CHOOSING YOUR SECONDARY SCHOOLS FOR ADMISSION TO SECONDARY ONE IN 2014 This booklet provides information to help parents choose secondary schools for their children in the Secondary One (S1) Posting Exercise. Parents can refer to the “Secondary School Education” booklet for general information on secondary education. The information published in this booklet is correct as at time of preparation. No part of this publication, text or illustrations and maps may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior consent of the Ministry of Education and Singapore Land Authority. Copyright Notice © 2013 Singapore Land Authority Maps courtesy of SLA. Produced by: Ministry of Education Singapore Published September 2013 * To be completed by Parent/ Guardian : Name of Candidate : _________________________________________ BC No./FIN : _________________________________________ PSLE Index No. : _________________________________________ P6 Class No. : _________________________________________ PROXY FORM This Proxy Form is to be used if you nominate another adult to collect the PSLE results slip/S1 Option Form, submit the duly completed S1 Option Form or to register at the posted secondary school on your behalf. This form may take you 5 minutes to fill in. Please take note of the following points when you fill in the form. Important Notes: 1) 2) The appointed proxy must be aged 21 and above. The appointed proxy is required to bring the completed Proxy Form and supporting documents as listed below to the child’s primary school. The supporting documents are: • A photocopy of the parents’ NRIC (both sides) • A photocopy of the Birth Certificate of the student • A photocopy of the proxy’s NRIC (both sides) The appointed proxy is required to produce his/her original NRIC at the school when requested. To: Principal of ______________________________________________ (Name of School) I, parent/guardian* of ______________________________________________ (Name of Child), _____________________________________ (BC No./FIN), would like to appoint Mr/Mdm/Miss _________________________________________ (Name), ___________________ (NRIC No.) to: * Delete accordingly 1 Collect my child’s / ward’s PSLE results slip, S1 Option Form and other relevant documents on my behalf Yes No 2 Submit the duly completed S1 Option Form on my behalf Yes No 3 Report to secondary school for registration Yes No By appointing the proxy, I have authorised the person to act on my behalf without any reservations. I will bear full responsibility if the proxy fails to perform any of the above as authorised by me. I also understand that, by authorising the proxy to complete the S1 Option Form, any choices made by the proxy would be officially binding. _______________________________ Name of Father/ Mother/ Guardian* NRIC/Passport No: __________________________ * Please delete accordingly _________________ Signature ____________ Date Content Section I: General Information ............................................................. 1 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................... 1 S1 POSTING EXERCISE ............................................................................................... 1 DSA-SEC EXERCISE - SCHOOL ALLOCATION OUTCOME ................................................................ 3 Section II: S1 Option Phase ................................................................. 4 S1 OPTION FORM & ELIGIBILITY LETTER ............................................................................. 4 CONSIDERATIONS WHEN MAKING S1 OPTIONS & CHOOSING SCHOOLS ................................................ 5 SUBMISSION OF S1 OPTION .......................................................................................... 7 Section III: School Posting & Posting Results Release Phases ........................ 8 SCHOOL POSTING PHASE ............................................................................................. 8 POSTING RESULTS RELEASE PHASE ................................................................................... 8 APPEAL FOR TRANSFER AFTER POSTING ............................................................................. 8 IMPORTANT DATES ................................................................................................... 9 Reference A > Sample of S1 Option Form ........................................... A - 1 Reference B > Schools & Centres Offering Higher Mother Tongue, Chinese (Special Programme) & Malay (Special Programme) .................... B - 1 Reference C > Key Information on Schools ......................................... C - 1 Reference D > Schools & Centres Offering Tamil .................................. D - 1 Reference E > Schools with Special Needs Facilities/Resources ................ E - 1 Reference F > Guide to S1 Internet System ......................................... F - 1 Reference G > School Information Table ............................................. G – 1 Reference H > Information on Specialised Schools for Normal (Technical) Students .................................................................................... H – 1 Reference I > Information on Schools Participating in the S1 Posting Exercise (2013) ............................................................................ I - 1 SECTION I: GENERAL INFORMATION 1 2 OVERVIEW 1.1 Primary Six (P6) students from mainstream primary schools can seek secondary school admission through the Secondary One (S1) Posting Exercise or the Direct School Admission-Secondary (DSA-Sec) Exercise. This booklet provides information on how to participate in the S1 Posting Exercise. 1.2 All students who pass the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) are eligible to participate in the S1 Posting Exercise. This is with the exception of those who are successful in the DSA-Sec Exercise and do not qualify for any eligibility such as Third Language and/or Course Option based on their PSLE results. Students are posted to secondary schools based on merit according to three criteria: student’s PSLE results, their choices of schools and the vacancies available in the schools. 1.3 The DSA-Sec Exercise provides students the opportunity to demonstrate a more diverse range of achievements and talents which could be considered by the participating schools in their application for secondary school admission. The DSASec Exercise aims to promote holistic education by giving participating schools greater flexibility in selecting students while holding to the key principles of transparency and meritocracy. For more information, please refer to the MOE website at S1 POSTING EXERCISE 2.1 The S1 Posting Exercise comprises the following three phases: a. S1 Option Phase – this phase is for parents to submit their child’s S1 options and/or secondary school choices. b. School Posting Phase – this phase is for the posting of students to secondary schools taking into consideration their PSLE results, choices of schools and available vacancies. c. Posting Results Release Phase – this phase is for the release of the school posting results. Students are to report to their posted secondary schools on the next working day after the release of the posting results. 2.2 P6 students who have applied to the Singapore Sports School (SSP) must participate in the S1 Posting Exercise as well. Upon release of the S1 posting results, these students may then seek a formal school transfer from their posted mainstream secondary school to the SSP. This will facilitate their re-admission to the posted mainstream secondary school provided to them under the S1 Posting Exercise, should they decide to leave the SSP subsequently. MORE PATHWAYS FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS 2.3 With the expansion of the Integrated Programme (IP) 1 , a greater variety of secondary schools are offering the IP at Secondary One. 2.4 The following schools offer both the IP and General Cambridge Examination (GCE) Ordinary (�O’) Level Programme. Students can opt for either of the programmes (IP or �O’ Level) in these schools. Each of these programmes will have its specific cut- 1 MOE announced an expansion of the Integrated Programme to more secondary schools on 1 September, 2010. The press release is at The IP secondary schools will offer both IP and �O’ Level Programme. 1 off points (COP). Note that affiliation considerations will only be given for admission into the �O’ Level Programme, and not the IP. Secondary School Name Option Code Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) 7001 Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) – Integrated Programme 9161 Catholic High School 7102 Catholic High School – Integrated Programme 9131 Cedar Girls’ Secondary School 3004 Cedar Girls’ Secondary School – Integrated Programme 9152 CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ School 7118 CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ School – Integrated Programme 9134 Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary) 7030 Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary) – Integrated Programme 9162 Singapore Chinese Girls’ School 7014 Singapore Chinese Girls’ School – Integrated Programme 9132 St. Joseph’s Institution 7020 St. Joseph’s Institution – Integrated Programme 9141 Victoria School 3014 Victoria School – Integrated Programme 9151 2.5 Students who are interested in both the IP and �O’ Level Programmes offered by dual track schools are required to choose the option codes from both programmes respectively. For a student who has chosen IP from School A as his/her first choice but is unsuccessful, he/she will not be posted automatically to the �O’ Level Programme in School A unless the student chooses School A’s �O’ Level Programme as the second choice and meets the COP. Similarly, for a student who has chosen �O’ Level Programme from School A as his/her first choice and is successfully posted, he/she will not be considered for the IP in School A even if he/she meets the IP COP. 2.6 Spectra Secondary School (SSS), the second Specialised School for Normal (Technical) (SSNT) students, will admit students from January 2014. Together with Crest Secondary School (CSS), there are now two SSNT (see Reference H). Students who are interested to enrol in CSS or SSS should apply to the school directly. Students who have applied to CSS or SSS will still be required to participate in the S1 Posting Exercise to opt for their school choices. Students who are successfully admitted into CSS or SSS will be informed via letter and Short Messaging System (SMS) and will not be posted to another school under the S1 Posting Exercise. Students who have applied to CSS or SSS but are not successful will continue to be posted to a secondary school under the S1 Posting Exercise. 2 3 DSA-SEC EXERCISE - SCHOOL ALLOCATION OUTCOME 3.1 P6 students who have participated in the DSA-Sec Exercise will be informed of the school allocation results, together with the release of the PSLE results. SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS 3.2 Successful DSA students will be informed of the DSA school they have been admitted to through their primary schools. They will not be allowed to participate in the centralised S1 Posting Exercise. Students who have been successfully allocated to a secondary school under DSA-Sec Exercise are also not allowed to transfer school after the release of the PSLE results as they are expected to honour their commitment to their posted DSA schools for the duration of the programme that they are admitted into. Similarly, successful SSP DSA students are not allowed to transfer to another school, except to their posted secondary school provided to them under the S1 Posting Exercise. 3.3 Successful DSA students who are eligible for and wish to offer a Third Language must exercise their Third Language options by submitting their S1 Option Form via the S1 Internet System (S1-IS) or through their primary school. 3.4 Successful DSA students with PSLE results within the Express/Normal (Academic) course option band or the Normal (Academic)/Normal (Technical) course option band must opt for a course by submitting their S1 Option via the S1-IS or through their primary school. If no options are made, it would be assumed that the student would like to be admitted to the more academically-demanding course i.e. Express course for the Express/Normal (Academic) course option band and Normal (Academic) course for the Normal (Academic)/Normal (Technical) course option band. UNSUCCESSFUL STUDENTS 3.5 During the release of the PSLE results, unsuccessful DSA students will be notified that none of the DSA schools they had indicated a preference for are able to offer them a place. Hence, they will be able to participate in the centralised S1 Posting Exercise to opt for their choices of schools. They must indicate their school choices in the S1 Posting Exercise by submitting their S1 Option via the S1-IS or through their primary school. These students will be able to opt for their preferred schools, including schools that had not been able to offer them a place under the DSA-Sec Exercise. 3 SECTION II: S1 OPTION PHASE 4 S1 OPTION FORM & ELIGIBILITY LETTER S1 OPTION FORM 4.1 P6 students who pass the PSLE will each receive a personalised S1 Option Form (see Reference A for a sample) together with their PSLE results slip. This is with the exception of those who are successful in the DSA-Sec Exercise and do not qualify for any eligibility such as Third Language and/or Course Option based on their PSLE results. 4.2 Students are required to complete the S1 Option Form together with their parents. The form must be sealed when first received as it contains a unique password (S1 PIN) for parents to submit their child’s S1 options through the S1 Internet System (S1-IS). Parents should inform their child’s primary school immediately if the form is not sealed. To prevent any unauthorised access to the S1-IS, parents should keep the S1 PIN confidential. 4.3 Parents and students who are not in Singapore to collect their child’s PSLE results slip and S1 Option Form may authorise a proxy to collect them from their child’s primary school. ELIGIBILITY LETTER 4.4 Students, including those successful in the DSA-Sec Exercise, who are eligible for any of the following will automatically be informed of their eligibility via their personalised Eligibility Letter, which they will receive together with their S1 Option Form. a. Express/Normal (Academic) and Normal (Academic)/Normal (Technical) – Students who just meet the qualifying PSLE aggregate for the Express course will be given an alternative option to take up the Normal (Academic) course. Students who just meet the qualifying PSLE aggregate for the Normal (Academic) course will be given an alternative option to take up the Normal (Technical) course. PSLE students who are in these categories must exercise their course options in the S1 Option Form and submit the form either electronically via the S1-IS or physically to the child’s primary school. b. Bonus Points for Admission to Special Assistance Plan (SAP) Schools - Students in the top 30% of the PSLE cohort who take Higher Chinese at the PSLE will be given bonus points for admission to SAP schools according to the following table: Higher Chinese Grade Distinction Merit Pass Bonus Point 3 2 1 c. Higher Mother Tongue Language (HMTL) - Students may opt to offer HMTL (viz. Higher Chinese/ Higher Malay/ Higher Tamil) from S1 onwards if they offer MTL or HMTL at the PSLE and are in the  Top 10% of the PSLE cohort; or  Top 11% - 30% of the PSLE cohort and meet the language criteria i.e. an A* grade in the MTL or at least a Merit in HMTL. Interested students can apply to offer HMTL when they report to their secondary school in late December. They will attend HMTL lessons at their school if the school offers the course, or in a designated centre if the school 4 does not (see Reference B for the list of schools and designated centres offering HMTL). [For information: A student who obtains a grade of A1 to C6 for both English and HMTL at the GCE �O’ Level Examination and qualifies for admission to a Junior College (JC)/Millennia Institute (MI) will be given a concession of two points in his/her application to the JC/MI of his/her choice via the Joint Admissions Exercise (JAE).] d. Third Language - Eligible students may apply to offer a Third Language viz. Chinese (Special Programme) [CSP]/Malay (Special Programme) [MSP]/Bahasa Indonesia (BI) /Arabic/French/German/Japanese/Spanish from S1 onwards. Interested students should exercise their Third Language option(s). In the event that the number of applicants for the Third Language exceeds the vacancies available, selection will be based on each applicant’s PSLE results. [For information: A student who obtains a grade of A1 to C6 for CSP/MSP/BI at the GCE �O’ Level Examination and qualifies for admission to a JC/MI will be given a concession of two points in his/her application to the JC/MI of his/her choice via the JAE. A student who offers CSP/MSP/BI in the GCE �O’ Level Examination will be allowed to use the respective CSP/MSP/BI grade in lieu of a Humanities subject grade for admission to the JC/MI.] e. Edusave Entrance Scholarships for Independent Schools (EESIS) - Students who are Singapore Citizens (SC) and meet the academic requirements based on their PSLE results will be offered the EESIS if they are successfully admitted to an Independent School (IS) at S1. P6 Gifted Education Programme (GEP) students who are SC and have met the GEP promotion criteria will be offered the EESIS if they are successfully admitted and enrolled in the Integrated Programme (IP) of an IS at S1 (refer to for these IS/IP). f. Singapore-MOE Award (SMA) – P6 GEP students who are not SC and have met the GEP promotion criteria will be offered the SMA if they are successfully admitted and enrolled in the IP of an IS at S1 (refer to for these IS/IP). g. GEP Fees Subsidy – P6 GEP students who have met the GEP promotion criteria will be eligible for the GEP Fees Subsidy tenable at these ISs offering the dual track: Anglo-Chinese School (Independent), Methodist Girls’ School (Secondary), Singapore Chinese Girls’ School and St. Joseph’s Institution. They will be offered the subsidy if they are successfully admitted to the �O’ Level Programme of the mentioned ISs at S1. 5 CONSIDERATIONS WHEN MAKING S1 OPTIONS & CHOOSING SCHOOLS 5.1 In making S1 options and choosing secondary schools for their child, parents may consider the following factors amongst others: a. Academic Performance of the Child and Previous Year’s Posting Aggregate Ranges of Schools - Parents may wish to opt for schools that take in students with an academic ability comparable to that of their child’s. They may refer to the PSLE aggregate ranges of the previous cohort of PSLE students posted to S1 in each school as a guide (see Reference I). The PSLE aggregate ranges for schools are not pre-determined before posting, and can vary from year to year, depending on students’ PSLE results and their school choices. Parents may wish to include secondary schools that offer the respective HMTL in their school choices, if their child is eligible based on PSLE performance and wishes to offer HMTL in secondary school (see Reference B for a list of schools/designated centres and Language Centres offering the respective HMTL). 5 b. Distance - Parents may want to consider schools near their home so that it will be more convenient for their child to travel to and from school (see Reference C for the schools listed by area). c. Affiliated Schools - Some secondary schools have affiliated primary schools. Students of such primary schools, who want to continue education in the affiliated secondary school, must indicate that school as their first choice in order to enjoy priority for admission to that school. Being accorded priority for admission to affiliated secondary schools does not guarantee admission, as it is subject to the availability of places in these schools. Furthermore, some secondary schools may set additional qualifying criteria for admission of students from their affiliated primary schools. [Note: For dual track schools offering both IP and �O’ Level Programme, affiliation considerations will only be given for the �O’ Level Programme. Affiliation will be given for the �O’ Level Programme if the student indicates: i. �O’ Level Programme of the affiliated dual track school as the first choice or ii. IP of the affiliated dual track school as the first choice and the �O’ Level Programme of the affiliated dual track school as the second choice An example of the affiliation priority for dual track schools is shown. Assuming that Primary School A is affiliated to Secondary School A: Scenario School Choices Made by Affiliated Primary School Students Affiliation Priority? 1 1st Choice: Secondary School A Yes 2nd Choice: Secondary School A – Integrated Programme No 1st Choice: Secondary School A – Integrated Programme No 2nd Choice: Secondary School A Yes 1st Choice: Secondary School B – Integrated Programme No 2nd Choice: Secondary School A No 2 3 d. Special Assistance Plan (SAP) Schools - SAP schools nurture students to be proficient in both English Language (EL) and Chinese Language (CL), and to have a good understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture. Students who have taken both EL and CL at the PSLE may opt for SAP schools during the S1 posting exercise, and they may be posted to these schools if they meet the school’s cut-off PSLE aggregate. Students posted to SAP secondary schools should offer HCL (or CL, if available) to enable them to participate meaningfully in SAP school programmes (see Reference C for the list of SAP schools). e. Programmes/Schemes Offered by Secondary Schools - There are various programmes and schemes offered in the secondary schools (e.g. Music Elective Programme, Art Elective Programme). Students may wish to include schools that offer the programmes/schemes that they are interested in as their school choices. Please refer to the “Secondary School Education” booklet for more information on these programmes/schemes. For example, students who wish to 6 offer Tamil Language (TL) within curriculum time should include schools offering it (see Reference D for the list of schools offering TL). f. 6 Special Needs of the Child - Some secondary schools have special facilities and/or resources to support students with special needs (e.g. physical disabilities, hearing impairment, visual impairment, and mild special educational needs like autistic spectrum disorder and dyslexia). Parents may wish to include such schools in their choices, if their child requires such special support (see Reference E for the list of such schools). SUBMISSION OF S1 OPTION 6.1 Parents are advised to indicate all the six secondary school choices, in order of preference. 6.2 Parents are advised to complete their child’s S1 Option Form by indicating the secondary school and eligibility options, where applicable, prior to submission. 6.3 Parents can submit the completed S1 Option either electronically via the S1-IS or physically to their child’s primary school during the S1 Option Phase (see paragraph 10.1 for important dates). SUBMISSION ONLINE VIA S1 INTERNET SYSTEM (S1-IS) 6.4 Parents can submit their child’s secondary school and eligibility options via the S1IS accessible at They can log on to the S1-IS anywhere (with internet access) and at anytime within the S1 Option Phase; such parents need not make a physical trip to their child’s primary school (see Reference F for a step-by-step guide on using the S1-IS). 6.5 Parents are strongly advised to print and retain a copy of the Verification Slip (VS) after submitting their child’s options on the S1-IS. Parents should note that if they are unable to view the VS, their child’s options may not have been submitted. In such cases, parents should log on to the S1-IS again to confirm the status of their submission. SUBMISSION PHYSICALLY VIA PRIMARY SCHOOL 6.6 Parents, including those without internet access, may also submit the completed S1 Option Form to their child’s primary school during the S1 Option Phase. Parents are advised to ensure that the entries in the S1 Option Form are correct and legible. 6.7 Parents who require assistance in completing the S1 Option may seek assistance from their child’s primary school. The school staff will key in the options into the system and issue a Verification Slip (VS) endorsed with the school stamp. Parents should check the VS to ensure that the options entered are correct and inform the school staff immediately if there are any discrepancies. Parents are to sign on the VS after checking. 6.8 Parents who are not in Singapore to submit their child’s secondary school and eligibility options may authorise a proxy to submit the completed S1 Option Form to their child’s primary school on their behalf. 7 SECTION III: SCHOOL POSTING & POSTING RESULTS RELEASE PHASES 7 8 SCHOOL POSTING PHASE 7.1 Students are posted to secondary schools based on merit first according to their PSLE aggregate scores rounded to the nearest whole number. A student with better rounded aggregate score will be considered for admission first, subject to the availability of vacancies in the selected school. If there is no more vacancy, then the student will be considered for his/her next choice school(s). 7.2 In situations where there are two or more students with the same rounded aggregate score vying for the last place in a school, they will be posted based on their citizenship status (i.e. Singapore Citizens, then Singapore Permanent Residents, then International Students). If there is still a tie, say between two Singapore Citizens, the one with the higher unrounded aggregate score will be posted into the school first. If there is still a tie between two citizens with the same unrounded aggregate score, then posting into the school will be determined by a computerised ballot where each candidate is given an equal opportunity. 7.3 Students who fail to get a place in any of their choice of schools will be posted to a school near their home which still has vacancies. However, they must have met the school’s lowest PSLE aggregate. As such, parents are advised to update the primary school of any changes in official residential address by the end of PSLE. 7.4 Students who indicate their affiliated secondary school as their first choice will enjoy priority for admission to that school. Being accorded priority for admission to affiliated secondary schools does not guarantee admission, as it is subject to the availability of places in these schools. Furthermore, some secondary schools may set additional qualifying criteria for admission of students from their affiliated primary schools. POSTING RESULTS RELEASE PHASE 8.1 The school posting results will be released in late December. Students are to report to their posted secondary schools on the next working day after the release of the posting results. 8.2 Parents and students will be able to check the posting results via any of the following channels: a. Short Messaging System (SMS) via applicant’s local mobile number (if provided by applicants during the S1 Option Phase) b. S1-IS ( c. Going to the child’s primary school 9 APPEAL FOR TRANSFER AFTER POSTING 9.1 MOE will consider appeals for transfer after the S1 Posting Exercise. Such transfers are subject to availability of vacancies and will only be considered for students with: a. Serious medical conditions (e.g. chronic heart conditions, kidney problems) b. Dyslexia and Autistic Spectrum Disorder c. Physical disabilities (e.g. using wheelchair, crutches) 8 10 9.2 Such students should first report at the secondary school that they were posted to on the next working day after the release of posting results, and apply for school transfer there. All applications must be accompanied with the relevant supporting documents. 9.3 The results of the appeals will only be made known to applicants in early January. Applicants should continue to attend lessons at their posted school while waiting for the results of the appeal. Applicants may check the outcome of their appeals with the secondary school that they were posted to. IMPORTANT DATES 10.1 Below are some important dates (tentative) for 2013 PSLE students: Key Event Date Release of PSLE Results Between 22 November 2013 and 25 November 2013 Submission of Options a. Via S1 Internet System 7 calendar days starting from the release of PSLE results (e.g. if PSLE results are released on 22 November, options can be submitted from 22 November to 28 November). S1-IS is accessible 24 hours starting from 12noon on the first day until 3pm on the last day of S1 Option Phase. 5 working days starting from the release of PSLE results (e.g. if PSLE results are released on 22 November, options can be submitted from 22 November to 28 November). Primary schools will not be opened on weekends. b. Via Primary School Submission starts from 12noon to 3pm on the first day; and 9am to 3pm on the last day of S1 Option Phase. For students who missed the one week period for submission of options, they can approach the primary schools for assistance the day after the submission closes, from 9am to 12pm. This half day submission is only for new submissions of S1 school choices and not for amendments to submitted options. Release Results of S1 Posting Students to report secondary schools registration 10.2 to for 20 December 2013 (tentative) 23 December 2013 at 8.30am (tentative) The above information is provided to help parents plan their year-end schedule. If, for one reason or another, the students and parents are not in Singapore during the S1 Posting Exercise, the parents can authorise a proxy to act on their behalf to (i) collect their child’s PSLE results and S1 Option Form from their child’s primary school and/or (ii) submit the completed S1 Option Form to their child’s primary school. For collection and submission at the primary school, the proxy would be required to produce the following documents for verification: a. Completed Proxy Form from the parent of the student (attached at front of this booklet) b. Photocopy of the parents’ NRIC (both sides) c. Photocopy of the Birth Certificate of the student d. Photocopy of the proxy’s NRIC (both sides). Proxy is required to produce his/her original NRIC at the school when requested. 9 reference A> SAMPLE OF S1 OPTION FORM The following shows a sample of the S1 Option Form. reference B> SCHOOLS & CENTRES OFFERING HIGHER MOTHER TONGUE, CHINESE (SPECIAL PROGRAMME) & MALAY (SPECIAL PROGRAMME) The following table lists the schools and designated centres that offer Higher Mother Tongue Language [HMTL, i.e. Higher Chinese Language (HCL), Higher Malay Language (HML) and Higher Tamil Language (HTL)], Chinese (Special Programme) [CSP] and Malay (Special Programme) [MSP]. Students offering HMTL/CSP/MSP will attend lessons at their own secondary school during curriculum time, if the school offers it (schools denoted by “√” and “#” in table below). Otherwise, they will attend lessons in a designated centre outside curriculum time (schools denoted by “#” are the designated centres). Secondary schools have the flexibility to allow students who do not meet the criteria to offer HMTL to do so, if such students are assessed to have exceptional ability in MTL and are able to do HMTL without affecting their performance in other subjects. Schools/Designated centres offering CSP and MSP conduct lessons twice a week for two hours per session outside curriculum time. S/No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. School/Centre Admiralty Sec Sch Ahmad Ibrahim Sec Sch Anderson Sec Sch Ang Mo Kio Sec Sch Anglican High Sch Anglo-Chinese Sch (Independent) Assumption English Sch Balestier Hill Sec Sch Beatty Sec Sch Bedok Green Sec Sch Bedok North Sec Sch Bedok View Sec Sch Bishan Park Sec Sch Bowen Sec Sch Bukit Batok Sec Sch Bukit Merah Sec Sch Bukit Panjang Govt High Sch Bukit View Sec Sch Canberra Sec Sch Catholic High Sch Cedar Girls' Sec Sch Changkat Changi Sec Sch Chestnut Drive Sec Sch CHIJ Katong Convent CHIJ Sec (Toa Payoh) CHIJ St. Joseph’s Convent CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' Sch CHIJ St. Theresa’s Convent Chong Boon Sec Sch Christ Church Sec Sch Chua Chu Kang Sec Sch Chung Cheng High Sch (Main) Chung Cheng High Sch (Yishun) Clementi Town Sec Sch Commonwealth Sec Sch Crescent Girls' Sch Damai Sec Sch Deyi Sec Sch HCL HML √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ HTL # √ √ √ CSP MSP √ √ √ √ √ # # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ # √ √ # # √ S/No 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. School/Centre Dunearn Sec Sch Dunman High Sch Dunman Sec Sch East Spring Sec Sch Edgefield Sec Sch Evergreen Sec Sch Fairfield Methodist Sch (Sec) Fajar Sec Sch Fuchun Sec Sch Fuhua Sec Sch Gan Eng Seng Sch Geylang Methodist Sch (Sec) Greendale Sec Sch Greenridge Sec Sch Greenview Sec Sch Guangyang Sec Sch Hai Sing Catholic Sch Holy Innocents’ High Sch Hong Kah Sec Sch Hua Yi Sec Sch Hwa Chong Institution Jurong Sec Sch Jurong West Sec Sch Jurongville Sec Sch Kranji Sec Sch Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Sec Sch Manjusri Sec Sch Maris Stella High Sch Marsiling Sec Sch Mayflower Sec Sch Methodist Girls' Sch (Sec) Nan Chiau High Sch Nan Hua High Sch Nanyang Girls' High Sch National Junior College New Town Sec Sch Ngee Ann Sec Sch North Vista Sec Sch Outram Sec Sch Pasir Ris Sec Sch Pasir Ris Crest Sec Sch Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' Sch (Sec) Pei Hwa Sec Sch Peicai Sec Sch Peirce Sec Sch Ping Yi Sec Sch Pioneer Sec Sch Presbyterian High Sch Punggol Sec Sch Queenstown Sec Sch Queensway Sec Sch Raffles Girls' Sch (Sec) Raffles Institution Regent Sec Sch River Valley High Sch Riverside Sec Sch Seng Kang Sec Sch Serangoon Sec Sch Serangoon Garden Sec Sch Siglap Sec Sch Singapore Chinese Girls' Sch HCL √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ HML HTL √ √ √ CSP MSP √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ S/No 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. School/Centre HCL HML Springfield Sec Sch St. Andrew’s Sec Sch St. Anthony’s Canossian Sec Sch St. Hilda’s Sec Sch St. Joseph's Institution St. Margaret’s Sec Sch Swiss Cottage Sec Sch Tampines Sec Sch Tanglin Sec Sch Tanjong Katong Girls' Sch Tanjong Katong Sec Sch Teck Whye Sec Sch Temasek Junior College Temasek Sec Sch Unity Sec Sch Victoria Sch West Spring Sec Sch Westwood Sec Sch Whitley Sec Sch Woodgrove Sec Sch Woodlands Sec Sch Woodlands Ring Sec Sch Xinmin Sec Sch Yio Chu Kang Sec Sch Yishun Sec Sch Yishun Town Sec Sch Yuan Ching Sec Sch Yuhua Sec Sch Yusof Ishak Sec Sch Yuying Sec Sch Zhenghua Sec Sch Zhonghua Sec Sch MOE Language Centre (Bishan) Umar Pulavar Tamil Language Centre Total √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ HTL CSP MSP √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # √ # √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ # # # 127 43 # 34 5 16 B-4 reference C> KEY INFORMATION ON SCHOOLS The following table lists the schools that are participating in the S1 Posting Exercise, and indicates (i) the area where they are located; (ii) the school code; (iii) if they are Independent Schools (IS), Autonomous Schools (AS), Special Assistance Plan (SAP) schools or Niche Schools (NS); and (iv) the key programmes they offer such as Integrated Programme (IP), Art Elective Programme (AEP) and Music Elective Programme (MEP). For more detailed information on the schools, please refer to the individual schools’ profile in Reference I or the MOE website at Area Ang Mo Kio Bedok School Anderson Sec Sch Ang Mo Kio Sec Sch 3026 CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' Sch �O’ Level Programme 7118 Integrated Programme 9134 IS AS SAP NS √ (Concert Band) √ MEP √ IP, MEP √ (Environmental Education) 3057 Deyi Sec Sch 3228 √ (Performing Arts) Mayflower Sec Sch 3031 √ (Modern and Ethnic Dance) Presbyterian High Sch 7308 √ (Uniformed Groups; Volleyball) Yio Chu Kang Sec Sch 3222 Anglican High Sch 7101 √ (Performing Arts) √ √ Bedok Green Sec Sch 3069 √ (Performing Arts) Bedok North Sec Sch 3033 √ (Performing Arts) Bedok South Sec Sch 3027 √ (Uniformed Groups) Bedok Town Sec Sch 3229 Bedok View Sec Sch 3225 √ (Uniformed Groups) Damai Sec Sch 3056 √ (Water Sports) Ping Yi Sec Sch 3231 St. Anthony's Canossian Sec Sch 7016 St. Patrick's Sch 7022 Temasek Sec Sch 3030 Temasek Junior College 0702 �O’ Level Programme 3014 Integrated Programme 9151 Bishan Park Sec Sch Catholic High Sch √ (Design Education) √ √ (Military Band) √ IP, MEP AEP √ IP, AEP 3054 �O’ Level Programme 7102 Integrated Programme 9131 Guangyang Sec Sch 3238 Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Sec Sch 7028 Peirce Sec Sch 3061 Raffles Institution 3009 Whitley Sec Sch 3015 Programme √ Chong Boon Sec Sch Victoria Sch Bishan School Code 3001 √ (Arts) √ MEP √ IP, MEP √ (Uniformed Groups) √ IP, ^MEP Area Bukit Batok Bukit Merah Bukit Panjang Bukit Timah Bukit Batok Sec Sch School Code 3044 Bukit View Sec Sch 3040 Dunearn Sec Sch 3503 Hillgrove Sec Sch 3048 Swiss Cottage Sec Sch 3304 School IS AS SAP √ (Environmental Science) √ (Flight and Aerospace) Yusof Ishak Sec Sch 3307 √ (Performing Arts) Bukit Merah Sec Sch 3203 √ (Floorball) CHIJ St. Theresa's Convent 7023 √ (Hockey; Problem Solving) Crescent Girls' Sch 3005 MEP √ Gan Eng Seng Sch 3006 √ (Uniformed Groups; Canoeing and Dragon Boating) Henderson Sec Sch 3016 √ (Design and Innovation) Assumption English Sch Chestnut Drive Sec Sch Fajar Sec Sch Greenridge Sec Sch 7002 3206 3064 3051 West Spring Sec Sch 3067 Zhenghua Sec Sch 3617 Hwa Chong Institution 0806 Methodist Girls' Sch (Sec) �O’ Level Programme 7030 Integrated Programme 9162 Nanyang Girls' High Sch 7114 National Junior College 0701 St. Margaret's Sec Sch 7021 Outram Sec Sch 3215 Clementi Programme √ (Thinking Strategies) √ (Air Pistol; Media Literacy) √ (Uniformed Groups) √ IP, ^AEP √ ^MEP √ # IP, ^MEP IP, ^AEP √ √ IP, AEP √ Central Choa Chu Kang NS √ (Rock-Climbing; Business and Enterprise) Raffles Girls' Sch (Sec) 3008 Bukit Panjang Govt High Sch Chua Chu Kang Sec Sch 3204 3055 IP, ^MEP Kranji Sec Sch 3065 Regent Sec Sch 3618 √ (Concert Band) Teck Whye Sec Sch 3403 √ (Hockey; Design Thinking) Unity Sec Sch 3611 √ (Basketball; Uniformed Groups) Clementi Town Sec Sch Clementi Woods Sec Sch Kent Ridge Sec Sch Nan Hua High Sch Tanglin Sec Sch 3029 3404 3619 3047 3511 √ ∆ AEP √ √ (Thinking Curriculum) √ (Uniformed Groups) √ √ Area Geylang Hougang Jurong East Jurong West Kallang Marine Parade Novena School Code School IS AS SAP NS √ (Entrepreneurship and Innovation) Broadrick Sec Sch 3202 Geylang Methodist Sch (Sec) 7005 MacPherson Sec Sch 3212 Manjusri Sec Sch 7307 √ (Wushu) Bowen Sec Sch 3043 √ (Band – Display, Concert) Holy Innocents’ High Sch 7108 √ (Journalism and Broadcasting) Hougang Sec Sch 3046 Montfort Sec Sch 7011 Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' Sch (Sec) 7026 Serangoon Sec Sch 3010 Xinmin Sec Sch 3050 Yuying Sec Sch 7027 Commonwealth Sec Sch 3012 Programme √ (Badminton) √ √ √ Jurongville Sec Sch 3063 √ (Sports) Shuqun Sec Sch 3234 √ (Volleyball) Boon Lay Sec Sch 3224 Fuhua Sec Sch 3614 Hong Kah Sec Sch 3060 √ (Soccer) Hua Yi Sec Sch 3226 √ (Design Thinking) Jurong Sec Sch 3211 √ (Basketball; Field Studies) Jurong West Sec Sch 3068 √ (Uniformed Groups) Juying Sec Sch 3066 Pioneer Sec Sch 3062 River Valley High Sch 3103 Westwood Sec Sch 3620 √ (Innovation and Social Enterprise) Yuan Ching Sec Sch 3223 √ (Dragon Boating) Yuhua Sec Sch 3019 √ (Concert Band) √ (Robotics; Uniformed Groups) √ IP √ Bendemeer Sec Sch 3021 Dunman High Sch 3101 √ √ (National Education) CHIJ Katong Convent 7008 √ Chung Cheng High Sch (Main) 7104 √ Tanjong Katong Girls' Sch 3013 √ Tanjong Katong Sec Sch 3512 √ Anglo-Chinese Sch (Barker Road) 7032 √ (Speech and Drama; Water Polo) Balestier Hill Sec Sch 3501 √ (Environmental Education) Singapore Chinese Girls' Sch �O’ Level Programme 7014 Integrated Programme 9132 √ IP, MEP √ √ MEP IP Area St. Joseph's Institution Pasir Ris Punggol Queenstown Sembawang Seng Kang Serangoon Tampines �O’ Level Programme School Code 7020 Integrated Programme 9141 School Coral Sec Sch 3610 Greenview Sec Sch 3059 Hai Sing Catholic Sch 7031 Loyang Sec Sch 3049 Pasir Ris Crest Sec Sch 3613 Siglap Sec Sch 3011 Edgefield Sec Sch 3075 Greendale Sec Sch 3074 Punggol Sec Sch 3070 Anglo-Chinese �O’ Level Programme Sch (Independent) Integrated Programme 7001 9161 IS AS SAP NS √ # IP √ (Student Leadership) √ (Robotics; Student Leadership) √ (Fencing) √ (Gamelan and Angklung/Kulintang Ensembles; Visual Arts) √ (Volleyball) ^MEP √ # IP, ^MEP Fairfield Methodist Sch (Sec) 7309 New Town Sec Sch 3507 √ (Uniformed Groups) Queenstown Sec Sch 3508 √ (Uniformed Groups) Queensway Sec Sch 3007 √ (Environmental Science) √ Canberra Sec Sch 3621 √ (Digital Media) Sembawang Sec Sch 3606 √ (Media Literacy) CHIJ St. Joseph’s Convent 7019 √ (Drama and Debate) Compassvale Sec Sch 3622 √ (Critical Thinking) Nan Chiau High Sch 7112 North Vista Sec Sch 3071 √ (Physical Education and Sports Science) Pei Hwa Sec Sch Seng Kang Sec Sch 3073 3607 √ (Robotics) √ (Hockey) √ √ (Literary Arts Bilingual) Peicai Sec Sch 3232 Serangoon Garden Sec Sch 3509 √ (Uniformed Groups) St. Gabriel’s Sec Sch 7017 √ (Uniformed Groups) Zhonghua Sec Sch 3240 Changkat Changi Sec Sch 3402 Dunman Sec Sch 3207 East Spring Sec Sch 3609 Programme ∆ AEP √ √ (Uniformed Groups) √ East View Sec Sch 3237 Junyuan Sec Sch 3608 Ngee Ann Sec Sch 7310 Pasir Ris Sec Sch 3235 √ (Chinese Orchestra) Springfield Sec Sch 3053 √ (Sports Climbing) St. Hilda's Sec Sch 7029 √ (Volleyball) Tampines Sec Sch 3037 √ (Performing Arts) √ Area Toa Payoh School Bartley Sec Sch Beatty Sec Sch Cedar Girls' Sec Sch �O’ Level Programme 3004 Integrated Programme 9152 CHIJ Sec (Toa Payoh) Woodlands Yishun School Code 3002 3003 IS 3208 Maris Stella High Sch 7111 St. Andrew's Sec Sch 7015 SAP NS Programme √ (Wushu) √ 7004 First Toa Payoh Sec Sch AS IP √ ∆ AEP √ (Outdoor Experiential Learning) √ √ √ (Rugby; Military Band) Admiralty Sec Sch 3072 √ (Robotics) Christ Church Sec Sch 7025 √ (Outdoor Education) Evergreen Sec Sch 3623 √ (National Education) Fuchun Sec Sch 3024 Marsiling Sec Sch 3615 √ (Environmental Education) Riverside Sec Sch 3239 √ (Dance; National Education) Si Ling Sec Sch 3227 √ (Outdoor Education) Woodgrove Sec Sch 3616 √ (Environmental Education) Woodlands Ring Sec Sch 3604 √ (Robotics) Woodlands Sec Sch 3041 √ (Uniformed Groups) Ahmad Ibrahim Sec Sch 3201 √ (Shooting) Chung Cheng High Sch (Yishun) 7105 √ (Chinese Orchestra) Naval Base Sec Sch 3214 √ (Visual Arts) North View Sec Sch 3602 Northbrooks Sec Sch 3612 √ (Aerospace) Northland Sec Sch 3058 √ (Hockey) Orchid Park Sec Sch 3605 √ (Visual Arts) Yishun Sec Sch 3020 Yishun Town Sec Sch 3045 Total 162 √ 8 28 11 90 IP - Integrated Programme (IP) leading to the GCE �A’ Levels # IP - Integrated Programme leading to the International Baccalaureate Diploma ∆ AEP - Applicable only to the Express Course ^AEP/MEP – Eligible for AEP/MEP Subsidy (up to a cap of $2400 per student per year) if enrolled successfully into the AEP/MEP within an IS reference D> SCHOOLS & CENTRES OFFERING TAMIL The 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 following conduct Tamil Language Ahmad Ibrahim Sec Sch Anderson Sec Sch Anglo-Chinese Sch (Barker Road) Anglo-Chinese Sch (Independent) Balestier Hill Sec Sch Bartley Sec Sch Beatty Sec Sch Bedok Town Sec Sch Bedok View Sec Sch Bendemeer Sec Sch Bishan Park Sec Sch Boon Lay Sec Sch Bowen Sec Sch Bukit Batok Sec Sch Bukit View Sec Sch Cedar Girls’ Sec Sch Changkat Changi Sec Sch Chestnut Drive Sec Sch CHIJ Sec (Toa Payoh) CHIJ St. Joseph's Convent CHIJ St. Theresa’s Convent Chong Boon Sec Sch Christ Church Sec Sch Chua Chu Kang Sec Sch Clementi Town Sec Sch Clementi Woods Sec Sch Commonwealth Sec Sch Crescent Girls’ Sch Deyi Sec Sch Dunman Sec Sch The 1 2 3 4 5 following conduct TL lessons outside curriculum time to students from schools which do not offer it: Bedok View Sec Sch 6 Marsiling Sec Sch # 11 Teck Whye Sec Sch Changkat Changi Sec Sch 7 Pasir Ris Crest Sec Sch # Umar Pulavar Tamil Language Centre Guangyang Sec Sch 8 Queenstown Sec Sch (UPTLC) # 12 Hong Kah Sec Sch 9 Sembawang Sec Sch (This is not a secondary school but only a centre offering Tamil Language.) Jurong West Sec Sch # 10 Seng Kang Sec Sch # TL Centres offering both TL & HTL (TL) lessons within curriculum time to their own 31 East View Sec Sch 61 32 Fajar Sec Sch 62 33 Fuchun Sec Sch 63 34 Gan Eng Seng Sch 64 35 Greenridge Sec Sch 65 36 Guangyang Sec Sch 66 37 Henderson Sec Sch 67 38 Hong Kah Sec Sch 68 39 Jurong Sec Sch 69 40 Jurong West Sec Sch 70 41 Kranji Sec Sch 71 42 Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Sec Sch 72 43 Loyang Sec Sch 73 44 MacPherson Sec Sch 74 45 Marsiling Sec Sch 75 46 Methodist Girls' Sch (Sec) 76 47 Montfort Sec Sch 77 48 National Junior College 78 49 Naval Base Sec Sch 79 50 New Town Sec Sch 80 51 North View Sec Sch 81 52 Northland Sec Sch 82 53 Outram Sec Sch 83 54 Pasir Ris Crest Sec Sch 84 55 Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' Sch (Sec) 85 56 Ping Yi Sec Sch 86 57 Pioneer Sec Sch 87 58 Punggol Sec Sch 88 59 Queenstown Sec Sch 89 60 Queensway Sec Sch 90 students: Raffles Girls' Sch (Sec) Raffles Institution Riverside Sec Sch Sembawang Sec Sch Seng Kang Sec Sch Serangoon Garden Sec Sch Serangoon Sec Sch Shuqun Sec Sch Si Ling Sec Sch St. Andrew's Sec Sch St. Gabriel's Sec Sch St. Hilda's Sec Sch St. Joseph's Institution St. Margaret's Sec Sch St. Patrick's Sch Swiss Cottage Sec Sch Tanjong Katong Girls' Sch Teck Whye Sec Sch Temasek Sec Sch Temasek Junior College Unity Sec Sch Victoria Sch Whitley Sec Sch Woodlands Sec Sch Yio Chu Kang Sec Sch Yishun Sec Sch Yishun Town Sec Sch Yuan Ching Sec Sch Yuhua Sec Sch Yusof Ishak Sec Sch reference E> SCHOOLS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS FACILITIES/ RESOURCES The table below lists the schools that are resourced with the following facilities, programmes and/or specialised staff to support their students with the respective special needs: a. Integration programmes for Hearing Impaired (HI) students who use Total Communication (TC) or Natural Auditory Oral (NAO) Approach b. Integration programmes for Visually Handicapped (VH) students c. Full handicapped facilities for students with Physical Disabilities (PD) d. Allied Educators (Learning & Behavioural Support) to complement the support that classroom teachers presently provide to students with mild Special Educational Needs (SEN) Zone School Admiralty Sec Sch North South Option Code 3072 HI VH PD Mild SEN √ Ahmad Ibrahim Sec Sch 3201 Canberra Sec Sch 3621 CHIJ St. Joseph’s Convent 7019 CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ Sch (Sec) 7118 Chung Cheng High Sch (Yishun) 7105 √ Deyi Sec Sch 3228 √ Fuchun Sec Sch 3024 √ Greendale Sec Sch 3074 √ Hougang Sec Sch 3046 √ Maris Stella High Sch 7111 √ Marsiling Sec Sch 3615 Monfort Sec Sch 7011 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ North View Sec Sch 3602 √ Northbrooks Sec Sch 3612 √ Orchid Park Sec Sch 3605 √ Pei Hwa Sec Sch 3073 √ Punggol Sec Sch 3070 √ Sembawang Sec Sch 3606 √ Seng Kang Sec Sch 3607 √ Woodgrove Sec Sch 3616 √ Woodlands Sec Sch 3041 Yio Chu Kang Sec Sch 3222 Anglo-Chinese Sch (Barker Road) 7032 Anglo-Chinese Sch (Independent) 7001 Balestier Hill Sec Sch 3501 Bartley Sec Sch 3002 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ TC √ √ Bendemeer Sec Sch 3021 Bukit Merah Sec Sch 3203 √ Catholic High Sch 7102 √ CHIJ St. Theresa's Convent 7023 Chong Boon Sec Sch 3057 Clementi Woods Sec Sch 3404 Fairfield Methodist Sch (Sec) 7309 Kent Ridge Sec Sch 3619 Kuo Chuan Presbyterian Sec Sch 7028 Outram Sec Sch 3215 Peirce Sec Sch 3061 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ NAO √ √ Queenstown Sec Sch Option Code 3508 Queensway Sec Sch 3007 √ Raffles Girls' Sch (Sec) 3008 √ Zone East West School HI VH PD √ Mild SEN √ St. Andrew’s Sec Sch 7015 √ St. Gabriel's Sec Sch 7017 √ St. Margaret’s Sec Sch 7021 √ Bedok North Sec Sch 3033 Bedok South Sec Sch 3027 Changkat Changi Sec Sch 3402 √ √ √ √ √ √ CHIJ Katong Convent 7008 √ Geylang Methodist Sch (Sec) 7005 √ Hai Sing Catholic Sch 7031 √ Loyang Sec Sch 3049 MacPherson Sec Sch 3212 Ngee Ann Sec Sch 7310 √ Paya Lebar Methodist Girls’ Sch (Sec) 7026 √ Ping Yi Sec Sch 3231 Siglap Sec Sch 3011 St. Anthony's Canossian Sec Sch 7016 St. Hilda's Sec Sch 7029 St. Patrick's Sch 7022 Tampines Sec Sch 3037 Tanjong Katong Sec Sch 3512 √ √ √ √ √ √ NAO √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Temasek Sec Sch 3030 √ Assumption English Sch 7002 √ Boon Lay Sec Sch 3224 Bukit Batok Sec Sch 3044 √ Bukit View Sec Sch 3040 √ √ TC Chestnut Drive Sec Sch 3206 Clementi Town Sec Sch 3029 Dunearn Sec Sch 3503 Hillgrove Sec Sch 3048 √ √ Jurongville Sec Sch 3063 √ √ Kranji Sec Sch 3065 √ Methodist Girls' Sch (Sec) 7030 √ Pioneer Sec Sch 3062 √ Regent Sec Sch 3618 √ √ √ √ √ River Valley High Sch 3103 Shuqun Sec Sch 3234 √ Swiss Cottage Sec Sch 3304 √ Teck Whye Sec Sch 3403 √ Unity Sec Sch 3611 √ West Spring Sec Sch 3067 √ Westwood Sec Sch 3620 Yuan Ching Sec Sch 3223 Zhenghua Sec Sch 3617 Total √ √ √ √ √ 4 4 32 64 Students with PD or mild SEN who are not posted to an appropriate-resourced school listed above may apply for a transfer. Such students should first report at the secondary school that they were posted to on the next working day after the release of posting results, and apply for school transfer there. All applications must be accompanied with the relevant supporting documents, as follows: a. PD - An assessment of the student’s condition and needs from a qualified medical professional. It should clearly describe the extent of disability (e.g. temporary, permanent) and the type of assistive device that the child is currently using (e.g. wheelchair, crutches). b. Mild SEN - A comprehensive report written by a relevant professional (e.g. psychologist, speech and language therapist). It should indicate the nature of the disability with supporting evidence for the diagnosis and provide clear description of the student’s current functioning and limitations, together with recommendations for support and intervention. Other documents may include a school report from the student’s primary school providing additional background to his/her condition and any other relevant documents. MOE will consider appeals for transfer to a school resourced to support mild SEN only if that school is included as one of the student’s original choice of secondary schools. reference F> GUIDE TO S1 INTERNET SYSTEM 1 SUBMISSION VIA S1 INTERNET SYSTEM (S1-IS) The steps for the online submission of the S1 Option Form via the S1-IS are the same for all eligible students. STEP 1: S1-IS LOGON PAGE (refer to Screen Shot 1) 1.1 Enter the website at and click on the S1-IS link. The S1-IS Logon Page will appear next. 1.2 Enter the student’s BC Number or FIN and the S1 PIN. 1.3 Click on the <Logon> button. The Option Capturing Page will appear next. Key in the student’s BC No./FIN. Key in the S1 PIN found in S1 Option Form. PIN is case sensitive. Screen Shot 1: S1-IS Logon Page STEP 2: OPTION CAPTURING PAGE (refer to Screen Shot 2) 2.1 Parents/Guardians are to enter their local mobile contact number and an alternate contact number. These contact details will be used solely for the S1 Posting Exercise. 2.2 Parents/Guardians are to fill in their child’s/ward’s six secondary school choices in the order of preference by entering the respective 4-digit option codes. Successful DSA applicants are not allowed to fill in any school choices. 2.3 Parents/Guardians are to fill in their child’s/ward’s Third Language choices in the order of preference by entering the respective 2-digit language codes if he/she is eligible and interested to offer a Third Language(s); and/or select a Course if he/she is eligible for Course Option. 2.4 Click on the <Next> button. The Verify Information Page will appear next. 2.5 Parents/Guardians are advised to complete this step within 10 minutes, failing which they will be automatically logged off from the system. To access to the system, they will have to logon again. Enter contact details. Depending on the child’s eligibility, these sections will be displayed accordingly. Enter choice of schools according to preference. Successful DSA applicants’ school allocation results will be shown here instead. Click <Next> to proceed with application. Screen Shot 2: Option Capturing Page Click <Logoff without Saving> if you do not wish to continue. Your session will be terminated immediately, and all the changes you have made during this session will not be saved. STEP 3: VERIFY INFORMATION PAGE (refer to Screen Shot 3) 3.1 Parents/Guardians are to check and confirm all the details in the Verify Information Page. 3.2 To make changes to the application, click on the <Previous> button to return to the Option Capturing Page. 3.3 If all details are correct, click on the <Submit> button to complete this application. The Verification Slip Page will appear next. Please verify all the details in this page. Successful DSA applicants’ school allocation results will be shown under “Choice of Secondary Schools”. Click <Previous> to return to the previous page to re-enter contact details, choice of secondary schools and/or eligibility, if applicable. Once confirmed, click <Submit> to complete the application. Screen Shot 3: Verify Information Page Click <Logoff without Saving> if you do not wish to continue. Your session will be terminated immediately, and all the changes you have made during this session will not be saved. STEP 4: VERIFICATION SLIP PAGE (refer to Screen Shot 4) 4.1 The application is considered successfully submitted only when the Verification Slip Page appears. 4.2 Parents/Guardians are advised to save or print and retain a copy of the Verification Slip for their reference. Please note the confirmation number for the submission and use this number for all future correspondence. Important Parents/Guardians are advised to save/print a copy of the Verification Slip for reference. Click <Logoff> to exit S1-IS. Screen Shot 4: Verification Slip Page 2 MAKING AMENDMENTS TO SUBMITTED OPTIONS Parents/Guardians are allowed to amend their submitted school choices and/or eligibility (if any) only once. Hence, they are advised to consider their child’s/ward’s options carefully before submission. STEP 5: VERIFICATION SLIP PAGE (MAKING AMENDMENT) (refer to Screen Shot 5) 5.1 The Verification Slip Page will appear upon logon. 5.2 Click on the <Amend> button to make changes to the previously submitted application. The Option Capturing Page with the previous submitted information will re-appear. Follow Steps 2-4 to amend and submit the revised options. Click <Amend> to make any changes to the previously submitted application. Important Only one amendment to submitted options is allowed. Screen Shot 5: Verification Slip Page (Making Amendments) reference G> SCHOOL INFORMATION TABLE The 2013 School Information Table presents information on schools’ performance in various academic and non-academic domains. This information on schools’ performance is for reference by parents and students when making a choice on the selection of secondary schools. Parents and students may also refer to the School Information Services at or school websites maintained by the individual schools for this information. The key features of the School Information Table are as follows: a. Columns 'Academic Value-Added' to �CHERISH’ denote the highest achievement (AA – Achievement Award1/ SAA – Sustained Achievement Award2) achieved by the school in the category in the past 4 years (2010 - 2013) at the secondary level. For these achievements, a �solid’ star (�) refers to SAA, while a �clear’ star (�) refers to AA. b. Columns 'Character Development' to 'PARTNERS' denote the highest achievement (DA – Development Award3/ ODA – Outstanding Development Award4) achieved by the school in the past 6 years (2008 - 2013) at the secondary level. For these achievements, a �solid’ star (�) refers to ODA, while a �clear’ star (�) refers to DA. The 2013 School Information Table can be found at Table G-1. Specialised Independent Schools (School of The Arts, NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, Singapore Sports School, School of Science and Technology, Singapore) and Specialised Schools (Assumption Pathway School, NorthLight School, Crest Secondary School and the new Spectra Secondary School) are not included due to their specialised focus.                                                              1 The AA gives recognition to schools for their achievements in academic and non-academic areas in a single year. There are five award categories – Academic Value-Added, Aesthetics, Sports, Uniformed Groups and CHERISH. The AA in the categories of Aesthetics and Sports refer to the awards won by schools at the various competitions such as the Singapore Youth Festival Arts Presentation and the Zone/National Sports & Games Championships. 2 The SAA gives recognition to sustained achievement in academic and non-academic areas over a number of years. It provides a systematic and progressive framework for our schools to be recognised for their efforts as we move towards providing an ability-driven holistic education. There are five award categories – Academic Value-Added, Aesthetics, Sports, Uniformed Groups and CHERISH. 3 The DA gives recognition to schools which have put in place systems and processes that provide for holistic education for students. It also recognises schools for their collaborative partnerships with stakeholders. There are three award categories – Character Development, National Education and PARTNERS. 4 The ODA gives recognition to schools which have put in innovative, effective and sustainable systems and processes that provide for holistic education for students. It also recognises schools with excellent levels of collaborative partnerships with stakeholders. There are three award categories – Character Development, National Education and PARTNERS. Table G-1: 2013 School Information Table ACADEMIC VALUE-ADDED S/N PLANNING AREA/SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ANG MO KIO ANDERSON SECONDARY SCHOOL ANG MO KIO SECONDARY SCHOOL CHIJ ST. NICHOLAS GIRLS' SCHOOL CHONG BOON SECONDARY SCHOOL DEYI SECONDARY SCHOOL MAYFLOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL PRESBYTERIAN HIGH SCHOOL YIO CHU KANG SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 BEDOK ANGLICAN HIGH SCHOOL BEDOK GREEN SECONDARY SCHOOL BEDOK NORTH SECONDARY SCHOOL BEDOK SOUTH SECONDARY SCHOOL BEDOK TOWN SECONDARY SCHOOL BEDOK VIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL DAMAI SECONDARY SCHOOL PING YI SECONDARY SCHOOL ST. ANTHONY'S CANOSSIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL ST. PATRICK'S SCHOOL TEMASEK JUNIOR COLLEGE TEMASEK SECONDARY SCHOOL VICTORIA SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 BISHAN BISHAN PARK SECONDARY SCHOOL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL GUANGYANG SECONDARY SCHOOL KUO CHUAN PRESBYTERIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL PEIRCE SECONDARY SCHOOL RAFFLES INSTITUTION WHITLEY SECONDARY SCHOOL EXPRESS ✩ ✩ � NORMAL (ACADEMIC) AESTHETICS ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � � ✩ � ✩ ✩ � � ✩ ✩ � � � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � � � ✩ ✩ � � � � � ✩ � ✩ � � � � � � � ✩ ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � ✩ ✩ � � � ✩ ✩ CHERISH � � � ✩ ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ UNIFORMED GROUPS � � � � � � � � ✩ ✩ SPORTS ✩ ✩ ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � � ✩ � ✩ � � � � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ � � � � � � � � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ CHARACTER NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ � � � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ � PARTNERS � ✩ � ✩ ✩ � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ � ACADEMIC VALUE-ADDED S/N PLANNING AREA/SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 BUKIT BATOK BUKIT BATOK SECONDARY SCHOOL BUKIT VIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL DUNEARN SECONDARY SCHOOL HILLGROVE SECONDARY SCHOOL SWISS COTTAGE SECONDARY SCHOOL YUSOF ISHAK SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 BUKIT MERAH BUKIT MERAH SECONDARY SCHOOL CHIJ ST. THERESA'S CONVENT CRESCENT GIRLS' SCHOOL GAN ENG SENG SCHOOL HENDERSON SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 BUKIT PANJANG ASSUMPTION ENGLISH SCHOOL CHESTNUT DRIVE SECONDARY SCHOOL FAJAR SECONDARY SCHOOL GREENRIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL WEST SPRING SECONDARY SCHOOL ZHENGHUA SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 BUKIT TIMAH HWA CHONG INSTITUTION METHODIST GIRLS' SCHOOL (SECONDARY) NANYANG GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL NATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE ST. MARGARET'S SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 CENTRAL OUTRAM SECONDARY SCHOOL RAFFLES GIRLS' SCHOOL (SECONDARY) 1 2 3 CHOA CHU KANG BUKIT PANJANG GOVT. HIGH SCHOOL CHUA CHU KANG SECONDARY SCHOOL KRANJI SECONDARY SCHOOL EXPRESS ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ NORMAL (ACADEMIC) AESTHETICS SPORTS UNIFORMED GROUPS � ✩ � ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ � � � � � � � ✩ � � � � � � � � ✩ � � ✩ � � � � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � � � � � � � ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � � � � � � ✩ ✩ � ✩ � ✩ � � � � � ✩ � � � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � � � CHERISH CHARACTER NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION ✩ PARTNERS ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � � � � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � � ✩ � � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ACADEMIC VALUE-ADDED S/N EXPRESS NORMAL (ACADEMIC) AESTHETICS SPORTS UNIFORMED GROUPS CHERISH � ✩ � ✩ � � ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � � � � ✩ � ✩ � ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ 4 5 6 PLANNING AREA/SCHOOL REGENT SECONDARY SCHOOL TECK WHYE SECONDARY SCHOOL UNITY SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 CLEMENTI CLEMENTI TOWN SECONDARY SCHOOL CLEMENTI WOODS SECONDARY SCHOOL KENT RIDGE SECONDARY SCHOOL NAN HUA HIGH SCHOOL TANGLIN SECONDARY SCHOOL ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ 1 2 3 4 GEYLANG BROADRICK SECONDARY SCHOOL GEYLANG METHODIST SCHOOL (SECONDARY) MACPHERSON SECONDARY SCHOOL MANJUSRI SECONDARY SCHOOL ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � � ✩ ✩ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HOUGANG BOWEN SECONDARY SCHOOL HOLY INNOCENTS' HIGH SCHOOL HOUGANG SECONDARY SCHOOL MONTFORT SECONDARY SCHOOL PAYA LEBAR METHODIST GIRLS' SCHOOL (SECONDARY) SERANGOON SECONDARY SCHOOL XINMIN SECONDARY SCHOOL YUYING SECONDARY SCHOOL ✩ � ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ � � � ✩ � ✩ � � � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � ✩ � � � � � � � � � � 1 2 3 JURONG EAST COMMONWEALTH SECONDARY SCHOOL JURONGVILLE SECONDARY SCHOOL SHUQUN SECONDARY SCHOOL ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � ✩ ✩ � � � � � � 1 2 3 4 5 6 JURONG WEST BOON LAY SECONDARY SCHOOL FUHUA SECONDARY SCHOOL HONG KAH SECONDARY SCHOOL HUA YI SECONDARY SCHOOL JURONG SECONDARY SCHOOL JURONG WEST SECONDARY SCHOOL ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � ✩ � � � � � � ✩ � � � � � ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ CHARACTER NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ PARTNERS ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ACADEMIC VALUE-ADDED S/N EXPRESS NORMAL (ACADEMIC) AESTHETICS 7 8 9 10 11 12 PLANNING AREA/SCHOOL JUYING SECONDARY SCHOOL PIONEER SECONDARY SCHOOL RIVER VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL WESTWOOD SECONDARY SCHOOL YUAN CHING SECONDARY SCHOOL YUHUA SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 KALLANG BENDEMEER SECONDARY SCHOOL DUNMAN HIGH SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 MARINE PARADE CHIJ KATONG CONVENT CHUNG CHENG HIGH SCHOOL (MAIN) TANJONG KATONG GIRLS' SCHOOL TANJONG KATONG SECONDARY SCHOOL � ✩ � � ✩ 1 2 3 4 NOVENA ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL (BARKER ROAD) BALESTIER HILL SECONDARY SCHOOL SINGAPORE CHINESE GIRLS' SCHOOL ST. JOSEPH'S INSTITUTION � ✩ � � ✩ ✩ 1 2 3 4 5 6 PASIR RIS CORAL SECONDARY SCHOOL GREENVIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL HAI SING CATHOLIC SCHOOL LOYANG SECONDARY SCHOOL PASIR RIS CREST SECONDARY SCHOOL SIGLAP SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 3 PUNGGOL EDGEFIELD SECONDARY SCHOOL GREENDALE SECONDARY SCHOOL PUNGGOL SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 QUEENSTOWN ANGLO-CHINESE SCHOOL (INDEPENDENT) FAIRFIELD METHODIST SCHOOL (SECONDARY) UNIFORMED GROUPS ✩ ✩ ✩ � � ✩ � � � ✩ ✩ � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ � � ✩ � � � � ✩ � � ✩ ✩ � ✩ � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � � � � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � � � � � � � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � � � � � � � � � � � � � PARTNERS � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ CHARACTER NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � � � � CHERISH ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ SPORTS � � � ✩ ✩ � � � � � � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ACADEMIC VALUE-ADDED S/N 3 4 5 PLANNING AREA/SCHOOL NEW TOWN SECONDARY SCHOOL QUEENSTOWN SECONDARY SCHOOL QUEENSWAY SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 SEMBAWANG CANBERRA SECONDARY SCHOOL SEMBAWANG SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 SENG KANG CHIJ ST. JOSEPH'S CONVENT COMPASSVALE SECONDARY SCHOOL NAN CHIAU HIGH SCHOOL NORTH VISTA SECONDARY SCHOOL PEI HWA SECONDARY SCHOOL SENG KANG SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 SERANGOON PEICAI SECONDARY SCHOOL SERANGOON GARDEN SECONDARY SCHOOL ST. GABRIEL'S SECONDARY SCHOOL ZHONGHUA SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TAMPINES CHANGKAT CHANGI SECONDARY SCHOOL DUNMAN SECONDARY SCHOOL EAST SPRING SECONDARY SCHOOL EAST VIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL JUNYUAN SECONDARY SCHOOL NGEE ANN SECONDARY SCHOOL PASIR RIS SECONDARY SCHOOL SPRINGFIELD SECONDARY SCHOOL ST. HILDA'S SECONDARY SCHOOL TAMPINES SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 TOA PAYOH BARTLEY SECONDARY SCHOOL BEATTY SECONDARY SCHOOL CEDAR GIRLS' SECONDARY SCHOOL CHIJ SECONDARY (TOA PAYOH) EXPRESS ✩ ✩ � � ✩ � ✩ ✩ NORMAL (ACADEMIC) AESTHETICS SPORTS UNIFORMED GROUPS ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � � � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ � � � � � � � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � � � � � � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � � � ✩ � � � ✩ � � � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � ✩ ✩ � � ✩ � � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � � ✩ � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ✩ � � � � � ✩ � ✩ � � CHARACTER NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ CHERISH ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � � PARTNERS ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ACADEMIC VALUE-ADDED S/N 5 6 7 PLANNING AREA/SCHOOL FIRST TOA PAYOH SECONDARY SCHOOL MARIS STELLA HIGH SCHOOL ST. ANDREW'S SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WOODLANDS ADMIRALTY SECONDARY SCHOOL CHRIST CHURCH SECONDARY SCHOOL EVERGREEN SECONDARY SCHOOL FUCHUN SECONDARY SCHOOL MARSILING SECONDARY SCHOOL RIVERSIDE SECONDARY SCHOOL SI LING SECONDARY SCHOOL WOODGROVE SECONDARY SCHOOL WOODLANDS RING SECONDARY SCHOOL WOODLANDS SECONDARY SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 YISHUN AHMAD IBRAHIM SECONDARY SCHOOL CHUNG CHENG HIGH SCHOOL (YISHUN) NAVAL BASE SECONDARY SCHOOL NORTH VIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL NORTHBROOKS SECONDARY SCHOOL NORTHLAND SECONDARY SCHOOL ORCHID PARK SECONDARY SCHOOL YISHUN SECONDARY SCHOOL YISHUN TOWN SECONDARY SCHOOL EXPRESS ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � NORMAL (ACADEMIC) AESTHETICS ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � � � � � � � � ✩ � � � � � ✩ ✩ ✩ � � � � SPORTS UNIFORMED GROUPS ✩ � � ✩ � � ✩ ✩ � � ✩ ✩ � � ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � � � � � ✩ � � ✩ � � � � � � � � ✩ � � � CHERISH CHARACTER NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION ✩ ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ PARTNERS ✩ ✩ ✩ � ✩ � ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ Note: a. Columns 'Academic Value-Added' to 'CHERISH' denote the highest achievement (AA/SAA) achieved by the school in the category in the past 4 years (2010 - 2013) at the secondary level (�solid’ star if SAA was attained and �clear’ star if AA was attained). b. Columns 'Character Development' to 'PARTNERS' denote the highest achievement (DA/ODA) achieved by the school in the past 6 years (2008 - 2013) at the secondary level (�solid’ star if ODA was attained and �clear’ star if DA was attained). c. Specialised Independent Schools (School of The Arts, NUS High School of Mathematics and Science, Singapore Sports School, School of Science and Technology, Singapore) and Specialised Schools (Assumption Pathway School, NorthLight School, Crest Secondary School and the new Spectra Secondary School) are not included due to their specialised focus. d. Schools with highlighted cells are not eligible for Academic Value-Added Award because they i) are IP Schools or ii) do not offer N(A) course or iii) have low candidate size over the last 4 years. H-1 H-2
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