Lane Cove West Public School Avalon Avenue Lane Cove, NSW 2066 Phone: 9427 4743 Fax: 9418 6865 Email: [email protected] Website: CHATTERS Thursday, 26th February 2015 Responsibility Dates to Remember February 27 - Clean-up Australia Day March 4-6 - Bike Wise Year 4 10 - Zone Swimming 12- Selective High School Test 16-20 Parent/teacher interview week 19-23 Book Fair 21- Gatsby Social & Art Show 23- Harmony/Grandparents Day 23- Young Leaders Day 24 - Yr 3 Twilight Zoo Excursion Term 1 Week 5 Respect Endeavour Principal’s Report TERM 1 CALENDAR The Term 1 calendar was published in week 3 of Chatters. Information is also available on the school website and the School App. HARMONY and GRANDPARENTS’ DAY Please keep Monday 23rd March free and invite Grandmas and Grandpas, Nanas and Pas to our special assembly which will be held in the Lorraine Lusby Hall at 11:30am. The annual Book Fair will also be held on that day and will give the children’s grandparents a chance to visit the library and purchase a book for their grandchildren or even donate a book to the school library. 25-27- Year 5 Bikewise 30–1- Year 5&6 Camp April/May – Term 2 22School Photos 30-1 Year 4 Camp This week’s value is Responsibility the The expectation is - Be in correct place P&C MEETING The first P&C meeting of the year was held last night. The meeting was well attended and we welcomed some new faces. Our next P&C meeting will be on Wednesday 18 March in the Library at 7pm. GENERAL SCHOOL CONTRIBUTION The request for payment of the General School Contribution (previously called the Voluntary Contribution) has been sent to all families. It remains at $220 as it was in 2014, however is divided into two components. The Contribution is $220 in total - $180 for general school purposes and $40 which goes directly to the School Library Fund and is tax deductible. Your receipt will show both amounts and will show the tax deductible component clearly for tax purposes. Thanks to those who have already paid and also to the families who have made very generous additional gift donations (which are tax deductible). STEWART HOUSE CLOTHING APPEAL Please go through your cupboards and fill the bag with unwanted clothing and return the filled bag to the hall COLA, near the access toilet before 5th March. A Smith Family van will collect the used clothing on that day. Thank you in advance. A large Stewart House bag has been sent home with each child this week. More bags are available from the school office. CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA All students from Kindergarten to Year 6 will play a part in this year’s Schools Clean up Australia Day on Friday 27th February. Kindergarten to Year 4 students will clean up around the school and Years 5 and 6 will clean up outside the school fence and in the neighbouring streets. Don’t forget those gardening gloves. TEACHER PROFESSIONAL LEARNING All staff members undertake professional learning both during and outside school hours. Our staff have all completed training in the following areas: Anaphylaxis, Emergency Care, and are currently participating in intense and ongoing after school training in writing (criteria, focus areas and differentiated programming). Some staff members are also being trained in teaching students with a hearing impairment, Robotics, Autism, choral music and conducting and ArtsAlive, behaviour management and Dyslexia. All staff will have their annual CPR training on the school development day BOOKINGS FOR PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS A note will be sent home on Monday informing you of how to book a Parent/Teacher interview on-line, as was done last year. These interviews will be held during the week beginning 16th March. BIKEWISE Our Year 4 students will be participating in the Bikewise Program at Sydney Park next week. This program teaches children the road rules on a specially designed bike course and allows them to ride around the course, obeying road rules, giving hand signals and having real hands-on experience, trained by road safety experts. TELL THEM FROM ME If your child is in Year 4, 5 or 6 you will have already received information concerning this student feedback survey, designed by the NSW Department of Education and Communities. This survey is a great opportunity for students to have their say about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways teachers interact with them. The permission slip is only to be returned if you do not wish your child to participate. It is an opt out survey. A gift from Year 6, 2014 – Thank you! A NEW AUSTRALIAN CITIZEN Congratulations to Jenny Slade, our Learning and Support teacher, who was last week granted Australian citizenship. We celebrated with a morning tea of lamingtons, ANZAC biscuits and bread and vegemite. Judy Doherty SCHOOL NEWS HIGH SCHOOL INFOFMATION Several local high schools will be conducting open days or nights over the next few weeks. They include: Hunters Hill High: Saturday 28 February 12 noon – 3.00 pm Willoughby Girls High: Wednesday 11 March 5.00 pm -7.30 pm Riverside Girls High: Thursday 5 March 3.00 pm -6.00 pm Hunters Hill High is also conducting a placement test for the Year 7 Extension class in 2016. Current Year 6 students are invited to sit for this test on Saturday 21 March. For details contact the school on 9817 4565. Willoughby Girls High is also conducting a placement test for the Year 7 Extension class in 2016. Year 6 girls are invited to sit for this test on Saturday 14 March. For details contact the school on 9958 4141. ASSEMBLY TIMETABLE Next week, assemblies will be hosted by the following classes : K-2 Assembly: Monday, 2 March at 2.45pm – Hosted by 2M 3-6 Assembly: Tuesday, 3 March at 2.45pm – Hosted by 3H Merit Awards Congratulations to the following K-2 students who received a Merit Award this week Samuel Sze Tho Lucy White Georgina Priddy Jacob Kokiw Leo Hostia-Matkowski Katya Nesterova Summer Ryan Gabriel Lee Harry Zerna Zara Murray Benji Tan Zimo Kang Evelyn Mulder Jasper Hazell Ryan Fong Lachlan Melloy Imogen Fox Hugo Palmer Maddie Lehmann Hugh Dixon Hudson Whitaker Elizabeth Cappetta Great work with numbers Painting a fabulous rainbow apple tree Beautiful neat work Great counting on skills Excellent application in science Amazing application in all tasks Great work with sight words A positive approach to reading Being a kind and caring class member Outstanding application in all tasks Showing focus and dedication to all tasks A wonderful start to Year 1 Producing consistently neat handwriting Active participation in math activities Displaying great enthusiasm and knowledge in science An excellent understanding of friends of 20 Being a polite and helpful class member Demonstrating an inquisitive mind Being an enthusiastic class member Being a helpful class member Working confidently in maths A great participant in Literacy activities Gold Awards Congratulations to the following K-2 students who received a Gold Award this week Amy Turner Oscar Tremlett Claudia Barry Dominic Schliebs Molly Rayment 1K 1L 2K 2M 2M Congratulations to the following 3-6 students who received a Merit Award this week Sasha Davidson Toby Garvey Charlotte Zerna Jack Thompson Ruby Tan Marcus Wishart Amber Chady Ian Lee Emma Byrne Spencer Garrett Zavier Lim Layla Scott Huggins Maddie Hagley Oscar Tentij Zara Haire Ollie Byars Megan Lee Sam Bjorlo Zoe Angelopoulos Jack O’Dwyer Hamish Barkus Eliza Shelton Archie Miller Sophie Saunders Always encouraging her peers Producing a thoughtful piece of writing Producing an excellent classification of cats in science Always applying himself fully to all tasks Her brilliant work in grammar lessons Creative photography for our class artwork Great participating in class discussions An excellent news presentation Making helpful contributions to class discussions Displaying fantastic listening skills Excellent writing in our ANZAC unit Wonderful work in spelling Being a kind and considerable class member Great participation in class Being a kind and friendly class member of 5Q Great application in all tasks An excellent illustration of the ANZAC story Great focus towards class tasks Creating a beautiful pencil drawing Great participation in our ANZAC unit Producing an excellent ANZAC artwork Great participation during novel study discussions. Excellent initiative in his approach to his self-directed project An outstanding approach to science. Gold Awards Congratulations to the following 3-6 students who received a Gold Award this week Kate Chatteur Maddy Hungerford Kayla Van der Plas Lily Eldridge Carys Rosser Harry Melloy Tom Lacey Evelyn Rosser 4C 4D 5Q 5A 5A 5Q 6C 3M Banner Congratulations to the following Year 5 student who received a Banner this week Lily Eldridge 5A The Tell Them From Me student feedback survey I am delighted that this term, our school, like many others in the state, will participate in a Department of Education and Communities initiative: the Tell Them From Me student feedback survey. The survey aims to help improve student learning outcomes and measures factors that are known to affect academic achievement and other student outcomes. The focus of the NSW-wide survey is on student wellbeing, engagement and effective teaching practices. More information about the survey is available at: The survey is a great opportunity for our students to provide our school with valuable and quick feedback on what they think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. Schools in Australia and around the world have used the Tell Them From Me survey to help improve how they do things at school. I want to assure you that the survey is confidential and school staff will not be able to identify individual students from their responses. The survey is conducted online and will typically take less than 30 minutes to complete. It will be administered during school hours between 9 March and 2 April. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary.A consent form and FAQs for parents/carers about the survey is being sent home with students. If you do not want your child or children to participate, please return the form to school by Friday 27 February. Copies of the form and FAQs are available from the website above. CRICKET KNOCKOUT COMPETITION Well done to the 12 sportsmen who represented our school with great honour at the PSSA Cricket knockout competition against Lane Cove Public School last Thursday. Facing a strong team, our boys worked and supported each other to take some outstanding wickets and display some good fielding. They’re to be commended for their initiative and excellent sportsmanship and were wonderful role models for Lane Cove West Public School. Well done boys. Mr Jared Rastall HEALTH CARE REMINDER A note to all parents who are still to return HealthCare plans, could you please do so by Friday (27th February). FUND RAISING Year 6 will be selling ice blocks every Wednesday from 25th February through until 18th March as part of raising money for the year 6 end of year present. The ice blocks will cost 50₵ each and will be sold under the canteen cola at 1:10pm (after eating time). BOOK COVERING GROUP If you have a spare 30 to 45 minutes before pick up, please consider joining our book covering group. Wednesday afternoons, 2.40pm – 3.20pm, in the LAST room (end of B block closest to the library). Liz Darton (parent volunteer) will be there to guide things along. Please direct any questions to Lynette Potts (Teacher Librarian). Thank you! BUILDING HEALTHY HABITS Iodine and learning Iodine is needed for the thyroid gland, growth and brain development. Sources of iodine include: VOLUNTEER READING TUTOR PROGRAM We have had an amazing response to our call out for Volunteer Tutors. Thank you to everyone who has already expressed interest. Just a reminder that a training session will be held next Wednesday, 4 March at 9.30am in the new Learning & Support Classroom (Block B). If you wish to volunteer but are unable to attend this session, please contact us for an alternative training time. All parents who would like more information on how children learn to read and the use of the Pause, Prompt, Praise method of reinforced reading are welcome to attend. Jenny Slade & Michiko de Solom Learning and Support Teachers GARDENING CLUB Composting The contents of 2M's compost caddy regularly features some very GREEN items. Whilst not strictly fruit - it is wonderful to see such healthy eating happening in 2M. Well done! Clean up Australia Day All children will participate in Clean Up Australia Day on Friday 27 February. Junior students will be assigned areas within the school whilst senior students will help clean up the neighbourhood. This is a special year for Clean Up Australia as it celebrates 25 years of existence. General community clean-up events will be held throughout Australia this weekend - please check for further information. Road Safety Corner Talk to your child about what to do if unexpected things happen e.g. the ball rolls out onto the road Praise good road safety behaviour Go over what your child has learned about road safety using books, role playing, games and discussions If you can, offer to be a parent helper for road safety lessons and practical sessions at school P & C NEWS BAND NEWS Parents on Band Duty Mon 2 March Wed 4 March Senior Band Craig Neyle & Alison Bird or Andrew Angelopoulos Concert Band Strassberg Family Junior Band Nicola Tan & Stephanie Hew If you are unable to make your listed duty can you please go through the list of rostered parents and find a replacement. Dates for the diary Thursday Feb. 26, 2015 Monday March 23, 2015 Sunday May 24, 2015 2.30pm Hunters Hill High School annual combined Concert Band workshop Harmony Day Ryde East Music Festival Band Rehearsals 2015 Band rehearsal days are 745am sharp 9am for Senior Band on Mondays, Concert Band on Tuesdays, Junior Band on Wednesdays and then we have Jazz Band Wednesday afternoons from 3.30pm. Instruments for Hire We have a Clarinet, Flute, Oboe and Bass Clarinet for students in Senior or Concert Band. If you have any queries we’ll be happy to help. Band Convenor: Merran Elliot Junior, Senior, Jazz Bands Email: [email protected] Concert Band Email: [email protected] GATSBY FUNDRAISER Hello Parents Planning for the P&C Gatsby fundraiser is well under-way and the Props & Decor Team need your help. We are looking for some specific items to help create a fabulous event! If you can donate (or lend) any one of the following items we'd be most grateful: • 10 - 12 medium sizes potted palms • 1 x very large palm, preferably in a large urn • Bolts or rolls of plain fabrics in satin (or similar) in black, gold or cream • Any smaller lengths of speciality fabrics ( e.g. sequinned or beaded) in black, gold or cream • Any lengths of sheer fabrics (voile, organza etc.) in black, gold or cream • Ropes or strings of fairy lights in white/clear OR if you think you might have something else at home appropriate to the Gatsby theme then let us know! Please contact Katrina Cashman 0419 784 042 or email: [email protected] UNIFORM SHOP Uniform Shop opening hours : Tuesday Thursday Enquiries : Liz Darton 3pm – 4pm 9am – 10am [email protected] BANKING Well done to all the students who banked this week. We had a total of 62 deposits made. Congratulations to the following students who have made ten deposits and handed in their tokens to redeem their Term 1 reward : Grace Butler 2K Sean Levett 3M Ruby Butler 4D Sophie McCreanor 5A REMINDERS: Please make sure that the deposits slips are completed before your child comes to do their banking. It is essential that their name and bank account details be completed along with the correct amount being deposited. The student number (if known) is also required. The tellers have a list of each student’s number and will be filling it in on the inside of the deposit book. SCHOOL BANKING IS UNABLE TO ACCEPT FOREIGN CURRENCIES – NOTES AND COINS For those families new to the school, Banking is every Tuesday morning 9.00AM until 9:25AM at one of the canteen windows under the Hall COLA (see below for more information about the school banking program). School Banking Rewards now available! Term 1 These new rewards have just been released for Term 1, and are available while stocks last: • ET DVD • Planet Handball For every deposit made at school, no matter how big or small, students will receive a cool Dollarmites token. Once students have individually collected 10 tokens they can redeem them for these exclusive School Banking reward items in recognition of their continued savings behaviour. There are 2 new items to come in Term 2 as well! **** Please remember that you cannot combine tokens amongst siblings or friends to redeem an award. 10 tokens must be collected by the individual student **** Remember our school earns 5% commission on every deposit made (to a maximum of $10 per individual deposit). Thank you to our team of volunteer tellers who are doing a wonderful job of providing the Banking service to the students!! AN INVITATION TO JOIN OUR BAND If there are any children in Grade 3 and above who play Bass, Keyboard or Percussion and would be interested in joining the band we would love to hear from you. Contact Merran on mob: 0411 583 662 or email: [email protected] We also have a Baritone, a French Horn and Percussion available for students wishing to join Junior Band or for students in our other bands. If interested please contact Jane at [email protected] Holy Cross College, Ryde Open Day – Sunday, March 8th, 2015 10.00am – 2.00pm Quality Catholic Education in the tradition of the Patrician Brothers *Information, *Educational Displays, * Refreshments, *College Tours Enrolling Now for 2017, Limited Vacancies for 2016 ALL WELCOME! 517 Victoria Road, Ryde Telephone: 9808 1033 Email: [email protected] Website : (Car park entrance via Frank Street) Belle Property Lane Cove is now a proud sponsor of the Northern Suburbs Tennis Association for 2014. We are very excited about our association with the NSTA and look forward to being a part of many events in the coming year. For the Belle Property Lane Cove team, 2013 was an outstanding year. Buyer confidence returned with force and we achieved record high Auction clearance rates and strong sales results right across the lower North Shore. If you are looking to capitalize on the current strong market conditions, NOW is the time to act. For a confidential discussion about how we can assist you achieve your property goals in 2014, please call Simon Harrison, James Bennett and the team at Belle Property Lane Cove on 9087 3333 Lane Cove Celebrating 30 years! " I have turned up to every lesson with a smile on my face since I was 6. Red Shoes is an awesome, amazing, one of a kind dance school." - Emma, age 12 Beginning with Angelina Ballerina classes for children aged 3 - 5 years, the studio has something for everyone! Classes for all levels Classical Ballet Jazz Tap Contemporary Musical Theatre m: 0408 486 818 Spanish for kids LEARNING SPANISH IS FUN! Spanish lessons for kids. From year 1 to year 6. Lane Cove West PS every Monday after school. Qualified native teacher. For further information call 0477640 604 [email protected] IT’S TIME TO PLAY AFL! IT’S TIME TO JOIN THE WILDCATS! 4 to 12 year olds welcome. Join New South Wales’ largest AFL community club, the Willoughby Wildcats, based at the iconic Gore Hill Oval. The season starts early April with teams/ squads for specific age groups from 4 years to 12 years filling now. Auskick (4 to 7/8 years) is our junior programme, held on Sunday mornings. Here we introduce kids to AFL and teach them the skills of the game via drills, activities and modified match play. Juniors (8/9 to 12 years) train mid-week and then play competitive games against other clubs on Sundays. For both our Auskick and Junior programmes we have accredited coaches at every age level and a strong support team in place. Compared to other codes the Willoughby Wildcats are great value. Auskick costs $140 per child and they receive a footy bag [valued at over $50] full of goodies, like a footy, cap, bottle etc. Juniors are $180 for the first child, $140 for siblings. It’s a great club that has been operating since 1977 with over 100 volunteers and a strong community bond. Register now at Yoga After School Thursdays Years 1 to 3 - 45 min. Years 4 to 6 - 1 hour. Strength and flexibility Balance and coordination Focus, mindfulness and relaxation tecniques In a fun and nurturing environment for boys and girls location: Lane Cove West Public school hall. For expression of interest for term 1 - 2015 contact Ericka -
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