LMSC/F071319A FINAL REPORT - SPACE VOL. STATION II STUDY RESULTS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR LIFE PHASE FOR SCIENCES A CONCEPTUAL MISSIONS RESEARCH DESIGN SAAX0307, & PROCRAI_qATICS SAAX0302, SAAX0307 TO FORT HE AND GEORGE AEROMAUTIC$ C. CHANGE _ SPACE M._RF_I'ATJ. SPACE FLIGHT ALABAMA MISSILES C0_RANY, BIOASTROIAUTICS SUNNYVALE, FROM ORDERS 5 AND ADMINISTRATION CENTER 35812 & SPACE ASTRONAUTICS TRANSITION 1986 UNDER CONTRACT NAS8-35472 NATIONAL THE STUDIES SAAX0302 MARCH 31, PREPARED FACILITIES DMSION CA 94088 INC. 7 LHSC/F071319A FOREWORD This report tract has been NAS8-35472. Change Orders constitutes Prior It 5 and the reports 7 for the i. under provides the completion in Task prepared the series under Parameter Task 2. 3. Final Change Package July Order 3 Special LMSC/D962181 report Volume II pages Study Center called Results. 5. Package Package include: - - 1983 Design _ LMSC/D914369 Review. Flight 1983 Data Conceptual Space NAS8-35472 Data - October Preliminary Data o contract Tradeoff/Analysis - Requirement - August LMSC/D914366 Task Report Analysis LMSC/DgI4350 Marshall supplemental Final of Data NASA Requirements - January 1984 1985 Report - LSRF - August 1985 Bioisolation Study - confor by This I,ZCSC/O71319A TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD List List of of Acronyms Illustrations Tables And Abbreviations I INTRODUCTION i-I i.i BACKGROUND i-I 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 Previous 1.2 STUDY 1.3 ASSUMPTIONS 1-4- 2 SUMMARY 2-I 2.1 REQUIREMENTS 2-i 2.2 CONCEPTUAL 2.3 PROGRAMMATICS 3 SUBTASK 3. I REQUIREMENTS 3-i 3.1 SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS 3-i 3.1.1 Life 3.1.2 Updated Experiment 3.2 MISSION REQUIREMENTS 3.2.1 3.2.2 Reconfiguration Scenarios Rodent Emphasis Mission with BMVP (Bone, Muscle, Vestibular, Plant) Small Primate Mission MF (Muscle, Fluids) Large Primate Mission CFVP (Cardiovascular, Fluids, Vestibular, Plants) Rat Mission MFRP (Metabolism, Fluids, Reproduction, Plants) 3-12 3.3 ENGINEERING 3-18 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 LSRF Functional Requirements Tradeoff Analysis & Update Engineering Requirements 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 Contract Work NASA Relationships Relationship to Space OBJECTIVES Science AND Station Program APPROACH DEFFINITIONS AND I-I 1-2 1-2 i"3 DESIGNS 2-5 2-10 Experiment Data Characteristics 3-3 Sheets 3-6 3-11 REQUIREMENTS ii 3-13 3-15 3-16 3-17 3-18 3-18 3-27 LHSC/071319A 3-31 3.4 OPERATIONS 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.4.3 3.4.4 Premission Sequence On-Orbit Sequence Post-Mission Support Ground-Based Facility 4 SUBTASK 4.1 LAYOUT 4.1.1 4.1.2 Horizontal Layouts Vertical Layouts 4.2 SAAX0302 4.2.1 4.2.2 Horizontal Layouts Vertical Layouts 4-10 4-14 4.3 INTERNAL LAYOUT VS HORIZONTAL 4-18 REQUIREMENTS 3.2 Support CONCEPTUAL OPTIONS FULL 3-31 3-32 3-33 3-33 DEFF]ITI_TION_-ND - SAAX0307 (HALF DESIGNS 4-i 4-2 MODULE) 4-2 4-8 LABORATORY OPTIONS 4-10 OPTIONS-VERTICAL 4.4 SUBSYSTEMS 4.4.1 4.4.2 Electrical 4.5 CONCEPT 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 Internal Layouts for Mission SAAX0307 Internal Layouts for Mission SAAX0302 Transitioning From Mission SAAX 0307 to SAAX0302 4-26 4-27 5 SUBT_LSK 5-i 5.1 WORK 5.1.1 WBS 5.2 TECHNOLOGY 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 Variable Gravity Research Centrifuge Metabolic Measurement System Cage Washer 5-7 5-10 5-15 5.3 COST 5-2O 5.3.1 5.3.2 DDT&E Secondary 4-19 Power and Standard Interfaces Structure-Equipment Mounting EFFECTIVENESS 3.3 4-26 PROGRANNATICS BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE AND DICTIONARY DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS ESTIMATES Costs Operations 4-28 5-i 5-I Dictionary Annual Options 4-19 4-19 Cost Estimate iii 5-7 5-22 5-32 LI_CI071319A 5.4 PRELIMINARY SCHEDULES AND 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 Science Management Implementation Engineering LSRF Operations Project Summary Program Schedules iv PLANS 5-35 5-35 5-36 5-38 5-40 5-45 LP_C/FO71319A LIST Study Flow OF ILLUSTRATIONS Diagram 2-i 2-2 Full Lab Equipment 3-I 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 3-7 3-8 Bone Loss Experiment Data Sheet Cardlopulmonary Function Data Sheet Fluid Balance Data Sheet Plant Growth Data Sheet 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 Folding Bloisolation Partition Flow-Through Mlcroisolator Cage Dual Mlcroisolator Cage Concept Animal ECLSS - Option 1 Distributed Temperature and Humidity Centralized Holding Facility Temperature Centallzed Animal ECLSS 3-21 3-21 3-22 3-9 3-10 3-11 4-I 4-2 4-3 4-4 4-5 4-6 4-7 4-8 4-9 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-14 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-19 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 Concept With Large Centrifuge (Option #8) Identification by Rack Location for Option Engineering & Operational and Interfaces Relationships, Control & Humidity #8 Control 2-6 2-7 3-23 3-24 3-25 Interactions, 3-31 Option #I, Half Lab, Horizontal, Small Centrifuge Equipment for Option #i Option #2 Half Lab Horizontal Layout in Modified Racetrack Pattern With Large Centrifuge Equipment for Option #2 Option #3. Half Lab Vertical Layout With Small Centrifuge Equipment for Option #3 Option #4. Half Lab Vertical Wlth Large Centrifuge Equipment for Option #4 Option #5. Full Lab Horizontal Layout With Small Centrifuge Equipment for Option #5 Option #6. Full Lab Modified Racetrack Horizontal Layout With Large Centrifuge Equipment for Option #6 Option #7. Full Lab Vertical Arrangement With Small Centrifuge Equipment for Option #7 Option 7A. Full Lab With Second Centrifuge or Minilab Options Equipment for Option #7A Option #8 Full Lab With Large Centrifuge Equipment for Option #8 Typical Electrical Interfaces - Half Lab Rack Standard Interface Candidates 4-5 4-6 Secondary Structure Secondary Structure Rack Approaches for 4-31 4-32 4-33 in Module and Wall Access Considerations Transition and Reconfiguration V 4-7 4-8 4-10 4-11 4-12 4-13 4-15 4-16 4-17 4-18 4-20 4-21 4-22 4-23 4-24 4-25 4-28 4-29 LHSC/F071SIgA Page 5-i 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-6 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5-11 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 Work Work Breakdown Breakdown Structure Structure Level 5 Dual Rotor Centrifuge Showing Two-Arm Service MMS Waste Separator and Collector MMS Urlne-Feces Collector Prototype Closed Metabolic Measurement System Concept Open Metabolic Measurement System Concept Steam Cleaner Conceptual Design Steam Cleaner Schematic Conceptual Schematic Design of Heat Funding Profiles Space Station LSRF Space Station LSRF Space Station LSRF Space Station LSRF of Heat Cleaner Cleaner IOC Summary Schedule Phase B Schedule Phase C Schedule Phase D Schedule vi Rotor 5-2 5-3 5-10 5-12 5-12 5-13 5-14 5-16 5-17 5-19 5-19 5-31 5-46 5-47 5-48 5-49 LHSC/F071319A LIST OF 7ABI_$ Page TABLE LAYOUT 3-i LIST 4-i 4-2 LAYOUT 4-3 RESEARCH EQUIPMENT FOR NONHUMAN LIFE SCIENCES: HALF-MODULE DECISION ANALYSIS FOR HORIZONTAL VS. VERTICAL ARRANGEMENTS EVALUATION OF LAYOUT OPTIONS (HALF LAB) EVALUATION OF LAYOUT OPTIONS (FULL LAB) 4-4 4-5 4-6 5-i 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5 OPTIONS 2-5 2-i OF CONSIDERED STRAWMAN OPTIONS 3-2 EXPERIMENTS 4-i CONSIDERED RESEARCH EQUIPMENT HALF-MODULE FOR NONHUMAN LIFE SCIENCES: FIRST 4-3 SAAX0307 AND SAAX0302 DDT&E AND OPERATIONS DDT&E COST ESTIMATE FOR SAAX0307 COST ESTIMATE FOR SAAX0302 FUNDING PROFILES FOR SAAX0307 AND SAAX0302 PROGRAM OPERATING COSTS SAAX0302 AND SAX0307 vii SECOND 4-4 INTERNAL 4-26 4-34 4-35 COST FOR ($M) A 5-22 5-23 5-27 7 YEAR 5-32 5-33 I21SC/F071319A ACRONYMS & ABBREVIATIONS AC ADU AN AO ARC BMVP Ca CELSS CER CFVP CO2 CV DDT&E ECLSS EDO EKG EMC EMI EUE EVA FC FOC FY Alternating Current Advanced Development Unit Applications Notice Announcement of Opportunity Ames Research Center Bone, Muscle, Vestibular, Plant Calcium g GPWS GSFC HRF IOC IVA JSC Earth Gravity General Purpose Work Station Goddard Space Flight Center Human Research Facility Initial Orbital Configuration Intra-Vehicular Activity Johnson Space Center Kilogram Kennedy Space Center Kilowatt kg KSC kw LMSC LSLE LSRF m MF MFRP MIL-STD MMS MPC raps MSFC NASA ORU PD PI Controlled Ecological Life Support Cost Estimating Relationship Cardiovascular, Fluids, Vestibular, Carbon Dioxide Cardiovascular System Plants Design, Development, Test, & Evaluation Environmental Control and Life Support System Engineering Development Unit Electrocardiograph Electromagnetic Capability Electromagnetic Interference Experiment Unique Equipment Extra-Vehlcular Activity Factor of Complexity Follow-on (also Final) Orbital Configuration Fiscal Year (also Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Life Sciences Laboratory Equipment Life Sciences Research Facilities Meter Muscle, Fluids Metabolism, Fluids, Reproduction, Military Standard Metabolic Measurement System Mission Production Center Meter Per Second Capability) Inc. Plants George C. Marshall Space Flight Center National Aeronautics & Space Administration Oxygen Operations Orbital Replacement Unit Preliminary Design Principle Investigator viii Iav_C/F071319A ACRONYMS& _BREWT.A_0_ POCC RAHF RFI RFP RTOP SAAX0302 Payload Operations Control Center Research Animal Holding Facility Radio Frequency Interference Request For Proposal Research/Technology Operations Plan Science Mission of a Full Laboratory Nonhuman Life Sciences SAAX0307 Science Nonhuman SASP SLM SPF SS SSPE SSSC SSST STS UV VGRC WBS Yr SK Science Applications Space Platform Science Laboratory Module Specific Pathogen Free Space Station Space Station Program Element Space Station Support Center Space Station Systems Trainer Space Transportation System Ultra-Violet Variable Gravity Research Centrifuge Work Breakdown Structure Year Thousand of Dollars Millions of Dollars SM Module for Mission of a Half Laboratory Module for Life Sciences and Half for Human Life Sciences ix LMSC/F071319A SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION This study presents designs and Research Facility an to (FOC), SAAX0307 the respectively. a Concepts i.I the study LSRF, a FOC Station growth or required LSRFs is organized from conceptual Life Sciences programmatics encompass Follow-on Orbital to the modify correspond Mission results (LMSC's) Nonhuman and process report project Station designs and Space final and 3.3 IOC Company's to IOC missions Requirements Database, with this introduction, subtasks 3.1 Requirements, Programmatics. BACKGROUND i.i.i LMSC and Space (IOC) The of summary, a transitional LSRF. The technical 3.2 the SAAX0302 & Space Conceptual Capability and FOC and for (LSRF). Orbital Capability Missiles programmatics Initial LSRF Lockheed Previous began studies NAS8-35472 1983. Contract from Initial concept of the work Orientation 2. Task 4. . Research Marshall focused on data work Briefing 1 Parameter Space base produced - June Analysis Facilities building the 8, Data Flight Center plus following under a contract (MSFC) limited in May overall reports: 1983 Package - LMSC/D914350 - August 1983 Midterm Task 31, . Sciences C. This le . Life George description. 3, Work Review - August 2 Tradeoff 16, Analysis 1983 Data Package - LMSC/D914366 - October 1983 Task 3 Preliminary LMSC /D914369 Final Subsequently, - January Executive the contract analysis dealing with resulted in the report: Conceptual Review was isolation Design Requirements Data Package - 1984 - May 1984 extended between i-1 to crew conduct and an nonhuman in-depth specimens. tradeoff This L_[SC/F071319A 7. LSRF Finally the Bioisolatlon contract Design Requirements" work. It also o 9. 1.1.2 The was Midterm Study Final Review technical direction of Boeing Company the provided by headquaters ARC Life also focused first describing The Center with SAAX would grow the 0307. into Relationship original Station and work an a "Preliminary is the Conceptual culmination time ARC assessment of that work NASA has ARC's been on manager strawman on has been direction of NASA is Roger Arno. Douglas which equipment list these the conduct- behalf sciences based Douglas were McDonnell life under Program (ARC) by MSFC studies program of by period. Center efforts of guided Parallel same The of and 54 repre- experiments conducting on as a studies of automation. studies has related been and in Management LSRF under Later, its Station this Science under as Company. Space would mission sciences, of a Human a subcontractor The HRF Station separate SAAX NASA's Research would life as the to share sciences nonhuman 0302. Program contract and work initial missions module to Space under the life studies this Services these own to nonhuman managing participated unmanned was Hilchey. McDonnell (JSC) LMSC above related LMSC above Engineering facilities 1.1.3 1985 Research protocols and the (HRF). mission, 24, Division. recently, to Space Lockheed 1985 the Ames technology centrifuges In addition LSRF a D. during directly science More Facility report 3, background NASA expeirments. reference. Johnson - May John Sciences on the research This - July the Dr. the managed sentative develop 1985 Relationships in was package. Review described by to - August included: work ed - LMSC/D962181 amended data Study NASA Study considered Applications I-2 Space both a Platform manned (SASP) Space as LMSC/F071319A the potential carriers its intention to develop focused Under sharply Phase assigned a 0302 Phase B from that were SLM Likewise, The study overall mend LSRF results of studies, a for established and to second here was the entire ing lab. divisions, followed by cost overall No effort a to estimates space an station the station. is announced the studies Headquarters outfitting Missions SAAX conducting one of the Data or tradeoff under this LSRF study for GSFC work. the direction of the flow diagram shown of 0307 RCA. to their eg, of to GSFC and GSFC results MSFC. Code technology schedule MSFC for schedule. i-3 from The recom- and engi- a brief the design to earlier requirements scenarios be were reconfigured design. the common or Space and LSRF module between ARC, on or requirements selected The approach the into a basis of function- roles the All of on the Station, requirements. estimates to included mission conceptual or science understanding distinguish E the I-I. module. station and and mission ability structure a space options trades sample an the breakdown made four achieve with key and LSRF Fig. objective selected for in against this engineering to design evaluation of Sciences, and to manage conceptual a complete was definition the concepts was (GSFC) LMSC addition, converting Life and NASA to approach In the centers, eg., on the a work of Station studies, account on associated job NASA into update of objective to develop different into layout data module. focus The transition programmatics Space NASA Design the influenced based an test continued, APPROACH reference. to for following to science, and structure A AND choice manned subcontract have requirements. review this taken conducted best neering been was project Center (SLM) to OBJECTIVES objective the Preliminary Flight under have was the orbit assigned work STUDY and Module studies As carrier. Space Laboratory SAAX 1.2 this Goddard LSRF. a permanently B Definition the Science on for of different the NASA Code S. This was of the above fed relative to the LHSC/F071319A SUBTASK 3.1 CONCEPT & MISSIOY; DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 3.1.1 l l SUBTASK 3.2 l COrZCEPTUALDEFINITIONS l REVIEW SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS SUBTASK 3.3 PROGRAMMATICS & ASSESS CONCEPTS [ AND OPERATIOI_S MISSION TIMELINES SCENARIOS I _.,.__ I I 3.2.2 I I I I DEVELOP ENGINEERING I I AND MISSION DESIGN I REQUIREMENTS FOR I & DESIGNS I NON-HU_N SAAX 0307 I SAAX 0302, & TRANS. _, FINAL WBS & [ 3.3.1 WBS DICTIONARY i I I ¢ CONCEPTUAL LABORATORY LAYOUT OPTIONS I 3.3.2 I DEVELOPMENT t • : [DEFINE TECH" I I ANALYZE I L SUBTASK 3.3 I ENGINEERINGI l & OPS RELATIONSHIPS, I LAB ACCOMMODATIONS l & SSPE INTERACTIONS I ( AND [ INTERFACES __ REQUIREMENTS 3.3.3 + I , 't 3.3.4 PRELIMINARY WBS AND ACCOUNTING STRUCTURE j SCHED & PLANS I I- "1 k.._ WBS LEVEL 3 ] 3.3.5 I t WBS LEVEL 4 CONCEPTUAL DESIG_ DATA I REQUIREMENTS PRELIMINARY PACKAGE (FINAL Figure 1.3 The I-I Study project were: Flow REPORT SUPPI._NTS) Diagram ASSUMPTIONS main assumptions The as The LSRF its of this would use LSRF control, The and Space Station permanently manned concept carrier housing associated o the minimum power, missions 0302 o Strawman o Prioritized would of of the science and be the subsystems data module such as including thermal, its environmental management interest are Space Station experiments equipment common list US life sciences Mission are is i-4 the from missions Requirements list the of Data 54 from proposed SAAX study NASA 0307 Base ARC plan. I24SC/F071319A SECTION2 SUMMARY This on Summary in Sections 2.1 of the three projects subtasks reported 5. section Space meet the program plan. to meet these addresses Statlon Life objectives of The the Systems), as well science, mission, interest to is the engineering, and opera- of designing lecting data from procedures, biomedical include cardiovascular areas, in decrease changes, therefore, specimens crew. are needed and The orbital Sciences (plants plant animals) planned would experiments will Ecological colonies Division and typically (Controlled are will those weightlessness. the sensor they output is changes countermeasures of and Life Mars Support missions, animal studies use bone and be mass altered among the which and studies translated the that tissue are vestibular 2-i on of questions into tissue they of allow to decrease Space great of how responses, the approaches: the col- changes more analyses. function. the Understanding two thought the also the mechanisms strength, earliest are result. require is of to understanding address will studying weightlessness relate that and extensive in which Those because crewmembers including the lunar priority importance changes human (LSRFs) Life experiments CELSS physiological and Headquarters nonhuman the of Facilities biology. how process The on biologists, sensed, NASA biomedical extended of basic series animals. The highest problems Research accommodates gravitional biomedical the development for with Sciences research future studies gravity with needed as LSRF objectives. coordinated support and highlights considerations. Science. The 4, and requirements tions be 3, the REQUIREMENTS The to presents stringent Some be most in of Station. the important muscle Studies in in mass, those LI4SC/F071319A Most life sciences experiments will need to be repeated many times. Repetition of an experiment unchangedwould be for the purpose of confirming the results. In most cases an experiment would be modified when repeated, to extend the information obtained the previous time. Someexperiments may be repeated one or more times during a 90-day mission. Other studies will require holding specimens on the station for multiples of 90 days; examples are long-term radiation effects, and multi-generation studies on mammals. A prioritized list of strawman experiments is provided in Section 3, Table 3-I. Data sheets have been developed for all of the 54 experiments in the list; these were updated from earlier work and four are shown in this report (Figures 3-I thru 3-4). The experiment data are used in defining core equipment (basic items generic to life sciences research) to be accommodated in the LSRF. Mission. There inclination, near-term). the use of are no viewing Life live angles, missions specimens, however. and transfer plant of that Closed or and of the the on sis, and ground and for analysis. extremely labile, bioisolatlon facilities control for without Procedures and which carrying danger include testing, IOC or related to to prevent the surrounding is more accurate out of use of transfer, research contamination chemicals, dissection, of mass analy- specimens. freezers to maintain preserving biological Because (at requirements with these animals of servicing or include: bench(es) examination, preservation Refrigerators especially lab. altitude module. work and orbital EVA special facilities, between flow or determinations, These laboratory plants specimens have or temperature/humidity laminar procedures particular payloads, do holding microbes laboratory, for attached Sciences Animal than requirements many cryogenic of the unstable specimens constituents temperatures samples. 2-2 chemicals, are for of and return and interest are necessary for some I2¢SC/F071319A Laboratory o ing equipment specimens; specialized A for mal") ig, or some will to Engineering. with a set ment items (LSLE). of mission. that dissect- analysis; cardiology, and for vestibular Ig to specimens specimens will of as at 0g. fractional which animals serve maintained providing at groups g, and Ig ("nor- The and centri- more physiologycal changes supply specimens than occur begin with may the be are of considered shown in new as Sec. and reconfigurations. 3.2.1 as examples of experiments. is a multi-mission independent to is at LSRF apply These missions essentially The and and areas. to of scenarios LSRF lab etc.) will all analogous The other g-thresholds mission of The collection and days. handling, prevented. items, groupings urine electrophysiology, capable the injecting, in similar be reconfiguration logical tion, be 90 for also 90-day equipment Several to study can each up and centrifuge controls fuge Because radiology, large-diameter plants testing, blood studies activity, o for for the also are ihe in general Spacelab disposal has facility support of the primary outfitted and Laboratory users, subsystems enclosure subsystems Sciences various identifiable an purpose Life of in each equipment Equipment with (ECLSS, equip- a particular power distribu- complement and dominant issue the users. Bioisolation was LSRF design. main focus of this study were are The to Because summarized study unscreened identified a crew, reduces the its contract briefly in while primates are the study, strict very the bioisolation change report SPF order issues #5. The (LMSC/D962181, animals specifically) of perhaps were results August 85) in the of and using (primates productivity driver, a separate Sec. very kay importance, in that the a extension published animals gnotobiotlc of concluded the as the present aseptic on-board expensive is and 2-3 the too technique life prefered much required of a health of scientist. virtually approach; impossible In risk gnotobiotes addition, to obtain. LHSC/FO71319A As for the proper isolation is partitions, both and Other tradeoffs which have include placement is much have been the o Vivarium o Centrifuge into account Location - Architecture Waste o Logistics lab vs. in operational influencing sequence ground-based include facility handle operational sequence at anytime. operational sequence for NASA lab The of module Important conceptual CONCEPTUAL all a typical DEFINITION AND design issues (section 4) with nonhuman equipment Ames vs. special module) full Research module. support pre-mission, LSRF on-orbit, These in 3.4 layouts facilities. activities. experiments are the Elements post-mlssion activities various provides an layouts were must phases of the overview of the mission. conceptual outfitting Prioritized Center internal DESIGNS arrangement a and Section module or module and support Eight 2-i) logistics operations to a module the use level activity. documents. scenarios lab integrated Table the cage re-supply) reconfiguration drivers and (in (animal LSRF Layouts. than that storage primary 2.2 routine earlier in concluded measure of in study & Commonality location o fully a disruptive reported Sharing - Operations. be effective less been the following: Equipment support, isolation, more taken o the much of that were volumes equipment used in equal lists equipping the developed to either were (see half developed halflab of by and full layouts. It options. Space provides Station basic distribution, Common services and a link Module such to as the is the carrier environmental communications 2-4 for control, and data the LSRF thel_al systems. control, power LHSC/F071319A Module length of a 2.75m or a 3.75m vertical is constant diameter diameter double meters. combined rotor 2-1 Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Module (SAAX0302) Vertical OPTIONS Internal layout done and the Vertical similar equipment with a also is more and volumes degree with the vertical a use layout horizontal or 4-2 #i Large Centrifuge Figs. 4-3 and 4-4 #2 Small Centrifuge Figs. 4-5 and 4-6 #3 Large Centrifuge Figs. 4-7 and 4-8 #4 Small Centrifuge Figs. 4-9 and 4-10 #5 Large Centrifuge Figs. 4-11 and 4-12 #6 Small Centrifuge Figs. 4-13 and 4-14 #7 Option Figs. 4-15 and 4-16 #7A Centrifuge Figs. 4-17 and 4-18 #8 for influence the are the the to option #8 more and type the are layout simpler Vertical crew desirable working equipment for the SAAX0307 is best. The experiments and that because more module is uniform packaging space and option shown are with higher accommodation mission, latter of experiments internal possible. in more Thus, complete arrangements allowing resulting number preferred commonality arranged SAAX0302 crew vertical arrangements. CONSIDERED and of of simply than #4 in is Figs. the 2-i 2-2. Operationally, dedicated lab combined or on 4-i directly ability efficiency horizontal It a horizontal based Figs. arrangements greater packaging and are Centrifuge Minilab options flown. best options Small Large be with centrifuge LAYOUT (SAAX0307) to The layout. Module Full 13.7 centrifuge TABLE Half at is plant-animal recommended leaving become transitionlng the a human lab that the centrifuge research Subsystems. The distribution system from common for the combined (SAAX0302) should combined in lab place. grow The laboratory minimize to the (SAAX equipment dedicated newly-launched module 0307) to the changeout. animal-plant then would facility. module life contains support, secondary data 2-5 structure management, and electrical network power LHSC/F071319A Olin LEYE. A OllO Ollo 0110 ollo |2.111 II!- t$,72 I I LEVE .IM! 1 Figure 2-i Full Lab Concept With Large 2-6 Centrifuge (Option /_8) LKSC/F071319A ORIGINAI_PAG_ OF POOR RAO¢ NL_8_ QUAI,I'I_ RACK VOLUME EOJZPNE_lr I 2 :2 2 8TORROE. 3 | I_NOWASHER 4 I INCUBATOR C021t2021. EGG _NCUBRTOR I1781. ImgOl. FREEZERIs4_|.LRSOP_ITORT CENTRIFUGE 6 I PI..qNT • g TR ST_T[fl fe$3-_81. COMPUT[R (#Sl). ART RECOROER la1821. MICROPROCEB_OR Y[OE0 cRrIERR RND RECORDER (11411. 7 = CRG( NR_HER |eOBI, (_,87), STORRG(. | t ROOE],IT STANDAROHOL.DING • I sTORAGe. PH/ZOH kN,M..Y'LER If_Oa). OGCILI..OGI3OI_ (u_.O71. NICR05COl'_ It 3. PRII'IFITE KIT ImZO$1. IQ L E3_OE_IT STANDAROHQLDZNG XX 14 K[TIwlZ41. SP[CTROPHOTOMETER GR_ RNRI_I'Z_.R Im183J. RN|IIJ_L $.75 (JtO01. RESEARCH _ETER FRClLITT _PEC|M(N OI_flETER 12 I P l.l_Nt 13 t REFRICER_TOfllFRE[_fl le44_1. flONITOR l_14Z). PHYSIOLOGiCaL DQ:IflETER (s1251. :.RLL MR_ I& 2 5TO_RGE. 15 a ROI3ENT le651. METRBOLIC 17 | R[$ERJICN 18 I ROOENT HOLOING 19 2 LRRG( 2 STORROE. ST_NOARO PRIMRTE BTORRGE. [NV|RONHENT_L _PLIFIER 1u1341. _(ABUREflEN_ (ullZ]. lalS]l. rRC|LIT_ _PECIHEH Equipment Identificatin by Rack Location 2-7 FOOD FI_C[LIT¥. HOLOING NOLOING FRCILITY FRC_L|T¥ 1152C). IoS81. &2 Figure 2-2 CENTRIFUGE. (sOlR]. FRCILITY HOLDING NRT'ER (_281. RE_RIGERRTORIFR[[ZEfl$I|&¢O.4SOIo _NO MR/ERIwgBR.97_I* 16 STRIP Is2Ogl, (_2AI. FAczLrT'Y CE3_TRIFUG_ BflE_OING IN) FACZL.ITY I RESEARCH rO00 SPECIMEN CONTROL_ PFL$$ lIZSJ. InSl). II 20 (#2081. ng_3 _P_C/ NONITORING Is203l. for Option #8 STORRG[. LHSC/F071319A distribution Internal to and LSRF final outfitting facilitate: System power, ECLSS, thermal module, and or (STS) be compatible (Shuttle) and egress data management with to also external ensure into management must proper communications. structural the interfaces for be and transfer orbiter requirements arrangements characteristics assembly The safety internal must thermal equipment/specimens/supplies Transportation LSRF conditioning, crew from lab, earth with the in emergency compatible with interface Space viewing, logistics situations. common during features module ground and interion-orbit activities. equipment mounting elements into mounting system system laboratory is the means arrangements. concepts investigated for To by integrating complete LMSC the this were laboratory integration, designed to provide the the following: o Interfaces for operation o Structural o Easy of laboratory laboratory integrity reconfiguration equipment: equipment common elements user equipment. and for applicable loads and change-out of and which support environments. Orbital Replacement Units (ORUs). o o Accessibility for equipment of module Commonality with other Structure. The 2.3 PROGRAMMATICS Work Breakdown report to correspond address achieve common an developed to module the end operational operational provided and activities to maintenance, level in Sec. 5 and Space WBS items and a and repair of laboratory elements. Space LSRF service, by Station was updated Station from IOC. associated definition elements. Work version RFP. WBS Package Items 8.0 hardware for 5.1.1. 2-8 01 each from elements that 4 through be 21.0 for level 1.0 must through required WBS the December enhanced address IOC. and The 5 1984 7.0 to LSRF WBS was element is LMSC/FO71319A Technology part in other Development. the development Space Variable (MMS), Station Gravity and elements. o advances required tive of LSRF Cost Estimates. tional The and is two within each provides (VGRC), that is detailed Metabolic technology to fully develop areas protocols test one-half estimate 5.2 LSRF play an integral compatible with discussions Measurement of a System were and requiring the study technology selected equipment additional for lists study after expected to be an evalua- representa- work. development, (SAAX0307) operational Section development experimental fully activities including: areas technology development Centrifuge Washer specific of a Research a Cage tion cost of o These or Technology cost and FOC estimates evaluation (SAAX0302) of a Science for a dedicated years after estimates include o Costs are o Estimates o Development o Costs are LSRF. IOC. generated for 5.3 operations SAAX0307 represents Module (SLM) vivarium Assumptions year a 45 FY foot and at address costs the IOC. lab which groundrules 1987 million module in is protoflight functional by Sec. design, for LSRF The portion SAAX0302 becomes used to IOC operagenerate following: approach for WBS The in and animal-plant constant are (DDT&E) Laboratory the in presented a racetrack configuration program elements applying dollars and factors non-flight arrived at hardware by engineering judge- ment o Weights work, for life adjusted science in some flight cases hardware to are reflect based on earlier current to items are LSRF reflect current thinking Cost Estimating Relationships basis of weight, ments within each equipment to be lower lower a complexity each CER item. or or higher (CERs) The higher than can in be for factor, made normal by and state assigning factor complexity equipment is should unity. 2-9 of be development. a complexity unity. computed An assigned Cost factor equipment a on adjust(FC) item complexity the for deemed factor LHSC/FO71319A Equipment costs also item. For flight qualified Each example, Funding The status assumed with a DDT&E Annual in detailed dedicated animal-plant with tion, the plan appears and implementation and ated LSRF are with phased provide program and full commenced in of Phase C/D. SAAX0302 were a 1986 1993). The and the exists as year that profiles costs. reflected its constructed through 7.5 of development that upon FY or number initiation based first launch. program. the are It was program based to ends upon the 5.2.1. for pre-launch, LSRF on-orbit, portion vivarium lab program Station of the are encompasses phasing, to assembly, post-return combined (SAAX0302) plan and lab (SAAX0307) presented a phased accomplish the verification, operational in Sec. approach, requirements integration and the 5.3.2. consisdefiniand all support. in Sec. 5.4 engineering resupply with start SAAX0307 (March a status developed for assigned the development been charged generated development, The be at from to already was exist 1993 LSRF Space of mission changeout FY has Missions are the The design, aspects LSRF costs involving tent it will relative not therefore, in Sec. activities Plan. that should start mid operations Program item 2.3) program launch adjusted requirements (Fig. that costs as for funding profiles an item, profiles evaluate be hardware equipment development can and addresses: LSRF and training; developmental phases; the a generalized overall overview SS of operation a and project and LSRF schedule. an science 2-10 mission summary project These end-to-end management, planning, of activities project sections, LSRF development system. equipment associ- schedules taken that together, LMSCIF071319A SECTION Subtask This section Research develops Facilities. scientific needs experiments. Jand 3.1 SCIENCE The official is report the list The on NASA issued those individual 1985 developed, of life the science including would four correspond to needs an station. include functional analyses in system. section the and areas Engineering concludes premission, with of require- discussion on-orbit, were in plan in the the questions, both and "SLM Lockheed reassessed to in of post-mission, Quick Midterm the the animal reproduced Look to a and plant as Table here Data Report according and discuss "Red Table priorities (Life The the study later In would experiments as of which experiments LMSC 1985. suggested disciplines. tized overview Base", of April 1985, perception practicality of ORI of the the experi- Station. Headquarters June the scientific that or Sciences priorities priorities group The an Sciences support confirmed I0, Space realized the control including Life from April important ments of was experiment most are These described. with Life REQUIREMENTS list of to Station characteristics compatibility requirements provided This flights environmental facility set scenarios sciences is ground-based 3-i. the Space requirements follow. the documentation areas stage of mission life operations and is logistics key bioisolation LSRF the discussion requirements of ments a the 90-day-interval update for mission-reconfiguration Engineering in and REQUIREMENTS requirements First, Then hypothesized the the 3.1 3 are produce Sciences Space scientists directed Book" 3-I a highly Station organized for objectives. containing 3-I although and a in objectives those same, it that is another list. experiments outlined 8/29/85, the subjective, different Division) toward of remained human, scientific several each The workshop life area and results plant, sciences and priori- have animal been ORIGINAU OF POOR TABLE 3-1 PROPOSED PRIORITY(') REFERENCE PRIORITY C_ MDAC NO. _) (A) (A) (A) (W) (w) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (A) (W) (W) (A) (W) (W) (A) (A) (A) (W) (A) (W) (A) (W) (W) (W) (A) (A) (A) 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 L24 L25 B18 819 820 821 822 B23 B24 B25 B26 B27 828 (A) (W) (W) (W) (w) (A) (W) (W) (A) (k) (W) (W) (A) VP VP BL BL CV BD RD RD RD RD RD RD RD 2g 3 2 3 3 3 5 6 1 2c 7 8 2b 30 31 3 4 11 36 38 39 32 35 40 41 34 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 53 53 54 829 B30 B31 832 E33(L26) 834(L27) 835(L28) 836 837 B6 (A) l_D (X) RD (W) MB (W) MB (A) PC (w) PC (W) PC (A) RE (A) RB (W) ML 4 2a 2 3 5 10 i1 I 2 2 37 33 17 18 48 53 54 42 43 8 2 Reference 3 MDAC No: 4LMSC mo.: " LMSC NO. _) B1 E2 B3 B4 S5 B7 L1 L2 El6 817 L5 Bg(L7) B9(L8) BI0(L9) 811(L10) BI2(LII) B13(L12) B14(L13) B15(L14) LI5 L3 L4 L6 LI6 L17 L18 LI9 L20 L21 L22 . L23 priority: QUALI'I_j LIST OF STRAWF_AN EXPERIMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 I Proposed L_C/FO71319A PKGE BLla ML la MB la MB 4 EL 4 FE la BL lb HI. lb VP 1 VP 2a VP 2b PC i PC 3 PC 8 PC 9 PC 2 PC 6 PC 7 PC 4 FE Ib CV i CV 2 VP 2c FE 2 MB lb MB 5 MB 6 MB 7 VP 2d VP 2e VP 2f LMSC recommended 1 6 15 19 5 12 2 7 23 24 25 44 46 51 52 45 49 50 47 13 9 I0 26 14 16 20 21 22 27 28 29 starting TITLE Calcium/Bone Mineral balance on rats Nitrogen balance and change in rat muscle structure Metabolic balance changes in rats Respiratory quotient (O2/CO 2) changes in rats Calcium/Mineral balance in rats using nonradioactive tracers Fluid/electrolyte changes in rats Calcium/Mineral balance on squirrel monkeys Nitrogen balance and change in squirrel monkey muscle structure Vestibular organ structural change in rats Vestibular system operation changes in rats Vestibular system function changes in squirrel monkeys Plant development following sprouting Plant growth in Og Multiple generation plant growth Gas balance on plants Gravitational strength and orientation effects on plant development Weightlessness effects on microscopic plants Geotropism threshold experiments Prototype CELSS plant unit Fluid/electrolyte changes in squirrel monkeys Cardiovascular function changes in restrained Rhe._ Cardiovascular system changes in restrained Rhesus monkeys monkeys Vestibular system function changes in Rhesus monkeys Fluid shifts in restrained Rhesus monkeys Metabolic balance in squirrel monkeys Respiratory quotient (O2/C02) in squirrel monkeys Energy expenditure/CO 2 production in squirrel monkeys Time-dependent glucose metabolism changes in squirrel Vestibular system operation changes in cats Vestibular system function changes in pigeons Vestibular system function changes in frogs Vestibular system function changes in goldfish Vestibular system function changes in squirrel monkeys Bone development in early stages of rat fetuses Bone development Development of Multigeneration in early pregnancy over multiple rat CV reflexes, sensors changes in rat reprod, behavior Rat development Rat post natal development at 19 days Multiple generation mouse development Mouse development Rat development cycle following birth in Determine gravity threshold for development Early development in chickens Chicken development and hatching Early development in frogs Changes in mouse metabolism Recovery in mouse metabolism to lg Prototype algae CELSS unit Plant lignificaCion Plant growth race changes due to light/dark Passive radiation dosage in mice Passive radiation dosage in mice Nitrogen balance and rat muscle structure point for use of experiments in trade rat and plant growth RE- radiation bone loss RD- animal development cardiovascular VP- vestibular system fluid/electrolyte MB- metabolic balance muscle loss experiment numerical listing specified in Appendix Sciences _esearch Facility System analysis Study 3-2 1 - Parameter generations develop. Og changes in rats cycle changes studies Analysis tracers with based blending of reference priorities priority: Prioritised list of experiments specified in Rilchey memorandum dated October B-Boeing; L-Lockheed (A) Ames Research Center report "Life Sciences Research and the Science and Applications (W) "Experiments Derived from the 1982 Life Science Workshops" by Reinrich (ARC) PC= BLCVFEML= lockheed Life monkeys Data on a 12, 1983 Space Package Platform" - LHSC/FO71319A studies. the The selection responsibility of of experiments NASA and to its be done advisory on Space committees Station and is will be still pend- studies have ing. 3.1.1 In Life terms of several The Science science physiological bone which changes muscle sampling of the distinguish and changes. specimens specimens in them vestibular animals, in occur rapidly be areas. rates and relative to therefore, time-course would other different systems, the they studies exhibit these during sciences from changes of intervals large life microgravity Studies at are definition found Cardiovascular and Characteristics requirement characteristics durations. If Experiment of examined require the changes. and tested at I intervals. If provide dissected, return storage Each some space observations in and should different does be case be of experiment. The NASA list of species for a mission and skills a provided facilities equipment one variety in will depend and other on should studies. The tissues many the time factors. 3-3 analysis, one numbers of and skills water, be mission. for required, and Many sample, available, will require depending Obviously required, specimens desirable a blood etc., species. on be inter- specimens. tissues utility crew of (to at food, all number on available, among analyses for specimens will for and fixation, sufficient it group of calls cases many of sacrificed separate animal freezing, required, available a most be requirements specimens, experiments be ments, refrigerators. require for can holding or on in the groups would In ground sacrificed used species of made small results) preserved. not procedures the rodents, to freezers can the tissues specimens in are significant and experiment e.g. subjects statistically vals, to the not on all Selection types several and and of size expericrew time _C/f071319A The Science Requirements discussed above are used to define the Life Sciences Research Facility. It is important to emphasize that this is a permanent space laboraroty which will operate much like life sciences laboratories on the ground. There will be continuing research programs in many different disciplines over periods of years. Facilities are required to accommodatestandard laboratory procedures (modified for Og operation), and to provide maintenance of live animals and plants for at least 90 days. Selection of the laboratory equipment is driven by the experiments to be done. Because specific experiments have not yet been selected for IOC or later commencement by NASA, it is necessary to design the facilities based on requirements for "typical" or "generic" experiments. Representative experiments have been provided by studies at AmesResearch Center, Johnson SpaceCenter, and a number of workshops of life scientists (see 3.1). The studies with highest priority are those which relate to understanding the biomedical problems of weightlessness. Those studies are also of great interest to basic biologists, because they address the questions of how gravity is sensed, how the sensor output is translated into tissue responses, and the series of physiological changes that result. Understanding the process and designing countermeasures will require two approaches: collecting data from crewmembersand studying the mechanismsof the changes in animals. The importance of animal studies is that they allow more stringent procedures, including extensive use of tissue analyses. Some of the biomedical changes in weightlessness which are thought to be most important include the decrease in bone mass and strength, decrease in muscle mass, cardiovascular changes, and altered vestibular function. Studies in those areas, therefore, will be amongthe earliest on the Space Station. Plant studies are included in the planning because of fundamental interest in the mechanismsof their gravity sensors and responses, and because it is appreciated that plants will be an essential renewable food source for extended missions (e.g., lunar base or interplanetary mission). The latter experiments are directed toward eventually achieving a Controlled Ecological Life Support System (CELSS)in which food plants can be grwon efficiently by recycling. 3-4 LHSC/F071319A Operation of the LSRF at IOC and beyond can be described in a series of steps: Selection i. with of assistance ments by 90-day . of for peer to a series groups not yet equipment, mission Space Station equipment (max. 10%), ground in Logistics In the LSRF, equipment conduct samples. Life tion scientists to with modify and and module in ground if experi- require Module Return live of for a A. replaced specimens, and tissue data and B. experiments, astronauts procedures NASA, select consumables specimens. planned scientist missions. will in Logistics remaining the 90-day scientists, specimens, of to of of detailed. Change-out samples , of a procedure Transport . experiment_ will POCC, collect be in active to describe required. Data and and communicaconsult, video will and be down-linked. Steps 2, carry out each 3, and new cycle. 4 will be repeated experiments For more and every replace details on 90 days, specimens Ground and with and the some Resupply opportunity equipment Operations to with see sec. 5.4 Most life sciences experiments an experiment unchanged In most an cases information one or holding long-term more would experiment obtained the times during specimens radiation on the will be would previous a for and repeated the purpose be modified time. 90-day station effects, be for Some mission. multiples multi-generation 3-5 many times. Repetition of confirming when repeated, experiments Other of may studies 90 studies days; the results. to extend be of the repeated will require examples on mammals. are IJCSC/F071319& 3.1.2 Updated Many of Space the current Station experiments the under current found in the task is made These the are in NASA "Red guidelines. in basic package, some items of of 3-1 Book" the updated on through The to and recent information The catalogue LMSC/D913250, generic sheets to laboratory design of Animal Holding Facility in LSRF data Centrifuge Cage Transfer General Cage equipment facility sheets list" identified by LMSC Washer Measurement Purpose Work Specimen Mass Measuring Specimen restraint Mass Spectrometer Surgical Workbench Data Station Hand Washer Lab Station Spectro Device Plant Centrifuge Cryogenic Freezer Freezer Physiological (-70°C) Oven Blood Mill Kit Dissecting Food Water Chamber Monitoring Guillotine Refrigerator-Cooler HPLC Kit Storage Nutrient Storage Gas pH meter Voice Log 3-6 Storage Storage Containers Recorder System Photometer Growth Books is of equipment. Tools Metabolic these 1983. a "core Surgical are decisions follows: Research LSRF experiments minimal August present IOC contained for complete a to candidate The requirements data conform four 3-4. results GSFC. science 1 Data been information Figs. from the NASA have Updated originating Reference as upon constitutes Sheets experiments presented based SLM figures Data planning. is prioritized for Experiment (02, C02) System I2_C/FO71319A EXPERIMENT OBJECTIVE: DRIGINAL PAGE DJ_ POOR QUALITY IS Experiment No. BLIA TITLE: BONE LOSS IN RATS Determine Effects of Microgravity on Calcium/Mineral Balance in Rats; Radiology, Histology, Biomechanics, Osteoblast Differentiation, Tooth Eruption Rate, Joints, Calcium Metabolism. SPECIES: Rat, Mature Males SIZE: SUGGESTED NUMBER: STATION G LEVEL FRACT G (Centrifuge) I G (Centrifuge) 45 (50%) FREQUENCY POTENTIAL 90 TASK Vivarium: Urine/Feces Sample RAHF/VGRF Maintenance 400-600 g DURATION: 90 Days 45 150%) - 2 days/week Every 7 days FOR AUTOMATION X X Support Lab: Weigh Specimens Blood SamplesPreserve Sacrifice/Dissect/Preserve X-Ray Bone thin sections EQUIPMENT D Every 7 days Every 7 days 6 each at 2, I0, 20, 30, 50, 85 days Every 14 days At sacrifice & U-V Microscopy - VIVARIUM DATA RAHF/Rodent Environment, Food & Water Consumption, VGRF/Rodent Environment, Food & Water Consumption, Solid & Liquid Waste Storage Hand Wash Facility Cage Cleaning Facility EQUIPMENT Activity Activity DL DL DATA _ SUPPORT LAB Surgical Workbench Mass Measurement Device Sacrifice Kit Blood Collection Kit Chemical Storage (opt) Dry Storage (opt) Freeze Dryer (opt) Thin Section Saw (Small) Laboratory Centrifuge Wet Trash Storage - X-Ray & Developer X-Ray Digitizer Freezer Quick Freeze Unit Hand Wash Facility Binoc. Microscope FREEZE DRY SAMPLE STORAGE & RETURN NO.ITYPE SAMPLES Bone Feces Urine Blood Carcasses REFRIG. FREEZE " FIX X (opt) X (Opt) X (opt) SPECIMEN RETURN/SACRIFICE 20% (18) returned live BO% (72) returned sacrificed SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS (IF ANY) None Figure 3-1 Bone Loss 3-7 Experiment Data Sheet LHSC/F071319A EXPERIMENT OBJECTIVE: TITLE: CARDIOPULMONARY FUNCTION IN 0 G IN RESTRAINED SMALL PRIMATES Study the cardiopulmonary changes that result from exposure to zero G and to study the return to normal following return to one G SPECIES: Mature Squirrel Monkeys SIZE: SUGGESTED NUMBER: STATION G LEVEL FRACT G I G 16 TASK 1 kg FREQUENCY Vivarium: Urine/Feces Samples RAHF/VGRF Maintenance 8 (50%) POTENTIAL FOR AUTOMATION X X Every 7 days Every 7 days 1 at beginning Every 7 days (w/blood samples) for first 6 weeks; every 2 weeks thereafter Same as above Same as above & air flow - EQUIPMENT Core List Experiment Specifics: Sensors (implanted) SPSMF (Microprocess) CRT Digital Display Strip Chart Recorder Echo, Imaging, Display & Recording Pulmonary Function Analyser Blood Gas Analyser AneChesia Unit Surgical Urine Feces Blood Carcasses SPECIMEN System Prep. Kit SAMPLE STORAGE & RETURN FREEZE DRY REFRIG. X (if die) X (opt) FREEZE FIX X X X X RETURN 100% returned alive SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS (IF ANY) None Figure 3-2 90 days 8 (50%) Every 5 days Every 7 days Support Lab: Blooa Samples/Preserve Weigh Specimens Surgical Procedures Echo & EKG Expiratory gas analysis Arterial blood gas DURATION: Cardiopulmonary 3-8 Function Data Sheet LMSC/F071319A ORIGINAL OF. EXPERIMENT TITLE: OBJECTIVE: Study FLUID BALANCE POOR I_ QUALITY IN RATS IN OG changes in fluid balance and shifts in rats exposed to 0 G SPECIES: Mature male rats SUGGESTED NUMBER: (I G recommended PACE SIZE: 400-600 g DURATION: 72 STATION G LEVEL FRACT G to be on the ground) 1G 36 (50%) TASK FREQUENCY Vivarium: I day prior to fluid measurement Every 7 days Urine/Feces Measurements (Volume) RAHF/VGRF Maintenance Support Lab: Fluid measurements Weigh 90 days 36 (50%) POTENTIAL FOR AUTOMATION X X 6 each at 2,7,14,30,60,85 Every 7 days days EQUIPMENT Core List Experiment Specifics: Infusion pump Surgical tools Injection kit Inulin, D20, Evans Blue Dye Protein precipitation chemicals SAMPLE STORAGE & RETURN FREEZE DRY REFRIG. Urine (Nai) Feces Blood SPECIMEN FREEZE X X X X FIX X (opt) RETURN 100% alive or sent to other experiment SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS (e.g., bone loss in rats) (IF ANY) I G at ground^due to rapidity of fluid shifts and therefore subject from centrifuge and take measurements Figure 3-3 Fluid 3-9 Balance Data inability Sheet to remove Ll_C/FO71319A ORIGINAL _)E EXPERIMENT TITLE: OBJECTIVE: SPECIES: PLANT GROWTH POOR PAGE IS QUALIT_ IN 0 G Study the effects of O G on plant structure, growth, and function Plant seeds of various types TASK DURATION: FREQUENCY Vivarium: Vivarium calibration Replenish Vivarium Prepare cu.vette Sow seeds Germinate seeds (plants) POTENTIAL Every 6 days Every 6 days i 1 I Support Lab: Dry specimens Analyze specimens Store specimens X X Bunch each at 5, 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90 days EQUIPMENT Core List - Experiment Specifics: _;_Meter ._:_¢-M,II HPLC Nutrient Storage Ion Chromatograph Oven SAMPLE STORAGE & RETURN Plant material SPECIMEN OVEN DRY FREEZE DRY Gas Storage REFRIG. FREEZE X 100% sacrificed SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL Monitored REQUIREMENTS and contro]led FIX X RETURN (IF ANY) in humidity, Figure 3-4 T ° , light, airflow Plant 3-10 Growth Data Sheet 90 aays FOR AUTOMATION LHSC/F071319A 3.2 MISSIONREQUIREMENTS The basic requirements of Life Sciences missions include: o o o o o Pressurized volume Normal earth atmosphere Standard utilities A gravity level of 10-Sg A data managementsystem There are no requirements for particular orbital altitude or inclination, viewing angles, attached payloads, or EVAservicing (at IOC or near-term). Life Sciences missions do have special requirements related live specimens, however. These include: to the use of o Animal and plant holding facilities, with bioisolation to prevent transfer of microbes between these facilities and the surrounding SLMin either direction, and temperature/humidity control which is more accurate than that of the SLM. o Closed or laminar flow work bench(es) for carrying out research procedures on plants and animals without danger of contamination of the specimens or SLM. Procedures include use of chemicals; mass determinations, examination, testing, transfer, dissection, analysis, and preservation of specimens. Refrigerators and freezers to maintain unstable chemicals, and especially for preserving biological specimens for return and ground analysis. Because many of the constituents of interest are extremely labile, cryogenic temperatures are necessary for somesamples. Laboratory equipment for testing, injecting, handling, and dissecting specimens; for blood and urine collection and analysis; and for specialized studies in electrophysiology, 3-ii LHSC/F071319A cardiology, vestibular Commonality both will human and be for controls centrifuge will more Ig, IOC studies or Station for allow to apply and sharing be other of the can be divided groups specimens specimens capable study Ig to These similar areas. equipment for of of animals will serve maintained providing g-thresholds at as which Ig 0g. fractional at and The g, and physiologycal prevented. resources 0307), to days. also to occur Space (SAAX non-human 90 ("normal") changes Total to radiology, research. centrifuge up than stressed, animal A large-diameter plants activity, which will be approximately available equally for life between sciences human and areas: Power : 20 - 25 kW for 3 : 20 - 30 m for Volume Crew time the life : 800 hours/year. per day. SLM sciences One life Remaining scientist 5 crewmembers working available half-time I/2 day/week. Space Station years after Research growth IOC. is At Facility that (SAAX vivarium/laboratory include then evolve 3.2.1 90-day equipment Several logical The extensive to a pallet each 0303), CELSS system add first and 0302). mission reconfiguration guidelines the to a SLM the new The will SLM latter experimental (SAAX second 0306) laboratory be is in converted to be module system module to an a Human animal/plant (SAAX (SAAX two 0302) 0304), which will will 1995. Scenarios items, groupings time (SAAX Reconfiguration Because some a more scheduled all will begin missions with may scenarios be have the supply considered of new as specimens reconfigurations. been prepared, as mission scenarios are examples of expeirments. used for reconfiguration 3-12 and as follows: of LHSC/F071319A o Limit the o Maximize o Group number the use of species of each experiments with specimen similar in for terms of data specialized collected equipment or procedures o The Include rationale plant for quirements. these Examples A for scenario first development 3.2.2 This Rodent cal was changes in problems. half in are animals the procedures discarded, but most Spacelab 3, of where at one of be and The group in Science the equipment level Muscle, the is of Re- following provided detail under remaining be done of flown loss, rats physiologi- and one vestibular on on the centrifuge and tissues of the tissues of appropriate after Plant) out intervals an important muscle Treatment in Vestibular, most half at changes. will 3-I given the carried sacrificed preserved which (Bone, loss, 0g, below. are of can the Sec. and of three bone are are procedures BMVP study studies in scenarios. with maintained time-course experiments, is Mission three addressed representative three to mission scenarios of weightlessness: of the scribed not which numbers follow remaining designed These of Small the mission is each is breakdown and Emphasis scenario four detailed for in guidelines of subsections. the experiments return was group used ig. removed to is the animals for many ground. in rats, at tissues way to of An deare other example approximately 30 experiments. Plants studies important Experiments: to are both included basic to gain studies and information on growth habit CELSS. BLIA Bone loss in rats BL4 Bone loss in rats MLIA Muscle VPI Structural 40 Loss in using rats changes PC i Plant growth PC 3 Plant growth/CELSS Ca in labyrinth application 3-13 of rats and yield, LF_C/F071319A SpecimenRequirements: Animal specimens: 90 mature male white rats, 400-600 grams each (45 at station gravity) (45 at l-g on centrifuge). Maintained in standard rodent holding facility. Sacrifice schedule: 6 from each group (0-g and i-g), at 2, I0, 20, 30, 50, and 85 days. Remaining 9 animals from each group returned to ground at 90 days to follow readaptation to l-g. Plant Specimens: Approximately 25 seeds each of Arabidopsis, carrot, pine, and bean in a plant growth unit. Approximately 20 seeds each of radish and lettuce in a second plant growth unit. Procedures: Animals. All x-rayed live approximately data downlinked. days to each rat after in for seven enzymatic removed graph Equipment Total portion, for sacrifice, and bones and and histology. preserved. All the live and strength for for weighed, test; jaw calcium strength tissues will be pre- osteoblast deposits. organs for analysis and for test, Vestibular seven collected isotope out, and every feces calcium animals digitized, approximately urine other All developed, stable kidneys analysis, days. dissected mechanical preserved at at rate. and Wet solution eruption weighed, additional x-rays measured joints and Plants. days; seven teeth histology dissected, 14 every Incisor day At differentiation; weighed every determine return. served many animals Muscles chemical of the available and head for studies. an aliquot five intervals. day of each intervals. Return all type of seed Maintain plants Requirements: 3-14 live with nutrient growth to ground conditions. for study. Photo- LHSC/F071319A Rodent Holding Facility Rodent Holding Facility Cage Mass Collection Small Animal Digitizer Microscope Waste Storage units Photo camera Small be than at Ig, the the also experiments, using for also complete 0g, Accurate collection and half measurements of Animals may carbon be of will at to be ig on will measure and in half of such metabolic crew. balance These (intake gases. vs. They glucose. closed the the respiratory is neces- metabolic animals will cages, be with maintained centrifuge. intake, water production, ground the data changes, The be There the It other for would but lower. required 0g gravity. matrix. metabolite, housed the than protein intake a key One food dioxide returned bone at overcome interpret elecrtrolytes, wastes. other consumption, the of to animal spaceflight, rather order monkeys, metabolism of in an to during caloric fluids, of required higher loss the animals is is value squirrel the experimental rate and nitrogen, study work Fluids) rate measurements true influence (Metabolism, metabolic no metabolic deterioration will MF the limited determine output) that because only muscle Mission assumed been to downlinked Primate sary at X-Ray camera, that The X-Ray solutions suggest will Developer Video have rate X-Ray growth Nutrient lower Kit Tensiometer Plant as Vials Blood would Chemicals Device Kit Dissecting Centrifuge Freezer Measurement Muscle Centrifuge Lab Workbench Sacrifice It l-g Washer Surgical 3.2.3 on alive, 3-15 and or intake, animal temperature they may be mass, oxygen are required. retained on the LHSC/F071319A Station to 90-day be used in a different set of experiments on the following mission. Experiments: 3.2.4 Large MLIB Nitrogen FEIB Fluid MBIB Metabolic MB5 Respiratory MB7 Glucose tolerance Mission CFVP Primate balance and and muscle electrolyte balance gas loss balance in the in in small small primates primates primate exchange in small and metabolites (Cardiovascular small primates in Fluids, small primates Vestibular, and Plants) One of the toward rapid the tion of head. the sensors to external a in organisms biochemical Experiments: will are be long echocardiograph, be implanted limited to centrifuge. All be in uses be the animals the growth duramuscle damaged during instrumented implanted as with well analysis, instruments Half fluids the result respiratory days. of for function, with 30 may will cardiac shift heart mission animals of a to muscle This The the enough cardiac reentry. animals specified will food source. 0g EKG, on is will and must the be animals be as re- will returned be live days. potential light liquids 30 the of is the orbit load parameters will on study is a ig after plant which mission at mission problem. several by reaching increased that the Because the ground the stress study measure maintained with to sampling. strained, The the on an concern measurements blood to places is during monkeys observed If there or Rhesus This mission. degradation, flight, changes source. The the measure yield desired thoroughly It and will the data. A examined be of grown experience in with 30-day culture for abnormalities chlorella, submerged managing period is in an culture, gases Cardiovascular FE2 Fluid and function electrolyte Monkeys 3-16 in balance restrained in the structure and Rhesus restrained and ample, constituents. CVI alga monkeys Rhesus LHSC/FO71319A 3.2.5 Rat Equal At PC5 Study of intervals, waste, Mass will be ficed. whether Plants ent nutrient Experiments: specimens be Reproduction, at from 0g and each maintained and weekly. At in and the food be and water will tissues at sacrificed cages, muscles Other Plants) centrifuge will metabolic measure etc. on group sacrifice, histology, Pregnant mice examined, will abnormalities nutrients. monkeys to Ig. and collect consumption. be will removed for be available Station. Newborn studies. Tissues will Fluids, exchange, mass, Rhesus Chlorella will gas in restrained be maintained six determined Reproduction: be function (Metabolism, animals testing, will of will or measure additional pups rats The all MFRP five dissected. for Vestibular Mission numbers strength VP2C be grown Plant will tested for be fixed are produced in will for be Plants Nitrogen FEIA Fluid MBIA Metabolic MB4 Respiratory The cages RD2C for Embryonic which monitored be balance and above lack on of after permit and gas exchange experiments durin_ after Plant sacri- determine pregnancy. of using liquid differ- return. loss in rats in rats rat in require the rat the use of metabolic rats development in terrestrially mice PC4A to photographed, balance in the samples recirculation and muscle balance and return, gravity analyzed electrolyte the patterns, histology by will MLIA maintained behavioral containers growth solutions. be growth and nutrient 3-17 recycling impregnated LMSC/F071319A 3.3 ENGINEERING 3.3.1 The LSRF major REQUIREMENTS Functional Requirements functional o Bioisolation o Flexible o Exchangeable o Sufficient o Laminar o Sufficient o Multi-g requirements of The for rack the LSRF are: rodents holding from rodents, and holding for basic volume crew small primates and plants cages rack-mounted equipment complement workbench frozen storage centrifuge capacity capable of supporting rodent, primate, and human subjects Analysis trades and metabolic flow Tradeoff main primates facilities experimental 3.3.2 for & Update investigated in this study were: Bioisolation - Isolation - Specimen Animal These and the reported - Subsystems account not isolated most of dominant in in vs rack vs module) ECLSS Architecture of (cage type - are outcome level the Equipment o Vivarium o Centrifuge vs. issues. Sharing location vs. closed in The the cabin results for LSRF (section each example, issues 4) air) of design. Important design distributed) vs. Biolsolation, documents. conceptual o (open others. issue earlier (centralized trade becomes effect a key the driver Other tradeoffs have been which have taken into include the been following: & Commonality (in lab vs. logistics 3-18 module vs. special module) LHSC/F071319A - Location - Architecture o Waste storage o Logistics (animal Bioisolation. was main the results of August The an 85) and study are animal in its mental work of were investigated. is classed ing. The next screened a most risk as to addition, of be the and of animals concluded animals crew, reduces gnotobiotic strict that the a most list of is in enable technique primates are of very obtain. 3-19 the Free and is is to too aseptic technique and be and called subjects a operate few more raised prefered present expensive has and specimens. the on-board born are poor must axemic and with gut - pathogenic they are are screen- (SPF) innoculated as they earth-based and they flora different specific the experi- microbial condition, animals strict in gnotobiotic, flora specifically) productivity no certain this defined three clean Pathogen to very or each and common little are SPF addition, configu- housing maintenance the and isolating or microbially usually aseptic the The (LMSC/D962181, reference how intestinal termed (primates while in kept using #5. bioisolation: Station In animals bacteria are report all Specific of normal work same is If issues order approach); undergoes of environment. Space bench. free class of performing type, and bioisolation change separate Spacelab and animals to a levels differing first cleanest the the - study, initial flow general, species with gnotobiotes to The These unscreened laminar the here. (the cage animals research normally. study rack lacking non-pathogenic The a sterile however (the isolator class The in handled each in different module carefully organisms. for three importance, extension briefly laboratory labs, contract summarized inside types its published or own of were isolating axenic; a study vivarium ration); bred of investigated entire been Because focus this re-supply) much life approach; of a health required scientist. virtually impossible of In LHSC/F071SI9A As for the level module section via a into a Not only dies each way) on wash a Barriers rated of into an is shown in to There an and the bottom two power; limited velocity belly 0.I toward the waste filter must be a or capable the through air give draft). tray. protected being into work in velocity inside isolation. be incorpo- either the as part way when partition. micro g and The tray from the normal first is are housed top of a the guard" design. requires the during airflow 3-20 of waste filters animal it. job microisolator discovered "splash showers). of the the tray. microbial the the out is depend- and considered. and minutes on folding Airflow flow-through was a well. demands i.e., both were feeder, the this a of as 10-30 should folded chang- biolock, mediocre fashion: example its the and isolated shower from gowns measure, Therefore, Given by up of The requires a for use the increased rather appraoches the As to surgical filters. waste mps. of will animal, the places of an m 3 and back that taking (I-4 a exit (anywhere transparent that with 0.15 the doing a basic move insufficient from on - well in microbial problems away urinating bottom airflow is as cage consequently to of illustrates The to as time shower) way Two 3-6. appreciable fan 3-5 crew the cage activity. and procedure that than routlve enter possibly (laundering design difficult. top are a only isolator Fig. between has system Figure Designing it module and concluded measure of to involved gown architecture use. gravity not recommended the an volume expensive existing in cage very are the not or a crewman valuable considerable study disruptive a - the effective less requires waste recovery short, much laboratory this whether water is more biolock special isolation, much and special but of both barriers ing In is partitions, of ing placement isolation module use proper cage animal velocity to considerable is likely Spacelab preferred Getting 3, to this orientation was the prevent seldom upper the be air (i.e., pointed microbial animal from L_SC/F071319A ORIGINAE OF POOR P_GE IS QUALITy. // Y / ® II _, Jl % MASTI TRAY FILTER Figure 3-6 Flow-through 3-21 Microisolator Cage LHSC/F071319A In order to minimize these problems, the dual cage concept (Fig. 3-7) was developed. The inner cage contains the animal, feeder, and waste tray and is designed to be washable in a cage washer. The cages are designed to fold or nest in the cage washer. The outer cage provides the isolation; air is circulated by a small internal fan. Only the amount of air necessary to remove the metabolic load from the animal goes through the microbial filters and roughly equals 20-25% of the total cage airflow (about 0.0014 m3/sec for the rodent cage). Thus fan power is reduced considerably. Lower fan power and greater operational versatility concept are sufficient to recommendit for further baseline approach. Inner Cage .. Outer microisolator Iwa,h.b,ei HEPA ,liter / Cage J_:l 17\ (/'_]_ iinletl'-- ll /// Reclrculation Fins Figure Animal temperatureproduction ECLSS and cages, - and in and which "m'_ Filter (outlet} • Lower (Rectrc) Microisolator Cage animal system control, studied. - humidity crew The CO 2 removal) were approach temperature Dual ECLSS. humidity options Spacelab 3-7 of the dual cage development as the ECLSS air air functions experimental first for the and life for experimental option utilizes circulation are Concept circulation, functions The Plenum is controlled animals 3-22 utilize LSRF the cabin support (02 subjects. Three a variation controlled at provides rack(s) air at of the holding for the the cage, the life LMSC/F071319A support functions. Hamilton Standard A schematic under of a separate this effort, option, is presented CENTRAL POTAQL[ for in Fig. LMSC by 3-8. AN l;4At. CONOEHSA TI[ CArd[ generated VAT(M P_OCESS XNG /|NI[S TO OTHER COHQ(NSAT[ ANO RACKS POTABI.E ¥ATEM mat')( FIkTER /_ TYPICAL r.,AOl[ IfXTH I.S C]M_ATXON Distributed second control decreased due to option The option system for economy I, cabin third providing air option both air 3-8 Animal all the a holing scale. is used studied, and common versatility of ECLSS Temperature utilizes outfitting an Ir IL Tlr.m a- Figure The (Ct.S < 9Sl i V_A.I[ for revitalization central savinzs option life shown Humidity facility for This - Option in and is 1 Control temperature racks. in and This hardware shown in option weight Fig. humidity 3-9. trades and cost As with support. Fig. 3-10, temperatue 3-23 uses and a centralized humidity ECLSS control. ORIGr_AU PAGE <7'F POOR QUALITy rS LHSC/F071319A ORIGINAL OF PAGE POOR Ig QUALITY. AH 114All. ECLS t H:PO TO RACKS •. o-d _ I, [_> STORAGE/RI[TURN Z, _ m._ CDN_N._ rE EELS LS NIXXA.E I r_ --J 2: .qC ] I _ AII_ mACK FL.OV FILrEM IIg. _. ' 97][ I o n I_OUI.[ _ I LIFI£ SCIENCE ! i _] l, AIR TO RACKS I Figure 3-9 Centralized Holding Humidity Facility Control 3-24 Temperature and LHSC/F071319A CAGE RACK / TYPICAl. CAGE/ lll'H C|RULATION ANIMAL (CLS N _0 H20 U') U rv" ._J ,<: Z -C C > Figure 3-i0 Centralized 3-25 Animal ECLSS LHSCIF071319A Because HEPA of the filtered, three either with its The research control) Requirements an item sections of at studies are the Space the increased the has ease Of for option the excess Option two i integration ECLSS if the the the capacity, 3. candidate load. of is option a viable preference also is analogous subsystems primary 3, cabin remaining (distributed with with A convenient provides power not the gravity their other aspects Work associated content of this here. the updates, C-2, the Packages, reviews raised facility general LSLE. in an in the C-3, and Mission and 1 and the 2. course The C-4 Requiredecisions Analysis of for the this tested the checklist at The and the LSRF etc.) SLM of design that with equipment disposal also are of has a set items various identifiable in support of the requirements is the MIL-STD-490 paragraphs of the MIL-STD-490 users. Although the is engineering approach outfitted subsystems lab mission. and enclosure purpose distribution, of and sources: update questions Specification. a thoroughly relevant and and sources. complement apply, form reported many the particular framework System do the spacelab (ECLSS, are Requirements and a of a specification The from RFP products of work. and come important the equipment A analyzed independent to consist project a multi-mission each to Station Station essentially users, been experiments LSRF all only on Requirements Space suggested of ECLSS is future have Database, model over the between candidates preferred is extensively isolation strongly based the the rather Requirements for Engineering Type in among If slight documentation documentation made difference is ECLSS 2 is a air cabin handle is Engineering ments each. animal centrifuge. 3.3.3 The to there temp/humidity little dedicated unable the discriminator with I or cages, is real duplicate options, The there option is ICDs, isolator associated then system of and options. penalties of use some has two which requirement, 3-26 advantages: ensures and (2) (I) complete the outline the outline consideration is familiar LMSCIF071319A within of the the industry more material. those the Scope. and equipment System of general purpose Interface SLM, the customers. ICDs. The equipment interfaces Operational included: facilities These will be LSRF system and level (flight, in text are be throughout the life of cycle are being precision, plant has STS, in external among ground), System and in availability 3-27 following are and verification and and and disposal. performance needs the functions areas such by the resources, functions the Station lower-level The growth, objectives, and within appropriate assembly/deployment, a interfac- and equipment, the research. Space 3.1.7) Program. and support top-level (Para. support at facilities, Concepts and segment ground items). quantified common facility animal design experiment, a functions and system a individual scientific an system defined 3.2.1) in ground interfaces and design, resides as appropriate internal (Para. from system the launch-return, identified equipment Station, production, are resources, The organization, design, They following system. LSRF LSRF the Characteristics these. following performance, serves 3.1.5) has attributes support the the Some documentation. for Organizational procedures, for people. in associated LSRF and will of and laboratory defined These LSRF the The Space also groupings. operation Performance (Para. the in LSRF includes users sciences the the software, of of (at briefly establishes The 3.1.4) community rest experienced parentheses for and (Para. life by described 3.1.1) facilities, Definition with test, a in requirements the Functions are specification (Para. and disposal es The to easily format. test assigned followed numbers Description. module STS paragraph MIL-STD-490 development, be paragraphs (Para.l.l) General can pertinent The of and the of each necessary as PI to environment, Space Station LHSC/FO71319A Physical they Characteristics contain, for weight, (See sect. I.i and Space which space, airlocks, by with or requirements each degraded modes as criteria will be partitions, equipment and and defined and by Analysis the Data Package and are items allocations windows personnel consist specific case. measures of to of Models studies ports, being of system be applied defined and of (Pare. at 3.2.6) in autonomy, and are will specify will allocate the method and specify each level of equipment level with options trades effectiveness also conjunction range phase of various reliability. phase lowest (PD) fault-tolerance, to PD in and productivity, a means the a items The to Design redundancy, determined general crew 3.2.4) outfitting result tions, to be System areas maintainabil- of design, from covered. The Customer Servicing, and utilized as appropriate effectiveness such as automation and developed, models customer they robotics. will will accommodaAs be such included in specification. Environmental Conditions natural and of life its radiation, Station, Space man-made (Para. etc. cycle. The reference. compatibility STS, Standards with impinging main are and or This consideration segment applicable specimens, included (Para. 3.3.1) as a 3-28 and covers LSRF the other in are to the during space portions Para. Standards whole specifically cleaning the is from explicitly Parts ground section on contamination EMI/RFI/EMC Processes, Station, 3.2.7) environments micrometeo_ites, Materials, by are parameter individual be Effectiveness the the groupings the Preliminary will and LSRF in The to (Para. features overall 3.2.3) Included Maintainability System from for equipment outfitted, Floors means requirements work-around be is etc. background). (Para. computation. in lab The Station. reliability will 3.2.2) the access, retention Reliability ity Para included the sterilizability, all LSRF stages environment: of 3.3.2. that external the below. apply for would Space to the the LSRF include handling and LF_SC/F071319A compatibility and of similar reagents, to the Commonality, tation will Radiation requirements internal of be LSRF Standadization, these required to the include limits on controlling on environment the Logistics unsafe cleaning agents, Station Program both will external and and or external 3.3.5) to the Implemen- LSRF system LSRF. These extent. safety equipment (Para criteria practices, apply and to acceptable means of hazards. The JSC LSRF, man-systems interface, so as division and to enhance on the the is developing general productivity sensory and well-be- crew. (Para. 3.5) concept Assurance system to its Test and The and requirements and requirements performance (Pare responsibility the practical man-machine the define for Space EMI/RFI/EMC, internal systems 3.3.7) the within operational Quality Manned (Pare. requirements The Interchangeability both maximum or mitigating Systems 3.3.2) inadvertant and attributes, 3.3.6) of and system. (Para. ing (Para. governing Safety Man solvents, issues. Electromagnetic define pharmaceuticals, Verification 4.1, the will be logistics requirements 4.2) means on The NASA whereby verified. Plan. 3-29 as flow defined Quality the This from general above. program conformance section the documents of forms the the LSRF basis LESC/F071319A 3.4 OPERATIONS LSRF mission encing scenarios lab sequence REQUIREMENTS operations ground-based to sequence at sequence for anytime. Seven functional by NASA and principally Principal Investigator facility LSRF and prior orbiter The primary are outfitting scientific and operational an influ- operational support, must and be fully phases of the operational overview of the operational into interfaces late in design the of prior NSTS issues constraints STS for flow with imposed the on the LSRF and as the and loading are (EUE), or portion of testing ground and control verification of specimens into feasible. pre-launch by LSRF use; testing launch, associated the with mission functions Equipment equipment orbiter; processing of into equipment to definition Unique investigation LSRF Experiment Premission Experiment training sequence. drives timelines. for checkout integration premission community assembling Equipment system to as the activities various the the appropriate equipment-STS the in post-mission provides comprise with providing verification 3.11 drivers mission. elements equipment SLM; Elements These in primary Sequence concerned the experiments LSRF the facilities. activities. Figure a typical Premission scenarios, all are on-orbit, support handle 3.4.1 support layouts pre-mission, facility integrated internal and include selection and STS operational performance and phase module pattern. STS Performance. outfitting current 15,500 Thus, outset. other Given is weight STS kg, LSRF The modules limited. standard only current launch about equipment 50% must STS lift Assuming that capability of LSRF be designed benefit of will accommodated be ( this is that in performance a 13.7m including outfitting for can on-orbit reconfiguration the original 3-30 capability, long common the docking be launched outfitting and design. module, module) LSRF and is initially. from transitioning the to LNSC/F071319A _,. ORIGINA_ OE P._GE POOR IS QUALITY I F"Z _J s. c )0 _ j Z C_ I _j r_- X UJ C]. C_ _oo _8 l 0 L--- c_ 0 --O-- >,_, g I v _ I. s-vO s. 0 4; _¢:_ 0 cu I I .,-4 °_ --"-----'1 " I • - _N I lg _.s. , I • I _ ,r-i "g g. _, _J _ :3" 3-31 [__ __ ...._ ,_ .ll LHSC/F071S19A Module Pattern. pattern module the is the not presence 3.4.2 or affect centrifuge preempted useful are elements. Specimen bioisolation to the the will respectively. via 3.4.3 Post-Mission be post-mission 3.4.4 activities sible for number their defined of axial location design a center-hub is and pass module as that ports and they are of the when accommodation through is required. in involves from with the STS extent the SS to data) returned to a rapid orbiter be SLM SLM to the LSRF ground samples specimen from of equipment via SS maintain related the LSRF or whole return will logistics experiments. requiring downlink or SLM and Experiment support and subsystems transferred in and tissue other verification practicable. will the interface via changeout the specimens Shuttle, may be re- capsule. Support includes of ground LSRF repair and equipment that management, data based refurbishment could analysis facilities design issues Facility Support not at that KSC of be ORUs and maintained on-orbit. and specimen and the contractor's or indirectly directly routine handling will site. impact operations. Ground-Based Ground-based and considering volume The addition, (e.g., or database no area. equipment bay Shuttle maintenance are to be support performed There LSRF Experimental turned Post-landlng outfitting Useful ports In maximum Shuttle (e.g., ground radial transfer products Post-mission hatch integration of Experimental the LSRF volume. by whether delivered ORUs) of equipment checkout in for Sequence functional module by volume. affected LSRF consummables driver of useful absence On-Orbit On-orbit primary provision volume present The facilities include: managing supporting (I) the and Payload pre-mission, Operations performing normal 3-32 on-orbit, Control payload and Center (P/L) post-mission (POCC) respon- operations, LMSCIF071319A coordinating mance related analysis; (2) responsibility launch, the for and capable returned for spares; and on-orbit or mimicking Station and -ground; on-orbit integrated (4) experiments to the LSRF; ground can be facility in conducted which adjustment) acquiring and Ig concurrently POCC facility equipment maintaining Station which has (e.g. and support Space perfor- operation provisioning of P/L (SSSC) logistics maintenance a for Station orbital acquiring, in center Center Space consumables personnel the Support of an or maintenance; the as construction, (3) resupplying training serving aspects monitoring; repair on Space assembly of and strategic rendezvous, coordination (ILS) experiments hardware experiments with orbital experiments. Definition of designing issues Replaceable a high-fidelity for establish and Orbital ground-based sparing training could serve ments to as a Ig mock-up facility approach, protocols Ig the maximum Units for the support. maintainability the experiment extent for (ORUs) ILS facility. control LSRF ORU 3-33 are LSRF the definition is reliability The high-fidelity mimicking equipment principal and facility practicable. for and design necessary to requirements, LSRF on-orbit mock-up experi- LHSC/F071319A SECTION SUBTASK Eight module equipment that are Module of a or a shown length 2.75m 3.75m vertical The were provides distribution, and Module Horizontal (SAAX0307) Vertical Full Module at 13.7 meters. Horizontal (SAAX0302) Vertical combined to 4-i as the halflab with the half of OPTIONS 4-I) a by full options combined and lab options. based a full Research These on the use layout horizontal or considered. LSRF thermal data a vertical were the or Ames with for nonhuman NASA or racetracks with module are a horizontal control, communications LAYOUT Table carrier environmental DESIGNS (see and The centrifuge is AND developed and modified Module such a link the 4-3. rotor either were and Common TABLE Half lists racetracks services to 4-2 double Both DEFINITION presented equal centrifuge diameter Station are equipping constant diameter basic in in Tables layout. Space layouts equipment used is CONCEPTUAL volumes Prioritized Center lists arrangement outfitting module. 3.2 4 layouts. control, It power systems. CONSIDERED 81r Small Centrifuge Figs. 4-i and 4-2 Large Centrifuge Figs. 4-3 and 4-4 #2 Small Centrifuge Figs. 4-5 and 4-6 #3 Large Centrifuge Figs. 4-7 and 4-8 #4 ! i Small Centrifuge Figs. 4-9 Large Centrifuge Figs. 4-11 and 4-12 ! Small Centrifuge Figs. 4-13 and 4-14 L#7 Option Figs. 4-15 and 4-16 #7A ' Centrifuge Figs. 4-17 and 4-18 #8 ] Minilab Large 4-I and 4-10 #s ! I LHSC/F071319A 4.1 LAYOUT The half OPTIONS laboratory internal SA_X0307 and intended 4.1.1 Horizontal #i the diameter) The in Fig option pattern It The to use stowage Figure ment (Fig. and 3m 3 Space Station module the lab horizontal occupying Initial and requirements one Operating horizontal is volume of wasted shown vertical for half science of a common Capability human behind space. the The layout with small Fig. 4-1. Its in accommodates shared features shows 22.4m 3 full-diameter human a of The half radial 20 and m3 of plant racks animal and moving equipment module docking layout list ports modifies toward the (3.75m) double centrifuge. 37.2m 3 of volume is apportioned 18m 3 and accommodated. duration) sciences rack 4-3) large 2.0m 3, dry 4-4 life both (IOC). 23m 3 and animal storage by rack (2.75m of plant research container location is 4-2. providing utilizes in meet centrifuge, concept the efficient, fuge and and locating contains developed designs half mounted otherwise #2 by the reference equipment equipment. were MODULE) Layouts stowage, research shown for ceiling equipment, (HALF These a nonhuman module Option 0307 layouts arrangements. mission system - SAAX is mounted stowage total in the end the module It cone, is as rack racetrack length more mid-point. volumetrically follows: volume module the centri- 15.4m 3, liquid 1.8m 3. of shared 13.9m 3 of human shared centrifuge experiments and dedicated animal/plant human/nonhuman has the such in research volume potential as animal-plant to is 4-2 equipment large accommodate neurophysiology work. research and because limited equipcan be the (short cardiovascular LMSC/F071319A TABLE 4-2 RESEARCH EQUIPMENT FIRST FOR NONHVMAN LIFE HALF-MODULE Unit Item Quantity O-g standard habitat, ECLS a 0-g breeding habitat, ECLS O-g metabolic 1-g centrifuge, Plant habitat, facility Multipurpose Animal Freezer (100 (-200C) (-70°C), freezer Computer/data 30-llter 250 rat equiv.) 200 500 200 (18 rat) 10OO 4000 500 I 250 1OO0 1500 I 350 2000 500 I 20 100 2 1OO 300 I 100 300 300 1OO 400 500 1 1OO 500 400 I I 50 20 200 1OO 200 50 capacity) capacity (-195°C) storage camera, recorder, monitor, physiological monitoring Biomedical tape system recorder/plotter 30 100 150 200 500 I 100 200 100 I 30 100 450 I 20 50 20 I 10 20 200 chromatograph I 25 150 100 spectrometer I 40 100 200 1OO 200 450 40 100 300 100 200 600 oven Incubator/culture growth Laboratory refrigerator Small measuring mass Dissecting I or system centrifuge device binocular microscope Echocardiograph Spectrophotometer I Ultrasound pH/ion analyzer Radiation dosimeter Hematology, fluid handling Surgery/dlssection Plant tool wash Gown change Waste Cage handling cleaning Secondary Dynamic klt, kit Hand or room, kit (ea) freeze monitoring system allowance (unit and and environmental 10 20 I 15 10 I 1OOO 3000 I I 1OO 1OO 300 250 I I 200 _O 50 100 1 200 500 3000 I 50 50 300 I 25 1000 quantity) life 3730 support ORIGINAL OF POOR 4-3 PAGE QUALITY IS 10 100 500 control and I 10 15 20 controls control 5 5 100 restraints system x 10 5 I dryer characteristics I I 2 partitions structure, grips, environment/accelerometer Storage = veterinary system, system Lighting TOTALS kit guillotine facility Environmental aECLS 200 1OO Autoclave/drying Mass 500 1000 capacity display/data Power, 18OO device 20-llter liters 250 liter I characteristics Volume, 450 ECLS equiv.) kg equiv.) workbench Cryogenic Video Animal rat Weight, rat (4 restraint/transport Refrigerator Gas ECLS controls, growth (24 (12 SCIENCES: 13230 100 375 300 250 20 9940 W ORIGINAL DE TABLE 4-3 RESEARCH POOR EQUIPMENT SECOND PAGE I2_ClF071319A Ig QUALITY, FOR NONHUMAN LIFE HALF-MODULE Unit Item Quantity O-g standard habitat, ECLS a O-g breeding habitat, ECLS O-g metabolic 1-g centrifuge, Plant habitat, growth facility Multipurpose Animal Freezer Cryogenic freezer dlsplay/data Video recorder, camera, physiological Biomedical 250 (4 rat equiv.) I 200 500 200 (18 rat) I 1000 4000 500 capacity) I 250 !000 1500 500 liter 35O 2000 I 2O 100 capacity 2 I00 30O 200 I 100 100 300 400 3O0 500 capacity I I00 50O 4O0 tape I 50 200 200 system I 20 100 I 30 100 15,) I 100 100 200 200 500 100 storage monitor, recorder/plotter oven Incubator/culture growth Laboratory refrlgerator Small measuring mass Dissecting Mass 500 1000 monitoring Autoclave/drying Gas 1800 250 (-195°C) Computer/data Animal 450 30-1iter 20-liter or system centrifuge device binocular microscope 50 I 30 1oo _5o I 20 I0 50 20 20 200 I chromatograph 25 t50 100 spectrometer 40 100 200 1 100 200 450 1 40 100 I00 20O 3OO 600 10 5 10 5 10 5 20 15 100 I 15 10 2 20 I0 100 100 too0 500 3ooo 375 100 100 300 250 300 250 1 200 4O 50 100 I 2O0 5O0 3O00 30O Echocardiograph Spectrophotometer Ultrasound pH/ion analyzer Radiation dosimeter Hematology, handling fluid Surgery/dlssection Plant tool kit, kit or guillotine veterinary wash Gown Waste change room, partitions handling system, freeze Cage cleaning Secondary Dynamic (ca) structure, grips, envlronment/accelerometer monitoring system Storage allowance (unit dryer system Lighting = kit facility Environmental TOTALS I kit Hand aECLS Power, I device (-20°C) (-70°C), liters I equiv.) workbench Refrigerator characteristics Volume, equiv.) rat ECLS restraint/transport kg rat (24 (100 Weight, (12 ECLS controls, SCIENCES: and and restraints system control controls characteristics environmental control x quantity) and life support 4-A I 5O 50 I 25 I000 3570 12520 2O 10370 W LIdSC/F071319A ORIGINAE PAGE IS OF,POORQUALIT_I T" _tIJ _-'<D _"=g tDC= z z z_ . _W z_ wm w_ c_z z _o w_ ccE = = ..m \ _¢_- I / \ Q N C \ 0 0 J = _r _-5 LI_CIF071319A ORIGINAL IS PAGE OF. POOR QUALITY NON-HUMAN RACK _MESER RAOK VOLLIWE CUBIC M LAB EQUIPMENT U_R _ES [GNATION EOLr/PflE_T I I,5 NQN-I4UNAN ROOWENT STANOARO FO00 AND WATER 2 I .5 kI_,I-H._AN _NT ] I .5 NI_4- PLRNI 4 I. S NON-HUMAN RODENT 5 I NOH-HUHAN F-.ENI'_IFU_ _CILLO_P£ '_ NfJ_l - HL_.IAN _N£_AL PURPOSE WORK STATION Kl T( -124 ). 5PEC TROPHQTOMETER 0A5 RN@L'fZER [,163lo _NIMAL 2 PaC}N-HU_4AN CAGE WASHER ($9_) iN£UBRTOR C02(,2021. I'iJMAN HOI.O[NG (,96.g71. BREED_ HOLDIJqG RESERR(:H FRCILITT $TANDN_O (Q52). FACILITY ($53). _PECIMEN (m811, _-_]t.Dl?_4; CONTROLS. [.2011. FACILITY 6TORAOE. (Q52). FACILITY PH. ION ANALY_R NICR06COPE$ [, (_2_]. L / 7 (-gO). NH FREElER EU0 IWCUSRIOR 0ISSECTICi_ MR55 5PEC/ [,2Q3i. (wT61° CELSS {,4Sl. DRIA 6YBIEM (._3-161. COMPUTER (-@]l. CHART RECOROER (ml62). MICROPROEEBSOR ¥10EO CRMERR RNO RECOROER (u1411. B 2 I H, I 9 2 6 H.I .SN-H 10 _.6 NON-HtJMRN 50LIDS WRSTE STQRRGE (.93;, II 2 NDN-HUMRN LIQUID WR6TE 6TORROE (a921. 3.5 NON-)IUMRN 2.75 N_J_-+_UMF+N HUMAN TOIAL m (RI I ). ( ,206 }. MONll0RIN0 6TR]P {n2091. I m 7 m m 9 HANO WASHER [QIOO) RE_RIOERRIOR/FREE?ERS (m44.46}. MONITOR (.)421, PHYSIOLOGICAL UOSIMEIER (ml2B}, SMRLL MR56 ENV|RONMENTRL RflPLIFIER l_143t, MERSUREMENI (mll21. 519RROE. mmm mm ?!,5 _.b N i i u Figure 4-2 Equipment 4-6 Option #i DIA ARTIFICIAL VOLUI4E L_AVIIY CEP_RIFL_ (_63), I.HSC/FO71319A 3.75 OIA DOUBLE CENTRIFUGE ROTOR _ SECTION / GENERAL BENCH PURPOSE II\ WDRK HAND WASHER REFRIGERATOR/FREEZER DATA. RECORDING. COMPUTERS _ VIDIO _ CENTRIFUOE CENTRIFUOE RACK RACK I II (2 m !.I) (6 I 2.2) LIQUID S'IDWRGE 5TOWAOE (12 o.lSI TOTAL Figure 4-3 Half Lab Horizontal Pattern with Layout Large 4-7 in Modified Centrifuge Racetrack 8.0 10.0 CU M CU M 2.2 13.2 CU M CU M 2.0 l.B 33.2 CU M CU M CU M LHSC/F071319A D ORIGINAJJ OF PKGE POOR IS QUALITY 16 I I I J NON-HUMAN RACK NUMBER D VOLUME (CUBIC M 4-4 EQUIPMENT USER )ESIGNATI(_h EQUIFq4ENr I I.I 6 H.._ N-H CENIRIFUOE R_ELLRRflR¥ 2 I.I _ N'H EENIfl]FUOE CONTROL 3 2.2 F_-_I_N R_T 4 2._ NON-HU$4_ GENERAL PURPOSE WORK STATION KIT(,1241. SPECTRQPHOIOMETER ORS RNALYZER (-1631. ANIMAL 2.2 NO_- HOM_ PLANT REBERREH PH. ION ANALYZER NICROSCOPE6 (, 6TORRGE. 6 2.2 NON-HUMAN HkND WASHER (41_J. REFRIOERRTQR/FREEIER6 (m44.461. ENV]RONnENIRL RONITOR {11421o PHY$IOL00]CRL RMPLIFIER (e]431. DQSIflE_ER (=|25h SMRLL MRBE MERBURENENI (ell21. 7 2.2 NON -FRJWAN CAGE WASHER (DgB). INCUBRTOR 602[=202). FREEZER (+461, H..6 6YSTEM HOLDING FREILITY {#_B). I F00Q FACILITY EOO W DIA ARTIFICIAL _G 10 g 3._K , RERERRCH 11 1,8 NON-HURRN 50LI05 WR_IE 6TORROE (=85l. 18 2 NON-RUMRN LIOUIO WR&IE STORROE ! '¢92 }. NON- RUMRN IIUMRN TO I"AdL VQLUH_ 4-8 for Option #2 OIR (#1521. (fill. DISSECTION (._O6t. BASS 5PEC/ nQNITORINO (1203l. {,781. DRTR $TGIER (-33-36}. COnPUTER _-5]}. EHRRT REEOROER f,1621. RICROPROCE5SOR _]OEO CRMERR RRO RECOROER (-i4]1, 3.76 Equipment 2 UNITS INCUBRIOR NON-HUM_ I N-H [.631 (-dLl. CELL6 (, 901 0SC]LLOSCOPE (-2011. AND WRIER (m96.97|. B N-H SlORROE (,6_1 I _. H. I STkNOARD EnUIP 2-_ 24.'S 11 ,_ Figure LAB GRAVITY CENIAIFUOE 87RIP (,2091. CE]_TR[FU£_ ]] 5IORflOE, (.B31. I (#63). L.NSC/FO71319A 4.1.2 Vertical Option #3 (2.75m) centrifuge. 2m 3 internal of is layouts a half laboratory This 15m 3 rack in wall and the fuge side level. double rack, option due yet to rack with ment utilizes total The fuge the volume, half Of plant-animal volume, to and efficiency long dimension and created of shared can each volume The be available is aligning and and with 4-6, follows: centrifuge on provided equal the module. plant/animal 4-5 accommodated are common layout as level by the in Figs. stowage. equipment equipment vertical apportioned 4.5m 3 on the shown levels, windows the 20m 3 two additional the to long human provides 3.m 3 for is mounted the centri- by omitting the horizontal dimension Nonhuman small research research 3m 3 of a the equipof the respectively. laboratory (option levels. on Openings in configuration, volume centrifuge, module #4 this, and , module vertical Figs. 4-7 12m 3 is human and arrangement 4-8) animal-plant research affords research equipment. 4-9 with a 30m 3 large for equipment (3.75m) equipment and 18m 3 is centrion two shared LHSCIF071319A J _ t _ L.L_ Z /// /. \ 0 J \/ / 12.19 "IIt__L .II.II,II- - 1_ ,72 'i? , 'll II-' 1 Z.50 1 T C:t_NON I,_:OULE DONUT (',_£1:_TZCAL ] V I Figure 4-5 Option #3. Half Lab Vertical 4-i0 Layout with Small Centrifuge L,_C/F071319A ORIGINAL O_ PAGE t_)OR I_ QUALITY NON-HUMAN R_ NU4_R R'l_¢ VOL_ _UBIC EQUIPMENT _ _ESZGNATZON Et3UXPME_4'T' W I IqI::I_-HUMi_N CE:N31_ZF1J:;E C_INTP_CLS (_}. I NON-I-I.Iblkd_l RI::II:_IE]_Tb'I"ANI2/'@_3 HOLDING 3 2 P_:IN-I_IJI,4AN CRC,E WIISHEJ'_ IIIIBIo _PECIM_N I _g8,971 • STOIIAC._: • 4 2 NON-HUMAN R_T 5 I _N-PIJ_AN RI:_I::_IE_TSTANDJ_ID 6 0.5 NCIN-I-LJblAN STOPJ_nE. PH/IC_I _J_YZ_:_ ( =ZO? ], M£1::RO_COPE5 { • ? I N_N-HI.JMAN HAND WA,_I-ER B 2 NON-PIJMAN G_NERAL PURPOSE _CRR STATION [_t t ), DIgS_rT!nN K£TislZ/.). 3/'_CTP, OPHOTOMET_R (sZO_. MR$$ 3P[C/ @N@LI'ZER tailS31. @NIM_IL IIQNITOR[NG (m203I. 9 3°5 IXI}N-I-IJM._N 2.71_ 1D- 2 NON-HUMI1N L£QUIO HRSTE 11 2 NON-MIJelIlN _OLXII_ k'R_TE _I'O_I:_E l,l_l. 12 I NON-HUflIIN INCUIIRTOR C02(,202). [C.C. [NCUOQTOR (_7§). CEL35 ( _ltO I. FRLrF_ZER( _4.5R ! oLRBORRTOR¥ CFNTR [ FU_4[ ( _211 ) . 13 L NON-HUIIRN PLIANT RESERRCM I 2 15 Equipment 4-11 I H. I _EDT_K:; 5113Rh£_E:. FACZLITY N-H ZL .5 1.5 NON-ttUMRN HUMRN for Option ($152). FOCIn fINO WRTER HCI_DZNG FACZLITY I#_:S), HOLDING (#5_.J_). FACZLZTY ($20_3. :. _CZ1-J-OSC:I:I°I_ (,_1oO), N DZ._ _T_CZ._L _TORRGE FRCIL|TT GRAVZlmf C1E:I_TI_Z_ Im81!1. ) , P'N_4[RONMENTRL _MffLIFIER (t14_), flERSUREIIENT [=1121, ORTR _I¥$TEM (t:_l-_l]). COMPUTER (_511. CHI_RT RECI3ROER l _L62 }, MICROPROCE55CIR VInEO CI_MER_I QNO REC:OROI_R Ctl41l. TOTAL #3 VOI.LJIbIE (_,_1. I_9Z]. IGERglTOR/FR_"_:ZER_I ( _44.45 MONITOR (=14Z], PHY3IOLOG[CRL DOSIMETER (=lZS), 3MRLL MR53 • 5 H..SN-H 14 FigureU.6 LAB :_TR_P ( I_'Ogl. Lv_SC/F071319A I $o05 ORIGINAL I OF I POOR 1 12.1g I_,?Z Figure 4-7 Option #4 Half Lab Vertical 4-12 With Large Centrifuge PA_ QUALFF_ ._,_ LHSC/F071319A ORIGINAL OF. PA_E POOR TY QUALi'Fk: NON-HUMAN RACK NUMBER RACK VOLUME CUBIC 4-8 EQUIPMENT USE_ )£SIGI_ATIO_ EOUIPNI_IT M OENEI_AL I:_,II:_WORt( STATION (#111, DISSECTION KITI#IZ¢Io SFECTROFHDTOMETER (#ZOBI, MASS 3PECl G.I:IS ANALYZER (e163I, ANIMAL MONITORING (m203), I 2 hON- HL,W4AN 2 2 N(]N-I-UMAN STORAGE. 3 I N(]N-t-1.14AN H/¢,i] • I NON-HLI,4AN INCUBATOR COZ(#202), E_ INCUBATOR II?O), (mgo), PREEZERI#45RT,LRBORRTORT CENTRIFUGE 5 I I'_:]N- HUM AN PLANT 6 2 I DRTR $TSTEM (tSS-SBI, COMPUTER (sOl), CHQRT RECORDER IsI02l. MICROPROCESSOR VIDEO CQMERfl AND RECORDER (,1411. 7 2 NDN-NUI'4AN CR_.,E WASHER (#981, IR98.971. STORR_. S I NON-I-U4AN RODENT 9 I NON-HUMAN STORAGE. PH/ION _YZER l=207|. MICRO$COPES Im IO L _ON-HUMRN RCI_T xx 14 7 H, _-75 II L .5 H, ,S 12 L .$ .$N-N 14 2 Figure LAB Equipment 4-13 H. N. I N-H 7 N-H NN NON-HUflRN HUMRN for Option W/_.RI-IER (@100). RESERRCH STANOi_qD 9TANDARD ffETER CENTRIFU_ FACILITY (.811. SPECIMEN HOLDING HCL.DING CELOO (mZRJ. 3TRIP loZOgJ. FOOD AND WATER FACILITY [#208I. ]. FACILITY OIRnETER SPECIMEN CONTROLS le§$l. I_02A). _CIIIOS(X]_(_ l#52). RESEflRCH CENTRIFUGE STORAGE. REFRIGERRTORIFREEZER$ (m¢4.45). ENVIRONMENTAL MONITOR (s142), PH¥SIOLOGICRL RMPLIFIER [mI431, DOSIMETER (zi25). SMALL MRSS flERSUREflENT (aliZ). TOTAL. VOL,LIME #4 LMSC/F071319A 4.2 SAAX Full 0302 FULL laboratory internal Horizontal Option #5 is 7m 3, a 44.2m 3 rack volume also were developed in horizontal and vertical Layouts full research. provides The options OPTIONS arrangements. 4.2.1 plant LABORATORY space module It of lab centrifuge 27.7m 3, and 4m 3, and dry as #6) is small (2.75m space experimental in 4-9) as 4-10 containing 4-11. It 18m 3, rack volume option 4-14 2 and centrifuges shows how the equipment. layout for to animal- centrifuges follows: Figure Fig. Equipment dedicated diameter) 9.5m 3. horizontal shown (Fig. apportioned stowage centrifuge 3.6m 3. layout volume racetrack follows: stowage two to animal-plant modified (option apportioned contains equipment is dedicated full horizontal #6 provides 28.6m3, is shown the large 54.2m 3 of liquid in Fig. 3.75m volume stowage 4-12. T.,"ISC/1;'071319A Z .J z _z _w z_ _z z_ oE > _M _x wm _c_ _z = .= 0 _._ 0 .,.-I 0 u_ 0 o I -.,,I" \ u,. -_: = > / / / ORIGINAL 4-15 OF POOR PA_n -_ QUA.L_TY LHSC/FO71319A ORIGINAL DE POOR PX_ :._.... " QUA!IT% NON-HUMAN _AL_ NOV_ER _ACK Vtit_t I+IE I E(_IPNENT i _N-R_AN i RL_ENT STANOAJ_ FOOD RNO WRIED _OLDING (Ig6,gTI, FACILZIY STORROE. (@52), FACILITY (I53). 2 1.5 NON-NUMAN ROOENT 3 1.5 IION-HUM._N PLRNI 4 1.5 NON-HUMAII ROOEF[I I NON - HLIMAN CEhTRIFUGE CONTROLS, OSCIi a OSCOPE ( .2011, 6 2 NON- HUMAN _RAIPtRPO_E WORK STATION KIT(.(241, GPECTROPHOTOMETER OR6 NNRLYZER (mlO31, RNIRRL 7 2 NOH- HUMAN CAGE WASHE]_ ($98}. JNCUBRTOR C02(.202i, {=gOJ, FREEZER (+45), 2 I H, 2 ._H.I._N'H IN-; + BA_-EOI_ HCLOZNg RESEARCH FREILITY STANru_O [.B! H01-0[_ PH.IQN JV._AL',?£R rlICROBEOPEO ( • (@II), DISSECTION (-2061, MR58 SPEC/ MON|TORINO (e2O]l. HANO WASHBI (4100)+ REFR|OERRTOR/FREEZER6 (-44,4Dio MONI10R (m142l, PHYSIOL00]CRL DOSIMETER (.J251. 5MRLL MASS ,5 H. i ._-m $10R/4GE. It 2 ,5 H,i.SN-H _' REFRIG_ATOR/FI_Z_'RS 12 (.5 5 H,I._-W (TAB(].[C 2 5 H, $'TORAOE 14 1+5 5 H,I.SN-_ ADDITIONAL PLANT 15 1.5 5 H,I,6N-H AIDITIONAL ROt_ENr 16 • 7 b H.I,ON-N ADDITIONAL PLAI_IT RESE/_L'H LARGE PRIN_TE FO_0 _ WATER ENY1RONMENTRL RMPLIFIER (m]4]l, MERSUREMENT (eli2) KIT _$IT_AINI (_), [Q44). FACILITY 5TRIP (=2091, FREEZER (4_l, )+ ($ RESEARCH HOLDING FACILII"t ($BI) FACIUP (_). FACILITY (#Bl) 17 1.6 5 H. tD 5 .F; NON-HUM(IN SOLID6 WROTE $TORRGE (.911. (9 4 NON-HUMRN LJGUIO WR$IE 5TORROE (-g21. ZO _-5 N0N - tIgqIRN 2.75 N DIA A_T_FZC]AL GRAVITY CENTI_IFUGE ($631 2! 3 -5 HON+IIUMRN 2.75 M D[A ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY CENTRIFUGE ($63). Equipment 4-16 for l .BN-H ($2oBl. h EOO IN£UORTOA (-761, CELS5 LRBORRTOR¥ CENTRIFUGE(m20) 2 I. 5N-I" (J52). ORIR 6YDTEfl (=33-351. COMPUTER (-511, CHRRT RECORDER (e162), HICROPROCEOOOR ¥10EO CRMERR ONO RECOROER (.1411, _IMATE &c_ZCIME I. FACILITY Io 44.2 4-10 EQUIPMENT U.3ER ]ESIGNATIOP4 :c+i; MI Figure LAB NON-_UMRN Option TOTAL #5 VOLL_4[ H(U3ING FAC]LITY ($96.97]. (_1, SPECIME]4 5TORROE. LHSC/F071319A OP POOR QU'A.L._T'-g 3.76 OIfl DOUBLE ROTOR CENTRIFUGE SECTION SECTIoNRflDIflL OOCKINO PORT_ \ ADDItIONAL-PLANT RESEARCH FACILITY / III III / [ I I RODENT HOLDING PLflNT RESERRCH CELLS EXPIRMENT FOOD _ WRIER \ RODENT BREEDING METABOLIC STORROE CENTRIFUGE I CENIRIFUOE II RRCK C2 _ 1.1) RACK (12 ,I 2.2) LIQUIO STOWAGE 8.0 iO.O 2.2 2G.4 4.0 CU M CU M CU M CU M CU N 8TONflOE _24 TOTAL ].6 54.2 CU CU Option #6 4.15) Full with Lab Large M M Modified Racetrack Centrifuge 4-17 Horizontal Layout FRCILITY FACILITY LflROE PRIMATE 4-11 FACILITY CflOE WASHER,INCUBATORS AND FREEZER I Figure FACILITIES HOLDING FRC LHSC/F071319A ORIGINAU OF POOR PKGI_ QUALIT_ NON-HUMAN'LAB I I 16 _ACK VOLUME t_TC EQUIPMENT USER 3AS IC¢4A r T(_ El_ [F_4EN r W I. I ] NON-HLIWIAP CENTRIFUGE RNCELLRRRRY I . I NOht-HLIMAN CENTRIFUGE CONTROL EQUIP STORROE (,631 16 I STSTER ( m63 I I l i GENERAL PLJRI:_]S_ WORK STATION ($11). DIS_CTIC]N KITI-|21I. SPECTROPHOTOMETER(12OEi. NRSS SPEC/ OR6 RNRLfZER (mlQ]l, RNIMRL flONITOAING (12031. PLANT RESERRCH MICROSCOPE6 EIORAOE. FACILITY (. (m,BIoCELLSI ! FOOD AND WATER (= 90) (mgE,g_l. WASHE_ (#1oo). REFAIQERRTOR/FAEEZEAB (m44o4B|. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITOR [.1421, PHTSIOLOOICRL AMPLIF|ER (-143t. OOSIMETER I=1261. SMALL MASS MERQUREMENT C=J121 CamC-,EWASHF_R ($9B). INCUBATOR C02(.202J, FREEZER (.46J. EGO INCUBATOR (.TEl, 0RTR 5¥8TEM l=]3-3QI. COMPUTER (,611. CHART.RECORDER (-iS21° MICROPROCESQOA VIOEO CAMERA AND RECOROEA (-I4I). F_)CIE_.Iy BREEDING 18 r Figure 4-12 Equipment 4-18 63.2 NON-MUMRN TOTAL for Option #6 VOLUME HOLDING FACILIT_ (_). 5TRIP (,2091. IMSC/FO71319A 4.2.2 The Vertical full Layouts module vertical shown in Fig. 3.5m 3 is centrifuge 2m 3 is 4-13. liquid layout It dedicates volume, storage with 2.75m centrifuge 43m 3 to is rack volume, 4-14 shows 22.5m 3 volume. small Figure animal-plant (option experiments 15m 3 is the dry #7) of which stowage, equipment and is and its rack location. In an alternate is provided with that may with control modated Im 3 of The be with rack last (see layout used small for dry 4-17). It centrifuge occupies equals (Fig. 8m 3 In a (Fig. a minilab. specific lab equipment arrangement reduced (Fig. vertical provides 14m 3, #7A and volume is designated centrifuge this available #8, above, experiment stowage volume the 2.75m specimens. option, Fig. to rack 42m 3 43m 3 of from 15m 3 to 4-15), It or has a 6m 3 of a second equipment 10.5m 3 and full can an lab racks centrifuge be accomadditional 4-16). layout for volume with experiment equals 4-18). 4-19 the large equipment. 20m 3, and dry 3.75m The centrifuge dual-rotor stowage volume LDLSC/FO71319A 1:_.72 J_4CO_...E (VERTICAL| Figure 4-13 Option #7 with Full Small Lab Vertical Centrifuge 4-20 Arrangement _SC/FO71319& NON-HUMAN LAB EQUIPMENT ',,1 ----/..o¢"-,2// _ACK NUf'IBER RACK VOLIJ4E _V_ M i i 2 i 4 EQUIPNI_IT t_dlI_IFIJGE CONTROLS R_:_ENT STANDARD HOLDZNG FACILITY 2 RODENT BI_-EDING HCI..D_NG FACZI.ITY (tI§3) RO_EI_T STANO_ HOLDTNG FACILTTY (#5_.A). ST(_AGE. PH/ION M4N..yZ_I' (mZO?|. IIICRO$COPE5 Is , O.S 7 I H._ND VASHER a 2 G_ERAt. PURPOSE _RK _:TAT_ON (_ I ), D_'CTZDN KIT( .12¢] * 5PECTROPHOTOMET_R ( ,206 ) • NflS._ OPEC/ CA8 RNOLYZER (_163). RNIMRL iIONITORING (_203). 9 ;3.5 2.75 10 2 LIr_uIo N_kST( OTORRCF (sgZ). 11 2 $OLII]3 NRSTE OTDRRGE (eOS). 12 I INCU_RTOR C02(_2021. EGG [NCUORTOR (t?6). CEL55 1-90t. FflE_ZER (145R).LRBORRTOKY CENTKIFUG_(12$|. N DIA 14 1 15 2 ARTIFICIAL G_avI'_ RESERRCH F_C|LITT C_'RIFUGE 4@_,5). (,811. fiEFRIGERRTOR/FREEZER_ (144. 45). ENVIKONM_NTRL MONITOR (m142). ffHYOIOLOGICRL RMPLIFIER (m145). O051H_TER (*L25). 5MRLL MR55 flER$URENEHT (,112)DRTR 575TE_ (t_3-_). COMPUTER (s511. CHRRT KECOROE_ (st52]. MICROFKOCE550_ VIDEO CRMERR RND R_CO_OEfl (tl41). TOT_¢. 3TRIP (,ZOO). VOLLJN_ RACK VOLb,_E CUBIC M EOUIPHENT 17 1 RDDITIONRL IB I STDRRGE. 19 I _ETRBOLIC 20 0._ STQflRG(. 21 0.5 OTOROGE. 22 2 _TDRR_(. 2"_ 2 OTORRGE. 2¢ I 8TORRG_. 25 1 _TORRD_. 2O I 2? 2 RDDITIONRL 2e 2 _FORRGE. 29 [ 5TORR_E. 3O 1 _TORKG(. 3t L STORRG(. 2O _V_OFS), C_CZLLOGCOPE ), PKIIIi_TE KIT (tZ05). (#I00}. LRflGE PfiI_RTE HOLDING FOOD RHD W_T£K _95R. Z FRCILIT¥ gTR). RODENT HOLDING FRCILITT (I R_FKIO{RRTOR/FREEZER$ PLRNT (_551. FRCILITY 5PECIflEN (e52B). ]. 1,44R.8]. REOERRCH FRCILITY Ffl_EZER (_81R;- TOTAL vOLUHE for Option #7 OR/GINAL 4-21 FOOD RNO HRTER 6 RACK NUMBER Equipment SPECIMEN (_=!. CRC,_ HRSHER (198). ( mgO,G?), 5TORRG_. Z5 4-14 . STOR_. 2 PLRNT Figure (_) .OJ_ POOR PAGE QUALITy I_ _,450). I,IqSC/F071319A l_.TZ .05 Figure Full Lab with 4-15 Option #7A. second Centrifuge 4-22 or Minilab Options ORIGINAL PAGE P_ POOR QU_TY. Ig LMSCIF071319A PACK NUMBER RACK VOLUME :CUBIC I 2 3 EOUIP_NT M I CENTRIFL_;E I ROOENT 2 CASE CONTROLS(W_63}. STANDARD WASHER SPECIMEN (#52). FOOD AND WATER STORAGE. 2 RODENT BREEDING HOLDING FACILITY (#53). 5 l RODENT STANOARO HDLDING FACILITY (#52A). 6 0.5 7 STOI_AGE. I HANO PH/ION ANALYZER MICROSCOPES WASHER (#208). (m }. 2 GENERAL PL_POSE WORK STATION KIT|=]241. SPECIROPtiOIOMETER DAS ANALYZER (=IBB). ANIMAL 9 3.5 2.75 I0 2 LIQUID WASTE STORAGE (w92]. II 2 SOLIDS WASTE STDRAOE (=gS}. 12 I INCUBATOR M 13 OlA ARTIFICIAL C021,202). FREEZER PLANT 14 l REFRIGERATOR/FREEZERS MONITOR (I142). DOSIMETER (_125]. 15 2 16 2 LARGE FOOD 17 f STORAGE. 18 I ADDITIONAL 19 0.5 20 t RESEARCH SYSTEM RECORDER CAMERn PRIMATE AND HATER METABOLIC 2 21C 22 I 22C 23 2 23C 24 I Z4C 25 l STORAGE. 26 I 2 2? 2 ADDITIONAL 28 2 STORAGE. 2g t STORAGE. 30 t STORAGE. O,5 STORAOE. Equipment for (#II). f_206). MON[iORINO DISSECTION _ASS 5PEC/ f,203). GRAVITY EGO CENTRIFUGE INCUBATOR FACILITY 1,76). CELSS (-81). {=44.451. PHYSIOLOGICAL SMALL MASS ENVIRONMENTAL AMPLIFIER [=I43). MEASUREMENT {wlt2_. i_39-36). COMPUTER (,Ell. (mI62I. MICROPROCESSOR AND RECORDER {mlAI). HOLDING FACILITY (,96A.9?R). RODENT (#63). CENTRIFUOE(=28 HOLDING FACILITY FACILITY CENTRIFUGE STORAGE. (m (n581. STRIP {=20g). SPECIMEh lm52B). 2,T CONTROLS. 22R M[NILAB OR EXPERIMENt. , SPECIFIC 23RIE_UIPMENl OPTIONAL SECOND 2.75 M OIRMETER ARTIFICIAL GRAVITY CENTRIFUSE[e63AI 24R REFRIGERATOR/FREEZERS Option ). PLANT (w44A.B). RESEARCH FACILITY FREEZER [-45B}. {mBIAI. #7A ORIGINAL 4-23 {-2051. STORAGE. 21 31 KIT 1,45RI.LABORA_ORY l OATA CHART VIOEO OSCTLLOSCCXOE PRIMATE (#I00). @ {w9O)° 4-16 FACILITY 4 [#20_I. Figure HOLDING (_9B). (w96.97}. STORAGE. OF POOR PAGE QUALITY IS I21SC/F071319A ORIGINAL OF. POOR PAGE Ig QUALITY. Figure 4-17 Option #8 Full Lab with Large 4-24 Centrifuge LHSCIF071319A ORIGINAL O_ I8 PAGE ]_OR QUALITY I_ACX' NL_BER _ACK VOLUNE ¢ct_zc M_ I 2 2 2 ECUI_]_r GE]qEl_kl,. Pl.Jl_l:_(_;( _ORK _"TAI'ZON (,11}, DI'_SE'CT_0N K[T{II2AI. SPECTROPHOT0flETER {a2061, NRS_ SPEC/ P_S ANAL_'Z..ff.R i=|SSl. RNIMRL NONITORINO i=_OS). STORAGE. HANOWA$1"I_ 3 (_lOO). INCUBATOR CO2(=ZI_I. EGG INCUBATOR le?61. CIELS$ (#gO l. FREEZERI=iSRI.LflBORRTOR¥ CF.NTAIFUGE 1=281 6 P_T 6 TR _TSTEH (#5S-SO), COMPUTER (=SI). ART RECORDER (=LSZl, MICROPROCESSOR YIDED CRMERg AND RECOROER (=1411. 7 MA_d'I4ER (sOSI. 1m1_6.971. STORAGE. RESERRCff FRCILIT¥ [=811. SFECIHEN | RODE_I" I sTORAG(_. PH/ZON *NILYZE_ (=ZO?), H[CROSCOPE5 (= I, ROOENT 8 tD 14 II I 12 1 S."/5 STANDARD HOLDING STAND,NO ffETER CENTRIFUGE PLANT FOOD RI'.IO MATER F/CZ.ITY HOLDING FACILITY SPECIMEN CONTROLS (=OSl. FRC|L[TT 2 STORAGE. 15 2 ROOEN_ BREEDING RESERRCH HOLDING 17 1 METR_OLIC 18 'I RODENT STRNOARO HOLOING 19 2 L_RGE 2 STOMROE. PRIMRTE _2 ENVIRONflENT_L gHPLIFIER (=134|. _ERSURERENT (=IIZ). FgCILITT Figure 4-18 Equipment 4-25 for Option #8 (=153). SPECIREN FO00 ff_CILITY- MOLDING TOTAL CENTRIFUGE. (=Olgl. R_RICER_TOR/FREEZER$Ie440.4501. _NO M_TERI=g6_.gT_I. HOLglNG (_R_2BI. 5TONRGE. REFRICER_TOR/FREEZER (=44_|. H_NITOR 1=142). PHY_IOLDG_CgL DOSIMETER (=IZS). SHALL HR_S 14 (I_2AI. 1#_O4l). (_CZL_DPE ), PNIrlRTE KIT (=ZO51. DIARETER AESERRCN STRIP (=_gl, _.._qE FRCILITT F_O[LIT¥ (=SZCl. 1=5_1. _TOR_GE. I24_SC/FO71319A _,,t_GINAL OF 4.3 INTERNAL Internal to be LAYOUT layout done flown. options and the Table OPTIONS 4-2 presents layouts. Vertical similar uniform Vertical more module working desirable space is useable the as complete results of a are of as SEI.E_ Statemenh trade safety of experiments experiments that comparing are vertical- horizontal-back-storage internal are layout because simpler and more arranged allowing possible. to be more packaging simply efficiency horizontal layout type study arrangements appears than the and commonality higher and preferred vertical also well the because resulting in more arrangements. The it versatility, maximizes vertical features• DECISION ANALYSIS INTERNAL Oe¢ision number to desirable 4-2 the crew accommodation and TABLE the degree most volume, the volumes packaging equipment octagon influence arrangements a greater VS HORIZONTAL horizontal-square, equipment with of I3 QUMwI'I_ - VERTICAL ability vertlcal-square, with POOR directly octagon, I'AGB INTEI_NJ_. AR_ANGL-'T_ENT_[L_ _TIM[ES FOR HORIZONTAL VS VERTICAL ARRANGEMENTS _L.M '_[TTI_ Decision Analysis Worksheet ,_IIJECTIVI[$ (,......... A VERTICAL-OCTAGON ) I,_B 'OF. P r, - _U,_ E C t q D HORIZONTAL-50UARE _o .,, .,._ : HORIZ.-BACK STCRAGE • _o,.oi I r J l : I i 'i . ,.wo I I '_ P VERSATILITY !m Ir_l F wrnrH _ _M 1_n l'mn USEABLE i IlO 9)M)/aA hoi,00 VOLUME SAFETY !m MAINTAINABILITY i 7 M3 Pr. _0/_, ' _ 90 ! 5 50 89175 9R/a. ; 1 Tt 91 9_ i i CREW PRODUCTIVITY I 7 AISLE SCARRING FOR GROWTH WEIGHT ! 5 J 8 UTILITY 2.5 ISOLATION !in; _n a lifT# i [mi sc PERFORMANCE i2 EXTERNAL INTERFACE ; I FUNCTIONAL RUNS 5, 2! " PARTIONING !m ; s 2s i rlfl I I I A ]f ,, "':'j:_.. .............. i a'12: I,oi,o :101 I[I i i , i _-.,m i I "o*,- _ COmm_ 4-26 i ram--. 4.____i_ . ,,,, ,, ,, .......... ......._ ,°..., ...o.°, _i In I0! 10; i 55 t ,............. ° ......... J =,17_,; I IO;,l[ 10 : 10 : _ ! 4_ ' : ..... &_O CMOOSE BEST B_LA_CED -- ALTERWATIV_ , I --'-1 LHSC/F071319A 4.4 SUBSYSTEMS 4.4.1 Electrical Electrical shown in defining date Power power and Figure required or external containing addition common for activities Secondary and to outfitting facilitate: the with SLM, the earth situations. LSRF internal characteristics viewing, of a shown assembly activities. ments on module design interface in as Fig. assist of in candi- candidates 4-20. required are to The rack support the points, and and network power with with internal interfaces. and In stowage, distribution distribution egress be compatible proper and the system and with interface smooth 4-27 data structural from and STS final for common integration. crew ground of LSRF into interfaces module during input features orbiter management requirements identification assure external transfer safety will attachment equipment thermal Early shell lab ECLSS, ensure module communications. compatible must to Options electrical and and below to standard common structure be power, arrangements used development Mounting attaching management module, were arrangement and racks management, orbit common groups equipment/specimens/supplies logistics gency for must type individual hard secondary Internal equipment rack. elements, data this shown consists contains of equipment the thermal to to racks typical including - Equipment conditioning, LSRF LSRF that LSRF a equipment Structure standard support, the added at structural module life for laboratory are for diagrams support contents SLM Detail for interfaces Interfaces services elements to The Standard requirements standard 4.4.2 data 4-19. common common and in emer- interior and on- require- Te _ LHSC/F071319A ,)ammUnk ORIGINAL hill PAGE I_ I| e-It :ys_ b'dm"fQCt • I T htt POOR QU_ \ ( xl_.'l_ewt i S_I4_ qle_ Peelw- e:4t _11$e_ 1_ m_e-eNr .. :41rt r I_J llue ;_ss II_ St4rslQ 4 mt¢_ /Ikas IAtm_tc_ ._Dl_a-._-..--.b_ IIII I_ f _i_"tI¢IL.1II I fs"Q vrl y % _ P a_* I &_ E . • --/I C/V 4 Dt_'Sm'_Ptr" i /J_s _*_e _tQ Proc_sor C,mrV ,v L'le,c'lr X--l-- I_SL|Ial,_" c._e HIc_*¢ _pe x__ ,= =I_ Jlictt 19 Il_t,.l.e._ lll'k III ll*,h III I.l_al V_eVe 4 -____=__ --" $11arQSlu Figure 4-19 Typical Electrical Interfaces 4-28 - Half Lab ant LlqSC/F071319A PONER EPSP L DATA PROCESSOR/BUS MICROPROCESSOR ,... J INTERFACE/BUS & ARBITRATOR INTERFACES _i_ --; ...... n .!. 0 0 0 0 iii.IIII FIRE SUPRESSION - VIDEO CONNECTOR INTEORATED WITH INTERCOM JACKS PLUG Figure A FREON - CONNECTOR EPSP PANEL TO LIKELY IN 4-20 HITH INTERFACE SPEAKER. HEADSET/VOICE Rack BOTTLE Standard TY"PE THAT MICROPHONE. ACTIVATED Interface 4-29 MAY BE TO/FROM MICROPHONE. Candidates SHITCHES, LlCSC/F071319A Key internal consider structural o Optical o Attachment point for standard o Attachment point for centrifuge o Individual racks and containers o Individual equipment LSRF fiber, fiber, payload and/or Station IOC and into mounting system Interfaces the must integrity Easy o Accessibility for equipment of module reconfiguration Commonality 4-21 and tend with 4-22 to integration by mounting developed the flexible must to accommodate flexibility be included for to during the transition from means for integrating the To equipment an optical allow the for Space laboratory integration, elements user equipment. and applicable loads and change-out of ORUs. service, the and and which support environments. repair of laboratory elements. Space a number Station flexible arrangements detail elements. of mounting Spacelab-type in sufficient this common for other favor complete equipment; maintenance, show and containers following: laboratory o of arrangements routing built-in arrangements. laboratory and and pass-thrus is Structural commonality not of addition, system provide for thermal sufficiently changes o Figures internal phases. laboratory operation served In growth must and racks be thermal mounting elements ECLSS must configuration through equipment o LSRF items airlock. electrical o electrical, arrangements internal/external Ease that are: Internal The considerations Standardization and racks. efficient shown options. in volume Fig. to support 4-30 utilization 4-23. final Mounting trade-offs. might best options be were 4-31 LHSC/F071319A \ i 14 Figure 4-22 .Secondary Structure and 4-32 Wall Access Considerations %'_8C/_'0 71319A \ LHSC/F071319A 4.5 CONCEPT 4.5.1 As EFFECTIVENESS Internal shown primary Layouts many For internal objectives and available o Centrifuge diameter o Centrifuge volume o Centrifuge adaptation these of a VOL. OPTION (#) O-G 0-g in are these under options The consideration. are as follows: experiments available is TABLE LAYOUT for to human comparison considerations layouts considerations Volume results SAAX0307 arrangement o The Mission between shown 4-5 AVAIL. subjects horizontal in Table EVALUATION DIAMETER vertical layouts using 4-5. OF LAYOUT CENTRIFUGE EXPTS. and OPTIONS (HALF ADAPTABLE TO HUMAN CENTRIFUGE (M) VOL. LAB) AVAIL. OPTION OVERALL RANKING HORIZ (i) CLOSE TO MINIMUM 2.75 MINIMUM NO 4-LOWEST HORIZ (2) MINIMUM 3.75 MAXIMUM YES 2 VERT (3) MAXIMUM 2.75 MINIMUM NO 3 VERT (4) CLOSE TO MAXIMUM 3.75 MAXIMUM YES 1-HIGHEST Evaluation suggests is the maximum the layout options that option 4, preferred volume large 4.5.2 An of SAAX for 0-g centrifuge Internal approach option similar to the the experiments Mission that 0307 was used to compare comparison are shown in Table layout because and accommodate For combined vertical principally can Layouts for used for human SAAX for Mission laboratory utilizing the the vertical centrifuge (Mission SAAX 3.75m centrifuge, arrangement integration 0307) provides and because for Mission subjects. 0302 comparing SAAX 4-6. 4-34 0302 layout options layouts. Results of the LHSC/F071319A TABLE LAYOUT OPTION 4-6 EVALUATION HORIZ (6) HORIZ (6) 4 4.0 VERT (7A) 3 2.75 VERT (7) I-MOST 2.75 VERT (8) 5 it despite the 4.5.3 0302) the as low The volume in From research 3 NO 4 4-LEAST NO 5 I-MOST YES i this and centrifuge in layout volume for large centrifuge operational module inefficient laboratory #8 is dual-rotor favored centrifuge SAAX laboratory minimize (SAAX it is then to the changeout as recommended animal-plant module 0307) equipment constraint, dedicated 0302 lab would be that leaving the the dedicated 0303). is module would Neither the human should the option To Missoin combined newly-launched new the plant experiments. 0307 the centrifuge the new 0-g (SAAX0302) (SAAX animal vertical SAAX from dedicated the recommendation If facility. cumbersome The the for become specimen to the for this to facility a the module + 2.75 Mission lab grow in orbit. facility, 3 available place. for contains placed YES greatest Given lab research 0307 0307 the possible. reason 2 that transitioning combined human (SINGLE) options plant-animal centrifuge 2 RANKING (DUAL) suggests provides Operationally, much YES (M) (DUAL) 4.0 Transitioning dedicated I-MOST 3.75 layout SAAX because 6 CENTRIFUGE VOL. AVAIL. 2.75 6-LEAST of (Mission NO DIAMETER 2 LAB) 4-LEAST CENTRIFUGE (5) (FULL OPTION OVERALL RANKING RANKING HORIZ OPTIONS ADAPTABLE TO HUMAN VOL. AVAIL. 0-G EXPTS. (#) Evaluation OF LAYOUT and is have or as follows. that left at to become to be in what given its size facility a dedicated will is desirable. and utilizes 4-35 that transition dismantled option research Assume and become Moving the the that new animal moved configuration. space a Mission from SAAX module and the is plant SAAX dedicated human centrifuge seems Leaving should be the LMSC/F071319A dedicated the This to human centrifuge from transitioning timelines for research equipment animal process animal-plant holding is and requires facilities inefficient and experiments. 4-36 specimen located potentially in transitioning another impacts to module. operational LHSC/FO71319A SECTION SUBTASK 5.1 The WORK Work 5-2. BREAKDOWN WBS December Station RFP. through 7.0 enhanced WBS 5 level 5 element 5.1.1 corresponds Figure 5-1 shows items operational shown Consists hardpoints and Includes the primary Thermal heat All items and by Figs. 5-1. and the presented in the Work WBS presented in 4. elements WBS Package IOC. associated 5-2. in through from LSRF detailed elements I Items 01 for the that 8.0 hardware Definition liquid pipes, electrical 1.0 must through required each Space WBS be 21.0 for level IOC. 4 and support the temperature life monitoring and water equipment and and module control, supply, module in mechanisms, systems, cold common all other tanks module groupings. (pressurized hardware. cooling plates, and and and power ventilation and management and internal cabin systems, subsystem 5-I of additional pressure systems, radia- sensors and engineering. storage, distribution, engineering. Consists any Includes subsystem subsystem Includes control, cleaning gas Support. and equipment. including control, ECLSS waste between equipment thermoelectric equipment Life humidity and of cooling and science and interfaces bridges engineering. power Control common that thermionics, Environmental the structure structure, thermal regulation to all subsystem conditioning, al, end of WBS levels Fig. secondary All insulation, potable in structural and Control. controls, of and unpressurized), tions to activities is DICTIONARY Structure. Power. an LSRF follows. _S tors, module are the version WBS common operational for updated and achieve LSRF an PROGRAMMATICS DICTIONARY (WBS) report address to AND Structure represents 1984 address STRUCTURE Breakdown This 3.3 5 and air trash any required ECLSS items modificarequired contamination atmospheric control, composition distribution, collection engineering. to food and and dispos- LMSC/F071319A ORIGINAIJ OF z POOR PAGI_ IB. QUAI21"_ O o i t_ O ee == /1_ _- = I = = :3 c) (/) u.I el: u,I cJ z tkl -r.,) ¢9 .I.J _J >- Q) --,J n _.1 _c o 3: .J m ,-,I I u"t = *,4 ILl 1.61 t_ L_ ..J 5-2 ORIGINAL PD_GE Ig OF, POOR z LMSC/F071319A QUALITY .I,.1 {3 144 .=I bJ S er t3 ,,, o Z W bd _" 6"1 C_ O ¢_ Z O _ ,-u H _ 0 ° I • _ _ I I E 1O U U _t _ w W I I >- Z 3 l.d w TO t-- (3 L6 o _. I I I ,! I z z z en • , I-- U U 0 z m..l Ld _ o ", ffl em ¢'_ 6"I I I-.. m-_ _ I I ee I I LmJ "v'C] I _ e_" _ iM w I •w h. I I C_ U C_ w o o. d o 0 Z I u_ b. m I I 0 z (.3 u'm ,,i I--! - • " oz_¢° •-i , cn _ N I I o Ld bJ u_ _r W I I I I I I • 0 (.3 ¢" C L tl. I u_ _-I I _ I I tJ L3 _ Z :2: 4t _n u9 )- 0 _' u_ o -1 -," o_:_- 5-3 ] I I I I LMSC/FOYI319A and subsystem Crew engineering. Accommodations. Consists purpose lighting, factors engineering. Command & Data Handling memory, peripheral SSIS. Includes faces, command Contamination effluent System and tool thermal I Assembly checkout planning, Assurance. quality assurance, Test laboratory handling, and and and external equipment equipment and shields control used test, alignment simulation of entry, inter- including covers. for used qualification, for mechanical, and mass properties equipment. integration design and engineering. and equipment hardware, all efforts maintainability Consists calibration, communications Includes Consists display, subsystem items interface and human and assembly maintenance hard- and liaison, fabrication. of Includes and and vacuum/thermal kits, special with the instrumentation contamination apparatus, of medical kits, of data processing, storage, activities. Consists equipment. of andsupporting design, emergency tool instrumentation, data cleaning Operations. EMI, EMC, alignment, controls, & Checkout. consoles Product System and testing restraints, data bus, and interfaces Consists equipment, Integration Consists window and other measurement Subsystem. Consists Hardware. electrical, ware, data Control. Test subsystem, displays and personnel hygiene equipment, control, acceptance RF, personal of of to support safety, reliability, activities. the conduct electrical, thermal of vibration vacuum all systems testing and acceleration, and acoustic tests of thermal, and simulation modeling. Flight Software. inflght application. communication, Consists of Includes applications the generation software interface, and testing for data handling fault 5-4 isolation, of all software and processing, and BITE. for command, LMSC/F071319A Ground Logistics handle and inflight Support transport Equipment. all material En_ineerin_ & Integration. SE&I activities. Includes mission interface analysis, engineering Program Management. design to during inflight, to checkout, postflight and of development requirements, effort required to all planning, conduct configuration specifications, control, engineering data, and project management conduct and support science equipment. Operations. required to conduct all program and coordination, subcontractor/vendor liaison, management coordination management planning data, reviews, cost. Purpose Facilities life Consists functions of the Includes training, operations hardware of effort controls, General servicing, Consists Consists Includes and scheduling, the specimens required analyses. activities. Station and of equipment operations. Systems and Consists and science Equipment. laboratory logistics, ground Consists experiments. of all operations science mockups, and Includes and procedures except for airborne operations of module (preflight, equipment, to and other with the general experimental inflight required specific associated specific support equipment prototcols. maintenance and postflight), and flight recovery. Equipment. laboratory. Consists Includes warning, fire detection Customer Accommodation of safe and secondary haven, secondary suppression Hardware. science experiment requirements thermal interfaces for experiment equipment controls, equipment, Consists of equipment. 5-5 and equipment in the laboratory. equipment. required Does lighting, work to Includes not to be housed within caution and stations. support generalized electrical, include experiment data and unique LMSC/FO71319A Ground Software. for ground Consists operations. Includes and checkout, data handling applications interfaces, Spares. batteries, Consists filters, of the generation and processing, and of initial and software real-time for system telemetry on-orbit and production light and testing bulbs. 5-6 spares of all test, software inflight and commandj required verification communications_ interface. for hardware items. Includes LMSC/F071319A 5.2 TECHNOLOGY Technology fully DEVELOPMENT development operational following activities LSRF section (VGRC), technology development O Station detailed and and Volume III Equipment Ames September Research Space "Experiments Derived widest for range and impact below the address specific areas o advances required Variable The overall research issues imbalance accommodation report from impacts, (MRS), study presented Facility Gravity The Research and a Cage Washer. after in the an II Experiment These evaluation following Technology of sources: Assessment Technology Catalog--Prepared "Life the Sciences 1982 Life technology and Requirements by McDonnell Research Science areas and operational on overall within to each fully Research goal of the VGRC program impacting a Variable elements. a Douglas, 1983 these Gravity centrifuge Station of and the Science and LSRF design. Workshops" included: applicability activities, Detailed to enhancement discussions the of human presented following: o 5.2.1 Volume in the development Space of for Research Information experimental productivity, other System lists part Platform" selecting of LSRF with selected Plan: Center Applications Criteria were Sciences Development integral discussions equipment Technology H0743, an Measurement areas Life play is compatible Metabolic protocols Space MDC o that provides Centrifuge experimental REQUIREMENTS technology develop centrifuge cancellation difficulties the Centrifuge of are: centrifuge due to the centrifuge 5-7 study (VGRC) a preliminary into the LSRF design additional technology is to develop to be incorporated the requiring at Space design Station lOC. of vibration elimination momentum, blocking for a gravity and access Design elimination and of to other modules. LMSC/F071319A Subsystem power technology and signal specimen Power life and transfer support, Signal roll around displacement have been frictional may problems have Rotary fatigue transformers technique depth low drag have issues habitat include interfacing narrowed or rotary torque and power Roll rings size, weight, friction they may be inapplicable because decreases of the centrifuge potential transformers. and offer However, the stator their life. may require will transfer In addition, excessive slip rings. transfer, then Capacitive couplers centrifuge. yield Previous the of specimen drinking being Bearing weekly investigated and Hub data flexing the of the water during for Design. or same slip rings both that although in contact are the appear with magnetically. bearings. centrifuge. capacitive used for couplers, centrifuge would be to be viable the In- power and power desireable. for use transfer on the analyses method. fluid transfer concurred with be carried specimen habitat The for technique concurrent will thermal rings AC power to magnetic slip rings, the transfer hold the brushes to transfer method slip applications, displacements. it is analogous using investigation means roll rings, analyses concluded Further be changed transfer which radial preferred rings and optical best feasible. the roll transfer studies since include If data Data a no-contact determine in similar The springs to centrifuge attractive candidates in the past torque. due provide seems analysis optical will trades slip rings, used extensively they have a higher Data specimen these rings. Slip rings This design, Preliminary they have to address servicing. over slip rings. of travel of radial experiment to roll rings, advantages long path amount and because be developed hub and bearing Transfer techniques and capacity that must transfer, are advantageous the areas control major using this finding. on the centrifuge cleaning. on the bearing 5-8 rotary joints A seven was day not supply and the reservoirs Air to air heat exchangers will are centrifuge. types considered include roll LMSC/F071319A bearings, oil centrifuge bearings, with vibration, Air bearings were that air Magnetic The bearings advantages of o Feasibility o Virtually center required acceptable bearings contact bearings, a 1.5 m diameter unacceptable felt air this magnetic bearings unlimited only life rotor would feasible to in a wide variety of o Less than and bearings o Electronics o provide allowing control position of Bearings eliminate in totally Station Specimen options Habitat to be centrifuge purpose and signal while access structure for both should illustrates be and a concept accuracy. manufacturers to construct. centrifuge bearings. and and no mechanical environments of the active characteristics an automatic reduction of support bearings as well balancing system in the disturbance environmental human to access and as the resulting to the habitats. support Space of a two-armservice 5-9 support on board with the lab habitats of Trades and generic, multi- determining trades should the power consider options. in the current attached investigations a second life support feasibility life included specimen Additional servicing specimens Preliminary using needed. research the the and animal are centrifuge between determine plant control that can be efficiently interfaces Experiment feasible using and will methods of the crew it is operating. ranges and control damping for interfacing The Servicing. the capacity and Specimen the degree transfer for created environment Interfacing. applications Experiment operation determined. interfaces robotics vibrations Requirements rotor potential m rotor silent to determine the needed reliability temperature monitoring stiffness microgravity the centrifuge. need the oil continuous of 3.75 and oil bearings imposssible approach the stator Operational ball be increased o torque however, For are: due and roll and did not have areas; diameter the bearings. pass-through, in the these of magnetic high torque, remained between and context to the main found rotor as rotor that that a service could is defined centrifuge automated rotor. as rotor specimen Figure 5-3 be spun up to match the LMSC/F071319A Figure speed of or would research, oxygen of precisely environment. collection metabolic carbon system the MMS measuring carbon objective capable food ambient water temperature system food be studies, to be removed. rotor support and which the habitat human a metabolic and intake, production met The would spin for cleaning short-term gravity research. measurement urine developing: presence and humidity. 5-10 an oxygen environmental excretion, specimens a distribution instrument feces feces or absence of monitoring water and in laboratory by in the capable consumption, and also and water dioxide can service Rotor (MMS) of operating production, and could Service the habitats the is to provide food Two-Arm could then capture rotor System with to deceleration measurement dioxide device This and and This gas monitoring regulate or a robotic of developing showing transferred Measurement consumption Centrifuge and be aligned manipulation. Metabolic capable rotor acceleration The purpose Rotor be robotically A crew member specimen 5.2.2 Dual the principal habitats down. 5-3 in a 0g and urine of gravity, consumption systems control capable system a and of to LMSC/F071319A Urine and Feces Separator. in zero-gravity and carry by experiments them collected away together differential difference RAHF by Feces Facility from the animal filtration, or feces are separated The absorbs to urine mesh. system into phosphoric the Collector. of the Air Force) This This separate CERMAFeces system This device automatically. Conveyer Belt Collector. is sized passes such that through feces the wire are not separated prevented evaporation. feces carried by an section. Urine connected to collection collector Fig. system clings feces collectors Therefore, hit a rotating the and of air urine are on a physical collection devices property have been air and Holding glass wool feces and does to design the waste to this material collection design or urine a new stream vials. by CERMA(French concept screen from satisfy disk and are projected is shown urine Animal layered not the medical except the absorbing revolving incoming branch as a conveyor air stream and mesh. Either and feces designed are captured and feces to Feces impregnated collects A wire-mesh None of the above urine carried in a stream for the Research acid to the RAHF is changed products urine two. is similar Feces designed only material are from from each other mechanically based following feces and urine device. are separated and urine. Collector. attempt urine feces separating LMSC: screen urine both for to a collection separation, between belt principles are to capture without between investigated The basic The vials. schematically repel A 5-11 is needed into a vessel against system. the of 5-4 with angular the waste that Urine Both an angular into a collection off requirements. as follows. collection diagram in Fig. 5-5. is not collected radially and flows feces the Space Station waste rotating groove which section and separator a lab prototype and shown is are and in OP_'GINA.U PA'¢'_ [_ DE £OOR QUALITy, CAGE EXHAUST / _ ......... ] II._ 3 in I_ i-=-_:._-_] :: URINE COLLECTING GROOVE (VARIABLE DEPTH}., \ LMSC/F071319A PLENUM I"_ - - / .... "--" " "J°'"_ 4 s in ---------.._i --i .... l! Jl • I !1 FIXED CAGE i ,.'_i/- CAGE FLOOR .... ,......j .. ......._ • __'= .... o.s_,.--..4 _ __\\\\\\\\\\\"_ ...... _,...: .,...., •: k" / / ' / " i , i/ / " / ,, \ ." i ,., . . .,, .. , :, .. ...... .,. _;,'7.:,_ , , , , , '_ "'. .'..-"I , __,x(,.i i..,1 _" "_ \-VARIABLE SPEED TURNTABLE Figure I _\\\\\\\\\\\\',_ Figure 5-4 5-5 MMS _-- ROTATING '_=" _ L_RdS Waste SEPARATOR/ COLLECTOR Separator Urine-Feces 5-12 - and Collector Collector Prototype ._ LMSC/F071319A This device has been tested in the laboratory. like material design aid are in on the The ramps Doubling the Respiratory shown in dioxide Although into Measurement and and internal do Furthermore, is not at the gas no have urine solids units should pressure is for oxygen the that experiments collection be too open open shallow. a carbon does I from varying ambient. atmospheric CONTROL P-TOT ,,_' CO ANALYZER CAGE , , OXYGEN D : Z_ I ANALYZER I P-TOT CO CONTROLLER I FLOW DETECTOR I ! _ I_ ]rOX_GEN CONTROLLER CO SCRUB2BER 7 CPU CPU FLOW DETECTOR Figure VALVE 5-6 PRESSURE REGULATOR AIR PUMP Closed Metabolic Measurement 5-13 System not. metabolic s it ion. DISPLAY are reliability. most differ require systems MMS its regulated, conditions grooves supplies, increasing be to hydrophobic feces and whereas reduced, a to this problem. closed requires cannot atmospheric shown this to collection the feces- collector that liquid solve regulation MMS metabolic shown were Concepts MMS rotating entering collector closed open from of advancements the Additional composition require IOC experiments some the The internal MMS through preferred. separation some exit Subsystem. 5-7. of However, should Also, collector complexity experiments compo of 5-6 flow to prevent leading scrubber, Therefore, up number Figs. air disk back Gas accomplished. waste. rotating as was Cage porting suggested vial. water required. trans surface are from An excellent Concept LMSC/F071319A VALVE DISPLAY CONTROL CO2 ANALYZER CONTROLLER 02 ANALYZER CPU AIR FLOW 2.66 L/min_ib, INPUT AIR FILTER AIR PUMP Open Metabolic In the open MHS, the ammonia whereas regulation MMS An or open MHS. additional specimen least must Temperature remain 90 minutes is limited measurement times the In conclusion, being the of closed. An fabricated for more science these tradeoffs alarm remain is required. for of at LMSC. 5-14 the closed open length to be residence and MMS. of time MMS per day a for at time time delta protocols. sampled is Shorter thereby day. that the open MMS would model the in the closed This designs per for either to Humidity In the open MMS residence measurements. specimens is not detrimental is the minimum measurement. conducted indicate experimental testing must experimental allow which necessary impact specimen a meaningful considering amount A Concept and extraction is not scientific for meaningful would an ammonia injection regulation has System a steady-state concept, vapor in the MMS. to 30 minutes when than that to obtain significant increasing both water factor Measurement level reaches in the closed requires OUTPUT AIR FILTER FLOW DETECTOR 5.7 the animal, CAGE the open be more advantageous MMS has been designed and is LMSC/F071319A 5.2.3 The Cage Washer overall periodic objective housekeeping conducted in approaches, design of 1985 and on steam the washer is sterilization four cleaning cage candidate and to reduce of crewtime specimen systems cages. produced incineration, capable associated two Trade studies competitive of achieving the with design following parameters: o Volume o Power: o Cycle 30" : 2 kW x 40" x 84" peak criteria: 96 rodent rodent and 8 squirrel or 2 squirrel week. Daily solar power All monkey monkey use must cleaned cages/cycle be limited availability processing cages for 12 cycles to 14 hours for a maximum of reusables per week; will 12 per due to peak of two cycles/day. be performed the day of use Steam with Cleaning. high cleaning power Longer Steam power and efficiency cage limit. This heating accommodate nature of systems must be safeguards steam into meeting and will be taken 5-15 heat an energy in duration. environment. combines cleaning systems of 30 minutes must 5-9) a quick-rise integrated at 260°F and attractive the only by using times of lab equipment a repetitive were 5-8 a very of only one hour Holding Material (see Figs. to create is achieved times of sterilization. allocations. liner cycle times sterilization cleaning Steam the tentative pipe The system found steam plan 2 kW generator. that will is a proven method to be adequate as a reference into account usage process. management have been serve low water in cycle for time due to the corrosive LMSC/F071319A 40 in. • HIGH-PRESSURI NOZZLES WITH CENTRIFUGAL SPIN ACTION 84 in. COMMON MODULE WATER-STORAGE TANK PROCESSING EQUIPMENT Figure 5-8 Stream Cleaner D-16 Conceptual Design LHSC/FO71319A MICROWAVE [ I BLEEDER VALVE HOLDING r" i TANK I I I WATER STORAGE ® I I BLOWER t I I PHASE CHANGE THERMAL CAPACITOR AT ,, 125"F TO 70*F m TUB T - 280"F STEAM GENERATOR FILTER PHASE CHANGE THERMAL CAPACITOR AT ,, 100"F TO 70"F VALVE PHASE ;EPARATOR WATER-PROCESSING PROCESSINGWATER STORAGE SYSTEM Figure 5-9 St.eam Cleaner 5-17 Schematic D E S S I C A N T LMSC/F071319A Heat Cleaning. Incineration and weight efficient system. burning the the waste, lithium hydroxide of harmful processing system. porcelain enamels for environment. factor usage in design would include high water in processing. The or cage Replaceable cage The lack temperatures However, steam to lower lack inherent than sterilization the to water of various Material hot corrosion is a is its high incinerator temperature, that is discarded replace introduces available. high the the need of its would thermal primarily The key power Such optimization technology order for 800°F-1200°F sterilization. in the ECLSS 800oF. in in A properties operating was oxygen and volume. power-optimized cleaning. system inherent needs a the oven cleaning of of volume to a complete of incineration recovery/reduction resupply of important drawback mass relative greater very than spray/wash and significant The be The main heat small most little to supplement on the self-cleaning at attractive be the comparatively to a negligible temperatures would oxidizers other usage to represents be needed would temperatures. it more catalytic and this 5-11) it use the waste sterilization such Options. results heater make using Discarded cleaning does is based heated and bed would but attractiveness. attaining capacitors, its when Instant in its absorbent The process 5-10 only reduces oxides, heat Figs. Not it also (LiOH) processing safeguards (see due Water water for to usage lost in an electric germicides. liner cage interiors, option was liners and discarded also principally are not practical automation difficulties. 5-18 because because long-term of bioisolation, cost. intricate LI_C/F071319A > HIGH-PRESSURE SPRAY NOZZLES WITH CENTRIFUGAL SPIN ACTION ELECTROLYSIS EQUIPMENT TRACEELEMENT SCRUBBER MODULE 02 STORAGE TANK COOLING EQUIPMENT CAGE STORAGE Figure 5-10 Conceptual Design of Heat Cleaner CONDENSER! CATALYTIC OXIDIZER D2STORAGE COMPRESSOR PRIMARY CHAMBER T - 800°F TO 1200"F TRACE. CONTAMINANT SYSTEM CHEMICALS ECS THERMAJ I UOH SORBENT BED t COMPRESSOR I 1 E V A P 0 C O N D E R N S E T O R I Figure 5-11 =1= Schematic 5-19 of Heat Cleaner I I ELECTROLYSIS SABATIER ] EQUIPMENT REACTOR J LMSC/FO71319A 5.3 COST The cost ESTIMATES estimates evaluation The (DDT&E) SAAX0307 at IOC. which becomes The SAAX0302 Costs o Estimates are o Phase start o Development o Costs o The normal complexity Equipment For for hardware exist are be also must not assigned equipment a complexity been a number C/D. date arrived vivarium lab used to full is current factor non-flight at by engineering 2 Breadboard 3 Prototype 5-20 for each to be or on the basis within or than status of as flight Each definitions and in unity. the item. qualified equipment status item. higher higher its development status thinking equipment lower or exists costs. LSRFwork, adjustments to development that reflects I Concept Cost lower judgement current are computed (FC) hardware on earlier to reflect deemed development follows: I/1/93 and items developed Development configuration are based factor has already for Module program item that charged Laboratory dollars of development. relative of Phase IOC for equipment be adjusted be assigned start to reflect can be and LSRF. and groundrules a racetrack hardware a complexity An test (SAAX0302) animal-plant elements and state by assigning of a Science million in and factors (CERs) factor, should module flight cases and FOC Assumptions 1987 functional science is unity. FY 7/i/87 applying development, following: foot is IOC. is protoflight relationships an item at the as life factor should therefore, by in some be made costs example, date WBS a complexity CER can a 45 (SAAX0307) or one-half after year approach generated estimating each for design, is for a dedicated the constant for Weights of weight, in C/D adjusted Cost include o are are estimate address for 10C portion two years estimates section costs the LSRF operational cost in this and operations represents (SLM) generate presented item, as it will number codes LMSC/P071319A The estimating define from categories and i. mechanisms CERs 6 Plight tested 7 Issue/Rethink for five categories each piece model few (CD) typical RCA Pure parts. PRICE 2. LMSC CD= 3. complicated flight. Category 1 but Example: More LMSC CD= Category complicated life Still than costs were cost (CU) Stowage impractical categories are hardware 2. Proposal lockers. to derived data. The described with More Category Similar no CER below. complicated Equations were slightly more system Complicated are common were in groundcalibrated estimate: Hardware: equipment gas system that .0056xW.854xFC type supply. has been Hardware developed Equations were for more space calibrated cost: CU= 3. cost Hardware Equations Electromechanical support support functions Refrigerator/Freezer. .087xW.735xFC 4. is available Hardware. performing Complicated Life RAHF unit it values: CUr Category Example: and Electromechanical Refrigerator/Freezer than against Example: .035xW.760xFC Category These mechanical book because CUffi .0035xW.837xFC Simple than CERs hardware. calibrated development moving of of Structures. applications. against qualified .037xW.734xFC complicated against Flight estimating Simple using Category based 5 for and/or CD= prototype uses equations an RCAPRICE derived Plight model CER Category 4 .009xW.850xFC Electromechanical Development 5-21 history Hardware. is limited Hardware and applications more are LMSC/F071319A more unique than those of Category 3. Equations were CD- calibrated 5. Whatever mechanical Examples: Equipment. CD= Signal estimate for will supplanted that is almost is less than lab equipment by less are provided double that for (e.g. centrifuge expensive vivarium SAAX0307 equipment Details DDT&E of are provided the and annual in the following TABLE 5-I SAAX0307 operating equipment) during transition that to to be double those for costs COSTS DDT&E for SAAX0307 and AND ($M) OPTION DDT&E SAAX0307 233.6 31.5 SAAX0302 309.5 63.0 ANNUAL OPS COSTS In the strict sense of the word, a protoflight module incur no Recurring Production at this time. non-recurring SAAX0307 subsections. AND SAAX0302 OPERATIONS identified using The DDT&E cost because and analytical SAAX0307. should derived in Table 5-1. costs for SAAX0302 are estimated DDT&E were CU= .0166xW.880xFC Annual operating 5.3.1 electronics. and simple functions. Equations SAAX0302. SAAX0302 pure book values. SAAX0302 expensive .0095xW.870xFC Conditioners. for SAAX0307 and SAAX0302 contains Facility. cost: Hardware .3 26xW. 730xF C Cost estimates Animal Holding parts it contains provide only elementary Transponder, RCA PRICE be CU= Electronic Research LMSC RAHF .098xW.745xFC Category typical against Example: However, costs were calculated program in a single costs, or at least none for the purpose for production 5-22 resulting of this estimate, that can be recurring of each protoflight lab and hardware LMSC/F071319A item. Recurring model and DDT&E costs outfitters and are at at SAAX0307 point for to cost 19X (Table of view runs necessary module non-recurring estimated for utility those and and LSRF and 5-2) 81Z therefore the of and equipment convert calculations the total SAAX0302 assume module based DDT&E (Table that interfaces. common are the Items to are RCA estimated in from provides these operational tables life LEVEL 5-2 DDT&E COST ESTIMATE WBS ELEMENT TITLE FOR TOTAL COST(MS) NON-flECURR COST(MS) flECURR 233.59 189.21 44.38 3.16 a.56 0.60 1.02 0.24 0.54 0.13 12.18 a.86 5 Science Laborator 9 Module 6 I. Structure T 1.1 Primer9 7 1.2 Seconders a.85 7 1.3 Mechanisms 0.00 T 1.4 Tanks (Pressurized 7 1.5 Subsystem Engineering 6 2. Thermal Control T a.1 Radiators 7 a.a Insulation T a.3 Liquid 7 a.4 Gas Cooling 7 a.5 Sensors & Controls (1) 7 2.6 Heat Pipes (1) 7 2.7 Thermionics (1) 7 a.8 Cold Plate (1) 7 2.9 Subsgstem Engineering 6 3. Power 0.67 7 3.1 Power Storage 0.47 T 3.a Oistributiun 7 3.3 Subs]stem Engineering 6 4. 7 4.1 T 4.2 Temperature 7 4.3 Pressure 7 4.4 Ventilation T 4.5 Potable 7 4.6 Waste Manageuent Sobsgstem 0.38 7 4.7 Trash Collection & Disposal 3.90 7 4.8 Equipment [ Module Cleaning 2.94 7 q.? Subsystem Engineering (a) | Unpressurized) 0.31 (1} 1.26 (1) (1) Cooling Sgstem (1) System (1) 11) Conditioning, Environmental Control Contamination Support 0.20 15.04 (Internal) 0.63 9 _ Atmospheric & Cabin Air Water 8 Cent (1) & Life Control | Hulidit flegulatinn (1) Composition,Men Oistributiun & Cent 3.42 0.84 Suppl 9 a.93 (1) 5-23 are sciences SAAX0307 COST(MS) an ECLSS IOC. TABLE PRICE respectively. module listed a fully the costs, 5-3) common upon LMSC/F071319A TABLE LEVEL 5-2 DDT&E COST ESTIMATE FOR SAAX0307 COST(MS) TOTAL WBS ELEMENTTITLE -- 5. Crew Accommodations 5.1 Restraints(Crew mounted,e.g.,3rdarm) 5.2 Tool Kits 5.3 Special Purpose Lighting 5.4 Personal Hygiene Subsystem 5.5 Emergency Medical Kits 5.6 HumanEngineering 6. Command & Data Handling Subsgstel 6.1 Displays & Controls 6.2 Instrumentation 1165 0.23 6.3 Communications Interfaces 6.4 Command t Data Handling 6.5 Data Storage 0.53 14.18 7.1 Effluent (1) 1.03 0.11 Control 0.73 0.19 1.82 (1) 7.2 Window Cleaning Apparatus 7.3 Shields _ Covers 8. Sgstem Test Hardware 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 Mechanical Test Equipment flF Test Equipment Electrical Test Equipment Alignment Equipment COST(MS) COST(MS) NOM-RECUflR RECUflfl 1.34 0.31 20.60 4.83 0.16 0.15 0.35 0.31 0.45 25.43 9.69 0.53 0.50 6.6 Subsgstem Engineering 7. Contamination Control (External) (Cont'd) o.83 o.2o 1.47 0.35 3.37 0.79 1.84 0.43 17.47 4.10 (1) (1) (1) 8.5 Thermal Test Equipment 8.6 VacuumThermal Equipment 8.7 Mass Properties Measurement Equipment 8.8 Equipment Interface Simulation 9. Integration, Assembly _ Checkout 9.1 Integration t Assembly Hardware 9.2 Checkout Console _ Supporting Hardware 9.3 Design Maintenance & Liaison 9.4 Tool Planning, Oesign i Fabrication 10. Product Assurance 10.i Safety 10.2 Reliability 10.3 Qualit9 Assurance (1) (1) (1} (1} 4.16 (1) (1) If) (1) 2.27 (1) (1) (1) (1) 21.57 (1 (1 (1 10.4 Maintainabilitg 11. System Test Operations 11.1 Electrical 11.2 Vibration & Acceleration 11.3 Thermal 11.4 EMI 11.5 EMC (1 (1 (1 I1) (1) 11.6 Alignment 11.7 Calibration 11.8 ThermalVacuum 11.9 Acoustic (1) (1) 11.10 Simulation Modeling 5-24 OF POOR QUALIA'I'_j LMSC/F071319A TABLE LEVEL 5-2 DDT&E COST ESTIMATE FOR WBSELEMENT TITLE SAAX0307 COST(MS) TOTAL 2.54 (1) 6 12. Flight Software 7 7 7 12.1 Data Handling i Processing 12.2 Command 12.3 Communication 7 7 12.4 Applications Interface 12.5 Fault Isolation & BITE 6 7 7 13. Ground Logistics Support Equipoent 13.1 Preflight 13.2 InflightlIncludes ground control opslPOC eqt) 13.3 Postflight 6 7 14. 5]stems Engineering & Integration 14.1 Hardware Developoent Planning 7 7 7 14.2 Configuration Control 14.3 Mission Analysis 14.4 Interface Requirements (5ubsgstes & Software) 7 7 7 14.5 Specifications 14.6 Engineering Data 14.7 Engineering Analgses(Therul , dgnaoics, etc.) 6 7 7 7 15. Progras Managesent 15.1 Project Managesent; Coordination 15.2 Planning 8 Scheduling 15.3 Controls 7 15.4 5ubcontrzctorlPendor Liaison 7 7 15.5 Manageieot Data 15.6 fleviews 7 15.70esigo 6 7 8 8 O B B 8 8 B 8 16. General Purpose Facilities | Equipuent 16.1 Module Specific Equipment 16.1.1 General Purpose Work Station 16.1.2 Laborator 9 Centrifuge 16.1.3 Refrigerator/Freezer(-2O deg) 16.1.4 Freezer (-70 deg) 16.1.5 flesearch Computer 16.1.6 Cleanup facilities 16.1.7 Small mass measurement device 16.1.8 Dissection kit 16.1.9 Dosioeter 8 16.1.10 Video recorder/camera 8 8 8 B 16.1.11Ph]siological amplifier 16.1.12 Strip chart recorder 16.1.13 Gas analgzerlMass spectrooeter 16.1.14 5pectrophotometer 8 B B 8 16.1.15 Oscilloscope 16.1.16 pHIIon analgzer 16.1.17Microscope 16.1.1B Dissection microscope (1) (1) (1} (1) 9.57 (1) (Coot'd) COST(MS) COST(MS) NOH-RECUflfl RECURfl 2.06 0.4B 7.75 1.82 22.57 5.30 12.21 2.86 57.87 13.57 (1) (1) 27.87 (1 (1 (I (1 (1 (! (1 15.07 (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) to Cost (1) 71.44 30.86 4.37 0.19 0.90 0.74 0.88 0.69 0.39 0.59 0.75 3.62 2.24 3.32 4.90 4.09 2.00 0.54 0.42 0.23 5-25 ORIGINAL DE POOR TABLE LEUEL PAGE IS. LMSC/F071319A QUALIT_ 5-2 DDT&E COST ESTIMATE _85 ELEMENT TITLE Life 16.2 8 16.2.1 Rodent Standard Equipment B 16.2.2 Rodent Artificial 8 16.2.3 Egg Incubator 8 16.2.6 Small 8 16.2.7 CELSS Holding B 16.2.8 Incubator-CO2 Plant Aniaal SAAX0307 COSTIH$) 7 16.2.9 Sciences FOR Holding Facility Gravity Holding Holding (Cont'd) CDST(H$) COST(MS) TOTAL NON-RECURR _EC_RR 40.58 32.87 7.71 7.66 Holding Facility Facility 19.68 0.47 Facility 4.10 & Test Facilit9 3.77 0.90 Physiological Monitoring Sustem 4.00 6 17. Operatinns 8.30 7 17.1 Training 1.75 7 17.2 0.53 7 17.3 Airborne Support Equipt (ASE] 7 17.4 Maintenance 7 17.5 MocWups 7 17.6 Ground Operations (Pre-, 7 17.7 Flight (Including 7 17.8 Recoverg (End-of-Life Disposal) Logistics 6.72 1.58 4.27 1.00 4.51 1.06 6.18 1.45 1.84 0.43 4.79 _ Servicing 0.40 0.23 Operations In-, & Post-flight) scheduling) 0.27 0.13 TBD 18. Station Equipment 5.27 7 18.1 Safe Haven Equipment 0.12 7 18.2 Secondar9 Controls 5.15 7 18.3 Lighting 7 18.4 Caution 7 18.5 Fire Detection 7 18.6 Equipment (2} _ Warning (2) _ Suppression (2) Work Stations 0.00 6 19. Customer Accommodation Hardware 5.57 7 19.1 2.27 7 19.2 Pointing 7 19.3 Optical 7 19.4 Scientific Airlock 7 19.5 Rapid Specimen Return 1.19 6 20. Ground Software 7.63 7 20.I Sgstem Test 7 20,2 Inflight Verification 7 20.3 Data Handling & Processing (I} 7 20.4 Telemetr9 & Command (1} 7 20.5 Communications (1) 7 20.6 Applications Interfaces (1} 7 20.7 On-orbit Interface (Real time} 6 21. Spares 7 21.1 Batteries (I) 7 21.2 Filters (I) 7 21.3 (I) Experiment Equipment IIF (Elect,data,thermal] Sgstem 1.22 0.22 Window 0.67 (1) _ Checkout (I) (i) 2.27 Light Bulbs _I) lnc!uoed elsewhere (2) Part of Common MoDule 5-26 LMSC/FO7 TABLE LEVEL 5-3 COST ESTIMATE FOR SAAX0302 COST(MS) WB5 ELEMENT TITLE TOTAL 309.50 Science Laboratory Module 6.32 I. Structure COST(MS) COST(MS} NON-RECURR RECURR 58.81 250.70 5.12 1.20 2.04 O.J8 1.09 0.2S (2) 1.1 Primary 1.2 1319A 5.70 Secondary O.O0 1.3 Mechanisss 1.4 Tanks (Pressurized 1.5 Subsystem Engineering 0.62 & Unpressurized) (11 2.52 2. Thermal Control 2.1 Radiators (1 2.2 Insulation 2.3 Liquid Cooling 2.4 Gas Cooling {1 System Sgstee (1 2.5 Sensors _ Controls (1 2.6 Heat Pipes (1 a.7 Thermionics (I 2.8 Cold Plate 2.9 Subsystem Engineering 3. 3.1 1.34 Power 0.94 Power Storage 3.2 Distribution Conditioning, Regulation _ Cont 3.3 (1} Subsystem Engineering 17.67 4. Environmental Control G Life Support _ Atmospheric Cumposition,Mon &Cont 3.42 4.4 Ventilation & Cabin Air Distribution 0.84 4.5 5.56 Potable Water Supply T 4.6 Waste Management Subsystem 0.38 7 4.7 Trash Collection _ Disposal 3.90 7 4.3 Equipment & Module Cleaning 2.94 T 4.9 Subsystem Engineering (1) 5. Crew Accommodations 3.30 7 5.1 Restraints(Crew 0.46 7 5.2 T 5.3 Special Purpose Lighting 0.30 7 5.4 Personal H_giene Subsgstem 0.70 7 5.5 Emergenc 9 Medical Kits 0.62 7 5.6 Human Engineering 6 6. Command & Data Handling Subsystem 7 6.10isplags 7 6.2 Instrumentation !.06 7 6.3 Communications Interfaces !.00 T 6.4 Command _ Data Handling 6 _.26 (1) 4.2 Temperature _ Humidity Pressure 14.31 0.63 4.1 Contamination Control (Internal) 4.3 0.40 mounted, e.g.,3rd arm) 2.67 0._3 24.04 5.64 0.32 Tool Kits 0.90 29.68 !2.91 & Controls 0.53 ORIGINAL PAGE 5-27 O_ L_K)R QUALI_. IS ORIGINAL OE TABLE LEVEL POOR COST 5-3 IS PAGE LMSC/F07131gA QUALrI_ ESTIMATE FOR SAAX0302 (Cont'd) COST(MS) WBS ELEMENT TITLE TOTAL Data Storage 6.6 5ubsgstem Engineering Contamination 7.1 (External) 1.32 0.73 7.3 0.37 & Covers 2.44 System Test H_rdware B.1 Mechanical Equipment 8.3 Electrical 8.4 Alignment 8.5 Thermal Test Equipment (1) B.7 Mass Properties Measurement Equipment (1) Simulation (1} & Checkout 5.30 9.1 Integration & Assembly Hardware (1) 9.2 Checkout (1) 9.3 Design 9,4 Tool tO. Product Interface Integration, Assembl9 Console & Supporting Hardware Design & Fabrication Assurance 10.2 Reliability (1) 10.3 Qualit9 10.4 Maintainabilit 4.38 2.41 0.56 10,39 2.44 (1) 9 23.05 Sgstem Test Operations Electrical 11.2 Vibration 11.3 Thermal (1) 11.4 EMI (1} 11.5 EMC (1) 11.6 Alignment (1) 11.7 Calibration (1} (1) & Acceleration (l) 11.8 Thermal Vacuum (I) 11.9 (1) Acoustic Simulation (1) Modeling 2.97 Software 12.1 Data Handling 12.2 Command 12.3 Communication 12.4 Applications 12.5 Fault 13. 18.67 (1) Assurance 11.1 Flight 0.58 (1) 3.05 (1) 12. 2.47 (1) _ Liaison 10.1Safetg 11.10 1.01 (1) 0.6 Vacuum Thermal Equipment 11. 4.29 (1} Equipment Planning, 0.46 (1) Test Equipment Maintenance 1.98 ll) RF Test 9. 0.25 (1) Test Equipment 8.2 8.8 Equipment 1.07 0.22 7.2 Window Cleaning Apparatus 8. RECURR (I) Control Effluent Control Shields COST(MS) 14.1B 6.5 7. COST(MS) NON-RECURR (1) & Processing (1} (1) (1) Interface (1) Isolation _ BITE Ground Logistics Support Equipment 5-28 12.83 LMSC/F071319A TABLE LEVEL 5-3 C0ST ESTIMATE FOR SAAX0302 (Coot'd) COST(MS) WBS ELEMENT TITLE TOTAL 13.1 Preflight 7 13.2 Inflight(Includes 13.3 6 14. ground control ops/POC eq$) (I) Engineering & Integration 36.89 7 14.1 Hardware Development Planning (1) 7 14.2 Configuration Control 111 7 14.3 Mission Analysis 11) 7 14.4 Interface 7 14.5 Specifications 7 14.6 Engineering Data 7 14.7 Engineering Anzlgses(Thermal, 6 15. Program Management 7 15.1 Project 7 7 15.2 15.3 Planning _ Scheduling Controls 7 15.4 Subcontractor/Vendor 7 15.5 Management Data (11 7 15.6 Reviews (1) 7 15.7 Design to 6 Requirements (Subsgstem & Software) dgnamics, etc.) 16.18 3.79 79,.57 18.67 53.29 12.50 (1) (1) 19.97 (1} (1) 11) (1) Liaison (1) Cost Specific & Equipment 98.24 32.45 7 16.1 8 16.1.1 General Equipment 8 16.1.8 Laborator 9 Centrifuge 8 16.1.3 RefrigeratorlFreezer(-SO 8 16.1.4 Freezer 8 16.1.5 Research B 16.1.6 Cleanup facilities 8 16.1.7 Small 8 16.1.8 Oissection 8 16.1.9 Dosimeter O 16.1.10 Uiden 8 16.1.11 Phgsiological amplifier 2.24 8 16.1.18 Strip chart recorder 3.32 8 16.1.13 Gas analgzerlMass spectrometer 4.90 8 16.1.14 Spectrophotometer 4.09 8 16.1.15 Oscilloscope 2.00 8 16.1.16 pHIIon analgzer 0.54 8 16.1.17 Microscope 0.42 8 16.1.18 Dissection 7 16.2 8 16.2.1 Rodent Standard D 16.2.2 Rodent Artificial Gravit9 Holding Facility 8 !6.2.3 Egg Incubator Purpose 4.37 Work Station 0.19 1.52 dog) degJ 1.71 Computer 0.88 (-70 0.69 mass measurement device 0.39 kit 0.59 0.75 3.62 recorder/camera Sciences 7.01 11) 16. General Purpose Facilities Life 29.88 11) Management & Coordination Module RECURR (I} Postflight Systems COST(MSI (I) 7 7 COST(MS) NON-RECURR microscope 0.23 Equipment 65.79 Holding Holding FacilitV 9.19 19.68 0.47 Facilit9 5-29 ORIG_AI, OF POOR PAGE QUALITY IS LMSC/FO71319A TABLE LZVEL 5-3 COST ESTIIdATE FOR SAAX0302 (Cont'd) COST(MS) WBS ELEMENT TITLE TOTAL 16.2.4 Rndent Breeding Holding Facility 8 16.2.5 Large Primate Holding Facility 6.87 8 16.2.6 Small Plant Holding Facility 6.87 8 16.2.7 CELSS Holding & Test Facility 3.77 8 16.2.0 Incubator-C02 0.90 8 16.2.9 B 16.2.10 7 16.2.11 Primate Handling 6 Physiological Rodent Monitoring Metabolic System 10.00 17.1 Training 17.2 Logistics 7 17.3 Airborne 7 17.4 Maintenance 7 17.5 Mockups 7 17.6 Ground Operations (Pro-, ? 17.7 Flight (Including 7 17.8 Recovery Support Equipt 8.43 1.98 8.30 1.95 7.21 1.69 2.47 0.58 6.42 (ASE) 0,40 & Servicing 0.30 Operations lEnd-of-Life In-, & Post-flight) scheduling) 0.27 0.13 TBO Disposal) 10.41 Equipment 0.12 18.1 Safe 7 18.2 5ecnndar9 7 18.3 Lighting 7 18.4 Caution _ Warning 7 10.5 Fire 7 18.6 Work Stations 6 19. Customer 7 19.1 Experiment 7 19.2 Pointing 59stem 2.44 7 19.3 Optical Window 0.22 7 19.4 Scientific Airlock 0.67 7 19.5 Rapid Specimen Return 2.38 20. 8.90 Haven Equipment Controls 10.29 Equipment (2) Detection (2) (2) & Suppression 0.00 10.25 Accommodation Hardware Equipment IIF (Elect,data,thermal) Ground Software 4.54 (1) 7 20.1Sgstem 7 20.2 Inflight 7 20.3 Data Handling 7 20.4 Teleeetr9 & Command (1) 7 20.5 Communications (1) 7 20.6 Applications 7 20.7 On-orbit 21. 1.90 0.53 7 6 B.IO 1.95 7 Station 4.00 0.54 Kit 17. Operations 18. RECURR 4.76 Facility 7 6 COST(MS) 8.74 8 Animal COSTIMS) NON-RECURR Test (1) Verification & Checkout (1) & Processing (1) Inter@aces (1) Interface (Real timed 3.05 Spares 7 21_I Batteries (1) 7 21.2 Filters (1} 7 21.3 Light (1) Bulbs (2) Part o_ Co,mon Module {I) Included elsewhere 5-30 LNSC/071319A Fundin_ were Profiles. constructed through based first upon different launch. 5.3.1 Funding 7 to years, The using evaluate launch. year The so the profiles It based assumptions LSRF Missions SAAX0307 requirements (Fig. is profiles are same for funding programs. profiles the profiles 5-12 and recognized shown as upon the DDT&E in 5-4) 307 dollars Section program Table that are defined from costs and vs. initiation are and SAAX0302 generated 302 years detailed in start in prior to Section 5.3. BO 70- 60- .--% 307"7" __ \\ \\ // // // // // // \ ././ U9 n, .J O 3o V 2O I0 k \\ // \\ \\ // // \\ // \\ \ \ \\ // // // I k\H b,\l V/INN I//TN F"/I':\ 4 V /I\ I YR-1 TR-2 [7=-/] YR--_ "I_R-4 YR-_ Funding Profiles SA,_,O_07 Figure \I 5-12 5-31 YN-6 "_ I "I'T_-7 LHSC/071319A TABLE 5-4 FUNDING PROFILES FOR SAAX0307 AND cost YEAR 5.3.2 Annual Annual al the activities 6.8 2 24.1 31.9 3 45.8 60.7 4 57.2 75.8 5 53.3 70.6 6 35.5 47.0 7 12.9 17.0 Cost costs The operating costs Costs are are Estimates as in YEAR PROGRAM Estimate for pre-launch, the LSRF groundrules 7 SAAX0302 5.1 animal-plant section. A I involving dedicated FOR (MS) SAAX0307 Operations operations SAAX0302 portion vivarium and on-orbit, of the and combined Iab(SAAX0302) assumptions post-return are made in lab operation- (SAAX0307) presented developing and in the this annual follows: constant year are for the 45 STS transportation FY foot 1987 dollars module in the racetrack configura- tion Costs for $5.27K/kg/flight payload The capability Space resupply Station flights based of on 17,270 resupply per assume a shuttle a pro-rated cost of roundtrip cost of $91M kg period year 5-32 is 90 days requiring four and a LMSC/F071319A The factors and engineering Annual operations broken down The annual owing to SAAX0302 for nineWBS operations its SAAX0307 for SAAX0302 are are SAAX0307 of equipment. given 5-5 agreed for amount TABLE and elements costs reduced estimate used estimating are upon are by the asumed The shown in Table LSRF to be 5-5. project b,lE_;5 :1.7" C]pe r'ii_.'_, :i. c:)ns O 1 7:1. 17 50Z of methodology those and 1 7 li!_lemen'i', OPERATING COSTS SAAX0302 AND "f':i.i',le A:i.r'bor'ne for rationale for the SAAX0307 6?2 (_.liiM) S A A X 0 ,'3 0 T _3:I..'5 <.pc) D. ,'.3 :I. "37' :I.._.I Suppor'% are SAAX0302 !i_AAX()_3();?. I...¢:_ _l:i. _i% :i. cs ,3 Costs below. T"r'_.:i, n :i. ,_!_I F_ on participants. COST' I..._'nv e 1 based judgement costs into rationale 0 E!k:lu:i.l:)men% _?.'T :I. 1 :I. 6 :I.8 '5"7' 0 :I..8 '.5 0 9 F:_. :5',5 0 0 :I. 7" Zl i'qi_.:i, n "_,eni_3.nc_e i_tnd :I.'7 15 Moc: k u p s (i_ J"o u n cl [31:)e_ r'i!t_, :i. o rls 6 69 ",.3"3'.5 F:"1 :i. _l h % 01:),-_ r'i!ti', 8 _38 •4 _1.7 6 1 7 7 :1.'7 8 l:_r-:_c_l:lv_/_ r" _.j 17 9 J::' I"0 (;J I'_1.111 full-time Assuming is current hardware backup .1_....I_:i. F_2:) [):i. !_ 1:)o !_ii_._l. ) to training SAAX0302 for $75K/yr x = = which the over 90 is equal to 20Z total resupply and two at half :1.<!.:' "Tli]_13 :1.. _5 0 operation persons/flight totaling level, eight and is of the is also DDT&E 1.80 + the a cost cost 0.51 transportation per a one-to-one Therefore, There The STS days, required. $1.80M/yr. consumables, costs are $0.51M/yr). cover every crewmembers 24 costs crew eight 24 people/year hardware specimen rotated crew (0.2x$2.55M logistics are 0 _3 T'E:13 _, training to equal changeout, The (lii[ 1'Id.-..o Mi!Llli_l.(;J(.'..)lrl6..]l'l crewmembers instructors cost The :i. (:) n !_i :I. :I. _!).O 0 Two of 5,e r'v :i.<: :i. n _l total for for = of year. ratio training maintaining LSRF training $2.31M/yr. crew, equipment spares. at 90 kg each, totaling w._u_NA_L PA 180 5-33 i'OQ/_ ]E QUALITy 18 LMSC/F071319A kg/flight. Consumables equipment equivalent kg/flight. The totaling 754 $8.61M/yr are ($1.36M). per year cost is support This equals ($50.94M). This Maintaining mockups This $0.11M/yr. Ground Assuming engineering Preflight and $3.16 + 20 people 91.5 + recovery are $0.38 $75k/yr + $1.5 operations people on a 90 day rotation. totaling equaling 0.38M/yr. Recovery is still all previous consists 98M/yr. costs. The at at five 20% or of is update assumed and of at 700 549 kg of water is equal Assuming -/yr) to four The operation $34.44M.yr. Therefore, (95.39M). 937.14 20% and resupply 98.61M cost at i0% of the M/yr. of DDT&E recurring costs are DDT&E areas. are GSE hardware cost flight hardware cost equaling $1.SM/yr. Scheduling flight to be determined. first recovery $75k/year at at 5 $75K/yr The total ($0.54M). is rapid Configuration estimated of 2 people for mockups and four at consists equaling cost The $3.16M/yr. at 20 people recovery. capsules at management totaling people at equaling ground and $1.5M/yr. $75K/yr = $0.15M/yr. operation is $6.69M/yr. Therefore, The total the at $0.51M/recovery, of the flight total of separate estimated assurance at areas = spares estimated operations Flight at IM/yr Of per year postflight Quality k/kg 92.7M estimated is estimated sustaining has is three cost equals initial plus flight of 205 kg of food 95.27 resupply per Changeout $5.09M/yr. four recoveries $0.38M/yr. is equals total racks these x module. $0.27M/yr. consists $0.29M/capsule, of the 934.44M servicing operations of equipment and equals 50% hab consist cost the total at Maintenance CDOS The the equipment = 1634kg/flt estimated airborne to consumables kg/flight. logistics charged three specimen flights spares The to (180+700+754 resupply total are crew and scheduling. there are a total is estimated operations Management of all areas 5-34 The flight of 8 people at five people cost of $8.0 is estimated in operating costs per year per year + 0.38 crew has 2 each at 75K/yr = 98.38M/yr. at 5% of the total equals 962.99M/year. of LMSC/F071319A 5.4 PRELIMINARY The LSRF program Station purpose tation The following LSRF with and SS overview 5.4.1 LSRF an June represents 1985 it eventually is (AOs), Research Proposed and (5) design, of resources (4) Space support. for developing necessary identify the development, mission plan responsibilities; address: LSRF The the LSRF for LSRF; summarize interfaces (3) implemen- necessary management, mission for summary development planning, of equipment activities'associated project schedules that are taken together, provide sections, LSRF and a project and LSRF These science operation training; phased a with the generalized system. Requirements. from as that the New LSRF Committee, should review, be may the Life Science experiment "Life this of NASA, Applications investigations peer At requirements Technology appropriate sponsored VA. viewpoint either requirements The initial the NASA assumed Requirements. from aspects establish sections at Arlington, serve derived plan phases; the current NASA, all with Management be derived 10-12, supporting and end-to-end Experiment will definition, a comprehensive (2) help engineering, resupply Science Initial New program schedule. of consistent elements. LSRF developmental overall and activities; project implementation changeout New and approach, requirements integration development all the Station; management conducting a phased is to: (I) provide in Space of key PLANS to accomplish of the plan summarize AND encompasses verification, for inclusion by plan phasing, assembly, and SCHEDULES this academia, or Operations (ANs), undergone and upon recommendation into be for the follow-on 5-35 Pending held but review "Redbook" requirements Announcements or letters strategic LSRF Meeting" is unofficial Meeting existing (RTOPs), have for the IOC will Document. to which incorporated document Planning changes Plans Planning and industry. Requirements Notices scheduled Sciences time Sciences requirements of plans the Science missions JSC of be Opportunity of solicitation. committee Science Requirements or will may bump review, Steering Document. existing LMSC/F071319A experiments LSRF dependent Experiment requirements support document mission by Data of will allocation, available. Experiment Protocol Principal will Mission Production tuning, time-lining, Base 5.4.2 so as Implementation General basic types CORE, Life Science use, and broad (MPC) become ease CORE data trays, etc. range part in time and/or on data each with far the best experiment protocol. to the Planning LSRF fine Additionally, LSRF to These verification, phases. the base sufficiently delivered the rapid crew time the relational training, of LSRF performed experiment later the demands. apportionment, be LSRF the Support update. Engineering of modular Definition. and transportable Laboratory equipment i.e., review to be will during an integral of operational and and supporting for a mission, in planning, analysis of are accomplished protocols for use base, LSRF format planners, a portion that defined the in an automated at a point selected a fully protocol, station investigations developed Hardware/Instrumentation three (EUE). determinations and failure permit Space It is suggested to have equipment, data of SLM LSRF Once in become from an analysis priority will could schedules. contained payload experiments subsequent (PI) and relational and priority. Center to a mission can be stored specific Development protocol base is The area mission data which be required Station/Shuttle to determine data combinations Investigator defined experiment Base, that high equipment analyzed experiment and experiment be performed to be be determined line to insure Space investigation Requirements. this and other and Investigators, experiment Mission IOC Mission support Principle Support IOC Data Each These The assessment fully Base. needs control. Planning down priority requirements. addressable LSRF Data upon is defined recorders, LSLE Equipment of application, hardware. (LSLE), and to be semi-permanent, audio-visual, equipment The body system These mass 5-36 as general measuring Experiment Unique experiment consist of types are Equipment independent storage experiment device, will equipment refrigerator-freezer, is defined i.e., LSRF cabinets equipment exercise in with equipment, a I_SC/F071319A urine collection defined system, as that which experiments, i.e., olfactometer, freeze this equipment Preliminar7 result of the LSRF will with the form LSRF the not that time. stain use, later all the SLM could should could is set of counter, and storage the be identified of operating Requirements Document. performed must the as approved as a equipment on any combination document, be updated cell handling and development Requirements kit, The equipment contain SLMmodule equipment paragraphs. analysis experiments EUE to a specialized Engineering/Operations Thus, Science and Requirements. a preliminary that in use development, throughout etc. any single of CORE, address maximum LSLE, loads. Engineering/Operations new science requirements system. Development following The The kits, or limited Requirements Specification Facilities. of facilities to support the LSRF system is based on the assumptions: IOC mission launched (b) Science blood microscope etc. discussed it is recognized Requirements (a) be unique counter, dryer, will and EUE at any given enter gamma it is recognized mission, As is experiment EnKineerin_/Operations parameters While spectrophotometer, as Exclusive a of integration, integration "fully the of the LSRF equipped" IOC mission checkout, and will be performed at KSC if the SLM is module. as defined flight in (a) packaging will command and final be done LSRF at equipment the customer location. (c) LSRF Mission Planning, maintenance/servicing (d) Experiment equipment stored at GSFC housed and LSRFdevelopment or ARC. maintained will and As a minimum, performed expendables, CORE at be equipment, at GSFC exclusive after control, or of initial and equipment ARC. CORE equipment, certification, will be will be KSC. and implementation SLM"look-alike"modules. performed. training, The degree will require facilities of"look-alike"will it is currently 5-37 envisioned to accommodate vary that with KSC will function require several to be a full LMSC/F071319A flight SLM module to accomplish lanuch. ARC. One, trainer), is high facility, LSRF LSRF Operations Payload Facilities. and o Coordination o Center for orbit Additional of reside bed Space Station Unit function loaded at GSFC or (i.e., Ig assembly Development engineering (EDU) would of integration trainer. as an engineering operations and a Space A third test bed be test unit, an supporting facilities Station will Support consist Center of a (SSSC). mission payload and commanding investigations checkout, rendezvous planning facility and related and or activities logistics, NSTS interface, and proximity operations, and POCC functions. is stored LSLE or integration Initial one operations analysis and commanding, facilities: for payload performance monitoring at KSC should in which and a second mission preparation, provide LSRF facility expendables. equipment for CORE equipment at GSFC The two not required or ARC which second maintenance, controlled provides facility and QA supports requirements. Operation Training maintenance, handling (POCC) cooperative for Facilities. LSRF Training. serve LSRF center and mission" Center assembly, storage 5.4.3 would normal payload on the current "next overall protocol concept modules test the combined experiment performing operations coordination primary support the include: TheSSSCprovides: strategic integrated serve At a minimum Control functions Managing logistics (ADU), SLM the Engineering and under development. o Lpgistics control, Unit Operations POCC and would and would check-out additional Station fidelity Development future Space SLMunit, and and three A second command Advanced in the that be low fidelity needs. of very suggested a module would training The It integration will be training on laboratory experiment accomplished can start-up protocol, data at" GSFC be conducted procedures, or on the 5-38 equipment change-out, collection/recording and ARC fidelity Space using Station the high Systems on- logistics Trainer EDU. (SSST) LMSC/F071319A where nominal support, contingency activity emergency is One, SSSC; intervention. ground the other, engineering and general autonomous operation assess In the investigation certain transfer In would the place Data higher modes. and These computer serve as scheduled for special data and of data, data and desired at least calibration objective of operation. semi- Parallel performance, the experiment as opposed to experiment than parallel operation. received training available, interface, will except Real the LSRF and be time in be experiment left as may to conduct be requested communication channels result. Space Station LSRF form and of of storage, processing and within (e) audio-visual 5-39 experiment EDU, and capable in the of the The tools devices aspect in function processing storage that, ground instrument aids each simultaneously analog/digital interim downlink mode, Communications. will no and/or to data a minimum. communication tools voice on or instrument near-parallel having training little of the POCC verify costly of ground evaluating and for both handle and demands Processing processing to operations staff and in either with is the recognition protocol, crew, with highly of the investigation. kept on-orbit engineering the audio-visual aspects be useage operation reliability, of during more mode mode the period to monitor independent parallel performed PI delay a considered and having navigation to function in near-parallel equipment adjustments semi-autonomous clarify to is and communications planned this approach will force the and make which protocol the and and semi-autonomous behind unknowns allow results reflight, a constraints, operation will trajectory logistics, the LSRFis supported The rationale initially, other maintenance, Operationally, fully and management, available. Operations. two modes: systems planning, training On-orbit and and with the This mode will access (b) LSRF be to the the and will of records the Station be LSRF undoubtedly systems. with its Space dedicated permanent equipment PI equipped both requirements, Space would communication supporting (a) conduct data operational Station main micro-computers (c) data recorders archiving, (d) communications to display/replay to time system experiment LMSC/F071319A protocol training films. The specific configuration experiment remotely records Ground of communication plan. Principal controlled data (tapes, Mission system dumps, cassettes, Support. SSSC involvement may opt to conditions work will Operational participate from participation data with will be a function of the be crew permit Permanent flight. for the LSRF will be through as needed. the published The degree of experiment plans. institution/laboratory. the PI will require base access to on the next resupply support their interfaced time demands. and support experiments remotely to facilitate will be returned ground will be in accordance of remote station components thus offloading etc.) the POCC using the EDU to monitor and processing a compatible and direct PIs Under data terminal communication. f Scheduling. The Mission Production Requirements as a base and Space and schedule each investigation through its LSRF Engineering LSLE, and EUE required investigation effort needs the Office activities relative between EO, to reconfiguration 5.4.4 Project Conduct of the LSRF project priority. equipment. POCC, Where to initiate an R&D In instances where payload. are addressed those functions The MPC will act as SSSC to assure in a timely that all manner. Summary is structured phase A for preliminary with phased project requirements preliminary guidelines definition; phase B, phase C, definition, development, testing, final design, and flight unit preliminary D, flight unit manufacture, design, and concept planning requirements coordination IOC). to perform and The MPC, or not the CORE, (following the EO will be tasked the required Science as tools, will plan whether from internal resources the LSRF POCC will be tasked point approved schedules (EO), will ascertain test and deliver focal using with established to launch an LSRF reconfiguration/resupply coordinating utilizing in accordance is available can be satisfied, (MPC), Station and shuttle needs cannot be satisfied, to acquire, necessary Center and development flight certification planning, and operational with the Space Station office and other pertinent 5-40 planning; and phase support. Close participants should LMSC/F071319A be maintained between with the the Phase A Boeing LSRF and overall Space parallel studies common phases module, to assure and to optimize interface compatibility operational compatibility represented covers in this report, a major portion and of its predecessors, Phase A. and the Remaining effort of studies constraints, current the and the Space interfaces of the measurements, Initiating planned and studies protocols, equipment, develop an and base to its guidelines, and to maintain elements. Science Requirements priorities, data and to determine to define their requirements. approach operating maintain development, and their a data initial to LSRF of LSRF experiments, to define Program mission oriented efforts for Station pertinent of the headquarters discipline thus of knowledge Analysis (3) project Station. The work Continued (2) all the Study. consists (I) throughout for capability the material for the produced planning data base. (4) Definition and (5) From (6) In (3) of an LSRF above, (4), equipment and $233M for SAAX0307 (Code S). deriving current Space Common the be interface duty maintenance capabilities, information exchange tours, LSRF the information promising between by the Space guidelines, plans Station equipment. that generic much organization constraints, schedules requirements, as well philosophies project (I), (2), Station-funded recognizes and will candidate Space This from of the of NASA Plan. communications, mechanics as the most equipment. Project Program utilizing split funded concepts, Module identified of user LSRF Station as crewmember personnel may the documentation, establish of LSRF-funded of Concept, selection definition Preparation (such and System be of pre-, data set focal 5-41 need points. to as other interfaces, be pertinent etc.). among NASA the examined in-, and postflight systems, into motion and aspects support, Additionally, and to contractor LMSC/F071319A Phase B, Phase B activity LSRF Requirements System Design B proper The BI, specific technology be of will concepts attractive alternative may be providing for Phase Analysis B2, and early activities (such Functional hardware necessary Phase 'bake, Y for flight will be incorporated at preparing PlanninK. complete Other product key possible testing the Phase and may 5-42 need most the technology/established time Phase items. B include materials and QA definitions. to Critical standpoints. planning and Reliability, interface of LSRF selection, acceptability preliminary requirements of worthy be lead Safety, modification. B3 long candidate analyses, to verify will will industry. advanced aspects elements protocol into of B, advanced for the LSRF performed IOC Phase and with of promising development efficient and transformed advancements pursued for and process During software studies analyses), of and medical/scientific and the follows: state-of-the-art configuration hazard selection besolidified and trade or buy" as of design, and of System purpose in a timely innovative identified elements, software) evaluated promising Design. The _ Requirements. Current definition preliminary and will PlanninK Preliminary contractor equipment and modify, and (and B3 1 Development directed LSRF of design C/D EnKineerin explicit which summarized Development Preliminar as FMEA Shuttle/Spacelab engineering, be selected. and B are Development prepared. effectively developed, The a more requirements, needs. identification tradeoffs and will be the Phase potential and from requirements areas be funded. selection, undergo and LSRF will and product fabricated, and software be assessed subsystem hardware Science and the the Phase and engineering for C will to proceed Technological consideration producing Phase so that of DesiKn requirements, synthesize plans, hardware identified. analyses to efforts A science toward for information Definition the Phase directed Plans is major Preliminary Performance development manner. into and activities have Phase be Development preliminary will will Design and Phase Definition, be procured, hardware or may from microgravity, Modifications deemed designs. efforts documentation for initially interface will be control, LMSC/FO71319A science, design, performance, data base, operational of Phase support. B will consist specifications project Additional documentation, so Phase Preparation C/D that solicitation cost and Phase selection, pursue and It data Phase Reviews. Reviews Science and Engineering process Station Phase C, be conducted Requirements, of the Development critique Space will by teams Program System Plans, of Medical, will design, all existing updated tasks of if points the Phase during preparation be of the so that the end items Scientific, Engineering, B to the Phase C/D orderly B contractor, extended the Project directed a comprehensive, without and of the Phase would is not key product LSRF the period to assure contractor the be required during proceed C/D analyses, B contractor to the part and Phase support C contractor at the latter point, in depth to is important efforts and subsystem reviewed the Statement C/D) if the Phase C productive for the Phase This of project preparation that selected. transition permit planned C Work be testing unimpeded. pertinent (to Phase is being to tasks and this will information, productive contractor and proceed technical of the Phase is also meaningful, may during system At Plan, preparation other C prepared plans. Project efforts development, C preliminary testing as the During preparation contractor. C for Phase Phase and such investigations, Office's and of early development, required, plans engineering delays. finalization of Preliminary Design, can benefit from Manufacturing inand experts. Development, Testing, Final Design and Fli_ht Unit Preliminary Planning. Phase C shall include the detailed testing, design vehicle Functional assure analyses, and verifications procedures, modified finalizing and development to the its final final LSRF design make that mission hardware and performance or buy requirements decisions, are needed and conducting development, to satisfy modifications, requirements of protocols, interfaces. from configuration. configuration Phase This will 5-43 B will phase be will comply evaluated, require with all tested, and coordination to standards and LMBC/F071319A specifications The use of required for Space Station commercially encouraged to Development hardware minimize are required. the the (from Station, System a Design and from will be the hardware in inflight repair/replacement. evaluated would by the to determine be coordinated inhouse Protoflight tests will tests will NASA, medical/scientific, hardware as LSRF will be if modifications by NASA and performed determined surprises. components or by by cost and the testing configuration. Configuration, and Once it may and the be the used standpoint). and verified. hardware. level Units All prior LSRF to LSRF attempted the EDU verified (i) verify 5-44 an its the engineering, cases have and/or KC-135 of produced significant or in microgravity the These characteristics some in as is a formal the comprehensive goal of range of timelines. manufacture to in critical feedback these from of testing, using modified to and performance of of the LSRF. Performance testing for is for Development subsystem unknown, baselined, EDU tested the development EDU information specifications finalized of are Proven of the LSRF, be quality development standpoint. be be and operational is acceptable Engineering and throughout Microgravity should hardware will C that system. times to completion protocols Phase operation may that and component EDU experiment. Prior As and the many subsystems Shuttle/Spacelab drawings at B verify reliability, prepared and microgravity unpleasant experiment Phase to to certify interfaces be be utilized in microgravity tests. system the performed safety, complete certify be and will tested the System. and will LSRF Drawings into the facilitate or materials, integration During contractor, appropriate, SLM, assembled hardware these and be procured tests are spaceflight (EDU) off-the-shelf modifications engineering characteristics LSRF will hardware. effectivity. Extensive Space costs Required manufacturer, project available, flight and will be should enable assembly of constitute identical total to system completion of the LSRF Flight the IOC flight Flight System the compatibility and LMSC/F071319A operation, (4) (2) resolve fine Phase tune D: and Flight encompasses flight Unit Initially, documentation prepared, and when with pursued the to develop develop establish 5.4.5 and and and Operational Support procurements, Phase manufacture, D and activities for establishing of mission operations (such as training, Production be and Operational finalized, process cost for producing for The LSRF summary key Phases in project requirements logistics Support plans and a flight process, plans, acceptance incremental B, concert plan Space and been Project Station Station, in have C, lOC schedule Space integrated production LSRF the Schedules schedules more lines. Plans and schedules ready LSRFis other prepare test and plans operational activities implement and support are training procedures, and needs. Schedules Project changes trainer, the C will implement accommodate Program the Space time fidelity etc.). hardware implement (I) an overall LSRF and the entire system encompass meet and conducting required Phase approved, establish unit(s) Unit Preliminary in (5) as a high motion. Concurrent plans, for maintaining, produced (3) serve Certification, LSRF modifying, and and required functions the Flight into protocols, of support anomalies, Production, certification refurbishing, LSRF verify the activities incremental set onboard and Schedule schedules provide Station provide time overall (Phases phases LSRF thereby Space are structured adequate Fig. 5-13 through A, B, C, and D), and design and development ensuring Station that LSRF 5-16. They (2) individual form structure detail. 5-45 for with to facilitate the activities requirements to are development. to: be consistent flexibility schedules, basic in D. milestones with summarized basis planning key milestones synchronization for project planning of with resource implementation in LMSC/F071319A G_/GINAL PAGE DJ_ EOOR QUAIgI_ SPACE STATION LIFE SUMMARY SCIENCE 1W RESEARCH SCHEDULE FACILITY (IOC) $S PHASE CY ] o-8 [ o-, CY85 FY FY88 QTR KEY 1 2 FY87 3 4 SS MILESTONE MILESTONE ! 2 SDR O DATES J 181721 M FY88 3 4 1 2 CSD c-. I °-11 FY89 3 PDR 4 1 2 FY_ S 4 1 COR 2 3 4 1 DCR PHASE PHASE PHASE M N J J 1 2 1 1 2 & PRELIMINARY C & DEVELOPMENT D PRODUCTION SUPPORT Figure 5-13 2 Space Station LSRF 5-46 IOC Summary Schedule 3 FFRR M B FLIGHT UNIT & OPERATIONS 1 1 OESIGN DESIGN 4 O DEFINITION DEFINITION 3 J A CONCEPT 2 FY92 15 m PHASE °-, FY91 4 1ST A ELEM. LMSC/F071319A ORIGINAL PAGE IS _:K:K}R QUALITY. SPACE PHASE B - STATIOH REQ'S. S$ PHASE JFY MONTHS DAY • PHASE - OF itZSF.,a_CH FACII, ITY DESIGNIDEV. PLANNING IO ! CY N Do RUR-2 J IRR F T7 PROGRAM C 1986 M SRR V FY A M J J ISR V A S o CY N D* SOR V J 1987 F M FY A CSO V M J J A S i N CY D I J 1988 F ° M A M J J A S POR V MONTH El REn_. DEFINITION: • SCIENCE • ENGINEERING • SYS._UESYS. CONCEPTS • PRELIM. CONCEPTS PHASE SC:IENCF., G YEAR KEY MILESTONES SPACE STATION L.IFE DEF./PRELIM. FAC. S2 - OESIGN ANALYSES - CANOIOATE - EQUIP. - PRELIM, EQUIP. INVEST. EVALUATIONS DESIGN I PHASE - 13 PRELIM. PHASE • REO'S. • PRELIM. C PLANNING COMPLETION DESIGN: DWGS.. SPECS., OOC. • PRELIM. TEST PLANS • PRELIM. FACILITY • PRELIM. PLANS 0PS. • PROJECTPtAN PHASE PLANS SUPPORT UPOATE CONTRACT GO-AHEAO C/O CONTRACTOR SELECTION • PHASE • REVIEWS S REPORTS ; Figure ' 5-14 Space Station 5-47 LSRF Phase B Schedule LMSC/F071319A ORIGINAE OF SPACE PHASE C - DEVELOPMENT, YEAR FY O OF t CY N O,J M 0ESIGN ASSEMBLY - TEST - TESTING DESIGN, PRELIM.._PROD. -o M J J A S Q CY N O IJ 1990 F M FY A M J J A S ' N OIJ CY & OEV. OCR 7R£0"S PLANS: msV•ml Immm PLANS I m & MO0S, FLT. UNiT OESIGNIOWGS./SPECS. • AOU 0ESIGN/FA8. "IG" TRAINER DESIGN/FAIL BASE ,,.._mb _. • DATA UPDATE •• PRELIM. PRELIM. HRF n. PLANS OPS. PRO PLANS • PRELIM. TRAINING PLANS • PRELIM LOGISTICS PLANS • PHASE C REPORTS m I I , i : ! I | I ! I I I :11 Eou COR • R_VlEWS IVl Figure 5-15 Space Station 5-48 LSRF Phase PLANNING 1991 F PROGRAM • • FACILITY_ MONTH FINALIZE REQ'S. EOU OESIGNIOEV. - FY A RESEARCH COR ' - SCIENCE ..]. 1989 g I8 QUALIT_j POOR FINAL -c MONTHS DAY LIFE TESTING, "_;'Z,._ KEY MILESTONES SPACE STATION STATION P_GE C Schedule M A M J J A S ..J LMSC/F071319A OF POOR SPACE PHASE D - STATION FLT. UNIT QUa LIFE SCIENCE RESEARCH FACILITY PRODUCTION/CERT.IOP, S. SUPPORT SS PHASE YEAR MONTHS KEY MILESTONES SPACE STATION DAY • FINALIZE • FLT. • • OF PROO. - MFG./ASSEMIILY - ACCEPTANCE TEST - ACCEPTANCE TESTS FINA_IZS TRG. CONOUCT TRG. FINALIZE & IMPLEM. FINALIZE • PLANS PLANS/ £fl-_Ffl-££- PLANS & IMPLEM. OPERATIONS • PLANS UNITPROOUCTION LOGISTICS • PROGRAM MONTH PLANS FIRST [_,IGHT UNIT DELIVERE0 REVIEWS Figure 5-16 Space Station 5-49 LSRF Phase D Schedule 1
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