS di Kalangan Remaja (The Problems of Narcotic and HIV/AIDS in Adolescents)/ Yulfira Media.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 5154 26 Akupuntur Analgetik di Bidang Anestasi (Acupuncture Analgesia in Anesthesia)/ Juni Tjahjati; Ismail.-- Medika, 27(1) 2001: 40-45 ADENOCARCINOMA 27 Bronchial Gland Type Adenocarcinoma of the Lung : A Case Report/Heriawaty Hidayat (et. al.).-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 53-54 33 Penatalaksanaan Hipertensi Sekunder Akibat Perbedaan Kelainan Anatomi Renovaskuler pada Usia Muda dan Tua (The Management of Secondary Hypertension caused of Anatomical Renovascular Differences in Geriatric and Adolescence)/Diana Samara.-J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(1)2001: 27-41 ADENOMA, SWEAT GLAND 28 Malignant Nodular Hidradenoma (Hidradenoma Nodular Malignancy)/Budi Tjahjono.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(6)2001: 218-221 34 Pengetahuan dan Kebutuhan Pelayanan Informasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja di Beberapa Kota Besar di Jawa (Knowledge and the Need of Information of Adolescent Health Reproduction in Several Urban Areas in Java)/ Paiman Soeparmanto; Imam Waluyo; Neila Ramdhani.-Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 66-81 ADOLESCENCE 29 Acute Pancreatitis in a Young Patient with Hepatoma and Recurrent Hematemesis Melena/Hendarto Natadidjaja; Bambang Setiyohadi; Marcellus Simadibrata.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(3)2001: 104-106 35 Perilaku Seks di Kalangan Remaja dan Permasalahannya (Sex Behavior in Adolescent and its Problem)/Sunanti Zalbawi Soejoeti.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(1)2001: 3035 30 Hubungan antara Peran Orang Tua dan Kecenderungan Sosiopatik terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi pada Remaja Pelajar SLTP Negeri Kotamadya Yogyakarta (The Relationship between Parents Contribution and Sociophatic Tendency through the Motivation of Prestation on Yunior High School Children in Yogyakarta)/Sumarni DW.; Sumarno WS.-- Jiwa, 34(4)2001: 311-319 ADRENAL CORTEX HORMONES 36 Corticosteroid Therapy for Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in 3 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 rarak, D. metel and E. prostata as an Aedes aegypti Larvacides)/Nunik Siti Aminah (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 7-12 Department of Internal Medicine, Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya : a Descriptive Analytical Case Series Study/ Boediwarsono.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 152-156 43 Sumur sebagai Habitat yang Penting untuk Perkembangbiakan Nyamuk Aedes aegypti L. (Domestic Household Wells as Important Habitat for Aedes aegypti Breeding Sites)/Yoyo R. Gionar; Saptoro Rusmiarto; Dwiko Susapto.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(1)2001: 22-31 37 Manfaat Terapi Kortikosteroid pada Tuberkulosis Paru dan Ekstraparu (Efficacy of Corticosteroid on Pulmonary and Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis) /Barmawi Hisyam.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(2)2001: 121-126 44 Uji Coba Culinex T untuk Pengendalian Jentik Aedes aegypti di Kecamatan Ambarawa, Jawa Tengah (Trial Test of Culinex T to Control the Aedes aegypti in Ambarawa Subdistricts, Central Java) /Umi Widyastuti (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 16-19 ADULT 38 Immunization of Adults/Samsuridjal Djauzi.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(2)2001: 63-66 39 Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Hipertensi pada Penderita Usia Dewasa (The Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients)/Muljadi Budisetio.-J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(2)2001: 101-107 AGED 45 Andropause : Kemungkinan Terapi Sulih Testosteron pada Pria Lansia (Andropause : The Possibility of Testosterone Therapy on Elderly Man)/Ellen P. Gandaputra; Raditya Wratsangka.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(1)2001: 49-55 AEDES 40 Patogenisitas Isolat B. thuringiensis setelah Dikeringkan pada Suhu dengan (Lyophilisasi) terhadap Jentik Aedes aegypti di Laboratorium (The Pathogenecity of B. thuringiensis Isolate after Withering (Lyophilisasi) through the Aedes aegypti in the Laboratory) /Blondine Ch. P.; Umi Widyastuti.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 10-12 46 Early Detection of Dementia in the Elderly and its Management/Siti Setiati.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(2)2001: 78-82 41 Role Aedes aegypti in in-house Success Cases of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever/ Dengue Fever/Sulistiawati.-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 57-62 47 The Effect of Caloric Restriction During Ramadan Fasting on Free Radical Status among Elderly Patients/Siti Setiati; Tri Budi Rahardjo; Maryantoro Oemardi.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8)2001: 293298 42 S. rarak, D. metel dan E. prostata sebagai Larvisida Aedes aegypti (S. 48 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Muscle Strength pada Laki-laki Lanjut Usia (The 4 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Taman, Sidoarjo Subdistrict)/Hardiono.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32(64)2001: 17-27 Determinant Factors of Muscle Strength in Elderly Male)/Yuniar Rosmalina; Dewi Permaesih; Effendi Rustan.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(4)2001: 184-194 AIR POLLUTION 56 Distribusi Konsentrasi 14C di Udara Sekitar PLTU Batubara Paiton, Probolinggo, Jawa Timur (The Distribution of Atmospheric 14C Concentration Around Paiton Coal Fired Power Station, Probolinggo, East Java)/ Poppy Intan Tjahaja (et. al.).-J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(2)2001: 29-35 49 Fungsi Paru Manula Anggota Yayasan Wreda Sejahtera Bali (Lung Function of the Elderly at Wreda Sejahtera Club, Bali)/Tjening Kerana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 162-166 50 Inkontinensia Urin pada Pasien Usia Lanjut (Urinary Incontinence in Elderly Patients)/Siti Setiati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(9)2001: 348-353 ALANINE TRANSAMINASE 57 Gambaran Histologik Hepar dan Aktivitas SGPT serta SGOT Tikus Putih setelah Diet Protein dan Pemberian Chlorella (The Histological Feature of the Liver and the Activities of SGPT and SGOT on White Mice after Protein Dietary and Chlorella Given)/Bambang Budiono; Zainul Kamal.-- Medika, 27(6)2001: 352356 51 Nutrisi pada Usia Lanjut (Nutrition in the Elderly)/Daca Achra Julidar.-- Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 175-185 52 Pengaruh Suplementasi Seng terhadap Ketajaman Pengecap Manula (The Effect of Zinc Supplementation through the Taste Acuity in the Elderly)/Ekky M. Rahardja.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(1)2001: 15-30 ALBUMINS 58 Pengaruh Pemberian Plasbumin pada Pemeriksaan Natrium Ion Menggunakan ISE (The Impact of Plasbumin Intake on Ion Natrium Examination Using Ion Selective Electrode/ISE)/Anik Widijanti (et. al.).-- Medika, 27(3)2001: 156-157 53 Perubahan Faal Paru pada Orang Tua (The Changed of Lung Function in the Elderly)/Erlina Burhan; Faisal Yunus.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(4)2001: 160-165 ALBUTEROL AGING 59 Manfaat Pemberian Antagonis-H1 (Loratadin) pada Penderita Asma Alergi Persisten Ringan yang Mendapat Pengobatan Salbutamol Inhaler di RSUP Persahabatan (The Effect of Loratadin (Antagonist-H1) in Mild Persistent Asthma Patients which Received Salbutamol Inhaler in Persahabatan General Hospital)/Fajriwan; Faisal Yunus; Wiwien Heruwiyono.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8)2001: 284-292 54 The Aging Male Project/Farid Saad.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 127-133 AIR 55 Hubungan Kualitas Udara di Daerah Industri Peleburan Baja dengan Faal Ibu Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Taman, Kabupaten Sidoarjo (The Association of Ambient Air Quality in the Stell Industry to Lung Funtion of Married Women at 5 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Atopic Allergy/Anti Dharmayanti; Siti Boedina Kresno.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(3)2001: 107-113 60 Perbandingan Efektivitas Klinis Antiinflamasi Alergik antara Prokaterol dengan Salbutamol Lepas Lambat pada Penderita Asma Bronkial (The Comparison of Clinical Effectivity of Antiinflammatory Allergic between Procaterol and Slow Release Salbutamol in Asthma Bronchial Patient)/Eddy Mart Salim; Masdianto Musai; Muhammad Muin.-- Medika, 27(6)2001: 357-362 AMIKACIN 66 Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Isepamicin Plus Metronidazole and Amikacin Plus Metronidazole in Intraabdominal Infections/Bernardus Philippi (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(2) 2001: 88-94 ALCOHOLS AMNIOTIC FLUID 61 Magnetoterapi Memori setelah Pemberian Alkohol secara Akut pada Mencit (Magnetotherapy of Memory after Acute Alcohol Treatment on Mice)/Sri Nabawiyati Nurul Makiyah.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(2)2001: 89-104 67 Congenital Toxoplasmosis : Fetal Antibodies Production in Amniotic Fluid/ Erry Gumilar Dachlan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 33-39 68 The Correlation between Histologic Placentitis and Amnionitis and the Amniotic Fluid's Inflammatory Cytokines in Case of Spontaneous Pre-Term Labor with Intact Membrane/Agus Abadi.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(4)2001: 203-209 ALGINATES 62 Alginat sebagai Dasar Pelepasan Obat, Penyerapan Air, Aliran Reologi, dan Uji Iritasi Kulit (Alginates as a Basic of Released Drug, Water Absorption, Reology Flow, and Skin Iritation Test)/Hakim Bangun.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 36-41 AMPHETAMINE 69 Aspek Neurobiologik pada Ketergantungan dan Penyalahgunaan Amfetamin (Neurobiological Aspect in Amphetamine Dependents)/Surilena.-- Jiwa, 34(4)2001: 407-418 ALLERGENS 63 Syok Anafilatik yang Dicetuskan oleh Alergen Inhalan (Anaphylactic Shock Caused of Inhalant Allergen)/ Umar Zein; Azhar Tanjung.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 120-121 70 Paranoid dan Intoksikasi Amfetamin (Paranoid and the Intoxication of Amphetamine)/Ayub Sani Ibrahim.-Medika, 27(5)2001: 326-327 ALLERGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 64 Respon Imunologik terhadap Trauma (Imunological Response through Trauma)/Putu Astawa.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 208-221 AMPICILLIN 71 Studi Bioekivalensi Kapsul Ampisilina (Generik) pada Kelinci (A Bioeqivalence Study of Ampicillin (Generic Products) in Rabbits)/Djoko Wahyono; Nurlaila.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(4)2001: 198-204 65 The Role of T-Helper Cells in Immune Response with Specific Discussion on 6 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Gandaputra; Raditya Wratsangka.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(1)2001: 49-55 ANALGESICS, NON-NARCOTIC 72 Uji Toksisitas Akut (LD50) dan Antipiretik Infus Rimpang Zingiber purpureum ROXB (Bengle) pada Hewan Percobaan (Acute Toxixity Test (LD50) and Antipyretics of Zingiber purpureum ROXB on Laboratory Animals)/Pudjiastuti; Sa'roni; Budi Nuratmi.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001:14-19 ANEMIA 78 Aplikasi Klinik dari Recombinant Erythropoetin (rH-EPO) pada Anemia Akibat Kanker (The Clinical Application of Erythropoietine (rH-EPO) Recombinant on Anemia Caused by Cancer) /Boediwarsono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 54-62 ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE 73 Analisa Varians (ANOVA) dalam Penelitian Kesehatan (Analysis of Variants (ANOVA) in Health Research) /Anna Maria Sirait.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(46)2001: 10-15 79 Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Anemia pada Bayi Usia 5-7 Bulan (Factors Related to Anemia on 5-7 Months Old Babies)/Dibi Cahyaningdiah; Budi Utomo; Adi Hidayat.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(1)2001: 1-8 ANAPHYLAXIS 80 Masalah Anemia Gizi dan Alternatif Cara Mengatasinya di Indonesia (Problems of Anemia and the Alternative of it's Solution in Indonesia)/M.A. Husaini.-- J. Data dan Infor. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 19-26 74 Short Review: Management of Vaccination - Related Anaphylaxis/ Ariyanto Harsono.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 28-31 75 Syok Anafilatik yang Dicetuskan oleh Alergen Inhalan (Anaphylactic Shock Caused of Inhalant Allergen)/ Umar Zein; Azhar Tanjung.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 120-121 81 Masalah Gangguan Anemia Akibat Kurang Yodium (The Problem of Anemia Disturbance caused of Iodine Deficiency) /R. Djokomoeljanto.-- J. Data dan Infor. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 31-39 ANASTOMOSIS, SURGICAL 82 Pengaruh Penambahan Asam Folat, Vitamin B12 and B6 pada Pil Besi terhadap Kadar Homocystein Plasma Ibu Hamil Anemia (Effect of Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and B6 Supplementation on Iron Pills to Plasma Homocysteine among Anemic Pregnant Women)/Effendi Rustan (et. al.).-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 44-50 76 Nutrisi per Oral Dini setelah Reseksi dan Anastomosis Usus (Early Oral Feeding Post Bowel Resection and Anastomosis) /Marijata.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(1)2001: 27-32 ANDROGENS 77 Andropause : Kemungkinan Terapi Sulih Testosteron pada Pria Lansia (Andropause : The Possibility of Testosterone Therapy on Elderly Man)/Ellen P. 83 Penggunaan Tanda Klinis untuk Diagnosis Anemia pada Balita (Clinical 7 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Signs to Diagnose of Anemia in Under Five Children)/Wulandewi Marhaeni (et. al.).-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(1)2001: 45-53 90 Perubahan Interval QTc akibat Induksi Anestesi dan Intubasi (The Change of QTc Interval Induced by Anesthesia and Intubation)/Soenarjo; Endang Widyastuti.- Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 67-71 84 Prevalensi Anemia dan Thalasemia Karier pada Kelompok Wanita Usia Subur/WUS (The Prevalence of Anemia and Carrier Thalasemia among Women Child Bearing Age)/Sukati Saidin (et. al).-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 38-43 ANGIOTENSIN II 91 Peranan Angiotension II Receptor Antagonist pada Panyakit Jantung Hipertensi (The Role of Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist on Heart Disease in Hypertension Patient)/P. Ismahun.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 202335 85 Prevalensi dan Faktor Risiko Anemia selama Kehamilan di D.I. Yogyakarta (The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Anemia during Pregnancy in D.I Yogyakarta)/Atiek Werdiningsih; Endy Paryanto Prawirohartono.-Maj. Gizi Indon., 25(-)2001: 20-29 ANGIOTENSIN-CONVERTING ENZYME INHIBITORS 92 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACE-I) dan Proteksi Vaskular (The Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Vascular Protection)/Muhammad Natsir Akil; H. Syakib Bakri.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 7-9 86 Status Homocysteine dan Asam Folat pada Ibu Hamil Anemia (Homocysteine and Folic Acid Status of Anemic Pregnant Women)/Dewi Permaesih (et. al.).-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 59-63 ANISAKIASIS 93 Anisakiasis Salah Satu Penyakit yang Disebabkan oleh karena Makan Ikan Laut (Anisakiasis a Disease Caused by Sea Food Consumption)/Magdalena.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(3)2001: 199-205 ANEMIA, IRON-DEFICIENCY 87 Iron Deficiency Anemia, its Prevalence and Age Distribution Pattern of Tetralogy of Fallot Patients/Teddy Otoseno.-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 52-56 ANISOMETROPIA ANESTHESIA 88 Akupuntur Analgetik di Bidang Anestasi (Acupuncture Analgesia in Anesthesia)/ Juni Tjahjati; Ismail.-- Medika, 27(1)2001: 40-45 94 Pengaruh Anisometropia terhadap Hasil Uji Kosentrasi pada Seleksi Calon Pengemudi untuk Mendapatkan SIM Umum (The Effects of Anisometropia on the Result of Concentration Test of Public Driving Licence Test Takers) /Minggaringrum; Norma D. Handojo; Pramanawati.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 79-86 89 Akupunktur dalam Bidang Anesthesia (Acupuncture in Anesthesiology)/Syarif Sudirman.-- Meridian, 8(1)2001: 31-37 8 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 ANOPHELES ANTIBIOTICS 95 Fauna Nyamuk Anopheles pada Beberapa Tempat di Kabupaten Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah dan Peranannya dalam Penularan Penyakit Malaria (Anopheles in Several Places at Donggala District, Middle Sulawesi and its Contribution toward the Transmitted of Malaria Disease)/Jastal; Yunus; Lili.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 14-20 99 Diare Bakterial: Etiologi dan Pola Kepekaan Antibiotika di Dua Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat di Jakarta (Bacterial Diarrhea : The Etiological and Antibiotics Susceptibility in Two of Community Health Centers in Jakarta)/ Paul Bukitwetan; Julius E. Suryawidjaja; Octavianus Ch. Salim.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(2)2001: 57-65 100 Infeksi dan Antibiotik (Infections and Antibiotics)/Rianto Setiabudy.-- Dexa Media, 14(1)2001: 40-44 96 Pengaruh Penebaran Romanomermis iyengari terhadap Populasi Anopheles maculates di Kabupaten Purworejo, Jawa Tengah (The Effect of Romanomermis iyengari Spreading through the Population of Anopheles maculatus in Purworedjo District, Central Java)/Widiarti (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 13-15 101 Pankreatitis Akut, Apakah Memerlukan Pemberian Antibiotik (Acute Pancreatitis, It's there Need Antibiotics ?)/Yudistira Panji Santoso.-- Medika, 27(9)2001: 586588 102 Penggunaan Antimikroba Secara Rasional untuk Pengobatan Infeksi Telinga Tengah (The Rational Use of Antimicroba in the Therapy of Middle Ear Infection)/Helmi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 92-96 97 Uji Biokimia Kerentaan Anopheles aconitus terhadap Insektisida Organofosfat (Fenitrothion) dan Karbamat (Bendiocarb) di Kabupaten Jepara (Biochemical Assays of Susceptibility of Anopheles aconitus to the Organophosphate (Fenitrothion) and the Carbamate (Bendiocarb) Insecticides in Jepara Regency)/Widiarti; Sugeng Juwono Mardihusodo; Damar Tri Boewono.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(3)2001: 97-109 103 Synthesis and Biological Activity Evaluation of C-9154 Antibiotic Derivates from Vanillin/Jumina; Dwi Siswanta; Abdul Karim Zulkarnain.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(2)2001: 85-91 ANOXEMIA 98 Prediksi Hipoksemia selama Penerbangan pada Penderita PPOK (Hypoxemia Prediction during Flight on COPD Patients)/Flora Eka Sari; Imam Soekoesno; Faisal Yunus.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(4)2001: 142-146 ANTIBODIES 104 Congenital Toxoplasmosis : Fetal Antibodies Production in Amniotic Fluid/Erry Gumilar Dachlan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 33-39 9 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 the Development of New Antifungals Agent)/M. Cholis.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 21-24 ANTICONVULSANTS 105 Anti-Epileptic Drug Usage in 2 Hospitals, 5 Primary Health Centers and Private Practices in Medan/Kiking Ritarwan; Hasan Syahrir.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 20-24 ANTIHYPERTENSIVE AGENTS 111 Age, Body Posture, Daily Working Load, Post Antihypertensive Drugs and Risk of Hypertension : A Rural Indonesian Study/Bastaman Basuki; Budhi Setianto.- Medical J. of Indon., 10(1)2001: 29-33 106 Efek Teratogenik Obat Antikonvulsan : Adakah Alternatif Lain ? (Teratogenic Effect of Anticonvulsant Agents : Is There Any Other Alternative ?)/Hadyanto; Rozaimah Zain Hamid.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(4)2001: 122-126 112 Past Antihypertensive Drug, Obesity, Daily Light Working Load and Risk of Hypertension : An Indonesia 2001 Rural Study/Bastaman Basuki (et. al.).-Medical J. of Indon., 10(4)2001: 224-229 ANTIDEPRESSIVE AGENTS 107 Peranan Antidepresan pada Aksis HPA dan Atrofi Hipokampus (The Effect of Antidepressant through the HPA Axis and Hypocampus Atrophy)/Ferdian E. Pratama.-- Medika, 27(9)2001: 589-591 113 Pengaruh Obat Antihipertensi dengan Eliminasi melalui Ginjal yang Berbeda terhadap Fungsi Ginjal pada Penderita Hipertensi dengan Gangguan Fungsi Ginjal Ringan dan Sedang (The Effects of Antihypertension with Elimination through the Different Kidney in Hypertension Patients with Kidney Dysfunction)/ Muhammad Yusuf Nasution.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 16-19 ANTIDIARRHEALS 108 Uji Khasiat Antidiare Infus Daun Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia LAMK.) pada Tikus Putih (The Pharmacodinamical Test of the Infusion of Guazuma ulmifolia LAMK. as an Antidiarrheal Agents in Albino Rats)/Dian Sundari; Budi Nuratmi; Lucie Widowati.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001: 30-34 114 Uji Klinik Efek Farmakologi dan Kisaran Dosis Jamu Tensigard sebagai Obat Anti Hipertensi (Pre Clinical Study of Pharmacological Effect and Dose Determination of Jamu Tensigard as Anti Hypertensive Agent)/ M. Djatmiko; Djoko Suhardjono; Agung Endro Nugroho.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 38-44 ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS 109 Informasi Tumbuhan Obat sebagai Anti Jamur (The Information of Medicinal Plants as an Antifungal Agents)/Dian Sundari M.; Wien Winarno.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 28-30 ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS, NONSTEROIDAL 115 Gastropathy due to Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs : Pathophysiology and Management/Elfizon Amir.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(4)2001: 163-168 110 Penatalaksanaan Tinea Glabrosa dan Perkembangan Obat Anti Jamur Baru (The Management of Tinea Glabrosa and 10 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Motivasi Berprestasi pada Remaja Pelajar SLTP Negeri Kotamadya Yogyakarta (The Relationship between Parents Contribution and Sociophatic Tendency through the Motivation of Prestation on Yunior High School Children in Yogyakarta)/Sumarni DW.; Sumarno WS.-- Jiwa, 34(4)2001: 311-319 116 Pertimbangan Farmakologi dalam Pemilihan Obat Antiinflamasi Nonsteroid Penghambat COX-2 (The Pharmacological Consideration in Choosing the Non Steoridal Anti-inflammatory COX-2 Bloker Agent)/Aznan Lelo.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(2)2001: 63-69 ANTIMALARIALS ANTITUSSIVE AGENTS 117 Aktivitas Antimalaria Senyawa Tinokrisposid secara in Vivo (Antimalarial Activity of Tinocrisposite by in Vivo)/Adek Zambrut A. (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 27-31 122 Pengaruh Informasi Obat terhadap Pemilihan dan Penggunaan Obat Batuk pada Pengobatan Sendiri di Kecamatan Godean (The Influence of Drug Information through Drug Selection and the Usage of Cough Preparation on Self Medication in Godean Subdistrict)/Satibi; R.A. Oetari.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(4)2001: 194-197 118 Uji Antimalaria in Vitro dari Ekstrak Etanol dan Kloroform Daun Cassia siamea (Antimalarial in Vitro Activity Test of Ethanol and Chloroform Extracts of Cassia siamea Leaves)/Wiwied Ekasari (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(2)2001: 22-29 ARTEMIA 123 Toksisitas Akut Senyawa Baru 12,13Dihidro-alpha-Amirin-20,30-en-3-Asetat; Senyawa 12,13-Dihidro-Alpha-Amirin-20, 30-en-3-ol dan Beta-Sitostan-20,30-en-3ol, pada Larva Artemia-Salina Leach (Acute Toxicity of New Compounds of 12,13-Dihidro-Alpha-Amyrin-20,30-en-3Acetat; 12-13-Dihidro-Alpha-Amyrin-20, 30-en-3-ol and Beta-Sitostan-20,30-en-3ol to Artemia-Salina Leach)/Sri Mulyani M.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(4)2001: 212217 ANTIOXIDANTS 119 Uji Daya Antioksidan Senyawa Flavonoid Daun Plantago major L (The Determination of Antioxidant Potency of Flavonoids from Plantago major L. Leaves)/Triana Hertiani; Suwijiyo Pramono; Supardjan A.M.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 32-37 ANTIPHOSPHOLIPID SYNDROME 120 Anti-phospholipid Antibody and Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome/Shufrie Effendy; Karmel L. Tambunan.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(3)2001: 127-130 ARTERIAL OCCLUSIVE DISEASES 124 Peran Obat Vasoaktif terhadap Peningkatan Efek Hemodinamik pada Peripheral Occlusive Arterial Disease (The Effectiveness of Vasoactive Agents in Increasing Hemodynamic Effect in Peripheral Occlusive Aterial Diseases) /Mohamad Arifin; Faik Heyder.-- Medika, 27(9)2001: 555-558 ANTISOCIAL PERSONALITY DISORDER 121 Hubungan antara Peran Orang Tua dan Kecenderungan Sosiopatik terhadap 11 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 ASPIRIN 125 The Role of Naftidrofuryl on Peripheral Occlusive Arterial Disease/Askandar Tjokroprawiro.-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 71-72 131 Efek Aspirin Dosis Rendah (30 mg) terhadap Agregasi Platelet pada Perokok (Effects of Low-Dose Aspirin (30 mg) to Platelet Aggregation in Smokers)/Fachry Uzer; Rusdi Lamsudin; Imam Rusdi.-Berk. Neuro Sains, 24(3)2001: 121-127 ARTERIOSCLEROSIS 126 Etiologi, Patogenesis dan Gambaran Klinis Insufisiensi Arteri Perifer pada Ekstremitas Bawah (Etiology, Pathogenesis and Clinical Features of Peripheral Arterial Insufficiency in Lower Extremities)/Azwardi Roezin.-J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(2)2001: 86-100 ASTHMA 132 Airway Remodelling pada Asma (Airway Remodelling on Asthma)/Bambang Heru; Faisal Yunus.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(3)2001: 115-123 ARTHRITIS, JUVENILE RHEUMATOID 127 Artritis Reumatoid Juvenil (Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis)/Vivianty Hartiono; Julius Roma.-- Medika, 27(3)2001: 190-192 133 Asma Kerja (Occupational Asthma)/Ana Rina Setijadi; Nukhtar Ikhsan.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 38-46 ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATOID 134 Manfaat Pemberian Antagonis-H1 (Loratadin) pada Penderita Asma Alergi Persisten Ringan yang Mendapat Pengobatan Salbutamol Inhaler di RSUP Persahabatan (The Effect of Loratadin (Antagonist-H1) in Mild Persistent Asthma Patients which Received Salbutamol Inhaler in Persahabatan General Hospital)/Fajriwan; Faisal Yunus; Wiwien Heruwiyono.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8)2001: 284-292 128 Problems in the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis/ B.P. Putra Suryana; C. Singgih Wahono; Handono Kalim.-Acta Medica Indon., 33(2)2001: 50-53 ASCORBIC ACID 129 Changes of Body Weight and Response of Tracheal Smooth Muscles of Adult Guinea Pigs due to Chronic Exposure to Cigarette Smoke and Supplementation of Vitamin C/Henny C. Koentjahja.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(1)2001: 17-23 135 Nilai Faal Paru Penderita Asma Siswa Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama di Kotamadya Yogyakarta (Lung Function in Asthmatic Patients among Junior High School Students in the Municipality of Yogyakarta)/Muh. Tri Saksono Darmawan; Roni Naning; Tonny Sadjiman.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(1)2001: 33-43 ASPARTATE TRANSAMINASE 130 Gambaran Histologik Hepar dan Aktivitas SGPT serta SGOT Tikus Putih setelah Diet Protein dan Pemberian Chlorella (The Histological Feature of the Liver and the Activities of SGPT and SGOT on White Mice after Protein Dietary and Chlorella Given)/Bambang Budiono; Zainul Kamal.-- Medika, 27(6)2001: 352356 136 Open Comparative Study of the Efficacy of Tilade Inhaler as a Preventive Asthma 12 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Therapy in Children/ Ariyanto Harsono; Ahmad Suryawan; Gunadi Santoso.-Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 185-189 142 Prevalensi Bronkitis Kronik dan Asma Kerja pada Pekerja Pabrik Semen serta Faktor yang Mempengaruhi (The Prevalence of Chronic Bronchitis and Occupational Asthma and Other Factors Related to Workers of a Cement Factory)/Retno Wihastuti; Faisal Yunus; Hadiarto Mangunnegoro.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7)2001: 242-252 137 Penatalaksanaan Asma Nokturnal pada Anak (The Management of Nocturnal Asthma in Children)/Makmuri MS.-- Bul. Kesehat. Anak, 30(2)2001: 49-60 138 Pengobatan Asma Kronik Dewasa dengan Obat-obat Masa Kini (The Therapy of Chronical Asthma by Nowdays Drugs)/Azhar Tanjung.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 33-38 143 The Role of Chlamydia Pneumoniae in Asthma/Azhar Tanjung; Soegiarto Gani.-Acta Medica Indon., 33(4)2001: 158-162 ATHEROSCLEROSIS 139 Peranan Chlammydia Pneumoniae pada Asma (The Role of Chlammydia Pneumoniae on Asthma)/Azhar Tanjung; Soegiarto Gani.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 113-117 144 Atherosclerotic Lesions of Carotid Arteries in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)/Rochmad Romdoni.-Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 164-169 145 HDL-C and Reducing the Risk of Atherosclerosis (from Basic to Clinical Practice)/Askandar Tjokroprawiro; Soebagijo Adi.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 104-109 140 Perbandingan Efektivitas Klinis Antiinflamasi Alergik antara Prokaterol dengan Salbutamol Lepas Lambat pada Penderita Asma Bronkial (The Comparison of Clinical Effectivity of Antiinflammatory Allergic between Procaterol and Slow Release Salbutamol in Asthma Bronchial Patient)/Eddy Mart Salim; Masdianto Musai; Muhammad Muin.-Medika, 27(6)2001: 357-362 146 Hypocholesterolemic and Atherogenic Effect of Legumes Versus Animal Protein : Review of Animal and Human Studies/Susilowati Herman.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(4)2001: 147-162 141 Perbedaan Respons Pengobatan Makrolida dengan Sefalosporin pada Asma Persisten Berat : Suatu Studi Imunopatofisiologi Asma Bronkial (The Difference Effects of Macrolide and Cephalosporins Therapeutical Use in Patient with Severe Persistent Asthma : A Study on Immunopatopshyology of Bronchial Asthma)/Kabat.-Medika, 27(5)2001: 290-293 147 Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM1) sebagai Prediktor Atherosklerosis pada Tikus Wistar Diabetes Mellitus (Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 as Atherosclerosis Predictor on Diabetes Mellitus Mice)/Zainal Musthafa; Gatot S. Lawrence; Arifin Seweang.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 5-6 13 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 ANC Visitation at Kalimanah, Purbalingga District)/Ichda Masrianto; Moh. Hakimi; MG.Adiyanti.-- Media Penelit. & Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(1)2001: 24-29 148 Matrix Metalloproteinase and its Role in the Stability of the Atherosclerotic Plaque/Dharmayanti; Marzuki Suryaatmadja.-Acta Medica Indon., 33(4)2001: 149-157 154 Paradigma Sehat Melandasi Perlindungan Kesehatan Pegawai dan Keluarganya (Health Paradigm as a Basic through Health Protected for Employees and their Family)/Aman Nasution.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 29-34 149 Minyak Sawit Mempercepat Regresi Aterosklerosis Aorta pada Kelinci Hiperkolesterolemia Ringan, Tetapi Tidak pada yang Hiperkolesterolemia Berat (Palm Oil Accelarates Regression of Aortic Atherosclerosis Only in Mild Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits, but not in Severe Hypercholesterolemia)/Lidya Irma Momuat (et. al.).-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 26-34 155 Strategi Baru Penyuluhan Gizi Kesehatan dalam Meningkatkan Perilaku Sehat Ibu Selama Hamil dan Menyusui (A New Strategy of Nutrition Education in Improving Health Behavior of Pregnant and Lactating Women)/ Jajah K. Husaini; Yekti Widodo; Salimar.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 11-23 150 New Paradigm in the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis : an Autoimmune Disease/Nursamsu; Handono Kalim.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7)2001: 257266 156 Studi Evaluasi Dampak PMT-AS terhadap Pengetahuan Sikap dan Perilaku Gizi Anak (Evaluation Study of the Impact of School Feeding Program of Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Child)/ Dadang Sukandar; Ikeu Tanziha.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 113-118 151 Peran yang Lebih Luas dari Obat Antilipid pada Aterosklerosis (The Wide Impact of Antilipid on Atherosclerosis)/Djoko Soemantri; Esti Hindariati; Rudyatmoko.-Medika, 27(6)2001: 383-385 ATROPHY 152 Peranan Antidepresan pada Aksis HPA dan Atrofi Hipokampus (The Effect of Antidepressant through the HPA Axis and Hypocampus Atrophy)/Ferdian E. Pratama.-- Medika, 27(9)2001: 589-591 157 Studi tentang Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Perilaku Pelanggan Polindes di Daerah Terpencil Pegunungan (Study of Health Service Quality and the Consumers Behavioral at Polindes in Mountain Furthest Areas)/Ristrini.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 87-92 ATTITUDE TO HEALTH 153 Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap Ibu Hamil terhadap Kunjungan Pelayanan Antenatal di Kecamatan Kalimanah Kabupaten Purbalingga (The Relationship of Attitude and Knowledge of Pregnant Women with AUTISM 158 Autism/Idjas Intan T.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 381-884 14 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 164 Potensi Zat Bakteriostatik Alami dari Bakteri Asam Laktat yang di Jumpai dalam Yoghurt (The Potency of Natural Bacteriostatic Substance of Lactic Acid Bacteria on Yoghurt)/I Nyoman Suarsana.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 78-82 AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES 159 Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Hepatitis Autoimun (The Diagnosis and Management of Autoimmune Hepatitis)/Nurul Akbar.-- Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 28-29 BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS 160 Patogenisitas Isolat B. thuringiensis setelah Dikeringkan pada Suhu dengan (Lyophilisasi) terhadap Jentik Aedes aegypti di Laboratorium (The Pathogenecity of B. thuringiensis Isolate after Withering (Lyophilisasi) through the Aedes aegypti in the Laboratory) /Blondine Ch. P.; Umi Widyastuti.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 10-12 BARTTER'S DISEASE 165 Sindrom Bartter (Bartter Syndrome)/ Sudung O. Pardede.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(6)2001: 203-212 BENZENE 166 Leukemia Limfositik Kronik dengan Pajanan Benzen di Lingkungan Kerja (Benzene Exposure its Related to Chronic Lymphocyte Leukemia in the Work Place)/Yohannes N. Pasaribu; Muchtaruddin Mansyur.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon. 51(2)2001: 52-56 161 Uji Patogenisitas Isolat B. thuringiensis yang Ditumbuhkan dalam Buah Kelapa terhadap Berbagai Jentik Nyamuk di Laboratorium (The Pathogenicity Test of B. thuringiensis Isolate which Growthed in Coconut through Mosquito Larvae in the Laboratory)/Blondine Ch. P.; R.A. Yuniarti.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 20-22 BETA-GALACTOSIDASE 167 Aktivitas Laktase pada Murid Sekolah Dasar (The Activity of Lactase in Elementary School Children)/ Badriul Hegar; Niken Pritayati; Agus Firmansyah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(5)2001: 154-157 BACTERIA 162 Aktivitas in-vitro Siprofloksasin terhadap Berbagai Bakteri Gram-Negatif Penyebab Infeksi di Indonesia (Ciprofloxacine invitro through Several Gram-negative Bacteria caused of Infection in Indonesia)/Usman Chatib Warsa.-Makara, 5(2)2001: 26-28 BETA-THALASSEMIA 168 Kadar Faktor von Willebrand dan Endothelial Leukocyte Adhesion Molecule-1 sebagai Parameter Aktivasi Endotel pada Thalassemia Beta-Mayor dan Thalassemia Beta-HbE (The Levels of von Willebrand and Endothelial Leukocyte Adhesion Molecule-1 Factor as an Endothelial Activation Parameters in Beta-Major and Beta-HbE Thalassemic Patients)/Pusparini; Rahajuningsih Setiabudy; Siti Boedina Kresno.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(10)2001: 356-363 163 Pola Pertumbuhan Bakteri Hasil Biakan Apusan Rektal Penderita Diare (The Pattern of Bacteria Growth of Rectal Swabs in Diarrhea Patients)/Ni Made Dewi Arimas; Ibrahim A. Samad; Hardjoeno.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 101-104 15 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Binsar Butar-butar.-25(-)2001: 57-65 BEVERAGES 169 Profil Pelabelan Produk Minuman (The Profile of Beverages Labeling)/Yeni Suryani; Ali Khomsan; Clara M. Kusharto.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 9-15 Maj. Gizi Indon., BLOOD CELL COUNT 175 Flow Cytometri dan Aplikasi Alat Hitung Sel Darah Otomatik Technicon H-1 dan H3 (Flow Cytometry and the Application of the Otomatic Technicon H-1 and H3 Used to Blood Cell Count)/R. Soeswardani; Boetoro; Budiman.-- Medika, 27(8) 2001: 524-530 BIOFILMS 170 Infeksi Bakteri Biofilm dalam Bidang Orthopaedi (Biofilm Bacterial Infection in Orthopaedic)/Ketut Siki Kawiyana.-- Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 29(1)2001: 25-29 BLOOD CELLS 176 Penemuan Sel-sel Darah dari Berbagai Maturitas dan Bentuk dalam Sedimen Urin (The Finding of Blood Cells in the Varieties in Mature and Immature Leucocytes in Urine Sediment)/Lisyani S.- Media Medika Indon., 36(1)2001: 9-13 BIOPSY, NEEDLE 171 Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of the Lymph Nodes /J. Hadi Lunardhi.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 202-205 BIOTRANSFORMATION BLOOD GLUCOSE 172 Identification of Pentagamavunon-0 Metabolite in Faeces after Intravenous Injection of White-Male Sprangue Dawley-Derived Rats/Feriyanto Trisna Hadi; Sugiyanto; Oetari.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(2)2001: 73-79 177 Dampak Konsumsi Makanan Kudapan terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah Anak Sekolah Peserta PMT-AS (The Impact of PMT-AS Snacks on Blood Glucose Level among School Children Participated in School Feeding Program)/Hardinsyah (et. al.).-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1) 2001: 92-102 BLOOD 173 Hubungan Kandungan Karotenoid dan Retinol dalam Darah dan ASI pada Ibu Menyusui di Daerah Penghasil dan Bukan Penghasil Sayuran (Association of Carotenoids and Retinol Levels in Blood and Breastmilk of Lactating Mothers in Vegetables and Non-vegetables Producing Area)/Djoko Pambudi; Fitrah Ernawati Susilowati; Herman.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 51-58 178 Khasiat Air Perasan Buah Pare (Momordica charantia L.) terhadap Kadar Gula Darah Kelinci (Effect of the Extract of Momordica charantia L. Fruit on Blood Glucose of Rabbits)/Bagus Komang Satriyasa; I Wayan Harsana; Made Jawi.- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 89-93 179 Pengaruh Pemberian Makanan Kudapan PMT-AS pada Glukosa Darah Anak Sekolah Dasar di Desa Tertinggal Karyasari, Bogor (Effect of the Feeding of School Feeding Program toward the 174 Pengaruh Rumput Laut terhadap Kadar Lipida Darah dan Daging Ayam Petelur (The Effect of Seaweed on the Blood Lipids and Meat of Poul Layers)/Tua 16 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Less-Develop Village)/Hardisyah; Fasli Jalal; M. Husman.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 3-10 Blood Glucose on Primary School Children in Less Developed Village of Karyasari, Bogor)/Bambang Triatma (et. al.).-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 86-91 185 Kecukupan Gizi, Berat dan Tinggi Badan Anak Sekolah Penerima PMT-AS di Daerah Pantai dan Pegunungan NTT (The Correlation of Nutrient Adequacy with Body Weight and Height on School Children Members of School Feeding Program in Coastal and Highland Areas of East Nusa Tenggara)/Hardinsyah; Endah Wulandari; Retnaningsih.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 177-189 180 Perbandingan Pemeriksaan Gula Darah dengan Autoanalyzer Cobas Mira dan Hitachi 7070 (The Comparison of Blood Glucose Test Using Autoanalyzer Cobas Mira and Hitachi 7070)/Anik Widijanti; Hermawanto; Hartojo.-- Medika, 27(4) 2001: 220-222 BLOOD PLATELETS BODY WEIGHT 181 Trombositemia Esensial : Patofisiologi, Aspek Laboratorium, dan Kriteria Diagnosis (Essential Thrombocythemia: Pathopysiology, Laboratory Aspects and Differential Diagnosis)/Riadi Wirawan; Astuti Giantini.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(12)2001: 435-442 186 Berat Badan dan Tinggi Badan Anak SD di Desa Tertinggal (Body Weight and Height of Primary School Children in Less-Develop Village)/Hardisyah; Fasli Jalal; M. Husman.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 3-10 187 Changes of Body Weight and Response of Tracheal Smooth Muscles of Adult Guinea Pigs due to Chronic Exposure to Cigarette Smoke and Supplementation of Vitamin C/Henny C. Koentjahja.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(1)2001: 17-23 BLOOD PRESSURE 182 Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Nimba (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) terhadap Tekanan Darah Tikus (Rattus norvegicus) Wistar Jantan (Effects of the Extracts of Nimba Leaves (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) due to the Blood Pressure of Rattus norvegicus, Male Wistar)/D. Goenarso; Suripto; Retno Susilowati.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 55-61 188 Kecukupan Gizi, Berat dan Tinggi Badan Anak Sekolah Penerima PMT-AS di Daerah Pantai dan Pegunungan NTT (The Correlation of Nutrient Adequacy with Body Weight and Height on School Children Members of School Feeding Program in Coastal and Highland Areas of East Nusa Tenggara)/Hardinsyah; Endah Wulandari; Retnaningsih.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 177-189 BLOOD TRANSFUSION 183 Malaria Transfusi (Tranfusion Malaria)/ Ria Syafitri Prihanto.-- Bul. Tranfusi Darah, 28(334)2001: 3-8 BODY HEIGHT 184 Berat Badan dan Tinggi Badan Anak SD di Desa Tertinggal (Body Weight and Height of Primary School Children in BONE AND BONES 189 Nutrisi dan Kesehatan Tulang (The Correlation between Nutrition and Bone 17 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Health)/Ekky M. Rahardja.-Papyrus, 7(2)2001: 113-122 Ebers BRAIN INJURIES 196 Cidera Jaringan Otak : Pengenalan dan Kemungkinan Penatalaksanaannya (Brain Injuries : Its Diagnoses and Management)/Mohammad Ali Bedong.-Medika, 27(5)2001: 321-325 BONE NEOPLASMS 190 Pengobatan Medikamentosa pada Kanker yang Bermetastasis ke Tulang (The Treatment of Medicamentosus on Cancer which Metastase to the Bones)/Nugroho Prayogo.-- Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 15-20 BREAD 197 Inexpensive-Nutritious Bread Made from Locally Available Foodstuff as A Second Choice to the Indonesia Traditional Complex Meal/Sapardi Brojohudoyo.-Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 99-102 BONE REMODELING 191 Peran Sitokin dalam Proses Remodeling Tulang (The Role of Cytokine on Bone Remodeling Process)/Ketut Siki Kawiyana.-Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 29(1)2001: 1-11 BREAST 198 The Use of Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Breast Lesions in Young Women/Mashar Oesman; Yovita Sionno.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 8-10 BRAIN 192 Brain Imaging : is this a New Phrenology ?/Ginus Partadiredja.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(12)2001: 443-449 BREAST FEEDING BRAIN ABSCESS 199 ASI Ekslusif, Slogan Semu yang Jauh dari Kenyataan (Exclusive Breast Feeding, the Appearence Promotion which Far from the Reality)/Hananto Wiryo.-- Medika, 27(1)2001: 50-51 193 Management of Otogenic Brain Abscess : Particular Concern on the Craniotomy Mastoidectomy Steps of Surgery/ Muhammad Sajid Darmadipura; Muhammad Sofjanto; Abdul Hafid.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 23-27 200 Breastfeeding and Macronutrient Intake of Children in Barru Subdistrict, South Sulawesi/A. Razak Thaha.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(4)2001: 116-121 194 Multiple Brain Abscesses as a Complication of Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease in Children/Darto Saharso (et. al.).-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 190-195 201 Dampak Pemberian ASI Eksklusif terhadap Penurunan Kesuburan Seorang Wanita (The Impact of the Given of Exclusive Breastfeeding to Decrease the Women Fertility)/Stefani Nindya.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 45-49 BRAIN EDEMA 195 Acute Mountain Sickness/Ashok Sharma.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(2) 2001: 115-120 18 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 202 Hubungan antara Pola Pemberian ASI dengan Faktor Sosial, Ekonomi, Demografi, dan Perawatan Kesehatan (Breast Feeding Pattern and it’s Correlation with Socio-economic, Demography and Health Care Factors)/Paiman Soeparmanto; Solehah Catur Rahayu.-Medika, 27(8)2001: 502-508 207 Menilai Respon Terapi Kombinasi Radiasi dan Kemoterapi pada Kanker Payudara (KPD) Stadium IIIB (Evaluation of the Response of Combination Therapy of Chemotherapy and Radiation on Stage III-B Breast Cancer)/Ismairin Oesman.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(7)2001: 250-261 203 Hubungan Kandungan Karotenoid dan Retinol dalam Darah dan ASI pada Ibu Menyusui di Daerah Penghasil dan Bukan Penghasil Sayuran (Association of Carotenoids and Retinol Levels in Blood and Breastmilk of Lactating Mothers in Vegetables and Non-vegetables Producing Area)/Djoko Pambudi; Fitrah Ernawati; Susilowati Herman.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 51-58 208 Metastasis Kanker Payudara pada Columna Vertebralis (The Metastatic of Breast Cancer on Vertebralis Columna)/ Ismairin Oesman.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(7)2001: 277-285 209 Pengobatan Menopause dan Risiko Kanker Payudara (The Management of Menopause and the Risk of Breast Cancer)/Chrisdiono M. Achadiat.-Medika, 27(9)2001: 598-599 204 Masih Lebih Banyak Bayi yang tidak Diberi ASI Ekslusif (There is so Many Babies Not Recieved the Exclusive Breast Feeding)/Irianto Aritonang; Ninuk Sri Hartini.-- Medika, 27(1)2001: 38-39 210 Terapi Medik Penderita Kanker Payudara (Medical Therapy on Breast Cancer Patient)/Boediwarsono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 79-88 205 Pola Penyakit dan ASI Eksklusif di Unit Rawat Jalan Neonatologi RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya Tahun 1997-1999 (The Diseases and Exclusive Breast Feeding Pattern in Neonatology Outpatient Unit Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, in 1997-1999)/Sylviaty M. Damanik.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 1-7 BREAST NEOPLASMS, MALE 211 The Review of the Patterns of Presentation and Various Prognostic Factors in Male Breast Cancer Patients/Dillip Kumar Parida (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 84-87 BROMIDES 212 Pengalaman Klinik Rocuronium Bromida pada Operasi Kurang dari 1 Jam (The Clinical Experience of Bromide Rocuronium in Less than One Hour Surgery)/ Poltak Sianturi; Ganda P. Sibabiat; Wardoyo Gadroen.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(48)2001: 20-23 BREAST NEOPLASMS 206 Medical Therapy for Breast Cancer Patients, a Descriptive Retrospective Study in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya/ Boediwarsono.-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 76-82 19 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 213 Prevalensi Bronkitis Kronik dan Asma Kerja pada Pekerja Pabrik Semen serta Faktor yang Mempengaruhi (The Prevalence of Chronic Bronchitis and Occupational Asthma and Other Factors Related to Workers of a Cement Factory)/Retno Wihastuti; Faisal Yunus; Hadiarto Mangunnegoro.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7)2001: 242-252 C-REACTIVE PROTEIN BRONCHIAL NEOPLASMS 219 Variasi Percabangan Truncus Coeliacus pada 8 Cadaver di Laboratorium Anatomi FK Unud Denpasar (Branchs Variation of the Celiac Trunk from 8 Cadavers in the Anatomy Laboratory of Medical Faculty, Udayana University, Denpasar)/I G.N.P. Sana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113) 2001: 180-183 218 The Value of Admission, Predischarge Serum C-reactive Protein Level and at Ratio in Predicting Ischemic Events among Low Risk Post Myocardial Infarction Patients/Prasetyo Andriono; Lao Lam Sun; Leandro C. Bongosia.-Medika, 27(10)2001: 626-633 CADAVER 214 Bronchial Gland Type Adenocarcinoma of the Lung : A Case Report/Heriawaty Hidayat (et. al.).-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 53-54 BRONCHITIS 215 Prevalensi Bronkitis Kronik dan Asma Kerja pada Pekerja Pabrik Semen serta Faktor yang Mempengaruhi (The Prevalence of Chronic Bronchitis and Occupational Asthma and Other Factors Related to Workers of a Cement Factory) /Retno Wihastuti; Faisal Yunus; Hadiarto Mangunnegoro.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7)2001: 242-252 CAFFEINE 220 The Effect of Calorie Restriction During Fasting/Deden Djatmika; Karmel L. Tambunan; Abdulmuthalib.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(4)2001: 133-141 221 Kafein Melindungi Mencit dari Radiasi Dosis Tinggi : Adakah Pengaruhnya terhadap Dosimetri Radio-Terapi ? (Caffeine Covered Mice from the High Dose Radiation : It's There any Effect through the Dosimetry Radiotherapy ?) /Muhammad Fathony.-- Medika, 27(12) 2001: 788-790 BUFFERS 216 Sistem Buffer Suatu Tinjauan Aplikasi Ilmu Kimia dalam Bidang Fisiologi Kedokteran (Buffer System : A Reviewed of Chemistry Application in Medical Physiology)/Bintang R. Simbolon.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(46)2001: 6-9 CANDIDA ALBICANS 222 Efek Ekstrak Daun Kembang Bulan (Tithonia diversifolia A. Gray) terhadap Candida Albicans serta Profil Kromatografinya (The Effect of the Extract of Tithonia diversifolia A. against Candida albicans and its Chromatography Profile)/ Asri Sulistijowati S.; Didik Gunawan.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 31-35 BUTYRYLCHOLINESTERASE 217 Identification of C5 Plus Extraband of Butyrylcholinesterase and Two Protein Bands Cathodic to it/F.D. Suyatna (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 144-149 20 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 CARBOFURAN 223 Pengaruh Minyak Atsiri Zingiber purpurea terhadap Pertumbuhan Candida ablicans dan Flexural Strength Plat Dasar Gigi Tiruan Resin Visible Light Cured (The Effect of Zingiber purpura Atsiri Oils on the Candida albicans Growth and Flexural Strength of Visible Light Cured Resin Denture Base)/Endang Wahyuningtyas.-- Maj. Ilmu Kedokter. Gigi, 3(5) 2001: 77-79 228 Distribusi Residu Karbofuran, Klorpirifos dan Lindan pada Tanaman Padi (Distribution of Carbofuran, Chlorpyrifos and Lindane Insecticide Residues on Paddy)/ Asep Nugraha Ardiwinata.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(2)2001: 9-21 CARBOHYDRATES 229 Studi Konsumsi Gula dan Karies Gigi pada Murid Taman Kanak-kanak (Study on the Related of Sugar Consumption and Dental Caries at the Kindergarten)/ Nurce Intan Permata (et. al.).-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 91-99 CANNABIS 224 Yang Perlu Kita Ketahui dari Ganja/ Cannabis sativa L. (Somethings that We Should Know about Cannabis/ Cannabis sativa L.)/Uke Yohani Sukawan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(47)2001: 11-18 CARCINOMA, BASAL CELL 230 Ekspresi Protein NM 23-HI pada Berbagai Pola Pertumbuhan Karsinoma Sel Basal (Expression of NM 23-HI Protein in Various Growth Pattern of Basal Cell Carcinoma)/Meny Hartati; Kristiandono; Achmad Tjarta.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(2)2001: 76-83 CAPTOPRIL 225 Penelitian Disolusi dan Penetapan Kadar Kaptopril dalam Sediaan Generik dan Sediaan Inovator (Research of Disolution and the Determination of Catophrile Level in Generic and Inovator Preparation)/ Pudji Lastari (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 10-15 CARCINOMA, HEPATOCELLULAR 231 Acute Pancreatitis in a Young Patient with Hepatoma and Recurrent Hematemesis Melena/Hendarto Natadidjaja; Bambang Setiyohadi; Marcellus Simadibrata.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(3)2001: 104-106 CARBAMAZEPINE 226 Sindrom Stevens-Johnson pada Dua Anak karena Karbamazepin (StevensJohnson Syndrome caused of Carbamazepin in Two Children)/M. Sjabaroeddin Loebis; Lily Irsa; Herlina Dimiati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 57-60 CARDIOMYOPATHY, CONGESTIVE 232 Dilatation Cardiomyopathy in the Young Adult/Erwin; Ari F. Syam; Marulam Panggabean.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(4)2001: 142-144 CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES CARBAZOLES 233 Pencegahan Penyakit Kardiovaskuler (The Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases)/Sriana Azis; Sri Endreswari.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32(64)2001: 43-48 227 New 6-(3-Indolyl) Benzo [B] Carbazoles/ Mardi Santoso.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 1-9 21 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 cation : a Progress in Cataract Surgery)/ Bambang Sugiharto.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 359-365 234 Pengaruh Sepsis pada Sistem Kardiovaskular dan Penatalaksanaannya (The Influence of Sepsis on Cardiovascular System and its Management)/T. Bahri Anwar.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 3032 240 Kadar Asam Urat Serum pada Penderita Katarak : Penelitian Kasus-Kontrol (Uric Acid Level in Cataract Patients : A Casecontrol Study)/Enni Cahyani (et. al.).-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 32-36 235 Peranan Radikal Bebas Oksigen pada Komplikasi Kardiovaskuler (The Role of Oxygen Free Radicals in Cardiovascular Complication)/Faisal Baraas.-- Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 5-7 241 Kadar Selenium dalam Lensa Katarak pada Perokok dan Bukan Perokok (Selenium Content in Cataract Lens on Smokers and Non-smokers)/Lina J. Priatno; Suhardjo; Wasisdi Gunawan.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 338-343 CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 236 Peran ACE-inhibitor pada Disfungsi Endotel dan Remodeling Kardiovaskular (The Role of ACE-inhibitor on Cardiovascular Remodeling and Endotel Dysfunction)/Djoko Soemantri; Esti Hindariati; Rudyatmoko.-Medika, 27(8)2001: 509-511 CATHETERIZATION 242 Penggunaan Katheter Bayi dalam Pemeriksaan Hysterosalpingography (The Usage of Baby Catheter in Hysterosalpingography Diagnosis)/Robby Tandiari; M. Djakarta; Fielda Djuwita.-Ebers Papyrus, 7(3)2001: 221-226 CAROTENOIDS 237 Hubungan Kandungan Karotenoid dan Retinol dalam Darah dan ASI pada Ibu Menyusui di Daerah Penghasil dan Bukan Penghasil Sayuran (Association of Carotenoids and Retinol Levels in Blood and Breastmilk of Lactating Mothers in Vegetables and Non-vegetables Producing Area)/Djoko Pambudi; Fitrah Ernawati; Susilowati Herman.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 51-58 CAUSE OF DEATH 243 Kematian karena DBD pada Anak dan Faktor Penentunya (Death Caused by Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever on Child and its Determinant Factors)/Sarwanto.-Medika, 27(9)2001: 564-568 244 Studi Membandingkan Sebab Utama Kematian di DKI Jakarta Menurut Survei Kesehatan Rumah Tangga (SKRT) dan Sertifikat Kematian (The Comparative Study of the Cause of Death in Jakarta in Accordance with National Household Health Survey and Death Certificate)/ Noor Edi Widya Sukoco; Sarimawar Djaja; Puti Sari.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 5-12 CAROTID ARTERIES 238 Atherosclerotic Lesions of Carotid Arteries in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)/Rochmad Romdoni.-Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 164-169 CATARACT 239 Fakoemulsifikasi : Suatu Kemajuan Dalam Bedah Katarak (Phacoemulsifi- 22 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 250 Perbedaan Respons Pengobatan Makrolida dengan Sefalosporin pada Asma Persisten Berat : Suatu Studi Imunopatofisiologi Asma Bronkial (The Difference Effects of Macrolide and Cephalosporins Therapeutical Use in Patient with Severe Persistent Asthma : A Study on Immunopatopshyology of Bronchial Asthma)/ Kabat.-- Medika, 27(5)2001: 290-293 CEFOTAXIME 245 Manfaat Klinis Cefotaxim Dosis Rendah dalam Pengobatan Peritonitis Bakterial Sekunder (Clinical Efficacy of Low Dose Cefotaxim in the Therapy of Bacterial Peritonitis Secondary)/I. Riwanto.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(1)2001: 23-27 246 Penetapan Parameter Farmakokinetik Natrium Sefotaksim pada Hewan Kelinci (The Determination of Pharmacokinetic Parameter of Natrium Cefotaxime in Rabbit)/Sukmadjaja Asyarie; Sudana Atmawidjaja; Kustini Ani.-- Dexa Media, 14(1)2001: 45-48 CEREBRAL HEMORRHAGE 251 Perdarahan Intra Serebral Spontan (PISS): Bilamana Tindakan Bedah Dilakukan ? (Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage : When the Surgery should be Done ?)/Abdul Hafid Bajamal.-Medika, 27(4)2001: 238-240 CELLS, CULTURED CEREBRAL PALSY 247 Kultur Suspensi Sel Mesofil Daun Pegagan (Centella asiantica (L.) Urban) dan Analisis Kualitatif Senyawa Asiatikosida (Protoplast Suspension Culture of Mesophyl Cell of Centella asiantica (L.) Urban Leaves and Qualitative Analysis of Asianticoside)/ Erma Prihastanti; C.J. Soegihardjo; Susiani Purbaningsih.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 10-18 252 Tumpatan Klasi pada Penyandang Cacat Cerebral Plasy Usia 5-12 Tahun dengan Teknik ART (Atraumatic Restorative Treatment) : Studi Kasus di Panti Asuhan Sayap Ibu II Kalasan dan SLB Kalibayem Yogyakarta (Class I Filling with Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) Technique on Cerebral Palsy Children of 5-12 Years : Case Study at Yayasan Sayap Ibu II and SLB Kalibayem, Yogyakarta)/Indah Titien Suprihati.-- Maj. Ilmu Kedokter. Gigi, 3(5)2001: 91-95 CEPHALOMETRY 248 Cephalometric Patterns on Javanese, Bataks and Chinese Students in Jakarta/ Rio Sofwanhadi.-- Makara, 5(2)2001: 3944 CEREBROVASCULAR DISORDERS 253 Assessment of Utility of Siriraj Stroke Score (SSS) in Stroke Patients of PT. BD Sharma PGIMS Hospital, Rohtak, India/ H. Singh (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 164-168 254 Dukungan Nutrisi Enteral pada Pasien Stroke dan Pasca Operasi Bedah Otak (The Enteral Nutrition Supported on Stroke and Post Brain Surgery Patient)/ Chris A. Johannes.-- Medika, 27(12) 2001: 773-777 CEPHALOSPORINS 249 Meningitis Bakterial dan Terapi Cephalosporin Generasi Ketiga (Treatment of Bacterial Meningitis Using the Third Generation of Cephalosporine)/Sekar Satiti; Pernodjo Dahlan; Imam Rusdi.-Berk. Neuro Sains, 2(3)2001: 109-120 23 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Thrombocyte Aggregation Changes on Non-hemorrhagic Stroke Patients)/ Koesoema Aman Aman; R. Loesnihari; Dahrul K Nasution.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 15-19 255 Faktor-faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Kejadian Stroke Iskemik (The Factors Influence in the Occurence of Ischemic Stroke)/Muhamad Ramli.-- Bul. Penelit. RSUD Dr. Soetomo, 3(2)2001: 27-43 262 Stroke Morbidity in Bogor Area and Surroundings : a Prospective Observational Analysis/Jusuf Misbach.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(9)2001: 328-331 256 Faktor Risiko pada Stroke non Hemoragik (Risk Factors on Non Hemorrhagic Stroke)/Iman Sukiman; Dody Delina Wekio.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 1-6 CERVICITIS 263 Liputan Terkini tentang Penanganan Lesi Intraepithel Skuamosa Serviks (The Current Review about the Management of Intraepithelial Lession of Cervix Squamous)/ M.H.R Sianturi.-- Dexa Media, 14(1)2001: 22-29 257 Merokok sebagai Faktor Risiko Stroke (Smoking as a Risk Factor for Stroke)/Hari Andang Sasongko; Rusdi Lamsudin; Siti Musfiroh.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 2(3)2001: 143-151 258 Moclobemide Mempersingkat Masa Rehabilitasi pada Penderita Depresi Pasca Stroke (Moclobemide Shorten the Time of Rehabilitation on Post Stroke Depression Patients)/Ayub Sani Ibrahim.- Medika, 27(2)2001: 80-82 CERVIX NEOPLASMS 264 Cervical Cancer and Papilloma Virus (Pathological Aspect)/J.H. Lunardhi; Heru Santoso.-Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 83-86 265 The Histopathological Predictor Factors in the Recurrence of Cervical Carcinoma Stage IB-IIA after Radical Hysterectomy/Deri Edianto; Emil Taufik; M. Farid Aziz.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 79-83 259 Pattern of Hospitalized-Stroke Patients in ASEAN Countries an ASNA Stroke Epidemiological Study/ Jusuf Misbach.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(1)2001: 48-56 260 Pendekatan Evidence Based Medicine dalam Keputusan Klinis Penanganan Pasien Stroke (The Evidence Based Medicine Approach through the Clinical Decision in the Management of Stroke Patients)/Abdul Gofir; Rusdi Lamsudin.-Medika, 27(4)2001: 241-244 266 Masalah pada Kanker Serviks (The Problem on Cervix Cancer)/M. Farid Aziz.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 5-8 267 Pencegahan dan Deteksi Dini Kanker Serviks (The Prevention and Early Detection of Cervix Cancer)/ Sjahrul Sjamsuddin.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 9-14 261 Perubahan Aggregasi Thrombosit pada Penderita Stroke Non-Hemoragik (The 24 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 CHILD 268 Skrining Kanker Serviks dengan Metode Skrining Alternatif : IVA (Screening of Cervix Cancer by Alternative Screening Method : IVA/Laila Nuranna.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 23-26 273 Berat Badan dan Tinggi Badan Anak SD di Desa Tertinggal (Body Weight and Height of Primary School Children in Less-Develop Village)/Hardisyah; Fasli Jalal; M. Husman.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 3-10 CESAREAN SECTION 274 Depresi pada Anak (Depression in Children)/Abdul Mutholib Rambe.-- Medika, 27(4)2001: 233-237 269 Perbandingan Penggunaan Kateter Menetap Selama 6 Jam dan 24 Jam Pasca Seksio Sesarea dalam Pencegahan Retensio Urin (The Comparison of the Usage of Catheter Maintained for 6 Hours and 24 Hours Post-Cesarean Section in Preventing Urine Retention)/Siswono; Heryanto Kartono; Budi I. Santoso.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 218-224 275 Diagnosis Hepatitis Virus pada Anak (Diagnosis of Hepatitis Viruses in Children)/Purnamawati S. Pujiarto.-- Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 30-54 276 Diagnosis TBC pada Anak (The Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Children)/MS. Makmuri.-- Bul. Epidemiol. Jawa Timur, 5(4)2001: 121-130 270 Some Medical and Other Risk Factors for Current Cesarean Section in a Jakarta Hospital/Endang Poedjiningsih; Bastaman BasukiA.W. ; Supardi.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(4)2001: 230-234 277 The Effect of Fermented Sour Milk Consumption on the Health Conditions and the Recovery from Diarrhea of Elementary School Pupils/Usman Chatib Warsa.-- Makara, 5(2)2001: 29-33 CHEMISTRY 271 Pengembangan Model untuk Analisis Resiko Lingkungan dari Kontaminasi Bahan Kimia (Development of Model for the Environmental Risk Assessment due to Chemical Contamination)/Sofyan Yatim.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(2)2001: 2228 278 Hemophilia pada Praktek Kedokteran Gigi Anak (Hemophilia in Dental Child Practice)/Yatie Roesnawi; T. Hermina M.- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 98-101 279 Kebiasaan Makan Pagi dan Jajanan Anak Sekolah Peserta Program Makanan Tambahan Anak Sekolah (PMT-AS) di Kabupaten Bogor (Food Habits of School Feeding Beneficiaties of Primary School Children in Bogor District)/Rosinta Harmoni Meiyana Tampubolon; Hardinsyah; Ikeu Tanziha.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 293-294 CHEMOPREVENTION 272 Kemoprofilaksis Malaria: Konsep Terkini dan Regimen Obat (Malaria Chemoprophylaxis : The Current Concept and Drug Regimens)/Putu Sutisna.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 148155 25 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 287 Penatalaksanaan Asma Nokturnal pada Anak (The Management of Nocturnal Asthma in Children)/Makmuri MS.-- Bul. Kesehat. Anak, 30(2)2001: 49-60 280 Kematian karena DBD pada Anak dan Faktor Penentunya (Death Caused by Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever on Child and its Determinant Factors)/Sarwanto.-Medika, 27(9)2001: 564-568 288 Penyakit Jantung Koroner pada Anak dan Pencegahannya (Coronary Heart Disease on Child and its Pevention)/Ellya Nova Lubis.-- Medika, 27(2)2001: 109-114 281 Kolestasis pada Anak (Cholestasis in Children)/Boerhan Hidayat.-Bul. Kesehat. Anak, 29(1)2001: 1-16 289 Perawatan Pulpotomi dengan Formokresol pada Fraktur Gigi Insisivus Sulung atas Anak Usia 2,5 Tahun (Pulpotomy Care with Formocresol on Insisivus Dental Fracture on 2.5 Old Children)/ Siadjit Yudi Dwiyanti.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 47-52 282 Konsekuensi Kurang Vitamin A pada Anak-anak (The Consequences of Vitamin A Deficiency in Children)/Muhilal.-Maj. Gizi Indon., 25(-)2001: 30-36 283 Nefritis Lupus pada Anak (Lupus Nephritis on Child)/Rafita Ramayati.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 127-129 290 Spektrum Penyakit Kulit pada Bayi dan Anak di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar (Spectrum of Skin Diseases on Infant and Child at Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar)/Made Wardhana.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 222228 284 Open Comparative Study of the Efficacy of Tilade Inhaler as a Preventive Asthma Therapy in Children/Ariyanto Harsono; Ahmad Suryawan; Gunadi Santoso.-Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 185-189 285 Pemahaman Anak Sekolah, Guru dan Orangtua tentang Konsep PMT-AS (The Comprehension of Primary School Children, Teachers, and Parents about the Concept of School Feeding Program)/ Diah K. Pranadji; Hardinsyah.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 43-51 291 Status Gizi Anak Sekolah Peserta Program Makanan Tambahan Anak Sekolah di Kabupaten Bogor (Nutritional Status of School Feeding Beneficiaries of Primary School Children in Bogor District)/Hardinsyah; Rosinta Harmoni Meiyana Tampubolon; Ikeu Tanziha.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 139-145 286 Pemantauan Sistem Kardiorespirasi Invasif pada Anak Sakit Kritis (Control of Invasive Cardiorespiration System on Child with Critical Illness)/Edy Muhammad.-- Medika, 27(10)2001: 656-661 292 Tinjauan Klinis dan Aspek Farmakoterapi Neuroleptik pada Penderita Skizofrenia Anak (The Clinical Review and Neuroleptic Pharmacotherapy Aspect in Childhood Schizophrenia Patients)/Lelly Resna.-- Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 141-162 26 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 CHILD DEVELOPMENT 293 Transportasi Gawat Darurat Anak (Child Emergencies Transportation)/Haris Marta Saputra.-- Medika, 26(1)2001: 30-35 298 Dampak Suplementasi Seng (Zn) dan Besi (Fe) terhadap Pertumbuhan Anak Usia 4 - 24 Bulan (The Effect of Iron and Zinc Supplementation on Child Development with Aged between 6-24 Months)/Hadi Riyadi.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 124-133 294 Upaya Menurunkan Angka Kesakitan ISPA pada Balita melalui Penyuluhan Perubahan Perilaku Ibu Balita dan Lingkungan Fisik Perumahan yang Dilakukan oleh Bidan Desa dan Sanitarian di Kecamatan Tapin Selatan, Kabupaten Tapin, Kalimantan Selatan (The Effort to Decrease the Mobidity in Acute Respiratory Infection on Underfive Children by Giving the Information to Change the Behavioral of Underfive's Mother and Physical Environment by Midwifery and Sanitarian at South Tapin, Tapin Subdistrict, South Kalimantan)/Hardiono (et. al.).-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32(64)2001: 28-38 299 KMS Perkembangan Anak : Teknologi Sederhana yang Relevan dengan Program Peningkatan Kualitas SDM (Growth Chart (KMS) of Child Development : A Simple Technology which Relevant to the Program to Increase the Quality of Human Resourse)/Mahdin A. Husaini (et. al.).-- Medika, 27(1)2001: 18-25 CHILD NUTRITION 300 Aspek Gizi dan Keamanan Pangan PMTAS di SD Melati dan MI PUI, di Desa Cibeber II, Kecamatan Leuwiliang, Kabupaten Bogor (Nutrition and Food Safety Aspects of PMT-AS in SD Melati and MI PUI, in Cibeber II Village, Leuwiliang, Bogor District)/Dwi Retno Handayani (et. al.).-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 172-176 CHILD ABUSE Child Abuse/Kusmayati, Elli.-27(2)2001: 95-99 295 Medika, CHILD ABUSE, SEXUAL 296 Pencabulan terhadap Anak : Tinjauan Klinis dan Psikologis (Sexual Abuse in Children : Clinical and Psychological Perspectives)/Etty Indriati.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(2)2001: 111-119 301 Dampak PMT-AS terhadap Ekonomi Pedesaan dan Pendidikan Anak Sekolah di Kabupaten Bogor (Impact of School Feeding Program to Academic Achievement on Child and Develope of Rural Economics at Bogor District)/Ali Khomsan; Katrin Roosita.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 108-112 CHILD CARE 297 Pola Asuh dan Kaitannya dengan Tingkat Kemandirian Anak Prasekolah di TK Teladan Negeri Mexindo, Bogor (Child Rearing Pattern and its Relation to Independence Level of Preschool Child at TK Teladan Negeri Mexindo, Bogor)/Rini Kumari; Clara M. Kusharto; Melly Latifah.- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 118-123 302 Evaluasi Dampak Program Makanan Tambahan Anak Sekolah (PMT-AS) pada Absensi dan Status Gizi Murid di Jawa Tengah dan Lampung (The Evaluation of the Impact of School Feeding Program on the School Absentee and Nutrition Status 27 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 in Central Java and Lampung Provinces)/Djoko Kartono (et. al.).--Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 65-72 at Subdistrict and Village Levels)/ Retnaningsih; Hardinsyah.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 58-72 303 Evaluasi Kinerja Penyelenggaraan Kudapan PMT-AS (The Evaluation of Performance of School Feeding Program Management)/Lilik Kustiyah; Hardinsyah.- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 52-57 308 Kinerja Pengelolaan PMT-AS Tingkat SD/MI (Performance of School Feeding Program Management at Primary School Level)/ Sri Anna Marliyati; Hardinsyah.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 7385 304 Kandungan Gizi dan Analisis Biaya Makanan Kudapan PMT-AS di Desa Cibatok II dan Desa Sukamaju, Kabupaten Bogor (Nutrient Content and Cost Analysis of PMT-AS Snack in Cibatok II and Sukamaju Villages, Bogor)/ Hardinsyah; Maria Ekawati; Lilik Kustiyah.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 119-125 309 Kinerja Penyelenggaraan PMT-AS, Status Gizi dan Prestasi Belajar Anak Sekolah Dasar (Performance of School Feeding Program Management, the Nutritional Status and School Achievement of Primary School Children)/Dina Leovita Titisari; Diah Krisnatuti; Retnaningsih.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 190-197 305 Kecukupan Gizi, Berat dan Tinggi Badan Anak Sekolah Penerima PMT-AS di Daerah Pantai dan Pegunungan NTT (The Correlation of Nutrient Adequacy with Body Weight and Height on School Children Members of School Feeding Program in Coastal and Highland Areas of East Nusa Tenggara)/Hardinsyah; Endah Wulandari; Retnaningsih.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 177-189 310 Pengaruh Pemberian Makanan Kudapan PMT-AS pada Glukosa Darah Anak Sekolah Dasar di Desa Tertinggal Karyasari, Bogor (Effect of the Feeding of School Feeding Program toward the Blood Glucose on Primary School Children in Less Developed Village of Karyasari, Bogor)/Bambang Triatma (et. al.).-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 86-91 306 Kinerja Kelembagaan dan Manfaat Program Makanan Tambahan Anak Sekolah di Desa Situmbuk, Kabupaten Tanah Datar (Performance and Benefits of School Feeding Program in Situmbuk Village, Tanah Datar)/Herlina (et. al.).-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 146-154 311 Penyelenggaraan PMT-AS di Desa Cibatok II dan Desa Sukamaju, Cibungbulang, Kabupaten Bogor (The Evaluation of School Feeding Program Performance in Cibatok II and Sukamaju Villages, Cibungbulang, Bogor)/Maria Ekawati; Lilik Kustiyah; Hardinsyah.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 134-138 307 Kinerja Pengelolaan PMT-AS Tingkat Kecamatan dan Desa (The Performance of School Feeding Program Management 312 Penyiapan dan Daya Terima Makanan Kudapan Lokal untuk Mendukung PMT- 28 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 AS (Preparing and Acceptability of Local Snacks to Support School Feeding Program)/Sulasmi Sengut; Clara M. Kusharto; Dewi S. Slamet.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 159-167 318 Konsumsi Kudapan PMT-AS Anak Sekolah di Desa Tulehu Kecamatan Salahutu, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah (Snacks Consumption of School Feeding Program at Tulehu Village, Salahutu, Kabupaten Maluku Tengah)/M. Latumahina.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 168-171 313 Status Gizi Anak SD di Desa Tertinggal (Nutritional Status of Primary School Children in Less-Developed Villages)/ Hardinsyah ( Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 11-22 319 Uji Coba Pemulihan Gizi Buruk Cara Klinik Gizi Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Gizi di Posyandu (Trial Test of the Recovery of Malnourished Children of Nutrition Clinic Method, the Nutrition Research and Development Centre at Village Level)/Djoko Kartono (et. al.).-Medika, (24)2001: 1-10 314 Status Gizi Anak Sekolah di Daerah Pendampingan dan Bukan Pendampingan PMT-AS (Nutrition Aspect of School Children in Supervised and Non-Supervised Locations of School Feeding Program)/Henny Hajatuddin (et. al.).-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 37-42 CHILD REARING 320 Pola Asuh dan Kaitannya dengan Tingkat Kemandirian Anak Prasekolah di TK Teladan Negeri Mexindo, Bogor (Child Rearing Pattern and its Relation to Independence Level of Preschool Child at TK Teladan Negeri Mexindo, Bogor)/Rini Kumari; Clara M. Kusharto; Melly Latifah.- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 118-123 315 Studi Evaluasi PMT-AS terhadap Kesehatan dan Status Gizi Anak (Evaluation Study of School Feeding Program through the Child Health and Child Nutritional Status)/Ali Khomsan (et. al.).-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1) 2001: 103-107 CHILD NUTRITION DISORDERS 316 Formula Makanan Glikemik Tinggi untuk Anak Gizi Kurang (High Glycaemic Food Formulas for Undernourished Children)/ Uken S. Soetrisno (et. al.).-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 64-70 CHLAMYDIA PNEUMONIAE 321 The Role of Chlamydia Pneumoniae in Asthma/Azhar Tanjung; Soegiarto Gani.-Acta Medica Indon., 33(4)2001: 158-162 317 Konseling Gizi dan Kesehatan untuk Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Motorik Kasar Anak Kurang Gizi Penderita ISPA (Nutrition and Health Counseling for Growth and Gross Motoric Development of Malnourished Children with Acute Respiratory Infection)/Heryudarini Harahap; Hamam Hadi; M.G. Adiyanti.-Maj. Gizi Indon., 25(-)2001: 11-19 CHLORAMPHENICOL 322 Hasil Guna Tetes Siprofloksasin 0,3 Dibandingkan Kloramfenikol 3 pada Terapi Otitis Media Kronis Benigna Aktif (The Effectiveness of 0.3 Ciprofloxacin Drop Compare to Chloramphenicol 3 in the Therapy of Active Benign Chronic Otitis Media)/Bambang Udji Djokorianto.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 85-90 29 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 (Preliminary Study in the Prevalence of Acne Vulgaris in Student with Poor and Good Face Hygiene and those Student who often Consumed High Cholesterol Food among Yunior High School Students in Cibitung, Tambun-Bekasi)/Siti Aisah Boediardja; Syaiful Fahmi Daili; Titi Lestari Sugito.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8)2001: 300-303 CHLORELLA 323 Gambaran Histologik Hepar dan Aktivitas SGPT serta SGOT Tikus Putih setelah Diet Protein dan Pemberian Chlorella (The Histological Feature of the Liver and the Activities of SGPT and SGOT on White Mice after Protein Dietary and Chlorella Given)/Bambang Budiono; Zainul Kamal.-- Medika, 27(6)2001: 352356 CHONDROBLASTOMA 329 Metastatic Chondroblastoma/Errol U. Hutagalung; Saukani Gumay.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(1)2001: 57-59 CHLORPYRIFOS 324 Distribusi Residu Karbofuran, Klorpirifos dan Lindan pada Tanaman Padi (Distribution of Carbofuran, Chlorpyrifos and Lindane Insecticide Residues on Paddy)/Asep Nugraha Ardiwinata.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(2)2001: 9-21 CHORIOCARCINOMA 330 Clinical Profile and Prognosis of Invasive Mole (IM) and Choriocarcinoma (ChCa) Complicated with Uterine Perforation/ Diamhoer Martaadisoebrata.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 240-243 CHOLECYSTITIS 325 Management of Septic Shock in Acute Cholecystitis/Sumariyono Arnadi; RHH. Nelwan.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(2)2001: 58-62 CHROMIUM 331 Terapi Nutrisi Kromium untuk Penderita Diabetes (Therapy of Chromium Nutrition to Diabetes Patients)/Kusnindar Atmosukarto; Mitri Rahmawati.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 107-112 CHOLESTASIS 326 Kolestasis pada Anak (Cholestasis in Children)/Boerhan Hidayat.-Bul. Kesehat. Anak, 29(1)2001: 1-16 CILIARY MOTILITY DISORDERS 332 Tinjauan Ultrastruktur dan Molekular Sel Spermatozoa pada Kelainan Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) sebagai Salah Satu Penyebab Infertilitas Laki-laki serta Peranan Teknik IVF sebagai Alternatif Utama Penanggulangannya (The Ultrastructure and Molecular Aspect of Spermatozoa Cell in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) Disorder as the Etiological of Male Infertility and the Role of IVF Techniques as the Primary Therapy)/ Zen Hafy; Nukman Moeloek.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(11)2001: 401406 CHOLESTEROL 327 Immobilasi Enzim dalam Reaktor untuk Penentuan Kolesterol (Immobilization of Enzyme in a Reactor to Determined of Cholesterol)/Manihar Situmorang; Isnaini Nurwahyuni.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 84-89 328 Studi Pendahuluan Prevalensi Akne Vulgaris dan Kebiasaan Mengkonsumsi Makanan Berkadar Kolesterol Tinggi serta Kebersihan Kulit Wajah pada Murid SMP Cibitung di Tambun, Bekasi 30 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 CIPROFLOXACIN CLONE CELLS 333 Aktivitas in-vitro Siprofloksasin terhadap Berbagai Bakteri Gram-Negatif Penyebab Infeksi di Indonesia (Ciprofloxacine invitro through Several Gram-negative Bacteria caused of Infection in Indonesia)/Usman Chatib Warsa.-Makara, 5(2)2001: 26-28 338 Sudah Saatnyakah Klon Manusia Dilakukan (Is it the Right Time to Humans Cloning ?)/N. Suhana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(10)2001: 351-355 COCARCINOGENESIS 339 Faktor-faktor yang Berperan pada Karsinogenesis (The Influencing Factors on Carcinogensis)/Elna Kartawiguna.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(1)2001: 16-26 334 Hasil Guna Tetes Siprofloksasin 0,3 Dibandingkan Kloramfenikol 3 pada Terapi Otitis Media Kronis Benigna Aktif (The Effectiveness of 0.3 Ciprofloxacin Drop Compare to Chloramphenicol 3 in the Therapy of Active Benign Chronic Otitis Media)/Bambang Udji Djokorianto.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 85-90 COLORECTAL NEOPLASMS 340 Faktor Risiko Klinis dan Skrining pada Kanker Kolorektal (Clinical Risk Factors and Screening on Colorectal Cancer)/ Teguh Aryandono.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(1)2001: 63-68 CLEFT LIP 335 Celah Bibir, Faktor Penyebab dan Penanggulangannya (Cleft Lip, the Caused Factors and its Prevention)/ Titik Respati Gilarsih.-- Medika, 27(4)2001: 248-250 COLOSTRUM 341 The Effect of Early Solid Food Feeding and the Absence of Colostrum Feeding on Neonatal Mortality/Hananto Wiryo.-Medika, 27(5)2001: 305-309 336 Frekuensi Penderita Celah Bibir dan Langit-langit di Wilayah Ciparay Kabupaten Bandung (Frequency of Cleft Lip and Palate Patients at Ciparay Bandung Regency)/Astri Indriyati; Tet Soerjati; Sjazili.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(1)2001: 40-47 COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS 342 Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Kesehatan Usia Lanjut di Puskesmas Se-Kabupaten Sleman (Evaluation of the Implementation of Health Program for the Age in All Cummunity Health Centers in Sleman District)/Purwanta; Kristiani; Ali Ghufron Mukti.-J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(3)2001: 183-191 CLEFT PALATE 337 Frekuensi Penderita Celah Bibir dan Langit-langit di Wilayah Ciparay Kabupaten Bandung (Frequency of Cleft Lip and Palate Patients at Ciparay Bandung Regency)/Astri Indriyati; Tet Soerjati; Sjazili.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(1)2001: 4047 343 Posyandu Lanjut Usia di Puskesmas Pare Kebupaten Temanggung (Health Services for the Aged in Pare Community Health Center, Temanggung)/ Dudy D. Nurkusuma.-- Medika, 27(8)2001: 531533 31 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 COMMUNITY HEALTH SERVICES COOMBS' TEST 344 Pengaruh Krisis Ekonomi terhadap Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat (The Effect of Economical Crisis through the Community Health Services)/Azrul Azwar.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 13-16 349 Coombs Test Direct and Indirect/Ria Syafitri.-- Bul. Tranfusi Darah, 28(330) 2001: 5-8 CORNEAL TRANSPLANTATION 350 Keratoplasti pada Bayi Usia 6 Bulan Laporan Kasus (Keratoplasty in Infant of 6 Months Age - A Case Report)/Wasisdi Gunawan; Dian Isworo.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(1)2001: 55-62 COMPETENCY-BASED EDUCATION 345 Peningkatan Keterampilan Klinik Berdasarkan Kompetensi pada Mahasiswa di Bagian Obstetri dan Ginekologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Padjajaran (Improvement of Clinical Skills to Competency-Based on Students of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, Padjajaran University)/Hidayat Wijayanegara; Wawang Setiawan Sukarya; Wiryawan Permadi.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 195-202 CORNEAL ULCER 351 Penatalaksanaan Ulkus Kornea Bakterialis (Management of Bacterialis Corneal Ulcer)/Sylvia.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 375-380 CORONARY DISEASE 352 Dari Hipertensi ke Hipertrofi Ventrikel Kiri, Penyakit Jantung Koroner dan Gagal Jantung : Perlindungan oleh Penghambat ACE (From the Hypertension to Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, Coronary Heart Disease and Heart Failure : The Protection of ACE Inhibitor)/T. Santoso.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 5458 CONJUCTIVITIS 346 Konjungtivitis Membranosa Dwipihak : Penelitian Dua Kasus (Membrane Conjuctivitis : Two Cases Study)/Suhardjo; E.S. Fransisca.-Medika, 27(9)2001: 600-603 CONSUMER PARTICIPATION 347 Cara Melestarikan Kader Posyandu di Kelurahan Kampung Tengah Kecamatan Kramat Jati Jakarta Timur (The Way to Preserve Cadres Posyandu in Kampung Tengah Village, Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur)/Herke J.O. Sigarlaki.-Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(48)2001: 1-5 353 Elective Stenting in Unprotected Left Main Coronary Disease : As Alternative Therapy of CABG/Mohammad Yogiantoro.-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 73-75 354 Gambaran Profil Lipid Wanita Pascamenopause dengan Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Lipids Profile in Post Menopausal Women with Coronary Heart Disease)/E. Suparman; R. Lefrandt; B. CONVULSIONS 348 Kejang pada Neonatal (Neonatal Convultion)/Persadaan Bukit.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(48)2001: 6-12 32 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Sinaga.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Indon., 25(4)2001: 236-239 Rachmi Primadiati.-- Maj. Indon., 51(2)2001: 36-39 Ginekol. 355 Penanggulangan Penyakit Jantung Koroner di Masyarakat (The Prevention of Coronary Heart Diseases in the Community)/Fadilah Supari.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 104-106 Kedokter. 361 Studi Banding antara Krim Mometason Furoat 0,1 dan Desoksimetason 0,25 pada Penderita Dermatitis Kontak Alergik yang Disebabkan oleh Kosmetika (A Comparative Study between 0.1 Mometasone Furoate and 0.25 Desoxymethasone Cream for Treatment of Contact Allergic Dermatitis Caused by Cosmetic)/ S.C. Kurniati; Anggraini Djuanda.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7)2001: 234-240 356 Penyakit Jantung Koroner pada Anak dan Pencegahannya (Coronary Heart Disease on Child and its Pevention)/Ellya Nova Lubis.-- Medika, 27(2)2001: 109-114 357 The Profile of Physical Activity and Coronary Risk Factors in MONICA Jakarta Survey/Dede Kusmana.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(1)2001: 34-41 358 The Risk Factors Profile of Coronary Heart Disease in Dyslipidemic Patients : Results from a Survey in 13 Cities in Indonesia/Harmani Kalim; Rinambaan Willem Mamentu Kaligis.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(1)2001: 42-47 COST ALLOCATION 362 Kandungan Gizi dan Analisis Biaya Makanan Kudapan PMT-AS di Desa Cibatok II dan Desa Sukamaju, Kabupaten Bogor (Nutrient Content and Cost Analysis of PMT-AS Snack in Cibatok II and Sukamaju Villages, Bogor)/Hardinsyah; Maria Ekawati; Lilik Kustiyah.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 119-125 CORPUS CALLOSUM COUGH 359 The Role of Information Transfer between the Hemispheres through the Corpus Callosum in Normal Motor Control/Ginus Partadiredja.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(11)2001: 411-416 COXSACKIEVIRUS INFECTIONS 363 Chronic Cough and Tuberculosis/ Benjamin Y. Tanuwiharja.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(1)2001: 32-37 364 Gambaran Klinis Infeksi Virus Coxsackie (Clinical Situation of Coxsackie Virus Infection)/Darto Saharso; Erny.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 5559 COSMETICS 360 Efek Krim Kosmetika Kombinasi Biosulfur, Triklosan, dan Asam Salisilat terhadap Akne Vulgaris pada Siswa Sebuah SLTA di Jakarta (The Effect of Cosmetics Cream Combination of Biosulfur, Triclosan and Salicylic Acid through the Acne Vulgaris in Senior High School Children in Jakarta)/Sjarif M. Wasitaatmadja; Anna Setiadi Ranti; CRANIOTOMY 365 Management of Otogenic Brain Abscess : Particular Concern on the Craniotomy Mastoidectomy Steps of Surgery/ 33 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Muhammad Sajid Darmadipura; Muhammad Sofjanto; Abdul Hafid.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 23-27 CULICIDAE 372 Uji Kepekaan Nyamuk Vektor dan Efikasi Insektisida yang Digunakan Program terhadap Nyamuk Vektor (A Susceptibility Test of Mosquito Vector and the Efficacy of Insecticides Use by Program through Mosquitoes Vector)/Barodji (et. al.).-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter.,(131)2001: 45-47 CRITICAL ILLNESS 366 Pemantauan Sistem Kardiorespirasi Invasif pada Anak Sakit Kritis (Control of Invasive Cardiorespiration System on Child with Critical Illness)/Edy Muhammad.-- Medika, 27(10)2001: 656-661 373 Uji Patogenisitas Isolat B. thuringiensis yang Ditumbuhkan dalam Buah Kelapa terhadap Berbagai Jentik Nyamuk di Laboratorium (The Pathogenicity Test of B. thuringiensis Isolate which Growthed in Coconut through Mosquito Larvae in the Laboratory)/Blondine Ch. P.; R.A. Yuniarti.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 20-22 CROSS INFECTION 367 Surveilans Kejadian Infeksi Nosokomial (Nosocomial Infections Surveillance)/Atik Choirul Hidajah; Prajoga.-- Bul. Epidemiol. Jawa Timur, 5(2)2001: 39-46 CRYPTORCHIDISM 368 Kriptorkismus dan Penatalaksanaannya (Cryptorcismus and its Management)/ Ismet.-- Medika, 27(2)2001: 101-107 CURCUMIN 374 The Chronopharmacological Effect of Curcumin on Human Gall-bladder/Abdul Rasyid (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(4)2001: 219-223 369 Undescensus Testis dan Problem Fertilitas (Undescended Testes and Infertility Problem)/Akmal Taher.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(11)2001: 407-410 375 The Signal Transduction of Protective Effect of Curcumine on Endothelial Cell in Hypercholesterolemia/Sri Agus Sudjarwo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 1-4 CULEX 370 Efikasi Permenthrin dengan Aplikasi ULV terhadap Culex quinquefasciatus (Permenthrin Effication with ULV Application through Culex quinquefasciatus)/Hadi Suwasono (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 32-34 CYANIDES 376 Kadar Sianida dalam Sayuran dan Umbiumbian di Daerah Gangguan Akibat Kurang Yodium/GAKY (Cyanida Contents on Vegetable and Tubers in Areas of Iodine Deficiency Disorders)/Ance Murdiana; Sukati Saidin.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 33-37 371 Efikasi Shelltox terhadap Culex quinquefasciatus di Laboratorium (The Effication of Shelltox through Culex quinquefasciatus in the Laboratory)/ Hasan Boesri; Blondine Ch.P.; Umi Widyastuti.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 35-37 CYCLOSPORINE 377 Pregnancy in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Receiving Methyl- 34 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 The Role of Cytokines in Inflammatory Bowel Disease/Maulana Suryamin; A. Aziz Rani.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(3) 2001: 114-120 DANDY-WALKER SYNDROME prenisolone and Cyclosporine a Treatment/Ketut Suwitra; Bambang Setyo Basuki.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(3)2001: 100-103 CYSTATINS 378 Sistatin C dan Hubungannya dengan Fungsi Ginjal pada Anak (Cystatin C and its Effect through the Kidney Function on Child )/Sudung O. Pardede.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 28-31 385 Dandy-Walker Syndrome/Bujung Hong.-Ebers Papyrus, 7(1)2001: 53-62 DDT 386 Validasi Faktor-faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Karakteristik DDT di Dalam Tanah (Factors Validation which Influence the Characteristics of DDT in the Ground)/Zainul Kalam; Herry Poernomo.- Medika, 27(5)2001: 294-296 CYSTICERCOSIS 379 Prevalensi dan Distribusi Taeniasis dan Sistiserkosis (The Prevalence and Distribution of Taeniasis and Cysticercosis)/ HS. Widarso (et. al.).-- Makara, 5(2) 2001: 34-38 DEATH 380 The Problem of Taeniasis and Cysticercosis in Irian Jaya, Indonesia/Sri Surastuti Margono; Akira Ito; Thomas Suroso.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 110-114 387 The Impact of Economic Crisis to the Number of Death Victims Caused by Suicidal Hanging/Hariadi Apiranto.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 133-137 381 Survey Sero-Positif Sistiserkosis pada Babi di Kabupaten Jayawijaya, Irian Jaya (Survey on Sero-Positive of Cysticercosis on Pigs in Jayawijaya, Irian Jaya)/Rizal Subahar (et. al.).-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32(64)2001: 9-16 388 Penentuan Saat Kematian dengan Pemeriksaan Fragilitas Osmotik Eritrosit Postmortem pada Tikus Putih Galur SpragueDawley (Predicting the Time of Death by Postmortem Erythrocyte Osmotic Fragility Test on Sprague-Dawley White Mouse)/ Beta Ahlam Gizela; Budi Mulyono.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(2)2001: 83-88 CYTOKINES 382 In-Vitro Cytokines Production of Lymphocytes from Subclinical Leprosy Cases/ Indropo Agusni.-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 44-46 DELIVERY 389 Kajian tentang Pola Persalinan dan Tingkat Kematian Ibu di Bali, 1998/1999 (Study of Birth Delivery Pattern and the Maternal Mortality Rate in Bali, 1998/ 1999)/Ketut Tangking Widarsa; Wayan Darwata.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 174-179 383 Peran Sitokin dalam Proses Remodeling Tulang (The Role of Cytokine on Bone Remodeling Process)/Ketut Siki Kawiyana.-Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 29(1)2001: 1-11 384 35 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 cing through the Mortality in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Patient)/Soegeng Soegijanto.-- Bul. Kesehat. Anak, 30(2) 2001: 61-72 396 Hubungan antara Respon Immun Humoral dan Severitas Demam Berdarah Dengue (The Correlation between Humoral Immune Response and the Severity of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever)/ Widodo Darmowandono; Barkah Triaji.-Bul. Kesehat. Anak, 29(1)2001: 17-29 390 Transdermal Delivery Systems/Nanizar Zaman-Joenoes.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 5-7 DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE 391 Hubungan antara Pola Pemberian ASI dengan Faktor Sosial, Ekonomi, Demografi, dan Perawatan Kesehatan (Breast Feeding Pattern and it’s Correlation with Socio-economic, Demography and Health Care Factors)/Paiman Soeparmanto; Solehah Catur Rahayu.-- Medika, 27(8) 2001: 502-508 397 Kematian karena DBD pada Anak dan Faktor Penentunya (Death Caused by Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever on Child and its Determinant Factors)/Sarwanto.-Medika, 27(9)2001: 564-568 DEMENTIA 392 Early Detection of Dementia in the Elderly and its Management/Siti Setiati.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(2)2001: 78-82 398 Penatalaksanaan Kasus Kehamilan dengan Demam Berdarah Dengue (The Management of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Pregnancy)/Suparmin; Binarwan Halim; Djafar Siddik.-Medika, 27(1)2001: 26-29 DEMENTIA, VASCULAR 393 Dementia Vaskuler pada Penderita Stroke Iskhemik Akut di RSUPP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta (Vascular Dementia on Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke at Sardjito General Hospital)/Indra Addinar; Lucas Meliala; Pemodjo Dahlan.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 3(1)2001: 37-45 399 Role Aedes aegypti in in-house Success Cases of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever/ Dengue Fever/Sulistiawati.-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 57-62 DENGUE HEMORRHAGIC FEVER DENSITOMETRY 394 Demam Berdarah Dengue : Pengamatan Klinik dan Penatalaksanaan di Rumah Sakit Sumber Waras (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever : Clinical Observa-tions and its Management at Sumber Waras Hospital)/ Tatang Kustiman Samsi.-Ebers Papyrus, 7(3)2001: 163-198 400 Standarisasi Sediaan Daun Seledri (Apium graveolens L.) secara KLT-Densitometri Menggunakan Apigenin sebagai Parameter (Standardization of Celery Leaves Preparation (Apium graveolens L.) by Thin Layer Chromatographic Densitometry using Apigenin as a Parameter)/Djatmiko M.; Pramono S.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(2)2001: 59-65 395 Faktor-faktor Resiko yang Mempengaruhi Kematian pada Penderita Demam Berdarah Dengue (The Risk Factors Influen- DENTAL CARIES 36 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 401 Studi Konsumsi Gula dan Karies Gigi pada Murid Taman Kanak-kanak (Study on the Related of Sugar Consumption and Dental Caries at the Kindergarten)/ Nurce Intan Permata (et. al.).-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 91-99 DENTURE, PARTIAL, REMOVABLE DENTAL CAVITY PREPARATION DEPRESSION 402 Evaluasi Restorasi Kavitas Kelas I terhadap Teknik Perawatan Restoratif Atraumatik dan Teknik Konvensional (The Evaluation of Class I Cavity Restoration in the Atraumatic Restorative Treatment and Conventional Technique)/Diyanah Harman Soebandhi.-- Maj. Ilmu Kedokter. Gigi, 3(5)2001: 80-82 407 Depresi pada Anak (Depression in Children)/Abdul Mutholib Rambe.-- Medika, 27(4)2001: 233-237 DERMATITIS, ATOPIC DENTAL HEALTH SURVEYS DERMATITIS, CONTACT 406 Alternatif Penentuan Desain Gigi Tiruan sebagian Ujung Bebas (The Alternative to Determine the Design of Removable Partial Denture)/Heriyanti A.K.-Maj. Ilmu Kedokter. Gigi, 3(5)2001: 83-86 408 Neuropeptides in Atopic Dermatitis/M. Cholis.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 197-200 403 Reliabilitas Indeks DMF-T dengan Dokter sebagai Observer (Reliability of DMF-T Index with Medical Doctors as Observer)/ Ch.M. Kristanti; Suhardi.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(3)2001: 138-148 409 Studi Banding antara Krim Mometason Furoat 0,1 dan Desoksimetason 0,25 pada Penderita Dermatitis Kontak Alergik yang Disebabkan oleh Kosmetika (A Comparative Study between 0.1 Mometasone Furoate and 0.25 Desoxymethasone Cream for Treatment of Contact Allergic Dermatitis Caused by Cosmetic)/ S.C. Kurniati; Anggraini Djuanda.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7)2001: 234-240 DENTAL OCCLUSION 404 Hubungan Oklusi Gigi-Geligi dengan Gangguan Fungsi Sendi Temporomandibula (The Correlation between Dental Occlusion and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction)/Gemala Birgitta; Sri Rahayu; Yastini Raizal.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(46) 2001: 16-22 DESOXIMETASONE 410 Studi Banding antara Krim Mometason Furoat 0,1 dan Desoksimetason 0,25 pada Penderita Dermatitis Kontak Alergik yang Disebabkan oleh Kosmetika (A Comparative Study between 0.1 Mometasone Furoate and 0.25 Desoxymethasone Cream for Treatment of Contact Allergic Dermatitis Caused by Cosmetic)/ S.C. Kurniati; Anggraini Djuanda.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7) 2001: 234-240 DENTISTRY 405 Perawatan Pulpotomi dengan Formokresol pada Fraktur Gigi Insisivus Sulung atas Anak Usia 2,5 Tahun (Pulpotomy Care with Formocresol on Insisivus Dental Fracture on 2.5 Years Children)/ Siadjit Yudi Dwiyanti.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 47-52 DEXTROCARDIA 411 37 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Double-Outlet Right Ventricle Associated with Dextrocardia/Ida Bagus Subanada; Ida Bagus Agung Winaya; Hendra Santoso.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8) 2001: 304-307 DIABETES, GESTATIONAL 412 Makrosomia pada Diabetes Gestasional (Macrosomia in Gestational Diabetes)/ Nurhayati (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 267-271 418 Management of Diabetes Mellitus During Surgery Using the Insulin-Dextrose Method/Azhari Gani; Sjafii Piliang.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(1)2001: 25-30 419 Obat Anti Trombosit pada Diabetes Mellitus : Peran "Three in One Platelet" (The Antithrombotic Agents on Diabetes Mellitus : The Role of "Three in One Platelet")/Askandar Tjokroprawiro.-Medika, 27(9)2001: 574-579 DIABETES MELLITUS 420 Peran Radikal Bebas dan Infeksi terhadap Komplikasi Vaskuler Diabetes Mellitus (The Role of Free Radicals and Infection through the Vascular Complication on Diabetes Mellitus)/Hendromartono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 41-54 413 Bedah Intra Okuler pada Penderita Dibetes Melitus (Intra Ocular Surgery in Diabetes Mellitus Patient)/Suhardjo.-Medika, 27(11)2001: 720-724 414 Diabetes Mellitus and Pregnancy/Ari F. Syam; Sarwono Waspadji; Slamet Suyono.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(1) 2001: 15-24 421 Psychoneuroimmunology Paradigm in Diabetes Mellitus Research/Suhartono Taat Putra.-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 47-51 415 Gambaran Profil Lemak pada Penderita DM Tipe-2 Terkendali dan Tidak Terkendali (Fat Profile on Control and Uncontrol of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients)/Burhanuddin Nasution.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 7-14 422 Terapi Nutrisi Kromium untuk Penderita Diabetes (Therapy of Chromium Nutrition to Diabetes Patients)/Kusnindar Atmosukarto; Mitri Rahmawati.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 107-112 416 Gambaran Umum Diabetes di Indonesia (General Situation of Diabetes in Indonesia)/Dwi Sutanegara.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 83-88 DIABETES MELLITUS, NON-INSULINDEPENDENT 423 ICA Kualitatif tidak Dapat Dipakai sebagai Prediktor Kebutuhan akan Insulin untuk Pengendalian Gula Darah Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe-2 (ICA can't be Used as Predictor of Insulin for Controling the Blood Glucose in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients)/Ketut Suastika; Nyoman Sutarka; N. Dwi Sutanegara.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 110-114 417 Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM1) sebagai Prediktor Atherosklerosis pada Tikus Wistar Diabetes Mellitus (Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 as Atherosclerosis Predictor on Diabetes Mellitus Mice)/Zainal Musthafa; Gatot S. Lawrence; Arifin Seweang.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 5-6 38 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 424 Pengalaman Klinis Pengobatan Diabetes Melitus Tipe-2 dengan Glimepirid di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta (The Clinical Experience in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with Glimepiride in Central National General Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta)/Sidartawan Soegondo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(2)2001: 40-45 429 The Effect of Fermented Sour Milk Consumption on the Health Conditions and the Recovery from Diarrhea of Elementary School Pupils/Usman Chatib Warsa.-- Makara, 5(2)2001: 29-33 430 Pola Pertumbuhan Bakteri Hasil Biakan Apusan Rektal Penderita Diare (The Pattern of Bacteria Growth of Rectal Swabs in Diarrhea Patients)/Ni Made Dewi Arimas; Ibrahim A. Samad; Hardjoeno.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 101-104 DIABETIC FOOT 425 Permasalahan Kaki Diabetes dan Upaya Penanggulangannya (The Problem on Diabetic Foot and its Prevention Effort)/ Misnardiarly.-- Medika, 27(5)2001: 313316 DIARRHEA, INFANTILE 431 Faktor-faktor Risiko Diare Persisten pada Anak Balita (Risk Factors of Persistent Diarrhea in Under-five Children)/ Lannywati Ghani.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(3)2001: 110-116 DIABETIC NEPHROPATHIES 426 Pengaruh Diabetes yang Diinduksi dengan Streptozotosin terhadap Kemungkinan Terjadinya 'Diabetes Nephropathy' pada Ginjal Tikus (The Influence of Diabetes with Streptozotosin Induced through Diabetes Nephropathy Susceptibility in the Kidney of Rats)/ Armenia (et. al.).-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 6(2)2001: 97-104 432 Tindakan Ibu terhadap Anaknya yang Menderita Gastroenteritis Akuta/Diare Akut (The Acting of the Mother in Facing the Child Who Suffered from Acute Gastroenteritis or Acute Diarrhea)/ Subijanto Marto Sudarmo; Pitono Suparto; Darto Saharso.-- Bul. Kesehat. Anak, 30(2)2001: 73-90 427 Pengelolaan Nyeri Diabetika (Management of Diabetic Pain)/Yuswar Anwar Darisan; Samekto Wibowo; Siti Musfiroh.- Berk. Neuro Sains, 2(3)2001: 153-161 DIAZINON 433 Gejala Klinis dan Patologi Anatomi Mencit Akibat Diazinon (Clinical and Pathological Symptoms of Mice Anatomy Caused by the Effect of Diazinon)/Raflizar.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 51-56 DIARRHEA 428 Diare Bakterial: Etiologi dan Pola Kepekaan Antibiotika di Dua Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat di Jakarta (Bacterial Diarrhea : Etiology and Antibiotics Susceptibility in Two of Community Health Centers in Jakarta)/ Paul Bukitwetan; Julius E. Suryawidjaja; Octavianus Ch. Salim.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(2)2001: 57-65 DICLOFENAC 434 Preformulasi Sediaan Lepas Lambat Natrium Diklofenak dengan Resin 39 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Penukar Ion (Preformulation of Slow Release Diclofenac Sodium Sustained by Ion Exchanger Resine)/A. Karim Zulkarnain; Tedjo Yuwono; Sumarno.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 19-25 DIET 435 Pengaruh Kombinasi Latihan Renang Aerobik dan Pembatasan Diet terhadap Absorpsi 3-Methyl-D-Glukosa pada Otot Soleus Tikus Putih (Effects of the Combined of Aerobic Swimming Exercise and Diet through the 3-Methyl-D-Glucose in Soleus Muscle of Rat)/Puguh S. Kuncoro; R. Soekarman; Ngakan Made Rai W.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 30-34 DIROFILARIA IMMITIS 440 Dirofilaria Immitis Salah-satu Penyebab Kelainan pada Paru-paru Manusia (Dirofilaria Immitis as a Cause of Lung Disorders on the Human)/Magdalena, L.J.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(2)2001: 123-130 DISASTERS 441 Faktor Resiko terhadap Kesehatan pada Kejadian Bencana dan Pengungsian (The Risk Factors of Health in the Evacuation and Disasters Incidence)/Mudjiharto.-Bul. Epidemiol. Jawa Timur, 5(1)2001: 19-30 442 Kajian Masalah Gizi dalam Kedaruratan Akibat Bencana dan Konflik (Study on Nutrition Emergency Cause of Disasters and Conflicts)/Herman Sudiman.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(4)2001: 163-173 DIETARY FIBER 436 Epidemiology of Fiber Consumption in Indonesia/Abas B. Jahari; Iman.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., 25(-) 2001: 37-56 437 Pengaruh Serat Makanan dalam Diit terhadap Absorpsi Glukosa pada Usus Halus Tikus (The Effects of Dietary Fibers in Diet on Glucose Absorption in Small Intestine of Rat)/ Desak Made Citrawathi; Martin Setiabudi; Harlina S.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 4-12 DISEASE 443 Hubungan Jiwa dan Raga : Peranan Psikoneuroimunologi (PNI) pada Penyakit dan Penanggulangannya (The Relationship between Mental and Physic : The Role of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) in Diseases and Treatment)/ Arjatmo Tjokronegoro.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8)2001: 273-278 DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS 438 Feasibility Study on Energy Content in Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP) for 2-3 Years-Old Children with Malnutrition/Sri Umijati; Fatmaningrum.-Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 66-70 444 Malnutrisi, Penyakit dan Pelayanan Gizi (Malnutrition, Diseases and the Nutritional Services)/Sri Rahayuningsih.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(11)2001: 389-392 439 Perilaku Konsumsi Suplemen Pria Dewasa di Kota Makasar (The Behavior of Supplement Consumption in Adult Men in Makasar)/Hardinsyah; Retnaningsih; Siradjudin.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 57-64 445 Penyakit Akibat Terpajan Merkuri (Diseases Caused of Mercury Exposure)/ Hadi Djunaedi.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indonesia, 29(2)2001: 77-81 446 40 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Kabupaten Pekalongan dari Tahun 19951999 (Manual Arrangement of Management Evaluation and Analysis of Drug Cost Based on the Indicator Approach Measurement at Puskesmas Pekalongan District in 1995-2000)/Sriana Azis; Sri Endreswari; Daroham Mutiakum.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(2)2001: 84-96 Pola Penyakit dan ASI Eksklusif di Unit Rawat Jalan Neonatologi RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya Tahun 1997-1999 (The Diseases and Exclusive Breast Feeding Pattern in Neonatology Outpatient Unit Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, in 1997-1999)/ Sylviaty M. Damanik.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 1-7 DRUG INFORMATION SERVICES 452 Consumen Motivation to Ward Information Service and Drug Consultation of Pharmaceutical Store in Yogyakarta City/Ika Puspita Sari.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(2)2001: 80-84 DISINFECTANTS 447 Evaluasi Daya Desinfeksi Air HOP (The Evaluation of Microbicidal Effect of HOP Water)/D.B. Hadiwidjaja (et. al.).-Medika, 27(2)2001: 88-94 DRUG RESISTANCE DNA 453 Tuberculosis : The Problem of Drug Resistance, and Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis/Azhar Tanjung.-Acta Medika Indonesiana, 33(2) 2001: 41-43 448 Fast and Simple Procedure of Extraction of Sputum DNA for Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis by Polymerase Chain Reaction/Indrayana Noto Soehardjo.-Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 97-99 DRUG RESISTANCE, MICROBIAL 454 Drug Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Hospitalized Patients/Hadi Halim; Suyata; Ahmad Rasyid.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(2)2001: 44-49 DOUBLE OUTLET RIGHT VENTRICLE 449 Double-Outlet Right Ventricle Associated with Dextrocardia/Ida Bagus Subanada; Ida Bagus Agung Winaya; Hendra Santoso.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8)2001: 304-307 DRUG THERAPY 455 Effect of Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor on Chemotherapy Induced Myelosupression/ Boediwarsono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(2)2001: 42-50 DOWN-REGULATION 450 Receptor Down Regulation : as a Physiological Response/Paul S. Poli.-Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 51-54 456 Menilai Respon Terapi Kombinasi Radiasi dan Kemoterapi pada Kanker Payudara (KPD) Stadium IIIB (Evaluation of the Response of Combination Therapy Chemotherapy and Radiation on Stage III-B Breast Cancer)/Ismairin Oesman.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(7)2001: 250-261 DRUG COSTS 451 Penyusunan Pedoman Evaluasi Pengelolaan dan Pembiayaan Obat Berdasarkan Pengukuran Indikator di Puskesmas 41 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Pengobatan Dismenore secara Akupunktur (Dysmenorrhea Therapy with Acupuncture)/Galya Junizar; Sulianingsih; Dharma K. Widya.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 52-55 457 Penggunaan Obat Secara Rasional : Upaya untuk Mengatasi Ketidakrasionalan Pemberian Obat (The Rational Drug Use : The Effort to Increase the Unrational Drug Use)/H. Sulanto Saleh-Danur R.-- Medika, 27(11)2001: 737-739 ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY 463 Peranan Ekokardiografi pada Gagal Jantung (The Role of Echocardiography in Heart Failure Case)/Abdul Majid.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 9497 458 Tinjauan Klinis dan Aspek Farmakoterapi Neuroleptik pada Penderita Skizofrenia Anak (The Clinical Review and Neuroleptic Pharmacotherapy Aspect in Childhood Schizophrenia Patients)/Lelly Resna.-- Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 141-162 ECLAMPSIA 464 Kematian pada Eklampsia dan Perlemakan Hati Akut dalam Kehamilan : Laporan Kasus (Death of Eclampsia and Acute Fatty Liver in Pregnancy : Cases Report)/Bambang Binalwan; Dodi Hendradi; Gulardi Wiknjosastro.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 210-217 DRUG UTILIZATION 459 Pengaruh Ketersediaan Dana Kontan terhadap Pengadaan dan Penggunaan Obat Tingkat Puskesmas (The Impact of the Availability of Fund in Cash on the Supply and the Usage of Drugs at the Community Health Centers)/E. Anissa; S. Suryawati.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 53-61 465 Penanganan Preeklampsia Berat dan Eklampsia (The Management of Severe Preeclampsia and Eclampsia)/Ketut Sudhaberata.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 27-31 DRUGS, GENERIC 460 Penulisan Resep Obat dengan Nama Generik pada Pasien Rawat Jalan RS Fatmawati (Drug Prescription in Generic Names in Out Patients Clinic, Fatmawati Hospital)/Debby Daniel.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 348-358 466 Profil Penderita Preeklamsia Eklamsia di RSU Tarakan, Kaltim (The Profile of Preeclampsia Eclampsia Patients in Tarakan Hospital, East Kalimantan)/Ketut Sudhaberata.-- Medika, 27(2)2001: 83-87 DUFFY BLOOD-GROUP SYSTEM 461 Genotyping of the Duffy Blood Groups by PCR-RFLP Method in Bacan Island, Maluku/Betty Roosihermiatie.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(3)2001: 126-137 ECONOMICS 467 The Impact of Economic Crisis to the Number of Death Victims Caused by Suicidal Hanging/Hariadi Apiranto.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 133-137 DYSMENORRHEA 462 468 42 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Education)/Anis Fuad.-- Medika, 27(6) 2001: 379-382 Pengaruh Krisis Ekonomi terhadap Pelayanan Kesehatan Masyarakat (The Effect of Economical Crisis through the Community Health Services)/Azrul Azwar.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 13-16 474 Pendidikan Dokter dengan Pendekatan Kedokteran Keluarga (Medical Education and Family Medicine Approach)/Anies.-Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 55-59 475 Using Learning Module by Applying the Methods of Evidence Based Medicine and Problem Based Learning as an Effort to Improve Cognitive Ability of the Medical Students/Darto Saharso; Erny.-Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 14-18 469 Perkembangan Sektor Kesehatan Dipandang dari Aspek Ekonomi : Apakah Menujang JPKM ? (The Development of Health Sector Reviewed from Economical Aspect : Is There Supporting the Health Insurance ?)/Laksono Trisnantoro.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(8)2001: 146153 EFFICIENCY ECONOMICS, HOSPITAL 476 Gizi Kerja untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas (Occupational Nutrition to Increase the Productivity)/Hadi Djunaedi.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 93-97 470 Manajemen Akuntansi Rumah Sakit (Management of Hospital Accounting)/ Aman Nasution.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 65-72 477 Penatalaksanaan Program Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja pada Sektor Industri dalam Kaitannya dengan Produktivitas Kerja di Kawasan Industri, Kabupaten Serang (The Management of Occupational Health and Safety Program on Industrial Sector and its Relationship to the Productivity in Industrial Areas in Serang District)/ Bagus Trihandoyo; Hendrianto Trisnowibowo; Wahyu Pudji Nugraheni.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 1-13 EDUCATION, MEDICAL 471 Diseminasi Paket Program Pemberantasan TB ke Dalam Kurikulum Nasional Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum sebagai Salah Satu Upaya Pemberantasan TB di Indonesia (The Dissemination of Tuberculosis Control Program in the National Curiculum of Medical Education as Tuberculosis Control Effort in Indonesia)/Tamsil Syafiuddin.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 64-66 EJACULATION 472 Educational Change in Medical School : a New Learning Method for Facing the 21st Century/Ratna Sari Intan; Yordan Khaedir.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(9)2001: 332-341 478 Retrograd Ejakulasi (Ejaculation Retrogard)/Ridwan Harahap.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 118-119 ELECTRICITY 479 Radiasi Elektromagnetik dari Alat Elektronik dan Efeknya bagi Kesehatan (Electromagnetical Radiation from the Electricity and its Effect through the Health)/ 473 Informatika Kedokteran dalam Pendidikan Dokter (Medical Informatics in Medical 43 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Muhammad Fathoni.-2001: 580-585 Medika, 27(9) EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL ELECTROMYOGRAPHY 485 Hubungan Persepsi dan Sikap Pasien tentang Peran dan Fungsi Perawat dengan Penampilan Kerja Perawat di UPF Penyakit Dalam RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya (The Relationship between Perception and Attitude of Patient toward the Role and Function of Nurse with the Nurse Perfomance in Functional Unit of Internal Disease, RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya)/Hermin Tumini.-- Bul. Penelit. RSUD Dr. Soetomo, 3(2)2001: 15-26 480 Gambaran EMG Sfingter Ani sesudah 3 Bulan Postpartum (The EMG (Electromyography) Profiles of Sphincter Ani after a Three-Months Postpartum)/Jelondra Djoesman; Budi Iman Santoso; Yunizaf.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon. 25(4)2001: 225-230 ELLIPTOCYTOSIS, HEREDITARY 481 Epidemiological Study on Ovalocytosis in Malaria Endemic Area in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara Province/ Bariah I. Sutanto; Indri Safitri; Yoes Prijatna Dachlan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 26-29 EMPYEMA 486 Empiema (Empyema)/Sugito; Parluhutan Siagian.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(3)2001: 103-108 EMERGENCIES EMPYEMA, PLEURAL 482 Transportasi Gawat Darurat Anak (Child Emergencies Transportation)/Haris Marta Saputra.-- Medika, 26(1)2001: 30-35 487 Thoracic Empyema/Alfian Nurbi; Asril Bahar.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(2)2001: 67-73 EMERGENCY MEDICINE ENCEPHALITIS 483 Pengelolaan Keadaan Darurat Medik bila Terjadi Kecelakaaan Pesawat Terbang di Bandar Udara (The Management of Medical Emergency in Aviation Accident at the Airport)/C. Susanto.-- Bul. Epidemiol. Jawa Timur, 5(3)2001: 71-78 488 Herpes Simplex Encephalitis/Erny Darto Saharso.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 98-103 ENDOCARDITIS 489 Infective Endocarditis as a Complication of Intravenous Drug Abuse/Adi Wijaya; Ardaya; Arya Govinda.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(4)2001: 145-148 EMOTIONS 484 Pengetahuan dan Kebutuhan Pelayanan Informasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja di Beberapa Kota Besar di Jawa (Knowledge and the Need of Information of Adolescent Health Reproduction in Several Urban Areas in Java)/Paiman Soeparmanto; Imam Waluyo; Neila Ramdhani.-Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 66-81 ENDOCARDITIS, SUBACUTE BACTERIAL 490 Endokarditis Sub Akut Bakterial pada Pasien dengan Penyalahgunaan Obat (Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis on Patients with Drug Abuse)/Poerniati Koes 44 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Andrijani (et. al.).-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 55-58 497 Dukungan Nutrisi Enteral pada Pasien Stroke dan Pasca Operasi Bedah Otak (The Enteral Nutrition Supported on Stroke and Post Brain Surgery Patient)/ Chris A. Johannes.-- Medika, 27(12) 2001: 773-777 ENDOCRINOLOGY 491 Akupunktur dalam Bidang Endokrinologi (Acupuncture in Endocrinology)/Hendromartono.-- Meridian, 8(2)2001: 86-90 ENDOMETRIAL NEOPLASMS ENVIRONMENTAL ILLNESS 498 Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Penyakit Berbasis Lingkungan melalui JPS-BK (The Prevention and Control of Enviromental Diseases by Health Insuranse)/M.S. Slamet Rihadi.-- Bul. Penelit. RSUD Dr. Soetomo, 27(3)2001: 182-184 492 Hormone Replacement Therapy in Endometrial Cancer/Andrijono.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 244-247 ENDOMETRIOSIS Endometriosis/Sudiro Tirto.-Papyrus, 7(3)2001: 215-220 493 Ebers ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 499 Karakteristik Limbah Rumah Sakit dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kesehatan dan Lingkungan (The Characteristic of Hospital Disposal and its Impact to Environmental Health)/Satmoko Wisaksono.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 57-60 ENDOSONOGRAPHY 494 Endoradioterapi : Sebuah Tantangan (Endoradiotherapy : A Challenge)/ Nasukha.-- Medika, 27(8)2001: 512-514 ENDOTHELIUM 495 Peran ACE-inhibitor pada Disfungsi Endotel dan Remodeling Kardiovaskular (The Role of ACE-inhibitor on Cardiovascular Remodeling and Endotel Dysfunction)/Djoko Soemantri; Esti Hindariati; Rudyatmoko.-- Medika, 27(8)2001: 509511 500 Masalah Kesehatan Kota dan Gerakan Kota Sehat di Indonesia : Suatu Pengantar (City Health Problem and Health City Program in Indonesia : An Introduction)/Charles Surjadi.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 20-28 496 The Effect of Caloric Restriction During Ramadan Fasting on Free Radical Status among Elderly Patients/Siti Setiati; Tri Budi Rahardjo; Maryantoro Oemardi.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8)2001: 293298 501 Peningkatan Efisiensi dengan Memperkecil Keluaran Limbah melalui Proses Produksi atau Teknologi Bersih Lingkungan (Increasing the Efficiency by Minimizing Waste Product by Production Process or Environmental Health Technology)/Ketut Kusminarno.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32(64)2001: 39-42 ENTERAL NUTRITION ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION ENERGY INTAKE 45 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 502 Hubungan antara Kesehatan Gingiva dengan Pencemaran Lingkungan karena Mercury (The Relationship between Environmental Polluted by Mercury and Gingival Health)/Sudibyo.-- Maj. Ilmu Kedokter. Gigi, 3(5)2001: 87-90 EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA 507 Epidermolisis Bullosa : Laporan Kasus (Epidermolysis Bullosa : A Case Report)/ Guslihan D. Tjipta; Ansaruddin Nasution.- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 1720 EPILEPSY 508 Aspek Hormon Steroid Ovarium pada Perempuan Epilepsi (Aspect of Ovarium Steroid Hormone in Epileptic Women)/ Riani Indiyarti; Sri Erni Istiawati; Yan Sudin Purba.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(4)2001: 127-133 503 Pengembangan Model untuk Analisis Resiko Lingkungan dari Kontaminasi Bahan Kimia (Development of Model for the Environmental Risk Assessment due to Chemical Contamination)/Sofyan Yatim.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(2)2001: 2228 ENZYME-LINKED ASSAY IMMUNOSORBENT EPILEPSY, TONIC-CLONIC 509 Kapasitas Memori Jangka Pendek pada Penderita Epilepsi Grand Mal (Short Term Memory Capacity on Grand Mal Epilepsy Patient)/Karyono; Tjahyani Natriana; Prasetyo Budi Widodo.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(1)2001: 5-7 504 Malaria Seroepidemiologic Study Using ELISA with Plasmodium falciparum Crude Antigen in Three Villages in Lombok Barat, West Nusa Tenggara/Sri Hidayati BS.; Kusmartisnawati; Yoes Prijatna Dachlan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 15-25 EPISTAXIS 510 Penatalaksanaan Epistaksis (The Management of Epistaxis)/Mohammad Ichsan.- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 4346 ENZYMES 505 Distribusi Aktivitas Butirilkolinesterase pada Suatu Populasi Suku Jawa di Jakarta (The Distribution of Butyrylcholinesterase Activity in Java Population in Jakarta)/Elly Herwana; Franciscus D. Suyatna; Rianto Setiabudy.-J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(1)2001: 42-48 ERYTHROCYTES 511 Penentuan Saat Kematian dengan Pemeriksaan Fragilitas Osmotik Eritrosit Postmortem pada Tikus Putih Galur Sprague-Dawley (Predicting the Time of Death by Postmortem Erythrocyte Osmotic Fragility Test on SpragueDawley White Mouse)/Beta Ahlam Gizela; Budi Mulyono.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(2)2001: 83-88 ENZYMES, IMMOBILIZED 506 Immobilasi Enzim dalam Reaktor untuk Penentuan Kolesterol (Immobilization of Enzyme in a Reactor to Determined of Cholesterol)/Manihar Situmorang; Isnaini Nurwahyuni.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 84-89 ERYTHROPOIETIN 46 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Pengaruh Pemberian Terapi Hormon Pengganti Estrogen Dosis Rendah terhadap Indeks Stiffness Arteri Karotis pada Wanita Pasca-Menopause (The Effect of Low-Dose of Estrogen Replacement Therapy through Carotid Artery Stiffness Index in Post-Menopause Women)/Susi Herminingsih; RWM. Kaligis; Fadilah Supari.-- Dexa Media, 14(2)2001: 86-93 519 Pentingnya Terapi Sulih Hormon pada Wanita Menopause (The Importance Thing of Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause Women)/T.O. Agoestina.-Medika, 27(12)2001: 791-796 512 Aplikasi Klinik dari Recombinant Erythropoetin (rH-EPO) pada Anemia Akibat Kanker (The Clinical Application of Erythropoietine (rH-EPO) Recombinant on Anemia Caused by Cancer)/ Boediwarsono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 54-62 ESOPHAGUS 513 Hubungan antara Indeks Hati dengan Varises Esofagus pada Penderita Sirosis Hati (The Correlation between Liver Indexs and Esophagus Varices in Liver Cirrhosis Patient)/Iswan A Nusi.-Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 10-14 ESTROGENS ESTHETICS, DENTAL 514 Estetika Dental Ditinjau dari Segi Ilmu Konservasi Gigi (Dental Esthetics : Reviewed from Dental Conservation Science)/Merry R. Sibarani; Sri Rahayu H.; Jastini Raizal.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(46) 2001: 1-5 520 Aspek Hormon Steroid Ovarium pada Perempuan Epilepsi (Aspect of Ovarium Steroid Hormone in Epileptic Women)/ Riani Indiyarti; Sri Erni Istiawati; Yan Sudin Purba.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(4)2001: 127-133 521 Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM) : A New Choice for Postmenopausal Women and Physicians who Worry on Cancer/A. Baziad.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 187-190 ESTHROGEN REPLACEMENT THERAPY 515 Controversies in Hormone Replacement Therapy/A Baziad.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 182-186 522 Urositogram, Alternative Mudah dan Murah untuk Menilai Stimulasi Estrogen (Urositogram, a Low Cost and Simple Procedure for Evaluated of Estrogen Stimulation)/Sri Herdini.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(10)2001: 372-377 516 Hormone Replacement Therapy in Endometrial Cancer/Andrijono.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 244-247 517 Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy/Ali Baziad.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(4)2001: 242-251 523 The Use of Phytoestrogens in Postmenopausal Women/Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(10)2001: 378-382 518 47 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Pengaruh Latihan Pliometrik terhadap Kekuatan dan Kecepatan Kontraksi Otot (The Effects of Plyometric Training through the Speed and Strength of Muscle Contraction)/Hariadi; Choesnan Effendi; R.M. Tauhid Al-Amien.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 46-50 ETHANOL 524 The Influence of Repricipitation Methods Paracetamol Crystal Using Solvent Ethanol in Fabrication Process on Physical Properties of Tablet/Tri Yulianti; Achmad Fudholi.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(2)2001: 92-96 525 Uji Antimalaria in Vitro dari Ekstrak Etanol dan Kloroform Daun Cassia siamea (Antimalarial in Vitro Activity Test of Ethanol and Chloroform Extracts of Cassia siamea Leaves)/Wiwied Ekasari (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(2)2001: 22-29 530 Penyebab Kelelahan Otot pada Eksersais dengan Intentsitas dan Durasi Berbeda (The Cause of Muscle Fatigue During Exercises in Different Intensity and Duration)/K. Tirtayasa.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 73-77 EXOCYTOSIS 531 Mekanisme Eksositosis Vesikel Sinaptik (The Mechanism of Vesical Synaptics Exocytosis)/Ihya Ridlo Nizomy.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 35-45 EUTHANASIA 526 Apakah Tindakan Euthanasia Merupakan Tindakan Medik yang Baik ? (Euthanasia : Is it a Good Medical Appearance ?)/MK. Tadjudin.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(6) 2001: 185-186 EXPECTORANTS 532 Pemantapan Metoda dan Penetapan Kadar Fenilpropanolamine pada Bahan Campuran Sirup Obat Batuk dengan Metoda KCKT (The Stabilization Method and Determination of Fenilpropanolamine Level on the Mixed Preparation of Expectorate with KCKT Method)/Ani Isnawati; Mariana Raini; S.R. Muktiningsih.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 2125 EXERCISE 527 Penatalaksanaan Terapi Latihan Metode McKenzie pada Nyeri Tengkuk (The Management of Exercise Therapy by McKenzie Methods on the Neck Pain)/Suharto RPT.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 61-62 528 Pengaruh Latihan Fisik Daya Tahan Genaidy pada Tenaga Kerja Wanita Bagian Potong Perapihan di Pabrik Sepatu Tangerang (The Effect of Genaidy Endurance Physical Training on Female Workers at a Shoe Factory in Tangerang)/ A.H. Samsuria; J. Pradono; S. Budiningsih.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(1)2001: 12-21 EYE DISEASES 533 Pola Distribusi Penyakit Mata di RSU Cut Nyak Dhien, Maulaboh, Aceh, 1997 (The Distribution Pattern of Eye Diseases at Cut Nyak Dhien Hospital, Maulaboh, Aceh, 1997)/Arlina Yunita; H. Chairul Bahri.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 37-40 529 48 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Kandungan Asam Lemak dalam Biji Durian/Durio zibethinus, Murr (Fatty Acid Content in Durian (Durio zibethinus, Murr) Seed)/S.R Eni; Sumarno.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(2)2001: 66-79 FAMILY PLANNING 534 Analisa Dampak Projek SDES (Service Delivery Expansion Support) terhadap Peningkatan Program Keluarga Berencana di Jawa Timur (The Analysis of the Impact of SDES Project through Increasing Family Planning Program in East Java)/Soermartono; Listyawardani; Sri Supiaty.-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 1-16 FASTING 535 The Effect of Calorie Restriction During Fasting/Deden Djatmika; Karmel L. Tambunan; Abdulmuthalib.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(4)2001: 133-141 FATTY ACIDS, OMEGA-3 540 Pengaruh Diet Minyak Ikan Kaya Omega3 terhadap Sistem Imunitas Seluler (The Effects of Dietary of Fish Oil Rich in Omega-3 on Cellular Immunity System)/ Dwi Pudjonarko.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 113-118 FATTY LIVER 541 Kematian pada Eklampsia dan Perlemakan Hati Akut dalam Kehamilan : Laporan Kasus (Death of Eclampsia and Acute Fatty Liver in Pregnancy : Cases Report)/Bambang Binalwan; Dodi Hendradi; Gulardi Wiknjosastro.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 210-217 536 The Effect of Caloric Restriction During Ramadan Fasting on Free Radical Status among Elderly Patients/ Siti Setiati; Tri Budi Rahardjo; Maryantoro Oemardi.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8)2001: 293298 FATIGUE FECES 537 Penyebab Kelelahan Otot pada Eksersais dengan Intentsitas dan Durasi Berbeda (The Cause of Muscle Fatigue During Exercises on Different Intensity and Duration)/K. Tirtayasa.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 73-77 542 Identification of Pentagamavunon-0 Metabolite in Faeces after Intravenous Injection of White-Male Sprangue Dawley-Derived Rats/Feriyanto Trisna Hadi; Sugiyanto; Oetari.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(2)2001: 73-79 FEEDING BEHAVIOR FATS 538 Gambaran Profil Lemak pada Penderita DM Tipe-2 Terkendali dan Tidak Terkendali (Fat Profile on Control and Uncontrol of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients)/ Burhanuddin Nasution.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 7-14 543 Kebiasaan Memberikan Makanan Kepada Bayi Baru Lahir di Propinsi Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Barat (The Newborn Infant Feeding Habitual in Central Java and West Java)/Yekti Widodo.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001: 1-7 FATTY ACIDS FERTILITY 539 544 49 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Dampak Pemberian ASI Eksklusif terhadap Penurunan Kesuburan Seorang Wanita (The Impact of the Given of Exclusive Breastfeeding to Decrease the Women Fertility)/Stefani Nindya.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 45-49 FETAL MEMBRANES, RUPTURE PREMATURE 550 The Role of Chronic Cortical in Premature Rupture of the Fetal Membrane (PROM)/ JB. Dalono.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 145-151 545 Pengaruh Rokok pada Fertilitas Wanita dan Pria (The Effect of Cigarette Smoking through the Fertility on Male and Female)/Julius Chandra Yapri.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(2)2001: 105-112 546 Perubahan Hasil Analisis Semen dan Angka Fertilitas pada Penderita Varikokel yang Dilakukan Operasi Palomo (Improvement of Semen Analysis and Fertility Rate in Patients with Varicocele after Palomo Operation)/Djoko Rahardjo; Metra Syahar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 69-74 FIBRINOLYTIC AGENTS 551 Obat Anti Trombosit pada Diabetes Mellitus : Peran "Three in One Platelet" (The Antithrombotic Agents on Diabetes Mellitus : The Role of "Three in One Platelet")/Askandar Tjokroprawiro.-Medika, 27(9)2001: 574-579 FILARIASIS 552 Filariasis in the New Millennium/R.H.H. Nelwan.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3) 2001: 191-196 547 Tingkat Fertilitas Pasangan Usia Subur WNI Keturunan Cina di Medan, Binjai dan Brahrang, Langkat (Fertility Level in Chinese Fertility Couples in Medan)/ Bachtiar Ginting.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 90-95 FISH OILS 553 Pengaruh Diet Minyak Ikan Kaya Omega3 terhadap Sistem Imunitas Seluler (The Effects of Dietary of Fish Oil Rich in Omega-3 on Cellular Immunity System)/ Dwi Pudjonarko.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 113-118 548 Undescensus Testis dan Problem Fertilitas (Undescended Testes and Infertility Problem)/Akmal Taher.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(11)2001: 407-410 FLOW CYTOMETRY 554 Flow Cytometri dan Aplikasi Alat Hitung Sel Darah Otomatik Technicon H-1 dan H3 (Flow Cytometry and the Application of the Otomatic Technicon H-1 and H3 Used to Blood Cell Count)/R. Soeswardani; Boetoro; Budiman.-Medika, 27(8)2001: 524-530 FERTILIZATION IN VITRO 549 Program Injeksi Sperma Intra Sitoplasma (ISIS) pada Penanganan Infertilitas di Klinik Permata Hati Rumah Sakit Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta (Program of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in the Management of Infertility at Permata Hati Clinic of Dr. Sardjito Hospital)/Ita Fauzia Hanoum (et. al.).-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(1) 2001: 1-7 FLUID THERAPY 555 Terapi Cairan pada Kegawatan Anak (Fluid Therapy in Pediatric Emergency)/A. 50 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Latief Azis.-- Bul. 30(4)2001: 169-183 Kesehat. Household Level)/Achmad Suryana.-- J. Data dan Infor. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 49-64 Anak, 561 Osteoporosis : Pencegahan Dini melalui Makanan (Osteoporosis : The Early Prevention by Eating Better Foods)/ Albiner Siagian; Evawany Aritonang.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 115-116 FLUOR ALBUS 556 Penelitian Toksisitas Akut (LD50) Sediaan Ekstrak Tanaman Obat Penyusun Ramuan Fluor Albus pada Mencit Putih (The Research of Acute Toxicity of Plant Extract through Fluor Albus Agent on White Mice)/Suharmiati; Lestari Handayani.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 56-58 FOLIC ACID 557 Hubungan antara Kadar Homosistein dengan Asam Folat dan Vitamin B12 pada Gagal Ginjal Terminal dengan Hemodialisis Reguler (The Correlation between Hemosistein with Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 on Kidney Failure Acute with Regular Hemodialysis)/Ketut Suwitra; I Gde Raka Widiana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 246-251 FOOD ADDITIVES 562 Bahan Tambahan Kimia dalam Menu Makanan Anda (Chemical Additive in Foods)/Tarwadi.-- Medika, 27(12)2001: 808-811 FOOD, FORTIFIED 563 Karakteristik Pemberian Makanan Tambahan pada Anak SD 05 PetangCilangkap terhadap Kadar HB, HT dan Erythrosit (The Characteristical of the Giving of Food Supplement in Children of 05 Petang Cilangkap Elementary School against Haemoglobine, Haemotocryte, and Erythrocyte Level)/Marwito Wiyanto; Christin M. Santosa.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(48)2001: 34-41 558 Pengaruh Penambahan Asam Folat, Vitamin B12 and B6 pada Pil Besi terhadap Kadar Homocystein Plasma Ibu Hamil Anemia (Effect of Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and B6 Supplementation on Iron Pills to Plasma Homocysteine among Anemic Pregnant Women)/Effendi Rustan (et. al.).-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 44-50 FOOD, HEALTH 564 Aspek Keamanan Pangan dari Ayam Panggang di Restoran Tradisional Sunda (Food Safety Aspect of Roasted Chicken in Sundanese Traditional Restaurants)/ Tika Wulan Sari; Lilik Noor Yuliati.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 3544 559 Status Homocysteine dan Asam Folat pada Ibu Hamil Anemia (Homocysteine and Folic Acid Status of Anemic Pregnant Women)/Dewi Permaesih (et. al.).-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 59-63 FOOD HABITS FOOD 565 Kebiasaan Makan Pagi dan Jajanan Anak Sekolah Peserta Program Makanan Tambahan Anak Sekolah (PMT-AS) di Kabupaten Bogor (Food Habits of School 560 Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan dan Gizi di Tingkat Rumah Tangga (Realizing the Stability of Food and Nutrition in 51 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Feeding Beneficiaties of Primary School Children in Bogor District)/Rosinta Harmoni Meiyana Tampubolon; Hardinsyah; Ikeu Tanziha.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 293-294 Perawatan Pulpotomi dengan Formokresol pada Fraktur Gigi Insisivus Sulung atas Anak Usia 2,5 Tahun (Pulpotomy Care with Formocresol on Insisivus Dental Fracture on 2.5 Years Old Children)/Siadjit Yudi Dwiyanti.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 47-52 FOOD HANDLING 566 Aspek Keamanan Pangan dari Ayam Panggang di Restoran Tradisional Sunda (Food Safety Aspect of Roasted Chicken in Sundanese Traditional Restaurants)/ Tika Wulan Sari; Lilik Noor Yuliati.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 3544 567 Pengaruh Berbagai Proses Pengolahan terhadap Kadar Pati Resisten (Resistant Starch) dan Nilai Indeks Glisemik Uwi/Dioscorea alata LINN (The Effects of Various Processing on the Resistant Starch and Glycaemic Index of Uwi/ Dioscorea alata LINN)/Amrijati.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 16-25 FOSFOMYCIN 571 Efektivitas Fosfomisin terhadap Pseudomonas, Proteus dan E. coli pada Penderita Pembesaran Prostat Jinak dan Batu Saluran Kemih (The Effectiveness of Fosfomycin againts Pseudomonas, Proteus and E. coli in Patients with Benign Prostat Hypertrophy (BPH) and Urinary Tract Stone)/Yudi Amiarno; Akmal Taher; Djoko Rahardjo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 75-79 FRACTURE FIXATION, INTERNAL 572 Aspek Biologis Osteosintesis pada Pembedahan (Biological Aspect of Osteosynthesis in Surgery)/L. Andreas Andri; Urip Murtedjo.-Medika, 27(3)2001: 177-181 FOOD SUPPLY 568 Pemahaman Anak Sekolah, Guru dan Orangtua tentang Konsep PMT-AS (The Comprehension of Primary School Children, Teachers, and Parents about the Concept of School Feeding Program)/ Diah K. Pranadji; Hardinsyah.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 43-51 FRACTURES 573 Intracompartment Pressure after Closed Reduction of the Forearm Fracture/Harun J.; SDAL Tobing.-Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 29(1)2002: 42-46 FORELIMB 569 Perubahan Profil Protein Tunas Anggota Tubuh Depan Mencit (Mus musculus) Swiss Webster Akibat Perlakuan dengan Asam Metoksiasetat/MAA (The Change of Protein Profile of Swiss Webster Mouse Forelimb Buds as the Effects of MAA Treatment)/Aceng Ruyani (et. al.).-Medika, 27(6)2001: 363-367 574 Review Penelitian Pengobatan Tradisional Patah Tulang (The Reviewed of Traditional Medicine Research on Bones Fractures)/Mulyono Notosiswoyo; Agus Suprapto; Umboh J.M.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(4)2001: 17-24 FREE RADICALS FORMOCRESOLS 575 570 52 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Peran Radikal Bebas dan Infeksi terhadap Komplikasi Vaskuler Diabetes Mellitus (The Role of Free Radicals and Infection through the Vascular Complication on Diabetes Mellitus)/Hendromartono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 41-54 Ketersediaan Hayati Relatif Furosemida dalam Bentuk Dipersi Padat (The Bioavailability of Furosemide in Solid Dispersions Forms)/ Yandi Syukri; Lukman Hakim; Tedjo Yuwono.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 27-31 GALLBLADDER FRUIT 576 Pemanfaatan Tepung Pisang Owak (Musa paradisiaca, L) untuk Bahan Makanan Campuran (BMC) sebagai Makanan Tambahan Bayi (The Utilization of Owak Banana Flour (Musa paradisiaca, L) for Blended Food Formula as Infant Suplementary Food)/Yuli Heirina Hamid; Emma S. Wirakusumah; Hidayat Syarief.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 1-8 580 The Chronopharmacological Effect of Curcumin on Human Gall-bladder/Abdul Rasyid (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(4)2001: 219-223 GANGRENE 581 Pyoderma Gangrenosa/ Sudjoko Prajitno.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(7)2001: 271-276 GARLIC FSH 582 Efek Protektif Bawang Putih (A. sativum L.) terhadap Membran Sel Darah Merah Domba yang Diberi Stres Oksidatif (Protective Effect of Garlic (A. sativum L) on Sheep Red Blood Cells Membrane Againts Oxydatives Stress)/ Sri Widia A. Jusman; Karina Sri Pamuji; Mohamad Sadikin.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 80-84 577 Perbandingan Kemanjuran dan Keamanan Beberapa Preparat FSH untuk Stimulasi Ovarium Perempuan yang Mengikuti Program Reproduksi Berbantuan (The Comparison of Efficacy and Safety of Several FSH Preparation to Stimulate Women Ovarian who Undergoing Assisted Reproduction Program)/Yuni Ahda; Nukman Moeloek.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(12)2001: 450454 GASTRIC ACID 583 Efek Ekstrak Alkohol Daging Buah dan Biji Pisang Kluthuk (Musa balbisiana Colla) pada Sekresi Asam Lambung Tikus Putih in Vitro (The Effect of Musa balbisiana Colla Flesh and Seed on Rats Gastric Acid Secretion in Vitro)/Eti Nurwening Sholikhah; Ngatidjan.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(2)2001: 77-82 FUNGI 578 Penyakit Hubungan Seksual Akibat Jamur, Protozoa, dan Parasit (Sexually Transmitted Diseases Caused by Fungi, Protozoa and Parasites)/Max Joseph Herman.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 12-16 GASTROENTERITIS 584 Frekuensi Kesakitan pada Penderita Pasca Gastroenteritis Akuta pada Bayi FUROSEMIDE 579 53 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Patofisiologi (EPH Gestosis I : Definition, Classification, Incidens, Ethiology, Predisposing Factor and Pathophysiology)/ Busisa Gultom.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(48) 2001: 24-27 dan Anak (The Frequency of Illnes in Infant and Children Post Acute Gastroenteritis)/Subijanto Marto Sudarmo (et al.).-Bul. Kesehat. Anak, 30(4)2001: 184-203 585 Tindakan Ibu terhadap Anaknya yang Menderita Gastroenteritis Akuta/Diare Akut (The Acting of the Mother in Facing the Child Who Suffered from Acute Gastroenteritis or Acute Diarrhea)/ Subijanto Marto Sudarmo; Pitono Suparto; Darto Saharso.-- Bul. Kesehat. Anak, 30(2)2001: 73-90 GINGIVA 590 Hubungan antara Kesehatan Gingiva dengan Pencemaran Lingkungan karena Mercury (The Relationship between Environmental Polluted by Mercury and Gingival Health)/Sudibyo.-- Maj. Ilmu Kedokter. Gigi, 3(5)2001: 87-90 GASTROINTESTINAL DISEASES GLAUCOMA 586 Hubungan antara Gejala Gangguan Saluran Pencernaan dengan Immunoglobulin G Anti Helicobacter pylori pada Anak (The Relationship between Gastrointestinal Symptoms with Immunoglobulin G Anti Helicobacter pylori in Children)/ ED. Kaunang; S. Salendu-Warouw.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7)2001: 228-233 591 Kelainan Lapang Pandangan pada Glaukoma (Visual Field Defect in Glaucoma)/Hartono.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(7)2001: 286-290 GLAUCOMA, ANGLE-CLOSURE 592 Glaukoma Inflamasi Akut (Acute Inflammatory Glaucoma)/Faricha H.N.; Siti Asfani.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(7)2001: 291-293 GERIATRICS 587 Masalah Infeksi pada Usia Lanjut (Infection Problem in Elderly)/Suharto.-Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 27-39 GLOMERULONEPHRITIS 593 Efektivitas Uji Serologi untuk Deteksi Streptococcus Beta Hemolyticus Group A pada Pasien Demam Rheuma dan Glomerulo Nefritis (The Effectiveness of Serological Test to Detection of Group A Streptococcus Beta Haemolyticus in Patients with Rheuma Fever and Glomerulonephritis)/Lusia Sri Sunarti.-Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(47)2001: 41-44 588 Penatalaksanaan Hipertensi Sekunder Akibat Perbedaan Kelainan Anatomi Renovaskuler pada Usia Muda dan Tua (The Management of Secondary Hypertension caused of Anatomical Renovascular Differences in Geriatric and Adolescence)/Diana Samara.-J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(1)2001: 27-41 GLUCOSE 594 Pengaruh Kombinasi Latihan Renang Aerobik dan Pembatasan Diet terhadap Absorpsi 3-Methyl-D-Glukosa pada Otot Soleus Tikus Putih (Effects of the GESTOSIS, EPH 589 EPH Gestosis I : Definisi, Klasifikasi, Insidens, Etiologi, Faktor Predisposisi dan 54 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Evaluasi Standar Pengobatan Gonore Berdasarkan Pendekatan Sindrome Ditinjau dari Sudut Resistensi (The Standard Evaluation of Gonorrhea Therapy Based on the Approximation Syndrome : Reviewed from the Resistance Factor)/Sjaiful Fahmi Daili; Jubianto Judanarso; Yeva Rosana.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 159-160 Combined of Aerobic Swimming Exercise and Diet through the 3-Methyl-D-Glucose in Soleus Muscle of Rat)/ Puguh S. Kuncoro; R. Soekarman; Ngakan Made Rai W.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 30-34 595 Pengaruh Serat Makanan dalam Diit terhadap Absorpsi Glukosa pada Usus Halus Tikus (The Effects of Dietary Fibers in Diet on Glucose Absorption in Small Intestine of Rat)/Desak Made Citrawathi; Martin Setiabudi; Harlina S.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 4-12 596 Production and Characterization of a Biodegradable Polymer Poly (3-Hydroxybutyric Acid) from Glucose Using Erwinia sp. USMI-20/Akmal Djamaan; Mohamed Isa Abd. Majid; Mohd. Azizan Mohd. Noor.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(4)2001: 172-180 601 Studi Resistensi N. gonorrhoeae terhadap Antimikroba pada Wanita Pekerja Seks di Jawa Barat (Study of the Resistancy of N. gonorrhoeae against Antimicrobial on Sex Workers in West Java)/Djoko Yuwono (et. al.).-- Medika, 27(11)2001: 695-698 GRANULOCYTES 602 Effect of Recombinant Human Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor on Chemotherapy Induced Myelosupression/ Boediwarsono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(2)2001: 42-50 GLUCOSEPHOSPHATE DEHYDROGENASE 597 Mass Screening of G6PD Deficiency in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital/Sylviati M. Damanik (et. al.).-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 63-65 GRAVITATION 603 Human Center of Gravity Dynamics : a New Parameter of Motor Development Functions/Rio Sofwanhadi.-Makara, 5(2)2001: 45-50 GNATHOSTOMA 598 Gnathostomiasis/Magdalena L.J. Herjanto.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(1)2001: 4551 HAND, FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE 604 Informasi tentang Hand-Foot and Mouth Disease/HFMD (The Information about Hand-Foot and Mouth Disease)/Erfandi.-Bul. Epidemiol. Jawa Timur, 5(1)2001: 18 GOITER 599 Struma Dishormonogenesis (Dishormonogenesis Struma)/J. Albertus; RRJ. Djokomoeljanto.-- Medika, 27(4)2001: 251-256 HEAD AND NECK NEOPLASMS 605 Gangguan Nutrisi Penderita Kanker Kepala dan Leher (Nutrition Disorders in Patient with Head and Neck GONORRHEA 600 55 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Management of Health Manpower)/ Yaslis Ilyas.-- Medika, 27(5)2001: 317320 Malignancy)/Averdi Roezin.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8)2001: 279-283 606 Penanggulangan Penderita Tumor Ganas Leher dan Kepala pada Masa Terminal (The Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer in Terminal Phase)/Masrin Munir.- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 113-114 HEALTH PLANNING 612 Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Program Kesehatan Usia Lanjut di Puskesmas SeKabupaten Sleman (Evaluation of the Implementation for Health Program of Aged in All Cummunity Health Centers in Sleman District)/Purwanta; Kristiani; Ali Ghufron Mukti.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(3)2001: 183-191 HEALTH 607 Faktor Resiko terhadap Kesehatan pada Kejadian Bencana dan Pengungsian (The Risk Factors of Health in the Evacuation and Disasters Incidence)/Mudjiharto.-Bul. Epidemiol. Jawa Timur, 5(1)2001: 19-30 HEALTH POLICY 613 Keadilan Horisontal, Keadilan Vertikal dan Kebijakan Kesehatan (Horizontal Equity, Vertical Equity, and Health Policy)/Bhisma Murti.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(3)2001: 125-135 HEALTH EDUCATION 608 Health Education Rationalize Health Visit in an Industrial Hospital/Fuad Amsyari; Endang Warsiki; Lestari Basoeki.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 11-13 HEALTH PROMOTION 614 Aplikasi Ilmu Manajemen dan Perkembangan Jurnal-jurnal Management di Sektor Kesehatan : Studi Kasus Perkembangan Manajemen Kesehatan di UGM (The Application of Management and the Development of Management Journals in Health Sector: a Case Study of Health Management Development at Gadjah Mada University)/ Laksono Trisnantoro.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 3-12 HEALTH EXPENDITURES 609 Kemandirian (Self Reliance) yang Terkait dengan Pembiayaan Pelayanan Kesehatan di Sumatera Utara (Self Reliance Related with Health Service Cost in North Sumatera)/Achsan Harahap.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 17-19 HEALTH SERVICES HEALTH MANPOWER 615 Perubahan Sistem Kesehatan Wilayah Akibat Kebijakan Desentralisasi (Regional Health System Change as the Impact of Decentralization Policy)/Laksono Trisnantoro.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(2)2001: 93-100 610 The Contribution of Research to Human Resources on Health/Agus Suwandono; Cholis Bachroen.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(2)2001: 52-67 Desentralisasi Manajemen Kesehatan (Decentralized 611 Tenaga of the 616 56 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Mohammad Hanafi.-- Folia Indon., 37(4)2001: 170-177 Studi tentang Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Perilaku Pelanggan Polindes di Daerah Terpencil Pegunungan (Study of Health Service Quality and the Consumers Behavioral at Polindes in Mountain Furthest Areas)/Ristrini.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 87-92 Medica 623 Dari Hipertensi ke Hipertrofi Ventrikel Kiri, Penyakit Jantung Koroner dan Gagal Jantung : Perlindungan oleh Penghambat ACE (From the Hypertension to Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, Coronary Heart Disease and Heart Failure : The Protection of ACE Inhibitor)/T. Santoso.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 5458 HEALTH SERVICES FOR THE AGED 617 Posyandu Lanjut Usia di Puskesmas Pare Kebupaten Temanggung (Health Services for the Aged in Pare Community Health Center, Temanggung)/Dudy D. Nurkusuma.-- Medika, 27(8)2001: 531533 624 Peranan Ekokardiografi pada Gagal Jantung (The Role of Echocardiography in Heart Failure Case)/Abdul Majid.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 9497 HEARING 618 Hearing Restoration in Chronic Otitis Media, Five-Year Experiences/Sri Harmadji.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(3) 2001: 124-127 HELICOBACTER PYLORI 625 Hubungan antara Gejala Gangguan Saluran Pencernaan dengan Immunoglobulin G Anti Helicobacter pylori pada Anak (The Relationship between Gastrointestinal Symptoms with Immunoglobulin G Anti Helicobacter pylori in Children)/ED. Kaunang; S. Salendu-Warouw.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7)2001: 228-233 619 Pengaruh Bising di Tempat Kerja pada Pendengaran (The Effect of Noises on Hearing in the Workplace)/Lusianawaty Tana; Lannywati Ghani.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon.,(2)2001:82-86 HEART DISEASES 620 Multiple Brain Abscesses as a Complication of Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease in Children/Darto Saharso (et. al.).-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 190-195 HELMINTHIASIS 626 Intestinal Helminthic Infections in School Children, Cibubur, East Jakarta/ Sri S. Margono; S. Alisah Abidin.-- Makara, 5(1)2001: 1-2 621 Palpitasi pada Penyakit Jantung (Palpitacy in Heart Diseases)/Benediktus Ursia; Junus Alkatiri.-- Medika, 27(12) 2001: 778-787 627 Kaitan Pengetahuan, Perilaku, dan Kebiasaan dengan Infeksi Kecacingan pada Pekerja Pembuatan Bata Merah di Desa Mekar Mukti, Cikarang (The Correlation of Knowledge, Behavior and Practice of Workers of Bata Merah HEART FAILURE, CONGESTIVE 622 Coenzyme Q10, its Clinical, Application Especially in Congestive Heart Failure/ 57 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Erythrosit (The Characteristical of the Giving of Food Supplement in Children of 05 Petang Cilangkap Elementary School against Haemoglobine, Haemotocryte, and Erythrocyte Level)/Marwito Wiyanto; Christin M. Santosa.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(48)2001: 34-41 Maker through the Helminthiasis at Mekar Mukti Village, Cikarang)/M. Hasyimi; Shinta; Roswita H.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001: 2429 628 Kecacingan dan Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) : Studi Pustaka tentang Beberapa Aspek Kecacingan dan Dampaknya terhadap Kualitas SDM di Bali (Intestinal Helminthiasis and the Quality of Human Resources in Bali : a Literature Study)/Dewa Putu Widjaja.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 215-221 HEMAGGLUTINATION INHIBITION TESTS 629 Demam Berdarah Dengue : Pengamatan Klinik dan Penatalaksanaan di Rumah Sakit Sumber Waras (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever : Clinical Observations and its Management at Sumber Waras Hospital)/Tatang Kustiman Samsi.-Ebers Papyrus, 7(3)2001: 163-198 HEMATOLOGY 633 Hematologic Abnormalities in Patients with Myelodysplasia Syndrome, a Descriptive Retrospective Study in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya/Boediwarsono.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 115-119 HEMATOMA 634 Pengaruh Volume Hematom Inraserebral terhadap Prognosis Kematian pada Perdarahan Intraserebral Supratentorial di RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta (The Influence of Intracerebral Hematoma to the Prognosis of Death in Patients with Supratentorial Intracerebral)/Soeharyo Murgyantoro.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 3(1)2001: 47-54 HEMANGIOMA, CAVERNOUS 630 Hemangioma Sinus Kavernosus (Hemangioma of the Sinus Cavernous)/M. Sjabaroeddin Loebis; Sri Sofyan; Rita Carmelia.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 122-126 HEMATOPOIETIC CELL GROWTH FACTORS 635 Aplikasi Klinik dari Hematopoietic Growth Factors (Clinical Application of Hematopoietic Growth Factors)/Boediwarsono.-Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(2)2001: 30-41 HEMATEMESIS 631 Acute Pancreatitis in a Young Patient with Hepatoma and Recurrent HematemesisMelena/Hendarto Natadidjaja; Bambang Setiyohadi; Marcellus Simadibrata.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(3)2001: 104-106 HEMIPELVECTOMY 636 Traumatic Hemipelvectomy (Amputae) Report of One Case/Errol U. Hutagalung; Qomarrudin.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 169-173 HEMATOCRIT 632 Karakteristik Pemberian Makanan Tambahan pada Anak SD 05 PetangCilangkap terhadap Kadar HB, HT dan HEMODIALYSIS 58 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 - Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 98-101 637 Hubungan antara Kadar Homosistein dengan Asam Folat dan Vitamin B12 pada Gagal Ginjal Terminal dengan Hemodialisis Reguler (The Correlation between Hemosistein with Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 on Kidney Failure Acute with Regular Hemodialysis)/Ketut Suwitra; I Gde Raka Widiana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 246-251 HEMORRHOIDS 642 Modifikasi Diet pada Hemoroid (Dietary Modification on Hemorrhoid)/Ekky M. Rahardja.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(3)2001: 207-214 HEMOSTASIS 643 Peran Faktor von Willebrand dalam Sistem Hemostasis (The Role Factor of von Willebrand in Hemostasis System)/ Pusparini.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(3) 2001: 131-139 HEPATITIS 644 Diagnosis dan Penatalaksanaan Hepatitis Autoimun (The Diagnosis and Management of Autoimmune Hepatitis)/ Nurul Akbar.-- Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 28-29 638 Renal Osteodystrophy in Hemodialysis Patients in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia/Mohammad Yogiantoro.- Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 178184 HEMOGLOBINS 639 Karakteristik Pemberian Makanan Tambahan pada Anak SD 05 PetangCilangkap terhadap Kadar HB, HT dan Erythrosit (The Characteristical of the Giving of Food Supplement in Children of 05 Petang Cilangkap Elementary School against Haemoglobine, Haemotocryte, and Erythrocyte Level)/Marwito Wiyanto; Christin M. Santosa.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(48)2001: 34-41 HEPATITIS B 645 Dampak Imunisasi Hepatitis B Rekombinan terhadap Penularan Vertikal Virus Hepatitis B pada Bayi di Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat (The Impact of Hepatitis B Recombinant Immunization Against Vertical Infection among Infants in Bandung, West Java)/Djoko Yuwono (et. al.).-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(3)2001: 110-117 HEMOLYTIC, UREMIC SYNDROME 640 Sindrom Hemolitik Uremik di Bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Anak FKUI-RSCM Jakarta (Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome in the Division of Pediatric, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia - Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta)/Taralan Tambunan; Partini P. Trihono; Sudung O. Pardede-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(2)2001: 68-75 HEPATITIS B SURFACE ANTIGENS 646 Angka Prevalensi HBsAg dan Anti-HBs pada Ibu dan Anaknya yang Telah Lengkap Menerima Imunisasi Hepatitis B di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah, Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan (The Prevalence Rate of HBsAg and Anti-HBs of Mother and Child Who Have Received Hepatitis B Immunization in the District of Hulu Sungai Tengah, South Kalimantan)/ Edi Sampana; Nenny Sri Mulyani; HEMOPHILIA 641 Hemophilia pada Praktek Kedokteran Gigi Anak (Hemophilia in Dental Child Practice)/Yatie Roesnawi; T. Hermina M.- 59 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Sutaryo.-Maj. Kedokter. 51(4)2001: 110-115 Indon., 653 Hernia Strangulata Tereduksi : Evaluasi Kasus Januari 1997-Mei 2000 (Hernia Strangulata : Case Evaluation during January 1997 to May 2000)/M. Adjie Pratignyo.-- Medika,27(11)2001: 699-702 HEPATITIS B VIRUS 647 Berbagai Aspek Infeksi Virus Hepatitis B dan C di Jakarta (Some Aspects of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Virus Infections in Jakarta)/Suwandhi Widjaja.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(5)2001: 147153 654 Nyeri Punggung Bawah/NPB Tatalaksana Hernia Diskus Lumbalis Simtomatis/ HDLS dan Degenerasi Diskus di Bidang Orthopaedi (Low Back Pain, the Management of Symptomatic Lumbar Disc Herniation and Lumbar Disc Degeneration in Orthopaedic)/A. Bambang Darwono.-- Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 29(1) 2001: 16-24 HERNIA, DIAPHRAGMATIC HEPATITIS C 648 A Change of Strategy in the Therapy of Chronic Hepatitis C/L.A. Lesmana.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(1)2001: 35-37 649 Combination of Interferon Alfa-2b and Ribavirin in Relapsed or Non-responding Chronic Hepatitis C Patient Following Interferon Therapy/Laurentius A. Lesmana (et al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(4)2001: 214-218 655 Hernia Diaphragmatika Kongenital (Diaphragmatical Hernia Congenital)/Achmad Effendi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 50-52 HERNIA, INGUINAL 650 Severe Thrombocytopenia in Liver Cirrhosis Due to Hepatitis C Virus/Reno Gustaviani; Aru W. Sudoyo; LA. Lesmana.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(1) 2001: 7-10 656 Pemakaian Meshgraf pada Hernia Inguinalis Penelitian Pendahuluan di Rumah Sakit Fatmawati (The Use of Meshgraf in Inguinalis Hernia : Preliminary Study at Fatmawati Hospital)/ Pudianto M. (et. al.).-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(7)2001: 262-265 HEPATITIS C-LIKE VIRUSES 651 Berbagai Aspek Infeksi Virus Hepatitis B dan C di Jakarta (Some Aspects of Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C Virus Infections in Jakarta)/Suwandhi Widjaja.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(5)2001: 147153 HERPES SIMPLEX 657 Herpes Simplex Encephalitis/Erny Darto Saharso.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 98-103 HEPATITIS VIRUSES 652 Diagnosis Hepatitis Virus pada Anak (Diagnosis of Hepatitis Viruses in Children)/Purnamawati S. Pujiarto.-Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 30-54 HERPESVIRUS 4, HUMAN 658 Epstein-Barr Virus in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma of the Tonsil in Indonesian Patients/A.N. Kurniawan; Meryanne Elizabeth; Anthony S.Y. Leong.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 69-72 HERNIA 60 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Muninjaya; Kt. Tangking Widarsa; Yahya Anshori.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 238-345 HISTAMINE AGONISTS 659 Manfaat Penggunaan Antihistamin Generasi Ketiga (The Advantage of the Usage of the Third Generation of Antihistamine)/Fajar Arifin Gunawijaya.-J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(3)2001: 124-130 665 Pengembangan Vaksin HIV (The Development of HIV Vaccine)/Sarwo Handayani.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 5-8 HISTOPLASMOSIS HIV INFECTIONS 660 Histoplasmosis pada Penderita HIV Positif (Histoplasmosis in Patients with Positive HIV)/Inggrawati Komala (et. al.).-Medika, 27(5)2001: 328-330 HIV 661 Histoplasmosis pada Penderita HIV Positif (Histoplasmosis in Patients with Positive HIV)/Inggrawati Komala (et. al.).- Medika, 27(5)2001: 328-330 666 Deplesi Sel Limfosit CD4+ pada Infeksi HIV (Depletion of CD4+ Lymphocyte Cell in HIV Infection)/Sarwo Handayani.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 9-11 HOLISTIC HEALTH 667 Pentingnya Pendekatan Holistik pada Penanganan Pasien (The Importance of the Holistic Medical Approach in the Management of Patients)/Fauzul Y. Noezbar.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 366-369 662 Intervensi Pencegahan Transmisi HIV Intrautero, Intrapartum dan Postpartum : Aspek Kesehatan Masyarakat di Indonesia (Intervention of the Prevention of HIV Tranmission in Intrautero, Intrapartum and Postpartum : Public Health Aspect in Indonesia)/Endang Achadi; Kusharisupeni; Sandra Fikawati.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 35-39 HOMOCYSTEINE 668 Status Homocysteine dan Asam Folat pada Ibu Hamil Anemia (Homocysteine and Folic Acid Status of Anemic Pregnant Women)/Dewi Permaesih (et. al.).-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 59-63 HOOKWORM INFECTIONS 663 Masalah Narkotika dan HIV/AIDS di Kalangan Remaja (The Problems of Narcotic and HIV/AIDS in Adolescents)/ Yulfira Media.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 5154 669 Knowledge on Hookworm Infection and the Media Where Messages on Hookworm are Obtained : Survey on the Rural Population of Bali/Dewa Putu Widjana.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 184-191 664 Pendidikan HIV/AIDS Lewat Jalur Sekolah Efektif Meningkatkan Pengetahuan AIDS Siswa (HIV/AIDS Education in School is Effective to Increase of Students Knowledge of AIDS)/A.A. Gde HOSPITAL COSTS 670 Manajemen Akuntansi Rumah Sakit (Management of Hospital Accounting)/ Aman Nasution.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 65-72 61 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 676 Pelayanan Pelanggan di Rumah Sakit (Consumer Services in the Hospital)/ Hafizurrachman.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7)2001: 267-271 HOSPITAL RECORDS 671 Pengkajian Data Rumah Sakit (Hospital Record Review) Kasus Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) Tahun 1999-2000 di Jawa Timur (The Evaluation of Hospital Record Review of Acute Flaccid Paralysis Cases, 1999-2000 in East Java)/Cholis Bachroen.-Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 17-26 677 Penerapan Metode Barber Johnson untuk Menilai Efisiensi Pelayanan Rumah Sakit di Indonesia (The Implementation of Barber Johnson Method to Evaluate the Efficiency of Hospital Services in Indonesia)/Titik Respati; Badrijah Djoerban; Herti Maryani.-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 41-52 HUMERUS 678 Case Report Osteosarcoma of Humerus/ Budi Tjahjono.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 2(3)2001: 105-107 HOSPITALIZATION 672 Evaluasi Kinerja dengan Kerangka Balanced Scorecard sebagai Bahan Penyusunan Rencana Kegiatan Peningkatan Pemanfaatan Rawat Inap Paviliun RSUD Dr. Soetomo (The Evaluation of Performance Using Balanced Scorecard as Subtances to Arrange such Action Plan to Increase the Use of Inpatient Ward at Pavilion of Dr. Soetomo Hospital)/ Slamet R. Yuwono; Karjadi Wirjoatmodjo; Paul Sahetapy.-Bul. Penelit. RSUD Dr. Soetomo, 3(2)2001: 3-14 HYDATIDIFORM MOLE, INVASIVE 679 Clinical Profile and Prognosis of Invasive Mole (IM) and Choriocarcinoma (ChCa) Complicated with Uterine Perforation/ Diamhoer Martaadisoebrata.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 240-243 673 Pattern of Hospitalized-Stroke Patients in ASEAN Countries an ASNA Stroke Epidemiological Study/Jusuf Misbach.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(1)2001: 48-56 HYDRONEPHROSIS 680 Hidronefrosis Bilateral pada Kasus Hymen Imperforata (Bilateral Hydronephrosis on Hymen Imperforata Cases)/ Gideon Tampubolon; Ahmad Asroruddin; Patriot Muslim.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(7)2001: 266-270 HOSPITALS 674 Gizi Buruk di Rumah Sakit, Diagnostik dan Tatalaksananya (Malnutrition at Hospital, Diagnostic and it's Management)/Endy Paryanto Prawirohartono.-- J. Data dan Infor. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 113122 HYMEN 681 Hidronefrosis Bilateral pada Kasus Hymen Imperforata (Bilateral Hydronephrosis on Hymen Imperforata Cases)/ Gideon Tampubolon; Ahmad Asroruddin; 675 Health Education Rationalize Health Visit in an Industrial Hospital/Fuad Amsyari; Endang Warsiki; Lestari Basoeki.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 11-13 62 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Dyslipidemic Patients Achieving NCEP LDL-C Target Goals after Treatment/ Rinambaan Willem Mamentu Kaligis; Harmani Kalim.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 103-109 Patriot Muslim.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(7)2001: 266-270 HYPERBARIC OXYGENATION 682 The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Flexor Tendon Healing : An Experimental Study with Rabbits/Bobby N. Nelwan; Syaiful Anwar Hadi; Moch Guritno.-- Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 29(1)2001: 30-34 688 The Risk Factors Profile of Coronary Heart Disease in Dyslipidemic Patients : Results from a Survey in 13 Cities in Indonesia/Harmani Kalim; Rinambaan Willem Mamentu Kaligis.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(1)2001: 42-47 683 The Hyperbaric Oxygen Effect to the Tensile Strength Post Repair Tendon, an Experimental Study on Rabbits/Mutiah Rochele; Syaiful Hadi; M. Guritno.-- Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 29(1)2001: 35-41 HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIA HYPERSENSITIVITY 689 Faxofenadine and Trimcinolone Acetonide AQ : Their Place in the Treatment of Allergy/Ariati Safiriani; Galatia Chandra.-- Medika, 27(5)2001: 310-312 684 Minyak Sawit Mempercepat Regresi Aterosklerosis Aorta pada Kelinci Hiperkolesterolemia Ringan, Tetapi Tidak pada yang Hiperkolesterolemia Berat (Palm Oil Accelarates Regression of Aortic Atherosclerosis Only in Mild Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits, but not in Severe Hypercholesterolemia)/Lidya Irma Momuat (et. al.).-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 26-34 690 Perbandingan Preferensi Sensorik Pasien pada Pemakaian Obat Semprot Alergi Hidung (The Comparative of Patient Preferency Sensoric through the Usage of Spray on Nose Allergy)/Alise Kasakeyan (et. al.).-- Medika, 27(11) 2001: 703-706 685 The Signal Transduction of Protective Effect of Curcumine on Endothelial Cell in Hypercholesterolemia/Sri Agus Sudjarwo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 1-4 691 The Role of T-Helper Cells in Immune Response with Specific Discussion on Atopic Allergy/Anti Dharmayanti; Siti Boedina Kresno.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(3)2001: 107-113 HYPERLIPIDEMIA 686 Hypoalphalipoproteinemia : Prevalence and the Impact of Treatment on Reaching HDL Cholesterol Target Level in Patients with Dyslipidemia/Harmani Kalim.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 98-102 HYPERTENSION 692 Age, Body Posture, Daily Working Load, Post Antihypertensive Drugs and Risk of Hypertension : A Rural Indonesian Study/Bastaman Basuki; Budhi Setianto.- Medical J. of Indon., 10(1)2001: 29-33 687 Lipid Treatment Assessment Project (LTAP) Study : a Survey in 13 Cities in Indonesia to Evaluate the Percentages of 693 63 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Study/Bastaman Basuki (et. al.).-Medical J. of Indon., 10(4)2001: 224-229 Dari Hipertensi ke Hipertrofi Ventrikel Kiri, Penyakit Jantung Koroner dan Gagal Jantung : Perlindungan oleh Penghambat ACE (From the Hypertension to Left Ventricular Hypertrophy, Coronary Heart Disease and Heart Failure : The Protection of ACE Inhibitor)/T. Santoso.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 5458 699 Penatalaksanaan Hipertensi Sekunder Akibat Perbedaan Kelainan Anatomi Renovaskuler pada Usia Muda dan Tua (The Management of Secondary Hypertension caused of Anatomical Renovascular Differences in Geriatric and Adolescence)/Diana Samara.-J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(1)2001: 27-41 694 Distribusi Retinopati Hipertensi di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Kariadi Semarang (The Distribution of Retinopathy Hypertension at Dr. Kariadi General Hospital Semarang)/Sri Kristiani; Wilardjo.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(1)2001: 29-39 695 The Effect of the Use of AntiHypertensive Agents Lisinopril and Fosinopril with Different Degree Renal Excretion on Renal Function in Hypertension with Mild to Moderate Renal Failure/M. Yusuf Nasution (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(3)2001: 94-99 700 Pencegahan dan Pengobatan Hipertensi pada Penderita Usia Dewasa (The Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in Adult Patients)/Muljadi Budisetio.-J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(2)2001: 101-107 701 Peranan Angiotension II Receptor Antagonist pada Panyakit Jantung Hipertensi (The Role of Angiotensin II Receptor Antagonist on Heart Disease in Hypertension Patient)/P. Ismahun.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 202335 696 Faktor-faktor yang Mendorong Penderita Hipertensi ke Pengobatan Tradisional di DKI Jakarta, Yogyakarta, dan Surabaya (Stimulate Factors on Hypertension Patients through the Traditional Medicine in DKI Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Surabaya)/Siti Sapardiyah Santoso; Rahmalina Prasodjo; Sunanti Zalbawi.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(1)2001: 36-44 702 Prevalensi Hipertensi pada Ibu Rumah Tangga dan Faktor-faktor Gizi yang Berhubungan di Kelurahan Utan Kayu Utara, Jakarta Timur (The Prevalence of Hypertension on Housewives and the Related Nutritional Factors in Kelurahan Utan Kayu, East Jakarta)/Eva Suarthana; F.A. Indiranta Tarigan; Fransiska M. Kaligis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(5) 2001: 158-163 697 Hipertensi Renovaskular (Renovascular Hypertension)/Jacobus Albertus.-Medika, 27(10)2001: 645-651 703 Regular Checkups in Hypertension Patients Funded by Medical Insurance at the Effort of Health Problem Solution on Pregnant Women Health Caused of Monetary Crisis)/Lucky A. Bawazire (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(1)2001: 2-6 698 Past Antihypertensive Drug, Obesity, Daily Light Working Load and Risk of Hypertension : An Indonesia 2001 Rural 64 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Stage IB-IIA after Radical Hysterectomy/ Deri Edianto; Emil Taufik; M. Farid Aziz.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 79-83 HYPNOTICS AND SEDATIVES 704 Uji Efek Sedatif dari Minyak Clary Sage (Salvia sclalarea L.) pada Mencit Jantan secara Olfactory Aromatherapi (The Sedative Effect of Clary Sage (Salvia scalarea L.) on Mice Using an Olfactory Aromatherapy)/Idajani Hadinoto; Engkun Kuswono; Ani Marlina.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 45-52 HYSTEROSALPINGOGRAPHY 711 Penggunaan Katheter Bayi dalam Pemeriksaan Hysterosalpingography (The Usage of Baby Catheter in Hysterosalpingography Diagnosis)/Robby Tandiari; M. Djakarta; Fielda Djuwita.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(3)2001: 221-226 HYPOGLYCEMIC AGENTS IGG 705 Pemakaian Obat Anti Diabetes Oral (The Application of the Anti Diabetic Oral)/Dwi Sutanegara.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 129-142 HYPOSPADIAS 706 Case Report: Hypospadias and Perineal Anus in One Case/Sylviati M. Damanik; Brotosari R.; Kustiyo Gunawan.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 32-39 712 Hubungan antara Gejala Gangguan Saluran Pencernaan dengan Immunoglobulin G Anti Helicobacter Pylori pada Anak (The Relationship between Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Immunoglobulin G Anti Helicobacter pylori in Children)/ ED. Kaunang; S. Salendu-Warouw.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7) 2001: 228-233 IGM 713 Prevalensi Hasil Tes Mycobacterium Leprae Particle Agglutination (MLPA) Positif dalam Mendeteksi IGM Antibody terhadap Phenolic Glycolipid-I (PGL-I) pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Hiperendemik Kusta (The Prevalence of Positive Mycobacterium Leprae Particle Agglutination (MLPA) Test in Detection of IGM Antibodies through Phenolic Glycolipid -I (PGL-I) on School-Children in Hyperen-demic Area of Leprosy)/Mochammad Hatta.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 94-100 HYPOTHERMIA 707 Hipotermia pada Neonatus (Hypothermia on Neonatus)/Bangun Lubis.-- Medika, 27(2)2001: 118-121 HYPOTHYROIDISM 708 Hipotiroidisme Bawaan (Congenital Hypothyroidism)/Charles Darwin Siregar.-Dexa Media, 14(2)2001: 94-99 709 Struma Dishormonogenesis (Dishormonogenesis Struma)/J. Albertus; RRJ. Djokomoeljanto.-- Medika, 27(4)2001: 251-256 IMMUNE SYSTEM 714 Peran Sel T Helper 3 (Th3) dalam Sistem Pertahanan Tubuh (The Role of Th3 Cell in Immune System)/Husna Dharma Putera.-- Medika, 27(4)2001: 223-225 HYSTERECTOMY 710 The Histopathological Predictor Factors in the Recurrence of Cervical Carcinoma IMMUNITY 65 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Dampak Imunisasi Hepatitis B Rekombinan terhadap Penularan Vertikal Virus Hepatitis B pada Bayi di Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat (The Impact of Hepatitis B Recombinant Immunization Against Vertical Infection among Infants in Bandung, West Java)/Djoko Yuwono (et. al.).-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(3)2001: 110-117 715 Pengaruh Gizi terhadap Daya Tahan (The Effect of Nutrition on Immunity)/ Kusmiyati DK.; S. Fatimah Muis.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(1)2001: 1-4 716 Pengaruh Penyakit Infeksi terhadap Status Nutrisi dan Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh Manusia (The Influence of Infectious Diseases through the Nutritional Status and Human Immunity System)/Rawan Broto.-- Dexa Media, 14(1)2001: 17-21 721 Immunization of Adults/Samsuridjal Djauzi.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(2)2001: 63-66 IMMUNIZATION PROGRAMS IMMUNITY, CELLULAR 722 Cara Supervisi yang Efektif untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Petugas Puskesmas dalam Pelayanan Imunisasi di Kabupaten Agam Propinsi Barat (The Effective Supervision to Improve Performance of Immunization Service Staff at the Community Health Centers in Agam Regency, West Sumatera)/ Yulhendri; Kristanti; Tjahjono Kuntjoro.-J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 33-41 717 Pengaruh Diet Minyak Ikan Kaya Omega3 terhadap Sistem Imunitas Seluler (The Effects of Dietary of Fish Oil Rich of Omega-3 on Cellular Immunity System)/ Dwi Pudjonarko.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 113-118 IMMUNIZATION 718 Angka Prevalensi HBsAg dan Anti-HBs pada Ibu dan Anaknya yang Telah Lengkap Menerima Imunisasi Hepatitis B di Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Tengah, Propinsi Kalimantan Selatan (The Prevalence Rate of HBsAg and Anti-HBs of Mother and Child Who Have Received Hepatitis B Immunization in the District of Hulu Sungai Tengah, South Kalimantan)/ Edi Sampana; Nenny Sri Mulyani; Sutaryo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(4) 2001: 110-115 IMMUNODIFFUSION 723 Tehnik Gel Test (Gel Test Technique)/ Ellyani Sindu.-Bul. Tranfusi Darah, 28(336)2001: 5-8 IMMUNOLOGIC TESTS 724 Teknik Imunodiagnostik dalam Masyarakat : 1. Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Teknik Imunodiagnostik (Immunodiagnostical Technique in the Community : 1. The Principles of Immunodiagnostical Technique)/Iwan H. Utama; I Nyoman Suarsana.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 54-56 719 Campak dan Tetanus Toxoid, Imunisasi Pilihan untuk Menurunkan Angka Kematian Bayi (Measles Vaccine and Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine, the Immunization Choices to Decrease the Infant Mortality Rate)/Hananto Wiryo.-Medika, 27(6) 2001: 386-387 IMPOTENCE 725 720 66 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 (et. al.).-- Bul. Kesehat. Anak, 30(4)2001: 184-203 Sildenafi dalam Penatalaksanaan Disfungsi Ereksi (Sildenafil in the Management of Erectile Dysfunction)/Lie T. Merijanti Susanto.-J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(3)2001: 117-123 731 Sirosis Hepatis pada Infan : Konferensi Klinik Patologik pada 1 Kasus (Cirrhosis Hepatic on Infant : The Conference of the Clinical Pathologic in 1 Case)/M. Rofiq Anwar; Padmi Tri Hartini; Kasno.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(1)2001: 41-44 INDOLES 726 New 6-(3-Indolyl) Benzo [B] Carbazoles/ Mardi Santoso.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 1-9 732 Tuberculosis Peritonitis with Psoas Abscess in Infants/Munar Lubis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 53-56 INFANT 727 Dampak Imunisasi Hepatitis B Rekombinan terhadap Penularan Vertikal Virus Hepatitis B pada Bayi di Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat (The Impact of Hepatitis B Recombinant Immunization Against Vertical Infection among Infants in Bandung, West Java)/Djoko Yuwono (et. al.).-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(3)2001: 110-117 733 Ujicoba Vaksin Campak CAM-70 BF pada Bayi Umur 9-11 Bulan di Sukabumi, Jawa Barat (A Field Trial of Measles Vaccine CAM-70 BF in Infants 9-11 Months of Age in Sukabumi, West Java)/Djoko Yuwono (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(12)2001: 431-434 728 Determinan Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Atas (ISPA) pada Balita (The Determinant of Medical Seeking Behavior in Acute Respiratory Infection on Infant and Under Five Years Old Children)/Sarimawar Djaja; Iwan Ariawan; Tin Afifah.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(1)2001: 1-11 INFANT FOOD 734 The Effect of Early Solid Food Feeding and the Absence of Colostrum Feeding on Neonatal Mortality/ Hananto Wiryo.-Medika, 27(5)2001: 305-309 735 Pemanfaatan Tepung Pisang Owak (Musa paradisiaca, L) untuk Bahan Makanan Campuran (BMC) sebagai Makanan Tambahan Bayi (The Utilization of Owak Banana Flour (Musa paradisiaca, L) for Blended Food Formula as Infant Suplementary Food)/Yuli Heirina Hamid; Emma S. Wirakusumah; Hidayat Syarief.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 1-8 729 Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Anemia pada Bayi Usia 5-7 Bulan (Factors Related to Anemia on 5-7 Months Old Babies)/Dibi Cahyaningdiah; Budi Utomo; Adi Hidayat.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(1)2001: 1-8 730 Frekuensi Kesakitan pada Penderita Pasca Gastroenteritis Akuta pada Bayi dan Anak (The Frequency of Illnes in Infant and Children Post Acute Gastroenteritis)/Subijanto Marto Sudarmo INFANT MORTALITY 736 Campak dan Tetanus Toxoid, Imunisasi Pilihan untuk Menurunkan Angka 67 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Kematian Bayi (Measles Vaccine and Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine, the Immunization Choices to Decrease the Infant Mortality Rate)/Hananto Wiryo.-Medika, 27(6)2001: 386-387 Penelit. dan Pengembang. 11(3)2001: 1-7 Kesehat., 742 Kejang pada Neonatal (Neonatal Convultion)/Persadaan Bukit.-Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(48)2001: 6-12 737 The Effect of Early Solid Food Feeding and the Absence of Colostrum Feeding on Neonatal Mortality/ Hananto Wiryo.-Medika, 27(5)2001: 305-309 743 Penatalaksanaan Terapi Oksigen pada Bayi Baru Lahir (The Management of Oxygen Therapy on Newborn Infant)/ Munar Lubis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001:46-49 738 Gerakan Mengubah Perilaku dan Penajaman Program Prioritas Kesehatan sebagai Upaya Inovatif untuk Menurunkan AKB di NTB (The Effort to Change the Attitude and Health Priority Program as an Inovative Effort to Decrease the Infant Mortality Rate in Nusa Tenggara Barat)/Hananto Wiryo.-Medika, 27(3)2001: 167-176 744 Pola Rujukan Neonatus Sakit ke RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta (The Referral Pattern of Sick Neonates at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital, Jakarta)/Rulina Suradi.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 231-235 745 Suspected Congenital Malaria in Two Balinese Neonates/IGL. Sidiartha; BNP. Arhana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32 (112)2001: 119-122 739 Hubungan Pelayanan Antenatal dengan Kematian Perinatal di Dati II Bogor Tahun 1996-1997 (The Correlation between Antenatal Services and Perinatal Mortality in Bogor, During 1996-1997)/Efi Syafrida; Nuning M. Kiptiah; Sudarto Ronoatmodjo.-- Medika, 26(3)2001: 137-141 INFANT NUTRITION 746 Hubungan antara Pola Asuh dengan Status Gizi Anak Batita pada Rumah Tangga Petani di Kabupaten Bogor (The Relationship between Child Rearing of Mothers and Nutritional Status of Children Under Three in Farmer Households at Bogor Distrit, West Java)/Sus Widayani; Hidayat Syarief; Clara M. Kusharto.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 7382 740 Mana yang Harus Didahulukan, Menurunkan AKB atau AKI (Decreasing the Infant Mortality Rate or Decreasing the Maternal Mortality Rate, Which One Should be Done First ?)/Hananto Wiryo.-Medika, 27(2)2001: 126-127 INFANT, NEWBORN 741 Kebiasaan Memberikan Makanan Kepada Bayi Baru Lahir di Propinsi Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Barat (The Newborn Infant Feeding Habitual in Central Java and West Java)/Yekti Widodo.-- Media INFANT, PREMATURE 747 Nutrisi Parenteral Total pada Bayi Prematur (Total Parenteral Nutrition on 68 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Premature Infant)/Paramita Yushananta.- Medika, 27(3)2001: 161-166 INFERTILITY 754 Era Baru Pengobatan Infertilitas dengan Gonal-F : Follitropin Alpha/FSH Recombinant (The New Era in the Therapy of Infertility by Gonal F : Follitropin Alpha/FSH Recombinant)/Hotma P. Silitonga.-- Medika, 27(11)2001: 725-730 INFECTION 748 Aktivitas in-vitro Siprofloksasin terhadap Berbagai Bakteri Gram-Negatif Penyebab Infeksi di Indonesia (Ciprofloxacine invitro through Several Gram-negative Bacteria caused of Infection in Indonesia)/Usman Chatib Warsa.-Makara, 5(2)2001: 26-28 755 Program Injeksi Sperma Intra Sitoplasma (ISIS) pada Penanganan Infertilitas di Klinik Permata Hati Rumah Sakit Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta (Program of Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection in the Management of Infertility at Permata Hati Clinic of Dr. Sardjito Hospital)/Ita Fauzia Hanoum (et. al.).-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(1)2001: 1-7 749 Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Isepamicin Plus Metronidazole and Amikacin Plus Metronidazole in Intraabdominal Infections/Bernardus Philippi (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(2) 2001: 88-94 750 Infeksi dan Antibiotik (Infections and Antibiotics)/Rianto Setiabudy.-- Dexa Media, 14(1)2001: 40-44 INFERTILITY, MALE 756 Terapi Medis Infertilitas Laki-laki (Medical Therapy of Infertility on Male)/KM. Arsyad.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(5)2001: 176-180 751 Masalah Infeksi pada Usia Lanjut (Infection Problem in Elderly)/Suharto.-Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 27-39 757 Tinjauan Ultrastruktur dan Molekular Sel Spermatozoa pada Kelainan Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) sebagai Salah Satu Penyebab Infertilitas Laki-laki serta Peranan Teknik IVF sebagai Alternatif Utama Penanggulangannya (The Ultrastructure and Molecular Aspect of Spermatozoa Cell in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia (PCD) Disorder as the Etiological of Male Infertility and the Role of IVF Techniques as the Primary Therapy)/Zen Hafy; Nukman Moeloek.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(11)2001: 401406 752 Pengaruh Penyakit Infeksi terhadap Status Nutrisi dan Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh Manusia (The Influence of Infectious Diseases through the Nutritional Status and Human Immunity System)/ Rawan Broto.-- Dexa Media, 14(1)2001: 17-21 753 Peran Radikal Bebas dan Infeksi terhadap Komplikasi Vaskuler Diabetes Mellitus (The Role of Free Radicals and Infection through the Vascular Complication on Diabetes Mellitus)/Hendromartono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 41-54 INFLUENZA 758 Vaksinasi Influenza (Vaccination of Influenza)/Dianiati S. Kusumo Sutoyo.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(4)2001: 166-173 69 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 aegypty Larvae)/Hasan Boesri (et. al.).-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 41-44 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 759 Informasi yang Dibutuhkan secara Timbal Balik antara Dokter, Apoteker dan Pasien (Information Needed between Physicians, Pharmacist and Patients)/Wikidi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 67-70 765 Uji Biokimia Kerentaan Anopheles aconitus terhadap Insektisida Organofosfat (Fenitrothion) dan Karbamat (Bendiocarb) di Kabupaten Jepara (Biochemical Assays of Susceptibility of Anopheles aconitus to the Organophosphate (Fenitrothion) and the Carbamate (Bendiocarb) Insecticides in Jepara Regency)/Widiarti; Sugeng Juwono Mardihusodo; Damar Tri Boewono.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(3)2001: 97-109 INJECTIONS 760 Injeksi yang Aman (The Safe Injection)/Janahar Murad; Max J. Herman.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 100-103 766 Uji Coba Efikasi Insektisida Permanen yang Diaplikasikan pada Kelambu terhadap Nyamuk Vektor Penyakit Malaria Anopheles aconitus Donitz (The Trial Test of Permanent Insecticides Applicated on Bednet against Malariae Vector Anophelles aconitus Donitz)/Barodji (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 48-50 INSECTICIDES 761 Distribusi Residu Karbofuran, Klorpirifos dan Lindan pada Tanaman Padi (Distribution of Carbofuran, Chlorpyrifos and Lindane Insecticide Residues on Paddy)/Asep Nugraha Ardiwinata.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(2)2001: 9-21 762 Efikasi Permenthrin dengan Aplikasi ULV terhadap Culex quinquefasciatus (Permenthrin Effication with ULV Application through Culex quinquefasciatus)/Hadi Suwasono (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 32-34 767 Uji Kepekaan Nyamuk Vektor dan Efikasi Insektisida yang Digunakan Program terhadap Nyamuk Vektor (A Susceptibility Test of Mosquito Vector and the Efficacy of Insecticides Use by Program through Mosquitoes Vector)/Barodji (et. al.).-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter.,(131)2001: 45-47 763 Efikasi Shelltox terhadap Culex quinquefasciatus di Laboratorium (The Effication of Shelltox through Culex quinquefasciatus in the Laboratory)/Hasan Boesri; Blondine Ch.P.; Umi Widyastuti.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 35-37 INSOMNIA 768 Aspek Neurologi Insomnia (The Neurological Aspects of Insomnia)/Astuti; Harsono; Siti Musfiroh.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 3(1)2001: 29-35 764 Pengaruh Pengabutan Alpha cypermethrin 30 EC dan Lambda sihalothrin 25 EC terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti (The Effect of Thermal Fogging of Alpha cypermethine 30 EC and Lambda Cyhalothrine 25 EC against Aedes INSULIN 769 Resistensi Insulin dan Defisiensi Insulin (Insulin Resistance and Insulin Deficiency)/Raymond R. Tjandrawinata.-- Dexa Media, 14(1)2001: 7-12 70 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Health Sector Reviewed from Economical Aspect : Is There Supporting the Health Insurance ?)/Laksono Trisnantoro.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(8)2001: 146153 INSURANCE, HEALTH 770 Analisis Penerimaan dari Pelayanan Pasien Peserta PT. Askes Indonesia di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta Tahun 1995; 1996; 1997 (Analysis of the Revenue of Hospital from Participants of Indonesia Health Insurance in Sardjito General Hospital 19951997)/Chamdani Tauchid; Laksono Trisnantoro; Julita Hendrartini.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 43-52 775 Perspektif Kebijakan Publik tentang Jaminan Sosial dan Pembiyaan Kesehatan di Indonesia (The Perspective of Public Policy on Social and Health Insurance in Indonesia)/Amal C. Sjaaf.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(8)2001: 136-145 771 Asuransi Kesehatan Indonesia dari "Fee for Service" ke "Total Capitation", Tinjauan dari Aspek Perkembangan Sistem Pelayanan dan Pembiayaan Kesehatan (Indonesian Health Insurance from "Fee for Service" to "Total Capitation", Review from the Development Aspect of Cost and Health Service System)/Sulastomo-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(8)2001: 164-176 776 Rasional Jaminan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan (The Rational of Health Care Insurance)/Hasbullah Thabrany.--Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(8)2001: 154163 777 Regular Checkups in Hypertension Patients Funded by Medical Insurance at the Effort of Health Problem Solution on Pregnant Women Health Caused of Monetary Crisis)/Lucky A. Bawazire (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(1)2001: 2-6 772 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pengambilan Keputusan Keluarga Menjadi Peserta Asuransi Jiwa (Factors Influencing Family Decision Making to be a Life Insurance Participant)/Intan Ria Nirmala; Hartoyo; Ikeu Tanziha.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 100-110 778 Strategi Pengembangan Asuransi Kesehatan di Era Desentralisasi (Development Strategy of Health Insurance in Decentralization Era)/Hasbullah Thabrany.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7)2001: 223-227 773 Kemampuan dan Kemauan Membayar Premi Asuransi Kesehatan di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul (Willingness and Ability to Pay Health Insurance in Gunung Kidul)/Ali Ghufron Mukti.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(2)2001: 75-82 779 Telaah Kritis terhadap Program Jaminan Pemeliharaan Kesehatan Masyarakat di Indonesia (Critical Appraisal on Managed Care System in Indonesia)/Ali Ghufron Mukti; Hasbullah Thabrany; Laksono Trisnantoro.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(3)2001: 159-171 774 Perkembangan Sektor Kesehatan Dipandang dari Aspek Ekonomi : Apakah Menujang JPKM ? (The Development of INTELLIGENCE 780 71 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Kadar Sianida dalam Sayuran dan Umbiumbian di Daerah Gangguan Akibat Kurang Yodium/GAKY (Cyanida Contents of Vegetable and Tubers in Areas of Iodine Deficiency Disorders)/Ance Murdiana; Sukati Saidin.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 33-37 Timbal dalam Darah dan Intelligence Quotient (Lead Concentration in Blood and Intelligence Quotient)/Wibisono Soesanto.-- Bul. Epidemiol. Jawa Timur, 5(2)2001: 65-69 INTERFERON ALFA-2B 781 Combination of Interferon Alfa-2b and Ribavirin in Relapsed or Non-responding Chronic Hepatitis C Patient Following Interferon Therapy/Laurentius A. Lesmana (et al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(4)2001: 214-218 787 Masalah Gangguan Anemia Akibat Kurang Yodium (The Problem of Anemia Disturbance caused of Iodine Deficiency)/R. Djokomoeljanto.-- J. Data dan Infor. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 31-39 IRON 788 Dampak Suplementasi Seng (Zn) dan Besi (Fe) terhadap Pertumbuhan Anak Usia 4 - 24 Bulan (The Effect of Iron and Zinc Supplementation on Child Development with Aged between 6-24 Months)/Hadi Riyadi.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 124-133 INTERFERON TYPE II 782 IFN Gamma Increased IL-6 Production in Primary Schwann Cells/Retno Murwarni.- Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 93-97 INTERLEUKIN-6 783 IFN Gamma Increased IL-6 Production in Primary Schwann Cells/Retno Murwarni.- Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 93-97 789 Pengaruh Penambahan Asam Folat, Vitamin B12 and B6 pada Pil Besi terhadap Kadar Homocystein Plasma Ibu Hamil Anemia (Effect of Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and B6 Supplementation on Iron Pills to Plasma Homocysteine among Anemic Pregnant Women)/Effendi Rustan (et. al.).-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 44-50 INTUBATION, INTRATRACHEAL 784 Perubahan Interval QTc akibat Induksi Anestesi dan Intubasi (The Change of QTc Interval Induced by Anesthesia and Intubation)/Soenarjo; Endang Widyastuti.- Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 67-71 IODIDES 785 Penggunaan Garam Dapur Beryodium untuk Penanggulangan Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium di Bali (The Usage of Iodized Salt to Prevent the Iodine Deficiency in Bali)/I Komang Gunung.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 143-147 ISCHEMIA 790 The Value of Admission, Predischarge Serum C-reactive Protein Level and at Ratio in Predicting Ischemic Events among Low Risk Post Myocardial Infarction Patients/Prasetyo Andriono; Lao Lam Sun; Leandro C. Bongosia.-Medika, 27(10)2001: 626-633 IODINE 786 ISLETS OF LANGERHANS 72 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Sistatin C dan Hubungannya dengan Fungsi Ginjal pada Anak (Cystatin C and its Effect through the Kidney Function on Child)/Sudung O. Pardede.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 28-31 791 ICA Kualitatif tidak Dapat Dipakai sebagai Prediktor Kebutuhan akan Insulin untuk Pengendalian Gula Darah Penderita Diabetes Mellitus Tipe-2 (ICA can't be Used as Predictor of Insulin for Controling the Blood Glucose in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients)/Ketut Suastika; Nyoman Sutarka; N. Dwi Sutanegara.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 110-114 KIDNEY CALCULI 796 Capability of Water and Ethyl Acetate Extract Fractions of Benalu (Dendrophthoe petandra L. Miq) Leaves to Dissolve Calcium Kidney Stone in Vitro, Determined using Fast Neutron Activation Method/Sasmito; Darsono; Zainul K.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(4)2001: 186-193 ISOFLAVONES 792 Prospek dan Manfaat Isoflavon untuk Kesehatan (The Advantage and Prospect of the Usage of Isoflavonoids for Health)/Suyanto Pawiroharsono.-Medika, 27(4)2001: 226-232 JOURNAL ARTICLE 793 Aplikasi Ilmu Manajemen dan Perkembangan Jurnal-jurnal Management di Sektor Kesehatan : Studi Kasus Perkembangan Manajemen Kesehatan di UGM (The Application of Management and the Development of Management Journals in Health Sector: a Case Study of Health Management Development at Gadjah Mada University)/Laksono Trisnantoro.-J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 3-12 797 Tempuyung sebagai Alternative Penghancur Batu Ginjal (Sonchus arvensis L. as an Alternative Medicine of Renal Calculi)/Martuti Budiharto; Ngatidjan; Imono A. Donatus.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(4)2001: 6-10 KIDNEY FAILURE 798 Pengaruh Obat Antihipertensi dengan Eliminasi melalui Ginjal yang Berbeda terhadap Fungsi Ginjal pada Penderita Hipertensi dengan Gangguan Fungsi Ginjal Ringan dan Sedang (The Effects of Antihypertension with Elimination through the Different Kidney in Hypertension Patients with Kidney Dysfunction)/ Muhammad Yusuf Nasution.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 16-19 KIDNEY 794 Pengaruh Diabetes yang Diinduksi dengan Streptozotosin terhadap Kemungkinan Terjadinya 'Diabetes Nephropathy' pada Ginjal Tikus (The Influence of Diabetes with Streptozotosin Induced through Diabetes Nephropathy Susceptibility in the Kidney of Rats)/Armenia (et. al.).-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 6(2)2001: 97-104 KIDNEY FAILURE, CHRONIC 799 Hubungan antara Kadar Homosistein dengan Asam Folat dan Vitamin B12 pada Gagal Ginjal Terminal dengan Hemodialisis Reguler (The Correlation between Hemosistein with Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 on Kidney Failure Acute with Regular Hemodialysis)/Ketut Suwitra; I 795 73 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Berbagai Macam Cara Induksi Persalinan Masa Kini (Some Kinds of Labor Induced in the Present)/Busisa Gultom.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(47)2001: 36-40 Gde Raka Widiana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 246-251 KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES, PRACTICE 800 Kaitan Pengetahuan, Perilaku, dan Kebiasaan dengan Infeksi Kecacingan pada Pekerja Pembuatan Bata Merah di Desa Mekar Mukti, Cikarang (The Correlation of Knowledge, Behavior and Practice of Workers of Bata Merah Maker through the Helminthiasis at Mekar Mukti Village, Cikarang)/M. Hasyimi; Shinta; Roswita H.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001: 2429 LABOR, PREMATURE 805 Deteksi Dini Vaginosis Bakterial pada Kehamilan dapat Menurunkan Risiko Persalinan Preterm (The Early Detection of Bacterial Vaginosis on Pregnancy Could Decrease the Risk of Preterm Delivery)/Sylvia Y. Muliawan.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 36-39 LACTIC ACID 806 Potensi Zat Bakteriostatik Alami dari Bakteri Asam Laktat yang di Jumpai dalam Yoghurt (The Potency of Natural Bacteriostatic Substance of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Yoghurt)/I Nyoman Suarsana.- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 78-82 801 Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Masyarakat Kodya Batam Berkaitan dengan Penularan Malaria (The Knowledge, Attitute and Practice of Batam's Communities Related to Malaria Transmission)/Suhardjo; Helper Manalu.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 57-62 LARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS 802 Pengetahuan dan Sikap Dukun Bayi dalam Kaitannya dengan Penyakit Tetanus Neonatorum di Kabupaten Indramayu (Knowledge and Attitude of the Midwifery its Relation with Tetanus Neonatorum in Indramayu District) /Mulyono Notosiswoyo; Riyanto Martomijoyo; Sudibyo S.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 26-32 807 Diagnosis Kanker Subglotis (Diagnose of Sub Glotis Cancer)/ Robert A.H. Hasibuan.-Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(47)2001: 19-24 LASERS 808 Teknologi Laserpunktur dan Aspek Bioteknologinya di Bidang Veteriner (The Technology of Laserpuncture and its Biotechnological Aspect in Veteriner Field)/RTS. Adikara.-Meridian, 8(1)2001: 8-12 LABOR 803 Penatalaksanaan Perdarahan Pasca Persalinan Akibat Retensio Plasenta (The Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage Caused of Retensio Placenta)/Pribakti B.- Medika, 27(4)2001: 245-247 LEAD 809 Kerusakan Sel-sel Reproduksi dan Penurunan Jumlah Anak Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Swiss Akibat Paparan LABOR, INDUCED 804 74 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Extremities)/Azwardi Roezin.-Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(2)2001: 86-100 Timah Hitam Per Oral (Damage of Reproductive Cells and the Reduction of Amount Male White-Rat Babies Strain Swiss after Lead Exposing)/Mochammad Agus Suprijono.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 61-66 J. LEGUMES 815 Hypocholesterolemic and Atherogenic Effect of Legumes Versus Animal Protein : Review of Animal and Human Studies/Susilowati Herman.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(4)2001: 147-162 810 Pengaruh Pajanan Timbal terhadap Kesehatan dan Kualitas Semen Pekerja Laki-laki (The Influence of Lead Exposure on Health and Semen Quality of Male Workers)/Siswarti Adnan.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(5)2001: 168-174 LEPROSY 816 In-Vitro Cytokines Production of Lymphocytes from Subclinical Leprosy Cases/Indropo Agusni.-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 44-46 811 Timbal dalam Darah dan Intelligence Quotient (Lead Concentration in Blood and Intelligence Quotient)/ Wibisono Soesanto.-- Bul. Epidemiol. Jawa Timur, 5(2)2001: 65-69 LEARNING 812 Kinerja Penyelenggaraan PMT-AS, Status Gizi dan Prestasi Belajar Anak Sekolah Dasar (Performance of School Feeding Program Management, the Nutritional Status and School Achievement of Primary School Children)/Dina Leovita Titisari; Diah Krisnatuti; Retnaningsih.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 190-197 817 Indikasi Merujuk Penderita Kusta (Indication to Refferal of Leprosy Patient)/Sri Linuwih S. Menaldi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(5)2001: 181-183 818 Kadar Antibody terhadap Phenolic Glycolipid-1 (PGL1) pada Penderita Kusta yang Mendapat Pengobatan Kombinasi MDT-WHO Suatu Penelitian Retrospektif di RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya (Antibody anti Phenolic Glycolipid-1 (PGL-1) in Leprosy Patients Treated by a Combination of MDT-WHO : A Retrospective Study at Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya)/Indropo Agusni.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(12)2001: 426-430 813 Using Learning Module by Applying the Methods of Evidence Based Medicine and Problem Based Learning as an Effort to Improve Cognitive Ability of the Medical Students/Darto Saharso; Erny.-Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 14-18 819 Kusta Subklinik di Pulau Mandangin (P. Kambing), Madura (1) : Studi Awal dalam Rangkaian Penelitian Kusta Subklinik di Daerah Endemik Kusta (Subclinical Leprosy in Mandangin Island (Kambing Island), Madura (1) : A Preliminary Study in Servical Study on Subclinical Leprosy in Endemic Areas)/Indropo Agusni; Thomas Kardjito; Suhartono Taat Putra.-- LEG 814 Etiologi, Patogenesis dan Gambaran Klinis Insufisiensi Arteri Perifer pada Ekstremitas Bawah (Etiology, Pathogenesis and Clinical Features of Peripheral Arterial Insufficiency in Lower 75 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Work Place)/Yohannes N. Pasaribu; Muchtaruddin Mansyur.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon. 51(2)2001: 52-56 Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(6)2001: 198202 820 Kusta Subklinik di Pulau Mandangin Madura (Bagian ke II) Suatu Studi Kohort Perjalanan Klinik dan Laboratorik dari Beberapa Kasus Kusta Subklinik (Subclinical Leprosy in Mandangin Island (Part 2) A Longitudinal Study on the Cinical and Laboratory Progression of Subclinical Leprosy Cases)/Indropo Agusni; Thomas Kardjito; Suhartono Taat Putra.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(11)2001: 393-400 LEUKEMIA, LYMPHOCYTIC, CHRONIC 824 Low Incidence CLL (Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia) in Indonesia a Restropective Case Series Multicenter Study/Boediwarsono.-Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 63-68 LEUKEMIA, MONOCYTIC, ACUTE 825 Chloroma pada Anak dengan Leukemia Monositik Akut (Chloroma on Child with Acute Monocytic Leukemia)/Riadi Wirawan; Abas Suherli; Maria Abdulsalam.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(10)2001: 383-387 821 Prevalensi Hasil Tes Mycobacterium Leprae Particle Agglutination (MLPA) Positif dalam Mendeteksi IGM Antibody terhadap Phenolic Glycolipid-I (PGL-I) pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Hiperendemik Kusta (The Prevalence of Positive Mycobacterium Leprae Particle Agglutination (MLPA) Test in Detection of IGM Antibodies through Phenolic Glycolipid-I (PGL-I) on School-Children in Hyperendemic Area of Leprosy)/ Mochammad Hatta.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 94-100 LEVODOPA 826 Terapi Levodopa pada Penyakit Parkinson (The Use of Levodopa in the Treatment of Parkinson)/Hasanudin Mansur; Soeharso; Was'an M.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 2(3)2001: 129-142 LEPTOSPIROSIS LINDANE 822 Mortalitas dan Pola Penderita Leptospirosis di Lab-SMF Penyakit Dalam RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya (Mortality and the Pattern of Leptospirosis Patients at Laboratory, Departement of Internal Medicine Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya)/Nasronudin.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 89-97 827 Distribusi Residu Karbofuran, Klorpirifos dan Lindan pada Tanaman Padi (Distribution of Carbofuran, Chlorpyrifos and Lindane Insecticide Residues on Paddy)/Asep Nugraha Ardiwinata.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(2)2001: 9-21 LIPIDS LEUKEMIA, LYMPHOCYTIC Leukemia Limfositik Pajanan Benzen di (Benzene Exposure Chronic Lymphocyte 828 Gambaran Profil Lipid Wanita Pascamenopause dengan Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Lipids Profile in Post Menopausal Women with Coronary Heart Disease)/E. Suparman; R. Lefrandt; B. 823 Kronik dengan Lingkungan Kerja its Related to Leukemia in the 76 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Sinaga.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Indon., 25(4)2001: 236-239 Wiyono.-Berk. 33(1)2001: 19-26 Ginekol. Ilmu Kedokter., 834 Hubungan antara Indeks Hati dengan Varises Esofagus pada Penderita Sirosis Hati (The Correlation between Liver Indexs and Esophagus Varices in Liver Cirrhosis Patient)/Iswan A. Nusi.-Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 10-14 829 Pengaruh Rumput Laut terhadap Kadar Lipida Darah dan Daging Ayam Petelur (The Effect of Seaweed on the Blood Lipids and Meat of Poul Layers)/Tua Binsar Butar-butar.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., 25(-)2001: 57-65 835 Severe Thrombocytopenia in Liver Cirrhosis Due to Hepatitis C Virus/Reno Gustaviani; Aru W. Sudoyo; LA. Lesmana.-Acta Medica Indon., 33(1)2001: 7-10 830 Polimorfisme Gen Hepatic Lipase Promoter dan Profil Lipid Darah pada Anak Obes (Polymorphisms of Hepatic Lipase Promoter Gen and Blood Lipid Profile in Obesity Child)/Dedi Subardja.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(9)2001: 342347 836 Sirosis Hepatis pada Infan : Konferensi Klinik Patologik pada 1 Kasus (Cirrhosis Hepatic on Infant : The Conference of the Clinical Pathologic in 1 Case)/M. Rofiq Anwar; Padmi Tri Hartini; Kasno.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(1)2001: 41-44 LIPOPROTEINS 831 HDL-C and Reducing the Risk of Atherosclerosis (from Basic to Clinical Practice)/Askandar Tjokroprawiro; Soebagijo Adi.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 104-109 LIVER DISEASES 837 Tuberkulosis pada Penderita AIDS dengan Gangguan Fungsi Hati (Tuberculosis in Patient with AIDS and Hepatic Dysfunction)/Asep Purnama; Tuty Parwati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 192-200 LIPOPROTEINS, HDL CHOLESTEROL 832 Hypoalphalipoproteinemia : Prevalence and the Impact of Treatment on Reaching HDL Cholesterol Target Level in Patients with Dyslipidemia/Harmani Kalim.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 98-102 LIVER FUNCTION TESTS 838 Berbagai Pertimbangan dalam Menginterprestasikan Liver Function Test/LFT (Some Considerations in Interpretating of Liver Function Test/LFT)/Hartono Taslim.- Dexa Media, 14(2)2001: 63-67 LIVER CIRRHOSIS 833 Diet Tempe Kedelai pada Penderita Sirosis Hati Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kadar Albumin dan Perbaikan Ensefalopati Hepatik (The Soybean Tempeh Diet on Liver Cirrhotic Patients as an Effort to Increase the Albumin Level and Hepatic Encephalopathy Improvement)/Neneng Ratnasari; Siti Nurdjanah; Paulus LIVER NEOPLASMS 839 Diagnosis Tumor Ganas Hati pada Anak (The Diagnosis of Wild Liver Tumor on 77 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Child)/Ismart Edy Hasibuan.-27(8)2001: 515-520 Medika, 845 Hubungan Kualitas Udara di Daerah Industri Peleburan Baja dengan Faal Ibu Rumah Tangga di Kecamatan Taman, Kabupaten Sidoarjo (The Association of Ambient Air Quality in the Stell Industry to Lung Funtion of Married Women at Taman, Sidoarjo Subdistrict)/Hardiono.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32(64)2001: 17-27 LORATADINE 840 Uji Banding Loratadin dan Fexofenadin Hidroklorida pada Urtikaria Kronik (A Comparative Study of the Efficacy of Loratadine and Fexofenadine against Chronic Urticaria)/Susanto Budi Tjahjono; Lorettha Wijaya; Raymond Widjajahakim.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(6)2001: 192-197 846 Pengaruh Radiasi terhadap Faal Paru (The Effect of Radiation to Lung Function)/Ratnawati; Faisal Yunus.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(3)2001: 124-130 LOW BACK PAIN 841 Exercises untuk Nyeri Pinggang Bawah pada Ibu Hamil (The Exercise of Low Back Pain in Pregnant Women)/Suharto.- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 5051 842 Manajemen Nyeri Pinggang Bawah (Nyeri Boyok) Berdasarkan EnvidenceBased Health Care (The Management of Low Back Pain Based on EvidenceBased Health Care)/Rusdi Lamsudin.-Berk. Neuro Sains, 3(1)2001: 1-14 847 Perubahan Faal Paru pada Orang Tua (The Changed of Lung Function in the Elderly)/Erlina Burhan; Faisal Yunus.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(4)2001: 160-165 LUNG DISEASES 848 Lung Mycosis in Pirngadi Hospital Medan, Indonesia/Azhar Janjung.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 75-78 849 Nilai Faal Paru Penderita Asma Siswa Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama di Kotamadya Yogyakarta (Lung Function in Asthmatic Patients among Junior High School Students in the Municipality of Yogyakarta)/Muh. Tri Saksono Darmawan; Roni Naning; Tonny Sadjiman.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(1)2001: 33-43 843 Nyeri Punggung Bawah/NPB Tatalaksana Hernia Diskus Lumbalis Simtomatis/ HDLS dan Degenerasi Diskus di Bidang Orthopaedi (Low Back Pain, the Management of Symptomatic Lumbar Disc Herniation and Lumbar Disc Degeneration in Orthopaedic)/A. Bambang Darwono.-- Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 29(1)2001: 16-24 LUNG DISEASES, OBSTRUCTIVE 850 Genetic Risk Factors for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/Monika Tandom (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 178-181 LUNG 844 Fungsi Paru Manula Anggota Yayasan Wreda Sejahtera Bali (Lung Function of the Elderly at Wreda Sejahtera Club, Bali)/Tjening Kerana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 162-166 851 78 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Lung Cancer among Young Patients in Dharmais Cancer Center Hospital, Jakarta (1994-1998)/Anwar Jusuf (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 73-78 Hubungan Antara Nilai Faal dengan Kualiti Hidup Penderita Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronik (The Correlation of Pulmonary Function and Quality of Life of COPD Patients)/Retno Wihastuti (et. al.).- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(4)2001: 147-151 LUPUS NEPHRITIS 858 Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura as an Initial Symptom of Lupus Nephritis/ Reno Gustaviani; Aru W. Sudoyo; Suhardjono.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(2)2001: 54-57 852 Pola Mikroba pada Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronik (PPOK) Eksaserbasi di Rumah Sakit Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta (Microbial Pattern of Chronical Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases in Dr. Sardjito Hospital)/Barmawi Hisyam; Agus Nurohman.-Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(1)2001: 9-12 859 Nefritis Lupus pada Anak (Lupus Nephritis on Child)/Rafita Ramayati.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 127-129 853 Rehabilitasi Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronik (Rehabilitation of Chronical Obstructive Lung Diseases)/Faisal Yunus.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(4)2001: 138-141 LYMPH NODES 860 Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy of the Lymph Nodes/J. Hadi Lunardhi.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 202-205 LYMPHOCELE 861 In-Vitro Cytokines Production of Lymphocytes from Subclinical Leprosy Cases/Indropo Agusni.-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 44-46 LUNG NEOPLASMS 854 Diagnosis of Lung Cancer in Dharmais National Cancer Center Hospital, Jakarta/ Anwar Jusuf; Eddy Suratman; A. Mulawarman Jayusman.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(9)2001: 322-327 855 Distribusi Konsentrasi Randon di Ruangan dan Risiko Kanker Paru-paru (Distribution of Randon Consentration in the Room and the Risk of Lung Cancer)/Bunawas; Zubaidah Alatas; Asep Warsona.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 8(2)2001: 59-66 LYMPHOCYTE DEPLETION 862 Deplesi Sel Limfosit CD4+ pada Infeksi HIV (Depletion of CD4+ Lymphocyte Cell in HIV Infection)/ Sarwo Handayani.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 9-11 LYMPHOMA, NON-HODGKIN 856 Kanker Paru pada Perempuan (Lung Cancer in Women)/Flora Eka Sari; Anwar Jusuf.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(6)2001: 213-217 863 Epstein-Barr Virus in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma of the Tonsil in Indonesian Patients/A.N. Kurniawan; Meryanne Elizabeth; Anthony S.Y. Leong.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 69-72 857 79 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Dachlan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 26-29 MACACA NEMESTRINA 864 Testes Biopsy Analysis and Hormonal Reproduction Levels of Pig Tail Macaque (Macaca nemestrina) Injected with Testosterone Enanthate (TE) and Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (DMPA)/ Dadang Kusmana (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 137-143 870 Fauna Nyamuk Anopheles pada Beberapa Tempat di Kabupaten Donggala, Sulawesi Tengah dan Peranannya dalam Penularan Penyakit Malaria (Anopheles in Several Places at Donggala District, Middle Sulawesi and its Contribution toward the Transmitted of Malaria Disease)/Jastal; Yunus; Lili.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 14-20 MAGNESIUM 865 Tinjauan Aspek Fisiologis Magnesium/ Mg2+ (The Review of Physiological Aspect of Magnesium/Mg2+)/Isdoni.-Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(47)2001: 25-30 871 Hyperesponsiveness of T-Cell Leads to Cerebral Malaria/Husna Dharma Putera.-Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 92-96 MAGNESIUM SULFATE 872 Kemoprofilaksis Malaria: Konsep Terkini dan Regimen Obat (Malaria Chemoprophylaxis : The Current Concept and Drug Regimens)/Putu Sutisna.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 148155 873 Kemungkinan Malaria Primata sebagai Masalah Zoonosis (The Possibility of Primate Malaria as Zoonotic Problem)/ Shinta.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001: 8-13 866 The Systematic Review of Magnesium Sulfate Infusion in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction/ Prasetyo Andriono.-- Medika, 27(4)2001: 216-219 MAGNETICS 867 Pengaruh Pemajanan Medan Magnet terhadap Mencit yang Diinfeksi Plasmodium berghei (The Influence of Magnetic Field Exposure through the Infected Mice with Plasmodium berghei)/Sugeng Juwono Mardihusodo.-Medika, 27(12)2001: 763-769 874 Konfirmasi Vektor Malaria di Desa Sihepeng, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal (The Confirmation of Malaria Vectors at Sihepeng Village, Mandailing Natal District)/Makmur Husaini.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 79-83 MALARIA 868 Developments in Malaria Treatment in Bandar Lampung/H. Ali Imron Yusuf; Saragih PU.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(3)2001: 122-126 875 Looking for New Protection Against Malaria by Studying the Interconnection between Thalassemia and Malaria/ Aprilianto Eddy Wiria; Apnaria Liana 869 Epidemiological Study on Ovalocytosis in Malaria Endemic Area in Lombok Island, West Nusa Tenggara Province/Bariah I. Sutanto; Indri Safitri; Yoes Prijatna 80 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Indonesia)/Kusmartisnawati; Bariah Ideham; Anni S. Widodo-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 8-14 Wati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(2)2001: 57-62 876 Malaria Seroepidemiologic Study Using ELISA with Plasmodium falciparum Crude Antigen in Three Villages in Lombok Barat, West Nusa Tenggara/Sri Hidayati BS.; Kusmartisnawati; Yoes Prijatna Dachlan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 15-25 882 Suspected Congenital Malaria in Two Balinese Neonates/ IGL. Sidiartha; BNP. Arhana.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 119-122 MALARIA, CEREBRAL 883 Malaria Serebral (Cerebral Malaria)/ Syahril Pasaribu.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 43-45 877 Malaria Transfusi (Tranfusion Malaria)/ Ria Syafitri Prihanto.-- Bul. Tranfusi Darah, 28(334)2001: 3-8 884 Malaria Serebral : Laporan Kasus (Cerebral Malaria : a Case Report)/ Celestinus Eigya Munthe.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 5-6 878 Pengaruh Pemberian Minyak Biji Mimba (Azadiarchta indica A. Juss) Secara Intravena terhadap Plasmodium berghei pada Mencit (The Effect of Intravenous Nemm's (Azadirachta Indica A. Juss) Seed Oil on Plasmodium berghei in Mice)/Budi Mulyaningsih.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(2)2001: 71-76 885 Malaria Serebral (Komplikasi) : Suatu Penyakit Imunologis (The Complication of Cerebral Malaria : An Immunological Diseases)/Husna Dharma Putera.-Medika, 27(10)2001: 641-644 879 Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku Masyarakat Kodya Batam Berkaitan dengan Penularan Malaria (The Knowledge, Attitute and Practice of Batam's Communities Related to Malaria Transmission)/Suhardjo; Helper Manalu.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 57-62 MALARIA, FALCIPARUM 886 Fenomena Formasi Roset pada Patofisiologi Malaria falciparum (The Phenoms of Rosette Formation in the Phatophysiological of Malaria falciparum)/ Rawina Winita Sutjahjono; Praba Ginanjar.-- Makara, 5(1)2001: 9-13 880 Perkembangan Vaksin Malaria (The Development of Malaria Vaccine)/ Suharto; Susaniwati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(2)2001: 12-21 MALATHION 887 Perubahan Tingkat Toleransi Larva Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera : Culicidae) terhadap Insektisida Malathion dengan Penyeleksian Delapan Generasi (The Change of Tolerance Level in Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera : Culicidae) Larvae to Malathion by Selection of Eighth Generations)/Amin Setyo Leksono.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(2)2001: 1-8 881 Studi Parasit Malaria di Empat Desa di Tulungagung, Jawa Timur, Indonesia (The Study of Malaria Parasite in Four Villages in Tulungagung, East Java, 81 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Faktor Sosial Ekonomi yang Berhubungan dengan Terjadinya Campak pada Balita di Kabupaten Serang Tahun 19992000 (The Socio-Economic Factors Related to the Outbreak of Measles in Under Five Children in Serang District, West Java 1999-2000)/Salma Padri H.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(1)2001: 32-41 MALE 888 The Aging Male Project/Farid Saad.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 127-133 MATERNAL HEALTH SERVICES 889 Pengaruh Pengembangan Sistim Database terhadap Kualitas Data dan Informasi Kesehatan Maternal di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (Influence Developing Databased System for Maternal Health Data and Information Quality in Timor Tengah Utara Regency East Nusa Tenggara)/ Frans Xav Tas'au; Hari Kusnanto; Kristiani.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(2)2001: 83-91 MEASLES VACCINE 894 Campak dan Tetanus Toxoid, Imunisasi Pilihan untuk Menurunkan Angka Kematian Bayi (Measles Vaccine and Tetanus Toxoid Vaccine, the Immunization Choices to Decrease the Infant Mortality Rate)/Hananto Wiryo.-Medika, 27(6)2001: 386-387 MATERNAL MORTALITY 890 Kajian tentang Pola Persalinan dan Tingkat Kematian Ibu di Bali, 1998/1999 (Study of Birth Delivery Pattern and the Maternal Mortality Rate in Bali, 1998/ 1999)/Ketut Tangking Widarsa; Wayan Darwata.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 174-179 891 Mana yang Harus Didahulukan, Menurunkan AKB atau AKI (Decreasing the Infant Mortality Rate or Decreasing the Maternal Mortality Rate, Which One Should be Done First ?)/Hananto Wiryo.-Medika, 27(2)2001: 126-127 895 Ujicoba Vaksin Campak CAM-70 BF pada Bayi Umur 9-11 Bulan di Sukabumi, Jawa Barat (A Field Trial of Measles Vaccine CAM-70 BF in Infants 9-11 Months of Age in Sukabumi, West Java)/Djoko Yuwono (et. al.).-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(12)2001: 431-434 MEAT PRODUCTS 896 Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Some Meat Product/ Endang Lukitaningsih; Bambang Sulistyo Ari Sudarmanto; Sri Noegrohati.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(2)2001: 103-108 892 Revealing Priority Problems in Effort to Reduce Maternal Death in Indonesia/Sarimawar Djaja; Soeharsono Soemantri.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 8(1)2001: 87-95 MEDICAL INFORMATICS 897 Informatika Kedokteran dalam Pendidikan Dokter (Medical Informatics in Medical Education)/Anis Fuad.-Medika, 27(6)2001: 379-382 MEASLES MEDICAL WASTE 898 Karakteristik Limbah Rumah Sakit dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kesehatan dan 893 82 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Lingkungan (The Characteristic of Hospital Disposal and its Impact to Environmental Health)/Satmoko Wisaksono.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 57-60 903 Review Penelitian Pengobatan Tradisional Patah Tulang (The Reviewed of Traditional Medicine Research on Bones Fractures)/Mulyono Notosiswoyo; Agus Suprapto; Umboh J.M.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(4)2001: 17-24 MEDICINE, TRADITIONAL 899 Bahan Baku, Khasiat, dan Cara Pengolahan Jamu Gendong : Studi Kasus di Kotamadya Surabaya, 1998 (The Pharmacological, Raw Materials and How to Handle Jamu Gendong : A Case Study in Surabaya, 1998)/Suharmiati; Lestari Handayani.-- Medika, 27(5)2001: 284-289 904 Terapi Cairan Rumatan pada Anak (The Therapy of Rumatan Fluid on Child)/Iyan Darmawan.-- Medika, 27(9)2001: 595597 905 Uji Klinik Efek Farmakologi dan Kisaran Dosis Jamu Tensigard sebagai Obat Anti Hipertensi (Pre Clinical Study of Pharmacological Effect and Dose Determination of Jamu Tensigard as Anti Hypertensive Agent)/M. Djatmiko; Djoko Suhardjono; Agung Endro Nugroho.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 38-44 900 Faktor-faktor yang Mendorong Penderita Hipertensi ke Pengobatan Tradisional di DKI Jakarta, Yogyakarta, dan Surabaya (Stimulate Factors on Hypertension Patients through the Traditional Medicine in DKI Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Surabaya)/Siti Sapardiyah Santoso; Rahmalina Prasodjo; Sunanti Zalbawi.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(1)2001: 36-44 MEDROXYPROGESTERONE 906 Testes Biopsy Analysis and Hormonal Reproduction Levels of Pig Tail Macaque (Macaca nemestrina) Injected with Testosterone Enanthate (TE) and Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (DMPA)/ Dadang Kusmana (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 137-143 901 Pemanfaatan Obat Tradisional dalam Menangani Masalah Kesehatan (The Usage of Traditional Drug in Health Problem)/Lestari Handayani.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(4)2001: 139-145 MEMBRANES 902 Penetapan Koefisien Partisi dan Karakteristik Kromatografi Lapis Tipis Ekstrak Metanol Komponen Jamu Nifas (The Determination of Coefficient Partition and Characterization Using Thin Layer Chromathography of Methanol Extracts of Jamu Nifas Ingredients)/Anny Victor Purba; Makhdini Sasmila; Koesito Rogowasito.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(4)2001: 195-202 907 Konjungtivitis Membranosa Dwipihak : Penelitian Dua Kasus (Membrane Conjuctivitis : Two Cases Study)/ Suhardjo; E.S. Fransisca.-Medika, 27(9)2001: 600-603 MEMORY 908 Magnetoterapi Memori setelah Pemberian Alkohol secara Akut pada Mencit 83 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Menopause and Hormone Replacement Therapy/Ali Baziad.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(4)2001: 242-251 (Magnetotherapy of Memory after Acute Alcohol Treatment on Mice)/Sri Nabawiyati Nurul Makiyah.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(2)2001: 89-104 915 Pengobatan Menopause dan Risiko Kanker Payudara (The Management of Menopause and the Risk of Breast Cancer)/ Chrisdiono M. Achadiat.-Medika, 27(9)2001: 598-599 909 Working Memori pada Skizofrenia (Working Memory in Schizophrenia)/ Endah Ronawulan.-- Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 187-198 916 Pentingnya Terapi Sulih Hormon pada Wanita Menopause (The Importance Thing of Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause Women)/T.O. Agoestina-Medika, 27(12)2001: 791-796 MENINGIOMA 910 Penemuan Tumor Meningioma pada Trauma Kapitis (The Finding of Meningioma Tumor on Capitis Trauma)/Hot Asi Napitupulu; Tunggul Marpaung.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(48)2001: 13-16 917 Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM) : A New Choice for Postmenopausal Women and Physicians who Worry on Cancer/A. Baziad.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 187-190 MENINGITIS, BACTERIAL 911 Epidemiologi Klinis Meningitis Bakteri : Pengalaman Klinis 10 Tahun (Clinical Epidemiology of Meningitis Bacteria : The Ten Years Clinical Experiences)/Darto Saharso; Erny.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(2)2001: 59-68 912 Meningitis Bakterial dan Terapi Cephalosporin Generasi Ketiga (Treatment of Bacterial Meningitis Using the Third Generation of Cephalosporine)/Sekar Satiti; Pernodjo Dahlan; Imam Rusdi.-Berk. Neuro Sains, 2(3)2001: 109-120 MENORRHAGIA 918 Mechanism of Normal Menstruation and Abnormality Associated with Menorrhagia/Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 121-126 MENSTRUATION 919 Mechanism of Normal Menstruation and Abnormality Associated with Menorrhagia/ Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan.- Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 121126 MENOPAUSE 913 Aspek Klinis dan Penatalaksanaan Menopause (The Clinical Aspect and Management of Menopause)/Busisa Gultom.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(46)2001: 29-36 MENTAL DISORDERS 920 Psychiatric Morbidity and their Characteristics/Iwan Ganihartono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 98-99 914 MENTAL HEALTH 84 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 926 Pencemaran Merkuri dari Penambangan Emas Tradisional di Indonesia : Studi Kasus Operasi PETI di Wilayah Talawaan, Sulawesi Utara (Mercury Contamination of Traditional Gold Mining in Indonesia : Case study, PETI Operation in Talawaan Area, North Sulawesi)/Hadiatullah Diat (et. al.).-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(1)2001: 14-26 921 Nilai Anak Laki-laki dalam Keluarga Batak Ditinjau dari Aspek Kesehatan Jiwa (The Meaningful of a Boy in Batak Family : Reviewed from the Mental Health Aspect)/Jojor Putrini Sinaga.-- Jiwa, 34(4)2001: 393-405 922 Profil Kasus Polisi di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Dokter Amino Gondohutomo Tahun 1996-2000 (Profile of the Police Cases at Dr. Amino Gondohutomo Mental Hospital during 1996-2000)/Dana Waluyati; Siti Nuraini.-- Jiwa, 34(4)2001: 321-334 927 Penyakit Akibat Terpajan Merkuri (Diseases Caused of Mercury Exposure)/ Hadi Djunaedi.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indonesia, 29(2)2001: 77-81 928 Toksikologi Merkuri dan Persenyawaannya (The Toxicology of Mercury and its Compound)/Hesti Azizah; Muchtaruddin Mansyur.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(4)2001: 134-138 MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES 923 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pasien Skizofrenia dalam Pemilihan Jalur Pelayanan Kesehatan Jiwa Pertama Kali dan Keterlambatan Kontak ke Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Jiwa (The Influence Factors of Schizophrenia Patient in Choicing the First Mental Health Services and the Delay Contact to Mental Health Services Facility)/ Dharmady Agus.-- Jiwa, 4(2)2001: 107116 MERCURY 924 Hubungan antara Kesehatan Gingiva dengan Pencemaran Lingkungan karena Mercury (The Relationship between Environmental Polluted by Mercury and Gingival Health)/Sudibyo.-- Maj. Ilmu Kedokter. Gigi, 3(5)2001: 87-90 MERMITHOIDEA 929 Pengaruh Penebaran Romanomermis iyengari terhadap Populasi Anopheles maculates di Kabupaten Purworejo, Jawa Tengah (The Effect of Romanomermis iyengari Spreading through the Population of Anopheles maculatus in Purworedjo District, Central Java)/Widiarti (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 13-15 MESENCHYMOMA 930 Primary Malignant Mesenchymoma of Bone : A Case Report/ Errol U. Hutagalung (et al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(4)2001: 235-238 925 Pemantauan Unsur Merkuri Akibat Penambangan Emas Tanpa Ijin (PETI) di Daerah Pongkor, Jawa Barat (Monitoring of Mercury Due to Illegal Gold Mining in Pongkor Area, West Java)/Rudy Gunardi.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(1)2001: 1-13 METALLOPROTEINASES 931 Matrix Metalloproteinase and its Role in the Stability of the Atherosclerotic Plaque/Dharmayanti; Marzuki 85 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Suryaatmadja.-- Acta 33(4)2001: 149-157 Medica Indon., 937 Penelitian Toksisitas Akut (LD50) Sediaan Ekstrak Tanaman Obat Penyusun Ramuan Fluor Albus pada Mencit Putih (The Research of Acute Toxicity of Plant Extract through Fluor Albus Agent on White Mice)/Suharmiati; Lestari Handayani.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 56-58 METALS 932 Analysis of Trace Toxic Metals in Sea Water and Marine Organisms of Krakal and Muria Beach by Neutron Activation Method/Zainul Kamal (et. al.).-- Medika, 27(12)2001: 770-772 938 Pengaruh Diabetes yang Diinduksi dengan Streptozotosin terhadap Kemungkinan Terjadinya 'Diabetes Nephropathy' pada Ginjal Tikus (The Influence of Diabetes with Streptozotosin Induced through Diabetes Nephropathy Susceptibility in the Kidney of Rats)/Armenia (et. al.).-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 6(2)2001: 97-104 METALS, HEAVY 933 Kandungan Logam Berat CU, dan Zn dalam Air Laut dan Sedimen di Perairan Teluk Santong, Pulau Sumbawa NTB (Heavy Metal Content of Cu and Zn in Sea Water and Sediment of Santong Bay, Sumbawa Island, NTB)/Edward; S. Margarethe.-J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(1)2001: 48-53 939 Pengaruh Infus Buah Foeniculum vulgare Mill pada Kehamilan Tikus Putih serta Toksisitas Akutnya pada Mencit (The Effects of Foeniculum vulgare Mill on Pregnant Mice with Its Acute Toxicity)/Sa'roni; Adjirni.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 59-61 METRONIDAZOLE 934 Comparison of the Efficacy and Safety of Isepamicin Plus Metronidazole and Amikacin Plus Metronidazole in Intraabdominal Infections/Bernardus Philippi (et. al.).-Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 88-94 MICE 935 Gejala Klinis dan Patologi Anatomi Mencit Akibat Diazinon (Clinical and Pathological Symptoms of Mice Anatomy Caused by the Effect of Diazinon)/Raflizar.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 51-56 MIDWIFERY 940 Pengetahuan dan Sikap Dukun Bayi dalam Kaitannya dengan Penyakit Tetanus Neonatorum di Kabupaten Indramayu (Knowledge and Attitude of the Midwifery its Relation with Tetanus Neonatorum in Indramayu District)/ Mulyono Notosiswoyo; Riyanto Martomijoyo; Sudibyo S.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 26-32 936 Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM1) sebagai Prediktor Atherosklerosis pada Tikus Wistar Diabetes Mellitus (Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 as Atherosclerosis Predictor on Diabetes Mellitus Mice)/Zainal Musthafa; Gatot S. Lawrence; Arifin Seweang.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 5-6 941 Persalinan dengan Cara Ekstraksi Vakum oleh Bidan di RSUP Dr. Soedono Madiun Tahun 1998 (Obstetrical Vaccum 86 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Extraction by the Midwifery at Dr. Soedono Hospital, Madiun in 1998)/ Roekmi Hadi.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 32-35 Morbidity Survey of Neurological Diseases in Bogor Area : a PopulationBased Study/Jusuf Misbach.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(6)2001: 187-191 942 Upaya Menurunkan Angka Kesakitan ISPA pada Balita melalui Penyuluhan Perubahan Perilaku Ibu Balita dan Lingkungan Fisik Perumahan yang Dilakukan oleh Bidan Desa dan Sanitarian di Kecamatan Tapin Selatan, Kabupaten Tapin, Kalimantan Selatan (The Effort to Decrease the Mobidity in Acute Respiratory Infection on Underfive Children by Giving the Information to Change the Behavioral of Underfive's Mother and Physical Environment by Midwifery and Sanitarian at South Tapin, Tapin Subdistrict, South Kalimantan)/ Hardiono (et. al.).-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32(64)2001: 28-38 MORPHINE 946 Lumbal Epidural Morfin untuk Nyeri Pasca Torakotomi (Lumbal Epidural Morphine against Pain in Post Thoracotomy)/Admar Anwar.-J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 26-30 947 Use of Oral Morphine for Cancer Pain in DR. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya : A Descriptive Analytical Case Series Study/Boediwarsono.-Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 19-22 MORTALITY MILK 948 Angka Kematian Jamaah Haji Indonesia (The Mortality Rate of Indonesian's Pilgrim)/Qomariah.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 4450 943 The Effect of Fermented Sour Milk Consumption on the Health Conditions and the Recovery from Diarrhea of Elementary School Pupils/Usman Chatib Warsa.-- Makara, 5(2)2001: 29-33 949 Faktor-faktor Resiko yang Mempengaruhi Kematian pada Penderita Demam Berdarah Dengue (The Risk Factors Influencing through the Mortality in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever Patient)/ Soegeng Soegijanto.-- Bul. Kesehat. Anak, 30(2)2001: 61-72 MITOMYCIN C 944 Telaah Anti Klastogenik Ekstrak Kasar Rimpang Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.) terhadap Aktivitas Klastogenik Mitomisin C pada Eritrosit Polikromatik Mencit (The Study of Anti Clastogenic of Kaempferia galanga L. Extract toward Clastogenic Activity of Mitomycin C to the Policrhomic Erythrocyte of Rat)/Setiorini; Anom Bowolaksono.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001: 3539 950 Mortalitas dan Pola Penderita Leptospirosis di Lab-SMF Penyakit Dalam RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya (Mortality and the Pattern of Leptospirosis Patients at Laboratory, Departement of Internal Medicine Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya)/Nasronudin.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 89-97 MORBIDITY 945 87 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 MOSQUITO CONTROL MOTOR ACTIVITY 951 Efikasi Startox A dan Startox L terhadap Anopheles sp. di Laboratorium (The Effication of Startox A and Startox L against Anophelles sp. In the Laboratory)/ Mardjan Soekirno.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 38-40 956 Human Center of Gravity Dynamics : a New Parameter of Motor Development Functions/Rio Sofwanhadi.-Makara, 5(2)2001: 45-50 MUSCLE CONTRACTION 952 Pengaruh Pemberian Minyak Biji Mimba (Azadiarchta indica A. Juss) Secara Intravena terhadap Plasmodium berghei pada Mencit (The Effect of Intravenous Nemm's (Azadirachta Indica A. Juss) Seed Oil on Plasmodium berghei in Mice)/Budi Mulyaningsih.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(2)2001: 71-76 957 Pengaruh Latihan Pliometrik terhadap Kekuatan dan Kecepatan Kontraksi Otot (The Effects of Plyometric Training through the Speed and Strength of Muscle Contraction)/Hariadi; Choesnan Effendi; R.M. Tauhid Al-Amien.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 46-50 953 Perubahan Tingkat Toleransi Larva Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera : Culicidae) terhadap Insektisida Malathion dengan Penyeleksian Delapan Generasi (The Change of Tolerance Level in Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera : Culicidae) Larvae to Malathion by Selection of Eighth Generations)/Amin Setyo Leksono.-- J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(2)2001: 1-8 MUSCLES 958 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Muscle Strength pada Laki-laki Lanjut Usia (The Determinant Factors of Muscle Strength in Elderly Male)/Rosmalina, Yuniar; Dewi Permaesih; Effendi Rustan.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(4)2001: 184-194 954 Teknologi Bioremediasi untuk Menurunkan Kepadatan Nyamuk di Pemukiman Perkotaan (Bioremediation Technology to Decreased of Mosquito Population in Urban Area)/I Gede Seregeg.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 23-26 MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM 959 Perbaikan Kondisi Kerja Mengurangi Beban Kerja dan Gangguan pada Sistem Muskuloskeletal Mahasiswa dalam Menggunakan Mikroskop di Laboratorium Biologi STKIP Singaraja (Improvement of Working Condition to Decreased of Workload and the Disturbance of Musculosceletal System in Student Using Microscope at the Biology Department of STKIP Singaraja)/I Made Sutajaya.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 234-237 955 Uji Coba Efikasi Insektisida Permanet yang Diaplikasikan pada Kelambu terhadap Nyamuk Vektor Penyakit Malaria Anopheles aconitus Donitz (The Trial Test of Permanent Insecticides Applicated on Bednet against Malariae Vector Anophelles aconitus Donitz)/ Barodji (et. al.).-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (131)2001: 48-50 960 Perbaikan Proses Kerja Mengurangi Beban Kerja dan Gangguan pada Sistem 88 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Tuberculosis Patients)/Ni Made Mertaniasih; Eddy Bagus Wasito; Kuntaman.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(10)2001: 364-371 Muskuloskeletal Pematung di Peliatan, Ubud (Improvement of Working Process Could Reduce the Workload and Musculoskeletal Complaint of Wood Carversin at Peliatan, Ubud)/I Made Sutajaya.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 115-118 MYCOSES 965 Lung Mycosis in Pirngadi Hospital Medan, Indonesia/Azhar Janjung.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 75-78 MYCOBACTERIUM LEPRAE 961 Prevalensi Hasil Tes Mycobacterium Leprae Particle Agglutination (MLPA) Positif dalam Mendeteksi IGM Antibody terhadap Phenolic Glycolipid-I (PGL-I) pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Hiperendemik Kusta (The Prevalence of Positive Mycobacterium Leprae Particle Agglutination (MLPA) Test to Detect IGM Antibodies Against Phenolic Glycolipid -I (PGL-I) on School-Children in Hyperendemic Area of Leprosy)/Mochammad Hatta.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 94-100 MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROMES 966 Hematologic Abnormalities in Patients with Myelodysplasia Syndrome, a Descriptive Retrospective Study in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya/ Boediwarsono.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 115-119 MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION 967 Atherosclerotic Lesions of Carotid Arteries in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)/Rochmad Romdoni.-Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 164-169 MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS 962 Drug Resistant Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in Hospitalized Patients/Hadi Halim; Suyata; Ahmad Rasyid.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(2)2001: 44-49 968 The Effect of Stress on Acute Myocardiac Infarct During Intensive Care/H. Shatri (et. al.).-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(3)2001: 86-93 969 Pengalaman Bersama Pasien Myocard Infark di Pesawat Udara (The Experience with Myocardial Infarction Patient in the Air Plane)/Bambang Sardjono.-- Medika, 27(5)2001: 331-332 963 Fast and Simple Procedure of Extraction of Sputum DNA for Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis by Polymerase Chain Reaction/Indrayana Noto Soehardjo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 97-99 964 Peranan Deteksi Mutasi Regio Gen RPO B Strain Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Isolat Penderita Tuberculosis Paru pada Diagnosis Resistensi Rifampisin (The Role of Detecting of RPO B Regio Gen Mutations in the Isolate of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Strains to Diagnosis of Rifampicin Resistance on Pulmonary 970 The Systematic Review of Magnesium Sulfate Infusion in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction/ Prasetyo Andriono.-- Medika, 27(4)2001: 216-219 971 The Value of Admission, Predischarge Serum C-reactive Protein Level and at 89 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 5154 Ratio in Predicting Ischemic Events among Low Risk Post Myocardial Infarction Patients/Prasetyo Andriono; Lao Lam Sun; Leandro C. Bongosia.-Medika, 27(10)2001: 626-633 NASOPHARYNGEAL NEOPLASMS 977 Efek Samping Radiasi Eksternal pada Rongga Mulut Penderita Kanker Nasofaring (The Side Effect of External Radiation in the Oral Cavity of Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients)/Muhammad Yusri; Eko Kuncoro.-Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 73-78 MYOCARDIAL ISCHEMIA 972 Perubahan Interval QTc akibat Induksi Anestesi dan Intubasi (The Change of QTc Interval Induced by Anesthesia and Intubation)/Soenarjo; Endang Widyastuti.- Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 67-71 978 Perawatan Paliatif Penderita Kanker Nasofaring/KNF (Palliative Care in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Neoplasms)/W. Suardana; K. Putri Ariani.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 105-109 MYOPIA 973 Amplitudo Akomodasi pada Berbagai Jenis Miopia (Amplitudo of Accommodation in the Many Types of Myopia)/Nugraha Wahyu Cahyana ( Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(2) 2001: 105-110 NECK 979 Elective Neck Dissection Versus Observation in the Treatment of Early Oral Tongue Cancer/Masrin Munir.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 117-118 NAFRONYL 974 The Role of Naftidrofuryl on Peripheral Occlusive Arterial Disease/Askandar Tjokroprawiro.-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 71-72 NALTREXONE 975 Mekanisme Kerja Ketergantungan Opioid dan Penggunaan Antagonis Opioid Naltrexone (The Mechanisms of Opioid Dependence and the Usage of Naltrexone Opioid Antagonist)/Nurmiati Amir.-- Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 163-173 980 Massa di Leher (Neck Masses )/Erna Chrysantini.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat.,1(1)2001:13-17 NECK PAIN 981 Akupuntur untuk Nyeri/Kaku Lehar/ Stiffneck (Acupuncture for Neck Pain/Stiffneck)/Beattrice Hakim; Elis T.; Christina S.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 55-60 NARCOTICS 982 Penatalaksanaan Terapi Latihan Metode McKenzie pada Nyeri Tengkuk (The Management of Exercise Therapy by McKenzie Methods on the Neck Pain)/ Suharto RPT.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 61-62 976 Masalah Narkotika dan HIV/AIDS di Kalangan Remaja (The Problems of Narcotic and HIV/AIDS in Adolescents)/ Yulfira Media.-- Media Penelit. dan 90 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Pengobatan Medikamentosa pada Kanker yang Bermetastasis ke Tulang (The Treatment of Medicamentosus on Cancer which Metastase to the Bones)/Nugroho Prayogo.-- Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 15-20 NEISSERIA GONORRHOEAE 983 Neisseria Gonorrhoeae sebagai Penyebab Penyakit Seksual dan Permasalahannya (Neisseria Gonorrhoeae as a Caused of Sexual Disease and its Problems)/Trimurti Parnomo.-Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(46)2001: 37-40 990 Pengobatan Nyeri pada Perawatan Paliatif Kanker (The Management of Pain in the Palliative Care of Cancer)/W. Suardana; Ariani, Putri; Fathy Abdullah.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 229-233 984 Studi Resistensi N. gonorrhoeae terhadap Antimikroba pada Wanita Pekerja Seks di Jawa Barat (Study of the Resistancy of N. gonorrhoeae against Antimicrobial on Sex Workers in West Java)/Djoko Yuwono (et. al.).-- Medika, 27(11)2001: 695-698 991 Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM) : A New Choice for Postmenopausal Women and Physicians who Worry on Cancer/A. Baziad.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 187-190 NEOPLASMS 985 Aplikasi Klinik dari Recombinant Erythropoetin (rH-EPO) pada Anemia Akibat Kanker (The Clinical Application of Erythropoietine (rH-EPO) Recombinant on Anemia Caused by Cancer)/ Boediwarsono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 54-62 986 Imunologi Kanker (The Immunology of Cancer)/Binarwan Halim; M. Fauzie Sahil.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 47-51 987 Insiden Kanker Penduduk Semarang Tahun 1990-1999 (The Incidence of Cancer on Population in Semarang by the Year 1990-1999)/Sarjadi; Ika Pawitra.-Media Medika Indon., 36(1)2001: 15-21 992 Use of Oral Morphine for Cancer Pain in DR. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya : A Descriptive Analytical Case Series Study/Boediwarsono.-Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 19-22 NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASES 993 Morbidity Survey of Neurological Diseases in Bogor Area : a PopulationBased Study/Jusuf Misbach.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(6)2001: 187-191 NEURAL TUBE DEFECTS 994 Kelainan Hematologik Penderita Sindroma Mielodisplasia (The Hematological Anomalies in Myelodisplasia Syndrome Patients)/Boediwarsono.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(2)2001: 51-58 988 Maping Kanker di Semarang dan Sekitarnya (Cancer Mapping in Semarang and Surrounding)/Sajadi; Padmi Tri Hartini.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 87-97 NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY 989 995 91 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Nurse Perfomance in Functional Unit of Internal Disease, RSUD Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya)/Hermin Tumini.-- Bul. Penelit. RSUD Dr. Soetomo, 3(2)2001: 15-26 Psikoneuroimunoendrokrinologi : Dinamika Menuju Kedokteran Liaison (Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology : The Dynamical to Become the Medical Liaison)/ Jan Sudin Purba.-- Dexa Media, 14(2)2001: 78-81 NURSING CARE 1001 Harapan Konsumen terhadap Pelayanan Keperawatan : Penelitian Kualitatif di RSU Dharma Yadnya Denpasar Bali (Customer Expectation towards Nursing Care : A Qualitative Study at Dharma Yadnya Private Hospital, Denpasar Bali)/ Luh Sri Ani; Sri Werdati; Adi Utarini.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 13-18 NEUROPEPTIDES 996 Neuropeptides in Atopic Dermatitis/M. Cholis.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 197-200 NOISE 997 Perbandingan Preferensi Sensorik Pasien pada Pemakaian Obat Semprot Alergi Hidung (The Comparative of Patient Preferency Sensoric through the Usage of Spray on Nose Allergy)/Alise Kasakeyan (et. al.).-Medika, 27(11)2001: 703-706 NUTRITION 1002 Berapa Besar Masalah Gizi di Indonesia dan Bagaimana Menanggulanginya (The Magnitude of Nutrition Problem in Indonesia and it's Solution)/Hadi Siswanto (et. al.).-- J. Data dan Infor. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 7-17 NOISE, OCCUPATIONAL 1003 Gizi Kerja untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas (Occupational Nutrition to Increase the Productivity)/Hadi Djunaedi.- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 93-97 1004 Input untuk Restrukturisasi Program Gizi Nasional Menuju Paradigma Sehat Tahun 2010 (Inputs for National Restructuring on Nutrition Program toward Health Paradigm in Year 2010)/Y.K. Husaini; M.A. Husaini.-- Maj. Gizi Indon.,25(-) 2001:66-74 998 Pengaruh Bising di Tempat Kerja pada Pendengaran (The Effect of Noises on Hearing in the Workplace)/Lusianawaty Tana; Lannywati Ghani.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001:82-86 999 Program Konservasi Pendengaran (Hearing Conservation Programs)/Hadi Djunaedi.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 43-48 NURSES 1000 Hubungan Persepsi dan Sikap Pasien tentang Peran dan Fungsi Perawat dengan Penampilan Kerja Perawat di UPF Penyakit Dalam RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya (The Relationship between Perception and Attitude of Patient toward the Role and Function of Nurse with the 1005 Kajian Masalah Gizi dalam Kedaruratan Akibat Bencana dan Konflik (Study on Nutrition Emergency Cause of Disasters and Conflicts)/Herman Sudiman.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(4)2001: 163-173 92 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Nutritional Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Child)/Dadang Sukandar; Ikeu Tanziha.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 113-118 1006 Masalah Anemia Gizi dan Alternatif Cara Mengatasinya di Indonesia (Problems of Anemia and the Alternative of it's Solution in Indonesia)/M.A. Husaini.-- J. Data dan Infor. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 19-26 NUTRITION DISORDERS 1013 Feasibility Study on Energy Content in Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP) for 2-3 Years-Old Children with Malnutrition/Sri Umijati; Fatmaningrum.-Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 66-70 1007 Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan dan Gizi di Tingkat Rumah Tangga (Realizing the Stability of Food and Nutrition in Household Level)/Achmad Suryana.-- J. Data dan Infor. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 49-64 1014 Gangguan Nutrisi Penderita Kanker Kepala dan Leher (Nutrition Disorders in Patient with Head and Neck Malignancy)/Averdi Roezin.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8)2001: 279-283 1008 Nutrisi dan Kesehatan Tulang (The Correlation between Nutrition and Bone Health)/Ekky M. Rahardja.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(2)2001: 113-122 1015 Gizi Buruk di Rumah Sakit, Diagnostik dan Tatalaksananya (Malnutrition Diagnostic and it's Management in the Hospital)/Endy Paryanto Prawirohartono.- J. Data dan Infor. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 113-122 1009 Nutrisi pada Usia Lanjut (Nutrition in the Elderly)/Daca Achra Julidar.-- Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 175-185 1010 Pengaruh Gizi terhadap Daya Tahan (The Effect of Nutrition in Immunity)/ Kusmiyati DK.; S. Fatimah Muis.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(1)2001: 1-4 1016 Malnutrisi, Penyakit dan Pelayanan Gizi (Malnutrition, Diseases and the Nutritional Services)/Sri Rahayuningsih.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(11)2001: 389-392 1017 Pemberian Makanan Tambahan (PMT) Olahan Tempe sebagai Upaya Perbaikan Gizi di Desa Tertinggal, Kecamatan Nanggung, Kabupaten Bogor (Local Tempeh-Based Food Supplementary Feeding for Improving Nutritional Status of Under Three Years Old Children in Poor Areas of Nanggung Subdistrict, Bogor District)/Yekti Hartati Effendi; Vera Uripi.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 83-90 1011 Strategi Baru Penyuluhan Gizi Kesehatan dalam Meningkatkan Perilaku Sehat Ibu Selama Hamil dan Menyusui (A New Strategy of Nutrition Education in Improving Health Behavior of Pregnant and Lactating Women)/Jajah K. Husaini; Yekti Widodo; Salimar.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 11-23 1012 Studi Evaluasi Dampak PMT-AS terhadap Pengetahuan Sikap dan Perilaku Gizi Anak (Evaluation Study of the Impact of School Feeding Program of 1018 93 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Perlu Paradigma Baru untuk Menanggulangi Masalah Gizi Makro di Indonesia (Need of New Paradism to Prevent the Macro Malnutrition in Indonesia)/Soekirman.-- J. Data dan Infor. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 45-48 1023 Hubungan antara Pola Asuh dengan Status Gizi Anak Batita pada Rumah Tangga Petani di Kabupaten Bogor (The Relationship between Child Rearing of Mothers and Nutritional Status of Children Under Three in Farmer Households at Bogor Distrit, West Java)/Sus Widayani; Hidayat Syarief; Clara M. Kusharto.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 7382 1019 Probabilitas Perbaikan Status Gizi Anak Balita Gizi Buruk Pengunjung Klinik Gizi Puslitbang Gizi Bogor Sebelum dan pada Saat Krisis Ekonomi (The Probability of Nutrition Status Improvement of Child Malnutrition on Out-Patient Rehabilitation of Nutrition Clinic in Puslitbang Gizi Bogor, before and after Economical Crisis)/Sihadi (et. al.).-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 24-32 1024 Keragaan dan Determinan Status Gizi Penduduk Lokal Timika Berdasarkan Abrokologi (Determinant of Nutritional Status on Timika Local Community by Agroecological Zones)/Hardinsyah (et. al.).-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 45-56 NUTRITIONAL STATUS 1020 Dampak PMT-AS terhadap Status Gizi, Kesehatan dan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Kabupaten Bandung (The Impact of School Feeding Program on Nutritional Status, Health and Learning Achievement of Students in Bandung District)/Holil M. Pari (et. al.).-- Maj. Gizi Indon., 25(-)2001: 1-10 1025 Penanggulangan Masalah Gizi dan Upaya-upaya Peningkatan Status Gizi Masyarakat Musi Banyuasin (The Management of Nutritional Problem and it's Effort to Increase the Nutritional Status in Musi Banyuasin Community)/H. Hisbah Ridwan; Taufik Rusydi; Sjarfawie.-- J. Data Informasi Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 103-107 1021 Evaluasi Dampak Program Makanan Tambahan Anak Sekolah (PMT-AS) pada Absensi dan Status Gizi Murid di Jawa Tengah dan Lampung (The Evaluation of the Impact of School Feeding Program on the School Absentee and Nutrition Status in Central Java and Lampung Provinces)/Djoko Kartono (et. al.).--Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 65-72 1026 Pengaruh Penyakit Infeksi terhadap Status Nutrisi dan Sistem Kekebalan Tubuh Manusia (The Influence of Infectious Diseases through the Nutritional Status and Human Immunity System)/Rawan Broto.-- Dexa Media, 14(1)2001: 17-21 1027 Prevalensi Hipertensi pada Ibu Rumah Tangga dan Faktor-faktor Gizi yang Berhubungan di Kelurahan Utan Kayu Utara, Jakarta Timur (The Prevalence of Hypertension on Housewives and the Related Nutritional Factors in Kelurahan Utan Kayu, East Jakarta)/ Eva Suarthana; 1022 Evaluasi Status Gizi dengan Menggunakan Indeks Ponderal Rohrer (The Evaluation of Nutritional Status Using Rohrer Ponderal Index)/ Kusharisupeni.-- Makara, 5(1)2001: 14-18 94 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 F.A. Indiranta Tarigan; Fransiska M. Kaligis-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(5)2001: 158-163 1033 Polimorfisme Gen Hepatic Lipase Promoter dan Profil Lipid Darah pada Anak Obes (Polymorphisms of Hepatic Lipase Promoter Gen and Blood Lipid Profile in Obesity Child)/Dedi Subardja.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(9)2001: 342347 1028 Status Gizi Anak SD di Desa Tertinggal (Nutritional Status of Primary School Children in Less-Developed Villages)/ Hardinsyah ( Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 11-22 1029 Status Gizi Anak Sekolah di Daerah Pendampingan dan Bukan Pendampingan PMT-AS (Nutrition Aspect of School Children in Supervised and Non-Supervised Locations of School Feeding Program)/Henny Hajatuddin (et. al.).-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 37-42 OBSTETRICS 1034 Jaringan Pelatihan Klinik Pemicu Sistem Rujukan Obstetrik-Perinatal (The Networking of Clinical Training Could Initiate the Obstetric-Perinatal Refferal System)/Nasrin Kodim.-Medika, 27(8)2001: 491-501 1030 Status Gizi Anak Sekolah Peserta Program Makanan Tambahan Anak Sekolah di Kabupaten Bogor (Nutritional Status of School Feeding Beneficiaries of Primary School Children in Bogor District)/Hardinsyah; Rosinta Harmoni Meiyana Tampubolon; Ikeu Tanziha.-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 139-145 OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES 1035 Asma Kerja (Occupational Asthma)/Ana Rina Setijadi; Nukhtar Ikhsan.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 38-46 1036 Prevalensi Bronkitis Kronik dan Asma Kerja pada Pekerja Pabrik Semen serta Faktor yang Mempengaruhi (The Prevalence of Chronic Bronchitis and Occupational Asthma and Other Factors Related to Workers of a Cement Factory)/Retno Wihastuti; Faisal Yunus; Hadiarto Mangunnegoro.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7)2001: 242-252 1031 Status Gizi Sekolah Penerima dan Bukan Penerima PMT-AS yang Diukur dengan Bagan Dinding/Wallchart (Nutritional Status of Primary School Children before and after One Year of School Feeding Program Measured by Wallchart)/Rita Y. Reviyanti (et. al.).-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(1)2001: 30-36 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 1037 Analisis Sistem Kesehatan Kerja di Perusahaan (The Analysis of Occupational Health System in Manufactures)/C. Susanto.-Bul. Epidemiol. Jawa Timur, 5(4)2001: 131137 OBESITY 1032 Past Antihypertensive Drug, Obesity, Daily Light Working Load and Risk of Hypertension : An Indonesia 2001 Rural Study/Bastaman Basuki (et. al.).-Medical J. of Indon., 10(4)2001: 224-229 95 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 1038 Occupational Health Profile of Informal Crispy (Krupuk) and Cow Skin Crackers in South Jakarta/ Rina K. Kusumaratna; Nugroho Abikusno.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(2)2001: 66-73 Deteksi Dini Pencegahan Pengguna Narkoba pada Anak (Early Detection to Prevent of Narcotics Dependence and Drug Abuse in Children)/Persadaan Bukit.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(47)2001: 1-10 1039 Penatalaksanaan Program Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja pada Sektor Industri dalam Kaitannya dengan Produktivitas Kerja di Kawasan Industri, Kabupaten Serang (The Management of Occupational Health and Safety Program on Industrial Sector and its Relationship to the Productivity in Industrial Areas in Serang District)/Bagus Trihandoyo; Hendrianto Trisnowibowo; Wahyu Pudji Nugraheni.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 1-13 1043 Mekanisme Kerja Ketergantungan Opioid dan Penggunaan Antagonis Opioid Naltrexone (The Mechanisms of Opioid Dependence and the Usage of Naltrexone Opioid Antagonist)/Nurmiati Amir.-- Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 163-173 OILS, VOLATILE OPTIC ATROPHY 1044 Terapi Penderita Ketergantungan Narkotika Opiat (Therapy on Narcotics Dependent Patient)/Toni Ashadi.-Medika, 27(8)2001: 535-537 1045 Atrofi Optik (Optic Atrophy)/Hartono.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 370-374 1040 Pengaruh Minyak Atsiri Zingiber purpurea terhadap Pertumbuhan Candida ablicans dan Flexural Strength Plat Dasar Gigi Tiruan Resin Visible Light Cured (The Effect of Zingiber purpura Atsiri Oils on the Candida albicans Growth and Flexural Strength of Visible Light Cured Resin Denture Base)/Endang Wahyuningtyas.-- Maj. Ilmu Kedokter. Gigi, 3(5)2001: 77-79 1041 Uji Efek Sedatif dari Minyak Clary Sage (Salvia sclalarea L.) pada Mencit Jantan secara Olfactory Aromatherapi (The Sedative Effect of Clary Sage (Salvia scalarea L.) on Mice Using an Olfactory Aromatic Therapy)/Idajani Hadinoto; Engkun Kuswono; Ani Marlina.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 45-52 OSTEOARTHRITIS 1046 Penyakit Sendi Degeneratif (Degenerative Joints Diseases)/Poltak Hutagalung.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(46)2001: 23-28 1047 Peranan Chondroitin Sulfate dalam Pengobatan Osteoarthritis (The Role of Chondroitin Sulfate in Osteoarthritis Treatment)/Samekto Wibowo.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 3(1)2001: 21-27 OSTEOPOROSIS 1048 Osteoporosis : Pencegahan Dini melalui Makanan (Osteoporosis : The Early Prevention by Eating Better Foods)/Albiner Siagian; Evawany OPIOID-RELATED DISORDERS 1042 96 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Antimicroba in the Therapy of Middle Ear Infection)/Helmi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 92-96 Aritonang.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 115-116 1049 Penatalaksanaan Osteoporosis (The Management of Osteoporosis)/Harry Isbagio.-- Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 55-63 OXIDATIVE STRESS 1056 Efek Protektif Bawang Putih (A. sativum L.) terhadap Membran Sel Darah Merah Domba yang Diberi Stres Oksidatif (Protective Effect of Garlic (A. sativum L) through Red Blood Cells Membrane Againts Oxydatives Stress on Sheep)/Sri Widia A. Jusman; Karina Sri Pamuji; Mohamad Sadikin.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 80-84 OSTEOSARCOMA 1050 Case Report Osteosarcoma of Humerus/ Budi Tjahjono.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 2(3)2001: 105-107 1051 Multifocal Osteosarcoma/Errol U. Hutagalung.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(7)2001: 253-256 1057 Penelitian Pendahuluan tentang Pengaruh Intensitas dan Durasi Latihan Renang pada Tikus terhadap Derajat Stres Oksidatif (The Preliminary Study of the Effect of Intensity and Duration Interval of Swimming Exercise on the Degree of Oxidative Stress in Mice)/ Harjanto; Kuncoro Puguh Santoso.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 13-21 OTITIS MEDIA 1052 Hasil Guna Tetes Siprofloksasin 0,3 Dibandingkan Kloramfenikol 3 pada Terapi Otitis Media Kronis Benigna Aktif (The Effectiveness of 0.3 Ciprofloxacin Drop Compare to Chloramphenicol 3 in the Therapy of Active Benign Chronic Otitis Media)/Bambang Udji Djokorianto.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 85-90 OXYGEN 1058 Penatalaksanaan Terapi Oksigen pada Bayi Baru Lahir (The Management of Oxygen Therapy on Newborn Infant)/ Munar Lubis.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001:46-49 1059 Peranan Radikal Bebas Oksigen pada Komplikasi Kardiovaskuler (The Role of Oxygen Free Radicals in Cardiovascular Complication)/Faisal Baraas.-- Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 5-7 1053 Hearing Restoration in Chronic Otitis Media, Five-Year Experiences/Sri Harmadji.-Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 124-127 OTITIS MEDIA, SUPPURATIVE 1054 Pemakaian Antibiotika Topikal pada Otitis Media Supuratif Kronik Jinak Aktif (The Use of Topical Antibiotics on Chronical Suppurative Otitis Media)/Ramsi Lutan; Farid Wajdi.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 41-42 PAIN 1060 Lumbal Epidural Morfin untuk Nyeri Pasca Torakotomi (Lumbal Epidural Morphine against Pain in Post Thoraco- 1055 Penggunaan Antimikroba Secara Rasional untuk Pengobatan Infeksi Telinga Tengah (The Rational Use of 97 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Melena/Hendarto Natadidjaja; Bambang Setiyohadi; Marcellus Simadibrata.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(3)2001: 104-106 tomy)/Admar Anwar.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 26-30 1061 Nyeri Psikogenik (Psychogenic Pain Disorder)/Ayub Sani Ibrahim.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(2)2001: 131-136 1068 Pankreatitis Akut, Apakah Memerlukan Pemberian Antibiotik (Acute Pancreatitis, It's there Need Antibiotics ?)/Yudistira Panji Santoso.-- Medika, 27(9)2001: 586588 1062 Patofisiologi Nyeri Neuroosteomuskuler (The Pathophysiology of Neuroosteomuscular Pain)/Lucas Maliala.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 3(1)2001: 15-19 PANIC DISORDER 1069 Gangguan Panik (Panic Disorders)/Ayub Sani Ibrahim.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8)2001: 308-311 1063 Pengelolaan Nyeri Diabetika (Management of Diabetic Pain)/ Yuswar Anwar Darisan; Samekto Wibowo; Siti Musfiroh.- Berk. Neuro Sains, 2(3)2001: 153-161 PAPILLOMAVIRUS 1070 Cervical Cancer and Papilloma Virus (Pahtological Aspect)/J.H. Lunardhi; Heru Santoso.-Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 83-86 1064 Pengobatan Nyeri pada Perawatan Paliatif Kanker (The Management of Pain in the Palliative Care of Cancer)/W. Suardana; Putri Ariani; Fathy Abdullah.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 229-233 PARALYSIS 1071 Pengkajian Data Rumah Sakit (Hospital Record Review) Kasus Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) Tahun 1999-2000 di Jawa Timur (The Evaluation of Hospital Record Review of Acute Flaccid Paralysis Cases, during 1999-2000 in East Java)/Cholis Bachroen.-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 17-26 1065 Use of Oral Morphine for Cancer Pain in DR. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya : A Descriptive Analytical Case Series Study/ Boediwarsono.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 19-22 PALLIATIVE CARE 1066 Perawatan Paliatif Penderita Kanker Nasofaring/KNF (Palliative Care in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Neoplasms)/W. Suardana; K. Putri Ariani.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 105-109 1072 Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis/Linda K. Wijaya; Sarwono Waspadji.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(1)2001: 11-14 PARANOID DISORDERS 1073 Paranoid dan Intoksikasi Amfetamin (Paranoid and the Intoxication of Amphetamine)/Ayub Sani Ibrahim.-Medika, 27(5)2001: 326-327 PANCREATITIS 1067 Acute Pancreatitis in a Young Patient with Hepatoma and Recurrent Hematemesis- 98 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 PARENTERAL NUTRITION PEDIATRICS 1074 Nutrisi Parenteral Total pada Bayi Prematur (Total Parenteral Nutrition on Premature Infant)/Paramita Yushananta.- Medika, 27(3)2001: 161-166 1080 Akupunktur dalam Bidang Pediatri (Acupuncture in Pediatrics)/Eko Suyanto; Agustin Idayanti.-- Meridian, 8(1)2001: 48-55 PARKINSON DISEASE PEDIGREE 1075 Penyakit Parkinson Etiopatogenesis, Gambaran Klinis dan Pengobatannya (Clinical Feature and the Management of Parkinson Disease)/Aldy S. Rambe; Darulkutni Nasution.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 107-112 1081 Molecular Study in G6PD Deficiency, a Pedigree Analysis of a Javanese-Chinese Family in Surabaya, Indonesia/Suhartati (et. al.).-Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 100-103 PELVIS 1076 Terapi Levodopa pada Penyakit Parkinson (The Use of Levodopa in the Treatment of Parkinson)/Hasanudin Mansur; Soeharso; Was'an M.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 2(3)2001: 129-142 1082 Obstruksi Hubungan Ureter dan Pelvic (Ureteropelvic Junction (UPJ) Obstruction)/Rafita Ramayati.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 61-63 PEMPHIGUS PARONYCHIA 1083 Pemphigus Prevalence at Denpasar General Hospital, Bali : A-5 Years Retrospective Study (1995-1999)/ Made Wardhana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 156-161 1077 Paronikia : Gambaran Klinis dan Penatalaksanaannya (Paronychia : Clinical Features and its Management)/Raflizar.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 25-27 PERINEUM PATIENTS 1084 Case Report: Hypospadias and Perineal Anus in One Case/Sylviati M. Damanik; Brotosari R.; Kustiyo Gunawan.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 32-39 1078 Informasi yang Dibutuhkan secara Timbal Balik antara Dokter, Apoteker dan Pasien (Information Needed between Physicians, Pharmacist and Patients)/Wikidi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 67-70 PERIODONTAL DISEASES 1085 Merokok sebagai Faktor-faktor Risiko Terjadinya Penyakit Periodontal (Smoking as a Risk Factors of Periodontal Diseases)/Eddy Kasim.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(1)2001: 9-15 1079 Pola Distribusi Penderita di Bagian Perinatologi Anak, RSU Langsa, JanuariDesember 1998 (The Pattern of Patients Distribution at Infant Perinatology Ward, Langsa Hospital from January until December 1998)/ Nuchsan Umar Lubis.-Medika, 27(2)2001: 115-117 PERITONITIS 1086 99 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Tuberculosis Peritonitis with Psoas Abscess in Infants/Munar Lubis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 53-56 PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS 1092 Farmakogenomika : Obat Tanpa Rasa Bersalah (Pharmacogenomics : Drug without Guilty Filling)/Marzuki Umar Sa'abah.-- Medika, 27(8)2001: 539-542 PERSONALITY 1087 Profil Kepribadian Pencuri yang Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Dasar Psikologis di Rumah Tahanan Surakarta (Personality Profile of the Thief Based on Psycological Basic Need at Surakarta Prison)/Djoko Suwito; Yusvick M. Hadin; Makmuroch.-- Jiwa, 34(4)2001: 335-352 1093 Perubahan Farmakokinetik Obat pada Wanita Hamil dan Implikasinya secara Klinik (The Change of Drug Pharmacokinetic on Pregnant Women and Its Clinical Implication)/Stefani Nindya.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 4044 PESTICIDES 1088 Identifikasi Pemaparan Pestisida pada Sayuran (The Identification of Pesticide Exposure to Vegetables)/Lili Mulyatna.-J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(1)2001: 27-39 1094 Upaya Menurunkan Penggunaan Antibiotika pada Pengobatan ISPA melalui Diskusi Kelompok Kecil Paramedis Puskesmas di Kabupaten Bantul (Reducing the Antibiotic Use on the Treatment of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections Using a Small-group Discusion by Health Center Paramedics)/S. Munawaroh; Sunartono; S. Suryawati.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(2)2001: 111-119 PHACOEMULSIFICATION 1089 Fakoemulsifikasi : Suatu Kemajuan Dalam Bedah Katarak (Phacoemulsification : a Progress in Cataract Surgery)/Bambang Sugiharto.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 359365 1090 Komplikasi Ruptur Kapsul Posterior pada Fakoemulsifikasi oleh Pemula di Jakarta Eye Center Periode Januari-September 2001 (Complication of Posterior Capsular Rupture in Phacoemulsification by Beginners at Jakarta Eye Centre, during January to September 2001)/Daud Nurul.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 344-347 PHARMACISTS 1095 Informasi yang Dibutuhkan secara Timbal Balik antara Dokter, Apoteker dan Pasien (Information Needed between Physicians, Pharmacist and Patients)/Wikidi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 67-70 PHARMACOKINETICS 1096 Penetapan Parameter Farmakokinetik Natrium Sefotaksim pada Hewan Kelinci (The Determination of Pharmacokinetic Parameter of Natrium Cefotaxime in Rabbit)/Sukmadjaja Asyarie; Sudana Atmawidjaja; Kustini Ani.-- Dexa Media, 14(1)2001: 45-48 PHAGOCYTOSIS 1091 Influence of Protein Kinase C Inhibitor in Phagocytosis Activity toward Candida sp./Adiprayitno.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 150-157 100 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 PHARMACY COMMITTEE AND 1102 Laporan Kasus : Fobia Sosial (Social Phobia : a Case Report)/Ayub Sani Ibrahim.-J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(3)2001: 140-144 THERAPEUTICS 1097 Pengembangan Indikator Panitia Farmasi dan Terapi Rumah Sakit (The Indicator Developing of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Performance)/ JNW Utami; S. Suryawati.-J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 19-27 PHOSPATES 1103 Analisis Elektrofisiologis Transporter Fosfat (The Analysis of Electrophysiology Phosphate Transport)/Setiawan.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 22-28 PHARMACY SERVICE, HOSPITAL 1098 Analisis Pengelolaan Obat di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Wates (Analysis of Drug Management in Wates Local Public Hospital)/Cut Safrina Indriawati; Sri Suryawati; Pudjaningsih.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(3)2001: 173-181 PHRENOLOGY 1104 Brain Imaging : is this a New Phrenology ?/Ginus Partadiredja.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(12)2001: 443-449 PHYSICAL ENDURANCE 1099 Perlindungan Pasien melalui Pelayanan Asuhan Kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit Pemerintah (The Patients Protection by Pharmacy Services in the Government Hospital)/Yusmainita.-- Medika, 27(4) 2001: 258-263 1105 Pengaruh Latihan Fisik Daya Tahan Genaidy pada Tenaga Kerja Wanita Bagian Potong Perapihan di Pabrik Sepatu Tangerang (The Effect of Genaidy Endurance Physical Training on Female Workers at a Shoe Factory in Tangerang)/A.H. Samsuria; J. Pradono; S. Budiningsih.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(1)2001: 12-21 PHENYLPROPANOLAMINE 1100 Pemantapan Metoda dan Penetapan Kadar Fenilpropanolamine pada Bahan Campuran Sirup Obat Batuk dengan Metoda KCKT (The Stabilization Method and Determination of Fenilpropanolamine Level on the Mixed Preparation of Expectorate with KCKT Method)/Ani Isnawati; Mariana Raini; S.R. Muktiningsih.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 2125 PHYSICAL FITNESS 1106 Cara Praktis Pendugaan Tingkat Kesegaran Jasmani (The Simple Prediction to Estimated of Physical Fitness Level)/Dewi Permaesih (et. al.).-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(4)2001: 174183 1107 Uji Validasi Kuesioner Survei Kesegaran Jasmani pada Pelajar SLTA Jakarta 1990 (Validation Test of the Questionnaire of Physical Fitness on High School Students in Jakarta 1990)/Ch.M. Kristanti; Julianti Prodono; Suhardi.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(1)2001: 42-51 PHOBIC DISORDERS 1101 Fobia Sosial pada Kelompok Eksekutif di Jakarta (Social Phobia in Executive Group in Jakarta)/Ayub Sani Ibrahim.-Medika, 27(3)2001: 148-150 101 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Zainul K.-Maj. 12(4)2001: 186-193 PHYSICIANS 1108 Informasi yang Dibutuhkan secara Timbal Balik antara Dokter, Apoteker dan Pasien (Information Needed between Physicians, Pharmacist and Patients)/Wikidi.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 67-70 Farmasi Indon., 1114 Efek Ekstrak Alkohol Daging Buah dan Biji Pisang Kluthuk (Musa balbisiana Colla) pada Sekresi Asam Lambung Tikus Putih in Vitro (The Effect of Musa balbisiana Colla Flesh and Seed on Gastric Acid Secretion in Vitro of Rats)/Eti Nurwening Sholikhah; Ngatidjan.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(2)2001: 77-82 1109 Wewenang and Tanggung Jawab Dokter pada Tindakan Bedah Kulit Kosmetik (Responsibility and Authority of Pysicians at the Cosmetics Dermatosurgery)/Budi Sampurna.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(11)2001: 417-422 1115 Efek Ekstrak Daun Kembang Bulan (Tithonia diversifolia A. Gray) terhadap Candida Albicans serta Profil Kromatografinya (The Effect of the Extract of Tithonia diversifolia A. against Candida albicans and its Chromatography Profile)/Asri Sulistijowati S.; Didik Gunawan.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 31-35 PHYSICIAN'S ROLE 1110 The Role of the Physician in Industry/Reza Tandean.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indonesia, 29(1)2001: 49-53 PHYSIOLOGY 1116 Kajian Khasiat Exstrak Tumbuhan Obat Tradisional Phyllanthus urinaria Linn. sebagai Obat Batu Ginjal (The Effect of Medicinal Plants Phyllanthus urinaria Linn as Traditional Medicine for Kidney Stone)/Harrizul Rivai.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 6(2)2001:660-675 1111 Tinjauan "Paradigma Baru" dalam Human Physiology (Reviewed of the New Paradigm in Human Physiology)/Martin Setiabudi.-Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 1-3 PLACENTA DISEASES 1117 Manfaat Ekstrak Etanol Patikan Kebo (Euphorbia hirta L.) sebagai Laktagogum pada Tikus Putih yang Menyusui (Lactogogum Effect of the Ethanolic Extract of Patikan Kebo (Euphorbia hirta L.) on Lactation Process of Mother Rats)/Laurentia Mihardja (et. al.).-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(3)2001: 118-125 1112 The Correlation between Histologic Placentitis and Amnionitis and the Amniotic Fluid's Inflammatory Cytokines in Case of Spontaneous Pre-Term Labor with Intact Membrane/Agus Abadi.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(4)2001: 203-209 PLANT EXTRACTS 1113 Capability of Water and Ethyl Acetate Extract Fractions of Benalu (Dendrophthoe petandra L. Miq) Leaves to Dissolve Calcium Kidney Stone in Vitro, Determined using Fast Neutron Activation Method/Sasmito; Darsono; 1118 Penelitian Toksisitas Akut (LD50) Sediaan Ekstrak Tanaman Obat Penyusun Ramuan Fluor Albus pada Mencit Putih (The Research of Acute Toxicity of Plant Extract through Fluor 102 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Study of Anti Clastogenic of Kaempferia galanga L. Extract toward Clastogenic Activity of Mitomycin C to the Polichromic Erythrocyte of Rat)/Setiorini; Anom Bowolaksono.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001: 35-39 Albus Agent on White Mice)/Suharmiati; Lestari Handayani.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 56-58 1119 Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Nimba (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) terhadap Tekanan Darah Tikus (Rattus norvegicus) Wistar Jantan (Effects of the Extracts of Nimba Leaves (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) due to the Blood Pressure of Rattus norvegicus, Male Wistar)/D. Goenarso; Suripto; Retno Susilowati.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 55-61 1124 Uji Antimalaria in Vitro dari Ekstrak Etanol dan Kloroform Daun Cassia siamea (Antimalarial in Vitro Activity Test of Ethanol and Chloroform Extracts of Cassia siamea Leaves)/Wiwied Ekasari (et. al.).-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(2)2001: 22-29 1120 Pengaruh Infus Buah Foeniculum vulgare Mill pada Kehamilan Tikus Putih serta Toksisitas Akutnya pada Mencit (The Effects of Foeniculum vulgare Mill on Pregnant Mice with Its Acute Toxicity)/ Sa'roni; Adjirni.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 59-61 1125 Uji Efek Daun Dewa (Gynura procumbens (Lour) Merr.) terhadap Trigliserida, Kolesterol Total dan HDL Darah Mencit Putih Jantan (The Effectivity Test of Gynura procumbens Merr on Triglyceride, Cholesterol and HDL of Blood on White Male Mice)/Surya Dharma (et. al.).-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 67(2)2001: 75-82 1121 Pengaruh Penyuntikan Ekstrak Biji Pepaya (Carica papaya L.) terhadap Konsentrasi Spermatozoa dan Keadaan Sel Spermatogenik Tikus Jantan Rattus norvegicus L.) Strain LMR (Effect of the Injection of Carica papaya L. Seeds through the Spermatozoa Consentration and Spermatogenic Condition on Male Rat Strain LMR.)/Yurnadi (et. al.).-Makara, 5(1)2001: 19-25 PLANT OILS 1126 Minyak Sawit Mempercepat Regresi Aterosklerosis Aorta pada Kelinci Hiperkolesterolemia Ringan, tetapi Tidak pada yang Hiperkolesterolemia Berat (Palm Oil Accelarates Regression of Aortic Atherosclerosis Only in Mild Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits, but not in Severe Hypercholesterolemia)/Lidya Irma Momuat (et. al.).-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 26-34 1122 Phytochemical Screening, Toxicity and Anti-Bacterial Assay from Stem-Bark Extracts of Garcinia celebica and G. tetandra/Yuliasri Jamal; Praptiwi; Andria Agusta.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(2)2001: 97-102 PLANTAGO 1127 Uji Daya Antioksidan Senyawa Flavonoid Daun Plantago major L (The Determination of Antioxidant Potency of Flavonoids from Plantago major L. Leaves.)/Triana Hertiani; Suwijiyo 1123 Telaah Anti Klastogenik Ekstrak Kasar Rimpang Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.) terhadap Aktivitas Klastogenik Mitomisin C pada Eritrosit Polikromatik Mencit (The 103 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Flexural Strength of Visible Light Cured Resin Denture Base)/Endang Wahyuningtyas.-- Maj. Ilmu Kedokter. Gigi, 3(5)2001: 77-79 Pramono; Supardjan A.M.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 32-37 PLANTS, MEDICINAL 1128 Informasi Tumbuhan Obat sebagai Anti Jamur (The Information of Medicinal Plants as an Antifungal Agents)/Dian Sundari M.; Wien Winarno.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 28-30 1133 Perbandingan Efikasi Infusa Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) dan Kotrimoksazol pada Pengobatan Infeksi Kulit oleh Staphylococcus aureus (Comparative Efficacy of Phyllanthus niruri L. and Cotrimoxazole in the Treatment of Skin Infection Caused by Staphylococcus aureus)/Praseno; Titik Nuryastuti; Muchammad Mustafa.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter. , 33(2)2001: 89-93 1129 Isolasi dan Identifikasi Andrografolida dari Herba Andrographis paniculata (Isolation and Identification of Andrographolide from Andrographis paniculata Ness Herbs)/Suharmiati; Lestary Handayani.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 33-38 1134 Review Tanaman Obat yang Digunakan oleh Pengobat Traditional di Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Selatan, Bali dan Sulawesi Selatan (The Review of Medicinal Plants Used by Traditional Inhaler in North Sumatera, South Sumatera, Bali and South Sulawesi)/S.R. Muktiningsih; H. Syahrul Muhammad; I.W. Harsana.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(4)2001: 2536 1130 Khasiat Air Perasan Buah Pare (Momordica charantia L.) terhadap Kadar Gula Darah Kelinci (Effect of the Extract of Momordica charantia L. Fruit on Blood Glucose of Rabbits)/Bagus Komang Satriyasa; I Wayan Harsana; Made Jawi.- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 89-93 1131 Kultur Suspensi Sel Mesofil Daun Pegagan (Centella asiantica (L.) Urban) dan Analisis Kualitatif Senyawa Asiatikosida (Protoplast Suspension Culture of Mesophyl Cell of Centella asiantica (L.) Urban Leaves and Qualitative Analysis of Asianticoside)/ Erma Prihastanti; C.J. Soegihardjo; Susiani Purbaningsih.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 10-18 1135 Sifat Biostatika Pengemas Makanan Tradisional Daun Hanjuang (Cordyline fructicosa) dan Daun Tisuk (Hibiscus macrophyllus) Dibandingkan dengan Nipagin-Nipazol (Biostatical Characteristic of Carrdyline fructicosa and Hibiscus Macrophyllus as Traditional Food Wrapper Compared to NipaginNipazol)/Anis Yohana Chaerunisa; Zaenal Alim; Supriyatna.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 48-53 1132 Pengaruh Minyak Atsiri Zingiber purpurea terhadap Pertumbuhan Candida ablicans dan Flexural Strength Plat Dasar Gigi Tiruan Resin Visible Light Cured (The Effect of Zingiber purpura Atsiri Oils on the Candida albicans Growth and 1136 Standarisasi Sediaan Daun Seledri (Apium graveolens L.) secara KLTDensitometri Menggunakan Apigenin sebagai Parameter (Standardization of 104 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Nuratmi.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001: 14-19 Celery Leaves Preparation (Apium graveolens L.) by Thin Layer Chromatographic-Densitometry using Apigenin as a Parameter)/M. Djatmiko; Pramono S.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(2)2001: 59-65 PLASMODIUM BERGHEI 1141 Pengaruh Pemajanan Medan Magnet terhadap Mencit yang Diinfeksi Plasmodium berghei (The Influence of Magnetic Field Exposure through the Infected Mice with Plasmodium berghei)/ Sugeng Juwono Mardihusodo.-- Medika, 27(12)2001: 763-769 1137 Tempuyung sebagai Alternative Penghancur Batu Ginjal (Sonchus arvensis L. as an Alternative Medicine of Renal Calculi)/Martuti Budiharto; Ngatidjan; Imono A. Donatus.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(4)2001: 6-10 PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM 1142 Malaria Seroepidemiologic Study Using ELISA with Plasmodium falciparum Crude Antigen in Three Villages in Lombok Barat, West Nusa Tenggara/Sri Hidayati BS.; Kusmartisnawati; Yoes Prijatna Dachlan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 15-25 1138 Uji Daya Anti Bakteri Infus dan Ekstrak Kulit Batang Pulosari (Alyxia reinwardtii BL.) secara In-Vitro dan Uji Toksisitas (LD50) Ekstrak (Antibacterial Test of the Infusion and Extracts of Alyxia reinwardtii BL. Steam Bark by In-vitro and the Toxicitty Test (LD50) of the Extracts)/ Dian Sundari; Budi Nuratmi; Triyani Soekarso.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001: 2023 PLATELET AGGREGATION 1143 Efek Aspirin Dosis Rendah (30 mg) terhadap Agregasi Platelet pada Perokok (Effects of Low-Dose Aspirin (30 mg) to Platelet Aggregation in Smokers)/Fachry Uzer; Rusdi Lamsudin; Imam Rusdi.-Berk. Neuro Sains, 24(3)2001: 121-127 1139 Uji Khasiat Antidiare Infus Daun Jati Belanda (Guazuma ulmifolia LAMK.) pada Tikus Putih (The Pharmacodinamical Test of the Infusion of Guazuma ulmifolia LAMK. as an Antidiarrheal Agents in Albino Rats)/Dian Sundari; Budi Nuratmi; Lucie Widowati.-Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001: 30-34 PNEUMOTHORAX 1144 Penatalaksanaan Pneumotoraks Spontan (Management of Spontaneous Pneumothorax)/Nirwana Arief; Sita Laksmi.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(4)2001: 152-159 1140 Uji Toksisitas Akut (LD50) dan Antipiretik Infus Rimpang Zingiber purpureum ROXB (Bengle) pada Hewan Percobaan (Acute Toxixity Test (LD50) and Antipyretics of Zingiber purpureum ROXB on Laboratory Animals)/Pudjiastuti; Sa'roni; Budi POLIOMYELITIS 1145 Penelitian Serologis Polio pada Anak SD Pasca Bias-Polio di Kabupaten Bogor (Serological Study of Polio in Elementary Students after Polio-Bias in Bogor)/ Gendrowahyuhono.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 40-42 105 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Mohd Noor.-- Maj. 12(4)2001: 172-180 POLYCYCLIC HYDROCARBONS, AROMATIC Farmasi Indon., POLYMORPHISM 1146 Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon in Some Meat Product/Endang Lukitaningsih; Bambang Sulistyo Ari; Sri Noegrohati.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(2)2001: 103-108 1151 Polimorfisme Gen Hepatic Lipase Promoter dan Profil Lipid Darah pada Anak Obes (Polymorphisms of Hepatic Lipase Promoter Gen and Blood Lipid Profile in Obesity Child)/Dedi Subardja.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(9)2001: 342347 POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION 1147 Deteksi Gen P30 untuk Diagnosis Toksoplasmosis dengan Reaksi Rantai Polimerase (Detection of P30 Gene to Diagnosis of Toxopalsmosis Using Polymerase Chain Reaction)/Lisawati Susanto; Taniawati Supati; Srisasi Gandahusada.-- Makara, 5(1)2001: 3-8 POLYPHARMACY 1152 Masalah Pemberian Polifarmasi (Problems of Polypharmacy)/G.M. Aman - Medika, 27(11)2001: 707-709 POLYPROPYLENES 1153 Pemakaian Meshgraf pada Hernia Inguinalis Penelitian Pendahuluan di Rumah Sakit Fatmawati (The Use of Meshgraf in Inguinalis Hernia : Preliminary Study at Fatmawati Hospital)/ Pudianto M. (et. al.).-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(7)2001: 262-265 1148 Determination of Resistance of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis against Rifampicin by Detecting Mutation of the 157 bp rpo B Gene Region, Using Polymerase Chain Reaction-Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (PCR-SSCP)/Ni Made Mertaniasih (et. al.).-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 157-163 POSTMENOPAUSE 1154 Gambaran Profil Lipid Wanita Pascamenopause dengan Penyakit Jantung Koroner (Lipids Profile in Post Menopausal Women with Coronary Heart Disease)/E. Suparman; R. Lefrandt; B. Sinaga.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 236-239 1149 Fast and Simple Procedure of Extraction of Sputum DNA for Detection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis by Polymerase Chain Reaction/Indrayana Noto Soehardjo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 97-99 1155 The Use of Phytoestrogens in Postmenopausal Women/Jeanne Adiwinata Pawitan.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(10)2001: 378-382 POLYMERS 1150 Production and Characterization of a Biodegradable Polymer Poly (3Hydroxybutyric Acid) from Glucose Using Erwinia sp. USMI-20/Akmal Djamaan; Mohamed Isa Abd. Majid; Mohd. Azizan POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE 106 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Persalinan Preterm (The Early Detection of Bacterial Vaginosis on Pregnancy Could Decrease the Risk Preterm Delivery)/Sylvia Y. Muliawan.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 36-39 1156 Penatalaksanaan Perdarahan Pasca Persalinan Akibat Retensio Plasenta (The Management of Postpartum Hemorrhage Caused of Retensio Placenta)/Pribakti B.- Medika, 27(4)2001: 245-247 1162 Diabetes Mellitus and Pregnancy/Ari F. Syam; Sarwono Waspadji; Slamet Suyono.-Acta Medica Indon., 33(1)2001: 15-24 POVIDONE 1157 Pengaruh Polivinilpirolidon K-30 terhadap Peningkatan Laju Disolusi Andrografolida dengan Sistem Dispersi Solida (The Influence of Polivinipirolidon K-30 to Increase Dissolution Rate of Andrographolide by Solid Dispersion)/Suharmiati; Wahjo Dyatmiko; Noor Ifansyah.-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 53-65 1163 Diagnosis Praktis Vaginosis Bakterial pada Kehamilan (Practical Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis in Pregnancy)/ Sylvia Y. Muliawan; Julius E. Suryawidjaja.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(2)2001: 74-78 1164 Exercises untuk Nyeri Pinggang Bawah pada Ibu Hamil (The Exercise of Low Back Pain in Pregnant Women)/Suharto.- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 5051 PRE-ECLAMPSIA 1158 Penanganan Preeklampsia Berat dan Eklampsia (The Management of Severe Preeclampsia and Eclampsia)/Ketut Sudhaberata.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 27-31 1165 Kadar Hormon Tiroid pada Ibu Hamil (Thyroid Hormones Level in Pregnant Women)/Abdul Gani Puteh; S.M. Syahruddin Noer; Sjafii Piliang.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 71-74 1159 Perbandingan Kadar Molekul Perekat Sel Vaskuler (VCAM-1) antara Kehamilan Normal dan Preeklampsia (The Comparison of VCAM-1 Concentration among Normal Pregnancy and Preeclampsia)/A. Hermawan; J.C. Mose; Effendi J.S.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 203-209 1160 Profil Penderita Preeklamsia Eklamsia di RSU Tarakan, Kaltim (The Profile of Preeclampsia Eclampsia Patients in Tarakan Hospital, East Kalimantan)/Ketut Sudhaberata.-- Medika, 27(2)2001: 83-87 1166 Kematian pada Eklampsia dan Perlemakan Hati Akut dalam Kehamilan : Laporan Kasus (Death Caused of Eclampsia and Acute Fatty Liver in Pregnancy : A Case Report)/ Bambang Binalwan; Dodi Hendradi; Gulardi Wiknjosastro.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 210-217 1167 Penatalaksanaan Kasus Kehamilan dengan Demam Berdarah Dengue (The Management of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Pregnancy)/Suparmin; Binarwan PREGNANCY 1161 Deteksi Dini Vaginosis Bakterial pada Kehamilan dapat Menurunkan Risiko 107 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Halim; Djafar 27(1)2001: 26-29 Siddik.-- Prevalensi dan Faktor Risiko Anemia selama Kehamilan di D.I. Yogyakarta (The Prevalence and Risk Factors of Anemia during Pregnancy in D.I Yogyakarta)/Atiek Werdiningsih; Endy Paryanto Prawirohartono.-Maj. Gizi Indon., 25(-)2001: 20-29 Medika, 1168 Pengaruh Penambahan Asam Folat, Vitamin B12 and B6 pada Pil Besi terhadap Kadar Homocystein Plasma Ibu Hamil Anemia (Effect of Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and B6 Supplementation on Iron Pills to Plasma Homocysteine among Anemic Pregnant Women)/Effendi Rustan (et. al.).-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 44-50 1174 Status Homocysteine dan Asam Folat pada Ibu Hamil Anemia (Homocysteine and Folic Acid Status of Anemic Pregnant Women)/Dewi Permaesih (et. al.).-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 59-63 1169 Penyakit Menular Seksual : Dampaknya terhadap Kesehatan Alat Reproduksi Wanita dan Kehamilan (Sexual Transmitted Diseases : Its Impact through the Reproduction Health and Pregnancy)/ Endy Muhardin Moegni.-- Dexa Media, 14(2)2001: 82-85 1175 Strategi Baru Penyuluhan Gizi Kesehatan dalam Meningkatkan Perilaku Sehat Ibu Selama Hamil dan Menyusui (A New Strategy of Nutrition Education in Improving Health Behavior of Pregnant and Lactating Women)/Jajah K. Husaini; Yekti Widodo; Salimar.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 11-23 1170 Perbandingan Kadar Molekul Perekat Sel Vaskuler (VCAM-1) antara Kehamilan Normal dan Preeklampsia (The Comparison of VCAM-1 Concentration among Normal Pregnancy and Preeclampsia)/A. Hermawan; J.C. Mose; Effendi J.S.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 203-209 Permasalahan Infeksi TORCH Kehamilan (TORCH Infections in nancy)/Samuel Widiasmoko; H. Pramono.-- Media Medika Indon., 2001: 45-52 PRENATAL CARE 1176 Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap Ibu Hamil terhadap Kunjungan Pelayanan Antenatal di Kecamatan Kalimanah Kabupaten Purbalingga (The Relationship of Attitude and Knowledge on Pregnant Women through ANC Visitation at Kalimanah, Purbalingga District)/Ichda Masrianto; Moh. Hakimi; MG. Adiyanti.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(1)2001: 24-29 1171 pada PregNoor 36(1) 1172 Pregnancy in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Receiving Methylprenisolone and Cyclosporine a Treatment/Ketut Suwitra; Bambang Setyo Basuki.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(3)2001: 100-103 PRESCRIPTIONS, DRUG 1177 Pengaruh Penerapan Standar Terapi dan Regulasi terhadap Pola Peresepan di Rumah Sakit Pupuk Kaltim (The Influence of Standard Treatment and Regulation to Prescribing in Pupuk Kaltim Hospital)/ Nurul Fathoni; Ali Ghufron Mukti; Iwan 1173 108 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Supratentorial Intracerebral)/Soeharyo Murgyantoro.-- Berk. Neuro Sains, 3(1)2001: 47-54 Dwiprahasto.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(2)2001: 101-109 1178 Penulisan Resep Obat dengan Nama Generik pada Pasien Rawat Jalan RS Fatmawati (Drug Prescription in Generic Names in Out Patients Clinic, Fatmawati Hospital)/Debby Daniel.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 348-358 PROSTAGLANDIN ENDOPEROXIDES 1183 Pengaturan Peningkatan Ekspresi Gen Siklooksigenase-2 oleh Produk Prostaglandin E 2 (The Regulation of the Increasing of Cyclooxygenase-2 Expretion by Prostaglandine E2)/Raymond Tjandrawinata; Millie Hughes-Fulford.-Dexa Media, 14(1)2001: 30-35 PROCATEROL 1179 Perbandingan Efektivitas Klinis Antiinflamasi Alergik antara Prokaterol dengan Salbutamol Lepas Lambat pada Penderita Asma Bronkial (The Comparison of Clinical Effectivity of Antiinflammatory Allergic between Procaterol and Slow Release Salbutamol in Asthma Bronchial Patient)/Eddy Mart Salim; Masdianto Musai; Muhammad Muin.-- Medika, 27(6)2001: 357-362 PROSTAGLANDINS E 1184 Pengaturan Peningkatan Ekspresi Gen Siklooksigenase-2 oleh Produk Prostaglandin E 2 (The Regulation of the Increasing of Cyclooxygenase-2 Expretion by Prostaglandine E2)/ Raymond Tjandrawinata; Millie Hughes-Fulford.-Dexa Media, 14(1)2001: 30-35 PRODUCT LABELING PROSTATE-SPECIFIC ANTIGEN 1180 Profil Pelabelan Produk Minuman (The Profile of Beverages Labeling)/ Yeni Suryani; Ali Khomsan; Clara M. Kusharto.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 9-15 1185 Hubungan Nilai Prostate Specific Antigen dengan Gambaran Histopatologis pada Penderita Pembesaran Prostat Jinak (The Correlation between PSA Value and Histopathological Finding in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Patients)/ Achmad Faig Hadiwidjaja; Djoko Rahardjo; Sutisna Himawan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(9)2001 : 318-321 PROGESTERONE 1181 Aspek Hormon Steroid Ovarium pada Perempuan Epilepsi (Aspect of Ovarium Steroid Hormone in Epileptic Women)/ Riani Indiyarti; Sri Erni Istiawati; Yan Sudin Purba.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(4)2001: 127-133 1186 Possible Factors Influencing High Serum Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) in Indonesian Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)/Djoko Rahardjo (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(1)2001: 22-28 PROGNOSIS 1182 Pengaruh Volume Hematom Inraserebral terhadap Prognosis Kematian pada Perdarahan Intraserebral Supratentorial di RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta (The Influence of Intracerebral Hematoma to the Prognosis of Death in Patients with PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA 1187 109 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Efektivitas Fosfomisin terhadap Pseudomonas, Proteus dan E. coli pada Penderita Pembesaran Prostat Jinak dan Batu Saluran Kemih (The Effectiveness of Fosfomycin againts Pseudomonas, Proteus and E. coli in Patients with Benign Prostat Hypertrophy (BPH) and Urinary Tract Stone)/Yudi Amiarno; Akmal Taher; Djoko Rahardjo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 75-79 1192 Studi Resistensi N. gonorrhoeae terhadap Antimikroba pada Wanita Pekerja Seks di Jawa Barat (Study of the Resistancy of N. gonorrhoeae against Antimicrobial on Sex Workers in West Java)/Djoko Yuwono (et. al.).-- Medika, 27(11)2001: 695-698 PROTEIN KINASE C 1193 Influence of Protein Kinase C Inhibitor in Phagocytosis Activity toward Candida sp./Adiprayitno.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 150-157 1188 Hubungan Nilai Prostate Specific Antigen dengan Gambaran Histopatologis pada Penderita Pembesaran Prostat Jinak (The Correlation between PSA Value and Histopathological Finding in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Patients)/ Achmad Faig Hadiwidjaja; Djoko; Sutisna Himawan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(9)2001 : 318-321 PROTOZOA 1194 Penyakit Hubungan Seksual Akibat Jamur, Protozoa, dan Parasit (Sexually Transmitted Diseases Caused by Fungi, Protozoa and Parasites)/Max Joseph Herman.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 12-16 1189 Possible Factors Influencing High Serum Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) in Indonesian Patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)/Djoko Rahardjo (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(1)2001: 22-28 PRURIGO 1195 The Immunohistopathological Features of Prurigo Hebra/Siti Aisah Boediardja (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(1)2001: 112 PROSTITUTION PSEUDOMONAS 1190 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Hubungan Seks di Luar Nikah para ABK di Komunitas Pelabuhan (Factors Influence to the Sexual Activity with Commercial Sex Workers on Sheep's Crew in Harbour Communities)/Didik Budijanto; Wijiartini.-Medika, 27(8) 2001: 559-563 1191 Some Epidemiological Aspects of Trichomonas Vaginalis Infection among Female Commercial Sex Workers in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia/Dewa Putu Widjana.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(2)2001: 46-51 1196 Efektivitas Fosfomisin terhadap Pseudomonas, Proteus dan E. coli pada Penderita Pembesaran Prostat Jinak dan Batu Saluran Kemih (The Effectiveness of Fosfomycin againts Pseudomonas, Proteus and E. coli in Patients with Benign Prostat Hypertrophy (BPH) and Urinary Tract Stone)/Yudi Amiarno; Akmal Taher; Djoko Rahardjo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 75-79 PSOAS ABSCESS 1197 110 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Tuberculosis Peritonitis with Psoas Abscess in Infants/Munar Lubis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 53-56 PSYCHOPATHOLOGY 1204 Hubungan antara Psikopatologi dan Relasi Keluarga dengan Keparahan Penyalahgunaan Zat pada Remaja (The Correlation between Psychopathology and Family Relation with Substance Abuse in Adolescence)/Gerald Mario Semen.-- Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 117-129 PSYCHIATRY 1198 Aspek Psikiatri Kecanduan Obat (The Psychiatrical Aspect of Drug Dependence)/IGN Darmawan Budianto.-Meridian, 8(2)2001: 71-74 PSYCHOTHERAPY 1199 Aspek Psikiatri pada Anak Perempuan Korban Penganiayaan Seksual (Psychiatrical Aspects of Sex Abuse in the Girl)/Lelly Resna.-- Jiwa, 34(4)2001: 353381 1205 Projective Identification and its Significance in Psychotherapy/Sylvia D. Elvira.-Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 97-105 1206 Psikoterapi (Psychotherapy)/Sylvia D. Elvira.-- Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 95-96 1200 Psychiatric Morbidity and their Characteristics/Iwan Ganihartono.-Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 98-99 PTERYGIUM 1207 Prevalensi Pterigium pada Nelayan di Banjar Sabu, Desa Kubu, Kecamatan Kubu, Kabupaten Karangasem (The Prevalence of Pterigyum among Fishermen at Banjar Sabu, Kubu Village, Karangasem Regency)/N.K. Niti Susila.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 167173 PSYCHOLOGY 1201 Profil Kepribadian Pencuri yang Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Dasar Psikologis di Rumah Tahanan Surakarta (Personality Profile of the Thief with Psycological Basic Need at Surakarta Prison)/Djoko Suwito; Yusvick M. Hadin; Makmuroch.-Jiwa, 34(4)2001: 335-352 PUBLIC HEALTH 1208 Indikator Sosial-psikologis Kesehatan Masyarakat (Social-psychological Indicators of Public Health)/Johana E. Prawitasari.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(2)2001: 67-73 PSYCHONEUROIMMUNOLOGY 1202 Hubungan Jiwa dan Raga : Peranan Psikoneuroimunologi (PNI) pada Penyakit dan Penanggulangannya (The Relationship between Mental and Physic : The Role of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) in Diseases and it’s Treatment)/Arjatmo Tjokronegoro.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(8)2001: 273-278 1203 Psychoneuroimmunology Paradigm in Diabetes Mellitus Research/Suhartono Taat Putra.-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 47-51 PUBLISHING 1209 Aplikasi Ilmu Manajemen dan Perkembangan Jurnal-jurnal Management di Sektor Kesehatan : Studi Kasus Perkembangan Manajemen Kesehatan di UGM (The Application of Management and the Development of Management Journals in Health Sector: a Case Study of Health Management Development at 111 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura as an Initial Symptom of Lupus Nephritis/ Reno Gustaviani; Aru W. Sudoyo; Suhardjono.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(2)2001: 54-57 Gadjah Mada University)/Laksono Trisnantoro.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 3-12 PULMONARY EDEMA Acute Mountain Sharma.-Medical 10(2)2001: 115-120 1210 Sickness/Ashok J. of Indon., 1216 Pengobatan Kortikosteroid pada Purpura Trombositopenik Idiopatik yang di Rawat Inap di Lab-SMF Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FK-UNAIR Dr. Soetomo Surabaya (Corticosteroid Therapy of Purpura Thrombocypenic Idiopathic on Inpatients at Medical Faculty Airlangga University, Dr. Sutomo Surabaya)/Boediwarsono.-Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 769-774 PULMONARY EOSINOPHILIA 1211 Tropical Pulmonary Eosinophilia/Harli Novriani; Agnes Kurniawan.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 52-54 PULPOTOMY 1212 Perawatan Pulpotomi dengan Formokresol pada Fraktur Gigi Insisivus Sulung atas Anak Usia 2,5 Tahun (Pulpotomy Care with Formocresol on Insisivus Dental Fracture on 2.5 Years Old Children)/ Siadjit Yudi Dwiyanti.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 47-52 PYRIDOXINE 1217 Pengaruh Penambahan Asam Folat, Vitamin B12 and B6 pada Pil Besi terhadap Kadar Homocystein Plasma Ibu Hamil Anemia (Effect of Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and B6 Supplementation on Iron Pills to Plasma Homocysteine among Anemic Pregnant Women)/Effendi Rustan (et. al.).-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 44-50 PUNCTURES 1213 Teknologi Laserpunktur dan Aspek Bioteknologinya di Bidang Veteriner (The Technology of Laserpuncture and its Biotechnological Aspect in Veteriner Field)/RTS. Adikara.-Meridian, 8(1)2001: 8-12 QUALITY OF LIFE 1218 Hubungan Antara Nilai Faal dengan Kualiti Hidup Penderita Penyakit Paru Obstruksi Kronik (The Correlation of Pulmonary Function and Quality of Life of COPD Patients)/Retno Wihastuti (et. al.).- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(4)2001: 147-151 PURPURA, THROMBOCYTOPENIC, IDIOPATHIC 1219 Penatalaksanaan Alergi Saluran Napas dan Keterkaitannya dengan Kualitas Hidup (The Management of Respiratory Tract Allergy and its Relation with Quality of Life)/Samsuridjal Djauzi.-- Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 21-27 1214 Corticosteroid Therapy for Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura in Department of Internal Medicine, Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya a Descriptive Analytical Case Series Study/Boediwarsono.-Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 152-156 QUINOLONES 1215 112 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Cancer Patients)/Muhammad Yusri; Eko Kuncoro.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(2) 2001: 73-78 1220 Peranan Fluoroquinolon pada Pengobatan Demam Tifoid (The Role of Fluoroquinolone in the Treatment of Typhoid Fever)/ Soeharyo Hadisaputro.-Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 74-78 RADIOLOGY 1226 Aspek Radiologis pada Tuberculosis Paru (Radiological Aspects in Pulmonary Tuberculosis)/H. Chunadi Ermanta.-- Bul. Epidemiol. Jawa Timur, 5(1)2001: 9-18 R FACTORS 1221 Masalah Resistensi pada Pengobatan Salmonellosis (Resistancy on Salmonellosis Therapy)/Suharto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 15-26 RADIOTHERAPY 1227 Akselerator Partikel untuk Radioterapi (Particle Acseleration to Radiotherapy)/ Mukhlis Akhadi.-- Medika, 27(9)2001: 569-573 RABBITS 1222 Minyak Sawit Mempercepat Regresi Aterosklerosis Aorta pada Kelinci Hiperkolesterolemia Ringan, Tetapi Tidak pada yang Hiperkolesterolemia Berat (Palm Oil Accelarates Regression of Aortic Atherosclerosis Only in Mild Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits, but not in Severe Hypercholesterolemia)/Lidya Irma Momuat (et. al.).-Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 26-34 1228 Kafein Melindungi Mencit dari Radiasi Dosis Tinggi : Adakah Pengaruhnya terhadap Dosimetri Radio-Terapi ? (Caffeine Covered Mice from the High Dose Radiation : It's There any Influence through the Dosimetry Radiotherapy ?)/ Muhammad Fathony.-- Medika, 27(12) 2001: 788-790 RADIATION 1223 Pengaruh Radiasi terhadap Faal Paru (The Effect of Radiation to Lung Function)/Ratnawati; Faisal Yunus.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(3)2001: 124-130 1229 Manajemen Radioterapi WHO (WHO Radiotherapy Management)/Sriana Azis.- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32(64)2001: 3-8 RATS 1224 Radiasi Elektromagnetik dari Alat Elektronik dan Efeknya bagi Kesehatan (Electromagnetical Radiation from the Electricity and its Effect through the Health)/ Muhammad Fathoni.-- Medika, 27(9) 2001: 580-585 1230 Kerusakan Sel-sel Reproduksi dan Penurunan Jumlah Anak Tikus Putih Jantan Galur Swiss Akibat Paparan Timah Hitam Per Oral (Damage of Reproductive Cells and the Reduction of Amount Male White-Rat Babies Strain Swiss after Lead Exposing)/Mochammad Agus Suprijono.-- Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 61-66 RADIATION EFFECTS 1225 Efek Samping Radiasi Eksternal pada Rongga Mulut Penderita Kanker Nasofaring (The Side Effect of External Radiation in the Oral Cavity of Nasopharyngeal 1231 Penelitian Pendahuluan tentang Pengaruh Intensitas dan Durasi Latihan 113 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Martin Setiabudi; Harlina S.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 4-12 Renang pada Tikus terhadap Derajat Stres Oksidatif (The Preliminary Study of the Effect of Intensity and Duration Interval of Swimming Exercise on the Degree of Oxidative Stress in Mice)/ Harjanto; Kuncoro Puguh Santoso.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 13-21 RECORDS 1236 Studi Beban Kerja Petugas dalam Kegiatan Pencatatan dan Pelaporan di Puskesmas Wlingi dan Nglegok, Kabupaten Blitar (Study on the Workload of Health Care Staffs in Recording and Reporting Activities at Wlingi and Nglegok Community Health Center, Blitar)/Lestari Handayani (et. al.).-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 27-40 1232 Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Nimba (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) terhadap Tekanan Darah Tikus (Rattus norvegicus) Wistar Jantan (Effects of the Extracts of Nimba Leaves (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) due to the Blood Pressure of Rattus norvegicus, Male Wistar)/D. Goenarso; Suripto; Retno Susilowati.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 55-61 REFERRAL AND CONSULTATION 1237 Cara Penulisan Daftar Rujukan Menurut Gaya Vancuoveria (The Writing Method of the Referral List by Vancuoveria Style)/ I Made Bakta.-- Medika, 27(2)2001: 122126 1233 Pengaruh Kombinasi Latihan Renang Aerobik dan Pembatasan Diet terhadap Absorpsi 3-Methyl-D-Glukosa pada Otot Soleus Tikus Putih (Effects of the Combined of Aerobic Swimming Exercise and Diet through the 3-Methyl-D-Glucose in Soleus Muscle of Rat)/Puguh S. Kuncoro; R. Soekarman; Ngakan Made Rai W.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 30-34 1238 Reproductive Health Map Pelayanan Rujukan Ibu Beresiko di Jakarta Selatan Tahun 1999 (Reproductive Health Map of the Referral Service of Risk Mother in Southern Jakarta by the Year 1999)/A.W. Supardi.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 226-231 1234 Pengaruh Penyuntikan Ekstrak Biji Pepaya (Carica papaya L.) terhadap Konsentrasi Spermatozoa dan Keadaan Sel Spermatogenik Tikus Jantan Rattus norvegicus L.) Strain LMR (Effect of the Injection of Carica papaya L. Seeds through the Spermatozoa Consentration and Spermatogenic Condition on Male Rat Strain LMR.)/Yurnadi (et. al.).-Makara, 5(1)2001: 19-25 1235 Pengaruh Serat Makanan dalam Diit terhadap Absorpsi Glukosa pada Usus Halus Tikus (The Effects of Dietary Fibers in Diet on Glucose Absorption in Small Intestine of Rat)/Desak Made Citrawathi; 1239 Strengthening and Improving the New Integrated Model of the Referral System in Indonesia (Reducing Maternal Mortality as an Example)/Philip Stokoe.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 212225 1240 Studi Intervensi "Subsidi Rujukan" di Kabupaten Bogor dan Serang, Jabar, 1996-1997 (Intervention Study on 'Refferal Subsidy' in Bogor, Serang, West 114 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Reproduction Health and Pregnancy)/Endy Muhardin Moegni.-- Dexa Media, 14(2)2001: 82-85 Java during 1996-1997)/Nasrin Kodim.-Medika, 27(10)2001: 634-640 REFUSE DISPOSAL 1247 A Pineer Establishment of One-stop Family Clinic for Urban Young People's Sexual and Reproductive Health Problems in South Jakarta/Ciptasari Prabawanti.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 8(1)2001: 43-75 1241 Peningkatan Efisiensi dengan Memperkecil Keluaran Limbah melalui Proses Produksi atau Teknologi Bersih Lingkungan (Increasing the Efficiency by Minimizing Waste Product with Production Process or Environmental Health Technology)/Ketut Kusminarno.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32(64)2001: 39-42 1248 Reproductive Health Map Pelayanan Rujukan Ibu Beresiko di Jakarta Selatan Tahun 1999 (Reproductive Health Map of the Referral Service of Risk Mother in Southern Jakarta by the Year 1999)/A.W. Supardi.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 226-231 REPRODUCTION 1242 Implemetasi Pelayanan Kesehatan Reproduksi Esensial (The Implementation of Essential Health Reproductive Services)/Wibisono Wijono.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 8(2)2001: 21-32 RESEARCH 1243 Kebijaksanaan dalam Kesehatan Reproduksi (Health Reproduction Insight)/Azrul Azwar.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 8(1) 2001: 27-42 1249 Comparison of Several MMPI Research Scales before and after Basic Training for Indonesian Police Officer/Imam Kurnen; Roni Subagyo.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 128-132 1244 Lessons for Integrating Services into Reproductive Health Settings/Meiwita P. Budiharsana.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 8(1)2001: 77-85 RESEARCH DESIGN 1250 Metode Penelitian Akupunktur Klinik (The Research Method of Clinical Acupuncture)/Didik Budijanto.-- Meridian, 8(2) 2001: 99-112 1245 Pengetahuan dan Kebutuhan Pelayanan Informasi Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja di Beberapa Kota Besar di Jawa (Knowledge and the Need of Information of Adolescent Health Reproduction in Several Urban Areas in Java)/ Paiman Soeparmanto; Imam Waluyo; Neila Ramdhani.-Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 66-81 1246 Penyakit Menular Seksual : Dampaknya terhadap Kesehatan Alat Reproduksi Wanita dan Kehamilan (Sexual Transmitted Diseases : Its Impact through the RESINS 1251 Preformulasi Sediaan Lepas Lambat Natrium Diklofenak dengan Resin Penukar Ion (Preformulation of Slow Release Diclofenac Sodium Sustained by Ion Exchanger Resine)/A. Karim Zulkarnain; Tedjo Yuwono; Sumarno.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 19-25 RESPIRATORY FUNCTION TESTS 115 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 1256 Upaya Menurunkan Penggunaan Antibiotika pada Pengobatan ISPA melalui Diskusi Kelompok Kecil Paramedis Puskesmas di Kabupaten Bantul (Reducing the Antibiotic Use on the Treatment of Acute Respiratory Tract Infections Using a Small-group Discusion by Health Center Paramedics)/S. Munawaroh; Sunartono; S. Suryawati.-- J. Manajemen Pelayan. Kesehat., 4(2)2001: 111-119 1252 The Influence of Silica Flour Dust Exposure to Lung Function Employees of Silica Flour Factory/Danche Theno; Ida Bagus Rai.-J. Respirol. Indon., 21(1)2001: 10-16 RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS 1253 Determinan Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Atas (ISPA) pada Balita (The Determinant of Medical Seeking Behavior in Acute Respiratory Infection on Infant and Under Five Years Old Children)/ Sarimawar Djaja; Iwan Ariawan; Tin Afifah.-- Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(1)2001: 1-11 RETT SYNDROME 1257 Sindrome Rett (Rett Syndrome)/Waskita Roan.-- Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 131-139 RHINITIS, ALLERGIC, PERENNIAL 1258 Penatalaksanaan Alergi Saluran Napas dan Keterkaitannya dengan Kualitas Hidup (The Management of Respiratory Tract Allergy and its Relation with Life Quality)/Samsuridjal Djauzi.-- Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 21-27 1254 Konseling Gizi dan Kesehatan untuk Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Motorik Kasar Anak Kurang Gizi Penderita ISPA (Nutrition and Health Counseling for Growth and Gross Motoric Development of Malnourished Children with Acute Respiratory Infection)/Heryudarini Harahap; Hamam Hadi; M.G. Adiyanti.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., 25(-)2001: 11-19 RIFAMPIN 1259 Determination of Resistance of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis against Rifampicin by Detecting Mutation of the 157 bp rpo B Gene Region, Using Polymerase Chain Reaction-Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (PCR-SSCP)/Ni Made Mertaniasih (et. al.).-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 157-163 1255 Upaya Menurunkan Angka Kesakitan ISPA pada Balita melalui Penyuluhan Perubahan Perilaku Ibu Balita dan Lingkungan Fisik Perumahan yang Dilakukan oleh Bidan Desa dan Sanitarian di Kecamatan Tapin Selatan, Kabupaten Tapin, Kalimantan Selatan (The Effort to Decrease the Mobidity in Acute Respiratory Infection on Underfive Children by Giving the Information to Change the Behavioral of Underfive's Mother and Physical Environment by Midwifery and Sanitarian at South Tapin, Tapin Subdistrict, South Kalimantan)/ Hardiono (et. al.).-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy., 32(64)2001: 28-38 RIFAMYCINS 1260 Peranan Deteksi Mutasi Regio Gen RPO B Strain Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Isolat Penderita Tuberculosis Paru pada Diagnosis Resistensi Rifampisin (The Role of Detecting of RPO B Regio Gen Mutations in the Isolate of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Strains to Diagnosis of Rifampicin Resistance on Pulmonary 116 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Tuberculosis Patients)/Ni Mertaniasih; Eddy Bagus Kuntaman.-- Maj. Kedokter. 51(10)2001: 364-371 of Iodized Salt to Prevent the Iodine Deficiency in Bali)/I Komang Gunung.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 143-147 Made Wasito; Indon., RUBELLA SYNDROME, CONGENITAL SARCOMA 1261 Congenital Rubella Syndrome, A Case Series of 11 Years Experience/Bambang Permono; Darto Saharso; Erny.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 196-201 1267 Aspek Klinis, Patologis, dan Faktor Prognosis Sarkoma Jaringan Lunak (Clinical, Pathological Aspect, and Prognostic Factor of Soft Tissue Sarcoma)/Teguh Aryandono; Erwin Yulian; Ahmad Ghozali.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(1)2001: 13-18 SALICYLIC ACIDS 1262 Efektivitas Asam Salisilat 2 Persent pada Akne Inflamasi (The Effectiveness of 2 Percent Salicylic Acid on Inflammation of Acne Vulgaris)/Theresia Niken Wijayanti; Kristiana Ernawati; Soedarmadi.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(2)2001: 95-103 SCHIZOPHRENIA 1268 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Pasien Skizofrenia dalam Pemilihan Jalur Pelayanan Kesehatan Jiwa Pertama Kali dan Keterlambatan Kontak ke Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan Jiwa (The Influence Factors of Schizophrenia Patient in Choicing the First Mental Health Services and the Delay Contact to Mental Health Services Facility)/Dharmady Agus.-- Jiwa, 4(2)2001: 107-116 SALMONELLA 1263 Masalah Resistensi pada Pengobatan Salmonellosis (Resistancy on Salmonellosis Therapy)/Suharto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 15-26 1264 Perkembangan Resistensi Salmonella Typhi (The Development of Resistancy on Salmonella Typhi)/A. Halim Mubin.-Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 66-71 1269 Tinjauan Klinis dan Aspek Farmakoterapi Neuroleptik pada Penderita Skizofrenia Anak (The Clinical Review and Neuroleptic Pharmacotherapy Aspect in Childhood Schizophrenia Patients)/Lelly Resna.-- Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 141-162 1265 Study of Genetic Diversity of Salmonella typhi Using Pulsed-field Gel Electrophoresis/Lucky Hartati Moehario; Retno Kadarsih Soemanto.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 158-163 SALTS 1266 Penggunaan Garam Dapur Beryodium untuk Penanggulangan Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Yodium di Bali (The Usage 1270 Working Memori pada Skizofrenia (Working Memory in Schizophrenia)/ Endah Ronawulan.-- Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 187-198 SCHWANN CELLS 1271 IFN Gamma Increased IL-6 Production in Primary Schwann Cells/Retno Murwarni.- Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 93-97 SALMONELLA TYPHI 117 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 SELENIUM SCLEROSIS 1277 Kadar Selenium dalam Lensa Katarak pada Perokok dan Bukan Perokok (Selenium Content in Cataract Lens on Smokers and Non-smokers)/ Lina J. Priatno; Suhardjo; Wasisdi Gunawan.-Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(9)2001: 338-343 1272 Multiple Sclerosis/Aldy S. Rambe; Yuneldi Anwar.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 102-106 SEAFOOD 1273 Anisakiasis Salah Satu Penyakit yang Disebabkan oleh karena Makan Ikan Laut (Anisakiasis a Disease Caused by Sea Food Consumption)/Magdalena.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(3)2001: 199-205 1278 Kadar Selenium dan Aktivitas Glutation Peroksidase pada Kasus-kasus Keguguran di RSUP Dr. Sardjito (Selenium Level and Glutation Peroxidase Activity in Miscarriage Cases at Dr. Sardjito Hospital)/Sunarti; Detty Siti Nurdiati; Zainal Arifin Nang Agus.-- Medika, 27(10)2001: 623-625 SEAWEED 1274 Pengaruh Rumput Laut terhadap Kadar Lipida Darah dan Daging Ayam Petelur (The Effect of Seaweed on the Blood Lipids and Meat of Poul Layers)/Tua Binsar Butar-butar.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., 25(-)2001: 57-65 SELF MEDICATION 1279 Pengaruh Informasi Obat terhadap Pemilihan dan Penggunaan Obat Batuk pada Pengobatan Sendiri di Kecamatan Godean (The Influence of Drug Information through Drug Selection and the Usage through Cough Preparation on Self Medication in Godean Subdistrict)/Satibi; R.A. Oetari-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(4)2001: 194-197 SEEDS 1275 Kandungan Asam Lemak dalam Biji Durian/Durio zibethinus, Murr (Fatty Acid Content in Durian (Durio zibethinus, Murr) Seed)/ S.R Eni; Sumarno.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(2)2001: 66-79 E-SELECTIN 1276 Kadar Faktor von Willebrand dan Endothelial Leukocyte Adhesion Molecule-1 sebagai Parameter Aktivasi Endotel pada Thalassemia Beta-Mayor dan Thalassemia Beta-HbE (The Levels of von Willebrand and Endothelial Leukocyte Adhesion Molecule-1 Factor as an Endothelial Activation Parameters in Beta-Major and Beta-HbE Thalassemic Patients)/Pusparini; Rahajuningsih Setiabudy; Siti Boedina Kresno.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(10)2001: 356-363 SEMEN 1280 Pengaruh Pajanan Timbal terhadap Kesehatan dan Kualitas Semen Pekerja Laki-laki (The Influence of Lead Exposure on Health and Semen Quality of Male Workers)/Siswarti Adnan.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(5)2001: 168-174 1281 Perubahan Hasil Analisis Semen dan Angka Fertilitas pada Penderita Varikokel yang Dilakukan Operasi Palomo (Improvement of Semen Analysis and Fertility Rate in Patients with Varicocele 118 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Burhan, Erlina.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(1)2001: 28-31 after Palomo Operation)/Djoko Rahardjo; Metra Syahar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 69-74 SEX 1287 Diferensiasi Seks Abnormal Prenatal (Abnormal Prenatal Sex Differentiation)/I Nyoman Mangku Karmaya.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 203207 SEPSIS 1282 Gambaran Klinis Sepsis dan Kadar ICAM-1 (Clinical Feature of Sepsis and ICAM-1 Content)/Suharto; Hadini Susatyo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 40-53 1288 Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Hubungan Seks di Luar Nikah para ABK di Komunitas Pelabuhan (Factors Influence to the Sexual Activity with Commercial Sex Workers on Sheep's Crew in Harbour Communities)/Didik Budijanto; Wijiartini.-Medika, 27(8)2001: 559-563 1283 Pengaruh Sepsis pada Sistem Kardiovaskular dan Penatalaksanaannya (The Influence of Sepsis on Cardiovas-cular System and its Management)/T. Bahri Anwar.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 30-32 1289 A Pineer Establishment of One-stop Family Clinic for Urban Young People's Sexual and Reproductive Health Problems in South Jakarta/Ciptasari Prabawanti.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 8(1)2001: 43-75 1284 Strategi Baru Pengobatan Sepsis (The Current Strategy of Sepsis Therapy)/ Suharto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(3)2001: 1-14 SEROLOGIC TESTS 1290 Rehabilitasi Seksual (Sexual Rehabilitation)/Ferryal Loetan.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 8-12 1285 Efektivitas Uji Serologi untuk Deteksi Streptococcus Beta Hemolyticus Group A pada Pasien Demam Rheuma dan Glomerulo Nefritis (The Effectiveness of Serological Test to Detection of Group A Streptococcus Beta Haemolyticus in Patients with Rheuma Fever and Glomerulonephritis)/Lusia Sri Sunarti.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(47)2001: 41-44 SEROLOGY SEX BEHAVIOR 1291 Kehidupan Seksual Remaja di Daerah Kumuh Perkotaan Jakarta (Sexual Behavior in Adolescent at Slum Area in Jakarta)/Yvonne Suzy Handajani.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 8(2)2001: 33-48 1292 Perilaku Seks di Kalangan Remaja dan Permasalahannya (Sex Behavior in Adolescent and its Problem)/Sunanti Zalbawi Soejoeti.-- Media Penelit. dan 1286 The Role of ICT Tuberculosis Serologic Test in Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis/Kandau, Natasja R.; Gardena, Lia; 119 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(1)2001: 3035 SHOCK, SEPTIC 1299 Management of Septic Shock in Acute Cholecystitis/Arnadi; Sumariyono; Nelwan RHH.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(2)2001: 58-62 SEX CHROMOSOMES 1293 Diferensiasi Seks Intra Uterin (Intrauterine Sex Differentiation)/I Nyoman Mangku Karmaya.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 125-128 SILICON DIOXIDE 1294 Youth Sexuality and Social Cultural Change in Indonesia : an Exploration/Sri Sunarti Purwaningsih.-- Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 8(2)2001: 1-19 1300 The Influence of Silica Flour Dust Exposure to Lung Function Employees of Silica Flour Factory/Danche Theno; Ida Bagus Rai.-J. Respirol. Indon., 21(1)2001: 10-16 SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES SKIN DISEASES SEXUALITY 1301 Kulit sebagai Organ Imunologik yang Penting di Dalam Mempelajari Patogenesis Penyakit Kulit (Skin as an Important Immunological Organs through the Phatogenesis of Skin Diseases)/Sudigdo Adi.-- Dexa Media, 14(2)2001: 68-75 1295 Neisseria Gonorrhoeae sebagai Penyebab Penyakit Seksual dan Permasalahannya (Neisseria Gonorrhoeae as a Caused of Sexual Disease and its Problems)/Trimurti Parnomo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(46)2001: 37-40 1302 Spektrum Penyakit Kulit pada Bayi dan Anak di RSUP Sanglah Denpasar (Spectrum of Skin Diseases on Infant and Child at Sanglah General Hospital, Denpasar)/Made Wardhana.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 222228 1296 Penyakit Hubungan Seksual Akibat Jamur, Protozoa, dan Parasit (Sexually Transmitted Diseases Caused by Fungi, Protozoa and Parasites)/Max Joseph Herman.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 12-16 1297 Penyakit Menular Seksual : Dampaknya terhadap Kesehatan Alat Reproduksi Wanita dan Kehamilan (Sexual Transmitted Diseases : Its Impact through the Reproduction Health and Pregnancy)/ Endy Muhardin Moegni.-- Dexa Media, 14(2)2001: 82-85 SHOCK 1298 Syok dan Penanggulangannya (Shock and its Prevention)/AS. Rifki.-- Medika, 27(3)2001: 185-189 SKIN DISEASES, INFECTIOUS 1303 Perbandingan Efikasi Infusa Meniran (Phyllanthus niruri L.) dan Kotrimoksazol pada Pengobatan Infeksi Kulit oleh Staphylococcus aureus (Comparative Efficacy of Phyllanthus niruri L. and Cotrimoxazole in the Treatment of Skin Infection Caused by Staphylococcus aureus)/Praseno; Titik Nuryastuti; Muchammad Mustafa.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter. , 33(2)2001: 89-93 120 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 SMOKING SPERMATOGENESIS 1304 Effect of Smoking on Autonomic Reflexes/K. Singh; S. Sood.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 95-97 1310 Mikrodelesi Kromosom Y dan Gangguan Spermatogenesis (Microdeletion of Y Chromosome and Spermatogenesis Disturbance)/Julius Chandra Yapri.-Ebers Papyrus, 7(1)2001: 37-44 1305 Merokok sebagai Faktor Risiko Stroke (Smoking as a Risk Factor for Stroke)/ Hari Andang Sasongko; Rusdi Lamsudin; Siti Musfiroh.-Berk. Neuro Sains, 2(3)2001: 143-151 SPERMATOZOA 1311 Pengaruh Penyuntikan Ekstrak Biji Pepaya (Carica papaya L.) terhadap Konsentrasi Spermatozoa dan Keadaan Sel Spermatogenik Tikus Jantan Rattus norvegicus L.) Strain LMR (Effect of the Injection of Carica papaya L. Seeds through the Spermatozoa Consentration and Spermatogenic Condition on Male Rat Strain LMR.)/Yurnadi (et. al.).-Makara, 5(1)2001: 19-25 1306 Merokok sebagai Faktor-faktor Risiko Terjadinya Penyakit Periodontal (Smoking as a Risk Factors of Periodontal Diseases)/Eddy Kasim.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(1)2001: 9-15 1307 Pengaruh Rokok pada Fertilitas Wanita dan Pria (The Effect of Cigarette Smoking through the Fertility on Male and Female)/ Julius Chandra Yapri.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(2)2001: 105-112 SPIRAMYCIN 1312 Toksoplasmosis : Efikasi Pengobatan dengan Spiramycin (Toxoplasmosis : Drug Efficacy with Spiramycin)/ Galatia Chandra.-- Medika, 27(11)2001: 710-713 SOCIAL CLASS SPONDYLITIS, ANKYLOSING 1308 Faktor Sosial Ekonomi yang Berhubungan dengan Terjadinya Campak pada Balita di Kabupaten Serang Tahun 19992000 (The Socio-Economic Factors Related to the Outbreak of Measles in Under Five Children in Serang District, West Java 1999-2000)/Salma Padri H.-Bul. Penelit. Kesehat., 29(1)2001: 32-41 1313 Penatalaksanaan Spondilitas Ankilosis (The Management of Ankylosing Spondylitis)/Johanis S. Manginte.-- Medika, 27(3) 2001: 158-160 SPORTS 1314 Manfaat dan Cara Melakukan Pemanasan sebelum Berolahraga (The Benefits and Method of Warming-up before Sport)/ Budihartono Rahardja.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(2)2001: 79-85 SOCIAL CONTROL POLICIES 1309 Penyelenggaraan Sistem Jaminan Sosial dan Mekanisme Pengawasannya (System of Social Assurance and its Control Mechanisms)/Bambang Purwoko.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(8)2001: 177188 STARCH 1315 The Effect of Repeated Compaction on Starch 1500 as a Filler-Binder of Direct Compression Tablet/Sri Sulihtyowati 121 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Soebagyo; Muliyadi.-- Maj. Indon., 12(4)2001: 166-171 A Preliminary Study/ Dewa Putu Widjana; Putu Sutisna.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 174-177 Farmasi STEVENS-JONHSON SYNDROME SUBSTANCE ABUSE, INTRAVENOUS 1316 Sindrom Stevens-Johnson pada Dua Anak karena Karbamazepin (StevensJohnson Syndrome caused of Carbamazepin in Two Children)/M. Sjabaroeddin Loebis; Lily Irsa; Herlina Dimiati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 57-60 1321 Infective Endocarditis as a Complication of Intravenous Drug Abuse/Adi Wijaya; Ardaya; Arya Govinda.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(4)2001: 145-148 SUBSTANCE-RELATED DISORDERS STREPTOCOCCUS PYOGENES 1322 Aspek Ilmiah Akupunktur untuk Ketergantungan Obat (The Scientifical Aspect of Acupuncture for Drug Dependence)/ Koosnadi Saputra.-- Meridian, 8(2)2001: 75-85 1317 Efektivitas Uji Serologi untuk Deteksi Streptococcus Beta Hemolyticus Group A pada Pasien Demam Rheuma dan Glomerulo Nefritis (The Effectiveness of Serological Test to Detection of Group A Streptococcus Beta Haemolyticus in Patients with Rheuma Fever and Glomerulonephritis)/Lusia Sri Sunarti.-Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(47)2001: 41-44 1323 Aspek Psikiatri Kecanduan Obat (The Psychiatrical Aspect of Drug Dependence)/IGN. Darmawan Budianto.-Meridian, 8(2)2001: 71-74 1324 Deteksi Dini Pencegahan Pengguna Narkoba pada Anak (Early Detection to Prevent of Narcotics Dependence and Drug Abuse in Children)/Persadaan Bukit.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(47)2001: 1-10 STRESS 1318 Preparation of Organic-inorganic Composites Silica-titania with ENR : Stress Effect/Novesar Jamarun.-- J. Sains dan Teknologi Farmasi, 6(2)2001: 83-91 STRESS DISORDERS, TRAUMATIC POST- 1325 Endokarditis Sub Akut Bakterial pada Pasien dengan Penyalahgunaan Obat (Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis on Patients with Drug Abuse)/Poerniati Koes Andrijani (et. al.).-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 55-58 1326 Hubungan antara Psikopatologi dan Relasi Keluarga dengan Keparahan Penyalagunaan Zat pada Remaja (The Correlation between Psychopathology 1319 Stres Pasca Trauma (Pasca Traumatic Stress)/Ayub Sani Ibrahim.-Medika, 27(1)2001: 30-37 STRONGYLOIDES STERCORALIS 1320 The Prevalence of Strongyloides Sterccoralis Infection in Rural Population of Bali : 122 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 and Family Relation with Substance Abuse in Adolescence)/Gerald Mario Semen.-- Jiwa, 34(2)2001: 117-129 Method/Azhari Gani; Sjafii Piliang.-- Acta Medica Indon., 33(1)2001: 25-30 1327 Tinjauan Psikodinamik pada Penyalahgunaan Zat : Suatu Tinjauan Kepustakaan (Psycodynamical Reviewed in Substance Abuse : A Literature Review)/ Bayu Rahadian.-- Jiwa, 34(4)2001: 383-391 1333 Perdarahan Intra Serebral Spontan (PISS): Bilamana Tindakan Bedah Dilakukan ? (Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage : When the Surgery should be Done ?)/Abdul Hafid Bajamal.-Medika, 27(4)2001: 238-240 SUICIDE 1328 Aspek Psikiatri pada Anak Perempuan Korban Penganiayaan Seksual (Psychiatrical Aspects of Sex Abuse in the Girl)/Lelly Resna.-- Jiwa, 34(4)2001: 353381 1334 Toward Less Radical Surgery in the Management of Vulvar Cancer : Why Sentinel Node/ Boy Busmar (et. al.).-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 59-69 1329 The Impact of Economic Crisis to the Number of Death Victims Caused by Suicidal Hanging/Hariadi Apiranto.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(3)2001: 133-137 SURGERY, PLASTIC 1335 Wewenang and Tanggung Jawab Dokter pada Tindakan Bedah Kulit Kosmetik (Responsibility and Authority of Pysicians at the Cosmetics Dermatosurgery)/Budi Sampurna.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(11)2001: 417-422 SULFONAMIDES 1330 Ketersediaan Hayati Sulfametoksazol Polimorfi IIA pada Kelinci (The Sulphamethoxazole Bioavailability of Polymorph IIA in Rabbits)/Siti Nurasiyah; Tedjo Yuwono. -- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(4)2001: 205211 SWIMMING 1336 Penelitian Pendahuluan tentang Pengaruh Intensitas dan Durasi Latihan Renang pada Tikus terhadap Derajat Stres Oksidatif (The Preliminary Study of the Effect of Intensity and Duration Interval of Swimming Exercise on the Degree of Oxidative Stress in Mice)/ Harjanto; Kuncoro Puguh Santoso.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 13-21 SUPEROXIDE DISMUTASE 1331 Kandungan Logam Berat CU, dan Zn dalam Air Laut dan Sedimen di Perairan Teluk Santong, Pulau Sumbawa NTB (Heavy Metal Content of Cu and Zn in Sea Water and Sediment of Santong Bay, Sumbawa Island, NTB)/Edward; S. Margarethe.-J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(1)2001: 48-53 SURGERY 1332 Management of Diabetes Mellitus During Surgery Using the Insulin-Dextrose 1337 Pengaruh Kombinasi Latihan Renang Aerobik dan Pembatasan Diet terhadap Absorpsi 3-Methyl-D-Glukosa pada Otot Soleus Tikus Putih (Effects of the Combined of Aerobic Swimming Exercise and Diet through the 3-Methyl-D-Glucose in Soleus Muscle of Rat)/Puguh S. 123 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Kuncoro; R. Soekarman; Ngakan Made Rai W.-- Maj. Ilmu Faal Indon., 1(1)2001: 30-34 Hubungan Oklusi Gigi-Geligi dengan Gangguan Fungsi Sendi Temporomandibula (The Correlation between Dental Occlusion and Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction)/Gemala Birgitta; Sri Rahayu; Yastini Raizal.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(46) 2001: 16-22 SYNDROME 1338 Sindrom QT Memanjang Kongenital (QT Congenital Stretch Syndrome)/Rachmat Setiarsa; Abdul Hakim; Syarif Subijakto.-Medika, 27(10)2001: 652-655 TENDONS 1344 The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Flexor Tendon Healing : An Experimental Study with Rabbits/Bobby N. Nelwan; Syaiful Anwar Hadi; Moch Guritno.-- Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 29(1)2001: 30-34 TAENIASIS 1339 Pengetahuan Mengenai Infeksi Taenia pada Penduduk Pedesaan di Bali (People's Knowledge of Taenia Infection in the Rural Community of Bali)/Putu Sutisna.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 260-266 TENSION HEADACHE 1345 Kecenderungan Nyeri Kepala Tegang pada Kelompok Individu dengan Sistem Saraf Hipereksitabel (Tendency of Tension Headache in Individual Group with Nerve System Hyperexcitability)/M. Widiastuti-Samekto; Ristum Alamsyah.-Media Medika Indon., 36(2)2001: 103111 1340 The Problem of Taeniasis and Cysticercosis in Irian Jaya, Indonesia/Sri Surastuti Margono; Akira Ito; Thomas Suroso.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(2) 2001: 110-114 TEA 1341 Aktivitas Daya Tangkap Radikal Polifenol dalam Daun Teh (Polyphenol Radical Scavengers Activity on Tea Leaf)/Dadan Rohdiana.-Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(1)2001: 53-58 TERATOGENS 1346 Efek Teratogenik Obat Antikonvulsan : Adakah Alternatif Lain ? (Teratogenic Effect of Anticonvulsant Agents : Is There Any Other Alternative ?)/Hadyanto; Rozaimah Zain Hamid.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(4)2001: 122-126 TECHNETIUM 1342 Penelitian dan Pengembangan Produksi Radiofarmaka Bertanda Teknesium-99m, Arah dan Penggunaanya (Research and Development of Technetium-99m Radiopharmaceuticals Production, Trend and Their Applications)/Nanny Kartini.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 98-104 TESTIS 1347 Undescensus Testis dan Problem Fertilitas (Undescended Testes and Infertility Problem)/Akmal Taher.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(11)2001: 407-410 TESTOSTERONE TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT DISEASE 1348 1343 124 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Andropause : Kemungkinan Terapi Sulih Testosteron pada Pria Lansia (Andropause : The Possibility of Testosterone Therapy on Elderly Man)/Ellen P. Gandaputra; Raditya Wratsangka.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(1)2001: 49-55 Looking for New Protection Against Malaria by Studying the Interconnection between Thalassemia and Malaria/ Aprilianto Eddy Wiria; Apnaria Liana Wati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(2)2001: 57-62 1349 Testes Biopsy Analysis and Hormonal Reproduction Levels of Pig Tail Macaque (Macaca nemestrina) Injected with Testosterone Enanthate (TE) and Depot Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (DMPA)/ Dadang Kusmana (et. al.).-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(3)2001: 137-143 1354 Prevalensi Anemia dan Thalasemia Karier pada Kelompok Wanita Usia Subur/ WUS (The Prevalence of Anemia and Carrier Thalasemia among Women Child Bearing Age)/Sukati Saidin (et. al.).-Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 38-43 THEOPHYLLINE TETANUS 1355 Kepentingan Penelitian Ketersediaan Hayati terhadap Sediaan Lepas Lambat Teofilin (The Interest of Bioavailability Research to the Slow Release Theophylline)/Rustamaji; Sri Suryawati.-- Medika, 27(9)2001: 592-594 1350 Pengetahuan dan Sikap Dukun Bayi dalam Kaitannya dengan Penyakit Tetanus Neonatorum di Kabupaten Indramayu (Knowledge and Attitude of the Midwifery its Relation with Tetanus Neonatorum in Indramayu District)/ Mulyono Notosiswoyo; Riyanto Martomijoyo; Sudibyo S.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(2)2001: 26-32 THERAPEUTICS 1356 Evaluasi Standar Pengobatan Gonore Berdasarkan Pendekatan Sindrome Ditinjau dari Sudut Resistensi (The Standard Evaluation of Gonorrhea Therapy Based on the Approximation Syndrome : Reviewed from the Resistance Factor)/Sjaiful Fahmi Daili; Jubianto Judanarso; Yeva Rosana.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (1)2001: 159-160 TETANUS TOXOID 1351 Campak dan Tetanus Toxoid, Imunisasi Pilihan untuk Menurunkan Angka Kematian Bayi (Measles Vaccine and Tetanus Toxoid, the Immunization Choices to Decrease the Infant Mortality Rate)/ Hananto Wiryo.-- Medika, 27(6)2001: 386-387 THORACOTOMY TETRALOGY OF FALLOT 1357 Lumbal Epidural Morfin untuk Nyeri Pasca Torakotomi (Lumbal Epidural Morphine against Pain in Post Thoracotomy)/Admar Anwar.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 26-30 THORAX 1358 1352 Iron Deficiency Anemia, its Prevalence and Age Distribution Pattern of Tetralogy of Fallot Patients/Teddy Otoseno.-- Folia Medica Indon., 27(2)2001: 52-56 THALASSEMIA 1353 125 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Tinea Imbrikata (Tinea Imbricata)/Irma SM. Delima.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(1)2001: 31-36 Ukuran Daya Kembang Dada pada Subyek Normal (Chest Expansion Capacity of Normal Subjects)/Sunaryo; Pasiyan Rachmatullah.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(5)2001: 164-167 TOBACCO SMOKE POLLUTION 1365 Changes of Body Weight and Response of Tracheal Smooth Muscles of Adult Guinea Pigs due to Chronic Exposure to Cigarette Smoke and Supplementation of Vitamin C/Henny C. Koentjahja.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(1)2001: 17-23 THROMBOCYTOPENIA 1359 Severe Thrombocytopenia in Liver Cirrhosis due to Hepatitis C Virus/Reno Gustaviani; Aru W. Sudoyo; LA. Lesmana.-Acta Medica Indon., 33(1)2001: 7-10 1366 Pengaruh Asap Rokok terhadap Saluran Napas (The Effect of Tobacco Smoke through the Lung Function)/Bobby Drastyawan; Tjandra Yoga Aditama; Faisal Yunus.-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 31-37 1360 Thrombocytopeni (Thrombocytopenia)/ Faisal Yatim; Beetween Lutam.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(48)2001: 28-33 THROMBOSIS TONGUE NEOPLASMS 1361 Septik Trombosis Sinus Venous Dural (Septic Thrombosis of Dural Vein Sinus)/Darto Saharso; Erny.-- Bul. Kesehat. Anak, 30(4)2001: 204-209 1367 Elective Neck Dissection Versus Observation in the Treatment of Early Oral Tongue Cancer/Masrin Munir.-- Maj. Kesehat. Masy. Indon., (2)2001: 117-118 THYROID HORMONES TOOTH, ARTIFISIAL 1362 Kadar Hormon Tiroid pada Ibu Hamil (Thyroid Hormones Level in Pregnant Women)/Abdul Gani Puteh; S.M. Syahruddin Noer; Sjafii Piliang.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(2)2001: 71-74 1368 Pengaruh Minyak Atsiri Zingiber purpurea terhadap Pertumbuhan Candida ablicans dan Flexural Strength Plat Dasar Gigi Tiruan Resin Visible Light Cured (The Effect of Zingiber purpura Atsiri Oils on the Candida albicans Growth and Flexural Strength of Visible Light Cured Resin Denture Base)/Endang Wahyuningtyas.-Maj. Ilmu Kedokter. Gigi, 3(5)2001: 77-79 TINEA 1363 Penatalaksanaan Tinea Glabrosa dan Perkembangan Obat Anti Jamur Baru (The Management of Tinea Glabrosa and the Development of New Antifungals Agent)/M. Cholis.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 21-24 1364 TOXICITY TESTS 1369 Analysis of Trace Toxic Metals in Sea Water and Marine Organisms of Krakal and Muria Beach by Neutron Activation 126 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Method/ Zainul Kamal (et. al.).-- Medika, 27(12)2001: 770-772 1374 Toxoplasma gondii : Aspek Biologi, Epidemiologi, Diagnosis, dan Penatalaksanaannya (Toxoplasma gondii : The Biological Aspect, Epidemiology, Diagnosis and its Management)/Galatia Chandra.-- Medika, 27(5) 2001: 297-304 1370 Toksisitas Akut Senyawa Baru 12,13Dihidro-alpha-Amirin-20,30-en-3- Asetat; Senyawa 12,13-Dihidro-Alpha-Amirin-20, 30-en-3-ol dan Beta-Sitostan-20,30-en-3ol, pada Larva Artemia-Salina Leach (Acute Toxicity of New Compounds of 12,13-Dihidro-Alpha-Amyrin-20,30-en-3Acetat; 12-13-Dihidro-Alpha-Amyrin-20, 30-en-3-ol and Beta-Sitostan-20,30-en-3ol to Artemia-Salina Leach)/Sri Mulyani M.-- Maj. Farmasi Indon., 12(4)2001: 212217 TOXOPLASMOSIS 1375 Deteksi Gen P30 untuk Diagnosis Toksoplasmosis dengan Reaksi Rantai Polimerase (Detection of P30 Gene to Diagnosis of Toxopalsmosis Using Polymerase Chain Reaction)/Lisawati Susanto; Taniawati Supati; Srisasi Gandahusada.-- Makara, 5(1)2001: 3-8 1371 Uji Daya Anti Bakteri Infus dan Ekstrak Kulit Batang Pulosari (Alyxia reinwardtii BL.) secara In-Vitro dan Uji Toksisitas (LD50) Ekstrak (Antibacterial Test of the Infusion and Extracts of Alyxia reinwardtii BL. Steam Bark by In-vitro and the Toxicitty Test (LD50) of the Extracts)/Dian Sundari; Budi Nuratmi; Triyani Soekarso.Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001: 20-23 Permasalahan Infeksi TORCH Kehamilan (TORCH Infections in nancy)/Samuel Widiasmoko; H. Pramono.-- Media Medika Indon., 2001: 45-52 1376 pada PregNoor 36(1) 1377 Toksoplasmosis : Efikasi Pengobatan dengan Spiramycin (Toxoplasmosis : Drug Efficacy with Spiramycin)/ Galatia Chandra.-- Medika, 27(11)2001: 710-713 1372 Uji Toksisitas Akut (LD50) dan Antipiretik Infus Rimpang Zingiber purpureum ROXB (Bengle) pada Hewan Percobaan (Acute Toxixity Test (LD50) and Antipyretics of Zingiber purpureum ROXB on Laboratory Animals)/Pudjiastuti; Sa'roni; Budi Nuratmi.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001: 14-19 TOXOPLASMOSIS, CONGENITAL 1378 Congenital Toxoplasmosis : Fetal Antibodies Production in Amniotic Fluid/ Erry Gumilar Dachlan.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(1)2001: 33-39 TOXICOLOGY TRANSPLANTATION IMMUNOLOGY 1373 Toksikologi Merkuri dan Persenyawaannya (The Toxicology of Mercury and its Compound)/Hesti Azizah; Muchtaruddin Mansyur.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(4)2001: 134-138 TOXOPLASMA 1379 Immunologi Transplantasi (Transplantation Immunology)/Sjamsuridjal Djauzi; Suhardjono.-- Bul. Tranfusi Darah, 28(333)2001: 4-9 TUBERCULOSIS 1380 127 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Profil Penderita TB Rawat Jalan di Poliklinik Paru/RS Persahabatan Jakarta Periode September - Desember 1999 (The Profile of Outpatients with Tuberculosis at Pulmonary Policlinic of Persahabatan Hospital, during September to December 1999)/Reviono; Dwijani Embran; Dianiati KS.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(3)2001: 95-102 Chronic Cough and Tuberculosis/ Benjamin Y. Tanuwiharja.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(1)2001: 32-37 1381 Deteksi Antibodi-Antigen sebagai Imunodiagnosis Tuberkulosis (Detection of Antibody-antigen as Imunodiagnosis in Tuberculosis)/Zubaedah (et. al.).-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 18-25 1387 Tuberculosis : The Problem of Drug Resistance, and Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis/Azhar Tanjung.--Acta Medika Indonesiana, 33(2) 2001: 41-43 1382 Determination of Resistance of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis against Rifampicin by Detecting Mutation of the 157 bp rpo B Gene Region, Using Polymerase Chain Reaction-Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (PCR-SSCP)/Ni Made Mertaniasih (et. al.).-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(4)2001: 157-163 1388 Tuberkulosis pada Penderita AIDS dengan Gangguan Fungsi Hati (Tuberculosis in Patient with AIDS and Hepatic Dysfunction)/ Asep Purnama; Tuty Parwati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(113)2001: 192-200 1383 Diseminasi Paket Program Pemberantasan TB ke dalam Kurikulum Nasional Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum sebagai Salah Satu Upaya Pemberantasan TB di Indonesia (The Dissemination of Tuberculosis Control Program in the National Curiculum of Medical Education as Tuberculosis Control Effort in Indonesia)/ Tamsil Syafiuddin.-Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 64-66 1389 Tuberculosis Peritonitis with Psoas Abscess in Infants/Munar Lubis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 53-56 TUBERCULOSIS, FEMALE GENITAL 1390 Tuberkulosis pada Genitalia Wanita (Female Genital Tuberculosis)/Pribakti B.- Medika, 27(11)2001: 470-471 1384 Diagnosis TBC pada Anak (The Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in Children)/ MS. Makmuri.-- Bul. Epidemiol. Jawa Timur, 5(4)2001: 121-130 TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY 1391 Aspek Radiologis pada Tuberculosis Paru (Radiological Aspects in Pulmonary Tuberculosis)/H. Chunadi Ermanta.-- Bul. Epidemiol. Jawa Timur, 5(1)2001: 9-18 1385 Masalah Etika di Sekitar Pemberantasan Penyakit Tuberkulosis dalam Konteks Indonesia (Ethical Problems Around the Tuberculosis Control in Indonesian Context)/Halim Danusantoso; K. Bertens.-Maj. Kesehat. Perkotaan, 8(2)2001: 4957 1386 1392 Manfaat Terapi Kortikosteroid pada Tuberkulosis Paru dan Ekstraparu (Efficacy of Corticosteroid on Pulmonary 128 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Peranan Fluoroquinolon pada Pengobatan Demam Tifoid (The Role of Fluoroquinolone in the Treatment of Typhoid Fever)/Soeharyo Hadisaputro.-- Medicinal, 2(5)2001: 74-78 and Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis)/ Barmawi Hisyam.-- Berk. Ilmu Kedokter., 33(2)2001: 121-126 1393 Masalah Penanganan TB Paru dan Strategi DOTS/Directly Observed Therapy Shortcourse (The Management of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Directly Observed Therapy Shortcourse/DOTS)/ Hilaluddin Sembiring.-- Dexa Media, 14(1)2001: 36-39 ULTRASONICS 1400 Pengaruh Gelombang Ultrasonik Intensitas Rendah terhadap Aktivitas Biologi (The Effect of Low Intensity Ultrasound due to Biological Activities)/Respati Suryanto Drajat.-Maj. Orthopaedi Indon., 29(1)2001: 12-15 1394 The Pattern of Antituberculosis Drugs in Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients, Tuberculosis Outpatients Clinic, Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta, September-December 1999/M. Syahril Mansyur; Temasonge; Tjandra Yoga Aditama.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(1)2001: 24-27 ULTRASONOGRAPHY 1395 The Role of ICT Tuberculosis Serologic Test in Diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis/Natasja R. Kandau; Lia Gardena; Erlina Burhan.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(1)2001: 28-31 ULTRVIOLET RAYS 1401 The Use of Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Breast Lesions in Young Women/Mashar Oesman; Yovita Sionno.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1)2001: 8-10 1402 The Influence of Exposure to UVB of Fluorescent Light on the Bone Remodeling of Hypoestrogenic Macaca Fascicularis/I.A. Rachman.-- Medical J. of Indon., 10(2)2001: 63-68 TYPHOID 1396 Demam Tifoid (Typhoid Fever)/Adyan Soeseno.-- Medicinal, 2(4)2001: 1-4 URETER 1403 Obstruksi Hubungan Ureter dan Pelvic (Ureteropelvic Junction (UPJ) Obstruction)/Rafita Ramayati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 61-63 1397 Imunologi Demam Tifoid (The Immunological of Typhoid Fever)/Syahril Pasaribu.- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 25-29 URIC ACID 1398 Penyulit Demam Tifoid di RSUD Dr. Soetomo Surabaya (The Complications of Typhoid Fever in Dr. Soetomo Hospital, Surabaya)/Nasronudin; Suharto.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(2)2001: 1-10 1399 1404 Kadar Asam Urat Serum pada Penderita Katarak : Penelitian Kasus-Kontrol (Uric Acid Level in Cataract Patients : A Casecontrol Study)/Enni Cahyani (et. al.).-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 32-36 URINARY CALCULI 129 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Chronic Urticaria)/Susanto Budi Tjahjono; Lorettha Wijaya; Raymond Widjajahakim.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(6)2001: 192-197 1405 Efektivitas Fosfomisin terhadap Pseudomonas, Proteus dan E. coli pada Penderita Pembesaran Prostat Jinak dan Batu Saluran Kemih (The Effectiveness of Fosfomycin againts Pseudomonas, Proteus and E. coli in Patients with Benign Prostat Hypertrophy (BPH) and Urinary Tract Stone)/Yudi Amiarno; Akmal Taher; Djoko Rahardjo.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 75-79 UTERINE PERFORATION 1410 Clinical Profile and Prognosis of Invasive Mole (IM) and Choriocarcinoma (ChCa) Complicated with Uterine Perforation/ Diamhoer Martaadisoebrata.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 240-243 URINARY INCONTINENCE 1406 Inkontinensia Urin pada Pasien Usia Lanjut (Urinary Incontinence in Elderly Patients)/Siti Setiati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(9)2001: 348-353 VACCINATION 1411 Short Review: Management of Vaccination - Related Anaphylaxis/Ariyanto Harsono.-- Folia Medica Indon., 37(1) 2001: 28-31 URINARY RETENTION 1407 Perbandingan Penggunaan Kateter Menetap Selama 6 Jam dan 24 Jam Pasca Seksio Sesarea dalam Pencegahan Retensio Urin (The Comparison of the Usage of Catheter Maintained for 6 Hours and 24 Hours Post-Cesarean Section in Preventing Urine Retention)/Siswono; Heryanto Kartono; Budi I. Santoso.-- Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 218-224 1412 Vaksinasi Influenza (Vaccination of Influenza)/Dianiati S. Kusumo Sutoyo.-- J. Respirol. Indon., 21(4)2001: 166-173 VACCINES 1413 Perkembangan Vaksin Malaria (The Development of Malaria Vaccine)/ Suharto; Susaniwati.-- Maj. Kedokter. Tropis Indon., 12(2)2001: 12-21 URINE 1408 Penemuan Sel-sel Darah dari Berbagai Maturitas dan Bentuk dalam Sedimen Urin (The Finding of Blood Cells in the Varieties in Mature and Immature Leucocytes in Urine Sediment)/Lisyani S.- Media Medika Indon., 36(1)2001: 9-13 VACCUM EXTRACTION, OBSTETRICAL URTICARIA 1414 Perdarahan Intrakanial pada Neonatus yang Dilahirkan dengan Ekstraksi Vakum (Intracranial Hemorrhage on Neonatal Delivered with Vaccum Extraction)/Meriah Sembiring.-- Medika, 27(6)2001: 393-396 1409 Uji Banding Loratadin dan Fexofenadin Hidroklorida pada Urtikaria Kronik (A Comparative Study of the Efficacy of Loratadine and Fexofenadine against 1415 Persalinan dengan Cara Ekstraksi Vakum oleh Bidan di RSUP Dr. Soedono Madiun Tahun 1998 (Obstetrical Vaccum 130 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Delivery)/Sylvia Y. Muliawan.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 36-39 Extraction by the Midwifery at Dr. Soedono Hospital, Madiun in 1998)/ Roekmi Hadi.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 32-35 1421 Diagnosis Praktis Vaginosis Bakterial pada Kehamilan (Practical Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis in Pregnancy)/Sylvia Y. Muliawan; Julius E. Suryawidjaja.-- J. Kedokter. Trisakti, 20(2)2001: 74-78 VAGINAL SMEARS 1416 Penatalaksanaan Tes Pap Abnormal (The Management of Abnormal Pap Test)/Fitriyadi Kusuma; Endy M. Moegni.- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001:1922 VARICOCELE 1422 Perubahan Hasil Analisis Semen dan Angka Fertilitas pada Penderita Varikokel yang Dilakukan Operasi Palomo (Improvement of Semen Analysis and Fertility Rate in Patients with Varicocele after Palomo Operation)/Djoko Rahardjo; Metra Syahar.-- Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(3)2001: 69-74 1417 Pengambilan Tes Pap yang Benar dan Permasalahannya (The Successful of Papaniculoau Smear Test and its Problem)/Junita Indarti.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (133)2001: 15-18 VAGINITIS 1418 Indikator untuk Mendianogsa Secara Cepat Infeksi T. Vaginalis pada Vagina pada Wanita Pekerja Seks Komersial di Kabupaten Badung serta Nilai Validitas Masing-masing (Rapid Indicators and Their Validity for the Diagnosis of Trichomonas Vaginalis Infection in Female Sex Workers in Denpasar, Bali)/ Dewa Putu Widjana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 252-259 VASCULER MOLECULE-1 CELL ADHESION 1423 Perbandingan Kadar Molekul Perekat Sel Vaskuler (VCAM-1) antara Kehamilan Normal dan Preeklampsia (The Comparison of VCAM-1 Concentration among Normal Pregnancy and Pre-eclampsia)/A. Hermawan; J.C. Mose; Effendi J.S.-Maj. Obstet. dan Ginekol. Indon., 25(4)2001: 203-209 1419 Some Epidemiological Aspects of Trichomonas Vaginalis Infection among Female Commercial Sex Workers in Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia/Dewa Putu Widjana.-Maj. Kedokter. Indon., 51(2)2001: 46-51 VEGETABLES 1424 Identifikasi Pemaparan Pestisida pada Sayuran (The Identification of Pesticide Exposure to Vegetables)/Lili Mulyatna.-J. Toksikol. Indon., 2(1)2001: 27-39 VAGINOSIS, BACTERIAL 1425 Kadar Sianida dalam Sayuran dan Umbiumbian di Daerah Gangguan Akibat Kurang Yodium/GAKY (Cyanida Contents on Vegetable and Tubers in Areas of Iodine Deficiency Disorders)/Ance 1420 Deteksi Dini Vaginosis Bakterial pada Kehamilan dapat Menurunkan Risiko Persalinan Preterm (The Early Detection of Bacterial Vaginosis on Pregnancy Could Decrease the Risk of Preterm 131 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Murdiana; Sukati Saidin.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 33-37 1431 Gangguan Akibat Kekurangan Vitamin A (The Disturbances of Vitamin A Deficiency)/Muhilal.-- J. Data dan Infor. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 27-30 VENA CAVA, SUPERIOR 1426 Superior Vena Cava Syndrome dan Penatalaksanaannya (Superior Vena Cava Syndrome and its Management)/ Bachtiar Fanani Lubis.-- Maj. Kedokter. Nusantara, 34(1)2001: 39-41 1432 Konsekuensi Kurang Vitamin A pada Anak-anak (The Consequences of Vitamin A Deficiency in Children)/ Muhilal.-- Maj. Gizi Indon., 25(-)2001: 30-36 VERTEBRATES 1427 Laporan Kasus Abses Paravertebra (Abscess Paravertebrates : A Case Report)/Linda Masnaeri; Pudjo Astowo.-J. Respirol. Indon., 21(3)2001: 109-114 VITAMIN B 12 1433 Hubungan antara Kadar Homosistein dengan Asam Folat dan Vitamin B12 pada Gagal Ginjal Terminal dengan Hemodialisis Reguler (The Correlation between Hemosistein with Folic Acid and Vitamin B12 on Kidney Failure Acute with Regular Hemodialysis)/Ketut Suwitra; I Gde Raka Widiana.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 246-251 VIROLOGY 1428 Fakta dan Tantangan dalam Virologi Kedokteran : Penekanan pada Vaksinasi dan Pengobatan (The Fact and Challenge in Medical Virology : The Emphisize in Vaccination and Treatment)/ Agus Sjahrurachman.-- Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (130)2001: 42-47 1434 Pengaruh Penambahan Asam Folat, Vitamin B12 and B6 pada Pil Besi terhadap Kadar Homocystein Plasma Ibu Hamil Anemia (Effect of Folic Acid, Vitamin B12 and B6 Supplementation on Iron Pills to Plasma Homocysteine among Anemic Pregnant Women)/Effendi Rustan (et. al.).-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 44-50 VISUAL FIELDS 1429 Kelainan Lapang Pandangan pada Glaukoma (Visual Field Defect in Glaucoma)/Hartono.-- Berk. Ilm. Kesehat. Fatmawati, 3(7)2001: 286-290 VITAMIN A 1430 Hubungan Kandungan Karotenoid dan Retinol dalam Darah dan ASI pada Ibu Menyusui di Daerah Penghasil dan Bukan Penghasil Sayuran (Association of Carotenoids and Retinol Levels in Blood and Breastmilk of Lactating Mothers in Vegetables and Non-vegetables Producing Area)/Djoko Pambudi; Fitrah Ernawati; Susilowati Herman.-- Penelit. Gizi dan Makan., (24)2001: 51-58 VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY VULVAR NEOPLASMS 1435 Toward Less Radical Surgery in the Management of Vulvar Cancer : Why Sentinel Node/ Boy Busmar (et. al.).-- J. Persahabatan Ilm. Kesehat., 1(1)2001: 59-69 WARTS 132 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 Perbaikan Kondisi Kerja Mengurangi Beban Kerja dan Gangguan pada Sistem Muskuloskeletal Mahasiswa dalam Menggunakan Mikroskop di Laboratorium Biologi STKIP Singaraja (Improvement of Working Condition to Decreased of Workload and the Disturbance of Musculosceletal System in Student Using Microscope at the Biology Department of STKIP Singaraja)/I Made Sutajaya.-Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 234-237 1436 Veruca (Veruka)/Dameria Sinaga.-- Maj. Kedokter. Fak. Kedokter. Univ. Kristen Indon., 19(47)2001: 31-35 WATER 1437 Pegelolaan Sumber Daya Air Berwawasan Kesehatan (The Management of Water Resources)/Sri Soewasti Soesanto; Sri Irianti.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(1)2001: 4549 1442 Perbaikan Proses Kerja Mengurangi Beban Kerja dan Gangguan pada Sistem Muskuloskeletal Pematung di Peliatan, Ubud (Improvement of Working Process Could Reduce the Workload and Musculoskeletal Complaint of Wood Carversin at Peliatan, Ubud)/I Made Sutajaya.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 115-118 WHEAT GERM AGGLUTININS 1438 Sistem Bawah Penglihatan pada Tikus Wistar : Studi Jejas-Saraf dengan Wheat Germ Agglutinin Conjugated to Horseradish Peroxidase/WGA-HRP (Axonal Projection in Subvisual Pathway in Wistar Rats Using Anterograde Neurinal Tracer with Wheat Germ Agglutinin Conjungted to Horseradish Peroxidase/ WGA-HRP)/Irawan Satriotomo; Takanori Miki; Yoshiki Takeuchi.-- Medika, 27(3) 2001: 151-155 1443 Studi Beban Kerja Petugas dalam Kegiatan Pencatatan dan Pelaporan di Puskesmas Wlingi dan Nglegok, Kabupaten Blitar (Study on the Workload of Health Care Staffs in Recording and Reporting Activities at Wlingi and Nglegok Community Health Center, Blitar)/Lestari Handayani (et. al.).-- Bul. Penelit. Sistem Kesehat., 4(1)2001: 27-40 WOLFF-PERKINSON-WHITE SYNDROME 1439 Sindrom Wolff-Parkinson-White dengan Takikardia Atrioventrikuler Reentri pada Seorang Wanita Muda : Laporan Kasus (Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome with Reentry Atrioventricular Tachycardia in Young Women : A Case Report)/B.P. Putra Suryana; Djanggan Sargowo.-Cerm. Dunia Kedokter., (132)2001: 24-27 WOUNDS AND INJURIES 1444 Respon Imunologik terhadap Trauma (Imunological Response through Trauma)/Putu Astawa.-- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(114)2001: 208-221 WORKLOAD 1440 Age, Body Posture, Daily Working Load, Post Antihypertensive Drugs and Risk of Hypertension : A Rural Indonesian Study/ Bastaman Basuki; Budhi Setianto.-Medical J. of Indon., 10(1)2001: 29-33 1441 X-RAYS 133 INDEX MEDICUS INDONESIA 2001 1445 Perkiraan Energi Efektif Keluaran Pesawat Sinar X Diagnostik (The Estimate of Effective Energy of Diagnostical X-Ray Machine Output)/Mukhlis Akhadi; Helfi Yuliati.-- Medika, 27(8)2001: 487-490 YOGURT 1446 Potensi Zat Bakteriostatik Alami dari Bakteri Asam Laktat yang di Jumpai dalam Yoghurt (The Potency of Natural Bacteriostatic Substance of Lactic Acid Bacteria in Yoghurt)/I Nyoman Suarsana.- Maj. Kedokter. Udayana, 32(112)2001: 78-82 ZINC 1447 Dampak Suplementasi Seng (Zn) dan Besi (Fe) terhadap Pertumbuhan Anak Usia 4 - 24 Bulan (The Effect of Iron and Zinc Supplementation on Child Development with Aged between 6-24 Months)/Hadi Riyadi.-- Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 25(2)2001: 124-133 1448 Pengaruh Suplementasi Seng terhadap Ketajaman Pengecap Manula (The Effect of Zinc Supplementation through the Taste Acuity in the Elderly)/Ekky M. Rahardja.-- Ebers Papyrus, 7(1)2001: 15-30 ZOONOSES 1447 Kemungkinan Malaria Primata sebagai Masalah Zoonosis (The Possibility of Primate Malaria as Zoonotic Problem)/Shinta.-- Media Penelit. dan Pengembang. Kesehat., 11(3)2001: 8-13 134
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