[i] [ii] Wild Medicine of Coastal British Columbia eBook Kahlee Keane Vancouver Island, British Columbia 2014 [iii] Copyright 2014 by Kahlee Keane/Save Our Species All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including electronic or mechanical, without the expressed consent of the publisher, with the exception of brief passages embodied in critical review. Disclaimer This book is not intended to be used for self-diagnosis or extended treatment without consulting a physician Printed and bound in Canada First edition Photographs David Howarth, Kahlee Keane, National Library of Canada Cataloguing in Publication Keane, Kahlee, 1942Wild Medicine of Coastal British Columbia ISBN 978-0-9699505-8-5 1. Medicinal Plants-British Columbia 615.321 [iv] Wild Medicine of Coastal British Columbia [v] TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword Introduction i ii Wild Medicines Madrone Balsam Cottonwood Cascara Sagrada Highbush Cranberry Rocky Mountain Juniper Old Man’s Beard Western Flowering Dogwood Bunchberry Western Red Cedar Pacific Yew Bearberry Foxglove Dull Oregon grape Pacific Black Snakeroot Pacific Bleeding Heart Pipsissewa False Solomon’s Seal Turkey Tail Vanilla Leaf Sweetgrass Western Trillium Bogbean Palmate Coltsfoot Cow Parsnip Devil’s Club Gumweed Licorice Fern Sea Milkwort Red Samphire 1 3 5 7 9 11 14 15 18 20 22 25 27 30 32 34 36 39 41 42 44 46 49 52 55 58 61 63 64 [vi] American Skunk Cabbage Wild Ginger Yellow Pond Lily Sweet Scented Bedstraw Burdock Fireweed Canada Goldenrod Horsetail Mullein Self Heal Marsh Skullcap St. John’s Wort Stinging Nettle Yarrow 66 69 71 74 76 79 81 83 87 90 92 95 97 100 [vii] Medicine Making Infusions and Decoctions Cold Infusion Solar Infusion Dosages Medicinal Oils Preparation Salves Tinctures Dosage Syrups Liniments Compress 103 Wildcrafting 108 Glossary 111 Sources (Bibliography) 104 105 105 107 107 107 [viii] FOREWORD Eco-herbalist Kahlee Keane is known across this country as a voice for the plants. Over the years, the plants have beckoned her to many diverse regions, where each time she brought an appreciation for the local flora, as well as attention to their plight. Through her workshops, medicine walks, books, and newspaper columns, she is a constant advocate for protection of endangered plant species. Now as a silver-haired plant whisperer, she brings decades of experience back to her beloved wild island. She knows this botany intrinsically -- for Kahlee, the Island is where science meshes with soul. This book will turn a casual afternoon walk into a magical encounter with the treasures, the power, and the vulnerability of the Island’s unique and sumptuous plant world. - Jacqueline Moore, author of The Saskatchewan Secret: Folk Healers, Diviners, and Mystics of the Prairies [ix] INTRODUCTION The elements of this book are designed to give you an indepth yet quick access to botanical and herbal information for selected wild medicines found in the Pacific Northwest. I have walked among the wild plants from coast to coast, writing books and articles, conducting walks and presenting workshops all with a view to protecting the wild medicinal plants through education, always stressing the need for ethical wildcrafting. In this way the plants become intimate friends that we protect in the wild and grow in our gardens. To begin ones discovery, fundamental questions have to be answered starting with the folk and scientific name, proper identification, whether the plant is plentiful or at risk, what part to use and when to use it, how to gather it and process it, how to make a medicine from it, what effect(s) it has on the body, what its chemical constituents are, what is its natural history. The appendix of this book has a glossary of terms that are used to define the physiological effect of each herb; you will also find brief information on the chemical constituents. I have not belaboured this information but rather listed them as a leaping off point for those interested in this aspect of herbal medicine. However, I would like to make a couple of points about them here. The chemical components in plants came about through natural selection mostly to protect the plant from predators and to lure pollinators. Survival of the species is the bottom line. [x] These chemicals, the bioactive components of plants, have been used by humans for centuries. Today, nearly 50% of the thousands of pharmaceuticals prescribed are either derived from plant sources or contain a chemical imitation (synthetic) of a plant compound. Although synthetic drugs have certainly performed miracles and saved lives, virtually all of these drugs have side effects ranging from the unpleasant to the lethal. Since we did not evolve with these synthetics, our bodies do not always have pathways for their distribution and elimination. Such molecules are often xenobiotic and as such they may indeed help in healing but can also be very harmful to both humans and to our environment. As an eco-herbalist, activist and conservationist, my goal is to protect bio-diversity, to preserve individual species within the ecosystem. My craft insists on a heightened ecological awareness and a deep respect for the living Earth. We humans have evolved in concert with the Earth’s native plants. We rely on their bio-diversity for our survival. They will survive very, very nicely without the presence of humans but ... Without them, we will not The author recommends Trees, Shrubs & Flowers to Know in British Columbia & Washington by C.P. Lyons & Bill Merilees [1] Madrone Arbutus menziesii Madrone has the rare distinction of being the only native broad-leaf evergreen in Canada. Archibald Menzies a naturalist and surgeon with Captain Vancouver’s expedition to the west coast of Canada in 1792 wrote his impression of this fascinating tree saying, “its peculiar smooth bark of a reddish brown colour will at all times attract the notice of the most superficial observer”. Quick ID Growth habit: old leaves are replaced by new ones sporadically in mid-summer Flowers: white, urn shaped in clusters Leaf: glossy green, elliptic 3-6” long Fruit: toffee to red colour Bark: red-orange peeling bark, loose large scales. Smooth grey underneath Habitat: open, rocky sites or rapidly drained soil in coastal areas Beneath madrone’s chartreuse exfoliated bark lies a wood satiny smooth to the touch with a fine swirling grain. This tree has an intricacy and beauty beyond measure. [2] Betulinic acid, known to be anti-inflammatory, antimalarial has been isolated from the bark of madrone. This chemical constituent has great potential as an antitumorigenic agent, by inhibition of topoisomerase an enzyme necessary for manipulation of the DNA required for replication. Part used: leaf and bark Physiological effect: Bark: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumorigenic, antiviral, astringent, immunomodulator, Leaf: diuretic, urinary disinfectant Chemical constituents: Leaf: hydroquinones, arbutin Bark: betulinic acid, tannin Though not as strong as bearberry, madrone can still be effective for urinary tract infections. Arbutin and hydroquinone break down in the kidneys, when excreted they serve to sterilize and disinfect the whole urinary tract. [3] Balsam Cottonwood Populus balsamifera ssp trichocarpa Quick ID General: fast growing, deciduous Flower: male and female catkin Leaf: dark green waxy upper surface, white-gray below Bud: resinous, aromatic Bark: mature – gray deeply furrowed Habitat: moist open areas In the warmth of early spring the heady scent of balsam cottonwood’s resinous winter bud fills the air. We hasten to gather the gooey buds before the awaiting spring leaf pushes through the sticky casings. Part used: unopened winter bud [4] inflammation and is antimicrobial. Poplar buds make a simple, reliable and easily used remedy. Salicin, a major constituent of the bud reduces pain while bisabolol in the resin reduces Physiological effect: anodyne, antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial antiseptic, expectorant Chemical constituents: balsamic resin, volatile oil The bud is used as the basis of medicinal oil that can be made in to an ointment or salve. Used externally it helps to treat sinusitis, chest congestion as well as ease arthritis, rheumatism and muscular pain. It helps to reduce fever while stimulating the circulation. Gather whole buds that have no spring leaf emerging being careful not to take too many from one particular branch, leaving the terminal bud intact. Although poplars grow quickly and seem to be in endless supply, in some areas large stands are shrinking. With care this potent medicine can be collected with a minimal degree of impact on the tree. [5] Cascara Sagrada Rhamnus purshiana Quick ID General: large shrub or small tree Flowers: small, greenish yellow Leaf: oblong, prominent veins, yellow-green, glossy, red stem Fruit: like small cherries, red to blue-black Outer bark: silver-grey Inner bark: yellow Habitat: moist areas, stream banks, thickets, woodlands and forests Cascara, a stimulant laxative, was introduced to the US medical profession in 1877 by Dr. J. H. Bundy, in a short time this cure for constipation became an international favourite. Consequently, commercial harvesting of the bark escalated with many tons being gathered and cured for shipment worldwide. In the 1930s many cascara on Vancouver Island were destroyed by commercial harvesting to supply the growing demands of the local and international market. In 1958, British Columbia took steps to protect the tree with the Cascara Bark Regulation hoping to ensure cascara’s continued growth - in 1981 this regulation was repealed. [6] The use of cascara bark as an effective and safe stimulant laxative was adopted by herbalists in North America in the 19th century. Today, it is available in pharmacies and health food stores under the common name cascara sagrada which in Spanish means �sacred bark’. Part used: branch bark, dried and cured for one year Physiological effect: bitter, stimulant laxative, tonic. Chemical constituents: anthraquinones, cascarosides Emodin, bitter, glycoside, frangulin, resins, tannin The freshly cut bark, is bright yellow, and after it oxidizes it becomes dark brown. It has a bitter principle due to the presence of the glycoside frangulin. Anthraquinones are chemical compounds that stimulate contraction of the walls of the digestive tract, these compounds are converted by intestinal bacteria to substances that increase peristalsis (rhythmic intestinal contractions), thus speeding up the movement of material through the colon and reducing the absorption of liquid. [7] Highbush Cranberry Viburnum edule Quick ID Flowers: 5-petals, white Leaf: 3-lobed, opposite. Fruit: red drupes Branches: spread horizontally Habitat: moist, open woods Spring brings showy clusters of high bush cranberry’s paper white flowers with their sweet floral scent. In the fall, flowers give way to orange berries that mature to a glossy red. After the first frost the berries reach perfection with increased carbohydrates and resultant juices at the ready for jam and jelly making. But it is the bark of this tree that is valued medicinally, gathered in the spring from newly budding branches. Part used: branch, inner cambium layer Physiological effect: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, astringent, cardiotonic, diuretic, nervine, uterine sedative Chemical constituents: vitamin K, viburnin, valerianic acid, coumarin, biopudial, salicin, arbutin, resin, tannin [8] The inner bark (cambium layer) of the branches has been used in European folk medicine for centuries. High bush cranberry contains biopudial a potent antispasmodic as well as valerianic acid and the synergistic effect of these chemical constituents are responsible for restoring balance to both voluntary and involuntary muscles in spasm. This herbal action is achieved through the body’s sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. High bush cranberry is used, taken either topically or internally, to relieve all types of muscle tension. It is a superior muscle and nerve relaxant particularly for menstrual cramping, intestinal cramping and leg cramps due to pelvic congestion. To assure optimal extraction of cranberry’s bioactive compounds, the bark is hand-harvested in the early spring. Collect the bark by cutting a branch from the main trunk or if there are suckers growing around the established tree cut these at the ground level. The paper thin outer bark just needs to be scraped off to give you access the inner cambium layer. Use the bark fresh or dried to make a tea (1 tbsp of bark to one cup water) which may be taken three times a day when cramping is acute. A tincture made from the bark should be taken at 10 drops 3 times a day. [9] Rocky Mountain Juniper Juniperus scopulorum I always place berries in my chewed, the released are refreshing and other benefits. a few juniper pocket. When aromatic oils wonderfully provide many Quick ID General: evergreen tree, drought resistant, known to live 300 years Cones: fleshy, bluishpurple, white waxy bloom Leaf: needles, 3 whorls Bark: red-brown shredding Habitat: dry open woods, barren ground Part used: ripe cones (berries) Physiological effect: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antilithic, antimicrobial, antiviral, antiseptic, antioxidant, disinfectant, diuretic Chemical constituents: volatile oils, camphene, cineole, myrcene, alpha- and beta-pinene and terpinene Juniper berries strengthen and detoxify the urinary tract by their diuretic action. This action increases the filtration rate of the kidneys and thereby releases toxins from kidneys, bladder and prostate. In this way conditions caused by bacterial infections, such as cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, vaginitis and inflamed kidneys are helped immensely. [10] Chew a berry and the volatile oil sends off a sharp bitter taste that assists in the digestion of food lessening flatulence, stomach cramps and colic. In small doses, it stimulates the appetite. Recently, research has identified a compound in the juniper berry that has antiviral and antitumorigenic potential – just for the record it goes by the name of deoxypodophyllotoxin. Also, in recent lab studies, juniper has demonstrated antiviral activity against Herpes simplex virus I and II. Juniper berry can be taken raw �right from the tree’ or made into a more sophisticated medicine. Once you have picked the berries, dry them in a shaded well circulated area. When dry, pulverize to powder to make a tincture or placed into gelatine capsules. To encapsulate, make a small mound of the powdered herb on a flat surface, take the capsule apart and fill one side with the juniper and fit the two sides together and your capsule is ready. You might find that the powdered herb adheres to the outside of the capsules. If this is the case place the capsules into a jar, add a teaspoon of salt put on the lid and give them a shake, the salt will clean off any residual herb quickly and effectively. Contraindications: Do not take during pregnancy or if you have a pre-existing kidney disease. [11] Old Man’s Beard Usnea filipendula Old man’s beard is found at lower elevations ranging to subalpine forests, forming tufts on conifers and deciduous trees and shrubs. These unique plants consist of two unrelated components, fungi and algae that are individuals yet dependent on each other for nourishment, protection and habitat. The fungus provides a rigid structure on which chlorophyllbearing algae spread out and provide food sugars for both, nature's version of a solar collector. The two become so interwoven that they act like a single living entity. Together their reproductive structures are different from either algae or fungi. Finding old man’s beard among other hanging lichens may be a bit tricky but there is one valuable diagnostic to assure you that you indeed have found the right species. [12] Old man’s beard has a central cord which is a storage area for energy rich polysaccharides vital to the lichens growth. Check for it by wetting the lichen then slowly pulling it apart as shown in the photograph below. The greenish colour comes from usnic acid contained in the plant. Usnic acid possesses antibiotic properties and is used in the treatment of skin diseases and fungal infections. The outer cortex of the plant contains antibiotic compounds and the inner core contains immune stimulating polysaccharides. Recent research has found that these compounds are effective in fighting cancerous tumours. The antibiotic and antibacterial activity along with immune system stimulation makes this a valuable plant for use both internally and externally. In Europe, usnic acids from lichens are used in commercial ointments for treating skin problems ranging from fungal infections to burns. Old man’s beard is becoming rare and should only be picked in genuine need. Only take what you need. [13] One way to gather old man’s beard without jeopardizing the integrity of the lichen is to gather the �windfall’ that litters the forest floor after a storm. Gather from below not above. Always avoid gathering old man’s beard from heavily polluted areas, as it can absorb heavy metals from the air. You'll have to clean out the debris that is tangled in the lichen before making a medicine. This lichen does not dissolve readily in water, so an alcohol solution is necessary. To make this solution, break up the cleaned plant, put it into a jar and cover with vodka, leave this for 14 days shaking once or twice a day. Strain out the herb after this time and your tincture is ready. The tincture may be used externally or internally. I dry the lichen and make a powder to dust on athletes’ foot and other fungal infections; it keeps its potency for a long time. It can also be made into a salve or ointment by placing it in oil for 14 days, then strain out the plant material and add beeswax to make it semi-solid. This salve or ointment may be applied directly to wounds or fungal infections. Finally, as a field or emergency medicine old man’s beard gives you the whole package. It staunches the wound, acts as a dressing and stops bacteria and the resulting inflammation. [14] Western Flowering Dogwood Cornus nuttallii Western flowering dogwood sways elegantly with the summer breeze. The large white blossom, the vivid red colour of its autumn leaf and fruit makes this most beautiful of BC’s flowering trees. Quick ID Flowers: showy bracts around a cluster of green flowers Fruit: bright red drupes Leaf: opposite, oval, deep green above gray-brown below Bark: smooth black to brown Habitat: nitrogenrich soils, at lower elevation in mixed forests Western flowering dogwood, British Columbia’s floral emblem is protected under the Dogwood, Rhododendron and Trillium Protection Act, so not even the secret plucking of one tantalizing flower is allowed. Each large white flower is actually a cluster of miniature greenish flowers inside large white bracts. These beautiful displays are attached to the twigs that bend to prevent the flowers overlapping – it makes a dazzling show. [15] This dogwood is fairly unique among hardwoods as it is able to photosynthesize in just one-third full sunlight. The tree is often found growing in the partial to full shade conditions of mixed and coniferous forests, though it may not fruit in deep shade. Although this tree is not used for herbal medicine today, historically the bark was used to treat malaria due to the quinine content. It was also used as a diuretic to treat fevers and stomach problems and to promote appetite. The bark has an astringent and antiseptic effect on sores and inflammations of the skin. Bunchberry Cornus canadensis Anyone who has seen the spectacular display of western flowering dogwood (C. nuttalli) knows how precious our little native dogwood is. It is also called �dwarf dogwood’ averaging six inches in height. Quick ID General: both the western flowering dogwood and bunchberry often flower twice in a year Leaf: bright green on top, lighter underneath, with parallel veins. Flower: the large flower is comprised of four large white petal-like bracts; in the centre is a cluster of small greenish-white flowers. [16] Bunchberry is a shade loving native plant that thrives on moist well drained sites and reproduces by a slender rhizome. The miniscule true flowers are pollinated by flying insects which are attracted by the showy white bracts. When the insect alights, the touch of the pollinator induces each flower to "explode" or catapult pollen at the visiting insect. This pollination mechanism involves tiny antennae near the tip of the petal that triggers the flowers to bend back and the anthers to spring outward. Part used: berries, leaf and root Physiological effect: anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, astringent, hypotensive, tonic Chemical constituents: cornine, cornic acid, flavonoids, querceitin, salicic acid, tannins Bunchberry has a mild, aspirin-like effect that decreases inflammation, fever and pain without causing stomach irritability. [17] Anti-inflammatory effects of both the cornine and the flavonoids, coupled with the astringent action of the tannins makes it mild and predictable herb for colitis. The bright red berrylike fruit ripens into a cluster by midsummer and are important forage material for wildlife but are quite mealy and bland to the human palate. However, they do have medicinal qualities. The fruits are rich in pectin which is a capillary tonic; they are anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and hypotensive. Herbalists have used this plant as an anti-inflammatory and anodyne. Generally it is dried and made into a tea to be used for its aspirin-like effect; it decreases inflammation, fever, and pain but does not cause stomach irritability or allergic reaction. The tannins along with the anti-inflammatory chemicals assist people suffering from colitis, dysentery, diarrhea and chronic gastritis. To take advantage of its pain relieving qualities, one should drink it for an extended period to allow your system to build up sufficient levels. There are no harmful side effects associated with the remedy such as those produced by many of the pain relievers sold in pharmacies. [18] Western Red Cedar Thuja plicata Western Red Cedar, the fast growing giant of the forest, is British Columbia’s arboreal emblem. Quick ID Cone: young female seed cone is green – brown at maturity; male pollen, reddish Leaf: lustrous green, scale like, with an overlapping-shingle appearance Bark: shreds vertically and is a cinnamon-red to grey when mature Trunk: fluted at base Habitat: moist forest at lower elevations Members of the genus Thuja are long-lived with the grandest of the five species being western red cedar - the cedar of timber trade. Its all weather wood will last a lifetime without preservation. As with most species of Thuja the timber is aromatic and the leaves when crushed, burned, or steamed emit a clean pineapple-like odour. In its native habitat cedar can grow to sixty meters, with great buttressed bases up to ten meters in girth. They like it cool and moist, from coastal forests to the hills. Cedar is widely used in landscaping and lends itself to topiary feats of all shapes and sizes. [19] The major constituent of Western red cedar, thujone, is a neurotoxin which, when incorrectly administered, is likely to produce convulsions and severe gastroenteritis. Consequently, selfmedication is not advised. Do not use it internally without consultation with a qualified herbalist or naturopath. Part used: boughs and needles of young trees Physiological effect: analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitumorigenic, antiviral, demulcent, expectorant, immune stimulant Chemical constituents: acetic-acid, ascorbic-acid, betasitosterol, camphor, limonene, mucilage, quercitrin, sabinene and volatile oil containing thujone Western red cedar stimulates the white blood cells and deepens the immune response. Herbal practitioners sometimes suggest small daily doses can increase resistance to chronic infections. The fresh needles of cedar make a wonderful steam for sinus and lung congestion as well as acne. For eczema, place the needles in witch hazel (sold at pharmacies) for a few days, strain and use as a daily wash on affected areas. [20] Pacific Yew Taxus brevifolia Yew is a slow-growing evergreen that can live two or three centuries and can reach seventy feet in height. Quick ID: Leaf: two rows of sharp needles lying flat along the stem Bark: thick, scaly; cambium layer red Cones: male small pollen cones Fruit: female fleshy red arils Habitat: moist to wet coniferous forests With the exception of the female fruit (aril) every part of the yew is poisonous, even the aril holds a blue seed that is poisonous itself. Here is the twist. This highly poisonous tree has brought us a life giving alkaloid taxol within its root, bark and leaf. In the 1960s the National Cancer Institute initiated a huge plant-screening program. Approximately 35,000 native plants were screened to see if they showed any cancerfighting properties. Yew bark and other parts of the tree contain taxol, which has been proven to be effective against ovarian cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer and lung cancer [21] When taxol became more widely available to the public and demand increased, concerns arose about the consequences of over-harvesting yew trees. Pacific yew has very low concentration of taxol in its bark and the projected medicinal requirements would have destroyed the entire species within ten years. Alternatives to the massive harvesting of one non-renewable species had to be found. The ecological impact of harvesting yew prompted extensive investigations into alternative sources and they were found. Long and very interesting story shortened ... the leaves of Taxus brevis, provided paclitaxcel a renewable source that alleviated some of the pressures of over harvesting. (Taxol is the trade name for Bristol-Myers Squibb's preparation while paclitaxcel is the chemical name.) Today, synthetic taxol is a reality and many other naturally occurring chemicals are being discovered for instance it was related in the June 1998 issue of Spectroscopy that the presence paclitaxel in the hazelnut tree was discovered – quite by accident. The complete story of Taxol is an interesting one and a reminder that we must be aware that bio-prospecting can and does lead to decline of plant species and so it is important to seek alternatives before exploiting at risk species. [22] Bearberry Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Quick ID General: trailing, mat-forming evergreen shrub Flower: pinkish-white, urn-shaped Leaf: leathery, oval, shiny green Branch: rusty, bark shreds with age Fruit: dry, bright red drupes Habitat: found in lower elevations in acidic soil and sun Part used: leaf Bearberry a native plant in many countries is found in a variety of habitats in Canada. Bearberry tolerates saline conditions as well as drought. I have seen it amid ocean salt spray and in the drought of the Canadian prairie. I marvel at the large network of long branches that form a dense mat to protect the integrity of the soil. [23] for resolving urinary infections. For at least 800 years bearberry has been used primarily for kidney and bladder complaints. A Welsh herbal from the 1200s speaks of its use for urinary diseases. In the Middle Ages bearberry is recorded Then, in the 1940s bearberry was replaced by sulfa drugs and the new antibiotics. Now that antibiotics are no longer effective or advisable to use bearberry is back in vogue. Physiological effect: antiseptic, astringent, antimicrobial diuretic Chemical constituents: hydroquinone - arbutin, allantoin, gallic and ellagic tannins, ursolic and phenolic acid, quercetin and isoquercetin. Today, bearberry and Madrone leaf are two of the best remedies when dealing with cystitis (an inflammation of the wall and lining of the bladder which is often caused by bacterial infection) and chronic urinary tract infection, which often defy conventional pharmaceutical treatment. Commercial harvesters gather the leaves in the spring or early summer from wild plants. Some countries, such as Germany, have put laws in place to protect remaining wild populations from over-harvesting. [24] On Vancouver Island bearberry is still quite plentiful and although it cannot withstand full scale commercial harvesting, gathering small amounts for personal needs will do no harm provided ethical harvesting guides are followed. Bearberry’s newly developed leaf; at the end of the branch has the highest amount of the chemical constituents. These chemicals are effective against several bacterial pathogens known to cause urinary tract infections, including Escherichia coli and staphylococcus aureus. They also have an antiseptic and astringent effect on the lining of the urinary tract. The main chemical constituent responsible for the action of bearberry is arbutin, when bearberry is ingested this chemical appears to be absorbed intact, undergoing hydrolysis in the urine to hydroquinone. In fact the antimicrobial action only takes place when urine is alkaline, so herbal practitioners often suggest excluding fruits, juices, and acidic foods from the diet while taking bearberry preparations. However, if you have to utilize bearberry immediately take a teaspoon of baking soda in water half an hour before taking the medicine. The infection should clear by the tenth day; if it has not; seek the advice of a doctor. Bearberry is often referred to as �kinnikinick’ (spelling varies according to locale) and was used historically by First Nations to extend tobacco. [25] Foxglove Digitalis purpurea Quick ID General: biennial; flowering in the second year Leaf: coarsely toothed, green and soft-hairy above, grey and woolly beneath Flower: tubular, pink-purple with purple spots on lower lip Habitat: moist disturbed sites and low elevations. Foxglove was introduced from Europe and has escaped from the garden into the wild and so has become widespread throughout British Columbia. Foxglove is a poisonous plant in the wrong hands but beautiful to see growing wild in the landscape. The early herbalists knew of the valuable plant, using it to treat heart failure even though they had no knowledge of foxglove’s chemical constituents, such as the glycosides, that stimulate the heart. Herbal remedies that have an action on the cardio-vascular system usually owe their power to the presence of these cardiac glycosides. Some of the remedies in this group are very powerful and have provided the base for pharmaceuticals. [26] Today, foxglove is known as the medicinal plant from which the drug digitalis was first obtained. Here is how the story goes; Foxglove was mentioned in the writings of Welsh physicians in 1250. The herbal medicine was introduced into the London Pharmacopoeia in 1650, though it did not come into frequent use until a century later, first brought prominently to the notice of the medical profession by Dr. W. Withering, who wrote an account of his research on foxglove in 1785. Today the pharmaceutical Digitalis is used to increase the activity of all forms of muscle tissue, but more especially that of the heart and arterioles, the all-important property of the drug being its action on the circulation. Foxglove is grown commercially for the pharmaceutical manufacturers from wild seed stock only. It is absolutely necessary to have the true medicinal seeds to supply the drug market: Crops must be grown and harvested from carefully selected wild seed using no variations and embellishments to the seeds. This plant will flourish best in well-drained loose soil, with some slight shade, although it is said that the plants that possess the most active qualities are grown in sunny situations. Foxglove is the source of two potent glycosides used as heart stimulants, digoxin and digitoxin. These glycosides prolong the relaxation phase of the heart, thus allowing the left ventricle to fill with more blood. [27] Dull Oregon Grape/Tall Oregon Grape Mahonia nervosa/M. aquifolium Quick ID General: perennial; low-growing evergreen shrub Leaf: evergreen, holly like – turning red on occasion Left: dull Oregon grape leaf Right: tall Oregon grape leaf Root: rhizome, yellow wood Flower: intense yellow, in clustered raceme Fruit: edible; clustered, greyeyed, blue glaucous Oregon grape has a rhizomatous root that may extend for several yards, sending up a lot of offshoots along its length. This plant reproduces from root or from the seed contained within the berry. It is a good idea to plant the berries close by if you are taking the root for medicine, or leave the berries for the birds, bears and other animals that eat them and re-distribute them to other areas via their digestive tracts in their droppings and spoor. Part used: rhizome Physiological effect: antibiotic, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, digestive tonic, hepatic Chemical constituents: alkaloids, berberine, hydrastine; bitter [28] Oregon grape improves the flow of blood to the liver and acts as a bitter tonic, stimulating the flow of bile and intestinal secretions. It is often used to treat jaundice, hepatitis, poor intestinal tone and function, and general gastrointestinal dysfunction. A constituent of Oregon grape, the alkaloid berberine, has been shown to be of benefit for cirrhosis of the liver. There is no question that the alkaloids make it an effective antiseptic and treatment for diarrhea. Berberine is the most studied of the alkaloids and has been shown to possess fungicidal and antibacterial activities. Tests in North America indicate that Oregon grape is one of the most powerful herbal antifungal agents. The root may be dug anytime, but fall roots are slightly more potent and can be collected after the plant has dropped its seed. Collect the plant by grasping the main stem just above ground level, pull slowly and steadily upward until you have a foot or so of root. Cut at this point with a sharp knife and cover the exposed root with soil in this way you are only taking a portion and leaving the plant to flourish. The root can be used fresh to make a tincture or dried for future use as an infusion. [29] To process the root for drying you can cut into small pieces and lay out in the shade to dry. I have found that the woody root is easily cut into long thin strips that are easily dried and more potent. However either way is quite acceptable. Both species of Mahonia may be used for making medicine. However, tall Oregon grape’s root is not as easy to access as its diminutive cousin. An infusion is made from the dried shredded root or root pieces. Use 1 teaspoon of the root per cup of boiling water and let simmer for 15 minutes. If you are using the tea as a digestive tonic it is important to actually �taste’ the bitter quality (think stomach bitters) to affect the digestive juices. Sip your tea slowly so that the bitter effect is utilized to its maximum. If you are using the tea for other reasons feel free to add a good natural sweetener like honey or maple syrup. A tincture can be made by covering the dried or fresh root (preferably) with alcohol to immerse the entire herb. Let this stand for 14 days agitating daily; at the end of this time strain out the bark and your tincture is ready. Be sure to label the tincture with plant name (common name and Latin binomial), date gathered and solvent used. Amazingly this tincture will last for 30 or more years. [30] Pacific Black Snakeroot Sanicula crassicaulis Quick ID Flowers: yellow-green in a compound umbel Seed: covered with fine hooked bristles that are designed to hitch a ride Black snakeroot is a member of Growth: erect plant the parsley family. I always warn growing to three feet people to be careful when dealing with members of this Leaf: Alternate; basal family as some of them, such as and lower stem leaves poison hemlock, are deadly. palmate 3-5 lobed or Black snakeroot is quite safe but divided like all herbal remedies should Root: Tap root be treated and ingested carefully with respect to the fine medicine that it is. Sanicula comes from either the Latin sanus, �to heal’, or sanare, to �cure’, referring to its medicinal virtues. This plant has been part of herbal medicine for centuries – “Where ever the trouble is this medicine will find it". In fact, I have found it to be a good tonic for internal and external use and yes, it seems to go “where it is needed”. [31] Nature is abundant in herbs that have a tonic action on the body. Each system of the body has plants that are particularly suited to it, some of which are tonics. Black snakeroot is a tonic for all systems and therefore valuable tonic or �cure all'. I find it is one of the most reliable tonics to strengthen and enliven either the whole body or individual organs. Snakeroot seems to �hone’ in on the area of the body where it is needed most. Although either the roots or leaves may be used to make a tonic, I suggest that you use only the leaf, gathering one or two from each plant. Use a sharp knife to avoid pulling on the stem and disrupting its growth. You can either dry them for later use or make a fresh infusion. Pacific black snakeroot not only is a valuable spring tonic to be used internally as an infusion it also makes a rich and potent salve for quickly and effectively healing old sores as well as fresh �cleaned’ wounds. To make a quick oil or salve, cover the bruised leaves with an oil such as olive oil or grape seed oil and leave to infuse for fourteen days. At the end of this time remove the leafy material and strain your oil. To make it easier to use add beeswax to harden (1/4 cup per cup of the herbal oil) reheat the oil to melt and you have a fine ointment. [32] Pacific Bleeding Heart Dicentra formosa Quick ID Flower: nodding, pinkish heart-shaped Leaf: blue-green, fernlike, basal, yellowing in late summer Growth habit: the entire plant grows back in early fall Root: rhizome that grows close to the surface Habitat: moist mixed forests with nutrient rich soil Graceful, fernlike foliage and heart shaped rose pink flowers on faint purplish stems makes pacific bleeding heart an intricately beautiful plant. The leaves will sometimes cover the beautiful flowers that hang from arching foliage; you may need to have a closer look to discover these perfect little flowers. Originally from the Far East, the species was brought to England in 1847 and was so popular that many immigrants to North America brought the seeds along to the new country. Part used: leaf and root The genus Dicentra means �two spurs’, referring to the double-spurred flowers. Since the spurs hold the valuable nectar deep in their furthest reaches, a symbiotic relationship has developed with the bumblebee, which has a tongue long enough to retrieve this life giving food. [33] Many of the species in the Dicentra genus contain chemical constituents known to be toxic. Although very useful to a skilled practitioner, I do not recommend self treatment. Physiological effect: alterative, analgesic, sedative, tonic Chemical constituents: alkaloids bulbocapnine, cucullarine, dicentrine Looking at the chemistry of the Papaveraceae family, of which bleeding heart is a member, I found that members share many poisonous compounds all of which are alkaloids. Many of these chemical compounds may be used by knowledgeable practitioners as valuable medicines and healing agents. The alkaloid bulbocapnine has been used in the treatment of Ménière's disease and muscular tremors, and as a preanaesthetic. Another alkaloid cucullarine acts as a local anaesthetic for such things as toothache, bites, burns and cuts. Internally, it has been used for trauma to the body as it calms increased sensitivity, calming anxiousness and fear and generally abates the general reaction to shock, both physiologically and psychologically. Bleeding heart calms the cycle of grief and shock following an accident, illness or death allowing a person to carry on functioning in the midst of devastation. Trauma also brings sensations in the body and hypersensitivity to touch on the skin or clothing. Medical procedures and operation that leave scar tissue can be assisted by a salve or a liniment of the leaf. [34] Pipsissewa Chimaphila umbellata Pipsissewa’s genus Chimaphila comes from the Greek cheima, meaning 'winter' and phileo, 'to love', in reference to this plant being an evergreen. Quick ID General: small evergreen shrub, 30 cm in height Flower: white to pink, waxy, loose nodding clusters (note the protruding ovary in photo below) Leaf: dark green, shiny, leathery, toothed, in whorls Stem: single, flower clusters at tip Fruit: brown erect capsule Habitat: cool coniferous forests at low to mid elevations This little plant is semiparasitic depending on various micro-organisms and fungi specific to its habitat in order to flourish. Consequently, it is difficult to grow commercially to meet the demands of the herbal industry. Unfortunately, pipsissewa has been harvested commercially in great quantities in both the US and Canada putting considerable strain on wild populations of this diminutive medicinal plant. Since many wild medicinals are being threatened by commercial harvesting and loss of habitat, herbalists are encouraging the use of other plants (referred to as analogs) that, in combination or alone, achieve the same physiological effect or have the same chemical constituents. [35] The most desirable situation would be the use of commercially grown analogs; if they are not available the next choice would be non-native plants that may be used as an alternative. In many instances these alien species are much more widely distributed and, in a few cases, invasive. Many of them are powerful medicinals. Part used: leaf Physiological effect: alterative, antifungal, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, lymphatic stimulant, urinary antiseptic, tonic Chemical constituents: hydroquinone, arbutin, chimophilin, ericolin, triterpenes, ursolic acid, taraxasterol, phenols, salicylate, essential oil, tannins. Historically, the fresh or dried leaf of pipsissewa was picked in the fall after the fruit has formed. The fresh leaves were either made into a tincture, or dried for use as an infusion or powdered and capsulated. The antiseptic qualities of prince's pine arise from the hydroquinone. Chimaphilin is the principal antifungal component. [36] False Solomon`s Seal Maianthemum stellatum Quick ID Flower: white, starlike, raceme Leaf: opposite, light green, smooth Berries: terminal bunches of creamy yellow turning to green with brown stripes Root: creeping rhizome Habitat: moist, shady, margin of woods This pleasing colonizer of the forest understory propagates from a creeping rhizome that travels through the moist humus just below the soil surface before sending up the green leafy stalks. The leaves, like those of most members of the lily family, are semi-clasping with prominent veins. Part used: rhizome, leaf Physiological effect: antacid, anti-inflammatory, demulcent, emollient, expectorant. Chemical constituents: plant steroid, sitosterol, allantoin, polysaccharides, saponins Although the chemical constituents of the rhizome of false Solomon’s seal include plant steroids and a cell proliferant, herbalists prize the root for its mucilage and saponin content. [37] Mucilaginous compounds have the beneficial property of being slippery and glutinous when in contact with water. Under such conditions, the mucilage is able to coat irritated or inflamed internal tissue, thus providing a soothing effect. Actually, mucilage is a common constituent in many plants. The demulcent action of the mucilage soothes mucous membranes throughout the body, thus protecting the digestive tract from irritation, acidity and inflammation. Demulcents also protect the mucous membranes in the throat, lungs, kidneys and urinary tubules. In the case of Solomon’s seal, the demulcent action is specific for healing the throat and lungs. Saponins are soluble in water, being found in many herbs used for healing wounds. To check for saponins in an herb, take the plant part you are interested in and place it in a jar with secure top and agitate the container. Suds will appear at the top of the solution if there are saponins present. Just as if you put a little soap in the container. These sudsy saponins work by lowering the surface tension between the cell walls so that the toxins and other matter causing inflammation can be expelled. The saponins contained in Solomon's seal irritate the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract assisting the expectoration of excess mucous from the lungs. As you can see, the chemical constituents of this plant work synergistically by first aiding expectoration from the lungs, then soothing the area with demulcent (mucilaginous) properties. When you think about it, this is quite amazing. [38] Even though this plant appears to be plentiful, it is important to tread carefully when gathering; a whole colony could be carelessly damaged. In its own eco-system Solomon's seal contributes greatly to all of the plants and trees around it, being an effective soil aerator due to the creeping rhizome. The rhizomes also help to hold together mats of plant debris that act as moistureretaining mulch for the whole bio-community. The often extensive root systems form a "subterranean highway" for insects, small rodents, and microorganisms that play integral roles in the maintenance of the whole ecosystem. False lily of the valley (M. dilatatum) Gather the roots when the earth is dry to avoid unnecessary soil compaction. Avoid soft, mossy, consistently moist areas and places where the plant is growing within a proliferation of other growth. If you are going to use a lot of this root, gather gently, conservatively, and closely monitor the area you frequent for at least two years. It is important for any wildcrafter to keep comprehensive records of re-growth and to watch for any indications of your impact on the colony. To gather, take only 3" or less of the rhizome, which is rather small and easy to damage. Grasp the rhizome just below the soil and cut it with sharp scissors, leaving plenty of roots for the next year’s growth. [39] Turkey Tail Trametes versicolor - formerly Coriolus versicolor Quick ID Cap: flat or wavy, overlapping leathery and hairy zones of various colours (blue, green, rust, brown) with a whitish margin Growth pattern: often found in rosettes, semicircular, fan, or kidney shape Beautiful turkey tail is possibly the most common mushroom that you will find in any forest setting. In a forest where many stumps and fallen trees are left to give nourishment to the ecosystem, the turkey tail is present seeking a rotting stump or other decaying organic matter on which to live. Part used: whole mushroom As �versicolor’ may suggest, turkey tail are quite variable in colour and form. They are not at all fleshy and so dry easily ending up quite tough and leathery. Physiological effect: antioxidant, antitumorigenic, antiviral, immunomodulating Chemical constituent: polysaccharide Krestin (PSK) and polysaccharide peptide (PSP) glutamic and aspartic acids Turkey tail mushroom has been the subject of a large number of controlled clinical trials in Asia showing that it can help rebuild the immune system in people with a wide range of cancers. [40] The benefit is quite powerful, for it has been demonstrated again and again that turkey tail, taken as an adjunct cancer treatment with mainstream cancer therapies significantly lengthens lifespan. Turkey tail is also recognized for the ability to alleviate the side-effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. It is considered, given turkey tail’s positive effects on the immune system, that it could prevent cancer or help other conditions in which immune suppression is a major problem, such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Turkey tail also helps to alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Gather nice clean specimens. You might find scissors useful in cleaning by cutting off the edges that were attached to the wood. Turkey tail is not a plump mushroom so the thin pieces dry readily. After drying break into small pieces or grind to a powder. Make an infusion, capsule or tincture from the herb that will boost you immune system. [41] Vanilla Leaf Achlys triphylla Quick ID Leaf: trifoliate, 3” to a foot across Stem: single wiry Flowers: white on a spike that rises above the leaves Root: rhizome running just under the soil Habitat: shady, moist forest Vanilla leaf plants are spaced widely on the rhizomes, but often overlap in large networks that result in carpets of vanilla leaf that dominate the near-surface understory. This plant seems to prefer moist soil, so at middle to higher elevations it is easier to find them along stream banks or well-shaded ravines. Part used: leaf Vanilla leaf contains a fragrant compound that is the source of the well-known aroma of �sweet grass’ – coumarin. Coumarin is responsible for the sweet vanilla scent as well as the vanilla taste in this plant’s leaf. However, coumarin is a natural blood thinner so caution is advised, particularly if you are taking pharmaceutical blood thinners such as warfarin. Although vanilla-leaf is not classed as a medicinal it is valued for its wonderful scent and delicately refreshing taste when made into a tea. [42] Hanging bunches of the large leaves placed in your home or placed in dresser drawers emit a sweet scent and act as an insecticide. The crushed dried leaf also makes a fine smudge and an additive to herbal tobacco. Recent research has found four new flavonol glycosides in the root of vanilla leaf but the results are not in at this writing – who knows what valuable medicines this plant holds. Another plant well known for its vanilla scent (like newmown hay) is: Sweetgrass Hierochloe hirta Habitat: moist meadows and forest openings from the lowland to subalpine. Sweetgrass is not found in abundance on Vancouver Island (it can be found). The braids of sweetgrass signify the hair of Mother Earth. Each of the three sections within the braid signifies mind, body and spirit. Traditionally, when taking something from the Earth, the spirit of the plant is told why it is needed and an offering of tobacco and thanks is given in return. [43] Hierochloe species grow all over the world and all have the same sweet scent. It has been used as incense in churches and in religious ceremonies in many countries including those in Europe and Asia as well as in Canada by First Nations. The chemical coumarin is found in almost every plant family as plants use growth inhibitors as well as defence compounds. Research has shown that naturally occurring coumarins (NOCs) are anti-carcinogenic in animal studies. Since NOCs are widely distributed in nature, and are abundant in the human diet (e.g., citrus fruits, legumes, celery) they have the potential to impact human cancer risk. This chemical has a sweet scent so it is readily recognized and has been used in the perfume industry since 1882. It has medical value as the precursor for several anticoagulants such as warfarin a product used to kill rodents by hemorrhage. The aspirin-a-day that doctors recommend for heart or stroke patients as a preventative measure (blood thinner) could be easily substituted by a cup of vanilla leaf tea for instance. This would then act as a preventative medicine to offset the potential of aspirin to damage the gastrointestinal tract. [44] Western Trillium Trillium ovatum Quick ID Flower: single tripetalled white flower turning pink to purple with age Leaves: stem leaves usually 3 in a whorl, diamond to triangular in shape Fruit: fruit is a fleshy, yellow, three-sided capsule filled with tiny seeds Habitat damp, shady woodlands Development, logging and over picking have led to a dramatic decrease in wild trilliums on the Pacific Northwest coast. They were once protected under the Dogwood, Rhododendron and Trillium Protection Act which was repealed in 2002. With this in mind it is up to conservation minded citizens to care and protect this vulnerable plant. Only cultivated roots should be used for medicine. Three leaves and three petalsthis is reflected in the genus name, Trillium, which comes from the Latin word trilix, for triple. Part used: leaf and root [45] Physiological effect: hemostatic for uterine bleeding Chemical constituents: saponins, trillarin and diosgenin, fixed and volatile oils, tannin and trilline Trilliums do everything they can to reproduce. They have a special scent (some say it is fetid) that is irresistible to pollinating insects and they have a special arrangement with ants which play a special role in ensuring trillium’s future growth. When the seedWestern trillium & Indian hellebore containing fruit of trillium mature in late summer, they fall to the ground and split open, exposing the seeds. Each seed is equipped with a structure that botanists call an elaiosome. There are some 3000 species in 70 different plant families that produce seeds with these fleshy lipid-rich appendages which are attractive to ants and are thought to be an evolutionary adaptation for effective seed dispersal. It is the little appendage that is rich in fat as well as chemicals that mimic the smell of ant prey. Chemically deceived by this hoax, ants carry trillium seeds back to their nests, eat the high fat snacks, then discard the seed in the tunnels of their mounds, in this safe haven they will flourish unharmed. The plant was introduced into the American medicinal community in the early 1800’s and was recommended for childbirth and labour as well as hemorrhage. [46] Bogbean Menyanthes trifoliate Quick ID General: semiaquatic, shade tolerant Flower: 5 white petals with long white hairs Leaf: smooth, 3 leaves per stem Root: dark-coloured rhizome Habitat: bogs, marshy areas, shores of lakes and rivers Bogbean produces an exotic white flower with a fuzzy beard. Since the flowers appear in early spring and wither fairly quickly, it is often difficult to view the flower in time. However you can recognize the three clover-like leaves even after the flowers are gone. Part used: fresh (dried) leaf All parts of bogbean are medicinally active; however, the dried leaves are most commonly used in herbal medicine. The leaves are best harvested in late spring or early summer and dried before use (the fresh plant may cause nausea). [47] Physiological effect: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antilithic, astringent, bitter tonic carminative, digestive, diuretic, stomachic Chemical constituents: phenolic acids, iridoid glycosides, menyanthine, iridoids, flavonoids Bogbean is closely related to gentians, which are famous bitter herbs used as a digestive and general body tonic. This plant can be used similarly, but may cause irritation if you have gastric inflammation or infection. Gentiana spp. [48] Bitters are of major importance to the digestive system. They are a tonic to the body's organs such as the liver and pancreas, stimulate the appetite, as well as repair damage to the intestinal tissues. Bogbean is recommended for loss of appetite, digestive problems and stomach discomfort. The active chemical in bogbean leaf, menyanthine, is a glycoside with a bitter principle that stimulates the release of gastrin in the digestive system; this in turn stimulates the secretion of bile and other digestive chemicals. A tea of the dried leaf taken before meals will greatly assist sluggish or impaired digestion. Do not take the leaf as a tincture or capsule for this effect because the all important bitterness has to be available to your taste buds. Other chemical constituents have anti-inflammatory qualities which reduce swollen joints even in the big toe that lead to gout. Bogbean is a "cooling" herb, and is used successfully for the flare up of arthritis, rheumatism and gout when you have hot aching joints. It best utilized by taking the dried powdered leaves in capsule form for this purpose. Inflammation of the joints (arthritis), bowel (colitis) and kidneys (nephritis) are reduced by the herb alone or in combination with such herbs as stinging nettle, celery seed and willow bark. [49] Palmate Coltsfoot Petasites palmatus Quick ID General: perennial herb, flower precedes the emergence of the leaf. Flower: dense white terminal cluster, rounded hood at the top Leaf: 7-9 lobes, green above white with hairs below Flower stalk: covered with green-purple clasping leaves Root: creeping rhizome Habitat: Moist to wet areas at low to mid elevations Early in spring the fragrant coltsfoot flower emerges on a thick stem well before the basal leaves appear. The moment my nose detects this flowers scent I am stilled and reminded of the deep shared pulse of all on the planet. Part used: leaf [50] Physiologic effect: antispasmodic, demulcent, expectorant, tonic Chemical constituents: sesquiterpene, petasin, isopetasin , saponins, pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) Coltsfoot leaves do contain very small amounts (less than 0.015%) of pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA) which are known to damage certain organs, especially the liver. According to Michael Tierra, a well-known naturopath, this small concentration does not pose any threat to health. In addition he suggests that there are additional counteracting substances contained in the leaf that make coltsfoot even less likely to be harmful. Dr. James Duke relates that a chemical found in the leaf acts as an anti-spasmodic or "phyto-tranquilizer". The chemical called petasin, suppresses a protein in the blood that triggers bronchial spasms and isopetasin appears to impact prostaglandins in the body, which are important mediators in the inflammatory response. [51] Studies have also shown the petasin has an affinity for acting on blood vessels of the brain, which may explain coltsfoot’s effectiveness in relieving migraines. The leaf is the medicinal part of coltsfoot. It combines a soothing expectorant effect with an antispasmodic action, designating it for use in most respiratory conditions, including acute or chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It also decreases the time for bronchial cilia to recover after damage from smoking. Coltsfoot is a valuable ingredient for smoke mixes and smudges. For smokers who are already tolerant to inhaling smoke using smoke as a carrier for herbs is a valid way to clean the lungs, it also assists a smoker to withdraw from smoking cigarette tobacco. You can make your own tincture from one part herb to two parts (1:2) alcohol (25% solution, alcohol to water). It should be taken in a dosage of 30-60 drops in a little water, up to five times a day. This will act as an anti-spasmodic and relieve scratchy throats and that achy chest. To wildcraft coltsfoot leaves gather them early in the day and early in the year, cutting them off 1” above the ground and tying them in bundles to dry upside down in a shaded well-ventilated area. Make sure that they are crispy dry then store them in an airtight jar. [52] Cow Parsnip Heracleum lanatum The base of each flower stem is clasped by the off-white, balloonlike sheath tapering to a tuft of green leaves. Cow-parsnip’s size allows close examination of this protective device. Quick ID General: perennial herb Flower: small white in large flat umbels Leaf: 3-parted, large hairy underneath Stem: ridged, thick at the base, hollow Root: fleshy tap root Seed: egg shaped, flat, ridged with black lines Habitat: moist areas, forest openings, meadows Cow parsnip is a member of the umbellifera family. Some of the plants in this family carry the trait of carrying the phototoxic chemical (furanocoumarin) in their leaf and stem as a natural defence or protection against invasion of insects and fungi. Be aware that cow-parsnip, by virtue of its own chemical defences may inadvertently cause a rash or blistering in some humans, particularly those with sensitive skin. Both cow parsnip and water hemlock (aka poison hemlock) look alike from afar – so it is important that you make sure to identify the plant correctly. Cow parsnip leaves are oversized like rhubarb and poison hemlock has smaller deeply cut leaves and carries red blotches on its stem. [53] Interestingly, in the 1940’s Professor Abdel Monem El Mofty of the Cairo University Medical School developed photochemotherapy using furanocuomarin to treat psoriasis with great success. This light-sensitive chemical is now being investigated as a way to treat certain types of cancer. Today clinical herbalists do not prescribe cow parsnip, however its use through the centuries is well entrenched in folk medicine. The root was used as a pain reliever and digestive aid. Although most references refer to the use of the root only, I feel that the seed is equally useful and makes a fine medicine. To assist digestion chew a seed or two and you will find that griping, flatulence and bloating will subside. [54] To relieve toothache a fresh crushed seed placed on the area will work wonders. This applies a gentle local anesthetic and will help to reduce inflammation until a dentist can be seen. To utilize the seed for future use make a tincture by gathering a cup of seeds while they are plump and in the milky stage. Place them in a glass jar, cover with vodka or apple cider vinegar and leave somewhere close at hand for fourteen days. When the mixture is ready, strain out the seeds and save the clear tincture in a dropper bottle that is clearly labelled with herb name, part used and date. For pain relief, particularly gum boils, toothache, and cankers put a few drops on a cotton ball and apply to the area. For children use a cotton swab to transfer the tincture. Note: H. mantegazzianum known as giant cow-parsnip is an introduced species, growing to 10’ in height and is massive. The blooms appear in 3rd to 5th year on this nuisance alien. This plant grows from broadcasting its own seed; therefore it may be controlled by deadheading the flower before the seed develop. [55] Devil’s Club Oplopanax horridus Devil’s Club is a member of the famous ginseng family; its genus name is derived from two words; the Greek hoplon, for weapon and panax, for armed ginseng. Horridus means bristly or wild. Quick ID General: thorny deciduous shrub Flower: greenishyellow flowers in pyramid-like cluster Leaf: large, maplelike leaves, sharp spines on veins Stem: woody with sharp spines Fruit: bright red in pyramidal clusterpoisonous Root: large, gnarly Habitat: poorly drained areas, moist woods, cedar swamps The range of this plant is from Alaska south along the coast through British Columbia. It extends east to the Rockies and includes parts of northern Alberta. Interestingly there is a small enclave of devil’s club growing on an island in Lake Superior. Spines are found on leaf veins, stems and petioles, and are devastatingly painful if you happen to encounter them. They are flat and penetrate like micro daggers through human epidermis and lodge there causing inflammation and pain. [56] An interesting botanical feature of devil’s club is the small buds found along the stem from which new shoots grow. Part used: inner bark of stem Devil’s club is known as a warrior plant to First Nations people of the west coast and they made their medicine from the bark of root and stem harvested in the fall. Traditional medicine has a myriad of uses for this plant many are not only medical but psycho-spiritual in nature. Recent research has confirmed the use of devil’s club for respiratory problems including tuberculosis. More research is underway that will no doubt validate the many uses in Tradition medicine. Pharmaceutical drugs commonly used to treat various strains of Mycobacterium (M. tuberculosis and M. avium) are no long effective as these strains have developed a resistence to them. This has stimulated research into such plants as devil’s club among others growing in coastal British Columbia. The acetylenes found in the bark are effective against Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Candida albicans, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium avium. [57] Physiological effects: antibacterial, antifungal, antimicrobial, antipyretic, antirheumatic, antitussive Chemical constituents: acetylenes, oplopandiol sesquiterpene, sequinopanacene, equinopanacol, spatulenol polyenes, sterols Devil’s Club is deeply entrenched in the traditional medicine of coastal aboriginal groups. As such aboriginal intellectual property rights prevail. It is one thing to gather a few stems for personal use, but there has to be agreement and compensation when devil’s club is harvested commercially and herbal products sold. To further understand this contemporary problem, I offer you the following: The following is an excerpt from �Devil’s Club (Oplopanax horridus):An Ethnobotanical Review’ that appeared in HerbalGram, 2004, #62 – American Botanical Council written by Trevor C. Lantz, Kristina Swerhun, and Nancy J. Turner. “...In 1992, signatories to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (Biodiversity Convention) formally recognized the intellectual property rights of the Earth’s indigenous and traditional peoples in Articles 1 and 8j by calling for fair and equitable sharing of any benefits resulting from the sustainable use of biodiversity and traditional and local knowledge. Since Canada is a signatory to the Biodiversity Convention, it is legally and morally bound to uphold all 40 articles. However, despite the obvious conflict between the commercialization of devil’s club in the absence of compensation, and Articles 1 and 8j of the Biodiversity Convention, there are no effective legal means to ensure that the compensation called for in the Convention is provided or negotiated.” [58] Gumweed Grindelia integrifolia The folk or common names for gumweed, such as sticky heads, tarweed, gumplant and rosinweed, refer to the sticky resin that is exuded primarily from the buds, some from the leaf and stem. Quick ID General: variable species, perennial herb Stem: reddish, stiff, erect, branched Leaf: lower large oblanceolate, toothed Flowers: bright yellow ray flowers Bracts: sticky, green, reflexed Root: tap root Habitat: dry beaches, coastal bluffs, waste places and roadsides On a sunny day you can see the resin glistening on the buds and leaf surface. Touch the flower, if it is sticky to the touch you have found gumweed. It also carries an acrid but not unpleasant odour. [59] The genus Grindelia honours David Hieronymus Grindel (1776-1836), a professor of chemistry and pharmacy. Squarrosa is Latin meaning having stiff spreading bracts. The sticky resin contains several chemical compounds and various flavonoids that make these herbs a remarkable medicine. They have been used in European folk medicine for centuries as a treatment for bronchitis and asthma. Part used: sticky buds before flowering; leaf in early summer Physiological effect: analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, hypotensive, immune stimulant, sedative Chemical constituents: essential oil borneol, flavonoids, grindelic acid, luteolol, resin There are two actions that make gumweed effective as a respiratory remedy. Gumweed helps to loosen the mucous in the lungs and the respiratory tract providing an expectorant action and the anti-spasmodic action relieves coughing attacks. [60] Not only does gumweed effectively work on the respiratory system but is also a relaxing tonic for the heart. Gumweed has the capacity to relax the smooth muscles thereby lowering pulse rate and normalizing blood pressure. When either taking heart medication or having heart problems, it is advisable to obtain your doctor's approval before taking gumweed. The action on the smooth muscles also helps to explain gumweed's effectiveness in the treatment of asthmatic and bronchial conditions, especially where these are associated with a rapid heart beat and nervous response. To make a cough syrup I recommend using glycerine as your solvent, not only is it a gentle solvent for use in children’s medicine but alone it will ease coughing spasms and soothe a raw throat. Adding gumweed to glycerine can only improve its medicinal effect. Use 3 parts water to 1 part glycerine, pour this mixture over the buds making sure that all are covered. Leave for about 10 days, shaking the mixture whenever you have the inclination. Once the buds are strained out of the solution, you have an effective cough medicine. [61] Licorice Fern Polypodium glycyrrhiza Licorice fern is a fascinating plant that suddenly emerges in the fall after a heavy rain on apparently barren rocks, fallen or live tree trunks and old buildings - it’s like a treasure hunt with the reward a the sweet tasting root. Quick ID General: evergreen, spore bearing fern Blade: lance shaped, compound, smooth, vibrant green Rhizome: slender, creeping, branching, Leaflets: linear, 10 to 20, with serrated margins, spore (sori) on the underside Spori: round, discrete, yellow to brown at maturity Habitat: wherever there is enough humidity for the fronds to extract the nutrients they need from the air, this fern will find a place to grow. This fern belongs to a family of 10,000 to 12,000 species of nonflowering plants – they do have true roots, stems and complex leaves but they reproduce by spores found on the underside of the leaf. [62] Licorice fern commonly grows epiphytically (on trees) or as a lithophyte (on rocks) in coastal forests. As epiphytes they do no damage to the tree and do not depend on them for nutrition they only need a harbouring spot and a safe place to moor as they obtain their nutrients from the air. They grow easily on their host wherever there is a dense enough layer of moss for the roots to attach. The fronds sprout individually along the slender creeping rhizome that lies deep in the mosses. Licorice fern is a traditional medicine of First Nations being utilized for its sweet taste and for the treatment of cold symptoms. The rhizomes contain a steroidal compound ostadin, which is 3000 times sweeter than sucrose. The name Polypodium means �many feet’ alluding to its branched rhizomes; glycyrrhiza translates as �sweet root’. [63] Sea Milkwort Glaux maritima Sea milkwort is a halophyte – a plant that needs salt – and loves the salt spray of the Pacific Ocean. The diminutive sea milkwort is my favourite of the halophytes; it is a lowgrowing, fleshy-leaved plant which is usually found in mats along the tide line and upper parts of the beach. It also appears inland in saline areas. It is said that First Nations used this plant to increase lactation. But, beyond that in European herbal medicine we find that the root of this plant was revered as a sedative or nervine that aided sleep and quieted agitated nerves. [64] Red Samphire Salicornia maritima Quick ID: General: annual, halophyte Flower: three tiny flowers at stem joints Leaf: minute, scale-like Stem: jointed at nodes Habitat: shallow, salty, alkaline areas The glassworts or samphires are often found in intertidal areas with muddy or fine-grained substrates. The whole plant is green to reddish and sometimes appears translucent in the fall. At first glance the stems and leaves are hardly distinguishable. The stems and branches are filled with fresh water as a reserve to sustain it amidst abundant salt water inundations. [65] The opposite leaves are reduced to tiny scales visible along the stems. And believe it or not these plants have flowers! You have to look very carefully to see the flower’s minute anthers, the pollen-bearing structures protruding from the branches. The genus name Salicornia is derived from two Latin words, sal for salt and cornu for horn, alluding to its salty habitat and the horn-like branches. At times they are a brilliant red and in early spring the plant is pale-green gradually turning red as it matures due to the formation of the glucoside betanin. The depth of colour varies according to the amount of this chemical in the plant’s tissues. No ordinary plant, samphire has a rich history of use in glass making. In the glass making process it was first reduced to ash to provide carbonate of soda, the alkali required for producing glass. The European plant known as samphire was pickled and sold for decades. Early pioneers soon discovered the native species, using it as a substitute and eventually incorporated it into their vegetable gardens. [66] American Skunk Cabbage Lysichiton americanus Quick ID General: perennial, semiaquatic Flowers: green yellow in a fleshy cylindrical spike, surrounded by a large yellow spathe Leaf: 2 to 3 foot long Fruit: green to red in axis of spadix, large seeds Habitat: wet areas, springs, swamps American skunk cabbage unfolds in late winter or early spring bringing the first life, movement, heat, and odour to its slumbering habitat. I have seen it pushing through melting snow with ease and marvelled at the flowing warmth which heats up, not only the cold ground in which it grows, but also heating its own volatile oil emitting the odiferous scent inviting pollinators to visit, feast and enjoy its warmth. The flower chamber is attractive to insects not only because of the feast of pollen and the inviting aroma but the area is kept at 20 degrees F, making it an attractive find for an overnight stay. [67] For the most part the adult beetle named Peelecomalius testaceum use the inflorescence as a snack bar and mating site, carrying the uneaten pollen to the next plant. Part used: rhizome, seed Skunk cabbage has a short large root but it can be very difficult to dig in the oozy soil. The rootstock sits a few inches under the soil and gives rise to the leafstalks above and pencil thick roots that go in every direction below. The rootlets grow deep into the oozing soil. Truthfully, I have only dug one of these roots in my life and luckily I chose a plant that was compliant, on other attempts it was impossible and also unnecessary to dig. The leaves were reported to be used by First Nations as a type of �wax paper’ to keep foods and such. I urge you not to try this as the leaf although beautiful and inviting contains �calcium oxalate crystals’ which cause an unpleasant burning sensation. Skunk Cabbage may be used as an antispasmodic for the respiratory system; it relaxes and eases irritable coughs making it a good choice for asthma, bronchitis and whooping cough. As a diaphoretic it aids the body during fevers. Physiological effects: antispasmodic, diaphoretic, expectorant, narcotic, pectoral, stimulant [68] I have found that the large seeds make a fine medicine and are much easier to gather than the root, they are more potent and stable to say nothing of being easier to gather. They have an acrid taste and emit the same fetid odour of the plant when bruised. In medicinal doses the seeds are stimulating, expectorant, antispasmodic and faintly narcotic. As a nervine it has a positive action upon the nervous system that relieves irritation and normalizes the CNS. Chemical constituents: volatile oil, 5hydroxytryptamine, resins, fixed oil, salts of lime, silica, iron, manganese, wax A tincture made from the seeds may be used in asthma attacks, whooping-cough, nervous irritability and for pulmonary and bronchial affections. During acute stage take up to 10 drops 3 x a day. Note: In large doses skunk cabbage will cause vomiting, headache, dizziness, and impaired vision. Taking the tincture at the dose advised will offer the proper medicinal quantity. Note: There are so many other herbs with leaves that perform the same function as skunk cabbage, that it seems unnecessary to use this medicine, however, to sit quietly among the skunk cabbage plants in the early spring brings us closer to understanding this amazing plant’s true nature and maybe get a glimmering of our own. [69] Wild Ginger Asarum cardatum Quick ID General: perennial herb, growing low to the ground Flower: solitary, purple to brown Leaf: large, heartshaped Fruit: leathery capsule Root: rhizome Habitat: moist, shady woodlands Wild ginger lives deep in leaf mulch, quite happy to remain undetected, rooting here and there forming large mats that creep along the forest floor. Since the leaves are very similar in shape and colour to those of some violets and wintergreens, mistaken identification often occurs. However, the gingery aroma and maroon flowers with three flaring sepal’s bell shaped and hairy will soon set you straight. The roots are quite shallow in the loose soil and can be easily damaged so take care when visiting this little gem. New leaves grow from the roaming rhizome in early spring each pair are soft, hairy and emerge a light green and wrinkly, wrapped tightly around hairy leaf stalks. Later these tight little bundles unfold and darken to medium green and can grow up to 7” across by the fall of the year. [70] Like the western trillium, the seed of wild ginger has an appendage that is rich in oil and useful to ants that live in the same habitat. It makes a good food for their young when gathered and taken back to the maze of underground passages. After the oil is ingested the seed is cast aside where it germinates and flourishes. The rhizome of wild ginger was used historically much as cultivated ginger is today. It has a spicy taste and contains a stimulating agent that acts as an expectorant and a carminative. Medical researchers have identified two antibiotic compounds in the plant and in the past when wild ginger was more abundant, herbalists felt free to utilize it. Today it is widely cultivated as a ground cover in woodland gardens. **Be aware that scientists have determined that the plants may contain poisonous compounds and consumption of the plant is highly discouraged. [71] Yellow Pond Lily Nuphar lutea Yellow pond-lily covers the surface of my favourite pond. The bright waxy flower on its single stem stands upright above the large flat leaf that covers and cools the surface of the blue green water. I muse about the distinct possibility that under the cool water, roots deep in the mud, each of these lilies is from one mother — a metaphor for the connection of humanity to one source nourishing and maintaining our life force. [72] Part used: root Quick ID General: aquatic perennial Flower: solitary, cup shaped with small stamen-like petals, and large yellow sepals Leaf: heart-shaped on long stalk Fruit: purplish brown oval, leathery Root: large, thick rhizome Habitat: sheltered, slow moving water The flesh-coloured root, technically a rhizome, is of impressive size — often more than six inches in diameter. Uniform, dark leaf scars cover the upper surface while the underside has many white rootlets that anchor it in the mud. This rhizome perennial continues to flourish year after year — even broken segments re-root. On close examination, the flower is not what it seems. The many petals reduce to mere wedges that merge to form an extraordinary golden umbrella-shaped stigma at the centre of the flower with clearly indented �spokes’. Substantial bright yellow sepals surround and cup this �knob-like’ centre. Long round stalks firmly hold the leaves that float on and under the water. The masses of leaves help to keep the water cool and provide docking facilities for small frogs, dragonflies, and even the odd water nymph. Beneath the cool green leaves, opportunistic fish feast on the small aquatic life gathered in its shadow. [73] Physiological effects: anodyne, antispasmodic, astringent, cardiotonic, demulcent, hypotensive, sedative Chemical constituents: steroids, alkaloids, nymphaeine, nupharine, mucilage, glycosides, tannins Yellow pond lily’s astringency makes it a candidate for treating diarrhea particularly due to irritable bowel syndrome. The root parts can be used fresh or dried as a decoction taken in acute stages. The root is calming and sedative to the nervous system making it useful for insomnia and anxiety and other disorders where nervous agitation is a factor. [74] Sweet Scented Bedstraw Galium triflorum Quick ID General: Perennial herb Stem: prostrate to ascending or climbing, several, branched, square Flower: small green-white Leaf: whorls of 4 – 8, narrow, bristly, long stalks in leaf axils, pointed tip Root: creeping rhizome Fruit: hooked bristles Habitat: moist areas, damp woods Settlers to coastal British Columbia, particularly those from the British Isles, made good use of the bedstraws. [75] As the name suggests pillows and mattresses were filled with the dried, springy, fragrant foliage of the bedstraw plants. I have had occasion to see a mattress filled with the bedstraw plant that still had a faint sweet odour and springiness after 80 years. The plants often show themselves as green masses of foliage in the moist woodlands, their star-like flowers twinkling in the sunlight. Most members of this family grow on decumbent or trailing stems with bristles that love to clutch at your clothing as you pass by, the seeds are great hitch-hikers too. For centuries, European herbalists have used leaf, stem and flower of bedstraw; it has proven to be a reliable soothing herb. Physiological effects: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic, lymphagogue Chemical constituents: anthraquinones, citric acid, coumarins, iridoids asperuloside, nicotinic acid, tannin Sweet scented bedstraw is a valuable tonic for the urinary system and is especially good for clearing engorged lymph nodes. Herbal lymphagogues such as bedstraw clear substances that cannot be effectively filtered out by the vascular system (veins and arteries). I have seen swollen lymph nodes dramatically reduced by applying the expressed juice from this plant externally and at the same time having the person take the tincture internally to remove the toxins through the urine. Note: Bedstraw contains coumarins - anyone taking pharmaceutical blood thinners including aspirin should avoid this plant. [76] Burdock Arctium minus Quick ID General: naturalized biennial, leaf rosette in 1st year Flower: purple bracts with bristles Leaf: broad-ovate, rhubarb-like Stem: hollow, celery-like Fruit: seed casing, burred Root: deep tap root Habitat: waste places, rocky ground I could fill a volume with the virtues of burdock. All parts have medicinal value, none are wasted and it grows in great abundance. Part used: leaf, root, fruit (seed) [77] Physiological effects: alterative, antibacterial, antibiotic, antitumorigenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiviral, cholagogue, expectorant, hypoglycemic Chemical Constituents: alamine, arctiol, arginine, ascorbic acid, acetic acid, arctiin, arctiopicrin, arctigenin, inulin , mucilage, tannin, flavonoids, taraxasterol, bitter, lappin, volatile oils This plant, in its entirety, has been used in herbal medicine for centuries and for a wide variety of disorders. Hildegard of Bingen, well known medieval mystic and herbalist, recorded the use of burdock for treatment of cancerous tumours. Today, scientific research has shown that arctigenin, a chemical in burdock, does in fact slow tumour growth and there is more research underway. [78] Burdock’s large tap root used for food (known as gobo in Japan) and medicine is very long and luscious. You can dig it in the fall of the first year, or in early spring of the second year of growth. It is not advisable to use the root after the second year stalk has sprouted. This plant is a slow-acting alterative herb that strengthens the system, especially liver. It gently moves the body to a state of integration and health by influencing the skin, kidneys, mucous and serous fluid and removing accumulated waste products. Taken internally it relieves rheumatic conditions resulting from toxins as well as acute irritable and inflammatory conditions. By decreasing blood sugar levels and increasing carbohydrate tolerance, the root has pronounced and long lasting effect as a hypoglycemic. Extracts of the leaves, seed and roots have all been shown to possess antibacterial activity and are active against both gram negative and gram positive bacteria. The large leaves gathered early in the second year can be used to make a potent salve for use externally for chronic skin conditions including acne, eczema, psoriasis and dry itchy skin (ichthyosis). [79] Fireweed Epilobium angustifolium Quick ID General: perennial herb, 1 – 6 feet high, large colonies Flower: 4 petals, magenta to white depending on environment Leaf: alternate, lance-shaped with prominent mid-vein Stem: sturdy, sometimes woody Fruit: erect, thin linear pods, split into 4 sections Seed: hundreds of parachute seeds Root: widespread rhizome-like root Habitat: burned over sites, waste places Fireweed is an abundant perennial that dominates many plant communities undergoing succession, quickly reclaiming disturbed ground such as cut or burned forest, thus explaining its common name fireweed. If you look closely at the flowering plant you’ll notice that it has buds, flowers and fruit on show at the same time. The genus name Epilobium means �on a capsule’ (epi means on, lobon means capsule) because the new flowers form on top of the seed or put another way the flowers start to open from the bottom. [80] Fireweed has been around for some time helping the Earth and humans rejuvenate; now modern research is finding that it also possesses chemical compounds that make safe and effective alternative remedies. Part used: flower, leaf Physiological effects: antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, emollient, laxative, tonic Chemical constituents: flavonoids, mucilage, phenolic compounds, tannins, vitamin C, oenothein B The anti-inflammatory effect of fireweed is gentle and effective for the upper respiratory areas (mouth, throat) as well as the digestive system solving intestinal inflammation when taken as a warm tea. The flower and leaf make a very fine emollient when made into a salve. I make a little pot of this every year, picking just a few flowers and steeping them in grape seed oil and then thickening with beeswax. It soothes and softens the epidermis. Gather leaves and flowers from plants on the periphery of the colony for the least impact on the whole area. If the colony is just establishing itself it best to leave them to do their regenerating work and look for others. Cut the stalk just above ground level, when the plant is in bloom, for the highest medicinal content, when cutting use a sharp knife so as not to disturb the root and surrounding eco-system. Store the plant parts whole, in this way they will keep their medicinal quality longer. [81] Canada Goldenrod Solidago canadensis Quick ID General: prolific perennial, late blooming Flowers: yellow, dense pyramid clusters Stem: erect Leaf: simple, alternate In all Canadian provinces, at least one of the 125 plus species of goldenrod is always present. Canada goldenrod grows prolifically on the Pacific Northwest coast and can be found blooming late into the fall. The genus Solidago is derived from �solidate’ meaning �one that makes whole’ and that it does. Goldenrod has been inappropriately blamed as the chief cause of hay fever, because it blooms at the same time as the real perpetrator, ragweed (Ambrosia sp.). The big give away is the fact that innocent goldenrod is pollinated by insects and is not an airborne pollen. In fact, not only does goldenrod’s pollen not cruise on the breeze, the plant itself is a curative for hay fever and other upper respiratory maladies rather than their cause. Part used: leaf, flower bud [82] It is important to gather the flower bud and not the full bloomed flower because during the drying process the flower turns to seed. I have had occasion to gather a flower head (see photo left) only to find that the top flowers had gone to seed but luckily, the buds below were still viable. Physiological effects: anticatarrhal, antihistamine, antiinflammatory, antimicrobial, astringent, urinary antiseptic/sedative, carminative, diuretic, demulcent, diaphoretic Goldenrod contains chemical compounds called saponins that act in a mysterious way, the exact mechanism is not known, but it appears that irritation in the gut causes a reflex action in the kidneys and lungs, resulting in a tissue response to flush away the offending substance. This provides goldenrod with an interesting paradoxical effect, on the one hand it is astringent and anti-catarrhal and on the other it increases the production of mucous helping its passage from the respiratory area. Chemical constituents: volatile oil, pinene, limonene, flavonoids, kaempferol, rhamnetin, quercetin, quercitrin, astragalin, saponins, cinnamic acid, tannins Goldenrod is an important botanical medicine that counteracts the toxicity of herbicides and pesticides free floating in the air we breathe. A tea or tincture made from the flower and leaf of goldenrod will help to keep the lungs clear, particularly during the active farming season. [83] Horsetail Equisetum arvense Photo: Michael McCreary Quick ID: General: two growth stages – sterile and fertile Leaf: small, scale-like in whorls Stem: jointed Branches: from leaf axils, 3 – 5 sided, whorled Seeds: spores (viable for 48 hours) Root: black rhizome Habitat: low wet seepage areas, meadows, damp sandy soils, gravelly areas The horsetails are the most primitive of plants, having been on the Earth long before man, some estimate as long as three hundred million years! [84] The fossil record shows that members of the Equisetum genus formed a striking part of the coal forest swamps their jointed stems were two feet or more in thickness rising to heights of 50 to 100 feet. Imagine that when you see the delicate, diminutive plant known as horsetail today. During the Carboniferous period horsetails formed coal seams that today we depend on for fuel. Equisetum stands alone with no close relatives, the closest being the ferns because they are both spore bearing plants. Horsetail has two generations; in early spring pale pink, fleshy stems appear in damp meadows, each terminating in a small egg-shaped cone which bears the spores. Later, after dropping their spores, these fertile stems wither to the ground and are replaced by the sterile stems that develop into a bright green plant reminiscent of a bottle brush or little Christmas tree. Today this group is represented by 29 species of small, herbaceous plants that are very wide spread throughout the globe. [85] The genus name is derived from the Latin equus, for �horse’, and setum, �bristle’. Arvense refers to field or land. Fresh horsetail contains the enzyme thiaminase, which can break down thiamine. Drying, alcohol extraction, and stomach acids all denature thiaminase, however there is no evidence that in the form and amounts normally used it has a physiological effect on humans. WARNING: As the green sterile stage matures, the silica tends to move to the exterior layers of the stem and branches. The silica is insoluble at this later stage of growth. In my opinion, the silica can be quite dangerous to the body because it cannot be easily eliminated. After mid-June, you can feel the silica grit on the stems. The photograph above shows the skeleton (silica) of horsetail in the spring – even the winter snows and rain did not dissolve it. Part used: above ground portion gathered early in the growing season when the leaves point upward Physiological effects: analgesic, antifungal, antiosteoporotic, antioxidant, diuretic, emollient, hypotensive, urinary tonic Chemical constituents: ascorbic acid, campesterol, chromium, dihydroquercetin, esquisetonin, ferulic acid, niacin, silicon, tannic acid, zinc The use of horsetail dates back to ancient Roman and Greek medicine where it was used for its mild diuretic action. [86] The diuretic effects are tempered by the presence of significant quantities of astringent tannic acids which provide a tonic and strengthening effect upon the walls of the bladder. It is this toning effect that is sought in urinary incontinence, rather than the diuretic effect. All the horsetail species, arvense in particular, are known for their high content of organic silica, a substance that rejuvenates connective tissues and strengthens bones. Silica also increases elasticity in the arterial walls, essential to movement of blood and keeping blood pressure low. Silicon, present in the sterile horsetail plant, may be beneficial for bone strengthening and is beneficial as a treatment for osteoporosis. People with osteoporosis should speak with a qualified healthcare provider before utilizing this herbal therapy. I may be hesitant to use wildcrafted horsetail internally, relying more on the standardized products available in health food stores but I do find various external washes, oils and salves made from horsetail to be very helpful for the skin in a variety of ways. Horsetail’s chemicals such as ferulic-acid, campesterol, and silicon exhibit antioxidant, analgesic, antifungal and emollient properties making this plant a good candidate for a top rate salve. As a bath herb horsetail is mineral rich, healing the skin, leaving it soft and clean. You will find that it increases your circulation which is helpful for those suffering from varicose veins. [87] Mullein Verbascum thapsus Quick IDGeneral: naturalized alien Biennial: 1st year – rosette of fuzzy leaves 2nd year – stout stem with many leaves, up to 8 feet Leaf: large, hairy; clasping the stem Flower: yellow, 5petals, saucershaped in compact raceme Fruit: ovoid capsules with 100s of seeds Habitat: waste places, particularly gravelly soil Mullein is a fascinating biennial; herb with innumerable soft hairs that protect it from insects by making it very difficult to crawl along the surface as well as irritating the mouths of browsing animals. These same hairs manage to capture and retain small droplets of moisture that see this drought tolerant plant through the driest of seasons. The leaves ascend the central stalk in an alternating manner, not allowing any rain to escape. The strong midrib of each leaf tightly clasps the stem maintaining an erect profile while creating a channel for water to flow inwards, descending leaf-to-leaf like a waterfall. [88] In B.C. mullein is categorized as a noxious weed but in the right hands with the right attitude it is a storehouse of medicinal benefits. Part used: leaf, flower Physiological effect: anodyne, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antiviral, astringent, demulcent, emollient, expectorant, sedative, Chemical constituents: ascorbic acid, betacarotene, crocetin, hesperidin, iridoid glucosides lateroside aucubin, selenium, silica, oleic acid, saponins, verbascoside, zinc Mullein leaf is a good respiratory remedy; it tones the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, reducing inflammation and facilitates expectoration from the lungs. It is considered a specific in bronchitis where there is a hard cough with soreness. It has strong antiviral and antispasmodic action whether you make a tea, tincture, salve or steam. [89] Externally an extract of the flower in olive oil makes a soothing, healing balm for any inflamed surface. It is a specific for children’s earache, working effectively to lessen the pain and aiding sleep. Like many other herbs, mullein is not entirely benign. Some people find the plant’s hairs irritating to skin and mucous membranes. It’s a good idea to see how you react to a small amount of mullein before consuming it or smearing it on your body. And always strain the tea through fine-weave cloth or a coffee filter to remove any stray hairs. Although it has been used medicinally since ancient times, the popularity of common mullein has been increasing for the past few years. Today, the dried leaves and flowers are processed into capsules, alcohol and glycerine extracts and medicinal oils that are available in health food stores. Dried mullein leaf is the main ingredient in most herbal smoke recipes to which other respiratory herbs are added. Herbal smoke can be made into rolled cigarettes, used in a pipe or burned as a smudge. It relieves irritation of the respiratory mucus membranes, tones and clears the lungs and if you are a smoker it will help cessation of smoking and clean the lungs. [90] Self Heal Prunella vulgaris Quick ID General: perennial herb Flowers: 2-lipped, lips longer than tube, the upper lip squared-off, purple on terminal spike Leaves: lanceshaped, opposite Stem: square Habitat: roadsides, fields at low elevations. Self-heal is a member of the mint family and as such has the telltale square stem associated with mints. Like most mints it grows easily from a rhizome that spreads horizontally sending up shoots giving bloom to new plants in an extensive colony. This diminutive mint has been part of folk medicine for centuries. The older herbal writings of Culpepper and Gerard record self-heal’s (also known as heal-all) use as a tonic restoring health to the body and staunching uncontrolled bleeding both internally and externally. [91] New research has found that self-heal acts as an antibacterial and antibiotic having chemical constituents that are antibiotic specifically for the respiratory system. Part used: leaf, flower, root Physiological effect: alterative, antibacterial, antibiotic, antipyretic, antiseptic, astringent, tonic, vulnerary Chemical constituents: betulinic acid, camphor, A cold water infusion of oleanolic acid, rosemarinicthe freshly chopped, or dried and powdered, acid, rutin, tannin, ursolic-acid, tannins leaves is a very tasty refreshing beverage. Self-heal is taken internally as a medicinal tea in the treatment of fevers, diarrhea, sore mouth and throat, internal bleeding, and weaknesses of the liver and heart. Clinical analysis shows that self-heal’s antibacterial constituents and resultant action inhibits the growth of Bacillus typhi, E. coli, Mycobacterium tuberculi, which supports its age old use as an external and internal medicine. Canadian researchers have discovered that heal-all blocks cell-to-cell transmission of the HIV virus and also interferes with the virus' ability to bind with T cells, the immune cells that are destroyed by HIV infection. At the University of California at Davis, scientists have identified a complex sugar in the herb that accounts for its actions against HIV. [92] Marsh Skullcap Scutellaria galericulata (formerly S. epilobiifolia) Quick ID General: member of the mint family Flower: tubular, in pairs in leaf axil Leaf: opposite, oval Stem: square, weak Root: very fragile Habitat: wet meadows, marshes Skullcap’s genus scutellaria translates to �little dish’ referring to the hollow pouch formed by the top lid that develops over the calyx. At mid-summer the vivid blue-helmeted flower pokes out of the upper leaf axil while the fragile stem buffered by long grasses growing around and supporting it reaches up to the warmth and sunlight. This moisture loving plant lives along rivers and lakes, in moist meadows and marshes where you must tread carefully fear of crushing it. Old herbal references from the early 1800s use the folk name �mad-dog skullcap’ and record that it was used for the bite of rabid dogs. Two centuries later Russian researchers found that a specific flavonoid found in the aerial portion called sculletaria is indeed an effective sedative and have deemed that it is indeed an effective CNS antispasmodic. [93] Part used: aerial portion Skullcap contains a bitter chemical, or principle, that works as a tonic on the liver and the digestive system. Like so many of nature's medicines, the chemical components affect more than one body system – in this case, both the nervous system and the digestive system. Physiological effect: antibacterial, anticonvulsant, antispasmodic, sedative nervine Chemical constituents: flavonoids, apigenin, luteolin, scutellarin, Iridoids, catapol You can purchase skullcap remedies in your health food store, or you can prepare them from plants gathered in the wild. Either way, I advise that you take skullcap for no longer than five days at a stretch because it is a very potent herb. After five days, take a couple of days off and then if needed take it again for five days. It is advisable not to take this herb for longer than three months including the two day break. Within this time period skullcap is powerful enough to effect the change you desire. [94] Make a leaf tea for use as a bitter to help with digestion— but don't sweeten it or you will lose its valuable bitter qualities. To help with nervous disorders, including sleeping problems, make an infusion — yes, you can sweeten it. Other ways of preparing this herb to avoid the bitterness would to make a fresh tincture out of the leaf or drying the herb, powdering it and then encapsulating it. I have found skullcap to be especially useful for those withdrawing from nicotine, drugs or alcohol and for mental or physical exhaustion when there is an inability to control the voluntary muscles. Skullcap produces a quiet and soothing effect, controlling nervous agitation, and inducing a sensation of calmness and strength when it is needed. [95] St. John’s Wort Hypericum perforatum Look closely at the flower of St. John’s Wort for the dark-coloured glands along the petal margin; crush a petal and red oil exudes. The leaves also carry these dots but the oil is colourless. Quick ID General: alien, shrub-like perennial Leaves: yellow, lanceolate, with glandular dots and black marginal dots Flower: yellow 5 petals Stems: erect, branched Habitat: rocky ground, waste places Make medicinal oil from the freshly picked blossom and it will turn a brilliant red, holding stable for over a year, the herbal oil is used as a specific for sciatica when applied externally. Many herbalists say the translucent �perforations’, the black spots, contain the most active medicinal qualities. Physiological effects: antidepressant, antispasmodic, antitumorigenic, antiviral, nervine Chemical constituents: anthraquinone, hyperforin, hypericin, flavonoids, quercetin, volatile oil, tannin [96] For centuries St. John’s wort has been used as a sleeping aid. Now research has validated its use to relieve anxiety, nervous tension, insomnia, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and depression. It is also prescribed for menopausal disturbances, premenstrual syndrome, shingles, bladder control problems, and for pain and inflammation caused by nerve damage. Recently, St John’s wort has also been found to be a potent antiviral agent and there is more to come I am sure. This oil stimulates cellular metabolism and also acts as a powerful anti-depressant when taken internally. Used externally it will help too heal burns, subdue sciatica and reduce the irritation of scar tissue. This is a noxious weed in many provinces due to its invasion of rangeland and photosensitization of livestock; so it may have been sprayed with chemicals poisonous to we humans. Be careful where you wildcraft your medicine. [97] Stinging Nettle Urtica dioica Quick ID General: tall, graceful, stalk, stems and leaves all carry stinging hairs Flower: green, small in hanging clusters Leaf: deeply toothed, dark green, heart shaped at base, tapered to the top, Stem: square Habitat: moist fertile areas; usually indicating nitrogen rich soils. Stinging nettle takes its name from an old Anglo-Saxon word noedl meaning needle. Urtica is from the Latin urere, to burn. This name is in reference to the stinging hairs that cover the stem, stalk and leaf. These cellular stinging hairs function like hypodermic needles that contain a combination of acid and antigenic protein. Under pressure the hair penetrates the skin, the tip is broken and the irritating juice is injected and a rash erupts. In most instances the rash clears within minutes. If you wear gloves and long sleeves while gathering the plant, not much harm can come to you. [98] This highly nutritive herb makes a spring tonic that has no equal and the irritating hairs are neutralized when cooked or dried. The dried leaf gathered before the flowers appear, remain viable and potent through to the next growing season. second year. Leaves are harvested before the flowers develop. To harvest cut the whole stem leaving two inches or so above soil line, being careful not to disturb the shallow root system. The roots are harvested in the fall of the Part used: leaf, root Physiological effects: alterative, diuretic, lymphagogue, nutritive, tonic Chemical constituents: organic iron, chlorophyll, potassium, calcium, magnesium, silicic, folic and panthothenic acids, vitamins A B (1 &2) C K, secretin, lectins, sterols, fatty acids, scopoletin. You really can’t take too much nettle. Not only are the steamed greens tasty, but they contain secretin, a substance that assists in the removal of heavy mucous build up. This highly nutritive content is helpful in correcting anemia as well as leg and uterine cramping. Your red blood cells and liver are nourished by long term use of this herb. The vitamin K content prevents postpartum hemorrhage and bleeding. [99] Stinging nettle root has become one of the major phytomedicines used in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia BPH. A number of clinical studies support this claim. One chemical constituent of the root either affects the amount of free (active) testosterone circulating in the blood, or may inhibit one of the key enzymes, aromatase, responsible for testosterone synthesis. These active principles are water soluble so the root may be easily ingested as a boiled tea or decoction. Every vegetable garden deserves a healthy patch of nettles. Rudolph Steiner, scientist and mystic, advocated biodynamic sprays made from nettle to increase vegetative growth, particularly in dry weather (it also makes an excellent aphid spray). Biodynamic gardening uses companion planting of nettles to increase the volatile oils in such plants as valerian, mint, sage and rosemary. You will find the potency of many plants increases measurably when planted near nettles. According to Robert Rogers, botanist and long time herbalist, freeze-dried nettle leaf contains large quantities of histamine and formic acid that are valuable in treating allergic rhinitis. Interestingly, it somehow binds up immunoglobulin G, but only in the freeze-dried form. [100] Yarrow Achillea millefolium Quick ID General: aromatic, stem 2 – 3 feet Flower: small white florets with yellow centres in flattopped clusters Leaf: fern-like Root: branched rhizome Habitat: disturbed areas, roadsides, meadows Yarrow’s genus name Achillea developed from a legend about Achilles who reportedly used the lush foliage and sweet flower to staunch his warrior’s wounds. The species name millefolium meaning thousand leaves refers to the delicate finely divided leaves that adorn the sturdy stem. This native of the Northern Hemisphere is familiar to Canadians from coast-to-coast having been used as an herbal medicine for centuries. From spring to fall yarrow blooms vigorously serving a dual role in insect and plant interdependency. The deep pungency of this plant’s aromatic oil will repel its insect enemies but this same pungency attracts the much needed pollinators. This dual function provides a balance of biodiversity that is beneficial both to the plant and its neighbours. The �squirrel tail’ leaf that pokes through the detritus is used as a spring tonic to increase circulation and open pores to release toxins accumulated through the winter. [101] The flower head, a slightly rounded umbel, includes white ray and yellow disc flowers that possess the most potent medicine. Gathered at this stage, dried and carefully stored in air tight containers out of the sun they will last until the next season of bloom and serve your well over the cool seasons. Part used: aerial portion Physiological effect: stimulating diaphoretic, antiinflammatory, astringent, tonic, vulnerary, antimicrobial Chemical constituents: azulene, achilletin, achilleine, salicylic acid, cineol, quercetin, rutin, tannins, terpeniol, camphor, menthol, eugenol, chamazulene Like many herbs, yarrow is more water soluble and better tasting after it is dried. Gather a few stalks, bundle and hang upside down to dry in a well ventilated area out of the sun. You will find that the flowers dry quickly helping the keep the integrity of the precious volatile oils present in all parts. [102] The leaves are �bitter', assisting digestion and liver function and hepatic clearance of estrogen from the body. The dried flower made into a tea and served warm is a stimulating diaphoretic that opens the pores of the skin and promotes sweating, by this action it will bring down a fever, equalise circulation and assist in detoxification of the body. The flowers have a balancing effect on the menstrual cycle, regulating length of the cycle and duration of bleeding. This physiological action is due to volatile oils which encourage blood flow to the pelvic area, aiding decongestion by encouraging leukocytes and oxygen into the area, thereby acting as an anti-inflammatory. Two volatile oils `azulene' and `dineol' are antiinflammatory and cooling in action and are valuable in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatism. These oils also have a specific affinity for connective tissue, especially the venous system. These same oils used externally act locally to decrease inflammation and to promote tissue healing. Yarrow is considered a troublesome weed by some, this is unfortunate because it is not really as competitive as it is prolific, and generally does not compromise neighbouring plants. However, when wildcrafting this plant exercise caution and choose an area where it has not been sprayed with herbicides to control it. [103] SOURCES Benoliel, Doug. Northwest foraging: the classic guide to edible plants of the pacific northwest. Seattle, WA: Skipstone, 2011. ISBN 978-1-59485-366-1. Boon, Heather and Smith, Michael. The botanical pharmacy: The pharmacology of 47 common herbs. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2011. ISBN 978-0-8014-7740-9. Buhner, Stephen Harrod. The lost language of plants: The ecological importance of plant medicines to life on Earth. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2002. ISBN 1-890132-88-8. Buhner, Stephen Harrod. Healing lyme: natural healing and prevention for Lyme borreliosis and its coinfections. 1st ed. Randolph, Vermont: Raven Press, 2005. ISBN13: 978-09708696-3-0 Carlson, Moira. Herbs of the pacific northwest. Vancouver, BC: Steller Press, 2000. ISBN 1-894143-05-1. Clark, Lewis J. Wild flowers of the sea coast in the Pacific Northwest. Madeira Park, BC : Harbour Publishing, 1974. ISBN 1-55017-307-3 Erichsen-Brown, Charlotte. Use of Plants: For the past 500 years. Aurora, Ontario: Breezy Creeks Press, 1980. Foster, Steven and James A. Duke. Eastern/Central Medicinal Plants. A Peterson Field Guide. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1990. Fraser, W.P. and R. C., Russell. An Annotated List of the Plants of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan, 1953. [104] Grieve, Maude, Modern Herbal. vols. I & II. New York: Dover Publication, 1971. Heatherington, M. and W. Steck. Natural Chemicals from Northern Prairie Plants:The Phytochemical Contents of One Thousand North American Species. Saskatoon: Ag-West Biotech Inc., 1997. Hobbs, Christopher. Medicinal mushrooms an exploration of tradition, healing, and culture. Williams, OR: Botanica Press, 1986. ISBN 1-57067-143-5. Hobbs, Christopher and Keville, Kathi. Womens’s herbs / women’s health. Summertown, Tennessee : Botanica Press, 1998. ISBN 978-1-57067-152-4. Howarth, D. and K. Keane. B.C.’s Wild Medicinal Plants. Union Bay, British Columbia: Root Woman & Dave, 1999. Chaga (Inonotus obliquus). Saskatoon, 1996. Herbal Medicine Making. Saskatoon, 1994. Medicinal Plants At Risk. Saskatoon, 2002. Native Medicines. Saskatoon, 1995. Seneca Root (Polygala senega). Saskatoon, 1995. Wild Medicines of the Prairies. Saskatoon, 1995. The Standing People: Field guide for medicinal plants of the Prairie Provinces. Saskatoon, 2012. ISBN 978-0-96995059-2. Wild Medicine of Coastal British Columbia. Spider Lake, BC, 2010. ISBN978-0-9699505-8-5. Johnson, Rebecca L.; Foster, Steven; Low Dog, Tieraona. National Geographic guide to medicinal herbs: the world’s most effective healing plants. U.S.A. National Geographic Society. 2010. ISBN 978-1-4262-0700-6. [105] Kraft, Karin, and Hobbs, Christopher. Pocket guide to herbal medicine. Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme, 2004. ISBN 313126991-X. Leighton, Anna. Wild Plant Use of the Woods Cree (Nihithawak) of East-Central Saskatchewan. Canadian Ethnology Service, Paper 101. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada - Mercury Series, 1985. Looman, J., and K. F. Best. Budd’s Flora. Ottawa: Research Branch, Agriculture Canada, Publication 1662, 1979. Lyons, C.P., and Merilees, Bill. Trees, Shrubs & Flowers to know in British Columbia & Washington. Vancouver, BC: Lone Pine Publishing, 1995. ISBN 1-55105-044-7. Marles, Robin J., et. al. Aboriginal Plant Use in Canada’s Northwest Boreal Forest. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000. McVicar, Jekka. New book of herbs. New York, NY: DK Publishing, 2002. ISBN 978-0-7566-6427-5. Moore, Michael. Medicinal plants of the Pacific West. Santa Fe, NM: Red Crane Books, 1993. ISBN 1-878610-31-7. Moran, Robbin Craig. A natural history of ferns. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press, 2004. ISBN 0-88192-667-1. Pojar, Jim, et. al. Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast. Vancouver, BC: Lone Pine Publishing, 1994. ISBN 1-55105042-0. Prues, Mary. The northwest herb lover’s handbook: a guide to growing herbs for cooking, crafts, and home remedies. Seattle, WA: Sasquatch Books, 2000. ISBN 1-57061-172-6. [106] Roger, Robert Dale. Rogers’ herbal manual. Edmonton, AB : Karamat Wilderness Ways, 2000. ISBN 1-894453-22-0. Rollans, Glenn. Editor-in-chief. Plants of coastal British Columbia. Vancouver, BC: Lone Pine Publishing, 1994. ISBN 1-55105042-0. Royer, France and Richard, Dickinson. Weeds of Canada and the Northern United States: A Guide for Identification. Edmonton: Lone Pine Publishing/University of Alberta Press, 1999. Small, Ernest, and Catling, Paul M. Canadian Medicinal Crops. Ottawa, ON ; National Research Council of Canada, 1999. ISBN 0-660-17534-7. Teal, John, and Teal, Mildred. Life and death of the salt marsh. New York, NY : Ballantine Books, 1969. ISBN 0-345-31027-6. Turner, Nancy. Plants of Haida Gwaii. Winlaw, BC: Sono Nis Press, 2004. ISBN 1-55039-144-5. Turner, Nancy. Food plants of interior First Peoples. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 1997. ISBN 0-7748-0606-0. Turner, Nancy and Hebda, Richard J. Saanich ethnobotany: Culturally important plants of Wsanec people. Victoria, BC: Royal BC Museum Publishing, date? Underhill, J. E. Coastal lowland wildflowers. Surrey, BC: Hancock House Publishers, 1986. ISBN 0-88839-973-1. Weiss, Rudolf Fritz, and Fintelmann, Volker. Herbal Medicine: 2nd edition, revised and expanded. Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme, 2000. ISBN 3-13-126332-6 (GTV), ISBN 0-86577-970-8 (TNY). [107] Visalli, Dana. Northwest coastal wildflowers. Surrey, BC: Hancock House Publishers, 2005. ISBN 0-88839-518-3. Vogel, Virgil J. American Indian Medicine. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1970. ISBN 0-8061-2293-5. [108] Appendix MEDICINE MAKING INFUSIONS and DECOCTIONS Infusions or tisanes (teas) are used when preparing the more fragile parts of the plant: leaves and flowers with a high concentration of volatile oils. Here are three methods of preparation. 1. Place herbs in container with tight fitting lid and pour boiling water over them. Cover the container before steam is lost. Steep for 10 - 20 minutes, this steeping time varies with the herb used as well as the particular constituents of the plant that are being extracted. 2. for a stronger medicinal infusion place herbs in cold water in pot with tight lid. Slowly bring water to a boil. Watch it carefully and take it off the heat just before it boils. 3. For a very strong infusion use either of the above methods and let the water evaporate by steeping for an extended period. SOLAR: Place herbs in jar with tight fitting lid. Put it in a hot, sunny spot for several hours. This method will extract the same amount of constituents from the herbs as if you had cooked them, it’s wonderful to come home after work and find a nice hot jar full of tea that has been infusing all day ready for you to relax with. COLD INFUSIONS: Certain herbs high in volatile oils, tannins or mucilaginous chemicals have to be prepared by soaking for 8 hours or more in cold water, then strain and heat the cold tea to a satisfactory temperature. DECOCTIONS: are used to release the more tenacious plant material and are generally used for brewing roots, barks, nuts, and non-aromatic seeds. However, roots high in volatile oils should be infused. The plant chemicals are very concentrated and tenacious in root and bark. It is advised when decocting these plant parts to brew the same batch several times. Each subsequent time, the brew becomes a little milder. If you wish, you may add a little fresh mixture to each batch to maintain the strength. I generally brew my root mixtures three to four times before discarding. There are times when it is necessary to prepare medicinal formulas from both the roots and leafy parts of the herb. Therefore it is best to decoct the roots, turn off heat, add leaves and cover tightly and infuse for as long as desired. [109] DOSAGES I. For chronic health problems make a quart of the medicinal tea each day and drink 3 - 4 cups daily for one to four months. Allow one or two days rest each week from the program. 2. For acute health problems drink medicinal tea in small frequent doses. OILS AND SALVES Medicinal oils: It is highly recommended when making medicinal oils to use olive oil which is a high quality, nutritious and medicinal substance in its own right. I also use canola oil or any good vegetable oil found in health food stores. Cosmetic Oils: For body, bath and massage oils, use sweet-scented, light oils; the most preferable being Apricot and Almond. Avocado oil is exceptional oil for the skin but should be diluted with Apricot or Almond because of its thickness and odour. At the moment I am using Grape Seed Oil with great success because the oil is very easily absorbed into the skin, unlike some of the others. METHODS OF PREPARATION With any of these methods, I tend to just take a handful of herbs and cover them with oil; two inches to spare as a general rule. Always strain the oils once extraction is complete (I use cheesecloth) and store in dark coloured glass jars. Get used to labelling your product, date, name of herb, (folk name and botanical), type of preparation etc. Solar Infused oils: Place 2 or 3 oz of the herb (dry or fresh) in a quart jar. Fill jar with desired oil blend. Cover tightly. Place jar in a warm, sunny spot. Some people place them in a bed of sand or straw. Let stand in the sunlight one to two weeks shaking jars daily and strain. You may wish to add fresh herb to the oil and allow it to sit another week or two. After you strain the herbs keep oil in a cool/shaded place just as you would store other oils. Although it takes longer than other methods, I prefer this type of preparation. I like to spend time making herbal products and to use the natural power of the sun (or the moon). Oven extracted oils: Add 2 -3 oz of herb to a quart pan of oil with tight fitting lid. Turn oven on lowest temperature (approx. 200° F) and steep for 3 hrs. Check frequently to be certain you are not deep frying your herbs. Strain and re-bottle. Double boiler: Place herb in a double boiler. Cover with a quart of oil. Cook over boiling water (low simmer) 20-45 minutes, strain and bottle for use. [110] Crock-Pot: I must say, after the solar method this is my favourite, because I can rely on the temperature. Place herbs and oil on lowest setting for one or two hours. SALVES OR OINTMENTS One step beyond making your herbal oils is the fine healing salves you can make. A salve is a soft, semi-solid preparation used for its protective and emollient properties. Salve/ointment bases are usually comprised of wax, herbs, and vegetable oils. The principle constituents of herbs are extracted by the oil; the oil acts as a carrier of the medicinal properties. The wax gives firmness to the salve. Application: Salves are usually applied externally whenever a soothing emollient is needed: for eczema, abrasions, cuts, diaper rashes, scratches, bed sores, wounds, burns and open sores. Salves are also used for suppositories and boluses (a vaginal suppository). Gently apply salve directly on skin irritation. If the wound is severely painful, apply salve onto cheesecloth and place cloth over area. Always be careful that the wound has been cleansed with an antiseptic such as Tea Tree oil before applying the healing salve. TINCTURES Tinctures are one of the oldest forms of herbal preparation because they have several excellent properties; easy to prepare (they keep indefinitely), easy to administer and easy to store. When you are ready to take the tincture, a couple of drops directly under the tongue will suffice or mix either with a little warm water or in an herbal tea. Alcohol Tinctures: Take approximately four ounces ground dried herbs or eight ounces of finely chopped fresh herbs. Cover with the solvent. Make sure that there is at least 2 inches of solvent over the top of your herbal mixture to allow for expansion of herbs and evaporation. Tightly stopper this and shake the bottle vigorously at least three times a day (or more) for ten days to two weeks. As stated previously, use alcohols with a rating of 80 proof or more. Alcohol, one of the most versatile solvents, will dissolve fats, waxes, resins and alkaloids without the introduction of heat which may vaporize some of the more volatile components. The medicinal properties of herbs, when dissolved in alcohol tinctures, are more readily assimilated into the body than when administered in pills or capsule form. [111] The alcoholic solution is absorbed directly into the blood through the stomach walls, thereby starting the healing action almost immediately. Extract all liquids (squeezing the powder residue thoroughly) with a regular juice press or wring out by hand through cheese cloth. You may have to filter the solution if solid residue remains suspended. I find that the �environmentally friendly’ coffee filters are ideal for this purpose. Place in dark bottles and keep in a cool dark place. Take out enough for a small stopper bottle for convenient use. Apple Cider Vinegar Tinctures: Apple cider vinegar may be used as a solvent for preparing tinctures instead of alcohol. However there are some slight disadvantages to this method: The efficacy of the principle constituents is not maintained as long as in alcohol, tinctures; usually good for several months instead of years. Apple Cider Vinegar is not as powerful a solvent therefore it may not completely dissolve the herbal essences. But, Apple Cider Vinegar does help maintain the acid/alkaline balance in the body, regulates body metabolism, and is a tonic for the digestive tract. It can be used whenever alcohol is undesirable. Glycerine Tinctures For making a glycerine tincture, soak four ounces of the ground herb in one pint of water/glycerine solution (1 part glycerine to I parts water), macerate for ten days, strain and bottle. Glycerine tincture (vegetable glycerine is the best) provides an additional healing action as the glycerine helps to eliminate bodily toxins. However, glycerine will not dissolve resinous or oily extracts: alcohol tinctures are preferred in such cases. TINCTURE DOSAGES Determining dosages is always difficult because we all have individual metabolisms, dietary habits, stress levels and other characteristics that may influence the healing process. With my own body (and truly, this is my best guide), I take a dropper full (1 cc) every hour, when I am fighting off an acute infection, and usually the same amount for chronic problems. The dose also depends on the potency of the preparation; so many variables must be considered. If one is sensitive enough, and carefully observes the patient’s responses to the treatment, the proper dosage will become apparent. Although most herbals give dosage requirements, these should only be considered as guidelines. [112] One thing that most herbals don’t do is give children’s dosages. In order to help you with this there are several rules developed by various practitioners over the years. Cowlings rule: Divide the age at the next birthday by 24. If the child is 6 on the next birthday, then 6/24 or ¼ of the adult dosage would be administered. Clark’s rule: Divide the age at the next birthday by 24. If the child is 6 on the next birthday, then 6/24 or 1/4 of the adult dosage would be administered. Young’s rule: Dosage is computed by dividing the child’s age by the age plus 12 (a child’s age of 4 years would be divided by 16: le. 4/16 or 1/4 of the adult dosage). SYRUPS Syrup is a thick, sticky liquid preparation made by dissolving honey/sugar or other sweetener into either pure water or other aqueous solution such as decoctions and infusions. It is also used to suspend medicinal or flavouring agents for easy administration. For making syrup with herbs, settle out the heavier matter and pour off the clear liquid. Then add, for every pint of herbal liquid, one and three quarter pounds of sweetener, place into an appropriate pot and heat until the sweetener is melted then cool and store. LINIMENTS Liniments are exactly the same as tinctures, but are used for external use only. Often times, the terms liniment and tincture are used interchangeably but incorrectly. A liniment is an external application used: (a) for drying, drawing and disinfecting, or (b) for deep muscle pain. COMPRESS This therapy is useful in preventing swelling and reducing fevers, often by stimulating production of both white and red blood cells and by reducing pulse rate. First prepare a decoction or infusion. Once it is lukewarm place in the freezer to get really cold. Soak a cloth in the cold tea and wring out so it is not dripping and apply. When the cloth warms up, re-soak and re-apply. Repeat this procedure three to five times, adding ice cubes if necessary, then dry the area thoroughly. [113] WILDCRAFTING Wildcrafting IS ethical gathering of wild plant material for personal use by knowledgeable people. Wildcrafting IS NOT commercial gathering of large quantities of plant material for money. Before you start to wildcraft it is important to be able to properly identify plants in the field. Get yourself a good field guide with photographs or sketches; visit your local university herbarium and talk to the botanist on staff about identification techniques. Join a native plant group, wild flower or naturalist club. In the last twenty years, right across Canada, commercial harvesting has accelerated at an alarming rate. Tonnes of plant material are being harvested with no thought to sustainability or the destruction to habitat which leads to over harvesting. Over harvesting is the collection of wild plants to the point where it interrupts the balance of plant community, shrinking habitat and range. Dramatic declines in wild plant populations, to a great extent, is the result of commercial harvesting, particularly of root harvesting. The harvesting of the entire root means that the whole plant is being destroyed. It is gone forever. Coneflower (Echinacea spp.) is very near to extinction for this very reason and there are many others joining the list of endangered species. Any harvesting from nature should be managed and closely regulated, yet scientific data is totally insufficient on plant populations. We need to know regional abundance in order to form databases showing how many plants may be taken annually so that sustainable yields are reached. Until this is in place a moratorium on commercial harvesting should be implemented. There must not be further damage to wild populations. If we simply take from greed, without regard for the well-being of the planet we damage the Earth and ourselves. Harvesting, Drying and Storing Wildcrafted Herbs Once you have observed the plants in their natural environment (preferably throughout the four seasons) and feel confident in your identification, you are ready to start gathering. [114] Choose areas that are free of herbicides and pesticides and have a prolific growth of the plants you are interested in. Plan to harvest your herbs in the early morning after the sun has evaporated the dew but before it has dissipated the plant's natural oils. Rain or dew soaked crops will have a much longer drying time and be more susceptible to spoilage and discoloration. Bring along a sizable hand basket to place your harvest in, herbage carelessly tossed into bags or boxes will lose some of their volatile oils. Cut plants with a sharp knife or pruning shears. Make sure that the herbs are clean (no spoilage, insects, eggs or nests etc). Remove all dead or decayed material before drying to reduce chance of spoilage. Green foliage should be allowed to wilt for a few hours before drying to reduce the amount of moisture and hasten the drying process. Drying Methods The primary difference between 'natural' and 'artificial' drying techniques is that the former only requires the heat contained in the atmosphere whereas the latter uses supplemental heat. Although natural drying is better and cheaper, it is always good to have alternate heat sources available in case you are faced with a damp harvest season. The drying room should be equipped with an exhaust fan to expel the humid air. A fan with a heating element provides both heat and air circulation. Good air circulation is extremely important with any drying method because the moisture absorbed by the air must be carried away from the crop. Hanging bunches; the hanging bunch method can be very efficient and cost effective when drying foliage, flowers or seed heads. Small bunches of harvested herbs are hung in a warm, dry, well-ventilated place away from direct sunlight. You can also place leaves or stem pieces on trays with bottoms made of cheese cloth or nylon net. Place these trays into a rack for more efficient use of space and better air circulation. Oven; the kitchen oven functions very well as an artificial dryer for small batches of leafy herbs. Set the oven below 115 degrees F(46 C) with the door should left ajar to provide air flow and to allow the moisture to escape. The herbs should be placed on open mesh trays, screens or racks that allow good air circulation. Care should be taken to maintain low oven temperatures to avoid scorching. Storage; after diligently working to obtain a fine dried product, be sure to take equal care with your storage techniques. [115] First of all remember that partially dried plants can easily reabsorb moisture, such is the case with mullein which is hydroscopic and reabsorb readily if the dried product is left in moist air for even a short time. Storage aims are to prevent exposure of the herb to temperature extremes, moisture, dust, sunlight, and air. You can use either heavy 3-ply paper bags of the type used for flour and grains or lidded glass jars. Keep in a dark place. WILDCRAFTING OF PLANT PARTS Bark; Collect from branches removed flush from the main tree trunk. Best to collect in the spring before the leaf buds open, allowing the tree to grow callus over the wound during the summer. When bark is removed in the fall after the leaves colour, care should be exercised so that the smallest amount of inner sapwood is exposed. You can also take a small section directly from the trunk, if you are careful not to ring the tree. Berries; Berries dry quicker and with less likelihood of mould developing if the stems are removed. Try to pick when most berries are plump and full coloured. It is easier to pick whole clumps of unripe and ripe berries and sort them later. Flowers; to prevent bruises to the delicate blossoms, pick and spread for drying only small quantities at a time. Handle flowers as little as possible until dry. Some flowers, such as goldenrod and blazing star, when picked too late in the season will form seed heads even after they have been gathered. If you are using your flowers for making a vegetable oil-based ointment, place the fresh flower directly into the oil and proceed with your medicine making. This method is especially effective when making a salve with the sticky gumweed flower buds. Use the same method for making an ear ointment from mullein flowers. Leaves; Picking a leaf here and there on a whole plant will not harm the life of the plant. With most weedy plants even removing the top 2/3 of the plant, as long as a node near the base is left, allows the plant to re-grow new stems. Lichens; lichens are slow growing collect those that have been thrown to the ground by the wind. This ecologically safe harvest can be considered a gift from the forest. You can also harvest from the lower branches leaving the upper branches to repopulate the area. You may think the lichen is dry when collected, but it is usually still damp and will need further drying. Roots; harvesting roots usually kills the plant be hesitant to take them. Collect from only one of twenty plants. In general, collect in the spring and fall, when the energy contained in them is greatest. As you replant the root crown, refill any holes made in the ground. When preparing roots for drying, break apart the clumps and brush the dirt from the root. Do not wash except when absolutely necessary, and if so, do not soak since valuable constituents may be lost. Cut into smaller pieces before drying. [116] GLOSSARY OF PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS AND CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS Alkaloid one of a varied group of alkaline, nitrogen-containing substances, usually plant-derived, reacts with acids to form salts. Normally bitter, alkaloidal compounds are widely used in herbal therapy, although they often have toxic properties (caffeine, morphine are good examples). Alterative plants that stimulate physiological changes of a defensive or healing nature. Analgesic relieves pain Anesthetic decreases nerve sensitivity to pain Anodyne relieves or soothes pain by lessening the sensitivity of the brain or nervous system Antacid perform a neutralization reaction, i.e. they buffer gastric acid, raising the pH to reduce acidity in the stomach Antbacterial reproduction of bacteria destroying or suppressing growth or Anthraquinones occur as glycosides, are brown to yellow pigments, anthraquinones pass through the digestive tract unaltered until they get to the colon where they are progressively converted to dianthones then to anthrone which has a laxative effect increasing peristaltic action and inhibiting the absorption of water Antibiotic organisms ability to destroy or inhibit other living Anticatarrhal reduces the viscosity of mucous Anticoagulant clots slows or prevents the formation of blood Anticonvulsant seizures used in the treatment of epileptic [117] Antidepressant sadness substances that oppose depressions or Anti fungal treats fungal infections such as athlete's foot, ringworm, candida (thrush), kills or inhibits fungi Antigen antibodies induces the formation of defending Antihistamine histamine. inhibits the release or action of Anti-inflammatory reduces inflammation. Antilithic prevents the formation of calculi Antimicrobial kills or inhibits microorganisms Antiosteoporotic treats osteoporosis Antioxidant prevents oxidation Antipyretic reduce body temperature, do not affect the normal body temperature if one does not have a fever. Antirheumatic disease progression. use in rheumatoid arthritis to slow down Antiseptic reducing or preventing infection, especially by the elimination or reduction of the growth of microorganisms that cause disease or decay Antispasmodic relieves or prevents spasms, usually of the smooth muscles of the intestinal tract, bronchi, or uterus Antitumorigenic tumours inhibit the formation or growth of Antitussive effective against cough Antiviral infectious viruses. inhibits the proliferation and viability of [118] Arbutin is diuretic and antibacterial’ it hydrolyses to hydroquinone in urine and is good for urinary infections, urethritis, prostatitis and cystitis. Aromatics plant compounds which, upon contact with air, form gases which can be smelled Astringent causes the constriction of tissues Balsamic resins acids and oils. (soft and hard) composed of aromatic Beta-carotene readily converted in the digestive system of the body to Vitamin A. Beta-carotene is a very powerful anti-oxidant that is needed to destroy free radicals (molecules that damage healthy cells thereby accelerating the ageing process and increasing the possibility of contracting many diseases). Bisabolol anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene. Bitter bitter-tasting substance used to increase a deficient appetite, improve the acidity of stomach secretions Cardiac Glycosides stimulate systolic contraction of the heart Cardiotonic strengthens or regulates heart metabolism without stimulation or depression Carminative prevents formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract, or facilitates the expulsion of gas Cholagogue discharge of bile from the system medicinal agent which promotes the Chronic disease or imbalance of long, slow duration showing little overall change – opposite of acute Counterirritant substance applied to the skin to produce an irritating heating, or vasodilating effect in order to speed local healing by increasing circulation of blood, radiating the heat inward to inflamed tissues deep below the skin Cystitis urinary bladder inflammation, often infectious of the [119] Demulcent forms a soothing film over a mucous membrane, relieving minor pain and inflammation Diaphoretic increases perspiration Disinfectants antimicrobial agents that are applied to non-living objects to destroy microorganisms Diuretic substance that increases the flow of urine, either by increasing permeability of kidney’s nephrons, increasing blood supply into the nephrons, or increasing the blood into each kidney by renal artery vasodilation Electrolytes acids, bases, salts that contribute to the maintenance of electric charges, membrane integrity, and acid-alkaline balance in the blood and lymph Emollient skin substances that soften and soothe the Expectorant the lungs and bronchial mucosa stimulates the outflow of mucous from Flavonoids white and yellow plant pigments found almost as commonly as chlorophyll, in plants, it is essential for protecting, strengthening, aiding capillary and blood vessel integrity, also called bioflavonoids Glycosides Most glycosides remain inactive until they are hydrolysed in the gastric tract by specialised bacteria which then releases phenols, terpenes, steroids and quinones that have the active effect Hemostatic internally or externally substance that stops or slows bleeding Hesperidin a flavanoid effective in reducing permeability of blood vessels, used in the treatment of vascular disorders. Hypoglycemic hypoglycemia prevention, and treatment of Immunomodulator substance which has an effect on the immune system. There are two types of effects - immunostimulation and immunosuppression [120] Immunostimulant stimulates either innate or acquired immunity. Increase native resistance and let it run its course Immunosuppressant natural immune response agent that acts to suppress the body’s Inulin controls blood sugar in hypoglycemia, immune system tonic and is a diuretic Iridoid Glycosides found in many plants, very bitter. These bitter principles stimulate the release of gastrin in the digestive system, which in turn stimulates the secretions of bile and other digestive chemicals, they are often antimicrobial. Laxatives (also known as purgatives or aperients) induce bowel movements or loosen the stool, most often taken to treat constipation. Lymphagogue lymph an agent promoting the production of Mucilage long-chain polysaccharides that become mucus like when mixed with water, they are present in almost every part of every plant, often in significant quantities in specific plants to have therapeutic value Mucous membranes the mucosa, forming a continuous layer that protects the internal membranes from the outside Narcotic a substance that depresses central nervous system function, bringing sleep and lessening pain Nervine soothes and calms the nervous system. Pectoral affecting the respiratory system Pinene alpha-pinene and beta-pinene, widely distributed in pines and other plants. It is used as a liniment for rheumatism but is best known as a tonic of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. Quinones aromatic compounds that play an important role in the transport of electrons in all live tissue, metaquinone (Vitamin K) is a powerful antioxidant and assists to protect the body from harmful free radicals. [121] Regranulation forming of connective tissue around the new capillaries in tissues that have been burned or scraped Resins wax containing plant oils, often secreted to fill in injured tissues, much like a blood clot, used to protect leaves from loss of water Salicin C13H1807: is a potent analgesic (pain reliever) fever reducer and anti-inflammatory substance. Salicin and the closely related Salicylic acid can have many serious side effects, the most noted are: internal bleeding, diarrhoea, nausea and respiratory paralysis in large or accumulated doses. Saponins plant glycoside with soapy action, wound healing, anti-scarring, they are poorly absorbed in the digestive system care must be taken on dosage as saponins are mucous membrane irritants. Sedative or excitement induces sedation by reducing irritability Tannins simple and complex, that are astringent to the plant and is a protective substance found in the out and inner tissues. They are resistant to digestion and fermentation. All tannins act as astringents, shrinking tissues and contracting structural protein sin the skin and mucosa. Terpenes constituents in aromatic scented plants Tonic substance taken to strengthen and prevent disease, especially chronic disease Uterine sedative calms the contractions in the uterus Vulnerary heals or treats wounds The following are two invaluable sites used in preparation of this book and a valuable resource for those interested Dr. Duke’s Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases http://www.ars-grin.gov/duke/ Electronic Atlas of the Plants of British Columbia http://www.geog.ubc.ca/biodiversity/eflora/
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