From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. The Eosinophil-Specific Cell Surface Antigen, EOS47, Is a Chicken Homologue of the Oncofetal Antigen Melanotransferrin By Kelly M. McNagny, Fabio Rossi, Graham Smith, and Thomas Graf The EOS47 antigen is a 100-kD cell sutface glycoprotein selectively expressed by avian retrovirus-transformed eosinophils and their precursors. We have purified theEOS47 protein t o homogeneity andused peptide sequence information t o clone EOS47-encoding cDNAs. The open reading frames from these cDNAs predict a 738 amino acid protein with homology t o human melanotransferrin, a membrane-bound, transferrin-like protein that isexpressed at high levels by a subset of melanomas, tumor cell lines, fetal intestine, and liver, but not by most normal adulttissues. The predicted protein sequence of EOS47 displays a 61% sequence identity with melanotransferrin and conservation of all 28 cysteine residues, indicating a similar tertiary structure. The finding that EOS47 lacks several of the iron-coordinating amino acids present in all transferrins suggests that it may be impaired in its abilityt o bind iron. In nonhematopoietic tissues, EOS47 is expressed at high levels by epithelial brushborders of small intestine and kidney and at lower levels by cells lining the sinusoids of the liver. Within hematopoietic tissues,EOS47 is restricted t o a subpopulation of cells (1% t o 5%) in bone marrow and early spleen and fluorescenceactivated cell sorting of EOS47+ cells leads t o a dramatic (>JO-fold) enrichment of peroxidase+ eosinophils. In contrast, peripheral blood eosinophils are EOS47-, suggesting that theantigen is expressed by newly formedeosinophils and that expression ceases shortly before these cells emigrate from the bone marrow into theperipheral blood. Our results showthat melanotransferrin is a stage-specific marker of eosinophils and should be useful for theirisolation and further characterization. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. E transformed progenitors, myeloblasts, and eosinophils.” One antibody, named EOS47, specifically reacts with peroxidase’ eosinophils (an enzyme that in avian hematopoietic cells is expressed exclusively by eo~inophilsl~”~) and their precursors, butnotby transformed cells of other hematopoietic lineage^.^',^^ We report here the cloning and sequencing of several EOS47 encoding cDNAs. The predicted protein sequence shows a high degree of homology with human melanotransfemn, a transferrin-like molecule expressed selectively by melanomas and other nonhematopoietic tumor cell lines. Analysis of antigen expression by normal hematopoietic cells suggests that melanotransferrin may become a valuable lineage and maturation stage-specific marker of eosinophils. OSINOPHILS ARE ONE OF three distinct subpopulations of polymorphonuclear granulocytes produced in vertebrate bone Although they comprise a minor subpopulation of the peripheral blood leukocytes (approximately 2% to 5%), they are rapidly recruited to sites of hypersensitivity (particularly in bronchial asthma) and to sites of parasitic (helminths) infections. The primary immunologic role of eosinophils appears to be the destruction of multicellular parasites by degranulation and release of a number of toxic, granule proteins including major basic protein, eosinophil cationic protein, eosinophil derived neurotoxin, and eosinophil per~xidase.~ In chronic bronchial asthma, eosinophils play a major role in inflammation and pathologic respiratory cell damage by the release of this same complement of granular protein^.^.^ Several cytokines are known to promote the production of eosinophils from bone marrow hematopoietic precursors. Interleukin-3 (IL-3) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) enhance the production of eosinophils and precursors for several other hematopoietic lineages, whereas IL-5 exclusively promotes the production and terminal differentiation of eosinophil^.^^^ Colony-forming assays in the presence of mixtures of these cytokines have suggested that eosinophil precursors represent a heterogeneous pool of cells that vary intheir cytokine requiremenk6 However, relatively little is known about the early stages of eosinophil differentiation, largely due to the lack of lineage-specific surface markers that would allow the isolation and characterization of normal precursors and due to the limited number of differentiation-inducible eosinophilic cell lines.’”’ We reported previously the ability of the myb-ets-containing avian retrovirus E26 to transform cells with the properties of multipotent hematopoietic precursors (referred to as MEPs for Myb-Ijts ~ r o g e n i t o r ~ ’These ~ ~ ~ ~transformants ). spontaneously differentiate into erythrocytes and thrombocytes and can be efficiently induced to differentiate into either myeloblasts or eosinophils by treatment with phorbol esters or by over-expression of kinase type oncogenes.’*J3 Using this in vitro differentiation system, we have generated a panel of monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) specific for E26Bfood,Vol 87, No 4 (February 15). 1996: pp 1343-1352 MATERIALS AND METHODS Animals, primary tissues, and cells. All primary tissues and cells werederivedfromcommerciallyproducedValoeggs and birds which were maintained at the EMBL animal care facility. Cell lines and culture conditions. Theoriginsofthecelllines used as sources of RNA have been described previously:HD3 erythroblasts”; HD44 erythroblasts”; HDl1 macrophages(described HD13 HD57 earlier as LSCC-MCMAl)”; multipotent cells”; HD57M myelobla~tsl~; HD5OM-GATA-l + eosinophils”; MSB-I T cellsz3;and RP-l2 B cell^.'^ To generate the From the Differentiation Program, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Heidelberg, Germany. Submitted July 27, 1995; accepted September 27, 1995. K.M.M was supported by International Human Frontier Science Program Organization fellowship No. LT-434/92 and by NRSA Fellowship No. F32 HM736from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health. Address reprint requests to Thomas GraJ; PhD, Differentiation Program, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, D-691I7 Heidelberg, Germany. The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 U.S.C.section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 0 1996 by The American Society of Hematology. 0004-4971/96/8704-00$3.00/0 1343 From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. 1344 HDlOO cell line, 2-day-old chicken blastoderms were infected with the E26 virus and plated in semisolid medium as described previously.13 Transformed colonies were pooled and serially passaged for 6 months to select for continuously proliferating cell lines. Screening subclones of these cell lines by surface immunofluorescence led to the identification of one clone that constitutively expresses the EOS47 All cells were grown in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM) supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum, 2.5% chicken serum, 0.15% NaHC03, 56 pg/mL of conalbumin, 80 mmol/L 2mercaptoethanol, 0.9 pg/mL insulin, and the standard complement of antibiotics at 37°C in 5% CO,. Medium for HDSOM and HDl1 cells was supplemented with chicken myelomonocytic growth fact ~ r . ~ ~ . ~ ~ Protein puri’cation and sequencing. Proteins from approximately 1010 HDl00 cells were solubilized in 50 mL of lysis buffer (150 mmol/L NaCI, 50 mmol/L Tris [pH 7.51, 0.5% NP-40) plus protease inhibitors (1 mmol/L phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride [PMSF], 20 rnmoVL e-amino-n-caproic acid, 1 mg/mL leupeptin, and 2.5 U/mL trasylol) on ice for 30 minutes. Nuclei were removed by centrifugation at 15,OOOg for 30 minutes at 4”C, and the supernatant was incubated overnight at 4°C with200 pL of EOS47 antibodycoupled Sepharose beads (4 mg of antibody coupled per milliliter of CNBr-activated Sepharose resin; Pharmacia, Uppsala, Sweden). Beads were washed 10 times with 2 mL of lysis buffer containing protease inhibitors and once with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) plus PMSF, and bound proteins were eluted in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid plus PMSF. Eluted fractions were equilibrated to neutral pH by the addition of Tris buffer, lyophilised, resuspended in sample buffer, and resolved on a 10% sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) gel. Resolved proteins were blotted onto Immobilon-P filters (Millipore, Bedford, MA) using CAPS buffer (10 mmol/L 3-[cyclohexylamino]-l-propanesulfonic acid [pH lo], 10% methanol), andthe filters were stained with 0.1% Coomassie Blue R-250 in 40% methanol/lO% acetic acid and destained in 50% methanol. Filter strips containing EOS47 protein were digested with trypsin, fragments were separated by reversephase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC; Applied Biosystems model 170A; Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA), and individual peptides were sequenced by automated Edman degradation using an Applied Biosystems sequencer (model 477A) connected to an online phenyl thiohydantoin analyzer (Applied Biosysterns model 120). Two peptides with the highest homology to human melanotransfenin, EOSTRIS-41 and EOSTRIS-42, were used for degenerate oligonucleotide primer synthesis. Sequence comparisons were performed using FASTA searches of the Genembl and Swissprot databases. Evolutionary trees were derived using the Clustal V software and Pileup alignments of sequences retrieved from the Swissprot database. FASTA and Pileup are part of the Wisconsin package Version 8.0 (Genetics Computer Group Inc, Madison, WI). Clustal V software is publicly available through the EMBL FI’P site (ftp.embl-heidelbergde). Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and library construction. Degenerate, PCR primers were designed based on the sense sequence for the EOSTRIS-41 peptide (5’-GCIGTIGTIGTIMGICCIGAYACIGAYAAYACIGCIGTI’lTYCAM-3‘) and the antisense sequence for the EOSTRIS-42 peptide (5’-TCICCICCIGCIGGIACNAGNCCRTA-3’). Poly(A)+ RNA was prepared from HDlOO total RNA (see below) using oligo(dT)-celluloseZxand then converted to single-stranded cDNA using a IZAP-cDNA synthesis kit (Strategene, La Jolla, CA) according to the manufacturer’s instructions. PCR of single-stranded cDNA was performed using Taq polymerase (Pharmacia) and buffer conditions recommended by the manufacturer. Amplification was performed by 30 cycles of 30 seconds of denaturation at 95”C, 30 seconds of template annealing at 40°C and 90 McNAGNY ET AL seconds of elongation at 72°C. using an “Intelligent Heating Block” (Biometra, Goettingen, Germany). PCR products were cloned into plasmids using a TA cloning kit (InVitrogen, San Diego, CA) and transformed into Escherichia coli strain XI-l blue, and 2 positive clones were identified by restriction map andor sequence analysis of 20 recombinants. AnHDlOO cDNA phagemid library was constructed from 5 pg poly(A)+ RNA using a XZAP-cDNA synthesis kit (Strategene) according to the manufacturer’s instructions andwas packaged into viable phage using Gigapack Gold I1 (Strategene) packaging extracts. One million recombinant phage from the unamplified library were plated on XL-l M W ’ bacterial host strain and these were screened by hybridization with a ”P-labeled EOS47 PCR fragment probe” (see below). Ten recombinants were identified and plaquepurified by two further rescreens, and plasmids were produced by in vivo excision usingthe protocols recommended bytheAZAPcDNA synthesis kit manufacturer (Strategene). Inserts were sequenced by the EMBL DNA sequencing service usingan EMBL automated sequencer or its commercial counterpart (A.L.F. DNA sequencer; Pharmacia). Nucleic acidhybridization. For Northern blot analysis, total RNA wasprepared by lysis and fractionation in guanidinium/acetate/ phenolkhloroform as described by Chomczynski and Sacchi.” Approximately 10 pg of each RNAwas resolved on a 1% agaroseformaldehyde gel and blotted onto nylon membranes (Genescreen; Dupont, Newtown, CT) as described by Sambrook et al.’* Hybridization of radiolabeled probes and removal of unbound probe was performed in NaHPOJSDS buffer, as described previou~ly.~~ All hybridization probes were labeled with [a-”P] dCTP by random hexamer priming as described by Feinberg and Volgelstein.’” The following cDNA fragments were used as probes: a 0.45-kb PCR fragment of EOS47 (see above); a 1.5-kb Pst I fragment of EOS47 type 1, 2, and 3 clones; a 0.45-kb 3’ Sac I fragment specific for EOS47 type 2 clones; a 0.3-kb 3’ Spe I fragment specific for EOS47 type I clones; and a GAPDH-specific probe.” Immunohistologic analysis, immunojuorescence, and peroxidase staining. Dissected tissues were imbedded in Tissue-Tek (Miles), snap frozen in liquid NZ. and stored at -80°C. Frozen sections (4 pm) were cut using a -20°C microtome, fixed on glass slides for 5 minutes in acetone, and dried at -20°C. The tissues were covered for 20 minutes with 100 mL of 10% calf serum in PBS and then stained with 100 mL MoAb followed by biotinylated goat antibodies to mouse IgG. Tissues were incubated for 30 minutes at room temperature, washed three times with PBS, and then soaked 20 minutes in methanol containing 0.3% H2OZto block endogenous peroxidases. The methanol-treated sections were washed with PBS, incubated for 30 minutes with 1 0 mL of avidin-biotin peroxidase complex reagent (Vector Labs, Burlingame, CA), and exposed to 0.5 mg/mL of 3,3‘diaminobenzidine substrate (Sigma, St Louis, MO) inPBS containing 0.03% H202.After developing for IO minutes, the sections were washed with PBS, counterstained with 1%methyl green, washed briefly in H 2 0 , dehydrated in graded alcohols, and mounted for microscopic analysis. For PI-PLC digests and indirect immunofluorescence analysis, 1 x lo6 cells were washed twice in PBS and resuspended in 500 mL of Hanks’ balanced salt solution (HBSS; GIBCO, Life Technologies, Petersburg, MD) containing 2 mmol/L HEPES (pH 7.4) in the presence or absence of 0.35 U of PI-PLC (Sigma). Cells were washed 2 times in PBS and stained with EOS47,” MEP17 (anti-VLA-2)””” or MYL51/2” MoAbs or with normal mouse serum, as described previously.’3 All flow cytometric analyses were performed using a Becton Dickinson FACScan (Becton Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ). Cell sorting was performed using Facstar Plus (Becton Dickinson) and Epics Coherent (Coulter, Hialeah, E)cytometers. Eosinophil peroxidase staining was performed by modification of From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. MELANOTRANSFERRIN AS AN EOSINOPHIL MARKER 1345 clone, suggesting an unsplicedmessage (Fig 1A). These data suggest thatthe type 3 cDNAcorresponds to an unprocessed precursor that gives rise to the type 1 and 2 messages via alternative polyadenylation and splicing; when polyadenylation occurs at the most 5' site, the type 1 message is exclusively produced, whereas downstream polyadenylation RESULTS allows in frame splicing of the type 2 tail to occur. Primary structure of the EOS47 protein. The predicted Production of the HDlOO cell line, purijication of the amino acid sequence for EOS47 type 1 clones is shown in EOS47 protein, and peptide sequencing. Pools of primary Fig 1B. The 738 amino acid sequence shows striking homolE26-transformed progenitor clones were serially passaged ogy to members of the transferrin supergene family. Highest until cell lines were established and subcloned(see Materials homology (61.1% identity) was observed with human melaand Methods and Metz and Graf"). One of these cell lines, notransfemn, the only transfemn family member known to named HD100, expresses several phenotypic markers charoccur in a membrane-boundf ~ r m ?This ~ , ~homology ~ begins acteristic of E26-transformed progenitor lines, butis unusual just after the putative 19 amino acid signal peptide and ends in that it also expresses high levels of the EOS47 antigen abruptly at the beginning of a carboxy-terminal stretch of and, unlike most E26-transformed progenitor lines, fails to 27, largely hydrophobic, amino acids (Fig l b and data not differentiate on treatment with TPA'2~13*20 (unpublished obshown). servations). This cell line was used as a source of EOS47 Despite their membrane localizations, both the human and protein. For this purpose, proteins from approximately 1 X avian proteins lack optimal transmembrane sequences due 10"HDlOO cells were solubilized by detergent lysis and to proline and hydrophilic residues within the relatively hyEOS47 waspurified to homogeneitybyimmunoaffinity drophobic C-terminal domain (Fig 1B and Rose et a135). In chromatography followed by preparative gel electrophoresis addition, both proteins lack charged residues beyond this and electroblotting. Purified EOS47 was then digested with potential transmembrane stretch that could serve to anchor trypsin, and peptides were separatedby reverse-phase HPLC them on the cytoplasmic face of the endoplasmic reticulum, and sequenced. Golgi, and plasma membrane. In the case of human melanoAFASTA search of the Swissprot data base withthe transferrin, it has been shown that the hydrophobic tail is resulting peptide sequences showed three with greater than cleaved and a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol anchor (GPI) is 58% sequence identity to human rnelanotran~ferrin."*~~ added cotranslationally or posttran~lationally.~~.~~ To test if Based on the sequence of two peptides, EOSTRIS-41 and EOS47 shares this posttranslational modification, HDlOO EOSTRIS-42, degenerate oligonucleotides were synthesized cells were stained for surface EOS47 and VLA-2expression and used to PCR amplify and subclone a 453-bp cDNA (a known transmembrane protein) before and after treatment probe (see Materials and Methods). This probe was used to with phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C(PI-PLC), screen an HDlOO cDNA library cloned in a AZap bacterioan enzyme thatspecifically cleaves GPI-linked tails from phage vector. Ten positive clones were identified and subproteins.39As shown in Fig 2, pretreatment of HDlOO with cloned from 1 X lo6recombinants in an unamplified HDlOO PI-PLC removes virtually all of the detectable EOS47 from library. Based on restriction mapping and sequencing of 5' the cell surface, whereas no change is observed for VLA-2 and 3' termini, these clones can be separated into three cateexpression. This would indicate that EOS47is also expressed gories (Fig 1A). Type 1 clones (8 clones) display identical as a GPI-linked molecule. restriction maps and 3' untranslated regions and vary onlyin The carboxy-terminal tail encoded by type 2 clones is the length of their 5' termini (probably due to heterogeneous shown in Fig 1C. The alternative tail replaces the last 27 stopping of reverse transcriptase during cDNA synthesis). amino acids of the coding sequence with a 10 amino acid The longest of these clones (2,802 bp) was sequenced and stretch of hydrophilic amino acids, suggesting that this mesfound to contain a predicted 5' untranslated region of 172 sage encodes a secreted form of themolecule(Fig1C). bp followed by an open reading frame of 2,214 bp and a 3' Consistent with this observation, expression of the type 2 untranslated region of 404 bp (Fig 1A and B, anddata base clone in insect cells using a baculovirus vector results in access no. X91908). The end of this 3' untranslated region high level production of EOS47 in the culture supernatant contains an imperfect polyadenylation signal sequence AT(data not shown). Soluble forms of human melanotransferrin TAAA (consensus AATAAA)followed 18 bplater by a have also been detected previously in melanoma culture supoly(A) tail. The second type of cDNA clone (1 clone) has pernatants, but it was proposed that these were not the result an alternative 3' tail that begins within the last 5 1 bp of the of variable mRNA processing?' coding region and ends with the poly(A) tail (Fig 1A and Although the calculatedmolecularweight of EOS47 C). The 3' untranslated region of this clone contains two (80,912 Daltons) is significantly less than the 1 0 0 - k D apparperfect polyadenylation signals 13 and 31 bp upstream of the poly(A) tail. These alternative 3' termini should result ent molecular weight observed for the antigen purified from in a different coding sequence at the carboxy-terminus of avian eosinophils,'* this discrepancy may be accounted for the protein (Fig 1C and see below). The third type of cDNA by glycosylation at one of the six potential N-linked glyco(one clone) is identical to the type 1 cDNAs throughout its sylation sites (one of which is shared with human melanosequence up to the polyadenylation site but then contains a transferrin). The protein contains 28 cysteine residues, all of unique 72-bp sequence followed by the 3' tail of the type 2 which are perfectly conserved with melanotransfemn, sug- the procedure described by K a p l o ~ ?which ~ allows the analysis of peroxidase expression in viablecell^.'^ Myeloperoxidase activity has not been detected in several detailed studies of avian granulocytes andgranularperoxidasehasprovento be an exclusive marker of the eosinophil lineage in chickens."" From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. McNAGNY ETAL 1346 A SP Type1 “l Type2 4 Type3 +l R1 I R2 R1 I R2 R1 I R2 P SP 1.0 kb I B 1bMetLys Z3bArgTrp SerSer GluAsn ValLeuTyrLeuLeuLeuVal Cys Thr Met Ser Asn G l nG l u 45bAla G I ~I I Leu ~ ProProLeu 67bLysAspTyrLeu GIU 89bGly LeuLys Pro ValVal G l yG l u His AlaAla Leu Ser Lys Cys LysAspMet cysMet GIU A l a Asp Thr Val Thr Leu 111bVal Val A r g LysGly GIY GIU GlnGlu I I ~ Tyr GlnAlaGlyLysGluTyr I l e Gly Thr Ser X T y r A l a Val A l a Asn Ser LeuLysGly Val Pro Val G ~ YTyrLeu11e Cys ASP Leu Pro Lys A l a Val Ser AspTyr Leu Ser Leu G l u A r g Val Ser Asn A l a Phe Thr Gly Ser AI^ ~ ~ a l A scys n Thr 1GlnMet G l yA r gT r pI l e ValTyrAsp Serl-iThrle 1 3 3 b l l e l A s n A r g Thr [ A l a GIY TrpAsn 155bMetGty I PheSer Val A r g Ser Cys H i s Thr Gly ASP Ser GIY A r g Leu Pro Ala A l a SerCys Val ProGly Thr Asn SerSer GI y G l n AsnLys Cys 177bSer A l a Ser TyrPro Thr Ser Leu Cys GI n Leu Cys LysGlyAsp 199bGlnGly Asn Ser GlnGluGlnTyrTyrAsp X S e r G l y A l a Phe A r g Cys Leu A l a G l u G l y A l a H i s Ser ThrVal Z Z l b G l yG l uV a lA l a Phe ValLys 243bTrpAlaGlnGln Phe A r g Ser LysAsp 265bThrGluTrpArg Thr Cys His Leu A l a A r g Val P r o A l a A r g A l a 287bAspGly Phe Asp Ser Thr A l a TyrGlyAlaGln A r g Thr Leu Ser Thr Leu Cys Argl-lThr Thr A l a Val Ph&Ginku- Leu Asn Gln Gly Gln Gln 309bPhe GlnMet 331bLeuVal 353bAlaLeu P r oG l u Asn Thr AspGly Phe GlnLeu A l a AspVal Val ValVal a P h e Asn Asp Val G l y A l a G l n AsnLeuMet Phe A r gA s p Ser Thr Thr Lys A l a ValThr Ser G l n AsnTyr G l n A l a T r p LeuGlyAspGluTyr Leu HisGlyMetGln Ser Cys Asp Pro Asn Thr Leu P r oG l u Ser LeuAsn T r p Cys Val Val Ser Thr G l uG l u 375b11eTrpLysCys’GIyGluMetGly Thr A l a Phe A r g Ser LysAsnLeuLysProGlu 3 9 7 b l l e Ser A l aL y s Cys MetGluMet 419bLeu ~ AreProsp-Thl G Thr LysGluGlu I l e G l n Cys I l e Asp ValVal Ala I l e Tyr I l e A l a GIy&s_Ih~Tyrr~eu-Val P r o A l a A l a G l ~ L u A e r _ l Val y Asp 441bme- Ser A l aG l u I l e G l n LysLysGlu AspAsnAsnAsn Ala Tyr A l a Val A l a LeuValLys GI yLysLys 463bAl a Phe Thr I l e Asn AspLeuLys 485bTrp Asn I l e P r o I l e G l y MetLeuValLysLys ArglAsnPro Ser IAsn SerCys H i s Thr Gly Leu Gly Arg Thr AI a GI y Gly Phe I l e Asn Pro Arg Asp Cys Asn I l e P r o 507bGlnAla Val Ser G l u Phe Phe Ser A l a SerCys Val P r o Ser A l aG l uG l nG l y Asn Tyr P r o Ser Gly AsnAsnLys CysSer A l a SerSer G l nG l u 529bThrLeu Cys GlnLeu Cys I l e G l y AspAsnAsn 551bArgTyrTyr Ser X A s n G l y A l a Phe A r g Cys Leu A l a G l u A s p A l a G l y A s p Val A l a Phe Val 573bLys H i s Ser Thr Val Phe GluAsn Thr AspGlyLysAsn Thr G l u Ser T r p A l a A r g AspLeuLys 59SbSer Ser Gly Phe GInLeuLeu Cys A r g A s n G l y A l a A r g A l a G l u Val Thr Gln Phe A l a G l n Cys His ProAsp Thr Asn I l e Phe A l a LeuTyr 617bHisLeuAlaArg Val P r o A l a - A l a I l e MetVal AI^ G I ~ GIU Tyr Phe ~ ~ y l A s Asn n S e r l A s n A r g Asn G I Phe ~ LYS Met Phe 639bGly LeuLeu ASP LYS 661bAsp SerSer A l a Phe GlnGlyLysAspLeu 6 8 3 b G l uG l uA r gA r g 70SbThr P r oG l n Thr Tyr A l a G l u T r p CysSer G l yA l aG l y 727bPro Phe I l e I l e LeuGlyGln C Type 1 Type 2 I I e Phe LysAsp Leu Gly Ser GluTyr AsnLysLeu Leu G l nG l y I l e GlnGln Ser A l a Val Lys I l e Val Pro Val Val Glu Ser LeuGluGlyMetGln H i s LeuLeuVal I l e Thr Phe Val Leu Gly 705 738 . . . MQTPQCSGAGNKLI QbHLLVI TFVPFI I LGQLQG IIIIIIIII . . . MQTPQCSGAVSPELCFQKR gesting a similar overall tertiary structure (Fig 3). Like melanotransfenin, EOS47 contains two repeated domains that, by analogy with other vertebrate transfenin family members, should correspond to two independent iron-binding domains (Fig 1B and3A). Structural analysis of vertebrate transfemns indicates that four amino acids in each repeat are crucial ligands for coordinating iron, Asp-60, Tyr-92, Tyr-193, and His-253 (using the human lactofenin numbering system), and that anadditional Arg residue at position 143 is required for binding of a CO:- anion (Fig 3A and B).36 Human mela- R, .. . R2 Fig 1. Structure and coding capacityof the EOS47 cDNA clones. (AI Schematic representation ofEOS47cDNAclones. Solid lines indicate5‘- and 3’-untranslated regions; stippled lines indicate alternative 3”untranslated regions present in type 2 and type 3 clones. PAS indicates polyadenylationsignals, with an asterisk indicating an imperfect signal (see text). Boxes indicate codingregions. SP,signal p e p tide; GPI, putative glycosylphosphatidylinositolanchor signal; S, putative secreted-form tail; R1 and R2, amino- and carbow-terminal iron-binding repeats,respectively. IB) Amino acid sequence of EOS47 protein derived from type 1 cDNA sequence. The hydrophobic signal peptide and carboxy-terminal domains are underlined, as is the division between putative ironbinding repeats. Dashed lines indicatepositions of EOSTRIS-41 and EOSTRIS-42 peptides that were used to produceprimers for PCR cloning. Boxes indicate potential N-linked glycosylation sites. Bold and underlined amino acids indicate positions of ironbinding amino acids deduced by alignment with human melanotransferrin, serum transferrin, and lactofenin. (Cl Carboxy-termina1 amino acid alignments for putative GPI-linked and secreted forms of €OS47 encoded bytype 1 and type 2 cDNAs,respectively. notransferrin has only one functional iron-binding domain per molecule, presumably due to a point mutation of Asp to Ser in the carboxy-terminal iron-binding domain and mutation of Arg to Serin the anion binding site (Fig 3B).” EOS47 contains a similar point mutation of Asp to Gly in the carboxy-terminal iron binding site and an additional mutation of His to Glu within the same domain (Fig 3B). This second mutation is a relatively conservative substitution and, although it has never been observed in any vertebrate transferrin, it is present in the amino-terminal domain of two From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. 1347 MELANOTRANSFERRINAS A N EOSINOPHIL MARKER VLA-2 EOS47 + PLC - PLC Control mAb Fig 2. Analysis of EOS47 attachment to the p~asmamembrane. HD100 c e l l s were treated with PI-PLC or mock-treated.The presence of cell rutface EOS47 or VIA-2 on each preparation was then evaluated by antibody staining and FACS analysis. Relative Fluorescence Intenstty (log) Expression pattern of EOS47 mRNA and protein in cell lines and tissues. EOS47 mRNA expression was analyzed in a number of hematopoietic cell lines. A major transcript of 2.8 kb and a minor transcript of 3.5 kb were observed in the antigen-positive cell lines HDlOO and HLXOM-GATAl + (an eosinophil cell line recently produced in our lab'*) but not in antigen-negative B-, T-, myeloid, erythroid, or progenitor cell lines (Fig 5A). Similar sized bands were detected with type l and type 2 specific probes, although the type 2 probe yielded considerably weaker hybridization with the 2.8-kb band (data not shown). These results suggest that the 3.5-kb transcript corresponds to the unspliced type 3 clone that contains untranslated regions detected byboth type 1 and type 2 probes (Fig 1A). Analysis of RNA from tissues of 2-day-old and 5-weekold chickens showed transcripts in intestine, liver, and kidney, but not in bone marrow, brain, bursa of Fabricius (the primary site of B lymphopoiesis in birds), eye, Harderian gland (an ocular associated tissue rich in plasma cells in birds), heart, muscle, and spleen (Fig 5B). The lack of detect- insect transferrins which have retained the ability to bind iron (Fig 3B).4'342In the amino-terminal domain of EOS47, there is a nonconservative mutation of the neutral His to positively charged Arg that should ablate the ability of this position to coordinate iron (Fig 3B). The data therefore suggest that the amino-terminal domain of EOS47 may also have a lower affinity for iron or that the protein may have evolved a completely novel ligand specificity. Computer alignment of the primary amino acid sequence of EOS47 with 11 transferrin family members from various species and construction of an evolutionary tree for transferrin family members shows a distinct segregation of human melanotransferrin and EOS47 (Fig 4). This cosegregation of EOS47 and human melanotransfenin suggests again that EOS47 represents the avian homologue of the human protein and that the divergence of melanotransferrins from serum transferrins and lactofemns occurred before the divergence of birds from mammals. This also indicates that melanotransfenin is highly conserved during evolution and probably exerts an indispensable function in higher vertebrates. A S I Repeat 1 Repeat 2 H B IRON AND ANION COORDINATING AMINO ACIDS Protein 5aur.x €OS47 Avisn Melanotransterrin Human R e m a !1 D Y R Y E ReDeatP B Y R Y Q D Y R Y H S Y S Y SBNm Transtenin * Vertebra!e D Y R Y H D Y R Y H Laclotranstenin+ Vertebrate D Y R Y H D Y R Y H Tranabmn Q Invertebrate D Y R Y Q D Y R Y H * + 0 bovine. porcine. equiw. and avian 8aNm tmndenin invariant in human. bovine. and m u d ladofenin invariant In human, mbbii. ssquem from mck roach transtsnin H Fig 3. Structure of EOS47 andputativeiron-binding sites (A) Diagram of repeat structure of EOS47 protoin. Hatched boxes indicate hydrophobic aequmces (signal peptida and GP1 signal). Vettical linesindicatecysteine residues.Arrowheadsindiccrte putativeironcoordinatingresidues. (B)Putative iron and anion coordinatingreddues in transferrin family members. Bold and underlined residues indicate variations from the consensus sequence. From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. McNAGNY ET AL 1348 rather than an enrichment of eosinophils (data not shown), confirming that the purification of eosinophils using EOS47 antibody is not due to nonspecific binding of mouse IgG. Despite the increase in eosinophils in EOS47-enriched bone marrow, a small percentage of eosinophils was still detectable in EOS47-depleted fractions, suggesting that not all bone marrow eosinophils express the antigen. This observation was confirmed in experiments in which eosinophils were enriched by Percoll density fractionation and subsequently stained for EOS47 expression (Fig 6C and D). Bone marrow eosinophils tended to sediment in density fractions from 1.06 to 1.09 g/mL, whereas peripheral blood eosinoEOS47 MothTf phils banded in fractions from 1.09 to 1.11 g/mL. In the high-density fractions from bone marrow, the frequency of Fig 4. Evolutionarytree of transferrins.EOS47,EOS47/chi&en melanotransferrin; HuMTf, human melanotransferrin; HuSTf, human EOS47+ cells exceeded that of peroxidase’ cells. Because serum transferrin; RaSTf,rat serum transferrin; PoSTf, porcine serum E26-transformed progenitors undergoing eosinophil differtransferrin; EqSTf, equine serum transferrin; XeSTf, Xenopus serum entiation in vitro usually express EOS47 before peroxidase, transferrin; ChSTf, chicken serum transferrin; HuLTf, human ladoferthese cells may represent committed eosinophil precursors rin;MuLTf,murineladoferrin;BoLTf,bovineladoferrin;MothTf, that have not yet acquired peroxidase However, Manduca sexta transferrin. consistent with the cell sorting experiments, several fractions contained more peroxidase+ cells than EOS47+ cells, indicating that a small proportion of mature eosinophils lack expresable expression in bone marrow and spleen probably reflects sion of the antigen (Fig 6C and D). In fact, none of the the low frequency of antigen positive eosinophils in these peripheral blood fractions enriched for peroxidase+ eosinotissues (see below). Although expression of human melanophils contained significant numbers of EOS47’ cells transferrin in liver and embryonic intestine has been reported previously, expression in kidney has not been o b ~ e r v e d . ~ ~ . (>OS%, ~ ~ . ~ see Fig 6D). Similar results were obtained from both young (8 day) and juvenile (5 week) chickens (data not To further delineate the cell types expressing EOS47 in shown). This suggests that, before or soon after leaving the kidney, intestine, and liver, protein expression was analyzed bone marrow, eosinophils lose expression of the antigen. by immunohistology of frozen tissue sections (Fig 5C). In intestine, EOS47 protein is expressed at high levels on the DISCUSSION apical face of epithelial cells on the brush borders of the In this study, we have cloned and analyzed several cDNAs villi. In young animals (5 days posthatching), the staining is encoding the eosinophil-specific protein EOS47 and further most prominent in the crypts, suggesting an association with characterized its distribution on normal avian cells. The folimmature enterocytes, but in older animals the antigen is uniformly expressed throughout the length of the villi, suglowing observations suggest that the EOS47 antigen is the avian homologue of human melanotransferrin. First, the progesting expression throughout enterocyte maturation (Fig teins exhibit 6 1% sequence identity, including conservation 5C). In kidney, EOS47 is also expressed by brush borders in of all 28 cysteine residues (many of which are not conserved the thick-walled proximal tubules and is absent on glomeruli, with lactoferrin or serum transferrin), indicating similar prodistal tubules, and collecting tubules. EOS47 is also weakly tein folding and tertiary ~tructure.~’ Second, of the known expressed by sinusoid endothelial cells in the liver (Fig 5C). transferrin supergene family members, only EOS47 and huWe previously reported the expression of EOS47 by a man melanotransferrin occur predominantly in membranesmall percentage (2% to 4%) of peroxidase+ and peroxidasebound forms and in both cases this is due to posttranslational cells in bone marrow and spleen.” These results were conor cotranslational addition of a GP1 anchor, a relatively unfirmed in experiments in which bone marrow was separated common posttranslational modifi~ation.~’,~~ Expression of into EOS47+ and EOS47- fractions by fluorescence-actilow levels of soluble melanotransferrin has also beenrevated cell sorting and these fractions were assessed for the ported for human melanoma cells, but whether these arise frequency of eosinophils by staining for eosinophil peroxidue to RNA processing or posttranslational processing has dase. The results obtained from one of three such experinot been resolved.37 Our data would indicate that, in birds, ments are shown in Fig 6A and B. From a starting population expression of a soluble form of the molecule may in fact be of 1.3% EOS47+ bone marrow cells, one round of sorting regulated at the level of alternative polyadenyiation and preresulted in a population which was 3 1.1% EOS47+ and these mRNA splicing. Such a mechanism has previously been were then resorted to greater than 70% positive. The percentshown to govern the production of secreted versus transage of peroxidase+ eosinophils was dramatically increased membrane Ig heavy chain in which there is a switch in in all EOS47-enriched fractions, from 0.9% in unsorted bone the efficiency of cleavage and polyadenylation during the marrow to 15.9% after the first round of sorting and to 34.9% maturation of B cells into plasma after the second round. Control sorts were performed in parIn addition to their shared biochemical and structural propallel using nonspecific isotype-matched control antibody or erties, EOS47 and human melanotransferrin also showan the MYL51/2 antibody that is weakly expressed by avian overlapping distribution in nonhematopoietic tissues, immyeloblast^.^^ In bothcases these sorts resulted in a depletion XeSTf From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. B Fig 5. Expression pattern of EOS47 (A) Northern blot analysis of RNAs from EOS47- and EOS47+ (HD100and HWM-GATA-l) hematopoieticcell lines (approximately l0 p g total RNAllane) using EOS47 PCR probe. Cnwchybridizcltion with 18s ribosomal RNA represents aninternal control for RNA loading. (B)Northern blot analysis of RNAs from 2-day-old chicken tissues (approximately 10 p g total RNA/ lane) using the EOS47 f s t I probe. Small box shows resultsobtainedby hybridizationwith GAPDH probe. (C) lmmunohrtologic analysis of EOS47-reactive cells in X d a y o l d intestine (original magnifkation x 200),2dayold kidney (original magnification x 100). and 2-dayold liver (original magnification x 430). Arrows indicate staining on brush borders of intestinal villi, brush borders of proximal tubules in kidney, and sinusoidal cells in liver, respectively. A E EOS47- 1.06 ' Relativ;Fluordscance 1.07 1.08 1.09 EOS47++ 1.10 ' Intensity 7 Percol1 Fraction ( g / c d ) Fig 6. Analysis of EOS47+cells in bone marrow and blood. (A) Fluorescence-activatedcell sorting of EOS47+ cells from 2-dayoldchicken bone marrow. Closely spaceddotted lines, control stain; widely spaced dotted lines, EOS47 staining before sorting;solid lines, EOS47 staining (B)The percentage of peroxidase+ cellsin various after one round of sorting. The percentage positive of cells above background are indicated. EOS47-sorted fractions. Uns, unsorted bone marrow; EOS47-, EOS47depleted fractions; EOS47+, bone marrow cells after one of sorting (31.1% EOS47+),EOS47++, bone marrow cells after two sequential sorts for EOS47(>70%EOS47+).(C and D) Percentage of EOS47+ or peroxidase+ cellsin density fractionated bone marrow (Cl or peripheral blood (Dl. Cells from a 2day-old chick were separated in 0.01 glmL stepwise P m l l density gradients; hatched bars,the percentage of EOS47+ cells determined by flow cytometry (solid bars, the percentage of peroxidase+ cells). (E)Light micrograph EOS47++and EOS47- sorted fractions from (B)after granular-peroxidase stain. From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. 1350 plying conservation of function. Thus, both proteins are expressed on the brush border linings of intestinal epithelial cells and on the apical surface of sinusoidal cells in the liver.38.43.44 However, our results also suggest that EOS47 has a broader pattern of expression because it is expressed by intestinal epithelia in juvenile birds long after hatching, whereas in humans melanotransferrin has been reportedto be fetal intestine-specifi~.~~~~~~~ It also remains to be determined whether human melanotransferrin, like EOS47, is expressed by early eosinophils and by brush border cells of the proximal tubules in kidney. In previous experiments, we have shown that in vitro differentiation of hematopoietic precursor cell lines results in high level expression of this antigen by eosinophilic precursors just before the expression of eosinophil peroxidase and that the expression then gradually decreases as these cells mature and terminally differentiate.l2.I3In thepresent studies, we have shown a corresponding distribution on normal eosinophils and expression by eosinophils and presumptive precursors in bone marrow but notby circulating eosinophils in peripheral blood. Although several molecules have been described to be specifically expressed in eosinophilic granules (such as eosinophil peroxidase, eosinophil cationic protein, major basic protein, and eosinophil-derived neurot ~ x i n ) to , ~ our knowledge this is the first description of an eosinophil-specific membrane protein in any species. Thus, EOS47/melanotransferrin should be a valuable reagent for the isolation and study of eosinophil precursors, particularly if a similar expression pattern is found on mammalian eosinophils. In this regard, it will be of interest to see if melanotransferrin is also a marker of newlyformed mammalian eosinophils and their precursors (manuscript in progress). Because these cells comprise a very minor subpopulation of total bone marrow cells, the expression of melanotransferrin in mammals could easily have been overlooked in previous studies. The reported tumor-specific nature of the human melanotransferrin protein, the observation that melanoma patients can develop an antibody response against this antigen, and the finding that a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing melanotransferrin can generate a T-cell response and protective immunity to melanoma cells in mice have led to the promotion of this protein as a potential target for immunotherapy of melan~ma!~-~'Yet, despite the attention this molecule has attracted in tumor models, relatively little is known about its function. Because all rapidly proliferating cells require iron for ribonucleotide reductase and other enzymes essential to cell division, it has been proposed that melanotransfemn acts as an alternative iron adsorption mechanism to the classic transferridtransfenin receptor mediated pathwayand thereby augments the proliferation of tumor ~ e l l s . How~~~~' ever, studies performed to address this hypothesis have yielded inconclusive or even conflicting r e s ~ l t s ,and ~ ~sev*~~ eral lines of evidence suggest that high affinity iron-binding might not be the primary function of the molecule. First, human melanotransferrin has acquired point mutations that inactivate one iron-binding domain and thereby lower the molecule's overall avidity for iron and reduce its efficiency as an iron transporter.@ Similarly, the avian molecule has MCNAGNY ET AL acquired deleterious mutations in both iron-binding pockets, which suggests that it has evolved away from high-affinity iron-binding. Second, growth of HDlOO cells in the presence of iron-chelating agents or hemin has no effect on the levelof the avian melanotransferrin expression, whereas these agents have been shown to have profound effects on the expression of a number of molecules involved in iron uptake and storages4 (unpublished observations). Similarly, despite the proposal thatmelanotransfemn bypasses the transferrin receptor pathway for iron uptake, neither avian nor human RNAs for melanotransfenin contain iron-responsive elements (IRES), which have proved to be the key regulators of transferrin receptor expre~sion.'~ Lastly, the highlevel expression of the antigen in the proximal tubules of kidney also argues against this idea. Undernormal circumstances, free iron never reaches the proximal tubules in kidney because it remains bound to transferrin that is retained in the glomerulus during blood filtration. Thus, this distribution does not correlate with an iron binding function. What then is the primary function of melanotransferrin? An intriguing possibility is suggested by the recent cloning and analysisof another transferrin-like protein known as saxiphilin.55-57 This amphibian serum protein was first identified on the basis of its ability to specifically bindsaxitoxin, a low molecular weight neurotoxin. Although saxiphilin displays a high overall homology to serum transfemns, it lacks all but one of the known iron-ligating amino acids and has probably evolved a novel specificity for exogenously or endogenously produced toxins.56 Thus, therea is precedence fornovel ligand specificities in transferrin-like molecules. By analogy, melanotransferrin may have evolved to bind and inactivate toxic substancespresent in intestineorgeneratedduringkidney filtration or eosinophilmaturation.Furtherexperimentsare required to elucidate the molecule's true function. Because of its restricted distribution within the hematopoietic system to early eosinophils, analysis of the regulatory elements that govern the expression of melanotransferrin may provide insights into mechanisms governing eosinophilspecific gene expression. Recently, we have shown that the overexpression of the GATA-1 transcription factor in avian myelomonocytic cells is sufficient to convert these cells into eosinophils." Similarly, overexpression of the CEBPP transcription factor (NF-IL-6 or NF-M) in multipotent hematopoietic precursors results in eosinophilic differentiati~n.~~ In these experiments, the expression of EOS47 represented one of the first detectable phenotypic changes, suggesting that the gene is a direct target of GATA- 1, CEBPP, and perhaps additional transcription factors. It is noteworthy that GATA1 and CEBPP are coexpressed in eosinophils, although they are expressed individually in a number of other hematopoietic lineage^.'^^^^^^^ This suggests that a combinatorial effect of these factors may be required for eosinophilic differentiat i ~ n . ' *We . ~ ~are presently analyzing the EOS47 promoter in an attempt to define how these and other factors influence eosinophil differentiation. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Ulrich Muhlner for help in sequence analysis of EOS47 mRNA subtypes; Klaus Hexel and Anne Atzberger for cell sorting From by guest on February 11, 2015. For personal use only. 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For personal use only. 1996 87: 1343-1352 The eosinophil-specific cell surface antigen, EOS47, is a chicken homologue of the oncofetal antigen melanotransferrin KM McNagny, F Rossi, G Smith and T Graf Updated information and services can be found at: Articles on similar topics can be found in the following Blood collections Information about reproducing this article in parts or in its entirety may be found online at: Information about ordering reprints may be found online at: Information about subscriptions and ASH membership may be found online at: Blood (print ISSN 0006-4971, online ISSN 1528-0020), is published weekly by the American Society of Hematology, 2021 L St, NW, Suite 900, Washington DC 20036. Copyright 2011 by The American Society of Hematology; all rights reserved.
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