Adult CCRN / CCRN-E Certification Review Course: Handout Presented by: Mary Kay Bader, RN, MSN, CCRN, CNRN, CCNS, FAHA Suzi Burns, RN, MSN, RRT, CCRN, ACNP, FAAN, FCCM, FAANP Bobbi Leeper, RN, MN, CCRN, FAHA Carol A. Rauen, RN, MS, CCNS, CCRN, PCCN An AACN Critical Care Publication 101 Columbia Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-1491 2011 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses В© All rights reserved. AACN grants permission for a single individual to print one copy of this electronic publication. No additional copies are permitted. No part of this electronic publication may be reproduced, uploaded, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of AACN. 1|Page Adult CCRN / CCRN-E Certification Review Course: Handout Overview, Caring Practices, Behavioral, and Endocrine Presented by: Carol A. Rauen, RN, MS, CCNS, CCRN, PCCN An AACN Critical Care Publication 101 Columbia Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-1491 2011 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses В© All rights reserved. AACN grants permission for a single individual to print one copy of this electronic publication. No additional copies are permitted. No part of this electronic publication may be reproduced, uploaded, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of AACN. 2|Page Professional Caring and Ethical Practice I. Introduction A. AACN-CCRN Blueprint Professional Caring and Ethical Practices…………….. 20% пЃ™ Advocacy/Moral Agency ……………………………… пЃ™ Caring Practices……………… ……………………… пЃ™ Collaboration…………………………………………. пЃ™ Systems Thinking…………………………………….. пЃ™ Response to Diversity………………………………… пЃ™ Clinical Inquiry………………………………………. пЃ™ Facilitation of Learning……………………………… B. 3% 4% 4% 2% 2% 2% 3% Synergy Model of Certified Practice (taken directly from AACN web page. Synergy Model Basic Information. (bullets added for emphasis) The core concept of the re-conceptualized model of certified practice - the AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care - is that the needs or characteristics of patients and families influence and drive the characteristics or competencies of nurses. Synergy results when the needs and characteristics of a patient, clinical unit or system are matched with a nurse’s competencies. All patients have similar needs and experience these needs across wide ranges or continuums from health to illness. Logically, the more compromised patients are, the more severe or complex are their needs. The dimensions of a nurse's practice are driven by the needs of a patient and family. This requires nurses to be proficient in the multiple dimensions of the nursing continuums. When nurse competencies stem from patient needs and the characteristics of the nurse and patient synergize, optimal patient outcomes can result. The AACN Synergy Model and Certification Examinations The AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care was developed to link clinical practice with patient outcomes. The integration of the Synergy 3|Page Model into the AACN Certification Corporation credentialing programs puts an emphasis on the patient, and says to the world that patients come first. Nurses make a unique contribution to outcomes, quality of care and containment of costs. Recognizing the additional components that comprise critical care nursing, 20% of the CCRN examination is now based on Advocacy/Moral Agency, Caring Practices, Collaboration, Systems Thinking, Response to Diversity, Clinical Inquiry and Facilitation of Learning knowledge and skills. These nursing characteristics are referred to collectively as "Professional Caring and Ethical Practice." The remaining 80% of the CCRN examination continues to be based on clinical judgment. Since July 1, 1999, the CCRN examination has included the following component: Professional Caring and Ethical Practice, which is based on the AACN Synergy Model for Patient Care. Prior to the application of the Synergy Model framework to the CCRN certification program, the examination was based solely on clinical judgment. The Synergy Model, and its incorporation into the CCRN, CCNS and PCCN exams, is not to have nurses memorize the various patient or nurse characteristics, or their levels. They are presented here to help you begin to comprehend the model. Test questions cover application of the Synergy Model, not its terminology. 1. Patient Characteristics: Each patient and family, clinical unit and system is unique, with a varying capacity for health and vulnerability to illness. Each one brings a set of unique characteristics to the care situation. These characteristics span the health-illness continuum. пЃ› Resiliency--the capacity to return to a restorative level of functioning using compensatory/coping mechanisms; the ability to bounce back quickly after an insult. Level 1 - Minimally resilient - Unable to mount a response; failure of compensatory/coping mechanisms; minimal reserves; brittle Level 3 - Moderately resilient - Able to mount a moderate response; able to initiate some degree of compensation; moderate reserves 4|Page Level 5 - Highly resilient - Able to mount and maintain a response; intact compensatory/coping mechanisms; strong reserves; endurance пЃ› Vulnerability--susceptibility to actual or potential stressors that may adversely affect patient outcomes. Level 1 - Highly vulnerable - Susceptible; unprotected, fragile Level 3 - Moderately vulnerable - Somewhat susceptible; somewhat protected Level 5 - Minimally vulnerable - Safe; out of the woods; protected, not fragile пЃ› Stability--the ability to maintain a steady-state equilibrium. Level 1 - Minimally stable - Labile; unstable; unresponsive to therapies; high risk of death Level 3 - Moderately stable - Able to maintain steady state for limited period of time; some responsiveness to therapies Level 5 - Highly stable - Constant; responsive to therapies; low risk of death пЃ› Complexity--the intricate entanglement of two or more systems (e.g., body, family, therapies). Level 1 - Highly complex - Intricate; complex patient/family dynamics; ambiguous/vague; atypical presentation Level 3 - Moderately complex - Moderately involved patient/family dynamics Level 5 - Minimally complex - Straightforward; routine patient/family dynamics; simple/clear cut; typical presentation пЃ› Resource Availability--extent of resources (e.g., technical, fiscal, personal, psychological, and social) the patient/family/community bring to the situation. Level 1 - Few resources - Necessary knowledge and skills not available; necessary financial support not available; minimal personal/psychological supportive resources; few social systems resources 5|Page Level 3 - Moderate resources - Limited knowledge and skills available; limited financial support available; limited personal/psychological supportive resources; limited social systems resources Level 5 - Many resources - Extensive knowledge and skills available and accessible; financial resources readily available; strong personal/psychological supportive resources; strong social systems resources пЃ› Participation in Care--extent to which patient/family engages in aspects of care. Level 1 - No participation - Patient and family unable or unwilling to participate in care Level 3 - Moderate level of participation - Patient and family need assistance in care Level 5 - Full participation - Patient and family fully able to participate in care пЃ› Participation in Decision-Making--extent to which patient/family engages in decision-making. Level 1 - No participation - Patient and family have no capacity for decision-making; requires surrogacy Level 3 - Moderate level of participation - Patient and family have limited capacity; seeks input/advice from others in decision-making Level 5 - Full participation - Patient and family have capacity, and makes decision for self пЃ› Predictability--a characteristic that allows one to expect a certain course of events or course of illness. Level 1 - Not predictable - Uncertain; uncommon patient population/illness; unusual or unexpected course; does not follow critical pathway, or no critical pathway developed Level 3 - Moderately predictable - Wavering; occasionally-noted patient population/illness Level 5 - Highly predictable - Certain; common patient 6|Page population/illness; usual and expected course; follows critical pathway For example: A healthy, uninsured, 40-year-old woman undergoing a preemployment physical is likely to be: (a) stable (b) not complex (c) very predictable (d) resilient (e) not vulnerable (f) able to participate in decision-making and care, but (g) has inadequate resource availability. A critically ill infant with multisystem organ failure is likely to be: (a) unstable (b) highly complex (c) unpredictable (d) highly resilient (e) vulnerable (f) unable to become involved in decision-making and care, but (g) has adequate resource availability. 2. Nurse Characteristics: Nurse Competencies of Concern to Patients, Clinical Units and Systems Nursing care reflects an integration of knowledge, skills, experience, and attitudes needed to meet the needs of patients and families. Thus, continuums of nurse characteristics are derived from patient needs. The following are levels of expertise ranging from competent (1) to expert (5): пЃ› Clinical Judgment--clinical reasoning, which includes clinical decision-making, critical thinking, and a global grasp of the situation, coupled with nursing skills acquired through a process of integrating education, experiential knowledge, and evidencebased guidelines. Level 1 - Collects basic-level data; follows algorithms, decision trees, and protocols with all populations and is uncomfortable deviating from them; matches formal knowledge with clinical events to make decisions; questions the limits of one's ability to make clinical decisions and delegates the decision-making to other clinicians; includes extraneous detail 7|Page Level 3 - Collects and interprets complex patient data; makes clinical judgments based on an immediate grasp of the whole picture for common or routine patient populations; recognizes patterns and trends that may predict the direction of illness; recognizes limits and seeks appropriate help; focuses on key elements of case, while shorting out extraneous details Level 5 - Synthesizes and interprets multiple, sometimes conflicting, sources of data; makes judgment based on an immediate grasp of the whole picture, unless working with new patient populations; uses past experiences to anticipate problems; helps patient and family see the "big picture;" recognizes the limits of clinical judgment and seeks multidisciplinary collaboration and consultation with comfort; recognizes and responds to the dynamic situation пЃ› Clinical Inquiry (Innovator/Evaluator)--the ongoing process of questioning and evaluating practice and providing informed practice. Creating changes through evidence-based practice, research utilization and experiential knowledge. Level 1 - Follows standards and guidelines; implements clinical changes and research-based practices developed by others; recognizes the need for further learning to improve patient care; recognizes obvious changing patient situation (e.g., deterioration, crisis); needs and seeks help to identify patient problem Level 3 - Questions appropriateness of policies and guidelines; questions current practice; seeks advice, resources, or information to improve patient care; begins to compare and contrast possible alternatives Level 5 - Improves, deviates from, or individualizes standards and guidelines for particular patient situations or populations; questions and/or evaluates current practice based on patients' responses, review of the literature, research and education/learning; acquires knowledge and skills needed to address questions arising in practice and improve patient care; 8|Page (The domains of clinical judgment and clinical inquiry converge at the expert level; they cannot be separated) пЃ› Facilitation of Learning--the ability to facilitate learning for patients/families, nursing staff, other members of the healthcare team, and community. Includes both formal and informal facilitation of learning. Level 1 - Follows planned educational programs; sees patient/family education as a separate task from delivery of care; provides data without seeking to assess patient's readiness or understanding; has limited knowledge of the totality of the educational needs; focuses on a nurse's perspective; sees the patient as a passive recipient Level 3 - Adapts planned educational programs; begins to recognize and integrate different ways of teaching into delivery of care; incorporates patient's understanding into practice; sees the overlapping of educational plans from different healthcare providers' perspectives; begins to see the patient as having input into goals; begins to see individualism Level 5 - Creatively modifies or develops patient/family education programs; integrates patient/family education throughout delivery of care; evaluates patient's understanding by observing behavior changes related to learning; is able to collaborate and incorporate all healthcare providers' and educational plans into the patient/family educational program; sets patient-driven goals for education; sees patient/family as having choices and consequences that are negotiated in relation to education пЃ› Collaboration--working with others (e.g., patients, families, healthcare providers) in a way that promotes/encourages each person's contributions toward achieving optimal/realistic patient/family goals. Involves intra- and inter-disciplinary work with colleagues and community. 9|Page Level 1 - Willing to be taught, coached and/or mentored; participates in team meetings and discussions regarding patient care and/or practice issues; open to various team members' contributions Level 3 - Seeks opportunities to be taught, coached, and/or mentored; elicits others' advice and perspectives; initiates and participates in team meetings and discussions regarding patient care and/or practice issues; recognizes and suggests various team members' participation Level 5 - Seeks opportunities to teach, coach, and mentor and to be taught, coached and mentored; facilitates active involvement and complementary contributions of others in team meetings and discussions regarding patient care and/or practice issues; involves/recruits diverse resources when appropriate to optimize patient outcomes пЃ› Systems Thinking--body of knowledge and tools that allow the nurse to manage whatever environmental and system resources exist for the patient/family and staff, within or across healthcare and non-healthcare systems. Level 1 - Uses a limited array of strategies; limited outlook sees the pieces or components; does not recognize negotiation as an alternative; sees patient and family within the isolated environment of the unit; sees self as key resource Level 3 - Develops strategies based on needs and strengths of patient/family; able to make connections within components; sees opportunity to negotiate but may not have strategies; developing a view of the patient/family transition process; recognizes how to obtain resources beyond self Level 5 - Develops, integrates, and applies a variety of strategies that are driven by the needs and strengths of the patient/family; global or holistic outlook - sees the whole rather than the pieces; knows when and how to negotiate and navigate through the system on behalf of patients and families; 10 | P a g e anticipates needs of patients and families as they move through the healthcare system; utilizes untapped and alternative resources as necessary пЃ› Advocacy and Moral Agency--working on another's behalf and representing the concerns of patient/family and nursing staff; serving as a moral agent in identifying and helping to resolve ethical and clinical concerns within and outside the clinical setting. Level 1 - Works on behalf of patient; self assesses personal values; aware of ethical conflicts/issues that may surface in clinical setting; makes ethical/moral decisions based on rules; represents patient when patient cannot represent self; aware of patients' rights Level 3 - Works on behalf of patient and family; considers patient values and incorporates in care, even when differing from personal values; supports colleagues in ethical and clinical issues; moral decision-making can deviate from rules; demonstrates give and take with patient's family, allowing them to speak/represent themselves when possible; aware of patient and family rights Level 5 - Works on behalf of patient, family, and community; advocates from patient/family perspective, whether similar to or different from personal values; advocates ethical conflict and issues from patient/ family perspective; suspends rules - patient and family drive moral decision-making; empowers the patient and family to speak for/represent themselves; achieves mutuality within patient/professional relationships пЃ› Caring Practices--the constellation of nursing activities that create a compassionate, supportive, and therapeutic environment for patients and staff, with the aim of promoting comfort and healing and preventing unnecessary suffering. Includes, but is not limited to, vigilance, engagement, and responsiveness of caregivers, including family and healthcare personnel. 11 | P a g e Level 1 - Focuses on the usual and customary needs of the patient; no anticipation of future needs; bases care on standards and protocols; maintains a safe physical environment; acknowledges death as a potential outcome Level 3 - Responds to subtle patient and family changes; engages with the patient as a unique patient in a compassionate manner; recognizes and tailors caring practices to the individuality of patient and family; domesticates the patient's and family's environment; recognizes that death may be an acceptable outcome Level 5 - Has astute awareness and anticipates patient and family changes and needs; fully engaged with and sensing how to stand alongside the patient, family, and community; caring practices follow the patient and family lead; anticipates hazards and avoids them, and promotes safety throughout patient's and family's transitions along the healthcare continuum; orchestrates the process that ensures patient's/family's comfort and concerns surrounding issues of death and dying are met пЃ› Response to Diversity- the sensitivity to recognize, appreciate and incorporate differences into the provision of care. Differences may include, but are not limited to, cultural differences, spiritual beliefs, gender, race, ethnicity, lifestyle, socioeconomic status, age, and values. Level 1 - Assesses cultural diversity; provides care based on own belief system; learns the culture of the healthcare environment Level 3 -Inquires about cultural differences and considers their impact on care; accommodates personal and professional differences in the plan of care; helps patient/family understand the culture of the healthcare system Level 5 - Responds to, anticipates, and integrates cultural differences into patient/family care; appreciates and incorporates differences, including alternative therapies, into 12 | P a g e care; tailors healthcare culture, to the extent possible, to meet the diverse needs and strengths of the patient/family For example: If the gestalt of a patient were stable but unpredictable, minimally resilient, and vulnerable, primary competencies of the nurse would be centered on clinical judgment and caring practices, (which includes vigilance). If the gestalt of a patient were vulnerable, unable to participate in decision-making and care, and inadequate resource availability, the primary competencies of the nurse would focus on advocacy and moral agency, collaboration, and systems thinking. All eight competencies are essential for contemporary nursing practice, but each assumes more or less importance depending on a patient’s characteristics. Synergy results when the needs and characteristics of a patient, clinical unit or system are matched with a nurse’s competencies. II. Practice Questions 1. Which of the following actions by a nurse might decrease a patient’s self-esteem? A. Discussing the negative consequences of the patient’s condition. B. Requiring the patient to participate in all treatments. C. Providing opportunities to discuss issues important to the patient. D. Indicating his or her acceptance of the patient’s condition. 2. A 22-year-old patient with end-stage liver failure secondary to Hepatitis C virus has been declared brain dead. The parents decide to discontinue feedings and donate their daughter’s organs. In response to the parents’ request, the most appropriate action by the nurse would be to: A. Contact the organ procurement agency. B. Convene a multidisciplinary care conference. 13 | P a g e C. Tell the parents that their daughter’s condition precludes organ donation. D. Discontinue feedings per the parents’ request. 3. A patient in the ICU is confused about time and place, despite frequent reorientation. For the patient’s safety, the nurse would initially: A. Put a vest restraint on the patient. B. Ask a family member to stay with the patient. C. Administer a mild sedative. D. Increase the frequency of observation of the patient. 4. A patient transferring out of the ICU says, “Why can’t I just stay a few days longer? I don’t feel strong enough.” Which of the following is the most appropriate response? A. “There’s a very sick patient who needs this bed.” B. “You sound concerned about leaving the ICU.” C. “Most people do just fine after transfer.” D. “Your insurance limits the time you can stay in the ICU.” 5. Six members of a trauma patient’s family arrive at the ICU asking questions about their loved one’s condition. The nurse’s most appropriate initial response would be to: A. Ensure that the chaplain is available. B. Include the family in patient care. C. Offer the family a tour of the ICU. D. Identify a family spokesperson. 6. A patient’s family expresses anxiety regarding the meaning of numbers on the patient’s monitor, and asks the nurse for clarification. The nurse’s most appropriate response would be: A. “The numbers indicate when the patient is having problems.” B. “The numbers help us determine the best treatment.” C. “Which numbers on the monitor concern you?” 14 | P a g e D. “What don’t you understand about the monitor?” 7. A patient has been waiting in the ICU for 2 months for a heart transplant. A family member angrily tells the nurse, "This is hopeless!" the nurse's actions should be based on the knowledge that: A. Expressions of frustration are normal and usually require no nursing intervention. B. Since expressions of hopelessness may be harmful to the patient, the family member should be encouraged to keep those statements out of the patient care area. C. The integrity of the family system is crucial in the transplant process. D. Encouraging discussion of negative emotions can impede their resolution. 8. A major trauma victim is transported from a rural hospital. The patient died prior to the wife's arrival to the ICU. The nurse would best prepare for the wife's arrival by: A. Arranging for a physician to speak with her when she enters the unit. B. Planning to escort her to the waiting room to await the physician's arrival. C. Preparing to give her information about the care her husband received prior to death. D. Planning to escort her to the morgue to see her husband. 9. A patient with Type I insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus is admitted in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Since admission to the ICU, the patient’s glucose levels have been in the range of 400 – 500 mg/dl, and regular insulin has been administered on a sliding dosage scale. Given these findings, the most appropriate initial nursing intervention is to: A. Consult with the physician about changing the regimen to regular insulin via continuous drip. 15 | P a g e B. Arrange for nutritional consult to enhance adherence to ADA diet. C. Consult with the physician about increasing the maximum dosage of regular insulin on the sliding scale. D. Request evaluation by diabetic educator. 10. An AMI patient is in critical condition in the CCU. His significant other has been at the bedside providing reassurance and support since his admit 12 hours ago. His estranged wife arrives and demands that the significant other not be allowed to visit or be given condition updates. The nurse should: A. Ask the physician to write an order to allow the significant other to have visitation privileges. B. Request a multidisciplinary care conference to discuss visitation and communication of patient status. C. Contact the hospital's medical- legal department and request that the hospital attorney speak to the wife. D. Encourage the patient to express his desire to spend time with his significant other to his wife. 11. A nurse is caring for a patient with a T5 spinal cord injury. To facilitate the patient’s safe transfer to a rehabilitation facility, the nurse would: A. Ensure that the patient is functionally independent prior to transfer. B. Ensure that the patient has bowel and bladder control. C. Consult with the rehabilitation staff regarding transfer criteria. D. Request a psychiatric evaluation of the patient’s coping skills. 12. The family of a patient moved to a lower acuity area verbalizes feelings of mistrust, disappointment and rejection by the ICU staff. These are signs of: A. Poor self-esteem. B. Hopelessness. C. Transfer anxiety. D. Powerlessness. 16 | P a g e 13. After cardiac surgery, a patient who is a Jehovah’s Witness has an HCT of 18% and accumulated chest tube drainage of 1800cc in the first 3 hours. The most appropriate action would be to: A. Begin continuous-circuit autotransfusion. B. Administer donated directed PRBCs. C. Administer donated autologous whole blood. D. Administer 500cc of albumin. 14. A Russian patient who does not speak or understand English has just undergone an aortic valve replacement. The nurse notices he is increasingly restless and splinting his chest with both hands. An effective means of communication with this patient would be by: A. Using a letter board. B. Contacting the patient’s family. C. Touch and gestures. D. Using “yes” or “no” questions. 15. When teaching a family member to perform an aspect of patient care, the nurse understands that family members: A. Are unaffected by the timing of teaching. B. Learn best if they perceive a need to learn. C. Learn best if shown a complex procedure all at once. D. Learn unrelated tasks first. 16. A blind patient is to be transferred to the neuroscience unit after unsuccessful thrombolytic therapy for a right middle cerebral artery stroke. The nurse would prepare the patient for transition by: A. Offering to answer the patient’s questions about the transfer. B. Giving the patient a brief, factual introduction to the unit. C. Providing written materials about the receiving unit to the patient’s family. D. Arranging for the patient’s family to tour the receiving unit. 17 | P a g e 17. The daughter of a mechanically ventilated patient is to be taught how to suction. When developing a teaching plan, the nurse must first: A. Obtain written information about the procedure. B. Determine a schedule for demonstrating the technique C. Assess the knowledge and skills the daughter needs to learn. D. Encourage the daughter to observe the procedure on other patients. 18. A physician instructs an orientee to level an ICP transducer to the Foramen of Magnum. The critical care nurse should: A. Tell the orientee to level the transducer to the Foramen of Monroe. B. Help the orientee plan and carry out an appropriate response. C. Help the orientee identify the correct anatomical landmarks. D. Reinforce the physician’s instructions to the orientee. 19. To assess discomfort in a patient with chronic dementia, the nurse should: A. Consistently use a visual or numerical pain rating scale. B. Analyze the amount of pain medication given to the patient. C. Monitor the patient’s behaviors and physiologic data. D. Speak slowly while looking directly at the patient. 20. A patient with cerebral edema after a subarachnoid hemorrhage has been ordered nifedipine 10 mg PO q4h. The patient’s blood pressure is 150/85. How should the nurse respond to this order? A. Ask the pharmacist to clarify the order. B. Discuss the purpose of the order with the physician. C. Research the indications and safety of nifedipine. D. Administer the medication to control blood pressure. 18 | P a g e 21. When caring for a 15-year-old patient, the nurse would: A. Address worries about the future. B. Use games as a teaching strategy. C. Encourage the patient to talk about life experiences. D. Allow the patient’s peers to visit. 22. A patient has just been informed of the diagnosis of liver failure. Clutching a rosary, the patient says to the nurse, “I am going to die.” The nurse’s best response would be: A. “Do you want me to call the chaplain?” B. “Don’t give up your will to live.” C. “You think you are going to die?” D. “Have faith in God’s will.” 23. Providing culture-specific care includes understanding: A. That identifying the changes that need to occur, and who will be involved, is part of developing a therapeutic plan. B. Health beliefs among members of a cultural group are the same. C. Delineating standard goals of therapy will help enhance patient adherence to a therapeutic regimen. D. Use of non-specific methods will enhance patient problem solving. 24. A patient who does not speak or understand English is admitted to the ICU. Guidelines for using a translator may include: A. Having the translator ask questions that you don’t feel comfortable asking. B. Standing next to the translator and as close to the patient as possible. C. Providing all of the information; then allowing for translation and asking of questions. D. Allowing time for the translator to decode the medical jargon used in the teaching. 19 | P a g e 25. You are caring for a patient experiencing a fourth bout of congestive heart failure. The patient states “I cannot take it anymore. I wish I could end all of this.” A priority when caring for this patient’s response to stress is to: A. Place the patient in a hospital gown or pajamas. B. Explore suicidal intent with the patient. C. Manage the patient in a restrictive environment for the first 48 hours. D. Allow the patient to have only short periods alone once in a safe environment. 26. An alert patient is emergently intubated during an episode of pulmonary edema. When family members come to visit the patient, they cry out, “Talk to me; talk to me!” The nurse should tell the family that: A. They must not excite the patient while visiting. B. Communication is not a priority at this time. C. The patient is too exhausted to converse with them. D. The breathing tube temporarily prevents the patient from speaking. 27. The nurse is instructing a patient’s family about the significant complications of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Which of the following would be most important for the family to report to nursing staff? A. An increase in temperature to 99 degrees F (37.2 degrees C) B. A change from alert to drowsy C. Some loss of short-term memory D. Redness at the incision site 28. A patient who is stable after AMI is to be transferred from the ICU to a telemetry unit. The patient’s spouse says, “I don’t want my spouse moved; it’s too soon.” Discussion with this patient and spouse should focus on: A. Improvements in the patient’s condition. B. Reviewing the acuity of the other patients. 20 | P a g e C. The spouse’s ability to act as caregiver. D. The contrasting staffing ratios of the units. 29. A teenager post cardiac arrest has a new diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The parents are concerned about what to do if the patient collapses again. The nurse’s best response would be: A. “Now that your son has been diagnosed and treated, you need not worry.” B. “Would teaching you CPR help ease your anxieties?” C. “Do you know how to access the EMS system?” D. “I will have your son’s cardiologist talk to you.” 30. A patient with receptive aphasia and dementia is to be enrolled in a clinical trial. How should the critical care nurse proceed to ensure that informed consent is ethically obtained? A. Involve the patient’s legal guardian in the consent process. B. Ensure that the investigator is aware of the patient’s condition. C. Inform the institutional review board (IRB) of the potential risk to the patient. D. Obtain a copy of the consent form to place in the patient’s chart. 31. A patient recalls a near-death experience (NDE) that occurred during resuscitation and wishes to tell the nurse about it. What is the optimal response by the nurse? A. Let the patient know that NDE’s are often hallucinations. B. Compare the patient’s story to the actual resuscitation events. C. Encourage the patient to describe the NDE to his family. D. Make time to listen actively while the patient tells the story. 21 | P a g e REFERENCES (Rauen updated original list taken from Alspach, J. Core Curriculum for Critical Care Nursing. Saunders, 2006. Alspach, J. AACN Certification and Core Review for High Acuity and Critical Care 6th ed. Saunders (2008) Antoi-Otong, D. Psychiatric Nursing: Biologic and Behavioral Concepts. Saunders, 1995. Barry, P.D. Psychosocial Nursing: Care of the Physically Ill Patients and Their Families. Lippincott, 1996. Chulay, M., Burns, S. AACN Essentials of Critical Care Nursing. McGraw Hill, 2010. Hickey, J. The Clinical Practice of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing. Lippincott, 1997. Morton, P., Fontaine, D. Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach. 9th ed. Lippincot, Williams and Wilkins. 2007 Lipson, et al. Culture and Nursing Care, UCSF Press, 1998. Thelan, et al. Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management. Mosby, 2006. Wirtz, et al. Managing chronic spinal cord injury, Critical Care Nurse, Vol. 16, No. 4. 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. C 9. A 10. B 22 | P a g e 11.C 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.C 20.B 21.D 22.C 23.A 24.B 25.B 26.D 27.B 28.A 29.B 30.A 31.D III. Caring & Ethical Practices A. Ethical Principles пЃ› Patient Autonomy: Self determination, freedom of choice пЃ› Justice: Fair treatment without discrimination пЃ› Veracity: Truth, honesty and integrity пЃ› Fidelity: Obligation to care to the best of ones ability пЃ› Beneficence: Doing good for others пЃ› Non-maleficence: Do no harm пЃ› Paternalism: Deciding what is right (best) for others B. Moral Concepts пЃ› Respect for Persons пЃ› Justice пЃ› Values пЃ› Rights C. Family Theories 1. Family Needs: Nancy Molter пЃ› Need for Accurate and Regular Information пЃ› Need to See the Patient пЃ› Need to be Helpful to the Patient пЃ› Need to Understand the Hospital Environment пЃ› Need to Preserve a Reasonable Emotional Balance пЃ› Need to Relive the Incident (common for trauma families) пЃ› Need for Realistic Hope and Assurance пЃ› Need to Have Personal Needs Met пЃ› Need for Support пЃ› Need to Maintain or Develop Confidence in Care 2. 23 | P a g e Phases of Family Recovery: Epperson пЃ› High Anxiety пЃ› Denial пЃ› Anger пЃ› Remorse пЃ› Grief пЃ› Reconciliation 24 | P a g e 3. Functional Coping: Fogerty’s Model пЃ› Family Adapts to Change пЃ› Connectedness is Maintained пЃ› Minimum of Fusion: distance is not used to solve problems пЃ› Triangling is Discouraged пЃ› Differences are tolerated and encouraged пЃ› Preservation of a positive emotional climate takes precedence over what “should” be done and what is “right” пЃ› Members of a family use each other for feedback and learning, not as the enemy 4. Dysfunctional Coping пЃ› Prolonged Denial пЃ› Disruption of Family Routines пЃ› Blaming- Increased Conflict пЃ› Dysfunctional Behaviors: agitation, depression, hostility, guilt, addictions пЃ› Forgetting critical facts or necessary information пЃ› Not Hearing- decreased crisis or non-resolution of crisis пЃ› Scapegoating – projecting all the problems onto one family member to relieve the overall anxiety in the system пЃ› Unhealthy communication patterns: secrets, deception, double messages, evasiveness D. Adult Learning Principles: Malcolm Knowles пЃ› The Need to Know пЃ› The Learner’s Self-Concept пЃ› The Role of Experience пЃ› Readiness to Learn пЃ› Orientation to Learning пЃ› Motivation E. Pain пЃ› Definition “A personal, private sensation of hurt. A harmful stimulus which signals current or impending tissue damage. A pattern of responses to protect the organism from harm.” Sternback (1979) “Pain is whatever the experiencing person says it is and exists whenever he/she says it does.” McCaffery (1979) пЃ› Acute vs. Chronic пЃ› Assessment пЃ› Treatment F. Growth and Development: Erik Erikson’s Stages of Life Cycle пЃ› Trust vs. Mistrust 0-2 yr Hope пЃ› Autonomy vs. Shame 2-3 yr Will пЃ› Initiative vs. Guilt 3-6 yr Purpose пЃ› Industry vs. Inferiority 6-12 yr Competence пЃ› Identity vs. Role Confusion 13-20yr Fidelity пЃ› Intimacy vs. Isolation 21-45 yr Love пЃ› Generativity vs. Stagnation 45-65 yr Care пЃ› Ego Integrity vs. Despair >65 yr Wisdom H. Human Needs: Maslow пЃ› Physiologic пЃ› Safety and Security пЃ› Love and Belonging пЃ› Self-Esteem пЃ› Self-Actualization 25 | P a g e I. IV. Stages of Death & Dying: Elizabeth Kubler-Ross пЃ› Denial or Isolation пЃ› Anger пЃ› Bargaining пЃ› Depression пЃ› Acceptance Summary 26 | P a g e Behavioral I. Introduction AACN-CCRN Blueprint 4% пЃ¶ Abuse/Neglect пЃ¶ Antisocial Behaviors, Aggression, Violence пЃ¶ Delirium and Dementia пЃ¶ Developmental Delays пЃ¶ Failure to Thrive пЃ¶ Mood Disorders and Depression пЃ¶ Substance Dependence (e.g. withdrawal, drug-seeking behavior, chronic alcohol or drug dependence) пЃ¶ Suicidal Behavior AACN Synergy Model Patient Characteristic пЃ¶ Resiliency пЃ¶ Vulnerability пЃ¶ Stability пЃ¶ Complexity пЃ¶ Resource Availability пЃ¶ Participation in Care пЃ¶ Participation in Decision Making пЃ¶ Predictability II. Assessment A. Psychosocial Assessment пЃ› Acute Care Hospitalization is a Potential Crisis for Patient and Family пЃ› Pre-Existing Mental Health Diagnosis пЃ› Undiagnosed Mental Health Problems пЃ› Pre Hospitalization Coping Skills пЃ› Anxiety Level пЃ› Scope of Control/Powerlessness пЃ› Sources of Support пЃ› Family Stress 27 | P a g e пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› Cognitive Level Sleep Deprivation Pain Level Grief and Loss Fear Level Attention Level Ability to Retain Information Physical Symptoms of Mental Stress B. Growth and Development: Erik Erikson’s Stages of Life Cycle пЃ› Trust vs. Mistrust 0-2 yr пЃ› Autonomy vs. Shame 2-3 yr пЃ› Initiative vs. Guilt 3-6 yr пЃ› Industry vs. Inferiority 6-12 yr пЃ› Identity vs. Role Confusion 13-20yr пЃ› Intimacy vs. Isolation 21-45 yr пЃ› Generatively vs. Stagnation 45-65 yr пЃ› Ego Integrity vs. Despair >65 yr Hope Will Purpose Competence Fidelity Love Care Wisdom Human Needs: Maslow пЃ› Physiologic пЃ› Safety and Security пЃ› Love and Belonging пЃ› Self-Esteem пЃ› Self-Actualization D. Coping Assessment 1. пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› 28 | P a g e Functional Coping: Fogerty’s Model Family Adapts to Change Connectedness is Maintained Minimum of Fusion: distance is not used to solve problems Triangling is Discouraged Differences are tolerated and encouraged Preservation of a positive emotional climate takes precedence over what “should” be done and what is “right” Members of a family use each other for feedback and learning, not as the enemy 2. пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› Dysfunctional Coping Prolonged Denial Disruption of Family Routines Blaming- Increased Conflict Dysfunctional Behaviors: agitation, depression, hostility, guilt, addictions Forgetting critical facts or necessary information Not Hearing- decreased crisis or non-resolution of crisis Scapegoating – projecting all the problems onto one family member to relieve the overall anxiety in the system Unhealthy communication patterns: secrets, deception, double messages, evasiveness III. Delirium A. Definitions Delirium “A sudden, fluctuating, and usually reversible disturbance of mental function. It is characterized by inability to pay attention, disorientation, an inability to think clearly, and fluctuations in the level of alertness” Merck Manual “Rapid onset and fluctuating course, the symptoms of delirium include disturbances in consciousness and attention and changes in cognition, such as memory deficits or perceptual disturbances.” American Psychiatric Association DSM-IV Perceptual changes such as hallucination, illusions and delusions are not required for the diagnosis of delirium. Not psychosis and must be assessed on a regular basis. Dementia Gradual onset of memory impairment and cognitive disturbances. Slow steady decline in cognitive function. Can be organic or metabolic in etiology but typically not reversible and often not treatable. 29 | P a g e B. пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› C. пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› 30 | P a g e Incidence: (delirium) 20– 50% of All Hospitalized Patients Undiagnosed in 66-84% of Hospitalized Patients 20-80% Rate in ICU Patients 87% of Ventilated Patients Associated with Increased Mortality, Morbidity, Hospital Stay and Over All Costs Etiologies and Predisposing Factors Cognitive Impairment Electrolyte Imbalance Dehydration Hyperthermia Sleep Deprivation Restraint Use Medications Vision and/or Hearing Problems Infection Malnutrition Age >65 Withdraw Syndromes Acute CNS Problems History of: пѓј Depression пѓј Dementia пѓј Stroke пѓј Seizures пѓј ETOH Abuse пЃ¶ Medical History of пѓј Renal Failure пѓј Liver Failure пѓј CHF пѓј HIV пѓј Endocrine Disorders B. Clinical Presentation пЃ› Disorientation/Confusion пЃ› Decreased Attention Span and Ability to Focus пЃ› Hyperactive Type пѓј Restlessness пѓј Agitation пѓј Does Not Follow Commands (leave catheter alone or in place) пѓј Wide Mood Swings пѓј Attempting to Get Out of Bed пЃ› Hypoactive Type (more common, worse outcome) пѓј Lethargy пѓј Withdrawal пѓј Decreased Responsiveness C. Treatment Options Prevention! Early Identification of Risk Factors Accurate Assessment/Diagnosis (Delirium Scales) Treatment/Modification of Risk Factors/Cause Review all Medications as Possible Cause Treat Electrolyte and Metabolic Derangements Non-Pharmacological пѓј Repeat Orientation пѓј Sleep Protocol пѓј Early Mobilization пѓј Minimal Restraint Use пѓј Pain Control пѓј Cognitive Stimulation пЃ› Pharmacological (can cause and/or treat) пѓј Benzodiazepines пѓј Narcotics пѓј Neuroleptics - Haloperidol (FDA approved for Delirium) пѓј Antipsychotics пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› пЃ› 31 | P a g e IV. Depression A. Definition An abnormal emotional state characterized by exaggerated feelings of sadness, melancholy, dejection, worthlessness, emptiness and hopelessness that are inappropriate and out of proportion to reality. The overt manifestations, which are extremely variable, range from a slight lack of motivation and inability to concentrate to severe physiologic alterations of body functions and may represent symptoms of variety of mental and physical conditions, a syndrome of related symptoms associated with a particular disease, or a specific mental illness. Mosby’s Medical Dictionary B. Etiology and Predisposing Factors пЃ› Fear and Anxiety Related to Current Events/Illness пЃ› Response to Loss and/or Grief and/or Deprivation пЃ› Diminished Self-Esteem пЃ› Guilt – Real or Perceived пЃ› Metabolic Causes пѓј Electrolyte Imbalances пѓј Endocrine Dysfunction пѓј Neurotransmitter Imbalance пѓј Medication Derived пѓј Chronic Pain пЃ› Sleep Deprivation C. Clinical Presentation пЃ› Agitation пѓ Lethargy пЃ› Inability to Concentrate пЃ› Inability to Focus пЃ› Change in Sleep Patterns пЃ› Severe Fatigue пЃ› Signs of Sadness/Hopelessness пЃ› Thoughts of Death пЃ› Suicide Ideations 32 | P a g e D. Treatment Options пЃ› Counseling пЃ› Significant Other Support пЃ› Rule Out Organic/Metabolic Causes пЃ› Antidepressants V. Mental Illness Mental illness might be a chronic comorbidity of the hospitalized adult. This adds an increase challenge to nursing care requirements for patients. Informed consent, adherence and patient education are more difficult if the patient does not have a full concept of reality. A. Types of Disorders (DSM IV) пЃ› Psychotic – ex. Schizophrenia пЃ› Personality Disorders – ex. Antisocial, borderline, narcissistic пЃ› Anxiety – ex. panic attacks, phobias, obsessive compulsive пЃ› Developmental/Learning – ex. autism, ADHA, retardation пЃ› Cognitive – ex. dementia and delirium пЃ› Mood – ex. depression B. Nursing Priorities пЃ› Identify and seek appropriate and timely psychiatric assistance пЃ› Safe Environment пЃ› Identify and treat cause (if possible) пЃ› Determine if There is a Risk of Injury пЃ› Orientation пЃ› Assist with пѓј Crisis Management пѓј Stress Management пѓј Coping Skills пѓј Social Support пЃ› Pharmacological Management- antidepressants, antipsychotics, antianxiety agents пЃ› Patient/Family/Support System Education пЃ› Discharge Planning 33 | P a g e VI. Substance Dependence A. Commonly Abused Substances пЃ› Alcohol пЃ› Nicotine пЃ› Narcotics пЃ› Marijuana пЃ› Amphetamines пЃ› Benzodiazepine пЃ› Cocaine B. Nursing Care Concerns/Priorities пЃ› Physical and/or Mental Dependence пЃ› Physical and or Mental Withdraw Symptoms пЃ› Assessment of Cause (recreational vs. medical vs. pain management) пЃ› Current State of Health пЃ› Current Nutritional State пЃ› Pharmacological Considerations i.e. tolerance and cross tolerance пЃ› Diagnosed or Undiagnosed Mental Health Issues пЃ› Ability for Self Care Post Discharge пЃ› Patient Education and Adherence пЃ› Appropriate Addiction Referral пЃ› Community and Social Support C. Alcohol Withdrawal Autonomic hyperactivity symptoms such as tachycardia, anxiety/agitation, dysphoric mood, diaphoresis, hypertension, sleeplessness and fine tremor are common physical findings when alcohol is abruptly stopped and typically will present within 2 days of cessation. Nausea, vomiting and hallucination may also occur. 34 | P a g e Clinical Presentation for Delirium Tremors (72-96 hr. Post drink) пЃ› Anxiety and/or Panic Attacks пЃ› Disorientation/Confusion пЃ› Insomnia пЃ› Disorganized Thought Processes пЃ› Visual and/or Auditory Hallucinations or Illusions пЃ› Tactile Hallucinations пЃ› Delirium пЃ› Tachycardia пЃ› Tachypnea пЃ› Fever пЃ› Seizure Activity Treatment Options пЃ› Anticipate/Prevent – Prophylactic Withdraw Regimen пЃ› Safety Measures for Patient, Family, Staff and Therapeutic Devices пЃ› Decrease Stimulation пЃ› Utilize Short Directed Conversations пЃ› Nonthreatening and Supportive Approach пЃ› Hydration пЃ› Monitor Vital Signs and LOC пЃ› Medications пѓј Benzodiazepines (Lorazepam, Diazepam, Chlordiazeposide, Oxazepam) пѓј Nutrition Support (MVI, Thiamine, Folate) пѓј Neuroleptic (Haloperidol) (lacking research but used) пѓј IV Ethanol пѓј Propofol (lacking research but used) D. 35 | P a g e Sedative Withdrawal Physical withdraw signs and symptoms similar to ETOH. Treatment is different and will typically have to continue post discharge from the critical care setting. The patient is slowly “weaned” off the drug or transitioned to a longer acting agent like Chlordiazeposide (Librium) or Diazepam (Valium) and then tapered off drug. E. Opiate Withdrawal Clinical Presentation пЃ› Yawning пЃ› Extra Fluid Production (Tearing, Rhinorrhea, Diaphoresis) пЃ› Mydriasis and Myalgia пЃ› Tremors пЃ› Abdominal Cramps, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea пЃ› Involuntary Leg Movements (kicking) пЃ› Piloerection пЃ› Muscle Cramping пЃ› Vital Sign Changes: Fever, Hypertension, Tachycardia Treatment Options пЃ› Methadone – switch to longer acting agent пѓ wean пЃ› Clonidine – block sympathetic hyperactivity пЃ› Buprenorphine – alpha opiate receptor partial agonist VII. Suicidal Behavior When a patient is admitted to the ICU with suicidal behavior the physical needs, hemodynamic instability and organ dysfunction are typically the primary concern and focus of the health care team. As soon as the patient is able to participate in counseling/psychotherapy it should begin. Note that not all suicide attempts are obvious especially in the elderly and chronically or terminally ill. It is essential that the family and support system (as always) be included in the treatment plan. Discussion of overdoses is included in Multisystem. VIII. Antisocial Behaviors, Aggression and Violence Aggressive or violent behavior from patients, family members or hospital staff is a safety concern for everyone in the ICU. Risk Factors пЃ› High levels of stress with poor coping skills пЃ› Lack of resources пЃ› Mental Illness пЃ› Substance abuse or withdrawal пЃ› Males > Females 36 | P a g e пЃ› History of violent behavior Clinical Presentation (Warning Signs) пЃ› Not thinking clearly пЃ› Paranoia пЃ› Shouting and Profanity Use пЃ› Agitation, Anxiety, Anger пЃ› Verbal Threats пЃ› Tachycardia пЃ› Tachypnea пЃ› Hypertension Treatment Options пЃ› Evaluate Medication List and Consider Cause пЃ› Rule Out Organic Cause пЃ› Review History пЃ› Identify Trigger (if any) and Remove пЃ› Decrease Stimulation пЃ› Involve Social Service and Security if Necessary пЃ› Restraints if Needed пЃ› Anxiolytics and Neuroleptics пЃ› SAFETY FIRST IX. Summary 37 | P a g e References Alspach, J. (2006). Core Curriculum for Critical Care Nursing. AACN & Saunders Devlin, J. et al (2008). Assessment of delirium in the intensive care unit: Nursing practices and perceptions. AJCC;17,6,555-566. Gagnon, L. (2010). Behavioral Health Emergencies. In Sheehy’s Emergency Nursing Principles and Practice. Mosby. Sona, C. (2009). Assessing delirium in the intensive care unit. CCN;29,2;103–105. Sweeny, S., et al. (2008). Care of the patient with delirium. AJN:108,5,7275 Truman, B., Ely, W. (2003). Monitoring delirium in critically ill patients: Using the confusion assessment method for the intensive care unit. CCN;23:25-35. Welsh, c. Kurt, H., Hirsch, M., Beebe J. (2009). Substance abuse and trauma care. In McQuillan, Makic & Whalen ed. Trauma Nursing From Resuscitation Through Rehabilitation. Saunders. Mosby’s Dictionary Merck Manual APA DMS IV 38 | P a g e The Body Harmony Endocrine Disorders & Emergencies I. Introduction Disorders of the Endocrine System are Related to Either an Excess of a Deficiency of a Specific Hormone or Defect at its Receptor Site. AACN CCRN Exam Blueprint 5% п‚Ї Acute Hypoglycemia п‚Ї Diabetes Insipidus (DI) п‚Ї Diabetic Ketoacidosis п‚Ї Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome (HHNK) п‚Ї Syndrome of Inappropriate Secretion of Antidiuretic Hormone (SIADH) Every Cell in the Body is Under Endocrine Influence II. Acute Complications of Diabetes п‚Ї Acute Hypoglycemia п‚Ї Diabetic Ketoacidosis п‚Ї Hyperglycemia Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Coma A. Acute Hypoglycemia п‚Ї Serum Glucose < 50mg/dL п‚Ї Causes: пЃЎ Too Much Insulin пЃЎ Not Enough Calories п‚Ї Signs & Symptoms пЃЎ Tachycardia пЃЎ пЃ„ LOC: Irritable, Confused, Unconscious пЃЎ Skin: Pale, Cool, Clammy пЃЎ Seizures пЃЎ Blurred Vision 39 | P a g e п‚Ї Treatment пЃЎ Give Glucose пЃЎ Enteral пЃЎ Parental (if SG < 20mg/dL) пЃЎ Determine Cause B. Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) п‚Ї Epidemiology пЃЎ Occurs in 2-5% of Type I DM/yr пЃЎ Most often precipitated by illness (infection) пЃЎ 1-10% of DKA victims will die пЃЎ Mortality is highest in > 60 yo п‚Ї Diagnosis пЃЎ Metabolic derangement resulting from absolute or relative insulin deficiency пЃЎ Blood Glucose > 500 пЃЎ pH < 7.32 пЃЎ HCO3 < 15mEq/L пЃЎ Increase Anion Gap пЃЎ + Ketones in Urine пЃЎ Azotemia Anion Gap = Na+ - (Cl- + HC03) Normal 8-16mEq/L п‚Ї Signs & Symptoms пЃЎ Hypotension пЃЎ Tachycardia пЃЎ Tachypnea пЃЎ Kussmaul’s Respirations пЃЎ Decreased Skin Turgor пЃЎ Dry Mucous Membranes пЃЎ ? Abd Pain, Nausea & Vomiting 40 | P a g e п‚Ї Fluid Therapy пЃЎ Restore Circulating Volume пЃЎ 1-2 L of Isotonic Saline in 2 hr пЃЎ D5 .45%NS after BS down to 250 пЃЎ May get 8-10L in 1st 24 hr п‚Ї Drug Therapy пЃЎ Continuous IV or Bolus Regular Insulin пЃЎ Lower 100mg/dl/hr пЃЎ Monitor K Levels Carefully пЃЎ Bicarbonate for Severe Acidosis C. Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Coma (HHNK) A hyperosmolar state from severe hyperglycemia without ketosis. Predominantly older adults and type II DM. п‚Ї Diagnosis пЃЎ Glucose > 800mg/dL пЃЎ Osmolality > 350mlOsm пЃЎ Ketones neg пЃЎ pH > 7.3 пЃЎ Severe Dehydration п‚Ї Fluid Therapy пЃЎ 2 L of Normal Saline in 1 hr пЃЎ Followed by Fluid Replacement п‚Ї Drug Therapy пЃЎ Continuous IV Regular Insulin (10U/hr) пЃЎ Monitor K+ closely III. Acute Complications of Water Regulation п‚Ї Diabetes Insipidus п‚Ї Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH A. 41 | P a g e Diabetes Insipidus A Problem of Impaired Conservation of H20 by the Kidneys п‚Ї Polyuria п‚Ї Low Urine SG п‚Ї Hypernatremia п‚Ї Fluid Deficit/Dehydration Neurogenic or Central DI Lack of ADH from the Hypothalamus or Posterior Pituitary gland. Normal regulatory mechanisms are not functioning typically from some type of neuro dysfunction. п‚Ї Causes: пѓј Idiopathic – autoimmune пѓј Head Trauma пѓј Hypoxic or Ischemic Encephalopathy пѓј Surgery (neuro) Nephrogenic DI There is ADH but the Kidneys do not respond to the ADH п‚Ї Causes: пЃЎ пЃЎ пЃЎ пЃЎ Osmotic Agents or States Renal Failure Decreased Osmotic Pressure Pregnancy п‚Ї DI Signs & Symptoms пЃЎ Polyuria пЃЎ Polydipsia пЃЎ Dehydration/Hypovolemia п‚Ї Lab Data пЃЎ Plasma Osmolality пЃЎ High > 295mOsm/kg (normal 285-300) пЃЎ Serum Sodium пЃЎ Normal or > 145 mEq/L (normal 135-145) пЃЎ Urine Osmolality пЃЎ Low, < 250 mOsm/kg (300-1400) пЃЎ Urine SG 42 | P a g e пЃЎ Low < 1.005 (1.005 – 1.030) п‚Ї Treatment: пѓј Correct the Underlying Cause пѓј Free Water Replacement пѓј Neurogenic: ADH Replacement пѓј Nephrogenic: Thiazide Diuretics пѓј Nutrition пѓј Elimination Problems B. Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiruetic Hormone (SIADH) Too much release of ADH, stimulating the kidneys to retain water resulting in water intoxication. п‚Ї Over Hydration п‚Ї Low Serum Osmolality п‚Ї Hyponatremia п‚Ї Causes: пЃЎ Malignancies: Lung, Pancreas, Duodenum, Lymph, Prostate, Thymus пЃЎ Meningitis пЃЎ Brain Abscess or Tumors пЃЎ Head Injury (Blunt Trauma or Bleeds) пЃЎ Mechanical Ventilation пЃЎ Drugs (hypoglycemic meds, barbiturates, general anesthesia, nicotine, chemotherapy agents, MS04, Thiazide, Hormones, TCD) п‚Ї Signs & Syndrome: пЃЎ Wt. Gain пЃЎ Edema пЃЎ Signs of Over Hydration п‚Ї Lab Data: пЃЎ Plasma Osmolality  Low < 280mOsm/kg пЃЎ Serum Sodium  Low < 135 mEq/L 43 | P a g e пЃЎ Urine Osmolality  Normal or High > 100 mOsm/kg пЃЎ Urine SG  High > 1.030 п‚Ї Treatment: пѓј Correct the Underlying Cause пѓј Fluid Restriction пѓј Give Na: Saline, Hypertonic Saline пѓј Diuretic Tx IV. Summary 44 | P a g e Adult CCRN / CCRN-E Certification Review Course: Handout Gastrointestinal and Renal (Parts 1 and 2) Systems Presented by: Carol A. Rauen, RN, MS, CCNS, CCRN, PCCN An AACN Critical Care Publication 101 Columbia Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-1491 2011 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses В© All rights reserved. AACN grants permission for a single individual to print one copy of this electronic publication. No additional copies are permitted. No part of this electronic publication may be reproduced, uploaded, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of AACN. 45 | P a g e Gastrointestinal I. Introduction A. AACN Blueprint: 6% пЃ± Acute Abdominal Trauma пЃ± Acute GI Hemorrhage пЃ± Bowel Infarction/Obstruction/Perforation (e.g. mesenteric ischemia, adhesions) пЃ± GI Surgeries пЃ± Hepatic Failure/Coma (e.g. portal hypertension, cirrhosis, esophageal varicies) пЃ± Malnutrition and Malabsorption пЃ± Pancreatitis B. Structures/Function/Digestion пЃ± Mouth пЃ± Esophagus пЃ± Stomach пЃ± Small Intestine пЃ± Pancreas пЃ± Gallbladder пЃ± Liver пЃ± Spleen пЃ± Portal Circulation пЃ± Mesentery Circulation пЃ± Large Intestine пЃ± Digestive Hormones пЃ± Digestive Enzymes C. Assessment пЃ± Inspection пЃ± Auscultation пЃ± Palpation пЃ± Percussion 46 | P a g e II. The Hepatic System A. Liver Function пЃ± Metabolic Factory & Waste Disposal Plant пЃ± Carbohydrate, Fat & Protein Metabolism пЃ± Production of Bile Salts пЃ± Production of Clotting Factors пЃ± Bilirubin Metabolism пЃ± Detoxification: Nutrients, Drugs, Toxins, Bacteria, Everything пЃ± Vitamin & Mineral Storage: пЃ± Blood Reservoir: 10% of Total Blood Volume Any time the liver is not functioning normally (hepatitis, cirrhosis, shock liver, hepatic cancer, biliary duct obstruction, cholecystitis, etc.) many, if not all, of these essential functions are impaired. Therefore liver dysfunction will impact multiple bodily functions from wound healing, coagulation, substrate metabolism to level of consciousness. B. Liver Function Tests 1. Serum Proteins: Total Protein: Serum Albumin: Serum Globulins: 6.0 – 8.0 g/dL 3.5 – 5.0 g/dL 2.6 – 4.1g/dL 2. Serum Ammonia: 19 – 60 mcg/dL 3. Bilirubin: Total Bilirubin: 0.1 – 1.2 mg/dL Unconjugated Bilirubin: 0.1 – 1.0 mg/dL Conjugated Bilirubin: 0.1 – 0.2 mg/dL 4. Coagulation Studies PT, PTT, INR, Bleeding Time, ACT all indirectly reflect liver function. 47 | P a g e 5. Hepatic Enzymes: ALP GGT AST ALT C. 42 – 136U/L Men: 0–85 U/L Women: 0-70 U/L Men: 15-40 U/L Women: 13-35U/L Men: 10-55U/L Women: 7-30U/L Liver Dysfunction and Failure 1. Pathophysiology пЃ± Liver Tissue (cells) are Destroyed and Replaced with Fibrotic Tissue пЃ± Functions are Altered пЃ± Organ Changes Shape пЃ± Vascular Flow is Obstructed пЃ± Portal Hypertension 2. Cirrhosis: A chronic progressive liver disease where diffuse fibrotic bands of connective tissue, distort the liver’s normal architecture and functional ability. The liver loses its ability to regulate fluids, metabolize waste, regulate coagulation and nutrition. пЃ± Causes пЃ® Alcoholic, Laennec's Portal, or Fatty пЃ® Post Necrotic: Toxic, Nodular, or Post Hepatic пЃ® Biliary: Cholangitic or Obstructive 3. 48 | P a g e Hepatitis: Widespread Inflammation of Liver Cells пЃ± Causes пЃ® Primary Viral – Most Common пЃ® Hepatotoxins – Toxic or Drugs пЃ® Secondary Viral, Low Mortality Hepatitis Tests: Serologic Tests for Hepatitis пЃ± Presence of virus RNA or DNA пЃ± Presence of virus antigen(s) пЃ± Presence of anti-virus antibodies пЃ± Presence of specific immunoglobins пЃ± Evidence of liver damage/failure from LFTs Hepatitis A: Enteral (oral-fecal) transmission with an incubation period of 2-12wks. Jaundice is an early symptom. The infection is usually acute and self-limiting. Vaccine available. Tests: Anti-HAV-IgM, Anti-HAV-IgG. IgM denotes acute phase of infection, IgG denotes recovery, past infection or immunity. Hepatitis B: Parenteral (IV and sexual) transmission with an incubation period of 6 – 24 weeks. There are acute and chronic stages to this disease and it is the leading cause of liver carcinoma. Tests: HBV-DNA, HBsAg, Anti-HBs, HBeAg, HbcAg, Anti-HBc-IgM, Anti-HBc. HBsAg is the earliest indicator of HBV infection and is typically present for the first 12 weeks. It if followed by the anti-HBs antibody indicating recovery or immunity. HBeAg appears during infection and is present in the chronic carrier state. Anti-HBe denotes recovery. The Anti-HBc-IgM indicates acute infection and the Anti-HBc indicates that the individual has been infected and this serum maker may be present for several years. There is a vaccine available Hepatitis C: Parenteral (IV and sexual) transmission with an incubation period of 2 - 26 weeks. Cirrhosis due to HCV is the most common reason for liver transplantation. Tests: HCVRNA, Anti-HCV, ALT, liver biopsy. One half of HCV infected patients will become chronic carriers. High incidence of cirrhosis and liver cancer from HCV. No vaccine available. 4. 49 | P a g e Clinical Presentation of Liver Dysfunction a. Hepatic Encephalopathy: the liver is unable to perform its detoxification function and toxins build up. Primarily ammonia causing altered LOC, behavior and motor abilities. пЃ± Clinical Presentation пЃ® Confusion пѓ Coma пЃ® Agitation пѓ Unsafe Behavior пЃ® Asterixis: Flap like Tremor of Hands пЃ® Apraxia: Inability to Perform Purposeful Acts пЃ® Elevated Ammonia пЃ± Common Treatment Modalities пЃ® Limit Protein Intact пЃ® Limit Hepatotoxic Drugs пЃ® Lactulose & Neomycin пЃ® Safe Environment b. Malnutrition/Malabsorption: the liver is unable to perform its function of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. This leads to malnutrition пЃ± Clinical Presentation пЃ± Common Treatment Modalities пЃ® Need to tx the Cause of Liver Failure пЃ® Parenteral Nutrition пЃ® Limit Protein Intake пЃ® Restrict Fluids c. Coagulopathy: the liver is unable to synthesize fibrinogen, prothrombin and factors V, VII, IX, X, XI, XIII, fibrinolytic factors and Vit. K. These are needed to maintain the ability to clot. Platelet aggregation and adhesion are also effected by liver dysfunction. пЃ± Clinical Presentation пЃ® Bleeding Tendencies пЃ® Nonspecific Bleeding пЃ± Common Treatment Modalities пЃ® Monitor Coagulation Studies and Platelet Ct пЃ® Decrease Bleeding and Bruising Risk 50 | P a g e пЃ® Administer Blood Products d. Portal Hypertension: increased pressure in the portal vein occurs secondary to flow obstruction from inflammation, bands, or fibrotic hepatic tissue. This retrograde pressure leads to formation of varices in the esophagus, stomach and rectal vault. пЃ± Clinical Presentation пЃ® Caput Medusae: dilated cutaneous veins radiating from the umbilical (spider angiomas) commonly seen in Cirrhosis пЃ® Upper GI Bleeding пЃ± Common Treatment Modalities пЃ® Surgical Shunting пЃ® TIPSS - Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosytemic Stent Shunt пЃ® Treat Bleeding пЃ® Treat Cause e. Hepatorenal Syndrome: a form of pre-renal failure caused by the liver dysfunction. Mortality of liver failure is very high once renal failure develops. пЃ± Clinical Presentation пЃ® S&S of Renal Dysfunction пЃ± Common Treatment Modalities пЃ® Maintain Adequate Renal Perfusion пЃ® Restrict Fluids пЃ® Restrict Nephrotoxic Agents пЃ® Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies f. Ascites: fluid accumulation in the peritoneal space secondary to decreased production of albumin, decreased systemic oncotic pressure, increased hepatic lymph production and increased capillary permeability. The fluid accumulation impacts the respiratory (diaphragm) and cardiac (hemodynamic) systems primarily as well as comfort and body image. 51 | P a g e пЃ± Clinical Presentation пЃ® Inc. Abdominal Girth пЃ® Hypotension and Tachycardia пЃ® Dyspnea, Orthopnea, Tachypnea пЃ® S&S of Dehydration пЃ® N&V пЃ± Common Treatment Modalities пЃ® Restrict PO Fluid пЃ® Diuretics (if tolerated hemodynamically) пЃ® Restrict Na пЃ® Respiratory Support пЃ® Paracentesis пЃ® Peritoneovenous Shunt Surgery g. Infection: one of the functions of the liver cells (Kuppfer cells) is to clean the blood of bacteria. With liver failure this function is not provided and bacteria builds up (primarily gram negative bugs) in the systemic circulation increasing the risk of infection. пЃ± Clinical Presentation пЃ® Poor Wound Healing пЃ® Increased Risk of Infection пЃ± Common Treatment Modalities пЃ® Heightened Prevention Measures пЃ® Abx Therapy – w Caution III. The Pancreas A. 52 | P a g e Function пЃ± Endocrine Functions пЃ® Synthesis and Release of Hormones: Glycogen, Insulin, Gastrin пЃ± Exocrine Functions пЃ® Pancreatic Enzymes Break Down Protein, Starch and Fat. > 2L/day пЃ® Bicarbonate Raise pH пЃ± PNS, Gastrin and Hormones Regulate Secretions B. Pancreatic Enzymes пЃ± Trypsin: Aids in Protein Digestion пЃ± Amylase: Aids in Carbohydrate Digestion пЃ± Lipase: Aids in Fat Digestion Amylase: Serum: Urine: 27 – 131 U/L P type: 30 – 55% S type: 45 – 70% 1 – 17 U/hr (need 24 hr urine) The enzyme amylase comes from the pancreas, the salivary glands. It is necessary to convert starch to sugar. Amylase had two isoenzymes: P type from the pancreas and S type from the salivary glands. In addition to serum levels, Amylase levels can also be measured in urine, ascitic fluid, pleural effusion and saliva. Serum Amylase is frequently ordered to assess acute abdominal pain and identify Pancreatitis. Elevated Amylase: Acute and chronic pancreatitis, obstruction of pancreatic duct, acute cholecystitis, pancreatic cancer, alcoholism, medications that cause spasm at the sphincter of Oddi, biliary tract disease, thiazide diuretic, diagnostic dyes, DKA, renal failure, BPH, burns and trauma to the pancreas. Parotitis and mumps will cause an elevation of the total Amylase from the S type increase. Lipase: 20 – 180 U/L Lipase is a pancreatic enzyme that is secreted into the duodenum to aid in the digestion of fat. Lipase breaks down fat into glycerol and fatty acids. Lipase only comes from the pancreas and therefore is specific to identify pancreatic disorders. Lipase elevations will occur with pancreatic cancer, acute and chronic pancreatitis, and obstructions of the pancreatic duct, injury or trauma to the pancreas, acute cholecystitis and acute renal failure. Lipase will rise with amylase in pancreatic disorders but the serum lipase elevation occurs later in the course and remains elevated longer (up to 14 days after acute attack, amylase only 3 days). 53 | P a g e C. Acute Pancreatitis пЃ± Pathophysiology пЃ® Auto Digestion пЃЎ Tissue Damage пЃЎ Fat Necrosis пЃЎ Vascular Damage and Hemorrhage пЃЎ Increased Capillary Permeability пЃЎ Hypotension пЃ® Forms/Types пЃЎ Edematous пЃЎ Hemorrhagic пЃ® Classifications пЃЎ Acute Pancreatitis пЃЎ Recurrent Acute пЃЎ Recurrent Chronic пЃЎ Chronic Pancreatitis пЃ± Cause (blocked enzyme release) пЃ® Alcoholism пЃ® Biliary Stones пЃ® Hyperlipidemia пЃ® Abdominal Trauma пЃ® Infection (bacterial or viral) пЃ® Shock пЃ® Drugs (Most Common: Cyclosporine, Acetaminophen, Cimetadine, Steroids, Salicylates, Furosemide, Thiazides, Estrogens) Necrotizing Pancreatitis пЃ± Clinical Presentation Cullen’s Sign: Bluish Discoloration Umbilical пЃ® Pain Grey Turner’s Sign: пЃ® Low Grade Fever Bluish Discoloration Flanks пЃ® N&V пЃ® Distended/Tender/Rigid Abd пЃ® Guarding with Rebound Tenderness пЃ® Jaundice пЃ® Hypoactive Bowel Sounds пЃ® Steatorrhea: bulky, pale, foul-smelling stools пЃ® ? Ascites 54 | P a g e пЃ® Hypovolemic Shock пЃ± Labs (MOST diagnostic underlined) пЃ® пЃ® Hypocalcemia (classic sign) пЃ® пЃ® Low Ca, Mg, K пЃ® пЃ® Hyperglycemia пЃ® пЃ® Hyperbilirubinemia пЃ® пЃ® Hypertriglyceridemia пЃ® Increased BUN & Creatinine пЃ® Elevated Amylase Elevated Lipase Elevated LFTs Elevated WBC Decreased H/H ? Increased H/H пЃ± Ranson’s Criteria пЃ® On Admission пЃ® Age > 55yr пЃ® WBC > 16,000 пЃ® Glucose > 200 пЃ® LDH > 350 пЃ® AST > 250 During Initial 48 hr HCT Dec > 10% BUN > 5 Ca < 8 Pa02 < 60mmHg Base Def > 4mEq/L Fluid Seq. > 6L пЃ® пЃ® пЃ® пЃ® пЃ® пЃ® пЃ® пЃ± Treatment Options пЃ® Fluid Resuscitation пЃ® Rest the Pancreas: NPO, NGT пЃ® Pain Management пЃ® Monitor & Replace Electrolytes пЃ® Tx Multisystem пЃ® Nutritional Support пЃ® Surgery IV. Gastrointestinal Bleeding A. 55 | P a g e Lower GI Bleeding: Not Typically Life Threatening пЃ± Causes пЃ® Diverticulitis пЃ® Angiodysplasia пЃ® Cancer пЃ® Hemorrhoids пЃ® Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative Colitis; Crohn's Disease) пЃ® Bowel Infarction B. Upper GI Bleeding пЃ± Causes пЃ® Peptic Ulcer Disease: Duodenal, Gastric and Stomal ulcers account for 50% bleeding episodes пЃ® Gastritis or Esophagitis пЃ® Esophageal Varices пЃ® Mallory -Weiss Syndrome пЃ± Clinical Presentation пЃ® Hematemesis пЃ® Melona пЃ® PUD Distended and Tender Bbd Hyperactive Bowel Sounds пЃ® Hypovolemia пЃ® Shock пЃ± Assessment пЃ® H&H пЃ® Coags & Platelets пЃ® Hemoconcentration пЃ® Elevated BUN пЃ® LFTs пЃ® Endoscopy пЃ® Angiography пЃ® Raionuclide Scans пЃ± Treatment пЃ® NG Decompression/Lavage – Room Temp vs Iced пЃ® Fluid Resuscitation пЃ® Blood Product Admin пЃ® Endoscopic Sclerotherapy пЃ® Pharmacology пЃЎ H2 Blockers, Antacids, Proton Pump Inhibitors пЃЎ Sucralfate пЃЎ Vasopressin: constricts splanchnic inflow to reduce portal pressure пЃЎ Somatostatin and Octreotide: vasoconstricts splanchnic vessels to decrease blood flow пЃ® Surgery пЃЎ Vagotomy and Pyloroplasty пЃЎ Oversew Ulcer or Tear пЃЎ Total and Subtotal Gastric Resection пЃЎ Billroth I: Vagotomy, Antrectomy, Anastomosisпѓ Stomach and Duodenum пЃЎ Billroth II: Vagotomy, Antrectomy, Anastomosisпѓ Stomach and Jejunum 56 | P a g e пЃЎ Whipple: Removal of the Distal 3rd of Stomach, Entire duodenum, Head of Pancreas, Gastrojejunotomy пЃЎ Colon Resection пЃ® Bleeding Esophageal Varices пЃЎ TIPSS: Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosytemic Stent Shunt пЃЎ Beta Blocker – Decreases Pressure пЃЎ Blakemore Tube пЃЎ Portal Caval Shunt V. Disorders of the Bowel A. Bowel Infarction пЃ± Etiology пЃ® Embolic or Thrombotic Occlusion пЃ® Typically from the Superior Mesenteric Artery пЃ± Clinical Presentation пЃ® Severe Epigastric Pain пЃ® Rebound Tenderness пЃ® Guarding and Rigidity пЃ® Stimulated Sympathetic Response from Pain пЃ± Treatment Options пЃ® Angiography to Identify/Confirm Occlusion пЃ® Surgery to Remove Occlusion and Dead Bowel B. Bowel Obstruction пЃ± Etiology пЃ® Internal Lumen Obstruction ex. Tumor пЃ® External Lumen Obstruction ex. Adhesions пЃ® Emboli: no blood flow пЃ® Paralytic Ileus Terms Strangulated: Obstruction with diminished blood flow Incarcerated, Volvulus, Herniated: Intestinal loops over itself creating a closed off section. 57 | P a g e пЃ± Clinical Presentation пЃ® Complete vs. Partial пЃ® Distended Edematous Bowel пЃ® Fluid and Electrolytes Leaking from Bowel пЃ® Elevated WBC пЃ® Fever пЃ® Small Intestine пЃЎ Acute Pain w Sudden Onset пЃЎ N & V (movement on both ends) пЃЎ Wave-Like Hyperactive High Pitched Bowel Sounds пЃЎ May Have Some Gas or Feces пЃЎ Distention (mild) пЃ® Large Intestine пЃЎ Slow Onset Pain Progression Mild пѓ Severe, Lower Abd пЃЎ No N & V (nothing moving) пЃЎ No Stool пЃЎ Low Pitched Bowel Sounds пЃЎ Distention (large amount) пЃ± Treatment Options пЃ® Diagnosis Obstruction by Hx, X-Ray, CT, Upper or Lower Barium Radiology Tests пЃ® Pain Management пЃ® IV Fluids пЃ® Decompress w NG, Rectal or Intestinal Tube пЃ® Abx пЃ® NPO and Time (rest the bowel) пЃ® Surgery C. 58 | P a g e Perforation/Peritonitis пЃ± Etiology пЃ® Gastric/Intestinal Contents Leak into Peritoneal Cavity пЃ® Ulcer Perforation пЃ® Diverticular Rupture пЃ® Trauma пЃ® Bowel Infarction пЃ± Clinical Presentation пЃ® Infection/Sepsis (all the S&S) пЃ® Sudden Onset of Severe Pain пЃ® Rigid Abdomen w Rebound Tenderness пЃ® Hypoactive Bowel Sounds пѓ No Bowel Sounds пЃ± Treatment Options пЃ® Surgery to Repair Cause & Clean Up пЃ® ABX пЃ® Fluids пЃ® Tx of Sepsis пЃ® Tx of MODS VI. GI Surgeries A. Types пЃ± Ex lap with Lysis of Adhesions пЃ± Colon Resection пЃ± Colostomy vs Ileostomy пЃ± Esophago-Gastrectomy пЃ± Gastric Bypass пЃ± Splenectomy пЃ± Appendectomy B. Care Concerns пЃ± Infection - Leaks пЃ± Sepsis пЃ± Third Spacing/Hypovolemia пЃ± Bleeding пЃ± Electrolyte Imbalance пЃ± Nutrition пЃ± Immobility пЃ± Pain пЃ± Potential for Respiratory Compromise 59 | P a g e VII. Abdominal Trauma A. Mechanism of Injury пЃ± Blunt Trauma пЃ® MVC пЃ® Falls пЃ® Assaults пЃ® Crush пЃ® Sports пЃ± Penetrating Trauma пЃ® GSW пЃ® Stabbings пЃ® Impalements B. Types of Injuries пЃ± Organ Contusions пЃ± Organ Laceration пЃ± Spleen Common Site of Injury пЃ± Solid Organs vs. Hallow Organs пЃ± Crush w Tissue Damage пЃ± Vascular Injury пЃ± Hypoperfusion пЃ± Hemorrhage C. Assessment пЃ± Abdominal Exam пЃ± Pain/Tenderness пЃ± Firmness пЃ± Discoloration пЃ± Bowel Sounds пЃ± Abdominal Sonogram пЃ± CT пЃ± Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage пЃ± Labs пЃ± X-Ray пЃ± Cullen’s Sign: Hemorrhagic Patches (bruising) Around the Umbilicus (pancreatitis, GI Hemorrhage, ruptured ectopic pregnancy) 60 | P a g e пЃ± Grey Turner’s Sign: Bruising Around the Flank Area (Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis, Retroperitoneal Bleeding) пЃ± Kehr’s Sign: Left Shoulder Pain from Irritation to the Diaphragm From Blood as a Result of Splenic Rupture. Best Elicited with patient Lying Flat or in Trendelenburg’s Position. пЃ± Abdominal Compartment Syndrome D. VIII. 61 | P a g e Treatment пЃ± Fluid Resuscitation пЃ± Diagnose Problem пЃ± Plug Holes and/or Repair Lacerations пЃ± Support Damaged Organ(s) пЃ± Remove Damaged Tissue/Organ(s) пЃ± Post Tx Concerns пЃЎ Infection/Sepsis пЃЎ Hemodynamic Status пЃЎ Organ Function пЃЎ ARDS, ATN, MODS Summary RENAL I. INTRODUCTION AACN-CCRN Blueprint 6% пЃ“ Acute Renal Failure пЃ“ Chronic Renal Failure пЃ“ Life-Threatening Electrolyte Imbalance II. RENAL PHYSIOLOGY Major Functions of the Kidney 1. Excretion of Metabolic Wastes 2. Urine Formation 3. Acid-Base Balance Regulation 4. Electrolyte Regulation 5. Fluid Regulation 6. Blood Pressure Regulation 7. Erythropoietin Secretion/Anemia Regulation Renal Assessment 1. Blood Work пЃЎ Blood Urea Nitrogen пЃЎ Creatinine пЃЎ Serum Electrolytes пЃЎ Hgb & Hct пЃЎ Serum Albumin пЃЎ Serum Osmolality 2. Urine Assessment пЃЎ Volume & Concentration пЃЎ Urinalysis (see table) пЃЎ Renal Clearance Studies 62 | P a g e 3. Other Tests пЃЎ KUB X-ray пЃЎ Renal Arteriography пЃЎ IVP пЃЎ CT пЃЎ Ultrasound пЃЎ Biopsy III. CHRONIC RENAL FAILURE: Acute renal failure affects many body systems. Chronic renal failure affects EVERY body system. Chronic renal failure (CRF) is a permanent, irreversible condition in which the kidneys cease to remove metabolic wastes and excessive water from the blood. (ESRF, ESRD, CRD, CKD) пЃ“ Etiology - more than 100 different diseases can cause RF пЃЎ Glomerular Disease пЃЎ Tubular Diseases пЃЎ Vascular Kidney Diseases пЃЎ Urinary Tract Disease пЃЎ Infection (kidney) пЃЎ Systemic Vascular Diseases пЃЎ Metabolic Diseases пЃЎ Connective Tissue Diseases A. 63 | P a g e Terms 1. Azotemia – Nitrogenous Waste Products in the Bloodstream 2. Uremic Syndrome – Systemic and Laboratory Manifestations of ESRD 3. Renal Replacement Therapy – Treatment Options B. Stages of Renal Failure 1. Diminished Renal Reserve 2. Renal Insufficiency 3. End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) – Affects every system in the body C. IV. Treatment: Renal Replacement Therapies пЃ“ Medications пЃ“ Hemodialysis пЃ“ Peritoneal Dialysis пЃ“ Renal Transplant ACUTE RENAL FAILURE: A. Pathophysiology: a sudden deterioration in renal function usually associated with the loss of the kidney’s ability to concentrated urine, as well as the retention and accumulation of nitrogen wastes. пЃ“ Decreased Glomerular Filtration Rate пЃ“ Interstitial Inflammatory Changes пЃ“ Tubular Lumen Obstruction пЃ“ Oliguric, < 400 mL/day пЃ“ Non-Oliguric, Large Amt of Dilute Urine B. Common Etiologies пЃ“ Severe Hypotension (all forms of shock) пЃ“ Heart Failure пЃ“ Dehydration пЃ“ Nephrotoxic Agents пЃ“ Complication of Infection пЃ“ Severe Hypertension 64 | P a g e Category Cause/Conditions Volume: Dehydration Pre Renal The problem is not actually with the kidneys but with perfusion (blood flow) to the kidneys Ischemia: hypovolemic shock, cardiogenic shock, septic shock, hypoxemia, low cardiac output, heart failure, severe hypertension Hemodynamic instability, multisystem organ failure, trauma Urethral: Stricture, Prostatic Hypertrophy Post Renal The problem is not actually with the kidneys but after the kidneys. Urethral: fibrosis, calculi, blood clots Bladder: neurogenic problems, neoplasms/cancer, obstruction Trauma Renal The problem is in the kidney itself effecting function. Kidney diseases Glomerulus: acute glomerulonephritis, acute cortical necrosis, hepatorenal syndrome Tubule: acute tubular necrosis, acute pyelonephritis Nephrotoxins: heavy metals, antibiotics, radiographic contrast media, anesthetics Pigments: hemoglobin, myoglobin Trauma, intravenous hemolysis, rhabdomyolysis C. Differentiating Pre-Renal From Renal Diagnosis for ATN Assessment Pre-Renal Renal (Hypoperfusion) (Tissue Damage) Urinary Sodium < 20mEq/L > 20 mEq/L BUN:Creatinine Ratio > 20:1 10-20:1 (normal) Responds (increase in Positive No Response UO) to volume or Response diuretics 65 | P a g e D. Phases of ARF пЃ“ Onset Phase п‚· BUN & Creatinine Rising п‚· Urine Output Dropping п‚· Diuretics Still Working п‚· Acidosis Beginning пЃ“ Oliguric Phase п‚· Alteration in Electrolyte Balance п‚· Potential for Infection п‚· Alteration in A-B Balance п‚· Alteration in Nutrition Status п‚· Uremic Syndrome п‚· Alteration in Pulmonary Status п‚· Alteration in GI Function пЃ“ Diuretic Phase п‚· Fluid Loss п‚· Goal is to maintain adequate fluid balance and regulate electrolytes п‚· Alteration in Electrolytes пЃ“ Recovery Phase п‚· Goal is Supportive Care п‚· Prevent Further Insults п‚· Assessment of Renal Function п‚· Keep patient well hydrated and free from infection п‚· Prevent Further Insults E. 66 | P a g e Systemic Response to Acute Failure пЃ“ Hypertension пЃ“ Tachycardia пЃ“ Decreased UO пЃ“ Lethargy пЃ“ Pulmonary Edema пЃ“ Depends on Type пЃ“ Very Similar to Chronic RF F. Nursing Care Needs пЃ“ Ensure Hydration пЃ“ Fluid Challenges пЃ“ Diuretics пЃ“ Monitor Fluid Status пЃ“ Weigh Daily & I & O пЃ“ Monitor Electrolyte Imbalance пЃ“ Support Renal Function G. Treatment Options/Alternatives пЃ“ Drug Therapy пЃ“ Diet Therapy пЃ“ Renal Replacement Therapies (CVVH, Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis) пЃ“ Renal Transplant H. Support Therapy for ATN Pt Problem Treatment Extracellular Volume Restrict NaCl and H20 Overload Diuretics Dialysis Hyponatremia Restrict Oral H20 Restrict Hypotonic IV Solutions Hyperkalemia Restrict K intake Dialysis K Binding Resins Glucose/Insulin Eliminate K Supplements NaBicarb Ca Gluconate Metabolic Acidosis Na Bicarb Dialysis Hyperphosphatemia Hypocalcemia Hypermagnesemia Nutrition Drug Dosage 67 | P a g e Restrict PHO4 Dialysis Phosphate Binding Agents Calcium Carbonate Calcium Gluconate Phosphate Binding Agents Dialysis D/C Mg Containing Antacids Dialysis High Protein Enteral or Parental Nutrition Adjust Doses Around GFR Avoid NSAIDS, ACE I, Dye, Nephrotoxic Abx V. Renal Replacement Therapies Goal – to remove body waste and fluids in the presence of acute or chronic renal failure A. Terms – п‚· Diffusion: movement of particles from an area of greater to an area of lesser concentration. During dialysis diffusion results in the movement of urea, creatinine, and uric acid from the patient’s blood in the dialysate п‚· Osmosis: the movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from an area of lesser to an area of greater concentration (osmolality) of particles. During dialysis osmosis results in extra fluid from the patient being removed. п‚· Ultrafiltration: the movement of fluid across a semipermeable membrane as a result of an artificially created pressure gradient. More efficient than osmosis for the removal of water. п‚· Dialysis: involves the movement of fluid and particles across a semipermeable membrane. It is a treatment that can help restore fluid and electrolyte balance, control acid-base balance, and remove waste and toxic material from the body. It can sustain life successfully in both acute and chronic situation where substitution for or augmentation of normal renal function is needed. B. Insurance Coverage – in 1972 the Congress enacted legislation that provides for people with ESRD to receive Medicare regardless of age. This is not true in all countries. 68 | P a g e HEMODIALYSIS Goal – involves shunting the patient’s blood from the body through a dialyzer in which diffusion and ultrafiltration occur and then back into the patient’s circulation. Requires access to the pt’s blood, a mechanism to transport the blood to and from the dialyzer (where exchange of fluid, electrolytes, and waste products occur). HD can be used in the treatment of acute and chronic renal failure Access – five different types of access can be used пЃ“ Arteriovenous Fistula пЃ“ Arteriovenous Graft пЃ“ External Arteriovenous Shunt пЃ“ Femoral Vein Catheterization пЃ“ Subclavian Vein Catheterization Contraindications - Causes rapid fluid shifts пЃ“ Labile Cardiovascular States пЃ“ Recent MI пЃ“ Hypotension Complications пЃ“ Hypotension пЃ“ Air Embolism пЃ“ Arrhythmias пЃ“ Infection пЃ“ Disequilibrium Syndrome -Rapid shifts in osmolality between cerebral spinal fluid and blood can lead to cerebral edema пЃ“ Coagulopathies - Heparin used during dialysis to prevent clotting of blood outside of body Chronic Care Needs – пЃ“ Patients are typically hemodialyzed 2-3 times a week for 2-4 hours пЃ“ Require many medication пЃ“ Encounter multiple acute and chronic health risks as a result of the renal failure and dialysis пЃ“ Have dietary and fluid restrictions пЃ“ Safety concerns regarding access sites пЃ“ Assessment requirements for access sites 69 | P a g e PERITONEAL DIALYSIS Goal – The goal is the same as above but a machine is not used to perform the “cleaning of the blood.” The dialyzing fluid is instilled into the peritoneal cavity, and the peritoneum becomes the dialyzing membrane. PD is used for acute and chronic renal failure and can be done in the hospital or at home. Access – an abd catheter is inserted into the peritoneal space. In chronic use this catheter remains in place permanently and only changed periodically should problems arise. Procedure – Approximately 2 liters of sterile dialysate is instilled into the peritoneal cavity and allowed to dwell for a period of time. During this time osmosis and diffusion of particles takes place. The catheter is then reopened and the fluid is drained from the patient (entire process is called an exchange). This process is done repeated during a 24 hr period. Contraindications пЃ“ Peritonitis пЃ“ Abdominal Surgery пЃ“ Abdominal Adhesions пЃ“ Pregnancy Complications пЃ“ Peritonitis пЃ“ Respiratory Distress Chronic Care Needs – PD can be done independently at home and the individual can lead a fairly normal schedule. Not as many risks as HD. Most common problem is infection of abd catheter. пЃ“ Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) – 4 –5 exchanges are done a day. пЃ“ Continuous cyclic peritoneal dialysis (CCPD) – exchanges are done with the use of a machine to control the infusion, dwell and drain times and patients can set up before going to sleep and have their PD occur automatically whale they sleep. They are completely independent the rest of the day. 70 | P a g e CONTINUOUS RENAL REPLACEMENT THERAPY Goal - CRRT provides continuous ultrafiltration of extracellular fluid and clearance of uremic toxins. Only done in the critical care setting. Access – Arterial and venous cannulation sites are required or two venous cannulation. Procedure – the blood leaves the patient and flow through a hemofilter where the ultrafiltration takes place and removal of water and waste (collected into standard urine bag) and then the blood is returned to the patient via the venous access. The flow gradient to move the blood through the filter is the patient’s own blood pressure. There are several types of processes that are used in the critical care setting for CRRT. Not necessary to learn this year. It will be covered in your acute care course next fall. Contraindications: пЃ“ Inability to tolerate extracorporeal circulation пЃ“ Hypercoagulability пЃ“ Inability to tolerate anti-coagulation therapy (heparin) пЃ“ Fluid, electrolyte and acid-base shifts are less severe than with hemodialysis and usually better tolerated Complications пЃ“ Fluid Imbalance - Hypo/Hypervolemia (Depends on ultrafiltration rate and intravascular volume requirements) пЃ“ Electrolyte Imbalance - Hypokalemia, Hyponatremia, Hypocalcemia, and Hypomagnesaemia пЃ“ Metabolic Acidosis - Bicarbonate readily removed пЃ“ Drug removal - Potential for removing most drugs пЃ“ Hemorrhage - Heparin used as blood leaves body to prevent coagulation пЃ“ Thrombosis/Infection пЃ“ Hypo/Hyperthermia VI. RENAL TRANSPLANTATION 71 | P a g e VII. SUMMARY 72 | P a g e Adult CCRN / CCRN-E Certification Review Course: Handout Renal, Part 2 Presented by: Carol A. Rauen, RN, MS, CCNS, CCRN, PCCN An AACN Critical Care Publication 101 Columbia Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-1491 2011 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses В© All rights reserved. AACN grants permission for a single individual to print one copy of this electronic publication. No additional copies are permitted. No part of this electronic publication may be reproduced, uploaded, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of AACN. 73 | P a g e Electrolyte Disturbances I. INTRODUCTION Fluid and electrolyte monitoring are an essential component of patient assessment. These factors regulate most physiological functions and the acid-base balance. II. PHYSIOLOGIC FLUID BALANCE A. Total Body Water – 60% of body weight (approximately 40L) 1. Intracellular – 67% of total body H20 a. Primarily made up of intracellular electrolytes 2. Extracellular – 33% of total body H20 a. Plasma Water – 8%, Water, proteins and lipids b. Interstitial Fluid & Lymph – 20%, Fluid bathing the cells c. Transcellular Fluid – 7%, Pleural, pericardial, peritoneal, synovial and fluids in secretions (GI, respiratory, salivary) B. Osmolarity – the concentration of particles within a solution 1. Plasma osmolarity avg. 290 + 5 mOsm/kg Na is the primary regulator of extracellular osmolarity K is the primary regulator of intracellular osmolarity 2. Calculated osmolarity = 2(Na) + BG + BUN 18 2.8 III. ELECTROLYTE BALANCE A. Physiology: Electrolytes are particles or solutes found throughout the body in fluids. They carry an electrical charge and are essential for fluid and acid base balance within the body. The cations (positively charged ions) are sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), magnesium (Mg++), and 74 | P a g e calcium (Ca++). The anions (negatively charged ions) are chloride (Cl), bicarbonate (HCO3-), sulfate (SO4=), and phosphate (PO4-). The four major functions of electrolytes are: 1. Regulate Acid Base Balance 2. Maintain Fluid Balance and Osmolarity 3. Distribute the Body Fluid and H20 Between the Compartments 4. Promote Neuromuscular Function/Irritability B. Distribution: Electrolytes are found in the intracellular and extracellular fluid. They are concentrated in one of these two compartments and exert osmotic properties within that compartment. Electrolytes help to maintain total body fluid balance and also help to regulate fluid movement in and out of the cell. For example K+ is the major intracellular ion and Na+ is the major extracellular ion and they each play a significant role in maintaining homeostasis within each of their compartments. Each electrolyte serves a unique physiologic function and concentrations above or below the “normal” range can affect homeostasis or specific organ function detrimentally. ELECTROLYTE or COMPOUND PRIMARY COMPARTMENT EXTRACELLULAR CONCENTRATION (plasma or intravascular) Sodium (Na+) Extracellular 135 – 146 mEq/L 10 – 15 mEq/L Potassium (K+) Intracellular 3.5 – 5.5 mEq/L 140 - 150 mEq/L Calcium (Ca++) Extracellular 0 - 2 mg/dL Magnesium (Mg++) Intracellular T 8.5 – 10.5 mg/dL I 4.0 – 5.0 mg/dL 1.5 – 2.5 mEq/L Phosphate (PH04=) Intracellular 100 mEq/L Chloride (Cl-) Bicarbonate (HC03-) or Serum C02 Extracellular Extracellular 2.5 – 4.5 mg/dL 1.7 – 2.6 mEq/L 96 – 109 mEq/L 22 – 26 mEq/L C. INTRACELLULAR CONCENTRATION 30 – 40 mEq/L 1 – 4 mEq/L 4 – 10 mEq/L Sodium: Na+ 135 – 146 mEq/L 1. Function: Sodium is the major extracellular cation. Its osmotic properties make it very important in both fluid and acid-base balance within the body. There is a close relationship between water and 75 | P a g e sodium. Sodium is also essential for physiologic activities, the active and passive transport mechanism across the cell membrane and intracellular metabolism. 2. Hyponatremia: Na+ < 135 mEq/L Causes - Fluid Excess or Sodium Deficit: thiazide diuretics, decreased Na+ dietary intake, vomiting, diarrhea, SIADH, adrenal insufficiency, NG suctioning, profuse diaphoresis, draining fistulas, overhydration, congested heart failure, renal failure, salt-losing nephritis, liver failure, hyperglycemia (osmotic diuresis) Signs & Symptoms: muscle weakness, headache, fatigue, apathy, malaise, orthostatic hypotension, poor skin turgor, wt. loss, nausea, anorexia, vomiting, decreased CVP, abdominal cramps, seizures, respiratory distress, confusion up to coma. Treatment: oral or IV replacement of sodium. 0.9% Sodium Chloride or Lactated Ringer‟s solutions. Hypertonic Saline can be used for emergency situations. Clinical Pearl Hyponatremia is the most frequent electrolyte imbalance seen in hospitalized patients. 3. Hypernatremia: Na+ > 146 mEq/L Cause: Fluid Deficit or Sodium Excess: excess dietary intake, mineral corticoids, excessive adrencorticord secretions, diabetes insipidus, strict fluid restrictions, hypothalamic dysfunction, osmotic diuretics, hypercalcemia or hypokalemia, excessive IV infusion of sodium chloride solutions, pregnancy. Signs & Symptoms: muscle weakness, restlessness, tachycardia, low urine output, orthostatic hypotension, dry mucous membranes, flushed skin, irritability, lethargy, seizures, dyspnea, dehydration, confusion to coma. Treatment: replace volume and treat underlining cause. 76 | P a g e Free H20 deficit (L) = (.6 X kg) X Na – 140 140 Example: 70kg patient with Na of 160 (.6 X 70) X 160 – 140 = 42 X 0.14 = 5.88L H20 deficit 140 77 | P a g e D. Potassium: K+ = 3.5 – 5.5 mEq/L 1. Function: Major intracellular cation contributes to cell homeostasis and function by maintaining its osmolarity and electro neutrality. Potassium plays a principle role in electrical conductivity by influencing neuromuscular transmission of nerve impulses and cardiac muscle contractility. Also helps to maintain acid-base balance and normal kidney function. 2. Hypokalemia: K+ < 3.5 mEq/L Cause: Decreased Intake, Increase Loss or Shift of K into Cells: starvation, dehydration, massive fluid infusion lacking in K+, decreased dietary intake, vomiting, diarrhea, corticosteroids therapy, draining fistula, diuretics, some antibiotics, laxative overuse, NG suctioning, hypernatremia, metabolic alkalosis (relative hypokalemia), aldosteronism. Signs & Symptoms: ECG Changes – depressed ST segments, flat or inverted T waves, presence of U waves, dysrhythmias, cardiac arrest, dilute urine, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, ileus, lethargy, mental depression, paralysis, confusion, muscle weakness, respiratory arrest, can precipitate digitalis toxicity. Treatment: Oral or Parenteral Replacement of K+ 3. Hyperkalemia: K+ > 5.5 mEq/L Cause: Excess Intake, Decreased Loss, Shift of K out of Cells: movement of K out of the cells (acidosis, sepsis, fever, trauma, hyperglycemia, rhabdomyolysis, catecholamines, insulin deficiency, tissue necrosis), excessive dietary intake, renal failure (decreased excretion), Addison‟s disease (adrenal insufficiency), large volume of stored blood products, potassium sparing diuretics, medications that promote K+ retention (ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, NSAIDS, heparin), hyperosmolar states, excessive potassium administration. Signs & Symptoms: ECG changes – tall, peaked, tented T waves, flattened or absent P waves, widening QRS, asystole, alteration of depolarization/repolarization of cardiac muscle, oliguria, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, calf pain, numbness or paresthesia, hyporeflexia up to flaccid paralysis. 78 | P a g e Treatment: Three-Part Therapy 1. Cardiac Protect: 10ml of Calcium Chloride or Calcium Gluconate slow IV push. Renders the myocardium less excitable by decreasing the effects of excess extracellular K+. 2. Shift K+ into the Cell: пЃЎ 1 amp Sodium Bicarbonate пЃЎ 5-10U Regular Insulin пЃЎ 50ml Bolus 50% Dextrose пЃЎ Albuterol 10 – 20mg inhalation or intravenous (beta2 adrenergic agent – stimulates B2 receptor in the pancreas to release more insulin). + 3. Removal of K : пЃЎ Loop Diuretic пЃЎ Sodium Polystyrene Sulfonate (Kayexalate) a cation exchange resin given orally or by retention enema. Oral administration is more effective. Each 1gm will lower the K+ 1mEq with orally administration, and 0.5mEq with rectal administration. Sorbitol prevents constipation. + пЃЎ Dialysis can also be utilized to remove K from the body. 79 | P a g e 80 | P a g e E. Calcium Total 8.5 – 10.5 mg/dL, Ionized (biologically active) 4.0 – 5.0mg/dL Total = 45% ionized + 40% protein bound + 15% complexed Corrected Ca++ = Total Ca++ + 0.8(4.0 – serum albumin) Function: Calcium is necessary for many physiologic and metabolic processes. The transmission of nerve impulses, and cardiac muscle contractility are calcium dependent. Because Ca++ lines the pores of the cell membrane it plays an important role with action potential and pacemaker function. Calcium is needed for activation of the clotting mechanisms and in teeth and bone formation. Vascular smooth muscle is affected by Ca++ and therefore it plays a role in muscle contraction and vasodynamics. Calcium Regulation: Ca++ Homeostasis is Maintained by Organ Regulation and Hormonal Control. пѓћ Organ Regulation: Bone, Intestinal and Kidney пѓћ Parathyroid glands secrete parathyroid hormone (PHT) which regulates movement of Ca++ into and out of the bone, GI tract and kidney пѓћ Vit D is necessary for PHT assistance in Ca++ regulation пѓћ Calcitriol (hormone) stimulates absorption and reabsorption of Ca++ пѓћ Calcitonin (thyroid hormone) is secreted in hypercalcemia to inhibit bone reabsorption and increase renal excretion. пѓћ Acid-Base Regulation. Alkalosis = Hypocalcemia, Acidosis = Hypercalcemia пѓћ Hyperphosphatemia = Hypocalcemia пѓћ Hypomagnesemia = Hypocalcemia 81 | P a g e Hypocalcemia: Total Ca++ < 8.5 mg/dL Ionized < 4.0 mg/dL Cause: Excess Loss, Inadequate Intake, Decreased Ionized Ca, Decreased GI/Bone Absorption, Movement of Ca into Cell (Alkalosis): Alkalosis, renal disease, large transfusions of PRBC (citrate), hypoparathryroidism, hypomagnesemia, liver failure, sepsis, pancreatitis, burns, diarrhea, diuretics, malabsorption syndromes, Vit. D deficiency, medications (radiographic contrast, NaHC03, protamine, aminoglycosides), inadequate dietary intake of Ca++, Hypothyroidism, metabolic bone disease, hyperphosphatemia (including rapid infusion of PHO4=), elevated calcitonin, alcoholism, post op thyroid, parathyroid or radical neck surgeries. Signs & Symptoms: ECG Changes – prolonged ST segment, torsades de pointes, catecholamine insensitivity, and bradycardia. Osteoporosis, paresthesia, numbness, tingling, muscle weakness, twitching and/or hyperreflexia, tetany, seizures, larynogospasm and bronchospasm, bruising/bleeding. Chvostek’s Sign – Twitching of the lip and/or muscles on the side of the face simulated from tapping the facial nerve (CNVII) on that same side. Trousseau’s Sign – Palmar flexion of the hand simulated from inflating a blood pressure cuff (3 minutes) on that arm. The cuff induces ulnar nerve ischemia. Treatment: Oral or IV replacement of Ca++ (calcium gluconate or calcium chloride), administer Vit. D, aluminum hydroxide gel for Hyperphosphatemia, Mg for Hypomagnesemia, monitor pt carefully. Clinical Pearl Calcium chloride has more Ca++ than calcium gluconate but is also more irritating to the vein 82 | P a g e 4. Hypercalcemia: Total Ca++> 10.5 mg/dL Ionized > 5.0 mg/dL Cause: Excess Intake, Loss from Bones, Increased mobilization from Bones, Movement of Ca out of Cell (Acidosis): Metastatic carcinoma (breast, bone, multiple myeloma, osteolytic metastases) and hyperparathyroidism account for 80% of all hypercalcemia. Also acidosis, immobilization, thiazide diuretics, renal failure, tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, excessive dietary intake, steroid therapy, Grave‟s disease (hyperthyroidism). Signs & Symptoms: ECG Changes – shortening of the ST & QT segments, heart blocks. Muscle weakness, hypotonia, hyporeflexia, seizures, confusion up to coma, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, constipation, peptic ulcer, renal failure flank and leg pain, fatigue. Treatment: Volume expansion with normal saline, loop diuretics or corticosteroids, calcitonin and/or mithramycin (prevent bone reabsorption), treat underlying cause. 83 | P a g e 84 | P a g e F. Magnesium: Mg++ = 1.5 – 2.5 mEq/L Function: Magnesium is essential for the production and use of energy, all ATP reactions involve Mg++. The Na+/K+ ATPase pump is dependent on Mg++, therefore making it an important component in the action potential and depolarization and repolarization of the cardiac muscle. Mg++ appears to play a role in membrane stabilization decreasing the likelihood of cardiac cell irritability or ectopy. It also has vasodilating effects, and it influences the release of neurotransmitters at the neuromuscular junction by stabilizing the nerve axon. Hypomagnesemia: Mg++ < 1.5 mEq/L Cause: Excess Loss, Decreased Intake, Impaired Absorption, Movement of Mg into the Cell (Alkalosis): Excessive diuretic therapy, starvation, malabsorption, medications (digitalis, cyclosporine, cisplatin), endocrine disorders (DKA, HHNK, hyperaldosteronism, hyperthyroidism), chronic alcoholism, pancreatitis, alkalosis, vomiting, NG suctioning, citrate-chelation, decreased intake (enteral or parenteral). Signs & Symptoms: (very similar to hypocalcemia) ECG Changes – flat or inverted T waves, ST segment depression, prolonged QT interval, supraventricular and/or ventricular ectopy including torsades de pointes and Vfib. Chvostek‟s & Trousseau‟s signs, hyperreflexia, vertigo, seizures, confusion, hallucinations, depression up to coma, increased SVR and hypertension, nausea & vomiting. Treatment: IV administration of Mg++ with close monitoring. 1–4g MgS04 over 2 minutes to 6 hr (depending on severity of depletion). Common side effects of MgS04 administration are flushed feeling or sweating, bradycardia, hypotension and IV site burning. Clinical Pearl When low Mg and low K+ are both present the patient will be unresponsive to KCL therapy until the hypomagnesaemia is treated. ++ 85 | P a g e Hypermagnesemia: Mg++ > 2.5mEq/L Cause: Excess Mg++ intake (MgS04, laxatives, antacids), Renal Insufficiency or Failure, Movement of Mg out of Cell (Acidosis) Signs & Symptoms: ECG Changes – peaked T waves, shortened QT interval, prolonged PR & QRS intervals, bradycardia, heart blocks, asystole. Hyporeflexia, respiratory depression to apnea, lethargy to coma, seizure, hypotension, hypocalcaemia, hyperkalemia, flushed/warm skin. Treatment: Volume administration, diuretics, decrease Mg++ intake, IV insulin and glucose will drive Mg++ back into cell, treat acidosis, hemodialysis or CAPD with Mg-free dialysate. V. SUMMARY Na K 86 | P a g e Cl Glucose CO2 87 | P a g e Adult CCRN / CCRN-E Certification Review Course: Handout Hematology/Immunology and Multisystem Presented by: Carol A. Rauen, RN, MS, CCNS, CCRN, PCCN An AACN Critical Care Publication 101 Columbia Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-1491 2011 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses В© All rights reserved. AACN grants permission for a single individual to print one copy of this electronic publication. No additional copies are permitted. No part of this electronic publication may be reproduced, uploaded, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of AACN. 88 | P a g e Hematology & Immunology I. INTRODUCTION AACN-CCRN Blueprint 2% пѓј Coagulopathies (e.g. ITP, DIC, HIT) PHYYSIOLOGY OF HEMATOPOIETIC SYSTEM A. B. C. D. E. 89 | P a g e Purpose пѓј Circulate пѓј Provide Nutrition пѓј Provide Oxygen пѓј Remove Waste Products (carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes) пѓј Maintain Hemostasis Location пѓј Veins & Venules 66% пѓј Pulmonary Loop 12% пѓј Arteries & Arterioles 11% пѓј Heart 6% пѓј Capillaries 5% Composition 4-6 liters of blood пѓј Plasma 55% пѓј Cellular Components 45% пѓћ Erythrocytes (red blood cells) пѓћ Leukocytes (white blood cells) пѓћ Thrombocytes (platelets) Function & Assessment (see review information at end of this section) Transfusions (see review information at end of this section) II. BLEEDING DISORDERS A. B. Causes for Bleeding 1. Vessel Integrity Disruption пѓћ Surgical пѓћ Trauma 2. Platelet Disorders пѓћ Quantitative пѓћ Qualitative 3. Coagulation Disorders пѓћ Acquired пѓћ Congenital Coagulation Disorders 1. Acquired пѓћ Malnutrition пѓћ Liver Dysfunction (decrease synthesis of factors) пѓћ Vitamin K Deficiency пѓћ GI Dysfunction (unable to absorb Vit K) пѓћ Uremia пѓћ Medications (heparin, Coumadin) пѓћ Massive Transfusions пѓћ Consumptive Coagulopathies (DIC) 2. 90 | P a g e Congenital пѓћ Abnormal Structure or Function of Blood Vessels Rendu-Osler-Weber Disease пѓћ Platelet Coagulation Abnormality Kasabach-Merrit Syndrome vonWillebrand‟s Disease Hemophilia A or B Afibrinogenemia пѓћ Hyper-Coagulable Disorders Protein C or S Deficiency C. DIC - Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation Definition - DIC is a secondary disorder resulting from a primary pathophysiologic state or disease. It is complex because it presents as an over stimulation of both bleeding and thrombosis. The victim has microvascular thrombi and bleeding occurring simultaneously. The disorder can be lifethreatening, acute or chronic and has a mortality rate of 50%-80%. When DIC is a complication of sepsis or shock the mortality rate can be as high as 90%. It frequently is associated with MODS. Risk Factors - There does not appear to be one common risk factor for this acquired coagulation disorder General Classifications Primary Event/Disorder Primary Event/Disorder Tissue Damage Major Surgery Major Trauma Heat Stroke Head Injury Burns Transplant Rejection Extracorporeal Circulation Snake Bites Obstetric Complications HELLP Amniotic Emboli Abruptio Placenta Fetal Demise NS Abortion Eclampsia Placenta Accreta Placenta Previa Shock States Cardiogenic Shock Septic Shock (severe infection or inflammation) Hemorrhagic Shock Dissecting Aneurysm Massive blood and volume resuscitation Drowning Anaphylaxis Neoplasms Acute & Chronic Leukemia Acute & Chronic Lymphoma Solid Tumors Hematologic Disorders Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) Collagen Vascular Disorders Thrombocythemia Sickle Cell Crisis Specific System Dysfunction Acute & Chronic Renal Dis Ulcerative Colitis DKA, Acid Ingestion HIV Disease Cirrhosis Acute Pancreatitis Liver Dysfunction/Failure SIRS & MODS Pulmonary Embolism Fat Embolism 91 | P a g e Common Physiologic Response пѓћ Tissue damage пѓћ Platelet damage пѓћ Endothelial damage Pathophysiology пѓћ пѓћ пѓћ пѓћ пѓћ пѓћ пѓћ пѓћ пѓћ пѓћ пѓћ Tissue Damage Occurs Healing is Stimulated (Clotting) Hemopoietic Chaos Fibrinolytic Mediators Released Initially Microvascular Thrombi Consumption Exceeds Synthesis Ability to Clot is Lost Fibrinolytic Mediators “Run a Muck” Lyse all Clots Bleeding State Consumption Coagulopathy Physical Assessment and Findings: the primary problem and pre-existing condition certainly play a major role in the presentation. All systems are at risk for dysfunction. The most common problems occur in the pulmonary, renal and hematopoietic systems. Any bleeding patient who does not have a history of or “reason” for to bleed should be suspected of DIC. пѓћ Laboratory Findings Test Elevated Decreased Hgb HCT Platelet Ct PT PTT Fibrinogen FDP/FSP D-Dimer 92 | P a g e Treatment: No definitive treatment exists for DIC. The major goal is to treat primary disorder – stopping the hemapoietic chaos. In addition patient and family emotional support is paramount for quality nursing care. пѓј Support/Treat the Primary Problem – Eradicate the Cause of DIC пѓј Early Recognition пѓј Decrease Bleeding Risk пѓј Treat Pain пѓј Transfusion Therapy – PRBC, FFP, Platelets, Cyro пѓј Vit K пѓј Anticoagulation Therapy – Heparin пѓј General Critical Care Management D. HELLP Syndrome - Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzymes & Low Platelets Atypical variant of severe preeclampsia-eclampsia. Presenting with distinct physical and laboratory abnormalities. Risk Factors: пѓћ Second Trimester пѓ Postpartum пѓћ 70% btw 27-37 Weeks Gestation пѓћ Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension пѓћ Older Multiparas Pathophysiology: пѓћ Preeclampsia: Vasoconstriction, Platelet Aggregation, Altered Thromboxane-to-Prostacyclin Ratio пѓћ Microvascular Injury пѓћ ? Inflammatory Condition of Hepatocytes пѓћ The Physiological Response is Similar to Autoimmune Diseases Treatment: пѓћ Deliver the Baby пѓћ Control Blood Pressure  Hydralazine, Labetalol, Nipride  Post Partum Nifedipine пѓћ Hemotherapy пѓћ Assess Liver пѓћ Prevent Seizures: MgS04 пѓћ Dexamethasome 93 | P a g e  Antapartum 10mg IV q12  Postpartum 10mg Q12 X2, 5mg q12 X2 пѓћ PP Monitor for S&S of MODS пѓћ Future Pregnancies? E. Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT) пѓћ Acquired Allergy to Heparin пѓћ Antibodies are Produced to Heparin пѓћ With Heparin Admin the Antibodies „attack‟ Heparin and Thrombocytes пѓћ Pt‟s Platelet Count Drops: 50% drop from baseline typically between day 4-10 of Heparin Administration пѓћ Treatment is to Stop all Heparin, Admin a Non-Heparin Anticoagulant & Admin Platelets Only if Needed F. Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) пѓћ Drop in Platelet Ct пѓћ Hemolytic Anemia пѓћ Classically Presents with Neuro Symptoms or Renal Dysfunction and Fever пѓћ Difficult Diagnosis пѓћ Causes: Drugs or BMT, Autoimmune Dis, AIDS, Depressed Bone Marrow, DIC, HIT, Bleeding, Extracorporeal Cir., Medications, Artificial Heart Valve, Hemodilution пѓћ Treatment пѓј Stop Cause пѓј Admin Platelets or Neumega пѓј Plasmapheresis H. Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) пѓћ Thrombocytopenia < 150,000 пѓћ Unable to Determine Cause II. SUMMARY 94 | P a g e MULTISYSTEM I. Introduction A. II. AACN Blueprint 8% пЃѕ Asphyxia пЃѕ Distributive Shock (e.g. anaphylaxis) пЃѕ Multi-Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS) пЃѕ Multisystem Trauma пЃѕ Septic Shock/Septic Shock пЃѕ System Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) пЃѕ Toxic Ingestions/Inhalations (e.g., drug/alcohol overdose) пЃѕ Toxin/Drug Exposure Toxic Exposure (Ingestions/Inhalations) A. Pathophysiology пЃѕ Absorption пЃѕ Distribution пЃѕ Metabolism пЃѕ Elimination B. Assessment пЃѕ ABCs …ALWAYS….ALWAYS….ALWAYS пЃѕ DE and Poison Control пЃѕ Secondary Survey (full assessment)  Vital Signs п‚· LOC п‚· Heart Rate and Rhythm п‚· Temperature: Hyperthermia - Salicylates & Cocaine Hypothermia - Barbiturates & Opiates п‚· Respiratory Rate п‚· Blood Pressure  Full System Assessment пЃѕ History пЃѕ Environment/Bystanders пЃѕ AMPLE: Allergies, Medications, Past Illnesses, Last Meal, Events пЃѕ Diagnostic Work 95 | P a g e      B. Toxicology Screens: Blood, Urine, Gastric Aspirate CBC, Chemistry, LFTs, Coags, ABG Chest X-Ray, ECG Abd X-Ray (body packing/stuffing) Pregnancy Test Treatment Options пЃѕ Rapid Response: Unknown Substance, Unconscious Victim  Ampule  D50 IV: Hypoglycemia  Thiamine 100mg IV: Prevent Wernicke-Korakoff‟s Syndrome  Naloxone 2mg IV, IM or ET: Narcotic Antagonist пЃѕ Antidote When Known and Available (see below) пЃѕ Prevent Absorption & Enhance Elimination  Oralgastric Lavage  Emetics (not recommended)  Activated Charcoal  Diuresis  Whole Bowel Irrigation  Hemodialysis пЃѕ Don‟t Negate Psycho/Social and Family Indications C. Common Toxins (Review Complete Toxicology Table in Patho Book or AACN Core Curriculum) Toxin Problem/ Presentation Antidote Assessment & Treatment Acetaminophen Liver Failure NAcetylcysteine (NAC) (Mucomyst) PO, IV No Direct N/V, Right UQ Pain, Bleeding Elevating LFTs IV Fluids Helpful Protect Airway, NTG – Lavage (within 1hr) ABGs, IV Fluids, Seizure Precautions, Monitor and Tx Electrolyte Imbalance Altered LOC, Headache, Seizures, Coma, Alcohol Carbon 96 | P a g e Respiratory Depression Seizures Liver Failure (chronic) Hypoxia Removal NAC, Gastric Lavage, Charcoal Altered LOC, ETOH on Breath, Hx Monoxide Cocaine Cyclic Antidepressants Replaces 02 on Hgb Oxygen Admin Stimulates Sympathetic None System HTN, CP, ECG пЃ„s, Headache, Stroke, Seizures, Hyperthermia CNS: Seizure, Coma CV: Rhythm Disturbance Anticholinergic: Decreased Gastric Emptying, Urinary Retention Opiates Cardiac and Respiratory Depression Salicylate (aspirin, pepto bismal, cough/cold preps) Acute: Central Stimulation of Respiratory System (hyperventilation) Metabolic: Met Acidosis, Hyperthermia, Hypoglycemia, Platelet Dysfunction (bleeding) Chronic: Bleeding 97 | P a g e From Exposure Sodium Bicarbonate Flu-Like Complaints 100% Oxygen Hyperbaric Oxygen OD Levels Look Like Hypoxia, Stroke, Head Injuries, MI, Hyperthermia Treat the Physical Presenting Problem (MI, Stroke etc.) Protect Airway – Admin O2 Benzodiazepines: Sedation Vasodilators: HTN ACS Tx: see Cardiac Section Provide Cooling Seizure Tx and/or Prophylactic ECG пЃ„s: Tachy, Vent Dysrhythmias, Heart Blocks, Wide QRS Hypotension Physostigmine (Antilirium) Altered LOC: Confusion, Agitation, (Reverses Hallucinations, Seizures, Coma CNS effects) Admin NaBicarb, GI Evacuation: Lavage and Charcoal Monitor ECG and Tx PRN Naloxane Decreased HR, BP, RR (Narcan) Administer Naloxane No Direct Hyperventilation, Resp Alk & Met Acidosis, Dehydration, N&V, Sodium Hyperpyrexia, Bleeding Bicarbonate for Met ABG, Get Blood Levels, Chemistry, Acidosis Platelet Ct, Coags Gastric Lavage, Charcoal, IV Fluids Tx Metabolic Derangements Cool Temp, Seizure Precautions Hemodialysis III. Toxic Exposures (External) Chemical Exposure пЃѕ Identify if Possible пЃѕ Antidote if Possible пЃѕ Remove Chemical пЃѕ Brush if Power пЃѕ Flush if Liquid- large volumes of NS or H20 пЃѕ Cover w Sterile Damp Dressing пЃѕ Never Rub Area IV. Asphyxia Severe oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) secondary to decreased air flow пЃѕ Drop in Pa02 пЃѕ Rise PaC02 пЃѕ Decreased Level of Consciousness пЃѕ MODS пѓ Death Common Causes пЃѕ Physical Suffocation/Hanging пЃѕ Foreign Body/Obstruction in Upper Airway пЃѕ Drowning пЃѕ Electrical Shock пЃѕ Gastric Aspiration пЃѕ Smoke or Toxic Gas Inhalation Treatment Priorities пЃѕ Open Airway пЃѕ Oxygenate and Ventilate пЃѕ Monitor пЃѕ Lactate Level пЃѕ Consider Therapeutic Hypothermia пЃѕ Organ Support & Surgery if Required 98 | P a g e V. Shock A. Definitions Clinical Definition for Shock The inability of the circulatory system to supply oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body. The oxygen demands are greater than the supply. B. CLASSIFICATIONS OF SHOCK Hypovolemic Shock: 1. Definition: Hypovolemic Shock is the most common type of shock. It also is the easiest to treat if identified early. Shock develops when blood volume is insufficient to fill the intravascular space causing a preload deficit and ultimately a decreased cardiac output. 2. Cause: Absolute/Direct or Relative/Indirect Loss of Volume Absolute/Direct Loses External Hemorrhage Gastrointestinal Volume Losses пЃЌ Diarrhea пЃЌ Vomited пЃЌ Gastric Suction пЃЌ Ostomies Renal Volume Losses пЃЌ Massive Diuresis пЃЌ Hyperglycemic Osmotic Diuresis пЃЌ Diabetes Insipidus Plasma Losses 99 | P a g e пЃЌ Burns пЃЌ Skin Lesions пЃЌ Fistulas пЃЌ Excessive Sweating пЃЌ High Fever Relative/Indirect Losses Sequestration of Fluid пЃЌ Cirrhosis пЃЌ Intestinal Obstruction пЃЌ Ileus пЃЌ Peritonitis Internal Hemorrhage/Volume Losses пЃЌ Hemothorax пЃЌ Hemorrhagic Pancreatitis пЃЌ Ruptured Spleen пЃЌ Long Bone or Pelvic Fx пЃЌ Arterial Dissection пЃЌ Hemoperitoneum пЃЌ Ascites пЃЌ Extra Uterine Pregnancy Vasodilation пЃЌ Sepsis пЃЌ Anaphylaxis пЃЌ Spinal Shock Salt Depletion Addisonian Crisis Hypopituitarism Adapted with Additions from Rauen & Munro (1998). Shock. In Kinney, M., et al. AACN Clinical Reference for Critical Care Nursing. Mosby: Philadelphia 3. Clinical Presentation: Patient presentation will depend 1. Percent volume loss 2. Duration of hypovolemia 3. Activation and response of compensatory mechanisms 100 | P a g e 4. Therapeutic Goal: Restore adequate intravascular volume as quickly as possible and stop losses. The fluid options and crystalloid vs colloid controversy will be addressed in the management section of this seminar. Neurogenic Shock 1. Definition: A loss of vasomotor tone secondary to inhibition of neural output. The loss of sympathetic tone allows the parasympathetic nervous system to dominate, which causes a drop in systemic vascular resistance (massive vasodilation) and bradycardia. Cardiac output drops because of the lack of preload and slow heart rate. 2. Causes: The most common cause of neurogenic shock is spinal cord injury at or above the T6 level. This injury can be complete or incomplete and the shock state typically occurs quickly after the injury and maybe self limiting or transient. The shock state may last up to three weeks. пЃЌ Spinal Cord Injury пЃЌ Deep General Anesthesia пЃЌ Spinal Anesthesia пЃЌ Damage to the Basal Regions of the Brain пЃЌ Prolonged Medullary Ischemia пЃЌ Central Nervous System Problems 3. Clinical Presentation: Parasympathetic dominance is the hallmark of spinal shock. Vasodilation and bradycardia are the classic clinical presentation. During the shock state the patient will typically have no motor or sensory function below the level of the lesion. Long term disability/function can not be determined until the shock state has subsided. 4. Therapeutic Goal: Stop the initiating cause and stabilize the spine as soon as possible. During the shock state therapies revolve around administering volume (fill the tank), beta stimulation (increase heart rate), alpha stimulation (vasoconstriction). 101 | P a g e Anaphylactic Shock 1. Definition: Massive vasodilation occurs because of an antigen-antibody reaction which activates mast cells and basophils triggering the release of vasoactive mediators (histamine, serotonin, bradykinin, eosinophil chemotactic factor, prostaglandlins, heparin, leukotrinenes, plateletactivating factors, adenosine and various proteolytic enzymes) which stimulates a systemic response. This results in tremendous vasodilation and increased capillary permeability, with loss of fluid into the interstitial space and resultant hypotension from the relative hypovolemia. 2. Cause: The initial activating response can be immunoglobulin E (IgE) or non-IgE mediated. Anaphylaxis is IgE mediated and is typically the result of a specific antigen exposure. An anaphylatoid response is mediated by a nonIgE reaction. There is direct activation of the mediators listed above (not antigen-antibody) from a source. A wide range of agents can cause this response: anti-inflammatory drugs, contrast media, opiates, polysaccharide volume expanders and anesthetics. Foods пЃЌ Eggs пЃЌ Milk пЃЌ Nuts пЃЌ Legumes Venoms пЃЌ Bees пЃЌ Wasps пЃЌ Snakes пЃЌ Spiders Blood Products COMMON CAUSES Antibiotics Chemotherapy пЃЌ Penicillins пЃЌ Cisplatin пЃЌ Cephalosporins пЃЌ Cyclophosphamde пЃЌ Tetracyclines пЃЌ Daunorubicin пЃЌ Erythromycin пЃЌ Methotrexate NSADs Insulin пЃЌ Salicylates пЃЌ Pork пЃЌ Buprofen пЃЌ Beef пЃЌ Indomethacin пЃЌ Human Local Anesthetics General Anesthetics Other Drugs пЃЌ Protamine пЃЌ Thiazides пЃЌ Chlorpropamide Diagnostic Agents пЃЌ Iodinated Radiocontrast Agents Narcotics 3. Clinical Presentation: The release of the vasoactive mediators cause an array of systemic effects which lead to decreased oxygen delivery and shock. пЃЌ Hypotension пЃЌ Generalized Edema (increased capillary permeability) пЃЌ Laryngeal Edema 102 | P a g e пЃЌ Severe Bronchoconstriction пЃЌ Difficulty Breathing пЃЌ Coronary Vasoconstriction пЃЌ Urticaria пЃЌ Angioedema пЃЌ Itching пЃЌ Fever пЃЌ Flushed or Warm Skin пЃЌ Anxiety 4. Therapeutic Goal: Identify and stop the exposure to the causative agent. Block the effects of the vasoactive mediators. Treatment options are typically anti-histamines, vasoconstrictors, bronchodilators, and fluid resuscitation. Septic Shock 1. Definition: 1992 ACCP/SCCM Definitions Bone, R. et al (1992) Chest, 101, pg 1644-1655 пѓћ Sepsis: the systemic response to infection, manifested by two or more of the following conditions as a result of infection: пѓј Temperature > 38o C or < 36oC пѓј Heart Rate > 90 beats per minute пѓј Respiratory Rate > 20 bpm or PaC02 < 32mmHg пѓј WBC > 12,000 or < 4,000, or > 10% immature (bands) forms пѓћ Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS): The systemic inflammatory response to a variety of severe clinical insults. The response is manifested by two or more of the following conditions: пѓј Temperature > 38o C or < 36oC пѓј Heart Rate > 90 beats per minute пѓј Respiratory Rate > 20 bpm or PaC02 < 32mmHg пѓј WBC > 12,000 or < 4,000, or > 10% immature (bands) forms пѓћ Severe Sepsis: Sepsis associated with organ dysfunction, hypoperfusion, or hypotension. Hypoperfusion and perfusion abnormalities may include, but are not limited to пѓј Lactic acidosis 103 | P a g e пѓј Oliguria пѓј Acute alteration in mental status пѓћ Septic Shock: Sepsis-induced with hypotension despite adequate fluid resuscitation along with the presence of perfusion abnormalities that may include, but are not limited to: пѓј Lactic Acidosis пѓј Oliguria пѓј Acute alteration in mental status Pt who is receiving inotropic or vaspressor agents may not be hypotensive at the time that perfusion abnormalities are measured. пѓћ MODS: Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome: the presence of altered organ function in an acutely ill patient such that homeostasis cannot be maintained without intervention. 2001 SCCM/ESICM/ACCP/ATS/SIS International Sepsis Definitions Conference Levy, M., et al. (2003). 2001 SCCM/ESICM/ATS/SIS International sepsis definitions conference. CCM 31(4), 1250-1256. пѓћ Approved and supported 1992 definitions. Offered S&S for sepsis and staging system (lacks evidence at this time). пѓћ General Variables: пѓј Fever (core >38.3C) пѓј Hypothermia (core < 36C) пѓј Heart Rate > 90min or > 2 SD above the normal value for age пѓј Tachypnea пѓј Altered mental status пѓј Significant edema or positive fluid balance (20ml/kg over 24 hr) пѓј Hyperglycemia (plasma glucose >120) in absence of DM пѓћ Inflammatory Variables: пѓј Leukocytosis (WBC > 12,000) пѓј Leukopenia (WBC < 4,000) пѓј Normal WBC with >10% immature forms (bands) пѓј Plasma C-Reactive Protein > 2 SD above normal value пѓј Plasma Procalcitonin > 2 SD above normal value (IL-6) 104 | P a g e пѓћ Hemodynamic Variable: пѓј Arterial Hypotension (SBP < 90mmHg, MAP < 70, or SBP decreased >40mmHg in adults or < 2SD below normal for age) пѓј Sv02 > 70% пѓј CI > 3.5L/min пѓћ Organ Dysfunction Variables: пѓј Arterial Hypoxemia (Pa02/Fi02 <300) пѓј Acute Oliguria (UO < 0.5mL/kg/hr) пѓј Creatinine Increase > 0.5mg/dL пѓј Coagulation Abnormalities (INR > 1.5 or APT > 60sec) пѓј Ileus (absent bowel sounds) пѓј Thrombocytopenia (platelet count < 100,000) пѓј Hyperbilirubinemia (plasma total bilirubin > 4mg/dL) пѓћ Tissue Perfusion Variables: пѓј Hyperlactatemia (>1mmol/L) пѓј Decreased capillary refill or mottling 2. Causes: Infection is the cause of sepsis. The infective agent can be a bacteria (gram positive or negative), virus or fungi. Once the infection moves from a local to a systemic problem, sepsis and septic shock can result. 3. Clinical Presentation: Although initiated by a localized infection, once the patient is septic they present with a systemic inflammatory response. This response is a systemic reaction to the release of endotoxin and biochemical mediators stimulated by inflammation and inadequate oxygen delivery. The patient will present with a relative hypovolemia secondary to massive vasodilation. пЃЌ Relative Hypovolemia and Hypoperfusion пЃЌ Increased Capillary Permeability and Edema пЃЌ Myocardial Depression пЃЌ Lactic Acidosis пЃЌ Pulmonary Capillary Leak Leading to ARDS пЃЌ Activation of Complement System Leading to Microthrombi пЃЌ Platelet Abnormalities пЃЌ Gluconeogenesis and Insulin Resistance 105 | P a g e 4. Therapeutic Goal: Identify and stop the causative agent. Block the effects of the inflammatory mediators. Treatment options typically include 1. Antibiotics 2. Fluid Resuscitation 3. Vasopressors 4. Ventilation and Oxygenation 5. Restore Hemopoietic Balance. Distributive Shock Neurogenic, anaphylactic and septic shock are also known as distributive shock because of the relative hypovolemia that occurs in each due to massive vasodilation. Signs & Symptoms Of Distributive Shock Signs & Symptoms Blood Pressure Heart Rate Cardiac Output Temperature Skin Septic Neurogenic Anaphylactic Low High High/Low High Warm/Cold Low Low Low Normal Warm Low High Low High Warm Respiratory Rate High High High WBC High Normal High Sympathetic NS Stimulated Blocked Stimulated Edema Present Absent Present Bronchospasm Absent Absent Present Rauen, C., Munro, N. (1998). Shock. In Kinney, M. AACN Clinical Reference for Critical Care Nursing. Pg 1157 106 | P a g e Initial Hemodynamic Parameters in Shock States Shock State HR BP CO PAPs CVP SVR PAOP Hypovolemic Cardiogenic Neurogenic Anaphylactic High High Low Low Low Low Low High Low Low Low High Low Low High High Low Low Low High Low Low Septic High Low Low Low Low C. High Low Low Low High/ Low Low High/ Low STAGES OF SHOCK All of the shock states cause hypoperfusion. There is inadequate oxygen supply to the tissue resulting from hypoperfusion, decreased blood pressure, and inadequate cardiac output. A supply/demand imbalance develops and the patient moves into anaerobic metabolism and lactic acidosis. Many physiologic mechanisms in the body delay this occurrence by compensating for the perfusion deficit. Rauen & Munro, 1998 1. Aerobic vs Anaerobic Metabolism 2. Stage 1 – Compensatory Stage As inadequate perfusion persists and significant numbers of cells are affected, an imbalance of oxygen supply and demand occurs. Hypoxemia, hypotension, and acidosis activate the body‟s compensatory mechanisms. The physiological goal of compensation is to supply or improve oxygenation and perfusion to the cells. пѓј Neural Response пѓј Hormonal Response пѓј Chemical Response Goal Improve Cardiac Output and Oxygen Delivery Mechanisms Activated Sympathetic Nervous System Renin/Angiotensin/Aldosterone System Chemoreceptor Stimulated Respiratory Alkalosis 107 | P a g e 3. Stage 2 – Decompensatory Stage As shock progresses, the compensatory mechanisms begin to fail. The progression of shock is evident at the cellular, organ, and system levels; and extensive physiological dysfunctions occur. The arteriolar and precapillary sphincters require sufficient energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to maintain a vasoconstrictive state. As energy dissipates with the progression of shock, the sphincters relax, allowing blood to flow into organs and sequester. Sludging of the blood in these capillary beds occurs, and the microcirculation becomes blocked. Metabolic waste products, microaggregates of platelets, white blood cells, and clots accumulate, further enhancing sludging and contributing to the development of metabolic acidosis. In response to these events chemical mediators are released that are harmful to the microciruculation and general system function. This will be reviewed in more detail in the cellular response to shock section. 4. Stage 3 – Irreversible Stage This is the final stage of shock. It is also referred to as the refractory phase because the body systems are no longer responsive to treatment. As each organ system decompensates and requires more and more support, they reach a point where therapeutic measures are no longer effective in maintaining function. The term irreversible is appropriate because it is at this point when several, if not all, of the systems cross the line from organ dysfunction to organ failure. D. Cellular Response to Shock By definition shock is an imbalance between oxygen supply and demand. The resultant hypoxia and/or ischemia initiate a cascade of tissue, organ and cellular responses/reactions. These reactions are intended to assist with shock compensation and healing but when left unregulated actually become the source of further chaos. 108 | P a g e Organ Failure Mortality # FAILED ORGANS MORTALITY RATE Single Organ Failure 10-40% Two Organ Failure 41-67% Three Organ Failure 60-100% Four Organ Failure 100% VI. SUMMARY 109 | P a g e Adult CCRN / CCRN-E Certification Review Course: Handout Pulmonary Presented by: Suzi Burns, RN, MSN, RRT, CCRN, ACNP, FAAN, FCCM, FAANP An AACN Critical Care Publication 101 Columbia Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-1491 2011 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses В© All rights reserved. AACN grants permission for a single individual to print one copy of this electronic publication. No additional copies are permitted. No part of this electronic publication may be reproduced, uploaded, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of AACN. 110 | P a g e Objectives This CCRN pulmonary review session will cover pulmonary diseases/conditions, pharmacology, and diagnostics common in critical care. Specific content consists of: п‚· Basic acid-base abnormalities п‚· Traditional mechanical ventilation modes and methods п‚· Pathophysiology and management of selected restrictive and obstructive pulmonary disease conditions, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary embolus and traumatic injuries Pulmonary Adult Program п‚· Pulmonary clinical judgment questions make up 18% of the examination. п‚· Covers diseases/conditions, pharmacology and diagnostics common in critical care. п‚· These content areas are covered today. п‚· Some extra content is included but may not be covered in-depth. п‚· Good luck! 111 | P a g e Arterial and Venous Blood Gases Arterial Norms п‚· pH: 7.35-7.45 п‚· < 7.35= acid, >7.35= alkaline п‚· PaCo2: 35-45mm Hg п‚· < 35= alkaline, > 45= acid п‚· PaO2: 80-100mm Hg п‚· < 60=severe, 60-80= moderate hypoxemia Venous Norms п‚· Mixed venous O2: 40 mm Hg п‚· Lower: too much being extracted (i.e. cardiogenic shock) п‚· Higher: not enough being extracted (e.g. sepsis) Uncompensated Acid-Base Abnormalities (In these the pH is abnormal. Look to the respiratory or metabolic component to determine primary mechanism) 112 | P a g e Compensated Acid-Base Abnormalities (pH is normal. The primary mechanism –respiratory or metabolic-can be determined by looking at the DIRECTION of the pH). Partial compensation is present when the pH is not fully corrected but there is evidence that the buffering system is at work to compensate. Base Excess The base excess indicates the amount of excess or insufficient level of bicarbonate in the system (A negative base excess indicates a base deficit in the blood). This is a calculated number and is helpful to determine presence of metabolic acidosis and degree of acidosis. 113 | P a g e Compensated vs. Uncompensated п‚· First, interpret the ABG’s п‚· Second, check the pH - to be fully compensated, the pH must be within normal range (7.357.45) п‚· Third, check the respiratory and metabolic components to see which is going in the direction of acidosis or alkalosis. The one that matches the pH direction (acidotic or alkalotic) is the primary mechanism. п‚· The body tries to restore a normal pH by altering the buffer system component not involved in the imbalance - either HCO3 or CO2. The kidneys take longer than the lungs! п‚· So, you may have a partially compensated picture as well (this is when the pH is not normal but there is compensation from another system). A few examples of conditions and associated treatments п‚· Respiratory Acidosis o Conditions: Hypoventilation, over-sedation, drug overdose, neuromuscular disease, inappropriate vent settings. o Treatments: Narcan, adjust vent settings etc. п‚· Respiratory Alkalosis o Conditions: Inappropriate vent settings, pulmonary embolus, pregnancy, hysterical reaction, anxiety. o Treatments: Decrease vent rate, decrease Vt, sedation etc. п‚· Metabolic Acidosis o Conditions: DKA, Hypoperfusion, aspirin OD, renal failure, shock, sepsis, diarrhea. o Treatments: Bicarb, increase perfusion, dialysis etc. п‚· Metabolic Alkalosis o Conditions: Antacid OD, NGT suctioning, vomiting, K+-wasting diuretics. o Treatments: Stop offending drugs, Diamox (diuretic which eliminates Bicarb ions from blood) etc. Mechanical Ventilation A brief review of traditional volume and pressure modes… Volume Modes п‚· Principle o Delivers preset volume with every breath п‚· Disadvantage o Volume is delivered regardless of the pressure required п‚· Normal tidal volume (Vt) o 8-12 ml/kg (6 ml/kg in ARDS). Lower volumes may need to be used in any sick patient. We’ll come back to this! 114 | P a g e Volume Modes-Monitoring п‚· Monitor Pressure! п‚· Pressure changes with changes in compliance (lung and chest wall) and resistance (airways) Parameters Volume Ventilation п‚· Fraction of inspired O2 (FiO2)-21-100% п‚· Vt: 8-12 (with lung protective strategies a lower volume is used i.e. 6 ml/kg) п‚· Rate (fx) o 10-20; adjusted after ABG п‚· Inspiratory time (Ti) o Speed (flow rate) of the gas (L/M) п‚· Average adult Ti time -7-1.0 second o I:E ratio usually 1:2 or 1:3 п‚· Sensitivity-either pressure or flow setting п‚· PEEP Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) п‚· Maintains continuous positive pressure throughout exhalation. п‚· “Recruits” alveoli and holds them open. Restores FRC. PEEP п‚· Restores FRC (used to “recruit” alveoli) п‚· Redistributes lung water? п‚· 5 cm PEEP “physiologic”? п‚· Allows for decrease in FiO2 (decreases shunt) п‚· Increased in 5-10 cm increments in adult п‚· Weaned slowly (rapid loss of effect) PEEP п‚· When set PEEP > 10 cm, avoid breaking the circuit… п‚· Clinical implications of PEEP o Hypotension and Barotrauma What is auto-PEEP? п‚· Inadequate expiratory time (“waiting to exhale”). п‚· Common in patients with asthma, COPD, those with high minute ventilation requirements and those with long inspiratory times. Can also be caused by mechanical factors (i.e., water in the tubing, small endotracheal tubes). п‚· Can be measured at bedside. If found… п‚· Shorten inspiratory time, lower rate, decrease tidal volume, give bronchodilators etc. 115 | P a g e Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) Definition п‚· PEEP in spontaneously breathing patient, no positive pressure breaths п‚· Intubated/non-intubated patients o Weaning method (intubated) o Nocturnal ventilation in OSA (non-intubated) п‚· Nasal pillows/nasal mask п‚· Prevents upper airway obstruction by keeping tongue and soft palate away from posterior pharyngeal wall Traditional Volume Modes of Ventilation How the parameters are configured to deliver breaths to the patient. Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV) п‚· Delivers set number of volume breaths п‚· Allows patient to breathe spontaneously between set breaths at own volume (in synchrony with machine breaths) п‚· Advantages o “Weaning mode” - gradual decrease in the rate of set breaths o Often used in conjunction with PSV SIMV п‚· Disadvantages o Risk of increased WOB at low rates, especially if inadequate flow or slow ventilator response time (this is the main reason we mix PSV with SIMV. п‚· Parameters set by clinician п‚· Vt п‚· Ti п‚· RR (fx) п‚· Sensitivity п‚· FiO2 п‚· PEEP Assist/Control (A/C) a.k.a. Assist Mandatory п‚· Delivers mandatory (set) number of volume breaths п‚· Allows the patient to breathe between set breaths but, o Upon sensing patient effort, ventilator delivers full preset tidal volume п‚· Disadvantages o Excessive patient work if inspiratory time not matched to patient (i.e., inadequate flow) or not sensitive enough. o Potential for patient/ventilator dysynchrony 116 | P a g e A/C п‚· Not for weaning п‚· Parameters o Vt o Ti o Sensitivity o RR (fx) o PEEP o FiO2 Traditional Pressure Modes п‚· Principle o Pre-selected pressure o Vt varies with each breath o Decelerating flow pattern may improve gas distribution п‚· Disadvantages o Sensitive to changes in patient condition  Compliance (lung)  Resistance (airway) Pressure Modes-Monitoring п‚· The tidal volume will change with changes in lung or airway. п‚· Monitor tidal volume! п‚· In spontaneously breathing patients…must also monitor rate! Pressure Support (PSV) п‚· A mode of ventilation that augments or supports a spontaneous inspiration with a clinician-selected pressure level п‚· Patient selection o Stable? o Reliable ventilatory drive o Ready to wean Parameters п‚· To set o FiO2 o Inspiratory pressure level (PS level) o PEEP o Sensitivity п‚· To monitor HOURLY o RR (fx) o Vt 117 | P a g e PSV п‚· Advantages o Patient comfort  Patient controls Ti, I:E, RR, Vt п‚· Provides gradual respiratory muscle work o Endurance  WOB less than with SIMV (depending on the level of PSV) п‚· Disadvantages o RR and Vt dependent on patient condition (lung compliance/airway resistance) PSV п‚· High pressure levels provide nearly total ventilatory support! п‚· PSV may be added to SIMV to offset the WOB on spontaneous breaths. Pressure Control Ventilation (PCV) п‚· Purpose o To lower airway pressures o To optimize gas exchange п‚· Application o ARDS PCV п‚· Set parameters o Pressure limit (IPL)  Initially set at 25-35 cm H2O or at plateau pressure п‚· RR o 20-40 п‚· Initial FiO2 usually 1.00 п‚· Set Ti PC-Inverse Ratio (PC-IRV) п‚· Reverses normal I:E o Start at 1:1; up to 4:1 п‚· Improves oxygenation o Expands stiff alveoli with longer distending times п‚· MONITOR FOR AUTO-PEEP п‚· Sedation/NMBA often required! 118 | P a g e Non-Invasive Ventilation Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure (Bi-PAP ) п‚· Non-invasive via mask п‚· Two distinct levels of positive pressure o I-PAP (PSV) o E-PAP (PEEP) п‚· Modes names vary with vent manufacturer: spontaneous (PS), Spon/T timed (A/C), timed (control) п‚· Patient selection o Patients with chronic respiratory failure o вЂ�Bridging’ o CHF Bi-Level (Bi-PAP) п‚· Application o Set E, then I o Rate (if a control mode) o FiO2 o Creativity and mask selection o Huge time component п‚· Assessment o RR and pattern o Patient comfort o Skin integrity o Patient safety  Emesis  Secretions п‚· ABGs п‚· Abdominal distension Traditional ventilator settings and relationship to ABG’s п‚· PaO2 or O2 Saturation: FiO2 and PEEP п‚· PaCO2: rate and volume (minute ventilation) п‚· pH: can be affected by ventilation (too much/not enough) or lack of oxygenation (i.e. lactic acidosis) 119 | P a g e The New Pressure Modes Application of microprocessor technology has resulted in sophisticated mode options that are very responsive to patient initiated efforts! Spontaneous breathing is encouraged. However no data demonstrates that they improve outcomes! Many of the new pressure modes are ventilator specific! While many of the modes are similar, the names differ. Volume Assured Pressure Modes п‚· Combine pressure supported ventilation with a decelerating flow pattern and a guaranteed volume п‚· Settings vary with ventilator п‚· All require a “selected volume” п‚· Spontaneous versus control modes determined by selection of fx, Ti etc. Examples п‚· VS - Spontaneous mode that adjusts pressure to attain volume п‚· PRVC - Adjusts pressure to attain volume but other parameters set Airway Pressure Release and, BiLevel/BiPhasic Positive Airway Pressure п‚· APRV: Allows spontaneous breathing on a preset CPAP level and which is interrupted by a short (1s) release for further expiration. Similar to PC/IRV п‚· BiPAP: Is similar to pressure controlled ventilation, during which unrestricted spontaneous breathing is possible in each phase of the respiratory cycle. Patient Selection п‚· ARDS п‚· Non-compliant lungs п‚· Those who otherwise may require muscle relaxants Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation п‚· Protocols Work! Use short duration, spontaneous breathing trials-SBTs (CPAP or t-piece) or decrease ventilatory support (e.g., PSV) over time. п‚· SBTs range from ВЅ hour to 2 hours. More than that may tire the patient and longer trials not associated with better outcomes. п‚· Assure rest between trials. п‚· Attention to non-pulmonary factors as well as pulmonary factors (e.g., nutrition, mobility, psychological support). п‚· With tracheostomy…more prolonged trials. 120 | P a g e Signs of intolerance (when to stop!) п‚· Symptoms: Dyspnea, anxiety etc. п‚· Signs: Tachypnea, chest-abdominal asynchony, drop in sats, tachycardia, BP changes, diaphoresis etc. п‚· Trial is terminated with these signs and symptoms. п‚· Rest is necessary and generally means a return to full ventilation for 12-24 hours. But prior to wean trials…WAKE THEM UP! Sedation off! Acute Respiratory Failure Oxygenation and Ventilation Abnormalities п‚· PaO2 <60 and/or PaCO2 >50 at rest Etiology п‚· Obstructive, restrictive, neuromuscular, V/Q (i.e. PE) Restrictive Diseases Definition and Concepts Expansion of the lung is restricted or decreased. Restrictive Diseases п‚· Acute respiratory distress syndrome п‚· Pneumonia п‚· Atelectasis (volume loss) п‚· Pulmonary edema п‚· Others (e.G. Pneumothorax) Restrictive Disorders п‚· Lung volumes decreased п‚· Loss of functional residual capacity п‚· Compliance decreased п‚· Increased w.O.B. п‚· Abnormal v/q (i.e. shunt) п‚· Oxygenation problems Functional Residual Capacity п‚· Volume that remains in the lungs at the end of a resting exhalation п‚· Helps keep the alveoli open п‚· Reduces shunt 121 | P a g e Compliance п‚· How easy the lungs distend п‚· Takes less pressure to get big volume Clinical Features п‚· Dyspnea п‚· Tachypnea п‚· Hypoxemia п‚· Increased w.O.B. п‚· Weakness and fatigue Hypoxemia п‚· Hypoventilation п‚· Diffusion defect п‚· Shunt п‚· V/Q mismatch Clinical Indices of Oxygenation п‚· Alveolar-arterial (A-a) gradient: 10-15 on RA, 50-75 on 100% п‚· a/A ratio: N=0.8 or higher п‚· PaO2/FiO2 (P/F) ratio: п‚· < 300 = ALI, <200 =ARDS п‚· Blood flow shunted/blood flow total (Qs/Qt): 15% or greater is significant in ventilated patient Treatment (General) п‚· Treat precipitating causes п‚· Support oxygenation and ventilation п‚· Mechanical ventilation Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome ARDS Pathogenesis: non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, pulmonary capillary leak, bilateral diffuse infiltrates, P/F ratio <200. Etiology is indirect or direct injury. High mortality. 122 | P a g e Pathology п‚· Increased capillary leak п‚· V/Q abnormalities п‚· Decreased lung compliance (and atelectasis) п‚· Shunt п‚· Hypoxemia п‚· Dyspnea п‚· 3 phases (diffuse alveolar damage) Phases of ARDS п‚· Exudative: (0- 4 days) п‚· Proliferative: (3-10 days) п‚· Fibrotic: (7-14 days) Clinical Features п‚· Dyspnea п‚· Tachypnea п‚· Hyperventilation (initially) п‚· Increased work of breathing (respiratory distress) Diagnosis п‚· X-RAY o Bilateral diffuse infiltrates п‚· ABG’s o PaO2 low despite FiO2, increased A-a gradient, P/F ratio < 200. “refractory hypoxemia” п‚· PCW o <18 (or other evidence that it is not due to a cardiac condition) Therapy for ARDS п‚· Treat Etiology п‚· Infection, trauma, hypotension etc. п‚· Supportive п‚· Oxygenation, ventilation, cardiac output п‚· Optimize Lung Recovery Prevent volu-press trauma “Volu-Press” Trauma п‚· Large Vt’s create high pressures п‚· Injury to the stiff lung at “distending pressures” > 35 cm H2O for > 72 hours п‚· Alveolar fractures and edema: non-ARDS, ARDS 123 | P a g e PEEP п‚· PEEP - Protects against ventilator-induced injury by preventing shear stress injury from repeated opening/closing of alveoli… protects from tidal stress! Prevent Lung Injury (a.k.a. volu-trauma) п‚· Avoid O2 Toxicity (FiO2 < 50-60%) п‚· Low tidal volumes-6ml/kg (low volumes may result in > CO2 and lower pH—called permissive hypercarbia) п‚· Maintain lung recruitment: PEEP Pneumonia п‚· Definition o An inflammatory process (usually due to infection…may be chemical pneumonitis) п‚· Pathophysiology o Alveolar filling with exudate (or other), tissue necrosis, ischemia Classification of Pneumonias п‚· Community Acquired п‚· Hospital Acquired (within 3-5 days of being in the hospital, recent hospitalization, nursing home etc.). Often an aspiration pneumonia п‚· Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (after 3-5 days of mechanical ventilation) п‚· Treatment varies: nosocomial organisms include gram negative organisms and are treated differently Clinical Presentation п‚· Symptoms o Dyspnea, tachypnea, pleuritic chest pain, fever, chills, rigors etc. п‚· Signs o Evidence of consolidation, pleural effusions, wheezing, fever, cough (with or without purulent sputum) Diagnostic Findings п‚· Chest x-ray: infiltrates (especially gravity dependent) п‚· Purulent sputum (or change in quality/quantity) п‚· Hypoxemia and hypercapnia п‚· Decreased compliance and/or obstruction to flow 124 | P a g e Sputum Characteristics Color п‚· Rust п‚· Brick Red п‚· Salmon colored п‚· Yellow/Green п‚· Thick purulent, foul п‚· Frothy п‚· Watery п‚· Tenacious, white п‚· Mucoid, gray п‚· Brown п‚· Anchovy chocolate п‚· Red п‚· Asthma п‚· Bronchitis п‚· Aspergillosis п‚· Amoebic abscess п‚· Rifampin 125 | P a g e Organism п‚· Pneumococcal п‚· Klebsiella п‚· Staphylococcus п‚· Bacterial п‚· Lung abscess п‚· Pulmonary edema п‚· Cold/Allergy Diagnosis п‚· Sputum gram stains п‚· Sputum cultures п‚· CBC with diff п‚· Chest x-ray п‚· Bronchoscopy Treatment п‚· Antibiotics п‚· Fluids п‚· Oxygen п‚· Mechanical ventilation Pulmonary Aspiration Pathophysiology and Etiology п‚· Aspiration of particulate or fluid matter causing generalized tissue reaction and/or airway obstruction. Widespread chemical pneumonitis within 12-36 hrs. п‚· Compliance is decreased. Clinical Presentation п‚· Solid objects o Cough, dyspnea, wheezing, respiratory distress, cyanosis, aphonia (cafГ© coronary) п‚· Gastric acid o Abrupt onset of respiratory distress, hypotension, bronchospasm, increased secretions, tachypnea, fever, crackles and rhonchi п‚· Bacterial o Infection fever Diagnostic Findings п‚· Chest x-ray: Infiltrates (especially gravity dependent) п‚· Purulent sputum (or change in quality/quantity) п‚· Hypoxemia and Hypercapnia п‚· Decreased compliance and/or flow 126 | P a g e Therapy/Prevention п‚· HOB > 30degrees! п‚· Suctioning and cuff management (CASS-continuous aspiration subglotic suction) п‚· Oxygenation п‚· Chest PT п‚· Bronchoscopic removal п‚· Antibiotics, oral decontamination п‚· Ventilatory support Obstructive Diseases Definition A group of diseases including asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema in which the common denominator is airflow obstruction. Chronic Bronchitis п‚· Chronic or recurrent excess mucus production in bronchial tree п‚· Occurs 3 months in a year for 2 consecutive years п‚· Common to have repeated respiratory infections (RSV: respiratory syncytial virus, strep pneumonia, h-flu) Emphysema п‚· Abnormal permanent enlargement of airspaces distal to terminal bronchiole п‚· Accompanied by destruction of the walls п‚· Centrilobular proximal, most common Resistance п‚· How easy, or hard, it is for gases to flow down the airways. п‚· Affected by small airways (e.g. bronchospasm, small diameter tubes) п‚· Takes more pressure to maintain flow. Concepts Obstructive п‚· Lung volumes are increased (TLC, FRC, RV) п‚· Expiratory flow rates decreased (FEV1 and peak flow) п‚· Airways resistance is increased п‚· Gas trapping common-dynamic hyperinflation and auto-PEEP (if on the ventilator) п‚· Increased W.O.B п‚· Increased drive п‚· Mechanical disadvantage and fatigue п‚· Precipitating events: infection (and other) 127 | P a g e Clinical Features п‚· Signs of precipitating event п‚· Hypoxemia п‚· Hypercarbia п‚· Pattern of breathing Treatment Goals п‚· Treat cause п‚· Improve O2 sat! п‚· Secretion clearance п‚· Decrease ventilatory demand and load п‚· Improve respiratory muscle force and endurance п‚· Correct electrolytes and fluid deficits п‚· Avoid complications Therapeutics п‚· Provide oxygen (check CO2 levels) п‚· Beta 2 agonists (e.g., albuterol) п‚· Anticholinergics (e.g. ipratroprium) п‚· Methylxanthines (e.g., amminophylline) п‚· Steroids п‚· Antibiotics п‚· Hydration п‚· Nutrition Mechanical Ventilation п‚· Provide respiratory muscle rest first 12- 24 hours п‚· Prevent hyperinflation (small volumes, short inspiratory times, and adequate exhalation times)…check for auto-PEEP! Status Asthmaticus Acute Severe Asthma Severe acute bronchoconstriction that is intense, unrelenting, and unresponsive to usual therapy. A clinical emergency! Asthma Pathophysiology п‚· Inflammation п‚· Bronchoconstriction п‚· Mucus production 128 | P a g e Precipitating Events (“triggers”) Pathophysiology п‚· Gas exchange o Predominately high V/Q (dead space ventilation) п‚· Increased W.O.B. п‚· Precipitating events o History is essential! Clinical Features History п‚· Recurrent frequent episodes п‚· Change in pattern of symptoms п‚· Increased dyspnea п‚· Cough with sputum п‚· Change in sputum color п‚· Refractory to drugs п‚· Personality changes Physical Exam п‚· Mental status п‚· Anxiety п‚· Tachypnea and tachycardia п‚· Accessory muscle use п‚· Wheezing п‚· Prolonged expiration п‚· Pulsus paradox Laboratory Data п‚· Flow measurements decreased (peak flow etc.) п‚· Hypoxemia п‚· Eucapnia or hypercapnia п‚· Chest x-ray (hyperinflation) п‚· Eosinophils in sputum п‚· Purulent sputum Therapy (General) п‚· Bronchodilators o Beta 2 agonists (1st line) o Anticholinergics (2nd but often given in combination with beta agonists) o Methylxanthines, magnesium п‚· Steroids (always a first line drug) п‚· Oxygen п‚· Hydration п‚· Antibiotics if infection suspected 129 | P a g e Mechanical Ventilation Asthma п‚· Avoid pressure limiting modes (hard to control volumes with bronchospasm) п‚· Prevent dynamic hyperinflation (small volumes and low rates) п‚· May require heavy sedation and paralytics п‚· Permissive hypercarbia п‚· Check for auto-PEEP Acute Pulmonary Embolus Pathogenesis п‚· A complication of deep vein thrombosis. Migration of a clot to the pulmonary vasculature. Clinical Features DVT п‚· Pain, increased girth, tenderness, warmth, redness, swelling, edema, venous cord п‚· Virchows Triad: Hypercoaguability (acquired or congenital-inborn resistance to activated protein C-genetic mutation in factor V known as "factor V Leyden”), stasis and injury (most common is hospitalization and lack of prophylaxis) п‚· More common in left leg (compression of the left common iliac vein by the overlying right common iliac artery May-Thurner syndrome) Diagnosis and Therapy DVT п‚· D-dimer п‚· Duplex Ultrasonography, due to its high sensitivity, specifity and reproducibility, has replaced venography as the most widely used test in the evaluation of the disease. п‚· DVT Prophylaxis: Unfractionated heparin, LMWH, warfarin, SCD’s Clinical Features PE п‚· Chest pain, chest wall tenderness, back pain, shoulder pain, upper abdominal pain, syncope, hemoptysis, shortness of breath, painful respiration, new onset of wheezing, any new cardiac arrhythmia, or any other unexplained symptom referable to the thorax–of those who die from PE only 60% have dyspnea. Clinical Features PE (Cont.) п‚· Hemodynamic: Increased PA pressures, right ventricular failure п‚· Pulmonary: V/Q abnormalities, hypoxemia, hyperventilation, atelectasis…infarction п‚· X-ray: Possible wedge п‚· ABG’s: Hypoxemia with hyperventilation (at least initially) 130 | P a g e Diagnosis and Therapy PE п‚· Diagnosis: Estimate risk, search for source, V/Q scan (when CTPA not available), CTPA, pulmonary angiogram (gold standard… but being replaced with CTPA) п‚· Therapy: Heparin, thrombolytics, vena cava interruption (filters-removable are popular now), embolectomy, oxygenation and ventilation Fat Embolus п‚· Signs and Symptoms: Otherwise unexplained dyspnea, tachypnea, arterial hypoxemia with cyanosis and diffuse alveolar infiltrates on chest X-ray, otherwise unexplained signs of cerebral dysfunction, such as confusion, delirium or coma, petechiae over the upper half of the body, conjunctive, oral mucosa and retinae. п‚· Prevention: Prompt surgical stabilization of long bones fractures and correcting or preventing decreased systemic perfusion, reduce the risk of the syndrome п‚· Treatment: Supportive (O2, ventilation etc.) Pulmonary Hypertension Definition п‚· Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) is a rare disease of unknown etiology. Occurs in young adults (twice as common in women as in men). п‚· Known causes o The use of the appetite suppressant “fen-phen” (dexfenfluramine and phentermine). chronic liver disease, some rheumatologic disorders, congenital heart malformations or illicit drug use. п‚· Symptoms: Often undetected until they get sick with a virus. п‚· Diagnosis: supported by an abnormal echocardiogram of the heart and confirmed with right heat catheterization (increased PA pressures). п‚· Treatment: difficult to treat, although intravenous prostacyclin has proven effective in many patients. Only cure is lung transplantation. Pneumothorax Definition п‚· Air in the pleural space Etiology п‚· Spontaneous, traumatic, tension 131 | P a g e Clinical Features Pneumothorax п‚· Depends on size п‚· Symptoms: Dyspnea, pleuritic chest pain п‚· Signs: Tachycardia, tachypnea, hypotension, decreased respiratory excursion, elevated chest on affected side, widened costal spaces, absent or reduced breath sounds, hyper-resonant to percussion, tracheal shift п‚· ABG’s o Hypoxemia +/ Hypercapnia п‚· Ventilator o Increased peak airway pressure (plateau pressure will increase) п‚· Cardiac Tamponade! Diagnosis and Treatment п‚· Chest x-ray п‚· Large bore catheter in 2nd intercostal space if unstable п‚· Chest tube Other Air-leak Syndromes п‚· Pneumopericardium п‚· Pneumomediastinum п‚· Treatment depends on how it is affecting the patient. Chest Trauma Definition п‚· Penetrating or blunt injury to the chest and/or lungs that interfere with any of the components of respiration Clinical Presentation п‚· Tachypnea, dyspnea, ecchymosis, shock, pain, history of injury п‚· Pneumothorax, hemothorax and tension pneumothorax п‚· Flail chest: Unstable chest wall sinks with inspiration (three consecutive ribs) п‚· Trauma to lung (contusions): Hemoptysis, respiratory distress. Presentation Open sucking wounds п‚· During inspiration the affected lung collapses resulting in ineffective gas exchange. Patient is dyspneic and sucking sounds on inspiration are noted from wound. 132 | P a g e Hemothorax п‚· Limited motion of affected side, dull to percussion, absent breath sounds. Therapies п‚· ABGs and clinical assessment to follow and intervene п‚· Pain control, fluids, blood, prepare for surgery п‚· Flail: Intubation, PEEP and mechanical ventilation п‚· Emergency decompression of tension pneumo, chest tubes for hemo and other Thoracic Surgery п‚· Tracheal perforation and surgery п‚· Lung reduction п‚· Pneumonectomy, lobectomy Practice Exam Questions (13 total) 1. Mr. K. is a patient with diabetes who has been admitted to a medical floor for management of his glucose which is 500 mg/dL. His ABG is pH=7.24, PaCo2=36mmHg, Bicarbonate=14 mEq/L, PaO2= 90 mmHg. Interpret Mr. K’s blood gas. A. Compensated metabolic acidosis B. Respiratory acidosis and metabolic alkalosis C. Uncompensated metabolic acidosis 2. Mrs. C. is admitted to the MICU with the CC of being “short winded”. Her admission ABG is: pH= 7.3, PaCO2= 84mmHg, Bicarbonate= 30 mEq/L and PaO2 of 48mmHg. Interpret her ABG. A. Metabolic acidosis and respiratory acidosis with severe hypoxemia. B. Partially compensated respiratory acidosis with severe hypoxemia C. Fully compensated respiratory acidosis with moderate hypoxemia. 133 | P a g e 3. Ms. Littlepuffin was admitted to the ER following a drug overdose. She is intubated and ventilated on A/C. Other parameters are as follows: FiO2= 100%, Vt = 500ml, rate (fx) = 15, PEEP=5. Her first ABG, drawn after 20 minutes is: pH= 7.30, PaCO2 =55 mmHg, Bicarb= 22, PaO2 = 300mmHg. What parameters do you need to adjust? A. Decrease the ventilator rate to 10, decrease the FiO2 to 90% B. Increase the ventilator rate to 20, decrease the FiO2 to 60% C. Increase the PEEP to 10 cmH2O and increase the ventilator rate to 17 breathes/min. 4. Which of the following are true? A. Research proves that the “new pressure” modes are better than the “traditional” modes. B. PC-IRV commonly requires heavy sedation and paralytics whereas APRV does not. C. The volume assured pressure modes are designed to deliver the breaths as “pressure breaths” while assuring that the desired Vt is delivered. 5. Billie Boy Blue returned from abdominal surgery to the SICU where he was placed on SIMV until he woke up. Once awake the nurse practitioner asked that he be placed on a SBT on CPAP of 5 cm H2O. After 5 minutes of being on a CPAP of 5, your patient is breathing 40 times/min, he is diaphoretic and agitated. What will you do for Mr. Blue? A. Turn the CPAP up to 10 cm H2O B. Put him back on a control mode and assess reason for intolerance. C. Put him on a T-piece (he probably just wants you to pull the endotracheal tube out). 6. A restrictive disease is one that is characterized by: A. Decreased compliance, hypoxemia and rapid shallow breathing. B. Increased compliance, hypercarbia and slow deep respirations. C. Decreased compliance, normal PaO2 and shunting. 7. Your patient has ARDS. His P/F ratio is 90 and he is currently on a ventilator. The primary goals of ventilatory support are: A. Prevent lung injury with PEEP and assure that blood gases are normalized. B. Keep PEEP levels and FiO2 levels low…they both injure the lung. C. Maintain Vt at 6 ml/kg and assure lung recruitment with PEEP. 134 | P a g e 8. Of the following which is the most appropriate means of preventing Ventilator Associated Pneumonia? A. Give prophylactic antibiotics. B. Keep the HOB > 30 degrees. C. Decontaminate the room with a bleach mixture. 9. A. B. C. Obstructive diseases/conditions are characterized by: Decreased expiratory airflow, increased volumes and low PaCO2. Increased expiratory airflow, hypoxemia and high PaCO2. Airflow obstruction, high PaCO2 and hyperinflation. 10. Your patient has COPD. He is currently agitated and s.o.b. His current ABG is: pH= 7.32, PaCO2= 60mmHg, and PaO2 = 45mmHg on 1 L/min oxygen by nasal cannula. Essential next step is: A. Give the patient some sedatives! B. Don’t give more oxygen. Patients with COPD always have low O2’s and giving more O2 will eliminate his hypoxic drive. C. Provide more O2 to attain an oxygen saturation close to 90% (PaO2~60mmHg) and monitor carefully for an increase in CO2. 11. What is the primary pathophysiologic mechanism in asthma? A. Bronchoconstriction B. Mucus plugging C. Airway inflammation 12. It is July and your ventilated patient just had a subclavian central line placed by a new intern. Your patient suddenly becomes very short of breath. Peak airway pressures are > 60cm H2O and alarms are going off. Chest is elevated on the affected side and BP is dropping. Which are correct? A. Venogram, V/Q scan, heparin infusion B. D-dimer, doppler ultrasound of lower extremities, CT-PA, heparin infusion C. Heparin infusion, SCDs, LMWH, warfarin, SCD’s, filter. 13. Which of the following are true about lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS)? A. Those receiving the surgery must receive physical therapy prior to surgery. B. LVRS works on the premise that by removing an over distended portion of the lung, the diaphragm will return to a more mechanically efficient position in the thorax. C. All patients with emphysema qualify for this surgery. 135 | P a g e Practice Exam Answer Key: 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B&C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. A&B Selected References п‚· AACN Protocols for Practice. "Caring for Mechanically Ventilated Patients", Editor S. Burns. Second edition. 2007 Jones and Bartlett Publishers п‚· AACN Essentials of Critical Care Nursing. Chulay M and Burns SM, editors. Second edition. 2010. McGraw Hill Publishers publications, New York. п‚· Management of the Mechanically Ventilated Patient. Second edition. Ed: Lynelle N.B. Pierce. 2007 Saunders / Elsevier 136 | P a g e Adult CCRN / CCRN-E Certification Review Course: Handout Neurologic Presented by: Mary Kay Bader, RN, MSN, CCRN, CNRN, CCNS, FAHA An AACN Critical Care Publication 101 Columbia Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-1491 2011 American Association of Critical-Care Nurses В© All rights reserved. AACN grants permission for a single individual to print one copy of this electronic publication. No additional copies are permitted. No part of this electronic publication may be reproduced, uploaded, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of AACN. 137 | P a g e Topics Neuroanatomy Protective Structures • • Scalp Skull Protective Structures Meninges • • • Dura Mater Subarachnoid space Pia Mater Central Nervous System • • • • Cerebrum Brainstem Cerebellum Spinal Cord Cerebral Hemispheres • Frontal: Voluntary motor function, speech, memory, judgment, affect, learned social behavior, initiation and higher mental functions • • • Parietal: Sensory function (left vs. right) Temporal: Sensory hearing/receptive speech, behavior/emotion Occipital: Vision Cerebrum Corpus Callosum • Fibers transfer learned discrimination, sensory, and memory from one hemisphere to another 138 | P a g e Cerebrum Basal Ganglia • • • Regulate/control influences on motor integration Suppress muscle tone Extrapyramidal control Diencephalon Thalamus Walls of 3rd ventricle • • • Receive sensory input for general senses, taste, vision, and hearing Relay station to cerebral cortex Role in motor function and ascending RAS Diencephalon Hypothalamus • • Temperature, food/water intake, behavior, and sleep Autonomic responses: parasympathetic in anterior and sympathetic in posterior hypothalamus Brainstem: Motor/sensory pathways Midbrain • Auditory/visual systems Brainstem and Cerebellum Motor/sensory pathways • • Midbrain • Medulla Pons o Respiratory centers o Respiratory and vasomotor control 139 | P a g e Cerebellum • • Influences muscle tone Equilibrium, locomotion, posture, and non-stereotyped movements Blood Supply • • CBF: 20% of cardiac output Major arteries off aortic arch o Right side - innonimate  common carotid  subclavian-vertebral o Left side  carotid  subclavian-vertebral Circulation of Brain • Anterior Circulation o Carotid arteries • Posterior Circulation o Vertebral arteries Ventricle System and CSF • • • • Lateral ventricles Third ventricle Fourth ventricle CSF - 500 cc /day o Choroid plexus o Arachnoid villi o 125-150 cc in system Topics Consciousness • • Arousable Awareness 140 | P a g e General Observation • • • Appearance • • • • Flow of speech Behavior Mood and affect o Facial expression Thought processes Assessment Mentation o Level of consciousness o Orientation Talking Points • LOC single most important indicator of neuro function o Just because someone follows commands does not mean their ICP is normal o Agitation/restlessness precedes neurologic decline  Do not sedate for agitation in neuro diagosis • Frequent neuro checks for new pathologies Assessment • Mentation o o o o o o o Level of consciousness Orientation Attention and concentration Retention and immediate recall Cognition Affect and mood Judgment Localizing Value of Mental Status Exam Assessment • Language and Communication o Expressive o Receptive • Special cerebral function o Gnosia-Agnosia o Praxia-Apraxia 141 | P a g e Assessment • Motor Exam o Size o Strength o Tone o Coordination Talking Points • Essential Motor strength scored 0-5 o Abnormalities of > 1 on score significant o Always validate score with oncoming RN • Spine Patient o Motor strength  Lumbar abnormalities: lower extremity deficit  Thoracic abnormalities: lower extremity deficit except sensation  Cervical abnormalities: upper/lower extremity deficit Assessment • • Sensory exam Cranial nerves o II and III o III, IV, & VI o V and VII o IX and X o XII Assessment • Vital Signs o o o o BP HR Respiration Temperature Increased Intracranial Pressure Classification • • • • • Increases in tissue volume Increases in blood volume Increases in CSF volume Congenital abnormalities Metabolic 142 | P a g e Hydrocephalus Secondary to Infection in Meninges Hydrocephalus Secondary to Intraventricular Hemorrhage or SAH Pathophysiology • • Monro-Kellie Doctrine Compliance Signs/Symptoms Increased ICP • • Decreased in LOC • Cranial Nerves: o Ipsilateral pupil abnormalities • • Headache and/or vomiting Motor o Contralateral motor deficit Cushing’s Triad o Bradycardia o Widening pulse pressure o Respiratory arrest ICP Monitoring • • • Intraparenchymal bolt Ventriculostomy ICP Pressure o Normal:0 – 15 mm Hg o Elevated: > 20mm Hg Cerebral Blood Flow • CBF = CPP пЂЇ CVR o CPP = MAP - ICP  Injured Brain optimize CPP  Use target of 50-70 mm Hg Autoregulation Cerebral Blood Flow • Vasomotor control o Intact: Increase in CPP causes vasoconstriction and decrease in ICP o Vasomotor reactivity failure: Increase in CPP causes vasodilation and inc ICP • Flow metabolism o ↑ metabolism ↑ CBF 143 | P a g e • Metabolic substances o PaO2 o PaCO2 o pH i.e., acidosis = vasodilatation Interventions • • • • Head of Bed/Neck positioning • Maintain CPP > 50-70 mm Hg o Maintain euvolemia/vasopressors • Normothermia Quiet environment Drain CSF Airway o PaO2 and PaCO2  Decrease PaCO2 30-35 if impending herniation o Suctioning o Neuromuscular blockade only for ventilation Secondary Interventions • Mannitol o 0.25-1 gram/kg o Replace fluids lost to maintain euvolemia • Hypertonic Saline o 3% 200 ml over 20 minutes o 5% 150 ml over 20 minutes o 7% 100 ml over 20 minutes o 23.5% 15-20 ml Tertiary Interventions • Decompressive hemicraniectomy o Large o Early • Temperature Control o Hypothermia for refractory Increased ICP • Barbiturate Coma If unable to control Inc ICP: Progression to Brain Death • President’s Commission report on guidelines for determination of brain death culminated in a legal definition and established the Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) 144 | P a g e o An individual who has sustained either  Irreversible cessations of circulatory and respiratory functions  Irreversible cessation of all functions of the entire brain If unable to control Inc ICP: Progression to Brain Death • Determining Brain Death – 4 steps o Establish irreversible and proximate cause of coma  History, Examination, neuroimaging and laboratory • Achieve a normal or near-normal core temperature o Greater than 35 degrees C (as close to 36 degrees C)  Achieve a normal systolic BP > 100 mm Hg  Perform one neurologic exam (acceptable in most states) o Some states require more than 1 exam and some may specify a certain level of expertise, i.e., Neurologist/neurosurgeon If unable to control Inc ICP: Progression to Brain Death • Determining Brain Death – 4 steps o Perform one neurologic exam (acceptable in most states)  Coma: must lack all level of responsiveness (no eye opening, no eye movement, no motor response to stimuli)  Absence of brainstem reflexes (fixed pupils, absent dolls eyes/ cold calorics, absent corneal/swallow/gag, & no facial)  Apnea: absence of spontaneous breathing (Allow PaCO2>60) п‚· 8-10 min support with 100% FIO2 via O2 to ET o Ancillary tests: EEG, cerebral angio, nuclear scan blood flow  Not used to confirm brain death and cannot replace the clinical exam If unable to control Inc ICP: Progression to Brain Death • Determining Brain Death – 4 steps o Time of brain death is  Time the PaCO2 reached the target level and absent spontaneous breathing  If unable to do apnea, time of ancillary test officially interpreted Head Trauma Etiology of Brain Injury • Mechanisms of Injury o Trauma  Blunt  Penetrating  Blast 145 | P a g e Pathophysiology of Brain Injury • Primary Injury o Trauma  Skull integrity  Brain integrity п‚· Focal injuries п‚· Diffuse injuries Classification • Secondary Injury r/t event o Cerebral edema o Changes in CBF o Cellular Types of Primary Injuries • • Scalp Skull Primary Injuries • Cerebral Injuries o Diffuse o Focal Diffuse Injury: Concussion Diffuse Axonal Injury Epidural Hematoma • Associated with linear skull fracture o Children may not have skull fx with epidural o Rare in older adults • • • • Location: 75% temporal region CT: biconvex Exam Treatment Subdural Hematoma • • Associated with high velocity deceleration Timing and cause o Acute within 24-48 hours  Rupture of bridging cortical veins 146 | P a g e  Increased ICP/contusions o Subacute 48 hours to 10 days o Chronic 10 days to 6 weeks  Rupture of bridging veins across parasagital space • • CT Clinical presentation Acute Subdural Hematoma Subacute Subdural Chronic Subdural Hematoma Management Subdural • Acute • Subacute and chronic o Burr holes for removal of fluid o Flat for 1-2 days o Gradual elevation of head of bed o Evaluation for deficits o Acute surgical decompression o Synchronous with increased ICP management Cerebral Contusions • Types o o o o o o • • • Fracture Coup Countercoup Herniation Surface Gliding (focal hemorrhage in cortex/subjacent white matter found in DIA Frequently frontal or temporal regions Vasogenic edema and central necrosis Diagnosis: CT and Exam Focal Injury: Cerebral Contusions • Care Priorities o Manage ICP o Manage life support systems o Assessment of deficits o Education of patient/family 147 | P a g e Head Injury Assessment • • History of event • • Signs of Increased ICP and evidence of injury Severity of injury based on GCS o Mild 13-15 o Moderate 9-12 o Severe 3-8 Diagnostics Interventions • Airway • BP and Volume o 2007 BTF guidelines 50-70 o Fluids/vasopressors • • Mannitol or Hypertonic Saline o Oxygenation: airway and oxygen o Ventilation:  Initial: PaCO2 35-45 mm Hg  Phase II (days 2-6): PaCO2 may decrease Positioning o HOB 30 degrees with neck midline Interventions • • Draining CSF • Medications o Sedation/Analgesia o Barbiturate coma • • • Mild hypothermia Temperature regulation o Keep normothermic (36-37 degrees C) System support Rehab Stroke Ischemic Stroke • Etiology o Thrombotic o Embolic 148 | P a g e • Pathophysiology o Disturbances in calcium o Lactic acidosis o Oxygen free radicals Ischemic Stroke • • Risk factors • Use NIHSS to assess o Full o Abbreviated Signs/symptoms o FAST:  Face, Arm, Speech, Time o Motor weakness o Asymmetrical smile o Difficulty speaking o Numbness o Visual changes o Difficulty swallowing Ischemic Stroke • Intervention o ABC o BP management o Monitoring o IV and labs o Tests  CT scan/MRI  Chest x-ray and 12 lead Time Window: Patients presenting within 4.5 hours from symptom onset are candidates for tPA. Ischemic Stroke • Decision Point o Thrombolysis: up to 6 hours  IV 3-4.5 hours  IV/IA 4.5 hours  IA 6 hours (off label) o Merci Retrieval/Penumbra device  Up to 8 hours o Supportive care 149 | P a g e  Aspirin 325 mg rectally by 48 hours Ischemic Stroke • tPA • Supportive care o Do not drop BP unless  Systolic BP >220/Diastolic BP > 120  Treat with Labetalol or Nicardipine o BP considerations: Tx –  SBP > 185/DBP >110 o Administration: IV vs. IA o Post-infusion care: Tx SBP >180 DBP > 105 Ischemic Stroke • VS/Neuro checks 1-2 hours o NIHSS • • • • Support Airway/O2/Pulse ox Cardiac telemetry Head of bed flat vs. 30 degrees NPO till swallow assessment Ischemic Stroke • Temperature management: o Treat temp > 98.6 • • • • Hydrate/control serum glucose < 180 • • Educate family Observe neuro status Medications: Statins and Antiplatelet agents Prevent complications o Aspiration: NPO till swallow assessment o DVT o UTI Secondary stroke prevention Hemorrhagic Stroke Intra-cerebral Hemorrhage • Usually a result of hypertension o Releases toxins leads to vasospastic activity o Local decrease in perfusion o Global decrease in perfusion 150 | P a g e o Cellular changes Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: Aneurysm • • • • • Occur at bifurcation Defect in artery Rupture point Bleeds into SAS, brain tissue or ventricles Danger o Re-bleeding o Vasospasm Vascular Malformations • • • Developmental vascular anomalies • Symptom onset o 80% between 20-40 years o 20% before age 20 Result from error in embryonic vascular network 8.6% of all SAH o Only 1% of all strokes o Ratio of AVM to aneurysm 1:10 Pathophysiology: Ruptured AVM • Rupture causes hemorrhage, increased ICP, and hemispheric damage Hemorrhagic Stroke • Assessment: ICH o Headache, altered LOC, and N/V o Motor weakness and sensory changes o Cranial nerve deficits o Signs of increased ICP Hemorrhagic Stroke • Assessment: SAH o Worst headache of life o Meningeal: photophobia and nuchal rigidity o Nausea/vomiting and dizziness o Focal deficits, i.e., 3rd nerve Hemorrhagic Stroke • Aneurysms – Assessment Grading Hunt and Hess Scale 151 | P a g e o o o o o I: alert, no deficit and minimal HA II: awake, CN palsy, mild to severe HA III: drowsy, confusion, mild focal deficit IV: unresponsive and hemiplegia V: comatose, moribund, extensor posturing Hemorrhagic Stroke • Diagnostic Work-up o LP  Presence of RBCs/WBCs  Elevated protein o CT scan  Presence of SAH o Angiogram o Spiral CT angiogram o MRI/MRA Hemorrhagic Stroke • Management of ICH o Surgery vs. medical management vs palliative care o Ventriculostomy o ABC  Airway/Ventilation  BP control: fluids, vasopressors vs. vasodilators  Circulation: TEDS/compression boots o ICP control: CSF drainage and mannitol vs HS o Medications o System support Hemorrhagic Stroke • Medical Management of SAH o Pre-op  BP control  Hydrocephalus o Surgical clipping vs. coiling o Post-op  Vasospasm п‚· Intra-arterial verapamil or nicardipine п‚· Cerebral angioplasty Hemorrhagic Stroke • Team Management of SAH o Preop o Post-op 152 | P a g e  ABC: PaCO2 >35 o ICP control: CSF drainage o Vasospasm  BP management and Triple H therapy  Nimodipine  Watch for sodium decline/diuresis o Support Systems Interventions • • • • • • NG IV fluids Maintain anticonvulsants Examine pt for injury Treat hyperthermia Psychological support Neurologic Infectious Diseases Meningitis • Definition o Inflammation of the coverings of the brain • 3 Primary causes - (80% of all cases) o Bacterial:  Strep pneumonia  Neisseria meningitidis  H flu o Viral: enteroviruses, arboviruses, and herpes viruses o Fungal: cryptococcus neoformans Meningitis • Pathophysiology o Access routes: open wound, mucous membrane, or infected tissue  Direct п‚· Penetrating wounds, skull fractures, neuro op procedures, LPs, ICP, otitis media, sinusitis, or osteomyelitis o Hematogenous  Septicemia/bacteremia, septic emboli, bacterial endocarditis, URI, pelvic abscess o CSF leak: rhinorrhea/otorrhea 153 | P a g e Meningitis • Pathophysiology o Bacterial process  Colonization: invades tissue/gains access to blood  Crosses B-B barrier  No host immune defense in CSF п‚· Rapid replication of bacteria п‚· Rapid increase in neutrophils o Lysis of bacteria  Produces exudate and inflammation of meninges  Cerebral edema, vasculitis, infarctions, hydrocephalus and increased ICP Meningitis • Pathophysiology o Viral transmission: fecal-oral contamination or respiratory droplets  Virus replicates at site of entry  Primary viremia is followed by viral replication in blood and spread to CSF  Patient is infectious from 3 days after infection to 10 days after symptoms develop п‚· Incubation period 3-7 days o Fungal transmission: similar to bacteria Meningitis • Data Assessment – Neurologic Exam o Bacterial  Subjective: headache, stiff neck, photophobia, malaise  Objective: п‚· fever, nuchal rigidity, photophobia, headache п‚· Cranial nerve palsy’s п‚· Petechial rash: 50% of meningoccal cases have red or purple pinprick progressing to purple blotches; primary area located on trunk, lower extremities, mucous membranes, and conjunctiva Meningitis • Data Assessment – Neurologic Exam o Viral  Milder than bacteria  Resembles influenza  Headache, fever, photophobia, malaise, and nausea o Fungal 154 | P a g e  Non-specific: headache, fever, photophobia, malaise and nausea Meningitis • Data Assessment – Diagnostics o Cultures, Cells, Glucose, Protein Complications • • • • • Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome (adrenal hemorrhage) DIC Brain abscess Hydrocephalus Cerebral edema Meningitis • Management o Bacterial  Medical – antibiotic therapy п‚· Strep pneumonia: Pen G, ceftriaxone, cefotaxime o Resistant to Pen – Vancomycin  Neisseria: Pen G or ampicillin  H flu: Cefotaxime or ceftriaxone o Other therapy  Steroids, ICP management, Airway control Meningitis • Management o Nursing  Institute airborne precautions  Assess neuro status closely  Airway/breathing – may be intubated  Hemodynamic control – may need vasopressor support  Control ICP  Monitor lab values  Administer antipyretics/analgesics/antibiotics, anticonvulsants  Administer IV fluids/nutritional support Meningitis • Management o Viral  Medical: antiviral therapy (acyclovir) 155 | P a g e  Nursing: same as bacterial o Fungal  Medical: C. neoformans meningitis is treated with amphotericin B and flucysosine  Nursing: Same as bacterial Encephalitis • Definition: o Inflammation of the brain parenchyma caused by virus, bacterium, fungus, or parasite • Etiology o Virus is most common cause  Respiratory system: Mumps, measles, varicella virus  Oral: Enteroviruses/polio  Oral or genital: herpes simplex  Bites п‚· Animal: Rabies п‚· Insect: Arbovirus (mosquito) Lyme disease (tick) Encephalitis • Pathophysiology o Virus  Enters body and colonizes  Penetrates cell  Transcribes virus coated proteins and replicates the viral nucleic acid  Blood brain barrier prevents virus from entering CNS but can enter through cerebral capillaries or choroid plexus and/or along peripheral nerves  Virus attacks susceptible neurons and causes cell lysis Encephalitis • Pathophysiology o Herpes virus  Lies dormant within dorsal ganglia of the trigeminal nerve  Virus is activated in ganglia then follows the fibers and attacks frontal/temporal lobes causing bilateral hemorrhagic necrosis Encephalitis • Pathophysiology o Arbovirus: includes St. Louis/eastern/western equine and West Nile Virus  Humans bitten by the vector are asymptomatic or develop 156 | P a g e  vague flu like symptoms Produces diffuse disintegration of single nerve cells, inflammation, and necrosis of both white/gray matter (spares the brainstem) Encephalitis • Data Assessment o Clinical Presentation  Herpes simplex: headache, confusion, hallucinations, changes in LOC, personality changes, behavior problems, aphasia, hemiparesis, temporal lobe seizures  Arbovirus: headache, myalgias, malaise, fever, nuchal rigidity, altered LOC, confusion, N/V, and seizures  West Nile: swollen lymph nodes, erythematous rash, and profound muscle weakness with normal sensation and reflexes Encephalitis • Data Assessment o Diagnostics  Herpes: п‚· LP : elevated opening pressure with CSF + lymphocytes, increase protein, normal glucose, PCR –positive for HSV-1 antigen in 98% of cases п‚· CT: gyral enhancement of inferior temporal/frontal lobes п‚· MRI: edema/hemorrhage of frontal/temporal areas  Arbovirus: п‚· ELISA serological assays for antiviral IgM (early) and IgG (later) п‚· West Nile: IgM capture ELISA antibody test Encephalitis • Management o Medical  Herpes: Acyclovir for 10-14 days  Others: Same as meningitis  Arbovirus: Similar to bacterial meningitis with controlling impact to body systems o Nursing  Same as meningitis 157 | P a g e Lyme Disease • Definition o Vector-born illness caused by a tick transmitted spirochete affecting multiple systems • Etiology o Borrelia Burgdorferi, spirochete transmitted by Ixodes dammini (small tick) • Pathophysiology o Stage 1  Erythema migrans or a bulls-eyes rash expanding lesion at site of tick bite  Flu like symptoms-headache, malaise, fatigue, myalgias o Stage 2  Disseminated infection within several weeks  Meningeal signs including headache, stiff neck, difficulty concentrating, cranial nerve dysfunction (unilateral or bilateral facial palsy, radiculopathies, ataxia, cardiac abnormalities such as AV block, lyme arthritis – joint swelling/pain especially in knees o Stage 3  Lyme encephalopathy with cognitive changes, fatigue, and polyneuropathy • Data Assessment o Diagnostics  CSF studies: lymphocyte counts/protein levels increased  Serology: ELISA positive for IgM followed by elevated IgG spirochete antibody reaction  Western Blot analysis positive • Treatment o Medical: Antibiotic o Nursing:  Supportive  Prevention – wear protective clothing and check all skin areas when out in forrest 158 | P a g e Guillain-Barre Syndrome • Definition o Acute, inflammatory, demyelinating polyneuropathy causing weakness, sensory loss, and areflexia • Etiology o Immune mediated with precipitating factors of possible infection (viral 1-2 weeks preceding 70% of all cases) • Pathophysiology o Inflammatory lesions through PNS o Defect linked to peripheral nerve myelin  Some cases cause axonal degeneration o Macrophages attack normal myelin, produce demyelination • Data Assessment o Subjective: rapidly progressing weakness or paresthesias usually ascending o Objective:  Progressive motor weakness which ascends  Sensory loss may or may not be present  Loss of DTRs  Facial, ocular or oropharyngeal muscles affected in 50% of cases  Autonomic dysfunction causing ileus, hypotension, hypertension, and arrhythmias  Respiratory compromise if ascends to diaphragm • Diagnostics o LP: increased protein o EMG: slowing of conduction • Management - Medical o Plasma exchange urgent every day for 10-15 days o IVIG 1-2 mg/kg in divided doses over 3-5 days  Watch for anaphylaxis, chills, fluid overload o Pulmonary – may need to be intubated o Hemodynamic support o Analgesic support for increased pain • Management – Nursing o Asses VS/Neuro function watching for ascending weakness o Mechanical ventilation – support respiratory function o Watch for hemodynamic alteration  Support BP o Assess pain and provide analgesia 159 | P a g e Seizures and Epilepsy • • Abnormal firing in the brain • Classification o Partial seizure: onset of synchronous cortical discharges involving a focal brain region o Generalized seizure: sudden onset involving both hemispheres • Partial Seizures o Simple partial: focal brain region activity without alteration in consciousness  An aura can be SPS  Motor events such as face twitching/hand jerking  Somatosensory events such as unusual taste in mouth  Psychic events – illusions/hallucinations/dГ©jГ vu o Complex partial seizures: brain region affected with alteration in consciousness  Often preceded by SPS with progressive impairment in cons  Automatisms (lip smacking/blinking/picking at clothes)  Motor phenomena wandering, running, arm jerking o Partial seizure that secondarily generalize • Generalized Seizure – both hemispheres o Absence seizure: impaired responsiveness, minimal motor involvement, lasts < 30 seconds o Myoclonic: sudden shock-like muscle contraction o Atonic: drop attacks (brief LOC/loss of muscle tone) o Tonic: increased tone in extensor muscles o Clonic: start with LOC/sudden hypotonia then limb jerking o Tonic- Clonic: LOC, increased tone, rhythmic muscle jerks • Subjective o Obtain description of event including time o Precipitating factors? o Post-ictal behavior • Objective o o o o Epileptogenesis occurs during an imbalance between cerebral excitation/inhibition o Brain cells become abnormally linked together leading to abnormal electrical firing o Excitation (glutamate/NMDA) vs Inhibition (GABA – Facilitates activity of Cl channels/opens K channels or closes Ca channels) 160 | P a g e Assess mental state and cognition Evidence of trauma/infection Focal findings Asymmetries • Diagnostics o Lab tests o EEG o CT/MRI to r/o mass lesions • Treatment Pharmacologic o Phenobarbital 60-250 mg/day 15-40 o Dilantin (phenytoin) 300-600 mg/day o Tegretol (carbamazepine) 600-1200 mg/day o Mysoline (primidone) 25 mg tid o Depakote (Valproic Acid) 15-60 mg/kg/day o Lamictal(lamotrignine)100-300 mg/day o Neurontin (gabapentin) 900-3600 mg/day o Keppra (levetiracetam) 1000-3000mg/day o Vimpat (lacosamide) 10-400 mg/day 10-20 4-12 5-12 50-100 2-4.5 2-20 3-37 3.8-9.3 ng/ml • Side effect profile o Stevens Johnson syndrome: erythema multiforme o Aplastic anemia o Allergic dermatitis o Hepatic failure o Most common: somnolence, dizziness, memory impairment, cognitive slowing, ataxia • Nursing interventions o Education o Explain drug-drug interactions o Other: Ketogenic diet (high in fat/low carbs/restrict calories); vagal nerve stimulator; surgery (temporal lobectomy or corpus callosotomy) Status Epilepticus Pathophysiology • • • • • Tonic-clonic seizures Increase cerebral metabolic rate/oxygen use CBF increases 3-5x normal Cellular swelling Systemic metabolic acidosis Etiology/Precipitating Factors • • • • Withdrawal from anticonvulsants, alcohol or drugs CNS infections Brain tumors Metabolic disorders-uremia, hypoglycemia, or hyponatremia 161 | P a g e • • • Craniocerebral trauma Cerebral edema Stroke Nursing Assessment • • History Type of seizure activity o Absence (petit mal) o Focal o Tonic-clonic o Electrical status o Status Diagnostics • Lab o o o o o o • Electrolytes Hypoglycemia Hypoxemia Prolactin level Myoglobin Anticonvulsant drug levels EEG Interventions • Airway and ventilations o Supplemental oxygen and pulse oximetry o Intubate if prolonged seizure o Check Blood glucose • Normal Saline IV o Thiamine 100 mg diluted with 8 ml NS slow IV push over 5 minutes then o 50% Dextrose 50ml slow IV push (if bedside Glucose < 70) • Stop seizure o Lorazepam 2 mg IV push q 1 minute up to 8 mg o Fosphenytoin (Cerebyx) 20 PE mg/kg • Protect from injury Brain Tumors Facts/Stats • Incidence o Primary - 36,000/yr o Secondary - 18,000/yr 162 | P a g e • • • Males > Females Age: 40-60 age group Classification o Benign: regular cell structure o Malignant: infiltrates brain tissue, poor boundaries, rapid mitotic activity, necrosis o Location: supra vs. infratentorial o Primary vs. Secondary o Intra-axial (glial cells) vs. extra-axial (meninges, CN, pituitary, & cysts) o Histological origin Intrinsic Tumors • Astrocytoma and GBM o Grades I - IV • Oligodendrocytoma o White matter o Frontal and parietal lobes • Ependymoma o Ependymal cells in ventricles • Medulloblastoma o Highly malignant in young children Extrinsic Tumors • Meningiomas o Benign, slow growing • Neuromas o Acoustic tumor (VIII CN) o Schwannoma • Neurofibromatosis o Type I: cafГ© au lait spots o Type II: bilateral hearing loss Congenital Tumors • Hemangioblastoma o Slow growing, vascular tumor o Common in cerebellum • Craniopharyngioma o Embryonic Rathke’s pouch/suprasellar o Arise from pituitary hypophysis  Inc ICP, Pituitary/hypothalamic dysfunction  Visual disturbances 163 | P a g e Pituitary Tumors • Secreting o ACTH (Cushing) or GH (gigantism) • Non-secreting (90% space occupying) o Compresses pituitary: visual/hypopituitary Pathophysiology • • • Increased ICP Tumor growth Cerebral edema o Tissue surrounding the vicinity of tumor o Endothelial cells of white matter o Increase permeability of plasma and vasogenic edema Signs/Symptoms • • • • • • Headache Seizures Vomiting Alterations in consciousness Localizing signs Tumor area o Frontal: affect, motor, speech, behavior o Parietal: numbness/sensory o Temporal: psychomotor seizures/receptive aphasia o Occipital: vision o Pituitary: visual, headaches, cushings, acromegaly o Ventricles: hydrocephalus, HA, changes LOC o Cerebellum: ataxia, incoordination, dysmetria o Brainstem: CN defects, vomiting, respiratory Complications of Tumor Growth • • • • • Edema Increased ICP Seizures Hydrocephalus Hormonal Changes 164 | P a g e • Focal Deficits Treatment • • • • • • • Stereotactic therapy Craniotomy Gamma Knife Conventional radiation Brachytherapy Chemotherapy Gene therapy/Virus therapy Nursing Interventions • • Pre-op: Steroids, anti-convulsants, body image • Pituitary Tumors: o Watch I/O, Na, spec grav Post-op o ABC o Monitor neuro status o Watch for seizures  Dilantin: dosing/levels o System support o Family/Patient Support Neurosurgical Approaches to Mass Lesions/Hemorrhage Reason for Surgery • • • • • Removal of debulking of tumor Drainage or evacuation of hematoma Clipping of aneurysm Removal of an AVM Removal of seizure focus Post-Operative Information • • • • Reason for surgery Specific area of involvement History of pre-op deficits Pre-existing medical conditions 165 | P a g e • • • Baseline neuro assessment Type and time of anesthetic/sedative Fluid status Objectives of Nursing Management • Frequent assessment and monitoring of neuro status for detection of signs/symptoms • • Control of factors which cause increased ICP Prevention and early recognition of complications Supratentorial Craniotomy • Focus of exam: o LOC o Motor exam o Sensory exam o CN II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII Supratentorial Craniotomy: Complications • Cerebral Edema o Assess: LOC, contralateral motor weakness, and changes in EOM’s and pupils o Treat: HOB 30, IVF normovolemic, and ICP monitor (severe cases) o Inc. ICP: CT scan, mannitol, propofol, and drain CSF Supratentorial Craniotomy: Complications • Intracerebral Hemorrhage o Occurs in epidural space or within tumor bed o Assess: decrease in LOC, contralateral motor changes, and EOM’s/pupil changes o Treat: mannitol, intubate, propofol and surgery • Seizures o Assess: type of seizure activity  Grand mal  Focal involving hand/face o Intervene: position, suction, assess, oxygen, and medication o Prophylactic anticonvulsant therapy • CSF Leak o Occurs due to opening in Subarachnoid space o Sanguenous drainage surrounded by yellow or clear ring o Treat: serial LPs or lumbar drain and possible surgery 166 | P a g e • Diabetes Inspidus o Seen most frequently in pituitary tumors/ surgery around the hypothalamus o Decreased ADH o Increased U.O. >250cc q1h o Decreased specific gravity < 1.005 o Rising Na • DI -Treatment o Fluid volume replacement cc/cc or 1-2cc/cc of urine output o Vasopressin o DDAVP Infratentorial Compartment • • Cerebellum Brain stem o Midbrain o Pons o Medulla oblongata Infratentorial Craniotomy • Focus of Exam o Level of Consciousness o Motor and coordination  Quadraparesis  Tremors o Vital sign instability: respiratory arrest, bradycardia, and widening BP o CN - III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII Infratentorial Craniotomy: Complications • Posterior Fossa Hemorrhage o Assess - severe headache, rapid deterioration of LOC, respiratory ataxia/arrest, quadriparesis, pinpoint pupils, and dysconjugate gaze o Treat - intubate, mannitol, rapid CT, and stat OR • Respiratory Compromise-due to edema of brainstem, aspiration, or neurogenic pulmonary edema o Assess - oxygenation/ventilation, respiratory effort and pattern o Treat - intubate, ventilate, use PEEP if needed, and lasix for NPE • Tension pneumocephalus o Assess - increased lethargy, decreased LOC, and focal/lateral deficits o Treat - CT scan of brain, evacuate if large, and 100% FIO2 per mask 167 | P a g e • Hydrocephalus o Assess - decrease LOC, Parinaud’s sign, change in pupils and gaze, unsteady gait, and incontinence o Treat - place ventriculostomy and possible internal shunt Complications: Supratentorial and Infratentorial • • • • • Thromboembolism/PE Gastric ulceration and bleeding Hypovolemic shock Meningitis Cardiac Arrhythmias Hypoxic Encephalopathy: Causes • • Ischemic hypoxia from decrease in CBF • • Shunt hypoxia from Arteriovenous shunting • • • Histotoxic hypoxia from toxic agents Low extractivity hypoxia from low PaO2/low Hgb/Low half saturation tension (high affinity oxygen) Dysperfusion hypoxia from increased mean diffusion length of erythrocytes to mitochondria caused by edema Uncoupling hypoxia from mitocondrial dysfunction Hypermetabolic hypoxia from increased demand Symptoms/Signs: Hypoxic encephalopathy • New skill learning and processing of complex information are the most vulnerable to hypoxia • PaO2 o 80 mm Hg: impaired dark adaptation o 55-45 mm Hg: impaired learning and short term memory o 40-30 mm Hg: loss of judgment, euphoria, delirium, and muscle incoordination o < 25-20 mm Hg: consciousness is rapidly lost 168 | P a g e Postanoxic Encephalopathy Syndrome • • Myoclonus • • Parkinsonism Delayed anoxic encephalopathy o Unexplained phenomenon o During recovery (1-4 weeks) from an anoxic insult o Irrritability, confusion, apathy, and agitation/mania o Serious mental and motor disturbances, diffuse rigidity, spasticity, weakness, shuffling gait, incontinence, coma and death after 1-2 weeks Cerebral Palsy Chronic Neuro Disorders Parkinson’s Disease • Neurodegenerative disorder caused by o Depletion of dopamine producing cells in substantia nigra o Average onset is age 60, higher in men/causasian • Cardinal signs o Resting tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and diminished postural stability • Other Increased risk of falls Can have depression/dementia/anxiety/psychosis Other: apathy, sleep disturbances, impulse control disorders Autonomic dysfunction: urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, constipation, orthostatic hypotension, impaired thermoregulation, sensory abnormalities o Dysphagia/excessive drooling o o o o Parkinson’s Treatment • Pharmacologic o L-dopa: Carbidopa plus L-dopa (Sinemet) o Dopamine agonists: 1st line tx o Amantadine (Symmetrel): tx dyskinesias o Catechol-O-methyl transferase (COMT) inhibitors: Used adjunctively to ldopa to prevent breakdown of dopamine and prolong availability of L-dopa 169 | P a g e • Surgical Interventions o Deep brain stimulation: Target subthalamic nucleus or globus pallidus interna  Permits return of normal or near normal downstream outputs, allowing normalization of motor and/or limbic function • Surgical Interventions o Deep brain stimulation: Post op  Observe for changes in neuro exam  Keep systolic BP < 150 mm hg for first 24 hours  IV antibiotics 24-48 hours  Stool softeners / antiembolic devices  Deep breathing/coughing to reduce pneumonia o Device turned on 2-3 weeks after placed Myasthenia Gravis • Description: Autoimmune disorder in which normal transmission of nerve impulses are interrupted at the neuromuscular junction o Affects voluntary muscle groups including ocular, oropharyngeal, facial, shoulders, and arms/legs  Proximal > distal  Characterized by fluctuating and fatiguable muscle weakness exacerbated by exercise and improves with rest o Affects women > men usually 20s/30s o Etiology  Acquired autoimmune process rt receptors for Ach @ muscle surface are reduced by auto-antibodies leads to impaired NM transmission/weakness  Thymus abnormalities may be responsible for causing immune attack on the muscle receptors Myasthenia Gravis • Initial manifestations o Ptosis/diplopia 80% of cases o Oropharyngeal weakness – painless/fatigable dysphagia or dysphonia o Fatigable limb weakness during course of day • • Fluctuate over time/worsens after sustained activity • S/S Exacerbations r/t systemic illness/fever/surgery, menses/pregnancy, hypothyroidism, heat/stress o Subjective: muscle weakness, diplopia/ptosis, slurred speech, dysphagia, or shortness of breath o Objective: Weakness (more proximal), may have inability to lay flat (orthopnea), frequent yawning/sighing, difficulty swallowing 170 | P a g e • • EMG • Treatment o Administration of anticolinesterase inhibitors  Prevents rapid destruction of Ach п‚· Pyridostigmine (Mestinon) must be given on time with no missed dose o Corticosteroids/immunosuppressive agents o Cyclosporine (Neoral): inhibits tcell immune responses o Plasma exchange o IVIG: temporary intervention o Mycophenolate mofetil (CellCept): immunosuppressive agent reduces the production of antibodies by attacking the receptor sites of NM junction o Surgical intervention: thymectomy o Nursing: Admin drugs on time/pt education Edrophoium chloride (Bioniche test): short acting anticholinesterase inhibitor o Requires IV administration 2 mg/ test for strength 45-60 seconds later o Can repeat to 10 mg o Positive if improvement in strength seen (effect disappears in 5 minutes) o Use with caution: bradycardia/asystole, excessive salivation, bronchial secretions Practice Exam Questions 1. HH, a 45 year old right handed male, presents to the ED with headache, right arm weakness with right facial droop and difficulty expressing speech. A CT scan reveals diffuse cerebral edema surrounded by a ringenhancing lesion. The most likely location of the mass is: A. B. C. D. Right parietal lobe of cerebral hemisphere Left temporal lobe of cerebral hemisphere Right frontal lobe of cerebral hemisphere Left frontal lobe of cerebral hemisphere 2. BP, a 52 year old female, was admitted to the ICU following rupture of a cerebral aneurysm and large subarachnoid hemorrhage. Her CT scan of the brain revealed acute hydrocephalus. The most likely cause of BP’s hydrocephalus is Cerebral aneurysm exerting pressure on the choroid plexus in the ventricles limiting the CSF absorption 171 | P a g e A. Blood in subarachnoid space mixing with CSF and occluding the arachnoid villi which helps reabsorb CSF in the brain B. Overproduction of CSF from the aneurysm rupture C. Reduced absorption of CSF by the choroid plexus • A is incorrect (Cerebral aneurysm exerting pressure on the choroid plexus in the ventricles limiting the CSF absorption) because the choroid plexus makes CSF. It does not absorb CSF. • C is incorrect (Overproduction of CSF from the aneurysm rupture). Aneurysmal rupture does not increase CSF production by the choroid plexus. • D is incorrect (Reduced absorption of CSF by the choroid plexus) since CSF is absorbed by the arachnoid villi. 3. LP, a 45 year old male, has a demonstrated right arm weakness 2 out of 5 on the motor scale. Which best defines 2/5 motor strength? A. B. C. D. Arm drifts downward and weakens with resistance Arm demonstrates flicker movement of muscles Arm can be raised against gravity Arm moves back and forth but cannot be raised against gravity • A is incorrect: Arm drifts downward and weakens with resistance would be rated as 4/5 on the motor strength scale. • B is incorrect: Arm demonstrates flicker movement of muscles is indicative of 1/5 motor strength • C is incorrect: Arm can be raised against gravity is reflective of 3/5 on motor strength scale. 4. You are assessing the patient’s pupils and extraocular movements. The patient left pupil is reactive to light and moves in all directions. When assessing the right pupil, you notice the pupil is sluggish to light and comes to rest looking outward toward the ear. Which cranial nerve is affected? A. B. C. D. • Cranial nerve II Cranial nerve III Cranial nerve IV Cranial nerve VI A is incorrect since Cranial nerve II is responsible for visual acuity and the sensory limb of the pupillary light reflex 172 | P a g e • • C is incorrect since Cranial nerve IV allows the eye to look downward D is incorrect since Cranial nerve VI allows the eye to look outward toward the ear. VI nerve palsy would cause the eye to roll toward the nose at rest. 5. A brain injured patient was admitted 4 hours ago after sustaining a large subdural hematoma which was evacuated surgically. An ICP monitor with CSF drainage was placed by the MD. The ICP increases to 24 mm Hg while the patient’s CPP is 64 mm Hg. After draining CSF, the 1st intervention would be to lower the ICP by: A. B. C. D. Lowering the head of bed Administer hypertonic saline or mannitol Institute a pentobarbital coma Lower the PaCO2 to 28 mm Hg • • A is incorrect: Lowering the head of bed would increase the ICP. • D is incorrect since lowering the PaCO2 to 28 mm Hg would decrease CBF and create ischemia especially on Day 1 of a TBI when cerebral blood flow is often critically reduced. Lowering PaCO2 < 30 mm Hg should be avoided. C is incorrect since instituting a pentobarbital coma would be a tertiary intervention. 6. It is day 4 of FZ’s hospitalization following a severe TBI. He has experienced an increase in urine output (1000 ml) over the past 3 hours. His MAP has decreased to 75 mm Hg and his ICP has increased to 30 mm Hg resulting in a CPP of 45 mm Hg. If FZ has intact autoregulation, the most appropriate intervention would be to: A. B. C. D. Administer 500 ml fluid bolus to increase the MAP and decrease the ICP Administer 50 grams of mannitol to reduce the ICP Begin nicardipine to lower the MAP and ICP Do nothing since the MAP/ICP/CPP is within normal ranges. • B is incorrect: Administering 50 grams of mannitol to reduce the ICP may significantly lower the BP resulting in a further increase in ICP. • C is incorrect: Beginning nicardipine to lower the MAP and ICP would actually increase the ICP. • D is incorrect: Do nothing since the MAP/ICP/CPP are within normal ranges. The ICP is elevated (> 20) and the CPP is not in the ideal range of 50-70 mm Hg. 173 | P a g e 7. JR, a 34 year old male, fell from a ladder and sustained a severe TBI. His GCS on arrival was 1-3-1 with pupils 2 and minimally reactive to light. CT scan of brain shows multiple punctate hemorrhages along with an acute epidural hematoma. The neurosurgeon evacuated the bleed and placed an ICP/Brain oxygen monitor into the brain. Admit to ICU: GCS 1-4-1; MAP 80 ICP 10 CPP 70 PbtO2 12 PaCO2 30 CVP 10.What is your first intervention? A. B. C. D. • • • Give 250 ml NS to increase CVP Administer mannitol 25 grams IVP Decrease the Tidal volume or rate to increase the PaCO2 Do nothing since the patient’s parameters are within the normal zone A is incorrect (Give 250 ml NS to increase CVP) since the CVP & CPP are normal B is incorrect (Administer mannitol 25 grams IVP) since the ICP is normal D is incorrect (Do nothing since the patient’s parameters are within the normal zone) since the patients oxygen level is critically low in the brain. 8. EG, an 80 year old male, was previously independent and able to care for himself. His daughter stated the pt is now unable to walk and is confused/disoriented. A CT scan of the brain reveals bilateral large chronic subdural hematomas. The neurosurgeon evacuated both SDH and has placed a JP to gravity drainage. The patient was extubated post-op. Where should the head of bed be maintained? A. B. C. D. Head of Bed flat for 24-48 hours Head of bed at 15 degrees for 10 days Head of bed at 30 degrees to reduce ICP Head of bed at 45 degrees to reduce ICP • B is incorrect (Head of bed at 15 degrees for 10 days) due to the position and length of time • C and D are incorrect (Head of bed at 30 degrees or 45 degrees to reduce ICP) since ICP is usually normal and the brain needs to re-expand into the space occupied by the blood clot. Elderly individuals generally sustain significant brain atrophy, thus have more space in the cranial vault. 9. LL, a 65 yr old female, developed an acute onset of left sided weakness with neglect to the left side at 1235pm. Her speech became slurred and she didn’t know where she was. Her son brought LL to the ED where a CT scan 174 | P a g e of the brain revealed no hemorrhage. A CTA done demonstrated an occlusion of the right middle cerebral artery. The ED physician/neurologist has ordered IV tPA. It is 2 hours 50 minutes since symptom onset. The patient’s last BP was 190/100 mm Hg. Your first action is: A. Administer the tPA 0.9 mg/kg IV dose since there is only 10 minutes in the treatment window. B. Administer the tPA 0.6 mg/kg IV dose and Labetalol 10 mg IVP at the same time. C. Start IV nitroprusside to reduce the BP. D. Administer 10-20 mg of IV labetalol to reduce the BP prior to administering the tPA. • A is incorrect (Administer the tPA 0.9 mg/kg IV dose since there is only 10 minutes in the treatment window) because controlling the BP must be done prior to administering tPA • B is incorrect (Administer the tPA 0.6 mg/kg IV dose and Labetalol 10 mg IVP at the same time) because the dose of tPA is incorrect and the BP must be lowered prior to the administration of tPA • C is incorrect (Start IV nitroprusside to reduce the BP). Labetalol and nicardipine are the first 2 drugs of choice when lowering BP in acute ischemic stroke 10. BP, a 90 year old female, presents with acute onset of aphasia and right sided hemiparesis. She was last seen normal 12 hours ago. Her BP is 195/105. Which medication do you anticipate the physician team to order first? A. B. C. D. IV labetaolol 10 mg IV to lower the BP tPA 0.9 mg IV (10% bolus/90% drip over 60 min) Aspirin 325 mg p.o. Aspirin 325 mg per rectum • A is incorrect (IV labetaolol 10 mg IV to lower the BP) because BP thresholds in the non-tPA patient is 220/120. • B is incorrect (tPA 0.9 mg IV (10% bolus/90% drip over 60 min) since the pt symptoms are > 3 hours • C is incorrect (Aspirin 325 mg p.o.) since the patient may have difficulty swallowing and needs to have her swallow evaluation prior to receiving any p.o. medications 175 | P a g e 11. SS, 50 year old female, presents with the worst headache of her life and photophobia. Her neuro exam is otherwise normal. CT scan of brain shows a large subarachnoid hemorrhage from a possible cerebral aneurysm. Her BP is 170/90. Initially, the physician will want the BP treated if it is greater than: A. B. C. D. Systolic BP >90 mm Hg Systolic BP > 150 mm Hg Systolic BP > 180 mm Hg Systolic BP > 220 mm Hg • A is incorrect (Systolic BP >90 mm Hg) A SBP less than 90would not be beneficial to cerebral perfusion • C. and D are incorrect (Systolic BP > 180 mm Hg or Systolic BP > 220 mm Hg). These ranges are too high and may contribute to re-bleeding of the aneurysm. 12. SS is now 10 days post aneurysm rupture. The aneurysm was surgically clipped on day 2. SS began c/o of a headache this morning. Her motor exam has changed in the last 2 hours with her right arm motor strength has diminished from 5/5 to 3/5. She is having word finding problems with her speech. The most likely explanation for this change in status is: A. B. C. D. Increased ICP Rebleeding Ischemic Stroke Vasospasm • A is incorrect (Increased ICP). Although cerebral edema is possible after SAH, a change in LOC should occur. • B is incorrect (Re-bleeding). Since the aneurysm has been surgically repaired, this complication is unlikely. • C is incorrect (Ischemic Stroke). If vasospasm is not treated, the end result could be an ischemic stroke. 13. SP, a 20 year old college student, presents to the ER with c/o of photophobia, stiff neck, temp of 103 degrees, malaise, and purple blotches primary area located on trunk. He is given antibiotics in the ED. He is 176 | P a g e admitted to the ICU with a BP of 85/50 HR 140 and ventilated. Cultures have been done but there are no results. SP’s likely infectious illness is: A. B. C. D. Lyme Disease Herpes simplex encephalitis Neisseria Meningitides Guillain Barre Syndrome • A is incorrect (Lyme Disease) is a viral encephalitis that presents with bull’s eye rash and malaise. It is not accompanied by purple blotches. • B is incorrect (Herpes simplex encephalitis). The pt may experience HA, fever, malaise but also has strange behavior, personality changes, and seizures. • D is incorrect (Guillain Barre Syndrome). Presentation includes ascending weakness accompanied by sensory loss and cranial nerve dysfunction. 14. Patients sustaining Guillain Barre syndrome are most likely to have prolonged failure of which organ system? A. B. C. D. Cardiac failure Respiratory failure Renal failure Liver failure • A is incorrect (Cardiac failure). Although patients may experience autonomic dysfunction with accompanying BP variation, arrhythmias, ileus, diaphoresis or loss of sweating, urine retention it is not chronic heart failure. • C is incorrect (Renal failure). Patients may experience urinary retention but generally do not have Acute Renal Failure. • D is incorrect (Liver failure). The liver is not generally involved. 15. A 10 year old male is reported by his teacher ignore repeated requests to answer questions. The student often stares for short periods of time. This type of seizure is a: A. B. C. D. Partial seizure Complex Partial seizure Myoclonic seizure Generalized seizure known as an absence seizure 177 | P a g e • A is incorrect (Partial seizure). Partial seizures are localized to one area of the brain & do not impair consciousness. • B is incorrect (Complex Partial seizure). These are manifested by automatisms and motor phenomena such as wandering, running or arm jerking. • C is incorrect (Myoclonic seizure). These are generalized seizures that are sudden shocklike muscle contractions. 16. A patient in Status epilepticus must receive medication immediately to halt the seizure activity. The first line medication for status epilepticus is: A. B. C. D. Valium 10 mg po Midazolam 1 mg IV Phenobarbital 30 mg IV Lorazepam 2 mg IV • A is incorrect (Valium 10 mg po). A patient in status will be unable to take any medication by mouth. • B is incorrect (Midazolam 1 mg IV). Although midazolam is used as a secondary drug in status, the dose would be much higher, i.e., 10 mg • C is incorrect (Phenobarbital 30 mg IV). This drug is considered a second line drug and the dosing is 20mg/kg IV given slowly 50-100 mg/minute 17. TP, a 53 year old male, has been diagnosed with a brain mass. His symptoms include: contralateral sensory loss, neglect to the left side, and inability to draw with loss of spatial orientation. The most likely area of the brain affected is: A. B. C. D. Parietal lobe Frontal lobe Temporal lobe Occipital lobe • B is incorrect (Frontal lobe). Tumors in this area affect motor to the opposite side, speech (if dominant hemisphere), judgment, personality, initiation, and continence. • C is incorrect (Temporal lobe). Tumors in this area present with receptive aphasia (dominant hemisphere only) and some visual field cuts. • D is incorrect (Occipital lobe). Tumors in this area affect visual perception and field of vision. 178 | P a g e 18. TP undergoes a craniotomy for debulking of a large tumor. Post operatively, he is extubated and is admitted to the ICU. After one hour, TP sustains a generalized seizure lasting 45 seconds. What is your initial intervention? A. B. C. D. Check the pupillary reaction Administer IV Midazolam Assess Airway and Breathing and prepare for possible intubation Get a stat CT scan of the brain • A is incorrect (Check the pupillary reaction). Although the pupils need to be checked, it would not precede assessing the airway. • B is incorrect (Administer IV Midazolam). Airway stabilization is first. Lorazepam IV would be the preferential drug of choice to reduce recurrence. • D is incorrect. (Get a stat CT scan of the brain). This intervention would be done after C, B, and A. 179 | P a g e ADULT CCRN REVIEW CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Barbara “Bobbi” Leeper, MN, RN, CNS M-S, CCRN, FAHA Dallas, Texas BEHAVIORAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of this session, the participant will be able to: 1. State the normal values for the following hemodynamic parameters: a. Cardiac output b. Cardiac index c. Pulmonary vascular resistance d. Systemic vascular resistance e. Stroke Work index (right and left) 2. List the factors that affect preload, afterload and contractility 3. Discuss the hemodynamic variables and clinical presentation for a. Cardiogenic shock b. Hypovolemic shock 4. Differentiate left and right ventricular failure. 5. State the indicative changes and appropriate leads associated with the primary sites of myocardial infarction. 6. Discuss important aspects of thoracic aneurysms including clinical presentation and acute management. CONTENT OUTLINE: I. Direct and Derived Hemodynamic Parameters A. Cardiac Output: Normal CO: 4-8 L/min Cardiac Index: = CO / BSA; 2.8 – 4.2 L/m2 Formula: Stroke Volume (SV) x Heart Rate (HR) 1. Heart rate a. Bradyarrhythmias b. Tachyarrhythmias 2. Stroke Volume a. Determinants 1) Preload-end diastolic volume: How to assess: в‡’ RV: CVP / RA Pressure (normal 2 - 6mmHg) в‡’ LV: PAWP / LA Pressure (normal 6 -12mmHg) 180 2) Afterload-pressure the ventricle must generate to open the semilunar valve and eject its’ contents: How to assess: • Systemic Vascular Resistance = LV Afterload в‡’ Definition: reflects the overall resistance or impedance to systolic ejection into the entire systemic circulation. The greatest resistance to flow lies in the small arteries and arterioles в‡’ Formula: 80 x (MAP - RAP)/CO в‡’ Normal: 800-1200 dynes/sec/cm-5 SVRI: 1970-2390 dynes/sec/cm-5/m2 в‡’ Causes of increased SVR - Volume infusions - Hypovolemia - Peripheral vasoconstriction - Vasopressors - Low cardiac output states - LV Failure - Hypothermia - Alpha-adrenergic agents - Increased blood viscosity в‡’ Causes of decreased SVR - Diuretics - Peripheral vasodilatation - Vasodilators - Loss of vasomotor tone - Hyperdynamic phase of sepsis • Pulmonary Vascular Resistance = RV Afterload в‡’ Definition: resistance or impedance to right ventricular ejection into the pulmonary vasculature в‡’ Formula: 80 x (MPAP-PAWP)/CO в‡’ Normal: <250 dynes sec./cm-5 PVRI: 255 – 285 dynes/sec/cm-5/m2 в‡’ Causes of increased PVR: - Hypoxia - PEEP - Pulmonary edema - Pulmonary hypertension - ARDS - Sepsis - Pulmonary emboli - Valvular heart disease - Congenital heart defects в‡’ Causes of decreased PVR - Vasodilator therapy - Prostaglandins - Correction of hypoxia 3) Contractility: How to assess в‡’ LV Stroke Work / Index: - LVSWI: SVI (MAP – PAWP) x 0.0136 Normal: 50-62 gms –m/m2/beat - RVSWI: SVI(MPAP – RAP) x 0.0136 Normal: 5-10 gms-m/m2/beat 181 B. C. Pulmonary Artery Pressure 1. Normal range: 15 - 25/0 - 8mmHg 2. Clinical significance a. High readings в‡’ Primary pulmonary hypertension в‡’ Valvular heart disease Pulmonary Artery Wedge Pressure 1. Normal range: 6-12 mmHg 2. Clinical Significance a. High readings в‡’ Left ventricular failure в‡’ Mitral valve disease в‡’ Aortic valve disease в‡’ Cardiac tamponade b. Low readings в‡’ Hypovolemia в‡’ Vasodilator therapy b. Low Readings в‡’ Hypovolemia D. Mean Arterial Pressure 1. Definition: average pressure in the circuit during systole & diastole 2. Formula: [SBP + (2 x DBP)] / 3 3. Normal: 70-105 mmHg 4. Causes of increased MAP 5. Causes of decreased MAP a. Volume Infusion a. Diuretics b. Peripheral vasoconstriction b. Peripheral vasodilatation c. Increased contractility c. Inotropic therapy d. Hypervolemia d. Hypovolemia e. Vasopressors e. Vasodilators E. Mean Pulmonary Artery Pressure 1. Definition: average pressure in the pulmonary circuit during systole and diastole 2. Formula: [SPAP + (2 x DPAP)] / 3 3. Normal: 10-20 mmHg 4. Causes of increased MPAP 5. Causes of decreased MPAP a. Volume infusion a. Diuretics b. Pulmonary vasoconstriction b. Pulmonary vasodilatation c. Decreased LV contractility c. Inotropic therapy d. Hypervolemia d. Hypovolemia e. Hypoxia f. COPD g. Pulmonary hypertension 182 II. Manipulating Hemodynamics: Cardiovascular Drugs Inotropes 1. Receptor dependent vs 2. Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors A. ATP Adennal Cyclase Hormone Effect Cyclic AMP Effect Phosphodiesterase B. Types of Receptors 1. Beta receptors: a. ОІ1 receptors are found primarily in the heart. Stimulation produces an пѓЎ heart rate, пѓЎ contractility a. ОІ2 receptors are found in the lungs, peripheral arterioles. Stimulation produces relaxation of the smooth muscle 2. Alpha receptors: a. О±1 receptors are found primarily in the lungs, peripheral arterioles. Stimulation produces constriction of the smooth muscle b. О±2 receptors are found primarily in the brain. 3. Dopaminergic receptors: a. Found in the renal, mesenteric vascular beds. b. Stimulation produces vasodilation. TISSUE RECEPTOR Heart: SA Node Atria Beta Beta AV Node Beta Ventricles Beta Blood Vessels: Skeletal muscle Skin, mucosa, GI Tract & Kidney Renal Mesentery Bronchial Smooth Muscle 183 RESPONSE ↑ rate ↑ conduction velocity ↑ contractility ↑ conduction velocity ↓ refractoriness ↑ rate ↑ contractility Beta Alpha Vasodilatation Vasoconstriction Dopa, Alpha Dopa, Alpha Vasodilatation Vasodilatation Beta Relaxation C. Specific Agents SPECIFIC INDICATIONS / ACTIONS AGENTS Receptor Dependent Inotropes Shock States: Cardiogenic, Septic; Post-cardiac surgery Dopamine Immediate precursor of norepinephrine. Neurotransmitter in the central and peripheral nervous system. Decreases aldosterone secretion in the adrenal cortex. Inhibits TSH and prolactin release. Inhibits insulin secretion. Dobutamine Synthetic catecholamine which directly stimulates the ОІ1 receptors, ОІ2 receptors and О± receptors. It directly increases myocardial contractility and heart rate while modestly lowering peripheral vascular resistance. Dobutamine will lose its effect during prolonged infusions because of down regulation of beta receptors. DOSAGES SIDE EFFECTS / COMMENTS Titrate the IV infusion to achieve desired effects: п‚џ 0.5 - 2 mcg /Kg/min = ↑ renal perfusion (dopaminergic) п‚џ 5.0 - 10 mcg/Kg/min = ↑ contractility (beta stimulation) п‚џ > 10.0 mcg/Kg/min = vasoconstriction (alpha stimulation) Titrate the infusion to achieve desired effects. The usual dosage range is 2.5 – 20 mcg/Kg/min. п‚џnausea, emesis п‚џtachyarrhythmias (ventricular & supraventricular) п‚џ profound vasoconstriction п‚џ Dysrhythmias п‚џ Half-life: 2.5 - 3 minutes п‚џ Do not administer in alkaline solutions Indications: Congestive heart failure; Shock states: cardiogenic, septic Epinephrine Norepinephrine 184 п‚џ Cardiac effects are mediated through ОІ receptors: 0.005 - 0.02 mcg/Kg/min = ↑ heart rate; + inotropic effect, vasodilation в†’ ↓ SVR п‚џ Vascular effects mediated through О± receptors @ high doses: ↑ SVR, ↑ BP, renal artery vasoconstriction п‚џ ОІ2 stimulation в†’ bronchodilatation Indications: Low output states; cardiac arrest, shock states, asthma , anaphylaxis п‚џ 0.005 - .02 mcg/Kg/min = beta effects п‚џ alpha effects: 1mg IV push/via ET tube; Naturally occurring catecholamine with effects that are dose dependent. п‚џLow doses: beta stimulation п‚џHigher doses: alpha stimulation Indications: Hypotensive states; Cardiogenic shock (MI); GI bleeding п‚џTitrate infusion via central line to achieve desired effect. Weigh cost / benefit ratio. п‚џDosage / Administration: Infusion rates 2-4mcg/min are suggested. Start at .05-.1 mcg/Kg/min and titrate up. п‚џHalf life = 2.0 -2.5 min п‚џIf infiltration occurs, the drug will cause sloughing of tissue: use Regitine to block the intense vasoconstriction. п‚џ half life = 2 minutes п‚џRestlessness, fear п‚џTachyarrhythmias п‚џSevere hypertension в†’ CVA, angina п‚џHypokalemia, п‚џHypophosphatemia п‚џContraindicated in mesenteric and renal thrombosis п‚џSide effects: Tachyarrhythmias Headaches Tremors Restlessness Severe ↑ BP Phenylephrine (Neosynephrine) п‚џ Pure О± stimulator: effects are primarily vascular causing vasoconstriction resulting in ↑ SBP and ↑ DBP, ↑ PAP. The coronary and renal arteries constrict. If the vasoconstriction is severe, blood flow to the vital organs could decrease. п‚џ Indirect effect: release of norepinephrine from storage sites п‚џ At large doses could stimulate ОІ 1 receptors A reflex bradycardia (from the ↑ BP) has been reported. This is mediated through vagal stimulation. п‚џ Antidiuretic hormone п‚џ Larger doses: О± stimulator causing vasoconstriction. Note does not have negative effects on myocardium such as those caused by epineprhine Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors Positive inotrope with less peripheral vasodilating effects Milrinone than amrinone. (Primacor) п‚џIndications: Low Cardiac Output states; Acute CHF; Cardiomyopathy Vasopressin (Pitressin) Vasodilators Nitroglycerine 185 п‚џSystemic and pulmonary venodilation п‚џDecreased left and right ventricular filling pressures п‚џDecreased left ventricular pressure volume relationship п‚џDecreased aortic impedance п‚џDecreased right and left ventricular afterload п‚џDilation of coronary arteries п‚џImprovement of ischemic zone Initial dose: 100-180 mcg/min to achieve desired effect. Maintenance infusion: 40-60 mcg/min titrated to maintain BP. п‚џ vasoconstriction п‚џ hypertension п‚џ bradycardia Pressor effects are immediate and will last 1520 min. Initial dose (ACLS) : 40 units Infusion: 0.04units/min п‚џ vasoconstriction п‚џ hypertension п‚џLoading dose: 50 mcg/Kg - slowly over 10 minutes (undiluted) п‚џInfusion: 50/250cc start @ .5mcg/Kg/min. Increase in increments of .37mcg/Kg/min, max of .75 mcg/Kg/min п‚џArrhythmogenic: SVT, VT п‚џHeadaches, tremors п‚џ Thrombocytopenia п‚џIndications: -Chest pain related to myocardial ischemia -Preload reduction -Afterload reduction п‚џDosage / Administration: continuous infusion titrated to achieve desired effects. It is suggested that the infusion rate be started at 10 mcg/min and ↑ in 10 mcg/min increments until the desired effect is achieved. Hypotension Nitrate tolerance Sodium Nitroprusside (Nipride) п‚џDirect vasodilator with balanced effect on the arteriolar and venous systems. п‚џIn 10% of patients can increase pulmonary shunt 6 will see SpO2 and PO2 fall п‚џCan produce coronary steal syndrome п‚џIndications: -Severe heart failure with ↑ SVR -Mitral regurgitation to ↓ afterload and improve forward flow out of the ventricle -Low cardiac output syndrome with ↑ SVR -Hypertensive crises Nesiritide (Natrecor) п‚џBrain natriuretic peptide – identical to endogenous BNP п‚џ Effects -Vasodilation - Natriuresis п‚џ Usual dosages are 0.25 – 10 mcg/Kg/min п‚џ Duration of action: 1 – 5 minutes п‚џ Long term administration of the drug should be monitored with serum thiocyanate levels. п‚џInfusion rates of less than 3 mcg/Kg/min are not associated with toxicity. п‚џSerum thiocyanate levels > 10 mg/dL are considered to be toxic. (Lab costs $100) п‚џ Poor renal function increases the risk for thiocyanate toxicity – antidote: sodium thiosulfate Usual dosage is: Bolus: 2 mcg/Kg over 60 seconds Infusion: 0.01 micrograms/min Do Not infuse though the same line with other medications Nicardipine (CardeneВ®) • Calcium Channel Blocker • Indicated for: hypertension Usual dosage is: Infusion: 0.1mg/mL concentration Titrate for effect Note: has been promoted for afterload reduction similar to sodium nitroprusside 186 п‚џCNS effects = nervousness, twitching, ataxia, headaches п‚џ Cardiac effects = hypotension, palpitations п‚џ Cyanide poisoning = impaired tissue oxygenation, confusion, hyperreflexia, convulsions п‚џ Contraindications: use with caution in patients with hypothyroidism, hepatic or renal disease as well as those patients receiving other antihypertensive drugs. п‚џ Side effects: - Hypotension – monitor BP closely п‚џ Incompatible with: п‚џEnaliprilat п‚џ Insulin п‚џ Lasix п‚џ Heparin п‚џ Hydralazine п‚џ Bumex • Side Effects: - Hypotension C. Beta Blockers ( the “lol’s”) 1. General indications are for a. AMI: to prevent sudden death (may alter ventricular remodeling) b. Tachycardias (ventricular and supraventricular) c. Hypertension 2. Side effects a. AV blocks b. Sinus bradycardia c. Use with caution in Raynauds, COPD and IDDM D. E. Calcium Channel Blockers (verapamil, diltiazem, nifedipine, etc. 1. Indications: Hypertension, Supraventricular arrhythmias 2. Note: Some (nifedipine) are stronger vasodilators, others (verapamil, diltizem) are stronger AV blockers ACE Inhibitors Renin - Angiotensin - Aldosterone System: Endocrine RAS: ↓ Cardiac Output в†’ ↓ Renal perfusion ↓ Juxtaglomerular cells release renin ↓ Renin combines with Angiotensinogen в†’ Angiotensin I ↓ Angotensin I + Lung converting enzyme в†’ Angiotensin II Angiotensin II ↓ Adrenal Medulla Cell Growth ↓ Aldosterone ↓ Na+ & H2O retention пЈҐ Peripheral arterioles ↓ Vasoconstriction Tissue RAS a. b. Exists in many systems including the cardiac cells May be responsible for ventricular remodeling process that occurs following MI or with HF в‡’ ACE INHIBITORS: Block the conversion of Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II End with “pril” ex: captopril Major side effects: cough; angiodema; renal insufficiency в‡’ ANGIOTENSIN RECEPTOR BLOCKERS: Directly block the AII receptors on the cell membrane Effects equal to ACEIs 187 III. Shock A. Definition: State that develops when there is inadequate tissue perfusion causing the cells to be deprived of adequate oxygenation, convert to anaerobic metabolism resulting in the production of lactate and acidosis. B. Etiology / Types of Shock 1. Hypovolemic: blood volume not sufficient to fill the vascular space. 2. Cardiogenic: Myocardium unable to pump an adequate cardiac output to maintain tissue perfusion. 3. Obstructive: physical obstruction to flow (ex: dissecting aortic aneurysm, pulmonary embolus) 4. Distributive: abnormal distribution of intravascular volume. Includes septic, anaphylactic and neurogenic shock) C. Hemodynamic profiles Type of Shock Hypovolemic Cardiogenic Obstructive Distributive: Neurogenic Anaphylactic Septic Early Late 1. Intravascular Volume пѓў ----пѓў Preload пѓў пѓЎ пѓў Afterload пѓЎ пѓЎ пѓЎ Cardiac Output пѓў пѓў пѓў -----пѓў пѓў пѓў пѓў пѓў пѓў пѓў -----No Change or пѓў пѓў No Change, пѓЎor пѓў пѓў пѓЎ пѓЎ or NC пѓў Hypovolemic: a. Impaired tissue perfusion resulting from severely diminished circulating blood volume. b. Etiology: в‡’ hemorrhage (trauma, surgery, burns, severe dehydration) в‡’ internal, extravascular fluid loss (3rd spacing) в‡’ Adrenal insufficiency c. Clinical picture: в‡’ anxious, irritable в‡’ ↓ LOC в‡’ poor capillary refill в‡’ skin pale & gray в‡’ tachycardia в‡’ hypotension в‡’ collapsed neck veins в‡’ tachypnea в‡’ ↓ urine output d. Labs: в‡’ ↓ Hct в‡’ abn electrolytes в‡’ respiratory alkalosis, metabolic acidosis e. 188 Management: в‡’ Volume replacement в‡’ Identify & treat the cause 2. Cardiogenic: a. Definition: Myocardium unable to pump an adequate cardiac output to maintain tissue perfusion. b. Etiology в‡’ Most common is loss of > 40-50% viable myocardial tissue в‡’ Mechanical problems •Perforated intraventricular septum •Papillary muscle dysfunction / rupture •Myocardial rupture •Valvular heart disease •Post-op low cardiac output syndrome в‡’ Cardiomyopathies в‡’ Others: •Hypovolemia •Metabolic dysfunction •Vasomotor dysfunction •Microcirculatory dysfunction c. Pathophysiology в‡’ Marked decrease in cardiac output: CI = < 1.8 L/m/m2 в‡’ Usual compensatory response is an increased peripheral vascular resistance. If not, MAP will fall в†’ ↓ coronary blood flow worsening the ischemic process. в‡’ If the compensatory mechanisms are working: ↑ SVR and ↑ catecholamine release ↓ ↓ ↑ afterload ↑ contractility (↑ ОІ stimulation) пѓ¦  ↑ myocardial ischemia d. 189 в‡’ LVEDV and LVEDP continue to increase в†’ cavity distention в†’ further ↑ing afterload •Limits filling of the endocardial vasculature в†’ endocardial ischemia • ↑ LVEDP is reflected back into the pulmonary vasculature в†’ ↑ pulmonary pressures в†’ development of pulmonary edema в†’ development of arterial hypoxemia contributing to cellular acidosis. As pulmonary artery pressures rise, ischemia and right ventricular failure occur. Management в‡’ Goals •Improve oxygen transport в‡’Cardiac Output в‡’Oxygen Content -Hemoglobin -Arterial oxygen saturation •Maintain / Improve Nutrition •Decreased Oxygen Demand •Prevent complications в‡’ Pharmacological •Inotropes •Vasodilators в‡’ Mechanical Support •Intra-aortic balloon •Intra-pulmonary artery balloon •Ventricular assist devices в‡’ Surgical •Revascularization •Transplant IV. Heart Failure A. Definition: 1. Failure of CO to meet metabolic demands of body 2. Systolic vs diastolic dysfunction a. Systolic: problem with contractility b. Diastolic: problem with filling B. Cardiomyopathies: 1. Dilated a. Causes • CAD • Viral • Chemotherapy • Pregnancy • Parasitic – Chaga’s Disease • Alcohol 2. Hypertrophic (HOCM) a. Causes • Aortic stenosis • Congenital - IHSS b. Management 3. Restrictive a. Causes •Infiltrative diseases b. Management C. Signs & Symptoms Left Ventricular Failure: Forward Failure: пѓў CO Right Ventricular Failure: пѓЎ Venous Pressures 190 Backward Failure: пѓЎ LVEDP D. V. Management: Target Goals 1. Improve CO/CI a. rest b. pharmacologic interventions в‡’ inotropes в‡’ vasodilators to reduce afterload / preload в‡’ beta blockers to prevent sudden death в‡’ ACE inhibitors to block ventricular remodeling в‡’ Digitalis в‡’ Diuretics 2. ECG monitoring (sudden death common - therefore many have ICDs implanted) 3. Mechanical Assist a. IABP b. LVAD / RVAD 4. Prior to d/c: patient & family education Acute Coronary Syndromes A. VI. Spectrum of coronary artery disease (atherosclerotic process) that includes: 1. Unstable Angina 2. Non-ST Elevation MI 3. ST Elevation MI Myocardial Infarction: EKG Interpretation: STEMI vs Non STEMI A. Current of Ischemia: primary T wave inversion B. Current of Injury: ST segment elevation C. Current of Necrosis: pathological “q” wave D. Primary Sites PRIMARY SITE INDICATIVE CHANGES RECIPROCAL CHANGES Inferior Leads II, III, aVF Leads I, aVL Right Coronary Septal Lead V1-2 Lead V5-6 Left Anterior Descending Anterior Leads V2, 3, 4 Leads II, III, aVF Left Anterior Descending Lateral Leads I,aVL, V5,6 Leads II, III, aVF Circumflex Posterior Leads V8, 9 V1,2 Right Coronary 191 VESSEL INVOLVED Practice EKG’s: #1: 193 #2: 194 #3: 195 4. 196 5. 197 F. G. H. I. J. K. Non STEMI: ST segment depression over involved area 1. Fibrinolytics not effective 2. ASA and beta blocker should be started within 24 hours of presentation Acute Management 1. ASA 2. Beta blocker 3. Immediate reperfusion a. Fibrinolytic b. Primary PCI Observe for Acute Closure or Extension following intervention 1. ST segment changes early indicator 2. Silent ischemia GPIIbIIIa Inhibitors 1. Include a. Reopro: May be able to reverse with platelets b. Integrilin: Dose adjusted for renal insufficiency 2. Screen as you would for a fibrinolytic 3. Observe for onset of: a. Bleeding b. Thrombocytopenia Discharge Medications 1. Aspirin 2. Beta blocker 3. ACE inhibitor if EF < 40% Complications 1. Heart Failure 2. Cardiogenic Shock 3. Arrhythmias 4. Mechanical Complications a. Papillary muscle dysfunction / rupture в†’ acute onset mitral regurgitation в‡’ Loud systolic murmur в‡’ Falling BP and CO/CI в‡’ Development of large “v” waves in PAOP waveform b. c. Cardiac tamponade в‡’ Falling BP and CO/CI в‡’ Narrowing pulse pressure в‡’ Sinus tachycardia в‡’ Distended neck veins; ↑ CVP в‡’ Muffled heart tones в‡’ PEA Perforated ventricular septum в‡’ Falling BP, CO/CI в‡’ Loud holosystolic murmur в‡’ Development of large “v” waves in PAOP tracing в‡’ Insertion of PA catheter: Look for oxygen step-up from RA to RV L. 199 Valvular Heart Disease 1. Aortic Valve a. Insufficiency: LV volume overload b. Stenosis в‡’Dev LVH в‡’Volume dependent в‡’Onset of a fib can be catastrophic r/t loss of atrial kick в‡’PA pressures elevated 2. M. N. O. VI. Mitral Valve a. Insufficiency в‡’Assoc with large V wave in PAWP waveform в‡’PAP elevated b. Stenosis в‡’PAWP not helpful – falsely elevated в‡’PAP elevated Coronary Bypass Surgery 1. Approaches: в‡’Minimally invasive в‡’ Sternotomy 2. Use of cardiopulmonary bypass в‡’On pump в‡’Off pump Post-Operative Management of the Cardiac Surgery Patient 1. Assess hemodynamic stability a. Hemodynamic assessment b. Titrating infusions c. IABP 2. Electrolyte status a. Hypokalemia b. Hypomagnesemia 3. Cardiac Arrhythmias 4. Ventilatory Status a. ABG’s b. Early extubation (if appropriate) Protocol 5. Pain control – Can be challenging a. Use of local anesthetics & delivery systems b. Use of epidurals and PCA pumps 6. Incisional care 7. Activity progression 8. ICU LOS: 1 day ….. Cardiac Surgery Complications - Early 1. Coagulopathies 2. Excessive bleeding 3. Cardiac Tamponade 4. Electrolytes (K+, Mg+) 5. Respiratory failure / Atelectasis 6. Renal Insufficiency / ATN 7. Cardiogenic shock 8. Stroke Aortic Aneurysms A. Etiologies 1. Various diseases a. Atherosclerosis b. Hypertension c. Degeneration of medial layer – cystic medial necrosis d. Aortitis 2. Iatrogenic injury – complication of aortic surgery 3. Trauma – severe blunt chest trauma 4. Congenital a. Marfan’s Syndrome b. Coarctation 200 B. 201 Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm 1. Less common than abdominal aneurysms 2. Types a. True: all layers involved b. False: partial or complete disruption of aortic wall with blood contained in the adventitial layer. 3. Described in terms of shape and location a. Shape: fusiform vs saccular b. Location: ascending, transverse or descending 4. Diagnosis a. Chest X-ray changes often before s&s b. CT scan c. Transesophageal Echo 5. S&S a. Ascending Aorta: chest pain; AI; CHF b. Transverse Aorta: dyspnea, stridor, hoarseness, cough, chest pain, JVD (less common) c. Descending Aorta: back or chest pain 6. Significance: Risk for rupture 7. Medical Management a. Goals: в‡’Reduce left ventricular contractility and velocity of blood flow в‡’Reduce systolic blood pressure to lowest possible level - Combination of beta blockers and vasodilators to lower SBP - Start beta blocker before vasodilator - Reduce SBP to 100 -120mmHg or further if patient c/o pain b. Type B – medical management first c. Relief of pain is the most important clinical sign - Morphine SO4 d. Vigilant monitoring of the BP - Especially as patient increases activity level в‡’Assess for postural hypotension e. Educate patient & family about meds 8. Surgical Repair: a. Type A – surgical emergency b. When: -symptomatic -size exceeds twice of normal caliber segment - 6cm c. Post-op Assessment determined by site of aneurysm •Ascending aorta: often involves AVR •Aortic arch: involve flow to brachiocephalic vessels (head, neck and upper extremities) •Descending aorta - Adequacy of peripheral circulation: spinal cord, SMA, renals, etc. - Adequacy of peripheral neuro status d. Routine ICU care e. Special emphasis on management of hypertension f. Monitor spinal fluid pressures в‡’Goal SP < 8- 10mmHg в‡’ Drain spinal fluid to maintain g. Neuro assessments в‡’Central в‡’Peripheral References: 1.Adams KF, Lindenfeld J, Arnold JMO, et al. HFSA 2006 comprehensive heart practice guideline. Journal of Cardiac Failuire, 2006;12:e1-e119. Available at 2. Alspach JG. Core Curriculum for Critical Care Nursing, ed 6. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2006. 3. CarlsonKK, Advanced Critical Care Nursing. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2009. 4. Chulay M, Burns SM AACN Essentials of Critical Care Nursing. New York: McGraw Hill Publishing Company, 2010. 5. Conover M. Understanding Electrocardiography, ed 8. St Louis: Mosby , 2003. 6. Daleiden-Burns A. (issue editor) Heart Failure. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 2007;30(4). 7. Darovic G. Hemodynamic Monitoring: Invasive and Noninvasive Clinical Application, ed 3. Philadelphia: WB Saunders, 2002. 8. Fara-Erny A. Heart failure: Challenges and outcomes. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2000;14(4). 9. Fishman WH, Cheng-Lai A, Nawarskas J. Current Cardiovascular Drugs, ed 4. Philadelphia: Current Medicine, LLC,2005. 10.Hardin S, Hussey L. AACN Synergy model for patient care: Case study of a CHF patient. Critical Care Nurse 2003;23(1):73-76. 11. Hardin SR, Kaplow R. Synergy for Clinical Excellence: The AACN Synergy Model for Clinical Excellence. Boston: Jones & Barltett Publishers, 2005. 12. Hardin SR, Kaplow R. Cardiac Surgery Essentials for Critical Care Nursing. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2010. 13. Hochman JS. Cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarction. Circulation. 2003;107:2998. 14. Holmes DR. Cardiogenic shock: A lethal complication of acute myocardial infarction. Review in Cardiovascular Medicine. 2003;4(3):131135. 15. Jurynec J. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: A review of etiology and treatment. Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 2007;22(1):65-73. 16. Kelley DM. Hypovolemic shock: An Overview. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 2005;28(1):2-19. 17. Messerli FH. Cardiovascular Drug Therapy, ed 2. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co., 1996. 18. ----- Synergy Model: Adult Sample Questions. Aliso Viejo, CA: AACN Certification Corporation, 2000. 19. Wagner, GS. Marriott’s Practical Electrocardiography, ed. 10. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 2000. 20. Woods SL, Froelicher ESS, Motzer SA, Bridges E. Cardiac Nursing, ed 6. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2009. 21. https// Speaker Contact Information: Barbara “Bobbi” Leeper, MN, RN, CCRN Clinical Nurse Specialist, Cardiovascular Services Baylor University Medical Center Dallas, Texas e-mail: [email protected] 202 Self-Assessment Questions: A patient in cardiogenic shock has the following hemodynamic profile: BP 90/56 HR 110 CO/CI 1.4 / 0.8 PA 36/20 PAWP 18 SVR 3000 RA 10 The following medications are infusing: dobutamine at 10mcg/Kg/min & epinephrine at 0.02mcg/Kg/min 1. You would be most concerned about: a. BP, CO/CI, PA b. CO/CI, SVR c. BP, SVR, CO/CI, CVP d. All of the above 2. Which of the following interventions would be appropriate: a. Afterload reduction with sodium nitroprusside b. Elevate blood pressure with epineprhine c. Reduce preload by giving a diuretic d. Improve renal blood flow with dopamine at 10 mcg/Kg/min 3. Indicative changes for acute myocardial infarction include: a. tall peaked T wave, ST segment depression b. widened QRS duration > 0.12 sec c. T wave inversion, ST segment elevation and pathological q wave d. Prolonged PR interval 4. Indicative changes for an inferior MI can be found in: a. Leads II, III, aVF b. V1 – V2 c. V2 – V3 – V4 d. V5 – V6, I, aVL 5. Which of the following are signs of hypovolemic shock? a. ↓ intravascular volume; ↓ preload; ↑ afterload, ↑ cardiac output b. ↓ intravascular volume, ↓ preload; ↓ afterload, ↓ cardiac output c. ↓ intravascular volume; ↑ preload; ↑ afterload; ↓ cardiac output d. ↓ intravascular volume; ↓ preload; ↑ afterload; ↓ cardiac output Answers: 1: b, 2:a, 3:c, 4:a, 5:d 203 Additional Study Resources Visit the links below to access additional study materials for the Adult CCRN exam: AACN Bookstore Publications and Practice Exams CCRN Self-Assessment Exam (SAE) How to Prepare for the CCRN Exam 205
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